March 31, 1921

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, j | F MEN, VOTE!

Hi WOMEN, VOTE! ||j !|| Women, be sure III jil and vote Tuesday; It is your duty! 1


* jji Men, ' be • sure , j | jji and vote Tues- 1! ! | day. It is your (1 m | duty!

P V O L T MO 1ft " u u •*•* xyKJ' i o

Entered as second-class mail matter' on * January 27th, 1021, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under,the Act of MarcH 3, 1870.



Last Call Issued for Clothing CHANGE MEETING DATE for Sufferers. The Women's '-Welfare Federation The last call for clothing, shoes, will meet Monday, April 4, instead of It is the declared and established policy of this paper to underwear, canned food, soap, towels, on Tuesday, its regular day. cotton and medicaments for the sufDr. Frederick Cohn who will be the take no part, in political campaigns. We deem it proper for a fering Jews in war-stricken Europe principal speaker at this meeting will paper of this character to refrain from all activities of a partisan was issued this week in Omaha by have as bis subject "The Spirit of the;or political character, yet, we feel if the duty of the JEWISH PRESS to foster an increased r interest, on the part of its readM. Selicow, chairman of the Peoples Jew." ers, in their Civic duties and to promote ardent arid active citizen- Omaha to be Represented at Relief Committee here. Editor Abe Goldberg Discusses Many Political Meetings to Be "The Jews must stand up for their Plan in Zionist Address ship among those constituting the Jewish contingent of our Held Until Day Voters G© Gathering of Jewish Lead"We hope to have all our shiprights and show aggressiveness toDelivered Here. population. : to Polls. ers; Representatives to ments ready by the end of this ward their enemies who are attackIt is one thing to live in America; it is another to be an be Popular Choice month," said Mr. Selicow. "Prepare The Oinaha Colony in Palestine will ing them," said Dr. Cohn. "On the 1 Tuesday, April 5, is Primary Day! your bundles and they will be collectsoon be a reality,, according to Dr. part of the Jews this is more useful 'American". The fact of residence in the United States brings On that day fourteen candidates the enjoyment of certain privileges. The status of being an ed and forwarded to the innocent vicThe Oinaha Committee representing Philip Sher who has an active interest than tame submission."-; for the city commission will be nom"AMERICAN" involves certain duties and*a grave offense tims of the war." the American Jewish Congress is The program committee of the in the organizing of the colony. Of these fourteen, seven will After your bundle is prepared and binated. It is the plan to have an Omaha Federation, promises * many fcpeciat to be a mere resident of America, without i at the same time now making plans for the nominae readv to'be turned over to the comselected as city commissioners at being an American. What is required of one <to merit his standtion and election of a delegate here. colony in the heart of Palestine un- features. A large crowd is expected. ihe any of the following election in May. ing as an "American" ? A thorough understanding of American Dr. Philip Sher Is president and N. raittee, call der the direction of *the Zion comideals and American institutions and sincere participation in the S. Yaffe is secretary of the local numbers: Election Commissioner Moreixeadi monwealth. The^ colony will be eshas announced that everything is hi affairs of the Government, to the end that those ideals and those committee. . Harney 6116 Harney 1606 tablished through a fund of $75,000 readiness for the big day. Clerks institutions may be ever strengthened and perpetuated, Webster 2734 Webster 0283 to be subscribed by Omaha Jews, and election judges already have been An election for City Commissioners is approaching. The Webster 1076 New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Webster €059 one-fourth of which has been raised, chosen for the 105 pi^ecincte in ths voters of Omaha will be called upon to say who shall administer More than two. hundred delegates according to an announcement made the affairs of this city, the administration of which is vitally representing thirty-six large Jewish at a meeting in B'nai Israel synaStarting this week and tmtJI Tuesimportant to us all, during the coming three years. . Upon the centres in America and a number of gogue Sunday night at which Editor day many political meetings will be men, whom the voters.electy depends the, welfare of Omaha for tie more important Jewish, organizaAbe Goldberg of New York spoke. held. those three years. Success in any department of City Governtions and orders. at a conference, deShares in the colony are being sold Report They Plan to Get Aid One of the largest meetings of tli« ment, will ever be in direct proportion to the efficiency of the cided that a permanent- American at 5250 each. Three hundred shares from Henry Ford for Cam•week will be a mass meeting of per*; Jewish Congress would meet not later Commissioner to whose charge that department is assigned. v.-ill be offered for sale here. Ten paign in America. sons interested in the candidacy ef Men may be honest in their intentions and conscientious in than October SO, 1521. Popular electhousand dollars was raised following Harry B." Zimman for city commistions for representatives to the Conthe performance of their duties as public .officers and yet fail to the meeting. sioner. (Jewish Correspondence Bureau succeed, and their administration be subject to severe criticism. gress are to be held on June 19 and Sir. Goldberg delivered a brilliant Meeting at 2:30 p.m. Copyrighted 1921.) Honesty and good intent are pre-requisite to good. Government, nominations are to be. made on Pole -Finance Minister Asks lecture. "Any Jew failing to do his Polish Press to Aid in ReThe Zimman meeting will be held VIENNA.—Vienna, the one-time but equally, essential are competency and efficiency. M a y 2 2 . • •'• utmost in the work now going on in centre of culture has found itself gaining Jewish Confidat 2:30 p. m. Sunday in the Swedish The conference held three sessions In our present City Commission, we have striking examples restoring Palestine to Israel, is crimence and Friendship auditorium. converted into an anti-Semitic centre. of all classes of public office holders, some interested in the at all of which Mr. Morris Bothen-inally negligent and an accessory to the pogroms being made on the Jews Within a few days the so-called welfare of the people and well meaning,- BUT INEFFICIENT; berg, chairman of the executive, pre- - Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Address_ of Europe," said Mr. Goldberg. "The international congress of anti-Semites some interested in the welfare of the people, WELL MEANING sided. A considerable portion of the ing a conference of Polish press Jews of America could have purchas- will be held here.. Delegates will be AND HIGHLY EFFICIENT, and others NEITHER EFFICIENT conference . was devoted .to reports representatives, minister of Finance ed enough land in Palestine three present from Germany, Poland, nor WELL MEANING and interested only in their candidacy and addresses. The former covered Stechkovski appealed to the press to year- ago which would have prevent- Czecho-Slovakia and Austria, This and their perpetuation in office. It will be for the voter on a wide field including practically all aid in effecting a better understandAll men of the city, between the ed the slaughter of a half a million will probably be the first international Primary Day to determine which deserve his support, judging of the war and pogrom stricken ing with the Jews in Poland. ages of 16 and 23, are invited to atof Jews in Russia during the past congress which will have no other the candidates by their standards indicated. Consideration of areas abroad, while Dr. Shniarja It is in the interest of the Polish t e n d - t h e organization meeting question to consider but the organ- their records for public service will make it easy to classify them. Levins, Rabbi Dr. Eeich of Czechothree years." people, the minister declared, that. that, ^ a e jJuiior slovakia and others cohered the genople, ization of an anti-Jewish campaign, B n i o r W e ] f M e FFederation, e d e ration, Welfare It is to be deplored that some attempt is being made by some l i h government should h l d gain I Polish and the introduction of hatred against self-annointed priests of the only'fool-proof brand of righteous- eral Jewish situation," and in very the P 1 iy, April' 12, at the the Jew into the practical life, of the ness jscnd good government, to inject a religious question into plain terms indicated that there is the confidence and, friendship of the A banquet, which wilj. start at 6 p, m. various communities. The initiators this. Campaign. We thought that the time would never come greater cause today, for a permanent Jewish population and to that end interesting program has been of the congress are a few Vienna when the churches of any denomination would become political American Jewish body existing and 1 the press and the people must come . " " e d " " ^ a7wmffTtti"m"cha"rgI operating in the name of the Araer- to the assistance of the government J u n i o r w d f a r e federation will headquarters for any man or set of men. Such attempt should ican-Jewish ^eople than ever there which is now aiming to remove all A campaign for members is being pogrom instigators. ^ conjunction ^ the be resented as un-American and offensive tol the sense of justice was in the past. carried on by the B'nai Sholem, the Congress to Make Program. restrictions which affect the Jews , Federation and will join with W e l f a r e of Liberty-loving American citizens. Th# man who ties, his modern orthodox synagogue here. and to bring about conditions which; fte o ] d e r gttmp -m w e ] f a r e While it is, "the purpose of the Decide on Basis for Congress The drive is under the direction of congress to create aa international political fortunes to his church, whether h # b e Jew, Protestant will ensure friendly relations between Every young man is urged to he the officers of the synagogue; Adolph anti-Semitic organization, this initial or Catholic, is unworthy of his citizenship! and disloyal to his After considerable discussion, the the Poles and the Jews. at this meeting, as plans for the orMoskowitz, president; Abe -Leibbwitz, gathering will; take no steps in - that church. He should be condemned by him God for using his conference therefore adopted the folKeraore Special Taxes ganisation of the club will In religion as. a means to the end*of his o • • • • • vice-president; J. J. Friedman, secre- direction... It_will:merely_Jtormulate lowing resolution as - foimulating- esThe minister of the interior has and officers elected, tary; -and-1." Moscowitz, treasurer.. ~ a program for such an organization clespisedijy^men for his -flagrant viol sentially the basis of tlxe American ordered that in future no special] At the meeting held several weeks Officers of the organizations said and -will decide upon- the calling of principle. The men who do these things usually prove themselves Jewish Congress to be brought into taxes shall be imposed upon Jewish ago, temporary officers were elected ' that assoon as the membership goal a congress to which .well-known anti- toybe most inefficient as public officers. We want the church existence as an existing permanent hospitals as has been the case until to arrange for the meeting. The ofto play no part in our Civic affairs. body with the next/elections: is obtained they plan to build a Semites from Western countries will now. At the same time, Minister ficers elected were: Israel Goodman, Citizens of Omaha, men and women, your duty commands synagogue building. "It is our aim* that the American be invited. you "TO THE POLLS ON APRIL FIFTH". Vote for those men Jewish Congress shall be the repres- Skulski informed the Jewish Deputy president; Sam Beber, secretary, and A committee has been appointed to Particular hope is laid npon Engselect a site and to have building land, France and America and rumor who will givj^the kind of G o v e r n m e n t contemplated by the entative body of the Jews of America Farhstein that all restrictions upon Nathaa Green,- reporter. in Jewish matters and shall be un- the Jews in the district of Bialostock Constitution of our Land. plans drawn. . has it that the. initiators- have fo: OMAHA' HEBREW CLUB restricted in determining its program have been removed. A "Purim ball, to raise money for some time been in. touch with Henry The negotiations between the gov- LOANS $3,000 TO THE and procedure." ' ' the synagogue building fund, was Ford and that all theirs hopes are • FREE "LOAN COMMITTEE held last Thursday evening at the centred in him. They believe that The report submitted by the Execu- ernment commission and leading JewMasonic temple. The dance proved tive showed that the provisional com- ish representatives to bring aboat a The" Omaha Hebrew club st its last a big success, according to Dr. J. M. he can be prevailed upon to supply] mittee had done all possible in an better understanding between the two meeting voted to loan $3,000 to the Erman, member of the congregation, i the necessary funds with which to effort to protect the Jews of Hungary,- communities are now again in procarry out a large anti-Semitic cam- Mr. Sidney Barson, son of Mr. and Two of the five Omahans, who were to stem the tide of anti-Semitism the gress, under the chairmanship of the Free Loan committee. The committee is seeking a permanent fund o€ Services in English, Too paign in all countries.' To get the Mrs. N. Barson, 2111 jGrant street, awarded the Phi Beta Kappa key at world over, to aid-the'Jews of Poland minister of finance. $15,000. "The congregation B'nai Sholem campaign properly started, the has been appointed Editor-in-chief of the University o Nebraska, are Jews. in obtaining greater freedom and hopes -to have a synagogue building preliminary gathering-- to be held here the "Creighton Chronicle.'' They are Mr. Morris Margolin, son of B'NAI BRITH GIVES where men and women will not be WANT TOOLS FOR WORKERS The "Creighton Chronicle" is a pub- MrJ. and Mrs. J. Margolin, 2424 Burt security, to stop Austria from expelwill conclude with a huge antiling its Jewish refugees and to keep PARTY FOR SOLDIERS separated during the services and lication issued monthly by the studstreet, and Mr. Meyer Beber, son of IN PALESTINE t open the doors rf the' United States Five soldiers of Jewish faith from -where the services will be in English Semitic mass" demonstration. ents of Creighton University. Mr. and Mrs. I. Beber, 3146 Chicago to the persecuted and down-trodden A mass meeting to start the cams Fort Crook and Fort Omaha were paign for tools and machinery for the Cannot Prevent Assembly. as well "as in Hebrew," said Dr. ErMr. Barson in a sophomore at the street. • ; the Puriia guests of the local B'nai workers in Palestine will be .held man. "The average young American The Austrian government being College of-^.rts. and Sciences and has Mr. Margolin is at present study- Jew of eastern- Europe. Brith lodge last Thursday evening. Jew in Omaha does not look forward now at the head of republic cannot been active in chronicle work for the ing medicine, while Mr. Beber is Sunday evening, at the synagogue s t After being given a "big spread" 19th and Burth streets. Dr. I. Dansky. with pleasure to going to the syna- very well prohibit "the holding of this past two years. working for his master's degree in Junior Welfare Organization Cirls by Harry Lapidus and Superintendent . gogue because he is not versed well conference. People cannot be denied . He is also a baritone in the Creighr chemistry. Sew for Wise Memorial Hospital. Schaefer of the Jewish Welfare Fed- is chairman o£ the committee ito. enough in Hebrew to understand his the right to assemble. Whether the ton. Glee Club, which leaves this Phi Beta Kappa is a national orcharge of the drive; Mr. D. Goldsfesin ALout forty girls, members of the prayers and he can understand • but government will also permit the anti- Wednesday for a tour of Iowa and ganization, membership in which is Junior Welfare Organisation, met at eration, the boys were taken to the is treasurer; and Mr. J. Wolfuoa is Lyric building where a special Purim little of our rituals. • . - accorded only to college graduates the club rooms, in the Lyric building Semitic demonstration remains to be Nebraska. * secretary. progTam had been arranged. / "There are many men and women seen. Such demonstrations when held He will be seen" in the public con- with high scholastic records. Wednesday evening, March 16, to sew Eabbi Frederick Cohn and Rabbi of Protestant and Catholic faiths who usually finish with an attack upon cert given "by this club at the BranThose elected into this fraternity for the Wise Memorial'. Hospital, Morris Taxon made interesting ad- RABBI TAXON TO SPEAK have a better understanding of Juda- the Jews and considerable damage deis theatre, April 14. are to be initiated at a dinner dance maternity-ward. AT TEMPLE ISRAEL . dresseSj explaining the spirit of ism than many Jews. of the^ Jewish quarter which the to be given in their honor at Lincoln A number of- articles needed by the Purim. They' emphasised the fact Rabbi Morris Taxon will ocespy th« "The B'nai Sholem members hope demonstrators are always anxious to soon. hospital were completed.POET VISITS HERE that at the present time there are pulpit a t Temple Israel Friday Eveto have a synagogue where young penetrate. Whatever should actually v- The Junior -Welfare Organization Jewish men and romen may attend ;ake place, the local Jewish popula- N. M. Dolitzky, one of the leading ROSENBLATT WINS OVER YALE is planning to continue' this work "Hamens" also, and it is xxp to the ning, April 15, during the absenee of Rabbi Frederick Cohen, who will at. F r i d a y night services and special tion and particularly; so, the Eastern /Yiddish poets of the country, visited The Harvard Debating team of permanently* and- will famish all Jews to stand for their rights. tend the American Conference of with Dr. Philip Sher here while passRalph Holznian and William <lroholiday services they understand, and Jews, are considerably disturbed, for which Sol Rosenblatt .of Omaha is a materials for the articles that they ing through on a trans-continentalBabbis at Washington. Mr. WilUsaa dinsky, vice-president of the lodge, • in that way learn something of Juda- while: one can always follow the bemember, won over Yale last week, trip. Mr. Dolitzky ranks with- Bialie according to a Teport received her£ will sew and present to the hospital. presided at the meeting. L. Holzman will conduct the service* ism and its rituals and prayers." ginnings of these movements :one is and other great Jewish poets. Miss Hanna Greenblatt has charge "The Open^ Shop'? was the question of of tins work asd. the present plans The women of the B'nai Sholem debate. have a ladies' auxiliary. Mrs. J. Ray- never in. a position to foretell are to meet every Wednesday evening R&bbi Cohn Presented With Automobile By Nathan Straus to Help' Mothers of mon, 212 South Thirty-seventh street, they will end." at the club roods. While the congress itself is quite the South. is president. • Congregation; Given After Brotherhood Dinner Passover for Immigrants. a novelty,\its' most' characteristic fact New York. (J. C. B. Service.) The dinner a S Song Ql • Eabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple Following the di The Hebrew Sheltering and Immiis to be traced to the propaganda '-•lew York American" carries the Renowned Jewish l?n>fessor Israel -was presented with an auto- "High Lights sad Shadows," sriJang:JEWS OF HARBIN IN -1 grant Aid Society of America has carried on for;this "gathering which following dispatch from Atlanta, Ga.: Lectures in Omaha. mobile by his congregation following' ed and directed by Mrs. Isidore 2ieg:« FEAR OF POGROM is centred in g, temporary rgan^ ""Nathan Straus, spending the win- made all preparations for the proper Dr. Albert.A. Lowenthal, of Chica- a dinner giv^en by the Brotherhood of lex, was presented. The program fol" New York. (J. C B. Service.) The edited and issued by politicians and ter in Georgia and visiting his child- observance by immigrants of the lows: . go, professor of .nervous and mental the Temple Tuesday night. general press of this city carried the deputies of the Austrian parliament. hood home has decided to extend" his Festival of Passover which begins on Tie Prologue, Mrs. Benjamin The automobile was presented bo diseases of Illinois, gave-a series of the evening of April 23. following cabled dispatch dated at The Austrian .government i s «»»" j philanthrophy to this Btate. He has Episode 1.—Twelve Founds, Sli him. in appreciation of his seventeen There will be Sedorim in the New four lectures" to" the physicians of Harbin, Manchuria: Mrs. Martin Kut tinually looking for help and finen-j announced that he will give Georgia years of work as Rabbi at the Temple Mother _ k Heard, but not The railways running between cial relief among' Jews, no less than enough laboratories to fight- and York home of ~the society and at the Omaha at the Fontenelle' hotel during and.his twenty-five years as a Eabbi Babe Episode 2.—School Days* immigration stations in the cities the week. His lectures covered the Omsk and Tumen, Omsk and Kurgan among non-Jews, nevertheless, AusTencher Mise Marie GoPd«B in Israel. eradicate tuberculosis in dairy cattle. entire field of neurology and included Children: Miss Elaine BerkovitK, Ml»B where the society has branches, na eand Omsk and Mariensk (all towns trian legislators and members of JjonSse Xiegler, Master Nate Mftntel, in western Siberia) have been captur- Parliament organize right in its For years Mr. Straus has fostered Iy: Baltimore, -Boston, Philadelphia, such topics as hysteria, neurasthenia, Harry 2L Rosenfelt, president of the Master Kichard H. BlUev. the humanitarian project of lessening Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle. epilepsy, locomotpr taxia, .Backward brotherhood, made the presentation ed by the insurgents, and the Soviet Episode 3.—Puppy Lowlegislative houses, an international infant mortality due to impure milk. Open house will be the rule for the children, insanity, sexual problems, speech. The campaign for funds to The Girl Mrs. -Bpnjansln ILewJn government has been overthrown. The Bny _.... Mr. «pl!e Burkenrosd Communication between Russia and pogrom organization against Jews. Much has been accomplished by-'him whole week of Passover. At Ellis etc. TSr.* LowenthaL is, a recognized buy the machine was in charge of Episode 4.—-The Supreme Moment. in the metropolitan districts, but his Island there will be Sedorim for de- authority on these' subjects and was Milton Livingston, Mayer Cohn and Siberia has been broken off since the The xiricle Misp Oecelt* Fe|l«r offer to Georgia is his first endeavor Louis Simon, who proposed the gift, The Maids: Miss Hussel Deg-en, Mine New York Farmer-Laborites Will alienist for "New York state in the tained immigiants. middle of February. The resumption l>or«?ne Kosenstoeb. Miss- Bfoocbe Kabbi Cohn was surprised by the Frank. Appeal for Political Amnesty, i to extend his generosity to the South. Mrs- Bert Hene, Miss Veraa of railway traffic with Trans-Balkalia In view of the • -arantine regula- famous Harry K.Thaw case. He is Kinschbrnun, Miss CorSnne New. gift, and at first thought it was a New York. (J.CB.Service.) Nathan has. been postponed indefinitely. ti'ns in- force, arrangements have head of the.Kankakee hospital for the The Groom _.„.„ Harry Welnberjj Carousel Initiator Dead. Dr. Frederick Cobs been made whereby rll Jewish im- insane cf Illinois, which is the largest joke in connection with the banquet The Kabbi >.• . The Jews in Harbin fear a pogrom. Fein, secretary of the-New York • Episode 5.—Mid-Channel. of the Brotherhood. New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Isainstitution of its kind in the country. branch of the Farmer-Labor party^ The Wife Mrs. Martin ySugftftnans . A mass has been held in the Cathemigrants who w:il be quarantined u The HusliHtiil Selwyn 4.—Wheu theMr. Shadows Gvo'w Voog. dral here, in which prayers were of- announced that the party is arrang- sore Isaac who introduced the carousel during Passover, en steamships and He is now on *, tour of medical educa- •William L. Holsman, president of Episode Grandmother Miss Laura G<wte tion throughoutAmerica, introducing the Temple, during his speech follow- Grandfather ._. .Air, I/esSi<i Burkejiroad fered for the success of the insur- ing to send 2,000 delegates to Wash- and goat-carriages into the public at quarantine stations, will be providOrchestra: Piano, Mrs. Harry Ra*<»ntetd; gents. There are persistent rumors ington on April 18 in order to appeal parks of Greater New York, died at ed with special Passover food and new theories and methods in the treat- ing the bartniet, lauded the Violin, Miss Helen Sommere. from "Madame Butterfly.'' of anti-Bolshevist risings at Omsk to President Harding, to declare am- his home. He was 83- years old and Sedorim will be given for ment of mental and nervous dis- the brotherhood during the first year Arrangement Mrs. Benjumin I<PW1E; accompanied b25 , of its existence, . .... _ nesty for all policial .prisoners* was born in Germany. and Krasnoyarsk-~ HIM Cecelia tfeiter. *i

In Regard totfe Primaries—-

Plan to Raise $7S; for Omaha Colonyin Palestine; Sell Shares


to Jewish Congress lay 22;_0ect June 19

Inti-Semte Congress Is Formed in Vienna; First ©ae of its Mind

Lifted Sap ifidik

Junior Welfare CM*

B'nai Sholem Seek Members; to Build Soon


Omaha Jewish Boy ~ .- . ' Two Jewish Boys Get ' is Creighton Editor Phi Beta Kappa Keys

' T~ r"t*-~








Egyptians for their harsh; treatment. Congressman Siegel Describes Bard- SIR ALFR. MOND HONORED portance of the moment is the work be participated in by all representa-


But this very fact shows the exalted •world-wide philosophy that aimed to every Thursday at Omaljff, Nebraska, tfy root otlt ot~ the Jew'3 heart every trace of revenge, • THE JEWISH; PKESS; PUBLISHING"COMPANY. As concerns religious toleration \ MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager* Judaism is not only far from the Office, fourj. Baird Bldg.—Telephone, Doug. 2872; missionary spirit of converting people of other denominations but on the Subscription Price, one year.. ..$1.50 contrary, the Talmud commands the i rabbis to inform and explain to Advertising ratW furnished on application. everyone who willingly comes to acNOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PKOFljr — Profits from the cept the Jewish religion all the diffipublication of The- Jewish Press aretobe given to worthy conmnmal culties and.impossibilities that are involved in the Jewish faith. Of such causes. a lofty and ideal religious toleration CHANGE OF ADD1JESS—Pleasa give botb-tUg o l i and new address; be euro, not even the moralists of our present ' . ana sign name. ' v day can boast. ' The Jew is the'emblem of eternity. He whom neither slaughter flor torTO TBE ENDS OF THE EART&. ture of thousands of years could And now we are promised world-wide and international^ destroy, he whom neither fire nor nor inquisition were able to Jew-baiting, organized and directed by master-minds of the craft. ^ssvord wipe off from the face of the earth, The first anti-Semitic World Congress is convening in Vienna, he who was t h e first to produce the that erstwhile city of beauty. Delegates from Eoumania, Aus- oracles of God, he who has been so tria, Germany and the Baltic States will be present, and their long the guardian of propheycy and transmitted it to the rest of the numbers will doubtless be augmented by representatives of other who world—such nation cannot be descountries. There will be but one qualification for representation troyed. He is everlasting as is eter<—that of bigotry and intolerance. And" cable dispatches tell' us nity itself. The Jew has been and that Henry Ford will be asked to represent America at the' always will be the constant follower and confessor! of liberty, equality, conference. . . . . - . . : . ' civilization, and perfect religious tolThus will "the. mechanic of Detroit** come-into his own. eration. ••

ships of Immigrants. New York. (3i C.B. Service.) Speak- SIra. Fels to Invest $669,000 in Palesing a t Harlem • House, Congressman tine Soil; Weizmaa Cheered at Isaac Siegel declared that immigrants Gathering of Notables. . in Europe were being victimized on a wholesale scale by men who had London. (J.'T. Agency.) Sid Alfred previous connections with American Mond was the guest of honor at a consulates. Mr.rSiejgel said in part: banquet tendered him last week. "The vise system isresulting in the Professor Weizmann presided and most heartless rulings imaginable. spoke eloquently of the great service It has opened the field for numerous rendered in the past by Sir Alfred to scoundrels who have been heretofore, the Jewish people generally and to the or are now, employed in the various Zionist cause in particular.; Weizconsulates in .Europe, to bring about mann also took occasion to tell the in some &ay the fraudulent vise "of English people that Britain will not passports. The victims in numerous be left to bear the burden of Palescases have been woiaen and children tine and that injdue time the Jews coning to their husbands and parents j w o u l d . in America. Ellis Island is now filled ^ ^ b e L ^ f > G l i c k s t e i n r Mayor with women and children, who, after of Westminster, praised England for they had stood in line for days before its efforts in Palestine, and Amery, our consulates in Warsaw a n i , other Under-Secretary of the Colonial ofplaces, were approached by men pur- fice, spoke/of the great future which" porting to be representatives of the awaited" Palestine when it will have consulates. These men told them they fully developed into a free and proswould help them by taking the pass- perous country. He also praised the ports into the consulate to have them administration of Sir Herbert Samvised. The usual amount collected uel, emphasizing _ particularly his from the victims has been ?20 to §30. impartiality. During the course of the "Asuming that ^these 'so-called dinner it became known among the Americans were acting for our con- assembled that Amery was the one sulates the poor women victims have who drafted the original Balfour given up their passports and their_ declaration. Other speakers included American money. The result has* Zeitlin and Colonel Meinertzhagen. beeji that they have arrived here at Acknowledging the different toasts, Ellis Island with these fraudulent Sir Alfred emphasized that the imvises stamped on bonafide passports,' Under the ruling of the state depart-; ment these women and children victims, who have undergone indescribBuy a Sweet Toned able hardships, are being held at Ellis Island before deported to the countries from which they came." i

Throughout all his articles runs the strain that he bears no animus against the Jews> that his purposes are neither vengeful The Jews in Persia; Deplorable N nor, war-like, £hatthey are designed only in the interest of peace. ' Situation. Yet they have carried nim to the heights of. recognition and, if Constantinople. (J. C. B. Service.) the plans of the conference materialize, he will take his seat The situation, of the*Jewish populaamong; the- leaders of his self-chosen pursuit. Anti-Semitisnr'will tion, of Persia is a tragic one"at the be spread" to;the;:ends.of the;earth. •/ ^ ' ; '... ptesent juncture. The Jews of^the Whether Ford attends or.not is. aside from the point. If town of Hamadan especially are exhe goes it will certainly not be as representing America. The posed to the persecutions of a fanatic time is still far-off, happily, when one man or group of men people which is trying by every means can speak the words of venom and abuse- and untruth that Ford in its power to make the life of the has, and deliver them as the voice of America. The point is Jews unbearable. that the fact of the existence of hjs propaganda here will find A Jewish life has absolutely no a prominent place in.the deliberations of the Vienna conference, value, and; no sectirity'- of any kind is with what disastrous results td European Jews we can easily guaranteed ttt Jewish citizens by the imagine. . . ~ • ' authorities. At least ten; cases in What doss a world anti-Semitic Congress mean to us? I twhich Jews have, recently been' vicr means yet another attack upon us. It demands increased resist- timized and * nothing /was ,done to MT. SINAI HOSPITAL BEING ENLARGED ance on our part. It means that we must awaken agahu For bring the criminals to^ justice. Durwith the passings of our first reaction: to Ford's slanders, and ing the year Just past.a<<Fewish mer- New York. (J. C. B. Service.) The with the cessation of.appeals for the Anti-Defamation. League, chant was murdered in the open directors of the Mt. Sinai hospital, many of us have fallen, into- a state of being uninterested, and market place; The murderer was ar- at the annual meeting informed the eyen frankly bore'd, about "all this talk of anti-Semitism'?. We rested and sent to the capital and trustees that additional buildings must re-awaken—and never again fall inta- peaceful slumber. there sentenced to death. But owing which have been started last year to the vigorous protests of the Mo- were now nearing completion. Among We dare not do it. We cannot do it! hammedan prfester he was sub- j other buildings under construction is There is but one answer to the challenge of the Jew-haters sequently set free and ^returned to a new private pavillion, a new childarid the Jiaw-baiters. I t cannot come from without, but only Hamadan. A few months ago a Jew- rens hospital and an auditorium. The from within. I t is the answer of. the ages. Greater Judaism, more intensive Judaism, steadfast," unflinching, unswerving Juda- ish" stident was attacked and killed accounts for the past year show that as he was walking along the street. the hospital has a deficit of over ism, to the ends of the earth. . .

of the Keren Hayessod and announc- tives 61 the Joint Distribution Comed that Mrs. Joseph Pels of New mittee ^ss well as those of more imYork wno was on her~w$y to Pales- portant Philanthropic and welfare tine, would invest 1600,000 in Pales- institution. tinian soil. At the close ©f the evening the gathering warmly cheered Professor Weizmann who is leaving MY FRrENDS for America. your job of




Sunday April 3 E |

It is important for you to know the true conditions of the c a m p a i g n — conditions which will confront you Bnd yoor family during the coming three years.



... "

%_ _ ^ _ . _


, , .


1 .

L ^ ^ ^



• • • > • • ^^^T





It is essential that the women as well as the inen take an active and personal Interest In this campaign.


: Vote For •

City. Commissioner











5 S'

5 '3


Prepare your bundle with clothes, shoes, underwear, food, soap, towels, cotton and medicaments. . The Jewish Peoples' Relief Committee of Omaha will call upon you during the month of March. Call «my «* the following telephone numbers and your bundle will be collected and forwarded to help the innocent victims of war: ^\



2:30 P. M. AT THE

And save to §150—


Northwest Ready Roofing Co.


Harry B* H

Henry Dunn


YAFFE ••Printer*.

The issues of the coming campaign wi be ^discussed honestly sad frankly by


Harney 1606 Webster 0289 Webster 6059

Harney 6118 Webster 2734 Webster 1076


Peoples" Relief Committee

by god to ke.ejB! and preserve His law; Hebrews oughttabe r-





will be friven Personal Attention





Constructive Belief Will Be Discussed Next Month. Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) Adviees rc-m Warsaw state that a conference to consider the problems of constructive relief in Poland Bad other parts is being called for April 15. It will


Our Schmoller & Mueller pianos .Thef murderer confessed, hut as the are noted for their fine tone 'murdered man was a Jew no case quality and durability, in fact, was made out against him. Because Prince of Wales Praises Jewish Lads. are fully guaranteed for 25 vears. We have several difLondon."-(J. T. Agency.)-The Prince of the popular opinion that no Maferent styles to select from". of Wales visited the East End where hommedan can be condemned to death • -"' By Count Leo Tolstoi. : Call tomorrow. We guarantee v ; --*_ for having murdered a Jew all cuch he attendr "• a meeting called for the from tho Original Bnsstun by IJobbl Baphae*- Goldensteln. to save you money. •. TEM3PI.E MOUNT BTSAJ, BIOVX CITS', IOWA. purpose of relieving the unemploycases are simply hushed up. $10.00 sends one t 3 your home. Hamadan has a Jewish Mausoleum ment prohlen-. He made a contribuTHREE YEAES TIME ((All eyes have in recent years been and this sacred mission the Jew has sacred to- the r^omory of Blordouch tion of ^jSOO.^From the meeting he — TO PAY. turned on the personality of thefulfilled in. spite- of the tortures and went to tlie I adquarters of the Jewand Esther, which is surrounded by great writer and philosopher, Count inquisitions inflicted upon him by the Leo Tolstoi, who, though a Russian Ireek and Roman Catholic churches. an ancient disused burial ground.jOn ish Lads Brigade where he was rocfc and a member of the-bnreancracy—-• The Jew is the pioneer of liberty. one side of this monument live two by a number of prominent Jews. The ^F^s^fS!^d ffor its hard-hearted^^s^fS!^ssiuid hardhearted Sven in those olden days when the PIANO CO. priests and on the other prince pcaised the lads for theysserness and especially / iits anti-Semitic people were divided into but two dis- Mahommedai vices during the war and their excelis situated a Mahommedan school. 1514-16-18 Dodge Street, tendencies-—had nevertneTess a sym- tinct classes, slaves and masters,— OMAHA, NEB. pathy and a love for human Mtad. that even so long ago. had the law of For a long time the Jewish community lent work in peace. Of 3,000 lads on is seldom equalled. In; perhaps nothing- Moses prohibited the practice of of Hamadan has wanted to surround active service 535 were killed. that h&j wrote is- the beauty of his keeping a person in slavery and in burying ground with a wall in heart 'more truly portrayed than, in bondage for more than six years in this order to preserve it. This, however, hi th Jew,, J a-bit bit of f succession. After that time the slave his message on" the writing, which is one of the most had to be / e t free without money has not been possible because of the remarkable truths ever, -uttered. by payment to his master, and in case oppostion of the i riests. The JewNAT MEIS125R, THE INSURANCE man of any_ station ~or any. national- the- servant rejects' this privilege ish community has brought the matity. The article appeared in 1891.— Moses commands that a master bore ter to the notice <>f the Persian govK. G.) his ear. The Talmud explains very logically the relation between the ear ernment but no help was obtained. "What is a Jew? Indeed, it seems and slavery. "The ear that heard a-rather foolish question to ask, for God's word <Sh Moont Sinai—you are FORD'S RAG MUST NOT "who in the world cjoes not know what my servants an<]Usot slaves to niy> BE SOLD IN ST. LOUIS a Jew is ? Who, of all my readers, servants—and has not regarded these though he has never-seen a'lfew and words and has indifferently rejected New York. (J. C. B. Service.) A knows nothing about the Jew's des- his own liberation "his ear certainly St. Louis dispatch to the New York tiny and his wonderful history, who deserves to be bored through with an "Times" states that the chief of of them would be unable to answer awl." this simple question- in- the usual The Jew is the symbol of absolute police'of St. Louisi on the advice of manner of pur modern russian pub- equality. The Talmud that is sothe city counsellor, forbade the' sale licist:. "The Jew is a leech that sucks much condemned, and of which all of Ford's Independent on the ground out the blood and marrow- of the those who do not understand it are • • * . f o r •• < country and its inhabitants, the Jew- so much afraid shows clearly from that it disturbs the peace and conis, one who sells his gboda not for the the holy scripture in many different tributes to the defamation of a par-, comraoa interest of the. customer,'but ways that no one can say "My father ticular class of people. •for his own selfish benefit," etc., etc. has been greater than your father." At^the sami'time the local author We, nevertheless, r think that the In another place the Talmud remarks ities^fat Detroit, Ford's home town, question is not at all so odd as it that the old testament does not treat Informed those selling the Dearborn [ seems. I t is, in fact, a difficult prob- about one people in particular but Independent that unless they, will He i s honest, capable, and lem to solve if we wouT3. look at it about all people in general. in a different light. J^et us see what _ The Jew is the pioneer of civiliza- refrain from quoting references to fair. I will appreciate anykind of peculiar creature this Jew is. tion. Already a thousand years be- the Jews in that publication, they will fore the birth of Christ when the thing you can do for hini. ."What kind of a beast .is it which; all /rulers and all nations, commencin] known, parts of the world yet wild be restrained from continuing its • - . ' ' • with Pharoah-Wng" ox" Egypt, anu and ignorant, in Palestine it had al- s a l e . ending with the Rumanian cabinet of ready been customary and fully Bratiana, beginniag "With the inquisi- understood that every one -who was Balfour Heads Commission to Amend tion of the Torqua madas and ending educated should teach the uneducated l Covenant. with the present Russian bureaucracy and ignorance bad been condemned in London(J. T. Agency.) Announcehave > together and separately- iibused those olSeri rdayjk in.the Jewish-world and molested, oppressed and prose- more eyen than it is today in civilized ment is, made.that, A. J. Balfour hascuted, trampled and butchered, burn- Europe^ Even, an) unlawfully born accepted the chairmanship of the ed .and hanged—and in spite of all child who according to the precepts League commission to amend the Mosaic law cannot be accepted the this . _ _is. yet . . .alive. This. .• creature of League covenant. into the Jewish community even bhn m Omaha Real Estate.'-, . lives to this very day! Moreover, it Talmud placesv higher than the has its: representatives in all the the Priest if he is aft educated and Our expert Ipowledge of Real Estate value? is your" civilized lands of the world and in air High man and the priest ignorant guarantee that any Real Estate business transacted through fields/of activity; political, financial learned ' judical, adnunistrativei rnd military, and uneducated^* our office" is A satisfactory transaxtiftn. and, in facfc^ in all,branches of art Moreover,: in those wild and barand science. " ' . barous days whqn neither the lifeinor What is the Jew "who arises anew the death of anyone counted for anyIt Pays to Get Our Figures after aL the persecutions and slaugh- thing at all Rabbi Akiba, the foreLaid Over 6,000 Roofs in Omaha most-and greatest Talmudist did not ter that Ae has wiiaistood, who arises Our Eoofs Are Our Proofs All Kinds of Insurance out of the ruins, with new vigor, with refraSTfrom expressing himself openOuri Specialty new energy and becomes a fierce and ly against capital punishment, a pracReady Roofing aver pld shingles Any cKent of ours will tell you tJjat they pet jsonsdendreadful "Cain mark" to his perse- tice which^ is recognized today as a All Work Guaranteed—Easy cutors and oppressors. What is a highly civilized way of punishment. 'Terms tious service^ when we are looking after tfcir insurance Jew who being so eager for money, The Jew's emblem of civil and rel/ Harney 2574 business. ~ , s\ ~ > « his, nevertheless," not allowed him- igious toleration: "Love the stranger Omce and Warehouse} v self td be led. astray by all the earth- and tha sojoumer." Moses commends .When you. place your insnrar»ce i n c u r hands, all your 3122 Leavenworth ly possessions which, his oppressors "Because you have been\strangers in trorry about loss or expirations is forever eliminated. the land of Egypt."" And this was and persecutors, constantly offered him in order that he change his faith said in those .remote and wild times and forsake1 his own Jewish religion? when the principal ambition of the RSK;!R!::n:::!::i::::n::::::n and nations consisted in crushThe Jew is that sff *red being who races ing and enslaving one another. At has brought down fljnn heaven the first Moses' words seemed to Iff everlastingr fire, and has illumniated soundglance ' In our Building Management Deparfcms«t, we have anvery strange. The Egyptians tii with It the entire world. The Jew is .misusedd the loyalty an efficient organization to take care of your property *t of the Jews, tj H i TAILORS y y | In who carried around evervwbe*e4he the smallest cost and increased return^ on-your invesbnent. he Egyptians enslaved the Jew, | HIMakers of Higfc-Grade Garments divine idea and makes it.the^osses- afid t h w h i p i n h a n d compelled III Bion of the whole world.. The Jew has themw i to (Hi do the hardest labor, ill II! The Holiday Spirit Here! been for a long time the sole keeper The Egyptians, ordered. that every and protector of the divine idea. -He new-born Jewish boy be drowned in jjj Be well dressed for the holidays is the religious source, spring and ::: fountain of which all the rest of the the river, a decree, which did not ex- 111 We also clean, press and Real Estate, Investments, Insurance, Building Management empt Mose3 himself, and notv/ithrepair clothes." peoples have drawn their beliefs and 1 1 1 Saunders-Kcnnedy Building ptanttingall this Moses commands the their religions. Had it not been for 16th ana Pongls»a Sts. Ph<"»e: Tyler 3160. the Jew all thp other" nations would Israelites to love the strangers be-' ::• have remained idol worshippers to cause they themselves hed been this day. The Jew has been chosen strangers in Egypt aa though the .

f* *> t



****.ft««<K-S< t "K3 -, n J




Gwe Purim. Program. ,

Miss Rose Baron_ and Mis« Mollie Palestine Workers W»nt sick fundsr*aow>*din« *° * Jerusalem YOUNG JUDAEA SENIOR'CLUB i Thursday evening under tha auspices Krueger. dispatch. • f the Addassah club. A special meeting of the Young American Relief Continued A Purim program was given by-the Prologue, by Miss May Bolsiein'* Class. .JL The book of Esther narrates ind- Cast of Characters: Judaea Senior club was held Sunday, London, (J. T. Agency),—Jewish Young Judaea last .Sunday t o a A ' m a t i n g of the members of the March 13, t.t the home of Ruth Bern- ents which the Jewish people feel Samuel Kothbaum Theodore Koolish workers organizations have arranged "caparity house" at tEe Jewish Wel- Aleph Y of the Y. M. H. A. will be ,..-- Alice Schulein a series of public meetings to take stein. Election of officers took place are reflected in their own life as a Pauline Eothbatim iare- rooms. held Monday eVening. The special Henrtette Eothbaum _ Marcella Koolish place in Jerusalem, Jaffa and other The program, consisted of the fol- feature "will be a. dock trial in -which as follows: President, Rose Minkin, nation, Rabbi Goldstein sa^d. Joseph Rothbaum »_ Alfred Kooper lowing: . •-•-'••. ; vice-presidsnt, Blanche Altman; secreIn the course of his address Rabbi Henry Hassburg CBJKOPODIST AND BEAUTY Milton Belsiein Jewish centres to protest at the "America," Xoung Judaea, and, Audieiice. Israel Goodman will be "judge" and te /, Anne Selicow; trr -rurer, Besse •oldstein advocated the establishment Esther Hassbnrg Rose Sliultiu decision of the local administration .^r SHOP. M-? Violin Bus*- Miss, Jennie LJebovit?, Miss [JFrei White and Sam Beber will be Miriam Barrent of the Joint Distribution Coiairitfee Established 1SB0 Greenberg; reporter, Sollie Sievers; in the holy land of a school for nurses Gertrude Wolfstein Leona Perlis, accompanied by Miss attorneys. « feed Sherrill Cohen to discontinue its support of their program ^supervisor, Laura Fogel; and a system of- sanitatior modeled Morris Wollstein Sara Fish from the the Yonns Judaea Heading, Hanoah Ksthenson. A large attendance was a t the last executive members, Minnette Gross, after those found in America. . group. Mrs. Ben Handler, leader. Violin Selections, Frances Fribourg. "Why Margie Likes* PuriW' Margrett meeting. A special committee ,was Estelle Lapidus, Tina Altschuler. Approximately forty-five slides Accompanist, Gertrude Trowl. Margolin, Daughters o£ Zlon4'group. appointed to make plans and prepara"The Woodpecker^** IS'evin. wera used with which to illustrate This organizaton har been in existMiss Jlose Minkin, leader! tions for a baseball team, which will ence since September, "'.920. I t hasthe' lecture. A large audience attend- "The Swan," Saint Saenes. ' : Group of Songs, Sjadie Drericb, accompaEXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR " •'The Bee," Schubert. " ' nied by Sara Kurtzman, Flowers of Zlon probably be entered in one of thea membership of more than forty. :d the meeting. city leagues. group. Miss .Sara Ruback, leader. T! e objects of the organization are Eecltation, "A\Pnrim Celebration," Ger- "• As yet the Aleph Y debating team to instill Jewish ideals, to. better the trude Goldberg, Daughters of Herzl has not received any 'word from the The feast of Lots celebration was Jewish education of the average^Tew- held at the religious School Temple, group, Misa Anne Greenberg, leader.^ s Thorpeian club or the Hebrew EducaIllustrated Songs, Hermina HIrschmannr ish girl, and to provide social'enter- Vlt. Sinai, Sunday, Mar jh 27. FolLillies of Zion gronp, MIES Tena Alt- tional club of Council Bluffs in regard tainment for its members. The club owjng was tha program given: The store is located^! 1618 " ^ 5 ' schnler, leader. to the challenge that "was issued to has donated money to the various Violin Solo, Frances Shulkin. p I recently bought a bankrupt R North Twenty-fourth Street. £ Vocal Solo, Miss Bess Greenberg, accom- them some time ago. causes and has done its share in 'God is in His Holy Temple," Sunday A stock of new ^hardware, glass- p panied by Miss Anne Greenbsrg. Senior The membership quota w31 be g( «\are, granite dishes, spoons, d School Children. community work i n other ways. Young Judaea group. knives and forks, and kitchen 5$ reached soon, according to the report The Young Judaea Choral dub has ?urim Servicer-Union Prayer, Page So, S Becitations,.. Betty Steinberg, Iillliea of 5 utensils. § Kabbi. . of the membership committee. Zlon group; Miss Tena Altschuler, been organized, under the able in- 'Our Shepherd Is t*e Lord," Sunday g These afScles are Absolutely S leader. struction of Mrs. Kamen, for the School Children. R new and are jast the thing for 8 HADASSAH TO MEET Playlet, "A Purim Surprise," Boys from K the Passover holidays? 6 benefit of those members who areBeading, Gladys Weinberg. the Young Maccabees and B'nai Zion Reeord smashing p r i c e s— R The regular meeting of Hadassah musically inclined. Purim Play, "Hadassah," by Children of (j groups; Mr. Ben Cohen, leader. R Sunday School. Under direction- of 6 5 cents and up. Group cf Songs by Sextette from the will be held Thursday, ApriL 7, .at 4 We a.lso havej a good line of p 2:30, p. m,, at the Jewish Welfare Entries, of Zion group, Misa Mary Mr, and Mrs. Herman Orschel reg furniture and rugs. d " Maisel, leader. rooms. . '" "^• ,\.'. ; turned Sunday from California, MissSophye "Welnstein •will give a where they have been for the past A regular meeting of the Progresse report of the work done by the Junior two months. "" 2610 N Street, South Omaha. 5 Club- was held Sunday, March 17, Hadassah unit • Phone: South 2370. g when. Arthur Siever, HarryvHaykin,' Miv Sam Frank has been appointed 5 It will pay you to visit S Meyer, Shapiro, Philip 'Gerelis, and 5 xay store. g THORPEIANS WA$JT superintendent of the Wise Memorial Norman Brown were initiated into hospital. MEMBERS. this organization. • At the last regular meeting of the ' All. members are urged to meet at Thorpeian Athletic Club, the memI have just received a big shipOn Friday night at Temple Israel •taent of Rosenblatt and Cantor the Y. M. H. A. Club rooms Sunday bership limit was abandoned with the Rabbi Cohn will speak on "Omaha's Chagy latest records. morning, April 3, at 8:30, with their adoption of a new constitution. Three Greatest Need," a - pre-election serlunch, ready for a hike. mon. 4 new members, were elected into the Also we have a new shipment club. They were Mar Lnterman, Isiof Victor records and Victrolas. KA-DEE-MO NEWS A.regular meeting of the Women's dore Alperin and Harry Stern. |ij Remember, our terms are to Auxiliary I. O. B. B. will be held The "Exceptional" entertainment suit your pocketbook. Last Monday, the' Ka-Dee-Mo club Thursday evening, April 14, a t the which was to be given for the basket? entertained at a dancing party for Y. M, H. A. club rooms. ball team was postponea^until the members and their friends. The or next meeting. A N spring dancing Rabbi Cohn leaves Tuesday eve- j party may be held. The Thorpeian chestra consisted of Miss Dora Dub1824 North Twenty-fourth Str. noff and Miss Edith Frieden and_Mr. ning, April 12, for Washington, D.C., [basketball team will play the Wein- Nathan Horvich. where" he will attend the Central berg Clothiers of Fremont here The-president of the organization Conference of Rabbis • to be held Thursday. Mr. Jack Lazar, whose engagement to April 13 to 17. He expects to return, by April 21, stopping at Detroit and y'.TSx. and Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun Miss Bessie ^Greenberg was recentlyAnn Arbor, where he will spend some- and>sniall son left Monday for Min- announced, was presented with--en Saturday, April 2nd, in Our V x time with his son, Ralph, who is at- neapolis, where they will spend sev- engagement gift, from the club la' Metropolitan BliiHitery Store. tending the University of Michigan. eral weeks with Mrs. Kirschbraun's this affair. Tickets for the • Ka-Dee-Mo dane parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank RubeL for the benefit of the South Sid' The Pricilla Club will meet a t the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Marx and Talmud Torah are selling very fas; -'"t home of Mrs. Harry Monsky of Coun- small son are spending the week at ... .offering.... cil Bluffs, next Wednesday afternoon. Sfoux City, where they went to at-and the outlook is most promising fo: a large crowd. Passover tend the thirty-fifth wedding anniThe Omaha Junior Hadassah will versary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Holidays give'their first open meeting next M. Marx. • •• will soon Wednesday evening in the Y. M. H. be here. A. club rooms. The~ public is Mrs. Sam Block and children of Dress Over 700 patterns of all wool material in. the invited. A special program <fias been Fremont with Miss Selda Brown, Each oiie an exclusive for the newest Spring Colors. Not one of these suits For the first time in the history "of prepared 'when Miss Annette Fanger sister of Mrs. Block, returned Tuescreation appropriate • occassion would have sold for less than $50.00 a few will Jgive a dramatic reading, Miss day from Venice, California, where Mt. Sinai Temple, Sioux City, Iowa, for. late spring and months ago. Anna Leaf will give piano solos, and they have been spending the winter. Hebrew is being taught to all the early summer. Dr. Victor E. Levine will speak- on children of: the religious school with We Lave thousands of satisfied customers "Women of Israel." considerable sneccess, by Rabbi RaphDance for Orphan Homey." From our regular higher priced. because our w-orlnnansMp is first class. The The first,annual dance of the Jewish ael Goldenstein. The sessions tike style you choose will be right, and the suit is lines-end many xnade tip espeMrs. A. S. Rips' and small son, will Orphans' Home Society will be given place every Saturday morning from made to fit you. cially for this sale not having arrive next week to spend some time Sunday, April 3, at the municipal 10:00 to 11:00. From 11:00 to 11:30 •been shown before with Mrs. Rips' parents, Mr. and Mrs. auditorium. The money will gor. to- a short service is held with a sermonJohnRadman. Positively Valae ward a btdlding fund to erect ^ o r - ette and prayer which have proven phan's home in Omaha, according to very popular and interesting to the to §20.C0 ' Mrs. L. H. Berg leaves Friday eve- Mrs. H. Levey, chairman of the dance children. •-• n i n g t o join Mr. Berg in Pittsburg, committee. As the closing features of the celwhere they will remain for some A Purim Ball was given by the ebration of the feast of Purim by the Here can be found:— time. Congregation B'nai Shole^n last Jews of Sioux City, Rabbi Raphael Lovely Flower Trimmed Hats The graduation exercises?\ of "the Thursday evening wher^ more than Goldstein, of Mt. Sinai Temple, de200 couples attended. This is the first OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK. - . Gergec& Ostrich £?i fmq Feather Hats livered a lecture on thebook, of nurses of the Wise Memorial HosNorthwest Corned Fifteenth and Harney pital will be held at Temple Israel, of the annual Pdrinl'jaftairs' to beEsther at the Hebrew institute ' Airy Triisp&Fent l&ts ef M E I a i i Eiir Brail : Thursday evening, April 21, when Dr. given by this organization. Frederick Cohn will give the baccaChic Tailored Suit Mats in Fabric aid Strsw ._ : An instaH3tian and a cTance will laureate sermon,-his subject being, Shown in Black, Navy, Brown, Henna, Pheasant, ^Always Prepared." Dr. O. S. Hoff- j °' given by t h e Young Judaea v Cherry, Harding Blue, Jade. The largest showing man will give the diplomas, Dr. C. A. Senior Qub, Thursday, April 17, of colors in the history of the millinery business. —Boeder will, make ^a short address, at the Hanscom Park Pavilion. Anne Selicow, past president, will inand Miss Laura Goetz and Mr. Harry Every hat oSered at $10.00 is guaranteed the highest in quality, If so let us do your routing. We stall the new officers. Also, a very \ character and workmanship. The foundation of the stores success is. Disbrow will give musical numbers. are agents for EVERY STEAMinteresting and entertaining program SHIP LINE to Europe. We have the offering at all times of the highest in quality at the lowest expert knowledge on the conhas been arranged. The public is inprice possible. COMPARE! _._ ' . _. tinental situation. We will help / ; The^Sisterhood of Temple Israel r—that _ your home begins at the front gate • you Becure your passport and--'' . ~ \rill hold, its regular meeting Monday vited. other necessary d o e n m e n t i. Write, phone or call. ' Every passerby .forms some opinion of your home afternoon in the vestry of the temple, 'by the exterior appearance of your lawn}/_trees I Tmder the direction >of Mrs. Louis VAL. J. PETER & €0, WANTED and shrubs and therefore your ground should Sommer. The. following program has STEAMSHIP AGENCY truly express your personality, taste and refineAND FOBEIGX EXCHANGE. been arranged: _ _ _ . | Young lady as cashier at the Food" OMASA. NKB 1307 Howard S t , Omaha, Neb. Piano Solo, Mr. Harry, BravirofT. ment. Center Delicatessen. Inquire at . COEEECT APPAEEL FOE MEN AND WOMEN Reading, Miss King. . •• ' Phone: Tyler 0340. Songs, Mrs. J. W. Arnold!. Steinberg's Milwaukee DelicatesWe send money vat the ' lowest The picturesque home that you usually see is Sketch, "The Kleptomaniac," Cast of rates, to all parts ol the •world, sen, 516 South Sixteenth Streets Central High School Students. and deal in European Becnrities, just an ordinary house with a / stretch of lawn




p Bankrupt Stock I p Goes oii^Sale p










A Style and Value GiYiiig Sale




Sioux City lews



Are You Going Abroad This Year ©


Instrumental Trio, Mrs. Herbert Heaven, rich, Mrs. Harry Eosenfelt, Miss Helen Sommers. Beading. Herbert Sommer and Stanley Siinon.

WANTED. Man and wife wanted to work at Old Peoples Home. Call Mrs.-S. Miss Lee Zion, who has been ill at Ravitz, Douglas 5539. the Swedish Mission Hospital, is now convelescing and expects to return to the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben' Harry H. LapIdnB. Pres.-Treas. jamin Boasberg some time this weekT Jos. Pepper, Vice-President. W. Q. XJre, Secretary.

The Congregation of B'nai Sholem and Ladies', Auxiliary will hold a joint meeting Sunday afternoon, April 3, at the Swedish auditorium. All members are urged to attend. "THEi INNER VOICE" COMING , . E. K. Lincoln, the famous romantic screen star will be seen in the American Cinema Super Special, "The Inner Voice' a t the Moon theatre, on .Sunday. ^"The Innner Voice" like the majority of the other great dramatic successes - of the present day and of the past ages, has as its main motive, the eternal struggle between right and wrong; vice and virtue. This photo drama in many respects a? a piece of dramatic writing, approaches the technical perfection and human interest of the great dramatic masterpieces in the history of literature. The scenic settings of this picture are all huge* , ^ „. ^


ortr 30.009 canare feet Southwest Comer EleTenth and Donrfaa Street!. Phone: Douglas 272* OMAHA. NEB. . -

which on account of the present low rate of exchange are a promising speculative Investment.

and a few trees, shrubs and plants arranged so as to give effect. /



• '


WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRt FROM US, YOU "BUY SAFE" Our guarantee and pur word is as good as a bond. We have satisfied hundreds of your friends.


is the proper time to"have your lawn, trees, flowers given attention. > Call Webster 2042. Our expert will be glad to :call and assist yoa with your planning. Our prices are low. Our work is guaranteed. and

8 ^ BUY SAFE '-^g



LANDSCAPE SERVICE COMPANY Websten^2042. 1824 North Twenty-fourth Sfreet dollars spent in landscaping greatly increases the value of your property.


1514 Dodge Street. -Phone: Douglas 56X9——


"Say It With Graduate of* the Budapest "(Hungary) Academy of Music •who just arrived




319-Sonth 16th Streefc Phone Douglas 3400




AGNES AYRES assisted by E. K. Lincoln in

Twenty-five yotuagsters in a regular musical comedy.




and buy them at /

•will j r i v e .-•



. „-.




"• •



Progress Club Basket Ball Team

Rev. Masliansky were particularly outspoken in their utterances regarding the failure of the American Zionist organization to take any steps in furtherance of the campaign' of the Keren Hayesod, a fund which was decided .upon at the last Zionist World conference in London. The conference adopted resolution indicating its readiness to support the World Organization and its-leaders in so far as it affects the foundation fund and to make special preparations to receive and aid the Zionist delegation which, is c otning to America from abjpad headed by Prof. Chaim Weizman. There was no one at tne conference who took any exception, to the resolutions adopted or the measures decided upon. *•

irrepressible bit of life as is Viola tion of the old Cinderella as could be EXPLAINS POLICY OP found. The fascinating story is about THE "ONE-FiUeE" STORE Dana, the star, would be nothing but a little scullery maid who has day

Louis Leppke, advertising manager a success. Viola Dana's acting, so full of rich dreams, and is suddenly whisked into Sent by' our Council Bluffs News for the Nebraska Clothing company, characterization and charm, a? a thing a wealthy home where she can see bureau. tells this story; .• to be seen and seen again. It has the her Prince Charmirg at closer .range. "The other day a boy came into the satisfying quality of perfection, and She is made use of by crooks t6 steal More than 2,000 miles away from store to buy a pair of shoes. When here especially is she admiraBie, for the jewels, but is the means of turnthis community the good Hand of he made the purchase, >e discovered she is as nearly a modem reproduc- ing the table. adoption and charity brought a dethat • he was * twenty cents short of lightful .Pnrim to a war orphan in a ths purchase price. far away orphonage^at ""adom, Po"The clerk thought he was just anland; Nelech Finkelstein, 13, is the other one of those persons trying to orphan. He has-been adopted by the evade the principle of 'one-price,' A SPECIAL OFFERING OF Council of Jewish Women of Council maintained by the Nebraska ClothBluffs and will be watched over ing company, but the clerk thought during the remaining years of his he would take a chance and took boyhood. twenty cents, out of. his own pocket The boy's parents died duringDecand loaned it to the boy. The next ember 1916. They boy, then onlyday the boy, holding two dimes tighteight years of age, was left to wonly in his hand, came into the store der in devasted Poland, until he was looking for the clerk." Ormsby Gore Supports Feisal. taken to the orphanage. LONDON. (Jewish Telegraphic The Nebraska Clothing claims beAccording to present plans the Agency.)—Writing in today's issue ing the originator of the "one-price" executive committee of the Council of the London "Times" Major Orms- store in Omaha, of Jewish Women hope to bring the by-Gore emphasizes that England is ward of the society to this country. bound to keep her promises made to VIOLA DANA SPLENDID IN Emir Feisal with regard to .Arabian •'CINDERELLA'S TWIN" * The Sunday Bchool of the Council interests in Syria. Bluffs Talmud Torah gave a celebra"Cinderella's Twin," the Metro tic- in commemor- ion^of the Parana special, will be presented for the first SOKOLOW TO GO TO PALESTINE, Sunday evening. The choir, composed time at the Sun theatre, where it V Left to right—'Ben Ravitz, Philip Gerelick, Hyman Rubinstein, Athletic - London. (J, T. Agency.) We are starts Sunday. of eight boys, responded to many Director, Harry Haykin, Louis Sombergv Harry Kneeter, Mascot, Isidore reliably informed that Mr. Nahum encores. Somebody once remarked that the Gerelick. Sokolow, the^noted Zionist leader, will Cinderella motif in a play or picture After the performances, the Sun shortly depart for Palestine where it always went welL From the same day Echool pupils were gfven boxes of is understood he will confer with the reasoning, it could be said that the candy by the ladies' clubs of the city. ] DES MOINES NEWS Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill Cinderella story, plus a crook motif, O . : o who has already left for that country. deliciousNvhimsicality, and such an SECURITIES BUILDING 803 SOUTH 16th STREET April 12 has been chosen by Miss The Hebrew Educational Club of Julia Berlovich, daughter of Mr. and Council Bluffs held its regular meet1 ing Monday evening at the home oi Iai.3. William Berlovich, 508 Clark Express Firm Opposition to Attitude Winter Clot ing Being Distributed Among Refugees, Miss Sara Reva Snyder, 500 Oakland stre t, for her marriage to Mr. Sam- of Indifference on Parfc of Local Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The local avenue. The hcm.e talent orchestra, uel A. Weisenberg, son of Mr. and Zionist Administration. SujjnuniHiiiimi Jewish community is now distributing composed of six members of the club, Mrs. A. Weisenberg of Cleveland, O. gave a number of selections for the Miss Berlovich has just returned New York. (J. C. B. Service.) More winter clothing among the children amusement of the members. The fol- from spending a year witn relatives than two hundred delegates repres- of the Ukrainian Jewish refugee^ lowing program was given: in Pittsburgh and Beaver Falls, Pa.: enting forty-five Zionist units ilet last "The Story ol Queen Esther," Isadora Saturday night at a special conferAginskee. The Senior Hadassah entertained ence and decided upon definite steps The tape measure of an office "The Jewish Idea ol God," Phil- Eomanov. "Friday Night CandteB," Miss ILIbby the Junior Hadassah at a very suc- to support the camp'aign of the Zionholder's Qualifications for recessful "Kid's" party, Tuesday, ist World Organization for the Keren Markovitz. : election is his record. That is March 22, at the home of Mrs. J. Hayessod "Solo Dance," Cecil Snyder. (Palestine Foundation The next regular meeting of the Chfcpman. The committee in charge Fund); Those who addressed the consomething he has moulded himclub will be held Monday^ April 4, at •were Mrs. M. Kohn, Mrs. J. Chap- ference included Dr. Shmarya Levine, self and whether a benefit "or a the home of Miss Gertrude Gilinsky, man, Mrs. Sam Chapman, Mrs. Blol- Rev. Z. H. Masliansky, Louis Lipsky, -cky, Mrs. Silver and Mrs. Abe Robin- Emanuel Newmsn, E. Rabinowitz and 118 Vine street. detriment, it stands. Issues mayson. Fifty members of the Junior Magistrate Bernard Rosenblatt who gather and befuddle, but when Ticket selling committees have Hadassah enjoyed the eveninr which acted as chairman. Dr. Levine and the smoke clears the record is stilV made plans for an extensive campaign was spent in playing "kid's" games to make the big dance of the Jewish for which various prizes were firm. Sisterhood of Council Bluffs, which awarded. FRANK DEE Harry B. Ziniman, candidate will be given Tuesday, Apsil 19, at City Kepresentatlve of the the Eagle's hall, a huge success. for re-election as a city commisMrs. H. I. Robinson entertained DAYTON MONEYWEIGHT SCALE COfourteen intimate friends of ,-Miss sioner, is willing to stand on liis DETROIT AUTOMATIC SCALE CO. Louis Maltzman of New York City Goldye Robinson at a miscellaneous 8TEIXER ELECTHIC 5IEATrecord as a city official of the city CHOPPER AND COFFEE MIt,I« arrived Sunday to visit with relatives, shower. Miss Robinson's marriage 510 SO. 10TH ST. .DOUGLAS S332. to Mr. Myron Schlissel of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. W. Perelmutter, 1312 of Omaha. ^--— Michigan^ will take place Sunday, West Broadway. In this advertisement hjs^eeApril 10. Omaha's ord, of which he and his many • Mrs. Ben Mushfcm of Des. Moines, Newest and Finest Equiped : -la.,- arrived Sunday to visit with H. CHESTERTON SAYS RUSSIAN Bath-House. friends are so proud, is^presented , JEWS ARE BARBARIOUS. Saltzman, 742 Mynster street. Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Electo the voter. With this before tric Treatment, Inhalatorium. London, (J. T. Agency).—The them, he is willing to let them be The Semi-monthly Card Club met local press is now publishing G. Thursday night at the home of Mrs. K. Chesterton's impressions of judge and jury on Primary Day, A.. Aginskee, 210 Prank street. America. In the course of his - CONCANNON BROS., Props. April 5. Twelve guests were present at the descriptions Chesterton refers to 1401 Farnam St., Basement He was the champion of municipal, ownership of the waterworks. Entrance. mee^ng. . ". the Russian Jews and states He led successful fights, early in his career, for reductions m electee g that they are so barbaric as Telephone: Tyler 5731 ' ratesfin telephone rates, in street car fares, for universal transfers snd for The Junior Auxiliary of tha Coun- not to be deserving of AmerOMAHA; NEB. schoo^ children's ^ \ ^ ' ^ fight for open g gican civic rights. cil of Jewish Women held its regular meeting Thursday night at the home dedications and the widest latitude of competition in-street paving contracts. P of Misses Reva and Gertrude GilinsHe opposed the five-year gas. contract, which the council, over Zimman's ky, 118 Vine street. eit ^ranted in defiance of the injunction.


4 X

Athletic Underwear A $2.00 Value

00 a Suit


Hew York Zionists to Support Hayessod

Paxton Hotel Turkish Baths

The Council of Jewish Women held its regular meeting, Thursday afternoon at the irome of Mrs. J. Saks, 611 South Ninth street. Louis Passer, who had been confined to the Jennie Edmundson hospital for the last six weeks, has left the hospitaL Mrs. H. Marowitz entertained the Auction Bridge Club. Monday afternoon at the Grand hotel. -Twelve" members were present. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, April 1, at the" home of Mrs. A. Fanger, Omaha.


We Iis one" of the first workers for woman suffrage in Nebraska. led the fight in the councill for f an dollar dincrease l l gas. g in s taxation of the public servHe led the fight in thehcouncil for

• » • • VOTE FOR



•- f o r

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Elman of f~\xncil Bluffs have moved to "Dow City, la., where Mr. Elriian is engaged in business. , .

HE IS CAPAPLE AND HE IS FAIR Primaries, April 5, 1921.

gas franchtee.

^1 name similar ta that of Harry B. Zimman will be on the ballot. When voting mgke sure that, you, put your cross after the right name

election law. Be sure that you vote for Harry B.

That's the way to spell i t

I'm a Candidate for iiBwmmuimimiam^




M. Marcus of Council Bluffs.left city for Hot Springs. / ; Mrs. Charles Saltzman spent the week in Sioux City, where she went to attend the engagement party of her sister, Miss Gertrude Meyers to Mr. Jo© Sloisky. :


City Commissioner


Sam Schwartz of .Kansas City-, Mo., is spending the week with friends in Council Bluffs and Omaha. Aba Gold njberg, who has been attending school at the University of Nsbruska at Lincoln, is spending the school vacation with friends and relatives in Council Bluffsi




The B'nai Brith lodge cf Council Bluffs held its regular meeting Wednesday evening at the Danish hall. The Blossoms 'of Zion and the Mogan-Dovid, Judaean clubs, will hold th'-'-•. regular meeting. Sunday afternoon' at the Synagogue.


Former Polite Judge

City Commissioner PRIMARIES—APRIL 6TH.



HANDS ACROSS THE SEA r H « e you friends m England, Trance, Germany;, Holland, B«lgiuip, Spain or other countries •cross the sea? Have you business with any of the European nations? If so, the Foreign Exchange Department of the First National can be of real service to you. Are you going to travel in Canada er Europe? Are you familiar with the money of the countries you intend to visit? Do you know the present rates of exchange snd how to secure the benefit of them ? .If any of-thes* questions perplex you, call on Mr. Sellnw in our Foreign Exchange Department and he will arrange thest matters for you. ' . '' '


P t :i:

ii i\-i::

| Charles W. Pipkin (

•THE JEWISH PRESS'* IS EVERY I | ^. HOME* IS QUR GOAL. ailHHUl^lUlMMllHlHHlHlllllllHllllllIUIHIIIHIHI»ItlHiniUli»Htiii»iniitiii»i»M'*5





Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Ltd.) J Bigg

feiSi iiiii!


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