June 14, 1923

Page 1

Nothing is more prac-

Say; not always what

tical ;fhan a high, clear-

you "know, but always

ly-defined ideal of serv-

know what you say. ,

ice; \


VOL. H—No. 27


.ered oa leeand-cUsi mail matter on January 27th. 1921. at «t Onaha.rjNebTaska, under the Act otM&rch 8, ISZ9.

CantorS. Kwartin to Sag at Concert Here Sunday Evening Special Feature, Program at B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th j and Chicago Streets.

SAYS HARVARD STAND MAY END DISCRIMINATION Worcester, Mass. (J. T, A.)— The defeat of the attempt to discriminate against Jews at Harvard "University would prevent further such disagreeable affairs against any race or group in American institutions of learning, B. Loring Young, speaker of the Massachusetts House, and an overseer of Harvard, told members of the Maccabees and Young Men's Hebrew Association at a banquet here Wednesday. Mr. Young was given a testimonial in recognition of his opposition to anti-Jewish propaganda.



Oan Leader Routed Justice Louis D. Brandeis at Perth Mboy for Talks About Palestine Foul Attack on Jews Five- Hundred Men and Boys Protest Remarks of Speaker.,

Justice Louis D. Brandeis delivered three brief impromptu addresses at the Annual Conference of the Palestine -Development Council last week. While perhaps not so intended, they are complimentary of eahc other and clearly voice his views on Palestine, the Jews and the organization. • *,

ENGLAND SLEPT WHILE JEWS WERE MASSACRED London, (J. T. A.).—Declaring England was asleep, and the League of Nations failed to utter a protest, during the m a s s a c r e of Jews in the Ukraine, Chief Rabbi Hertz compared last night the Ukraine pogroms to the massacre of Armenians. The Chief Rabbi's remarks were made in the course of a speech- at a meeting here to protest the Soviet persecution of religion. The meeting was addressed also by Captain MacCullaugh, an American newspaper correspondent, Dean Inge and Monsignor Howlett.

Federation Stillin i r e leed of Finds toFiitanee June Work

At the luncheon, over -which Hon.: the problem, care enough for the posNathan Straus, Jr., presided, Justice sibilities that are open to them to put VARIED B R A N C H E S OE IS WORLD-KNOWN CANTOR Brandeis said: . their heart, and if need be, their lives SERVICE COST §136.00 —FIRST TIME IN OMAHA it far more important that into that situation. ' DAILY. P e r t h Amboy, N . J.—A crowd of you should hear from t i e -woman on Cantor S. Kwartin, •world celebrated Doubters in Palestine. With $9,500 still needed to finance 500 men and boys stormed a Klan my right. Miss Henrietta Szold, who Cantor, will hold a concert in Omaha, Doubters are not doubters of Palcan tell what has been done in Palesthe Jewish Welfare Federation until meeting in t h e hall of . t h e Junior Sunday evening, June 17, at the B'nai estine. They are doubters of Jews. June SO, fifty workers, under the Order of American Mechanics here tine because she has had a very large (Applause.) The land is an inspiraleadership of Harry Malashock* t o n i g h t Disorder started when Rev. part in doing -the best that has been tion to any one who goes to it, and chairman of the Federation Financa Oscar Haywood, klan organizer, done by us. an inspiration -because of what you Committee, are exerting every effort But I am glad to say something feel at every, point, urging you on to launched into an attack on Jews to collect all outstanding pledges;, so reminiscent of the. slander, fulmina- as to what I think we all can contrib- do the very thing that could make that the great work of the Federations which have been broadcast b y ute in one way of another. As I it bloom, .not -only physically, but tion may continue without curtailwent over Palestine three years ago bloom in men and women who are to the o r g a n , of Henry Ford. • ' with Mr. de Haas, the thought that ment. inhabit it.- But for .that you must "The Jews i a v e their own Jewish Although collections by the workorganizations, "which a r e exclusive," came to me more strongly than any care. You must be.willing to enter other was of the great possibilities of ers during the past week totalled upon the great adventure of trying said Haywood. "Which reason is over §2,700, the men in the field there that the Ku Klux Klan should accomplishment which were open to something that isn't the humdrum, are not satisfied * with this amount everyday existence in which so many not organize a n exclusive Gentile so- us there. To Be Representative at District No. ciety?, I a m going to tell t h e truth I had something to do at one time of us are condemned to live. If you First Women's Auxiliary to Be Rec- and are determined to make this week's collections reach double that ognized in District No. 6. 2, Convention I. O. B. B. if you do get mad. T h e Jews are and another "with public problems, want interest, if you want adventure, figure. out to • create an empire of wealth. with an endeavor to accomplish in a if you want romance, if you want satisfaction, put your mind on what you At the meeting of the Federation particular line something definite that LARGE CROWD ATTENDED WILL SPEAK AT NATIONAL I say t h a t t h e United -States h a s can do there. If you can't do it yourBoard last Sunday Samuel Schaefer, might make" an impression upon the the same right t o create a n empire OPEN MEETING HOSPITAL CONVENTION superintendent, in his monthly reparticular community in which we self, if circumstances are such that of wealth." .•-.-• a resume of the dayHarry H. Lapidus was officially ap- At this there w a s a n outcry from were working, and;I-never was more you don't feel .that you can go, be Mr. Henry Monsky, past president port, presented 1 pointed to represent District No. 6 at a number i n t h e audience who had convinced that what we were striving sure that somebody else goes in whom of District No. 6 of the B'nai by-day activities of the Federation, the convention of District Not 2 , 1 . O. swept t h e Klan guards a t the doors for could be readily accomplished than you are interested and in whose ad- B'rith and present member of the ex- stating that it costs a minimum of that conviction which I experienced in vance and trial you are taking some ecutive committee of the National Or- $136 daily to operate the various B. B., which meets at Denver Colo. aside on entering t h e hall.. . - , der, presented the Grand Lodge Char- department of this sum $41.10 is Mr. Lapidus was appointed by Gusta- Haywood attempted to drown Palestine. It all seemed to be def- part. • Israel Synagogue," Eighteenth and vus Loevinger, president of District those who called to him by a shout initely possible.1 The troubles,- the And it is merely,that question that ter to the Women's Auxiliary of the spent daily for local relief, for thss difficulties, were there before us. The I put to you. Do we care enough for B'nai B'rith Sunday afternoon before care of .72 children and 20 adults Chicago streets. Cantor Kwartin is No. 6. . • of defiance. main difficulty "that I had in under- the things that.are worth while caring a large crowd of members and friends assisted i n Omaha by t h e Federation, knotai the world over for his tenor The convention of District No. 2 "You can't stop t h e Ku Klux voice. -will begin Sunday, June 17, and will Klan," h e roared dramatically. ' I f standing was the doubt which Jews for in life to have a part in that ad- of the organization. Twenty new For support of Jewish hospitals '{This:is the first opportunitythat be held until June 21. At this con- blood: is spilled here : tonight t h a t felt, not there but elsewhere, as to venture ? I don't say helping it on— members were initiated followed by Federation' contributes §16.79 Omaha Jewry has had to hear such a vention Harry Lapidus will be the of- blood will b e stronger t h a n the life whether the task that we Jews were but being a part of it. And to be a installation of new officers for the en- day, for Jewish orphanages $4.93. setting before ourselves was one that part of it you need not be there, al- suing term. celebrated artist," said S. Ravitz, ficial representative of District No. 6. According t o t h e report ?16,14 ^member of the committee in charge The annual convention of the Na- of t h e man who gives i t t o the cause. could be accomplished. I have never though it may be the best place to The officers installed are the follow- spent daily for Jewish education of arrangements for the reception and tional Jewish Hospital will be held in If you Mil m e here tonight you will had a moment's <ioubt since I was in be and the • most : satisf actory point ing: Celia Hooper, president; Bess for t h e promotion of recreational concert. Cantor Kwartin is not only Denver, Colo., from 21 to 23, inclusive. have made the K u Klux Klan in Palestine. But it does need from from which to start the adventure. Greenberg, vice president; Bess Stock, activities, both juvenile and adult, known in the-^fJnited States, but is The National Jewish'Hospital, one of the United States. Your attack on Jews elsewhere, a determination, a secretary; Fanny Rosenblum, treasur- $25.22 daily. Mr. Schaefer's report, - W h a t to Do. me J s a mighty aid t o our cause." , will. And what Herzl said—that tighly Ta1;ed-throughout Europe. the largest hospitals of its kind in "We're going to control this town Now,. what is, it that we - can do ? er; Ray Bercu, guide; Esther Katle- which impressed the members of the .^"Jffe.jhss.appeared jiucancerts dpring thought jmp^ggiLJisse^iXBqa, ,me. ..at If;-;TO-don'tsvail ©urseives-Bf- ths-P^aa., .sentinel;, JRoseQsrodinsky, guard- Board most strongly with _ths bet on ~that/* several "of t h e his present trip -iir the largest cities Districts JSfos.. 6 and 2, of the every moment as -I went through that great opportunity "of" going Green- urgency of t h e Federation's needs, : intruders answered. i — .of the - TjFnited States, and has been pendentOrder of'B'iai B'rith. land: "We have but to will it." There blatt Cohen, Flora Beinstock, trustees; will "be printed i n next week's issufi land and directly" from day to day The uproar grew and .Haywood highly acclaimed. * His appearance in Mr. Lapidus' as trustee of the hosis no field for doubt, except the field Ruth Levey, mointress. of t h e "Jewish Press". Omaha will be a feature event for the pital, and representing District No. 6, finally retreated from t h e -platform as to whether Jews' care enough for (Continued on page 4) Miss Sadie Levy rendered several "We will get in all t h e necessary number of people that will hear him. will be one of the principal speakers and niade for an inner room where piano selections, Mrs. H. S. Kaimen funds", said H a r r y Malashock, fihe stood with several policeman. H e A special program is being arranged at the banquet, which-will be held Satsang several vocal numbers, and a nance chairman, today. ' T h i s is the for this occasion, according to the urday evening, June 23, at the Albany was noi; molested during^ the meeting. tableaux depicting the following bib- greatest crisis t h a t h a s confronted At one time when several men rose committee in charge. hotel. lical characters was presented: the Federation. Our loyal workers; menacingly, Issac Alpern, president" Rebecca at the Well—Ann Win- will surmount it. But, they need t h s of t h e Perth Amboy Trust Company, troub. help of every Federation subscriber shouted, "Don't touch t h a t m a n , " Former Soldiers Demand Removal of Were Teachers, of Sunday School— Ruth and Naomi—-Ruth, Rose Kraft; who h a s not yet paid his semi-s.n« Took Part in All Activities. Wreath From Monument, i Naomi, Ann Blank. nual dues. We have enough money, Queen Esther—Gertrude Levin. outstanding t o meet all our bills, Rockford, III.—More than one hunRabbi Charles Blumenthal of TS1 New York.—A Ku Klux Klan dred'people attended the gathering The Omaha Women's Auxiliary has $9,500 will carry u s safely until Paso, Tex., arrived Wednesday even- Organizations to Enter Various wreath which was placed upon the been functioning in the city for more July 1st. Our present need is gra*t ing to be the guest of the congregaSoldiers' Monument in Rockville CenContests Which Will Be Held. than ten years. The local auxiliary and must be m e t All subscriber* The graduates of the Omaha High tions of the city. Rabbi Blumenthal of the B'nai B'rith will be the first should send their checks to the Fed* Schools will hold their graduation ex- tre, L. I., on Memorial Day, later re•will deliver an address at the CongreTickets for the Omaha Hebrew ercises Friday evening,-June-15, at the moved by indignant members of the auxiliary in the District of No. 6 to eration office a t once, without waitgation B'nai Israel Friday evening, at Club Picnic to be held Sunday after- City Auditorium. Thirty-six Jewish American Legion, ordered replaced by receive recognition from the Grand ing for the committees to call. Jn. •which place the younger set of Omaha noon and evening, July 29, at Peony students are being graduated this village trustees and then withdrawn Lodge. With the charter from the this w a y they can help u s ira-* Jewry is invited to attend. On Satur- Park, have been placed on sale at June from the Central High School, once more, has been the subject of a Grand Lodge, the auxiliary will be mensely." «£ day morning Rabbi Blumenthal will the following. places: Steinberg's and seventeen Jewish students from heated controversy. Commander Samrepresented at the annual conventions deliver a sermon in Yiddish. uel Ellis of the Rockwell Legion Post Delicatessen, 310 North 16th St.; the Omaha Technical High School will held by the District. says that the village authorities exAll children of the city Sunday Frid & Kuklin, 1613 North 24 Str;; receive" their diplomas* school and all those that are not mem- Adler!s Delicatessen, 1618 North 24th The-Omaha Central graduates: * ceeded their authority in replacing the wreath. bers of the Sunday school are invited St., and John Feldman, 109 North Kate Goldstein, Miltin Slandelson. Ella Marcus Alice idler, — " to attend the "surprise treat" Sunday 16th Street [ "The memorial monument was paid Mildred Miller, Celia Brody, morning at the B'nai Israel SynaElla.. Cohen, Gertrude Moskowitz, for by the Legion members, and the Competition in the sale of raffle Hoae Reservations Now Being received for Melrin- Radimrn. gogue, Eighteenth and Chicago tickets .on a Chevrolet touring car Helen Dolgoff, Beatrice" Beichenberg, Veterans of Foreign Wars," says Iievlnson, Mr. Henry Hurwitch, Chancellor of First Association Outdoor Frolic, streets. . • Ann Kosenblatt, GlOinsfey, Commander Ellis. "Among the fourto be given away at the picnic is Celia the Intercollegiate Menorah Society, Edward Kosqnthal, Ethel Gladstone, Edward *SeMmmel,~ i' teen names on the tablet are those of becoming very keen. The Hariassalv Hdwin Kahn, and editor of the Menorah Journel Over 100 Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Lester Slosburg, Kalph Kahn, Catholics, Jews and a Negro. These Girls have catered the contest and Harry. Ben Sltrtzky. . • ' Kneeter, • that is published in New York City, members are expected to attend th* Sara-Somberc. Hose I^azartis. are the people assailed by the Elan. promise to give the Hatikvoh Girls Jean will be in Omaha Friday a s the guest first picnic of the season, on Sunday. Isidore Boskin. Leibowitz, a fight for the prize offered by the' TJonis Iiipp, Ktisabere "Wintrorib, We felt that these men who -died in of the local Chapter, who will enter- June 24, at Elmwood Park, accorditis: -Marie Goldstrom. Maisel. the service of their country would not lodge to the one selling the greatest Zena tain at a luncheon for the visitor. Mr. to sentiment expressed at the regultr Freeda Mendelson. Philip. Handler, norencr I/ewis, want the tribute of such an nn-AmerErnest Reuben, Hurwitch will speak st Temple Israel meeting of the Association Sexsinr Mrs. Irma May Cantor of Lemberg, number of raffle tickets. Sara-Fish.-Samuel •Paler, ican organization as the Klan. ComPlans are practically completed Dave Kobtnson, Friday evening. The public is invited Group Monday night. Jack Poland, in Nebraska to Collect making the Baby contest one of the 'The-Omaha Technical High School plaint about the wreath was made to and should be at the Temple at 8 man is chairman of the committee on Pledges. me by Raymond and Albert Murphy, most unique and interesting events graduates: * o'clock. ESTELLE LAPIDUS arrangements, with Ben Bernstein "whose brother, Joseph, was killed in Lapidus and Ruth Wilinsky of OmaLillian M. SchifEer. Eva Nichols. ~ Mrs. Irma May Cantor, formerly of in the history of Omaha Jewish! Ida Sam Theodore, I. Goodman, Meryls Rabbi Max J. Merritt, formerly Id E unTH , E. Xeina Perlmutter, action in France. They are Catholics ha, Nebr., -were guests of honor. Lemberg, Poland, is now making a affairs. Edith Spector, Blanche Greenhouse, Friedel, Ida Adler and Esther Davjrjof Omaha, who is now head of a and the only other man from this vil- Both, Miss iapidus and Miss WilinsE. Sidman, Sam Theadore. tour of the state of Nebraska, repre- One of the features of the picnic Ida son assisting. Harold Farber trnd Temple in Toronto, Canada, and who Sophia Fercr. Sam SeEleman, lage killed in action was a Catholic, Novitsky, Julins Haykin.. senting the Joint Distribution commit- will be dancing in the afternoon and Leone ky, were: teachers of the Sunday Philip Feldman will be in charge ot arrived here Monday night to attend Mary Kyte, Harold" Marsrolin. James Donato. In company with the tee of New York. Mrs. Cantor's mis- evening to music furnished by Bravi- Tillie Rice. school held at Roflf ord, 111. games. David Fishman. the golden anniversary of his parents, Muryhp brothers I took the wreath to Fannie Levin son. sion is the collection of unpaid hal reff's Jazz orchestra. "These girls "have taken part in one Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt, will also Reservations for the picnic must bs the police station after .removing the ances on War Relief pledges made in of the most important duties ever held speak at the Temple Friday evening. made at the Y office in the Lyric card and gave it to Capt. T. G. Bacon Y. M. H. A. BAIX TEAM 1922. She Teports excellent success PLAN ROUTE THROUGH and we. owe them many thanks," said building before June 21. Lunch safe-keeping. We did not know SYRIA** DESERT throughout the state, and is meeting DEFEATS OPPONENTS for L. Shanhouse," president of the conit had been replaced until after our be served at the park, and there will London. (J. T. A.) A land route The Y. M. H. A. baseball team with fine results wherever she goes. gregation. - Miss Lapidus and Miss WAR MOTHER'S TO ERECT exercises -or it would have been torn MONUMENT. Mrs. Cantor just returned to this from the Mediterranean over the Syr- defeated the Corr Electric team last off by the crowd. Why did the village Wilinsky were presented with gifts and stunts. It is planned to have thfc ian Desert to Bagdad and India, using Sunday afternoon by a score of 7 to 2. country two months ago, following A memorial monument costing Y. M. H. A. baseball team play *?; trustees order it replaced because two from the congregation. * year of service with the "Joint" in Haifa in Palestine and Beirut in Syria "We have now one of the strongest anonymous telephonists asked them to Miss Lapidus.has been teaching at S10,000 will be erected here by the Elmwood during the afternoon. All its child-care work in Poland and as service stations, will be inaugurat- teams in the league and should make the Sunday%_school for the past two American War Mother's Society in in all, this will be, without doubt, the do so?" Roumania. She was born in Lemberg ed in the fall, according to Norman the race interesting," said Leo years, and was one of the first girls memory of the men and women who best out-of-doors affair the local boyg and became affiliated with t h e J . D . C. Mairu, who participated in the trial ionecky, captain of the team. The to take active" part in communal served in the world war. Tie monu- and girls have ever held. A fee of S?> in its w a r sufferers relief program trips automobiles recently made across Y team /will play the Christ Child TO ASSIST CAMPFIRE GIRLS. work. Miss -Wilinsky began . as a ment will be placed on the Court cents per person will be charged. four years ago. H e r intimate knowl- the Syrian Desert, Mr. Mairu states Center Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. House Grounds, facing Farnam St. The second annual Y tennis tournaThrough special arrangements with teacher of-the Sunday school this past edge of European conditions makes a passenger and mail service over the at 32nd and Dewey Ave. ment is also getting under way Mr. H. A. Honack, who is chairterm. Both girls have taken part in the Sun theater the CampSre Girls her particularly fitted for h e r present desert by a quick land route is readentries coining into the office d&ily. man of the publicity of the Foreign the work of the war relief .and many will obtain a percentage, of the prot a s k of collecting outstanding pledges. ily possible. The authorities of Mes- HAKENKREUZLER PARTY Singles and doubles matches for botK War Veteran's Association, presented other campaigns. • ceeds of; the picture, "Nanook of the DECLARED "LEGAL" She is expected,in Omaha some time opotamia and, Palestine are "thora hundred dollar check from the asso- men and women will be arranged Vienna. (J. T. A.) Tried for re- North," •which will be played there FIRST AERIAL DERBY next week, following t h e completion oughly interested" in the arrange. ciation to the War Mother's Associa- prizes awarded the winners in ments. Mr. Mariu states that his trip moving and destroying an anti-Semet- next week. of h e r work in the state. HELD IN PALESTINE tion to start them in their campaign, class. Entries will close at S p. m., over the Syrian Desert has convinced tc placard, a Christian workman was The tickets that are sold at the the- Jerusalem. ( J . T . , A.) The first which will begin Saturday by hold- June 24, All Jewish players in th$ him of the great fertility of -which the sentenced in a court here to pay a ater box office will not be counted for aerial display in .Palestine took place ing a tag day for t i e benefit. "ROZWOJ" REVIVES city are eligible to compete. PROTOCOLS OF ZION desert land is capable. By using the substantial fine or undergo imprison- the Campfire-Girls, Only tickets pur- at Ramleh, a squadron of 14 aero- The following ten women will be Warsaw:,- (-J* T. A.> A new Polish water power of the Euphrates and of ment. The judge who sentenced the chased at the stand next to the Sun planes of the British Royal Air Force majors on the Saturday Tag Day: and N. Blomberg, arid the edition of the forged protocols of the' the Tigris, which he-says are/now run- accused declared the Hakenkreuzler theater TKTII be counted. Mrs. Dolly participating- The exhibition program The Mesdaraes R. Kulakofsky, Dollye Bertha Kaplan, and Gertrude Harri*. Elders of Zion is receiving widespread ning waste, and with efficient irriga- was a legal political party and inter- Elgctter and Mrs. Leo Rosenthal sre included flying, air races, a balloon P. Eigutter, A. Kaplan, Abe Harris, There will be other Jewish distribution at the hands of the Roz- tion, the desert could be made to ference with its propaganda a mis- members of the Board of Directors hunt, mimic air fighting and a bomb-jlda Levin, Glen Olsen, 3. Neidejst, who will sell tags this Saturday. demeanor. and are assisting in the campaign, ing demonstraiie»•woj party. ;_• • "grow anything," in Ids opinion.


Henry Moiskj Presents Women's Auxiliary With Grand Lodge Charter

Omahan As Official Delegate To National Convention

Legion Post Commander Rockf ord Jewry ioaors lakes flan Wreath Away Omaha Girls At Gathering

Rabbi Charles Blumenthal of El Paso, Texas, to Speak Here Tickets Distributed

For Hebrew Glub Picnic Thirty-Six Jewish Students

Graduate High Schools


War Relief Worker Meeting With Fine Results § State



\ ;'•-,

$9,500 Lacking for Completion of First Half-Year's Activity.

ts Spe&k at Temple Israel


THE JEWISH PRESS *b e y tknrtdiy it'Omifit, THE JEWISH TRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY.Office; 482 Brandeis Theatre Bailding.--Telephdne: Jackson 237a NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. >

Subscription ,Price., one year.... ......... ,.,.^_..I,;•„..••....,...$2.50 Advertising ratea furnished on application."

| NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profita from the pubUca; tloa of The Jewish Press ara to be given to worthy Communal causea. :1

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The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency1 (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish hews, In addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New, York City.

Miss Yetta Levy stopped in Lincoln Plans were made for a bazaar, the her home Wednesday afternoon in on her way to her home in Hastings. date for which has nt>t been honor of her niece, Miss Esther Udolff, of Chicago, who came Sun- She has been attending the National day and will epend the summer here. Kindergarten College in Chicago, and recently completed her course there. / New York. (J. T. A.> The Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson will The Alumni held a meeting Tues- She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theological Seminary conferred the entertain a few friends at bridge at day evening at the home of Miss M. Levy, of; Hastings, Nebr. degree of Rabbi on three of its stu-their home this evening. Rose Shyken. dents at the commencement exercises The Misses Louise and Helen WesMrs. B. Brinn returned to her home 1 held Monday. The graduates were sel passed through Lincoln Monday on Elliot Maurice Burstein, Cleveland; in Webster City, la., Sunday after vistheir way to their home in Nebraska Louis Moses Levitsky (with merit), iting here with her daughter, Mrs. A. Miss Marian Levy sails this week City. There were camping at Crete, Gilinsky, and Mr. Gilinsky. Montreal, and Jacob Moses Roth (Ph. for Europe, where she will spend sev- Nebr., for the past two weeks. D.), Elizabeth, N. J. The closing meeting of the season eral months traveling. Nineteen were graduated from the for the Ladies' Benevolent Society was The Sisterhood of Temple B'naiJeDiamond & Platinum Specialists Mrs. Sam Rudy and two email Teachers' Institute of the Seminary; held Tuesday afternoon at the home shurun held a special meeting to dis1514 Dodge St. daughters, of Portland, Ore., are visand diplomas in the extension depart- of Mrs. H. Saltzman. Election of ofcuss ways and means to raise funds Est. 1894. Ja. 5619 iting at the home of Mrs. Rudy's parment were awarded to eight others. for an organ for the new Templeficers for the ensuing term took place ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Nettmark. SevAn additional endowment of $2,000,- with the following being elected: Mrs. eral informal affairs have been given 000 is needed for the Seminary, Dr. M. L. Marks, president; Mrs. Sam Cyrus Adler declared in his address at Freiden, vice president; Mrs. S. White- in her honor. Mrs. Ed. Gugenheim the exercises. He announced that the book, secretary; Mrs. L. Cherniack, entertained at luncheon and bridge acquisition by the Seminary's Library treasurer, and the Mesdames S. Katie- Friday. High score was won by Miss STORE CLOSES 5 P. M.—SATURDAYS 6 P. II. of the Elkan N. Adler collection gave man, A. Gilinsky and G. Whitebook, Sara Friend.

Three Given Rabbi Degrees By Jewish Theolog. Seminary

Mrs. Sam Snyder and daughter, S'JReva, returned home Tuesday after visiting-for several weeks in Detroit and Chicago.


and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. Blalashock Jewelry Co.



CLOSED SYNAGOGUES. We have never been able to understand the attitude of rabr bis and of congregations that have consented to close the doors of their houses of worship throughout the summer ninths. We the Seminary's Library the distinction trustees. Mr. Arthur Ackerman, of New York recognize the difficulties especially in small communities, - of of being the greatest Jewish library City, is visiting with his parents, Mr. Mr. Philip Krasne left Tuesday to and Mrs. M. Ackerman. . gathering together week by. week any considerable number of in the world. worshippers during the heated term. But even though there be 1 Dr. Adler also announced that Dr. visit with friends at Sioux City, la. the merest handful whose hearts yearn for the courts of their Jacob Hoschander had been appointed Mrs. Philip Sherman returned to Mrs. Victor Friend and small daughGod, the opportunity to come to the synagogue should not be de- to the SSabato Morrais professorship her home in Allen, Nebr., Saturday ter, Marilyn, are visiting with Mrs. nied to them. It is not necessary that every service be a preach- of Biblican Literature and Exegesis. evening after visiting with her par-Friend's parents in Salisbury, Mo. ing service. As a matter of fact, it is our definite conviction that Henry A. Dix, the philanthropist, was ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Schloss left Monthere is too,much-sermonizing. We believe that the sermon of chosen a : life ihember of the Board of day for Minnesota, where they will the average minister: among the Jews and the non-Jews woul($ Directors. . The Ladies' Benevolent Society will spend the summer. be more stimulating and more worth while if the preacher were Rabbi Max Drob, who delivered the entertain at a card party next Tuesnot called upon to speak as frequently and upon such a variety^ address .to the graduatesy- urged them day afternoon at Eagles' hall. The any man to do full justice to his task who-in addition t o the/to ."preach Judaism and not to act as public is invited. FOR R E N T — U n f u r n i s h e d multiplicity of .duties, 6i all sorts that weigh upon' the ministry advance agents for the latest plays." room to young or old couple Mr. O. Hochman left Monday for of a large congregation, must preach two or three addressed "You will often find," he said, 'Ithat , or gentlemen; in desirable every week. In the summer months, the sermon could theref your adherence to tradition will be Sioux City, la., where he will.attend neighborhood and with nice family. Call Mrs. R. Blazer fore.be dispended with. But a seMce' of prayer should never) called f anatacism and narrow-minded- the Masonic convention there. at Webster 2836. or call at be. eliminated from the congregational calendar for any con-* ness. You may even be censored by Mr. and Mrs. M. Nogg announce 2562 Manderson Street. siderable period, j enterprising boards of trustees be- the engagement of their daughter, If it be urged that the rabbi too, must have a season of va-!cause .you conceive it to be the mis- Frances, to Mr. Harry Perlemeter, Cation, then a layman may conduct the service. Many are the) sion of the rabbi to preach Judaism son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Perlemeter, hungry hearts that turn to the synagogue for consolation and for and not to act as the advance agent of this city. No date has been set FOR RENT—Modern furnished help. They should not, approach the house of God to find its} of latest plays. You will he told that for the wedding. doors closed against them. By all means, let the doors of ourj the less religion and the more topics room in Bemis Park District. synagogue be kept open, throughout the entire year. The closed of the day you present from your pul- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen announce Call Harney 0281. synagogue is a reproach to the Jew and a dishonor to the fairi pit," the greater will be your success as the engagement of their daughter, Reva, to Meyer Stern, son of Mrs. a rabbi. If you are not weak-kneed, name of Judaism.—"Detr. Chronicle."

America And World Relations

and purpose of the American people* And well they might, if only ouif nation could again free itself from the be-devilment of political partisan-; By Dr. Stephen S. Wise. •„ ship and partisan expediency. America has a place and a duty in America is the matter with Europe,' World affairs. This duty arises from and Europe cannot be served and the truth that in European lands to- healed until after we shall have put day „ there is neither, peace, nor aside every manner: of arrogancy and, plenty, nor security-^-alLof.which are selfishness, howsoever' disguised and; the portion and blessing of our Re-triviality of,viewpoint, Until America public. There are two questions, the ^prepares itself for the doing of great first 'whether America can permanent- things in a great way by summoning ly enjoy these things while European to the reinforcement of its soul the peoples are denied political, security, £pMt: of Jnjmijity, rthe,power* of; sym«.ffi&terkl^vpi^iy-Mdf^tematTCnal pathy, an dthe passion to serve. poace. . And the further query isr-r-is The body of Europe needs to he it decent for America, that is to say, served. The soul of America requires is it American, for us to will'to-Have to be sdved; What?shall it profit a all of these blessings While Europe nation to gain the whole world and languishes amidst want, war and inlose its own soul? security. ' . . . There are those who find fault with! the European nations because among

you will refuse to prostitute the pulpit H. Stern, of Omaha. and remain loyal to the highest traMrs. B. Saltzman is spending the ditions of the rabbinate." . The graduates were urged by Dr.week in Harian with her daughter, Herman' M, Cqhan' to seek pulpits in Mrs. Cohen. the south'and west. Mrs. M. Yudelson entertained at » — -<*—••••'••'• •-•.»


J COUNCILBLUFFS \ » - . * - « • - • • • • - • . » • • - - • - - • • - • *

KRASNE-KRASNE. Many affairs have been given during the past week in honor of Miss Leah Krasne, who will be married Sunday evening to Mr. Lawrence Krasne at the Blackstone hotel. Miss Krasne is a popular member of the junior* set of-Council Bluffs.' .•<•--•• Mesdames B. Pred and Mayer Speisberger entertained last Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Krasne at a bridge luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Sam Pepper entertained at a bridge luncheon at the Tea Rooms. The Mesdames L. Bernstein and M. Bernstein entertained at a bridge luncheon at the Tea Rooms. On Monday evening disillusion, and fear. The.', indictment the Misses Gertrude and Evelyn Marks is justified—Europe is suffering from a lowering of its morale, from the Were Among First Jewish Pioneers entertained at bridge at their home. in Omaha* consequences of bitterest disenchantment, and from the ravages of desolating fear, but in truth are not we Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt, 1335 afflicted in exactly the same way, Georgia Avenue, Omaha pioneers, though we know it not and, though celebrated their Golden. Wedding anoutwardly peace and security are pur niversary Tuesday evening at the Mr. Merritt is own?, If Europe suffers from break- Blackstone Hotel. Painting, Papering, and down of morale, who will, maintain ninety-one years and Mrs. Merritt is Decorating done under my seventy-six years old and were marthat America stands on the lieights personal supervision. ried in Omaha when the city was of inspiration and of unity to which still a struggling frontier town. the nation's sacrificial * mood had Hardwood Specialty They opened a small restaurant on - lifted it four and five years ago? Work (Guaranteed the site now; occupied by the Bur- All And if Europe is strangely and lington, railroad headquarters at 10th 1521 North 19th Street. grievously disillusioned, are not we, and Farnam Streets. It was there Phone, Webster 1087. who have given up the highest faith that their sons, Jess and Adolph E. in the capacity of our country greatly Merritt were born. The two other and resistlessly to, serve human wel- sons, Max and Joe, were born after fare, similarly'smitten?- And if Eu- the restaurant had been moved across rope seems grotesquely wounded by 'Famam Street to the south, side. -. fear, are we not afflicted in the same In those early days the young Merway? Without Europe's-excusfe, is rit$s prepared food for many who not the phobia which h,as come over later became the city's most notable our people a wanton and inexcusable citizens. They also prepared food thing,' for we have no-reason^to fear for many Indians. The Indians were and we have every, ground for r the especially fond of pies, they related strength of fearless self-confidence." last night. Nor were some of those ^ If mighty France is touched by who afterward became wealthy in fear despite the completeness of her Omaha always able to pay cash for fi Eili Eili ) I martial triumph, be it remembered their meals. 1 Der Never Kol Nidre > . ! that Europe inexplicably dreads the About 200 guests were at the 1 Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt j ^resurrection of Germany and Gerreception for the old couple. There imany's will to power and passion for were scores of telegrams of con- 1 Der Schneiderel Singt Sich a ( Liedele ) vengeance. It is the. justifiable fear gratulation; and their home had been H Bessie Fun Adess ) g of France and the inexcusable fears filled with presents. Among the flowof America which keep us from safe Ij Morris Goldstein jj ers was a large bouquet from the guarding France through .constant Omaha National bank, where Mr. j j Die Frehliche Chasine Nacht > 1 covenant against the' dread pos- Merritt was one of the first custpm-| m Palestina Lied . ) f§ Bibility of another 1870.or J.914, and, ers. fj ' Joe Feldman | what is infinitely more tragic, keep Rabbi Max J. Merritt, who is now j j '-' We carry the largest stock of p peace from all the lands and peoples head of a Temple in Toronto, Can- §§ Jewish records west of Chicago, [ of Europe. ada, ' also attended the Golden AnH Also, a full stock of domestic H What Europe needs, to get andniversary. ' '• America'requires to- grant is not a 1 .records'- including classical and g cancellation of the now un-Amer- VIENNA POSTERS BAR JT operatic numbers as well as j§ ican attitude oh'the part'of Amer' " ANTI-SEMITIC BILLS H popular - songs and the latest 1 ica—that attitude, which utters itself VienniS. (3l. T. A.) Enraged be- S dance hits. A visit to our store B in the vulgarism and the moral cause the bill posters of Vienna have = = vulgarity of "We're through with refused to paste anti-Semitic placards j will prove both interesting and • Europe." The business of America On their hoardings, the Hakenkreuzier jj •ntertaining to you. [ in this hour is to cancel its attitude • have issued an appeal to owners of of austere and unbrotherly indif- premises where the boardings are sitference to the fate of Europe. The uated to insist on the anti-Semitic European lands are peopled neither bills being given space. by children of lunatics nor criminals, The Hakenkreuzier threaten to pubbut by long-suffering and cruelly lish the names of. property owners re- I 24th and Parker Sts. I "afflicted folk, who , yet, amidst'the fusing to comply with the demand 1 Web. 2042. • v chaos'of their distrusts and shattered and ultimately include- them in their • laiths, retain their faith in the spirit 'formidable blacklist.

Golden Wedding Day

W.W.Crade Painting Contractor

New Jewish Records




"Let Us Move You"

Globe Van & Storage Co. Operated by

GROSSMAN &SONS ATlantic 0230

SAY IT WITH CLOTHES! A Message to Graduates and Their Dads OUR clothes "advertise" you to the world. Y The man who "says it with clothes" gets there. Good clothes inspire self respect, self reliance, self confidence, the combination that wins.

Pay Enough to Get Quality and Lasting Satisfaction SPORT SUITS AND 2 AND 3- $ BUTTON ENGLISH SACKS



Other good clothes, $25 to $50

FOR SALE, TRADE or FOR ; RENT — F o u r - story brick building in wholesale district. Has thirty furnished rooms now used as rooming house and store used as restaurant. Will exchange for stock of merchandise. Property is a great future on account of trackage being in front of door. For further information call M. Fanger at Harney 2869 or call at 102 South 37th Street.

Tropical Worsted Coats and Pants $15 to $35

Cool Mohair Coats and Pants $15 and $20

Genuine Palm Beach Coats and Pants, a t $12 to $15 SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY

JAckson 4338

O M A H A . SN'Efct.

CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND .WOMEN* HUlIUIiltllllllllllllllllllllHIllllllilllllllllllllllllUIHIIIIIllllllUlllllllllllllllillHIIimiE

Steinberg's Delicatessen and Barbecue Shop

Grand Concert f By The World Celebrated Cantor


ONLY THE B E S T For Patties and Picnics, trySteinberg's Meats Barhecued Beef

Barbecue Sandwiches for Midnight Lunches a Specialty

Salads, Pickels, Rye Bread and Kosher Meats WE BARBECUE ALL OUR OWN MEATS

STEINBERG'S DELICATESSEN Paul Steinberg, Proprietor

516 South 16th St., Opposite Hotel Rome Open Sat. &. Sun-

S. KWARTIN T A V C ¥ CT1Q310 N o r t h • 13 A I V J U

16th s t

Sunday June 17, 1923


at 8 P. M,

J-lJDJLJD Tel.: JA ckson 5062

Do not miss the opportunity of seeing and hearing our world famous Kwartin. The opportunity does not present itself often.

Tel: WE bster 4330 F i l e d & K u k l i l i

Steinberg Delicatessen are the Wholesale and Retail Dealers of the products of the

Tickets on sale at: S. LEWIS MUSIC STOI^E

Schalker Kosher Packing Company

1824 No. 24th St.

OF LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS Special prices will be made to dealers and stores in a full line of kosher meats. Pastromi, Salami, Weiners, Frankfurters, Bologna,' Sausage and various other supplies. All meats are guaranteed, kosher, by -Rabbi M. Braude ; of. St.: Joe, Ma. " v. :








•1 -''





S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 14,1923 Prizes were "won Dy Mesdames Darisky and M. Rosenberg.

from St. Joseph, Mo., where she was Omaha; Mrs. Hyman Cohn, of Fuller- of Chemical Engineering, - has ac- day evening for Fort Snelling, Minn., visiting with relatives. ton, Nebr.; Mrs. S. Gelber, of Sancepted the position to teach in Chem- where they will attend the R. O. Francisco, Calif., and Mrs. Hugo Cren, ical Engineering at the University T. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. White announce the of San Francisco, and two brothers, Miss Mildred Cohn is expected of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan. home Sunday morning from the Chi- birth of a baby girl, ZeHa, on Sunday, Messrs.- John and Harry Cohn, of He will begin his duties in the fall. cago University, where she has been June 10, at the Swedish Mission Hos- Omaha. Rabbi Cohn is leaving Friday to pital. attending school and will spend the attend the graduation exercises of summer vacation •with her parents, The funeral of Mrs. Jennie Klein, his son, and Miss Madalyne Cohn left THE JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Conn. • With a large attendance the Jewish age sixty-seven years, who died at her Wednesday evening for Ann Arbor. Writes all kinds of Mrs. B. Pred entertained at lunch- Culture League held its regular meet- home at S102 Nicholas street Sunday She will also visit in Chicago, HI., on Wednesday-afternoon at the Bran- ing Sunday, June 10, in the Labor Ly- evening, took place from the family with her sister, Mildred, who is ceum. The club decided to have its residence Tuesday afternoon. Burial attending the University of Chicago, deis Tea Booms. coming meetings regularly every Sun- was held at the Pleasant Hill Ceme- and will then go to Buffalo, New Mr. Morris E. Jacobs returned day afternoon in Ehuwood Park. On tery. Rabbi Cohn officiated. Mrs. York, and the Niagara Falls before "Real Personal Service" Wednesday from New York City and rainy days, however, the club will Klein was a resident of Omaha for the returning home. JBALAMUTH-PALAIS. j Atlantic City, where he attended the meet at the Labor Lyceum. A debat- past fifty years. OMAHA ENGAGEMENTS Phone The wedding of Miss Frances MaryThe engagement of Miss Sarah National Advertising and Publicity ing team to discuss various Jewish She is survived by one daughter, Res.—Hnr. BS.'G. 1819 TV. O. W. Bid*. TO ATTEND R. O. T. C Palais, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Weiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Men's convention and the Nationar and cultural problems was organized. Mrs. E. Deison, of Omaha; two SOBS, Office— At^ 8034 The Messers. Ben Eavitz, John Beris Palais, to X>r. Herman Louis Bala- Harry Weiner, to Mr. Morris Potash; Electric light Association convention. The following program was present- Leo Klein, of Omaha, and Julian Klein, ber and Marvin Treller left Wednesmuth, of New York City, took place son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Potashnick, of Chicago, HI., and two sisters, Mrs. Mrs. H. Marx, of Paraoulx, Ark., is ed: Miss Beulah Cohen rendered a Sara Cohn, of Omaha, and Mrs. J. Sunday, June 10, at 1:30 at'New York of this city, was announced during piano solo. Mr. H. Bondarin delivered City. the past week. No date has been visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Meyer a lecture on Jewish Folklore and My- Rosenberg, of Chicago, I1L Spiesberger. After a two weeks' stay at Atlan- set for the wedding. thology. Mr. H. E. Pfeffer reead tic City, the couple will come to OmaMr. M..Kulakofsky left this week Moishe Nadir's "Suicide No. 1." Mr. ha to visit, with the bride's parents, (ALL MAKES) Miss Helen •Altschuler entertained for New York City, where he will P. Stoller gave a mandolin solo. Sev- Ralph Cohn to Teach at Michigan University. Mr. and . Mrs. Palais, for several sixteen guestff^at bridge and whist in -visit with his granddaughter, Mrs. S.eral selections were given by Mr. Jack Rented at Lowest Rates in City. Half Price Sale on Standard Typevrriters. weeks. Upon leaving Omaha they -will honor of Miss Ida. Ruth" Bogen, o: I. Brandt, formerly Miss Eudice Ku- Belmont, violin; Mr. P. Stoller, mandoMr. Ralph Cohn, son of Rabbi and Sold on Convenient Terms. go to California,, returning to New Lincoln, Nebr., who is the guest - at lakofsky,' of this city. From New lin, and Miss Bess Cohen, piano. Miss Mrs. Frederick Cohn, who is graduatYork City in October via the Panama the home of Rabbi and Mrs. H. Gro-York he will go to Baltimore, Md., Jennie Adirin sang a popular Jewish ing June 18, from the University of Canal. Michigan with a degree of bachelor dzinsky. Prizes were won by Miswhere he will attend the Zionist Con- folk-song. 205 So. 18th St. AT. 2414 Rbsella Fanger and Miss Jean Leib- vention, having been chosen as a deleSCHLAIFER-RACUSIN. OBITUARY. owitz. gate from the Omaha District. The marriage of Miss Rose Racusin, Miss Julia Cohn, age 21, well known daughter of Mr. and Mrs.fi."Racusin, Miss Rose Newman, of Chicago, HI., Mrs. S. G. Saltzman is convalescing among the younger Jewish set, died to Mr. Nahum Schlaifer, son of Mr. is visiting here with her sister, Mrs at the Methodist Hospital, having at the Wise Memorial Hospital been operated on for appendicitis last Wednesday evening, June 6, after a and Mrs. A. Schlaifer, of this city, was Nathan Stern, and Mr. Stern. Thursday. solemnized Saturday evening, June 9, short illness. The funeral was held Mr. Charles Pregler returned.t Ejabbi Frederick Cohen officiating befrom the residence at 709 North ThirThat Makes You Want to Mrs. Harry Bose and daughter, Dorfore the presence of only the members Salt Lake City after visiting here wit tieth street, Thursday afternoon, burhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. PregCome Again That's . othy, of Forest City, Mo., are visiting of the immediate family. • . ial taking place at the Pleasant Hill ler. . . . " " . here with Mrs. Rose's sister, Mrs. Abe Our Brand 5 Mr. Schlaifer and his bride are makCemetery. She is survived by her Maizel, and Mr. Maizel. They will be ing their home with the bride's par- -Miss Ann "Weiss is visiting with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohn; six here for a month. We vrish to announce to the Jewish People of Omaha etts; Mr. and Mrs. tlacusin. , sisters, Mesdames A. Bolker, Morris Miss Ann Slotsky at Sioux City, la. and vicinity that on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, we will open The Bi-Weekly Bridge club held a Schlanger, Miss Marguerite Cohn, of for business our two new stores located at 1201-03 North ABRAMSON-GREEN. • Mr. Millard Langfeld will leave regular meeting Tuesday evening at 24th Street. We will be equipped with the most complete ;Miss Anne Green, daughter of Mr. about two weeks to join Mrs. Lang the home of Miss Faye Hirsch. The line of KOSHEE MEATS, DELICATESSEN, GKOCERY, and Mrs. M. Green, will be married to feld and son, Millard, Jr., in Call evening was spent in playing bridge and NICEST and MOST UP-TO-DATE FISH MARKET. Mr. Isadore Abramson, Sunday even- fornia, where they are spending th< and dancing. Miss Ann Rosenblatt REPAIR SPECIALISTS ing, June 24, at the Swedish Audito- summer months. Our stores will be the most up-to-date stores west of won the prize. 929-31 North 24th St. rium. Chicago. ATlantic 8884 Misses Dorothy Goldstein and Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin have Everything in the delicatessen We will carry a most complete line ot all Jewish SAM FRIEDEL, Manager Anne Blotcky returned Sunday from taken an apartment at Thirtieth and :J GBEENBERG-HERMAN. line at your disposal. necessities and also a full line of foreign and domestic ; Des Moines, Iowa, where they spent Miss Stella Herman has set Sunday, Davenport and expect to movie into it Let us make your baskets for goods. Jone 24, as her wedding day to Dr.the week and attended the Krasne- about July 1. your outings and parties. Blotcky wedding. Our special delivery department will be equipped te Oscar H. Greenberg, of this city. Mrs. Louis Alexander, of Chicago handle all orders and also special attention vrill be given Miss Herman and Dr. Greenberg Mrs. J. Katleman left Tuesday 11., spent several days here with Mrs. to out-of-town m~:l crCcv--. Watch this i?.•?•::• fcr further are being honored guests at a number evening for Excelsior Springs, and N. W. Naken, while on her way home 310 North 16th Street IDA L FREITEN, Prop. news. of socials given during the. month. St. Louis, Mo., where she will spend Phone JAckson 5062 Miss Bess Greenberg was hostess last two months. •-..-. Sunday morning at a. picnic breakAll Orders Given Prompt- and Careful Attention. fast at Elmwood Park. The same aftThe Auflebung Club has postponed 311 South 16th Stieet ernoon Miss Herman was entertained their picnic which was to be" held Phone Atlantic 8010. We Wish to Announce at a surprise party by her Bridge Sunday, June 1/, until a later date. (Guaranteed) Open Evenings. 1201-03 North 24th Street Phone, Webster 6338. "FLOWEHS MAKE FK1ENDS" to Our Patrons and Friends club. Wednesday afternoon she wasThe date of the picnic or a meeting THAT THE SHOHIT A. STOLLER, S. NITZ, Proprietors. entertained at luncheon by a number will be notified the members by TeL Ja. 4291, Brandeis Theatre Bids.. 210 So. lTtb St_ Omaha. Only Jewish Florist in town. of her friends. Mesdames J. Cohn a letter. and J. Lewis will be hostesses Friday WEDDING BOUQUETS. Miss JTaye Hexzog, of Lincoln,afternoon atihe-Fontenelle Hotel honFRIED £ ^ oring Miss Herman. Thursday even- Nebr.,..arrived Wednesday.to be the Kosher Meat Market ing Mrs. A. Theodore will entertain guest of her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Katz, 1G13 North 24th Street at her home at dinner honoring Miss at the, Blackstorie Hotel. WEbster 43S0 Herman and her fiance, and on Sat"Service and Qnality la Our Motto" Residence, 1S43 Bo. 25th St. Mr. Oscar Weinsteln, who is urday evening Miss Isabelle Palais yve carry the best line of I d . Atlantic 6G37. Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. will entertain at her home. A number attending the University of Chicago, Place of Business, 3323 Harney St. is -expected h6in<& next week to'^spend of other socials are being planned for Tel. ATlantle 3831. the summer-here with her "^parents, the couple. : I Mr. and Mrs. H. Weinstein. GOULD-GREENFIELD. EXTRA LAR6E AND EXTRA SAPS Mr. and Mrs. B. Greenfield an-i Mrs. Ben Brodkey was hostess to • 130 Large Stores 5 Large Factories n sixteen guests at a bridge luncheon nounce the marriage of their daughter, Jean, to Mr. Al. Gould, of Tulsa, at her home Thursday afternoon. In the construction of Dodge Brothers • i Okla. The wedding took place at Motor Car, every consideration has Tulsa on Tuesday, June 5. , . been pven to the owner's safety. WANTED — Girl for bookThey will make their home at Tulsa,


Typewriters and Adding Machines ALL MAKES TYPEWRITER CO.


Watch For Grand Opening Something New in the City of Omaha

Auto Service & Welding Works

Kosher Delicatessen /. LIEB

Cut Flowers

The People's Market


Rev. J. Schukert




.*. ." T .. .

keeping and 'geneaT store work. Apply at Steinberg's Delicates-

Mrs. L. Kneeter left for New York City this week to :visit for several months with her daughter, Miss Minnie Kneeter- . . . .

sen, 516 South 16th. .


\ Week-End Specials 2 For Thursday and Friday Only

Mrs. Ruth Epstein, of Sioux City, Ia^ is visiting with- Miss Ida Cahn. Numerous affairs are being given for j Chiropodist and.Beauty the visitor. Shop


Ladies' Shoes |

•Established 1890 Mr. and. Mrs.'. S. Gaifman enter- 15th and Harnoy - Strata, Give us a chance- to aptained at a • surprise party Sunday, preciate your husineBs. For evening at their/jhomeiin-honor of the, appointments call Ja. 9774.

seventh wedding anniversary of Mr. arid Mrs. Jake Bosen. Twenty couples were prelent'. Cards were playedj 212 Courtney Bldg., and prizes were won by Mrs. J. Win- 1 17' Douglas St. troub, Mrs. Morris Fox and Miss Bet- • SALON V CHARME ty Rothkop. Miss Ruth Wihtroub en- j New Address of tertained the guests with several readShampoo, Manicure, GOe—Marcel, "5c Expert Individual Service. ing selections.

Ladles' Black Patent Strap Oxfords at . . . . . . . $ 1 . 0 8

Mrs. Morris Brodkey will entertain at a reception Sunday, June 24, from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10 o'clock at her home in honor of the Barmitzvoh of her son, David. The Barmitzvoh will be held Saturday morning, June 23, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. Mr. Sol Brodkey of Los Angeles, Calif., who is visiting with Mrs. Morris Brodkey, will be one of the visitors at the reception.

n t



Real Estate, Loans and Insurance h S l dand d EExchanged h d Bought, Sold

Mrs. Ben Rothschild, of Lincoln, Neb., spent the week-end here visiting with Mrs. David Newman. Mrs. H. Osoff was hostess at a ( bridge luncheon Thursday afternoon j at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. | The Daughters of Israel'Aid Sod-i ety -will hold an important mee"/ng; Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Old People's Home, at 2504 Charles street.


28th and Harney Sts. Telephone^—HArney 0123

Men's Dress Oxfords in narrow or wide toes, welt soles, a t . . § 2 . 9 8 • Men's "Work Shoes In all leathers, two styles at §1.98 Real Values. "Ventilated Sandals, boys' sizes, at, per pair ....§1.98 Men's sizes at §2.49 Leather Trimmed Tennis, in sizes from 11'.to 6, a t . ..$1^59

J. L. Wolfson

Insurance ofall Kinds Tel. Webster 2734

Hosiery Headquarters T r r E make a specialty AX/ of e n g a g e m e n t - - rings, wedding rings and gifts for the June bride.

Ladles' Pure Thread Silk Hose, all colors, at $1.00 Ladies' Cotton Hose, 5 pairs, S 5



Children's % Hose at, 1 pairs for

Est. 1602 Fttrnam St.

3a. 5782

a $1.00 n $1.00


Come in and see onr prices.

Goldstein Jewelry Co.

Men's Socks, all colors, at, 6 pairs for .$1.00 Children's Half Hose, 5 pairs,




Omaha's. Busiest Shoe Store

• • • • • •

205-07-09 North 16th St. a •

• ) • • • • •

the minimum of effort. Th The slightest pressure on the brake pedal has an immediate effect. This pressure is distributed evenly between the two rear wheels by a highly efficient equalizer, which prevents skidding because i t retards both wheels simultaneously. And the brake bands grip evenly all around the drums. This protects the fining against irregular wear and enables the driver to stop quickly, quietly and safely. O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO.

Men's Shoes |

1305 First National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Nebr. With JACOB SLOSBUKG, JE.



Barefoot Sandals; sizes 6 to 8 . . . . . . Sizes 8% to 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 < * Sizes 11% to 2 . . . . 9 8 £ Patent One-Strap; sizes 8% to 11, at, per pair S1.69 Sizes 11% to 2, at $1.98

Phone At. 0785: Bes. Phone We. 5879


Brown Oxfords at $1.98 Both Styles Have Rubber Heels. : White Canvas, in straps and oxfords, low or medium heels, at, special $1.98 A. large table of assorted styles; values up to 14.98; all colors, a

I Children's Shoes

Evening or Sunday, AT. 4819..

Mrs. Harry Trustin returned from Duncan, Okla., •where she was visiting for the past several weeks -with, her sister, Mrs. Will Rips. Mrs. Rips and son, Alden Merle, who accompanied Mrs. Trustin to Omaha, will visit here for four weeks with, her parents, Mr. and: Mrs. J. Adler. Mrs. Rips was formerly Miss Sarah May Adler.

This is particularly evident in the tmkes, which, with their 14-inch drums and' 2t? inch lining, are appreciably larger than the average. The extra surface thus provided develops greater friction when the brake bands contract over the drums—and it is this friction which stops the car. Connecting levers are designed to

• • • M B W E I




The motion was made by J. Prag, social life in common, their customs other pleasures that have to'be bought j there isriit,:with the. exception perhaps, near and keep your mind on the parwho proposed that the President of j-ticttlar failure;"disgrace perhaps, that and traditions and the specific Jewish of the automobileindustry, a single with sacrifices. ' conception of life, the Jews constitute the Association, Mr. d'Avigdor GoldThatjs my first .thought as\ to par- great business -achievement in-'the- is before you, that you feel discoura group living together in common smid, and Sir Robert -Waley Cohen ticipation. And the second is, after United Sfsites, that'hasn't started and agement. Look from away off. Above (Continued from page J,)' all things, go to Palestine and from failed, j^yery railroad practically in and must therefore be regarded as a should-be.nominated as the delegates beginning to know* to insist upon be.!},'. contributing to the development of it ing- a part-6f doing. 'Not to take a the Unreal States is built'upon a fail- its hilltops look off into the distance Defends Jewish Soldiers—Secures Sen- :lass and not as the members of a of the Association. tence Against Incitor. The, President" supported the resoby our'brains, pur lives, our effort— passive interest, not to find out how ure. TKfr Great Northern, so far as I and see what the land is and what it faith. lution, indicating the political signifmeans. those of us who can't do that, can un- little you may contribute something know, is^tihe only exception. The AtchBudapest. (J. C. B.) Inautumn icance of •the-matter and expressing ison ancfy'tEe Sante Fe stands now as To Build a New Land. dertake to do the next best thing. to this thing that the Jewish people OPENING last year elections were to take place FISHEL AT his conviction that all members of the OF RABBINICAL And that is to know, in the first in- want. It is^ rather how much you can the great-successful, rich American We are trying to build a new land. in the little town of Toertel for the HOME IN JERUSALEM Anglo-Jewish Association wottld agree stance, what is being done. That re- do. When the Palestine Development railroadjat; a time when railroads are We Americans, when we think of the appointment of a medical officer. Of quires some effort. It requires a real Council was organized and we Were poor. Bat the Atchison went-through building of a new land, at least those a total of 24 members of the Town- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Harry Fish- that it was highly desirable to parinterest—nit something that is to becoming together to see what we could two receiverships and everybody who of us who have been in New England, Council, 20 desired the appointment of el, well known New York communal ticipate in the restorafidn of-Pales- '•'•told us in a£ minute. Like all the other do, to my mind the most important had sto«ikUn the 'Atchison lost prac- think always of the Pilgrim Fathers, Dr. Isadore. Heinrich. The .President worker, has arrived here and will be tine. " tically everything, unless<he were wise ; what they did, what their adventure thing that we, as a relatively small things in" life, it has to be worked for. of the local bench, however,-ruled out present at the ceremonies attending Feature Barbecue Oven at KnowledgeJias to be worked for. In- group, could accomplish .was to ere-? enough 3b pay his assessment to keep was. and what they builded. If they Dr. Heinrich's nomination" on the the official opening of the Rabbinical Steinberg's. terest has to be worked for. Because ate an instrument by which those on. Andv that is true of practically were likely to be discouraged, I should ground "that he was not a Christian. home which he had built for Rabbi think they would be discouraged by Paul Steinberg, who recently acStates. it is only by knowing and following Jews who were not fortunate enough every railroad in the United The members of the Council who sup1 the loss of at least half their, number to be able to take a direct part in quired his brother's (Irvin's) share of And yet£ we have been so proud of ^ here- Mr. Fishel, it is .said, from day to day the development before the first year of settlement was ported Dr. Heinrich consequently ab- wilttonduct,; in behalf-.of ••the-'""Bratt- the business at 516 South Sixteenth, Palestine work might feel that they the 25OJ0OO miles of railroad here. there, (the developments in Jewish life over. Disease, death, trial, left be-: stained from: voting as a demonstra- W p " - which' he -represents,:. ab has installed a most up to date Baras they .are manifested there, that you were siding in carrying, forward the And it-Sgrnot only -true -of> railroads. hind.what in a very short time became tion of protest. . ••••;••;' becue Oven. The oven is.pf ,a very can really feel the interest and theeffort by their contributions; large or When w* -think of American success, one of the most prosperous regions on The anti-Semetic paper*;. "Cegledi irccfeit%aiipjS 7on "the. possibilities:for : satisfaction that there is in a, growing smaH, vas their circumstances might we thinl$*rof the flower.in full bloom. earth. But they had the right spirit. Kereszteny Ujsag," reporting the in-fuccUSer house Building credits^ ' "; unique type and is placed in the front window of his store. The oven was people. It is the interest that: all the enable them to make them. It was to We are ^measuring "success by certain The spirit that they had in coming cident, ' utilized the opportunity for be an instrument for doing, things. designed by Mr. Steinberg, who does things titEtt are around-us. And the "World recognizes in th"e\ young child— ^ ASSOCIATION; And the things that were to be done country ^which calls. itself blessed, is West is .a: spirit that; we should show launching a virulent attack against the all the barbecuing personally. The cost infinitely more intefesting'because in- were not charity. They were to reFORM JEWISH AGENCY in going East—those of us who "re- Jewish population as a whole. The of this mechanism amounted to over finitely more hopeful than those who late to the upbuilding of Palestine, perhapsisiot most blessed by its ex-main behind, as well as those, who Jews, it wrote, are of a degraded Syr- ^ . (J..C. B.) At the monthly ian cast, riding roughshod over Chris- meeting of the Council of the Anglo- one thousand dollars. Have reached maturity of those who the creatingv of opportunities in thetraordinary prosperity. like Miss Szold, Mr. Mohl and Dr. "We would be pleased to have you have solved! <>r rf ailed' in solving the sense of making possible what is necRubinow, have gone.to the front. Don't tian Hungary. "Have you forgotten," Jewish Association on Sunday, April tTp Upbuild Country, . : investigate our barbecuing ovens. We itasked,"that the Jewish doctors p'roblfims of life. That opportunity is essary to make a people. 2S, it, was decided to accept the inBut tKe wise thing for,us, and thebe discouraged. Above all, be encourwill barbecue any kind of meat to orhounded our Christian boys to the vitation by the Zionist Organization there, andlitlis but for us_to under-, thing that; the Palestine Development aged because there is no place in der," states Mr. Steinberg. Front even when they were already to appoint two representatives of the which, your effort will bring to you take t'd db it. But it means work. Council "/has been endeavoring to do A Standard of Life. half dead, in order to find easier servAssociation to sit with the representand to others such large profit. "^There I have felt a lack among .those with sujh; funds as have come to it Now for-the measure of all this, ice Vor the hook-nosed progeny of Is- atives of the Zionist Organization on with whom I have worked-in one way as to .what is possible and what is ac-for development is -to make sure. that rael?" ' •; a joint committee for the purpose of and another, is in not being willing to complishment, we have to establish a the money* that goes to Palestine shall CONFISCATION OF CHURCH : considering what steps could be taken do>;tb.ej wark*jWhiclris necessary in >yor- standard ~_ very different from the be used^lfcq upbuild the "country; that PROPERTY TO BE STOPPED The . Public Prosecutor ."instituted with a view to broadening the basis WHOLESALE for whatever it is used, whether it be dee that man may' know "and -feel a standard in whick we live. I have Moscow. (J. T. A.) Discontinuance proceedings against the writer of the of the present Jewish Agency referred Druggists and Stationers deep interest. I do net call it, and I heard it/said. by, some, "How can youbuildingrioans or the Eutenberg proj- of the sequestration of church and article, Michal Ivan, on the charge of 401-403-405 South 1Mb Street do not think that effort a sacrifice. expect success in so small a country ?" ect, or any other building project, that synagogue property was decided upon inciting to violence against members to in Article 4 of the Palestine ManThe work is a pleasure,'. like many To my mind, the smallness of theit meaijis 'growth "of the country, a at the meeting here of the Executive of-the Jewish faith. The trial came date. country presents the greatest possi- real development^ and making possi- Committee of the Communist Party, up recently. The Prosecutor said that bility, for* our. success. The problems ble that-;life, spiritual as well as ma-it is learned. The Communists of the generaL remarks of such nature should are compassable. There isn't any- terial, ipthout which we cannot con- Ukraine are said to be particularly not be allowed to be made. It was FREDR. SHAW Flower Shop thing* that is so big, so inhumanly ceive tKeFhomeland that we look for. anxious to stop confiscation of church quite possible that certain people had Phone 104 Certified Public Accountants The Best of Everything in-Flower* and large, so perplexing, but what we can Now tthat is our task. And .it is a valuables, inasmuch as this and thegot out of doing their duty at the Audits Systems Confections at Moderate Prices. do it. . task in.^svhich every man and woman conversion of synagogues into work- Front. "I was at the Front, howInvestigations S45 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater ever," he went on, "and saw that in 434 to 440 Peter* Trnst Bide. can aidvand aid in a very large way Whether-the money: is lost in this men's clubs is responsible for much COUNCIL BI-UFFS. IOWA. Phones, Jackson 4313, 4314. adventure or not, providing the money if they^will only bear in mind what of the ill-feeling -against Communists, my battalion all the Jewish officers is well invested in that it makes life it is t h | | we wish to accomplish) and and members of "the "party, it is un-did their duty bravely like men. They possible and the development of coun- that each' day's contribution to that derstood, have been urged not to de-were the first in the firing line, and in the -name of these heroic comrades Carpenter Paper Co. try .practicable—that is the question. accomplishment is called for from mand this confiscation. - ~ of mine, and in the name also of all VAL. J . PETER & COMPANY Distributors of . ; . It appears that the only element every one:of us.And I mean literally We .think all ,the time of America 1307 Howard St., Omaha; Neb. as a home of investments. But no_- each datJT* I know.no -reasqn ,why we ^nxious to proceed "With the disman- honest Jewish citizens, I bring this acWestern Bond—and High tion before the court; and-ask it to ATlantic 0340. Grade Stationery body who has looked into American who cajgifor the deyelppment of Pal- tling of synagogues are the members find Ivan guilty and to pass sensence 'One of America's Great Hotels" Omaha. Nebraska. development can fail to know that estine should let a day pass in which of the Jewish Section of the Commun- accordingly." •we are^njot thinking and at least in ist Party, who are said to have dethat wajr doing 'something to adVarice manded that a departure be made The court found Ivan guilty of infrom the rule of leaving churches citing one class against another, and it. , $.'. \ - :.: ; : ' •' WASH AND KEEP WELL The discouragements, which people alone. Thi3 attempt on t i e whole-has sentenced him to.a^term of fourteen A RULE OF HEALTH talk of "'yo'vnot-discourage me in-the failed, the anti-rsligion' campaign days' imprisonment. ' The court del 'proving successful only at Charkov, f Every Known Kind * FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY east. I don't see them in any large clared, however, that at the same time 'Qm/neralii'Siqrs ense. It is only when you keep quite Odessa and Kiev. that in view of their religion, their of Insurance • 1819 California Street. WHOLESALE PAPER, 209 W. O. W. 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