'•' ' The secret of success •lies in,the man and not in .the ".stuff he on.—Bradford Torrey.\^%.\
VOL. H.—No. 22
" A competent em-•* ployee* can't- be held downj - nor•;. an incomj
• • : . - - . , ? : ,
• petent one be held up."
• e e c a s s mall matter on January uary 27th. ISZL at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Actt of March 8, 1879.
s Finidi the Federation Facing Desperate Financial Crisis; Must Bave
Cash Must Positively Be Secured At Once If Community's Social Service Work Is To Be Continued.
What a simple word and yet so musical—divine That falls first from a childish baby tongue, And yet, throughout this whole wide world we find "- No sweeter song than this was ever sung. ' • " A love, so heavenly, so great is hers, : Its .breadth, its depth, its height—infinity, And were we but worthy of that love divine, This world of ours would much the better be.
Five thousand dollars cash is needed by the Welfare Federation immediately. "This money must be raised immediately," said Harry Malashock, chairman , of. the finance committee. The ^ financial condition of the Federation is so desperate, that unless the people of the city, will help, the Federation will have to suspend all of its activities.. Never before, in the entire history of the Federation, in all its years of caring for the hundreds of needy and deserving widows and children of this city, in all its work for the YM and YWHA, for the Wise Hospital, for the City Talmud Torah and the Talmud Torah on the South Side, for the Old Peoples Home, for the Cleveland Orphan Home, for the Consumptives' Hospitals in Denver, in all its social service and immigrant aid work, was the Federation in such desperate straits as it is now. , ONLY THE IMMEDIATE CASH CONTRIBUTION OF ITS SUBSCRIBERS AND THE ENROLLMENT AT ONCE OF EVERY JEW IN OMAHA AS A SUBSCRIBER CAN SAVE THE FEDERATION.
John Robinson of Norfolk, Nebr., Starts State Campaign for the New Community Center Building "Every Jewish Man And Woman In The State Of Nebraska Should Subscribe To This Wonderful Cause," C Said John Robinson—Subsribes For $300. V
No work too hard—no task too great for her, No union hours are made that she should Eeep, But lovingly* aye wearily,? love labors on, Ofttimes in hours when we are fast asleep. To her we go when skys look dark and drear, - When those we thought our friends have caused us pain, And she, bless her, kissing away our furious tears, Just-smiles—restoring- confidence again. _.
"Let's Finish the Job"—this is the slogan adopted by th€ workers to put the campaign over for New Jewish Community Center building in Omaha. The work cannot be delayed any longer. Every prospective subscriber and very man and woman in the city will be solicited for their individual pledge, during the coming week. "It is YOUR duty, the duty of every man and woman in the city of Omaha to subscribe to this cause,", said Harry Lapidus. $17,000 more is needed to finish the "job". This money must be raised so as work for the selection of the sight for the proposed building will not be delayed. John Robinson of Norfolk, Nebr., starts state campaign for Omaha Jewish Community Center building campaign by subscribing $300.
"I know the need of the Jewish immediately, so as it will not delay, Community Center for the City of the work. Omaha," said John Robinson. "I vol"The entire quota of $260,000 must The Federation has side-stepped for The work of the Federation cannot untarily wish to subscribe to this won- be raised before we will begin the sethe many campaigns that have been continue, unless funds are provided. derful cause. I believe that every Of all your friends, though hundreds they may be, carried on in the city, and have There are many-.poor people in the Jewish man and woman in the state FIRST PAYMENT She is your greatest—and 'tis she alone sacrificed all for these causes. The city who are aided and who need the of Nebraska should give to this cause NEEDED. Federation for their support. Your Federation is of need to all. [Who thinks, though others maybe disagree, and that the Jews of Omaha should • There are a number of sub"Letters have been sent to all the money must be had to carry on this Hers are the finest children she has ever known. not let this campaign fail now. scribers to the Jewish Commu• " • - • - • subscribers-to the: Welfare Federation w o r k . And should, perhaps, some person dare defy, "The Jews 'out in the state' look nity Center building who have for the plea of money, Do not dis- All the campaign movements that towards the Jews of Omaha for help She would declare in voice and manner bold, not yet paid their ten per cent. regard these letters," said Harry have been carried on in the city and need in all Jewish causes. I have .That each and every blessed child of hers, This money is needed immediMalashock. The Federation is one of during the year, canhot benefit un: read of the wonderful work done here ately. the organizations that is helping less it secures the help of the Weir Is worth its very weight in purest gold. : * on the campaign. It is the duty of "If you have not yet mailed every movement that is confronted fare Federation. = j every Jewish family in the state of in your first payment, do so imby the Jewish people of the city." The power behind that pleads you do your best, E j Nebraska to help put this campaign mediately," said Harry Lapidus. "The financial, condition of the Fed; Ejovser. And when success is yours, 'tis then that she Make out your checks to Mr. eration is serious. The money mast • |"We look to Omaha as the metroRejoices that you're: now flie kind of man • Louis Kirschbraun, treasurer, be raised to continue'the work and r •; , politan city of the state and Omaha and mail them to the rooms in activities.. The ;raripus, charity prgan.Yourmother,always;^^^anted you to be. "3ewrjr • "roast" start these-wonderful the Lyric building. izations and hospitals -that are affiWhen after years t>f tender, never-ending toil, movements, so as the smaller comliated -with the Onialia Federation are To Raise $25,000—Henry Monsky on She leaves us but her loving memory, munities in tiie state will benefit by lection of a lot for the proposed buildin need- of money and the Omaha Committee. Let all who loved her while she was yet here, it and will probably follow the ex- ing' Seventeen thousand dollars more Federation has not yet paid its fee. ample," said Mr. Robinson. Be just-as-she would want to have us be. To maintain the. rooms at the New York. J. G. B.) Declaris needed. " A Community Center building for "The need for a Community Center • Lyric building arid the many locaL ing that; immigration of European Omaha will help keep the Jewish boys building is growing each day. With a organizations of the boys and girls Jews to Palestine afforded the greatand girls on the right path," said Mr. hurried campaign for the remainder that meet at the club rooms of the est avenue for relief "in: the present Welfare Federation, money is needed. crisis and emergency," the executive of the money, work will begin immeYour subscription for the year committee of the Constitution Grand TO THE WORKERS. diately on plans'for the new building. 1023 is due and the money is needed Lodge, the B'nai B'rith, decided at ^iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiniiiiiniiiiiiiuE "On this page of the paper there is The men who have worked to now, so as none of the work should the annual meeting in Memphis April a subscription blank. If you have help raise the money for the stop. 22 to establish a special fund to be vanced English. Registration for not yet subscribed, please mail in this New Jewish Community Center these classes will open in two weeks. known as the "B'nai B'rith House blank," said Mr. Lapidus. building will be entertained at Building Fund," to provide housing Officers of the center are: Eda "stag" smoker and social next ELECTED TO HONORARY ward E. Baron, president; Max Brodfacilities for prospective Jewish imThursday evening at the rooms MEDICAL SOCIETY migrants. PRAISE U. S. CONTRIBUTION key, secretary; N. W. Pickus, treasurin the Lyric building. RefreshMorris Margolin, member of the As a nucleus $25,000 is provided Six Hundred People Attend Open er, and Peter Wall, executive director. Organize United Forces to Create TO THE KEREN HAYESO© ments will be served. More Schools for Children. graduating class of the University of out of the Order's emergency relief Celebration. London. (J. T. A.) A statement These officers and presidents of the Everyone who has gone out to Nebraska college of medicine, has fund, the resolution empowering the from the headquarters of the Keren affiliated Jewish societies of Sioux work for this campaign is inNew York.—Delegates of twentybeen elected to membership in the committee to appeal to district grand The new Jewish Community Center, City were introduced at the dedicaHayesod reports that half a milliofe vited to attend this smoker. All five congregations of Greater New Alpha Obega Alpha, honorary med- lodges, lodges and individuals for aug- ;03 Pierce street, was dedicated Sun-, tion. dollars has been received from Amerprospective workers are also ical society. Margolin was also elect- mentation of the fund.day night. Six hundred people atica within, the last four months. The new quarters of the center are York affiliated with the Union of asked to attend this meeting. ed to the Kappa Beta Phi, honorary Provision is made, however, that tended and listened to congratulatory equipped with a stage and auditorium American Hebrew Congregations met Continuation of this effort, it is de"Every worker in the city last week at Temple Emanu-El to orarts and science society. clared, will improve the economic pothe Palestine relief work be done messages which three speakers of the seating 400 persons. should attend this gathering ganize a large representative New sition of Palestine, raise the moral through the Jerusalem lodge of the evening delivered. next Thursday evening," said York Committee to carry out the proTwenty Jewish societies, which orprestige of the Zionist Organization (GO. BLUFFS YOUTH TAKES Order, the fund to be disbursed solely Harry Lapidus, gram of the Union, whose purpose is and strengthen- its political position LEAD IN PRODUCTION under the direction and control-of the ganized the center, have placed Sioux Jewish Students Honored This entertainment will begin to create a greater interest among !ity in the progressive rank of cities, by destroying the argument the Jews Columbia, Mo.—-John Baird Quig- executive committee. promptly at 8 p. m. the Jews in things Jewish and Judaat Central High Sch§0| Rabbi Isadore Isaacson, of Mt. Sinai have shown themselves unprepared for ley was selected to take one of the " I t was understood that this action ism and to provide religious educatemple, who presided, asserted. "It is sacrifices in behalf of their national followed a discussion on the wording leads in "The.Green Goddess," which Six Jewish students of Central High tion for Jewish children. This com- Robinson. "In a city the size of Oma. will be produced by Theta Alpha Phi, of the resolution. Zionists among the a step forward by Jews interested in School will represent their school in mittee is the outcome of the achieve-; 113 t i i e boys and girls are apt to won- home. National Honorary Dramatic Arts members proposed that the Order aid better citizenship," h e . declared. the Nebraska Interscholastic Academder and be led away from all Jewish fraternity. The play will be staged "the economical*rehabilitation of Pal- An orchestra played from 7 to 8:30 ic contests at Lincoln Saturday, May ments of the Golden Jubilee Conven- movements and this building will rem-1 DR. MAGNES HEADS tion of the Union which was held in estine, "whereas the text" as adopted o'clock; after which the Mt. Sinai 12. the latter part of the month. :: j HADASSAH IN PALESTINE this city last January. Mr. Daniel edy that," provides for creation" of living condi- Temple orchestra rendered a concert. David Fellman and Irving Heller P. Hays, president of Temple Israel "I know that there are many peo- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Dr. J. I* The social center was inspected prior tions." Similarly, the words "alleviwill take the Geometry test. Ethel SELL GOVERNMENT ple in the city of Omaha who have Magnes has,accepted the position oi ation of distress" were substituted for to the opening of the program. - i Gladstone will take the English Com- of New York, was elected permanent not yet subscribed to this cause," temporary head of the Hadassah medREFRIGERATORS. chairman of this new committee; Mr. A. L. Gilinsky spoke on the allegiOver twenty carloads of government "the proposed development of Pales- ance of the Jews to the flag, and said position test. Israel Weiss will take Meir Steinbrink, president of Eighth, said Mr. Lapidus. "If the committee ical organization in Palestine, in sue* tine." •; •••-.v.-v; . •...•• "--'•..'-•:••'-'• '•' ' the third year Latin test, and he and Avenue Temple, Brooklyn; first vice has not called on you for your sub- cession to Miss Henrietta Szold, ice-boxes, filing cabinets and desks The committee is composed of Adolf the race was committed to unity, le- Edward Rosenthal will take the spell- chairman, Mrs. Sallie Knbie Glauber, scription, please mail it to the office has left for America have been pat on sale by the Omaha gality and leadership In support of Fixture and Supply company. These Kraus, Chicago, president of the con- American principles. . The Jews* he ing test for Seniors. Morris Hurwitz president of the New York State Fed-; stitutional grand lodge; Lucius L. Solwill take the spelling test for SophTefrigerators were purchased outright eration of Temple Sisterhoods, second said, were uniting in a common cause omores. SUBSCRIPTION TO from the government and will be sold omons, San Francisco; A. A. Mars, —that of human good. vice chairman, and Rabbi Jacob B. at a sacrifice. "This was the last sale New Orleans; Jacob Singer, Philadel- Harry B. Zimman of "Omaha, Neb., They were chosen by elimination Pollak, secretary. made by the government," said Harry phia; S. J. Westheimer, Houston; urged Sioux City Jews to aid in main- tests. A committee composed of the ofLapidus, president of the firm. "We Charles Hartman, New York; Sidney taining the.center. "Sioux City has ficers and three members selected For the purpose of providing a fund for the establishment of a f purchased all the ice-boxes, cabinets 6. Kursworm, Dayton, Ohio; Arthur made much greater progress than sis- JEWS OF FINLAND BUY Jewish Center and in consideration of the subscriptions of M. Friedman, Denver; Harry S. PlaKOSHER MEAT ABROAD from the delegates has'been empow- others, ICommunity and desks at Camp McClelland. ' or we do hereby subscribe and agree to pay LOUIS KIRSCHered to draft a program of activity ter cities in Jewish organization towsky, Philadelphia; Rabbi E. N. CaRiga. (J. T. A.) The government BRAUN, Treasurer, of the Jewish Community Center his successors "We have secured more space at lisch, Richmond, Va.; Harry A. Alex- work," Mr. Zimman declared. for the committee. Several suggesEleventh and Farnam streets to house ander, Atlanta; Henry- Monsky, Oma- The work of the Jewish race in the of Finland having prohibited Schechi- tions were made by the delegates in office, or his or their order, the sum of ta, observing Jews are obliged to imthese ice-boxes." ha; Gustavus A. Loevinger, St. Paul, United States has always been con- port meat from the neighboring coun- present as to the work for this comDOLLARS and Archie Hillman, Worcester, Mass. structive, declared Henry Monsky, of tries. A number of Jews from Hel- mittee, among them being the prepar- payable as follows to-wit: cash herewith or WINS SILVER MEDAL. Omaha, Neb. He reviewed the achieve- singfors are now in Riga, others are ation cf a schedule of exchange speak10% thereof, or $ _...on or before ..1923 ers for the different temples. ments of the race in this country. Word has been received here from in Reval, Esthonia, making arrangeNathan Herzoff played three violin ments for the importation of kosher TO HOLD SPECIAL Manhattan, Kas., during the week 15% thereof, or $ „ on or before— 1923 solos, accompanied by Miss Opal Bul- meats into Finland. INITIATION. that Bess Miller, daughter of Mr. and OBTAIN AGENCY and 15% thereof every six months thereafter until the full Mrs. Harry Miller, won first place in A special initiation for members lard. FOR KOSHER MEATS sum is paid. the elocution silver medal contest, held who were recently admitted into the The center consists of game rooms RABBN EISENSTADT Freid & Kuklin, local meat dealunder the auspices of the W. C. T- U. Omaha Hebrew club will be held this for children, women's rest room, men's ; . day of__ ..1922 UNDER ARREST ers have obtained the exclusive Dated at Omaha this • at Manhattan. Mrs. Miller was for- Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Com- smoking room, library, pool room, agency for the Schalker Packing Co., Riga. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Eisenstadt, merly Miss Anna Jacobs of this city. munity Center. The Intellectual Ad- gymnasium, executive office, recep- leading Jewish dignitary of Petro- supplies of Kosher meats and salovancement Committee have prepared tion room, cloak room and kitchen. Rabbi M. Braude of St. Joe, grad, has been placed under arrest mis. Subscriber Cantor Louis Lambert of, Minneap- a program following the initiation. Peter Wall is executive director of charged with violating the Soviet de- Mo., has sanctioned the manufactur-j | olis, Minn., will chant the services Fri- Mr. Irvin Stalmaster will deliver an the social center and will have charge cree ordering the separation of church ing of the meats. "We will have' a j . Address day evening and Saturday morning at address on the "life and Philosophy of the gymnasium activities. An and state, says a Moscow dispatch. complete line of these meats and will the .Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syna- of-Dr. Max Nordau." _ Dr. Nathan Americanization center will be estab- The offense of which the Rabbi is be abe to serve the public," said Mr.' . TeL Number gogue. ._ Dansky is in charge, of -the meeting, lished with classes in civics and ad- accused is not stated, Freid today.
B'Nai B M i Establishes e
)edicate New Jewish Center at Sioux City
25 Reform Temples in N. Y. lombine for Jewish Education
1 Jewish Community Center Fund - I
•sc.'-^,y^J" •
X>.£.-?'. ..-.a- '
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1923 honors were' twm by Mr. Max Moser and Mrs. Hannah Solig, Henry Solig, "Oh, mother!" exclaimed her daugh-. COL. BRAMLEY MAY ters. . • i LEAVE PALESTINE POST and Mr.. Jack Chapman. Thft next and Michael Cohn, of Omaha, and "Now, my dears," Mrs. Crandall Jerusalem. (J; T. A.) Mr. Norman meeting will be held at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, Simon, and Max Kaplan, of Madison, Wis., Mrs. L. laughed, "don't. reproach me for en- Bentwich, the attorney general in Pal- MB. and Mrs. "Max Moser. joying myself. Don't worry about my estine, and . Colonel Bramley, the diShecter, of Indianapolis, Ind., and belonging to the £lasa of overworked Mr. Max Kaplan, of Sioux City, la. Sir! Jack Cohen is the first Jewish rector of public security, are promothers',".." * / ;*•£• K -*<,•-. ' . student at-the University of Nebraska Jane and Bees' exchanged startled ceding shortly to England where they to win his letter in track. will spend their leave. glances. ' , -All Orders Given Prompt and "Yes, I.Tead that article this afterColonel Bramley has handed over Careful Attention. Miss Wohlback, of Chicago, 111., is noon, girls, and it was a relief to my his duties to Mr. Mavrogordato. I t mind to find out what had caused this is probable that he may decide while visiting .with her aunt and uncle, Mr. WELSH'S FLOWERS (Gtmrajteed) sudden anxiety on your part, for I and Mrs.. Wohlback, at Lincoln. "FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" really was afraid that both of you in England to retire from the service TeL J a 4201. Brandeis Theatre Bldg. were getting a little—well,, queer, of the Palestine .government. 210 So. 17th St- Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro celebrated with all that talk about quiet contemtheir twenty-fifth silver wedding anplation. Why, I can think better LINCOLN niversary a t their home Sunday when I'm peeling potatoes or chopping meat than I can any other time. Many affairs have been given in afternoon. Covers were laid for AUCTION!! Now run out of the kitchen, Jjoth of honor of Miss Rose Gilson, who is twenty-four guests, the immediate you. . It's no place for those nice Our entire stock of jewelry, relatives were present. Mr. and clothes you're wearing. I'll get din- soon to become the bridge of Mr. Mrs. Shapiro were presented with a watches and diamonds to be ner on the-table the way I always Ralph Dvorsky. Sunday afternoon sacrificed to the highest bidder. do. You girls- help me a lot—when the Misses Jean and Ruth* Evnen en- complete set of sterling silver by Our entire stock valued at over j TOOJMANY CHURCHES. you don't interfere." tertained at five tables of bridge at their guests. In the evening Mr. and $50,000 must be sold. ' According to report, the Bishop of London is making a surAUCTION NOW GOING ON. the Lincoln Hotel. The Misses Sarah Mrs. Shapiro entertained at bridge. vey of the churches of that i city with a view to weeding out Prizes were won by Mrs. Tollman. Come and see for yourself. Krechefsky and Nina Shostak won SAYS IMMIGRANTS those "that because of their empty pews do not seem to be servADMITTED DESPITE BARS high honors. Sunday evening Mrs. Kaplan, Mrs. L. Greenstone, and ing a purpose in.,the community, The,plan is not,altogether a Novicoff, aunt of the bride-to-be, en- Mies Rose Poska. The out-of-town bad one. There can be no question but that the cause of reEstablished 1892 New York. (J/; C. B.)—Charges tertained at a shower Thursday even- guests present at both affairs were ligion might be better served if the oyerheajicost of conduct-, 1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 that 10,000 aliens barred by the in> ing, and the Misses-Irene Adelson and Messrs. and Mesdames Sam Kaplan, ing ch>irchjgsVweW rSduj^4 ^^ui^ti&g some'Vff, the existing; in-? I &$ that, Bess," said" Jane, pass migration law filtered in the >U. S. Dorothy Letween entertained fourteen Tollman Kaplan, J. Corby, A. Falk, s,titutiena" that- insteadVAof being co-operating forces ?are in cons- j Ing'a.-household^ magazine to her- sls during- the • past : year and that the couples at a dancing party at the Ivre stant Gompetitiomwith each other. \ --- r ~ iv , ter anfl pointing to an article entitled purpose of the -immigration law is Club Rooms. Overworked Mother." \ - The proposed! ifierger'-of the Free; Synagogue of New York ' "The "Do you think that applies to our being constantly'defeated by the Mrs. Lew Polsky has as her guest and the Central Synagogue of' that city seems to be a. step in mother?" asked Bess, with a little pressure brought' td bear by friends 'Announcement the right direction. And yet, in a great metropolitan center like anxious frown, as she closed the mag- of excluded immigrants is contained her sister, Mrs. Edward N. Woolf, New York where there is gathered the greatest population of azine. in a series of articles being run by and'small son, Raleigh, of Milwaukee, Wis., who arrived Tuesday. Mrs. Polatiy one city in the world,, it does seem that there ought tp be "Yes, I do. I think mother Is over- The New York Tribune. SCHALKER PACKING COMPANY .,..••'. ample room not only for all the existing congregations but for worked/' One of' the immigration aid socie- sky entertain at a luncheon and bridge "But, Jane, she appears to like Saturday afternoon. Many affairs are many more. ' .••; v . ties, the writer declares, employs a of our little flat." :'. being planned in her honor. If there is to.be a reduction in the number of religious managing "Yes, she does appear to, but I/be- $15,000 year attorney at WashingLEAVENWORTH, KANSAS organizations",, it should not be the strong institutions that should lieve; she needs a rest. We should do ton to represent it in these cases. : Miss Sarah Friend is visiting her Will manufacture KOSHER Delicatessen, go but the weak oftes. If report be correct, bpthl Central Syna- all the. work for a while, at least The article also charges the stringent Mrs. Sarbach, at Nebraska Meats and Supplies. All approved by Rabbi gdgue and the Free Synagogue have been very efficient organ- Let's go out Into the kitchen now and law .has resulted in the stimulating sister, City, Nebr. She, "will return Friday izations and their pews have usually been filled with interested tell her to lie down or read and we'll the smuggling of immigrants into to M. Braude of St. Joe, Mo. her home. whatever she's doing." listeners to the pulpit discourses. Of course, those nearest the finish the country by way of Cuba and "What a reflection it Is on us, Jane, Mexico. Immigrant smuggling has situation can best judge as t'6 whether the merger is a wise one. that Miss Louise Wessel, of Nebraska half the time we don't even know To us-from this distance it ^eems somewhat of a pity'to run the what's obtained the status of a regular busi- City, will be the guest of the Kappa she doing!" risk of weakening the influence of either one of these great syna"It's just as the article says— ness on the border, he contends.. Kappa Gamma Sorority of the Uni1613 No. 24th St. Phone Web. 4330 gogues by merging the two into an institution that may possibly 'daughters become entirely blind to versity during the week-end. become unwieldy and therefore less efficient because of its size. the. uncomplaining drudgery of their JEWISH CALENDAR. ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. mothers.'" —"Detroit Chronicle." Mr. and Mrs. Nefsky returned Fri5683-1923. Wed., May 16 day from Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. Crandall was lifting a tin of Rosh-Chodesh Sivan beautifully browned cookies from the Shabouth (Confirmation) Mrs. Weil, of Chicago, is visiting .—Mon.,May21 oven when Jane and Bess entered the Day) _ ^ . _ Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz FrL, June '5 in Lincoln with her daughter, Mrs. kitchen. -.Sat, July 14 Aaron Speier. "Did you smell them?" she asked, Rosh-Chodesh Ab . stopping midway In the verse of "KI1 Fast of Ab « ^ . « Sun* July 2 The Sisterhood gave a card party larney" she was humming. "As ] New Year's Eve. Moo, Sept. 10 Monday, May 7, at the home of Mr. ; By.DR. STEPHEN S. WISE was finishing the breakfast dishes 1 Rosh-Chodesh EIul Mon, Au^. '3 and Mrs. Herman Speier. The proI rejoice in the cause or in the cir- I utter those deathless words, of our happened to think how long it had sincel-made any raisin cookies ceeds of the party will go to the Temcumstances hich have seemed to make eternal spiritual affirmation. I can been for you girls. I meant to surprise you CHANGES MADE IN CONple Fund. Your Dear Ones are Protected it ise and even needful to consider the join in the Pater Noster or the Lord's with them." TENTS OF FOOD PARCELS question—Shall Jews and Christians Prayer, but i t ' bears* arid stirs no While ,You Live "Mother, I. think you do too much New York. (J. C. B.) Dr. F. Nan- A meeting of the Ivre club was Tield •worship together? Had the query memories in me. As I hear it or re- for us," said Jane. sen, High Commissioner of the League Tuesday, May S, at the Ivre Club been addressed to us by someone cite it, unconsciously I seek to recon"Nonsense! Yoa know I like to of Nations for Relief in Russia, an- Rooms. unfriendly to Israel, by someone chief- Btruct'it, ias:it may be reconstructed, Totter around." nounces that on May 1 a change will ly bent upon facilitating the conver- into that HebreW tongue whence the r "Yes, we know," said Bess, In re- be made in theVcOmppsition of the A weiner roast will be held Sunsion of Jews, it would indeed have, form and substance of it alike, were sponse to a look from her sister, "but food parcels delivered to individuals day, May IS, by the Menorah Society Jane and I feel that you are over- in Russia for the Nansen Food Drafts. of the University of Nebraska. been negligible. But; in truth, the derived by him who first uttered it. Htive you thought how much worked." query has come from the heart of a Mr. Holmes does not seem to see? And we intend," said-Jane, "to re- By this decision a saving of $6.75, or more in need of j^rotection A meeting of the Pridge club was friend—not-only-aperspnM friend, but that the /Jew~- wlio.takes^ himself out ve^yQttjOfvthig burden of housekeep- 128 per cent, is effected by all who held Sunday evening at the home, ef 'will be a friend of 'israeLf A fjiendrdflisrael of tfie Sy^gojg^ in the y ^ g j g ^ finUs^niseff s ^ e i t eing. fYpirfe} 0 tiave a much needed sendi relief to Russia in the form of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. F. Margolin. High thel because he is a noble friend of human- midst of an iaiien world, the "otherness r e s t " ' • > . • " • * • • • • • • • • " "••- . • • Nansen Food Drafts. kind, because the soul of John: Haynes of which he may even welcome be"Much needed nothing!" Mrs. CranIt is the idea of the Nansen serv: Holmes is aflame with passion for cause' difference and otherness mean dall's tGne was scornful. ice that by early in May with vege"You overdo all the time. I'll fin justice to the least of peoples," as it for" him surcease and release from tables beginning to be sold in the. in truth must be for reparation and the hardships and handicaps and dis- ish t¥e baking of these cookies." markets of Russia, the cost of flour "How ridiculous you are, Jane! I'l: A fitting time to give this redress to one of earth's great and abilities and injustices long inflicted generally in Russia will be less than bake these cookies myself, of course.' "The Mohl" ancient peoples such as is our own. upon him by the world without. After serious thought. "No.jlear," Bess spoke firmly. "You flour can be bought outside of RusBesldence, 1S42 So. 25th St. John Haynes Holmes would no more a-time, the-Jew will inevitably find must go into -the living room, and sia and shipped in for. On this acTel. Atlantic 6637. •think of attempting to convert or to himself slipping away from the an- rest"; . count, flour has been eliminated from Place of Badness, 1639 No. Zl'th St. proselytize Jews to any one of a hun- cient , Jewish bearings and none the "\fces, every one should have leisure the Nansen parcels,* and other articles XeL Webster 2916. dred Christian sects than he-would less surely becoming a part of that for quiet contemplation," supplement- which cannot be obtained in Russia dream of moving his people to be- non-Jewish and ofttimes anti-Jewish ed *Jane.~ WHITES ALL FORMS OF Mrs. ;Crandali; somewhat awed, left have been added. come disciples of Mahammet or the world, which surrounds him and the-kitchen without further protest Buddha. ' against which he can. stand up,loy- Half,an hour later her daughters dis- FELIX WARBURG ENTERLIFE INSURANCE IDA I. FREIT&N, Prop. TAINS COMMUNAL WORKERS If I dissent in all earnestness and ally .and self-reveringly only as long covered her' deep in soapsuds In the At. 3160. 582 Brandeis Theater Bldg. New York. (J. G, B.) Felix Warwith vigor from the.proposal of Mr. as he remains true to the truth within bathroom. , "I just thought this was a good him, the truths of his inmost and most burg, Chaircanof the Board of TrusHolmes, it is because in the simplicchance to clean these gas globes," she tees of the Federation for the Supity and integrity of his own view- Jewish self. 311 South 16th Stioet explained. "You know, Mrs. Dextei point in relation to all. problems, he Does not Mr. Holmes fail to under- never polishes them well when shs port of Jewish ' fchjlahthropic SociePhone Atlantic 8010. has left out of account certain ele- stand, that the worship of the Jew is cleans on Fridays." . ties, was the host to its Committee at Open Evenings. ments which Require the most careful only a part of the life of the Jew/and "If they must be washed, I'll do it," his home Wednesday evening. Leo and searching consideration.; If the that, moreover, there are too many remarked Jane, gently pushing her Arnstein, acting president of Mt. SiOnly Jewish Florist in town. proposal bfe that from time to time Jews ready to worship with Christ mother aside. "You know we wani nai Hospital, spoke on the Medical you to rest." and Hospital' Problem' of New York Christians and Jews unite in worship, tians not because of their will to WEDDING BOUQUETS. Mrs. Crandall looked perplexed, but City. I would be the first to assent to such worship in common, but because it „ proposal, as in truth I have had part may prove to be a way of minimizing she went to her own room. There an hour afterward her daughters for many {years in arranging for oc- and attenuating their Jewishness. Alas found her-darning. casional Union Services of -Jews and for those Jews who imagine that, if "We nave an engagement foi .Christians; such as the Union" Thanks- then can only worship with, non-Jews, luncheon downtown, mother—" feegan giving seryic£ and a serias of fiexy- their Jewishness may be scanted. Mr. Jane. "Yes, I know," interrupted. Mrs ' ice's held some years.ago under the Holmes has assumed that, because it DUY Clothes where every progressive joint auspices of the Church of the is. rather.simple to step from one Crandall, "I'm glad you're going out.'"There's nothing to do for dinner,'" style-move in the clothes making industry Messiah, the Church of the Divine Pa- Christian church to another, it must ternity, and the Free Synagogue. - therefore be Equally simple for the Jane proceeded. "I've got the roast, is reflected-—such a clothing store is the Nethe potatoes and the pudaing In the If, however, it he- planned to* unite Jew to pass from Jewish to non-Jew- flreless cooker and we'll get home in braska. . Jews and Christians in wo'rship, then ish forms of worship. But it is not time to take them out and make the For the month of MAY: I must hold that it would Be an in- really soi for these are essentially dif- salad, so you needn't go near the Always the Best for Less! SQ50 Sizes. A Very good Per Ton calculable, loss to-the spiritual life of ferent, 'with their different histories kitchen." 'She -spoke conclusively and ' Delivered her mother, sighed.. grade. men if we Jews -were to abandon, as- and associations and backgrounds. 1 "Why don't you go out some_ And there is something more, namesuming such abandonment to' be poswhere?" asked Bess. "It's too bright RADIANT—Franklin Co.: Illinois Per Ton $ I sible, our own' particular type and ly,, the,.necessary abandonment of a day to .stay indoors." Delivered' H I Best—(All Sixes.) ' form of worship,"resting.upon and some of. the great elements .in, the . "I <»n't Bee to danj on a' dark day," growing out of^as-it does, two. thou- history-of our service. Mr. Holmes was the somewhat testy answer. $ 3 5 $ 3 7 4 g BOCK SPRING LUMP—You can sand years and more of tradition—a answers the question himself when he now buy* &is exceptionally good form of worship compact of historical declares that he" would have Jews reAt five o'clock the girls came home Coal—BOTH HOT and CLEAN P e rT o n j associations, of'ancient traditions, of main. Jews and Christians, with the and found their mother in the kitchen Delivered MANY W I T H E X T R A PANTS. BIG --at pre-war price. precious memories! I t would be a single exception that he would have canning preserves. SIZES—SMALL SIZES—ALL SIZES. "Why, what are; you doing now?" most lamentable impoverishment of these two great branches of the huWIZARD SEMI — Thoroughly asked Bess. - our eommon spiritual life if either the man family come together in a closer Suits of superb quality worsteds, silk lined and screened Lump. Holds fire over I thought the peaches I put 00 Per Ton « simplicity of the liberal Christian ser- affiliation of the spirit than they now up"Well, silk finished in the masterful manner that one night. No smoke nor soot-? last 'month weren't rich enough, so Delivered ' vice such as obtains in. the Commu- enjoy. So that Mr. Holmes really I've stewed them over again with a very little ash. expects to find only in customized clothes at nity Church were- given up -or the grants our premise that Jews ought little more sugar." double the price. SUPREME LUMP—An Illinois e 0 . beauties and splendors of. the tradi- to remain Jews as Christians will re- i main changelessly Christian even Coal—Within stone's throw of E r, T. " $ tional. Jewish liturgy were to be abanFranklin County. Delivered Other Silk Lined Suits, $30 to $50 though they worship together. doned. Christians worshipping with, Jews As for a closer affiliation of the WHIPCORD TOP CHESTERFIELD TOP ROSEWOOD HARD COAL from COATS; might find the Shema/theT Jewish af- spirit, is common worship the only or COATS; Arkansas. A saving of $5.00. Per Ton ' 50 RICHLY SILK LINED firmation of the Divine unity, quaint the best way? Christian worship is TWILLS; TWEEDS As good as Pennsylvania. Holds Delivered Writes all kinds of and nteresting, and might even^ hold one of a thousand modes in which fire 24 hours without attention.. the Hebrew Kaddish- or.—memorial -Christianity expresses itself, whereas NOTICE—We Ara t h e Only Company Quoting t h e s e Exceptionlly . . Low Prices for S u m m e r Storage. . , . . . • prayer .to be beautiful and moving, Jewish worship is the chief- of the hut'to the Jew the Shema. and the differentiae wherein the inward and "Real Personal Service" - Kaddish.' are infinitely more. When I outward, elements of Jewish life meet recite the' words of the Shema/the aijd blend. Religious worship is not Phone'" " " storied martyrdom of Israelrises*-be-: the whole of religion, and reli^ion'is hen.—Har. 82E6. ISIS W. O. IV. Bids. hot~aU there fs -Jto the Jew. But Tews £ i e mesas' in sL vision, my people's DEALERS IN GOOD COAr peoples AT. 9146. AT. 0146. Office—At. 8034 ''iagain, i == C6HREGT API'AREI, FOR MEN AND WOMEN: and. I live are w'" peril; through the adoption. x>f lives in forswearing the enormously important Jewish ideal that religion is life rather than worship and thakthe Jewr . Pabllabed every'Thursday at Omaba. Kebraika, 67 ish religion is even more than the reus. -.. .:.THE,JEWISH/PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ligious consciousness which is funda, Q#ce: ,482 ^Brandeis Theatre Building.V-Telephone} Jackson 237£ mental to his being. NATHAN E: GREEN, Manager. When Jew "arid Christian" meet in worship, be it remembered that Chris$2.50 Subscription Price, one year. tians breathe Christianity in the cirAdvertising rates famished on application. cumambient air. NOT PRINTED FOR PEBSONAL PSOFIT—Profito from the pabllcaEverything in a non-Jewish world tfon of The Jewish Pres« a wtobe giventoworthy communal causes. makes against the retention of Jewish loyalty. In the world as it is, CHANG! OV ADDBJC8S—Fleu* «1i* both O» ©I* and MW b r n n and. «l«a rout urn*. L. everything makes for Christian in; tegration -and" everything makes for The Jewish'Presajia supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Jewish disintegration. Correspondence .Bureau) with.cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries' regarding .news items credited, to this Agency will be gladly ^answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic ^Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City, i -
Their Overworked
Goldstein Jewelry Co.
Can Jews and Christians Worship Together?
Mother's Day BUT
A Real Money Saving Opportunity
Young Hen-Keep Pace With Progress
Just Compare T h e s e Prices
Silk Lined Suits |0$
AB. Kaiman
*25 and *35
Consumers Coal & Supply Co.. • ) .
the memories of-joy people a s the -proposal, of common worshjpf of
-"-••is r-5 • - ^ ' .
'25 and '35
PAGE 3—T^E JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 10, paper on "Standardized Budjets for I Smaller- Communities.'' He will be gone fo rtwo weeks. ;•.
To Be Presented in Recital
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsky entertained at dinner at their home Wednesday evening, honoring Miss Flora Green, of Boston, Mass., who is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Auerbach.
Mrs. Sam Snyder left Wednesday KOUMANIA TO LIMIT JEWISH evening for Chicago, HI., to visit. UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS. Bucharest. (J. T. A.)—Declaring The Junior Council will entertain that the government was considering their Mothers Monday evening at the a measure providing for the limitation home of Miss Minnie Friedman at of Jewish students in the universities, 337 Scott Street at a Mothers' Day Minister of Education Anghelescu approgram. pealed to the anti-Semitic studentTuesday evening the Council of body to keep T;he peace. The minister Jewish Women entertained at a assured the students of an early bridge party. Twenty-four couples ordinance being promulgated regulating Jewish admissions. Students bewere present. longing to the association headed by Mrs. Sara Zevin will entertain the Afternoon Bridge Club at her home Thursday. MONHEIT'S
the -anti-Semitic Professor Kuzs agreed to cause no disturbances, pending the enforcement of the order. l a the meantime, they proclaimed a "peaceful boycott" on Jewish students, demanding separate seats for them ID. the class-rooms and lecture halls.
We Wish to Announce « Sholem, is the name of the new to Our Patrons and Friends Jewish Fraternity organized last week THAT THE SHOHTT by the students of the Omaha, Creiguton and Nebraska Universities. Mr. Fred White was elected temporary Is with Mrs. D. P. Welpton, president of the ENGAGEMENTS FRIED & KUKLIN society, appointed five judges for this i chairman until election of officers will Mr. and Mrs. H. Racusin announce 1 take place, Kosher Meat Market A constitution is being contest. Chiropodist and Beauty Mrs. L. Feblowitz is at her home : the engagement of their daughter, 1G13 North 24th Street prepared. Shop from the hospital. Rose, to Mr. Naham Schlaifer, son of Mrs. M. Meyerson entertained WEb«et 4330 Established 1890 Mr. and Mrs. A. Schlaifer, of this three tables of bridge last Thursday Mrs. M. London and daughter, "Service and Quality 1* Oar Motto" ifith and Harnrjr gtierta. Mr. Philip Krasne won the SouthGive ne a chance to apWe carry the best line of city. The engagement was announced honoring Mrs. Joseph Fogel, of Edith, have returned from a several yonr business. For Fresh Meats end Delicatessen. western Iowa extemporaneous speak- preciate during the past week and no date has Denver, Colo., formerly Miss Leona weeks' stay at Kansas City, Mo., and appointment! cull J&. 9774. ing contest held at Harlan, Iowa, yet been, set for the wedding. Cohen, of this city, who was visiting are planning to leave here soon for Mr. and Mrs. L. Segahnan- announce here "with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Los Angeles, Calif., where they will the engagement of their daughter, Cohen, for the past several "weeks join Mr. London and make their future home. Miss Ida Lustgarten, daughter of Ida, to Mr. Ben. J. Sigel, of Ottunrvra, Teturning to her home Saturday. Mr. and and Mrs. B. Lustgarten will la., son of Mrs. S. Sigel. Mr. E. B. Weitzeu, of Argentine, Miss Netlie Lewis, who has been be presented in a recital by Cecil visiting with her relatives in Cin- who is on his way to Los Angeles, Berryman, Thursday evening at the The closing meeting of the BrothCalifv visited here this week with Mr. erhood of Temple Israel for this sea- cinnati, O., for the past five weeks, K B . Goodman. While here Mr. Weil> Skmoller & Mueller auditorium. Miss returned to her home Tuesday Lustgarten, was winner of the special son, together with the annual eleczen addressed the Omaha Chamber tion of officers, will be held "Wednes- morning. Commerce Friday noon, May 4, on medal contest held at Lincoln, Nebr., THE BEST EQUIPPED SHOP. day evening, May 16. "Foreign Trade," and also spoke at last year. - Friday evening, May 11, Rabbi She will be assisted in the recital IX OMAHA, OPEXED FOR GENERAL1 REPAIR, ELECTRICAE the Menorah Society meeting Tuesday Frederick Cohn will deliver the serThe Misses Bess Handler, Gertrude evening Mr. Weitzen was in Omaha by her sister, Ida, ten-year-old violinAND WELDING WORK? Wintroub, Ann Ackermann and Fan? mon ,on "The Social Ideal" at the two years ago. ist and •winner of the state medal, ny Ackerman were the week-end Temple, and on Saturday morning his • and by her brother Avrum, 6-year-old guests of the Misses Sally and Jean- sermon subject "will be "Mother's violinist, both pupils of Miss Emily Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. News Day" to commermorate the annual ette Krupp, at Fremont, Nebr. Mothers' Day to be celebrated this The regular meeting of the Y. M. Cleve. and Y. W. H. A. will be held MonMr. and Mrs. Max Bernstein an- Sunday. day evening a t the Jewish Comnounce the birth of a baby son, born Miss Edith Manheimer, of Full- munity Center. Unusual business Come I n Just To Look Us Orer Thursday, May 3. Mrs. Bernstein away, Texas, is the guest of her matters are to be discussed at this Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman, of this was formerly Miss Bess Felsen. sister, Mrs. Lawrence Cohn, and meeting and the regular social pro- city, announce the engagement of The Ha Oth Society were enter- family. She will visit here for three gram will be presented. their daughter, Mollye, to Mr. Abe H. tained Sunday afternoon at Phelps weeks.. • " Marcus, son of Mrs. Esther Marcus, Hut by Miss Fanny Brodsky. Prizes of Omaha. No wedding date has been OBITUARY The Omaha Junior Hadassah will Repair Specialists were won by the Misses Flora BeinBet. meeting Mr. Reuben Handelson, age twenA T lantic 8884 929-31 No. 24th St. stbck, Stella Trochtenberg and Fanny hold its next regular Wednesday evening, May 16, at the ty-three, died at the Nicholas Senn Brodsky. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a Jewish Community Center. , Final Hospital Thursday night. He is sur- regular meeting next Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. B. Lustgarden enter- plans for the public card party that -vived by his mother, Mrs. S. Man- the home of Mrs. G. Whitebook at 15 tained at a sixteenth birthday party, the organization is giving May 20, delson, Ms sister, Mrs. M. L Gordon, South Eighth street. honoring their daughter, Miss Ida at the Blackstone Hotel will be made. and two brothers, Milton and Leon, Lustgarden, on Sunday evening, May all of this city. Funeral services took The Young Israelite club held a Mr. Dave Green returned the early place from the residence at 3310 meeting last Saturday afternoon at 6, at their home. part of the week from a business Hamilton St. Sunday morning at ten the home of Leon Nogg. Mr. and Mrs. Mannie E. Finken- trip to Chicago, 111. o'clock, burial was held at the Golden stein left Sunday afternoon for Los Mr. C. H. Pill arrived Sunday from Miss Edna Becker, of Philadelphia, Hill Cemetary. Angeles, Calif., where they will make Hollywood, Calif, t o visit with his Mr. Mandelson was born in Omaha parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pill. their future home. En route they wiil Pa., who has been visiting with her and a graduate of the Omaha High visit in Denver, Colo., Salt Lake City, sister, Mrs. Henry Kosenthal, and. SchooL He was a member of the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kroloff have Mr. Roserithal, expects to return to and San Francisco and Oakland, Calif. Mrs. Finkenstein was formerly her home the latter part of the week. American Legion, Elks, and several moved into their new home at 21 Manufacturers & Importers other well-known organizations. He South Ninth street. Miss Marie Simon. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Adelson announce was manager of the Mandelson Store are realizing that our outlet The Pi Tau Pi entertained at their the birth of a baby daughter, on in Nebraska City, Nebr. capacity is big during this third annual May Party for the chil- Tuesday, May S. FOR RENT!! The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Kooler, dren of the Sunday School, Sunday = The public is invited to attend the 61, was held Friday afternoon from Two nicely furnished rooms afternoon, May 6, at the Temple. Sisterhood, Strawberry Festival to # be the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry for rent. Private familyv Close in. Call Harney 7316, or Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinberg, of held Tuesday evening, May 15, "at H. Lapidus. Mrs. Kooler was a Webster 0414. Fremont, Nebr., motored into Omaha eight o'clock. It has been planned pioneer resident of Omaha. Burial Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. that this evening shall be a pleasant was at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Fortunate Opportunities ifor Buying ' Weinberg's parents Mr. and Mrs. M.social evening for all who attend. cemetery. pear. This One Offered Thursday; in Minkin. Tickets for this affair can be ob- She is survived by two daughters, " SECTION: ATTRACTIVE ROOM for rent tained upon entrance. " Mrs. Harry Lapidus, Mrs. Harry Mrs. M. Kogan, of Minneapolis, with private family. Use of Minn., left Monday night for her home Miss Hattie Levey, of Chicago, HI., Monsky of Council Bluffs and two garage. References exchanged. after visiting here with her daughter, is the guest of her aunt and uncle, sons, Ben Kooler of Council Bluffs Gentlemen or couple preferred. and Harry Kooler of Indianapolis, Mrs. A. Greenberg, and Dr. Greeri- Mr. -and Mrs. Leon Baum. Call Harney 5007, or at 8601 Indiana. berg. Davenport Street. Mesdames Harry Bearr and Henry Mr. and Mrs. J. Haykin and family Sodosky entertained Tuesday after- The funeral of Mrs. A. Epstein was motored to Lincoln Sunday to spend noon at the Brandeis Tea' Rooms, held Sunday afternoon from the the day with their son, Mr Dave Hay- honoring Miss Minnie Greenberg, a family home at 2055 North 19th St. THe entire sample line of Imported Flowers kin, and Mrs. Haykin, and with their bride-to-be. Covers were laid for Mrs. Epstein died Saturday at the .daughter, Bessie, who is attending the forty guests. from a well-known importer, consisting of Wise Memorial hospital, She is surUniversity at Lincoln. vived by her husband, four sons, over 700 bunches of fine silk flowers, flowen Miss Laura Givot entertained SunThe members of the Omaha Junior day evening at her home -at four ta- Harry, Morris, Sam and Aaron, and wreaths, fruit effects in the very latest, colorr Hadassah are voluntarily donatiig the bles of bridge. Prizes were won by-three daughters, Tabby, Dora and ings, large silk roses, wheat branchings—in prizes to be given at the public card Miss Lucille Marcus and Mr. Jack Edith. fact, just what you are looking for to brigfiten party at the Blackstone Hotel Sunday Fleishman. .afternoon May 20, in order to mainYour subscription to the Jewish up your early hat. The values are remarkable* tain their orphan in Palestine. A num- The South Side Talmud Torah elect- Press is due now. ber of different novel features are be- ed officers Sunday evening at their Regular Price SOc to $1.75—On Sale Thursday ing planned by the committee in regular meeting. The following were IKS DOVQIAAS STKEET charge of the affair so that the after- elected: A. Schlaifer, president; H. •0OOO4 .: 1 noon will be most entertaining for the Marcus, vice-president; L. Greenberg, ... . > ;" I' ' : treasurer; Abe Kaslovsky, secretary} guests. Tickets can be obtained from The Supreme Test the committee in charge, Miss Rose and the directors are H. Kaplan,' Hi of .Diamonds,, made daily Dworsky, Z. Kaplan and M. Katzman. Fine, chairman, and the Misses Beaby hundreds of discrimltrice Cohn and Lucille Marcus, or any Mr. Max Abel, of Detroit, Mich., Xiating ouyers is member of the organization. arrived here during the past week to Miss Rose Minkin spent the week- visit with his sister, Mrs. B. ObludComparison end in Omaha from the University of zinger, and Mr. Obludzinger, for sevand this if. the deciding Diamond & Platinum. Specialists Nebraska. The Misses Louise Nein- eral weeks. factor for those selecting hueser, Orene Nelson and Frances Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubenstein 1514 Dodge St. Diamonds as gifts or for Lundblat, pre-medics at the Univer- and family have moved from the Est. 1894. Ja. 5619 Mothers? Day, Sunday, May 13 personal use., Hundreds of sity, accompanied Miss Minkin to be Nathan Apartments to their .home at; Pressure to sell .responsible f o r " customers will vouch for ljer guest ,.f at j the home of her p.ar-; 115iNbrth S3rd S t r e e t - ^ : ; sharp price reductions on the*^ M dnH M. M Minkin. Miki this;" ." " • ' ents, Mr. following seasonable fabrics, »lkg Miss Esther Marcus, daughter of; and -wash fabrics, show: a j Mrs. Herbert Arnstefn will, enter-' Mf. and Mrs. H. Marcus, is taking' saying. • •-••:-V>^•fein at dinner 'at' her "home Satur- the part'of "Joe" in the playlet, "LitThe leading store event just Ye day evening:* — -^ ; ?3.95 Satin Canton Crepe SUk, now;'*p tle Women," that is to be given at the "now. Snappy bargains main1 y«d $3.25 South High School Auditorium Fritain the enthusiasm. Diamond Painting, Papering , arid Miss Sally Lincoln left Tuesday ?3.50 All Silk Canton Crepe; yard. . $ 2 . 9 5 Decorating done under my morning for Excelsior Springs, .Mo. day, May 11, by the Vinton School. Shoppe 52.95 All Silk Canton Crepe; yard..$2,5O Second Floor personal supervision. where she "will spend several weeks. Mr. Samuel H. Schaefer left SaturJ3.50 Heavy Crepe de Chine; yard.. . $ 2 . 8 5 Muslin and Nainsook Nightgowns for Diamonds are easy to sell 12.25 Medium Weight Crepe de Chine; »ow . Hardwood Specialty The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah day for Washington,. D. C , where he "Women. Neat lace and embecause: per yard $1.95 broidery trimming, each /ill ,meet jointly at a special meet- will attend the; National Convention; All Work Guaranteed ?4.95 Novelty Silks; nof, per y a r d . . 8 3.95 of Social Workers.He will read a They are of exceptionally Pure Silk Crepe de Chine Envelopes in ing with the Zionist organization on $2.95 Printed Crepes; now, per yard.$2.45 1521 North 19th Street. tints at a price way below hign quality—their brilTuesday evening, May 15, at eight $3.00 40-inch Swies Taffeta (black); now, Phone, Webster 1087. the usual; each -••• liancy, fire, snaii and aniPer yard $1.95 o'clock at the Jewish Community 212 Courtney Bldg., ' ?2.85 Heavy White Shantang; aow, per mation are nnexcelled. Center, where they will elect dele-' Floor Below 1~95 17 Docfflaa St. yard $1~95 gates to attend the Twenty-sixth an1.45 T They are tae rery Best $1.50 and $1.75 Bath Towels; •1.95 Imported Plaid Ratine; y a r d . . $ 145 SALON L CHARME nual convention in Baltimore, Md., Diamond Vaiues the coun$1J25 Imported Plain Ratine; yard.. New Address of closing out at, each . . . . beginning Sunday, June 17. Shampoo. Alanlcare, GO©—SiareeV 55c 75c Imported Dreas Gingham; yard.. try affords. $1.00 Hemstitched All Linen Expert Individual 'Service, 75c Printed Voiles; nor, P?r yard.... The Nebraska Society for the Evening or Sunday, AT. 4810. Come in and malie your Huck Towels; each $1.50 French Crepes; now, per yard. M. T. VE\X, Development of Musical Talent is $1.25 Dotted Voiles; now, per yard.. selection today—they will 65c All-"White Bath Towels; 75c 36-inch TiBsuen; now, per yard.. Everything in the delicatessen holding a series of musical try-outs on sale at, each . . • - . . - - • . . . . be mounted and ready for : ' line at your disposal. Printed Sheer linen, reduced at the Schmofier & Mueller and you tomorrow. Let us make your-baskets for Phono At. 0785: Bes. Phone We. 5879 from $1.75 to, per yard Burgess-Nash auditoriums for High Is Mother's Tooth H• your, outings and .parties. School Students for- the purpose-of. Main Floor a Sweet One? making recommendations; to the. next' Buy HeraDiamcnd RealEstate, Loans, and Insurance White Lisle Stockings; good weight: State Musical Teachers' Convention Bought, Sold and Exchanged full fashioned; were a dollar; r Q 1306. First National Bank Bid*, ~—The— cf' the. Omaha,, students entitled .to 310 North 16th Street oa sale at, per p a i r . . . . . . . . . . . . *J5/C OmalMV-tNebE. b Mothers' Day, Sunday, May zj Embroideries, Cambric and Nainsook; musical scholarships. Mr. E . B. - Phone JAckson 5062 With JACOB SLOSBURG, JR. 1 to 5 Inch widths average; O . Goodman, ls"cTiairinan of the Contest." Half Price; per yard ., . ^ . .2_. ._._. • ^ V
Rev. J. Schukert
Pressure of Selling
DIAMONDS and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. Malashock Jewelry Co.
Is Mother's Hat AH It Should Be?
Fabrics, Silks ami Wash Goods <^
May White Sale
Painting Contractor
Kosher Delicatessen
EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS Yes, poison is right, and let me tell "Oh, well," he replies very calmly, agricultural committee appears to be daughter?" we both asked her. "A professor? A Wall-Street safe rob- you why.. Right after the holidays "it depends how you look at it. Just ready or able to furnish credits for Rosie and Karapoozik were married, imagine how much a hundred dollars machinery and live stock. ber ? A t ootlegger ? " It is estimated that the results of Eosie didn't say a word, put on her and two weeks later she brings me a is in Russian money—it's billions, and things, left the house, and when Lem- | check and asks me to cash it. I look billions of rubles. And, then, you the autumn sowing already finished, eshkeh came in the evening she was at the check, and I see it is to the know very well that I'm good for |.plus the results of the spring sowing not there, and the poor fellow went order of. Jack Karapoozik, one hun- something better than plain civil en- if completed, would make all Jewish colonies in the Ukraine independent dred dollars. gineering or real estate." .'..'"', A LETTER FROM GRFENERVILLE TO ELBERT AIDLINE-TROMMER home empty-handed. for years to come. A couple of weeks later my wifeJ * /iUia!" I say to xniself. "That's one "What are you good for if you can't My Dear Mr. Tromnier: I read the Rosie. Why; not? Because I'm not of A his weekly checks." I look at it even make a living for your family?" and daughter went to; the country, f| story Mr. Faivel Blintzeijheese, the so rich as Alfred Mameligeh or Pat"OK, what's' a family ? Any Green- POLISH CONSUL phonograph dealer ,of" Popkinh ave- rick Kishkegelt? Well, I am-also a and imagine my;. surprise when the more closely—and what do I see? ; It says on the check iii small'letters— ervillite can have'a family and make second week of their stay in the Moun-' WITHOLDS JEWS* VISAS nue, told you last week; and I must father and I'm at least allowed to "Salary for October." At 'first I did a living, for them,' but it takes a man tains I received the following letter J Riga. (J. T. A.) Lithuanian Jews wish a.good thing for Jby daughter, say I sympathize with • him on acriot ^ a n t to believe my eyes,' but how like "me" to' work' on a machine for wishing to proceed to Poland will not count of-his being fooled and getting am I not? And especially a daugh-jfrom Eosie: "Dear Pop: Congratulate me. I met could I help reading what was writ- reading people's thoughts." be granted the "Polish visas, the: local a horse-doctor instead, of a real doc- ter like iny Eosie who was almost as > t e t i ' ? v - - - •• ,••'••;• . > ; - ' •• -••: v '••• • "I don't know much about your pata wonderful young" man in the Mounrepresentative of the Warsaw governtor for a/'sorc-in-law.' Ah<l yet,I as- big a bargain for any young man as Well, what's-'the use of talking ent and-don't \want to know, but no ment announces. This action, he desure you, it is not the worstithat could one of the few vacant lots on Popkins tains. His name is Jack Karapoozik, happen to a' felloy, and I^d avenue is for a real estate dealer who and he's not a doctor but something much? I t turned out that our civil machine is necessary to find out ex- clares, is being taken because the ; much higher than "a doctor—a civil engineer was.getting a hundred dol- actly what people think of you," I Lithuanian Jews refuse to include in why Mr. Blintzecheese rhoujd kick so knows his business.: ;.' . . . much. After all, though his son-inWell, one morning Mrs. Loksben- engineer. He is one of those men who lars a month .and no,t.a.week. ..How I say to him and walk away. Because, the minorities bloc, reputies of Polish built all the bridges and railroads in felt, and how. my -wife felt, and how whats the use of arguing? origin in the Lithuanian Parliament. law is only a veterinary,'.:yet: people brain and .myself said* to*Eosie: So, as you see, that's how it is. I call him Doctor just as if he were ' ."Listen, look here, Eosie dear. Do America, and he makes $100 a' week. Rosie felt—would take too much patreating two-legged Worses, instead; of-} thfit'you are not'exactly a vMother feels very happy about it, but per to write out. And this is not the fell in with my Rosie much worse Pittsburgh,: Pa. (J. T : A.)—The _worst .yet.. What is more is that all. than Mr. Blintzecheese with his Fan- United States proposes to take an foiur-legged ones. And r wtiat is still spring chicken "and that it is high [Jack and I are _even happier/' the allrightnikis and everybody else nie, and I don't see why he should annual census of all unnaturalized mbre . impprtjaVit,1 Gregory Kcneidel- time for-you»tcjge%married?^ "Love and kisses. Your Eosie." •• kuntz, his son-in-law; gets, ^aid for When I read through* the letter, jt b£gan,to.:raaKe. fa^ of me. To this kick so much. The worst part • of it aliens, Secretary of Labor Davis de"Welly" she says, "I've never said I treating horses, and :dogs,' atfd' cats, was -against marriage, have I ? But began to dance for joy right there day I can't show my face anywhere is that my Eosie has to go to work clared in an address here today. while there are. sons-in-law who * <* * it is not so easy to get a man nowa» and then, on Popkins avenue, near without hearing: and help support the family, because There are seven million unnaturalBut let me rather tell you the story days, especially if one is particular." Postroma's restaurant,- and people "There goes the civil engineer's although they have been married only ized aliens in the V. S. today, Davis t: as it happened. "''."":"<'.' ' . * four years they already have three declared. The new census will be "That's all right," I say, "to be par- thought I had gone mad, but I should father-in-law!" ! My na^me is Noah Lokshenbrain, ticular is a g&od thing^-don't forget i worry! My daughter got herself en"Say, Mr. Lokshenbrain, how is civil children. I forgot to write you that used as the initial step in Americanand I am in the, real estate business; that our family is related to the Shu- gaged to a civil engineer, and one of engineering?" Rosie is a bookkeeper and makes her ization process, he stated. tjhatis, I cant say.I, have an "office, shanskys, and you know that Mrs. the biggest in the country, and surely Mr. Lokshenbrain, when are they $35 a week, so that together with her b|iit !• just call on people and tell them Shushansky was the ^pioneer human- bigger than any lapatut of a Greener- going to build the bridge your son-in- husband they almost make a living. •vjrhere 'a good parcel qr lot. or. plot can tashen baker in fJreenerviyye." I'hope you will publish this letter, ville doctor! Naturally, I immediate- law designed?" tjei ha&on Pantoffel avenue or Qnishes "Tell your Karapoozik I want him and-our Greenerville fathers will know ly stepped into Postroma's place and "Well?" Eosielasks. . Place or some other section that isn't "Well, it will be right. Melchise- told everybody- there about, our good to design a chicken-coop!" that they have to beware of civil eny,et built up. I- can't say I'm a rich- dek, Lemeshkeh, • the matchmaker, is luck. They all envied me, and Alfred It would take too long to enumerate gineers even more than of horse docman, but I'm not so very poor either, coming here tonight and he has a Mameligeh, whose daughter is mar- all they tell me and all the fun they tors. If they doubt it, let them come add I,itoo; wanted to have a,sbn-in- couple of doctors up his sleeve. All ried to an old doctor, got all green in make of me. But even this is not the to me—I live on Latkeh street and 'One of America's Great Hotels" law for a doctor for my daughter, worst yet. I tried to give Karapoozik Trouble Place—*nd I will tell them you .have Ato do /wjll be to choose one the face and says to me: that wilL appeal *to you. You know, ' "A civil, engineer? A bridge build- a chance to work himself up in the much more about it than I can write some doctors * are with beards and er? Must b3 one of those Copper real estate business, but what's the n o w . • • " WASH A N D KEEP WELL some without, some have a good prac- Onion graduates who are working for use? He's no more good for real es- Thanking you in advance for pub- ' A ••• RULE OF HEALTH tice and a lot of patients and others fifteen dollars a week and are glad if tate than for engineering, and he's not lishing this letter, I remain your best FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY a better engineer than a real-estate friend, NOAH LOKSHENBRAIN. & must have a lot of patience waiting j they are not fired!" . Greenerville, N. Y. for patients. And there are some I did not' reply. anything—let him man. 1819 California Street. TO AND FROM other doctors who * * *" bark. I should worry! When I say But, do you think, that even this is "Say, pop," Eosie interrupts,""what "I should worry" I mean I said so the worst? Then you are greatly ALL PARTS OF RUSSIAN JEWS TAKE TO are you doctoring me about? I'm not then—now I see that-I should have mistaken! In spite of being such a THE WORLD : interested in doctors. They have_ be- worried. Just read further and youil shlemiel, he thinks humself one of the Charkov,AGRICULTURE. Jan. 5.^—(J. C. B.)—An EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE! greatest men and complains that no- appreciable "back to the Land" movecome too common in Greenerville. know why. VAl. J. PETER&COMPANY I! Everybody L4CNDRTT. marries a doctor. There When Rosie and her mother re- body can appreciate him. ment is to be noticed among Jews in Where' yoor clothes comn home 1307 Howard SU Omaha; Neb. ! will soon be more' doctors' wives in turned from the country, and her civil cleaner and last longer. "What do you mean you are a great the small towns in the province of ATlantic Q3£0. ; town than operators' or shoemakers,." engineer came to .see us, I could not man?" I say to him. "To begin with, Odessa, Kiev and Podolia, M. Sloveit- ATlantic 028a 1507.11 Jackson 8t. H A. JACOBBEKGEK. Pres. "So' what do you "want, my dear believe at first glance "that he was you are a big liar and bluffer and chick, a former agricultural expert of such a great bridge builder—he was cheat and deceiver and rascal and the "I. C. A." told your correspondent. Omaha Office: 813 -Douglas Street. so small and lean and~looked more scoundrel, because-ypu told my daugh- This movement is handicapped, howOmaha Phono Atlantic 2556 like a monkey than an engineer, but ter you were getting one hundred ever, because no credits are availFord Transfer & Storage Co. then I thought—you must never judge dollars a week and now you can hard- able, and the Jews are prevented from :r;-.. _ R . A. FOKI>. by appearances—-good things often ly keep a job at a hundred dollars a forming co-operatives. While the President and General Manacer. come in small packages, even poison. month." Soviets are wiling to grant land, no Council Blnffs (Iowa) Office
Ahdffl@w About
034 So. Main Street.
209 W. O. W- Bldg.. VJA. 8944.
MO. 187ST.
* -;
Council Bluffs Savings Bank
j >^v5^eihytation Besets You WhenYou ''Enter"':'"'• *.""
Gandylatid 16th and Farnam' Streets : ,' ^
' ieith'and 'Capitol Ave. ,
I ITEN BISCUIT CO. Snow White Bakeries
Maide With. R^ilk •
(Be*. U. B. Pat. Office.)
City National Bank "ol CODNCTL BLUFFS " We pay 4% - Interest - on Saving apd Time Depositsr Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent.
Its dependability Is taken for granted—its economy of operation is proverbial. Comment, as a rule, is directed to the richness of its fittings, and the dignified beauty of its coach work. This beauty is not a superficial thing. It goes much deeper than mere external adornments. Like all creations of genuine excellence, it emanates from the honest value-which Dodge Brothers have built into the car. You sense it in the depth and comfort of the seats—richly upholstered in genuine mohair velvet. It makes itself known the instant you. close the doors—which snap solidly shut, like the doors of a safe. It emanates unmistakably from every line and curve of the sturdy body. It becomes most evident when you discover; that in smart company, where a car of less distinction would appear at its worst, Dodge Brothers Type-A Sedan appears at its best.
iBankd Omaha
Costal Candy Company .
m : J II!
FRED R. SHAW Hewer Shop Phone 104 Tfce Best ot Everything In Flowers and Confections at Moderate Prices. 34S VT. Broadway, Next Libert? Theater COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors ol
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery Omaha. Nebraska.
1112 Harney Street AT lantic 6409 „ ,
Service is Our Motto
• * • '
" -
FOSTER-BARKER CO. INSURANCE "If Its Worth Anything —-Have It Insured."
Top and Body Building and Repairing.
28th and.Harney Streets, Harney 0123
Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts.
ATlantic 0701
- American Wet Wash Laundry 2 8 0 3 Cuming. Harney 0881 One Day Service. No Extra Charges^ Reftnite Soft Water.
Phone JA ckson 246?
GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys From $3.00 to $9.00. GOOD FURNISHINGS.
Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.
Leo A. Hoffmann
Light—WIRING—Power —Bell Transformers
Pink Tip Matches — Northern Toilet Tissue
2224 Canting St. Phone JA ckson 1226
-\ f •*&/:-.•• •:J,'iX*+**'i •"s.?T'i'-'1. '<>
• •«or • • • Hoffmann Funeral Home.
-WAtmit 3034^. 40 &. Cdminjr
401-403-405 Sooth 10th Street
•i.-mi 3'' :' VlaU Receptacles-
Druggists and Stationers
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent.
P A X T O N •' -AND
John Feldman
•'Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
100 No. 16th St. TeL J A ckson 3128 Opposite Post-OIHce.
first National Bank
OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1007; Onmlne St.
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Council Bluffs, la.
Feather Mattresses
43* to 440 Peters Trust Bids. Phones, Jackson 4313, 4S14.
Made from yonr awn feathers. Warm in winter; cool in summer. Cost less nnd last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking nnd estimates.
P . 8. HOBBY. Prop.
Certified Public Accountants Audits Systems Investigations
Baker Ice Machines
Leavenworth St.
Phone Webster 0820 ' -
NcCord-Brady Co. Emerson Laundry
Riga. (J. T. A.)—Jewish refugees from Russia coming here as a temporarp stopping point to wait for an opportunity to emigrate to the U. S. and.other countries are finding their stay here very' costly; The Latvian government has raised the fee for a transit visa • extension to a sum that is beyond the means of most of the immigrants. Each immigrant . who has a . passport and whose leaving the country is ..only a question of time is. taxed $100 a month- for. an extension, of.', the privilege of staying here. Those not so fortunate are considered under the status of "interned" except that they must pay the government 205 Latvia roubles for each day of their stay in the country.
Distributors for
THE ret;-JA. 4397..-.•Anything :: A^yttoe ? :: £ Anyplace *•
Phone 365
.'.'"''VV- 1 . - -'.'•
>'. *: -jit -tpfit-y i
PAXTON BILLIARD PARLOR NICK S. WEANIC, Proprietor 16ie Furnam Street. Bammest. Phone JA FkBOB 4184. ~