Tootin' Our Own Horn The following1 letter was received during the past week by The Jewish Press from Rabbi Jacob Bienenfeld, editor and publisher of the Indiana Jewish Chronicle, Indianapolis, Ind.:
The children of today are the men and women of tomorrow a -
Allow me to congratulate you on the progress of your periodical.
.ff * VOL. II:a. w ,14
Entered u eecond-class mall matter on January 27th. 1921 at portoffics at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act o< March S. 1ST9-
Morris* i-evi, President of Welfare'Federation, Names New Committees
Final Plans Made for Omaha Hebrew Club Anniversary
It is indeed gratifying to note that the Jewish people of Omaha are assisting you with their co-operation. I trust that you will have continued success, and grow from strength to strength.
April 15 Selected as Date of Y.M.O.
New York. (J. C. B.)—A number Board, and its excellent teachers, are BY MRS CARL FURTH of leading Christian clergymen . are uniting with prominent Jews in an Initiation of Class of Over 200 While .attending the' convention of exerting every effort to give you the the Council of Jewish Women in religious training to fit you for these attempt to curb the growth of antiNew Applicants to Be Kansas City last December, I heard positions, and to make good Jews Semitism in this country. AccordFeatured a very wonderful talk on the relation and Jewesses of you. Our people ing to Rabbi Samuel Schulman, sevPractically Every Organization Affiliated With eral meetings have been held and RABBI HILLEL KAUVAR OF of the women's organizations, to the will need, just such men and women When the lady finished as they are trying to help you The Jewish Welfare Federation, Has Ap- various plans discussed. Among those DENVER TO BE PRINCIPAL Temple. Audience Will Witness Fine DisspeaMng, some one asked her what to become. who have taken part in the meetSPEAKER play of Local Talent in Big pointed Its Members ToRepresent Them she considered the tie -that bound Mothers and Sisters play a most ings were Bishop Luther H. Wflson, Final plans" afce. being made for the Nine-Act Show important part in the lives of the Council, Sisterhood and Temple toBishop Coadjutor Arthur S. Lloyd, arrangements «ffine ibirty-first ancoming generation. Not long ago a gether, and her answer was, "the Rev.- A. H. Anthony, and Dr.-B. F. niversary celebration of the Omaha spirit of religion, is the tie that woman who has married daughters, TICKETS GO ON SALE AT HARRY MALASHOCK, CHAIRMAN OF FI-Upham. • " '• Hebrew club, -which will be held Sun- binds." Her reply came so quickly said to me: "I never sew on SaturTHEATER BOX-OFFICE NANCE COMMITTEE, URGES PAYMENT day evening, March 25, at the Rome that I felt she must be very positive day, not that I am especially religAPEIL 2ND hotel ball room. OF FEDERATION BILLS PROMPTLY indeed. - I have thought of that so ious, but I never saw my mother do Omaha's biggest entertaining snh Rabbi C. K Hillel Kauvar of Den- often, and I believe.her answer could such, a tiling in my life." That social event, the 1st annual YMHA. ver, Colo., will be principal speaker mother had been dead many years, not have been improved upon. Not Following the re-election of Morris The Federation committees for the of the evening. His subject will be show, -will be held on Sunday evenbut the example she had set to the only is the spirit of religion the tie Levy as president of the Jewish Wel- year, a s appointed by the President, "The Challenge of the Times." Rabbi that binds Council, Sisterhood and child, lived in the -woman. She ing, April ,15th, at the Brandeis fare Federation for the eighth con- and approved by the Board,.follows Kauvar is one of the best speakers Theatre. Arrangements for the theaEXECCTITE COMMITTEE. secutive year, the Board of Directors Meeting on Monday Night to.Discuss in the country, said Arthur Rosen- Temple together, but it is the tie stressed the fact that she was not ter, with its entire staff of employees Harry Lapldus religious. She probably thought ehe Morris Levy • Ways • and 31eans for Snccessof t i e Federation at its meeting last Cbatnnan Miltoa Livingston blum, president of the Omaha Hebrew that has bound our. people together was not, but it was the spirit of were made during the past week. H. Malashock C. Katleman for so many centuries. It was this ful Conclusion of Drive. Sunday morning organized its activ- Carl dub. Henxy Monfiky Harry Friedman religion which prompted her to keep This date has been especially S. Bavit* ities for the year 1923. Following Dr. Philip Sher One of the feature events of the spirit that made our dear parents and the Sabbath as she had been taught selected so that every one in Omaha -Leo Bosenthal A. B. Alprin $152,850 ALREADY PLEDGED BY the recommendations of the annual Wm. L. Holzman H; A. Wolf celebration, will be the initiation of grandparents observe the many to do when she was a child. Many may have the opportunity of seeing ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Mrs. R. Kulakofsky' Isldor Ziegler meeting the Board elected Dr. Philip Mrs. the large class of candidates, which beautiful * customs of our ancestors, of JIS are not religious, but most of the performance. It is one of the Nate Mantel PEOPLE. 1 Sher, 1st vice-president, the Meswere elected to membership during such as lighting the candles on Fri- us have religion, and we go to the few days during the seven weeks KELIKI COMMITTEE. dames B. A. Simon, Nathan Mantel Henry Monsky, Dr. P. Sher One hundred and fifty men, all the recent campaign. The membership day might, the Sader supper, and Temple not to GET, but to KEEP between Passover and Shevuoth On Chairman - Mrs. Philip-She* and David Feder, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mrs. subscribers to the Jewish Community contest, which is being conducted by numerous others, what are observed religion. R. Kulakofsky Mrs. H. A. Wolf which entertainments are permitted TSis. David RosenstocS Center Building Fund, will meet at the club, will, close Sunday. The race by so few of us today. It is also vice-presidents respectively, Harry S. Eavitz by orthodox Jewish ritual. The LEGAL ATD COMMITTEE. Friedman, treasurer, and Carl" C. the Brandeis Grill rooms, on 'Tonday for the first prize,vfor the most mem- the spirit of religion which actuates I wish we all had enough religious YMHA was particularly fortunate in Arthur Kosenblum Irrta Stalmaster Katleman, secretary. evening, March 19, to discuss plans to bers obtained, has- centered between the Council Board to set aside one spirit to carry ns over the many securing the theater for this occasion. Martin Sugaraan . .- . . Saturday in the year to urge our difficulties and trials that beset us Mr. Levy submitted to the Board bring the ?250,000 campaign, for a Mr. Polansky and^Mr. Sam Klaver. PUE1S LOAN COMMITTEE. A special feature of the performSecretory Besides Rabbi Kauvar, there will be women to go to the Temple on that all through life. It would be wonder- ance will be the YMHA orchestra, Community Center Building in Omaha the following nominations for mem- Dr. Philip Sher... Chairman Win. I t Holman, ful, if we could all feel, when great a musical program which is now be- day, 'if at no other time. I believe bers at large daring 1923, and same Carl C. Katleman, • Treasurer * to a successful conclusion. sorrow or trials come to us. That •which will be in the musicians' pit were approved: • SOCIAL SEBVICE AND AMEBICANIZAEach of the men who will be present ing arranged for. "This event will be if these Council Sabbaths came more there must be a reason, and also a at the theater, and will furnish all TION. A. B. Alpim A. J; Miller has already subscribed to the fond, one of the most important events in often, we would all be benefited panacea for all trouble. music. Organized just a month ago Dr. Philip Sher Irvta Stalmaster & H. Anerbach Henry Monsky and is thoroughly imbued with the the city of Omaha," said Arthur Ro- thereby. Rabbi Frederick Cohn Mrs. Harry A- Wolf, Sam Beber Harry Bachman by Al Cohn and Harry Braviroff, ii. Dr. A. Greenberg Mrs. Philip Sher senblum today. Dr. Frederick Cohn S. Bavitz The main object of the Council is "Gods plans, like lillies, pure is rapidly rounding1 into shape und?? Henry .Mongky Eepresenttng Conn- necessity- for a Jewish Community David Feder . T. B. Bobtnson Over twenty-five girls have volun- to help our people, and to "promote Leo Bosenthal. . d l Jewish Women Center Building. Their t tal subscripN. P. Veil . . .AT. i t Kosenblatt and white unfold— the active direction, of Mr. BravirofS, Harry Friedman Arthur Koaenblnm COMMITTEE ON COBBEOTIONAL tions amount to $152,850, all of which teered their service in helping serve the cause of Judaism." And by the We must not tear the close Dr. A. Greenberg H. Z. Sosenfeld and will supply a real treat to ths IKSTITITTIONS. • refreshments--at the celebration. "We way, that clause "to promote the Dave Greenbere ' David EosenBtock has been pledged without a public shut leaves apart, audience. 1 Rabbi Frederick Cohn Kabbi J. Singer, Joe Greenbcrs Isy Eosenthal Lincoln . campaign and with very little solicita- are making plans to serve everyone,™ cause of Judiaism" kept us from Time will reveal the calyxes Wm. Grodinaky I<eo Bosenthal One of the feature acts, of the allsaid John Feldman, chairman in joining the State Federation of "Louis Harris .I>r. PfcUlp Sber HEALTH AND HOSPITAL COMMITTEE. tion. ' ' of gold." Herbert-Heavenrlch Abe SUvennan star nine-act show, will be the dnilof arrangements. The folio-- Womens' Clubs not long ago, but I Morris Levy, Harry LapWns • lionia-HiUer Harry SUverman At the meeting, of the Board of charge Chairman . Harry B.Zlmman dren's revue, with 25 little girls, «Jl Few of us have t i e patience to Dr. H. Hirschman Louis Simon ing girls have "volunteered their servHenry Monsky . ' Trustees of the Center held on last ices: Clara iSsldman, Tess Kavich, believe I would rather nave it in wait. We tear the close sheet leaves members of Junior Y Clubs, who will S. S, Jacobs J. J. Slosbers Carl C ' Katleman X>onls Sommers Tuesday jctight, Harry A. Wolf,, vice- Kate.Goldstein,^Gertrude White, Tflly our constitution, than to belong to ruthlessly apart. When, if we had present solo and group songs and Louis Klrscbbrann Martin Sngarman Harry Hal&shock, -Henry Monsky J. H. Kulako&ky Ed, Trailer the Federation. president of the Board, who on MonChairman •'•^_J. B. Eobingon.: waited, time would have revealed the dances. Miss Dorothy Devere who is Satrs^mpi& o e ^„ Arnt, Anne MrjofeJ " Speaking-of -Ccaadl;-SaMia^*-. Bow- heart ofTgcld- Hist ~wss irMden TrftMn. directing this act, is new a-dafcarsiusr Sam teon H. TVTlirisky . . I>. Blmnenthal Arthni Bosenblum. J Goldware, Lotty "Gfventer, Jennie PitAbe LeveyH. A. Wolf D. Fefler~~ --* -4 . Harr? Bosenfeld group of the Y. M. & Y. W. H. A., lor, Sylvia Wbolfson, Belle Oland, ever, it seems most-ridiculousLjto The Council is trying to reach out, two nights a week with the children. M. S. Livingston N. S. Yaffe " Dr. A, Greenberg ." Dave iRosenstock Harry Malashock Isldor Zlegler presented a petition of SOD members Bertha Hoffman, Celia Gidinsky, Rose have to urge ; our women to go to to every Jewess, everywhere, to help She promises that it will be the hit Isy Kosenthal Dare Greenberg alorris Milder Leo Bosenthal' Joe Greenbere : of the group urging for' themselves Fellman, Sara Kurtzman, Annette the Temple ONCE a year, when we her if she is in need, and to urge of the show. Heavenrich Dr. Philip Sher ' The various communal organiza- Herbert Louis Simon Louis Hiller' and all the Jews of Omaha," the erec- Leib, Ida Jacobson, Ruth Margolin, should go at least ONCE A WEEK. those who are not in need to help But the YMHA Boy Scouts, who tions designed the following to rep- "VVm. Holzman Louis Sommer tion of a building without delay.J. J. Slosberg S. S. Jacobs Minnette Gross, Anne Weiss, Roselle You heard the children not long ago others who ARE. It seems very little Trill- give a. spectacular drill, claim resent them on the Board during L." Kirschbraun L Stalmaster More than two hundred men wiQ H. Wllinsky Fanger, Meryl Freidel, Lottye Seli- sing about being "Friday Nighters". to ask in return for the many com- that their act -will be the. hit of the M. Knlakofsky the year: Harry Wolf Sam Leon be active in the final wind-up of the cpw, Anne Selicow and Pauline Seli- Not only are they "Friday Nighters", forts and blessings we enjoy. That show. Sam Rice, scoutmaster, who JEWISH WOMEN'S WELFABE Joe Wolf Milton Livingston but most of them are pretty good we give a small fraction of our time is directing them, agrees with hife men's drive, which will be immediately cow. O I Z X O H S. S. Taffe E. Meyer , Isidor Ziegler PhlllD Sher MeBdames— Morris Milder "Saturday Morningers" also, and to those less fortunate than our- scouts. followed by the women's committees, I^eo Uosentbal Nathan Mantel S. H. Schaefer K. Kulakofsky right now I would like to say a few selves. There is such a satisfaction Commenting on the finances for the under the direction of Mrs. Nathan At the same time, the thirty girls J. Blank David Feder words to those girls and boys. You in trying a ray of "sunshine into of Prof. Benjamin Adatnowski's year, Mr. Harry Malashpcfc, chairman Mantel, who will head two hundred Labor Lyceum Elects Board H. A. Wolf Harry Bacbman Wm. Ii. Holzman H. Q. Marx are the children of today, but you some darkened life, or helping a choral group, insist that their numbs? of the finance committee, said: women in their work. : D. P. Elgutter J. J. SloRUerg of Directors at Meeting David Rosenstock Harry Trnstin • will be the men and women of to- fellow traveller over some of the will be the most popular. They are "We want to impress on all the J. B. Robinson B. A. Simon Over two hundred and fifty people morrow. In a few short years you rough places along life's highway, now trying to increase the group to Federation subscribers this year not VAVGTHEBB OF ISEAEL AID attended the regular meeting of the will be the presidents and vice-presi- that truly we should to wait for collectors to call on them, fifty, and all girls interested are SOCEETI Labor Lyceum, Sunday evening. At dents of the Temple and Council, and but to send in their subscriptions imUesdames— M. Tatle urged to attend the next- rehearsal this meeting plans were made to build it depends very much on how you S. Kavltz A. Wolf "Count that day lost, whose mediately upon receipt of statements this' Saturday night, at 7:30, at the P . Schlalfer additional space to the present build- conduct yourselves now, and the Ion descending1 son, from the office. The Federation does YMHA club-rooms." Jewish Yonth to Be Awarded Special BBITH ABBAM ing. The board of directors of the plans you make for your future, Views from our hand, no not employ paid collectors. Our subMeanwhile, the dramatic class, Julius Waxen berg Service Medal. , Labor Lyceum have authorized the what you will be then. The Temple worthy action done." — scribers can help keep the wheels of under the direction of Mrs. B. R. WOBKMAN'B CTBCXE sale of $15,000 additional stock, acour great organization moving if they M. Sellcow Boasberg, is at work on a mostf The new animal shelter of The Ne- cording to the committee in charge. -will respond promptly to statements. WORKMEN'S AIXIAXCE enjoyable comedy called "The Florist braska Humane Society at 21st and The following men were elected to Last year the Federation had to borS. Altschuler Shop" vwhich will give each of the Izard Streets will be ready -for use the board of directors: H. Sheanin, row money four times in order to CONG. B'NAI I S B A E I J actors great opportunity for the dismeet its bills,* just because our sub- and will be opened to the public on president; H. Ruderman, M. Selicow, Dave Blumenthal play of their talent, and each n£ April -2, according to an announceM. Crounse, A. Forman, B. Mofson, scribers were delinquent. We want N HJXI, them has talent. lira. Chas. Levinson to make our slogan this year, "Pay ment of Mr. W. W. Bradley, secretary. W. Janish, L. WitMn, Harry Cooper For 70th Birthday, And 50th An- Infractions Against Religious Liberty The show will be a variety shcr.. and M. Schwartz. Visitors will be welcome for inspecniversary As English-Jewish Compared to Spanish Inquisition. your Federationbill promptly." CONG. ISEAEL, SOUTH SIDE : in every sense of the word. Each, tion from seven in the morning until "The Lady's Labor Lyceum club, Editor. A. Marcus London, (J. T. A.)—The rising gen- of the,acts will reflect some phase seven at night every day except Sun- which was organized one year ago SOUTH BIDE TAtMITD TOBAH Nathan Straus heads a committee eration of Jews in Russia is in serious of the YMHA activity, and each wiU H. Marcus • • A. Schlaifer day. ' ,. ' . . «• ' - , with but seven members, now has a B'nai Israel Basketball of distinguished Jews which will danger of growing up atheists, and be altogether different from any V. M. & X. W. H. A. • The week previous beginning March membership of over ninety. Anne Sclicow Israel Goodman honor Dr. Nehemia Mosessohn, editor the entire structure of Judaism in the other. From the most popular oil 27, a special program is prepared inTeam Wins Second Place cluding COSG. OF ISRAEL SAMUEL TO- VISIT ENGLAND. of The Jewish Tribune,.with a dinner Soviet realm is being "periously popular jazz, rendered by Eddy Bredthe entertainment "of the Herbert Arnstein The B'nai Israel basketball team, Lions Club for luncheon, on Tuesday; London. (J. T. A.)—Sir Herbert on March.21, on the occasion of his threatened," as the result of the per- key and his jasz-maniacs, to classical CONG. B'NAI JACOB which entered -the Class B, Church the Rotary Club, Wednesday; the Samuel, High Commissioner of Pales- seventieth birthday and the fiftieth secution of the Jewish faith being numbers of Dorothy and Ida lmsi~ A. Colin league, at the Y. M. C. A., finished Concord Club, Thursday;" and the tine is expected to visit here in June. anniversary of his outstanding career waged by the Soviet Government. garten, piano and violin victuosi, CITY TAIDMIIB TOBAH the season in second place.. The B'nai Triangle Club on Friday. The enter- The visit will be purely a social one, as an English-Sewish editor. Dr. This is the substance of the sixteen from the YMHA quartette composed John FeJdman Israel team was the strongest con- tainment for these business men will it is said. JT. Gordon • • • . - • • . J. Katleman Stephen S. Wise will preside at the page statement published today by of Harry Greene, Ben Ellis, Hatrj tender for the first place and was be provided by the Boy Scouts, the DEBORAH SOCIETY Announcement has also been made dinner and among those who will the Joint Foreign Committee of Gerstein and Isadore Melcher, to tbz tied with the Benson Chorch team. An Campfire Girls and the Girl Reserves. here that Governor Stirling of Jaffa speak are Samuel Untermyer, Judge British Jews in reply to one by the comedy team of Harold Farber and Mrs. J. A. Stein extra game was played to decide the Wednesday evening a banquet will be has resigned to accept the post of Julian W. Mack, Colonel Herbert H. Soviet Government explaining its at- Philip Feldman, and through, all th« OMAHA HEBBEAV CIXB winner. i i . Blank numbers of the show every field o? given for the members of The Humane advisor to the Albanian government. Lehman, Dr. F . de Sola Mendes, Dr. titude to the Jewish religion. ZIONIST ORGANIZATION "The team was one of the finest Society, and on Friday evening the George Alexander Kohut, Prof. Pious Jews, the Joint Foreign Com- refined vaudeville entertainment will J. J. Friedman that played on the Y. M. C. A. floor Police Commissioners and as many of Richard Gottheil and Dr. Nathan mittee declares, have been compelled be presented. TO THE JEWISH COMI. O. B. B. this season," said "William Wintroub, the staff as are able to get off will be Krass. '._-•. to organize secret classes to instruct Tickets will be on sale only at the MUNITY OF OMAHA Jrvln Stalmaater manager of the team. During the entheir children in the "tenets of their Brandeis Theater.Box-office. Sale oi entertained. The Woman's Club are In addition to the foregoing, those HADASSAB SOCIETY tire season of fourteen, games, there on the committee jto honor the dean ancestral faith." Many have been reserved seat tickets will begin on Mrs. A. Silverman The office of the Jewish Welwere only 98 points scored against invited to a reception tea-Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Fullaway of the of English-Jewish editors in Amer- sent to prison for nothh^g more than Monday, April 2nd. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA fare Federation has learned the B'nai Israel team." B. H. Feltman Y. W. C. A. is serving the luncheons ica, include: Felix M. Warburg, imparting to their children this relithat public collections to proMedals were issued to the following COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN and banquets. Adolph Lewisohn, Captain N. Taylor gious instruction. vide Matzos and other Passover players of the team: George BernMrs. I. EoBcnthal Phillips, Mrs. Mary Fels, Morris Gest, The infractions against religious SioeiCity'Ledge; LO.B.B. supplies for local poor have Special features of the program .will stein, Kobert ,H. Kooper, Reuben "WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleve- liberty are comparable to the edicts been started by various indibe the presentation of a service* inedal Brown, Sam Cbhn, Leon Mendelson, S. Wertheiiner ', land, Dr.Alexs-.der Lyons, Dr. Leon of the Spanish Inquisition, the stateto.dm A i viduals. The Jewish community to Harry Kohlberg who rescued a H. Segelman, Harry Kneeter and WilXADIES ACXTLIABY. SOUTH SIDE Harrison of St. Louis, Dr. Elias L. ment continues. of Omaha is asked by the Fedcollie dog the first of February, and TALMUD TOBAH liam Wintroub. Sioux City, la., March 14.—-Ths Mrs. Jos." Sherman Solomon, ' J>r. B . : L. Levinthcl of eration not to contribute to Reviewing such incidents as the in- Sioax City Lodge o£ the B'nai BWfib the tricks of Crickett, a small Mexican Philadelphia, Charles Hartman, Rabbi vasion of the syiiagogues by agents •will hoW its first animal B'nai B'rit*. these collectors, and to report WOMEN'S AUXILIARY, <- O. B. B. dog belonging to J. H. Wasserberger, BABY IS FIFTH GENBay Bercu . Meyer Berlin, -Judge Otto A. Rosal- of the Soviet on Yom Kippur, the ball, Thursday evening, March 22, «t every such attempt to the FedERATION IN FAMILY who carries him around in his pocket. COSfi. HADATH YESHCTttU sky, Dr. Clifton Harbey Levy, Hon. "anti-God campaign" carried on with the Martin Hotel ball room. eration oSce, Jackson 5377, imThis animal shelter is unique in this Baby Feggy Jane Greenberg, born jr. Flnfcel Simon Wolf of Washington, D. C., the alleged connivance of the Govern- According to the committee An mediately, so that the practice part of the country and one of unMarch 9, at the Stewart Maternity TKMFLE ISIIAEL 5ISTEBHOOD Hon. Isaac Siegel, Hon. Martin C. ment, the committee concludes that in charge, this affair will be one of Hh& may be stopped. As- has been hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Green- usual size and completeness. Its Mrs. Sol Uoldstrom Ansorge, Herman Bernstein, Jacob the face of such occurrences, it is finest ever held in Sioux City. Speits policy since its organization, berg, is the fifth, generation of the Georgian architecture makes it a welJUNIOR HADASSAH Billikopf of Philadelphia, Dr. Joseph "impossible to place any credence in cial feature evente have been arthe Federation will this year, come addition to the better buildings Ethel Eeubea family. Baby Peggy has her parents, Krauskopf of Philadelphia, Manny the assurance of the Soviet Commis- ranged for this occasion. A Epeeifcl after due investigation, provide of the city and its equipment will BETH HAMEDB08U HAGODEL and grand parents, great grand Straus, Rabbi Leo Jung, Dr. Bernard sariat that any real liberty of con- orchestra has been engaged for the not only for the Passover but E. Jkleyer parents, and great, great grand make it the center for Humane work M. Kapkn, Alfred FrjJti. J. D. science exists in Russia today." for all the needs of deserving evening. The following organizations have parents. All are living. Her great, in the middle west. Thought the Bookstaver, Jacob Mosnky, Louis H. The statement also cites the burfamilies and individuals, and shelter is formally open only during not .yet designated -their represen- great grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Chalif, Max G. Cohen, Louis R. lesquing of the Jewish high holidays Mr. Jake Simon returned Saturday will continue to provide just as tatives: Temple Israel 'Brotherhood, Sherman, are living in St. Paul, Minn. the day, emergency calls for the care Raphael, fiarry Fischel, S. Howard by substituting' carnivals &&d so- morning; from a business trip to North long as the need exists. . -. Junior Welfare Organization and the Mrs. Greenberg was fcrmctly Miss of animals are answered any time Imbrey and R. Sadowsky. ; called "scientific propagandizing." Dakota. -. -^during the day or night. Hyman, of Minot, -N. D. Highland Country Club.
Subscribers to Jewish , ConmHinty {Center Fund Plan WMrhvind Finish
Nebraska State Animal Shelter to Open April 2
Wstispislied Jews to Honor Soviets Seek to Destroy Dr. NeEemaii losessok Jewish Religion, Charge
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 192S y g lishment befor* the He was I story of J&e Jewish persecution, how by persecution. He realized h b t d lik cattle, l that if he did not make himself a killed in t h e early days. She assumed ! they have been treated like ••• 'came deprived ;of their rights, have been prosperous merchant and a fctrtiness control. Then the revolution Published every Thursday *t Ornab*. Mebtatka. tf subjected t o wholesale massacres, etc. man in most countries he could not and h e r property •was nationalized. Now I atn going t o ask every fair live. It was up to him to have money TfiE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. With the coming of the new economic minded J e w t h a t wants to learn, to to protect himself with. These na:: 4§2. Bratfdeis Theatre BUitding.—Telephone: Jackson- 2372. policy she received i t back. J u s t how take the Bible and turn with me to tions found that when they were NATHAN E. ftREEN, Manager. she did it, she does not say, but she prophecy, read Luke 21:24, see if you pinched they could come to the Jew don't think, that these things were to and get money. That was his very admits i t cost her much money and be. -.$2.50 life. We cannot blame the Jew for Subscription Price one -year — The time of t h e Gentiles h a s been self-preservation, that is the first -law What Bolshevism Means for Those Who Live Under It much manoeuvring. ; Advertising irale* furnished on application. Now she is the wealthiest woman fulfilled a t the close of this late war. of nature. B Y SAMUEL SPEWACK NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica-. Now just a word as to what will in Russia. She speculates on the side, The Euphrate h a s been dried up, Staff Correspondent of The World. (meaning the expulsion of the Turk happen after Jerusalem and Palestine tlon of Th« Jewish Prefes^are to be given to worthy communal causes. and saves her money in foreign cur- from t h e Holy Land), Jerusalem has will be restored and the forces of the Kieff, J a n . 18.—Wrought in silver Army are more bitter, less prudent, rency "which you can buy a t high rates CHANQB OF AODIIBSS— Pirate fc1r» both tb« old ftnd new tddreii: been turned over to the Jews a n d will world try to molest it again. Now and gold, t h e dust encrusted Ten and more obstinate than their male in Russia. H e r hotel caters to specu- never fall again. Prophecy w a s fult* •«*• »nd nga vtmt Witt*. read with me the entire 39th chapter Commandments inscribed in Hebraic companions. filled by General Allenby marching of Ezekiel. Read it over fifty times. lators and b i g merchants, and her The' Jewish Press-is 'supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish characters still glowed with rare fashis .troops around and not through You will see the great slaughter and Their stories were familiar—-po- prices a r e proportionately high. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled &nd telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Jerusalem when he captured it this destruction that will take place and cination* I t w a s a n abortive thing, groms. You hear so many you beto featurfe articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. "Some d a y I a m going to America, time. Jerusalem will now be restored, though all the people of Israel will Inquiries regarding news items -credited to this Agency will fee gladly a knob wrenched from t h e Torah of come hardened to the inhuman as- too," she said, "blit I am going over read with me again Rev. 21:2, 3, 4. •be kept continuously busy for seven '•••> answered? if addressed, to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, some wrecked a n 3 pilfered synagogue. pects. Death and suffering are not a rich woman. I've had m y .hard Israel will absolutely be restored as months yet they will hot be a1 le to ;', N e w Y o r k C i t y . ;, ; . - " . . .' .. • ; • < ' / / , ; ' '.';.•.•.;.-'•_.- ' '.'.'.'.':.' •".-. ''..".-.-' Now i t rested in t h e wrinkled palms new in war, and the Jews of Russia a nation, read Rom. 2:1, 2. bury all the dead. God will smite times, enough of them." Now the time h a s come when the them. So I say to the Jew, quit your of a n old man, vainly endeavoring t o have been and are going through a In h e r restaurant you see fat mer* Jew must absolutely get next to him- worry, read, learn, and act according1' ARE GREAT MEN EVER JEWS? sell i t in the Jewish bazaar t>f this guerilla warfare. chants gorging themselves with f a t self, he must read and be posted, he ly. There will be no blood shed in Whe& an unoffending- group of people in -a given locality is city. One of the most pathetic factors a n d all manner of delicacies. must know what is in store for him- this country. It is not so written.— suddenly attacked, hy another group and is wholly exterminated «Where did you g e t it1?'* I asked t h e of the Jewish situation in Russia is geese She keeps a cellar of fine wines. self. When he knows these things Harvey Hobart. »sstand ^aghast at the very of the deed. We call old man. H e looked a t me for a long the army of thwarted emigrants Smiling young women sit with the and t h a t he is to come into his own g vy contemplation p f t i Ad t d i and d day d outt mas- time with his half-seeing eyes, and stranded in the big cities. All of men, smoking sigarettes and sipping he will eliminate worry and worldly an acv.of tbis_sort a. massacre. And yet day in things. He will pay no attention to All Orders G>7en rrnmpt nnd sacres are being enacted by highly educated men and women then he told me t h e story. I t was them have relatives in America, or forbidden and smuggled liquors. such men as Ford and such minor Careful Attention. friends. For two years now their Copyright (New York World) Press things as the K. K. K. He will see . / against a race, if not a nationality, whose only deficiency is that brief., t h a t these things a r e probably a r of'fiot having made themselves possessors of a certain territory. "There was a pogrom, 1 was the hopes have been turned New YorkPublishing Company, 1923. ranged by the Lord to help prod him (Guarfljtepdt Every single day of the year, biographers and encyclopedists, rabbi. They came into x>ur syna- wards. They know nothing of the to rebuild Jerusalem and establish "FLOWERS" MAKE FIUENJ>S" journalists and lecturers are: referring to eminent Jews as Ger- gogue, the bandits, the anti-Semites, percentage immigration law. They Berlin. (J. T. A.)—The German on a home for the Great King and himBnindeis Theatre Bldg mans^ Frenchmen, EngHshmen, or Americatisi In other' words, and killed and robbed, They took do not care. America has become colonists in Palestine are gradually self. Now get these thoughts by Tel. Ja21042!U, So. 17th St. OmnUa. they are slaugthering the representative members of the race everything. They desecrated the almost a religious goal, a Heaven on being restored to t h e economic posi- j reading Isa._2:3, Micah 4:2, Isa. 52:1, forithe benefit o£the numerically stronger.unit with which they Tbrah. But they got drunk later, earth, tion they held a t t h e outbreak of the 9, and 65:17—19, Jer. 3:17, Joel 3: happen to be associated in-a purely casual way. It is not the in- and one of them threw this knob at j There are, it is estimated, 60,00 war, it is reported. Although many 16—17. these and you will know the dividuals of the race th4t these cultured men are killing but the me. I picked it tip, and have it with of them. There were more before, have abandoned agriculture and vine- Read Many Rabbis know that the race itself by detaching the mark of Jewish identy from each me. Now I have kept it for more but they died in the famine. From culture because it'pays less, the Ger- truth. time of the last days of prophecy is j ! of its members. than a year. I am hungry, arid need villages and towns they had moved on mans find dairying profitable and are noar at hand. These thin^ - all bear | ( and tell of the future of Jerusalem •> The greatness of a people is measured by the achievements food. So I sell it.. But no one wants to t h e big cities, fleeing from po* doing a great deal to develop it. Our Motto is "You Must Be and the Holy Land and the Home of of iis;famous men. If all great Jews are automatically to become to buy, for they, too, are looking for groms and famine. Unlike the memPleased or Your Money Will Jews. Be Cheerfully Refunded." converted into great Germans, great Frenchmen, or great Danes, food, not for this. God has forgotten bers of t h e Jewish "Self Defense MESSIAH, IS THE WATCHWORD. theNow most uneducated people of the raisbn d'etre of the Jews, their justification for existing as a us." Army" they did not care to remain Jewish People Should Have No Worry this globe today are simply down on \ distinct group is not in the least apparent. the Jew because they labor under the I Only To Pray And Watch For and fight i t out. They were tired; "THE STOKE OF R E L I A B I M T T L " Sufferings Are Widespread. misguided idea that the Jew controls j • '. iMs there not something of a repressive tendency in the sysHis, Coming Which Is DIAMONDS AND PLATINUM the earth financially. This is not a.'' Vises Are Refused. Near At Hand. tematic ignoring of Jewish genius, which has also been going on Throughout Kieff, in the villages SPECIALISTS fact. He does not control the earth altogether;ijpo freQuenWy amongst the Jews themselves? A cer- skirting it, down through the prov- Arriving in the big cities, they The long anticipated event which nor is he a natural money grabber as 17)14 Podge Street Established 1S0-1 JA ckson 5G19 tain '.morbid' delicacy and a servile alacrity to conform to the inces to Odessa, The World corres- found two big obstacles in their paths' fivery J e w s should look forward to they would have you believe. ] supposed wishes of fhe educated gentile classes, have been re* pondent heard story after story ©f the —lack of money and the refusal of the with all of his might and fervor, is not What the Jew is he has been made sponsible for the inclination amog half-assimilated Jews to refer widespread suffering endured by the Soviet Government to issue vises. The far away, y, namely the coming of the to their able co-nationalists as anything you please but Jews. Mh' Russian Jew in the past five years. Government believes in keeping Rus-,'' Messiah'. 'i sians in Russia to help rebuild the ' • I am asking the editor for space to It is -common knowledge, though it has seldom been This• old m a n w a s b u*t an incident. * mentioned in print, that only those Jews, who are not altogether Whole villages wiped out; men a n d ruin. j much more this subject but realize thisonarticle I could write Dijsh "kosher" or who are connected with financial enterprises, receive women tortured a n d murdered? chil- So t h e relief organizations, notably j I would be asking too much space. their racial label at the hands of biographers and encyclopedists. dren takerr a s slaves—this was t h e the A. R. A. and the Joint Distribu-I _ N ,°w J a ™ n o t T a J e w ; J ? u \ I & m t h -I Of course, you must expectTrotzky to be regarded as a Jew by past, of two and t h r e e years a g o . tion Committee, found families sleep- Jew's brother, say Israelite. this because myself I an Most ouri worthy compilers. But Einstein, the nationalistically inclined Now thousands of Jewish refugees ing and dying in t h e street, a t the consider Jews as well as others make the er?Jew, is a German physicist Jacob Schiff, becausea banker (and starving in t h e cities, homeless. railroad stations, in deserted houses. roneous mistake of considering everydictionary biographers are not concerned with his philanthropy) 'And there w a s t h e Jewish "Self They think of nothing else b u t one ihat does not belong to Juda, a Gentile, while the truth is that most is recorded as an American-Jewish financier, while his far more Defense Army"—which the corres- America. Any one who h a s been of and America's population eminent relative, Moritz Schiff, is known simply as a German pondent described in t h e preceding there is a favored creature in their . areEurope's decendants of one or the other of physiologist and biologist. I the twelve tribes of Israel, and we all story, still fighting t h e forces of eyes. have interests in common when it ' It has been ^repeatedly pointed put by our enlighteners that hatred, frowned Upon by t h e Govern- " I s it true t h e children play in ' comes to the last day and the return ] science and art ^ow^of no national boundaries, that science ment, but persistent. flour?" one ragged boy asked w e , of the Messiah. especially is internatfonalr-^a proposition, to which we should be Since t h e army is not official, I stressing flour as we would a pre- I The Gentile nations are such as willing to give "assent, if it were apt^^rjndjrect .opposition to the can divulge no names. I talked with cious stone. ,.•••••• j France, Italy, Turkey, East Central prevalent practice of'a associating scientists with a particular many of its members, leaders and "Do you know Abraham Rosenberg Europe and the Mohammedans. The croup. _The question now arises, whether other nationalities and rank and file* The strength of its or- of Chicago?" is a characteristic ques- latter are followers of the false races are more - international than te the Jewish people. - Are= we to: J ,.the.new tion, or "You must Viave met m y r Now all in the world anyone has !: <v make fisff 6T ffiei5n¥*aWfowl of "the'lotfier? „*.,._•_«_ a- ^tailor M . _ -•-'t o . do to see and realize that all of the e l e r ? " " " " " '" ^ 1generation. At an impressionable He Is uncle, •,>._-•—.Benjamin. «TL age .....,vile persecutions, rupture and strife It is for" us to protest against these appropriates which are they came into contact with persecu- New York." that is rife in the world today is and calculated to deprive us of our most valued possessions. Great tion, and they did not bow to it, as Determined to Come to U. S. was, to be is to read prophecy, weigh men are not like manufactured articles "Made in France" OT their elders dM.v -.:.,• They will get to America. Nothing, it well and heed its teachings. "Made in Germany". They are the sons of their national stock The army wears no uniform. uniform.' It In your last issue you reported the • £. which has brought them forth even if they are not willing to does not spend its time in drilling and apparently, can stop them. speech of Rabbi Silver, made in New recognize the fact, thanks to its innate vitality and special efforts manoeuvring. Every member has "How will I do it?"-one of them York. He tells us the old worn-out to co-operate with the laws of natural selection in the face of been taught of the use of firearms. replied to my question. "I will work, many hardships and temptations.—"The Jewish Forum." The rest of his training is con- and not eat and save, and buy dolcentrated in the background of go- lars, and then they will give me a vise, and I will go. Then I shall make ner, E. M. Friedman, Otto HI Kahn, groms and persecutions which shad- money in America and send for my i Solomon Lowenstein, S. A. Lewisohn, owed his life, and now makes him an wife and children. Some time there j Residence, 1343 So. 25th St. Hon. Henry Morgenthau, Felix A» implacable foe. From eighteen to fifty must be an end to suffering. This Tel. Atlantic GGS7. Warburg, Paul M. Warburg, Louis their ages run. I singled out a youth cannot last forever. If my life has riace of Business, 1G29 N"o. 24th St. Tel. Webster 3916. of twenty. He told me: Wiley and Dr. Stephen S. Wise. been spared, surely I will see AmerIs Guest at Informal Luncheoit at In a Jewish hotel in Kieff I met AT 1547 ica." India House in New York City. AT 1547 a fifteen year old boy. who was a There is another side to the story, member of the army. His elders told New York (J. C. B.) +- Governor me he had killed three bandits who the Jew who has prospered. One of Ronald Storrs of Jerusalem was the Chiropodist and Beauty had attempted to enter the house of the most reiharkable cases is that of guest at, an informal luncheon today Shop his sister. He was a rtaher over- a middle-aged women who owns a "Windstorms have been quite genEstablished 1800 at India Hduse, at which he described hotel and restaurant. It is a dirty grown boy, extremely shy. •Rth and llnrncy street*. y, y y \ plans for the general rehabilitation of. eral throughout the country during Give us a chance to ap"Why aTe you fighting?" I asked hotel, but the restaurant is good. preciate your business. For the Holy City, in the Carrying out of the past;few weeks, indicating that appointments call Ja. 9774. i Her H husband h b d had h d ownedd the th estabt h i m . . . - . '. • • • ' which he stated that he hoped to enlist the spring season will bring its usual BESPQNSIBLE insurance agent or broker "Because I do not want any more severe winds and storms,"' said A. H. the cooperation of all the racial, and is ever alert in defending the fruits of human pogroms," he answered simply. religious elements represented in Jeru- Kaiman, local insurance man. . endeavor against the destructive forces of chance Both his parents were killed in mas'"This year marks the tenth anniWe Wish to Announce salem's cosmopolitan population. to Our Patrons and Friends sacre's. At thirteen he was a refugee, and nature. His life-work k to safeguard life, The luncheon was given by the New versary of the memorable tornado THAT THE SHOHIT property and the products of labor. To this end York and National Officers of the which struck this city without warn- driven from city to city. At fourEnglish-Speaking Union of the TJ. S., ing on March 23, 1913, and caused a teen he joined the volunteer army. he draws upon the accumulated knowledge of all those present including members of heavy toll of life and considerable When he is not fighting, he leams the professions—lato, medicine, engineering and the the local committee and' the national destruction to property totaling over tailoring trade. is with a million dollars. --, technical sciences. His efforts are devoted to Board of Directors with a number of Girls Belong to Army. FRIED &KUKLIN "Tornado insurance was in its insecuring for Ms clients adequate indemnity of the men and women especially interested Kosher Mont Market i found in the course of my trip VAL J. PETERStCOMPANY fancy during that period. Many per1513 North 24th Street highest type. Consult him as you would a lawyer. in the objects of Governor Storr's several feminine members of the WEbster 4330 visit to America^ Dr. John H. Finley, sons were left homeless and without army, most of them young girls. Much 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. •'Service and Quality Is Our Motto" ATlantic 0340. Chairman of the New York Chapter any visible means.of recovering their fiction has been .written of "women's We carry the best line of loss, through their neglect in protectFresh Meats and Delicatessen. of the Union, presided. ing their property with tornado insur- battalions" in Russia, but the fact is At. 3160 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. Governor Storrs emphasized the im apce,"_ said Mr.. Kaiman. that the few women who did fight portance of technical education as in were far braver than the men. The his judgment one of the best' means DR. WEIZMANN COMING HERE women in the Jewish Self-Defense of promoting initiative and the habit FOR KEREN HAYESOD. of industry among the people of JeruLondon.—(J. C. B.)—Dr. Chaim salem. These and other activities Weizmann, president of the World \ That owing to the great number of requests the Thorpeian Athnow under way or..in view, he said, Zionist Organization, is leaving for letic Club has decided to continue giving Sunday Night Dances. are conducted under the auspices of America February 28, at he head of the Pro-Jerusalem Society,: which is a delegation of Zionist leaders, to parWe have purchased 122,000 "strictly and exclusively undenomina- ticipate in the spring campaign of the Sunday, March 8, 1923, Kel-Pines Academy, pair TJ. S. Army Munson last tional and gives employment to Keren Hayesod in America. shoes, sizes 5% to 12, whici It is reported that Achad Ham Christians, Moslems and Jews, of both was the entire surplus stock Your Dwelling and the Building that you occupy sexes, without any distinction what- (Ascher Ginsburg), the noted Jewish of one of the largest U. S. Sunday, March 8, 1923 Government shoe contractors. ever of race or creed." These plans philosopher who has settled in Paleshas Tornado Coverage. Why not your household $1.00 PER COUPLE ADAM'S ORCHESTRA were outlined to him -by President tine r will be a member o£ this delegagoods and your stock of merchandise? The This shoe id guaranteed one Harding in a conference at the White tion. hundred percent solid leathTornado of March 1913 caused heavy damage er,- color dark tan, bellows House last Wednesday. JEWISH CALENDAR. of property throughout a, wide area in the city. tongue, dirt" and waterproof. The guests-at the Speaker's table The actual Value of this shoe 5683-1923. included Captain, Gloster Armstrong, is ?6.00.- - Owing to this (Feast of Esther) Fri., Mar. 2 British Consul General at New-York, Purim tremendous buy we can offer Rosh-Chod^h Nisan ...Sun., Mar. 18 same to the public at $2.95. "and Mrs. Armstrong; Edward Gray, Passover. (Pesach) 1114 NORTH 24TH STREET ...Sun., Apr. 1 British Consul General at" Boston, adn Passover. (Seventh Hay) Sat., Apr. 7 Send correct size. Pay postWe wish to announce to our friends and Mrs. Qrayj Hon. John V. Davis, Roeh-Chodesh Iyir man on delivery or send .Tues., Apr. 17 money oder. If shoes are formerly American Ambassador to Lag b'Omer patrons that we will carry a full line of '. : Fri., May 4 not as represented we will Great Britain, and President of the Rosh-Chodesh Sivan ......Wed., May 16 ' PASSOVER FOODS, SPECIAL IMPORTED cheerfully refund your money English-Speaking Union; Hon; George Shabouth (Confirmation) j promptly upon request. PASSOVER COOKIES W., Wickersham, Chairman of the Day) Mon., May 21 Live Fish Sold Here Daily. Board of Directors of the Union, and Rosh-Chodesh Tammnz Fri., June 5 PHONES: All mail orders given immediate consideration. Chas. C. Goodrich, its Secretary- Rosh-Ohodesh Ab 1319 W . W. W. Bldg. Sat., July 14 Office—Atlantic 8034 We deliver to all parts'of the city. ^ Treasurer. Among the others present Fast of Ab Sun., Jul: : Res.—Harney 3256 296Br'dway, New.York, N. Y. Phone us up at WE bster 6512, and place your order were: -- , . . • - • Rosh-Ghodesh EM _.;Mon.,-Aii2. "3 II J. FINKENSTEIN, Proprietor -Dr. Israel Abrahams, Bernard Flex- New Year's JEve. ....Mon.* Sept. 10
Behind the Red Curtain Intimate Studies of Life
In Unknown Russia
"You Get The Cirl-We Furnish The Ring" The Malashcck Jewelry Co.
Exclusive Agents for
Manischwitz and Redelheim Matzos
Th.e store is located at 906 North 16th St. Harney-2729 Rabbi Grotkinsky
Master -MACK -Ruggles TRUCKS Ask the man who owns one
Gov. Storrs Desrifces Rehabilitation Plans
"The Mohl"
Local Insurance Men Prepare lor Windstorms
Rev. J. Schukert
Public Sales
First Dance Of The New Series KEL'PINES ACADEMY
It's Time For
Windstorms, Tornadoes, Cyclones
Insure Now-The Cost Is Small ABNER H. KAIMAN
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 192& Mr. and Mrs. J . White request the; Every Jewish home in Omaha will Mrs. Louis Heeger and Son, Myron, their .parents, Mr. eiv' Mrs. Sara presence of their relatives and friends )e solicited for books and cash. , : of Sioux City, la., are visiting with Freiden. at the Bar Mitzvoh of their son, Sam, Books in all" languages will be acon Saturday morning, March 17, at cepted. The Jewish Culture League 8:30, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, has undertaken to build up a Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz enterEighteenth and Chicago' streets. A ibrary. Names of all donors will tained their bridge club Wednesday evening. \ reception will follow. be registered in the archines' of the I The Junior Council held a meeting Miss Lillian Goldsmith of Sioux Culture League. Open meeting of I City, la., who has been visiting here the club are held every Sunday at Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Faye Hirsch. four o'clock at the Labor Lyceum, We have available funds to loan with Miss Mihnette Margolin, left for I at Twenty-second and Clark Streets. her home Friday. . Mrs. S. Gross was hostess to her E bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Sam Jacobs of Cincinnati, O., YOUNG JUDEA NEWS was in Omaha during the past week, A bridge party was given by the Mr. L. H. Katelman spent the week I visiting with friends. We will buy east. Herzle Girls Sunday afternoon at the WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS home of Miss Ida Jacobsen. Prizes your second mortgage on your GOLttBERT-KENDIS. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman an- Miss Bessie Flax and fiance, Mr. The Ladies Aid Society met last Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Kendis of nounce the engagement of their niece, Herman Silverman, have been hon- were won by the Misses Elsie Hur- Tuesday afternoon at the home of Land Contract. New York City, formerly of Omaha, Miss Idelle Friedman, to Mr. H. M. ored at a number of socials given witz and Sara Bialac. A joint meet- Mrs. M. Marx. H. A. WOLF COMPANY announce the marriage of their Leabman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max prior to their wedding, which is toing of the Herzl Club and the-Flowtake place Monday evening, March 19, ers of Zion will be held Sunday at The C. F. M. N. R. Club will enterdaughter, Dorette, to Mr. Max L. Leabmpn, of Lincoln, Neb. 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg Atlantic 3160. Goldbert of New York City, on March j Mr. and Mrs. Friedman will be at at the Rome Hotel. They were hon- the Jewish Community Center. tain at a dance Tuesday evening, ored guests at a house party on Satf a SEW 11. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise offi- home Sunday evening, March IS, from March 20, at Eagle's Hall. ciated. J7:30 to 10:30 in honor of their niece's urday and Sunday given in Fremont, Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. Neb., by Mrs. J* Bereki Miss Rose Mr. and 3&rs. Goldbert will reside engagement, The new officers of the Y. M. and Many affairs are being given in Fried will entertain for Miss Flax Y. W. H. A. were installed at an open honor of Miss Libby Snyder, who will in New York City. Miss Augusta Cohn of London, Can., Thursday at a bunco party. Saturday meeting Monday evening; at which be married to Mr. Sidney Iightstone, afternoon, Mrs. Hyman Berlint of more than 150 were present, despite on March 29. Sunday afternoon the KOPPLEMAN—VERBIN '; is visiting with Miss Ruth Pregler. Council Bluffs, la., will entertain at The wedding of Miss Ann Verbin, Misses Evelyr and Gertrude Marks the inclement weather. Mr. and Mrs. J. Margules announce an Orpheum Theater party, followed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.Verbin, entertained at four tables of bridge. The principal speaker of the eveof Fremont/ Nebr., to Mr» Max - J. the birth of a baby son, on Wednes- by a luncheon at the Brandeis Tea ning was Mr. Harry A. Wolf, whose Miss Ruth Krasne entertained for Koppleman, of New York City; took' day evening, March 14, at the Metho Rooms. Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverman subject was "The New Community Miss Snyder Monday evening. The entertained last Wednesday evening Palmer House in Chicago*; HI.,, in the dist Hospital. Center". Talks were also given by out-of-town guests were the Misses at their home for the couple. Palmer House in Chicago, Ifi., in the the new officers. Among the other Helen Chapman and Ruth Scharf. A number of students from the presence of about seventy-five relaTechnical and Central High Schools Mrs. Herbert E. Marx has as her interesting numbers on the program Tuesday afternoon, Miss Leah Krasne tives and,friends of the couple. Dr. attended the State High School house guest Mrs. Max Marx of Sioux were Miss Fannie Fish, violinist, Miss entertained at an Orpheum Theatre ' Kohn, of Chicago, officiated. The Vivian Stem; who gave several solo party. Mrs. M. Bernstein will enter• Basketball Tournament last week at OU lose more than money if you don't select from Negroom was given in marriage by his Lincoln, Nebraska. Among those City, la. dances, accompanied by Miss Lillian tain this e.^ning for Miss Snyder. braska's Spring Top Coat Exposition—you'll lose the parents and the bride by her parents. Avho attended were the Misses Molly opportunity of seeing the best makers' new spring A number of out-of-town guests Chudacoff, vocal solo by Mr. Jack William Kohn, of New York City, Nitz, Sarah Babior, Katherine Gar- will be present at the wedding of Miss Freiden, and a monologue by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Krasne entertained styles; you'll lose the satisfaction of knowing that you've served as the groom's hest man, and rop, Dena Goldstein^ Eva Cohen, Elsie Corinne New to Mr. Milton Living- Philip Feldman. the Evening Club at their home Tuesbought the best at the price; you'll lose the thrill! that comes from seeing day evening. - Mrs. Sam Rose, of Craig, Mo., sister Hurwitz, Margaret Margolin, and ston on Tuesday evening, March 20, The next regular meeting will be of .the bride, was matron of honor. THE WEST'S LARGEST SSOWING OF Bertha Kushner, and the Messrs. at the Grand Hotel in Council Bluffs, held Monday evening, March 19. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Agranoff, of The hride wore a grey romain crepe, Harold. Margolin, Sam Segelman, la. Among them will be Rabbi Julian Sioux City, la., were the guests of Gaberdines, Whipcords, Twills, Tweeds, heavily beaded in pearls with a band George Weinstein, Philip Ringle, Miller of St. Louis, Mo., an uncle of Prof. Nathan Bernstein addressed Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky during . of silver in her hair, and carried a LeRoy Katskee, and Dave Cohen, of the groom, who will officiate at the the A. Z. A., v. recently organized the past week. Plaid Backs, Imported Shetlands—Full corsage of lilies of the valley and the Tech High School. Miss Dorothy wedding. Mrs. Julius Weil and sons Jewish boys' club, on "Judaism and Belt, Half Belt, Box Back, Kimona, "tea roses. Abne Verbin and -the Rubin, and Messrs. Abe Babior, Ed- Myron and Robert, of Lincoln, Neb. Youth", at the Jewish Community violinist of the Hotel played Mendel- win Meyer, Ernest Rubin, Max Dre- arrived here for the wedding and are Center last Sunday. Members of the Raglan, Set in Sleeves. Prices Range . sohn's wedding march. Several Fre- vich, Dave Greenberg, and Dave at the home of Mrs. Weil's mother Hatikvoh Girls' Club were guests of mont and Omaha people were Robinson, of Central High School. Mrs. "Carrie Livingston. Mr. and Mrs the A. Z. A. Gertrude Romm and Alvin Livingston of Chicago, HI., ar- Rose Stein each gave readings, and present. The couple immediately left on a Mrs. John Merritt entertained at a rived Wednesday to attend, and Miss Rose Siegel played a piano solo. Western wedding trip, and upon bridge luncheon a t her home Thurs* Helen New, also of Chicago, 111., is The next meeting of the A. Z. A. visiting at the New home and will be their return will make their home in day afternoon. SILK LINED CHESTERFIELD OXFORD will be held on Sunday, March 25, at the guest at the wedding. • Chicago, HI. the Jewish Community Center. VICUNA TOP COATS AT Mrs. H. S. Novitsky and Miss LotHEEGER—GROSSMAN Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fellman tie Hirschberg won prizes at the regSpecial This Year The marriage of Miss Etta Gross- ular Ra Oth Society meeting Sunday be at home to all their relatives and - man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TS. afternoon at Phelps Hut. Miss Ber- friends Sunday afternoon, March 18, DR.'H. HIRSHMAN wishes to We will re-tin any copper Grossman, to. Mr. Lester Heeger, of tha Leon was hostess. The next'from 2 to 5 o'clock in honor of the or brass pan, pot, cr kettle SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY announce the removal of his for Pesach if brought in Sioux'City, Iowa, will be solemnized meeting of the Ra Oth Society will be Barmitzvoh of their son, Sol. office from 506 South 16th within a reasonable time. Sunday evening at, the home of the n e i d a t phelps Hut Sunday afternoon, St., to 309 Courtney Building. Mr. Fred Rosenstock and Mr. Morefy parents. Rabbi Grodinsky March 25. Miss Flora Beinstock will Tel: JAckson 5672. ton Degen are on a business trip in will officiate. be hostess. Texas and Oklahoma. After.a short honeymoon trip, Mr. OMAHA NKli. Mr. and.Mrs. Edward Newman have Heeger and his bride will make their The C. F. M. N. R. club will give 1 as their guest their niece; Miss Pau- a dance Tuesday evening, March 20, : CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN= " Jl-4 Coming Street* home 'in Sioux City, Iowa. 212 Courtney, Bldg., line Goldman* .'of New York City*.... at Eagles'" Hall, iii Council Bluffs. ! 11 Douglas St. Grossman has - been most extensively entertained during the The Board Meeting of the Council SALON V CHARME THORPEIAN NEWS New Address of past/several weeks. Thursday after- of Jewish Women will be held Monday Last Sunday evening the Thorafternoon, March 19, •at Shampoo, Manicure, 50c—Marcel, 75c peian Athletic Club entertained at noon, Miss Rose Shafton entertained •_ „ • „the « * .Jewish .. Expert Individual Service. an informal dancing party for its twetve.guests at a bridge luncheon jC o m m u m t y C e n t e r a t 2 : 3 0 o c l o c k ' Brening or Sunday, AT. 4810. at the(-Brandeis Tea-Rooms honoring Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mandelbaum en- members and their friends at the SI. T. LETT. Miss .Grossman. Mrs. Mose Stein- tertained the members of the G. R. M. Kel-pine Dancing Academy. This berg \?ill entertain at a luncheon at N. club at their home Sunday even* affair was attended by over one hunPlace your orders for the Bjpandeis Tea Rooms Friday. ing. Saturday evening the members dred and fifty couples, who, in addiMatzos and Passover SupCovers'-will be laid for thirty guests. of the G. R. M..N, club will be en- tion to dancing to music furnished DO YOU KNOW WHY plies now. Best qualities. tertained by the husbands of the club by an unusually good orchestra,, were Lowest prices. Mrs.; Ike Levey left Monday for at a dinner dance at the Brandeis greatly pleased and entertained by THE 6eAR-SHIPT IS Mrs. S. SILVER, Kansas' City, Mo., where she will visit Restaurants, followed by a therter the musical numbers rendered by 2318 Charles St. Web. 6678 for several weeks. party at the Orpheum. The out-of- the Y. M. H. A. Quartette and the dancing of Mr. Sam Brown. guests present will be Mr. and Miss* Irene Fisher of Des Moines, town The design of Dodge Brothers gear-shift takes Mrs. David Goldman, of Minneapolis, The Club will continue the Sunla., has been visiting here for theMinn., who are into consideration the natural inclinations visiting with Mr. and day evening dances at Kel-Pine's past several weeks with Mrs. Charles Mrs* Sam Gross* tot the driven FOR RENT — One or three • Dancing Academy. The same orNathan. She is being extensively enchestra which has proven itself so rooms, furnished or unfurnished. tertained during her stay. She ex- Miss Lucille Abrams of Denver, To start, you throw the lever forward. To repects .to remain here for aonther Colo., is the guest of her sister, Mrs, popular in the past will furnish the Centrally located. Near car line. Verse, you pull the lever backward. And when music for these occasions. week.' the ear is running in high gear—which is about Call Jackson 5474. Inquire at 2124 Horace Newman. ninety per cent of the time—the lever is in a Burt St. or at 709 No. 16th St. Mr., and Mrs. William Harris enterJEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE forward position, out of the way, where it does Ppajjnff nf Mvrmpannlia tained twenty-nine guests at a lare- Minn., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. ne on m library drive Hot mtertere witn passengers, rooes, or luggage* well-dinner Monday evening at the J. J. Friedman. full swing on Sunday, March 18. Brandeis Restaurants. Mr. and Mrs. Moreover, the transmission, developed and EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Harris are leaving in April for Chi- Mr. Isidor Ziegler left Tuesday on patented by Dodge Brothers, is so designed that for right man to connect with high - s cago, 111., where they will make their a trip to the; East. the countershaft—used in intermediate speeds class insurance office in Omaha. home. and in reverse—is disconnected when the car Previous insurance experience not Miss Louise Greenabaum, of Lhv required; character must be first is in high. There are no gears in mesh. Power < Thirty friends entertained Mr. and class. Address: 1 Box 1050, Jewish is transmitted directly from clutch to rear axle. Mrs. Harris at a surprise party Sun- coin, Neb., is the house guest of her Press Publishing Co.. day evening at the home of Mr. and Sister, Mrs. Eli Rosenberg. This exclusive feature prevents the loss of power Mrs. Isador Ziegler. At the regular Friday evening serthrough friction, reduces gear-box noises and Mrs. Reuben Ferer returned Friday vices at Temple Israel, Rev. Frank G. eliminates a vast amount of wear. and all DR. N. DANSKY. physician from the east where she was visiting Smith, pastor of the First Central and surgeon, wishes to anPaints and Varnishes That is why the gear-sh^ft of Dodge Brothers ' with :, relatives for the past three Congregational church, will address nounce the opening of his at the Motor Car is different months; She visited in New York the congregation on "Things Fundadown-town office at 622 WorldCity, Philadelphia, Pa.; Boston,Mass.; mental." Dr. Smith is known as one Herald Bldg. "Tel.: AT laiitic Cleveland, O., and a number of other of the most eloquent pulpit orators in 214 So. 18th St. Jackson 0043. 3693. the. country and all are cordially, .inr cities." O'BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY vited to attend the services Friday The Omaha Junior Hadassah will evening and hear Dr. Smith. 28th and Barney Streets, Barney 0123 hold its regular meeting Monday On Saturday morning, Rabbi Fredr ? : evening, March 21, at the Jewish erick Cohn's sermon subject will be •" Hawr H. Lapian*. jW-Tre«i. " Jos. Pepper, Vice-President. Community Center. "Wise of Heart." W. G. Ure. Secretary. IDA I. FREDTKN, Prop. Mrs,". Dave Levine entertained at a Mrs. Alexander Pollack left Wednes* Omaha Fixture & bridge luncheon at her home Wednes- day evening, for Chicago, III.,-where Supply Co. day afternoon. she will visit with' her daughter, Mrs; COMPLETE STORE AND 311 South 16th Sti°et -• ' * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld cele- Emanuel Kinstler. OFFICE OUTFITTERS Phone Atlantic 8010. irated their tenth wedding anniver- Mr. Reuben Kulakofsky returned We occupy Open Evenings. «rer 70,000 squat* feet sary at their home Monday evening. ' Tuesday evening from Los Angeles, Bonthfrest Corner Eleven I h nnd Ooiielni. Streets. Mrs. Dave Levine will entertain at Calif, where he spent a month with ' Only Jewish Florist in town. Mts 1'honr: .IncUmin 2?34 a luncheon at her home Saturday! - Kulakofsky and son, Earlf who OMAHA. Nicn. WEDDING BOUQtJETS. afternoon honoring Miss Idelle Fried-1 are spending the winter months in ahfornia man, twho has announced her engage- r C • - > ment; to Mr. H. M. Leabman, of j The Women's Auxiliary of the I. O, Lincoln, Nebr., during the past week. o . B. will be hostesses at a bridge W. W. Crade J. Zangvell iven S u n d a y For better qualities at The dance' and card party of the tea t o b e *given Estimates Furnished most reasonable prices Jewish Women's Welfare Organ- April 15, at the Loyal Hotel. Prizes Carefully ization which was to be given will be awarded to each table. see Wednesday evening, March 14, at the Mrs. Morton Degen is visiting with Blackstone Hotel, was postponed due her sister in New York City. to severe weather conditions. Mrs. J. | X. T C . club will-entertain at Established 1892 Blank; chairman of the dance, re-1 The Also Paper Hanging b d ceived numerous calls from members £ " | f *ef, Saturday afternoon, : | .1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 requesting the postponement • of t h e March 24, at theBrandeis Tea Rooms. 1521 No. 19th SU Omaha •]':' Diamonds, Jewelry and i • dance' until a later date which will' Miss Ruth Levey is visiting with » . . -, Phone Web. 1087. be announced in next week's-issue of relatives and friends in Detroit,;:-. 1 latinuill D e s i g n i n g . HARDWOOD SPECIALTY. z " ^he "Jewish Pr»cs".' ' " Jiffich. . . . . . .
• Do You Need Money?? On First Mortgages On Second Mortages
I f I I
Spring Top Coat isarters
Attention To the Public
$25 and $35
J. Bernstein Furnace Company
Sam Newman
The Newest and Latest Designs of Wallpaper
Goldstein Jewelry Co.
2 '*' &-'*jjj w -.,
v'-'l",'31..'^*** '• * ** ?^fr^£&*5'?TO*'E-* ~ i ? ^ J< •,*,' ) IKV -*^f e
a little proud of his new store; he was -"She looks like a nice Jewish girl," theaters and suppers and a symphony old friend like Davidson. more. After that his life seemed to even prouder of his home, •with its commented the"5old lady, trying very doncert, which Laura would enjoy and Hirsch called Laura up from the go on in its same even course; the still-shining wedding presents of sil- hard not to feel jealous of the pretty he wouldn't, although he was trying to hotel, saying the traveling man hadniore all day, poker with the boys at ver and floor lamps, and proudest of young usurper like "high-brow music," instead of mentioned her, and she was more than nig-fct. Sometimes he took his mother all of his very new wife, who gave "Thafs just what she is," agreed jazz, for her sake, and a darned com- willing to spend the evening in hi« to her favorite movie theater; someBy ELWlA, EHRLICH LEVINGER Mortimer such a hearty'welcome that Mortimer, with all a lover's perfervid pany dinner Tvith Davidson and his company. The report he brought baek times he conficnted to stay home for (Copyrighted. 1923. by.Elma Eurlich Levlnger. All tights reierved.) he actually prided himself- when he enthusiasm. '*She's the first Jewish wife and their new and howling baby, to the tortured lover around midnight dinner to meet one of the nice Jewish went back to his hotel jrobm after' an girl I 1 ever mefwho's' interested in was not a reassuring one. He advised gifis ssbe wag forever throwing at his Jewish mothers are seldom anxious •with Jewish girls here in Des Moines excellent dinner and decided that mar- sensible things, business and politics just, for the sake of old times. Well, Mortimer to forget her as soon ag he head. they'd get away as quickly as they to marry off their only sons, but jwhen since he got confirmed. Says he don't ried life wasn't so bad after all—if and—well, the .things I -like. ' And could and maybe catch the last boat could, shook his hand rather vigorBut Mortimer has never married; Mortimer Cahn, home from" an east- like them; they don't think of nothing you had the right girl. you'll be crazy over her,.too, mamma, to Belle Isle Park. Mortimer was as ously and went off to bed. Hirsch he gays he won't hurt his mother's ern buying trip, told his mother he but clothes and powdering their faces The next day when he came over 'cause ever since her mother- died, happy as a school boy just before the managed to leave to see his man very feelings fey marrying the very smart was going to marry the'prettiest lit- and what they can get out of a felfor Sunday dinner he found her, theshe's had to live in a boarding house summer holidays with a Boy Scout early next morning, so Mortimer lace buyer &t the store, and he's tie girl-in f Detroit, and showed the old low. And when I invite Mrs. Homnever "saw him again; for a crude never got the habit of running around right girl; a demure little thing in a and she's awfully anxious to be in a camp looming on the horizon. lady 'her picture as conclusive evi- er's Birdie over to supper to make it young fellow, the boy had rather re- with Jewish girls and he's too old to real home again and come here and little frock, almost as quiet as He realized that he was talking a dence^ Mrs. Cahn almost -wept, with out he should take her home afterfined instincts. have you teach her to cook and keep : despised Birdie of his .mother's trifle.too much and too noisily the begin. joy. For Mother Cahn -"was*a'-canny. wards. Mortie has tha chutzpah to house right for me. She says she soul and didn't like to picture what object to her 'cause she's, a school choice, hut with much better eyes, makes her own clothes, too, and she's next evening in the smoking car which After a short interview with Laura, she used most effectively. She was carrying him to Detroit. Laura Mortimer Cahn, a shining new en- Moscow. ( J . T . A.)-^Courses in would happen to her Mortimer after teacher, and .so awfully, educated, and some* snappy little dresser. I don't always said he talked too much to gagement ring in Ms pocket, went various branches of Jewish Jpre will talk very much '(Laura knew says she don't care for jazz, A nice she had passed to her reward, leaving her.own limitations), but she was a know how I ever had the luck to get strangers and she was right; but he back to Des Moines, to home and university. A .faculty-to provide in: no one to cook o r mend or wait up Jewish girl, that's so grand to her wonderful listener and appeared really such a girl." was so overflowing with his happiness mother. He told her almost roughly be given at the Central MoscoW state for him when he stayed a little too Mother, too! But you can't drive my thrilled to hear the details, of Morti"She ain't got such bad luck to get and so very much like a small boy that it was all over with a wedding struction in the Yiddish language, long at his poker club on Sunday Mortie. I only hope .he'll have enough mer's trip, especially his stories of ena nice, good b'ody like you, with a who has to tell the good news to the in the spring, and he wished literature and history is now being respect-for me to •wait: till I'm dead n i g h t s / , ' -'• •;': • •-"- ." '."'- " ' : • ' ::; •'; counters with the crafty New York grand position for your age and raises first person he meets, that he just she wouldn't talk to him about it anyorganized. before he marries a shicksha and • '?We haven't got any relatives, exwholesalers. Moreover, she didn't use every six months or so," observed his had to .show his ring to the nice cept some cousins in Denver/' she once brings her around to visit me." a bit of make-up, or Mortimer thought .mother, ever ready to defend her off- smooth-faced youth in the opposite But the aliendaughter-in-law which she didn't, which amounts to the same told her neighbor, .Mrs. Sfein^.plain-seat. After which he raved a little tiyely, as the two literally weighed Mrs. Cahn dreaded did riot materalize, thing; her voice was low .and refresh- spring. j So, although there was no formal about Laura. albthough Mortimer, continued to shun the merits and demerits of certain ing after the cackle of some of the announcement of the engagement at The .boy, his name was Franklin heads of lettuce at their favorite the nice Jewish girls she constantly WHOLESALE he had been shunning, ever since that time, the two young people decid- Hirsch, and Mortimer never forgot it, : grocery," and Mortie ain't gone much flung at his head, indulging his desire days of the' confirmation class, ing that it would be better to wait for ; teased the enthusiastic lover goodDruggists and Stationers for feminine company with certain and, best of all, she was in every es401-403-405 8onth 10th Street 'One of America's Great Hbtels" ladies of somewhat, doubtful -social sential what Mortimer termed a I Mortimer's summer vacation, which naturedly, confessing that he didn't antecedents, not exactly vicious, but 'lady." Nor was there anything snob- ' could be extended" into a honeymoon intend to marry for a good while, certainly not of the type of any care-; bish in the boy's yague "summing up | trip through Canada, Mrs. Cahn im- since he'd never been able to find a ful moter, Jewjsfi or non-Jewish, of "what he required ia his wife. Per- ' mediately stopped asking Birdie and Jewish girl to suit him, and his people WASH AND KEEP WELL would care to welcome' inttf her home haps, for all his own ."smokipg car other nice Jewish girls over to supper 'wouldn't like it if he married outside. A RULE OF HEALTH of. Insurance' ' rttone 104 and heart. For Mortimer was still manners" he had acquired on his buy- on evenings she knew Mortimer would . Which made the very Semitic-looking The Best ot Everything In Flowers and ; i. 3944... perfectly satisfied with his mother's ing trips, the young man still had a be at home. She also spent many , drummer who sat next to Hirsch FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY • J2(Jj>cW.-O.;.;W. Confections at Moderate Prices. cooking and in no hurry to settle (•vein of something fine and good in his'.happy hours over her linen trunks, not ; laugh, uproariously, especially after 345 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater 1819 California Street. : COCNCEL BLtTFFS. IOWA. nature. He yearned for breeding and .'a little- proud that some of the best Mortimer had declared in all seriousBut .Mortimer. changed his mind, culture in his mate, just as many an I sets in her own outfit had never been ness that, after all, there's nothing with't-all the.'swift certainty of his over-fat matron gazes pensively on used and would now form one of herI on earth finer than a nice Jewish girl twenty-six--years, when on a New some airy nymph a-whirling in a bal- gifts fot the bride. "Towels like i when you meet one. Carpenter Paper Co. them you can'irbuy for money nowa"That's good," chuckled the fat EFFICIENT and BESPOSS1BU1 York buying trip .he stopped off at let and wonders how she-does it. Distributors ol 1 days," she told herself, trying to for- J drummer, "that's rich! Nice Jewish .'!•• ; . ' . . ....... L A U N D R Y ; . .• - • .. and Tours Detroit toTvisit'ari old school friend, Western Bond—and High ; TFTiere yonr clothes coma home who had "established a flourishing Back home in Des Moines, Mortimer get how hard:it-would be to see a girls. Well, it depends on what you to Grade Stationery cleaner and last' lonsrer. ready-to-wear shop in Henry Ford's thought more than once about his lady new mistress i n . the home in which mean by 'nice.' I know a little girl ATlantieO3S0. Omaha. Nebraska. 1501-11 Jackson St. All Parts in Detroit now—just picked her up at , i H A. JACOBBERGER, Pres. lovely city. Young Davidson was not in Detroit, and even whipped his brain, 'she had so long-served her Mortie. of the , long used to but the briefest business I While Mortimer, although he felt a a show once—stayed over on purpose j notes, into writing what, the books of little uncertain whether Laura would to see her sometimes. She's Jewish' World Omaha Office: SIS Dongrlas Street. ' etiquette^ call ;a friendly letter. Re- wear it just yet, spent some of the and she goes with nice people, but— • , Omaha Phone Atlantic £556 Money Sent to -All ceiving no answer, he "wrote another, time-he should have given'to looking yep, little Laura looks and acts like Ford Transfer & Storage Co. .Foreign Countries receiving in reply a picture postal over samples in New York at the Tif- butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, f E. A."'FOEI>. card of Belle Isle Park, with "Would- fany counter where engagement rings but she can get a man going when . . ^President and General Manager. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office jn't yon like to see this for. yourself ?" are sold. He was a little afraid that she's started. But last month she 834 So. Main Street. Phone 865 WHOLESALE PAPER, j "written suggestively ; in a • delicate he might not pipk out just the.thing told me I had to stop calling her up STATIONERY, ETC. 1708 Farnam St.- • Omaha : feminine hand. Mortimer carried it ,—Laura was so refined that she hadto make dates when I came to town, Distributors for around in his bill fold^or some days, •more than once reproved him for his 'cause she was going to get married. much to the worriment of his mother, ! flashy neckties—but he comforted But I bet shell keep on with the boys Pink Tip Matches — who found it there when she sent his himself with the thought that the Tif- just the same.as long as she's got the I.ET OS DO TOUR Northern Toilet Tissue OtTR TREATMENT WILL business suit to the cleaners, and who fany clerks ought to know their busi- ' chance." CONVINCE TOC OF OUR •• 1112 Harney Street SINCERITY. had no way of knowing that a girl ness. He said nothing about the ring • Mortimer put his.ring away, feeling Trust Department. ATlantie 6409 who signed the goyisha name of Laura Safety Deposit Boxea. THE CAREFUL WELDERS in his daily letter to Detroit; he pretty sick. When young Hirsch told was a daughter of the chosen people. !el JA 4397. Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. ; wanted to surprise her right this him he was going to see a prospect in But i e r fears ceased several months time, did Mortimer, so he neglected to i. later when Mortimer presented the say just when he would reach her . Detroit, he told him his fears and asked him to help him. Mortimer lady's picture with a fliourish and told • - «* i v city for a few days' visit before recouldn't help feeling that it would be her that Laura had "just as good as Temptation Besets You turning home. Mortimer knew Just easier if things went wrong to have COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. promised" to marry him. When -You Enter '^Manufactured in Omaha" j how they would-spend those days—- I a stranger know the truth than a good Service, is Our Motto CANDIES, ICE CREAM, BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent. LUNCHES.
E. E. Bruce & Co.
FRED !LSHAW Flower Shop
- . . "
. . > • , -....
" • ' • . ' • " • • .
Steamship Tickets
The Brinn & Jensen Company
Peters Trust Co.
Council Bluffs Savings Bank
First National Bank
Baker Ice Machines
Candyland AMD S E R V I C E 16th .and Farnam Streets
;Crysted Candy Company
Every Motor Tested Severely
BUTTER and EGGS Council Bluffs. la.
Capitol Ave.
IT EN BISCUIT CO. Snow Bakeries
Made With Milk,
(Be*. C. 8. Pat. Office.)
City National Bank Of COUNCIL BLUFFS ' We pay 4% Interest on Saving and Time Deposits. Sate Deposit Boxes for -Rent.
McCord-Brady Co. Kaplan Auto Parts Co. - a m Nicholas Street '<- • Used cars bought, sold, and ex* changed. New gears, and axle shafts for any make of car. Tires, Tabes and Accessories Below Wholesale Prices.
Emerson Laundry F. 8. MOREY. Prop.
Feather Mattresses
Made from yonr own feathers. Wnrm in winter; cool in'summer. Cost less nnd last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking nnd estimates.
OMAHA PITJ.OW CO., 1907 Cumins: St.
Ffaonc JArkson 2467
John Feldman 100 No. 16th St. Tel JAckson 3128
Particular care is. devoted by Nash tothe severe testing of the motor. Not only are various scientific tests applied to the metal as it goes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. ~~~ It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car. FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $915 to pigof.
0. b, factory
Omaha Sporting Goods Co.
.1806 Harney Street . >
J. C. CREW, President ;. ED? B§RDICK, Vice-President'^."A- S'ore ilnn'aced rind Ruq ' , "$& Men wlm.finy the Uame.
» . . A. C FELT, Secy.-Tress. .". Everything for the Athlete.:
Wall Receptacles— Light—WIRING—Power —Bell Transformers WAlnut 3034.
40 & Cuming Sts.
EMIL GANZ & SON '" Certified Public Accountants"' .till nouglaB Street:
Audits and InvPstlfmtlons EMIL. GANZ C P. A. V. M. GANZ Office Phones: Jack. 5212—Ha. S40g — Ha. 0015
Every Known Kind of Insurance 200 W. O. "W. Bldg.
DouRlas 0380.
HULSE&REIPEN UNDERTAKERS 2224 Cuming St. Phone JAckson 1226
FOSTER-BARKER CO. INSURANCE "If Its Worth Anything —Have It Insured."
HUMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts.
AUTO PAINTING Top and Body Building and Repairing. CURTAINS—LIGHTS—ETC.
PFEIFFER AT Ian tic 0701
American Wet Wash Launciry 280S Cuming^ Harney O88i One Day Service. No Extra Charges-.; Refinite Soft Water.-
GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys From 53.00 to $9.00. GOOD FURNISHINGS.
Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store
Love Haskell Co.
2525 Leaven worth St.
Opposite Post-Offire.
Phone Webster 0820
Phono AT Untlr Q901 \
Made by
NASH-VRSESEMA AUTO CO. WHOLESALE SERVICE Exclusive Local Factory Representative! Phone ATlantie 2916; from Telephone Directory} 6; (omitted ( . * . N«sh Leads ehe World In Irftotor Car
RETAIL Tenth- and Howard Streets
T o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.
Leo A. Hoffmann • •"• vi
• • •
Hoffmann Funeral Home.
NSURANCE "EVERY KNOWN MND" Abner H. K a i m a n 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034
PAXTON BILLIARD PARLOR NTGK S. WRANrC. Proprietor IStC Farnam Street. Basement. Ftaoae JA ckanp 4!&«. ,