July 5, 1923

Page 1

Nothing is more prac-^fclVi"

Say- not always what

•fciealthan a high, cleark '~:ci'\ t -> T s a r

you* know, but always

-» •*•


Iv-deftned ideal of serv-

know what you say.

ice. - - . / <. TT . xi.

N o 30 INU. o u

Enterefl ir^_-Liiia&-elaM mall matter on Jaouarj27th. IB2L at postofflce taTOmafaa. Nebraska, p a t e "the Act ot Match % MOT. -

Inspiring Plea to Jews to Live up


to the Ideals of Americanism Hade to Large B'nai B'rith Audience



1.0. B. B. Carnival to be Held at City Sept 2


Sam Leon President

Sioux Contention

Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Arab •Vienna. (J. T. A.) Warning. of the Congress meeting; in Jaffa has reRoumanian government that all undeolved to protest against the Palestine sirable aliens and refugees must evacpolicy of the British government as uate Roumania by October amounts to nothing as far as the Jewish phase Vaudeville Shews, { Popularity indicated in-aversion of the treaty with King Hussein of the Hedjaz, as is, concerned, Dr. Bernard Kahn inContests and Many Other announced b y ' Sir Herbert Samuel. the Vienna representative of Attractions. ' H . Lapidus Elected to Head Drive of National They also are .up in arms against the "The Jew is one of the most important leader in the life formed the Jewish Telegraphic Agency., Ruttenberg electrification. conception. Jewish Hospital for $100,000. of Americans at all times of war or vpeace," There will be no Jewissh refugees TO PUBLISH SPB&AL ISSUE The Congress demands likewise that r in Roumania by the end of July, Dr. OF "THE JEWISH said Henry Monsky of Omaha. the government should not confirm Kahn stated, as the Joint Distribution PRESS"; the sale of twenty-two villages in the OMAHANS TAKE LEADING PART IX CONCommittee together with other Jewish valley :near 'Beisan, for which VENTION HELD AT DULUTH—ALL LARGE GATHERING ATTEND THEJSANQUET organizations of Bessarabia plans that The gigantic carnival and fun. fest, Jordan Jewish purchasers are said to be neRE-ELECTED TO OFFICE. all Jewish refugees leave Bessarabia which is to be given by Omaha Lodge gotiating. OF T H E 55TH ANNUA3L, CONVENTION within the next six weeks. No. 354, Independent Order B'nai AT DULUTH, MINN. quired sum District Grand Lodge Sam J. Leon of Omaha was elected B'rith, in celebration of its fortieth No. 2 has .undertakes to raise second vice president of District No. anniversary in Omaha, will be held at $150,000, and this District Grand 6, L O. B. B., at the fifty-fifth anthe Municipal Auditorium on Sunday, By NATHAN E. GREEN. . nual convention held in Duluth, Minn., Lodge recognizing the excellent September 2, 1923. Sam Beber, genDuluth, Minn.; July .A'.—.More than four-hundred! people atJuly 1-4. Leon succeeds Charles Crework of the National Jewish Hoseral chairman of the day, has appointtended the fifty-fifth anBual banquet of the Independent Order Took a Leading Part in All Communal chovsky of Duluth, who was elected pital of -which every B'nai B'rith ed Hairy Silveman chairman in charge of B'nai B'rith at its - convention in Duluth,' Minni, Tuesday lans Being Made as Candidate for of tickets; Sam Leon, chairman in Activities. first vice president. Benjamin Samis justly proud, and feeling that Vice President in 1924. evening. The banquet was held .in.the largei ball' room x*£ the uels of Chicago was elected president charge of advertising; Fred "White, Des Moines, Ia^—The largest crowd of the District, succeeding Gustavus Spalding hotel, which was beautifully decorated with the B'nai chairman in charge of contests; L F. in the history of Des Moines attended Loevinger of St. Paul. Duluth,•Minn.—Mr. Robert Lappen B'rith colors. , of Deg Moines, la., was" again re- Goodman, chairman, in charge of ou- the funeral of Charles Silberman, age Henry Monsky of Omaha,"past president of the District and elected to the general committee of I tomobile raffle; S. H. Schaefer, chair- 58, pioneer resident and business man Mr. Leon was a member of the gena member of-the executive.council of the International Order, the District No. 6, I. O. B. B. This man in charge of entertainment, and of this city, who died Monday evening eral committee for the past three was the principal speaker of the evening. - •• the third consecutive time of the Nathan E. Green, chairman in charge after an illness of four months. The years, and was prominent in B'nai work. Members of the general "Tomorrow is Independence Day, the day upon which the election of Mr. Lappen, who at the of publicity; The personnel of these funeral was held Tuesday afternoon B'rith committee elected for the ensuing soul of every true "American is filled overflowing with emotion committees, together with many other from the family, residence. Rabbi term are Messrs. Julius Kahn of ChiManheimer of Des Moines and Rabbi committees which will be needed to and stirred anew by the burning zeal of passion," said Mr. Monsky, 1 cago, Robert Lappen of Des Moines, make the carnival a success, wBl be Silver of Chicago officiated. Rabbi "On the eve of this great national holiday, it seems proper E. M. Treusch of Grand Rapids, Mich.; appointed at a "pep" meeting of work Zelich of Des Moines officiated at the to make some comment on the contribution of the B'nai B'rith Leo Reitman, Milwaukee; Hiram D. cemetery. • . ers to be held at the Jewish Comma to patriotism." Frankel, St. Paul.; G. D. Bernstein nity Center on Monday, July 9, 1923 Mr. Silberman came to this country and M. D. Goodman of Chicago. "On the 4th of July, 1776, a little; Hebrew genius, though it never carved at 8:30 p. m. from Russia about 39 years ago at group of. men, men of character, men a marble, it did - better,—it carved Arnold Wolff of Chicago was electThe proceeds of this carnival will the age of 19. . He was a strong ad«ith ideals, men with courage, broad- menP If this be true, that the religion go to the maintenance of the 25 war herent of the orthodox faith and was ed financial secretary to succeed the casted to the rest of the world a of Israel lias concerned itself with orphans adopted financially by Omaha able at all times to harmonize modern late A. H. Seelenfreund. The secremessage, eternal and undying, the character building, can it be gainsaid Lodge, and to help support the Anti- day life with his religion, without in tary's position will be divided into message of freedom, the message of that it has contributed largely to the two jobs, one of financial secretary Defamation League, which is an ad- the least modifying it. liberty, of equality before the law and preservation of the virtue of patriotjunct of B'nai B'rith work. "As the .. Mr. Silberman was the most widely the doctrine of complete emancipation ism. . . . . C " B'nai B'rith i a s never before "gone known and respected Jew in the State <from~ oppression, from interference "The Jew has fought the battle of before the public for any financial as- of Iowa, and was a prominent figure with '6ttB*s'*ctmscience and all that is liberty in fighting'for his own'right , —Photo by Heyn sistance, they hoi®; to-raise at least in national-Jewish circles. He was inconsistent with these ideals. The to live and to enjoy the fruits of his • HARRY H. LAPIDUS one" of .the leading spirits in the Mizwhole nation, wjll celebrate this im- labor.. Every, student •<.. of. history is the necessity for expansion beTachi-Zipnist movements. He was lie *ThV Jewish Presi Twill "do all in its mortal-manifesto tomorrow, as it has familiar with/the "important role the cause :of the niahy unfortunates power to help put dyer this carnival,'' most active. Zionist worker in the for approximately.a_.century,."and, a Jew has played-in-ever? national and •who cannot under present condisaid Nathan E. Gregn, manager. "We State of Iowa, and was vice chairman half. We rejoice in this celebration international crisis. tions be' admitted, makes it imof the Southwestern."Keren Uayesod Traditionally will contribute all of the net proceeds as American citizens^ as an integral historically and religiously, the Jew perative '• to increase the capacity of our advertising ig-our jjpedal-New. Unit, - Dnring,riite; war-.hs -was -the and competent part of"iihis great na- is a patriot and responds quickly^d of the institution, District Grand Yea'sissue of"AugustfSft ±923, id' moving spirit in the raising of money tion. We rejoice doubly as Amer- serves with unexcelled fidelity when Lodge No. 6, "in- Fifty-fifth AnROBERT LAPPEN " for war relief. '. • ' help the B'nai B'rith raise its $10,000 ican citizens of the Jewish faith, we nual Convention" assembled, refund," he continued. called by his country. . •- ••% Mr. Silbennan was very much inconvention in Duluth this week was lejoicejagain- as —members-• of-the news and reaffirms its assurance Sam Leon, chairman of the Adver- terested in .Hebrew education. He second high man. B'nai B'iitlr/r. said 'Mr. Monsky^ ' of support to the Institution in 'Took Leading Part." tising Committee, will start'work and was the. founder and president of the According to members of the conthis undertaking* and directs the "Roosevelt said, 'Prom the found "Patriotism' with us is a part of vention, Lappen was the first person organize his committee into teams to Des Moines Talmud Torah. Mr. Silberappointment of a committee to our very religion. Loyalty to our ing of the^ republic, ^we -have '"had no who was elected to be general com- help secure ads for the Jewish' Press man devoted a great deal" of his time affect ways and means for and government is an important and in- struggle, military- or civil* in ."which mitteeman at his first attendance as issue of August 30 as soon as he re- and energy in the upbuilding of this to promote a campaign in the separable ' part of phylosophy . of there have not- ieen- citizens of- thi a delegate to a convention. turns from the convention of District institution. He, however, did not conterritory of District No. 6 to the Judaism, and the.Independent Order Jewish iaith- who-played' an'^ eminent . Lappen has been an interested work- Grand Lodge No. 6, being" held in fine his interest in Hebrew education end of raising ?l00,000, the of B'nai B'rith, in its attempt to' part foY'tne honor "and credit- of - the er in the B'nai B'rith work and in Duluth. locally. He was interested in, and amount to be raised, if possible, promote the best interests of Judaism, nation.''A' •_._ • , - - •• • A girls' popularity contest is being was a director-of the Isaac Elchanon many other philanthropic .movements. before the silver anniversary of has undertaken especially, in the "Our Order-"teaches "us'that 'our He was appointed to be a trustee of launched by the contest committee, ac- Theological Seminary and the Rabbi the Institution in June, 1924. language of our ritual, To inculcate duty to. bur country is next only to the National Jewish hospital. cording to Fred White, and will in- Jacob Joseph School, both in New The above r<?"olution was handed tc in the people of our faith the purest the duty we - owe Him • to whom we At the next convention, which will clude entries from Lincoln, Fremont, York City. ; the •members of the convention and SAM LEON principles of philanthropy, honor and Mr.Sflberman was twice elected as and one of executive secretary. Benbe held in Sioux City, Lappen will be Sioux City, Des Moines and Council was indorsed by the following men: patriotism'. Respect for and support a candidate for the second vice pres- Bluffs, outside of Omaha. Girls de- delegate from Iowa to the American jamin Braun of Milwaukee was elected Harry Lapidus and Henry Monsky "of of organized ' government is comidency to succeed Sam' J. Leon of siring to enter this contest can do so Jewish congress. At the first con- treasurer, and Solomon Levitan of Omaha, Robert Lappen of Des Moines, mended. Rebellion, insurrection, revoOmaha, according to delegates of the by calling Fred White at Ja-ckson gress he served on two of the most Madison, Wis., was elected sergeant- and Adolph Freund of Detroit. 3637 or at At-lantic 8813, or Rose important- committees: the committee lution and anarchy are decried and various lodges. at-arms. The committee of charitable insticondemned. Such teachings must Lappen is a member of the advisory Grodzinsky at Ha-rney 2729. The on committees and the committee on tutions, -which was headed by Dr. A. Harry H. Lapidus of Omaha f a s names and pictures of entries will apnecessarily be conducive to the highest resolutions. He was director and committee of the Federated Jewish Greenberg of Omaha, submitted the re-elected" trustee of the National Jewpear in next week's issue of the Jewideals of patriotism in the Jew. treasurer of the United Jewish PhilanCharities of Des Moines, of the City following report: To allow the Leo N. Talmud Torah. He had also served ish Press. Every girl who secures thropies, director of the Jewish Free ish Hospital; Jake Slosburg- of Omaha Levi" Hospital'-$1,000, and provisions "Jews Are Men" 2,000 votes or more will be given a was re-elected trustee of the Lee . Loan Society, president of the United as Assistant Attorney General of the "It was once said, The Greeks built for raising of S100,,000 for fund of free trip to a place to be announced Hebrew Orthodox Association. Levi hospital, and Arthur State of Iowa. better Temples than the Hebrews, but District No^ 6 for the National Jewlater, or some other worthwhile prize. of Omaha was re-elected to the court He is survived by his widow, three sh Hospital. . The girl who receives the highest num- sons,-Meyer B.,-Seppy I. and Samuel of appeals. . ber of votes will receive a special prize M., and two-dattghters, Besse and LibThe Omaha delegation was the only «Y» BALL TEAM WINS AGAIN and will have the honor of heading bye. delegation in the District that anThe Y. TUL H. A. baseball team OMAHANS AT THE , .' the Omahha delegation on its trip. swered te 100 per cent attendance. The added another victory to its list when • •" CONVENTION Votes will sell for 10 cents each and Omaha delegates were the Messrs. they defeated the Omaha Camp club , Many Omahans who were not can be cast for your favorite'entry Harry H. Lapidus, Dr..A. Greonberg, Sunday at Elmwood Park, by a score Baby Contest -Promises to be Inter- by sending her name and your check delegates attended the convenSam Dansky, Irvin Stalxnaster, Jake of 9 to 1. The" "Y" .completely outesting. tion in Duluth. They were to Fred White at 906 First ""National Slosburg, Arthur Rosenblum, Sam classed their opponents in all branches Messrs. Harry Silverman, AbBank building. 1 Leon, William Grodinsky, Harry TVaof the game. A feature of the Omaha Hebrew ner Kaiman, Jack Alberts and M a x lashock and Henry Monsky. Fromkin and I. Morgenstein The Y. M. H. A. team will play on The. Contest Committee has also club picnic to be held Sunday afterMrs. Harry Lapidus and chilCandidates for Office. the East Elmwood Park diamond next noon and evening, July 29, at Peony planned to give a prize to the man dren. .Sunday at 3:30. HENRY MONSKY and woman who sells the most admisPark, is the dancing in the afternoon r At a well attended meeting of the sion, tickets and the most raffle tick,. Abnea: Kaiman was the combow in Teverence.' We are,taught to and evening to -the music of Bravir- ets. Four prizes will be given, in all, representatives- from all organiza: KING HUSSEIN AND SONS poser of the "Convention song". be benevolent, t6 'love peace and to off's -Jazz Orchestra. This is one of for this purpose. Other contests will tions "in. Oifiahsi comprising .the At one of the most interesting • batPLANvARAB CONFEDERATION love the troth* -and the. many other: the many features to be enjoyed by be.announced later. Jewish' Congress Commit- tles" that has ever been staged for ' - . . • • * , » • : " < American' .-•••• Jerusalem. <J. T. A.) A meeting cardinal - virfu^s "that gq to make the picnickers and part, of the pro-i Sam Dansky was 'one of the "The name of the automobile that, tee of Omaha at the Jewish Com- the chosing of the convention city for between King Hussein of the.Hedjaz better men andv women of our mem- gram for the general admission price. most popular men' during the munity Center Monday evening, July and bis two sons, King Feisul of Mes- bership ' and -consequently better •The committee has. arranged for will be given away free at the carnival 2, Mr. Max FromMn was elected 1924 was held at this convention, witn social activities. will be announced later," said.I. F. Sioux City winning the honor of havproper and suitable conveniences to opotamia and Emir Abdullah, the citizens," said Mr:*Monsky.' chairman for the ensuing year. Mr. * * * all who desire to enjoy a real basket Goodman, who is chairman of this H. Wooifson was elected secretary ing the next convention. The Sioux Transjordanian ruler, is to be held Dr. A. Greenberg took & Following .the conclusion of the event. 'ity delegation, headed by Sara Pickpicnic. " ' shortly at Abdullah's headquarters, ; and John Feldman treasurer. leading part at the dinner held address made by Henry Monsky, the us, Rabbi I. Isaacson, Sam Greenstone, "Twelve feature vaudeville acts are according to a "report current here. Mr. Sam E. Klaver announces that at Pike Lake, Tuesday evening, large assembly arose from their seats An. election was then held for Joe Levine and S. Rich, we?*; victorthe park will be in excellent condition being planned for this carnival, inKing FeisuL it is said, is proceeding and applauded. Immediately after to accommodate all present. ious over the delegations from Chicluding the best talent obtainable," nominees^ for a delegate to the Nato Transjordania this week to discuss Irvin Stalmaster will visit at cago, Milwaukee and Detroit. the program? dancing followed. with his brother in advance the new Interest in the ticket selling son'.est said S. H. Schaefer. The committee tional Convention at Washington, D. the Iron Range to get his C, in October and the representawill try to obtain Gilbert Jaffy, Ida The followingprograxn was held: situation arising out of the British is intense. "Iron". Selection ...„.._.. . ... Treaty with Iraque. The Chevrolet Touring -Car to be Lustgarden and Fannie Fish to play tives present elected Mr. Mas Fromthe violin. Helen Riekes, Mrs. Max Tdn and Mr. L Morgenstern as nomi* * * Lavick Orchestra raffledat the picnic will be placed on King Huessin, it is stated further, Fromkin and Cecelia Feiler to sing. nees to be presented to the Jewish Miss Estelle Lapidus lead the ..." .._ ........ public display next week. may come to London in order to per- Remarks Herman Ferber, Anne Rosenblatt, Vi- Citizens of Omaha. July 22, has Harry,H. Lapidus of Omaha wr.s automobile parade to Superior, Charle3-D. .Oreckovsky, Toastmaster. sonally conclude arrangements in convian Stein, Ruth Rubin, Ida Tenen- been set as the day on which an elected' to the chairmanship of the Wis. ' • • • SAMUEL TO INTERCEDE - * nection with the treaty which he hopes Address * » * baum, Eunice Rosenstein and many election will be held and all Jewish drive for $100,000 for tlie National Benjamin Samuels of Chicago. AGAINST SOVIET PERSECUTIONS will lead to the establishment of an other song and dance artists will lelp citizens of Omaha above the age of Jewish Hospital of Denver. The total Harry Silverman was an Arab Confederation. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) ,Sir Herbert Solo entertain the pleasure seekers. All of twenty-one are entitled to a vote. amount of the drive will be $250,000, interested spectator in the conMiss Gladys Gerard Samuel assured a delegationof rabbis Simultaneously the El Karmel, an The nominee securing the highest of which District No. 2 will raise the entertainments will be cabaret vention hall. here that while in England "he will Remarks ._ Arab daily in Haifa, says it learns number of votes will go as Omaha's $150,000. The money raised will be Samuel'J. Leon of Omaha exert his best influences to have the style. Hussein intends .calling to Mecca the delegate too the Jewish Congress. It used for the new Infirmary building. British government intercede with the Arab leaders of Syria, Palestine, Ira- Address was voted to allow the delegate $200 Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Holding that Resolved, That in view of the Gustavus LOjBvinger of St. Paul Soviet towards the ending of the perJerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Arab que, Transjordania and Hedjas to confor" expenses. the police in Jewish sections, to propnecessity for additional facilities secution of religions there." Eider the terms of the British treaty. {Violin solo .._. Congress, now meeting in Jaffa, has Full particulars as to the election erly carry out their tasks, should be at the National Jewish Hospital Morris Kohn The High Commissioner told the resolved to send a delegation to LonThe paper adds Hussein considers that be announced in later issues of acquainted with the language of the for Consumptives in Denver, rabbis that he is always ready to redon to jpi-otest the Treaty of Hussein, Palestine and Syria cannot be exclud- Address Jewish populace, a manual of instrucColo.,.and the contemplated erecHenry -Monsky of Omaha move obstructions in the way of rabbis' ion the ground that it excludes Pales- the "Jewish Press." ed from the terms of ths British tion in Yiddish for the Polish police 4B tion of an infirmary building at from Russia who are seeking to settle tine from the jurisdiction of the Arab An active campaign is planned by treaty, nor from the. formation, of :an Selection being prepare? -—a cost of 5250,000, of which re, Arab in P ' political confederation. both candidates for the election. _ I%ick_Orchestra, _• _ •




















Robert Lappen Re-Elected As Geseral Committeeman




Large Crowd Attend Funeral cf Pioneer PManthropist


Omaha Hebrew CM) Picnic Planned For Gala Event

Nominees To Rim For OfSce Of Delegate To Congress

Sioux City Gets B'esi B'rith Ceifentioiii 1924




Omaitaa te lead h District for












THE JEWISH PRESS ;-• Published •very Tfcursrfay at Omata, N«bJHWk*,br "' THE JEWISH: PRESS PUBUSHINd COMPANY* Office: 482 Brandeia Theatre Building.-^Telepb_one: Jackson 2372. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year. ' Advertising rates furnished on application.


NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the pablicatfaa of The Jewish P ^ j ^ ^ t o r t ^ m m a l i e M B e 8 to afrdcna il«o tour fiam*.


The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with -cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences w i n all. inipbrtairt Jewish centres; Inquiries regarding newS'iteniS credited tb this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed ta Jewish "Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New ¥ork City; N .






laban.' She will be here for several noon at bridge in honor of Mrs. :

weeks. Goldberg and also in honor of Mrs. 6683-1933 Kosh-Chodesh Ab.. Philip Trochtenberg,"who was recently Sfft., July 14 fast ol Ab Mon., Ang. IS Mr. and Mrs. Jtdius Rosenfai<i left married. last week for Chicago, where they 5681-1023 Scar's Eve_. ..Hon., Sept. 10 will visit for several weeks. Yom Klppnr ; __..._.-.Tlnirs., Sept. 20 Snecotb. (First Day) Tues, Sept. 25 Snccoth (Last Day)—Slimlnl Atzereth... .____, Toes* Oct. 8 Mr. Joe Scharf and daughter- MarSlm*hat Tomh ^. Wed., Oct. 3 ian, left last week for Minneapolis, Chiropodist and Beauty Rosh-Cho<lesh Clieshvan Thurs., Oct. It Minn. From there Miss Scharf will Shop B6S1i*Ollo<lesh tCLstev.,... H~...,..F:r$.f N"ov. 9 Chanakah (Feast of DedicaEstablished 1830 go to St. Paul to visit with relatives. tion) . Mon., Dec. 3 15th and Harnry Htreets. Rosh-Chodesh Tebeth._ Sun., Dec. 9 Give us a chance to apl i e Council Bluffs delegates at the preciate your business. For vast of Tebeta ; Toes., Dee. 18 appointments call Ja. 8774. B'nai B'rith Convention at Duluth, 5684-1034 Jan. 7 Minn., are the Messrs'. Louis Kate'IJtosh-ChodeBh ShebatWed.< Feb. 6 Bosh-Chodesh Adar I- ..... Fri., Mar. 7 man, Sain" Snydef and Max Steinberg. Kosh-Choaesh Adar II Fnrim (Feast of Esther)- .Thnrs., Mar. 20 ~__Sat., Apr. 5 Ko.sh-Chodesh Nlsan I. Morgenstern J. L. Wolfson Passover (Pereaeb ; _. Sat., Apr. IB Mrs. I. Goldberg, of New York, who Passover (SevtirtK Day) _._.Ffi., Apr. 85is visiting with he* brother, Mr. H. JHdn^ May 5 Rosh-Chodesli lyar __. b'Omer_.._ ...Thnrs., Mny 82 Maduff, and Mrs. Maduff, has been RoBb. Chodesh Siran . Toes^ Jnne 3 extensively entertained. Mrs. Maduff Shabnoth (Confirmation Day)..Sat.. Jane 8 Bosh-ChotleHh Tamouz Thafgn JGly 3 will entertain next Wednesday afterTel. Webster 2734 Rosh-Chodesh Ah Frl., Aog. 1 Fttst of Ab.. -. Sun., An£. 10 Rosh-Chodesh Klnl.-, .San.< Aug. SI PATRONISE OUR ADVERTISERS!



"The boneless tongue, so small and weak, Can crush and kill," declared the Greek. "The tongue destroys a greater horde," The Turk asserts, "than does the sworA" The Persian proverb wisely saith, "A letigthytottgiie--and early death." 6 r tbmethhes take this form instead: "Don*t let your tongue cut off ftmr head*"

Insurance @! all Kinds

"The tdngue can speak a word whose speed," Say the Chinese, "outstrips the steed." ^

JEWS INSMALLER COMMUNITIES There are hundreds of Jews in the smaller communities 5685-1024 While Arab sage does this impart; ifew Tear's Ere.._ Sept. S9 throughout this country who are almost estranged from Judaism tongue's gfeat storehouse is the heart*" because they lack the opportunity of coming in contact with governnient meets this expense Jewish movements, and without a doubt msky of them would Ptom HfebreW with the maxim sprung, in the' cases of the non-Jewish dead, be glad td'fulfill their obligations along these lines if they were while the Jewish community has been "Though feet should slip, he'eir lei called upon* called iipoh hitherto to pay all the We realize that Judaism is not a proselyting one in any reexpense in the case of Jewish dead. The sacred writer crowits the whole, spect; but we atd deriain^thal it has a sacred mission ifi converting our cfrreligionist| }^Vifig ih smSlli isolated JOipSflunities to "Who keeps his tongue doth keep his sOul." ATVUN PREMIER Judaism. American Israel needs all the Strength it cansecure, HOLDS ON TO HIS JOB which means as lSJrge "numbers asi possible. Our large Jewish centers of population have a gigantic work Riga. (J. T. A.) The so-called crito do in this directiimitfthese sniallef localities, Situated in their is of the Latvian government and the neighborhood. They cah Send their rabbis to deliver lectures to •esignation of the Premier Meyrowiez them and bfganiize a coiigrtJgation afad Sabbath school when con;eems to be part of a false alarm. ditions permit. Leaders, in cOmttttnal activities can enlist their Mayrowicz is back at his job as PreSocialists," lie said, "are not only tol- mier, and despite protest of the minoractivities of: pMJahthjepjpy aifd education when it is hot possible 1EE WITOS MOVE TO CRUSH JEWISH INFLUENCE erating" the anti-Semitic Government, ities, Gailet, defender of the Numerus to form ah drgaftiz&tidb ih tfre cdtnmii&ity because there are too few Jews there. Warsaw. (J. T. :-A4) The Jewish but are giving it their support. More Clausus, has been appointed Minister The Jewish newspaper is" of gireat value to our co-religionists iress of Poland is father fearful of than that, Polish Socialists have found if Education. located away from the centers of Jewish population, because they the resulti the change in the cabinet it possible to go hand in hand with print important events in Jewish circles. Publishers of these will bring as far as Polish Jews are the Pascisti." papers should niake a sSealotili effort to secure subscribers in these concerned. I t is,clear that Prime Min- The delegations from nearly all COUNCIL BLUFFS J places. These Jews should nPt be permitted to slip away in the ister Witos^ will seek to isolate the countries include prominent Jewish Miss Nettie Schwartz, of Leavenbark of indifference to Judeaishi Simply because 6f a lack of effort minorities; particularly the Jewish Socialists. Edward Bernstein and Hil- worth, Kans., who is visiting with Mr. oh the part of those having the advantages of opportunities to be deputies, and prevent their exercising ferding are in fhe German delegation. and Mrs. S. Schwartz, and Miss Fanimbued with the Jewish spirit; National Jewish institutions such any influence upon Polish policy in Deputy Pistiher is with the Rouman- nie Katelman, has been an honored as the B'nai B'rith; tile Jewish publication Society and kindred ofder that the nationalist majority ians. The Russian Socialists are rep- guest at a number of affairs during institutions could and should exercise a potent influence for good shall remain loyal and intact. In this resented, among others, by the Bund- the past week. oh this class of Jews; who need incentives to be true and loyal this respect V/itbs will most likely ists, Abramowitz and Steinberg. Depfollow the. course pursued by his pred- uty Tffeves is a member of the Italian Mrs. Weiner, of Elizabeth, Minn., is to their ancestral faith; ' ecessor Sikorski. It will; be recalled visiting with her brother, Mr. Ben BaDelegation. The American Delegation Itt this land of freedoin, where all religions bask in t h e blessthat Premier Sikoriski's last speech includes Morris Hillquit, Judge Jacob ing of liberty, we Jews should make the best of it possible and Befmati. The enroll within our ranks all of bur co-felionists throughout this contained an obvious slight of the Pankan and Mtjrris ! broad land ait supporters of every Jewish movement and inspire jews. Prior to the vote which sent Poaie Zionists afS" also represented^ For Sale or For Rent them, with that feeling of reverence and veneration for Judaism him to defeat Sikofski had declared their delegates including S. KaplanTen-room modern house at which will make them brave defenders of its ideals whenever his Government was purely Polish and sky, a member of the Zionist Execuwas dependent only upon the Polish tive}; M. Rubashoff of Berlin, arid 404 North 22nd St. Call Jackoccasion demands. • son 5360.


Kosher Market in the city will soon open its doors <i|r.. ; to the public, i We will handle everything in the Kosher - line for the table. All eatables will be kept under refrigeration. - Watch for further announcements "V 1 in this paper.


Jifationai majority. The Jewishi depu- Beryl fiocker 6f'P61aiid. ties who had voted for the Socialist resolution against the inclusion of the WOMEN'S FEpEftATiptf ADMITS extreme Right parties in the new govCOUNCIL &P JEWISH WOMEN ernment, .were\. bitterly disappointed New York. (J V C. B.) At the cioriwheh this resolution was defeated by ention of the National Federation of An .American author gives us the1 I build four-n'fths b£ all the furniture. a vote of 2iO against 180. , W6men*s Clubs, -recently held in Atfollowing prose-pcsm in which he I make half df the collars, tuffs and lanta, the Feder|i{iori which maintains It is expected that Preinief Witos; aptly describes the immigration situ-! shirts; "> • • a" policy of excluding1 purely sectarian will inaugurate an anti-Jewish policy ation in the United States: r'.-•' turn otit fdiif-&fths of all the ;f organizations^ rH^oghi2ed that the by giving official sanction to the agi. leather. I am the imtiligraht. : -outicil oi Jewish Women does not tatibii favoring the restriction of JewSince the dawn df creation' iny rest- I inafce half the gidves.put a; sectarian limitation on its acish students in universities. refine Miieteeii-twlhtistns ol the less feet have beaten; new tivities. The convention voted to disugah paths across the earth. rect the Board of Directors to inter"NUMERUS CLAUSUS" My uneasy back has tossed bii all pret the. rules of .the Federation to inhalf df the tobacco find PASSES POLISH PAftLiAseas. '.••;-• ."•. cigars; MENTARY COMMITTEE clude the. Council of Jewish Women. My wanderlust was born of .tiie crav- And yet 1 ath the great American Warsaw, (J. T. A. ^Following a . ing for more "liberty arid a Pibblem. stormy debate, the educational com- SAY GOVERNMENT better wage for the sweat of Wh§ii I pdtir but iriy bibbd oh your DISCRlMiNATES IN mission of the Sejm went On record : my face. JEWISH fiURfAtS altar df iabofj and lay down by a vote of 16 to 13 in favor of I look toward the United States with Berlin, (3. T. A.)—The Nationalist iny y life as a sacrifice to your the "numerus clausus", or percentage eager eyes kindled by. the fire representatives of "the Jewish Kehillah GbA bi f i l iinSi S make k ho norm for alien students. of ambition, and heart quickhave lodged a protest against the mare edmnient than at th£ fall Representatives of the parties supened with new-born hope. - of a sp-arrow. - . "•-" porting the government voted as. a failure of the municipality to bear the I approached its gates with great exexpense of burial of Jews who die here ; My children snail he your children body for the limitation of Jewish leaving no funds to pay their internpectation. and yOtir iahcV shali be my students* the thirteen negative rotes ment. I entered in with fine hope. land; because my sweat ahii beiilg cast by Socialists and represenI have shouldered my burden as th,e tativeg of the minority faatioiialities. Miy blbba .1*111 cement American man-of-all-work. Deputy Lutoslawski, a priest), asfoundation of the America of feAttGAlN | • \ contribute eighty-five^ per cent of serted that the "numerus clausus Tomorrow. . SiricR Duplex, 118-120 N. 30th ~ all the labor in the slaughter,-? St. Rents for $1,560 per year. ; ing and meat packing indus- If I can be fused into the body pol- wak in effect a protection of the All oak finish. Price, $12,500. riiinofitifes which was branded as itic, the melting jpot will have . tries. ••'••• •• ;; brtital cynicism by Senator Thoh who stood the supreme test. took Af rais BARGAIN 1 do seven-tenths of the bituminous" appealed to the members hot to "be, .Two story 6-foom house, price | coal iriining. • $6,500. Fif§t class condition, k Immigration, then; is a great smirch the Polish name, culture and I do seven-eighths of all the work iii constitution'* with such a regulation. All modern. 1818 Locust St: e the woolen mills. American problem, not the gfea The Minister of Education GlomE I contribute nine-tenths of all labor American problem, but one of severa binfeki detfoted his address to defend in the cotton mills. • phohe At. tiTSS; Res. Phone We. 0870 | problems pressing for solution at th( ing the constitutionality of the x make nineteen-twentieths of all the Real Estate; Loans and Insurance ~ "numerus clausus". present time. Its influence is felt in clothing. Boughti Sold arid . Exchanged The Jewish Telegraphic Agency , 1S05 First National Bank Bids. I manufacture more than half the our social, economic, political and 1 Ottialia; Kebr. learns Deputy Lutoslawski is maneuvshoes. religiou§ life. ering with the speaker of the Sejm to have the percentage norm proposal considered before the adjournment of the present Sejm session.


! Blind Herb of Argphnfe to be Field Secretary | for Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Cincinnati.—At the semi-annual meeting of the executive board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, a unanimous call was extended to Rabbi Michael Aaronsohn, the blirid rabbi, to serve the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Rabbi Aaronsohn has accepted the call and will serve in the capacity of field secretary. Rabbi Aaronsohn, who was Winded in the World War, was one of a class of eleven who graduated from the Hebrew Union College on Saturday, June 2. He entered the college as a studentt Seven years ago. In Sif lSif he enlisted in the army with many other students of the college. In tHe Argonne Forest engagement.in 191&, he was wounded while carrying an injured comrade to safety,' ipsing the sight of bo«i eyes. After a number of months passed IK various TTogpitals he returned ttf the 'college' ahd^ continued JiS fetudies with gt'e^l credit to him-

cfelving the degree of bachelor of arts. fte is hdtionSl chaplain of Disabled Veterahs of the World War. Rabbi Aafonsohh will b6 engaged

ih gfen'eral feeld wdrk in fcehaii oi th¥ Union, including Syhagog and Schooi Extension. His sister, Miss Dora Aarohsohh, will accompany him as his secretary. At the recent commencement of the University of Cincinnati, Rabbi Aaronsohn was awarded the McKibben gold mfedal pfesehted annually to the student ''who has kept before him throughout his course ideals of manliness such as college life should encourage." NINETEEN. POGROMI'STS HELD IN BETHLEN COUP Budapest. (J. T. A.) Nineteen inernbers of the anti-Semitic "Awakening Magyars" have been arrested in connection with the recent unsuccessful

conspiracy to depose Premier Sethien self, culminating; in bis ofdinatibn as and h!s cabinet. AH of the nineteen A rabbi vnth ihfe oihfer biejnb'ers 'of his' are well known pbgfom agitators. s^- He also cdniple^'d fill t «h^ Uhivfersity T5f (Cliicinha Subscribe for "the' Jewish Press."

POLISH SOCIALISTS SCORED FOR BACKING GOVERNMENT AND FASCISM Hamburg. (J. T. A.) The Polish Socialist Party was vigorously attacked by Beryl LocKer; a Jewish Socialist from Poland, ih attendance at the Socialist Congress here. "Polish

FOR SALE Ten rooms of furniture Consisting of mahogany bedroom suites, berzori. maple dresser, brass beds, desk and chair, parlor suite, library tables, couches, bookcase, rugs, handpainted pictures, diningroom suites, kitchen table and chairs, hoosier cabinet* and 500 lb. ; refrigerator; Call at 404 J*Torth 22nd Street.

W.W.Crade Painting Contractor Painting Papering, and Decorating done under my personal supervision^

Hardwood Specialty All Work Guaranteed l52i North 19th Strfeet. Phone, Webster 1087.

FRIED & KUKLIN 1613 North 24th St. Webster 4330. Eer. J. SHUEERT, Shohit.

"Service and Quality" is Our Blotto.

Tel, J Ackaon 5062

310 No. 16th St.

| |

Muve Taken Charge xjf The Wholesale and Retail Business of Skulker Packing Company. .

I |

Wholesale Prices for Parties, Weddings, or Picnics.'

= =

ShalJcer Ptiekiiig Coftipahy of IieavewivortU, Kansas, wilt gwe ft Special Price for. its Retail Trade. •••]

I 1 | I |

Fresh Salami . ._35c lb., 1 Thick Bologna ..„_. ...30c lb.; 1 Weinefs . . 30c lb. '• % | AH Pastromi, Smoked Meat and Tongues | ' ' "- at Special Prige. ^ i

S =

¥Lll Meats Guaranteed to be Kosher by Rabbi M. Braude of St. Joe, Mo.


Cut Flowers

ieal Worsted Suits

311 Smith 16th Stioet Phoue Atlantic 8010. Open Evenings. Only Jewish Florist" in town.




gfet ^Jbd appearance in tropical

worsteds; you look as well as you feel in them; you get lasting wear. The day of baggy, unsightly "cool'* clothes is going—the day of real style and character in comfort cloWies is here—at Very low prices, too!


twd new; stbffis are fully equipped with the best of Kosher Meats, Delicatessen, and Groceries. As a special feature of the store we have the finest Fish department fever installed iii the Central West.

,ttes1dcnce. 13«. So, Saih St. . a ,. Tel. Atlantic CC3T. Plhc* »f Uasines*, 3323 frarncy St. , ' Tel. ATlantlo 3831.

Our stores will be maintained as the most sanitary in the Cityi Siarble, glassy and oak fixtures have been instalVed which makes it possible for us to maintain tMs Sanitary condition. . ..

$18 to $35

We Will give" special attention to phone and mail orders. Deliveries will be made free of charge to all parts of the rity.

fralrn Beach Coats and Pants, $12 and $15 EStra Palm Beach Pants, $4.



Special Attention to Weddings and Parties *

Piano instructor Special attention to beginners. ,. Fqr npnolntments cab tram !>:3d A. M. to ij:00 At.

Phone Webster. 5161. Res. 2601 barker Si.

1 E

5 ;. ' | = i

j§ 5


We are now ready to Serve our customers. On Thursday, June 214 we opened one of the most up-todate and finest markets in the city of Omaha.

"the Mohi"




Other tropical worsted, voMpgaberdine coats pahis for suminer wear


The People's Market i20i-t}3 North 24th Street. - ,Phone: WE bster 5338 A Stoller— S. Nitz* Proprietors


PAGE S—THE JEWISH FRUSS, THURSDAY, JULY 5, home Wednesday, the fourth of Iuly.T moved to Chicago several years ago. ing", July 6, to visit here with Mrs. shower in honor of Miss Ann Sirin- lan, of Denver, Colo., who is the house honoring the birthday of Mrs. Miss Lottie Stein was hostess at the Binder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ad- sky whose marriage to Lewis Ellis guest, of Miss Waxman. Miss Evelyn Fleischman. The Fourth of July Brandeis Tea rooms at a ' bridge ler. Mrs. Binder was formerly Mi,s will take place the latter -part of Pblsky and Miss Beck Posica won colors -were carried out in the deco- luncheon Saturday honoring Mrs. Marie Adler, of Omaha. July. The guests numbered . sixteen. prizes. rations; Heller. Sunday afternoon, Miss A clever mock wedding was staged, Miriam Konecky entertained at Miss Helen Sommeris visitir-s* at and the evening was spent with Mrs. Abe Davidson, of Des Moines, bridge at her home. Miss Nettie t?ew Y'ofk City with relatives and music and dancing and at the close FOR RENT!!! la., is visiting here with Mrs. Saul Abrams entertained at a dancing 'riends. a dainty luncheon was served. Room for gentleman in priLevey. party at the Hanscom Park Pavilion Among the out-of-town guests were OBITUARY. vate home. Use of Garage if Mrs. N. Perleman and children are" Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mr. Aaron Bene, age 71, died at the Miss Anna Snyder of Sidney, Nebr., desired. Call Atlantic 6930. leaving Friday, July 6, for Hastings, Mrs.~HeIler, and this evening a num- Methodist Hospital Monday, July 2. Miss Sarah Brookstein and Miss GerNebr., where they, will spend several ber of friends are entertaining at a" Funeral services was held this morn- trude Lipp of Omaha. dinner dance at the Brandeis Tea ing st ten o'clock from the family weeks with relatives and! friends^ rooms. Many other social events are residence, burial tairing place at the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weil and son, Miss Ruth WiKnsky entertained being plann§fld for the young couple. Billie, will motor to Minnesota, where Pleasant Hill cemetery. Rabbi Cohn they will spend their vacation. E make a specialty WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS ast Saturday at the Athletic Qub officiated; The deceased is survived of e n g a g e m e n t Mis. Will S. Ripg and son, Alvin GOLDMAN-HERZBERG. Mr. and M«._J. Gfeeri, of Chicago in hon6r of Miss* Henrietta Degen, Miss Louise Wessel, of Nebraska by his" wife and eiie eon, Bert. rings, wedding Merle, of Duncan, Okla., will return One of the ;first weddings to be an- HI., announce the engagement of their of New York City, who is visiting City, is spending the week in Lincoln rings and gifts for the to her home Sunday, July 8, after visnounced to take place in the month. «£ daughter, Ruth Elaine, to Mr. Joe M. here. with relatives and friends. June bride. iting here for the past month with July is the "wedding of Miss Angela Uice, of Omaha, formerly of Sioux Mrs. Dave Green will entertain at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler. Herzberg,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. City; Id. Miss Bertha Seligson, of Denver, Come In ona see onr prices. bridge Thursday afternoon at her She will be accompanied by her sister, A. HerzbeTg, to Mr. Dave Gcldman, of formerly of Lincoln, stopped in LinSt. Louis, Mo., to be solemnized TuesENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy left holne honoring her guestj Mrs. E. Miss Sylvia Adler. coln to visit with friends "while on her day, July 10, at the Blackstone Hotel. Saturday for New York City and Clapper, of Kansas City, Mo. Mr. find Mrs. S. Krechetsky an- way home from Chicago. Est. 1802 Babbi Tabion Schanforb'er, of Chicago, summer resorts to Bpend the sumnier Miss" Jeanflette Katletnan was Mrs. George White, of Sioux City, nounce the engagement of their 1516 Farnam St. Ja. B782 111., will^ officiate and will be assisted months: They afg expected to. re- h6stess at the Bfandeis Tea rooms la.,- is the guest at the home of Mr. daughter, Miss Minnie, to Mr. Abe Miss Rose Poska entertained at and Mrs"; David Rosenstdck. 1 1 by Rabbi Frederick Cohn, of Omaha. turn about, fh& early ?part-Sf PoHck* Mr* and Mrs. Krechef sky were bridge Thursday for Miss Dora KapSaturday afternoon complimentary to The bride has chosen as her brides- tember. the Misses Henrietta Asbyll fifid The Ro No club of Central Sigh at home to their friends Sunday evenmaids the Misses Celia <3oldman, of i honoring their daughter's engageHelen Gafsbn; of" Lincoln, Nebr., who School entertained at Peony lurk St. Louis, Mo., and Miss Pauline Herz-. Mr. arid" Mr&"- S. . Sh&ftoii-" enter- were visiting here during the past Tuesday evening. ment. evening at their berg, of this city. Mr. Fred Epstein, tained. Tuesday week. home, for twenty-four guests honorof St. Louis, Mo.,- will serve as the Miscellaneous Shower. Mrs. Abe Minkin, of Tulsa, Okla., ing Mr. Oscar Green, of Pittsburgh,- Mrs. Sam Wertheimer has as her is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam groorf's best man. The Misses Jennie and Fannie The out-of-town guests that arrived Pa., who is visiting with relatives house guest Miss Rose Felig> of Weinberg at Fremont, Nebr. Mr. and Wolff entertained at their home, Is The Foundation Upon Which We Are Building Our Business this morning to attend the -wedding here. Lbgeinere, Ind. Mrs. Weinberg entertained in honor 2028 M street, Thursday evening at are Mr. and Mrs. Max Herzberg, Mr. of their guest Thursday evening, delightfully arranged miscellaneous Your complete T R U S T in us and Mr. and Mrs. A; L. Weinstein Miss Minnie Deborah Isaacs, of and .Mrs. Harry Herzbeg, and Mr. Prizes wfere won by Mrs. M. Krasne motored to Kansas .City, Mo., where our work is what we are striving for. Loiiisville, Ky., whd wa§ formerly Harry Superior, all of Wheeling, W. and Mr. Sam Bloch. they will attend the wedding of tht National Secretary of Hadassah, Va. ' "Let Us Move You" Mrs. Weinstein's brother. is here! visiting with Mrs. Herman Miss Gertrude Wintraub, who has been visiting with relatives in New Miss Madelyn Cohn returned home Auerbach. Mr. and Mrs. L. Altman have moved Repair Specialists into their new home at 2340 South last Tuesday from a several week's Miss MoDy Fried, of Milwaukee, York City, returned home. Operated by gam Friedel, Manager Thirty-second avenue. stay in the east visiting in Chicago Wis., s visiting here at the home Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Binder, of ilarAt-lantic 8884 92&-31 North 24th St. g 111., and New York. of Mr.-iand Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky. risburg, Pa., will arrive Friday 'nbrnMr. and Mrs. Max Sommers and Atlantic 0230 JAcfeson 4338 children are at Colorado for a three Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Abramson Mr. Max Holzman entertained at weeks' stay. returned home Sunday from Kansas the Carter Lake Club Tuesday eveuiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiinillititiiffiiiiltiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiniiiiiifiHtiu City, Mo., where they spent their ning honoring the two out-of-town Mrs* S. E. Eavitz entertained six- honeymoon. 1 guests, Miss flenrietta Degen, of teen guests at bridge at her home New York City, and Miss Degen, of Sunday, June 24, honoring Mrs. Ai Mrs. H. Fellheimer is visiting M Chicflgd, DL THIS POLICY STANDS READY FOR Through your death or total Frank, of Burlington, Vt., Who is vis- Milwaukee, Wis., with relatives and THE EMERGENGY d permanent disability iting here with relatives and friends. friends. Many added features A number of friends are enter* Miss Hannah Kooper left Tuesday including e l e c t r i c Miss Rosella Verbin, of Fremont, taining in honor of Mr. and Mrs. for Colorado and California, where she Nebr., left Saturday night for CM-| H & n T, ? ^ 6 r ' o f . . . . ., , hair driers for ladies. &t AS LONG AS YOU LIVE will spend the month. «•'IF YOU DIE cago, Dl., whe±6 she Mil visit during Fofltenfeile fiJSS?!!^ ^ their ^ honeymoon, ^ IF rov during total and permanent disability occurring before while on FROM age 60. These payments do not reduce the amount payMrs. L. R. Bornstein and sons* the summer months. hating been inarrifed recently at ChiFROM NATURAL ACCIDENT able at death. We. 6414 Charles and Billie, left Thursday for Mrs. M. Solomon, who was visit- cago. Mrs. Heilef was Mise Cecelia CAUSES _No premium charged during such disability, but New York ±o visit with Mr. and Mrs. ing with her daughter* Mrs. M. Katz, Fox, formerly of Omaha, having dividends paid as usual. Larger or smaller amounts at the same M. Bornstein. On their return they at Chicago, Hi., returned to her home Liberal provision for such disability occurring after rate of premium will stop in Dayton, O., to be the last Wednesday merning. She was age 60. guests of Mrs. Bornstein's parents, aecotttpatited' by her asughtferV Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Ettlinger. They ex- Katz, who will visit here. pect to' be .gone for two months. Brandeis Bldg. At. 3160 = Miss Henrietta Asbyll and Miss ' Writes all Sands i>i Mr. and Mrs. David Green have as Helen Carson* of Lincoln, Nebr., are After Office Hours call J. J. Greenberg at Webster 4837; David Greenberg at Webster 6484. = their guest Mr. Green's sister, Mrjs. R. visiting here with. Miss Eva Cohn. ^iiniiitimiiiiniimiitiniiuiiiHHHiiMifiiuiniiiiiifiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuiHiniiiuiiiMuiiiiiuiiiuuiiMniiMniiiiiiiMuiiuiiiiiin^ Clapper, of Kansas City, Mo.. They will be i e r e until the latter oooo Mrs. A. Greenspan, are now part of July. living in their new home* at 674 North Mrs; ti. 1 Heller find Forty-eighth street. Phone Regina, are in Des Moines> 1508 DOUGLAS STREET »ei.—Har. 3256. Miss Molly Ravitz, who has been la., for several weeks. \TerId Theat« BfclUT . Office—At. 6054 visiting in Ottumwa, la., for "the past A surprise house warming partf several weeks, is now visiting in Chi- was given in honor of M*. and Mrs. cago, Hl.,having gone there to attend the wedding of a cousin. She will Frank Tuchman at their new home, also visit in Des Moines, la., prior to 3432 Webster St., by a number of their friends. . returning home. Diatnund Mrs. Therese TJllery entertained at] Mr. and Mrs. H. Marcos announce the birth of a baby boy on Thursday, a surprise party honoring her daugh,.3 1 1. _JL . _ j.,,.3 July 5, at the Presbyterian Hospital; ter, Miss Margaret Ullery. Six couples were present an<! the evening Ifl buying a motor car, consider Wlen this *arth vt DUTB *as Mr. David A, Freeman is visiting was spent in bridge. Mrs. Uiiery cast asimdir irbm feothe what the cost will be "whendivided in Kansas City, Mo., with Mr. Nathan and her daughter recently came from t&ifestial botiy and burled into spacfe, it wall III MftBB of Mnooken, formerly of Omaha, fie was Dallas, Tex., to make their home tftet a period of years. sfeething, inblten matter. also visiting at Estes Park, Colo. here. 1508 DOUGLAS fctftfcfef GrafluaUy the surffetecoSleu What is the car's reputation for Mrs. A. Markowitz and son, Paul* VToria ihe&l& and SDlidlfied. A hard Cuter Mrs. -Charles Silvefmaii, of Des of Tulsa, Gkla., are the guests of Mr. crust linprlsontrd Use" fiewSatisfactory service after the first '"-£. ing interior, which in the and Mrs. B. Lustgarden. Mrs. Mark- Moines, la., who was visiting here ooo-: year? After the second? And process of cooling and hardowitz will soon leave for Colorado, with her sister} Mrs. J. Lieb, r ening, began to expand with tirhfere she will visit with Mfg. A. Mi- turned to her home. after the third—and fourth? A Talisman such terrific force that the ssel, formerly of Omaha. ,.. outer shell, or earth's PurMr. Albert Cahn entertained at face, burst, and volcanoes Biiss Carolyn Rosenthal, of Norfolk, dinner on Wednesday* the fourth of These considerations, in the final belched forth lava. .Nebr., who is visiting here with July, in honor of Ms granddaughter^ analysis, are the true basis of In some sections of t h | friends, was the honor guest at a Mrs. Isadore Wifinarkj of New Yorfi world this lava containeS party given Sunday evening when City, who is visiting here. economy in motoring. ^y ilittle sacks of carbonic gaB, Miss Baylia Freiden and Mr. Jarvis which, as the lava sraiiuaily In ancient times the diaMr. -and Mrs. H. G. Fleischmait P. Freiden were hosts at their home. cooled, while $ a s S i n g mond w*sfcttpgoseato bring entertained twenty immediate relaAnd it is this attribute of long life through the outer crust SS3 good luc£^-4joth fe the giver Mr, and Mrs. Hyman Gerber have tives at-_a family dinner at their under the treinefiaSfiS presand to the reciifient. This to which Dodge Brothers Motor sure, solidified 4nib crystals taken possession of their new hofne at superstitibil tuite naturally of pure carboiu brought about the universal Car owes Its Chief claim upon the ^ Brown street. adoption of the diamond as Thus do w§ Icfebtmt for the. unalterable loyalty of its owners. the betrothal or annif ersjirr Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Green enterbirth 81 God's nipst exquisite iift tained at six tables of bridge Sunday ^TtiB DIAMOND. ana hip §M6 evening at their home in honor of fflstory teU3ostaattfa-6iigh wAfcit btJR WINDOWS the ages there has only their house guests, Mr. Oscar Green, been one "uaTueKy diamond" <5f Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. Norman O'BRIEN-DAVIS AtlTO CO. —the fanteii btiie gtope gem. Goldberg, of St. Paul, Minn. ,28th-aad-Harney Sts. History also rSlatefc&i many tfekphbne—&A rney 0123 Mr-O and Mrs; David M. Newman wits waged fdr the lidgSfes_ Uiainond v Sibn of some treasftfga fit. leave Sunday for Denver, Manitow, «&«a*bt ti twitiistina Diainbh^ & ^iatiflnm SfeecialistS Colorado Springs, and the YellowSfwppe this, thtft s t e e iteiit M i 1514 Dodge S t stone-National Park, where they will % fcfetsa Delii5ta to Est. vacation for three weeks. bring g6od fortune lo its That Last owner. In ftlc^ iMamonds Miss Jean Krupp, of Fremont, have been credited with curing various Ills to -which Nebr., and Miss Mae Solsonj of the people In oldeH flays Bassett, Nebr., visited with Miss ^ere subject^ 133 intny "paEsther Brown over the week-end, retients. Hi m befl, had rushed turning to their home Monday eveto him some famed diamond to #ard off "the &$& Sinrit" ning. that was attempting to seize his b o d y . Today new Miss Esther Zalk will be hostess chami hs^ fcfeeii aaded to fo the Ra t)th Society Sunday afterthe triaiafai 6f the diailoon, July 15. Prizes were won by mond ifetf-f%t Stquisitely •he hisses Dora and Rate Wolowitz designed settintB or mountings. and Flora Bienstock at the last meeting Sunday afternoon^ July 1, when In the fcr&aicttoB of these Miss Stella Trochtenberg was hostare more famous tfiin • ess* * of




Gfclistein Jewelry Co.








Globe Van & Storage Co.



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AB. Kaiman



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PlaHtium JeWelty a t t k right price. Malashock Jewelry Co.






Mr. Ralph Cohh leaves Wednesday _*"cvening-for St. Louis, Mb.



H. S. Noyitskyanbirth ot a baby daughter 1 Tibrn Satu^ag. ' Mrs. Nbvitsky was foirBierTy Bass Diana Gross. '

AT 154?

\m Jadkson St.

AT 1547

Shoppe <x><>_Gifts That Last



OF 1HE JEWISH PRESS dedication was.delayed on account of. everything excepting the essentials to go before a suitable method of into, the details of the buildings and1 The machine, two and one-half -ton *"/ \ the ill health and subsequent death j he accumulated enough- money to administering, this substance to |their' equipments. I believe every Baker self-contained unit, is located of the donors. ' The - children's j haves his family joinhim. v But picture human beings is perfected. member of the B'nai B'rith knows we Pavillion is- a- real -- home, andi ~ every' ' h i s sorrow"when they, reached Amer- - I am told that tuberculosis re- have a building for women which has in full view of the public and is in precaution is taken to preveat-the ica ,.to.find .find his wife witli'-£h1*>tt>nlnsi<i with-tuberculosis search work requires" just about been overcrowded for two years, two operation during afternoons and even•children becoming institutionalized. in an advanced state, -and the little thirty to sixty times as much effort, buildings for men which are not ade-ings. Frosted pipes offer an appealAUnost.all the children' have, tuber-j girl, very frail and delicate. He hadlabor - and" work as other fields of quate, that we maintain a school for ing sight to the many persons who ^:^.3y~HanyvH^ Lapidus, Trustee culous mothers or. fathers, they are left them with sufficient funds to live medicine, and this means the expen- children and adults and that our stop at the stand .in quest of-refreshborn with weak '• bodies—and poor comfortably, until such Jme as his diture of a" great deal of money. in addition to a competent ing drinks and ice cream. environment and. lack: of .nourishing, succes: in the new country would T h e appropriation of the Research patients medical staff have the advice of offered, and who found himself as food creates a greater susceptibility warrant their joining them—but they Department- is hopelessly inadequate Denver's best To the Officers and Members of specialists. These facts Cooling coils have fo<jen placed una result of his hardships physically to the disease..' -The Children's" build- had been caught in th;? turmoil of for pushing this work, and while the have been presented District Grand Lodge No. 6, to your attention der the counter and these in turn cool ; unable to take advantage of his ing is entirely separate from the the war, everything they had was White Pla"gue" is claiming more vicI. O. B. B. golden opportunity—with body, rack- main institution^ although located on taken from them and they were tims a year jn-^the United States so often I believe it is only repitition water in which bottles containing soft J BRETHEHN:— -r \ ; --.:•• ; mention them again, but I have drinks are immersed. By a system of jl Located in Denver in the marvel- ed with pain arid mind dulled by dis-the same; grounds. > It has its own forced to seek shelter in the wilds than we ^ sacrificed ; in the World's to endeavored to give you the human underground piping, the one Baker ous health giving climate of Colorado couragements, the National Jewish dining room, kitchen and linejis. The where caves furnished their only War, the development of this dis- viewpoint our institution and to machine is used also to cool soft is the National Jewish Hospital for Hospital was a refuge: There, has children are completely segregated protection, and food was scares and covery is being delayed for lack of give you aofpicture of what we are Consumptives, the child of the B'nai been the mother broken with the from theC; adult patients so that the meager, and as the little girl ex- money. If the National- Jewish Hos- doing for the less fortunate members drinks which are served in the dancing heavy burden of her. large family. possibility, ofcontact infection' * is B'rith, and as your .Trustee: of thisi presses it,'•• they "often went' bread pital could find ~ar cure for tuber- of our race. pavilion. ' J The National Jewish Hospital gave obviatedl V. f ' v wonderful humanitarian institution! hungry": culosis it would be • a monument t o ( During the fiscal year two hundred I want to report its progress and ac-her care and the opportunity for rest is a fire-proof struct- In protecting the child the mother American Jewry which would stand] fifteen cases have been admitted, ROUMANIA HEAVILY necessary to restore her to her ure,The,buildings complishments for the past year. with, ,ail the, facilities and con-sacrificed herself. The husband with through all the • ages, to us the and of which number ninety-three have children. In £895 the suffering and pitiable veniences of- a modern^ hospital. It funds exhausted could give, his members of the B'nai. B'rith is given discharged from the Hospital REPRESENTED AT CHRISTIAN condition of the poor consumptive There has been the young man has outdWr, sleeping, facilities, isola- family no:- opportunity - for health, the opportunity to aid'in a discovery been STUDENTS' CONGRESS - again who came to Denver without funds, and young woman, bitter with the tion • "rooms, ,1 medical, examination and but-for the National Jewish that may mean release of. all humam greatly - improved and able to •-"': Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Roumania is in search of health, made its appeal memories of poverty—and hardships, roomst.treatment rooms and,quarters Hospital the seeds planted byy the ity_ from the ravages ;;bfv this devast-r take; up life's battles. \ to the' community of Denver "and 'the and fired with the ambition of our for attendants. A matron anil^com,- cruelties, and exposure ;of: the Rus-ing disease. It wojild/he perpetuated, .;Jn<view©frthe improvements->yhich heavily represented at the Christian idea was conceived of j agitational race' for better things, who, have ferSng staff give' the~ 'chil- sian -vriiiter would have been fatal. as.'ja wonderful accomTmshnient of, ouf^Hospital ."must.vxnake to give, the Students' Congress which is now institution for the_-_care of "these un- sacrificed even food for an education dren ofi.'^nly« the most 'expe3rtr..csi*e; •fhexi;7<iame to th6\ Hospital," -tKe the; Jewish race—isS-'p&e: support of' ,p*afeien±s- -the" advantage-',vt>fv"i3re:Jbest r fortunates who were from all parts and "who have reached their goal with but t&e, rlojsa| 'and affection wnlcn'Ys mothef |^3ielple$sJnvaJid»;3n bed dayan institution •whicn i n d u c t s world! ip^i^iMijigj; tyon, •• can.- judge • for meeting in Budapest. The Roumanian .^^-importance of ^increas- student delegates are -all pronounced of the county. .Thfir idea met with health,* v shstifired.,, .finable? to . go after day,* tnonth .after' month, the of "such wonderMlYprqmise as imr ing' self the income • of the institution, anti-Semites. ready'Tespbnse" ana: funds were sub- further.- The-National Jewish Hosportant or more important than any little girl with eyes frightened and you .that the Children's t know personally that the institution Lately there have been no anti-Jewscribed for a building. Unfortunately, pital offered them the promise of never had an epidemic dreaming by "night of the terrible form of human rejief.' . the devasting financial panic- of 1893rest,' food—temporary peace from o f COrita^mis-disease and that in the experience she* had endured. They The Hospital ^ -has ~ out-grown its is- run on most economical basis,- con- ish disturbances in Roumanian universistent with efficiency. > . ";• - ^ created,a condition that"made it im- financial problems, and the ultimate t ith t ^ t h d have been at the Hospital less than grounds, and more- room was rewith _ past thouMnd sities, but not more than 40 per cent possible to go on- and the opening of restoration to health and success. a year, the mother is still a sick quired before '. further development cases of ineasles in Denver, the Naof the former Jewish enrolement at the institution was delayed for six These men and women, old and tional Jewish Hospital Preventorium woman, but she is able to enjoy her could be made. -A large block of BOTTLES COOLED years, when our noble • Order',- the universities are now pursuing has not Md'one'''case, you will daily life and takes part in the activ- ground has been purchased just BY ICE MACHINE the B'nai B'rith, came forward and-open- ignorant and educated, had one thing appreciate hpwvcarefully; the children ities and amusements of the Hos-opposite the • Hospital, and this may their studies, as a result of the earlier ed the National Jewish Hospital to in common—they had tuberculosis are: guarded," anUHn.the three years pital, and the. little girl is chubby be used for the "new infirmary, and persecutions. the tuberculosis poor of the United and they could not pay for treatment, history of this building there has not and happy. The. father relieved of appropriation' for which was promis- Baker Self-Contained Unit Installed States. . "Y • " ' they came as patients to the Na- been a single death, its record is one the terrible responsibility of a sick ed by the B'nai B'rith at the convenat Park Soft Drink Stand. wife, and knowing his family are tion in-St. Louis in May 1921. Day In the twenty-four years that.fol? tional Jewish Hospital, they came of: unqualified success.' ; * „ lowed- the cause has made a success- with the* common hope of getting Directly adjoining••• the Children's being cared for is working hard by day the necessity for this build- Thousands of persons who have visful appeal and the! institution has well, and in a very large per cent Pavillion is their•* play-ground, well against the day he will have them ing becomes more urgent. Not only ited Krug Park during the hot weather . grown to twelve buildings. • "It • has the hope was realized. equipped with" the things that • make with him again. is • the Hospital receiving r w e WHOUSSALE cared for thousands of 'men and Throughout the marvelous devlop- little folks happy. They go-to! their applications from persons suffering have marveled at the cooling effect A mother, father-and boy came Druggists and Stationers women of many kinds and classes. • meht of this' great life-saving institu- own school on the grounds for a'few from an eastern city, the .mother, and from , tuberculosis in an advance of the Baker ice machine installed in There had been the recent im- tion, the 'B'nai' B'rith has been its hours a day and are able to return father-both; sick with tuberculosis, stage, patients who need the best the soft drink stand opposite the dance 401-403-405 Sontb 10th Street migrant-who came to America ready •patron Society, - has helped with its to their proper'grades in the public the -boy with a,pronounced tendency. possible facilities for their proper pavilion. influence, but has only been one of to work' hard for the prosperity it schools, losing no educational time in The father has left the Hospital treatment and comfort, but medical many-contributors to" its financial their health-seeking. restored to health, and is now science has advanced in its * knowlneeds. • ..: ' While this building and its equipestablishing himself in a warmer edge of treatment for such cases, and The growth of the Hospital from was a gift, the work must be climate so he can make a home for the case that was formerly considerFREDHSiAW Flower Shop fifty beds to one hundred and eighty ment carried on by the Hospital and out his wife and child. The boy is well ed hopeless may now have a fighthas been made possible because of j of Certified Public Accountants Phone 104 ing chance. But to secure the best its funds. The regular source of The Best ol Everything In Flowers and the generosity of thousands of.Amer- ' income is scarcely adequate for the nourished, healthy and happy and equipment is required. The building Audits Systems there is no further fear of tuberConfections at Moderate Prices. ican Jews. ' •' needs of the institution proper, so culosis for him. The mother has will cost approximately $250,000.00. Investigations S45 W. Broadway, Next liberty Theater The past year has been a record special arrangements must be .made improved and it is the hope of the How much will District No. 6 raise? TO AND FROM 434 to 440 Peters Trnst BIdg. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. of accomplishment.^.' Phones, Jackson 4S13, 4314. for the support of the children's Hospital physicians by the time her The work of our Hospital is conAt the annual meeting in June, work. Now, at the time of dedicaALL PARTS OF is settled she will be fully structive, it gives a man his health two buildings will be dedicated—the tion, the work has outgrown its husband able to make a happy and comfort- and it helps him in the road to sucChildren's Preveritorium, the gift of quarters, there must be .additional THE WORLD home. Are not such deeds as cess. I will tell you of one case: Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hofheimer of porches for sun treatment, more able Carpenter Paper Co. these a monument to the B'nai A young man, a physician who had New York, and a home for Nurses, isolation rooms -are needed, in fact VAL. J. PETER&COMPANY the jrift of Commodore ' Louis D. the work is growing and support B'rith? just finished his internship, developed Distributors ol The Home for Nurses, which is tuberculosis. He was brought into 130? Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Beaumont, in memory of his son must be furnished. Western Bond—and High .!_.. also to be dedicated, is the gift of our Hospital on a stretcher, as he Dudley. ATIantic 0340. '. Grade Stationary During the past year a little boy Commodore Louis D. Beaumont. This tells the story "They carried me here The Children's Pavillion is.devoted j who 'One of America's Great Hotels" Omaha. Nebraska. has been a cripple-with atuberand I never stepped on Colorado soil building was erected in 1922 in to preventive work for children. Its j cular ankle since * he was eighteen memory of, his son Dudley. The until the National Jewish Hospital \ ~—j months old and-who learned-to-walk housing of ^nurses and other female put me on my feet." For months on crutches, has thrown away his employees of a sanatorium is always his life hung in the balance, but the crutches and is able to play ball with a difficult problem, which is now care and rest and sunshine conWASH AND KEEP WELL his other playmates. A face without satisfactorily solved at the National quered and today he is acting assistA RULE OF HEALTH a smile when he came, to the Na- Jewish Hospital by the Beaumont ant physician in our Hospital which Every TCnowri Eihd • tional Jewish Hospital is- now happy Home for JJurses. At the annual gave him his health. Is this worth FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY and animated, and a voice that was meeting in 1918, the Board of while, this saving of young men? of! insurance;. :..•-; .:': sad is today among the most eager Trustees decided to establish a Re- I wish you could see these poor 1819 California Street. WHOLESALE PAPER, on the playground. This boy wassearch Department, for medical re- sick men and' women with their 209 W.*"O/'W. Bldg. JA. 35)44. STATIONERY, ETC. seven year3 old when he "came to the search in tuberculosis work, and a broken lives, many of them young Hospital—life on crutches had given definite plan of procedure and in- with all of life before them. You Distributors for him. nothing, the future offered vestigation-.'yas initiated, with the would feel, as I feel, that even in nothing and he,.promised to be a ultimate aifti in view of finding a hopeless cases where death is inPink Tip Matches — .LET-OS IIO | public charge while he lived. To- curative treatment for tuberculosis. evitable and the sufferer lingers for EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE Northern Toilet Tissue LAUNDRY. day, with a body restored he has a The work is under the direction of months, we cannot abandon him, we Where your clothes come home fair chance to become" a- valuable a brilliant research man with a. Na- must surround him with care and 1112 Harney Street cleaner end last longer. {citizen and to be able to make use tional reputation. : ; comfort, so that his last moments ATIantic 6409 Iantic O38Q. 1507-11 Jackson St. • v "- • THE CAREFUL ; ^ ^ p ^ l t T T j of his bright mind. Even diseountTel. JA. 4397. ; Anything :: AnytimeiK Anyplace * 15M. Jackson Sti j ing the appeal of a suffering boy, Our Research Deportment has dis-will be sheltered and he will breathe H. A. JACOBEERGER, Pres. and demonstrated that car- a dying .prayer of gratitude to the this is weL worth while from an covered bonic acid is a deadly poison to the B'nai B'rith for their humanitarianeconomic standpoint. His cure is the germs of tuberculosis. acid ism. Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. result of the sun treatment. To exists in the body—thisCarbonic is the first And now accuated by the desire to Omaha Phone Atlantic £556 : build additional and improved facili t has been shown that a sub- conserve in every way the happiness Ford Transfer & Storage Co. -Temptation Besets You ~*. ities for giving the sun treatment is time stance which, is a deadly poison to of those who come to it for help, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. When'You Enter one of'-the- things for which more the R. A. FORD. germ of tuberculosis is harmless a Kosher kitchen is being installed. money is needed. If you could see to the President and General Manatrer. human body. This tremendous The best medical opinion is that Service is Our Motto CANDIES. ICE CREAM,.. • Council Bluffs (lows) Office the affection, gratitude and apprecia- discovery promises to revolutionize peace of -mind is one of the prime 700 So. Main Street. Phone SC5. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. tion of this boy alone, you would our study of LUNCHES. and to open factors in the speedy recovery of know the Children's Preventorium is up new andtuberculosis virgin fields of knowl- tuberculous patients. If only a few justified* edge. Daily, the Hospital is receiv- of our patients will have their reliSeveral years ago a man came ing inquiries relative to this dis- gious ' convictions satisfied we have from Russia to America to make a covery, but we are only at the be-;decided' that this shall be ac16th and Farnam Streets home for his wife and child. By ginning of the problem, and our Re-complished for them. OUR TREATMENT WILL hard work and denying.'; himself search Department has . a long way In this report I have not gone CONVINCE rOC OF OUR BUTTER and EGGS * . . . » ; •

, - • :


Report ofNational Jewish Hospital

E. E. Bruce & Co.





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Phone JA ckson 24G7

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GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys From $3.00 to $9.00. GOOD FURNISHINGS.



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