April 12, 1923

Page 1


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Entered a s second-class-mall matter on January 27th. 1921--at Postofflw a t Omaha, Nebraska, o a d u the Act of March 8, 1878.



ONE HUNDRED WORKERS TO CANVASS THE CITY $221,000 Raised to Date; Must Raise $29,000 More WE MUST PUT IT OVER! v - . : : - ' "We must raise the remainder of the money,":ttiese were the words that were spoken from the lips of over one hundred men who .were assembled at a meeting Wednesday evening at the Fonterielle hotel. • These men were all subscribers and workers for the Jewish Community Center building fund. "I.am pleased to see the result of the work ,thus far done— but I hope and I believe that you men, all of you, will make the final effort and put the campaign over the goal," said Morris Levy. "We are so close to the goal that with a "final attempt we can put it over, we cannot fail now and we must not," said Harry A. Wolf. ...•:. , "The campaign-is not yet over, we have raised to date $221,000. We need §250,000," said Harry H. Lapidus, chairman of the campaign.


Many Good Seats Still Available for Y. M. B. A. Vaudeville Show; Can Be Purchased Only at Theater

TOOT1N' OUR OWN HORN \Aforris £ Jacobs

NO EXCUSE FOR ANY-: : . ONE All those who have not; been * visited by a committee-and who ' wish to subscribe to the Jewish Community" Center building.' fund, can do so by calling; the" Jewish Community Center" office, Jackson 5377. "Even if you have not been " visited _ by a committee,- .youshould give to this cause", said Harry Lapidus. "This is a cause for the entire Jewry-of Omaha and every man, woman, and child should give to this cause. You have three' years to pay it in and there is no one who cannot afford".


•srszcuitrnu »u>o. •

OMAHA. A p r i l 9 . 1923 •

Jfethan s . ' Green, Manager - . ' .i * . Jewish Press Publishing Co, -, .. •City, " '•",'. Sear Hathan Tor the are

-. ;



several months past I have been watohing development of the Jewish Press, and you to be congratulated. ••.,-...

Ton are putting out a very "newsy* .periodical. And from eooments I have heart!,- the readers M o w this and appreciate it, . _. . _^ Tour telegraph dispatches, concerning events of special interest to your readers, are!excellent. My sister at Manhattan, Eans., wrote me that the Jewish Press is like a letter from home,


First Annual Home-Talent Show of "Y" Boys and Girls Is Talk Of Town.



With every indication pointing to a sold-out house the Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. will present its first annual vaudeville show at the Brandeis Theater, this Sunday evening at 8:15 sharp. The sixty entertainers who will display their talents on the stage, and the score of directors, costumers, musicians, propertymen and other assistants who have been working with them arc all ready, waiting only for the dress rehearsal on Sunday afternoon to put the polishing touches to the big eight act show. By Sunday evening the entertainment will be professional in every respect. The curtain will rise promptly at 8:15.

In spite of the fact that there was many - theatrical entertainments," h« a long line of ticket purchasers at the said, "but if this show throughout .1 jbeliere that the Jewish Conmnnity building drive box-office early Monday mining, will be as good as the act I saw browes its success in a good measure to the wonderful many good reserved seats are still ing" rehearsed, it will be a show equsi The one hundred men that attended earnestly for this cause, and it is for: support given it by the Jewish'Press. . available. Seats in the second bal- to any I have ever seen." the "jollification" meeting Wednesday, these kind of boys arid girls that-you Enclosed is my check to pay my subscription. I wish cony, unreserved, at 50 cents each, This statement was made when the night, -were given cards of prospect- men must put this building campaign Work Must Be Finished by Next you success. will be placed on sale Friday morning. act was in the "rough," without propover." ive subscribers. The final drive of the H Monday Night. . , The capacity of the theater is 1,450— er staging, lights, costumes and prop"The Y: M. and Y. W. H. A. boys campaign will be finished in; three and seats are selling fast. erties. When all of this are provider], days. The amount already subscribed and girls have worked hard for this There are over five hundred subFrom every angle, and in every reas they will be Sunday -night^ the cause," said Israel Goodman, presiis pledged by only 600 subscribers.. scribers to the Jewish Community Jacobs. spect, this show will be distinctive in show will truthfully be equal to *my There are many prospects to see. in dent of the*/organization. "We have Center building fund. These; men the annals of local entertainment. that the reporter or any one in Omsraised about ?8,000. "We are willit g the city. - "-• d. Z-K.S.J. have subscribed ?221,000. * At the Presented solely for the purpose of ac- ha has ever seen. "We have raised $220,000 in this to work and will make another drive meeting held Wednesday " evening, quainting, this community with .the Following is the complete program campaign, but.yon men know the need to help in this work." -•;•-:—.-.. • : there Were only one ' hundred men. talents of its younger members, and of the show: of this Community, Center building in present.; There are a large, number of ; to give an insight into some of the .Tack Copelnna Omaha;- and'you know that -we must «. -_G©neral Dir men in the city, who have subscribed TIAYME N T OF activities of the Y. M. aswl Y. W^ H. Harry. Biarttoff, .Mia* Cecelia, Feller. - JPHfc At jyjr^anji,put it; aver iiigr , We_ FIRST to this-jcause;, hjrtrwho hirreTiotielped Musical Director*; A.,"it will at* the same tim6 offer to cannot f ail "at" the" present time.' " i t in this workAll those who have made conBonsberjt .Dramatic Director aft who-see it an evening of whole- Hrs.-B.~R. is up to everyone Jin this room to -not Miss Dorothy De Vere .Dancing Director There are a large number of cards j tributions to the Jewish Comonly give his money to this cause, but Local Jewish Women "to Aid ifi Drive. some, enjoyable aid unusual enter- Samuel Schaefer. Business M Sammy Carmell Greatly Applauded of prospective subscribers to call on. munity Center building fund, tainment. Both on the stage and be- Leo Abram son COMMITTEE to help in this work," said Harry Lap. by Large Crowd. These men must be solicited and they " Begs Handler should make out their checks for Mary Maiael idus. ."This work is-the work that is The annual drive of the Visiting hind the scenes the work and. the Louis Abrnmson will subscribe to this fund. * " Nathan Mnookin Blanche Altman the ten per cent "first payment. closest to our hearts. It is the one Isadore Rosenblutt Over 400 people packed the rooms Nurses' Association will be held dur- abilities of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Bees Fnrber "I believe that this is one of the This is important as this money Anne Selicow Jack Fleigctunnn members will be in evidence. thing that is home to us. When you most important causes that has ever at the Jewish Community Center ing the week"of7April 23 to 28. The 1'nuline Selicow Jos. Freeman must be obtained as soon as get the pledge cards and prospective Dnvld Sher Goldstone been carried on in this- city, and I Monday evening to witness the open Visiting Nurses will" appeal to the Not only will the talents of the Herbert possible." ' Fred White Israel Goodman subscribers, see those men and get people of .Omaha for,funds to main- 60 children and young men and women Bees meeting of the Menorah Society. Greeiiberg believe that every Jewish person in Make these checks payable to their subscription." the city should do his or her share in The meeting was open to the entire tain the activities, of its organization. who comprise the personnel of the FKOGBA3E Louis Kirschbraun, treasurer, During the year of 1922 twenty-five entertainers be a keen delight and "It is up to you men in this room Overture public. helping put this drive over with a and mail ' them to Samuel OF THE WOODEN nurses cared for 6/770 cases, making surprise to the audience, but the or- 1. "THE FABABE .this evening to help spread the propbang," said Harry Lapidus. "Assimilation against Nationalism" 8OI/DIERS" Schaefer, third floor Lyric Bldg. a total of 49,958 visits. aganda for this cause. Tell it to your ganizing ability of the Y. M. H. A. With the following members of Y. M. H. A, If you have already given your sub- was the topic of the principal adBoy Scout Troop 02 friends and explain to them the work scription to this cause, you know the dress delivered by E. B. Goodman. It will be necessary to raise $25,- membership will certainly be cause Dave Brodkey Sol Kohlberg "It is up to you men of the city of necessity of it and it is not only the 000 to finance the work of the Visitthat is to be carried on, and I know for most favorable comment. Few Harold Brodkey Abe Krakovsky "Some say that assimilation is the Harry Levinson Sain Fregger that you will succeed," said Harry B. Omaha to carry on this work and duty of every person to give their answer to the so-called Jewish ques- ing Nurses' Association until January, people realize the immensity of the Lazar Isadore Mann Kaplan erect this building," said Fred White» Zimman. Morris Staluiaster Katleman subscription, but to help work for this tion," said Mr. Goodman. "They ask 1924^ when it will share in the Com- task involved in such a production, Harold Simon munity Chest.' If this amount is se- the hundreds of details that arise, the Harry Kohlberg Every Jewish man in this city a member- of-the Y. M.- H. .A. • • It is cause. the impossible. Assimilation has cured, the'annual Tag Day in the fall countless tangles that must be. unDrill soignee! and directed by should give to this cause. If he has up' to you men to provide" a proper S. A. RICE never changed the instincts of thewill be abandoned.1 ravelled, the great variety of things Scoutmaster, Troop 62 Hot yet been visited by a committee, place so as the boys and 'girls of the parent race. Eeal assimilation has Mrs. W. J. Hynes is chairman of that must be done before the curtain 2 THE MT8TGABTEN " SISTERS he should not wait but send in his city will have a proper* place to go DOKOX1"—Violinist IDA—Flunist never been practiced to any great ex- the finance in this drive, and will be can be raised on the finished producto and where there will be convenient card to the secretary. • Dlreetion—MISS EMI1.Y CJLK1TE : tent. When the Roman caesars assisted by one hundred and fifty tion. . ., 3. "THE atJNIOK GIR1.S KEViEW" "We have always heard of what the enough space for alL" spread their power over the whole workers, who will canvass the city. . With the following members vt junior "When you call on the prospects, older workers have done in this comX-Clubs: Very little more need be said relaof the then known world, the subB«tt " Ruth Reuben Mrs. Frank _W. Carmichael is chair- tive to the various acts on the bifi. Bertha munity and for this cause, but we will stay with them until you get /our Over twenty-five players are out to Lillian Habler Kunice Itofeusteln now hear of the -work that is being pledge," said Sam Beber, another bid for berths on the fast Y. M. H. A. ject nationals were called Roman man of the house to house canvass for People who have been fortunate Anne Martha Himmelstein Hose Lydin Stein Koss Hurwltz done by the younger group," said Wil- member of the_Y. M. H. A. "We have baseball team. The Y team has en- citizens, but at the same time they $1.00 membership. Mrs. David P. enough to see one or two of the num- Ethel Hurwitz Vivinu Stein Hurwitz Ida Tenenluuim liam Holzman, chairman of the even- called on prospects and we have tered the Class B, Souther League. retained their own racial character- Feder has charge of all the hotels and bers during rehearsal are enthusiastic Margareth OprtriKle Wintroub Sarah Jan oft < istics. When the Tartars with their Tryouts are being held for the playdowntown district. Helen Wise ing. "These boys are all products of stayed with-them until - we did- get Rose Minkln over the show. These people are Celia Sarnti Wise mutilated faces overran the civilized ers. •; The team will practice Sunday It is hoped that the response to the spreading the word throughout, the JRuth Kits the Y. M. H. A. They have worked their pledge." , . . ' , Oblnflziner world the victims were driven ahead morning at Fontenelle. park. All men "The cause is known, to every man efforts of these men will be generous entire community to all their friends Solo ^"nmbem l>y Hurwitz .....The Bay and' woman in -the city of Omaha," capable of playing l)all are asked to of them but they- were ^ever as- for the Visiting Nurses' Association that, by no means, can they afford to Ethel Reuben..... The «iri similated with the conquerors. . said David SHer."- '^Let's • get together be there. is carrying on a work which is vital miss the Y. M. H. A. vaudeville show. KntU Stein The Past* Celiah Nitz . Spanish D The following men are bidding* for "Nationalization is the only solu- to the people of ..Omaha. and put this campaign over with One non-Jewish newspaper reporter Ida Tenenbaum.. Oriental : ; v berths on the team: Leo Kemecky, whirl."' •":•;':•- } - , . ' : • / '- - "/ : SonR and D»n.~«» tion to the problem. Jreland with Mrs. R.' Kulakofgky and Mrs. N. P. who one evening was "covering" a Saran Tanoff Xydia ROBS.. .....Scotch I U ; Leo Weitz, Arthur Swartz, Nathan Jnzz Mrs. William Rothschild, believed "We must get together for the last Robinson, William Wintroub, I. W. the faith of St. Patrick fought for Feil are on the Board of Visiting meeting at the Jewish Community Anne Harwitz... Stein:-.-... Russian Center happened to see one of the Vivian to be the oldest woman in Omaha, drive, and I hope; that we can an- Walt, Lester Giventer,' Leon Mendel- her rights; she is a nation. We are Nurses' Association. Eunice RoBe.nstein Toe J}at).-s Y. M. H. A. acts in rehearsal. He Ilie entire review designed anil produced . -will celebrate her one hundred and nounce to the entire public of the city son, Leo Chaykin, Harry Haykin, Phil a nation; we have rights. We want of Omaha and the world at large that under the personal direction of a place in the world's sun." was one of the earliest in line Monfirst birthday next Sunday. She BOY SGQUTS TO HAVE Gerelick, Harry Smith, Wm. StalmasMISS BO3ROTHT Be Vrrp the Jewish Community Center buildday morning for seats. "It is' meetings of this sort that makes her home with two daughters, MISS KAIll MAIZEI* Assisting ter, Al Handler, Eddie Levinson, Sam makes the ..need- of a Jewish ComMrs. Natti Jacobson and Miss Anna- ing in Omaha has been realized," said Weiner, Herman Ferber, S. Fine. "My assignments have taken me to 4. T H E - i V M . H. A. 'QVARTET'Tfi On April the 14th,' Saturday night ^ _ Harry Greene . Harry Gerstelu munity Center- building .In Omalia bel Rothschild, and a son, Lafayette Harry Lapidus. Isadore Melcher Ben KlliR " I believe that with last year's ma- necessary," said Sam Beber, chair- at 7:45 P. M. all -the Boy scouts of "You men" can make that realiza' Kothschild, . a t 719 South ThirtyDirection—BARRY. BKAVIKOFF , Omaha will meet at the City Auditerial and some of the new material, T H O R P E I A N ATHLETIC tion come true, and you must do it man of the evening. eighth street. 5. THE ASS'N. DRAMATIC CLASS ', torium to participate in the annual We will have the winning team," said presents " "I believe that every man and rally held by the Omaha Council. CLUB TO HOLD NOVELTY • Mrs. Rothschild is in good health, now. The time to act is the present." Harry Kneeter, manager. DANCE. "The Florist Shop" woman in this room now, knows the This annual event is one that all except for lameness resulting from a A comedy by Winifred Hawkridge YORK EDITOR TO broken hip'when she was 85 years NEW necessity of having a building for scouts wait for each year. Every The Thorpeian Athletic club will CftBt hold one of the most unique dances of To Hold Card Social. Mr. SlovskyL_.._ .Louis Abwunwni SPEAK HERE. old. Lameness developed last Sepall gatherings in Omaha," said Harry scout will receive two tickets for Ms Maude . Harriet Fleischnun the season next Sunday evening. The The Ladies Auxiliary of the I. O. Henry ...... ...Al Hau<!!"> tember. She reads without glasses, Dr. M. Olgin, who" is editor of the H. Lapidus, when called upon to parents, and one for himself. There .....Irvin StalmaM:-! dance will begin immediately after air. Jackson.-.. . and is an interested follower of cur- Daily "Freiheit" in New York City, B. B. will hold a card social Sunday speak. * Miss Wells Hae Bervtf will speak here Wednesday evening, at-* the Loyal Hotel at 2:30; p. m. Sammy Carmell, boy violinist, gave will, be no admission charge, but the Y. M. H. A. Road Show, which rent events. SCENE—Slovsfcy's Florist Shop everyone will be required to have a TIME—The Present A granddaughter, Mrs. Dollie P. El- April 18, at the Labor Lyceum, twen- Prizes will be given at each table, several numbers and was greatly ticket. Last year 3,000 parents and will be held Sunday evening at the under the personal direction <•" jjutter, lives at 3709 Jones street A ty-second and Clark streets. Dr. 01- according to the committee in charge. applauded. Miss Agnes, Britton sang friends of- the scouts attended the Brandeis Theater. Dancing will be ProducedMBS. B. R. BOASBEBU g'randson, Mark Pollock, of Havana, gin is making a tour from New York Miss Bess Stock is chairman of the original songs, accompanied by Miss rally. This year 4,000 are expected. held until 2 a. m., according to the 6. ABKEB—KAIMAX AXI> KOSEXcommittee in charge. Special music BJL.ATT—ANNK Cuba, now on a tour of the world, to San Francisco, Calif., speaking in affair and with Mrs. Max Fromkin Lillian Chudacoff. Sarah Janoff Troop 62, th'e Y.' MI H. A. scouts, and entertainment features will be on In Songs and Dances are. the arrangement committee. The the various cities of his tour. Dr. OlAct "written and directed by cabled Mrs. Rothschild during danced. . MISS ROSE DAVIDSON are also represented in this rally, the program. the week from Sumatra, con- gin was here three years ago when he following members are on the assist7. TICKLE'MELODY MAIDS and for that reason the regular meetgratulating her. Te came to spoke before the Arts Society at the- ing committee: Rose Grodinsky, Ger- BEAVERBROOK PROMISES Saye Levey Mrs. Louis Nothnu ing will not be held next Saturday. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The anti-Setrude Levine, Anne Green, Celia STARTLING REVELATIONS Ijillian Chndacoft Omaha last year to attend her Fontenelle Hotel. Direction—51ISS LEVEY Kooper, Bess Greenberg, Nettie London. (J. T. A.) ! Lord Beaver- Every scout and his parents are mitic party "Rozwoj" has been per- S. birthday celebration, at which times "COCE'S JSAZZMANIACS" expected to be there. Every scout mitted by Premier Sikorski to resume Registration of beginners at the Abraxas and Mrs. S. Novitsky. brook, editor of the violently antifeaturing relatives were here from all parts of The Sultans «( Syncopation Semitic London Daily Express, has .who has a uniform should wear It its activities. The party was forbid- Ed Brodkey City Talmud Torah will dc&e Sunday, the country. Harry Getrosl Y. M & Y. W. H. A. NEWS. returned to London from his visit to that night/ The part taken by Troop den to function since the assassina- Willard Clarice Hnrry Holland - By request of Mrs. Rothschild, the Aril 22, and all parents are urged-to Tom Eugene Cooper Ilinil Noonan, MatoimikJr. DowneB celebration this year will be quiet. register their children within that The regular dance of the Y. M. and Palestine and announces that he will 62 will be the game "Swat the Fly." tion of the former Polish President, Darrold Specialties by Narutcwicz, members of the party beHyman Rubenstein Nathan Mnovfclii Y. W. H. A. will be held Saturday through the medium of his paper on time. Mr. E. Bloch has been appointArrayed in her best, she will receive ing suspected of complicity in the Ned Tolliuger callers at her home, but no regular | d principal and teacher at the Tal- evening. Monday evening, April 16, Sunday publish startling anti-Zionist DOXT FORGET THE Direction—NATHAN' MKOOlUN deed. the regular Y meeting will be held. revelations. Exit Mnrch mud Torah. tfrogram has been arranges^ Y. M. H. A. ROAD SHOW

More Workers Needed ' To Put Campaign Over

Crowd Packs Rooms At

Visiting Nurses' AssV

Twenty-Five Men Out for Y. M. H. A. Baseball Team

firs. Rothchild to be 101 Years Old Sunday

Y*ufm3 £ -pp



a bridge luncheon at the Lincoln Ho- Labowitz and Miss Dolly Frieden. home of Mrs. Samuel.,, Mrs; Julias tel to be given Thursday, April 19, Weil is chairman of the affair. 5683-1923. ' Mr. Sam Yukoff; of .Kansas, City, honoring Mrs. J. Hyman, of St. Louis, Rosh-Chodesh Iyar ....—.Taes^ Apr. 17 Pabltrted -mn Thursday at teak*. Hebrwfca, by Mo., is visiting with relatives. The Menorah Society of the UriJLag b'Omer Fri, May 4 Mo. *HE JEWrSBt PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. veisity of Nebraska met Sunday, Rosh-Chodesh Sivan Wed., May 16 Office: 482 Braftdejp., Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2S72. Crowd Attack Robed Figures on the Mrs. Myrtell Sach and Mrs. Charles Miss Jeanette Krupinsky, of Fre- April 8. Miss Mary Yabroff addressed Shabouth (Confirmation) mont, and Miss Naomi Fishman, of Outside. NATHAN E. GREEN"?' Manager. Day) ____—. ..™.Mort,May21 Shire have issued invitations for a Denver, Colo., were week-end guests the club on "The Occupation of the bridge luncheon to be given WednesJews," including a report ©n AntiRosh-Chodesh Tammuz ^.FrL, June '5 ..$2.(50 • Pittsburgh.—News of the vigorous Rosh-Chodesh Ab _._...Satn July 14, day, April 18, at the home of Mrs. of Miss Irene Adelson. Semitism. Mr. Fred Goldstein spoke Sach. treatment "accorded sixteen masked F a s t Of A b Advertising rates furnished on application. A Sisterhood meeting was held on the "Languages of the Jewish •',., Srni-yJnl; Z Ku Klux Klansmen who entered the Rosh-Chodesh EIul Motu. Ang."3 Mrs. Henry Schlesinger, formerly of Wednesday, April 4, at the home of People." A round-table discussion NOT PRINTED FORT PERSONAL PEOfFrP—rProfits from the publicaBellevue Methodist Episcopal Church tton of The Jewish Prea« are to be grffen to worthy eommonal caxisea. ,.Monu, Sept. 10 Lincoln, now of Berkeley, Calif., is Mrs. Morris Weil. Mrs. Weil and her followed. during Easter services Sunday has New Year's Eve. daughter, Mrs. Brown, were the hosCHAKGB O» ADDKBSS—PleMe «1T» both tl» old and new «ddrew: evoked a genuine sensation, both In Your subscription for 1923 is due expected in Lincoln to visit her tesses. The last meeting of the year TICKETS ARE S1TLL AVAILand fUa.Vonr.MBM.. Klan circles and out. Before the now. This paper is YOUR paper. friends. will be held May 2, at which meetABLE FOR Y. M. H. A* SHOW The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish sixteen could march up the aisle and ing the annual election of officers will Mrs. H. P. Finsod left for her home Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news.in addition present an envelope, to the pastor, at Ottumwa, la., after spending two be held in accordance with the byto feature* articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. the latter, Dr. R. B. Urmy, said: Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. laws of the Sisterhood. Heretofore, We Wish to Announce "Gentlemen, I shall have to ask {COUNCIL BLUFFS! M. Chapman. elections were held in September. The answered, if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, . to Our Patrons and Friends meeting will be held at the home of you to retire. You are disturbing The B'nai B'rith held an open New York City. : THAT THE SHOHTT the services here, which Is a viola- meeting Tuesday evening at the Dan* .The Hebrew Educational Society Mrs. Diamond, with Mrs. Diamond tion ofrthe law. You will be pere- ish Hall. Mr. Harry Perlemeter act- held their installation of officers Sun- and Mrs. S. Nef sky as hostesses. The OUTWITTING OUR PIFFICULTTEIS. Life does beset many peoplejon all sides. Somehow or an- fectly welcome to remain if you re- ed as chairman of the .meeting. The day, April 8, at the Ivre Club Rooms. Sisterhood is planning to hold a card is with _ other, they seem to inflict themselves with difficulties and move your disguises. Otherwise you following program was presented; A Officers installed were Hyman Brick- party the last of this month at the vocal solo, by Miss Rina Snyder, ac- er, president; Jo Cohn, vice-president; obstacles, as well as_have such inflicted upon them. ^They either must go." - FREED & KUKUN have not the spirit or the understanding to overcome. Life is As the group of masqueraders companied by Miss Janet Gilinsky; a Mae Shapiro, secretary; Ruth Evnen, Kosher Meat Market 1513 North 24th Street all too frequently a "surrender instead of, a victory, because we paused, Elmer L. Kidney, a lawyer dramatic reading, by Mr. Philip Kras- treasurer; and the council members WEbster 4330 fail to sense our own powers. We want others to do for us what and member of the church board, ne, and. an address on "The Meaning elected were Miss Helen Robinson, "Service ana Quality la Our Motto" Messrs. Max Shapiro, Harry B. Co-, we should do for ourselves, and we Jove to, sit back, and watch. seized one of the visitors and said: of America," by Rev. J. R. Perkins. We carry the best Use of Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. hen, Hyman Rosenberg and Jake PolWe are very much lilce the Israelites a t the Red Sea, the episode "You are under arrest." Writes all kinds of Mrs. Philip Friedman entertained lack. Mr. Sidney Shostak installed The Klansman broke from Mr. concerning which is read.as the Festival lesson, for^the Seventh; Bridge club at a luncheon at the the- officers. After the meeting a Day of Pesach tomorrQw morning. Of. course contingent situa- Kidney's grasp but the latter and her Fontenelle Omaha, followed dance followed. The out-of-town vistions and circumstances cannot wholly, be left put of account. \ several ushers pursued the now com- by bridge, Hotel.in Monday afternoon. itors were Miss Jeanette Krupinsky, MONHETTS Over—and super-daring, are even worse, if not in the same cate- pletely • demoralized Kluxers to the "Real Personal Service" : street and tore off the hoods of six gory as cowardice xaid -procrastination. We must endeavor. to The Mogon David club will hold an f Fremont, and Miss Helen AltschuChiropodist andBcxcty see each, matter and condition as a whole, -and; each matter and of the men. Four were recognized important meeting Sunday, April 15, er, of Omaha. Shop Phone Established 1S90 condition per se since no two are alike. We arrive eventually before the^ party managed to slip at 2 o'clock. An election of officers Mrs. Harry Lutbeg left for her Ees.—Har. 3236. 1319 W. O. W. Bids:. IRth sad Haraey Streets. and inevitably; sometimes a little later than we originally antic-l into waiting machines and drive off. will take place. Office—At 8(»1 Give us a chance to aphome in Kansas City, Mo. She was preciate yomr bnsinesa. for Attorney Kidney said later: ipated, but we arrive none the less. Haste often endangers. Thereappointment* call «Sa. VUi. accompanied "by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman is spending "I protest against a crowd of are likewise numerous people of this species. Everything must; Mrs. Louis Berkson, of Lincoln. the week with relatives in Woodbine, come or be done all at once, regardless of immediate consequences. masked men whether ,their masks are Such possess an impatience which is destructive of best efforts black or white, entering my church la. Miss Minnie Greenstone entertained and not unusually results in dire and dismal failure. Difficulties in the midst of the niost solemn ser- Miss Cylia Gershun will leave Sun- three tables of bridge Thursday, April must betremoved with care and forethought. What, would be; vice of the year and ^ frightening day to visit with relatives in Schuy- 5, honoring Mrs. Finsod, of Ottumwa, the case if the commander of an army corps would rush heedlessly women and children, and disturbing ler, Nebr. la. High honors were won by Mrs. into the fray without ai|y thought as to the safety and success of the service. It is violation of the his men! It is iHe same with everything in life. The Midrabist law and I think it has gone far Mr. Sam Schwartz returned Monday AH Orders Often Prompt sod charmingly tells that-when the Israelites saw the advancing enough* These, performances of men after visiting with relatives in KanCareful Attention. Egyptians they were thrown into confusion and became divided in white robes and hoods are a viola- sas City, Mo. " WELSH'S FLOWERS into four parties.. One favored immediate return to Egypt, another tion of the law and should" be dealt (Guaranteed) " • urged combat against the Egyptians, a third counselled throwing with as such." "FLOWEBS MAKE FRIENDS" themselves into the sea, and a fourth, suggested prayer to god.. The pastor of a Methodist Church TeL Ja, 4291, Brandels Theatre Bldff.. lW> So. 17th. St_ Omaha. To eacli of these Moses held out a different hope. So it is with at WilMnsburg, Pa., recently refused Miss Sara Friend left Wednesday ourselves. We must consider the, circumstances from every angle to accept a Bible from a group of for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where she and not move onward until and unless we are properly and fully masked Klansmen ' who entered his will remain for several weeks. On her return trip she "will visit her sister, prepared to outwit the difficulty or difficulties/ Each situation church during services. Mrs. J. Sarbach, «t Nebraska City, is different arid demands different treatment. And furthermore Nebr. Mr. Morris Friend and Mr. 25th and Farnam one mind ill treat the same situation differently. What we do VIENNA JEWISH MOVE TO IDA I. FREITEN, Prop. need are faith arid confidence in ourselves and in those with whom >••. FRUSTRATE BOYCOTT Sam Nefsky have also left for Excelwe are allied in the great'struggle. Then, and then alone, can Vienna. (J. T. A.) Jewish femidal sior Springs, Mo. we have success and victory; then, and tHen alone, can we win men of Vienna have decided to give Mrs. Eugen Schloss was called to 311 South 16th Street what we seek tp win and find in the ultimate triumph, whether the anti-Semites a dose of their own Owensboro, Ky., on account of the it come soon or late, that happiness arid joy and peace for which medicine. Phone Atlantic 8010. death of her father, Mr.\Henry Wile. our hearts have yearned.—M. N. A. G. in B'Nai B'Rith Mess. The medical faculty of the Vienna . Dancing Starts 10:30 P . M. Until 2:0O '£. M. Open Eyenings. University having announced that only : Mrs. Charles Shire entertained two ••$1.00 P E R COUPLE 'ADAMS ORCHESTRA "Aryan" students will be admitted to tables at a bridge luncheon last FriOnly Jewish Florist in town. HIS ASSAS- their:.classes, the. Jewish .Physicians day, .April 6..^Mjss^a^L Fjriend won WEDDING BOUQUETS. SINS'TRIAL. ~ Association,. numbering, more than the prize. £ 5>-.(J. C. B;)—Before 1J20Q; members, decidedI on reMrs. E. Guggenheim and Mrs. Vican audience which overflowed one of prisals. They have announced .thai the largest theaters here, Max Harden Aryan students will be barred from tor Friend have issued invitations for Lemberg. (J. T. A.)—Brutalities delivered an address concerning the that beggar description are becoming trial. of his 'would-be assassins. Heir the clinics and lectures of Jewish professors. .•,..' commonplace. here , _ • in „ the . . excution of, Harden scored the procedure and dethe *rders.of the PohBh^overnment n o u n c e d ^ ^ COINS WITH HAKENa s a m o c k e r y of for the; expulsion of the Russian and ; c ^ a n justice. He often referred to KREUZLER EMBLEMS "The Mohl" Ukrainian Jewish refugees. Despite ' t l l e eovat ^ ^ anti-Senriticy remarkDECLARED VALUELESS Residence, 1342 So. SSth St. the order of the government that the ! m g R e a l l y that it was not surpris- Prague- (J. T.-A.) Many in Prague Xel. Atlantic 6637. expulsion is to be carried out with a; ^ p e r h a p S th a t the judge, himself a will have to. pay dearly for their Place of Business, 1C29 Ko. Stth. 6t. minnnqm ^of seventy, the- agents of of . baptized Jew, should have imitated anti-Semitism. Lately the. Hakenminimum severity, the-agents Tel. Webster 2916. - the government have instituted a "impartiality" to the extent of pro- kreuzlers had become addicted to tBe voking the unjust .verdict. reign of frjghtfulness. fad of cutting the Swastika sign (em212 Courtney Bldg., Families are being torn apart, the blem of the anti-Semites) into their police seizing the refugees wherever SAMUEL CONDITIONS • 1? Dovcli* St. coins. The government has now anPARDON ON ARAB PEACE nounced that all coins bearing the they may be found and refusing them SALON L* CHARME If you could see the main body structure of even the opportunity to Join thef rest Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Sir Herbert Swastika emblejjn will lose the curNew Address o£ Samael will grant a pardon and re-> Dodge Brothers Business Coupe before the of their families and leave^the counShampoo, Manicnre, 50o—Marcel, 75c rency. : As a result, many of the antiExpert Indiridnal Service. enamel is baked on, and before the interior is try together. In some cases little lease to Abu Kish, the organizer of Semites are now possessed of money Evening or Sunday, AX. 4810. M. T. LEVY. children have been taken from their the attack on the;Jews of Petach-Ti- of value equivalent to. their speeches. famished, you would be profoundly impressed by. 11 June, 1921, if the Arabs will home'unaccompanied. The same cruel, its strength. treatment is being •accorded to the I gn'araritee to maintain peace with their Jewish neighbors in aged "men of 70 and :over. v You would see that every panel, every pillar, and SirjHedbert gave; this promise to a Circumstances are. being entirely delegation of Sheiks *who petitioned •very rib is steel—that even the door sills and ignored. Seizure forfows wherever the him;to xeieas'e their- leader. window mouldings are steeL . ........ ,„ refugees are found. The refugees Abu Kish is serving a fifteen-year then are spirited away to the borders. sentence for his activities in connecYou would see that all of these parts and sections No' attention is paid by* the police tion with.the Petach-Tikvahdisorders. are. electrically welded together into one staunch to see whether the refugee has sucsteel body, with no bolts or rivets to work loose, ceeded in getting the passpa^tef4;ickets HEBREW POET , : 1 nothing to rattle or squeak or warp. for steamers and made the necessary ••• EXPECTED. TO UVE arrangements for departure. : Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Runon, the And you would realize that, like the all-steel , Three orphaned children of B, 8 and Hebrew poet who attempted suicide That's Nebraska's Purpose Pullman coafch, this unique construction—ori^nII were recently seized in this fashion last week, is on the road to recovery, . ated by Dodge Brothers for this car—represent* and Determination ' and taken --to the Russian border according to his physicians. the last word in protection to passengers—the despite .the fact that they already had Several months ago Rimon was caspassports and tickets—all ready for. trated by an Arab, gang.- His attempt ultimate: achievement in closed car sturdtness. The Finest Clothes made of the finest fabrics sailing1 to America in a few days. at suicide was attributed, to the deby such famous makers as Kuppenheimer and The troubles of the refugees, how- pression that set in following this ever,; o|ily begin when they are taken outrage. Hickey-Freeman are priced here at only 'BRIEN-0AVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY to the" Russian-Polish border. There the Bolshevik Boldiers are on watch KILL JEWS SO YOU MAY HAVE 28th and Harney Streets, Harney 0123 CORPSES FOR.DISSECTION.. and will not permit the Polish police Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—Wholesale to leave the Jewish refugees there. pogroms on Jews are urged as a During the. hours, of the night, the refugees are rushed to the frozen means of providing corpses for the river Zbrucz, however, by the Soviet dissection rooms of the Klanusenburg That's the most you troops] and are again seized and taken University, in an article appearing in the students' publication there. The need to pay back %iq. the Polish border.. Shots are predicts that the pogroms will exchanged by the troops guarding the write]? serve a two fold object: The extermbprdefcion both sides to frighten away ination of the Jew, and the supply of The Nebraska also offers Spring Suits, Top each other. corpses. The university authorities Coats, Gaberdines of standard quality fabrics have takenthe student publication's London, Jan. 15.—(J. T. A.)—The assertion under advisement. • and ;ta.ijoring, at rebuff ;the. Duke of Devonshire administered the Arab delegation when they FORTY ROUMANIAN POGROM presented their daUns ag&inst ZionLEADERS ARRESTED ism last week* notwithstanding, the Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Forty ring^rabi'JtiU entertain some hope the • leaders of the recent anti-Jewish riot• goverhlnaent' will change the Palestine, fog j n Bucharest have been arrested, Selling the Best for Less ,This statement was made by the Minister of the Interior declared Built This Great Store the. delegation to the in Parliament today. ally Express. Despite the" Official re- ' The'minister's statement was in re" "k£ said, the' delegation has ply to a sharp interpellation on .the I»the. impression that there was-'pogroms submitted by the Socialist hope for ~an~ improvement, deputy Pistiner, who inquired what i a tfieVjpbllcy in their, favor* He de- jthe government had done' to cheek the ' " " *"' " " delegation-intends to.anti-Jewish uprising commenced last h\ s CQRSECT AJPPARET^OR, BJEN Aln>;,WbMENte=3==s= three days.



Masked Klansmen Hurled Out Of Methodist Church



J. Schukert







Kel-Pine Dancing Academy /

Special Entertainment} )

Scenes of Horror Mark ^ Expulsion of Refugees



Keep the Prices Down







1 1

. t

PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1823 Mr* and Mrs. Edwin K&schbra-an League at the Labor Lyceum last the American Legion, following an ad- Governor Cox, and to have lauded Chairman Campbell in referring to {entertained at a dinner party Friday Sunday. H. Bondarin acted as chair- dress by Lewisohn before the German- German ideals. the speech said that Lewisehn had "inevening at their home. man of the meeting. Mr. L Morgen- istic Society here. ~ -* "Can you conceive of a German sulted every American who died in stern delivered a short talk on the Lewisohn is alleged to have stated statesman with but the average men- France,.,, every disabled soldier ^ Mrs. Harry Kosenfeld will entertain never to be forgotten genius of Pe- in his address that America's present tality of an American statesman.?" lies in a hospital today and every man at a luncheon Friday afternoon. retz. Mr. Ansel personified the well- spirit, if continued, would end with Lewisohn is alleged to have asked. who fought in the American army." Mrs. Louie Greenstone, of Lincoln, known monologue, "The Insane Bat- a complete denial of the value of Nebr., who has been visiting here with talion." Jack Belmost gave a violin ideals. He is charged also with havMrs, David Newman, returned Mon- solo, and Miss Helen Relkes sang the ing spoken depreciatingly of the abillast words of Peretz, "Stiller, Still- ity of President Harding and former day t a her home. er," accompanied by Miss Lillian Robinson. Miss Mary Ruback played Mr. and Mrs. Henry'Eosenthal have returned from Excelsior Springs, Mo. Chopin's funeral march. The Library Drive of the Culture Over two hundred were present at League will be held this Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg an- the masquerade party by the Aufleb- Every Jewish home will be solicited ENGAGEMENTS nounce the birth of a baby daughter ung Club Sunday evening, April 8, at for books and cash donations. Mr. and Mrs. ^en^EoftEteitt -wishes on Friday, April 6, at the Wise Me- the Jewish Community Center. Three to announce th& • engagement of their morial Hospital. Mrs. Greenberg was prizes were given for the best The First Anniversary of the Jewwho can play at weddings and sing at parties daughter, Sarah, ;tp. Mr. Milton Simon, formerly Miss Bluma Kogan, of Min- costumes. A regular meeting of the ish Culture League will be celebrated with a banquet at t i e Loyal Hotel on son of; Mr; and J. J. Simon, of will play or sing at your entertainment. H e club will be held Sunday evening. A April 22. For reservations call Miss this city. No definite date has been neapolis, Minn. social program will follow the regular Robinson at Webster 5161. set for the weeding: guarantees to give you great pleasure. For At the regular meeting of the Oma- business meeting. LEGION OFFICIAL DENOUNCES Mr. andMrs.:Sam Klaus, of Phila- ha Junior Hadassah,held Wednesday information call Telephone, Webster 3485. Miss Pauline Mills, of St. Paul, LUDWIG LEWISOHN delphia, Pa., announce the engagement afternoon, April 4, at the Jewish ComCincinnati. (J. C B.) Ludwig Lewof their daughter, Sarah, to Mr. Sammunity Center, plans were made for a Minm, who has been visiting with her Kresta£ of this^ty.! son of Mr. andparty to be held at the home of Miss sister, Mrs. Ben Goldner, xetumed to isohn, author of "Up Stream* and asIs an. important factor sociate editor of the "Nation," was Mrs. D&vid Krestal. No date has been Gertrade Cooper on Wednesday even- her home. in the buying or ing. April 18.. Miss Ann Greenberg denounced by Milton B. Campbell, set for'the wedding. " . Mrs. Sol Degen and daughter Hazel, is chairman of this affair,. • •• chairman of the Americanization who have been spending.the past two Committee of the Ohio Department of Diamond Mrs.' M. Gbldenberg entertained months in California, returned home Tuesday afternoon at hex home at COME AND SEE THE •Faith In the merchant is LOCAL TALENT AT Monday. vital to tne purchaser's bridge dEoj-thiity guests honoring her satisfaction and is the THE Y. M. H. A. SHOW daughter,- Mrs. -Hi D. .Sher, of Los foundation upon which ' The Daughters of Israel Aid Society AUCTION!! Angeles, Calif;, "who is visiting- at the this institution has built Mr. Harold Brodkey, who has been will hold their regular monthly meetOur entire stock of jewelry, ^ horne. up its ever increasing spending the week here with Mr. ing next Tuesday afternoon at the watches and diamonds to be list of satisfied .cus. All m 0^ the Jewish Women's Jarvis P. Freiden, left to -join his Jewish Old Peoples' Home at Twentysacrificed to the highest bidder. tomers. 7 Our entire stock valued at over Welfare Orgarnration are ^earnestly parents, at Chicago, BL fifth and Charles Streets. §: Chance in a life time to buy an up-to-<iate $50,000 must be sold. requested to attehd"~the next meeting, Miss Helen Altschuler is visiting in Ye Uadies The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah AUCTION NOW GOING ON. #Ready-To-Wear Store. Established 14 |: Tuesday, May 1, to discuss and vote Lincoln, Nebr., at the home of Miss will hold its regular monthly meeting Diamonds years. * Store and fixtures strictly modern. In Come and see for yourself. upon the-Nebraska Constitution. Mrs, S: Wednesday, April 25, at the Jewish center of business district. Best city of 10,000 I. Eosenthal ia chairman of the con-Irene Adelson. Shoppt stdtutiai|d^c<iinmUicei The other mem- Miss Lottie Hirschberg -will be Community Center, Plans for a card in the middle west. Owner wishes to retire. Invites yoar inspection Established 1892 bers of1?tlie^ committee include Mes- hostess to the Ra Oth Society Sun- party will be made at the meeting. of its splendid stock at Will sell with or without stock* 1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 most reasonable prices. dames N. Mantel, H. A. Wolf, Philip day, April 22, at her" home. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubinstein anYou can readily "sell Sher, David. P. Feeder, David Rosen-p Rose Rubin entertained them last 1 nounee the birth of a baby daughter, yourself* a diamond •stock and S.~.-JL gchaefer." ' Sunday at Phelps Hut. Prizes were born Wednesday, March 28, a t the from our enormous stock at a price satisMr. ^nd Mrs. Sam ZIotky, of Fre- won by the Misses Stella Trochten- [Nicholas Senn Hospital. • factory to you. IS YOUR WATCH A TIME ^ h birth b i h of f a berg, Flora Bienstock, and Esther Mr. and Mrs. Charles • Kirschbraun mont, ^febr., announce the The weights and prices baby sdh, born on Friday, April 6, at Zalk. PIECE OR AN ORNAMENT? will entertain at dinner Saturday at are plainly marked on the Stewart Maternity Hospital. Mrs. the ticket and we give their home. Bulova watches are guaranMr. Sidney Morris entertained^ at you our expert advice ZIotky |was formerly Miss Lillian teed to give full satisfaction or his home during the past week honor- Mrs. M. Rosenstein, of Sioux City, as to Duality, color, catvey, of $this city._ will be replaced free of charge. ting, etc., of every is visiting in Omaha with her ing Mr. Herbert Robinson, who is diamond sold. The Council of Jewish Women will spending; his spring sehool vacation sisters, .. Mesdames J. Miller, C. hold thfeir regular Board of Directors here with his parents. Schlanfc and A Brown. OUR POUCY Tho best at the prlca. Ton meetin^Mpnday afternoon at the Jew| Editor of tiie Daily "Freiheit" in^ New most b« satisfied. Mrs. Louis Hfller and little daugh- Mr. A*.;. Goldman, of Minneapolis, ish Community Center. Jost received a afttpsMnt ter, Marjorie, ate spending the week Minn., who has been visiting here of tl» very £ine«t bln« York City, will speak Wednesday evening, wfclte diamonds ever Shawn Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sommer have as in Colorado Springs, Colo. They are ! with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gerber, expects 17 jewel, 18 karat $37.50 -their ho,use guest Mrs. Sam Cohen, of expected home the latter part of the to return to his home the early part April 18, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and It Tm Onr Aim to A large selection at $15 and up. Paducah, Ky., and Mr. William Sho- week. of next week. . Always Display the .. 1 Latest Creations lem, off Harrison, 111. t » Clark Streets. The Flalasfceck Jewelry Co. at Mr. Joe Rice, of Sioux City, la., arMrs. I. Ferer left Wednesday for MrsJiSanvJKaplan will entertain at Kansas City, Mo-, where she will visit rived here during the past week to Ye Diamond Shoppe DIAMONDS AND PLATINUM SPECIALISTS No children admitted. "Admission 50c. a luncheon at the; Brandeis Tea Rooms with friends after which she will leave make his home here with his brother, 1514 Doage Street Tuesday afternoon, honoring Mrs. L. for St. Louis, Mo. I Mr. S. A. Rice, and Mrs. Rice. Established 1S5H ' JAckson 5619 J. Seheehter, of Indianapolis, IIKL, and THAT LAST Mr.-and Mrs. Samuel Wertheimer Mrs. Emanuel Simon, of Madison, Miss Sara Miller, of Dahrth; Minn., sfcarned Wednesday from, an extended Wis., trip to Honolulu. er, Mrs'. A. Sblig.' sister, Mrs. Morris Goldman, left Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich Mrs. R. Kulakofsky and son, Earl, Monday for her home.' , who have been spending' the past , . Miss Razella Verbin and Mr. Abner are in Excelsior Springs, Mo. three months in California, are e x - Verbiny of Fremont, spent Sunday in Mrs. Charles Schimmel Trill enterpected home Thursday evening. Omaha. tain at a bridge luncheon Tuesday Ganz and. son, certified pubDuring the month of April, Rabbi afternoon at the Blackgtone Hotel. lic accountants, wish to announce to Frederick Cohn, of Temple Israel, will their friends and customers of the exchange pulpits with two Rabbis of JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE MEETS change of location of offices to Suite neighboring- cities. The first of these The E. L, Peretz memorial meeting 434 to 440 Peters Trust Building. exchanges will be made this Friday was held by the Jewish Culture ~ 6 evening sad Saturday morning, April MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO 13 and 14, when Rabbi Isadore IsaacBE AT-THE Y. M. H. A. SHOW son, of Sioux City, la., win occupy J. Zangven W. W. Crade Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Gershun and the pulpit in Omaha and Rabbi Cohn Estimates Furnished daughter, Shirley-Flora, motored into wfll occupy the pulpit in Sioux City, .:•? Carefully Omaha, and spent the first part of l a . : . / • • " . " . • " ' • :: '• . - , . • the Passover with their folks, Mr. and On the following Friday evening O. Wolf son.. and Saturday morning, Rabbi Cohn Miss Helen Rubinsohn, of Denver, wfll deliver-bis sermons at St. Joseph, Colo., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mo., and Rabbi Garris J. August, of 'Also Paper Hanging St. Joseph, wfll be at the Temple in Sam. Marcus, and family. Omaha to deliver his sermons here. 1521 No. 19th St., Omaha A soil, Richard Alan, was bora to Phone Web. 1087. Mrs. H. Steinberg has as her house Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Koolish, of HARDWOOD SPECIALTY. Los Angeles, Calif., on "Saturday, guest i e r sister, Mrs. H. Dreifus, of Alvian, Nebr. March 31.

Your Friend




• ' • • • • *







Goldstein Jewelry Co.


Address, Jewish Press, Box No. 200.





The Talk of the Town





Y.M,-'Y.W.H.A. Vaudeville Show

Mrs. Joe Meyers and children returned Tuesday from a visit in Kansas City, Mo., and Excelsior Springs, Mo., with her.Bister, Mrs. P. Goldstein. Mr. s*i& Mrs. "Joe Rosenfeld will entertain at a dinner party Saturday evening. Mrs. Abe Green, of Nashville, Tenn., is the guest of her parents, r. xtnd Mrs. A. Goldstein. Mrs. Herman Janoff entertained at dinner Sunday evening, honoring the birthday of her daughter, Sarah. Mrs. Izadore Sommers is ill at her home. The Misses Bernice and Reva Kulakofsky arrived home Saturday after-from the University of Michi, to spend their vacation here. Over seventy-five inembers were present at the regular monthly meetjog of the Temple Israel Sisterhood. to. Monday afternoon, April 9, at the. Temple. Mrs. I. Rosenthal acted as, chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldstein and: daughter, Frances Marie, motored from Missouri Valley, la., to -visit with .Mr. Goldstein's -parents, Mr. and MrsI A. Goldstein. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Newman announce the- birth of a baby daughter, ^n Monday, April 9. Mrs. Newman .was formerly Miss Sadie Snader, of n,, Nebr. TICKETS FOR THE ¥• M. H. A, . SHOW ARE STIfcL AVAILABLE

BRANDEIS Phone for Demonstration

Phone for Demonstration

STAR CARS T h e most-talked of ear in America"

Sunday Evening, April 15, 8:15 Sixty of Omaha's most talented entertainers In , . two and one-half hours of mirth, melody, songs and dances

Built of high grade standard units Red Seal Continental motor. Honey Comb, non-freeze radiator. Tiroken axels, front and rear. . . Spicer drive, shaft and joints. Timkea bearing throughout. Hollow crank shaft with force .feed ofling. systenii . _ . . 48 inch rear springs. ' ', • • ' 34 inch front springs. Worm steering gear. Standard 8 speed transmission. 102 inch wheel ba|e.

Over 30,000 Star Cars built since • Jan. 1, 1923. • • Over 800 now running in Nebraska.

Andrew Murphy & Son he. 14th & Jackson St.

53 years in business.

Good Reserved Seats AreStill Available Boxes, $1.50; Orchestra and Balcony, $1.00 ; * Tickets for 2nd Balcony (unreserved) are nowrasale-SOc •«& _, ^ NO WAR TAX Produced, Directed and Presented by Your Own Boys and Girls


THE JEWISH PRESS I that instead of sending : out the large flocked to his' standard from London, and purpose to "The Britons.'.'' In ing out to them the injustice and salem, was welcomed at a joint meetibook j 'containing'the Protocols, the Berlin' and Paris, far off-Manchuria June, 1920, he writes to E. G. Liebold, wrong of agitation against "the Jews, ling of the Zionist Executive and Naconclusions be summarized on a sin- and' Constantinople. Mr. Ford's: secretary, suggestingithat the J. C. B. correspondent is informed tional Council of Palestine Jews. Reby one who recently returned to plying to the • greetings delivered by Among them came one as the offi- his chief: • Washington from Berlin and had oc-Mr. Ussishkin and IJavid Yellfo, who cial representative of The Britons who "Incorporate a society -which ^ but all the English-speaking coun- presented the following letter of in- have for its aims and purpose^ the casion to learn the ambassador's expressed the hope t h e ' professor would settle in. Palestine to Jabor in fcY I/EON LEWIS. again with fresh lists of gullible prop- tries. After a few moments1 of con- troduction: stimulating of propaganda, both-Writ- friendly activities. (Copyright, 1023, Jewish -Correspondence erty owners who had been excited al-j C entrated effort the copy was ready, the interests of science an,dfee.JewThe ambassador, in his conversa"The Britons have heard that the ten and spoken, the basic obligation Bureau.) " -, most to the panic .point by the Morn- "Jewry UberAUes!". was the slogan leading Rabbis of America have pro- of which shall be that only American tions, is said to have pointed out that ish cause.: Professor Einstein voiced' A former New York detective, now ing Post's exaggerated accounts of decided upon as a title for this tour nounced the Protocols a forgery. Ma- citizens. who recognize their Unquali- the American government was entire- his admiration of the Jewish, work the Grand Goblin of "theKu'Klux unrest among the masses. Visitors de force. Within a few days thou- jor-General Count Tcherep Spirido- fied allegiance to this country ag su- ly out of sympathy with the anti- done in Palestine. He was convinced, Klan, an American.college president, followed one another to'consult with sands of them were in the mail and vitch, .who is visiting America, is au- perior to their allegiance to any other Semitic- campaign, and that Germany he tsaid,;only Zionism "can heal the a general in the army of the late Dr. J. H. Clarke, the man who had"The Britons" at small expense were thorized by the above society to ex- country,.society, church or race, shall was risking • the - loss of much of the sick Jewish soul.'| T-'On. his ; return to Nicholas Romanoff,^the -leader.'of. a conceived the idea of playing upon making a big showing, of. activity in plain to American audiences the com- be eligible for membership, an# its good-will/ of the United States; by Europe, he declared, he would bring British '"patriotic" "society,' a"'New and exploiting for his personal gain the noble cause of "Jew-Baiting." A plete genuineness of these documents. particular antagonism hyphenated cit- continuing in the present •; course. this message to the whole Jewish York lawyer, a. wealthy" nianufactur- the fears of the upper classes. Many special edition, .was prepared for 1 "John H. Clarke, V. P.". izenship .and super citizenshipC It Houghton further called attention to world. of those \vho called were Russians, American consumption and' sent to Professor Einstein will visit Teler and an ex-American aviator, conHe brought with him a complete should not admit persons who do.'not the contributions Jews had made in stitute the dramatis persoiiae of the members of the old aristocracy or for-, American ' Legion Posts by an ex- file of anti-Semitic literature pub- recognize the fact that their firsthand every walk of German life, showing Aviv, the Jewish municipality near following comedy of-coincidences: .• mer iOfficers in the Imperial Russian American aviator, named Frazier Cur- lished by "The Brjtons," including, of unqualified allegiance is to America." how detrimental to its own progress Jaffa, while here. the anti-Semitic movement is. army or navy, eager to lend their unThe first scene is in an office in" reserved assistance to any movement tis, who, for certain reasons, pre- course, copies of the "Jewry Uber ' The gerrhof an organization such ferred residence in -London to his jiaAllies" circular, which was promptly as . Daniels - was urging ,was alrfeady Oxford .street, London, the headquar- that might -encompass -the restoration Vienna. (J. T. A.) According to ters of ~"The Britons." The motto of of a monarchical regime in their na-> tive Boston; A fae-simile of one of reprinted for American" distribution in existence.. In Atlanta, Ga., • a^fif / EINSTEIN TO LECTURE ON unconfirmed reports here,, a Reputathis association of patrioteers-^-"Brit- tive land. It was upon them that Dr. these, received by the American Le- by The Bechwith Company (one of men had in 1917 banded together "to RELATIVITY IN JERUSALEM. tion of native Austrian Jews has apain for Britons"—has a familiar ring Clarke and his colleagues, Lord Alfred gion Post a t Butte, Morit.^ was repro- the cover names-sunder which Dan- save America for-Americana" by', exJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Professor proached the Hakenkreuzler leader, duced at the time in a pamphlet ex- iels and his Russian friends conduct- ploiting the elements of racial;;and and its purpose "to protect the* birthAlbert Einstein wjll lecture on the Riehl, suggesting an alliance between right of Britons, and to eradicate alien Douglas (the "friend" of .Oscar. posing ; the forged "Protocols" dis- ed" their distribution of anti-Semitic religious friction within our midsts. theory of relativity before a mixed the Jews, the National Socialists and international financial influences from Wilde), were chiefly dependent for tributed by the": anti-Defamation literature). But he brought more But these men had the obsession that audience here. The professor and histhe Hakenkreuzler in order to combat : ' than that. He was able to give the it was the Roman Catholic andrnot "our politics-and industries" gives the the forgeries and fabrications distrib- league the "East European Jewish danger." Americans who were new to this kind the Jew who was responsible for' all wife are staying at the government uted by "The Britons" .to editor?, ^ ^ ^ at 20 Broad next is s clue, to the obvious camouflage of simhouse as Sir Herbert Samuel's guests. Although no /verification of the reilar, organizations in Hungary, Ger- clergymen and other leaders of ?ub- s t r e e t > N ? w York City, the office of of propaganda explicit information on the ills of the world and were bent on The author of the theory of rela- port has been forthcoming, no denials many. Austria, Poland and "the -United lie opinion. , ' C. C. Daniels, the man, retained, to the "workings, of the variotus foreign the holy mission of saving America have been made by any of native JewStates. In the winter of 1919 the, ofOne of these visitors, a Russian plan and direct the; investigations of organizations. He was able to prove for Protestants. The organization had tivity, who is interested in the pro-ish leaders. jected Hebrew University of Jerufice in Oxford , street was seething- high in the councils of the -Whites, tiie "Jewish Menace" in America un- to them the -desirability of a constit- been in" existence for three'years,. Irat with anxiety. Applications -for 'mem- has brought' tp Dr. Clarke some dertaken by the -wealthy automobile uency that could be secured by or- had made little progress. Outside of bership were piling in from ."Britons months. before- a* manuscript copy, o t manufacturer. The time is the early ganizing a society of super patriots Atlanta "it was practically unknown. —men and women over eighteen ..who The 'Protocols of'tBe Learned; Elders] summer of 1920. For. two months "to protect the birthright of Ameri(To Be Concluded Next Week;) cai* prove their-parents and-grandpar- of Zion,>hich "the. Britons" had pub-; Daniels and his conferes had been cans and to eradicate alien internaWHOWSSAtB ents, were of British]blood."' Agents lished under the title of "The Jewish; studying the plan of" operation of The tional financial influences from our bustled in reporting the* results <<? Peril," gaining thereby the favorable, Britons, the awakening Magyars, and politics and industries." He as able tT. S. AMBASSADOR IN BERLDjf Druggists and Stationers their fund solicitation to save'Eng- consideration of certain reactionary; various German bunds. The. unlim- to explain how under this camoflage URGED FRIENDSHIP 401-403-405 South 10th Street 'One of America's Great Hotels" the most diverse groups of reactionland from Bolshevism ,an"d:hurried out groups all over the western world.; ited funds placed at his disposal made TO JEWS, HE SAYS But the cost of distributing bulky: it possible to secure.co-operation of aries would find it possible to com- Berlin. (J. C. B.) United States volumes such as "The ..Jewish Peril": propagandists from those European bine on a common program of activ- Ambassador to Germany, 'Allan; *T. . . "•% . : Houghton, took: it: upon Mmself "..reate too deeply into the funds which countries where 'the development of ity. WASH AND KEEP WELL Dr. Clarke - was- collecting- and for anti-Semitism had been reduced to a It is not. surprising, therefore, to cently .to make unofficial' representaPhone 104 A RULE OF. HEALTH which he owed no one an accountingi science. Many of the same ^Russians find Mr. Daniels recommending1 to tions .to and use his influence with The Best of Everything in Flowers and Confections at Moderate Prices. FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY He, therefore,'welcomed the sugges;- who had been the ; active aids of Dr. his" employer that an organization be leading Germans, in government and S45 W. Broadway, Next ttberty Theater Clarke now became regular visitors at founded in America similar in scope private circles, with the view of point1819 California Street. COCNCIIi BLUFFS. IOWA. tion made by his distinghished visitor the Broad street .office. With their TO AND FROM advice and assistance elaborate outALL PARTS OF lines of plans for attack were preEMIL GANZ & SON THE WORLD pared arid forwarded for approval to Carpenter Paper Co. Certified Public Accountants Henry Ford's headquarters:, at DeDistributors ot EFFICIENT ana RESPONSIBLE 434 to 440 Peters Trust Bldg. LACKDBT. . troit. One of these was published in INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Western Bond—and High 1307 Howard St., Omaha, ..Neb.: • VThere your clothes come home Audits, Investigations and Systems Grade Stationery ' ATlantic 0340. " ' EMIli GANZ a P. A. V. M. GANZ the December issue of the News. cleaner end last longer. Office Phones: : The preamble of another reads as Omaha. Nebraska. ATlantic 0380. 1501-11 Jackson St. Phones, Jaekson 4313, 4314. follows: "The following brief hos H. A. JACOBBEKGER. Pres. been prepared in consultation in order that as full a view as possible of Omaha Office: 81S Douglas Street. the Jewish question throughout the Omaha Phono Atlantic 2556 world may be at hand, and as a basis Ford Transfer & Storage Co. for investigation and attack. It has E. A. FORD. Every Known Kind been thought advisable to include a President and General Manager. Council Bloc's (Iowa) Office resume of the conditions as/they exof Insurance WHOLESALE PAPER, 924 So. Main Street. Fhone S65 ist not only in America, iut .in the : STATIONERY, ETC. 209 W. O. W. Bldg. ;JA. 3944. world at .large, and thereby will natDistributors for. urally follow the methods which must Pink Tip Matches — ' be followed in order to find the facts XJBS CS DO IOTOWEUHNG \ which are known to exist and also to Northern Toilet Tissue One Dckar Is Worth Two This Week. Come in OCR TREATMENT WILL -propagandize these facts among the CONVINCE TOU OF OCR 1112 Harney Street Tomorrow While We Have Plenty to Select From. S1.NCEBITT. American people.* Those of us who ATlantic 6409 Trust Department. have been working intensively on the THE CAREFUL WELDERS Safety Deposit Boxes. TeL JA. 4397. - Anything ;: Anytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. subject for the past two months, and [also those who have been studying 'the situation for a longer period, beThis Beautiful Never • In our 64 years of Piano lieve that the whole question is of Player Plane business. have we been able to of{Temptation Besets You fer such fine, high-grade Instru• such tremendous ' magnitude, is so COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. ? m e n t s a t such attractive prices. When You Enter fraught with danger to our Anglo"Manufactured in Omaha" They have been thoroughly over: Saxon civilization, and to the freedom Service is Our Motto hauled by*our factory experts and CANDIES, ICE' CREAM, < and democracy of America, that it will BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Safe Deposit Boxes for Cent. made just .like new. Prices and LUNCHES. be essential to summon to the conterms hav.e been cut to the quick test, which is now openings every In order to move this tremendous stock. We must have room. available influence that it is possible for us to procure.. To accomplish, the result to be attained, the most per16th and FarnanT Streets fect, teamwork should be secured and BUTTER and EGGS Crystal Candy Company a carefully considered .plan so subCouncil Bluffs, la. 16th and Capitol "Ave.:> divided as to have as little everlapping as possible-adopted." :

"Tbe Han for thePbtce Is Henry Ford"Texas Klan Organ On Subject Of Presidency


E. E. Bruce & Co.

FRED I . SHAW Flower Shop

Steamship Tickets




Have profited by our




The Bonn & Jensen Company

Council Staffs Savings Bank



Baker Ice Machines




ITEN BISCUIT CO. Snow White Bakeries

Quaker Bread Made With Milk'

JA ckson 1862

Attorne.y Notices of Incorporation of . THE PACISil OF AMERICA Notice^ is hereby t given that the undersigned have, in pursuance of the- laws of the State of Nebraska: 'organized a i corporation; the name of the' corporation . is THB FACISTI OF AMERICA, irtth its of COUNCIL. BLUFFS principal place of business in the. City of We pay 4% Interest on on Saving. Omaha;, the objects for which;the corporation Is formed are-to farther the best and Time Deposits. interests of all American citizens by procuring and enforcing jugt and equitSafe Deposit Boxes for Bent. able laws, engendering a closer relationship of pure Americanism, upholding the constitution, of the United States and the several' states, farthering the sovereignty of the States, preventing and eliminating the causes of mob'violence and lynching, and upholding' the rights of a free and enlightened people to . choose their, own religion and to worship God accreting to the dictates of their' own- hearts; any white male person of the- age of twentyone years or upwards, who-is a; native or naturalized citizen of the United. States and has never committed the crime of treason, rape and murder, shall be eligible lo membership; the officers shall be a Grand Ijictor, Vice-Grand Lictor. Imperial Scribe and Imperial Guardian, shall be elected for term of two years or until Made from your own feathers. Warm In winter; cool In summer. Cost leBS their snecessors are elected and qualified; nhd last longer.than cotton. Phone us subordinate officers shall be appointed ^y for samples of ticking and estimates. the Grand Lictor; headquarters of the organization shall be located at Omaha, Nebraska, and.not changed for ten years; OMAHA PILLOW CO., the parent body shall have' power to 1907 Gamine St. Phone 3A ckson 2467 issue charters, confer initiative degrees, obligations, signs - and • ceremonies, and Grand Lictor, Imperial Scribe' and Imperial Guardian shall be the sole judges as to whether or not 'any aubordinnte organizations shall be (riven charter; all moneys, received.- collected or , donated 109 No. 16th St. Tel JAckgon S128 shall be paid into-the office of the ImOpposite Post-Offlre. perial Scribe to be expended by the GOOD SHOES for Men: and Boys parent organization, - provided • that all such moneys shall be spent in. the From $3.00 to $9.00. furtherance and propagation of this GOOD FURNISHINGS. organization; temporary officers now existing - shall hold office until the third of April, 1923. when permanent officers shall be elected for next two. years; articles of incorporation shall be amended by threefourths vote of the delegates of tba subordinate .organizations in regular convention assembled. • " : Wall Receptacles— In wttnes?L-V*ereof\ve hare hereunto set our^hagfis this 20th day of March, Oght—WIRIKG—Power EDGAR I. FULLER, '—Bell Transformers A.- H.'GIBBS.- JOE JACOBS. •. ;WAInut 3034. 40 & Cnming Sta.

City National Bank



The. "sources of help" were not difficult to find. As; soon as it became known tKat America's" automobile king had .cleveloped; Hebromania, they

(Begv O. 8. Pat. Office.)






McCord-Brady Co.

Feather Mattresses

Emerson Laundry F. 8. HORff?. Prop.

Phone WebSter 0820



than H,

John Feldman

np.f*« J

lJ Pepper, Vlce-PwiMent:

Jti Pe . a! V n. qnftarf

Omaha Fixture & , Supply Co. .' QQMHiETE STORE AND ' OFFICE OUTPITTRES We occapj


Oomer ' Streets.,






~i •» t.'^f' .



i Omaha



Trade in your (Ad Biano &3 a first payment on any new Upright, Grand or Player Piano in our stock, and start your payments in 30 days. REMEMBER,- WE HAVE MORE THAN 20 WORLD-RENOWNED MAKES FOR YOUR SELECTION. •*_..!;•:.-


with any NEW ELAYSR PIANO to the first 10 buyers this weeki Boll Cabinet or Floor Lamp and $10.00 worth of Jlayer Rolls of * their orwn selection. *

You don't have to be a home owner to take advantage of our most liberal terms. Call tomorrow and get first choice ol these wonderful bargains. — - ^ • • • • « • • _

Bargains in Used Pianos —note the extremely low prices Stehmay Square Grand S 5 0 HaUett & Davis Upright {$100 Chlckering Upright .... S 5110 Yos.2 & Son Upright ....{5140 Kimball Upright .......{5155 Scliaeffer Upright $175 Steger & Son Upright . . $ 2 2 5

lifansfield Player ....... $ 1 5 8 Hartford Player §275 SchmoUer & Mueller PI. $ 2 9 8 Artemis Player .$310

$2,125 Steimvay Grand, mahogany case, netr . . . . $ 1 , 0 0 0 Whatever your needs are in musical instruments we have what you want at the price you want to pay. In our Immense store, the largest and oldest in the middle west, we have everything from 25c mouth harps to golden stringed Baby Grands. Gentlemen Please aend -me fall detailed description of the I have marked"X." I am Interested in the purchaae of a (Grand), PInao) to co»t 9 TTTiat have rou and (Upright),

at what terms T

SJlluellerPiam 13M16-I8-Doa4e St.

First National Bank





2224 Cuming St. Phone JAckson 1226

"If Its Worth Anything r—Have It Insured."




Top and Body Building and Repairing. CUEXAIXS—MGHTS^-ETC.

PFEIFFER 252S. Leavenworth St.

Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts.

ATlantic 0701

American Wet Wash Laundry 2803 Cuming: Harney 0 8 8 1 One Day Service. No Extra Charges. Refmite Soft Water.

Your position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.

Leo A. Hoffmann * ' • • • or * * • Hoffmann Funeral Home.

PAXTON BILLIARD FARL6R : .: J NICK. & WRANIO, Eroprietor 15ie Farnam Street. Baattaont. _ . Phome J A okmn «S«.



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