p|j:; If any class of peojjj pie need sympathy 111 and thoughtful conIjj sideration it is the fij foreigners. — The {{I majority have projjj.ven valuable aids in |j| the development of j | this country. »:
, j | Giving not contributing it | j | jil is only meeting an \l« IIIIll obligation—paying jjj debt.
VOL. I.—NO. 2.
Writings of Ford are Works of aMadman —Rabbi Wise Says American People Will Abhor and Renounce Unfair Defiler, of Jews Rabbi Stephen S. Wisei considered one of the greatest rabbis o£ fite world and looked upon as a mouthpiece of Judaism, made a stirring reply to Henry Ford in a signed article sent out from New York. "Henry Ford is seeking to introduce to American life a tendency that is divisive,: disruptive and morally fateful," said Rabbi Wise. "The American people will have none of him and his ways. "When once the American people, lovers of fairplay- and justice, * understand that Henry Ford is seeking-to introduce
a spirit of,' or that /makes
WHAT SHALL BE DONE? Arthur Sears Henning, political writer for the Chicago Tribune, in a signed article printed in the Tribune listed Senators Hitchcock and Norris as those . "who pronounced themselves in favor of temporary 3uapensjon of immigration." This indicates that Senator Hitchcock and Senator Norris will vote for the immigration bill in its present form. The Jewish people of the United , - State3 have taken a stand against the barring, of aliens. The two Nebraska Senators have declared themselves against this ; decided sentiment. , . • Jewish leaders who have been handling' the helm of the campaign against this immigration bill which passed the house and is now in the Senate for passage/ .or rejection, nave stated, that . the bill is aimed directly at the
pogromism into America, they will •bhor and renounce'-him. , •J e w s . ' ' • •• - . • • ,:"•' . • "Henry Ford needs to be reminded THE .QUESTION IS: WHAT that America is not a matter of SHALL BE DONE NOW? cheap engines, but of a precious The. Jewish. Press invites contspirit. Henry Ford shall not be inent upon this question. suffered to cheapen the spirit of Mail communications to • "Pro- . America; he shall not be suffered to test Editor" The Jewish Press,. vulgarize and corrupt America's Four, Baird building. The best ;souL No man ought to be free to have the power which Henry Ford \ communications will be printed is exercising for evfl. No man, -4n the following issue of thisnewspaper. ' though as rich as Ford, or-Croesis, ought to be suffered .to libel a whole people in a land, the well-being of which depends upon the spirit of Schaefer is Author understanding and of conciliation, of of Article in Survey tolerance and of good-will • S. H. Schaefer, - superintendent of Ford, declares that the authorship the Jewish Welfare Federation here, of the Protocols basic to his own was the author of an article, printed challenge, is imputed by Jews to a in the December . 18 issue of the criminal or a madman. \ "The. Survey," a social workers' *The reply of one Jew to Henry magazine, which has caused much Ford is that his work, The World's .comment. ." • •» • Greatest Problem: The "International I The article,v.which dealt with the Jew,'is the work of a criminal or a technical side of recreational and madman. And I do not believe, vocational training •' in schools, was dispite certain significant -intimia:• entitled,: -fAiifc. Omaha Experiments " Several social jrorkers hate written man.". 'to him for more details in regatd.to The following Is the ^complete the plan. ; ; > statement by Rabbi Wise: There is a putative "Jewish peril," the peril of a vile forgery entitled "The Protocols and World Revolu- JEWS PLAN tion," published, one regrets to note,, by a hitherto reputable publishing OVERSEAS UNIT house of Boston, a forgery which is Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS." not only an indictment of but a crime against a whole people. The very New York, Dec. 22.—The Joint phrase, "Jewish peril," sounds like Distribution Committee of the Amersome mad Nietzschean cry that the ican Funds for Jewish War SufferJews' have empoisoned the world ers, of which Felix M. Warburg is with Christianity. Wherein lies the chairman, has announced that a me"Jewish peril" ? Is it in the Jewish dical unit would be sent overseas Bible, Old or New? Is it in the early next month to fight disease in God of the Jewish Bible? Is it in Eastern Europe. the Sabbath of the Jew? Is it in Dr. Harry Plbtz, of Mount Sinai the Prophets or the Apostles, or in Hospital, medical adviser of the Joint Jesus the Jew? Is it in the spec- Distribution Committee, has asked tacle of the unimpairable and mirac- for §2,000,000 to cover the first ulous loyalty of the Jew? year's work and to provide for payAnd yet certain perils are bound ment of the medical personnel, the up with the so-called "Jewish peril" purchase of medical supplies, the —perils that are real and not fictiti- construction of bath houses, etc. ous. The "Jewish peril" is the cry Medical and hospital supplies, will be of every group in Europe today distributed in connection with an which desires the restoration of .the educational health campaign. old pre-war order, whether in miliDr. Plotz, who discovered the tytarist Germany or in Czarist Russia. phus germ, will be in charge Of the It is a brazen attempt to find some work and will head the Ainit, which scapegoat, an excuse for a return is to. be-made up of physicians with to the order that was. While mobs military experience. Application for may be diverted for an hour from volunteers for the unit will be repursuing their purposes, the cry ceived by Dr. Plbtz at the headof the "Jewish peril" is no solution quarters of the Joint Distribution of the problem which has created Committee, 20 Exchange Place, New world-wide unrest. Polish •' mobs York City. may forget about the crime of Polish imperialism whilst committing un- NEW YORK JEWS HONOR "THE speakable" crimes against Jewish PILGRIMS men, women and children, but this solves no problem. The tercentenary of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers was observed by There is a "Peril" about 200 prominent Jews at a meet•: After the Jews shall have been ing of the Judaeans at the Hotel > crushed, if crushed they are to be, Pennsylvania Sunday night at New what is to become of their blood- York City. The ^speakers were W. whetted destroyers? Instead of H. P. Faunce, President of Brown seeking a true and abiding, solution University, and Oscar S. Straus, past of the problems of the world, the president of the American Jewish anodyne of the "Jewish ' peril" is Historical Society. offered to a world largely under arms by them either responsible for the social and moral .disorder of the ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF $5,000 FOR WAR SUFFERERS world or ready to capitalize it to the end that tEe old order of im- William Holzman, local representaperialism and militarism may be re- tive for the national Joint Distribuestablished. . tion Committee, raising funds for the Yes,- there is a Jewish peril," real Jewish war sufferers, during the ;past and undeniable—the peril not oc- week received. a receipt from •. the casioned by the Jew but to the" Jew. treasurer of the committee for If it be willed by the world, so shall $5,000, which was part of the ;fund it b<>' Physical pain and suffering raised here. The receipt follows: "On behalf of the committee, I can ne borns for centuries without collective hurt. Not so spiritual beg to acknowledge with thanks, the hurt, which after a time leaves in- receipt of your kind contribution of 55.OCO for the fund raised' by the effaceable mark upon its victim. Consider what is happening in Joint Distribution Committee." .' East European lands. Can these things be and be done. without the doers being terribly and even curelessly hurt? If war leave its marks for evil upon them that wage it, what shall be said of them that The B'nai Brith dance to raise wage war against such as answer money for the Jewish War Sufferers not? War is redeemed in some part wUl be held at the Masonic hall, New by the risks taken by the warriors. Year's night. AH the money raised What of the morale of such as war will go toward paying tte lodge's upon the unweaponed, that make a war, sufferers' pledge. business as does Eastern .Europe of Special cabaret stunts have been arranged. Oscar '•• Lieben's • Shrine band will furnish music (Continued on page 7)
New Year's Dance
Comment by the Manager It-is with deep, genuine feeling that the manager of The Jewish Press wishes to thank all ©T his friends for their wonderful thoughts, expressed both verbally and in writing, complimenting the first issue of The Jewish Press. As the mail* carrier distributed "copies of the first issue of The Jewish Press from house to house, the telephone in the Press office rang continually with congratulations and good wishes. The next day the mail brought farther good wishes and congratulations in the form of letters.
Omahans May Own Palestine Colony Plan of Dr. Sher to Furnish Homes for Poverty-Stricken Families of Poland A colony of fifty houses in Palestine to be owned and directed by Omahans in order to furnish * place of refuge for poverty-stricken, st&rv«d, mistreated Jews of Poland is the idea of Dr. Philip Slier which will be presented at a conference of Omaha Jewish leaders during the coming week. If Dr. Sher's plan is accepted at the conference a stock company will be formed and an Omaha man will be sent to Palestine to arrange for the purchase of a large tract of land and to lay the foundation for colonizing of the families.
We hope that this, the second issue, will meet with yoor approval even more than the first, and that all ensuing issues will Would Be Sold Land improve to A certain degree, unThe Hebrew Sheltering Aid Societytil, as was mentioned in the would then be asked to furnish fifty first issue, The Jewish Press will needy families. These families each rank with the best of its kind in would be given a plot of ground and the United States. subsistence would be furnished them The publishers are not out for until they were able to produce their personal profit or glorification. livelihood from the soil. Their sole desire is to furnish a "As soon as they were self-susgood, clean, "up-to-the minute" taining the land would be sold to newspaper for the Jewish comthem at cost price," said Dr. Sher, Here is a sketch of the front of the proposed Jewish community building which will cost $150,000 if erected. munity and at the same time to "Another tract would be bought; anThe site is just west of the Home Builders Building on Eighteenth and Dodge Streets. let the community "receive the other fifty families would be brougW fruits of labors." from Poland, and the same program The sinews of every selfwould be repeated." supporting publication^ as we are - well aware, are its advertising columns. Without sufficient adONLY STATEMENT MADE BY THOSE IN CHARGE OF THE FORT DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, WHICH vertising, it would die. IS CARRYING THE INFAMOUS ATTACKS AGAJNST / IE JEW, IS PUBLISHED FOR THE FIRST TIME The publishers of the The TIME IN OMAHA IN THIS ISSUE OF THE JEWISH RESS. IT IS ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING , Jewish Press Kave full confidINTERVIEWS EVER PRINTED.. / ence in it as a "result-getter" A free employment bureau for J and feel that every cent expendboth Jews and non-Jews has -been Why is* Henry Ford's paper, the appearance or for the reason of hi3 "Exactly, you guessed it right. established by the Jew Welfare Fe4> Fort Dearborn Independent, attackclothes, I had the impression—and " 'But it is not true. The Poles are ed in the buying of its space is : ing the Jew? "~ it was later confirmed by the Way he not i. diking any pogroms. That is, well invested. eration in their offices on the third That was the question the editor talked—that he was a former rev- some Say they are, but others say floor of the Lyric building. But the advertiser^—the busiof The Daily Forward, a Yiddish erend, one of-...those churchmen who they are not.' nessman — whose proof is the During the past week five men paper, asked one of his special instead of preaching love to.all men, "Now, listen, Mr. Cammeron, the balance book, must be shown, were furnished with employment, acpreach hatred toward the."Jews. At entire world knows that pogroms writers, Dr. S. P^Kramer. " I don't know," replied Dr. Kramer. length, Mr..Cammeron pointed at the were made against the Jews, that sot by the mere, bare, statement cording to S. H, Schaefctj /super"So- and -find-but," the editor'said. n6te~~wbjch~I lent "him -and asked me even how these outrages/ contimte. "of confidence,' but "by 'results. intendent cf the" Federation, v,'he "ha^ What I wanted to see him about. Our government in Washington has Dr. Kramer did. So when you do business with taken personal charge of the bureau. official proof of this. That is a fact "I wrote about the pogToms. You Under his signature, The Daily an- advertiser in The Jewish Forward carried the, interview, probably know that tens of thousands that cannot be disputed. Employers are urged to call the which Dr. Kramer claimed he ob- of Jews are being killed in the most " 'Well, suppose there were po- Press mention to him the fact Federation office, Douglas 3230, and tained from a Mr. Cammeron, who gruesome, manner in Europe. In your groms?' that you saw his ad in The file their needs for help of all kinds, articles you say that the Jews are is editor of Ford's paper. "If there were pogroms, why do Jewish Press. It will go a long no matter whether it is permanent dangerous, that they want to dominyou keep silent about them? Why The interview, which was written in Yiddish, has been translated, and ate the world. Why don't you write do you write that the Jews were ways toward proving to him that or temporary.. The Jewish Press, thinking It of about these pogroms? Why don't you clad in gold and ride in sumptuous The Jewish Press is a good adMany Ont of Work great importance, herewith prints it: publish these facts so that your carriages? Why don't you tell the vertising medium. readers may know the truth?' truth, that they are bathing in their Here is the Interview "It is estimated that there are We will appreciate it and the "'Pogroms?' Mr. Cammeron said, own blood ? "It was not so easy to see the more than 2,000,000 unemployed "He was silent. editor. The young lady who receiv- with a start. 'Pogroms? There are worthy communual institutions persons in the United States at the "You have become the official dees callers at the office told me that no pogroms. We get all kinds of which .will benefit by the present time," said Mr. Schaefer. Mr; Cammeron, the editor, was very reports. Some say there was some- fender of the pogrom makers, I con- profits of The Jewish Press will busy. I stated that my visit was thing of that kind, but others deny tinued. Through your attacks, you "Many are unemployed in Omaha, appreciate it. about an urgent matter, that I was it. The Jews are raising a false are justifying the acts which take the same as in any other city. We cry about it. We know all about place, over in Europe. You make a Jewish newspaperman and wished THANK YOU! must first look after our own unto speak to the editor about the it. We receive information from pogroms with your pen. Your work Jewish question. The young lady many sources. For instance, just is the work of* a moral pogrom employed and theti take care of went out and came back with the now we learned that in Poland the maker. transients who come here. information that Mr. Cammeron, did Jews were against the Poles and "No, nol' Mr. Cammeron was start"If employers who need help call not want to see anyone about the were friendly to the Boisheviki, who led. 'I assure ,you, we don't mean the office, it would be a matter. Everything that he had to were advancing on Warsaw. We t h a t . ' • • . • 111 Polfllld greatFederation say on the subject, he publishes in know of a case where many Jewish "You may and you may not mean help in solving the local situahis weekly, and- did not care to grant traitors who were sentenced to be that. But oiie" thing is sure—you an interview to anyone. But I in- shot were not shot in order to avoid are doing it. You are spreading po- SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH PRESS tion." In order to help the Jewish Welsisted that I must see him. I wrote the charge that the Poles are mur- grom propaganda. Are you willing New York, Dec. 22.—Resolutions fare Federation in its campaign for a note to this Mr. Cammeron. In dering the Jews.' to take the responsibility for an this note I told him of Jewish facts " 'Where did you get this informa- agitation which may lead to a new recently adopted at Jewish meetings which he did not 'publish. I told him tion?' I asked the editor of the anti- race hatred in America, an agitation calling attention to persecutions jobs for unemployed, The Jewish against Jews in Poland were pres- Press is carrying in this issue a about pogroms and other calamities Semitic weekly. I knew that about leading to pogroms? which the Jews are compelled to that time a Polish agent arrived in "'That will not be. That cannot be.' ented to the Polish Minister, Prince coupon for employers who are in suffer, i told him I was a Jew my- America who said exactly the same "'But your readers already talk Casimir Lubomirski, at a confer- need of help. self, one of those whom he attacked, thitig, and I wanted to find out about it. It is your agitation which ence, called at his request, with Draw a circle around thl kind of and demanded that he show courage whether this Polish agent was the caused it. How can you conduct such representatives of the Provincial enough to receive me. .1 told him I one who supplied Mr. Cammeron propaganda ? *Yoa know how the ne- Jewish Congress and the. American j person you desire and around either represented the largest Jewish news- with this information. But the editor groes are persecuted. Why? Because Jewish Committee at the Waldorf- the word "permanent" or "tempopaper in the world and demanded an chose not to answer the question. they are hated. They have been Astoria Hotel. interview. Prince Lubomirski promised the rary." Then sign your name and "Well, if you don't care to answer reviled in the eyes of Americans. that question, would you mind ans- The latter believe everything that is delegation to convoy their resolutions address and mail the coupon to the Seeing the Editor wering another one. You say the said about negroes. That is why we to the Polish government and ex- Jewish Welfare Federation, Lyric "The note had the desired effect. Jews are against Poland, that they have lynching parties in the coun- pressed his conviction that better Building. The young lady came back with the were friendly to tie Red army. You try. Do you want to bring us to treatment would be accorded in the Here is the Coupon answer that Mr. Cammeron was don't tell me where you learned of such' a pass that they will start future to the Jews in Poland. ready to see me. I followed her and this fact, then tell me how to explain lynching Jews in America? she led me into a room where a man this phenomenon. If that is true, "Mr. Cammeron remained motionWANTED of fifty was sitting at a large desk. why is that so? Why should the less, seemingly frightened by the OVER TEN THOUSAND people of a country welcome a forHe pointed to a chair near the; desk, prospect. He was silent for a moJEWISH FARMERS IN U. S. I want—ilan—Boy—Girl—Woman for in front of him. I sat down. I was eign army who is invading that ment, then he replied: 'We do not Permanent Work now face to face with the "man who country? want that. We mean no harm. But Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS." conducted the anti-Semitic propaTemporary No Pogroms! we are convinced that the Jewish New York, Dec. 22.—Delegates to ganda in America. I scrutinized " 'I know what you are driving at,' problem is ah.evil which must be him. He looked like an Irishman, interrupted Mr. Cammeron, 'you solved, and we want to solve it. the convention of Jewish Farmers of Nature of Work ._____..._..— well built, and short, with an im- mean to tell me that that is because These disclosures were, started sev- America at the Educational Alliance, mobile face, a rigid look, and I don't the Poles make pogroms against the in East Broadway, were told that know why, whether because of his Jews! (Continued on page 3) twenty years ago there were not more than 200 Jewish farmers in Frankel, Dr. Julius Goldman, Colonel! I the United States, while now there Approximate Wag»i B Week $3,125,000 is Voted Schedule of Activities H. A; Guinzburg, Howard Gans, were more than 10,000. Strauss, William B. Erdman, tpr Jewish Relief Work Manny. of Y. B. and Y. W. B. A. Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, Colonel Harry Plotz, Albert Lucas, Abraham Address Special to "THE JEWISH PBESS." Schepper, Morris Engelman and Week of December 26 to January 1 Pay Up Does New York, Dec. 22.—The Joint Stanley Bero. Sunday, Dec. 26—Aleph Y Club at Distribution Committee of the AmerThe Jewish Welfare Federa2:30 p. m. ican Funds for Jewish War Sufferers POLES ACT TO END Joseph € . Copeianci tion is making a special appeal appropriated $3,125,000 for Jewish Dec 2S—Progresse Club at 2:30 ~v PERSECUTION OF JEWS relief work in Europe., '.Old Resident, Died to members who have not paid p. m. Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS." It was announced that it was the their annual dues to to so beWashington, D. C, Dec. 22.—The Young Judea Clubs at r 3:00 p. m. largest sum ever appropriated at a Polish government has adopted and Joseph C. Copeland, 48, dowry cause the Federation is in dire xaeeting of a strictly charitable or- proclaimed the clause of the Treaty Monday, Dec 27—Classes in Yiddish, Court. Seventeenth and Chicago Sts., need of money. Hebrew and Jewish History, ganization; died Friday, following an illness exof Versailles which guarantees pro. The $3,125,000 voted is not yet in tection of minorities, it was reported at 8:30 p. m. tending over ESX months. Mr. CopeThose who have not paid the treasury, but the members of the here. land had been E resident of Omaha Tuesday, Dec 2S—Girls Gym Class, their 1920 dues are asked to committee declared they would be for SI years. « . at 7:30 p. m. send their checks to the Fedresponsible individually and collecFuneral was held Sunday afterARABS INVITE JEWISH Dec. 28—X. T. C. Club,. at 8:30 eration office in the Lyric tively for the entire amount. Among noon from Crosby's undertaking SETTLERS establishment. those who pledged their credit are p. m. building. All those who pay London, Dec. 22.—The Arab Sheiks Mr. .Copeland is survived by his Felix M. Warburg, chairman of the Rasbid and Alichzai, heads of the Thursday, Dec. 30—Dramatic Class, will be listed in the annual wife and two sons: Jacob, 20, an4 committee; Louis Marshall, Dr. Cy- Arab community in Gilead, Syria, at 8:00 p. m. . book published by the FederaBarney, 13. rus Adler, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, Col. have officially invited Jewish settlers tion. • ' He was connected with the Orkin onel Herbert Lehinan, Arthur Leh- to establish themselves there, says a Saturday, Jan. 1—Boy Scouts, at wholesale clothing house. 7:30 p. mman, Paul Baerwald, Dr. Lee K. dispatch frqm Jerusalem.
Interview with Ford's Editor i i The Jewish Press Today
Employment Isreap for Creeds is Started
Promises Relief for
,-.-.•„ i
fugees in Bessarabia is very serious. has been asked to go to America to CLUB CALLS-MEETING funds of the Relief Committee seek aid from the American Jews to] ON IMMIGRATION BILL The are exhausted, and M. Bernstein Ka- save their Ukrainian brethren from' The following letter was sent out han, the leader of Rumanian Jewry, total extermination. by the Omaha Hebrew Club: As you are probably aware, there is pending now in the Senate of the United States a bill which, if enacted into law, will practically bar immigration to this country. This bill, we are informed, has passed the House by a large majority, and will soon come up in the Senate for final vbte. Such legislation is of vital importance .especially to us as Jews. The Omaha. Hebrew Club at its last meeting decided that some action should be taken at once, and appointed the undersigned committee txr devise ways and means by which the Jewish people of this community may express itself on this subject and convey such expression to the proper persons. We invite you, therefore, without waiting for your regular meeting, to appoint one or two members of your Wreaths organization to meet with ns on SunBlooming Plants day, December 26, 1920, at 2:15 p. m. sharp, at the Swedish Auditorium Cat Flowers to discuss this newest situation which faces the Jew, and to take such action as may be decided Upon at that meeting. Kindly appoint your committee now and notify the undersigned chairman of Omaha Hebrew Club Committee. Very respectfully, J. J. Friednitn, chairman; ^ Ben Handler, Drv M. Dansky, J. Morgenstern, J. Riklin.
TO THOSE OF JEWISH FAITH. The House of Representatives has Jew cart not be assimilated in Amer"I speak on thiB measure as an old-fashioned American, as one who just passed a most drastic bill pro- ica. We have the Jew in such numcomes of a stock so long in America hibiting immigration into the United bers that there is no use in discussthat there is no record of when they States for tiie period of one year, ing that question any longer. He can be assimilated; he has been ascame. So that I may be pardoned, I hope, for taking an old-iashioned with certain concession? to citizens similated in the past, and he will be American view of this question and who desire to bring their relatives assimilated in the future. There are for not adhering to some of the her& Tbe debate which pnSfceded no people who come to this country remarks which have been made up- the vote was short but sharp. One who are so ready to lay aside their allegiance to foreign governments, on this bill. "I hold to oIdTfashibned ideals of of the speakers was Congressman t o f o r e i g n < flags mA f ore ign instituAmericanism and not to the new- George Huddleston of Alabama. He tions, and to embrace those of fangled, narrow, and"- chauvinistic castigates the .jrestrictions in the America. spirit of nationalism. I still believe severest manner. His speech made Unquestioned Loyalty in uie principle of Jefferson, in the' so deep an impression that we deem "We had a good deal of spy mintciple recognized in the American ing during the recent war. We had Constitution, and in some of the old i t worthy of publication in full.— charges of men being slackers and oi ]& „._ Hungry Forced to Steal beings objectionable hyphenates. Men Hunger, the need to obtain food in ideals for which our ancestors labor- The.Editor. ed and fought. < * were charged with disloyalty, with idirect ways, leads, of course, to Taged, their possessions swept away, loving' some other country better "It has been charged that this bill tealing, and around thievery as a their,desperate situation today makes nucleus hang other offenses. Social is an aiti-Semitic bill, that it is aim- -overwhelming claims upon the hum- than America. But nobody pointed ed particularly at the Jews in to the Jews and said they were attitude almost as much as physical anity and sympathy of all-mankind. guilty. On the contrary, the Jew Europe who are 'seeking., to come growth depend on this food problem, was always willing to say, "I am * Served in U. S. Army the United States we know that here. To such an extent, if any, as the bill has the Jew particularly;in an American, I love America, I am "They served in our own. army. 5 (tuberculosis is found with too great view and aims at his exclusion, it is willing to stand by the institutions They offered their lives in support Ci\feqjiency among industrial boys and 11 girls who during childhood have been an irredeemably bad bill.- I have no of our flag. They served in the. of my adopted country." No Jews allied armies, in the armies of Geif in America were partial to Hungary 1) -undernourished. That same necessity hesitation in Baying that. many and Hungary and Austria and J or to, Germany or willing to betray Why Do Jews Leave? 3/ magnified manifold .exists in Central Poland and Russia, and no man. any lour cause and our flag in behalf of "I wonder why it is that the Jews < '-Europe. • Unless vigorous measures where, can point his finger at the any other country that lay across of'Ukrainia and Roumania are seeki'are taken to prevent an increase in ; ;the already terrible extent of tuber- ing to escape, and the Jewish popul- Jews as a people and say that they,the seas. Always they held our in* ijulosis, it is likely to be one of the ation to the last individual is seek- shirked their patriotic duty. But stitutions and our interests above B results of the existing food situa- ing'to. escape from Poland. I wonder now, having served and having done those of their native land. : Vienna—The committe caring for ."And I say it is a peculiarly why it is. Their economic situation their best, having suffered alongside liion." Ukrainian Jewish refugees in Besspatheitic situation presented here qf. the most unselfish, they, . find is not more severe than the balance pi Even those able to secure food arabia has received _an official offer •yi suffer from the lack of fats, accdrd- of the populations of those countries. themselves persecuted and driven just after the war, when we have from the Brazilian government to "There exists no reason, so far as away from the countries they fought had this splendid evidence of Jewish settle 2,500 Jewish families at gov4 ing to Miss Lathrop. She told how I can conceive, unless the-Jews are for; they must abandon their homes; loyalty and patriotism as citizens. ernment:expense, says a report from iJ Americans \yorking~~ln Geritf al EuKishinev. The committee accepted • i| rope and able to buy food> wondered meeting in the countries o£ their nat- they must come to a strange coun- It is a peculiarly pathetic situation tho offeTj and is sending out a comto investigate the conditions •1 "why they were always hungry, until ivity with oppression and abuse^on try ; they must seek new hopes and that here is presented a bill that is mission of the land. 1-a food specialist told thsm that al- racial and, religious grounds. I can new fortunes in a distant land.; The aimed at the Jews. I am not willing The situation of the Jewish rel situation inust appeal to any heart to have this, bill aimed at the Jews. l ^though they were consuming a fair' draw, no other inference from"y We Bhould attach to it certain | Kamount of food, it lacked-fats. ' •-. fjaitet when a nation's entire pop'ula- that has any sympathy. ' T i e Jews as we have them in reasonable and proper amendments tioh of a' certain race arid religiriii is the ,' Situation Still Painful seeking to escape from that nation. America—and of course we have which .would open the doors of this country as an asylum to people like them from every country in Europe |i . "Unless this sense of'fiunger^caus.Disappointed in Poland , J I fed by the lack of fats: is ^dulled: by "."I Tead with deep indignation'ac- —furnish a valuable element in our the Jews 1 and the Armenians, who* havej' them are being ' oppressed at home on iT long custom, it is and has been for counts of -Poland's anti^ewish' pog- people. I would issues better It *s-.tod late to say that the racial or religious grounds. |ysome years the daily-portion of roms, of the butchery of men and I many of the men, women and child- women in cold blood. The fetoriei of | ren of Central Europe," she cpntinu- these atrocities were denied by,-.reand if'ed. "I do not forget that America presentatives of Poland. Now;? we '»has been feeding 3,000,009 children find them verified by the wholesale *;this current year. We may well be flight "of the Jewish population. I*can vjproud of the skill and good faith not forget that the new State of 'PoMorris Milder, President v; with which it ,4s done. All that is land was brought into being" by^he • Lubricating aid of America and her-associates in Gasoline v-.to the good so far a3 it .goes- But I for less Oils 1717 Douglas Street •'find myself haunted by millions of the Great War; that we have succor-._ Naphtha Pad Oils Telephone: Douglas 1721 f. men and women, many old and brok- ed and sustained the Poles,"furnished them supplies, and loaned them R en before their time, who still lack Kerosens ' *«' OMAHA, NEBRASKA V^adequate food. The'situation seems money from the public funds. l$pre v Distillates than that, we furnished many ihil^Vmore pajnful now that I am in the d Oil "Petroleum Products in Tank Cars Only" ^p^ce'lind "luxurious comfort in our Jions of dollars in supplies and ttraland than when I was in the midst nitions with which Poland might MANAGERS 5 of it and talked and worked with repel the Bolshevist invasion. I am and ; these people who wore & smiling deeply disappointed by the failure of Poland to appreciate the'spirit ADJUSTERS. ^ front and ignored their personal in which. American aid was given. : iii deprivations." • 1221 City N a t ! Bk. BlAg. WHOLESALE ONLY 1005 FARNAM STREET "America catt not, and will not, be / Douglas 786. partner and companion with bloodyHONORED handed oppression of race and religion. . . "I have in mind also that Ukrainia and Roumania are reaching but their hands to us for help. Already .we SHOP JSQUIPMENT STORAGE BATTERIES have given substantial aid to Roumania. These people must be made to know that our country will not WE KNOW for we sold seven; diamond engage* countenance rapine and murder; that ment rings during the past week. \ we will not aid those who commit atrocities upon a harmless and in.High, grade platinum jewelry and engagement offensive' people. xings^-OUE SPECIALTY. . : Persecuted on Religious Grounds ' We. are offering reduced prices in every kind of "The present "white" government jewelry because the; entife jewelry stock of W. C of Hungary owes its existence in Flatan, formerly at 601 Securities Bldg.; aasJoeei) part to aid and sympathy extended moved to our store and is being. offered «t by bur government. "' It has repaid sacrifice prices. : ' .': • • oiir humanitarisrii hf a "white terror" of its own. A recent dispatch GARAGE EQUIPMENT AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES states that 15,000 Jews have -been gathered in Budapest arid condemned to deportation. They'are being persecuted on racial and religious ill .4 >*-#*' grounds. ill "One bright spot in. that part of ui H: estern Europe, where, Jews live in ::: 1516 DODGE STREET. PHONE: DOUGLAS §619. large numbers, is Lithuania, from — - ^ E S T A B L I S H E D 1894 which no reports ofx- oppression' and * pogroms have come. Lithuania seems To the conservative investor, we recominena the following Real Estate Investments as Bteady disposed to treat the Jews fairly, arid and certain revenue producers, plus the opportunity of enhanced value in the near futures. although some Of its largest cities 13th and Howard 508 South 18th Street, two-story brick building, 22x66, bringing in a are more than half Jewish, Lithuanigross rental of $900.00 per annum. Rented from month to month. Cash Streets, ans are not trying to come to retraired, $3,000.00, balance on easy terms. An ideal investment where safety $7,500.00 E Harry Hi Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. Jos. Pepper, Vice-president Airieriea in overwhelming numbers. of principal and certainty of substantial returns is assured. .•«, It speaks splendidly for the Lithu^ '-^G. Ure,' Secretary anian people and their spirit of St. Louis brick, fiat, practically new, of five itonis each, thoroughly St. Louis Brick democracy and humanity. modern, each flat having its pvrn individual basement and furnace; bringt flat, 710-12 North ing, in a gross rental of §870.00 per annum. Price of this fiat Is very A Pathetic Fact 23rd Street, reasonable, considering the cost of duplicating same. Desirable either as It isi a pathetic fact, one of the an Investment or as a home, where you can live in one, and rent the $7,500.00 deepest pathos, which should wring other. $2,500.(30 cash, balance as rent. Paul Hymans, a . Belgian, whose the heart of every.humanitarian,'that Two-story •framej two stores below and four S-room apartment3 above. mother' is a Jewess, was^ recently after all the Jews have suffered in 1816 Corby eleetet president of the League of the terrible war they must now Bringing in a gross rental of $660.00 per annum, on a paved street, half Nations which is meeting in Geneva. abandon the'eountries for which they block from car line. Rent is very low. Price $4,400.00, and will sell it $2,850.00 COMPLETE STORE AND The League's first important de- offered their Iive3 and- flee to a diswith $1,000.00 cash, balance" as rent. Here is an opportunity where, with 1917-19 Clark O7FICE OUTFITTERS cision v.-as frtorscnd Allied troops to tant land to escape religious and $1000.00, one can buy a piece of property, and make the rent pay for the Strebt, Vilna v.hcre a plebiscite is to be sectarian persecution. balance of the property, at the same time receiving very large returns on $4,400.00 We occupy over 70,000 square feet "Of all the peoples of the world, he'.d to decide what the future status the original investment. no people, unless it may be the of Lithuania is to be. Armenians,/ have suffered eo univerWill eladiy ehow any of these properties to anyone interested in same. sally and so'greatly because of the /SOUTHWEST CORNER 11th and DOUGLAS STREETS ABRAHAM LEVY Great War as the Jews. Living, as they do, chiefly in eastern central New York, Dec. 22. — Abraham •Telephone Douglas 2724 < Europe, in territories which- were J^evy, one of the best known crimMERCHANDISERS OP REAL ESTATE ravaged arid overrun again and again m inal lawyers in New York, died. "••'-• ' O M A H A , N E B R A S K A PHONE TYLER 3160. £]&•, BtJiLDING. m figured in the Nan' Patterson by the contending forces, crushed 3, under foot by every invader, their, i8th and Donglss Streets case,' the Harry. Thaw trial, homes destroyed, their families out-' many others. is... Six years' of underfeeding, abnormal living, war and desolatjon have placed a burden on the children, the lifting of which is essential if civilization is not to be set.back, accordpi ing to Miss Julia Lathrop, Chief of i'5 the" Federal Children's Bureau, who i"'i made a recent tour through .the La principal countries of Central Eu:V rope. • Among" them are - many of •i;j Jewish faith. . .'.-... _»! "Pood is the primary and deepat rooted consideration," Miss Lathrop su said. "Its scarcity accounts for x ? many of the abnormal phenomena Gj such as the remarkable manifestar St tion of precocious crime.
Lynn D. Ifpham Co.
V/jrn by Good Dressers Everywhere -Sold by the BETTER
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J e w , what h e wants and h e,, the t l t w o were opposed to Bolshevism. I for being friendly to the Bolsheviki. d. Plan Aid to 300,000 •awillPolish tell ; you' that h e wants t o be " ^Vhy' then do they agitate. for .' Why are the Russian Jews so friendifree from pogroms. You ask a n the tl: lifting:of -the Russian blockade? ly to them?' Jewish Orphans * American Jew arid he will tell" you M
much persecution and suffeiing? j? I which this stirring of race hatred sembly a memowmdum covering full; How does i t come that they have not ot might lead,' but Mr. Cammeron re- the question o f Jewish minbrit; been wiped off the face of he themained unconvinced. His call—his rights. Why do they go about saying that j "The Russian-Jews are not friend1- earth?' • miAsion was to Solve • the Jewish : that he wants to make enough to the tt Soviet government is firmly •• ly to the Soisheviki at all. Pine and id "Why do you ask this? Is that at problem." CREDIT BAN|C I N PALESTINE Distribution Committee's . Program !pay ~ the high rent, to pay the but- established es and could not be over- Fisher reported that they were opp- perhaps the task which you have ve , London, Dec. 22.—Sir Herbert San* Includes System of "Finand cher and the grocer. He does not thrown?' tl posed to them. undertaken? You shall know them. uel.High Commissioner for Palestine £j PLEAD FOR JEWISH RIGHTS even think of conquering the world. rial Adoptions." ei "'Yes, they tell" us that the Bol"Because that i s their opinion. 1- The Jewish people exists because of Paris, Dec 22.—Dr. Leon Motzkin, has informed the Palestine Advisor] Mr. Cammeron listened attentively T uThey have been there, they studied sheviki make no pogroms and yet et its enemies, because of its persecuoy Secretary of the Jewish. Delegations Council. that h e i s negotiating v i t l to these simple words. They evident- c < i they want u s to believe that the le tions. Persecution will never destroy conditions, they saw that l i e people Broad plans t o Cire for and bring jly5 made a n impression on him. A n d were Committee of this cit>, left for Ge- English, American and Egyptian fi w with the-BolsheviM, that i s Jews are opposed to Bolshevism. the ^Jewish people. f o r t h e establishment o 77S up Jewish war orphans in all.coun- ai at that .moment I saw before me not why w they say that. "It i s true that the Bolsheviki ki " 'But the very fact that the Jews neva, where with Dr., Nasum Soko- nanciers to low of the London Zionist Bureau, he credit banks throughout Palestine merely a convinced anti-Semitic, but make no pogroms. But they abolish sh live, that they have been able to "But "why do they praise the Boltries have been announced b y the m : ii s will represent the committee when says a dispatch from Jerusalem. Si also a'simple< naive man. He was shevkn'•' si private business, and the Jews, who, o, withstand all persecutions—does this Joint Committee, at N e w Yorij, City, * us the League of Nations Assembly Herbert added that h e hoped t o se under the czars, were not permitted surprised t o learn that, the Jews did :d not point to something mysterious "They do not praise them. I t i s of which Felix Warburg i s , national n< ds takes u p the matter of Jewish rights, these banks operating i n t h e neaj to engage in agriculture, to enter not mean to conquer the world. He y< 2T about the whole matter, does this your article which created that imtie Dr. Motzkin will l a y before t h e A s -future. id not imply that this people will some was amazed at the discovery^and I pression. pi chairman and1 City Commissioner w You purposely wrote i t inthe crafts or the professions, and w were compelled to become a people le day conquer the world. The Jewish was amazed a t his amazement^ a a way to create the impression that sh rr. .Harry Zimman i s local chairman. e- leaders of old actually did preach "Until then I thought that h e l m n - they t l were Bolshevists, that all Jews of merchants, now that the BolsheThree hundred thousand Jewish s self , le that the Jews would dominate the did n o t believe- this nonsense- -a: ^re Bolshevists and that Bolshevism viki have abolished business become >k world, and the Jewish leaders of our orphans, scattei-ed over Europe and about a1 the Jews,* that i t merely fur- isisof Jewish origin. The truth of." the pauperized and are forced t o seek him an excuse' for,Jew bait- |(matter rn is that Judge Fisher is a v n - new ways of gaining a livelihood. d. own day, the bankers, are trying to the Near East, dying rapidly and nished ? Physically they are safe under the ing. But now I 'began to think that s« le modernize this idea. We have proofs servatiye, a member of the D e i 9 - Bolsheviki* living i n misery, are to be rescued H but economically they are it was possible that h e actually be- cratic CJ party of good standing, and re that they wish t o ^brinjj about the off than ever and that is why largely through the help of "Amer- jj ty conquest of the world by the Jews, '•• lieved i t . , > tthat l h e i s farther from Bolshevism worse they are against Bolshevism. The -• In order to facilitate the obtaining of subscriptions for The Jewish ie and we wager,' he added, t h a t anyican Jews. "Mr. Cammeron s a t silent for a than t l even Mr. Ford himself.' .. ;. Jews are opposed to Bolshevism a s thing these leaders tell the Jewish Press, a subscription blank i s being carried in this issue. is f e w moments, .-mediating o n what I '"Yes, I read his statement, in '"The future of the children of P anti-Jewish, yet you use this very •y people to do, the latter will do faiths< Finally h e remarked: w which he declared that h e was not a argument to insult and persecute the Europe," said Commissioner Zim- said. | If you desire to be a subscriber fill out the blank and mail i t with le fully.' c< communist.' A Question of Discipline Jews. man, "affects not alone the future of "When I was about to leave Mr. a check f»r $1.50 as directed. You will then be placed on the subscription "Well, i f you read i t why did you "'Well, you may not know of thenot D(mentiqn i t in your a r t i c t ^ You "Mr. Cammeron made no reply to to Cammeron asked me i f I had a n y' - lists and ; will receive the next and ensuing issues for one year. the Jewish people throughout t h e conspiracy. Supposing that you real- s .say that you are writing ti^sgfeith, this. ' thing against Congress publishing world, but the well-being of all the lyjj do not know it, but, how about the that ^ you do not mean any^.^s*™, "The whole thing, this entire cami- the number of Jews in this country ? countries of Europe and of the Near b bankers? Let me ask you a question.-t ithen why not give publicity to -'"3?^paign which you are conducting iis s " ' I am not the one to decide it,' I : Ifi the. Jewish leaders should tell t h ei.statement? . -d answered, 'but I see no harm in it. E a s t . : . ' . • . . • . : ; . •.••;•. •-.. •' , with mystery. Mr. Ford Why did you base y«c *-^surrounded Jewish people to do something, would aarticle on the assumption that Fishfe^I - v not known to be an anti-Semite. , SUBSCRHTION BLANK ' • e. For my part, they can publish even |« your'people obey?" . . Emmigration Impractical y w v --takes Jews in his factories, h ie ethe number o f Catholics.' was a Bolshevist and failed to sayJewish Press Publishing Co. . ' "I don't understand what you that +j he denied i t ? u "M,es a prominent place in society,: y, " 'Well, you see, and yet every " I t i s recognized b y the committee mean. n hos. ^Tes i t come then that he, is i s time a bill proposed in Congress to 4 Baird Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. " . "Mr. Cammeron did not answer that i t i s both impracticable and un- " 'Simply this: If the Jewish bank- m ly that effect there are some who opquestion. Instead, he asked me con\':.- *g an agitation which may Gentlemen:... ; ' : , wise t o attempt t o solve the problem eers ordered the Jewish people to do my lead V pogroms in America? pose it. What.does this show?' 0 ] of his own. \ something, would they obey?' -,_ one" 'Why >r "It shows that the Jews are afraid I throagh the emigration of any large si " 'Mi, ""ord has no feeling or did Fisher go t o New York Enclosed i s check for $ 1 5 0 .to;pay for my snbseription t o | 'That i s exactly, as i f you asked *, sy that they do not want to make themto make speeches for the> Soviets, hatred fOv r* Jews. He thinks they number of orphans, either to America me" this: : If the Jewish tailors order- w >u selves conspicuous, I The Jewish Press'for one year from., date. | when the city of Chicago pays him are very a \ V ) f the Christians, you or t h e South. " • ^ ed the Jewish people to do some- aa salary as a judge'?' it " T h a t may be true,' Mr. Cammesee, h e hola. %L entirely different ' i ' ' "•' 1 "• ' ' . . . > • : : •:' ' •• '-, i " T h e committee's efforts will b e di- thing, tl would the people obey? iy ron said. opinion. H e \ * ks they are lazy 3r "'What do you mean? Are not „"Mr. Fisher did not g o t o N e wand slow. O n e \ . " the reasons for rected along t h e line of developing "And i t then occured to me that he1 York. You mention the very thing •" * N a m e .!..._.......„»..._..„««„...•.••.......,^ .•-•..^1...... * have we shall pbj. " \ later on, to tohad an idea that the fact that the the orphans in each country into the the ^ Jewish bankers the leaders of you just said in your article ^this a your people?' . : ?' awaken the ChristiV, T-a the realiza" Jews, were opposed to a special Jewf (for the purpose of making propamost useful <and pratriotic citizens of re e "No. Certainly not. of this. But tht*- -,>uble i s , w ish census was sufficient proof that against the Jews. The truth tion re the country of which they are na- "'But I know that they are. I ganda Ss lack certain secret <% nents, w e they conspired t o control the world*< i s that when one comes from France •) --••••'•• - A d d r e s s _..._^~.»... .....~z«........ ~t~:. .know that the Jewish bankers are i tives. : .J some of the proofs X, - "*pig that « "In the course of our talk we hejVfirst arrives a t N e w York and lack the leaders of the Jews; that the Jews are planning t o .c\. '^l the *f touched upon many other questions, The program includes s Bystem of Jewish j bankers are planning to dom- then .~ one goes to Chicago for in-world. And w e want i to preVv that. Mail to Jewish" Prtss Publishing•'Co., Room 4, Baird Bldg. • but Mr. Cammeron always came back• ' tto o ^Ti?"ria1 adoption, like those of the inate ^ the world, and: if they should stance. And a s a newspaperman The world has never been i. - \•^ to his idea o f a Jewish conspiracy,. 1 . Receipt -will, be sent you. i you know that when a ship arrives swallow the Jewish problem, ^$ Funds for French. War Orphans. The jjis issue orders, the Jews would certain- ?' 'f You might prove t o him a thousand in N e w York harbor i t i s m e t . b y here in America we shall solve i u * • " — • » — • * • ly obey, them. We know all about it. " t i t i m e s tiiat h e was wrong, his idea financial foster-parents i n this coun- U : reporters who seek out important "What secret documents have youC We know the whole conspiracy.. W e * * ; ^ *Hed, sincere or otherwise, could not [ try will not contribute impersonally y| passengers and have interviews with What proofs? Instead of publishing have documents. ' Jewish bankers, 2 S\ 'dislodged from his mind. Again them. Pine and Fisher came% fromyour articles which create bad feel"to a fund, but t o the care offa given £ Kahal, Soviet—we know .all about i t Soviet H Russia. 1a. again h e reiterated that t h e t e Naturally t h e newsing between the Christians and the —and.that i s why we shall go. on papers ~] J e v R a n t e d t o control the world child. . p< wanted t o know, what. was with our , articles. The. world has going on there, so reporters inter- Jews, would i t not be better t o let 5*t and" »••:'«. it was his holy mission not r To jWatch Progress * us all- see your documents and jlet never been able t o swallow' the Jew- s to let - "s come to pass, that in the 1 viewed and Fisher and publish- all know what you know? They will be supplied with photo- ? . struggle n th the Jews, everything ish problem, but we in America are.. ed J theirPine opinions. Why then did you "'We'll do that, all right." 'graphs and a history of t h e child ggoing t o solve it. W,e know all about'** was pernv 'hie. I pointed out t o Wwrite that Judge Fishers was. being him the di. Tous consequences t o . and kept informed of his-"'"or her it.'it • paid a salary by the city of -Chicago The Universal Argument. progress. Arrangements will be Look All Alike to Him g for making speeches in "New York? Le "Then h e leaned over toward me v ^ ^ ! Why did'you say .that Fisher i s for,and said: made for correspondence between the "I asked Mr. Cammeron whether i t ^ was true a s some people said, that t l the Bolsheviki, that h e praised foster-parent and the child. . "You say the Jewish people do not •5 Ford • was* displeased with the Jews T. Trotzky, when you knew that he didwant t o dominate the world, now A complete census of war orphans ^ because some Jewish people opposed m nothing of the kind, when you knew why i s i t that the Jewish people in Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Euma- !h him in financial matters. H e denied tthat l he denied that h e was a com-have been able to survive after s o m - Why do you publish only nia, Austria and other. countries of it. ijI asked him whether any of the munist* Ford had any reason for one oi side of the story? Central and Eastern Europe and hating £ assistants CLEANING, REPAKwiNG j the Jews, and were looking __ '"Well, i f Fisher did not say that, ^MHuiuimimiiiimiiiiiiiuiimiiiiimiiii| ( | 1 f Palestine is. t o be undertaken and a for means t o agitate against them, there t l were forty others who said it.' = | AND PRESSING O F CLOTH| '•>.•-. • -. -Si system of uniform records, created. £He denied this also. "But you used Fisher a s an illus- = | | (NG AND SHOE REPAIRING I fa and what you s a y o f forty All Jewish synagogues, societies, . " W e do i t because w e know all tration, ', the facts and we want to solve the others o< might equally be said of forty organizations, trades unions' and j • Jewish problem.'" . •,....-• C Christians. Colonel,Robins returned other agencies of Jewish life i n "Our next subject was the question Uto this country' quite enthused over the Soviets, and he was a Christian. America are sought for membershipioof Kahals and Soviets. Mr. Camme- tl wanted, to know whether Kahal T The English labor leaders came back in t h e b i g relief organization rron and Soviet were not one and' the from fj Russia with a.good opinion of projected. ssame thing—which shows how well E Russia—and they are all Christians. (informed he i s on Jewish subjects. -.\ : ~ ~—' - \i] He Knows Better ' After I told him the meaning o f I Kehillah ^tnd Soviet; that one had' "'Biit Jews have.a special reason \ A •:.-,:„ i.^ -,;... -,,•. ....... ".:. . . . . . , . . . , _J nothing t o do with t h e other,* h e m *p s ;All sUndaril makes of Hirh Grade * ** ^ r asked me whether the Kehillahs were & Rebuilt Typewriters for Sale at j not exactly like the Soviets. I point- ^ led out Christian religious societies, (Continued from page 1) j * S prices far below mannfacturcre 1 the Catholic church, for instance, — . —•— 11 = $2.00 Silk > t A A I 3 prices.—Each machine guaranteed. > ' 1 '. j which was thorougHy organized and t v when it come? to printing on HURRY tUP eral times i n the past, but every'\\ which, one might say, had a govern- o Hose 3>1»VU = orders, we are THERE with the gooijs = time they were stopped. Somebody;'|\ment \ K ' We also carry a complete line of " ' I of i t s own." But that did not c TIME. This business has been bnilt always • interfered, and a s a result' iconvince Mr. Cammeron," who held aON I $3.50 Silk 4 ( 1 OA E i U g h grade R E N T A L machines. | the papers" stopped publishing the c the Jewish Kahals and the upuon this policy ana .we trill continue Si I B i that* 5 Ho«e, . _~V l*O9 = to work along these lines. truth- But we are npt going t o t : Soviet t h e same thing. H e PHOKE: DOPGLAS OTTOl" stop. W e will go ahead with our £ towere : clung his idea that the -Tews want- = I AUSiDc ^n QC 1 disclosures until w e accomplish ourI ed cto control the world through Bolend.' Ie = Knickerbockers ..$O»VD = , • shevism, and he considered i t his "What do you.mean by disclosures, E 1 sacred duty to save humanity by tellMr. Cammeron? 1E L ing the truth, i . e., publishing his " 1 " mean b y that, that w e shalli iarticles., . 1 LADIES'FANCY = prove that t h e Jews entered into . a £ ".'Do you still need any proof of New Tops, Curtains; = | 522 South Sixteenth street. g conspiracy to control the world.' S Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam ( the fact that Bolshevism i s of JewEven Cushions, Seat 5 BLOUSES E A World Conspiracy tish origin?' he'asked me. You can = 111 Across from t h e Rome HoteL Hi Covers, large and "I smiled, and the anti-Semitic: ssee that all the Jews are Bolshevists, S "i '-• Doug. 439S. , | small. editor continued: "Yes, a conspiracyr tthat in itself i s sufficient proof.' . . | Values to $25.00 _ . $ Q « / 5 | to control the world! And let me tellI1I "But you have n o t proved i t yet. you that you are not going t o con- " 'Max Pine and Judge Fischer and We Rebuild Old Cushions; trol the world. Certainly not b T y iIiall the rest.' ' | $£.50 Blouses, Sale $ 4 * 8 5 | . Tops, and Curtains; force. W e won't let you.' j j "Max Pine and Judge Fischer' are . Anything to upholster. "I know that, Mr. Cammeron.. Inot Bolshevists, but" of them we shall I 1 $5.00 Blouses, Sale $ 2 . 9 8 | When ever i t comes t o applying1 ispeak later. They are just a s much THAT'S ALL." force and vidlence, Christians are < > opposed t o Bolshevisms as the Chris-\ very much superior. to the Jews.i.1tian capitalists are, and i f there are But that i s not the point. A l l that i t Bolshevists, there' are still more THE AUTO TOP is nothing but a foolish self-delusion.! ..!<Christian workers and peasants whoj The Jews do not want t o conquerc Jare Bolshevists. That is en economic the world. AH they want i s to be t &TJRIMMINGCO. • » ^SMMM> ^CTsf^^sff^M^sWrVCSBMBSsMMMMMMMMMM^ JS 2 question and not a racial one. These; • l e t alone i n peace.- But there areB workers a r e ' for Bolshevism irre-; 420-22 South 13th Street some who won't let them alone, who j pective j of their religion, just as t h e plague them, who murder and cal- capitalists i are against i t irrespectivet Douglas 7114 uminate them. • • i of < their religion. ] W e made a deal on leather coats and are making a lower price than T7tiiia«t>iaiitiliiaiiiiiiillltiiillfllIllllllllII^Tl " 'You will not convince m e / the e j j " ' N o that i s not true. -The Jews ' -Wt had on last lot. They are leather coats, latest patterns.\ editor interrupted me, t h e . Jews do i a are for Bolshevism. They want t o : want to. capture the world.' ,!i,! dominate the world.' • \ : "But, Mr. Cammeron, I a m a J e w v '• "Our conversation again drifted to ! ' myself and I assure y o u that I do '. .and Fisher. Mr. Cammeron ! o Pine not even know about i t . L e t u s bothti ;pointed out that Pine, who i s a labor J I WHOLESALE * RETAIL J g o out on t h e street and stop ass leader, . and Fisher, a judge, are both J many Jews a s y o u wish and ask : Bolshevism and that was a sign I k for (Can be worn by ladies) them about it. They will think u ss that all the Jews were Bolshevists. I crazy. You ask a n Ukrainian Jew, r, .Again I had to explain to him that j
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Interview with Ford's Editor\ in The Jewish Press Today \
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for the TA§LEW
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Genuine Navy $ 4 ^V.90
(Every One a Practical Present)
We Cannot Afford to Misrepresent
V I Omaha's Largest Market
16th and Howard
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Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
My.day, is a father, a• mother* my
Wells'Ridiculous Idea THE JEWISH CHILD Jewish Women Aid of Great Jewish Plot He is a child, and ,yet he is Giris with Home Work
THE HEBREW You bid me to bury my sorrows, And cease o'ver by burdens to rave; But where shall I find on this planet As vast as my sorrows a grave ? —From "Songs of a Wanderer."
Much older than his yean; As leader of forty-eight volunteer H. G. Wells, the well-known Brit- He laughs, but in his laugh is oft Their child is, dear friend* my to- ish author, is furnishing a series of women instructors of Home EconomMore sadness than in tears. 'morrow; * articles to The New York Times, ics at six public schools, Mrs. Mil..$1.50 How can I expect that their, child under'the general caption, "Russia He frisks and sports, but *mid Ids lard Langfeld is giving invaluable Subscription Price, one year.. pranks «. Advertising rates furnished on application. will be bright^; in the ShaddW." The third article service to about 400 young girls He stares; and is his face An offspring of gloom and of sorr published in the issue of Sunday, through the Jewish Women's Eelief NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT — Profits from the November 21, is on "The Quintes- You read, as in an open book, society. Classes are held at Cass, jublication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal The drama of his :. —From ^'Songs of a Wanderer." sence of Bolshevism." In this article Long, Lake, Kellom, Lincoln and causes. he ridicules the international con- And in his deep, dark, sparkling eyes South Central schools, following the CHANGE OF ADDEESS—Please gite both the old and new address; be sar* close of the regular school day, and • ••.'•'" THEl S T U F F . . '-•;•- spiracy craze with which some silly ' You see his people's doom: ana sign name. people are afflicted, as follows: They mirror both bright eastern skies instruction is given in darning garThe test j>f a man is the fight he ments, making hats, and other pracNow, who are these Bolsheviki who And northern mist and gloom. _, THE IMMIGRATION BILL \ makes, L (Special to The Jewish PreBs.) tical things that d5d little girls not have taken such an effectual hold *j A recent development of chauvinistic and bigoted Americanism, as The grit that he daily shows, New Dec. 25.—"The reputa;He plays, he capers like a child, only to keep their apparel in good tion of York, in; expounded by the foes of free i2nmigration, may stampede Congress into The way he stands on his feet and' on Russia? According to the crazier Henry Ford and the DearBut oft it seems to you: s t a k e s • -• . • • • • • " . . . . • '•• ; .••section of the British press, they condition, but to help their mothers born Independent is vastly less im„: the enactment of legislation to close our nation's doors to all immigrants. • v Fate's numerous bumps and blows. are agents of a mysterious racial That in a moment he will grow portant than the revival by the Jews at home. jj Similar restrictive measures were introduced heretofore but \ve«b always A coward can smile, when there's An old, a wandering Jew. of their own faith," Rabbi Wise said. plot, a secret society in which Jews, , naught to fear, Suspended During War *J suppressed by the overpowering spirij of true Americanism. "" Doctor Wise added that thousands This volunteer work was started of Jews were neglecting the educa\I This bill is of vital significance to suffering humanity across the _ea, ; When nothing his progress bars, Jesuits, Freemasons and Germans He frolic,, but his .very glee umi3led in the madby Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, president of tion of their children in the faith 3j who look to our shores as a haven of safety from constant pillage, outWith pathos is entwined; J' dest fashion. As a matter of fact, the Jewish Women's Relief society of their fathers. \ Xage and starvation.' . . . ' :: • S e ' s child and man, he's young sad While some other fellow stars. "Tens of thousands of them," he nothing was ever quite less a secret 1915, and was suspended during said, ,' It is'difficult to designate accurately the basic motives warranting this It isn't the victory after all. old, "are not even Jews in name. than the ideas and aims and meththe war, that women might devote jact. Every American knows that the entire population Of the United They are for the most part a liabilHe's joy and gloom combined. But a fight that a brother makes; o d s o f the B °l~neviki, not anything •States is composed of immigrants and descendants of immigrants,- who The man who, driven against t h e i —From "Songs of a Wanderer.'* their time to Ked Cross and other ity to the Jews." Doctor Wise also referred to the .wall, quite less like a secret society than war needs. Superintendent J. H. sought asylum in this country for the very reasons the immigrants of % movement certain Presbyterians Still stands,up' direct and takes [their organization, but in England Beveridge and Miss Belle Eyan of to convert by ; tomorrow will seek refuge here. •.Jews to the Christian The blows of fate with his head l we cultivate a peculiar style of the Omaha publie schools speak in i' Indeed, it was ^openly charged on the ffoor of the Lower House that faith. "We are not to be disturbed," Politics held high, thinking1 so impervious to any genhighest terms of the service given he said, "if some Presbyterians atijthis particular measure is of anti-Semetic origin, dictated by the present Bleeding and bruised and pale, tempt to convert the Jews. I am }anti-Jewish, feeling created by Henry Ford's libelous and slanderous agita- Is the man who will win in the by eral ideas that it must needs fall A report on the political results in by Mrs. Langfeld and her volunteer concerned, however, with 'un-Jewishand by, back upon the notion of a conspiracy New York snows once more the com- porkers. Mr. Beveridge longs for ness.' ition. The mere acceptance of such a charge, however^ would prove too There were more synagogues For he isn't afraid to fait, ' \\\ icomplimentary to the vicious un-American influence of the Michigan dupe, It's the bumps you get and the jolts to explain the simplest reaction of plexity of the Jewish attita.de toward the day when Omaha may have a in New York in my youth than there the human mind. matters of this kind. To speak of lunior High school which will con- are today. Our business is not to y as well as too insulting to" the lofty American conscience. you get, And the shocks that your courage JTBWS as protagonists of any one pol- tinue the practical work begun by argue with those who would convert y- "To what other valid cause c_n this legislative act, therefore, be Leading Bolshevists Not Jews us, but v/ith the thousands, the tens stands, . . ' . " " ' . itical form of thought is to speak of these women. Miss Ryan declares ^attributed?" Perhaps it "is dreaded that an incessant influx'of foreigners The hours of.sorrow and vain regret,.! Of the leading spirits of the Bol- what has never been true in history these women are workers who slip of thousands who are selling their 1 would bring to our land the much over-estimated -wave of radicalism: now birthright for a moss of pottage. The prize that escapes your hands,he says: and experience. In New York the at- in and out at the buildings, and After we have, given our children sweeping all Europe. Should this be the actual case,-the immigration That test your mettle and prove your . T _-. movement, •_. , never make a bit of confusion; they keys to well-stufted deposit vaults r document in its present form is rather too drastic in its general applica- worth; j: ' • ~l It is these young men who con- tempt to defeat the Socialist ticket cheat and rob them of their even get along on peaceful terms we resulted in many cases in a series of tion as an indictment against all elements of immigration, for it does not spiritual heritage." It the isn'tblows the blows you on deal, • t-titute the living, forceareof Jews, BolshevBut you take the good ism. Many, oi them befusions between Democrats and Re- with the janitors which is the test hold out. any concessions even to'those who fle© from oppression and old earth :"•-': cause most of the Russian emigrants publicans. Isaac Siegelman defeated of adaptability. religious persecution. Experience has proven that those oppressed in their --Tha$ snow:if ypur stuff is feaL native lands come here with the expectation, of being law-abiding and God- —Levang?s Weekly, Lanesboro, Minn. into America were Jews, but few of Morris Hilquit Both are Jews. Mr. Schaefer Aids them have any strong racial Jewish Hilquit is a leading Socialist. Meyer fearing and are prepared to accept the true ideals of our government and Principals co-operating with Mrs. feeling. 'They are not out for JewLondon, a jew, defeated Henry Goldto stand by its institutions and principles. • Langfeld are: Miss Martha Powell, rybut for a new world. So far from f Attacks Ford's Jews Attend Conference fogies also a Jew. T h e former is a Were we to construe this proposed legislation in the. light of a rebeing in a continuation of Jewish Socialist," the latter a conservative Long school; Miss Martha McCumber, Vienna—The Administration for the Charges Against Jews constructive measure as an after-effect of the world war, it is obvious 1 tradition, the Bolsheviki have put Republican* Nathan Strauss, Jr., a Lincoln; E. D. Gepsbn, Kellom; Mrs. Vienna district invited a number of that it is inconsistent with the very altruistic motives which prompted okr Zionist leaders in Democrat, was elected to the state Jeannette L. Woodward, Lake; Miss leading Jews in order to confer with - William Jennings' Bryan, in his m o s t ^/entering the war. Are we now lo close our nation's doors to the same paper, the Commoner, printed at sia in prison, and they have pjrescrib- legislature while the Socialist as- Cassie Rt>ys, South Central, and Miss them regarding the expulsion of Josephine Grant, Cass school. The as a re- semblymen, Jews in the main, were work is not confined to Jewish child- Eeastem refugees. Those who at' of the re-elected. hounties.-of liberty which-we can offer them here? mos ren, but is shared by all creeds and tended the conference included Drs. * interesting I met This is a complex which is worthy The idea^that_this prohibitive measure is a protection for the i m m i - ' ' ^ f h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l nationalities at these six schools in Pelashkes and Ehrlich. The results . Protocols, Us absuxif as well as •) were not Jews at all, but blond Nor- of note. It merely goes to show that and above the Fifth grade. S. H. of the conference are not yet known. erant himself possible -cruel. It is astonishirik that any-'die m«n. Lenine, beloved leader of grounded. ! one would build upon an anonymous ; u ^.^ i s .ener-etic in Rnssia to- Jews select their political affiliations Schaefer, head of the Jewish WelHold Demonstration ublic neculiarlv •:P P^bUcation an iudictment against one ~ T " * -energetic m Kussia to- with absolutely no consideration of j fare Board, gives valuable aid to the That element which flees from racial or religious oppression is peculiarly uecuiiariv.... _. .. a ! day, has the Tartar type of face and Vienna—Jewish working masses 5t j ^ ^ f- history; adaptable to new environment and especially susceptible, to -the process of j ^ hurling the small number of Jewish WOmen instructors, held a large demonstration' in the the Protocols carefully : is'certainly no Jew. voters into politics as a compact I -» ______ Americanization, thus eventually proving fit material for good citizenship. and' believe '" that, theyy were Either fchis has been authoritatively statcity of Lemberg at which they voiced, body. It is a sign of the ability of To maintain that America can no longer accommodate any more newtheir protest against the manner; in before. But that they have the Jew to participate freely , in c o m e r s is not onty ridiculous but likewise a belittlement of our vast not which Ukrainian Jewry is being ex- . sane-fanatic, more-probably-the for? i the slightest foundation for their fe-pansion and unlimited resources. America's innumerable opportunitiesb blikely, l h they f i! charges, that they are utterly in- American political life with no ham- Movement Makes Gains terminated, says a dispatch from mer. If, as seems less pering bonds such as his enemies so can never be exhausted. represent the imaginings of an jin- ! capable of proof, never deters a Jew- frequently would ascribe to him. Lemberg. The demonstrators appealSpecial to "THE JEWISH PRESS." The advocacy of the adoption of this bill on the. basis of supeMfealous it New York, Dec 22.—The move- ed to the entire civilized world to _ up .._... Judaism teaches that man is the Americanism with a slogan, "America for Americans only," is by all in general. »The diabolical character most improbable libels. ment for a Jewish World Congress, intervene- and save the Jews of messenger of God in his relation means inconsistent with the very fundamental principles"and institutions of the plot is enough to stamp it as with his fellowman and not a mem- which was launched about a month Ukrainia from totr.! destruction. , of our glorious republic. \ The teaching of Americanism through tm- either fraudulent or foolish. No such ber of a block or group to be deliver- 'ago, has reached a state where serij|American mediums-is unwholesome^for it necessarily defeats its own noble conspiracy could be planned by any Hclp Refugees; _. ed at the whim 6t a political leader. ous steps are being taken toward its The latest and most comprehensive interpretation of American- considerable number, not to speak of 1161117 lOFu S realization. ; Paris—The Committee of the Cen—The Scribe. ly-hearing upon immigration is "the preparation of thte hearts ^ e ^ ? ^ ! L b i ^ Z - ^ f 8 ™ 1 * * ? . I * " * An Editorial in the PhUadelphU It would require the joint effort of EuUetin of Nov. 18, 1920. News has also reached the < W ! ? ? f**1* ^ ° ? d Reli ! jf h a s € S t a b ; ths native ive-bonf to receive into full fellowship the- foreifm-bonfc" • •>' all the leaders of the raco to make h d & mittee from Montreal to the effect \ ff organization trhich mf^^ As unbiased and fair-minded Americans, let us, therefore, translate. it a real conspiracy, and what reW l U 1 funds ! rje^in^thrwhoie worW To very rich men of the world that the National Executive Com^J *or r f u f e s a n d Jewish Salvation Army mittee of the Canadian Jewish Con- f ^ ^ t s Passing through ;-tjbur Americanism into, practice by opposing or, at least, amending'this of contemplating goesjhis credit—that scarcely one of this counJegislation to the extent of removing the direct detrimental effects upon i_£_h a crime? them ever expended his wealth for gress a special meeting this tr>% The French government has andjthe destinies of the- unfortunate and ppersecuted new-comer. The Jews of New York City have ! omer. _,-. . .. . .. —f the promotion of a personal spite or formed what is to be known as' « ! "*___ ._*? c o f a dider e question o . ! n ° u n c e < i t h a * refugees havmg em. e f ^the qaestion AMERICA, AS A CHAMPION OF LD3ERTY AND EQUALITY quite intimately many prominent!., k _ , . Z v i__ "Jewish Salvation Afmy." After the convening a Jewish' World Congress. P I o ^ e n t w l J I n o t b e " "" MAY YOU CONTINUE TO KEEP YOUR DOORS OPEN TO SUFFER- Jews, among them (only to mention j ^ development of an unhealthy In the meantime, th© "movement is ING HUMANITY. Help Jews * a few), .Justice Bran'deis, of the whim. Henry Ford broke that pre- organization is thoroughly developed gaining followers in all Jewish cirlocally, it is expected that*it will be Danzig—The Jewish press of WilSupreme Court; the great lawyer,i cedent. He publishes magazine, of which aweek after launched on the basis of a nation-i c l e s ' t h e popular will being in favor na is advocating the establishment jS_S,Jnd»ee_____?:;iira& l^au.? 'wae e^k ^is feature ' ASIERICANISM AND THE JEW aa the world-famed philanthropist, and' » ahti^Jewish propaganda. wide scope. Conditions in that city o f ^ ^ a C o n sr« s s » to be convened of & democratic republic for Lithua|l Americanism is particularly, congenial to the Jew, for its principles his_ brother, Oscar, equally distinThe purport of a long series of as early as possible. nia, all nationalities being given full M religious and political freedom and equality, handed -down through the guished as a diplomat and peace adautonomy, says a Wilna dispatch. , , . .« . ., . . • °* !. _ !. < _> soihe action of this kind. Unvocate; Rabbi Wise, fearless preachPilgrim Fathers (whose tercentenary we celebrate this week) and of righteousness; Julius Rosen- has been to prove that the American J1DC. „_, , Another despatch from that city . T ., ,. Oppose Unconditional •iproadened and extended on the Declaration of Independence, the Con- er exert an influence wald, business man and humanitari- .i_«n--i. -people states that General Zellgouski's gov^ ^ i - «,_-!= »- ,--«-_--_ l e s s s o r a e f o r m ot J e w i s h evangelism L*titution of the United States and American institutions generally, ate an; Ambassador Morgenthau, who upon banking, commerce and trade Blue Sunday Laws ernment has apportioned 1,400,000 is supported by the leaders of the Jhe direct expression, planted here on*the 4soil of the New World and recently, represented the United Stat- far beyond what their number would marks for the upkeep of Jewish organized into Government and a Great State, of the ideals of his es at Constantinople; the two Kahns, indicate. He has gone so far as to synagogue to buttress the religious Special to "THE jTEWtSH TRESS." and Julius; Bernard Baruch, in Wilna. All passports islife of the people.of their race, the forefathers, particularly of the great Hebrew prophets, the protagonists Otto New York, Dec 22.—The Jewish schools to J e w s b Sigmund Zeisler, A. J. Elias, etcT suggest that the Jews have their moral break-down will continue. The ^ ^ y t n o Zellgouski govof 'righteousness, and the classic champions of freedom, justice and etc. Sabbath Alliance here has launched e r n m e t l t heart set upon the soil and will ultic. 4 are in Yiddish and Polish.' millions of Jews in New York have a campaign against the proposed num2nity. y try to v « dominate agriculture. Would planwithout amountthe to I mately much in any thisJewish country ^ . * ' . . « . « « ^ u u « « been greatly neglected in m<Jral in8 "Blue Sunday" laws. The Jew is zealous for Americanism. As» a patrf«* ari_' a support of these represpatetives^f ; i T h e y a u n *? n f l e edu cation and all Fear Immigration Bill struction and religious education. As In a public statement, Rabbi Dr. humanitarian, he is loth to see it suffer the least harm or deterioration. the race? And what Christian would great American transactions. Paris—Reports received here from a result one of the most difficult f_herefore he raises the voice of .warning, against those misguided ones," be more prompt than they to expose Why Mr. Ford is engaged in this problems of that great city is the Bernard Drachman, the president of different East-European centers inthe Alliance said, "the cause of the to say the least, who in their narrow partisanship would lay •Unholy and denounce such a conspiracy if anti-Semitic Crusade no one seems moral breakdown of one of the most Jewish Sabbath in this country is dicate that the proposed legislation J it ever came &> their notice? *""~ on the ark of our liberties and by their disregard of the'fundamental - £^ y g d of thefundamental _ The libel, while irritating, can not to know. Whatever the reason, the reliable sections of humanity — the in the United States which would -.principles of Amen'canism would undermine and/eventually destroy the do any permanent harm; it will soon American people generally will mere- moral and sagacious Jew.—Western more endangered now than ever be- completely bar all immigrants, is fore, on account of the threatened laugh at the fears so solemnly Christian Advocate. \ %roud fabric of human rights erected here after centuries of struggle. be forgotten.—William Jennings Bryan. • . • . , attempt to introduce a compulsory creating _ panic among East -Euro* 'et forth by the man who thought ;,Jilood and tears. . ,. . . •• ••»».» National Sunday Observance Law pean communities where a large , \ We refer to those who are endeavoring to have a particular religion he could end the great war by takA JUST REBUKE SHAMELESS IMPUDENCE and it is imperative that all adher- number look forward to reach the - declared the official religion of the land, despite the Constitution which ing, a shipload of "pacifists" to EuAn anti-Jewish propagandist, namUnited States in the near future. on earth do Christians want • <kays explicitly that "Government sltould make no establishment of religion " to Why Dukszta, having written Hon. P. ents of the seventh day Sabbath Am proselyte Jews? Have the church- rope. The fair-play policy which has ed ®"can Consulates in Warsaw " | Those who are trying to have one particular day in the week declared es such a* surplus of energy, and is made our country so stupendously H. Callahan seeking an engagement unite and make every effort to ward i i-nd Cracow are besieged with thousfor a lecture under K. of C. augpices , ^.the Sabbath for--ell, to be vigorously and puritanically observed, despite the work of religion so nearly-done successful is built on the theory that against the good Jewish people, ^re- ofi t h e threatened danger. in the world at large, that the syn- race and religion are not subjects ceived the following severe but just "It is extremely difficult as it is to ands seeking vises. --the conscientious scruples of millions of their fellow-citi^ns; those who in agogues must be invaded and transVienna—Strucker, the well knowij observe the Sabbath now. Conditions sty narrow, intolerant spirit are endeavoring to stir up religious controversy formed? Here is the Presbyterian for' reprisal and boycott, and that rebuke from Hon. P. H. Callahan, of Louisville, Ky.: Jewish, leader and ex-member of the will be radically worse if the Blue - ^and arouse sectarian strife; those, tpo, who by their Ms and calummies Church, for example, appropriating what a man strives for honestly and "Kef erring1 to your letter of August Sunday Laws advocates fiucced in Austrian parliament, has made pub- ' $200,000 for Jewish proselyting in acquires, that-he shall have, regardseek to awaken hatred and suspicion and the bitterest passions against p addressed to the Knights of their efforts. New York_City, and placing a man less of his antecedents or his place 28th, lie an article in which he severely important l l all l h Columbus, seeking an engagement to important, lawabiding law-abiding section off u foes of m the field for the doing of 'this one "Church and State are absolutely takes to task the Austrian Socialists Jca and should be made to feel the scorn and censure of all true particular job. What wonder that of worship. For Henry Ford or make an anti-Jewish address under separated in the UnitedvStates. Ec- for their policy of anti-Semitism. .^Americans who jeally love their country .and who would preserve its leading Jews throughout the country anybody else systematically to excite their auspices: "The writeT was chairman of the are protesting against this proposal; clesiastical domination is something Strucker declares that it is chiefly institutions to the latest posterity, that America py, America may may continue'to continueto bbe a and that the Union of American He- race hatred is harmful and wholly Commission on- Religious Prejudices altogether abhorrent to the mind of due i:o their instigations against the un-American. and a blessing, the hope of the world, and an inspiratitm to all brew Congregations has issued a of the Knights of Columbus, giving ions three years of his life exclusively to the average American. Religious Jews of Eastern Europe that one nations. formal statement, calling upon the this work, and therefore could say a freedom is guaranteed by the Con- now frequently sees ailing women Jew_s to reply to the attempt to congreat deal on t%is subject in a reply stitution which these Blue Sunday dragged out of their cellar habitavert _ them, by strengthening their A MUTUAL LIKING "The farms, offices, workshops and factories of America thrive because allegiance to-their_own religion and to you, but my very best answer Laws protagonists now geek to ab- tions in the middle of the night and B The Hebrews are always very \ot the contribution of foreign brains and labor, without which they would supporting its institutions more vigwould be that of the late Rabbi . * left in the street exposed 'to snow demonstrative. I'm as fond of Moses of our city, who when ap- rogate ^Immediately wither. One half, perhaps," of the brave men that lately orously than ever before! For ourand rain. proached some years ago to engage selves, we are free to say that this them as, thank fortune, they are o' "If these people wish to eliminate itfou^ht in the invincible American army and saved Europe were foreignersin anti-Catholic activity, said: "Hav- much useless labor on Sunday, the proselytizing of Jews by Christians me, They make up a fine and V ^ y °{ those foreigners immolated their lives for America, under impresses*us as*a piece of colossal Palestine Gets Industries ing for so many" years been among the-glorious folds of the Stars and Stripes." ' London—Two large syndicates for and shameless impudence. If the ^appreciative audience. They know the Hares, who have been chased by Christian Sabbath, so that its adweel what they like, and why they the Hounds, it would be most incon- herents may better observe that day the manufacture of bricks and PortPresbyterians have got $£00,000 t h a t t i-f •* . i ^ * TV Z T, for me to change now from they are perfectly within their rights. land cement in Palestine have just they don't know what to do with w . Uke'it, and they let you know how asistent Hare to a Hound." as the President has heard further But when they endeavor to prevent they feel. They are an artistic lenty Mbrgenthau to norn tho League of Nations, which (for respectfully suggest that they use it "Therefore, the Knights of Colum- other religionists from keeping their been registered in this city with an the conversion not of Jews but race; more so than most others, initial capital of two hundred and and Catholics generally, having iviiedtate n Armenia invited the executive to name a . of Christians to Christianity. Eeli- I think. Th've had sair misfortune bus been Hares for so long, we are cer- day of rest then their endeavors are +nirty thousand pounds between mecUator. gidn, like charity, begins at home! to bear and they've borne them tainly not going to become Hounds pernicious and perversion of Amer- them. Special to "T1U3 JEWISH PltESS." In his work Mr. Morgenthau will 'When the Christians have got someat this time in any. form of persecu- ican principles." Harry Lauder. Washington, Dec. 22.—Henrj- Mor- have the moral support, not only thing more to show for their faith tion ctf the Jews. Remember Pogroms tJjenihuy, of New York* ex-ambassador of the United States, but also of the . than indiscriminate greed, hatred and "You are the one type of man, in Vienna—The entire Jewish comprincipal allies and associated povfslaughter, they may be iit to talk «#o .Turkey, has been selected by ELKUS ON COMMISSION Help Palestine my estimation, that ought to be demunity of Lemberg participated in s Iji'resident vVilson to act as the Pres- ers, this having been agreed uprfn ; about bringing this faith to -other ported or exiled." Washington, D. C, Dec 22.—Selec, Danzig—Local Jewa held a Cha- service commemorating the victims N ident's personal- representative in between the President and the people—-but not before I—Unity. tion of Abraham I. Elkus, of New * Colonel Callahan's remarks find an nediating between the Armenians league.* York, former Ambassador to Tur- echo in our hearts. All such men nukah festival in which the most who fell there in a pogrom a year Nordau 111 r^jidjthe Turkish nationalistsi Formal announcement of Mr. Morkey, as the American member of the should be summarily dealt with as prominent Jews participated. During ago, according to a dispatch from I " Mr. Morgenthau conferred with genthau'a appointment was made by commission which is to decide the enemies of the American people. We the course of the evening Zionist Paris^—Dr. Max Nordau, who was @ ft.ctihg Secretary Davis at the state the state department which said M Mr. reported seriously ill, is gradually future status of the Aland Islands respect our Jewish neighbors and we leaders collected 2,000,000 marks for that city. Every one of the comp was prepared prepared to to "nro , as between , , ^ claims ,, _._ , denounce epartment today, receiving final in-- Morgenthau munity who was able to walk, marchdenounce any any person person or or agency agency seekseek -utorgenuiau was pro- i m - r o v i __ H . is V nw -__- m?nuf__ii,y the ofof, Sweden between the claims Sweden f as Keren prepared Palestine 'a actions as to his mission. He is ceed with hiswas duties as soon to as "nroprac- »""? r °! m f- H e M* however, not y e t i _ n d F i n l a n d w a s l a t e l y announced ingg to stir upp^strife between them i ed in solemn processipn A,o the ceme^ Columbian et ' shi k ; o u t of dang^»t tb* « »a t e Departmenty and us,—Catholic on Fund). pected to ticable." tery where a service was rendered. and us,—Catholic Columbian. tb* « » t e Department his work as- soon THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. . . ' , MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone, Doug. 2372.
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Many Are Jews In Kanse, Says Rabbi
Club and Religious Activities DANCE W a n t e d--14 Jewish Boys, FOR CLUB GIRLS must be over 12 yeara
of age and fond c' the out-doors
The Lambda Sigma Society The Lambda Sigma Society has been organized. It is composed of sixteen High school boys and girls. The membership is limited to ten couples. The presiding officers are: Louis. Somberg, president; Pauline Selicow, vice-president; Anne Gerelick, secretary; Herbert Robinson, treasurer; Harry Kneeter, sergeant-atarms; and Edith D. Kenyon, reporter. The program committee consists of Rozella Klein, Esther Brown, Ben Frank and Ben Ravitz. The membership committee consists of Ann Fanger, Pauline Selicow and Edward Brodkey. The meetings, which.have always a full attendance, are held every other Tuesday at .the homes of the members. . .
To Give Dance The Beth«El Social Chxb will give a carnival confetti dance at Kelpine's dancing academy, December 26. Hats, horns and confetti will be distributed.
All girls of t&e Y. W. H. A. will y be invited "to attend a dinner dance at the association club-rooms, TuesBy Philip Mandell V Miss Berthe Leon left today for day, January 4, at 6:30 p. m. This Scout Troop 62 Scribe ' Des Moines, to visit with Miss Geraffair, which will be the first of its trude Robinson of that city.. Miss kind in the history of the association, "• Boy Scout Troop 62 of the Y. M. Leon wilKbe gone for a week. was pfanned by the Ydetes Club at H. A. needs members, and needs its meeting last Tuesday. This club them at once. Troop 62 is one of the Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kaiman of will assume direction of all details youngest troops in the city end one this city are now in New York and of the entertainment. A splendid of the best—and at that it is only are expected home after the holiprogram has been arranged to follow half complete. It now has 18 memdays. Mrs. Kaiman's brother was the dinner. bers and needs fourteen more to be married in New York last week. All members of the Y. W. H. A. a full sized troop. Scouting is the very best moveare urged to send in their reservaBen Muskin was in Omaha during ment in this country for young boys, tion to the office, 303 Lyric the past week, visiting with Ms accompanied by remittance of as it teaches them many useful mother. seventy-five cents before next Tues- things and makes real men out of day, Dec. 28. No reservations will. them. There are many nationalities Ben Newman entertained seventy• be accepted after that date. The among the Boy Scouts, among them five at bis home at the christening committee in charge of arrangements Italian, English, Portuguese, French, of his eon. Fifteen dollars was conThe B'nai Ami Club will give a . consists of Mrs. S. H. Schaefer, Chinese, Japanese and American. dance Friday evening, December 31, tributed by the guests for the TalAnd now Troop 62 of Omaha is askBetty Fine, Rose Fair, Beulah Midmud Torah. L~ at the Hotel Castle. dleman, Bessie Flax, Libbie Minken, ing that more Jewish Boys join it. We have fine meetings every SatAnna Greenberg, Minnie Eisenstadt Miss Ruth Greenberg » urday night at the Y. M. H. A. and and Iva SiegeL Mr: and Mrs. H. Greenberg, 120 a hike into the country at least South Thirtieth street, will receive every other Sunday. _D. M. Newman The meeting of the Ydetes Club of their friends Sunday in honor of is our Scout-master and Bob Kooper the Y/~W. H. A. was well attended last Tuesday night. Much important and Reuben Brown are the assist- their daughter, Ruth, whose engagebusiness was transacted .including, ants. The scouts that are in our ment to Sam Dansky, of this city, was recently announced. the plans for the first Girls' dinner troop at present are: Miss Greenberg is a sifter of Dr. In the Eagle Patrol; Sam Zager, dance. Ten dollars was voted as a A. Greenberg, past president of the Fred Kurtzman, Sam Marcus, Oscar* contribution to the Jewish Welfare B'nai Brithi Kosberg, Alexander Finkenstein, DaFederation. Miss JRose Fair recited two very entertaining dramatic se- vid Wohlner, Eddie Brodkey, Sam Association Dance lections. v •- . . Bender and Philip Mandel. "In the Tiger Patrol: Meyer Braude, Another of the Y. M. H. A.'s sucTwelve new members will be Fred • Brodkey, . Gilbert Rosenblum, cessful membership dances will be initiated into the X. T. C. Club, of Harry Grossman, David Fonnan, given on Saturday evening, January the Y. W. H. A- at its next meeting, Hyman Goldman, Max Reikes and 8 at the Lyric building. This dance Israel SternhilL '' Tuesday, Dec 28. ,-". will, be for paid-up-members only. Come up and join us,"fellows. Association members are requested Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Landauer and to pay their due3 and be in good TheJHativoh Girls, a Young Judea standing before that lime. son, Joseph, of Lincoln, HL, are here to spend the holidays with. Mrs. Club, gave a dancing party for Landauer's mother, Mrs. Kate Grotte, members and their friends at_ the The Lillies of Zion held a ChanuY. M. H. A. club rooms on Wednes- ka program Sunday evening, Decem717 Park avenue. day night. About fifteen couples •ber 12. Miss Bettln Steinberg was Eabbi Mandelbaum, of Kncoln, will attended. The committee in charge in charge. Following was the pro{ speak on Zionism at- 8:30pTm.Tues- of arrangements consisted of Toby gram: "The Miracle of the- Chanuyday in the rooms of the Jewish Ross, Gertrude Romm and Gertrude ka," by Bettie Steinberg. In accord)\ Welfare 'Federation in thei Lyric White. ance "with the~fetory of Chanuka, the Building. Lillies of Zion lighted the eight The Y's Dramatic Club read .PinsRalph Cohn arrived on'Thursday, Id's, one-act comedy "The Phono- ^ ^ 0 ^ as< ^ -.lighted from Ann Arbor to spend his vacaThose who;took part in the lighting tion here with his parents, Rabbi probably gxve ^play m of the candles were: Sara Foreman, %nd Mrs. Frederick .Cohn. . , . , r\Esther Steinberg, Elsie Rome, Mar. . ^ pufr m ^earsaT j o r i e K ^ E t h e l Hurwitz, Fanny +. ;v" The wedding of Sara Bernstein, during..the coming week for early, N a v a c h f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Q ^ daughter^ of Mr. and Mrs. J*.~Berh-; presentation. •K Netz; "Judas Maccabeas," by lilhan .. stein, and Mr. William-Epstein, son Th& Progresse, Aleph Y and Drevich; "Nero's B'Chanuka," by of Mr. and Mrs. H .Epstein^ of Lin' Lillies of Zionj "Nero's B'Chanuka," coln, took place last Sunday. About Knights of Zion will 'meet Sunday! I by Ida Babior, Rose Idndejibaum, afternoon at the Y. M. H. A. Mem* two hundred guests attended. bers of each of these clubs are urg* Lillian Rosenblatt, Rose MenMn, Anna Hurwitz and %ttie Steinberg. The ladies of the Sisterhood of ed to. attend. "Russian Dance," by Rose RobinTemple Israel held their annual-bazar j witzj "What to be proud of,", by Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of j Sessions, in the Y's Jewish Classes Lillian Rosenblatt; "Hail the Machalast week, in the parlors of the (Hebrew, Yiddish and Jewish His- abaes,** by same girls "Point and Rialto theater, where much attractive j Percolators will start for beginners on the Bow Dance," by Runa iurwitz, folhand work was displayed. Three first Monday of the new year. AU>i 0Wed b y a Toasters hundred dollars dollars was was raised which j those interested are asked to enroll i f the Gift Chafing Dishes will go to pay off the debt of the • at once at the office of the director, Mr. and Mrs. Donsker and small 303 Lyric building. Temple. is to be • son of Kansas City arrived ThursGrill* x day to visit at the home of Mr. and Miss, Angela Herzberg, who atThe Council of Jewish Women held Ovenettes a Lamp fiieir regular meeting Monday In the* tends Ferry Hall, is spending the Mrs; D. S.\ Finkenstein * at 330& Webster street. Samovars Vestry rooms of Temple Israel. The holidays with her parents, Mr; and Don't Fail to meeting was proceeded by a gather- Mrs. Abe Herzberg. Waffle Irons Fraternity coilclaves/will ' take ing of the Study Circle. The Study Choose Miss Dorothy Goldman of Des away a number of Omaha young Circle meets from 2 to 3 o'clock beDisc Stoves fore the regular meetings of the Moines and ' Miss Bronette Ehrlich men daring the next week. Alfred From Our Coffee Urn Sets Council of Jewish Women and ia Of St. Joseph are spending the holi- Mayer, Gus Rosenitock^Hugo Heyn lead by Dr. Cohn, whose subject is day week with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. and Leslie Burkenroad will attend ^a Tea Ball Tea Pots Selettion "Jewish History". On Monday, his Miller. Mrs. Miller will entertain thd the Pi Tau Pi conclave at CincinChristinas Tree Sets subject was "Jewish History of the school crowd on Friday evening for nati. Sidney Meyejy Loyal Cohn, Of ';. 15th Century, or the Spanish Inquisi- her guests and Miss Beulah Mille* Harry Weinberg and Mr. and Mrs. Curling Irons tion". The regular meeting which will entertain at air informal party Morton Degan will attend the Hai Floor, Resh conclave at Kansas City. followed consisted of a report, "Im- on Thursday evening. Heating Pads pressions", read by Mrs.' Simon Table Glow Heaters Meyer, delegate from Omaha to the, triennial convention of/the Council of Washing Machines Jewis Women recently held at Vacuum Cleaners Denver; a group of songs sung by Boudoir Mrs. Martin Sugarman, and, & talk sewing Machines 'Parker House Rolls Mix in order given, adding milk by Isidor Ziegler on "Immigration Lamps. One quart of flour with beaten yolks, then butter, and Immersion Heaters to America." Three and a half • teaspoons bak- iastly fold in beaten whites. Bake A Lamp Water Kettles ' ing powder in hot waffle ironi Mrs. David Newman entertained One tablespoon sugar twelve at her home en Thursday Combination Boilers ; '•-.'•_• Liver Rechauffe Salt to taste afternoon. . . with Egg Rack Place in a small casserole One Butter size of an egg ... Lasting and. one-half cups of diced cooked Two eggs Home Irons "Current Topics'% a study club, Milk and water sufficient to make* liver and one and one-half cups of Life-time composed of young Jewish women tomato sauce, and one-half of piProjecting Mirrora medium, soft dough. \ and lead by Rabbi <3ohn, met at the Sift flour, /bakjng powder, sugaif mento; Cook for half /' an hour. copes home of Mrs. Selwyn Jacobs. The Gift Serve On toasted rounds of" bread. and salt together," rub in buttei? subject Was "Bolshevism". The next Stand and Standard meeting will be at the home of Mrs. thoroughly, add enough milk or Smoking Sets Cocoanut Cake water to make a medium soft dough* Edwin Kirschbaum and Dr., Cohn's add the two eggs well beaten and Three-fourlh. cup butter,, two cups subject will be "The Japanese Questv turn out on a floured board. Roll sugar, four eggs, separated; flavorion." , . rather thin, cut with large biscuit ing, one cup milk, two heaping teacutter, spread each roll over the top spoons baking powder, three cups Marvin" Treller, Max Holzman, butter, then fold one sifted flour, one cup grated fresh Bernhardt Wolf> ard Sam and i h a U o vmelted e r tte o t h e r . » ****> tops with cocoanut. Howard Wertheimer, who attend i a n d b a k e >in h o t l 15 Cream butter, and sugar, add milk, •«7« . military schools, have arrived to **** .«*?*' beaten yolks, then beaten whites and spend the holidays with their parents. or 20 minutes. flavoring. Mix baking powder in dour sifted three tmes. When all is Waffles Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenthal mixed add fresh grated cocoanut. One pint flour entertained eighteen guests at a Three and one-half level tea- Bake in layers. •dinner dance on Wednesday at the Filling—Make an icing by*beating Athletic Club for their daughter, spoons baking powder ., one cup powdered sugar in whites One-half teaspoon salt Beatrice. of three "eggs, beaten stiff. When Two eggs . cake is cool spread a thick layer of. One and a fourths cups milk Miss Martha Cohen will, leave for Minneapolis. She will return just Two level tablespoons melted the frosting on each layer and ] , v sprinkle with cocoanut. ___ jj before New Year's day» butter..
Telephone New* Items to Douglas 2372. Mail to Room 4, Baird Building.
Baby Girl, New Arrival A baby girl was born Monday, December 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Galitsky of Topeka, Kansas. Mrs. Galitsky is the daughter of Mrs. F. Greenberg of Omaha, and is a sister of Joe and Dave Greenberg.
CAMP FIRE GIRLS MEET The Wida-Wanton group met with Rena Kulakofsky. Bernice Farrer, the vice-president, presided. A ceremonial was held Tuesday at »the home of the guardian, Mrs. 1. Bramson.
JEWISH WOMEN MEET Leaves for Holiday The Omaha Council of Jewish Miss> Rath Brown will leave Friday to spend the Christmas holidays Women met Monday at 3 p. m. at with Miss Tillie Polsky at Lincoln, Temple Israel, when Mrs. Simon Meyer reported on the Denver TriNebr. ennial convention which she attended in October. Mrs. Martin L. SugarGoes to Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leeser, former- man sang. Isidor Ziegler made an ly of New York City, now residing address. Preceding**he council meetin Omaha, went to Columbus, Nebr., ing, Rabbi Frederick Cohn conducted for the holidays, to visit with Mrs. a Jewish history class, the topic being "The Jews in the Fifteenth Cen« Leeser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. tury." Kavich. Miss Esther Newman, who is atGeorge Charno, formerly of this tending Columbia University, arrivcity, is spending several days here ed home to spend the holidays with OH her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Newman. Mrs. Harry Wolf left Sunday night Mrs. Millard Langfeld is visiting for Philadelphia where site will visit with her son, who is attending school with relatives in Baltimore. (More Locals on Page 6.) there. f
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Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenthal COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS The Jewish Immigrant in Music entertained eighteen guests at a Sent by our Council Bluffs News bureau. '.
who does not wait for opportunity but creates his own opportunities. Such Special Writer for the Immigration a man was the late, lamented Oscar Hammerstein. Born of Jewish par. Bulletin. . ents in Berlin, in 1847, he received a When the gates of Ellis Island are good musical education. opened to release the newly, arrived When sixteen, after a quarrel with immigrant,, the first impulse of the his father, he sells his violin, makes more or less bewildered individual is his way tp Liverpool in a cattle-boat, the natural feeling of self-preserva- and thence takes passage in the steertion. He Is eager for work—any kind ge of a sailing vessel for Am lea. of work. Whatever wreck -he ha<£ Arriving here, he takes the first job made of his life in the Old World, he that is offered hifn. It is In,a cigar is ready to redeem by honest toiL He factory, and the salary is $2.00 a week. cannot choose his Held of. endeavor. He soon becomes expert in his, work. The country Is new,to him. He does The inventive turn of his mind asserts not know its language or its customs. itself. He applies for a patent on a If he possesses any skill in some cigar wrapping machine for which he . handicraft, he has the advantage, over gets $100,000. Enters Real Estate Business. his unskilled brother. If he be a giftThe cigar factory soon becomes too ed ne'er-do-well, his gifts will be of little help to him to earn his daily small for the indomitable Oscar.' He bread. H$ will become a dish-wn^er. enters, the real estate field, builds fourteen theatres, loses his entire fortune in a gigantic failure. iHe rehabilitates himself and builds the Victoria Theatre, the most famous vaudeville house of another day, now the Rialto. He makes another fortune, builds the Manhattan Opera House and throws down the gauntlet irito the • faces of the Metropolitan's' millionaire's boxholders. He discovers and introduces to America Mary Garden, Tetrazini, Renaud, Bond, Samarco and many more famous singers. • . . Strauss' "Salome," evicted from the .Metropolitan by the "Comstockian" policies of an antiquated board of directors, creates a sensation when Hammerstein, who is his own board of directors, produces it with Mary Garden in the title part He produces, for the first time in this country, the latest works of the French genius', Charpentier's "Louise" and Debussy's "Peleaaet Melisande," • There-is, after all, a bottom to, his or a factory-hand, or if he be lucky pocketbook, and even the goodly profand not altogether friendless he may its of the "Victoria" and of more Instart a3 a clerk at some business ventions are eaten up by his love for house. -Music and the finer arts "are music and the production of opera. p not expected to flourish through the H e s e l l a o n t th e Metropolitan, efforts of the stranger to our shores, t T n e Metropolitan makes him sign a yet there is quite a number of excep- j contract forbidding him to Give opera itions to this rule. Jin this.country for a term of ten years. Irving Berlin, an ^Immigrant. [Good and well—if he cannot give opHere comes Irving. Berlin, the Jew-1 era here, he can do so abroad. So he ish from Russia, and London builds another house. He and Is again unsuccessing boy his apprenticeship as aafter.serr-j,goes waiter' on opera to the East Side, all but puts the Hudson ful, returns undaunted, and builds the afire -with his "Alexander's Ragtime Lexington Opera House, and had be Band." Broadway soon ibegins t o ' n o t died soon after, he would still go dance to the catchy tunes of the oo-|on building opera houses. Indomitable scure Jewish immigrant, who woke up in will, never discouraged by failure, ~ >,he example for the one morning, as Byron did, "tf find j he will remain an example^ Immigrant to contemplate, adhimself famous!" . . ' Jewish " The man1* who counts. Is the man -lire and—emulate. By ALFRED LIEBAN
Bluff's B'nai Brith Day December 29 More Than Thirty to be Initiated; Omaha Lodge Invited " B'nai Brith Day will be observed [n Council Bluffs next Wednesday, December 29, with the initiation of the largest class in the history of the lodge. Following the initiation an open meeting will be held for the.families and friends of the members, and- the committee on arrangements hopes to rival the Omaha B'nai Brith meeting, which was held December.. 12. Omaha members of the B'nai Brith have been invited to attend the Bluffs initiation. The committee on arrangements consist of, Karl Brandeis, chairman; Max Steinberg and Mose Bernstein. The Council Bluffs lodge now has 118 members and it is believed that the membership drive, now on, will bring the roll past the 150 mark.
Solicit Funds for Starving Children A house-to-house canvass of the Jewish homes in Council Bluffs is being carried on by the committee raising funds for the starving children of war-stiicken Europe. The committee is selling annual memberships, the same as .was done by the Red Cross, and is giving a poster to each contributor. The posters are being displayed in the windows of nearly every Jewish The poster shows children begging for food. The poster is signed by three great Jewish philanthropists: Louis Marshall, Felix M. Warburg and Nathan Strauss. Mrs. Sarah Gilinsky and Mrs. Hattie Snyder have charge of the campaign. They report fifty contributors and expect many more. SURPRISE THEIR FRIENDS, ELOPE; MARRIED IN^;OMAHA Miss Mignon Friedman of Council
• •'
1 i
COMMENT BY BRISBANE Mr3. Yetta Arvin yesterday escaped from a blazing tenement in New York City. Firemen, bringing her down, told her to calm herself—that everybody was saved. When she found her three children—Hyman, aged 14; Esther, 7, and Aaron, 3—were in the building, filled with smoke, the firemen held her to prevent her going back. They were not strong enough for the job. She fought, scratched, got away, ran up through the smoke, awoke the children, and then it was too late to come down.
Special to "THE JEWISH-PRESS."
Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 22^-Rev. Dr. dinner dance Wednesday at the Athletic Club for their daughter, Samuel Wolfenstein, who for thirtyfive years was superintendent of the Beatrice. Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home, celebrated his seventy-ninth birthMiss Minnie Wolf left Thursday to day. During his incumbency Dr. visit with relatives in Pittsburgh. made the orphan On the way she will visit at St. Wolfenstein Louis and will attend the conclave asylum the model institution of its kind in the whole country, and at Cincinnati. : .! established a health record among the five hundred children constantly The Sisterhood of Temple Israel under his care that attracted the atwill-entertain at a card party on tention of the national government, Wednesday evening, December 29. which sent an expert to lfearn the On Friday evening, December 24, methods used. In addition to the thousands of Dr. Cohn will deliver his much-talkmen and women who grew up under ed-of sermon, "Why I am a Jew," at Dr. Wolfenstein's paternal care, he Temple Israel. Dr. Cohn has given has many friends in all parts of this sermon at the:Unitarian Church and for the^ Ladies' Auxiliary of the the world. B'nai Brith and it is by request that he is giving it at the Temple. Force is an essential element in the Jewish life today—not the Miss Blooma Kogan, of Minnea- force of militarism, but the moral, ' polis, Minn., is here visiting with spiritual, intellectual force. Mr. and Mrs. H, Greenberg and family. Miss Kogan will remain here Subscribe for T h e Jewish Press." until after the holidays.
BETHEL SOCIAL CLUB-SUNDAY EVENING,DEC.2 6 / KELPINE DANCING ACADEMY 25th and Farnaro street. Music by Chuck Brewers Jazz Orchestra FREE CONFETTI, HORNS, HATS, ETC J. CROUNSE, Secretary.
What "HE" Wants
Mrs.* B. Shafton of New York City Mrs. J. Katleman is in St. Louis is visiting at the home of Mr. and where her niece, Miss Clara BoonMrs. M. Kulakofsky, 5102 Capitol shaft, is soon to be married. Avenue. Several, parties have been Mrs. Mark Leon and children went arranged in her honor. to Des Moines where they will' remain over the holidays. •
Raoth society meets next Wednesday at $he Lyric Building. Girls will help make layettes for the Wise Memorial Hospital. Miss May Iiebowitz of St. Joseph, Mo., will arrive Sunday, December 26th, to visit with her sister, Mrs. N. W.' Naken. A great number of affairs are being planned in her honor. Miss Stella Bessel has just returned from a few days' trip to Lincoln, Neb., where she visited with her sister, Mrs. Ben Polski. Mrs. Polski gave birth to a baby girl last week.
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Bluffs and Jack Marks of Chicago surprised friends and relatives wjien v they eloped Thursday arid were mar- ZIONIST ORGANIZATION Miss Celia Rosa, a student at the from "Saturday Evening Post" story. RENEWS PLEDGE OF SUPried in Omaha. Miss Friedman was Nebraska University, has returned PORT TO JEWISH CONGRESS formerly of Chicago and has been home to spend the holidays with alTONDEBOCS PRESENTATION OF f making her home with her uncle, her parents. ; "THE DOLL SFOP" Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS.** The Zionist organization passed the T VnXI> BE THE TALK Sam Friedman, 337 Scott street, OP OMAHA. Lincoln, Dec. 22.'—A brotherhood following resolutions: Council Eluffs. Sam Gordon ^wh* is attending the by six of the cleverest dancers has been Organized at -Temple B'nai Resolved that this convention of from the studio of State University'- !at Lincoln, is •the Zionist Organization of America Jeshurun, with Rv V. Pepperberg, expected home for the holidays. Visits Mrs. Hochman ADELAIDE FOGG president; Carl Weil, vice-president; Miss Lillian Cherniss, supervisor of affirms the. decision of the previous and Albjert Speier, secretary-treasand staged tinder her direction. Convention as well as of: the National Miss Dorothy—fcetween of Lincoln schools at Springfield, Mo., has arurer. The meeting evoked great . . . , -rived >in~ Council Bluffs to spend the Executive Committee in favor of ihe enthusiasm and the program commit- ^ e x p e c t e d to rait here for the A differently staged overture by Christmas holidays with her sister, establishment sof the American Jewish tee is a t work on a series of lectureai holidays. SILVERMAN'S ORCHESTRA Mrs. O. Hochman, 918 Sixth avenue. Congress on a permanent basis to socials and entertainments for the deal with all such general Jewish Subscribe for "The Jewish Press." -SIBELXCS TONE POEM".questions as come within its purview. season. Mrs. Barney Brhi Here We pledge the support of our Mrs. Barney Brin of Webster City, Organization to this undertaking and Rabbi ' Singer addressed the la., arrived Sunday afternoon to we call upon the Zionist Districts in Thursday Morning Lecture Circle on spend several weeks with her daugh- the different cities of the country "Medieval Hebrew Poetry." _ ter, Mrs, A. OJilinsky, 725 Mynster to assist in the formation of the street, Council Bluffs. Her coming local Congress Committees made An evening of entertainment was -*if£m7~-— *was a surprise to MTB. Gilinsky. • given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. necessary by the proposed new elecSEVEN DAYS STARTING ONE WEEK STARTING tion and in.such other ways as may Herman Speier on Monday, DecemSUNDAY, DEC. 26 ' Naiman Leaves ber 13, at which ,time a considerable be possible. ':'••.:.':•.' SATURDAY, DEG 25 GREAT RURAL DRAMA amount was realized for the benefit Albert Naiman, formerly' with The of tb« JTemple. ;> Nonpareil, has left for Des Mqines, la., to study at the Drake Journal- be to further the aims .of the Jewish Council of ? Women. Qn Thursday, December 18, the ism school at Des Moines.' All girls more than eighteen years annual Bazaar and market was held. old are requested'to attend the next The Sisterhood (Ladies' Aid Society) "• To Have Dance Members of the City Talmud To- meeting. Election of permanent of- raised $360. Fatty Arbuckle rah held a meeting Sunday after- ficers will take place at .this meeting. —in— The temporary officers are: presRabbi Jacob Singer delivered a noon. The purpose of the meeting ident, Esther Solomon; vice-president, lecture on "Medieval Hebrew. Poetry" • was to discuss plans for the annual Talmud Torah dance to be held at Freida Goldberg;, secretary, Rina before the Thurisday Morning Lee-, Eagle's hall, Council Bluffs, Janu- Snyder; treasurer, Gertrude Cherniak. tore Circle and on Sunday, DecemJack Freiden, who has been study- ber 19, he occupied Rabbi Mayer's ary 18. ,.-.... ing law ; at Ann" Arbor, will arrive pulpit in Kansas City. His subject Local Talent—By Heck today to spend the holidays with his was/"Judaism and the Religion of DOUBLE BAR MITiTVAH parents, Mr. and;Mrs.. Sam Freiden the* Future." A double Bar Mitzvah will take of Council Bluffs., ' r ". place at the Synagogue in Council JEWS APPEAL TO LEAGUE Bluffs, Saturday morning, when ; Paris, Dec. 22.—Request is made Election of. Officers: of the B'nai Arthur and Morris Friedman, son of of the League, of Nations to appoint B'rith, Council Bluffs, respited as a commission of inquiry to investiMr. and'Mrs. Philip. Friedman, 529 Wed-Thnrs. Moiu-Tues. gate the condition of East European FrL-Sat South Main street, Council Bluffs, follows: Jay Chemack, 'president; : Jewry Sunday "GIRL IN in a memorandum sent to the) "LOVE Harry Cherniss, vice-president; O. .will be confirmed. by Nahum Sokolow, chair"BRANDING THE WEB" MADNESS" "DOWN Hochman, recording secretary; ' L. 'League man of the Jewish delegations com"As the boys are twins r it was at with with IRON" HOME" first a puzzling problem", said Mrs, Katleman, financial secretary; Axthur mittee; Israel Zangwill, president of Blanch Sweet Louise Glaum Freiden, treasurer; Sam Freidman, the Jewish Territorialist Association, Friedman, but Arthur will say the and Lucian Wolf, Secretary of the ••Maffcer' first and will be; immediate- assistant monitor; Leo Krasne, Joint Foreign ComTriittee of British guardian; K. Brandeis, Arthur FreiJewry. The League is also asked to ly followed by Morris. An entertainment will be given for dan and L. Katleman, delegates to take the necessary steps to alleviate the condition of the East European all the playmates of the two boys convention; N. Steinberg, Sam Stein- Jews. Memoranda submitted to the berg and R. Aganskee, trustees. Saturday afternoon by the parents League by the secretary of the committee of Jewish, delegations depicts of the boys. Another entertainment Subscribe for "The Jewish Press." in detail the situation of the Jews trill be given for' the older folks in Ukraine. In the evening. '. ' From repairing the danf Mrs. J. Levy of Chicago, Mr. and gerous "pin hole" leak to Mrs. Ike Cohen of Chicago and Mrs. S. Harding of Kansas City have RECORING you will find arrived to attend the confirmation. onr workmanship unexASK HIM FOR celled in thoroughness The Jewish Sisterhood of Council and dependability. Bluffs will meet every first Wednesday of the month. All members are urged to attend the meetings. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED The temporary officers of the, Junior Auxiliary of the Council of' » Jewish Women held their first meeting Monday night at the home of We Manufacture Our Own CORES Frieda Goldberg, 611 Mill , street, Council Bluffs. .'..•' PACKED UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION . The officers of this newly-organized: OF RABBI MORRIS TAXON. ' I Bociety decided to have their first, A. L. Katleman J. Russo regular meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 28, Telehone Douglas 4442 2100-2-4-6 CUMING STREET &t the home of Mrs; Goldberg. i Tfee. purpose; of ^ d ^
But the next house In the real was only ten feet away. At th<> window she shrieked until some one stretched out a narrow plank'i from window to window. Across this plank, one foot wide' and five etories up, Yetta Arvin led her three children to Bafety. Get that picture in your mind. Yetta Arvin is a Jewess, and her exploit may explain to Henry Ford and others why it is that Jetffe have survived and done well inspite of persecution. (. THEY TAKE CARE OF THEIR CHILDREN and they are not afraid when anything vital is at stake.
Pipkin's Rational Detective Agency, inc. Phone Douglas 1107
Arlington Block, Omaha
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PAGE ?—THE JEWISH PRESS, THCBSDAT, DECEMBER 2% 1920 JEWISH CALENDAR. FIX PALESTINE FRONTIERS JEWS TO WORK WITH LEAGUE London, Dec. 22.—The question of the Palestine frontiers has been 1921. satisfactorily adjusted by the French New Moon—Shebat, Mon., Jan 10th". Geneva, Dec. 22.—Luclen Wolf, a and British governments, says a well flnown writer, representing the First New Moon Day—Adar, Tuesbeliev© that the Protocols are any(Continued Iroin page 1) statement issued today by the Zion- Jewish Board of Deputies in the thing other than an amazing forgery, "Welcome Stranger" and "The his generous aid George Washington ist organization here. Final settle- British day, February Sth. Empire; Nacham Sokolove, slaying defenseless because they are designed after the pattern of many Unwritten Chapter" are two plays would hardly have been able to win First New Moon Day—Adar Slieni, president of the committee of JewJews? older forgeries to place irt the' dealing with Jewish life which are the Revolutionary War and thus tributaries,, well as the pp upper ish delegates at the Paris Peace Thursday, March 10th. And this is happening in Europe mouth of Jews sentiments and pur- causing much comment among Oma- bring into being the Republic of the J d h f to the h decision d i i Conference; Professor-.Sylvian Levi Jordan, has been lleft today with results bound to be ter- poses hostile to the world. Zionism hans who have recently visited the United States. Feast of Hither—Adar Sheni, 13, of representatives of the French and Mr. Bigar, both delegates of the rible if not fatal to East European set out to concern itself frankly and east. Wednesday, March 23rd. The prologue to "The Unwritten Government and Zionist engineers, Israelite -of Paris, together nations. Can Europe hope to bepublicly with a.great, public purpose, Many Omahans saw "Welcome Chapter" in which a descendant of but such decision will^ be rendered Alliance with several other leading jews from New Moon Day—Nisan, S a t u / d a y , spared the ruinous hurt done in its invoked and secured the support of Stranger" when -it was in. Chicago Haym only after representatives of both Salomon tells the story of lands to every finer moral senti- the enlightened peoples of the earth, where it originated and were great- his ancestor to a Christian gentle* sides have actually gone over the other countries, have arrived at April 9th. Geneva to place before the League ment? Europe cannot remain un- that support finding its Consumation ly impressed. ground together. -. man who has never heard of it bePassover—Nisan, 15, S a t u r d a y , of Nations a memorandum regardhurt by the treatment of the Jew in the San Remo decision of April, In both plays riot only are the is very ' cleverly constructed In the event that no agreement is ing the question of the protection of April 13th. in which European lands indulge to- 1920, which awarded to Great Brit- names of the principal characters fore, brings home to the audience the arrived at the matter will be refer- minorities and finding some remedy First New Moon Day—Iyar, Sunday, .. day,—by the virtual exile of theain the mandate over an ultimate almost alike, but the purpose of the and fact that not only Were there Jews red to the two governments concern- against pogroms. These leaders of world's greatest scientist, Einstein, Jewish Palestine. "This San Remo two is practical identical. May Sth. & in America before the Revolution, ed. The statement says it is undercommunities in different Thirty-third Day of Omer, Thursday, from the academic halls of Germany; decision of England, France, Italy It is a Vindication of the Jewish but that they had given everything stood the French government has Jewish 1 countries which hitherto have workby Hungary's barbarous treatment and America was, to use a term as immigrant in this country — if he for their country's weal, as had promised to deal liberally in the ed independently decided at a meet- (May 26th. of its Jewish citizenry; by Poland's it is tised in the Christian world, one needs one. Salomon, his descendants and all matter, and that in any event Pal- ing held last night to present a joint New Moon Day—Sivan, June 7th. ghastly excesses against its Jewish of the most Christian acts of nineThe events presented by the twolater Jewish immigrants, to this day. estine's water supply is guaranteed. memorandum to the League of Na'men, women and children; by theteen hundred years. plays are a goodly one hundred and The play winds up with an epilogue tions and in the future work hand Feast of Weeks—Sivan 6, June 12th. Ukraine's ' hellish dealing with its fifty years apart, yet there ia a in which the Christian gentleman is hand to prevent pogroms and en- First New Moon Day—TamttiUS, Jewish victims. Arguments Not Logical striking similarity between the two. converted and learns to appreciate this ideal I'll give my last cent and in deavor to protect Jews against maniJuly 6th. The gravamen Of the Ford charge In the "Unwritten Chapter" we are •and esteem his Jewish fellow-citi-my last drop of blood!" Says Jews are Hanged festations of anti-Semitism. All Jewish Days Begin at Sunset. I is that the Jews have set out to shown what a Jewish immigrant zens—as does, undoubtedly, a large Louis Maim is Haym Salomon of Consider the character of theconquer the world. I for m y p a r t j f Poland, but four years in the rom part of the non-Jews in the audi- the play. charges included in the general in- pray for the conquest of Christen-.} country, did for his new fatherland. ence. dictment, the "Jewish peril." The Finally Appreciate Jew Jew is said to confuse the mind of "The other play of Jewish interest, the world through processes of dis-may be free once again, as they d his personal liberty and life and "Welcome Stranger," finds a Jewish integration and corruption of public ought to be, to concern themselves jesuffered actual imprisonment—all in between the "Why should you do i t ? " immigrant in "America in our own opinion. The seriousness -and cred- with the problemv of self-mastery and order to help the Thirteen Colonies attitude and the unswerving, loyal days, in a small town in New Engibility of the charges is shown by self-contest. The allegation is that to win their independence. The pub-devotion of the Jew to the cause of land where anti-Jewish prejudice the accusation that the capitalist I ^ < v ! " T> hut that! lie at large and probably even many liberty. Salomon, when asked why runs rather highi JJ6W i i l ih h ki Like all other plays of this nature, in other a Jew born and reared in this coun- he sacrifices so much for America, *££ S ^ B ? ^ w o r i d ? ^ *ey ^ uie toconquerors be omnipotent^ where he has spent only four years, "Welcome Stranger" has a "happy endv.uius,. of the world. try knows very little if anything Jewish millionaire and the proletariat If the legend be true, .how reconcile about the part played by this Jewish rephes:— "_ ing" in which the community finally Jew conspiring to bring about the- this imagined conquest of the world, patriot in the birth of the great "Because there is a kinship between appreciates the merits of the first overthrow of civilization. America and myself—the bond of a Jew in their town, and he is finally this fabled ottnificence of the Jew,American Nation. No, Europe, that is Christendom, with the status of half the Jew* of common ideal of Freedom, and for accorded due recognition. cannot remain unhurt and unbowed earth? The Jews of Eastern |EuHelped Washington # by this" savage, godless treatment of rope, whom, I say it with inwiite The historical fact is that Salomon' its Jewish people. The Jewish peo- sorrow, we seem powerless to save; gave his entire fortune—upwards of ple will survive as survived they the Jews of Central Europe, who $600,000 in gold—for the cause of have. They are brought low for an have entered upon an era of un- American liberty and that if-not for '- hour, but they will rise again. But paralleled misery,—scapegoat in detheir persecutors are perhaps for- servedly broken Germany, shuttleever fallen. Let Poltuid slay its cock of Austria, despised victim of are being honored in the breach alJews, yet will Israel live. But will together hy Poland and other East Hungary I "Dealers in Good CoaL" Poland live, and, though it live, will European lands, which willfindsupat power, if -we it not be morally maimed and cherished If we aimed - ' . .. * . designs of world-supre- port of all their injustice to the Jew spiritually broken for all time? in the Ford words and works. macy, would w e n o t will t o k e e p , . We handle nothing but the very best grades o l coal from their I have said that Israel will live ourselves alive? Five t o seven milThough, because of t h e limitations and that, grievously unjust though lion Jews a r e i n "blackest, awfulest of space, I must postpone t h e dis- respective districts and screen it clean before delivery. the charge s5f the "Jewish peril" be, misery, a n d i n America, including . cussion of what Jews think of nonIsrael will recover from every wound the gifts of non-Jews, n o t more than I Jews i n answer to t h e callenge of A few of our leaders:— inflicted. And yet in another sense fifteen millions have been given by i Ford, I will .tell what one Jew thinks this is not true. The gravamen of three million a n d more American; of one non-Jev>v No m a n ought t o COLORADO LIGNITE ILLINOIS—All Sizes. the; "Jewish peril" lies in the fact [ be free t o have t h e power which during t h e year. Smokeless—Sootless Springfield District that the Jew succumb to his fears Jews Does i t savor of great power a n d Henry Ford i s exercising for evil, rather than remain sustained by his conquering world might t o a d m i t ; No man, though a s rich a s Ford or \ pride and resolution. And, be it con-that of ten millions asked for by the j Croesus, ought t o be suffered to libel fessed, Jews do succumb in allZionist Organization of America a s » whole people in a land t h e wellper ton. per ton. ' lands. Austria has during the past the Palestine Restoration Fund n b t ! b e m f f depends upon t h e spirit of months witnessed a very frenzy two millions have come t o hand? I s \understanding and of conciliation, of Jewish baptism, — the baptism, not not Zionism in itself a token of want tolerance and of good-will. Ford deWe have on hand: -PETROLEUM COKE, SPADRA GRATE, conversion,—of poor, cowardly, brok- of power? ^Some Jews wish t o r e - clares t h a t authorship of t h e ProtoROCK SPRINGS, HARD NUT and HARD EGG. . en Jews, who flee to the baptismal build the Jewish Homeland, but many col, basic to- his own challenge, i s 303 SOUTH 16th STREET SECURITIES BUILDING font as to a refuge from the Chris- more must flee thither for refuge. imputed by Jews t o a criminal or a tian persecutors. These flee not to So poor and powerless a r e w e t h a t madman. T h e reply of one J e w to We guarantee the quality of. every ton of coal we sell, and Christianity but from Christians. we cannot- even afford to /bring t o Henry Ford is that his work, "The cheerfully refund you money if not satisfied. This is alike Israel's peril and Chris- Palestine tens of thousands of home- World's Greatest Problem: The latertendom's shame. less Jews struggling afoot and starv- national J e w , " i s t h e work of a Phone us Today. Try Our Service. It is the special shame of Christen- ing throughout Europe. criminal o r a madman. A n d I do dom in America today that that DOUGLAS 0530. not believe, despite certain significant "Ford challenges i n t h e terms " t h e tissue of lies and forgeries known Jew that t h e world i s h i sintimations, t h a t Henry Ford i s a sis the Protocols or the "Jewish by l ibelieves g h t ; h e wants t o collect his madman. Peril" is being given circulation by own, and the speediest of doing AT LESS THAN1 COST. Ford i s Destructive a confessedly nearly illiterate multi- so i s t h e destruction way of order b y Henry Ford is seeking to introduce millionaire, who has taken upon This i s utterly and into American life a tendency t h a t The•'"Choice of House" sale still continues. Act quick. • himself the onus of filing the grav- revolution," abominably false. The J e w does not est charges thafe^have ever Jseen ut- beHteve that- t h e "world -4s his b yis divisive, disruptive and morally Men's Suits and Overcoats, values to $65.00— tered against Jews in this or anyright. I reply ' t o Ford's challenge, fatefuli ' The "'American people will land. En America it is not enough —the J e w believes that right must have none of h i m and of his ways. for Christians to say that they have rule t h e world. When once t h e American people, no part therein, that they place no lovers of fair-play and of justice, credence in the charge. I t js their Shirking Edsel understand that Henry Ford i s business and above all in their Ford's challenge takes the- form: seeking to introduce t h e spirit of o r Dunlap Shoes, values to $18.00 Christian churches it is their duty "There were a s many Gentiles killed t h a t makes f o r pogromism into to cry out against these hideous by Gentiles a s there a r e Jews i n the • America, they will abhor a n d r e falsehoods uttered against a whole world,—it-was a great victory f o r ! bounce him. Henry ,Ford needs to Israel." I n truth, one million Jews J be reminded that America i s n o t a people. Protest New and more have been killed by war o r matter of cheap engines, b u t of » Weizmann, Sokolow, Brandeis, Mack. Writings of Ford are I am. entirely familiar with the jvords and works of the Zionist leadthroughout all these years. No Works of a Madmaners man that is sane can for a moment
Comment on "Welcome, Stranger" and "The Unwritten Chapter," plays dealing with Jewish life.
$18.00 Crepe Silk Shirts
Consumers Coal & Supply Co. $12.50
This i s t h e time t o protest, before through within t h e last x precious spirit. Henry Ford shall xt ^ w a r _. »!.. i--^s i_•_ i t .!_ it be too late, before ""the disease years. not be suffered t o cheapen the spirit ^ shall have taken root throughout t h e Hundreds of thousands of Jews of America; h e shall n o t be suffered •. land, and become endemic and fate- were slain i n t h e Russian army, Jews to vulgarize and corrupt America's ful t o our moral well-being. T h e infinteljc. more loyal to Russia than soul. world long smiled a t t h e symtoms of to Romanoffs . One/hundred thousThe challenge reads that we are national disease i n Germany a n d and Jews have been butchered by t h e attempting to destroy Christianity. neither within n o r from without Fords of t h e Ukraine within two One Jew replies: from that; the Germany was there an attempt made years. Ford i s dastardly enough t o evil is that thereFar for the new Grocery and Meat Market to be located , not enough for more than a generation t o cure point out that few Jews could nave Christianity in the ia in the old O'Brien, Davis & Coad location at world. If there the disease. Suddenly t h e plague died in battle in any army, for only were, Henry Ford, his incendiary Nineteenth and Farnam streets. broke loose; i t was too, late. This crosses a r e to b e seen in t h e w a rword, his criminality incitingS-puris t h e time for t h e voics of Chris- cemeteries of Europe, and this de- pose, would not be tolerated for an . Besides the Grocery and Meat Market there will tianity t o make itself heard i n t h e famation of our honored, hallowed • hour. Henry Forli challenges in the be a coffee and tea department; butter and eggs; land against a most godless a n d dead in every- war cemetery comes | terms, "The Jews are said to come anti-Christian conspiracy against the with fruits and vegetables; delicatessen; bakery,' flowers, with nnnr inAooA from «v«the capital m *u* a n d m e e t a n d g o i n e v e r ycapital poor <*•»*<> grace indeed a n d m e e t a n dg o i n e v e r y security of t h e J e w and t h e honor abetting father of the skulking, of and two soda fountains. Europe with a nameless program." of Christendom. shirking Edsal., * , , . Not a program! It is not a Jewish Not A cure must be found for both,— Tt WILL BE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL "FOOD SPOTFord's challenge assumes "Jews program, b but Christian pogroms, that C h i iHenry the" peril of the one and t h e shame today are the only people whose!bring us together. Ford calls IN THE CITY OF OMAHA. of t h e other. I t is Christendom that special and extraordinary privileges j himself a Christian. No Ukrainian must end both,—not for Israel's sake are written into the world's Treaty hooligan, slayer of women and duld. ———The market will open on March IS*. alone o r chiefly,, b u t for i t s own.of Peace."1 Special and extra- i-eh/was ever more truly guilty of Though a J e w , I a m gravely con- ordinary privileges forsooth! Be- the spirit of the pogrom than is Use your head and win $50.00. Contest closes January Sth. cerned about t h e self-debasement of cause the democracies of the Henry Ford. God pity and forgive the Christian world, which i s turn- world set . , . .out to recognize , the! Henry Ford. "God save America and SEND ALL NAMES TO HARRY KAVICH, 822 NORTH 16TH ST. ing the' life of Israel of Eastern rights of minority people in Eastern keep America true to the American Europe into a tale of shambles. A n d Europe,—Jews included! And these | hope good-will and brotherhood thd lead i n bringing this awful special and extraordinary privileges amongof men. chapter t o an end must not be and , cannot be taken b y Jews, but b y Christians. I t i s t h e body of t h e Jetv t h a t i s h u r t ; i t i s the soul of niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiH Christendom that may doom itself. And if i t should come t o pass t h a t Christendom forbear not, then, -. though we walk in t h e valley of t h e shadow of death, we must n o t fear evil done to u s , b u t only such evil a s we m a y be tempted t o do. We. WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO HIS MANY FRIENDS "8J must keep o u r heads unbowed THAT HE IS NOW CONNECTED WITH THE % though bloody. The one thing we may not, dare not, do i s to justify the baseness of our oppressors, so to live a s t o give substance t o t h e lies = of them that defame u s . I t i s we who now more than ever i n t h e centuries of our tragic story have T#felflh land Harney Streets, , _ reason t o turn and t o pray: "Father, forgive them, though they know AND IS PREPARED TO GIVE UNUSUALLY L "* what they do." The world we must GOOD S E R V I C E ON ALL KINDS OF learn t o forgive, though ourselves we shall never be able to forgive, if we forget t h e injunction laid upon our father: "Be a blessing"; "Bless them that curse thee." Ford's Writings an Insult "What Henry Ford's motives m a y be* i t is n o t easy for one to determine who is unfamiliar with abnormal psychology o r psychiatry. I t m a y be that this adventure in t h e retailing of t h e contents of old garbage pails represents a prospective Presidential candicacy. I t m a y be noand office supplies of all kinds from thing more serious than a publicity feat of t h e n o t unknown Ford prodsteel pens to steel safes* :\gjr ucts. Back of Henry Ford's invasion of the field of Jewish libel m a y lie :i YOUR ORDERS WILL BE APPRECIATE^ ;: abysmal ignorance, but t h a t ignorw BTOBE KO. 8— STOEB KO. 4—i I— ance i s being utilized .with a skill (829 South 21th Street, SIS South 16th Street.. 1410 Farnam Street, arid adroitness compact of malignity. OFFICE PHONE!: D. 2644T RESIDENCE PHONE: D. 7149. Conant Hotel Building 5nn Theater Bnlidlns South Side I a m a Zionist I have been a s sociated with t h e leaders of thfe
I will pay $S0 for a name
When you thinkof
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We Safe tou Monty OPEN EVERY NIGHT
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little Unless Help Gomes ,VER 3,500,000 children in eastern and central Europe face starvation between now and the next spring harvest \ little tots—three and a half million of them! The mind cannot grasp such figures. If this number of children were to march four abreast in close marching order in army stride, the formation would 'reach from Detroit to New York, and would take forty days and forty nights to pass a given point Or, visualize these figures in'another way, if this number of children were to die and be buried in one trench, it would make one continuous grave 2800 miles long—the distance from San Francisco to New York.
a Few of the Many
It Is a Child's Right Jo Live
"The health, the happiness, the very life of these 3J6 million children depends upon the generosity of the American people." Albany (N. Y.) Tltmes- Union.
v s •;'••'•''':•£ *'V ! ' : '. £'
It has been said, '^pid men make wars, youn£ men fight them, but always, the children suffer rnost" These children are the helpless victims of the late war and they are neither responsible for the war nor for their coming into the world, Many of these children are without either fathers or mothers; they live where local aid and assistance are absolutely impossible; help must come from outside if they are to continue to live.
"These children are our children, too; their future helps to mould the destinies of America. . ',•'•• Philadelphia PubHcLedger.
"These children are dying likefliesat frost time and their death is a long drawn out, day by day torture." San Antonio (Texas) Light
"At this season of the year when our American children are looking forward to the joys of the holiday season, these; little unfortunates in Europe are lacking even the food to sustain life." Mansfield (Ohio) News.
"We are an sick and tired of drives of all sorts, but we must not grow weary in the sort of well-doing called for in this appeaL" - •;*• ; • • Lancaster (Pa.) Intelligencer*
**How can we approach the holidays with a clear conscience if our readers close their ears to the cry of these
'•••. X
' •'••'•
Minneapolis (Minn.) News.
"We must not procrastinate; disease and starvation will wait for no man's interference and these hungry little) mites have none but us to hope for aid." New Haven (Ct) Times-Leader.
"They are no more toy children than yoore. I know America has tasks arid needs at home, bat I make no apology for seeking to lay on your hearts oar obligation to avert their Incredible tragedy. Neither of us can dare let them suffer through oar indifference and then claim servantship to Christ" ."•" —Herbert Hoover.
|iblteER^BE^ i-ION BONDING CO. I - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ S ^ i i i w S N BROTHERS ^
American Friends' Service Committee (Quakers) Americari Relief Administration Jewish Joint Distribution Committee American Red Cross Knights of Columbus Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America Y.M.C.A. Y.W.CA.
EUROPEAN RELIEF Make Check Payable to
Franklin K. Lane, Treasurer. Send either to your local committee, or to 42 Broadway, New* York
Please find enclosed thy contribution as part of America's Christmas Gift to the Starving Children of Europe. NameAddress
These men and firms paid for this advertisement:
European Relief >Council,
"The lives of these millions of children depend; upon America. We can let them die or we can save them." Council Bluffs (la.) Nonpareil
,_ Ten Pollars-r-will assure lifeforone of these children. It will provide sumdent food and medical care—enough to stand sqparely between life and death. The life of a child—in all God's earth there is no more precious and priceless a thing. • . -. v Andat least one little life should be yours to save. Youwho love children surely will take to your hearts one of these innocent little lives. You will need no further urging. Your hearts will respond eagerly and generously. Whatever your gift—Ten Dollars to save one child, or Ten Thousand Dollars to save a thousand children, send your gift without delay to either your local committee or to Franklin K. Lane, Treasurer, 42 Broadway, New York City.
' ••••••
r r r n i i-i i u «