April 7, 1921

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-GIRLS! |1 I Auxiliary g i r l s jg

Be at the Loyal HI




are sewing for i| the Wise MemoI! rial Hospital. — ! Fine Work!'

jji Hotel next Tues- jjj lit day evening. —jjj 0 Eats 'neverthing. I

jjj |i| I I



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Entered as "second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at poatofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Demand for Pogrom is lade in Placards Put up by Anti-Semites Jew-Baiters Meeting in Vienna •Say Jewish People Responsible for Victory of Allies

"THE NEW PALESTINE" Comment on Omahans Extract form ' Tie New Palestine," a national.magazine: IF BUSINESS INTERFERS WITH ZIONISM: GIVE UP BUSINESS. There are two Zionists in Omaha, Nebr. Of coursej • there are many more, but this time we will have two particular Zionists in mind. They are J. B. Robinson and I..Goldstein. The membership campaign-started there and they had a problem to solve. It was a question of either attending to their business or working for the membership 'campaign. They made their decision. Business was closed down for a week and they went out to get members for the organization. With the result: One hundred and ten members paid up for the -year 1921. This information we. get-from Mr. Ben Handler, chairman of "the Omaha district. Of course, the other Zionists in Omaha were not aslsep while Messrs. Robinson and Goldstein -were working for the membership campaign. So there are many more members, in Omaha, and they will soon be*sent jin to National headquarters. • ' " Jt"



Jewish High School Girls Win! THE FOOD CENTER . Many Honors. ! WANTED - - YOUNG MEN During the p^st two weeks, several TO OPES FRIDAY Jewish girls,' attending the high

One more link in the chain of our community's philanthropic organizations is being forged. On next Tuesday evening at the Loyal Hotel a young men's auxiliary to the Jewish Welfare Federation will be organized. It is to be sincerely hoped that it will very soon thereafter take its place with the other branches of the Federation as a powerful factor for good in the community. The need of such an organization is strikingly apparent. Everywhere the call is for young men, in business, in the professions, in the arts and the sciences.. No. less insistent is it in community affairs. For the same? vigor, the same enthusiasm, the same" idealism that is .demanded in the fields ofj individual effort are equally as essential;-in the spheres of communal activity. We conceive this new organization as a sort of training school in which our youth will gain valuable instruction in the duties and responsibilities that go with living in a progressive community. • The.age for active members has been set at 14 as a minimum and 21 as a maximum. No existing group in the city of boys and young men of these ages has for its ideal the purely unselfish objects and purposes of this new association. Working through and under the" guidance' of the Jewish Welfare Federation, organized only for social service and charitable work, it will be at once unique and desirable. For there has long existed a need here of interesting the young men of the city, and especially those young men who are. just out of school or .college, in the work of the Federation. In the young men's auxiliary we see both the means and the incentive for inducing that interest and activity which is so highly essential. The d are the h youths of to-day j f to-morrow, and on them will Rabbi Cohn Speaks at Women's fall the task of "carrying on" From their irankg will come our Organization Meeting. futuree community leaders. my e ; The Jewish Women's Welfare l important i Equally as its community yaMe, will be the value Organization held its regular monthly of the organization to the members themselves. •' For no one can meeting Monday afternoon, instead share his'means with those less fortunate than, himself without of on the usual first Tuesday in the gaining thereby in spiritual and moral growth. What better time month, on account of the election. to start this education than at fourteen,' so that the growing boy Rabbi Frederick Cohn, the speaker may truly become a "Ba'al Mitzvah"? "^ of the meeting, in a lecture oh"The For these reasons we urge upon the fathers' and mothers of Jew of Today" said that one of the our boys and young men. to give their earnest support to this ,best ways to overcome anti-Semitism cause. It will be of the boys and by the boys^—and for them too. is for the Jew to show, the same For it will help make real men of them. .

Omaha's Newest Market Ready for schools here,. won honors. Bernice Kulakofsky headed forty Business Saturday. Harry girls, who edited and published the Kavich is President March edition of the Register, the A mymad of beautiful lights, mir- Central High school paper, rors, marble .and beautiful fixtures, During a recent election she was carrying the best food stuffs, is the voted the best girl executive in the new Food Center, 1814-18 Farnam school. Annette Fanger was voted street, which will open for business the best dressed and Anne Leaf the cleverest in music Saturday. • . - . In putting out the Register other Harry Kavich, president and gengirls who aided Bernice Kulakofsky eral manager of the Food Center, announced Friday night will be "vis- were "Mildred Cohn, Ann Rosenblatt, itors' night." The public is invited. Annette Fanger, Eeva Kulakofsky, The store room is finished in Alaska Katie. Goldstein, Sena Maisel, and marble, plate glass and mission, oak, Estelle Lspidus.. During the past week, Anne and is said to be one,, of the most sanitary places . of its kind in the Selicow,, who takes an active interest middle west* Wherever goods are in club work here, was given the handled only marble and plats glass highest .grade scholarship" at the have been used in the fixtures.. The High School of Commerce that has fixtures, costing $100,000, were made been ever attained by a girl. in Omaha and installed by the Omaha Women's Auxiliary Holds Fixtures and Supply company.

Good Program Arranged; AH Boys Are Invited to JoinNew Club.

The Junior Welfare Federation hold an open organization meeting Tuesday evening in the Loyal hotel banquet room. All men between the ages of sixteen and twenty-three are invited to join the organization. A large banquet and good program has been arranged by the committee. Officers will be elected at the meeting Tuesday evening. The Junior Welfare Federation will work in conjunction with the Jewish Welfare Federation and will join -with the older group in welfare work. The temporary officers that were elected at s meeting held several Successful Opea Meeting weefes ago, were: Israel Goodman, Eight Departments. The open meeting of the Women's president; Sam Beber, secretary; and There will be eight departments in the store, each lmderthe supervision auxiliary of the B'nai Brith, held last Nathan F. Green, reporter. of an expert in his line. They will Thursday, was a big success. The include meats and fish, bakery goods, program was a varied one astd was P I T A U P I WILL groceries, cofee, delicatessen, candy, well received. Celia Cooper, chairman ENTERTAIN CHILDREN fruits and vegetables, cigars and to- of the entertainnseot committee, and The local chapter of the Pi Tau Pi Miss Hannah Greecblatt, president of bacco. More .titan 50 clerks will be fraternity is plsDning a May party the organization, presided. employed throughout -the store. for the Jewish children of this city Following was the program: The management of the store deto be given at the vestry of Temple Readings, Mrs.Benjamin Lewis; clares prices will compare favorably Israel on Sunday afternoon, May 1. songs, Mrs. Martin Sugarman, accomvith any other similar establishment At last year's May party, more panied by Miss Cecelia Feiler; violin in the city. There will be a truck than hundred children listened . to sols, Miss Bose Dubnoff; talk, Mr. delivery system established. stories of ,the Moo-Cow-Moo, the Malcoa Baldridge. Bird-Without-Wings, and the Big In.the rear of the store room there will be an office where customers may Hockfeller Doustioa to Austrian Black Bear, and to songs about the sleej5y\ little sister, the seven idle pay their telephone and light bills. Universities Imposes Diffi- little spirit in these times of_jinti-Semitmen and the naughty sparrow. C n the balcony there will be a ladies' culties Upoa Jewish ism that Esther and Mordicai showed Canada to Receive Two Hundred. American Metliodist Free Then all joined in the dance of the rest room. Students.' in the time of Haman,—that God pretty May pole, and found at the Pogrom Orphans. Kitchen' Excludes the Jews. To-Have Ice Plant. London, (J. T. Agency.) A recent end of each ribbon, tiny baskets of helps those who help themselves and Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) A delegaDanzig. {J. T. Agency.) The free Oae »->f- the features of the equipthe world respects those who respect tion of Jewish relief workers from kitchen maintained by the American ment is the 80-feet refrigerator, fur- donation made to Austrian unversities candies. There was dancing for all themselves. Canada is at present in this city, Methodist Mission in Vilna refusses nished with, a 20-ton icemanufactur- by the Rockefeller Foundation impos- and refreshments. "If the Jew will show that he conferring with local representatives to serve Jews, according to a report ing plant. The refrigerator is.made es added difficulties -upon the fareagn Many new features are being planrespects himself and is ready to of the Joint Distribution Committee from Vilna. • The kitchen especially completely, of plate glass, and marble. students, according to a Vienna, dis- ned for this year and a good time is patci, received here.;'The donation* assured to all who attend. defend himself and show a manly as to the best manner m which they caters to the needy elements of "the EUROPEAN EMIGRANTS consisting o£ $6® ,000 wss rasde with 4 ;• . T«-Sold Psrade. • • • spirit, aggressive at times,, if «utassist-in_sa.Yiji{j the large-number intelligentzia. -* the stipulation that the fees of all Starting from the store Friday noon APPEAL TO; HARDING of Jewish pogrom-orphans in Ukrai; Husband As' Commissioner of Danzig, (J. T. Agency).—A large rigM on his side, he will fair better nia. The delegation proposes to trans- Reading and Samuel Will Meet there will be a parade to announce the students should be increased. The Immigration Will Be an opening of the Food Center Saturday. universities have taken full advantnumber of emigrants/"whose passports in thef end",-said Dr. Cohn. at Suez. port immediately 200 orphans for A i i There will be 100 automobiles and age of this condition and have in the American Consul refused to vise, —: .. adoption in Canada. ;—— London. (J. T. Agency.) Passing Washington. (J. T. Agency.) The some cases raised the fees to 25 times decided at a mass, gathering to LITHUANIANS ARE" READY through the Suez Canal, Lord Read- trucks in the line, most of them rep- the amount of that which it was pre- appointment of/Walter W. Husband telegraphically appeal against the TQ ADMIT JEWISH REFUGEES Russian Jews Organized Defense ing will be met by Field Marshall resenting some big commercial con- viously. The stndonts chiefly affected as commissioner of immigration in cern with which the new concern will Consul's decision to President Hard- Berlin, (Ji T. Agency) i-^-The JewLondon.HJ. T. Agency.} A Jewish General Allenby, High Commissioner do business. " . by this new condition are the Jews, place of Camenetti, makes it evident ing, according to a Warsaw dispatch. j s n Ministry in Lithuania makes self-defense has now 'been organized for Egypt. He may .at the same.time the great majority of whom come that the next session of congress will There is a notable decrease in the emphatic denial of a report recently throughout-Russia and Ukrainia in meet and confer with Winston Friday evening there will be a public from different countries, in ell of adopt serious restrictive measures. number of emigrants trying to make circulated that the Lithuanian gov order to protect the Jewish commun- Churchill, the Colonial Secretary, and reception. The' stgre room will be which the present rate of exchange Husband was one of the witnesses decorated in smilax, palms, Sowers, their way to the United States since ernment had intimated to the'Sovie ities against pogroms,- reports M. Sir Herbert Samuel, the High Com- and draped flags. Demonstrations is extremely low. On account of this who testified before the senate comthe difficulties of obtaining a vise government its inability to t admi Salzman, a relief] representative of missioner for Palestine, both of whom of food to be sold at the store will new diSculty numerous students have mittee on immigration and he was the for that country have recently be- Jewish refugees from Soviet Russia Canadian Jewry who has just return- are at present reported to be in be made. Lunches will be served and already been expelled and those af- first to make the statement that imcome greater than before. says a Kovno dispatch. The reports ed to this city after an extensive trip Egypt. each visitor will'be given a souvenir. fected propose to direct an appeal to migration should be adusted so that covering e e r y ]part of Russia. state that Jewish public workers in There will be plenty of music and the the Eockerfeller family in America E greater number of immigrants Organizers of this new organization Pogrom Orphans to Be Brought reception will continue until midnight. in the hope that the condition attach- would come in from northern and. PRESENCE OF RELIEF Kovno are seriously concerned ove \ ed to the donation will be withdrawn. western Europe against a decreasing to South Africa. WORKERS MAY SAVE JEWS the housing problem, the scarcity which, Mr. Salzman says, has already number from southern and eastern London. (J. T. Agency.) The Cape checked/ pogrom,force every Jew : FROM POGROMS being so great that even those well Soviet Authorities R e f u s e d Europe which in Ms estimation was Jewish Orphanage in co-operation under sixty to join its ranks. The London, (J. T. Agency).—Recent able to pay for . accbmodation are DR. SOKOLOW TEMZionist Offer to Support highly desirable. It was chiefly as with the Federation of Ukrainian organization has no political character unable to obtain it. Large numbers reports from Russia have caused Hebrew Schools PORAKILY TO EEAD the result of .Husband's testimony but has been legalized by the govern- Jews is making arrangemens to bring leading Russian Jews in this city of Russian Jews, are' how flocking ment three months ago,, and is now over a large number of orphans from London, (J. T. Agency).—Corre- London, (J. T. Agency).—M. that the immigration committee finalconsiderable concern. A number of into Lithuania while. with the ar- supplied with government rifles, in- the Ukraine to South Africa. Messrs. spondence made public between the Nahum Sokolow, the noted Zionist ly adopted Senator Dillingham's plan these conferred and. decided to draw rival of the spring, a stream of struments, etc. A strong military Ochberg and Shacknovich recently Moscow Foreign Office and Dr. Eder, leader, and the President of the of limiting immigration to certain the attention of American Jews to refugees from. Ukrainia is also discipline is maintained. Mr. Salz- made1 a lengthy tour in the the Zionist representative who Committee -of Jewish Delegations in percentages. Husband was secretary : : "the dangers to which Jews will expected. -" recently returned from ,a trip to Cape and the Orange Free State man says that the process of pauperParis left today for Palestine. He to Senator Dillingaam and comes: again be exposed in the event an ——• ' • ' ization among the „ Jewish commun- provinces and addressed mass meet- Soviet Russia in Zionist interests, will remain there as Chairman of from the same state &s the senator. internal conflict develops in Russia. IKERENSKI REPORTED ities in Russia has not been checked ings in Oudtshoorn, Port Elizabeth, reveals the fact that the Soviet the Zionist Commission • pending the If, as is evident, Husband's policy IN It was the opinion of those at the • '. '..'-' LONDON and in the Ukrainia alone, there' are East London, King Williamstown, authorities- refused to consider Dr. return of M. M. Ussishkin, the with regard to immigration is one conference that relief representatives! London, (J. T. Agency):—Alexan- over 110,000 Jewish orphans. The Bloemfontein, Frandfontein and in Eder's, offer to pay for the mainten- present head of the Commission who which the administration favors, then of English and American Jews in der Kerenski is reported to have government is doing its utmost to Kroonstad. Over £15,000 was promis- ance of Hebrew Schools in that is-at-present in this city and will the situation in so far as the Jews Russia would greatly help in seciur-', reached this city and to be conferring help these starving and helpless ed by the various Jewish communities country. .The' Foreign^ Minister in accompany Dr. Weismsnn on his of Eastern Europe are concerned, ie indeed a very sad one. ing the safety of the Jews; with a number of leading* Russians. children and. recently assigned 24 i addressed. — . the course of his writing declaredfvisit to America, million roubles monthly for their In Johannesburg jf& conference was that the Jews of Soviet Eussia who care and to aid their elders through held representing tne various Jewish are enjoying - a greater measure of employment. institutions in Johannesburg and the self-determination than the Jews of Reef., After Messrs. Shacksnovieh other countries, have chosen by a A LITTLE STORY OF HOW FOUR LITTLE GIRLS AND ONE LONE and Ochberg had addressed the del- majority to have Yiddish schools, and Professor Warburg Sees Bright "The present age reflects the Jew- Montague Glass and Abe Cahan has BOY —SISTERS AND BROTHER —MADE THE JOURNEY FROM egates, it was unanimously resolved the proposal T of the Zionists to pay ish spirit more than any other period given s, decided color to modern Prospeet~for Palestine. LUBLIN, POLAND, TO SIOUX CITY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Berlin, (J. T. Agency).—Professor to bring; the first batch of 250 child- for Hebrew instruction is utterly un- in the history of the world has ever literature. Warburg who has just returned from ren from the pogrom areas to Johan- acceptable , because the Soviet Gov- done," declared Mr. Lois Untermeyer, "American poets, not of tlie Jewish Zippe Shaffir, Malka Shaflir, Miriam happy event could .take place. At Palestine, speaking of the situation nesburg^ ernment cannot allow that schools be poet and critic. "This is true not only race, have also taken up the strain, Shaffir, Wolf Shaflir, and Raise! last the way was opened, and on the there, declared that politically and privately financed. The Minister in the realia of poetry but in all fields the pro-Jewish strain," continued Mr. suggested that parents- could arrange of art endeavor," he continued. Untenn&yer. "Clement Wood, an Shaflir, 14, 12, 10, 9 and 7 years old S. S. Olympic, which docked in New morally, the situation is splendid. J E W S BUILDING York harbor on March 24, the little The present crisis in Zionism, Prof. for private home instruction in American, has written a book of poPALESTINE RAILROAD , "The Jew has become race conscirespectively, were born in the city of family, led by Zippe, the fourteen Warburg^ added was merely a finan- London, (J. T. Agency).—Practical Hebrew under the head of religious ous. ems called Jehovah." And the finest Recent conditions and events Lublin in Poland. Before the great year old member, arrived. The father instruction. > cial one. Professor Warburg said portrayal of Ghetto life in poetry have intensified the inherit race conwork on the construction of the railwar broke out, the father, B. Shaffir, could not come from Sioux City, and that there are great prospects ahead! comes from one who% is neither an sciousness of the Jew. Thus the Jew Speaking generallyof the attitude at Petach Tikvah, a Jewish left bis native town to come to this so the children wens brought to the American nor a Jew but from a garin art is now at his best, as any creaof the government towards the Jews, for American Zionists who will inio i "j dea, has been begun, acc o n y n u country and "make a home for the home of the Hebrew Sheltering and ment worker who was born in Austrature is at his best when he is tapping the Foreign Mnister stated that the vest in Palestine, for the commercial. diiig to a dispatch from Jerusalem. cor wife and children who were left in immig:- -t Aid Society at 229-231 lia. Lolo Kidge.' the vital springs of his life. When bourgeoisie, the Zionists included had Lublin. He struggled and he fought, East Broadway.. Mr. B. Shaflir was possibiHties of that country are. Tids -jg t h e first tha& ^ ^ J e w s h a v e Mr. Untermeyer then voiced this and with courage given him by the immedi; tely. informed by telegraph enormous. Referring to the Arabs undertaken the entire execution of conspired against the Soviet govern- the Jew unconsciously draws of the rich fountain of Judaism it is then belief. "In no »rt has the Jew exProfessor Warburg emphasized that ment, many of them having supported this work with their own hands, and thought of hi3 dear' ones in far off of the fact that liis children were with Lublin, he succeeded,- establishing the society and in safe keeping. This it is essential that a greater measure despite its hardships they are very the efforts of Kolchak and Deniten, that he expresses himself most com- pressed himself and his time as in pletely-£nd fully. But the effort must himself in Sioux City, Iowa. reply came, "Send our children at of understanding should be developed enthusiastic over the effort. The rail- and did nothing to fight the re- be conscious," maintained Mr. Ucter- poetry. I need but refer to the Bible to hear'rae out. between the Jews and the Arabs. actionairy machinations of other roads are being built by v the new The great conflict came and the once, I am waiting," and three days meyer, "otherwise instead of reflect'The Jewish spirit In poetry falls elements. The Foreign Minister also Palestine administration. home that B. ShaflSr had prepared for later, the .father and children —ere drew attention to the fact that if ing the spirit of Judaism the artist into three divisions. I say this in the American Relief in Vilna to Be. united. . * his loved ones remained empty, he sense ©f the roughest kind of generDiscontinued. Government Closes Jewish Organ- a Czarism regime, were .again in- wiS; become arrogantly Jewish. At the home, Zippe, marvelously could not bring his wife and children stituted, the Jews; would be subject ization in Lodz. Danzig, (J. T. Agency).—The Joint "In contemporary liter&ture and alisation. There is the poetry of exto him. Communications were cut developed for her age, told the story to the persecution they had known poetry there is being masdfested a altation, which marks the Messianic off and He even found it difficult to of what had happened in the home Distribution Committee is giving up • Warsaw, (J. T. Agency).—The in former times. Dr. Eder in Teply certain truly Semitic strain. A troub- spirit. Next comes the poetry of desits activities in Vilna, according to Polish government has ordered the write to those he had left on the other town; of a j groin that was inter? pair and .disillusionment. Thfe third side. Two years ago the wife and rupted. With a shudder she spoke of advices received here from that city. closing of the United Jewish Organ- refute the statements of the Foreign led energy, a groping dissatisfaction division is a blend of the two just Office and pointed out that Zionism and an unrelenting analytical scrutiny mother died and the four'little girls the insults to which the Jews "were When closing up the branch, "Raskin, ization in Lodz. The noted Jewish the J. D. C. representative of Vilna actor Bendin, who has been playing has no internal political alms in mark the spirit of current literature. mentioned. and the one little boy were left alone subjected. "James Oppeiiheimer is a singer of sewing at the Lodz theatre has been placed any country and that the Zionists And this spirit is truly Semitic. in the city of Lublin waiting for the she handed over ninety-nine am glad I am here the exalted type. He is a man in th« "In fiction the. realm of Fanny father to send for them. And two long added, "but, oh,. I wish that -dear machines to the hand-work- under arrest The reason for his have throughout remained loyal to the Soviet fiHthoriti»«. Hurst. Edni Ferher, A&zia & (Continued on page 2*) years they had to wait until that mother was ers. of. the arrest coald not bs ascertained.

Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) All parts of Vienna -were last week placarded •with a call for a pogrom issued by the anti-Semitic congress at present in session here. The congress,is attended by representatives from anti-Semitic organizations in Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, -the representatives of the latter being chiefly delegates from the "Awakening Magyars.". . Delegates at the congress include a large number of men in politics, as •well as high army officers and professional men. . The editor, Jerzabek, accused the Jews of being responsible for the victory of the Allies, while other speakers asserted that the Jews had brought about the war. Resolutions calling for discrimination against Jews in educcticnal institutions were adopted. The sessions of the congress were mainly devoted to considerations as to how • the anti-Semitism can best be furthered in those countries still unorganized."NThe suggestion of the Hungarian delegates to form an international anti-Semitic organization of Arian people was accepted. The Hungarian delegates reported that "The Britons," an anti-Semitic organization in London, had asked them to convey to the congress greetings from all English anti-Semites to assure the congress that antiSemitism had already taken root in England as well as in America.



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Five Little Orpkans from Across the Seas



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The Gentleman from Georgia. recognized the Jebel section in Arabia -'Danzig. (J. T. Ag-W*^.) The JFew-

Buford Ga.-~ Indictments against as an independent Druse state'under isb. National Council of Lithuania is • Published every Thursday at O^iata, Nebraska^ by •« Senator-elect Thoihas E. Watson, French mandate, according to a Bei- establishing & special department to Sunday, the People's Relief com. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. growing out of the incylent .*• Miss rut dispatch received here. The ad-aid Jewish emigrants to reach PalesSent by our Dea Molnes News mittee, which'has been gathering MQBEIS E. JACOBS, Manager. ^ \ E. S. Wiley's hotel here on August 18 ministration of the new state will be tine, according to a dispatch received bureau. here fronf Kovno. * clothing for the suffering in Europe, ^ Office, Four, Bai?d Bldg.—Telephone, - Doug. 2372.last, durifig the Senator? \ primary guided by. French advisors. will _ end its work. If you have any / campaign, have been settled out of Subscription Price, one Tyear, 7T' e April meeting of the Jewish court, i t was announced today, Mr. clothing., you wish to donate for this •• Advertising rates furnished on application. cause, call any of the following Junior League was held Sunday, Watson agreeing1 to make formal April 3. The program consisted of a apology to Miss Wiley and pay the NO1 PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT — Profits from the i numbers: EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR i>iano solo by Bessie Wolf, a reading .court costs. Charges against Mr. Watpublication, of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal- - Harney 1606, Webster 02S9, causes. • .'.... . . . . ....__ ' •• '• ' •""•*•• ] by Dorothy Jacobson and in. 'address son ^alleged that"-v3rile spending the Webster 6059, Harney 6118, 5 on "Physical and Mentals-Develop- night at the Witey hotel he appeared Webster-2734, Webster 1076. CHANGS OF ADlDBBSSrLPIeaiao Jive, botfc the old and new address; be sore : ment' by Dr. Herbert Martin of Drake in public insufficiently dressed had v " "• and sign nata£ University. After the program, a liquor in lus room and used objection=rsocial hour was enjoyed by §11. able language in the. presence of Miss o A, PRAISEWORTHY ACT The store is located at 161SWiley. The case against W. E. MilSupreme KnigHt Jajnes A. Flaherty, of the Knights of Sent by our Council Bluffs News Av miscellaneous shower" was given ler, Wafeon'3 campaign companion, North Twenty-fourth Street. Columbus, annqunces that he has callecL upon 2,200 Knights of bureau. by Miss Freda Berlovich in honor of charged with drawing a pistol, was Columbus lecturers in the United'States and Canada to combat sister, Julia, whose marriage to not pressed at the same time. <ajiti-Semitista. In his message to the lecturers Mr. Flaherty said: The tenth annual celebration of the her Ur. Samuel Weisenberger of Cteve* "An attack on one" religion or race may easily; develop into an I B?nai Brith,' which was to be held landy Ohio, takes place April 12. Palestine Frontier Settlement Assures some time this month, has, according Twenty friends were entertained ,at Britain Water and Railroad Facilities. attack on &ny religion or race. The.Knighks of Columbus will oppose the anti-Semitic jnovement because it is un-American. There^ % to the committee in charge, been whist London. (J. T. Agency.) The Francopostponed until a more suitable date ^ •—; are undesirables of eve'ry race in this country, but that does_notr._. British convention covering the settlecan be found. - The committee in ^ "Justify proscription of any race. So: long as there is notoriety and Mrs. B. Skoll and daughter Ethel, ment of the Palestine-Sy " -n' frontiers charge haa endeavored to obtain na- Mrs. W. J. Patterson and son James, jjrj profit in the practice of prejudice we shall be plagued with the antitionally known speakers to attend the and Mrs. R. Patterson, all of Minne- has been made public and ••confirms . ^ Jewish and other movements. I t is tfur concernto oppose .these previous accounts of the arrangements celebration. of suspicion and hatred, who are simply Bolshevist bigots apolis, arrived" in the city this morn- arrived at between the two govern& powers According to. the plans that are now" ing to attend the Eobinson-SchlisseL jnents; A special commission will meriting deportation more than the Beds shipped a\vay last year!," being carried out, the. celebration will wedding which takes place Sunday; adjust the frontier dine a t the Yaxy Well said! "While the Jew is a sufferer ftpm^anti-Semitie ,be'some ffcrae in tictobejr. The-Counpropaganda,-yet in combating it, not the Jewish cause hut its cil Bluffs lodge claims to hold one%of April 10. During their visit in Des muk Valley as far as Nasib whe're im-American:sin should be dealtf with. -Creating ' animosities the highest ratings amongst all B'nai Momes, they will be guests at theprovision will be made for the construction of a British railway and* betweea^Americans, inciting prejudice because of religious differ- Brith lodges. Out of 125 families in Kobinson home. pipe line connecting Palestine ..ith the ences, can result only in the. "collapse of those lofty, principles the city, there'are r.bout 135 members Mr. and Mrs. Liebson of Detroit, Hedjas railway - d the Euphrates which have come to be known as Americanism. This truth has in the lodge. , , formerly of Des Moihes, announce valley which will be running entirely The Passover Holiday will soon be been reiterated again andL&gain by the Jewish-English and the on British territory. The existing the engagement of their daughter here. Dress for the occasion. Yiddish press whenever attacks have*been made against Catholics. The annual dance of the Jewish railway in Yannuk remains in \french Many of^your friends are btiying The condemnation of these attacks has not been1 so much in Sisterhood of. Council •Bluffs'will be Sari, to Mr. Leon Raymond Schwartz territory. their holiday apparel at this store. defense of the Catholics, who are well able to take care of them- given Tuesday, April "19J at Eagle's of Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Liebson was graduated from selves, as in protest against anti-American propaganda. hall, Council Bluffs. Committees in We also have a complete line of Haberdashery 'Wishing Mr. Flaherty and the Knights of Columbus Godspeed,, charge-.of the dance Jiave been mak- East High School and later attended Germans Able But Unwilling to Make Reparations, Declares Professor and Shoes. ^ We have a full line of we desire, however, to call their attention to some Catholic relig£ ing a house-to-house canvass of all Capital City Commercial college. Gottheil Dunlap Shoes and Oxfords. bus periodicals which indulge jn the pleasurable recreation <of the homes in the city, to; make -this attacking the Jews in the name of religion.—-"Boston Observer." dance a success. Special features have Mrs. Sophia L. Miloslowsky of London. (J. T. Agency.) Writing in Chicago, formerly, of Des Moines, the last issue of the Jewish Chronicle been arranged for this affair. Professor Eichard. Gottheil declares announces the marriage of her is my poem 'Caliban in the Coal Mines' THE JEWISH NOTE ,that everyone who has. seen for himdaughter, Dorothy Bernstein, to Mr. thatis the best known and which carThe Semi-monthly Card club met IN POETRY ries the most insurgent note.* self the war-devasted areas, cannot Nicholas Mathew Brazy of^ Chicago. Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. MEW'S AND t>OY» TOTWTT* ^ — ' •«• (Continued from page!) The wedding took place Tuesday help realizing hat the Allied demands Mr. Untermeyer is a man in theL. Braunstein 201 First strec' Eight for reparation 'are j*st. Moreover, middle twenties. In his book, 'Songs middle thirties, tall, supply and quick couple were present^at the. meeting. evening, March 22. adds Profr sor Gottheil, Germany is of the New Age/ is the spirit of Walt of movement. His black hair which The bride was attended by her Whitman mingled -with \ke Bible. I t has not been*given a ghost of a chance mother as matron of honor. Her sis- fully abia^to pay, but unwilling to 1312 FARNAM STREET . is an interview .with a god who has to grow long is combed sleekly away • Lawrence Krasne, 519 Oakland ter, Cecil, served a s bridesmaid. do so. avenue, left Sunday evening for an taken lessons in psycho-analysis from from his high forehead. The brides gown was of cream lace Dare Cromsse. extended trip throughout the east. Whitman. • / • ' ' • - . ' :r \ There is nothing of the poet about and she wore pink rose buds and in- FpANCE EECOGNIZES JEBEL. "To an entirely different type of his hair. In fact there is little of that lies of. the valley. The groom was London. (J. T. Agency.). The French poetry belongs Alter Brody, a about the man which the mind readi- Mrs. S. Freiden, 737 Mynster street, attended by his brother, Mr. Jack High Commissioner for Syria has young man in the early twenties of ly conjures up as the physicahattrib- returned Sunday evening from "an ex- Brazy. '1 . . , tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Kussian-Jewish parentage. He isutes peculiar to the poet. Following the ceremony a wedding more interested io the; delineiirara of " I want to make this point," con- L. Heeger, .of Sioux City, la. dinner was served. ' • portarits, in the tracing of. pictures; cluded Mr* Untermeyer. "Tie poet of Mr. Brazy and his bride left on a In his collection' of poems,,'A Family Jewish extraction differs just as es- Mrs. E. Whitcbrook, 2504 Avenue wedding trip and will bo at home in Album,* one is given a glimpse of sentially in his expression as the av- ', will entertain six couple at a card Chicago. AUSPICES OF. American.iife as seen ag&inst a back- erage Jew differs in his'facial char- club party, Sunday evening. Mrs. Brazy was graduated from ground of Russian memories. I t is a acteristics fooa* his fellow men. The North High school and later attended heighten pose. ' ' idiom of James Oppenheimer is pureSam Saltzman, 842 Mynster street, Drake university. Mr. Brazy is a "His songs are filled with, lamenta- ly Biblical while that of Longfellow is left Sunday evening for St. Louis, graduate of Notre Dame university. .. SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1921" ' tions. There is restraint f»!so. Ocrfc puiely hymnal But one must remem- Mo., where he will spend the week. Mrs. A. Riegelman of Des Moines desire to give only pictures one ber that it is the age that makes tfee EAGLES HALL, J W E R T Y - T H I R D AND N STEEET. was among the out -of town guests. , gets from his work tlie spirit'of the poet andvnot the poet the age." The regular meeting of the Mcgen'Weltschmert?,' ^ . •: > Admission fl.OO per couple. Dovid dub of Council Bluffs was held "One might also Tefer,tp the works Sunday afternooiTat the Synagogue.of Maxwell GoIderJieiin,^Pranklin P. The follovr•'-<; officers were elected for 1 lams,; Babette Deutsct and Elias Celia D. Eoss, Box 1316, Sta. A, th> ensuing" term: Isadora PerQkneter, Iiberman as important' ' president;. Morris Friedman,. vice' B.3652. Mr. Untermeyer was\ particularly president %~ Abe Elatelman, -acretary; impressed "with the poetry of Florence Morton Richards, treasurer. T! a The Hebrew Relief Society, ' a Kipper Frank, a young Jewess/ Mogen-Dovid" qlub is one of the \ an<J buy them at Speaking of her h& said, ''Her deepest charitable organization, has been re- fludJean club" that has ". -ca recently organized and is planning to do some sensibilities lie in her backgrounds in organizei-by the young boys of the ' a <aty of the middle west. Amy Low- splendid work in the future. They city. No amnouncement of the' new prices has been more gratefully have'a membership of about eighty ell has commendecFiher work fc-r its received by the people, and the host of Holeproof customers are quick or ninety men and are affiliated with unrelenting honesty and austrifcy. to see that a new standard of quality goes with- the new prices. S&Sontfc. 16th Siree* "Yet there i^ another poet in the the Synagogue Tifareth Israel, The 1 Silk RibbtsS Top Phone Douglas S400 Women's Lisle ~ Omaha's ^ Jewish Tanks of whom I would say officers are.Dean Nefsky, president; Holeproot Hosiery— Newest and Finest Eqmped Holeproof Hosiery— J. Shapiro, secretary; and J. Davidsomething. -But I feel a little reluctBatH-House. Men's Lisle Women's Silk ant," a s added with an engaging son and D. Diamond, directors. Baths, Massagv Hot Packs, ElecHoleproof Hosiery smile.. *Ybu see, shjMs a relative of Plated Holeproof. — tric Treatmejnti.Inhalatorium. Men's Silk mine. But still \ I d«m€ see why' t A regular ineeting of the Young Full Fashioned yutvv Holeproof Hosiery.: Silk Holeptoof. ..... should feel t n a t ^ a y fiincs she is only Judaea Junior Club was held Sunday a relative by. marriagei She is my afternoon, April 3, at the home of ,Mrs. S. Mantel is no Men's Silk InterwoVaa Hosiery, CONCANNON BROS., Props.. Miss Thelma Shostak. A deb*ate7 • wife." ' • ••• . • • • . - • •', ' longer connected -with 1401 Farnam St^ Basement J d an Established Business of .5* Mr. Untermeyer then graciously the Kosher-Restaurant t Entrance. ...reaccf t<* me two of ner poems, "A America Go to Palestine," was held and now has Telephone: Tyler 5731 Han' was the name of one; tne other at this meeting. The affirmative was Our new 1special full fashioned Silk Hosiery, in all wanted A A | held by Misses. Edith Berkin, Rose OMAHA, NEB. At 1919 BtFttT STREET. was called "Autumn," Spring shades—iinc, light and medium gray, taupe, dove, A A I rnbde, beaver, covert, drab, cordovan, bronze, at ~ ™ 1 am. quoting a stanza front the lat- Wolff, and Bertha^ Barney; and the - ter poem to show ihft reader the clar- negative T>y Misses Lena Shapiro, Women's AH Silk ChifWomen's Embroldetedl ify 2nd keeness of J^an Starr Unter- Sarah Hill, and-Sarah Gelsin. ^ fon Hosiery. Fell fash-' Lace Clock *nd Fine MY FRIENDS twice j&, day. decision was giveft io the lotted, finest of fine* Lace Hosiery, at— meyer's touch. ' ', • i^our job of The judge was Miss Mae Shapiro. quality, 8 3 . W S3.50 to S6.00 Main Floor— • Special Meals for Passover "How memory cuts.away the years,; POINTING Center Aisle. and Sader.. '* Children's Black Cat Hosiery,. new prices, . 2 5 d to 'And how d e a r t$e picture comes The wedding of Miss Mollie ,Solowill* be ven Of Autumn days brisk arid busy; Person • •;,- . - r . . . xnpn, of Axbury Park, N. J., to Mr. Attention given parties,';. • ' Attention; "Charged with: keeff sunshine — i c e Pill,: «f Siotcr City, took weddings, etc. We rent Thursday^jafternbon a t four Kosher dishes. YAFFE JTEe spirit Ojfthrese^energetic^ days. o^lock^at th(ThdfiSs of Rabbi MandelOMA.HA. Nlib. • Reference may. be .made, right, here bauin. About twenty guests were to the interesting fact'that in his bio- present and-STr.'ahd Mrs. Harry Fingraphy Louis Untermeyer" is spoken sod, whom^the couple> were visiting, c r as a-socialist.' But. side by side to escorted the bride. ' , S:::^":S:":"j«|:|^'::^:j:|K:(!J;y;!HK:[?S the word 'fsociali^i" stand the four j vThe bride wore a beautiful gown "of ricfi brown cantoit crepey heavily wdf ts^of the Jewisn religion/' which is quite JonusuaL SpciaMsts as a rule beaded' ari3 a hat of brown* moline It Pays lo Get Ouif Figures whea of Jewish I*irtft ao not ca-e to trimmed witn cKished orange pojiLaid Over 6,000 Boofs ii5)mahaf pies. Slie Wore a cordage bouquet of ::: ™ Our Roofs Are Our,Proofs display s p y the fact.• ; . , ; SWeet pgas'and opHelia; roses. ; Out Specialty F H a w ^ a friends ift EflgSftd^ d "Whom do* you consider, the great- After the ceremony, the bridal party Beady Roofing overbid shingles {Prance, Gernjany, Holland, Beh Uved? 11 • All WoEk : Guaranteed—Eas* est iSum, Spain or other countries :H "King Solomon'1 was hig prompt "Went to the Liflcolii Hotel whete a ••;; • Terms"' " ;. / . ftcrdSsthesfia? H*ve you business '*ri& any of tht European nstiens,? 1 3eepty. " I consider the $nig of Songs dinner jjras served." Harney 2574 II s& ©t Forwgn Exshange De* Mr. And H.3. Pill will make their s;; dtd W h 'as.the finest poetry ever written. My partment of the First National1 second choice is David of the Psalms, home itt Sioux Cityr £ank can be of real service to you. Ml ami my *&*<* choice is Heinrich Mr. anS Mrs* N< Chapniati gave "•& j>.A?e you going to traveJ In Can- \ Heine." *dsrw Europe? Ate you fairiiJiar I mil ift hono* of BlTc and Mrg, 'What poem do you regard as your/ i#iw ait jsos*y of the counwie* iHH: Pill Friday evening, April 1. lillj: you intstd to visit? Do ym know ill best?'* , -• " guests .were ; present. The the present rates ef exchange and III PI in >'Is that what you want to know?" decorations WSreipink find whitev / " how to secure the benefit o£ them? 51? he taunted; ""Well, you kndw every If may of these questitsns perple* you, call on Mr, Sellnw in ear poet considers the last poem he has Statement J ot the ownptsWp.:. Foreign Exchange Department written his'best poem," he added- tnent, circulation', etc., of .The ^feWish Oarigiiarantee'and our w6rd is» and he wUJ arrai^ejhe«ejijgjtet« Press, BUBIISiea Weklyv for April 1st, ^§ good as"a bond. evasively. •/ — for yoa -^ 1921. Editor, Motrja E. Jacobs; Business j Mortis E. Jacobs; 'Publishers, I We- have satisfied hundreds of "And what is the name of your last Manaffew, Ihxj oe-wlsS Press Publishing -Co., Omaha, 1 your-friends. Neb, Owners: If. P. Fell, Harry Lapians peom?" and'Henry Manfifey,'ittoalia Neb. f r " Roast'*Leviathan. This pdem is t6 ht>nabolder9,--mortgaKees, and other securfiolrlerS Borainfr 1 per 'cent or tnore appear shortly in the Menorih Jour'- ity of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or ^1514 bodge Street. nal. Oddly enough its theme is drawn other securities: None. Subscribed before mo this 7tfi day ot Aptil lost. (Seal.} Douglas 5619from a Midrasnic tale. • , . Ernest A. Keeee, Notnrj* Public (My .. . . t iM;^UMsl^:nii;^-^^ commission ^espirts ilaz C, 1220.) *But-seribiiBlx speaking I think i t i

Des Meines News

/ • • • -







Lincoln News

"Say If With Flowers"

^ New Holeproof Hosiery at Mew Prices





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Strictl^Sosler Heals: »


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/; KA-DEE-MO NEWS.' )r [ luncheon today, this being the third Mr. and Mrs. Harry "Wolf have Mrs. L. Kuh, who'has been visiting Grand Mjifti of Jerusalem; Kamin Monday-" evening at the regular! of a series Mrs. Sommer is giving. taken an apartment at the Blackstone her parents, Mr. and Mrsr-A." Block, Huseini, to have died last Sunday. hotel. Their •eon, Justin, who. has- for the past two weeks, returned to Performing the most magnificent meeting of" the Ka-Dee-Mo Club, A party was giverffor Miss Sarah been attending school in tlie"€sst, is her home at Sioxtx Falls, South Daelection of officers for the ensuing -•Mrs S. Pisko of Denver, Second Brookstein, a graduate of t i e Omaha playing of ih,e season, the Thorpeian with them. \ term was held. The new officers are National Vice President of the kota,"" Tuesday. High Sch-ol of Commerce, April 2. Athletic .Club -basketball quintet 1 Especially interesting end anrtsing trounced the Weinberg team of Fre- as follows: Dave Manvitz, president; Council of Jewish Women and CHIROPOriFT A\D EEAUTY Mrs. Sol Bergman, who has been London. (J. T. Agency.) The arrivwere the specialities given by-Man- mont, Nebraska, by the large.score of Sam Kaplan, vice president; .Marks member of the National Board of ^ € i '"• SHOP. uel Green and Isidore Gt^sick. Those 2-15. ibis game was the fastest and Lorig, se^cretary; Abe. Dubinsky, Temple Sisterhoods, spent Tuesday visiting her. daughter, Mrs. Meyer al of Winston Churchill, the colonial " ' : '•-•;"• Established 1S?» • Freidstein and Mrs. Charles J. Simon secretary, is announced in S dispatch present were: Misses Ida Greenberg. best played game in which the Thor- financial secretary; Jack Lazar, treas- with friends in this city. U l h ifiUSl Hraraey. D«BsliW» 2883, from Jerusalem. It also reports the Bessie Farber, Anna Kaiman, Ida peians engaged this year. The entire urer; Abe Wolf son, sargeant-at-arms, On" Friday evening at ' Temple of Chicago, return next Monday. and Jack Marer, reporter. Stern, Ethel Beitel, Helen Updike, team had air unfaltering eye for the d Eabbi C U1 fsc™s Vera Bradley, Grace Nichol, Anna basket. Time anfy again "Sid" extri- Mr. JuHusHelphandandMr.Frank ; J A? m* e n' ,c a n J e w i .s h °P^r o b *lems " - DrIvuncl; Messrs. Hyman Singer, Meyer cated himself from the guarding of Dee addressed this organization urgleaves Saturday for WashCohn Goldware, Abe Brookstein, Harry two and three of the Fremonters, rac- ing the members to help the Zionist D. ^C,, *o to attend attend the the Central Central cause, resulting in the club voting to i *&»> I>Janger, Jacob"' Brookstein, Manuel ed across the floor and scored. iw&tpV fkJy. «m,r,innm «,» Zion-| w««_ Conference of Rabbis, returning to as Green, Isidore Gossick, Firman HayThe first half uf the game has been register their organization J I Omaha .in time for the Passover. man, Austin Speak. conceded by many to "have been the ists. holi<iays * , fastest playing" exhibited on the Y. M. All arrangements are completed i for the Ka-Dee-Mo dance to be held! The X. T. C. Club of the Y. W. Miss Esther Zalkovitch entertained C. A. floor this season. With the for the benefit of the South Side'H. A, will, hold an installation of Weinberg's playing their best, the half thirty guests at bridge Sunday afterTalmud Torah next Sunday evenofficers meeting on Tuesday, April ended 22-9, Sidney Corenman having noon at her home for Miss Euth Gross and . Miss Eose Whitebrook, accented for 14 of the 22 points. In ing, at the' Eagle's Hall> 23rd 'an'd 12th. At thfs time the members of the Ydetes' Club (the Senior girls R-ho "will be early summer brides, commending "SYd" so highly, it must N Street. . No Sprifrgs •- . club of the Association) will' be and Miss Etta Faier, whose wedding be remembered that the "entire" team did its bit, and then some. The The first call for the debaters of the guests of the X. T. C. takes place next Sunday. Honest Weight "" ' follcwing is a list of &e men who Aleph Y club was issued :at the reg. Members of the Gym. Class of the EOBART ELECTRIC Mitt Lottie Herschberg gave a participated on the Thorpeian side ular meeting held Monday night at Y. W. H. A. enjoyed a fine spread GRINDERS, CHOPPERS " dancing party at her home last with the number of scores credited to the club ro6ms. The following mem- and party at the Club-rooms last each: Sidney Corenman, 20; Sam bers responded: Sam Beber, Fred "* AND MIXERS Friday everting for Miss Ruth Krasne Freiberg, 8; George Bernstein, 6; White, Israel Goodman, Ed Solig, Tuesday evening. The affair was of Fullerton, Nebraska, , s Dave Chesn%6; Paul Konecky, coach, Isadora Levine, Harold Farber, Ed given by Voiley Ball Team Nov 2 Service and Saks .-~; in honor of Team No. 1 that had 2; Edward Levinson, —; William Altsheluer and A. Cohn. Mrs. Abner'Karman entertained at 13th AKD JACKSON ' A special debating committee was been victorious in the recent volley a small dancing party' at her home I Wmtroub, ^-; total, 42, PHONE DOUGLAS. 76S2 . ball tournament held at the rooms. Thorpeian-Fremont game low- appointed to take care of all inform- Those present were Anne Greenberg, Saturday evening for her housed e r eThe dd 1 6 e r e guest, Miss Eose Pill of Sioux City. 5 * ^ ^ ? theJThorpeian's ation regarding the debates that will Gertrude Eosenberg, Eose Siegel, We have on hand Used and Was furnished by the Sunday afternoon Misses Anna a n ( i 1921 basketball season the most suc- be held by the Aleph Y. The club has Betty Fine, Sarah Passavoy, Eose Rebuilt Machines. Eose Pill of Council Bluffs e n t e r-1 «ssful ever expenenced by any local already arranged a duel debate to be Fine, Lillian Kooper, Eose Kraft, tained at bridge for this out-of-town Jewish teain. The team captured first held with Sioux City. The committee Margaret Eeikes, Lucille Stein, Anne place honors in the Y. M. C. A. Com- will meet with a committee of the Winer, * Claire Kaiman, Sarah Wolfvisitor. mercial League, which consisted of Hebrew Educational club to arrange son, Sarah Goodman, Iva Siegel, : Mrs. -S. A. Bliss will seven other teams, the Thorpeians matters for a debate between the members of the class, and the follow- ,Mr/and _* • *. JT Z. *1 being the only Jewish quintet, The Council Bluffs clubland the Aleph Y. entertain at a dancing party at \ ^ ^ . ^ ;*„„ *. 1 A « „ The baseball committee of the club ing invited guests, the Misses Etta the Hanseom Park Pavillion next NEW FIXTURES; OFFICE FURNITURE the have endeavored to enter one of the Wallace, Mary an4 Anne Eoche and Commercial ChampionSf day evening for their gues^t, Missj) Weinberg • AND MARBLE WORK—OUR SPECIALTIES. team. On the <Jate of the municipal baseball leagues in the city, Catherine Carrick. Ida Bliss of Minneapolis. Omaha Hebrew Club affair, the TEbr- and it is believed , i y the committee peians defeated by a large score a that the Aleph Y -will put a strong VISIT OUR FACTORY—ELEVENTH1 AND Several affairs have been given Jewish team from Sioux City. ^ team out in the field. for Miss Etta Faier whose marriage • The club is planning xi banquet in DOUGLAS STREETS. The next entertainment that will -to Mr. Isidore Rosenblatt will take honor of the team'Vt which time the be given for the members and their place Sunday evening at the home Commercial league medals -will he friends will be held Monday evening, of the bride's parents. Monday awarded to the individual players for, April 25. evening Miss Sara Faier entertained their-meritorious work. at a dancing party at the Hanscom 'At the regular meeting j>Z the Park Pavillion, when over a hundred "Final arrangements have been -Junior Welfare Organization Sunday, DAYS STARTguests were present. Tuesday after- completed for a card party to be April 3, neighborhood groups vrere ING'APRIL noon Mrs. Max Davis entertained at given by the Junior Hadassah at the formed to sew for the "Wise Memorial a card party at her home. Mr. and Loyal Hotel Sunday afternoon, April Hospital Maternity Ward, work inMrs. M. Bercovici and Mr. and Mrs. 10, when a large attendance is ex- which this organization is especially Herman Herzoff gave dinner parties pected. It is hoped that enough interested. - • " for this -couple. There will be a money will be realized from this The following will have charge of si Omaha Real Estate. _ , . • y dinner followed by a wedding affair to enable this organization the sewing in their immediate vicinOar espert\knowledge tt Seal Estate Talnes is "y rehearsal Friday evening. to adopt^a Jewish War Orphan. ity: Miss Bess Stock, 1526 JTorth This big p r o b l e m of guarantee that any Eeal Estate fcnsiness transacted ttoougfe Nineteenth street, Webster 5725; our-sffice is a satisfactory transaction. ! preponderance of vromen Mrs/ Irving Cessman of Chicago The Priscilla Club meets _this Miss Eebecca Bercovici, 1103 Farnam street,, Douglas 6976; Miss Anne as an aftermath of tlie is visiting her fcarentE, Mr. and Mrs. afternoon with Mrs. Dave Green. Selico-sr, 2872 Chicago street, Harney -M. Fogel. ' ' .' : , war must be solved. The Junior Class of nurse3 of;the 5227; Miss Sarah ' Passovoy, 2610 Mrs. S. A., JBliss- entertained at Wise Memorial Hospital will enter- Emmett street, Webster 5090; Miss There is a solution in ALLEN All Kinds of Insurance bridge last Wednesday afternoon for tain the graduating class at a dance Airman, 4327 South Twenty-second HOLNBAR'S drama- eternal, Any client of oars vrill tell yoa that tney~ get comsden~ ';her sister, Mrs." William L. Collins at the Blackstone Hotel, Thursday street, South 1 9 3 1 , . . ' "Man—Woman—Marriage" tioiis service when we are looking;,, after fheir insorsnee Miss Hazel Kooper "will assist Miss of Salt Lake City. evening, April."" 21, following the business. ' ^ Hannah Greenblatt in supervising the graduation, exercises, which will be work. . . -. , • . Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cohn arrived held -at Temple Israel. When you place your instirance in oar hands, sH your All members are beingj urged to Saturday to spend a month.. with •vrorrv about loss or expirations is forever eliminated. ^their daughter, Mrs. Harry Z. Eosen- The regular meeting of the Council attend these sewings and much good feld, returning later to California, of Jewish Women will be held in the work is expected to be done. .where they are now making their vestry ofTemple Israel Monday afterhome. -r~ noon, April 25, when Eev. Frank G. The Witawentjn Camp Fire Girls, In our Building1 Management Department, we hsv® £E Smith, of Central Congregational the only Jewish Camp Fire group in an efficient organization to take care o£ your property st A son,-Louis, was born to Mr. Church, will be the speaker of the Omaha, held a weenie-roast at Mynthe smallest cost and increased returns tpn your investment. ster Springs in Council Bluffs, last and Mrs. Samuel H. Schaefer Satur- afternoon. Tikere will be some day at the Stewart Maternity musical numbers by Eev. A. H. Mars- Tuesday.: Mrs. Jack*Bramson is the guardian of this' -group which is Hospital. den and Mrs.^D. J. Adams. composed of fourteen young Jewish girls. Mr. B- Pred left Saturday for Real Estate, Investments, Insurance, Building Management New York, where he will be joined Building Mrs. Max Sommer entertained at by MrsT Pred-and daughter, Goldye, Phone: Tyler S160. Sts, 18th and Who-:have spent ' the winter in Subscribe for Florida. They will return to Omaha Jewish Press" Friday and will be at/the BlackIt so let us do your routing. We stone ^Sotel, where they-have taken are agents for EVEK5T STfiAiltax apartment.. SHIP I.INB to Europe. We have




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Mrs. Sam Kramer and small! daughter, who have been visiting HSis. Kraiaer's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. \ N. A. Spiesberger, leave Friday'for their home in New York.


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Mrs. J. Eosenblum entertained-at s bridge luncheon at her home Tuesday. Mrs. Harry'Kulakofsky and childare spending a ,£ew weeks"in Des Moines with M M . Eulakofsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Davidson, who have, jtist returned from California. ;



Satry Pres.-Trea». atry S . LapWcs. p JJOS. Pepper, Ppper V VicePresiaent -. W. G. Ure, Secretary.

Mrs. H. G. Fleishman and daughter, Harriet, returned^ from North Platte, where they have been -risiting for several weeks. .

Omaha Fixture & N Supply Co.

, For Miss Lillian Riseman, whose marriage to Mr. Edward Alperson takes place April 19, Mrs.M. Marcus entertained today at an Orpheum party followed by a tea at . the Fontenelle HoteL . ... "

We occupy ' over 70,000 sanar* feet Southwest Corner Eorenth and Docrlas Strefts. / PUone: Douclas 2724" OMAHA. TfEB.



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MEAT DEPARTMENT The ^fixtures in the meat d e p a r t m e n t , experts say, are the most beautiful in the Central West. Everywhere there is marble. Even the walls and exterior of the refrigerators are lined with marble. This all makes for utmost sanitation and cleanliness. All the meats are cooled by the newest methods of refrigeration. The finest of fresh meats of all .lands- will be handled in this department.

CIGAR DEPARTMENT We carry a complete line of cigars, tobaccos and cigarets. All the leading brands can be bought in this department. Cigars by the box for lodge smokers and parties will be our specialty. Call on us for prices.


p this AnriBuitcgment as a personal invitation to attend




FRUIT DEPARTMENT All fruits in season will be carried in this department. An expert in fruits will be in charg-e. . When you buy fruits in this department, yon will know that you are getting the best at reasonable prices. Fruits also packed * for mail or express.

Of The Food Center Friday, April Eighth


2 to 10 P. M.

A new stock of , ' groceries and canned goods is in this depart?* _j ment. All the leading: ^brands of all foodstuffs will be carried in stock. All foodfeoldoveij?these counters are g u a r a n t e e d . Systematic and careful b u y i n g vnR enable us to give you what is right in price and quality. • /,

'; It is"with considerable pride that the management of this new business institution solicits your approval of its accomplishments in bringing to such successful completion this acknowledged super-market .




• v-


dc — Refreshments — Sou venirs Dancing in the evening from S P. M. on

ORIENTAL JAPANESE PARLOR Far away across the Pacific Ocean1 in the land of the Orient, little dark-skinned1 men and women will make beautiful articles for this department. \ Some of the wayes of these artistic industrious people are, already at the ORIE NTAt-JAPANESE PARLOR.' .














NoM merchandise will be sold during ,: the Formal Opening



1814-18 Farnam Street


Any of them make beautiful and unusual •












This department will have a full line of FRANK'S Milwaukee treated meats. We will also carry a complete line of Kosherstyle meats. Salads will be our specialty. We prepare salads for p a r t i e s . S m o k e d fish and pickles of all kinds will also be carried in this department.

BAKERY DEPARTMENT Birthday cakes, wedding' cakes and cakes for other special occasions will be furnished by this department. Also a full line of pastries, bread of all kinds, and rolls will be soli The best bakers in Omaha will keep this department supplied. When you buy here, you know you will be satisfied.


A complete line of box and bulk candies will bevin this department. All the" wellknown box candies will be sold. Special designs of candies for parties and so forth will be carried out on order.

^gifts.: Be sure and visit Hhis? parlor of 1 mystic Oriental , oddities when ^siting the FOOD CENTER. All of" these Oriental and Japanese articles at reasonable prices.

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