May 5, 1921

Page 1


|0 "AH men cannot jfj | be THE best, but 1 |jj every man can ill



f« the ditch if he ill 1•:• Jumps bard.". iff

j be HIS bes'tP 11!



f| P i

VOL. L—NO. 21.

Entereflas second-class'mail matter on January 27th, 1821, at . postofilce at Oma£a, -Nebraska;, under, the' Act of March" 3. 1879.





-• P A P E R .


Special to "TEE JEWISH FKESS." Des Moines, la., May 4. —: Samuel Caplan, S4, son of Mr, and Mrs. ,M, Caplan, 11S5 Sixth, died April 26 at Spokane, WasMngtou. _ He is .survived "by Ms parents, Ms sisters, Mrs. D. B. Weinstein of Chicago, Mrs., M. C. Brodsky of Omaha, the Misses Esther and Ida Caplan -of Des Moines, and a brother, Louis Cs.plast also of this city. Kis body will be brought hei-e for

Special to / T H E JEWISH JPKBSS."

Captain Kosenbluth oiiarges Federal Agents "Framed" Witnesses Against Him. The case of Captain Eobert Rosenbluth will bear -watching. In October of 1918, at- Camp Lewis, Washihgton, Major Alexander'Cronkhite died of a wound inflicted by a pistol shot.: The, inquest a t the time d e cided1 that the sKot was accidental and self-inflicted. Now comes Sergeant Roland P. Pothier, and charges t h a t he-was ordered to kill Major Cronkhite by. Captain Rosenbluth. Pothier has made a half dozen, contradictory statements. Special' to "THE JEWISH PRESS."

New York, May 4*—The charge that he ordered former Sergeant Eoland P. Pothier to Mil Major. Alexander Cronkhite, who was shot in- October, 19i8, at Camp. Lewis, Washington, was denied yesterday by Eobert Rosenbluth, who was commander of Company D, 213th Engineers, at the time ; of the slaying. . , Arriving at the home of his ottorney Captain Eosenbluth joined the lawyer in bitter criticism- of the Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice, alleging that Federal agents had sought «o -persuade witnesses to the. shootir-/ to; make statements unfavorable to him. •.'..'. Calling attention to the statement of United States Senator William M. Caldcr in Washington, comparing the case to the famous Dreyfus OJSO, the former army captain,; at liberty on $25,000 bail, characterized Pothier as'-"the -willing tool of the rotten,, decaying system of the Bureau of Investigation." He said that his troubles -were a "hangover from the Prussian bureaucratic methods of the -timejof JPalmer," and said he feltcertain that Attorney General Dougherty would "see that fair play prevails-in my case." "There are men in the Bureau of Investigation of the Department• of Justice," he said, "who are; willing to hang a man onto their jobs." , ' ;


At Work on His Own Case.

Detroit, Mien., -May'4. — A suit aimed ^at Henry Iford's Dearborn Independent was started in Municipal Court this morning by Lester J. Leopold. Arthur M. Jenkins, a vendor of Mr. Ford's paper, was arrested Wednesday, on complaint of Leopold for alleged violation of a city ordinance, •which prohibits the sale on the streets of the city of "&ny book, magazine, newspaper or pamphlet containing libelous e r defamatory articles or statements concerning any religion, creed or cult."

Date, May 15; place, FohteneUe Hotel; the public is invited • The largest open meeting of the year of Omaha Lodge of ;Bnai Brith will be held.Sunday evening, May 15, in the .ball rooms of the, Fontenelle

\ '


Twenty-one -years .ago a handful of young Jewish sen—they were just past the boy stage—gathered together in the rear of a downtown grocery store and held a "political meeting". Following the meeting they obtained a few torches and held a "parade" on Douglas-street, proclaiming- to the citjr that they had a candidate for t&^city council. Soap boxes wejj-e cbtarfted and this coterie of ^yoaugfsaen made speeches for their candidale." U s was elected. These ' men, : since that time, weathered many "a'"storm "with Mm and enjoyed i s seeing, him serve as Mayor ofTthis great city. During the past week this .same group of'men, now only the nucleous of a great political organization^ again marched up Douglas street; again made stump speeches—and as during the: election of twenty-one years ago helped elect their candidate. This candidate is HARRY B. ZIMMAN, who on Tuesday was re-elected city commissioBsS' by aii overwhelming majority ever those who were opposing him. -.


burial.' • ' - Funeral arangements will later.

Distribution Committee Receives Report of Horrible Conditions BrcmgM • by Bandits. Sjwcia? to "TKE .IEWI!«ir

New York,'May 4.—Report of a pog>TOHI in the province, -of Gomel, whose known irnng victims number over €0,r 000^ and whose dead are estimated at |\several thousands, hag just been* re~ 1 ceived bj r the J*smt Distribution •Com-. | mittee from .its American-JfewisTi; re-» i lief director at Beval. ' • ' Dr. Frank" Eos^nblatt, vrho returned recently from directing Jewish relief •work in-Russia far the committee and •who gave out the cable, characterized the pogrom -as the most horrible per-

Congrcssmcn Join-AH'National-!petrate&:in _l&te years. This most reities lit Might£..Objection t o ' [cent anti-Jewish-outbreak, as well as. Restriction Of IiamlgFants. I the .others committed in the last fewmonths in White Russia, are the

Special to "THE JEWISH PE3ESS." of bands of peasant bandits, according New York, May 4.—The strongest I to Dr. Rosenblatt. HlS I S l I i S 'iffiJllfl'ltStS disapproval of the. Bouse'Bill 4075 to j The cabled report of the Gomel hoteL •-'-. \-\ '—• . ; ' ' limit immigration to 8 .per cent of the j pogrom said: Group Still Boosters. "Bamditism .rapidly spreading and Secretary of Labor ' Davis Makes] nationalities resident in the United The"principle speaker; will be Gusdangerously threatening the disSprinkled throagh the large ZimStates, according to the census of 1S10, tavus Loevinger of'Minneapolis, sec- Proposed to Raise $500,000;. First Tour 'and' Is" Moved- by Sad tricts of Petchitsa. Gome! and Novoman's Boosters club 'were several who passed by the House of Representaond vice-president of the Sixth disTime Jews of Hungary Make • - Sights. sibkov.. Number of Gomel pogrom trict. .' ' : ; ; : •••_-:•;'.'/ '• tives and now before, the Senate, vras j attended "that firsj "political meeting". an Appeal. For instance' there was Louis Block, New York. (J-. C.-B. Si) May'4.— registered at a great mass meeting j victims grows from day 'to day and Mrs." S. Pisko, executive secretary j now totals over 60,000 wounded and of the National Jewish Hospital at New York. (J. C. B. S.) May 4.—,J. Katleman^S. Eavitz, Ike Zimman, Secretary of Labor Davis and W. here. Jt not maimed • Tnen,. vomen and children Denver, will also speakif Mrs. Pisko, A special appeal has been issued by' .3pd others, , W. Husband," Commissioner General! ^ merely, the attitude of the driven from their homes with sevwho is national vice-president of the the local relief association for Hun- In the election just past Mr. Zim-! Of Immigration yesterday spent j v a s t audience, but %e speeches that eral thousand killed and dead. Rew e r e m a d s Jewish Women, [will "show motion pic- garian Jews in Europe. Ee was only a few! considerable time -on-'Ellis Island indicated fee feeling man was third. He fugees are concentrating in Gomel. against the measure. tures of the Denver institution. The appeal states that a t ' n o time votes, behind,Butler, who was first, inspecting .the operation • of Tarious Position of Gome! relief committee Jeno Sebok, the violinist; will make since the beginning of the war, have The meeting was held under thej Dahlman who -•vras second. ' departments. his first public appearance in Omaha the Jews of Hungary made-any directL -.Sat he received nearly 10.C00 more.' Accompanied ..'by '. Commissioner auspices of the Hebrew Sheltering and] for distributing- aid to pogrom victims critics! as it has no funds,.no at this meeting. . : " appeal to American Jewry; and "in" vote's than J. Dean "Ringer, who made. Wallis. and other Ellis Island officials, Immigrant Aid Society of America. I supplies and. no relief workers. lift-' Judge Leon Sanders set the .keynote j Mr. Henry Mo'nsky* vice-president of view of the present urgency of the ^Commissioner Zimmaa an issue in-'they/ -went from: department to •perative that relief supplier be f©rethis district, -will preside. '•]•' depaxtsfent 'csrefully up of the meeting. Ee characterized, the- warded immediately, a? trre&t masituation in which Jews in H u n g a r y ( ^ e campaign.; jdepartmtent carefully • checking up ' A class of- fifty candidates will be now find themselves, the association.!•&-good portion of Mr. Zimman'Sj +w T~ .**,« pnn- ; jority-of-victims are starving; naked! the „-„».%. work tw in: *,^-u each. •' In His ,.,*»,«,. course „*'] of J bill as contrary to the ideals -afed prininitiated Sunday afternoon, May 15,hopes that there will, be a liberal, victory is due to the great effort;t&e day, Secretary Davis came across] it should be j • and living in cold house? at the club rooms in : the Lyric build-

Reed';p[. Hungarian" Jews Urgent; Launch BITS

o* • t i - " t



response on the part of -the- jnanyiP^t forth by.his friends—members of "j many .psffietie. scenes :and did not] passed, wtmld work "tlie greatest in- j ing. The initiation will be conducted Hungarian Jews in this country. I t t h e Zimman Booster Club, but- also j hesitate to -show Ms .emotion. j-ustJce. : t ( 3 by the degree team of the-lodge. is proposed to raise $300,000 within a great portion of c-r^%h 'is .-dm* --Hwn • •._—-..._!_. L_:_ jfiaisy Prominent Speakers

• --


' "Conciriier Over Palestine.

London." (J. T."Agency.) ;<The ""Daily Mail" in its issue of today severely criticizes the Britsh" government for Its Mesopotamia and Palestine policy. The writer.charafterizes'' theJ government's present policy as one of .madness and intimates that members of the' government have not the-smallest comprehension of the fury which is aroused among Englishmen by their policy" in the Near East. The writer relates; that he recently met a Tory who declared that when he .remembered that.he is paying a shilling of his income tax-in order to enable Jews from Eastern Europe to "get into Palestine^ he feels <jnite savage.

Rosenbluth returned to this' city, after-two -weeks of work in Washington on his own case. He said that "one of theinrst things he had done was to get in touch with; Captain Eugene Caffey, who was commandant of the Camp Lewis School for Buglers in 1918. Captain Caffey, he. said, met him in a Washington hotel. The latter quoted Captain Caffey as follows: "I have been approached by a Department of Justice agent at Camp and so. they couldyhoW ont6 their jobs. Humphries and he told me of your I do not care to gofxirther into my alleged 'rotten' past. The agent, I reasons for saying that private, venthink, wa£ trying to inspire a story geance haof something to .do with the from me which would be damaging to matter. Prosecutor' Selden' admits he you. Eventually I realized that the doesn't know where to begin with the agent was deliberately trying to five different and confficting Pothier tain damaging statement." 'confessions.' Pothier's latest stateAt this point Captain Eosenbluth ment that the shooting of Major •was interrupted by Mr. Goldstein, who Cronkhite, who was.. the I best-liked said that the agents of the Bureau of man in the outfit, was a premediated Investigation, disregarding the verdict •conspiracy is impossible/ The Major of accidential death rendered by the was in the hospital four days previous Camp Lewis Board of Inquiry, nad' ac- to the accident and: nobody knew that cused , Eosenbluth falsely. He, asserted: he would'be up and out with the that the matter had rested there, until skeleton regiment .the day of his ; several weeks ago, when , Attorney d e a t h . " : ; - • ; _ . " ; ; ' : , « :;': ''•'•. .•'". General Dougherty began an investiCaptain Ebsenbluih.said he would gation of the bureau. Then, added the return to Washington tomorrow night attorney, the agents, realizing that to continue the fightlto d^ar his nanie. their case against Eosenbluth would ••• An eye witness .gives an account .of not bear scrutiny, had "scurried" the death.arid-probably "will dispose of around in efforts to have witnesses the matter: , -. - • .• strengthen their stories and bolster Absolves Ex-Sergeant Bosenbliitb. the case against the accused man. Philadelphia, April 2L —- Former Failing in this, Mr. Goldstein said, the Sergeant Elmer D. Kisffer of the bureau had "dropped the charge by 213th Engineers <ti Norwood, today turning it over to State's Proscutor J. expressed the .belief that Major W. Selden, of Tacoma.



"Major F.'H.~1A-Guard!*, "president I

'Says Death List Will Grew v' ... .. .3Koseiibla*t-_ .. ....... ... ,

of the New York Boasd o£ Aldermen,') P o r t s w o u l d .undoubtedly B1M»W a an Atfttfcan : «f.Italian.descent, Con- heavier easnaltj;; list, as htntdreds of w t i m s tlie gressman Hallet S. Ward of P»bablr. die c ie e Carolina, Congressman wJ N. Chaud-1 ™^ l * ^ ^ * snffeird, of the .poprom ea® bs "The ler, Supreme Court Justice John MaeCrate of Brooklyn, and Congressman partly visuaTizec] by the i'act t^at inIsaac Siegel, membeT of .the House the Jewish town «f latchp.yfinkp. committee on immigration, who mads I ™s^__^fm^^ tlie with Uir so splendid a fight against She bill, Mr. e d of two -babies," he eaid. John L. Bernstein, president of the Worid of Fifteen per cent of the Americ&sw i ^ ^ . S ^ , ? ^ i ^ T i , S l ^ : w m « » * Jewish race by MayorBelief,rf Engineer Tidmkia states thati society, and Nathan D. Fearlman were Jewish relief supplies sent into house of the Michigan Legislature j t h s Smith and because our. opponents axe he has succeeded incoHecting for the speakers. _ passed, 75 to 15, -the, Welsh bill j by the Joint Distribution attempting to defeat Mr.. Zimman relief of refugees. Without exception and in no uncer- go to White 'Ktissia, but in view of( defining general libel and prescribing because of his religion, let us mark He also reports that tlie situation tain wsy, every; one of the distinguish- present emergency resulting: from a penalty for it. That the bill is aimour first, vote-for Mr. Zimman." of the refugees in Roumania. general- ed speakers condemned the bill. Thejr Gomel, pogrotn, -all available ed directly at Henry Ford and The ly is -considerably improved since the pointed out that there was x*opm of medicines. : bandages, food and Dearborn Iodependent was' frankly' g in this t h s country for millions » fl Hon. of of ^ j ^ being rushed Kouxaaniaa _.govei7iment has decided enough ZIMJVIAN SNUBS SMITH admitted by Welsh during debate on to permit' the, iiaturalization of re- more people ^ n a -they cMrged that j R o s e n b i a t t his measure. Her^ is", what happened Wednes- •fugees. Great'possibilities, Tiornkirt racial prejudice and religious bigotry The bill defines general libel- as a day morning when' Harry B. Zimman announces,, are •opening "tip in direct -were back of the sponsors of . the] stood" fast with Sir. Zimman leaders ; of the Committee of 5,000 attempted to defeat him by trying to inflame race prejudice among the Relief Worker Jrora' Boumsnia Says voters of the city.' Brazil' sad '"Argentina are James Hanley/campaign manager -- Of ering ; Helg. Michigan House Would Make/ It a of,the Dahlman slate, when addressCrime to Attack a Religious Sect. ing the great crowd on the eve of Paris. _J:T. A.).; May 4. Reporting election a t . Fifteenth and Douglas special . V - T H B ™ ^ ' streets. B aid: "Because of the attack upon his efforts in, Eoumania, in be-

Passes General Libel 501 limed at Henry Ford

malicious , defamation expressed by Professor Einstein Still met Mayor Smith: immigration" to,Brazil and Argentina, measure. printing or pictures which has for its the Fabilc, 1 the representatives of both countries Mayor Smith approached ZimHere Arc Argsntents object the impeachment of the honesty, New York.' (J.-C. B. S.) Jtay 4. The having offered every-possible help and man in the council chamber. integrity, virtue, reputation or patriotThe following reasons -were given New York'"EveningMailrt yesterday co-operation in that dire'etion. On the "Well, Harry, I'm just the same ism of the people of any religious why the bill should be defeated; published the following editorial: other hand the American'Consul in in this as I am in a law suit. denomination or sect. A penalty of It will prevent children of American! "Dr. Albert Einstein must be countRoumania is making all-sorts of difIt's all/over. I have no hard $1,000 and one year's imprisonment is citizens, and wives and . children of ed fortunate in the antaponistic pubficulties 'for; prospective immigrants. feelings," he said. • provided in the bill, which also makes declarants for whom bonies-here bave licity he is arousing-. 2t iK'jran in a . Zimman did not answer, but it a crime for two or more persons to been long prepared, from joining- small way • with the oppo*:1io*j of ». turned. his back on the mayor. conspire for the purpose,of composing them.'1 New York Alderman to j^-aniinj? the Later, in explanation of this •CHURCHILL; RECEIVED. or causing to be published matter deIt.will set up an arbitrary discrimfreedom • of 'the city tr action, he said: . :• ::BY 'IMG GEOSGE ination against -whole', masses of peo- scientist lie knew, nothinp «boutv Nf»w fined as libelous under the terms of "Mayor Smith Rot "only made the .bill. The penalty for such; conLondon,- (J.-.-T.-Agency),—^Winston ple :and- no longer judge each. iamij- E St.- Pawl-pretfessor of rtu^ a bitter personal attack on me, spiracy is the isame as "that, for the Churchill was -yefeterday received by grant upon Ms or'her merits, and -ch^lleniges- Mm w s_ de'bnl*1 to actual publication. •'.•""' .but on my people. An attack King George wfie.' listened to an ac.Immigrante' who "ar&' coming nav? that he is not • deceiving Osc that was as unwarranted as it count of -'-his trip -to -Egypt ana are for the-greatest part, the .nearest witlif Representative Frick, of Detroit, atwas unjust and malicious. I Palestine. ;.' i ' • ' • • - • > : • relatives of 'American citizens '-and i Siat, anytMngv tacked the measure as a blow at the :t1«?orj- in Its A Cairo dispatch - announces the declarants, and' " * . [ gra'vitatrdna! aspects v««- rublished constitutional freedom of the press j- could not .have done o'therswise " arrival;-there '. of .-Emiri Feisal • who- laanjgrantion is I n reality a post- j thirteen years before th'r Swigp scfenarid declared that it was a blow at I than I did." In the election, Zimwas given" "an.-.'official. ;reception 'a respected citizen of the state and po'ned imsnigrstion, tist ••was bom, • , : : ,maij said,i"We made s dean fight the authorities. •'.;..; -.>,•-. his paper." Representative Edward The oScial statistics show that "To have ijt intimated tlm', y<ni a r e against a scurrilous one. The Strom attacked the measure on the from July 1, IBIS, to June SO, 2.920,- s Barmim, • and - 'pethap* a people are Just—and "they renground that it would open the wa»for : there arrived in this country 621,576 j and a-.nonentity besides, h JEWS OF RUSSIA • dered their decision accordingly." seditious organizations to hide behind persons, and 428,062 departed in the j Emerson -said -that' *lan-.f it: - ; .i HONOR .HISTORIAN. the cloak of religious sects and so same period, thus" disproving the j than praise. It was th? Danzig,-, '.(j,"- T. Agency).—Jewish spread dangerous propaganda.unmo- NOTED N E W YORKER FOUNDS slarmiitgc and sensations.! statements j vremis^-of flattery he feared. Dr. Emorganizations' '.in': rEussia are colested. -. ; ..-.-. .'..-!v v ,;•'.-?" •/'••, HOSPITAL IN PALESTINE. operating ". ii> -"»o - effort ~ to honor the that hordes of .immigrants are coming, j Btein is re In'urging support for his bill, "Welsh" •" London. (J. T. Agency.) Mrs. Peter great -Jewish -'historian, J3r....S. M. and Jnent, alontr v*it c"*»dit. t» Cronkhite shot himself accidentally. h^lsii. If declared that it-had been introduced Schweitzer, a.leading Zionist of New The GcoBomic condition of the conncheer * rop-vs ot Dubnow,'. maldr-g ;tfee .occasion of -his "You know, Major Cronkhite was a in the interest of domestic peace and ,*York, today laid the foundation stone try is in BO -"Prise affected by the.presTies been ^6 thai onlv fortieth anniversary .95. a-writer oae West Pointer, the - son of- a general,' tranquility and to protiibitunWarantecL dor a new hospital in Tiberias, .accordent inonigrants who' are comreg' taf.m the wo'-'i<i verr mpnnlr of cnderfor celebratiun, taccortJing1 to .a dishe said. "He is buried in Arlington attacks upon an entire group of citi- diiig to a dispatch received Tiere from established comes sad to breadwinncrB' standing the Einptrm theory fetid ex* cemetery. - On his grave,-by/ military zens on the basis of their common re- Jerusalem. Mrs. Schweitzer is at pre- patch from Sovno.-. In. Betrograd a whose positions are assured. pressing at? opinion about ft It is by specials committee" i s . issuing' a regulation, must, be, ;the words 'SJ.W.' ligious beliefs. •'., .-.',.'.'.;-.. that "Jury of hie rrers th&t Dr. EIB* sent in Palestine as a member of a votame devoted, to *Dr; Dubnow's —self-inflicted wound, because the commission headed by Mrs. Joseph (efforts as a writer; anfi 'historian in. &Brope»..BeBef t©-'/ military court of inquiry found he met : r St. Paul objectnr is not eligibl* to Ckssfer "on S5jssi«a General Makhno Reported' to Have Fels, to purchase land for the "Zksn which, leading- r. Jewish. .":3Rnriters .sab-| death by a bullet "from his own gun. I on it." . Commonwealth" and is J the founder to all shades cf epiaicn arc Occupied Odessa Neighborhood. Lcr-don. (J. T. Agency.) Ths J That, to professional soldiers; is conof the hospital which, is soon to be participating.' April 2?ih has beer. Edicf Conr^ittcs cf Scandinavia London, ( J . , T . Agency).—General sidered something of a disgrace. BE. BODEKH&1MER vrhlch all ES Makhno is reported to nave occupied put up. h. relief c-ra call to

Called the Charge "a Lie/' . Continuing his story, 'Captain Rosenbluth saidthat he took Captain Caffey to see Senator Calder, and all went to the Department of Justice. Rosenbluth said he and the Senator saw Assistant TJnited States Attorney General Stewart, -while Caffey remained out in the corridor. Stewart told the senator that agents never had, had an interview with Captain Caffey, nor had they Mrs. Cronkhite, the. major's Mother, will do, ts this distirg-^iFhed ( tried to get one. The Camp Humphries and general's mfe, has ingrained in Pavlograd, a city in the immediate scholar. l officer was then .called in and repeated her this military tradition. She doubt neighborhood of Odessa, according to SIR STUART SAMUEL his story, adding, according to Rosen- less hates to think ol.those letters information received here through WILL VISIT PALESTINE JEWISH UNIONS TO HELP London. (J. T. Agency.) Sir Staart bluth, that he considered the charge on her son's grave. I believe that she, Helsingfors. A heavy battle is said to be in progress between Makhno's Samuel will leave for Palestine on against his former brother officer "a impelled by desire to.blot them out, Londosi- • (J. T. Agency.) A ecr.ferstarted the-investigation-which led to •forces and Soviet troops. ' 6,S00 May 12. "While there he will be the damned lie." ence of Jewish urioss 'of England will Russian refugees are reported to have guest of ms brother, Sir Herbert .Captairf EosenblutK's being -accused. "The charge against me," continued "by these agents was If she can prove her son was murder- arrived in Odessa, having made their! Samuel and will make a close stady be held tornorrov%- with the sole purmerely, to satisfy a private vengeance ed, the words will ba-takea ©2.

from Constantinople,

4 of conditions in the couatrjj


ipose of helyicgr the-strides aiaers.

' KG LONGER WHffl gKr.iraticns tc p ir. r. "confer-1 ZIONIST OPPOSmON crce -ivbich will e n r i d r r Berlin, (1. T. Agency).—We ar* hies cf fF,c".ic,t;~^ the ef reliably iafsrmed that Di'. Bodeg*. tCT; froir- So'-Ist Kusria. The ! heisner one of the ot e-ec v-ill neet in Bcran enj? will • f • its deliberations upon conditon? opposition to the present roittcd by thctScviet authorities to M. Saltsman, a relief worker representing separated JUmself frcm the t&e cpposJtioB faction. the Jews of Canada. - -


The Jewish People Is On Trial— ' Zionist World-Leader Declares







New York. (,T. C. B. S.) May 4.— . («T. 1\ Agency,) The Jewish "It may ba "well that before very long the stage Jew cf past genera- Announcement is made that Abraham community ol Vi'mn, according t*» adtions will be as Mead' as the 'humor' I Kaplan, a \vc)l knovrn attorney of vlcof- from lluii rffy, is About to bring New York. (J. B. G. Service.) May 4r United States eager for power but of the red-nosed mother-in-law type," this city his bosn j-.proir.ted by its protest bciorc ilie notice of the The ''New York American" published unwilling to assusne %ho actual so Mr. Moseovitch told the Daily Mayor KJ-IRIJ. president the local administration agains-l tlie fact Subscription Price, one year.., the follo\vin|j interview with t>r. responsibility for tho difficult task Sketch the ether day. He said, also, Jlunicipfil CiTil S^rrice O thj-t the city author; Liti. k'.'C not allotAdvertising rates furnished on application. Chaim Weizmann, the' Zionist World of reconstruction in Palestine, have thai.&3 Mage Js^- is not a Jew at ell. a poFitior^ c.arrving en anr.-aal ry ing the Jewish chariu-bie institutions, of -$6,000.'; Mr.-. K&plan'was formerly their £wll share of relief. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT — Profits from the! leader, obtained by Herman Bern- resented the appeal issued .by Dr. '. ••'•} l a th« cssrse- of a vagrant, Weizmann in compliance with his publication of Tbe JewisK Press are to be given to worthy communal stein: say vagabond, career, I have' met a State- Senator. • . • causes. • \ ••; - " - ' " ' ' I "••"' ' .':C,-.' • . •, ; . ' • • ; ' *•'" '•••.•'.'• "•••• - • • : '•.••• Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the presi- mandate from the Zionist conference. POLAND TAKES UP ALIEN" • Jews of every class and nationality, And an erroneous impression has from the millionaire of• t i e Bourse dent of theeWorld Zionist Organ.QUESTION . - ' • -. -b'btti tho old and ;new address; to euro CHANGE OP "ADDEBSS—Plcass ization has come,to ask the Jews of been created that there is a split to. the "schnorrer" of the -Ghetto (said ! Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Tte "Rash America to help in the rebuilding of between American Zionists, and the Mr. Moseovitch). Never, however, i in a recent issue e Palestine as the National- Jewish World Zionist Organization as repVienrka,- (J.-T. A.) May 4. The White that tii*. government vili tpke Up the have I encountered the Jew as seen JEWISH RELIEF AND TH3 FOUR HORSEMEN, resented by its President, Dr. WeisHomeland. has been'to"resxxmed in Budathe stage, and more parti- Terror pest, Ife'test' advices, re- alien quefition immediately after th*8 Somehow lie has liveel through it all^War^ Famine, Pes- Professor Weizmann, of the Uni- mann, the man who actually realized* through cularly, vaudeville;stage, glasses. Of ceived here ,'• from .the Hungarian holidays aie ever. The Kuri«r undertilence and Death, the Four Horsemen who rocle him down, but versity of Manchester, is a famous the 2000 year-old dream of the Jew- course, the Jew has no monopoly capital. • .'Within-the • past few days stands that in view of the' fact ,thr.t but could not crush out the life from his torn and bleedingg body. y chemist,' who rendered invaluable ish people. of limelight lampoon. Englishmen, tke "bd'&ies 'bf • five - "Jews, tnerchants tl.e majority of those affected will be F h Hi d t h b d b t th t d bd For years he was on iHis death-bed, but the once; sturdy body services to the causa of the Allies There is just a split between the :Scotchroeri, Frenchmen, from-the' province, - have been found Jewish refugees, the settlement of this and resolute heart withstood the demons launched in August, by most important discoveries at a World'.. Zionist". Organization and a and a dozen other nationalities keep "<JH the shores of • local que.'icm vail b- left in the hands of 1914, as his fathers:'throughout the centuries had withstood very critical period of the war. , % American, Zionist leaders. The him company in the gallery of stage rivers. the Ministerial Commission "which is similar but less mighty demons.. Dr. Weizmann has been conspic- great mass of the American Zionists caricatures. now negotiating with. Jewish represSomehow he has livedi It is not his tradition to die. His uously identified vfith the Zionist are strongly in sympathy with'the And in this everyone who knows and CHURCHILL" CONFERS entatives 'for. a better understanding fathers before him had suryived persecutions, exiles, wars and movement for many years. During constructive plans of Dr. Weizm&nn, understands. the Jew will be inclined between Jews and Poles, . WITH ZIONIST-LEADER. : plagues. It was his heritage, to live and although his spirit is the World War the Zionist Organ- whom the Zionist masses everywhere to agree as a general propostion. But litaHjen.;; (.Si, "T.. Agency,), Winston broken, his body wasted, hie, too, has survived the most terrible ization was" crippled because of the are: supporting . wholeheartedly and there are surely exceptions—Potash Spencer7 Churchill'received M. N&hura CUDAHY CHILDREN HEEE. of all wars,-all famines, all pestilences, all deaths, ever fallen peculiar position of the Jews,'who enthusiastically. . . . . . . and Perimutter, for instance. Sokoiay, efaaj'rmsa of the Zionist world Cndahy children in' movies will upon his race. I interviewed Dr. Weizmann in found themselves~: in the armies of esecative sSid ihey'conferred at length ba shown fet the Moon theater for Is the Jew It is not his wont to die. His atall the nations at war, both, in the Washington" after : he had. been rehe has lived. on the" Patestias situation, -says a four days, starting Sunday, May 7th. that Somehow critical point•'where he may yet fall victim to the menac- ranks of til© Allies and of the ceived by President Harding, to whom :• Mr. Sloscovitch declared that the Jerusalem dispatch. M. Sotolov and This is. the famous photoplay featurstage Jew has a point peculiar to himing horsemen, still sweeping over his lands, or slowly win back Central Powers, be explained his mission to the United Major M. Itothsehild, both pf whom ar- ing the children of the former-Omaha the sturdy body and resolute he;art that once were his. ." The mantle of Dr. Theodor Herzl, States and described" his recent im- self—he hurts and offtesls Jews. rived in-Palestine a few days ago, are girl, dzoxghter • of the Jate- General ; The Englismaii, the Scot, the to -be .-given a public reception in which 1 - His destiny rests with American Jewry, •which rushed to the brilliant founder of the modern pressions of Palestine. . . his aid-when his existence: was first menacedand which can Zionist movement, fell on the should- Answering my questions,' Dr. Frenchman, slid, subject to excep- all Jewish elements will participate. not and will not let him die when v life ik once more opening ers of Dr. Chaira Weizmann, whose Weizmann s.aid:< tion, the Irishman, will sit back and Emir Abdullah, a-brother of Emir roar -syith Issghter at the low com- Feisal, ig expected to Jerubefore Jum. : "Since the decision of San Bemo, achievenents for. Zionism have gained edy parody of himself or Ms race salem. He cosies for the purpose of If relief work stops now because of a shortage of funds, for the recognition of the Zion- we have had the .appointment of Sir J«s. Pepper, •(declared the "Great Lover.") Even conferring with the British Colonial no more cruel death could be inflicted upon thousands of Jews ists'shim Vt. G, U throughout the world as the Herbert Samuel as High Commisthroughout Eastern and Central Europe. About §40,000,000 has leader who actually succeeded in sioner of Palestine, and the be- the grave Chinaman may be moved Secretary. ire oc fey the antics of " been raised among American Jews to help their, people fight off transforming the tireams and hopes ginning of immigration to Palestine. Washee" in pantoroine. But the hunger and disease, the war's by-products which made heavier of the Jews into a. reality, Supply Co« '•'Since the doors of, Palestine were WARSAW POtlCE BEAT Jew sits silent, sorrowful, bitiag .his inroads upon the Jews than upon any other people. If contribu- It was he who secured the Balfour opened COMPLETE STORE AND for immigration, Jews have - . -JEWISH WOMAN. tions cease, it will be as if a-physician, battling valiantly for declaration in 1917 in favor of mak- come there at the rate of from 1,000 Bails or lips -with. rage or shame Warsaw. ' OFFICE OUTFITTERS (I. T. Agency.) A Jewish the life of a patient whofor months has been hovering between ing Palestine the National Homeland to 1,200- a month. They are mostly ;^hea.he is ridiculed on the stage, woman jisjned.Lefke-v»,itz t ooccupy was recently i feet 7C,QGCC life and death, leaves him to shift for himself, as the first faint o% the Jews. It was he who was young men and women, sturdy, edu- , , The Season Why. robbed and when the investigating ofhopes for his recovery appear. most instrumental, in the San Remo cated; open-air people, from Poland, Mr. Hoscovjtch says the Jew is ficer asked her. to sign some docu£T24 decision of the : Supreme Council Bessarabia and south-western Russia. "super-sensitive" because of Ms world mes.ts slie refused to do so, being __/ GOOD WILL—BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. . afraid that it would implicate her in. which ratified the Balfour declaration Some of them have come from No position. The Briton can afford to laugh at some raaaner. The.police officer there- I; Man's land.. The campaign, just closed, jis best described with the follow- on April 24, 1920. ing extract from an editorial by Mr. Harvey, Newbranch, editor On that historic day for the Jew- "Most of these immigrants have a stage travesty of himself .because upon dragged, her -about for a consid- | he has got the British Empire, the erabls distance emd .gave her & severe j of the "World-Herald": ' ish people Premier Lloyd George and been through the war, have seen and ANNOUNCEMENT. British Navy behind 'Mm. He is big beating.' Memebers of the Jewish j other Allied statesmen said to Dr. lived through all the hardships and But most of all Omaha voted for a spirit of good enough to regard impudence with Seim Club have taken the matter up j Mrs. S. "Mantel is no tribulations of present »cLay Eastern Weizmann at .Saiv Remo: will, of brotherhood, in our civic, social and political longer connected with amused tolerance.. Equally so irath with the chief of police and are ds( "We -have, given you; the start.. Now Europe. No work is too hard for T the Kosher Kestaurant life, arid 'against the evil spirit of intolerance that was . other 'nations. They have a bulwark rasnding. the-i»uushiaeTit of the guIltj it is your task to bring about the them, and the very rigorous medical snd now has re-opened so shockingly manifested in aggravated form in the of power, of self-esteem, righteous o f f i c e r . '•'.•• examinations has yielded about S6 rebuilding of Palestine. If you fail, closing daya of the campaign. The spirit! of racial and or unrighteous, that shields, them AT 1910 BUET STREET. per cent, of people .fit for the hardest the fault will not be ours." religious hatred has no place on American soil. The from (the shafts of satire. work possible, in which they are .n Actfaorities Issue Arsti To this Dr. Weizmann replied: prodigious evil it has wrought in prostrated Europe is •-. That Jew has no empire, no.-navr, actually engage^. j Semitic Circular. "The Jewish people will not fail." a blight we do not invite for our. own sweet land of no place in the sun, and so the iron .Vienna. . {J. T. Agency.) Brushke* j . "They are breaking stones' andj I was with Dr. Weizmann at San . liberty. Whether our names be Zimman or Koutsky or . twice a dav. enters into , his. friendless, isolated , , , , Titch, the Jugo-SIa-risTi Minister of the j building.the roads of Palestine. They] Smith,, whether we be Jew or Gentile, Catholic or Pi-otesRemo at the time. Humble and soul when .he. 18 mocked and made jiatetUat , k s . i s s p e d s circuit to"-fifl\ ant, native-born or foreign-born, we want to live here modest despite his great achieve- are organized in camps, in various fun of. Brine is rubbed into his jp r o % i n c i a l &ut ferities asking i%tm t* j parts of th& country, and one can in Omaha and throughout America, in amity and neighments, he fully realized the enormAttention given parties, wounds by the fact that-the worst jccarefullyfn^PR vi,A I s r e f l l l K . MM.™™, examine all al! «refugees wedding's, etc. We rent borliness together..- That is the heart and jsoul of Amerity of the tksk. before him and the bear on the roads of* Palestine their offenders are generally Jewa. Kosher dishes, ~ icanism, and whoever, with whatever .pretensions, or : Jewish people. On that occasion he merry Hebrew songs mingled with' There is much in this to account'for have drifted in-.from General gel's Crimean forces. The circular professions, raises his hand'against it, commits the unoutlined to me some of the work the sounds of the hammers snd the "touchiness" of the Jev.-, but vre adds that this precaution is necessary forgivable sin against his country. that mu§t be the Jews with- shovels. Phone:,Douglas 5888 think Mr. Hoscovitch is on surer becr.use of :-a number of Jews have "That these people took their im- ground vrfesn he -complains t • . • out delay in order that Palestine be been known to have come through as made, rich aiid<rgr£3A again, that it migration to Palestine seriously, and Englishmen caricature Frenehmeai refugees being a 'fact Bolshevist shall be developed economically,^ in- tfiat they have Rot come there merely and vice versa, but rarely them- spies. ' as refugees, may be gathered from dustrially and culturally. * selves. You do notified s a American ridiculing *'Uncie Sam,"- or an Irish- ..'YELNA COMMUNITIES AG&EEL On the day of the San Hemo deci- the fact that though the majority of "The solution of the problem of even a semblance of racial individual- sion Dr..- Weiamann wrote the follow- them are intellectuals, they are pre- man -liolding "Paddy" up to c^a- • Dar,sig, (I, T.'Agency.).—Negotiapared for agricuitural pursuits, and ; tempt, still less execration. Jewish social adjustment (in Amer- ity, the nation will demand of them ing lines in'my. notebook::. tions between the Polish. Jewish &nA \ ica) lies in a new conception by Jews a ' higher standard of social and' "To-day -Israel entered once moje about 70 per cent. of. them have • But the Jew, or a t least a certain •Iifeuanisn communities of Vilna forf Meattype of Jew, will grin through a sa . .usderst-sndiBg regarding " ' the j Electric of Americanism. Jews have tiied to personal morality-, than it demands as an active factor on the world's learned the Hebrew language before Chopper Hebraic horse-collar at the public's further -Bdministnition- of the city, j be good Americans, but their con- of its non-conspicuous members." and stage. -No-inore a passive sufferer, coming to Palestine. bidding'. • ception of Americanism has> in too "This immigration is at present "What is it that arouses.the antag- but with a great opportunity to apply is. at. present in.. progrresE sind isi • Ceffee Mill.* many cases, been inerely the acquire- onism of the Gentile to the Jew, his energies and the accumulated Kraited, but we know that there are The Jewish, peculiarity finds its coun- making considerable headway^ aecordjnent of wealth and the attainment that the Jew has, rightly or wrongly, experiences of ages for the up- about 30,0C0 youn& men arid women terpart in more than one characteristic iag to a dispatch received here from of power." called anti-Semitism? biolding of his ancient home, which of this same type living in the hell of our- people .which evidences tl&ir Yilna. A Joint Commission represent- j City - T h e s e words form the most strik- ; The author answers at length; we he ought to make, into •& shining called the Ukraine. , Some of these j lack of self-respect as Jews, and we ing all three communities is leaving1! Beprescntatire ing passage of what appeals to \is paraphrase his words briefly. Not beacon. Judea capta is no more." are managing to escape, at great eigree -— it is one of the strongest f-r Kovr.a to confer >vife Lithuanian, j 510'So. 10th St. as one of the sanest and most ably- the, success of the few, but the peril. And thus we get a stream jsoints in the Jewish Nationalist' claim official leader?. Now ho has come with Professor yrritten contributions to; the great arrogance and obviousness of their 'filtering through Bessarabia and that a •world-position worthy. ,<?£ the mass of current literature ,on anti- success. • Not the riches of the few, Albert Einstein, the famous scien- Poland. Jew, a Commonwealth in which as a Semitism, pro and con. They appear but "the vulgarity and the flaunting tist; Menachen Ussishkin, the emicentrum he can play his-proper psrt "About 50,000 are waiting:'in Bessin an article entitled "Jew-baiting in of the richer Not the talents of nent Russian Zionist leader j Dr. Sha- arabia to -'be-'admitted to Palestine. in.the economy of the worWr Trill isost mahu Levin, the former member of America" by Ralph Philip Boaz, in the Jew, but the ostentatious display the Russian Duna and distinguished To our great sorrow we are not in surely induce Jewish pride which _ the May "Atlantic Monthly'?. The of the talents. Self-conceit, obtru- Zionist leader, and Dr« Mossinsohn, a position to bring them all to Pales- would spurn to exhibit Jewish foibles; article is neither a defense of the for the purpose of inducing the ribald siveness, shameless aggressiveness the prominent Palestinian educator, tine at present, as we must reckon Jews nor of jtheir maligners; it is laughter and enjoyment of the with; the present limited resources have come to the Jew Vho has to appeal to the Jews of America a frank, unprejudiced discussion of Jew.—London Jewish World. acquired, wealth and power, and have to do their share in the reconstruction and undeveloped state of the country. the position of the Jew" in AmerAiid also with our limited means. ica to-day. We recommend it for served to throw the Jew from the of; Palestine.; . Jewish Cotamissaries are Accused ©f "But we feel certain, and we have Wcek of Kay pinnacle on which history has placed 1 careful reading; to all JeV?s. : •v.g Emigrants and In an eloquent statement for the the authority not only of our own him aiid to make the problem of 3 (J.-T. Agency.) "Der ¥ud; . What ist the problem of the Jew the Jewish group in America doubly! establishment CLARA "~""B""1""; of- the-foundation " - — " " Y fund, T 1 experts, but also of the Adminis- a Paris. d U0UDiy daily publication'appsaring in Kishffiffi«,tft«-r«i«,--!known as the Keren Hayessod, Dr. in Amerind to-day? As with all difficult to solve. tration ai Palestine, that if we had KIMBALL YOUNG Weizmann says in part as follows: but the means, room can be made in eftev-ehsr^s the Bolshevist authorother racial groups it is one of social 1 This is Prof, pbas' indictment not ities en tho"-frontiers in the neighbor"We begin our work < at a great adjustment, claims Prof." Boaz. And of the Jew as a whole, but of the and tragic moment.'. .While opportai- Palestine for a very considerable 'im- hood of the Dniester v.ith bcir^ psr"indeed it is safe to say that the migration to that country within a g ay BUY SAFE tfcalarly poor in their treatment of question of Jewish social adjustment Jews who represent the Jews to non- ities • in- Palestine are numerous and comparatively short time. Jewish eyes. To his own question most enhe&rtening, two-thirds of the emigrants and refugees. The publicain the United States is nofc a matter "And this is the object of the tion asserts that the chief responsibilof morals, but of mariners"..- Jews- "What does the- Jewish mass "need?" Jewish race in Eastern Europe are establishment of the Foundation ity for this Shci lies with the Jewish need not hold aloft by way of he makes this answer, "A preacher this moment under intolerOar gU55.rar.tee and our vrord is Fund. It is misleading to think that ^ Communist party, the th answer to their defamers the notable who will preach that teaching which able conditions. as good as a bone*,. Jews most need—personal consecraa nngle cent of t t * ^ a d ». to go ^ ^ ^ ^ g figures of American Jewish life— "On - the eve of its - renaissance We have sstfFfiec hundreds of tion to righteousness, humility in for purposes, of propaganda or Jn emigrant cs a' counter-revolutionary.. "the great lawyers, the gveat artists, your Jewry stands wounded and mutilated. the great journalists, the great success, a gentleman's regard for the It has only one hand f™eo for con- outside'of Palestise., "The entire fund also in connection • philanthropists, the great scientists". sensitiveness of others, a willingness structive labor, and with the other is to' be employed, exclusively forj Einstein are endeavoring to ir.a'se it Tho contribution of sucli men, who to yield one's legal rights before the it is desperately struggling to ward purposes of reconstruction."' 2nd Annual Style "The Executive Committee of the • & success. are the exceptions, will not be,, in quality of mercy. And yet it is this off blows that threaten it with de"The Jews of America can give - P h o n e : Douglas I>G1Sfeaturing; the end., the mo3t valuable to Aifter- very preaching which, thoughtful struction. The Jews of America are World Zionist Organization is in not enly financial aid, but tlas sr-rae Jews the country over qre craving, possesion of elaborate plan's for colonican life. Says Prof. Boaz,' "neither providentially the remnant that may PARIS' LATEST men and experience in the task of the philanthropists' nor the gunman hardly conscious of what they crave. now liberate the larger part of ization, the establishment of hydroreconstruction. We see the beginning CREATIONS The time is ripe for the coming of electrical power, house building, eduis truly representative of American Israel . . . . of this in the work of the American s, personality who wall interpret in Jews: the/real type is the humble, Courtesy of "The appeal we make is to the cation and so forth. Media;! Zionist his life and teaching the spirit that ^'Palestine seems to be at present Jewish conscience, for we have no "The Atecrican Jewish Society-of BRANDEIS STORES. Ko. SpriRps—Hcnrst TVcight power to enforce an adequate the only place in the Near East which Engineers is ready to coffiffitnes about h'is'business, a. good citizen, a S. H. S. response. . . . . many Jevrs." is beginning to settle down to con- in Palestine. American Jewish pliycir I good father, peaceful, productive, • HOBAKT ELECTRIC "But no Jew worthy o£ his name structive work, and although it is cians are eager to help ir. the up.generous and kindly, the country that, gave him & free chance J. D. C. Director, Confers with Polish will -at this solemn moment ehclter surrounded by countries disturbed by building of the medical faculty. I] GRINDERS, CKOPPE&S himself behind the inability of his unrest, the new settlers in Palestine am sure that the Jews cf this great Representatives. to earn an. honest living, to educate AND BUXEBS. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) M. Lan- people to enforce compliance with arc permeated by the ppirit of Jiaildhis children, and to walk in the.ways y Will jsake & glorious contriing un a commonwealth BociaJIy just, bution to the ancient Jewish desco, tho J. D. (J. director for con duty." which his fathers walked." Service atjd Sales; economically healthy* End intellectThis appeal was made by Dr. Etmctivs relief, confefred. with represIt is truly -.with tho millions of It Pas* to G«t Oar F ISlh AND JACKSON STREETS "Almcst s Fear has passed since each. Jews t h a t ' t h e .future "of the er-t&tives of a number'of Jewish labor mamr as president of the World ually high." h&ii Over 6.090 Rtwfs I dux E«offe. Are OKU: flumes: This would^cerve as s great stabil-;the Supreme Ctsuncil at San Kemo Jew and of ?mti-Semitismin Amer organizations. The chief subject for Zionist Organisation, in accordance Our Specially regard id factor in a part ef the world ld jns.d§ its decision ii h d i Toledo Scales Pe^tff. ica rests. "They are marked men,! discussion was the question of co> with a resolution adopted at the izing g p Seasly KoofiR^ ever l ' heirs of a noble race which gave! operative «ttterpx*ises and it wag Zionist conference' held in Europe which is destined once KIO*« to play'Palestine. The Jewish people Is en. AS Wosk Ciar.rattecd ii Doug. Tertns Western - civilization religion and'finally decided that the workers' co- last year. an important role in the developxeent trial. We are scrutinized by &H the fiatney -25T4 "More' •is• ' demanded -' - ' of- operatives should elect a special comSome of the American Zionist lead- of msnidnd.. This is symbolised nations of the world, end we most We have o& hand Used and morals. Office and W h S S " a marked group,than 'mere' conform mitted vrhich should work out com- ers, desiring to exerciso control over already in tho effort to erect a nni- mske gcod, for we have- both the SI22 LeaveiwortkRebuilt Machines. ity to the miHimum of .national vir- plete plans to be submitted to the J. i the building of Palestine because of vcreity on Mount Scopus. Great Jew--, forces and the resources necessary | 1 ! the funds that may be-raised in the iish like Albert} Albert} for for the the upbuilding upbuilding ot of Pa^estiaph iintellectual t l l c t l fforces e s like Palestine" tue. • Just so long as Jews maintain' D. C workers. • "Published etcry Thursday at Omaba, Nebraska, by THE "JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. MORRIS E. JACOBS, Maiiagef. Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone, Doug, ,2372,



FIVE JEWS .MURDERED ' ' , .:-;,,, ;/...-.,'-.-IN.. H U N G A R Y


mtsE-wimmt $cm co.



PAGE 3—THE- JEWISH. EEESS —THURSDAY,.MAY 5,.1S21. .. FERTIG'S TO MOVE. National Fnnd Headqts&riers Co be UKRAINIAN GOVERNJUNIOR WELFARE MEET ' Combleth, who will soon leave A regular meeting of the Junior "her psrents fcr California. MENT HAS MINISTER FOR Mr. and Mrs. August J. Fertig, Shifted to Jeruusalea, _At the meeting of the Frogresse and small son~ who have been living Welfare Organization was held "SunParis. (J. T. Agency.) The main JEWISH AFFAIRS. Mrs. Carl Stadna of Kansas City is cSce cf the Jevrish Ksilo~,z3 Fund trill Club Sunday afternoon, election of in Omaha for the past three years day afternoon. Miss Florence Shames Vienna. {J. T. Agency?.—In the 1 the 'following: officers took placet are leaving to "make their future,home reported the work of the Advisory spending several vreeks with friends j be transferred to crusclem, srys t> newly-formed pcvermr.pnt for the fsaac Sternhill was elected president; in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where; board in connection with the sewing and relatives in Council Birrs End dispatch Ukraine, ?•!. KvatT.oC ha- Vipcn made Harry Robinson, vice-president; Mr. Fertig will enter business. Mrs., that the members have been doing Omaha. Hague. It is proposed to bull 3 £ »K;nistrr £cr Jewish AfJairs aeroraJoseph Lintznian, secretary; Benjamin Fertig is already in Grar.d Ttapids, for the Wiss Memorial hospital. It special institntirn for the £.ccommodr- j ; t r lo sdviccr received. be r e from Ravitz, treasurer; Bert J. Mosltowitz, and .Mr. Fertig will join her within was definitely decided to allow the j Mrs. EL J-Iarcus, T01 First avenue,. tion cf l i e Xalioiu.! Tvi~.^ ZT.S three ' *-* Junior organization the care of the \ entertained Thursday afternoon for of the directors will t>s pcrmr-ncrily | "i'arnpv;. reporter; William Raduziner, serthe near future. maternity ward in that hospital. More twelve guests cf the Regular Card rcsiisnzei ir Pclostisr- The plan r-lsc geant-a't-arms; and Hyman RubenMr. Fertig is advertising manager Furiies ir, Lr.lvi? Unite material for sewing was handed out Club. stein, athletic director. Harry Kneeter Includes the r-srehasc cf 1.2?0 of the Omaha Daily Tribune, a Geris, (,T. T. Agency),-—After'jnany to the various captains of the groups. 1 will fill the office of captain of the man-language newspaper here. He in tha remediate vicini*; pii, to pdjufu their differencps Miss Hannah Greenblstt is in charge baseball squad. N^goiisticas Msj Be has taken an active interest in busijoiiis£&, the OrJiodcx and the of the sewing. theSefused. ness and civic life here. Miss Sylvia Kulakofsky, chairman ;F Pcntesof Latvia have spxed Danzig. <J. T. Agency.) Eeprassntc• ' Mrs.' Jack Koerpel, formerly Miss ^ev Heaas Lonc-or* Esrf u s e BocrAof the social and entertainment com* tbo ierronf-'on of 8 conlffion tives of all Jewish parties as well as Hattie Dreifuss of Omaha, is expected HiOTICB London. (J, T. Agency.) I^.bb: mittee, arranged a very interesting Dr. Alfred Nossig cetiferred en the . i t , t o v - : .- irh 3 ep t . 5 rirtatircp ,of May 19, to visit.with Mrs. Nathan Every' Zionist, who has the Stem, well known P.I the ";s'\ ^ ^ j r.ll parties. and entertaining program. ] advisability d a b i l i t y cf r resuming e s m n g the negotia negotiaMantel. _ Mi's. Koerpel is on her way welfare of Palestine at heart, A.c:nr»RT.', ,-T,r, * Hermine Hischman gave several I tions with representatives of the of Londcn, has bc-cti elected c*«; ccu'^cj here from from Seattle to New York, where she should not fail to attend, a t this el the Board cf GucLT-dians rcr the J ^° solo dance and song numbers. Miss polish covernnent for a better underJ t k i e < ! will -poLi Mr. Koerpel and where they critical moment, the important " Esther Johnson, Juvenile Court work- standing between Jews and Poles, ?Ji3e-End district. Kabb; Stem i? thr j meeting to be held Tuesday evenwill make their future home. first Jew to head ths Bocrc of Guard}j er, gave the girls an idea of the work according to a Warsaw dispatch re} TALESTiXE JEWISH ing at eight o'clock at the 19th that is "being done by the juvenile ceived here. The dispatch says that £ns in a isetropolitsn fiirtrict. and Burt street Synagogue, to The Sa-Oth Society will meet SunI *YOE.KJ::Z& TO OFEX BANK court. Mrs. B. Boasberg gave several the Jewish representatives were not s elect delegates to the special day afternoon at the home of Mrs. | Jrruca^cai. (J. T. Aponcy).—The readings. Mr. Harry Wolf gave an in- elated over the prospect of taking up The * ?,;crr.h5ff Post" Arsis Finisconvention. B. R. Boashexg. labor organisation has applied teresting talk on social service in the negotiations after their last interTzult vrkh ihr Poall Zios, ffupmnKSit foi" i"scrmit»sion to general and in particular on election ruption en the part of the govern' < ** London. (J. T. Agency.) The antlMrs. D. Babich entertained Saturvrorlwvs* barik. The applicaALEPH Y MEET day. Mr. E. Simon concluded the ment. Scnutic erfes the "licvnh^ Tost'-" day afternoon at a theatre party for rcs, 40.000 POUTIJK as the The -regular meeting of the Aleph program with an urgent request for yesterday cited a circular purported to Miss Sheila Leaf, who is visiting for Y of -the Y. J.I. H. A. was held Monday girls to work at the polling places on Paris Jews EntunsIasiicaUy Support have been issued t y the JOCKI ?oa!I ] initial cppital. : Miss Hanna G.- Greenblatt . several weeks with, her mother, Mrs. evening at the club rooms., Mr. Leon election day. ' ffTrrRniTTiJ ha? ju?.t tRade Keren Hayessod. EioTj in v-hich the KenbcrE of iht Mr. and Mrs. D. Garber'announced C." B. Leaf. Miss Leaf, who was Mendelson was admitted to the club. s dpri^r pcnr.'ttinjr any r-ib'.ic Tcriz. (J. T. Agency.) Great en- party arc c&Iled upra to f.Erhi caritr.!formerly connected with the European the engagement of their daughter, Plans. and arrangements are under ol rr.TYifF desired. The change thusiasm was shown by local Jews at irt & Ih; Zioti mr.'.:s- Thr Belief Council at New York, is on Hanna G. Greenblatt, to, 'Mr:' David way. by the committee in charge of the' a mass meeting called for the Keren circular, tha ^Jlorr.:-- Post" rl^rar. is <iuly pdveriiFfsi -TI thf ofKciai Cohen of this city. debates to make the dual debate \ her way to.California. Hayessod. Vladimir Jabotinsky was a!so suggestfd In so -far cs the jrazette. Thif t'r-r:vc VBP mutie Miss Greenblatt, who is- popular between the Aleph Y and the Sioux Scat by our Counsil Bluffs Ifcws Verstfllss treaty vxs concempd, the rocessary by the conti&uoue adaption the chief speaker of the evening. bureau. _, A daughter was born to Mr. and in'Jocal Jewish, activities, is presi- City Y. M. H-. A. a success. on 11-. e part, of Jews were in a position to establish a ] of Hebrew ~Mrs. Meyer Fxiedel Saturday at the dent of the Women's Auxiliary I; O, l i i Etste in Pa*c?tinr. jrcwly-aniving: ElectHScation cf Palestine. B. B. and vice-president of the Junior Nicholas Senn Hospital. f YOUNG JUDEA NEWS' *f The next regular meeting of the Paris. {J. T. Agency.) It was learn-j Welfare Organization. No date had : o ~ . o Junior Council of •Jewish Women will ed today, that Baron Rothschild con-j been set for the -wedding. The Ydetes Club of the Y. " be held Thursday evening at the homa . The Lillies of Zion will hold a short H. A. will hold a regular meeting .Sunday evening, Mr. and' Mrs. J meeting Saturday afternoon at2;S0 to of Miss SaReva Snyder, 300 Oakland tributed 25 thousand poxnids to help* work oat the plans of Engineer EutTuesday evening, May 10, at 8:30 Wintroub will entertain at their home make plans for a hike to. Camp Brew- avenue. An interesting program has teaberg for the electrification cf Pafor Miss Greenblatt and Mr. Cohen. o'clock at the Club Rooms. An interster, Sunday, May 15. All members been arranged. The club, which was lestine, esting program has been arranged, should be present so as to know full recently organied now has a memberDr. H. the ~QV5. Hospital Staff Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Goodson of details of the hike. and all members are being urged, ship of more than forty. Number of Jews in Co—< Bsnks t the ungrounded emphatically v4 Sacramento, California, formerly of to attend. * * * Small. report circulatei to effee \, that T\O Jewish Omaha, have announced the engage^ The regular meeting of the Jewish The Daughters of Zion held a regcm be circumcised. bbi (J. T. Agency.) babies born at. the t ord Eos The regular meeting of the X, T, ment of their daughter, Evelyn, to ular meeting Sunday, May 1, jat the Sisterhood was held Wednesday after- j a d v i c e s b r i E f f t - Re f o n ^ C. club was held Tuesday evening Mr. Leo Krasne, son of Mr. and home of their leader, Miss Rose Min- noon at the hene of Mrs. S. Snyder, w h k h a r e t a k e a fnm a p = b I i s h p d THE FORD HOSPITAIi SCLICITES THE Herman Krasne, of Council kiri. Miss Minkin spoke to the mem- 300 Oakland avenue. May 3, when the membership of the Mrs. JEWISH PATKOXAGE QE OMAHA. govict port in the oSci:il club was increased. An intellectual Bluffs. At the present, Miss Goodson bers on the coming election, and told " ' "Pravda." The report deals with. t!« : advancement committee consisting of is visiting her aunj^ Mrs. B. Bra- the girls the urgent need of having Joe Passer, who has been confined! Communist party arid shows that nr Rose Fine as chairman and Nettie yiroff and Mr. Braviroff of this city. everyone of their fathers and mothers to the Mercy Hospital on account of the district of Xosco".v, the party has Smith and Anne Ackerman was vote. Current topics were discussed. illness, is now at his home. S1,T14 members. Of this njmber 12 appointed by the -president of the Mrs. J. Milder entertained at bridge Games concluded the meeting. per cent belcr.g to nationalities other • • * Wednesday afternoon for her daugh• club, Blanche Altman. than Russian, while 227 members proAfter the two weeks vacation, the The Young Judea Junior Club will ter, Mrs. Ben Taxman, of Eldorado. hold a regular meeting Sunday, May i Sunday school of the Council Bluffs j vicasly belonged to the "Eccd." The Ka-Dee-Mo Club • is* planning Kansas, who is visiting here. * City Talmud Torah will re&pea Sun1, at the club rooms at 2:30 sharp. a.novel activity for the summer as day morning. Mrs. Hubert E. Sloman entertained Next Sunday evening at 8:00 a party it now has a committee looking for s cottage at Lakeview. eight guests at luncheon followed by, will be held at the home of Leona Peril's, 2050 No. ISth street, in honor The regular meeting of the Agudabbridge last Thursday afternoon. that we will open on or about Msjs Z of ^ a r a h ' Broolistein who has just Achim will be held Sunday afternoon ' All arrangements have been comgraduated Commerce-High. at the Danish hall. Mr. Jerome F . Heyn-left Tuesday pleted for the private dancing party, * * * to be given by the Womens Auxiliary for Excelsior Springs; where he willj A First Class Kosher Delicatessen The Hatikvoh girls met Sunday afThe Eight-couple Card Club was enI . O. B. B. at Hanscom Park, Thurs- spend several weeks. Just received fu'l iins ©* creternoon, May 1, at the club rooms, tertained Tuesday everting at the hoae snd Dairy Products Store day, May 19, for members and their tonnes and etrj escorts. The next regular meeting Donald Kosenfeld, son of Mr. and 19th and Farnam. The members decid- of Mrs. S. Snyder. of the Auxiliary will be held Thurs- Mrs. Joseph-E. KosenfeJd^.who. has ed to have a debating team and tryto be toMwra us the KCKTK SIDE KOSHER The Jewish Benevolent Society day, May 12, a t the Club Rooms. been quite ill, is now reported better. "outs will be held Sunday, May 15, at DELICATESSEN COMPANY, located at 1618 the club rooms. hold .a card party Wednesday afterA hike has been arranged for next North Tweatr-iourtt Street, with a MUine of noon, May 11, at Eagle's hall. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Abrahams and " Mrs. L. Blo'tcky entertained twenty Sunday, May 7. All members will ba strictly fresh, and Kosher delicatessen and all guests at bridge at her home Wednes- daughters, Miss Charlotte Abrahams 'notified of the further details." Mrs. Ethel Hoffman left Tuesday] fcincls of daily products. day for Mrs. Sam Greenblatt of and Mrs. Mas Block left Sunday for A volley ball team has already been Memphis, Tennessee, who is visiting Inman, where they have a cottage. chosen with Eebecca Siegal and Katie evening for an. extended visit to her cousin, Mrs. A. Mbnsky and Mr. Dr. Block will join them for the Goldstein as captains and Bstelle Duluth, Minn., where she will visit, with her sister, Mrs. Ben Wolpa. Mr. Monsky. Mrs. William Lazarus week-endMrs. N. Meiches and Company Lapidils as coach. After the team gets of Sioux City was an out-of-town into practice, it will play 'with other The regular meeting of the Council Miss Goldye Pred has chosen Mon- club teams. guest. Monday afternoon, Mrs. David 'of Jewish Women was held Friday Newman entertained at an Orpheum day, June 6, as the day for^ her afternoon at the horns of Mrs. E. marriage to Mr. Meyer Spiesberger, party, for Mrs. Greenblatt. The Young Judaea Senior Club will Marcus. Th6 following program was hold a regular" meeting, Sunday, Mayj for the members: "Tired c-f Miss Mamie Schwartz, who has Mr. Sol Bergman and Eabbi Fred- 7, at 3 p. m. at the home of Tina in Belgian Dannack or Cretonn* been the guest of her sister, Mrs. erick Cohn have been appointed as Altschuler, 2304 Norih 21st street. Church;" dialogue'by Cecil Snyder and Shrunk binding n$82, Ar.y fizs. Sara Goldsteih^ for the past three delegates to attend the 27th Council Minnette Gross, chairman of the com- Marcia Scharf; and a recitation by 3-Piece Bet weeks, returned Friday to her home of the Union of American "Hebrew mittee to arcane for a toy shower, SaBcva Snyder. ANXOUKCETiIENT in Nashville. Congregations which will be held at will give a report of all arrangements. The regular meeting of the Hebrew Buffalo, N. Y., on May 24, 25, and Also details for the annual outing will Educational club -will be held Slondsy . Miss Rose Davidson, formerly of 26.Eabbi Cohn leaves Saturday, be arranged at this meeting. evening' at the home of Isadora Omaha, who has been making her May 21, stopping at Detroit and Ann An instructive program has been Aginskec, 214 Fraak street. This will RECENTLY KESIG\T.T) AS DEPUTY Old furr.iiure reuphc!stered like home in Chicago, will make her Arbor, where he vrilh speak. Mr. arranged and all members are urged CQpNTY ATTORNEY HAS OPENED be the second social meeting held by new. We dsnt care r-ew bsd the future residence here. Bergman will Spend : sometime in to b " present. upholstering part is, we make it the club. Miiiic will be furnished bjNew York City.' * * » ik new. * £ *LAW OFFICES K the Home Talent orchestra. - Mrs. Augusta Rotholz, who has *i *. The Leaders' Training group will been visiting in California, returned meet Saturday evening at 7:30 at the At Temple Israel Friday evening, Miss Marian Katelman, young to Omaha yesterday. Eabbi Cohn will take for his .subject, club rooms. Plans for the Shevouth daughter of Mr. and I Irs. J. Katelman, ** Writs or p!">ne M "Potterism and Eobert Brownina". program will be arranged. Also ar- 412 Oakland avenue, entertained Satjasn. wr.ll caU with Miss Esther Newman, daughter of Potterism is a recent and 'much dis- rangements for YOUIJE Judaea day Cl" So. St. . Costlv Sotel. urday afternoon for ten girl friends s&t lias rcsrawd the Mr. and Mrs., David Newman, who cussed novel by Eose Macaulay. will be completed^ Young Judaea daj*. at a farewell party in honor cf Mattie is a . day instituted by the" national has been attending Columbia Uniorganization for the purpose of raisversity for the past two years, was A -May-party will be -given in "the ing funds for the annual budget. This TcJpjihone; I^ier 4010 graduated April 25 "with honors. vestry of Temple Israel,. Sunday year Young Judaea clubs all over the Miss' Newman has been specializing O31AHA'S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY in journalism, .playwriting and' ex- afternoon, for the children- of the United States will campaign fcr funds pression, and also attended the Von- Sunday School and their "friends by on June 5. Hett French School of Expression the. Pi Tau Pi Fraternity- There will while in New York. She visited sev- be a May pole dance, May baskets, Palestine Expenditure in 1921 to be eral days in Chicago with friendsi' 'stories', songs,-dancing and refreshMore than Tvro Million Pounds. ments and all little children ^ire urged London. (J.T.A.) May 4—The Palesarriving hone today. 1 to come and have a goo4 time.' tine Administration has made public its bugget for 21-22; says a Jerusalem Miss Hanna Waxman of Lincoln, The xuune of ihe E, and H. Bakery, 1722 North Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Eoy "of San dispatch received here. It is estimatformerly of Omaha, spent the weekfourth Street, has been changed to thnt of the Francisco, Calif., g|id Mrs. 3Iax Bloom ed that the revenue during the year end here. STARTING SUNDAY, FOUR DAYS ONLY of San Jose, Calif., who have been will amount to 2,214,047 Egyptian Forbes B*kery. The cra-scrfe are I I Adlcr and M. Forbes, Stalling Jlay Tilt May 8ih, for one week. Miss Eose Weinberg is visiting in the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. pounds while the expenditure will Sioux City, where she will remain Louis Eubin, leave Saturday for Chi- amount to 2,286,133 and VvjH include The bskery Is still under the same manageCUDAHYCHILDREN cago. Mr. and -Mrs. Boy- «xpect to 100,000 pounds which will be used for for several weeks. ment that it was before the same w«s changed. spend sometime here on their return purposes of national defense.' Speakin their ose Eig: photo* At the monthly meeting of the trip to their home in California, the ing of this phase of the budget Sir play production Herbert Samuel officially declared that Sisterhood of Temple Israel Monday latter part of the summer. recruiting for Jewish and Arab deafternoon, annual reports were read. in a • picturlsaiioa units will be started at en eariy 2T0S, JVlissJBcssie Horn g$?e a ^recitation, PHONE; Consider Helping Ukrainian fense date. of the famous Mrs. ilartin Sugarman sang several Refugees. BELASCO According to Palestine advices 39 „ J3ongs, and Mr. Isidor Zicgler adLondon. (J. T. Agency.) The Federadressed the meeting on the necessity tion of Ukrainian Jews in England lias new Arabic schools have been opened stage success Coming—Wednesday, May of a chapel which the Sisterhood' is issued a call for a conference of all in the district of Haifa during the last sponsoring. Mr. Herman Auerbach Jewish political and philanthropic or- four months. HENRI BERNSTEIN'S .spoke on women's interest in politics ganizations in this country in order and the work they have been doing to decide upon measures to be adopted Issues Note Covering stege In the recent election. The program in further aiding Ukrainian Jewish London, (J. T. A.) May 4.—The local was followed by a social hour. refugees. Mr. Slassel, the representa- office of the Federation of LTcrcfrian tive of the Hebrew Sheltering and Jevrs in England has Just fcsntrl 5n • Mr. H. L. Eosenthal of Norfolk, Immigrant Aid Society of America pamphlet form a memorandum subNebraska, spent several days visit- will participate in the conference and mitted to th<? Letigue of Nations by -iA£ at.ths J. Krasne hoine at Council report upon the actual condition of the Committee -of Jewish Delegations regarding ths Ukrainian pogroms. these refugees in Poland. Bluffs*





Protect Your


Menem UplrclsteriEg So.


812 First i t t i i i Biik



PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS —THURSDAY, MAY S, 1921. screen hid the coofelug range, but" iff the middle of the floor was a larga white-enameled table end In oae corner was a email square one, with a chair" before i t Oa the. small table waa A glass eland' heaped wife folded paper napkins, a big susarbowl of.a familiar variety, pepper and salt shakers and a typewritten menu card. : Felicia was garbed la< white, with a . targe -wblta .agron, p s a there was a glimpse of a grinning maid similarly attired. Here in his own adored home

Felicia's "Quick -. Lunch Room" •

Sent by our Des Moine3 News

•Moscow Placards Assert Jews From Paris to Warsaw in Ten salem dispatch. The meeting adopted a Yl Are Running Russia. and One-Ifelf Hours. resolution introduced hy David.d YelLondon. (J. T Agency.) The Hel P-T--- n'* A---.-, i Ti,n - : - iin, ^resident of th* ^rusalem Jfvish singiors correspondent of the London Far;,, (J.A A g m c j i . - T h e sir-1 ^ ftv c s r - e S s i n c confidence in "Times" reports that Moscow service p.annea for some tae p a s t j ^ l f a d o ; ^ p o f D i . x<oizmwn awl reccrJ «nent of the

.' Celia D. Ross, Box 1316, Sta. A, B. 3652.

A regular meeting of the Menorah The regular meeting of the Zionist | i Society was held Sunday evening, yoke of the Communists and the Jews. Organisation was held Sunday eve-' • '• in ten and. oac-h&lf hours. CLARISSA MACKIE May 1,- in Faculty hall. The,program Th© placards pointed out that Direct Shipping AccomodationB from ning in-,the Hebrew Institute. Stere^. \ consisted of two papers on Jewish r Italy to Palestine to be ..number of Jewish officials in the Soopticon' views . ^ e t e ' shpjm'of. presentJERUSALEM JEWS SUPPORT history; one on "The Jews-Under the viet government, is so' great that i t Available in May. (©, McCluro New«p«P»r conditions in Palestine.- A.discussion Moors"'by" Lillian Margolin and the b li d th . ZIONIST WORLD LEADERS. "Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) We are could well be compared to Palestine. During their honeymoon the New-] W JT ih n*m««mh»ri» «* « i » i,«i»^ '> •"*• ~~ : -=•— was held regarding the '.'Keren Haysauthentically informed that the first London (J, T, Agency.) Thousands Z ^ L ^ and Z ^ thers L *was L * !a crude ™!* j! other.on "The to sod," -which is the fund, to be raised tons read poetry together. '''There! Z lunchrooms,, " Te V J\>Jews Z-;inIGermany p am- up •p Time of Rashl by R .He Most Marry a Jewess or Forfeit of Jews gathered at a mass demonstra- boat to sail direct from Trieste to would be so little time to do that ! sign sign on on the the wall, wall. "Watch "Watch your your hat hat and * . " ?^ 3 for the rehabitation of Palestine. The when they were settled down and Margolin. A poem, "The Roast tion arranged during the Passover Jaffa will start on her voyage oft May . .'.* • One Hundred Thousand Dollars. sentiment of the membera present Tames, had to hurry so much. And so, overcoat" Leviathan," by Louis Untermeyer, festival in honor of Nahian Sokolow,.rl7. The boat will carry a large rmmFelicia came ana peeked his cheek. London. (J. T. Agency.) Jacob was overwhelmingly in,favor of the; during this blissful period, James "Isn't It great? So~ easy to prepare was read by Celia D. Ross. the noted Zionist leader, says a Jeru-1 ber of Chalutzin. Marks, a well known merchant of this "Keren JBayesspd," but a, resolution j Newton frequently reminded ill: things, so easy to Berve and BO easy It was decided that the annual outcity, who recently died here, left his was passed by the local organization j charming wifa'that to him food was for you to eat, dear. Hurry, now, and : ' t o the effect that letters b e s e n t to a mere incident of life. Had not old Bit : down, pajtly Bansome has tele- ing party be held Sunday afternoon, eon one hundred thousand dollars on May 15, at Epworth Park. condition that he should marry a Judge Mack, president of the Amer- Omar said: phoned for you to meet him a t the "Here, with a Loaf of Bread beneath Jewess, one who is a daughter of 'station at 7:10 and go into town to ican Zionist Organization^ and Mr. The Pesach picnic of the Daily Jewish parents. . the Bough, . » {some new show, and you can make it Weizmann, instigator of the "Keren A Flask T DOESN'T MEAN MUCK of Wine, a Book of Verse— If you hurry 1" School of the Tifereth Israel Talmud ' • ; Hayessod," and urging the to reach in itself to say that a and Thou Torah washeld Wednesday afternoon, •SHurrri" How James hated the manufacturer has had over. Ukrainia Now.Quite Peaceful, Noted a definite understanding' with' peace Beside me singing In the Wlldemess-r ' - . ; . - ."-. ._ •/ • . •. ;. • . •.. . April 27, a t Antelope Park.. About fifty year's' experience. The Leader Declares. terms between'the two parties. It is And Wilderness is Paradise enow." " word. .He 6miled -feebly and loked at the fifty children were present. The afterquestion 3s: Hov? far has he thereby hoped, by the local organizaLondon. (J. T. Agency.) Yesterday's Felicia Newton listened and loved card Felicia gave him. She had been noon was spent in playing basball and gone and is he .still on the tion .that a split in/ the Zionist organ- her lord all the more for hia-indiffer- faithful to detail and had not omit- racing. The Mothers' club provided issue of the "Daily Herald" published move ? ization will be prevented," and that ence to the material pleasures of eat- ted one of the standard dfshea fa- nuts for all the children. The makers of Eagle Shirts1 en interview from its correspondent have been making unity will succeed in^the ijeedy work ing and drinking.. But of course there miliar to the peripatetic luncher-oufc with'the noted Ukrainian leader-Ro- t a , quality product which is to'be; done by the Zionists came an end to the honeymoon, and j "Griddle cakes," ordered James sportfor ' over half a New-classes-of-the Tahnud • Torah kowski, in which .he is reported t o ; there was _the.exquisite pleaspr®, of ingly. ' throughout America. have declared that within recent] century. Yet, even the return.home to the, new'^ouse.ln ; Jamea did not eat .much, though the opened Monday, May & - montihs Ipacainia has been calmed*' now, they push the1 the, , suburbs, the Uttle round of "social ^ girf w a S a very good cook; he . quality up a peg Miss Anna Verbin, of Fremont;, Neb., Rabbi Mandelbai^m in his speech on down and is now retaining a state of] t h h t f l as be b finished fiihd every season, set visited for several days with Miss ,evepts, the.novelty of getting,a.hus- w a s v e r y thoughtful peace.'.' ' , '{j. :\ ' •'.' " .-*• 1 t new standards for band off to catch the. 8:15 train to the last leathery bit; of ppie and, leav- the first day of the Passover holiday Eva. Berg, others to follow, town every morning, anaincompetent wrestling ,II n g a , H p onthe table, he went out of made a protest against the immigra- SOVIET AUTHORITIES with the vagaries of an m a k e innovations . the room. But there wap a discour- tion bill." Word has been received by Mr. Max - that cause others CONFISCATE PROPERTY aged droop to his shoulders and there to wonder why Pill that his soii Edward who is a Within one short week after their was no sign of hurry In his gait Fe. • • . ; • •'•• O F R E F U G E E S . ( The Daughters' of the Israel Aid return home JamesNewton had they didn't think student of Columbia university, reLondon, ( J . T. Agency).—The \ of-them first. Their to quote Omar Khayyam, and llda watched, him -anxiously as he Society held its regular meeting Suncently was elected to the associate ceased went Into the .library and, calling Oakslogan is- Felicia suspected tearfully t h a t , h!e. day afternoon, May 1, at the syna- Sovjet-. authorities have " issued a ' staff of the "Jesterj" the humorous was yearning for the flesh pots of his ly Ransome' up, he Void him i e "could gogue. ' • "MAKE decree .confiscating, the .property of monthly magazine of the ujiiversity. bachelor days; ; To tell the truthv hot! go into, iownV He sat down to IT BETTER" all B-ussians who are refugees abroad, —better than their o"vm b'est. better than anybody's else best. James was. plainly dissatisfied. Com- ; read the evening paper, when Felicia A surprise party was given in honor ' or are hiding within the state, ac-' in, attired In one of her charmThey" findas you do—that QUALITY ALWAYS PAYS. A regular meeting-_pf .the Hebrew pared to the ruinous-food that Biddy came ing frocks. She kjssed him. nnd called of the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. j cording to a Helsingfors dispatch EAGLE SHIRTS, Ladies' Friendship Society- was hfeld served even the memory of downtown; Mm "dear old Omaf," and he did not Asbyll Sunday evening, May 1, at the received here, today. AT at the Hebrew "Institute, Tuesday, white-tiled lunchrooms became endear- smile until the new ©aid demurely home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Shqstak. ing. There followed days when he May 3. ' • " •' . ' -' announced dinner and Felicia laughquoted from the -menus of his Quick The couple were presented vd%h a DANZIG IS EXPELLING ALIENS j lunch palace amid the skyscrapers, ingly dragged him.into the dining chest of community^ silverware. The Danzig, (J. T. Agency.) The local! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldblatt of and Felicia for the first time learned room to the dainty table set for din- out-of-town* guests were Mrs. Joe authorities have ordered a number of j The meal was delicious and Council Bluffs, Mr.. and Mrs. Abe that corned beef hasa and griddle ; jner. s cared not that Felicia lectured Kahn and Mr. Dave Kraunse, both of foreigners to leave the city on the ; ame Kaifetz of Mitchell, J South' Dakota, cakes, well: cooked, were esteemed by him all the way through oa the evils Omaha. -CORRECT APPAREL FOR ICES AXD •\TO?:.E\" ground that they are aliens. Eastern and Mr. Philip Goldblatt-of Omaha, her husband even above the peace and of hurriecl- eating-. . ' ; ** ' Jewish refugees who are being spent Sunday with, their mother, Mrs. Refinement of. bis own home, where "I've got to hurry now," he said; Mrs. Julius Splegle was called to threatened, with expulsion have ap- j ~" the table was spread with fine damask, "she probably won't last-long." L. Goldblatt.'~v ;- wedding Bllver and a centerpiece o£ f "She's, going to stay forever," prom- Omaha last week because of the death pealed to High Commissioner ' Haw- ' ^iSIlIllIlSIIS585Sl!ISIi?Iini!lliIIlliiSSIIS!ISI!Ii!!lI5I!III!!Ii!!IllJii???3?IiISJII?5i!UIHiilimJ«' \- • ' • king, to,intervene in their behalf. !cnt flowers. S ' " -S ised-Felicia wistfully, and then her of her uncle. The last social dance of the season "Dear heart," sighed Felicia, who husband stopped eating; and smiled was given; Sunday evening a t the looked ravishing in a silk negligee with Mr. and Mrs. L."Cohen and Miss tenderly at her. ' 1 can't help loving Martin Hotel by the members of the a cobwebby, lace cap on her sunny you better when T m not "hungry," he Celia Cohen of Oniaha were visiting Ivre club. - It was a very pretty affair, head, "isn't this heaps and heaps bet- confessed as he kissed her con- their sisters, Mrs. Herman Fruemkin and many out-of-town guests -attfcend- ter than a lunchroom which looks like tentedly. and Mrs. Nathan Leavitt last "week" ed, among •whom were: Mr. and Mrs. the inside of a refrigerator and all end. Miss Cohen will "be here all week. coo n I. Baron and Mr. Louis Baron, of Mit- kinds of smelly things ^ ? iH A S COME' T O chell, Mr. Morris Feinberg of -Worth- around? •"* INVESTIGATE DANZIG The Workmen's Circle in collaborsJames peered Into his cup of weak ington, Mima., Mr. and Mrg. Abe Berg, Danzig. .(J. T. Agency.) Dr.Mbzes, and buy tli&m at* Miss Ruth Margolin, Mr.. Frank Mar- coffee, stared a£ the-petrified liot''"bis- representing the-Zionist World Exe-j tdon with the Ukrainian Organization cuits,"" sniffed, at the, greasy platter of j gave; a program for-the of golin of Hawafden'r iowa^Mf. I. BfOwh blackened bacon .and pushed back his of Norfolk, and Miss Madeline Ken- chair. chair ''' ' '' \' """ ' day. He comes for the express pur- Sunday evening, May 1, a t Walsh I yon of Omaha. '•."•' ~ " . ' •; f r i hungry, Felicia," he said In a • pose of i Hall. The program consisted of the: strained tone. - ^"Honest-td-goodness would 319 South 16th following numbers: :jA talk by Mr. I _ j_Mrs^ M.. Blank entertained a t an hungry for food! Can't youfiretheof the next Zionist World Congress. Dave Block; a talk by.Mr, Shrine, a | Phone Douglas 3400 Orpheum party, Friday afternoon, cook and jget another, one, darling?" representative from the Kansas City j •-.'••. complimenting; Mrs. Maurice Pill, a „ ' 3 -will send her away today, said Felicia-meekly;-,"bpt I.^am JEWISH DEPUTIES organization; a song by Misses Fan-} racerit bride; and Mrs. Sani Bailin, iny," iafraid I cannot get another one. 1 nie Hill and Anna Asbyll; a dance by j who is visiting her parents,' Mr. and tried..the other day and:Miss Mlnchin "Warsaw, (J. T. Agency.) Local. : Rose Zaeger; a dance by Adlain Spie-' Mrs. J . N- • Krueger. guests said all she had was a girl ^ho ; had Jewish institutions honored the" Jew- gel^ Omaha; Jewish and Hebrew songs! Omaha's were in the party; Newest End Finest Equiped worked ; ln a., lunchroom—James i ish deputies of the National Council by the two Avner children. • • Bath-House.tonj' as his face I brightened, "wonid and the Zionist party a t a special 1 WE FUSNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. Miss Rose Weinberg of Omaha is you rather eat In that horrible wh'lt4 banquet tendered them. The speakBaths, Massage Hot Packs, Elecp-pl-pla-place than in our lovely din| trie Treatment, _Inhalatorium. a guest in the SL Blank home. ers drew particular attention, to their Polish- Government May Break With E ' PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH ing room?" • Petlura and ;Savinkoff. efforts in, connection with the fram= • ; . "-.'.POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL 'Tve got to eat somewhere,,some; Mr. Leo Blank plans tor-leave soon how, ing of the Polish constitution. Paris, ( J . T. Agency).—Advices dear! I cannot eat Biddy's for Des Moines, where he will reside burned stuff. I cannot survive long received here from Warsaw Indicate .CONCANNON BEOS., Props. to take up; his business duties. that as a result of the pressure of on the lovely., table appointments. or GREECE ZIONISTS GREET 1401 Faraant SU, Bssement browse on the bunch offlowers,can COLONIAL SECRETARY the Moscow government, the Polish Entrance. • Mr. and: 3Irs. Ellis Levitt of Des I? Of course not—good-by, honey; Til 5th Floor Saunders-Kcnnedy BIdg. authorities , are about to break Paris. (J. T. Agency.) The FederaTelephone: Tyler 57S1 Monies, visited with the M., Seff fam- have to race lor that train after all." tion of Zionists in -Greece cabled its present friendly relations with GenTeL Tyler 3160. " So Jim raced for the train ais he OMAHA, NEB. ily during the past week. • - • • eral Petlura and Boris Savinkoff who greetings to Winston Churchill on his ^ld every morning, and Felicia stood on the front porch and waved her visit »i Palestine-according to advices are co-operating for an anti-Soviet Mr. Mas Kully, formerly of Omaha, hand until he was out of sight. Then received from Saloniki. .In their mes- campaign. There are said to be' but now residing in. Fort Worth, Tex., she turned back into the house and sage, the Gree'-: Zionists express their about 15,000 of General Petlura's! visited with, friends., in the city for sank down on the couch in the living appreciation that Britain accepted troops in Poland, the greater majorseveral days; « '.".'•'• room. "Hurry 1 Hurry I Hurry 1 all the mandate over Palestine. ity of whom has been interned. CHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY the time," she groaned. "James wants •. ;.; .. - • S H O P . .; , Mr. • Max Kopstein and Miss May his food prepared here so he can eat ,. Established JSD9 fens! Barney. £>OBs!as S33S. Bolstein, senior students of the Sioux and run in the morning and eat and Jewish Pupils Exempt from WINSTON CHURCHILL * 7 City High School, were elected as sit down and read at night—and—I'm ' School if Parents Observe IS BACK HOME. to give it to him." Sabbath" class speakers to take part on the going, London. (J. T. Agency.) Winston First, sho cried, which cleared the Paris. (J. T. Agency.) An.—ering an program given by the 1921 graduating atmosphere considerably. Then she Churchill, the British Colonial Secre-class. '••••',went into the kitchen, paid Biddy in interpellation of the Jewish commun- tary, this city from his lieu of a month/0 notice and let that ity in Zurich (Switzerland), the Gov- trip to Egypt and Palestine. Committees'. are continuing their damsel go. Then she telephoned to ernment Council for that district stair work in the campaign for ."tools and Miss Mlnchln to send along the girl ed that Jewish pupils in the public, machinery" for Palestine. The results who had: worked in a lunchroom, The schools will be exempt from writing WE • TAKE"- PLEASURE • IN 'A N N O U N CIN. 6 A of their work have bean, very success-^ rest of the day she spent shopping In omSaturday IS itecan be proven that • town and working feverishly in the their parents observe the Sabbath. ful, and up to" the present time they SWEEPING"' -REDACTION IN THE WHOLESALE wnitfrenameled kitchen with Fine modern furnished room have received $1000 in cash,—which pretty, AND RETAIL FKICE CF STiTEET BULK, • BEGINthe new girt, .whose jCffidency. was for rent at 641 Lincoln is the quota designated for Sioux City. somewhat, dased. by her "younjj. ml&Boulevard. Gall MRS. N. ORGANIZE TO HELP FEMALE NING MAY 1ST. Many of the committees have'not yet treia' 7 astounding proposition. .. . RESNICK, Douglas 6913. EMMIGRANTS. • : reported and sq a larger sum is ex- ^leanwhUe^ James, has reached the pected to be added ,to the fund, which lunchroom of his, choice and., enters • Danzig.' <J. T. Agency.) - A t the ThVreduction Ti-iil ; - r ? - ^ r y affect.the quality of will place Sioux City over the top" in to eat griddle cakes and coffee and initiative of local representatives of c«i'auik" nj>r Cis c*rc I;-- hr^dr.-g, bat is taken up by the'Hebrew Sheltering and immigrant bacon and eggs. From the bottom of the fund for this needy cause. Aid Society of America, local Jewish cur decreased cpst snd iKcrca&ed volume of business. his heart he loathes the whole tribe of griddla cake bakers. During his women have organised for the purJAFFA JEWISH CENTRE bachelorhood he had snatched hasty pose of affording sppcial protection to GIVEN INDEPENDENCE breakfasts, and luncheons from these female emigrants papajng through this E3 As cxrA-the-ALAMITO is the leader in quality. "n"c .-e'5..-i effl «istoirtes*s. -to' know that when they U Jerusalem, (J. T. Agency).—Tel- white tables and he bad hoped that city,- For the time being, the activities was done with them forever. Now of the-new organization will "consist U recsire any of'the products which bear the ALAMITO Aviv, the Jewish centre of'Jaffa, ha3 ho he braced himself for the ordeal, en- in meeting trains and watching over been officially recognized as an in- tered and enjoyed a hearty meal. name that they are getting the best. women emigrants until they are finally dependent .township. Engineer P Beside Biddy's wreckage of food placed on board ship. It is hoped to Ruttenberg announces that within t i e this was, nectar and ambrosia. At Price cutters we will always have with us, who are course of a few days_,his plan for noon he bolted down another meal extend this 'movement for the special protection of* women emigrants to willing to offer your children milk for less .money. the electrification of Jaffa, Tel-Aviv with less enthusiasm, and he began other centers. to look forward, to the evening with |>iF"we~'wsat'you to ktiow-'tha't"when-the milk of and Jetach-Tikvah will be completed. its daintily-appointed dinner table ALAMITO qualify cais be produced and sold a t & Zionist Executive Denie3 Negotiations and questionable viands. The roast lower price the ALAMITO .willfioit. would be overdone and the. pie underwith Danzig Authorities. done,, but there was Felicia and home ^ London. (J. T. Agency.) The Zionist and: Young man, university quiet. Come and visit .us, go through ensr dairy and prove . Executive denies the reports which Evening came and home once more, graduate .{degree of Arts and. Science), with a wide 13 to. your own satisfaction that the above is true. - - appeared in the press that 3 repres- he paused in the front hall ?nd sniffed knowledge of the Hebrew entativ8 had negotiated in their be- the air. What waa that string, talanguage' and literature and " half with the Danzig authorities re- millar. smell? experienced in the teaching garding the holding of the Zionist Griddle cakes! of same, will accent position as teacher in a Hebrew World Congress' in that city. The of- With darkened brow he entered the school, or do private tutorficers of thevExecutive - state that if dining room, i t was dark and there ing. Write J. XAMINSKY, was no sign of dinner. He opened the such negotiations were conducted they kitchen door and stopped there, dumb 3101 Corby St. Telephone were of an entirely private nature and with amazement. Some weird transWebster 4S75. were carried on without the authoriza- formation had taken place. £ large $ion of- «xe Executive-office,, . ^ ^ :



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