a postage stamp, a
Life is not so short bat J < - that there is always tint® |
his ability to stick to a thing till hje^^ts there. "—Jos. CliaKis^i'ti
N'fv %
enough for, courtesy.— I • Emerson.
Entered as second-class mail, matter on January 27tb. 1921. at postofflee at Omaha, Nebraska^ under the Act of March 3, 1K9.
Banquet-and Banquet To Be Held At 6 P v M.—Open- Meeting To Be Held At Brandeis Theater In The Evening. : - r:-- ",'. Omaha Jewry will assemble en masse next Thursday evening to greet Dr. Chaim Weizmanhi<<Re spokesman for the Jewish: people. ••;.-••,•".'• t - - - '-_•• •••'-• , H a n s and preparations ^ are bemfemade to invite notables to attend t h e reception to this great Jewish leader. Delegates from t h e neighboring states -of Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, and Western Missouri win be here to attend the reception and m a s s meeting. . The neighboring communities of Sioux City, DesMoines, St. Joseph and Denver have already appointed-representatives to be here. : This is the first time that the Jewry of Omaha Jhave ever had t h e opportunity to.have Dr. Weizmann visit this;.City. According to the committee in charge of the arrangements lor this celebration, Dr. Weizmann will deliver a message that will be of interest to the entire public. Dr. Weizmann mil arrive in Omaha Thursday, April 26, at 3:30 p. m. It is expected that a large number of people -will be at the depot to meet this honorable visitor. Besides Dr. "Weizmann, Ttabbi Samuel Sale of S t Louis^and Rabbi F. Chiechanowitz of News York \rill Tbe here to deliver messages of importance to the entire •Jewry.
the larger cities throughout the east, campaigning for Palestine. Wherever he goes Dr. Weizmann is greeted by throngs of Jews, who turn out to honor the great Jewish leader. Upon his arrival to Newi York from England several weeks ago, it is estimated that close, to.100,000 Jews filled the streets of the metropolis to have
AN OPEN LETTER MANIFESTO TO THE JEWS OF OMAHA AND f ICINITY On Thursday, Aprii 26th, 1923, Dr. Chaim Weizmann of "London, President of the World Zionist Organization, the head . of the officially • recognized Jewish agency in Palestine and spokesman for the Jewish people in the di^Eomatic circles of the world, will be-the,guest, of Omaha Jewry. No man in Jewish .life has deserved more of our people than Dr. Chaim Weizmann. .No Jew living has reflected such glory on his people and i a s attained such a record of achievement as our distinguished guest. The historic Balfour Declaration was the result; of his efforts; the San Remo Mandate -was very largely the product-of his genius and labon the creation of the Jewish agencyVin .Palestine was the crowning feature of his statesmanship; . . • , , - : These monumental,achievements for the Jewish people were brought into being as a-result of gigantic labor, on his part, Tmder-tremendous obstacles,'and at times in the face of the most bitter opposition the world over. Weizmann's name will live, in Jewish history ( with the' greatest statesmen and champions of the .Jewish'people. The" chapter that he has written in the annals of our. people will be as eternal as the Jewish, people. . , .^ The world has given recognition to Weizmann. It has acclaimed him as a: scientist and it has honored Mm as a statesman. "Balfour, Lloyd' George, Clemenceau and the other great statesmen of this decade recognize Weizmann as one of the master statesmen of the age. It is fitting and,proper that the Jewish people give due recognition to their great leader and welcome him to Omaha with a sense of joy and -with a feeling of padeT On April 26th the greatest Jewish reception in the history of this section of the country will take place in honor of the foremost living Jew. Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas arid Western Missouri will participate in this extraordinary event through imposing delegations. Omaha, however, has been designated as the reception _city and, has thereby,..been..honored to an extraordinary degree. Omaha therefore must assume the great responsibility of .tender• ing Dr.•Weizmsnn a;^c^ponvwWch* 1 !fffl-^t^|^^Befe«reriirimortal leader, and" which will reflect credit on its Jewish citizency^ Jews of Omaha—young and old—rich and poor—reform and' orthodox—Zionists and non-Zionists—participate in this momentous reception and pay your- respects to the greatest living Jew! The state, and .city officials -will honor him after their "manner, but it is incumbent upon the Jews to receive Weizmann in the spirit of traditional Jewish hospitality and to make him feel every moment that-he spends in our community^ that Omaha, Jewry stands with him at this critical hour of Jewish history. (Signed) WEIZMANN EECEPTION COMMITTEE.
April 16, 1923. Mr. Harry H. Lapidus, 11 Douglas Sfc, City. Dear Friend, Harry: Ton will undoubtedly be surprised to receive this letter, fall of reproaches, -and : you will probably stop and,think "why pick on me," there are two reasons, first I consider yoa a friend of mine, second as the head of the Community Center drive, I thought you would be the proper person to communicate with. Harry j . Do you know that ever since this.drive started I have been waiting for some one' to call on me for my little. subscription, but in vain. As I thought this being one of the best projects the Jewish people of Omaha, have ever undertaken, and every Jewish person should gladly and willingly subscribe to the limit. And to verify my statement I, am enclosing mj subscription for one hundred dollars ($100) and ten dollars $10) for the first payment of 10%. Hoping that the quota will be oversubscribed and erection of the 'building will soon begin. Wishing yon the best of luck in this great undertaking,j I remain your friend, Sol Rosenberg.
Mrs. Ida Levin, Welfare Worker, Rabbi Frederick Cohn at St. Joe, Resigns to Accept New . Position. Mo.; Rabbi fiarry August Mrs. Ida Levin, daughter of Mr. to be Here. and Mrs. Harry Levey, an employee of the Welfare Board, has resigned her position several weeks ago. Mrs.- Levin has become well known in Omaha for her social service work. She has taken active part in social work among many of Omaha's organizations. Mrs. Levin has accepted a position in the office of Harry Counsman, county assessor.
Director of Nation Hospital to Visit Here. Dr. Samuel Sweezey, director and superintendent of the National Jewish Hospital at. Denver, Colo., will visit in Omaha Priday and Saturday. Df. Sweezey will stop here, while on his way East, -where he will attend ition.
Rabbi Frederick -Cohn will leave Friday for St. Joseph,. Mo., where he will occupy the pulpit at the Temple there. His subect in St. Joseph will be "The R in Religion." Rabbi Garry J. August of St. Joseph will deliver the sermon at Temple Israel here. His subect will be "Democracy at the Cross Roads."
JAKE LIEB OPENS DELICATESSEN STORE J. Lieb, former meat market owner, has purchased the Delicatessen store at 310 North Sixteenth street "I am remodeling and enlarging the store so as I may be aisle, to carry a larger line of quality meats and fruits to please all," said Mr. Lieb. Mr. Lieb was" engaged in the delicatessen business for over twenty, years.
Thrill Entire Audience In NEED OF A NEW JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING SHOWN BY WORK OF YOUNGER GROUPS. • Proving itself to be from start'to finish-a most enjoyable entertainment and an eloquent plea for a Jewish Community Center Building in Omaha, the. first annual YM and YMHA Vaudeville Show, delighted 800 people at the Brandeis Theater Sunday evening. Comment in the audience as the show progressed and after its conclusion1 was equally divided between - surprise at the excellence of the .talent that had heretofore been unre&veled in the community, amazement at the perfection of th entire production, its snap, rapidity of movement-and freedom from ths many faults usually attendant on amateur productions, and certainty as to the necessity and advantages of a Jewish Community Center building which would develop to the fullest the: powers of the young people of this'community. Today, four days after the performance, this last fact is strongest in the minds of every one who saw the show. It was from beginning to end the product of the Jewish children and young men and women of Omaha —the outgrowth of the work now being done in the present cramped |m&. ^unequipped' rooms in the Lyric fUdg- Innumerable obstacles arose
Jewish-£fi fimi ,,not™tfie least; -JB? these "was-, tire lack of proper facilities for planning Time after time the IMreNotCompleted- aodhTehearsals.various - acts were crowded out of
The Jewish Community Center rehearsal periods because there was room for them at the club-rooms. drive is not over. $26,500 more no In Spite of all the extra --work and time is needed to raise the quota to which the -show' necesslated of every $250,000. one who participated in it, in spite of almost overpowering pressure for "We cannot build a building the space at the clubrooms, the usual, in this city until we have raised day-by-day activities continued unthe entire quota," said Harry disturbed. That the show was presented as perfectly as it was, is a most Lapidus, chairman of the drive. eloquent tribute to the- persistance of "There is a large number of the 85 people who comprised the perpeople in this city, who have not sonnel of actors, directors - and proyet contributed to this cause/ ducers, and a plea to the entire community, which cannot go unanswered, If the committees have not which MUST NOT GO UNANSWERthat these boys and girls, -that all yet called on you for your sub- ED, boys and girls of Omaha, be scription, it is YOUR duty to the provided with a proper plac? where By LOUIS MARSHALL call or mail in your subscription their talents and their genius may be PEESIDEJfX, AMEEICAK JEWISH COMMITTEE to the office at the Lyric build- developed unhampered. Only a Jew(AddrcBB by America's Lending Jew, at tbe Banqnet given in Dr. TVeitzmann'e ish Community Center, fully equipped, honor at Hotel Astor, at opening of New York Keren Hayeeod Campaign.) ing. with plenty of room and ail facilities, The workers are making all can provide such a place. As one "who is not a Zionist; I re- through the ages: "Ivri Onochi"—"I gard it as a great privilege to have am a Jew." Nothing Jewish is alien their efforts to finish the cam- A review of the. performance must been asked to come here for the pur- to me. I therefore find it entirely paign by the end of the week. begin with tribute to the work of Jack pose of paying tribute to your great consistent to have spoken in this room Copeland, general director, and Samleader; to OUR great leader, Dr. at the Golden Jubilee of the Union Members of the Y. M. and Y. uel Schaefer, business manager, upon W. H. A. are also making a Weizmann. Yesterday, it was four of American Hebrew Congregations. whom fell the burden of the entire sub- production. years that I sailed for the purpose of I find it consistent to be the' chair- final drive for more Theirs "was the task of attending the. Peace Conference ,in man of the Board of Trustees of the scriptions. , developing the undertaking, of adding Paris. And shortly after my arrival Jewish Theological Seminary of and eliminating, of polishing and re"Everyone in this city knows polishing, of attending to hundreds of America, and I find it equally consistent to appear here among Zionists the need of a building here and details of costuming, properties, stageffects until the perto speak for Palestine. it is theJdutylof! every Jewish ing and lighting shone and sparkled like a Those who from birth have treas- man and woman to subscribe to formance rare gem. They -were ably assisted ured the sweet memories of our past, this cause/' Don't wait until by the following committee of "Y" the glorious memories of the Jewish Leo Abramson, Louis people and of Judaism, those who the committee -comes around to members, Blanche Altaian, Bess have felt proud of the story of our call on you—mail your sub- Abramson, Farber, Jack Fleischman, Jos. Freemartyrs, those who have not permit- scription immediately! man, Herbert Goldstone, Israel Good-
DR. CHAIM WEIZMANN A large reception and banquet is spoken at banquets tendered in his being prepared in honor of Dr. Weiz- honor and have advocated the Keren mann. At this meeting there will be Hayesod idea. a large number of prominent leaders Lord Eobert Cecil, British statesof non-Jews as well as the Jews. In- man touring the United States, said: vitations have been sent to the Gov- Of course you have'enemies. Everernors of the states of Nebraska and aspiring and living-people -has eneIowa. mies. It is more important that the The "banquet -will be held in the Jews of America should listen to Dr. Weizmann than to men like Lord BeaBrandeis Grill Room. : .. In the evening a" large mass meet- verbrook." ing will be held at the Brandeis the- In one of his recent speeches made ater. The entire public is invited to during his present visit of the United attend this meeting, where Dr. Weiz- States, Dr.. Weizmann said: "Zionmann and other speakers will have ism and the Jewish" people arcneifher messages of importance to deliver. dead nor dying. . Tutankhamen is Dr. Weizmann is the Chief of the dead. The Pharaohs" that oppressed Jewish Agency in Palestine and the the Jews are dead. And the Jews who leader of the entire race. There will have outlived so many enemies will be no charge for admittance. also outlive • Lord Beaverbrook. The All Omaha Jewry have united in work of the Zionists in Palestine is the attempt to make this meeting and continuously on the increase, and bereception a success, according to the fore long the foundation of the Jewish National Home will be laid in such ocmmittee in charge. Dr. Weizmann is at> present touring a fashion that nothing will be able to shake them.": .
LOUIS MARSHALL there, I had the opportunity of meeting for the first time Dr. Weizmann. Our acquaintance ripened into intimacy, and I trust has now become one of mutual friendship. I recognize in him a real man, a true Jew, one whose heart and soul is filled with-a great ideal, one who is able to make sacrifices with a smile on his lips— a great scientist, a great statesman, a man who is a diplomat, and-who, in his diplomacy has not f oTgotten that he is a human being. We welcome him here, and we all of us assembled" here tonight, and thousands who are not here, I trust, will bid him Godspeed in his endeavor in which he is engaged, in building up a people in the old land of Israel.
ted themselves to become pessimists at the thought of the persecution we have endured for centuries, have always in their hearts cherished the grandeur and the poetry that centers about the little spot known as Palestine. The religious Jew feels that it is there that our faith was born. The Jew who studies civilization knows that it was there that the real civilization of the world took its origin. It is there that our prophets thundered, and thethunders of their voice are still passing around the worid. They resound and will resound while humanity exists. We have given the Tvorld its religion; we have given them their ethics; we have given them all that is valuable in conduct and in civilization. Who then, remembering these things, can remain indifferent to the fact of Palestine, can-remain indifferent when there are those who are beginning not only to dream but to act for the purpose of rebuilding the home of our fathers and giving there an opportunity to the Jews of the world to start anew in their journey to eternity.
Mesorah Sodely To : . - Hold Opei -Meeting Rabbi Cohn to Deliver Principal Address. :The Omaha..Chapter of the InterCollegiate Menorah. Society -will hold a public meeting at-the Jewish Community Center on Tuesday evening, April 24,-1923. . Rabbi Frederick Cohn will be th© principal speaker of the evening, and his subject will be "The Problem of the Jew." .
This topic is a subdivision of the general subject,"The.Jew in the Modern World," which was. chosen by the Menorah 'Society to be discussed at its meetings during the year 1923. Meyer Shapiro will play several violin selections^ '• The Y. M. H- A; Quartet will sing. Doctor • Morris Margolin, chairman of the Intellectual .Advancement Committee, will preside.
Sol Kohlberg" as the "wooden" drummer-boy. " The boys were drilled by Mr. Rice. in the second act 10 year old Dorothy Lustgarten charmed thr audience-with her violin, playing the most difficult of classical selection* with ease and grace. At the piano, her 15 year old sister Ida proved s. delight, playing1 the brilliant Fifteenth. llhaps«dy»»as1 a solo wistter, -and ©e^ etftrtpanying her -sister. A dainty act clean and entrancing, was theirs. In the Junior Girls Review, which fol1 lowed, 19 little girls, ranging from 7 to 14 years,4 all members of-the \ clubs, -sang .and danced their way into • (Continued on page 2)
-Declamatory Contest: Took Leading Part in Y. M. H. A, Show Here. Miss: Harriet Fleishman, daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. Harry Fleishman, won first' place in the declamatorjcontest held last Friday. Miss Fleish-
man, Bess Greenberg, Bess Handler, Mary Maizel,- Nathan Mnookin, Isadora Rosenblatt, Anne Selicow, Pauline Selicow, David Sher and Fred White. Next in order mention must be made of the efforts and abilities of the four special directors, the result of whose months of work were seen to such advantage upon the stage. To Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, dramatic director, Miss Dorothy Devere, dancing director, Harry Braviroff and Miss Cecelia Feiler, musical <lirectors, the thanks of the entire community must be given for their tireless and unselfish labors in connection -with the man is a student of the CentraS show. High school. Last but not least comes the work Over thirty students took part in of the individual performers. Each of the eight acts was a stellar attrac- the contest, which was 'represent*: tion, each formed a beautiful stage by thirteen cities in southeastern picture and each was presented with- Nebraska. . out flaw or blemish. Miss Fleishman represented ;h?Starting the show were 12 YMHA boy scouts dressed as wooden soldiers Central High school, having Won ihrwho presented an intricate and school contest several weeks ago. spectacular march designed by their Miss Fleishman also took a losescoutmaster S. A. Rice, to the rythm ing- part in *the Y. M. H. A she* of the New York hit, "The Parade of | s tt a , , , „ , the Wooden Soldiers". The precision e e h e r e last Sunday evening, .-.o; of their march, the "woodeness" of j 'will also represent the Central Hip\ their bodies and the self-confidence : school in the state contest to 1^ which these 12 lads put into their held j n Maiwork, made this act a decided hit and I „.,. *," . , a splendid opening: number for the j Cities and towns reprosente'l .-s show. Dave Brodkey. Harold Brodkey, this contest were Cedar Bluffs, JnS.rtSam Fregrger, Lasar Kaplan, Harold ' sou, Eagle, Sehuylor. I'iattsiTnin: \
Not a Party Question. I shall not discuss party questions. I am always indifferent to them. If there is anything that I hate it is the adjective that we are wont to apply to different lrinds of Jews. I know not a Polish Jew, a Russian Jew, or a German Jew, or ah English Jew. I Munich. (J. T. A.) The police force "Ivri Onochii", know not an orthodox Jew or a con- of Kleinlangheim has been reinforced I told you what I ani not. Some- servative Jew, or,a reform Jew. They Jiatleinan, Harry Kohl berg, - Abe Vm-'k TJOWI-I Paniniin !•"•.„•.,. body -will probably say, tell us what are all the same to me, and .when by additional- men .sent from Munich, Krakofsky, Harry Levinson, Isadore ^ . \ 7 P ! \. ""'' ' following requests from Jews of that •you-are. I can-only answer in the Mann, Morris Stalmaster and Simon Stromsbesev.Auburn, Avlin»lon j * . ancient words -which have Tesounded place for protection. (Contained on page 2.) Weinzveg were the marchers, with Kennard. ^^
Vhundfey at Onuriia. Hetmik*. b *
' TBEZJEV&S&BBESS PUBUSHZttG COMPANY.. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone;. Jackson S&72.
IShort talks wene given by Mr. : Harry Lapidus and Mi. Samuel1 Schaefer on the Jewish Community Center^ drive. The following social progrom was will be staged under the directorship presented: Several solo numbers by of Benzion Zangwell. little Miss Lucille Weiss, accompanied Mrs. Morris Levinson entertained by Miss Ann Weiss, and Miss KosaY. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS sixteen guests at a bridge luncheon line Goldstein gave several musical The regular meeting of the Y. M. at the Brandeis Tea Rooms last week in honor of Mrs. Harry Sher, of Los and Y. W. H. A. was held Monday and song numbers. Angeles, Calif., who was visiting here evening, April 16> at the Jewish ComWarsaw. (J. C. B.) The Reserve with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.munity Center. A rising vote of Goldenberg, returning to her home thanks was given Mr. Jack C. Cope- Officers' club has adopted a ruling land, who was director of the Y. M.barring Jewish officers from memWednesday. and Y. W. H. A. Road Show. bership. Mrs. L. J. Herzog, of Lincoln, Neb., who has "been visiting here with her sister, JWrs. Samuel Katz, at the Blackstone Hotel* returned to her home Wednesday.
Messrs. Ben Pill, Lester Davidson, A "Sholem Aleichem' ' memorial Y. W. E A. Boys and Girls Archie Herzoff and Lawrence Baron will take place last in May at the Thrill Entire Audience In [COUNCIL BLUFFS ] will motor to Sioux Falls, So. Dak.,Swedish Auditorium, a t which times three-act play by "Sholem Aleichem" First Annual Performance Miss Libby Freiden returned to her Friday.
home after visiting for the past three weeks with relatives in the state of NATHAN E . GREEN, Manager. the hearts of the audience. The Michigan. beautiful cycloramic curtain, the -$2.50 Subscription Prise,, dainty boy and girl costumes of the Mrs. Louis Heeger, of Sioux City, AdverUslng rates ftirnlBhed on application. chorus numbers, and the special costumes of the solo singers and la., and son, Myron, returned home NOT PRINTED FOB- PERSONA t KM^ED*Etoflts- torn* tfe* pnHica* dancers all combined with the abilities Tuesday after visiting here with Mr. tton .ofrTtjs.' Jewish. Press a»'tovbo given to wnrthy? cnmmunal causes. of the individual children to make this and Mrs. Sam. Freiden. act one of the most popular of the entire show; Sharirig^ honors with Miss The Sisterhood will entertain at b* • • » and roar Devere, under whose direction the bridge Tuesday afternoon, April 24, review was designed and produced, is at Eagles' Hall. -.;.•;TBe Jewish Presais^^TOp^Ueitfbs ttff J e ^ l i telegraphic Agency (Jewish iMiss-\ — Mary Maizel, who assisted Correspondence Bureau) with: cabled and tebgraphic Jewish news, in addition throughout. The following girls took to feature articles and correspondences from alls important Jewish centres; Mr. Jake Pill is at Fort Dodge, la., Inquiries 5jregarding news items credited7 to this Agency wilt be gladly part: visiting with relatives. Bertha Batt . Ruth Reuben answered 'if; addressed to Jewish Telegraphic. Agency, 114 Eifth Avenue, Ilillltait Hobler Eunice Kosensteln Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman, of Martha Hlmmelstein- Iiydia Ross Anne'Hurwitz Rose Stein Allen, Nebr., arrived Monday evening Ethel Hurwlts Vivian Stein •KTargaretli Hurwltz Ida Tenenbatun to spend a few days with Mrs. Shnr- \ Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Rubel, o£ Sarah Janoffi Gertrude Wintroub 1 man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gil-Minneapolis, Minn., will arrive this With the drop ofe the curtain: bringing to a successful close Rose Minkia Helen Wise Cella Kitz Sarah Wise insky. Mr. Sherman returned Thurs- week to visit with Mrs. Rubel's parthe road show of the Y,M.andi Y.W. H." A. Sunday night there Ruth Obludziuer ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschday morning. poured5 forth front^ those^^ assembled; a flood of complmients. ' (Continued from page 1.)
Solo Numbers by Ethel; Hurwitz_ . . The Boy Ruth' Reuben_«~.».. .«....««__. — The G?rl Hose Stein ____. The Page ... ^.Spanish Celia-Nitz: ^_ " " Dance ~ ___~_Scotch lassie Lydla: Kosa_u_ , Jazz Banco Anne Hurwitt. Sarah "JanoffiSong and Dance
Critics of amateur performances narrated from a standpoint
Fond Papas and Mammas and sisters and relatives were overjcfyecT. TKey courd~BareIy" wait to grasp in their armsi'tEe IbvecT ones who had helped;; to make the show the rip-roaring1 success Ida Tenenbaum....— Oriental Dance that it was. ...Russian Dance Vivian Stein >_ Toe Dance Bosensteln.. Enthused members of both organisations stood in the* aisfeff Eunice The entire; -review designed: and produced and the lobtty of th6jth^atert waiting fpt their buddies to pffer under the :perkonari. direction ojt Miss Dorothy Derere f iliss ,Mary IMaizel, assistthem honest-to^goodheSs; congratulations. •;' ~Jr - ing-. ' . .;•_••;. _ - _._ . 1 Indeed it was ar^gr^trshow ^ihd irot piily 65d itproVe'that: ' ,By this time theaudiefice knew* that there is .plenty of taleflt aEftong ourpeoPle in -Onaaha but it cleared' they were^ witnessing a performance the minds of the "doubting Thomases'* as i»' the possibilities of unusual iff amateur theatricals, and the balance of the bill met all extite two4 organizatipris. ' , Behind the stage, midst the draperies, scenery and packing pectations. The YMHA quartette, Henry boxes,, Mifcer the: veieratii stagehand, labored. For forty years he Greene and Isador Melcher, tenors, has shifted scenery and: worked the props "behind.." Within that Harry Gerstein,'baritone, and Ben great span of years he has witnessed many amateur performances Ellis,, bass, furnished 20 minutes of enjoyment with harmonious He has seen many promised sensational successes prove dismal sheer singing, banjo playing and merry failures. . quips. They were forced to jrespond As';Mike, the" sliagehand,- dropped that latsVcuitainy calling to repeated encores. out "finis," he wiped the prespiration from his- brow, turned to In "The Florist Shop", a Harvard the nearest person to hitn and- with all sincerity said: "It is- the ;prize playr the Association Dramatic Class^ under the direction of Mrs. best amateur' performance I have; seen in all my forty years." had a- splendid vehicle for That from a veteran like Mike, the stagehand, is worth Boasberg, the display of its acting ability. In noting." He knows whereof he speaks. this clever comedy honors were shared _ Every boy and gii'l^ho took part in this amateur production; by all the actors, Louis Abramson, should feel proud. . Harriet Fleischman, Al Handler, Irvin Stalmaster and Ray Bercu. Each lived I t should be an annual affair! the part portrayed, and. each, made the
TKe Misses Sophie Weinstein and Mrs. Harry Sher, of Los Angeles, Delia Cohen, of Chicago,. 111., arrived who has been, visiting here with her Sunday morning to attend the CohenKahn wedding, which was held here parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldenberg, Monday evening. They are visitm^ left for her home Wednesday mornat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Y. Yu-ing. Mrs. Sher was quite extensively entertained while here. delson. .--•:•The Council of Jewish Women will The Ladies' Golden Hill Society Vvill entertain at a benefit cjjird party at hold their regular meeting at the the Danish Hall. Sundj&y evening, home of Mrs. A. Wolf, a t 416 North Twenty-first street, on Tuesday afterMay 6. • • \:..\y noon, April 24. Mrs. Hyman Krasne will entertain her afternoon club at her home ThursJEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. day afternoon. Preparations are well under way Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein enter- for the First Anniversary Banquet tained the Evening club last Thursday that the Jewish Culture League will hold a t the Loyal Hotel, Sunday, evening. April 22, at 6:30. A literary and muA regular meeting of the Junior sical program will take place. Council will be held next Sunday aftThe Library of the Jewish Culture ernoon at the home of Miss Gertrude League will be open to the public Cherniack. An interesting program after May 1. has been planned.
All Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention.
Miss Sarah lippman has left for (Guaranteed) audience live it with them. : . "FL0WI2KS MAKE FRIENDS" Chicago, 111., where she will spend Anne Rosenblatt and Abner KaiIt f suit of the neglect of centuries. will not be-possible toi build; up uni- manv in songs and dances, presented two weeks as the guest of Mrs. Ju- TeU Ja. 4291, Branaeis Theatre Blde(.Continued from page I): 210 So. 17th St» Omaha. versities,- at schools, without money. an act that rivaled any seen upon the lius Herzog. professional stage. Miss Rosenblatt •we once learn that fact we-are one. After Relief—Palestine! was- daintily charming in her solo Mrs. A. M. Herzoff returned TuesAll th& bickerings of the: past/will beBon't wait until you die and give numbers and proved an admirable day from Minneapolis, Minn. come contemptible. We :aTe. bound in your will. You may find the will partner for Mr. Kaiman, in Ms indivto stand together: as a brotherhood, contested. ' Something may happen: idual work. Kaiman's song, "In 1943", t<J fight • together, suffers together, You may change your mind. No, dowritten by Miss Rose Davidson, .The Zionist Organization held a and to triumph together. AntirSem- it now. Do1 it now and watch the proved a decided hit. meeting last Sunday evening- at the itism? /Who eares about i v ? Who fruits of your labor as they develop: Residence, 1343 80. 35th St. Playing simultaneously on three Hebrew Institute. Rabbi J. Baron, of cares about a barking; dog? .-.Let; us Watch the growth, of the soiL Watch XeU Atlantic 6637. be true to ourselves, true* tot our past. the-development olfthte farms and the grand pianos, Miss Sadye Levey, Mrs. Davenport, la., was the principal *laee.«f Easiness, 1G29 No. 24th. Et. ' •'?•: -'. Let us perpetuate what. th£. fathers, irtdustrtel. establishment; aridr^of' the Louis Nathan and Miss Lillian. Chud- speaker. TeL Webster 2916. created and let every man live nisowa. c l l s , and" universities;' ^Watch ikoff, as the Three Melody Maids, iurnished ait act that was both- novel "•Mr. and" Mrs..; Abisf:-Davidson relife, a Iff? of a,'. decent^hugq^fJbeingv; turned;Wedrfed% frt% New York whose sdtit reiSponds^to every- moral —~J is money. TlbrXe'mote refer.to : of popular and classical melodies were City, where they spent two weeks. impulse/;and whose great ideal is that that ; cirude fact—money is the es'sen'- written for the act by .Miss Iievey. alt jrnen are equal before, the law and tial thing; You: haven't helped enough. A fitting conclusion to an evening before tne God of the Universe. ever dreamed-in. 1914T ia.Oc- crowded with good things was act 8, A dance and program will open- the But r . ^ m not here to indulge in Nobody first night of the New Hebrew Institobe* of^that year; when we began jfilghts off oratory. We have <~a'•prac- |this: -.njovemjint that "we. shall '-jcollect which irt;every respect lived up to the tute iwithm the near future. No defistandard'already set by the preceding tical question'iefore us. 'There has and- "by this tinie we have numbers. In this act . "Coue's inite date has been set. been"endC£h of oratory, in the last 6(T,(J06,000 Painting, Papering", and spent nearly all of it. Nobody would Jazzmaniacs", an eight-piece jazz twenty-five years among the_Jews of have thought it possible for the small orchestra, was introduced, with Mrs. M. N. London left last. TuesDecorating done under my all parts of the world. . The.shouting number of Jews in this country, compersonal supervision. specialty numbers by Hyman Eubenmust erid at Some time. The time to. accompKsh that. Why stein, Ned Tollinger; and Nathan day for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where ; for constructive work has now . ar- paratively, she will remain for three weeks. we' get i t ? Because we were un- Mnookin. The general concensus of Hardwood Specialty rived. -Words- without thought will drd afraid, because we* had courage, be- opinion was that the orchestra, was not go to heaven: Acts are thS things cause Mr. Barney Baron: returned last "All Work Guaranteed, we had somethingto tell. the the best small jazz band that has ever that count and we must-alh feel that because we were able to stir been Beard locally, and that with its week from Chicago, 111., where he was it is our idutyto sink all differences, people, 1521 North 19th Street. pride^of race, their pride of re- specialty numbers this act measured confined to the Mercy Hospital. to act together, in order that our thtir 1 ligion, their sense of brotBerhood. Phone, Webster 1087. up to any similar act on the big-time dreams may be verified, that our enethe people responded I see be- circuits. Members of the orchestra The Daughters of Zion held their mies may be undone—those who wish And me tonight a- great many people regular meeting Tuesday evening at us to go down to defeat~arid that fore who have responded in the past to all controversy as to how'the thing our appeads. Ed Brodkey, Saxophone; 'Willard-Clarie, That work is nearly Drums; Eugene • Cooper," Cornet; DarreH the Hebrew Institute. shall be done' cease in. the doing of finished. We -will probably never be Botrns, Banjo; Harry Getrost, Saxophone; the thing that ought to be .done. I to; have so intensive a drive Harry Howland* Violin; Emil Matousek, have hoped, I still hope, I now hope obligeif Tom Noonan, Jr., Piano. as we had in tlte past. We will prob- Trombone; Specialties by Hyman Knbenstein, Ned more than ever, that there shall be a ably require $5,000,000 more for the Toliinger, Nathan SInookin.—Direction, perfect union among the Jews of the purpose of liquid'ating' our work and rtathan Mnookin. United States in helping the cause of then allowing the people in Eastern The children who, participated in the Palestine to prosper. Europe to take over this work. We show will be entertained at an OrWrites all kinds of t What Are The Jews Going To Do? shall have problems of oxtf own to pheum party Saturday afternoon, and solve.in/fiie United States. "We have. for the adult actors and directors The great Government which Mr. Craigie represents here tonight, the th6 great work of Jewish: education. there will be a private dancing; party you ever forget it. With all on Saturday evening at the Jewish Government of Great Britain, which Don't 1 1 every .American must honor and love my strength I will call your atten- Community Center. "Real Personal Service" next to .his own country, during the tiofl .tcf that great duty. The- tinie has Photos of all the acts as they apn6W come that you need not have the darkest days of the War, during the peared on the stage were taken at the Phone darkest days of the Jewish people, excuse that you\ navd got to'give so dress - rehearsal Sunday afternoon. much for war relief that you can't Bes.—Har. 3256. 1319 W. O. W. issued the memorable declaration, the These may be purchased at the office Balfonr Declaration. It brought hope give for Palestine; We1nave helped of the YMHA in the Lyric Bidg, : Office—At. 8034 to dispaxring hearts, and created an in Palestine. We BaVe given over The one feature which $5,000,000 for Palestine up to the maiC3 Diamonds prized so .enthusiasm that I hope will never much Is - sacrificed when present time. Now it is for those of dampen.^ Great Britain pledged herDiamonds ara "cat for WINS APPOINTMENT TO self to give to the'Jew an opportun- you who are Zionists, to do your duty ANNAPOLIS. ity of finding a home in the land of and it is our duty who are non-ZionYe his fathers. Great Britain has car- ists to work shoulder to shottlder for Ralph A. \Kaluv Central High school ried outj its .pledge. The Mandate the purpose of redeeming: the land senior, has been appointed by Senator of Israel. • -. . • Diamond IDA t FREIDEN, Prop. was issued to her." The nations of Norris ' of - -Nebraska t a the- United the world have adopted that pledge. Shoppe "Step to rthe Side of Weizmann!" States naval. academy a t Annapolis, So iat as the United States of .AmerDt&moods ars scientifically I am"not b;ere to make pledges. I according to a Washington dispatch ica has accepted anything which grew cat for maximum brilup hi Versailles, the United States make no promises. I nave never received." liancy. Ore, enap and ani/ ; . 311 South 16th Street mation, and ore not "cut has adopted that pledge. , Now the judged from the first moment 3s\ to The appointment was made followtor -weight." question, arises, and has arisen, in my wKat bilght. td be done; Before some Phoue Atlantte 8010. The superiority of mind from the day when the Balfour of you were: Zionists I worked for the ing a competiye exainihation among, Open Evenings. Declaration was issued: What are Holy Land. 1 was one" of the found- candidates from all parts of the state, •we, the Jews of the world, going to er^ , 6f: th§ Jewish Agricultaial-Ex- in which; Kahn. scored the highest Ye Only Jewish Florist in town, do about it? Are we to do our part? periment Station. I Vas one of the g r a d e . . •''•• ''•''•- " ' " ~ • • ; Diamond Are we to permit it to be'said: Yes, first, trustees of the Haifa Technicum. WEDDING BOUQUETS. you issued it for the battle cry of TBoge institatfdfls will again perform \ The appointee is 17 years old, and Shoppe freedom; yes, you asked this pledge. their part for tne. work wMcb. It was is the son of M.'vKahn, 3411 Sherman Diamond Quality is at once Now i t " has been made now your intended they should perform. I feel avenue. He is to report at the naval apparent when comparing opportunity has come, are you going that is is.a solemn, a saered duty to academy June 1. with other Diamonds. ,io do your part of. the .work? Are step to the aide of Dr. Weizmann and It was announced at the Kahn home W» satisfy our customers 212 Courtney Bidg., by Blvlns them the best •you going to help to build"'up the to help him to bring about the solun Doustas St. Diamonds money can tray that Ralph Would accept the appointland ? Are you content • to' remain tion of one of the greatest problems at a price even lower than in yotir" luxurious ease r in you"r' com- that has ever been placed before hu- ment and would Teport at Annapolis t h e ordinary Dfamonds SALON IS CHARME that are "cut for freight." fort, in 'New York, 6r - Philadelphia, man beings, and to help him shoulder at the specified time. H:e is a member New Address of a burden which required a man of or Cnicago, or Cleveland, or in any of this spring's graduating class at Shampoo, Hanlettn, Me—Slareet, 15c : other great city of the United States, gigantic mould to carry. You must Central High. , April Expert IndlridaaJ Serrtee. Evening or Sunday, AT. 4S19. and satisfy yourself with shouting all, regardless of any past preconFs the Diamond month. It M. T . IJZVT b&asioftally a t a banquet, cheering ceptions; stand at his side, hold up you are contemplating the purchase of a Diamond, his hands, wish him God speed and a speaker, and giving a pittance for come in and let us show the building :up of Palestine? A put money into the treasury. WOULD HANG POLISH RABBIS you our wonderful values country: icannqt be reconstituted and in Perfect Blue Whtfe .DiaFOR SOVIET PERSECUTION monds. ^Constructed; by oratory. The ecoWarsaw. (J. T. A.) - Resolutions If you feel your present nomic heeds 'of a nation cannot be JEWISH .CALENDAR. Our entire stock of jewelry, mounting la not showing adopted at a meeting in Biala, Poland, made with resolution^ . It" is imposwatches and diamonds to be your Diamond off to- best 5683-1923. "sible to build new forests where foradvantage, bring it in. and called by the "Rozwoj" party to prosacrificed to the highest bidder. i ..JFrUMay 4 we win Bladly S've yon ests have been cut down. .If. will not Lag b'Omer test the Soviet executions of Bishop Our entire stock valued at over our auege8Uons to get the 1)6 possible to establish- a hydraulic Rosh-Chodesh Sivan -....Wed., May 16 Butchkovitch and the imprisonment of best effects. $50,000 must be sold. plant -which "will operate g*e&t in- Shabouth (Confirmation) AUCTION NOW GOING ON. dustries.' It will not be possible to Day) Mon., May 21 Bishop Cepliak, provide for the imYe Come and see for yourself. irriKate: the land*, to ,buihi * factone Rosh.TChodesh Tammuz -~.Fri, June '5 mediate arrest of all rabbis in Poland. to •eive*'* employment -to th*. imm Rosh-Chodesb Ab • The re^lutions urge the Polish govDiamond . . Sat, July 14 rts'and to those who. fove lived ernment to notify the Soviet governShoppe .It will <&et be.pos- Fast of Ab ment that the. rabbis will benting unEstablished 1892 -Cho^esfi Elul ^ less Bisfibp'Cepliak, under a ten year THAT t.Jackson 5782 of the New Year'0 Ere, .u~~~..$Ion., Sept. 10 sentence, is released at once. of malaria as a re-
W. W. Crade Painting Contractor
• ' / • . - .
• " ' • • • • •
AB. Kaiman
I have purchased the Delicatessen Store at 310 North 16th Street. I am remodeling the store and adding an entire new stock of delicatessen to please you.
Come here for your party lunches and specialties. Complete line of high grade quality cooked meats, groceriess fruits, and vegetables.
J. LIEB 310 North 16th Street
Phone JA ckson 5062
A Vital Subject-
Clothes That Fit YOU! «ITl" the right suit for every man—the right styles for all men—the vast range of models—the tremendous stock of all sizes in all the various patterns and colors that Nebraska offers.
There's nothing like it elsewhere in a dozen clothing stores all put together/
This store is organized to serve all the men in this community and WILL when everybody investigates and .compares this greater store's service features and supervalues! SILK LINED SUITS
Instead of $45.00
$371 Instead of $50.08
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Cut Flowers
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STAR CARS "The most talked of car in America"
Built of high grade standard units { Red Seal Continental motor. Honey Comb; non-freeze radiator. Timken axels, front and rear. Spacer drive, shaft and joints. Timken bearing throughout. Hollow crank shaft with force food oiling system. 48 inch rear springs. 34 inch front springs. Worm steering gear. Standard 3 speed transmission. 102 inch wheel base.
Over 30,000 Star Cars built since Jan. 1, 1923, Over 800 now running in Nebraska.
Andrew Murphy & Son Inc. 53 years in business.
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1923 are now "at*" the home of Mrs! Cher-lpast month, returned home Sundays la., "who is visiting with her parents, Minn., who is visiting here, with: Her] Brandeis Tea Booms for a luncheon, weic's brother, Mr. H. Dolgoff, and j morning: Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf, will be the out- aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sil- followed Iiy a theatre party at the OrMrs. -Dolgcrff: • <• • ' •.''•• verman, has been honored guests at pheum, Monday afternoon, April 16. The Women's Auxialiary of the o f - t o w n g u e s t . a number of socials. Mrs. H. M. Fox Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. M. Steirterg Mrs. Frank Rubel, of Minneapolis, B'nai B'rith will hold their regular Miss Flora Green "of Boston, MassT, entertained ten guests at her home, entertained twenty guests at a lunchMinn., who has been visiting with her meeting Thursday evening, April 26, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Monday afternoon, April 9. Mrs. A. emr at the BratideiE Tea Rooms, folAuerbach. A number of affairs are H. Diamond and Mrs. Jess Pregler lowed- by bridge. daughter, Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun, at the Jewish, Community Center. being planned honoring the visitor. entertained six guests at the Branreturned to her home Sunday. Miss Lottie Hirschberg will be hosMrs. Max Fromkin is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Chasson have tess to twenty-four guests when she Mr. Henry Monsky left the eariy deis Tea Rooms, followed by an Or- her bridge club at Thelps Hut this moved into their new home at 5106 entertains the members of the Ra Oth part of the week for Memphis, Tenrr. pheum Theare Party, Wednesday aft- afternoon. ernoon, April 11. Mrs. H. Lapidus Society Sunday afternoon at her Capitol Avenue. home. Mrs. J. S. Slate, of Des Moines, Miss Katie Sievers, of Minneapolis, was hostess to four guests at the PATROIPZS OUR ADVERTISERST The regular Board meeting of the Council of Jewish Women, w&ich. was to have been held Monday, April' 16, has been postponed to Monday afternoon, April 23, at two-thirty o'clock at ; the Jewish Community Center. The regular- monthly meeting of the Council -of Jewish Women will, be held Monday afternoon, AprH 30, on which date the playlet "The Councils' Every; Girl", will be presented.
Iowa, was hostess to the Bi-Weekly Bridge Club which assembled for its KOHAN-SHAPIBO regularmeeting on last Thursday eveThe marriage. jof.:Miss Ida Shapiro, ning:, when: Mr. David Eavitz became daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Max Shapi- a member of the club. Prizes were ro,- t a Mr; Allen Kohan, of this city, won by Miss Jeannette GiHnsky and son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kohan,, of Mr. Ravitz. Following the usual Des Moines, la., was solemnized Sun- round of: bridge, the evening was day evening, April 15, at the home* of spent in dancing- The next meeting the bride's parents, before the pres- of the club will be held on Thursday, Miss Carita Herzog spent last week ence of only, the: immediate relatives here as the house guest of her cousin, of. the couple. Rabbi Grodzinsky o£» April 6. floated. Master Sammy Carmell play- Mr. Louis Somberg, who is attend- Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, returning to her ed the wedding^march. ing the University of Nebraska, spent home in Lincoln, Nebr., on Monday. Mr. Kohan and his bride left on a. the week-end here in Omaha. Mrs. Sam Wertheimer will enter.honeymoon-trip to the east, after tain at dinner at her "home next Miss Toby Hertzberg entertained •which they wilL return and* make their Thursday. the Jolly Eight Club at her home home a t te Kingsbhorough apartSunday afternoon, April 15. The club ments. " '•.'".' Th© out-of-town guests present at is composed of eight girls who are Mrs. M. Binstein entertained, at her the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. M. planning jolly times for the coming, home, honoring the birthday of her [•youngest daughter,, Blanche, on SunKohan, and daughter, Marie, of Des summer months. day, April 15. Twenty-two guests Moines, la-, parents and sister of the Dr. "Victor E. Levine, professor at were present. Games were played and groom, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Zeidman, the Creigbton, Medical College, was in and. daughter, Lillian, of Lincoln, Lincoln during the; past week-end at- prizes weTe given. Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kippur, of Chitending the Nebraska Academy of Science Convention held Thursday, cago, El., will arrive here Friday to . . FINKENSTEIN—SIMON Friday and Saturday, April 12,13 and be the guests of their daughter^ Mrs. Over two hundred and fifty guests 14. He read a paper on 'Taulty Food Izidor- Ziegler, and Mr. Ziegler. They were present at the wedding of Miss and Symptomotoly" before the Lin- ar© en route from California, where Marie Simon, daughter of Mr. and |xoln. Academy of Medical Science. they have been spending the winter months. • ' " • Mrs. J. jr.- Simon, to Mr. Mannie kenstein, son. of Mr. Sam Finkenstein, Miss Gertrude Fogelson, of Lincoln, of this city, on Sunday evening", Nebr., spent the week-end here as the Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld will entertain, at dinner at her home Tuesday. April 15,.at the Beth Hamedrosh Syn- guest of Miss Helen Robinson. agog, at 19th: and Burt streets, Rabbi Mr. Nathan E. Jacbbs, who is at- Mrs. Flora Roseifetock, who has Grodzinsky officiated. The bride had as her attendants Miss Jennie Finken-! tending the University of Missouri, been visiting in Chicago-,. IH., for the stein, sister of the groom, as the maid, will arrive-Friday to spend the sumof honor, and the Misses Ethel Abra- mer vacation here. hamsori and Sarah Roitstein, as the IS YOUR WATCH A TIME Mrs. Samuel Katz is planning to bridemaid8. Mr. Harry 4 Finkenstein leave for French, ^ s k s Spring, Ind., was the groom's bestman, and Messrs. where she will be. with-her son, Mr. PIECE OR AN ORNAMENT? Buloya watches are guaranMaurice 'Israel and- Milton Simon J. B, Katz, and Mrs. Katz, of Marion, teed to give full satisfaction o r were the ushers. Little Faye Adelson 111., who will' meet her in St. Louis, will be replaced free of charge. . - and Helen Lincoln, were the flower Mo./ from where they will go to the girls, and Master Irvin Simon was Lake. the ringbearer. Mr.: Finkenstein and his bride will Mr. Izidor Ziegler returned Sunday leave "shortly for California to make from Washington, D. C. ', their home. . . Mr. Nathan Mnooken, who has been 17 jewel, 18 karat.—..—-$37^0making his home here f«r the past COHEN-KAHN. A large selection at $15 and up. The, marriage of Miss Freda Kahn^ several months, expects to return to daugBteri'of Mr. Frank Kahn, of this his home in. Kansas City, Mo. * IMIalasteck Jewelry Co^ city, and Mr. Albert Cohen of Gretna, DIAMONDS AND PLATINTOf Neb., "was solemnized Monday even- Mr. and Mrs. Mefshel Cherwelc SPECIALISTS 1514 Dodge Street ing, April 16th, at the home of.the arrived this week from Russia and •Established 1S9± IA cfcaon 561B groom's parents^ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen,,; of Council Bluffs, la. Rabbi Frederick Cohn. and Rabbi Fleisch-' mann" officiated. Miss Laura Goetz Chiropodist and Beauty Shop sang a solo accompanied by MissDora; 1800 Bobnoff at the piano. The -wedding j 15th Established and Barney Streets. march..-was played by Arthur and Give as a. chance to apyour business. For will be given at the Maurice Friedman, also accompanied preciate appointments call Ja. 9774. by Miss. Dubnoffl Miss Idel Seegal , and Mr.. Corpal Cohen were the at• tendanis. Little" Miss Loraine Singer We Wish to Announce was flower girl, arid /the little Misses r to Our Patrons and Friends Helen Cohen, Hazel Kahn, Elsie : THAT TH K SHQHIT Romm and Sylvia Wohlner were ribat 6:30 bon stretchers. Only the immediate In Honor of the First • relatives , and most intimate friends Anniversary of were present. is with
The Jews of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado and Western Missouri Will Tender an Historic Reception to
. CEAIN WEIZNANN Of London, England, President of The World Zionist Organizationf Head of the Officially Recognized Jewish Agency in Palestine and Spokesman for the Jewish People in the Diplomatic Circles of the World.
Sunday evening April 22
Rev. J. Schukert
Mr. Harold Zidell • leffc'Saturday, evening on a business- trip to the east, going to New York and Chic* go. Mr^ and Mrs. Harry Kavich announce the birth of a baby son on Friday, April 6, at the Stewart Maternity Hospital.
Kosher Meat Market 1513 Norti 24th Street WEbster 433a "Serried and Quality Is Oar Motto" "We carry the best line of Fresh Meats and Delicatessen.
Miss.Helm Stern;, of Davenport, la., is.the gftestTjf" her* aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohen. : Miss Reva Kulakof sky left Sunday , to resume her studies at the XTniver* sity of Michigan^ at Ann Arbor, after having spent her spring vacation here:' Miss Bernice Kulakof sky, who alscr Spent her vacation here, is leaving this week for Ann Arbor. • Mrs. • J. Adler lefj; ;Thursday for Duncan, Okla., where she will visit with her daughter* Mrs.. Will Rips, and Mr. Rips. " • v • Mr. and Mrs. H. Friedman, of Sioux City, ra.,^is visiting here as the guests : of Mr; and Mrs. Gail Margolin. Mr. ?and' Mrs. J.'Milder, who have Spending the winter months in Jaliforhia, are leaving Sunday, April i^2, for Kah«as Cityj Mo., to visit with their: daughter, Mrs. Ben Taxman, and Mr. Taxman, after which they: will ^return to^ Omaha, and later going tfa ^Excelsior Springs, Mo. J Mr4Herbert Robinson ^teft Friday ^fot Karisas. City, Mo., to visit with his sister, Mrs. B. M. Ostenberg, lear"m^ th.^re -Uie early part; of this week for Ann Arbor, Mkh.,;where he is atij^nding'jjihe^University of Michigan. I kMra^M^lende^ ^t^visrfcing afc "9»6" Tabme of Mr. and ^jlrs. ? J i ^ Simon. .She came .here to : ;^Jt^3iSy§Se;. Finkenstein-Sn^ wedding ^b^d:;i^^Suhdayi.r./'!..•;:.'.:•- -• ''-:::::.-'.Ji I;?-Mis^:^ay^3iifsch, bfXoUncil Bluffs
The Nebraska state and Omaha city officials will head a committee of distinguished Jewish and non- Jewish citizens of Nebraska v to greet Professor Weizmann and to do him honor, and through him • to honor the Jewish people. Dr. Weizmann has been acclaimed as the leader of world Jewry by Lipuis Marshall, Samuel Untermeyer, and other distinguished American Jews. On =•-•••'•'•• April 26th, Jews living in this section of America will pledge their allegifuace to him. . Men of science will greet Dr. Weizmann as the discoverer of T. N . T. and as one of the leading chemists of the world; our officials will greet Weizmann as one of the leading statesmen of the world; the Jews will greet Weizmaan as their great leader—the- person who made possible the promulgation of the Balfour Declaration and the San Remo Mandate and the champion of Jewish rights before the governments of the world. ^ •
'• •
The Telephone! If you have ever moved to a new location without first having a telephone installed, you •will recall how its absence was felt. To make .such a happening less probable, it is best t o notify us as soon as you know when you will move. But sometimes, even in spite of an advance notice, we cannot provide service a t the new location as promptly" as .we would like to do. This is particularly true the first of the month when many, people sxt moving at the same time. Before moving your telephone we need to know your name and telephone number, the street address or apartment number to which you are moving, and when you want telephone service at your new location. NORTHWESTERN B
Make Reservations Immediately for the WEIZMANN RECEPTION and BANQUET which willtake placeTHURSDAY, APRIL26th, at 6:30 P.M, at theBRANDEIS RESTAURANT The Jews of Omaha and vicinity—young and old, rich and poor, will pay their respects to Dr. Weizmann at a MASS DEMONSTRATION, which will take place on THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH, at 8:30 P. M., at the B R ^ D E I S THEATRE. XO SEATS RESERVED.ADMISSION F R E E . Mail reservations for reception and banquet to Wcizniarin Reception Committee, 542 Peters : Trust Bldg. (Phones A T . 4820—AT 8097).
JEWISH PRESS sequence of the protests against j submitted by the doughty General. Saturday, April 14. ,The remains- were More than 8,000 of these refugees execution and persecution in Russia *But this a t least is certain—that the taken Monday to Nebraska City for are estimated to have been deported of Christian prelates. literature he -brought with" him apburial. .Mrs. Gus Friend, Mrs. M. to date. In view of the immigration pealed so forcibly to the imagination Following a protest meeting in Aach, Mr. Sam Wessel, Mr. "Louis restrictions in the U. S., the majority of the Grand Goblin or:some of his Posen, hooligans surrounded/the synsubordinate bogeyman, that the "JeW- Assignments of Stations And Workers Friend, Mr. Carl Weil, and Mr. M.are planning, to go to Argentine. The agogue; smashed the window panes, Leaberman left for Nebraska City to Argentine consular office here is, acHere. qualified allegiance to the Govern- ry Uber Allies" circular is taken over BT LEON LEWIS. attend the funeral. Dr. Jacob Singer cordingly, being besieged by crowds of routing the terror-sti'icken wor(Copyright, 1023, Jewish Correspondence ment of the United States above anyjbodily by the Klan, incorporated in shippers. Bureau.) Over one hundred Jewish women officiated. these refugees seeking visas. other government, civil, political or its propaganda literature and distribReports from Vilna reveal that JewPremier Sikorski has modified the ish passengerson trainsfrom-Warsaw ecclesiastical, in the whole world. . . juted to newly organized groups to be will work in. the Annual Visiting (Continued.From Last Week.) The Lincoln Ivre Club held a ban"No man is wanted in this Order used as a basis for "interpretation Nurses' Association Membership Drive quet Tuesday, April 17, at the Lincoln expulsion order insofar as'it' affects to Vilna are molested and are not unOnce more the ubiquitous Russian which will begin on Monday, April 23, rabbis and ministerial 'students,' per- frequently thrown out of • moving General is called to bridge the gap.who does not esteem the Government and instruction" in the Lodge room and continue until Saturday, April 28. Hotel in honor of the men who were mitting them to remain. •' ' and in spoken propaganda. No credit : engaged to be married and those who trains. Frank Campbell, assistant secretary of the United States above any other The appeal for membership is made were married recently. political or eccle- of authorship or origin is given by to Henry Ford, "wired to nim care of government, civil, # the Klan propagation department for to everyone as the Visiting Nurses' DENY IT. S. AMBASSADOR INTER- REPORT ORDER RESTORED the Army- and Navy Club in Wash- siastical, in the whole world. Association helps everyone. this slanderous resume of the forged The Lincoln Ivre Club is sending a VENED FOR JEWS. "Only native born American citiington as follows: IN ROUMANIA $25,000.00 is the quota set for this delegation Saturday, April 21, to in- Berlin. (J. T. A.) The Jewish zens who believe in'the tenets of theProtocols. - With bland plagiarism Dr. J "E. G. Liebold, General Secretary Christian religion and owe no alle- C. Lewis Fowler, formerly president campaign so that the Association will stall a new chapter in Des Moines, la. Telegraphic Agency is informed by Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Reports from to -Henry; Ford, will be pleased to giance of any degree or nature to any of Lanier University, the Ku Klux in- be financed until January, 1924, when Messrs. Hyman Bricker, Eli Evenen, the German Minister of Foreign Af- various parts of the country indicate meet you. Wire advising; tiine. you foreign government, nation, political stitution a t Atlanta, copies the whole it will share in the Community Chest. Jack Chesen, Jack Pollack, Phil Mal- fairs that he is not aware of any of-no further anti-Jewish attacks had expect to arrive." > . : . , 4 . . " institution, sect, people, or person, are of the little circular that had its ori- If this amount is secured the annual enberg, William Wulf, Sam Zolat, ficial or unofficial representations taken place the last few days, the auWhat passed at the conference is eligible.'^ gin-in the office of Dr. Clarke, into tag day in the fall will be abandoned. Dave Zolat and Leo Rosenberg will m?,«ie by the American Ambassador thorities appearing to have the situa, ; tion well in hand. An attempt to founknown* to the writer, but it is sig- "it is, perhaps, also a mere coinci- his booklet entitled "The Ku Klux With the above amount the Visiting be the delegates. They will be met at to leading German officials looking ment an uprising- in Jas s y miscarried nificant, perhaps, that about the same dence that soon after this conference Klan—Its Origin, Meaning and Scope Nurses' Association will be able to Des Moines by a delegation from the towards the abandonment of antifollowing stern measures adopted by .time as Daniels' recommendation for the General offers his services to F .of Operation." Only one word is continue their work in all their depart- Sioux City chapter. Semitism in Germany. the police. a national organization of "100 per-L. Savage, the former New York de- changed.. Dr. Fowler, remember, is ments. During the year 1922, twentyThe Sisterhood will hold a bridge centers" was received' at Dearborn tective, who had been ennobled by the a college president, so he corrects the five nurses cared for 6,770 cases, party next Tuesday, April 24, at the HOOLIGANS SMASH SYNAGOGUE that the Ku Klux Klan suddenly be- Ruler of the Invisible Empire with bad German in the title, "Jewry Uber making a total of 49,958 visits. EMIL GANZ & SON . WINDOWS IN POSEN; MOLEST gan to spread out from its .native le title of Grand Goblin. home of Mrs. Samuel. ,! Allies," to VJewry Uber Alles.".HowCertified Public Accountants Mrs. W. J. Hynes is chairman of JEWS ON TRAINS. h'abitat inj.{5eo|gia.~.: fhji $hoie>oun- "Know well," he writes, "that I do eyer, Dr. Fowler .can' spread himself 434 to 440 Feters Trust Bldg. the finance in this drive, and will be , Miss Helen Altschuler returned to Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The apparent try was' suddenly invaded^ by scores not want to know your secrets or over more pages than can the more INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS 1 assisted by one hundred and fifty quiet reigning in Poland notwithher home in Omaha Monday after Auditfr, Investigations and Systems of jdrganizeisr :It :is perhaps a mere iinancial dealings. I~ am ready-to parsimonious leader of "The Britons," C." P. A- V. M. UANZ having spent a week in Lincoln visit- standing , there is still considerable EMIli GAKZOffice coincidence: that th'ese organisers car- work gratis a» your adviser and co- and so i t i s that he elaborates .upon workers, who will canvass the city. Phones: Mrs. Frank W. Carmichael is chairagitation against thi Jews, in coning Miss Irene Adelson. While in Jackson 431S, 4314. • ried; with. ;them. instructions, signed by worker. All that I wish is -ta a l i g h t - Dr. Clarke's thesis, adding in true the lanpenar Wizard, whach read very en the Klan on the dangers-and the bogen-man style such astouridingly man of the house to house canvass for Lincoln Miss Altschuler was the guest of affairs held in her much like the Daniels screen, quoted 'remedies' and by doing so to prevent horrific accusations as the following $1.00 membership. Mrs. David P . at a number 1 Feder^has charge-of all the hotels and honor. A weenie roast at Robber's above. Compare the following jpa-ea- this country,;and the whole white race (not the excellency of the gramdowntown district. Cave was held Friday night. Saturgr^^htfrom theSKu Klux Klan organ_ _ .ruin., . . - . • The article about mar): Mrs. R. Kulakofsky and Mrs. N. P.day afternoon Miss Ruth Zolat enterization iharidijook-with aniels' recom- from "I here and now make a charge Feil are on the Board of Visiting tained eight at a theater party honorthe Klan- in the. Dearborn Independent tnendation to Henry Ford: is marvelous, indeed. Mr. Henry Ford, against the Jews of the world, name- Nurses' Association. Druggists and Stationers ing Miss Altschuler. Sunday after"No man is wanted in this Order I am sure, is the only great man who ly, that the one dream and the pas401-403-405 South 10th Street 'One of America's Great Hotels" Mrs. N. P. Feil and her committee noon Miss Bernice Diamond enterwho will not or cannot swear, un- can save the world. You ought to sion is that somewhere in the future composed of Mesdames Dave Rosen- tained informally at her home and explain this to your members as ana great Jewish kingdom shall be esSunday evening Miss Mildred Nef sky axiom. .^ . . . . Do follow the advice tablished, and that the wealth of the stock, Harry Z. Rosenfeld, L Rosenwas hostess at bridge. thai, Herbert Arnstein, and Clara FREDE. SiAW Flower Shop of the Dearborn Independent in de-world shall be taken into it, and . WASH AND KEEP WELL Becheroz, will canvass the professional tail. J am ready ;to drop all my bus-through that kingdom all the nations A RULE OF HEALTH Phone 104 Miss Helen Robinson, who is atThe Best of Everything In Flowers and iness and to go to Atlanta to discuss of the earth shall be subdued and and business men of this city. Mrs. tending the Nebraska University, FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY David P. Feder, as chairman of all the Confections at Moderate Prices. made to serve. to be done. spent the week-end in Omaha with hotels and downtown district reports S45 W. Broad wax. Next Liberty Theater T6 AND FROM- what ought 1819 California Street. "Most faithfully yours, : "I charge that through the 'Hidher parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. RoCOCNCIX. BliCTFFS. IOWA. "General Count A. Cherep, den Hand' 300 Jewish leaders of the the following t owork with her: ALL PARTS OF binson. BliACKSTONE HOTEL Mrs. H. A. "Spiridovitch." world, forty millions of men were Wolf, captain. THE WORLD C The Fydannthians entertained at HOTEL—Hiss Agnes Scott, The next scene is in Atlanta, Ga., killed in the great world war. that COLONIAL captain. bridge-dinner Wednesday, April 18. Carpenter Paper Co. a hundred billions of money were j on the top floor of the Flatiron buildTADOUSAC APTS.—Mrs. Clara Swobe and VAL J. FETER&COMPANY EFCTCTEKT ond RESPONSIBLE Mrs. G. E. Jennings. Distributors of plundered by them from the bleeding! ing, inaccessible -to anyone who does FONTENELLE HOTEL—Mrs. N. Mantel, 1307 Howard S t , Omaha, Neb. Western Bond—and High and suffering nations.I am familiar captain: and the Mesdames- P. Schaye, Mrs. J. Shapiro announced the not carry the proper credentials. PerWhere your clothes come home ATlantic 0340. T J. P. Conn, M. Jliller, J. Jacobs, S. engagement of her daughter Rose Grade Stationery haps only the "dear Grand Goblin" with the methods whereby they would Lowenstein, cleaner and last Ion per. M. Friedman, M. SpiesGilson to Mr. Ralph Devorsky of Min- AT lantic 0280. Omaha. Nebraska. knows the details of the proposition subjugate America through Pan-Ju- berger, and M. Wolo-witz. 1507-11 Jackson St. HOTEL—Mrs. B. M. Curtis, neapolis, Minn. The wedding is to be H. A. JACOBBEKGER. Pres. diaism, Pan-Germanism, Pah-Asiat- CONANT captain; Mesdames Max Sommers, C Bergman, and Ben Friedman. held May 13. ism, Pan-Islamism. By the "Hidden LOYAL HOTEL—Mrs. I. BOBenthal, Hand' England is being blackmailed captain; Mesdames L. Simon, J. Simon, Omaha Office: 813 Donjrla* Street. Miss Gertrude Fogelson and her Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556 Bosentbal, I. Jacobsen, and J. B. and whipped into line with declara- I. Koeenblum. fiance Mr. Hyman G. Bricker motored Ford Transfer & Storage Co. tions of rebellion from Egypt and In- HENSHAW HOTElr-Mrs. Clara M a n , captain; , Mesdames .. L. Elotcky, Max to Omaha Sunday and spent the day Every Known" Kind '. R. A. FORD, dia.. Japan is whipped into obedience Cc/nmtva'v tuans Blotcky, J. J. Friedman, David Levine, President and Genera! Manager, of Insurance' by Pan-Asiatism and Pan-Islamism. A. Pradell, M. . GlaSsbers, and Miss there. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office Bernlce Ferer. .. WHOLESALE PAPER, Two powers are lenient to Pan-Judia- PAXTON HOTEL-rr Mrs. H . ' Lapldus, Mrs. l S.: Barmish is "visiting a t the 834 So. Main Street. Phone S6S 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. O729 ism, Russia and .the United States. captain; Mesdamei A. Silverman, I. home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Snader. STATIONERY, ETC. Steinberg,. H. Silverman, Jack Alberts, This is why Russia was crushed, and Ed Kraus, and H. Mnlashock. Distributors for HOTEL—Mrs. L. GraeU. captain; Miss Jean Evnen gave a farewell j America is even now on the brink of SOME Mesdames J. Bramson. H. GoldBtrom, Pink Tip Matches — a great disaster. Jewry is now at- Ben Graeti, Morrla Fischer, and theparty.Friday evening in honor of Misses Isabelle Graetz, Irene Bosen, and Northern Toilet Tissue 11 tempting: .by the *Hidden Hand'- to Harlett Fleishman.-- • Miss Berdie Natenberg, who left for OCR TREATMENT W1XL CONVINCE YOU OF OUR , make *red^ the nations -of the earth. HILI/HOTEL—Mrs.1 H. Trustin, captain; Chicago where she expects to make 1112 Harney Street SINCERITX. Mesdames Carl B.- Krans, H. L. HolI Poland, France, are even now in the . lander, Trust Department. THE CAREFUL^ ATlantic 6409 Sam Frank, and the Misses Alice her home. Safety Deposit Boxes. Adler, Syl-ria Adler. Tel. JA. 4397. Anything :; Anytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. struggle. . CASTLE HOTEL —Mrs. M. Solomon, "After crushing and dismantling . captain; Mesdames. H. Hirschman, N. CLAIMS LEAGUE SANCTIONED M. Handler, and the Misses Bae the Slav countries, the. reds, backed Kort, JEW EXPULSION FROM Bercu and Sara Faler. by the 'Hidden Hand,' the Jews will BKANDEIS STORES—Mrs. Herbert Simon. AUSTRIA. captain; Mesdames G. E. West, M. Temptation Besets rYou <• carry. war into -Italy, Spain and Bnrkenroad, and P. G. Spitz. STORES — Mesdames London Hears Negotations Dealt With • , . When You Enter . . . COCNCH. KLCITS. IA. France. Germany "will invade Belgi- BURGESS-NASH John Steiner snd John Frances Daly. **Manufactured in Omaha** um. England will seize the Italian THOS. KILPATRICK—Mrs. Joe Pepper, Evacuation, Not Expulsion. CANDJES.. ICE CREAM," Service is Our Motto captain; Mrs. Jule Rachman. and French fleets and airships. The HAY.DEN BROS.—Mrs. J. Blank, captain; BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. LUNCHES. Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. 'Hidden Hand' will then-compel the Mesdames Abe Lelbowitz, E. A. Meyer, • Vienna. (J. T. A.) That the Council H. J. Whltebook, and the Misses Bess Anglo -;. Bolshevico-Germano-Japano- White, Xetta Nathan, Sara Faier, and of the League of Nations has apMexican Alliance and will attack and Tlllle Faier. GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN — Miss Francis proved the Austrian government crush America. '• : " . : . Marks,, captain; Mesdames H. Rachman, measures looking to the expulsion of A. Browar, and' T. Kaplan. '-One of the great enemies of.Amer- THOMPSEN-BELDEN — Mrs. P. Sher, East European Jews from Austrian t > 16th and Farnam Streets . ica today is the 'Hidden. Hand.'' This captain; Mesdames F. H. Kalmen, Harry soil, was .the statement made by the BUTTER and EGGS Fleishman, and the- Misses Ann Free'Hidden Hand* must be paralized and man. Harriett Fleishman, Ruth Brodkey, Vice Chancellor in Parliament yester"> -.Crystal Candy Company Tillie Rice, and Bernice Kulakofsky. Council Bluffs, la. destroyed at any cost. NEBRASKA CLOTHING COMPANY—Mrs. day. . "Again I repeat, suppose the pur16th and Capitol Aye. Sol Goldstrom, captain; Mesdames J. J. The Vice Chancellor was replying, Slosburg, D. Meyer, and the Misses pose of the now existing secret, clan- Beulah Miller and- Marie Goldstrom. at the end of a heated debate on the nish, Jewish organizations were to ITEN Jewish question, to charges by Socialin America as' they are now ist deputies that the government was BISCUIT CO. succeed actually powerfully organized. } LINCOLN Made by acting contrary to international sanc. (To, be concluded '• next week.). Snow White UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST tions in the eviction of the eastern Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohen held an Bakeries FOOD CO. Jews. Expulsion was in a large numinformal reception Tuesday, April 17, ' IRVIN STALMASTER; (Re*. C. 8. Fat. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Attorney. in honor of Mrs. Cohen's mother, Mrs. ber of cases delayed, the Vice ChancelOffice.) Notice of Incorporation- of lor explained, because transport, difHenry Schlesinger, of Berkeley, Calif. THE FACISTI' OF' AMERICA Notice Is hereby i git?ri j that' the underficulties rendered the task impossible. hare,:. In pursuance of the laws Mrs. Jo Heyman an little daughter City National Bank signed London. (J. T. A.) The statement of the State of Nebraska, organized a FOSTER-BARKER corporation; the name of the corporation Kutn, a r e t h e guests of Mrs. H e y -of the Austrian Vice Chancellor that of COUNCIL BLUFFS Is THE FACISTI OF AMERICA, with its 1„,-„»_ _ : _ * VI*M-AT> ^ M We pay 4% Interest on Saving CO: INSURANCE principal place of business in the City of, 3 3 3 1 1 8 m e c e » Mrs. Victor the League's Council had approved the UNDERTAKERS 1 Omahn;; the objects je for which the t e corporap t e r spending t w o weeks i n Lincoln, expulsion of Eastern European Jews and Time Deposits. the best «T , , • ... . \. •», "If Its Worth Anything ti Qn iis formed f e d aare-to-further r e t o f u r t h e r the \ . ~ ,. , 2224 Coming St. interests of all American citizens by.Nebr., she will visit in Salisbury, Mo., is due probably to a misunderstandJAckson 1862 „ Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. sh —Have It Insured." Phone JAckson 1226 U ^ ! * ™*T T ^ t with Mrs. Friend's ing, it is learned. In the negotiations ?££#& ^nU^r^^^i^^ia^! Bhip of pure Americanism, npholdlng the'parents. From there she will return regarding this question conducted by constitution of the and the' ,•„ Chicago, r>i.;~~~~HI. TH he United U e d States Staes an e ±. T . . , !,„_,_ in t t furthering f h i the th -sovereignty i t tt 00n n e r n o m e in Chicago HI severall states, the Joint Foreign Committee of ApVO COFFEE of the States, preventing and eliminating AUTO PAINTING tim canses_.pf mob "violence ana lynching, Mrs. M. Newmark, Mrs. R. Acker- British Jews with the Austrian govand upholding the rights of a" free and , , , . _. , . . . , . ernment, through the Council, the Top and Body Building ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS and Repairing. Wholesale • enlightened people to choose their own'man, and Miss Frank entertained at gradual "evacuation" of the Jews, and religion and o t of worship God accrdinga nt yo. _ 1 /7, a hrirlo-A D n a CURTAINS—3LIGHTB—ETC. • the dictates their o w n hearts: g e llnnp>iDnn U n c n e o n , Tiieorfnv l l i e s a a y , AAnril pill1 Fruit and Vegetables not their expulsion, was considered, white male person of the-age of twenty- in -honor of several out-of-town one years or upwardBt .who .is a native „ 4. N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. PFEIFFER it was stated here today. or naturaUzed citizen of the United States guesiS.
To Aid Nurse Association Drive
"The Man for thfcPlace Is Ilenry Ford"Texas Kjan Organ On Subject Of Presidency
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Steamship Tickets
Jensen Company
Council Bluffs SavingsBank
Baker lee Machines
THE BANK OP SAFETY Candylaiid AND SERVICE First National
First Rational Bank
jBankoi Omaha
Quaker Bread Made With Milk
McGbrd-Brady Co,
and has never committed' the crime of treason; rape and murder, shall be eligible to membership: the officers shall-vbe a _ , Mrs. .
Emerson Laundry F. B. MOREY. Prop.
S525 tcavenworth St.
ATlantic 0701
M. Aach, and Mrs. , Charles POLISH SUBJECTS COMPLAIN Grand Lictor. VIce-tirand Uctoiv Imperial Shire entertained Wednesday, April Feather Mattresses OF PALESTINE TREATMENT Scribe and Imperial Guardian, shall be 18, for the several out-of-town visMade from your own feathers. Warm elected for. term • of: two years or until Sofia. (J. C B. Mail Service.) The in winter; cool In summer. Cost less their successors "are elected and qualified; itors. Thursday Mrs. Victor Friend nnd last longer than cotton. Phone us subordinate officers Polish Consul in Bulgaria has re- V p t \YEIS h t-au n dry be appointed by for samples of ticking and estimates. the Grand Llctor;" shall headquarters- of the and Mrs. E. Guggenheim entertained ceived a letter from a Polish Jew now 28OS Cumrng. Harney K0831 organization* shall" be located•;,at"Omaha, at the Lincoln Hotel at a bridge-lunOMAHA PILLOW CO., 6neV;Day':- Serviced^No;':;-'Extra;' resident in Tel-Aviv, complaining of Nebraska, and not chanced for., ten years; the parent body shall have power to cheon honoring the visitors. 1907 Cumlng St. Phone JAckson 2467 the treatment of Polish subsets in PalCharges: Infinite Soft Water. Issue charters, confer initiative degrees, obligations, signs and- ceremonies, and estine. He writes that on arrival at Grand Llctor, Imperial Scribe ana Im- Mrs. L. Sarbach, Nebraska City, perial Guardian shall be the sole Judges Nebr., is visiting in Lincoln, with her the port of Jaffa or Haifa, British as to whether or not any subordinate and municipal officials control the organizations shall be riven charter: all many friends and relatives. ; passports of all passengers, but 109 Mo. 16tb St. TeL JA ckgon 3128 moneys, received, collected or donated Y o u r position is Opposite Post-Offlce. shall be paid into the office of the Im- Mrs. Al Sandlovitch entertained at whereas they return them in all other correct, and should perial ' Scribe to be expended by the GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys parent organization, provided '-?• that all cases they retain the passports of Pola bridge-luncheon at the Lincoln From $3.00 to $9.00. be s u p p o r t e d by such uiuutjB moneys Buun shall be spent in thee TT_J.»I IT-JJj u o i .cance oe spent of mm A -I on ish subjects and file them in the ar• GOOD FURNISHINGS. and propagation this furtherance, and propagation of this "Otel, r n d a y , April 20. «very fair minded organization; temporary officers now existchives. organization: temnorary officers now exist'; ' ' • - •' • ing shall hold office until the third of person. April, 1923, when permanent officers shall Mrs. Schloss, who went to Owenspe elerted for next two years: articles of REFUGE JEWS EXPELLED 8,000 boro,Ky., t o attend her -father's incorporation shnll be amended by threefourths vote of the delegates of the sub-funeral, returned to Lincoln accomFROM POLAND. ordinate organizations in regular convenWarsaw. (J. T. A;) Hundreds-of tion assembled. panied by her mother, Mrs. Wile. Wall Receptacles-— In wltri%88 whereof'' we have, hereunto Mr. and Mrs. SSugena Levy were Jews are'being arrested dailyvlin J$o* . : ...of,.. ; set ou^ hajids.- this 20tU day ot March, Xfeht—WJKIfifGrTPoWer^ cordance with an order of the Polish : r —Bell *. ,-* OEDGAE I. PULLER/* - called to Shenanlwro, .Iowa, on\ ac. Hoffmann Funeral Home. A. H. GIBBS. count of the death ~af Mr. Levy's government expelling all - Russian WATnnt 3034. 40 & Coming Sts. JOE JACOBS. B. Jewish refugees from-Poland, Incorpotatortr. mother, Mrs. Caroline Levy* who died-l
John Feldman
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. '" COMPLETE STORE ANp ' ' ' OFFICE OUTFITTERS • We occupy -- • .
mw», •atMW. t b t Conor
Leo A. Hoffmann
PAXTON BILLIARD PARLOR NICK S. WKANTC,.Proprietor ISie Farnam Street. Basement. Phone 3A eJwon 4130.
'•: .' "-*Vvv ' f -
- i-t .
..V"'.1. •/-,
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