March 24, 1921

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I REGISTER! | JO Be sure that ev- {if g ^ery voting mem- | | M ber in your fami ily is; duly regisj§teredso they can g vote in...the"comI ing election. _. iS_~_ VOL. L—NO. 15

I REGISTER! [0 ffi Tf yon have mov since the last Hi 1:5


jp election you mast }§ .'"". |. register a g a i n Ni f$-5jf02r0' "v cs %s c s m Us f "rote.

Entered as secflnd-clsss mail- mat&r <m: January 37th, 1021, at poBtoffice at Omaha; Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Lord Reading Leaves I Files for City CommissionT For India; Given Big Farewell InLondon o









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Famous Writer And Leaier w


Forged Signatures Sold To imi^rants;


'— o



WHAT ARE THE PRIVILEGES INCIDENT TO CITIZENSHIP? - Have you ever put these questions to yourself?/ • It seems wholly unnecessary 'to discuss the many blessings enjoyed j by citizens in this Land of Freedom and Opportunity, and it goes without jsaying that those of European birth are doubly grateful therefor and Abraham Goldberg of New York Unfortunate Mother Because of Internationally Known Jew Left {more fully appreciative thereof, because of the contrast of conditions here Will Discuss "Palestine1 Homeland to Take Up ImSwindler May be Separated jwith those they experienced in "their land of birth. Yes, we appreciate .Today." • ' portant Role of Viceroy from Familly for Life. [the EQUALITY, the FREEDOM, the LIBERTY, and all of the other privileges. that it is our good fortune to enjoy in this realm of the The celebrated orator, journalist London. (Jewish Telegraphic AgenNew York, (J. C. B. Ssrvice).—A Stars and Stripes. . . • -. ""%'•"'. and Zionist leader, Abraham Goldberg cy.) Lord Reading** left for"7~idia to writ of hapeas corpus saved Mrs. t'. Privileges always involve corresponding duties, however. The Governof New York City, will lecture m take up his duties as viceroy. Chaem Menkes, fifty-years old, and ;ment offers us much and expects but little in Return, but that little Is Omaha, Sunday, March 27, at 8 p. m,, Thousands were at the railway staher two children, from immediate important to the fullest development of our institutions, at the Synagogue at Eighteenth and tion to bid him farewell and Goddeportation yesterday. Mrs. Menkes' j In time of War, our country requires SERVICE of one kind or another, Chicago streets. speed. In view of the present comand her children have been detained to defend' its honor and to promote the principles for which it stands. His "subject will be "Palestine Toplicated situation in India, the anat Ellis Island since February 12,; i In time of Peace, i t requires SERVICE of another character—compli. . , <3ay." xietir on the part of the government ance with the law, upright and honest'.living, and a CONSCIENTIOUS ^ were ordered deported because j Mr. Goldberg lias undertaken a shown in securing Lord Reading's PARTICIPATION IN THE AFFAIRS OF -THE GOVERNMENT. This a e i r passports has .a forged si__tour of the northwestern states to services for this extremely important latter'duty is most essential. Every citizen is a part of the machinery nature. meet the repeated and urgent demoffice reflects upon-the abilities of this of government. In this connection, a grave responsibilty rests upon each Mr. Menkes has been living in tins ands of the various Jewish com- • leading Jew in this country even to a znunities. of us, to contribute our share to good government. The means provided d t ? f o r&e P a s t m n e years and has greater extent than do his many j for our expression in governmental matters is the exercise of the right t w ° married daughters and other Mr. Goldberg recently returned . achievements of the past. of franchise. The man or woman who fails to exercise that right, fails children in this country. Alexander from an extended tour of the Holy Lord Reading was born in 1860 and Well known Zionist and Writer. L rke a n Land. He also attended the World Harry Zimman in a primary, duty of citizenship and is recreant in the discharge of that R° » attorney of this city became an advocate in 1894. He took Zionist Conference in London, where Harry Zimman, city commissioner, responsibility. : . ' • • . . • ; who has been engaged in trying to up the position of Chief of Justice in he was elected a member of the An election for CITY OFFICIALS is approaching. . j s a T e t h ew o i n 5 n f r o m b e h l S s e n t 1913, was knighted'in 1914, made a member of the B'nai Brith and other I back Executive .Qouncil of the World Orviscount in 1916 and given the title Jewish organizations, a leader i n ' • HAVE YOU REGISTERED? Today, the day you receive the paper, s a 5 d>: speaking of this case yesterday ganization. Jewish activities, filed for re-election is the ;LAST DAY FOR REGISTRATION to enable you to vote at the of earl in 1917. "• He is particularly interested in the as city commissioner during the past Primaries. Registration Office open until 8:00 P. M. ' ""This " " is one of the cases of numerous frauds in passports in Europe, London, (J. T. Agency).—It is Palestine Land problem, and will outweek. WILL YOU VOTE? OF COURSE YOU WILL. but with the ' difference that this learned that when Dr. Eder, the line important plans for the rehabil\ woman is" an unfortunate victim. She previous head of the Zionist Com- itation of the country and the estab"COUNCIL SABBATH'* IS ' Head of Hebrew Union College TRACES HISTORY OP Says that a roan re FORGED* PROTOCOLS P*" esentin £ mm "'mission in Palestine returns to Jeru- lishment of a great net work of garWELL RECEIVED HERE to Resign. Council Sabbath Was observed with • . . . self to be either the American Consul | salem, the Commission will be re- ( den villages and colonies. Cincinnati, Ohio, March 24.—At the New j Mr. Goldberg will discuss in detail New York, (J. C. B.' Service).— special services at Temple Israel last end of the-present academic term Dr. *• Z York. (J. B. C. Service.) — ' o r a representative from-his oSce' organized. i the publication of appeared at the line "of immigrants,! Each member of the Commission' the plsn of Dr. Philip Sher to organ"The Jew and American Ideals", a Saturday morning, when sn unusual- Kaufman Kohler, president, of ' the f""1"131160^8 new volume by John Spargo, the ly large congregation attended. Ser- Hebrew Union College since 1903, will lca at the head of a ize an Omaha colony in Palestine. . P a ^ S ° , fI'S volume, ,. , warning, Amer... demanded a fee of- $sj.QQ from each trill •—be - - placed -, noted Socialist author, has just been vices were .conducted by Rabbi Fred-; retire from office, accortiing to an -,^sainstv-eve. dangers _ of ant* and w r o t e something on each pass- department for which he will be All shareholders in Zion -Common- I _vr» "/-"nil _: ' _ . .by . '., __ au-jtlier publishing nublishinff h o u s e pO «._*+ i-nr-ii.^.T.e» that fKat of n f Mrs. M T C MenkeS. TVfpnXrpa •!responsible. «-.:i,i« TO,« Commission fi^-m-^ivni™ TIT..I wealth •B.»_-nifh are o r o to t « meet mppt. with \rifh Mr. M T .Abraham' Abraham i house rt, including The will erick r-«v>. Cohn -rr->,« who »r»,«i-__ spoke on "Call +« to announcement the -Board- of Gov- S e m i t i s m v another issued and demonstrates that the __T-,----La© volume from the~pen No question «f its validity was raised have no permanent head, a temporary Goldberg in conference., Sunday afterJewish Women" which was a stirring ernors of the institution. The board anti-Semitic campaign, in America chairman being chosen s t the will -noon, March 27,. at 2 p. ra.,fitthe sponsored by Henry Ford, is as call to Jewish.women "To save Israel _5 now met with the difficult problem of Hermaair Bernstein in which he _______ she arrived in this country. most fully traces the-"history of the «We are trying, to, have her de- of the members, but Dr. will synagogue at E Eighteenth i h t t h und d Chicago Chi dangerous to American ideals as i tin these critical times," and an ur- of choosing a successor. f rged of the Elders of tained until we can* prove her in-, act as the Commission's political repstreets. Dr. Eohler xvis called to the presi- ^ P ^ t ^ ' s .«* of is likely to provoke prejudice against gent plea to every Jewish woman and wife, mother and daughter in Israel dency of the Hebrew Union College in ! Z i o n - r "Bernstein traces the story to __0Cent of any Knowieage m -ttie rraud. resentative to the Palestine adminis-! •' t the Jews. Mr. Spargo says: GermaQ to attend Jewish services.and to be February, 1903. The office had been ? story originally published if the courts cannot interfere tojtration. Dr. Eder leaves for PalesJ E W I S H WOMEN H E L P I N \ "The frightful massacre of Jews filled ad interim after the deathof "* 1 S 7 0 a n d ^ n t a m e d i n ° novel by prevent her deportation'it may mean! tine on. April 5th. "VISITING NURSE DRIVE • at Kishineff in 1903 resulted from a mindful of her religious duties. There*was special ^music ,assisted. Dr. Isaac M. Wise, founder of the col-" H e n n a n G o e & c l 3 e who wrote under permanent; separation of this family ' The. Zionist Executive has decided; The".Jewish Wumea's Welfare newspaper propaganda very similar by, -the children's choir. Miss Laura_,h>ge, byDr.-Moses Mielziner,. until his ^ assumed^ame. .. ;;.,-. uxtmbensf Imraigrsats gsiiizatioi! mi "the Junio-r W-eSfisiV"1" _jta__ihat which is now being carriedn 01 o f Goetz, Miss Sophie. Weinstein arid death, which occurred very shortly * ^PP * *as claims Mr. Bernthe return of the-.holder,; and even -'now entering Palestine and has in- Organization trader the directioB of bri by the "Dearborn Independent" y stein reproduces some original docuMiss Cecelia Feiler sang solos should this -, obstacle be removed structed .its representatives in the Mrs. R. Kulakofsky will unite a« A abd the "London Morning Post". On before Dr. Kohler's term began. Mrs. Samuel "Nathan made a plea , The decision of Dr. Kohler to retire ' m e n t s a n ( ^ reprints which have never within a year, or two, by proof of j various countries accordingly. One body in taking-part in the Visiting , that occasion an unexampled and unher innocencej the. new. immigration thousand additional i m m i g r a t i o n Nurses Association drive for Ittetnprecedented o u t b u r s t of horror to mothers "to. conscientiously help from the presidency of the Hebrew previously appeared in English. thrilled the whole civilized world."






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Says Jew Hatred Growing. As his explanation for publishing said i t was not only Council Sabbath taking formal action bn-Dr.. Kohler's threatening advance of revolutionary Galicia." TO MINIMIZE DIFFICULTIES given one ward to canvass. A mem* 'liis book, Mr. Spargo relates that in but the beginning ..of:.a very earnest resignation until a future -meeting. • progress. It is characteristic of Mr. REGARDING VISAS bership in the association cost one a recent trip to Europe he found that endeavor on the parts of , the mem- However, members say that the wish Bernstein's book . "The History of a Warsaw, (J. T. Agency).—The dollar. L although some of the most violent bers of the CouncU of Jewish "Women o f*the president will be granted, and Lie" that he makes no reference to RUSSIAN JEWS FLEE^ A P F T Y ! : n o t e d p i l t l i c w o r k e r > Advocate B?-j The following tells of i&e work of hatreds of the war are dying down, to turn its attention to the. religious __0 doubt exists that he will be made'the owner of the "Dearborn Inde. » A r i i j . r | r e n g o n ^ ne g O tiating with the Amer-1 the association: * < nevertheless in country after country education of their children. Mrs. Na- ^President Emeritus for life, with the; pendent", London, I[J.; T., Agency.).—Kovno _ c a n Consul with the idea of getting'' In 1920, our staff of nureses mada hatred of the Jew is being delibe- than Mantel in her. speech^ on "Wo- full 'salary, he is now receiving as reports received/here today state that ___mt o allot visa numbers to appli- 40,222 calls on 5,36? patients. This rately and systematically revived and men of Israel' said religion more president. - - ' . . - . . Cantor Sirota and His Daughter Jewish refugees * from Russia -are cants.* through a delegation and in is an average of seven home visits r intensified, threatening brutal and than music and manners should have at the Metropolitan Opera House trying to reach the frontiers of the absence of the applicant them- to «*** patient. pp ugly crimes against humanity. Even the careful consideration of mothers make these visits free to the" i t h i L t i dP l d Th New York, (J. C. B. Service).— L GERMAN ZIONISTS FORM Lithuania,.Latvia and Poland. They. _ This would prove of great ' ^ o o r kb uth se ves> t c ar a r e fieein in England there is, he says, \ n for their children. P ' k £e » small fee to Gershen Sirota of Warsaw, considered S numbers, elp to help to emigrants emigrants since since they they would would NEW ORGANIZATION fli i lin large b i • f rfearing i _ • _ : __ * t . n _ extensive, active and skilfully organa11 London. ( J / T . Agency.) It became .to be the Cantor with the greatest that the uprisings .will bring the in- a v o id coming to Warsaw and wait- vicePatients who can pay for the s«r* ized campaign directed. against Jews F. M. WARBURG RETIRES ing there indefinitely until their evitable pogroms. pogroms here today that Drs. KJee and j voice, yesterday appeared before an evitable W e h a v e s n tcmrl as Jews. Unless this propaanda is AS CHARITIES' HEAD Bodenheimer and Alfred Friedman,' audience turn is' reached. The Consul declared' >* s e r v i c e f o r iiiom di which more than filled the Mew xorK, o. a. who are able to checked England will take the place for skilled nursleading Zionists of Germany, have • Metropolitan Opera House. He was American Consul Will Not Vise that he would be willing to do ing care in the home, of the Russia of the Romanoifs as Announcement was made that Felix- formed what they call a new federa- ; assisted by a choir of more than a part provided Washington was agreeable Passports Unless Men Have time or visit service is all th§t is rethe land of pogroms and infamies M. Warburg, who has been the head tion of German Zionists. Their pro-1 hundred men and boys and shared to the suggestion. quired. , like the horrible pogrom of Kish- of the Federation for the support of gram resembles that which has more his pro-am with Helena, a young Their Wives' Permission. : The Visiting Nurses respond to all Jewish Philanthropies in New York, ineff may occur in British cities." recently been formulated by Zionist daughter <^f the Cantor. The im- Warsaw, (J. T. Agency).—An- JEWISH YOUNG WOMAN catls irrespective of race or creed. Mr. Spargo-completely refutes the ever since the Federation was formed, leaders in America. They want to. pression was. throughout _a favorable nouncement is made in'behalf of the FIRST TO PROSECUTE We have a, department for the after story of the Protocols of the Elders gave up the chairmanship and hasconcentrate on Zionist work in Pales-! one, and it is hoped that a t an early American Consul in this city that in IN NEW YORK of Zion, pointing out that whatever been made a member,-of ..the Board tine only and do not want to pay any date they will appear in a second future, he will issue no vises to men New York, (J. C. B. Service).— care of Infantile Paralysis or disabled . their origin, they were revived in of Trustees. , going that abroad unless produce S E s s R o s e Eothenberg^ z J e w i s h ^ ^ attention to the immediate work re- _concert. proof they havethey thecan permission ^ ^ ^ a r e^ . ^ . ^ He was succeeded by Mr. Arthur Russia for the purpose of counterg quired in that country. They have young woman of this city, was the of-their wives to do so. 1 \ Lehman who was until now the head acting revolutionary activities. Mr. placed before the Zionist Executive first of her sex to be appointed months course in Public Health Spargo who is a noted authority on of the Federation's Businessmens' the demand that the new organization Joint Distribution Director Has Promised to Aid Palestine Russian Emigrants from America Assistant District Attorney in this murainff c a r e a n d Council. Others who will assist Mr. be recognized as a federation. present-day Russia and' an outWe city. Miss Rothenberg yesterday Institute. Not to Be Admitted Into spoken opponent "of the Bolsheviki Lehman in the .work' of • the .Fedacted as prosecutor for the first time We will respond to calls at the time Soviet Territory. Danzig. <j. T. Agency.) M.Peiser, •. completely denies the charge of eration for the next, year are: Mrs. convincing the jury rf'delh^^e'ittier'day "or London, (. T Agency).-The—t — Bolshevism which has .repeatedly Sidney C. Borg, Judge' Otto A. Polish Merchants Charged with the director of the Joint Distribution prisoner, charged with W e h a v € f o e r infant Welfare j Committee in Poland has promised Bolshevist representative in Riga has Speculation. Rosalsky, Benjamin F_ Feiner, H. A. made against the Jews. grand larceny was guilty. Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) A number • Mr. Israel Belkind of Palestine that itions. Guinsburg, Dr. Harry G. Friedman, received instructions from Moscow of merchants in Mokotow have been he will exert all his efforts with not to repatriate, any more - Russian We havfe a pay per visit for inMrs. H. R. L. Goldstein' and Dr. Anti-Semitic World. Congress L. V. Nicholas Takes Stand Idustry. arrested by the authorities on a American Jews in behalf of Mr. Belemigrants "returning ' from America, in Budapest Next Autumn Solomon Lowenstein, . ., , ., Against Ford. charge of speculation and profiteer-: kind's agricultural institute in Pales- according to a Riga dispatch reVienna, (J. T. Agency).—The local An editorial taken from the Chicago \ ing, according to a Warsaw dispatch. tine, particularly so, in so far as Mr. ceived liere. Zionist Leader to Visit Many Journal of Commerce March 16, in, Polish Minister E v a i e s Jewish conference of Anti-Semites ~ has The same dispatch relates that . Belkind's plan about transporting European Countries. Issue. which Ford was assailed for his atdecided to call an anti-Semitic world speaking to a .delegation of Jewish ; pogrom orphans is concerned, accord- AMERICAN RELIEF London. (J. T. Agency.) Announcetacks on the Jews, was printed in the dpngress during next autumn. The •Warsaw. (,T.T. Agency.) We are merchants, the Minister of Commerce, irig to Warsaw advices. WORKERS ROBBED daily papers during the past week authoratively informed thst a t the congress will be calle"d at Burapest._ ment was made th^t arrangements Prosnonski, declared that the prosWarsaw, (J. T. Agency).—Accord- over the signature of L. V. Nicholas, conference held between Dejuty The local gathering also decided to were being completed "for Professor ecution .of speculators will be con-Polish Advocates Will Not Admit Chaim Weizmann to visit Po-and. ing to a report appearing in the local' head - • of - an oil concern here. Hartglass, Dr. Alfred No«t_«i^ organize regular anti-Semitic demontinued until their activities have been Jews of the Profession. Lithuania, Galicia "and other states entirely stamped out. . j publication "Rabotnik" an American The reproduction of this editorial by Vice-Minister : Wrobleski H.i<Mtf>ag?i stations in Austria, Germany and up ~ on bis ^ m "from the United Warsaw, (J. T. Agency).—The Relief Commission consisting of five Mr. Nicholas in a paid advertisement! insisted that the government other countries and to aid in theStates. Professor and Mrs. Weizmann Council of the local organization of Jews and two Gentile's was robbed brought forth comments of commend- issue a decree removing sll restricdevelopment of anti-Semitism in accompanied by a delegation which THE "LONDON TIMES" Polish advocates has decided to ex- and some of its members murdered ation by both Jews and Gentiles. tions against Jews. The Polish mincountries where the movement is not will include Professor and Mrs. AlWOULD HAVE NEAR EAST clude all men of the profession who near Briansk. - The dispatch gives no ister, however, evaded the entire isyet completely organized. bert Einstein of Berlin- will sail for PROTECT ITSELF are of Jewish nationality. (Obviously further details. ••-' sue by declaring that such a step was SISTERHOOD MASQUERADE America during next "week. London, (J. T. Agency).—The the dispatch of yesterday with regard An indoor circua and ring master, entirely, unnecessary since ia accord''Times" deals today editorially with to this matter in which it was stated Emigrants Coming to Warsaw Must kewpie dolls, gypsies, clowns,' Germans Provided.Special Food minority rights clause, Hugarian Je\ys FJeeing, Budapest in the question of Britain's military that Jews would be admitted into the Have Permission from Local for Orthodox Jews. woman," "Red Riding Hood," a bridefnSews were entitled to all privileges. Fear of Pogroms. expenditures in Palestine and Meso- organization of advocates, was sent ' AotKorities. London. (J. T. Agency.) DescribCleopatra, Don Juan and many other —'-—— "VienSa, (J. • Ti t Agency).—The potamia and protests against the out in error.) ing the preparations of the Germans Up .Discus* .**HHngiy KesrF* Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The local characters made up the masquerade in Upper Silesia for the plesiscite, efforts of the "Awakening Magyars" huge sums involved. Pointing out government commisary dealing vrith ball given by the Sisterhood of Tem- Rabbi Frederick Cohn will disease which took place last Sunday, the cor- to stir up the^population to fresh that Palestine cannot, be made a emigrants„-has .issued orders that ple Israel, Wednesday evening at the at Temple Israel Friday evening th« Arab Revolt Suppressed. recent book, "Hungry • Heart*,* by respondent of the "Daily Telegraph" pogroms has created a panic among bulwark for the Suez Canal, the Paris. (J. T. Agency.) French emi__rants coming to Warsaw from Blackstone hotel. says that one of its remarkable fea- the Jews of Budapest and many of "Times" suggests 'that British troops forces have completely suppressed tha the provinces must produce special Dave Rosenstock and ,his circus Ansaa Yelrierska, the 1 brilliant young tures is the provision of Kosher food them are fleeing with their families be withdrawn and local bodies main- movement of the insurgents at Hau- authorizations from the authorities which included many of the ferocious , Polish Jew living in the east side for orthodox Jews coming in" from from the city, according to a dis- tained by the local population should ran, according to a .dispatch from of their localities that they were per- animals *_. the mena^-rie demon- j New York. 'Dr. Frank Crane ia * of the cities. patch from the Hungarian capital. be created to protect thes*, territories. J cent article praised this mitted to proceed to Warsaw. strated for t i e mascrueradcts. _LT_ ____



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T f l | JEWISH

every TJhTirsd'ay at Omaha, Nebraska, My




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POLISH^ ANTl-SEMlTES XJAfcLE KEWS CX3NCERNE1> -o; JEWISH APPEAL *GR Warsaw. (J.T.'Aigeaicy.} T*e local PASSOVER FOOD anti-Semitic orgatiizatioil "Rozvoy" Loiikbn, (J. * T, Agehcy).-fThe called a special tnefejfcing at which istre orthodox Zionist Organization "Mik- discussed the Poli^n-Jevris'h negotiarachi" Jfaas issued a special appeal to tions for a better understanding beJews throughout the world t<£ secure tween the two communities which ate the Palestine pioneers with Passover now in progress an<£ the demands of food, according to a dispatch from the Jews that thesCbe permitted to Jerusalem.: Jewish Orthodox labo- trade^on Sunday. The noted antirers in-Palestine, the;same dispatch Semitic yleadirs Nemoyewski and-Destates, have formecl ah association mow ki were the chief speakers and Tinder the auspices xif "the "Slizrachi" indicated the necessity to actively to aid !Shd provide for new arrivals. combat these Jewish efforts. o——







CHANGE OB> ADDKESS-^piease-give-totii t h a o i a and how address: be

Jewish Deputy Was Adrised to Help of disposing of the Jews. The comBeat "'His ,O"*ft" "firettdren. - • mandant at the War Office later Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) A large apologized v and -declared that the number of Sofar Torahs were recently (J. T. Agency).—The fol- individual 'whe answered the telestolen irom the I)2ika street syna~ lowing incident is r e t r i e d from gogde. Six of these iiave now been Warsaw. While a number of Jews phone w.oxild &e dismissed.- •; .. recoVered but the synagogue directors were registering with the Military had to pay several thousand marks Commission, they were- set upon by MY FRIENDS they got them back. Srotnf j o b 0t •some Poles who beat them up very badly. " PRINTING He Was Only a, Jew so He Took > One of the Jewish deputies hapNotice of Him. will be fpvon Warsaw. ( 3 . 1 . Agency.) The local pfehed to ;fcfe passing sad he Personal Attention orgah "'Rabotnflc" relates that a for- phoned to the War Ministry eign correspondent recently caine them to -senfl M p to the place of YAFFE upon a Jew near Wengrow who was trouble and the reply given him was ..Priater.. seriously wounded. He called the at- that the best he can do is to join the Christians in their good "work tention of a policeman to his condition and the latter remarked contemptuously ."he is only a Jew" and took no further notice of him.


B Q ^ S CmLDBEN. There xtfe §00.000 of -them in Poland, Rouniania, Ukrainia JEWISH CHILDREN TO An) Jewish- Communities in Czecfcoand the thtey arevthe <wreckage of the th Baltic B l i States; Stt tb < h war. Slovakia Unite. CHALUTZIM. Somevliaye* lost their fathers in battle, some have lost their Vienna, T. Agency) parents in pogroms, some; -were ^eft orphaned through the London. (J. T. Agency.) A "report negotiating (J. 1 for a considerable ^ime received from Saloniki states, that ravages Of typhus—all are waifs, the inost neglected morselsthe Jewish communities of Czecho- American Company Refuses to Vacate Jewish school children have imposed of humanity that the imagination «an picture. Jlagged,-alone, slovakia have agreed to unite in Jewish Theatre Despite Court Order. upon themselves a monthly contribuuncared for, tortured in their waking hours by the gnawings tion towards a ^fond for the aid of one representative federation. Warsaw* (J. T. Agency.) Although cf hunger,, tormented in .their sleep by * hideous memories, Chalutzim who pass! through Saloniki the court yesterday decided that Kamere fragments of life, shut off from the joysi and the hopes on their way to Palestine. The* same Soviet Government Deniek Report minsky'.s Jewish Theatre shduld be % of childhood, and youth-r-such, are the war • brphanst They report relajes 4hat the Jewish comThat Relief Moneys Are Diverted. returned to its owners the American are humanity's charges, . '. N ^ : . _' munity of Saloniki has\also decided Paris, (J. T. Agency),—A Radio company at present occupying that What win save them? _ ' .5^K-;to make a monthly contribution to-, dispatch from Moscow officiaSy denies "house refuses to hanS the premises j£.' Only humanity-^and; 28c per day. / ?V' "\ wards the settlement of newly-arrivthe report that Jewish relief moneys over. ^ 28c per day for one year--$100.0O—will keep one /child ed immigrants in Palestine. sent to Soviet Russia are utilized for in an institution or home for 365 days—days of joy and gladJEWISH FARMERS IN any other purpose. ness and sunshine. And the child will Miow that someone, Lloyd George Puizzles "Morning — POLAND COMPLAIN somewhere, is earing for him. He will no longer be "nobody's Post." Warsaw, (J. T. Agency).—Within TURKS HAVE OCCUPIED SYRL4. child'*. Think what "this means to a child 1 . ' London. (J. T. Agency.) The Mornthe past few weeks the Jewish NaThe relief funds of the Joint Distribution Committee "London, (J. T. Agency).—According Post" again comments editorially tional Council has received numerous are insufficient for this work. So orphans ariibeing "adopted" on the trade agreement between ^Eng- ing t o . a dispatch in today's "Dailyj Herald", the Moscow correspondent; complaints from Jewish farmers that by foster parents thousands of miles ..away. Through the War and Russia and severely arr^igr.5 of that publication has been informed A e **» agranan regulations affect Orphans Bureau of the Committee communication between the land British government fiSr its act. child and the adopters is estabh'shed,, photographs,arid letters the by the Turkish representative in t h a t j t h e m ^advantageously. p pt rThe "Post" concludes by declaring exchanged and all the .strands of friendship bind kindred that it is still seeking- for the true city, that the Turks Tiave occupied Representatives of AH Nationalities souls to each other arejwoyen. \\ ejwyen. cause of Lloyd George's persistent Aleppo, Damascus and MosuL in Vilna to Confer. Here is Teal work to be done, Tendered, overtures to the Jewish conspiracies o^ dne, real real service to^be Danzig, <J. T. Agency).—Accordth t l b d te p s e t e g organized rganized to in Moscow. '.All over the countryy clubs "and g groups • , - Anti-Semites Would Bar Eastern ing to a report from Vilna, the "adopt an orphan". This is their slogan of ^service. Old. clubs Old l b Jews. "dt h " Thi i t h i l are using it too. Jn response to the need they have taken up Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The anti- nationalities club has invited repthe task and are divertmg part of their funds' into" this new PALESTINE MERCHSemitic organization "Rosvoy" at its resentatives of all nationalities to a channel, Mother's clubs, study classes, sewing clubs, whist ANTS ORGANIZING last.meeting decided to call upon Iha conference on March 16th. Dr. Staha clubs, Bible "Study groups; young men's social-clubs, groups of London, (J. T. Agency).—Sir Her- government to bar Jews from enter- has been chosen to., represent the all varieties; and all purposes'are marshalled under one banner bert Samuel, the Palestine High Com- ing Poland through the eastern Jews. * r—and the rallying call is "adopt' an orphan". missioner announced that there are frontier. * There are many^such groups in Omaha," each of which now in Palestine six chambers of might adopt an orphan. Two groups are already contemplating commerce and three trade associa- Emigration Referee WUl StuSy doing so. With just a touch of the milk of human kindness tions, according t o a Jerusalem disCondtions. and a little sacrifice, without which there can be no true patch received here. The High Com- Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) M. Alter, ( charity, the others can easily follow. missioner expects these tracie institu- the/referee of the local emigration 't.jj'-ir:!.f.«ii,$*i-.,--ii:i;.t.\l

tions_to grow in:number a s the com-department left for England in order merce of the country develops. JEWISH CALENDAR. PALESTINE JEWS WANT to make a study of emigration « « / 5681-1921. UKRAINIAN REFUGEES Noted Indian ; Leader Would Have ditions* in English ports. Purim _ „ Thursday, March 24 . The.Polish. Seim rejected \he demLondon, (Jewish Telegr. Agency). Boscn-Qiodesch Nisan, Sat., April'9 —A crowded, mass-meeting- of Jeru- Palestine Under Moslem Control. and of the Jewish, deputy to amsrd Fast of fhe First Born, Fri., April 22 salem Jews decided to appeal to all London. t (J. T. Agency.) Adressing the Polish constitution. *» Passover (Pesach) .... Sat., April 23. ews to aid the Jews of UleraTnia a mass meeting a t Bombay, India, Passover, eighth day, Sat., April 30 to rea^-J'alestirie, says a Jerusalem the noted leader Ghandi declared that PROSECUTED FOR*SEtllNG Palestine should be placed tinder Eosch-hCodesch lyar, Mon., May '9dispatch. All sections of HORSE MEAT. tbe com-1 Moilem control, says a dispatch from Lag b'Omar Thursday, May 26 munity were represented at the Dansigv < J. T. Agency.) The Warsaw meetEosch-Chodesch Sivan, Tues., June 7 ing which was /addressed, by leading Bombay. police are prosecuting a Jewish butPeast of Weeks (Shabnoth) cher named Kornblum for having sold ttien "of "the ijommuhity,. and resoluSunday, June 12 tions were adopted calling upon the Americans Will Release Jewish to the Jewish community wurst made Theatre in Warsaw. Rosch-Chodescli "Taininuz of horse flesh, according to a Warsaw Zionist organization and.the ComWarsaw. (J.-T. Agency.) Kamins...... ^ ^ y / y report. mittee of Jewish delegations in Paris ^j • P'asfrof-'Tammuz,"21. ESondajy July 24 to t a t e all possible measures in ky's Jewish Theatre wMch i i ing used by an American company Eosch-Chodesdx Ab, Friday, Aug. 5:assisting "Ukrainian .refugees from Fast of Ab -_.._._^. Sunday, A«g, 14 Bkrainia, Bessarabia and whatever will be returned to its original ownEosch-Ghodesca Ellul, Sun., Sept. 4 other parts they are to l-each Pales- ers at Ihe beginning of Afcril, in F.CSelihoth - Sunday, Sl y, SeptT25 pt tina. It was also decided to request coraance -with an order of New Year's Eve (5682), Sun.* Oct. 2 all relief -organizations not to disperse court;, e- If Pays to Get Our figures the tens of thousands of Ukrainian Laid Over 6,®0Q Roofs in Omaha Ten Balakhowitch Followers are XtEf MOUSES NEWS. pogrom brphafis, but to have them OQT Roofs Are Our Proofs • ^Executed. Hundreds of friends assembled at concentrated i n .^Palestine where the Onr Specialty „ Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) The Re- Ready Roofing over pldshingleS Tifereth Israel synagogue to pay an Jews would ina&e a supreme effort All Work Guaranteed—Easy volutionary Tribunal of Minsk saximpressive tribute to the memonry to provide homes for them. Terms tenced ten followers of Balakhowitch of Mrs. Joseph Sofokin, killed in an Harriey 2ati to deatH, according to a dispatch from automobile accident the night of OfBce and'Warehouse* --.. Hungarian Chief "Rabbi to be that city. Three of these were March 17. . • ' 3122 Leavenworth Pi-bsecuted. charged -with the - murder of Soviet The funeral services Tvere conduct^ed by llabbi Adolph^ Burger of the Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) Hungarian commissaries and seven wero tried ^ synagogue and Kabbi Eugene Mann- Jews are greatly concerned over the for highway robberj-. forthcoming trfol of the Chief Rabbi T -~'^- — 't Temple'JeShiitun. ^ Burger eulojgized the quiet of Tchegedin, Dr. Loew, according to Lithuanian Technical Institute Has Classes in Yiddish. and unostentatious -works of chanty a dispatch receivect here from Budapest.. Dr. Loew was many months Paris. (J. T. Agency. The governTAILORS; and philanthropy performed by Mrs. p p y under arrest iand is now being pros- ment Technical institute, of Lithuania Makers of High-Grade Garments Sorofcin during her life.-fime, and an ecuted for revelations ne^is alleged to has opemd a number of classe^ in eloquent tribute to the ^ worth of the The Holiday Spirit Herel part tKV H^ii taken in community life have made regarding the persecution Yiddish, according to a" Eovno disof the Jews in Hungary. u_ patch. A special committee composed „ Be well dressed for the holidays Pallbearers £% the funeral were: of teachers and engineers and. headed We also clean, press and Messrs.; Sam Davidson, Harry Goldby the noted Jewish critic Bal-Machrepair clothes.- _ man, Sol;Wolk,'Abe Leeher,. Max JEWISH WORKERS IN ViLNk DESIRE RELIEF shovoth (Dr. Eliashev) has been orFriediaaii ^and Charles Silvernian. \- Danzig, (J. !E Agency).—Accord- ganized for the purpose of evolving, 215 So. 19th St. Douglas 8092 ing to a report from Vilna the relief Chassidic Jews of Warsaw Protest committee- of the Jewish workers has a more complete technical terminalogy Against Dr.Ppsnansky's' Apjpointntent decided to request,, t i e American in Yiddish. Warsaw. (J. T; Agency^) The Chas- Belief Committed that, all relief sidim <$%. the city demonstrated their moneys inteiided fo"r the Foikes protest against the ' appointment of Schhl and constructive work should Fij< Dr. Posnansky as chief rabbi for War- be transmittel direct to them. The saw, by s appearing in large mass "in same report states that at the last front of the community house. The meeting, of the Cultural League in delegation of the demonstrators in Vilna, the representative of the Bund formed leaders of'the Kehillah that declared that he will no longer bear unless Dr. Posnansky's appointment is responsibility for of cancelled, all of their representatives the Peoples University. •will -withdraw, from the community. The Kehillah had a special meeting Sweden Appoints Woman on and "finally compromised by declaring «* •' Mandates Commission. Dr. Posnansky the" rabbi of the TlaLondon, (J. T. Agency).—A Stockmotzk "synagogue and not for "the enholm dispatch received here yestertire" city of Warsaw. Nevertheless the day announces.that the Swedish govOrthodox representativerefused" * p ernment appointed Madam Anna accede even to this- compromise. Dr. Wicksell as Sweden's representative Posnansky is noted as an on the Permanent Mandates Comtionist. ^ mission uf the League of Nations.




do^tt this offer because he is Confident in-TCfeiatnent will contiirae to Increase in ^l Real Estate i&ireases id value because: more of it can be, manufactured. No new crop of it will grow. OHAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD.



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your home begins at th.B front gate passerby forms some opinion of your home the exterior appearance x>f your lawn, trees and shrubs and therefore your ground should , truly express your personality, taste and refine-^ : trient. .. "" '..-'"'"' .V" - Th* picturesque home that you usually see is just «n ordinary house with a stretch of lawn a d a few trees, shrubs and plants arranged so : && to gite effect. Now is the proper time to have your Inwn, trees, and flowers given attention. ..- Gall Webster 2042. Our expert -will be -glad to " tall sn<| assist you with your planning. Our •<. prices,; are low^- Osr : woxk is guaranteed.

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Exclusive Agents for

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Conrt-Martial Accplits Polish Jew.' Warsaw, (J. T. Agency).—-A"courtmartial at Xowitss -acquittea Jlleir Grdrier- who was charged with -having conspired to prevent others from joining the Polish army. < Europeans Heccive li^OO Sacks of j&Iatzoh Hour, -r Warsaw, ( J . TA Agency)'r-rPifteen;

Hundred sacks"if -Mateoh meal'has been deceived from America bnt nbns" if Has *Sen tsllotteS iov IMS

Graduate of the Budapest (Hungary); Academy of Music J who just arrived •will id ve "VIOLIN LESSONS AT REASONABLE PRICES Harney 2908.



Tiie store is located at 1618 North Twenty-fourth Street.






' \









Mrs. E. M. Levine of Defiakce visAt the regular Baeeting of the" Mr. and\Mrs. Frrnk Wertheimer ited here for several days. leave u riday to speed Easter with "Knights of Zion" he^tHarch 20 a -O|OQjeir ^ons, who are attending NortlimebersMp drive was launched- AH The Ka-JJe^Mo-dante for t i e bene-. The Aleph Y dub trf-the Y. M. H. A. At a 'very important and Militaf^ Acadeiry, later they * of the soutMde TalmudTorah/wM W e i -danoe Tuesday evening- at t i e meeting of the X. T. G. dub held Jewish boys between the ages of slswill go to Exelsio Springs. fteen and eighteen years #re eligible be Mid.- on April 10 a t EagleTs , hal\ Nfianseonl park pavilion. ' Tuesday evening, March 22, a most for membership and tt|pse interested '•--.." jtfy Bert N. Brown Twenty-third and N , streets. The I Th%" nicely decorated. efficient body -of officers -sras elected Mrs. Mollie Corby -w-11 enterfeir, The S^rpetan Athletic 'Clubiasket- ticket tomnutt&e reports iliat the This dance was ^the *econd%ocM :3f- for t i e -ensuing term. The term lust should notify Sam Minkin, Webster Einanuel Green, "Webster 2035; t" rty guests at heu home Sunday afIjall aggregation yton the cHanipion- Ladies' auxiliary of the south side is -fair to be given by the dub under the- -passed was a very successful «ne and or Dave Greenberg, Douglas SS84. ternoon, for Miss Etta F&ier whosf S e l l i n g - a - p n e a t »many n « m r tickets tirHrAtn and j»rn1 the ti»l : ' J. _ J - • J_L_Jmr iship of the Y, M. . Commercial sellingpresent administration. Many more according to future plans it is Loped marriage to Mr. Isadora Borenblatt League oh Tuesday t»y defeating the indications point to a most successful are planned. A meeting of the dub and expected thai the following term i Mr. Leo Rowe of Chicago spent the j will take p.sce April 10, and for Miss l i o n Bonding Company tjuiiiwet, 19- dance,- / \ •was field Mdndayievening a t the dub •will be just as successful. IT followMr.'aad Mrs. Da%id Euth Gross, \chose engagement to 15. Although another and final rourid On jftjarci 14 the members andtheir rooms in ihe'Lyric Tjuildu g. Plans ing able officers were elected; Blanche week-end Mr. J. Malashock has recently of games was scheduled for the Com- friends -were entertained at "a party and "arrangements navetfaeir made for Altman, president; Rose Fine, vice- M. Newman. anaounced. ' ' mercial League "next Tuesday and at the home of Jack Lazar. the membership drive. All the mem- president; Helen Beikus, secretary; Thursday, the same -were cancelled Next Monday evening a private hers are requested to Taring along a Kos JFellman, treasurer; Ann White, Frank Dee, prominent in because of "the "remaining: teams fail- dance and entertainment wil| be held Brospect a t ffie next "regular meetactivities in Chicago, member of the (Omaha Locals continued on page 4.) """arms; and Estelle Lapidus, ing- to appear; and so with the Tfcor- ior members and friends ^atlite dub ing, ? —-••- «verung, -_ . . reporter. A membership committee | B^nar" B'rith, "fee Zionist •OrganizaMonday the dub peians and the lion Bonding Co. tied i rooms. ' ; rooms. coiisisting of Bayla Prelden, chair- \ tion, and Masonii Order, is now loc; for the first place and both teams J Jacjc Marer, a Ka-Dee-Mo merdber, nian; Gertrude Tatle and Toby Stein- i ated in Omaha, represeating the Daybeing on deck ready for battle, it was ^ recently returned from Chicago after berg was also elected. ton Moneyweight Scale Co., the Deag*eed. to play tfie decisive game a three-months stay, and is agaia At fte irieetuig of the 'Qifrrent Topic The first affair to start the new term \ troit Automatic Scale Co., aad the Tesday evening-. * partidpating in all the dub activities. Cmb'at the home'of Mrs. "J^e L. New- p he'a party, the date and place to Steiner Electriff Meat Chopper Ge^ man Friday, Eabbi Cohn spoke on v The Thorpeiaa seoHng machine Was be announced later. - with offices at 510 South 10th Street "Socialism." / " headed by Sidney Corenman, who by The marriage Of MSss Carrie Lebhis sensational ana speedy playihg recht, daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. AnMrs. Jack Kaufman entertained The marriage'of Miss Jenny Colnic Mr. -Simon Meyer, who is a t the and Me Max Belgrade-tool: place at eight guests -at a luncheon at the accbunted for 13 of the 19 points. EeQm Lebrecht oi, Kansas City, and EdwardLevinsonshottwospectacular Mr. 'E^ibeh Melcher, son of Mr. and Wise Memorial hospital, is reported 13KJ Swedish Andi^tium, Sunday af- Conaat note! Wednesday-followed by ORDER " b k t andd the th other th two t -points i t "were " U A. A Meldier l ti dty took k slightly improved. < tcrnooji, March, 20, Babbi Taxon "•baskets an Orpfaeuni party for Miss Mame YOUR y Levine of Kansas City, who is visit{orming the ceremony. credited t o Dave Chesno, who with his place Wednesday evening, March 16, EASTER unceasing-and Kansasing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. G. The HQinahia •Junior Hadassah -Unit unceasing-and tireless tireless efforts efforts per— per—^t ^ S ' HotelH t l Baltimore B l t i r ^ ^ tt K SUIT 'formed las duties as center and -guard city. Dr. Harry "H. "Ma^er perfonned held a special meeting, Wednesday, A Purim program wni be given by Weinstein. NOW. ineritorioufly. ^Paul Eenec^y, <:oach, tjj e 'ceremony, While Miss Kosa Leb- March 56, "when ^nal arrangemenfe- the loung Judaea on Sunday after700 patterns of all vrml material in tive together wifh George Bernstein and -reclit acted as maldof lionor and Mr. were made for the benefit card social newest Spring Colors. Not one of these suite Sam-Freiberg contributed Iheir share Harry Melcher, b'toQierof the groom, to be given a t the "Hotel Loyal, Sun- noon, March 27, In the club rooms in woukt have sold for less than $50XK) a few tlie Lyric building, a t 2:30 p. m. A o | Eplendid playing and also deserve Vsto'bestmah. day afternoon, April 10. special program has been arranged. honorable mention. At this meeting tite foHowing com- The public is invited. 1 We have tiiousaiids of satisfied customers The first half of the game ended The tengagenKnt of Miss Mame mittees were appointed: memberEhip because our workmanship i s first class. > The •with the sebfeiaed 8-8. The guarding Levine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "J. committee, Miss Belle Eosenthal, style you choose wSl be right, and the suit is of both teams was at a maximum Levine of Kansas City, to Mr. A. L. chairman; entertainment committee, Mrs. Arthur "EbthscMld leaves Frimade tofityou. day for LOB Angeles where rhe will degree; but Corenman .remarkably Weinstein, son «f Mr. and Mrs. A- G. Miss Martha Weinstein; intellectual spend six weeks "with her mother, rAxnngetl to «xtricato himself and toss of Ohis city, /has been an- advancement committee, Miss Iva the ball in for a pretty basket. The nounced. • ' No date has been set for Siegal; courtesy committee, Miss I.Mrs. Max OrMa, fetfter which Mrs. , March Si, • s Rofiischild-wiU join Mr. Eothsehild | | sectsnd half started -with' the Thorthe •wedding. Bess Stolmasteri, Eight new members For 10 days in Ciucago, where "they will make'their peians playing like Vhu-hviod, and | were -obtained. . '; future home ~ ~" making four baskets in rapid and reat An ^entertainment and dance wSl be fashion); ^ by ttie S. P. Poali Zion for the A meeting of the Fairies, of Zion HELP WANTED tf -' To celebrate the vici!ory, a large benefit of the Yiddish press in Pales- -was held at the Lyric Building.' A Women or girl to stay with childentertainment wilT be staged at the regular meeting Wednesday in honor tine, Sunday, April 10, a t ike Swedisb new member, Ddrotiiy ^Cohn, was ren eS-enings. CaU Webster 2293 in OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 0 O'CLOCK. of '-the team; and in' the very near auditorium, ^when music "will be fur- initiated. tho^aorning. future, a dance held. A dance majr nished by Lambda Sigma orchestra. Northwest Corner Fifteenth. EB«I Hamej afli *ast of 5,000 Miss Sophye Weinstein, principal of be- hdd next Thursday at Hsnscom ROOM FOR RENT. 7 Park following a game _-which. , ihe Mrs. Flora Eoseastock is visiting the Sraiday -school of 13ie Beth HameWe have one room we would like production daughter, Mrs. Delvin Becker, osh^Ha^odsl Synagogue entertained to rent to Jewish woman and daugh'thorpeians are to play Tvith the Weinberg team ~of Fremont. This i s a •and-Mr. Becker at Mitchell, South; one^inudredand twenty-five children ter. Company, more than money, and a Purim program and party last wanted. Maid service. return game to the one played a t Dakota. Sunday morning. The following Is the Fremont some time ago. Call Douglas * The Junior Wjelfare organization is programs ^ . The C. C. C. held its regular meet- showing Ihdr willingness' to do a Opening Services. share of community welfare work by Eedtation, €)orothyEeib&n. ing at the home ofthe FRANK DEE The intimate love Meeting to sew for the maternity Piano Solo, Nora Permutter. and Helen jCherniss a t . CHAMPIONS COMMERCIAL LEAGUE City -&ej«»eBtatit» ol tUm x - stdry 61 the little "Purim" Sermon, Eabbi Morris N. 1)AY?bN M0MYWEK2IT SCM^COavenue, Council Bluffs. The afternoon ward of "the Wise "Memorial hospital. was held Wednes- Taxbn.•;• :j . . . . / - .. , • vs. milliner whom the was spent very enjoyably in cards aiid The first meeting 1 BEIfiOIT AUTOMATIC SCALE CO. dancing, prizes being won by Miss, day evening , Nat the Y^ M. H. A. dub VbcalJSoJo, Miss Sophye Weinstein. srmavER *EI<ECTEIC M E A T world -came ^ know H O P P E R 'A>T> X O F F S S M I L L Goldie Marcns and Miss Helen Cher* r-Joms ^hen jaiuch ^thusiasm was • Child Character Eedtation, Msrtye B10 CSO. iOTH SC. .. DOUGLAS 3332. as D'u Barry. .. r " ' ••' ""• Weinstein. niss. Erefreshments followed. TH& s h o w n Y. M. C. A;,- THURSDAY,. ^ARCH 31tt "The Individuality of the Child,'* next meeting willTre held at the "home Mrs.'Saauel jBiaywitz, who has Mr. Victor R .LevmS. ABM^ION 3S CEMB of Misses Betty and Eose Fine, 2763 been very ill at -Qie Wise Memorial •"Necessary Encouragement to Webster street; I'Velimiaary—Progress© Club vs. Y. K.Z, -fa "now -rcforted much im- Child/' Mrs. Bin Handle*. Mrs. B . J . iSsen left IMday "for proved,sM especfa 1» j^tarn to her Closing^ Services. ; Presentafion of gttts. ^ New York, where she will -visit rela- h o m e soon.••-- : ._. .Ijonight a bankrupt tives for about five weeks. stock of new ..hardware, glass•afs .' 5?are, ^g^anite dishes, spoons, Miss Angela Herzherg, who attends knives aiid forks, and kitchen Ferry Hall, is spending the spring ytfehsils. . . •. AUGMENTED A SPECIAL OFFERING vacation .with her parents, Mr.\and These arfeles are absolutely new and are Just the thing for Mrs. A. Herzb,erg. ^ ORCHESTRA ' - fg the Passbtier holidays. SPECIAL IfOTE: 0Win> to the | Record smashing p r i c e s — Ovef $250 was raise \ at the recent 5 cents and up. length fif £he prbduction please J cani party given at Temple Israd'by ' We also have a ^ood line of keep tMs schedule In mind: M "furniture and Tags. " the tSisterhbod for the beneStNcif t h e ShoWa start promptly s i 11:00 ^ Memorial Chapal Fund. a. mv, itOO p. m , SK)9 p. m., B 5:00 p. m-, 7:00 p. m. and 9;00 2S10 N Street South Omaha. The Jraior Hadassah Unit -will hold p. m. Feature 'starts promptly Thone: South 2370. its first open meeting Wednesday eve15 minutes following these It Witt pay you to visit tiiag, April 6, at 8:30 p. in. in the Y. mSi hours. myistore. IJSi'H. A- dub rooms "when an interesting program has been arranged. The -pafcHe is invited.











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A $2.00 Value



At the Temple Israel Sunday school last Sunday morning, the children Voted to «dopt a war orphan. TSe Sunday school \riil now set about Taisfng $100, -the necessary amount.foi1 i^ d i b ! th h TK The donated $10 to the Chinese lEelief, $10 t o lite Visiting Nmsea as-; I 'iocifeSIoJi«nd*?5 to •&& ^tarvihg-Bfed- J ly ! of "Austria.

Kelpine Dancing Academy SIJNDAY, I^VRCH 27, 1 9 2 1 -

Admission: One Dollar. SOS SOUTH 16th STREET

Prepare your bundle Mth clothes^ thoes, underwear, food, soap, towels, cotton and medicaments. Iflie Jewish Peoples' Relief Committee of Omaha will call upon you during the month of March. •* .











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Relief Committee i


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•f "

Charles W. Pipkin


OMAHA LOCALS Mrs. Stanley Hartman of Chicago is visiting her father, Mr. Albert Cahn, -nd will remain about a week longer. :. ' ' - / '•

COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS! Sent by our Council Bluffs News bureau.. , v.

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 192L Mr. Nathan Nogg and Mr. Mowis The card party that was to be givMr. Ben Kovitsky visited "his paren by the Jewish Sisterhoqd Sunday Gilinsky of Council Bluffs and Misses ents, Mr. and. Mrs. S. Novitsky of BUY SAFE evening at. the "Danish hall was in- Ruth Brown and Edith Freiden of Omaha, for several days. Omaha, motored to Lincoln Sunday, WHEN YOU BOY JEWELRY definitely postponed. * ' ."' 'V ' March 20, and spent, the :day_here. , Announcement has been made: of FROM US,YOU "BUY SAFE" Ben Goldberg" arrived Sunday afterthe engagement of Miss Gertrude guarantee and oar word is noon ; to spend'the week with his par- Mr. Carl Gyeenstone spent the week Meyers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. asOur good as a bond. ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Goldberg, 551 end in Omaha, visiting Hriends. We have satisfied hundreds of Meyers, to Mr. Joe B. Sfotsky. No your friends. MU1 street. ' ••'•'' V date has- been set for the wedding. Among the students" of the : Mrs. S. Freiden", 737 Mynster street, University of Nebraska, who will Miss Eose Pill, Miss Mollie Sololeft Saturday night for .Sioux City, spent next week,—spring recess,-—in 1514 Dodge Street. mon and Mr. Maurice Pill are visiting la., where she will' visits with her Omaha are Samuel Gordon, David -Phone: Douglas 5619at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abncr daughter, Mrs. Louis Heeger. Slobodisky, Harry ' Mendelson, Max Kaiman of Omaha. Greenberg, Edwin Katskee, Lillian Mr. and Mrs. J^ Krasne, 519 Oak- Margolin and'Celia,Ross. ^ - .• The Newsboys Goodfellow Club is land- avenue; entertained.- Tuesday making plans to have entertainments night" for eight couples .at a card Mr. and..Mrs. Julius .Asbvll an- at regular intervals, the members of 'partyi v • :-. > .•-. ."." '.:' '• ( nounce the, .engagement of their the club and the newsboys themselves daughter, Anna, to Mr. David CrounCouncil Bluffs lodge of the B'nai se, of Omaha. The date of the wed- to. furnish all the necessary talent In this way, hidden talent may be Brith held its Tegular meeting Wed- ding has. not been set yet. " , developed. • nesday evening at the Banish hall. • : •

" * " . »


The Sunday-school of the Talmud Miss ' JeanneCte Krapinsky of PreTbrah will give an entertainment mon is spending the week with Miss Sunday afternoon at the Danish, hall, Faye Gerelick. Council Bluffs. The overthrow of the be • staged in A novel feature of the entertain : rule of Hamon will 1 spectacular form, according tov; the raent, which is to be'given following directors "of the play. the annual dinner of the Temple IsThe program for the afternoon is rael Brotherhood on. Tuesday, March 29, is the presentation of an original as follows: musical sketch, "High Lights and '•America," Audience. • : Shadows/' arranged and directed by Welcome .Speech^ by Rose Brandeis Mrs. Isidor Ziegler and presented by and Milton Yudelson, twenty of the talented younger set j Song, "Good Purim," the First class of the congregation. of the Sunday^scliool, under the direcIt is a Song Cycle with Prologue, tion of Miss Freida Goldberg. depicting life in its six phases, illusA:Recitation, Harold Saks. trated with tableaux, sieging and Tableau, "Esther Becomes vucen,'f Abe Goldberg, Zionist leader, who dancing. ' . \ Thiwl class of the Sunday school, Fifty members-of the Mogeh-Dovid The Jewish Alliance Basketball Mrs. Ben Lewis will give an ar- under the direction of Miss Esther and the Fairies of Zion, "Young speaks in .Q.maha Sunday, will speak team journeyed to Omaha Sunday rangement from "Madam Butterfly."! Soloinon. • Judean. clubs, were .entertained at a in Lincoln Monday night., .. where they were dereated by-the Song, "Thanksgiving and Praises," Purim masquerade party, Sunday r Athletic club. The team ' """&' '\$F"' " Tf: Thorpeian Mrs. J.B.- Katz 13 visiting her ' the entire Sunday school, lead by the afternoon at. the' home • of .Mrs.' S. W'""^ was composed of • Joe^Ginot, Abe mother, Mrs. Hattie C. Eubel, and her Second class under the direction of Shyken, 100& Second avenue. '•/• Berg, Sam Terasharisky, Dave Levin. sistesy Mrs. Edwin Glaser, of Saint Miss "Eeva Gilinsky. • •. : Louis Strongin and Louis Talnay.": \M •'" • I'-'Louis. ."•.-.•••' . . * Playlet, "A Yote for Hamon?' :, , The next regular meeting of the Hamon, Solomon Michnick; On Wednesday, March 16, the Hebrew Educational club of Council ; A PoriniJ'lar depicting: the story Boys, Isadore Perelmeter, Paul Bluffs will be held Monday evening "Jolly 14" met at the home of Mrs. of Purim tinder the direction qf Miss , Brandeis, Max Kramer. Lloyd Shulkin for an afternoon of at the home of Miss. Sarah Madeline Cohn will be given at the Girl, Helen Whitebook. bridge. Snyder, 300 Oakland avenue. Temple Israel, Sunday morning,, when Songs, "A Purim Lied," "Auf'n members of the Sunday school will Pripitchik," Boys' Choir. ' ; •Mr. and Mrs.. M. Blank celebrated take part. Lester Slosburg will take Dialogue, "Purim Pleasantries," their twenty-fifth wedding anniverthe part of the King; Anna Goldberg, the Fourth class, under the direction and buy them at Celia D. Ross, BOK 1316, Sta. A, sary Thursday evening, March 14, the Queen; Leo Eosenkranz, Haman; of P. Eomonov. when they entertained one hundred B.3652. and Edward Rosenthal, Mordecai. The and fifty guests at the Martin hotel.* regnular Purim service will, precede Mrs. M. Solomon, 206 Park avenue, The ballroom, where the guests enthe play and Stanley Miller will play left Sunday, in company with her son, A regular meeting of the Hebrew joyed dancing and cards, was attracthe xylophone in the program, which Arnold, for Chicago, where specialists Educatienalr'Sdciety was'held Sunday tively decorated with flowers, the gifts. 319 Sooth 16th Street will follow the play, Elaine Berkowitz will examine him. After a consulta- evening, March 20. Purim was cele- of many friends. Out of town guests Phone Douglas 3400 will recite and Caroline Levy will give tion of Council Bluffs and Omaha brated in a very unique way. They who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. had what they called a "fish pond" piano solos. physicians and surgeons, who have and each person contributed, a certain Harry Finsod of Lincoln, Mrs. I. E. been baffled as to the cause of the amount of money to it. Five dollars Goldman of Des Moines, Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs George Wright will boy's illness it was decided to send and twenty cents were collected in this Weinberg of Omaha, Mrs. S. Freiden t. Omaha's their home for Mr. and William Eos-, him to Chicago where specialists will way. This money will be used to buy of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Abe Garoch&w Newest and Finest Equiped enblatt o Los Angeles, who are' visit- attempt to save his life.Shalachmonos for the TalTjuid Torah of Wonewac, and Mr. Fred Klitsner Bath-House. inghere. ., children. Mr. Louis B. Finkelstein of Augusta, Wisconsin. Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Electric Treatment, Inhalatorium. Committees of the Jewish Sister- read "Esther" by Sholem Alechem. , The volleyball-team of tho Y. W. hood are" making a thorough canvass Mr. and Mrs. Louis Solomon of H. A. will play the Community Girls1 of the city, selling tickets for the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finsod have Asbury Park, New Jersey, announce team at the Community House, 17th* benefit dance that will be given by just returned from Sioux City, where the engagement of their daughter, CONCANNON BROS.,v Props. and St. Mary's Ave., on Wednesday the Siterhood, April 19,' at Ragle's Mollie, to Mr. Morris Pill, son of Mr. they spent their honeymoon. 1401 Farnam SU Basement evening, March 30, at 7 o'clock sharp. hall. Proceeds will go for the benefit and Mrs. Ben Pill of this city. Entrance. The team is composed of the follow- of the'City Talmud Torah. Mr. Millard Krsfsne and Mr. Abe Telephone: Tyler 5731 ing members of the Y. W. F A. Gym Goldenberg, both .University Of Neb-, Mr. Julius Arkin of Omaha yisitecl class which meets every Tuesday eveOMAHA, NEB. Friends of Mrs. A. -.Gilinsky' gave raska afeodents, will spend next week for several days at the Max Brpdkey ning: Gertrude Levine, Eose Fine, home. ,' ' ' .. • Sarah Goodman, Betty Fine,. Lillian a birthday surprise party in her at home in Council Bluffs, Kooper> Lose Craft, Eose j /sel, honor Thursday; at her home, 725 Anne Greenberg, Anne Winer, Cla?re Mynster street. The guests gathered Katzman, Lucille Stein, Fannie Eo- at' the home of a neighbor and enter-' thenburg, Margaret Eeikes. This *; ed the home when she was sent away the first public ^game that "tie girls o- a pretense. When Mrs. Giliitsky will play,: and" all' their .fr""--".s are returned she discovered the party in invited to come and* "root" foT them. progress. The evening was spent in If so let u» <Jo yonr rontjpir. We are agents for EVER? STEAMplaying games and cards. * Those SHIP LINE to Europe. We hare present were:-Messrs. and Mesdames expert Knowledge • on the conThe regular meeting of the L a d i ; ' J. Erasne, H. Krasne, Sani Snyder, tinental situation. We will help you secure yonr passport and Golden Hill Society.willjbe held next Ax Aginskee, L; Cherniack, P. Saks, other necessary d o c u m e n t * . Write, phone or coll. x Tuesday- afternoon at the home of L. Simon, O*. Hochman, Br parding, Mrs. B. M. Br<v.Ti, 617 Lincoln boule- L Braunstein, M. Nogg, B. Hirsch, VAL. J. PETER k CO. vard. ,..- ' \ \\~ . : ^ STEAMSHIP AGEKCT and A. Gilinsky; and Mr. S. Freiden A>T> E-OREION EXCHANGE. and *Miss Tibbie Freiden. 1307 Howard St., Omaha, » b . - Dr. and Mrs. James S. Goeiz will Phone: Tyler O340i- • • entertain at dinner Saturday evenirg .We. Bend money .*t. the losr^gt •*. rates to all parts of the world, when'they-will celebrate their fifth and deal in Enrop«an Beeurlties, wedding* anniversary. •which on account of the present •;

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There's joy in Spring Clothes buying this Easter of 1921, that men and young men have not experienced in many years.

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