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Entered as Becona-claBS mail matter on January 2711. 1021. at Ttffl at Omaia, ISTebxasta, unfier the Act ol March 3, 157B.
SECOND B'NAI BRUH OPEN PROVES SUCCESS; Special Classes For MEETING NEXT ONE TO BE IN MAKCH ImmigrantsJ o leach Them Eeglisk, Is Plan
Kabbi Mannheimer, of Des Moines, president of the sixth district of the Independent Order of T3'nai Brith was the principal speaker at the open j meeting of the local B'nai lodge last
lae Held a t Kellom School; jweek. Also Consider "Unemployed" J The -pen meeting was the second ^=™ "Situation. ™ — ^ ^ ^« ™ ^ ^ =-, -.™--. as a success. The large haH in the Lyric
ARE YOU AWAKE? Are you jaware that the Free Loan Fund is one of, if not the most important philanthropic activity in our community? • Do you realize that this fund, "while not offering charity, .does even more—promotes the independence of the beneficiaries and thus saves .them .from becoming charity charges; instead : of giving alms it loans to bridge over temporary financial difficulties and embarassraents.
. . : — . I Hie ^ree Loan Fxmd Made Her! ,. --Happy f- Cajspaiga -for -Fund -- 4 Now;-Ga; Do Ytmr Part j
The object of "the Free Loan Fund is to losn money to those in need, instead cf giving alms, and _tbuB assist respectable people "whose.character.and selfrespect Trill, not psrsnit them to receive alms, Tpst. mO ^accept s. jpgn. r-p;hich Ihex ssxrjsspBSt and,. thus -overcome^ the difScaities in their struggle for • means cf a
Plan?; are "being formulated for the building was crowded to its ci jacity: She got -She. loan! Editors Kotc: — If the bill, EB t mg xrp their r>lanf. which vriR establishment of special classes at Kalph Holzman, member of the intely loaned in SEEB from Eememher we told you about that ontlined in the following article, j their .relatives from night schools for Jewish immigrants lectual advancement committee of the •S5.00.to.J290.DG, to applicants girl who came to the -office of Carl C treeomes & law msEy relatives *>f at -which time they -will be taught the lodge, —-*.sidecL Europe to Ellis Island by April 1. on notes, -endorsed by reliable Hatlera an, : secretary of the Free -Loan Omahsss will be cnnfale to be rerudiments and essentials of EnglislsF Miss Sadie Holland gave several people, "vdthoui; 'charge of interFund 2ca£-ssked for ja loan to bring SET Bill is Grwf Injustice Jisited •vnih. their fsmiijes iiere, -.] The Eebmr Immigrant Ale! speech "by "Yiddish speaking teachers, vocal solos. She was accompanied by •est or expenses of asy Mud, the her two brothers out of "war-rtricken for if the bill ie fs-nxrftbly Samuel Schaefer, superintendent of Earzy Braviroff, pianist. The T.arocla Europe so Sssstiiey could work here ' Sheltering Society in .a dispatch last efi iiy -both the senate Jewish "Welfare Federation announced. Sigma society orchestra furnished tlhe and earn enough money t o bring over . week in regard to sueii a bill stated: house, the lepslEtior, daring ttie past week. , int© music for dancing. the whole .family 2 - The previsions of this Mil wonM on April 1.) •-: The special classes Trill be conductThe -ext open meeting will be held m&ke it ha^o^ethie for mamy wives And remember how she wept when ed -at 3£eHorn school. "The date of the on the last Thursday in BIMI cJuldren, brother* *i»fl she was- ioH.fhai there was no money Special to of line classes has not yet parents »nd other blood • in the fend. . .. : Great Pianist States Poles Would T H E JEWISH PKESS.*' Ijeen set. " .> President Levy Announces become reunited with their . Well, she's happy now, fer when she > •Spare No Effort to Relieve returned ss aha was instructed, .she I 3Sr_ Sciaefer said: it this country7. Federation .Representatives. D. C , Feb. 23.— Shameful Coaditio^s. Have Studied Conditions . v It vms'le! make it impossible for was giv«n the loan. And she wept President Morris .Levy has announc•of *The Sodal Service, and Americanof the United .Americas cliEens and residents in again—bat Has time they "were tears sent the fallowing letter to members j _ ^ 1 ization Committee wishes at this time ed the representatives of Jewish orSpecial to "THE JEWISH PEE.SS." this emmtrr to scad for their Wo»d ;£re 1 of joy. to .strenu-to announce certain plans for Amer- ganizations to the Jewish Welfare cf the board; of directors cf the Fed- | &>&^P '* NEW TOEK, Feb 23.—Ignace relatives «nd tlm* desfcror family • *Just think how grand it win be," icanization •work among Jewish im- Federation for 1921 as follo"ws: oasly oppose the passage of tliej ties. Paderewski, former Premier of she said. -""Ill soon have my two broth- eration: migrants which it has had under conJevifch Welfare Federation: "A special meeting of ihs Board immigraiaon Mil recommended! sideration for some time. The coml i w-oiiM reeuli in millions -of dolilrs. E. Kulafcofsfcr. .president; Mrs. I*. Poland and for mure ttian a quarter ers here—and;then" my aged parents of "Directors of-the Jewish Welfare oint CDirrmittee cf the-! ! lars mittee has found that "the elder men Ziev, Mrs. S. A. Ilice, ilrs. H. S. Kachmim, of a_century^1he^world^B:mostfamous j ' ^ m y o a e r ^ o t h e r s » d my little being sent out -of the •cemsfrv .se and the senate Tuesdar. Federation vail be ' held Sunday and women among Jewish immigrants, Hrs. J. J. Greenberg. Mrs. 2JL. Langfeia, pianist arrived here on the steamer j for the KKpport • of thepe Telsti?-£E especially the fathers and mothers, do Mrs. TTm. SoJzmau, JVITE. X. ilnntel. His. sisters.' . j morning, February 27, .at ten o'clock ock ! The bill, 'agreed upon by both across the gear-instead of these TBil-« not attend the night classes for for- 1L S. iliDer. ilrs. S. H. Schaefer, Mrs. J). La France. Are you one .of those who are helpt the oSce of -the Feaeration, sos | cortiiruttees. Emits immigrati'o -eigners conducted by the Board of Feder, MM. I. Dansky, ilrs. Chas. Levinlions of -dollars bemg epent m this Speaking to a reporter of the Jew- ing to make iSSs "girl happy ? ; th fif Lyric bnHdicg. . j of aliens -during' fifteen -esycntrr ..for productive purposes. ""Education to any great degree. fon, Mrs. 3. B. Robinson, Mrs. H. A. "Woll ish Correspondence Bureau on. board The Executive Committee has de- months' beginning April 1 to "The committee feels that this is Omaha Heknrtr Club-: Help make People Happy the ship, PaderewBM -stated that Tfc* Mil would be ait act of indne primarily to the fact that the Kcthaii Horn. cided to reconsider the matter cf three per cent of the niimber i Do you wsnt to help make people although he is not at present offijustice toward the minoritT peoples immigrant believes there is too great Modern Woodmen at America: ederaticn "Kith the Talssad 'Torahs | t h e United S t a t e s &i t h e time cially connected •with the Polish gov- happy; to pxct.a little joy in their slin Easiest Essrispe and twar.ci the a gap between his total ignorance of A. Weiss. be the only the 19.10 census was taken. of the city. This the English language and the method HodBRtmh Society: ernment he "was in a position to Tfiady serrow-latfen hearts? It is likely, in spite cf "tie protest, j new rspnhlics ami -enlarged C»BI»business »f the meeting. of instruction in the classes, and so is Mrs. J. Hosenbers. triep ..created a* S repE.lt of the WKT, Do you want to help keep the dim assure the Jews of America that This is a matter of vital importance j that the bill will pass both houses and j timid and reluctant to enter them. Zionist-OrsKnixatioi: nl America: toecaese their n&tionalirv is iwt w Poland has come to regret 'those spark of pride in 'these -unfortunate The committee is therefor planning Sen Hrnidler. . and demands the .presence of erexj j "become s law. j \>y IWB bill, and -woald in brethren of ours burning? happenings -which have brought about to" establish preparatory classes for 1. M. H. A.: board member. •"" . . j la.. order to get relatives to tils j Jewish immigrants to giTe them the Win. It. Holzman. . TjarrierB between te Jhews and the "The receivmg of alms will smother \ country before the bill ha* a chance j partlcnlar effect victims of the rudiments """^ essentials of English Deborah Society^ the spark; a losa. will kxndle.xfc; a loan Poles. Mrs. H. Levey. I to become a law, thousands are speed- j of persecr''«m sa& massacres. speech, T h e Polish government '.•wonldj'Wii make them happy as it did the Woman's Act. I. O. S . It.' ""These classes will be condncted by spare no effort in order to bring j girl; a loan m 3 put joy on their sor(PAUL WAKBDRS .JEWS IN POLAND TAKING Yiddish speaking teachers who can j Hiss Hannah <JreeiiWattTorah; about conditions which should prove j row-laden hearts. give the instruction that touch of j B. A. Simon. HEADS $13.008.000 ' ^ 1 UP' FABACNG friendship and intimacy which the j THE FKES "1JD.£2S FUKD CAMsafisfactory to the Jewish otizenship INSllTtJl'lON-J -Warsuv. ' (J, C. R Serx-ice.) At the Temple Israel SroSterlioiMl: immigrant feels he needs. "We have ' S. Urinpston. PAIGN .IS ,'JH)W CiX. tloflQQ is! KEWTDBK. {J. € . B. Serots.)—| of Pohmd," he said. TOES- <X C B. 5err5ee.>~;'ipjtiatiun of F. Freind, 'the represmisecured the endorsement and approval needed. ..'-. •. • ' M. Paderewski said he has come orgEnisatioB tr* an inteniEiisnal'j t a t i r e , of a e J o i n t Distribution •Com. of l i e Board of Education in this pro-- UorrifS Mmkin. 1 Jewish officers znd enlisted men cf i Do your part? to this cirantry unofficially, chiefly to Snaass .Ameri££t&. foreigsij^ftee 2t : Blaiosfcoek, Jews ©f s 5ect. Classes will meet at ILellom fhe array will receiTe s' two dsys'Beth 3313 S?nd your check to Csrl Safleman, Ifnrloiigh- for the Passover hoE3sy,'| school. Definite announcement of the for purposes of rest and that •while S ^^ shori-trs-ie creaitE - w s s ^ ^ ^ ^ a t ,& ^^sj^^ te date tsf starting will be announced here he would concern himself neither secretary of .the &se Loan Pirnd. 752 Israel t y See-isnaoancea -resterfiay try Paul Si/Jthe prsfeieias of |.&DEE -to -an. crasr later. . ; HenryjaJll 0inah3 Ifsrtianal- Bs&k b-silding. " with music aor politics. -"Meanwhile fee icamrnitteB asks that Jirs. •of War, .KewtDn B. BEIKT. ; WarforE, -who is to he chairman ofj fsraing.. IJ-(5Kirii»ka»«'feg*kfe,.^^;, Temple Israel: , Additaonal _. _Pyoceei3ing to.,Jas-,estate in..-Call-1 I t Is "to Ue'loicmi-Siif "fiie.j tStri^Kad '.ECJX ' "* ' """"" """"' " "*" as much publicity as possible be given ...,_.. -Tto-i3ss-^HiiJertaking -try persons iinfer-. t, issue oi" i 5ornia, l e "will merely csme hack to' w21 b~ in iLeceptsaee Bank, Ind., j E,boul 1%WQ Jewish farmeisa^. jc 'juii JacoT>: continue mrfal Tnianigart, . ested in "the "work. We feel that there E. Jacobs. Pittsburgh to attend a conference of l i e Jewish Press. j Unleavened hread-' End Passover | organisea xmder the'• IEWE of KCTrjthe cofiJerence ccmcladed tk&t rtauv^ is a-vital need for this particular acCans- H'nal Israel: American Poles Tvhjch is to be held _ 1 prayer books -rill be -distrobnted I Tork .and subject to -lie regulations j ment t& go hack te the soil is net *. tivity and "would like to have as great. Dave Slmnenthal there on February 23, he said. a response to it as possible." SOPHIE BRASLAU TO SING J E ^ O E - t i e Jewish Bdldiers by the;EJid Engervision of • the ..Federal Se- | teniporary cS^rt bet -a definite %Jesir« . Old JPeoples Bcme: airs. S. Eavitz. «• J E W I S H SONGS H E R E I Jewish Welfare-Board. * ' j esrve Board find the Barimg Depart- i to csrrj- on a* fawners. Unemployment Situation is Serious Arbcitw APPEAL TO AMEBICAN Mr. Schaefer reported also that the ^o Hebrew songs, "Eiii, Eli, lama j Under this crder & ^zzge sumber I ment of Ksrr York. j •—, •— JC Selicow. JEWS. employment problem is a serious one. •saaachihaiLi" a n d ' T T a h r z e i t - K a d d i s h " j o f J e i s i s h BoldiCTS ' m i l b e e n a b l e d i " ^ e c a p i t a l c f flO,t>OO.OOD eomTtitm j U E E A I M A K R E F U G E E S TSEXS& Jlnnlor He said: &AXOS. (J. C. B. Serrice.)—Dr. promiss to be the high marks of the < to attend the -Sedar- celebrations in; stock, S250.,000 Epecial stock rad £ . AIDED Miss Florence ShameK, Mise l?iana GTOBB. IS'JZOI Sholezn Co&e*? **Many evidences of ^ a great "unBoris D. Bogen, chief TepreBentatrra Sophie Braslaa concert trhich is to be ; their homes..-Tor Jesrish soldiers j surplus of SD-OOO/'DO haE bees. Bnb-| ,,„„. / T oU 1 ervice.) "Use *csnAbe- I^eibotritz. employment crisis whica is now afgiven at the anditorunn Snnda^after- |-vrho vrffl not be able to get to their j scribed. The three largest American! „ -S^' ,'"^ ' - e-w-ish . , Central ^ • „ of the Jmnt Distribution Committee Ilrith Abnun, KeJjrast» fecting so many workers have come spices {Ixomes. the Jewish Welfare Board irili i subscribers are Mr. TTarhnrg, &e\T7^ ^ ^ e .Jewish ventral T [ from a "visit to Warsaw ana noon, March 20, under the acs " ';C John Felttaum. to the attention of the office during declared that under present conditions of the Omaha Eebrew Club. I. O. U. B. Omaha Lodce iWd Sedar ^elebraxions ' in toTOEjKrffl National Bank of Boston ^ d i ^ f ^ f S ^ c T ^ S public this month. In several cases loans the American International Corpora- { were made from the Free Loan Fund "Win. Groazinsfcy. &c Committee's.intention to do Tiemkin' thai 5IP is doing' .Miss Braslau Is the first American I adjacent to .amy camps, : South Side Conff. Israel: tion of New York. Almost one-third - to help the aplpicants over their diswUh. "its department for the transposEibls to aid "the Ufcrsinsinger to put these songs on her proi — —'• A. SnTerman. tress, but the Relief committee has of the capital is held nrissian of money csnnot be effected. , . _ „. M. Tiemgrams, and, being a Jewess, is par[Congregation'Celebrates Seventy-fifth Xadics' Golden Hill now to consider at" least four cases, barks sna i K nters as it.TdD be t h e ^ T e ceil tly vevA. to Eonmaaia in toDr, Uogen urged the Sevrs of Amer- ticalarfy able to render these songs. involving some eighteen individuals, Mrs. P. Schlailer. . Year -of Edstenee. Ladies' Anxiliary S. S. Xulmnd Torah: ica lo hasten necessaries for the policy to obtain the support of sonic- jh a ] f o f the Committee taking -with him in "which the need is the direct result XEW YOSK. (J. C'B. Service.) SlrK. A. SilTerman. of the "unemployment situation. of the oldest and best-established j ^ ^ ET , d ciotisiT1g., H=E report-stE-tes •forthcoming Passover otherwise the Jewish Court la Palestine West End Synagogne Isst nig "Wise Memorial Hospital: "We find that the little savings that Jews ia Poland "Kill not be able Jerusalem. (J. C BService.) By Sam "Wertheimer. entered upon a three -day -celebration j xL-Tcj,^ .^ the family might have had have beto fittingly celebrate Easter. He order of the Palestine Administration, j o""n •f^D occasion of its Bttamment -of1 I is iheir' 'inability to obtain deeofiHSKte Conncil of JewiHli Womnu come exhausted and that the appeal Mrs. £ 0 . Treller. also -declared that the depressing seventy-one rabbis and thirty-five J seventy-five years in fixistence. Uev. to the Federation is its only solution. ] ir. 'ordfer -to proceed tr> some 'haven of Although our relief budget for Janconditions in America "were already Tepresentative laymen Trill meet at a Dr. F. Solo Mendes is Sabbi emeritus Jews snd GestSes safety. These difficultieK M, TieHiMis uary of lf)21 was practically the same NOTED ZIONIST GETS being felt in Poland, relatiTBS in that conference on February 22 in order to is anw obviating and within the past Seek to Co-speraie ©n Stern is the present as xhat for January of the previous CITY APPOINTMENT. country failing to send the measure elect a supreme rabbinate and a Jew•14,00? departed' for the y~ar, we anticipate that our February Sabbath Gfeervauce.! few of the 'congregation. At the NSW YORK (J. C. B. Serroce.)— of TeSef they vere wont to send. budget for relief will be at least 25 ish court of appeals -which will have same time a ^Memorial Tablet was NEW YOSK. (J. C. B. Serrics.}—| Argentine, Palestine, Canada and the 'per cent greater than that of the cor- Bernard A. BoBenblstt, a.: "well-inffwn Oothes and Food Campaign legal jurisdiction. The conference will placed in recognition cf sevEirty— The International Reform Bureau snd [ United States. responding Tnonth .of 1920. The -above Zionist of this city and president of For Jewish War Sufferers also deliberate "open the question of eighth members of the congregation figures do not include coal and cloththe Je"wish Sabbath AUiEnce plan toj Dnring the month of Karch the adapting "the Jewish legal code to who served with ihe A . ing. Expenditures for these items for the Zion Commonwealth, hais been lean forces co-operate with s tiew te harmonthis year are already 50 per cent appointed ~by M^ypr Hylan -of Greater Jewish Peoples' Belief Committee "of modern times aad -w21.' particularly OX EAE EAST. izing, .so far as possible, the work greater than those of January 1920. Ne-w York as CSty Ifflagistrate, Mr. Omaha -will canvass every Jerosh concern itself "vnth the position of during the "wsr. I Sons in regard to religious Sabbath .- (J. C. E. Service.) .33*^Based -on these figures we have set Eosenblatt is a la"srypr by profession. tame in. Omaha in order io obtain •vromen. our budget for 1921 for relief, coal observance of both creeds, End Sun-Ij Premier Asquith • in tbe - Hwuse af MUSIC FOR clothes, shoes, -underwear, f ood,'Boap, and clothing at not less than S15,000. j C B " "••esprEssed surpriBe S • EAST SHJESS. dsy laws. an increase of 25 per cent over last BUND CONFERENCE OPENED towels, cotton bandages anfi medica- Emma Goldman Chief Speaker at The snnouncement "?ras made "by j Iling -George had failed to make. year's expenditures for these items, j ments for Jews suffering in -vrarKEW TOSS. (J. -C B. Sendee.)— Dr. IN MOSCOW. Kropotkin FnnersL Watson, Presiaent TJI j ref ierence .to the problems in the Hear London. {J. C, B. Service.) Enma "The ICew York American yesterday Seform Bureau, who told of con- j Give Wise Hospital 5300 ' LONDON. <J. C. B. Service.— stricken Europe. The Wise Memorial Hospital receiv- According to M,oscpw advices^ a conThe arrangement committee, hopes Goldman was nne of the chief speak- carried the follcnrfng Tepcrt Ironrj ferences with the Her. Dr. Bernard"; East find "demanded that the governed $300 during the month to apply on ference of the Bund has just been that every Jew TOII respond liberally ers at the funeral iof Prince Eropot- iondon dated January 27ih: Drachman, President -cf the Jewish ment . , , should -.. .. mske . ,,a rleax „ . , , , ~ _. . . , , . , , , _ . ., !01 the SKtaatron in the Middle East «* our 1920 contribution, and its' total Sir Hugh P, Allen, Principal' of l i e to this important campaign. Mn which took place in Moscow -on Alliance. Others who attended the 1.. contribution for that year is- now •opened here- Members of the execuAlliace Others who attended the 1 Sunday last, according to s. Moscow Soyal College of ISusic, has odiered conference were 3>r. P. Crafts,| ;-equal to that of 1919. However, dur-, tive' and delegates from the provinces 'referred IE tormE of .ing 1921 we must contribute much: are participating in the deliberations. ARGENTINE LABOR BEPSESEN- dispatch received here yesterday. The to take a street j?iano fltwn to White- superintendent c orm Bureau, ;o the .anxiety "of Mr. -Asquitli tend more to this institution and to all onr TATTVE IN PETRGGRAD. speakers also included other American •chapel, London's "worst sl-jna, in order End EafaH Herbert S. -Goldstein. I fieclEred thai -of the Isst debate affiliated institutions. We shall have anarchists and representatives of vari- to prore that the chDcIren LONDON, (ji a B. Service,}.—A to doable our contributions, at-least, EUSSIAN STUDENTS ARE TRY> December when the subject was appreciate good femes. Sir Hugh delegation of Argentine labor rep- ous -other parties. to compensate these institutions more ING TO GET HOME. DEAD SEA T£ describes the sirs to which, the Whitefully for the invaluable work-that NEW YOSK. (J. € . E. Service.")-'! f o r r 2 s t ion. LONDON. (J. C B. Service.)—We resentatives including Mr. Busenzweig they are performing for us. Our 1921 chapel ' children now dance in "tie OPPOSE SHECHTTA. who represents the Jewish workers The ISew York Wcrld yesteriaj' car-j bndget for this -work should be are informed from,Berlin that there of Argentina has reached Petrograd, The small state of "Switzerland streets as lied the -following Jemsalem cor-f is a strong movement among the 110,000. UNABLE TO .ATTEND accordin Russian ^students • in "that city t o ! S to a report received here "which has always^ been looked upon I respoiidence; | Left Elements Break Up 7am &&t t &&t CHIEF iEABBI OF ENGLAND TO return to Eussia as soon as possible.p as a free and liberal country did A corporation is "beisg organised,' Eabbi "H. Grodinsky was •unfeMe te MeetingVISIT CANADA not, it appears, escape & measure of out the attend the conference cf «rQi^iss ANTI-SEMTIC DEPUTY ACCUSED anti-Semitism. London, (J. C. B. Service.) Chief Warsaw. (J. C B. Service.) A Special attention Engineer Moral Teaching will .Replace rabbis of the -world whidh ^vras . ^ ^ ttzrbance created at a Poalei Zios pubOF EMBEZZLEMENT. Eabbi Dr. Joseph Hertz, -who has comseems to Tse concentrated -there upon Religion. \ A. Horth to btrila and -operate a in New York this vrsek. R&bM CfeeLONDON. (J. C. B. Service.—The an effort against • Jewish scnecitita lic meeting- last SsturSsy night, led hydro-electric plant, of 75,02)0 horse-] pleted a successful tour of South Vienna- (J. C. B. Service.) AnnounceAfrica is sailing Friday for Australia' ment is made in the "Erager Tage- Bovariau parliament ' has excluded (the special method of killing animuls ±0 a fist fight .'and the ixre&idrLg up of power on the Dead Sea. It is not dinsky "was among those Jjrrf&ni ,jfc« and Canada. The Chief Eabbi is vis- blatt" that the Czecho-SlpvaMan gov- Deputy. Hi Her in order that he may j in accordance with Jewish ritual law.) the,, meeting. Locker' <of the Poaka proposed to utilize the potential the conference. Rahbie from «d pws» iting the colonies chiefly in connection ermnent proposes to-effect its inten- jbe brought to justice on a charge of Switzerland adopted a measure pro- Zion "World Federation was -making •waterpEwer of the Jordan Eivsr, bat •of the -wosifi were an icttenSuKH. •with a memorial being planned for tion of eliminating religion from pub- embezzlement which the authorities hlblfing Jewish schechita, thereby im- an appeal for the -old principles for to -drive a. tunnel of nearly fortyJe"sre of the British Empire "who have lic schools and having-it substituted are preferring against him. Hfller posing great difficulties upon the or- which the Federation stood when f oar nnles •ferough "fee mountains snd Late Jemmlem members *of .the Left element inter- to drETr Tiyater from the Mediterfallen during d e trar. • te by moral teaching.' ^ been 'known for his anti- thodos community. • rupted the meeting. ." "" Semitisnu. Londpn.' <J. C. B. Servise.) ranean to the "Dead Sea. Yaffe Moves to Ivew Location Arxest a Jfumber of Jews. London. {J. C. D. Service.) AccordElectric current not needes to Starrs, who WSE govsiaBr t£ N. G. Yaffe, the printer, -who London. (J. C. B. Service.) The Americans st "Waisjnr Honor Lracoln pump -water to fhe.soil ±o "be irrigated salem -during'the^etitiise jmrioS ing to a report from Biga the Jewish Close DoTni Jewish Weekly. J formerly located at 512 South Six- teachers* seminary just opened there, "Warsaw. (J. -C B. .Service.) Prac- insy fce sold to factories and domestie British sailitary Warsaw. (J, C. B. Service.) 'TJnser French authorities have arrested a teenth street, has moved to 118 South is already doing excellent work. The Gedank," a Jewish -weekly, "las Ifeen iramber of Jews at Tunis, Algiers, tically all American, ciiizeiis .in this consumers. It is espected that in- tine is about te returti t» Sixteenth street Besides printing he seminary -was established by the Jew- closed down by order of the author- claiming that they spread communist city participated in celebrations on •custries "wiQl .spring up' when the.; where iwi--mn ht now .Bells a complete line of stationery ish department of the Ministry of ities and its secoid-miniheTCongilEte- propaganda, according to a Consian- the 'Occasion .cf JLbrsiaaa Lincoln'E present -desert stretches <of land *rejj ef lite J«r«BSiie« JL3^ -confificated, '..'.:..'...* and office supplies. Education of lefcvia. I birthday, • ~ - -s^»_ tanojile under cuitjvetisjii. - —• , 1
Says Poland Regrets Fesimg
THE JEWISH PRESS "v Published ever* Thursday at Omaha, Nebrnska, by
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CHANGE 'QW'. itDBHESS^-Weasa &Yfe"'l>oibs4tha' bid and new address; bo sur« ' •-''? and sign name. , ...... /
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Permanent Mandates'Commission ' * to be. Appointed. Judge Abram I. Elkus, who has been Paris. (J. C. B. Service.) The forthill for the past few weeks with what coming session of the League of Nawas said to he a mild form of sleep- ' ti OIls Council to he held here next ing sickness, is now on .is way to oenv- .! ^.gefc I.^WM. „**» H^JIVU*. s permanent Juanplete recovery. He has been about' d a t e s Commission it is announced in for the past week and his physicians ., this city. ' are confident tha^ within another few days he will he quite himself, again. CABLE MONEY TO EUROPEAN REFUGEES MORGENTHAU WAITING* TO New York. (J. C. B. Service.) The HEAR FROM LEAGUE. Henry Morgenthau, who has been Provisional Committee for'the f e d appointed by President Wilson to act eration of Ukrainian Jews of Ameras mediator between Armenia and ica yesterday cabled $6*230 or about Turkey is not proceeding to the Near five million Polish marks to the East- raitil he will have received final Ukrainian committee of Warsaw and approval from the League of Nations a similiar amount to the Ukrainian | committee alTKishenev for the immeto proceed with his task. diate relief of the" refugees in Poland and Bessarabia. Ten Million Cases of Malaria in* • ;•• ~. Russia. .: • . London. (J. C. B. Service.) A Moscow'report pr&ited in the "Daily Herald" states that Eussia has ten million cases of malaria ferer owing to the lack of quinine in the country. The same^adviees state that tuberculosis has also igreatly increased. I
^ "HELPING PALESTINE The condition of Palestine has passed the stage of an academic question. It is no longer a matter of Zionist theory of Jewish •^Nationalism. The prospects for a (Tewish state, are so remote as v iiot'to enter into the problem as it confronts this generation. The situation as it now exists is that thousands of Jews are determined to migrate to the Holy Land.'....... They are already doing so. They are actuated b y a desire to ! iescape from intolerable circumstances tova possible opportunity .lor development along idealistic, social and economic lines. They \ feel that the Jews of the world will help them. Whether they will | ever dominate Palestine numerically ^s a question. That -they will ydo so spiritually and socially is well within the range of jprobability . \ ' • 7 The help of their co-religionists throughout the world will be (extended them. Even such a decidedly,non-Zionist bddy as theVienna ,Ariti-Seraites\Vould Ban Plays jCentral Conference of American Rabbis has recorded its opinion. • by Jewish Authors.' " <£hat all Jewry should co-operate in physical aid to Palestinian im- Vienna. <J. C. B Service.) Local inigrants. Opinion as to the validity of-Zionist claims for Jewish anti-Semitic organization have notiiiationalsm, or the misfortune to world Jewry of these theories fied the Folkes Theater that they must jnay be held and publicly stated. Without prejudice to them, howall" ptay^ by Jewish authors, ever,- every Jew may and should feel that those who are seeking remove otherwise they threaten they will take (iasylum from their wrongs and an environment for their ideals in forcible measures to have these taken ! Palestine are entitled to generous help. off 'the stage. ' It cost the Federated Jewish Charities of Boston, Mass., 1921 WESTERN MELODRAMA §894,000 to maintain the organization during the year 1920^ One of the 1 most powerful, stirring
Fischel; hpnorary Ntecre- result of the; reports thatnumerous 300 Polish Jews on Way to Palestine Mr. Harry _ . _. „# typhoid ++rrihmrt' art* rrrnacrnt to to arft bitmght cases„ of London. (J. C. B^Service.) Three- tary, Joseph E. Eron. America. hundred emigrants from Poland arrived here on their way to Palestine. EXAMINE EMIGRANTS CAREFULLY. | Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant LONDON. (J. C. B. Service.)— sAid Society of America Elects The local press has" started a camOfficers s paign' to have emigrants ^passing At a meeting of the Board of Direc- through English ports carefully tors of. the Hebrew Sheltering and Im- examined. The .campaign is the migrant .Aid Society of America recently held the -following officers were,elected for the ensuing year. President, John L. Bernstein; viceCHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY presidents, Messrs. Leon Kamaiky, SHOP. Max Meyerson, Albert Rosenblatt, ASM Howard S. Levy, Philadelphia; Isaac Donsrlac £333. H»rnej-. Heller, Boston; Israel Silberstein, 15th Baltimore; Harry K. WolfE, San Francisco; David Lipman, Seattle; and Adolph Gopeland, Chicago; treasurer,
118 South Seventeenth Street Ground Floor of the Baird Building Seventeenth Street Side, Between Douglas and Dodge Streets.
and colorful photodramas of the year is coming to the Moon theatre, startMASON'S CONDEMN FORD ARTHUR BRISBANE SAYS FORD TASK HOPELESS ng Saturday. It is a Benjamin B. The New Age, a Masonic magazine,
"Tiad the following in its last issue; New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Wait- Hampton production, "The Killer," ing in his daily column in the '^New said to be one of the greatest of the From Piffle tf Pogrom York American" Arthur Brisbane, the brilliant producer's works. i Our beloved^ country has been called noted editor has the following com"The Killer" is an np-to-the minute . You are cordially welcome at my new location. '; T h e land where hatred expires." It ment: picture, which combines romance and color of the old West with something is indeed the land where hatred should : •: ,•:• Come and visit with me. "Russian Bolshevik government has expire: for here, to nse a Masonic ex- taken over mnsic and the drama. that only the modern age can give in pression, "we meet on the .level and 'Music inspires the so.ul and therefore the way of realism and gripping / part on the square." We have no state is very^hnportant to the people; the pense. religion to impose-on the people; oui? plays influence-public opinion/ says Subscribe for "The Jewish Press.'* • trablic schools are secular in charac- Lenine. "The respectable French government ter; and a man may believe what he TeLt Doug. 33C9 Ere.: Web. 222* pleases. And yet, despite all these is infected to some extent with this Bolshevist madness, for it owns the UNITED UPHOLSTERY CO. , advantages of liberty, an anti-Semitic -G^and Opera House in Paris, and the movement—one of the inheritances of Furnitare-Repairing and Upholster118 BO. 16TH STREET. PHONE: DOUGLAS 0770. ing. We Repair Automobile an effete Europe—is being organized Theatre Francais, where Sarah Berny Cushions. hardt learned her trade. in America by irresponsible people. 701 No. ICth "St. I.OCTS SFLTEK5IAX "The French, however, will be amazIt is founded on mere piffle; and can ed and horrified, as we are, a t the/, annever end i n a\ pogrom in a nation nouncement that ^Russians are fined, like the United States, but i t can stir in food rations, if they don't go to iiHiiiniiiitiiiiiiiiinisiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii. up racial hatreds and alienate people theatres where Communist plays aTe who should otherwise be friends. This produced. anti-Jewish propaganda i s not intend''It amazes us that men should be intelKgent fined for. not going, to hear a certain persons, but is an appeal to the ignor- brand of politics. Then we remember ant; for we cannot imagine for one that not so long ago men were burned moment that any •well-informed man alive for not going to hear a certain or •woman would put the slightest brand of religion. Twelve hundred credence in such piffle. A deliberate Jews were burned at Strasburg in one and systematic effort,to arouse public day for that 'crime.* Remembering opinion against our. Jewish" fellow that, and how backward the Russians E handle a ^tandcitizens arid to bring about their social, are, makes us "more tolerant. ard/ assortment of political' and economic ostracism <— "By the way, if that kind of burning which is a ^ecies of pogrom minus treatment couldn't 'exterminate or disY i d d i s h comic, dance, F. O. B.ST. LOUIS. the personal violence—is to us 1 un- courage ths Jewsi how can Henry vocal and instrumental speakable. The anti-Semitic/ move- Ford expect to do either, in these days, records. ment i s based on the idea that there with burning gone out of fashion, ex... LIGHT ENOUGH FOR ECONOMY is a Jewish conspiracy to! destroy, cept here and ihere for colored Sophie Braslau's "Eile, Eile" - HEAVY ENOUGH FOR ROADIBUJTY Christianity, arid to dominate the people?" (No. 74577) and "Yahrworld., Forged documents of Kossian zeit" (No. 74595) are now SMALL ENOUGH FOR BUSINESS origin have - been' produced, called being sold for §1.75 each. £IG ENOUGH FOR SOCIAL AFFAIRS ' oklyn to Further "'The Protocols of the Learned Elders r "Hatikva" by" Ghick —ZimSEATS FIVE ADULTS WITHOUT CROWDING Big Brother Movement* of JZion," to prove the existence of 'balist, is selling for $1.50. -^S BETTER CAR AT A LOWER PRICE EW YORK. (J. C. B. ServicesBuch a- conspiracy and the Country purpose of adding 1,000 flooded with them. We have, in our SEE US FOR JEWISH Christmas editorial,';, dwelt on this names to its roster the Brooklyn = EECORDS. subject, and shall not go into it again. Jewish Big Brother and Big Sister == The'so-called ^^protocols" are too silly Association will start a drive next This organization Farnam at the Boulevard. forewords, and when rec?' i by any- Saturday night. North-east Corner Sixteenth tmq possessed ^>f an ator .2 common is aifiliated with the Brooklyn FedTwenty-FoHr Hour Service. Phone: Harney 0868. * and Farnam Streets. sense should be carefully placed; on eration of Jewish Charities. Its Exhibitors in Omahats Sixteenth Annual v the fire and reduced to ashes, for members are determined that' no Paxton Block, Farnam Street Automobile Show, March 14th to 19th. more Jewish children shall be sent they belong with such categories/ as Side. ,, the'balloon hoax, Barritun's white ele- io reformatory institutions through g phant, a4ourriey to the center of the failure of the Bjig Brothers and theiliiiiiiiiiiiiiitiimiiiiiiii'iniitiiffiiiiiffiin1 earth, anfr o^her pifflicatldns of thV Big Sisters: to -look after tlie inter• past. And then there is the -effort to ests of delinquents in the Children's mis up Freemasonry with this anti- Court., ' Bemitic propaganda to denounce Jews and Freemasons in one ireath^s-dan- LORD READING NOT EASILY REPLACED. ' gerous: to thestatei- Who are-the real LONDON; (J.C. B:' Servicej^ 'Butifciors of this attempt at persecution? I t is dMcalt to run them down. local influential organ ''The !We know 'who the propagandists of minster ..Gazette" discussing the suc•^her'indVemerit are an • JSngTand " and cession of; Lord Reading in the office {America, Trot the real ^nigger in the of 'Gh'ief Justice declare that the woo^pfle"—^ah,i:here we are in doubt!. utmost judgment should Tie exercised Some "Say that the movement eman- in order to find someone ?suitable to ated -irighiaHst *f*om 'Germany—the succeed hinis Remove the possibility of road trouble from blow-outs. classical country of anti-Semitism— —•.;^ Get a liberal discount on a ,.- ' and others from SussiaT'birC "we con^NEW: LEE PUNCTURE PROOF TIRE. fess that we do riotfenowforcerfain. I t is high time for Freemasons of all "degrees to combat this display of antiSemitism, and stand by the side of their Jewish brothers. But^ine may, If so let .us da^rour touting1. .We tayj-.-<cW3iy* pay. attention to ?uen aro agents "for EVERY STEAMSHIP .LINE to Europe. We iavc -piffle? Why not treat this interexpert, knowledge on tho continental situation. •'Wie will help national cabal against 'fche Jews with you~ secure your.- passport and • 'other necessary d o c u m e n t s . the contempt,that it deserves? If let For a Jimited time, we wai ^ive a liberal discount on all used Write, >phone. or .call. alone it will peter out, and die a natires turnedin on r the price of new, fully guaranteed, tural death." Well, this is -the easy VAL. J. PETER Sc CO. ^ # proof LEE TIRES, y. STEAMSHIP 3GENCY way of meeting slander,and libel; but XSD rOBEIGN EXCHANGE. Drive to our service station and let us tell you exactly,, what it will cost to eC[uip with , it is not always the most judicious 1307 Howard St., Omahft, N*b. way. Constant dropping, -will wear • XEEI TIRES, or call us and we will come to your garage. . .Phone: Tyler 0340. away a -etone. Constant lies iterated Wo se'pd money at' the, lowest rates to all -parts ot <the world,; and .reiterated -in public ^will" eventualand deal iiv,European secnrlties, which on account of tho present Jy do their deadly -work. -No, let us •low rate of exchange ate a Phone*: promising speculative investment. combat-the anti-Semitic' movement Gas vnth aH-ow powerj arid fight the -devil'
n Your Old Tire on a
Are You Going Abroad This Year
The Touring model of the family of Dorfc cars which will he shown at the show, now being formally exhibited at our showrooms, is the first to reach the city. As you know the artistic beauty of this body design has aroused overwhelming interest among automobile buyers. It is a finished result of a two years' study of the trend of European and American body vogue. And the coachwork has been constructed by the ablest artisans in the trade working with consummate care to bring each detdil to perfection. These bodies are housed upon the stalwart Dort chassis that has behind it a long and remarkable record of finely efficient performance and dogged durability «ven when not accorded the best of care. Your presence at the exhibition is cordially requested. PRICES g C a r . « . - - * - . $1215 Roadster
- -
- - •. ^ • 1215
Fourseason Sedan - - •* 1995 .Fourseascm Coupe - - - 1865
Open Cars F. O. B. Flint Car* F. O. B. Kal*nuwo«
spare tires •extra i i
Guaranteed to give 10,000 miles A POSTURE
Harvey H. Jones, President 2211 Faraam Street
3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1921, "KIDSTABTY". ; ?Welfare Organizations Eere The HAS THORPEIAN NEWS Ra-oth Society entertalriedl i twenty-five guests at a Kid's party. °" srtainment at the home of Misses -Esther and The Thorpeian Athletic Clubbasket-
TWO KA;DEE-MQ MEMBERS \ Daughters ^f .Israel Aid Society . - LEAVE CITY_ ; V Dance. Goodman and Maurice Rosen-1. The Daughters, of Israel Aid Society thai, Ka-Dee-Mo members, who left >em give a dance; at the municipal Nathan. "The Farmer in the ball quintet won its seventh successive the latter part of last week for Pitts- auditorium, Sunday, February 27, The Card Social and Dancing Party Yetta Dell", "Donkey" and other ehildrens victory in the Y, M / C A. Commercial burg and Cleveland respectively, were, proceeds will- go toward paying" the to he given at Blackstone games were played and prizes were League by defeating the. Council entertained: at a party given by the mortgage, on the .Jewish Old Peoples i • M a r c h 9. won b / Miss Rose Whitebrook, Miss Bluffs High school 21-15V Sidney club Wednesday, February 16, at the Home, 2504 Chatles street, Corenman and George Bernstein fea' Plans for tEecard. social and danc- Flora Bienstock and Mrs. S. A. Saltz- tured with their stellar work and home of L. Wolf son, South 25th street. , man. Martha Wernstein was awarded Mr. Rosenthal was presented with ing party to be given, under the joint Philip Kneeter, son of Mr. and Mrs. prize, for being the best kid; while e^ery player on the Thorpeian side a gold chain Good- L. Kneeter, returned to Omaha followauspices of the-Jewish Women's Welscored. Thursday of this week t h e l m a n r e c e 7 v e d a p a i r o f g ^ d c ucuff f f l ilinks. nks. tv-2 Qrganization.formerly the Junior*- Berthe Leon, as "Sweet Lavender", ing his discharge-from the navy after" Thorpeians play the Weinberg teamj v ; M r > Goodman and Mr. Koseithal entertained with her "kitty-kat". The Wtlfare Welfare Organization, at the serving four years. \ at Fremont. The Thorpeians will also two boys, 'Jimmy' Shames and Tercjf were very active in Ka-Dee-Mo club Blackstone hotel, Wednesday, March Corby we're very popular. among the play at the Omaha.HeDrew Club ball Work-and members es^ressed much D, are well under way. Charles Shames left for' California on March 20 at the Muiny Auditorium, regret on their departure. Both have Those in charge say it is going to girls at the party, Miss Maybelle "" g a m e where he will remain several weeks. • the been members of loiig standing. ™ head the list of social events this Jreenberg- was a coihitry girl. Toys] e h ceasoni Both young and old are to and candy were distributed" a m c S J? ^ ' ? a*m °PPosmgl team will be a the 'children' and they all said they) *™f ^ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum The La Rame society will meet Sunbe participants in this affair. Thor- and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leon enter- day afternoon at the home of Miss had aa 'rlphVmne «™w TT,« „„* A* 1 Saturday, had 'delicious, time'. The out-of-j For sister and brother, there will be tained twenty guests at dinner Fri- Madeline Kenyon, 3222 Cumin^ street. Jazz;- for father and mother there will town guests were Miss Maybelle! Greenberg of St. Paul and Miss " ' be cards, unless the "jazz fever" gets The regular meetings of the T. A. C. * * a * t h e A t ? eJf' CJ t ^ f ? "™ ~~ — Fisher of Des Moines. them too. ^ are •held every..Wednesday immediateLU nr J y • .• J- J. 'Euth .GrossRuth and Mr. Jake Malashock ROOM FOR RENT and Miss Greenberg and Mr. The entire eigth floor 6f the Blackly" following the game; and the at- Sam Dansky, whose engagements" For rent—nicely furnished room in ' Btohe hotel will be devoted to this af- WOMEN'S AUXILIARY tendances are becoming so large that were"* recently announced^ y a private home, to a young Jewish TO HAVE PARTY FOR fair in ordejsto accommodate the large a committee has been appointed to man. Call: Douglas 5406. FLORA BIENSTOCK crowd. . find more spacious clubrooms. Miss Eva Alpirn entertained twelve The women's auxiliary of the IndeThe purpose of this "get-together" The Thorpeians are already anticiSocial is to afford an opportunity to pendent Order.of B'nai Brith will give pating placing a strong baseball team guests at her home Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Maybelle Greenberg .the ever-growing Jewish population of a party Wednesday evening, March 2, in €he field this season. of St. Paul. The afternoon was spent this community to become better ac- in the club rooms, Lyric building, in in playing whist and prizes were won honor of Miss Flora Bienstock, second quainted. . Rabbi Cohn will speak on "The Fin- by Misg*T3ollie Corby and Miss Stella winner in The Jewish Press *^nost Because of the largp crowd expectger of God" at Temple Israel Friday Woolfson. j ~" ed no children will be admitted. Ad- popular girl" contest. evening at the regular service. The committee in charge of arrangemission will be §1.50 a couple. ments is Esther Belmont, chairman; The Pi Tau Pi fraternity entertained Mrs. Carl Furth entertained at a Mr. and? Mrs. Saul Davidson of Des Diana Gross, Sadye Levy, Celia Coo- luncheon at her honje Wednesday, thirty-five guests at-a-father and son ': Moines Are enjoying a visit in L per,'Hannah Greenblatt dinner Tuesday evening at the Black? Many novel stunts are being plan- February 23, Complimentary to Angeles where they f have many Walter Apple and Mrs. Sam Rabino- stone hotel. > friends. H e y will remainjn California ned by the committee. Every member witch, who are visiting here*, Mrs. of the auxiliary is urged to be present about six weeks. Rabinowitch and children leave today Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Spiesberger gave at the party. a dinner party'at their home Tuesday for'their home in New York City. Mrs. T. I. Levitt of Kansas City and for sixteen guests. Mr. and. Mrs. M. Herzberg left Wedher son, Norman, are spending th Miss Sylva Holland left last week week with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Kula- nesday to spend several weeks in for Chicago and Gary, Indiana, where Wheeling West Virginia, with their kofsky. daughter, Pauline, who attends school she will visit her sister, Mrs. Harry Goldstein and Mr. Goldstein. She will Miss Ann Verbid returned to her there. Later thev-will go to New also visit her brother, Joseph I. Hol{£57 York. HANDS ACROSS homfe in Fremont j after several days land and Mrs. Holland, at DaVenport, spent visiting here. THE SEA The Aleph Y held their regular Iowa. I Have you friends in England, Mrs. A. Grossman entertained^twen- meeting at the .club rooms Monday Prance^ Germany, Holland, .BelA son was born to Mr. Tand Mrs. "ty little guests atfher home Saturday evening, February 21, when nominagium, Spain or otter countries Harry Batt Thursday ap the Nicholas tion of officers-took place. A short afternoon to celebrate the ninth birthacross the sea? Have you business " Srogram followed, consisting of a Senn hospital. with any of the European nations ? day of her son, Arthur. J£ so, the Foreign Exchange Deviolin solo by Morris Franklin; recitapartment of the First National Miss Conine New was hostess at a tions by Isi4tl Goodman and Morris Mrs. Sol..Bergman leaves Saturday Bank can be of real service to you. dinner-party Wednesday evening at Rubin and a dialogue by Harold Far- for Chicago to visit with her daugh/^re you going to travel in Canber and fcdwin Altschuler. At the ters, Mrs. Meyer Freidenstein and her home. ada cr Europe? Are you familiar * next regular meeting to be held Mon- Mrs. Charles Jerome Simon. with the money of the countries you intend to visit? Do you know Mrs. Goldenberg, South Side, enter- day, February 28, election of officers the present rates of exchange and tained for Mrs. Siegal of Chicago, a will take place and the club is also how to secure the benefit-of them? If any of/these questions perplex guest of Mrs. M. Glassburg, last Tues- planning an elaborate program. you, call on Mr. Sellnw in our day afternoon. Mrs. Glassburg enterForeign Exchange Department EabH Taxon will lecture on "The tained at the Blackstone hotel Wedand he will arrange these matters Golden Calf," Saturday morning at nesday afternoon for her guest. for you. * " . ' the synagogue at Nineteenth and The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will Burt streets. give a large bridge followed by a supThe next Ra-oth Society, meeting per at the vestry rooms of the Temt>Te7 Give a man two hours to Banke Wednesday evening, March 9, tKe pro- will be held at the home of Jlrs. Benponder over an imagined ceeds of which will go. "to a -fund pe- jamin Boasberg, on Sunday, February in. „. wrong, and he can make the ing with which to erect a chapel at 27. The afternoon will be spent in most harmless incident in playing bridge-whist. Pleasant Hill Cemetery. • the world % capital crime. \ Mr. and Mrs. H. Rothkop entertain- Mr. and Mrs. M. Wasserman of Lined' twelve guests a t their home Sun- coln spent the week-end with Mr. and iii''^^iiiiii»Himiii;iiii!iat![;ii!i!noi; TELL HIM day for their niece, Miss Ruth R. Mrs. Arthur Rothschild. Gross, and her fiance, Mr. J. M. MalaAND' Sirs. Arthur Stein and son Eugene, shock. LOSE HIM who were the guests, of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman, have returned to their THE STORE OP STYLE, SERVICE A tea was given by the X. T. C. club •Sunday afternoon for Miss Estelle home in Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. AND QUALITY. Lapidus at the home of Miss Anne Lewis Cohn have been spending several days with Dr. and -Mrs. Erman Regardless of chic modes, there is a magic something Selicow. Miss Anne Leaf gave . a -on their way from California to Mingroup of piano selections, Miss Anne neapolis. which tinges all new things to wear, giving them-a Riklin gave two solo dances and Mrs. rosy interesing hue. That something is price. At Kaiman gave two humorous readings,: Brandeis Stores one may go about "the ever delightThe Council^ of Jewisfi. Women ynYL after which a gift was presented -to hold their regular jneeting Monday, ful, engrossing task of selecting the details of a comMiss Lapidus for her untiring efforts February 28, a t the vestry Jcooms of plete costume, unhampered by the thought of high •of t h e club. ' •-'•-.• Tennple Israel at which time Dr. V. E. prices. Levine will give a lecture. Several The Young Judea Senior Club will musical^ numbers will be given also. It is ever t>ur desire to serve you,-4o make your shophave a "kid party" Saturday evening, At 2 p. m. Dr. Cohn will address the ping expeditions pleasurable. Our great army of February 26, at the club rooms in the history class on "Jewish History of experienced salespeople,are ever at your service, and Lyric building. The meeting-which rthe .Nineteenth Century." ' ;; as to be held Sunday, February 27, lias please remember that the latch on the .-door is always been postponed, as was the.Young; :Mrs. l£e Rothschild left Tuesday , open for you to gain admittance without formality Judaea Junior Club meeting. v to visit with her daughters in Des or strangeness. Moines. . •• ' . A regular meeting of the Leaders Training groop'MU.be held-Saturday Mrs, Fannie Goldberg entertained evening, February 26, at 7:30 at the for twenty-five guests Sunday evening dub rooms. ' '" in "honor of her son, David, and his fiance, Miss Sadie Lffiian Miller of OMAHA'S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES The "Lffljes of Ziori" and *'The Seattle, "Washington. lowers of Zion" will hold their regSubscribe for ular meetings Sunday at the club f "The Jewish -Press" rooms. -0
list National
DB, CQPELANG FIGHTS DISEASE. New York. (J. C. B. Sen-ice.) Dr. R. S. Copeland, health commissioner of Greater New York, again called attention to some of the obstacles that .were still in his way of cleaning up Ellis Island and other eastern immigration depots. The precautions taken by the health officials, Dr. Copeland stated are not intended to create alann but merely to guard the public safety. There is no indication of the spread of typhus for the present time
We wish to announce that we now have a complete line of millinery— thj? latest creations. We ttre also carrying a complete line of chokers—the newest in sables, stone martins, baum. martins, squirrels, and fitch mink. These chokers are very attractive and are making a decided hit with all purchasers.
Best Furs •
-Latest Millinery
FORMERLY THE "ALASKA FOR COMPANY 20S South Fifteenth Street. Phone: Douglas 72&8. "^
{We remodel, reline, clean and dye all furs.)
Prepare your bundle with clothes, ^ underwear, food, soap, towels, cotton and medicaments. The Jewish Peoples' Relief Committee of Osiaha will call upon you <Iuringrthe of March.
" Call any of the following telephone numbers and your bundle will be collected and forwarded to help the inaiocent victims of war : Hamey 6118 -W-ebster 2734 Webster 1076
Hamey 1606 Webster 0289 Webster 6059
' ..'I -
Under arrangements of the
The Maccabees "will hold their regular .meeting Sunday, Pebrnary 27, at 2:30 at the JDyric building, to -which all High school boys are invited. '
Dr. Wotenberg, who arrived from Europe about two months ago, will lecture at the Swedish Auditorium, Eighteenth and -Chicago .streets,- Sun-,; 4ay,'February 27, at 8 P, M., on "National Autonomy,' under the auspices Poali Zion of^Omaha,
Subscribe for •The Jewish Press;
At the meeting'.df the Daughters of Zion, Sunday afternoon, February 20, nilyision of tfis club was decided upon/ Miss Anna Greenberg being chosen leader of the older group and Miss Rose Minkin, leader of the younger group.
New Stream of Refugees in Vienna (J, C. B. Service.) A new stream of Jewish refugees (from Ukrainia is reported to be arriving in Bukovinia in a Czernowita dispatch. The refugees are in a most helpless state -and the Jewish community is utterly at 3 loss to help them.
l l . ^L?ir>>3-*¥*tr^ J0^^^ •T^^fc '^^%* J ^ f l K i M
At the meeting of the Hatikvoh girls Sunday afternoon, February 20, four new members were taken/ ;into the club. Athletic teams werer pro.vided for and Katy Goldstein and Rebecca Segal "were elected captains.
hut everything must be done tp improve conditions affecting the concentratioa of "iEnmgrants
One performknee only- starting prompt a | l;:00 .o'clocEf »__FEBRUARY 27 "" •. In addition to our regular program. Rialto Symphony Players,
! !m«is{&!iT :::::s;m:tutan::::t!
m One Week Starting Sunday, Feb. 27th,
Three Day&--Siarting Thursday, March 3rd. .. ..MACK.-SENNEPT'S- ,. FIVE REEL SCREAM
CECILB.1EM&I/E'S latest and'-rftost ?sump, tuousjy .staged intimate t sfcry of married life
One Week Starting Saturday, Feh. 26th,
"FORBIDDEN FRUIT" with all-star cast includiug;
stranger or m©re ing chitract^r "Iras €"prar appeared in literature or o®rffist 'screen than '"The Kifler", yet II it is based xipon the life of . f Hrll an actual person.
Union Stock Yards Company i^
- * * - • •
Lincoln News
"The Furnace of Matrimony," Wm. D. Taylor's hew special production for Realart, which will be; shown at the Sun theatre next week, is declared to be one of the richest pictures in spectacular'scenes and lavish settings! which has been viewed .for some time " 'Be thou,a blessing' is/the;message : .• ^ ' j of -the; Idependent Order of B'nai past. Brith to .the Jew of today,"., said Rabbi Replicas of both the interior and exA delegation of members' *f . the Eugene Mannheimer, of Des Moines, terior of St. Mary's church in London B'nai .Brith-^ of Council , Bluffs spent at. the annual- initiation 'meeting of w'erc constructed for-the big wedding Sunday^ Moixday and Tuesday in the Lincoln B'nai Brith Thursday eve- scenes, and "many sumptuous English Sioux City, assisting in installing a ning, February 17, which was held at society functions rwere staged. chapter of the B'nai Brith in that city. Fraternity hall. The delegation returned Tuesday SUBSCRIBE FOR In his speech, he went back to the night. • •:•••. first appearance of the family of Is"THE JEWISH PRESS." Those who made up the delegation rael in history, four thousand years were Arthur Friedman, Jay Cherniak, ago. He told of the struggle of the Miss Dorothy Lettween will be in Louis Katleman, Harry Gherniss and Jew for existence throughout the ages. Omaha next Saturday and Sunday. Isadore Aginskee. ; "Although they could have found She-will visit Miss Libby Minkin and peace by bowing at baptismal founts," Dorothy Gilinsky. • • The Agudah-Achim celebrated its he said, "yet .were they staunch in seventh anniversary a t the Danish their faith, and they gave, > to the hall Sunday. The entertainment was world the most heroic example of a BUY ^ headed by A. Gilinsky. Dancing fol- people who were true to themselves lowed the program. . - under persecution. He appealed to WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY 'The Agudah-Achim was organized every B'nai Brith member to keep this FROM US, YOU "BUY SAFE" in Council Bluffs seven years ago with story in mind as an inspiration to do ; Our guarantee and our word is only twelve members but now has a right and be true to his God and his as good as a bond. membership of more than seventy-five. brothers, for thus must every Jew do We have satisfied hundreds of "rThe program of Sunday follows: your friends. :. '• in order to overdome the work of AntiIntroduction ofthe Socisty, 0. Hoeh- Ssmitic agitators, he said. man; Piano solo, Jeanette Gilinsky; Rabbi Albert N. Mandelbaum,1 who Recitation) Fanny Shyken; Musical •was initiated into the organization 1514 Bodge Street. duet, Maurice and Jeannette Gilinsky; that evening, made a short talk, ex—Phone: Douglas 5619Address, K. Brandeis. pressing his hopes that the Lincoln lodge would live up to the noblest The Young Judean societies jvill ideals of the B'nai Brith. x celebrate the Purim festival by giv- At the opening of the program, Coby ing^ Purim" masqiierade party,"March Syrinsky, Lincoln's boy violinist, gave 20, a t the home of Mrs. S. Shyken, several musical selections. He was 1009 Second avenue, ? Council Bluffs. accompanied by Miss Lillian Simberg. The Young Judean clubs that will Earlier in the evening, initiation-of participate in the party are the fifteen new members took place. The "Blossoms of Zion"- and the "Mogan- evening closed with refreshments and and buy them at Dovid" clubs, both of which are com- dancing. • posed of boys and girls below the age of fifteen. • One of the best known Jewish clubs in the city is the Ivrah Club.; I t ccm-" Harry Perehneter, 35 North Sixth sists of twenty-two members who 319 South 16th Street street, left Saturday > night for an meet every other Wednesday. Their t»hone Douglas 3400 extensive buying trip in the east. purpose for organizing was to be able to better acquaint themselves with Members of the Junior Auxiliary of ewish current topics and also to keep the Council of Jewish Woman Thurs- ;he young Jewish men of the . city day night, February 24, held its first nore closely in touch with each other. social entertainment for members at the home of Miss Gertrude Cherniack, Mrs. Jack Chapman entertained at 152 West Washington avenue. Such a tea towel shower in honor of Miss social, gatherings will be given by the Anna Chapman Monday evening, FebJunior Council every month. ' ruary 21, at the home of her mother, Mrs. S. Shoxtale. Those present were i Louis Passer, 824 North Eight st., Mrs. Max Feinberg, Mrs. S. Zeldes,. Council Bluffs, is ill at the Jennie Mrs Chas. Leibowitz, Mrs. Chas. Pos- j •ca, Mrs Jack Chapman) Mrs. Sidney I Edmundson Memorial hospital. Shostak, Mrs. H. Markes, Mrs. The Auction Bridge club met Wed- David Wishnow and the Misses Fannesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. nie Epstein, Nina Shostak, M;nnie A. Rosenberg, 546 Benton street. Kre"r'°f3ky, Minnie Greenstone and Twelve members were present. Ida Salzman.
Bluffc Men Install Wnai ter In Sioux City
Rabbi Mannheimer Speaks Before Lincoln B'nai Brith
Mrs. Meyer Silverman of Des Moines spent a few days in Lincoln ast/week. He was a guest of the B'nai Brith.
j Van Sant J School 1 Of Business
The Charity Banner of the Council Bluffs Talmud Torab. Sunday school was awarded to the second class which consists of eighteen members. Miss Reva Gilinsky is in charge. The banMr. Phil Goldblatt and Mr. Pahor ner is^given to the class obtaining the . In Its thirtieth year. botli of Omaha visited Mr. Karpin last most money.. The money is sent, to Saturday-and Sunday. "''•''•'. | Tot '.educated '^voineii * the war sufferers in Eujope. I - DAY SESSIONS: .'• ' Mrs. I. Ellis was surprised last I 8:30 t M.; to 1:00 P. ST. The Council of Jewish Women met week by thirty friends. , It was her Kew classes formed first Monday Thursday afternoon afternoon at the tenth wedding anniversary. Sv~ .was : •.;'-,•; ' of. each month. home of Mrs. S. Frieden, 737 Mynster presented with a beautiful aluminum | *"* . .EyEIJING SESSIONS:. , •• (Mondays and Thursdays) " street, Council Bluffs. roasting pany
• ' •
Here 3* » pfn&o of "Bfjr Jee,"" m vtrm Arrival in Omaba. "W,g Joe" it e new tcrb.nc, and he var installed to grind out electric current to meet tlie aoditiona! requz-ernent* tor electridtj- in your torn*. end! besicess. A turbine turns the generator which makes the current.
rect lights end mcwre« Om«ii».
Tfaic COIN
; • ' • $ • •
L. Braunstem, 201 North First street. Mr. and Mrs. Wessel announced the The proceeds of the party will go for engagement of their-daughter, Alice, the benefit for the National Recon- to Mr. Gabe Wirtheimer. The date of struction of America. the wedding has not yet been set. anoi of Counllany of the organizations cil Bluffs will unite in a campaign for the People's Relief that will be launched March 1. Clothing will be collected for the war sufferers. The committee in charge of. the campaign is composed of K. Brandeis, A. Gilinsky and Simon Steinberg.
.. .6:50 to. 9:00 classes formed first and third Mondays of. each month.
Omaha National Bank BIdg.
making a purchase you decide whether you -art ih'a position to buy, but we, being a public utility, have to purchase additions whether we can afford it or
PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. We yfn tfap \bsr Ofte
COMPANY Rlh. ami
Since 1917, when our rates were reduced 25%, we have been forced to take on many additional burdens. The load became so great that we had to ask for relief. .
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We oeeuvy over -70,000 sauaro feet Southwest Corn ex Eleventh and Douglas Streets. • J PSona: Doujjlas 27Z4 OMAHA. KEIJ.
Omaha's Newest and Finest Equiped Bath-House. Baths, Massagft Hot Packs, Electric Treatment, Inhalatprium.
Paxton Hotel TorMsIi Baths CONCANNON BP^OS., Props. 1401 Farnsm St* Basement Entrance. Telephone: Tyler 5731 OMAHA, NEB.'
So we petitioned the city commission for additional revenue to meet increased expenses.
EFORE you buy your Victrola, it will PAY YOU to see Sol. Lewis. We carry the most complete line of VICTROLAS; any size and color. ' THE MOST COMPLETE RECORD STOCK ; • :ri~.:^'IN OMAHA.; . ; ; ; ; ; ^ ' * Records in All Languages. ': r; V ::.~ :: Open Nights and Sundays' • : : •:i
North 24th- Street,
We Are Offering, as Long as the Supply Lasts,
I ILLINOIS LUMP at $ 1 0 . 3 0 ton I - ILLINOIS STEAM at I ton PROMPT DELIVERY TO ALL.PARTS OF CITY gi. All Coal Thoroughly Screened at Our Yards: ;
J. HAHN COALCO. Tyler 3670
not, becaase we must meet |pe requiremefits fjronght a1x>ut by increased electrical conveniences is your home and business and because of the demands of a growing Omaha. It has been our ambition, and we-believe we have • succeeded, to give you the best electric service possible. We want to continue the good work, and enlist your interest in keeping our plant in good, serviceable condition. -•-••-..
We tan91 do this unless we are given enough revenue to help us carry the additional burdens that have been piling up on us*
Sarry H. Lsptdns. ..Pres.-Treas. Jos. Pepper, Vice-Presiaent. TV. O. tire. Secretary.
• •' -He is all his name signifies. He cost $l,000,OQQ and is of 27,000 horsepower. His purchase was a ne• ossify—he had to be bought even though money. was hard to get, and at a time when interest rates were at the Ihighest point
, 13th and Charles iStreets. -
• , Tyler 429«
Our taxes, like yours, are the same or higher. / ;'••;/ Our employes must Hve-7-and their wages are the same. : . v High freight rates on coal are the same and will remain that way or be increased, rate experts say. It costs more now. for freight alone on a car of coal than it cost for tfee freight and coal combined in 1915. ' ^ '•:
' ' Our request to the city commission; is a one. We furnished thesa wish the figures showing the original cost of our property and those showing what it would cost 1st diipllcate the property. '; . ' • •' . . . . •' With these two figures in view,, together' with' our books and the testimony of our employes and experts, we appealed to the city commissioners to.decide what a fa% return on a fair valuation of our property would be. . . .• We are not dictating to them what our valuation should be. We are mot dictating to them what our return should .be. ' We are not dictating'. to them what our rate should be. We have asked them to sit as a jury to decide what a fair return on a fair valuation of our property should be. We ask no more; all we desire is "A Living
i •:->>-,:?r-":'!T''!.'*£?-'.iz. i;;: ' : * ' \ ' * - ,
*- •*-.