June 28, 1923

Page 1

Nothing is more practical than.a high, clearly-defined ideal of service.

VOTi TT — N n 2Q


you know, but always } know what you say.

Entered. as leeom

Plans Being Made by I'naiB-rith Members for Monstrous Affair General Committee Appointed To Make Plans For Entertainment. • VIEW ACTS BEING WRITTEN FOR VAUDEVILLE SHOW.

not always what


bail matter on Januarj 27th. 1821. at cn«Bka, under the Act oJ March 3, 1879.


JerusaWnf," '(J- T. A.)—Official .figures of the immigration into Palestine for the month: of April show an overwhelming majority were Jews. The total number of immigrants was 839. Of that number, 806 were Jews, 25 Mohammedans and eight Christians. , . Of the immigrants, 90 are-rated as possessing.means,;223 have relatives in Palestine, whom they have come t o ' join, and 198 had employment guaranteed in advance of their arrival. Three hundred and twentysix of the immigrants came with their families. " "


Invite Non-Zionists to Membership in the Jewish Agency Zionist Convention Calls Upon , Executive to Establish ... Agency at Once. ALLIANCE WITH FORMER OPPONENTS ADVOCATED

Nathan E. Green, manager of The Jewish Press, will personally "cover" the 55th annual convention of the B'nai B'rith for The Press. The convention will be held in Duluth, Minri. At this convention there will be many happenings of interest to Omahans.. Who'll be the next President of the, district? What will District No. 6 do relative to the National Jewish hospital of Denver! Where will the . new orphan's home be located? Wnerjjs will the next convention be (held? These are t a few of the questions of interest. The Jewish. Press will carry a report of the convention in the issue of July'5th.

Local Organizations Appoint Members to Congress Committee dominations of a Delegate To Be Held July 2. ALL



SUBSCRIFnON PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. SWISS ANTI-SEMITES BACKED BY FORD Zurich, (J. T. A.)—Notwithstanding vague denials to the contrary, the reports of Ford's arrival in Switzerland to spend the summer continue. The "Israelitische Wochenblatt" of Zurich declares that Ford's expected arrival has already resulted in intensifying the anti-Semitic bias throughout the country. Copies of Ford inspired articles appearing in the Dearborn Independent, as well as translations of his anti-Semitic work, The International Jew, are on sale universally throughout Skitzerland and on account of their cheap prices have found an extensive sale.

Silvenniui Elected •to lead Local B'nai frith for NextTern Trustin ' Re-Elected Vice-President ; White, Secretary. TO


Harry Silverman was unanimously, The American Jewish Congress elected president of the Omaha Lodge Baltimore.—After a stormy debate Committee of Omaha, met Monday of B'nai B'rithi Silverman has been, which lasted for three hours, the Plans are well under way for the Evening, June 25th, 1923, at 8:00 p. secretary of. the lodge for. the past Zionist convention at 1:30 Monday monster public entertainment."day",to m. in the Lyric Building, in response three years and is well acquainted, morning adopted, 154 against 10, the be given, by the; Local Lodge of the o a call from the local Chairman, with the work of the order. President proposal introduced in behalf of the B'nai B'rith and "The Jewish Press." Dr Philip Sher, and the .Secretary Silverman' will appoint his commitadministration recommending that the According to the committees in charge Max Fromkin. Zionist Congress give to the Zionist this affair will be. the most elaborate executive power to establish immeever held in the central west. Representatives from the Omaha diately a Jewish agency by inviting Hebrew. Club, Poale Zion, Junior Many of the local organizations into its membership representatives of Hadassah, Tifreth Israel, Zionist Orhave volunteered their help to make of Jewish, organizations interested in ganization,- National Workmen's Althis; a gala event. . This affair will be the upbuilding of Palestine. liance, B'nai B'rith, Beth Hamedrosh held in the early part of September. A counter proposal fathered by Hagadol and National Progressive LaThe exact date will .be announced dies Association, were present the Dr. Schwartzman Makes Keport at later. This day. will b e . a . " d a y " of Appropriations Total a $100,000 In- Abraham S. Schomer, urging the earcrease Over the Year; 1922. ly convening of the World Congress, meeting. The Omaha Hebrew Club Jollyfication of the fortieth anniverOze Conference in in the meantime having the Zionists Head of American Legion to Address was present with the largest delegasary of the B'nai B'rith in. the city of London. TO DISCONTINUE PUBLISHING act as the agency, was defeated. Wiltion of. 7 representatives. Omaha. • Gathering at Duluth. OF UNION BULLETIN. liam Edlin, Abraham ^ S.- Schomer, The following men, have been apUnder the rules of the Committee SAYS FIGURE COMPILED BY RED Bernard G. Richards and A. Mi Sed- ELECTION OF OFFICERS TO BE each organization" in the City of Omapointed to serve as members of the CROSS WORKERS. Nearly- $500,000 will be spent by din stoutly defended.the Schomer resgeneral committee": Sam Beber,'chairHELDfTUESDAY. ha is entitled to one'delegate"and all man; Abner Kaiman, Israel Goodman, the Union of American Hebrew Con- olution, while Morris Rothenberg and London. (J. T. A.)—Pogroms, faorganizations having a larger memJack Copeland, Fred White, Nathan gregations during . the coming year Ab Goldberg advocated co-operation Many Omahans will leave this week bership than 50 are entitled to one mine and epidemics of every descripBernstein, Sam Leon, Harry Trustin, for the advancement of Judaism in with those notables who were willing to attend the fifty-fifth annual con- additional delegate for every 50 mem- tion have left not only a bloody trail Max Fomkin, Irvin Stalmaster, Harry this country. Appropriations total- to assist in the Palestine task. vention of the Independent Order of bers.- The registration fee is $5.00 of. hundreds of thousands of Jewish Lapidus, Jake Isaacson, Sam Klaver, ing $411,000, and representing ah adDr. Chaim Weizmann refrained B'nai B'rith at Duluth, Minn., from for the first representative and $3.00 victims in the Ukraine and Russia, Harry Silverman, Nathan E- Green,: vance of $100,000 over the expendi- from expressing any opinion until the July 1 to 4; In many instances the for each i-dditional representative. but have effected survivors to such Samuel Schaef er, and William Kline. tures of the previous year were made vote was cast. He then spoke for an official delegates are being acIt was unanimously adopted to al- a degree as to cause a shrinking of Other committees will be appointed at a recent meeting of the executive hour and 45 minutes. He.said that companied by their wives. A number low the delegate from Omaha the their size.. The physical frame of the and1 will • be announced in the next- board of the union in Cincinnati. The the resolution adopted coincided with of members who are not delegates will sum of $200.00 for expenses in at- Jew is changing as a result of the burden of raising funds will be his opinion and he explained why it also visit at Duluth. we^ek issue of "The Jewish Press." tending the National - Convention .in horrors he has gone through. Plans are being-made for prizes to placed' upon the congregations affi- was impossible to call the World ConThis was the statement inade by Dr. The following Omahans will leave Washington, D. C. • boys and girls, feature contests are liated with the union, which have ex- gress immediately and how essential during the "later part of the week to Schwartzmann of the Jewish World A speakers Committee consisting being worked out" by the c/raimittee, pressed their willingness to assume it was to have the Palestine .task attend the convention: Mr..and.Mrs of Messrs. J. Feldman, L. Wolfson, Relief Conference at the inaugural Zionists Harry. Lapidus and family, Dr. A. Mr. Morgenstern," A. Conn and Mr. meeting today of the "OZE," an orwhich, plans special events.' Boys and it. The support of the union is at borne by additional men. girls who, took leading parts in the present derived from. 8,500 subscrib- hoped, he said, that, the Balfour Dec- Greenberg, . Sam Dansky^ Henry Minknv were appointed to speak in ganization fo rthe improvement of Y.•jil. H. A. vaudeville show last April ers, representing 25 per cent of the laration, the San Remo Decision, the Monsky, Irvin " Stalmaster, Harry the various - organizations and syna- health conditions among Jews of Rusat the Brandeiff theater, will again ap- membership of the various congrer ratification of the Mandate, would Silverman, Wflliam Grodinsky, Sam goges with reference to the nomina- sia. sweep Jewry. Instead of that one Leon, Harry4 .Malashock, Arthur tion of delegates to be presented to pear before the footlights. \ Special gations. Dr. Sehwartzmann has just returned crisis after another arose which ne- Rosenblum, Jake Slosberg, Abner the citizens of Omaha at the meet- from an exhaustive tour of the Uk.,,, sketches and acts are already being The following were elected ""to "fill cessitated his coming- to = America in '•••• - ' W r i t t e n . . " : , : " ; " - '-'•'••"-•'•'-''., . • - • _ - . • -. . ': ." ing Monday, Jaly-,-2nd, -at 8:09 p:-m. raine..--Some «f-the -facts-disclosed" b y I,' and--Jj|fcJklberts. - •". vacancies on the, various boards of u order ,2» raiseinoney-fori-the "balance him were: The size of the average tees for the ensuing term, during thfe • Special orchestras will play for t h e in the Lyric building. . of the budget. "Another such.year . Many affairs are; being planned for Jewish chest has become reduced. The next few weeks. All organizations in the City of mortality o fthe Jews hag become be held in the evening* Bazaar booths, . On the board-of governors of the as last," he said, "would break the the delegates and their guests, acHarry Trustin was unanimously reOmaha who have not appointed repre-^ confetti -and gtreainers will be opeir to Hebrew Union College—Rabbi Leo backbone of the Zionist organization. cording to the committee in charge sentatives to this Congress Commit- twice as great as that of the non- elected .vice-president, after Sam M. Franklin, •, of" Detroit, -Mich., to God only knows what would have of arrangements for the entertainJews. More- than 150,000 Jews have all the l^merryseekers." • take the place of Sigmund Rhein-> happened if Palestine last Easter had ment. Special entertainment plans tee are urged by the Secretary Max been killed in pogroms. These, Dr. Beber had dropped from the running. Fred White was elected secretary of! Fromkin to promptly attend to this strom, of Cincinnati," resigned, the been in the same position as in Jan- are being made for the ladies. Schwartzmann said, were . the Red the lodge to" fill the' vacancy made by important matter and have, their term to begin" immediately. uary. Many elements," he continued, Alvin M. Owsley, national comCross figures. Tens of thousands of Harry. Silvermi.n. Harry Freidman On the board of managers of syn- "are unprepared to come to the World mander of the American Legion, will representatives at the meeting Mon- Jewish girls and women have been was re-elected treasxirer. day, July 2nd, at which meeting nomiagog and school extension for a term' Congress, ewish workmen of Amer- be the principal speaker at th violated. Sam Beber was unanimously elected nations will be presented. of three and one-half years, begin- ica> whom we need, are not ready. If banquet to be held Tuesday eveninj In one town of the Ukraine, half of •warden. Israel Goodman was elected the Jewish population of 30,000 within guardian- . Trustees elected were Miss Szold Elected "Our Beloved ning immediately—Milton M. Alex- certain circles who were formerly at the Spalding hotel. The election ander of Detroit, Nate Stone of Mil- hostile are coming around, it is be- of officers and the chosing of the conMother in Israel". two years perished for want of food. Rueben Brown, Samuel Schaefer and waukee, Dave Davidson of Sioux «ause 30,000 Two hundred and fifty out of every Dr. Nathan Mushkin. came to Pales- vention city for 1924 will be held Baltimore. (J, T. A.)—One hun- City, Samuel Bronner of Syracuse, tine. The call for a world congress Tuesday afternoon. The memorial thousand Jews in the city of Cherson Installation of the officers elected died of hunger. In Ekaterinoslav, one will be held in July. dred and twenty-one delegates rep- Al A. Rosenbush of Boston, find will come from Jewish Palestine when services will be held on Wednesday »vb aouble Jewish p pr.l / 'on there." afternoon. hundred and fifty out of each thouresenting fifty cities responded to Nathan J. Miller of New York. ' Organizations Backing Members for sand were stricken. the roll call of the annual Hadassah The following appropriations were In speaking «f notables Dr. Weizmann Prizes. Thousands of victims of hunger convention at the Belvedere Hotel voted for the -fiscal year beginning said that Baron de Rothschild is a Zionist par-excellence, although he dropped on the street, too weakened here. The Hadassah since the con- November 1, 1923: The committee in charge of the to cry or even to beg. Thirty-two does not share the Zionist phraseolovention last July ; has grown from For direct expenses of the execuOmaha Hebrew Club Picnic to be per cent of the Jewish dead buried gy. "I am. as much of a democrat as 8,000 to 12,000 members, Alice tive board, $70,945; for the Hebrew held Sunday afternoon and evening, in the Odessa cemetery are unidenti- Roman Catholic Institution Honors Seligsburg, president of the organ- Union College, $173i000; for syna- anybody," said Dr. Weizmann, " b u t democracy often is the refuge of in- Representatives of Kuhn, Loeb and July 29, at Peony Park, has an- fied. Rabbi of the Detroit Temple ization, declared in her annual re- gog and school extension, $87,553; nounced that the leading contestants competence. We must strengthen our . Beth El. Nervous diseases have become mulCo. Deny Negotiations With port. for board of delegates on civil rights, josition." Turning to oppnents in in the raffle selling contest on a tiplied to an extent impossible to calHungary. Within the past sixteen months, $3,600; for National Federation of Palestine und Europe, Dr. Weizmann Chevrolet Touring Car to be given culate, and Jews are subject to all Detroit (J. T. A.)—The Universit;" Miss Seligsborg said, $132,621 in Temple Sisterhoods, $27,749; for Na- charged them with interfering, with away at the picnic are the Misses forms of hysteria. Numerous small of Detroit, a Roman Catholic instituVienna.—The J. T. A. learns from cash, and supplies amounting to tional Federation of Temple Broth- his labors toward a reconciliation with Gertrude Cooper, representing the tion, recently conferred the honorairr 871,893 have been raised for the erhoods, $12,110; for . school exten- the Arabs. "Palestine." Dr. Weiz- a person in close touch with Felix Omaha Junior Hadassah. Club, and towns and villages have virtually been degree of Doctor of Laws upon Rabbv wiped out as a result of the pogroms. Werburg that all reports regarding Hadassah hospitals and other services sion in -New ,York City, $7,000, and mann said, "even if predominantly Gertrude Romm, representing the Some of the towns were scenes of Leo M. Franklin of the Detroit Temfor synagog and school extension in Jewish, is still an island in the Arab the negotiations between Premier Hatikvoh Girls.. Both girls are workin Palestine. pogroms as many as fifteen times. ple Beth El. The citation giving ths The address of welcome was deliv- Chicago, $31,480.sea. We must have peace and under- Bethlen und the banking house of ing diligently to secure the club Scarcely a village in the Ukraine es- reasons for the honor is as follows: Kuhn, Loeb and Company from the ered by Mrs. Emil Crockin of the It was the sentiment; of the execu-, standing and yet while engaged in prize, which will be a substantial caped without at least one pogrom. "Upon Leo Morris Franklin, BachBaltimore chapter. Miss Henrietta tive board that the support received conversations with Arab leaders one loan that Hungary plans to float are award. . The mortality of the Jews of elor of Arts of the University of Cinbaseless. Szold responded, expressing admira- by the union from the Jewish weekly is stabbed in t i e bac>. "We must Secretary Sam E. Klaver, has ancinnati, rabbi for the duration of his Odessa increased from 18 per thouThe Warburg family, the Schiff tion of the progress Hadassah made press of the country was so generous have our backs covered," he exnounced that entries in the Baby life of the Congregation Beth El a a sand during the period before the war family, and Kuhn, Loeb and Co., during-the past three years she was that the need for maintaining the claimed. Dr. Weizmann left for Lonthe city of Detroit, for that, during Contest are very numerous. By the to 56 per thousand i 1920. maintain the Jewish traditions of don on Tuesday. Union Bulletin had disappeared. A (n Palestine. nearly a quarter of a century of leadlist of. entries already received one Jacob Schiff, it is stated. A new arrangement recently effect- vote of thanks was adopted by the ership of his people he has been *r; can easily see that Omaha mothers RABBI'S BAN ON JEWISH ed for the support of the Hadassah Jewish press. of this country and a If the official Hungarian telegra- are proud of their, young ones and apostle of amity-between citizens oi CORPSES CAUSES BAiyTISMS Medical organization in Palestine motion prevailed that at the close "of School Board Co-operates With phic agency endeavored to convey the believe them the healthiest and pretall religious beliefs in his community, Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The action of Council of Americanization. was announced. By this arrange- this season the'Uhion Bulletin be disimpression that Count Bethlen nego- tiest in the city. Entries may still and a participant in every worthy; '' ment, the Hadassah organization is continued. •••••'•: . Complying with the Educational tiated in Paris with representatives be made by. calling Mr. Klaver at the the Warsaw Rabbinate in refusing to endeavor for the development of cul« to provide $100,000 and the Keren Committee of the Council of "Amer- of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, this Court House, or Mr. A. Kaplan at authorize the use of Jewish corpses ture, tolerance, and kindly living for dissection work in the medical Hayesod and Joint Distribution Com- HITLER I N CONTACT icanization the Board of Education was either done in an effort to mis- 2215 Lake Street. among men and women of good pu?» schools has led to a vigorous protest mittee, $70,000'each. has arranged to open schools for forlead, or negotiations were conducted WITH MUSSOLINI Admission tickets and raffle tickets by the Jewish students who charge pose, the University of Detroit, in *; eign women beginning July 2nd at with a Paris Bank which has busiLouis Lipsky, chairman of the solemn session of its faculty, confers: that the attitude of the rabbis will the honorary ' degree of Doctor of Zionist organization, in an address Monarchist Charges Fathenau Sought the following list of public school ness associations .with Kuhn, Loeb the city and by all Omaha Hebrew drive many medical students to Laws. . It. welcomes him to the buildings: ~ to the convention voiced appreciation Dictatorship. and" Company. baptism. Club members. of the Hadassah contribution to the panionship of its sons and daughteSfMondays, Brown Park; Tuesdays, It is possible, it is further stated, The Polish medical schools, the of its schools upon whom for tbtfS? Zionist movement and congratulated Munich, (J. T. A.)—That Walter Comenius; Wednesdays, South Fran:- that Premier Bethlen tried to obtain students point out, will not permit deserts, it has from time to time the organization on its growth since Rathe'nau shortly before his assas-? l i n ; T h u r s d a y s , Kefiom; Fridays, J the, assistance of the Paris bank to HOLD PRESENT Jewish students to practice dissection ferred its educational honors." ADMINISTRATION DOES NOT it has become an autonomous organ- sination, had completed plans in col- West Side. The sessions will be from mediate with the Kumv Loeb House MOLEST JEWS ENOUGH on Christian corpses. The Jewish ization. lusion with persons in London and two o'clock to 3:30 in the afternoons to participate in the proposed loan, Dr. Franklin recently played c Budapest, (J. T, A'.)—Last year's students will thus have no other re'At a luncheon given by the Balti- Berlin for the establishment of a and will be conducted by Miss Marie prominent part in the campaign wh'cfc course in view of the rabbis' ruling administration of the Awakening more chapter to the delegates, the dictatorship . of , Germany modeled Matthews. The branches taught will Medical Graduate Plans resulted in the defeat of a bill in the following contributions • were an- after that ' of Russia was charged be English reading and speaking, and to Enter Mayo Hospital Magyar Organization has not suc- but apostacy, they aver. legislature which proposed to nounced: Pittsburgh chapter, $5,000; at the trial,. of., .the monarchist writing. The advantages of these Dr. Joseph Goldstone, who graduat- ceeded in molesting Jews sufficiently Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Sev*GOVERNMENT OVERRULES schools are free to all foreign and ed from the University of Nebraska in the opinion of the leaders of the §5,000; Bath Beach, plotters now going on here. Baltimore, enth Day Adventist private schools KEHILLAH REFUSAL The charge. was made by Fuchs, illiterate women. Medical college, plans to enter Mayo society who have removed the officers $1,000. illegal. Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The refusal of Mrs. Phillip Welch, Chairman of hospital at Rochester^ Minn., next and substituted a new praesidium, The convention resolved to bestow chief of the monarchists on trial on Miss Szold, the founder of the who admitted that, he' got the report the educational committee of the year after an interneship at the composed of ultra anti-Semites, who, the Warsaw Jewish Kehillah to give Vienna, (J. T. A.—-Professor Boas, organization, the degree "Our Be- from a French agent named Richart Council asks the co-operation of Hebrew hospital in Baltimore, which they think, will be more successful burial in the Jewish cemetery of the distinguished anthropologist of the urn of ashes of the Jewish Jew-baiters than their predecessors. Where Richart got the report, he every member of her committee in is affiliated with Johns Hopkins uniloved Mother in Israel". Columbia University has been electei merchant Kaufman, formerly of BufThe presidium includes such notorrecruiting these classes so they may versity. Before going east, Dr. GoldThe convention decided to send did not say. to corresponding membership in the falo, N. Y., who died here was overious anti-Semities as Ivan Hejjas and be large enough to be divided into stone will visit his sister in Des delegates to the World Zionist ConThe charge -that Hitler, the antiruled by the Government authorities Academy of Science here. Semitic Fascisti leader had been in two: grades. All good citizens liv- Moines. Mrs. H. M. Chasson, 5106 M. Pronay. gress at Carlsbad. " to The election is more noteworthy The society at its meeting also who instructed the Kehillah constant touch- with Mussolini, the ing in the vicinity' of any of these Capitol Avenue, is another sister. comply with the express wishes of in view of the fact that the bajority schools are urged to aid in recruitdecided to launch immediately a more Your subscription for "The Jewish Fascisti leader of- Italy, was also the deceas*"* of the membership is anti-Semitic ing classes for these summer schools.] Subscribe for "The Jewish Press." vigorous offensive against Jews. made a t the trial Press" is due now.

U J L H C To Spend Half Mfllion Next Year For Advancement of Judaism

More Than 150,000 Jews Murdered In The Ukraine Pogroms.!

Omaha Delegates Leave To Attend 55th Annual j BVilh Convention

Hadassah's Progress Shows At Convention

Omaha Hebrew Club Contest Growing Keen

Schiffs Not To Help Enemies of Jewish Race

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1923 Nathanson entertained at a dancing Mrs. Gugenheim will spend the sum-where she will visit with relatives. weeks. Miss Guttman is entertaining party at Big Lake. mer in- Minnesota, where she will be She will be.gone for several months, at a dancing party Saturday evening $683-1933 at the Hanscom Park Pavilion for joined by Mr. Gugenheim later in theretiming about August 15. ....Sat., July 14 Kosh-Cliodesh Ab.Published •very Thursday at Omaha, NebWlka. by forty couples honoring her visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne are summer. _Mon.. Atut. 13 st of Ab__ Mrs. I. Berkowitz entertained THE JEWIS9 Jpi^BSS PUBLISHING COM?A|IT, now at Lakoma, 6681-1923 ..Mon., Sept. 10 Mr. and Mrc A. Perlemeter, who New Sear's Thursday afternoon at her home honOffice: 48'i Brandeia Theatre Building.-^Telephoner Jackson 2872> Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wessel will leave _Thurn.t Sepi. SO Yom Klppur~ were living at Council Bluffs, la., are Miss Stella Trochtenberg will oring Mrs. S. Berkowitz, of Kansas ..Tues., Sept. S3 Succoth''("First Day) soon for Philadelphia, where they will • • NATHAN EL GREEN, Manager,. Snccoth CLast Day)— Slunlni now malting their hcine in Omaha at entertain Sunday afternoon honoring ity, Mo-, who is visiting with her visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wessel, and Atiereth . „ —lues.. Oct. 2 3151 B-vcr.^rrt street. Slmchat Tornh . i_,...Wed^ Oct. 3 Mrs. Philip Trochtenberg, who waswill see for the first time their small sister, Mrs. Dave Green. -.12.50 Subscription Price, one year, Rosh-Chodesh Cheshvan. Thurg., Oct. 11recently married. grandson, Henry Wessel, Jr. Advertising rates furnished on application. Kosh-Chodesh KUlev... l_^Frl., NOT. 9 Mrs- M. S. Miller returned home FriChannkuh (Feast of Dedication) M M , Deo. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson day from Denver, Colo., where she NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- Rosh-Chodesh Tebeth_ Mrs. Victor Friend gave a bridgeFOR SALE Sun., Dec. 9 and family motored to Oskaloosa, luncheon Tuesday in honor of the out- was visiting for the past five weeks ol. The Jewish Prega BJW te be given to worthy communal caussg. Fast of lebeHh.. .Toes., Dec. IS 5684-1024 My Iowa Store Iowa, last Thursday to visiting with of-town visitors. Mrs. Sam Ruby, of with her sister, Mrs. George M. HarC both th« old o , Jan. 7 Rosh-Chodesh Shebat__..— CBANOfi new Seventy-five miles from Omaha. ris. and *!*n wo? nain*. Wed., Feb. 6 relatives. Kosh-Chodeah Adar I_~~Portland, won the prize. _Frl_ Mar. 7 A real money-makink ProposiRosh-Chodesh Adar 1I___ (Feast ot Esther)-. Thurs- Mar. 20. Mr. and Mrs.S. Cohen entertained tion. Terms. The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Furlm Rosh-Chodesh Nlsan__— ... Sat., Apr. 5 Miss Mildred Nefsky entertained at Miss Rose Guttmaivhas as her house Julius Helphand, 314 N. 16th St. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, fa addition Passover Sat- Apr. 19 at a reception Wednesday evening guest Ffcs Jean Goss» of Mason City, (Pesach • to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Passover (Seventh Day)—- J"rl_ Apr. 25 in honor of their daughter, Eeva, and three tables of bridge Thursday eve- la., who will be here for several Rosh-Chodesh Iyar _—, - Slay „ • - „6 « ning in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly tag M - •• • . Thm-»., May 22 her fiance, Mr. Meyer Stern, of answered if addressed to Jewish. Telegraphic Agency^ J14 Fifth Avenue, Roshyo-w S. M. Fogelson won first prize, Miss Chodeah Stva.n —Tues., Juno 3 New York City. Ruth Zolat won second prize, and Miss Shabuoth (Confirmation Day)-Sat.. June 8 Omaha. Rosh-Chodesh Tamtnuz ThurBH July 3 ltosh-Choaesh A b — ,..., J?rl., AUB. 1 The Messrs. George Steinberg, Tillie Polsky won third prize. THE JEWISH CONGRESS Fast of Ab.. Sun., Ausr. 10 WE CLOSE AT 5 P. M. Rosh-Chodesh Elnl .. , Sun., AUK. 31Simon Steinberg, Herman Meyerson, ' The elections for delegates to the American Jewish Congress 5685-1921 Joe Straus, Lea Fitch, Louis Kroloff, _.._. Mou, Sept. 29 -will;be held in various places throughout the country on Sunday New Year's Eye.and Sam Butt left Saturday night next in pursuance of. the call issued by the officers of the organs for St. Paul, Minn., to attend the Mrs. Ben Chait left Sunday for ization formed at the Philadelphia convention. Only a mild BRITAIN READY TO New York City and for Keyport, N. J., Grocers Convention. QUIT TRANSJORDAMA degree of interest has been, manifested anywhere. Notwithstanding this fact, we may expect the usual insistence on the represen- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Great BritThe Mogen Dovid Young Judea tative character of the Congress. In the long run, the value of ain is prepared to confer independent Club will hold an important meeting the Congress will be determined by the substantial character of government on Trans-Jordania, the next Sunday afternoon at one thirty its achievements. Some of those who are active in the organ- League of Nations consenting, says at the Synagogue. "The Mohll" ization are in the habit of depreciating the efforts made by the an official communique. ' Provided a Residence. 1S43 So. 25th St. dU can now secure style ivorth'ivhile in Mr. Louis Passer returned Monday leaders, in American Israel in the past because they regard them constitutional form of government is Td. Atlantic 66S7. as following the "shtadlon" method of protecting the rights of set up giving Britain the possibility from Excelsior Springs and St. Louis, cool clothes — they're smart zephyr Place of Business, 2323 Harney St. their brethren, referring to the Jews of influence in European to fulfill her international obligations Missouri. Tel. ATlantic 3831. weights made by the makers of our finest handlands.in the olden days r who used their standing with the rulers toward that country, the British govMiss Nettie Schwartz, of Leaven* ernment agrees to declare the Palesto secure for their fellow-Jews just and humane treatment. The tailored productions—sport models or big men's worth, Kans., arrived last Friday and; comparison is not a happy one, and does not reflect credit on the tine territory east of the Jordan auis visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sam special sizes—all sizes for all men! intelligence or sense ofNpropriety of those, who use it; some of tonomous and not subject to Sir Herwhom might never have had a chance to live in America at all bert Stmuel's administration, the Schwartz, and Miss Fanny Katelman, had i t not been for the unselfish and devoted efforts of the very statement declares. Darker Shades, lighter T r o p i c a l worsteds, $ men thus criticised. Of course, not all of those who are interEhadcs and m e d i u m whipcords and gabested in the Jewish Congress are actuated by that spirit; but Mr. and Mrs. M. Wasserman, the COUNCIL BLUFFS J Misses Sara and Paulina Friend, and shades. those who are should realize that a proper regard for derech erdines. eretz is also amongst the desirable accomplishments. Thdse who Mr. Orkin, of New York, motored to Others at $15 to $35 Mrs. Sam Snyder and daughter Nebraska City Sunday. desire a Congress are entitled to have it. But they are not entitled to claim that it represents all or nearly all of American S'Reva, left Sunday for Denver, Israel. Colorado. Have them Examined Miss Helen Wessel, of Nebraska Mohair Coats Palm Beach periodically. Scientific exCity, arrived in Lincoln Sunday to Hirsch enterMr. and Mrs. Ben Coats and Pants and Pants, at amination may be had free spend the summer with her aunts, the ) v.->RABBI JOSEPH KRAUSKOPF tained their- evening Club at their Misses Sara and Pauline Friend. of charge by a competent Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf died last week. He had not been in home last Thursday. Optometrist. Mr. Morris Friend, Mr. Saul good health for a long time, nevertheless his death came quite Mrs. Ben Harding will leave son, and Mrs. Ed. Gugenheim and suddenly. Dr. J. W. Zimmerman Judge Mayer Sulzberger, Hon. Simon Wolf, Louis H. Levin', Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Meyer daughters, Marion and Delphine, leave has charge tof our Optical Others at $20 Others at $15 Greodman on a motor trip to Chi-soon for Minnesota. Mr. Friend and A. B. Seelenfreund. Department, and is ready Mr. Arenson will attend the B'nai The Grim Reaper has gathered a rich harvest from the cago, 111. to serve our customers. One whole floor devoted to Brith convention at Duluth, Minn. ranks of American Jewry within the past few weeks. Mr. and and Mrs. Ben mid-summer clothes and BenHirsch and Glasses Fitted Every one of those men stood for some definite, constructive family have moved to Lakoma. the best values on earth! thing in Jewish life. Shell or Gold, $5.00. They were thinkers. But more to the point they were Mr. and Mrs- J ° e Passer enterWhy Pay More? DOERS! tained at dinner Monday evening at ! Rabbi Krauskopf was one of the first of t h e "organizing" their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Call Webster 2024 for an Rabbis in t h e Reform Jewish pulpit. L. Goldberg, of St. Paul, Minn., and appointment. He was not merely a scholar and a splendid pulpit speaker, Mrl 0 . Green, of Pittsburgh, Pa. but h e was an executive who knew how to build an organization Piano Instructor OMA.BA. NE5T Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen enterto promote a wide sphere of influence outside of his pulpit. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN £ND WOMEN: Special attention to beginners. We are not sure, but we believe that h e was t h e first Rabbi tained Wednesday evening at the For appointments call home at. dinner in honor of Mr. Q. to print his Sunday lectures each week. -„, 0:30 A. M. to 12:00 M. : We-believe t h a t & e was among t h e first M develop t h a t type Green, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. 1824 North 24th St. 5161. . of-Sunday lecture.that, made a popular appeal both to "the~j€w Norman. Goldberg, of. St. Paul, Minn. 24th and Parker Sts. Res. 2601 P er St. and t h e non-Jew. ' • His unusual methods in congregational direction and innova- Miss Sadye Rosenberg,' of Chicago, j tions soon-made Keneseth .Israel one. of t h e most widely talked is visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and ;Mrs.-Ben Harding. Mrs. of Jewish congregations in'the'country. And when t h e late Rabbi J . Leonard Levy was associated with Harding and Mrs. H. EC Nathanson Dr. Krauskopf, the Keneseth Israel pulpit was one of t h e out- entertained at a' theatre party Friday evening honoring the visitor. standing ones. . •••; 1 25 splendid BARGAINS We are not prepared to say that Dr. Krauskopf was a sensa- Sunday, Mrs. M. Rubenstein entertionalist in t h e more conservative meaning of t h a t word,.but he tained at a picnic, and on Wednesin slightly used and demday evening Mrs; Harding and Mrs. was among t h e first of t h e Rabbis to "make newspaper copy". onstrating Phonographs which. MUST BE MOVED For example, he. went to Russia and saw Tolstoi and when he returned he made t h a t visit not alone t h e subject of lectures THIS WEEK to make "Let Us Move You" from his pulpit. But h e traveled throughout t h e country and in room for new stocks nov. many communities made t h a t t h e subject of his .talks. in transit. He was a progressive and realized t h e value of advertising Operated by Every one is guaranin connection with congregational development. And we think he was right. teed to be in first Oldest and most reliable Jewelry and Loan BusiHis most important work outside of his pulpit was the creaclass condition ATlantic 02ad JAckson 4338 tion of the National F a r m School at Doylestown, P a . Here his ness in the city of Oniaha conducted by MR. SOL organizing sense and his executive ability were given full play; They come in all finishes BRQDKEY for the last forty years. Reason for selling and his ability to interest the public in any proposition of worth and sizes and are the ones •was never demonstrated t o a greater degree than in t h e advancehad to move to California account of health. Here is we have taken in exment of the interest of the Farm School. His Farm School has change on Pianos and a chance of a lifetime for a man to step right into a proved to be a very valuable agency in directing t h e interest of Player Pianos. paying business. Can give good lease at reasonable the Jew to the soil. For one dollar down and Krauskopf'sidea was t o educate and graduate scientific farmRental. Will reduce stock to suit purchaser's means. a few records you select ers—men who would grasp the bigger thing in agriculture. His and pay for, your choice Call At. 6970 or write to Sol Brodkey, 1301 Douglas St., $ e a was not to turn o u t o f t h e s c h 0 Q l f a r m hands; rather, farm will be sent to your home. BRAINS was the- thought behind the movement. It has become Omaha, Nebr. Come in before they are a national institution in every sense and it will be a lasting sorted over and make sure monument to its founder. . of a bargain you will alDiamond & Platinum Specialists Tills Large Victreln Joseph Krauskopf was a leader of men. ways delight in. Only SQS.OO 1514 Dodge St. He was an active and valued force in the Jewish life of Est. 1894.Ja. 5619 this country. SllIllliUIIIlllllUIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIHIIIIlUIIIlllUIUlllIIllIliliillllllllllllllllllHIIIIIUIIIU^ He was an originator. He served the Jewish community of Philadelphia long and welL • A BIG BARGAIN American Jewry has suffered a real loss in his death Brick Duplex, 118-120 N. 30th St. Rents for $1,560 per year. . —"Jewish Times". WAS KOW All oak finish. Price, §12,500.' .Yew Harmony .........Slab. * 25.00 S12.OO ColumUia Slab. * 32.30 SS22.OO NEARING 100,000 DUNAMS ference meeting here the conditions LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN Victoria Malt. * ?6.o« S34.OO OP NATIONAL FUND PROPERTY of the Jews of Russia created a Orola i M«h. *IOO.OO S4S.OO Two story 6-room house, price Columbia , .Oak. S125.00 ¥56.00 Jerusalem, (J. T . A.)—The Jewish profound impression. The J. W. R. $6,500. First class condition. Scbmoller A Mueller Oak $140.00 SSS.OO All modern, 1818 Locust St. Victor Mnh. 9125.O0 K6S.OO National Fund has just concluded an C., whose representative in Russia Columbia Oak ? 150.00 ' |tT6.OO I in filling the prescription for your car arrangement with the Palestine Land Dr. Adler was, decided to issue an Schmolter & Mueller Oak S175.00 S78.OO ABE JACOBS Colombia Oak si75.oo SSS.OO Development Co., Ltd., whereby its appeal to all sections of, world Jewry Schmoller A Mueller Oak S215.O0 S9O.OO I'hone At. 0785; lies. Phone We. 5Si0 | serious difficulty may be experienced by Schmoller & Mueller Wol. $250.00 S9S.OO holdings in Palestine have been con- pointing out the necessity of conReal Estate, Loans and Insurance siderably increased. tinued aid for Russian Jewry. | the patient. Bought; Sold and Exchanged The phonographs all look sound and are as good as new. 1305 First Nnttonal Bank Bids. ' Previous to this acquisition the Thes& bargains will not last long. Kris is your chance to Omaha. N*br. Jewish National Fund possessed about MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY own a high-grade phonograph and to pay an unheard of I When recommending the proper grade 79,000 dunams, a little under 20,000 low price. HONORS JUDGE CARDOZO acres, of land in Palestine. The I of Nicholas Oil for your car we are govDetroit, (J. T. A.)—Judge BenTHIS corroxpresent transaction results in nearly jamin Nathan Cardozo of New York another 20,000 dunams being added to was awarded an LL. D. degree by the For Sate or For Rerit = erhed by the specifications laid down by Name the possession of the Fund which now University of Michigan at its comi the leading automobile manufacturers, Ten-room modern house at totals over 98,000 dunams, close on mencement exercises Tuesday. The 404 North 22nd St. Call Japk| eliminatiiig guesswork. Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . about 25,000 acres. son 5360. official citation reads: FOR SALE ; •The chief., acquisitions are in the Tear out the phonogTaph list. tnakV a check mark after the phon"Judge Benjamin- Nathan Cardozo ORraph you are interested in and mail at once. It v i U save you famous Valley of . Jezreel (the of the New York Court of Appeals, Teh rooms of furniture conmoney. sisting of mahogany bedroom "Emek") where alone the estates now a jurist of eminent distinction, an suites, berzon maple dresser, possessed extend to ahout 74,000 author learned authoritative books brass beds, desk and chair* dunams. in the field of legal science, he is parlor ' suite, library tables, couches, bookcase, rugs, handwidely recognized by his associates at painted pictures, diningrpom | "Business Is Good, Thank You" the bar as one of America's leading J . W.: B . C. DECIDES TO suites, kitchen table and chairs, i '•* ' -"CABRT ON" IN RUSSIA scholars: For; his brilliant. attainhoosier cabinet, and 500 J l b . I 12 Super-Filing Stations refrtger4ttwf>'Call at 404 North Berlin, (J- T. A.)—The' address of ments and his notable'contributions Omaka 22nd Street. s Ite» Victor -Adler, who, sketched be- to jurisprudence, the University confiltUlllllItlllllllllllllllllllltlllllltiHIUIllllUlllltilllllllllllllllllllHIlIlliIlltltlUlltllltliuE the Jewish World' Belief Con- fers upon him her mark of honor."




Good News, Men!










One Dollar Down



( M e Van & Storage Co.



and high grade Jewelry at the


Malashock Jewelry Co.

Sends a Phonograph to Your Home


I i


If we make a single mistake

| Nicholas Oil Corporation

Notice the Low Prices On These Standard Phonographs



PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUKE 25, I92S the Lacoma Country Club Friday for four weeks and will make pur- Minn., and then will visit in St. Paul turned to their home Wednesday will arrive "this week to make his home: chases of new fall and winter fur> and Minneapolis, Minn-, from there morning. They were accompaniei by here and become manager of the Fui* afternoon. garments for the annual August fur going to Canada. On their way home Mrs. Solomon's daughter, Mrs- M. rdture department of the Brandeis ' Mrs. M. Preiden and daughter, sale. While in the east she will visit. they will stop at Chicago, I1L Katz, of Chicago. Sttrc1"- Te vrr- formerly coimccted Marjorie, are leaving Sunday morn- with relatives, and enraute home will with -the P. C. Rothschild Store at ing for an extensive stay in Cali- visit in Atlantic City. Mrs. M. Solomon and her mother, Mr. Fred R. Fried, of Chicago, 111. dieago. fornia. They will go to Los Angeles who have been visiting in Chicago, Miss Beatrice Reichenberg enter- ILL, with Mrs. Solomon's daughter, rewhere they will meet Mrs. Freiden's sister, Mrs. Harry Block, of El Paso, aaed "Wednesday cfternoon at her Tex., from there they will go to home. Venice, Calif., where they have taken Miss Sylvia Landu, of Chicago, HI., a cottage and will remain through the is here visiting with Mrs. M. "E. Handsummer and fall months, then they ler. will leave for El Paso to spend the winter months with. Mrs. Block, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin return, ABRAMSON—GREEN , afternoon at her home honoring her family,. Mrs. Freiden and daughter ed Wednesday from a two weeks' visit in the city will soon open its doors More than one hundred and fifty sistre, Mrs. J. Greehberg, of Sioux are expecting to be gone about a year. in Kansas City and Ecelsior Springs, guests were present at the wedding City, la., who is visiting at the Tucb0005Qto the public. ' . Mrs. J. TX-. Stine leaves Sunday for Mo. of MiEs- Anne Green, daughter of man'home. a trip to California, visiting in Xi Mr- and Mrs. Meyer :Green to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzman We will handle everything in the Kosher Isadora Abramson, son of Mr. and Miss Dorothy Kckus, of Sioux City, Angeles, San Francisco, then on np have moved into their summer home line for the table. All eatables will 1508 DOUGLAS S T R E E T Mrs. J. Abramson, of this city, Sun- la., is expected here Sunday evening the Coast to Seattle and Vancouver a t Carter Lake for the summer VForid Theater Building day evening, June 24, at the Swed- to be the guest of Miss Gladys Meyer. returning home* via the Canadian months. be kept wider refrigeration. ish Auditorium. Rabbi H. Godzinsky She will visit here for two weeks. Rockies. ooo Mr- and Mrs. Harry Lapidus and Watch for further announcements "Who officiated at the ceremony of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Milder are Mr. and Mrs. Max Langman, of family are leaving today for a month's the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. in this paper. A Talisman Meyer Green, twenty-five years ago, Ionia, Mich., and Mrs. Lewis Spiwak, entertaining Saturday morning for vacation. They will attend the analso officiated at the ceremony Sun* of Des Moines, la., who were visiting friends at the B'nai Israel Syn- nual B'nai Brith convention at Duluth, of day evening. He /was assisted' fay here for the past two weeks with their agogue, honoring their sort Howard's Sunday they will Good Fortune parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jarohm Kul- bar-mitzvoh. Mj j Harris. Hi entertain at a picnic at Elmwood (SEE 5TL3I .AT SCIf akofsky left Tuesday for Des Moines, r L Morgenstern J. L. Wolfson The bride was .given away • in THEATER.) 1613 North 24th St. Webster 4330. park. marriage by her cousins, Mr. and where, Mr. and Mrs. Langman will Rev. J. SHUKERT, Shohit, In ancient times the diaMrs. John Robinson, of Norfolk, visit at the Spiwak home for several Mrs. S. M. Levey and Mrs. Harry days, later going to Chicago, HI., and mond was supposed to bring "Service and Quality" is Our Motto. Nebr. Miss Bess Stock was maid Silverman entertained this afternoon good luck—tooth to the giver of ^ honor, and Mr. Louis Abramson Detroit, Mich., before returning to for sixty guests at a bridge luncheon Tel. Webster 2734 and to tie recipient. This was the groom's best man. /The their home. The visitors were quite at the Brandeis tea rooms. The superstition quite naturally ushers .were Messrs. Nathan E. extensively entertained during their honored guests were the Mesdames brought about the "universal stay here, among the affairs given adoption of the diamond as Jacobs, Nathan E. Greerir ' Leo Charles Adelman, of Des Moines the betrothal or anniversary Abramson, Robert H. Kooper, Wil- was a bridge luncheon for twenty-four Morris Rosenblum, formerly of Des giftliam Levey, and Jack Marer. Mr. guests last Thursday afternoon by Moines, but now of Omaha, Abe History tells us that through Mrs. Jarohm Zulakofsky. Mrs. Langand Mrs. Simon Green served as Levey of Los Angeles, Cal., and IDA L FREirEN, Prop. the ages there has only man was formerly Miss Beulah escorts. Master Arnold Eobinson Charles Silverman. of Birmingham, been one "unlucky diamond" 310 ?$o. 16th St.—Tel., Jackson 5062 was ring bearer and little Florence Alabama. —-the famed blue Hope gem. Miller, was flower-girl. The ribbon formerly Miss Sylvia Kulakofsky. History also relates of many 311 South 16th Sti^et stretchers were Frances Green, Ethel Mr. Sam Berek, of Fremont, Nebr., Dr.. David Sherman, accompanied by wars -waged for the possessioa of some treasured diaGreen, Miriam Robinson, Bess Miller, is visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. S. her children, and her mother, Mrs. F. Phoue Atlantic 8010. m o n d s—but notvtfthstanaGreenberg, left last Sunday morning Evelyn Green, Iibby Abramson, Krizelman. _ 1613 No. 24th St.—Tel., Webster 4330 Open Evenings. ing this, the stone itself has for California, where they •will spend -Helen Robinson, and Evelyn Green. always been believed to Only Jewish Florist in town. bring good fortune to its Mr. and Mrs. A. • Katskee were the summer months, visiting with The out-of-town guests present at Have Taken Charge of The Wholesale and Retail Mrs. Greenberg's sons, Messrs. Hyowner. In fact, diamonds the wedding were: Mr. O. Green, of entertained at a surprise party last man and Abe Greenberg. WEDDING BOUQUETS. have been credited with t Business of Shalker Packing Company. Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. L. Sunday evening honoring their curing various ills to which twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at Goldberg, and son, Norman, of St. the people in olden days Mr. Jack C. Copeland left Saturday •FWholesale Prices ~ were subject, and many paPaul, Minn., Mr. Sam Levey, of Hen-r the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer for Chicago, HI., where he will attend tients, ill in bed, had rushed Ky., Miss Rebecca Gross, of for the immediate family. Mrs. the National v..iometric convention. for Parties, Weddings, or Picnics. to him some famed diamond Chicago, HI.,- Miss Helen Chapman, Katskee was also entertained at a to ward off *the evil spirit" Miss Sylvia Fox, of the Sample Fur of Des Moines, la., Mr. and Mrs. surprise by her card club at her home Shalker Packing Company of Leavenworth, Kansas, that was attempting to seize his b o d y . Today new John. Bobinson, and Miss Carolyn Tuesday afternoon. Shop, left for New York City Sunday laiU give a Special Price for its Retail Trade. charm has been added to Rosenthal, all of Norfolk, Nebr., on a buying trip. She will be gone the traditions of the diaMr. and Mrs. L. Goldberg, of St. Painting, Papering, and Mrs. H. Miller, of Manhattan, Kans., mond itself—by exquisitely Fresh Salami „ . 35c lb. Decorating done under my Miss Eva Novak, and Morris Novak, Paul, Minn., who were visiting here designed settings or mountand attended the Abramson-Green personal supervision. ings. of Tulsa, Okla. Thick Bologna _.__30c lb. MONHEIT'S jwedding left Monday evening for In the production of these Hardzcood Specialty and Beauty Weiners . 30c lb. Miss Faye Herzog, of Lincoln, IE x c ! l s i o ^ . Springs, Mo., prior to re- Chiropodist none are more famous than Shop All Work Guaranteed turning to their home. those Df Nebr., returned last Thursday after Established 1890 15th and Harnry Streets. All Pastromi, Smoked Meat and Tongues 1521 North 19th Street. spending the week with her aunt, Miss Stella Trochtenberg will enter- Give us a chance to appreciate your business. For Mrs. 'Samuel Katz, at the Blackstone tain the Ra Oth Society Sunday after- appointments call Ja. 8774. Ye Phone, Webster 1087. ? at Special Price. «>. Hotel. noon. Diamond Z£U Meats Guaranteed to be Kosher The Misses Tiby Lazaras, and Mr., and Mrs. Simon Green enterShoppe Esther Ginsburg, of Des Moines, la., tained Tuesday evening in honor of by Rabbi M. Bravde of St. Joe, Mo. are the-guests of Miss Anne Zalk. Mr. O... Green, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and %<x>Gifts That Lasto^i 11 Mr. Norman Goldberg, of St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green enter- Minn,, who. are. visiting with relatives tained at dinner Monday in honor of here and who attended the AbramsonMr. and Mrs. L. Goldberg, of St. Green wedding. Think of it! Such rapid and speedy Paul, Minn. service that we can put ten gallons All, members of the Jewish Culture An election of officers was held at League will -meet at Elmwood Park of T X T in your car in ten seconds. the regular meeting of the Anflebung next Sunday, June 30, for the picnic Club Sunday, June 10. The follow- o be given by the club. Various enIs What We Offer ing officers "were' elected: President, ertainments have been arranged. CAN ANYONE GIVE MORE? FTed Greenberg; Vice-President, Nal • 16th and Jackson than Martin; Secretary, Mose F. Mrs. Dave Harding and children, of Goodman; Assistant secretary, Jake Kansas City, Mo., formerly of this . •- • Open Saturday Morning Turek; and Treasurer, Dora Lasero- city, are spending the week in Omaha Repair Specialists-^SAM FKIEDEL, Manager witz. The first picnic of the season at the Fontenelle HoteL Mrs. Harding At4antic 8884 The attendants of this station are out 929-31 North 25th Street. -was held Sunday, June 24, at Miller is well-known here having lived in Park, and another club picnic is Omaha six years ago. She is being to win the record for Quick Service, being planned for Sunday, July 8. entertained quite extensively during When you drive in, one will fill your her stay here. She is returning to Mrs. L . . Greenberg entertained at her home Sunday. car with T N T , the POWER-FULL 1 her home at four tables of bridge this Mesdames Sol Degen, Morton week in honor of her sister, Miss Eae Gasoline; another will attend to your Goodrich, who is soon leaving for her Degen, and Sam Wertheimer are need of TRANSMOLIXE, which former home" at Plattsburgh, N. Y., entertaining at a bridge luncheon at to make her hdme. While in Omaha eliminates chatter in Fords or with ehe was making her home with her TOP NOTCH, the 100% Pure sister, Mrs." Greenberg, and Mr. GreenE make a specialty


Kosher Market


Insurance of all Kinds





W.W.Crade Painting Contractor


Expert Work Fairly Priced

At Our New Rffisg Station


Miss Ruth Levey returned Wednesday morning from St. Louis, Mo., where she was visiting with her brother, Dr. S. A. Levey, and Mrs. Levey. Mr- und Mrs. J. Katz, and children, arrived from Marion, 111,, Friday to visit with relatives and friends here. They are stopping at the Blackstone HoteL

of "engagement rings, w e d d i n g rings and gifts for the June bride. Come in and see our prices.

Goldstein Jewelry Co. Est. 1S93 1510 Farnam St.

Ja. 2R8S


Mrs. J. Adler and Mrs. B. Levinsky are entertaining at a luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms Monday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Adler's daughter, Mrs. Will Hips, of Duncan, Okla., who jf. visiting at the Adler home, and in honor of Mrs. Ben Binder, who will arrive here Sunday to vitit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler. .



Mrs. E. Barrish, of Sioux City, la., is spending the week here with Mr. and Mrs. I. Katleman. Mr. Leon Greenberg returned from a two weeks visit at Chicago, HI., and Cleveland, Olid. Miss Esther Lefkowitz entertained Friday evening at her home for eight couples at a Bunco and dancing party. Prizes were won by Miss Sarah Wolfson, and Messrs. Joe Kristol and Michael Cohen. Miss Dora .Forman, who was operated, on appendicitis Monday morning at the Methodist Hospital, is convalescing. • }• • Mrs. Frank -Tuchman is entertaining- at a one o'clock luncheon Friday

AB.Kaiman Writes all kinds of

INSURANCE "Real Personal Service" Phone . Kes.—Har. 3236. Office—At. 8034

724 W.O. W. Bldg.

Pennsylvania Lubrication Oil. Still another attendant will put water in your radiator and if you desire it, our F R E E Crank Case Drainage Pits are at your service.

There is no waste of time or needless red tape. Attendants make change on the spot. The service is so quick that you barely have to stop at all. Remember, this new station is a SERVICE station and such conveniences as telephone, air gauges, distiJled water for batteries, etc., are at your disposal. I F YOU W A N T QUICK SERVICE COME TO 16th and Jackson (Open Saturday) 25th and Farnam



SAND POINT BEACH Many added features including e l e c t r i c hair driers for ladies. We 6414




100% Omaha Owned Company

An Open Letter to Old Man "Moth"

Dear Sir: |You are one of the worst pests known to mankind ana should be classed with the Boll Weevil and other obnoxious insects. I wish someone would tell me just what exuse you hare for existing. • |Ybu destroy enough clothing every pear to clothe the people of a whole state. But we are after you "old man." , • Thousands of people right here in Omaha have found a way to circumvent your activities. They have learned that the only sure way to beat you is to have their winter clothes, furs and heavy drapes D R Y C L E A N E D and S E A U 5 D in moth and dust-proof bags before laying away for the summer. For years The Pantorium has carried on a campaign of education along this line. They guarantee no moths will bother garments that arc eleaned and "sealed" in moth-proof bags. When everyone has learned to follow this advice it will be, Good-by to you, "old man."

THE PANTORIUM. By GUY "LIGGETT, Pres. for 25 Years. P. S.—ITl bet there are thousands of garments In Omaha today containing dirt grease spots on "which the pesky moth is working right now. Wfcty not saw th«na? Send them to TJS BOW. and let us clean and seal them, and next fell all yon have to do is tear off the bag and slip on a fresh, clean garment, looking jast Hke new. Can us up NOW. AT. 4383. G. L. .






' "At least when" they do come back boy, 'cause a girl is terribly hard to suggested that they should stay home the improvised sick rooin; the mother well known Austrian health resorts. and find him'dead their howling won't bring up alone. But maybe Frank —books—the never-used piano—but lay quietly back upon her pillows, her Appeals against this decision, -which trouble him," thought Lowenthal. * He will get well, doctor?" her shaky she always laughed at his request. long, dark hair streaming about her is in violation of the constitution, have "Time enough when we're old and pale face; her milk-full<-breasts rose been lodged with the officials of the smiled satirically to see the other voice rising hopefully. men follow the father from He knew too well what a sudden gray-hoaded or I'm tired out from and fell peacefully beneath her coarse districts in which the resorts are sitA Story by Elma Ehrlich Levinger >, stooping gown. But one glance at the little uated. Failing satisfaction in this the room, the women going after shock would mean to her in her weak- having babies," she had laughed. Copyright, 1023, by BIma EhrUch Levinger All IHght Keserved g them with old Mrs. Coen in their swathed bundle which lay beside her quarter, Jewish leeaders declare they Babies! Ho frowned a little at the ness and tried to prepare her for the [SiaisfSjajgisiafai3]ajai3i3jaiafajaiai3iaisiai3i3iajaiS' midst, weeping noisily, but already a worst. "I've never known a pneu- ! thought.' She hadn't wanted children convinced' the doctor that for once will start proceedings in ,the higher weeping noisily, but already a Dr. Lowenthal frowned impatiently main a Jew. Twice ft year uponthe l i t t i e com forted at thesuggested rem- monia patient to be so low and then for the first' few years; she had been j things had not been so badly bungled; courts against both the municipalities and the district officials. as he entered the sick room. The anniversaries of his parents' deaths, e d y f b u t j ^ e y es did not smile. *• recover," he tried to break the blow too young, she insisted, and, besides, the crippled baby was dead. He looked down compassionately [there was plenty of time. And he, ' •• '• windows closed again—that was the he returned to the little old synago] j e -opened the windows after gently. work of old Mrs; Coen, he -judged; gue wherehe had made bis bar mitz-j smoothing the sick man's covers, felt .. "He's only twenty-two; he's always after • finding himself gradually ab- upon the face of the sleeping woman. FIRE DESTROYS CINEMA AND FACTORY IN JERUSALEM the sick man's mother, who hated 'vah. He had long ago forgotten all his pulse and lowered the light; his been a grand man," she cried pas- . sorbed into her own family circle, for- "It's going to be hard on her, anyCairo. (J. T. A.)' Three serious fresh. air as the devil -hates- holy the hated Hebrew he had acquired hand on the gas "jet, he recalled !the sionately. - "It ain't right- he should getting his Jewishness whenever he way," he thought, "to stand this and confligrations occurred in Jerusalem water!—young Max Coen actually painfully for that great occasion of Yahrzeit light his own mother .had die w.hen he's always.been so strong could to' safe his wife embarrassment losing her husband, too." within the last fortnight, according to before her kinfolks, was not sorry As he returned to the bedroom the and hard-working, and me and the smoking beside his dying brother's his boyhood; he remembered littlei of lighted every year untfl she" h,a<i been that there were no children, that there hall door opened softly and old Mr. a report in the" Egyptian-Gazette, the bedside and entirely too many sym- the rite itself, save t h . t his surly old l a i d :,tOiJCest beside his father; he're- baby need him. It ain't right." pathetic friends and relatives in the uncle had actually cried over his m e m bered for the first time, in years The doctor thought of her protest might never be any children in their Coen's pale, bearded face appeared. leading English language newspaper sick room. Then the hasty reproof bar mitzvah speech " (a magnificent j how he ;had seen her every "Friday now as he heard the baby's. wailing, I home. He was not a Jew any longer, "How does it go with him?" he asked, of the Near East. Usually free from fires, the city of died on his lips. What did it matter, Yiddish-English effusion written for j ^ g h t standing^efore the twin'vSJiab- the ; mother's £alf-whispered lullaby. j yet a certain atavistic strain in his his voice strangely unagitated, his as long as Frank Coen would surely him by the overworke.:, underpaid: b a s . i i g h t s , her»face covered with.her What would she say when she realized \ blood made him feel that he would eyes strong in hope. Dr. Loventhal Jerusalem was caught unawares by Melamed) and had projiised him a hands, as she welcomed into the house that her husband had been taken from 'rather have no children than children marveled -.that, a, few psalms could the flames which swept a cinema thedie b " morning"? atre and destroyed a large tobacco witfi harsh * impagold watch—which had never m a - ' ^ e Sabbath. Angel. .As a very little her in the flush of his strength and • who would be ashamed of their Jew» bring a man such peace. "- Still he spoke factory. The water supply of Jeruish grandparents. • ' : But he . marveled still mpre. when tience, shoving his way through the Iterialized. Grown to manhood, he boy- he ..had' often:crept fearfully into manhood, leaving her to care for this salem, usually meagre, proved inadehe . bent over; the bed. . He, felt his had wed a woman not of his people, t h e hall to see whether the Bad Angel crippled child who would never be crowd about the bed: But tonight it hurt somewhat: the quate altogether for extinguishing the •patient's pulse.and bent to"catch his able to care for himself? 'Don't "you see this is hurting Mr. but with n ' religion of her own to had followed'the Good Angel and had crooning of the mother's voice in the Coen, the bad air,.all this talking" and j form-a barrier between them.'.."He managed to slip in after, all. His "It's the way things always hap- next room, the young father's whis4 heart-beats.-.Then he joined.'the old flames, the correspondent said. He adds that the possibility that the fires noise? For heaven's sake,"1 this to had been happy enough in his home mother had .insisted upon, having the pen," he muttered, "and then fools pered entreaty during his morning man who waited in the hall. . ; , were caused by "Bolshevist Jews" is , i "Don't tell the others just.yet," he life, in his work; yet sometimes as he brought g to her bed on the like those men I sent down to the visit, "If I go, doctor, they'll name tsaid cautiously, "because he may. take being investigated by the Jerusalem Frank Coens father, a" tall, stooping the boy after me." He had long ago police. man with a tangied beard, "get the stood in the cramped old synogogue Sabbath eve just before she died... schul still believe in a God." ceased to consider immortality sen-:] a turn for the worse. But it looks as The hours dragged on. A nurse ti say-Kaddish for his father or j t w a s strange how many ghosts -crowd out of here—quick!": though your son were going to pull jously, a fable for a dear old soul like Old Mrs. Coen's voice rose in pro- mother...— He shrugged impatiently, : c r o w d e d the room where he sat beside would have proved too cruel an ex- 'his father to believe! But here was through." . PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! pense and there was no one else in i test. "My boy is dying—:riy baby is smiling satiriaclly as he remembered the dying man! / j an immortality which he might have dying—and you won't let me stay by some of the rites practiced in that, &om ifo: dhdng:To6m just beyond the house to sit by the sick man's bed j won for; himself, a son to carry on except his irresponsible, od motlier. him." She threw herself".across the little synagogue he had forsaken ^ ^ m e a l o w i r e t f u l w a i l i n g . D r . j ^ . AUSTRIAN OFFICIALS BAR lenthal nodded understandingly. Just "Perhaps sleeping in the kitchen, and his name and his ideals, just as this bed, clawing at the JoUts. "God-in long ago. JEWS FROM HEALTH RESORTS then she'll say tomorrow she's not had poor creature lying so still upon his WHOLESALE He turned to the r e l a t e s aboutthe ^ ^ d a j r g ^fore he had 1)eettieaaeA heaven, is it right for a mother to Vienna. (J. T. A.) Resolutions debed hoped that, although he himself any rest for a week," grinned the bed, their thin" veneer of American ; , f r o m t h e f a t h e r s b e d s i d e to b r i l l g h e I say addish for her child?" claring Jews as inadmissable were Druggists and Stationers pp off in the -presence aa nn d c o m f o r t t o Becky Coen, tossing doctor. "Well, I'm willing to stay the j-passed into the darkness, he might adopted by the municipalities of SpitzKaddishI ': The word : ma'de Dr. restraint slipping 401-403-405 South 10th Street night out if she'll only keep out of live on through his son. And although amdonau and Kremsmuenster, two f the th dreaded dreaded visitor, visitor noisy noisy Orientals Orientals .. fo f r Q .Q t h e a g o n y o f c h i l d b i r t h . Lowenthal smile a little wistfully; to of m their grief. g r i e f „AAt t least, least he told himit mattered nothing to him, Lovenhere," and he settled more comfortcQme m t o t h e world a him it spelled all-that-.made. him-re- self,-both.the dying man and he would '^^""Zj^y thal regretted for the moment that ably in his chair. a twisted spend .the rest of the night together ^ y . ' .a c r u e l r e w a r d when he died no son would rise to The clock upon the mantle, evi111 FRED R. SHAW Flower Shop peace. •••'•• , 'suffering, a sharp answer to her pas- dently a wedding present, a hideous say theKaddish and honor his father's memory and his father's religion in Phone 104 Certified Public Accountants "Take .your mother away," he^told ^ ^ • j ^ ^ thing with gilt figures, struck eleven. y e r g f o r ft fe ft The Best ot EverythinR In Flowers and Audits Systems Was it possible that he had been sit- the sight of all men. :MaX:Coen harshly, "tiiat sort of thing ^ ^ mornin h e h a d held t h e Confections at Moderate Prices. Investigations only disturbs your brother and does cn - p l e d u t t l e f o r m ^ Ma ams> w o n . ting there almost an hour? In the But, then, he told himself impaS45 W. Broadway, Nert Liberty Theater 434 to 440 Peters Trust Bldff. TO AND FROM* ; nobody any good.'-He turned to old d e r i n g w l i e t h e r i t w o u l d n o t h a v e b e e n rush and fret of his busy professional tiently, it was all junk—plain junk. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Phones, Jackson 4313, 4314. life there had been scarcely a moment ALL PARTS OF j A just and wise God who destroyed Mr. Coen, the picture, of the syna- f a r ^ ^ m e r c i f u l to h a v e ^ ^ ^ t h e during the last few years to call his j a strong young man who might have j gogue where his own father had h e l p l e s s ^ ^ ^ d i e a s . he THE WORLDown; even when he rushed from house fathered strong children, while He prayed every day stiU very vivid be- ^ . - ^ ^ Ug^ ^ But m Carpenter Paper Co. to house on his daily round of visits spared an infant who would be a VAL. J. PETER&COMPANY ! fore his cynical eyes. "Mr, Coen, why w j j 0 S e d o t m o; Distributors ot i don't you-and some of the men go t o ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ 3 w h i c h m e r d . he had been too busy driving his car burden both to himself and to society; 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Western Bond—and High to relax and think. . old Mr. Coen down in the synagogue the schulback andtillsay psalms? ATlantic'0340. And nearest don't come I send for f u l l y h i d t h e c h i l d » s ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 f r o m Grade Stationery her, had seemed to feel that her first- His . few evenings of leisure had muttering psalms like so many cab- 'One of America's Great Hotels" Omaha. Nebraska. you." born would be a partial recompense grown singularly ^crowded; his wife balistic charms to save a victim alj for the loss of her husband,' whom she had been a society butterfly, always > ready doomed by science. A foolish restless, always hungry for pleasure. j scheme of things—he was lucky he so already mourned as dead. "If my Frank don't get well, doctor," She did not care to go out alone, so seldom had time to think! WASH AND KEEP WELL he had said for the tenth time since he tried ito enjoy following her about j From the dining room came the A RULE OF HEALTH the child's birth, "I'm lucky I got one to card parties ami dances, although ; baby's wail again, followed by a ^ Every Known Kind FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY baby first. And ain't it lucky it's a . he cared for neither. Sometimes he strange gasping cry. He hurried into of Insurance . v


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