PliilfllSlilfipSl^i^P :'iiV--: -X i
jlji The other day .the;jj}^:
"Americanization j s
jH remark;was .made:.{1| ill *fl aim a-poor Jew; ? f{j jjj I ant [the; poorest jjj ^ ji| v Jew in this\roomy jl? < , liii' but I aim rich—I am Is jjf richer;than any Jew {;}
1 in Russia."
the preparation of | j the hearts of the §i native bora to re§ ceive info foB" fellowship the fordgs
VOL. I.—NO. 1.
Reply l oAttacks y Against The Jews
Henry Ford Termed "A- Dupe" By y . Investigating; Committee. > Iv
A mammoth expose, throwing light upon the, wide-spread campaign of secret anti-Jewish propaganda in the r "United States, and showing the underiving motives for Henry Ford's Sort Dearborn independent's attacks against the Jew, was brought to the attention of the American public during the past week by the American'Jewish committee, composed of the leading Jews of the United States.; • The expose contained in a statement issued by the committee, termed, Henry Ford "a dupe," who is making rash statements • without foundation.
Jewish Welfare Federation Rural Recreation {fester for Poor
Sol A. Rosenblatt
Sol A. Rosenblatt, son of Sir. and Mrs. Morris M. Rosenblatt, 401 South Thirty-eighth avenue, was recently elected captain of the Junior debating team at Harvard University. He also was a, member of the junior debating which won the Harvard Inter-class debate. For this he was awarded a silver loving cup.
This is' the first issue of The Jewish Press. for some worthy communal, philanthropic, or We hope you will like it. charitable ^cause or purpose, as the Board ' No expense has been spared , in putting this shall from time to time direct." publication on a first class basis and it is the The mere mention of the names of the founders hope'of the publishers to keep it on as high, a of The Jewish Press, without further comment, plane as any other periodical of a similar nature . will be sufficient to introduce The Jewish Press in the United States. . . ' . to. this community as- an' institution calculated The Jewish Press is being1 published by the only to accomplish good for the . community and Jewish Press Publishing Co~npany, a corporation not. one for personal aggrandizement or profit.. composed of fifteen Jewish men of Omaha, who The names are as follows: have in the ; past taken an active interest in . N. P. Feil, Master Sales Company;. President. Jewish communal affairs. Harry Lapidus, Omaha Fixture and Supply In organizing this paper, these men have only Company; Vice President. one object in view: To furnish a high cla£$ William L. Holzman, Nebraska Clothing representative' organ for the various Jewish '. Company; Treasurer. ' .. organizations in the city and a medium with which Samuel Schaefer, Superintendent Jewish Weito promote Jewish communal activities. fare Federation; Secretary. Money goes to charity. ' .• • Henry Monsky, Lawyer. H. A. Wolf, H. A. Wolf Company. The forming of the corporation was a culmina' Morris Levy, retired. tion of a series of conferences which have been Dr. Philip Sher. • held over a period of several montha. City Commissioner Harry B. Zimman. This newspaper is not being operated for . Saul Levy, Br6ker. •?.•-. personal profits. The men, who invested their Edward Simon, Simon Brothers Company. - , ' . money to make this newspaper possible, have no Sam Leon, Leon Brothers Company. assurance of having their investment returned, Emil Rothschild, Rothschild Grain Company. if the newspaper is not financially successful. If Herman Auerbach, H. A. Wolf Company. • the newspaper makes a profit, and from present Harry Malashoclt, Jeweler. indications it is evident that it will, all surplus Nathan Yaffe, Printer. not used in the expansion of the newspaper will Morris E. Jacobs is Manager. ~ . " . be divided among worthy communal institutions. This> fact is incorporated in one of the articles of The Jewish Press will be published every incorporation as follows: J Thursday and delivered by mail in the city Friday "All net profit or surplus which shall morning. Offices are in the Baird Building. Comremain subject to distribution as dividends,munications from Jewish organizations, society if not retained as surplus for use in news, and personal item3 should be telephoned or expansion of the corporate enterprise to Douglas 2372 or mailed to Four, Baird Building, shall be utilized in the discretion of the Board not later than Monday of the week of publication.
Expense to be Slight Poor children who cannot «fl"orf to go to the country in the summer for a vacation will be permitted t& spend several weeks on the communual farm at a very slight exHarry B. Zimman pense, according to the plan. , Harry Zimman, city commissioner, " Also if a mother becomes ill and today accepted the appointment of has no one to care for her children Herbert Hoover to a place on the j because her husband csnnotv afford, joint committee for Nebraska to to leave his work ^nd cannot mainsupervise the collection of funds in tain a housekeeper, :|the children, willJ this state for the starving children I fee cared for at the farm until the of Europe. mother has recovei-ed fully c p o l •Mr. Hoover in a telegram to Mr. to resume her household duties Zimman said: Ssys Plan tried "I deeply appreciate your acceptance, as member of the joint comSeveral have sipiified that t\ mittee. Names of representatives will make substantial contribut from other organizations vAo are to act with you v.ill be sent within if the farm-plan is carried out "I believe the farm-plan is a , a few days." goofi one," said Dr. Phiiip Sh«?r| The drive is on now. takes an active interest in ^ fare work. "I hope it beco| reality.'! Several cities:, according. • Sher, have tried out the co| farm plan find have fot | success.
New York, December 15.—During the war,.by secret agencies, a docuinent variously called "The Protocols ) of ~the Elders of Zion," "The Protocols of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom," a ad "The Protocols of the Wise Men, of Zion," was clandestined circulated, in typewrit- j ten form, among public officials and i ;- carefully selected civilians^ for the jM O R E T H A N I O T A T T E N D Y. M. purpose of giving rise to the belief H. A. ENTERTAINMENT that the Jews", in conjunction with SATURDAY Freemasons, had been for centuries engaged in a conspiracy to, produce . More than 200 persons were presrevolution and anarchy, by means of] ent at the.entertainment and dance which they"hoped to,attain the con- given Saturday evening at the Y. M. trol of the world by the establish- H. A. rooms in celebration, of Chament of some sort of despotic rule. nuka _ A program was presented Some months ago this document by members of the "Y" - Dramatic "was published in 'England. More Class. recently it has appeared in print in William Holzman, on behalf of the the "United States and thousands of Advisory Board of the Y. M. and copies have been circulated with an Y. W. H. A., extended the season's air of mystery among legislators, greetings and; urged an increasing Journalists, clergymen and teachers, attendance on the part of the young members of clubs, and indiscrimiate- men and women a t the various "Y" JDore Than 1,000 Attend Meeting- at ly to the public. The London Morn- activities, He was followed by. a Fontenelle. RABBI COHN SPEAKS ing-Post has given out a series of dramatic selection presented by Rose articles as a commentary upon The Fair} Sam-<Beher> and Israel GoodMEETING OF AI 6 Protocols, in which, the charge of an man, from the pjay; "Judas Stacca? B'nai Brith Day was observed in onholyConspiracy between Jews and beas" by, Longfellow, in. which.;the Omaha last Sunday with-one <of-the Freemasons is elaborated,. and Bol- seven sons of,Hafmaa; ffae Jewessiaie A .meeting ot-tks ; \ j l&rgest aa& best gatherings'of 3ev»-!sh ary ofnthe I. O. S. B. Lod£ •Slievisin :i£- -"characterized "&S a'mpVe>" slain before her* as: they refused to ! -crsons ever held in the history of the Thursday, December -9. Cot jnent of, for and by the Jews and is turn from the Jewish • faith, at the Heartless Soldiers of General Deni- Russia, like so many otterr, trans- Jewish Welfare Federation Handles city.' . cf $200 have been made tof declared to be a fulfilment of The command of the Syrian King, Antioformed in a few days into a veritable kin and Cossacks Destroyed Details of Trip. . The Fontenelte hotel ballroom was ish Federation of Omaha, Protocols... These articles, whose chus. * The cast, was dressed in the cemetery. It is lerritble to walk down Homes of Jews the scsne of activity. was conrtibuted to the Ant authorship is not - disclosed, have j costumes of the period. these, empty streets with their ruined At 7 p.m. forty-one candidates "were Ition League. It was 1decid now* appeared in book form under' • . . . - • ._'•' " houses, windows broken, and doors Four hun"dred and seventy-three im(Special to The Jewish Press.) the title "The Cause of World UnRa~>"» Cohn Spoke through which you can see mijrrants from fourteen countries of initiated and_ given the obligations of ja public dance during the New York, Dec. 15.—The most, pa- smashed, rest." During the' past six months Rabbi Frederick Cohn spoke on the broken furniture inside, the Whole Europe are on their way to Omaha— the order. The initiation vras- put on February. there have been sent forth weekly j Chanuka. He delivered an inspiring j the'tic, tragic, heart-throbbing 3tory of Interior wrecked. And this was all chosen by them as their new home of by the degree team in the presence of Rabbi Frederick Cohn sj i pogroms was contained in 'a report several hundred- members and Rabbi "YvTiy am I in Henry Ford's organ, The Dear-< address. '"' * '~ * the'more terrible because it all came adoption. The' Samuel Cohon of Chicago, the guest of the program consisted of tw| born Independent, attacks of extra-! A playlet called "The Unlighted | made by a professor i n ^ Jewish school so unexpectedly, since: most of the FlastoT. report «--was -™-* sent to*~Jews awaited Denikln with. hope. Poland with 372 heads the list The ! nsky fir6t Ticeis ordinary virulence, upon the Jews, j Menorah" was presented by mem- at "* m% "' < "' rrThe 'v'~ —-.«-* f ? ' <>losr by y Miss Jewel Tuc These assaults upon the honor of I bers of the associations Dramatic the Petrograd headquarters of the rev- Many Jews though they were going to other countries are Germany, Czecho^ j Brid slovakia, Austria. Lithuania^ Letland, I olution, but as usual nothing has been t^ ^ j Bridgeport, C Conn., accompanl the Jewish* people are all founded j Class. have again the right of private prop- France, Turkey, Manchuria, Rouman- F S ^ on The Protocols and on the dis-j The playlet was a Chanuka; _ fan- j done. Following: the imtiation aa open Miss Helen Dana, and a read erty and opportunity to carry on com- ia, Ukrainla, Hungary, England and their families. credited literature of Eussian andjtasy of the time of Felix Mendels-j • The pogrom, according to the pro-merce freely, in short all the advan- Esthonia. meeting was held for members and;Mrs. of Duluth, Miim TheSimon next regular meetir.p About one thousand were in attend- held Thursday, December 23. German anti-Semitism, inspired by j sohn, the composer, and carried a ' fessor's report, which is considered tages of a bourgeois republic. a The "red tape" in all these cases,' ^ce. Every seat in the large ballthe minions of autocracy. Parrot- | beautiful message of faith and belief : very authentic, followed the arrival of Murder and Rape. ' like they repeat the abominable ; in Judaism. Ther cast consisted of I General Denikin's army in Fastov. required by "the government in the,r o o m ^ a s occupied. charges that can only appeal to the ; Helen • Reikes, F ed White, Israel! Young girls were assaulted andbru- From the first moment of sojourn form of affidavits end other docu- j JEWISH CALENDJ | tally mistreated in other ways by the the Denikinista commenced wholesale ments, was handled without charge by i , . B'nai Brith's Greatest Day. credulity of a stunted intelligence— j Goodman and Sam Beber. was the greatest day of B'tiai charges long since conceded to be !' *. ' j f l - Y «-,,. r . , j soldiers; parents were put to death robbery, .which continued for almost the Jewish Welfare Federation. S. H.' Fast of Tebet—Tebet 10, unfounded by all fair-minded men.i TIT10-Year TJ -NT>ld T Girl-*/i , , (while their children were forced to two weeks uninterruptedly. And in opened with the December 21. every house, no matter who Inhabited s a m a n 10 y e a r s old Ford is employing his great^ wealth - , _ ^ ! the , l ^ piano. _& ' ' I sing; aged men and women were mas- it, every day there came the Cossacks, lished the "immigration clearing ot in scattering broadcast his fulmina- Lplayed "Star Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, supervisor sacr Scavenging pigs and doga disfigured robbing ar^l plundering, and murder- house.** The work now forms an estions, regardless of consequences. Moon—Shebat, Mon., *"" " " of the Y's Dramatic Class, directed corpses of men and women in the ing and raying. I am speaking of the sential part of the Federation's activNew Moon Day—Ad&i, •Mr. Monsky made a short talk on the program and coached the players. streets. • Attacks Ignored second time the Cossacks occupied the ity. Feb. S. the purposes and alms of the B'nai When the Jews of the United States - The program was concluded with town. The first time they contented Nation Carried Report. 153 Sought Help. Moon Day—Adar Brith and called attention to the diffirst learned of these malevolent the lighting of the Chanuka. candles ' T h e women were not killed out- themselves with robbery withotit masAffidavits have been prepared by the '' fere'nt institutions""mai*ntained by the ; „ Thursday, ^ March 10. sacre or rape. prints, they deemed it beneath their by Rabbi Taxon, and the singing of right, but e Federation for 153 Omaha residents, lodge. Fast of Esther — Adar She| T'sur, the Chanuka "Hymn,! "fright, f « ; band ^ were ^worst J put g of^toall—abuse. ? " ?bby ^hunger dignity to take notice of them, be- Mooz After two weeks in the town they seeking to bring relatives to this coun- • Rabbi Gohon was brought here from ' Wednesday, March 23. w fho m^.o,,™ • i cause they regarded them as a mere by the audience. "The Nation" carried the complete had, however, to cede the Mestichka to try. Chicago especially to address the New Moon Day—Nisan, Sat., 9. recrudescence "of mediaeval bigotry j Troop 62 of the Boy Scouts r e p r t* fi professor in -a recent is- the Bolshevik! for a day. (The DeniIn the case of Polish immigrants vmeeting . He denounced persons who Passover—ISisan lo, Sat,, Agj 18. . A. ' " fteS.^ sue. The report and stupidity showing upon J-heir their s y y.. JkJf. iH! A ^ lTroop, S o f t and aid " taken from "The Na- klnlsts entered the town at the sr>d of the Federation is in direct touch with -re writing and printing Ifljelous, un-1 First ^ew Moon Day—Iyar, face their utter worthlessness. These p e r c e n t Jewish troop in the city) tion" follows: August.) The Bolshevik! entered Sun- the Warsaw office of the Hebrew Im- true and infamous articles, attacking ^a* |, publications have, however, been put, did its daily good turn in clearing Before beginning my recital of the dayeand left Monday afternoon. And migrant Aid Society, and can transmit the Jew. in circulation to such an extent that .away, the chairs. Dancings followed, ^ ^ o f t ^ D a 5 °f °mei' Th*5'i from this time on began the massaJus pogroms made by the Denikinist3 I it is believed that the time has come,, . . . for transportation through it. t before the meeting closed Ed- ^ P \ ^ w o , r «,.„_ ,„„„ believe it is necessary to give a short cres and terrible crimes of the Deni- funds humilating though it be to /-them, | ' „ Many recent immigrants to Omaha ™rd Simon, a member of the commit-{Ne* ^opi,; Day-Sivan June ldnists. A story waB invented that a introduction. Paitov waB a rich comhave had all of the local details of the tee raising funds for anti-defamation J F«»st. of J>eeks-Sivan 6 J « for tiie Jews to make answer to | > __ . mercial1 Mestichka with a population young Jewish girl had brought In the journey handled through the office'of work, made an appeal that touched the j * « « _ ^ e w M o o n D E T —; i-a|uz, these libels and to the unworthy \ C H A N U K A P L A Y of 15,000, besides several thousand Belsheviki and that the population had the Federation; July 6. insinuations and , innuendoes that; purse-strings of nearly everyone presrefugees from other cities-who had received them with flowers and songs. have been whiskered against them. All Jewish Days Begin at Sunj This was an absolute lie. j been driven to Fastov by bandits. Speaking as representatives of the • Banks, factories, libraries, cooperaAfter the departure of the BolsheJewish people,, familiar with the The Chanuka play and celebration tives, apothecaries, schools, physithe Cossacks came back and then the immigrant for a visa to the De•.--.- history history of Judaism in its various which was giveji before the Sister- cians, theaters, and a Jewish agricul- vik! began the torture of the-Jews, terrible partment of State at Washington, the phases and with the movements, past hood of Temple Israel on December tural colony where there still were in attacks, robbery, and massacres. In Federation has been successful in se"':. and present, in Jewish life, we say 6, was repeated before _the Sunday existence several leather factories, many houses they made the children curing the necessary visa.'•• with all solemnity: school cla'ss of the Temple, on ! made of Fastov one of the most highly sing while they beat the parents to The Federation will hold classes in / The Protocols are a baze forgery. December 12. ; j civilized and cultured centers in our death. Americanization for these new-comers. There.has never been an organizaA- large crowd was on hand- for I country. «• tion of Jews known as The Elders (Continued on page 3) ' j And now behold this little corner of In order to facilitate the obtaining of subscriptions for ' I : . of Zion, or The Zionist Men of Wis- the second performance. Mrs. Carl Furt supervised and l"f\ «... dom, or The Wise Men of Zion, or Press, a subscription-blank is being carried in this issue. OJfCE STBANDED YOUTH BE: Men. and women ha\% been welcomed PATS WELFARE BOAED FOR ' hearing any other smilar name. directed the play. here and they have became incor- KDTDJfESS SHOW3T. Iola Fae Chasson, 6, daughter of If you desire to be a subscriber fill out the blank and mail it . : There has never existed a secret or other Jewish body organized for any S f Land ^ S JMrs. ^ ? £ii£ ^ 909' ^ porated in our population. Without Mr. Mike f H. Y Chasson, outh other Jewish body organized for any a check for $1.50 as directed. You will then be placed on the subscriploa purpose such as that implied in The f Twenty-fifth street^ performed them the United States would not performed purpose suchThe as Jewish that implied inhave The I I f one of the dollsstreet, lists • and' will receive the next and ensuing issues for one year. Protocols. people in the celebrahave reached the development of its pp 1011 a n d an never dreamed of of a a Jewish Jewish dictator-I* a eed several encores. resources or that degree of prospernever dreamed dictatorA good deed was repaid to S. H. — Sabbath "and Siegel Say Legislation ity that has been achieved. ' They The program follows: ship, of a destruction of religion, of Not Need i have added valuable .elements to, Schaefer,. superintendent of the Jew- 1 __ . Marie GoUlstrora an interference with industrial _ pros- Piano Solo ish Welfare Federation, when be rerit or off an overthrow r t h r w of civilizciviliz j S £ ^ h '"PL ¥n^ Women," Stanley stperity, ceived a check for the amount ex'Immigrants have helped to make American citizenship. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK 8 ation. The Jews have never coispir- ! stoX'fo?thea,n dSS"' pended in behalf of a stranded youth, this country the richest and mosfr Says Jews Are Attacked Solo .._'_._. Ethel Gladstone powerful in the world," CongressJewish Press Publishing Co. cd with the Freemasons, or with any ' Piano "' ™ ' ...... six months ago. "THE TOY SHOP" "The allusions to the Jews made other body, for. any ^purpose. The check included $10 additional 1 man Sabbath told his' colleagues in 4 Baird Bldg., Omaha, Nebr, Timothy Tackhammer _.. Bessie Horn, beat the immigration by those supporting this measure as -a donation to the local charities, Continued. on page six Jack in the Box .. Nate iuuntel, Jr. , . „ „ . , . - „ ., are offensive; The criticisms have a Gentlemen:' • ' '/^~~~~~ and the pledge that a like amount s ouny g A [FriU Snap, Captain of the Tin Soldier^ I, has blll."_ "In a l lthe / t h eimmigrant Wars thishas country fought, been tendency to create an atmosphere of would be sent each year from NewEnclosed is check for $1.50 to pay for uy 3abscriptkm t FOE WEEK OF DEC. 18 TO 25 | Gretchen, Hutch Doll .„ Elaine Berkowitz {raTT1OT,_ it-e Tno<;t Joval KnlrHprs Vnr prejudice against all immigrants and York city, where the, youth lives. because of the further fact, there has Saturday, Dec. 18 —Troup 62— "The lad came into our office penniThe Jewish Press for one year from date. / "Boy Scouts, 7:30.p. m. DolTs, tin" soldierE, Clows: FrancI Simon, must cut off immig-.ation, "but the recently been conducted a secret and J' less, last May," said Schaefer.' "He Sophie Handler, Iola ChiiBSon, Verna Sunday, Dec. 19 — Young Judea malicious propaganda designed to Singer, IUchard Hiller, Hurry Frlsch, legislation has never been passed arouse prejudice against the Jews in refused to tell us his right name or Clubs, 2:30 p.m. be cause is was never needed. It is address for fear we would get in Sidney Singer, Charles Button. the United States. Although the Jew- touch with his family, but there was Monday, Dec. 20—Classes in Henot' needed now." Name brew, Jewish History, 8:30 p. m. The house passed the bill restrict- ish population of the United States something about him which impressed B'NAI BRITH DANCE does not exceed 3,000,000 not less Tuesday, pec. 21—Girls Gym Class} ing immigration.' It is now up to us sufficiently to waive our rules of than 225,000 Jews served in the investigation and extend the required " 7:30 p. m. . — ;give „-.- a _ dance , the. —- .senate. The B'nai Bri'th will Address Tuesday, Dec. 21—Ydetes Club, 8:30 New Year's night at the.v; Masonic In a report opposing passage of United States' army and navy dur- aid to him. p. m. Temple, Nineteenth and Douglas ! the bill, Sabbath and Representative ing the war. ."••Ill never forget you; III repay Thursday, Dec. 22—Dramatic Class, street. • The Shriner band will furr Siegel of New York say: "We are opposed to this legisla- you some day,' he promised when we Mail to Jewish Press Publishing' Co., Room 4, Baird Bldg. ,.nn _ <^;^. "The n,+o;»m«.+0 „,;!! will 8:00 p. „ m. :nisn *!,„ the w.,,^« music, T?»f iUnteitamments wiu "Tfte purpose purpose of of the the bill bill is Is so so tion because creation of such a pre- put him on the train bound for home, Receipt will be/ sent you. Saturday, Dec IS ->- Boy3 Scouts, be furnished by- song and dance drastic a change in the pob'cy of the cedent will tend to produce isolation but we never heard from him until the 17:30p.m. artists, -•••>'• :, ; r ' . ^United States as to be startling. and retard our national growth," • .check was received," said Schaefer, L - - - - » . « . » •«. -m m-m . . . „ m m « , « « « , m m j
A plan for a farm. near Omabft to be used as a rammer recreation center for poor Jewish children smd a home for temporary dependents has been presented to the Jewist* Welfare Federation and has received favorable consideration. Several members of the federation interested in child •welfare worklrav* inspected prospective 160-acre sites within fifteen miles' of the city.
Celebrated sere
ants on
Way to Oiak
° °
Fight Alien Bill; Now Up to Senate
r [ .
' - , : . y , : - - , .... -.-.•• •-•••:••
. . ; ; - : - ^ - ' > . . . - . - : . -
development and advances that have made in the field* of science $1,000 Contributor Burns Mortgage Dr. Victor Levine Speaks 1been during the last three hundred years," said. "In the field of medical - Before Y i M . L Crowd!hescience," he brought out, *'Dr. Paul *>\
Ehrlich, & Jew* j)erfe«<fid the for"Thp Jew> mor6 than any other eth- mula \ known as Salvarsan, the only nic'group, embodies the three essen- ccure for a certain social disease." also spoke of thfes experiments : tials of a well rounded existence, 6nd He ] 1 ' touches life at" more angles, due to imade by Dr. Goldberge* ,' Several ago, in curing palagra. He ; his age-old experiences," Dr. Victor years j i Leviner:pf Creighton University told ccited many similar cases in which I members of the Aleph Y and Pro- \the unselfish devotion of the Jew r gresse Cluba of the Y. -M» H. A. tto his chosen field have resulted in benefit to humanity. i Sunday. Dr. Levine's subject was: inestimable i l : "The Jew in Science." He traced the In conclusion; he stated that the j^ development of science from the Jew j has learned that life is like a g; Middle Ages tthistle in that if it be approached and grasped gently it stings, but if f] "Coming from th&s Orient, \vith '<• approach is made with courage % the Orient's propensity to thought the i | and- mysticism, t i e repressions and '<and a stout heart,s the sting disI inhibitions of presecutions . and £appears. | ghetto life, added to the Jewish h mind the power of deep feeling, with JEWISH j LADIES' RELIEF . F,i its subsequent neurotic reactions and SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS i emotions," Dr. Levine said. "Once Ki a part of the life of the West, the The Jewish Ladies' Relief Society j)i Jew learned from it the power .of -» action, of initiative and executive »held its regular meeting Tuesday, • ability. This combination of thought, 3Dec. 7, in the Lyric Building. Elecn •? Left to right—Samuel Bavitz,-J. Katleman, H* Friedel and 3. 3. Taxman. « feeling and action or will, makes, 1tron. of officers for the year 1921 u a . • __ . .... . .-. from, a psychological view-point, the 1 took ' place; TheV following were «elected: President, Mrs. R. Kulakofse t best developed mind. j; Here is a photograph.o£ J. J. Taxman, KanBas City Oil magnate,; ': "Added to this, the Jew, as a race, 1ky; vice-p.resident, Mrs. M. L. Wolf^burning the mortgage .of. the. Congregation B'nai Israel synagogue *e has the religious attitude, that rela- ison; financial secretary, Mrs. H. ^•building. . ' • . ';" . . . . • • tion;to life whicl\ Urges its posses- .JRachman and Mrs. L. Ziev; corres3d sor to strive unceasingly to give to ]ponding, secretary, Mrs.. S. A. Rice; •J Mr. Taxman was given the honor because he recently 'Contributed treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg. rf|l,000 to the synagogue. , . . . . ;.., life, in voluntary sacrifices, all that 1 Miss Eva Alpzinj: is "chairman of he has within him. Thus we find Br '£ . He is the father-in-law T o£ Mrs. Anna Milder Taxman, former the Jewish mind rich in the posses- ]the .Junior membership committee. ; r] Omaha girL • -. : . . • ... i-":.: eion' of three paramount character* JMore than thirty-five girls have albecome members of the sociese istks, and backed by the unceasing ready j '•X The B'nai Israel congregation, "was organized in 1884 in a little house ty. All Jewish girls are encouraged i Urge' to make life better than he. 1 fl on Tenth arid Jones streets;. The present structure was built in 1911. found-it." / . \ 'and welcomed to join. ;n >• At that time there" was a "mortgage on. the building tot $15,000. Seven In the field of science Dr. Levine A luncheon.was held at the Omaha er mentioned the contribution of Bene- iChamber of Commerce Saturday, ^thousand dollars Of this wa spaid by last April and since that time, under & diet Spinpza, the- Dutch philosopher, ;Dec 4, for the purpose of bringing '; the direction of President Samuel Kavitz; the remaining §S,000 was raised. __^ and a Jew, who first gave expres- itogether in a social way ihose who ., sion to and systematized the num- 1take an active part or interest in residents, sixty-three of these were >re er erous evidences- of opposition to the the girls' classes in six public prepared during November. In.adfiipi Ji- philosophy • of the Dark Ages, and ,schools. Mrs. M. Langfield, who is tion we are in direct communication on m made, possible the greater freedom isupervisor of this work; acted as . with the New York and Warsaw ofof- ar and wider use of man's intellectual >chairman. Among our guests who j flees of the Hebrew Sheltering Society Superintendent of I sty pc powers. • - . ispoke were: of funds by cable lie 'fThis new freedom, (more than iSchools Beveridge, Miss Ryan, and '• . S* H. Schaefer, superintendent of fo^theitriansraission tp immigrants^ This work is most Jnini- ai anything el& , made possible the the principals of the schools in which -•. {The Jewish Welfare Federation, made po^fanf,'ahd. is. real welfare, .work. — — ~ — — — ~— — ^ — — — — i •itte followtus report to the • affiliated ^organizations of the Federation for the onfh o£ November: Two communications *e"ceived durB the month testify ta the appreciation of our work held, the one by a re"l?pient, the other by a contributor. . The ^<east of Dedication, ' Borne-; 1. frLast May we helped a transient with times - called Chanukab, xonimefli- »•"*' ard and lodging until' we could find 6rate3 ^the stirring events in Pales- I i *'.t rk fot him. He. promised at that tine from the years 168 to 165 B.C.HJ I u\e that he -would repay us. Six in those fateful years, Antiochus: f I a litlis later he Bent us a check for Epiphanes, King of Syria, 'wishing' i I t amount we had expended on him, to unite all the provinces under his' | I 4 a promised an annual contribution rule, issued a decree that only the li I *JIO to the Federation. He is now Greek religion was to be practiced , f 1 b.-ng a good position fa New York throughout ' the entire empire. To | I ;C enforce the laws and to suppress I f § ' Dl, But Sends Check. the religion of the Jews, the sacred i i gj >*- -esponse to a circular lettar sent rolls of the laws were burned and I H • tombers of this community, ask- the Temple of Israel at Jerusalem | H inir their support of the Federa- •was defiled by the erection of altars f • T tidwork we received the following: of idols. 5 * "-A-igh I have been sick myself, - This imperialistic policy which the" H ^ V o a large family to care for, I madman of Syria sought to impose | M - &$low good your work is and I upon his subjects in Palestine, startH ^e*y do all I can t o help. 1 hope ed a revolt in which Judus Macca- t m t a u t e r when I am able." A small beus, son of Mattathias, a priest of : • che<;ag enclosed. Modin, (the arch rebel of the revolt) • WB^. jOiyeniber 3Q the Federation was and his four heroic brothers defeated 5 '2 IflPkyffifc^g.QdsJftel,. Clothing and ahel- the Syrians in many a hard fought {? »*•. -te) soveniwidows^eind seven chil- battle. The final victory of all the •; S o' dra tholr own homes and for six Syrian armies occurred on the II H / t&ls, comprising twelve adults and twenty-fifth day of Kislev," accord- {} H . \trt--seven children, in which the ing to the Hebrew calendar in the II Rd^f8Ji3 unable' to work. In addition year 165 B.C. || Hipp* 1 paying rent for two families •On this eventful day the idols Set I! W San^ardins out two orphan children. up by the Syrians for the rites of li I f Thnakes a total of sixty-five indi- the Greek religion, "were removed, Ij I ^ M s who were directly depending and the Temple was rededicated to li I - «P&.e Federation during this time. the service of the God of right, ii I ^ ^ n one other family of eleven ln- truth and justice. Ii ^Wals- was • withdrawn, during the Many legends cluster about the li ' ffiGli, because the father was able to feast of Chanukah and have been ;i - 1¥Wi to work. preserved in the book of the Macca- I: bees. The martyrdom of Hannah and ii \ Expenses Still Increasing1. l^lng prices of commodities have her sons, who rather than submit ji nojset been reflected In the Federa- to the idolatry of their appressors, j; ttaa Mdgets, as rents and food are yielded to the sword of the tyrant |j &S J. ^ 3 ^v? bsre always been. We i-uler, is among the impressive sto- li arejrtWiaced with the problem of in- ries of loyalty and heroic devotion li | creasag onr Income to meet our- ln- to the God of Israel. *rea^d exjjenditures.. We have re:::n:nn::n:n::::::nr:tt:n:::::n::::::::n:nR:Rr5n!SS!npsn3 «| . „ • % , celv»S from Individual subscribers to ...„„„ 3ate;il5,3Q2.75 and from affiliated oreaQljgtionsi and other sources, ?2,lo jm& making a total o£ $17,404.03 re• N ^ J P S B to December 1. BHH / h a v » outstanding from unpaid III ' * ill I HE pip&o&s $1,500 which are pay- III P I A N I S T INSTRUCTION "I H l Hh December. We need in addiII? a- I 02 075 av o u r r
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I Sap't Schaefer Sends: Oat r Report > ' '*
I W e Stciry ^f ChawifcaL j
H Harry BravinoK 11
Hii P .
*°' P
ablated insU-
H I I \ r* 3 - T l l i s m u s t positively be raised Hll/frteew- subscriptions. To date we MM i hacecured 125 new members, withi jjf H I \ a & subscription of $945. We must mBi )E^> 200 additional $10 members. • 111 K B / ,3ant to call particular attention :H H j jtxr. phenomenal growth of our imHf^/^^tit aid work. ; Since March vrt ' jit Bf 7 htererared 149 afSdavita for Omaha. ai
~~~* Studio 305 Lyric Building 19th and Farnam Street .
Douglas 8162 .
f! | I 111 I ::: |
j |I . •::! I
ie classes are held. A selected col)l- young boy, and it was by this ction of some of the girls' sewing ig means that he was able to acquire as displayed. the training that has fitted him for his exalted position.. Through his mother, President Milleraad has MOTHER A JEWESS numerous Jewish relatives. Paris-—The mother of President nt •" illerand Was a Jewess, named Me,nie Cahen. It appears that her ither Svas a well-known figure in ariaj as he used to officiate as ssisant. Beadle at the Syiiogogue i the Rue de Nafcareth on High estivals. He was a hawker in tjie iburbs of Paris, and on his rounds ;ed to stay at the house of one, illerand, a "win,e merchant^ who ;pt an. estaminet. His son fell in ve with the hawker's daughter, arried her, and their son is now resident of France. A maternal icle, Ephraim Cahen» who was well f, but a disciple of Voltaire, and lbued with Socialist ideas, charged imself With the education of the
WarsaVr—Iti the strike organized by the-^Sozialist party as a protest against the establishment of a Polish senate* only the Poalei-Zion partitip ated, all other Jewish labor oreaniz" afions failing to join, ..
1 1 i
• --.A"-);
Girls Assaulted, Aged Men Killed in Fastov Pogrom
raped by a Cossack in the same room Some Jews invited officers to'! their statement that the severest measures where her murdered father and hus- homes, and gave them ' everything, had already been taken to suppress band were lying* and while her-little their whole fortunes, thinking thus to the disorders and that moreover or"baby was crying in its crib. I. have guard themselves and families from ders had been given to send medicines been told by people worthy of belief outrage. This helped very little, be- and provisions and general supplies. . .. • .. Continued froni page one;. that they saw people forced to set fire cause when the officer'was gone for a Nothing was left,me but to leave. But to their own- homes and then driven few days on service the family which During the Ttfhole period of the mas- with rifle butts into the flames. The had brought protection was treated the raping and violence went on with : -sacres- the rattle of machine guns names of some of these fr)nilie"s were very much the same way as those who ten times greater fury. I had the opportunity of making the ; .could be heard from across the creek Volkenstein, Volodarsky, Zaviroucha, had not. • acquaintance of many Denikinists. which runs near the town, for the Meisenberg, Bendarsky. I have seen They told me quite frankly that there Officers "Lend Deaf Ears." fighting between the two armies was people who dropped in the ^treets, dyA woman teacher, well known in the were two groups in the army. One not far away. Even theChristian pop- ing of exhaustion brought on by huncity, tells how she heard a colonel tell- held that it was necessary to kill all ulation cannot _ remember v/ithout ger and exposure. ing his officers and soldelrs that "this the Jews in Russia in order to extinshuddering those long night"? filled Bodies Frozen to Ground: sort of thing is not right, not because based on the Jews. The others were • with the crfeB of women and the whimWhen an attempt was made to move it is shameful in itself, but because guish bolshevism, for bolshevism was pering of children and the sound of their bodies it was found that they our cause will be hurt in the eyes of of the same idea, but held it expedigunfire. ha*d been frozen £o the ground and Europe which is watching us.v One of ent to massacre all the Jews because Corpses In Street. could not be taken away without dig- his aides answered: "But, colonel, of public opinion in Europe. They . In the streets there were many ging them out of the ice. Those that you say that now, but don't you re-, thought it beter to kill off the adult '.corpses which nobodjr 'dared bury or were not removed, remained as they member what, you told us at the supporters of the families and leave even to take into the houses away were in the streets until they were de- front?" The .polonel blushed, mount- the rest to die off by starvation and from the desecration by' scavenging voured by pigs and dogs. ed his horse, and rode off without an- disease. -pigs and dogs. The Cossacks shot I have seen children who died of swering. I, myself, have talked with Peasants Favor Jews. down everybody who tried to go out hunger sucking at their dead mother's a lecturer, a member of the departIf you should ask me what the atti;and take up the bodies. People hid breasts, children whose flesh was rot- ment for education of Denikin's forces, ^themselves in cellars and stables, ting in the sight of all the world and who told me quite frankly that contin- tude of the peasants in this whole affair was, I should answer as follows: * without food or water, for as much whose bones were sticking out uously there had been conducted in The peasants formerly harbored no ;as five days. Finally even the Jews through the decaying, stinking flesh, Denikin's" army a propaganda of po- enmity toward the Jews. There had who had taken refuge in the cellars, which spread infection. I have seen a groms. never been any pogroms in Fastov be• garrets, and jstables of Christians little child stretch out its hand for a After the second pogrom (the first fore. In fact there had never been -were chased out, because the Cossacks bit of bread and then,,when it had the was that of Petlura) had commenced, any enmity of any kind between the , threatened to shoot anyone hiding a bread in its hand, not be able to eat, and the Cossacks had proceeded from Jews and the Christians, many of Jew. . . but die of exhaustion. simple robbery to rape and physical whom not only hid Jewish families , Very soon it became plain that the I have seen the bodies of citizens, violence ending with murder, I went during the pogrom, but actually gave CoBacks, though going about in small respected by all the world for the hon- to the battalion commander, explained these refugees everything they needgroups of three or four, "weTe really orable part they played in the town's to him the situation with all its ter- ed. It Is true that there were certain actifig according to a well-conceived ijfe, He unburied in the streets' for rible possibilities, and begged him to incidents. For instance, the peasants plan. A group of Cossacks would break -weeks because means were not at make an end of the fearful business. took "things they needed out of the into a Jewish house and cry: "Money." i i a n d to bury such a quantity of At any rate, I said, the soldiers might abandoned Jewish houses. But this If they had already been-preceded by 'corpses. I have seen the sick in hos- take the money but stop the atrocities. was not done because of hatred but some other Cossacks, who had taken j pitals and homes deserted and uncared He answered: "As an educated man because the things had been abanall the money in the house, then this for, cold and starving,. because the I am against pogroms. But in the doned. The peasants would have done group of Cossacks would call for the doctors and nurses were either dead present instance I am powerless. I the same under similar circumstances head of the* family, put a noose around or had fled, from fright, and fear of cannot "make headway against such In Christian homes. . In fact they did • his neck, and half strangle him. primitive forces. I cannot stop the just that in a numbeT of Russian epidemics. ' If any of the family now began to households. The general conclusion And among these sick people re- tempest." cry or ask that the torture cease, the mained the- rotting dead, from which And immediately to demonstrate therefore must be that the peasant has Cossacks beat him or her -nearly to crawled white 'worms onto the limbs that he wasn't a "pogromebik" he not really any animosity toward the death. Naturally the family would of the living. ^ ^ . During the night gave me ,an order forbidding abso- Jew. give everything it possessed, even to through the windows smashed by the lutely all violence against peaceful the last kopek. If, however, there was Cossacks came dogs and attacked the citizens, whether Jews or Christians, Morgenthaa Honored • no money, the Cossacks loosened the corpses. ; , •and he let us print this order and post Washington—Sir Auckland Geddes, noose and the unhappy wretch fell I cannot repeat - all the terrible it all over. I then told him this order to the ground. They brought him back things I saw during this period. For was not worth anything because it set the British ambassador, bestowed the to consciousness with the butt ends instance there is the case of a little no penalty for anyone who did not Grand Cross of the Order of the of their rifles and a bucket of cold baby that cries to be put on the toilet. obey it. Thereupon he told me to go British Empire upon Henry Morgenwater.' The tortures then recom- Its mother had ^ied the same morning to the commandant of the brigade who thau, former American Ambassador menced, -and if the* poor man could after being violated and beaten by the alone could undertake sterner meas- to Turkey, in recognition "of services x to British civilians and military prisnet give any money after the process Cossacks. Its father was killed by the ures. ' oners during the war. . had been repeated five or'six times in Cossacks because he protested. In When I went to the brigade comTain, the Cossactes would take every- the same room lies a young girl dazed mandant, after my first few words, he thing in the house of use to them, and indifferent, unwilling to jhelp the Interrupted me with, the categoric Advertise in The Jewish Press. smash everything else, make the whole child or move, thinking only that she house uinhabitable by smashing doors, will bewith the child soon and that she windows, stoves, and so forth, and has been infected with a loathsome 'then leave the family to the tender disease. The child finally has to lie mercies of the next lot, of Cossacks, in its own jfilth, too weak to get up* .who would come along, generally very and rotting alive, dies, amidst the soon, and repeat the terrible tortures. crawling worms. The men not too-old were killed, and • Morris Milder, President Eape in Synagogue. toven the old men sometimes torturedLubricating* I have seen the following, in the to death. Gasoline Oils 1717 Douglas Street . synagogue during Ypm Kippur: The Women Abused Until Dead. congreation was praying God for reN a p h t h a ' " The women were not usually killed lief from the pogroms. Just at the Fuel Oils ' T e l e p h o n e : Douglas 1721 "directly, but died of hunger, fright,, moment when absolute silenceKerosene and abuse. Of families of eleven reigned and the rabbi alone was audGals OH •iOMAHA, N E B R A S K A there remain only three." Sometimes ible, a crowd of Cossacks broke into Distillates the Cossacks forced the parents to kill the church crying: "Money, money." Road Oil "Petroleum Products i n Tank Cars Only" ' . $heir own children. This was the case Naturally, it being the day of repentbf Meyer ZabarocTC If the parents re- ance,-pot a single Jew had brought fused,- the Cossacks beat them, struck with him any money, as this would •hem with bayonets, dragged - them have been a deadly sin.. Even to touch about by the hair, and otherwise tor- money on a day dike this would be a ,tured them. If there were any young cardinal sin. This is explained to the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii girls in the family, the Cosacks shut Cossacks, and they are asked to wait lip the other members of the family in till evening. "•-. '•"'..'''•: .ibne room, which was then guarded "by But they refuse and then coma soldier, and then violated the women, one after the other. The least pro- mences a terible beating of all the , test brought down the most terrible Jews in the synagogue. At the same : time another crowd of Cossacks consequences" on the family. In some cases the Cossacks took the. breaks into the other entrance ami young girls out into the gardens or into the women's side of the syna•woods, and after the most bestial hu- gogue,, in the balcony The. women miliations finally murdered them. especially the young women, panics "Many of the girls who survived re- stricken, throw themselves out of the ceived venereal infections caught from balcony onto the lower floor of the auditorium and many break their arms the Cossacks. and legs and ribs. Amidst cries of In the streets the Cossacks went up terror the Cossacks seize several knd down robbing whomever they met young;women and rape them. of shoes and clothes, despite the rain During the holidays the Cossacks and cold weather, and without sparing women, children, or old men. To came frequently at evening into the the tears and lamentations of people synagogues and did the same things. How many times I have seen Cos•who had gone out of their .minds with • hurtger and grief, the Cossacks only sacks dragging- young girls, often alanswered with the butt ends of the£r most children, through the streets and rifles and bayonets. I saw Cossacks info the empty houses.. "What was the part played by the ofthrow typhus pa.tients out of their beds, and onto the cold floor. ' ficers, the lower officers, and those •-• The Cossacks meanwhile looked be- in higher command? In the first place tween the blankets and feather-beds many officers took part in all these exlor hidden • money. They would then cesses. The'higher officers did not take everything from the sick people. take part personally, but they demand.They took the last piece of bread from ed bribes in return for promises of protection. But' afterwards they did even the poorest. \ not keep their promises to protect M know a. young woman who was
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COMPLETE STOCKS-LARGE ASSORTMENTS Women who desire the unusual, the somewhat finer than ordinary type of apparel, will find the wraps, suits and frocks, and in fact any other type of merchandise sold at this store te- bt exactly to their liking. The maximunj amj of high quality, unusual styles and splenj Jibel long en<jj did workmanship of all merchandisi which we have to offer, has established for us a reputation far and wide, with people who desire and demand the best in clothing. Thefollowing list suggests only a few of the many desirable articles which we have displayed for your inspection:
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1920 testimony in redent, well
tary award of the nation vrere Jews. because he said he was needed in bis question again arises whether Mr. ed and halcyon court proceedings ? Ford or his utterances deserve even Mr. Ford should titick to auto- father's factory. „ It roigH be said, somewhat paradoxSeveral of Jewish young men are this degres of attention. Did not ically, t h a t outside off1 his business mobiles and his contention that the Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Mr. Henry Ford pretty effectually^ study of history is a foolish occupa- active in American Legion affairs By Philip M. Raskin dispose of himself by his peace ship affairs Mr. Ford is now nowhere THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. tion. But whatever he may^do or here. say 'the right thinking men aad wo- j The same • is true in the national venture, by fcis candidacy for the seriously considered exept a s a cause \ MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. of this country will stick by organization. Of the standing com- United States Senste, and by his of merriment. 'Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone, Doug. 2372. If only the trees could have learned men and with their fellow-dtitehs of mittees which were announced at my language, Jewish blood. Subscription Pricey one year. .. —$1.50 the recent meeting at Indianapolis, To them I would tell my sad tale; Henry Ford's conspiracy against Gilbert Bettman, of Cincinnati, was :-::!::::!:::::H!!:nn:K::nnKKS:H:KSn::K::^^ Advertising rates furnished on application. And-willow, and chestnut, and oak the Jew is called "a crime against named as chairman of the most imWE SELL ALL KINDS OF Christianity" by Dr. Hugh BSrck- portant committee, that on legisla- •it • NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT — Profits from the . in v the forest head, Rector of a well known Protion. On the same committee are ||rablication of The Jewish Press are to be given t& worthy communal Hy fate would bewail: testant Episcopalian Church in Cin- Milton L. Foreman, of Chicago, and i causes. cinnati. Sir. Birckhead in a sermon Aaron Sapiro, of San Francisco. "AND OTHER ^PERIODICALS/ If only the blades with my speech on Henry Ford said: The next most important commit^CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure " Any attack against the Jews as tee, that, on hospitalization and vowere acquainted, and sign name. "*^ WE ALSO HANDLE ALL KtNDS OF To th&m I my pain would appeal: a race nqt only is an offense against cational training, has for its chairthe spirit of America, but is a The pain of an errant, the ^paih of crime against Christianity. Simply man Abel Davis, of Chicago, and • THE JEWISH PRESS. among its members Robert Marx, of a vagrant, because this crime has been constant- Cincinnati, and Dr. Harry E. Mock, Conceived in desire to respond to a "communal need" and inspired by ly , committed through 2,000 years of Chicago. The name of Rabbi Lee That no one can heal. he ideal of "Communal Service" the Jewish Press was founded We makes it one no less today. J. Levinger appears as a member sent its first issue with its pledge to perform those functions in this If only the roses my tongue could "Why be disturbed over Henry of the Committee on Ceremonies. Ford? One reason is that a public h,ave mastered, community that will best serve to accomplish the purpose of its inspirattion. 1413 F&rnam Street NEW. YORK TIMES Statement so atrocious, so utterly My ..tears they would drink '6tead sKjinKsmii^s^iKH^^ It is~estimated that there are resident in Omaha Twelve Thousand against the principle- which makes The substance of recent attacks 6f dew: America possible.* ultimately may upon the Jewish people in all counTews. Our Jewish -residents have increased in number, in- proportion td tries is drawn. almost entirely from The tears of a child of the fields cause bloodshed as well as hatred. j.iie expansion-of the city and with this-.growth' of the Jewish Community "In making this charge of a Jew- the fco-called "Protocols." Purporting • and the flowers isn conspiracy for a Jewish euper- to have been drawn up by the "Wise *came the inevitable increase in Jewish problems. It is'a glorious tradition, With grief of a Jew. state, Ford "overlooked two great Men of Zion," the character of the •3 the. proud boast of every Jew, that his people have always striven to facts: The history of the Jews shows document flagrantly contradicts that -If only the roses, the blades, and them brilliaht, industrious shrewd— attribution of authorship. Wisdom cope with all questions and causes of peculiar interest to the Jew, and but lacking in the one great quality manifestly had no part in its conipilthe breezes '••>yre, in Omaha, true to the rule, have endeavored to'deal with and solve Could feel the sad note o^ my song, hecessaryy for a super-empire, Protocols are about the pp, cohe- ation. The "Protocols" strangest jumble of crazy ideas that ; each- problem as presented from time to time. We liave in the process, Tie rose would be trembling, the sion; the Jew primarily is an indi- ever found its way into print. Pro-j vidual and always has been a failure breeze would be moaning* ^Established and maintained numerous and varied institutions. We have fessing to expound the purpose and.} as a nationalist. plan of the Jews to overthrow exist- j Like me all day long! initiated many activities and created a number of organizations, all Advises the Jew ing governments, seize upon their —From "Songs of a Wanderer" "The other fact is that no one power and rule the world, they pro- I t Tcalculated to promote the welfare of the Jewish Community;. . ever suffered so from autocracy ss fbundly impress the reader with the i To our mind, an .essential need has been an institution of the character the Jew and no one would lose more inadequacy of the methods employby the return of autocracy than the ed for the attainment of so consider\ '\t "THE JEWISH PRESS"—to bring about that co-ordination of activities, Jew. Democracy is gaining slowly able an end. Preposterous in them^Lfchat co-operation between the various organizations and that harmony in throughout the' world and you will selves, of unknown origin and acfind the Jew in the forefront. counted for only"as having been put '. ^thought and in action among the Jewish people in Omaha; which alone "I have this to say' to the Jew: into the hands of the Russian, Nilus, (Morris Rosenfeld, the celebrated lean be fruitful of the /greatest -efficiency in communal endeavor. There Jewish poet, who came to America America has a right to look to him by an iinknawn lady who obtained wonderful results. In this country them "in a mysterious way," the'. but a few of our people actively interested and intimately familiar some thirty years ago, is a great for admirer of his new fatherland and as nowhere else the floodgates are "Protocols" are not of a character! Jewish communal affairs in Omaha and for those hot so familiar, The" has abandoned, in this case, his open for his suppressed genius, to dispose those into whose hands i energy, talent and will. Other na- they inay come to believe in their Press will be a medium of information and in many cases one of usual medium—Yiddish—to sing his tionalities are weary of failure and truth or their for the United States—in the GREETINGS success while in. him success is v The statement of the Jewish orWelcome instruction. It will be an agency for the treatment of those causes language of the country.) fresh. The opportunity is open to ganizations, pays some attention to Through our hew advertising affecting the Jewish people and an organ for th'e promotion of their best Mr. H6nry 'Ford, in whose publica- I When God created heaven and earth the high standards of his race. • medium— •interests. ' •" - • The American L*>eion liere and tion there has appeared a series of. And all of everlasting worth, article's, assailing the Jewish people.! throughout the United States pays ."THE JEWISH PRESS " I Such an institution should be one of a character befitting the task And gave the birds their names and little attention to the anti-Jewish The material for these articles ap- j I t lias undertaken to perform, and being consecrated* to the altruistic - Wo wish them prosperity and propaganda of Henry Ford, whose pears to have- been drawn almost | songa inay their advertising pages alo^ndeavor of promoting'Jewish Communal Welfare, it should be a public, And all the nations—spoken tongues, son claimed exemption from the war entirely from the "Protocols." "Jlie! ways be full. Sis distinguished from a private enterprise. It will be of interest to learn,- And gave each flower its scent and ^iiiiitiuiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiuuiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii^ name, ithat having regard for this consideration, the founders of The Jewish Press Upon a task all new He came— have agreed and the corporate charter provides substantially that all Earnings,.surplus or profits of the enterprise, shall not be distributed as He sought a name, a name to call, That would a blessing be to all, • .dividends to the stockholders of the corporation, but utilized for worthy A name for all the true and great " charitable, philanthropic anH communal causes* • That He would yet, some day, create, Today, we are confronted, with the problem of i'Defamation" of the AT 16th STREET Good things to eat is our specialty* '/ g Jew—Yesterday, it was War Relief and other questions which, did and And radiant angels strove to find A name to suit the Maker's mind, flo still claim our attention, and tomorrow, perhaps another cause of 1 peculiar Jewish interest may present itself for our consideration. It will Until He bade theia cease debates, An up-to-dat* eigat std tobacco department And named His dream United States. be Hie function of. this organ to bring to its readers, accurate information fumiahes hlgh-grads smokes. trpon aH causes affecting them, the better to enable each individual to assume and discharge honorably his share, of communal responsibility.
A Ghetto Melody
Jewish Dally Newspapers* Magazines
Books and Newspapers from Every City end Stationery
United States
Iverythingforthe Table | '
Editorial Comment On Henry Ford
: l
•eat i
/Every purchaser is always satisfied became W MME TBEM SAHSFffiD With highest quality products and fair prices.
JEWISH VIRTUE-iOUR BEST ANSWER PHILADELPHIA BULLETIN Ourfoaducers are again hard at work. The Jew is once again the To very rich men of the world '?ipFvictim of blind prejudice and bigoted natfed, which'finds ex- goes this credit-^-that scarcely one them ever expended bis wealth in false and malicious libels upon his character and good name. of for the promotion of a personal spite •world will ultimately dispose of this unjust assault upon a whole! 6r the development of an unhealthy whiin. Henry Ford breaks that pre•pie, as it has always .done in the past. , ! cedent. He publishes a magazine, a An enlightened public opinion will-'rebel against such propaganda, chief feature of which, week after week, is an anti-Jewish propaganda. which at best is nothing short of an insult to its intelligence. Malicious The purport of a \ong series of Ifbel and unfounded slanders may embarass for the time> but they, cannot articles put out by the fliwer-editor has been td prove that the American long endure. Yet, there can be no excuse for the Jew remaining passive Jewish people exert an influence upin iMs crisis. _He must combat these accusations. He need but present' on banking, commerce and trade far (In Old Courtney Location) beyond what their number, would to the world the truth about himself and his relationship with it. " indicate. He has gone so far as to The Jew has been.a good citizen in whatever land he dwelt. His. suggest that, the Jews have their E 17th and DOUGLAS STREETS DOUGLAS 3940 = heart set upon the soil and will ultitlty and his patriotism even in countries -wherein he has suffered mately try to dominate agriculture. on and .a denial of the rights and privileges of citizenship is They aim to rule education and all great American transactions. [ throughout the pages^ of History. Why Mr. Ford engaged in this niiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiUir anti-Semitic crusade no one seems to Jew is and has been for many centuries credited with' a lofty know. Whatever the reason, the on of morality and exceptional virtue. That same high standard American people generally will meresous living, that same good repute and that same spirit of civic ly laugh at the fears so solemnly set forth by the man who thought bility, which have ever, marked the life of the Jew from his he could end' the great war by tak : history till the present day, must be maintained and perpetuated. ing a shipload $f "pacifists" to Europe. The fair-play policy which Virtue, a high standard of citizenship and an unassailable repu- has made our country so stupeffdously successful is built on the subjects ronstitute our best answer to all of this insidious propaganda. for reprisal and boycott, and that what a man strives, for honestly and acquires, that he shall have, regardp r nation is a nation of immigrants and descendants of immigrants, less of his antecedents or his place ; descendants of immigrants who came over a hundred years ago of worship. For Henry Ford or OOc Delpark Collars, 35c . S for $1.00 else systematically to excite aot point out the' immigrant of yesterday, nor look with scorn upon anybody race hatred is harmful and wholly $1.50 Silk Ties, 79c '„ ...2 for $1.50 generation of the newer immigrant. un-Amerfcan, $7.00 Cloth Hata -»_ $3^0 fine of our oldest, so-called 'native* Americans, to whom Americanism CINCINNATI ENQUIRER It may b*e said with reasonable-as...$3.49 ie down by descent, are sometimes more in need of true $6.00 Union Suite surance that Henry Ford's attacks za-ion than an immigrant of yesterday, who, persecuted in lus $12.00 Stetson Hata svH upon American Jews'in no'sense exad ,has come here prepared' to accept the true principles of press the feeling of the American (Discontinued Styles) public " uism, and to appreciate them." .... . . In Cincinnati, as in every city, vil-•~r'-'! ^-Judge Abram I. Elkus. lage and hamlet in the land, the Jewish citizen is recognized as one in whom love of country and home, conviction is growing that a morality test is of far greater reverence for freedom, and the will$4.0tt Ladies' Silk Hose ..... ingness to sacrifice life and fortune ce than a literacy, test in determining the fitness of immigrants for these principles are strong charand $6.00 Madras ShritS, $3.49, 2 for acteristics. Here, as elsfewhere, they this country."Sre hcjriofed, deservedly, as AmerSUk Crepe Shirts r^ —Springfield • (Mass.) Evening News. ican .citizens of an exceptional type. Any Cap in the Store This is not the land for programs, Whether they be those, of violence or "It is the duty of all Americans to help give the alien the American the vapjorings intolerant pre, (Winter Styles excepted) judice "which belongs to the darker v of citizenship and respect for our institutions." of human progress. \ , ---Judge John K. Prindiville. ages The Ford attacks are unwarranted, : undfe&eryed and reprehensive - beyond though g veryy considerate, he has that expression. . This is.. America, and Std i of true fair the assumption of American citizenStrdng Yk Yankee trait ship and the honorable fulfillment business. of its duties and obligations were "He never raises prices on his goods - J when - 1 - 1 unnecessary, as other nobly exemplified by. our youth of h i s t a x e s on time Jewish birth in the World War. men do. and pay too! He Mr. Ford inust be lacking in certain refined Sensibilities when he attacks nt
Table Supply Company
Specials for This Week
19th and
It was Mosee who said (Genesis 43rd Chapter, 9tfc Verse); *i win be sarety for him,~-ijf toy hind sh»lt thon require him. If I bring Idm ttot bate thee,—ften let me bear the blame forever."
In this modern day, tiie signing of personal bonds is falling into disuse and we recommend that bonds be bought and ^*M for, and your frwfcds not botiuxed. "THE LION" afords this service. We also insure you against every known form of csaualty. A phone call will bring our City Manager, Mr, Albert S. Mayer, or bis assistant. °
Isidore from Jerusalem
^^Lofy^S close idea off what hat a. good g
h d bbe. He H 'wrote: t „ should i "Our! Our! -next next door tieijzhpot, is, I ffiink, a most ideal citix^n. E Every toe I iee hint it sets tne to. thinkM hari. He is a.tali, hardy, mustflar min and very healthy, indeed, fe -is in business for himself and * deali very justly and wisely in is S^lfeacHoa M& other men. Al-
ins a favorable dav. ."He is & sober, law abiding and lav? assisting citizen. When election comes he votes, not as his party boss directs, but as his own reason and febund judgment direct. "If he meets'with any adversity he "doesn't grumble or mumble, for3 he is a good sport. He never falls for any anarchist's stuff. He is a true bltie American!"
r cen
t $ W B r : A k*°muiS medesty , should have prevented him from in*' yiting.comparison ;with the war record of his own'family. "'. To illustrate: The Jewish element of the- American, expeditionary forces seems- not"without distinguished representation. Among those who received the Government's awards for heroism in battle three men of the seventy-eight selected by the Comm&bder in Chief for the higest mili-'
303 South ISOf Street
E. R.GURNEY, President > -'
^ ,K
Telephone News Stems to Douglas 2372.
"Y" ClubRooms Visited By 3,000
Hail to Room 4, Baird Building.
X. T. C. CLUB FOR GIRLS The Aleph Y Club has pledge*! 1621* and the Ann, 1623. GOOD PROGRESS Jews Among Pilgrims tune, "Moses Simonson was a passenger $100 to the AhtUDefamstibh League, The^X. T. C. Club,- an auxiliary on the first-named ship, the Fortune; and the J'rogresse Club has pledged club of the Y. W. H. A., which was (Special to The Jewish Press) and if what I suspect is true, name- $25 to the same fund. Both are organized with an initial membership Cape May, N. J., Dec. 15.—Jews ly,, that he was from the Jewish affiliated clu__ 6f til. Y. M, H. A, now has nineteen Large Attendance Reported During of ten girls, were among the. Pilgrims of this settlement at Amsterdam, the Jewmembers. l The 4 success of the club ! country, according to a statement ish race had a part in the Pilgrim • Months from July to NovettiBer Several recipes, prepared and testmeg, one-half teaspoon cloves is due to the spirit of friendship and Warsaw—•& delegation 8f oTthoSK ,made by Paul Sturtevant Howe, good-fellowship that is always in ed by members of the Sisterhood of (optional), tablespoon New Orleans i Rector of the Church of the Advent. settlement at Plymouth. rabbie has left Warsaw Miroute fe More than 3,000 boys and girls, evidence among the members. "Simonson is one of'my ancestors." America to collect funds for otthfcdo* Temple Israel, will be printed weekly molasses, one cup of sugar; lastly He believes that Moses Simonson, upwards from eight years Of age, Since October the club has hadon this page. Watch for them for add one pint milk or enough, to a Jew, who came with, the Pilgrims, Jewish institutions in Polfcftd. took advantage of the cliib rooms a very^ successful installation party, is one of his ancestors. The Rev. of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. from JEWS IN CONGRESS conjunction with the Progressive they are practical recipes arid are make ^uite a thin batter. Bake in Howe said: July-to November, according to a in Here are members of the present Danzig-—Plane have been completClub of the.Y. M. H. A., and a one crust very slowly exactly as being used daily. report iriade by the advisory board "kid" party for members and their "The Jew was among the Pilgrims congress who are Jews: Isaac Bech- ed by representatives of the Hebrew pumpkin pie. After baked spread Here are some: of the association. "' representative, Sheltering and Immigrant Aid, Sociand had a part in the planting of rach, Republican, friends, in addition to sharing in • During this period of time the all the affairs and activities of the Pickled Chicken Wings and Necks. over plain meringue, flavor if de- Plymouth colony. While the name Atlantic City; Henry M. Goldfogle, ety of America for the establishment hot summer days kept, many from association. sired. . Whipped cream meringue is "Pilgrim" is generally limited to Republican, representative, New York o_ a large terminal hotel here for * Beat two eggs ih a small pan. attending1 the clubs activities. those who came to Plymouth in the City; Julitts Kahn, Republican, rep- the accommodation of passing &mi» Helen Reikes, who played the part Add one-half cup vinegar and put excellent. ' During the winter the clubs, class- of Mendelsohn's wife in the Associaship Mayflower in 1620s, the older resentative, San Francisco; Milton grant- ©n their way to America. Ttiii * • * es and entertainments of the associa- tion -Chanukah entertainment, is a ton stove until thick. Season well writers included among the "first- Krauss, Republican, representative, will greatly alleviate the. hardship* tion will have ah average attendance member of this club, and many of with salt, pepper and One teaspoon French Toast With Preserve comers," and sometimes called them Peru, Indiana; Issac Siege!, Repub- of would-be Americans who pas* df 8Q0 to 900 Jewish boys and girls its members belong to the AssociaPilgrims, the passengers on the For-lican, New York City. through thifc City. A Good Luncheon or Supper Dessert of sugar. Thin with about one-half and young.; men and women each tion classes. „ Three eggs month. The Y. M. H. A. is the only Regular meetings of the X. T. C. cup soup. Put cooked chicken feet, Three tablespoons of milk recreation center for Jewish child- Club are held each alternate Tues- necks and joints of wings in deep :ren and young men and women in day, at One-eighth teaspoon of salt the^Y. M. H. A: at 8:30 di_h, pour above mixture over same. the city. p. m. Officers and members are as Day old bread * * * -:. ' Following is the/teport: • follows: Slice the bread gather thick and Rice Muffins President, Gertrude Gilingky; vice Ass6cla»on GroticS remove the crusts. Beat the eggs Meet- Attend- president, Anne Selicow; secretary, Beat up two eggs very light, add ance. Martha Cohen; treasurer, Ljottie , ing3 well, enough butter to-cover bottom a cup of sw-et milk and a cup of Boys' Club (Boys 0 to 12 ' t O OUR NEW ARRIVAL Glventer; reporter} Estelle Lapidtis; cooked rice ,three tablespoons of when melted; dip the slices of bread 92 years) . 0 Boys Scouts and Newssergeaat-at-arms, Helen Reike_. in the custard so it is well covered; boys (12 to 15 years) __ 22 379 Other members are Blanche Alt- melted butter, one of sugar, a teaBoys' Club (15 to IS yrs.) 13 _SO man, Gertrude Tatle, Anna White, spoon of salt, three level of baking lay as many slices as will fit easily, Girls' Club (15 to 18 yrs.) 10 ISO Boys* Club (18. years and Anna -Horn, Rose Fine, Bessie powder and a cup and a half of in bottom of pan into the hot butter over) ._. 1C2 Greenberg, Sarah Goldenburg, Sadie and brown nicely on both sides. Do -Girls''dub (3S years and . ; Smith, Nettie Smith, Rose Fellman, flour. Mix lightly but thoroughly not fry too fast. When done the May it enjoy a steady growth until it reaches the pinnacle df over) _, 12 Anna Ackermah, Rose Schiffer and and bake in hot buttered gem pans. egg must bo delicately crinkled and * V * • • .. Dramatic Club 8 52 Mollie Grossman. The next meeting success, W e sincerely hope that: the Jewish Press will at all 87 Girls' Gym Class.. golden color. Lay separately on hot of the club will be held Tuesday Chili-Con-Came 20 Sewing Class evening, Dec 28. • Yiddish Class times be one of OMAHA'S LEADING MEDllJMS in whose yfash., and split in two a dozen platter and serve with any desired !§, Hebrew ClnsB . preserve. Jewish Hisrory chilies; remove the seeds and put 20 columns we will be glad toinform its many readers of out Super* * *' .i: them through a food chopper or lisa Dances for all __em_era_ 2 . Picnic for Seniors ____ 1' 70 Nut Bread No. 1 ior Quality and Service. Chanuka was well observed in chop very fine; ^eel and cut "in v -v Picnic for JuniorB~___ 1 40 Omaha. G e n e r a l Meetings - fdfc v halves six large tomatoes or use one Four cups flour 235 Just a few of our Leaders: Both the reform and orthodox can of them; put with chili, peppers One-half cup sugar _v__5. centers of Worship held special and a teaspoon of salt and cook One-half cup walnuts Total Meetings.™-- 100 services. Four teaspoons baking powder; . * Youngr Jndea Groups Sunday school children in both the slowly 30 minutes; then rub through Clubs for boys >and girls • One-half teaspoon salt •'•"•. ; Temple Israel and the synagogues a coarse sieve, add a - large onion, 037 agea 3 to U S 41 Delivered Two cups milk : : • were given Chanuka gifts. sliced* a level teaspoon of salt and Adult Organizations The City Talmud Torah celebrated Two eggs General Jtfeetlngs .: 2T : Chanuka at the Synagogue at Nine- the dark meat of a boiled chicken, Mix dry, four cups flour, one-half Per Toit cut in small mouthfuls. Let*it stand teenth and Burt streets Sunday. : Grand Total cup sugar, one-half cup' walnuts cut The story of Hanna another seven where it will be just below the boilDelivered Arerage Monthly Meetings children was portrayed by youthful ing point for 30 minutes, covered. fine, four teaspoons baking powder, _ 35 Monthly actors. one-half teaspoon salt. Then add two Average * Monthly Attend _748 Rabbi Morris Taxon presided and Serve with hot boiled rice, pouring cups milk, two eggs well beaten. ance—Monthly Average Monthly Attendthe.chili over the rice. By some it Dr. Philip Sher spoke. ance—-Juveniles : is liked with more liquid, than this Let raise 20 minutes. Bake 45 COUNCIL WANTS MEMBERS minutes. NEW SOCIETY FORMED A membership campaign will be recipe gives, in which case add when Several months ago, Miss Sophye launched sometime this month for the chicken is put in a cup or more ENTERTAINS TWELVE Weinstein, a member of the younger the purpose of enrolling new mem-of boiling water. .' Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum, 5020 'Dealerj in Good Coal set, saw the need of a new organiza- bers into the organization of the Izard street, entertained for twelve . r * * ... tion among the young Jewish •women Council of Jewish Women, according guests Tuesday afternoon at a lunSuccessors to Rosenblatt Coal Co. Sweet Potato Pie of Omaha. With the immediate and to Mrs. Mose Miller, chairman of cheon a t the Omaha Athletic Club 1223 Nicholas St. A. R. MUSKIN Wash or rub through colander four hearty co-operation of twenty-eight the committee in charge of the camin honor of Miss Gussie Nam of other girls, she organized the "itah- paign. good sized boiled sweet potatoes, Milwaukee. Phone Douglas 0530 Sales Manager Oth" Society. . . I All the women that are already Miss Etta Faier left last week for The members_ are combining their : members are asked by the commit- IcolcL Add three eggs, whites and social accomplishments- with com- \ tee to secure as many new members yolks beaten separately; then add Chicago, where she -will visit for (teaspoon each of cinnamon and nut-several weeks. munity service work. The first thing as possible. they did after forming a complete organization was to give a "GetBetter-Acquainted" party, which took place on November 3. This proved to^be. such, -wonderful success that the"-girls are looking forward with great pleasure to a similar event in the near future. Last Sunday afternoon, they packed twenty-five Chanukah. boxes with. candy>' fruit, .cake; cookies, nuts, etc., for the poor children. During the'coming winter months, the society are planning to make layettes for the Wise Memorial Hospital and do-similar work. ' There is a great deal of talent among these girls and we are sure that before long the community will, be invited to socials, open meetings and entertainments planned for their amusement. .• <. The "Ra-Oth" Society is limited in its membership^ because it is the belief that "in "unity there is strength." Meetings are held very regularly every first and third Wednesday of the month, in the Lyric building, 19th and Farnam streets. The officers are as follows: Miss Sophye Weinstein, president; Mrs. A.. Katleman, vice-president; Ttliss Florence Shames, recording secretary; Miss Ruth Gross, financial | secretary; Miss Molly Gorby, reporter.
Observe Chanuka
Colorado Lump
$12.50 $12.50
Pet To**
Consumers Coal and Supply Co.
la ¥"•'•
RAH-OTH MEETS A regular meeting of the "RahOth'* Society was held at 8 p. m. Wednesday, December 15, at the club rooms, Lyric • building. Important and interesting business was transacted. COUNCIL TO MEET The next meeting of the. National Council of Jewish Women! will be held Monday aftejmoon at the Tern- • . pie Israel. The following program j ; \vill be given: • ''• Report of Denver Trennial, ?'"*_. Simon Meyer. ' Group of Songs, Mrs^ Martin L. Sagarman. ' Address, Isadore Zeigler. The meeting wiE be preceded by Rabbi- Conn's history lecture on "The Jews in the Fifteenth. Century." Temple Israel The Sisterfiood Bazaar of the Temple Israel, which, was held Tues-' day, Wednesday and today in the lobby and parlors, of the Rialto theater proved a huge success. The women in charge sold many useful and beautiful articles as well as delicious food stuffs. " *
A very interesting meeting of the Brotherhood of the Temple Israel .was "held Wednesday evening at the Temple.
Our store, is "brilliant, inside and yjut, with Christmas ideas. Beautiful, tall Christmas tree, aglow with lights, gives a festive air to tEfc exlerior of otu; building, and thousands o£ BeatiUftdl'gift-things fill every section of the interior of our great-store. • . ' ' There is a new delight i_t selecting holiday remembrances when one can choose in Our fstore was never more interesting forr.its arrajr of gifts or for tHe attra<Jt-vei-«»s snrroundings abounding with Cfiristmas Spirit, and know that they are choosing articles of the prices. •','.„ • *•_*••_.» __.__.t !__!•__.__." i , •* •'••, . , , • ' • • • T h i . i s g o i n g t o b e a y e a r w h e n m a n y people w i l l w a n t t o give sensible, p r a o n c & l that have been selected with the greatest care by the most expert buyers—articles chosen g i f t g W e £ p r o v i d e d abundantly for just this, and people will be afiligMed »t Ik* from all parts of the world. . , wonderful things we havel[to show them. , < .
Christmas is Coming Soon—Only 7 Shopping Days Left To enjoy it most fully and avoid all its unpleasant worries, t>0 YOUE CHRISTJIAS SHOPPING NOW. Get the best pick of the gift things and atoia the rustt *rt__E worry of those vexatious days before Christmas. .% "
A CHRISTMAS PACKAGE SHOULD B E CAREFULLY . WRAPPED FO& MAILING Kn6wing~the necessity of proper wrapping for packages to be sent out of the city, we have arranged a PEEE WRAPPING DESK where your packages may be wrapped for mailing free of charge. There is also a convenient desk to address your package, the postoffice where you buy stamps and mail it,,all located on the main floor of our new building. ' ;
WHAT SHALL I GIVE FOR CHEISTMASf ACEBTtFIGATE WILL SURELY PLEASE - "When_in doubt as what to give, why not let the fecipietit decide them^ selves. Merchandise certificates can b% secured at the special booth ©a the Main Floor of the new^building for any amount, wMch is redeemable In any department of the store. Beautifully put up in attractive Chlistmai envelopes with Christmas card attached, / f
The Sisterhood of the Temple Israel will hold a social in the parlors of the Temple, Wednesday evening, ttb 29. To Give Dance. The B'Nai Ami dub will give a dance New Years Eve, at the Castle hotel. „ ' " ' Miss Catherine Carrick, dire-tor of the Y. W. H. A. gyro, class, is anxious that mor<i\ girls join the class, as she is'planning to form a. volley ball. team.' <. .
PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, THtJBSt>AT, DECEMBER 16, 1920 It is needless, however, to elaborate, when one considers that the editor of the London Morning Post, in his introduction to "The Cause of the World Unrest," himself doubts Continued from page .qne.. murder. It is significant that one the genuineness of The Protocols, of his prosecutors has been active and that the anonymous author of From the time of-the* destruction in distributing manuscript copies of that book, after using them as his of the Temple at Jerusalem by Titus, The Protocols throughout the tJnited text, is unable to give them any the Jews have had no political: stat& States. . . - • • . higher certificate than that they may For centuries they were < forced to Irrespective of this history, brist- or may not be genuine. Indeed, he wander from land to land, to flee ling shows that on their face they gees so far as to say: for refuge wherever they might find are fabrication and that they must "We have said that this document it, against bitter persecution. They havea emanated from • the , bitter op- Sashes a blaze of light, and so it were pent up in ghettoes, were de- ponents 6f: democracy. .JChey are does, but whether this document is prived of even the shadow of civil replete with cynical references the genuine or not, whether the blaze of <sr political rights, and were made French Revolution, and to. thetoconlight is true or false, can only be the objects of every possible form ceptions of liberty, equality and judged by internal evidence and of discrimation. It is little. more fraternity. They uphold privilege probabilities. We may say at once than fifty years since the Jews of and autocracy. They belittle educa- that' Nilus advances nothing in the •"** ' ~* e became politically tion. They condemn religious liberty. nature of real evidence Western Euro; to prove the emancipated. Jntil the outbreak of They assert that political freedom document, and that his account of the World War the Jews of Eastern is an idea and not a fact, and that how it came into his hands consists Europe, cjnstituting a majority of the doctrine that a government is of assertion only, without evidence all the Jews of the world, were not nothing but a steward of the people to support- it." even permitted to exercise the rights is mere phrase. Th»se are the of citizenship in lands where they verya doctrines Protocols Basis of Indictment that one would expect and. their ancestors had dwelt for from the protagonists And yet a document, thus disof autocracy. generations. Nothing can be more foreign to credited by its sponsors, is made the One per cent of population Jewish thought and aspiration than basis of an indictment against ah The great mass of the Jews were these brutal theories of reaction. ientire people. The contention that the genuinehampered in every way in their ef- That the Jews, whose very life has forts to earn a livelihood.. Far been, a prayer for the blessings of ness of The Protocols is estabfrom desiring to govern the world, liberty -and equality, should hold lished by the outbreak of Bolshevism in Russia twleve years after their they were content with the" oppor- them in contempt is unthinkable. publication, and that Bolshevism is tunity to live. Numerically they Document if Farcial a Jewish movement, is absurd in constitute less than one per cent of The document throughout is farcial | theory and absolutely untrue in fact. the population of the earth; and more than one-half of them are on in its absurdities. In the Russian I As' well -might it be said that a the verge of starvation. The sug- original there is a passage, signifi-1 forged deed" is genuine because "*on that, in their feebleness, they cantly omitted from the translation, -twenty years after its date a relahave been planning in secret con- to the effect that the English are tive of the person whose name is clave to seize absolute power and to the descendants of the Lost Tribe forged is falsely charged with'being dominate the ninety-nine per cent of of Israel and the British Government •a disturber of the peace. non-Jews upon the globe is a ridicul- is violently attacked for its liberalTo say that the Jews are responous invention than which even mad- ism. sible for. Bolshevism is a deliberate ness can conjure nothing: more preIf climax there be to all this folly, falsehood. The originators of Bolposterous. it lies in the idea set forth in The shevism were exclusively non-Jews. Where is the habitat of these so- Protocols that "the world ruler is to While it is true that there are Jews called Elders of Zion, by whatever spring from the dynastic roots of among the Bolshevists, notably name they may be called? "Who-are King David" and that "the King of Trotsky, they represent a small fracthese hidden sages? Whence do they Israel will become - the real Pope of tion of the Jews- and of the folowcome? What is the nature of their the Universe and the Patriarch of ers- of Bolshevism. Lenine, who beorganization ? The distributors of the International Crurch," whatever longed to the Russian aristocracy and, has not a drop of Jewish,'blood The Protocols are silent on that sub- that may mean. ject. Whence come these pretended Protocols? There have been various versions. One Serge Nilus, of whose identity little is known, a Russian mystic and an ardent supporter of Czarism, claims to have received them in Eussis, in 1902, In manuscript form, from a Russian officeholder, who stated that the manuscript had been originally obtained "by a lady, whose name is not given, and who, he said, obtained them in a mysterious way. In what language they were written is not stated. Where that manuscript now is. does not appear. Nilus asserts that he submitted The Protocols to one of ike Russian Grand Dukes, who, after examination, returned them with the despairing message: "Too late." Apparently there waa no room for them in the Russian archives, and they suggested no task for the Czar's ubiquitous police t o perform. In 1905, Nilus published at Tsarskoje Selo a second edition of a mystical book entitled "The Great in the Little," the first edition having been published in 1901. a government which only a few Reply To Attacks years later, against the protest of the enlightened clergy of the world, ineffectually sought to convict MenAgainst The Jew del Beilis on the charge- of ritual
Incorporated the Protocols. Into this later edition he imor-. porated for the first time The i'ro' ' "*' -^5!ai~he claimed to have had possession for four years. In ary, 1917, he published another Tinder the title "It is Near, at ^ w lo'or," purporting _ to ' foretell '•the jming of the Anti-Christ and the Ehgdom of the Devil on Earth." In this book he announces. that he h.1 only then learned authoritativelj from Jewish sources (what {keywere is not explained) that thesiProtocoTs were nothing other ^ strategic plan for the conof the world, of putting it que the yoke of Israel, "the str ier-agamst-God," a plan worktdftTby the leaders of the'Jewish during the. many centuries of dispersion, and finally presentthe Council of-Elders by the of Exile, Theodore Herzl, at _ae of the first Zionist Consummoned by him at Basle in | s t , 1897. ' Ee declared that the Protocols I signed by the Zionist represenjres of the thirty-third degree of Cation; that they were secretly *oved from the complete file of itocols that pertained to the first i i s t Congress; that they were :en from the secret vaults at the *i Zionist office, which, it is said, present is located in French: terory."
' . • • ' " .
- •'.
The Protocols as published bear signatures. The identity of the onist representatives by whom they e claimed io have been signed; is. •untold. The location of the .Zionist office and of the secret suite from which The Protocols secretly removed remains a ret. It is, however,'a-matter of fory that the first Zionist ConSS was publicly held by Jews who came from various parts of Europe for the purpose of considerI jug. fiie misery of their brethren in iJSastern Europe and of enabling [Qiem -to find shelter in the Holy I-Xahd.•-•'•'„'' Was Great Journalist • ' . L" Theodore Herzl was a distingtrish<ed journalist, a man of true nobility of character. He presided at the Congress, all of whose deliberations were held in the light of day. The insinuation that there was a thirty-third, «r any other, degree ol initiation ' in this, organization is jnerely a malicious effort to bring the Jews into, parallelism with the JFreemasons and thus to subject them • to I all the fanciful and fantastic : charges that have from time to time been laid at the door of FreemasonHry, oblivious of the fact that fifteen Presidents of the United States, including Washington, and many of 'the leading statesmen of Europe and ;America, have been members of that order. . Nilus and his associates l>elonged 'to the Russian bureaucracy. In 1905, through the Black Hundreds, that, body sought in every way to crash •the Jews and to prevent the Iiberal^ a t i o n of the government. The time ! was propitious for the perpetration Of a political forgery by a governicient that habitually the .' employment of agents provocateurs,
In his veins, waa.v the creator as he has been the motive power of the Soviets. Tchicherin, who has conducted their foreign affairs, Bucharin, Krassin and Kalinin, all nonJews, are, with Lenine, the brains of the Communist Party. The Bolshevist cabinet, known as the People's Commissars, consists of twenty members, of whom Trotsky and Sverdlov are the only Jews, and they are Jews merely by birth. Of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, including Trotsky, there are four Jews out of thirteen. The so-called Extraordinary Commission, whose function it is to suppress opposition' to the Bolshevist regime from within, is directed by a triumvirate consisting'"of a Pole and two Letts, one of whom is of Jewish origin. Although Trotsky is the head of the War Department, his General Staff is composed exclusively of non-Jews. Jews are Not Bolshevists "In "The Cause of World Unrest" a list of fifty names is given, most of whom are classified as Jews and Bolshevists, in order to establish the thesis that "nearly all of the Bolshevist leaders are Jews." An examination of the list shows that ten of the Jews included in the list are
the leaders of the anti-Bolshevist movement in Russia; that a number of those who. are classified as Jews are men who are so -obscure and hold positions so inconspicious that whether or not they are Jews is not only uncertain but unimportant. They are certainly not leaders. On the other hand, the leaders of the Mensheviki, who are the sworn foes of Bolshevism, are to a large extent Jews. Among the chiefs of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Russia, w,ho are strongly, opposed to the Soviets, are Vinaver, Sliosberg, Pasmanik, Kaminka, Landau and Friedman, all prominent Jews. Among the leaders of the Peoples Socialist, the Socialist Revolutionary, and the Menshivik section of the Social Democratic parties, bitter opponents of the Bolsheviks,l are a large number of Jews. The leading anti-Bolshevist newspapers, which of necessity are published outside of Russia, have Jews upon their editorial staffs. An overwhelming majority of Russian Jews have been ruined by the coercive measures of the Soviets. They have submitted to the confiscation of their property and are undergoing unspeakable hardships. «Continued on page 7.
—light your Tree
Miniature electric globes In a dazzling array of colors wik make your Cnristm&s tree more magnificent than ever. We have many; such outfits for you. They eliminate all possibility of fire—make - no muss—are Instantly lighted. We would advise an early selection.
Selecting Christmas Gifts has often been difficult, tm* it Ii Simplified today because one can give Electrical Appliances which are always appropriate—always appreciated. They help to solve the many household problems while g i ^ ing tone to the home by their aifcj&tie design and beautiful finish.
A Hoover for Mother this Christmas Words win fall to ex* press Mother's apprecia* tion if you give her a Hoover—a sweeper that beats, as it sweeps, as it cleans—its usefulness is found in the daily housework* Liberal Time Payments Grunted*
A wonderful selection of the newest designs.
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It would be hard to find a more acceptable gift than an Electric Lamp, and at
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Of all tie heavy housework — washing, no doubt, is the most laborious and tiresome, and a gift to Mother of an Electric Washer will add much to her daily comfort and give her added hours of leisure.
they are being shown in countless number and our lib, eral terms enables every one to have a new Lamp this Christmas.
Say It Electrically This Christmas , by selecting from any of the following electric appliances. They are both useful and decorative.
Shirt Shop Rialto Theatre
The art of giving lies in the appropriateness of the thing given"
Lamps for Christmas
Make It Handy To Buy
1421 Douglas St. OMAHA
Telephone Douglas 2724
N display st the Electric Shop are hundreds of beautiful and useful gift* electrical. We s gest an early inspection of these dainty and serviceable articles electrical. Our conveni convenient if instead id .terms make it possible for you to give severall gifts off one.
1912 Farnam
J. &s.
' We occupy over 70,000 square feet
at Christmas Time and Win Favor by Their Practical Everyday Uses in the Hvuse.-&V hold for Years to Come
Central Typewriter Exchange
Store No. 2
Electrical Gifts Bring Joy and Comfort
All standard makes of High Grade ^Rebuilt Typewriters' for * Sale - «t prices far below manufacturers prices. — Each machine guaranteed. We also carry a complete line of high grade R E N T A L machines.
Store No. I
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Typewriters Douglas 4120.
Harry H. Lapldus, Pres.-Treas. Sos. Pepper, Vfce-Prealdent W. G. Ure, Secretary
Store Ifo. 3
Toasters, Percolators, Grills,' Chafing Dishes, Coffee' Urn Sets, Tea Ball Tea Pots, Samovars, r Electric Boilers, Immersion Heaters, Curling Irons,
Wolfs 302 South 16 th S t OMAHA
Heaters, Irons, Sewing Machines, Vacuum Sweepers, Washing Machines, Electric Joy Trains, Track and Cars, Smokers' Sets, etc, and many others.
—Monthly Payments
Swer Co.
Every Customer Is Satisfied «••#<•
Reply To Attacks ^Save Starvingg ;ainst The Jew 5 Cldren ', Is Cry
We have an abiding confidence in East, making sacrifices far beyond the spirit of justice and fairness that what we call upon Americans to make. permeates the true American, and The Undersigned organizations, we are satisfied that our fellow- working among every race and creed, citizens will not permit the campaign many engaged also in other forms of Continued from page 6. of slander and libel that has been relief, agree unanimously that the against us to go unreprov- plight of these, helpless children Appeal Made For Funds, Nebraska's The Orthodox Jews, whose num- launched ed. There enough for all of us should t complete ± .—Hy in overQuota Is $330,000. bers preponderate, remaining loyal to do in theis great task of building sea? charity until the situation is met. to the faith of their fathers, regard up^our common country of devel- This is an. issue without politics and By T. R. PORTER, the Bolsheviks as the enemies of all oping the principles onand it is without religious lines. There can be religion, and, therefore, hold/ the founded. Let not hatredwhich and mis- no danger of pauperization for the doctrines of Bolshevism in abhorThree and a half million little understanding arise where peace and $23,000,000 for child food, and the $10,children, among them many of rence. With comparatively few ex- harmony, unity and brotherliness, are 000,000 for medical service that we Jewish faith, are starving to death in ceptions the Jews are looked upon required to perpetuate all that seek, will relieve only the critical Europe and their only hope is that by the Bolsheviks as belonging to America represents and to enable cases. America will s e n d ^ e m enough food the hated bourgeoisie and as favor- all men to know that within her wide Stricken Governments Assist, to give them one poor meal a day ing capitalism. > boundaries there is no room for in- The medical supplies, of course, The Zionists, who constitute until the next harvest. justice .and intolerance. must be an unqualified gift, but for A nation-wide campaign' is on numerous and important element of every American dollar used in childfor funds with which to furnish this the Jews of Russia, have been defeeding, the governments and comone meal a day. The campaign nounced by the Soviets as countermunities aided furnish two dollars in •opens December 19 and continues revolutionary, and many of them the form of transportation, rent, lahave been cast into prison and through the holidays. bor, clerical help, cash contributions threatened with death^—Zionists, we ; The European Relief Council is a and such food supplies as are locally central non-sectarian, body formed repeat, who are the followers of obtainable. These cover all overhead by the eight great philanthropic or- Herzl. except leas than 1 per cent actual Same With All Peoples ganizations now dispensing ' AmerAmerican outlay. % If the Jews are to be condemned BY HERBERT HOOTEB. ican charity in European countries. America has not failed in the past The Jewish Joint Distribution com- because of a Trotsky, who has not New York, Dec. 15.—Three and one- In great heartedness. She has never mittee is one .of these eight organ- even in the slightest degree con- half million children in Eastern and had more poignant call than this. izations and it is taking a promin- cerned himself with Judaism or the Central Europe, among them thou- And ita must not be forgotten that it is ent part in the work throughout the welfare of the Jews, then there is not sands of Jewish faith, have no alter- to^ our Interest to esablish order a people that has ever lived that, native to disaster between now and United * Staates. throughout the world.and win the good Herbert Hoover is general chair- might not with equal right be con- next harvest except American aid. will of these nations with whom we demned because in its membership man of the drive with G. W. Wattles For months, because the needy were must live In close intercourse In the there were men/Who are alleged to of Omaha as chairman for Nebraska. numerous and the available funds future. have advocated' hateful doctrines. so limited, these most helpless sufferNebraska's Share $330,000 The Jew has traditionally stood for so ers in the track of war have been adThe entire cpuntry is called upon religion, law, order, the family, and mitted to American feeding stations . to raise §33,000,000. Nebraska's the right of property. only if tragically undernourished, and share being §330,000. It is, therefore, the height of have received American medical aid "Not a cent of this money goes cruelty . to charge him with responif desperately, threatened by to •' grown people," Mr.*. Wattle's said. sibility for Bolshevism, when its only from disease. The food is given- to all needy and doctrines, should they" prevail, would death One flve-cent American meal tounderfed children, regardless of race. inevitably lead to the destruction of day has saved ahot -thousand lives. CLEANING, REPAIRING "These children are not given Judaism; is closing down. The money ill AND PRESSING OF CLOTHsumptuous meals. They are given It is especially a brutal charge of Winter many nations is valueless outsijle , one poor meal a day—just enough when one considers all that the Jew their ING AND SHOE REPAIRING own boundaries. Economic aad to keep sou) and body together. The has suffered from the oppressive and crop_ conditions, aggravated -over cdn-jjji meal they get is so poor, it cost but discriminatory laws of Russian auto- seven cents. It is necessary to keep cracy and from its efforts ;to stip- siderable areas by actual warfare last 1H! the meal at the very lowest possible press every aspiration .that the Jew summer, make famine, with its ter* rible train of diseases, a certain vis' StKSiSH&HS ' figure in order that the funds may had for freedom. go round to them • all" It is a great tribute to the patriot- itor until next harvest. Children Suffering. "But the time has come when the ism of the Russian Jews that, in end of the funds is in sight and spite of the indignities that they Inevitably the helpless children will unless America comes to their assist- had to undergo, hundreds of thous- suffer most. No child can grow to ance, 3,500,000 little children will ands of them fought under the ban- health and sanity on the pitiful makesoon be dead." ner of the Czar, loyally and gallantly* shifts for food ,with which millions of ; The Nebraska branch of the Jew- and in large numbers laid down their European adults must content themselves this winter. ish Joint Distribution committee has lives in the Allied cause. America eaved 6,000,000- European . joined in an appeal for a Christmas children winter before last. Normal Henry Ford "a Dupe" dinner to these starving children. The rosters of the army and navy recuperat: ~.n cut the need ne_-.; a half The appeal asks that -the- starving children be given a .hot Christmas of tile United States contain the last year, but unusual conditions have dinner, to cost ten cents each. The names of tens of thousands of Jews resulted in scant shrinkage of child born in Russia who served so. faith- destituti . during the twelvemcnth just appeal says: fully under our colors that they gam- past. The response of America must WILL YOU HELP ed the unqualified approval of their now decide whether 3T"fc0,000 of these •HSHKsKHHS "Will you give a starving child officers, and proportionately many of charges, in acute distress, shall begin •jji Christmas dinner—a child, who has them awarded decorations of to., be turned away in January from j fij not had a square meal for six or honor were by a grateful country. more than 17,000 asylums, hospitalB, jlj seven years? We have refrained -from comment- clinics and feeding-stations-^ependent |jj "A meal, a hot meal, costs seven ing on the libels contained on American support There would JH cents. The Council wants to givi Dearborn Independent. Ford, inin The the be no tragedy in history so sweeping M them a Tegular Christmas dinner. Si fulness of his knowledge, unqualifiedor so destructive of those who can de- |i; the dinner is to cost ten oents. Ten ly declares Protocols T to be serve no evil. 522. Sooth Sixteenth street. dinners will cost one dollar. Ten genuine and The that practically Enrope Helping Too. dollars will care for a child unti every Jew- is aarguesAcross from the Rome Hotel. -Bolshevist. We have England, France, Italy ana other' jjj harvest? .. : dealt sufficiently^ with. both of these •western countries of Europe not only j:f Dong. 4393. "Will you help? If you will, sign falsehoods. It is useless in a seri- do not ask for our help, but are them- jjj ._„, the attached coupon and send it; ous document to analyze the puerile selves helping in these regions tO the ' :::::::::•:::::::::::::::::::£::::::: with the money, as directed." and venomous drivel that he has derived from the concoctions of pro I wilL entertain starving, fessional agitators.- He is merely ' ~ • • — ••*•- •'• -";• " children to be my invisible guests a d u p e V on Christmas day. and will pay, - Here is Motiveto the European Relief Council' What is the motive of those who § 1 on demand "in^pay- have set in motion this new on-; ment for food to be distributed slaught of anti-Semitism? It is thei to them by Mr. Herbert Hoover. motive that again and again has i actuated autocracy and its adroit Name .. ....... —. . v. supporters—that of seeking a scapegoat for their own sins, so that they may be enabled under the cover of a false i s n e to deceive the public (Mail to John L. Kennedy, state It is an attempt to drive into the treasurer, Nebraska European European Relief Council, U. S. solidartity of the citizenry of our country that has been its pride and. National Bank, Omaha.) its strength the wedge of discord, by arousing, suspicion and inciting overt acts not only against those of ENTERTAINS FOR SON but also against FreeMr. and Mrs. J. Abramson, 2049 Jewish origin in the hope' of discrediting Florence Boulevard, entertained for masoii3, free government in the eyes of the -twenty guests, Friday evening, in European masses and thus facilitate honor of their son, Leo, who was the restoration of absolutism in govgraduated from the High School of ernment. Commerce. The Protocols were manufactured in Russia under the bureaucracy, and Budapest—At the Academy of Sci- the ammunition'with which the camence, Professor Frolich reported a|paign is conducted has been furnishdiscovery made by a young Jewish ed out of the arsenal of imperialstudent, Elomar Schwartz, which is istic Germany and by those %ha are likely to prove of the utmost im- seeking to restore the Hapsburgs, portance to optical science. The the Hohenzollerns, and the . Romanstudent, who is only 23 years of offs on their former thrones. Ancient age, after four years' study at the hatred and unreasoning" prejudice university, is now excluded, owing and a failure to understand and to the memerus clausus parsed by know what the Jew really is, are STORE Xo. 4 STOKE Ud. 1— STORE No. 2— the Hungarian parliament, from fur- likewise responsible for the readiness 1829 South S«h Street, 1410 Farnam Street, 815 South I6th Street, ther pursuing his studies. Some of with which "these falsehoods have Sun Theater Building i South Side Conant Hotel Banding the Budapest papers expressed the been accepted by those who are ever hope that his re-admission to the willing to believe evil of their fellow men. University •would be effected.
London —- *'The iforning Post" prints the first of a series of articles from its Palestinian correspondent) in which he proposes to ehow that the Arabs, Moslems and Chris-
tians in that country are to fight Zionists With alf the resources at their disposal. In one article, the correspondent admits tiiat the present administration is guided
fastice tempered with ?»i§a«m, feat tee fcaftiinistrfetidtl, he finds, is tumble to conciliate the Arabs, who attribute all ^economic difficulties to Jewish immigration.
Hoover Makes Plea For Stricken Europe
Opportune ^Reduction On
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's Hats and Furnishings
Look Around for One of LEON'S HANDY SHOPS, where good quality and fair prices bid strong for fawr patronage* -:- -:* -:-
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If you want to know anything about S P O R T S call us. If you want to meet your friend he's probably visitingus.
Bonafide Jewelry Sale The Entire Jewelry; Stock of W. C tlatau, formerly T S T B T SecuHIIel Building, lias been moved to our store and is being offered-at sacrifice'prices.
25 to 50% Reductions ::: ::: on everything.
High grade platinum jewelry,
and engagement rings our specialty.
Cot Glass Silverware and Leather . loods
DIAMONDS AND WATCHES 1301 Douglas Street Established 1885 Phone DouflM OMAHA, NEBRASKA .
My*!** After rounding out a number of year* In Hie Jewelry IraaMees in ^Omaha, my health has been slightly impaired and my physician has advised me to sojourn in California indefinite period. . • :rf It was with much reluctance that X accepted this advice. however, that I OTO this much to rcy family, and a vacation, is highly, essential, I have placed ray store in the capable hands of tny nephew, Mr. Sam Swartz, who has been connected with ray establishment for ft number of years and whose integrity scad honesty are above, cjnestion. Associated with hira will be Mr. Jules L. Gsrelick and MrC Louis Abmmson, ' You have soy personal guarantee fh&t ssy dealings you msy enter into with them will be handled consciectioxtcly. All matter will b^ held iif strict confidence and tneir appraisals accurate.
: • :
I hope to return to Omaha ia the near future. My health permitting, X intend visiting in Omaha as often as possible and will be glad to see you. ;
Thanking yon for your past patronage and soliciting a continuanea of your valued future boaness, with kind regards, I am
We have a complete line of CIGARS AND CANDIES
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ill iir
::: 1516 DODGE STREET : '
- _ ! . Established 1894 r—-
In ;•:?
Baseball Head quarters :
BILLY POX, Manager.
Telephone Douglas 8462. 411 South Fifteenth Street. PAY US &' VISIT
iii /
•=m---nUUH=-r::=:::::ni=: /V
Jetftens sad Setsilers of Diamonds and Jewelry
Your, friend,
FACE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1920 GUY BATES POST COMING time and again in this success. ended its membership campaign with appear at the Brandeis Theatre for I ENTERTAINS FOR SIXTEEN in playing cards and games. Tea Guy Bates Post needs no introducThe company and production so four days, starting Sunday, Decem-the initiation of mori than 100 new Mrs. Phil Saks, 611 South Ninth was served. ' ,:• tion to the playgoers of America. successfully received last season will ber 19. street, Council Bluffs, entertained members Saturday. WANT MORE MEMBERS The initiation brought the total As an actor of brilliance, magnitism Wednesday evening for sixteen The Council Bluffs Order of the guests at a card party. After''the membership of the local lodge to and human emotions he has always Sent by our Council Bloffs News B'nai kept faith with the public Brith will hold an open meet- games were played luncheon was over the 400 mark. : bureau. In startling contrast was his ing, Wednesday, December 29, at served. The initiation was put on by the ithe Danish Hall. A class of thirty degree team. A buffet luncheon was Omar" with his present success ! wiit be initiated. The committee in BENEVOLENT SOCIETY MEETS served. The officers of the Des The Masquerador." Mr. Richard charge of the membership campaign "The Masquerador." Mr. Richard Moines lodge are Robert Lappen, The Jewish Women's Benevolent hopes to obtain its quota of 150 Society president; L. Oransky, vice president; Walton '"ully who gave us "Omar" of Council" Bluffs held its members before the new year. The L. K. Cohen, treasurer; Sam Abram- also produced this latest success, and roll is 118. The committee regular meeting Tuesday afternoon son, secretary, and Joseph Brody, a wider differentation. would not Rill?f €• 'present at the home of Mrs. M. Bernstein. in charge of the membership camhave been found. It is difficult to monitor. • paign follows: Karl Brandeis, chairRabbi Eugene Mannheimer of Des imagine what the .dual role so deftly ENTERTAINS FOR TWELVE . Moines is president of the district and intelligently handled by Mr. !>^o». jjax Steinberg and 3VL Bern; man, Mrs. Sam Freiden, 737 Mynster grand lodge. A reception and dance Post, would be, in the hands of a Large Crowd Attends. Celebration ! tein. s street, Council Bluffs, entertained at was given at Hotel Fort Des less accomplished actor. It is a to j The .committee is arranging o Held in Danish Hall j Theseveral good speakers k th a card party for 12 couples Tues- Moines Monday evening in honor of credit to his high talents as an actor lhaye att the y day night at her home. that playgoers have gone to see him i the new class. The Chanukah celebration in Coun- 'open meeting, cil Bluffs was held Sunday afternoon J Hoyt Sherman place was the at the Danieh hall, and was a huge SURPRISE CLUB MEMBERS r Every new Industry in the city helps to make setting for a pretty wedding Sunday success, judging from the applause. The Social Card club of Council afternoon when Miss Lillian RobinThe success is due to Rabbi Romanov Bluffs Sunday night gave -a surprise a bigger and better Omaha. The First National son, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. SamSent by our Des Moines News and his assistants, Misses Reva j p a r ty on one of its members, Mrs. ; welcomes The Jewish Press and wishes you every* uel Robinson of 904 Eighth street, Gilinsky, Freida Goldberg ,and Esther g a i n Fxeiden, at her home, 737 bureau. was united in marriage to Mr. Solomon. . j Mynster street, Council Bluffs. Mrs. The play, which was written by. Freiden was taken out for an autoArthur Sax of Waterloo. Rabbi Romanov, was modeled after :< mobile ride by one of the members (Special to The Jewish Press) Rabbi H. Zsichik, assisted by the ancient Jewish families that a n ( j upon return to her home, she Des Moines, la., Dec 15. — "fire Rabbi Adolph Burger officiated. Miss We are glad to call the attention of your prevailed during the time of the ; received the "surprise.'* The memi funeral of Morris Davidson, 24, Des Robinson chose her sister, Miss rule of Antiochus, king * --•* the ^-- Social "-—•-' presorted i_i_j Mrs, Moines' sailor who died of some Gertrude Robinson as maid of honor A , g of Syria. y bers of readers in this first- issue to the fact that a Nathan Gilinsky played the part of Freiden with a silver vase. The mysterious cause while in the and Helen and Goldie Robinson as savings account in the Savings Department of the Israel. He sang "Eli, Eli". All the evening was spent in playing cards, service, stationed in San Francisco, bridesmaids. Mr. Lewis Adelman was the bridegroom's attendant. performers in the play were costum-* Mrs. L. Cherniak and Mr. O. Hoch- was held here Sunday. first National Bank makes an ideal Christmas Rabbi Adolph Burger of the man won fy:st prize. Those present The bride's gown was of white ed. The stage of the play was w e r e : Mesdames and Messers: A. Tifereth Israel Synagogue officiated. satin trimmed in real lace and pearls. decorated with tropical palms and • Gilinsky, S. Snyder, O. Hochman, Her veil, h. coronet fashion was held beautiful scenery. After the celebra- . p . Saks, A. Aginskee, L. Cherniak, Three per cent of the population in place with orange blossoms and tion, candy was given -to all the ; j , Krasne, H. Krasne, M. Solomon, of Des Moines, or 4,000 persons, is she carried a shower bouquet of A savings account may be opened with a children of the Sunday school class. S. Freiden, Sam Freiden, E. Hirsch, Jewish, it was learned in a survey bride's roses and sweet peas. dollar or more and we will gladly deliver the The program of the celebration fol- and L. Braunstein. of the Jews of -the city - recently Preceding the ceremony Miss Etta lows: . • conducted by the Federated Jewish Daus, of Burlington, la., a cousin of pass book and a Home Savings Bank packed in Charities under the direction of Mrs. the groom .accompanied by Miss PARTY FOR BRIDE-TO-BE !!.JPhil Krasne \ Violin Solo. 1 * holly trimmed box to any address on the day Sam Weinstock, the superintendent. Esther D. Cohen, sang "At Dawn_:.raul Brandeis Chanutah GreetingMrs. Ella Whitebook, 2504 Ave. C, Of these all but eighty are either ing" and "I Love You Truly." you wish it presented. Make some one happy citizens or have declared,' their inOut of town guests in attendance Kecitation—(Judeas Maccabeus). . w. - , . - .. . with a First National Savings Account this ' were: Mr. and Mrs. E Jacobs, and Helen cherniak guests- in honor of Miss Gus Nain tention to become citizens. Mrs. Meyer Robinson, Omaha; Mr. More than one-half own their own 2—"Bear the Voice of israeiv\.:_ f Milwaukee, Wis., bride-to-be of Son Christmas* o and Mrs. Otto Davis and daughter, Weiner of Omaha. The eve- homes, the survey also shows. Etta, of Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. H. In only thirty-seven cases have Recitation—Chanukah Lights; ning was spent in playing cards and W. Seficovitz and Thomas Robinson, Jews married non-Jews. __. Harry Trochtenbers? games. Mrs. Hattie Teel and Harry The 1920 census gives Des Moines of Fort Dodge; John Robinson, of Stein on s p p Piano Solo Helen Whitebook otoj-n vvrvn «,.«.*• nri^pt; Thn^p •nre'?- a total population of 126,000. The Norfolk, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. George t e m w o n nrst Y—"Israel's Eecitation-r-"Coanukah" Matie Cornbleth bent m o sand e pres at the party P"Zes. were: Mr. Mrs. special Jewish survey shows that Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Prevulky Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Z.ZZZZZ7iihic Markowitz Salzman, Mr. and Mrs. K. Brandeis,more than 3 per cent of this number of •Mother— Daughter ._..Rne Bernstein and -Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenblum, or 945 different families are Jewish. Sax of Mason City. SonMr. Sax and his bride will be at —--fiymie Kramer J^J S S E o s e whitebook, Miss Fannie Of these more than one-half or 490 Israel—.-: : own their own homes and 455 live home after Jan. 15 at Waterloo, la. ZIZZZArthnr Freiciman Rosenblum, Mrs. Hattie Teel of Prophet! Satan: ; .Morton Richards New York, Lew Nathan and Harry in rented houses. The varied range of occupation Oi)livion_ 1 Rabbi Burger's sermon Friday will -. _Sam Shyken Stein. _ S. W. CORNER 16th and FARNAM Dauchters- among the Jewish residents was be, "Joseph and Judah." _Toby Katelman; Vice..... . found to be as 'following: The Young Israel's club held an . _Dora Markowitz i Tortnre WOMEN ELECT OFFICERS Salesmen, clerks and clerical eminteresting meeting Tuesday evening. Lillian Steinberg i Hunger „ The Council of Jewish Women - 5jyersoni ployes . _. „„.„.! __554 The boy scout troop meets every eeYs^tnlrePerelujetVrrpTHinnVBern" which met at the home of Mrs. A. Merchants and business men „ 431 Wednesday evening. stein. Reva Goidbem, Helen Steinberg, Braunstein, 201 North First street, Skilled workers ;-„ . ™_..208 Peddlers and junk dealers 98 London—A campaign has been Bessie Peretmeter. Kose Bramleis, Ruth g J401 DOUGLAS STREET I Professional men and women 68 started in Warsaw for the "Keren I Shyken. .and Sadie Enaelman. |the g year: President, Mrs. Laborers ... .... „ 55 Hayesod," the fund to secure the p Sophie Bernstein; vice-president,, Mrs. City and county employes 12 reconstruction of Palestine, says a CARD PARTY Hattie Snyder; Hti S d t M Ed OMAILV NEBR., | dispatch from that city. Great en- 1 secretary, Mrs. Ed. Schollenberger; Mr. and Mrs. O. Hochman enterthusiasm prevails-and large meetings treasurer, Mrs. . A. Des Moines lodge No. 330, Intained ten g guests at a card party Solomon; educational and entertain- dependent Ordor of the B'nai B'rith, are held throughout the city. 5imi!iiiumiimmiiii!iiiiiiiiiiimiiimii — " " • "- at at their their home, home, ment committee,, Mrs. K. Brandeis Wednesday night 918 Sixth Avenue. Mr. L. Cherniak , and Mrs. M. Marcus. and Mrs. A. A Gilinsky won prizes in j I the men's and ladies' contest. After I CALIFORNIA HOLDS HER LINCOLN OMAHA the card games tea" was served., Miss Francis Nogg, 1602 West 560 Little Building S. W. Cor. 17th and Douglas Those present were: Messers. and Broadway, Council Bluffs, who left Mesdames L. Cherniak, A. Gilinsky, the city for a short visit to Los S. Freiden, Phil. Saks, A. Aginskee, Angeles, GaL, has decided to spend December 15, 1920 O. Hochman. the remainder of the winter' there.
Chanuka Play
Des Moines News
I Watch and Jewelry § | Repairing |
Burns, Brinker & Company . Bonds and Stocks for Investment
ENTERTAINS FOR VISITOR Mrs. Karl Brandeis, 901 - Sixth street, Council Bluffs, entertained at Jw^Jjome Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Gussie Nain of Milwaukee. The afternoon . was spent
LEAVES T H E BLUFFS Harry Kubby, 1318 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, formerly of Omaha, will leave Council Bluffs on Christinas day to make his home in Chicago.
orn Exchange National Bank "Has An Interest In You"
- TO
.. It is the hope of the H. A. Wolf Company that The Jewish Press will live up to the ideals and success the founders of it entertained in launching this Newspaper. -
H: A. WOLF COMPANY Meal Estate Property Management 582 Saundeis-Kennedy Building
Investments Insurance
Telephone Tyler 3160 • o
Drop in and See if This is Tree
Sun., Mon., Tues., Dec 19, 20, 21, 22 Only: Matinee Wednesday
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The Most Ponderous of All Modern Flays, PnlsatUw 'Element that Comprises "JAte," -Presented in
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City of Berne. Switzerland City of PariB, France. dominion of Canada^ Dominion of Canada. Kingdom of Beleiom Kingdom of Denmark Kingdom of Norway.. BepnbUo of Trance Swedish -Government-—™—^-— Government of Switzerland— United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
54 will be dependent upon their relatives or charity for support. - . This analysis has been made by the American V Bankers'. Association after extensive research.
' I I I U X E B V " ^ o p u CO* Jt ***»•• •••••• •-••
1930 1930
T 7 7*
1835 1930 1936 , 1921—30 1S30 1B28—32
6 7% 6 5 7
S C 6
7.10 SO
83 100 SIkt.
8.78 7.80 7.80 e.80 7.50
7.95 6.B0
T928 1931
75 94%
10.00 7.70
1943 39S1 1921 197.1 1848
S.4S 14.00
8 8
1940 1945 ISM
97V4 99% 100V4 78 10S
7.75 8.S4 8.08
MO 8.30
Consult a ^Realtor
Co. Pfd.
M. E. Smith BIdf. Co. Tta T Thompson-Belden * Co. Ffd. TT V. S. National Bant, Omaha S
1 1
Eldredge-BeynoWs Co. Pffi— 1 First National Bank. Omaha 10 Cooch Food Prodncts Co. rfd. 7 Gooen B0U. * Elev. Part. Pfd. "B» Bardins Cream Co. Pfd... 7 Fasten ft Gallagher Co. Pfd. 7 M. C. Peters Mill Co. Pfdv1 M. E. Smith Dry Goods
Real Estate Increases in Value. It can't be destroyed.
If the 54 dependents had begun to buy Real Estate when they were 25— even small and inexpensive pieces, they would not now be dependents.
The dual characterization offers Mr. Post a wonderful opportunity and the contrasted characters are Impersonated by him with all the art of a eenins mind- His drag fiend Is a pitiful wretch, his Loder, the "man;" the mental and moral antithesis of the other. Store. Intensely and artistically Interesting than Jeykl and Hyde— inore 'massive in presentation than any modern play, and yet^ BO deftly done, its ponderous scenes move with the smooth rapidity of an 'uninterrupted panorama, and that Is wont-this wonderful play is— A IilVINO, MOVING, TALKIKG PANORAMIC REFLEX OP THE WARP AND WOOF OF HUMANITY. . .
36 will have died before they are 65 1 ¥pll be rich 3 will be prosperous 6 will be still at work—self-support- •
Prices All Performances: . with remittance add. war tax of 10% l o w e r Floor $3.00 and S2JM Balcony __?1JSO, $3.00, $2.50 Gallery —___
X EPOCH-mnZangr event In the annals of American amusements is th,e presentation by Richard Walton TuIIy of the virile, compelling, accomplished, American actor, GUY BATES POST, In the Iridescent babble o£ modern humanity, "The Masquerade*". This dramatic • masterpiece by John Hunter B Booth, taken from the TrfdeJy-read novel of Katherine Cecil Thnrston, Intimately iUastrates the lives of two men who met in the fog and traded Identities and living quarters. » -• • •
Hill Building 1st Mtge. Harris * Company. Omaha Athletic Club Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Kallway Westinghons* Electric Co....—
—all healthful andvigorous at the age of 25
' Box Office Sale and Mail Orders Now
"The Masquerades'" Curtain at 8:18 &nd 8:15—No One Seated During
Baltimore C Ohio C O P T . ™ —
American Smelting A First Mortgage A n a c o n d a Copper Mining Company __- ....._...._..-•. Armonr A Company — Bethlehem Steel Co, Marine Equipment :. Cnba Cane Sugar Conv. Diamond Hatch Co. —~
10 0 Average Men ''
1503 Farnam Street
OMAHA . The Great American Actor
KATE MATURITY American Tele. & .Tele. Co 19S". American Tobacco Co 1922 Cndaoy Packing Co_ IMS Fisher Body Corporation1984 19SS B. T. Goodrich Co 1928 Proctor * Gamble t o . .,, .7 1981—83 Sears, Soebnck Co? 192S Sinclair ConsoL Oil Corp. IV r Swift &, Companj.._ __ 1
the Prologue,
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6.00 7.9B
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Purchases may be made for January 1st delivery and payment.
AH Issoes of liberty Bonds Bonght and Sold.