1 Make your chart jjj
1 ]!| ljj jjj .jjj l|
before you start. «! Know what you HI 111 are after before |i! M you s t a r t out l|| for it.^-Herbert/1 "' • 111Kaufman.
W..h a t soever y e |f wonld that men jll should do onto jp you, even s© do if u n t o them. — j |
T__Wn 10
Entered as second-class m^ll' Jnattar on January 27th, 1821, at postpfflce at Omahn, Nebrask*, under tlie Act ot March 8, 1878.
Thousands Eear Zion Leaders Explain flan of Palestine Restoration
Suffering inVienna
Intense -Says Jrastdess
Joe Maizlich, 2523 North Eighteenth York. Their representatives there inThe feast of Passover, commemoratstreet, two weeks ago excitedly/ush- vestigated the case* and wired ,for "The suffering of both Jevs End ing the exodus of the Israelites from Louis E. Schaefer, ed into the office of the JewislT Wel- affidavits of support. Affidavits were Christians in-Austria, and especially is the youngest member of the Young fare Federation. He was almost in sent by mail ?r.d then a telegram was in Vienna, is intense," said George Egypt, will be celebrated in the temple, and synagogues throughout 1 Men's Jewish Welfare Organization. tears. ' .• . . , sent notifying that t - affidavits were Brandeis of the Brandeis stores, who the city, beginning Friday evening, Council Bluffs Members Also Professors Weizmann and Ein- The oldest member is Morris Levey. "My father, wife and children ar- in the mails. recently returned to Omaha from a April 22. Aid, in Installation Ceremostein Address Huge Gather- He is 78 years "young," rived on the "Olympic" from Europe Even b|£ore the affidavits reached tour of EuropeAt Temple Israel services will be nies; Chapter Has 100 i Louis- was enrolled as a charter and 'are being detained on Elite Is- New .Yorif the immigrants were being of Jews in New "Milk, bread, eggs and meat, and held Friday evening at eight 6'clock Charter Membership, member of the; organization when he York City. land," he said. "I am told they won't ing examj|fed before their departure nearly every other'Variety of food is when Rabbi Cohn will deliver E serwas two weeks old. by his father be able to get here for the Passover for the w%£;- . being sold at a premium. The Jew- mon on "Liberty Up-to-date.' There : SjweSnl to "THE .JEWISH New York, (J.*C. B. Service.) Never Samuel Schaefer, „ superintendent of holidays. I sure would like to get ish people of Vienna and the rest will be special music from the PasJoe * MajpScb., thanks to^the Jewish Sioux Citjr, la., April 20.—A chapin.all history of the Jews of Greater the Jewish Welfare federation. them here for the holidays." Welfare fpleration and the Council of Austria appreciate the help that sover Cantata by Ashford and a ser- ter of the B'nai Brrth was instituted "Glub, goo', goo glub," Louis said New York did they turn out in such Superintendent Schaefer telegraphAmerican Jews have given them, but vice will be held also on Saturday in Sioux City last Tuesday with a a mass as last night for the European in an interview today. . (This' means ed the Immigrant Aid Bureau of the of JewislJ§ Women, will have Seder they need still more help. Relief morning at ten o'clock. charter membership roll of more than •Zionist leaders Einstein and- Weiz- "I am glad.to, be-a niember of this Council of Jewish Women- in New with his 'whole family here. work by no means should be dis- Rabbi Taxon, at the synagogue on 100. -' ' ' •• . ' manh. "While ten thousand persons fine organization.!') ,,".' continued to people^ of any class or Eighteenth and Chicago streets, on Arthur Frieden, Louis Katelmsn, Mr. Levey, who is president of the filled the armory in which the public creed. ' , • . .Saturday morning, at 10:30 o'clock, Jay Chemiak and Isadore Aginske meeting was held and in the course Jewish Welfare Federation,, and still "The children of Austria are under- will use as his theme., "Spiritual Slav- of Council Bluffs, Henry Monsky, of the- evening were aroused to .the" very active in- social and charitable nourished and, look the part. We ery," and will discuss it in Jewish. On first vice-president of the district, greatest pitch of enthusiasm, police work, enrolled in- the boys organsaw many sad sights." Sunday morning at the Nineteenth;-A. B. SeelenfreUnd, grand lodge ; (' • •' t • officials and newspapermen estimated ization at their first meetffig, Mr. Brandeis said that conditions and Burt Streets Synagogue, he will ;.secretary, and Rabbi Eugene that a far greater number were turn"The boys' organization is one ofLeaders of Reform Want Wine Says Weizmann Abruptly Terminated in Germany are very good. He said speak in English on "The Modem . Mannheimer, grand lodge president. ; - ed away. : • the finest in. the" city/' said Mr. Levey. Negotiations in Regard to. the ' Privileges Eliminated, j attended the installation meeting and the Germans- are living as good as Significance of Passover.' :' I Keren Hayesod. The meeting was addressed by Prof- "It is the training school for them the French. At Temple Israel on Sunday morn- took part in the initiation of the canEinstein, Dr. Murray Butler, Dr. where they will be educated in the Washington. (J. T. Agency.) All of Mr. Brandeis is state treasurer of ing at ten o'clock, Dr. Cohn will con- flidates and the election of the first Spwlal to "THE JEWISH PRESS/ Schmarja Levine, Reuben Brainin, science of happy-living and hapjjiy- the delegates attending . the thirtythe Jewish war sufferers fund. duct a Sedar for the children of the officers. New York, N. Y.—April 18.— Rev. Masliansky, Morris Rothenberg, giving. They will be trained to be second annual convention of the CenThe new chapter is Lodge No, 598 Sunday school and their friends. Meyer. Brown and the head of the leaders in the community and will tral Conference-of American Rabbis Negotiations-between the American of District No. 6. Following the Zionist World Organization, Professor some day take up the work of the were formally received by President Zionist Organization and Dr. Weizmeeting, which was held in the Jewish present leaders." Weizmann. and Mrs. Harding at the White House. mann,/president of the World Zionist, Educational Alliance building, a lunDr. Weizmann, who appeared to be The delegation, accompanied by a Organization, have been broken off, New York, (J. C B.. Service).— cheon was served. The grand lodge greatly moved by the reception, ac- ago, the Zionist movement was built, number of ladies, consisted of nearly according to a statement issued; by officers! then addressed the newly corded him, initiated the American precisely that part whichlyou all here two hundred persons, and after an ex- Judge'. Julian W. Mack, president of The general press yesterday carried initiated members. campaign for the Keren Hayesod in must know very well because you change of greetings, a group photo- the Zionist Organization of America. the following dispatch from Rome: Secretary Seelenfreund in his adThe B'nai AmiClub is no more the course of the evening, intimating came mainly from those places, that graph was taken together with the Weizmann is in this country to A marble bust in "honor of the late dress emphasized one point: "The At a special meeting at the Ketel that the American Zionist Organiza- part is now destroyed. On that ac- President and Mrs. Harding., confer with •. American Zionists in David Lubin of California, founder of Fonteneile, Wednesday night, April Jevrish people has respect and show the International. Institute of Agrition which, by an official majority of count now, all the hopes of the Jewish President Harding in greeting, the reference to raising of funds for culture, was unveiled here yesterday 20, the club decided to disband, and j courtesies toward leaders of the the Executive, declared itself against people, and all the hopes.for the up- rabbis declared that he was.very glad upbuilding:^ of Palestine. by common consent the funds .now in j Gentile faith but not toward their the work of Xeren Hayesod, was not building of Palestine, !. those great to meet them, for although not of "I regret-deeply to be compelled in the presence of King. Victor Em- the treasury were'placed in the hands j own." only disregarding the resolves of the hopes are now concentrated on you— their faith, he appreciated the-value to make this ^statement," said Judge manuel. The American • Ambassador, In I bringing out this point lie told of a board of trustees. * last London Zionist Conference but is the Jews who live in America. of their work in raising the. moral Mack. "I>r.-Weinnanh abruptly ter- Robert Underwood Johnson,^ members The club was organized in December this story: "On a train in France a ' deliberately* weakening and endangermmate4 negotiations which .1 have of the Italian. Cabinet, Senators, 1913 by a few men and grew until its private was sitting slouched down in / standards of the community. .• Deputies and ;members" of the Amering the immediate work, to be;. dbnei - Americans,Have Responsibility. In the course of its deliberations, had with him, and., his associates for ican colony witnessed the unveiliag. membership numbered forty in 1916, his seat when two officers came in the f in the rebuilding of Zion. * .../ W e come to you, my brothers and the past two week% in the hope of Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of Detroit apat which, time three rooms in the Lyric train and sat next to him. He im- { Judge Gustav Hartman, chairman, .comrades, to demand and request that pealed to the convention to petition reaching- common ground on the basis The. -"New. York. Herald" today building were leased and furnished. mediately sat erect. One of the of- f who declared that he was speaking in you, take, upon yourselves agrgsat part the Congress to repeal that section 1 of the unanimous resolution of thepublished the following editorial: fleers then told- him that they- were> "Thirty years- or so ago Da-rid The B'nai Ami club had the. distinction Jews.. The private, who was a Jewthe name of 800 Jewish organizations of this responsibility-and debt-which of the National Prohibition law which Buffalo cottfptition for the establishof being the only young men's club in America, welcomed the guests. He we^owe to the Jewish people in Pales- grants rabbis the right to purchase ment in fee United States of the Lubin was a small shopkeeper in of its kind in this general community, also, then slouched back in his seat. tine. We beg that you give in the oldsaid: .. • •.;•;-. . . :..;•••. - v . ; ; - . v ; . . and distribute fermented wine for Kef en Hayesod a s a donation fund Sacramento, .California. The country and established a chapter In Sioux "To the Gentile officer he was ready "We recognize .that it was primarjly fashioned Jewish measure of "the religious, purposes. The president, in only, to be used exclusively in Pales- thereabouts' produced great quanti- City and DesJMomes in 1917. During to follow the military regulations and you, pr, Weizaxann, '-that '-'-.brought' tithe"ior "Maaser." That is the first his annual message, also favored such tine and under adequate safeguard as ties of fruit and vegetables, but there the VFST thirty-six of its forty mem- show Ms respect, To the Jewish of- \ about the historic^Balfour declaration J^JEliLfS^Ssa* is.the.fundajaeotel a-step. ^'Considerable attention.:-was TKO«ld,.sec«!-£ its proper •expenditure. .were not' then, ««s., there sre jnpw, co- bers eerv«i--iffi.-»as-iea> -«nc£tep w whW ^ner'the~Seirr- of^worid' principle of this fund which we" wish given by the convention to Ford's- When Dr.. Weizmann finally and ex-operative Califorriia . organizations to, of the government service. courtesies and respect, lua failed to Jewry and assured to the wandering to build and,which we -will call the anti-Semitic campaign and a recom- pressly assented that Keren Hayesod market the rich ' land's products. do so." "Keren Hayessod." I have not been in children of Israel the return of their should be exclusively a donation fund Lubin eaw th<&_need of accurate inmendation was made that the organFollowing are the first offio.pVh electlong lost home. By^ that deed' you town these last two elkys. I was busy izations of .other denominations'be re- 1 felt assured that efforts for peace formation, concerning markets and ed by the Sioux City B'nai Lrith lodge: have won a place in our hearts that in other cities,-but.! have heard that quested to combat the movement to- and united, action had been successful. crop conditions to help gardeners and President, Barney Barron; vire-presishall eternally be with us-and as long resolutions were published .as to how wards world-wide anti-Semitism. orchardists and fanners. He conceived dent, Maurice Pill; secretary, Sam Drafts Are Rejectedas the Jewish people shall endure arid that "Keren Hayessod" is to be made. a plan for a great information bureau. Greenstone; trustees, A. S. Galin&kj,, Suggestions' made in course of our history shall record the achievements I have read the resolutions only a few "This should be State-wide. The R. H. Emlein and David Davideoii; New York, (J. C. B. Service).—, . ^ conference^ were drafted during the idea grew;,nationwide; He was called of men. your service to. Israel shall moments before the meeting and- I START BIG DRIVE m n r M a sE e make this positive statement—I'can' f°* J be remembered and cherished and be' FOR JUNIOR MEMBERS night by representatives appointed by an unpractical dreamer when he In the course-of a ctatribution to| !Ed^ Barron and A. L, an inspiration to" generations still do no different than stand by these A campaign for new members" to Dr. Weizmann, and , myself. Drafts declared at last 'Knowledge of market the "Brooklyn Daily Eagle" the Eev- elected delegates to the B'nai BritS resolutions which were made, at the be enrolled in the Young Men's Jew- was submitted to each of us. While erend Amos J. Dushaw, of the Amerunborn. ' ' " Zionist Congress. And I hope that all ish Welfare organization has' been the drafts was under consideration and crop conditions should be world- ican School of Oriental Research, district convention to be held in Des Moines late in Mav. Gets tremendous Ovation of the Zionists of America, whether outlined by the executive committee Dr. Weizmann advised me that he wide in sources, world-wide in dis-Jerusalem, Palestine, says: Dr. Weizmann, who was given a they belong to this party* or belong of. the organization, "which held its absolutely rejected them and without tribution.' He started out to battle "I have been here since September, tremendous ovation, spoke in Yiddish. to another party will unite on theregular meeting Tuesday evening. further statement or conference for this idea with, the spirit of a 1920, and I have seen the new Jew Strike Interferes With Jewish Dr. Weizmann said: , • basis of the "Keren, Hayessod." And The club will be divided up into three issued a proclamation establishing crusader and little else to aid him. as a colonizer,- farmer, road builder, Relief Work in Poland. "Lubin died recently in Rome, head "In the name of my comrades and so that from it may grow the greatest teams which will canvass- the' city in independent of the Zionist Organizageneral organizer, and I sm satisfied, j Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Diffeleaces idea grew, nation-wide. He, was called in my own name I thank you most fund for the upbuilding of Palestine, an attempt to obtain as many boys tion of America a Keren Hayesod from what I have seen that he is] ^ydch have arisen between, the local he had breamed of. Every civilized heartily for this very- warm reception the Jewish homeland, and- ITiope, between the ages* of 14 and 21,-to en- bureau in the United States. making good End merits the hearty] administration of the Joint Bigtribu-; nation in the world- contributed to the moreover, - that there -J- will be roll in the organization. A silver lovwhich you have" given us. appreciation and loyal support of ali ion Committee and a number of its Officers of the Zionist Organization t information ' he gathered and dis"It is for us a great privilege to strengthened, not only theZioriist or- ing cup will be presented to the team friends of Palestine. of America are not parties to this employes regarding the latter's digtributed, and' supported his enterganization of America because thatis speak before such a great gathering,. obtaining most new members. *-. "This new Jew is not asking for charge, threaten to seriously interfere proclamation. They had been asked prise with funds' willingly given to only a part of the Jewish people and in a community which has become the Each team will be supervised by a alms, but for the opportunity to with Jewish relief work in the provingreatest community in Jewry, the a very important part,'but there will major and three captains. Following to sign it and they could not have the organizer ' and' director of the work. The old Jew and the oldces and may particularly affect the become parties thereto because it International Institute of Agriculture. greatest in quantity, if not the great- be strengthened -the whole Zionist are the majors and captains of the population. The moment the Zionist three teams: First team, Sam Beber, completetly fails either to limit the -•"On Thursday,: the King of. Italy, missionary are praying for a NewJewish community during the Pas«st according to years. Jerusalem, that it may come about sover holidays. The employes who fund as agreed to a donation fund "This movement which we represent Organization is weakened, the moment major; Ed. Solig, I. Goodman and or embody therein any safeguards members of "his Cabinet," the Amer- in some miraculous way; the newdeclared a strike also threaten to call tonight, the Zionist movement, fine' the whole Balfour declaration is en-Harry Robinson, captains; second with respect to expenditure conditions. ican Ambassador and many others Jew is trying to make that vision out the workers o£ the committee in. of official prominence assisted in the itself at this moment, exactly as thedangered. The San Eemo declaration team, Ed Levinson, major; Nathan ceremony of unveiling, a marble bust real by working hard for it. The the provinces and all efforts on the whole Jewish people found themselves is endangered. The possibility of up- Green, Ed Altschuler und Phineas of Lubin . in, Rcme,, a - tribute to old Jew and the old missionary never part of the administration to bring Wintroub; captains; third team, Fred MICHIGAN ASSEMBLY :m the most critical development of holding Palestine is in danger." TO STOP FORD'S ANTIcourage, patience, persistence; forces gave Palestine good harbors, clean about a settlement have so far failed* White, major; Jack Klapper, "Sam its existence after a long, heavy war, : Einstein Talks Also SEMITIC CAMPAIGN which compelled the world to give cities, with clean streets, decent .Green and,-Harry Ravitz, captains. in which' the whole world, especially According to a dispatch in the gen- heed to a plan without , financial, homes, better schools, modern hos- SAN EEMO DECLARATION TO BB the Jewish,world, was almost annihil- The great Zionist leader was followpitals, etc. The new Jew has decent CELEBRATED HERB, ated. There now appears an opportun- ed by Dr.»Nicholas. Murray Butler, the NOTED JOURNALIST DEAD. eral press from Lansing, Michigan, political or " social backing—because colonies, quite modern; good homes, The first anniversary of the Sam Representative Welsh of Grand the plan was right," . New York, (J. C. B. Service).— president of Columbia University, who ity for Jews to work in Palestine in schools, hospitals and baths. The Eemo conference declaration wiU b e ' Sheppard Friedman, a popular news- Rapids has introduced into the Mich" a much better and greater manner in the course of his remarks said: baths are a rare knarry in Palestine. held Tuesday evening, at the Betfa.*'# igan assembly a measure which "is Jewish Laborers Demand Larger than they have ever worked before. "I deem it a great privilege to share paper man of this, city and- well This new Jew is not very popular Hamedrash Hagodol Synagogue, especially designed to put an end to known in theatrical circles; died here in the welcome of the city of New Immigration Into „ Palestine. The land is open for the Jews. The with the native Christians "because Ninteenth and Buft streets. political relations there are'better and York to these distinguished men who last Friday. Mr. Friedman was born the defamation of the Jews by Henry London,-. (J.. T. Agency).—At z. he looks and acts like a European This day wil? be celebrated through- Ford's Dearborn Independent The unusual experi- in. Texas\ and originally- came here will improve in the future.' The op- are giving us a most conference of Jewish delegates rep- and stands erect and means, to make J portunity to start a great immigra- ence. They come to us from across in 1900, since when he had been measure provides for penalties up to resenting laborers of the whole of of this dirty, modern Palestine, so out the entire world by the Jews, not tion there and a great work becomes the sea, bearing not wealth, not. the engaged with numerous 'publications, $1,000 or one year in prison ' and Palestine, held at Jaffa, a demand much admired by those who would«nly for the Pi-s?over- holidays, but because of the first declaratioji for a. ; stronger from day to day and yet, the spoils or even the glory,of war, but his last position having been: with makes each publication of such matter was made for" a larger immigration divorce cleanliness from godliness, a Jewish Jiomelsnd, to be recognized by* j a seperate offense. Jewish "people stand at the doors oi bringing ideals for the betterment of the ,"Ne& York World". to become effective .immediately, ac- .place fit for human Bfeings. the world nations. 1 mankind, for the improvement of the Palestine, look at Palestine and this cording to %' dispatch received here "Those who desire to see the According to the committee in s great stream of people pause continu- Jewish people, and for the extension from that' city. / A -demand was sisq Palestine! of the average lecturer, charge cf arrangements, an excellent t ally, ceaselessly, and so we stand now of man's knowledge of nature." THE CZAR APPROVED OF POGROMS formulated that certificates now be- showing ruins, filth and stones, had program h&s been arranged. The en- ' at the parting of the ways. We stand Professor Albert Einstein, who made ing issued: by tha» Zionist Organ- better make- preparations to come tire Omsha Jewry is invited to attend / COUNT WITTE RELATES before the open gates of Palestine but the briefest speech of the evening and ization to immigrants entering Pales- here very soon.' The new Jew isthe meeting. we have not the means to bring the | addressed the audience in German, tine should be completely done away v great number of people, who, with j said: London. (J. T. Agency.) Continuing quested Durnovo, the then minister with. The..conference will present making all things new. Success to : • . Polish Peasants Would'' Drive "Your leader, Dr. Weizmann, has his memoirs in the "liaily Telegraph" of the interior to institute a thorough his -noble effort I" passionate desire, Would like to spoken, and he has'spoken very well Count Witte relates that while Lopu- investigation. This was done but the these demands. to . the Palestine goventer. . • • • Out Jews. . ; ernment . as .well as the Zionist adAETHUR BOSENBLUM EESIGNS Danzig, (J. T. Agency).—In »» "What is the reason, and what is the for us all. Follow him and you will kin was director of the police depart- official report greatly minimized the ministration. • -[.'• •ment under Plehfie, a special depart- actual facts. Subsequently, the story answer? The main reason is this: do well. That is all I have to say." AS DEPUTY COUNTY ATTORNEY effort to do away with the competiIn the course of the eveijing the ment was maintained in charge of Ko- reached the press and Prince Urusov Churchill Wants Anti-Zionist This great change in the world and in Arthur Eosenblum, deputy county tion of the Jews, the peasants of tihe , our movement found us unprepared, chairman read a letter from President missaroy which systematically issued questioned the first Duma on the Propaganda in Syria Stopped attorney under County Attorney A. V. Polish village .Gerul, are ^trying to pogrom proclamations and spread matter. and if Palestine is now ready to re- Harding. Paris. :(J.T. Ageacyiyit is learned Shotwell for thelpast two and a half drive out the few Jewish families them broadcast throughout the Rus- Count Witte reported the entire af- from highly reliable sources that in years, has resigned to devote his en- that are residents in the neighbor-, ceive the Jews, the Jews are] not ready to take Palestine. The other, New {Community Center to Cost sian empire. '^This particular section fair to Czar Nicholas, who however the course of a meeting between Win- tire time to his private law practice. hood of the village. v was orig^lly'in'charge of Treple and failed to comment. Apparently, says ston Churchill and General Gouraud, and probably the most important cirHe has opened a suite'of offices at $400,000. MILHUKOV PLEADS FOR * cumstance is this: That that part o*f New York. (J. G. B. Service.) The was later conducted by Bachkovski. the count, because he was quite fam- the French High Commissioner of 612 First National Bank building. the Jewish people upon which, until 'Temple Israel Congregation "of this Count Witte states that he demandRUSSIAN REFUGEES While county attorney Mr*-RosenSyria, the British. Colonial Secretary, Paris. (J. T. .Agency.) Professor . now, the Zionist organization depend- city announces that it has purchased ed Komissarov should cease this ac-; iliar With all the facts. When Witts expressed his '.earliest hope that the blum represented the state in several ed, and untfl the time of the war, this a site for the erection of a synagogue tivity and destroy the entire printing pressed the czar to take action the campaign which hasV recently been well known cases, among them the Paul Milhukov has. issued a world*'' * part of the Jewish-people is most and community center. It is estimated plant and threatened to take serious latter replied that in view of Komis- carried on in Syria against the Zionist prosecution of "Doc" H, S, Kent, who wide appeal in behalf of the annihilated. That part of the Jewish that the new institution will cost measures if his demand was not com- sarov's services in the Japanese war policy of the British in Palestine -was charged with placing the twin Russian refugees^ who are ' -• people uponjwhom, until a few years about ?4Q0/)Q.p.. plied with. At the same time he re- ha could not gunish iiinv babes in a well-' \ _ . throughout Europe. would be stopped, _ 1
President larding Meets Judge lack Breaks With Zion Leaders American Rabbi Delegates
--•/ .
• 1
r ,v \
Published every. ThnrsSay at fimaha,-Nebra8ka, by, .
BRITISH M. P . FEARS EMIR ABDULLAH * Superintendent Schaefer's RE-ESTABLISHMENT O P Report for Month _of March. FAVORS CO-OP1ERATION SOLOMON'S TEMPLE. WITH THE ZIONISTS Y/e present herewith a brief report
London, (J, , T . Agency).—The j London, (J. T. Agency).—In the of our work for the first three months of 1921 as compared with the work Jerusalem correspondentTof^fche Lon- House of Commons^ yesterday, ComNEW YORK.—Charles Kline, durihg the corresponding period of don "Times" reports that „ in the mander Dellairs questioned Premier prominent. .citizen" of >Alleniowri, 1920. course of' an interview with Eftiir George -whether he was aware that Pa., came to New York with For the first quarter of 1921 we Subscription Price, one year. Abdullah, a younger brother of Emir at a recent Zionist meeting in Lon§2,500 in undipped Liberty Bonds Advertising rates furnished on, application. Y spent $3,547.44 for local relief, as Feisal, the Prince declared that if don the proposal "w&B made that to purchase a gift for his wife, against^ §3,334.44 during 1920. While the Arab leaders were to meet Jew- Solomon's Temple should replace the Jj - NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL ^ROSTT — Profits from the to be given to her on her twenthis is an increase of but 6 per flfet in ish representatives .and talk matters! Mosque of Omar. Colonel Amery, J publication, of -The Jewish Press -ax& to be given to worthy communal! ty-fifth wedding anniversary.cost, the number of people cared for over calmly, the Arabs would realize J replying for the Premier said, the : : : ™ causes. ; "~ ".".'" " ." \ . ' ' '_.-"; .'..''• •' "' T As he is an active w.orker""fo.r by this department averaged 88 forthat'co-operation with the Zionists is Commander had reference to some S| CHANGE OP : ADDEESS—tlease give both the old and hew address; be sure Jewish Relief throughout Westthe^ three months of this year as entirely desirable. Abdullah also in- remarks made by Sir Alfred Mond, J.J \-} ami sign imme.' • '" ' ' r ern Pennsylvania, Mr.' Kline against 72 for the first quarter of formed the correspondent that the who only spoke figuratively of the stopped in to see Henry fi: Rosen1920. Our average daily cost for Arabs of Jericho called on him and fe-establishment of Solomon's Temple. ; felt, National Director of the relief is §39.40. V'._' THE FOUR QUESTIONS. ' requested him to use his influence Lord Winterton thereupon remarked, 37 social service cases were handled to have the Balfour Declaration with- that in view,of the sensitiveness of I These are troubled times for certain of our people. Questions American Jewish Relief Com,last year as compared with 47 for drawn and Ms reply to them was the Mohamedans cuch speeches were pi of deep significance coReem them, questions that inust be asked, mittee, to < see how relief work v this year. A total jof 231 cases of that the Arabs should be the last undesirable, • in even though their answers be already known. On their asking is ^progressing. Told that the ^plight of the Jewish war sufferEuropean relief '125 seta of affidavits °i rests the happiness of many among us. to desire that England shoukL iail| BELA KUN, HIGH COMMI3- . and- 106 money remittances) . were in her promise. rf Strange as it may seem these great, questions dojiot trouble ers in" Eastern and Central SIGNER FOR CRIMEA. Europe ' was ' still miserably" handled by the office in 1921v/This is <? »ur Jewish leaders. They have long ago ^sked them and-had London, (J. T. Agency).—A Mosan average of -41 •'affidavits' and 35 Ask English Jetfs for Aid. 1 A them ijanswered. It is rather the very-youngest a^iong^ the cow dispjitch received here reports remittances per month, whereas in London, (J. T. Agency).—Lucienj ti'Jews who have pondered over them for weeks. They are theFORD'S1 "INDEPENDENT* NOT TO BE SOLD IN CHICAGO; the appointment of Bela Kun as March of 1920. the first montl^in Wolf, secretary of the Joint Foreign! G ; four questions of the Seder 'Service. , .r \. CARNEGIE .LIBRARIAN INSISTS ON RETAINING IT. e Soviet High Commissioner for the which this work Vas begun, we handl"How well do we remember asking'them! And who does York, (J. C. B. Service).— to si-e it again. At • the same .time ed 5 sets of affidavits and 22 money Committee" (the political body of*j Crimea. organized Anglo-Jewry) has^ffeceived j M not? For-at some time in our lives, each of Us has been-4ne According^ to a .Chicago dispatch re- you will note thatDr. Leete informs a most urgent appeal in behalf of| E youngest member in the family, and each has had the never- ceived here, the police of that city us that this paper is called' for byremittances. figures prove that our Work the Ukrainian refugees in Poland! «1 to-be-forgetten piivilege .of chanting, each year at this season, have prohibited the sale of the"Dear- the policy of the library in order as These BUY SAFE a community service agency is from the Jewish National Council in, "Ma Nishtano". And each has been answered by the head of born Independent". The police" took it seems ^o me that the reasons given developing and increasing with the the house, as enjoined in the ^Scriptures "Thou shalt tell thy this action on the ground that ita by "him as to why this free copy normal ^row^h of the aty. In this Warsaw. WiEM TO BOY JEWELRY tt son on that day". So we playdd a role of greatest-importance; sale disturbs the peace. which is sent to us by fee publish- connection we would comment on fine .The appeal states that iramigration FROM US, YOU "BUY SAFE* ii even though we could hardly enunciate the difficult • Hebrew— According to a dispatch in the ers should not be excluded^ are very cooperative spirit of the members alone san save these unfortunate Oar guarantee and our word is victims of progroms and that Enga for a Seder without our four questions would have been no "World* Dr. J. H..Leete, chief Caras good BS a bond. who have undertaken to supply all lish. Jews must organize immediately d Seder worthy of.the name. •'•... ., •-• We have satisfied hundreds of negie librarian in Pittsburgh, refused In giving his reasons fcr retain- the necessary sewing for the Wise such help as will enable them to vour friends. . ing the "Independent" oa tha. shelvss to accede the request of leading JewMemoiial hospital, of the -constant Herein lies the beauty of .the Seder service. More than emigrate to the various parts of 1 any other Jewish ceremonial is i t one for the entire^, family. ish citizens that Henry Ford's "Dear- of the Carnegie Library, Dr. Leete is growth and increasing service of thethe Britis^ dominions. The appeal aSince y othe middle of the third century^ of the common era it hasborn Independent" be barred from quoted as having written, that an Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza- also requests that a commission of open forum is absolutely essential in tion,, and /of the co-operation of the Since the middleasofwe theobse third centurjr Each y year has t h etherfiles of the library. been obseived t to-day. y 1514 Bodge Street. the policy of the libarary in order Council of Jewish Women in immigrant English Jews should immediately be been ob'sei-ved as we observe it Mr. Church, one of the trustees of J f E t i P Douglas 5 6 1 9 — inspiring story of the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian sent to Poland in order to regulate that it may fulfill its full service to aid work a n ! school social service, f th library, in the course of a -letter adbondage, been told. At each Passover season have the matzos, to Judge Cohen explaining ihe, community. Dr. Leete is quoted details of which were worked out and assist emigration on the spot. ithe bitter herbs, and the .other symbols of the slavery and dressed during March. None of this work can the decision of Dr. Leete, is-reported as having written in part: oppression of. our forefathers been eaten,-followed by prayers' to be stated through figures or statistics, "Few controversies have arisen in have"Vr^tten: ' of^ thankfulness and songs of rejoicing. Thus has the tradition "1 d\ notvfind myself cheerishing barring of material has but all is invaluable in unifying and and ithe legend of Passover been.handed down from generation any profound respect for the in-which "the 1 . '-. ANNOUNCEMENT ' not been suggested. Among some of extending the social work of the comto generation. — \ : A . ; ..••-•• _ munity. tellectual processes of Henry Ford, flic subjects on whidh such definite i The religion of the true~Jew is-a living, vital force. The traditions and" ceremonials, tha't its ages-old existence have and I would not myself feel inter- requests have been recently presented brought to it but serve to keep it young. So humanare its ested in reading or subscribing for are Ghristianity, Atheism, Cath- BALTIMORE JEWS PAY TRIBUTE TO HAVING RECENTLY RESIGNED AS DEPUTY heroes, so real are its stones, that he who hears of them arid any. literary material that might be olicism, Uniterianism, Suffrage, the published under his control. I ftave _ .COUNTY ATTORNEY HAS OPENED . CARDINAL GIBBONS learns them in childhood will retain them throughout life. And throughput life they will give him a sense of closeness and never, seen the "Dearborn Indepen- World Interchurch investigation of Baltimore, (J. C. B.Service).—The , • LAW OFFICES . Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, offikinship to the Jews of the past that will transcend all barrier's dent*' but once, and have no-desire the Steel industry, Socialism, etc." cially tendered its sympathy to the v o£iame and space,,that will brush away th"e mists of the ages, •-••-s ? ' a t ~ members of the household of the and bring Jews of all eras and all centuries together. They League Has No Control WARSAW JEWRY APPEALS bind the" present to the past as no cold theology can. They Over Mandates, Secretary TO LONDON IN BEHALF late Cardinal Gibbons and to the help us of to-day appreciate the faith of our fathers.; And if OF REFUGEES Catholic community of Baltimore. In Drummond Declares. we be true to ourselves they will, help-us keep the faith. /•' . ' and has resumed the London. (J.-T. Agency.) Great inter- -. London, (J. T. Agenty).—Local the course of their message, the Jews paid tribute to the noble standards est has been aroused by a statement organizations have received ii Thus the youngest among us, having asked the four mado public 1y Sir Eric Drummond, Jewish cabled information from- Warsaw maintained by the Catholic leader and expressed their hope* that whoever || questions on Seder night, will be better prepared, we ho% to General Secretary of the League of stating that after considerable n — Telephone: Tyler 4010 will succeed him might follow these I aanswer'those other questions that will concern the'Jews, when Nations,, in which he is reported to tiations with the authorities, the; n s w e r q 3 f l have declared that the Council of the latter have agreed to grant relngees standards. they shall be the leaders of our peoplei is League of Nations is not actually in a foreign passports permitting them to German_Minister of Education. FAIR PROMISES FROM POLAND* /"• position to control the" manner in remain^, for a certain fixed period. Deplores Anti-Jewish Measures. which mandatory powers are to erect Those tvho jxrill not liave emigrated Poland appears t o have experienced a change of "mind. W e Berlin. (J. T. Agency.) 1^ the the mandates granted them. Drumby the time their period is «p will --^Jiatdly tall it-a change: of heart. At any rate, there are of an interview granted to some signFoTtranslormation which betokens a change of policy to- mond is reported tq_lfave stated that be forced to teave the,country. An course foreign correspondents Minister of the determination of territories and official registration will now be made 3 - ward its long-suffering Jewish citizens. President Pilsudski and Education Heinisch deplored the fact the appointment of mandatories lay of a i r refugees and it is hoped that that Eastern Jewish students are be3 former Premier Paderewski have both stated that'the Governr the verification of the local' relief ing discriminated against in the * ment is making "every effort to produce Jewish equality, and has entirely with the Great Powers. been interviewing Jewish delegations with that end in view.- •. The League would merely ^examine committees will be recognized by theuniversities. Jewish names, he decOUES when, you dress the part, yourf, when you "; It is possible that this is true^ despite the reluctance with the drafts of the mandates to Polish authorities. The Warsaw cable lared are prominent wherever German realize the power of good ^pearance. The Greater \ which the authorities even formally'accepted the clause of theensure thatf'they. conform with the appeals to British^ Jewry to come to scientific and artistic achievements Nebraska is determined to Whelp you on your way 1 League Covenant. The League was the assistance O f therefugees by ] '-treaty.guaranteeing minority rights. s Even though it is hard to fame and fortune with the cloxhes that radiate success have won world-wide recognition. The and inspire energy. / f o r the leopard to change his spots, except when moving about neither in a position to effect, any aiding in immediately facilitating a minister added that anti-Semitic riots / I n his cage, it is possible we may yet • scratch* a Pole and not alternations nor did i t have authority larger immigration to tfie British are a blot upon those responsible for NEW SPORT SUITS FOR SPRING— . ' catch a Tartar. It is possible that leading Poles have at least to in any way control the expenditure countries. It is-also requested that them as well as upon those countenThe last word of the fashion designer, -scores upon of any maitdatory or to suggest the dominions, Argentina ane^, other ancing them. " -learned a lesson that it is" not profitable to boycott and maltreat scores of-original new models, fresh from foremost actual sums; to be spent. Morever,'orice countries help the." war' victims.' - a people like the Jews. The spirit ©£ the American people has fashion sources. been aroused by such evil conduct, and pleaders vfor Poland have the terms'of a mandate have been It . i s also requested, that an NEW DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS found on this account a hostile sentiment rebuff ing, them at determined, even the\ permanent Man- official 'delegation of ^British Jews POLISH OFFICIAL KILLS VILNA JEWV date Commission of^the League will should be dispatched to Poland and New single-breasted suits. . Every line of the every step^in this country. ,, . 7 . . cot be able to impose %tiy changes. Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) A Jew models from the new ""K Bac" to the new English Galicia in order to help regulate As for that great pianist, Paderewski, who is out of public The London "T-imesS' 'commenting emigration and to solve its attendent named Solomon was beaten.to death models reflect the originality and thought of Amer^ ica's finest clothes designers. v life ariH ha§--4eft the concert hall and is retiring to his ranch editorially by a Polish police official in Vilna, ac., '• » Eric's statement re- problems. in Southern- California, he did not state, in the interviews ^ie marks thatonheSir cording to a dispatch from that city. made it clear thai gave on his arrival in this country, that it was the plausible any parliament has The police officer accused ths Jew of of a mandatory power -charge that: he was helping an anti-Semitic paper in Warsaw, is at liberty to discuss the terms of Sokolow Endorses" Demand for having purchased stolen merchandise.. which led : to a most effective Jewish Ojoycotir against his per-the mandate and tofixthe amount of Larger Immigration Into The authorities are now investigating Values that save you $15 to S25—Compare. formances. There is, of course, a measure of reason in hisits financial responsibility beforesthese Palestine. the happening. OTHER GOOD CLOTHES $20, $25, charge that the nationalistic Zionists in Poland, by insisting terms are settled. The "Daily Herald" Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) At the ypon a double allegiance,; hinder conciliation. •'.- " . conference held in Jaffa by represenCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN also speaking editorially, says that But if Poland would teally experience a change of heart, the tatives of Jewish laborers-in Palestine admits the powerlessshe- would find, as America has ^ound,>that her Jewish (citizens ness statement during, last week, resolutions were DAYTON MONEY WEIGHT SCALE CO. of the League. _ ' DETR0IT AUTOMATIC SCALE CO. were among her most desirable assets and most devoted patriots, adopted calling upon the administraand she would gain in every way by such a s^tep toward harmontion as well as the Zionist Commission Steiner JEWISH JPUBLICATION ised population.—Jewish Defender. to remove all immigration restrictions, Electric Me"atSOCIETY REPORTS PROGRESS - Chopper leaving an open door for the admisORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN New York, (J. C. B. Service).— sion of.Chalutzkim. A demand was ity has been well-meaning, but weak. and STILL SOME HOPE FOR Coffee Mill. We have scolded thr-immigrant con- The Jewish Publication Society of P60R IMMIGRANTS siderably for Dot Americanizing, and America held Jts thirty-third annual also made for 15,000 pounds to bring j over the Chalutzkim who are at' presKew Yprif/ (J. C. B . Service).— our only efforts have been to1 make him meeting yesterday at Dropsie College,! e n t o n t h e W aya n d unable to get The "New York Globe" last night look like us in general appearance. Philadelphia. ahead and to effect the decision of the OMAHA'S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES City ; published the following editorial: ,Ih/the long run there is no point in Announcement is made that the i London Zionist-conference tiiat Representative "Senator Coiillo seems to have done such-'an effort; under present co Society has now installed a special j migration be controlled from a CenDouglas 3332. • morelin a few months-fo protect New tiongr- ^ 6 trouble with the usual press which Would mark a distinct tral Office in Palestine, all Jewish ele- 510 So. 10th St. .York City immigrants than congress immigrant fs an economic trouble. change Sot' the bettet i n the art ofments being1 given an opportunity for or any legislature has domain years. He is-overcharged for housing and Hebrew printing; In order to effect representation in the management and • Practically single-handed at the start, he sleeps, ten in a roont-and seven the Society's plans for the~ coming j control of the Immigration depart* he has got enacted a law- which* in a bed. He is bought and sold as year, it Was decided to raise p. me rft,' M. Nahum SokoloV partidpat partidpat-Jy?eak3 the express .and':• steamship contract labor, and he hards with his sustaining fund of $200,000. A ed in the deliberations of the labor •' company monopoly-for sending money Mnd, heartog little English and see- considerable portion bf this amount, representatives' and fully endorsed abroad, by permitting savings banks' ing, nothing but his shack or tene- _Jhe meeting was told, has already their demands. ' > to make transmissions.- In addition ment and_ his factory. He is the been subscribed by the Jews of of food speculators, and isPhiladelphia. For ^h original study PROFESSOR H. LOEW IN RIGA. he won from the Senate an order to investigate the conditidns under driven to a diet which eventually of "Contributions of Jews to Hygiene" D a n z i g , ( j . T .x Agency).—Advices •which money has been sent to Europfe. brings him sickness of body and soal. 6 iv H0Ci£y l%Vi11 ' o f f e r a %Tite o f from Riga state that Professor Hem. -—-WEEK — ^ I t is known that a consrdera^le per- The present Little Italys, Little $1,000. Theimanuscript is to contain | ricll L o e w arrived-there in connection centage of what ouf.immigrants^have Greeces, and "Little Buasias are social not, less than four thousand words j w i t h a ' c a r a p a i g n t o b e c a r r i e d o n OF APRIL 24TH take and iBhould reach the s Spciety> office i n b e h a l f o f t h e Keten Hayessod. sent during the last year has never abortions for which" we must : leached its destination aficThas never considerable responsibility. fn these beforti November 192SL - v, heen retuined t o its senders. The unhdaifliy district's, nothing like the America we make for ourselves and Senate committee will have ?5,000 JEWISH SOLDIERS IN THEODORE *ROBERTS to^pay the expenses of finding out nothing like the- places their inPOLAND RELEASED greatest picture habitants caine from", little good dan •who receivjfd the^lost mone^ • AGNES AYERS er . FOR PASSOVER.; Senator Cotillb.said: *|The attitude grow foi? the Immigrant or'fot Amer- -Warsaw* (J..T> Agency.) In accord- j SYLVIA ASHTON ica." There'is niuch greater'evil in It Pays to Get O«r Figures of the State in this matter leads ono them than misscnt prvstolen money ance with a special order by,the war j Laid Over 6,000 Roofs in Omaha > • • in • » • to hope for something better ih thesuid steamship tickets. Perhaps the ministry, Jewish Soldiers in the Polish Out JRtiofs Arc Our .Proofs handling of immigrants than we have Senate^ tOmmittfiB will return from army will be released fo* the week of Our Specialty Ready Roofing over old shingles yet had. 'It is at least a commit- its investigation with' some idea 'of Passover. The Jewish community .ofili ment'to an interest in the resident further work that must be done If ficially announces that there ia noj All Work Guaranteed—Easy Terns alien. Heretofore iio- governmental certain "parts of the United States danger of its remaining without MatHarney 2574 agency hag done mtjch for him; The are to be* made fit places for guests zos for Passover, meaGtar s being-takOffice and Warehousai 1 3122 Leave&worth federal authorities are,;fa.vorably dis- or adopted children'* en to bring a full supply of Jdateo* :, biit lack tower. Privats dl»rflour from Dan?'*/ ' "THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUSHING COMPAITZ1/ --•-.;"' • •, • MOEEIS-E. JACOBS, Manager. :, , Office, Foiiir, Baird: Bldg.—-Telephone, Doug. 2?72.
Special to "THE JEWISH.-TPBES&."
distressing and that the need for funds was acute if relief workyis to continue. Mr. Kline took, the; bonds put of his pocket, gave them to Mr. Rosenfelt, and said: t "I brought these here to buy . rhy wife a present for our silver wedding. But it doesn't seem right to buy luxuries when the suffering is still so intense in other parts of the world.' After all I don't know of a finer. anniversary present than to give : this money to help alleviate the suffering of my people across 1 the r sea. And iTm also sure that my wife will appreciate more I deeply this kind of a gift." * \ \
612 First Haticr.d iailk Building
i *
•'•.; -
General Practice of Law
"Young.Men/the Business . , World is Yours
Held over 2nd week
Northwest Ready Roofing Co.
Starts Sunday, .
Thos, H. luce
Week starting Sunday* April H
.". Tom Mix
back again with hif lariat, gun and d
^ . \
. v :•
TALMtJD TORAS PUPILS London. (J. T. Agency.) Annirancft* POLES BEAT JEWS In India Organize to' ITALIAN KEHZLLAH5 YOUNG JITDEA NEWS A •very'iovel party -was given ment "is snade that preparations are TO EKEOLL 3STEXT MONDAY FOR THE XOSS OF Help Zionists. • ORGANIZE. Tuesday eyemng-at the ."3T. J&' ,H. A. Children will be registered for the beinjj xciade for the assembling' -tS. the LoMon, (J. T. Agency).—Moslems Vienna. (3. T. Agency.) lissding UPPER SILESIA lillies of Zion club Tooins when the^|rlB of the The Iifllies of Zion \\ill entertain at new term o£-43ie Talnmd Torah be- Warsaw. | J . T. Agesrry.) Authentic and Christians in India sympathizing j Jews representing every Jewish com- Zionist World Congress towards the X. T.-C f31ub entertained'the YdeteE a Passover party Sunday, April 24^. at nest Monday, April 20. Teports have "beemeceived here of an. aims of the Zionists have formed; inanity in Italy met sX a conference in end of the summer of 1921 atid elec-Club, Hie feature of the evening, be- the home of its leader, Miss Altschu- Children must be accompanied by one attack made upon Jewish passengers n nois-Jewish .Zionist league, says stiEame and decided to form a -central tions to the CongresE are expected t» ing a "burlesque style show in which ler. All girls between the ages of 7 of fhefr parents. Mr. Jacob Gordon, at the station of IKaluschki, a station dispatch from Calcutta. Branches t>f i orfanizatioii fox all communities, ac- be lieia flnrinj? the montlj of July, superintendent, Trill "be at the -school on the-Polish railroad sear Upper the ..organizstkra will be founded! cording.to advices received here. The Martha Cohen, Lottie Giventer, Eose and 11 are invited. -_ every day from three o'clock to sisSilesia. The attacking party consisted' •throughout -the country,.. with head- coafesrence also decided to a&Dpt) Fine, Estelle Lapidus, Pauline' Selio'clock. - -- l'i cow, Mollie Crossman, Anne "White of a group of Poles who not only heat quarters in Calcutta and EH -eSort j special raeajrnreE for the help of pass- j ' Batikvoh Girls and Ann Ackerman, took p a r t The first social meeting of the Hatikemigrants KSA to found & museum their victims but subjected them to win be made to render -practical help The Brotherhood _of Temple Israel gross indignities and jrat off their ir. the rebuilding of Palestine. Blanche Altmtm announced the voh Girls was held Sunday, April 17, for the preservation of Jewish art and "various models. antiques. The conference was p r i d at the Y. M. U. A. club rooms.' Games will hold its annual* meeting in the beards of a number of them. While The program was completed by a and, dancing made up the program. vestry of the Temple Sunday after- they were mistreating their victims, Chamberlain Scggests Possibility for: ed over by A^ecate J-Lngelo Sereai. solo cUyice given by Miss Estelle The following participated:Solo dance noon, April 24, at 3 p. m., when elec- •the Poles kept on shouting: "It is Commons to Discuss Mandates. j •'.""' Lapidus and an O. Henry story told and jazz, Hermine Hirschman;Eecit- tion of bfficer-s for the -ensuing year through you that we lost the plebiscite London, (J. T. Agency).—Austin; j , ^ ^ ^ p r c s i d { 3 1 t receives Zionist Honest in Upper Silesia." by Miss Anne Selicovr. Folio-wing ation, Euth Ziev; Piano selections, will be held. Chamberiam, new Chancellor of the I • Delegates HOBAST ELECTEIC the jsrogram .there was dancing. TheGertrude Perils. The :next social _ Exchequer, in ihe House of Commons j !,0Jl&0Zi.(3. T. Ag-eney.) Dr. Beinzion, \GKINDERS, CHOPlhEBS committee in charge included Misses meeting -will be held Sunday, May 15. -Mr. and Mrs. Edwin: Kirschbraun BRITISH OIL HEAD LAUDED | yesterday, suggested 'that if a seffi- representing the Palestine Foundation and Miss Terna Kirschbraun returned • JO® MIS1ES ,"' Gerfcrnde Tatle, . .- FOR SERVICES TO EMPIRE i cietly large number of members ^ 1 , ; ^ ^ , a n d D r . Bmsros, president of Fellmau, and yesterday from Minneapolis where Ida Cahn. London, {J. T. A).—Sir Marcus emphatically refuse to sanction any {the Portugese Zionists, were today J Young Judaea Senior Club. ' Service EBS Bales ~ *«' they spent-several "weeks as the house- Samuel, noted oil head of this coun- of the mandates accepted by Britain, r e c e j T e ^ fcy the President of the PorA novel entertainment during the IS& AND JACESOK Thorpeian Athletic d u b News Passover holidays m i l be the nutguests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eubel. try, retired from active participation the "House may" find it possible to tcgese Eepnblic, according'to a disThe regular meeting of the Thor.DOUGLAS ^6S in the Shell Transport Trading Co., I take up a discussion on the subject; received here from • Lisbon, party given by the Young Senior Mr. Earry "May and daughter, Miss ihs greatest oil concern in Great! yeian Athletic Club was held last — _ _ . President Antonio Jose de Almeida •week when a aew member was voted Club at the home of Estelle Lapidus> Myrtle May, of Los Angles, Calif., Britain. Referring to i t s retirement | LtTESATURE CAN NOW.BE We hsxe on luaiS Used expressed deep interest in ihs into the club, a person who is well- The committee in charge has planned former residents of Omliha, are esin the .course of an address before .SENT TO EUSSL4 j of the Zionists and the future develop-, Rebuilt a nut hunt in Hanscom Park "which pDeted to arrive about May 1 to visit the Royal Society of Arts, Sir Wilknown and is expected to be a "worthy London, (J. T. Agency>.—Official j meat of Palestine. j promises to be an, unusual entertainfriends here. ' addrfion, Mr. Harold Farber. "Several liam Pakenham declared that Sir is made by the Post-j other applications were considered «.nd ment. Marcus had rendered Britain tremen-1 master-General, that beginning with | 'will l>e voted upon at the nest regular At a.dinner given at the homo of Mr. At the^regular meeting of the Lamb- dous service, particularly so by his j tomorrow, April 7th, the mails will! da ' Sigma Society held Thursday,. •meeting. . ... and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun WedIntroduction of oil fuel ..for use in i available for all parts of Russia i m Tins Wednesday the club will hold nesday evening, the engagement of April % at the home of Miss Minette the navy and by his manufacture of the post "Rill .carry all forms of! Gross, the following officers were T an extensive •entertainment for mem- 'Miss \ erna JEurschhraun to Alex •unlimited quantities o f explosives] , including printed commercial • bers and lady friends only.. The pro- liubel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank elected for the ensuing year:' Msyard during the war. m Qmaks, Set! Estate. .. ', matter and samples. .j gram is to consist of a miniature Itubel of Minneapolis was announced. Greenberg, president; ^Eozella .Klein, vice-president; Minette Gross, secreOUT espert bttowleflge t>J Heal ISstatr 'Wflaefi is your **banguet," a short entertainment, the AGUDATH ISRAEL MEET IN ! tary; Myron Blotcky>-'treasurer; sad 100 JEWISH Cu£rante£ IMt sity BesI Estate bufitnest trBMtaetftfi through presentation of the gold medals to the Announce Engagement IN GALICIA DEMAND TTENNA. ! Anne L. Gerelick, reporter. The arerr cfScs is a fetiEfactcri' transaction. basket ball men, and most important, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hsniell announced rangement committee consists of POLISH RULE Vienna, {J. T. Agency).*—Eepbig dance. the engagement xif their daughter, Edith D. Kenyon, chairman; Esther Danzig, _{J. T. Agency).—Warsaw resentEtives of ihe Orthodox organLeona, to Mr. Joe Gotsdiner. .. Brown, Hyman_Eubenstein and Louis advices report that whiie speaking ji "Ag-udath Israel" just held ALEPH Y DEBATING at the last session of the conference j a conf sreace- .3bere -fit- widch. were Somberg. All of BiBtasncE. between Polish Ministers and Jewish TRYOUTS TO BE HELD j TO GIVE DANCING PAETY. a number of. noted Jews inAt the regular meeting of the representatives, Foreign Minister Saj the Getirer Sabbi and Sabbi Dr. and Mrs.. Max Block entertained The first debating try-outs for posi- ! frel cmuscienclieiit of o-art win tall yon *fiigt ^ Women's Auxiliary I. O. B. B. at an informal dancing party .at their pieha declared that "*OO Jewish •com-I.Halpem who isl:a jseaiber of the tions on the Alej>h T debating team insnrance Uttm Tsnice "fr2iea * e *reloo3dng after Thursday, April 14th, a committee home Sunday evening for Mrs. Block's Hftmities in Galicia tad -oSciallySes- •! pdish Seim. The procesdings of £he! •will "be held Monday evening 2± the was appointed to arrange for a pri- sister, Miss Charlotte Abrams of San pressed themselves in favor of Polish; Y. M. H. A. rooms in the Lyrib hufldconference were conducted behind all yosr When you place "VOTSC fcifilrtjaeft in flfflf rule as a Tesult of the Polish Jew- closed doors. ing. The following men will try out vate dandng party t o b e given a t ( . - _ ' . ' 1 Hanscom park gavilion, dcring May. vorry abnut loss or espiraMtms i* Itsret ® ish negotiations. for the team: Sam Beber, Fred White, The committee consists of Miss Bess Dr. and Mrs. Leon J. Tiber of St. 32d Altschuler, Jacob Bercovici, Abe Samuel Presents Churches with Fire Cohn, Harold Farber, Jack Kapper, Stock, chairman, Misses • Fannie PauL Minn., spent several days of LEADER OF BRITISH PARTY IN Apparatus for Holy Sepulchre j SOUTH AFEICA DEAD. London. (3. T. Agency.) Sir Herbert Ed Solig, Meyer Brick and Israel Hosenbloom,. Ida Alpirn,/ Fannie their honeymoon with Mr. and Mrs. London. (J. T. Agency.) Nabob Samuel, the Palestine High Commir- j S. S. Green of this city. Goodman. The judges will he Donald Ackerman and Mrs. Levin. In ©ST Bcildjag1 MsasgeiaeEt Dejmrfcmeat, we heve an Levy, a leading Jew of South Africa sioner, ..has presented to the Latin,-'! J. Burke, Professor of Law at Creighan. efneient -orgEnizaiaoa to take care of your property at T -^_ tin.*? fr-entertaiTied-at -gnd one- of-±he -mtsst -important "ip^Afyrs ivirs ton. "University,-George Psrley+former, -The engagement -of Miss TTirsch -of Council Bluffs and Ixwin of the Unionist party of that country, churches, as his personal gift, three l e r home last Saturday evening when coach of the Commerce High debating team, and Henry Monsky, attor- Steinberg- of Omaha was anounced the guests were those who took part is reported to have died in Johannes- portable fire extinguishers to protect during the past week. in the play "High Lights, and burg, in a dispatch received .here the Church of the. Holy Sepulchre, The tryouts are being held- in prewas a member says a dispatch received from JeruShadows," -which was recently given from that city. paration for a dual debate ietween Mr." and Mrs. S. A. Bliss, who have for the Brotherhood of Temple Israel. of the Legislative Assembly in thesalem. Eesl Estate, lErestmeRts, Inssrasce, the Aleph Y and the Sioux City Y.M. been residing a t the.El Eeudor apartTransvale province. SsimaerE-Kenxiegr H. A., May 15 The question of the ments, left Tuesday for Minneapolis^ flume: Tyler $1 J^ Essrlas Sts. debate "Win be announced after the where they -will make their future ' "Mr. and Mrs. Julius TJngar leave Saturday for Excelsior Springs, Mo. JEWS LEAYE RUSSIA next meeting. •home. FOR LITHUANIA The Passover party arranged for Many parties are being given for the club members and -their friends, The marriage of Miss Lillian ElseDanzig-,. _ (J. T. Agency)..—Figures -wiH be .held Tuesday evening a t the man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S., Miss Mamie Schwartz of Nashville, available -in Hovno advices just reTenn., who isvisiting her sister, Mrs. X M. H. A. rooms. Kiseman, "to Mr. Edward Lse Alper- Sam Goldstein, ^and Mr. Goldstein! reived here, -show that since January The following men were appointed son, took place in the Oriental Eoom 1st, 1921, more than 12.000 people. tray them &t i S Mk of the Blackstone Hotel Tuesday Monday evening Mrs. Harold Zadell have returned from Bussia to settle on -She sick committee: Sam and Mrs. Harry Bernstein-entertained in Lithuania.Nearly all of them Da3i Besman and Jake Laserowfiz. evening, in the presence of the im- at a dancing party for this visitor. The -program for the evening "was mediate family. Mrs. D. pEasiner of Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Goldstein are Jews. j ss follows: Sioux City served as. matron of ROOM WANTED. S19 South 16th Street Vocal selections, by George Bern- honor, whUfe Miss Sara JEiseman, entertained twenty-two guests for b.er y stein, accompanied by George Givot; sister of the bride, acted as brides- sister. "Wednesday afternoon Mrs. D. ' Wanted—by yotmg man, nicely Phone Beaglas S409 Heading of the story-of the Jews from maid. Mr. Sam Alperson was best M. Ne-wman and Mrs. iouis Blotcky furnished (room, conveniently located iostesses at :an Oi-phecm party. in Omaha with private family. Call the American. Magazine, by Sam man for M3 brother. Eabbi Morris Saturday afternoon Mrs. Sam Sosen- South 4213. | Beber; Vocal selection, by Sam Green Taxon performed the ceremony. berg will entertain a t bridge at her .and Nathan Levinson; Eecitatdon, by After a short trip i n the east, home, while on Monday there will alEd-Altschuler. Mr. and Mrs. Alperson will be home so be a bridge party, wnen. Mrs. J. at the Coronado Apartments. Eaymon and Mrs. Sam Rosenberg OVEE SS TEAES OF SUCCESS IN Howard Qreen and Nathan entertain at the home of the former. BUILDING GOOD VEHICLES ASJacohs, Qmaha boys who are attend- A'son was born t o 2£r. and Mrs. ing- the University of Missouri, will Abe. Ferer on April 16th. at the IN TEE GAEDKEE €AE Mrs. Harry Honsky, who has beea . arrive J n Omaha Saturday. They Stewart Maternity Hospital. ' Mrs. A DEPENDABLE PRODUCT FEEE quite ill at her home,- is now conwin he accompanied by Joseph Bergsr Ferer was formerly Miss Goldee valescent. FEOM TTtP! COST OF ^ of Denver/who will spend a few Marcus of San Francisco, Cal. HEADQUARTERS-FOE DAIRY PRODUCTS. Her —THE ONE^AE FOE EVERYBODY. days h€re/ All three are members mother, Mrs. B. Marcus of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Eoseriberg will San Thompsen's Creamed Cottage Cheese, per Ib.—: of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity." Francisco is here visiting at the entertain a t a card party tonight for Dairy Maid'Sweet.Butter, per ib——1_. present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heyman, whose We also carry a complete -line ef all kinds The Ladies Golden Hill Society marriage recently took place. of butters, choice of all kinds, and fresh bottled will have a card party at the Black- .Mr. and Mrs. Julius Eosenfeld and milk, cream and sour- cream. stone Hotel Wednesday afternoon j children, who have been spending the Miss Julia Colin has returned, from instead of Wednesday evening as winter in .California, returned to their San Francisco, where she was visiting printed on the cards and tickets home in CounciL Bluffs Saturday. her sister, Jilrs. Hugo Sien. which have been distributed.
"Say It With Flowers"
! i
Mrs. Sam Hezzberg returned MonMrs. M. B. Wiseman and^ Bon of day from Excelsior Springs, where she Hastings • are visiting Mrs. Wise- has been for Hie past two weeks." man's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. S. Olander. A daughter was bora to Mr. and Mrs. SichardDesbecker of Buffalo, ' Miss Jennie Chasson, "who has JNew York. Mrs. Desbecker will be. recently~2Trived from Europe,'is liv- Temembered as Miss Hanna Kopald, ing with her brother, Max <Ghasson, a former resident of Omaha. 2015 North Twentieth Street.
LODZ MUNICIPALITY DEMANDS AMNESTY FOR POLITICAL PRISONERS Warsaw^ {J. T. Agency).—The! Lodz municipality council has adopted': ,a resolution ' calling upon ihe Polish j government to release all political prisoners says a dispatch from that city. The resolution was introduced i y representatives of ihe "Bund (JewMrs. M. Langf eld Helps to Organize ish Socialist party). The Council of Jewish Women will College Chapter Here.hold its regular meeting in the /vestry ~ A Nebraska Chapter of the Gaudier of Temple Israel Monday afternoon, College 1 Alumnae association ^w; when -!Rev. Frank -G. Smith," - of formed -Tecently-. in Omaha, -• Miss Central Congregational Church, •vtiU Katharins Hilliard, -instractorr vof .be the speaker of the afternoon.: EngliEh at Central Sigh is president, There will be musical numbers."by the other' charter members are MesEev. A. H.- Marsden and Mrs->D. dames: A. F. Tyler, T. Casady, and J.~Adams. . . ' - , ' - M. Langf eld. , ,"^- ' The purpose of the organization is, The marriage of Miss Ann Gteen, primarily, to stimulate an interest in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Goucher College, (Baltimore, Md), in Green to ~Mx. Ellis Hassel -of MilprospectivE college girh?. Goucher waukee, Wis^ took place at the h^me College numbers among the £fty-nine •of the "bridefe parents Wednesday colleges and- Uni^^ersities of the first evening. P.abbi Taxon read ' the academic rank in-the United States, marriage lines. Miss Lee Abrahamson acted as bridesmaid an3" Mr. selected .from S81. Of the. twenty-sis Harry Green as hest man. Mr. ami women's colleges in this country, only .-• Harry's. Xapians. ytes.-TreEi. J S Mrs. Hassel will be at /home inMil- six are in class DJI&, Goucher b^ing £ °\* &?%re. Secretary.8 -J aanozng these eix. after Jnne 1st. Two meetings of the Itfebraska The regular meeting of t h e chapter iave been heldj one, -a lunClub, which -was I D lhave theon a t the University Gkahy'. the AND been held Sunday, April' 4th, has "been other, s s itdiormal tea a t the Ihome of •'• >OFPICI3 ^ lioEtponed one week. . " • • ' " Mrs. Jfittard 'Langf 613. On last .Mon"We occupy day afternoon, a meeting of fheHigh - over "70,000 sausTt teet ' ~ Sonilivrest Corner; school jztris, their parents and-friends; Eabbi Frederic!:' Cohn, who has - Eleventh and Dourfas Streets. Pione: Donglm SISi heen Jittendir,g the Cestral Confer-] was beld i n fhe Cental High school OMAHA. KEB. ence of Habfris at WashingtaB, re-; auditorium, when illustrated talks were given on :Goucher" College.' turned W&dnnsdsy.
f- Omaha JFi&tnre& \
- ANNDUNCEMENT Tie name of the E. and a-Bakery, 1722 North Twentyfourth Street, has been changed to that of the AsSsrForbes Bskery. The owners are M. Adler and M. Forbes. - The bakery is stiil under the same management that it was before the name was changed.
CAR c a
TTrenty-Fonr Msur -SeryicCi, • ^Mne^
WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE -that-we -will open on or abojji May 1
A Hrst Class Kosrier Delicatessen and Dairy Products Store to be icQD^rii as the NOETH SIDS KOSHEE :-DELICATESSEH COMPANY, located si ISIS ^North Twenty-fourth Street, -with a fall line of strictly fresh, and Kosher delicatessen and sll Mnds of dairy protocts. , -
Dnion Stock Yards Compafly
Mrs. N. Meicries and Company
< - •
COUNCIL BLUFFS HEWS Sent by our. Council Bluffs News . I bureau.
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Raphael Goldenstein officiated. The Mrs. J. Robinson, 816 Second street.. couple will make their home in LenOut-of-town guests • attending the nox after May 1 s t . . . . • ' < ? - . ' wedding were Mr. and Mrs. William J. Patterson arid son, James; Mrs. B.; ,; Miss Gertrude' Meyers "* and Miss Skoll and'.daughter;'Ethel; Mr. Lou :Esther,Levich visited in Des.Moines Skoll, Mr. George Skoll, Mrs. R. Pat- o v e r S u n d a y . . '..•'..••;• ,. ; terson and Miss Sarel Cutts,. all of Minneapolis; Mr. 'B. Schissel of DeMiss Rose Pred, of/St. Paul, troit, Mr. L. Patterson of CenterviUe, visited for several days with Miss la., and Mr. Guy .Patterson of Ames. Grace Baron. ,
Warsaw, (J. • T. Agency).—M. KaNew ,York, (J. C. B. Service).— Announcement was made at the sixth schiwadp, the- editor of "Schanchai" annual meeting of the Hebrew Na- an • influential publication in Japan, tional Orphan House of Yonkers, this arrived here for the purpose of incity that plans are being perfected vestigating Jewish conditions. Leadfor two thousand Jewish war and ers of the local Jewish National pogrom orphans to be brought over Council are aiding him in his work. from Europe and to be cared for by the institution. The home now looks TOM MIS ONCE A PROHIBI'HON after four hundred children and a OFFICER. PALESTINE NATIONAL fund of $500,000 is now being raised Tom Mix, William Fox star, while COUNCIL RECOGNIZED for the especial purpose of provid- out on. location making exteriors for London, r (J.-T. Agency).—Sir Her- ing1 the necessary accommodation for "Hands Off," the new Fox production bert Samuel has "announced that all these two thousand orphans to be which will open at the Moon Theatre GovernmenJ; departments in Palestine added to the home. will be instructed to officially recognize, the Jewish National Council as the. representative body, of ,the CANTOR SIROTA AT Jewish community in Palestine, acCARNEGIE HALL cording to a.Jerusalem dispatch. The .New'York, (J. C. B. Service)•>High Commissioner also announced Cantor Sirota, the most famous of his intention of regularly conferring Jewish Cantors, • yesterday gave a with the heads , of the. National second "concert at Carnegie Hall. He Council. ' , •tfas again assisted by a choir of one hundred boys and men, and byj his daughter Helena. WITHDRAWAL OF AMER-* ' -'-ICA-N -RELIEF THREATENS JEWISH INSTITUTIONS JEWS IN LATVIA MAY LABOR ON SUNDAY ' Danzig, (J. T. Agency).—A critical Danzig. (J. T. A.) The Constitusituation has been created by the liquidation of the local activities of tional Assembly of Latvia has adopted the Joint Distribution Committee for the proposal of the parties that Jews American Jewish relief the various resting on Saturday be permittel to relief institutions, free kitchens and work, and \ trade on Sunday accordrefugee honjes- being seriously ing to a Riga dispatch received here. affected. Some of these institutions The proposal had the support ofthe commission on National Minorities. will be compelled to.-close.
The-annual dance of the Jewish Sisterhood of-Council Bluffs was held Tuesday evening at Eagle's hall. The proceeds of the dance will be given to City Talmud T p r a h . ' ' . ' Dancers, dressed in various cos- • Mr. and Mrfe. .A. Kramer announce tumes, sang. The hall was decorated the marriage of ^ their daughter, Ida, with \ flags and ribbon's" of national to Sam H. Cohen, son of Mr. E. M. colors. .....".•'• Cohen, which took place Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parA delegation of member? of the ents, 1506 Walker street. . * B'nai Brith of Council Bluffs spent Tuesday andWednesday. in Sioux The home of Mr. and Mrs. William City, assisting in installing avchapter Berlovich, 508 Clark street, was the of the Bnai Brith in that. city. ^ The scene of a wedding Tuesday .evening, delegation returned Wednesday night. when, their daughter, Julia, became the . Those who made up the delegation bride of Mr. Samuel- A. Weisenberg, were Arthur Freiden, Jay Cherniack, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weisenberg of Louis Eatelman and Ieadore Aginske. Cleveland, Ohio. Rabbi Zeichik officiated at six o'clock Fox left Sunday evening for in the presence of sixty guests, includan extended trip through tHe east. ing Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Horwich of Omaha, The following1 pupils were awarded Mr. and Mrs. A., J. Gilinsky and first prizes in the Council .Bluffs daughter o£ Sioux City, MT. and Mrs. Hebrew school for the month of Louis Elman of Dow Cits; and the March: first class, Marian Katelman; bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. second class, Ida Hoffman, third Weisenberg, and daughter, Sid, of s, Abe Katelman. A Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Freda Berlovich, sister of the The next regular meeting of the bride, played the wedding march. The Mpgan-JDovid club will be held -Sun- only attendant was little Berniee Giday afternoon, May 1. linsky of Sioux City, who carried the ring in a rose. . The Coundl of Jewish Women will Warsaw Kehillah Confirms Appointhold, its regular meeting Thursday, ment of Dr.,Poanansky. April 28, at the home of Mrs. E. MarWarsaw. <J. T. Agency.) The local cus, 801 First aTenue. , . Jewish communityJn executive session confirmed the recent appointment of The weekly meeting of the Sunday Dr..Posnansky as the official rabbi of Mr. and Mrs. Pill entertained at a school of the City Talmud Torah will the Warsaw community. family dinner Sunday noon, honoring not be held this Sunday, morning on their son, Mr. Maurice Pill, and Miss account of the Psssover,holidays. Mollie Solomon, who vrere recently ROME ISSUES^ married. Twenty guests were pres"JEWISH PERIL" Leah Krasne, 122 Benton street, reent. A reception for friends was givturned Sunday evening from an exVienna, (J. T.^Agency).—The first tended visit with her brothers at Oak- en in the evening in the B. Pill home edition of the "Jewish Peril" hi Italy complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Maurice has just made^its appearance in land and Fremont, Nebraska. PilL Rome, according^ to. advices received Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hursch, 210 West from that dty£> It is published and Mr. Julius Arkin of Omaha visited edited by Giovanni Preziosi, the chief .Washington avenue, Tuesday evening, announced the engagement of their in the M. Bradkey home over Sunday. editor of "V*ta Italtana" and the daughter, Mattie Hirsch,> to -Irvin leading anti-Sfemitic propagandist in The Ivre Club is making plans for Italy. Preziosi has added a special Steinberg of Omaha., a dance to be given;at the Martin chapter to j£§ volume in which he The Four-Table card club will meet hotel on May 1. This "will be the last deals with ..Organized Jewish activities Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. formal dance of the season to be giv- in Italy. The book is being sold at H. JKrasne, 208 West Washington en by the club ,and all efforts are be- a very low price. ing made to make it a great social avenue . ' success. • The regular meeting of the AgudahANNOUNCEMENT Achim. will be held Monday evening A mass meeting of al Jewish Zionist at the Danish hall. Mrs. S. Mantel is no organizations will be held Sunday at longer connected with the Hebrew Institute, at which time the Kosher Restaurant Rose \Levinson of Chicago, who Is contributions will be made for the and now has re-opened on her way to California, was the purpose of purchasing tools and guest of Miss Molly Brown. AT 1919 BURT STREET. machinery for the Jewish workers in Palestine. All efforts are being made The Three-table card club will meet by the local organizations to conWednesday evening at the home of tribute its share in this needy fund, twice a day. >/•' Mrs.,S. Freiden, 737 Mynster street," and the co-operation of all the Jewish public is earnestly requested. Special Meals for Passover The next meeting of the Hebrew and Sader. Educational club will be held Monday Sioux City Jews are planning to evening at the home of Miss Freida observe with appropriate ceremonies _L Attention given ^ parties, weddings, etc. We rent Goldberg, 551 Mill street. the annual feast of Passover. Special Kosher dishes. services in honor of the event will be Phone: Douglas 5883 held at Mt. Sinai Temple, Friday evening at seven o'clock. A sermon appropriate to the event will be preachSent by our Des Moines News ed by Rabbi Goldenstein next Sunday bureau. at eleven o'clock. The children of the _ _ YOU - — — Sunday school will be given a party will need some "shoes repaired Saturday noon, the Misses Sid Weis- in the form df a feast of Matzoth at some time, let us " enberg of Cleveland, Ohio, Gertie Mt. Sinai Temple next Sunday mornTELL you that if the work is done Meyers and Esther Levich *of Sioux ing at ten o'clock. here you will find City, Iowa, and Mrs. Lou Elman of ••: ' — — - ' E M Dallas City, Iowa, were the guest at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Asher announce stylish looking and more satisa luncheon given at the Harris-Emery the marriage of their grand-niece. -.j*jfactory than if' repaired x •<,'• elsewhere. . f Tea room by the Misses Cecelia Laza- Miss Marguerite Levy, of Prescott, rus, Esther Berlovicb and Minnie Lip- Arizona, to Mr. Abe Vegod, of Lenshie. nox, South Dakota; % The ceremony Quality Shoe Repair Shop I took p_lace Sunday evening and Rabbi •r 242O'/4 Cuming St. I "Sunday evening, Miss Lazarus entertained at a card party in honor of the yisicing guests. ,
next Sunday, attended the races at Tia Juana. On'the return trip with members of his company, a Mexican halted, their automobile and inquired gruffly if the party carried any contraband liquor. Tom in excellent Spanish told the man he knew the law and his party had nothing with them. "You fellows may not know it," said the star a few miles further up the road, "but at one time I had that kind of a government job—searching for illegal liquor. "It was in the early Oklahoma days. My job was to search incoming trains for concealed liquor—Oklahoma, because of the Indian laws, being 'dry*
even in those days. The first train J searched yielded five cases of whiskey and one of gin." "What did you do with i t ? " one of the party s»ked. "That was just the trouble," explained the maker of Fox Western thrillers. "I toted the booze to ?ny olfice and staged a wonderful party with the gang, who left none of it. A few weeks later, the head man at Guthrie wired to know what I had done with the liquor, as the government expected me to turn it all in. Right there I chucked up the job and went down to Eagle Pass, where I joined the Texas Rangers."
Sioux City lews
Mrs. Mose Jacobs, 716 Forty-second street, returned Thursday after a four! months' visit in'Los Angeles. She was J accompanied by her sister, Miss Anna I Boyir, who will spend the summer | here. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mayer of 5226 Ingleside avenue, Chicago, announce j the engagement of -their daughter,' Beulah, to Louis Goldman, son of Mr. •' and Mrs. M. Goldman of .1216 Fifth streak. \) Miss Gpldye Robinson and Mr. Myron Schissel were united in marriage Sunday afternoon,, April < 10,. at the Omaha's Nevrest and Finest Equiped :"\ \ Bath-House. . ' Baths, Massag* Hot Packs, Elec-
tric Treatment,. Inhalatorium.
Paxton Hotel Turkish Baths CONCANNON BROS., Props/ 1401 Farnam St., Basement Entrance. , Telephone: Tyler 5731 ,'' OMAHA,* NEB.
An Announcement
, The Kosher Restaurant, 316 South Fifteenth St., (upstairs) is now under the-", sole direction of Arthur Zwieback. This restaurant is being con* ducted in a most sanitary manner.
ent tolf bridge -across the Missouri River between Omaha and Co n c i l Bluffs, addresses, through this medium, a few statements of fact ;o the voters of Omaha on the proposition of voting bonds for a so-caUed "free" , .bridge'between the two cities. (
£IN"nN COMPAHY -^ t*«t$T
South Fifteenth St.
« o w FABRAH
; h Council Bluffs Street Railway Com|jany, operating th pres-
Strictly Pesach meals will be served here.
Des Moines News
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Edelstein of St.' Paul, Minn.,.are in the city for a few days visiting the latter's parents.
... • • i
Strictly Kosher Meals
IS A 'TREE' BRIDGE FREE? , everyone who has ever built any. Jriiiuist be obrious to everybody thing knows that the final cost is tfiat midges cost money to build, invariably much in excess of the "that they cost money to maintain preliminary estimate. This is paran'tV to paint and to police, and to ticularly true in all public works. 'light, and to keep free from snow For instance in the-case of a so.and ice. in winter, and to sweep and called "free" bridge built at St. sprinkle in summer, therefore Louis, the preliminary estimate was Somebody Eas to Pay. Three and,One-half Million Dollars "finder the "toll" plan only those and the bridge when completed cost . wlio use the bridge pay. And they over Seven Millions, or DOUBLE pay in proportion to the amount of the ORIGINAL-ESTIMATE. use they make of the bridge. Those Assuming the actual cost of tKe • who do not use the bridge at all pay proposed bridge at Omaha to be nothing; those who use it occasionally pay only a little; those who use only $2,000,000.00 and that bonds could be sold bearing 5%% interest, it daily pay more, while those who the annual interest charge alone cross it many times a day with auwould be $110,000.00. Depreciation tomobiles and trucks hauling meror sinking fund would amount to chandise pay still" more. Tins is as. $60,000:00 annually. Maintenance, it should be, just as we pay for our lighting, policing, etc., would easily Wat'er, Gas, Electric Light, Street amount to $40,000.00 more anmially, Car or Railroad Transportation or making a total of at least $200,anything else we use. 000.00 to be paid in.the form of in. ' Under the so-called "free" plan creased taxes solely by the taxpay7 SVERY TAXPAYER in Omaha V ers of Omaha and Council Bluffs. would pay, regardless of whether Not a dollar of this large sum would ne ever uses the bridge or not and be contributed by the non-resident regardless of how • seldom, he may tourist. have occasion to cross it on foot or The man or woman who owns in his automobile. And the taxpayonlya small home in Omaha, or perers, collectively, would have to pay a larger amount annually for inter- sonal property of any kind upon which they pay taxes, and who est on investment, • sinking fund, maintenance and operation of a so- never go to Council Bluffs in an automobile, would receive no benecalled "free" bridge than they now pay in bridge tolls, as we shall show. fit whatever from a so-called "free" bridge, but they would have to pay The preliminary estimate' of the their share of the burden through bridge engineer, retained by/ the increased taxes ;just t2ie same. city of Oinaha, is that the proposed WATCH FOR FURTHER bridge will cost One^Million, Four "FREE" BRIDGE FACTS. Hundred Thousand Dollars. Now