"1 A man with push § - pi can get t h e r e , i * Ii bat' it takes a M f jj! man with char- Iff
III "The man w h o {if ' }ij succeeds in the 111 111 world is the pi - '
jjj m a n w n o attracts II! | l attention." |]
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N O 1 8 .Entered as second-class mail matter on' January 27th, 1921, at j . - , v . o.t> postofflce at' Omaha,- Nebraska, ^under the Act of March 8, 1879.
Thousands Turn Oat to Receive Zionist Leaders in NewYork
Welfare Head Welcomes New Young Hen's: Club into the Federation Fold
-"THE POGROM CHILD •*".••-..•'• ^
Written for the Central Relief Committee by P. M. RASKIN.
Social Service fork
New York .(J. C. B. Service.) A very remarkable tale is related by Omaha Jewish Boys Organize the authorities of the Home of the I mii a little maid scarce s^ven, Daughters of Jacob, thefinestinYoung Men's Jewish Welfare Dr. Weizmann and Dr. Einstein, Yet-her cheek was .wan and pale, stitution of its kind in the Greater More Thau -500 Girls of AM Organization for Social R a t ' s and Creeds Aided by And her eyes, like twilight heaven, city. The story runs that Mrs. World-Famous Scientists, Work. Educational Plan of WelTold a sad/a doleful tale. Cantor, aged 68, entered the home Honored on Arrival fare Organization. in this Country The Young- Men's Jewish Welfare last July.,' In registering her record, the superintendent found that "Child/' I asked, "why walk youlondy, Organization held its formal organThe unlaue anfi excellent social service New York. (J. C. B. Service...) — From what horror do you come?''; • ization meeting Tuesday evening at ehe had been separated from her wort being carried on by the Jeivfsb Wohusband some eighteen years ago men's Welfare Organization among the Ten thousand Jews filled City .Hall Shivering, she stammered only: the Loyal hotel. girls 5n the public schools is •winning' after she had been married -for recognition Park and neighborhood last Tuesday the;' Pogrom "Bad ManV. . . B a d Man A banquet for. eighty followed the nn<I commeiuiafion from letttlmorning when Professor Chaim Weizmeeting. The organization is com- nine years. During the interval Ing social workers In tin; t'nlted Stntt*. \ sae had been living with, her The work iB not limitecl to girls o* Jerrmann, Professor Albert Einstein, M. "I^-the only saved . . . they caught me, posed of boys between the ages of ish pktentnge. Puring' <?ieir tours of t i e da-oghters. M. UssishMn, Dr. Sharja Levine and1 Quickly carried me away, 14 and 23. .:. schools in the carrying: out of their social Dr. Mo*ssinsohn, were brought to tlie Pot me in a boat and' brought me "We welcome you into our midst," Two months ago the home reservice projrrnnis, the workers note maniy City Hall and were officially welcomed To this town—a long1, long way . . . " said Mr. Morris Levy, president of ceived an application for the ad- events of interest. In order to have thwe events narrated and in or«jpr to this -great metropolis by John P . the Jewish Welfare" Federation, in mission tff Samuel Cantor, aged intererting \ to acquaint t h e readers of ••The Jewish. Hylan, the mayor of Greater New As these childish words were spoken i his address to the new members of 78. , He related that in 1003 he Presn" wjtb this wonderful work, this York, and a number of other leading had parted from his wife whom newspaper has nskefi Mrs. Millnrd I..SUKI again asked: "Where's your home$" the junior group. citizens. Magistrate Bernard Rosen"Wev must work until our eyes he had not seen since. Investiga- feld, director of the work, to trrife a series And she stammered / "Broken . . . broKen . . Pbowing the wonderful good blatt who headed the mayor's recepclose and we must work for the good tion revealed that Mr. and Mrs. doneaTtielea, By the Bad Man—the Pogrom . . ..?•by this branch of the .lewifh \Vomet»'« tion committee, which met the delegaCantor were the couple which of other people," said Dr. Philip Welfare Organization. The first oi fhe tion on their arrival, formally introseparated after nine years of series .follows.—Editor. Sher in his talk. " H a v e you, darling child, a mother?" • / . . duced these leading Jews from difThe honored. guests present were: married life. Both confessed that Quick here eyes with tears were;- filled: ferent parts of Europe to the mayor, Morris Levy, Henry Monsky, Dr. P, they had made unsuccessful efforts " Y e s / i n heaven ..v . her and brother By Mrs. Millard Langfeld. paying fit tribute to each leader in Sher, William _Holzman, S. H. Shse- to find each other during all these Af her breast, the Bad Man kiUed." "Social Service work may be turn. ; fer, Harry Wolf, Carl Katleinan, Har- years. ed on the steps- ex City Hall as early viewed from many different ( In welcoming the guests, the mayor as eight o'clock in the morning and The couple have since been re-' ry -Lapidus, Leo "Roseirthal, Mrs. E. ."Mama hid in fright—was.nui-sing angles. There are innuinerable said: wedded and are now, according.to Kulakof sky" aad Miss Diana Cross. had waited more than three hours for iBaby Brotheiv-littla Max, issues to be considered if it be : "As mayorof this city, which, is the the guests to arrive. When tiie Bad Man broke in, cursing1, , After short talks were made by the home authorities, occupying the carried to a successful concluhome! of more than one-third of all * Struck.them both down with his a?ce . . . the hemored guests, the election of best chamber in the institoijon, sion. A test- of its success fces, Block "Honor," Resolution the. Jews in America, I gladly join in officers was held as follows: Pres- which has since been named the in large measure, in an affirmThe same afternoon Alderman f< felicitating those who have already ident, Israel Goodman vice-president, bridal chamber. Have you, dear, no father, brother?". ative answer to two quest}oii&: ; accomplished so much toward the Louis Zeltner, Moritz:-Grauberd and. Phineas Wintroub; secretary, Jack And she" shook her • head and • cried: , Do the results produce useSam R. Morris, .introduced; a resolu-. •restoration of Palestine^ The success Klapperj' treasurer, Ed Solig; re"They in heaven, too . . . with mother .-. . fulness ? ', tion in the Board of. Aldermen'which thus far achieved may be regarded as porter j Nathan E. Green; sergeantBad man stabbed them, and they "died . -. . Do they produce happiness? ^ extended the freedom of the city ; to a happy «ugury that continued en-at-arms, Ed Levinson and Sam The Social. Service Section of,' the distinguished Jews from abroad. deavor will result in the final and <Ireen; trustees, Ed Solig and Ed "Have you not, dear child, a sister?" the Jewish Women's Welfare " complete attainment of' the hope and The resolution was however,; blocked Altschuler; representatives to the "Rosejhad beautiful black eyes;. Organization is jusfified in by Alderman Bruce M. Falconer who Special to "THE JEWISH FKESS." aspiration of the Zionist organization. Board of Directors of- the Jewish Since the Bad Man came and kissed her, answeiing "yes" to both as re- , pretended to be ignprapt of .the idenWelfare Federation, Fred Waite and Lincoln, April 13.—JSabbi Singer "In New York City we point with Tore her dress—rshe always cries f; . ' lated to tiie Social Service work ( tity of the visitors and claimed that Sam Beber. made a vigorous attack on Henry pride to the conrage and fidelity of done in certainof "the Omaha ' until he learned more about them he ; our Jewish population, demonstrated "When my sister Lily saw it The first regular meeting of the Ford's publication, "The International Public Schools, in which about would object to the motion. No amount so unmistakably in the world war. She began t o laugh and cry . r . ' organization will bs held Wednesday Jew," in a talk to students of Cotaer 500 girls, under the direction of . Ho American, therefore, who approves of argument having disuaded the unNow she always laughs—I know i t - ^ evening, April 27, at the 1T. M. H. A. university Friday morning, in wfc?cb. SO volunteer workers, have, for* of the altruistic purposes of our par- enlightened alderman ;from his stand, But I cannot tell you why. ' rooms in the Lyric?. building. All lie declared that the book w»s fosraS- the past year, been learning «se~' the Board found itself compelled to ticipation in the world conflict can boys between the ages of 14 and 23 ed on,false theories and false state- J! arts in conjunction wita fail to sympathize with the aspiration carry the resolution over for a special are invited to join this organization.. entsi that it was not only txa- who2esome h&cre&tion. This, as "You are not a Bad Man, tell me, ,'• meeting which, is being held on Fri-: I am left now all alone . . . " ; The following Ere charter members Christian but immoral. aT phase t h a t is unique in pre-. day morning. .Leading Jews in this He declared the jmfelicatidA 4he ©at:. he mission of .the Zjonisfc organ- city: are; convinced;»that; the,^atteinp.tc -of \t& volitional •fduc&ticai ^nd whfcA -..-••' - - • • - •,•~.... -'* .:o - . : * - . / / * v>r''--r -_growth of a recent revival cf tlte •antiization is worthy of the fullest meas- of Mr. Falconer, was" delibr-rate and Suddeidya fright befell me— Frea White Eebet Semitic movement "that -originated in is attracting the atteiitioti' 6f ure of success!" ^ ; was1 prompted by nothing less than an Israel G-ooiiman . Sathaii Greea . When I woke—the child was gone. . Germany sixty years sgs. "While other cities. Saia Greea Ed .Levinson anti-Semitic sentiment.- - . , Wickersham Joins Mayor Joe Znger Nathan Miller merely a matter for argument in the Some time previous? te the W6tl4 Harry. Kobrason --Isnae Sternhill United States, Kabbi Singer said, the War, the members of the Jewish WoGeorge W. Wickersham, ex-AttorMeyer GoHware. Fred Kurtrinan New'York. (J. C. B. Service.).. The movement in Europe resulted in mas- men's Welfare. Organization had m«t ney General, followed the mayor and Sam Mlniln Ed Altechuler failure of the Belaid of Aldermen of sacres and persecution. He said that with the children of Kellom school,. spoke in terms of eulogy of the great Albert KablriovrStz Jake, D»viasoii New, York City to /extend the freeIsadora Levin* : Louis Easnick since )ifee signing of the armistice maintaining classee in sewing*. Theft "services rendered by the two scientists Jack Klapper Isadora Soko)of dom of the city to.Professors Albert 88,000 Jews had been murdered in the came the great upheaval, private enin t h e . past war, - emphasizing that e Sokolo? • Sam Green deavor ceasedj and each one concenEinstein and Chaim Weizmann, two Ukraine. Professor Einstein was one of the George G-ivot HarTy- Stern of the most -distinguished living Following is an extract from, a also with a "new thought" churchy- Harry Kpeeter ' HBrry Jlarits Anti-Semitism, the speaker declared, trated his strength in an effort to' few men who refused to join other scientists and undoubtedly the most Jake I»aseroTviz Abe Siepal sermon, "Divine Healing in Judaism," which has nothing new in i t except had its foundation in a biological the- hold for humanity what it seemed German scientists in supporting the prominent Jews alive todajr, prompt- delivered by Kajbbi Eaphael Golden- the type of human species it attracts. fiarl KuJakofsty ' Eddie Brodkey ory, long since exploded. Answering about to lose in the menace of the German, government at the outbreak- ed the senate of the state of New York Ben Frant 1 • Joe Greenberg We have Holy Rollers and Fire stein of Sioux City: the assertion that the Jews were at Prussian peril. When the danger of the war. Ed LevInBon Bert Brown to adopt a resolution granting them the bottom of bolshevism, the rabbi was past and after the signing" of the "The twentieth century may justly Tongues and what not, but -last and Kubin Brrro-n Oscar KctlemaE Professor Weizmann who replied in the freedom of .the entire state of Harry Pfefier not least, Christian Science* which, Ben KsivitE said that Trotsky was the only Jew armistice—after the need for public behalf of the entire delegation said: New .York, according to a, dispatch be characterized as age of fad and Morris Kuebea Dave Swaxta according to good Christians* is in the Bussian cabinet, and that talk service became less urgent—each one style. Everything now days is style. "Those who are fostering the Zion- from Albany. The resolution was Sidney Barson Sam S. Mark* neither Christian nor scientific, and of a Jewish Nambition for world resumed his individual interest, and It is the chief element of value in the Phineas Wttitroub ist program are receiving flie support introduced by Senator Nathan Straus. Leo Fried dominion was made out «.f whole cloth picked up and tied together the economic, business and even ..social justly so, for how can it be Christian Louis Somberg Bert Hoskowife ' and relying on the support not only Herbert Eobinson when some of its main pillars are Arthtir Sievers and very fiinisy cloth at that. "The threads that had been loosened. life of the day. I t is the main stanof Jews but also of all fair-minded Ben Cohen Joffcph Llntzman apostate Jews and how can it be International Jew" purports to be an dard of worth, morality and respect; HesUme Work After V,"»r and right thinking men, irrespective Polish Jews to Formulate Con Barney Drevieh Aaron VTietz scientific when it denies the greatest account of a so-called organization, But unlike the standards of -true Members of the Women's Welfare -. Leo WeitE of race, creed or nationality. The Arthur Weitz structitfe .Relief Plans. and oldest of all sciences, the science Louis EHeTriti "The Elder of Sion," and its protocol) Organization again felt a desire to morality it constantly changes. True Jiake Brookstein public sentiment of America has Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) M. LanBen Jacobscn llarry Goldman following sessions at Prague, Geneva resume work begun, in the public been a. tower of strength to us in the desco, director of constructive relief morality is eternal, but style and fad of medicine? But that is the style and Ed Solig "Isadore Stein the latest fad ,of the day, so no quesand Paris. Rabbi Singer quoted schools before the war. But times change. The garment, hat or the Dare Greenberjr trying-times that have passed, and of the Joint Distribution Committee, Isadora Soskin tions are, asked, no logic applied ? European authors showing the falsity had changed, new needs were felt, piece of jewelry that is" priceless toAlex Fogel ] > Ben Klaver in *>"'« non-sectarian, non-partisan speaking to press • representatives, Ernest Kubin of statements, and declared that the broader sympathies had been estate-* day is worthless tomorrow. Dave Katleman Religion used to be a cure of the soul welcome we see another expression of declared that it is the desire of the Abe Erootstein Morris Fleishman accusation in regard to bolshevism lished, and a plan was formulated to "That is true not merely in matters now it is a -seeming cure of the body, Meyer Goldberg tLat generous and warm-hearted sen-. J. D. C. that the representatives of Phil Kosenbloom was "as absurd as it would be to say conduct the work along more general : j i t used to be^in heaven, now it is in Herman. Berlint . ~Thil Kingle timent. . . Polish Jewry should themselves work of wearing apparel, but in matters; of that the Eoman Catholics were at the and better organized lines. In "coSam Yonsem hell. I t used* to be mysterious, now religion. New religions seem to be Harry B, Cohn Asks America, for Aidc ' ' out all necessary plans at the forth- springing up every day, new religious it is a comm6n place. It used to be Nathan Rice bottom a£ Free Masonry." Max Hblzinsm operation with Supefjntendant Schae'^Our mission here : s to appeal to coming constructive relief conference fads and fancies fill. the modern a conviction, a faith, now it is a trade Irrin. Goodm'an Harry FlnkecBtein fer of the Jewish Welfare Federation, Kathan 'Levinson the Jews of America, who have known to be held here April 12. Mr. Lan-church directory. We used to have a and a business. It used to have priests, Sack Freidea Ruback Zangwffl Writes in Behalf of plans • were discussed and outlined , Ecqannel Green so well how to serve this country both desco emphasizes that this is to be dozen or so principal religious denom- now it has .healers. I t used to have Ed while the experience of Mrs. Schaefer' Loula Freiberg Irish. Harry Janger in peace and in war, to lend their done on the basic principle that they inations. Today they count in the David Eher , saints, now it has practitioners. Meyer $hapiro are to participate financially in all London. (J. T. Agency.) Quoting a in kindred work in Cincinnati furnishJoseph Seiner ' helping hand in the material and , Jack Smitli hundreds if not in the thousands. letter from Lady Simon, the wife of ed furnished valuable data. spiritual rebuilding of the Jewish that is to be_ undertaken, in the way America is particularly-blessed with Religion, in a word, has degenereated Harold Farber • •Louis Abramson With Kellom school as a starling to the level of the cheap show and the Abe Cohn ' Sir John Simon, in which she rePaul. Gold stein homeland! Thousands of Jewish of constructive relief. variety in this sacred field. I t seems dime novel. How people, who but Ben Minkin Herman Segelniati proaches English Jews for .remaining point, the work branched cut, until pioneers, men and women,- hav<: air Segelmnp .. as though anybody, and everybody yesterday worshipped the sacred faith Sato Iionis ghafton silent while her people are being today, it is carried on in six of the Sum Greenberg * Ben Drerich ready made their way there in* the "Dwa Grosha" Fears America that has the nerve and the'pers&tancy schools, Kellom., Cass, Lake, of their fathers, who went into fire Dafe Davidson massacred in Ireland and -reminding public face of difficulties and hardsships, and 1 -Phil GereHck May Send" Jewto Poland. can start a new ; religion'all"of his and flame for its sake, and underwent" Max Altsehuler Long , Lincoln and South Central. him that in the pset she had raised Dare Freiberg by the toil of their hands are now own. However, irreligious and absurd the bitterest persecution and inquisi- Harry Adelson iS&ch school has its cwn director, and Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Discussing her voice against the massacre of . Nathan Adelson Engaged in laying the foundations of Leo Abramsoa in' its fundamentals he .nevertheless tion for its preservation and continu- Louis its stei? of from six to eight volunteer the possibility of a new American Justin K. Wolf. Jews in Russia, Israel Zangwjll is B. Schaefet the New Judaea. My illustrious colcan find followers and adherents. ation^ can suddenly change rver night teachers over which is a general. representative to Poland "Dwa Growriting in today's issue of the Lonleague, Professor Einstein, is here Thus we have Zion Cityt and its ad- aiid throw aside the hallowed influence supervisor, who, responsible for the sha" today declare^that if the United don "Jewish Chronicle" that Lady particularly on behalf of the Hebrew herents near* Chicago—not in -Pales- of their own religion like a pair of Ten Thousand Jews Were Converted Simon's reproach is entirely justified. successful furtherance of the work., States should send as its ambassador university at Jerusalem, where Jews tine as one would suppose. We are The salvation of the Jew, Zangwill details it, as it is to be carried xm in in.SikBIontnsI may seek the higher education so to Poland, a Jew, Poland would un- blessed with ethical culture,—^a reli- old shoes or ? dress out of style, and the various schools. The service* doubtedly retaliate by. sending to embrace a perfectly new, religion, just frequently denied to' them in many Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) Reports declares, is to be found only in hisgiven are voluntary* gion without a God,.and with spiritu- for the sake of fad and style, is more Washington Van outspoken antisafeguarding universal alliances with lands, where Hebraic culture may be received here from-Budapest establish '','} alism,—a religion without spirituality, than I can possibly understand. A schedule has been formulated, iostered and developed. America, Semite. ' ' • t i e fact that dErtag. the first six England, malces it all the more imwhereby in each school the classes are possible for ,them to remain silent whose magnificent response, to the months of 1920 no,,less than ten conducted in Bimilar courses, and tSi« where England's policy to other cause of humanity has aroused the Representatives of Mizrachi and Jews Saved from Expulsion by "Morning Post" Now Tackles thousand Jews in .th,e domain of Hunwork accomplished is therefore about peoples in concerned. unbounded admiration of the world, Poalei-Zion Join Keren Hayesod gary adopted." the Christian faith. Chief Rabbi of Yilna. Poalei-Zionists. SSe same. The work has been stanwill now also respond in the same • Directorate. Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) More than London. (J. T. Agency.) The anti- During the^ same period there were generous manner to the appeal Which London. "(J. T. Agency.) Announce- 100 Jewish families who are said to Semitic organ * of this city, "The also 526 mixed marriages between French Delegation to London dardized, that is, .planned alike for all of the schpols, because such stanhe and we will make." ment is made that Professor Pick has have been residents for more than Morning Post^" has now turned its Jews and Gentiles. . Will Include Chief RabM. dardization is deemed necessary tot Paris. (J, T. Agency.) The French the -maintenance of organization, The delegation was escorted to the joined the Board of Directors of the six years in Novogodik, would have attention to the Poalei-Zionists and Regi- Delegation which is going next week discipline and , thoroughness. Yei City Hall by the reception committee Keren Hayesod as the representative been expelled were it not for the in- accuser that party of working for a Zionists Will Maintain Jewish organization. tervention of " ? noted r.bbi of Vil- revolution in England. "The "Post" ments in Palestine.1 to London to celebrate the victory while following general rulee appli. which Magistrate Rosenblatt headed, of*;, the ' Mitzrachi Negotiations are now under way for na, Rabbi Rubinstein, according to calls upon the Jewish'press to de- London. (J. T.-Agency.) Jerusalem of ^erdun, will be headed by es> by the mayor's secretary and an cable to the guidance of all, each advices received here, state that the President Poincare, and will also in- director is urged to study the psab» honor squad of motored police. In the Board to include also a represen- advices recei . id here from Vilna. •• nounce the activities of the r*arty. Tesult of- a c-nferenc© between Win- clude Rabbi Levi, Chief Rabbi of iems and needs? of her own locality front of City Hall ten thousand Jews tative of the Poalei-Zion. British Mission to Help Polish ston Churchill and M. Nahum Sololow, France. ARNOLD SOLOMON DIED ' testified to the readiness of American and to develop her work along indivithe chairman of the Zionist World STAGE "HUMORESQUE." , Arnold Solomon, son of Mr. and Finances. Jewry to render the Zionist leaders dual lines. .. To Travel in Europe Fanny Hurst's, "Humoresque" will Mrs. Marcus Solomon, of Council "Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) A mission Executive, the .Zionist Organization fteir enfire support. Nearly every Classes CoRd«c*e*l Weefclj othes man waved an American as well be produced, next year with Laurette Bluffs, died in Chicago April 10.of British financiers arrived here for will support a number of Jewish reg- • Gusta%Te Eosenstock sail- May 3rd The classes a*e «cr^ttcted in as a- tewnWflag and all were imbued Taylor playing the "part of Mrs. Kan- Funeral services held frojn Grotches the purpose of determining upon iments in Palestine in an effort to re- from New York to spend several school ©ne afternoon a week and wllfo ,c festival spirit, although »some tor, the Jewish mother; made famous Chapel, Tuesday, Aprii 12. Burial means which should heli raise the lieve the British administration of months traveling in Europe. He will _ (Continued VOB |tag* *) will ba in at <*• cheering spectators had jrathur- on the Kci»an-by visit Ms folks in exchange value of the Polish maik. some of its financial obligations. :
Sdhoids; Win Praise
Rabbi Says Religion Is Disintegrating
.Published every Thursday, at Omaha,,. Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING CpMPANY,. I \: MOREIS E. JACOBS, Manager.' Office, Pour, Baird : Bldg.^—Telephonej; Dtmg. 23f2. Subscription Price; one year, ..$1.50 Advertising rates furnished on application.,
NOT PBINTEJX FOR PERSONAL PKOFIT —"Profits from, the ; publication of_ The* Jewisfe-Press are to be given to worthy communal 1
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CHANGE OF ADEHJESS—Please g$ve both tho eld aad new address; ba «M»\'| -and sign name. ' ', ,
- ^
y •.
,42 y\ New YorJ& City; liar oh l 1 9 S l
\ _ _ ___. Jewish^Relief^Conmtttee] v
, - - |
EJNSTEIN AND WEIZMANN. The arrival of ProXChaim^Weizmann and Dr. Albert Einstein in New York -on^i&pril 2, was the occasion for a. ceremony and demonstration of greeting as spontaneous and as inspiring as have ever-been accorded any visitors to this country. Thousands of people waited for hours to catch a glimpse of these two world-famous-menr-a reception committee composed of fhe leaders of New York's community life, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, welcomed them, and the freedom of the State of New York was extended them by a special resolution: of the Legislature. / It is eminently fitting that.the^e maasHires should have been' "taken. , Democratic America has little of adulatipn or hero-, worship in its make-up,-and cares not a whit for the greatness o t royalty or noble birth. But its heart and its voice are always ready to acclaim' the achievements of the human mind, without questioning the birth, or station in life of its possessor^' I t is indeed an apt retort "to the slanders of" the anti-Semites in this country, that Albert Einstein, literally drivenvfroin Germany'by .the jibes and insults of its rabid Jewrhaters, should have had the freedom-of our greatest comnionwealth extended to him. Our distinguished visitors come in/the interests of ^ionism. Prof. Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization^ will "devote his«nergies to the furtherance of the general Zionist program, with speQia^ emphasis <>n the restoration and reconstruction problems of Palestine. .Prof. Einstein is particularly ^interested in the establishment of t~he Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Others in the party include M. Ussichkin, member •of the Zionist delegation to the Peace Conference, and Dr/ B. Mossinson, President of, the Hebrew -Teachers Association of Palestine. The Zionist movement 'will gaih^much from'their. jcoming, and will be immeasurably advanced. ""••.' • ' Their presence in this country will add to the lustre of the Jewish name. Interest on the part of non-Jewish Americans,in Einstein and Weizmann will center not so *much on the purpose" of their real mission, as on the-achievements of .these two men in the field of science. Einstein, the author- of the theory of -relativity, and Weizmann, inventor of "T. : N. T." are counted ^ amongsthe world's greatest^scientists. Each is supreme in his field, each, has labored for years'.to bring, his researches to successful conclusion, .each'has advanced the cause U)f science and of humanity. In addition, Einstein is heralded as a musician "of rare ability. That their energies should be directed at the same time to the problems of their people bespeaks their versatility. ' Their • contemplated tour of the country will be a series of ovations, and triumphs; they will be greeted and acclaimed as world-leaders, as humanists and as Jews. We bid them welcome. * ".' / -.,..-•
-f -
EearlKr^ilarshall? v * ^
• ^
i *•
~ ' " ,-
. ' i feel sure'^that in you* capacity^ - -, "as chairman of the .American Jewish Relief Committee - ^ you will be glad to kaow-of. the very fine response" that the Jewish people of<the country have^made tothe appeal for ISuropean children, and tfie. fine co*-operation they have given_everywhere\in-organization"^ ofMthis appeal, t" •/ The drive lias been very successful 'and : v/ill result in the a b i l i t y of the American > Relief "Administration to carry on r e l i e f for even a' larger' number of Jewish children for whoa they prbvide help, and will a l s o , I believej, furnish \ substantial assistance to the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, in the care^of children both from the food^ 'clothing-and medical points of view, ; ^ -/ ' ' 1^4.11 be glad to ask Mr. Bosenfelt to give you any facts and figures about the drive , th^t may be of service to ^ouiin carrying on your own J committee work and, if when the*time comes for you •to make your general appeal for other phases of _^. Jewish work, we will be glad to estend^ to_you_the_same'• oo-operation,thatLwe have had. *"* •-
Yours faithfully; \ SH.AQS
JEW WINS $1000 MUSJC PRIZE 'JEWISH CALENDAK _ ]. The New York Symphony Orchestra, f ~* Walter Damrosch conductor, will pre- o.————-»-" ' Passover, first day sent a t the first concert to be Nisan 15, April 23 given aext season in Carnegie Hall, Passover, second day Nisan 16, the $1000" Harry Harkness Flagler April 24 prize composition by Louis GruenPassover, eighth day Nisan 22, berg, of 208 West One Hundred and April SO Eleventh street, New York. New Moon Mr'y 9 Iyar 1, \ Mr. Gruenberg's ?work is- in oneSivan 1, New Moon, June 1 movement and is entitled "The Fill Sivan ft, Feast of Weeks of Dreams." When Mr, Flagler, prcsfJane 12 dent of the Symphony Society of New July 7. Tammuz 1, New Moon York, offered first and second prizes Tamnraz IS,"Fast of Tammuz of $1000 and'.$500V respectively, for July 24 ihe best iiew orchestral works by New Moon August 5 Ab 1, Americans, Mr. Gruenberg entered his Fast of Ab August 14 composition among eighty other Ab 10, Elul 1, New Moon September. 4 American composers who tried for Zelihoth September 25 v Elul 22, the prizes. "~ 5682 * The judges, who were Leopold Sto- Tishri 1, 2, New Year October 3 Icowski, George W. Chadwick, John Tishri 10, Day of Atonement x Aldeh Carpenter, Fratis Kneisel and October 12 Walter Damrosch, arrived a t their decision last w£ek and the announceDR. NOUBAU IMPROVED ment . of the fortunate competitors Paris, f j . T. Agency).—Dr. Max •was made a t the last concert of theNordau who has been spending some New York Symphony Orchestra. A Weeks in the South of France recongratulatory telegram from Mr. cuperating from his recent severe Damrosch sent to Mr. Gruenberg's home^ revealed the fact that the first illness is now reported to have fully prize winner is now on . tour in regained his health. Europe. First Jew Elected Chairman of London County Council Polish Merchants Wocld Force Jews London, <J. T. Agency).—Major to Keep Closed Sunday as Well as Percy Simmons, noted as a municipal Saturday. reformer, has been elected chairman Danzig. (J. ••T. Agency.) Polish of the London County Council. This merchants of Lsmberg h&ve forwardis the first time that a Jew has been •ed a request to the government that elected to this office. the-denjanis of the J«v?s to trade on Sunday should not be recognized, according to a dispatch received here from Lemberg. Soviet Acthcrities Arrest* Band Leaders. - London. (J. T. Agency.) Two of the leading membersT" <of the Central Committee of the Russian "Bund" (Je\rish Socialist Party of Russia), Aaronson and Sevitzky, have been arrested by th« Soviet authorities at the order of the government, according to advices reveiced here from Moscow. The Jewish Journalist Binstock was arrested at the same time. \ ; ' Jewish Clergy will Appeal for Restoration of France. Londoa. (J. T.'Agency.) Jewish leaders and preachers throughout England will Shake a special appeal at tomorrow's Sabbath service in behaU of the devastated areas in France, according-to an announcement from the office of the Chief K&bbi. •
Dress for the occasion—we are making special reductions in prices for cleaning, pressing- and dyeing during the /c o m i ti g \ week. YOUR FRIENDS WILL .BE DRESSED FOR THE HOLIDAYS—SO • SHOULD..YOU. We call for snd deliver all
Lillian Montague have been apPolish Anti-Semites Protest Against pointed as Justices of thevJPeace for ^Polish-Jewish Negotiations. Warsaw^ (J. T/Agency.) The anti- the County of London. Semitic organization "Eozvoy" has • Miss Adler is the daughter of the made public :i protest against the late Chief Rabbi Dr. Herman Adler government - for negotiating with and Miss Montagu is a sister of Lord date-of marriage, the length of a JACOB H. SCHIPF'S Jewish representatives vrith the idea Swaythling and of the Secretary of generation among the Jews is thirtyMEMORY HONORED of-bringing about a better under- State for India. Both appointees are six years, for the Gentile it is thirtyNew YorR. (J. C. B. Service.) The standing between the Poles and the prominent figures in communal.life. LIBERAL PUBLICATIONS IN One years. Owing to the increasing length of a generation, tradition holds Up-town Tahnud Torah unveiled a Jews. The protest asserts that the , BUDAPEST THREATENED April 6, t>x. Victor a stronger place among the Jews than bronze memorial tablet in honor of Jews are responsible for all of Po- Jewish Refugees are Fed on Potatoes* Vienna, (J. T. Agency).—The E. Levine addressed more than one other races. - One generation is found the late Jacob H. Schiff, who was for land's misfortunes and since the Jews Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) For five Christian-National organization of hundred "members of the Junior Hamany years a member as well as a are the unqualified enemies of thedays past now, the local Jewish Free to live side by side with the coming Budapest are openly threatening to dassah Society on "Women of israel" Poles, all Efforts at friendly relations Kitchen has been absolutely without director "of ihe Talmud Torahr~ destroy the plants of, the liberal and at the Lyric building:, . ^ , generation. -• ~~ are \rorse than useless! The protest bread. Potatoes are being substituted 1941-43 Vfaton St. Jewish publications in that ,Ncity, acSJixed marriage of Interest . • One of Dr. Levine's interesting dir for bread in ^the present emergency suggests, that the Jews snould simply T H E BOLSHEVIKI AND THE Phoae: Douglas 1440 gressions was a brief-comparison of . From'the scientific viewpoint, mixed he fereed to live up to Poland's and those taking advantage of thecording t o a Budapest dispatch re-, JEWS" ISSUED JK[ GENEVA \ the onthropology and sociology of the marriages are of great • interest. As three ceived here. Pari|, (J. T. Agency).^We are in- wishes. This organization also held kitchen are getting potatoes v a rule mixed , marriages prove very .Jew'•with that cf other races. times daily. a_,meeting at which it was declared '• • fir. Levine said: "The Jewish skull markedly infertile. The birthrate formed" from Geneva that Roditchev's that the-efforts of the Jews to trade^ is brachycephalic. The Jewish' gljuji among Jews is 33.5 per 1000, while volume "The Bolsheviki and the on Sunday is a direct violation of ihe Warsatr Assimilatiordsts Oppose | • is the broadest in all Europe. In this among families where intermarriage Jews" has heen issued there. . • ' EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FORrights and privileges of the Polish^ Effort of Jewish Nationalists. ** has occurred* 15 per 1000. Another way the Jew differs from the Arabian, people. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Local !wh^ is dolichocephalic, or long-headed. interesting phenomenon is the pre-Popular Manager of Jewish Daily Jewish assimilatio'nists have piaqed V \ iJead. Jews are/ darker in complexion and ponderance of Jewish blood and JewMatzos for Ukrainian Refugees in with Premier Witos -a jnemoranduirL j£ t . especially in color of the hair in com- ish traits even in remote offsprings of ... New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Max in which they reguest that their Constantinople \ Sqbel, 50 yearsyold, who was manager parison to the people" with,whom they Jews that have intermarried. opinions should be consulted-in the London. (J. C. B. Service.) The liver The predominant color of the The Jewish physigne is remarkably of the "Jewish Times,"" the local Federation oMJkrainiaa Jews reports: present negotiations being carried on *The store is located at 1618 . £. eye is-brown. There are many grays virile-, for the Jew has a great immun- Poalei-Zion daily, died suddenly last An urgent call for help has just been "between ministers-in the Polish govNorth Twenty-fourth Street, § but very few blues. ity for/'infectious diseases, like ven- Friday night while attending meet- Teceived for 3000 Ukrainian Jews who ernment and leading Jewish represening of tjie board of directors of that .. "Sd rare are blue"eyes tojbe found ereal diseases and tuberculosis. He in their flight from the pogrom areas tatives. The memorandum declares among the Jews that many prominent is also remarkably free £TOTX\ the cursenewspaper. Sobel is survived by a now find themselves in Constantin- that they, the assimilationists, are 5 anthropologists believe the blwi eye to of alcoholism and from a tendency, to •widow and five children. ople. The local Jewish committee re- enjirely opposed to any Jewish nation- fft "•• ' V be indj^^tive oiT mixture -with'' a for- suicide, but he is very prone to ports that it will be unable to provi- alist demands which may be made eign race. The Jewish eye i s so diabetesj-iemorrhoids and diseases of "MORNING POST" I S PLEASED sion the unhappy refugees this com- by those now negotiating in behalf WITH HENRY FORD. characteristic^ that -when all other the neri'ous system. Comparatively PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. ing Passover. There is a scarcity of of the Jews of Poland. London. (J. T. Agency.) The local Jewish facial landmarks disappear, speaking there are psychoneurotics foHstunffs in Constantinople and anti-Semitic^ organ, the "Moifning *one can imihediately tell a Jew by the among them. complete lack, of Sour and potatoes. shape/colo'r and gleam of the eye. Generally speaking the Jewish Post" prominently, features a reprint Unless immediate supply^ comes from There is a larger proportion of red- masses are poorer than the Gentile of Henry Ford's interview given to abroad these pogroms victims /will haired men'among Jews than any masses. The Jew, wherever he is, pays the New York World. AND BEAUTY have to be without Matzos this comotfietTace. -This condition is the res- much more attention, to higher educaing Passover. The Federation is now ult of onder-nutrition from -which tioiuThere are more professional men Palestine Dredging Eor Salt. 1SS0 -J?4*»^-\ U SSSS. 15th '•£& Barnrr. many Jews in the-East have suffered. among Jews than among non-Jews. It Jerusalem, (J/TFs-^tgency.)—Work earnestly inviting donations; fpr the it also interesting to note that the has begun: in connection with the purpose of sending a .consignment of : ';-' : -~; ^-Face*is-Flearible. , . . ' , proportion of clergymen is Jess among Matzos to Constantinople. The Jewish face; has.heen described Jews, the proportion being one to fif-dredging of th'e "Bay of Atlith, thd as .possessing ticcentuated flexible teen hundred among Jews and one to intention" being to exploit the sal^ Churchill and Briand Confer. to be thus obtained. This: undernostrils, largish mouth, with ends well one'thousand among Christians. Paris. <J. T. Agency.) Winston taking ;will provide sufficient eta.~ Churchill, who passed through this marked, pointing underlip, heavy chin> ~ s?Ea dit tmossms ployment to support 150 families. broad forehead with prominent superTrue trf Type city on his way from Palestine, conFrom an anthropological point of ciliary "ridges, 'scantily' "covered'Tvith ferred with M. Briand over the setIf Jso Ht VB do yoar rootlag. We ?nn:n;?nTSn^ are agents for EVERY STEAMhaii toward the outer extremities; and view, the Jewess is remarkably for her Prance Honors Memory of Famous tlement of the Palestine-Syriwi fronSHIP LIKE to Europe. We hare Jewish Actress. long brilliant, dark.eyes set "clojseljf truth to type. She shows the Jewish tiers." .'\ •:• • '• ' • expert knowledge «a tfc« continental situation. We will help together with' a- heavy upper, and a type of feature and expression more Paris, (J. ^.Agency).—Ti^e Theayon bectrre your passport, and protuberant lower lid, . having' a remarkably than the Jew and while tre ( Comedie .' Rrancaise'' cpmmemother necessary d o c u m e n t s . Two Jewesses Appointed as Write, phone-or eaJL thonghtful expression in youth, trans- Jews throughdu£.the world differ quite morated -the centenary birthday ol \Magistrates. * VAL.J. PETER & CO. formed to a keen and penetrating gaze considerably, the marked resemblance the famous French artiste Kachel by London. —Miss Nettie Adler and v of Jewesses IB taken as a biological a special production, * SXEAKSHTP AGENCY in manhood.* &m> FOBEIQN EXCHANGE, " " The death rate of the Jew is mark- test for the purity-.'ofxthe race. The 1307 Howard S t . Omaia. Keb. edly lowerthanthat of luVnc/ii-Jewish skm of the Jewess is barker than that Polish Pogrpmist Sentenced to Sixtoferi Phone: Tyler C$10. --. Months Imprisonment. \ ' neighbor, r Marriage a t an Jearlier age of the men, while the hair is lighter, W« send money at the lowest rates to all psxts of the world, Danzig, TJ. T. Agency^^Civilians is^ontrac'ted." The Jews are noted for male Jews. She is Ies3 inflicted "with and deal la European'securities, ; bntaettes as agjinst 66.8 per cent of •which on account ol the preset who have been tried oh the charge thi freguencywjth which they jnarry low sate ct exchange are a Springs cousins. The birth rate of. the Jew is male Jews. She is less aj/cted vrith that they participated in a program promising epecnlattye investment. Jess than that of the Gentile, 33.5 per color blindness than "the male and she in Edawirzi have been sentenced to "J000-38 against 36.3 per 1000. , Yet possesses a superior keenness of sight. sixteeir-months imprisonment. Polish ' Honest Weight-»••" the Jew. multiplies more rapidly'than The Jewish girl matures earlier sex- soldiers charged in the same conHOBART ELECTRIC the" non-Jew for- there are , fewer ually arili mentally than her Gentile nection have b^jen- handed over to , GRINDERS, CHOPPERS sisters. a military court for trial. ' u deaths between the ages of five and 5 AND MIXERS Dr. Levine reviewed the status of twenty^ more non-Jewish children are Workers' Organizations '; . . ,; V Idying Sn tjie first five years of their tLe Jewess of Israel, discussing her ' Unite. ' UveB, file Jewish'child having" greater from the larger viewpoint of the wo'•' Service and; Sales *^Jt man and also from the standpoint of Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Jewish vitality. V ' , Uth AND JACKSON - ^ daughter, wife, helpmate, concluding 1 The sex of Jewish children is more that from the earliest times the Jew- workers celebrated the. occasion of PHONE itoUGLAS 7682 ^ ; pre-1 nanatdy male. The" frequency ish woman held a much more con- the two organizations of Jewish We have^oa hanol Usedgand of males is due in part to the smaller spicuous and much more respected handworkers, having united into one union. Among others ^v?ho attented Rebuilt Machines., number -of illegitimate children and and honored position in the commun- the celebration were Dr. Bogen and ity; titan the.woman of other races*. A
Says Jawish Skull is Brac&ycephaMc—?
MONHEIT'S Are Ycu Going
Toledo Scales
' •
• *
Stock Yards Company of Omaha (ltd.)
I 4
* • • < » '
.. . i
Passover Services at Temple held Monday evening at the home of Harry Prizeman of Chicago arrived JEWISH COMMUNITIES Passover Services Will b& held a t Miss Gertrude Gilinsky, 118 Vine for a short visit with friends and > IN POLAND ORGANIZING TO HELP HIAS Temple Israel Friday evening, x April street. The following program was relatives „ in Council Bluffs and Mr- and Mrs. Edward Trailer, Mr. t The dance given by the Ka-Dee-Mo 22, at eight o'clock and Saturday given: Story of Jasha Heifetz, by Miss Omaha. Danzig, (J. T. Agency).—The JewSent by our Council Bluffs News and Mrs. A.-Herzberg, and Mrs. Cora Club^last Sunday evening for the morning, April 23, at ten o'clock. Lea Krasne; the story of Passovwy ish communities in various parts of ' bureau. Wolf leave Sunday to spend several benefit of the South Sid,e Talmud There will be special musie fronvthe by Miss Freida Goldberg. Several The regular meeting of the Hebrew Poland are organizing committees to weeks a t Excelsior Springs. Torah, at Eagles hall, was well at- beautiful "Passover Caniata'by Ashsolo dances and v"bcal selections were Educational' club x was held Monday help the Hebrew Sheltering Imtended. • s , -v • ford by the choir; -with Miss y Laura Mechel Somit, 50, once Russian given by several of the members. evening/at the home of Miss Gertrude migrant Aid Society of America in Mrs. J. B. Katz, who hasjjeen vis- a At the regular meeting of the club Goetz as. soloist. At the evenjag ser- nobelman and millionaire^, arrived in its ^ o r k for the emigrant to an Gilinsk^, 118 Yine street iting in St. Louis, returned to her held Monday evening, when installa- vice, Rabbi Cohn will speak on "Lib- Council Bluffs', Wednesday, with his The next meeting of the club will be announcement from Warsaw. These tion of officers took placej.plans were erty Up-to-date." home last week. wife, Entel, and three daughters, held Monday, April 25, at the home of M. Marcus of Council Bluffs, who committees are being formed at the made.for a banquet to be given' in^ Mary, 18, Sarah, 13, and Jennie, 11, in Miss Freida Goldberg, 551 Mill street. has been at Hot Springs on account initiative of the HIAS administration honor of the "Success and Growth" of. time to celebrate the Passover holi-~ ALEPH Y NEWS of ill health, returned Sunday to in Poland. Mr. and Mrs. H. Riseman of Qttumthe club. The committee in charge are days with their daughter, Mrs. S. BalArnold Solomon, 4-year-old son of his home. wa, Iowa, are here for the Alp/ersonThe regular meeting of She Aleph' aban, 900 Eighth street, Council Mr. and Mrs, M. Solomon, 209 Park Jack Lazar, chairman, Max Luterman, Kiseman wedding. 7 Sews and Arabs Will Compose PalesY of the Y. M. H; A. was held Mon- Bluffs. Morris Shapiro and Jack Marer. avenue, Council Bluffs, died Sunday Miss Ida Lewis, 19 South. Fourteenth tine Home Defense. day evening at the club rdc-nls. It was According to members of the club, The "Somit family once was the morning. street, entertained about ten couple London. (J. T. Agency.) The PalesMrs. J, Marcus wa^ hostess . a t \ a a "Good and Welfare'^program will decided to have a / P a s s a v e r . parjy, richest uTlibjtz, Poland. Their posat a social pathering in honor of : tine government has completed arbridge party last Wednesday after- be carried on during the ensuing Sunday evening, April 24. This is the sessions were taken from them by the The regular meeting of the Blossoms Miss Helen Epstein and brother, rangements for the establishment of noon. term/this being in the form of general third of a. series of entertainments Bolshevists. Mr. Somit has related of-Zion, was held Sunday afternoon Irrin, of Detroit. two battalions to foisa a homediscussions a t the regular meetings,. that have, been giveji by the club for the m a n y a t r o cities' that are being at the home cf Miss Fannie Shyken. defense, says a Jerusalem dispateh. the members and their friends. " The Pi Tau Pi fraternity will entercommitted by the Bolshevists. He Officers elected for the ensuing term The battalion of the north will be ' A debating challenge- with-* the also, told tf the many times that he were: Dora Markowitz, president; Charlie Chaplin's Mother Enters composed mainly of Jews and •will be tain at an informal dancing party LILLIES OF ZION Saturday evening, April 23. America. A special meeting of the Lillies of Menorah society a t the University of was arrested by the Bolshevists and Lillian Steinberg, vice-president; Tillie under the command of Colonel MarZion was held Sunday, April 10, at Minnesota is being considered. The that once he was sentenced to die.- He Markowitz, secretary; Ida Hoffman, New York. • {J. C. B. Service.) Mrs. golin while that of the couth will be Mrs. H. B. Weinstein entertained the club rooms for the purpose of try-outs for the debating team will purchased his fre"edom from the Bol- treasurer. Hannah Chaplin, mother of the fam- made up chiefly of Arabs. General at dinner Sunday" evening for-;her electing officers for the'ensuing'six soon be held. shevists. . " . ; "• ous screen comedian, was allowed to Castell will be in charge of the entire The first try-out for. the members daughter, Miss Martye Weinstein, who months. The successful candidates Miss Fannie "Gilinsky, who had been land after being detained for, some force. Service will be for one year has been visiting friends in Lincoln. were: Anna Horowitz, president; of the baseball team will be held Sun- The annual dance of the Jewish Sis- spending the last three months, visit- days on Ellis Island. Chaplin has and new recruits .will be added every Lucille Wiess, vice-president; Esther 'day morning. The Aleph Y team will terhood of Council Bluffs willbe held ing with friends and relatives in Los been wishing 4,o bring over his mother six months. Mrs. M._ Reslow entertained a t a Steinberg,'secretary; Tobie Goldstein, play independent ball this- coming Tuesday evening at Eagle's halL Com- Angeles, Cal., arrived home Thursday for quite some time but *ill health '"" linen shower at her home last Wed- treasurer; Bettie Steinberg, reporter; season. — mittees in charge of the dance have evening. <», / prevented her from coming to this made an extensive ticket selling camnesday for Miss Anna Green, a bride Caroline Diamond, Hermine Hirschesilier. _ country paign in an effort to make this dance The Six-couple card club was enterof this month. Twenty guests were man, Ethel Horowitz, program com- SOCIAL SERVICE WORK OF JEWISH.WOMEN IN one of the biggest attractions that has tained Thursday evening at the hom« Sews Threatened with Expulsion in present. mittee. It was decided to have an, SCHOOLS WIN PRAISE yet been^ held & the Bluffs. of Mrs. A v Gilinsky, 725 Mynster installation party combined with a Czecho-SlovEkia. (Continued jfrom page 1) -street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Abe .Greenspan _of Passover program a t the home of Paris. (J. T. Agency.) The commitMiss Frances" Nogg, who has been Los Angeles, California^ announce the Miss Altschuler, Sunday, April 24. tee of Jewish Delegations' of this city •from one to one and a half hours. The -spending the past-right months with birth of a daughter, Shirley, Monday, The charity banner of the Sunday has telegraphically appealed to the subjects taught ark folk and esthetic friends and relatives in Califc*nia, ar- school ras awarded, .Sunday morn- government of Czecho-Slovakia to April 11. Mrs. Greenspan wa£ for- Mrs. William Eothschild will be at merly Miss Malvina Newman t»f this home to her friends Friday in celebra- dancing, dramatics, including poems, rived home Thursday evening for the ing to the First class, which is under restrain its orler for the expulsion plays and intelligent prose reading; ' city. the direction of Miss Fieda^ Goldberg. of 600 Jewish refugees who are at tion of her ninety-ninth birthday. Her sewing, embroidery, drocheting, tat- Passover holidays. The banner is given to the class which present in CEecho-Slovskian, territory. ^daughters, Mrs. L. J. Herzog of Linting, darning and/millinery. Each Two engagements of interest were cojn and Mrs. Alexander Pollock, -who class is conducted as a club, thereby The regular meeting of the Mogen- contributes the most money for 1607 W Faramt Sf announced this ;\veek—that of Miss has been residing in Cuba, have ar- creating a greater interestand acting Dovid Judaea club was held Sunday orphans in foreign countries. afternoon at the Synagogue. The inStella Woolfson, daughter of Mr. and rived to celebrate With their mother ...... \. "^ as a socializing influence on the girls. stallation of 'the officers that were Mrs. M. L. Woolfson, to Mr. Meyer and sisters." L Gilinsky of Council Bluffs and DAYTON MONEY WEIGH SC1LE CO. As Americanization is considered one elected at the previous meeting was Mrs. Ida Monsky of Omaha were Freidman, of Council Bluffs, and that DETROIT AUTOMATIC SCALE CD. } of the greatest assets in work-of this of Miss Hulda Traxler, daughter of married at the home of A. Gilinsky, The Ydetes club held its regular kind,-the children, meet first in genSteiner ^ Mr. and Mrs. Traxler of Dayton, O., meeting Tuesday, April' 12. After a 725 Mynster street. The married Electric Meateralassembly, sing some patriotic • Leo Krasne, 208 West Washington, couple will make their home at 602 ' jto Mr. Herbert E. Harris of this city. short business meeting, the club was> Chepper >> Mr Harris is now visiting in Dayton. entertained by Missf Lipp who sang song, after vhich each group goes to left Monday morning for Chicago, Bluff street, Council Bluffs. and Coffee Mill. several songs, accompanied by Miss its "own. class roomu The influence of where ho will "witness the retail mergroup singing is recognized today as Misses Anna and Rose Pill, 618 The first social affair sponsored by Dubnoff on the piano.. The .next meet- it has never been before, and is ac- chants fair. South Sixth street, entertained about the: Junior/Hadassah was held last ing will be held Tuesday, April 26. All knowledged Ly social authorities to According to a letter received by twenty girls at a party, in honor of Sunday afternoon at the Loyal hotel, members are urged to be! present as be, stimulating and elevating, its norCity Mrs. H. Kutler, 732 West Broadway, their cousin, Miss Rose Pill of Sioux important matters are* to be discussed. when more than one hundred attended mal results being loyalty,-enthusiasm Council Bluffs, from her husband who City, la. -v Representative • * the Hadassah card party. Dainty Douglas SS32. and whol«50ihe -'mpulse. 310 So-10th St. arrived March 19 in Roumania, Mr. hand-embroidered handkerchiefs-were All members of Congregation B'nai 1 Believing that only through cothe prizes for each table and refresh- Sholem are urged to be.present at the operation are the test results obtain- Kutler is on his way to Russia, where ""*-The regularmeeting of the Jewish he will bring back twenty-one relaSisterhood was held at^the home of ments were served. The §i00 'neces- meeting pf the congregation to be held able, general meetings for the teachsary for- the adoption of an orphan in Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock at ers are held, when ideas and experi- tives to-America, He expects to return Mrs. B. Harding, 34 Oakland-avenue. to Council Bluffs about June 1. SevPalestine was obtained, officers an- the Swedish Auditorium. ences relating to the work are inter- eral months ago, Lew Kutler, a relanouhced. changed. For the children, entertain- tive of H. Kutler, returned from Ras- Miss HelenEpstein and her brother Mrs. Browar of Chicago m i l arrive Irvin, both of Detroit, Mich., arrived ment picnics ara given. On the Many affairs are being given for Friday to spend some time with her third of March in the auditorium" of sia'wjth six members of his f airdly. for an extended visit •with friends in Miss Lillian Eiseman, whose.marriage on, "Mr. A. M. Browar, a n d ' Mrs. the Lincoln school, 500 children in Council Bluffs. to Mr. Edward L. Alperson takes Browar. Mrs, Browar has been spend- holiday mood, witnessed a perform- Phil Romanov, who has been teacher -i place Tuesday evening^ April 19, at ing the winter an California and is ance of "Itlie Toy Shop" and added at the Council. Bluffs City Talmud FOR RENT Torah, will leave Sunday evening for - t h e Blackstone hotel. -Mrs. J. Wright now enroute to her home in Chicago. songs and recitations. Nicely furnished room for rent. New York city where he will tj-end - entertained at bridge Tuesday afterSouth Side. Call.South 4213. the Passover holidays with his father. To Display Work noon at her home for Miss Eiseman, Mr. and Mrs. sr~A'. Bliss entertain8*7 Mrs. Karl Sessell entertained a t lun- ed fifty couples at a' dancing "party At the Table Supply on May 11, 22 The Council of Jewish" Wo-uin v cheon followed by cards today a t the Tuesday evening for Mr. Bliss's sister, and 13 a display of the work done hy meet Thursday afternoon ^at the home the children of the various classes will Miss. Ida Bliss, of Minneapolis. Miss Blackstone, and there trill be a wedr of Mrs. E. Marcus, 801 ^irst avenue, be held, ding rehearsal Monday, followed by a Bliss will visit here for two A most pleasing result of this work Council Bluffs. dinner. ) is its universal character, for while Miss Ruth"~Greenberg entertained The- Kosher Restaurant, sponsored by the Jewish Women's The regular meeting of th# Council twenty gfuests at a dancing party at § Mrs. S. W. Walker; of Newark, New 316 South Fifteenth . S t , Jersey, formerly Miss Sadie.Green, her home Saturday evening, for Miss Welfare Organization, under the Bluffs order of the B'nai Brith was {upstairs) ' i s now un8er capable presidency'of Mrs. R, Kula- held Wednesday evening at the Danish -arrived Sunday to attend the wed- Ida Bliss of Minneapolis;. hall. . kofsky, many people are Reached. An the sole direction of ding of her sister, Miss Ann Green, interest has been stimulated which Arthur Zwieback. This Miss Verna Kirschbraun will enterwhose marriage to Mr. Ellis Hassel " • There is "a© telepWae Baojippoly Is this oociitry. •^ restaurant is being conThe regular meeting of the Hebrew of Milwaukee takes place'April 20 at tain at a dinner party at her home is non-sectarian, both as to the staff T>f^the_teachers and as to the person- Educational club of Council Bluffs was ducted in~a most sanitary the home of Miss Green's parents, Mr. Wednesday evening . nel of the children, thus "Bringing the Tbere are 8$prfcs±na$e]y 510,000 eiMes sad towns mannar. and Mrs. Benjamin GreeriT Mrs. greatest good to the greatest numia the fruited States that have telephoB©-€schamges. Mrs. Henry Monsky and baby Walker will remain here for some ber. The superintendent ,of public daughter leave today for San FrancisStrictly Pesach meals will time. WE ARE GOING TO MOVE The EeE' System Gp®ra&ss is. about g,000 t«sros co to spend some^ time with Mrs. schools,-Mr. J. H. Beveridge, -and the be served here. assistant superintendent, Miss Belle while in&epefldezt comp&asies operate is. the ^ther r and Mrs." A. M. AND ITS SOME JOB The marriage of Miss Ida Snovsky Ryan, as well as the principals of the places. . "**/ . . •• i and Mr. Max Haligman, both of Sioux Lesser. ~ On May first, we will schools T&- which the. work is being . m City, Iowa, took place at the hoine of move to our n§.w place But B©B sad InSepeinlcajt - jqia tegeiher to 'n Mr. an<rMrs. N . S. Yaffe; 2405 Parker Rabbi Taxon will occupy the pulpit done, co-operate with the teachers of 316 South. Fifteenth St. on 24th and Burdette furnish* aatioa<-m&© tekphone gervioe. street^ Sunday, April 10, Rabbi Taxon of Temple Israel, Friday evening, the Social Service Section and apStreets and in order to officiating. Following the ceremony April 15, when he will deliver a ser- preciate the work done. Ill/ save moving expenses, of this nature has m certain a dinner was Served a t the home of mon on "Emancipation and Judaism.'* we will dispose of our Mr. and Mrs. I. Hurwitz. Fifty Mr. William L. Holzman, president of of the eastern cities been taken over -complete stock of new NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. guests attended. -. The out-of-town Temple Israel, will conduct the ser- by the boards of education a s part of and used lumbfer at very -'"" the public school work and it is my guests wtere Mrs. E. Snovsky, Mrs. vices. •"'••• " low prices. . We also hope that the work here mighthecome EL S." Snovsky; Mr. and Mrs. A. Frieda • deliver kindling. man, Mr/SamiHaligman and Mr. Sam Miss Xee Leibo of S&' Paul, Minne- the nucleus of the Junior^ High school, jj-j Snovsky, all of Sioux City. Mr. and sota, who has been visiting Miss Faye a most excellent institution^ which J=H Mrs. Haligman will maketheir fesne Gerelick of this city, returned to her would be ajaig step in the "Onward jIM Omaha" movement. • jjjj in Sioux City. home Saturday. Following are the present school \ -= 1&28 North 21st Street. On Saturday afternoon, April 16, directors of this --'work: Kellom The marriage of- Miss Etta Faier, Webster, 0459. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Faier, at 4:30 o'clock),Rabbi Morris Taxon school, Mrs. S. H. Schaefer; Long to Mr. Isidore Eosenblatt took place will deliver his annual "Shabbos Ha- School, Mrs. William'Holzman; Cass Sunday evening at the home.of the godal'" address at the Beth Hamed- SchQol, Mrs. M." S. Miller; Lincoln bride's parents. Eabbi Morris Taxon rash Hagodol Synagogue, W'and Burt School, Mrs. Henry-McDonald; South Central, Mrs. F. H. Cole; and Lake officiated. The bride-wore a gown of streets. School, 2£rs. Nathan ManteL moon-glo satin trimmed witlx lace, Mrs. Or Rips and small son, Mar- We will be glad to have the names and the lace veil wts held with orange blossoms, which also formed part of shall, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, are visit- of' such women as are willing to aid the bridal bouquet. The bride' was ing Mrs^ Rips' mother, Mrs. Mary as dutxng the coming year,jespecially as it is desirable that new schools be attended by her sisters. Misses Ma Sv^artL '.' and buy them at , WEEK STARTING opened. Particularly would.we like thilda and Sara Faierp-gowned. in ENGAGEMENT SfAETS the names**%S^ about' ten to tweive orchid chiffon. A wedding supper for At a recent meeting of the Young; APRIL I7TH, x one hundred and fifty guests followed Maccabees it was decided to adopt a ladies for the teaching of millinery, SUNDAY, '-APRIL 17TH. the ceremony. After a short honey war orphan and plans-are now under and'for whom, ifrneceessary, a teach"Go^verneur Morn* THOS. H. INGE'S 319 South 16th Street moon, Mr. and Mrs.. Rosenblatt, will way to Taise the necessary money. ers', class will,be organized. Kindly FIRST /ORIGINAL STORT —MONDAY be at home at the Marianna apart- All boys between the ages of 13 and send such nanes to Mrs. M. Langfeld, Phone Doaglas 3400 . GREATEST PICTtRE —TUESDAY— -FOR-THE SCKEEN ments. ' ' ' '-„ • -_-<..17 years are cordially invited to be- J North Thirty-eighth street, Phone come members of this lively organiza- Harney-7403. ; OBIAHA'S LATEST Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eothchild of tion. • The next -regular meeting will SENSATION ., x New' York spent several days with be held Sunday, April 2,5, in the Ly- Concessions - Granted in Palestine* London. <J. T.' A ^ Replying tea '••'••" ••• Mr. and Mrs. J. Spiesberger on their ric Building. Harry H . . I*p!4n*. Pr*».T Jos. Pepper, Vlce-PreBldeau Staring Dorothy Phillips question1 in the House, of Commons way to their home, after spending W. G. Cre. Secretary. yesterday, Colonel A^mery declared Miss AmvFanger,is visiting friends and Janies Kirkwood. some time in Honolulu. , Omaha Fixture & a t Lincoln, where many -affairs have that in view of the indefinite delay in the ratification of^the Tarkish treaty, ' Mr. H. Freeman announces the mar- been, planned for her. Supply Co. the government has decided to grasfc riage of his daughter, Eva, to Mr. COMPLETE STOKE AND Samuel H. Davis of this city. The mar- Mrs. Dave Redman, who will be re* concessions for constitutional enter-1 OFFICE OUTFITTEES ___ membered as Miss Anna. Segehnan, prises in Palestine, "provided the terms riage took place last Sunday. We occupy and small son, Alvin, are spending of the mandate are strictly observed. 07er 70,000 «csaar» feet « . Southwest Corner Misses Flora Bienstock, Bertha Leon several weeks here with Mrs. Red- Amery added t h a t a o nationality will Eleventh sbd Donclai Streets. be given any preference and for the Phone: Douglas 2724 and Diana Gross entertained at a lun- man's parents., O1IAHA. STES. 'time being no concessions will be cheon at the Omaha Athletic Club f o ^ Subscribe toe "The Jewish Press." . granted in respect to minerals or Miss Zda BU?a last Saturday, CLUB NEWS
An Afifumnceipit
Telephone Monopoly is a
"Say It With Flowers" ;
4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 14,. 1921. •-..:,•.••
V -
Deis Moines News
Lincoln News
". . Young Judaea Senior Club Would Exclude Eastern Jews from Jews Blamed for Allied Attitude at Jewish Leader Sees Slight Hop« for FOOD CENTER ALSO HAS j Betterment of Conditions in t*oln»d. Danzig. London Conference. / BUTTER^EGG DEPARTMENT The first meeting of the Young :
Danzig. (J. T. Agency..)^ A leading Berlin, ' (J. T. Agency).—At a | Warsaw.' (J. T. Agency.) The noted In the page advertisement of the Judaea Senior Club was held Sunday, April 10, at the home of Blanche representative of the German Na- meeting of the. German Defense Asso- Jewish leader M. Prilutzki, discussing Seat by our Des Moines News Food. Center in the last issue of The Alfman. Beginning with May 1, it tionalist party interpellated in the ciation, in. Breslsu,.a number of anti- the Polish-Jewish -negotiations at pres: •• . ; , ' . bureau.' • Jr-nsh Press, thrcrgh an error, the butter and egg department was not. was decided to hold a business meet- Senate regarding the large number Semitic^ speakers asserted t&at the ent 'n progress, declared that personThe' Ivre Cltrb gave a dance in the included in the several departments ing once a.month. Also, it was decided of Eastern Jews in the city of X>an- «j|ews were responsible for the un- a l l y he saw but 'he slightest prospect The Junior Hadassah, at their meet- Garden room pf the Lincoln hotel listed. Mr. Thompson, head of this to have a volley ball team and a ten- zig and the intention of the admin- vorable attitude of the Allies at for any bettei-.rnt in the conditions ing held April 5, made plans for a Wednesday; evening. .. Twenty-six department, is a veteran of this busi- nis tournament.' In celebration of the istration in disposing of them. Sen- e London Conference, according to of the Jews in Poland ac long as the benefit card party which will be given couples were present.*" Th'e out-ofgeneral impression prevailed among ness. This department will carry at Passover, a nut party will be held Sat- ator Schemar, in reply stated that the a Breslau dispatch. Tuesday, .May 10. The committee in town guests, were Phil. Goldenberg of Poles that it is in Poland's interests, all times fresh eggs, cream' "y butter, urday afternoon, April 23, at the home attitude of the government towards charge are Helen Chapman, Inez Omaha, and Leo Blank of Sioux City. of Estelle Lapidus. The committee i •." these Jews would be determined by American Aviation Field to be Camp that the Jews should leave the and various kinds of cheese. Rubinsoiy Irene Fisher, Gertrude country. Paul and Irvin Steinberg are owners charge is: Estelle' Lapidus,' Tina Alt- the future government regulation of for Emigrants. Adelman, Marcia Sherman and Helen all aliens. . A regular meeting of the' Hebrew of the delicatessen department of The schuler and Betty Sidman. • London. (J. T. Agency.) It became Silyerman. The proceeds will be used Educational'Society was held Sunday The installation, and open program known today that the managements To Amend Palestine Penal Code. for ' the benefit of the Palestinian evening. The following officers were Food O~ '-nv Both have had "several' held Thursday,' April 1?> at Hahscom JEWISHv MERCHANTS years of experience in th^s line. The of the Cunard, White Star and Can- London, (J. T. Agency...) The PalesNurses' Training School, . elected: President, Carl Greenstone; delicatessen department has a full.line Park pavilion was a success. After AID POLAND IN adian Pacific lines have decided to tine Administration has appointed a the installation the following program vice-president, Fannie Epstein; secre- of kosher-style meats. SILESIAN CAMPAIGN purchase the American Aviation Park special committee to make necessary was given: Piano selections, Blanche Jliss Irene Fisher presided over a tary, Minnie Krechefsky; treasurer, Warsaw, (J. s T. Agency).—Figures at Eastleigh rear Southampton for the amendments^and apply -the Egyptian Altaian; - jazz and dancing, Ann Leaf, made public show prettily appointed luncheon Saturday ertrude Fogelson; sergeant-at-arms, that while Polish pen^I code to Palestine, the Turkish Anne Rosenblatt; vio\in selections, organizations have collected six mil- purpose of converting it into a camp j code h. ving been f otmd inadequate, in the Harris-Emery Tearoom in honor Bill Wolff; and council, Elizabeth CABLE NEWS Fannie Fish, accompanied by Sarah lion marks for Poland's campaign which will provide -accommodation for accord' % to a Jerusalem dispatch. of Miss Julia- Berlovich; whose mar- Polsky, Nina Shostak, Minnie GreenDancing concluded the fund for Upper-Silesia, the Jewish passing emigrants. riage to Mr. Sam Weisenberg of stone and Abe Polich. After, the UNITY AMONG RELIEF IS Richlin. program. Cleveland, Ohio, took-place Tuesday, business the evening, was spent in Merchants Association of this city NEEDED April 12. The ten.guests included in dancing. V has to date gathered thirteen milLondon. (J.iT. Agency.) Unity of the courtesy were Mesdames Abe X. T. C. CLUB lion marks. The Mitzwah Club held its regular ^ effort among air Jewish organGalinsky of Sioux City, la:, Arthur •—x-_ at :. ^ . -L. T,...-,. -r,°.-^. Gottstein .of Salt Lake, the Misses meeting A special meeting of the X. T. C. the home of* Ruth PoUfe 'izations is the most urgent need of Mary and Sarah Chapman, Sara Sunday afternoon, April 10. Club was held Tuesday evening, April Polish Students May Have American kin, the director of the Joint Distri- 12, to.complete plans for an installa- Aid If They Will Not Discriminate Frank, Lillian Fisher/Julia Berlovich Against, Jews. and the hostess. . . • Jewish, Ladies' Aid 'Society of the bution Committee's activities in Con- tion and party to be held Tuesday, stantinople. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) ReplyApril 19, at the club rooms. The honor Temple B'nai Jeshurum gave a beneWE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Dr. Tiomkin is visiting this city in ing to an appeal for assistance by guests will be the girls of the Ydetes Mrs. William Berlovich entertained fit program and dance lasi Thursdayan effort to enlist greater aid for JewClub. A unique surprise bas been ar- Polish students, the chief representa- Kosher-style Meats such as Pastrana, Corned Beef, Weinies, at a betrothal reception Sunday after- day evening, April 7, at Ihe Knights noon between, the hours of three and of Columbus halL. The proceeds of ish refugees and emigrants passing ranged and all Ydetes girls are urged tive of the American Child Relief Frankf urts, Knock, Wurst, Thick Bologne and the . Committee informed^ the students* five o'clock, complimentary to her this affair is the beginning of a Sun- through Constantinople^ That city, to be present. Finest Salami at Reasonable Prices. representatives that they may obtain daughter, Julia, and her fiance, Mr. day school fund to be • sent to the he declared, is continually growing as a center for passing emigrants, parhelp only on condition t£at -no disSEtmuel Weisenberg- of Cleveland, O. children of Europe. tucularly those coming from Russia Will Take Two Hundred Jewish crimination be shown -against Jewish Among the guests "were Mrs;, A. The program consisted of a little and Roumania and seeking- their way A COMPLETE LINE OF SMOKED FISH Orphans for Training In students. The Polish studen1 aceptWeisenberg and Miss Sid Weisenberg three act play, "The Toy Shop," and a VND SPECIAL FISH. Palestine. to America and Palestine. ed the condition. of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hor- few other sketches, songs and dances. Warsaw, (J. T. Agency).—The mic and Mr' and Mrs. A. Levey of Those who took part in the play are: Between the months of August and Herahel Perlman December, the J. D. C. office at Con- well-known Jewish worker of Pales- German Minister Sees Great ProsOmaha, who "will remain in the city Tackliammer Our salads are the talk of the town, especially prepared by Jact-in-tte-Box Louis Pdpperberg stantinople handled -12,000 emigrants tine, Israel Belkind, arrived here until after the wedding. pects for Trade With Palestine. \ Edward liljigren, formerly with Hillman Gerrechcn .. : Evelyn Diamonr and refugees, including 3,500 Chal- with the intention of making a Delicatessen in Chicago. Berlin. (J. T. Agency.) Writing Captain Fritz .: _ ._. Millard Spelr lutzkim. The J. D. C. has founded Zionist propaganda tour. On his Mr. and Mrs. G. Miller of 842 Penn The Quaker Maidens: aiarian Dukenin today's issue of the "Berliner s there two emigrant homes, a dis- return he proposes to' take with him heijn, Eugeoa Levy. avenue announce the marriage of their Tageblatt" on Germany's prospects A Visit to Our Department Will Not Be Eegreted. daughter, Ella, to Mr. Samuel A. The Japanese Maidens: Dorothy Duken- pensary and a kitchen. Dr. Tiomkin, two hundred Jewish orphans for for future export, ex-Minister Gothelm, Bernice Leberman, Masiin however, declares that "the present training in his agricultural institute. • ... - .."' ." " . Open Saturdays. '( Gbldstick, which took place Decem- , Frosh. + hein declares that Palestine will soon facilities are totally inadequate," parber 28 in Chicago. > The French Doll ..... Dorothy Levine afford a good field for export and on© Mr. and Mrs. Goldstlck are resid- The Girt of the Alice Blue Go-svn, Kose ticularly so in 'viev? of the expected CHURCHILL IN EGYPT of which Germany should not be slow Steinberg Milwaukee Delicatessen open all day Sunday. large emigration' during the coming Zae^er. ing at 8^2 Penn avenue. The marriLondon, (J. T. Agency).—The arin taking advantage. The Fairy —'.— Janette Cohn J spring from the Ukraine. Dr. Tiomkin age has not been announced because The Sleepy Head _. rival of Winston Spencer Churchill, Jimmy Baar of the serious illness of Mrs. Gold- The Little Fairies: Barbara Singer, says that it 'is" essential to create the new Colonial Secretary in Alexsanitary £nd hygienic institutions in stick's brother, L E. Miller. Camille Shire. ' _ andria, Egypt, is reported in a disMiss Fannie Hill read the prologue. order to properly aid the travelers on patch from that city. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rubenstein and All parts were taken by members of their way. > Dr. Tiomkin has already family, who leave Jiext week for the Sunday > school class. Miss Rose been to Paris where he has obtained Jews Asked to Apply for Palestine It Pays, to Get Onr Figures Ogden, Utah, where they will make Zaeger, who, also gave a solo dance, promises of help. From here he makes Citizership, his way to Berlin and Bucharest Laid Over 6,000 Roofs inOmaha did very well indeed. She wore a their home,; were, surprised Sunday Our Roofs Are Our Proofs London. (J. T. Agency.) Immigrants evening by a group of their-friends, beautiful custom and acted remarkOur Specialty Gorky Asks Help: for Russian arriving in Palestine--are appealed to . • ,. wlio entertained at a farewell ably well. Ready Roofing over old shingles Scientists. by th* Zio. -f Commission to lose no All Work Guaranteed—Easy party at the nome of Mr. and Mrs.' The Junior Congregation gave sevI Terms • time and apply for first citirership B. Ginsberg, 1409 Wilson avenne. A eral songs and enlivened the whole London.. ( j . T. Agency.) Maxim certificates, say Jerusalem advices Harney 2574 silver tea set was presented the hon- evening with their jokes. Gorky, the noted Russian writer, has received here. Office and Warehouse: ored" guests. . Dancing followed the progrym. issued an appeal to Europe to help 3122 Laavenworth relieve the sufferings of scientists and : ) Large Number of Czecho-Sloyakian S A. regular meeting of the Menorah writers in Russia, according to a re- Jews Indicated No Religion in Last Society of the University of Nebras- port made public in the "Daily TeleCeinsus. j MY FRIENDS ka was held Sunday evening, April graph" of-this morning. A. large number o£ Jews failed to 10, in Faculty hall. The program your job of > A pretty home •wedding was solemn- consisted of two papers, on'e on "Isaac The British Parliament Cannot give any religion during the last PRINTING census in Czecho-Slovakia, according Interfere with Mandates. ized Sunday noon at the home of Mr. Abarbenell," by Reuben Leavith, and will be piysat to advices received here from Prague. and Mrs. H. Margolin of Hawarden the other on "Maimonides," by HerLondon. (J. T. A.) Replying to a Personal : Attention Iowa, when their daughter, Ann Helen man Frumkin.- • question.' by Lord Robert /Cecil, Pre- It is explained that in so doing they lent the Czecho-Slovakian government was .married to Mr. A; N. Beyson of A successful entertainment was mier Lloyd George in the House of its support agaiiut the Roman CathYAFFE Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Beyson will given by the children of Temple B'nai Commons yesterday stated that the •, Printer. • olic party. make" their home in, Hawarden. Jeshurun Sunday School Thursday, government has no intention of apApril 7, at K. C. hall Under the direc- pointing any committee to examine r^ Abe Brodkey and Mr. William tion of Mrs. Eugene Levy, assisted the mandates awarded to Great BritHOUSE FOR SALE Goodsite, who attend sphool at Ann by Mrs. Albert Speier and Mrs. R. V. ain. The premier declared that, while BUY .SAFE BARGAIN Arbor, Michigan, are home" for the Pepperberg. Over §50 was cleared Parliament may indicate its wishes Due to the purchase of a WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY spring vacation, visiting their parents which will go for the adoption of a on general lines, it cannot decide upnew site for pur business, we on particular points in the mandates FROM US, YOU "BUY SAFE" [Jewish war orphon. o.ffer our seven room modernsince these were determined in accordThe: "Jolly. 14" met Wednesday at Our guarantee and our word is house, with garage, barn and ance -with the Versailles treaty. the home of Mrs. M. Shulkih. as good as a bond. shed, which can hold three On Tuesday Rabbi Singer will read We have satisfied hundreds qf cars SOT sale, reasonably a paper on "Music Accreditment in your friends. The Sisterhood of Mt. Sinai met last priced. Polish Provinces are §hort of Matzos. Friday in the Templej when definite High Schools" before the Nebraska Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) RepresMICKLIN LUMBER & plans were, made for an addition to Sijate, Music Teachers convention entatives of the Joint Distribution which' meets in Fremont. Rabbi WRECKING CO. .the Temple for the use of ihe Sunday* Singer is assistant professor of music, Committee today declared that Jews 1828 North 21st Street . 1514 Dodge Street. j echool. ' Construction will be started in t h e rov theory and history at the University P ™ces of Poland will have Webster 0459. soda.: . • , Phone: Douglas 5619 — a far smaller quantity of fl ur requirof-Nebraska. er for matzos than they actually Plans are being made to hold a mass require. Argentine Consulate at Warsaw. meeting on Sunday evening, April 24, Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Arat the Hebrew-Institute, at which time all the local Zionist Organizations will- gentine government has established Omaha's , meet for the purpose of raising funds a consulate in this city. There are Newest and Finest Equiped to buy- tools. and machinery for the now a considerable number of emiBath-House. grants giving Argentine preference, Jewish workers in Palestine. Baths,,Massage Hot Packs, Electric Treatment, Inhalatorium. and these will be greatly faciliated, "• ;On Tuesday evening, Mr. Solomon, ^s.previously they were fbreed to go of !"Ashbury Park, New Jersey, who is to Berlin for a vise. visiting his daughter Mrs. Lloyd. ShulCONCANNON BROS., Props. DR. BOGEN IN WARSAW. • Ian, entertained for his daughter, llol1401 Farnam St^ Basement .' lie, whose "marriage to Mr.; Maurice Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Dr. Boris , Entrance. », • . m, *T. L O U M Pill took place last week. D. Bogen, head worker of the Joint Telephone: Tyler 5731 Distribution Committee, is back i n ! OMAHA, NEB. On -Thursday evening, April 28, this city. ' OVER S3 YEARS OF SUCCESS Ks' Rabbi Goldenstein will deliver a lecture before the Hadassah,club on the "" ••»•••"••••••".••"••.•..«••••••........;;; .BUjdLDING GOOD VEHICLES ASsubject, "The Historical Significance SURES IN THE GARDNER CAR of Pesach." Slides will be used to il- Hi A DEPENDABLE PRODUCT FREE and arrangements will be mad® to take N POUNDED J0S7 lustrate the religous week of Passover. HANDS ACROSS Celia D. Ross,.Box -13Hw.Sta; A, •\ B. 3652.
Northwest Ready Roofing Co.
Sioox City lews
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Paxton Hotel Turkish Baths
Mesopotamian Jewish Minister of Finance vMeets Churchill. London. (J. T* Agencj'.) M. Sassoon, the Minieier of Finance of the Mesopotamian government is reported^ in a dispatch froirx Cairo to have arrived in that city in ordei1 to. confer with Winston ChurchhilL the British Colonial, Minister. Jewish Conndllprs of Lodz Municipall y WtH Betpra to Their Seats. Warsawv* ( J . T ; , Agency.) - AccordIng t^ a- report^ from Lodz, the mayor of that municipality: has negotiated with p i t Eosenblatfc to prevail upon the Jewish members of "the Council jto rcsnme i b d r seats which they had recently vacated owing to a dispute ytiib the other members of the Coun«iL Ap uoderswnding y a s finally
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