April 26, 1923

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" Go on - and - make errors

Evenr man or' woman

and "fail and get up again. Only go on.— Anna C. Brackett.

wh'o ever won anything

VOL. HI.—No. 20

knew " how •'' to —- dig. -— • Adams.

Sintered k portofflte at Onu,

" mat] matter on January 27th. 1921. at braska. nnder'the Act et March 3. 1STO.


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Biographical Sketch 6f Hottsanis Hear Dr. Weizmann leception and lass Meeting Dr. Chaim Weiztkdhn



' The men who have been working, for- the; Jewish Community Center .drive, and who have subscriptions, ' are • urged to turn them - in - immediately so as the records may be complete. Send in your subscription cards to the office in. the-Lyric building. If you have -subscriptions, call Mr. Samuel TSchaefer at the office, Jackson 5377. X < More -wo"fkefs" are needed to help' put ."this:" campaign over; $22,000 more must be raised. If you have : already given your subscription, to'this cause, it is your' duty to help work for this cause. ,, '";

ailed by Herzl-while- Weizmann was still assistant to von Knorre'in Berlin. To his eternal . regret Weizmann missed the first Congress, but at the WORKERS ARE STILL CANVASSING CITY; amous conference at Warsaw which preceded the second Congress and at MANY PEOPLE HAVE NOT Thousands of Omaha Jews packed the Brandeis Theater and which Achad Ha-Am, the eminent Restaurant Thursday night to greet Dr. Chaim Weizmann, world YET SUBSCRIBED Zionist philosopher, emerged in opZionist leader. It was the most enthusiastic Jewish assembly ever position to Herzl,' Weizmann took an . The Jewish Community Center drive is not yet over. ' ') witnessed in Omaha. The monstrous greetings and shouts of ; active part. There he came into con. $22,000 must be raised to fill the quota. • •welcome-at the Union; station where the Jews formed a" human tact with men like Tchlenov, Kohnaisle this afternoon was a greeting fit for royalty amd deserved Thus far $228,000 has been raised'." by the various number^ Bernstein, and Achad Ha-Am. Weizof committees that have been .canvassing the city during the by the great Jewish leader. mann attended all of the subsequent past four weeks. Hundreds of Jewish men, women and children, carrying bngresses and before long became The remainder of the money must be raised before plans Zionist flags, joined in a parade of automobiles -which accompanied the leader of the "Democratic fracfor the building of the Community Center will be made. Dr. Weizmann from the depot to the Hotel Fontenelle. tion"—in opposition to Herzl. "Palestine "will be the center of schools and-paved many miles of "We must raise the entire amount before we can begin In 1898 he graduated from the BerJewish culture and the Mecca for those | roads. making plans for the building", said Harry Lapidus, chairman lin Polytechnicum with high distinc"Some of the Jews have suffered j Jews who wish to live in an of the drive. tion and went to Freiburg-to take up atmosphere ^saturated with Jewish indescribable tortures on theT journey ! There are a large number of people in the City of Omaha Electro-Chemistry and Biochemistry. traditions, manners and customs," to Palestine. I have seen some, myself, who have wandered for two years that have not yet given towards this .campaign. The amount said Dr. Weizmann. As ever, he carried on simultaneously reaching Palestine. - Forty per thus far raised has been subscribed by a small number of " I do not expect Palestine to attract before with his studies active; propaganda cent:of-the newcomers have college people in the city. many immigrants from the United educations,'while 80 per cent have! and work for Zionism. At that time States but jno doubt some of those who high school educations.- .••-•.. "We cannot fail in this campaign in this city knows the need of a Comthere was concentrated in Switzerland Was Secretary to Many B'nai B'rith look upon it a s , a religious sanctuary now; we must raise this money. We munity Center building here, and "The Shlemozals of History." a group of Jewish andyinon-Jewish and a center of Jewish culture will Lodges, Including Executive have undertaken one of the greatest everyone should give. settle there." "The Jews have somehow fallen thinkers who subsequently : became causes that the community has ever between the wheels7 of history. They ' - Body. "The people that witnessed the first leaders of thought and action in the Kulakofsky Presides at Banquet. have become the 'Shlemozal' of had, and we must finish it. It is the performance of the Y. M. H.'A. show A. L Kulakofsky presided at the history-r-one who" happens' to always modern world. Lenin, Pleflhanov, one and only cause that should be last week" now know what Jewish boys banquet in the Brandeis grill where be in the wrong place. During the Trotzky, Brainin, Syrfckrn.Missinsohn, HENRY MONSKY- SENDS WORD closest to the hearts of every man and and girls - have been attending the more than 400 representative Oma- war this positions, was'demonstrated OF DEATHTO OMAHANS. Ansky, Wilensky and a-host of others haris honored the famous Jewish for-the Jews" were made responsible woman in the city. meetings at the present rooms of the were there. Among them. all Weizleader. for'everything. The Germans blamed Community Center. With the limited "If this cause fails now, the long Word has been received here .durmann was the most: brilliant and Mayor James C. Dahlman presented us for,losing the war; the Allies,beamount of facilities and room, the realized dream of a building -where ing'.the week",of the sudden death' of the keys of the city, to Dr. Weizmann cause we helped Germany. Turks ardent 'debater and. polemist, and on growth of the organizations and clubs all-OUR boys and girls can meet unand welcomed him to the heart of the blamed us for helping England; Eng- : them he sharpened his brilliant wit. A. B.\ Seelenfreund. of Chicago. Mr. "world's great agricultural district. land because we helped the Turks..The Seelenfreund-died'-at Memphis, Tenn., der, proper environments •will be a have been hindered. The new ComIn 1903 Prof. Perkins who occupied Dr. Herman yon W. Schulte. dean reactionaries called us Bolsheviks and munity Center building will take care failure. of the Medical School, of Creighton the Bolshevist called, us Capitalists. the Chair of ChemistiJ a t the Man"The Jews of Omaha should get to- of all these necessities and can furUniversity,.told rDr. Weizmann that he .Mass'psychology:hascinfluenced us by chester University, invited Dr. Weizwas proud to have a brother scientist making . u s weak, apql@g?tic and gether and make a final effort in fin- nish more room for all the clubs iif - D R . WEIZMANN- mann' to become his, assistent a t / represent' such "a great cause." "It constantly oh the defense; We've lost ishing...this campaign as ioon'as pos- the city." the habit of-being-ourselves; telling to skill in -Hebrew; lore^and in learning, Manchester. - Weizmann accepted and makes roe .iitiorerproud of 'my professible. The sooner the campaign closes sion,", he said., . .'• J1'-^••-. •', .... 1 *be^wo^4tetltese_3£e_ are,-tafcejas_o.r4^ but ; It" wa"s~npt" tffiinVthe vage of.* on arrival in Manchester_took-,-flp-Ms. leave us. We-are what we are; '"""We' are"Tiere~*"as' loyal? Jews-TEha " i V went ; to dottbje duties with' renewed zest, 1 oyal Americans,"^ said Rabbi "Samuel C papologize. g . — _, into contact with more secular learn-; chemistry and Zionism. In both he JFHE PUBLIC. Sale of St. Louis. "We must he loyal Here we have a glorious civi•won;-ever-growing, recognition. In to bur great past—to our spiritual lzation but a ready made one. All ing. There are a large number of At Pinskfhe began the study- of Manchester and later throughout Enginheritance. The Jew is fast falling efforts must go to "the regular stream people in the city who have not away from that great inheritance. as American efforts, for what you do Russian and of modern_;culture, enter-": landfthere formed around him a group yet contributed to this cause. If "Every shortcoming of '• Israel, is credited to America; what you ing the. welt, known "Realschule" of of devoted followers .and whatever the committee has not yet vis-thwart, and torment of ^-"s wandering don't do is credited to the Jew. There secondary school. He diinot abandon time-he could spare, Weizmann gave To Be Held May 13-16—Will Discuss through t'-e ages must be overcome. is a double bookkeepirig system here ited you, do not wait. Phone : This great movement will do it, for it —Einstein is credited to the Ger- his Hebrews studies but continued to to furthering by written and spoken Jewish Philanthropic Problems. the office, Jackson 5377, or mail means the reconstruction of Israel." mans, Trotsky .to the Jews. ' The . study Talmud until the age of 17 word the Zionist cause. in your subscription, with the Gentile says the Jew is not con-! under the famous scholar "Reb Jewish Speech Inspires People. TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL 10 per cent first payment. 'In 1914 when war was declared Rabbi H. Chechanowitz of Warsaw, structive because the Jewish con- j Schmulke Wakomirer'?. MEETING OF CONFERENCE Poland, gave a spirited talk in Jewish struetivity is covered' up. Only our During his later studies at the High Weizmann was almost immediately destructivity-'is visable. • sent for by the British Government. that brought the diners to their feet the sooner the plans for a building . The twenty-fourth annual meeting "In travelling around we've gone1 School young Weizmann had already; Both his general knowledge as a several times. He said that the Jews will be made. The greater amount of of the National Conference of Jewdetermined to -make "chemistry his and shrinking to must carry "on the work and must not for ages, stre chemist and a number of specific disthe quota has already been subscribed. ish Social Service will be held in stop until they have reached the. end meet conditions, We are _ slightly special field of study, and after grad coveries made him a man of the ' d ' t xesognize There is still ?22,000 to be raised." deformed until of their journey. Washington, D. C, from the 13th greatest value to the British and A. L. Galinsky of Sioux City, chairThe money raised thus far in the to the Berlin Polytechnicum. Here his through the 16th of May. Many probman of the Keren Hayesod of Iowa, us. Palestine is" being watched by marked ability was early recognized Allied cause. His entry into official campaign has been the work of a lems that have confronted executives the entire world because .this world, brought greetings from the "greatest circles Weizmann soon turned to Zionhandful of men in this city. Boys and and boards of directors of Jeish phiagricultural state in the world to the has: 'neyer seen-' ,a.- hundred,- percent and before long he became the as-( ist ^account. He became personally Jews. We have never been given girls, members of the senior group of lanthropy' during the past year greatest Jew in the world." "Everey sistant of Prof. von/Knorre, at the day, we think of you, Dr. Weizmann, a chance to build up. Let us' show time one of the foremost chemists in acquainted with some of the outstandthe Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. have also throughout the United States will be and pray that God keep you safe," he the nations that-we-are capable of Europe. ing personalities in British political A. B. SEELENFREUND. been working for this cause. discussed at this meeting. fulfilling our^partof the contract. said. life—with Lloyd George, Balf our, where he had been attending a meet- "We are making and putting all "Be sports; smile'and help us; do Weizmann's chemistry and Zionism Mr. Samuel H. Schaefer, superin"Palestine is not waiting, but callChurchill and others. ing of the . executive committee of our efforts in the work for this tendent of the local Jewish Welfare . ing to us. We must answer. Build it nicely; don't be dragged along— always seemed to go hand in hand do it as!it befits a, grand people. Palestine, must be the answer to our cause," said Israel Goodman, presi- Federation, will attend the convention. The rest is a matter of history. The the Order of B'nai B'rith. t was at the age of 12 that he took enemies—a homeland for the Jews, dent of the Y. M. H. A. "Everyone He will deliver one of the addresses Mr. Seelenfreund was well known vivid impression which Weizmann up the propaganda of the Zionis" where they can develop and thrive to many Omahans. •' He was an active made on all with whom he came into ideal. His father was a staunch at the convention., His subject will be and influence civilization. We cannot ask European Jews to help us; their sympathizer with the Choveve-Zion or contact. His earnestness, his per- worker in the - B'nai B'rith circles. "Standardized Budget for Smaller burden is too heavy now." More than 2,Q0() people filled every 'Lovers of Zion" who preceded the suasiveness, his wit—all of them were He was secretary-of the international Communities." ,, seat in the Brahdeis theater and 500 modern or political Zionist movement weapons in defense and furtherance order of B'nai B'rith, secretary of the When Dr. Weizmann was introduc7 The keynote -of the meeting will be ed j the audience honored him with a additional seats on the stage to honor sounded by Miss Frances Taussig, the „ . five-minute ovation. He thanked. Dr.: Chaiin Weizmann, the leader of and, when young, Weizmann used to of Jewish cause. The leading hand District No. r'67of the. B'nai B'rith, return to Pinsk on a vacation, he of Weizmann is seen in all the of which Omaha lodge was a member, "Americanism cannot be bottled or President of the Conference, in her M&yor Dahlman, Dr. Schulte, Rabbi the Jewish people. Sate and Omaha Jewry for their . Rabbi C. Hillel Kauvar, Denver, would devote himself to propaganda triumphs which have come to the and secretary..'of Ramah lodge at canned," said Dr. Rabbi Garry J. address on "The Changing Ideals of | Colo., was the chairman of the meet- in his native town and in nearby Zionist movement in the last few Chicago." '"• : August in his sermoa on "Democracy Jewish Social Work," showing the heatty welcome. . . . ' • . , at the Crossroads" at the Temple 'Being a scientist, I will talk with ing, at the theater.': "We have; gath- villages where Jews were to be found. years, from the Balfour Declaration "The .B'nai-B'rith has lost one of ered here this evening to. pay honor Israel last Friday night. He ex- trend toward a move scientific apprea few shop words, by explaining that to the ratification of the Mandate. its most.valued-'members", said Irvin changed pulpits with Rabbi Frederick ciation of the problems and the Palestine is being built in a scientific to one of' the most noblest men in The first Zionist Congress was world", said Rabbi- Kauvar. "We Stalmaster, , past. president of . Hie Cohn who spoke at the Temple Adath growth of scientifi« methods in dealmanner," he said, "We are starting this are here in the interest of one. of the with the building of a university, greatest local lodge .of the B'nai B'rith. "He Joseph, St. Joseph, Mo. ing with', the problems. .{. causes that confronts every s an enemy to his people. In the! "Omaha Jews have never fallen which we hope to have ready in nine "You can't say that each American was an. enthused worker for the final analysis, the_ noblest badge is [down on a campaign for a worthy months. -And I extend # to these Jew in the world." must be cut to a certain size and Dr. Julius Drachsler, Assistant Pro- ; in this that of the B'nai B'rith which pledges cause," he said. "Everyone of you order"," said "Harry" Silverman, sec- shape, stamped and then packed," fessor of Sociology at the College of prominent colleagues of mine, sitting I know that everyone here, an invitation to exchange chairs. theater knows the_ importance of. this all Jews to aid one another—whether sitting here tonight must do your retary of the_lo.cal_lpdge. said Dr. August. "America cannot the City of New York, and members Reform or Orthodox, Zionist or non- share. Don't give Omaha Jewry a We will allow them to lecture in Eng- meeting",' said' J. "J." Freidman. Word of the sudden death of Mr. afford to do that. of the staff of. the Bureau of Jewish! Zionist—and on that .platformI black eye in this campaign." lish, but I suppose they will allow us "There is no set American creed. Social Research, will render a report Braude Moves Crowd,to Tears. stand. All Jews are my people, all "I was thrilled by the fiery Seelenfreund '.was ;sent here by Henry The to lecture to them in Hebrew. Jew owes no apology as an With tears' "streaming down his Jewish dreams my dreams, all Jew- speeches that I heard this evening," Monsky, .who .attended the executive American. of the Committee on Training of Jew« . He can be. as- good Jews Signed Contract. said A. L. Sutton, local attorney. meeting. . Mr./ Monsky and Mr. cheeks, Rabbi M. Braude, St. Joseph, ish hopes my hopes." ish Social Workers. Dr. Drachsler "A year ago, the League of Na- Mq., in a passionate plea for the upAnd I present you my check for Adolph Kraus of Chicago, president American and believer in Democracy will indicate" the need for training and Kauvar Praises Monsky» as anyone else. tions entered into a solemn contract building of the Jewish faith and the "I. am a Zionist because I am- a this movement." of the , International Order, ac- "The new movement,' he said, is ,the method for tanning looking to« with two parties—the British govern- rehabilitation of Palestine, touched Jew," said Rabbi J. L. Barron of companied the body to Chicago. ~ a direct sign of Democracy. It shows ward the .establishment of training ra, ment and the Jews of the world. This the hearts of the large assembly. Davenport, la. "It is heroism, justhat the Jew has the real spirit of institutions.. document, which was the mandate, Rabbi S. Rivlin of -Des Moines, la., tice, peace and civilization that the ; Democracy." *ovided that the nations of the world, spoke of the duty of the Jews in Jews of the world are attempting to Morris Levy, : Harry Lapidus, N. P. iduding the United States, • have America towards the Keren Hayesod do. in the rehabilitation of Palestine." Dr. August is to be honored Sun- One of the most fascinating sessions Feil, Drl Pnilip Sher, Louis Kirsch- day at Kansas City when he is to of the Conference will undoubtedly b« _ icognized the right of the Jews to movement; \ At tins stage of the meeting, Dr. A large number of people attended braun, N. A.-Spiesberger, W. L. Holz- be rebuild a homeland in Palestine. For initiated in Kansas by the Omego that over which Dr. Jacob Hollander, Weizmann had arrived from the the funeral of Israel Gluck, 82, who the purpose of carrying this into efDr. August Makes Impressive chapter of the Zeta Beta Tan Professor .of Economics at the Johns man, Isador Ziegler, Leo Rosenthal, banquet. Immediately cheers and fect, a Jewish body is to be recognized •" .;. ; . -. Speech. He will' be listed" as an • : .'• . greeted him. The entire died Friday. The funeral was held Louis Simon, Mr^Kilakof sky and Dave fraternity. AS advisors 'to the government of associate member of the University Hopkins University, will preside. This One of • the most impressive applause audience stood and sang the Jewish Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gluck was session, will deal with "The Attitude Brodkey. ..•...-• ••• . • ,, Palestine on all matters of upbuilding speeches of the evening was made by national song, "Hatikvoh". of Missouri chapter. a Jewish home. of ^Organized Charity." It will anaDr. Rabbi Garry J; August of St. "We are a people that have been well known in the city. He was a member to many of the charitable or: lyze the experiences of various com"Two essential things'are necessary Joseph, Mo. for many years and it is ganizations. "It is high time," said Dr. August, wandering PHILIP KRASNE WINS —land and men. Palestine is small, LABOR LYCEUM $O HOLD munities in. the country, with regard time that we have a homeland," said having only 30,000 square kilometers, '^that we cease \defining the kind of Rabbi Chechanowitz. CONTEST. He is survived by two daughters, to this question and will endeavor to bob there is room for 3,000,000 more Jews we are. In the face of.a great "I am introducing to you, a son of Mrs. Max Sominers, with whom he Mr. Philip Krasne, son of Mr. and A number of Valuable articles have give a program, to communities that people. Palestine is similar to eme*4*&cy, there can be only one, the Grand Order of B'nai -B'rith," i ' California in climate and soil and we and raat is the Mnd which, no matter said Rabbi Kauvar when he intro- had been making his home, and Mrs. been donated by. the Jewish people of Mrs. H. Krasne, was awarded first are confronted with this problem. 3^ have sent boys to California to train what its affiliations,' fries to Kelp any duced Henry Monsky. "He is a man D. M. Newman, and one son, Edward. Omaha for theVbazaar^to be given by place in the extemporaneous speaking A special'feature of this year's conJewish cause and further any^Jew- whom all. should admire and respect He was a member of Temple Israel the Labor;' Lyceum, starting Monday, contest held at the Abraham Lincoln ference will be the fact that it is extlttm in agriculture.' • / v .-'-:'•• . '•':', ''During the last two- and a half ish dream. the work he has done, is and belonged to the Masonic order May 7,'and will-be", continued all week High School, Council Bluffs, during pected that many member* of boards "The greatest danger of Hie Jew because years, 80,000 young men have some most noble." for more than fifty years. at the Labor Lyceum building, Twen- the week. Young Krasne is a Senior of directors of institutions throughout into Palestine. They are coming in is not from ydthout; it is from with"Omaha Has Never Failed." Aetive pallbearers were Louis Som- ty-second and Clark streets. All the at the High School. the country will come to this Confprat the rate of l.ftOO per month. in. The Jew who attacks' another Eighty-five, per cent' of these are fit group that is honestly attempting to Mr. Monsky through . a series of mers, Dr. M..L Gordon, Martin Sugar- money collected from the bazaar will He will represent the Abraham Lin- ence to attend not only the Jewish _ capable bf carrying out the neces- .solve. the Jewish>problem is a. Jewish talks kept up the spirit of the large man, Sol Goldstrom, Jake Slosburg be used to enlarge the.building. coln High School at the Southwestern Conference^.but also the Fiftieth Juassembly, and was responsible' for the sary " work. - We_ haye-. built. 1,500 '3HH-seinte"S^e^^^ and.I Rosenthal. The public is cordially requested to meet which will be held next week.at bilee Conference of the National Conlarge inflow of pledges and cash dur„ , constructed three-TailMa^^ - The honorary- pallbearers ference ~of Social' Work. _ ^ attend. - - . - - - - : Griswold, la" • * planted 1,000,000 trees, built Ja':net-<pf^vt0''-re^^:'f&at'**'3r6atii{- of Jewish lift ing the meeting.


- Chaim Weizmann was. born in the little town of Motole in the province of Grodno—six miles from; Pinsk •which nevertheless insists on .claiming him as her own. Chaim Weizinann's father was a merchant and scholar of the' now' rapidly"- -disappearing * type known as the "Maskil"—a son'of-the Jewish Hebrew renascence of the 19th ^century. , The family remained in -Motole until the-young- Chaim-was 12 years of, age and it was in Motole that he. received-his first education. Here he went to Cheder and studied under various teachers, distinguished

A. B. Seelenfreimd, B'Nai Bffli Olcer, Sacciinibs at Memphis















Jewisfi Social Service

Honored Guests Speak at Giant Mass Meeting

labM Garr? J. August Speaks zi Temple' Israel

Many Attend Funeral of Piiper Resident

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 192S by the members, and talks were given the club wififi be held at the home of Nebraska Radio Broadcasting" by two honored members, Mr. Leab- ofc Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F, Mar-Station W P A V, Monday,.April 23. man and Mr. Dworsky. golin. \ * " '

THE JEWISH PRESS PoblUbed m i j Tburttfajr « Oaub*. NebrMk«. by

THE JEWISH PBESfc PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre BoIlding.->Te1ephone; Jackson 2872. NATHAN E. GREEN* Manager. .$2.50 Subscription Price, one year Advertising rates furnished on application. NOT PRINTED FOB PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the puDUcation of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy commtmal cansea.^ C8ANOB OF ADDEB88—Ple»»t gtrit both torn «!4 and ntw addreu: ' b < «Wi tod riga TOP? tutm*

The Jewish Press" is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphicy Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City. : v


Mrs. R. Barmish left Tuesday for The Hebrew Educational Society of Lincoln •. postponed their meeting last her home in Omaha after spending Sunday. . They will meet Sunday, two weeks -with her daughter, Mrs. April 29, at the Ivre Club Rooms. Harry SnadeVj and Mr. Snader.

A . B. SEELENFREUND 186S—1923. , In eighteen hundred sixty-eight, ^ • . In a certain month—on a certain date, Came a baby boy—a gift to its mother, But a MAN to the world—a fellow brother. Fifty-five' years of life were loaned To this man of men, -who became enthroned In the hearts of a multitude the country o'er, And now-^—alas—he lives no more.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Wasserman, Mrs. Miss Bessie Epstein spend the Sam Nefsky, and Mr. Abe Guggen- week-end with her parents, in Linheim left for Excelsior Springs, Mo, coin. Miss Epstein is Athletic Mrs, Henry Schlesinger, a visitor Director at York, Nebr. <jf the past week, left Monday for Miss Mary Yabroff, who is studyChicago, where she will visit her ing dramatics at the University of sister, Mrs. Fanny Lehman. Nebraska, furnished the Monday Mrs. Joe Sarbach returned to herevening program for the University home in Nebraska City, after visiting her relatives and friends in Lincoln.

A life of altruistic deeds, A sacrifice to other's needs, Such was the life that this man led Until—one day—we find him—dead! For alas, with a stroke of the mightjrpen,

His name was erased—and this man of men HENRY-FORD FOR PRESIDENT? Answered the call of the Reaper Grim On the" authority of none other than Roy M. Harrop, presiFor the hour had arrived to pass, for him. dent of the American Economic League, which is now engaged Just as a'candle shines out in the night in circulating Ford-fpr-President petitions, i t may be stated that As it pierces the darkness with rays of light, the League has not consulted Mr, Ford, but has "drafted him". So-did the life of the man now dead—cold, This important intelligence is flashed by the Associated Press Radiate out from his heart of gold. from Nebraska, where l>600 names are now on file with the SecAnd for him who will never to earth ^return, retary of State asking that Mr. Ford's name be placed on the In the shrine of our hearts an Aer Tomid -will burn, Nebraska primary ballot next year as Progressive party candiAnd may his soul sense as it lies in sleep, date for President of the United States. That a nation mourns—and a people weep. The American Economic League may have "drafted" Mr. —Rose Davidson. Ford, but the War Department did not succeed in drafting young Mr. Edsel Ford when the .country was at war, nor did young Mr. Ford voluntarily enlist for service overseas. Young Mr. Ford was exempted. Mr. Ford, the elder^has not thus far indicated a desire for JEWISH CALENDAR. exemption from the "service which the Economic League would LINCOLN . 5683-1923. impose.—Clev. Ind. . •'•'• . Lag b'Omer .,.._^ _ JFriM May

Rosh-Chodesh Sivan _~.Wed., May 16 Shaboath CConfirmation) , V HARVARD YOTES &0WN RESTRICTION, May 21 • " According to press reports, the Board of Overseers of Har- Day) June'5 Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz vard University unanimously voted on April 9th that in the adSat, Jnly 14 ministration of rules-for admission to Harvard College, the tra-Rosh-Chodesh ditional policy of freedom from discrimination on grounds of Fast of Ab race or religion, be maintained. This vote, says the report, was Rosh-Chodesh Elul An*. "3 taken after the Board had accepted the report of a committee New Year's Eve. Sept. 10

Mrs.. H. S. Kaimen, of Omaha, was a guest of Mrs. Lew Polsky the past week.. .Friday evening Mrs. Polsky entertained at bridge in honor of Mrs. Kaimen. Mrs. Abe Davidson entertained at a luncheon Saturday noon and Sunday evening. Mrs. Max Katleman honored Mrs. Kaimen at a bridge, Mr. Kaimen joined Mrs. Kaimen on Saturday and both left for Omaha on Monday. Miss Helen Aach visited Nebraska City last week where she attended the Junior Prom of the Nebraska City High School.


Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman entertained their bridge club Sunday, CORRECTION, April 22. High honors were won by In last week's column of the Lin-Mrs. Benjamin F . Margolin and Mr. coln News it was stated that Jack Chapman. The next meeting of Miss Gertrude Fogelson with her fiance were in Omaha last week. The "Jewish Press" wishes to correct the All Orders Gi?en Prompt and Careful Attention. item, as Miss Fogelson is not engaged. WELSH'S FLOWERS

The Menorah Society of the Uniappointed last year to- consider and report to the Governing versity of Nebraska will hold an open Boards "principles and methods for more effective sifting of D. C. ZIONISTS ATTACKED meeting Sunday, April 29. This meetcandidates for admission to the University.!' . FOR HALL RENTAL We trust that this report is accurate in every particular and Washington. (J. T, A.) The local ing will be the biggest meeting of the that the decision of the Board of Overseers will be carried out newspapers are giving a great deal of year. Kohy Sirinsky, the noted vioin letter and spirit. Moreover, we are hopeful that this ends notoriety to the Washington Zionists linist, will appear on the program the discussion of the disagreeable so-called "Harvard incident", for the rental of their hall for a com- Miss Mildred Nefsky will give several and that the example of the Board of Overseers will be followed munist meeting. The owner of thevocal solos. Miss Mary Yabroff will by the Governing Boards of other educational institutions in this hall has as a consequence cancelled read a selection from Zangwell. Dr. country that may have, been infected by the virus of race and the lease of the Zionists. The Zionists Singer will be the speaker of the evening. religious prejudice. ; declare the communists got the hall American institutions of learning cannot afford to turn their under false pretenses. Twenty-five members of the Ivre backs upon1 the best traditions of our country. The attempt at - According to the newspapers, James club at a dinner given by discrimination against the Jews was less a challenge to the JewP. Cannon, chairman, of the Workers' themparticipated at the Japanese Room of the than to the spirit of America a and of American education. We Party, who was the speaker at the Lincoln Hotel in honor of two of their p h i ^ t th h d ih th ibilit t i t meeting,'delienaed'the; Soviet action in members, Messrs. Harry Leabinan and •pret are happy i^iat at those charged with the responsibility to inter-t this spirit Harvard have read the challenge aright and executing $he Catholic Vicar General. Ralph Dworsky, who are soon to be n have acted accordingly.; America and Harvard are to be eon-- The newspapers .quote scores of married. The program for the even' gratulated upon the putconie of.- an incident which we would Christian clergymen in protest against ing's entertainment consisted of a liie to see obliterated froltn/the niemorjr -of men. • • the meetingi comedy play portrayed by Messrs. Louis Messer and Dave Zolat. Mr. Joe Levine^ sang a number of songs. unfit for the modern economic world ARABS BOYCOTT ( for want of education and for West - JEWISH ELECTRICITY y Snader.the presiding toastern society (because of their habits Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) Arab ex- master, spoke, followed by short talks and want of cleanliness." tremists are waging their fight Article Said to: Help Promote Anti- The Jewish. Tribune analyzes, the against things Jewish even to the Semitic Feeling i n Polahd. \*. article as; -to its authoritativiness, its point of refusing the use of electricity MONHEIT'S impaitialityi. _its accuracy, and Jcon4 derived from a "Jewish" station. Chiropodist and Beauty New Yoric-^-A, summary in the En-,eludes .that, none of thesev elements -The Jaffa municipality has decided Shop Cyclopaedia Britannica, entitled "The; exists, adding: "We have shown 'that to.-, stick to the old hand, foot and isoo Jewish Question," part of "the, ency- in its treatinent : of a ;vital question horse power rather than utilise any 15th Estabiiitiea and Hartmy KttvMa. Give us a Chwico to apclopaedia's article on Poland, from the affecting millions* of human beings of "the electrical power derived from preciate your bosiness. For same issue of the reference work the Encyclopaedia has violated the the; Ruttenberg station at the Auja. appointmentB call Ja. 9774. which criticised the war record of Sec-- elementary principles of ^encyclopae- Efforts by the government to conretary of War Newton D. Bawer,has dia compilation." , : vince the Arabs that electricity, was drawn the fire of the Jewish Tribune The publishers .*>£ the Encyclopae- neutral and knew no politics proved We Wish to Announce in its latest issue. The-article at- dia Britannica l-efused to make any unavailing; to Our Patrons and Friends tacked is by Geoffrey Drage,- V comment tiperi the charges "made by THAT THE SHOHIT president of the Royal Statistical So- the r Jewish: Tribune.* • ciety, who was attached to.the Mil' itary IntelligenceSection of the Brit-- ECLIPSE PHOTOGRAPHS The next regular meeting of the is with ish War Office during the!war. SUPPORT EmSTEIN THEORY Sisterhood will be held"at the home of FRIED & KUKUN The editors of the encyclopaedia Toronto. <J. C. -B.) Professor Cl Kosher Ment Market " are charged in the Jewish /Tribune's A. Chant; of the chair; iof gastronomy Mrs. Herman Meyerson next Wednes1513 North 24th Street attack with violation of the. eiemen- ^ 4 h e ; University; *f .Toronto, whoday afternoon at 1000 Fifth avenue. WE bster 4330 " tary principles of compilation, falsifii conducted observations': of the eclipse: An election of officers will be held, as -Serrlco and Quality Is OOP Mott*" We carry the best line of . 'cation, the promotion of anti-Semit- pf the; sun; ori- September 21 on thethis is the last meeting of the season. Presh Meats and Delicatessen. ietn in Poland and Avitk'fanning the coast ;<>f Australia," declares in a reThe Bridge Party of the Council of flames in English speaking' Countries! rtj just : published that. the. photto- Jewish. Women,* which was to have and with casting "undeserved opprbj graphs, provide evidence favorable., to been held on May 6, has been changed brium and obloquy upon millions of the Einstein theory.,-';, .'•.' J_., .... to-Tuesday evening, May 8, at the Jews whose only offense is' that they: The measurements bear out the pre- Danish Hall. 'are 'different.'" :, . •;•".'' ; f dictiori-of "Eibstein. Prof. Chant said Excerpts From Article. - • ' *"": . that.jif --.his ^theory was correct the Mrs. Philip' Sherman left for her Some of the excerpts from the Enfi?tars when photographed with the sun home Monday in Allen, Nebr. cyclopaedia Britannica which particia- apparently in their midst would show Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder eriter'larly are objected to are the folliw- a displacement outward from the sunfciined their Evening Bridge club at ing: as compared with the positions of the their home Sunday evening. "The Eastern Jew is essentially a same stars when the sun was absent A regular meeting of the Council ' business or commercial man, but rare- from their portion of. the heavens. Of Jewish Women will be held this Diamond & Platinum Specialists • ly a producer. He is usually a midafternoon, at the home of Mrs. Sam 1514 Dodge St. 'dleman or intermediary. In towns the BLACKLIST WARSAW SHOPSnyder. Est. 1894.' Ja. 5619 majority of the shops are owned by KEEPERS FOR STRIKING. • Jews,, but they are a race apart, hated Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—Jewish shop- Mrs. H. Marowltz returned from Des and despised by the rest of the pop- keepers who closed their places of Moines, la., where she attended • the -tilation, devoted to their religion, business during the general strike funeral of her grandfather. « ' which is a primitive type of Judaism." April 17 to protest the recent disW A N T E D — A nice furThe Tsarist government turbances are prominently listed in The meeting of the Junior. Council * nished room by young '•drove t h e Jews out of Russia, but two of the local anti-Semitic papers, was held Sunday afternoon at the "gave them.exceptional advantages in "Rzeczpospolita" and ?Dwa Groshe". home of Mfes Gertrude Chernjack. man. Call Jackson 2372. : >'-',, Poland. During and after the war,Poles are urged by these publications Discussion on "What Is Means to Be the hostility to the Jews was increased to make more effective" the boycott a Jewess" was held. f\ , F T>y the fact that in the German occu- against these Jewish shopkeepers. ' Mrs. H. Karlson and son are visit' pation the Jew was the. willing tool ing with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltz' ' -of the" invader and by the close cony v~ '-nection between the Jews and Bol- DR. GEORG HALPERIN SAILS man. * FOR AMERICA. . I'shevism. The hostility to the Jew was The Mogen Dovid Young Judea club Sunday Night London, ( j . T. A.)—Dr. Georg will meet next Sunday at the Syna••- -."_' ."marked in ,1916 and 191,9 -by excesses r : Eelpine Academy *y.'» L~-\& which some 200 or 300" have in Halperin, managing director of thegogue. The following are officers for 'rv-~i." "fact been killed, but which.have been Jewish Colonial Trust, is leaving to- the ensuing- term: Morton Richards, THORPEIAN ATHLETIC -' • 'r - "/enormously escaggerated -by the Jew-morrow for the United States. president; Sam Shyken, vice presiCLUB Dr. Halperin is the treasurer of .the dent; Abe Katleman, secretary; SoloZionist Organization and*chief advisor mon Michnick, treasurer, and Charles " "Captain Peter Wright,. in his very on financial matters. He id coming Goldberg, seigeatit-at-arms. Phone At. 0783; Bes. Phone We. GSTO —iltiable and intereswng report, states in response to a cabled request from The Chevra Kadisha will be enter•'that*the, great majority of the. poor Dr. Weizmann. It is understood that tained at dinner Sunday evening a t c< Real Estate, Loans and Insurance his advice is required in the matter of "4Je.ws a're. of the. Eastern.type and ex--, tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. J. KatleBought, Sold and Exchanged a financial institution for Palestine "trerne orthodoxy"(Chasaidini)"/ They 1306 Flint Ktttli>»i«I BUlk Kids. man. Omaha. Nebr. . , "form an immense ni^ss o'f squallid and which is being considered by-a number With JACOB 8I.OSBURG, SR. " "; poverty.* • « .."They are of prominent American Jews, among Mrs. Sam Schwartz returned from Hon. Oscar Kansas City, Mo., where she has been „ «.*.«.. into >H sorts o f illicit; and them Mr. Louis Marshall, Straus, and others.f- r *v\-, • - •_, :- •7^ J " ^ "'4£r^dajfent practices,. . r ; • PATRONIZE OUR. ADVERTISERS* -• .-v-

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PAGE _3—THE- JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923 For the standards of right are infinite entertain at a dance Sunday evening, han, will leave next w.eek for .St. JoY NEWS. And the scales of our God are true. April 9, at the Labor Lyceum, Twen- seph, Mo., for a month's visit before The Y. M. and Y. W. H.-A. will returning to their home in Denver, entertain at its regular bi-weekly 'Tis a truth as old as the soul of By its good or evil each life is ty-second and Clark streets. things— Colo. weighed; dance Saturday evening at the JewMrs. S^m Cohn entertained at a Whatever ye sow, ye reap. ish Community Center. The organIn .motives and deeds is its record stag party for her husband Tuesday -Miss Lottie Hirschberg entertained ization will hold its regular- meeting 'Tis the cosmic law that forever made; evening at their home. ' the Ra Oth at a buffet luncheon and springs Monday evening. In the coin ye pay ye shall be prepaid card party at Phelps Hut Sunday aftFrom the unimagined deep. When your wages at last fall due. The Omaha Junior Hadassah will ernoon. Prizes were won by MesTis shown in the manifold sorrowings Miss Mina Frieden's Gym Class will ELLA LEVY. entertain at its third of a series of dames S. Slate, of Kansas City, Mo.; Of the race; in remorse with its Evansville, Indiana. card parties Sunday afternoon,- May Mrs. N. Solomon, and Mrs. Louis Na- meet Sunday morning at 8 o'clock at secret stings, Written for The Israelite. 20, at the Blackstone Hotel, for the than, and the Misses Martye Wein- Twenty-fourth and Cuming '."streets, That Ke who grief to his brother from where they will go to Florence benefit of maintaining their nurse in stein, Flora Bienstock, and Bess Stalon a picnic. brings Palestine. The trouble with blind love is that master. The next hostess to entertain In his turn some day shall weep. it doesn't stay that way.—WashingThe X. T. C. will hold Mrs. Edward Treller is in California the club will be Miss Fanny Brodsky, eight a t dinner followed. by bridge to spend several months. who will entertain at Phelps Hut Sun- meeting Tuesday evening at the Jew- To the man who hears his victim's ton Post. Monday evening a t her home coinday afternoon, May 6. ish Community Center. cries Mr. and Mrs. B. Korinsky announce plimentary to Mrs.Archie Kroloff, A new constitution will be.read and And hardens his heart at the sound, the engagement of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn returned •who was visiting here for a few days. voted upon at the regular meeting of At last a Nemesis dread shall rise JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. Jennie, to Mr. Ben Eavitz,' son of Mrs. the Jewish Women's Welfare Organ- home Monday evening from an exFrom out of the void profound. All the members of the Jewish CulJ< Kushner, of this city. Mrs. KushMr. and Mrs. Sol Degen -will enter- ization on Tuesday, May 1st, at 2:30 tended stay in California. Who sows in selfishness, greed and ture League were assembled at the i e r entertained Sunday evening the tain at dinner "Wednesday evening. at the Jewish Community Center. All Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldsteen enter- First Anniversary Banquet given at hate, members• ~ of the immediate family, members are urged to be present. tained at dinner Saturday evening at the Loyal Hotel last Sunday evening. Mrs. John . Steiner entertained a t Shall gain his deserts in the years Painting, Papering1, and honoring the engagement of her son. their home, honoring Mr. M. J. SloDelegates from a number of Jewish Decorating done under my that wait, No date has been set for the wed- the Athletic Club Tuesday afternoon . Adult actors in the Y. M.' H. A. at bridge and tea. honoring Mr. vaudeville show,. together with the nim, of St. Louis, Mo., who is in Oma- organizations were present. Mr. Ben For the slow and remorseless wheel personal supervision. ding. , ."::• Steiner's mother, Mrs. Steiner, of various tlirectors and members of the ha, in the interest of the Dr. Weiz- Zion Zangvill, member of the club, of fate Hardwood Specialty Mr. and Mrs. William L. Harris and Chicago, 111., whowas visiting here committee, held a dancing party a t mann reception. Tuesday evening Mr. acted as toastmaster for the evening. Forever turns round and round. and Mrs. Goldstein entertained at dindaughter, Leola, left for Chicago, HL, for several days. 'All Work Guaranteed Talks were'given by Mr. M. Selicow, the Jewish Community Center last •where they. Trill make their home. Saturday evening. Many novelties ner, honoring Mr. Bernard Stone, who delegate of the Workmen's Circle, If ye give out of mercy and love and 1521 North 19th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun and entertaining features were, pro- is secretary to Dr. Weizmann. Miss Harris -was superintendent a t Branch 173; Mr. L. Minkin, delegate light, Phone, Webster 10S7. will entertain Friday evening at din- vided by those who had participated the Temple Israel Sunday SchooL of the Jewish National Organization; The same shall return to you; The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will Miss Sophie Jaffe, member of the ner honoring their daughter, Mrs. in the show. Original songs, poems The Temple Israel Sisterhood Sab- Alexander Rubel, and Mr. Rubell of and stories, written especially for the entertain at a 1 o'clock luncheon at Jewish Culture League; Mr. B. Mofbath will be on Friday evening, April Minneapolis, Minn., who are visiting occasion . by Miss Rose Davidson, the Blackstone Hotel on Monday aft- son,- delegate of the Workmen's Circle, 27, at-the Temple, where special serv- at -the Kirschbraun home. Branch €63$ Mr. I. Morgenstern, Mr. formed one of the most enjoyable fea- ernoon, May 7. ices for the occasion will be held. The H. Bondarin and Mr. H. Pfeffer. A Members of the Miss Leah Solig left Tuesday evenMr. Henry Monsky, who has been tures of the evening. film, '"The New Dawn," showing the prophecy of the most active members executive committee of the Jewish ing for Chicago, 111., and Madison, activities of the Union of American in Memphis, Tenn., and Chicago, HI., of the Jewish Culture League was Hebrew Congregations and containing for the past two weeks, is expected Welfare Federation and their wives Wis., where she will make an extend- written and recited by Mr. Pine Twered visit with relatives and friends. many interesting pictures of the He- home the latter part of the week. were guests. sky. Mr. H. Robinson gave several I have purchased tlie Delicatessen Store at brew Union College at Cincinnati, and All members of the Jewish Women's Miss Gertrude Cooper was hostess violin selections, accompanied by Miss Mrs, Morris Levy and Mrs. William 310 Xorth 16th Street. \;._ *- J ' | w many leading Jewish figures will be Welfare Organization are earnestly to the members of the Junior Ha- Lillian Robinson*- Miss Agnes Simv shown with a few words of comment L. Holzman are entertaining at arequested to attend the next regular dassah Wednesday evenin, April 19, anek offered several vocal solos, acone o'clock luncheon Monday. by Rabbi Frederick Cohn. Mrs. Nameeting of the organization on Tues- at her home. She entertained at four companied by Miss Mildred Kugel on I am remodeling the store and adding an than Mantel, President of the SisterMrs. Morris Ferer was hostess today afternoon, May 1, at the Jewish tables of bridge. The Misses Mary the piano. entire new stock of delicatessen to please you. .,-; hood, will give a brief introductory her bridge club Wednesday afternoon Community Center, to discuss and Maisel and Lucille Marcus won the talk. Musical numbers will be given. at her home. vote upon the New Constitution. Mrs. prizes. I. Rosenthal is chairman of the conThe Young Judea Senior club will Mrs. B. R. Boasberg is in Chicago, On Monday afternoon,.May 7, the stitutional committee. The other entertain, a t bridge a t its Tegular Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will EL, where she is continuing her members of the committee include the meeting Sunday afternoon at the Jew- entertain at its monthly card party. studies in Dramatic Art. Before reComplete line of higli grade quality cooked Mesdames Nathan Mantel, Harry A. ish Community Center. The hostess ! for this affair will be Wolf, Philip Sher, David P. Feder, turning to Omaha on June 10, Mrs. Writes all kinds of meats, groceries, fruits, and vegetables. *" Boasberg will visit in Milwaukee, Miss Esther Zalk left the latter announced in next week's issue of David Rosenstock and Samuel H. Wis. Schaefer. part of the week for Kansas City, the "Jewish Press". Mo., to be the guest of Mrs. Carl Mrs. Flora Rosenstock entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marowitz, of TO PRESENT RECITAL "Real Personal Service" Studna for a week. a few friends at bridge Tuesday El Dorado, Ark., announce the birth Miss Sadye Levey, daughter of Mr. afternoon. of a baby son, Harley Milton, on and Mrs. Harris Levey, will be preThe Auflebung Club will hold its Phone Wednesday, April 18. Mr. and Mrs.sented in a piano recital by Mr. Cecil regular meeting at the Jewish ComRes.—Har. S2uG. . 1319 W. O. W. Bids. Miss Anne Selicow enterained a t Marowitz were formerly of Omaha. munity Center Sunday evening. The Berryman, her instructor, on Tuesday Office—Ai. 8034 her home Friday evening compliMrs. Marowitz will be remembered as evening, May 1, at the Schmoller & following program will be given: a recitation by Mr. Ben Kaplan, a one- mentary to Mr. Nathan Mnookin, who Miss Esther Epstein, -of -this city, Mueller auditorium. She will be asact play with the Misses Goldye Wolf- left Sunday morning for Kansas City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ep- sisted by. Miss Ruth Colby Rieber, stein. son, Marion and Dora Martin, and Mo., to make his home. contralto. the Messrs. Sam and Ben Kaplan in Miss Levey has been teaching1 for A number of social affairs are Mrs. Sara Iinsitz, of Kansas City, the cast. Several musical numbers being given for Mrs. Harold Cirlin, the past year, having opened a resiwill be given by Mr. Jake Turek, and of Chicago, 111., who was formerly Mo., is visiting here with her daugh- dent studio. She expects to present dancing will conclude the program Miss Lucille Osherhoff, of this city, ter, Mrs. J. B. Gidinsky. She has been her pupils in a recital soon. visiting here for the past two weeks for evening. wht> is visiting here. Mr. and Mrs.:and expects to • return to her home AUTO TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Miss Bess, Snltzer entertained six Max Wintroub^entertained in her the latter part of the week. Well-known Omaha, man leaving; couples a t bridge Friday evening, honor Wednesday evening, at their Mrs. H. S. Novitsky is visiting in on Auto Trip for California about home for ten couples at bridge. Mrs. Great Saving, May 3.5, desires the company of April 20, at her home. Prizes were Sam Lagman and Mr. Roy Roffman Lincoln, Nebr., with Mrs. Ben L. Pol- two respectable" young men or a won by Miss Eose Fine and Mr. Act i t Once young married, couple. Expenses won prizes. Saturday afternoon, sky. Irving Rabkin. to be shared on fare basis. AdApril 14, Mrs. Frank Greenberg Miss Rose Cohan entertained at dress: Box 175, Jewish Press. The Aleph Zodic Aleph Club enter- entertained at four tables of bridge three tables of bridge at her home Here ere Ice tained at a banquet Thursday even- at the Brandeis Restaurants. Friday Saturday, honoring Miss Ida Alpirn, GRAND RAFIDS ing, April 19, at the Rome Hotel, evening, April 20, Mrs. Leon Green- a bride-to-be. that we Well built rein honor of their leader, Mr. Nathan berg entertained a t dinner followed are almost Mnookin, who left Sunday morning by bridge. Mrs. J . Werner enter- Mrs. Julius Newman and little frigerators won daughter, Harriett Rosalie, justrei i sway for Kansas City to make Ms home. tained the following afternoon at two the respect of A farewell talk was given by Mr. tables of bridge a t her home, and turned home from Lincoln, Nebr. She thousands of Mnookin. after which Mr. Abe Babior the coming Saturday afternoon, Mrs. was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. the toastmaster, called on each mem- Sam Davis and Miss Florence Ringle *• Snader, of Iancoln, who will visit users. They have with Mr. and Mrs. Newman. ber for a toast. will entertain at the Brandeis Tea a splendid repu3! inches deep Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsky have as A regular meeting of the Omaha Rooms. tation for dur84 inches wide* Junior Hadssah will be held Wednes- The Bi-Weekly Bridge club enter- their guests Mrs. H. J. Goodstein and children, of Denver, Colo. They will ability. Will pay 72 inches high' day evening, May 2,at the Jewish tained at a nOrheum Theatre Party, 1508 DOUGLAS STREET visit here for a month. for themselves followed by dancing, at the Brandeis Community Center. Restaurants, on Monday evening in Mrs. Joseph Fogel and baby daughin saving of ice Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lagman enter- honor-of the birthday of one of its ter,, who. have been visiting here with tained their bridge club Tuesday members, Miss Jeannette Gilinsky. hills. Just the Mrs. Fogel's mother, Mrs. .Sara Coevening at their home. Prizes were The regular bridge meeting of the Perfect Diamonds thing for grocwon by Mrs. Jnle' Wolf son and: Mr.club'will be held Thursday evening, Are Very Rare ers, butchers, Butcher Blocks, Michael Cohn. . April 26, at the home of Miss Gilindelicatessen. sky.: • • : • all sizes, Nature has made precious Mesdames Leo Rosenthal and Dollie I Our entire stock of Jewelry, f stones, like other things, 30 in. deep, 84 Elgutter are members of the Board Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kroloff were Z watches and diamonds to be on the pyramid plan. Tier_ of Directors of the Camp Fire Girls, m Omaha for several days last week. 1 sacrificed to the highest bidder. in. vide, 74 in. by tier, they decrease in 2 Our entire stock valued at over that will entertain a t a card party Mrs. Kroloff was formerly Miss Rose quantity as they increase high, has 3 doors §50,000 must be sold. Wednesday, May 2, at the Blackstone Bloch. in. quality. There'are but AUCTION NOW GOING ON. few at the apex. Hotel. Tickets for this jaffair can be Come and see for yourself. obtained from any girl who is a The Misses Anne Greenberg, GertIt is very difficult today to camp fire member or at the door on rude Cooper and Ethel Reuben will secure perfect diamonds. spend Saturday and Sunday in FreWednesday. The benefit of this By "perfect diamonds" is Established 1892 affair is to maintain the girls. sum- mont, Nebr., with Mr. and Mrs. Sam meant gem stones in Weinberg. Mrs. Weinberg was for1510 Farnant St. Jackson 5782 mer camp. •which' no carbon " spots, merly Libby -Minkin, 61 this city. feather marks or rough Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on edges are visible under the powerful eye-glass of the Golden Jubilee Film, "The New The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club will the expert—stones which Dawn," Friday evening at the TemThe Best Place to Go are accurately cut and of ple, when the. Sisterhood Sabbath will pure color. Sunday Night F O E SEN'T—Nice furnished be celebrated. Saturday morning his room to respectable young sermon subject will be "The Religion The proportion of such gems to stones of less of Life." • man. Reference required. quality has always been, KELPINE ACADEMY Call AT lantic 2157. very small, but today is Mr. Emanuel Verbin, of Fremont, exceedingly limited. So Nebr., left Wednesday for a six weeks limited in fact that many auto trip to Los Angeles, Calif. reputable merchants have .found it necessary to abanOi At the "regular monthly meeting of don former standards of the Council of Jewish Women the Quality, and many of theseplaylet, "The Council's Every Girl," merchants are ready to say that perfect stones will be present with the following are no longer obtainable. cast: Every Girl Betty Furth Ye Ambition Florence -Wolf Youth Sophye Handler Diamond Caution Rita Mantel Shoppe Flattery and Despair..Grace Rosenthal Is showing how the most Friend Louise Rosenthal O important display of Apology and Farms-Elaine Berkowitz Religion, Reconstruction, Peace § Perfect Diamonds Marion Blumenthal A la the history of mis store. The report of the nominating comX D i a m o n d Engagement mittee will be given. Mrs. Frederick ;$ Kings, Magnificent Gem Cohn is chairman, and the Mesdames Solitaires, Diamond WedI. Rosenthal, Harry Trusttn and Wilding Rings, fashion's lat582 Saunders-Kehiredy fcldg. Phone AT lantic 3160 liam L. Holzman are the members on est decree. the, committee. OOOCGIFTS THAT Mrs. Frank Greenberg entertained




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x: strong to place a winning enJtry in' the race.' "Tne membership •is sufficiently scattered,; geograpn"ically,~towin amajority of the v6tes"'in,'the electoral

permitted to remain until September atheists, Jemal further charges, and and delegates with Nordau to many halls of -the rioting students. Zionist congresses. Dr. Weizmann is A strong cordon of police is guard- 1, in accordance with a decision of the the most influential Jew in Palestine, not' proceeding to Paris, owing to a ing the university and will attend the Ministerial Council announced today. he says, is Ben Zion, a labor leader. rather serious indisposition. lectures if the excesses will be The announcement further declares Simultaneously with funera'Iserv- repeated. that at the expiration of the period of New York. (J. C. B.) The charge : college. .:.'•":V ,-':' "*''," •-..•• ices in Paris 10 o'clock Thursday grace, Jewish refugees arriving on that wholesale numbers of immigrants BY LEON I/EWIS- V. abyss created by Jewry over which "The organization has' almost the morning, there will be a memorial JEWS WOUNDED IN CZERNOWITZ Roumanian soil after October 1920, are getting by the 5 per cent" quota (Copyright, 1923, Jewish Correspondence the .Protestant and Christian world solid support oif the Protestant women service at the Zionist Organization's Bureau.) STUDENT RIOT. will be obliged to seek an asylum else- restrictions by going to Argentine* stands today. And the end .is not of this country. *• headquarters in London. where they live for a year and then Czernowitz. (J. T. A.)—Professor where. yet." "We believe in the principles and (Continued Frdm'-LaSir Weeki) enter the United States as Argentine Zadri, Jewish soloist a t a concert here, ideals of the Ku Klux Klan. "There is an 'Invisible Government* This from a college president! . emigrants, was made by Captain W. ROUMANIAN PREMIER RESIGNS, has sustained several serious head ARABS PROMISE PEACE FOR -.n the world today. General Count "The Jews have their organization," "With the right man up, this or- Bucharest, S. Estes at a luncheon at the JHotel ; T. A.) The Prime wounds and a number of Jews re. . . CHIEF'S FREEDOM. Spiridovitch has gathered ,a jnass of he says, "secret, military, and all but ganization, the greatest machine toAstor. Bratiano, has tendered and ceived lighter injuries, during an atJerusalem.' (J. T. A.)'—A delegation day in, America, can place a man in t h information about Jewish operations despotic—The B'nai B'rith." has accepted his resignation. J e tack on the audience by anti-Semitic of Arab sHeiks from the vicinity of "A: foreigner may acquire' citizenin the World. He declares that the It is not likely that "The Britons" the Presidential chair. . Bratiano has been leader in the fight students who came from Jassy for the Petach^Tikvah.has ;again :petitioned ship," said Estes,. "by residence in "The man for the place-is Henry will take advantage of the internarecent world war was positively prowhich resulted in the adoption of the purpose^ Police arrived too late to Sir>Herbert .Samuel. to release Abu Argentine for one year. Thousands • .. •' ; ' ' ._*.';•• \ ';: tional copyright laws and' endeavor to F o r d . : duced-by the- Jews. . . - .- new constitution. prevent any of the damage, later ar- Kish, an Arab chieftain serving a fif- of Russian and Polish aliens, assisted ' <"The Jews, together -with the Cath- recover damages from the Ku Klux "He is one of the ablest men ever The opposition parties are deter- resting members of the Jewish self- teen-year sentence for leading the by their organized emigration sociefoaled in North America/ olics, have laid their hands upon and Klan'fdr'the plaigarism committed by "He need not be a member' of the mined in their hostilities to the newdefense - corps. Kolnik, a, Jewish mob which sacked the Jewish colony ties, largely financed in New York, are endeavoring to control all the Dr, Fowler. One wishes that such an •onstitution and have announced that painter'who visited America in the in June 1921. The Arabs assured the go to Argentine, where these organgreat forces of publicity, currency and action might be commenced, for it organization, just so Ms heart beats ;hey will use'their utmost efforts to company of Rubini another artist, is High Commissioner they were main- izations have headquarters look after politics in America today.' - They- con- might disclose how it came about that true for America,-and he-has the prevent its enforcement. among those taken inta custody. taining friendly relations with their their own; they live there for a year, ability to ' serve his country' in its the Russian General was able to offer trol the Associated Press, nearly all The police jfound it necessary to Jewish neighbors and undertook to acquire citizenship and then come here the great magazines,' nearly all the his services-gratis ^to-^the Ku Klux highest capacity; Henry Ford's heart ire at a Bucharest crowd which gath- RESIGNATION OF JEWISH • '• never did beat any other way and continue to live in peace with them. as Argentine citizens." a few weeks after he had great school text book" publishing Klan within ered to condemn the constitution. c < -' '.RECTOR NOT ACCEPTED sent a pitiful begging letter to the ability is writ clean-around the* world. houses. They would dictate the finanPrague." (J. T. A.) The Minister cial life and destiny of the nation. Russian Embassy in Washington ask-1 "He has the viewpoint of the man JEWS FIGHT BACK ASSAILANTS. of Education has refused to accept SAYS PALESTINE JEWS ARMED. EMILGANZ&SON London. (J. C. B.)—Every. Jew in They have bound and gagged the nia- ing for^funds with which to' pay his who toils, he has" the* interest of the Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A gathering the resignation of Dr. Samuel SteinCertified Public Accountants Chicago, hotel bill. -•' jmenV who, till ihe" soil, and the Wall jbrity of the political leaders of our convened to protest against the exe-hertz, against whose appointment re- Palestine is armed to the teeth, 434 to 440 Peters Trust BliljrStre ioi ts r ^ ^ nation, and I cannot use the space The last scene in this little comedy r !*; «*»? °i^ ^ _ cution by the Soviet of the Russian cently to the rectorship of the German Shibley Jemal, secretary of the Arab INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS reach the ear of th& motor car king. delegation, declares in the course of a Anditr, Investigations and . Systems here to indicate-the. methods of the of coincidences takes place in^Texas,' Vicar General;developed into an anti- ! University of Prague, a strike was EMIL, GAKZ C. P. A. V. M. UANZ correspondence to the Morning Post. Jews indicating international relation- where the Klan has' recently. succeed- ] "It" is time for the Klari in America Semitic rally instead. Office Phones: '• Organized b y ; the anti-Semitic stu- The chaluzim are communists .and Phones, Jackson _*318,_4314/ ship, and to ""show"" how* the Tliclden ed in -electing its candidate.-to.1 the; to place a candidate in the" field,..to' Following inflammatory speeches, dents.': . : Hand' is back of all the international XJnited^States- Senate; In Houston is elect him, in order that< i t might more against the. Jews,. the students entanglements and world co'nfusion at published .."Colonel - Mayfield's Week- fully accomplish' the laudable purposes marched'throagh Leszno street: shout- The press is commenting extensively on the. fact that while-Steinherz rethis hour. They propose to make the ly," the newspaper; which is, thethat prompted its prigon; •' • ing, "Death to the murderers of Bud- fused to budge while the movement "There; is no douH on earth;, but world 'red,', and at the proper mo- spokesman; /for.! the Klansmen of the kwwitch.^ Many of the Jews who WHOLESALE ; meut to snatch from the nations of Lone Star State. :In the issue of Feb- that with the tremendous-^influence of were seized and attacked on the line against him was at its height, he has now of his own free will after the the Klan organization all over this naruary 3,,. 1923,;under a four-column earth "the wealth .they possess/ : »* of march fought back against their agitation has died out, tendered his Druggists and Stationers head entjtled'"Henry Ford for Pres- tion, and, the wonderful - personality 401-403-40S Sonth lOtb Street . "Personally, I stand aj>palled, as I ident,1' .the - following appeal is made and popularity of Henry Ford, togeth- assailants. Two Jews were wounded. resignation. '<)ne of America's Great Hotels" Reports tiora • other parts of the endeavor to fathom ;the bottomless to. Klansmen:' er with the massed strength of the . . . labor, and. farm organizations, Henry country indicate the execution of the DR. MOTZKIN ASKED TO RETAIN "The time is right and ripe for the Ford would sweep the -nation.. Vicar General occasioned anti-Jewish POST. placing of a Klan candidate in the "Henry Ford is not.'a Klansman, agitation throughout Poland. WASH AND KEER WELL . Berlin. (J.T. A.)—Dr. Leo Motzkin, field,for t h e Presidency, o f , t h e n a Phone 104 who resigned as chairman of the • • A RULE OF HEALTH but his heart, arid the; heart of the The Best ot Everything In Flower* and t i o n . .;:-•," ,"• ••.;•" . . ' \ * *"" •'"'•-• JEWISH STUDENTS SEVERELY World Jewish Relief Conference, has Klan beat synchronously., FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Confections at Moderate Prices. " T h e Klan is -strong enough and- "The time to act has come." ATTACKED IN UNIVERSITY RIOT. been requested in a resolution adopted 845 W. Broadway, Next liberty Theater ••:,- - 1810 California Street. deeply rooted, info the heart of the Thereiis no saying moref true than TO ANDFRQM Bucharest, f J. T. A.)—Many Jewish at the last session of the meeting of COUNCIL BIAJFFS. IOWA. American people to place a candidate, the old :maxim that'a~ man is best students were seriously wounded in an this body to return to his office. Dr. ALL PARTS (OF- in thefield; and win. . ." known,by the company; he keeps. attack made upon them by Roumanian Motzkin, who resigned .as a protest THE WORUIX: v "The .organization has now a memstudents in the university of Buch- against the demand made on behalf Carpenter Paper Co. bership of 2,000,000. and is growing NORDAU FUNERAL THURSDAY, arest. A crowd, of Roumanian stu- of ICA for a majority control of the end RESPONSIBLE Distributors of at a ratio that will double that num- WEIZMANN TQO ILL J O ATTEND, dents in the Juridical, Chemical and refugee relief work in Poland, was 1307 Howard St.,'* Omaha*- Neb. Western Bond—and High ber by the, time the national election Where yonr clothes com« home London, Jan. 24.--(J.~.C. B.)—The Engineering Departments of the uni- absent from the last session. Dr. ATlantic 0340. Grade Stationery, cleaner and last longer. day. rolls around. Zionist organization will be represent-, versity fell uj>§n Jewish students, beat Tiomkin is acting chairman. Omaha. Nebraska. AT lantio 0380. 1507-11 Jackson St. Lthem :up andrfchrew. them downthe 'That means-a membership suffi- | e a at thfe funeraUof Dr.Noalau by H- A. JACOBBEEGER. Pres. Bucharest. (J. T. A.)—Russian Nahum-Sokolow'and Dr. "ieo Motz- stairs.' The presidium' of the univerkin, both pf;the Executive:ComjHiittee, 'sitycalled the,, police who cleared the Jewish refugees in Bessarabia will be Omaha Office: 813 Donclas Street.

%t ManfaMttox Is H«ttyFtaT-

Texas Klan Organ On Subject Of Presidency


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