May 17, 1923

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Nothing is more prac- ,

Say not < always what

tical than a high, clear-

you know, but always

lv-defined ideal of serv-

know what you say.



VOL. IL—No. 23

Enterei 2 . • tand-class mall matter on January 27th. 1021. at posto^ « . maha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1S79.

$14,000 More Must Be Raised feign; To Canvass Evoy Prospect Reports Of Activities Of Workers To Be Made At Meeting Monday Evening. $14,000 more and the 'job' is over! One hundred workers to canvass the city during the coming four days. Thus far $236,000 has been raised. There are still a large number of people in the city who have not yet given to this cause. These people will be visited by the workers during the coming four days. Final report of the outcome of the work of the men who will be canvassing the city, will be made Monday evening at a meeting to be held at the Community Center rooms. . . * •


DENOUNCE SOVIET PERSECUTION _ New York; (J. C. B.).—JRepresemV atives of every religion, known in France have joined in an appeal to the ublic opinion of the world against "persecution of religion in Russia and the arrest and execution of religious authorities," says an Associated Press dispatch. "The Soviet government," the document asserts, "is - trying , to uproot religion from the souls of the people as useless and dangerous, and is employing every means to arrive at that result, including confiscation-of property, profanation of churches and synagogues, parodies . on religious ceremonies, official atheistic schools, and prison, torture and death.""

Club Memkrs To One of a Series of Social Affairs To Be Held During the Summer. ' BUILDING OF THE CLUB AND GOLF COURSE BEGINS SOON.

ENGLISH JEWS FOUND SETTLEMENT. Jerusalem:(J. T. A.).—The foundation -of the first Palestine settlement by English Jews was laid at Gezer, near Eamleh , in the presence of representatives of the heads of the Palestine Administration, the British Army and Jewish and Arab notables. Herbert Bentwitch, father of the Lega\ Secretary and leader of the English Maccabeans, presided over ceremony which included an. address by Sir Herbert Samuel, the High Commissioner. The latter emphasised the importance of- the first colonization effort in Palestine by British Jews. A tract of valuable land, the site of the historic Bnei Brak near Jaffa, has been acquired by a group of Polish Jews for the erection of a modern Garden City.


Welfare Federation Facing Financial Crisis; Money Must Be Raised For Work At Once Work Of The Various Organizations Affiliated \Vith The Federation Must Cease Unless Funds Are Provided. The Jewish Welfare Federation is facing a large financial deficit. The Federation is over $5,000 in debt and as each day passes this amount increases. It is up to the subscribers of the Federation to pay up their pledges for the year. "Unless this money is raised immediately, the Federation will have to suspend with some of its activities", said Harry Malashock, chairman of the finance committee. "The Federation is the one organization that hits home and carries the burden of all local activities and it needs money to carry on these activities.

The Highland Country Club will entertain at a dinner dance Saturday evening at the Brandeis grill for its members and their guests. This 1S one of a series of social affairs to be given for the members" during the coming season. The Club now has over .one hundred members. A special orchestra has More than one hundred workers with great enthusiasm will bring in The work of the Federation cannot been secured for 'the evening's enterNever before, in the entire history met Thursday evening at a' smoker" the remainder of the amount necescontinue, unless funds are provided. of the Federation, in all its years o£ tainment. The following - members given by - the Jewish Community sary Monday evening. There are many poor people in the caring for the hundreds of needy and are in charge of the arrangements for Center at the center rooms in the "The success of the Community city who are aided and who need the deserving widows and orphans of this this affair: Louis Hitter, : chairman, Lyric building. Center building for Omaha is now Federation for their support. Your city, in all its work for the Y. M. and Joe L. Wolf, Loyal, Cohn, Martin money must be had to carry on this Y. W. H. A., for the Wise Hospital, These men will canvass the entire up to you men," said Lapidus. I t Secretary of Labor Speaks at Confer- Sugarman" and Milton*Livingston. work. for the City Talmud Torah and the city and have 1 cards of prospects who sise e your duty to personally•• go and ence of Social Workers. Final plans for the purchase of the Busses Will Accommodate Crowds "Statements of amounts that have Talmud Torah on the South Side, for have not yet subscribed to" the newi every one of the men that you site for the Club were made WednesFrom Car Line—Dancing to Be Jewish Community Center b u i l d i n g i h o l d pledge cards for.: The sooner JEWISH CENTERS KEEP ALIVE been pledged by the members of the the Old People's Home, for the Cleveday. The club will be-located on the Held Afternoon and Evening. fund. The amount of money t h u s i w e r a i s e -t^e money, the sooner we THE RACIAL TRADITIONS West Pacific Road, just west of.the Federation have been mailed to the land Orphan Home, for the Consumpfar raised has been subscribed by ^ H h a v e a building." homes. If you have not already tives' Hospitals in Denver, in all its new Happy Hollow Club. It will have "Immediately; after the §250,000 TO RAFFLE OFF AUTOMOBILE Washington. (J. C. B.)- That he is a nine hole golf course. only eight hundred people. mailed in your check, do so immedi- social service and immigrant aid work quota is raised, work will begin on more in earnest than ever in his seAS ONE OF PICNIC FEATURES ately. Workers will begin on the was the Federation in such desperate J. Styles, golf expert of the Carter A open meeting will be held Mon-^ ^ s e l e c t i o n o f a l o t f o r proposed lective- immigration plan and • comFederation collections soon," said straits as it is now. of New York City, will be in j day evening a t t h e Community i ^ ^ ^ I o t >viU b e & the pulsbry registration and Americaniz- }People Harry Malashock. The Federation needs more money • ff •** t h e city during the week to make H e t r e w clal> w a *«*« C 2 nter rooms, ^to hear reports of t h e , d o w n t o w n district, according i to ing education of aliens,, was. declared Plans for ' ^ h e l d Sonday, July this year than ever before. The acplans for the golf workers who have been 'ouf during,; H i ^ ^ tonight by Secretary of Labor Davis the Club house wilT be • let to the 129, at the Peony park, according to The Federation has stepped aside tivities - held and sponsored by the the week. 'We intend t o raise this < uy? for the many campaigns that have •*,- _ v «we tills ( « ^ ee stm ^ e fourteen thousan, in his speech before the fifth annual S. E. Klaver, secretary of the "comarchitects during the coming week. ij mittee been carried on in the city, and have Federation • are steadily increasing. §14,000 by Monday evening,", .«f.|dollars said .,,,„„„« to g e t a n d i t i s y o u r d u t y in charge of this affair. • conference of the National AssociaThe Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., composed The officers of the club are: Ed. o f t h e Harry . ,the of, every man in tl tion of Jewish Commoumty Center Treller, president; JL Heavenrich, } "This year's picnic will be by far sacrificed for "all of these causes. of boys and girls in the city, are inevery man•; to campaign. I know held These campaigns and organizations creasing in membership. ,Thereare men's drive is over Secretaries. ^ t ./.^ •,--.•:._.1,:.^-.:...._ * in this-room^di-work during thfe :Monday night, and lefs announce rraHTe a r e i n need of- the.Welf are Federation more children attending, the Talmud "WaiS Mr. Travis stated he is now con- M. Herzberg, treasurer. Members of The Federation is the Torah now. The Federation has taken nest' few days, we can announce_to ^ -nriwjg ducting negotiations with representa- the board of directors excluding the off a car at this picnic Dancing will e have not one p'rmclpal organization that helps in various other organizations. All the entire public1 that the Omaha' be held during the afternoon and tives of thirty-seven racial groups and - > i e e p u p t i i e r e p u t a t i o n tha every movement in the city. Jewish - Community Center building nationalities, with a view of obtaining omcers are: Harry Wolf, Henry evening," said S. E. Klaver. of these are in need of money. > J e w s o f O maha have not failed Rosenthal, Harry Wilinsky, J. Spies"We will have busses to accommocampaign is a success," said Hairy'] jT 'fhV' their ideas the next session of ConThe financial condition of the Fed"There are a number of old subundertaking." berger, Milton Livingston, Louis date the people from the car line to eration is serious. The money must gress embodying his proposals, which Lapidus' at the meeting Thursday "The hOvs M scribers to the Federation who should of the Y. Hiller, Isidor Ziegler, Fred Rosen- the park for this special occasion," be raised to continue the work and increase their pledges from those of evening. • ] H. A. have helped put this campaign he described as his "pet idea." He stock. said Klaver. activities. The Omaha Federation is last year," said Harry Malaschock. '.'Every man and woman in the over, because they know the neec said he was trying to work out a bill The following committees have been in debt to the number of National in- The workers fo rthe Federation will city of Omaha knows the need of, of the building in this city", sai' agreeable to all. Twenty per cent of appointed to take charge of the ar- stitutions that we are members of. make a canvass of the city beginning the building here, it is just the duty j Israel Goodman, president of the Y, aliens are now voluntarily attending Americanization classes twice a rangements for the picnic: General These organizations and hospitals are next Tuesday. You can save theBe of every man in this room to go M. and Y. W. H. A. It is the duty [Committee!—A. Kaplan, chairman; S. in" need of money and the Omaha Fed- men from calling' on you by mailing •~ oIA.B. and get these people to subscribe." of every man and woman in the month, he said. "If this is right for E. Klaver, secretary; J. Feldman. eration has not paid its fee. in your check immediately. At the smoker held Thursday even- city of Omaha to give to this cause: twenty per cent,,it is equally right for one hundred per cent, and I pro- The Omaha Lodge of the Independ- treasurer; A. Richards, H. Silverman ing, the workers were assigned cards [ so as the Jewish boys and girls will pose th'at this should be compulsory." ent Order of B'nai B'rith will hold a M. Blank, F. White, L. Kneeter, J. of prospects who must be visited by j have a proper meeting place an memorial meeting Wednesday evening, Ricklin, J. Waxenberg, A. Eosenblum Defending his proposal on the Monday evening. The workers filled under Jewish environments." ground that it is not only for the May 30, in honor of A.B.Seeienfreund, Dr. N. Dansky, M. Polansky, J. benefit of America, but the immigrant nationally known member of the B'nai Crounse, J. Eomanek. Printing Committee—J. Waxenberg, as such, Mr. Davis asserted,. "Every B'rith, who. died several weeks ago. Discuss Problems of the "Woman's The meeting will be open to the L. Kneeter, J. Crounse. immigrant who commits a crime, who Was One of the Original Organizers Part in the World Affairs. is sent to an insane asylum, who be- entire public and will be held at the Publicity Committee— A. Eosenof City Fund. blum, Dr. N. Dansky, Fred White. comes a pauper, forms a source of Scottish Eite Cathedral, Twentieth Vienna. (J. T. A.) World peace, According to the committes in prejudice and bigoted hatred against and Douglas streets. Unless Every Dollar Pledged in Cam- Harding Gratified Record o,f Jews' Henry Monsky, one of the original all other immigrants of his nationality Mr. Seelenfreund was secretary of charge of arrangements for this af- anti-Semitism, the protection of depaign Is Paid, Relief Work. Efforts for U. S. Is Preserved. fenseless women and girl immigrants, who are in this country." District No. 6, I. O. B. B., of which fair, plans are already being made to the Jewish women's part in the com- organizers of the Community Chest, Will Stop. make this a gala event. was elected first vice president at a Washington. (J. C. B.) President Cases of hardships such as have Omaha lodge he was a member. He munity, educational problems, the New York.—Although a year as Harding, arisen under the operation of the exwas also secretary of the International a letter read before the physical" upbuilding of Palestine and meeting held during the week. elapsed since the great victory con- American inJewish clusion regulation will be prevented TAKES LEAD IN SCHOOL Executive Committee and the secreHistorical Society the improvement of health among Dr. Irving S. Cutter is president ference, celebrating the success of the May 6, referred to the by selecting immigrants abroad be- tary of the Eamah lodge of Chicago. PLAY. ; "Story of great Jews in the war-racked countries, are of the federation. national appeal for $14,000,000 for Jewish-participation in making of our fore they sell their belongings and Mr. Philip -Krasne of Council Bluffs among the problems being considered Other officers include Mrs. C. M. the relief of the war stricken Jews of common country,": and declared "it is begin their journey. This is the only JEWISH STUDENTS WIN IN has been chosen to take the leading by the World Conference of Jewish Wilhelm, second vice president; A. F. Europe, was held in Detroit on April one of the finest chapters in our na- humanitarian solution of the immipart in the Abraham Lincoln High Women here. Ninety delegates repre- Stryker, third vice president; E. F, STATE CONTESTS. 9, 1922, the collection of pledges made tional history." The president ex- gration problem, he declared. " Ed. Rosenthal and Israel Weiss re- School Senior Class Play, "The Meltduring that historic campaign is still pressed gratification that the society Davis heartily endorsed the Jewish turned to Omaha this week from Lin- ing Pot," to be presented at the senting nineteen European countries, Folda, treasurer, and George M. Ca^ besides the representative delegation rey, executive secretarr. being carried on vigorously fey „ the is taking "such effective steps to in- community center movement, making coln, Nebr., victorious in the Nebras- Broadway Theatre May 29. from the American Council of Jewish Executive committee is composed of American Jewish Relief Committee, sure that it will properly be written a strong plea for the erection of a ka High School Scholarship Contest Women, are taking part in the gath- George Brandeis, Ward M. Burgess, under the direct supervision of David and preserved." The letter, addressed Jewish center in Washington, a move- held last week helping Central High ering called by the Amerioan Council. S. S. Caldwell, J. E. Davidson, Al. A. Brown. True to the pledge he to the secretary of thesociety, is as ment for which is now in progress. win first place. Eosenthal was one POLISH KABBIS PONDER DISSECTION DEMAND Mme. Narianna Hainisch, the 83made at the conference, that he would follows: The Jewish center -will keep" alive of the three seudents to win in the Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Warsaw year-old mother of the President of Gordon, Mrs. W. J. Hynes, Mrs. Geo.1 . "remain on the job until every dollar the traditions of race, and, at the Senior Spelling Contest, and Weiss is in the till," Mr. Brown has not per- "When I first received, two months same time, operate as a vital agency won the Latin^ Contest of the Eleventh Rabbinate has had a special mec+lng the Austrian Republic, was among Joslyn, John L. Kennedy and Mrs< 'j •« in order to consider the question those who welcomed the Jewish Charles Metz. mitted his other interests to interfere ago, your most kind invitation to of Americanization, he declared. "I Grade. raised by the 'demand of the Warsaw Work will be started immediately; j meet with the members of the Amerwith this task. His determination women's gathering. She called on the am in favor of preserving the tradiican Jewish Historical Society at the Anatomical Institute that Jewish on the arrangement of a budget f'oE!that "every dollar must be in the till" American women to use their influtions of the various racial groups. •; was strengthened by his visit to the time of their gathering in Washing- Americanization does not involve the HARRIET FLEISHMAN WINS corpse:; should be provided for dis- ence towards the stabilization of world 1924. THIRD PLACE IN STATE section purposes. Ukraine, where he was an eye-witness ton, I entertained hopes that events abandonment of these traditions, but peace. Herself long identified with The Community Chest is composed might so shape themselves that my CONTEST. The Eabbis chiefly considered the women's fight for equality, she of 27 welfare and charitable organiza« of the great tragedy. at the same time the immigrants Miss Harriet Fleishman, daughter whether it is permitted by the Jew- urged the women of America to use tions, each of which will submit an acceptance would be possible. I was, "The solemn promise I made a year should be educated in American inof Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman, ish-law to provide Jewish corpses for the ballot towards securing peace. estimate of its probable expense for | therefore, unwilling to make a final ago to give my best efforts and enstitutions and be taught the English v won third place in the state declammedical purposes, which makes ritual President Hainisch was also pres- 1924. ergnes to the collection of every dollar answer. I find now that as affairs language. (j . atory contest held at Central City, have taken shape it will be impossible burial Impossible. The meeting was ent. Chief Rabbi Chajes of Vienna pledged in the campaign, still holds "I do not care what a man's-reOrganization of the Community,! good," declared Mr. Brown in New for me to make such an engagement. ligion is: as long as he has=a religion," Nebr. Miss Fleishman was winner attended -alsj by all the rabbis who delivered the principal welcoming ad- Chest comes as the result of two of the southeastern Nebraska high are deputies in the Polish Sejm. It "I have noticed with much interest .York the other day, "and; I am very he said.. "Io do not care wjhat a. man's school contest and representative of was decided: to • adjourn the meeting dress. He expressed his delight at years' effort, directed by the public the outline of the program you have the presence of the President End his appy that the men and women who, race is as long as he is a good Amer- the Central High school. sent to me and wish to express; my for the attendance of the rabbis of mother and callec on enlightened Aus- welfare committee of the Chamber of during the victory "conference, rose to. ican while he is in this country." Ostrowo, Wilna, Lublin and Kalisch. trians of the Christian faith to aid Commerce, which studied similar systheir feet on two occasions to pledge judgment that it represents th'e opIn the past few years, $7,250,000 the Jews in their struggl eagainstthe tems in other cities and incorporated themselvesto stay on the job with me portunity for a valuable contribution has been expended in several large Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Considerable to the story of the great Jewish parvirulent Austrian anti-Semitism. Thus the good points of each into a workcomment has been, aroused here by the JEWISH STUDENTS FLEE "VIENNA to the end', has been splendidly kept. cities for tht erection of Jewish comThey have worked unceasingly, faith- ticipation in the making of our com- munity centres and for the expansion action of the Board of the Warsaw Vienna. (J. T. A.) Within the last far, the Rabbi said, the Jews were able plan for Omaha, Dr. Cutter has fully, responding to every call for ad- mon country. It is one of the finest of their work, Harry L. Gluksman, City Council in regard to the seal of few weeks about 500 Jewish students battling single handed. been chairman of the committee and the Warsaw Jewish communal organ- of the Medical Faculty of Vienna Uni- Mrs. "'— .nder Kohut and Mrs. Na- Mr. • Mpnsky vice chairman. ditional effort. As a consequence, chapters in our national history." executive director of the Jewish Welization. Since the Middle Ages the versity have obtained transfer certif- thaniel E Harris replied to the greetmost of .the pledges that were made The erection of a building to be fare Board, stated. seal has included the City Coat of icates and have left for universities ings in behalf of the Conference, while during the campaign have been re- used for its records was decided at the final meeting here. The building, Arms, representing a siren. The Board abroad. Mrs. Harry Sternbcr-rr responded on on the n*<cessity of protection for dedeemed." for which a campaign for funds will JEWISH GIRLS IN JUNIOR of the City Council contends now that The Pectorate of the university is behalf of the American Council. fenseless women immigrants- and LEAGUE REVIEW CAST there is no document to the use of greatly concerned over this growing The question of the preservation of urged i international understanding - o . (7. T. A.) The defense of be conducted in October, will be erectmovement among Jewish students, re- Judaism w&s touched on by Mrs. A. between governments with reference the realm law, which was recen."/ ed as a memorial to Jews who died Miss Dorthy Goldstein and Miss this coat of arms. in the World War. sulting from the anti-Jewish disturb- Eicholtz of the Union of Jewish to white slave traffic A resolution Ann Rosenblatt took part in the JunThe Jewish community has decided passed by Parliament, was enforced ior League Review held at the Gay- not to fight the case and will not use ances and the numerous dausus agi- Women of London who warned that favoring ibe physical upbuilding of for the first time ^gah-st "Moravia," a clerical daily, which was confiscated Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Rosenberg, of ety theater hist week. Miss Rosen- the seal any more. A competition has tation. It is feared that the resoii assimilation was exerting a "ruinous Palestine was adopted at one of ths; early sessions. Mrs. Kohut was chos- „ for conducting a severe anti-Jewish Minneapolis, Minn., are visiting at the blatt and Miss Goldstein were the been announced for a new design to. will be s. severe financial crisis at the effect" on the youth. en Chairman of the sessions. Universite a seal for the community. Mme. Zadok Kahan of France dwelt only Jewish girls in the cast. JSol Leon home. campaign.

Davis Urges Selective Immigration; Praises All Jewish Community Centers

Omaha Hebrew Club To Hold Its Annual Picnic At Peony Park, July 29

To Hold Memorial Meeting in

Relief Treasmy Nearly President Harding Praises Empty, Says David Brown Jewish Historical Society


Women's World Conference ienrj Monsky Officer Tackles Jewish Problems Of Commimily Chest

2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katetoian entertution. They declare that they were She flew about here and there, for she held under police surveillance at his JEWISH CALENDAR. tained at bridge Sunday evening. faced with the alternative of accepthad made multitudes of friends, not house, it is learned. The accusation 5683-1923. Prizes were won by Mrs. J. Katelman : u only in Szeged, but in all the neigh- against the Rabbi is not said to be Day) '.~ Published every Thursday «t Omaha, Nei>ra«ka. by .......Mon., May 21 ing certain measure of rights or ofand ;Mr. L. Braunstein. boring towns. Nor was she worried losing everything. serious and no punishment is likely. Rosh-Chodesh Tamrauz Fri., June "5 THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. about frocks. Had she not the pretty Rosh-Ohodesh Ab Sat., July l£ Offiee: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372 Mr. and Mrs. L. Bernstein entersilk ones she had not worn in her Fast of Ab Sun^Jul: : SAYS HITLER MAY SPOIL tained Monday afternoon. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. sober days? GERMAN LOAN IN U. S. New Year's Eve. _.Mon« Sept. 10 Now, ah now! How she could dance Rosh-Chodesh EIuI Mon., Au^. ' 3 Berlin. (J. T. A.) Hhe chance of The Junior Council will hold their ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year the czardas! She was soon talked floating a German loan in the United last meeting of the season next SunAdvertising rates furnished on application. about everywhere. She was the most SAYS JEWS VICTIMS OF States are "enormously injured" by day afternoon at the home of Miss NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- popular girl in Szeged, and there was HUNGARIAN COMMUNISM , the activities of Adolph Hitler, the Cylia Gershun at 519 Oakland avetion of The Jewish Press are to be. given to worthy communal causes. no notoriety in her fame. She was Budapest. (J. T. A.)—Jews of Bavarian Faseisti leader, according to nue. just the liveliest girl. Hungary suffered a proportionately the New York correspondent of the CHANGS 0 7 ADDRESS—Pleaw fflrt both the old and new addreaa; .- bt sure cod wlgn Tonr Dim. ; - / Her father made protest, first greater loss during Bela Kun's com- Frankfurter Zeitung in a dispatch. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swartz entermeekly, and when he saw it did not munist regime than any part of the The correspondent asserts that the tained a few friends last Thursday "There's one thing we're going to The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency .(Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition avail, he did what he believed was start this fall," spoke up Trimmer to Hungarian population, according to belligerent nationalist, anti-Semitic evening at her home. to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. his duty to her as a father. Therese Mrs. Trimmer after tha eve'nlng meal statistics published by Albert Vary, tendencies, are likely to affect adInquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly was beaten more than once for going had been consumed, "and that is we're a high Jewish official. Although there versely public opinion in the Uniled answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, alone to a non-Jewish festival and going to go out more. "This thing of is a tendency to identify Jews with States, causing American bankers to All Orders Given Prompt and New York City. ' . •' ' ••••' . - . ; ••"• • • ; Careful Atleutiou. sitting around home all the time can communism, Mr. Vary points out that hesitate about launching the loan. taying out till dawn. be overdone. In order to get away in the even"Prom now on," he added, "we're figures show that of the 590 execuTHE FEAST OP THE FIRST FRUITS. : ing, the girl would make solemn prom- going (GuaraJteed) around among people and to the tions by communists there were 44 "FLOWERS, MARK FH1ENVS" The Feast of the First Fruits, also known as the Feast of ses to be home early. Mr. Gross, in- theater occasionally. We've been stick- Jews, a percentage of 7.4 whereas the Tel. Ju. 42i)l, Brnndeis Theatre Uldg.. Weeks, or Shabuoth in Hebrew, has been for the most part super- ustrious Jew that he was, would stay ing around here evenings, getting old percentage of Jews towards the total Mr. and Mrs. I. Fonarow enter210 So. 17th St., Omalia. tained five tables of bridge at their seded by the observance of Confirmation Day in many synagogues t his bench, working busily until his before our time. It's up to us to gin- population is 4.6. home Friday evening.' of this country. In celebrating the holiday on Monday, May 21,daughter was supposed to return. ger up a bit and get out to see our friends more or we won't have any When, however, the clock would strike the outstanding feature will be the confirmation of the children SOVIETS FORBID REHABILMr. Max Kramer entertained a midnight and Therese still would be friends.; It makes people all go to TATION OF KEHILLAHS of the religious school. number of friends Saturday afternoon absent, Tie'd get up, cast off his leath- seed to stay in their shell week in Our entire stock of jewelry, many other festivals Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Soviet auin honor of his bannitzvoh. Mr. and and week out. From now on we're goThe Feast of the days, First has Fruits, like considerable modifica- er apron, grasp his crutch and go out watches and diamonds to be inherited from ancient undergone ing to operate on a different sys- thorities have set their faces against Mrs. Kramer entertained Sunday aftsacrificed to the highest bidder. ollowing the direction whence the tion.. In remote antiquity, even in early Biblical days, this "feast tem." any attempt to recognize the Kehil- ernoon in honor of their son's barmOur entire stock valued at over music came. There he would be sure was one of the three pilgrimages which the Jews made to the $50,000 must be sold. "I've often thought the same thing," lahs in Russia, which are in a cha- itzvoh. o find his Therese. When she would1 agreed Temple at Jerusalem. There, in numbers vast, they offered up see Mrs. Trimmer, "but I supposed otic condition, according to a report AUCTION NOW GOING ON. the bent form of her father in that you preferred being at home in circulated by a Russian press agency Mrs. Harry Cohen will entertain on the altar sacrifice of parched corn and wheat loaves at the ;he doorway, Come and see for yourself. she'd turn pale, whisper the evening. Lots of times I've wanther Afternoon club Tuesday at her end of the first seven weeks of the Spring planting. ' here. The report states that an orhurried good night to all, take, his ed to go out, but didn"t like to sugOn this foundation of an agricultural festival which the crude arm ganization having as its aim the re- home. and depart. gest it when you seemed so comfortfarmer of that age observed by offering the things grown by his able at home and eo Interested • in habilitation of the Jewish communi- Mrs. M. Yudelsoon entertained her Established 1S92 planting, the rabbis of the Talmudic age built up a symbolic Yet great was the consternation of your papers." ties throughout Russia was discov- Bridge club Wednesday afternoon at 1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 ceremonial of larger significance and vaster potentiality. In their her poor father and all Szeged when "Well, there's evidently been some ered in Charkov, and that it was her home. poetic idealism the revelation of the law on Sinai was associated Therese disappeared from town.* I t misunderstanding," said Trimmer, promptly ordered "liquidated" by the with this Feast of Weeks. At that time the Ten Commandments was totally unexpected. A search was agreeably, "for I don't like anything Commissar for Internal Affairs. were made known and Israel was pledged to be the bearer of this made—a poor search as I recall it— better than to have an evening of so- A numbed of Zionists are under arcial diversion now and then. It's rest a t Elizabethgrad following tha revelation. ^ ".. i and then all hope of ever seeing her just what I need. Man's a social being, as given up. To the rabbis the consciousness of this consecration to :a and if he doesn't enjoy the society of discovery there of a secret Zionist or(ALL MAKES) Why should I even attempt to remoral duty and destiny, to be fulfilled throughout all ages and other people occasionally, outside of ganization. late to you the misery of the lame Rented at Lowest Rates in City. Half Price Sale on Standard Typewriters. •among all human beings was the symbolical equivalent of -a business hours, there's something more shoemaker or the unbounded sympaSold on Convenient Terms. or Ies3 abnormal about him, that's harvest, a harvest of the spirit. Israel offered, the first fruits Of FINLAND PROHIBITS SCHECHITA of every good neighbor? Mr.; all." spiritual achievement and religious inspiration at this historical thy Helsingfors. (J. T. A.) "SchechiGross could not w.ork after tl|is daugh"We'd better take in the Bronsons' consummation. the killing of cattle and fowl had so strangely vanished. He musicale, then,'" suggested Mrs. Trim- ta," Shabuoth then becomes a memorial of this consecration, ^ ter according to the Jewish ritual, has 205 So. 18th St. AT. 2414 fell violently ill. The doctor ex- mer. "It's a week from tomorrow night Israel was chosen from among all the nations to become the priest soon been prohibited by the government of hausted his resources and the man and we're sure to be invited. Mrs. • of God's law of love and justice, the herald of salvation unto 411 died—moneyless, Bronson was saying something about Finland. The prohibition comes as a daughterless. families of man. Those teachers of Israel who invested Shabuoiih He was not forgotten distinct shock to the Orthodox Jews, it the other day." by his neighwith an historical association commemorative of this revelation bors. For years the entire despite the many intimations from the "All right," said Trimmer; "but I incident was just about to say that I had tick- prevention of cruelty quarters that the placed man. at the summit of creation. They said that man was was a fresh and ever _new; subject for ets for the theater tomorrow night. prohibition would not be sought. endowed with the light of reason and was designed to lift up his discussion. A hundred theories were eyes unto God and to seek and find Him in this marvelous world. proposed as to what had happened to So don't make any other plans." Finland is probably the only counThis revelation made the Jew the witness of God and thus Therese, and a hundred theories were Trimmer remarked that he'd had a try where the ritual has been prospread among men the knowledge of His name, thereby hastening abandoned. strenuous day when he gothibited, although agitation favoring ths time when all humanity shall be united to do honor to God. No, this is not the end of the story. rather home the next evening. After sup- the abolition of the practice, said to be more humanitarian than the usual To this end is the Jew to lift the banner of light and truth and We. did not see the lovely Therese per he lay down on the lounge. virtue, that everywhere darkness, superstition and wickedness once more. "We'd better be getting ready If method, has been urged from time to may be dispelled forever and the House of God become the house About seven or .eight years later a we want to be at the theater on time," "time in various countries. suggested Mrs. Trimmer shortly after of prayer.for all nations. ; of seeming high rank alighted seven o'clock. JEWISH DEPUTIES The Confirmation Day ceremony in many of our American from her'coach a t the inn just out"Huh!" grunted Trimmer -with a EXPLAIN ROUMANIAN synagogues is a recent adaption of this consecration. I t is on theside Szeged. -A thrill of anticipation yawn. is the night we -were CONSTITUTION STAND one hand a graduation from^e;religiou§-schgoL.::TJie.corifirjai£m^s passed through the_5vhole town. It going to"This the show, isn't it? Well, get are those who have attended^religious schddl from their kinder- was rumored that a' princess or atyour things on and I'll be ready when Czernowitz. {J. T. A.) The Jewish Sunday Evening, deputies for the Bukowina have pubgarten days to the first and'second year high school age. They least a duchess was stopping at the y o u a r e . " ••' - • • - - - — * . have studied the Bible, Jewish ethics and literature, religious inn. By that time I had grown into Mrs. Trimmer hastened to" obey. lis hed a statement defending them- May 20, and Monday ceremonials, doctrines and duties, and also considerable post- quite a young lady,, and I remember "Somebody -was telling me," remark- selves against the attacks made on and Tuesday at the biblical history of the Jews, Some have also studied the Hebrew my eagerness to see how this myster- ed Trimmer as they were leaving the them by the Zionists and the Jewish house, "that the show isn't much good, Nationalists in the province for their language. ious, woman wag dressed. after all. I'm not as keen about it as At the same time the; graduates frqm the religious school are On the -day after her arrival the I was." Then they, went on and wait- action in voting in favor of the Jewish articles in the Roumanian constiheld under moral responsibility to remember their consecration to lady passed our very door. She was ed for the car. Israel's mission of service1 as a priestly people who are called dressed in costly black and her face After dinner, one week later, Trimupon to be a blessing to all families of the earth. This renewal was covered with a heavy plack veil.! mer put on his slippers, got Into an of fealty to Israel is as glorious and triumphant a moment as She; went straight to the house of the old lounging coat and leaned back in the big morris chair with a satisgraduation. Both are voluntary and both call for ardent service. rabbi* . ' . ; • ; . . . . IDA I. FREirKN, Prop. expression while he looked over Throughout all American Jewish communities where the "The town has grown so," she ex- fled 24th and Nicholas Streets the paper. A few minutes later he Confirmation ceremony Is observed receptions are held in theplained to the old man, "that I can- went over and got a couple of his homes of the parents of the confirmands or in the synagogue! not, find ;the shop of the shoemaker, pipes, off the center table and started where the exercises are held. to clean them up. Gross.";; ;.;". • ,' . • 311 South 16th Stioet Cantor L\ Lambert is well known for his wonderful "This always used to be my faThe rabbi looked at her intently and Phoue Atlantic 8010. tenor voice. Don't fail to hear him at these services. recognized her. "You are Therese, his vorite smoke—this pipe right here," Open E%reningc. daughter," he said. She did not deny he confided to Mrs. Trimmer, "but it's S. GUTTMAX, President. got so caked up lately It'll scarce it. The rabbi told her that her father draw Only Jewish Florist in town. at all. Now's a good time to had died shortly after her disappearit up. Then) after I get it into BY MARGARET KRENZLER. WEDDING BOUQUETS. I heard Therese singing in her gar- ance from Szeged. She made no clean shape I've got a magazine with a den. When I was a little girl about ten womanish demonstrations of grief. couple of craqkingrgood stories that I years old, there lived in our village a Her father had his fears. He might i She just lowered her head and asked want to read to you." shoemaker—a Mr. Gross. He.was a die very soon and leave his Therese i to be led to her father's grave. "You'll scarcely have time to do all thin, sickly Jew with beard and alone in the -world. Therefore, he The rabbi sent for the "sharaos" that, will you?" inquired Mrs. TrimPhone At. 07S5; Kes. Phone We. 5S79 "The Clothing Corner of Omalia" "payos," so religious that even in an took long journeys to famous rabbis and the three of them went out to the mer smiling. "You know this ia the emergency no one could prevail upon all over the country and begged these farther end of the village to the cem- night of the Bronsons' musicale. It's Real Estate, Loans and Insurance him to do the slightest piece of work holy xiien to bless his child and pray etery. For a long time Therese wept about time that you put on your dress Bought, Sold and Exchanged suit. I've got everything laid out for after Friday noon. Although he was to the good God that in His mercy on.the spot which was pointed out to you." 1306 First National Bank Bide. ; Omaha, Nebr. crippled, he made a'good living, be- He may send her a fitting spouse be- her as her father's place. The next With JACOB SLOSBURG, JR. "What's that?" Trimmer looked up, cause you must remember he was not fore he, her poor crippled father, died. day she made arrangements with the startled. "Musicale, you say? Haven't a cobbler—he "was a shoemaker and Whenever the shoemaker returned rabbi to have an expensive monument you been a little previous In accepting a master "at his work.- You- know, from one of these pilgrimages, he placed on the £rave. She donated a invitations to such things without need not have two good feet to brought -with him a talisman given large sum of the "yshivah" and made sulting me? You know very well how 212 Courtney Bldg., be able to make a pair of good shoes. him by a rabbi. Therese took it and provisions for "kaddish'V to. be said T stand on trotting around in the 17 Douglas St. in a dress suit. When I get The Christian lassies were proud to wore it and believed devoutly. for he.r father every .year so long as evening SALON I/'CHARME wear the red shiny boots which he So the crippled Mr. Gross limped there would'exist a synagogue in Sze- through /work at the office I want to New Address • of • • home and rest. Rest, mind you. made for church and.every well-to-do about and earned a living, and hisged. She departed that same day.' come Shampoo, Manicure. 50c—Marcel, ?5c E R E ' S just what we mean—instead of That's what I want-to do. And it isn't Expert Individ unl Service. -; Jewish girl had her shoes made to beautiful daughter grew, up alone, I see you are left unsatisfied. You much rest for me to go chasing about Evening or Sunday, AT. 4S13, marking our finest suits at $65 and later M. T. LEV*. order by Shoemaker Gross. self-secluded. There was no one towant to know whither she had gone! with a lot of pJnheads that Imagine on pricing them at $50—you buy them noxo at His wife was dead—I don't remem- whom she could communicate her de- and whence she returned. Did she they're deriving enjoyment out of that $50—the world demands a square deal for all— ber her at all—but he ha<i one daugh- sires, her thoughts, her troubles. Nor have a lover whom we could suspect? kind of BO called classical stuff they ter. Szeged was noted for its pretty could she share those of another. Even No, no, like many stories of this kind, play at these musicale things. ' and here it is in clothes selling. 'girls, and Therese, I assure you, didher sweet songs were sung to herself, many of the most important details "There isn't one Person In 400," nvt spoil the reputation. She was no arid these were always songs of sor-remained a mystery. To ^11 appearTHE SMARTEST OF THE :F I N E S ;T SILK Gtormed Trimmer, "that really likes to more than sixteen a t the time of row. ances she left by herself and so farGit LINED SUITS YOU'VE and look pleased over the teedleSPORTS SUITS— NEWwhich I speak. :Her 'figure> was like r One day there came to town a as we know she returned 'alone.— Everything in the delicatessen de-tum stuff that they label classical. that of a poplar tree/tall and erect, woman. The gossips said she was di- Emanu-EI. line at your disposal. EVER SEEN, AT EST STYLE EFFECTS, But they make an awful bluff about with a certain manner of > reserve. rect from Budapest. She bought a Let us make your baskets for fairly doting on just such highbrow your outings and parties,." And have you ever looked into.the house in Szeged to settle permanently PURCHASE £ITE FOR JERU- vocal and instrumental palaver. Mush! 11 "Where'd you get the idea that I face a pansy and; m M o l of 1 seen in-its ex- f ** Placed a sigh above her door saySALEM MEDICAL! SCHOOL 'nr ° t f - v , innocence .,..*... — pression aM certain andJ _\. pa ing that she gave scientific scalp was 'willing to be dragged out to such thos? The face of Therese was like treatments. Mr. Gross, of course, Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—At the an affair as that,- anyway? I'd have THE MOST VALUE AT EVERY PRICE—YOU 310 North 16th Street : that of the pangy." lilue' as the'waters sent his daughter to the woman of request of the American Jewish to talk to a. lot of light weights that Phone JA cfcson 5062 . CAN PROVE IT HERE, TOO, IN STANDARD Physicians' Association, the Palestine don't know enough to carry nuts to a of the Danube.itself were her eyes. modern methods. squirrel. I never saw one of .tbuse soLand:.., Development Company has WORSTED SUITS, AT Her lips, not red enough to be called For some months the girl went for c"iety people who could pass an enripe,' drooped 'at the corners. The treatments daily. Then one day Ther- purchased a plot- of land on Mount trance examination to a night school. lower part of her face widened a lit- ese came out of the woman's house Scopus -fj» the Medical Department "What? I said we ought to go out f ::.the. . . Hg^rew Hg^rew University. University. The The site site more? Did, eh? Ohr yes, and I suptle, thus rounding the otherwise .per- without the silken kerchief.- Instead, °f of l ti}«c nfedjcal college adjoins the pose I had just such an affair as this fect oval. .. " • her head was covered with hair of musicals iu mind, too, That sounds But alas, Thereto, had -to wear a golden Brown. - I t was not very-long, Grey House; on the hill. Everybody's thinking about Spring clothes, and we're making silken kerchief on. her head all thebut the,woman had;done it up-most The Association was about like me. Yea! Nice spirit on the thought of buying a pleasant prospect—a real opportunity founded •rfuring Professor- Einstein's ycur part to take advantage of a here in our enormous, all new selections. Painting, Papering, and time. She had a diseased scalp and, becomingly with,a-hair ribbon. in the Spring chance remark of mine that I was Decorating done under ixiy ntf matter,what the old women of the .What; a that girl! She visit to tSis country -v SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. willing to go out in the evening with h personal supervision. . town .advised, her hair would not could hot control herself arid walk of" 1921.- "p" ' !*,•/•, you once In awhile—4f I did say such grow. Hence, the girl was sad and straight. She had to skip—to leap. a thing. Hardwood Specialtyz "Oh, well, I suppose Fra up against • so.timid that she would not mingle She sang aloud and smiled at all the RABBI ElgEJfSTADT UNDER All Work Guaranteed 5t now. We'll have to go to the in' , with the.other lassiesj and she would world. Her sadness and shyness were ARREST AT HOME. gone—gone with the silken kerchief. Warsaw. {J. T. A.)—Rabbin Eis?n- fernal thing. But it does seenx a 1521 North 19th Street. pity that a man can't hav» sa J]ear her; sirig^one pfca.dt,' of^etragrad. against w! Phone, Webster 1087.1. of quiet and l'est nc w and then." CORRECT APPAREL FOR WEN AND WOMEN; I remember stopping on my'way when in her garden." She She was tod' busy. cb.argeisHv^d1-pre¥e(ttyi"ia'st wee week is.





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CANTOR L. LAMBERT will chant the



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PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS] THUKSDAY, MAY 17,1923 .Gertrude, who ceelbrated her ninth birthday. Thirty-five guests were present, friends of Miss Harris, and their mothers. Music was played, by Miss Ida Newman, Miss Gertrude Harris, Miss Helen Castleman, and Gertrude Oruch.

six to five. Ziev and Bloom were the stars for the winners. Tha team plays the A. Z. A. next Sunday, after having already defeated them once this season.

the guest of Miss Sarah Krechefsky. Miss Krechefsky entertained Tuesday at bridge. The Misses Ruth Zolat, and Bernice Diamond entertained at dinner bridge Thursday at the home of Miss Zolat in honor of Miss Handler.

OPENS NEW MEAT MARKET sented their first annual vaudeville Rev. E. Fleishman has opened a lew meat market at 2323 Harney street. "This market will be one of ;he most modern markets in the city. will deliver" orders to all parts of ;he city," said Rev. Fleishman.

show Tuesday evening at the High School Auditorium before a large crowd.

Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The PalesCOLUMBUS NEWS. tine Siliticatc company, the largest Mr. Louis Abrams, of McCook, Mr. Max M. Guttman, son of Mr. Nebr., visited several days with Mr. Miss Helen Robinson spent the ular meeting Wednesday evening at brick company in the Orient, which and Mrs. S. Guttman, who attends and Mrs. Harry Kaplan. was established in Tel-Aviv in Februweek-end in Omaha with her parents, the Jewish Community Center. the University at Ann Arbor, Mich., ary, 1921, but was compelled some Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson. Mr. W. Weinstein, of Philadelphia, has been pledged to the Tau Delta Mr. M. Seff returned last week time ago owing to the difficulties enPa., is visiting with Mr. Simon Bordy. Mrs. Benjamin Margolin, Mrs. "rom Excelsior Springs, Mo. Phi Fraternity. countered by it to close down its Mr. Bordy, his guest, and Mr. Louis Max Moser, and Miss Lillian Marworks temporarily, has now recomMr. and Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich Bordy motored to Creighton, Nebr., golin motored to Omaha Sunday to The B'nai B'rith Lodge held a reg- menced its activities. It is stated that Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzherg announce j with Miss Lena Bordy, at Columbus, have as their guests Mr. Samuel Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. spend the day. ular meeting Tuesday evening at the the company has received a ioan of the engagement-of their daughter, Nebr. Jewish Community Center. Heavenrich and Miss Edith Heaven- Sam Weinstein. $20,000 from the Economic Board for A meeting of the Hebrew EduAngelia, to Mr. David Goldman, of' — — rich, of Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Sam Goldstein, of Missouri cational Society was held Sunday, The Hebrew Ladies' Auxiliary pre- Palestine in London. St. Louis, Mo. The wedding will take Valley, la., is visiting here with Mr. LINCOLN Mrs. Arthur Ruben was hostess May 13. Miss Rose Zager presented place in the early summer. Goldstein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. to twenjy-five guests at a one o'clock an aesthetic dance. Miss Sarah Friend returned from luncheon and bridge Wednesday at Excelsior Springs Friday. Mr.* and Mrs. H. Saltzman, of Coun- Goldstein. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snader motorcil Bluffs, will entertain at a recepMr. and Mrs. Frank Spigle will en- the Fontenelle Hotel. ed to Omaha Sunday to spend the Mr. and Mrs. i Walter Wessel and tion at their, home at 742 Mynster tertain Sunday at their home in honor {§ Service means street on Wednesday evening, May of their daughter, Bernice Selma, who Mrs. Dave Redman, of Ottumwa, children and Mrs. Jo Sarbach, of day with Mrs. Snader's mother, Mrs.. Iowa, and children, are visiting here I. Barmish. 23, in honor of their daughter, Mol- is in the graduating confirmation Nebraska City, motored to Lincoln Expert Workmanship lye, and her fiance, Mr. Abe H. Mar- class at the Temple Israel Sunday with Mrs. Redman's parents, Mr. Sunday to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Segelman. cus", of this city, whoso engagement School. They will receive from three SIOUX CITY Mr. and Mrs. Mark Levy, of Hast.was recently announced. • Responsibility v } Sunday afternoon, May 20, at the ings, Nebr., spent Sunday in Lin- The Jewish Educational Alliance to five in the afternoon and sevenBlackstone Hotel, the Omaha Junior coln on their way back from Ex- held its monthly dance and card party The Auflebung club will hold a reg- thirty to ten in the evening. last Sunday evening at the Jeish Com^f Variety of Machinery 'ular business meeting Sunday even- Messrs. David Sher, Lester Slos-. Hadassah are entertaining at a novel celsior Springs^ Mo. munity Center. A large crowd was ing at the Jewish Community Center, burg, Ed. Rosen thai, Jarvis Freiden, card party. It is the club's third followed by a social program of six and William Levey spent the week- of a series and the last that is to Miss Minnie Greenstone enter- present. Refreshments were served. I Interested Mechanics numbers. Eefreshments will be served end in Lincoln, Nebr.. as the guests be given this season by the organ- tained four tables of bridge, Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron reand.only members of the organization of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. They ization, so special entertaining feat day, May 14, at her home in honor turned last Friday from Chicago, C Charges Moderate \ ures are being planned for the guest! of Miss Rose Gilson, whose marriage are invited to attend. attended the play given by the Cosma of the afternoon. For further partic- to Mr. Ralph Dworsky took place where he was confined for nine weeks at the Mercy Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.. Sam Frisch will en- club at the University of Nebraska. ulars in regards to the affair cal Wednesday, May 16. Prizes were E Entire Satisfaction , ^_ tertain their friends at their home Miss Rose Fine, chairman of th Won by Mrs. Philip Dworsky, and The Daughters of Zion held a regMr. and Mrs. Sol Bergman will card party, at Harney 2435. Sunday in honor of their daughter, Miss Mildred Nefsky. Etta, who is in the Confirmation clas3 have, as their guests their daughter, That's the kind of Service we give. The out-of-town guests present at o£ the Temple Israel. They will re- Mrs. Meyer Fridstin, and her two Try Us and See. Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. the Dworsky-Gilson wedding Wednes ceive from the afternoon from three sons, of Chicago, III., who are exI. Morgenstern J. L. Wolfson pected to arrive this week. At the regular meeting Monday to five, and in the evening from seven day were Mrs. Philip Dworsky, o: evening the members of the Y. M.anc Minneapolis, Minn., sister-in-law o: to ten. . •Mrs. M. S. Miller will leave next Y. W. H. A. the intellectual advancethe groom, Miss Evelyn Dworsky, Mr. Samuel H. Schaefer is expected •week for Denver/ Colo., to visit with ment committee presented little Miss cousin of the groom, and Miss Bessi to return the early part of next week Tier sister, Mrs. George M. Harris.' Ramona Slosburg, who greatly enter- Handler, of Omaha. from Washington, D. C , where he Mr. S. Ravitz and Mr. J. Katie- tained the members with several draattended the National Convention of man left Saturday evening for Kan- matic selections, and song and dance The Misses Evelyn, Elizabeth, and Social Workers held for the past two sas City, Mo., where they will numbers were given by the Misses Tillie Polsky enterained at bridge REPAIR SPECIALISTS weeks. attend the. United Synagogue Con- Ida Tenenbaum, Ann and Ethel Hor- Sunday, May 13, in honor of Mrs. Ed. 929-31 North 24th St. ATlantic 8884. Tel. Webster 1946 The Temple Israel Confirmants are vention. They are expected to re- wich, accompanied by Miss Dora For- Woolf, of Milwaukee, Wis. The outman. of-town guests present were Mrs. as follows: ' turn next week. Saturday evening the organization Max Levine, and Miss Nettie Abrams, Katheryn Elgutter, Etta Frisch, Sophia Handler, Rose Mayorowitch, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mayerowich will will give its regular bi-weekly dance of Omaha, visitors at the home of Mrs. Ben Polsky. Mrs. Max KatelFrances Simon, Bernice Spigle, Libby be at home' Sunday afternoon and at the Jewish Community Center. man, won first prize, and Mrs. Abe Zier, Harold Abrahams, Warner Ga- and evening, May 20, in honor of Y. M. H. A. JUNIORS. Davidson won the second prize. lombick, Sam Handler, Willis Hirsch, their daughter, Rose, who is being confirmed from the Temple Israel A regular meeting of the Y. M. H. Hubert Sommer, A. Juniors was held Monday, May 14, Mr. Phil Natenburg left Sunday Sunday School. Mrs. Joseph "Newman, 6t Chicago, at the Jewish Community Center. for his home in Chicago, 111. 111.;; arrived Friday t a be the-guest Mr. and Mrs. M. Spiesberger have Election of officers was held with the Miss Bessie Handler, of Omaha, is of her son, Mr.-David Newman,, and as their guest- Mrs. S. Rabinowitz, following results: Hershel Soslrin, family. ;Mrs.' Newman will remain of New York City. Mr. Rabinowitz, president; Joseph Turner, vice-presihere until after the Jahr-Newman who accompanied his wife here left dent; Maurice Falk, secretary; Philip We Wish to Announce wedding which will place the after a several days visit, A num- Mandell, treasurer. A new staff of ber of affairs are being planned for to Our Patrons and Friends editors to publish the club's weekly early part of June. . the popular visitor. paper was elected. Max Altschuler THAT THE SHOHIT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun was elected editor-in-chief; David The-Board meeting of the Council, entertained Friday"etening M%m Bleicher,"business~ manager; and Philof their daughter, •', Mrs. Alexander of Jewish Wonsen will be held Mon- ip Mandell, circulation manager. Folis with RubeL of Minneapolis, Minn., who is day afternoon at the Jewish Com- lowing the election an interesting proFREED & KUKLJN munity Center. Kosher Meat Market visiting with them. gram was given by the club's quartet, 1613, North 24th Street Miss Florence Bloch, of Denver, Miss Rose Shafton, who is to be- assisted by Hershel Soskin, tenor soWEbster 4330 "Service and Quality Is Oar Motto" Colo., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. come the bride of Mr. Harry Frankel loist. "We carry the best line of kel on May 27, is being entertained The baseball team of the Y. M. H. Morris Zimmer, -and Mr. Zimmer. Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. quite extensively prior to her wed- A. Juniors defeated the Vinton Street Mrs. Charles Redman and children, ding day. Mrs. Al Wohlner enter- Merchants Sunday morning at the of Ottumwa, Iowa, will arrive here tained .Wednesday evening, May 9, Central High diamond by a score of UST because there's plenty of oil in the reservoir and Thursday to visit here with Mrs. at her home honoring Miss Shafton Redman's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. A. and her fiance. Saturday afternoon you use up lots of oil, you can't be sure your motor White. Mrs. Harry Braviroff was hostess at i is getting proper lubrication. Bearings may be heat"The Mohl" Mrs. Fanny . Miller, of Duluth, luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms ing and parts wearing out at top speed. Besldence. 1313 So. 25th St. Minn., is the guest of her cousin, followed by a theatre party. Mrs. Tel. Atlantic 6637. Jack Kaufman entertained yesterday Place of Business, 2333 Harney St. Miss Marion Cohn. The temperature of the pistons and the cylinder walls Tel. ATlantic 3S31. evening at a bridge party at her Miss Ethel Abrahamson returned home. Sunday afternoon Miss Bess varies from 400 to 900° F. Unless your motor oil is of the to her home after" a several weeks Stock will entertain at bridge at her right grade, the normal operating heat of the motor can visit with her sister, Mrs. N. Bordy, home." The same evening Mrs. Joe at darks, Nebr., and with Miss Lena Jacobs will entertain at her home, destroy its lubricating efficiency. Bdrdy at Columbus, Nebr. and on the following Wednesday Diamond & Platinum Specialists afternoon Miss Ruth Krasne will be 1514 Dodge St. Years of laboratory and practical service tests have proved Mrs. Jay Wright will be hostess to hostess at luncheon followed by Est. 1894. J a . 5619 her bridge club at her home Thurs- bridge at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Writes all kinds of the lubricating efficiency of Polarine. It resists heat and day afternoon. always flows freely. Made in five grades —light, medium Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon Mrs. Nathan Bernstein is visiting subject at the Temple Friday evenheavy, special heavy and extra heavy ~ but one unsurMONHEIT'S with relatives at Beatrice, Nebr. ing will be "Fifteen Years in the Chiropodist and Beauty "Real Personal Service" passed quality. Beginning with Friday evening. New Temple". The following mornShop Phone 1890 Consult the Polarine Chart for the grade best suited to May 25, and during the summer ing, May 19, his subject will be ISth Established and Harney ' Strerts. Ees.-Har.325G. 1SI0 W. O. W. 'Taking the Census". . months the services at Temple Israel Give us a chance to apyour motor. Standardize its use and your motor will run Offlce—At. 8)34 your business. Kor will be held promptly at seven-thirty Mr. 0. P. Wolfson returned from preciate appointments call Ja. 9774. quietly—a protective film guarding every moving part in the vestry room. : a business trip to New York City. against friction and wear. Miss Minnie Greenberg and her fiMrs. Edwin Kirschbraun will enterance, Mr. Sam Steinberg, were honAsk for Polarine by name and be sure you get what you ored guests Tuesday evening at a tain at a luncheon at her home Saturday. bridge party given Tuesday evening ask for. Sold where you see this sign. " « V by Mr. and Mrs. H. Cohen, of CounA one o'clock luncheon a t . the cil Bluffs. Prizes were won by Mrs Blackstone .Hotel will precede the 310 No. 16th St. Tel. JAckson 5062 S. Swartz and Mr. Sam Katleman. last meeting of the year of. the The Sisterhood entertained One hun- Council of Jewish Women Monday, dred guests at their •Strawberry Fes- May 28. This meeting is one of the tival Tuesday evening, May 15, at the most important as the election of 1613 No. 24th St. Tel. WEbster 4330 officers is held and the delegates are Temple, are the chosen for the Triennial Convention The Ro-Noh club of Central High which is held in St. Louis, Mo.; the Wholesale and Retail Dealers School is entertaining at its first an- week of November 12. All reservanual dance in honor of its graduating tions should be made with Mrs. M. of the products of the : members on June 4, at the Blackstone Solomon at Harney 4119. Hotel. Seventy-five invitations are Temple Israel Congregation will being issued. The honored guests at the affair will be Messrs. Milton Man- hold service in celebration of the delson, Melvin Radraan, Lester / E. Feast of .Shebuoth .on Monday morning, May 21, at ten o'clock. Slosburg and Ben Slutzky.

Insurance of all Kinds

Rev. J. Schukert

DIAMONDS and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. Malashock Jewelry Co.


motor use





Mr. and Mrs. Sol Handler will entertain at a reception at their home Sunday complimentary to their children Sophie and Sol, who are being confirmed from the Temple Israel Sunday School. "They will be at home from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, and from 8 to 10 in the evening.

The Bi-weekly bridge club-held its regular meeting of the club of'Miss Ruth Brodkey last Thursday even-* ing. The next meeting of the club will be held with Miss Ann Gerelick.

Mr. and Mrs..Abe Ferer and son,, of San Francisco, Calif,,, are expected to arrive today, to visit here _with The members of the Women's .Aux- Ferer*s parents, Mr. and. Mrs. A. - >- • ' ' iliary of the.B'nai.B'rith \vlll hold its Ferer. \ first picnic aZ the Season Sunday at Mrs. Louis Harris entertained m at Elmwood Park. a birthday party Saturday- afternoon, Miss Selma Bercu spent Sunday May 5, in honor of her,, daughter,


Special prices will be made to dealers and stores in a full line of kosher -meats. Pastromi, Salami, Weiners, frankfurters, Bologna, Sausage and vairious other supplies. All meats are guaranteed kosher by Rabbi M. Braude of St. Joe, Mo.



BEPAR TMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS JOINT ASSISTS REFUGEES TO gar is respected, as .'one of'the few to make devastating compromises with ARGENTINE. [most important critics^ in Germany. the quality of my productions, or give Randall's Orchestra Again The percentage of Jews among art- up,my work in Berlin. r preferred Warsaw. T. A.)—Of the sevat Brandeis Restaurants eral thousand(J.refugees ists, actors, etc., is extremely-large. to give it up, and I went to Vienna, expelled from "I have never at any point ^of. my ! where the field of theatrical not ••* Randall's Royal orchestra is again Poland, 247 have secured permission career been handicapped by the. fact over-run with.~tfie§e .wolving "movie playing at the Brandeis Restaurants^ and have embarked to Argentine. • AN INTEBVlshv BISUIiAMITH ISH-KISHOB . after a six weeks' vacation. "We are that I; am a Jew. When I. went to producers!.; * •.,';. *'••-..• .; . ' pleased-to be with the Omaha audi- The Joint. Distribution Committee Vienna, and opened my new^ theatre, (To be .concluded ^lext. week.) has provided the refugees with necesence again," said Mr. Randall. > MAX REINH ^ where a shaded, almost somber rich- violent attacks were .made on me:be-. sary equipment, including clothing Outstanding Figure of ther Contempo-| ness prevails, Professor Eeinhardt rary Theatre, Who In ThiB AutIiorlzed • cause I would not comply • :with the; 1,00,000 : RELIEF! , PABCELS UN- ,. Gilbert Jaffe, young violinist, has and boots. spoke of conditions affecting, the. Jews returned with the orchestra. "I am latervlew, Gives Hia- Pirate Detailed : 1 CLAIMED IN RUSSIA. Account of the Condition .of. the Jewish abroad. His sparkling eyes have that request of the Actors! Unioh; to :Je-; pleased to play for the Omaha audiPeople In Germany, Since His Arrival tain all the actors for nerly in the Moscow. (J. T. A.)—A number -in America as the guest of Morris Gest. sad, almost appealing shadow which ences," said Jaffe today. The Omaha one sees on the faces of nearly all employ of this theatre/although" they of food and clothing parcels estimat- Jews have been appreciative of the JEWISH WOMEN'S CONFERENCE were not in any' way fitted' to the' Ths mills of war, like those of God, European visitors to our shores, and productions which I had planned. But ed at 100.C00, are lying in the Rus- music that the orchestra has given. IN VIENNA TO HEAR AMERICANS grind exceedingly small. IIow the it seems incongruous with the lively, in the course of these attacks, and sian Custom Houses. .They were sent Jaffe-is considered one of the best Vienna; (J. T. A.)-—The delegation world, earthquake is still reverberat- humorous mouth and energetic, cont- although 90 per cent of the. Union through private companies by rela- young violinists that have played with of the American Council of Jewish tives and friends in the United States, Women has arrived-in this city to at. j ing through every profession and art pelling chin. were Christian, I never had a word but are unclaimed because of the orchestras, according to a number of tend the American-European con"There would be no sense in de- of scorn flung at me on the basis of is evidenced by'the coming of Pronationally known critics. ference of Jewish women which has fessor Max Eeinhardt, one of the nying that anti-Semitism exists my religion. Professor Einstein's prohibitive custom charges which are many times the value of the packbeen called by the American council. wprld's greatest and most: amazingly_ abroad," he said. "Yet I should not theories were criticised by certain proJEWISH PUBLIC ASKED TO original theatrical' producers, who call it a, movement, in the sense of a fessors, and perhaps his'faith played age. These charges are not made on .AID STUDENTS' STRUGGLE At the opening session on Sunday, seems to have the gift of life at his growing, living thing. It is a static some role in the minds of these indi- parcels forwarded through official Vienna. • (J. T. A.) An appeal to the May 6th, the following American finger-tips, ready to infuse a realjhu* condition, depending on the normal viduals, but his prestige has not been and semi-official organizations, and Jewish public to come to the aid •-£ delegates spoke: Mrs. Alexander man existence into every production maladjustments of the. race, and its diminished, and never will be dimin- persons desiring to help their friends the.Jewish students in European Uni- Kohut of New York on "Our Interest in Russia are urged to avail themthat he takes in hand. He xame no£ manifestations are those of a small in Europe"; Mrs. Nathaniel E. Harris selves of the agencies who are rec- versities has been issued by the exec* on religious grounds, only by urgent invitation of Mr. Mor-. and noisy;-and I may say, ineffectual [ « *<<T utive committee appointed at the reof Bradford, Pa., on "Cooperation be sure e J continues m ognized by the authorities here as , * ^ co ris Gest, whose enterprise brought to group, consisting mainly of German! . ° cent, meeting of representatives of Between Europe and America,,; Mrs. our shores the notable Chauve-Soufis National students, ^vho occasionally, ^ a n c i e n t role of national scapegoat, entitled to carry -parcels customs European . Jewish students' associa- Estelle M. Sternberger of New York whenever there is^ political> and exempt. and Moscow Art Theatre, but because clash with the Jewish Zionist student ^ tions.' . . • , on "The Council and World Jewish group. In the period when Germany economic disturbance,- the people find the European stage per se, .as well as lum a Womanhood"; Miss Cecilia Razovsky The provisional committee is locatconvenient, tangible object of the European acting, profession, are swayed between Bolshevism and reaced in Vienna and has a temporary of New York on "A History of Post1 JEWS REFUSED RE-ENTRY TO •*.-i_.--jj_.««.. «**-_ *!.„ —,,,. «..•„ *»«i_1 revenge. I am not surprised to hear so discouraged as* no longer to be tion, directly after the war, this feel- revenge. POLAND; STRANDED IN MINSK representative in London. It is pro- War Immigration." plastic material for, shaping .into great ing, like all other national emotions, that you saw posters, inciting the peoDanzig. (J. T. A.) As many as one posed to convene a World Congress artistic wholes. The heavy hand of ran high, but it has since subsided. ple against the Jews, plastered on thousand Jewish refugees who are around the beginning of October, the material necessity has driven the act-; I have heard it said by friends of garden walls and on pillars in VienPolish citizens have congregated in object of which will be to adopt measors and .actresses of -Germany into mine who have lived a long time in na; but as a matter of fact, you can ures looking to the mitigation of" adother fields, chiefly under the glaring America that the racial prejudice is see the same thing in London, if the Minsk and other cities in Western mission limitations in force or about Russia, and are unable to proceed to lights of the movie-studio", to" tthe more strongly felt over here than city is in the anti-Semitic mood. to come into force in the universities ^practical, exclusion of the legitimate abroad,- especially, in social life. The "My leaving Berlin had no connec- Poland because the Polish Consul at in the various European capitals. t h p a t t e i I 7 * ' ^ ' '[" \ "'One ".of America's Great Hotels" movement against Jews in the Euro- tion at all with religious affairs. Dur- Minsk refuses to visa their passports. Greek Catholics are reported to be The "moral and material help" of pean; colleges has not been stronger ing twenty years I had built up my iln his rooms at the Hotel St. Eegis, the Jewish public is invoked in this j than recent, occurrences have evi- theatre of actors, and I had at last discriminated against in the same task. . . - ' ' " way. Roman Catholic Poles, on the denced it to be in this country. There the ensemble necessary for early perWASH AND.KEEP WELL other hand, easily obtain permission fect productions. But it was impossiis no known instance of a Jew being JEWISH RECONSTRUCTION HELD A RULE OF HEALTH to enter Poland, it is alleged. ble that our profits should, in the excluded from a German or Austrian UP IN HUNGARY. Meanwhile the Jewish refugees are university solely on racial 'grounds. ; depreciated condition of our currency, FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Jews in Art. ' support the artists and their families. in the direst distress. Many of them Budapest. (J. C. B.)—A difficult . 1810 California Street. position has been created for the reTO AND FROM "Jews are more prominent in the One by one they" accepted engage- have traveled from as far away as construction activities of the Joint cultural life of .Germany than they ments with the large film concerns Omsk and Tomsk, in Siberia, expect- Distribution Committee in Hungary ALLPARTS OF appear to be over. here. Our greatest centered«in Berlin, and although they' ing to be able to return to their- Polish by the refusal of the Hungarian WORLD German painter, Max Liebermann, is loyally tried to keep up with their homes. They have" spent their all on government to permit the organizaJew; one of our most powerful and theatre performances, it was inevit- the journey and are-now penniless. tion of Jewish credit co-operatives. EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE VAL. J. PETER & COMPANY amost honored dramatists, Von Hof- able that they should find themselves LAUXDBT. The authorities have also been placing 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Where yonr clothes come home mansthal, is of Jewish descent; unable to attend rehearsals of plays, REPORT MAKTIAL ATlantic 0340. LAW IN KLAUSENBURG obstacles in the way of the local comcleaner and last loncer. Schnitzler's Jewish birth doesnot af- because of conflicting duties at the movie-studios. I would arrange an 1507-11 Jackson St. Bucharest. (J. t . A.) Martial law mittees, as a result of which it has ATlantic 0280. fect his* success in any way; A. PolH. A. JACOBBERGER, Pres. important rehearsal, and everything has been declared in Klausenburg, become necessary for the "Joint" to would seem to be going well, when Transylvania, according to .the Uni- conduct * its work in the country Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. the principal actor would be called versal. This action was taken be- through its own officials. Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556 away to continue in a film. The film cause of the incessant agitation on Up to April 1st, 240 credits have concerns of Berlin are so large that the part of the anti-Semitic; student •been, granted to Jewish traders and Ford Transfer & Storage Co. R. A. FORT*. they can absorb every good actor in body which led to actual excesses, the : artisans, amounting to the total value Eyery Known President and General Manager. Germany. I found that I either had report states. | of 24 million Hungarian Kronen. Council BIlifTs (Iowa) Office



300 So. Main Street.

209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944.

- Phone 865.

Representatives of Jewish Women's organizations in Europe include Mrs. Eicholz of England, Mme. Zadok of France, Mme. Wiessenbeck of Holland, Frau Pappenheim of Germany, Mme. Boracs" of Hungary, Mme. Melzer, member of the Polish Sejm, and Dr. Klaranska of Lithuania.

FREE AN© CENTRAL SYNAGOGUES TO UNITE UNDER DR. WISE. New York. (J. C. B.)—At seperate meetings held by. both : congregations yesterday a plan of gederation was ratified which will unite the Free Synagogue, which has worshipped Sundays in Carnegie Hall, and of which Dr. Stephen S. Wise is the Rabbi, and the Central Synagogue of Lexington Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street, from whose pulpit Rabbi Nathan Krass has just resigned.


Certified Public Accountants Audits Systems Investigations 434 to 440 Peters Trcst Bldg. rhones, Jackson 4313, 4314.

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Druggists and Stationers 401-403-409 South 10th Street

FRED E. SHAW Flower Shop Phone 104 The Best ol EverythinR In Flowers and Confections at Moderate Prices. S45 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater


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