March 10, 1921

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Some are old in their y o u t h , jii others young in ill; their old age.




Entered' as second-class mail .matter on January 27th. 1921. at postofflce at Omaha,- Nebraska, tinder the Act of March. 3, 1873.

VOL. I.—NO. 13

Palestine Will Not Have I n "East Side"' aSays SirAlfred Mond Noted English Member of Holy Land Economic Council Discusses Conditions.

WRITER OF "THE HERITAGE" I S A NE}V .YORK JEWESS Iola Brothers Shore, who -wrote the fitory entitled, "The Heritage", which recently appeared in the "Saturday Evening Post", is a Jewess. -• ' v • A New York reader of the Jewish Press has sent a newspaper clipping in which Mrs. Shore is identified as the wife of "•a Jewish physician who changed his name from Schwartzberg to the name of Shore. She is the daughter of a physician of the name of Brothers who was on the staff of one of the large Jewish, hospitals of New York and among the most, highly respected practitioners of medicine in New York's East Side.: .: • ' " " ;- ~




lilsoit "lif II g as .-He Leaves Qffiee

Savior Of Jewish Immigrant



Sioux City, Lincsln and Council Bluffs to be Asked to Meet with Omahans on May I.

His Veto Kt.eps Doors of America Open to Jews "Wishing ij Make Home Here.

The biggest meeting and initiation ever held by the Omaha Lodge of the . Independent Order of B'nai Brith is planned for-all day Sunday, May 1. It is the hope of the committee to initiate a class of more than 100. The I' Council Bluffs, Lincoln and Sioux City lodges vail be invited to join with' the Omaha lodge in' the mammoth meetf ing. The big class will be initiated in the " afternoon -and at night a mass meet* •' ing,, open to the public, will be held. Sophie Brasiau Tickets are selling fast for the A speaker-of national prominence will Sophie Braslau concert to be given be on the program. at the Auditorium Sunday afternoon. First Time Ever Tried March 20, under the auspices of the This is the first time in the history Omaha Hebrew Clab. of B'nai Brith that the three lodges In the evening a dance will be held. have been invited at one time to join • During the intermission between the in. holding one pro pram. time of the concert •, and the •dance Early announcement is being made country and these can be developed A campaign tc obtain clot* ing and Federation Will Help there will be a basketball game be- by the committee in charge in order > to a far greater extent. Manufactur- soap for Jews in war-stricken Europe The local Jewish Welfare Federa- tween; the team of the Thorpei&E Ath° to avoid conflicts of dates and to give ing and industry are also possible, is now being carried on in Omaha tion office -was thronged during the letic Club". and a quintet from Sioux the neighboring lodges a chance to but not on any large scale because under the direction of the local comNow Just Plain Woodrow'TtVilson." past week with men and women, wish- City. make arrangements to liasve as comof the lack of coal and iron. How- mitee of the ewish People's Relief. ing assitance in unwinding the "red All the money raised from the; conplete a membership as possible on ever, I would not want Palestine fo "Clothe the Naked" is the keynote cert and dance will be turned over to tape", necessary to bringing Jews in hand for the initiation and meeting. become a second Manchester. of the campaign. the Jewish "Belief Committee. Europe to this country. Local arrangements are in the hands "Palestine must not become a Persons wishing to contribute Schaefer Miss Braslau will sing many Yiddish Superintendent Samuel .of a general committee consisting of MESS land where workers will be subjected clothes, shoes, underwear, food, soap, songs.' "Yahrzeit" .will of her filled out numerous affidavits required the intellectual advancement committo the conditions prevailing in the towels, cotton and medicaments are favorites'. by the immigration authorities from tee, headed by vice-president William Good Attendanceat Gathering; Jews at Fort Omaha and Fort Crook White Chapel district of London or 'asked to call any. of the following persons TOshing to bring immigrants Grodinsky; the. central council comto be Invited Into Jewish Homes Obtain Many: Members, in the East End of New York, but numbers: to this country: •'•••-. SIMON'S'-'-RESIGNATION . mittee, headed by Harry Lapidus and the country of an entire people thrivHarney 1606 Webster 0289 membership committee, headed by. Ths Jewish" Welfare Federation, Mr. The drive of the local Zionist organJewish soldiers at Fort Omaha and ing in all directions and progressing Harney 6118 Webster 6059 WIDENS ZIONIST BREACH the Dr. A. Greenberg. Schaefer said,'is•willing to aid to its iation opened with abang at the mass Fort Crook will be the guests • of Webster 27S4~ Webster 1076 in every field. Zionism means the London. (J. B. C. Service.)—Julius Those wishing to deliver their own Omaha-Jewish families during the meeting held^ Tuesday night at the utmost' in- unwinding, immigration Siinoa's resignation from the Zionist recreation of the Jewish people and not the covering of Palestine with bundles ar3 requested to bring them i Passover holidays, according to ar- j Lyric building. During the meeting "red tape" and-to help in the prepar- World Executive, having been tender- WRITES OF'TYPHUS - . , ing of affidavits. to the headquarters of the relief com- 1 rangements made by Harry Lapidus, many members were obtained, factories. WORE AT SEAPORT ed for the second time, has feem aemittee at 815 North Sixteenth street. I state chairman of the Jewish Welfare The principal address of the evening A former Omaha girl, Miss Minnie cepted by Dr.Weizman. Jews to be Mediators. "The need for clothing and soap is Board, and commanders of both forts. was made by Rabbi S. N. Deinard of Prof. Epstein, Scientist, (The resignation of Julius Simon Rabinowitz, now with, the Travelers' Apart from the recreation of the an urgent one," said M. Selicow, a j The war department recently ruled Minneapolis wad' derided those who To Visit in America indicates a widening of the breach be- Aid, on emergency duty in New York Jewish people, Mond assigns to the member of the committee. "While we that all soldjers of Jewish descent were anti-Zionists. > ___ tween the American • branch of the railroad stations,: -writes of the Jew the significant role of mediator in this country are -well-clothed, the shall be relieved of all duties during j "Persons" who were anti-Zionists BESLIN. (Jewish T e l e g r a p h i c . m o v e m c i l t arid the world organization. society's F vrork since the between the East and the West." Sir people in war-stricken Europe are ill-j the first two days of the Passover ' should be ashamed of themselves Agency.)^r-Professor, Albert Einstein among Mr. Simon and Nehemiah de Lienia discovery of Alfred said: "The Jews are the only clad, many of them without even holidays. " j now,'said Eabbi Iteiaard. '-'With, the accompanied 'by :his wife, ^vill sail on resignation was accepted se.v-j immigrants, element who can unite the East with. enough clothes-to There are, about a dozen Jewish^ issuing mandate,* y :£ae &4ttfir4am:: f9r,:tfae^ &JM ted S tt Ujdted States g of the jEJrftish j agQ>'.:r4jWB»e -chosen-for. jfcfa« t ..JKany.-Steera^e passenger., are theWe¥t"anclteday..when the antag- 'bodies."'* i l? i d att both b h fforts. t ' jj must consider id themselves t h l stationed Executive at the' world conference in landed in ivcv Yo:k but &re diverted very fool- on M a r c h 2 4 . - . : ~ ••• onism between, the peoples of; $he is "breeding disease and pestilence and State Chairman Lapidus said that fsh. He wffi; be joined by Professor and London last July at the request -of to Boston and Philadelphia be-euse East and West is growing as we unless we. come to the aid of our the national headquarters of the wel- "There are no more anti-Zionists. Mrs. Chaim Weizmann at Plymouth^ Mr. Brandeis. Both of them have ©f inadequate fumigating and deioxtsfind it demonstrated in India and brethren many .of. them will die. fare board has requested that the boys There is no more opposition to ZionProf. Einsteiji; "WiH refers to Hoi- charged Weizman, Goldberg, Neiditch ing facilities at the i\ew York port Egypt, the Jews are indispensible to "It is our duty as Jews to give aid. be given special attention during the ism. Zionism is reality. land during the month of April hav- aiK i Zlatopolsky with negating all of "But there are "many persons who ing promised to deliver a number j their efforts to condemn the affairs of entry. create the bridge between them. This The sacrifice is s:nall. Every one has Passover holidays. Passengers Diverted, Ere indifferent toward Zionism. They of lectures, in Dutch universities. By] of the movement in keeping with the is the true significanceof the appoint- cast-off clothing they-could easily! are not ppposed to it * nd they are not his departure, Prof. Einstein will missj idea set forth by Mr. Brandeis at the . "Of course the steamship companies ment of Lord Reading as • Viceroy spare. Clothing which you now have MENDEL BEILIS, JEWISH against it. These are the ones we must a conference of scientists t£> be heldj conference and amplified in the "Zee- furnish ! transportation for theirs for India and this is the mission of hidden in closets an'd attics would MARTYR, NOW IN U. S. deal with and convince that the cause during his absence in Brussels, to land'' memorandum. The particular bade to New York, to which point Plaestinian Jewry." make some family happy." Special to "THE JEWISH PKESS." : thei- original tickets read, but it of the Zionist is -their cause." Mond has no concern about the which he' alone • of all German subject of contention has been the | means a greav deal more of imm':stcii-.' New York, March 8.—Mendel Beilis, of Palestine is now scientists has been invited. future relations between the Jews LEA LIPSEY iS STAR ""Keren Hayesod"—which is a sorf of aid work in railroad stations tb-im central figure of a successful battle The deveopment 1 the question, sail Rabbi Deinard. and their Arab neighbors. In this IN "GYPSY TRAIL"; TO for vindication of the Jewish people Professor. Einstein while in Amer- general fund for Palestine develop-.' ever before,' she -writes. connection he declared: "I spoke to BE SHOWN IN OMAHA of the accusation. that they require "We must develop Palestine from a ica will, make a plea for funds for ment. "Several death occurred, pathetic a number of Arab leaders and found Miss Lea Lipsey, daughter of Mr. human blood for ritual; purposes, has home fo 200,000 to a place tr accom- universities in Palestine. instances all of them, and many are modate 3;000,000 Jews. that they were themselves convinced and Mrs. D. Lipsey, -3527 Hamilton arrived in New York from PalestineConsider Question of Jewish in quarantine. The upshot of it all that Jewish colonization will enrich street, will have' the leading role in He said he is not here to capitalize his During the course of his address he France Hopes to Have Control Over was that the Travelers' Aid was called Citizenship. the country and bring prosperity to the "Gypsy Trail/' a play to be pres- sufferings. He was arrested in Kiev, told of the origin of anti-Semitismand on to" take charge of all immigrants Palestine Church Buildings. PARIS. (J. C B. Service.)'—-The said that even in the present wave of the Arab population. There is ented soon by the Craik players at on April 24, 1911, and was acquitted, PARIS. " (J. • C. "-B. Service.)— Council of the League of Nations after their inspection. This, in addianti-semitism may grow to dangerous nothing at all to stand in the way the Craik studio in the Lyric build- after a second trial, in, 1913. Addressing a special commission of at its meeting in this city will tion to o«r regular work, keeps all the of Jewish-Arab co-operation. This statement was made by him to proportions. ing. the Chamber of "Deputies, Premier consider the question of the natural- staff very busy, happy and tired." Following is the program of the "The response of the Jews is . Miss Lipsey has had, considerable ' a group of reporters at his; hotel Miss Rabinowitz, who is a Biter; of Briand yesteday .declared that the ization of alien Jews in the City of remarkable. I have been most dramatic experience. After starring shortly after he had been held in evening: Jews are at-present Di J t t findfid Mrs. -Morris Rosenblatt, 401 South "Hativoh," Audience, led by Miss yTeJnstein. question of the control of church Danzig. deeply impressed by the Chalutzim, iu several plays at the University of quarantine-for twenty-four hours. Palestine is still un- ing it difficult to obtain citizenship I Thirty-eighth avenue, went overseas Accompanied by Mary Maizel. buildings in many of whom travel hundreds of Nebraska she went to New York for "And don't make a sensation of me," Opening of the Meeting, Introducing the matter will be dealt in Danzig, and the local committee with the Jewish Welfare board durdecided. decide. The m Chairman, L. Kneeter. miles on foot and more than five intensive study, She took part in sev- he begged the newspapermen. "I have ing the war. She was stationed at not come here to play a martyr role. Remarks from the Chairman*- Ben Handler. by the London" .Allied Conference of Jewish delegations has brought Paris and: Coblens. Montabaur and thousand of • whom are now -work- era! plays there.. Miss Lipsey played next to Mrs. E. If I had wanted to do that, if. I liad Vocal Solo, Miss Iva Siegel. ing on Palestine reads and doing it and, Premier " Briand added, will the matter before the notice of the Trier, Germany, with the army* of Accompanied J>y Miss Sophye VTeinstem. probably be decided in favor of League. v with a spirit of which the Jews John Brandels in the moving picture ! wanted to exploit my notoriety, I Vocal Solo, Nathan Xevinon. occupation. \ France. "When East Meets West," which was would have come here when the whole may well be proud. There are Accompanied by Mrs. Kamen. Soviet Envoy at Berlin to be oli^ Solo, Sarah Fish. practically no Bolshevists among filmed here by the Chamber of Com- 'affair was fresh in everyone's mind," English. Jews Intervene for . Accompanied by Fannie FRENCH: BANKER COMMITTED Replaced. merce. ' . , | he added. "You will recall that I ;had them% for they are nearly all either Address, Dr. S. N. Deinard. American Relief Worker . . suiqpE. . BERLIN. J. C. B. t Service.)— Intermission. colonists or refugees from Russia Mrs. Ben Boasberg,* who has ap- a number of offers, even from mqvingLONDON. {J. C. B. Service.)— Vocal Solo, .Libby Mlnien. . peared on the programs of nearly picture, producers. Instead,, I went to rumors the PARIS.',. <J», C. B. Service.)—A According to current t where the Bolshevist government is Accompanied by Mrs. Kamen. The Joint Foreign Committee, the all the . Jewish organizations in Palestine. Now I have come here. I body found in, the-suburbs <s£ Paris Soviet government at Moscow has Remarks by Dr. Deinard. anti-Zionist." representative body of organized Omaha, also- has a part in this play, i am not certain that I will remain." has been identified as that of the definitely decided to replace . the Palestine Student Killed in Football Turks Denuded Country. well known banker Edmond Cahen. Berlin Bolshevist envoy. K-oS by Anglo-J€wry-has requested the-BritGame. ; Speaking of the present situation It is believed that the banker com- Adolph Joffe who headed the Soviet ish Foreign Office to exert its,efforts LONDON. (Jewish Telegraphic xnitted suicide.. and obtain the release of Abraham in Palestine, Sir Alfred declared that / peace delegation with Poland. Agency.)—In the course of a footPompiansky, a representative of the the country finds it hard, to recover ball game between* students of the Joint Distribution Committee -who from the sufferings imposed upon the Jaffa Gymnasium and members of has been under arrest in Reval for population by the war. The Turks some time past. completely denuded the country beSpecial to "THE JEWISH PRESS." invaded Knrfuerstendamm Strasse, the "Mikrab. Israel" Agricultural The same Committee • haft laid fore they were driven out, and the Berlin, March 6. Following which is the richest .street in Ger- College one x>f the students belongbefore the Greek representative in cost of living has gone up five hun- Hugo Stinnes' exposure,- which is many. Hundreds of Jews were at- ing to the latter team was instantly killed, when hit on the chest by the London the complaint of the Jewish dred per cent. The economic world said to have thwarted a plan.of tacked and many beaten. Five hundred and fifty dollars has Cam Pay Monthly crisis is also severely affecting Nationalist reactionaries for a revo- The police, having been forwarned^ knee of a member of the opposing been added- to the Free Loan Fund, These men ai.d:women sxe not able j community of Smyrna tnat the local Palestine. lution, Berlin spent an exceedingly arrived in large numbers in aato team, according to Jerusalem advices according to a report, made by Dr. to expend at one time enough to pay ! authorities have confiscated the Jewtrucks. They were led by Prussian received here. The student was a Philip Sher and Carl Katleman, mem- for ocean and rail transportation from i s l i cemetery which is 400 years ol<J, Mond finds the . terms of the nervous day. officers, who did not attempt to- stop native of the colony of Mischa and bers of the committee. Palestine Mandate highly satisfactory Ojitbreaks were expected Europe to America, but if* loaned the the students, but pulled the victims as far. as is known was the first TO, BEING BACK HIS FAMILY and declares that the Zionist lead- guarded "against in the places money they could pay it back by Recent contributors are as follows: into trucks. When a number of Palestine victim to be killed in a ers should be congratulated upon the revolutions usually begin—the Car! A. Lewis, tailor, of 2906J monthly installments. Mr. and. Mrs.- Harry Wolf $300 students. jumped onto these trucks football accident. i results attained. In this way many -families can be Fsrnam street, will leave Omaha on garteri, before the former Ea Louis Kulakofsky «_.. -.. 100, reunited and many who are now suf- March 14 for Poland, where lie iiopes and attacked the Jews who were Speaking of the handicaps of palace, the KeichEtag and the Harry Rubenstein , . 50 already unconscious.and bleadjng, the Ford's Pogrom Rag Barred in Public Palestine and the extent to which denburg gate. fering in Europe can become produc- to aid his'aged father and two sisters, J. H. Green '. 50 \jmcers asked the students to confine and -eventunally'bring.them back to f Libraries. it had been crippled in the past by ers in this country. Squads of soldiers and police J . B . Robinsca _...•,••.._•• 50 NEW YORK, (wewish Telegraphic the Turks, Sir Alfred declared that patrolled these areas "• and streets tneir activities to the streets. Th3 Free Loan Fund, Rabbi S N. this country. Lewis served during the v<ar with no Englishman who has come to leading to the Reichstag were roped It is estimated several hundred Agency.)—-A number of public libra- Since the iinmigration bill was veto- Deinard of Minneapolis told friends the United States army in France. But, ries in various parts of the country, Jews, were beaten. A score know what Turkish administration o f f . here, is one of the greatest features ed by.Woodrow iWilson as president were - ' . . • •—.-••-.'. • although he knew his parehts we?e taken to hospitals, where two according to reports received here, the reed: for the Free Loan Fund has of philan-1 ropy. means would want to see Palestine Pogrom in Afternoon ; are reported dying tonight. The have indefinitely barred Ford's anti- become much, more of a necessity. go back to the Turks or Arabs. It's giving help without the sting of suffering from, famine, he was unable ^ to go to them. This afternoon Berlin experienced demonstration is considered. one. of Semitic publication known as the Every "day. many wishing to bring aim-receiving! The-Jews, however, are ready to His mother died from hardbhips ol Among their, iamilies ' from Do your bit toward this fund. go ahead with the country's develop- the first pogrom in its history. Hun- the first results of the reactionary "Dearborn Independent". -ssted, Mail your check to Carl Katleman, the -war, but Lewie is determined to ment and are at this moment being dreds of university and upper school victory in the Prussian elections. other libraries known to have taken pogrom-tortured Europe to this counkept back only by -the non-settle- students armed.Avith.clubs and stones which aims to re-establish eldjthis step are the libraries of Hart- try apply* to Secretary Katleman of secretary of the Free Loan Fund, 748 reach Poland in time to save hi«i father and sisters from starvation, Omaha National Bank building. raided the Jewish section and then monarchist*' recdme. the Loan Fund for financial aid. ment of **ie Mandate. ford, Conn., and iPaterson, N. J. Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS-"


Woodrow Wilson, just a few minutes before he was to become a private citizen, with the stroke of his pen "killed" the' Dillfngham- immigration bill. . . ' • / . , . * This one stroke declared to the world that the doors of America would continue to be open-to the immigrants of Europe who'seek a new hold on life. Telegrams from "Jewish lodges of Omaha, the rest of the state and the United States we're sent -to Wilson protesting- against", the bill, claiming that it was un-American and unfair to the citizens in this .country whose families are still- ia Europe. Confronted by these messages which overflowed: with humble appeals for his assitance, Wilson.vetoed the immigration measure. •

LONDON. (J. C. B. Service.) —In an exclusive i n t e r v i e w granted to the Jewish Correspondence Bureau - Sir Alfred Mond threw fresh light, upon the Palestine situation and made some remarkable statements having the greatest bearing upon the future development of that country. Speaking of the future of Palestine, Mond said "I am quite sure that Palestine will become self-supporting, but this cannot be expected to take place before a considerable time will have People's Relief Committee Here elapsed. Makts Urgent Plea for Jews "Already a number of good prodof War-Davasted Regions. ucts are being exported from the

Want Clothing and Soap lor Suffering in Stricken Europe

To Entertain Soldiers -,-., on Passover Holidays



§ From beginning 111 Hi ill 1 to end, G o d ' s | | 1 law t e a c h e t h p fl kindness, i

Berlin's First Pogrom Results in Injury Of Many and Property Loss

Zionism at



$550 Added to the Free'Loan • Campaign'-Still Open; Do

Y - ^ " ^ i ilNV1




Polish Government Appeals to League Mustajphia,, Kemal is a Jew Declares *Daily': Mail." in Behalf of GsKcias Jews* PASIS. (J. a B. Service.)—The LONDON. (J. C. E. *TService.)— Published every Thursday at Omaba, Nebraska, by Polish government recently addressed The "Daily Mail" announced that it THE JEWISH .PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ebration of the anniversary of the a note to t&e League of Nations, understands Must^pha Kemul Is not trouble.'* In conjunction with the leading i M'OKRIS E. JACOBS, Managed — "Are women also' & part of the French Commune. ' Jewish English-language newsprotesting against the expulsion of a Turk but a Sephardic Jew from Office,—Pour^ Baird Bldg.—Telephone^ iioug.' 2372. As nearly as possible every child Galician Jews from Austria. In this Salonika who has made himself papers in the" United States, The Moscow police force?'* I inquired. in the capital city received^ three note the Polish government pointed master of the interior of Asia Minor Subscription. Price, one Jewish Press has arranged to re- "Not yet," my hostess- replied. There was a sharp ringing of the months* instruction Jin the dramatic i out thajr such expulsions nset up a and claims that lie lias the right to Advertising rates furnished on application. • ceive through the"*Jewish Correspondence Bureau a series, of ar-^ telephone and our conservation was schools and every Thursday the most dangsrfous precedent for other states. speak for Turkey. NOT PKINTED FOR .PERSONAL PROFIT — Profits from the important dramatic theater in Petro- and aggravates the misery of the ' : • tklcs by Madam Carme^ Heidcn- interrupted. publication of The Jewish Press are to be- givett to worthy. communal "This call is from Moscow," Ma- grad is given^over to the children. Jews who are natives of Galiciaand catises. -. ; .,, . . ,. '' ;_ Y~ Gest, well known newspaper woman, dealing with conditions in- . dam Kawitch explained, "I am ex- On these occasions tlie children are to whose' welfare PoiaM canhot STY FRIENDS CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please givo both the old aad new address; be sure Soviet- Russia* Her first article :pectingf a call from the chief of pol- the "actors and the audience is com- remain indifferent. Poland also your job of ^ ^ ^ SricT sign name. " . posed of those who have already- points out that it is not in a position deals with some of the»woraej* ice" of the entire country." PRINTING "Is that position also occupied by graduated from the dramatic schools to admit these Jews now and if leaders of the Soviet government. ; EVENTS 'AND OCCASIONS, be given The women she describes in this a woman V* I asked. **No, not yet," or are about to do so. Vienna persists in their expulsion ifc, Personal Are you happy today? Did this dayjpiarlt atry special, joyous article happen to he of Jewish was her answer, "but there* is no: will be forced to close its frontiers Children Actors ^Attention event in your Mfe? Did you celebrate aii anniversary of gladness faith.—The Editor. reason whatsoever why a woman against all refugees- Jews or ChrisAccepting Lima's invitation I went last week? Will next week bringintoyour Bfie some new happishould not head the country's protians. YAPFE k ness % will it witness a return of some repeated joy ? . •, ~* tective force sometime in the future." to witness this performance. Before By 1*sdam Carmel HeJden Gest the curtain went up, Lilna delivered If all this is happening to you, have ybtt thought ct sharing (Copyrighted 1920) *N "tinder the Soviet regime, sex is an address on the French revolution. Subscribe for "Th« Jewish Press." your happiness with others? Have-ybu felt that those bounties which a divine heaven- has showered on you sJxould be spread by I was reclining1 on a cot in an no barrier at all," my hostess added. ^Throughouj; her talk she walked forLilns * ward and backward. There is-feomeand through you.taothers not so favored? Don't you believe that, office of the Petropavlovski tower, your own. happiness will be multiplied* many times over in the Where I was spending the night Lilna is also a Jewess., She oc- what of the hysterical in her rest- j. sharing? '•-.'. / cupies the position of Minister of lessness but her smile is friendly and worried by rats and mice and the To some'one in this community each day ,$0ffie particular shadows of prisoners beloriging to Education; for Petrograd. Like Ma- her" personality magnetic The childwill give a happiness comesr A child is bom, a. wedding solemnized, an the old regime, when a commissary dam Rawitch she is\ small and thin, ren certainly love her as was fully evidenced, by^, their behavior in the anniversary celebrated. Each is an occasion for-joy. and-revelry. entered the room- and offered me very wiry &nd full of energy. What could be finer and more productive of greater joy than to- some, I found her in her office.surround- schools as well as at the theater. sweetsl ^ perpetuate the occasion through-* a gift to charity ? For money She spoke for an hour and left "Did you sleep?" he questioned ed by a large- number of persons, given to charity is like bread cast upon the waters. It will come looking immediately after in order to adSUNDAY EVENING, MARCH 1STH, at me somewhat 'flisturbedly most of them teachers who were back to^you. Even as you cast it from you, you caasee the ever- and wadding dress another crowd of children. there to consult her on various de, "tonight~you will have increasmg. ripples of happiness that start a t its first touch with ADIVHSSION $1.00 PEPw COUPLE When the curtain went up a tiny partmental subjects. the water, and dcttiot end until they break gently upon the distant, comfortable quarters, for we have "Would you care to see some of mite of a girl with black locks and "peaceful shore. Just so, in this peace and calm will your bread reserved a room for you at the In- our schools?" the Minister of Educ- Semitic features came forward with come back to you—in the happiness of having created happiness. ternational Hotel." atioii inquired, "if so, I will accom- ja violin. She played remarkably well And the joy that is created by. you,.the burden of poverty that is In- either event I was not much pany you." | and if one were to shut one's eyes lightened, the life, that is prolonged, will stand as a permanent Worried although being in a room . A- motor car conveyed us to a o n e c o u l d n o t h e l P b u t imagine that with a guard carrya symbol of the event you have.thus lovingly celebrated. - , all-by yourself v grown up was mastering the inirig a' fixed bayonet marching up mansion "which had previously been OMAHA'S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES We already have in this city the MemoriarFlower Fund of strument. The'axidience was greatly tho home of a banker. The main and down infront of your d o o i i s the Federation to which gifts are'made in memory of those deand the steps were of marble. taken with her performance and com~ or in lieu of flowersrto the bereaved, t h e s e are. tributes not a pleasant experience, especially hall part of the building bore tes- pelled her to play again. ThisMime beautifcl alike in thought afidin mission. They form an ever- when one remembers that one enter- Every tiJhony to the luxury and "wealth of, 1 w a s informed she played a comlasting memorial. For the fceanty of flowers fades and is gone— ed Soviet Russia without permission/ original owner. nr. {{position of her own and had you "What do you propose to do," the its orig the beauty of service endures forever. . d itit, you would ld hhave bbeen as But they are, alas, tributes to the departed, to those who are commissary further questioned. He We were greeted by a clatter of jjshheard ur rfsed as I find th that comtto fid beyond this life with its recxriTent joys and its festivfc occasions. was obviously a Jew, a man of cul- feet and hearty <*adish laughter. A i o sPi t i o n t o b e work of a child, They are memorials for events"that marked the passing of fives ture, interesting and good-looking. I youngster was at theptano and play-| P 10 w a s by a number of ed extremely well while a number l ! S* follo into eternity. Why not memorials, too, for .events in this fife and was filled with a" desire to learn more f miniature Favlowas who danced with about my inquisitoy^and I allowed of others dressed in. all sorts o { talent and charm. ^~ by the living? Why r*ot have a "Joy Fund" in Omaha? ONE WEEK. STARTING ONE WEEK STARTING One gift to the Jewish Welfare Federation commemorating Mm to talk freely of himself. % colors and shades SUNDAY, BIARCH 13TH, SUNDAY, MARCH some happy'; event in your life will start the "Doy Fund." May it learned that he was an advocate by In aft adjoining room a number of profession and had studied medicine little kiddies were sewing little shoes "The Jewish Press in Every Home," bei started^pon—-and may it thriv /mightily! out of eome fur material and doing ts our goal. pt Brussels incidently. , • various other forms of kindergarden. FIOHT ON JEWS OPPOSED. \ \ H e spoke a.number ^bf languages JEWISH Special to "THE JEWISH VHESB." with perfection* was extremely welt 1 .work, while their teacher was readI t appears.t&at Henry Ford dreamed PHILADELPHIA, Fa., March 8-- mannered and possessed the face of ing then* a Story. Their bedrooms YOUNG MAN'S were nice and airy. In the kitchen a dream in -which h©\saw' the 1 Jews Denouncingf an "alleged anti-Jewish! a Rfcthbrandt. ' •'•:••' OPPORTUNITY we found some older children who conspiring' to devour the world. .This movement in southern, parts" o: v Ca«© to fielp Children "were weighing various kitchen prod^ in ltis famous in the greatest automobile •would be of no consequence, since no the United States, Supreme Knight An old-line life insurance comjJS&y, I explained tfrhimrthat I had come ucts, t h e food certainly man can stop t i e subcpnscioas weav- James A* Ffa&erty, of the JKnights stage screen picture erer produce*! well established, desires the service <j i f ings of his mind iff sleep, bat Ford of CoKnubns/ announced here to-1 into the- country'as a delegate for to beT£he- very best obtainable in a young Jewish man to deal with the I took the dream for fact and spread night that he had called --aport the "Russian. Childrei/s Fond" which the city. Jewish tra(*o in Omaha and vicinity. it broadcast, thereby1 deeply wounding 2,200 Kaights of Columbus lecturers had been sending provisions ,to the Once a Boarding School This company is willing" to train and the- sena&aities of nien of the HebreW in the: United States and Canada to children in t&e hospitals of Petroteach the right kind of man. From .the Children's Home we gfad. race; ' ' ' '• • • • • ; . ' . . - • . • combat ariti-SeniitismT "An attack ori Adress Box 42, The Jewish Press, went to a school for larger youngFord's business runs so sntbothly one ^religion or yace may develop Later on I ^aid to him, "Who are sters-. It was. located in what was 4 Baird Building. - • that he Has time now to <!bficerff Batt- easily into an attack on any religion the most interesting women in Soviet once upe« a time an exclusive boardsclf with things far removed -from or race," his message-read* "The Eussia 1" The , commissary replied ing school for girls, but is now bequantity productioa and he has Knights of Columbus will oppose the that it was. rather a difficult .questigh ,to pay for printing what lie anti-Semitic: movement because it is tion to answer. Two women of out" ing utilized for the education of all classes. In the Gerlikes. E e vn& probably' continue "to un-American. There are undesirables standing intellect in Petrograd were childrenc l aof ss l found ^ a t &* children ponder the world's^ perils and to pay of every race in this country, but that Lima and Kawitch; .Lilna is the wife ****• «»«, not ^ . Jjtfstify ^ ^ u Uofi ^any ot Zinoveief* the dictator of Petro- *P**» ? ^ ^traordmarily well for publicity, whether through peace- does U ^ , ^ proscription o \ j.i. . x . / <**<>* «r,<T VB^»«v "RjrroitrTi W thp and their replies to questions showed ships or pamphlets But just why h So long as there iff notonety grad, of-police* and -Madam "Kawitch uf the.; extreme M intelligence. :m~™«t TT~ The ** art classes ,w« any ons, Jew or Gentile, should be race. and profit in the practice of prejudice, chief AkUU "You mean? the chief of the wo- •**«• particularly interesting. In particularly ^disturbed by his pro- we shall be plagued with the antimen.p6Hce>f* I:questioned. jconception as well as in execution, BOttecements is not apparent. Ford Jewish and.other movements. m. Omaha Kea! Estate. Four Days Starting has shown himself nn excellent man " N o , of "-She entire police force.".. th * classes in sculjfture and painting Sonday, March IStli, Our expert knowledge of Eeal Estate vaJstes is your of business in a certain line r which [were far above the average. One Ftt>f. Kotkor Dies front Injuries. the commissary corrected me. guarantee that any Real Estate business trartsacted through was peculiarly Ms line; but that does " 1 would .Very much like to meet youngsieivhad siade a particularly W I L L I A M S. HART NEW YOKK. (Jewish Telegraphic our ofSce is a satisfactory transaction. not necessarily prove that he has the her," I said,-^and after a brief con- striking" representation ot the spirit Agency.)—Dr. • Wilfred Kotkov, Proi n background of the breadth of jugdvers^ation, over the telephone an ap- of revolution". ment to pass critically upon the -af- fessor of philosophy and Talmud in When Lilna realized how interested was made for me. fairs of the- world. Ose would be in- the Jewish Theological. Seminary of I was fir the. weeffc 6f the children Madam R&witch cliued to give irrucb *vre?ghfc. to his this she suggested that I should visit AH Kinds of Insurance. from \ Madam Kawitch is opinions on factory management, but woman of o n e of the Children's-theaters, and up and attacked small stature with, large light eyes. Any client of ours will-tell you that they net conscienthat he is equally competent to advise we finally arranged that 1 should !You hardly see anything else fof attend the next day a special pertious service •wh& we are looking after their insurance us on international probi-ems is an- by four men. A tale of flie la^r of The funeral service^was held at; her eyes. They are mosfperietfating formahce which the children would feosiness. .... other matter. : the Great Noi^hwest fhe Ford's Ideas <m general subjects are !e n c seminary yesterday in the.pres-jand when you have looked at them give at the Dramatic theater invcelahd the red - c o a t e d "When you place your insurance in CUT hands, all your of hundreds df feUow-professors/once y o u know that they are .Tmxri^ .• ' ". . probably" no less and no moire exact i riders who guard its worry about loss or expiration$ is forever eliminated. eyes. She reads; your innermost mthair thoss of fhe average meehanic i wild frontiers. thoughts and answers your questioDff | the greater part of whose life before you have: even formulated * been rather strictly devoted to s,wer>- them. Her Voice is soft and sfiet tra^le. He differs from, the' otucio Three Days Starting to be very pleased to meet I In our Building Management DepaTlment,, we have an able to publish/^a any scale m someone belonging to the outside Thursday, March 17th, an effid*at ergafiitation to tale care cf yout1 propertf st but that does not render Morris B. Levine. world.' '• • • , | the ssssllest cost Ssd incrt^sed setufng on foot hid • opinions more valuable. They RIARY. RULES MINTER "How' do the men accept the faci j should be given the precise amount of attention they deserve-^San Francis- TCfiVTMiX IS DUE Iff CAR AND IN that you are at the head of the SADDLE. oc Chronicle. police, ser^ce in Fetrograd?" I ask- I Tom Mix does some more hair-rais- ed her. ' i Sunday, Mardi 13th, Real- Estate, Investments, fssra-anee, Bunding Manageraeisi ing stunts in feis-fates^ Wflfliatii ^ox She siniled as she replied, "At "ALL SOULS' EVE." ^ week picture, "The Ko&d T>emonV* which Safcnders-EeioMHly BuiMiag A t r i u r n p h of the "All SouTs' Eve" will, appear at the will ope.- at the' "Moon" theatre next first 1 found a good deal of* opposi- I IStk &t& Dsa^ias Sis. ~ Phones Tyler SIS®. tiori biff after 3 while they came W , : Eialtd Theatre' for tttree"' days, begin- •week. ' photographer's a r k • • realize that the work was being weR~ ning Thursday. It tells a very pretty The double and triple Mix famoas horse Tony his a rival stoiy built around d 'quaint old Irish i t "The- Road'Demtin," Because Tom executed arid" showed! their satisfac exposures achieve some in a story that will •"•v. tion. 'At present 'ihey do everytMng of mothe'r-!ov&s Which of the most sreffiarka xstutig tar tctt maay of the: possible to coroperate with me. 1 .., make: a lasting able effects*ever filmed. true in an American homev. Besides thrills and dare devil escapades, x>Uw nfijwressidn! . Miss Minter aftd Jack Holt, ieaSIrig Tony is there just the same, and Mil hare under my charge ^four thousand man, the cast includes Mickey Moor?, do ids usual best to help Mix enter- merf and eight hundred women and • ; Carmen Phimps>.. Lottie Williams and" tain. The big part of the story hinges we" are known as" the milifia. "The term "police", smacks'"too' Ckrencfr Geldart. Gfiester Franklin on two big attt6 races much of the old regime and is theredirected. I t is 2 Realarlt picture. , X..1 fore very : unpopular. Jfhe women SATAN WL" OWN CHIKOPODlSt AND BEAUTY perform the same duties^ as the men ilil The Progresse CluS (ANiDEBAPING '-'•• George Artfss, Marking his screen in maintaining'order arid protectirig SHOP. Stills A regular meeting ol the Prog*eSse debtf in "She r>evil,' at the the comnnmity against thieves and THE . Established r was held Sunday, February 27, at th6 "$ufi' theatre "starting Sunday, takes Beggars. They like their work and J- „_ Y. M>H. A. club rooms at 2 p. m. It n i b ids hand i t s destinies of an artist^ there are always a larger ntimber of was decided to take club pictures at 3 mVdel,- a banker and his wife. H* applicants than We can employ. PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. 'th& next meeting, if the weather was has -arked-tfc^e people for hig own Worrten Have Little.Trouble favcrtr&Ie. A report from the man- kingdom • of misery. Out of thr-r is "When the women's section of the ager of fK& basketball team was very Troth and; G> i~ e he would create lit and does militia was originally founded two favorable. It stated" that the team -was Evil. BufJ fhat TrufH ran, r victoriotis" ovpr the teams of "The overcame " vil, is one o the points Eailors in tt moment of frivolity deKnights of Zion" and the Bernis Park. of interest in this photoplay triumph! prived twtr of the women of their Having induced Mr. Arliss to '6 bayonets. When tha friends of the The f dlfowing new members were advrtt&tfiehad Itfncte$us I to do—make two sailora learned of their act, they mitted Ttrto the orgaflfatwm: Leo a moving picture—Associated Exhib- *held a "special meeting to discuss Fried Maynard Gre-nberg, Irving their attitude towards tfie women's ShettS and Lonis Shafton. 'Isaae itors proceeded to make a photoplay militia. The meeting decided Ciat Sternhill and 'B- Try Janger were ap- that shoul' »each the height of per- the women were entirely worthy of fection in its -very detail.' ' , pointed on t i e debate committee.thei? support and severely reprimandA regular' meeting win' be* hefd^ at ed the two interfering sailors. Since Subscribe for 'LITHOGRAPHERS - STEEL OlE ENBO the clai* rooms, Sunday, Sfarcii 12,'at 31 then our women have had no "Tim Jewish "Press 4QOSC 3 '


ial Writer for







Anita Stewart




11 ii


Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Ltd.) X




41eph Y Clot has Big




WOMEN'S, AUXILIARY L C B . B. Have Chinese Tea A special meeting of the Omaha At a meeting of the Hatjkvok gitls, WILL HAVE OPEN MEETING^ A^very unique party was given, in Junior Hadassah Unit will be held Sunday, March 6, a "Bloomer team" -o\ ON MARCH 31. honor of Miss Flora Bienstock Wed- Wednesday evening, March 16, at the under the direction of Miss. Estelle More tnian one hundred members "At the regular meeting of the Kanesday evening^ March 2,* by the jisual meeting place, when all. corn- Lapidns, and a dramatic club—were were present a t the regular meeting Dee-Mo Club last, Monday it was de- The Intellectual Advancement Com; Women's Auxiliary I. 0. B. B., 'tthich mittees will be officially appointed. 1 orgaaicti. mittee cf the Women's Auxiliary I. O. By NATHAN E. GREEN i of the Junfor Welfare^ Organization) cided to give a dance for" the benefit wa"s attended by sixty members of the €f B. B. is jranging an open meeting Wiiie, Women, Song,' -that sounds' ' eld' Sunday, March: 6, at the Y. if." of the South Side TatmudTorah. The and At, the house-waxining of A "regular" meeting of the Sa-Oth A. club rooms. /dance will be held in the south, side for members and friends on Thursday club. Tea served in Chinese tea-cups, sublime, o Mrs. Mcnis London, a donation {evening, March 31. This will be a Chinese aimond: cakes, sandwiches, Society will be held Sunday afternoon, ;This orgrnization jiow has a mem•• some time in April, the definite date rni But that was not, needed to have. candy BHd BHd nuts, nuts were were March IS, at the home of Mrs. Ben- made for fee War Sufferers. for both Omaha Lodge preserved preserved rruits rruits, candy ersKp b^V.'one- hundred eighty-five,' and hall to be 'announced in.' the next joint program 1 a good time; served by* the Misses Hanna Greenj ^ ^ Boasberg. No". 354 and the Auxiliary. The public" For there -were no women, no- song and a campaign is now on for more issue of this paper. AH proceeds o% is invited. blatt, Celia Cooper,.-Esther Belmont, members. At this meeting, the Junior the danca are to be given to the and no rye, Sadye ievy, Ivy Siegal, Diana Gross,' A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Justi a "peppy" old bunch, from the rganizatibn was given charge of the Tahnud Torah. and Mrs./Max Kaplan. Miss BienA son was born Wednesday, March sewing; for the maternity vrard of the Ka-Dee-Mo Club members and their A l e p h Y . " •'••-•! •••••• • stock was presented with an oriental Rips of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mrs. Bgps 9, to Mr.and Mrs. Edward SthonWise Memorial' Hospital.. About friendsj will be entertained at a party lamp. The evening was spent in will be remembered as Miss' Isabel $ i e banquet of the* Aleph Y of the Airty girls agreed to help with this berger of. Council Bluffs. next. Monday night at the home of games; Mrs. Kaiman gave a-number. Eadman, formerly of this city. ,Y. M. H. A. -was held, at the New ;ewing, which is one phase of the If io let o« So yowr routing!;. v?( Jack Laarj the club's president. are Rgeuts for EVEBY. KTJSAM-Quickserve banquet hall, Monday. The mginal purpose of this organization. Mr t and Mrs. Benjamin Green an- at readings and Miss Mollie Gland On Sunday afternoon, March 13, SHIP MNE to Bnrope. We haTP banquet which is the second- one tysrbe' Many girls registered to go out_ colexpert knowledge on the «oanounce the marriage of their daugh- rendered a vocal solo. Rabbi Cohn will address the Omaha Miss Lee Ziori\is ill at the-Swedish tinonta! situation. We will help J given by the club, has, according to .ecting money for "\e War Relief and ter, Sadier'to Mr. Frederick- Walker you. (secure yonr passport «nfl Philosophical Society on/JThe Pilgrim the spirit shovsrn by the members, far all members promised to helpr-in the Mission Hospitall TO STUDY CHIROPODY other neceoBBary «5 o c o. te. • n st.8. of Newark; New Jersey, which took Tercentenary and True Americanism." . Write, pftOTie or caH. foot surpassed anv^that has yefffeW given present" dtriye of the' Peoples' Relief. Dr. George S. Concannon, place at Lincoln, Neb- , March 9. Mr. The following, are reported getting ¥AL. J. PETER & CO, by any young club in, the city. The "business .meeting was followed along nicely a t the Wise Hospital': and; Mrs. Walker are spending their specialist, is in Chicago'taking a post?"] The older group- cf the Daughters 8TEAMSHTT AREKCTT graduate course at-the Illinois College Interesting -talks were made by by a program under the direction of honeymoon in California. of Zion njet Sunday, March 6, when AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Mrs. I. Kraywitz, Mrs. N. Nl Brown, of Chiropody. Samuel Schaefer and Harry Lapidusv Miss Sylvia Kulakofsky, consisting, of lET-V Eiwun! St., Omaha. K«b. a Purim party was planned and elecPhoB«; Tyler 0S40. The following officers, elected for the songs by 'Miss Sadie Holland, piano Mrs. Rose Simon, Edith London, B. tion of officers took place.Rose ILapMr. and Mrs. A. Wolf entertained We send money at. the lowest ensuing term,.>vere installed: Fred selections by Miss Ann Leaf, and solo Minkin, Herman Nichols, William Gi^ twenty guests' at a family dinner Sun- Miss Eva Berg left last Sunday for laa was elected president; Gertrude rates to nil parts of the world, .White, president; George Givot, vice- dances by Miss" Ann Rosenblatt. Mrs. venter, Morris Arndt, William Damo- day, to celebrate their thirty-third her home in Sioux City. Misa Berg Goldberg, Xice-pre&ident; Ethel Sackand (le&l isr European xpouriMes ratsky, A. L. Katleman, Simon Meyer was hers visiting for the weei end •which on acxHinnt of the present president; J .Klapper, secretary;. man, secretary,' Elsie Eurwitz, treasVictor jtosewater read Mrs^ Ben- and William Metzer of Manning, la. wedding anniversary. Mr. and^RIrs. with her relatives and friends. low pate of escftnnsre are ft promising speculative t Lazerowita, treasurer; Sam Green jamin's paper, "The Jewish Girl."*/ _ urer; Ida Minkin, reporter; and Dora J. S. Slate and daughter, Dorothy, of and Nathan Levinson, x sergeant-atForman, program supervisor. Des Moines, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Miss Terthe Leon entertained at a Trachtenberg and son, Bernard, of The first regular meeting of the anns. The speeches that were made * SISTERHOOD NEWS luncheon at the Omaha Athletic Club, Omaha Junior Hadassah "Unit was by the different members drew mueh The Sistevhood of Temple Israel Friday noon, in honor of Miss Tillie Rock Island, Illinois, were the out-of- held Wednesday evening-, March 2, at applause, especially when several of gave a luncheon followed by a bridge town guests: the Y. M. H. A. rooms when the inl i e speakers had stated that the party Monday afternoon, when fifty fHascall of Des Moines and Miss Eva Berg of Sioux City, stallation of officers took place and Aleph Y of the Y.. LI. H. A. consisted guests attended. On Wednesday eveMiss Tillie Polsky of Lincoln arrived , the -decision was made to hold" the of "quality" members arid -not of g£ March 16, the Sisterhood will days witn~j~meeting regularly tiie first WednesMiss Tillie HascalL, who has been Sunday to spend several "quantity." 1417 give a social evening in the vestry of Miss day evening of. each month- at these > Thfi Aleph Y debating' team, al- the. Temple ^or the' benefit of the visiting here for a few day^s, left last rooms. Sunday for her home in Des-Moines. teenth street. though in its early stages of develop-All young girls over eighteen, years ment, is very anxious to secure <£&•eje, Wednesday evening, March 23, j Miss Dorothy Rosen of Vancouver, are urged to poin this organization as •, before roming to bates with the Thorpeian Athletic the Blackstone hotel, will be the Omaha. '^mr-. B. C, who is on her way to Tampa, this unit-is planning to-take an active dub of Omaha and the Hebrew large Piirim masquerade, when many Mrs. Harry Cohn and children, who Florida, spant the week with friends part now that the Jewish Homeland cational club of Council Bluffs. novel features will b& presented. in. Omaha and Lincohi. is being reconstructed. j have been visiting Mrs. Cohn's par- The nest-regular meeting cf the „ ~ " " , ••.'•., Tents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Meyer, will w club will ba held. Monday^ evening in Mrs.&Haxrael whohas.been atth= ; ^ h o m e ^ F a r - E o c k a T 7 a y j All mebers o£ the Council of Jewish m t Q YOUNG JUDAEA NEWS the Lyric building. CTarkson Hospital, is reported, much . MntxAvrr 1 Women of Omaha are requested to atThe Leaders Training- Group •vtill Monday. Tne second •mtertainment of tEe Over 700 patterns of aH wo<S material ia tke tend the card party •which •will be giv- meet Saturday evening, March 12. at improved. club- will be given Thursday, March en Thursday afternoon, March 17, at iaewest-Spnrxff Colors. Not one of these suits the club rooms in the Lyric The Omaha Zionist organiation 24, "when the Aleph Y will give a dano The Priscilla club- met today at the meets every Tuesday evening in the Eagle's hall, by the Council of Jewwould have sold for less -than- §5G.OO a few for members and their friends at the home of Mrs. J. J. Friedman. ish Women of Council Bluffs. months ago. ~ The Young Judaea Junior Club will Y. M. H. A. club rooms. Hanscom park pavilion. also hold its meeting Sunday, March j We have thousands <jf satisfied customers because our wOTkiaansMp- is first class. The. The C C. C. entertained at the hom< , Mrs. Ben Hischorn was hostess to Sensation of New York Show to be A farewell luncheon was given last! 13, at the club rooms. Wednesday "at the Fontenelle hotel in i' style you choose -will be right, sad the suit ia ^s£ Goldie Marcus in honor of Misa a whist club Wednesday afternoon. Exhibited in Omaha. ^, . . __. _ , I honor of Miss Mayb^le Greenberg of T made tofityou. Marian Cohn who will leave Wednes The Jackson Princess Coupe, p r o - j D e ^ M o i n e s . T h o s e p r e s e n t were the /day morning for an extended stay in Mr. and Mrs.- Phil Koolish of Chica- nounced most distinctive and indivi-1 Califocrnia, Twelve coaples were pres go, who are on their way to Califor- dual creation exhibited at the Eastern Misses Ruth.Gross, Eva Alpirn, Flora Bienstock, Diana Gross and Berthe ent and a very enjoyable evening was nia, spent several days in Omaha. shows this year, will be exhibited at Leon. Miss Greenberg left for Des spent in dancing and paying cards. the Omaha Show by, the Western Mrs. Irving Cassman of Chicago is Moines last week where she will visit i •Miss Cohn was presented with a trav. Motor Car Company, western disj with Mrs. Oransky and friends,'lor! eling bag, a gift from the club mem- spending some time -with her mother, tributors for the Jackson line. Mrs. A. FogeL Mrs. Cassman will be i several days and then return to her • bers. This coupe, built along foreign patremembered as Miss Celia Fogel, forThe regular meeting of the C. C. terns, yet all lines carried, out in per- home in St. PauL merly of Omaha. Ideai Family Loaf will be held Sunday, March 20, at the fect harmony, has caused much favorYesc home of Misses Esther and Helen OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK. Mrs. B. Levensky leaves Saturday able comment while displaced: at the KeifhiiOS'liOcd Grtsasr Chemiss; ' • :~ \ .' '5 Western Motor Car Compares sifesNorthwest Corner Fifteenth ajjd Hartley for New York where'she will remain JAY BUUZTS BAK£K@ 60. room during the past two weeks. The for several iponths. She will spend Mr. and. Mrs. M. Markovitz anfinish and lustre, equipment and. all nounce the 1 marriage of their daugh- some, time in Chicago And Pittsburg. the appointments of the car rank this = Single edge S5c per dozen. = ter Geraldine Bails to- Mr. Davt among the leading high-priced cars Gillette and all double-edge, 5 Degen of-Pfttsfcurg, Kansas, Ion ThS" Fairies of Zion held their meet- on the marketT A complete line, De45c per dozen. E ing 31 the home of Kose Mandel last ginning with the pop-lar pricedt POUR Wednesday evening, Marchi 9. The AH Work Guaranteed = i ^was --performed.- a t . Jfoe. Sunday, at which time they took in] as well as all models of Sixes, are itwv Si four nc^memBers"TaBeTFaief^Slttann omsnn^ p d Nihl 24 Hour Service t t 0 synagogue, ^24th and Nicholas streets Yaffe, Uffian Rosenblatt and Ubbie- *-exhibit .at,the sales rooms of the Western Motor Qar Company, Farnam at 7 p, m. The reception after t b Brown. at the Boulevard. " cei-emony was held a t the bride'i 5W North l€fli Street. -S The Young Judaea Senior Club -will residence, 2521 Sevrard! street. HART'S BEST PICTURE bjide was attended fey Misses Lee meet>Sunday, March;. 13,-at the .home Atifahamson and Ida Oppenheim. of'Miss Euth Bernstein, whea election The lest picture said to have been made by William S."Hart, to date, The groom's attendants were Messrs of officers will take place. y of the Mounted," -which will Arthur Holtzmaa. and Stanley S. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenfelch"«n- be shown at the Rialfo theatre nest .'Out of town guests were Mrs. H. tertamed^ at a large family dinner, week, presents him as a member of : Degen, Sr^ Mrs. C. A. Check^and Tuesday cvenmg, t o celebrate their the Canadian mounted police who Mifis Marjorie Degen, of Pittsburg, tenth wedding anniversary. Mrs. while in pixsr.t of a murderer, falls in Kansas; Mrs. D. Berg, Minneapolis, Rosenfeld's mother, Mrs. G. Thorman love with the sister of his quaity. * . Mian., and Miss Ida Oppenheim from and her sister, Mrs Joseph Anthony, "There are many remarkable scenes . 'Des Monies, la. After a honeymoon formerly of Omaha, but now residing in the picture^jand those who like to trip; through Kansas, Oklahoma and in Chieujo^ arrived Monday to spend see Mr. Hart' in one of hi? big fistic Omaha's TeSas'the young' couple, will make days here._ Newest anrt Finest Equiped battles r will n«^ be disappointed." Eva their home at 504 So, Olive street, Bath-House. - -^ Novak heads ah unusually capable Pittsburg, Kansas. Eaths, Magsagu, Hot Packs, ElecMr. a"Sd Mrs. H. L. Abrams and supporting company which includes tric Treatment, Inhalatorium. daughter, Charlotte, arrived Tuesday Leo Willis, Antrim Short, Alfred Al-, i$iy£n& Mrs. M. J. Simon .of the to spend some time here at the Black- len, Bert Sprotte and others. | south side entertained Suhfiay at stone hotel. The Abrams have many j . their home in honor of Miss friends here, having lived here until CONCANNON BROS, frops. Sophie Teperman: of New York; whose two years ago, when they left to make r 1401 Farnam Stn Basement engagement to Mr. David Kaplan was San Francisco thnir home. Entrancerecently announced. e Telephone: Tyler 5731 Mi?, snd Mrs. Walter Apple leave The Brotherhood will give s dinner Friday for 'their honte in Denver, .afOMAHA,, NEB. guarantee and our word is and entertainment, Tuesday evening, ter spending some '.-mehere •adth Mrs. "asOur good as a bond. Maafch-29, instead of oxt Wednesday, , We have satisfied hundreds of the thirtieth, as previously announced. Apple's sister, Mrs. Cota Wolf. your friends. This ladies will be their guests. Binner will be served at 6;S<f p. ni.; after Mfs^ A./L. Pickus, who has been in which "High Lights and Shadows," a California for some, time, is4 spending1514 Dodge Street. song Cycle in six episodes with an a few days in Omaha, on her 'way to -Phone: Bonglas 5619-^*— original Omaha cast, arranged by her home in» Sioux City. ,. Isadore Ziegler, will be given. The Maccabees -will meet Sunday, Mrs. B. F.^Lewis will give an arrange- March 13, when a debate "will be held. ment of- "Matame Butterfly. -. The younger group of the daughters Mrs. Max Sommt-rs entertained at of Zion met Dunday, March 6, at the luncheon followed by "bridge today at home of Dora and Bernice Steig, when her home. the following officers were elected; 3aralt Morgan,,_ president! Sylvia The last^Jevrish History lecture for plander, vice-president; Anna Ruback, this season by Hatbi Cohn: under tiie Becret?&y; Madeleine- Speigal, treasauspicesjof the Council of Jewish Wo- ttret; <5ertrude Winrtroub; reporter; men -will be held Monday afternoon, and Margaret Margolin, program Mirci 14, when the subject be supervisor. "lite jews in the Twentieth Century." Dr. Cohn nas delivered a lecturej on tiie J6ws of each century, beginning i 3» with the fifteenth, as well as an introductory lecture on the whole period Bstri H. Lapldns. Preg.-Ttww. Jos. Proper, Vice-fcresHtent. . \ l a its tfcirueta year. • / of Jewis!- history. This lecture will ^T&. G. Ore. Secretary. For edncated •wonisa m d girls. close the course^for the season. . i KA-DEE-MO CLUB:'.NEWS


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Faxton Hotel Turkish Baths


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"Say It With Flowers"

A'regular monthly meeting of the Council of Jewish Women will be held Monday afternoon, March 28.


Mrs. S: Kra—er and-small tlaagh- tea?, Boris Minna, arrived today to spend some time with Mrs. Kramer's rtt/TH and Mrs1. N. A. &»**$-

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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1921. Tson. Raymond, of Chicago, Mr. and _ Jewish organization. The affair was Zionists to raise funds for the con- followed, strewing rose pedals in the' officiate at a wedding. The taad was were injured while the Rabbi died .Mrs. Arthur Sax of Waterloo, la., given for the benefit of the Young tinuation of the Zionist work in the path of the bride. Helena Feinberg, hit by an automobile driven by Mrs. before medical help arrived. Rabbi } Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Robinson of Judaeans and the proceeds will be used city. The bazaar will be given in the carrying the ring in a little satin Gustav A. Henckel who was accom- Halperin was gixty-three years old, Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer for; the continuation of the work of Hebrew In-ti'ute the latter part of basket, followed. Then came the bride, panied by a daughter. Two of the and is survived by a wife and six Sent by our Council Bluffs News attended by Mrs. Zeldes and Mrs. individuals in the taxi with the Rabbi children. Sperling of York, Neb., and Miss that club. Principal parts were taken this morth. bureau. Blank. The groom's ther and mother by Herman Sacks, Joe Rice and MorSara Robinson^ "who has been" attendand the bride's father and mother conris Pickus, who were easily the "stars'i ing Columbia University in New York. Plans and preparations are being Mr. Epstein and his bride will be of the evening, but much credit is due cluded the procession. made by the members of the' Council at home in Chicago after April. to all those who participated to make After the ceremony dinner was servBluffs lodge of the B'nai Brith for its the play a success. The club wishes ed for the i.rl. dves at Walsh hall. Miss Anna Chapman, daughter of About, sixty guests were present. tenth annual celebration which will to extend their heartiest thanks to A wedding of interest to Des Mr..Abe Berg, under whose direction Mr. and Mrs. Chapman of Lincoln, , be given in April. ~. -• ^ The out-of-town guests wera: Mr. was married to Mr. Harsy Finsod of and Mrs. Sam Zeldes of Burlington, Although the Council Bluffs lodge Moines friends is.that ofJMiss Anna the play was given. For Economical Transportation" Sioux City, Sunday, March 6. The Iowa; Mr. ar.d Mrs. M. Dezon, parhas been in existence for only ten Jacobs, .until recently a teacher in years, is, has already received honor- Alaska, and Mr. J. B. Gottstein, both The Sisterhood of Mt. Sinai held its wedding was one of the biggest and ents of the grcom; Mr. and Mrs. Blank, [htmitmi ^CHEVROLET? prettiest affairs of the season. The Mrs. A. Pill, Mr. M. Pill, Mr. A. Kroary mention from the grand lodge of formerly of Des Moines. regular meeting in the Temple rooms Mr. and Mrs. Gottstein' are now Friday, March 4, at which time plans ceremony took place at.the Synagogue loff, and the Misses Levy, Kaufman, the B'nai Brith because of : ts large memership. There, are one-hundred enroite to Anchorage, Alaska, where were started for the cqnstruction of Tifereth Israel. Rabbi Albert N. Rose Finsod and R. Finsod, all of j "POPULARITY is an indica- and twenty-five. Jewish families in they will make their home arid where an addition to the Temple for Sunday Mandelbaum officiated. Before the Sioux City; Mrs. Lyle Smith, sister] ceremony Miss Anna Asdyll, accom•*" tion of worth in a motor car. Council Bluffs, and-there are more last summer Miss-Ida Jacobs of the schoof rooms. of the groom, of Chicago; Mr. and , . panied by Colby Sirinsky on the violin, Mrs. Krueger, uicle and aunt of the than 130 members in the Council West High faculty spent the summer. The fact f that more than half sang "Oh, Perfect' Love." Colby Sirins- groom; and Mr. Louis Shrstak, Mr. Bluffs lodge. . / Miss Ruth Marx has been appointed ky played he wedding\march also. a^ million people have purchasAbe Mozer, Masses Annette Fanger, The Des Moines, chapter of the principal of the Sunday school of Mt. The bridal procession came in the "Resolved that pur Jewish customs Junior Hadassah gave a very suc- Sinai Temple, by Rabbr Goldeiistein to and Mrs! Savad, ill of Omaha. \ ed Chevrolet cars is evidence can be lived up to at the present cessful dance at the Hotel Fort Des take the place of Miss Maueller, *vho following order. -First came the four Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finsod motored of their quality and service. bridemaids and ushers, Misses Minnie to Omaha after the ce.em«ny from time," is the subject of the debate Moines Ball Room, Saturday even- has departed for the east. that.will be held at th© regular meet- ing, March 5. The proceeds will be A masqerade party was given Sun- Greenstone, Nina Shostak, Anna Si- where they will leave for Sioux City. ing of the Hebrew Educational club used in adopting ^Palestinian orphans. day evening, February 27, in the He- j rinsky and *Rose Finsod, sister of the After the honey moon they will make CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. groom; Messrs. Jack Chesin, S. Sna of Council Bluffs, Monday evening at brew institute by the Poale Zionists. der, Harry Snader and Ben Shapiro. their home -with Mr. and Mrs. Chapthe Danish. halL The participants in 2659 FARNAM STREET, TKe Jewish Junior League met The proceeds of the affair were given Then came the groony attended by Mr. man, Mrs. Finsod's parents. the debate are Phil llomonpv . and OMAHA, NEB. over to the purchaseof tools and Sunday afternoon at the temporary Sam Zeldex,. Burlington, Iowa, and Newark Rabbi Killed in Accident. Harry Perelmeter. machinery for .the Jewish workers in 1 Mr. Buank, Sioux City. After the NEW YORK. (Jewish Telegraphic ; The club, which had been recently cliib rooms. After the business meet- Palestine. • groom followed the ir.aid of honor, Agency.)—Rabbi Halperin, one of the organized, has fifty: members.- The ing the following program was given: Miss Finsid, another sister of the leading Rabbis in New Jersey, was literary committee of the club has songs by Miss Maybelle Greenberg of already planned an extensive cam- St. Paul, accompanied by- Mrs. Ruth - Mr. Joe Levin has returned to Des groom, and the b e s t r a n , Mr. Ralph fatally hurt in an auto collision late paign along the lines of education. Cohn Frankel of Des Moines; read- Moines after a week's visit with his Deworksky. Two little flower girls, Saturday night, when some Jewish The social committee has reported ing by Mrs. Sara Biela Cohen, and parents, Mr. and. Mrs. H. Levin. He Bevnice Chapman and Deva Zeldes, friends were taking him in a taxi to many activities for the ensuing term, an address by Rabbi Mannheimer. will resume his duties at the capitol among these is the organizing of the A social hour was enjoyed following building during the session of the state legislature. "Home Talent" orchestra, whicti will the program. play at the meetings.The Hebrew Ladies Friendship Mr. and Mrs: M. Silverman anSociety will give its . annual dance Samuel Edelstein of Philadelphia, nounce the engagement of their Omtrolt "Foar-NinOu" Touring Car.SS20.fA>Jt. Flint. Mich. Monday evening, March 14, at the Pa.,'arrived Sunday morning to spend. daughter, Minnie, to' Mr. Abe M. Auditorium. The H. L . F . Society is several days with relatives, Mr. and Levey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam in all charity work for the 'Mrs. K. Brandeis, 901 Sixth avenue, ^eyey of Omaha. Mr. Levey 1S now jvery active ^ c&mmunity ^ ^ eeds Council Bluffs. hving in Los Angeles, Calif., where o{ ^ ^ a r e £b e u s e ( i f £ c h a r i ^ he. is interested in a film corporation. able purposes.Mis3 Marlon Cohen, daughter of J.Cohen, 908 Fifth avenue, Council Mr, and Mrs. M. A. Weiner, Mrs. Bluffs, left Wednesday morning for Greenb rg, Mr. Dave Greenberg of Los Angeles, Calif., to visit with relOmaha and "Miss "-die Miller of atives. Miss Cohen was accompanied Seattle^ Wash!, were guests in the city by Mrs. Sam Saltzman. Announcement was made recently for several.days. The card party which was to be of the engagement of Miss Lillian Mr. and Mrs. 3. Kreuger, Mr. and given March 3 at the home of Mrs. L. Berman, daughter of M:. D. Berman, Mrs Dizon/Mr. and Mrs. M. Blank, Braunstein, by the Council of Jewish to Mr. Maurice Minter of Minneapolis. Misses Ruth and Rose Finsod, Mrs. Women, "will be held Thursday after-, Smith, Mrs. Abe Pill, Mr: Morris Pill,' "IT SPEAKS FDR ITSELFnoon, Marah 17, at Eagle's IiaU. Miss Rebbeca Courshon enterttlned Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kauffman, Miss the members of the G. S. C. at her Leah Kauman, Miss Eva Levy, Harry % Mrs. A. GiKnsky, 725 Mynster street, home Sunday afternoon The next entertained Thursday night for inen> meeting will be held at the home of Krueger and Si Krueger were among F . O . B FT. IXHItS the guests who attended '-he weddding bers : of the semi-monthly card d u b . Miss Grace Baron. of Mr. Harry Finsod and Miss Anna Eight couples were \presesit at the ^ 33 YEARS OF SUCCESS IN Chapman of Lincoln. Mr. Finsod party. . " .Several y»ung boys and girls, inter- formerly resided in S'oux City. "BUILOING GOOD VEHICLES The regufer meeting of the Council ested in Young Judaean work, displayASSURES IN THE GARDNER Miss Rose Pill invited several Bluffs lodge of l i e B'nai Brith "was ed origitoalty and humor in the presCAR A DEPENDABLE PRODUCT held Wednesday evening at the Dan- entation of a minstrel show, under the friends to "her home Wednesday, to name of the "Garden of Yeden,* Sim- spend the evening, in making gifts ish halL •: • • FREE FROM THE COST OF EXHudson Super-Six Seven Passenger Touring. "fiay. This was the first show enter- and novelties tv be donated to the PERIMENT—THE ONE CAR FOR Members of the "Jolly Eight" pleas- tainment erer given by any local bajfaar which will- be given by the EVERYBODY. ure dub of Council Bluffs were enterHE QUALITIES which make Hudson »tained Thursday evening at a theater a leader in. the fine car class, are 'party. Mrs. E. Marcus, 801 First .,« • -. qualities which do not d i m i n;i s.h' avenue, mU entertein for the members /-/through long and constant service. of th* tfnb at a card party, Tuesday ': Even though the ownership may change evening, Maifcli 15. ..<>.. . / to .dth^ hands, these qualities of Endur-* .


Lincoln News



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According to-the reports that were, fesaed by the committee in charge of t i e Matos fund in Council Bluffs, t i e Council Bluffs women organization have sent $100 1 the general treasury of the M.- *-zo fund campaign1 for the people of Europe. Mike and Ike Krasne of Fremont ard Oakland/Nebr., respectively, arrived in Council Bluffs Monday to spend several days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs-^XL Krasne, 122 Benton street.




After you see the beautiful Hudson cars at the auto show, call at our Farnam Street sales rooms and see the fine line - of rebuilt Hudson cars we have on display. They are. all guaranteed the same as new, and our reputation is back of every car we sell. All body styles and a wide range in prices. We will be pleased to show you any car at any time and this does not "»•"• obligate you in any way. • ;

. Farnam at the Bonlevard. Twenty-Four Sour Service. Phone Harney 0868.

Exhibitors in Omaha's Sixteenth Annual Automobile Show, March 14 to Id.



Plans are being made by the committee of the Jewish Sisterhc^d of Council Bluffs for to* be held Tuesday, April 19, at the Eagle's hall, Council Bluffs. .-•'••

Des Moines News B <

- Prepare your bundle with clothes, shoes,; underwear, food, soap, towels, cotton and medicaments. ". •* The Jewish Peoples' Relief Committee of Omaha will call upon you during the month of March.

26th and Farnam Street.

Call any of the following telephone numbers and your bundle will be col.lected and forwarded to-help,the in\ nocent victims of war:


Harney 1606 Webster 0289 /Webster 6059

Harney . 6118 Webster 2734 Webster 1076

A pretty wedding of Sunday afternoon took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robinson, when their daughter, Gertrude, became the bride of Allen Roy jEpstein, son of- Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Epstein of Chicago. * Under \ arrangements of the Rabbi Adolph Burger assisted by Rabbi H. Zeichik officiated. Miss Sara Liebson sang" " I Love You! Truly" and "Because." Miss Esther! Cohn was at the piano. Mis£ Goldie Robinson gave a violin- selection of * S3 the bridal chorus from "Lohengrin." 5 The out-of-town guests were Mr.and Mrs. Solomon Epstein, Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Epstein and daughter, ^HIIUilllllHIIIIIIIUIIUIIUIIllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllimiHIIUillilillllllUlllllllllIlillli? Rita, Mr. and Mra A. Epstein

Phone: Douglas 1970.

177 Omaha concerns own HANDS ACROSS THE SEA


I Peoples Relief Committee I

380 Republic Trucks 80 of these .concerns have bought on repeat orders48 of them placed repeat orders during 1920. • A record made possible only by .giving\ satisfactory service.


Have you friends in England, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Spain or other countries across the sea? Have you business 1 with any of the European nations ? \ If so, the Foreign Exchange Department of the First National •/ Bank caa be of real service to you. ' i ' ,ftre you going to travel in Can"*da-'e* Europe? Are you familiar ; with the money of the countries yon intend to visit? Do you kno\V the present rates, of exchange and : - how to secure the benefit of them ? If any of these questions perplex ' you, call on Mr. Sellner in our Foreign, Exchange Department and he will arrange these matters' for you."


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See them at the Auto Show.











Members of the city Talmud Torah of Council Bluffs will give a Purim play Sunday afternoon, March 27, at the Danish. halL The play is under the direction of the teachers of the Sunday schooL They are:' Misses Frieda loldberg, Esther Solomon /and Reva Gilinskyi-and Mr. P. Romonov.

Sent by our Des -Moines Newsbureau.

-I ; ance, -Economy and*, Stability enable h the • • *', "'Hudsorg to satisfactorily -perform 'as it; ';. did whenjiew. .v •


The Jewish Sisterhood of Council Bluffs will give a public card party Sunday eveninc, March 27, at the Danish iiall.

ANDREW MURPHY & SON DISTRIBUTORS 14th and Jackson St., Omaha, Neb.

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