February 17, 1921

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"Say not, 1 will I do nothing/ be^ 1 cause thdu canst IIP '

jjj not



do every- §:


" thing."

Entered as second-clasS-maii matter on January 27th. 1021. nt .* postofflce a t O m a h a , N e b r a s k a , u n d e r t h e A c t of M a r c h 3 , 1S70.

For Complete



Tewish Welfare Organization to Take In All Philanthropic and Educational Institutions .


•. :




• ; • - " •



A girl—she was not more than eighteen-^ame "to the office 5 of Carl C. Katleman, secretary of the Jewish Free Loan' fund. : Her clothes, were not of the latest style; rather they were frayed and worn, and to the keen observer a neat patch here and there could be sean. And from her pallor-cheeks there seemed to escape a tinge of crimson—attempting to make its. way, to the front in spite i)f under-nourishment and sacrifice on the part of its "owner. Standing the.re alone—amidst strangers—she told her tale

Plan Adopted By Board .




VOL.. I.—NO. 10



j | "Discord is like 1 j§ "a leak m a cistern jjj — drop by drop jjj • • 111 all tlie water es- iH


State Senate Committee For''Passage Unanimously Favors Legislation Which1 Would Prevent Spreading of Prejudiced Writ-' ings Against Sews and . Other1 Races. ' '

character and reputation are not permitting a stone to be unturned in defeating this measure and will take every step possible to prevent the bill from becoming & law.

Complete federation of all Jewish o f w o e . "• " • ' • ' / ' • . . ' -• . \ • : • - " ••--• philanthropic and educational instituRobert Smith Makes Talk . , • But she had pride for she was not seekpig charity. She tions in the city to be supported by a By a Special Correspondent cf A committee consisting of the Clerk made that clear without hesitancy. , j community chest of $50,000 is the The Jewish Press of the District Court Robert Smith, .She was seeking a loan to furnish transportation for two plan of the board of directors of the Lincoln, Feb. 16.—The state senate Kenry Monsky and Sam Leon of of the older members of her family from war-stricken Europe Jewish Welfare Federation, decided judiciary committee Tuesday unanim- Omaha and Rabbi Singer of Lincoln so that they, could earn money to bring the other members of upon at a meeting of the board last i ously recommended for passage a bill spent . the 1 entire day, Tuesday, E. Weinberg the family to this country. Sunday. ' ! which will prohibit Henry Ford and explaining the bill to members of Wanted to Save Family. E. Weinberg, of. Fremont, who left other fanatics from circulating pro- the legislature. Members of the Eepresentatives of every Jewish organization in the city were present "I have worked hard in a factory and I have saved $150," last Monday for a five-months tour to paganda in Nebraska which malicious- committee t ermed Mr. Smith's reThe meeting was a very enthusiastic she said. "This with a small loan from the'fund would enable Palestine, was the guest of honor at ly defames any race or creed. marks' an oration, and a. wonderful one and it brought this comment from me to bring my two brothers here and in time deliver my aged a farewell party ^iven by Omaha The judiciary committee which is tribute to the Jewish people. Talks President Morris Levy of the Fed- ' mother and father and small brothers and sisters from danger Zionists Sunday afternoon in the Jew- composed of many leaders of the were made slso by Mr. Monsky; and eration: . ' senate took this stand in the face of Rabbi Singer. to a place of safety. Ill pay the loan back by installments ish Welfare Federation rooms. During his stay, in Europe Mr. Wein- an avalanche of poisonous pamphlets, every month." • " "There are more present here than , Sophie Braslau • we used to have at some of the annual Mr. Katleman hesitated. He knew the answer he Would berg. will visit Poland where his sent by Ford to every member of the Last week Harry Lapidus end Fred Stack.of Omaha with the same commeetings of our membership." be forced to give for.the loan fund of ^,100 already father now resides. He will visit Pa- senate^ ris also and may take a short journey mittee as Tuesday were in Lincoln "Trying to Best the Bill The question of whether the Talmud was exhausted. : Ford and his clique of assassins of j working' for "the bill. Torahs should be taken ' under the She knew what the hesitation meant and she wept bitterly. into Africa, • - • wing of the Federation brought forth "Return next Thursday," said the secretary of the fund. much discussion. The members of the Til try to raise the money." • The poor and starving in Europe board overwhelmingly voted in favor Romance of Convention The following day-an editorial was printed in The Jewish of including the Talmud Torahs and will receive th° benefits of the concert Press explaining the Free Loan fund and appealing, for money, j ".Culminates in Engagement all other Jewish educational institu- Sunday afternoon, March 20, at which Two days later a check was received for $500 from a manj A romance which started during the tions in the Federation if these institu- time Sophie Braslau, the Jewish Con- who has taken an active interest in Jewish activities. Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer of Des Shrine convention in Seattle, Wash., 1 tralto, will sing, and the dance in the tions desire it. Campaign for §15,000 Launched. , Moines, president of the; sixth B'nai last year culminated in Omaha during evening. Both th.3- concert and dance Spurred on by this result the Free Loan committee consist- Brith district, was scheduled to be the the past week when the following anOld Peoples Home to Join will be at the Auditoriu mand are beSays • New . Legislation Weald Henry Monsky, who is heading the j ing held under the auspices of the ing of Dr. Philip Sher, chairman; Carl C. Katleman, secretary, principal speaker at the open meeting nouncement was made: of the local B'nai Brith lodge tonight special, committee, which is trying to Omaha Hebrew Club. The' committee and William Holzman, treasurer, launched a campaign to raise Keep Many Mood. Relatives ' "Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller of : in the "Lyric building. get the Old Peoples Home to join with on arrangements follows: A. Kaplan, a fund of $15,000. . : Seattle announce the engagement of From Coming to the,-rFederation, reported t h a t it is Rabbi M. Taxon, Julius Waxonberg, Rabbi Mannheimer 'spoke' before the their daughter, Sadie Lillian, to Mr. The Jewish Press was asked to join, in the drive. America, 1 likely, that the home will be part of Y. Kneeter, J. J.Friedman, M. Finkel, ' With this fund much help can be given the needy and a B'nai Brith lodge at Lincoln Wednes- David Greenberg, son of Mrs. Faimie the Federation within thirty.or sixty J. Robinson, M. Broude, John Feldman, great deal of charity eliminated. day night. The' Lincoln lodge gave a Greenberg of this city." _ Sp«w!a3 to' "TJtE .TEWISH TRESS," days. in Rabbi Mannheimer's honor B. Feltman, S. Novitsky, M. Bercovici, Results of the campaign were immediate.,:: During the first banquet Mr. Greenberg met Miss Miller at New York, Feb. 16.—.The Hebre* prior to the meeting. More thin fifThe $50,000 drive will be carried on A. Richards, N. S. Yaffee, Dr. Nathan three days $2,550 was collected as follows: the Shrine convention. Sheltering and Immigrant Aid society teen new members were initiated at in Omaha under the direction of Har- Dansky, Abner Kaiman and I. LevinMorris Levy _._.______: §1,000 The wedding date has not been set. at a mass meeting here Sunday passthe meeting. ry Lapidus who is chairman of the son. One ticket wilh admit to both William Holzman _.__ _i 500 Mr. Greenberg is an active member ed resolutions opposing the new move 1 Max Katleman, president cf the iinance committee of the Federation. entertainments., Miss. Braslau will M. Ktdakofsky._;.. :_„ sy_;.. :_„ ;; „..:. 200 of the B'nai Brith and has taken an of the senate committee on immigraLincoln B'nai Brith, said that it was The other members of this committee sing both Yiddish '.ana • Alnerican Mr and Mrs. Mrs R. R K u l k o f k i 200 tion in regard to the curtailing of imMr. Kulakofsky... 200 the largest affair that has been given active part in Jew^fa. community work are: Henry Monsky, Harry Wolf, Carl songs. Ticket sales open February migration. J. Katleman..!-. 100 here. ; in Lincoln under the auspices of the K:itleman, S. Ravitz,- William Holz- 21 at the Auditorium box office-. The senate committee last Thursday Hem*y Monsky...._ 100 B'nai Brith. -The program was plan- j man, Dr. Philip Sher, M. Panger, J. J. Tickets will also be for sale at : the "killed'" the immigration bill which Dr. Philip Sher. 100 ned by the Intellectuarcommittee, conGreenberg, Dr. A. Greenberg, Lea Hospe Co., Mickel Brothers and the "woiild prohibit "immigration, to the David Sher.... id Sher.....___™_.^ . 100 sisting of Sidney C. Pasha^ chairman; Rosenthal, Morris M. Rosenblatt, Rialto Music Shop, .. •'> IfBitest.States .for-erne- /year nm 100 •Sanl^B:' Arensoar-sM-- -Rabbi --jFaeblb' \ : Harry Kulakofsky•_: ,__:: i_ Harry Malashock, Abe Silvermaii, J.\ omm&nded a "bill' for the restriction 100" Singer in co-operation with/the Enter• •'3rd.f£s,""flarry Zimman land Sanr Le"on.' -r.- .^- ~- -Ladies- Auxiliary of I. O^ O. B.™T {-of immigration into the United States 50 tainment committee, consisting • of DONATE §100 p Following are the other committees X. T. C. Club by Estelle Lapidus upon a basis of five per cent of the j^t-'the fegulaf. rrieetiiig iof the WoMembers interested in the Dr. Philip r.ppointed by President Levy and'the Let's all help swell the fund! Mail your check to Carl d Jake Waxman and Abe Davidson. number of foreign, born persons of men's Auxiliary to I. O. &. B. Lodge Katleman, secretary of the Free Loan Fund, 752 Omaha National Sher movement to organize & Jewish rielegates-at-Iarge: . each nationality resident in the United No. 354, held on Thursday, February Bank building. The names of-donors, will be printed weekly in SHE IS THE FIRST BLIND LITTLE Colony in Palestine met Sunday eveStates as determined by the census Executive Committeer\^ 10, lie members were entertained by GIRL TO GRADUATE SCHOOL ning, February 13, at the Lyric build- o f 1 9 1 0 . • • • . • Morris Levy, Harry Frie/unan, Dr. a reading given- by Mrs. Victor Rose- The Jewish Press. New York. \(J. C. B.-Service.) Ro- j ing and elected officers. J. Katleman Sl-er, C. C. Katleman, Mrs. Kulakofs- water from Mrs. Benjamin's paper. The provisions of the bill would ealie Cohen, a fourteen year old was chosen president; E. Block, secrek.-, H. A. Wolf, H. B. Zimman, N. P. The paper dealt with the modern make it impossible for many wivee { B Brooklyn, child was one of the pub- tary; S. Robinson, treasurer. All Feil, Leo Rosenthal, Harry Lapidus, young woman. . and children, brothers and sisters, shares in the colony are to be purWm. Holzman, Henry Monsky and S. For more7 than ten years the Free must stay unemployed. The starv- lic school graduates of the "greater chased through the Zion Common- parents and other blood relatives to It,was unanimously agreed to add city," this week-end and during the Ravitz.... $75 to the §25 won in the The Jewish Loan Fund has conducted its work ing Jews in Poland and the Ukraine, graduation exercises proved one of wealth. The colony is to be known as become reunited with their families in • . Relief Committee: of making loans, repayable without this country. .... who through seven years of sufferPress Popularity contest, by Flora the Omaha Colony. S. Ravitz, J. Katleman, Henry Mons- Bienstock, and to donate the su mof interest, in amounts not exceeding ing and desolation, have prayed for the the ^most accomplished. It would make it impossible for The regular meeting of the Omaha American citizens and residents in The audience at Public school No. ky, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. Philip Sher. $100 to the,Free Loan fund. A fur- $100 to help the borrowers over the day when their relatives here Zionist Organization will be held 127 was taken by surprise when toSocial Service and Americanization ther contribution of $100 was made temporary financial difficulties. •: Ten ' could send for them, will be doomed principal of • the school announced Tuesday evening, February 22, at the this country to send for their blood men, realizing the necessity for this relatives and thus destroy family tie*. to the Jewish Federation of Omaha. to continued torture of body and Committee: * that Rosalie was totally blind and had Lyric building. This is one of the regwork, organized the Free Loan Fund,' It would result in millions of dollars The following new members were mind. . The husbands and fathers Leo Rosenthal, Dr. Philip Sher, Dr. ular weekly membership meetings of being sent out of the country for the been without her sight ever since she with a capital ,of $1000, and directed here who have waited so long and Frederick Cohn, Henry Monsky, Dr. added to-our organization: Miss Fanthe Omah& district. All members are nie Siever, Miss Kate Siever, Miss its work as an independent organiza- j worked so hard to rescue their loved was two years of age. Rosalie is a urged to attend. An excellent pro- support of these relatives across the A. Greeriberg, Rabbi M. Taxon. child cf many qualifications and is tion. These men were Sol Brodkey,' seas instead of these millions of dolRella Singer, Mrs. J. Pregler. ones, must continue to be separated Legal Aid Committee: gram has been arranged. particularly adapt at music. She is lars being spent in this country for Martin Sugarman, M. Tattle, J.' The next regular meeting will be from, them by thousands of miles, Martin Sugarman, Arthur Rosen-* the first blind child to graduate pubproductive purposes. \ Katleman, Dr. Philip Sher, S. Ravitz, J held on Thursday, February 21. strangers to their own people. . Wum, Harry Silverman. lic school and will continue her studies BOLSHEVIKI WILL REGISTER The bill would be an act J>f injustice Harry Wolf, Morris Rosenblatt, Prompted by these considerations Free Loan (jommittee: ALL ALIENS AND OPPONENTS toward the, minority peoples in Eastthrough the high school. Harry Gross and L Perlman. Some PALESTINE JEWRY ELECTS the Free Loan Committee herewith Dr. Sher, chairmanpWm. Holzman, London. (J. C. B. Service.) Accord- ern Europe and toward the new repubCOUNCIL TO SETTLE DISPUTES years later the A. D. Brandeis be- issues an appeal to all philanthropic treasurer; C. C. Katleman, secretary. TROTZKI'S INTIMATE FRIEND ing to a Paris dispatch, the Soviet lics and enlarged countries created &g quest of $2200 became the capital of Jerusalem. (J. C. B Service.) Quespeople in the community to aid us Delegates-at-Large: ARRESTED government has ordered th registra- a result of the war, because their nathe Fund, and the organizers vrere by donating to the fund. We need tions in dispute of a purely Jewish A. B. Alprin, H. H. Auerbach, M. refunded the amount of their original a capital of at least 515,000 to conParis. J. C. B. Service.) Qrdte a tion of all aliens. Those not employ- tionality is not recognized by this Fanger, S. Frank, Dr. A. Greenberg, nature, will in future be settled by a ed in Soviet institutions will be de- bill, and would in particular effect capital. When the Jewish Welfare -\ tinue our work; we need it im- sensation has been created here by J. Katleman, M. Kulakofsky, J. J. Judicial Council •which is soon to be prived of certain citizenship rights. victims of the war, of persecution and Federation was established the Free the arrest at Nice of M. Abramowitsh, elected by the Jewish National Counmediately. We are daily forced to Greenberg, H. Lapidus, Harry RachThe same dispatch relates that the of massacres. Loan Fund was included as part of said to be the fntimate . friend of cil of Palestine, the representative refuse requests, the granting of man, H. Malashock, J. Marks, Harry Soviet authorities also contemplate If the bill is to be' adopted, the Silverman, Henry Monsky, A. J. Mil- body of Palestine Jewry, according, the Federation's- activities. . In 1918 which would bring happiness and the Leon Trotzki and the. most represen- the establishment of bureaus in borSociety lias suggested the. follpwifig1 • the women's Auxiliary to the I. O. tative Bolshevik inthis country. to a decision arrived at at the last ler, Joe Wolf, Max Orkin, S. Ravitz, hope of life renewed where there M. M. Rosenblatt, Arthur Rosenblum, meeting of the Council. The new B. B. donated $500, and this, together- is now only tragedy and despair. Abramowitch was arrested at the dering countries for the purpose of j amendments: The reunion of families. Henry Rosenthal, Isy Rosenthal, Leo judicial body will consist of prom- with interest on deposits, has in- Our work is constructive—we do not same time as nine other Communists registering all anti-Bolshevists in 2. "ft. more just attitude towards the Rosenthal, Dave Rcsenstock, Emil inent Rabbis and lawyer^. The same creased the fund until at the be- in any way dispense alms. We are were taken into custody. The author- these neighboring states. minority peoples and towards the new . Rothschild, Louis Sommers, J. J. Slos- meeting decided that a. delegation ginning of 1920 its capital was following cut to the fullest the words ities claim that they found among and enlarged countries. other belongings of the arrested a would be sent abroad in order to OSCAR S. STRAUS PAYS TRIBUTE $2800. During all this time Sol. berg, Joe Pepper, Louis Simoli, Marof the Talmud, "The noblest charity S. That the' per cent limit of ImTO MEMORY OF THOMAS PAINE tin Sugarman, Harry Wilinsky, H. A. familiarize Jews in Europe and Brodkey was treasurer of the Fund. is to prevent a man from accepting complete printing outfit. migrants to be admitted into the New York. <J. C. B. Service.) At Wolf, N. S. Yaffe, Morris Jacobs, N. America with Palestine problems, charity;, and the best alms are to 1920 Brought New Problem. United States shall be in accordance . P. JFeil, Dr. H. Hirschman, Isidor and the government would be reshow and enable a man to dispense SIR ALFRED MONO PRESENTS a dinner given by the Thomas Paine Until last year this fund was sufwith the foreign born persons in the quested for permission to organize National Historical Society, Oscar S. Ziegler, Harry Kulakofsky, Sam Leon, BEGIAN KING WITH" MOMENTO ficient to carry on our work, .and with alms." United States as determined by the Straus was the chief speaker. Mr. Morris Milder, Dr. Cohn (Frederick), the different Jewish communities in we were gratified to know that all 'WON'T YOU HELP? Paris. (J. C. B. Service.) In comcensus of 1920 and not by the census Rabbi M. M, Taxon, H. Friedman, Mrs. the country and tax the Jewish requests, for loans were met. But memoration of King Albert's return Straus eulogized the memory of of 1910. The Free Loan Committee of the population, for the maintenance of Thomas Paine and called this brilliant R. Kulakofsky, Morris Levy, Carl to Brussels, he has received a gift Jewish Welfare Federation 1920 presented a new problem, -ijo. \ \ 4. That the per cent limit\hall be American the most convincing advocKatleman, Dr. P. Sher, H. B. Zimman, communal bodies overcome the rising cost of all comDr^ PHILIP SHER, Chairman, from Sir Alfred Mond in the form of doubled, that is instead of being ate of democracy, saying that he had Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. Philip Sher. modities, the amount of OUT loans : C. ..C. KATLEMAN, Secretary. a magnificent 18th century reliquary per cent, it shall be ten pcir cent. [WASHINGTON REFUSES TO AD- had to be increased, and in • many which has been unearthed among the a right to a place in our history beside Washington, Adams and MadiMIT CHESS CHAMPION LUCIEN WOLF VERSUS THE j ruins of Ypres> a portion of which cases doubled. The resumption of BUYS REFRIGERATORS FROM son, he haviifg1'been the first to take New York. (J. C. B. Service.) A immigration brought many requests GOVERNMENT AT CAMP DODGE is being restored at Mon's expense. "MORNING POST" Lord, Reading to Receive a bold stand against oppression. London. (J. C. B. Service.) ( A Washington dispatch carried by the for loansl from local citizens to aid Highest Decoration Harry Lapidus of the Omaha Fixletter from the pen of Lucien Wolf general press states that Dr. Enia- their relatives in Europe to come to ture and Supply company, during the London. — "Sunday Pictorai" anHOLD CITIZENSHIP MEETING appears in this morning's issue ""of nuel Lasker, the famous chess cham- this country. Thousands of dollars past week, went to Des Moines. where .RABBI SILVERMAN WILL EE nounces that Lord Reading, the new More than fifty prospective citizens, the "Morning Post" in which he em- pion has been refused permission to were neede'd to meet these requests. he bought several car loads of refrige- recent arrivals ia; this country,- listenViceroy of India, will receive the HONORED' • phatically denies the charges of this visit this'country en route to Havana But the funds were lacking, and for rators from the government. ' The reform • congregations of Knighthood of the Garter, the highed with interest to the talks ef Dis! publication that the Joint Foreign for the world's championship match the first time since its organization Buyers from all parts of the United trict Judge Sears' sud Rabbi Morris Greater New York are combining in est British decoration in the order i of Capo Blanca. Committee (the political body of the Free Loan Fund was compelled States attended the sale. The gov- Taxon on citizenshipat a citizenship an effort to honor Rabbi Dr. Joseph knighthood, as sooti as a vacancy VfOl Anglo-Jewry) ever forced the British to refuse them. • . " ernment is dismantling the canton- meeting held by the Jewish Welfare Silverman on the occasion of his ac- occur therein. Foreign Office to intervene in be- Ask for Postponment of Zionist ment camp which once housed thous- Federation at Kellom school Wednes- tive rtirement from the spiritual A Knighthood of the Garter is usualhalf of the Jews abroad. Wolf reMeeting. * Work May Be suspended. day night. leadership of,. Temple Emanuel. A ly conferred upon a Victorious general ands of Iowans and Nebraskans. lates that in November 1914 it was London. (J. C. B. Service.) The Our humanitarian work is threatenS. H. Schaefer, superintendent of the testimonial luncheon has been ar- or a stateman of great note. decided that all grievances which Palestine members of the Zionist ed with suspension, arid hundreds of ranged at which Rabbi Silverman's Ordinarily "Sunday Pictorai'* is not Dr. Sol Ravitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. ^Federation, presided.. Jews may have had against Allied Greater Actions Committee have our people, here and abroad, will S. Ravitz, is making an inspection / Nora Perelmutter gave a piano friends and admirers will be afforded very friendly t» Jews, and it ife signif.countries would be completely . sub- cabled asking, that the next meeting suffer. The tradesman and the tour for the Union Pacific railroad. selection and Fantiie Fish, accompa- aa opportunity to-express their ap- icant that the news is communicated ordinated to the interests of the Al- of the!committee, due to. take place on peddler out of work, who need but During this tour he will examine sev- nied by Helen Ricklin, gave several preciation of his services to tie by that publication without any comlies. February 13th, should be postponed; a small sum to resume business, eral thousand employes. ment, ... :,-._„«,. , violin and piano selections community L

Peor And Starviiig Will Set Braslau Concert Benefits

Rabbi laiffiMeier is Guest of Wm Both Mere Today

Senate inumgration i e i y ,

lere I | The Appeal Of The Free Loan Fsnd Committee

• c.



Advertising Or Foolishness

Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by SHE JEWISH PRESS_ PUBLISHING COMPANY. MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. y. Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone; Doug. 2372.


the foundations of this nation. They shared a common ideal and a common sacrifice FTQEI Valley Forge to Chateau Thierry Christians and Jews have Joined efforts in every crisis in our6 history. Our conditions are still far from ideal.' There are many grave problems to be solved, many wrong things to be made right. We shall

Mr. John Spargo, the well known author and lecturer, sends the f ollow-' . • . , • ing message addressed to the Jewish v m New York. (J. C. D. Service.) The years after the armistice,—to wit: young people of America. Mr. Spargo Wall Street Journal, the ""financial the -war was over; prices must go says: »$1.50 Subscription Price, one year.. daay of New York, last Saturday ( back to the pre-war basis. Hence "The best message that I can send Advertising rates furnished on application. published the following editorial j Henry Ford announcement—and a to young men of Jewish ancestry and NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT — Profits from the headed "Advertising or Foolishness?':' good advertisement it appeared to faith' at this time is one which I could publication 6t The Jewish Press are to be. given to worthy communal "Henry Ford started out to make] be—Ford cars back to pre-war send with^equal assurance and fitness causes.. '- ; ' ' ' , cheap watches, because, as a -dose prices 1 '•••• „ (to young jnen' of Gentile birth and :< student of mechanics, he found that But neither part suppliers, nor"- Christian faith. " It is to hold fast that CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give ^tiotb the, old and new address; be BUTO the retail price of a watch was sev-taxes, nor transportation would go which is good and shun that which is and- sign name. ._ eral times i the factory cost if i t back to a pre-war basis. Of course evil. In that sentence the Jew and could be stamped out by the Wllion. a pre-war basis for prices meant a the Christian can find a common CITIZENSHIP WEEK. Of course he failed. And his first pre-war basis for labor. But some- ethical bond This is Citizenship Week, cars were a failure. But he finally how, labor, as a buyer of the Ford "The young American Jew will, if During this week The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid landed with the cheap Ford car cars, and the motor industry itself, he is wise, hold fast to the*essen;fcials Society of America is calling upon all community organizations, turned out by the million. Thereby curled up as from sudden stomach of the historic faith of his fathers, and rabbis, teachers, newspapers and moulders of, public opinion gen- he has blessed the world to the extent sickne,ss. In other %vords, there was the young American Christian, if he erally to urge upon non-citizens the ditty of taking out their of billions. a fainting and a fading of orders. * s vriseJNwill hold fast to the essenfirst papers, and upon those who already have their first papers "He attempted to, set a standard The Ford factory closed, not in Sum- tials of the historic faith of his fathto apply for their second papers. The Jewish* Press joins this for wages with his minimum §5 a mer, but in Winter. S e r s . Forms and modes of expression movement gladly—rand it asks its readers to,share with it the day, irrespective of term of service, "Mr. Ford never believ&d in finance m a y change and fade and die, but task of bringing to non-bitizens the message of, "Citizenship", i individual character, or quality of or banks or stocks or bonds. H c ' ^ e living faith endures. Destructive work. 'This without foresight proved wanted only one shareholder, and that criticism is easy, but I have never yet a success, for it enabled him to hold himself, in the Ford Motor Co. When known a man, either Jew or Christian, '•••'.- Who are the.non-citizens and what shall the message be? injured and made Under the law, non-citizens generally are those people who, his labor forces when the war made his factories closed he turned to fi- w h o h a s nance and finance" has turned-to ask Poorer by the destruction of his faith. by reason of birth in some foreign country, are not entitled to still higher wages. u l were a Jew "Later he set out, with a shipload\some questions of Mr. Ford. Indeed,! " » * should be the political rights and privileges of the country in which they I 1 rou<i o f t h e advisers, to settle the war and [the rumor'is abroad that finance will P fact—proud of the are now residents. And until they comply with the formalities the peace of Europe. Instead, | dictate. He may call it^Jew ^finance P" e a t &£to*y ° f » y people, and of its that would make tkem citizens they must ever be considered as strangers and aliens. —Neither years of industrious • toil, nor a he made himself a laughing stock, or what he likes; others'* may call it splendid contributions to civilization. finance. . , But I should be careful to bear in life-time of observance of the laws of the land can make full- European diplomacy and American common-sense mind t h a t m hi hest service a s a fledged citizens. Both industry and respect for t h e law are x politics recognize only success^ Never- "Mr. Ford may be invited to attend-J e w a n d ? b e s St ' **"> demonstration of necessary in the formation of good citizens, but added to them . tkeiess, everybody took off Ms hat to to his factory and production and a man of finance to look after my love for my people, must of necesmust be the voluntary act of DECLARING A DESIRE to become vthe Ford car, which became even profound and undivided a citizen, followed at the proper time, by ACTUAL NATURAL- greater in war than in peace. It was the income and outgo. Indeed finance sity betoa America. There is not— a great hospital adjunct, could be may/^ay to Mr. Ford one man alone, IZATION, before legal citizenship can be attained. . I t is the sacred duty of every one who seeks Amer- easily picked out of the ditch, and whether he be Kaiser or Czar or a loyalty to the historic faith of the Ford, is not a good security. Mr. ica as a land of freedom, who comes here to live and share in easily repaired and replaced. Jewish people-and loyalty to this reFord may learn that enterprises and the opportunities which, America offers, to repay the United ; Sold His Own JoKes public. Let the young American Jew States for these privileges by joining the ranks of its citizen- • "You coulfl not make Henry Ford races and nations are combinations keep this truth ever before him: To ship, without delay. This is the very least that can bea joke, because all the jokes they of growth. Each on its legitimate be a good American is the only way asked of them. ^ . . ' made about him he put in books and Our first message, then, must be that of impressing upon sold them, 55 that his critics still in this world. Mr. Ford* has "Together Christians and Jews laid to learn, that wisdom is not in riches. I uill our foreign born this fact—to secure the fullest benefits to further advertised him. themselves, and to be able thereby to give of themselves" to the "Then Henry Ford, if he could not Wisdom is in work, in worship and fullest, they must consider it a solemn obligation to enter into make peace between nations, thought in recognition of your fellow man." MY FRIENDS that binding agreement between a man aad his country, "which he could start a race war of his own. your job of ,•- ~~n-A !..._» «,,«__•_. is called «-,-« "citizenship". Without «._.•_ '--Y^aXt avowjais of patriotHe got fooled, as many people have Soviets Help Prince Koropotkin. PRINTING London. (J. C. B. Service.) A wireism, loyalty and devotion are as wi s written in water. been fooled, by a book called "The will be given e 1 nto less dispatch received here from The man who neglects to sec Protocols of a very clever p piece ... „ ,, .A- , - , --•• " himself the citizenPersonal Moscow Tstates that at the order of Attention snip of the country he has chosen as his home, is truly "a manof .fiction designed as propaganda the Soviet Premier'medical help has without a 'country", and a, man undeserving' of one. against the Russian Jew, ana setting been sent by express train to Prince YAFFE forth the Jew as conqueror of the Koropotkimvho is said to be at • . Printer.. j"5 And after naturalization, what? ' & world because he deals with gold and Piotrkof suffering from pneumonia. rH Citizenship! -•—/•-.;——•"*-—>-.-*• trade, and little else. Who should • Citizenship by all citizens—native andt foreign-born alike, control the world but the trader who -Respect and reverence for the law, knowledge of the great handles the gold? Mr. Ford's harmAmerican traditions, belief in American principles and the less Dearborn Independent became a practiee^of American ideals—not for one week of the year only wonder worker in stirring.up race out week after week, and day by day: this is citizenship resentment, especially when «I1 the Accepting'of this country the inspiration and the strength articles attacking the Jewish race ,tnat conies in sharing a common cause for a common- end were recently published in a volume. returning of human The Jews immediately began, to ng to this country ntry that priceless treasure i n v a fir sm/i Intro rvn TTTVII/IVI •;*•« ~4~.«._i.'L. • s-J i •• joyalty and love on which its strength is Minded, and upon which boycott the Ford Motor. Yet nobody it nurtures and ggrows: citizenship. ^ w s : this this ia ia citizenship. can say that they had any influence o u - s d message—once a citizen in This shall be oui-secpnd uisecpnd in name, in closing the Ford factories. P v l b t i i l be_a citizen in fact! Privileges beget-i-esponsibilities, and '-Tooled by a vrqrk of fiction _s$tting d rights ih demand duties. Therefore citizens who are passive, who take forth the Jews as conquerors of the only and never ggive. They are worse th than non-citizens, forfr world, Henry Ford was certainly ennon-citizens at least, least lies the possibility of of citizenship Th Thev are titled to another degree in foolishness. Starts a Race-War. he ° '> they are the men and women who do not "If Henry Ford could not make the mo y«*ents, Personally or ^financially", and who are peace of the world, or start a successful racial war, he could be the-autocrat of all the products under his own invention; so he started to 'dig A automobiles ont of the ground' and week affords convenient period in which a mvselves made a §50,000,000 commitment for *J% and-to see wherein we fall short of our Such a movement wfll succeed only when w< iron mines, timber lands, blast furnaces and railroads. While in the * *. • ^ _7. s&u"fcir movements^ of our own when wo midst of these great enterprises to eliminate all the supposed profits, under the construction of his "car, he -y discovered a great new fact,—two :




























right the wrongs and attain the ideal only if, 'true to the spirit of America, we unite in common citizenship, Jews and Christians together—not Jewish Americans and Christian Americans, but American Jews and American Christians—aiming- at the righteous^ ness by which the nation shall be exJohn Spargo. j alted."


Entire Stock Goes at

40c and 5 Men's $25.00 Suits, go at ,S10.00 Men's $35.00 Suits, go at...:. -' 4815.00 Men's ?50.00 Suits, go a t _ S22.50 Young Men's S45 ail-wool Overcoats, sizes 34 to 38, 8 1 0 and § 1 5 Men's $65.00 Overcoats, in all sizes. Black and dark-£T8y Kersey, quilted lining snd fur collars, go in drastic clearance at. S 3 0 Men's $125 "fur lined Overcoats, go at „ - S55 $12.00 and $15.00 Blue Serge Trousers, go at§6 Men's Blue, Green and Brown Flannel Trousers, go at. v.._....jg5 Men's $10 and $11 all-wool jSjJort MEN'S SHOES .. Coat Sweaters, go Rt...jj?4,50 Leading brands, such as Strad- Large variety of Men's Neckwear, ranging in price from $1.25 to ford, Bates and Eclipse, go at S3.50. goes on sale in four big 6 0 £ on the dollar. lots 25c, 50c, $L£5 and S I . 5 0 Large assortment of 75c Grip „ SHIRTS Bow Ties, go on sale at....35«J Men's leading brand shirts, Men's Underwear, such as Chalmers, Wilson Bros, and Royal such as Arrow, Glendale, etc Mills, go on sale at 4:O<5 on Large assortment, with or withthe dollar. out collars, in Madras and Basket §2.50 and 53.00 Winter Weave, will go at 5 0 6 on the go at dollar. 50c Garters, go on sale at $12.00 Silk Slrvts, broken sizes, 35c and 50c leading brands of at _ S4.50 Soft Collars, go on sale at Heavy 'Blue Work_ Shirts, 5 for -S1.0G




$5.00 and ?6.00 Army Flannel Shirts, afe..._ S3.50 LEATHER VESTS $12.00 to ?14.00 Vests, sheepskin lining, at -S6.0O

109 North 16th Street.



85c Cotton Hose 75c Silk Lisle Hose $1.50 Pure Silk Thread Hose lor

Directly Opposite Postofficc

See Our Windows.

What You Ha&e Been Looking for~Qn Sale Now

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Hirch Cutler, Eliezer, Abraham and Knchus Grosman were all Killed. Man was Hung In I*-_.,,.-, M , . , Lntschza, Joseph Smiler was H'oxtMr detaSs. of the pogroms made hung and his body then cut into a by Balakhowitch soldiers which are number of.pieces. In the village of now available^axe even more shock- i Luk, Schloime Poiler, an old man of ing than those previously reported, 'eighty-two, and Fishet Rosen, sixtyaccording to despatches received by : five, were murderouslycbeaten up and the Jewish Correspondence Bureau. then tied to the tails of horses and CHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY • Thusjn the village of.Dotin, all dragged for miles. Later on both Septer Torah were "desecrated arid were shot dead. This village was SHOP. fk IIn the h same village Benjamin robbed of everything that was Jewish .;JEEtabt 0890 . torn. VSOi tmX Homey. Donfftaa *S3S. Leinwent, Leinwent. Meniiel Mendel Steinberg,"; Steinhprtr Jacob. .T a »^ • including a number, of herds of cattle. Takein, Don Eolberg and Wolf Aw- lit'the-village of Bubitcha, Freidff rech 'were murdered after being sub- Fuchs, Shmerie Kaminer, 80 years old, jected to much abuse. In the village g of Moishe Jacob J^ramek, Esther DeboChaim'Leib Grimack,' fifty rafi" and Samuel Fuchs, Abraham years of age was first very badly Samuel and Ettel Koopennan, Chaun beaten upland then snot dead because Wolf^Leib Eief, Jonah Fuchs, Manes he'eould not give the murderers 20-, Dieber, Abraham Goodman, Zvie 000 marks. Shlonie Fuchi; who was Cahan, Kershen Rosenberg and two V also nnable to comply with a similar others were murdered outright and buy them at * demand, was buried alive under a pile' The Polish government has decided of; sand, after afl his teeth had been to court-martial General Balakhowitch r knocked out and his sight put out. and will in the meantime confine himEsther'-Malke Fpchs of the, samefplace' in the fortress of Brest, according-to 319 South 16th,Street was hong~~np.oii a tree, while Abraham a. Warsaw despatch. The Polish a» was shot dead after having- ftorities are taking this step being g p g Phone Douglas 3400 been deprived of a considerable for- apparently satisfied of his responsibility in the matte*. ^ Escaped Witb His life / Meyer-Yitzrok Tashme escaped with - his' life because after his neck had EFORE you Buy your Victrola, i t will PAY YOU been cut with a knife, the murderers to see Sol. Lewis. We .carry" the most complete believed him to/ be dead. Dry. Imaj line of VICTROLAS; any si?e and color.. Meschozen was lolled by being hit on THE MOST COMPLETE RECORD STOCK " the head wtyh the butt of a revolver •; f : • , " • • • _ - I NO M A H A , v .;.,; :.•.'.-;•• •;••.•, after haviirg been subjected to .illtreatment.' In the. village of YareRecords in All Languages. v>itsh, Pinclius Chinensohn,, Dyrore i: •-'.'!: Open Nights and Sundays : : :; Appel, ChonV-Chinonsohn and Abraham FriedmanNwere killed.) In the 1824 North 24th Street village Nigo, Yitzchok Pugatch, BenZion Nischieser, Foge-Leie and Shlobe Zinik and their three children,,


74 indies high; 85 inches wide. ^

Large ice capacity.




"Say It With Flowers"

Large Size—







Limited supply of mediura size-—:


75 inches Kighj 62 inches wide. 400-lb. ice capacity. GOOD AS NEW. Made of high grade materials. Suitable for GROCERS, BUTCHERS, RESTAURANTS, HOTELS, MILKMEN-and-FARMERS. Mail orden will be filled In crdfcr rgceive^

Fone-haif payment roatit aecomp&By cr^cr.

otnpany Complete StorB 110i:03-05 Douglas St.

Omaha, Neb.

Special low prices this month on Used Safes, Desks, Scales, Show Cases, Coffee and Meat Grindets, National Cash Registers, Soda Fountains, Tables, Ckaim, Etc. W* Bay, We SeU, We M»nuftctore Store **& Of fie WixiwCtt «f ever?




./ \




CELEBRATE VICTORY. f The program was made up of Jewish Engineers Plan Reeon-f Car of Murdered American Vienna Anti-Semitism DangerChinese tea, preserved ' plums, I children^ songs, dances and recitastruction of Palestine. I ous, American Declares , Relief Workers Found. L IT" Jewish Women's Welfare Qralmond cookies and other imported i turns. The guests of the evening were New York. (J. C. B. Service.) At London. (J. C. B. Service.) The Warsaw. (J. C. B. Service.) The A Council meeting of the Young aran - ganization and the Junior Welfare \ "Times" publishes a contribution delicacies formed the refreshments at' ^ Somberg and Hyman Rubenthe third annual convention of the; Polish government handed over to the Organization will give a subscription Judea was held Thursday evening, the party which was given for the stein. Zionist Society of Engineers and! local representatives of the Joint Dis- ;from William Hart, m American February 10,,at the Lytjc Building. dance and i a r d party a t the BlackAgriculturist, held in this city during' tribution Committee the motor car journalist, in which he declares that X. T. C. Club by the Yietes Club stone hotel Wednesday evening, March After an appeal was made by Mr. at,the Y. W. H. A. lkst Tuesday.' Saturday night and Sunday, it was j in wKich were driven Professor Fried- , anti-Semitism in Vienna is assuming 9. This affair is only for the members Selicow and Mr. Mifikin of the The affair was.given in recognition Stock Exchange Disturbance in decided to take active steps for con- lander and Dr. Cantor, at the time . dangerous forms. He relates that a of these organizations and their es- People's Relief Committee, it was de- of the splendid work which the X. Polish Seim. structive work in Palestine. To that they were killed. Hungarian friend of his would not corts. The committee in charge fol- cided that the Council help in the T. C. members did in the campaign Warsaw. {J. C. B. Service.) Great end, a special committee has v_ Men ' Friedlander and Cantor were found enter any shop if he thought it was lows: Mrs. J . Blank, chairman; Mrs. drive to be held during the month of of The JewisTTPress. Forty-five girls excitement prevailed in the Polish appointed to perfect plans on themurdered some months ago while do- i owned bv Jews. The contributor • : • '.. - -. R. Kulakofsky, Mrs. I.' Dansky, Mrs. March. Seim during a debate over the regul- basis of a proposal by the executive ing relief wor]s in Ukrainia in behalf recently completed a trip Ihreu^h Approximately twenty-five dollars attended, and sent the evening in ations of the stock exchange. The J. Belmont, Mrs. E. Meyers, Miss Eva board for the establishment xsf an of the Joint Distribution Committee. | Europe in the company of .an Amersinging, dancing and playing games. Alpirn; music, Miss Sylvia Kulakofs- wcs pledged by the various clubs for The committee in charge consisted of Jewish Deputy Farbenstein took ex- engineering and construction corporThe actual circumstances of their ican senator, and states thatt in Poky and Miss Diana Gross, programs; the Menorah Society fund for suffer- Betty Fine, Rose Kraft, Iva Siegel ception to paragraph 9 which leaves ation with a capital of ons million death has not yet been established. : land anti-Semitism is also exceeding and Miss Estella Lapidus, publicity. ing Vienna students. I t was also de- and Mrs. S. H. §chaefer. the approval of any elected member dollars. The authorities state that the car of all cided that the clubs pay dues to the to the exchange council in the hands The convention was greeted by! the a-elief workers was found among A daughter was born to Mr. and Council beginning with 19?y~Standof the minister of finance. Farbstein Judge Julian Mack in the name of' the military stores of General Pet1 Mrs. J . H. Kulakofsky. The mother ing committees' for the year were ap- Nathan Levinson, former Commerce declaredythat this provision was in- the Zionist Organization of America and tha daughter, who has been given pointed and Rose Segal "Vas, elected High school athlete, sang during the tended %o exclude Jewish members, and listened to a brief but hearty- talk J past week at the Lincoln school comthe, name of Betsy, are now at the council reporter. Deputy Wroblewski answered him by by Major James M. de Rothschild, The Young Judea Senior club, at munity center. He is a member of declaring that he was making the who wished the American Engineers j Jews of China and'-Japan ConStewart Maternity hospital. their meeting Sunday, J??bruary S13, the Thorpeian Athletic club basketball tribute to Zionist Funds. to damage Poland's the best of luck. Dr. Shmsrya Le-made plans for a "Kid party", to be team. The members of the X. T. C. club-, interests abroad. Farbstein replied vine and Mr. Gedalia Bublick told the | London. (J. C. B. Service.) Israel will entertain at a tea in honor of held in the near future. The next . The Shimsk Relief held a meeting thaV Poland's' failure to properly deal convention of actual conditions i n ' Cohen, a local Zionist representative | v Miss Estelle Lapidus, Sunday, Feb- meeting will be held at the home of Sunday, afternoon, February 13, at the ™ui ™e *e«w?m society'* report for who has been making a tour of the terrorism wmch »iuc« was «aa being wang "Palestine. » « ^ « . The " « w>«et yJS report l O r ruary 20, at the home of Miss Anne Miss Euth Bernstein. 'The Young •Swprffsl, &^nnr-h,m & * w * T,>-O- ! Prefaced upon Jews on the railroads the past.year was subjected to some East in the interests of Zionism, reJudaea Junior club are' planning a tea Selicow. and the excesses at Jablona and criticism, it being charged that very ports that the Jews of China and for members only to be held at the sided. Gershel Soireff,: who- arrived Pinsk. were the things that did harm little had been done jduring the year. Japan contributed 21,000 pounds to Blackstone hotel in the near future. recently from Shimsk, spoke on condi- to her interests and not anything The regular meeting of the Aleph the Zionist National Fund. tions in.that vicinity, of Russia. He was held Monday evening, February A regular meeting of the Hatikvoh a t h e o r l u sc o a s gh1 a with the'members to do their , * « * ^ ™ L? £', ^ T ^ ^ ?* ?™?^ • ^ = 14, a t the club rooms in the Lyric Girls will jbe held Sunday, February pleaded bit toward helping-the starving Jews T h e r e u P f > ^embers °f t h e Right local Jewish Merchants . Association I building, when Miss Esther Brown 20, at the Lyric building, at 2:30 burst into shouting and the ensuing has adopted a resolution supporting in Russia. ' >• Miss Anna Zalkovitch gave several o'clock. j Poland's claim to Upper Silesia. _•• §300 was raised at the meeting. Mr. tumult put a stop to the debate. musical selections followed by comTh- rllies of Zion are planning a Soireff. is now at the home of relatives, munity singing. large Purim celebration. MrrH. Stern, 2522 Chicago. ? A special meeting of the Daughters Rabbi Cohn will discuss "American of Zion will be held Sunday, February The Lambda Sigma Society enterProblems" a t Temple Israel Friday 20, "at ths home of Miss Molly Stern, tained a t ^ Valentine."kid" party at Store No. S Store No.-2 Store No. 1 • evening, Saturday morning at the at which time arrangements _£or the the home of Harry Robinson, the presSynagogue at Nineteenth and Burt division of the club will be'completed. ident of the club, Wednesday, Febru"Wolfs'* ••Wolf's" Streets, Rabbi Taxon will speak on S02 South 16th St., ary 16. The members were dressed V1421 Douglas Street, --© "The Menorah." Omaha Eialto Theatre in children's clothes and spent the THORPEIAN NEWS THE STORE OF STYLE, SERVICE evening "playing school" and other AND QUALITY. j Miss Bess Fos, 3155 Lincoln Blvd., j, ^ Th^peiaaAtfiletic dub basket- "kids'* games, f entertained the C. C. C. at a Valentine , ^ a g g r e g a t i o n ^ p l a y a t t h e d a n c e Regardless of chic modes, there is a magic something party, Sunday, Feoruary 13. Prizes j \ by the Omaha Hebrew*) miiiiiiiiniisuiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii!; which tinges all new things to wear, giving them a were won by Miss Margaret Relkes ' Municipal rosy interesing hue. That something is price. At and Gertrude Gilinsky. The evening Auditorium. The opposing team will Hi Brandeis Stores one may go abotj-fc the ever delightwas spent in dancing. The next meet- probably be an out-of-tqwn quintet. MANBS ACROSS • ing will be held at the home of Miss The Thorpeians won their sixth sucful, engrossing task of selecting the details of a com. . THE.SEA Marian Cohn. plete costume, unhampered by the thought of high cessive victory in the Commercial r • Heve you friends in England, League by defeating the Nonpareils prices. Mrs. Emil Ganz and Mrs. Sigfried , by the score of 16—6. This WednesFrance, Germany, Holland.kBelgium, Spain or other countries Heyn will entertain at a bridge Ian- j ^ ^ It is^ver our desire to serve you, to make your shoptackle the holders across the sea? Have you business cheon at the Blackstone hotel Thurs^ j « with any of the European nations? ping expeditions pleasurable. Our great army of place in the Commercial day, February 24. if aft, the Foreign Exchange DeLeague, the Council Bluffs High experienced salespeople are ever at your semee, and partment of the First National school. This promises to be a hard£ank can be of real service to you. please remember that the latch on the door is always Mrs. Dave Feder is giving a series • = in a moderniz6d_version of- = , open for you to gain admittance without formality Are yOtt going tojravel in Canof bridge parties at her "home o n ' The club is greatly honored by the Ada or Europe? Are you familiar I Wednesday. or strangeness. admission to the Annapolis Naval with the inoney of the tountms you intend>c#isit? Do you know Academy of one of Its members who Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky gave a was an active football player, Sol. = / the presentrates of exchange/End and called 5 how to secure the benefit of them? dinner at their-home Friday in honor Levinsky, formerly of St. John's MiliIf any of these questions perplex of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lesser of San tary Academy. you, caU'*ian Mr. Sellncv in pur Francisco, who are visiting their Foiicign Exchange Department and he will arrange these mailers daughter, Mrs. Henry Monsky. for you. BETTY PLAYS VIOLIN Mrs. Max Burkenroad is ill at her Betty Compson, whose first starring 1= home but is reported improving now. picture, "Prisoners of Love," comes ~ Thursday, Feb. 24th— SEVENTEENTH to the Rialto theatre, for seven-days, , for 10 Hays. The Valentine dance given by the commencing Sunday, is an accomplish-: COURTNEY BUILDING Ka-Dee-Mo club on February'13 was ed violinist. When she was a child CtfClL B. DE MILLES a success, officers of the club report- her father purchased an expensive inlatest and greatest ed. /The regular meeting was held strument for her and secured an aclast Monday. The development^ of complished instructor. During the photoplay dealing hours she might have been at play, this meeting will be revealed soon. with married life. The next Ka-Dee-Mo affair will be she studied and practiced, and by the announced in this paper within the time she was -fourteen she played in the orchestra of a vaudeville theatre near future. in her home town, Salt Lake City. All orders given prompt attention. iiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Mr. Walter Apple arrived Tuesday Phone: Douglas 3940. to join Mrs. Apple and children who TO HAVE TEA SOCIAL are spending several weeks with Mrs. LOUIS SOMMER. , JAKE BEKKOWITZ. The Junior Hadassah will have a Apple's sister, Mrs. Cora Wolf. tea social at the Blackstone hotel, Sunday, February 27, from 3 to 6 p. m. The Current Topics club will hold An interesting program has been armiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiusHUiiiiiiiiHiiiHiuHiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiifiimitiuiiiiiiijL its regular meeting Friday afternoon, ranged. when Dr. Cohn's subject will be "Immigration." Dr. Cohn has accepted the invitation of the Jewish Chautauqua society to SUNDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20TH | deliver a series of lectures on Jewish literature, history and religion before FREED BROS., Props. the University of Iowa at Iowa City REASON ABLE'PRICES, during June. /



Wolfs "3 Shops" Make It Handy To Buy M 2ja s Hats, Furnishings, Etc.

i i


| In The Bishop's Carriage |






Sun Printing Co.



Mrs. Morris Levy and Mrs. William L. Holzman will give ajuncheon at the Fontenelle hotel, : Saturday, Februaty 26. ,-: Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun and Edwin Kirschbraun will entertain at a luncheon at the home of the former on Saturday, February 19.

by the -



i Plione Tyler 3832





THE BEST PICTURE X)F THE S E A S O N . Do YOU Kn6w the Danger of Beauty? SEE

701 STo. leth "fit. XOPI8 SH.VEBMAIf

The Y. M. H. A. and Y. W. H. AI will give a Washington birthday party for the members Tuesday evening, Feby ruary 22, at the club rooms. '

Entire Week of February 2 0 t h '

Miss Esther Batt, who underwent a slight operation a t the Nicholas Senn Hospital, is now reported improving.




Eve.: Web. 2224

Mrs. D. Sherman and Mrs. M. A. UNITED PPHOLSTERY CO. Weiner entertained forty guests at Furniture Repairing-said Upholsterin g. We "Repair Automobile bridge this faternoon in honor of Miss Cushions.;:. . ; Sadie Miller of Seattle, Washington.

Hn. Ed. Treiler gave a children's Valentino party a t her home Sunday afternoon wneo twenty-seven little guests -were present. The honor guests inn Dorothy Bell Apple and Donald mid Margorie Rabinowitz who are visiting here.

Dressers Everywh the BETTER MOTS STORES


1320 Dodge, St., Omaha.


Th6 Agud'us Achim of Omaha held a meeting Sunday afternoon, February 13, s t the Swedish ^Auditorium. Jake Crounse presided, The organization voted to form a free loan bureau for its members. Gershel Soireff, who just came from Shimsk, addressed the members on conditions found in that vicinity.


"S." T. "A." CLUB



Six Days Starting '• February 20th,


m V':'M

Ideal Family Loaf Patronize Yom « '••••.•••. Ueighl«iri»)od Grocer JAY BUENS BAKHIG 0 0 .

Wanted a Cashier.

In' Conjonctipn With Our Regular Program Nest Sunday • ' f EJ

Wanted—Young lady g cashier, Boston Meat and g Grocery Company, 113 No.Ji Sixteenth street. Douglas 1089.

-WinnoPhone: w

GRAND SYMPHONY CONCERT - 40—31USICIANS—40 Commencing Prompt at One O'Clock.

ill 1

Added • Feature


Who sons most: the woman' that errs or those who ^tone her?



n :::::: ::::::







Progress lit Palestine

Sent by our Council Bluffs News -•' bureau.



NOW IN PALESTINE Representative .Rabbis and leading | British Occupation • has


Brooklyn Girl May Be Second Helen Keller

Agudah-Achim t o Have Large Celebration Sunday!

Mrs. Ben Polsky entertained at a recently. Mrs. Max Fineberg entertained „ thirty at a miscellaneous theater party at the Orpheum last shower at her home in honor of Miss Saturday afternoon for Miss Dorothy Chapma". ?' r.day. The Sewing-club Geisenfield, of Chicago. The Miztah Club was entertained also gave a shower in her honor at the at the home of Miss Reber-a Paska, home of Mrs. Herman Krause. SixSunday, February 13. This organiza- teen were present. tion meets every two weeks and supHnrrv H LaplcUis. PreB.-Treas. JOB. Pepper, Vice-President. Miss Gertrude Fogelson entertained ports an orphan with dues collected. ; W. G. Vre, Secretary. the girls of the Sewing club at her A party was given in honor of Mr. home Sunday. The next meeting will and Mrs. Abe Finkelstein of Chicago be held a*- the home of Miss Elizabeth by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frumkin, Sandlovitch. COMPLETE STORE AND Tuesday evening, February 8. Those OFFICE OUTFITTERS Miss Elizabeth Sandlovitch enterpresent were: Mr. and Mrs. Abe FinWe occupy over 70,000 square feet kelstein, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Na- tained a number of guests_at a dancSouthwest Corner ing and bridge party &i her home, than Leavitt Mr. and Mrs. Elijah LiEleventh and nnnerlno Streets. Wednesd^-, February 9, in honor of petz; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frumkin; Phone: Douglas 2724 OlIAHA. NEB. Misses Lillian Margolin, Florence her cousin, Miss Dorothy Geisenfield, Fihkelstein, Celia Ross; and Messrs. who is visiting here from Chicago. Samuel Yabroff, Reuben Leavitt, Ben. F v Margolin, Joseph Kramer, Louis B.* Finkelstein and David Block.

Lincoln News

Jews of Jerusalem held a meeting its payments. Most of these go to recently to consider the construction the villages in the vicinity of Jerusalem, but a number-of owners of of a central synagogue. Members of the Agudah-Achim of It was stated that the High Com- buildings and land in Jerusalem itself Council Bluffs met Sunday afternoon have likewise been compensated for missioner had heartily approved of the Rabbis concerning the construc- the damages caused to their property to make - arrangements for their seventh annual celebration. by the British Army. tion of a synagogue. It was decided that the celebration • .The meeting unanimously resolved Jaffa Children Celebrate British be given next Sunday, evening at the that the proposed synagogue for Victory Danish hall. Admission vnll be free. Jerusalem be central and accessible The annual yearly excursion of Committees have,-l>een appointed to to Jews of all communities. Jaffa school 'children to the River make this the/tiiggest affair that has • > Foodstuffs Go Down Yarkon, near , Petah-Tikva, where a ever been'held in Cq'undl Bluffs. Household^ in Jerusalem are be- monument has been erected by the Speeches will be made by prominent ginning to enjoy cheaper foodstuffs troops of. General Hall to comlocal men and visitors. There will be since-7 flie fall in prices which began memorate their' victory over the a m- i J • ii. • i it.- ' program also. After the speeches last week. The following are the Turks during the crossing of thisi -r 6 . ... . , , , * °y c = 1 -"" 6 Mr. and Mrs. Julius J: -\s of Omaha 1 a banquet will be held. There will be prices of some of the foodstuffs :— river, was a great success. are now residing in Lincoln at the dancing al?o. Last . This Bandits At Large Lafayette apartments. At the meeting held Sunday after- j Month. Month. The "Haarez" recently reported a nonn, K. Brandeis, A. Gilinsky and S.* ; P.T. P.T. fresh attack • on • -the iSeifta.kh-Da:. ~ A house-to-house census was taken Steinberg were appointed as a corn:A 14-year-old girl, blind since Bice (one rotel) - 18 8 mascus- train- nearhKirbet'.Ghazeliai" Sunday, Fei ^ary 13, in order to find to work in co-operation with birth,- took an important part in the Sugar <one rotel) - 24 16 It is rumored that/passengers were out the various churches attended by school play and played'a piano so!o her' organizations to obtain Sugar (lump.s)_. _ 36 . 24 " killed and. large 'sums of .moifey clothing for the war-stricken Jews of ; in the graduation exercises of Public the people in Lincoln. Each church', Potatoes (one rotel) 10 School No. 127. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 plunderedrby the-hbld--up men. including both the Reform Jewish She is Rosalie Cohen, an inmate of Europe. Coffee., (one rotel)— 84 .72 Temple and the' Orthodox Synagogue Jewish Firm Plans /Railroad ..-'• the Sunshine "Hoipe for the Blind in Sesame OH (fin)_r75 150 ient out members for this census. ; Brooklyn. Rosalie has won several The Engineering-firm of Eeker & Boys and girls of Council Bluffs prizes and a scholarship in music, . Flour is also cheaper. On the other Yellin of Jerusalem have been invited composed several pieces and hknd, the price of meat» eggs, wood to draw up the plans for the Petah- met Monday night at the Danish hall' has Miss Dorothy Geisenfield, of Chicafll Th little l i l blind and organized the /'Hebrew Educa-1 d ^nces gracefully. The and coal has gone. pp.7 The fall in Tikva—Eas-el-Ein railway, the - conS r d at ed s i x m o n t h s b c f o r go, is visiting her cousin, Miss Eliza* j u f? ? e her the price of cereals is due to the struction of which, it. is expected, tional Club" " scheduI beth Sandlovitch. \ TT, i v • J' ~* x. • J' e d time and will enter hieh prohibition against exporting them. will be commenced within a fortThe club is composed of boys and school There is also a considerable fall in night. - . • , : girls more than seventeen years of Mond and Weizmah Attend the Mrs. Samuel Zeldes, of Burlington, the price of _ dry goods. Jerusalem Ten New. Jewish Houses for Haifa age. Iowa, and her four daughters are visPalestine Council Meeting. . f merchants are selling their present The Zionist Commission has : apiting Mrs. Zeldes' mother, Mrs. Nathan London. (J. C. D. Service.) The' An interesting meeting was held stock at reduced prices because of proved of the loan of £4,000 for the Monday night. More than thirty Jewish National Council of Palestine Chapman, They will probably be here the fall in the price abroad. building of ten houses on the Carmel, members were present. Harry Perel- has called a special .meeting in order until after the wedding of Mrs. Zeldes' Arab Contractor Employs Jewish Haifa. The body holding itself meter, newly elected president of the to enable Sir Alfred Mond and sister, Miss Anna Chapman, which Labor/ responsible for the repayment of the club, gave a talk on "Co-operation of Professor Chaim Weizmann, who are will take place March 6. There have The superiority of unskilled Jewish loan is the "Nahleh" Society, and the the Members." Miss Bertha Hochberg at present there, to participate in its been many parties and howers given deliberations, says a Jerusalem dis- in honor of Miss Chapman whose marlabor in road building and cognate funds are to be obtained out of the gave a" recitation. " riage to Mr. Finsod was announced patch. works having become an established Workmen's Bank. The loan is to be Mrs. E. Brandeis, 901 Sixth avenue, fact in Palestine.' granted for fifteen years, at 15%% Sunday night entertained for memThe Growth of the Jaffa Library interest, each family paying in an bers of the Whist'club. The club The "Shaare Ziaa"Xibrary of Jaffa, initial sum of £150, and providing the which consists of six couples, was reoft the occasion of ite thirtieth an- lot for.the building. A condition of cently reorganized. Prizes were won niversary, published a report of its the loan is that the Jewish National by Mrs. L. Eiaman and S. Nevelloff. activities. In the year 1920, the Fund may, "within ten years of the library circulated 12,318 volumes, of signing of the agreement, claim the The Jewish Sisterhood of Council which 11,263 were in Hebrew, and lot upon payment of the value Bluffs, Wednesday afternoon gave a the remainder in other languages. assessed at the time of the claim, We believe that present conditions in card party at the home of Mrs. S. The collection of the library -was in- and may then lease the land to the Freiden, 737 Mynster street. The prothe automobile industry offers a great creased! during the same year by 1,- occupant for a period of forty-nine ceeds of this card party will go to opportunity for solid day by days business 918 new books, exclusive of the scien- years. building. the "Matzoz Fund" of the war-stricktific collection of 500 volumes preen European contries. _We believe it is time the motoring sented by Mr. MozMn. , Hungarian Democrats Look to .MM

— ——


— . AS

" T^i



















^ ^
















Jewish Minister f or ^Leadership Telegraphic Service for Safed The Post-Office Superintendent for Vienna. (J.C.B. Service.) A deputaNorthern Palestine promised, on the tion sent here by the Hungarian occasion of his visit to Safed,' to Democratic party is in this city, trying arrange for a daily mail service be- to prevail upon the Hungarian J e w tweet the town and Tiberias. A. new Vaszany to return to Hungary and post and telegraph office for Rosh- take np the leadership of the Demo"Tingh and the installation of tele- cratic party. Vaszany was Hungarian phones in the private houses in Safed Minister of Justice in Paroly's cabinet but since that government fell he has have likewise been promised! been living in this city. Vaszany 'deFrance Has Come to Syria to Stay Mr. Traheau, Governor General of clined to accept the invitation, declarthe Lebanon, sent the following state- ing that he did not consider the present an opportune moment for a demoment to the press:— cratic leader, particularly so in view "In order to put an end to^ the of the fact that he is a Jew. rumors with regard to the French Mandate for Syria, it is hereby declared! SS'1" BUY SAFE 1. France is and will remain in Syria. WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY 2. The Larger Lebanon was creFROM US, YOU "BUY SAFE" ated in accordance with the desire guarantee and our word is of the inhabitants who definitely and asOur good as a bond. unconditionally voiced their preferWe have satisfied hundreds of ence for French rule. your friends. , . 3. Only the organization of the administration is subject to changes which the latest form of the Mandate 1514 Dodge Street. may direct. The Mandate will be. Phone: Douglas 5619 definite only after the ratification of the peace treaty with Turkey. iF&e Government is Paying War a Damages Tha Committee for the Payment of Damages to the inhabitants who had' sustained losses through the Omaha's Newest and Finest Equiped Bath-House. Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Elec. trie Treatment, Inhalatorium.

public knevt: these facts. to, tell them. We have the goods:

Members of the Evening Bridge club were-entertained Monday night at. a Valentine party at the home of Mrs. S. Shyder, 300 Oakland avenue. Ten couples were present.

We are going/ .

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Speak clearly and directly into the telephone, with your lips about one inch away. .




In Its thirtieth 7e-~. ^ For educated women and girls. DAT SESSIONS: 8:30 A. M. to 1;00 P.M. classes formed first Monday of each month. EVENING SESfllQNS: (Monday* and Thursdays) 6:60 to 0:00 Hew classes formed firet, and third _ Monday*, o* each ,'ajontb.

65c SOX, 3 pair for _ _ _ ..._ 25c ARROW STIFF COLLARS, • 5 for _ _ — 50c MANHATTAN SOFT COLLARS, 3 for __.;„ „_. ?5.00 to $7.00 CLOTH HATS, each _ So to $6 FLANNEL. PAJAMAS, and NITE SHIRTS....- 1 25c HANDKERCHIEFS, 5 for — ; ,__


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Give the number to tibe operator slowly and plainly.



"The Jewish Press in Every Home," is our goal.

Be store of the mrmber; it is best to get it from the telephone directory.


"IT SPEAKS FOR IT5ELF, Twenty-four Hour Service. Phone: Harney 0868.

The Junior Auxiliary of the Council of Jewish Women held its first social meeting Thursday evening at the home of Miss Gertrude Cherniack, 152 Wes^t Washington avenue. These gatherings will be given every month.

_, jBQNCANNON BEOS., Props. 1401 Farnam St., Basement .^ / Entrance. •sil JPelephone: Tyler 5731 &OMAHA, NEB.

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2559 Farnam Street. .


Paxtoa Hotel M i s !Baths

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Thursday evening at the home of A. Rosenberg, 546 Benton street. Six couples were present .

A Few Suggestions



The semi-monthly card - club met

.• Mrs. W. Bernstein, 809 Avenue A, Sunday night entertained for fifty guests in honor of her brother, Jack Krohm of Chicago, who is visiting here. The evening was spent in playing cards. Miss Fannie Shyken gave a recitation. Miss Sarah Hoffman and Mr. A, Gilinsky won .first prizes in card playing.

Gm&tia Fixture & Supply Co.


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