Nothing- is more prac- |
Say not1 always what |
tical than a high, clear-
you know, but always
ly-defined ideal of serv-
know what you saw
VOL. n.—No. 24
Entered aa u postofflce at
B mall matter on J&ntiar? 27th, 1821, at Nebraska, onder the Act at March 3, 1839.
Community Center Campaign For flew Building To Go Over the Top; First Payment On Pledges Needed "Less Than One Thousand People In City Have Subscribed $247,600 To Bate For Campaign
JEWISH PHYSICIANS .RESENT? SLUR/ Erakau. (J. T. A.) . An indignant protest has been issued by the Jewish physicians here against the memorandum pub- • . lished by the Medical^ Faculty of the Krakau University jus. tifying the demand for a percentage norm against the Jewish medical students on the ground that- the Jewish physi-' , cians.have 'low moral standards.'3' Repudiating this charge, the Jewish physicians demand the slur be withdrawn.
The Jewish Community Center building for "Omaha is assured. At a meeting held Tuesday, evening at the Community Center rooms, $247,600 had been raised by the committees that reported, •with still several committees to hear from. . ' When all committees will have been heard from, it is expected that the campaign for $250,000 will go over the i;op. ~" Thus far there have been less than one thousand people in the city who have subscribed to this campaign. There are still a number of people who can and should give to this cause, and they will be called upon during the coming week. --».. Contradicts Reports Published Plans for the building and the selection of the- site will be In America Against made as soon as the ten per cent-payments are received at the Russian "Israelites". office. Ten thousand dollars are outstanding on: first payments of pledges niade. " ' CATHOLICS PROTEST "PROFPersons who have already " sub- story structure, which will have a ANATION" OF PALESTINE.
Vatican Denies Pope Blames Bolshevik Excesses on Jews
Local B'nai B'rith Lodge to Bold Open To Be Held in Honor of Mr. A. B. Seelenfreimtl Deceased. MEETING OPEN TO ENTIRE PUBLIC—AT SCOTTISH RITE CATHEDRAL The Omaha Lodge of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith will hold'a memorial meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. a t the Scottish Rite Cathedral, 20th and> Douglas Streets,
IN MEMQRIAM A. B. Seelenfreund 1868—1923. In eighteen nunetred sixty-eight, In a certain , month—on a certain . date, Came a baby boy^-a gift to its mother, Bnt a MAN to the -world—a fellow brother. Fifty-five years of life were loaned To this man of men, -who* became enthroned In the hearts of *":multitude the country o'er. And now—alas—he l«es no more. .A life of altruistic Seeds, A, sacrifice to other's needs. Such was the life that this man led Until—one day—we> find him—dead! For alas, -vrith a stroke of -the mighty- pen, His name \ras erased—and this man of men Answered the call «f the. Eeaper Grim For the hour had arrived to pass,
TALMUDIC STUDENTS AMONG ARRESTED ,. REFUGEES "Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Sixty students of the Yeshiva are milder arrest in Bialystok as refugees whose leave to remain in Poland expired under the government order on April 15. Kabbi Reissman is endeavoring to secure special permission for their continued residence, the Warsaw authorities hiving promised to exempt clericals and TaTmndic students from the operation of the expulsion decree. . > •
$17,000 Needed by Federation at Once to Finance Work for Next 30 Days; Issues Call for Help Necessary Funds Can Be Raised If Every Subscriber Will Pay Half Of Annual Contribution Immediately.
With, the city-wide campaign for the Jewish Community Center Building fund practically finished, community workers will, within the next week, turn their attention to the demands of the Jewish Welfare Federation for the current half-year. The Federation has stepped aside since the first of the year for all other local causes, including the Jewish Community Center and the Keren Hayesod, with the result that its finances are in a critical condition. With an actual cash deficit in excess of $5,000 on May 1st the Federation must raise within the next 30 days a minimum of $17,000 to insure that its work for the first half of 1923 will Was Organized 11 Years Ago-— be carried on without curtailment, according to information' to Receive Recognition from received at the Federation office today. District Grand Lodge This sum will be needed for the tion fey He 1,100 members will avert „
Women's Auxiliary 19J.B. to Receive Charter June Tenth
following institutions and agencies of the disaster that now confronts Oma-
INITIATION EXECISES AND the Federation: ha's most important community instiCELEBRATION TO BE For the Relief Department, which tution. . . HELD during the past four months has been "We must get this money in, and
scribed to the Community Center, gymnasium," swimming pool, auditoriRome. (J." T. A.) After exhaustive building fund, and who nave not um, meeting rooms and ^various other caring for an average of 80 children get it in at once," said Harry Malamailed in their ten per cent first quarters for the activities that will be inquiries, the Jewish Telegraphic After 11 years' activity in Omaha, and 30 widows and old people, supply- shock today, "if the Jewish Welfare Agency is in position to state authorcarried on here." payment on their subscription are the Women's auxiliary to B'nai B'rith ing them with food and clothing, pay- Federation is to continue its many ac"One of the most remarkable fea- itatively that Vatican circles deny asked to do so immediately:, so that lodges No. 354 is to be given formal ing rents and buying coal, providing tivities for the good of humanity. We the work can, be hurried along. tures of this campaign is the low cost categorically the recent American rerecognition as such by receipt of a medical attention and education, giv- cannot cut down in any single departMake these checks payable to Louis at which it was conducted," said Sam- port that the Pope considers Russian charter from the district grand lodge. ing them all the necessities of life, a ment. Oar budgets have been trimmed Kirschbraun and mail them to. the uel Schaefer, superintendent of the Jews directly or indirectly responsible Henry Monsky and Saiti .Leon, dis- minimum of $2,700 will be required. to the bone. We must refuse requests Jewish Welfare Federa^on, who. re- for the. persecution of Catholic prerooms in the Lyric building. trict grand lodge officials of Omaha, . One hundred and fifty dollars will for increased contributions to our afturned Sunday from the ^National Conf lates in Russia. "The- ten. per- cen$ payments are |-will confer the charter-at a joint cel- fee needed for the transient work, filiated institutions—increases which Inquiry as to the authenticity of f o r h i m . •-•'• necessary to help put this building ference of. Jewish Social Service in ebration and initiatory exercise, to be frhich provides temporary aid for'the are deserved and which we really Just as a candle shines out In the over," said Harry Lapidus, chairman Washington.-. "Nationally known_lead- the report emanating from Rome that held Sunday • afternoon, -June 10, in hundreds of Jewish transients who should make—simply because we have night — ' of the campaign. ^Pledges "without ers in Jewish Gpmmunity Centerwork 'Israelites" lave inspired the Soviet the Jewish. Community Center rooms. pass through Omaha each month. As it pierces the: dftstaKSS with rays not the money. ' of H£bU' -?"--^~~~-----•-• 'cash" mean* nothing- we must nave were surprTSgytBat a'tity'of Omaha's" attacks""On "fee ttoirch was instituted * A social affair in the evening wfll " So did the life of the man now The two Talmud Torahs, one in "Every subscriber has received this money in the-office, so as we size should be able to raise a quarter immediately after its publication in dead—cold, wind up the day. '. "Dinahs -and one in South Omaha, will statements for his dues for the fir6t , Eadiate out from his heart of gold. can secure tKe pledge " given by of a million dollars Tit a cdst of about the Chicago Tribune -on April 15. A beautiful "ceremony is being pre: need to receive from the Federation half of the year. This is a- call for A portion of the dispatch received $500, which is what we have spent And for him who will never to earth pared in connection with .the. acceptMorris Levy." $1,380 in order to continue their splen- help that can be answered only by return, by the Chicago Tribune Foreign News here. The usual cost of such camance of the charter.. Mrs. Michel. EaIn the shrine of our hearts an Aer "We are going to- put this- camdid work in instructing Jewish chil- cash and -at onces. This is the most Service and furnished to other newsTomid will burn, tleinan is in charge and prominent paign over," said William Holzman. paigns runs from 2 per cent to 4 per papers in the United States, is as fol- •; And may his sonl sense as it lies dren in the principles and fundamen- serious crisis that has ever confronted members of the Women's Auxiliary .:in sleep, "The -work •pf-'-fche^ men who have cent of the total raised. St. Louis lows: •tals of Judaism. That a nation mourns—and a people has just raised $510,000 for a Jewish the Federation, and every Jew in the will take the roles of Biblical women been out on/this cause is wonderful. : weep. "The Pope is considering making To maintain and further the work city must help. No one can refuse to Community Center at a cost of §10,000 —Kose Davidson.. characters in the tableaux effects. Thus far /the men have secured an appeal to all civilized nations to of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. or; $247,600 anil I know that the rest of —2 per cent." Miss Ruth Levey, president of the ganizations, which are daily providing answer this call." compel the Soviet government to dethe money will also be raised." Auxiliary, will receive the charter. sist in its war against the Christians. in honor of A. B. Seelenfreund, who wholesome recreation and education New officers, to be elected Thursday for 800 Jewish children and young ONE OF TWENTY-ONE BEA"I think that Omaha Jewry should A prominent Vatican personage ques- died several weeks ago. SONS WHY THE FEDERAevening, will be installed, and a. class feel proud of the fact that! the camtioned concerning the Pope's attitude, men and women and : which are conTION NEEDS MONEY AT Mr. Seelenfreund was secretary of of new members initiated. paign for a new Jewish Community made the following declaration to the stantly growing, at least |l,300 will ONCE. the District Grand lodge of the B'nai The B'nai B'rith Auxiliary was orCenter building for this city will go Tribune:. be needed. Of _ the twenty-one various B'rith of which Omaha lodge was a ganized over a decade ago by a group over the top," fiaid Harry Wolf. Discuss Traditional Judaism of Cenfunctions of Jewish Service emI t is reported that some Soviet member. He was also secretary of The Jewish Community Center club of young women, most of whom are •"This is the only campaign conducted braced by the Federation, that tral West. leaders intend to indict the Pope and the executive committee of the order. in connection with institutions now living away from Omaha. Among rooms, which provide a common meetin the city of Omaha during the condemn him. It is the belief of some ing ground for the various adult orin Palestine is probably least year that has gone over the top." Kansas City. (J. C. B.) Represent- Soviet leaders that sooner or later He was well known throughout the them are Miss Eose Goldsten, now in known. Negotiations between ganizations of the city and which During the" coming week and as atives of Jewish Communities in Mis- Italy will turn Bolshevist and that the country for his philanthropic work New York City; Marion Alperson Pru- were the forerunner of the idea for a one such institution and the Federation during the week are soon as the first payments are re- souri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Wisconsin, Bolsheviki will be able to execute the and was one of the best liked men in siner, living in Sioux City, Ia.j Jennie Jewish building in Omaha, are mainof great interest to all Jews of ceived at the office, plans will be Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Colorado, death sentence against the Christians, the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. Gordon • Weltman, of Boston, Mass. tained at an average cost of S250 per Omaha. The meeting to be held Wednesday Among those who served as president made for the selection of a site for gathered in Kansas City for the pur- especially Catholics.' month. Five hundred dollars will be Last July the Federation pose of strengthening traditional Ju- "The Pope feels that the inspiration evening is open to the entire public. were Esther Epstein Marowitz, of El the proposed building. agreed to subsidize direct from required to keep them open until July its budget worthy institutions "The building will be located in the daism in the Middle West. Every to this war is carried on by Israelites A special program has been arranged Dorado, Ark.; Eose Grodinsky, Hazel first. ELooper, Diana Gross Novitsky, Malin Palestine, in order that they center of the city," said Harry Lap- phase of the problem, the school, the and he requests that the Israelites of for the occasion. The following provina Newman Greenspan, Ruby Isaacbe called upon to contribute but For the Old People's Home and idus. "Plans will be made for a three- work of the adolescent society, young the more enlightened countries, such gram will be presented: once each year to Jewish phi-Rabbi Frederick Cohn son Fisher, of Los Angeles; Blanche Bath House, $300 will be needed. people, college students, Jewish work as Italy and America, who live hap- Invocation lanthropic institutions, and that _Mr. J. Viekery Vocal Solo_ Bessel Polsky, of Lincoln. For the social service work, the imin the small communities among farm- pily side by side with Christians, to B'nai B'rith Ritual the Federation would act as the ers, the strengthening of the religious use their influence, show their co-reB'nai B'rith Degree Team The organization Las contrffeated migrant aid service, personal service cental clearing house for all local and national agencies. life in the home, were given adequate ligionists the madness of their acts." Biographical Sketch of Mr. Seelenfreund liberally to .the -Jewish Welfare Feder- activities and general administration - During the Shevouth services Sam. J. Leon ation, the Jewish War Belief, and expenses of the central office, $700 action was taken on them at the sesRabbi B. Easier, a representaMrs. Grace Pool Steinberg The Pope, it is learned, is uneasy Vocal Solo will be needed. sions of the conference. Mr. Henry Monsky several B'nai B'rith institutions. tive of the General Orphan asyover the recent events in Russia and Address-^— Abner Kaiman, president of the lum of Gallil, Palestine, spoke Rabbi Herman M. Cohen of the thinks co-operative action by repreThese figures, as compiled by SamProceeds For Benefit Of World War of the work of his institution local lod^ge, will preside at the meetuel Congregation Beth Sholom, Kansas Schaefer, superintendent, and Veterans. sentatives of all religions is "necesat the four largest synagogues City, presided. Rabbi Morris Teller sary and needful" in order to defend ing. made public today by Harry Malaof the city. After each address The Jewish Women of Omaha have of Tulsa, Okla., delivered the opening shock, chairman of the Finance Commany pledges to the institution taken a prominent part in the work prayer. Mr. J. J. Taxman, President religious freedof. Graduation Exercises from Wise were made. On Wednesday Rabmittee, show that a total of at least Mr. Martin Sugarman was elected $7,000 is imperative to finance only of the different drives that are being of the Congregation Beth Sholom, welbi Easier requested permission Memorial Hospital. of the Federation to solicit president at annual election of _offiheld. Numbers of them were active comed the delegates in the name of the local work of the Federation. Eight nurses will be graduated throughout the city. This was cers of the • Brotherhood of. Temple in the Red Cross and Visiting Nurse^ the Congregation. Memorial Thursday from the Wise denied, as it had been all preHowever, on June 15th, the FederIsrael held Wednesday evening, May drive held recently, and now they have evening, May 31. Exercises will be Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen, the Execvious representatives of instituation will have to pay the semi-annual volunteered to help sell Poppies on utive Director of the-United Synations, and the sum of $250 was held at Temple Israel, and the follow- 16, at the Temple. The others elected appropriation, amounting to $4,975, to At a meeting of the committee in appropriated to the institution Poppy Day, Saturday, May 26, for gogue", delivered the address on the ing program has been arranged for were Mr. L. Goldman, vice-president; its affiliated institutions, both local in lieu of all collections to be the benefit of the Veterans of the United Synagogue. Miss Sarah Kue- charge of arrangements for the an- the evening: A violin solo by Master Harry Herman; secretary; Louis Simade locally and of all donanual Omaha Hebrew Club picnic to Sammy Cannell; a song number by mon, treasurer; and Morton Hiller, di- and national -which for years past Foreign Wars. sy spoke on the Women's League of tions made following the appeals have been doing splendid work for the be held Sunday, July 29, at Peony rector. A lecture course committee to Among the women to tatke part in the United Synagogue. Mr. David Miss Laura Goetz; organ selections at the Shevouth services. Jews of Omaha. These institutions the drive Saturday are Mrs. Nathan Morantz spoke for the Young People's park, plans were made to raffle a by Mr. V.Z. Bennett, and Eabbi Fred- bring prominent speakers here was During a previous collection Chevrolet car. "Beside the raffling erick Cohn will give an address. appointed and will be headed by Mr. and the payments due them follow: Mantel," who will be supply chairman League of the United Synagogue* in Omaha, before the days of Cleveland Orphan Home $ 900 of the car, there will be dancing all Izidor Ziegler, chairman. complete Federation, the Orphan and she is to be assisted by Mrs. DaGeneral resolutions adopted includ- day and several other 'features," said Home of Gallil collected o%rer National Jewish Hospital, Denvid. P. Feder. ed an expression of "hearty-sympathy S. E. Elaver, secretary of the com- LOCAL GIRL WINS STATE ver ?800. 750 The following Jewish women will for Zionist aspirations and pledge its Omahan Wins High Honor at Jewish Consumptives' Relief SoFollowing1 is the statement of CONTEST. mittee. be majors at the assigned places: support to carry forward our hopes Rabbi Easier: State ciety, Denver 400 Miss Esther Schwartz, a student at Tickets for the picnic will, soon be I, the Representative of the Mrs. Dollye Elgutter, at Seventeenth and aims for the upbuilding of PalLincoln, Nebr.-r-Mr. Ben Greenberg, Hebrew Sheltering Society ; 500 Institutions of Gallil, Palestine, orusale, according to the committee the South High School, won the Short- son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenberg, and Farnam streets; Mrs. R. Kula- estine." wish to state that the Jewish in charge. ""We hope to make this hand Championship in the State Com- student at the University of Nebras- Ex-patients' Home, Denver .... 150 kofsky, at the Athletic club, and David Brown of Detroit is marked Leo N. Levi Hospital, Hot Welfare Federation of Omaha mercial Contest held at Kearney, where the entire family Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue; Mrs. for the personal interest in the Sem- picnic one Springs treated me very nice, and have 75 Nebr., last Friday, One hundred and ka, won'second place in the annual E. Yousem, at Seventeenth and Doug- inary and the United Synagogue cam- can spend the whole day and one given for the said Institutions 1,650 twenty-five students of twenty-one competitive drill of the R. 0. T. G. Wise Hospital, Omaha the sum of $250 which is being las and Fontenelle Hotel; Mrs. A. paign "for strengthening of Judaism that will be of interest to entire Unit. He was presented with a sil100 Miscellaneous schools competed in the contestsent -this day to the Anglo-PalHarris, at? Fifteenth and Douglas throughout America." Omaha Jewry," said Klaver. ver loving cup by Major Sidney Erick- Palestine Institutions _ 700 estine Bank in Gallil, Palestine, son, commanding officer of the U. S. streets; Mrs. Ed. Alperson and Mrs. which bank is the Treasury of A note of thanks is sent to Louis These figures, for local and nation• . r . said Institutions. This sum repHarry A. Wolf, at the Blackstone Ho- Marshall, who has consented to act Temple Israel Sunday School OMAHAN'S SPEAK AT FORT Army. al work, total $22,000, which with the DODGE, IA. Holds Closing Exercises. resents in full the contribution tel; Mrs. S. Nathan, at the Colonial as honorary chairman of-the Semi$5,000 cash deficit of May 1, comof Omaha Jews to these InstiThe Sunday School at Temple IsMr. Harry H. Lapidus and Mr. Sam OMAHAN RECEIVES Apartments; Mrs- S. Wolf, at Fif- nary and the United Synagogue camtutions, and takes the place of prise the ?17,000 needed by the Fedrael will hold their closing exercises Leon, members of the general commitHONORABLE MENTION teenth and Harney streets; Mrs.. Al- paign." all donations from individuals. eration to finance its work to July Sunday morning, May21, at 10 tee of District No. 6, L O. B. B., were J. C. Copeland of this city ^received bert Kaplan, at Seventeenth and HarIn the name of the InstituThe Young Men's and Young o'clock. The beautiful Flower Service the principal speakers at an open special mention in a recent number of first. tions •which I am representing, I ney streets; and Mrs. Glenn Olsen, at The sum of $17,008 was outstandthan all. the Officers of the FedPaxton Hotel. The captains to work Women's Hebrew Association will hold will be rendered on that morning, and meeting of the Fort Dodge, la., lodge, an Optometric journal on a lectori on eration, of Omaha. ing in Federation subscriptions on held Tuesday evening at Fort Dodge. Ophthalmoscopy and .Eetinoscopy givall children are asked to bring flowers their regular meeting Monday even•will be the Misses Bernice .Kulakof(Signed) EABBI B. KASIEB. May 1st. Only the prompt payment Both men are members of the Omaha en by him at Nebraska's Sixteenth which are, afterwards sent to the Wise ing, May 28, at the Jewish Community sky, Irene Rosen, Alice Adler and TitIlodge,L O. B . B . of every dollar owed to the FederaAnnual Convention, held here. — - - , Memorial Hospital lie Rosen* "_— — .—-. Center.
Jnited Synagogue Moves To Strengthen Judaism
Jewish Women To Assist In Poppy Sale Saturday
Temple Israel iolis Election #f Officers
To Raffle Automobile at Omaha Hebrew Club Picnic
THB JEWISH PRESS \ Publlitied every tfhnrsdfl/ at Omah*. Nebnika. >T
THE JEWISH PJRESS PUBLISHING COMPANYOffice: 482 Brandeia Theatre Building.—-Telephone: Jackson 2372, NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. ~$2.50
Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application.
Wherever the Maytime breezes go, ' Over mountain top or the valley low Where slow and stately rivers flow, Always they croon a melody "so, "Dreamlessly slumber, O soldier dead! America watches beside your bed!"
TOOT PRINTED FOB PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy commnnai causes. CHANGS o r ADDBE8S-JPle»w # • * botfc ttt* -. b« n i t u d d i a n « t um u
and MW.'iddnmr
.- The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) wit$ cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to' feature articles and correspondencesi from all importantJewish centres. Inquiries regatdipgl'news iienis1 credited to ; this Agency will be gladly r answered if addressed to Jewsh Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New Xork City.
' " ^ •- .-
Wherever the Maytime sunbeams play, O'er ocean billows, and far away Where so many heroes sleep today In tenderest tone they seem to say, "Dreamlessly slumber, O soldier dead! America guards beside your bed!"
•; ••
course luncheon honoring Mrs. .were elected: President, Lillian Bogen; secretary, Mary Yabroff; and Wolff, High honors were won by Mrs.Margolin; vice-president, Ida Ruth treasurer, Fred Goldstein. Morris Polsky and Mrs. H. S. Kaimen, of Omaha. Miss Nettie Abrams, of Omaha, was one of the out-of-town guests. Does it refuse to go out when you want it to? Miss Norma Frosh returned to her home in Lincoln. Miss Frosh taught in the Milligan, Nebr., schools during Take it to the Best Doctors in Town. the past winter. They will quickly restore its Health and Pep. Mrs. Herman Speir entertained Office located at the twenty-eight at a cafeteria supper Wednesday, May 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy and daughters are leaving for California A 929-31 No. 24th St. on June 1.
—Repair Specialists—
ATlantic 8884.
Mr. Morris and Julius Weil left for a week's business trip to Philadelphia, Pa.
* '^-y\.-i;A:-:^: A / GOOD NAME. ^ V:; . / : ; • / ; . ' : . ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Aach, Mr. and * I t is less true of orgajiizations than it_is. of. individuals that Mrs. Lesenbear, Mr. and Mrs. Charles a goodnanfejls apriceless possession. We are led to this thought Shire, and Mr. Louie Friend are buildby. the fact that- eertaiTrijongregationa which in a material sense ing a shack at Milford to spend their o'ffer considerable inducements to thejr ministers, find i t difficult Sundays fishing and picnicing. tofiU$ieiK Vacant pulpits. I t i s no exaggeration, "to "say that con. Wherever our flag flies wide and free, ^jj^g^gv^g^^^ a rabbi Miss Miriam Frosh left for Canada lvtpipihis Scholarship,for: his: sincerity, If or his Rropon a Chautauqua tour. She will reAt the Lowest O'er the spreading land, and the deep blue sea, t ^ s i of fbi4 the lack' of tKem^Ts'p Vcongregatibns establishturn to her home in August. I t says as clearly as well can be, xe5iJt:Sti6n-:for giving t a ;theirVniini$tei?s{thf;-proper moral ." . Prices Possible and maieipaljsupport' and; for inaiufestmg? th^it interest in' the Word has been received of the "There are the ones who died for me! life of*th|;^8^Qization without \vhich t h e efforts of the minis-: birth of a son, Henry, Jr., to Mr. and r i)reamlessly slumber, O soldier dead! T'S a big thing to know that you can come to ter must be vain. ~ Mrs. Henry Wessel, of Philadelphia, Moreover, just as a preacher who changes "positions at very Pa. Mr. Wessel is the son of Mr. America prays beside your bed!" a store and buy the utmost limit o fvalue any frequent intervals becomes known; as a rolling stone, a man and Mrs. Sam Wessel, of Lincoln. time that you want a new suit of clothes. -.•'-• ' Isabella R. Hess without stability, so a xiongregation whose pulpit is frequently Miss Nina Shostak entertained at vacant establishes the reputation of being an undesirable con-; The Pinnacle of Clothes Perfection— : two tables of bridge at her home Sungregation'for a man of serious purpose to serve. Fimst of-Fine Spring Clothes day, May 20. All this, we believe, accounts for the difficulty which some of^ our congregations encounter in obtaining the services of The Menorah. Society of the Univer$ spiritual leaders of real standing. Paraphrasing the German Mr. B.'.' Gold, of Sioux City, la., the Mr. Jack Chesen was the groom's best poet's familiar phrase, it has been said that "a congregation! guest of honor at the meeting. Sev- man, and the ushers were Eli Evnen, sity of Nebraska held an election of Usually has the rabbi that it deserves to have." I t would be; eral musical and recitation numb&rs Jack Pollack, Hyman Bricker and Joe officers Sunday, May 20. The followwholesome for some of our congregations to take this thought were giyen in conjunction with the Gilsin. After a wedding trip to MinneapoPriced our way they sell at $50.00 to heart. I t would serve to turn their glance within. By doing talk. "Let Us Move You" NOW instead of $65 now and $50 later! so, they would come to understand that their failure to achieve The following members constitute lis and Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. DworWonderfully attractive new styles. great things along spiritual and religious lines lies less in their; the League's new executive: Yossel sky will make their home at the Lennox Apartments. Morgenstern, recording secretary; Celeaders than in themselves. A study of the status of our various Operated by Silk Lined The out-of-town guests present congregations in this country will indicate, we believe, that not lia Steinberg, financial secretary; only have they the leaders that they merit but they have the Margaret Silverman, Zelda Bush, and were Mr. and Mrs. J. Dworsky, Mr. Suits Jennie Adirin, me.mb.ers .of the exec- and Mrs. P. Dworsky, Miss Evelyn reputations that they deserve. JAckson 4338 utive; Morris Klein, treasurer; Wil- Dworsky, and Mr. P. Dworsky of Min- ATlantic 0230 liam Crade and Jack Belmont, mu- neapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Blum, of OmaCopper, and yet Omaha lags behind, sical directors; and Eliezer Pfeffer, ha, Mr. Irving Gilsin, of Detroit, ! A vast range of at- And many others at $30 Mich., and Mr. Joe Gilsin, of Chifailing to provide good music for itsliterary-dramatic director* tractive styles—for young to $45. No such fine values : citizens. For three years the City The meetings of the Jewish Culture cago, 111. ' in years. men. Concert club has raised money by League are held every Sunday afterMrs. Abe Davidson entertained at Standard Fabrics and Tailoring in Sturdy Spring Suits Writes all kinds of Election of Delegates to Take Place subscription and memberships to give noon at four o'clock at the Labor Ly- a bridge luncheon Thursday, May 17, ceum building. \ the people a few municipal concerts - throughout Country on June 24. in honor of Mrs. Ed. Wolff, of Milat the city auditorium and in the waukee, Wis. High score was won - New York.^—The American Jew- parks. The club officers stand ready by Miss Ruth Polsky and Mrs. Lew X ish Congress will meet October 14> it to give. several concerts' again, this**Real Personal Service" Polsky. ;summer,lif the men and women who Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenberg enterwas announced :Suiiday by the execMiss Elizabeth Sandlovitch enterutive coxnraitteeJl.The meeting-place love 'band "music' will" come forward tained at bridge at. their home last Phone OMAHA. NEB. tained twelve guests Monday, May Will be New' York or Wasjiington. with funds. Only" Omaha musicians Thursday evening. Bes.—Har. 3256. 1310 W. O.- W. B i d e are: engaged so that every cent 21, at bridge, followed by a twoElection of delegates to the Congress Office—At. 8034 CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: The. Mogen Dpyid regular meeting will take place in Jewish communi- collected is paid back to our own ties, ..throughout, the United States jon musicians, says Mrs. Coppery the ona. June Z/L .'".• "*" club president; Let's help our own Mrs. H. Cohen entertained, her Afternoon " ckb Tuesday at her home. Plans of the forthcoming congress men, is the slogan. Mrs. Max Coheir will be hostess at wereT discussed yesterday a t a meetthe next meeting of the club. ing of the executive committee at the office -of Nathan Straus in the Aeolian THREE THOUSAND Mrs. S. H. Katleman entertained ATTEND FEDERATION Painting, Papering, and building. Dr. Stephen S. "Wise preher Afternoon Bridge club Tuesday CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL Decorating done under my sided. An address on the conditions at her home. ' New York. (J. C, B.) More than personal supervision. of Jews abroad was made by Dr. Leo 1,000 boys and girls representing MptzMn, Secretary-General of the Hardxooock Specialty ! eleven ' institutions Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. Katleman had as :: Jewish, delegations in Paris, their guests over the week-end Mr. 'All Work Guaranteed entertained 3,000 persons at the spring Mr. Straus issued an appeal to all and Mrs. R. Ostrow, who recently ar1521 North 19th Street. Jews in the country to take part in festival of the Federation for the rived from Europe and are en route the election of delegates to the Amer- port of Jewish Philanthropic Societies to make their home with their son in Phone, Webster 1087. ican Jewish. Congress. "The Amer- at the Century Theatre, Central Park, San Francisco. ican Jewish Congress, which is soon West-and Sixty-third street. to assemble, is to mark a further de- Arthur Lehman, President of the The Mogen Dovid Baseball Team velopment of this movement, and my Federation, said that last yeear the were victorious over the Triangle Giassociates and myself, who have had organization gave $450,0.00 more than ants Sunday afternoon, the privilege* of taking part in th^ it had'the year, previous in maintain- will be held Sunday afternoon at onework of this organization, earnestly ing various philanthropic societies, thirty at the Synagogue. hope that all groups and organiza- and that there was now a deficit of tions in Jewish life will support,and about the same amount for the cur- Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katteman enterA trim Society Brand take part in the democratic (election, rent year. He advised increasing the tained twenty-five guests last Friday modeUonect whenever evening at their home in honor of the of delegates, which is now being or- membership of the Federation. • lounge suit is correct. fourth birthday of their daugbter, Leganized. Single breasted, three "We, want a union of all Jewish RUSSIAN CADETS button, slightly fitted. forces so that we can work together! WOULD- SHIELD JEWS • 1503 DOUGLAS STREET Five button vest,straight to prevent apy infringements upon Paris. (J. T. A.) Violence against trousers with cufL One World Theater Boildiny the rights of our people, and make the Jewish population in Russia be' DWORSKY-GILSIN. of several fashionable our voice heard against any form of cause a section of the Russian people The marriage of Miss Rose Gilsin •OOO models now being injustice." hplds them responsible for the; tyr* to Mr., Ralph Dworsky, of Minneaposhown here. anny of the present regime, was. de? lis, Minn., took place Wednesday evennounced. a t a meeting of the Russian ing and was followed by a reception ciefj! S For Your Own Diamonds. BAND CONCERTS TO BE National Progressive Party comppsed and dinner a t the Idndell Hotel. One Like thousands of others • HELD IN PARKS, Clothes of exiled "Right Cadets.". The con-hundred and fifty guests were presyou'll find-that the wonBand concerts in the parks\during ference pledged its' members to doent. The bride was attended by, the derful tnnig about • .the last two years were provided by their utmost to prevent the spread of. Misses Irene Adelson, Dorothy Lewthe; City Concert club, and gave this prejudice, Simultaneously a res- tween, Jean. Evnen, Sarah Gilsin, and pleasure, to thousands of Omaha blution was adopted , protesting Miss Ruth Evnen was rnaid: of honor. Diamond citizens, and strangers in the city. This club is made up of almost 2,000 against foreign intervention in Rus. Stoppe men and women who paid $1.00 sia. I. Morgenstern J. L. Wolfson mountings, 3-Sa tbe, "way membership dues, or gave a bit of The Ladies' Golden HD1 Society will tney showjbfi; your djamoney to provide band music for all hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, mand—mak^ it look larger. the people. Mrs. Hester" Bronson May 29, at two-thirty o'clock at the and of. better color than' before,' '•";;:; ,'• " / • Copper, music editor of the Worldr home of Mrs. A. Rabinowitz at 2406 Tel. Webster 1946. Herald, is president of the club. Davenport street. You can Jsrorls wonders "The- soft roll front, three button coat is in June days will soon be here, and with your own Diamonds if you will Drtng tnem to to plans are under way for several band style." But whether you will be fashionably us and use our suggesconcerts, says Mrs, Copper, if the Y. M. H. A. BALL TEAM tions. dressed in this particular type of coat depends Room For Rent DEFEATS OPPONENTS citizens will co-operate. Checks or It brings snap, animaupon the c u t The Society Brand model cash, $1.00 memberships or sub- The Y. M. H. A. baseball team won For Gentleman, In private tion and color bacls to scriptions, should be sent to Miss its first game of the season last Sun-, home/; References exchanged. shown above is a correct version of the curyour diamonds and makes Edith May Miller, treasurer, 3418 day afternoon at Riverview park, by Garag§! if. desired. Write. Box them a real pleasure to rent style. When you try one on youil see Burt treet, or to Miss Blanches Soren-i defeating the fast Westside Boosters wear. 6936. Jewish Press. son, 3328 Harnfey Street; secretary. . by a score of 6 to 5. "The, Y team what we mean by the difference in cut. Why tolerate time-worn A meeting of .persons interested has been greatly strengthened and we rtogs and jewelry when in. band, concerts will .he .held next exgect to show the public that \se it's, so easy and inexpensive to, have tnein made Monday noon at the Brandeis tea are still In the race," said Harry Knees Others as low as $45 - -- • over to ' IOOK like new. rooms. The general public is; in-. ter, manager." Come in at your leisure vited to attend,, and provide The Yteam will play'the M. W..A* p p and let's talk i t over. team Sunday; afternoon^ at ElmwQod .'band music this summer, says • M Mrs. park, east diamond, 3:S0.p.'m. Everything' in the delicatessen Copper. Mrs. A. V, Kinaler, George ¥6 • Fatnatn at Securities ; Mine at your disposal. P. ^nipprath, and William A. Ellis,1 Let ua make your baskets for JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. Diamond of the Chamber of Commerce, are 16th Street Building yout.outings and. patties. - vice-presidents, and John W*. Gamble • At the last regular meeting held Shoppe Is auditor. Frank Macb and' H. K, Sunday, May 20, at the Labor Lyceum, the following program was pre' Mansfield are program chairmen. for 310 North 16th Street A ^ ^ M ^ w ^ m w ^ i ^ ^ ^ t ^ m S P W i ^ M W M H M i Almost t every large \city : 'In thig sented: A talk on the "Life of Dr. Phone JA ckaon, 5062 ^ . its cxswrt,. bands and Max Nordau," the- late Jewish phiThat Last: losopher aiid Zionist, was giveii by te " skys; Mrs*
Supreme Quality Clothes
Globe Van & Storage Co. GROSSMAN & SONS
Smart Sport Suits
American Jewish Congress ( T o Meet In East, Oct. 14
$20 $25 $30
Painting Contractor
Insurance ofall Kinds
The cut V the thing
A great variety at $55 a
Kosher . Delicatessen J: L1RB
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1923 Mrs. M. Solomon, "who was to have the "University of ~ Chicago, was ini- Miss Ida Dolgoff entertained six taken reservations for the Council of tiated into the Blackfriars, an hon- :ouples at cards at her home Friday ewish "Women luncheon to be held orary dramatic society. Mr. Wein- svening. Monday afternoon at the Blackstone stein is expected to return home for (ALL MAKES) Mesdames L Jacobsen and L RosenHotel, has been called away to Chi-his summer vacation on June 15. thai are leaving the latter part of the Rented at Lowest Rates in City. Half Price Sale on Standard Typewriters. cago, HL, on account of the illness of week to visit at Ida Grove, la. On Monday afternoon, May 28, the Sold on Convenient Terms. her daughter. Heservations should Council of Jewish Women will hold now be made with Mrs. Paul Schaye Sixty guests attended the Omaha ALL MAKES TYPEWRITER CO. at Harney 3679 not later than nine their closing meeting of the year. The Junior Hadassah Card Party Sunday meeting will be preceded by a lunch205 So. 18th St. AT. 2414 o'clock Monday morning; eon for the members at the Black- afternoon at th*e Blackstone Hotel. The proceeds of this affair will go Miss Ann White entertained ten stone Hotel. Being the last meeting towards maintaining their orphan in guests at the Brandeis Tea Rooms of the year, the election of officers Palestine. Tuesday afternoon, honoring her sis-will take place and three delegates ter, Mrs. Ctfarles Redman, of Ottum- for the Triennial Convention, which Mr. Samuel Heavenrich and daughwa, la., who with her children are is held in St. Louis, Mo., the week of ter, Miss Edith Heavenrich, of Devisiting at the home of her parents, November 12, will be appointed. All troit, Mich., who have been visiting WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, A. Silverman, of Des Mr. and Mrs. A. White, and for Mrs. reservations should be made with Mrs. here at the Herbert Heavenrich home, FRANKEL-rSHAFTON ' left Sunday evening for their home. The marriage of Miss Rose Shafton, Moines, la., announce the engagement Abe Ferer, of San Francisco, Calif., M. Solomon at Harney 4119. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shaf- of their daughter, Miss Helen Silver- who with Mr. Ferer and young son, Mrs. Joseph D. Castleman enterton, to Mr. Harry Frankel will take man, to Mr. Morris H. Rosenblum, son Irving, are visiting at the home of Mr. tained at a birthday party Saturday Miss Tillie Meyers returned last place Sunday evening, May 27, at of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eosenblum, of this Ferer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fer- afternoon at her home, honoring her week from Sioux City, la., where she city. The wedding has been scheduled er. A number of other social events son, Arthur, who celebrated his fifth spent two weeks as the guest of Mrs. the home of the bride. B. Meyer. Miss Shafton and her fiance have to take place on Tuesday, June 19. are being planned in hono of these birthday. Twenty-five guests were visitors. been honored guests at a number of present. Music was furnished by Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun entertained - social events, that took place during The Misses Yetta and Esther Na Gertrude Harris and Helen Castle- at a luncheon at her home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldstein will enterthan hostesses to the member the past month. Among the socials of the Ra Oth Society Sunday after- tain at a formal birthday 'party for man. Covers were laid for fourteen guests. given during the past week was a noon at their home. their daughter, Dorothy Yvonne, at Mr. and Mrs, Emil Ganz left Mr. Meyer Lederman, of Waterloo, luncheon given by Miss Bertha Leon the Brandeis Restaurants Saturday a t the Athletic Club Saturday after- Miss Etta Cornman is leaving Sat- night. The table will be decorated Wednesday evening for Minneapolis, la., spent the early part of the week noon followed by 'a-theatre party. urday evening for Chicago, 111., where and have a centerpiece of red roses Minn., and for St. Paul, Minn., where visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday evening Miss Minnette she will attend the graduation exer- and purple sweet peas. Twelve guests they will attend the National Conven B. Rosenb&um, tion of Accountants. Margolin was hostess at bridge at cises of her fiance, Mr. Edwin Kush- have been invited. Mrs. S. Mandelson and Mrs. M. I. her home honoring Miss Shafton ner, who is attending the Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Gerber an- Gordon returned Tuesday from a Mrs. Julius Weil and sons, Myron and fiance. . . . - . ' • College of Chiropodists. and Robert, arrived Wednesday from nounce the birth of a baby son, born week's stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo. The out-of-town guests to be on Monday, May 21, at the Wise MeThe Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai present at the wedding will be Mrs.B'rith will hold their election of offi- Lincoln, Nebr., to be the guests at morial Hospital. Ajma Frankel, of Rock Island, HI., cers this evening at the Jewish Com- the home of Mrs. Weil's mother, Mrs. Carrie Livingston. Mrs. Lester Kirschbraun, of New mother of the groom, Mrs. Bell munity Center. Silverman, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Mr. Joe Schott, of St. Louis, Mo., York City, is visiting with her brothIDA I. FREDTEN, Prop. Spend just ten. minutes at the J. D. Ziffern, and daughter, Reva, Mrs. Louis Wohlner- entertained -at is here visiting at the home of, Mr. Louis Hiller, and Mrs. Hiller. Four Models She is en route to California. bransen"—you'll notice the difference. of Rock Island, HI., and Mr. and Mrs.a dinner party, followed by bridge, at and Mrs. Mayer Spiesberger. Whitehouso The action, the tone, the ease of operaher home Sunday evening. Prizes Jonas Rosenberg, of Minneapolis, Mrs. Sam Weinberg, of Fremont, ? were won by Mesdames H. Wohlner, Mrs. A. Klein, of San Francisco, Nebr., spent the week-end here with 311 South 16th Street Minn. tion; all stand out prominently as add$700 ; H. Berlint, Miss Ida Segal and Mr.Calif., is expected to arrive during her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Minkin. Phone Atlantic 8010. ed features of the Gulbransen. Country Sect the next week to visit with her daughHARRIS—MANEvTTZ AL Wohlner. Open Evenings. ter, Mrs. A. Romm, and Dr. Romm. $600 The wedding of Miss Ida Manevitz is possible to obtain the real handMr. and Mrs. Edwin Treller redaughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mane- The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Miss Flora Green, of Boston, Mass., turned from their trip to Kansas City, played effect without a great deal of Suburban Only Jewish Florist in town. vitz, to Mr. Harry E. Harris, will hold their annual election of offi- who spent several weeks here visiting Mo. knowledge of music. Instruction rolls $485 WEDDING BOUQUETS. formerly of Des Moines, Iowa, wil cers, at the regular meeting Wednes- with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Auerbach, accompany every Gulbransen — they day afternoon, May 30, at the Jewish Community be solemnized Sunday evening, June returned to her home. She was exCommunity Center. Delegates to the show you just how to operate the vari3, at eight-thirty at the Hotel Fon$420 tensively entertained while here. lenelle. Rabbi Grodzinsky will per- Annual Hadassah Convention, to be ous expression devices—and also show 212 Courtney Bldg., form the ceremony, and Miss Celia held in New York, will be chosen. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cahn have moved you how to obtain perfect expression 17 Douglas St. Feiler will sing. The Mohl" Mr. and Mrs. Joe Givot, of Sioux into their new home at 3511 Webster effects by using the foot pedals.SALON V CHARME Residence. 1S13 So. ESth St. After a honeymoon trip to Colo- City, la., announce the birth of a street. New Address of TeL Atlantic 66S7. lado Mr. Harris and his bride will baby son, born Thursday, May 17. Shampoo, Manicure, 50c—Marcel, " 5c return to Omaha about June 15 to Mr. Givot was formerly of Omaha, Mr. E. Oscar Weinstein, son of Mr. Place of Business, 3323 Harner St. Expert Individual Service. Tel. ATlantic 3831. or Sunday, AX. 4S19. make their home. the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Givot. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, attending I M. T. LEVY. A number of social affairs are being given ' complimentary to Miss Mrs. Herman Rehfeld left WednesManevitz and Mr. Harris. Miss day evening for New York City, where Phone At. 07S5; Kes. Phone TVt 5ST0 Manevitz was honored guest- at a she will visit:with;her son, Mr. Bernard Rehfeld, and Mrs. Rehfeld. . . dinner and shower given by the girls ABE JACOBS of Morris & Co. during the past The next regular meeting of the Real Estate, Loans and Insurance 310 No. 16th St. TeL JAckson 5062 Bought, Sold and Exchanged week. She was president of the Omaha Junior Hadassah will be held 1305 FlrBt National Bank Bide. Morris' Girls Club. Thursday even- at - the/ Jewish Community Center Omaha. Jfebr. With JACOB SLOSBCKG, JE. ing Miss Rose Fried will entertain Wednesday evening, May 30. at the Brandeis Restaurants ,jand. ". Givot left .Tuesday to ; Miss Etta; Cornmsirrwill be hostess are the Saturday afternoon at the Brandeis visit with her son, Mr. Joe Givot, and Tea -'Rooms complimentary to Miss Mrs. Givot at "Sioux City, la. Wholesale and Retail Dealers Manevitz. Mrs. Harry Silverman and son are of the products of the i visiting in Des Moines, la. They will LEABMAN—FRIEDMAN The marriage of Miss Idell Fried- attend the Fendle-Silverman wedding man, . niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. to be held soon. Friedman, to Mr. H. M. Leabman, of Lincoln, Nebr., will be solemnized Sunday evening, May 27, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Friedman. Rabbi Chiropodist and Beauty Shop • Medveroff, of Lincoln, will officiate. OF LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. 1S00 Among the social affairs given in 15th Established and H«rnry Htreets. us a chance to aphonor of the bride-to-be during the Give preciate your business. For Special prices will be made to dealers arid •past" several weeks was a luncheon appointments call Ja. 0774. Sight years ago, when Dodge Brothers originated given, by Mesdames L. and A. Lazestores in a full line of kosher meats. tile all-steel motor car body, they took advantage . rowitz at the Brandeis Tea Rooms of the absence of wood in the framework to bake an Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. S. Pastromi, Salami, Weiners, Frankfurters, Bologna, esamel finish on the surface of the steeL . :t Robinson entertained at bridge Sausage and various other supplies. Wednesday evening for Miss Friedl a a vast series of electric ovens, especially designed All meats are guaranteed kosher by Rabbi M. Braude Inari and her fiance. Mr. Sidney. sad bailt by Dodge Brothers' engineers for this Robinson, of Walthfll, Nebr., was the of St. Joe, Mo. process, three distinct coats of black enamel are out-of-town guest present. successively baked on t h e steel a t an intensely TURITZ—KUTLER temperature. Miss Sarah Kutler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kutler, will be marresult is a finish so hardy and durable that ft ried to Mr. Maurice Turitz, of this Diamond & Platinum Specialists seldom requires more than a good cleaning and city, on Sunday, June 3, at the 1514 Dodge St. polishing to restore the original brightness. family residence at 1840 North 19th Est. 1894i Ja. 5619 Street. Rabbi Grodzinsky will offiSven in sections of the South-west where alkali ia ciate. the soil is especially destructive to body finishes, ' SIGEL—SEGELMAN All Orders Given Prompt and Dodge Brothers enamel retains its beautiful lustre Careful Attention. Mr. and Mrs. L. Segelman anafter years of wear. nounce the marriage of their daugh- WELSH'S FLOWERS ter, Ida, to Mr. Ben J. Sigel, of (Gnarajteed) JUKE FRIENDS" Ottmnwa, Iowa, to take place Sun- TeL"FLOWERS Ja. 4201. Bran dels Theatre 210 So. 17th SI- Omaha. day,-May 27, at the bride's home. 28th and Harney Streets, Harney 0123 Many affairs are being given in honor of Miss Segelman. Miss Laura Givot: entertained at bridge Saturday AUCTION!! in honor of Miss Segelman. Mrs. L Plotkin was hostess at bridge at her Our entire stock of jewelry, watches and diamonds to be home Tuesday afternoon and on sacrificed to the highest bidder. Tuesday evening Miss Molly Ravitz Our entire stock valued at over entertained at her home at bridge. 550,000 must be sold. AUCTION NOW GOING ON. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaufman enterCome and see for yourself. tained at their home at five tables of bridge last Wednesday evening. Visitors to foreign countries have wondered Established 1892 Miss Fannie Sacks returned from a how the average European gets along without 1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 two' weeks" stay at Tulsa, Okla. a telephone in his residence. Yet 25 years ago few American residences had telephones. The meeting of the Auflebung club, -which was to have been held last SunToday the telephone is considered a necessity. I t is used to call the merchant, the doctor, to day 'evening, was postponed to this We Wish to Announce make social engagements, to chat with one's Sunday evening at the Jewish Comto Our Patrons' and Friends friends across the town or across the state or munity Center. The meeting will beTHAT THE SHOHIT nation. gin a t seven-thirty and a social program of six. numbers will follow. Only There is perhaps no service which saves so members of the organization are remuch time and effort and gives so much pleasure : is with ' . * . ' for the money it costs as does your telephone. quested to attend this, meeting.
Typewriters and Adding Machines
The "Gulbransen" IS Different
Cut Flowers
Sold on Convenient Terms
and high grade Platinum Jewdiry at the right price. Malashock JewelryCo.
Unusual In Foreign Countries
Goldstein Jewelry Co.
Rev. J. Schukert
Mr. and Mrs. William Weiner entertained at cards at their home Tuesday -evening for twenty guests, - Mr^B..-Pr€Sd-is inTOew York City o\i a buyn*ar trip. .— r~
Kosher Meat Market 1C13 North 24th Street WE lister 4330 •'Sorylce and Quality lsOnr .Motip We carry the host line of . Fresh Heats and nelicnfcsSen.
gin street, a pupil in Public School , jthe pirbgrfcStf'of the .drataa, and^by ticular form of realism.. I consider the Grosses Schauspielhaus : of Ber-his lectures. Forty thousand students are report- 47, who was declared mentally normal . ^ . •/. ! this'meansVfaJs; well fas .by,.the use of it the,duty of the producer to,give lin/'— •;.;• r ••; :-, ; jthe third dimension^ \Vhidh~ he brought life to the drama,' and1 whether the ' Pi-ofessor Reinhardt gave; me. his led to have enrolled in the "Faszia by experts at Bellevue and Post Gradagainst a blank screen warm hand, and a smile that seemed Nationala Roumana" in answer to a uate Hospitals and by a special Imto the stage by the enlistment of steps play is acted r to accojnpanythe emptional heighten- or with all the mechanical and tech- to. open up-.great resources of hu- call issued by that organization to all migration Board sitting in WashingMax^^ Reinhardt discusses His Art and His People" • ing o*i retardation o&'the,. drama, he nical devices ever'invented, he must mor, and in the grip of his- fingers I patriotic Roumanians to join the life ton. At a re-examination by a Board i ' AN INTERVIEW BY SUIxAMITH ISH-KISHOK guide? the.jfje^Ungs of the.audience to make the play a living "thing." Some- felt the same strength that makes or death struggle against Jews, ac- sitting at Ellis Island on, Wednesday, g jj times, the burde'n devolves on the act-firm his mouth. He has the full, soft cording to a report from Temesvar. the girl was declared to, be jinentally f the, h ele.ments l actor, cast for an important part in a bette.r evaluation of MAX KEINHAItDT defective for the second time. Outstanding Figure .of the Contempoof thei piece. iTq be sure, this.kind of ors, sometimes on the producer^ ac- mouth of a man who is not only a rary Theatre, Who in This Authorized a new production, committed suicide suggestion carPbe-and hasbeen crude- cording to the type of play; success lover of colors and richness'and all KEHILLAH MUSEUM IN T-aline Fink, who is deaf, is one 1 Interview, Gives His First Detailed on the very eve of the first performBERLIN ROBBED— of- a large family who' in November, Account of the'Condition of the Jewish ance, nobody but Reinhardt was ready ly overdone in the • hands of people is always a matter of the individual beauty of form and sound,' but also Germany. Since His Arrival temperament and of the degree'of of a consistent, determined'man, a PRICELESS ANTIQUES TAKEN 1920, arrived here with their mother in America as the guest of Morris Gest. to step in the role that he was prac- who'are mere imitators', and who can synthesis obtained among all the coin-: man who; dreams and makes his Bjerlin. (J: T.-A.) A large number to join the father, Joseph Firikj alcopy the gestures' without being able tically the star of the theatre. of Isacred ancient vessels,- including a ready in this country. :j- '-•*"" It was Professor Reinhardt who After some years of fame as an to cop.y the thoughts of an original ponents of the production. I'.have dreams comes true. This' Grosses Schauspielhaus, built sacramental wine cup used in the sevfounded the Little Theatre, in his ef- actor, Reinhardt turned to > the art ofmindi^It. has been carried- to ludi- produced plays in the mode of literal fort to bring reality to the producing, and became the -most dis-. crous ^extremes in the modern thea- realism which characterizes the Mos^ by Professor Reinhardt during the enteenth .century, were among the obmeans of intimacy. After his success tinguished impressario of new talent tres fk' Moscow, where the _; business cow Art Theatre, and other plays i a last year of the war, is nbtr only an jects^ stolen when'burglars entered the Charkow. (J. T. A.) The Ukrainin-this field of dramatic production, in Germany. Under him grew up theof njechanical devices has \been the impressionistic and post-impres^ amazing building, the exterior a great, Jewish' Community Museum adjoining ian Government has lodged a protest huge, rough cave, the* Oranienburger strasse Syangogue. with the Polish Government against he took up the huge spectacular dra- famous "Reinhardt ensemble," a true brought to such a pitch that one sees, sionistic manner. I have been accused red gloom, like a. L ma, in which he absorbed the audjence art theatre, comprising such actors i n s t e p of actors and a play,'a mass of inconsistency because, being the all" frosty gra*y— but a monument to Hundreds of priceless medals and false reports of pogroms in the Ukinto the play itself, by various inge- and actresses as 'Alexander Mbissi, of machinery of steps and revolving originator of the Little Theatre, and the persistency and power of the mancoins, including some from the Mac-raine printed in the Polish press. The nious means. "Miracle," one of his PaUenberg, who. began as a comedian stagesj ^nd wheels within wheels and an advocate of the 'intimate' form of who erected it in the midst of the cabean period in Palestine, were also Charkow authorities demand the Warsaw Government issue a denial of the greatest achievements; is.a noble and and showed'himself under Reinhardt what-not, upon the stage. Professor production, I ,have also staged plays turmoil and- political' sizzlings of the seolen. . in enormous theatres. -If a play de^ pre-armistice days, when the^currency Two men have been held under sus- reports which are characterized as effective presentation of the drama of s revolving stage was not ; o be one of the greatest tragic mands treniendous scope, like the Mirof Germany hovered 'over-;t^e abyss picion, but no trace of the valuables "unfounded." sin and,repentance. , • aiiverGe^rud1: feysold^Mlber j3as_•' meani§ to serve the purposes" of. ex- acle, which I may produce here next into which it has since tumbled with has been found, and it is feared the serman, Paul Wegner—known in \ *™m}sm. •'•!';. -.<>-' ' . . ' season, then I leave the intimate stage such a crash. A Former Banker's Clerk. .. - r objects may have been smuggled out Professor Keinhardt does not look America" as the impersonator of t ^ I However one of the penalties of in- for the arena. I use every form of of the country. oda as if ;he had reached his fifties— Golem" in the moving picture mas- J ^S the world to truth ^in a new art, every kind of technique, which Certified Public Accountants f DEATH THREATS FOR JEWISH •which seems, by the way, to be theterpiece—Emil Jannings, also weU . « ^ . ^ ^ have^-this-trutt. seized serves my purpose at the time." Audits Systems ) n STUDENTS AND PROFESSORS New York. (J. C. B.) Congressman age of richest development, the prime known as the debonair "King Louis,", ^ ? t ^ 4 distorted, and this Professor Investigations Nathan D. Perlman announced he proof genius—but dates tell us that he in "Passion," and the sensual "Henry Reinhardt knows as well as every artThere was a knock at the door, and 434 to 440 Peters Trust Bids. was born in; 1873, in Baden, near ViPhones, Jackson 4313, 4314. " in "Deception"—Ernst Lubitsch, ist and creator in every-walk of life. a tall gentleman entered, carrying a Fascisti Mobilize 40,090 at Temesvar. posed to fight any attempt to deport 14-year-old Pauline Fink of 101 Marenna. He started as a banker's' clerk", another familiar and honored name! One thing in which he cannot even be portfolio of mechanical drawings.- ProBucharest. (J. T.. A.) Continued but' left the. ledgers fdr £an actors', Ordynski, the two' Schildkrauts, now imitated is his" management of stage fessor Reinhardt rose, and his eyes attendance by Jewish students and school. His work was observed by better known to Americans than even mobs "in such a manner that they not twinkled. professors at the University of BuBrahm, a well known critic and stage to Europeans!—and Lillebil Ibsen. It only appear natn'ral and true,' but are charest will mean their death, accord"This gentleman is an architect," director; who 'offered him" an engage- is easy, to understand how the shat- permeated by the spirit- of the drama he explained, introducing us. "If he ing to threats of Roumanian Fascisti ment at the Deutches c Theatre^.. It teringiof this masterly ensemble aslo and act as a part of the play and and I can work out satisfactory who have relaunched an - offensive ^was Beinhardt's habit to study all. the broke up, for'the.time, Professor Rein- not a^'ian interpolation.- It will be Druggists and Stationers changes in the construction of the against the Jews at the University i parts Ijarhich he .thought he might pos- hard t's. hopes, of continuing to pro-a' loss'to Vienna and a great, gain to 401-403-403 Sooth 10th Street 'One of America's Great Hotels" sibly 'be" able to • act," and ^ when an duce. Idrania on the high-level of per- New -.York if Professor Reinhardt theatre which we are planning to use,here. A, large number of Jewish stuthen I shall produce the 'Miracle' dents have been savagely maltreated fection|-which - he'^had 'maintained for comes; back next season, as he ex-next season. In any case, I hope to and had their papers taken from pects "#b do, and shows us here a so long. •• give some musical comedies of Offen- them. Albert Gruenberg is among To the genius of Professor Rein- standard of artistic production which bach, the 'Weltttheatre' of Von Hoff- those actually captured by the Fas- WASH AND KEEP-WELL Phone 104 hardt must also be attributed numer- formerly one had to cross three thou- mansthal, perhaps a play of Strind- cisti and held prisoner for • several \A. -KUEE-' OF HEALTH The Beet of Everything In Flowers and sand fniles ofocean to. enjoy. / ous inventions for, the - distribution of berg, and Georg Buchner*s play of hours. Professor Reiner has.been in- . FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Confections at Moderate Prices. . stage lighting in a more realistic way : the First Revolution, 'Dantonstod,' formed by telephone that h e will be 845 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater , The Producer's Day. 1819 California Street. TO AND FROM : than \by' the long row of footlights, "I have no preference for any par-which was tremendously effective in murdered if he attempts to; resume COtTNCtL BtUFFS. IOWA. ALLi PARTS OF. which glare in the eyes of the actors and spread an unnatural evenness of THE WORLD illumination • over the stage. .He? uses Carpenter Paper Co. the emphasis of a blotch of liglit diEFFICIENT nnd RESPONSIBLE Distributors of rected from, some hidden source to LACXDBI. 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb., Western Bond—and High mark out 'some particular actor or Where your clothes come home ATlantic 0340.' " Grade Stationery group of actors whose doings at the cleaner and last longer. Omaha. Nebraska. moment are critically important to ATlantic 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St.
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