June 7, 1923

Page 1

Nothing is more practical than a high, clear- . ly-defined ideal of serv; ice.


H.—No. 26

Say not always you know,, but always « know what 3-ou say.


HntereU. s> Bcond-cla»s mtlJ matter on Janutrj 27th. Ifl2l-*t Portoffl S^ ^foaaha. Kebimaka. ondw the Act of

March aTis


PAPER HAS Omaha Auxilary is <i lARAB Jews Cheer as Fund Ford's Electionloiild \ HEBREW SUPPLEMENT First to Receive a U be Disastrous to the Snapr Shots for Hospitals and Grand Lodge Charter Country Says Villard of Jewry Institutions Closes Women's Auxiliary -Organized Ten Years Ago—First in District No. 6 to Receive Recognition. PRESENTATION OF CHARTER AND PROGRAM TO BE HELD SUNDAY AFTERNOON.

Jerusalem. • (J. T. A.) The Arab newspaper, Anafir, which appears in Haifa,- has issued a • Hebrew supplement under'the" name of Hashoferw This paper,-always friendly to Zionist aspirations, hopes thereby to treate a better understanding and more friendly relations between the Jews and the Arabs.., The supplement is to be a weekly feature of the Arab newspaper.

States That No Man So Unfit for the Presidency, as . ; Henry Ford.

By DAVID NEGRI Central Jewish Press

To Erect Nurses' Homes, Hospitals and Public Institutions

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. PALESTINE JEWISH COUNCIL RECOGNIZED Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Vaad Leumi or the Jewish Council will be recognized by the Palestine Government, as official representative of the Jewish population, according to a semi-official report. The rights of the various Jewish communities will also be recognized, according to this report, although it is not known yet whether the recognition will extend to the right of the Jewish communities to tax their constituencies.

Keeds cl Federation Growing More Urgent as Half Year Ends $12,000 Cash Still Needed tar Finance Work to July 1st

DELINQUENT SUBSCRIBERS The Jewish panorama is probably C H A I R M AN ANNOUNCES URGED TO MAIL IN he most piquant and interesting of RAISING OF $2,751,000 CRUSADE AGAINST JEWS all to the student of affairs. Nowhere CHECKS WITHOUT ONE OF IGNORANCE. DELAY. U else so many vivid contrasts—so Chicago.—Cheers - marked the close ; muchcolorful, kaleidoscopic living, of the Jewish! united drive for $2,Declaring that the = naming - of With but three weeks remaining iii Henry Ford to the Presidency would "ews are the eternal witnesses to the 500,000 to provide building funds for June the needs of the Jewish Weloccurance of miracles. Here is as hospitals( and' other institutions in be disastrous to Ford and - to the fare Federation are becoming more good a miracle'as the drying up of Chicago, when in the headquarters at Arrangements have been completed country, Oswald " Garrison Villard, pressing daily, according to an anfor the presentation of the Grand editor of the Nation, closes a three- he Red Sea or any of the Ten 321 Plymouth court, Jacob • M. Loeb, nouncement made by Harry Mala•lagues. . Over at New Brunswick, general chairman, chalked up $2,751,Lodge charter to the Women's Auxilpage article on "Why Ford should shock, chairman of the Federation New Jersey is the Department of 000 on a blackboard around which iary of the B'riai-B'rith lodge SunNot * Be President," contained in the Finance Committee today. day, June 10, at 3:00 p. m., at the May 30 issue of the publication with Agriculture of Rutgers College and were grouped 120. team captains and "Within the next 21 days we will • . •Jewish Community Center. the assertion that Ford's election the New Jersey Agricultural Experi- others." , , • The Case of Birthplace and Determihave to pay out to our affiliated inment Station.'..'• At the head of both The money raising campaign was The Omaha Women's Auxiliary has "might readily bring/about the: comnation of Nationality to Be stitutions alone half of our annual probably the foremost American officially opened at a mass meeting ia been functioning in the city for more plete collapse of our governmental "This Prohibition Is a Menace to the appropriation to them, amounting to Determined. farm scientist anct the world's leadthe Auditorium theater May 6. Indithan ten'years. The local auxiliary machinery." . . Entire Country." §4,275.00. Our local work for the ng authority on soils—Dr. Jacob G. cations are that even the sum now of the B'nai B'rith will be the first COMMISSIONER tODDTO ASK Villard states; that it is his conthree weeks to July 1st will require ipman. The most landless people pledged is considerably below what auxiliary in the District No* 6 t& MAKES STATEMENT PRIOR TO $2,500. Because our subscribers have clusion* after thirty years of political in history producing America's greatFOR REMEDY OF CHANGES the final returns ^will show. receive recognition from the Grand LEAVING FOR ENGLAND. observation, that within that: period est farm scientist!:. '"..". been delinquent in paying their Fed-, "There are about 1,000 good prosLodge. With the charter from the New York. (J. T. C.) Unless the no candidate has been suggested so Dr. Lipman isrone of the first pects to..be„heard-from," said Mr. eration dues we have had to borrow: Grand Lodge, the auxiliary will' be short session of Congress, convening New York.—In a statement given $5,000 to. carry us this far along* absolutely, unfit for the White House Loeb, who is a former president of the graduates" of "the Woodbine- Agriculrepresented at the annual conven- in December, finds time and inclinaas Henry Ford. Editor Villard makes tural School ([how out.of existence). board of education. "But, without go- to the New York World prior to his That is the situation in brief. We tions held by the District. departure for England, where he will need at, least $12,000 to finance tion to amend .the immigration' law, liberal use in his article of a book; The# program to be- held Sunday, Ellis Island will again" next' year be by Dr. Samuel Marquis entitled He is also one of the directors of the ing beyond the record already made, deliver a series of lectures, Dr. Nich- work to July 1st." the achievement, surpasses anything olas Murray Butler, president of Coafternoon, as previously announced, the scene of daily tragedy, in the "Henry Ford an Interpretation" and Jewish Agricultural Society. is one specially arranged, having opinion of the immigration authorities in reference to "treat 'em,rough" If there : were a Pulitzer prize of the sort ever accomplished by a lumbia University, charged that "Since the first publicity of out? "anti-Jewish and anti-Catholic bigot- serious financial condition was given regard for the important event that here, according to an article in a re«- policy alleged to be in use in the awarded for the.most rapid transition Jewish community'anywhere. "This success shows that the more ry, now so manifest," is nothing but in "The Jewish Press" many subthis is in the history of the lodge. cent issue of The Sun and. Globe. Ford organization he says: from' failure- to success, we believe, recently arrived Jews in Chicago are another form, of the "jjrohibition raa- scribers have mailed in their FedThe inauguration and installation of Needless sufferings, the officials aseration dues. But there is still out"More than eighty men in one de- few would stand a. better chance for rapidly acquiring-the American spirit. nia." the lodge and its officers in due form s e r t / i s inflicted on immigrants the award-than the Jewish impresa- The pledges made by thousands in the partment went home' one evening and by prescribed ritual will be made through weird workings of the law The statement prepared by Dr. But- standing in subscriptions $12,000 for. rio, S. Hurok. Patrons of the Rusforeigner" Jewish' districts indicate by a representative of the Grand which the. immigrant is unable-to fore- without any intimation whatever that sian Art Theatre, fans of Anna Pavler for th'e World contains the fol- the first half of this year, Mr. Malaplainly the desire of these people for shock stated. "Our committees are they were dismissed. They came to Lodge. The officers to be installed see and which the authorities at Ellis lowa. and Chaliapin will recall the assimilation and their willingness to lowing assertions: work the next morning to find the are the following: "The prohibition mania is the most at work in every part of town, but Island are often powerless to amelior- chairs and desks taken from the omnipresent sign—"H. Hurok Pre- pay their share to provide institutions g Celia Kooper, p , p violent obnoxious form of intem- our subscribers can save themselves ident; Bess Greenbergy vice-president; ate, with the best -will in the World to room in which they worked. They sents." ' Five years ago, Hurok, a which will have an Americanizing in- peranceand that I have ever known. Its and the committees much, valuable , '.-1 . . . {Bess' Stock; secretary; Fanny. Rosen^ do so. were left to'find out as best they Russian Jewish immigrant, was a fluence on coming,generations." spirit and its methods are those of time if they will mail in their checks. With regard to" the policy of re- could that they had been fired. * More janitor in tlia Brooklyn Labor Lyblum, treasurer; Bay Bercu,- guide; The largest single contributor in the the Salem witch-burners of the seven- Every one has received statements, , .Esther Katlemanj sentinel; Rose stricting or selecting or letting in all than-that; some employees came to ceum. Todajvit is doubtful if Amer- Jewish drive was Julius Rosenwald, teenth century. It has no regard of and there is no reason. at all for ,* Grodinsky, .guardian; Ella Auerbach,; immigrants the officials as such hold, work to find -' their desks smashed ica can boast, another who has spon- who gave 5150,000. There were sev- the constitution, save the Eighteenth any delay. Hannah* - Greenblatt Cohen,1 "Flora no. opinion. They want quick relief, with, an axe^—a kind * of sadistic sored i more :of the word's favorite eral $50,000 subscriptions and scores Amendment, and no regard for law "Every day counts. Hundreds of of the vengeananee; Tvhich . in no wise - sug- artists before the theatrical footlights of $10,000 or more. Beinstock, i troBtefis; ' Rnth *-Levey, however, from those.^features, save the Volstead act. lives, literally, are depending on, 1 . monitress... r . .. % _ .'.'-.'" Jaw which have notKing^to do with gests the self-control and sense of than this ex-janitor. those checks. Lives of little children, "It would gladly lynch anyone A formal initiationr ceremony, pur- the policy, but which, nevertheless, in- justice which surely are: requisite in widows, the tubercular and the against whom its fury might be diThe romance of the stage is not all 1 suant ^o a most-beautifuljitual pre- flict uppxi the people of the island the crippled are hanging in the balance. f rected. It calls for the prohibition in the'jfl^'.-*-' }^xiBp1dsiscxa^-^-2sct scribed for t h a t purpose*" will, .then unpleasant duty of. separating" thp' ; ; We hare borrowed up to the Jimit of alcohoTicT liquors' tbday,~ but it may de^tiriies of > 115,000,006^Americans. f s * m i i n g decisions ? miking it is frequently in the - actors thembe presented in connection with which members of families* of our ability and we have now only ;; be directed against free speech, free "His capture of the water" power obviously in i conflict o f l i t ^^th t h common selves. There is the case of Mum initiation,, "there -will be- a tableaux; obviously, our delinquent subscriptions to count press' and free religious worship todepicting the following biblical char- sense and ordering'the deportation of: in St. Paul and MinaenpoKs, ,which Weisenfreund,. another star of the Average' of 97-^Highest- in School's morrow. In fact, the anti-Catholic on." many an applicant who they know ought to have been reserved for-the Yiddish theatre, who played the part acters: • • - • •-• ']• ""History. and anti-Jewish bigotry, now so maniChecks for subscriptions should bs public, is another instance of . the of the Russian peasant in "Revizor* Rebecca at the Well—Ann, ' . would 1nake a useful citizen. fest, is nothing but another form of made payable to the Jewish Welability of the man to affect , the Robert E. Toddy commissioner in at the Yiddish. Art Theatre. The Mr. Sam Beber, son of Mr. and Mrs; this mania. If it continues unchecked, Wintroub. • : • fare Federation and mailed to the imagination of his fellow men. In charge at Ellis Island, ielieyes that a strange part about Weisenfreund is Ruth and Naomi; Ruth, Rose I. Beber, 3146 Chicago street, gradu- it will destroy both our national char- Lyric Building. anybody else this would have, been better way of determining nationality that he is American born. , Kraft; Naomie, Ann Blank. denounced as a grab and a steal Those who are expecting the, early ated at the "Creighton Law College acter and our national institution. could be applied.. Queen Esther, Gertrude Levin. with 'the highest grades that were "What I am saying is well known "The case of place of birth deter- deserving of the utmost public con- demise of Yiddish and who are fever- ever received by a student at CreighAll members, of the auxiliary, all and privately admitted by the vast demnation. mining/nationality, is'illustrative of ishly getting ready its shrouds should members of Omaha Lodge, and their majority of men in high public ofthe lack of co-ordination abroad that friends are invited- to attend. "Take Henry , Ford|s crusade consider Weisenfreund. Here is a na fice; publicly, however, they, veheought to be remedied. Even where a against the Jews. I attribute it to tive born Jew taking his chancs and mently deny it for the benefit of consul may know that the quota of nothing • else than utter, ignorance. making good on the Yiddish stage. those whom H. L. Mencken has so Prominent Jewish Leaders elected to his country is not full, he. has scant He fell for the long-since exploded delightfully described as the Booboimeans of knowing whether the quota and over-worked Protocols and every Jacob M. Loeb should be given the • Board of Directors. sie. Truly, the prohibition mania has of some, other country is full, and the old-slander. I have no doubt that Carnegie Medal for Quick Collecting, made the United States safe for hynatural inclination is to grant a vise he, does not believe in ritualists if there is such an award. Heading New York.—Samuel Untermeyer, pocrisy." to all the members of a family if the murders it is "only because he ha a $2,500,000 drive for the Charities eminent lawyer and financier, one of Liked By Presidents From Times heads of the family are eligible. Then 1 of Chicago, Loeb succeeded in corthe leaders of the American Bar, who not been plausibly told about "them. Of Lincoln To Harding. they come here and.we have no option, ralling the first night of the drive has headed the Keren Hayesod since Editor Villard says in conclusion: over a million and a half. often, but to reject some members its organization in this country, was Washington,' D. C. (Special to The and .admit others.. "So that is why the best informed . . '• elected president, at a meeting of Jewish Press.)—Simon Wolf, na"We are not the,ones who actually political observers say that if For But even New York when it needed board of directors held recently, tionally known leader of the Jewish break up the families, however. The is nominated on the v Democratic a leader of its United Hebrew ChariMorris Rothenberg, well known Jawpeople and world known diplomat, immigrants themselves do that. In ticket he will sweep,,the country. ties had to turn to Chicago and imyer, for many years one of the leadCommittee Promises Many Feature .author and communal worker, died the caseof children being refused ad- That is why many of them* think port Miss Frances Taussig, as HardEvents. ers of American Zionism, a member suddenly Tuesday at Atlantic City mission on medical .as well as other that withaut the' indorsement of ing had to go to Chicago to get the of the Joint Distribution Committees, while sitting at the dinner table. He grounds, it is, not infrequent for the either of the major parties he can head of the Shipping Board. former Chairman of the Executive • Plans for the Omaha Hebrew club was 86 years old. parents to chose to come into the run on a third ticket and^ be elected. Committee of the American Jewish picnic to be held Sunday afternoon Simon. Wolf was born in Germany country without the rejected child." If either contingency stiouid come to The Cloak and Suit-King is buyand evening, July 29, at Peony Park, Congress, was elected Chairman of and came to America-when he was pass the result would .be' disastrous ing the former residence of the Steel are progressing and this picnic prom- the Board of Directors, with Rabbi 22 years old after graduating from to Henry Ford and to the ^country Emperor, Reuben Sadowsky, chief of . SAM BEBER. ises to be the most important Jewish Meyer Berlin, President of- the MizStrassburg University, college of law. It might readily bring about the the greatest cloak and suit establishrachi Organization and a leader He later obtained his degree from the complete collapse of ; our govern' ment of the country is negotiating ton University. His average in all of event of the summer, according to among1 Orthodox Jews, Vice Chairthe committee in charge. Ohio law school in Cleveland. He his studies .for his college career was mental, machinery." * ' for the purchase of the Carnegie. a fraction over 97 per cent. The committee is arranging enter- man. Herman Conheim, who has began the practice, of law in WashingThe annual Flower Day Sale for Mansion. tainment for old and young. There been identified with the Palestine He was * awanied "Magna Cum C. He was. personally the benefit of the Jewish National ton, Movement since its inception, and has Sadowsky bears atather relationLande" honors, which are the' highest will be dancing both afternoon and served as Treasurer of the American acquainted with President Abraham Fund is to be held.Sunday, June 10. DR. 1STATHAN DANSKY ship to the Scotch Andry. Sadowsky evening, with music by Braviroff's ELECTED PRESIDENT OF honors given by a university. This is Lincoln and was well liked by all The organizations to take active part Keren Hayesod since its organizations OMAHA HEBREW CLUB too is a philanthropist, but while the second time in'the twenty-seven eight-piece orchestra. There will be was presidents following. in the selling of the flowers will be reelected treasurer. As general games of all kinds and the committee At the Omaha Hebrew, club semi- Carnegie gave for libraries, Sadow- years of •Creighton's existence that In 1881 he was appointed American the Young Judae, Omaha Chapter of secretary, the board reelected Mr, is now developing plans for a baby sky gives for the strengthening of "Magna Cum Lande" honors have been Minister to Egypt by President Gar- Hadassah, Omaha Junior Hadassah, annual eltction Sunday afternoon, traditional Judaism. Emanuel Neumann, a member of thfi awarded," and the .first time that a contest with suitable prizes for the Adriiinistrative Committee of thfi field, where he served for a number Daughters of" Zion,; and the Jewish June 3, Dr. Nathan Dansky 'was elects healthiest and best looking baby enSomebody should write the story Jew has merited this distinction. Mr. of years. He was later appointed Ladies Progressive Club. $1000 is ed president; Mr. Max Fromkhr was Zionist Organization of America, whe of cloaks and suits as it effects tradi- Beber has carried off other scholastic tered for the contest. elected vice-president; Mr. Sol-RosenRecorder of Deeds of the District of hoped to be raised in this sale. All first organized the Keren Hayesod "Arrangements for the handling of tional Judaism. There is William Columbia by President, Grant. those who are going to sell flowers berg, secretary; Mr. John Feldman, Fishman, another giant of the cloak honors,at •Creighton, having won a the large crowd, which is expected to Bureau in the United States in April treasurer; and the Messrs. Irvin Stalgold medal, for leading,his class while During his entire lifetime it is said are to meet at the Jewish Community be present, include plans for the trans- 1921, at the request of Dr. Chaim that Simon Wolf has saved over 125,- Center at nine o'clock Sunday morn- master, M. Polonsky and A. Richards, and suit industry, who has also been a student at -the College! of Liberal portation by bus from the car line to Weizmann, and has continued its a "tower of strength" for traditional trustees. Dr. Dansky will soon apArts and Sciences. He > was also on 000 Jewish immigrants from being ing.-- . •.. - • " . '• ••;••' -:•••••.'. charge during the past two years. the grounds," said Sam Klaver. . the Creighton Debating Team. point committees to serve for the en- Judaism. i deported back to Europe. He was The tickets for the drawing on the In addition "to the above, a Finance suing term. . t Mr. . Beber was offered a author of many books among them ELECT DELEGATES TO Chevrolet Touring, which is to be giv- Committee was chosen, with "Jacob Eeuben GusMn went to Russia to proposition by Mr. Izidor Ziegler, "The Jewish Soldier." ZIONIST CONVENTION build a hospital for Soviet Russia. well known local attorney, with whom en away on the* date of the picnic, are Siegel of New York as chairman. Thss At a regular meeting of the, local SIX GRADUATES FROM Through some misapprehension of his Mr. Beber has been associated for the now distributed and are being sold at other members of the Finance Zionist organization held Tuesday mission, he was not permitted to en- past year arid half and has accepted 25 cents a draw. A substantial prize mittee are H. Leonard Y. M. H. A. BASEBALL C. B. HIGH SCHOOL evening at the Jewish Community is being offered to the person selling ter. But Guskin is never happy un- Mr. Ziegler's offer. TEAM STRENGTHENED Center, election of delegates; to the Six Jewish students {are- graduat- less the most raffle as well as the most Michael Salit, . Boris Grabelskj« he is building something. In spite, of Mr.' ing this Friday, evening, June 8, Beber's duties The Y. M. IL A. baseball team will twenty-sixth annual t Zionist conven- fronv tJie: Abraham -Lincoln- High Result:, a new Hebrew Actors' at college and in" his office, he admission tickets* and the Hatikvoh Abram E. Liebowitz, Willy Levy? play the Corr Electric team' Sunday tion was held.''' The fallowihg men School. Exercises will be ield at the Home will sf<on bev opened in New has found |ime, to, engage in other girls have already announced that Nathan Turell, Jacob Goell, tm&. their hat is in the ring for the prize Meyer Brown. afternoon at 3:30 at Elm wood- park; were elected as delegates: J. J. FriedYork—most elaborate and up to the Attention is called to the fact that west diamond. The Y team has been man, M. Kulakofsky, and Dr. Victor City Auditorium. The following are minute—will show the world what activities and-.has shown much inter- of the contest. the graduates: Sophie Steinberg, est and enthusiasm in Jewish commuE. Levine. The convention will be the mebers ofthis Committee are mm. greatly strengthened by the return of a home for Thespians ought '.o be. nal work.. He is.- a member of the Fannie Shyken, Jeannette Gilinsky, held June 17 in Baltimore, Md. of prominence and experience in ths several of the star players that played Fannie Katelman, Philip Krasne, and Omaha Hebrew club, B'nai B'rith, The Temple Israel Sisterhood has business world, and also devoted t-t* last, year. Louis Somberg and Sidney The Women's Auxiliary are extendCorenman, both well known ball play- The Ladies' National Progressive Isadore Cherniack. Four of them, ing an invitation to girls over eight- Jewish. Welfare Federation, Keren cicka, age eight, from the Joint club will meet the Workmen's AlliJeannnette Gilinsky, Fannie KatelHayesod, and Jewish 'Community Ceners, will appear in Y uniforms. "With in New York. the lineup strengthened by the return ance and hold a literary program man, Fannie Shyken, and Philip een years of age to join the club. For ter. He has served as an officer of Distribution Committee at Vienna. further details call Miss Ann Selicow the B'nai B'rith and is a member of A photograph of the orphan has of these men, we will be> one of the Wednesday, June 13, at the Labor Ly- Krasne are graduating with honors : topnotehers," said Leo Konecky, cap- ceum. The public is invited to at- having obtained an average .,of .over at Hamey 5227 or Miss Bess Stock at the Board of Directors of the Jewish been received by Mrs. N. Mantel, Every Jewish family in Omahft reads The Jewish president of the Sisterhood. tend. ' ninety percent for the entire course; Webster Welfare Federation. tain ot the team.

Ellis Island Officers Want Relief From All "Weird" Immigration Laws

Butler Calls Anti-Jewish Bigotry a Form Menace ProMbition To Country

Sam Beber Graduates Law School WfflrHigh Honors

Samuel Untermyer Elected President Of Keren Hayesod

Simon Wolf, Jewish Leader, Died Tuesday

Baby Contest Planned For Hebrew Club Picnic

I Annual Flower Day Sale to be Held Sunday June 10



THE JEWISH PRESS Published «yerj Thursday >t Omab*,. Nebtaika, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeia Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. NATHAN E; GREEN, Manager. ».?2.50 Subscription Price, one Advertising rates furnished on application; . NOT PRINTED FOB .PERSONAL PROFIT-*Profits from the publication of The Jewish Presa a n to be. given to worthy commnnal causes. CBAMOB OV ADDRBB9—Pleue gti« botfc U» old and t n :'.:•.•'•••-•


• « • t a d «Ura Tout


The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news.^ in addition to feature articles and correspondences'.from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City. .

The Flower Service of the Sunday The body of Mrs. Ffiedsan, sister JEWISH CALENDAR. 3683-1823 School was held last Sunday. Prizes of Mrs. M. S. Wohlbach, of Lincoln, Rosh-Chodesb Tammu*..._ Frl., Jane 15 were awarded to the best pupils in was brought here from Atlanta, Ga. KoHh-Chodrsh Ab..___ Sat, July 14 Fast of. Ab -...—.Mon., Au». 13 each class. Those winning the prizes Burial was in the Jewish Cemetery 5684-1923 ; were the Misses Pauline Bernstein, at Wyuka. Sew Year'* Eve..' . Mon., Sept. 10 Vom Klppur...... ._ Thurs., Sept. 20 Jernice Perimeter, Ruth Bernstein, uccoth (First Day)— -..-..Tues., Sept. 25 Marion' Katelman and Toby Katleman, Succoth (Last Day)—Shminl . Atzereth _.... ; _-Tneg., Oct. 2 nd Mr* Morton Adler. Slmchat Toriih .Wed., Oct. 3 Itosh-Chodesh Cheshvan Thurs., Oct. 11 Mrs. Herman Cohn is expecting to Mr. Milton Marcus, a member of Kosh-Chodesh Kfcslev.......... JFrl., Xov. 9 C'liaiiuk&h (feast of Dedicaleave about the* middle of this month ;h' e Abraham Lincoln High School tion) ; , L Mnn., nee. S Kosh-Chotlesh Tebcth_—........ San., Dec. 9 Band, left Tuesday evening for Chi-for a visit at New York City. Fast of- Xebeth. . Tuca^ D e c 18 cago, where he will take part in the 5684-1934 Mrs. Herman H. Auerbach is exon., Jan. 7 Band Contest to be held-there. Rosh-Chodesh Shcbat pecting leave the latter part of this Wed.. Keb. 6 Bosh-Chodesh Adar I F U Mar. ' Kosli-Chod«sh Adar I Purlm (Feast of Esther) .Thurs., Mar. 20 Mrs. H. Karlson and son arrived week for St. Louis, Mo., where she nosh-ChotlesIt Nlsan... .Sat., Apr. 5 iunday to spend the week with Mrs, will attend the wedding of a cousin, -Sat., Apr. IB Passover (Pesacta—'. "... Apr. 25 Karlson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.M. and then she will go to visit with Passover (Seventh Day) .Mon., May 5 ialtzman. RoBh-Chodesh I jar.. relatives at Chicago, 111. -Thurs,, May 22 ' Tues., Jane 3 Rash Chodesb Slran._ Shabuoth (Confirmation Day>..Sat., June 8 Miss Nettie Schwartz, of Leaven- - Miss Bernice Diamond, of Lincoln, Rosh-Chodesh l a m m u ' Thurs., July 3 worth, Kans., arrives today to be the spent several days here last week with Kosh-Chodesh Ab--—....;.," ;.—Frl., Aug. 1 ast" of Ab..:™_.'..__: ___^Z.Stin., AUs. 10 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz, her aunt, Mrs. A. H. Diamond. Rosh-Chodesh Klul . _Sun., Ang. SI


their last meeting of . the season the "Relation of the Culture League Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish to the Publication of a Literary Periodical." Mr. Nathan "Duke" -LevinCommunity Center. son, assisted by his accompanist," Mr. Mr% S. Finkenstein and daughters, Shepherd, rendered several selections Bertha and Jean, and son, Harry, from famous operas, and also- one left by motor this week for Los An-original "Elohene Velohe Avpsanu." geles, Calif., where they will, make Mr. Shepherd rendered a piano solo. their home. . Enroute they will visit A brief debate on the question, "Does with Dr. Irvin Finkenstein, at Haw- the World Progress?" was held bethorne, Wash. Mr. Finkenstein has tween H. E. Pfeffer, affirmative, and been a resident, of Omaha for thirty- Mr. D. Bloch, negative. seven years and leaves a number of It was decided to continue with the friends in Omaha. work of creating a Jewish Library in conjunction with various Jewish OrTHE JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. ganizations. After the next meeting, which is The last meeting of the Jewish Culture League was held on Sunday, June to be held on Sunday, June 10, at the 3, at the Labor Lyceum. The follow- Labor Lyceum, all meetings during ing program was presented: Mr. B.the summer will be held at Elmwood Z. Zangwell delivered a lecture on Park Sunday afternoon.

NEWLY ORDAINED RABBIS. On Sabbath of this week, a class of eleven young men will 5685-1924 Mrs. Max Cohen was hostess to her Mrs. N. Mantel has been chosen to ....Mon., Sept. 29 be ordained at the Hebrew Union College as rabbis arid teach- New Year's Eve.— afternoon bridge club Tuesday at her be on the Courtesy Committee of the ers in Israel. Were the class to be graduated many times larger Parents-Teachers Association at the AN APPEAL, FOE THE home. than it is, there-would still be not enough of these young men Central High School. KEREN HAYESOD Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frieden enterto fill the pulpits that are awaiting them. When about half a century ago> the Hebrew Union* College was founded, the pretained the Evening club at their home Mrs. Millard Langfeld and son, MilBy A. I. KULAK.OFSKY. diction, was made on many sides that there would never be a Monday evening. lard, Jr., are leaving Sunday for Calidemand for the .'services of its graduates. It was rather taken Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the leader fornia to spend the summer months. for granted that American: trained rabbis would not meet the of the Jews the world over, came to Mrs. Sol Cornblatt, of Minnesota, needs of Jewish congregations and that we would have to con-Omaha to tell us in person the duty is spending a few days with Mr. and The Misses Belle and Molly GreenMrs. E. Gilinsky. berg returned the early part of the tinue to bring our spiritual leader from the other side of the of Jews in. rebuilding Palestine. waters. Today, everybody knows .not only that the leading In many lands the old .enemy Miss Sarah Kesselmann will arrive week from Excelsior Springs, Mo. pulpits of the land are occupied by graduates of the Hebrew against the Jew is alive with threats home today after spending a week in Mr. Bennett L. Cohn returned home Union College, but that these men have been largely instrumen- of danger of his persecution, of his Kansas City. the early part of this week from the expulsion, of his homeless condition. " tal in saving American Judaism. Nebraska University at Lincoln, Nebr., Dri Issac M.' Wise,, the founder of the College, was far vis-i Driven from pillar to post, ah outto spend his summer vacation with LINCOLN ibned enough to realize that only men who were filled and cast in the land where he toiled and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohn. thrilled with the spirit of America could present to the Jewish slaved to maintain himself and his ASBYLL—BERMAN. . youth of this land, the message of their faith in such form as family, to worship God according to The marriage of Miss Anna Asbyll Mr. and Mrs. J." Katz, of Marion, would appeal to their sympathies. He prophesied, when he cre-his belief, the Jew is again con- to Mr. Samuel Berman was solem- 111., are expected to arrive in Omaha ated the College, that it would eventually mean a rejuvenation fronted with the problem "Whither nized at the Synagogue Sunday, June about the middle part of June to visit here. They will be at the Blackstone df the Jewish spirit in America, His prophecy has been richly are you going' 3, Rabbi Medvedoff officiated. The Hotel. the Jew go? Laws Where shall fulfilled.. bride was attended " by her sister, In more recent times, the Jewish Theological Seminary of are made which stop him here and Mrs. Sidney Shostak, as matron of ; America has added its quota of men to the pulpit of Jewish everywhere. He is unable to settle honor, and the Misses Sada Asbyll, * The Deborah Society will hold congregations in America. These men for the most part, are in peace and work. The heart of him Henrietta Asbyll, Ruth Zolat, and serving them well. Under their leadership, many formally small s plucked and he is made to suffer t b Nina Shostak, were the bridesmaids. 212 Courtney BIdg., organizations have developed into great religious institutions that onsequences of a wanderer without The flower girls were Miss Fanny 11 Douelas St. take rank with the foremost congregations everywhere. a home, without a land. The condi- Asbyll and Selma Lotman. The SALON V CHARME Now the third, institution has been added to the schools for tion of the Jew in Europe calls for ushers were Messrs. Lewis Asbyll, New Address of training rabbis in this country, viz.—the Jewish Institute of Re- action, not passive sympathy. Sym- Benn Finkelstein, Max Shostak, and Shampoo, Manicure, 50e—Mwcel, 75c . ligion recently created by Dr. Stephen S. Wise. I t is of course pathy will not give him a home, \ril Sam Theodore. After a short trip Expert Individual Service. too early to predict -what the methods and policies of this new ot give him some land to till, wil the couple will be at home in LinEvening OP Sunday, AT. 4S19. school will be or. what place its graduates will take ih molding not give him the materials with coln. M. T. LEVT. . the Jewish life of America. It is to be hoped that its scholarship which to build a home, build schools standards wilVbe equally as high as those of the two older schools mild roads, develop farms, engagi Mr. and Mrs. A. Eisler and son, and' that the men.who shall leave its halls will be as well in business and commerce. Victor, motored to Omaha, Sunday equipped as any to assume the sacred; and important responsibil- Men- and women of Omaha Jewry, to' visit with Mrs. Eisler's parents, and high grade ities that rest upon the Jewish minister. At the present time, we are appealed to by the living Mr. and Mrs. J. Glifl. . however, the older, schools are growing in numbers and in ins of our oppressed brethern and Platinum Jewelry at the Mr. and Mrs. Jules Spigle and fluence and their graduates are eagerly sought for. ' '' sisters in other lands. Are we going


to be silent?- Are w& going to shrug family have gone to South Bend, a. shoulder and say "what do we Ind., where they will make their NOW COMES WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST. care?" Will we let this, thing go on home in the future. ,'Ludendorff, Hittler, Count Spiridovitch and the Texas organ without help? Upon our own heads Mr.. Lewis Asbyll was one of the oi i\\e Ku Klux Klair have all endorsedJHenry Ford. , ^, ;nd our own conscience-.will party of- DeMolays,- who went to Mr. William Randolph Hearst-now joins .the cliojiis.. weigh p Install a new chapA Times' wire from New Orleans flashed the tidings from of our suffering people. We can help TorfcrNebr.yiaj ter of the order. . • ccast to coast. Hr. Hearst stands with Mr. Ford in the Presi- them now; we. can give them an opdential fight. Mly Hearst believes Mr. Ford should be elected portunity to go to a place to live an* President. work, in peace and according to the MONHEIT'S "I am with him," says Mr. Hearst, "because he is the manway of God. that should have all the people's support. Chiropodist and Beauty Let us help them by giving them Shop Mr. Ford, according to Mr. Hearst, must run as an inde- a home land. The Keren Hayesod 1800 pendent candidate, as he will hot be recognized by leaders was created for such purpose, and IMtt Established and H»rn*r Streets. Give ua a chance to apof either party. our duty is to support the* Keren preciate your business. For "I am a great, believer in independence and for that reason Hayesod. appointments call Ja. UT74. want to stand with him in this great fight for recognition," says Those .who had not yet; given to Mr. Hearst. "The political machinery of • both the national the Keren Hayesod are now called parties, the Democratic and Republican alike, is in the hand upon to come forward and help. The "Let Us Move You" of the old line reactionaries. They control the delegates and need is pressing ant1 thef world is the party. • ' looking on to see what the Jews will "While they may not. be able to nominate the man that do for their own in this crisis. Operated by

Globe Van & Storage Co.

they want at their conventions, they can prevent the nomination of the man that they don't want, and that man I have FIGHTING BENEWED learned is Henry Ford. JN; BUCHAREST— "This is because" Henry Ford has been clean and above EIGHT JEWS MALTREATED board and has come out and told what.he thinks of everyone Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Serious fightand a man who has made himself by his thrift" and energy." ing broke out anew on the campus of Mr. Ford, according to Mr. Hearst, has been clean and the Bucharest University recently above board and has come out and told what he thinks of when the anti-Semetic students of the every one. Commercial, Chemical and MineralogMr. Hearst, of course, has not forgotten that Henry Ford ical Departments hurled stink-bombs has come out and told what he thinks of the millions of Amer- at the Jews in classes. Eight Jewish icans of the Jewish faith. students were so badly beaten as to Mr. Hearst, no doubt, as an intense admirer of the sag require hospital treatment and are of Dearborn has read that opinion. Mr. Hearst, no doubt, has still under physicians' care. also read Mr> Hapgood's articles of some months past, in Mr. Hearst's own "-international- magazine, dealing with the anti Jewish enterprise conducted by Mr. Ford through the Ford i n t e r n a t i o n a l m a g a z i n e . ' '<•'—:• ••'•


If he read .has-own magazine, Mr. Hearst should remembei Miss Leah Krasne, a bride-to-be of that the assertion was made therein that Mr. Ford's mania led this month, is being quite extensively him along the lihes'-trod by the men who are working hard in entertained prior to her marriage this country to put; back on the Russian throne a Romanoff as Mrs-1. Krasne and Mrs. Frank Krasne Czar. He must also remember that it was charged in Hearst's entetamed last Thursday at the Branown international that Mr. Ford was coaxed into his enterprise deis Tea Rooms at a bridge luncheon. against the Jews by the Black Hundreds of Russia. And this Mrs. B. Pred, of Omaha, was hostess is the gentleman now touted by Hearst as one who has been at the Brandeis Tea Rooms Wednesclean and above board. day afternoon, and Mrs. Sam Pepper Mr. Hearst now asks the American people to name as Presi- will entertain this afternoon at a dent a man whqlhas given liberal aid to the spread of prop- bridge luncheon. aganda upholding a royalist document known as the "Protocols of the Elders of rZion,", which assails democracy, fraternity, Mr. and Mrs. S. Freiden entertained equality; liberty of the people and religious freedom as figments the Bridge club Monday evening. of a world plot concocted by Jews to obtain Jewish world i Mrs. A. Gilinsky entertained her domination. afternoon club Wednesday afternoon The Hearst aggregation has displayed it own hates. It has us*ed money to spread mendacious moving picture propaganda Miss S'Reva Snyder, who has been attending the Northwestern Universi against the Japanese in the West. . .is now visiting at Detroit, Mich, • And now Mr. Hearst joins effprts with' the noted purveyor ty, with her sister, Mrs. S. Lightstone of anti-Jewish billingsgate, who is'being touted for the Presil and Mr.' Lightstone. Mrs. Snyder, dency* . : , has .been visiting there, will reJew-baiting, royalist propaganda, rooted deep in the black who turn with her daughter, S'Reva, next quagmires of Old World.Kaiserisni and "Czarism, found easy vent week. in the columns of, the-international organ of Mr. Henry Ford. Frdm hot-beds of pro-Kaiser enterprise in Bavaria, from the Mr. Arthur Snyder has as his weekorgan of the masked-night riders, have resounded ringing hurrahs end guest, Mr. Maynard Lee, of Cleveof enthusiasm for the gutter propaganda touter of Dearborn. land, O., and Mr. Gilbert Chapleau, of .- Now comes William Randolph Hearst.—Cleve. Ind. Menosha, Wis. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold ARAB AGITATORS SET FREE. Legislative Council, three have been' the last meeting of the season next Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)" Of the f our acquitted and one sentenced to pay a j Tuesday afternoon at the home of Arab notables of Nablug tried for re- fine of 25 pounds sterling. The Arab 1 Mrs. H. Saltzman, at l 742 Mynster y d n w hhi capitall of f the h JJ street. Election of officers will take ng to terroristic ineasures tohin- Ei Executive made the'clection-^f-members to the trial, organizing a national defense, place.


ATlantic 0230

A Free Radio IsWailing for You Given With Every New Grand, Player Piano, "Upr i g h t and Phonograph Sold This Week. A complete Audiola Ea&io Receiving Set is given with the purchase of evevy NEW P3ANO or PHONOGRAPH In our store this -week. All rou have to do is attuck it to the electric light socket and listen in to the radio programs.

Make Your OWN Terms

Hundreds of Instruments for you to choose from, and your old and silent piano will be accepted as a substantial part payment. • written guarantee with every PIANO or PHONOGRAPH and you do not nave to be a home or property owner in order to get our LOW prices and terms. COME IN THIS WEEK.

The Sweetest-Toned iUpright in the World The Sclimoller & Mueller Upright is guaranteed for 25 years, is beautifully finished in Mahogany, Oak or Walnut; 1B perfect In workmanship and la known in every Btate In the union as the "sweetest toned upright • made." To Bee and hear it isto want it.

Make Tour Own Terms

Have Music Whether You Play or Not

right price, Malashock Jewelry Co.

Diamond & Platinum -Specialists ••-, 1514 Dodge St. Est. 1894. Ja. 5619

All Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention.

WELSH'S FLOWERS (Gu&ra-tteed) "FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" Tel. Ja. 421)1, Brandets Theatre BIdg.. 210 So. 17th SU Omaha.


Residence. 1343 So. 25th St. Tel. Atlantic 66S7. Place vt Business, 8333 Harner St. Tel. ATlantic 3831.

JAckson 4338

"The, Clothing Corner of Omaha"

Get the Limit of Value

05LT $450.00




25 35 45


Finest Clothes Made

Silk lined Suits $37.50

See the wide range of new stripe effects—Single, double, triple hair line designs and cluster patterns.

The Schmoller & Mueller Player Piano is listed by experts as being one of the leading players and the lowest in prifee- in the middle west. Its pedal action is BO easy that a child can operate them. Sweet of tone, made by experts of the piano industry and fully guaranteed. $10 worth of player rolls of your own selection FREE with each player as well as the FREE and complete Radio Receiving Set

The Final Touch of Beauty to Your Home The Grand Piano in a home has become a sign of culture and refinement—a sign that the o w n e r appreciates the beautiful things of life, from music on to the appearance of things. The Behr Bros... Baby Grand is just what you Tvant. Noted for its tonal beauty, its perfect "workmanship and its lasting qualities, the Behr Bros. Baby 'Grand is an asset to any home. , Terms to Suit Your BEHK BKOS. Requirements OK1Y $ 6 3 5 . 0 0

Sclimoller & Mueller Phonograph for $110.00

Real Clothes Quality That's Economy! H A T ' S the way to figure a clothes invest. merit—we like to think our customers figure it that way—-divide the cost by the length of service, it multiplies good will and satisfaction for both of us. Nebraska's Super Quality, Lotoer Price Clothes Selling Provides Big Values, at

051Y $300.00

We started selling the Schmoller & Mueller Console Phonograph a* 1110.00 In order to introduce it to music lovers in this territory—and it proved so popular and sold so readily that factory output increased and we are able to continue this low price and still make a profit although the first ones, when introduced, cost us more than that to make. Save $100 by purchasing this Console. Sold direct to you on our Factory to Home sales plan at slightly over factory cost.

Terms If Desired and Your Old Phonograph ".' Accepted as Part Payment -Kemember! TYe are the exclusive representatives for more than twenty world renowned pianos, among wiiich arc Steinway, Steiuert, Hardman, Lindeman & Sous, Stcger & Sons, Behr Bros., Emerson, Premier, Schomactcr, McPlsail, Schniollex & Mueller and many others.

If You Are Interested in Saving1 Money on a Quality Piano, Fill in the Coupon Schntoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1511-16-18 Dodge St.. Omnha, JSeb. Flense send me detailed information regarding a. Same Address Town


• '-":.•





1514-16-13-Dod^e $ U * - Omaha CORRECT APPABEtflPOR WEN AND WOMEN:

JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1923 were devoted to sewing various at Ann Arbor, Mich., will arrive ttend the R. O. T. C. for two ing the law school, and will spend his summer vacation with his pafor charitable institutions. During home . Sunday to spend the summer months. rents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosenthe past season the igrls made and months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer and family motored blatt. donated rag dolls to the Child Sav- Mrs. S. Guttman. ;o Sioux City, la., Friday and spent ing Institute, pillow cases to the Miss Ida Ruth Bogen, of Lincoln, ;he past week-end. -Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt will Wise Hospital, and during l i e sumNebr., is visiting at the home of entertain Tuesday evening, June 12, mer will complete other articles. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Abrams have at the Blackstone Hotel to celebrate Rabbi and Mrs. H. Grodzinsky. They will resume regular meetings moved into their new home at 2CS their Golden "Wedding Anniversary. in September. Mrs. I. Rosenthal returned Friday North 35th Avenue. The members of the Ra Oth SocieMr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman re- from Ida Grove, la., where she spent Mr. Ben Minkin is entertaining at ty will be entertained Tuesday evea week with relatives. turned from Des Moines, Iowa. his home Saturday evening honoring ningy June 12, at the home of Miss .1508 DOUGLAS STREET World Theater Building Miss Bess Greenberg entertained A number of friends surprised Mr. Mr. Sam Beber, who is a. recent Sylvia Levey, who will be the hostess. at a picnic-breakfast Sunday morn- and Mrs. E. V. Long at their home honor graduate from the Creighton Mrs. Dave Green will entertain OOOOi ing at Elmwood Park in honor of Monday evening in honor of their Law School. Thusday afternoon at her home WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Miss Stella Herman, who is soon to henoring her sister, Mrs. S. DworMr. Sol Rosenblatt will arrive Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levine anNEWMAN—JAHR. Beauty That Lives be married to Mr. Oscar Greenberg. Covers were laid for forty guests. A home Monday, June IS, from Har- kovitz, of Kansas City, Mo., who is nounce the engagament of their Twenty guests were present a t the sterling silver fruit basket was pre-vard University, "where he is attend- visiting at the Green home. Your Attention When The Nu Epsilon Gamma enter- sented Mr. and Mrs. Lorig by the marriage of Mis.v Esther Pauline daughter, Gertrude, to Mr. Lewis Ppdrofski, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Drawn to the Beauty of : tained sixty couples at a dancing Newman, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. guests. D. TM. Newman, to Dr. Herman Mil- Podrofski, of Chicago, I1L No date party Wednesday evening, June 6, ton Jahr, on Saturday evening, June has been set for the wedding. The at the Hanscom Park Pavilion in At the election of the Omaha Yc 2, at the Fontenelle Hotel, at six engagement was announced at a fam- honor of the members who are High Chapter of Hadassah on Wednesday 310 North 16th St. Diamond j o'clock. Rabbi Frederick Cohn of- ily dinner party given by Mr. andSchool graduates of 1923. The afternoon, May 30, at the Jewish Tel.: JAckson 5062 Mrs. Levine Sunday honoring the chaperons for the evening were Miss Community Center, the following ficiated at the ceremony. Shoppe Dr. and Mrs. Jahr left on an east- sixteenth wedding anniversary, of Ivy Segal, sponsor of the club, and were elected: president, Mrs. A. Silern honeymoon trip and will be at their daughter Mrs. Harry Marks and Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Ravitz. The vermanj first vice-president, Mrs. J. Diamond King Mounting* Tel.: WEbster 4330 Mr. Marks. Misses Rosella Fanger, Marguerite Rosenberg; second vice-president, Mrs. home about July 15. immediately commanfiB and Greenfield, and Helen Altschuler were O. C. Goldnerj secretary, Mrs. Ben 516 South 16th St. Mr. and. Mrs. Lonis Berger an- oh the committee for this affair. merits your respect. For the Handler; and treasurer, Mrs. Charles SIMON—ROITSTEIN. nounce the engagement of their ATlantic things no pleasing, to an Levinson. Mesdames Ben Handler and The marriage of Miss Sarah Roit- daughter, Lee* to Mr. Edwin. M. Kahn, .Mr. Harry Malashock and son, A. SHverman were elected delegates observer rest their appeal are the Btein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.son of Mr. and Mrs. Me.yer.Kahn, of Lloyd Gordon, and Mr. Ben Tatle to the Zionist Convention to be held Roitstein, to cMr. Milton Simon, son this city. The wedding will" take motored to St. Joseph, Mo., this on t h r e e fundamental*. at Baltimore, June 17. Wholesale and Retail Dealers of Mr. and Mrs. J. J . Simon, of place this fall. Tnese are Good Taste, Purweek for a short stay. of the products of the this city, comes as a surprise to ity in. Design, Refinement Mr. and Mrs. L. Moskovitz enterMr. Myron. Blotzky will be home friends of the couple. The ceremony School. Miss.. Esther-Katleman will tained ten couples at thei home and a Quality that knows took place Monday at five-thirty, accompany Miss Rice to Chicago, I1L Saturday morning from Ann Arbor, Sunday evening, in honor of the neither sparing nor comMich., where he attended the UniRabbi \Frederick Cohn officiating. They will leave about June 16. versity of Michigan, and will spend birthday of their daughter, Gertrude. promise. Are u*t these The couple are making their home Mr. Ben Greenberg will leave Monat 2524 Q Street Mrs. Charles Redman, and children, his summer Vacation with his pathings the rudiments o£ that day for Fort Snelling where he will of Ottumwa, la., who have been, visit- rents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Blotcky. enduring beauty from •which TURITZ—KUTLER ing at the home of her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Krasne and OF LEAVENWOKTH, KANSAS the years cannot detract? Miss Sarah 'Kutler, daughter of and Mrs. A- White, for the past sevMr. and Mrs. J. Kutler, to Mr. Morris eral weeks, expects to leave for her Miss Belle Horwich returned WednesBEAUTY THAT LIVES i Special prices toill be made to dealers and stores day from Des Moines, la., where they Turitz was solemnized Sunday even- home Thursday. 1 attended t i e Krasne-Blotcky weding , June 3 ,at six-thirty a t the in a full line of kosher meats, home of -the bride. Rabbi Grodzinsky Miss Madelyne Cohn will leave ding. Pastromi, Salami, Werners, Frankfurters, Bologna, officiating. The bride had as her Wednesday, June 13, for a several Mrs. E. Weinberg and daughter, Painting, Papering, and Diamond attendants Miss Molly Sutler, of -weeks' stay at Niagara Falls, N. Y.,Esther, of Fremont, .Nebr., spent sevSausage and various other supplies. Decorating done under my Council Bluffs, as maid of honor; and Ann Arbor, Mich., and Chicago, HI. eral days here this week with Mr. Shoppe AH meats are guaranteed kosher by Rabbi M. Braude personal supervision. bridesmaids •were the Misses- Mary and Mrs. M. Minkin. Mrs. H. Grodzinsky, who has been Eutler, Mary Crounse> and Eva of St. Joe, Mo. for Hardwood Specialty Y,reiss. Mr. Turitz had as his best visiting a t St; Paul, Minn., with her Mrs. Ernest Meyer, who has been daughter, Miss Helen Grodzinsky, reman Mr. Sam Kutler, and the other turned to her home accompanied by visiting with her parents, Mr. and 'All Work Guaranteed Gifts That Last 1521 North 19th Street. attendants were "the Messrs. Harry her daughter, who returned to her Mrs. S. Ginsburg, at Sioux City, la., Abrahams on. and Morris Abrahamson. home Monday after a short stay. is expected to return home the latter Phone, Webster 1087. Little Dorothy Giekeri was the part of this week. « flower girl and Master Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ferer, of San Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sugarman Gleken was the ring bearer. Francisco, Calif., who have been Phone At. 07S5; Ees. Phone We.5S79 ' T h e out-of-town guests present visiting here for the past several celebrated their tenth wedding anniwere Mrs. S. Clamen, sister of the weeks with Mr. Ferer's parents, Mr. versary Saturday evening entertainABE JACOBS bride, and Mrs. E. Clamen, aunt of and. Mrs- Aaron. Ferer, will return ing fifteen couples at • the. Athletic I Real Estate, Loans and Insurance (dub. the bride, of Kansas. City,. Mo. to their home the latter part of this Bought, Sold and Exchanged : 1303 First National Bank Bide. week. Mr. Max Guttman, who has been Omaba, >'ebr. Mrs. Arthur Roseriblunv left last attending the University of Michigan With JACOB SLOSBtTEQ, I B . of The University Nebraska StuFriday-evening on the Shrine Special 929-31 North 24th Street. Telephone: ATlantic 8884 for Washngton, D . C , where she will dents to return to Omaha to spend visit with her brother, Lieutenant) their smnaaer vacation- here are-the Alfred N. Bergman, of the Artillery Misses Rose Mirikan, Fanny Kully, L Morg-enstern J. L. Wolfson Corps of the U. S. Army. She ex-Bessie Haylrin, Helen Robinson, Lillian Margolin, and the Messrs. Louis pects to be gone for a month. Writes all kinds of Somberg, Ben Ravitz, Harry Ravitz, Mrs. Charles Redman, of Ot- John Beber, Herman Kully, Harry tumwa, la., and Mrs. Abe Ferer, of Cohen, Joe Stern, Harry Mendelson, Tel. Webster 1946 San Francisco,' Calif., who are visit- Ben Greenberg, Edwin Lowenstein, QUICK ACTION BRAKES "Real Personal Service" ing here, have been extensively en- jM a x G r e e n D e r g Millard Krasne. tertained during their stay. Mrs. M. EXTRA LAR6E AND EXTRA SAFS Miss Mildred Cohn, who has been Phone Ferer entertained last Monday eveE make a specialty Res.—Har. 3256. 131B W. O. YF. Bide. ning at her home at dinner for the attending the University of Chicago, Office—At, S034 In the construction of Dodge Brothers of e n g a g e m e n t guests. ' Friday, Mrs. Aaron Ferer will return Saturday, June 16, to Motor Car, every consideration has rings, w e d d i n g entertained at the Brandeis Restau- spend her vacation with her parents, been g*ven t o the owner's safety. rings and gifts for the rants. Mrs. H. M, Ferer was hostessRabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn. June bride. to dfiht guests at the Brandeis This i s particularly evident in the Mrs. Louis Dworkovitz, of Kansas FOR SALE. Restaurants Saturday afternoon, and City, Mo., is visiting here at the •' brakes,wiiich,with their 14-inch drums Come In and see OUT prices. A Small Clothing Stock at Mrs. S. Ravitz entertained Monday home of her sister, Mrs. David Green. '. and' 2TJ inch lining, are appreciably Creighton, Nebr. Good Staple evening at her home honoring the larger than the average. The extra Merchandise. Will also sell the • w*irf*r* thus provided develops greater visitors. Other socials are being The Wise Sunbeams concluded a fixtures. For information write Est. 1S32 friction when the brake bands contract . planned for the visitors, before their very successful winter season with a S. Bordy at Columbus, or Sam 1510 f amain St. Ja- ST82 over the drama—and it is this friction Weinstein at Creighton, Nebr. departure. picnic at Elmwood Park last week. Vwhich stops the car. This group of 15 girls had been Miss Ruth Cohn, of Denver, Colo., Connecting levers are designed to is visiting here with her aunt and meeting weekly a t the Jewish Com-, munity Center under the leadership ait the maximum of power with uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hirsch. of Mrs. S. H. Schaefer. Meetings the minimum of effort. The slightest Mr. and Mrse. L. Minkin were enpressure on the brake pedal has an tertained at their home by their reimmediate effect. This pressure is (ALL MAKES) latives Sunday honoring their twendistributed evenly between the two We Wish to Announce Rented at Lowest Kates in City. Half Price Sale on Standard Typewriters. ty-fifth wedding anniversary. rear wheels by a highly efficient to Our Patrons and Friends Sold on Convenient Terms. equalizer, which prevents skidding THAT THE SHOHTT Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, of because i t retards both wheels Norfolk, Nebr., entertained at their simultaneously. home Sunday in honor of Miss Ann 205 So. 18th St. . AT. 2414 And the brake bands grip evenly all is "with Green, and her fiance, Mr. Ise >re around the drums. This protects the FRIED & KUKLIN Abramson. Among the Omaha guests Kosher Mont Market , lining against Irregular wear and present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Abram1013 North 24th Street enables the driver to stop quickly, son, Mrs. E. Jacobs, Mrs. M. Green, WEbster 4330 quietly and safely. and the Messrs. Leo Abramson, •'Service Hod Quality U Oar Motto" We carry the best line of Nathan E.. Jacobs, and Nathan E. Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. Green.

JAKE LEIB 1613 North24thst Fried &Kuklin Steinberg Delicatessen

Schalker Kosher Packing Company

W. W. Grade Painting Contractor

SATISFACTION GUARANTEED | That's a Broad Statement—But we can prove i t Try us and see.




Insurance of all Kinds


Goldstein Jewelry Co.

Typewriters and Adding Machines

Rev, J. Schukert

Mr. and Mrs. Max Wright, of Hollywood, Calif., announce the birth of a baby boy on Sunday, June 3. Mrs. Wright was formerly Miss Polly Adler, of this city. Mr. Ralph Cohn, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, is expected to return Wednesday, June 20, from the' University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Mich. Miss Estelle Lapidus and Miss Ruth Willinsky are expected home Saturday morning from Rockford College,. Rockford, 111., where they have been attending school. Mrs. B. R. Boasberg is expected home the latter part of the week from Chicago, I1L, and Milwaukee, Wis.i "Where she has completed her studies in Dramatic Arts.


Watch For Grand Opening

Kosher Delicatessen Everything in the delicatessen line at your disposal. Let us make your baskets for your outings and parties.

/. L1BB 310 North 16th Street Phone JAckson 5062


Cut Flowers

Miss Millie Peskin, of Siou* City, la., who has been visiting here with Miss Baylia Freiden, left Tuesday for her- home.

311 South 16th Sti<iet Phone Atlantic 8010.

Miss Tillie Kice expects to leave for Chicago, 111., after her graduation from the Omaha Technical Hixrh

Only Jewish Florist in town.



Something New in the City of Omaha We wish to announce to the Jewish People of Omaha and vicinity that on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, we will open for business our two new stores located at 12014)3 North 24th Street. We will be equipped with the most complete line of KOSHER MEATS, DELICATESSEN, GROCERY, and NICEST; and MOST UP-TO-DATE FISH MARKET. Our stores w31.be'the most up-to-date stores west of Chicago. We will carry a most complete line of all Jewish necessities and also a full line of foreign and domestic goods, * Our special delivery department will be equipped to handle all orders and also special attention will be given to out-of-town mail orders. Watch this paper for further news.

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t technical expression of a standardiza- cies or "movements, alone. A whole-, a Jewish- cause" will ;keep the Jewish i^hatrnots, and we must "•. rememberand cents^—but rather in the terms of I that we are community workers, whose the spiritual values which tliey repretion of work and service, a program some Jewish community life can:be group 'f rom disintegration. of similarity of service for one small induced only when there is a-; proper " Here then * is"='the first basis upon I motivating ideal should be the con- sent. Our budgets will come from community, which, because it is stand- reaction by all the constituent; ele- which we may establish one. standard servation and the strengthening of the within outwardly—in the expression > This address -was delivered by Mr. ic aims the unification of the Jewish ard, may then be applied to all small ments that make up the community for Jewish social service—not only Jewish consciousness of the entire of a united Jewry, glowing and vi' Bumuel H, Schaefer, superintendent of to all the forces and appeals that' are must we ask "what is the work that community. We must take steps to brant with race pride ^and race concommunities. • - : |- the Jewish Welfare Federation of group, through the medium of some Every Jewish community, whether exerted upon it. is being done?" but also, "how many bring about the formation in our com- sciousness. And that community will I Omaha at the, annual conference, of one function of Jewish communal I Socttfl-Workers, held in Washington, large or.small, is a field for certain ; The temple,and the synagogue, the people are interested in the] work fi- munities of informal councils com- set the standard' •which will give aniservice. •:' .""• , : . ' . . . J D. C . May 10.—Editor's Note. v mation to all the essential functions of Actual budgets, dollars and' cents definite social service and group func- B'nai B'rith and similar organiza- nancially, and therefore morally?" We posed of representatives of all the social and communal life, which will He .would be'foblhardyjindeed who groups within the community, and of tions. Those that are here given seem make this contention—that the institions, Zionism, Keren Hayesod, War would, at a meeting such as this, at- budgets, budgets that may be inter- to me to be elemental and fundamental tution, which J s supported byjan aver- all the forces exerting themselves contribute most liberally to. their suptempt to carry .out the implications changeable between communities as in the furtherance of a ' wholesome Relief, all these fall properly in di- age of 5,000 $5.00 per year subscribers upon our people. We must make it the port (for in such a ^community a^'.ple inherent in the wording of, our sub^-standardized parts of a motor car are communal life, a-communar life that vision 6, 'which we have termed group business of this council to bring about funds will be forthcoming), and which jec't, and try to prescribe lump.bud- interchangeable between cars, cannot shall not only be pregnant with unity, and nationalistic movements. Each,of" is filling a bigger place in Jewish so- that nice adjustment of reaction to wiip unite all- persons,'-,rich and \, > »r cial service than one doing ;i similar them, and all of them, have a definite gets for communities in" terms of dol- be prescribed, just because our com- but vibrant with Judaism. • r place in Jewish communal life—with- piece of work that is supported by 5 individual appeals that will cause alike,: in a common program of servlars and cents. Nor do I think that munities do differ in so many ways. Eight such fields of "Jewish service in .every community there will be $5,000.00 per year subscribers, even those appeals to be answered well and ice to self, to mankind and to Judasuch was the intent of the anonymous Nor will it answer the purpose of the come to,mind, and because they are found some group that is;responsive though the work of the latter organ- faithfully, without weakening those ism. ' subject to.draw comparative commuphraserof the subject. fundamental to the furtherance of a ization is broader in scope and better other community forces which are es- Standardized budgets for instituEven at-first thought it appears nity budgets* which may serve as the wholesome Jewish communal life in to "them. The-development of Jewish in quality. Jewish : social service must sential. We can do this and we must tions we may have in terms of dolconsciousness;.' and Jewish group soliindex for the efficiency or philanthroevident that such' budgets cannot be American they are particularly fields darity' is^ in direct ratio; to -the- reac- always be attended by two hand-maid- .dp' this, if our community program is lars and cents, but the standardized py, or lack of them, betweenentire established, and as one goes- deep of service for the small community. ens—service'to "the community, and ;to .be-well developed and inclusive'. It into the subject this impression is con- communities. We may do this! it is Heaven forbid that I be deemed guilty tion which these. forces evoke from the means of service for the commu-1 isbeing done today in certain commu- budget for communities must be a picture of the Jewish soul, in its highthose individua|s> Tipon whom they are true, as between the various social firmed. For although,-w.& are all here *ni4iies-''aHd; it can-be -done inr ail.'"' of "lese majeste" when' I state that exerted.. I have*used the phrase nity.. • ' est degree of perfection. service funcfaoris or organizations of - classed arbitrarily, for "the purpose of : the structure and backbone -of -Amer- "Jewish group solidarity" above con- We have tried to outline here a min-f "'each -community we have 'our communities. We may,. and do, f<jr 'this conference, as small-communities, ican Jewish life is to be found in Mem- sciously and deliberately, despite the imum program of service ^for the" leaders who are working for ;the de- Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Sixty assistwe differ mightily! in actuality! We example, use in our Omaha Y. M. H. and Louisville, in- Columbus and act that the inclusion of some of these smaller community, only through the velopment of that particular field of ant professors and instructors joined A. theexperiences in expenditures, vary in size of population,, in;scope New Orleans, in Omaha and' Des movements, e. g., reform Judaism and completion of which can we-hope to; Jewish .communal endeavor -in. which the striking anti-Jewish students, deand the "results . thereby obtained, of and function of our organizations, we Moines, and others of the so-called ionism, both in their narrower con- arrive at standardized community bud- they, are especially interested. .Ours is claring that since only Jews attended vary in innumerable-ways. We are the St. Louis Y. M. H. A., and we try smaller communities, rather than in lections, within a community might gets.. For.JIO" community can pride it-1 peculiarly the- task • of centralizing the lectures, they saw no purpose in to'stretch our $6,000 Y.-M.'H. A. budsimilar only in that our" communities New York and Boston, Philadelphia eem to be productive of disruption; self on the work which it is doing in ihese leaders 'and co-ordinating their continuing to teach. Appeals by the get to cover the sarnie comparative. are composed'of-smallgroupte,as compared .to the-metropolitan ..centers of field that the much greater expendi- and Cleveland, Cincinnati and Balti- But "as each stimulates its adherents' any one field'of Jewish activity if that interests. Unless we see this duty Jewish student body to the instructors o a deeper Jewish consciousness it is performance is being carried on at .which lies just beyond our" day-byJewish settlement, andth^becaouse of ture of the St. Louis organization is more. • • , . . . to disregard the anti-Semitic boycott ecessary and desirable. the expense of other fields and" phases day tasks but whose shadow embraces proved unavailing. covering. The family, relief agency of These eight fields of activity the our comparative smallriess we do have unity of'ascertain sort. To the fur- one community may well attempt its necessity for which is evidenced in the The frutherance of the movements which are vital to a healthy commu- them, we are evading an obligation therance 'arid' the strengthening of that relief allowances to the figures which average, normal Jewish community in isted above, and others of a like na- nity consciousness, And no .-budget and shirking a responsibility. unity, our;Communal organizations are other agencies throughout the country America are: ture, must be included in any broad can be established for communities When all communities shall have 1—Relief—family and individual re- ommunity service program, on the that does not provide for the inclusion brought all the forces within themdedicated, potentially, at least. : Here, have found to be standard, and then WHOLESALE too, is another likeness—and. I would set its annual budget for relief with habilitation. ame- basis as are the relief, recre- of all these functions on a finely bal- selves to this sort of an adjustment, the end in viewof maintaining th t Druggists and Stationers 2—Recreation—Jewish center and ational and «ducational institutions anced and thoroughly co-ordinated we may well speak of standardized ask you to keep both in mind for later : l : standard., We may have such standard ' 401-403-tOS Sooth 10th Street Y. M. H..A. activities. purpose's-'of "our paper. - • We arkT&Pbasis.' community budgets, But again our 1 and agencies of the community. resentative." of small groups, and our comparative budgets for each of the - 3—Education—^ducatipn of, Ameribudgets cannot be in terms of dollars How may we arrive at this co-ordispecialized fields of our work.' A«\d we can born Jews in the principles of Ju- Equally important as an index of nation? Federations will do much to will do well to come closer to evh daism, and of foreign born Jews in the community's measure of service establish it because they usually ino Judaism, is the support which it other in this endeavor than we n«iw the principles of Americanism. FRED R.SHAW Flower Shop clude the greater proportion of the accords to national Jewish instituare-—so that each of us may learn 4—Health—individual' and commurhone 104 functions enumerated. Those whijh i Certified Public Accountants ions. The work which these instituand profit by the experiences of the nal. The Best of Everything: in Flowers and verge on the factional or political Audits Systems tions is doing is a service performed other. Confections at Moderate Price*. 5r—Personal service. . have no place , in the, federation orInvestigations or all 345 W. Broadway, Next IAbertr Theater America, and the 6—Group and nationalistic, moveBut none of • these budgets " would 43* to 440 Feters Trust Bid*. COUNCIL BlitTFFS. IOWA. fact that' th,i2f»tuberculosis" sanitoria ganization, but they do have a place Phones, Jackson 4313. 4314. ments. give us a standardized community in the community organization. 7—Support of national Jewish in- are in Denver'or Los Angeles, thoubudget—nor would the totals of them Federations can take the first step sands of miles, it may be, from our all give us this phantom, this will-of- stitutions. by so-organizing their work and their TO community, *he fact' that "our 8—The spiritual force of Jewish the-wisp that we are here pursuing. community may not have a single pa- forces that all those functions which VAL.J.PETER&COMPANY What then is a standardized budget philanthropy. Distributors of tient at these institutions and may are properly within the scope of the 1307. Howard St., Omaha, Neb. for smaller communities ? It seems to Before entering into further analy- never expect to have one, makes it no Federation will be provided for. The Western Bond—and High Atlantic 0340. me that a standardized budget must sis of these eight fields of service I less incumbent upon the community others will be formed without the meGrade Stationery mean ^nothing more nor le'ss^than the" want to make clear that I do not hold ;o contribute its "share to the support diation of:the Federation, and once 'One of America's Great Hotels" Omaha, Nebraska. all of. these to be the field of action formed must be adequately mainof, any one agency. Even" the most of movements which affect Jews natained. Just as no chain is stronger tionally. . , thoroughly organized federation cannot hope to include in its scope all Here then are, seven distinct fields than its weakest link, so is no com- WASH AND KEEP WELL A RULE OF HEALTH of .them. Indeed,-some'of them- are, of social service for American Jewish munity stronger than the weakest of because of their very nature, and the communities. Together they form the its essential organizations. Where the Every Known'Kind FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY nature of our Federations^ as com- eighth, which is-not so much a field synagogue or the temple is weak, —-••• ^ — f w l a i - i - —•—^f~ .; of J other communal agencies cannot hope 1819 California Street. plete or semi-philanthropic organiza- as. a domain:—the -spiritual force of WHOLESALE PAPER, it •2.6; 209*W. O. W.. Bldg. tions, entirely beyond the province of Jewish philanthropy. Every service. to reach greatest strength. And yet, O729 NO. I8?ST." STATIONERY, ETC ? the Federation. I do say that all of agency is dual "jn nature. It renders J ™ 6 * ** a g e n * y o r f 8 T o u p o f Distributors for them are proper and necessary fields service to its beneficiaries in its spePink Tip Matches —; of activity for "Jewish'communities, cialized line—anjd to its contributors cies is preponderate^ strong, others EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE Northern Toilet Tissue and especially for the smaller commu- it offers the medium for service in a will suffer, and through them the IATJNDRT. nities.,, .. '•'-•' Jewish cause. Tp;Jewish life in Amer- structure.of the entire community will Where your clothes come home 1112 Harney Street ica this last is as vital as that its in- be weakened, unless we have this fins cleaner and last longer. Few. of them require explanation or ATlantic 640? ,< THE T H E VAKE*Ub'iWT5E.JJEK5 - ^ . . ; • . .* 1507-11 Jackson St. analysis. Of the place of relief work digent be provided with the essentials co-ordination of forces and activities. AT Untie 0280. Tel. J A . 4397, . Anyjthing ;:-Anytime'^ -Anyplace , 13(11 JacSson St;-\ H. A. JACOBBBKGER, Pres. in Jewish communities. w# need not of life, its children educated and its If we who are here are truly seeksick healed. For the distractions luring some standard for communities, dwell. It always has been and always Omaha Office: 813 Donglas Street. will be the corner-stone upon which ing away from 'the ideals of Judaism whether it be called standard budgets Omaha Phone Atlantic 255S are so manifold and so extensive that or standard programs, we must do all our structures of Jewish philany Tejofojatibn ^Besets You Ford Transfer & Storage Co. only the masses of Jews bound by one .thing. We must forget that we thropy, no matter how wide-spread or COCNCIL BX.CFFS, XA. When You Enter r R, A. FOED. some thread, be it ever so fragile, to are the heads' of relief agencies, hoshow far-flung they may be, are raised. President and General Manager. Service is Our Motto CANDIES, ICE CREAM, *' Council Blnffs (Iowa) Office pitals, child-bearing institutions, or Recreation—for Jews in a Jewish Safe Deposit Boseg for Bent. TOO So. Main 8treet. Phone 365. LUNCHES. environment—is. rapidly becoming the IHMUMUMM foremost activity in most Jewish communities today. If we would conserve the best traditions of the Jew, we must guard closely the leisure mo16th and Farnam Streets OCR TREATMENT WILI* ments of our children especially, and CONVINCE roc or oms BUTTER and EGGS communities mast provide for them sixcEKirvr Crystal Candy Company ; : : Trust Department. proper places where they may spend Council Bluffs, la.' -16th and Capitol Ave, . Safety Deposit Boxei. their time, under careful direction. • i Americanization of the foreign-born Jew has been a field of activity for ITEN The broad range of snappy styles and splendid qualities of the many years in most communities offerings Trill surprise even those expecting most. BISCUIT CO. Comparatively recently though has Made br Jewish education come to claim the ONE-STRAP SPORT SANDALS "Manufactured in Omaha" UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Snow White attention of community leaders. The FOOD CO. Bakeries White canvas with black leather failure of the synagogue on the one BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ..C. 8J t a t . in ail trimming like cut; come hand and of the temple on the other Office.) sizes; an exceptional to secure a hold upon the Jewish child value at born in America has precipitated such FOSTER-BARKER a crisis in American Jewish Hfe that Plain White Cairns Sand; " ot COUNCIL BLUFFS all national religious, agencies, orthor CO.INSURANCE als, one-strap style with We pay i% Interest on Savin* dox and reform alike, are urging and low heels; 'all sizes; also "If Its Worth Anything and Time Deposits. insisting upon more emphasis and White Canvas Oxfords, low JAckson 1862 Safe Deposit Boxes, for Rent. —Have It Insured." more work in this field. It is a chal heels; all fl»1 (*Q lenge which communities cannot afsizes {7X»vf «7 ford to disregard. THE POPULAR SHEBA SANDALS Health may seem to be allied to re ADVO COFFEE lief, yet the field of general commu One of the newest and best styles ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS nal health is a fertile one. There are lor summer .wear; .come In white Wholesale buck; all black patents; patents vast numbers of persons who are not Fruit and Vegetables PAX TON AND with* gray trimming; black satins ' clients of the relief office nor tribu N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. and smoked elk with black tary to it, for whom a communa! patent trimming; all sizes; health program.'is essential. matchless valti Q Personal service—legal advice, im uesat migrant aid, big brother and big sis Hade from your own feathers. Warm ter work, individual work with delin In winter: cool In summer. Cost less V. S. MOBBY. Prop. V and last longer thnn cotton. Phone us quents—all these find a proper place 9 UNDERTAKERS for samples of ticking and estimates. in the service activities of the Jewish Phone Webster 0820 - THE LAUNDRY -THAT 2224 Cuming St. OMAHA PILLOW CO., community large or small. EVERYBODY LIKES. Phone JAckson 1226 1907 Cumlngr St. Phone JA ck«on 3481 These five fields of work are fa miliar to you. The average federation Plain or with,fancy drawn , work or emembraces all of-them. But the remainbroidered clocks;'all wanted shades; best ing three—group and nationalist! silk hosiery value in d»"| A f t *° ^55^ fiQ AUTO PAINTING 109 No. 16th 8t. TeL JAekaon 3128 movements, support of national "JewTop and Body Building Opposite Posf-Offlre. and Repairing. , GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys ish institutions, and the spiritual force Moll Orders Promptly Filled. CPKTAINS—LIGHTS—ETC. of Jewish philanthropy—are equally From $3.00 to $9.00. Omaha Fixture & GOOD FURNISHINGS. as important in the social service proPFEIFFER gram of a community. ppJ tSUi Leavenworth St. AT lantle 0701 •We must in this discussion view COMOPLETB'STOBg AKp the community in the exact meaning drfrrjHRs PAXTON BILLIARD . American of that term—as the community. The Wall ReceptaclesPARLOR community is composed of1 all the Wet Wash Laundry forces and all the powers ofall the Light—WIRING—Power Wwets. NICE S. WRANfC, Proprietor 207. North 16th St., 2 5 0 3 Cuming. riarncy 088) aatt —Bell Transformers people within the geographic limits of 15ie Parnam Street. ^ ^ One Day Service. No • Extra VVAlnat 3034. : 40 & Coming Sts. the group—and is not confined .to one Ftaan« Charges. Reunite Soft Water or two factions,"organizations, agen.

A STANDARDIZED BUDGET FOR THE SMALLER COMMUNITY "-By-is. H. SCHAEffEK. organizations have as one of their bas-

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