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To read, to think, to 01 tore, .to pray, these III
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are things that make in ::: ::: HI men happy. g
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VOL. I.—NO, 4
Junior Branch of Ladies Relief Society is Being Fonned; Meet Saturday
Brisbane Writes: Propaganda Against the Jewish People is ' Worse Than Murder
Child Feeding Station Where Kids Receive American Bounty
ly lad of 75, and Kate, whose name is now Weinstein, bashful and sweet 70, loved each other. Both are inmates of the Jewish Home for the Aged. Having assured each other of their undying devotion they put on their hats, slipped out of the home and half an hour later were married by a rabbi. After the glad tidings had been slipped along to the bride's six children and fourteen grandchildren and to the half dozen heirs of the bride-groom and his fourteen grandchildren, the newlyweds went back to the home to face the wrath of the guardians. However, there" was no wrath. The directors of the institution hastly amended an ancient by-law forbidding husband and wife to live in the home, and Isidore and Kate were welcomed back and given a special apartment Do you want to help' furnish food this cause. Mail checks to Mr. Zim- in which they have set up housekeepfor these kiddies? Harry Zimman is ing. the Jewish representative on the Neb- man, City.HalL-'— The children in this LORD READING PUBLICLY raska committee, raising funds for photograph are of Jewish faith.
New York, Jan. 6. (J. C. B. Service.) '—In the course of his daily editorial of the "New York American" Arthur Seventy-five Girls Aready En- Brisbane wrote on Christmas mornrolled in New^ Auxiliary to *" ing: "We received the religion that we Help in Charity Work profess from God,' through the Jewish A junior auxiliary to the Jewish people, the tribe \Beni-Israel, arid in Ladies' Relief Society is beng organ- Europe 'Christian' nations organize -, ized. > More- than seventy-five girls wholesale massacres of Jews, unarm'~ already have joined, according to Mrs. ed, and in this 'Christian' land there is R. Kulakofsky, president of the La- carried on against Jews a propaganda f lies and shameless ignorance as bad dies' Relief Society. as murder. Formal organization of the auxiliary "Ignorantly and viciously, religious trill take place on Saturday evening, ! January 15, at the Loyal Hotel, at a fanatics charge against the Jews supper party from 5 to 7 p. m. Re- Christ's death, which-was the act of servations for the supper may be the Roman government then ruling made at the office of the Jewish Wel- erusalem, and in any case, could not have occurred according to Christian fare Federation, 303 Lyric building. belief, without the sanction and perMust Interest Young Folks mission of God, who .'so loved the "One of the most important com- world that He gave his only begotten xnual tasks confronting the Jewish Son' as a sacrifice for man's redemppeople of Omaha is that of interesting tion. REBUKES JEW-BAITERS our young people in philanthropic and SENATOR A dispatch from London, England, "Crucifixion, you should know, was LOUIS MARSHALL social work," Mrs. Kulakofsky said. a Roman punishment, inflicted by the GREETED BY JEWISH which appeared in the Chicago "IsraADDRESSES ZETA "There are many young women and Romans everywhere; by the JewB LEADERS IN POLAND elite," is of more than passing interest BETA TAU MEET Warsaw. girls in this city who are at work, and NEVER IN ALL HISTORY." (J. C. B. Service.) It was and will be read and applauded by all New York, Jan. 6. (J". C. B. Service.) learned today that on Monday last fair-minded people throughout the who can afford to contribute financial—Addressing the annual convention'. Senator McCormick conferred with a world. The dispatch reads: ly to our organized social work, and, of the Zeta Beta Tatf f raternity at the ; number of local Jewish leaders and in addition to this, the moral support INTERCOLLEGIATE ZIONIST London.—In the Criminal Court of ASSOCIATION IN CONVENTION Hotel Astor last nighjv Louis Marshall soe American Jews. The Jews placed Appeal on December 1 Lord Reading •which they would give is invaluable. Through the Junior Auxiliary these New York, Jan. 6. (J.tfB. Service.) made ah eloquent appeal that the before him facts,regarding Jewish re- severely rebuked Sir Ernest Wild, a girls will find the means of doing both. —The Seventh annual convention of Jewish traditions and ideals should fugees and emigrants-in this country Crown Councillor, who referred to a Every girl who can should enroll as a the Intercollegiate Zionist Association be maintained and stimulated during who are waiting to make their way defendant aa a "Jewish money lendcharter member on next Saturday ipened here last Sunday morning and their period of education. Dr. Mar- to America. er." Spectators who crowded the court was attended by representatives of 28 shall in the course of his address said: 'xught.* room rose and applauded Lowl Read"None has dared to say a word JEWS ARE LEGALLY The dues of all new members will irganizations from various universing's criticism. be payable on next Saturday evening. ties. The first session was almost against those who are true to their RESTRICTED FROM BECOMING In the case tried before Lord ReadThe names of all girls who oin on or entirely devoted to reports on the part religion. The so-called protocols have OFFICERS IN POLISH ARMY ing, the Lord Chief Justice of Engbeen shown to be forgeries. The Jew of the officers and was under t i e before that date will be listed in the Warsaw. (J. C. B. Service.) Ques- land, and Lord Darling, in which a annual report book of the Welfare chairmanship of Ben Rosen., The sec- must live ao, that suspicion cannot tioned again by Deputy Dr Thon, re- Jewish money lender was involved, Federation, which will be issued this md session was mainly given to a dis- touch him. We are assured in our j garding the case of ^Jacob Stein whom Sir Ernest Wild, the public prosecutor, cussion on what Jewish students can institution of religious freedom, and j the military authorities refused to month. do for Palestine. Among those who we know that if we shall be consist-! grant an officers's: rank because he asked one of the witnesses whether he participated in this debate were Pro- ently loyal to our faithf we shall have j had given his nationality as Jewish, was a Jew. Reading immediately took ELECT OFFICERS exception, saying that the question nothing to fear. j the Polish War Minister in the Seim was improper. On the other hand, Regular meeting of theLadies Relief fessor Horace M. Callen, Professor "The time has come when the Jew- ' in replying stated that on June 17, Society was held Tuesday when elec- Chaim Feinman and Dr. Henry Kellar. In the evening a public debate-was ish. college man sh'ould be militant for : 1919, the Polish Seim had adopted a Lord Darling remarked that he could tion of officers took place. Mrs. E. held on. the Bubject of "Should the his fajth, and should stand up and! measure restricting Jews from becom- not see anything improper and that Kulakofsky was elected president; he had never found fault when a wit: .' Mrs. M. L. Woolfson, vice-president; Palestine Soil be Nationalized." The poniiDiliCy"1pests~~pn 1a~body-such • as In Zveihil and districl, General Bu- ness- was; asked whether"~"$.§" was a *" Mrs. M. S; Ka£hmah and Mrs: L. ZieV, Scotchman, although he, Lord Darling, financial secretaries; Mrs. S. A...Ricer. be devoted to practical, matters and Zeta Beta Tau- You must be ready denny's, forces are again terrorizing is a Scotchman. Whereupon Lord decision will be taken regarding the to live the life of a Jew, and show that the Jewish communities. These hordes corresponding secretary; and Mrs. J. Readng replied that the intent was to J. Grc^nberg, treasurer. This organ- manner in which the association is to those who are true tos their faith are are murdering and pillaging those throw discredit upon the witness beization now has over 900 members, maintain itself, the ^Zionist Organiza- helping to make the real brotherhood who have been spared by previous cause of the general prejudice against ' pogroms. During last week Boaz Jews. As a result of this, a news220 of which are members coming in tion being no logger in a- position to of mankind." do BO in view of its recent decision Melamed, his wife and seven children paper discussion has broken out in this year, besides over sixty girls who at the Buffalo Convention. Howard Green, son of J, H". Green, were killed outright. have formed a junior society. A tea London. is a member, and Nathan E. Jacobs, will be given Friday, January 15, at 5 o'clock at the Hotel Loyal. At this DR. HARRY PLOTZ WILL DIRECT son of Elias Jacobs, is a pledge of the LOST ARM IN POGROM, ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT NOT time plans and a foundation for the J. D. C. MEDICAL UNIT ABROAD Zeta Beta Tau chapter at the UniversTO INTERN POGROM VICTIMS { JEWISH GIRL SAYS Junior society will be formed. \ New York, Jan*. 6. (J. C. B. Service.) ity of Missouri. Herman Friedman New York. — Visible proof of the Vienna. (J. C. B. Service.)—The Heriry Monsky and Morris Jacobs —Dr. Harry Plotz is sailing tin's Wed- of Council Bluffs was a member of savagery of the pogroms in Central Roumanian government has withspoke in regard to The Jewish Press. nesday for Europe where he will sup- this fraternity at the University of Europe came before a board of special drawn its order to intern all Jewish ervise a medical unit of 20 specialists Pennsylvania and is now an alumnus. inquiry at the Ellis Island immigra- refugees in Bessarabia says a dispatch CHRISTIAN PASTOR SCORES in the relief of Eastern Europe. The tion station today when Rebecca Me- from Bucharest. Rabbi Zirelsohn of Iatredman, a young Jewess from the Kisheneff, accompanied by Mr. BerATTACKS OF HENRY FORD unit which is being sent by the Joint DIFFERENCES IN ZIONIST ORGANIZATION UNADJUSTED Ukraine, stood before-the authorities, land, secretary of the Ukrainian ComNew York, Jan. 6. (J. C. B. Service.) Distribution Committee will sail about —A congregation, which crowded the January 15th and will remain abroad London. (J, C. B. Service.)—The with an empty sleeve and told how mittee for Jewish refugees in Besstwelve months. For its maintenance Church of the Assencion on Fifth differences between members of the her fattier and mother had been shot arabia, called on the Roumanian PreAvenue, listened to the Christmas the J. D. C. has made an appropria- Zionist Executive do not appear to down* in the streets of Kitaigorad, and mier, General Averesco, and after the sermon of Rev. Dr. Percey Stickney tion of $2,000,000. have adjusted themselves. If one is she had been wounded while trying to situation was explained to him, the Grant in the course of which he deto judge from the attitude of, the rescue their bodies. Just sixteen, her- Premier telegraphically ordered the plored the effort at present being FRENCH ROYALISTS Dutch leader DeLieme who officially self> she had been brought .to the Bessarabian authorities to stop inUnited States by an aunt, Golde Maland expelling Jewish refugees made in this country to discredit the AND THE JEWS tendered his resignation to the Execu- amedman, together with her younger terning and instead to issue to" each special Jews. In the course of the address, New York. (J. C. B. Service.—The tive; Yielding to the demands^of some sisters,' Rachel and Pearl, and their protective certificates. The premier which was on "Peace on Earth, Good- "New York Tribune" publishes a members of the Greajter Actions Comt little brother, SamueL They were ad- also promised that those desiring to , will to Man," Dr. Grant said: special cable tfrom its Paris correspon- mittee, the Executive has called a mitted. proceed to America or Palestine would ."How absurd for the Christian, dent in which he relates of an excited meeting of that committee for Februpeople to have a prejudice against the speech delivered in the French Cham- ary 6. Local Zionist circles, expect BALAKHOWITCH POGROMS be given all facilities. Jews when everything we have read ber by the Socialist Deputy Andre Ber- American Zionists to participate in BEING INVESTIGATED BY ' here today is out of their literature. thon, in which he told of royalist plot- the meeting of the Greater Actions POLISH GOVERNMENT TALMUD TORAH TO MEET If the prejudice against them Is be- tings against the present government. Committee. Warsaw. (J. C. B. Sercie.)—Reply- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 cause they work harder than we do The correspondent of the "Tribune" ing t o a question by the Jewish De- • A meeting of the Talmud Torah at them let us work harder." then add3: OPPOSE IMMIGRATION BILL. puty Dr. Schipper, Premier Witos in which time a secretary will be selected "Berthon failed to mention in his Resolutions asking the Nebraska the Polish Seim stated that the gov- will be held Wednesday, January 12, Chamber of Deputies speech the most representatives in the senate to vote ernment was thoroughly investigating in the synagogue at Eighteenth and Leon S. Moisseiff to Build signal recent victory of the Camelots against the immigration bill were sent all 1jie reports regarding the pogroms Chicago streets. Delaware Bridge In appointing Mr. Leon S. Moisseiff, du Roi, one of the.most powerful or- to Washington Wednesday. The re- made by the forces of General Balakof New Yo^1- the well-known engineer, ganizations, which prevented the Com- solutions were signed by a committee howitch and would make known the The Brotherhood will give a formal to be its consulting engineer in the edie Francaise from playing a piece chosen by delegates of every Jewish results of the investigations as soon dance at the Blackstone on Monday, as possible. January 10. construction of the contemplated Del- by the French dramatist Bernstein. organization in Omaha. aware river bridge, the Interstate "The royalists are against the Jews Bridge Commission representing the on principle. The Camelots gathered city of Philadelphia and the state of hundreds strong at every performance Pennsylvania and New Jersey, has of the Bernstein play and interrupted conferred a signal honor upon a dis- it with shouts of 'Down with the tinguished member of the Jewish com- Jews! Hang them by the nose!'munity. • Mr. Moisseiff is not only an phrase, which in French slang, rhymes ;. . engineer of note, but also is a man with forceful effect." The Jew who practices sharp dealings, of fine literary taste and judgment. There ai-e Jews who persecute Jews, not He has been for a number of years a RABBI SILVERMAN LAUDS :>y inflicting actual bodily injury, but by plunders Jewish prestige. The Jew who member of the Jewish Publication hurting their race in an even more damag- in,any way commits an unworthy or shamePATRIOTISM OF THE JEWS Society. ing way than corporeal wounding. Their ful act, or whose actions savor of bad faith, New York, Jan. 6. (J. C. B. Service.) actions cut to ,the very vitals of Jewish or whose approach to lawlessness puts him Mr. Moiseiff has been associated for —Lauding the patriotism of peace near the border of illegality or even ' reputation and character. the "last eighteen years with the New above that resulting from the hysteria criminality, grievously injures the good The Jew who bootlegs, puts a sword York Department of Bridges, and has of war, Rabbi Joseph Silverman in his into the side of Jewish reputation. The name, the honor, the reputation of Jewry won recognition for various notable sermon at Tempel Emanu-El yesterJew who does not pay his just and honor- , as a whole, and puts a canker into Jewish engineering achievements. He was in day declared that Jews have never able debts, poisons Jewish credit. The: character. charge of plans and designs for th faltered in their peacetime patriotism Surely, pernicious acts of Jews themJew who gambles in public, puts a bullet inbridges built over the East River b: and have always responded in a war to Jewish pride. The Jew who is loud and selves, is a form of persecution as dethe department. One of the momi emergency. Taught by'their faith boisterous in public, puts a stiletto into structive in. its way as the intolerance, ments to his skill in his chosen prof es Jews "in every country have worked •Jewish self-respect. The Jew who abuses bigotry and abuse of those who deliberately sion is the Williamsburgh bridge, con- loyally for the land of their adoption the privileges of insurance, puts disease seek or wish our destruction.—B'nai Brith necting the lower East Side of New said Dr. Silverman, and their, one v News. _ , - ——r — -••* • York with the Williamsburgh section thougr'-, has been for its peace and into the vitals of Jewish honor. of Brooklyn .... . t • prosperity, ;
Frame Law Making It Crime to Libel Racial • Group is Idea, of Judge New York Jurist Says Ford ShouF be Criminally Punished for Writings " ^
Max Morris Max Morris, the oldest member of the B'nai B'rith, celebrated bis seventy-fifth birthday Sunday, January 2, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emil Ganz, 2960 Harris street. Mr. Morris has been a member of the B'nai B'rith for the past fifty-two years. Two years ago the local B'nai B'rith lodge presoBted Mr. Morris with a gavel in celebration of his fiftieth year as a B^iai B'rith member. "The B'nai B'rith sends greetings to Brother Morris on his seventy-fifth birthday anniversary," ssid Joseph Greenberg, president of the B'nai B'rith. "We hope that he will be with us for many more years to coma. During his affiliation with the B'nai B'rith he has done considerable good -work." JEWS LACK CO-OPERATION AT GENEVA, SAYS DR. MOTZKIN Paris. (J. C. B. Service.) Dr. Leon Motzkin, secretary of the committee of Jewish delegations, has returned from Geneva and declared that the Jews there were not entirely successful and failed to gam the Assembly's full interest in the subject of pogroms because they lacked cooperation. Believing that the League would not accept any direct communications from non-official organizations, the Jews came to Geneva late, part from that there were sa insufficient cumber of delegates and these few failed to cooperate "in & d r efforts. : -To avoM any possible misrepresentation, the Committee of Jewish delegations agreed to hand over to the League together with that of other non-democratic delegations, a memorandum from the Joint Distribution Committee. However, Dr. Motzkin declared their work was not altogether fruitless, the League having decided that all new states admitted into its membership must guarantee the rights of national minorities. It is the intention of the Committee of Jewish Delegations to continue its work and bring the matter of pogroms and other pressing Jewish problem* before the next session of the League.
New York, Jan. 6. (J. C. E. Service)" —Judge Otto Rosalsky made it known that he was framing a law which would make it a crime for any person to libel- a. racial group or particular sect or denomination. Judge Eosalsky was adressing a delegation of th® Daughters of Jacob which had presented him with s new judical robe and in the course of his address, he said: "The anti-Semitism which, now pervades the world is an attack by the unthinking, but America has bees awakened t o i t s duty, and the great men of tWsxountry now realize that it is their duty to stem the tide, A man like Henry Ford is the greatest menace to American institution feecause he is an ignorant man, uses his wealth improperly, and because he is not inspired with the teachings and lessons of Americanis. Son Was "Slacker"
"During ths war bis son absolutely; escaped from performing his duty toward our country, whereas the records show that the Jews contributed more than their allotment. History shows that when you give the Jew as opportunity to dwell in freedom he ig not •» destroyer but a builder. "The Jews of America and England and of every land where they enjoy, freedom or are even subjected to per* secution, have been faithful to their respective countries. I have no fear of the future of the Jews of America and England. I have great fear as to their future in soem of the benighted lands of Europe. We Jews who have been subjected to tvranny and massacre and who have tasted from the bitter cup of cruelty and intolerance, know -what it means to appreciate our institutions, and we cherish thera with the ssme fervor as -do our Chras^&B**-* brethren. "Inasmuch as the people of America have awakened from their lethargy and sre now taking the initiative in responding to the outrageous attack^ made by Ftfrd and others of that'type, we should drive him and his followers into obscurity."
PERSECUTION OF THE JEWS ' ISADS TO SPLIT OF HUNGA- ' KIAN GOVERNMENT PARTY Vienna. (J. C. B. Service.) Because the government of Hungary saw itself compelled to adopt a more liberal policf towards the Jews, thirteen of the leading members in the government party left its ranks and founded E new party, says a Budapest dispatch. The Michigan B'nai B'rith Lodges new party proclaims as its main pur, Form Union poses, the consistent and systematic Ten of the eleven Michigan B'nai persecution of the Jews and the resB'rith lodges have joined to form the toration of the monarchy. Michigan Cocndl of B'nai B'rith Lodges. The officers are: Adolph LEADING JEWS ASKED TO Freund, Detroit, president; Erwin N. AID IN DISARMAMENT Treusch, Grand Rapids, first vice pres- New York, Jan. 6. (J. C. B. Service.) ident; Henry J. Jacobson, Pontiac, —The "New York World" has comsecond vice president; Adolph Kosit- menced a campaign for universal discheck, Lansing, secretary; J . B. armament. In this connection it has Simon, Lansing, treasurer. Edward turned to leading men in all walks of Lichtig, of Bay City; Rabbi Adolph life in this country as well as abroad Steiner, of Jackson, and Benjamin and among those who have responded Wiener, of Flint, were appointed on to the call of the "World" are Lord the General Committee. The officere, Northcliffe, his brother, Lord Eothertogether with the members of the mere, William Jeisings Bryan, Otto General Committee, form the Exe- H. OCahn, Dr. Stephen S. Wise and cutive Board of the Council. numerous other prominent individuals. The Council was formed to pro- Dr. Wise in the course of his reply mote the welfare of each lodge by to the editor of the "World" said: mutual co-operation, to foster social "I agree, with your premises that and fraternal relations between the the race of competitive armaments is several lodges, to aim towards a responsible, for the staggering burden perfect practice of the underlying of taxation which is stifling our own principles of the Order and to render prosperity and helping to bankrupt support and encouragement to Dis- the world. trict Grand Lodge No. 6 and to the "I agree with you that disarmament Independent Order of B'nai B'rith competition is a crime against humanity and civilization." generally.
SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITITES Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. Week of January 9th to loth Sunday, January 9: Aleph Y Club, 2:30 p. m. ; : Progresse Club, 2:30 p. m. ^ * Knights of Zion, 2:30 p. m. * ^ ' Lillies of Zion, 2:30 p. m. Monday, January 10: Orchestra Meeting, 8:00 p. m. Yiddish Class, 8:30 p. m. Tuesday, January 11: Girls' Gym Class, 7:30 p. in. X. T. X. Club, 8:00 p. m Thursday, Jan. 13: Dramatic Class, 8:00 p.m. fl , Satnurday, January 15: Boy Scouts, 730 p:. m.
At a regular meeting of the B'nai Ami Club held at the Loyal Hotel, Wednesday evening, December 29, the annual election took place and the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing term. Morris A. Vann, president; Samuel Guttman, vice-president; William Pearlman, secretary and treasurer; and Max Fromkin. sergeant. After the election a smoker and e luncheon were held. Arrangements are being made for the leasing of down-town club rooms for the organization. Plans are also well unde? way for a private dinner da^ice in th\ near futux«? - -v M ^ ' 1 ' ~*
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Which Are You?
Least Qf all in America where the Published every Thursday at Omaha,, Nebraska, •by "There are two kinds of people on races of the world have fused into a THE JEWISH PRESS- PUBLISHING COMPANY., single great nation, everyone contribearth, today, MQERIS E. JACOBS, Manager, (Just the two kinds—no more I say) uting its part to progress and culture, dffice, Four^-Baird Bldg.—Telephone, Doug. 2372. Not the saint or sinner, for 'tis well i3 there room for bigotry and defamation. Here, if anywhere, should there understood -.$1.50 Subscription, Price, one year.. Advertising rates furnished on application. The good are half bad and the bad be hope of a broad tolerance, a spirit of co-operation and an absence of are half good. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT.— Profits* from, theJ Not the rich or the poor, for to count petty or unwise bickering or acusapublication of The Jewish Press-are to be given to worthy communal tion. Such is the American temperaa man's wealth causes. ' . . . ' j = You must first know the state of his ment as found in our former president CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the ^ and new address; be 8M*. William Taf t, who in his calm, judical conscience and health. nnd sign name. •Not the happy or gad, for the swift manner, lately rebuked Henry Ford for the campaign of an^C-Semitism flying years: . , ' BLUE LAWS AND THE SABBATH. Bring to each man his laughter and now being conducted in the Dearborn Independent. to- each man. his tears.' Reformers are curious folk. Usually they are possessed of but one idea, -that of their proposed reform. Of tea they carry No: the two kinds of people on earth "One of the the chief causes of I mean suffering and evil in the world today this to. extremes, which in their zeal and earnestness they Are the, people who lift and the people is race hatred," .says Mr. Taft, "and cannot foresee. . who: lean, any man who stimulates that hatred The extent of the* evil they would correct, and1 the benefits And: where 'er. you go you'll find the has much to answer for. When he that would result from its correction, determines the, measure of world's masses does this by the circulation of unpopular support that comes t a their cause. But in eyery reform, from its earliest stages until its final incorporation into the law Are always divided into these two- founded and unjust charges and the classes,. arousing of men and groundless fears, of the land, there is always a respectable minority that will And, oddly enough, you'll find, too, t his fault is more to be condemned." maintain that reformers are eurious—curious about the other By exploitation of the mythical profellow's business and personal life—curious, impertinent and There^s only one lifter to twenty who tocols of "The Wise Men of Zion," Mr. meddlesome, too. l e a n * / . ; . . . . , , ; . • •.:. •'.;. .:• Ford's magazine has been endeavoring The agitation throughout the country for the so-called Blue In which class are you? . Are you to link up the entire Jewish race in a Laws which would make Sunday a complete day pi rest, seems easing the; load " plan to rule the world, joining interto us ill-advised and fraught with vicious consequences. Of over-taxed: lifters who toil down national bankers with the persecuted WHAT THE JBILUE LAW-GIVERS SHOULD AGrTATE -the road, and starving Jews of eastern Europe FOR IS A GREATER OBSERVANCE OF THE SPIRIT OF Or are you a leaner, who makes others in an imaginary and ridiculous comTHE, SABBATH, INSTEAD OF COMPLETE SUBMISSION TO bear, pact. Mr. Taft, finding no evidence,. THE LETTER QF ITS LAW. In this, we- as Jews can concur. YOUR part, of the labor, and worry> of any such conspiracy, asks why, if 'Although it is not, possible for the majority of us to observe and care,?" \Tewish capitalists sway nations and completely our own^pay of Rest, we ^anv in the- sanctity of 'even wield a world power, more than our homes and of our hearts, observe t h e spirit of the Sabbath Professor Miehelson, whose correct half of the 13,000,000 Jews in the Day, which we first gave to the world. are now suffering bitter oppresThere are no customs more beautiful, more peaceful and measurement of the- speed of light world sion and Against this rock more conducive to the rest of mind and soul, in any belief, gives to astronomers their yard stick the wholestarvation. of Mr. Ford's propaganda for measuring theuniverse Is a Jew, than those of our own Sabbath Evening. . • : is wrecked. One has but to read the No Jewish child cam ever forget, no matter how far he- may son of a Jewish father and mother thin-spun arguments of the anti- Sedrift from Judaism, the eahn andtranquility of a truly Jewish that lived and helped build up this mites, who are active not only here, Friday Night; The. sinning, cleanliness of the entire household, country in the Far West, where he but in England and throughout the the steadily burning "Shabbas Idcht", the sanctified: loaves:--r- was born. That might interest Henry Europe, to realize the flimsiness of thoughts of these must remain indelibly engraved oa his memory Ford, another very useful'American, the allegations. . who has been made to believe, by false when much else has faded.. Ifcannot be forgotten that Mr. Ford With the quiet Shabbas Evening scenes repeated each, week advisers, that, the Jews are not im- a few years ago sent forth a peace portant contributors to. the world's the spirit of peace and harmony that they engender must remain ship, designed to proclaim the brotherwith the Jew throughout life, and the Sabbath spirit of good- civilization. Ford understands mechanics, so he hoodhood of nien. The world then will and thankfulness will be with1 him all his days. said "-it he went far in a visionary BLUE LAWS FOR JEWISH HOUSEHOLDS SHOULD BE must admire a man', Jew or Gentile, but ideal direction, and now, in his that measures the mechanics of the WRITTEN MAKING IT IMPERATIVE THAT THE SABBATH attack on the same principle of brouniverse, or a scale of trillions of BE OBSERVED AND NOT DESECRATED ON FRIDAY NIGHT. miles, and with miraculous exactness, therhood, he has also allowed his imto within the millionth part of an agination to lead far afield, in the Ford's unprovoked, undeserved attack on the Jews,, at a time inch, measures a wave length in the opposite direction.—Omaha Bee. when a grief-stricken, world is busy with healing wounds which spectrum. Ford probably pays a milthe war has struek, with reuniting bonds which malice and lion a year to engineers, big and little. Jewish Scholar Resigns from\ hatred have severed, is likely to prove a boomerang. As the What they know of physics, altoDiplomatic Service hatred of Pharaoh had for its reward a ^watery grave for the gether, yes'.could pack into one per London, (J. C.;B. Service.)—Dr. flower of his army, and that of Hainan, a gallows, so is. the icent of a cobic inch of Michelson's Vishniteer who has for some time attack of Henry Ford likely to have for its reward the scorn brain. — Arthur Brisbane, Chicago past been secretary to the Ukrainian of the peace-loving, clear-thinking, fair-minded, patriotic, loyal, HeraldiExaminer. Diplomatic mission in the United American people.—B'nai Brith N Kingdom, has tendered his resignation because he desires to devote Professor Miehelson is of Chicago. He received the Nobel prize for the himself entirely to the work of re\. greatest work in,physics, has added search in Jewish history. w e a n , .
' • •
Every Jewish, boy and\ girl inr~the City of Omaha, a*, well as the Jewish yotmg ladies and young men, will be interested in the ANNOtJNCEMEJIT of the BJQ MEMBERSHIP DRIVE for MEMBERS of the- ZIOmST ORGANIZATION. In order to obtain the active co-operation of the younger people -and revive and re-awalcen the interest of the older set in this, the greatest enterprise of MODERN JEWISH HISTORY, the ^-establishment an* rebuilding of a JEWISH HOME* LAND and the ultimate establishment of a small nation and government of oar own- in Palestine, the membership committee has been authorized to offer the folio-wing prizes for organization and individual effort-in. obtaining members: •
••. ;,•'.
Warsaw—Fifteen thousand Jews entered Poland Jast month. These were all refugees escaping with their bare lives and «oming from Russia, Ukrainia and even Georgia.
f*~-i-- .To the organization credited with the highest ' -• ?^-*'?' number-of paid-np memberships obtained...^5<J.<>0
15th an
- J. 3. FRIEDMAN, Tyler 4424. i" j Chairman of Membership Committee.
Davidge Building, 18th and Famam Streets. Phone: Webster 6763.
Head of Violin Department at Tabor College.
I E!: I:: :••
M Success doesn't just happen. It comes as a result of long and close adherence to a fixed program. -':
Barry Pf aiashock M 1514 Dodge Street Phone Douglas 5619
The first step on the road to success for many people hast been the opening of a Savings Account in the Savings Department of the First National Bank. A dollar or more opens your account. Come in today and start your account.
Harry H lapidus. Pres.-Treas. Jos. Pepper, Vice-President. W. G. -Ure, Secretary.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Dresses, Goats, nits and now selling at less than manufacturers cost.
We occupy over 70,000 sauare feet Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets. Phone: Douglas 2721 OMAHA. KEB.
Entire Week Starting Sunday, January 9 th,.
REID Lila Lee and notable cast in
Charm School All about a young automobile salesman who inherited a girls' boarding house and installed himself as prpfessor.
I il
If you want to know anythipg about S P O R T S call us. I1 If you want to meet your friend he's probably visiting us. fji
We have a completeli of CIGARS AND C M S
Baseball Headquarters BILLY FOX, Manager.
Fourth ffighest i n d i v i d u a l — . . . - ^ . ^ ^ . . ^ . ^ l O . O O
The cause is a most .worthy one,, the material and field for memberships are there, and the prizes are worth working for. NOW GET BUSY! The drive, starts .immediately with the publication of this issue and. closes Monday, February 10th, 1921. Obtain blank - application, forms and further information from the undersigned. This announcement will not appear again. Clip it out for future reference.
Harry Kononovitch
. The annual membership fee, from January 1st, 1921, to January 1st, 1922, is $6.00 per year, which embraces membership in the parent organization, membership in the local organization, pays the shekel duea of ?1.00i and also pays for one year's subscription to the Zionist publication which is printed in English and in Yiddish.
Starting Sunday, January 9th.
Established 1690 arnty. Douglas 2333.
tivity inimical to the best'interests of "the Christian Kingdom of Hungary."
One Week Starting Sunday, January 9th.
Two Weeks
Ta the individual member of an organization credited with the second highest....__J....._....S40.00
There are no special rules or-districts for the competing organizations and individuals. Tue whole Jewish community is your field. We estimate that there are approximately 4,500 Jewish persons eligible f&p membership in the Zionist organization in the" City of Omaha. We are out to enroll as many as we can get of this number at this time, but we have set • a minimum. . Therefore, there is but one condition attached to the above contest, and that is' that unless the total number of paid-up, memberships brought in during the thirty days of the drive by all organizations and individuals engaged in the work passes the seven hundred and fifty mark, no prize will be awarded. With, all the organizations and the individual members thereof engaged in the work, that number should be passed early in the contest.
Vienna^—Galician Jews who have lived in Hungary ever since they were driven out of their homes by the invasion of the Hungarians in 1914, have now been ordered to leave the country. The.police of Budapest issued an order directing all Galician Jews to quit the country in 35 days. Jews who will not have left by then, will be interned in the horrible concentration camp of Sala-Ektreg, where many have already been im-
Two single furnished rooms for rent — good neighborhood. 418 North Twenty-first street. Telephone Douglas 7660. ______________ a !
We Specialize in Engagement Rings, Platinum Jewelry
We learn, by way of the % Catholic Columbian, of a deserved rebuke administered to an anti-Jewish lecturer by P. M. Callahan of Louisville, Ky., well known as one of the organizers of Knight of Columbus welfare activities. The lecturer, havirig written Col. Callahan seeking a lecture date under K. of C.^auspices, received the following reply: "Referring to yvur letter of August 28, addressed to the Knights of Columbus, seeking ^m engagement to make an anti-Jewish address under their auspieces. The waiter was chairman of the Commission on Religious Prejudices of the Knights of Columbus, giving three years of his life ^exclusively to this work and therefore could say a great deal on this subject in a reply to you, but my very best answer would be that of the late Rabbi Moses of our city, who when approached some years ago to engage in anti-Catholic
Anti-Semitism in Switzerland Zurich, (J. C. B. Service.1)—A new publication recently made its appearance here with the avowed program of combating. Jewish influence in industry and politics. This is the first outspokenly anti-Semitic organ in Switzerland.
To the individual member of an organization credited with the highest number of paid-up memberships obtained. _.~ —-S6O.QO
The Dearborn Independent, Henry Ford's weekly, continues its alarming articles upon the great, Jewish conspiracy to seize control of the world by the overthrow of all existing governments. In the current issue it makes the amazing disclosure of a Jewish boast that in twenty years the Hebrew race will operate all the dentists' offices, in the country In New York, says the Ford organ, 85 per cent of the dentists are Jews, and out of 1,503 "matriculates" in dentistry at "a certain university," 1,478 are said to be Jews. The dastardly plot is obvious. When the Jews control the dentistry of the country they can pull the, teeth of all the Gentiles; the latter,, reduced to a diet of much and milk, will lack the virility to defend themselves and the Jews can then do as they please. The Independent also has discovered that the Jews are in a conspiracy with the newspapers of the country to spell Gentiles with a small "g." The danerous possibilities of this Machiavellian attack upon Gentle dignity need not to pointed out. The reader will note, however, that "The Post" refuses to be party to the scheme.—Chicago Post.
activity, said ^Having for BO many prisoned on charges of political ac-
years been among the Hares, who have been chased by the Hounds, it •would be most inconsistent for me to change novt from a Hare to a Hound. "Therefore, the Knights of Columbus and Catholics generally,., having been Hares for so long, we are certainly not going to become Hounds at this time in any form of persecution of the Jfews. "You are the one type of man, in my estimation, that ought to be deported or exiled." There has recenty been a renewed oatbreajrof anti-Jewish feeling in this country and in Europe. Henry Ford's paper, the Dearborn Independent, has given a good deal of space to antiJewish propaganda. — The Catholic Sentinel.
Jot the organization credited with the second highest number of paid-up memberships <• obtained ~$25,O0t
Third Highest individual......
one to Ibis triumphs..- It was -he who 'correctly measured the rigidity of the earth, proving it to be about equal to that of solid steeL When a mere youth, after he graduated at Annapolis and started teaching mathematics there, he iremeasured the speed of lightj his measurement being the world's standard now. V. He^vas first to measure, within a millionth of an inch, the wave length of a certain metallic substance, thus making it forever unnecessary to measure again the earth's circumference or to worry if an earthquake should destroy the meter of platinum that the French keep far below ground as standard of measures and-money.
Telephone Douglas 8462.
411 South Fifteenth" Street
1 si:
First National Bank Omaha : : : " • •
AT THE Wolfs "3 Shops" Make It Handy To Buy Men's Hats, Furnishings, Etc. Store No. 1 1421 Douglas Street, Omaha
Store No. 2 "J & S"
Store No. 3
Shirt Shop
302 South 16th St., Omaha
Rialto Theatre
I Union Stock Yards Company
o! Omaha (Ltd.)
liiii iUji £>••'
POWERFUL CAST PLAYS f Announce Engagement London "Times" Discovers Jew Who "MADAME X" Mr, and Mrs Samuel Faier announcWould Restore Hungarian Monarchy. The monthly dance for Y. M. & Y. : r..—. _—0 London. (J. C. B. Service.) The One of the strongest companies ed the engagement of their daughter, , Forty-five guests were entertained. The Omaha Branch of the Zionist The meeting of the Thorpeian Ath- W. H. A. members will be held on SatEtta, to Mr. Isador W. Rosenblatt, son "Times" publishes a remarkable story, ever assigned to a motion picture pro. it the Y* W. H. A. supper party last j Organization of America is calling a letic club was attended by a large urday evening, January 8, in the Lyric Tuesday evening. A delicious supper | meeting of the members of all young number of members. One of the vis- building. This dance will be for mem- duction • supports Pauline Frederick, of Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, of in which are revealed the latest miliGoldwyn star, in her new Goldwyn Omaha, at a family dinner at 'their tarist and monarchist plots in Europe. followed by a fine program of games : men's and women's clubs to interest itors of the evening was Max Gaven- bers in good standing only. Referring to this story, the "Times'* play "Madame X," which cbmes\ to homer Sunday. md dancing, was prepared by the ' them in Zionist and Palestine, work. man, an old-time member. remarks that it is astonishing to find the Sun Theatre, for fourteen days,! :ommittee. The meeting will be held at the Y. M. Athletic Director Levinson, in his reMrs. M. Kainer of St. Louis, who commencing Sunday, January 9. Miss ANITA MlfLISR DEDICATES as one of the fellow-plotters of autoThis was the first affair of its kind H. A. rooms next Wednesday, January port, expressed disappointment at the was visiting Mrs B. Brown during the Frederick has the role of Jacqueline cratic Prussian officers, a certain HunVOLUME TO JEWISH ORPHANS that had ever been arranged for the 12, at 8:00 p. m. small number of men who attended, jpast week, has returned home. Floriot, "who is tried for murder as garian Jew known as Treibieb Lincoln. Vienna. (J. C. B. Service.) Anita Y girls, and the committee has earned basketball practice, and urged all men "Madame X," under which name she Muller, the well-known Jewish public the thanks of the association for its Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzherg left to report for practice. He said it was Mrs. Wintroub entertained at dinner hard work in overcoming the lack of Thursday to spend a month, in Cali- likely that Konecky and Bernstein will Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. M. is registered at the prison because she worker has just completed a volume refused to reveal her identity. devoted to the Jewish children of facilities for cooking and serving at fornia. _ play this winter. This bolsters great- Kainer of St. Louis. •••'•) Eastern Europe with special and honCasson Ferguson, who has played the club rooms. The menu consisted ly the clubs chances in the Commerorable mention of Jewish orphans. The leading parts opposite many of the of fruit cocktail," cream of tomato cial League. The class ia Jewish. History of the Tfie Women's Auxiliary I. 0 . B. B. noted feminine film stars, has the role book is throughout illustrated by some soup, salmon salad, - creamed peas, Council of Jewish Women; will meet Plans for the Thorpeian combination will hold a special meeting Thursday, olives and pickles, pie a la mode. Monday for %heir-fourth lecture on basketball game and dance at the January 6. Among other things they o£ Raymond Floriot, her son, who de- famous artists. Cleaning, Repairing Prizes were won by Martha Cohen Jewish History, Dr. Cohn at this Auditorium on January 23 were made will arrange details for. an Informal fends her at her trial for murder, not London—Commenting on the agreeknowing that she is his mother. and Pressing of Clothing. and Marguerite Rosenberg. The com- meeting will speak on "Jews in the at the meeting. dancing party a t the Fontenelle hotel William Courtleigh, who has been ment arrived at between the British Shoe Repairing. mittee that prepared the supper con- 16th Century." After adjournment of the meeting February 15. playing big roles in pictures for years, and French governments regarding sisted of Iva Siegel, Rose Fair, Betty the - entertainment committee took is Louis Floriot, her husband. Lionel | the Palestine frontiers, the "Times" F ^ e and Mrs. S. H. Schaefer, assisted 522 South 16th Street Misa Evelyn Schanfarber will leave charge. Chairman Kuklin made a A special meeting of the Jewish Belmore and Willard Louis," two of iexpresses disappointment at the fact by Mrs P. A. Belmont Wednesday to visit in Chicago and strong plea for the organization of a youth of Omaha will be held Wednesthe best known character men in that the Eastern half of Galilee and Douglas 4393 Cleveland. Later she \rill be joined Glee Club. He introduced "Duke7' day evening, January 12, in the Jew- screen work, play the Paris black- other portions have been excluded Miss Helen Robinson has returned | by Miss Sophie Faimin; and they wffl LevinsoE, who sang. He was accom- ish Welfare Federation rooms. Thi3 mailers whose schemes lead Jacqueline from its territory. from.Sioux City, where she spent the -go to New York for several weeks. . panied on the piano by Bert Brown. is the first time in the history of to commit murder. holidays. Next on the program was a five-round Omaha Jewry that a meeting of the J. Katleman left Wednesday fon St. boxing match between Levinsky and Jewish youth will be held. Plans will To Hold Relief Daace Soon Miss Lillie Kocper entertained for L o u i s . ••-.•"Green. The referee declared „ it a be announced which will give indiv^ The Omaha Hebrew Cmb at their Miss Leah Kaufman of Sioux Cityi The draw. Chesno and Edward Levinson idual organizations an opportunity to regular meeting held Sunday, January evening was spent in music and danc- Mrs. Boris Pred and daughters, Miss are matched for the^ next meeting. present their real merit before the 2, appointed a committee to formulate ing. - .. ••.--•' Gpldye Pred and Mrs; M. A, Wolowits A mock trial was held, Bert Brown Omaha community. . plans to raise money for their yearly left Tuesday for Florida to visit with was the defendant. He was charged pledge to the Jewish War Relief. This Dr. and Mrs< Philip Wolf son. Mn£ with violating certain rules of the Miss Mary Paper of St. Paul is Changes Meeting Day bouse guest of Mr. and- Mrs. Harry > Wolfson was Miss Nora Pred before club. The legal talent consisted of P. In the ftrture the executive board is of particular interest, for last year Kulakofsky. Many affairs are being'.; her marriage to Dr. Wolf son last May. Wintroub, Judge, Niezelman, prosecut- of the Omaha district of the Zionist the Omaha Hebrew Club pledged planned' in her honor. Miss papes ing attorney* Osheroff, cousel for the Organization of America will hold its $1,000 and at their dance given at the Auditorium, raised $1,500, which The Lamdba Sigma Society,, a club defense. will remain in Omaha for several days. meeting every other week. A regular amount was given to the Jewish War of high school girls Mid boys, have meeting for all registered Zionists will Relief. i j Mark Leon, Joe Wolf and Joe Slade issued a paper, which they are planHadInteresting Visitors, be held the first Tuesday of every 1 of Lincoln left Thursday for Ne ^ ning to publish each, month. .•..•.-''"•"' Mr and Mrs. A. Block had very in- month. York where they will remain for sevteresting visitors last week when Mr. Mr. and Mrs. B." B. Cherniss enter- and Mrs Joseph Lazarus of Cincinnati eral weeks. •'. " Have Hard-Times Party tained a t a large New Y«ar>* eve visited here. Mr. Lazarus, who is one The Daughters of Zion Club had a Dr. Philip Sher retbrned Wednesday party a t their home in honor of their of the most prominent -charitable hard-times party at the club rooms, from "Philadelphia where he went to .tenth anniversary. workers in the country and who for Thursday, December 30. The club will twenty-five years was president of hold its semi-annual election on Sunbe at the bedside of his father, who• , —r-— was reported seriously ilL Dr. Sher The Daughters of Israel Aid Society^ B'nai Israel Temple of Cicinnati, and day, January 9. ;aid his father's condition has shown will give their ninth annual ball for' together with Mr. Block came to the the benefit of the Jewish Old People's United States forty-eight years ago, decided improvement. For Home, on Sunday, February 27th at just after the Franco-Prussian War in the municipal auditorium. OFFICE STATIONERY 1872. They were close friends and had The J. N. P. Ladies Club will give a SOCIAL STATIONERY attended school together at their home dance Sunday,. January 9, at Kelpine's. 303 SOUTH 16th STREET SECURITIES BUILDING Qou&a The Council of Jewish Women is in IngwiHer, Alsace', France. This was OFFICE FURNITURE # Mr. and Mrs.-V. N. Ganz entertained making- a census of .Jewish children the first time they had an opportunity and office supplies of all kinds from \ at dinner on New Year's- night i n ' in the public. schools, who do not re- to renew their friendship -since they steel pens to steel safes. ,honor of Miss Sara Lipman and Miss ; ceive any religious instruction. The crossed the Atlantic together. See H. Herzoff who is now connectCouncil is planning to organize a reled with the Fannie Aggerhoff of Sioux. City. igious school for all children who are ,• Mrs. I.-New, who has been very ill Corey &-McKenzie Printing Co. at her home in Council Bluffs, is reA committee of The Deborah not receiving religious training. My office phone is Douglas 2644; ported improving. Society is devising ways. and Mr. and Mrs". Harry Gross will reResidence phone is Douglas 7149. means to urge - all -: mothers, who Subscribe for "The Jewish Press."} are not affiliated witn any Temple or' ceive their friends Sunday afternoon Synagogue,, to send their children to in honor ofjtheiir daughter, -Euthy the Sutfday school which the Deborah whose engagement to Mr..Jacob MalaWe sold a 1920 Cadillac—Victoria— Society is sponsoring. Ths school sbock'was recently announced. re-NEW-ed for $4,100. A four-paflholds its classes at the Synagogue on "Dealers in Good Coal." . • A meeting of the»?Jiights of Zion senger touring car at $3,000, and a l&th and Burt streets. SUCCESSORS TO THE ROSENBLATT COAL COMPANY. was h W Sunday, Dec 2S, at which •wonderful small coupe at $500. Catt A few of our leaders:—• you beat these for bargains t £>on't JMrs. Gustave Sommers of Chicago, time the election of officers took place. ILLINOIS—Alt Sizes COLORADO LIGNITE miss this opportunity. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J ^ J . NathanAdelson was elected president^ Springfield District Smokeless—Sootless Singer and Mr. Singer, and yrSS. -re- Ben Drevitchv vice-president; Isadora per per SosMn, secretary; Sam Segelman, main for about a week. / ton. -ton. treasurer; Herman .Segelman, finanW bave on hand: PETROLEUM COKE, SPADRA -GRATE, ROCK SPRINGS, HARD NUT and HARD EGG. • Mrs. Louis Sommers will give a cial secretary; and Ben "^irikm and We guarantee the quality of every ton of coal we sell, and series of luncheons at her home\next Manuel Green, intellectual advancecheerfully refund youriinoney if not .satisfied. ment' committee. The arrangement Phone Us Today. Douglas 0530. Try Oor Service. • .committee is preparing an eleborate banquet in connection with the install' Rabbi Conn's sermon for Friday ev*ung at Temple Hszael will be en- ation of officers. titled "Prospects for 1921." A baby girl was born to Mr. and Friday afternoon Dr. Cohn will ad- Mrs. Michael Katleman early Wednesdress Current T#pics Cltibat the home day morning. The baby's name is Carnival Sale ofRe-NEW-ed Cadillac* of Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun on "T&e Baila Rita. The mother is at \he Japanese Question.^ , Stewart's Maternity hospital.
Wide Awake Shoe Shop
Choice of any shirt in the house
$1.50 to $7.50
Consumers Cosfl & Supply Co. $12.00
• • : ; _ ; • ' • • . " . .
Have You Lookedin On Our Great Annual \i
Tke showing is most remarkable. Cars ol every type. aie i a perfect condition—many jrat lakeTOW.Terms ean be arranged—and in some cases sre "*fll *eeept your old car at a reasonable figure~ ,
Here Are a Few of the Bargains
Worn by Good Dressers Everywhere -Sold by the BETTER HEN'S STORES-
HALF PRICE SALE SUITS AND OVERCOATS Cor Entire Stock of Men's and Young lien's
MUST GO! All Eagle Shirts H A L F PRICE WML
Cadillac, Type 57, Touriflg: Car—completely renewed—painted in a special color—guaranteed—see it today or Sunday. Cadillac, Type 55, four passenger, new ,top, thoroughly re-NEW-ed and beautlful sport model, perfectly guaranteed. Cadillac, Type 63, Roadster—goaranteea to suit you— , .•
Leon Brothers 1005 PARNAM STREET
1918 Cadillac. Coupe, a car that will last a long time—mTghty .good looking body—can b» bought at a Tery lew figure—you must see it to appreciate —but remember it's a Cadillac. Cadillac, Type 53, Touring Car—good mechanical condition—good tires. 192© Baick, Type 49, Touring Car— * beautifully refinished—^ord tires—«
Take a look at ow winHows. Remember we're open erasing* 'till 9 p. m. and all day Sunday. And during this sals care purchased wilL be stored until spring free of storage charges if you like. We aim to please, _
When Going to the Grocer —
J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co
The greatest bargain season of the year is n«re Mglit We're selling re-NEW-ed Cars cheaper than we have fojp years. _ Bargains most unbelievable are being picked up erery day. Don't let this great event slip a-way from you. Come in and look around anyway—wet promise it ;worth yoor while. "'
A Safe Place to Buy Farnam at 26th I
I LATEST CABLE " | DISPATCHES Through Jewish Correspondence Bureau JEWISH EMIGRANTS DETAINED ' AT DANZIG QUARANTINE Danzig. (J. C. B. Service.) A newly arrived group of 400 Jewish emigrants have been detained in the local quarantine because a few have been found to have, symptoms of typhus. JEWISH STATESMAN INVITED TO JOIN ROUMANIAN CABINET. Vienna. (J. C. B. Service.) Premier Avereco has invited the Jewish statesman Goldes to join the cabinet of the Roumanian government says a dispatch from Bucharest.
COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS Sent by our Council Bluffs News bureau. The B'nai B'rith day celebration, which was held by the Council Bluffs members of the organization on the night of December 29 at the Danish hall proved a great success. The initiation of the new members was the feature of the celebration. Musical selections by Millard Erasne drew much applause. After the initiation of the new members and the speeches, a banquet was given for the entire organization. The following men. gave interesting talks on the work of the B'nai B'rith and upon the Anti-Defamation League: Harry Cherniss, Karl Brandeis, Cv Hochman and Lewis Katieman of Council Bluffs, and Harry Lapidus, Ed. Simon and Ralph Holzman of Omaha. •..-.,• • The following men are the new'ap* plicants that were admitted to the organization on this day: M. Solomon, I. Gilford, R. Noddle, Fred Cherniss, Oscar Fox, W. Cherniss, Sam Bubb, A. M. Myerson, "Phil Romanov, Abie Mendelson, Harry Monsky, I. Foharow, H. Fried, Harry Ejutler, Louis Kutler, H,. Getter.
to study Judaism, according to Rabbi Phil Romanov, who originated the plan. Cards have been sent out to all the boys and girls that "are eligible and many are expected to Join. Election of officers will take place at this meeting. There will be numerous selections of music and speeches by the different visitors. A house-to-house canvass:of the city has 'been started in Council Bluffs to sell tickets for the Talmud Torah dance that will be given at Eagle's hall, January 18. Many tickets have been printed and much money is needed, the! proceeds of which will go for the benefit of the City Talmud Torah and for the establishing of a Jewish community building where there will be ample room for all Jewish organizations and
and Mrs. Sam Snyder, 300 Oakland morning to Ann Arbor, Mich., where (street, met at the home of a sick member, Mrs. L. Cherniak, Tuesday avenue, Council Bluffs, left today for he will resume the study of law. night. After playing their games of an extended visit with her aunt, Mrs. Albert Naeman, who has "been at- cards, the six couple then went to the A. Ganeless, of Stockton, California. tending Drake University at Des 1 home of Mrs. Aginskee where a lunIsidore «Chemiak, who has been Moines, la., arrived home Sunday to cheon was served. spending the holidays in Sioux City, spend several weeks with his parents. Members of the Mogen-Dovid club "arrived honfe Monday night. Ben Goldberg, who has been away 1 will have a Ha?nisha-osr party, Jan. Miss Leah Krasne, who has been from home for some length of time, 23, at the home of Mrs. D. Perelmeter, spending the holidays with her 'bro- arrived New Year's eve, to spend sev- 135 North Sixth street, Council Bluffs. ther at Oakland, Nebraska, arrived eral days with his parents, Mr. and ( This club, which has been recently orMrs. S. Goldberg, 551 Mill street, ganized, consists of about nineteen home Sunday evening. ; members between the ages of 11 and Council Bluffs. • 14.. Jack Preiden, who has been spendMiss Bertha Rosenthal, who has ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. The regular s'emi-monthly card club and Mrs/S. Freiden, 737 Mynster st., which,was scheduled to meet at the been visiting with her uncle, S. RosenCouncil Bluffs, returned Monday home of Mrs. A. Aginskee, 210 Prank thai, Seventeenth street and Third
How Would You Feel? If Your Employer Told You: "I don't care.if you have become more useful to me and that the cost of maintaining your home has increased during the past five years. You shall be given even less salary than you received in 1915.™
clubs t o hold their respective meeti n g s . ••• - • - '•'•;:/ '•'-.••• ' : " ..
MINORITY RIGHTS IN This, dance-being the second annual JUGOSLAVIA REJECTED dance given by the Talmud Torah is Vienna. (J. C. B. Service.) Permisbased upon a much larger scale than sion has been granted by the Jugothe previous dance, according to the slavian government for the establishcommitteejn charge-of arrangements. ment of a Jewish State school at Refreshments will be soldi, Grdss-Becsherek (Jugo-Slavia) acMany girls" will sell {flowers for the cordinglto a dispatch from that state. benefit of-the starving-children in In announcing the establishment of Europe. this school, the Jugoslavian Minister Of Education explained that this was Mrs,Ji.Cherniak, 152 West Wash. being done in accordance with, the A big booster meeting will be held ington avenue, Council Bluffs, received Minority rights clause which JugoSlavia had accepted a part of the by the Jewish boys and girls of Coun- a* badly 1sprained ankle -Wednesday, :il Bluffs, Monday evening at the December ^9, when she slipped and Versailles peace treaty. Danish hall in Council Bluffs, The fell on the ice in front of her house. STRAUCHER CONDEMNS / purpose of this meeting is to form a club of Council Bluffs boys and girls Miss Rina Snyder, daughter of Mr, BOMBING ATTACK IN ROUMAIAN PARLIAMENT Vienna. (J. C. B. Service.) At the opening of the Roumanian parliament says a Bucharest dispatch, the Jewish Deputy Dr. Straucher, in the name , of Roumanian Jewry, condemned the in Omaha Real Estate. ". recent attack made upon Roumanian Our expert-knowledge, of Real Estate values is your statesmen in the senate. Straucher guarantee that any Real Estate business transacted through declared that the Jewish forbids killour office is a satisfactory transaction. ing, the injunction being . that one .should fight through spiritual forces only. The Jewish deputy added that the present cabinet would have, his entire support. < • All'Kinds of Insurance. . Bessarabian Jews Disturbed by Any client of ours will tell you that they jret conscien, Russia's Attitude. tious service when we are looking after' their insurance Paris. (J. C. B. Service.) Foreign business. Minister Tchitcherin's notice to RouWhen you place your insurance in our hands, all your mania to evacuate Bessarabia, has worry about loss or expirations is forever eliminated. created quite a panic among Bessarabian Jews, according to reports received here. It ia feared that the attitude of the Soviet government may lead to a conflict with Roumanians in which In our Building Management Department, we have an case the Jews feel they would be the aii.-efficient, organization to take care of your property at first to suffer. the smallest dost and increased ^returns on your investment. Another Batch of Swindled Emigrants. • Vienna. (J. C. B. Service.) Three hundred Ukrainian Jewish, refugees Real Estate, Investments, Insurance, Building Management reached Prague in a helpless condiSannders-Kennedy Building tion, says a dispatch from that city. 18th and Douglas Sts. Phone: Tyler 3160. They relate that'they set out forAmerica but had been swindled out of their passage money by agents and have now been months moving about from place to place without being able to head for their destination.
•.•That's Our Situation You Are Our Employer
In 1915 a bricklayer was earning 75c an hour
He was given an increase • This gave him a wage of $1.25 an hour; $4 a day more than he was receiving in 1915. An increase of 66 per cent. But he needed it!
' . -. y
The price of street car transportation for his family had increased 25 per cent. The cost of maintaining a home had almost doubled. The price -of coal increased by leaps and bounds. Taxes increased. The cost of everything he touched increased i& jrtrice^ , .. . . , ,...;.... v . \ . ..•
• •
We have the Same to meet
Poland Would Join Roumania Against Bolsheviki. ' Czernowitz. (J. C. B. Service.) Fearing that the Bolsheviki may invade RoTunania, Poland is sending-. Prince Satiego to negotiate with the Roumanian government regarding a protective pact, according to a dispatch from Bucharest. • -•
Our tax rate in 1920 was one and two-thirds that of the 1915 rate. This is a big item in our expenses and we have no alternative but to pay the taxes levied.
So we were compelled to ask anincrease
115 South- 15th Street. . CREDIT CLOTHING AT CASH PRICES.
WiU Knock At Your Door
Isn't that fair?
Monday, January 10 th
< We send money at the lowest daily rates to all parts of Europe. • Come and Consult Us. • s
Nebraska Power
Watch Our Advertisements in the Daily Papers.
M J.Peter & Company Ship. Ticket Agency and Foreign Exchange. ^ 1307-09 Howard Street Telephone Tyler 0340,
Bur gess-Nash Company . : • •
i •
i t
The increase we ask adds only 2 cents to • OUT present rate—one of the lowest m America—which would give us the same rate we »ceived,in'1915. Yon eaanot operate your home on Ae iae»m« yoa received in 1915. C*n you? In 1915 we were receiving a rate of 8 cents, but in 1917, on figures based on 1915 costs, our rates were decreased. The Gas Company, officially and "unofficially," made five increases during the paw year as follows: The general increase on each 1,000 cubic $eet used, j ' TTM» service charge*. They pay no taxes. Their taxes were eliminated; ours were increased. The pressure of the gas has been lowered*, giving the consumer less gas for his money* It takes the housewife longer to c°°k w j * gas than it used to because the heating ability has been decreased. Our increase will add only SO cents a month to the average residential bill, which is mnca less than the increase made to the public ia any other commodity. r
Speaking of Service We stand, unafraid, to state that our service ranks with the best in the United States. This is a bold statement, but it also goes as a challenge. If letters of thanks are an indication, our customers are aware of our excellent, instant service. BVt it should be evident also that this good service cannot long continue unless we have enough revenue to keep our properties in good, serviceable condition.
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The increase asked
We petitioned the city council for a maximum increase in rates of only 2 cents per kilowatt hour because we were compelled to do it. We had to either ask for the increase or permit our properties to "run down." The income we are receiving is not enough to pay our manufacturing costs; to replace worn-out machinery, and to pay us a fair return on a fair value of our property. Less than 1 per cent has been received on the last . five million dollars spent by us in «z« •• tending our service to the people of Omaha. •Continued satisfactory service in your home and the growth of Omaha' r demands that pur properties be kept in first class, tip-top condition.
to bring your, relatives to free America, before the new immigration law prevents them from coming. They can now immigrate to this country fron. Bremen, Hamburg, Danzig and Libau. We are in a position to furnish-you the necessary1 documents for them to be per- ' mitted to land in this country. They can travel third class on steamers that have kosher kitchens for Jewish, people and all other modern conveniences.
/ I t cost us $7.73 a ton for coal. In 1916 a ton of the tame coalxiost $2.78. Freight alone on a ton of coal is now $2.96, which is more than the price of the coal plus the freight in 1915. Coal is the greatest item of our expenses. More than $1,000,000, or about one-third of our total earnings, was spent for this one commodity.
Our petition
YouBetter Hurry
g I We had to pay similar increases i our help as was received by the bricklayer. Our, labor t costs increased pne and one-half times between 1915 and 1920. We had to meet the increases asked in order to keep up our service to our customers and to provide a living wage for our family of 450 employes.
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The Province Mehren ia Expelling Its Jewish Refugees. Viennjfc (J. C. B. Service.) AccordIng to a report received here ' the authorities of the province of Mehren have notified all Jewish-Galician refugees that they must leave the country within a few days.
avenue, Council Bluffs, will w * Sunday night for her home in Chicago, Illinois. 4 The Blossom of Zion held their ret ular meeting Sunday afternoon at the Synagogue. This club Is newly organized and consist of girls of the ace K of 11 to 14. MisB Rae Berku was greatly surprised Tuesday evening when her companions assembled at he* home, 206 Park avenue, for her b i r t h d a ^ "1 party. *| Miss Berku was taken out for aa automobile ride by one of the masculine members of the party and upon arrival at home, received the "surprise."
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