April 28, 1921

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fjj Ma n is not, {|l jji the creature of Hi Hi circumstances; jjj Hi circumstances are jji jji the creatures of jj II men.—Disraeli. «




fll fji || jf {jj

""Minutes a r e «{ to hours what pennies are to dollars —and he who wins saves

I both."

I Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 18TO."

CoWritl; mahais Relief is jieiiig: Given

in Ukrainian District

Toint Distribution Committee Says Stories being Circulated About Lack of Aid to Soviet Russia are Falsehoods.




Sioux City Rabbi iesigas to Help: in Palestine Rabbi Raphael Goldenstein to Leave for Palestine in June to Visit His Father aiid Aid in Restoration ,



— S a y s Steinmetz.

New York. (J. Cl B. Service.) Dr. Charles, P. Steinmetz,-a noted electrical authority, after spending some time in the company of Prof. Albert Einstein^ declared to newspapermen that Einstein posesses one of the : two greatest: minds of our time, i s "Qu^stk^Ass-to the o ther great mind, Dr. Steitunetz said that "he believed Nicholai Lenin, the Soviet leader, was possessed ef the other great mind, it being his belief that Einstein and Lenin will go down f into history as the two greatest figures of our time. D^. Stelnmetzfwas one of a #arty which accbinpaBied Professor Ein'steiti to" the radio station at New Brunswick where the management of the Radio Corporation of America/ gavefsp^da! demonstrations of the effectrre"nessof this plant for the especial benefit of the great scientist. ( :

Every Voter is Urged to Go to Polls on May S to Make His 'Election Certain

«rars Car. Load of. Wearing1 'Apparel

Harry B^ Zimissan, member of sev, Now "on Way. to Stricken . eral Jewisk organizations, leader in Sioux City, la* April 27. —Rabbi Countries.of Europe.' Jewish activities in the city, chairman Raphael Goldenstein of Mt. Sinai Conof the Jewish war sufferers drive, is a gregation here has tendered his reA carload of shoes, hats,' coats, candidate for" rejection' as city" comsignation to the board of directors. I dresses, underclothing:, stocking* and missioner. -""'" .....-• "•'.-,• • w : Rabbi Goldenstein states thai ths socks and every other kind of wearing Reports have been circulated in He has been; in the public eye for cause of his resignation is a desire to apparel in the apparel vocabulary is Omaha that the Joint Distribution many years, and during his civic life go to Palestine to visit his aged ?iow on its way to the Atlantic seaCommittee is not furnishing aid to the in Omaha, lie acted as mayor followfather/who resides at Petach-Tikwah, board, to be loaded onto a ship, bound Ukrainian district t r Sovic; Russia. ing the death of Mayor" Moore. whom he has not seen for the past for the war-stricken countries of A letter, including, these rumors, fifteen years,, also, to study Jewish He has a record of accomplishments Europe. • •' • was sent to the Joint Distribution conditions abroad, in general, and to and achievements. ! Following is his Gommittee. • The ciothiTig, put up in'large l>ales, give at least one year's time of his life record: was loaded into the freight car, TuesThe report wns circulated following in actual personal service toward the He was the champion of municipal day and Wednesday. a request made that a special drive re-habilition and restoration of the ownership of the waterworks be conducted here by the Ukrainian 'The drive, national irs scope,' was •New .Palestine, in particular. . He fought for reduction in electric Herry B. Eiroraan Landsmannsc'u''en. conducted by the People's Relief co/iolight rates, in':telephone .rates, in He expects to leave in June. mittee. M. Selicow was chairman of Following is the letter sent by the street carfares, for .universal trans- .PRESIDENT HARDING Rabbi Goldenstein, said: the drive in .Omaha. J. D. C. reply: fers and for school children's tickets." "The present trip shall culminate RECEIVES ZIONIST April 20th, 1921. • . • • ' S t a r t e d M a r c h 1 H e r e ••• •'.. He worked for woman suffrage in the realization of a long cherished OMAHA.WAR RELIEF. : • \ ' WORLD LEAlfEB Rabbi Raphael Goldenstein Nebraska. •;''•'* • " .' '• . -The daive was started in Omaha the hope and dream of mine, which on COMMITTEE. WasMngton.. (J. T. Agency.) The first of March and was scheduled to He led the fight, for dollar gas. account of certain conditions and Gentlemen:— He led thefig-B'tfor-an increase in- presi&nt yesterday received Professor have ended April 1, but because ofAhe I thank you for your letter of the DEMANDING PROTECTION circumstances I was unable to accomtaxation of public . service corpora- Chaim Weizmann, head of the Zionist urgent need, the campaign was carried plish until now. • - ' . * : . 15th instant in which you ask our OF JEWS. World Organization, and spent more on until last Monday. advice as to whether or not the London. ( j . T. Agency.) At the sections. •: ' ' , "My steady interest in the modern Omaha Local War Relief Committee He was the suthor of the occupa- than half an hour listening to Dr. "I want to thank the Jewish pfeople Zionist movement, almost since its inshould co-operate in a special drive ond reading of the peace treaty in the ception, and my sincere hope and contion tax on-public^-service corporations Weizmann's report of the present of Omaha- for their wonderful eupport which the Ukrainian Landsmann- house of commons yesterday, considerwhich has netted?Oinaha to date close Zionist situation. The conference was in this drive/ said Mr. Selieow, and I fidence in the future of my people, and schaften desire to make in your city. able opposition to its passage was of an entirely private nature, no one especially want to thank the, Omaha to $2,000,000. : ' r f • ' ' The statement made to you that voiced by a number of leading men in its rebirth on its ancient soil,.also my the Joint Distribution^Committee was general cultural equipment and He has acted ss mediator in labor else being present. We are, however, business men who donned overalls and unable to send relief into Soviet Rus- the house including Mr. Balfour, who peculiar public position gained controversies and fettled insny strikes. in a position to say that President helped collect and pack the bund lee of sia is absolutely unfounded. ' The expressed his disappointment at the Says Private Secretary Liebold He was active inilie figiht for muni- Harding showed the deepest interest clothing. - . through my years of toil and persever"confidential" information given to treatment of minorities and aliens by you is not correct. As a matter of the new states.' Cdldrfel Wedgwood ance in the great laboratory of the Wields Greatest Influence cipal taxation'of rf$ro"a<! terminals. in the de-velopment of the Jewish •"Many a boy and girl and rrifvn and Over Hearir—^Was Confact, we have sent into Soviet Russia moved the rejection^of the Hungarian 'Land of the Free," and in the service He opposed th|ft .twentyrfive-year national aspirations which formed the woman in the war-stricken countries main topic of the audience. nected WithBefflis supplies and medicaments to the of the "Vineyard of the Lord" ;in will exchange their tottered and torn, extension of the. ga^f franchise. amount of approximately one million treaty on the ground that the clauses American Israel—call me like so many On his return from the White House, •filthy garments for the cast-off clothes Prdsecutioa. He opposed taHi^over cf the gas dollars in the last' six months. We affording protection to minorities and plant, not:as an eagsay cf municipal Professor Wrazmamj was informed of Omahans." had a special mission in Moscow for labor elements'.were never fulfilled. voices summoning me to return to the Sswctal to'**HE JEWISH PKESS." ever the telephone from New York "Land of the Fathers" and make true the purpose of co-operating with the Wedgewood particularly condemned Tolcd©, April 27.—E. G. Pipp, for- ownership, because the 'city .was bemg cf Judge Maqk*s ' stetement against Ths total expenses for the drive Moscow Relief Committee, and ^70% my pledge to *he redeemed .daughter •wsm $150. .Freight for sh.pping "hi-jacked" out of m<Sr^|3ian a taillion mer editor of the Dearborn indepenof our supplies for Russia were" sent Hungary's treatment of the Jews, de- of Zion. . the- Keren Hayessod appeal which Dr. the car to New York was paid by ; d o l l r r s . -• '*•••••""'-'?Vi 'and distributed in the Ukrainian claring that justice'Jn that country dent, the vehicle of Henry Ford's atHe opposed ar .increase in electric Weizmsna had issued- earlier. Later the Jewish .War'Relief of Omaha, district.. Dr. Rosenblatt, who : .has had ceased to exist and that brute Responding "to the Call". : tack upon the Jews, denounces Henry light rates. ': ' ; . in the day, a copy of the Jewish Daily W. "L. - Holzman, .chairman. Trucks recently returned from Moscow force alone, ruled.; - After indicating "I feel that it is the providential Ford, placing the entire blame for brought with him a report on the the terrible" extent to which' Jews are He worked for the jrss^nt. "honest" News containing Judge Mack's state- for loading1 the car w r e donated by hand that is leading me, and the voice these attacks upon ^the* influence of ment was submitted to Mia but he Harry Lapidus, of the Omaha Fixture relief situation in the Ukraine" and election law.' ••; - ' White Russia. _Hjsr report is still being perseennted.Colonel Wedgwood of God that is calling me, and I am Ford's secretaaoTj E._.G:. Liebold. declined to make any statement say- and Supply Co., Gilinsky Fruit Co., under consideration by the Joint demanded that the Foreign office ready to respond to the call, even as I "Mr. Ford | | the World's mechanical ing that he -"prefers to consult •wftii .Omaha-. Paper and Stock Co.< Meyer Distribution Committee, and as soon should'instruct 4he?Britsh-representa- was ready to answer the call of my and manufac^teng»%enius," says Mr. JOINT CONFERENCE..-Ms 'fellow- Selegates befoi-e 'making Fruit Co., Schwarts & SteliMt Com« as our policy with regard to the tive in Budapest -n^inerely to <tarry adopted country and the call of. the -. DECIDES-' TO- OPIN ^^ been satisfied^ .anytjujig-, .psblie*.:.. As &r r ss. it" wwg-ik*- znissIdn""Ca, Leivinsbn"'FruiirCo., and relief work in the Ukraine is out his diplGmatie duties-but-^SpHoEnericatr Jewisi pulpit —" i-r:: J'^ en it" comes* to manusible .to .gath©*, Dr. Weizmaim was not Sobin^on JFrait, Go. definitely established we will be very glad to inform you about" the same. watch overthe-Bafetyot the Jews and "It is. a call that every son of Israel facturing : problems, no man thinks Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) Warsaw impresses by Judge Mack's' stetesHest. Following is the committee which In the meantime we should like you > workers.: Mr. Assttith also parti- must heed today if he really has the straighter than Henry Ford. It is too to know and to make known in your cipated in the discussion adding his interest of the survival of Judaism at bad the same is not true of him when reports that.the sanitary, conference He seems to consider the proper es- helped Mr. Selicow: A. Osheroft, A. tablishment of the Keren Hayessod as of Joint workers under the ch&irmantown that the Joint Distribution Com- condemnation of the flagrant marine* heart. For I truly believe that the last it comes to other subjects. ship cf Dr. Harry. Plotz- concluded, a "most sacred duty and is fully de- Formati, S. Gai-elick, C. Rubinetein, mittee is most anxious to.continue its in which the protection of minorities stand of Israel's struggle for survival relief activities in the Ukraine, and in "Henry Ford, like many other men after having adopted a number of im- termined to aroase the interest of the A. Silver, I. Morg-en stern, secretary,; other parts of Russia which are now was being violated. and victory "must be taken in the same who have risen high, feels his egotism. portant decisions with regard to the entire Jewish people of America' for M. Minkin, W. • Jonlsh, chairman of under the authority of the Soviet and, on the same soil where it.first He loves flattery, and his associates, future work of the; j j D. C. in Poland. this fund with or without'the help of arrangements; S. Altshuler, B. MufGovernment. . ... •';.. began its existence.'* particularly Liebold, make the most Among thes« deiisious is on® provid- the "ionist Organization of America. scn, John Feldmari, L. Kneeter, J. We shall be in a .^position to an- FREE SYNAGOGUE TO AID PALESTINE of this.- It is this fact that is the key ing for the establishment of milk sta- Dr. Weizmann could not see what Shukert, Samuel Maizel. nounce the methods of .our. further Following is the apparel collected to Liebold's influence over Ford. relief work in Russia and the Ukraine . -..--rv • •; ';UNIVERSITY BOOB" STORY COPIED tions, another for the vaccination on possible use Judge Mack's statement as announced by Selicow: within a couple of weeks. BY MANY PUBLICATIONS would serve even as he fails to under'New York. (J. C. B. Service.) At a large scale of the Jewish masses and Liebold Planted the Seeds Trusting tjiat this information is the Hotel Pennsylvania last night The story, "Chesterton is a Boob or Eighty-five, teles of clothing ov "Liebold, who planted the seeds of a medical examination of more than stand how the American Zionist adsatisfactory to you, I remain sbont 2$,000 pounds^ including DMJR'IS, ministration proposes to carry on its members and friends- of the Free a Nut," which appeared in The Omaha anti-Semitsm in Ford's mind, is the a hundred thousand children known Very truly yours, Synagogue celebrated the 14th anni- Daily Bee following Chesterton's visit same man who was connected with to be in an undernourished condition. worfl for Palestine while it is in actual women's and.children's outergarnients, ALBERT LUCAS, Secretary, Joint Distribution Committee. versary, of its' foundation. In the here, has been copied by the Literary German propaganda 4uring the war, The sanitary bathing stations in dif- revolt against the Zionist World Or- overcosts, underwear, sweaters, ho,^, hats, caps and muff's, quilts, blankets, course of the evening Rabbi Dr. Digest and by many other-national through the agency of Dr. Rumely, ferent centers of Poland,- it was decid- ganization. HE WILL TAKE Stephen S. Wise, the head of the Sy- newspapers, both Jewish- and non- former owner of the New York Mail, ed should be handled over, either to Dr. Weizmann was accompanied by and bed spreads. '. nagogue, announced ' that he"~ had Jewish. the existing communities or to pliilPOGROM ORPHANS TO Mrs. Weizmann and Ms secretaiy and 1,250 pair of ladies' and children** who was recently sentenced to the . SOUTH AFRICA pledged a contribution of $10,000 to The story was written here by Miss federal penitentiary for his unpatrio- anthropic and medical, organizations. on this visit did not meet Justice shoes. A request will be made to the Joint Brandeis. . •• * 760 pairs of men's shoes. London, (J. T. Agency).—Isaac Professor Albert. Einstei- fof the Ella Fleishman, who is a member of tic activities." , S^OO bars of soap. Mr. Pipp goes on to show that it Central office in Paris to apportion the Ochberg, a noted ship-broker and the Jewish University in Palestine. Pro- The Omaha Bee staff. fessor Einstein,' who declared that the Omaha newspapermen termed .the 900 pounds of beans. was this same man, Liebold, who had necessary funds required for effecting RABBI COHN TO OCCUPY. head of the Cape Jewish Orphanage proposed university would be "the the decisions of she conference. "Chesterton Boob story" one of the 800 pounds of rice, been associated at one time with'Rusis departing for Europe in order to PULPIT OF: FRANKLIN 300 potinds of eugar. take Across to South Africa hundreds greatest thing since the destruction best handled news stories of the year. sian anti-Semitic propaganda, and that Rabbi Frederick Cohit will occupy he had connections with the Russian Relief Head 20G pounds of bariey. ^ of Ukrainian pogrom orphans who of the Temple in Jerusalem" related the pulpit of Rabbi Leo M. Franklin officer who prosecuted Mendel Beilis A large quantity of canned gooft. are fo be cared for by the Jewish, how he came to support the idea of a PROF. EINSTEIN THROWS of the Temple Beth El at Detroit, Reconstructioii Company. Jewish University, in the famous ritual murder case. It was also collected, t communities of South Africa, says a LIGHT ON THEORY Paris. (J. T. "Agericy.) Dr. Boris Mich., Sunday, May 22. On the eame dispatch received here from Cape "I became interested in the under- New" York. (J. C. B. Service.) pro- .was this same Russian officer who D. Bogen, accompanied' by M.. Lan- day Rabbi Cohn "will address the JewTown. Most of the homeless taking," he said, "after many students fessor Albert Einstein last night deliv- first 'started the so-called protocols, desco, has returned to this city. The ish -student body of the University of MISSIONA-KHS PREDICT DIFFIyoungsters will be adopted by the had been refused'admittance tb'the ered the first of aperies of four lec- and Ford's paper was the first to print latter who is thefiesd"-ofConstructive Michigan. CULT PERIOD "IN PALESTINE. University in Berlin because of fheJr these. community, of Johannesburg. 1 tures on his theory*of relativity before From Detroit, Rabbi Cohn •will atrelief for the Joint pistribaiaon Com(J: T. Agency.) At an Jewish nationality.: One of my col "I recall when we first started the convention of-fflssSioharicsjast leagu- and I started classes for these the faculty of the college of the city Dearborn Independent, says Mr. mittee snd'"condHeted ih"Wsrsaip s. tend the convention of the Union of CHRISTIANS PROTEST young men; t but "thfeir • HTtmhers Boon of New York. In introducing the dis- Pipp, "that Mr. Ford often expressed special coiiferenee declared MmseE as American Hebrew Congregations at held is Brighton. ttte'Eeverend LangAGAINST ANTI-SEMITIC grew far top large for tis to handls. tinguished scientist, President Dr. the idea that this was to be a paper highly satisfied with 'tha'dellberstions Buffalo, New - York, from May 23 to ston in ,the.-.course.of s sfcd£h"esson Mezes expressed the appreciation of and resets of >tKis 'COnftreace. M. May 25. yw future of Jerusalem declared that PUBLICATION! Thus, the idea of a special university the that would sow only the seeds of the Lande'sco stated tliit 'all "psrties and college faculty for the opportunity the redemptiOR of the world wss inLondon. (J. T. Agency.) The local for Jews appealed to me as meeting a afforded them to hear Dr. Einstein on friendliness, and peace and better elements ofZewxy • •wererepresented separable, from the...fnture-of tliat eiiy SERBIAN ANTI-SEMITISM special need." _ • • Christian organization known as the a theory which is "reshaping our con- understanding among various peoples. aad the future of the Jewish rac«. Dr. Wise. announced; that prepara- cept of the" universe in its furthest You can see now how far he has gone and definit-• decision w?.s "arrived at to GKOW& "Prophesy Investigation '••.; Society" liquidate all relief work," retaining Vieima. <J. T. Agency.) Anti-Jew- Before the final-redemption wilj fee •which devotes itself chiefly to a study tions are being hiade to put up a build- reaches and most elusive parts." In astray." ? only departments to' "deal with v. reish manifestations have, occurred in achieved, however, the speaker i n of 4he Bible, adopted a resolution a t ing for the accommodation 6% the Free the audience were a number of disUsed Secret Service Men fugees, t i e Malth '•$£ ' ;the . . children, dicted that there will be another war, Synagogue congregantsj fjMT'isliieh ; its last meeting vigorously protesting Mr. Pipp quotes various instances sanitation generally asd the especial various cities in Serbia" and make it the consequences of whicn vill be tertinguished guests. : ... t : evident feat anti-Semitism is assumagainst the anti-Semitic volumes and purposp he declared $§50,000 would be of .secret service men and private" problems affecting reconstruction of ing alarmed proportion's in that coun- rible and will chiefly affect the Jewish periodicals, which have recently made collected during the next year. detectives who had been employed by the unsettle^' costattsinities.SEN; CALDER ASSERTS^ , ,. try, according to a dispatch received people generally And P&leUtine i» partheir appearance. •. ": Mr, Ford to rig up evidence against CAPTAIN ROSENBLUTH . here from Belgrade. A manifesto is- ticular. .- . KEREN HAYESSOD the Jews. These same men, person*! JEWS CONCIRN1H IS INNOCENT 9DO NEW ARRIVALS IN PALESsued by anti-Semitic organizations acMOVEMENT MAKING New York. (J. C. B. 'Service.) Ques- acquaintances of Mr/ Pipp, came to TINE DURING MARCH. CB>.«S t t e Jer.-s of having helped the VILNA EDITOE GREAT. STRIDES tioned by a representative of the "The him afterwards, in disgust, and- s id ' OVER Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) Official Bsigasians and appeals to all patriotic New York. (J.C. IS. Service.) The New York World" as to whether he they had been unable to find anything. figures available show that during the greatest enthusiasm .prevailed at a Serbians, Creates and Slavs to boycott . Vienna. -.(J. T;. Aseacy;);.Advices :; Consequently Mr. Ford and Mr. LieBansig, (J. T. A&sncyh—^he Edim6nth of March 950 immigrants en- meeting held in the Jewish community believed Captain Rosenbluth is inno- bold ha. had to base their edito'als from Prague received ;1iere regarding ih.5 Jews and so isolate' them as to tor of the *Ne»m Mor«enw, Kl»onencent, United States Senator Caider tered Palestine. the situation cpested;by.thereslgna-, force them to go to Palestine. The bert,- is- ssing the? editors »f tJi« of Browsville, Brooklyn, in behalf of on fabrications of *heir own mind* It is reported from Haifa that a the Keren HayesSsotL 'jDr. Weizmann who was in this city yesterday, is re- According to Pipp, Mr. Camer3J tdon of Presid^at'-Massaryit, indicate Serbian government is doing rothiag i snd :the *«ttaSntM tax special Organization headed by t h together with the other members of ported to have said: .to discourage the anti-Semites and that the Jews; of .-Csecfeo^Slovakia ar< g ma4e. the .charge that he was one of the editors of the Dearborn c well-known Jewish leader Boris Gold' the Zionist delegation: addressed the ' 1 know that he is innocent. I be- dependent, who has written manv nf- greatly disturbed by; the: president's' lias,; on the. contrary, more recently & German press afest "ia th* lieve that the investigators thought berg, has been organized for the; pur- large gathering and in -response to the anti-Semitic editorials, expressed act" President-Msssaryk, It is pointed been expelling a number of Jews be- of- the German .-occupation ©f pose of building up a new Jewish Dr. Weizmann's" appeal more tlspn at first that they had a case, andthat to Mr. Pipp that he wished he were out, has always ehown concern fe'r longing to Greece and Spain -who have quarter near.Carmel. The soil which §100,000 was pledged for the fund theyajs trying to avoid the trouble a Jew, he was so impressed with the the Jews and restricted during his been resident in the country for many Kronenberg is & vraxm EUppo?t#r oj is" to be utilized for this purpsoe is all which is to ensure-the rebuilding of they have stirred up by claiming that Jewish • eople, after reading their his- term of ofSee, all anti-Semitic mani- j-ears. they have no jurisdiction." LIVERPOOL PRAYS FOR SXDUSdwned by the Jewish Development Zion. The Senator denied that he had tory. Yet it is this same man who has festations. . ' - TRIAL PEACE. Company. Conditions of Emigrants Passing drawn any comparison between the been force' to write the articles about London. (J. T. A^ncy.) Btsdfness Throairh London Relieved. OPEN MEETING TO SPEAK IN DULUTH case .of Captain Rosenbluth and that the ' intentional Jew, that have JUNIOR WELFARE TO MEET men of all denominations jofcid t&^ London. (J. T. Agency.) Large The monthly open meeting and enHenry Monsky, first vice-president of Captain Dreyfuss. "Such a thing shocked the entire world. A regular meeting; of the Junio: clergy of Liverpool in « special meetMr. Pipp left Ford's employ after he tertainment of the B'r?ai Brith Trill be barracks £or emigrant's ha%-e been V;-l.":ire Organization '.rill be hel of the B'nai Brith grand lodge, No. 6, never occurred to me," he- said. ing of prayed voicing their hoge that opesed in Southampton by the English V::\C.~y, Mr.y 1, at tlie Jewish Welfarewill be the principal, speaker at the don't believe that the two cases ara had reen the fi: ' cf these articles in held Sunday evening," May 15, at the indnstrial' per'ce vnVL T-evail la Ebat i'-orv, r\t Minataenih and Farnam B'nai Brith meeting and banquet in comparable. I am positive that there proof form. Those now working on the Fontenelle Hotel ballroom. • Prominent gove -nment in order to afford them country, according to a diepatcii from r.'-"s'r. ' h - - •c:K^rr::iiy is now mot Duiuth, Minn., Sunday. He leaves for is no anti-Semitic feeling behind the pap;r are in disg^ * with Ford and speakers from .cut of the city Trill be bett— accommodation and more sanitary conditions. his -. Lt-cks- upon the Jews. on the program. accusations asaitst Rosenbluth." Duluth Friday, ih.:r. 200. Ihs goal is 300. Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS."

Eiter ffimfor-' tie Jews


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PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1921. F S&ruge, Harry Stone, Charlie White, LEADING JEWS I Johnny Mendelson, Monte Attel, Joe PROTESTED AGAINST j Barman, Sammy Harris ?.nd dozens of "JEWISH CHRONICLE" l every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by other good lads. London, (J. T. Agency).—The THE JEWISH: PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. .The boys of Jewish, faith of the "Horning Post"1 repeal* its assertion MOKKIS E. JACOBS, Manager. While Boxing is the Roughest and present day are many, but there are that ten leading English Jews inOffice," Four, Batrd BIdg.—Telephone, Doug. 2372/ Hardest Sport, Yet it Seems two who stand out brilliantly, Benny cluding Lord Rothschild, Lord to be Preferred. . ..$1.50 Leonard, of New York, lightweight Subscription " Price, one year.Swaythling and Mr. Monifcnore champion of the world, and Lew Advertising rates furnished on application. Most of the big nations of the earth TencOer, of Philadelphia, contender for protested against the attitude oi -, NOT PEINTED FOR PEESONAL PROFIT — Profits from the title, and not forgetting Willie the "Jewish, Chronicle" and the have different sports or games as their publication of The Jewish Press are to be given to "worthy conjmunal Jackson, of New York, another con- "Jewish World" which they maintain national pastime, America has base•causes.' .. •'.-' ' • • •."'• .'•••"''• . . . - . , ' ' - •. tender. This trio, would be hard to favors the Bolshevists. ball; England, cricket; France, a little. CHANGE OB1 ADDRESS—Please give both tlie oid and new address; ba sure bit of all; Germany, wrestling and beat anywhere in the -world. ••••••' ' - - ••'•"'•• •'-" i a n d s i g n n a m e . . • • . gymnastic work; Spain, bull fighting, etc* Most of the big nations have Jewish Communities In Man}' CounANNOUNCEMENT (CHESTERTON'S "NEW JERUSALEM" IS THE OLD ANTIboxing now on a large scale. For tries Protest'Against Methods Mrs. S. Mantel is no SEMITIC CHESTERTON, RABBI DR. WISE DECLARES. some reason the Jewish people, that is of "Agudath Israel." longer connected with the males, have always taken the Kew York, B. Service)*.— omniscience incarnate, is not 'to get London. (J, T. Agency.) Reports the Kosher Restaurant rid of the Jewish Problem' but to greatest interest in boxing or pugilism received from this city from Poland, Questioned as to his opinion of and now has re-opened p help some Jews,to get rid of their as it was called in tfie olden days. Lithuania, Germany and' Austria reChesterton's <'New Jerusalem" which AT 1919 BUET STREET* It is one of the hardest and roughest late that the local Jewish press and was recently issued in this country, Christless oppressors, whether these assume the gaunt form of the erstof sports and still the Jews hare pre- various portions of the different comRabbi Dr. Stephen, S..vWise said: while Pobodonostieff in Russia or the ferred that to other forms of sport. munities are up in arms against the "'The New Jerusalem.' is not the somewhat less gaunt form of the From the days of Daniel Mendoza, decision Of the "Agudath. Israel" new Jerusalem but just the old twice s. day. cavprting Chesterton in England. In the Spanish Jew, who held the cham- secret conference to take all possible Chesterton,—hand and voice alike! pionship of England from 1792 until measures against the Zionist Organ"Query,—why go to Jerusalem,— England, but neither of England nor for England, which laughs with. r . Miss Bessie Friedman typists striving for perfection. Miss 1795, there have been many clever and ization and to appeal to England not and it could nbtll^ve been a simple Attention given parties, Chesterton: as a privileged jesterand Friedman's touch is absolutely even. capable men of the ring. Mehdoza has to recognize, the organization as the weddings, etc. We rent "I get as nervous as a prima donna matter to have transported "all; of G. Kosher dishes. , K r C. thither,—when one could spi^. as. the jester of all reactionary priv- and I receive almost as many flowers She uses her hands—and they are very always been considered one of 1 the Jewish agency for Palestine. The Jew- * out sprightly fancy and spiteful ilege but iaughs at Chesterton, the and plaudits at an exhibition," declares pretty hands — at the machine much real exponents of scientific boxing and ish press, declares that this is'an "anfiction at least as well in, England? embryonic or full-blown statesman. Miss Bessie Friedman of New York as a pianist does. There is absolutely his metnoriable battle with Humphries parsllel act of treachery and that no Phone: Douglas 5883 '•'••,• '1 know not which is worse,—to "To link the name df a Jewish city who holds the world's accuracy no waste motion. Her hands hover In 1TS8 will always be remembered as self-respecting Jew can now remain one of the great events of the ring. in the ranks of the "Agudath Israel." have no shrines, as was said of diamond-digger of the African Rand test in typewriting and who spent close to the keyboard and scarcely Gibbons, or, as may be said of the 'with that of Disraeli in the terms last week in Omaha and this vicinity. move an inch as she writes Her flexible Abe Attell was One underlining Chesterton, to have one of a denial of the capacity of either Miss Friedman on June 8,1919. estab^ fingers stretch and rea^h out with •From that iiine to the- present there'. shrine and from tinder its cover to to die for England .may"be. Chester- lished a world's* record for accurate astonishing sureness of touch. have been numerous Jewish figures of j tonian, but it is also to falsify .his- typewriting at th3 Y. M. C. A. in^few Miss Friedman gave exhibitions in blacken every other altar. note and during the past decade the j ANNOUNCEMENT tory and^to suffer one's anti-Jewish j York city when she wrote 132 "words Omaha high schools and throughout "Tha Chesterton, theses on Jerunumber has increased ten fold. Abe! salem, old and new, are quite familiar, passion to extinguish one!s- sense of a minute for fifteen minutes, vithoUt the state last week. Her trip west is -j-'The New Witness"..having achiev- British fair-play,—to say nothing of an error. S?he operated an Underwood of r - educational nature. She makes Attell, the former champion bantam ] plain to employer and employe the and featherweight, has always been s ed some fame as an old equiyocator. Christian compassion.' "machine. HAVING' RECENTLY KESIGNEB AS DEPUTY And the theses are,—well* they inay ^ "may delight the editors of "Make haste slowly and stick to your futility of inaccuracy and the loss of mentioned as one of the cleverest of all fighters, but we must not overlook • , . COUNTY ATTOENEY HAS OPENED be found in every .weekly issue of 'The New Witness' and less sophis-. rhythm/' is Miss Friedman's advice to time" and money involved. Tommy Ryan, former welterweight' Ford's journal, though unadorned by ticated hooligans, but it is not his: ' 1AW OFFICES , and middleweight star, whom I conepigram and unenrlched by paradox. tory. Zionism is a problem,'- grave Battering Down the Wall. Hebrew Language Revived. sider one of the finest boxers and ring at And again these theses are,—Jews and infinitely burdensome, but it will Burris Jenkins, editor of the Kansas generals who ever entered the arena.' are Jews; therefore they cannot be not be solved by them that jeer at City Post, in his "Nubbins" column, Special to "THE JEWISH Ryaa was a master boxer and fighter patriots or gentlemen or trustworthy, the Jew in perfect Chestertonian, says: Sioux City, la., April 27.—That the combined and had he carried a little and, since Zion is again to be, Jews *Damn to you, here is your last . "Interesting, isn't it, to see how the Hebrew language is coming back to more weight would no doubt have held and has resumed the must be treated as second-class citi- chance; take it or perish.* It will be Christian press, both secular -and re1 U £ 0 i n p ^ s t i n e after having been several titles from the welterweigh zens in Palestine and as third-class solved and it is being solved by the ligious, is springing to the defense of citizens everywhere else. And it is. union of the watcher at the gates of the Jews, in view of tfce recent attack considered as dead for about 2,000 class p. Abe Attell was wonderfullj • — Telephone; Tyler 4010 all verified by. glowing allasion to,the Zion, Britain, and of them that are made upon that race by the Dearborn : years, is shown by the return of a clever, as his battles against met muc. heavier than himself will attest Crusades with utter prostration i be- entering therein. These enter not Independent? 4 postal card to Rabbi Raphael Goldenfore their glory and entire oblivion that they may prosper but that they 'The paper has now been excludued ' s t e i n , o f lit. Sinai temple, which was but he never had a real finish tha to their shame. The author, the most shall .hot perish,—not so much that from St. Louis. Christian ministers -written by the rabbi and addressed Tommy Ryan had. Ryan was 1 conventional ai»d continental of anti- they may be free of the Ches- have answered the Independent and j j n Hebrew to his father, Phineas D. French Jew r d a wonderful fighter. Semites/ is so eager that the world tertonian rabble, whether stone-hurl- newspapers all over the country have Goldenstein at Petasch-Tikwah, Pale- Many good Jewish fighters might be mentioned going as far back as ten to shall remember the second-classness of ing or epigram-flinging, but that they printed editorials against anti-Semitstine. the Jew that he ^almost forgets a may enter at last into the heritage -isn. There's,™ great body of Christ- Rabbi Goldenstein wrote instructions fifteen years, among them were :PhiI Brock, Willie Beecher, lieach. Cross,.' first-class Jew, neither Papist nor of the Jeace of self-Tevererice. ians in America which would hot vote Jo n the post card that it should be Battlinp Levinsky, Ted (Kid) Lewis, Arab, o£ the first centurjr, "save as "And still in The New Jerusalem1 for ctmplete religious freedom of the ]xe t u rned to him reaching its The name-of the' E. 2nd H. Bakery, 1722 North. Twenty—.- _tbe latter is of course the direct and Chesterton has really attained as Jews. Indeed, the wall between Jada- ' destination. The rabbi's father receiv- Young Lustig, Knockcut Mars, Young i fourth Street, has been changed to that of the Adler. purjosive founder of the Bpman distinction. He 13 the first English ism and Christianity is being battered ed the communication and mailed the Church "and : the pre-Chesteirtonian author to /glorify, not\-merely to down. You Tead a book on'theology, card back to Sioux City. Habbi Gol- fi!IHEE!!!f!!!ilf!i:ifI!Sn?ni!iEHUf!!f!!lSili|l Bakery. The owners are M. Adler and 1L Forbes. patron-saint of modern anti-Semit- defend, a pogrom, last Easter's or on religious subjects, by a progres- densteia considers this a final proof ism. The bakery is still under the same manage- ' ;. pogrom, against Jews by Arabs sive, liberal Jew, then read one of j o f ^e renewed use of the Hebrew "In T h e New Jerusalem* Chester- under, the.inspiration and the in- similar nature by a progressive; lib- I language. meat that it was before the aame was changed. ton..iias ^achieved the distinction of stigation of just such Christians as eral Christian, and yon would think j Rabbi' Goldenstein"receives daily /writing the. anti-Semite's Baedeker to Chesterton, and his kind.- But no,— they were composed: in the same newspapers printed m "Hebrew from Palestine. The papers have been esMeans Economy. Palestine. Vulgarity niay be miti- The New Jerusalem' is not Ches- school."—American Israelite. gated, but is not normally mended by terton.; It is Barnum turned histablished since the Zionist movement yowr neighbor about our Blattt«s High Skirt on War. gained momentum. According to these brilliant form any more than men^Ltorian and philosopher. If <3hesterdacity is cleansed by putting on thej^am were an English gentleman, one The extremes adopted byihe modern papers, Hebrew is the official language trick garments of audacious paradox. J might say of The New Jerusalem'; girl should not be judged too harshly, of the country, appearing in all official SS QCAtlXT SHOE KEPAIR SHOP •= "The.aim of Zionism, if one .may jit Is not cricket.. But Chesterton said Mary Ross Pottery dean of women S12D14 Cnmiuff Street. S at Northwestern. University, Chicago, | ^ ^ ^ , ™ ^ ^ £ 5* presume to offer any information to Isn't,—he- is: Chestertoiu" .' 6 at: a meeting of ministers' wives. , ., ,. .-r T> -,.• v + i „ „ "There is nothing wrong with the girl up to the time the British took possesPROFESSOR EINSTEIN SAYS JEWISH INof today because she usea a lip stick sion.of the country. that we ~will open on or about May 1 EXPLAINS RELATIVITY FLUENCE IN AMERICA and a little rouge and a dab of pow- Newly - Founded Organization of WILL BE DESTROYED der," said Dean Potter. "Of course, New York, ( J . C . B. Service).— German Jews Opposed to j 1 London, (J. % Agency).—The local the dress of the girl of today---skirt Eastern Jews. > A First Class Kosher Delicatessen. • Professor Albert Einstein delivered publication "PJain English" in its to the knees almost, flimsy stockings, Berlin, (J. T. A.).—The newlyj his first lecture on his own theory last issue publishes a report relating flimsy everything—is not the dress of No ••Springs-r-Honesf Weight. '. and Dairy Products Store of relativity before the members of that a secret organization has been mother's generation. Nevertheless she founded federation of German N&-! at heart, j tional" Jews had its- first cfficiali k h HOBART ELECTRIC ;the Science faculty of Columbia Uni- formed in. the "United States for the is sweet and good and kind to be known as the NORTH SIDE KOSHER She has an independence that did not; gathering. M.'Naumati who presided, purpose of -ridding the country of GRINDERS, CHOPPERS versity and a large number of stuDELICATESSEN COMPANY, located at 1,618 belong to her mother's day, but such! explaining the principles of the fiew all dominating Jewish influences. By AND MIXERS. dents who crowded the auditorium in initiating a new system in the exten- is the-spirit of ihe times. It is the organization declared that memberNorth 'Twenty-fourth Street, with & full line of strictly fresh and Kosher delicatessen and all Horace Mann SchooL to capacity. sion of banking credits, the organ- r e s u l t o f t h e w a r . " — A m e r i c a n I s r a e l - ship will be restricted to Jews of! Service aad Sales: ite. ":•'-•••':•'• . • • • ' - • . - . • . • • -• . purely German origin. The new ization proposes to destroy the conkinds of dairy products. --,.-_--Professor. Eihstera. was given an organization is openly opposed to 13ih AND JACKSON STREETS ovation. His lecture was delivered trolling power of American-Jewish : NOTED JEW OF FRANCE lending Eastern Jews either support Phones: in German, and in the- course of Ms bankers aurf by 1925, according td DEAD. or toleration. the report, American Jewry will no Toledo Scales ... Doug. 7682 Mrs. R MeicKes attd remarks frequently brought laughter Paris. (J. Tk Agency.) Joseph longer be of any .consequence. Hob&rt filectrio _;... DoUg. 7S9S to his audience by the Humor1 which Eeinach, one of the leading Jews in this country died yesterday after a he injected in his 'explanations';.* JEWS OF SALONIKI long illness, aged 66. Eeinach was one We have on hand.Used "The relativity theory is not a ARE ACCUSED OF of the leaders of the •"Alliance Israel• '•••• ftebuilt closed theory," but a theory of method RITUAL MURDER ite" and took a leading- part in tiie in which, experience supplies the Constantinople, (J.. T.. Agency).~1- defense of Captain Dreyfuss. He was ^postulates and reasoning draws the The Jewish community of Salonikl a historian of note and during the late conclusions," Professor Einstein ex- was seriously threatened, by a crowd war rendered invaluable service to the Just received fuiJ line cf effttonnes and Etriped material. niained. Special relativity, he said, of street rioters which charged them Allied OSIAHA*S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES the ^jj Almost throughout g ettdeavo"ted to find la's'S to account with having committed ritual murderi period of the war^ he was a regular i f o t the Inability" to detect absolute according to a dispatch from that contributor ." to the influential daily Phone ! motion. From ft puMy descriptive' eity. The accusation was the result "Figaro" where he dealt mainly -with Douf, of a suggestion made to the crowd p^int of view every Inotioil waa the miltary situation. At one time have Christian blood Reihach vfus Gambetta'fe relative. It was impossible to that Jews must 1 for Passover . and he entered the French Chamber of describe the motion of a point except \ Deputies as far back as* 1S89. At the by its relation -to another point. If I Slay 1st—All Week age of 21 he had already gained note J.-C.-.B, DIRECTOR ON fllS WAY two system^ were moving past each, as a writer* _ •. •, , TO AMERICA. WEEK STARTING WEEK STARTING other uniformly, either* might be looked upott by the observer on one. London, <J. T. Agency).—The well- The entire French press mourns the SUNDAY. MAY 1st SUNDAY, MAY 1st as at rest, with the other in" motion. known journalist, Jacob.Landau, who loss of "Joseph Eeinach and speaks in most praisewortJiy terns of his maniis ons of the directors of the JewThe baste of relativity" was ]^ew->. fold activities during a long ftnd most ton's first law of motion that a body ish Correspondence Bureau, Bailed for useful period. In her latest America on the Olympic. Mr. Lanmoved in a straight line with uniform photoplay success velocity when iHT away- frdni other dau is a most intimate friend of Dr EESTRICTIONS UPON YIDDISH ih Belgian Damssk of t r bodies. Professor Einstein set tip Max Nordau. W WITHDRAWN. Shruftk binding used/ Any siae. twp co-ordinate system^ which -he ~" Danzig. (J s T. Agency.) The local _ IN sketched ea the blackboard, to EhoW JEWISH SOCIALISTS IN KOVNO authorities in Bialystock have WithISSUE PUBLICATION. that the motion Which one particle drawn their prohibition of the display fii a system bears to another particle, Ddh2ig» (J. T. Agency).—The Jew- of signs in YiSdish, according to a in another system may result in a ish Socialists of Kovrio have started report from that city. The authorities curve* In ordinary mechanics only Issuing" a daily under the natnb of yielded in the matter as a result of the May Slh—All Wtek. one system was permissable, the ''flie Afbelter-Zeitung", states a efforts of Deputy Farbstein With the Old furniture reuphoSstefed like Annual Style Sltovr new. W« don't care how bat! the second system being permissable only report received here from that city. Polish governments in tanfieetiin wi£H upholstering part is, we make it when it moved with, uniform" motion BRANDE1S STORES liks new. JEWISH POPULATION IN POLAND GERER RABBI ARRIVES IN relative to the •first. Featuring the PhbtopSay DECREASING. PALESTINE. The mechanics ' of Newton and Clara Kismball Young Galileo-embodied the special relativ- Danzig ,(J. T, Agency.), Warsaw re- London. (J. T. Agency.) An orthodox delegation headed by the celebratports indicate that the Jewish popula•Write i*te ity principle, lie said. There was n u s will tiUl witit STRAlGST~Soii PARIS no cause for doubt 6$ thisf law in tion in Poland Is refiflarly.decreasing, ed Gerer Rabbi has reached Palestine, So. 18th St. Opl>, Csstle Hotel. the hiechanical field until eiectric and mainly, it is stated, through emlgra- according to a dispatch from Jerutioa.' • . - •( ' optical phenomena were examined.








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KA-DEE-MO NEWS ——. :—!

j o

Miss Rita Mayer of Lincoln is visitMembers of the Thorpeian Athletic The banquet of the Ka-Dee-Mo club ing her sister; Mrs. Herbert Arnstein Sent b y o u r Council Bluffs N e w s club entertained for the Thorpeian has been indefinitely postponed. and Mr. Arnstein. ;. .. b u r e a u . . . . basketball team,.winners of the Y. M. The first report of the "Good and While attending the meeting of the C A; Commercial League champion-- Welfare" committee was given a t the ; . . . The regular meeting of the Hebrew Central Conference of American Rab- ship, with a dancing party Wednes- last, meeting. The club i s n w seeking permanent Educational 'club was held Monday bis at Washington, Dr. Frederick Conn day nirht.- The following men were conducted the Friday evening service, presented medaln, small:grid basket- club rooms. ' I t is the desire of the evening a t thi home -of Miss Freida balls: Paul Konecky, captain; Sidney d u b to have rooms where the mem- Goldberg, 551 .Mill street. Miss Jennie occupying the pulpit of Rabbi Simon Corrnman, David Chesno, Sam Freid- bers can congregate each evening for Katelman was elected secretary to of Washington.' Dr. tJohn was also berg, George Bernstein, Edward Le- club activities. i. 1 the vacancy cased by. tLe resignaelected to.the committee on the presir yinson, Nathan LevinSon and Louis Sam Kaplan presented a plan to tion of Miss Rae Bercu. S. H. Schaef er, dent's .message. — Freiberg. print a.monthly bulletin to contain superintendent of the Jewish Welfare After the presentation, George Ka-DeerMo news and club activities. Federation of Omaha, was the prinThe" May party to be given by the Bernstein gave several songs and A s t h e plan was acceptable^Mr. Sam cipal speaker of the evening. Phil Pi Tau Pi fraternity for the children at "temple. Israel has been postponed Harry Stern told stories and. sang Kaplan and Mr. Jack Mar er were ap- Trochtenberg read several selections pointed to act as a committee to find of tha history, of-the Jew. one week and will be given Sunday several songs. The new club rooms were prettily ways and means to publish such a- Committees have been appointed to afternoon, May .8, in the vestry of decorated and the club is anticipating bulletin. * plan entertainments to be given by the Temple Israel, instead of ..on Sunday, At the next social function to be club for members ^and their friends May 1, as previously announced. All many future affairs there. held in. two weeks a t Hanscom Park, during the coming summer season. children are invited. Dr. Manuel Grodinsky, who has been a membership drive will be inaugurat- Among these, according to the.coman interne a t Mt. Sinai hospital in ed for members as the club quota has mittees, will be a large water festival At Temple Israel on Friday evening, New York, is now in Omaha visit- been raised and it is the desire of the and a picnic at Laka Manawa. The Dr. Conn's subject for his sermon will ing his parents, Rabbi and Mrs. H.club to have a full quota. club also has accepted t h e challenge be "The World Set Free." ' Grodinsky. Dr. Grodinsky may locate of the Aleph Y dvtb of Omaha to a in this city. >••, ALEPH Y NEWS ) debate. Mrs. B. Precl is confined to her •— .' . — - — • : — -o apartment at the Blackstone by illAbe Grodinsky and family ~ of "Eesolved that Immigration to The Tegular meeting of the Agudahness. -• - Chicago and Miss Helen Grodinsky, Palestine be Restricted", will be the Achlm was held Monday evening at

The next regular meeting ©f the ^ifiiiiiiiiiiinniniitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiitsiii!ii!iiiMi!itiii3iiitiiiiHiui!iiiiuiiiiiiHiniiiiiii^ Hebrew Educational club will be held S Monday evening, May 9, a t the home of Miss Jennie Katelman, 412 Oakland avenue. The Jewish' Benevolent society of Council Bluffs will give a card party Wednesday afternoon, May, I I , : > t the home of. .Miss Jennie Katelsnan, 4 1 2 O a k l a n d a v e n u e . ' .•••••'".


• ' '•

Miss Jeanette Gilissky entertained for six couples a t her home in honor of her sixteenth birthday. 4

The engagement of Miss Evelyn Goodson of Sacrs»e&tO, Calif., t o Leo Krasne of .Council'Bluffs w a s : announced during the past week. .

.•'. .. . "ITCHIE'' HEBE ." - - ,•• Xittle three-year-old-Master Richard Headriek, better known .-to ' intimate and screen friends s s ' l t c h i e , " plays s charming part in Alice Lake's newest picture, "The Greatest Claim," which is,coming to the Sun thetre, startingSunday. . His engagement with Metro for this picture has a delightful history. After Miss Lake had finished reading the story of "The Greater Claim," ehe rushed to the casting office and asked that the lad be given the child p a r t Fortunately, he was not engaged elsewhere; and was at..«Ssce cast for the role of her son.

superintendent of Jewish Charities in subject of ^the dual debate that will the. Danish hall. St. Paul, are visiting their parents, be held May 15 between the Aleph Rabbi and Mrs* H. Grodinsky. Y c l u b of the Y. M. H, A. and the Phil Romanov, teacher of the CounciL Sioux City, Y. M. H. A . Try-outs Bluffs City Talmud Torah will return Mr. Abe Frledstat of Hastings an- for positions on the debating team Monday from New York City, where nounced the marriage of his - sister, were held Monday evening and the he h a s been spending the Passover Jeanette to Mr. John Godstiner. The following men were selected by the holidays with his relatives. marriage took place Thursday evening judges: Affirmative; Sam Beber, in'lancoln. /They are at home a t 1552 captain; Harry Pfeffer and Harry Mrs. L. Katz of Chicago arrived North Nineteenth street. Janger; Negative: Fred White, Sunday for an extended visit with her captain; Albert Rabinowitz and Israel relatives, Mrs. M. Solomon. Max JCulakofsky, formerly of Hany H. LapBus, PreS.-Ttt&l. Omaha, now of Wichita. Falls, Texas, oodman. Edwin Altschuler and The Blossoms of ZIon will hold its JOE. F6fP«n VJee-PresJdenfc. Harold Parber were chosen as W. G. Cre. Secretsry. is visiting relatives here.• •'.-..•'• regular meeting Sunday afternoon. alternates. entertainment. • •. •Omaha 'Fixture & Mrs. M. S. Miller and Mrs. Joe Cohn This will be the first debate that Mr. and "Mrs. H. Karlson of Dow On Wednesday, May 4, the tri- leave Tuesday for Excelsior Springs, the Aleph Y has arranged but, many Supply Co. annual election of officers will be held where they will join Mrs. Miller's sis- more are excepted as the challenge City, la., are spending the week with COMPLETE STORE AND and all members are being rged to ter, Mrs. Georga W. Harris of Denver. to the Hebrew Educational club of M. Saltzman. • OFFICS OUTFITTERS " attend. . We occupy They will remain aboufc two weeks. Council Bluffs already has been acThe Jewish Benevolent society of ever 79,000 sassi* feet cepted. The date of this debate will SoEtJiwest Corn*? Council Bluffs m i l give a card party The regular meeting of the Omaha Miss Gertrude Stein will give a be held soon after the debate with Wednesday afternoon, May 11, a t EleTentb and Koalas Street*. Sioux "City. . . . . Pione: Doagljis i72i Junior Hadassah will be L d d Wednes- dancing party a t Hanscom Park PavilOJtSEA. N Eagle's hall.\ \ The fiirst try-out for the Aleph'Y day; May 4, a t the Y. M-.H. A. club lion Monday evening, May 2, for her rooms. sister, Miss Hollye. Stein whose mar- baseball team will be held Saturday riage to Mr. S. Rothenberg takes place morning a t Holmes Park, Thirty-first 1 Omaha's St. and Ames Ave. Nathan Green Miss Hermine Hirschmann, daugh- in the near future. Newest and Finest Equiped and Ed. Levinson were elected ath-j ter of. Dr. and Mrs. Herman HirschBath-House. letic director and assistant athletic! YOTE FOS mann, will give a solo dance-at the Mrs. Will Rips of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Baths, Massagia, Hot Packs, Elecannual dancing revue of Miss formerly^ Miss Sarah Adler, is visiting director of all athletic activities for tric Treatment* Inhalatormm. "Adalaide Fogg, a t the Brandeis her pareiis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler. the coming season. Theatre on May 30. The following new members were Mrs. Morton Degan leaves Tuesday admitted to t h e club: Leon Gross, CONCANNON BSOS., Props*. Mrs. Ben. L. Polsky and ' small for Chicago, where she will remain for Ed. Levinson, Harry Janger and; 1401 Farnain St., Basesaent "daughter, Shirley Esther, of Lincoln, several weeks. Jake Hirsch. " Entrance. are spending the Passover holidays •The Passover party given by. the Telephone: Tyler 5731 with Mrs. Polsky's parents,. Mr, and Miss Sheila Leaf of New York, Aleph Y; Tuesday evening, for memformerly of Omaha, is visiting her bers and their friends, was a success,! Mrs; L. Bessel , OMAHA, NEB. mother, Mrs. C. B . Leaf and family. according to the members present. Mrs. Julius-Weil and son, Myron, of She will remain for several weeks. Lincoln; spent the week-end -with Mrs. "HtS GREATEST SACRIFICE" Weil's mother, Mrs. Carrie Living- Mrs. William Milder and small son The popular William Farnum will are spending two weeks with Mrs. ston. be here again next week in a big Milder's parents, Mr. and Sirs. S. I. CHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY emotional photoplay called "His ';'-' At t h e annual meeting of the Studney In Kansas City. ,, : c-_ SHOP. Greatest Sacrifice." This will be shown Brotherhood, which was held Sunday ": " • Establlstcd ISO at the Moon theatre. I3fh aad Barney. Eooslas SS33. The engagement of Miss Lee Zien, afternoon in the vestry, of Temple .The.dramatic a r t as exemplified on daughter of ;Mr. I. Zien of Milwaukee, t Israel, the following officers were the screen by Mr. Farnum has been a He has been a 'elected for the ensuing year; Selwyn to Emanuel Elliott Handler, -son of joy to all motion, picture followers, Mr. and Mrs..Sol Handler of this city, s u p p o r t e r of Jacobs, president; Herbert S. Heavenand, according .to advance reports, iK: rich, vice-presidentj Victor Ganz, wasrannounced this week. Miss Zien "His Grea^st Sacrifice" i s - a picture Harry B. Zimman secretary; Leslie Burkenroad, financial came t o Omaha last summer to make that gives the star an opportunity to for many years. secretary and Louis Simon, treasurer. her home with her sister, Mrs. B . R. lay all of his great screen powers a t These men were all active in the Boasbef-. The marriagi will, take the feet of the photodramatic public. place sometime in June. •_ Brotherhood during the last year. . Three directors were elected tot f LONDONERS HONOR BEACONStwo years to the board. They siSi Dr.; Mrs. S. Welnberg leaves Saturday FIELD'S MEMORY. i J. A. Weinberg, Dr. B T. Friectanan, to spend some time with her sisters London. (J. T. Agency.) Honoring in Dea Moihes. ; and Eugene N; Blazer. memory of Lord Beaconsfield^ large All those-., wishing t6 enroll numbers Of Londoners today placed Mrs. Z. Schlank of Siotix City, formerly of Omaha, spent the week end children in t h e Talmud Torah for the floral wreaths a t his statue in West• .with h e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.-coming session mu-t do .••> before May minster. 10, accor&ng f o Jacob Gordon, superGilinsky of Council Bluffs. PHONE: DOUGLAS 279S. intende?,t of the Talmud Torah. "The Tne Hadassah will hold its regular room space i s limited and classes must meeting Thursday fternoon, May 5, be arranged," he said. at 2:30 p . m. a t the Lyric building. Dr. Victor E. Levine of the CreighElection of officers will be held. ton Medical school will appear on the .One hundred and thirty-seven child- program cf the annual meetings of ren, attended the annual Sedar con- Biologists of the United Stales and Caaada, which will be held in Rochesducted byilabbi CoilnTafcTemplelsra Ideal F s a i l y Leaf ter,New-York, April 30--to-Msty-3. Sunday morning. Many older memYcrai He will report his latest researches.

The Pi Tau Pi fraternity entertained at a dancing party Saturday evening when the, honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. B. Bi Hene, whose marriage took place this winter and Mr. Gustave Rosenstock, who sails May 3 for Europe where he will spend several months. Following the dance, supper was served at Jones' for thirty-five guests. Mr. Leslie Burkenroad, president of the local chapter, presented a departure gift to Mr. Rosenstock. Mr. Stanley Feiler was in charge of the


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He ffitcts square dealing to all.


City Commissiimer.'. .- He is eatilled to your rote May 3r& HOPKINS IS ON THE SAME TIGKET WtU


Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tertig and small son leave Friday for Grand_ Rapids, ' A;daughter; Jeannei-was born SatMichigan, where thiy-yrill'iemaia for urday to Mr. and Mrs. Delvan Becker some time witli Mrs. Fertig^s parents. at Mitchell,: South Dakota. Mrs. B?cker was! formerly Mis- Fannie t h e Jewish Women's Welfare. OrRosenstockj daughter of Mrs. Fiord ganization will hold its regular Rosenstock of this city. meeting Monday afternoon, instead of on Tuesday, the regular meeting day, Mrs. Max Block, who underwent a 5l&y 2, at 2:30 p. m. in the club rooms slight operation at the Wise Memorial in the Lyric building.

hospital, Monday, is now convalescent and is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WANTED H. J . Abrahams a t the Blackstone Jewish woman wanted to help in Hotel. fitosher Restaurant, 316 South 15th Street. Good pay.

The Young Judea Senior Club was entertained a t a nut party at the home of Miss Estelle Lapidus. A featurd of the party was a "nut hunt" irt Hanscom. Park\ Nuts -were hidden in various places and there was a great deal of excitement As the -girls were" endeavoring to find the nuts so cleverly concealed. Other n u t games and dancing concluded the afternoon's entertainment." The next meetillg tif the Young Judea Senior Club will be held Sunday, May 8,1921, at the homv> of Miss "Tina Altschuler, 2304 North' Twenty-' first street. ^ •





City Representative 510 So. 10th St.


319 South 16th Strest Phone Douglas 3400


Steiner Electric MeatChopper and Coffee Mill.

ffit SAFE and buy them at


Our guarantee and our \vord is as good as a bond. We have- satisfied hundreds of your friends.


Still Making Good" I Be sure and vote for BUTLER on May 3rd. He is with HARRY B. ZIMMAN on the "UNITED SEVEN" ticket.

Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Ltd.)

1514 Badge S -Phone: Douglas 5619—— PATKGNIZE






The * Brotherhood of Mtv Sinai Temple held an open ; meeting last Wednesday evening, in the .Temple rooms. This was the Pjrst««peia meeting held by the Brotherhood since its organization in Jfalh Miss- Frances Fribourg discussed "The Contribution of the Jew, to Music," and illustrated he£ paper with severaf yioliH selections, among them "Kol Nidre" *md "Eli, Eli." ' Miss Kose Davidson of-Chicago visited here for several days on her way to Omaha, where.she will spend the holidays with her parents. Mr. Ben Noyitsky visited in Omaha for several days, spending the holidays with his-parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Novitslcy. ' ;-.>_ . .. The Hebrew Educational Alliance is making plans for a "Juvenile Program," to take place Sunday, May 8, at the Hebrew Institute. •. The younger children of the members of the- organization will participate. Mr. Sovel Krueger is chairman of the program committee. Much enthusiasm is shown by the Jewish community in the- campaign this week for "Tools arid Machinery" for the pioneers in Palestine; A nationwide campaign is being earned on throughout the country and the Sioux .City Jewry is: responding to the call. The campaign commenced Sunday evening, .with a mass meeting at the Hebrew institute, at •"which time Rabbi Raphael Goldenstein and Rabbi . Kopstein delivered addresses in behalf of the needy purpose of the campaign. The response from the meeting was very generous and one half of the quota was reached." Committees have been appointed to continue the work and solicit the remaining fund necessary to the quota. Mrs. Sam Bailin of Atkinson, Nebr., ii visiting relatives here, and is spending the holidays with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Krueger. ; The Sisterhood of Mt, Sjnai Temple will hold its regular monthly meeting, Friday afternoon, in the temple rooms. The following program will '"bs^given: Mrs. Levinger will read a paper on Fannis Hurst and Edna Ferber.' A story by*Edna Ferber •will be read by Mrs. Abe Brodkey, and Mrs. Newman will read it story by Fannie Hurst Miss Delia Galinsky will dance.




Viscount Erleighj. the son and heir PAY PENALTY of the Earl of Reading, is engaged • • • . • • , - / in the practice of his profession as . New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Peter a "barrister in the English'courts of Nunziata, IT years, old who was 'found' justice. The other-day he appeared guilty of the murder of Professor Kotin behalf of an applicant for a license kov, was sentenced to-die'ihf the. electo sell, kosher .winel This fact seems tric chair; Bt Sing Sing daring the to prove that Lord Reading's son has iweek..of. June 5,-- •Professor Rotkov, a feeling of fellowship: with the com- who was. a; member -of th6: ifacuity of munity of which; his ' distinguished the 2 dr'- Theological.Seminary of father :'is so exceptional an ornament. America, was attached and killed near It also serves-to. demonstrate that in his home on the night of February 23. his own case this kinship will be con- Three other men are.awaiting trial tinued, despite his marriage to the for complicity in the murder. daughter of Jewish parents, who had ! been brought up as an Anglican. -InREIN ACH MOURNED IN deed^ Viscounfc Erleigh's father-in-law :' V ENGLAND. : , is none other than Sir Alfred Mond, who has in a sense returned to the : London, ( j . T. Agency.) The local Jews, • if • not to Judaism, by way of English press comments, editorially on Zionism.—^'The Hebrew Standard." ' jhe death -f Joseph Reiriacli, t noted ;French Jew who played an important 'role as a historian as well as a statesman. All refer to* him in most praiseworthy terms and ^particularly laud Celia D.-Ross, Bo3C.13i6, Sta. A, his efforts in behalf of the Allies durB. 3652. ing the wan Word has been received announcing the birth of a daughter, Devorah, to Mr. and Mrs- Maurice Fisher, of San Francisco, - Calif." Mrs. Fisher was formerly Miss Bertha Greenstone, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Greenstone of this city.

[Business Was Poory So He Hung Himself.

THURSDAY, APRIL 28,-1921.'

REPORT FRESH POGROMS IN KIEV Paris. (J. T. Agency.)" Recent reports received m this city by leading members, of Jewish,' organizations, show that fresh pogroms have taken place in the provinces of Poltava, Kiev, Cherson, Podolia and Vohlin. The pogroms came chiefly as the result of uprisings in th#se provinces. LITHUANIAN JEWS FORM NEW ., ' PARTY. Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) Lithuanian Jews have founded a new Jewish democratic party, a<- ^rding to a dispatch from Kovno ceived here. The new party will try to bring into its fold " non-Zionist "and non-Socialist secJ -ons of the Jewish copulation. English Interested in Zionist Controversy^ London. (J. T. Agency.) The differences which have arisen between the Zionist World; leaders and the heads of the American' Zionist Organization, reports of which have been cabled ta this country, are aro-sing great interest not only among Zionists and Jews but amorg English generally. The local press is devoting considerable space to these reports.

7 New York; ( j . G.B. Service.) Abraham Scharfstein, 48, was yesterday found dead m the Bradford Knitting Mills of which he was owner. ScharfBerlin Organization Opposed to stein committed suicide by hanging Keren Hayessod. himself and left a note for his family Berlin, (J. T. Agency).—At the last 5 expressing his deep regret that busiMr. Sam. A. Greenstone, of Sioux meeting of the Central Organization S ness depression should force him to City, Iowa, spent the last two days o* local German Jews a resolution "" • of Passover with his mother, Mrs. such a step. that the organization should not Sarah Greenstone^ participate in the Keren Hayessod, Many Jewish Veteran was-brought forward. A majority of • A meeting of the Hebrew EducaHeroes Meet at .Valor those .present favored the resolution. tional Society was held Sunday eveLegion's First Affair ning1, April 24. Rabbi Mandelbaum inNew York. (J. C. B. Service.) The RABBI OPPOSES OFFENDING stalled the following off:ers: Carl recently formed Jewish Valor Legion PUBLICATION. Greenstoiv, president; Fannie Epstein, held its first annual reception and ball Danzig, (J. T. Agency).—Accordvice-president; Minnie Krechefsky,. in the Hotel Pennsylvania last night. secretary; Gertrude .Fogelson, treas- The affair was well attended by more ing to a Warsaw report it is underurer; Bill Wolff,- sergeant-at-arms; than 200 members and friends of the stood in Jewish circles there that; = and Elizabeth Polsky, Nina Shostak, Legion, the greater majority of whom the New York Hebrew-publication'E Minnie Greenstock and Abe Polick, served with American Expeditionary "Miklath" has been prohibited from 5 council. admission into Poland- at the in-jjE Forces vritb the-utmost distinction. stigation" of Rabbi Eerlmutter who =• had been severely criticised in one = The marriage of Beatrice Mayer, of NEW HUNGARIAN PREMIER of its previous issues. Flushing, Long Island, N. Y., to Mr. OPPOSES ANTI-SEMITISM. Dave Chapman, of Lincoln, took place Vienna. ( J. T. Agency.) Addressing Professor Einstein to Lecture at Tuesday evening, April 19, at the the Hungarian parliament, the new home of the groom's parents, Mr. and premier of that country made it clear Manchester University. Mrs. N. Chapman. London, (J. T. Agency).—Professor: rv: that he does not deem an anti-Semitic 1 The house was decorated in roses. policy desirable according to a dis- Albert Einstein, the noted scientist •" The ceremony was held under a patch from Budapest. At the same who is at present in America, h a s r : canopy of roses and farns. Rabbi Sin- time, the premier assured the national accepted an invitation from the -• ger performed the ceremony. assembly that the government would Manchester University to deliver p Thirty-two guests wex*e present. The take'all necessary measures to see some lectures on his theory out-of-town guests were Mr. •and Mrs. that the Jews did not monopolize the Relativity, according to a dispatch " Mayer of New York, parents of the Jfrom that city. trade of Hungary. bride. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman are living at the Lennox apartments.

The marriage of TViiss Sara Stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K Stein, to i The Ivre Club held its regular meet- Mr-Isidore Gilson, son of Mrs. Shapiro, 1 ing Sunday afternoon, at which time will take place Sunday, May 8, at the all plans were completed for the Synagogue. I dance which will be given Sunday eve; ning, May 1, at th<? Martin Hotel. An The M. O. H. Whist club met at the j »- -initiation was held when the following home of Mrs. Harry Finsod; Wednesc " members were initiated: Messrs. Bar- day, April 27. ney Rubel, Herman Pickus, Joe Rice ^ and Eli Rabinoff. Mr. Jake Chessofi Danzig. (J. T. Ager=y.) S.-Ansky's of Lincoln, Nebraska, was a guest of famous work, "The Dibuk," is to-be i the club. •• • filmed and will sh-rtly be shown in Polish .motion picture theaters, accordPROSPECTIVE AMERICANS ing to reports from Warsaw. , l SWINDLED. Paris, (J. T- Agency).—A large Subscribe for "The Jewish Press." number of passengers for America while on their way between this city and Cherbourg were each swipdled out of sixty francs by some individuals who claimed to be officials and stamped their passports. It Pays to Get Our Figures J Laid Over 6,000 Roofs inOlaafta Latvian Government Demands Three Our Roofs Are Our Proofs Onr Specialty Million Roubles .From" Soviets. Ready Roofing over old shingles Danzig. (J. T. Afency.) Riga advices All Work Guaranteed—Easy report that the government, of Latvia Terms demands' three million roubles reparaHarney 2574 tion from the Soviet government for Office and Warehouse: 3122 Leavenworth the murder of the. Latvian Consul in - Russia, Greenberg.

ection '!

: See to it that every i Jmember of your ; • family votes ~

It is your duty, as a good and loyal citizen to vote on elecvote for

The name, Harry B. ^ has been well written in* the pages of Omaha civic history t ;

the Palestine Restoration Fund. Dr.' TURKISH LEADERS SEEKING TO CREATE' TROUBWS Washington,- (J. T. Agency).—We Weizmann's visit to this city was , IN PALESTINE entirely unknown to .the Jewish comlfeam authentically that Dr. Wei2munity. London, (J. T. Agency).—In. its mann who is at present in this city issae of to-day, the London ."Times" launched with the English Ambasannounces that it learns .from Turksador Sir Auckland Geddes this after- Only Converted Jews ish sources that the Angora Governnoon and earlier in the day conAccepted Here ferred with Justice Louis D. Brandeis. Vienna, (J. T. .Agency).—Advices ' merit, acting upon the advice oi Last -night Dr. Weizxnann received a from Prague quoting the official gsv- Bolshevist leaders has 'sent into delegation of local Zionist representa- eminent gazette ©f Csecho-Slovakia, Palestine a number of Moslem tives.. Dr. Weizmann also "spent some report the publication of an order tors in order to stir up strife betime with Emil Berliner,- the noted of the Governor of Carpathia, Eus- tween the Arabs and the Jews. Jewish- inventor who is said to be sia, in which it is required that all Disturbances in Palestine would greatly, interested in the Palestine applicants seeking- official positions furnish Angora with, further pretext Hebrew University. Mr. Berliner must produce documentary evidence for anti-British propaganda among contributed $20,000 last year towards that they have been baptized. I the Moslems.

Zioiust Leader in Capitol.

U R E, as City Commissioner in charge of accounts and finances, ripped to pieces the testimony offered by the Nebraska Power Company to support its claim to Iiigher electric light and power rates. URE, with the co-operation of other city commissioners, proved that the company was not entitled to additional revenue. U R E , found that'big users of power were getting electricity at less than cost, THAT THE ORDINARY ... HOME USER WAS MAKING UP THE DEFICIT. U R E , prepared the ordinance which changed that. THE U E E ORDINANCE BIASES THE BIG •" USER PAY THE COST OF HIS OWN SERVICE. • IT LIFTS THIS BURDEN FROM THE BACKS .', OF THE SMALL USER, CUTTING-HIS RATE. • FROM 6 TO 5V2 CENTS. s

U R E is a candidate for re-election as city commissioner, next Tuesday. record proves him to be a friend of the "little fellow".

His s


The Omaha & Council" Bluffs Street Railway! Coinpasj', operating the present toll bridge across the Missouri River between '©mafia' and Council Bfclfs, addresses,- through ffeii medium, a few statements of fact _ to the .voters of,..Omaha on the Rropositioa of bonds for a so-called "free" bridge between the two cities. BOND-ISSUES AND TAXES. / The complaints against high taxes nowa-days are numerous and loud. " With the •individual, as with the business man. taxes have assumed serious proportions and have become a h§avy burden.' There is a saying that nothing is certain but death and taxes. Taxes are necessary for carrying on. the government of the City, State and Nation, and when assessed and used for that purpose are not cause for complaint. But when taxes go higher because of the reckless issuing of bonds for this, that and the other purpose, the taxpayer has a right to kick. ' In view of the proposal to vote a Million Dollar bond issue at the coming election to build • a " so-called "free" bridge between Omaha and Council. Bluffs, it may be well to give a little thought to the subject of bond issues- and, taxes, ;• From the-annual report of the City of Omaha we learn1 that the general bonded debt of- the city was $9,808,938.00 on December 31st, 1919. This does not include Improvement bottds, nor the $7,000,000.00 Water Works-Bonds, nor 15,000,000.00 Gas Plant Bonds. . \ The following table shows the purposes for which the $9,803,938.00 General Bonds • w e r e issued:;.'-••

• '. ~


•• •

• Amount Purpose for which issued: $2,124,800.00 Intersection, Paving. e 4 S-863,250.00 65400000Sew e r s storm;: Parks. , W . ;' - v; ' . Fire Engine Houses. 310,000.00 .City Hall. 220,000.00 .library. ' 100,000.00— ..Auditoriunv < 150,000.00....,.™JPolice Station; ; •• , 100,000.00.—.. .___.Public Comfort Stations. 50,000.00 Internal Improvement 46,500.00— Electric Light. 35,000.00 15,500.00 ..™...Water, Fire Equipment. 495,000.00. : r : : 210,O08.OO_;_ ___.Refunding/ ".'"''^- " '.; 14,000.00 1,320,880.00,


• .- .. ' '


Special Assessment.

• • *'-Ther.-'Smounf of Interest which, the Omahs -" taxpayers must pay annually on this bonded debt is §444,674.66. In -addition to the_ interest, the entire sum ofT nearly Ten' Million Dollars falls due %\ it!iin the next 18 years and must be raised through taxes. The City at present has not one dollar on hand as a sinking fund to retire these bonds.. • And this is not ail. There, are outstanding at this date $3,687,000 of Omalia School Bonds, on which the taxpayers must pay annually, the suai of $173,120.00 as interest, And several million dollars more of School Bonds-will be issued'as soon as they can be sold for the purpose of building a new High School of Commerce and other much ne'eded school • buildings. Douglas County also lias outstanding. bonds'to the amount of $2,937,000, on which the annual interest is $131,620.00, -a verylarge part of which, the Omaha taxpayers must pay through their County taxes. The legitimate needs of any growing city' are many,. and further bond- issues for proper purposes will be numerous enough. For instance, -you will be called on in the near future to vote bonds for the following -projects recommended by the City Planning Board: " • . To Cost ' Widening of 24th Street from Cumins' to Pacific $1,600,000.00 Widening Harney Street from 20th to' 26th ;..„_ ,. 375,000.00 Cutting through Douglas Street • from 24th. Street to 25th Avenue and widening between 20th and 24th and••-' between- 2Stli Avenue and ' 27th. Street _ ,. 175,000.00 •'^Cutting- through 22nd Street •• ! from Dodge to Howard..... 630,000,00 Widening of 20th Street from . \ • Dodge to Leavenworth •„... 616,000.001 Inner" Belt Traffic Way ... 400.000.00s River Drive ......: ..„ 400,000.00 Widening • and Improving' Center Street ..,____„,.—^— 62,000,00 „„ f 4,218,000.00

Total Is it not well to consider carefully and then vote "No" on the "free" bridge bonds? Eemexnber! A <Afree" bridge is not free Watch For Further "Free" Bridge Facts.

the term would indicate—-somebody would have to pay the toll, and that Some? body is the Taxpayer.

v •*-•

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