children of to:
day are. the
"Bufl<£ for Better
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VOL. III.—No. 15
Enteij \ PQStot «<
econd-class ma I) matter on January 27th. 1921 at Umahi, Nebraska, under the Act of M*reb S, 1879.
"Vision—vision'for the future—for the generations that are TEAM 10— Kulakofsky, Major yet unborn—is what you men must have—and what you must : It. Mark Leon, Captain Louis Sommer, Captain . instill unto all the people of this city, if pou would make a success Harry Gross, Captain of your work." Thus did Anne Selicow, secretary of the senior group of the YM and YWHA challenge 150 professional and TEAM.11— N. S. Taffe, Major Dave Blumenthal, Captain. ' business men of this community Monday night. John Feldman, Captain One hundred and fifty men, all subscribers to the Jewish Gail Margolin, Captain Community _ Center Building fund had met at the Brandeis for TEAM 12— Dr. A. Greenberg, Majordinner to discuss plans to complete the campaign, to determine Abner Kaiman, Captain ' on ways and means of raising the $100,000 which was still lackHarry Silverman, Captain ing to.assure the erection of a Jewish communal home in Omaha. TEAM 13— The offer made by Morris Levy to donate $50,000 if the com- • M. Sugarman, Major M. I. Gordon,, Captain munity subscribed $150,000 before December 15, 1922, had ; Dr. Abe Goldstein, Captain expired, more than three months before. Twice it had been 14— extended by Morris levy for 45 days, and twice again it had TEAM Harry Wilinsky, Major expired. Now; Mr. Levy had extended it for 30 days additional, Isy Itosenthal. Captain . J. H. Kulakofsky, Captain until April 15. . •— „•- . . E. Meyer, Captain . TEAM 15— . They . themselves had alreadyA. B. Alpirn, Captain .• Irvin Stnlmasler, Major v pledged ?152;850 to the fund. They J. J. Greenberg, Captain' 2— ' Adam Bonoff, Captain were heart and soul in the cause, TEAM L. Harris, Major' Harry Rubinstein, Captain S. Kavitz, Captain seeking only, for methods of bringing Dr. Victor Levin. Captain • H. Weiner; Captain " , Jake Lieb, Captain their task to a successful conclusion. Louis Margolin, Captain Morton Hillerv Captain Suddenly there appeared before them TEAM a— Sam Colin, Captain I. Shafer, Captain 150 young men and women, all memN. P.-Fell, Major -. Kirsefcbraun, Captain bers of the Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. ' L. I. Ziegler, Captain *---'. They had heard of the dinner and had 1 4— . come from their meeting in the Lyric TEAM • H. Malashock, - Major *• "" TVm. Groainsky,' Captain building to appeal in person to the S . M . . L e v e y , ' C a p t a i n .••.„ men gathered there to help the boys " " .•-"•'•, and girls and the men and women of T E A M 5 — The following are extracts from • Morris Milder, Major Omaha build, a Communal Home. David Feder, Captain a letter written to Rabbi Morris Taxon by a Jewish boy at the "You men and all of the men and TEAM 6— • State Penitentiary at Lincoln, Nebr. S. S. Jacobs, Major women of this city owe the children H. Heavenrich, Captain Rabbi Taxon, just prior to leaving and the young people of Omaha a - . L o y a l Cohn,-Captain •-. Omaha, turned the- letter: over.1 to place where they can develop the very- TEAM;?— : ; the Jewish Community. Center . . Fund Trustees. For obvious best that is in them," said Israel Josepli 'Wolf, Major treasons the, is withheld. —Browar, Captain -Goodman~president" of the senior — ;A. Eachman, Captain Read these words written direct cannot eJqopct us-- toi ' MHarry F k i h C i I '•front the*ftearfr -of' tnis-boyr—• ~- *~'f stay true to ova faith,, unless , you TEAM 8^There are five Jewish young men. here -^ho came from Omaha,;one provide the. proper environment for Sam Leon, Major Arthur Rosenblum. Captain from Lincoln and one from the us. We are not only these 150 girls Lonis Simon, Captain western part of the state. To^ me Dr. Nathan Dansky, Captain and boys speaking to you—we are it seems, tragic, as I think things the spirit of all the Jewish youth of TEAM 9— , . over, since my incarceration, that . the/Jewish people are doing so Omaha. " You will not fail us. • "Jake Simon,-MajorSlosberg, Captain : littre for their own boys and girls. "And we promise you this—we, too, : p.J. J. Blazer, Captain As I got acquainted with the men will do our share in this task that is here they told me things which, to before you. But you must take the my way of thinking, should be brought not only to your notice but lead." to our race. Then the group departed as silently as it had appeared. For an example, here is a young man; 33 years old, held for some More > effective thanprinted words minor infraction of the law, a or engraved resolutions was the reJewish lad doing 1 to 10, of which sult of their appeal. Its challenge he has served 3 years. True he has brought action. Cold deliberation and Filled With Enthusiasm For Cause been in prison before. But this is because he has never really had a 200 Young Men And Women formal plans were forgotten. Springchance. Raised in the slums of ing to his feet, Harry Zimman voiced Will Canvass City. New York he : drifted west—the the thoughts that were uppermost in slums of New York offered nothing the mind of every man in the room. WILL MEET TUESDAY NIGHT TO to him, nothing to bring out the good that might have been in him. "We must get busy. We must anSELECT CAPTAINS AND COMOnce on the road it was not long swer the appeal of these splendid MENSE INTENSIVE WORK. before he fell in with the "gang", boys and girls. They are not asking broke the law,' was arrested and for themselves alone, but for all of Filled with the enthusi <?m of youth, cast into prison. us—for you and me—and for the Jews working in*a cause *or which they Two years ago last November who will follpw us." 'know they need, charged with the another young man, in his early is sent here from Omaha. "When this drive was first under- responsibility of doing theii share in twenties A case of- the Chicago slums. He's taken," Mr. Zimman continued, "I was the development of Omaha, 200 mem- strong physically, but he has no appointed chairman of the campaign, bers of the senior group of the YM education and bis companions and I cannot do justice to the task, and ^ j YWHA will meet nex' Tuesday associates, as you can imagine were for the good of the cause I resign in evening at the Lyric Bldg. to receive not -of the best. Now he is in old mother is in Chicafavor of some one more capable than their assignments in the Jewish Com- prison—his go and needs him as well as the I to direct this wonderful project." munity Center Building Fund Cam- j few dollars he might earn to help Immediately from all parts of the paign. support her. ' '; . room came calls for Harry Lapidus And now take my case—as you Last Monday evening, at the dinner know, I was brought up and raised to assume direction of the campaign. for Community - Center; Fund subOmaha, am well known by many In spite of his repeated refusals, Mr. scribers, Israel Goodman and Anne in business men, Jew and Lapidus was forced into the place of Selicow, president and secretary of prominent Gentile alike, and held a good posichairman, and was unanimously elect- the senior group of the Y, pledged the tion. I had a good home, and am a Jew through and through coming ed campaign director. '•• undivided and whole-fiearted efforts of from parents who are members of "I will take this job only on one the members in putting the drive the Jewish congregation and "have condition," said Mr. Lapidus, "and across. And now the young- men and two sisters who attend the Jewish that is that every man in this room, women 'are "rarin' to go" to make Sunday school. You can see by and every man who subscribes to the 4*ood on their promise, and to show this letter that I had more than a fund immediately becomes a worker. the Jewish Community of Omaha that fair education. But I had a lot of spare time on my hands. I began This is not a proposition for one man association with fellows who building is needed, and that they will only. It is not a proposition of a and it was through this .that it is gambled small group of men. You heard what do their sha^e in seeing bad environment that I got into r erected. ' trouble. those boys and girls just told y o u Following pleas .made by Israel Rabbi, I am not trying to shift th ey want a Community Center, all of the children of Omaha want one, Goodman and Anne Selicow, president the blame onto anyone. But don't you honestly think that things may and secretary of the Y., last Monday be and all of them need one." would have been different if "We must go out into 'this cam- evening to members of the Jewish that fellow from New York and paign; with our whole heart in the Community Center, the members im- the one from Chicago, and if I Omaha, each of us, had only cause," Mr. Lapidus continued. "We mediately voted to stand behind and from some place where we could go must be the men who will go to our help in the building of the new Jewish had instead of drifting around cheap fellow-Jews and cut the knot that ties Community Center Building. pool rooms and places like that. their heart-strings to their purse"I know that every member in this Now, Rabbi, to my mind it is strings. This is the one chance of a room will help in putting this drive just these things which are turning younger generation away from life-time.. If we do not succeed now, over," said Israel Goodman at the the faith and their religion. Good Omaha will never have a Jewish meeting of the YM and YWHA held their God, when I think of the hours I Community Center building. How Monday evening at the Lyric Build- wasted in bad company! I wanted many of the men here are.with us in ing. "Omaha needs a Community something better—but I *ould not find it in Omaha. My mother hat; this cause?" Center Building- and needs it now and written me that the Jews of Omaha Every man rose and gave his sol- we will do our share in getting it for are talking about raising money emn pledge to work unceasingly un- Omaha". for a building like the YMCA., but til the entire fund had been subAll the members of the senior group for Jews only. Do you know what like that would have j_.eant scribed. voted unanimously to work in this atothing me if it had been done five years Immediately 18 teams were formed drive. The boys and girls will organ- ago? with the following majors and cap-' ize in teams, with ^several on each tains: team. They will begin active solicitaTEAM 1— tion next Wednesday .morning.
Just One Reason Why Omaha Needs a Jewish ' Commnnity Center
Senior Members of Y.MJI.A. To Do Important Work In Jewish Center Drive
Suppose This Was Your Boy?
,M, KulnkofaUy, Major
1 6 —
Omaha Hebrew dub. Rearing Perfection;To to HellCelebmtioit TMs'Sunday Evening
Workers at lunch on .Thursday, ] announced that the total fund for the Jewish' Community Center is now $165,960. Subscriptions on Wednesday, the first day of the campaign, totalled $12,890. - "Workers will meet again on Fri- 100 Members of Association Rabbi C. E. Hillel-Kauvar of day at lunch and on Monday. Denver, Colo., Will Deliver Will Present Vaudeville ProThese sixty men have set $225,000 Address gram With Own Orchestra as their goal.
: '.
Harry Zimman, Major Harry Wolf, Captain ,Heary Monsky, Captain
: TEAM IT— Dr. Philip Slrer, Major Leo Kosenthal, - Captain TEAM IS— ' ; / Wm. L. Holrmani Major - Harry : Lapidns, Captain
TICKETS ON SALE ONLY AT PUBLIC INITIATION OF 200 NEW MEMBERS TO BE Early Wednesday morning these men . With the jdemand for a building that BRANDEIS THEATER BOX FEATURE 4 OFFICE, BEGINNING were all at work, calling on pros- is so vitally; needed by every Jew in APRIL 2ND pects, getting subscriptions and add- the city—a Jewish Home for Omaha •
The thirty-first anniversary celeThree weeks from Sunday, April bration of the Omaha Hebrew club 15, and then—the Y. M. H. A. show will be held Sunday evening at the will be ready for the public. Night Rome Hotel at 8 o'clock sharp. Final, by night the 100 children and young plans and preparations have already; men and women who will appear in been made to assure this affair to be the performances are becoming more a success. perfect in their parts. Day by day A large progi*am and public initiagreater enthusiasm is being created tion of the class of. newly elected ;hroughout tha city in anticipation of members will be a feature of t*u« the event, which will show to this evening. The" 'Omaha Hebrew club community just what the Y. M. H. A. membership drive, which wns members can do in providing high- launched several weeks ago, has class entertainment. exceeded the number originally set; • Originality will be the outstanding for as the goal. The club lias obfeature of the show. Original songs, tained 206 new applicants. To thf original dances, original dialogue-—all member securing the largest number will find prominent place on the bill. of members, the club lias awarded Novel costumes for the children's acts prizes. M. Polansky won the fire! have been designed by Y members. prize, having secured HO members. Rose Davidson has written the lines Sam Klaver was second with fifty for the act which she will put on with members and J. Rom&nek was third. Abner Kaiman. Special local color Besides the initiation-of the large has been worked into her song, class of candidates and the several "Twenty Years From Now," •which musical numbers that will appear on will..delight everyone who hears it. the program, Rabbi C. E. Hillel-KauAn epocli making event in the history of the Jewish-" Sadye Levey is writing the lyrics for var, of Denver, Colo., will be the prinall ^songs-- used: in tire ••act. - Miss Le- cipal speaker. Rabbi Kauvar is a n»~ ' ctfirafflfflity-^^xmte balance of the Jewish Community Center Building Fund. vey is also making the orchestrations tionally known speaker and has chosWe are justly proud of our community spirit in Omaha. for all music used throughout the en- en for his subject for the .evening'"The Challenge of the Times." Those who are familiar with the communal program of other tire production. communities are pleased with the favorable position of our From overture, through the nine "Due to • the expected capacity community in the comparative table. . acts, and concluding with the exit house, no children will be admitted to, We have been and are now discharging our responsibil- march, the show will be entirely one the entertainment," said Arthur Rc~ ity reasonably well to the hungry, the sick, the shelterless, of local talent. With the Y. M. H. A. senblum, president of the Omaha Hethe widow, the orphan and the needy -from every cause. orchestra in the pit, under the direc- brew club, today. "We intend to In a modest way, we have been devoting some time, some tion of. Harry Braviroff, with every make this affair one of the finest money, some thought and some energy to the more con- field of Y. M. H. A. activity assem- ever held in the city." structive welfare work of our Jewish Community. Yet, it bled on the stage, the Brandeis The- The officers of the club are: Aris just this last mentioned need that requires and. demands ater on the evening of Sunday, April thur Rosenblum, president; Dr. Na15, will house such an aggregation of than Dansky, vice president; Sol Rc-» our most earnest attention and our greatest efforts. One of the effective ways to reduce to a minimum relief home talent as it has rarely been the senberg, secretary; John Feldman, giving, and remedial philanthropy and social., service, and privilege of any audience to witness. treasurer. Tickets go on sale at the Brandeis ' The following sub-committees have perhaps ultimately eliminate it is for communities to turn their attention to constructive social service. With more Theater Box Office on Monday, April been in charge of this affair: Pubrecreational facilities and social opportunities for the youth, 2. This will be the only place where licity and Printing, Dr. Nathan Dansky; A. Kaplan and Arthur Roserc> juvenile delinquency proportionately decreases. With more tickets can be purchased. blum, Speakers and Prog-ram; Julia*: stress and emphasis upon the cultural and educational activWaxenberg, Sam Altschuler and John ' ities of the Jewish residents of Omaha, our Welfare problems Feldman; Refreshments, N. Brando, become fewer and less troublesome. Lectures, recitals and A. Richards and J. Ricklin. functions of like character, \as part of the program of adult The following men will serve on tits recreation and activities must result in a more wholesome Reception Committee: Dr. A. Greencommunity spirit and when directed along peculiarly Jewish berg, chairman; Mendel Blank, Harry; lines, must be productive of\a greater Jewish spirituality H.' Lapidus, Rev. E. Fleisliman, J. K«and a more intense interest in, things Jewish. All Teams Are Organized Waiting tleman, A. Wolf, H. A. Wolf, MsX A social centre, Y. M. H. \A. Building, and Community For Word To Start, Says Mrs. Woolfson, H. H. Auerbach, Center, all in one, is the ultimate goal_of this drive. The Monsky, Carl C. Katleman, Morris CiNathan Mantel, Chairman. establishment of an institution which will exemplify the •vin, Nathan S. Yaffe, J. J. Friedman, vitality and the potency of the Omaha Jewish Community WILL BEGIN ACTIVE SOLICITA- Abe Katskee, Ben Handler, Irvin Stalis the ideal to which we aspire and the dream of the men master, Mose Benovice, M. TION THROUGHOUT CITY whose vision prompted the undertaking of this enterprise. Sam Klaver and J. Romanek. WITHIN 10 DAYS. The Jewish Community Center will be a monument not All new members are asked totai\* only to the generosity of the Jewish residents of Omaha their physical examination immediateTwo hundred women, representing of the present day but will give mute but eloquent testimony every ly at one of the club doctors. All nevewomen's organization in the for all time to come of their whole-hearted and genuine city, are members must report to the secretfci'j' organized and ready to go of the club at the Rome Hotel, Suninterest in things ideal. . • out immediately on the Jewish Com- day evening, at 7:30. A great privilege is offered to the . Jewish^ people of munity Center Campaign, Mrs. Omaha to participate in the establishment of this institution. Nathan Mantel, president of the wo- The following program will M. Morris Levy, familiar perhaps as is any man with the com- men's committee, announced today. given: Arthur Rosenblum, chairman. munal endeavors of the Omaha Jewish Community, blessed work is all laid out—and we . America, Hatikvoh—By the Audiwith the breadth of vision that enables him to see the great are"Our ready. We will deliver the goods. ence; led by Mrs. Max Fromkin, benefits that will come .to the community 'from such an Every in the city will be Miss Martye Weinstein, accompani*'"institution and inspired with the fervent hope and great solicited.woman There is no one who will desire to render our people in Omaha a real and genuine be seen. With the easy payment Piano Duet—Rose and Rebecca Seservice, initiated this movement with his pledge of $50,- not extending over three years, gal. 000.00. Every Jewish resident of Omaha owes to the Com- plan, every woman and every girl should Public Initiation — Arthur Rosonmunity the same duty as does Moms Levy, but Mr. Levy grasp the opportunity to do her share blum, president; Dr. Nathan Dansky gave not in fulfillment of a duty, but rather in the exercise in assuring this wonderful step for- vice president; Irvin Stalmaster, conof a privilege and so should every other Jewish resident of in our community life," said ductor; Albert Kaplan, assistant coo* ductor. • • • . Omaha give not merely in fulfillment of a duty, but in the ward Mrs. Mantel. Vocal Solo—Mrs. Martin Sugarmans exercise of a privilege. Anticipating the call that would be Mrs. H. S. Kamen, accompanist. The certificate giving evidence of subscription to the made upon them, the women organized •Presentation of Prizes in MemberBuilding Fund of the Jewish Community Center of Omaha, last January elected Mrs. Mantel ship Contest—John Feldman, chairwill, in every Jewish household where it may be found in president withand Mrs. David Feder, vice- Violin Solo—Gilbert Jaffe, Han-f future years, become a. precious heritage. .••••• president, Mrs. Sol Goldstrom, secre- Braviroff, accompanist. We hope that true to tradition in Omaha and consistent tary, and Mrs. H. A. Wolf, treasurer Remarks—Chairman of Evening. with the previous record and history of this community, the of the. women's division. Their cap- Address—"The Challenge of thfr goal of this drive will be reached within the campaign period. tains and lieutenants are all appoint- Times," by Rabbi C. E. Hillol-Kcuvs.f. ed, and the teams are ready to go to Refreshments.. 794 Russian war captives in the camp work as soon as the men's drive is 135 JEWS STILL there are 135 Jews. • LANGUISHING IN completed. . Danzig. (J. T. A.)—Several thou* INTERNMENT CAMP Attempting to explain its failure to Complete lists of workers, will be Budapest (J. T. A.) The notori- close the camp, the government de- published in next week's "Jewish sand joined in an anti-Semitic <io monstration staged here at which ous Hungarian war camp at Zalag- clares that there is no place to send Press". Richard Kunze, a leader of ths the prisoners. The captives have no erzeg is stiirin existence, despite reBavarian Fascisti was the chief peated assurances of the government passports, the government adds, as Subscribe to "The Jewish Press." j speaker. that it vrould be closed. Among the Russia refuses to readmit them.
ing new workers to the ranks. For every man that pledges becomes a worker, intent on rolling as many subscriptions for his team as possible.; ; • Next Wednesday morning 200 members, of the Y. M; & Y. W. H. A. will be at work getting pledges. They will meet on Tuesday -night, organize themselves into teams, and do their share in.the cause. -,..•• Immediately thereafter, 200 women representing the various women's organizations . of the city, . under the leadership of Mrs. Nathan Mantel, will begin their work among the women and girls of Omaha. Thus with men, women and children actively engaged in securing pledges, Omaha's Jewish Community Center will be assured—if the great mass of Omaha Jews do their duty.
Jews—the best legacy that the present generation can leave behind it for its own sake, and the sake of future generations — and with three years in which to pay pledges—any man or woman who would not help to the utmost to build the Jewish Community Center; would not be worthy of. the name Jew. One. sentence from the book, "How Much Shall I Give?"' by Lilian Brandt, should form the only basis of giving'in'this campaign, and that sentence is, "A man can afford, and ought to contribute to philanthropic purposes such a part of his income as his informed intelligence, guided by a sincere concern for the common welfare, dictates; - and this .amount he can afford, and ought to give, even though he be the poorest man in Israel." ,, : •
Women of Omaha Ready To Do Their Share In Drive—Are 200 Strong
" Published Bvety Tbuttiaj at Omaba, Sebtatka. * r
• THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482Brandei3 Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372.
of St. Paul, Minn., who is visiting at the Bialac home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gratetz entertained at dinner at their home Monday evening, honoring Mrs. Lteibo.
NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. ..$2.50
Subscription Price., one year Advertising rates furnished on application^
NOT PRINTED FOR PEIISONAL PROFIT—ProSta from the publication pf^The Jewish: l ^ a ^ ^
Mrs. Charles Rosewater returned during the week from an extended stay in California. Mrs. Frank D. Rubel is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed-, win Kirschbraun.
CHANQB OF ADDRESS—Pleate g i n both the old and new •ddrewr •• b» < « » and <Utn rocr num. •. i •
The Pi Tau Pi entertained at a dinner dance Wednesday evening at The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency <Jewish the Brandeis Restaurants. Correspondence Bureau), with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Mrs. F. G. Bialac has as her guest Inquiries regarding-news items' credited to this Agency, will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, her mother, Mrs. B. Leibo, of St. Paul, Minn., who will be here for BevNew York City; : - j eral weeks. Mrs. Bialac entertained at her home Wednesday afternoon at EXPLORATION IN PALESTINE. for six guests honoring her With tiuMncreased interest in all matters relating to Pales- bridge mother. ; ; *"'.. ; _-. tine since the war, not only amongst Jews, but amongs the people
of other •denomifiati6ns,tit ^s only-natural that the- work which has hitherto been done for the'exploration of ancient-sites in that country for"the 'purposes of atchaeological research-'-.should be carried on 'WitK increased vigor: The Palestine Exploration Fund, a British association, has been doing valuable work of this character for many years, and has succeeded in bringing to light much important knowledge along the lines indicated. But after all, the achievements thus far have done but little more than scratch the surface. The Turkish Government, when it ruled the land, threw many obstacles in the way of more extended efforts, and the lack of a large fund alsi prevented progress. Now that the British Government is in control of the country under the Mandate of the League of Nations one of the principal obstacles has been removed, and it is now possible to go ahead with renewed vigor to exploi*e many places that promise to yield a great deal of highly desirable information. An organization has accordingly been formed in some of the principal cities in Europe, as well as in Jerusalem, and an American Committee" has been organized with former Judge Sulzberger as Honorary Chairman to secure the necessary funds for the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society. The project has the indorsement of the High Commissioner in Palestine, Sir Herbert Samuel. It is a project that should appeal to the imagination of the Jewish people everywhere, and the response in America should be prompt and generous. Dr. Nahum Slouch, the celebrated explorer, is the active Director of the work, and there is every assurance that the project under his direction will be well done. . - -
HIGHER JEWISH LEARNING. The exercises on Founder's Day at Dropsie College in celebration of the birthday of Moses A.. Dropsie were the occasion for the delivery of the thoughtful addresses of Dr. Cyrus Adler, the President of the College, and Dr. A. A. Neumann of the Faculty. The speakers, approaching the subject from different angles, earnestly emphasized the importance of the special work the College is doing, and the need for extending it, so as to make the results tell in higher Jewish and general education to the greatest possible extent. Dr. Neumann pointed out that the gifts of Mr. Dropsie and of Hyman Gratz, the latter to found the adjoining College which bears his name, stand out, along with those made by Jacob H. Schiff to several Other institutions, as the largest ever made in this country by single individuals for Jewish education. It is not a mere accident that a group of men who were affiliated with a r single congregation should have . cne so much for Jewishand general education.'"'Their exarapfe nght well inspire trther members of the community to extend :e work they began. The fact that the institutions bear the -ames of the founders should certainly not deter such gifts from oeing made. Neither Mr. Dropsie nor Mr. Gratz made any such -condition when they created the foundations. In that respect the gifts were absolutely untrammeled. It would therefore be entirely reasonable to expect these foundations to grow, just as Harvard, Yale, Cornell and many other universities and colleges named after their founders have grown. The Jews of America have given great sums for charity and relief work. They have not, as yet, measured up to the example set by Schiff, Dropsie and Gratz m Jewish education and by Simon Muhr and Lewis
?^r^i th jS2S/ h1 t t e J.D.C.WiBflWDp > Relief Activities Abroad j During Next Two Years
Report Approved on Spending $54,. . 653,688 to Help Sufferers. WILL FINISH, EIGHT YEARS' WORK Jan. 19, '25 New York.- (J. G. B.) Plans for winding up the activities of the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, which in the last eight years has expended over 55 millions in war relief, were approved at a meeting held at the residence .of Felix M. Warburg. The adopted plans provide for the gradual relinquishing by the J. D. C. of its various activities to appropriate Jewish organizations during the next two years, the "Joint" to make its complete exit in January, 1925. To care for its activities iii the interim and to provide for their, transfer in adequate shape, the Committee has announced that an adaitionai five million will be necessary. This amount would provide an additional million for child relief in Russia, $1,000,000 for general medical •work, $'1,000,000 for reconstruction work, $470,000 for educational and cultural work, $333,000 for refugees' relief, The balance on hand, it is declared, ' has already been in large measure appropriated. A sum not in excess.of $1,600,000 is expected^yet to come in from unpaid pledges.. The plans which were worked out by a special budget committee, of which James N. Rosenberg" fs chairman, were approved at" a general meeting of the committee consisting in addition to Mr. Rosenberg of Dr. Cyrus Adler, Paul Berwald, David M. ' Bressler, David A. Brown, Bernard Flexner, Alexander Cohen, Leon Kamaiky, Herbert Lehman, Lewis L. "Strauss and r Felix M. Warburg. The J, D. C , which came into existence "during, the "war, has" functioned in more, than 40 countries. *
mittee; Pauline Selicow, chairman of the Courtesy Committee; Fred White, chairman of the Constitution Committee; Louis Abramson, chairman of the Intellectual Advancement Committee; Esther Potashnick, chairman of the Publicity Committee, ahd Jack Fleisham, chairman of the Dance Committee. The other members of the different committees will appear in next week's issue of the Jewish Press. YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. A special meeting of the Fairies of Zion will be held Sunday, March 25. The membership campaign will terminate then, and arrangements will be made for the entertainment which the losing team will give to the winners of. the contest. All girls between the ages of twelve and fourteen are invited to attend the meeting.
The meeting of the'Hatikvoh club will be held at the Jewish Community , Rtttji Levey, wiio, has .been vis* Center on Sunday afternoon, March iting in-Detroit; Michi.,ahd St. Louis, 2 6 . * ••• • • : • Mo., is-expected home .the latter part v of the % k : " THORPEIAN NEWS. Mrs.,Flora Rosenstock left Sunday Despite the fact that a blizzard was evening for "Chicago, 111., to be gone raging, thirty members attended the meeting of the Thorpeian Athletic a m o n t h . •'•:. dub on Wednesday, March 21. One Mrs. Carl Studna, of Kansas City, Of the best meetings of the year was o.^ is here visiting with her parents, enjoyed by these members, who are Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal. not to be daunted by 'a mere snowThe Mesdames Nathan Mantel, Izi- storm. All members are requested to dor Ziegler, Frederick Cohn, A. Har- make arrangements to attend the big ris, Ferdinand Adler, Mose Miller, J. meeting slated for March 28. AlP. Cohn, Hairy Cohn, Harry Rosen- j though -. a dance was advertised for feld, H. S. Kamen, Ben Bewis, Cora last Sunday by the Thorpeian AthWolf, L. Hiller, Sol Goldstrom, H. letic club, the dance committee called Arnstein and Miss Cecelia Feiler at- it off because of the unfavorable tended the Reciprocity Day Celebra- weather conditions.- For, those who tion held in Lincoln, Neb., Wednes- derive pleasure from dancing to good day, March 14, between the Omaha music amidst pleasant surroundings, and Lincoln Sisterhoods. The Lin- this organization; is planning somecoln Sisterhood entertained the Oma- thing special for this coming Sunday. ha guests at a luncheon, and the Omaha Sisterhood prepared the proJEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. gram for the entertainment. On account of the blizzard last Further plans are being made for the card party to be given by the Woman's Auxiliary of the I. "O. B. B. on Sunday afternoon, April 15, at the Loyal Hotel. Everyone is invited to attend the social. Y. M. & Y. W. H. A, NEWS. The Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. held its regular meeting Monday evening at the Jewish Community Center. The different committees for the ensuing term have been appointed and will go into effect at the next meeting of the organization. The following are chairman of the various committees: Sam Beber> chairman of. the Social Service Committee} .Harold. Farjber,. chairman, and Louis Abramsoti, vice-cliairmah" of the Membership and Finance ComWe Wish to Announce to Our Patrons and Friends THAT THE SHOHIT
212 Courtney 17 Douglas St.
SALON L» CHARME New Address of Shaitipoo, Manicure, 66c—Marcel, <5c Expert Individual Service. Evening <3f Sundajr, AT. 4819. M. T. l&VX
Place your orders for Matzos and Passover Supplies now. Best qualities. Lowest prices. Mrs. S. ^SILVER, 2318 (Charles St.
Sunday, the library drive of the Jewish Culture League was postponed to Sunday, March 25. Forty-one committees, consisting of the Jewish Culture League, will solicit every Jewish home in the city for books and money for the library. Books in all lan^ guages will be accepted. Over two hundred books and seventy dollars in cash were donated by members of the club. Mr. Jack Belmont heads the list with twenty-nine new books. All those who cannot be reached by the committee can call the secretary, Mr. Wm. Crade, at Webster 1087, and donations will be called for. Mr. H. Phepher, dramatical director of the Culture League, delivered a ecture Sunday on "Culture and Its Aims." Open meetings are held every Sunday at 4 o'clock at the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and Clark streets. This Sunday's subject will be a discussion on "Christ and His Influence, on Modern Jewish Literature." The following members will deliver twenty-minute talks: H. Bondarin, H. Phepher, Ben Zion, W. Crade and Pine Twersky.
We wish to announce to our friends and patrons that we will carry a full line of PASSOVER FOODS, SPECIAL IMPORTED PASSOVER COOKIES Live Fish Sold Here Daily. AH mail orders given immediate consideration. We deliver to all parts of the city.
Phone Us Up at WE bster 6512. and place your order J. FINKENSTEIN, Proprietor
It Was Too Bad That the -weather would not permit an dance last Sunday, however, »
DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND SUNDAY, MARCH 25 Kcl-Pines Dancing Academy, 25th and Farnam Streets THORPEIAN ATHLETIC CLUB $1.00 PER COUPLE
Sam Newman
The Newest and Latest Designs of Wallpaper and all
Paints and Varnishes at,the
LOWEST PRICES 214 So. 18th St.
Jackson 0043.
Cut Flowers 311 South 16th Stieet Phone Atlantic 8010. Open Evenings. Only Jewish Florist in town.
"The Clothing Corner of Omaha"
The New Clothes Time of the Year They're spic-span new spring styles—they're not too heavy and not too light in weight; they're just right to wear ten months out of twelve. Feature Values Men's and Young Men's Hand-Tailored Spring Suits, Top . Coats, Gaberdines
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\ .Goldstein EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTIJNITY for right man to connect with high class insurance office in Omaha. Previous insurance experience not required; character must be first class. Address: Box 1050, Jewish Press Publishing ,Co.
Nebraska's Clothing Prices Save YOU $5.00 to $15.00—COMPARE
Co, f
Established 1892 | 1516 Farnam St. Jackson'5782
I Diamonds, Jewelry arid Platinum Designing. inmnnm
Rev. J. Schukert is with
FREED & KUKLIN Kosher Meat Market1513 North 24th Street WE bster 4330 ""Service ana Quality Is Our Motto" We carry the best line of . Fresh Meats and-.Delicatessen.
fd i
DR. N. DANSK"i physician and surgeon, wishes to announce the opening of his down-town office at 622.WorldHerald Bldg. Tel.: ATlantic 3693.
Every Motor Tested Severely
JEWISH CALENDAR. 5683*1923/ Passpver (Pesach) ~..~....Sun., Apr. 1 Passover (Seventh Day) Sat, Apr. 7 Rosh-Chodesh Iyar ..._...Tues., Apr. 17 Lag b'Omer .......................Fri., May 4 Rosh-Chodesh Sivan .™Wed., May 16 Shabouth (Confirmation) Day) -..-.-...._..__.......Mon., May 21 Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz .^.Fri., June 5 Rosh-Chodesh Ab ^.._«.Sak, Jnly 14 Fast of Ab .„... ™__Sun.,Jul; : Rosh-Chodesh Elul _~~.Mon., Aug. 3 New Year's Eve. —......Mon, Sept. 10
- All Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention.
WELSH'S FLOWERS (Gnnra-iteed) •'FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" Te). Ja. 429lf Brandeis Theatre Bldg. 210 So. 17th St.. Omaha.
DR. H. HffiSHMAN wishes to . announce the removal of his office from 606 South . 16th St., to 309 Courtney Building. Tel: JAckson 5672.
LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. L. Wolf son celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at a surprise party given by their friends at their home Tuesday evening. Seventy-fiye guests were present;
' '.-'.' ••
••/•:,'• '•'.' ' v
In an advertisement by Rabbi "H. Grodinsky in the last issue of the "Jewish Press," it-was stated through an error-that he: was the exclusive agent for Redelheim as well as Maneschevitz matzos. Rabbi Grodinsky wishes to have this inistake corrected. Rabbi Grodinsky is the exclusive agent for Maneschevitz matzos, but does not handle Redelheim matzos. Miss Ethel Abrahamson entertained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Marie Simon, who is to be an April bride,
•Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bialac entertained - at • a family . dinner Sunday evening, at their home in honor of Mrs. Bialac's mother, Mrs. E. Liebo, Statement of ownership, mnnnjremenf.' circulation, etc., of the Jewish Press published weekly at Omnhn, Nebraska, retruired by Act of Congress of August 24, 3012. Editor, N. E. Green:*Manager, N. K. Green; Publishers: ,The. Jewish Press Publishing Co., Omaho. Nebrnskn. Owners: N. P. Fell. Harry Lnplrius, Harry Mnl.'tsUock. Harry Wolf, Flermnn Auerhnch, Morris Levy. W. h. Holzmnn. Philip Sher. H. B. Zimmnn, Haul - I^evy. Snm 1*011, N, S. YfifTe nnd Ffenry RIonsky. Omnlin.' Nebraska. Known bondtjofders. jnortgngeee, and other sertirlty holders Holding 1 per cent. • or more of totnl nmount of bonds, mortgnKes, on ofhet securities: None. Subscribe!} before mf this ?lst d.iy of Match, 1023. (Senl.) S. - H. Kchoeler, Noinry Vnhllc. (My commission.«XDlres March 12, 1020.)
W. J. Zang^'•ell Crade Estimates Furnished Carefully
1521 No. 19th SU Omaha Phone Web. 1087, HARDWOOD SPECIALTY.
OPPORTUNITY! Two Jewish men; past 30; Mechanics preferred; men with no sales experience, "who desire to better themselves. W e will teach you how to selLpiir line. W e Avant men capable of'earning $5,000.00 a year, or more; men willing to work hard and riot get discouraged. This is no job for quitters. Call at 3122 Leavenworth St.
Particular care is devoted by Nash to the severe testing of the motor. Not only are various scientific tests applied to the metal as it goes from one stage to another* but also to the finished motor. ^ It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car. FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $915 to $2igof. 6. b. factory
INSURANCE RESPONSIBLE insurance agent or broker A is ever alert in defending the fruits of human endeavor against the destructive forces of chance and nature. His Ufe-xaorh is to safeguard life, property and tfie products of labor. To this end he drains upon the accumulated knowledge of all professions—law, medicine, engineering and the technical sciences. His efforts are devoted to securing for Ms clients adequate indemnity of the highest'type. Consult him as you would a lawyer.
582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.
NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE tenth «nd Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Representative* Phone ATlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) Nash Lead» the W o r l d i n M o t o r Car Valtt*
mediately on a honeymoon trip to Council of Jewish Women will beheld stay with relatives in Rock Island, HI. j these exchanges will be made with Messrs. David Sher, Lester Slos- were guests of the Zeta Beta Tail Chicago, where they expect, to be at 2:30 at the Jewish Community Cen— . . I Lincoln, Neb., on Friday evening, burg, Harry Gidinsky, David Beber, Fraternity during the week-end of the ) SOCIAL C£UB gone for several weeks. ter on Monday afternoon, March 26. Mr. Morns Ferrer returned h o m e j M a r c h 2 3,when Rabbi Singer of the Le Roy Katskee and Harry Kneeter High School Basketball tournament. 1 AND RELIGIOUS The following program has been ar- Sunday from a week s business trip t o ' Lincoln temple will be here to preach ranged for the members: Instrumen- St. Louis, Mo. on the sermon subject, "The Future •ACTIVITIES:} ENGAGEMENTS tal numbers by .Miss Carolyn Levi; Mr. and Mrs. J. J.-Friedman will an address on "The Book Review" by Miss Esthyr Miller was hostess at of Judaism," and Rabbi Frederick be at hoine Sunday evening, March Rabbi Frederick Cohn, and a paper on a bridge party Saturday afternoon at Cohn will be in Lincoln and his subWEDDINGS 25, from 7:30 to 10:30 at their home, "The Jewish Woman" by Mrs. I. Ro- the Brandeis Tea Rooms, honoring ject will be "The R in Religion." Rab906 North 16th Street LIVINGSTON-NEW. Miss Ann Penn, of New York City. bi Cohn will return to Omaha SaturMr. and Mrs. I. New, of Council honoring the engagement of their senthal. day morning and his sermon subject EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Bluffs, la., announce the marriage of niece, Idelle Friedman, to Mr. H. M. Mr. and Mrs.. H. Dolgoff announce at the Temple with be "A New Song." their daughter, Corinne, to Mr. Mil-Leabmah, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Mr. and Mrs. H. Sokoiof entertained the birth of a baby son on Monday, ton Livingston, son of Mrs. Carrie Leabman, of Lincoln, Neb. The re-at a birthday party in honor of their March 19, at their home. Mrs. Miria Jacobs entertained at Livingston, of this city, on Tuesday ception was to have taken place Sun- daughter, Lena, at their home Tuestwo tables of bridge at her home evening, March 20, at the Grand Ho- day evening, but was postponed, due day evening. Ten couples were pres- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treller are in Tuesday afternoon. Lincoln, Neb., visiting friends. ent. We carry a full line of all Passover supplies tel in Council Bluffs. Rabbi Julian to weather conditions. Miller, of St. Louis, Mo., uncle of Mrs. Joe lipsey entertained at Miss Flora Bienstock will entertain Telephone HA mey 2729 the groom, officiated before the pres- Mr. and Mrs. I. Abrahamson an- : A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.the members of the Ra Oth Society luncheon at the Brandeis Restaurants nounce the engagement of their will S. Rips, of Duncan, Okla., on ence of over sixty guests* A dinner promptly at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at Wednesday afternoon. for the guests iollowed the ceremony. daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Maurice Is- Friday, March 16. Mrs. Rips was Phelps Hut. iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiniiuniiiiniiiiiuiHininniiiiiiiuniiiiiMuiiiiiiiniiiuniiniiuiiiiHuiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiuiiiiiiiisiiiiinniiiininiiinji "The bride's, only attendant was Mrs.rael, of New York City, formerly of f o r m erly Miss Sara Mae Adler, Julius Rosenfeld, as the matron of this city. No date has been set for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler, Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Brown are leav- i of this city. honor, and little Caroline Rosenfeld, the wedding. ing the latter part of the week for j = as -the flower girl. Master Marvin Mrs. A, Lissman, of Kansas City, ! The Bi-weekly Bridge club met last Missouri Valley, la*, where they will j = Weil, of Lincoln, was the ring bearer. Mo., announce the engagement of her make their future home* • l|r. Livingston and his bride left daughter, Annette, to Mr. Frank L Friday evening at the home of Miss for an eastern honeymoon triDyto be Fatige*, of this city. No definite date Jeanette Gilinsky, at Council Bluffe, Mrs. J, M. Fogel and baby daughla. Prizes were won by Miss Gilin- ter, Ruth Elaine, of. Denver, Colo., gone for about three weeks, after has- been set for the -wedding. sky and Mr. Nathan Horwich. The are visiting with Mrs. Fogel's mother, which they will return and make their Miss Estelle Lapidus and Miss Ruth next meeting of the club will be held Mrs. Sara Cohan. home at the Blackstone Hotel. Wilinsky are expected home from the next Thursday evening at the home of The following out-of-town guests Miss Ann Gerelick. Rockford College* at Rockford, III., on The Temple Israel Congregation were present at the wedding: Mrs. A. New and daughter, Helen; Mr. Sunday morning, to spend their spring The Misses Hannah Kaufman and have planned to make a series of puland"Mrs: Elvi'n Livingston, Lewis and Vacation with their parents. They will Bessie Lipschutz, of Sioux City, la., pit exchanges with the Congregations Lawrence New, all of Chicago, 111.5 be at home for about ten days. are visiting at the home of Mr. andof neighboring cities. The first of OF 200 NEW MEMBERS, Mr. Lester New, of New York City, Mr. Charles R. Berger will arrive Mrs* J. Bi Robinson. AJSTD CELEBRATION OF Rabbi Julian Miller, of St. Louis, Mo., the latter part of the week from Rawand MrsFlTArSolomon enterH! I HAVE MOVED | and. Mrs. Julius Weil, of Lincoln, Neb. lins, Wyo., to visit here prior to leav^ party Smlday at a ^ Fine Tailoring for Men and jjl millllllllllllltlHlllllll! ing for Chicago, 111. SHOSTAK-KULAKOFSKY. evening at their home, honoring Miss Women at Low Prices ~ . Miss Hannah Kulakof sky,' daughter The Jewish Women's' Welfare Or- Julia Wise. Fifteen couples were in New Shop oft Mr. I. kulakof sky, has set Tues- ganization Card Party and Dance was present. O INTRODUCE our new Biop day evening, March 27, as her wedding postponed from Wednesday evening, filled with beautiful materials, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun moderately priced, we. offer Speday to Mr. Louis K. Shostak, of this March 14, and will be held at the cial reduction on tailored apparel are on a trip to New York City. for men and women. city, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shostak, Blackstone Hotel Tuesday evening, WdSOEITS SUITS, SCO UP of .Lincoln, Nebr. The wedding will April 3. Prizes will be offered at Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bergeda, of MEX'S SUITS —_$45 CP take place at the Blackstone Hotel each table. Nashville, Tenn., announce the birth L.KNEETER, TAILOR | J | Miss Kulakof sky has been very ex-j of a baby daughter on Sunday, March 1913 Farnam Street, Room 10 B w a sform M tensively entertained during the past /Many students who are attending gg ^ Phone AT. 6065. tiie University of Nebraska will spend ROME HOTEL—8 P. M. T o n e t t e month. . -^ : the coming spring vacation here. The HEEGER-GROSSMAN. III1IIIIII1IIIII1I11IUIIIIE The marriage of Miss Etta Gross- Misses Fanny Kully, Helen Robinson, Miss Blanche Altaian returned home Bessie Haykin and Rose Minkin will last Tuesday from a several weeks' man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Grossman, to Mr. Lester Heeger, of visit here. Miss Bemice Diamond, of ~— - • - • • • • , . . GOOD PROGRAM—Rabbi Dr. C. E. Hiller-Kauvar, of Denver, Colo., Sioux City, la., was solemnized Sun- Lincoln, will be the guest of her aunt, day evening at the home of the bride's Mrs. A. H. Diamond, and Miss Ruth will speak on the subject—"The Challenge of the Times." parents. Rabbi Grodinsky officiated. Zolat will visit here with Miss Sophie given by the Dee, and Miss Mary Yabroff with Miss Molly Grossman, cousin of the - Writes all kinds of bride, was her only attendant, and Miss Rose Minkin. The Messrs. Louis Somberg, Ben and Harry Ravitz, Every member of the club and his lady are requested to attend little Miss Elizabeth Grossman was Clyde and Mildred Krasiie, will be in the flower girl. Mr. Pet-»r Heeger, Omaha..Friday to spend their vacabrother of the groom, was best-man. tion. Tuesday Eve., April 3,1923 NO CHILDREN WILL BE ADMITTED The bride was given in marriage by "Real Personal Service" BLACKSTONE HOTEL her parents, and the groom by his Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lapidus will ?1.50 per Couple. brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis entertain Saturday morning at the Phone N.B.:—New members are requested to go to one of the club doctors at once for physical Ees.—Har. 32SG. 13i9 W. O. TV. B i d s . Beth Hamedrbsh Hagodol Synagogue, Heeger, of Sioux City, la. examination and report with doctor's certificate to Secretary at Rome Hotel at 7:30 P. M., Sunday. Office—At. S034 The out-of-town guests present Nineteenth and Burt streets, in honor were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heeger, and of the Barmitzvoh bf their son, Earl. Messrs. Harry Goldblatt and Peter Mr. and Mrs. Lapidus will have a reception at their home at 2205 South Heeger, all of Sioux Cityfftiiitfiitiiiuituniiiitiinii^ After April 5, Mr. and Mrs. Heeger Thirty-second street, Saturday even- } Residence, 1342 So. 251h St. will be at home at the Sioux Apart- ing from 8-to 10, and Sunday afterTcL Atlantic 663?. noon from 2 to 6. There will be no Flace of Business, 1629 No. 24th St. , ments in, Sioux City, la; reception in the evening on account TeL Webster 2916. of the Thirty-first Anniversary CeleSWARTZ-SPECTER. Manufactured b r Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiner announce bration of the Omaha Hebrew club. This is the only invitation announcethe. marriage of their cousin, Freema MONHEIT'S . Specter, to Mr. Hyman Swartz, on iment issued. Chiropodist and Beauty (Eecommenaed by Rabbi Sunday evening, March 18, at the Mrs. Charles Mayer, of New York Shop H. Grodzinsky) Millard Hotel Ball Room. The cere- ity, is visiting here with her daughEstablished 1K90 isth and Hnrnry Strrfts. mony took place at eight o'clock fol- ;er, Mrs. Herbert Arnstein. 1515 N. 20th St. Webster 3527 Give U9 a chance to ap"lowed by a- dinner for . the. guests. preciate your business. For Deliveries Made Promptly appointments call Ja. 9774. Rabbi Grodinsky officiated assisted by The regular rtttnthly meeting of the Mr. M. Peltz, before the presence of over one hundred and twenty-five guests. The bride had as" her attendants her cousin, Miss Sara As Spring days approach, the demand for Weiner, as maid of honor, and the Dodge Brothers Touring Car mounts Misses Ida Dolgoff, Sara Rosenblatt, twiffly. Miriam Wintroub, and Tillie Faier, as the bridesmaids. Ribbon stretchers Dodge Brothers one problem, at present, were the little Misses Sadye and Ruth is not how many Touring Cars they can Slutsky, Edith Dolgoff, and Sylvia iell, but how many they can build. Weiner. The little flower girls were Adaline Specter and Rose Ban. The Never was public approval of Dodgd bride was given in marriage 17 Mr. 1 Brothers product more obvious, and never and Mrs. H. Weiner, and the groom .by his sister and brother-in-law, MT. was it more richly deserved. and Mrs. Joe Ban. Improvements, rarely spoken of but conMr. and Mrs. Swartz will make stantly being made, have brought the car their home with Mr. and Mrs. Weiner to a state of perfection which can only be at 210S) Webster Street.
Rabbi H* Grodzinsky
Manischewitz Matzos
OMAHA HEBREW CLUB Public Initiation
Suad&y Evening, March 25th 1923
Annual Dance and Card Party
Jewish Women's Welfare Organization
Kosher Soap for Passover M S OMIT
RICHARDS-ALBERTS. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Herman announce the marriage of Mrs. Herman's sister, Miss Dora Alberts, to Mr. John Richards, of this city, on Thursday, March 15, Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiating. Only the members of the immediate family were present. Mr. Richards and. IT'S bride left Sun-day afternoon on a honeymoon trip to California to be gone for several . weeks: SILVERMAN-FLAX. Over two hundred guests attended the marriage of Miss Bessie Flax, daughter of Mr. and Ilrs. S. Flax, to Mr. Herman Silverman, of this city, on, Monday evening, March 19, at the Rome Hotel. Rabbi Grodinsky read the marriage lines. The bride had as her attendants her sister, Miss Minnie Flax, as the maid of honor, and Mrs. Hyman Berlint, as the matron of honor. The Misses Beulah Miffleman, Ann Zalk, Ida Baum, Rose Fried, and Hannah Forman were the bridesmaids. Mr. Morris Linsman was the groom's best-man, and the groomsmen were Messrs. Hyman Berlint, Oscar Fried, Bob Marer, Irvin Janger, Max Janger, and Joe Dandy. The ring bearer was little Miss Bernice Silverman and the petal thrower was little .Miss Sylvia Silverman. Ribbon trecchers were the little Miss -Toby Flax, and William Flax. Mr. and Mrs. Silverman left im-
described as remarkable, even for Dodge Brothers.
How to Help "Information" to Help You We find that nearly half of the numbers asked of information operators are correctly listed in the directory. Before you call "Information", always make sure that the number you wish is not in the directory. This will save time. When it is necessary to call an information operator, please give her the complete and definite facts, such as the correct spelling of the name, initials and address. ,
Only-when given complete information can these girls • consult their records and obtain the number for you quickly. And your thoughtful patience while an information operator is finding the number wiU'help her to help you.
Every part which takes a major strain is built of chrome vanadium eteeL Many more pieces of alloy steel are used in vital parts than normal wear require*.
O'BRIEN4)AVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY 28th and Harney Streets* Barney 0123
RTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS Dr.-Speier attended school in Lin- with, her?'parents/Mr., and'Mrs.Her- of her sister, Miss Libbie Snyder, to they will remain for a week prior to Bethlehem and Hebron, was officially which has a capacity of 40 million Mr. Sidney Lightstone. .going to Rochester,'Minn. coin before going to Chicago, where man Speier.. , - " • ' , • \ ; . opened by Sir Herbert Samuel with gallons, is connected by a pipe system he was graduated from the medical Mrs. J. Scharf entertained three ta- ] Moving pictures of Palestine were elaborate ceremony. The reservoir, with Jerusalem. ^ — „ , j j r > a n d : Mrs.'Victor Friendenter1 SPEIER-WEIL. • .college and served as an interne m t a i n e d e i g h t e e ^ guests in .honor of bles of bridge at her home Monday shown and-a. lecture delivered by Dr. TheTnarriaee of Miss Gladys "Weil,'C. . County Hospitay. tie is p r a c " their second -wedding anniversary on in honor of her niece, Miss Ruth B. Epstein at the Hebrew Institute ** " —— ticing medicine in Lincoln. •' • - * -- - - -— g Scharf, of Minneapolis, Minn. Miss last Sunday evening under the aueveningyMarch Mr. and Mrs. Herman Speier enterof Chicago,111., to Dr. AaronS.Speier Scharf will leave for her home the spices of the Zionist Organization. : of Lincoln, took- place at 10 ocloclc , Sunday in honor of their son j Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Shostak cele- latter part of the week. I _,. _, jbrated their: third wedding anniverTuesday morning, March 15, at the • j The Flowers of Zion held their regsary Sunday, March 18.; ; . home of the bride's parents, Mr. andI Miss Helen Chapman, of Des !ular: meeting last Tuesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. G. Wertheimer anMrs. Weil, Chicago. Dr.nounce the birth of a baby daughter, SpeierFred is the son at of Mr. and .Mrs. The Sisterhood- is- putting u on a Moines, la., who has been the house ; the Hebrew Institute, s Herman Speier, of this city. • Dr. L'evi Rosalie May, on Sunday, March 11. show and dance, on Wednesday .'even- guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman W. . The ML Siani Temple Sisterhood officiated. ing, March 28, a t the K..C.'Hall. Lo- Krasne, will return to her home Fri- gave a dance Saturday evening, March Mrs. Morris Weil left day. cal talent is to be featured. Dr. and Mrs. Speier-returned to 17, at the Mt. Siani Social Center. Wednesday for New York City. Lincoln Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. I. Gilinsky returned Mrs. Simon Nefsky is visiting in The Jewish Educational Alliance Mrs. Ellison, of St. Joseph, Mo., Hot Springs, Ark. She will remain Thursday from Woodbine and Fort held their monthly educational meetDodge, la. who was formerly Miss Rose Speier, there for several weeks. ing Sunday evening at the Hebrew of this city, is visiting in the city Mr. and Mrs. O.THochman enter- Institute. Mr. and Mrs. A. Eisler • and son,tained the Evening club at their home Victor, and Mrs. M. Frosh motored, to last Thursday:evening. TURKISH FLAG HOISTED Omaha Sunday,. March 11> and spent . BY ARAB STRDIERS TO AND FROM A T 1547 1310 Jackson Street A T 1547 the week, and Miss Miriam Frosh, Many affairs were given during the " " " w ^ V r e . Secretary. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Turkish IFwho filled an engagement at the Ripast week in honor of Miss Libbie ALL PARTS OF was hoisted here recently during Omaha Fixture & lil alto for that week, returned to Lin-Snyder, whowill be married March flag a procession in connection with the coln with them. • • 29 to Mr. Sidney Lightstone. Mrs. M. THE WORLD Supply Co. strike calk ' by the Arab leaders to Bernstein entertained Thursday aftCOMPLETE STORE AND The Misses Edith Specter and. Kate ernoon at her home. Saturday after- t ''brate the success of the recent VAL. J. PETER & COMPANY OFFICE OUTFITTERS Goldstein, of Omaha, spent the week- noon Mrs. D. Levine entertained at a Arab boycott of the Legislative Coun1307 Howard St.,0340. Omaha*, Neb." We occupy ATlantic end of the basketball tournament in bridge luncheon. Miss Celia Gershorn cil elections. OTer 70.000 ,tqunre .feet WHOLESALE Lincoln with Miss Minnie Greenstone. entertained Tuesday afternoon at J The arrival here on the day called Southwest Corner Druggists and Stationers Eleventh anil Duucta* Streets. jfor this strike of Mousa Kazim Pasha, Miss Sara Somberg, of Omaha, was bridge at the Brandeis Tea Rooms; , . » . Vhane: Jackson 2124 to 401-403-405 Sonth 10th Street 'One of America's Great Hotels" " -v , , . , , , , .. jlj the guest for the tournament of Miss Miss Leah Krasrie shared honors. | , OMAHA tnCB. £v. \Bernice Diamond. Sunday afternoon, Miss Frances Nogg entertained t h i s , f on, gave the celebrated added stimu= 'March 11, Miss Diamond entertained aftemoon at bridge tea at the Bran- ^ - A r a b students and_boy scouts carried alof only Arab-Turkish banat bridge in honor of the Omaha vis- deis Tea Rooms. FRED R. SHAW Flower Shop WASH AND KEEP WELL Every .Known Kind ners. The celebration grew disorderitors. A RULE OF HEALTH Pbone 104 COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. ly and British troops quickly disof Insurance Ihe Best of Everything In Flowers and Miss Sara Kesselman arrived home persed the parade, but not before sevMiss Jennie Pitlor, of Omaha, spent Confections at Moderate Prices. FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY ; 209 W. O. W.,Bldg., JA. 3944. 345 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater the week-end in'Lincoln as the guest Thursday after spending three months eral Arabs were wounded, as well as 1819 California Street. BLUFFS. IOWA. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wishnow. Sunday visiting with relatives in Minneapolis, a few native policemen. Six ring Our Motto is "You Must Be Pleased or Your Money Will leaders have been taken into custody. afternoon Miss Jennie Wolf enter- Minn. Be Cheerfully Refunded." Outside Jerusalem there was no retained for Miss Pitlor. Sunday evenMr. and Mrs. S. Freiden entertained sponse' to the strike call, say reports ing Mr. Dean Davidson entertained The Malashcck Jewelry Co. at bridge in honor of Miss Pitlor. Ten their Bridge club Monday evening. : f r o m a l l s e c t i o i i s o f the country. Carpenter Paper Co. EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE "THE STOKE OF RELIABILITY" Mrs. Louis Heeger was ihe honored Distributors of couples were present. LAUNDRY. DIAMONDS AND PLATINUM and Tours Western Bond.—and High guest. Wliere yonr dotbes come borne PRIVATE IN JEWISH • SPECIALISTS A surprise party was given in honor Grade Stationery cleaner and laBt loneer. to 1514 Dodge Street • LEGION MAKES BUST Established 1S91 JA ckson 5G19 of Mrs. R. Goldfin, who has moved Mr. and .Mrs. M. Marcus arrived ATlantic 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St. Omaha. Nebraska. OF. FORMER C-IN-C All Parts home Tuesday' after spending six H A . JACOBBERGER, Pres. into her new home. , ., Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Lprd Alienweeks in-Hot Springs, Ark. of the by, former commander of the EgypWorld Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. 1 Mrs. Sam Friedman and daughter, tian Expeditionary Force and now the Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556 •COUNCIL BLUFFS, Bevin, arrived home during the past High Commissioner for Egypt, will Money Sent to All Ford Transfer & Storage Co. week from "St.. Joe, Mo., where they Foreign Countries • The Afternoon .club will be enter- have been spending several weeks.- be present at the unveiling at Beer E. A. FOED. Sheba of a bust of himself by the President and Gensral Manager, j tained Thursday - afternoon at the Council Blnffs (Ion's). Office home of Mrs. Max Simon. Mrs. Julius'•^Spsenfeld1 entertained former Jewish Legionnaire, Melnikov, 834 So. Main Street. Phone 36S WHOLESALE PAPER, who in 1918 enlisted in Chicago. Sir the members-" a£: the Livin gston-New Herbert.Samuel will preside over the STATIONERY, ETC. Mr. and Mrs. L. Heeger and son,bridal party itonday evening at her 1708 Farnam St. '- OmaKa exercises. Myron, left for their home in Sioux Distributors for ! : City, la., Tuesday. They were guests h o m e . ]•'•'.'•'.". .'' -i' '.' Pink Tip Matches — HUGE WATER RESERVOIR at the Heeger-Grossman wedding in Northern Toilet Tissue LET US DO IOUB WELDING OCR TREATMENT WILL AT SOLOMON'S POOLS Omaha. " : CONVINCE TOC OF OCR Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The new 1112 Harney Street SINCERITY. Miss STteva Snyder will arrive Sat- Mr. and_ Mrs. Barney Baron left reservoir of the Jerusalem waterTrust Department. ATlantic 6409 Safety Deposit Boxes. urday morning to attend the wedding last Saturday for Chicago, HI., where works at Solomon's Pools, between THE CAREFUL WELDERS 1501 Jackson St. Tel JA. 4397. Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace
Steamship Tickets
E. E. Bruce & Co.
"You Get The CM-We Furnish The Ring"
I Steamship Tickets
The Brinn & Jensen Company
Peters Trust Co.
Council Bluffs Savings Bank
Temptation Besets You " When You Enter CANDIES. ICE CREAM, LUNCHES.
Baker Ice Machines
First National Bank
"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
Candyland AND SERVICE ifirsiMonal
16th and Farnam Streets
Crystal Candy Company ' ifSth and Capitol Ave. .."• -
Snow White Bakeries (Beg. O. 8. Pat. Office.)
City National Bank . of COUNCIL BLUFFS "We pay 4% Interest' on ' Savins and Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent.
McCord-Brady Co. Kaplan Auto Parts Co. 2111. Nicholas Street - • Used cars bought, sold", anTl *ex-'~ >changecl_ New gears, and axle shafts, • .". .'•'•for'atiy'iipakef of> car." *• Tires, Tubes nnd" Accessories .Below Wholesale Prices.
Emerson Laundry F. 8. MOKET. Prop.
Feather Mattresses
Made from yonr own feathers. Warm In winter; Cool in. summer; Cost less and lnst longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of. ticking and estimates..
OMAHA PFJOW CO., 1007 Cnmlne St. rhono JA ckson 2107
John Feldman 109 No. 16th St. Tel JA ckson 3128 OppoRltf
GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys From $3.00 to $9.00. GOOD FURNISHINGS.
Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store
Omaha Sporting Goods Co.
Wall Receptacles— Light—WIRING—Power —Bell Transformers
Phone Webster 0820
1806 Harney Street Phono ATIantlr 0061.
J. C. CSREW,. President ED.* BtJRDICK, Vice-President *A More Managed and Run by Men who flay, tne Uame.
A, G: FELT, S^cy.-Treas. -foethe-Athlete,
fk> «'-••• - v v .
Council Bluffs, la.
Made With Milk'
JA ckson 1862
iBankof Omaha
Service is Our Motto Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent.
WAInut 3034.
40 & Cnming Sts.
EMIL GANZ & SON Certified Public Accountants . - 1411 DdnRtas Street
Audits and Investigations GANZ C. P. A. V.*M. GANZ Office Phones: Jack. B212-.Ha. 6106~Ha. 0915
Made by
thou$ttshewas economical, but She was a thrifty housekeeper— careful of the pennies—eager to cut down expenses. Yet, she had never considered the 6aving it was possible to make on good coffee. One afternoon she was shopping.•fYou know," the grocer said to" | her,«Wetsell M-J'B CJoffee to our ' very best icustomefsT *They are keen judges ofvalue; They know it requires fewer of the golden grains of MJ*B Coffee to make each delicious cup. •'When they buy MJ«B Coffee they save." TTiis is also true of Tree Ted.
Groneweg & Schoentgen Ca* Wholesale DistributOTS Jackson 1302
Lovfe Haskell Co. Every Known Kind of Insurance 209 W. O. W. Bldg.
Donjtlas 038)
FOSTER-BARKER CO. INSURANCE "If Its Worth Anything —Have It Insured."
TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables
UNDERTAKERS -2224 Cuming St. Phone JAckson 1226
N. W. Cor Uth and Howard Sts.
Top and Body Building and Repairing. CURTAINS—SLIGHTS—ETC.
PFEIFFER 4525 'Leaveiiworth St.
AT lantlo 0701
\ Americarf Wet Wash Laundry 2 8 0 3 Cumlng! Harney O881 One Day Service. No Extra Charges.; Refinite Soft Water;
Y o u r position is correct, and should besupportedby every fair minded person.
NSURANCE^ "EVERY KNOWN KB©" A b n e r H. K e i m a n 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034
Leo A. Hoffmann
• • * Ol • • •
NICK S. WRAN5C,, Proprietor
Hoffmann Funeral Home.
lSlC Farnam Street. RaiKn - ' Phone JA ckson 4136.