m\ Nothing is; more practical than: a high, clear-. ly-defined idealof service.
Say ** notT always what you ;know, but always know what you say.
Entered as second-das* mall matter on'January 21th. 1BZ1, mt , <ostofllce at Omaha, HebraBka, under the Act ol Mh March 3, 3
Women's Site and Building Omaha Lodge IX^ Committee Named By To Receive Cuarter Center Fund Boards To Present Beautiful Program And Installation Of '.'•••
Mr. Nathan E. <Sreen, Manager, Jewish Press Publishing Co. City.
Omaha, Nebr., May 29, 1923.
Gentlemen: As Chairman of the Campaign Committee for the Jewish Community Center Building Fund I want to take this opportunity of thanking you ^ for the wonderful cooperation" received through the columns of your periodical in behalf of our campaign, in which we practically reached our goal. It was through your generosity in turning over the columns of The Jewish Press to this great cause together with the splendid work and effort of my Fellow Workers that made the dream of a Jewish Community Center a reality. I ara certain that the readers of The Jewish Press, including my Fellow Workers, appreciate everything, you did in .this campaign and I sincerely hope that the JewisTi people of Omaha wnl realice that your psp&r is an absolute necessity in our community in helping put over our communal causes, and in making Omaha a better city in which to .live. • - ' - " • • Hoping that you will continue your splendid work and that your columns will always have a healthy influence upon our Jewish Community, I amiv : Sincerely yours, ; HARRY H. LAPIDUS, Chairman, Jewish Community Center Building Fund.
Washington. (J. T. A.) That the Ku Klux Klan is seeking to penetrate American universities and.that \the Trustees and Directors Urge Klan chapter at the George WashingImmediate Payment of 10% ton University proposed by joint lying on Pledges.. of its members and resort to other disreputable means to work for the APPOINT SEVEN ADDITIO- expulsion.of Jewish students/is indiNAL MEMBERS ON BOARD cated by the publication of a bulletin OF DIRECTORS. sent out by the G. W. U. chapter of the Klan. . / , • " .. .. •-... • At a joint meeting of the Boards "Under the provisions of the univerof Trustees and Directors of the Jew- sity," says the bulletin, "for informing ish Community Center Building Fund or squeaking on students who are held Tuesday night a committee, to caught in ."the act of cribbing1, we can be known as the Site and Building operate as a group. Four or'five of Committee,, was appointed with in- us informing upon a student could structions to recominenoV locations for practically insure his expulsion. In the Jewish Community Genter Build- this = way, by careful management, we ing to the Joint Boards. The member- can get rid of many persons, includship of this committee is as follows: ing the disagreeable Jews. If this uniWm. L. Holzman, chairman; Harry versity will not keep the Jews out, we Malashock, Harry Wolf, Harry Lapi- will put them., out. We surely don't dus, Joe Wolf, Morris Levy, J. J. Slos- want G. W. U. to become another Coberg, Henry Monsky. . - •• • . lumbia. We cannot put them all out, At this meeting the following were but we can fix it so no more will added to the Board of Directors: Rab- come." bi Frederick" Cohn, E. Meyer, Harry The Klan bulletin also outlines plans Rachman, J. B. Robinson, Irvin Stal- for-eliminating Catholics from' the master, Harry Silverman and S. Ea- university.
Chicago.—That the Ku Klux Klan is an illegal organization formed foT the purpose of injuring, threatening and oppressing members of the Roman Catholic and Jewish, faiths, is one of the charges included in the answers filed in Federal District Court . by the Tolerance Publishing Company and by Patrick H. O'Donnell, head of the American Unity League, seeking a perpetual injunction against the Klan. The answers were filed in the Klan suit in which a temporary injunction was issued recently by Federal Judge Carpenter, restraining the Tolerance from publishing a list of 12,000 names of persons said to be on the KJan membership in Indiana.
Jews In U. S. Wars Ex-Secretary of State Says They, Fought in All of Republic's Conflicts. DEPLORES BIGOTRY HERE AGAINST JEWISH PEOPLE.
New York.—Annual memorial serv* ices were held Sunday by the JewisDi The presentation of a Grand Lodge Veterans of the Wars of the Republic, Charter to the Women's Auxiliary under the auspices of the Free Synaof the Omaha Lodge No. 354, I. O. gogue at Carnegie Hall. Interspersed B. B., Sunday afternoon, June 10, with tributes to the soldier dead were will be the most important event condemnation for racial prejudice, bigin the History of the lodge. The otry and the Ku IQux Klan. The most meeting •will be held at the Jewish scathing reference to this secret soCommunity, Center rooms. The enciety was by former Secretary ef • tire public i s invited. For more than '.".•••'• Omaha, Nebr., May 29, 1923. State Bainbridge Colby, who delivered ten years this organization has maniF«llow Subscribers: the principal address. fested a very intense interest in Permit me to extend to you my sincere thanks for the part you have played, in making the Jewish Community Center a realization. Mr. Colby said that he -vrished pub- • many charitable, philanthropic and I fully appreciate that it was the generous response of most of licly to "confess his contempt for those communal causes. It has truly exour subscribers and especially the splendid and magnificent subscripwho held any prejudice against the emplified the B'nai, B'rith spirit. It tion received from our loved and highly respected citizen Mr. Morris Jewish race," and added: "With was one of the first, if not the first, Levy that made the Jewish Community Center" a certainty. Nevertheless it was the smaller contributor who could not afford to give, American pride, I wish to deny that auxiliary lodges to be organized in but really sacrificed in order to make a pledge, that deserves a great this prejudice represents generally the this district, and it is among the deal of praise arid commendation. feelings of my countrymen as a na- , first to receye the charter from the Of course, there are a few individuals in our community who can Full Program of Summer Activ- tion or as a people." grand lodge, under the new regulaafford to pledge but who so far have failed to do their duty. Howity Formulated by Young ever, the vast majority of our splendid people responded nobly and The genesis of such racial prejutions. •-•..:.. Men and Women. generously, justas they have done in all other campaigns which dices as exist in America Mr. Colby, Harry Lapidus, campaign director, Although unofficially related to the have been launched for the benefit of humanity. attributed "to those with less talents announced that approximately 1,000 Independent. Order of B'nai B'rith When our splendid edifice will be erected and the name JEWISH MAKE ADDITIONAL PLED- who are disgruntled and lonesome be« people had subscribed to the fund, and " COMMUNITY CENTER will be brilliantly Tlluminated in front of heretofore, it will henceforth be ofGES TO JEWISH BUILDcause they are outnumbered by men the building, then will each and every one that did his or her duty ficially recognized as a subsidiary that although the sum of $250,000 in ING FUND. in this great cause be happy in the treasured thought that they too of greater talent." lodge of the District Grand Lodge pledges was assured, there were still helped to'errect a monument in our community that means more Call Prejudice Despicable. several hundred people who had not The summer months will not mean No. 6, I. O. B. B. with such rights to our present and future girls and boys than all the wealth in terms "The Jew," continued Mr. Colby, a stopping of activity and work for yet pledged to the fund and that they of gold that might be left to them. and privileges in the members as the the senior group of the Y. M. and Y. "has inarched across every battlefield . Hoping that we will soon celebrate the opening of our home legislation of the-Grand Lodge pro- would be solicited during the coming under Jewish auspices and Jewish environment, I am W. H. A., 200 members of the organ- in which the republic has fought, and month. ' - , vides. :.'• Sincerely yours, ization decided at their meeting in in no field of human endeavor has the An appeal to all subscribers who Fifty Teams Calling on DelinBefitting the occasion, an enter. i (Signed) HARRY H. LAPIDUS. the Jewish Community Center Mon- talent of the Jewish people failed to have not yet paid their first installquent "Subs" for Payment of taining program has been arranged. win recognition. So I say this unday night. Half-Annual Subscription. The inauguration and. instal- ment of 10 per cent on their pledges ' / • Omaha,. Nebr., May 29, 1923. American prejudice is contemptuous First of all, the members voted to was issued by the joint Boards. lation .'s, of the lodge and its offiTo My Fellow ^Workers In The Jewish Community Center Building despicable and cannot live under put on an intensive membership drive "We cannot go ahead -with the work PRESENT CRISIS MOST SEFund Campaign: cers in due form and by prescribed the great American principles of jusduring the months of June and July, Dear friendsi- .."... . • RIOUS EVER CONFRONTritual will be made by a representa- that is before us unless every one tice and equality on which our nation As it is impossible for me to see each and every one of you in and have set as a goal 800 members who is pledged pays his first installING FEDERATION. tive of the Grand Lodge. The offiperson to tell, you of my sincere appreciation for your help in putting en August 1st. This will mean that is founded." cers to be installiedare the : follow- ment," said W n v L . Holzman. " W e " over this greatest of all causes, BO far as our own Jewish Coramunity With a cash shortage of $17,000 Illustrative of how he believed the the Y will have doubled its present must have this money because pledges is concerned, I am therefore taking this opportunity tKrough-theing: Celia Kooper, president; Bess confronting the Jewish "Welfare Fedmembership of 400 within two months. Jews of America should face attacks columns,of TbtSJewish press to assure you that I realize'now more - Greeabergv-xriee-president; Bess Stock, alone will not buy a site nor build a ersiion-foT-tis first half year's work, oa their religion and race, the former - t h a n ever bef6W*^Hairit "was nothing short ^f-35tmr-untirs2i^*sff0¥te^ Intense enthusiasm for the cambuilding.' secretary; Fanny Sosenblum," treas' as well as your enormous sacrifices that accomplished this almost: Harry Malashock, chairman' of the paign was -everywhere evident, and Secretary of State cited how this forurer; Hay Bercu, guide; Esther Katieunbelievable success. You have done a wonderful work; a work that Federation Finance Committee, has this was further heightened by the mer chief, ex-President Woodrow Wilwill be appreciated not only by our present citizenry but by our men, sentinel; Eose Grodinsky, during the past week "lined up" a announcement of the award of prizes son, "held no rancor to those who defuture generations as well. • . . . . . . guardian; Ella Auerbach, Hannah corps of -workers, all ready to go out to the young man and young woman feated his efforts to serve the nation I want to especially thank the officers and members of the Greenblatt Cohen, Flora Beinstock, and collect. Since Tuesday- workers Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for their splendid cooperation. who will bring in the greatest num- and mankind, and who looked forward trustees; Euth Levey, rnonitrees. I feel certain that we will all be happy and proud when this have been in the field and are already ber of members during the drive. The to the realization by the nation of magnificent structure is erected, in that each of us did" our part in A formal initiation ceremony, purshowing results. prizes are watches donated by Mr. D. those ideals for which he had fought, Mortified That He Should Support building an institution in Omaha that will provide the proper suant to a most beautiful ritual preB. Gross, jeweler. The present situation is the,most and had been stricken down while environment for the old, the middle aged and especially the young , Man They Now Regard as Their : scribed for that purpose, will then folks, —a place where our womanhood and manhood will be taught serious that has ever confronted the fighting, with undimmed hope and For the winning girl Mr. Gross is . Chief Enemy in America. be presented in connection with;which the-great truths of Americanism and Judaism. Federation, and is due entirely to the offering a gold wrist-watch, and to rising confidence." Assuring you once again of my sincere appreciation, I am, initiation, there will be a tableaux laxness of Federation subscribers in Following a tribute to the Jewish' he winning man he will give a gold By DAVID LAWRENCE. Yours for Service, " depicting the following biblical charpaying their quarterly dues to the pocket-watch. Mr. Gross was im- soldier dead of the World War, Mr. (Signed) HARRY H. LAPIDUS. New York, May 28.—Leading Jews acters: Federation on time," said Morris pelled to offer these prizes after wit- Zolhy urged his hearers to c&rry the in New York city are flabbergasted Eebceca at the Well, Ann WinLevy, president, today. "There were nessing the fine work which the Y 'ideals for which they fought and at the Hearst position. The Hearst outstanding, on May 1st, $17;000vin troub. . did in its recent vaudeville show at died to the sluggish mass of citizenry, newspapers have always professed subscriptions, which is the sum that Euth and Naomi; Euth, Eose the Brandeis Theater. that a full realization of their sugreat friendliness to the Jews and the Federation needs to. finance its Kraft; Naomi, Ann Blank. preme sacrifice may be reached." Every member of the Y will be at have always fought religious bigotry. work until July 1st." Queen Esther, Gertrude Levin. Prayer bjr Rabbi Wise. work during the drive. Any Jewish Mr. Hearst's sudden espousal of the All members of the auxiliary, all Every Federation subscriber has re- Flour Eliminated from Food Parcel- Dedication of Main Medical Building young man or woman of the age of 17 Eabbi Stephen S. Wise of the Free members of Omaha Lodge, and their one man who has levelled more at- ceived statements of his subscription. Feature of Three Days* Session. and over is eligible to join. Dues are Synagogue, who delivered the memorOfiice for Handling Drafts tacks against Jews in America than Since the publication in last week's friends are invited to attend. $5.00 per year, $2.00 of which are ial prayer, also urged his congregaOpened in Chicago. any other man in modern times, iff "Jewish Press" of the exact number paid over to the Jewish Community tion "to go forth into American life Denver, Colo.—Elaborate preperacausing considerable talk. Either it needed by the Federation many subNew York, (J. C. B.)—The inaugu'enter Building Fund to redeem the and labor diligently, that our heroic means Iklr. Hearst has succeeded in scribers have mailed in their checks. ration of a clothing draft service for tions are being consummated to celeLAY CORNERSTONE pledge made by the Y to this fund of dead may not have died in vain, and brate the Nineteenth Annual National making Henry Ford repent his exsubscriber is urged to do this, relief of individuals in Russia is an- Convention .of the Jewish Consump- $1,000 minimum. that the ideals for which thej' fought FOR NEW TEMPLE pressions of anti-semitism or else it Every and not wait until the committees nounced by the High Commission of tives' Relief - Society of the United shall not perish." Social activities will not be neglectLincoln, Nebr.—More than 300 peo- means that politics has superseded call upon them. The subscriber's own Dr. Fridtjof Nansen for Relief in David Solomon, commander in chief ed during the summer. Three picnics States. . ple witnessed the laying of the cor- all else in the mind of the chain time and that of the committees will Russia, to begn mmedately, n adof the Jewish Veterans of the Wars are planned and a series of open air . Arthur Brisbane, famous American ner-stone of the New Jewish Temple publisher. be saved-by so doing. dition to the service of food drafts meeting in the city parks are also on of the Republic, in opening the exereditor,.as well as many other national "Conditions never were so ripe as at Lincoln, Nebr., which took place Following, are the men heading and duty free relief packages which the program. But one meeting each cises, made the first reference to they are today for the formation of teams now at work for the Federa- Dr. Nansen's organization has been figures, have been invited and, if pos- month will be held at the club rooms Sunday, May 27, at 3 o'clock. -.-••• Ku. KTur Klan, pointing out that the sible to come, will address the conthird party. If conditions in 1912 tion, under the direction of Mr. Mala- forwarding to Russia from the United The following program was preduring the summer, the first of these organization of which he was the head vention, which will be held in Denver, had advanced to their present stage, shock: States ever since the suspension of sented: to be on June 11. The first picnic was necessary to fight "bigotry" June 9, 10 and 11. Chairman, Mr. William Gold, Pres- Roosevelt would have swept the l i s t of Workers for the Jewish Welfare the ARA individual relief service, on will be held on June 24, the place to "gain recognition for the Jewish solElaborate. preparations are being ident of Congregation B'nai Jeshurun. country and the third party would Federation March 15. Four types of clothing dier." liorris Katleman consummated to celebrate the Nine- be announced later. Dave Blumentfcal Opening prayer, Rev. M. Medyedoff, have. succeeded." g drafts ase issued by -the Nansen Ben Yousem Dr. S. Eavltz The Y, at Monday's meeting, ten"If ever a time shall come," continNebr. teenth Annual National Convention of Congregation Tefereth Israel, Lincoln, Bave Gross Fred. White Thus spoke Frank A. Munsey, pub- Dr. Philip Sher Mission, according to the age and sex Anthem, The The Heavenly H e a n y Shepherd," p , Nb dered a rising vote of thanks to Har- ued Mr. Solomon, "when no finger Is Robert Kooper the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Sok t r i k Miss Mi Vera V A lisher of four New York newspapers, Abner Kaiman Howard. K Kirkpatrick; Auof the person for whom they are Dave Greesberg . ry Lapidus for his work as campaign pointed at the Jew, at such a time . ciety of the United States. gusta XJpton, soprano; Mrs. R. O. today, when asked his comment on Wn, Grodmsky AL Wohlner intended, and at four different prices. larry "Weiner Abe Levey director for the Jewish Community this organization will disband." : Hummel, also; Mr. Homer Compton, From the viewpoint of important Feldman Jack Alberts Heart's statement that if Henry John At the same time, the Mission an- projects to" be considered, the unusual Center Building Fund. "To him and tenor; Mr. James C.Reid, Lass. Sam Levey Maurice Simmons, the founder r>% j Abe Markus Kathan Horwich.. Our Offerings, Morris Friend, chair- Ford were nominated by an- inde- i . B r o w a r nounces that, in accord with the pol- size of visiting delegations to attend to all the men who worked with him the organization, said "this organise? Trustin J. J. Slosberg man of finance committee. pendent p a r t y Ford * would receive Harry "sadore Dansky icy followed by Dr. Nansen of send- the formal dedication of the stately we owe deep thanks for their efforts tion is a compelling necessity to pro* ! Dave Feeler Our Edifice, M, WeiL chairman of Hearst support. Sam Swartz Morris Milder ing into Russia only -articles for re- Main Medical building, which is the in providing for us and all the other tect unfair and malicious attacks oii JCtithanE. Green H. A. Wolt building committee. Mr. Munsey' does not advocate the Jake Malashock Henry Monsfcy. lief purposes that cannot be readily magnificent gift of the Ladies' Aux- Jews of this city a Jewish Commu- citizens of Jewish faith. We are not Laying of the Cornerstone, William Dr. N. Musiin Dr. A. Greenberg Gold, president of Congregation B'nai formation of a third party, nor has Dr. K: Dansfey bought in Russia, the contents of the iliary of the J. C.-.R. S. of New York, nity Home," the resolution reads in dismayed against that secret organHarry Lapidus Leo Eosenthal Jeshurun. ." he taken himself: out of the ranks 3en Civin parcels delivered for the Nansen to replace the original building de- part. ization which is prejudiced against, S. S. Jacobs Historical Sketch, M. A. Newmark. of the republican party though he Sain Beber Jos. Wolf ouis Abramson Food Drafts will be changed to eliAdditional pledges of $300 to the race and creed, because we have f aittj; j stroyed by fire. Our Future, R. V. Pepperburg, viceMilton Livingston Promkla minate flour as one of the articles, Wm. Holzman president of Congregation B'nai Jesh- has been bitterly* opposed to Presi-" Mai Building Fund were made by Y mem- in our country." >$| Ben Steifler Distinguished leaders in Jewish Harry Wolf Harry Silverman dent Harding's world court policy. urun. as the prices of flour are lower in Welfare work, accompanied by hun- bers Monday. This brings the total . Henry Monsky Veterans of the Civil, Spanish*] 1*0 Abramsoa America. If a third party with a radical at Ed. Kraus Russia than it costs to send flour in- dreds of loyal supporters from all amount pledged by the Y, as individ- American and World "Wars were prea* Our Chief Corner-Stone, Eabbi Ja- its head is put into the field, • then to Russia, and the parcels will here- parts of the country will be present- uals and as a group, to more than ent in uniform at the services. * cob Singer. Mr. Munsey believes there will come after consist of such articles as con- all will be Jiere to review the wonder- $3,000. Y members in the campaign Eri Kelohenu. , , COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOa conservative party to which repubBenediction. . densed milk, sugar, tea, coffee, ful work performed during the past raised in excess of $10,000 in sub- TO GIVE PRIZES MEN HOLDS ELECTION '^ licans and democrats will flock. To cocoa, fats, rice, preserved fruits and year under the able direction of Dr. scriptions. OF OFFICERS. AT OMAHA HEBREW RECEIVES HIGH HONORS that extent the movement that The re-election of Mrs. Carl Furth chocolate which can only be purchas- Phillip Hffikowitz, president; Dr. C. The last indoor dance of the season CLUB PICNIC will be given by the Y this Saturday Miss Jeariette Gilinsky, daughter of makes Ford an independent candi- as president, and Mrs! M. S. Miller ed in Russia at prohibitive prices. A D. Spivak, executive secretary of t At a meeting of the committee in Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky, 725 Myn- date, helps to solidify and concen- as. vice-president of the Council of parcel delivered for a $5.25 Nansen J. C. R. S., and Dr. L D. Bronfin, su- night at the club rooms. Only paid charge of the arrangements for th* ster street, received the third highest trate the conservative strength in Jewish Women took place a t its an- Food Draft costs in Russia, it is an- perintendent of the Sanitorium at up members will be admitted. picnic, to be given by the Omaha Henual election and closing meeting of nounced, ?12.00, being a saving of Edgwater, Colo., to consider and orhonors in the graduating class of the opposition.—"World-Herald?' brew club at Peony Park, July 2&, the year Monday afternoon at the over 128 per cent over sending dolr der the execution of. extensive plans IRVIN STALMASTER Abraham Lincoln high school. Miss plans were made for the distribution Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. J. P. Cohn lars. Gilinsky received a mark of 93 per PALESTINE JEWISH for improvements and expansions imTO-ADDRESS MEETING of the tickets for the raffling of thp PHYSICIANS UNITED was elected financial secretary; Mrs. cent. The Nansen Relief Mission has peratively needed; to participate in " The Jewish Women's Welfare Or- automobile. , IN MALARIA WAR I. Q. Marx, corresponding secretary opened a Chicago office for handling the dedication of the Main Medical ganization will.hold its last meeting "We will award a prize to the perJerusalem. (J. T. A.) The confer- Mrs. Dave Rosenstock, treasurer; and Food Drafts, Clothing Drafts and building which will be the crowning of the season Tuesday afternoon, June son selling the most ticketB for thp Mr. Morris E. Jacobs will leave this evening to attend the National. Ad- ence of Jewish' physicians for the com- Mrs. L Nathan, auditor. Duty-Free Relief Packages in the feature of the whole splendid pro- 5, at the Jewish Community Center. raffle and also for the person who vertising and Publicity men's conven- bating of malaria opened in Haifa reMesdames J. P. Cohn, Sam Nathan Victory Building, 2242 West Eoose- gram. The meeting is open to all. An inter- sells the most entrance tickets,"' said tion to be-held at Atlantic City. He cently. Delegates, include representa- and Carl Furth wera elected to repre- velt Road. esting program has been arranged. Sam Klaver, secretary of the commitwill also attend the National Slectrfc tives of d e Workers' Sick Benefit As- sent the Omaha Council at the TriDealers say that motorists are de- Irvin Stalmaster will be the principal tee. "We are making plans fo* on* l i g h t Association convention in New sociation of the Hadassah and of the ennial Convention to ; be held in St. Every Jewish family in Omaha manding lighter cans. So are the speaker. His subject wiE be "Th& ©f the most interesting eveats ever York City. " ' . . =__" ' Jewish Physicians' Association. Louis, Mo., the "week of November 12. reads The Jewish Press. held here," .said Arthur Rosenblum. < pedestrians,—Asherv21e Times. Community, and Its Wealth.**
HembersMpCampaigu Will Be Launched By
Federation Workers In Field To Collect $17,000 Shortage
Hearst's Backing Ford Dismaying To the Jews
Arthur Brisbane To Speak Nansen Office Starts Clothing Service To Russia J. C R. S. Convention, Denier
Colby Fays Tribute
" PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1923 Shvuos," and Mr. B. Z. Zattg^ill reMrs. Sam Snyder is visiting in De-Weinstein and Mrs. L. Nathan'Sun- with her sister, Mrs. A. I. Sacks, at Block in a brief but emotional talk on cited several of his own, poeti<j crea"Ghosts in Life and Literature.;*' Miss day afternoon at the Ra Oth Society ioux City, la. troit, Micji. Bess Levinson quoted Yehoash's sev- tions. . meeting at the home of the Misses Pabliibed w r » Xbnrtfloy at Omahi, lt«b»tta-by Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman enter- Yetta and Esther Nathan. Miss SylA little "Dansant" concluded the eral poems; Mr. H. Bondarin interl V . ' •:' ""THE JEWISH ?RES&-PUBLISHING COMPANY. tained last Wednesday evening in hon- via Levey will be the club's next hos- THE JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. preted Sholom.Aleichem's "Greens oif program. -Officei 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372, r of their daughter, Mollye, and her tess at her home Sunday afternoon, A large audience was present at the last regular meeting of the Cul! 'iance, Mr. Abe H. Marcus. June 10. E. GREEN.,; Manager. ture League, held Sunday afternoon, May 27, at the Labor Lyceum. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman ar.$2.50 Mr. "and Mrs. Charles H. Shames Subscription Price,1 onp year, After a brief outline of its policies rived Sunday from Allen, Nebr., to Advertising., ratea furnished on application. have taken an apartment at the Fair(ALL MAKES) and plans for the new term, the. new isit with Mrs. Sherman's parents, view Apartments. •* NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaexecutive1 reorganized the musical and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. Mr. SherRented at Lowest Rates in City. Half Price Sale on Standard Typewriters. tion of The Jewish Preai aw to b« given to worthy command causea* man returned Wednesday, but Mrs. Mrs. E. A. Meyer and daughter, dramatic sections, and announced the ,V . Sold on Convenient Terms. Sherman will remain for the remain- Constance Hope, are visiting »for a reappearance of the League's monthly CHANQB Or ADPBBSS—Ple«»« gtn both VM O!4 and new BSSP der of the week. few weeks at Sioux City, la., with "Beim. Feier," edited by William Crade ! • * » Md fi»n roo* nam* and H. Elie Pfeffer. j relatives and friends. AT The-Je^iih Press is Supplied by'the Jewish"Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Mr. and Mrs. O. Hochman will en* 2414 The following members participat-' 205 So. 18th St. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish nows^ in addition tertain, their evening dub at their Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kramer are ed in the musical part of the proto feature articles and correspondences from ail important Jewish centres. entertaining Tuesday evening at their gram: Miss Jennie Adirim rendered Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly home this evening. home, honoring Miss Ida Manevitz "Dos Sheffle" (The Lamb), an apanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, A number of affairs are being given and her fiance. New York City. . ." . ., . . • . .• . - pealingly "Jewish melody, accompanied for Miss Leah Krasne, who is soon to on the piano by Miss Beulah Cohn; The Omaha Junior Hadassah meetbe married to Mr. Lawrence Krasne. - THE SACR^DNESS OF THE SABBATH. •'The Clothing Corner of Omaha" Mesdames Maurice Gilinsky and ing, which was to have been held Miss Lillian Robinson gave a piano The.strongest.prop and pillar of Judaism is the Sabbath. Re- Philip Sherman entertained at a danc- Wednesday evening, May 30, has been solo; a trio was rendered by Miss L. move that and you are shaking at the very foundation of our faith. ing party at Big Lake Monday even- postponed and will take place Wednes- Robinson, piano, Mr. R. Stoller manYet there is not another Jewish institution which is as often or ing in honor of Miss Leah Krasne, day, June 6, at the Jewish Commu- dolin and Mr. Jack Belmont violin. • as wilfully ignored> negtected, and even violated as is the Sabbath who is to.be married to Mr. Lawrence nity Center. The literary section of the program in this country and age; That economic conditions make it ex- Krasne on June 17. was contributed to by Mr. David tremely difficult and at times well-nigh impossible to keep store Mrs. Leo Krasne entertained at a Mr. and Mrs. H. Marx and family and shop closed on the seventh day of the week is unfortunate. bride party last Tuesday evening. Miss of Lincoln, Nebr., motored to Omaha FOR SALE. And Why Men's and Boys Clothing But we frequently fail to make the least effort t a observe the day- Carolina Eosenthal and Miss Ruth Sunday to spend The day with Mr. A Small Clothing Stock at even when doing so. would involve no hardship and would entail Krasne entertained at a bridge lunch- and Mrs. Julius Newman, and also to Prices Will NOT Be Lower Later Creighton, Nebr. Good Staple no difficulty. And not piily as individuals, but also as a community eon at the Brandeis last Wednesday. attend the Leabman-Friedman wedMerchandise. Will also sell the and. collectively do we bften desecrate the holy institution. At Mrs. ' i ; Krasne -will entertain at a ding. At The Nebraska fixtures. For information write times it seems as though an organized and systematic attempt bridge luncheon at the Brandeis Tea • Mrs. S. Nitz and family motored to S. Bordy at Columbus, or Sam Weinstein at Creighton, Nebr. were made to destroy its sanctity. Jewish women who show a Rooms this afternoon, and the Mes- Lincoln, Nebr., Wednesday to spend Here's what we mean by "a safe store"—a clothperverted preference and predilection, for baking and shopping on dames George and Herman Krasne the day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bres ing store big enough to find the lowest of low the Sabbath day are yet to be accounted religious in comparison entertained at a bridge. luncheon last lau and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wolf. possible selling prices at which standard clothing to those of their sisters who ai*range entertainments and theater Thursday at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. parties and celebrations of various kinds and descriptions for from standard clothing manufacturers can possibly The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Friday evenings. ."• 1 "-,• Card Party will be held Monday afterbe sold—and then selling at that price the year Of late, as unbelievable:as it may see, the custom has estabnoon, June 4, at the home of Mrs, 'round. lished itself among certain would-be fashionable ladies of our faith Miss Faye Herzog, who" has been Louis Epstein at 3152 Chicago street, of giving bridge parties on Sabbath mornings. As if the degrad- supervisor of music in the The Mesdames Sam and Dave Epstein public w i l l a s s i s t ^ hostesses. Painting, Papering1, and ing influence of card-playing six days in the week, morning, noon We are enabled to sell World's Best Decorating done under my and night, is not pitiable enough, our women seem thus to be set schools of Pawnee City for the past Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snader, of LinStandard Quality Clothing at the lowest personal supervision. on adding desecration of the Sabbath to the degradation of self. year, ^ias arrived to spend the sum-coln, Nebr., motored into Omaha SunIs it any wonder that our neighbors not infrequently speak of us mer ' moriths with her parents, Mr. day to attend the Leabman-Friedman of loia profit margins ever heard oft in Hardwood Specialty scornfully and class us with atheists and infidels? Is it any and Mrs. L. Herzog. wedding. Mrs. Snader remained in clothing store conduct—this system of 'All Work Guaranteed wonder also that the younger Jewish generation shows an utter daughter was born to Rabbi Omaha for the early part of the week pricing is so radically close to cost that— disregard for the-highly priced principles of our faith and theand Mrs. Jacob Singer Saturday, to visit with her mother, Mrs. Ida 1521 North 19th Street. dearly treasured traditions of our people'? With such examples of May 26. Barmish. " Phone, Webster 1087.
Typewriters and Adding Machines ALL MAKES TYPEWRITER CO.
A Safe Store
studious desecration of things holy on the part of their elders, how can we expect a spirit of reverence for that, which is sacred on the part of our children? • History tells of a time.when a foreign tyrant interdicted the observance1 of the Sabbathi and the Jews and Jewesses of that age endangered their lives rather than to submit to the despot's decree. What a change, indeed, seems to have come over our people in the interval! What a contrast we present in comparison with our ancestors, whose sturdy faith and steadfast loyalty to their religion made them place the sacredness of the Sabbath above the safety of their lives. To what an immeasurable depth have we sunk, indeed, to desecrate the Sabbath wilfully, wantonly —almost spitefully.—-Jewish Ledger. " -
The Great Dream Drowsily- into dreams slipwe, v y Hushed bjrthe calm, of the. yhisjering. Lulled Into rest5 by our own fantasy Into that land of bizarre mystery. Into a sphere of mighty domain Where castles are built and ;go tottering again, Into a sphere of supreme ecstasy, Or into a world of deep misery. But all the time we are only . Dreaming—dreaming. Oh, this world of ours is only a dream— Beyond there's-a greater sphere Where you really and truly live and act—•
' .. *
Tis only a reverie here. God only puts us in this queer dream To taste of experience, So that when we would awaken We'd live a better life hence. Oh t we with our mortal mind's eye Can but blindly grope to sea The wonders in the power Of the great Divinity. ELSIE BRODKEY (Age 11.) Sioux City, la.
W.W. Crade
Painting Contractor
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levi and daughter^ Eugenia, will leave Monday for California. Mrs. Gus Friend will entertain at dinner in their honor before thfeir departure. .
Miss Etta Cornman and fiance, Dr. Edwin Kushner, are expected Saturday from Chicago, 111., where Miss Cornman attended the graduation exercises and activities of the Chicago College of Chiropodists, from where Miss Sadie Sarbach will leave for Dr. Kushner just graduated. Nebraska City, Monday to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mr. S. Ravitz and Mr. J. Katleman Mrs. Joseph Sarbach. were in Kansas City, Mo., to attend the Convention of United Synagogues. Miss Adele-Aach who has been Mr. Ravitz then left for Excelsior teaching in the Holdrege High" School Springs, Mo., and' spent two weeks, for. the past winter arrived- Satur- returning to his home last week. tion at the Community Center. At- day to "spend the summer with her Mr.-David Ravitz, left Tuesday for torney A. L. Fribourg was the prm* parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Aach. Lincoln, Nebr., to spend several days cipal speaker. "Mrs. Sam Greenstone Iliss "Norma Frosh has returned .with his brothers, Messrs. Harry and presided 'as1 chairman. "_ .'__..' Ben Ravitz, who are attending the The Mt. Sinai Temple held an ice-been' teaching for the past year. University of Nebraska. cream ^social last-'.Thurs3ay evening t the Temple Social Center. Mrs. A. I. Kulakbfsky left Wednesday afternoon to spend the week-end Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun enterCOUNCIL BLUFFS j tained at a luncheon Wednesday;' 212 Courtney Bldg., afternoonat her home, honoring Mrs.TROCHTENBERG-MARKOWITZ. 17 Douglas St. H. Stine,. of San Francisco, Calif. : The marriage.of Miss Mamie MarkSALON IS OHARME witz, of-Kansas City, Mo., to Mr. Mrs." Dive Pred, of Pender, Nebr., i New • Addresi of Shampoo, Manicure. 60c—Marcel, 75c Philip Trochtenberg, of this city, will is visiting with her parents at New Expert Individual Service. e solemnized Sunday evening, June York City. Evening or Sunday, AT. 4S10. M. T. LEVT. , at the home of the bride. . •• After a short wedding trip, Mr. The Auflebung Club will not hold Trochtenberg and his bride will make its regular meeting this Sunday but "Let Us Move You** will meet next Sunday evening, June heir home in Council Bluffs, la. Mr. Trochtenberg left Tuesday aft? 10, at the Jewish Community Center. rnoon and Miss Stella Trochtenberg, Mrs. Fred Rosenstock entertained Operated by • ister of the groom, is leaving-SaturTuesday at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. day to attend the wedding at Kansas Prizes were won by Miss Marty e ATlantic 0230 ' JAckson 4338 The Council of Jewish Women held its last meeting of the season TuesPhone A t 0785; Res. Phone We. 5879 day at the home of Mrs. S. Cohn. The All Orders Glren I'rompt and Careful Attention. election of officers took place, and ABE JACOBS the following were elected: President, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance WELSH'S FLOWERS Mrs. E. Marcus; vice-president, Mrs. * (Guaraateed) Bought, Sold and Exchanged 1305 First National Bank Bids. "FLOWBRS MAKE FKIBNDS" S. Snyder; secretary, Mrs. Frank Omaha, Nebr. TeL Ja. 4291, Brandeis Theatre Bldg.. With JACOB SLOSBUKG, JR. Krasne,; and treasurer, Mrs. A. Gil210 So. 17th St.. Omaha. insky. .••-';' •
SOLD SHROUDS AS LINEN. Vienna. (J. T. A-)1 Moishe Nagler, Mrs. L. Passer left Friday for St. an official of the-Jewish .Burial So- Louis, Mo. ciety, is being^tried for appropriating a thousand tachrichem (shrouds), the Miss Sara Kesselman left Saturday property of the society, "and selling night for Kansas City, Mo. them a3 linensMiss Lillian Chernis returned to her home Sunday. _ -
AB. Kaiman Writes all kinds of
"Real Personal Service" Phone Res.—Har. S256. 1S18 W. O. W. Blag. Office—At. 8034
Globe Van & Storage Co. GROSSMAN & SONS
I. Morgenstern
J. L. Wolf son
Insurance of all Kinds Tel. Webster 1946
The;Young Israelites met Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Mildred The Jewish Educational Alliance Meyerson. held its* bi-monthly Educational program iast • Sunday evening at the Miss Nettie Levitt, of Des Moines, la., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jewish Community Center. . Hyman "Krasne, and Mr. Krasne., •Everything- in the delicatessen A dancing "party was- given- by Mrs. Sam' Katleman entertained her line -at your disposal. a group of girls in' honor of Miss afternoon club at her home last Tues; Let TIS make your baskets for Sarah • Talmy, "who leaves-this week day. • -your-outings and parties. for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. • Gilinsky enterThe Zionist Organization gave a tained their evening club *at. their -'- -310 North 16th Street dance and party last Tuesday event- home last Wednesday-evening. ' • • ''•'-- Phone JAckson 5062 ing at the Jewish Comnjunjty Center, The election of ±he Junior Cpuncil Mrs. "E. Meyers, of .Omaha, .was was held Sunday afternoon at the in the city for the .week-end as the home of Miss Cetia Gershun. The folguest of Mrs.,A. R. LevicHi ' . lowing were elected: Rina Snyder, president; Ruth Krasne, vice-presiIDA I. FREirEN, Prop. dent; Fannie Shyken, secretary; JeanThe Daughters of Zibn; and the ette Gilinsky, treasurer. Miss Rina Maccabaean Chapter of. Young Judea held a joint meeting, last Wednesday Snyder has been appointed to be the evening at the " Community Center. delegate to the Convention in October. 311 South 16th Stiiet A 'program was presented which was Mrs. B. Brin, of Webster City, arPhou'e Atlantic 8010. followed, by dancing and:' refresh- rived Sunday to visit with her daughOpen Eveningc inents. ter, Mrs. A. Gilinsky, and Mr. Gilinsky. Only Jewish Florist in town. A Decoration Day celebration was WEDDING BOUQUETS. held last- Wednesday evening under Mr. and Mrs. L. Marcus entertained, the auspices •'Je£'*the-- Jewish*- Federa- at- a laufief supper4$mday evening.
Kosher . Delicatessen /. LIEB
Cut Flowers
SKe Prefers Nicholas Gasolene
Chiropodist and Beauty Shop ;
Depenable Gasolene is a necessity for the woman motorist. Her white gloves .-;.: and, delicate gowns do not mix well ;witii a bucking motor.
Established 1890 ISth and Uarnry Btrertt. Give us a chance to appreciate your business. For appointments call J&, 9774. J-
' • " '
There cannot and will not be any further lowering of prices on Men's and Boys' Clothing at this store this entire season—We Guarantee It!
DIAMONDS and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. Malashock Jewelry Co.
Nicholas Gasolene is dependable, therefore all women drivers prefer it. '. 'Also, they appreciate tHe prompt and courteous attention they receive wherever Nicholas Gasolene is sold.
Diamond & Platinum Specialists 1514 Dodge St. Est. 1894. Ja. 5619
Blitzeri- Hi-Test Two Good Gasolenes Crystal I Vulcan Gasolene--Diy-Test
We Wish to Announce to Our Patrons and Friends THAT THE SHOHIT
Rev. J. Schukert --*•
Nicholas Oil C orporation
is with
FRIED & KUKLIN Kosher Mem Market lOlsf North 24th Street WEbsler 4330 •'Service and Quality Is Oar Motto" We enrry the best line of Fresh Meat* and Delicatessen.
•"Business Is Good, Thank You'* **:•*.
i»AGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY SI, 1923 Mrs. William L. Holzman enter- Kulakofsky, -who is also a student at the Jewish Women's Welfare Organ- Monies, Iowa, and is spending the tained Tuesday'honoring Mrs. H. the Michigan University, will remain ization will be held Tuesday after- week-end with his family. The engagement of Mjtss" -Edith Rofor the graduation exercises and then noon at the Jewish Community Censenbaum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Stine, of San Francisco, Calif. •will visit with college friends at ter. A social program has been arRosenbaumy to Mr. Meyer Iiederman, Mrs. H. Fellheimer entertained last Chicago, I1L, before returning .home. ranged. of Waterloo, la., was announced dur- S a t u r d a feternoon honoring Mrs. H. -FOR RENT {? rm. modern house, furnished, Mrs. Eugene Levey and Daughter, Mr. .and Mrs. Lester Kirschbraun, Stine, of San Francisco, Calif. scheduled to take place in the falL and garage. Good location. Eugenie, of Lincoln, Nebr., i s visit- of New York, left Saturday for CaliMrs. S. Gold and Mrs. H. Mock, ing with her family here prior to fornia after visiting here with Mr. Will lease 843 South 22nd St. Mrs. E. Jacobs left Monday to visit of Milwaukee, Wis., who have been leaving for California, where they and Mrs. L. Hiller. $85. Call L. Harris, Ja-ckson With her daughter, Mrs. John Rob- visiting here left for their home will spend the summer months. 1525. inson, and Mr. Robinson, at Norfolk, Monday. Mr. N. Mantel arrived from Des Nebr. Mrs. Jacobs was accompanied Miss Esther Davidson won a one by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, who were Mrs. Alexander Rubel, of Minne- carat diamond ring as first prize in here for the Frankel-Shafton wed- apolis, Minn., arrived here Tuesday a dancing contest at Peony Park to spend a few days here. ding. . Tuesday evening, May 20. Mrs. S. Sigel, on Sunday evening, WEDDINGS May 27, a t the home of the bride's Mrs. Dave Rosenstock entertained Mrs. J. J . Friedman entertained at Mrs. H. Iickrnan, of Cioux City, JAHR-NEWMAN. parents. . a luncheon Thursday, honoring her ten guests at the Brandeis Restau- Iowa, is visiting here her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Newman anThe out-of-town guests present at S. Novitsky, and friends. nounce the coming marriage of their the wedding were Mrs. S. Sigel, niece, Miss Iflell Friedman, who was rants Tuesday afternoon. married to Mr. H. M. Leabman Sundaughter, Esther Pauline, to Dr. HerMessrs. and Mesdames, N. S, Yaffe, Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich enterman Milton Jahr, of New York City. mother of the groom, Mn Dave Sigel, day evening. I. Hurwitz, Gail Margolin, Dr. and tained last Friday afternoon at her brother of the groom, Miss ; Bess The wedding will take place Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberghave Mrs. Morris Margolin, and Mr. Loui: June 2, a t six o'clock at the Hotel Cohn, Mr. Joe Barmish,, all of Ot- moved into their home at 2753 North Margolin and family are leaving home honoring Mrs. Lester Kirschtumwa, la., and Mr. Morris Parness, braun, of New York City. Fontenelle. Rabbi Frederick Cohn Forty-seventh avenue during the past Sunday to motor to Lincoln, Nebr., of Philadelphia, Pa. will officiate. to attend the graduation exercises of Mrs. Milton Livingston is confined Dr. and Mrs. Jahr will, tour. Canada ,/ Mr. Sigel and his brjde left £or an week. to her bed at the Blackstone Hotel Mr. Benjamin F . Margolin, who is ;eastern honeymoon trip and will go down the St. Lawrence. River- and then Miss'Annette Fanger, who was at- graduating from the University of on account of illness. to Washington, D. C., where they Reading catalogues is a poor way, to New York City, and will also'go to tending the Columbia University at Atlantic City and 'from there to Wash- will attend the Shrine Conctave. Up- New York City, returned Friday to Nebraska. The la'st meeting of the year of to get information about Motor ington, D. C , and Baltimore. They on their, retur nthye will make their spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Civin an home in Ottumwa, la. will be gone for six weeks. While in cars. The inspired dream makers Mr. and Mrs. M. Fanger. nounce the birth of a baby daugh New York City Dr. and Mrs. Jahr Miss Pauline Newman, of Minneap- ter at the Stewart Hospital on Wedcan make the specifications of a LEABMAN—FRIEDMAN. will visit mith Dr. Jahr's parents, Dr. nesday morning, May 30. olis, Minn., is the,guest of her sister, The marriage of .Miss Idell Fredand Mrs. Carl Jahr. $300 Car read like a million dol* Both Dr. Jahr and Miss Newman man, niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mrs. Edward Gre&nbaum, and family. Misses Ann Blotcky and Dorothy "TheMohl" lars. Much better, look at the icsar are graduates of the University of Friedman, to Mr. H. M. Leabman,of Residence, 1S42 So. 85th St. Miss Millie Peskin, of Sioux City, Goldstein will leave Sunday morning Columbia at New York City. Miss Lincoln, Nebr., took place Sunday la., will arrive Saturday to visit with for Des Moines, Iowa, where she will TeL Atlantic 66S7. itself, or better, look at the utsga; Place of Business, 2333 Harney St. I Newman also attended the University evening, at the home of the bride. Miss Baylia Frieden. attend the Krasne-Blotcky Wedding to TeL. ATlantic 3831. of Nebraska. Dr. Jahr is a member The bride had as her attendant; Miss Speaking of \which reminds us to be held Tuesday evening at the Fort of the CM Zeta Chi Fraternity. Edith Leabman, sister of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rothholz left Des Moines Hotel. call your attention to the remarkThe out-of-town guests to be pres- and Mr. Harry Snader, of Lincoln, Tuesday for California to make their ent at the ceremony that arrived this served as the groom's best man. Miss h o m e . . •• • : " > able display of Hupmobile parts Mrs. H. Stine, of San Francisco, week are Mr. and Mrs. George Rose- Hattie Foram sang "O Proiuise M e " Calif., is visiting a t the home of we will be glad to show you at 2525 Mr. and Mrs. David Redman and Mr. and Mrs. S. Wertheimer. felt, of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Arthur accompanied by Miss Erma Wells. ^: Silverman and small daughter, Louise, Mr. Leabman and his bride left for children, who have been visiting at Farnam St. From them you wjll • of New York City, and Mrs. Louis ,a motor trip to Colorado, and will re- the home of Mrs. Redman's parents, Miss Reva Kulakofsky, who is Follack, of Detroit, Mich. learn the "why;" of the Huppy V ^ turn June 15 to make their home ..at Mr. and Mrs. L. Segelman, motored attending the University of Michigan You'll Say Only an rArtist back to their home in Ottumwa, la. Among the social events to be given Lincoln, Nebr. Miss Molly Ravitz accompanied them at Ann Arbor, is expected to return in Welding could.do the in honor of the young couple was a HARRIS-MANEVITZ. and will visit at the Redman home. home June 8 to spend her summer Kind of Welding see do. dinner party given Saturday evening, The marriage of Miss Ida Manevitz, On their Way they will stop at Desvacation with her parents, Mr. and . May 26, at the Brandeis Restaurants Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. Miss Bernice daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. ManeMoines, la., to visit. by Mr. and Mrs. Max Sommers. vitz, to Mr. Harry E. Harris, of this LEWIS- ALPIRIN. city, formerly of Des Moines, la., will Miss Ruth Meyers* of Denver, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. David Klein announce be solemnized Sunday evening, June is the guest of her cousin, Miss Edna E make a specialty the marriage of their sister, Ida Al- 3, at the Fontenelle Hotel, Rabbi Marx. of e n g a g e m e n t pirin, to Mr. Benjamin Lewis, son of Grodzinsky officiating. The bride's rings, w e d d i n g Mrs. J. Lewis, of this city, on Wednes- attendants will be Miss Rose Fried^as Miss Ruth Rose, who has been rings and gifts for the day, May 23, at Lincoln, Nebr. Rabbi maid of honor, and the Misses Fanny spending the past four months at June bride. does demand an Artist J. Singer , officiated. The wedding Sacks, Mina Friedman, Molly Saltz- El Paso, Texas, with her sister, Mrs. and we have one. , Comes as a surprise to friends of the man, Etta Cornman as the brides- Morris Rosen, returned to her home Come In and see our prices. Couple, who eloped to Lincoln to bemaids. Mr. Harris will have as his Wednesday afternoon.;. Come In and See DIETZ & TOWNSENB; " married. best man Mr. Dave Manevitz, the 1 South Side Dealers Mr . Lewis and liis bride are tempor- brother of the bride, and the ushers Mrs. A.' Stein and children* of Est. 1S92 2307 N Street Tel. MA rket 1331 Beatrice, Nebr., are visiting with arily makingftheir homeNvith" Mr. and will be Messrs. Oscar Fried, Ed. KushJa. 3783 1510 Faniara St. Mrs. Stein's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Mrs. Klein. ; • - • .«•'.' •ner,-Abe Marcus, and Sam Manevitz. Wolf Krasne. Master Abe Friedman will be the Repair Specialists FRANKEL—SHAFTON. ringbearer, little Miss Lily Mohovita The marriage of Miss Rose L. will be. the flower girl,, and .Master 929-31 No. 24th St. At-Iantic 8884 Shafton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Albert 3tonovitis-will, be the page. : : -Shaftonr-*<r-Mr. Harry"; A. Frankel, Mr. Harris and his bride sill leave 1vas solemnized:at the bride's home on a honeymoon trip to Colorado and 310 North 16th St. before the presence of over one hun- will return about June IB. TeL: JAckson 5062 dred-relatives and friends of the Couple Sunday evening". Rabbi GrodWINEBERG-L1NCQLN. ! « 3 North 24th St. sinsky officiated. The bride had as; ' Miss Sally. Lincbln, daughter of Mr.; her attendants her sister,- Miss Ida' and-Mrs..-iL. Lincoln*lanid. Mx* Harry Shafton, as maid of Jbionor, and .thecj Wineberg, son- of Mrs^S. Weiss, were1 Mesdames David Frankel and J./Run-; married Te : dell, as the attendants. Mr. Louis, / M r . and Mrs. Wineberg returned: Shafton, brother of the bride; served; Tuesday evening from an eastern wed•;••; are the , as the groom's best man. ' ", ; ding trip an<I are~&t' home- at the Wholesale and Retail Dealers The out-of-town guests present at Blackstone Hotel..'. v v ." ; the ceremony were Mrs: E.: Frankel, of the products of the mother of the groom, Mrs. D.Ziffern and daughter, Ruth, of Rock Island, To those '9rho thoroughlyreajo3r"tfeoot-bf111., Mrs. D. Shulkin, Mr. and Mrs. doors, Dodge Brothers Touring Car repH. Levine, Mrs. Lester Heeger, resentft-teas-of thousands of invigorating Messrs. Morris Schulkln, Peter inflesJnthe open ^-^-S^gg^^i Heeger, and Nathan Levich, of Sioux j&xxx Cty, l a . Mrs. Bell Silverman, of And owners-who have had long^experwmce Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr. Joe Goldstein, of OF LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS with the car, know how trouble-free those Des Moines, la., and Mrs. R. Goldmiles are, and how little it costs to enSpecial prices taill be made to dealers and stores stein, of Lincohi, Nebr. joy them, ft, ..-, • ,. .^... ^ ij^i^i^£s*&<?£Mr. Frankel and his bride left for in a full line of kosher meats. 1508 DOUGLAS ST. Theater a honeymoon trip to Kansas City, They know, too, how light andconvenient Pastromi, Salami, Weiners, Frankfurters, Bologna, and St. Joseph, Mo., to be gone until the Touring Car is and how easily cleaned.' June 15, when they will return to Sausage and various other supplies. Arbutus Blossom Omaha to make their home a t 303 Dodge Brothers-power plant, the-all-eteel Wreath North 38th Street. , All meats are guaranteed kosher by Rabbi M. Braude body, the permanent baked-on. enamel of St. Joe, Mo. finish, the gentnne leather upholstery—EH ,\ STEINBERG—GREENBERG. combine to explain why more than 850,000 - Misa Minnie 'Gre'enberg, daughter owners almost invariably speak of the cax of Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenberg, will , be married to Mr. Sam J. Steinberg, in terms of highest praiseThe popularity of Arbutus BlOBSom Wreath, son of Mr. and Mrs. George: Stenberg, Wedding Rings, la eviof Council Bluffs, la., Sunday evedenced more and more O'BRIEN-DAVIS-CO AD ning, June 3, at eight o'clock at the each succeeding day. Castle Hotel, Rabbi Grodzinsky offiAUTO COMPANY We are continually inciating. The bride has chosen as her creasing our orders for 28th and Harney Streets, Haraey 0123 attendants her sister Ethel, as maid them. of- honor, and the groom's best man It is the biggest Belling will be Mr. Nathan Kahn. The decorated -wedding ring bridesmaids will be the Misses Sqphye on the market today. Steinberg and Ar.n Kahn, and the Their superior quality We wish to announce, to the Jewish People of Omaha Messrs. Max Steinberg and Ate Mey—texture of metal, exand vicinity that on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, we will open cellent workmanship, ers will serve as the ushers. Little for business our two new stores located at 1201-03 North snappiness of design, Miss Margaret Baerr will be the 24th Street. We will be equipped with the most complete 'style, finish, wearing flower girl, and Master Leo Eisenline of KOSHER MEATS, DELICATESSEN, GROCERY, ability and low price Btatt will be the ringbearer. make them desired by . and NICEST and MOST UP-TO-DATE FISH MARKET. the majority" of customMr. and Mrs. Steinberg will leave Our stores will be the most up-to-date stores west of ers. 'immediately after the ceremony on a Chicago. western honeymoon trip. Upon their Arbitut Blossom return after several weeks they will We will carry a most complete line of all Jewish Wreath Wedding Ring*. make their home in Council Bluffs, necessities and also a full line of foreign and domestic goods. Are Stamped la. , With a Among the number of .socials given Our special delivery department will be equipped to in honor of Miss Greenberg during handle all orders and also special attention will be given the past month, Miss Ann Kahn was to out-of-town mail orders. Watch this paper for further Ye hostess Saturday afternoon to twenty news. . guests at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Diamond Mrs; Harry isenstatt entertained Sunday,-May 13, and Mrs. George SteinShoppe berg entertained at bridge last Sunr Can furnish any siz& deday ,afternoon.' . sired on a moment's no* 1201-03 North 24th Street Phone, Webster ^338; tice. Engraved inside , SIGEL—SEGELMAN. A. STOLLER, S. NITZ, Proprietors. with date free. ' MV. and Mrs. L. Segelman announce the marriage 3f,their daughGifts That.Last ter, 'Ida, to Mr. Ben J. Sigel, son of
Seeing's Believing!!
Real Welding
Goldstein Jewelry Co.
Auto Service & Welding Works
Steinberg Delicatessen
i. I t lantk 44so
Schalker Kosher Packing Company
Wedding Rings
Watch For Grand Opening Something New in the City of Omaha
The People's Market
4—THE-JEWISH FKfiSS, ^THURSDAY,. MAY 81,-1928— -
JEWISH PRESS any place-frerielfj, she used" to'say it was none of my business, but I was fore he grew up,'and his Aunt Min- derness. "And she's got it coming to was a treat ...for her f to get. the going to do what I could for her. You nie went meshuggah over him. She her. She done fine with her boarding house and thought maybe she children .out.of the house^so,she had know I'm always too kind-hearted for always' was foolish over children. my own good I could afford to send Ben to college, time to dj» 'her darning. . ; , ?*Max gave her a lot of stuss about ' <;- By ELMAEHRLICH LEVINGER he enlisted as soon as the war "Poor Minnie,she thought as. soon "'Minnie,' I said, 'you look tired. how he' was 'willing to settle down, • (Copyrighted 1923, • by -Elma Ehrlicb Levinger. All rights resetvea.) as the children: got • old/enough to You need a vacation.' but hadn't'no homeland how hard started; up to that time he was good blow their own noses and keep their "Minnie gave a grin that showed it was for little Bennie—that was the -and steady, but I guess he liked a "Don't bother and get up," Mrs. and it takes one thing at a time. shaestrings tied, she's, "be on. Easy all her bad teeth—she never had boy and he named him after their wild life like his father. You've Cohen assured me graciously, after But Minnie's preserves was just right Street, but she wasn't a real mother, enough money to get 'em fixed right, father selig" and that made Minnie noticed his name maybe on the table'; she had snooped her way around to —there wasn't nothing that girl after all, and she didnVkhow the and, anyhow, she was too nervous. cry, too^-rand how he wanted to give in Temple; he got killed almost as the back porch and had discovered me coudn't do around the house. That's saying, 'Little Children, little Zores; 1 ain't, been on a train since fifteen the boy a chance. And if Aunt Kin- so&nrss:he, got to France. His father hulling strawberries. "I know you why it was so terrible she never got Bipr Ones, Big Zores.' Z Her -.brother. years ago lost March, when I went nie would-only let them stay there drdft^idsVlong ; afterward; he never don't want me to see the inside of married." Max, he got in -bad company; before off to Chester to see cousin Lena with her a little while he's try to do seense'd' to; have ntuch heart, but mayyour house with no shicksha and pre- • "Maybe "she didn't want to," I sug- he left school even,. andf God knows buried. I had a grand time,' she said his share' and get on his feet. And be : he; "thtfiight something of Ben,' anyserving and everything.' I always say gested, wondering how long Mrs. how much money' his poor papa had sort of wistful. v;-;So' Minnie got Ben's insurance Minnie, believed him 1 A loafer from a rabbi's wife is human like the rest Cohen intended to stay and whether to pay to get him i u t of it;" it was ^ ^ b n l y ^ it dor/t mean nothing to " 'How would you like to go away the time he could walk and she beof us, and-you can't expect her to be I would have to wait until after sup- horse racing or .a'girl, out in the on a vacation?' I said. heif-4iGwV' and last fall' she* sold her lieved him! . . . . - • ready for company if she's out all the per to put the berries on the stove. country or a check he signed without "'I'd like a seal coat and a auto"I told Mnnie she was a gonoph boarding house for a profit and now "The only woman I ever knew who thinking, or something' like" that. And mobile and fried chicken for breaktime and does her own when she gets and ought, to send that money back she's going to take it easy for the didn't want to get married was my her sister Lucy run off-and got mar- fast' every morning,' she said, kind to It." if she wasn't going on a vacation rest of her life. This summer she's I made frantic signals to Sonny to poor husband's Aunt Rosie, and she ried to a man, and it wasn't-enough of smart for her. They say she al- and was going.to spend it on Max, in Fx-ance—she said she wanted to vacate the other chair for our visitor, was married twice already and her he was a goy, but He was" a widower ways did have a quick tongue in her but she told'me to mind my own busi- see Ben's grave on her vacation." but since he seemed oblivious to every- last one left her so wpll off she with three children, and- Lucy 'never younger days. 'But what I like,' says ness.;: He. put her up to it, alking thing but tine fat puppy he was trying didn't Have to look out for another put her hands in cold water^a^ home Mirmie, 'aia_'t got nothing to do with back to." nie' after all. J. was always 'TOST" PRINTS PALESTINE to squeeze into .one of* little, sister's man to cleave her good money to. and now he expected her to taker/care doing for-her. And the next week INTERVIEW THAT'S FAIR doll dresses, I deposited both boy arid But' poor Minnie never had no of them. One of the girisr turned offi didn't say notteg: more, but that Benjamin was going to school 1 ] dog upon the grass with" one'hand chance. London. (J. T. A.) The Morning all right and was" a .school teacher^ whehV she ,gp.t ready to go—and I in brandTnew clothes and Max was and went on hulling strawberries with Post publishes a comparatively favor"Her mother died when she was and marred pretty'' good, only ] her thought I. never would get rid of her in overalls painting the house and the other. And Mrs. Cohen, enthron- about thirteen or so and there was husband died in a year or, so " arid able interview on the Palestine situa—-I wrote" some letters. I wrote to repairing, the front porch and cleaning herself in the vacant chair; went. five other children, all of tion. The interview was given by Sir them didn't leave much . insurance. The every one of the mispocha, all her ing the windows. I never saw him on talking; Martin Gonway, M. P., a Conservative younger than Minnie, and she had to other boy went to "Chicago and got brothers and sisters, except Max, who working before in 1 "My cousin, Minnie used to make look out for them. Her father didn't married and I guess, done pretty, well, was, in jail again or the I army or couldn't believe he my life, and I who has just returned from Paleswas the same tine. the "grandest strawberry; preserves," have any too J much "and, anyhow, he and Fannie's down at- Louisville this something, and her father's • sisters man. was too, close to keep any help, even she observed 'drea'mely.' "Yours. Ihad minute, .'doing, soeial -work - like - my and her.mother's two brothers.. And * "Next thing we knew Minnie was the last time ycu put' it on them if you could' get a shicksha in them Carrie used to before "she got "mar- I told them if was a.shame for the getting some r new furniture. We cheese sandwiches' for your, bridge days for 'two, dollars' a "week and ried. SKe's a< -regular oW maid. But neighbors. how llinnie looked and she heard afterwards she got it on the s afternoon was too sweet; anyhow, I tickled to death if you let her do the she's gotra'.g*rahd" 3ob for life down heeded,a -rest or- she'd "break down, installment plan' 'cause that vacation 1 don't; .like mixing cheesed and. pre- washing . Now'you'ought to" see mine there, so ^he-should worry. and they should all. send- what they money couldn't hold out forever, so serves, and saladr. dressng, and . Qod Ella .when: I try to sneak an extra could'and I'd help her get ready to I guess he put her up to that, too. "Poor Minnie ;didn't have no bed of knows what; like they" all'do nowa- tablecloth in the wash—I don't know roses, even sflSer they stopped getting go off and have a grand vacation. Arid then she went and advertised for ~-ot America's Great Hotels" days; I got an old-fashionod' stomach what the world's coming to with the arrested anejf-Tanning.off to get-mar- Maybe go as far as New York and boarders! Ku Klux people and the Bolsheviks visit some cousins I kne'rc she had in "That Mas was a loafer, but he and the shickshas all thinking they're ried. Her 'father- died Tand he- .didn't Brooklyn; Minnie was always a good leave nothing but the h'ousei-that big kne* • how, to, run a boarding house. * WASH AND KEEP WELL doing you a favor by working for her nothten-room one over Non the corner of girl and. I,didn't'begrudge She charged big prices, but you know •^ A •' RULE OF HEALTH; 1 you! It's terrible. Chestnut and Ninth, Streets—land it ing. "It's "a mitzvah: to -help out' a how Yehudin like to eat, and the best "Minnie slaved for that family like was terrible to keep it clean'all'by girl like that. ".-••"" .FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLYT Jews in town used to go there if they she was" their mother, and you could herself ajid by the time she got the "You'd be surprised how everyone had to ba away when the house was :':.'•'.•-':I-,-.' 1819 California Street^ ' expect it from her. She learned to upstairs bedrooms swept the parlors of 'em sent a check; her father's sis- getting - papered, or just for special cook and to bake and to sew like a was dusty again. Two parlors, a ter, who they say tiwnis lots of prop- meals_ when, they had no. shicksha. regular married woman in no time, front and back, and. two porches, and erty and ain't got a*-thick or a child She was a grand. cook and now she and it used to make me cry almost one of them 'twisted stairways upto leave it to, must JIOTB been feeling hired somebody-to help her with the to see her sending-them five children stairs that! make you meshugga dustsick Vr something, 'cause she sent dishes and* the dusting and Max used EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE to some party at the schul on Purim, ing 'em. I " guess poor Minnie used LAUNDBI. fifty dollars and a handbag to use on to' do " the : outside work and Ben'd 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. all of 'em'looking clean as was, with j to sleep "with a dust-rag-in herjhan'd? Where your clothes come home the train—just as good as new and ATlanlic 0340. run errands when he got out of 'cleaner and last longer. their, hair curled up on kids and She couldn't afford - to • pay-rent, so* I knew Minnie would never know the school. -They made out grand* Min- ATUtitic 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St. everything. She never got to go to she kept on living "in-the old house difference. AH together we Tiad al- nie kept on working like always; she H. A. JACOBBERGEK. Pres. and made a little 'doing plain "sewing most two hundred dollars for Min- wanted now to.make money to keep so she could pay the taxes.- I gave nie's Vacation. "And I paid out of .my Ben in school. Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. her work 'cause she needed it and own pocket to have one of my secOmaha Phone Atlantic 2556 "Minnie, spruced up a lot and she was reliable and- terribly cheap ond-best silk dresses made over for Ford Transfer & Storage Co. We all felt sorry for" Minnie' and her to travel in;. I wanted to do my bought" some decent clothes and came B. A. FOED. Eyery^Ivnovvn Kind , President and. General Manager. helped her out like' that - s o she share, too, 'cause I knew the poor to Temple once in a while on Friday of Insurance Council Blnffs (Iowa) Office nights. ~ She always gave liberal to shouldn't exactly starve."; .< * I thing needed a rest. 700 So. Main Street. Phane S65. 1 the Sisterhood things, too; we never 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3044. "Well, one day when she come over what da you think she done could get enough of her strawberry to my house with some dish towels with the money? Just before " she preseryes for our bazaar. Of course, she'd hemmed for me, I-saw-she was got ready to go off and I was ready it wasn't nothing to her credit to LET OS DO IOCR'WELDING' ~-^L— *~ <l \ , .^Z-.\ nothing but skin and bone and had a to buy her ticket for New York, who give liberal—it advertised her table." OUR TREATMENT WILL sort of wild look in her eyes. I know should show up but that loafer of a "'It's, strange Pve never met MinCONVINCE YOU OF OUR SINCERITX. what it was-—living alone and living brother Max? Yes, and he had the nie,"-I said,. as Mrs. Cohen rose to Trust Department. :' ;,{ . . . THE CAREFUL' WELDERS ' / I I \ " ^ " •. . Si , on bread and tea and wondering how chutzpah to bring his "child with him. go/ • ' Safety Deposit Boxes. Tel. J A.'4397. Anything : : Anytime^JV 'Anyplace '- "150X'Jacfesoa StJ to pay the taxes. I felt terribly sorry He "was!fa; grand appearing boy, "Minnie!s off on her vacation," said for. Minnie and 1 said to myself it looked just the way $iax used to be- Mrs. Cohen, with a sort of grim ten-
"A Mitzvah for Minnie'
5KELL C0. .
Council Bluffs Savings Bank
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"iSrystsil Candy Company ' 16th and Capitol Ave.
Snow White Bakeries
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McCord-Brady Co. Feather Mattresses
Emerson Laundry
Made from your own feathers. Warm In winter; cool in summer. Cost less nnd lust longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.
f. S. MO BEY. Prop. "
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Harry H. I*p»du». Pwt.-TreM. W. Q- Ore, Secretary. *
109 No. 16th 6t. TeL JA ckson 8U8 Opposite Post-OfHce.
John Feldman
GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys From §3.00 to $9.00. GOOD FURNISHINGS.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. COMPLETE-STORE AND 1 OFFICE OUTFITTERS . We occupy via 70,000 sauarc feet Soothtreit Corner -unit Hondo* streets. 8724
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DUNDEE ELECTRIC CO. Wall Receptacles— Light—WIRING—Power —Bell Transformers W&lnut 3034.
40 & Cnming Ste.
.'. OBC tie Coiatl-Speedrraj in California an OMsmobile r a c e d 4 1,000 miles in 889 minntesj— maintaining an a r e r a g e speed of ,66 2.3 miles per hoar for 15 hours—and the hood Tras not; lifted once. * If .fob hare erer driren that fast for even a mile you will . u n d e r s t a n d the gruelling nature of this test.
It has the most powerful engine of its size in America. It Has the strongest1 chassis in its mz9 anO. price class. Every vital part is built oversize fo* endurance.
Nebraska Oldsmobile Co HOWARD AT 18lh STREET
EMIL GANZ & SON Certified Public Accountants Audits Systems Investigations 434 to 440 Peters Trust Bldg. rhones, Jackson 4313, 4314.
E. E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stationers 401-403-403 Sooth 10th Street
FRED R. SHAW Flower Shop rhone 104 The Bert of Everything In Flower« and Confections at Moderate Prices. 845 W. Broadway, Kext LIbcrt.T Theater COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors of
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery Omaha. Nebraska.
The Brinn & Jensen Company WHOLESALE PAPER, STATIONERY, ETC. Distributors for
Pink Tip Matches — Northern Toilet Tissue 1112 Harney Street . ATlantic 6409
Baker Ice Machines
First National Bank
"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent.
Service is Our Motto
and in everyday driving ITEN BISCUIT CO.
JEWS FLEE SMYRNA. Smyrna. (J. T. A.) Many Jewish families are reported to be leaving Swyrna, owing to the concentration of Turkish troops on the Syrian frontier. Nationals from foreign countries are asked by the Turks to produce papers entitling them to live in the city.
On the Speedway
jBankoi Omaha
"Hostility between Jews and Arabs is steadily diminishing, and friction between the two races is considerably less marked," Sir Martin declares. "I. see no reason why Jews should not maintain their "seltlemtnts and continue ^ their ' immigration without interfering, at "all with the, interests of the Arabs. Both races can continue to live in peace and comfort in Palestine." .. . . . , ... ., •_'. . .„ Sir Margin represents in "Parliament the - combined .English universities.
Council Bluffs, la.
... = "I*
"If Its Worth Anything —Have It Insured."
2224 Cnming St. Phone JA ckson 1226
AUTO PAINTING Top and Body Building , and Repairing. CFRTAINS—LIGHTS—ETC.
PFEIFFER 1525 Leavenworth St.
TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts.
ATlantte 0701
American Wet Wash La u nd ry 2803 Cuming. Harney 088V One Day Service. No Extra Charges. Refinite Soft Water.
Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.
Leo A. Hoffmann ?*
Hoffmann Pnneral Home.
JA rkxrn