March 3, 1921

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gj "It is your duty to jij


JO "All good citizens flf

HI make sure, you are jjj

|ii should register so lira 11 they won't lose their in

in . 1



|j| registered' eo .you ||j " can- vote in the com- III


voting franchise."


, ing election."




•M • • ••>•*•• U u « * H »>

VOL. I,—NO. 12

Entered as second-class mail" matter on January 27th, 1921, at postofflce at Omaha, -Nebraska,; under the Act of'March' 3, 1S79.

OF BEAUTY Seek to Locate Hew "A -THING AND A GOY FOREVER" B'nai Bnth Itarie for Orphans in This City



Special to "SHE JEWISH PBESS."

Oitak Jews Ask Wilson to Veto the Immigration Bill; Send Bun Telegrams

Chicago, HI., March 2.—"A Thing of Beauty and a Goy Forever* was the sermon delivered by Rabbi Emil Immigrants Fleeing from WarHirsch to his congregation recently. Stricken Europe Before And it was all because Edna Omaha Lodge Leaders JTake Ferber Bill Becomes Law had a part of bone in her Steps Toward Bringing nose removed to make the nose Omaha Jewry hap entered its protest institution Here. smaller. against the Diliingham Immigration Dr. Hirsch did not .mince words in bill which will prevent many families Oiriaha B'nai Brith is working lo- his sermon. One-of. the .members of from reuniting in the^Uhited States. ward locating the new orphans*-home his temple described him as "furious". I Telegrams of protest have been sent of the Sixth district of the lodge in to President every Jewish this city. lodge and synagogue in Omaha. : Henry Monsky, vice-president of ; The telegram, read: ; the district, and Harry Lapidus, genPresident Woodrbw Wilson, .. eral conimitteeman, took steps to Washingtpn, D...C. ' locate the home here at a recent meetIn behalf of our. starving and pering of the general committee held iri v secuted brethren in Europe we earn-, Minneapolis. , . '.. Non-Jewish Writer Delivers estly begthat yori veto the Diliingham It is the plan of the B'nai Brith of Stirring Address to 5,000 \ : Bill. This bill is "contrary to American District No. .2 and District-No. 6 tb Jews iri Chicago. traditions and practices and would, if do away with the present orphans' passed, prevent the uniting?of families home in Cleveland and instead build ._*Special to "THE JEWISH PEESS."1 of Ajnerican citizens and residents two orphans' homes on the "cottageChicago, March 2.—John Spargo, separated, by the wax. It would re? farm plan"—one in Cleveland, which suit in unsold suffering to the war is in the second district, and one in author andTformerly, of the Industrial victims across, thi seas who look to the sixth district. • . , Relations Commission, spoke before 5,000. Chicago Jews at Sinai Temple this country as their only, salvation. ; WARREN.G. HARDING. CALVIN CCOUDGE. on "The Jews and the American "No Prison-like Home" "IMMIGRANTS HURRYING HERE. "This plan would eliminate th6 Ideal.;'-' In referring to recent attacks .Immigrants, fleeing -from warhuge prison-like orphan home," said on the Jewish race, Mr. Spargo;said: Many Omahans are attending the inauguration ceremonies in stricken Europe, are -crowding all U. "Henry Ford is poverty-stricken inWashington. Special services -will be held in Temple Israel Friday. S. ports. . Mr. Lapidus. . " I t i s the planof the -'.;'.' general committee to have-a group tellectually, inoralljP and spiritually. The arrival during- the ,past two of small cottagest with an. adjoining I regard him with profound and unPOLISH MINISTRY WILL weeks of a half a dozen trans-Atlantic farms to house the unfortunate boys measured pity_No morepitiful figure TAKE U P T H E QUESTION steamships, carrying with, them about and girls. We are- hoping the sixth can be found in our history. With all : 15,000 Jewish-immigrants,, at the port OF POGROM GUILT district general committee, will select his material wealth, he is poorer than of Boston, called for quick action on - — —~ | Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) We learn Omaha as the location for the new the poorest wretch! to be found in the the part of the Hebrew Sheltering-and bread lines of this city/_ His poverty The Omaha Junior Hadassah Unit that that the next meeting of the home, as Omaha is ideally situated, in of soul is so great that he is incapable was organized a t a social tea given ; Polish Ministry will consider the qnes- Immigrant Aid Society of-America in the district. ^ connection with the receiving, guiding ;The work of building the new or- of partaking of the American spirit!" at the Blackstone Sunday afternoon, J tion of whether the large number of and distributing" of ihese new"arrivals, February 27. A program was ar- ! Balakhowitch aides who were accused the society stated in a letter, to "The phans' home will start under the adSpargo Not a "Jew ranged for the guests by Miss Sophye ' pf responsibilityin t h e large number Jewish-.Press.? J .-: ministration of an Omaha^man/ Mr/ Mr. Spargo hegan his address by Weinstein, the presiding chairman. of- pogroms committed by BalakhoMlonsky, who will automatically be.Jacob R. Fain,- general' manager 1 explaining that.he * not a Jew and Mrs. Ben Handler,.a.charter . n}em-. w^tch forces shquld i>4handed over to j come president of the sixths district of of the .society, together with several had investigated the anti-Semitic camher of the senior Hadassah, outlined : a.court for trial. - I t is the demand of the' B'nai Brith grand Ipdge at. "the members of -his staff wenj tft Boston' general meeting to be held this year paign becausp he'felt it* -was a mon- the work of the trait. The object is \ the Jewish deputies jfchat-such action to confer ••with, Isaac Holler, presstrous thing/wirich should be exposed. to adopt orphans in Palestine and should be-taken. • \ •'.; ' in May in Des.Moinesi '- '.-.'•'. •-. He ''sketched' the history of. Jewish, train young women in the.Hadassah . According to .'a report appearing in ident, and-the directors-and .^officers of immigration into this : country, and University there to becomel trained the local Polish press; the Bolsheviki the Boston- branch- x>f the society. At WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS maintained that theVJews had at no' nurses. Mrs. Handler analyzed the arrested 40 Jewish yejegfates at Rad- the same time t-he met the' .Immigra•; TO HAVE EKfTERTAINMENT time" been' outranked by any other philapthropic purpose of the Unit in ishkevitch, one of witcm escaped and tion .officials" and. ^representatives of The dance 'and entertainment under element of the citizenship in loyalty these • words: "Cfcarrty" is "great, but*' ma& his way, tp: this city. The report the steamship companies and discussed the situation^ with .-them. ; : g j the" joint auspices of the Jewish Wo- to American ideals. philanthropy is .greater.^ Charitycis" states tha&t&js,'* indgjdOSl...rebates :& v -Less than one-per-cent of,-the 1 men's Welfare Organization, Jformerly y He continued: -• •": ' -"~"*'"~' fterefy palliative, but phflan&opy/is Isjid his .39 Jewish companions were immigrants- arriving; at tlie "r -the-Ladies*•Relief: Society, 'and the ; "Yet we are witnessing the shame-. helping people to help themsdVe's." ' • representing the Jewish population Ecston are destined to-that city itself. Junior Welfare Organization -will be Hiss Anna Leaf assisted on the of Shatzk, Uzda, Ehuman, Bobrask, All the others go to cities all over the held Wednesday night, March 9,-at ful~ spectacle of an-organized campaign of hatred and calumny against program by rendering a piano selec- and Slutzk and they were iri posses- country. the'Blackstone hotel. the Jews of America, a campaign tion, as did Mrs. Ben Boasberg with sion. of a petition signed by one faunThere will be music, dancing, cards, having for its object the creation of ae dramatic reading. The closing ad- j dred thousand Jews Tecfuesting the and surprise stunts. This is the first a terrible and dangerous antagonism dress was made by Rabbi Morris N. Polish government to annex those PALESTINE ZIONIST » affair to be given jointly by the two LEADERS COMING I between Americans, an antagonism Taxon. districts. The individual mentioned j organizations. It is believed that the Jerusalem; , (J. T. Agency.) M. founded upon _ racial,. and religious The business meeting then took did not bring the petition with him. 1 enter'-linment will be the biggest Mendel Ussishikin head 'of the Ziondifferences. Such a campaign cannot place and election of officers resulted I social event on the calendar this year. be accurately described as other than ist Commission" in Palestine, will sail as follows: . ~ Mesopotamia has 17,000 British from Alexandria for London and New foul treason to. America and a dangerMiss Sophye Weinstein was elected * Tommies. York on the 24th of this month. He ous desecration of American ideals. It president by acclamation. She organFORI> ASSAILED London. {J. T. Agency.) In'the will be accompanied -by Dr. Mossinis not necessary to stigmatize that ized ,the unit. ] BY HOME PAPER campaign; it is quite sufficient to desMiss Ethel Reuben was elected vice- course of a debate in the House of sohn who has previously spent some Detroit, March 3.—James Schermer- cribe it accurately for what,it is. In president; Miss Libby Minkin, record- Commons the statement was made years in America; ' . ' ' > horn, publisher of the Detroit Times, prosecuting that camp~aign;its leaders ng-and corresponding secretary; Miss that there are at present 17,000 Britsoldiers in ail editorial under the caption, have not hesitated to seize upon the and-,87,000 Indian troops Helen Robinson, financial secretary; ^ soldiers and87000 APPEAL FOR HELP IN BEHALF "Asking a Lot of Henry Ford," sa/s: occasion of the anniversary. of Linin Mesopotamia, Miss Esther Katleman, treasurer; OF UKRAINIAN POGROM VICTIMS "Jt is asking a good deal of-the coln's birthday to .besmirch resplenMiss Martha Weinstein, reporter. Mrs. New York. (J. T. Agency.) A large indefatigable Henry Ford to make dent fame and glorious memory. InFrench Premier Hopes Zionists Will number of Jews'gathered .at Cooper Ben Handler was elected advisor. out i. case of / Semitic' conspiracy stead of seeing in the war of secession "Hadassah — a Contagion Worth Recognize France's Claim Over Holy Union heard once more details of the against the world and to prove t, the: result of a conflict of economic Spreading' was the slogan adopted by Places. terrible sufferings' Ukrainian Jewish too." / • •and political system, these men— the Unit. London. (J. T. Agency.) Prior to pogrom victims are now undergoing "The Jewish organizations that alien to America in soul if >not in his departure for the Allied Confer- in- different parts of Europe. Fifty guests attended the tea. challenge Henry Ford's sensational speech — have spread broadcast ence taking, place in this city, Premier The meeting was called by the newCharter members follow: ; revelations and his: sincerity must through the land the infamous charge Briand is reported to have expressed ly created federation of Ukrainian Fanny AlperinV ' realize that bis literary output, lflce f a t e f u l struggle was delib- Belle Rosenthal the hope that both England and the Jews in America and initiated a camSarah Riseman Laura Givot a l l o t h e r form of production in ; h i s j e brought about b Jewish Zionists will recognize the claim of paign for the creation of a large fund f treat ; * • . intriguing . . _ . • • -for _ ^^ U,T. Martha Weinstein Mary Maizel great nlant, plant, must must be be intrusted to other _agejits •France upon the Holy places, in Pal- with which to assist the great mass the „„„ accomplishAnnette Fanger . Bay Abraitis hands; and it may be expecting too ment of Jewish purposes. Rose Siegel Mary Margolin estine. . . of Ukrainian Jewry which fled for much of an overworked department to " I do not insult my Jewish fellow- Esther Katleman Ann Selico safety and now finds itself stranded produce all these fierce becuddlings citizens by pretending to believe that Dorothy Gilinsky Evelyn LevyRose Faier Esther Brodkey A UNIQUE SERVICE in various parts, chiefly 'Bessarabia, of the Jews every week and accept an this fantastic charge needs refutation. Ethel Reuben Laura Fogel •,.. Galicia and Poland proper. The chief The unique service, the first of its order to pftve that there is anything I refer to it only ^thatl may^ voice Libby Minkin Dina Schall kind to be held in the country, was speaker of the evening was the Vienna in the product but persecution any my indignant protest against the in- Belle Siegel Anna Baskin held at the First Baptist Church, .of Chief Rabbi Dr. Chajes who gave a poppy-cock. Gertrude Gilinsky Ivy Siegel famous charge. . . ' . . ' Emily Radman Ruth Levy Rochester, . N. Y., Sunday evening, horroring description of the, actual "But the challenge of a maligned Bess Felsen Blanche Levywhen the topic "Judaism and Chris- condition of Ukrainian refugees as he people is direct, undodgeable stuff for Ann Greenberg Sadie' Grawoig France Does Not Desire Feisal at tianity — Their Great Agreements," has found them front personal study all that. Henry Ford is not so useful Gertrude Cooper Helen Robinson London Conference* , was discussed by Dr. E. J. Haaley, and experience. The meeting was aland successful in his day and generaSophye Weinstein Nettie Smith Clara Lewis London. (J. T. Agency.) It is Sarah Ruback pastor of First Baptist Church, and so addressed by Dr. Shmarya Levine tion that he can afford to ignore it. Riva Gilinsky • ,.- \ Ray Goodrich Rabbi Horace J. Wolf, of Temple and Rabbi Masliansky. "He should come out into the open stated in well-informed • circles that Bess Stalmaster Sarah Abrams owing to opposition on the part of the B'rith Kodesh, at a fellowship service and justify his .bitter and sweeping Sarah Segelman .Fannie Ruback of the two congregations. . J. D. C. Workers Meet in Conference assaihnent of the rectitude of his French representatives Eiriir Feisal's The Senior Hadassah members sponJewish fellow citizens or close down request to participate in the Allied \ at Paris. Dr. Hanley presented a Christian soring the tea were: Mrs. J..B. Robinforever this department of the activ- London Conference has been refused. view of the Od Testament and Rabbi Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Leading however, is said to son, Mrs. "A. W. Weiss, Mrs. S. Robin- Wolf presented a Jewish view of the workers of the Joint Distribution comities when he resumes maximum pro- The conference have decide1 to allow some other re- son, Mrs. B. Handler, Mrs. A. Diamond, New; Testament. The combined choirs mittee are to meet at a conference to duction in all the rest of his works. "Or the time is liable to come when j presentative to appear in J>ehalf of Mrs. A. Romm, Mrs. M. Tuchman, of the two congregations sang under be held in this city within the next Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Mrs. B. Epstein. he will need something ' less than j King Husien. the direction of Norman Nairn, organ- few days. The conference will be The "Daily Herald, on the other maximum.production to satisfy^ the ist at Berith Kodesh. participated in" among others by Dr. demand for his products. Stranger hand, states that Feisal will be ad, Big Affair^ Planned. ' " This service which promises to be Bogen, Dr. Plotz, Dr. Rosenblatt, M. things have happened in the history mitted at the Allied Conference. The Junior Welfare Organization of unusual interest resulted from a Landesco and M. Gans. ? >of mixing wholesale insultings with will hold a meeting, Sunday afternoon sermon which Dr. Hanley preached JEW EXECUTED FOB MURDER. March <?, at the club rooms in the some time ago on "Jew and Christian," wholesale manufacturing." Churchill will Visit Budget After Visit to Near East. ^ Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Jew Lyric building at three o'clock . Full and a subsequent invitation from London., (J. T. Agency. 1 Speaking Notorious Palestine Outlaw Killed. Parixerberg was recently executed on report of the dance will be given by bi Wolf to preach, in his pulpit* In the committee in charge. , acknowledging the courtesy Dr. Han- ir. the House of Commons, Winston London., (J. T. Aency.) The Pales- a charge of murder. ley suggested as an alternative, that Churchill, the new colonial secretary, It is said that the social and entertic • police rounded up 'the notorious a joint service be held at First Bapoutlaw Abdul Hadikaha, according ,to Jewish University in, Poland Closed. tainment committee has not -been idle tist Cuhrch at which both Dr. Hanley declared that he .would submit before parliament budgets for Mesopotamia Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.), The Jew- and that they have prepared a very Jerusalem advices. He was shot derd and Rabbi Wolf should speak. pnd Palestine on his return from interesting and entertaining program. in the effort. Hadikaha was one of ish Teachers University recently open-'• "The service for Sunday evening was Egypt and Palestine A "number of All girls, fourteen years or older, who ed in Tchenstochov with the permisthe worst / ^ " ^ outlaw^leaders in the Chen arranged, and both congregations country and for many years was the sion of the Minister of Education, has! are interested in social service are joined in an effort to effect a deeper members in the House of -Commons recently voiced their- protest against most cordially invited to attend this terror of many Jewish colonies. He been closed by,the district- superunderstanding of the relation, between the transference of Mesopotamia and meeting and add, their names to this wps overtaken near the colony of intendent because Yiddish has been the Jewish and Christian faith. Palestine to the colonM office, organization ^ . . .„ , employed as a medium-for instruction. Zichron-Jaeob.

Henry Ford and Bis Kind are Traitors to the United States, Says John Spargo

Junior Hadassah Unit Is Organized Sere



SUBSCRIPTION PKICE, % TEAR, $1.50. Vienna Seeks to Expel 5<MH)0 Jews. Paris. (J. T. Agency.) It was learned that there are 50,000 Jews in Vienna who are officially registered as aliens and are threatened with expulsion. The expulsion if effected would resemble the historic expulsion of the Jews from Spain. The matter of these expulsions is now before the Minneapolis Rabbi to Make Principal Address in Membermeeting of the Council of the League snip Campaign. of Nations, and Austria's contentions are defended by the local representaThe big gun in the Zionist membertive Eichoff and the Austrian Minister Tarnocsy, the author of the expulsion ship campaign in Omaha will be fired movement who came here for that Tuesday night, March S, with a mass meeting under the auspices of the purpose. local Zionist organization. The principal speaker will be Rabbi S. N. Deinard of Minneapolis, who proved a big hit at the annual meeting of the Jewish Welfare Federation held sometime ago. Rabbi Deinard is an ardent Zionist and is known the country over for his Wisconsin Solons Pass Resolu- speeches on the Zionist question. tions Against Flivver King; The meeting will start at 8 p. m. :NebraskamSrBeiiberate. and will be held in the large hall on the fourth floor of the Lyric building. WhHe the Nebraska legislature is The 'public is invited by the Zionist deliberating on the proposed general organization to attend the meeting libel bill, which, if passed, will put a and hear Rabbi Deinard, stop to the circulation of Henry Ford's The Zionist drive here is being held anti-Jewish propaganda in the state, in connection with the National Wisconsin, Ford's home state, officially condemned Ford's attack on the ROBBERS'ATTACK Jews. : ]STOTED JEWISH SCHOLAR The senate and house of representaNew York. (J-*T. Agency.) Dr. Wiltives of Wisconsin last week passed the following resolution shortly after fred P. Kotkov, professor of philothey received c opies of the "Inter- sophy at the Jewish Theological Semnational Jew" which is being sent to inary in this city was held up by four all legislatures by Ford and his galaxy robbers and so seriously beaten up that he is not expected to live. of Jetf-baiters: Dr. Eotkov was making his wayJOINT RESOLUTION home to Woodhaven, a Brooklyn subRelating to race propaganda. urb, when he was attacked. Dr. KotWhereas, the legislature of the state kov was a graduate of the University of Wisconsin recognizes that propa- of Pennsylvania. He is married and ganda .of race hatred is detrimental to has two children. the peace and welfare of the state, and, Jewish Immigrants Held Up Whereas, the greatness of this «HSS>When Ticket Money Stolen try rests upon tolerance of race and Paris- Two hundred and fifty Jewcreed es voiced by the fathers of this ish immigrants on their way to Amcountry in the Declaration of Inde- erica have been held up at Cherbourg pcndeijce, and, la unusual circumstances. The secrer Whereas, certain ifufeHc men are try- tary of the Paris branch of the Aming to stir-up, rsce sad ericss;: society^ fee*' "the protectj©ffr oli iiamigrants handed to '* clerk sained Whereas, '-the -existence of suck in- Florian, in the employ of a Paris firm tolerance in this country has been of transport agents, 800,000 francs in brought home to the members of this cash to pay for the railway and steamlegislature through the free distribu- ship tickets required for the party. tion of a pamphlet called "The Inter- When the immigrants reached Chernational Jew," now, therefore, be it bourg it. was discovered that ail the Resolved, that the legislature o£ the tickets were forged, and the shipping state of Wisconsin put itself on record company refused to allow" the immias declaring that loyal citizens of Wis- grants to embark. Instructions were •consin find anti-race propaganda in telegraphed to Cherbourg by the minany form distasteful and that snch ister of., the interior directing that propaganda seeks to undermine the members of the party shall be providfoundations of tolerance which gave ed with food and shelter until the cost this country its birth, and -which were the most powerful factors in con- of their passages has been paid. The police are seaching for Florian. tributing to its greatness.

Rabbi Deinard to

.-Zionist Meeting Here by

American Products Show Wei! in ' Palestine Importations London. (J. T. Agency.) Figui'cs available show that Palestine imported goods during last December to the amount of 5o9,000 Egyptian pounds. During the same period, the exports amounted to 67,795 - pounds. 160.000 pounds worth of goods came from Great .Britain, 75,385 pounds worth BUND LEADER HONORED from the United States, 41,000 from New York. (J. C. B. Service.) .Quite India and 85,000 pounds worth of ima crowd turned out to greet Vladimir ports from Egypt. the first public meeting he has addressed in this country. B. Cooperative Store Will Aid Striking Vladick, manager of the New York Tailons Forward, presided End the speakers, New York. (J. €. B. Service.) Anincluded Abraham Cahan, editor of noimcement "was. made by the Amalthe Forward, Joseph Sliosberg, Benjamin Schlesinger and Dr. Hoffman, gamated "Clothing Workers of America all of whom- spoke in praiseworthy that 6 one million dollar corporation terms of the great Bundist leader. is being formed for the purpose of In responding Medem explained that relieving the sixty thousand clothing his chief mission in this country was workers in this city who are at presto gather funds for the Bund, he be- ent without employment. It was also ing particularly interested in sus- stated that a cooperative eiore for the taining the Bund publication now especial use of the striking workers had been established appearing in Poland. Pogrom Editor in Poland Freed. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The courts at Tchenstenchov fre-Vthe editor of "Gazetta Tchenstochova" who was being prosecuted at the instance of the Jewish community for instigating the last pogrom which took place in that city.

Private Meeting Hears Reports. . • . London. (J. T. Agency.) Nineteen members of the Greater Actions committee now present in this city met at a private meeting and heard reports from Dr. Heinzman about the general political situation. In the course of his report Mr. Sokolo% stated that negotiations with French representatives regarding definite changes in the Palestine frontiers were still in progress. Emigrants from America Not Allowed to Land in France. Paris. (J. C. B. Service.) The French authorities at Marseilles refused to permit the landing there of a number of Russians and Italians who returned from America on the "Patria," according to a dispatch from that city.

UKRAINIAN REFUGEES IN ITALIAN PORTS Paris. <J. C. B. Service.) A report received by the local office of the Jewish Central World Relief Committee shows that large numbers of Ukrainian Jewish refugees are stranded in Naples and other Italian ports. Most of them are there in an effort t& reach Palestine, The Committee It sending out a representative to Italy to organize relief for them and permanent committees to help them iroceed on their journey. Jews to Aid Poland in Silesian Plebiscite., * Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) The Jewish community of Warsaw has issued an a: *>oal for the support of Poland's claims in Upper Siiesia according to a dispatch from that city. ^ ..... ^








TORY RULE IN POLANI> STILL JEWS IN THE WORLD WAR age of population.- The nufit^T the' been sporadic instances of anti-Cath- founded by race or religion. Tolerance Jews in New York to Join the Marine olic associations, founded upon the of race and religion is ona of the esFOMENTING MURDER OF JEWS : . Judge Robert S. Marx, of the Sti- Carps was phenomenal! A Jew was fear, carefully cultivated, that the sential factors in Americanism, He i every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska;. by. who persecutes Socially or politically Editorial in Neigr York American perior Court of Cincinnati, recently the most; daring pilot in the aviation Roman Catholic church was going to THE JEWISH' PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. destroy, our government. The new or otherwise his neighbor because of delivered; an address in the temple of corps in France. * '•..••... MOEEIS:E. JACOBS, Manager: , ' ' The- "Provisional: Organization of the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation,] "Another Jew led his squadron anti-Semitic campaign is child of the difference in religious views denies the Office;?. Four,A Baird $ldg.—Telephone; Doug. 2372. the American, Jewish Congress" has in the course of which he' set forth, across the German frontier and same sort of unreasoning suspicion, Americanism which he always claims sent a committee to Washington to. the part of the American Jew ih the* brought down three planes- Captaini giving birth it appears by a western is Bis impulse. .$1.50 Subscription one confer with the Polish Minister conp World War and paid: a well deserved Schwab of New York was the tha-d periodical seeking circulation by sencerning the* outrages committed upon Advertising. rates furnished on application. tribute, to. his bravery. ~| American ace. Of tEe Seventy-second sation. It is absurd. The Jews of NOT- PRINTED FOR ..PERSQNAL PROFIT -7 Profits from "the the Jewish peope in Poland. ~" Judge Marx served as captain, cat Division, the fightingr -division, over America-are ss loyal and patriotic as pablication of yTEe'Jewish-Press are to be g®en to worthy communal Forbears it was always claimed that the French front. The day before the r fifty per cent were Jews. The.-'Cost •any o£ the: many stocks that make ip causes. . ''-. ••--.• ;* ;,\-'-" 1 the «Tewish pogroms in Russia^Aiistria armistice he received fourteen wounds Battalion/ which stood three days our population. l and Germany were the result of prej- by the explosion of a shell and was agaihst German attacks and which Devotion to that patriotic composite OF ADI)HBSS-r?leasB- s>Te'-both tire: old'and new address: bo sura udices of ignorant' peasants, uncon- officially declared dead in the reports. had to cut its way out, was recruited we define as Americanism is not sign name. . trolled and ^uncontrollable by the He _ was for several months in the almost entirely from East Side Jews government. During that period, hospital before he was able to return in New York." however, the men who opposed auto- home. THE EVIL - . cratic government in those three counIn its thirtieth rear. v - Anti-Semitic Propaganda tries were telling th^" world that the Judge Marx said in part: For educated "jro-men inS fcfrb. These are times when 'it-behoove!** be higher? Let us> then, take this explanation given by the autocracies "There werca quarter of- a million (Syracuse (N.Y.) Daily Standard,') BAY SESSIONS: us Jews in America to sternly set our lesson to heart. Let some large of Russia, Austria nd Germany was of Jews who-served in the American ...-'Years ago the fear that Masons" 8:30 "A. M. to 1:00 P. K. representative Je^wisK organization of Army, Navy and Marine Corps. This false, and that; these governments faces against"any evil doer in ounr. were moving secretly to steal our libClassen formed flnrt Monday midst,T or even against any-occasion, or every community turn a searchlight themselves excited the ignorant prej- is a *-*"iarkable showing when we re- erties away was strong enough to ot each month. temptation for any o n e i n o u r mi^st on every hook and'corner where there udices "of the peasants and set them call that the Jew is only three per cent create a political party. There have EVEKXNO SESSIOKSJ to do eviL It is a sad comni'entaTy is grotmdfor suspicion that some one on to thef Jews for'the purpose of of our population. By over twelve per (Mondays ana Thm | 6^0 to 8:00 on our present position,in the.worfd of our own is engaged in some course: having a scapegoat on which the peas- cent, we saw service in the most danGIRL WANTED. New dssseB formefl first «u« tWrd in this twentieth: century and on the of action- or. condudt, be it civic or ants could vent their wrath, that had gerous arm of the service^—the infanH» OsofT Cigar and Candy Store. Mondays ot each month. attitude of the so-called enlightened'; commercial, that wilt bring him into been aroused by evil social and econ- try. We supplied a percentage of vol506 South Tenth Street. Omaha National Bank BUg. portion of humaiiity towards us'i that conflict • -with the- law. Let us use omic and political conditions f qr which unteers far in excess of our percentBUSKS BMJMQ 00. every lawful ;means to bring pressure we should labor under such a necesthe Czar and the two Emperors were him responsible. sity. "We know that : at any time "and to "bear upon.' sucfi aVohe'to make Omaha's 1 ' Newest andT Fittest Eqalped in any country we Jews have never de£ust.> Let no Jew be ecfinecteo with Had Selfish Motive Batb-House. had a proportionately larger number any questionable line of business. The Jewish pogrom was merely the Baths, Msssag* Hot Packs, ElecSho&Ld such a one refuse to heed our of wrong doers, criminals - or;, lawtric Treatment, Inhalatorium. breakers, than any other group; that denuurd; then,complete ostxaciso, and digging by-the three autocratic govon the contrary, certain Mnds of crim- silent excommunication. from our ernments of a canal through the bodinality, especially crimes of violence, midst would be as severe a punish- ies of the poor Jews in which the ris•were- at one time so rare in our midst, ment for such a one as the taw could ing tide Of resentment by the people CSONCANNON BEOS, Props. as to be entirely, unnoticed. We also ever inilict. At leasts we should then against government-made conditions ^ 1401 Fatnsm SW Basement know that the evil doers of any other have doi\e our dut%- our duty to our- "could flbw off safely to the governEntrance. ment. ^ group are individually branded as such selves* ttvjhe n ^ B Jew. Telephones Trier 57S1 The absolute cessation of all Jewand no reflection is cast by them upon I t is in^liiio witfi this duty "and: this OMAHA. NEB. the group to which they-belong, and necessity'that we inust urge our peo- ish progroms, under the Revolutionary no one tries to brand the entire group* ple>.even- the most orthodox, to de- Russian government, proved what the for their wrongs. We also know that- clare to our ; government that "we do Liberals had maintained, that the atwhatever offense a Jew may be guilty, not wish to avail ^ourselves of the tacks on the Jews were not inevitable 5uiuiuHn!nuuuinnimuuuinuiHHii!iiuuininniinnnniniinnnnnimt£i:ii!S!!« of is due entirely to his individual privilege of using1 fannented-wine for on account of the ignorance and prejr. o. B. ST. LOUIS. inherited talent or to the influence of sacramental ^purposes. Pure, unfer- udice of the poor peasants but were the. environment 4n which he lieves— mented grape-juice wSll answer the the result firstv of creating conditions MGHT ENOUGH FOE ECONOMY the same influence that produces of- purpose just as well. , The temptetion which they resented and then binding fenders in any other group, and not Js always there for some one to abuse them to $he Jews with a false cry that HEAVY ENOUGH FOK EOADIBILTIT to fact that; he is a Jew or of Jewish ^he privilege, and again to reflect dis- they were responsible. It is alFariaSMALL ENOUGH FOR BUSINESS descent. If, for instance, a Jewish credit upon us. It is in line with this tion of the old cry of "Stop Thief*' BIG ENOUGH FOE SOCIAL AFFAIES youth develops into gangster and duty to ourselves at the present time raised by the thief himself sgsinst an innocent bystander. , •SEATS FIVE AfJULTS WITHOUT CROWDING gunman> it is for the same reasons not to take any Jews against = lllllltlUlIUlllIUlIUllHUllIIUIHIIIltliniiniUUIUUIUlIlHtlUHilillllUUI = that youths of other groups, be they any 'blue" laws that the so-called re^ A BETTER CAR AT A LOWEE W1CB Controlled by Great Landlords Yanke§, Irish, Scandinavian, Dutch formers of our country wish to see Now Poland is controlled by her or Italian, at the present time become enacted. Every Jew has an individual greathmdlords. When her people first gangsters and hold-tip artists..- Time and. as a citizen may Join any organchose "there government they chose a was when a youthful Jewish high-, ization, civic or political, that •will liberal government. But those who '"'" Prepare your btmdlis wayman was the rarest bird imagin- fight with fair means against such, Farnam &t the Boulevard. ' dominate the League of Nations forcable We Jews are riot responsible, legislation. But let us not do so- as shoes, Tonderwear, food, soap, towds, Hotay Serrice. Fhtmei Earner 0868, at least, .no more than other groups, Jews. Let us put no weapon into the ed" the liberal government to resign cotton and medicaments. Exhibitors in Oma&a^s Sitccr/ih Ammal for the conditions -under which we at; hands of our enemies to be used and put a reactionary- government under the domination of the great the present time live. • against us. Show, Bferdi 14th to 19th. Jewish Peoples' Belief Committee landlords in its place. This is the Mnd But the fact remains that as soon: / If all our fellow-citizens were fair of government which always manages of Omaha "will call- upon you during the as a Jewish\name appears in print in to us, if they judged us w^ifcout malice to have Jewish pogroms, and this govmonth of March* . connection with any crime or law- or prejudice,; we should be under no ernment has been running true to vidlation, we all hang our heads in such restraint. Bu8 they are not fair form. The Polish peasants and workCall any of the' following telephone _ghame and grief; f,or we know what to us, and malice and prejudice against men are as fine a people as there are mumbers and your bundle will be colour enemies say,' and what capital us are spreading. By insisting-too in the world. They are not natural!:/ strongly bsv. every Tight and every lected and forwarded to help the inthey'in&ke of it,against us. Does i t brutal or unjust, and under a liberal not seem as if a Divine Wisdom is: liberty we shall harm not only our- government they will be just as fair nocent victims of^ thus teaching's the wholesome lesson selves, but also those unfortunate to the Jews as the Russian peasants that' it is not enough that we. Jews : thousands who are longingly taming a r e t o d a y . ' ; . . . " Harney 160& Harney 6118 as a group are as good as any other their gaze toward this country as Is not it a Mttle interesting and sinWebster 0289 Webster 2734 group, but that we must be better their future haveif of refugee—S«' N. gular that the United States govern* Webster 1076 Webster 6059 and that our average morality must t D., in American Jewish World. ment under ^Vilson, and the British and French^ governments, Which have had the power to compel poor Poland Tel.: Done. 336!^ Eve.: -Wtt>.\822J JEWISH CHRISTIAN go to war when she had not bread UNITEB UPHOLSTERY CO. to t \ '' ^SCIENTISTS. enough to feed her population on-a Furniture Repairing an£ UpholsterI t is a curious fact that the Jewish peace basis, which had power to comUnder arrangements of the ing. We Repair Automobile followers of this cult are recruited not pel her people to leave their factories Cushions. ' front the orthodox wing of Jewry, but and their farms where they had begun ES, this is a Studeb&lcer 701 Xo. 16th St. tODIS SH.TEKMAS rather from the reform wing. Not a once more to produce wealth! and to year—and it is public single/follower conies from-that eletake up on the battlefield wealth and demand that makes it so. ment which had a rational and praclife-destroying implements, is it not 1 At their present prices Studetical training-and lived- in the atmosbaker cars are the best values Harry H, "Lapldua. Pres.-Treas. I interesting and singular' that these ! Jos. Pepper, Vlce-Erealdent.. • I great powers, Mr. Wilson, France and phere^of a practical Jewish life. Not on the market today. We doW. G. TIM? Secretary. 1 one^Hebrew-reading* Jew can be found England, have not had power to comnot ask you merely to take our among, those parlor scientists who word for it. Just make rigid Omaha Fixture &s jj pel Poland to stop murdering and) plundering her Jews? 1 jJiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiuuMiiiiiiiiiiiimiuuniHmiiiiuimininiuinnniiJiiHiunin' occasionally talked Judaism without .comparisons, point by point, of - Supply Co. _ I ^Sttidebafcer cars with other cars practicing it. Of course, those who COMPLKTE STORE AND | seffing h u n d r e d s of dollars "have a xahnudic knowledge and are OFFICE OUTFTTTEES higher in price, and we will be -• versed in Hebrew literature are en- I: "*"' , W j occupy satisfied with your judgment. tirety impervious to these mental vag- ' over 70,000 square feet •aries. In this respect w e ^ a y compare Soufhtrest Corner . S t n d e b a t e r manufactures the followers of the Christ cult to the Eleventh and Douglas Streets. -k .-» Phone: Dontrias 2724 B completely in its own factories J early Chassidists, who™ were ajso reOMAHA. NEB. I v its drop forgings, castings, crulfed from the so-called Am* Haarafcstampings, motors, axles, trans•>.Vzka class. Beform1 rabbis should exI WISH TO ANNOUNCE,TO %TY CtlSTOlffiRS AND missions, steering gears, springs, ; amine into this'little; fact, and "they bodies, tops, fenders, and other will: probably find some leak in their ^ F R I E N D S THAT I HAVE MOVED- FEOM.v vital parts—thereby eliminating ism- which leads to their inefital aber^ 0t:."•. 512 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. TO middlemen's profits and abration: Gf course, as a physician I solutely controlling" qualiiy. can find no other reason if or this m Omaha Real Estat* strange phenomenon of Jewish recruits into this cult than the rational 'exr dur expert feao-wledge o'f Real Estate values is your planation of a week, susceptible menguarantee that any Ueal Estate business transacted through^ Ground Floor,of the Baird Building tality which leads" to some form of our office is a satirfactoiy, tr^asaetion;, *-unsanifcy. They are -mental myopes Seventeenth Street Suie, Between Dtmglas •whose range of spiritual vision, is be' - • • r, --r-. - -.. and Dodge Streets. ^ ' low par. Those Jew^ or rather Jewesses, with whom I happened to come All- Einda of Insnrancc. , , in* contact all have a decided fieurotic IN CONJUNCTION WITH MY PRINTING I HOW . stigmata bordering on hysteria; They -i &3>$ client of ours will tell^yotr ttiaf they get conscienCARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF STATIONERY , • ar& ignorant of Judaism. OnGhodoxy tiufr eervice when we are looKng dfter Itheir insurance ' — AND OFFICE SUPPLIES. they da pot understand, reform they es ' \" do not appreciate, th& principles of When^ you placef your insurance invbur hands, all your -Christian science they never read>*but worry about loss or expirations is forever eliminated. You are cordially welcome at mynewlocgtiott, j - . they talk and have been misled to talk / o n mental healing, physical suggesand visit with me, tion and rflagneBBm, not knowing: that mental healing,nsesmerism and animal magnetism' arc not Christian science; '•• Jg:_,; • ,Iii^ our Buildhig- Jlanagement department, we havej an To\be a- Christian Scientist one most -£j^ an efficient organization to -take care of your property a f be a Christian first, a firm believer i s " T. the smallest cost and increased returns on your investment. the Master Jesus r and a steadfast x follower .of Mrs. Eddy. I can apprfr-; ciate-the mind of a Jewish agnostic, ' a Jewish,ath'eist, but the state of mind ii t:: 118 SQ. 17TH STREET. PHONE: DOUGLAS O??0. 'Phone: Harney 0676. 2550-56 Farnam Street. . Heal Estate, Investments, Insonm^e, Building Management of 3? Jewish Christian scientist will beai; no rational analysis.—Drv Aiferon, ^ Satraders-Kenncdy Building / In in' Medical1 Re18th an* DoojiJas Sts. _ \ Phone: Tyler 3160. '


I Van Saul


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Paxtcn Hotel Tur&h Paths














.^^_>«_ _ ^ _



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_ _ _




_ ^









m»Hl»t#t v









118 SoutK Seventeenth Street
























HAVE KIDS PARTY These pictures were taken on board j Y. M. H. A. WANTS MEMBERS { Dn and Mrs. Philip Sher invite their REALISTIC SCENES IN ' XI '• It is said that even /little _ "Mary At a meeting" o l the Ydetes clab of j friends to attend: the confirmation "THE GREATEST LOVE" one of the large transatlantic' Knelt o , o thetY. W. H. A held, on March-1, the Thursday, ..February 2 % the Thor-i M & a P ' ' a t t d "Percy Archibald WilA membership campaign has been'ceremony of their son, David Herzli and the emigrants which the audience When Ellis Island disgorges its . semi-annual election of officers •was peians played: the- Weinbefg team a t liams,'i the deacon's son, were present launched' by the members of vhe ' which will take pla£e en Saturday, hundreds of emigrants at .the Battery see, stolidly watching the camera one ofthe most spec- at the kids Jparty given SatQrday. eve- Aleph Y of the Y; M. fi; A., tomorning;, March 5, at ten- o'clock at entrance to New "York City, there man take the necessary shots,. act held;. The" following were elected: Fremont and in ; President, Sarah Goldman; vice-presi- tacular, gamea ever, seen on the local ning, February 25, at the club rooms secure twenty-five more members to the B*nai: Israel Synagogue, Eight* is always a crowd of neverjaded so naturally simply because they are. dent; Y«rda: Jacobsen-; • secretary^Belle\ floor, the Thorpeians defeated their in the Lyric building by the Yoking fill the membership quota of seventy-] teenth and Chicago streets. No.invit- New Yorkers curiously watching the not acting at all, with the exception, Siegel; treasurer, Rose Faier; report- opponents 31-24. Paul Konecky ex- Judea Seni6r CJub, five. There are at present fifty ations have- been issued. foreign, fantastically garbed people of course, of the two little playeift, hibited some-wonderful basket-shoot- lliss Susanna Fairchiia, personified; [members in the Club and on account er, Betty Fine; " sergeant-at-arms, from strange lands. In "The. Great- Bobbie Connelly, and Dot Williams. a s ^ »~&™"r "'«™ > | ing by making seven successive Fong! by-BoSe Minlcin wasi "ifis^cbeas" o£ of the good work .that has been carried 1 Sarah"— est Love," coming to the Rial to Thear Vera Gordon^ the, noted portrayer BIG DRAMATIC PICTURE. ; membership commit. * . *. ^ ^ „ * , the private school for child** **A T h e m f i mt f n f > tee, Iva Siegel, Minnie Eisenstadt, shots. The game was fast through- the private school for children, and pn; by the members,—the, limited A photoplay of tremendous force tre. starting March 6th5 the audience i of "Mother" in- "Hwmoresque," has , . Mr. Schaefer was "superintendent," quota was raised" to seventy-five. Eose Siegel, Margaret Eiekes, Jennie out. arid sweeping action is "The Inside ftas--an. opportunity to see not only the starring role ia "The Greatest Friedman; constitutional committee', • Saturday, February 26, the Thor- but owing to the unruly-behavior of At the meeting held Monday night of the Cup(" a Paramount picture this picturesque scene, but are also Love," which was matle under the Gertrude Levine, Berta Newma, Keva peians played a preliminary gaide to the pupils, he Was forced to resign, 'at the club robins in the Lyric build{which comes to* the Strand Theatre given generous,glimpses of the sur-airection of Henry Kolker. Other Gilinsky, Esther Cherniss, Iibby Min- the American Legion-Gothenburg con- The "c£?Mren" played "ring-around- ing, the members voted to htve .many i Sunday, March 6th. I t is a pictar- roundings 'of the emigrants on board | prominent ylapsrs In the cast are ken. Installation will be held at the test. The. Thorpeian's opponents the-Tosy," jumping rope and "Theinteresting features on the program ship, whiling. away the time with ; Hugh HimtlfijF, Sally, Crute, Donald were a bunch of pick-ups consisting Earmer-in-th-Dell." Lollipops, ice for the ensuing1 year, among these ; ization of Winston Churchill's famous song and dance. next meeting, March 15. I Hall and Bertram Marburgh. of several class "A" players, two of^reain cones and animal crackers will: first;-be the installation of the,and widely discussed novel of the which were William Usher and Rus- were served as, refreshments and each officers that were elected at the ; same name the publication of which The regular monthly dance for. sell Snygg of. the Bowen Furniture •"youngster" teas presented- with- a '. in 1913 provoked- a. world-wide conPHONE: BOUGLAS 2103. members of the Y. M. & Y. W. H: A. baslsetball aggregation. The score at Kewpie- doll. ' Each child said he had meeting. ^londay night. A large troversy. banquet will be held for all the was held February 22 and was in the the end of the first half was 11-4 in the "bestest time." members Monday evening, March 7, The story is dramatic, the action, nature of a George Washington partyj f a v p r o f t h e « s c r u b » t e a m , I n ^ be _ thrilling and the love interest centerat the club rooms. More than-125 young-men and women gamung of the: second half the-opponing upon a Rector and Settlement The "Half and Half Bridge Club" officers attended. Patriotic favors, filled with ents made two baskets-,- raising- the met. Sunday-evening at the hotae of i worker, exceedingly appealing. candy, were distributed as souvenirs. score? 15.-4; Fromthen the Thorpeians i Mr. andiMrs. Julias Newman. Twelve for the ensuing term:. Fred White, PRINTING president; - George Givot, vice-presCQHPANY were in'' the' spotlight.^ Suddenly members were present arid prizes were ident; J. Klapper, secretary; N The X. T. C. Club will meet at. the awakening to the score, the Thorpei- won by Mr. and Mrs. Jerrv^ Chasson. Levinson and Sam Green, sergeantY. M. H. A. rooms on next Tuesday, ans started playing like* whirlwinds !~ — at-arms; Nathan E. Green, reporter. March 8. • and^in the lasfc few minutes the Jew- J Mrs". Abner Kaiman entertained six- , The- second entertainment for the CHIROPbDIST AND BEAUTY ish team held their, opponents to tha • teen guests at bridge a t her home benefit of the members of the Aleph SHOP. < -The Girls' Gym. Class of,the Y, W.lS-poin^and tiismselves raisedtheir; "Wednesday afternoon. y Established 1SM> Y will b a private dance for members H. A. is organizing a volley ball team, 4 to a 15. Just before the whistle j . IStb and Barney. ponela* 13S3. and their friends. All members are which will play a — ~ies of games with blew, the Thorpeians\eged,a basket,! t C O S E t,£AF CEVPCB8 the Girls' Community league, team. winning from ah all-star team by the The Council of Jewish Women an-' requested to be present at the Try-outs for the team will be held on , , nounce a Council Sabbath on-March. banquet, Monday flight, March 7, SC0 ^! °^ 17 " 15 ." ' » « ' . . A ' - I . ' ^ 9 » "* hen special services will take 1 ' ' : Tuesday evening, March 8. Lambda Sigma Meet The J ^ < T O n ^Webc ^ ^ , place at Temple Israel. changed its club rooms from the A meeting of tha Lambda Sigma was The Beth^El Social- Club will give a Swedish Auditorium to. the.Patterson dance Sunday. evening, March 6, a'tBlock, third floor, Seventeenth and The Priscilla Club met Tuesday af- ' h e l d -a t Pauline - SelicoWs home, "Eelpine Dancing, Academy. A prize Farnain streets. This is the studio of ternoon with Mrs. Sam Rosenberg Thursday, February 24. The new when the afternoon was devoted to member admitted.into the club is will be the best waltzer.. the Meisner school and is considerably <—_ larger and more.up-to-date, affording literature, different authors-being dia-( Hymm cunssed at at each each meeting. meeting. At The Ladles' Golden Hill-Society will ._a meeting °.-i. i J dance j._r>^ , cunssed At one-off nno o-f-!. The l n e members of. the club voted to place and "floorthe recent meetings, Mfs. S. H. Schae- j donate SlO^to the_g*ee Loan Fund. ._give a card party a t the Blackstone hotel Wednesday afternoon, April 27. Tha club gave a private dance a t The Sisterhood has adopted a Ser- fer read her essay which received honthe Clef Club. The out-ofHans^om Park* -Thursday, March 3, bian orphan and are awaiting a photoThere will be a special patriotic graph of the child. The Sisterhood < t o w n ^ s t s - w e r e Mrs. B. Millstone ^ ^ e members and their friends. llia musi service in celebration" of the inaugural J . ^ ^ s e n ( j 7 2 a year, the t^e ccost f w a s furnished by ,the o s t tto o care care ! of St. Louis and Mrs. Nate Bernstein * a year, Lambda Sigma orchestra. of President Harding at Temple Israe£; £ o r ' these chfldren during that of Missouri Valley. Friday evening, March A, when j; Tho Sisterhood of Temple Israel will Eabbi Cohn's sermon will be "OnMrs. Sam Wertheimer entertained give- a luncheon followed by a card v ward America." _._ ! The Brotherhood of Temple Israel ft a luncBeon followed by bridge a t at ths vestry rooms of the will give its closing affair of the seal- ; her today. Temple,, Monday, March 7. » On Friday evening, March 11, Dr.son on Wednesday evening, March 30, i Cohn will celebrate his seventeenth when they will entertain the members Mrs. S. G. Saltzman leaves next anniversary as rabbi of Temple Israel. and their wives and- lady friends at week for Los Ar>geles to spend some Congregation Israel has a trifold cel- dinner followed by entertainment, at time with-her parents, Mr. and Mrs. x jebration this year, Rabbi Cohn's sev- the yestry rooms- of the Temple.. Samuel Adler and her Sisters and enteenth anniversary, his ' twentybrother, who will be remembered as fifth year as a rabbi, and the con- The Young Judes Council are plan-; former residents of Omaha, gregations fiftieth year as an organ- ning to include a play, "Queen! ized Temple. Esther" besides other attractions in-' The Sisterhood is planning a Parim ENTIRE WEEK 1 its Purim entertainment. Masquerade dance to be given at the MARCH 6TH The Wise Memorial Hospital will Blackstone hotel. hold exercises of the nurses' gradua- Both divisions of thek Daughtera of tion at Temple Israel, Thursday eve- Zion will meet Sunday, March "6, jit Mr. and Mrs. M r A. Wolowitz, who ning, April 21. ^ _• _ » the club rooms. The "Mother"-of "Humoresque" have been visiting with -Mrs. Wolo-raMr. and Mrs. A. M. Lesser, who The Fairies of Zion will meet Sun- witz' sister, Mrs. Philip Wolfson, and Dr. Wolf son at Miami, Florida, rehave been visiting -with their daugh- day, March 6, at' the: home- of Rose. ter, Mrs. Henry Monsky, and Mr.Mandel at Twentieth, and Burt streets. turned to Omaha Tuesday. ~ Directed by Henry Eolker Monsky, left Tuesday for their home Picturized by E. J. Montagne. in California, accompanied by little Mrs. J . J. -Friedman entertained A picturization ,of the BUY SAFE - m """ Joy snd Hubert Monsky. Mrs. Mons- Tuesdayafternoonfor hec sister, Mrs. Omshs's Zitttgo&t ttttd oldest and newest thing ky will join them later. B. Millstone of St. Louis. ' M m YOU BUY JEWELRY Most Attractive Main





FR0M IIS, YOU "BUY SAFE" LOVE. The Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai In honor of the twelfth birthday of Our guarantee and our word is Brith entertained at a tea Wednes- her little granddaughter, Nora, P.erLday for Miss Flora Bienstock, winner mutter, Mrs.L F.annie. Fleishman, enter- as good, as a bond, We have satisfied hundreds of of the second prize in the recent tained twelve little girl friends afc a your friends. popularity contest of The .Jewisli surprise party last Sunday affernooni Press. Miss Bienstock was presented Pink color, decorations were: used and SUNDAY with an oriental lamp in appreciation Zena Perhnuttter, Sarah Fish, Pauline FROM ONE O'CLOCK of her efforts in behalf of the club. 1514 Dodge Street. Nogg and Fannie Levinson assisted; UNTIL TWO ONLY. -Phone: Donglas 5619 „ . , The gaests. were Nettie Cohen, Nellie m The Deborah Society will hold its •S n i t z e i . 7 j&tQ Ginsberg, Lucille Golregular meeting next Tuesday, March : d e n b e r g . I d a j ^ L a r s e i l ) E u t k K en, 8, at the club rooms in the Lyric build- |&s> H a j . r i e t Fleishman, Jeannette. ing, when a full report will be given Sherman, R>se Eosenstein and Sarah of the recent balL Important business will come up before the society. " Mr. Louis Blotcky returned Friday ^SUM>AY EVENING! MARCH 6TH. A daughter was' born to Mr. andfrom Kansas City- and- Excelsior Mrs. Harry Goldenstein of Chicago. Springs where he1 has been for the KELPINE ACADEMY Mrs. Goldenstein will be remembered past two weeks. given1 by the in Omaha as Miss Florence Holland. Mrs. M. S. Miller, who has been ill A son was born Thursday to he%v home, is now improved and and Mrs. Meyer Friedstein of Chicago.. able to be about." — Cash Prize Waltz Mrs. Sol Bergman, mother of Mrs. Brewers^-Jazz Orchestra. Admission 55c a person. Meyer Friedstein, will spend some Mrs. Julius Newman entertained the time with her daughter in*Chicago. ^Kensington club at her home ThursA new Young Judea Club for boys day afternoon,, February 24. 12 to 14 years inclusive has been organized. This club meets every other Mrs. Julius Weil and small son of OMAHA'S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES Sunday at the Y.--M. H. A. rooms.'The Lincoln are spending the week here next meeting will be held on Sunday, with Mrs. Weil's mother, Mrs. Carrie March 6, and it is desired that all Livingston. ! boys of these ages who would like to join, should attend. A fine program has been prepared. . " ,

Floor Stor*

Grand Symphony Concert"



The young Maccabees held a regular meeting Sunday, February 27, at the Y. M. H. A. rooms which time it was decided to reopen the club to n-iw members until the first of May, when the restriction will again J>e placed. Boys in the eighth grade or above, between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years are eligible to membership. The Intellectual Advancement Committee has arranged a special program and additional surprise for all present. _..

One Week Starting SUNDAY, MARCH 13, March 6th Rons for One Famous Players-I^sK^ Corporation N ^presents



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who give thongHtfol eoiisideratioa to the assemblage -of their wardfobes, will find ottr display interestiiig and profitable to choose from. " \ Nothing but.the most reliable makers' hats can find a place ia oar slKnr rooms. Insuring you of no style mistakes, no inferior quality or haphazard workmanship.

The bridge party to have been given by the Sisterhood of Temple Israel, Wednesday evening, Mareh 9, in the vestry rooms of the Temple'has been > From the Novel by postponed one week, or to Wednesday WINSTON CHURCHILL evening, March 16*, due Tto the card party and dance to be- given on March - PeridriaHy Directed by 9 by the Jewish Women's Welfare Albert Capeliani "Organization and the Junior Welfare Organization at the Blackstone. S A Cosmopolitan Production ;


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Lincoln News

BLUFFS NEWS Sent by our Council Bluffs Newa bureau. Committees of t h e various organizations i n .Councfl Bluffs l field a Meeting Monday night a t . the home >£ A. Gilinsky," 725 Mynster. s t r e e t at which plans were outlined for t h e sxtensive campaign for1* clothing t o assist in t h e "People's Belief campaign throughout t h e country. Letters "were sent to the homes of all Jewish people in Council Bluffs, requesting t h e m : tb^ gather their old clothing t o help clothe some naked child in: t h e war-stricken '•' countries of Europe. . ,, ' The campaign Tsras officially launched on March 1, and will continue until about March 1 5 . AIL ..people desiring t o ; give may communicate with membei"s of t h e committee.-. M r s ; ' A . Gilinsky and Mrs. .S. Snyder were appointed a s representatives on t h e committee from t h e Council r;o£ Jewish Women. Messrs. A . Gilinsky, K.- B r r a i d s and S. Steinberg conclude the committee. •'-•

The Ladies Aid Society of the Temple B'nai jeshuram is planning to)\give a brotherhood supper the first p a r t of this'. month. "This club cocsists of about seventy-two ladies who meet the first Wednesday of every month. .These jvoinen take care of practically all the Jewish charity cases in Lincoln and have done some v e r y splendid work, p a r t of it being t h e obtaining, of a Mothers' pension for some of the widowed mothers. Their officers a r e : Mrs. Pepperburg, president; Mrs. M. Veil, vice-president, and Mrs. Ed. ugenheim, secretary.

A regular meeting of th& Council Bluffs o r d e r of t h e B*nai Brith will be held Wednesday evening, March 9, at the Danish hall. H. Krasne and son, Leo,'208 West Washington, avenue, Council Bluffs, returned /Thursday from a three -weeks t r i p - t h r o u g h , t h e East.



v_The Young Judaea Club held its regular meeting Sunday afternoon, February 27, at the synagogue. They received $40 from the Hebrew ducational Society for -the piano fund. They no whave §80. They decided that the Juniors and Seniors should have one meeting each month together. Miss Mae Shapiro was appointed to take care of the Junior club. They are rehearsing three plays, "The £bege Lied", "A Doctor in Spite of Himself", and "Two Women at Home," which they expect to give for Purim. Mr. L. B. Finkelstein is coaching these plays, and according to him "everything's going fine". • _ ; • ; . The program consisted of a reading the "Jews in Other Lands" by Bessie Epstein and Current Events.


'The Junior Auxiliary of. the Council of Jewish Women held theii\ regular meeting Thursday: evening at the home of Miss iReva Gilinsky, 725 Mynster street.

Mrs. S. Greenstone,' of Lincoln, spent tiie week en3 visiting friends in Omaha and Council Bluffs. :Mr. and Mrs. - Eli Katz left' for St. Paul where they will make their home with Mr. Katz's. parents. The Irorah Club gave & banquet in honor of Mr. Eli Katz, who is leaving the city, and Mr. Harry Finsod who w'll be married Sunday, March 6, to Miss Anna Chapman. Plates were laid for twenty-five members of the Irorah Club in the Chinese • Koom at the Lincoln Hotel Monday evening, February 28. The committee in charge was MJV Abe Polickr .chairman, Mr. Sam Goldfin and Mr. Harry Snoder.'


The Hebrew Ladies Friendship, Society held their regular meeting Tuesday, when the following officers were elected: Mrs. P. Stedman, president; Mrs. I. Barshonsky, vice-president j Mrs. S. Samson, treasurer; Mrs. H. Goldenstein, financial secretary, and Mrs. D. Bermon, recording secretary. Mrs. Barney Baron, the retiring \ president, spoke in regard to the work of the society and urged co-operation between the officers and members. "OUTSIDE THE LAW" IS NEW PRISCILLA DEAN FILM Priscilla Dean's first feature since ALICE LAKE IN "The Virgin of Stamboul", is to be PARISIAN PLAY shown at the Moon Theatre next "Body and Soul", a photoplay week. It 33 called "Outside the Law" promising to be the most interesting and is the work of Tod Browning, of Alice Lake's appearances on the screen, will be seen next week at the Sun Theatre. MY FRIENDS Local motion picture theatregoers your job of, have seen and liked Miss Lake in the PRINTING comparatively few pictures which will be given have been hers since her sensational Personal rocketing to popularity . Attention The forthcoming screen production, YAFFE a story of an American girl art student in Paris, will give the young ..Printer.. actress a character rather different,

Mr. Harry Mittleman . ot spent Sunday in Lincoln.


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'The people will be fair to public service corporations if they only understand, AND THOSE WHO SPREAD MISINFORMATION AND MISREPRESENTATION ARE GUILTY OF A GRAVE WRONG AGAINST [THE COMMUNITY." - - - - .-


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"Two-thirds of tHe diUcuIties in public utility matters arise put of a misunderstanding or lack of information. "There seems to be a determined effort in every city where these problems arise, on the part of some individual or individuals, to carry on propaganda which inspires doubt and suspicion— which destroys confidence in the officers of the law who have duties to perform in relation to such matters, and to con4 vince the people that they are being robbed in the interest of the 'corporations.'

; /ire you going to travel in Canada or Europe? Are you familiar with the money of the countries yoa intend to visit? Do you know the present rates of exchange and how to secure the benefit of them? If any of these questions perplex you, call on Mr. Sellner ia our Foreign Exchange Department and he will arrange these matters"

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In handing down an opinion in a recent public utility cas% Jfeger&l Juclge Wade said: ""[]

Subscribe for "The Jewish Press."

Anita and Martin Gluckman, the two' Recent .arrivals from warstricken Roumania, are progressing very rapidly and will soon be able to master the use of the English language, according to Miss A. Cooper of the English department of the Council Bluffs High school.


M. J. Wade of Iowa I

The Chummy Club was entertained at the home of Miss Bernice Diamond Wednesday evening, February 23. The evening was spent in singing and dancing.

---MdniMy prizes that'are donated by the Jewish Sisterhood to members of the City Talmud Torah for best conduct, were awarded Sunday. Those winning first prizes in.theirxespective classes were: Bath. Bernstein, Marion Katelman, Isadore Perelineter and \ Miss Anna Chapman, of Lincoln whose marriage to Sir. Harry Finsod Rose Shyken. of Sioux City, Iowa, will take place March 6th. The "Jolly Eight", a pleasure~club amongst several "Council Bluff's people, held a card party Tuesday evening at the home, of Mrs. S. Goldblatt, 305% West Broadway. The same group, Thursday night attended a theatre party at the Brandeis theatre. • ••

in the production of "Outside the Law," and the cast is a roster of Who's Who in cinema circles. Besides Miss Dean there is Lon Chaney as a Frisco gangster. Wheeler Oakman plays a dapper gentleman crook, E. A. Warren a rare Chinese characterization.

P e d d 1 e r s of misinformation are guilty of a grave wrong against the community, says Federal Judge M. J. Wade

Mrs. Harry Crounse of Omaha is visiting her sister Mr. I. Hill.

The Hebrew Educational club held their regular meeting Monday night at the home of Anna and Rose Pill, 618 South Sixth street. The home talent orchestra was composed of the following members, Misses Leah Krasne and Frieda Goldberg, Messrs. Iraie and Joe' Krasne and Maurice Gilinsky* . . -

who has directed Miss Dean in all her big screen successes, and who wrote her latest" story as well as supervised its production. From all advance reports it is the crowning achievement of the popular Universal star; and her author-director. More than §250,000 was expended

V,- .

Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Simon are spending. a few weeks in Excelsior Springs.

Members of the Jewish Sisterhood held their regularr1 meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. Cohn, Thirtieth street and avenue B.

i ', ! •

i t . is understood:v a departure from the girl-in-gingham parts. It is a romance,of the Latin Quarter; and Miss Lake,\ say those* who have had pre-release Views of the picture, proves as -piquant in the Parisian atmosphere as If she had been born and raised within a stone's throw of the Seine. Stuart Holmes and William Lawrente are prominent in the cast of ''Body and Soul".

Mr. Victor Friend has returned to Lincoln from Salisbury, Mo., \vhere he spent a few days with his fiancee.

The semi-monthly card club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. O. Hochman, 911 Sixth avenue. Six couples were present

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•Thirteen .members were-initiated into the JVJetiprahT Society of the University of Nebraska Sunday evening, Feb. 27, in Faculty Hall. One of the .cleverest, Stunts given was^ a pantomime of the .story of Esther which was presented by the initiates with only ten minutes preparation. Those initiated were: Mr. Elijah E. Etogelson, Lincoln; Mr. Abe Goldenberg, Council Bluffs, la.; Mr. Samuel Jerome'Gordon, Omaha; Miss Lillian K. Margolin, Omaha; \Mr. Daniel Mi Minster, I^ew York City; Mrs. Irene W. Haglin, Omaha; Mrs. Ruth L. lipetz, Omaha; ' Mr. ' Reuben D. ieavitt, Omaha; Mr. Edwin Katslee, Omaha; Miss Bernice H. Diamond, Lincoln; Miss Maxine Trosh, Lincoln; Mr. Samuel • Win. Yabroff, Wichita, Kans. r and : Mr.-Millard H. Krasne, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

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The United States supreme court and $He Nebraska state supreme court have decided unqualifiedly jthat in arriving at a fair rate for public utility service the valuation and not capitalization is used as a basis. In spite of this conclusive proof rumors have keen spread that we are seeking a return on so-called "watered stock*" These rumors sre absolutely false and without foundation! ^ * Our case is now before the city commission. We have furnished them with our books and our record** $Ve have furnished them with expert testimony. With this before them it is their^duty under the settled law tp arrive at a fair valuation of our property and then permit us a fair return on this fair valuation, j , ^ Hvmgr wage!


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