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VOL. L—No. 2.
Death Beats Brother Who Gives Blood To Save The Life 01 Kin Abe Katleman Died at Hospital ; While Transfusion Operation \ .Was Being Performed on 'y Relative
Bill Before Congress to j Punish Pogrom Inciters | Congressman Emerson, of Ohio, introduced the following bill in the House of Hepresentatives: SECTION 1.' . That the sending of any publication or printed matter through the mails ,that contains any statement or article the obvious purpose of which is to stir up, racial or religious hatred is hereby prohibited. SECTION, 2,. Any -person or persons found guilty under section one of this, act shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five thousand dollars or imprison-;] ment not exceeding five years, j or both. • .. \ •.; . \ I
, S. Katleman, 2560 Coming street, was defeated by death today in his at-, tempt to save the life of his brother, Abe Katleman, by giving his blood to his sick brother. ;• Abe Katleman died atth"4St. Joseph Hospital while blood was being taken from his brotfier by a transfusion process. He had been ill for more than eight Taft Condemns Ford weeks. *. .: -. : for Attacking Jews The funeral was held-at 2 p. m. today at the family home) 1418 North Twenty-fourth street. The burial was Ex-President Ridicules Propa',-'•: ganda,, Spreading .Over at Golden Hill cemetery. 'Country Telling Of Mr. Katleman had been'a "resident Alleged Plot. of Omalia for the past twentyreight years and was thirty-nine years old. Special to "THE JEWISH PKESS." He is survived by his wife, Fannie, Chicago, Illinois, December" 30. — and two daughters," Ella, 14, and The efforts of the Dearborn IndeAnna, 12. pendent, a Michigan newspaper owned and controlled by Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer, to create an anti-Semitic feeling in the United States^Tvere" bitterly attacked at a dinner of the B'nai Test Case in New York Brings B'rith, a national Jewish organization, by ex-President William HowDecision for Sabbath ard Taft.- . . . Alliance. "The attacks on the Jews are be' Special to "THE JEWISH ing made in a series of articles in : New York, Dec. SO.—The case of the Dearborn Independent,"*' said Mr. a Harlem Sabbath observer, arrested Taffc.' "This is the paper which Henry for having labored on Sunday, was Ford, the successful manufacturer of tried in "Special Sessions jCourt, Part ihe Ford, automobile, has founded for One, before Judges Kernochan, Sal- the avowed purpose of expressing his mon and Voorhees. The Jewish Sat* views without .fear or favor. With bath Alliance of • America appeared the statement that the press is held for the defendant through their in subjection by. the power of the counsel, • Gustave Drachman and Jews, the author of the articles seeks Executive Secretary William Rosen- to p u t : Sir. Ford on a pedestal of berg. courage and independence in initiatThis was the first case ever ing .the attack. How much of. the brought^ to _tha. Special. , Sessions article i s ^ e - to Mr^Ford's; initiatiYe Court for a ruling'by the- SaBbaM Alliance who are now organizing representatives of others -in consent more than ever to protect the inter- ing to its publication, one cannot ests of the, conscientious Seventh say. But of course he is responsible Day Observers. After proof was -es-r for the effect of them." tablished that the defendant observes •-* Indict Whole Race the Seventh Day from sundown Frtf The articles,, according to Mr. Taft, ,day to Saturday evening appearance are ! directed to sustaining, a definite of stars, Presiding Justice Kernoch- indictment of conspiracy in which the an, after consulting his associates whole Jewish race is ultimately"" inacquitted the defendant. The Jewish volved. .'*••.' Sabbath Alliance in getting .this Copy Baron Munchausen decision, ,is now able to help hun, With .reference to the alleged prodreds of other. Seventh Day Obtocols of the* "Wise Men of Zion," on servers who were molested by the which the articles in Mr. Ford's paper police for laboring on Sunday. are based, Mr. Taft stated that they have their counterpart in the fanciful NEWSPAPER WORKER tales of Baron Munchausen. TELLS OF "GOOD "In concluding Mr. Taft said: JEWISH JHEART" "There is not the slightest ground for anti-Semitism among us. It is a The Jewish Prbss. : vicious plant. It is a noxious weed that Gentlemen: May I here record a fur- should be cut out.. I t has no place in ther evidence I of the unfailing res- free America and the men who seek ponse of the Jewish heart to the call to introduce it shuold be condemned of distress even among Gentile neigh- by public opinion." bors? Half of Jews' Starving As dispenser of relief during a local In pointing out the. fallacy of the newspaper's annual Christmas work statement that the Jews alone are the in behalf of destitute children of capitalists and the international bankOmaha, it was my pleasure to receive ers of the world, Mr. Taft stated that no less than a dozen responses in mo- of the 13,000,000 Jews in the world ney, provisions and persapal social service from that many members of more than half of them are still suffering not. only persecution and opthe Jewish faith. pression, but the bitterest penury and I deem it additionally praiseworthy starvation. since not a single effort was to be "Why is it," he asked, "if. this ommade, or a penny spent for children of nipotence belongs to the Jews, half of Jewish families. The work is absolute- them are in the direst misery. One ly- non-sectarian but — NO JEWISH CHILDREN APPLIED! A notable needs to cite no specific facts to refute the preposterous assumptions of the fact to be appreciated. learned writer" in the Dearborn IndeOf three cases referred to the Amer- pendent because the general facts ' ican Legion for administration, two, .which,refute Ms every statement can to my knowledge, were assigned to be seen by a wayfaring man, though Jewish men of the organization. Pre- a fool." sumably they volunteered. It's a fine answer to the. maligners Some Members Demand Immediate of Israel—this concrete evidence that Assembly of Zionist Greater . not only do the Jews take care of their Actions Committee. own poor, butthey are more than willing to take care of their needy neighSpecial to "THE JEWISH PRESS.". bors, even in the guise of the Gentile's London, Dec. 30.^-A group of own special observance of Christmas. members belonging to the Zionist The annual budget of the Jewish Greater Actions Committee are inWelfare Association is equal to that sisting that a meeting of the comof the Omaha Associated Charities, mittee be held forthwith. city-wide in its activities, i t i s also interesting to know. Cholera Among Russian Refugees Spreads v> Jerusalem—The Palestine populaConstantinople.—The"* outbreak of ' \ tion will create a public fund in order cholera among Russian refugees is to honor Brigadier-General Allenby, daily, assuming more serious proporthe conqueror of the Holy Land, and tions. Of seventy^ cases reported commemmorate those who have fallen within the past few days thirty have in the effort.
CHESS PLAYER New Synagogue Soon STARTLES THE WORLD to be Erected in Omaha B'nai Sholem Congregation to Build . Edifice for Modern' Orthodox Worship The" B'nai Sholem Congregation, composed of followers of the modern orthodox faith, are contemplating building a synagogue. A special committee is looking for a site and the building will be erected during the coming year, according to Dr. J. M. Erman, who is the present secretary of the congregation. . "In the new synagogue, men and women will not be separated," Said Dr. Erman, "Services will be in English." \ • .. The congregation now has one hundred members and at a recent meeting elected the following officers: A. Moskowitz, president; Abe Liebowitz, vice president, and L Moskowits,. treasurer. ' .
December 28, 1920 The Jewish Press, Omaha, Nebraska. • l" Gentleman: A copy of the Jewish Press received and I wish to say that I consider same to be a great journal and hope it will do much good in the interest of Judaism. I herewith enclose my check for the subscriptions for six residents of Nebraska City. Wishing you much success, I remain, Yours very truly, . • . . Joseph Sarbach.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec 30.—St Louis has a 15-year-old girl rabbi, Leona Hurwitz, who has delivered several sermons in the Temple Israel here. Miss Hurwitz is said to be the only woman or girl in America who has ever acted in a rabbinical capacity.
Miss Hurwitz is a cousin of-Mrs. ZIONIST MEETING Abe Katleman, Drake Court. Mrs. WELL ATTENDED Katleman expects her cousin to visit
Court's Ruling Favors Sabbath'
Special to "THE JEWISH 1'KESS."'. and beaten the champion chess-player New York, Dec. SO.—"Don't say of Poland. • I am Polish for I am 8 Jew," Sammie When the armistice was signed, it Jlzezew'ski, the 9-year-old chess occurred to. Father- Rzczewsld that, wonder, who has startled the world as he could not resume his. linen during the past two months, told business for some time, it would not newspapermen during an. interview be a b a i scheme to travel around in New York. , . •...'.' . with Sammie, the boy wonder, and -.: ::Everytime . something. is ..said exhibit '-him as a chess - champion. X am reflrred. to. as' a. Tolish hoy," said tha youngster-1 mother toured Europai the boy meetmarvel. "I am Yiddish. Please tell ing all comers in chess in Bulgaria, .everyone' that." " Roumanian Vienna, Berlin, ConstantiSammie Rzezwski's playing ' of nople, and finally Paris. chess has : won him world-wide Recognition. Recently he beat nineteen He Wins Nine Medals. champion chess players at West Sammie was . unbeaten and won : Point. * ', sine medals, but the-' venture was Because Sammie is a Jew .his per- not much more than paying expenses. sonal life is of interest jto- the Jew, Money wasn't as plentiful in Europe Watched Father Play. , » as it once was, and the Rzezewskis r When his father's linen business finally decided to come to America, at Lodz ,Poland, ceased because of which they did a short time ago. the war, the senior Rzezewski spent The boy champion's chess experiences much of the ensuing leisure ' tune on the other side have thus far been playing chess with his cronies. repeated in this country. In a numSammie watched his middle-aged ber of. tournaments, where Sammie parent assiduously, and m the sum- has usually played twenty games mer of 1917, when the boy v had simultaneously, he has defeated all attained the mellowed maturity that opponents with only three or four goes with five years he asked to be exceptions. At West Point Military allowed to play a game. -Within a Academy he won nineteen out of week he was able to beat-his, father, twenty simultaneous games, the and in six months he had challenged twentieth resulting in a draw.
Fifty-five new members were enrolled at a crowded enthusiastic meeting of the Omaha District of the Zionist Organization Tuesday evening in the Y. M. H. A. club rooms, at which time Rabbi Albert N. Mandlebaum of Lincon made the principal address. The guest was introduced by Rabbi Morris N. Taxon, who gave some of the personal history of Rabbi Mandlebaum. Rabbi Mandebaum appealed in most earnest glowing terms for the support of all Jews in the reclamation and actual rebuil<iing of Palestine. He urged them not to be sluggish and make it necessary for "rivers of< Hood" to run before they. act. He -called the anti-Semitic propaganda of Henry Ford "an act of God"* to wake the Jews to the fact that even in "free America" there is the gravest danger. " I t j s not the Christians," said Rabbi "Mandlebautn^ ""bat fee*"Jews who wiH not trust; it is they who demand signs before they will be led out of the wilderness." To the large audience one of the finest programs ever presented by the Zionist District was given. It was carried out as follows: "Hatikvoh"—Audience, accompanied by Mrs. Ida Levine. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon, chairman of the evening, introduced by Mr. Ben Handler, president of the Zionist Organization. Violin solo — Mr. Harry Robinson, accompanied by Mr. M. Blotcky. Address by J. J. Friedman, chairman of the membership committee. "Eli, Eli,"—Sung by Miss Iibby MinMn accompanied by Miss Celia Ross. . Address by Rabbi Taxon. Piano Duet by the Siegel Sisters. Reciation by Miss Betty Steinberg. Address of the evening—Rabbi Albert N. Mandlebaum. "
TATTOO CROSS ON MAN'S AFTER THIRTY-THREE YEARS SERVICE WITH TEMPLE EMANUBACK WITH HOT IRON EL, DR. SILVERMAN RESIGNS. Y. M. H. A. TO ORGANIZE ITS OWN ORCHESTRA Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS." Warsaw, Dec. 30...— The Jewish Deputy Schipper today took up with the War Ministry the case of Baruch Fuhrer, a Jewish chemist, who was arrested last July on the charge that someone fired from his. drug store on passing Polish soldiers . According/ to the statement submitted by the deputy, Fuhrer was arrested on July 25 and released by a court martial the, next day. While he was under arrest it is alleged he was subjected to the most inhuman forms of torture. After being severely whipped, he was made to stand with his bare feet on hot coals a^id had a cross tatooed on his back with burning bayonets, and. long pins stuck under every one of his toenails. ' When he was freed, he found that all his medical stocks in his store had disappeared.
Warsaw, Dec. 30.—The local daily, organ "The Haint" publishes an offi« cial 'document which shows that the Polish railroad director at Lemberg discharged one of the- oldest employes in the service because he is a Jew. --r ^-.
Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS."
her within the near future and, when here, she. will be asked to preach at one of the synagogoes or at Temple Israel.
STRAUSS TO HEAD FLEET Gets Command in Asiatic Waters for Laying North Sea Barrage Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS."
Rear Admiral Joseph Strauss, former chief of navy ordnance, is to be appointed Commander in Chief of-the Asiatic Flett with the rank of admiral in recognition of his work in the laying of the North Sea mine barrage during "-e war and its removal after the armistice He will succeed Admiral Albert Cleaves, now in command in Oriental waters. In announcing that Admiral Strauss would be appointed, Secretary Daniels said that the selection was in line w|th t&e-ttepartmenk's policy ©£ -rjpeogmai.ng work of unusual merit done during the war.
Says Qmak Preachers. Should be iskei to Preach Against Ford W r i t e r Suggests Committee Confer with Pastors in Regard to Anti-Jewish Attacks The Jewish Press, Gentlemen: Why not adopt as a local effort of the Anti-Defamation campaign, the excellent suggestion of Dr. Stephen Wise, contained in his superb reply to Henry Ford, as reported in last week's issue of The Jewish Press? .' ' Your paper quotes him ae folfcmn: "In America it is not enougn for Christians to say that they have no part therein, that they place no credence in the charge. It is their business and above all in their Christian dfcror- , ches it is their dtrty to cry out against these hideous falsehoods uttered against a whole people." Shocld Appear Before Committee It seesss to me that if a strong committee named to appear before the • steering committee of the Omaha Ministerial Union (to whom all business is first referred) and make the request that in all fairness to an un* justly maligned people, the ministers should name a certain Sunday on which, from his pulpit, each one of them shall make it a point to give the lie to the Ford calumny, the men of the doth, reputed to be leaders of broad vision and fair judgment, conld not do otherwise than grant the request. Especially as the matter of religious prejudice is involved. Thundered from every Protestant Christian pulpit in the city, Omaha Jewry may rest content that the local ground, at least, has been covered, so far as refuting the false charge of the Dearborn Independent are concerned. The prospective newspaper space given to the ministers' sermons \vtmM be additional valuable publicity. The committee should, of course, be prepared to famish the Tainistsre^'Wls^* qrate proof and arguments that the: Ford charges are . indeed without foundation. "Interested."
CENSUS OF JEWISH COMMUNITY TO BE MADE <THI$ LETTER HAS BEEN REBY WELFARE BOARD FERRED TO THE LOCAL ANTIA complete survey of all the Jewish residents of Omaha will be made in the near future, according to plans now being formulated by the Jewish Welfare Federation. The information which will be disclosed by such a census has long been needed to guide the various organizations of the city in their activities, and will greatly aid them in the future. A house to house canvass of every Jewish family in the city will be Jewish family in the city will be made When completed charts and maps for the use cf the entire community will be prepared showing the results of this survey.
Following up on the story in The Jewish Press in regard to the sentiments of the senators from Nebraska on the Immigration bill, representatives of every Jewish organization in the city met at the Swedish Auditorium Sunday afternoon and drafted resolutions, asking the Nebraska senators to oppose the bill. The resolutions will be sent to PUNISHED FOR DISWashington. It ie hoped that the PLAYING ZIONIST FLAG Nebraska senators will not favor the legislation which, it is said, is aimed Warsaw.—S. Flagman was sentenc- directly at the Jews, ed to imprisonment of one month for displaying a Zionist flag in front of WOKK ATTRACTS ATTENTION his house, when he learned of the Palestine decision of the San. Rerao The immigration fiid work of the conference. Jewish Welfare Federation is at- 1 An appeal taken by the prisoner tracting the attention of surresulted in a commutation of his rounding cities, masy requests fo* sentence to a penalty of one hundred assistance and advice having been received by the local office. Polish marks.
An orchestra, composed entirely of Jewish "musicians is being planned by the Advisory Board of the Y. M. H. A. A good orchestra is a great factor in developing the artistic side of community life and the contemplated venture should meet with great response on the part of. local talent, according to Superintendent Schaef er of the association. Harry Braviroff will be leader and director. All Jewish young men and women who play musical instruments are urged to enroll in this orchestraPersons playing wind instruments, SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES including Who is the most popular Jewish girl in Nebraska and Iowa? reeds and brasses, are espec"THE JEWISH PRESS" want to find out. iai'y needed. There will be no ex" Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. A contest to find out who she is will be launched by "THE pense connected with participation in "' , Week January 1 to January 8. JEWISH PRESS," starting January 1st this movement. : And here is the way it will be done:— The first meeting and registration Saturday, January 1—Boy Scouts, Every subscription obtained for one year to "THE JEWISH will be held at the Y. M. H. A. rooms 7:30 p. m. PRESS" will count as twenty-five votes. Money ir.ust be sent x Sunday January, 2 — Aleph Y Club, in the Lyric Buiding at 8:00 p. m. with the order. Monday, January S. special meeting, 3:00 p. m. And now for the prizes: Monday, January 3 — Classes in HeTo the girl who obtains the largest number of votes, "THE brew, Jewish History and Yiddish, NEW CABLE SERVICE JEWISH PRESS" will award ?50.00 in grold. " S:SO p. m. To the girl who obtains the second largest number of votes, The Jewish Press today contains 'THE JEWISH PRESS" will award ?25.00 in gold. "" Registration for Orchestra, at 8:00 cable news from, all over ihe word, p. rn. The contest starts January 1st and ends at mid-night Tuesday January 4—Girls Dinner and furnished by the Jewish Correspon- January 31st. dence Bureau of New York. Dance, 6:30 p. m. Subscription books can be obtained at "THE JEWISH These despatches mil be carried in PRESS" office, four, Baird building. Thursday, January 6—Dramatic class, each, issue and will give the readers 8:00 p. m. Get into the contest. Let's see who is the most popular of the Jewish Press news concerning Jewish girl in Nebraska and Iowa. Saturday, January 8—Boy Scouts, Jewish life in every large city in the 7:30 p. m. Notices and photographs will be carried in "THE JEWISH^ world. -- «.. ' Association Dance, 8:00 p. m. PRESS," showing the progress in the contest. .,—,
New York, Dec. SO.—Dr. Joseph Silverman who has been connected with Temple Emanu-El for the past thirty-three years yesterday tendered his resignation as the spiritual leader of the congregation. Dr. Silverman. addressed his letter of resignation to Mr. Louis Marshall, the president of the Board of Trustees, and the board, after hearing it read, decided to postpone decision until its ^next meeting.
Who Is The Most Popular Girl?"
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THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. MORBIS E. JACOBS, Manager, Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone, Doug. 2372.
Des Moines, Capital: — Henry The News reprints today a tribute to the Jewish people written by Ar- Ford's newspaper.. ' The Dearborn thur Brisbane and published recently Independent has been engaged in in The New York American. It is a making radical criticisms of the Subscription Price, one year.—'. .—.—$1.50 masterly answer to those who en- Jews, practical^ charging that the Advertising rates furnished on application. deavor to foster anti-Semitic pre- American Jews during the late war, \ NOT PEINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT — Profits from the judice, and particularly to the pro- while apparently patriotic, were enpublication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal paganda that has recently been dis-. gaged in profiteering. - Here is a causes. tributed through Henry Ford's mag' tribute to the Jewish people of the CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be aura azine. The Dearborn Independent. United States and all the world from • * . - . . • • " ' • and sign nrme. '; The News commends it to all its a communication to the Philadelphia readers. It is worth more than a Bulletin written by the Rev. Samuel THE RICH-POOR MAN. ' The following significant remark was made by a modest whole-souled casual reading, and it is particularly W. Purvis, a well known Protestant ^ gentleman, at a meeting of the Local B'nai Brith Lodge, recently: "I am fitting that Gentiles should study it. minister. Dr. Purvis says: "The Jew h,as always been a patThero is very little anti-Semitic the poorest member of this lodge, biit I am rich—I am richer than the prejudice- in Birmingham, but what- riot of the land which gave him richest Jew in Poland." The speaker did not realize the magnificent eloquence and the full ever there is of such feeling is just birth. He quickly adapts himself to significance of his statement. It was an utterance prompted by a heart that much more than should he per- the country that gives him food and filled with genuine sympathy for his people in another part of the world, mitted to exist. . There are several shelter. He soon finds himself. Givsuffering the most horrible of tortures. It was a'reflection that ca~me factors involved in Birmingham's en the opportunity, he perfects himfrom the depths of a soul writhing with pain, because of the pitiable friendly feeling toward its Jewish self in 'science, music, painting, philosophy, condition of the possessor's kin. . citizens and toward Jewish people sculpture, literature, Time was, when the Jewish soul in this country responded much more in general. One lies in the fact that sociology, philanthropy, medicine, readily to the call of distress • which came from across the deep, but Birmingham is a new town, where mathematics, history, astronomy. In unfortunately, misery and "need, at first, evoking our pity and stirring us men stand upon their,own merits, all he gave his best, frequently in to action, when long continued, seems*°to have little effect upon our their own .achievements, rather than return he was refused civil privilege, emotions. This involves a serious indictment against us. The need is where they came from, how they political office, military honor. Their as great, yes, even more urgent today than a t . any time heretofore, but were bom, or what is their religion. hands were tied and they were blamour faculty for being sympathetic and our ability to make sacrifice in< But the chief factor p'robably lies ed for not using them I Persecution, the interest of humanity seems to have been diminished, if not exhausted. in the quality and character of the fire, sword, rack and dungeon were Can this he trne ? It is difficult to believe it. Such a condition is contrary Jewish citizenship of this community. his reward. Captive children, murto our idea of all that goes to make up the Jewish character. Birmingham has a large number of dered men, ravished women were Jewish citizens of the very highest considered his birthright. Nevertheless,-men and women by the hundreds of thousands are suffer"How loyal he is may be seen in type. Not only have they proven ing pangs of hunger, starvation, sickness and disease and those of our people, along with these are obliged to endure pogroms, murderous assault successful in merchandising and the strife of the great war. In Engtrade, but they are leaders of civic land eight percent of the Jews enand the most barbarous" tortures. Tens of thousands of children^ virtually beg for food. They plead for thought and community, welfare. The listed to six percent of non-Jews. it in sufficient Quantities only to subsist. A campaign is now being made most nearly typical example that America sent between 200,000 and for thirty-three million dollars to save starving children of all denoininatiQns comes to mind is that a team cap- 225,000 into all branches of the serin war-stricken Europe. "What has been your response?" Think of your tained by a Jew raised the largest vice. ' Their quota, being about three own children. Would they not share just a little of their plenty with their amount for a handsome home for the percent of the population, they exand. sisters abroad who have none? Young Men's Christian Association ceeded by one-third. Of the 800 citaThe standard of values by which in the future. shall, be measured the a f e w years ago. Men of that type tions for valor, 174 won the Croix de usefulness of one's life, is the extent of his service to the cause of man- wduld break down any barriefs of Guerre, 130 the Distinguished Ser» vice Cross, three the U. S. Congreskind. Men. will no longer be judged by their purses, hutTraflier by the prejudice.sional M'edal of Honor, our highest During the war Birmingham had benefits wrought in the use of their means. A HE WHO GIVES MOST, IN PKOPOETION TO HIS MEA^S, "LIVES no more actively patriotic class of gift, and two the rare French Mecitizens than the Jews. During the daille Militaire. Their casualties MOST NOBLY. __., "-.;. " , _', period of reconstruction they have were about H,000. Three thousand been constantly at work for the good five hundred laid down their lives by " •*», - ) COMMUNITY GIVING, the side of their non-Jewish com\3harity is the main foundation of Israel's pre-eminence, and the basis of the whole community. rades -ujlder the poppies of Flanders. The Jew should have no , special of the Law of Truth. "By Zedakah shalt thou be established," said the prophet Isiah. Throughout the literature of all civilizations runs tjii» strain privileges, nor does he ask any. He They, loo,* had a rendevouz with —man is not for himself alone. History proves that there can be neither seeks merely to be placed upon an death. Honor, to them! In the great physical nor moral progress for any group of people that doeg not equal footing with his jSentile neighr conflict of all sides one-twentieth of recognize and fulfill its duties towards the victims pf poverty and mis- bore. In his pride of race, tracing his the Jews of the world fought with ancestry back to the days of David nothing to gain but the opportunity fortune within its midst. . . •. Care of the sick and the needy, assisting the handicapped and the and Solomon, he glories in the his- of killing their own martyred race." helpless is a debt bequeathed at birth to each of us in payment for our tory and traditions of his people. The Jewish people are winning their own well-being. In earlier times, before the growth of the modern city, He traces the story • of his race battles in business, in banking, in the problem was simple; the community w$s small, every member pf it through the darkness of medieval -journalism, on the stage and in every knew the other, and the needy were cared for directly* each individual dungeons, where only the indomit-, pursuit by the hardest kind of work. contributing his proportionate share. With the rapid expansion of city able courage and ability of a mighty There is something of envy oh the life, the problem of social welfare became. complex and assumed at once strain coirfd have survived. He sor- party of those who fail toward those a position of importance in communal growth equal to that of its com- rows o«er the persecutions, the mas- who win, and this explains part of mercial , and1 financial development. • sacres, the tortures that have been the fight made against the Jews. As in all other communal undertakings^ the relation of the individual his lot. He looks with indignation citizen to the social welfare of the community becomes two-fold. First, upon the pogroms of Russia and.of VANDERLIP SPEAKS ON _ther,e. is his own personal interest in the problem, which can be solved newly -liberated Poland. BOLSHEVIST RUSSIA only from the view-point of moral and religious duty. "If there be ham, Ala., News.. The Times-Star recently printed an among you a needy' man, thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut' thy exclusive wireless interview with hand from him." Secondly, there is his interest as" 3 member of the WHY FORD ATTACKS? Washington D. Vanderlip, head of a community. Poverty that is unrelieved, sickness that rages unchecked, ignorance that goes, unenlightened, immorality uncorrected, are all cancers why Fprd is go bitter against syndicate of Pacific coast bankers, easing"" into the" bosom arid haart of communal existence. Only through the Jews it is hard to Bay. The story who' is returning on board the liner a broad plan pf constructive'work can these ills be cured and the evils about Kuhn, Loeb & Company refus- Aquitania, after obtaining enormous they bring-jn their train be wiped out. * ing to loan him money, is fictitious, as territorial ano^ economic concessions are several other stories that have from the Soviet government of Rusfn such a program the individual''must lose the personal inspiration and pleasure that goes with direct giving, but the finaL gain that results been spread in this connection. There sia. In, answer to the question of to the community through Ms efforts, must balance the loss for him. is one, however, that may have some the interviewer, "Do Jews control Indeed, the individual must give way entirely before the ne^ds of the foundation in fact, and that is, his the Soviets," Mr. Vanderlip said: entire citizenship, and cannot consider the social welfare questions of the experience with one Jewish person, "The government of Soviet Russia city on any basis other than that of the greatest good for the greatest namely, Rosika Schwimmer, the Hun- is not a Jewish regime. Only three number. The man who bases his support of charitable institutions on the garian woman, who became the min- prominent Jews are among its memdonation of his neighTbpr or business associate rather than on his own ister of her country to Switzerland bers—Trotzky, Kemeneff and latviability to give is neither a, good citizen nor an upright man. The man during the brief duration of the non*. (The three men are war minisWho can giye sad refuses to must lose the respect and esteem of »his Red Republic in Hungary. She Was ter, minister of ways and communicfellow-citizens. Both these types of men need education; both need the woman who led Ford into the ation and assistant foreign minister, Peace Ship" fiasco. There are some, respectively.) I believe the fire of instruction in communal responsibility. ' . ' Upon the Jewish community of Omaha falls the'task of gopporting its Dr. Stephen Wise among them, who Communism is rapidly burning itself institutions in such fashion that not only may those who receive profit do not believe that Ford has any out." Thi3 is in substantial agreement to the utmosti but that Jhose who give may be united into a solid, etead- personal animus against Jews, but rather that he is again a dupe, and with every statement made by those and.women, for through such a union alone can fast body of upright that someone is leading him to bewho are in a position to speak of fullest community life be realized. lieve that he can render a great their knowledge of what is going* on service to America and the world in Russia. Dr. Dillon, H. G. Wells, U .SPEAKING OF GOOD WILL. by destroying the "Jewish conspi- John Spargo and now Mr. Vanderlip Vi ,(From the Chicago Tribune.) racy," and also, perhaps, that he have informed the world repeatedly Judge Taft has done.well to protest emphatically ^gainst thinks he can save the mass of. the that Jews are playing only a most the anti-Jewish propaganda of Henry Ford's organ, the Pearborn Jews from those Jewish leaders who insignificant part in the government Independent. are the head of the so-called "con- of Soviet Russia, but that, does not To begin with, it I s grossly unjust, and an injustice ought to spiracy." Ford has" proved himself and never will silence the Jews' die quicily in the atmosphere of American life. People t)f the to be so stupendous an ass in other enemies', who act on the principle Jewish; faith are like the rest of us. We have our viHues and matters that possibly Dr. Wise's that a lie well stuck to, is nearly, if our faults, and we certainly as Americans should stand out theory is the correct one. not quite, as good as the truth.
against the stoning of any class. The anti-Jewish propaganda, with its weird charges,, is an importation of the Euuopean dark ages. The anti-Semitism o l the old world has been a curse to it, and we do not propose to liave it infect American thought. ~" In fact, any influence which emphasizes division of religion, race, or class is injurious to American peace. We ought to set ourselves against it, whether it is pro or anti. True Americanism does not recognize pro-Jewish or anti-Jewish, pro-Irish or antiIrish, pro-German or anti-German, pro-British or anti-British partisanship. ^ • ' . The hyphen is playing too active a part in our public life today. It is a poison which ought to be expelled and will be in proportion as American ideals are kept clear and bright. Anti-Semitism is one form of the hyphen evil. The good sense and right feeling of America will successfully oppose it.
TIj& Polish Government is making a piteous appeal for help « save their country's population from decimation by starvation and the resulting diseases. Truly the reaping of a whirlwind has followed closely upon the sowing of the wind. None the less, women and children should not be allowed to perish for lack of aid that civilised humanity can give. '/ • Sending Christian missionaries to convert the Jews to Christianity Christy strikes the average Jew very much as the average Christians would be impressed by the advent of Japanese sibnartes in the United- States for the purpose ot converting Americans to Shintoisnv A bit comical isn't it when one coi/es to think of it, J i L
COMMITTEE FOB A JEWISH " YOUNG SAMUEL MARRIED IN \ EX-KAISER'S PALACE WORLD CONGRESS The marriage of Edwin Samuel, The meeting of the Executive son of Sir Herbert Samuel, \ t h e Committee for a Jewish Worid Con- Palestine High Commissioner and gress was one of the largest held by Hadassah Grasevsky was solemnized the committee since its organization December 6, according to a dispatch last month. The present status of from Jerusalem. The ceremony took the movement was discussed by those place in the assembly room of the present, the following participating ex-kaiser's palace and was one of the in the discussion: Mr. Abraham S. most picturesque the Holy City has Sehbmer, chairman of the committee; ever known. The chief rabbis of JeDr. G. Goldblatt, Dr. S. Majrgoshes, rusalem, Jaffa and Salonika officiated Mr. Leo Wolfson, Mr. Ephraim Ish- in the presence of more than 900 Kishor and others. The committee de- guests, among whom were the most cided to organize a Press Committee distinguished men of three faiths in as well as a Committee of Speakers the Near East. Sheik Abu Midden to fill the demands made by various dressed the bridegroom in Arab garb Jewish organizations such as con- and officially initiated him as a gregations, forums, etc., for men and Sheik of Beersheba. women to explain the situation to them, and in general to present to Warsaw—The office of the Foreign them the committee's plans for con- Ministry has addressed a request to vening a Jewish World Congress. the/various consulates, not to hold up vises in cases where Jews are shown SUBSCRIBE FOB "THE JEWISH on their passports as being of Jewish nationality _^< — -r~"' JRESS."
Jews are bitterly resented by leaders of that race, some of whom regard such a program as an unwarranted interference and outrage. Particular notice is now being taken of the announcement that the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions has established in New 'York a Department of Jewish Evangelization, with an appropriation of $185,000, and that, under the leadership of Dr. John Stuart Conning, a campaign is progressing to proselytize the children of Israel. Some wrathful rabbis inveigh in strong terms against the movement, but Dr. Stephen S. Wise, one of the leading rabbis of New Yprk, looks upon .the Presbyterian effort at proselytism more as a challenge to restore Jews to their own faith than as a movement seriously to be feared. He is reported in the New York Times to have declared of his people that—
Thousands of men end women were unable to gain admission to the Synagogue where impressive funeral services were held for Col. Barry Cutler. Col. Cutler's body had lain in Btate at the Temple for !a day and thousands had viewed it there. * Rabbi Samuel M. Gup gave the memorial address at the services at the Temple in t t e course of which he said: "We bemoan a terrible loss. Weep, we cannot, our hearts bleed from the weight of the load. Dwelling in the silence of our tortured souls is a gnawing grief beyond compare. In His wisdom and justice, the good God has called to the Academy on High His servant, a favored and favorite captain of the moral forces of humanfty, our friend and associate, our own beloved Harry Cutler. His eyes are closed in lasting sleep, and his spirit has gone to join the greater number who have gone the way before him. "Although cut down in the midsummer of life, the lamented deceased had crowded into J&at brief pilgrimage a record o£* achievement that few whose allotted time is threescore and ten equal or surpass. His days were not his own; they belonged to God, religion and mankind. Wealth he pursued not but whatever share of earthly goods were his, he used as a trust to increase the measure of good and happiness in the world. His magnanimity knew no borders, and his munificence no sect. And yet he was a warrior for definite principles, true as the North star, and of inviolable loyalties to his faith and to his people. His enemies respected him; his comrades loved him, and all admitted his singular worth. "Our brother, we meurn thpe. We grieve_£or thy kin whom thou didst love and who loved thee, thou devoted husband, son and brother. Thy days on earth have been well spent. Thy dwelling now is with thy Supreme Maker, who thou didst serve' so effectually, and who has called thee unto all eternity."
"Ten of thousands of them are not even Jews in name. They are for the most part a liability to the Jews. We are not to be disturbed if some Presbyterians attempt to convert the Jews. I am concerned, however, with 'un-Jewishness' in New York. . - *. Our business is not to argue with those who would convert us, but with the thousands, the tens of thousands, who are gelling their birthright for a mess of pottage. After we have •given our children keys to the wellstuffed deposit-vaults we cheat and rob them of their spiritual heritage. . . . We are in danger of becoming a bookless, Godless, Sabbathless people." . .—. But the Rev. Dr. Rudolph Grosman is outspoken in, his condemnation of the plan to proselytize his fellow Hebrews. He holds up for ridicule the record of two associations formed in England for the conversion of Jews to Christianity, and he is quoted in the press as saying that in 1914 "these two organizations expended 45,000 pounds,, equal at that time to $225,000- of American money, and only succeeded, in converting twenty-five Jews. Think of it, §225,000 for twenty-five Jewish souls 1" Dr. Grossman is confident that— "The Jewish faith that has sur- Aid Sought for Jewish vived Egyptian Pharaohs, Russian ^Refugees from German Poland Czars and Spanish inquisitors for the last 5,000 years shall live on. Why Berlin.—Sis hundred Jewish Kehilshould a Jew be converted to the lahs" in Prussia have addressed a Chrstian faith? petition to the Prussian Diet reeroest" I have the highest admiration for ing the government of the state to Christian missionaries who go among come to the^aid of the hundreds of the ignorant races, who go among refugees from Posen and West Prusthe wretched people of the Eastern sia, now allotted to Poland, wlio countries and give them schools, col- I have sought refuge in many Prusleges, teachers and nurses; who serve sian " border towns after the change gratuitously and at great self-sacri- of sovereignty of their home provfice, and who are the only force of inces. hope for the wretched population. "To them we give unstinted praise. For They should confine their- activities OFFICE STATIONERY there and not dare to foist their SOCIAL STATIONERY own religious ideas on intelligent OFFICE FURNITURE men and women who already possess an intelligent religion." and office supplies of all kinds from steel pens to steel safes. The , Chicago Israelite thinks that Dr. Conning has "a stupendous task • See H. Herzoff who is now connected with the before him/' And it weald be well for him, in the opinion of this journal, if he would recall the words of his own townsman, Dr. Rosenau, who My pfSce phone is Douglas 2644; said: "Before they can become' ChisResidence phone is Douglas 7149. tians the coriversionists must change the Jews' whole nature, blot oat their entire past, extending over centuries, and recast the philosophy giving shape to their lives." So, If you want to be siire of what ' "It will be interesting to note the you are buying when purchasing progress of the Conning campaign diamonds, other stones, jewelry, and compare its results with that of see me. the Union of American Hebrew Con- Special reductions are being ; gregations—one conducted by learned offered this week. and enthusiastic missionaries intent on winning Jews to Christianity, the HARRY HALASHOCK other directed by laymen and lay1516 Dodge St. Tel. Dong. 5619 women, striving to stamp out in•— Established 1894 — difference, setting forth the spiritual needs of Irael with a view to reviving Judaism where it is dormant, and stimulating Tespect for the ancient faith in the. rising generation." — Literary Digest.
.Printing Co.
In a recently published book entitled "Talks with T. R.", John J. Leary, Jr, gives Theodore Roosevelt's opinion oj Henry Ford as follows: "Ford" said President Roosevelt, "i s a pretty good man for^making cheap automobiles. He makes a good cai for the money and in his sphere has done a very good work. But he won't stick to his sphere. He would instruci Cosmos. "It would not be so bad if he knew anything about the matters outside of automobiles that he attempts tc manage and direct. He does not seem to have the faintest idea of such matters: He knows nothing of world politics yet he sets himself up, with the aid of an army of press agents as the man who must teach everybody. He has no conception of what we mean by Americanism and has an extreme ideo of the importance and power of his money. He is ignorant, yet because he has been so successful in motors. many, many persons, hardly as ignorant as himself, think him wise in all things, and allow him to influence their views. "Henry, like Barnum, has been a great advertiser. I do not say his peace ship was an. advertising dodge— I will give him credtyf or being sincera there, but I won't say that he has not been given credit for a lot of philanthrophy that was merely good business. Other of .his schemes given much publicity are imaginings that ID pthers would attract no attention."
UKRAINIAN REFUGEES IN . LEMBERG Lemberg.—Lembsrg is now swamped with Jewish refugees from Ukrainia. Notwithstanding the fact that conditions in this city are now sa crowded that no facilities are available for the housing of its native population. There is a constant stream of new refugees who come to Lemberg for the sole purpose' of stopping on their way tc America or Palestine. The Ukrainiar refugees come without money 01 clothing end immediate bjilp is no1 desirable but absolutely imperative. ; Warsaw.—Two days of a lockoui in Bialstok's factories, owing to n demand by workers for higher wages has not brought any relief in th« situation. The lockout has thus fai caused s damage of fifteen millioE marks.
You Better Hurry to bring your relatires to {ret America, before the new immigration law prevents then from coming. They can now immigrate to this country from Bremen, Hamburg, Danzig and^Libau. We are in i. position to furnish you the necessary documents for them to be per" mitted to land in this country. They can tra\'el third class on steamers that have kosher kitchens for Jewish people and all other modern conveniences. , We send money at the lowest daily rates to all parts of Europe. Come and Consult Us.
Val.J. Peter SCtrapany Ship Ticket Agency and Foreign Exchange. 1307-09 Howard Street Telephone Tyler 0340. ]
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Telephone News Items to Douglas 2372.
A regular meeting of the Progresse Hub of the Y.'M, H. A. was held Sunday, December 26 ut the Y. U. H. A. club rooms. Two new members, Philip lerelick and Joe Stern, were admitted nto the organization. After a brief discussion on the business of the organization, the program commenced. A few members, talked on Henry Ford, hfo anti-Semitic articles which were published in the Dearborn Independent, and Mr. Cameron, the editor of the above named paper. An open discussion on the above folowed. Ten dollars, a part of a pledge of twenty-five dollars, to the AntfDefamation League was collected. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Jewish young men betwegn,the ages of sixteen and eighteen, who wish to Mr. and Mrs H. Gross announced the join this organization should notify engagement of their daughter, Ruth, Harry Robinson, 2114 California . to Mr» Ja,cpb Malashoclc. . street, OP call Douglas 7227. Miss Gross has takn an. active interest i n Jewish and musical activities in The subject of Rabbi (John's serthe city and is a member of Ra Oth mon at Temple Israel on Friday will Society. She _*ras "graduated frpm be "On the Eve of 1921." On SatCentral Higu School in 1915. urday morning at B'nai Israel Synifc* Mr. Malashpck is an active member gogue, Rabbi Taxon will speak on of the B'nai Britli *The Synagogue and Ite Mission."
The classes in Jewish history, Hebrew, and Yiddish which -were started at the Y. M. H. A- r«jently will be resumed next Monday, January 3, at the Y. M. H. A. r<5oms. These classes are free to all members of the community and are under the leadership d£ professional teachers from the city •Talmud Torah. Beginners classes in Hebrew and Yiddish reading and -writing are much in need and the response should be greater than the original enrollment indicated. There is 90 charge for tuition. ,
News from the Thorpeian Athletic Club
Tlte committee' in charge of the Y. W. H. A, dinner party and dance announced that all arrangements have been completed, and. that a most enjoyable time will be assured to each girl who attends. A fine program is being prepared. About twenty-five reservations have been received to date. Due to the holidays intervening between the first announcement of this affair and the da.te when it •will be held, the committee has decided to extend the final date for reservations until next Monday morning, January 3. Girls who have not yet registered are urged to do so before that date.
In spite of the weather one of the largest Sunday meetings of the year was held by the Thorpeian Athletic Club. The business started .with a report by Mr. Kuklin. Mr. Chesno, who pjayed $ brilliant game at fullback this fall, wa.s admitted to membership. Edwin Katsky, formerly of the orchestra, and who is now a premedic student at Nebraska University, is home on his vacation, and dropped in "at the club to greet old acquaintances. Initiation for the new members was postponed until next meeting. The athletic director, I. Levinson, Mr. Harry Mendelson, student of made his usual weekly report. He Nebraska. University, arrived Mon- stated that he had arranged to have day to spend the week with his par- the Thorpeians practice at 7:30 p. m., ents, Mr. and Mrs. C, Mendetlson. and urged eVery member to get out and practice. As. chairman of the The Ra-Oth Society will hold their committee to devise ways and means next regular meeting on Wednesday of financing a combination basketevening, January 5, at the club rooms. ball game' and dance, he reported that the committee has started Miss Diana Gross and Miss Flora negotiations, Commissioner Zimman Bienstock entertained at a dancing has been approached regarding a party at the home of the latter, 4207 date when the Muny Auditorium Y. M. H. A. CLTJB NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Arftur Stein of Min- Barker avenue, in honor of the Misses might be rented, . The best date are visiting with Dr. and Mae Liebowitz of St. Joseph, wKo is available at present is January 23, 1 mil hold VTa special neapolis visiting the Nakens; Ruth Greenberg, The Aleph 'Y C]ub Mrs. J. M. Erman. whose engagement to Sam Dansky It was the idea of the committee to meeting at the dub rooms Sunday give thitf affair in the name of the afternoon, January 2, at 8:00 p. m. Miss Esther Newman, who has was recently announced and Blooma War Sufferers' Committee, and to All members are requested to be pres- been spending the holidays with her Kogan of Minneapolis, who^ is visiting apportion a share of the proceeds parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave New- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. towards the relief of these sufferers. ent. .-. . : . . . / Greenherg, Eight couples were presman, leaves Saturday for New Mr. Osheroff, of the. pin committee, j Club initiated ten City, where she is attending Colum- ent. The X. reported that most of the members new members at its meeting on Wed- bia IJniyersity. She will visit with were wearing1 pins. friends i s Chicago en her way. Mr. Soi-Noyitsky returped'Monday A vocal organization-will soon be from a short istay at Sioux City, formed.' The date and"place of pracThe Poalae Zion Organization -will /Sam T. Horn,, who was recently where "he visited with his sister. tjco will be announced at a later meet Sunday afternoon, January 2> at initiated to the Phi Sigma fraternity date. * 2:30 at the Y. Mi. H. A. rooms of the Omaha, :Univerdty, has been Miss Bertha Leon returns Friday elected to reeeive degrees in the from Des Moines where Ehe is now The Misses TTett* and Esther NaThe Brotherhood -will give a dance Omaha Chapter Order of De Molay, visiting witii Miss Gertrude Robin* entertained Tuesday evening at at the ball room of the Blackstone which, chapter is affiliated with Scojj- son and friends. their hdme in honor of their sister, gotel on Monday evening, January 10. tish Rite Masons. • Mr. and Mrs. H. E; Kamen, who Mrs. Leo N. Teale of New York lL Tha Sisterhood £ard party at £b The Youig Maccabees Club, com- have been visiting in New Yoik for. City. The evening was spent in ^ vestry rooms of the Temple was well posed of boys from. 13 to 15 years the past' few weeks, are expected playing cards and music and dancings The Misse3 Rose Whitestock attended. 'Mrs. Browar and Mrs. H. old, will mee^ January 2 at 2:30 p. home for New Year's. v and Lillian Levey won prizes. Bachman won first prizes. The Sister- m. In the Lyric bui ding, Nineteenth - hood will hold their regular monthly and Farnam streets. Mrs. I^o N. Teale leaves Thursday card party next Monday afternoon^ Miss Diana Gross leaves this evefor her home in New York. Mrs. Miss Ruth Brown, who visited Miss Teale has been here for the past ning--for Chicago.-where she will l£r. B. Blotcky and daughter, Ann Tillie Polsky at Li 2Oln'T jetonied to six weeks visiting with igr par- visit with friends. Miss Gross will - sre spending the winter at tha Vir- her home Monday. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip' Nathan return shortly after New Year's. k giida Hotel, Long-^Beach, California. at 3216 Marcy street. Mra.; Mose Steinberg, who has Miss ] ae Gerel returned-MonMr. and Mrs. Clarence Wells, who day fror LincoTn. ' Hiss E^a Berg of Sioux City will been visiting in the. south for the past tew yfeeks, will return to -haver-been J«3ng_ at Hastings, have. ^e here for New Year's. •pmaSia for New-=-^Pear's. moved to Omaha and will make their Misses. Rose Shr ?tori, Bemice "En~ tome with Mrs. Wells' parents, Mr. lakofsky,' Annette Fanger, Mianette Miss Sylvia Levey who a short 'and Mrs. Herman Abrahams. Margolin and Rose Zuttman visited in time ago left Omaha to take up a position with the Burlington raUSioux City. " \ Lawrence and Ephraim Baron, eons road in Chicago, was in Omaha for of Mr- and Mrs. Barney Baron of Ben Shapiro* o~~ Lincoln arrived over Christmas^ visiting' with, her Sioux City, .fepent the holiday week Monday to spend t""2 weels with rel- family. Miss Levey left Omaha last with Earl Kulakofsky, son of Mr. atives here. Monday. and Mrs. B. Kulakofskyi . /
Mr. Paul Sicver, a former Omaha The Jj N. P. Ladies Club, organized boy and now in business in Minneafor the purpose of aiding the Peoples' pois, is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. Relief, "will give^a dance January 9 at Kelpines Dancing Academy, at 25th Siever. and Farnaia streets. The Ladies' Golden Hill Society held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. C. M. Mock and Mrs. GoH, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. L. Epstein and the election of Rosenstock, left for their home in officers took place. Mrs. P. Schlaifer was elected president; Mrs. S. OslanMiwaukee Wednesday. der, vice-president; Mrs. A Silverman, secretary; Mrs. Charles Levinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenberg, 120 South SOth street, entertained for treasurer. more than seventy-five at their home Paris.—According to a report from The Young Judea Council will last Sunday in honor of their daughToulon General Wrangel's arrival hold k regular meeting Thursday ter, Ruth, whose engagement to Mr. there is expected. Sam Dansky was announced recently. evening, December 30, at the dub rooms. Report of the convention will be given.
Miss Libbie Minkin will entertain at a Watch party Friday evening, New Year's eve, at her home, 2640 Decatur street. The following participate: Dorothy Letween of Lincoln, Cetta Ross, Anna Greenberg, Laura Givot, Libbie Minkin; Edwin Altschuler, Fred White, Sam Beber, Ed. Solig, and Sam Gordon, who has returned from Lincoln where he is attending the State University, to spend the holiday vacation with his family in Omaha.
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Mrs. Simon Krasne announced the engagement of her daughter, Sarah, to.Mr. Charles Marcus, at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenberg of Council Bluffs on Sunday. David globodinsXy, who aas been spending th* holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Slobodinsky, will rettfrn to the University of Nebraska the latter part of this week to resume, his studies.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mr. and Mrs. George WrighJ had a family reunion at their home during this past week when eighteen ! relatives visited them. Mr. and Mrs. B. Schwartz and children, who have been visiting Mrs. Schwartz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, have returned to their home in Des Moines. .
The Fairies of Zion held its meeting Sunday at the home of Freda Novey. A short program was given by Rose Novey, Bella Goldberg and Freda Novey.
' Miss Tillie Polsky of Lincoln will Visit on New Year's day with Miss Ruth Brown,
[ Standard Auto Radiator
Dr. and Mrs. XL M. Levin of Defiance, Iowa, a n spending the week-end in Omaha.
-• Mr. and Mrs. D. SSgenberg and j small son have returned from New York to Omaha where they will make their home. Mrs. Bisenberg will be remembered in Omaha as Elsie Silverman. Misses Fannie and Ida Segelman are spending the holidays with their xsister, Mrs. Dave'Redman and Mr. | Redman at Ottumwa, Iowa.
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SUCCESSORS TO T7TE ROSENBLATT COAL COMPANY. | 5 We handle nothing but the very best grades of j= _The Ladies' Auxiliary <of the South S coal tx>m their respective,v districts and sereen it clean g £ Side Talmud Torah, held its regular 5 bd^ore delivery. meeting at fie home of Mrs. H. RothA few of our leaders :kop and election of officers was held. ILLINOIS —All Sizes COLORADO LIGNITE Mrs. A. Silverman was elected presiSpringfield District Smokeless—Sootless dent; Mrs. B. Lustgarten, vice-presidentj Mrs. J. Sherman, secretary; and Mrs. D. Minkoff, treasurer. A ball wil be given for the benefit of the Taimod-TVrah sometime in March,
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The engagement of Miss Pauline Davis, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice_ Davis of St^ Louis, formerly of Omaha (to Mr. Martin Gross of St.^ Louis, was announced in St. Louis on Christmas day. Miss Davis is a graduate of the University of Chicago and will be remembered iri Omaha as a charming school girl, who spent her vacations here. The "wedding will take place in the-, early summer. . | Miss Alice Treat, who is connected with Yankton College, is spending the holiday week with Miss Irma Gross. Miss Treat attended the "University of Chicago with Miss Gross.
Mrs. Louis Blotchy entertained Wednesday afternoon for ten at her home. : .
Mrs. Boris: Pred and daughter, XSoldye, will leave on January 4 for Miami, Florida, where they have taken an apartment for the winter.MissPred's marriage ttrMeyer Speisberger will take place upon her return from the south. p
Bring it to us. We repair
The Lollies of Zion will have a get-acquainted party Thursday afternoon at the home of Tobie Goldstein, 422 North 21st street.
Ladies' Belief Society hold its regular meeting; Tuesday, January 4, in the Lyric Building^
Mail to Room 4, Baird Building.
Phone Douglas 1107 A A
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London.—The Zionist organization Warsaw.-—The condition of the Members of the B'nai Sholem Sy- has issued a statement emphatically Rabbi of Mozier," White Russia, who .Rabbi Stephen Wise has tendered his resignation as vice president of nagogue- in their recent drive for denying the rumors recently circulated came to Warsaw seeking refuge from Received by The Jewish Press the Zionist Organization of 'America the suffering Jews of Europe con- that it had issued orders to restrict bands which organized pogroms in -Through the Jewish Correspondence because he says that he was slighted tributed $642 to the Jewish war relief, emigrants proceeding to Palestine. his city, is growing worse. AccordBureau Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marx who have in being omitted from the member- §320 to the Palestine fund, and $225 The statement says that the organ- ing to latest information, the rabbi been spending their honeymoon in ship of the Actions Committee of to the fund for the Hungarian col- ization on the contrary is doing its j is now very low and little hope is Professor Weizmann's Visit to St. Louis, Mo., returned Tuesday to the World Zionist Organization. Dr. ony of Jews in Palestine. utmost to further immigration and held out for his recovery. America Postponed make their home in Council Bluffs. Wise believed that his work off late Of this amount, $962 was turned that the Chalutzin* are being sent on London.—We are authoritatively Mrs. Marx, nee Miss Mignon Fried- •ears, with the Zionists entitled him over to William Holzman, local treas- to Palestine without interruption. ' Subscribe for "The Jewish Press." informed that Professor Weizmann's man of Council Bluffs, and Mr. Marx to highest honors. We think so, too. urer of the Joint Distribution Comintended visit to America has been surprised friends several weeks ago No man surely has ever done more mittee. The remainder, $225 for the indefinitely postponed: It ; is probable when they eloped to Omaha and to promote the interests of Zionism Hungarian -colony fund, was sent to that he will accompany Sir Alfred were married. in this country than has Dr. Wise, Rabbi Klein of New York. The comMorid who leaves fdt Palestine on and it seems strange that the group mittee in charge of the collection By Attending the Dante Given by the January 5, in order to make a study Mrs. Ben Hirsh, 210 West Washing- from whom he has the right to ex- for the war sufferers was: A. MoskoOMAHA LODGE NO. 354, I. O. B. B. of local conditions • os !they affect ton avenus, Coundil Bluffs, enter- pect every consideration should have vitz, president of the synagogue, I. various Zionist plans. i• tained Tuesday evening for sixteen committed such a tactical error as to Moskavitz, treasurer; and Dr. A. ErNEW YEAR'S NITE guests of the Semi-monthly Social have ignored his right to the posi- man, secretary. Saturday, January 1st, 1921 Card club. Luncheon was served. Upper Jordan Goes to Syria tion in question- Judge Mack states, AT THE IJASONIC HALL, 19th and Douglas Streets. Paris. — The convention signed however, that Dr. Wise's resignation TAKES OVER BUSINESS Mr. and Mrs. Ike. Cohen of Chica- has not been accepted, and intimates yesterday by Premier Leygues and Leo J. Adler, son of Simon Adler, go arrived to spend New Year's that Dr. Wise* will probably continue 3120 Nicholas* street, has bought a the local British Ambassador, covers with Mr. and Mrs. • M. ^Yudelson, in office, for the time being at least. controlling interest in the National in detail the boundaries between NOVEL FEATURES: Special Orchestration by Shrine Band. 616 Bluffs street, Council Bluffs. Palestine and Syria. According' to Just now harmony is. essential, es- Accessories Company, 2012 Farnam Song and Dance Artists. Several Surprise Stunts. the convention, the River Yarmuk pecially whea there is so much work street" .'. •• Miss Zelda -Marx, who' has been cut out for the Zionist. We are in—i—-REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVE! and the upper part of the Jordan Mr. Adler is a graduate of Central attending Chicago;University, ar- terested, while on the subject of High school and attended the Universremain Syrian- territory, Palestine OLD SYNAGOGUE RAVAGED . rived Sunday to spend New Year's Zionism, to riotev that two British ity of Nebraska. " being entitled only to whatever surSpecial to "THE JEWISH PBES8." with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. officers in Jerusalem caused some plus of water may be available. Vienna, Dec. 30.—The Czech paper "Tribuna" reports that the ravages Marx, 221 North Second street, trouble by not rising when the "Ha* Polish Government Organizes tflcvah" hymn was being sung. Now; Palestine Building Company Getting done to the old Jewish Rathaus in Council luffs. Bureau of American Affairs During Our Sir Herbert Samuel has issued an or' .':.: . • . - B u s y ' •."; / . • : Prague is even greater than was a t Jack Freiden]who has been visiting der that everybody should rise when London.-—The Zionist Commission first supposed. Surely no greater piece Warsaw.—A new division of Amerat Jerusalem reports that 'the Pales- of vandalism could have been commit- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam the Hatikvah is'..'.being rendered, but ican affairs was organized by the tine Building Company known . as ted than to destroy the ancient Jew- Freiden, 737 Mynster street, Council it should, however," be rendered only Polish Ministry x>f Foreign Affairs. "Haboneh" has already installed a ish records guarded in the archives, luffs, during the Christmas vacation, at purely Jewish gatherings. Nothing The Division is headed by an asshncomplete plant for stone' breaking tear up the founders deeds dating will return Monday to Ann Arbor like starting to mark off the lines ilationist Jew, Leon Bergson, until and is getting to work. The report from the middle ages and throw them University where lie will resume the rigidly at the beginning, even if recently seceretary .of the Polish W E OFFER YOU YOUR CHOICE OF OUR they'are likely to make trouble later adds that fifty Jewish etone masons out of window. Valuable old pictures study of law. Legation in Washington, D. C. on.—Jewish Criterion. Lave formed a co-operative organiza- have been cut to pieces and everything ENTIRE STOCK OF. Mrs. Barney Brln Who. has been the vandal mob could lay hands on tion. .: Vienna—Thursday being the anni- Danzig—Official announcement Ts has either been devasted or stolen. spending the Christmas vacation with her daughter, Mrs. AGiKnsky, versary of tiie death of the late Jew- made by the Polish government that Such things never happened in BoheCrimean Refugees Dyjng from Wednesday, returned to her home at ish leader Adpjph ~ Stand, local Jews L-the elections of the Jewish conw. mia under Austrian rule. In past .Typhus ; Webster City, Iowa.. gathered at the large Temple where inanity in Warsaw will be held durParis.—Two French steamers are times of war and revolution the old a service was held in his memory. ing next January, says a dispatch Jewish Rathaus and Synagogue in reported to be anchored at Cattara from the Polish capital. Prague were always respected. The Miss Leah Krasne, *122 Beaton Rabbi Chajes delivered an address. •w-ith 4,000 Crimean 'refugees on loss of these documents is a great street, Council BhiSs, left Monday board. Among them typhus is rag,ing| freely, and claiming many victims blow to cultural history; it is irrepar- for Fremont and Oakland* Nebraska, while the authorities find themselves abWand surely none will deplore, this where she will visit her brothers. more than the enlightened Czechs. unable to permit them to land. Miss Iabby Snyder," daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam*Snyder, 300 OakKeren Hayesod Appeal Given Wide NOTED JEWISH SCHOLAR DEAD land Avenue, -Council Bluffs, and Special to '.THE JEWISH PRESS." Publicity Miss Celi^ Mandelfiton of Walthill New York, SO. Dec.—Dr. Abraham Neb., left for New York Thursday, London.—The manifest* issued in behalf of the Keren Hayesod has S. Isaacs, lor many years Professor where they;, will attend Columbia been printed in full in almost the of Semitic languages at the New University. entire English press. Some of the York University and noted as an leading organs make editorial refer- author of juvenile books, died at the Miss Tillie Polsky of Lincoln will ence to its publication and emphasize (Barnard Hospital .of an abdominal be the honor guest of a New Year's cancer. Dr. Isaacs was born sixtyits importance. j eve party at^ the Fontenelie hotel_ eight years ago in New York City. Friday night.-. The table' will be • King George Announces Acceptance decorated with chrysanthemums and j of Palestine Mandate Jews to be Permitted to Work roses of all assortments. The party London.—The king's speech which in Sfleskm Coal Mines is being given by Miss Ruth Brown was read in the Houses of Parliaanil Nathan Nogg. The guests will ment declared that the mandate over •Berlin.—-By special permission of be: Misses Reva Gilinsky, Ruth Palestine under covenant of fhe the Allied Commission in charge of Brown, Fae Gerelick, Edith Freiden, League of Nations had been accept-. the Silesian coal fields, preparatory Tillie Polsky, Dorothy Zacker, and j i ~ed by Britain. tx>, a .plesbiscite which is :to," take Mssrs.; Maurice Gilinsky, Nathan j place shortly in order to determin* Nogg, Charles Feldman, William . Jewish. Interpreter of the future sovereignty of the prov- Racusin, Jack Fleischman and Harry 1 Relates His Experiences ince. Eastern Jews have now been Osheroff. •'••*."• London.—Maurice Moscowitch, the permitted to work, in the mines. noted Jewish actor who scored such Heretofore no person, not a native Lawrence Krasne, son of Mr. and phenominal success on the English of Silesia, was allowed to work in Mrs. J> Krasne/ 819 Oakland Ave., stage in his interpretation of "Shy- the mines, for fear that such permis- Council Bluffs, has been confined to lock" has commenced the publication sion to work might result in an un- his bed at bis home on account of of his memoirs in the "Daily Tele due increase of the status of one illness. graph.1' • nationality- as against ' the other WHOLESALE ONLY 1005 FARNAM STREET which claims a majority in the provSUBSCRIBE FOR,VTHE JEWISH Independent Commission Will Repor ince. . •:••-' PRESS." on Mandates to League Council London.—In. the House of Commons today, the Hon. Arthur James Balfour declared that the .fundamental conditions of the mandates i ASK HIM FOR , were fair to both the mandatory •'' • . • ' . . ' • - ~ - — P L U S - r - — . ••'• powers and the peoples of the manUNEXCELLED SERVICE datory territories. He further stafr: IS THE FEATURE OF •• ed that .the League has chosen an independent commission. of nine NOT BECAUSE WE ARE IN THE LIGHTING Hi members "which would report to the BUSINESS, BUT BECAUSE BRIGHTNESS IS League Council. The members of INSURANCE DEPARTMENT . the Commission were chosen on perSanders-Kennedy Building. ' :• Phone: Tyler 3160. THE SYMBOL OF HAPPINESS, CHEER'^AND sonal merits/raly irrespective of the LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE. GOOD FELLOWSHIP, THE EMPLOYEES AND country they belong to. Every country has a right to appoint a OFFICERS OF THE N E B R A S K A POWER special representative to attend the I PACKED UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION deliberations of the Commission but COMPANY JOIN IN EXTENDING TO YOU f OF RABBI MORRIS TAXON. such representatives will have no THEIR SINCERE GOOD WISHES FOR. voting power and' will be absent when decisions are being taken up I!: «5 by vthe commission which decisions ,. wilT be final- These representatives, however, will have .the right to submit a report which will be attached i to the report of the Commission, ill both being published simultaneously. •fiiijj In cases where labor questions will 1 be involved the Labor Bureau of the League may appoint a special investigator to report on such questions. SalonikL—It became known that in the recent elections, in which Venizolos party suffered a severe defeat, SaloniM Jews, were subjected to all sorts of chicanery. The police of the city, siding with Venizolos, refused to let the- Jews enter the polling places and many^ voters or would-be voters were compelled to hide in their homes for . fear of evere reprisals. „• At a public meeting held by the ews of this city and largely attended, particularly by business men and ther citizens of prominence, a resolution was adopted calling upon the new government to order a strict investigation of the illegal conduct of the Saloniki police, with the view of iunishing-the guilty. The charge has also been made that special election districts were arranged in the city 'or Jewish voters so as to enable the ilection officials to find out-how the ewish voters have cast their ballots.
Sent by our Council Bluffs News bureau.
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Poish Constitution Not Satisfactory, Says Jewish Leader Warsaw.-^The noted Jewish leader N. Prilutzky delivered an address before a large gathering at which time he criticised the Polish constitution because it failed to meet the national demands of tbs population.
than regular street car service will- be furnished between midnight December 31st and 2:00 o'clock A. M. for accommodation of persons attending NEW YEAR'S EVE parties. ^ • •
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Polish Premier Explains Why Minority Rights Clauses Were Not Published Earlier •• Warsaw.—Deputy Dr. Thon today questioned .the government why the Minority Rights clauses were not previously published whereupon Premier Vitos explained that official handicaps prevented the government from making it public earlier?
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