Nothing is more prac-
Say *not always what !
tical than a high, clear-
you know, but always |
ly-defined ideal of serv-
know what vou saw
\BS «econd-class mall matter on January 27th,. 1321. at at Omaha. Nebraska, nndei the Act of March 8, 1BZ8.
UnfrockedRaW up in Flew Orleans
New York. (J. T. A.) Passage of New York. (J. T. A.) Mortimer L. the legislature providing for- a "baby Schiff announced yesterday at a bonus" is being urged by Senator Naluncheon in Ms Oyster Bay home that than Straus of .New York. Senator he had given $48,000 for the extension Self-Confessed Renegade, At- Straus is an authority on child wel- British Statesman Says World's No good has ever come of nations 1917. So the Jewish settlement of of the work of the Boy Scouts of Plans Will Be Made for Gste that crucified Jews. It is poor and Palestine began. From that day on- America, in compliance with Ms offer Event—Indoor CaniivaL fare, having worked eighteen years tached to Presbyterian Million Jews Have 14 ward it has proceeded slowly but pusillanimous sport, lacking all true with Ms father in "combating infant Church, Exposed. made last year to duplicate $6,000 Bravely Endured qualities of manliness, and those who steadily. The land available was not contributions to the movement in any TO CELEBRATE FORTIETH mortality. : . , Persecution. indulge in it would be the first to run of the best. Prejudices and fears had one of the twelve regions into which ANNIVERSARY OF LOCAL "I believe it would be a'good inHE SUES EDITOR SILBER ; away were there any element of dan- negotiated. Anything in the na- the United States is divided for Scout LODGE. vestment for the state,"; Senator FOR LIBEL. ture of wholesale expropriation of ger in it. Jew baiters are generally Straus declares, "to pay a mother a work. The B'nai B'rith carnival, which ws* of the type that found good reasons Arab cultivators, even for cash, had New Orleans, July 16. (J. T. A.)— cash bonus for every baby that she Eight of the regions having met the to have been held Sunday, September for evading; military service when to be . carefully avoided. The Jews offer, Mr. Schiff has sent checks to 2 at Judah Elfenbeing-Tillinger, former adds to the population of the state." the Municipal auditorium, has. were therefore often driven to settle their own country was in danger. By DAVID LLOYD GEORGE. rabbi of Jacob Schiff Center. The "Motherhood subsidies," Straus bethe proper authorities. He expressed been postponed until later in the fall, on barren sand dunes and malarial Irom The Omaha Bee b The latest exhibition of this wretchBronx, who was unfrocked by a com- lieves, "would assist^ in promoting (ReprintedSpecial the Jiope that other regions would according to the committee ia charge. Permission.) ed indulgence is the agitation against swamps. . . mittee of Orthodox rabbis in New early marriage among the best class soon meet the offer. The change of the dates will afford a : Palestine Has Great Future. York February 19th last, following population." At present, he iolds, London, July 14.—Of all the bigot- settling poor Jews in the land "their Mr. Schiff is Chairman of the Na- cooler weather for an indoor carnival, sensational disclosures that in Aus- shiftless, thoughtless men and women ries that savage the human temper fathers made famous. Palestine un- Everywhere the Jew cultivator pro- tional •Committee on Organization and The plans that have been made for tria previous to his arrival in the are ready to undertake the Tesponsi- there is none so stupid as the anti- der Jewish rule; once maintained a duces heavier and richer crops than Field .Work. the affair will be carried out in «. his Arab neighbor. He has introduced United States, he had turned priest, bilities of marriage- with considering Semitic It has no basis in reason, it population of 5,000,000. Under the into Palestine more scientific methods bigger scale. The carnival will ba and had written a series of articles what it may lead to, and many of the is not rooted in faith, it aspires to blighting rule of the Turk it barely of cultivation, and his example is procombined with the fortieth, anniversary celebration of the local lodge ni spporting the medieval blood-Jibel other class postpone or avoid marriage no ideal, i t is just one of those dank supported^"population of 70,000. The ducing a beneficent effect on the<crude the B"nai B'rith. against Jews during the famous Leo- feeling that they are not well enough and unwholesome weeds that grow in land flovring'. wi& milk and honey is tillage of the Arab" peasant. It will now largely a st<ky and unsightly des™We intend to make tnis affair the pold HQsner trial,* has made his situated financially to take care of the morass of racial hatred. ert. To quote ©se of the ablest and not be long ere Canaan becomes once biggest and best ever held in this appearance in New Orleans and has the offspring. 1EI of to- more a land flowing with, milk and A baby bonus would induce this bet- How utterly devoid of reason it is most far-sigtaejf business city," ssid Sam Beer, chairman of the *gain leaped into notoriety. honey. The effects of the neglect and may be gathered from the fact that day, "It is a land of immense possiTillinger is suing Dr. Mendel Silber, ter type to undertake the.responsibil- it is almost confined to nations who bilities in spite ©f the terrible neglect misrule of centuries cannot be effaced Dr. A. E. Abraraovitz To Deliver committee. "We are to begin rehearsing for the" vaudeville show for th? Eulogj-. New Orleans rabbi and editor of The ities of, marriage and parenthood, worship the Jewish prophets and apos- of its resources resulting from Turk- by the issue of a declaration. The B'nai B'rith carnival," said Samuel cutting down of. trees has left the soil Jewish Ledger, for libel following Straus asserts. tles and Tevere the national literature ish misrule. Its' glorious estate has WILL SPEAK IN SYNAGOGUES Schaefer. The vaudeville show will unprotected against heavy rains, and the publication by this paper of the of the Hebrews as the only inspired been let down by centuries of neglect. HERE. be one of the feature events of the afstory of the unfrocked rabbi. message delivered by the Deity to The Turks cut down the forests and rocks which were once green with fair. The boys and girls who took vineyards and olive groves have been Dr. A. E. Abramovitz of Chicago, The discovery of Dr. Tillinger's mankind, and whose only hope of sal- never troubled to replant them. They part in the Y. M. H. A. show held New Orleans was made vation rests on the precepts and prom- slaughtered the cattle and never trou- swept bare.. Terraces which ages of regional director of the Zionist organ- last April will take leading parts m patient industry built up have been de- ization, will be the principal speaker by Dr. Silber, whose suspicions were ises of the great teachers of Judaism. bled to replace them." stroyed by a few generations of Turkthat wQl be the show. aroused when he was informed that Still, in the sight of these fanatics, , It is one .of-the" peculiarities of the ish stupidity. They cannot be re- at the memorial meeting 1 Special contests will be launched a sum claiming to be a rabbi was Jews of today, can do nothing right. Jew hunter that.he adores the Turk. stored in a single generation. Great held Sunday evening at the B'nai for the various affairs to be held. Israel Synagogue, 18th and Chicago a regular attendant at services in Final Plans Being Made for Annual If they are rich, they are birds of If Palestine ^is to be restored to a irrigation works must be constructed There will be popularity contests and a Presbyterian church and was Affair. prey. If they are poor, they are ver- condition even--approximating to its if the settlement is to proceed on a ticket selling contests, with prizes tr> closely connected with the minister If they are in favor of war, that ancient prosperity, it must be by set- satisfactory scale. the winners. AUTOMOBILE TO B E GIVEN is because they want to exploit the tling Jews on its soil. The condition of that church. The proceeds of this carnival will go AWAY. bloody feuds of Gentiles-to their own to which the land; has been reduced Palestine possesses in some respects Dr. Sifter's investigations revealed to the maintenance of the 25 war orprofit. If they are anxious for peace, by centuries in the world is such that advantages for the modern settler that the rabbi was none other than phans adopted financially by Omahf. Tillinger. A t the time of the in- Final plans are. being made by the they are either instinctive cowards or restoration is only possible by a race which to its ancient inhabitants were Lodge, and to help support the Antivestigation; Tillinger was trying to committee, for^the^big picnic to be traitors. If they give generously, and that is prepared for sentimental rea- a detriment. Its^ one great river, with Defamation League, which is an adobtain a passport from the Brazilian given by the Omaha Hebrew d u b there are no more liberal givers than sons to make* and endure sacrifices its two tributaries, are rapid and have junct of B'nai B'rith work. As t t e a great fall. For power this is adconsul here, claiming that he had on Sunday, July 29,, at Peony Park. the Jews, they are doing it for some for the purpose B'nai B'rith. has never before gone bsselfish purpose of their own. If they the assurance of obtaining a rabbin- The Committee promises a full day don't give, : then what would One'ex- . What is the history... of Jewish set- mirable. Whether for irrigation ro fore the public for any financial ustlement in Palestine? It did not be- for the setting up of new industries, sistance, they hope to raise at least. ical position in the South American of pleasure from noon, until midnight pect of a Jew? ; / with . dancing a l l . afternoon and gin with the Balfour declaration. A this gift, of nature to Palestine is ca?10,000. ••--> republic e v e n i n g . . * * . . . . ' • T . v . •_•' . century ago there.were barely 10,000 pable of exploitation impossible before If labor is oppressed by great capWhen the minister of the Pxesby- "The, Baby Contest," says Sam ital, the greed of the Jew is held-re- Jews in. theJ whole of Palestine. Be- the scientific -.discoveries °f t&e last terian Church learned that Dr. Silber the committee in charge sponsible- > If" ijabo^vrevtJlte.against: fore fhe~war tfcf%v«eiEJLGpjJOQ. T&e;->TJte.: teHeiand^ot-Jrales -has _^ _ ; was.. investigati^ considerably '^educed* these num- a rainfall which, if caught in resercapitaf-^as i t didia Russia;—the Jew "called on- the-editor and admitting i»g- -nnraual interest * among is blamed for that also. If he lives bers, and immigration since 1918 has voirs at appropriate -centers, would The election of the Ameiican JewTillinger's sought to con- the • parents ; of this ' city." Many in a strange land, he must be perse- basely filled up the gaps. At the pres- make of the "desert of Judsa" a garvince him that Tillinger was innocent •entries ;have already been received cuted and pogrommed out of it. If he ent timorous rate of progress it will den. If this were done, Arab and Jew ish Congress delegate will be held of the charges of which he had been •but the.committee will be glad to wants to go back to his own, he must be many years before it reaches 200,- alike would share in the prosperity. Sunday. The nominees in the election /./'• convicted at ^ the rabbinical trial i n ^receive anyrothers who care to enter be prevented. Through the centuries, 000. are Mas Fromkin and M. Morger.There are few countries on earth 1 New York. " A meeting was ar- their- babies in ; the contest. The in every land, whatever he does or stern. The elected delegate will be which have made less of their possithe representative of the city of Omaranged * between Dr. Silber, the' prizes[for -this contest will be sub- intends or fails to do, he has been . Jewish settlement started practical- bilities. Take its special attractions ha at the Congress convention, which Presbyterian minister and Tillinger stantial amTin addition the winners pursued by the echo of the brutal cry ly 70 years ago. I t started with Sir for tourists. I was amazed to find DE. A. E. ABRAMOVITZ will be held in Washington, D. C, Oc: himself. At that meeting,' Tillinger will have the distinction of- having of the rabble of Jerusalem against the Moses Monteflore's experiment in 1854 that visitors to Palestine in the whole —another war year. The sultan had Streets, in inemoriam of Dr. Theodore tober 14. , flatly denied that he had ever for- been accounted the-most beautiful greatest of all Jews—-"Crucify him!" good reasons for propitiating Jews in j course of a year only aggregate 15,- Herzl and Dr. Baer Epstein. The saken the Jewish religion or that he and healthiest babies in the city. The voting polls have been chose** Persecution of Jews a Poor Policy. that year, just as the allies had in meeting will be held at eight o'clock. by the committees and are at the fol(Continued on page 2.) The following entries have been Dr. Abramovitz •will arrive in the lowing places: Fried and KuTdm de!" (Continued on page 2) made "this week: Melvin Lee Levine, city Friday morning and will deliver icatessen store, all the Synagogues in son of Mr. and- Mrs. S. Leon Levine, talks at the different Synagogues the city, and at the Lyric building. 2234 Lake Sfcj Esther Benford, here. Friday evening he will speak daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Benin English at the B'nai Israel Syna- Lapidus Party Now In Chicago. ford, 1410 North 52nd St.; Betty Mrs. Toby Silverman, well known 18th and Chicago Streets; Mr. and Mrs. Harry L&pidue atifi Proceeds to Go Towards Farthering Jane Hansen, daughter of Mr. and in Omaha Jewish Welfare circles, and Ormsby Gore Statement in Commons gogue morning he will speak in family and Irvin Stalmaster, who Saturday Education. ' * Greeted by Cheers. Mrs. Ed Hansen, 5517 Parker St.; prominent in the Zionist movement, Members of Committee Notified. 'Yiddish' at the Beth Hamedrosh have been touring the northern stated Shirley Epstein, daughter of Mr. and was honored at the Zionist convention Hagodol Synagogue, 18th and Burt Nathan "Duke" Levinson will sing Harry Silvennan, president of the Mrs. Sam Epstein, 1509 South 33rd London, July 10. (J. T. A.) The Streets, and Saturday afternoon he for their vacation, are at present in neld recently in Baltimore by being Chicago, HL, where they will remain local lodge of the B'nai B'rith, has St.; Sam Gilford, son of Mr. and at a concert held for -Ms benefit at elected as the only woman on the Jews in Palestine are entailing no cost will speak at the B'nai Jacob Syna- for a few days prior to going to Inannounced the appointments of the Mrs. Ike Gilford, 307 Harrison St., the Brandeis Grill room, Monday committee of committees. whatever to the British Government. gogue, 24th and Nicholas Streets. dianapolis, Ind. members to the committees for the Council Bluffs, Iowa; Justin Preis- evening, July 23, at 7:30 p. m. Ac- While there Mrs. Silvennan met This was the reply of Ormsby Gore Dr. Abramovitz is one of the leadThe Lapidus party was forced to ensuing term. The following men man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry cording to several known critics, Chaim Weitzman, English scientist in the House of. Commons today to a were appointed to the Tarious com- Preisman, 4211 Pratt St.; Sara Hor- Levinson possesses a wonderful tenor and Zionist leader, -who personally query by Major Paget, who wanted to ing orators of the Zionist cause and journey part of their trip by rail, when will speak here in the interest of that their automobile skidded into a -ditch mittees: bund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. voice. The proceeds of the concert conferred the honor for her work done know •what the Jews "were costing the organization and the Keren Hayesod. at Port Arthur, Canada. Mrs. Lapidafe of Monday evening win go towards Membership. British taxpayer. ' Horbund, 1712 North 27th St. The for Zionism. He greeted her on the Isralel Goodman, Dr. A: Greraberjj At the memorial meeting Sunday and daughter, Estelle, received cote contest will close on Wednesday, the development of his voice in an speakers' platform as "Mrs. Omaha." The reply of "nothing at all" by Chairman "William .Kline evening, Nathan "Duke" Levinson., and braists from the flying glass. eastern school. Dave Grecnbexg, MorrlB Micklin July 25th, . ,.. Before returning to Omaha, Mrs. Ormsby Gore brought forth a large Omaha's tenor, will sing the "Dirge Viee-Chairman - Al Dreyfooa The Lapidus party will return home ."Duke" Levinson is well known in Louis Simon , Sam Beber "Peony Park" is cool arid com- the Jewish circles here, having been Silverman spent three weeks in New volume of cheers. about July £5, of the Dead," a Hebrew melody. Social Service. Major Paget then shot back with Dr. Philip Sher, RabbiFreaerickConn fortable and provides' an,- elegant a member of the.Y. M. H. A. and York as the guest of members of her another query^ "What is the cost to Chairman Arthur Bosenblnm place to bring your: families for an Thorpeian basketball teams and cap- committee. Samuel H. Scbnefer Dr. A. Greenberg of holding Palestine Tor a all day outing,«says Albert- Kaplan. tain of the basketball team at Tech Omaoans that were appointed on England Henry Monsty Irrin Stalmaster Jewish spiritual home?" Denver Hospital. The picnicers may bring there own High school. committees for the ensuing year were: "We are in Palestine for quite other Harry Lapidns, Dr. Sol Ravitz lunch or if they prefer can purchase • He left school four years *ago im- Mrs. B. Handler, who was appointed reasons,'.' Ormsby Gore replied. Chairman Harry Friedman lunches, drinks, and ice cream at mediately after the deattf of his to serve on the Keren Hayesod comDr. O. C. Goldner M. Monheit Only a small fraction of the Jewish the j»ark on that day. There will be father,,to work as a waiter. He has mittee; J. J. Friedman on the OrganInitiation. immigration to Palestine is from EngThe practice of sending New Year's Greetings to friends fun and amusements of all kinds for ization committee; M. Kulakofsky on S. J. Leon, Chairman Arthur Eosenblnm sung on many of the organization lish speaking countries, he declared. and relatives through the local Jewish paper is general Harry Malnshock Dr. A. Greenberg I young and o l d . . . the Financial committee. ". Mas Fromtin M. Monheit programs that have been held-here. The exact figures, according to Ormsthroughout the country. Its advantage over the old indivdual Intellectual Advancement. "The tickets for the drawing and . JEe will leave Omaha -Saturday While in New York City, Mrs. by Gore, show only. 200 out of a total mailing card is evident in the saving of time, expense and Hnrry Mnlnshock, Henry Mouhky raffle of the Chevrolet touring car evening, July 28, for New York City, Silverman was extensively enter- of7 ,844 immigrants who arrived durChairman , Sam Beber worry over forgetting a friend. are selling like wild-fire," says where h e . will study under Cantor tained. She retained Monday with ing 1922 and 34 of those coining thus Harry Trustin . Abner Kaiuian' Harry Lapidus Irvin Stalmaster Arthur Eosenblum and M. .Polonsky, S. Kwartin, well known tenor. : her daughter Hadassah. Greeting Card in the "JEWISH PRESS" ; far this year from English speaking _ House. ; in chargeof this feature. JThe ; will take this form! -'•' . Ealph Mason *Hix, pianist, and countries. Jleuben B i w n , Jake ATbertB contest "for the sale of these tickets Fanny Fish, violinist, will also "be on 400 EMIGRATE FROM Chairman Sam Klaver Answering a question of Mr. Becker Ii«vl Memorial Hospital. ' is becoming very spirited and prom- the program for Monday evening. PALESTINE IN WEEK regarding' the rejection by the Arab ; j . Slosburg, Jr. Dr. H.- Hirschman Mr. and Mrs. William E. Abrams and family of ises to be one of the most interestJerusalem. (J. T. A.) Emigration Congress.of the*Palestine loan, OrmsChnlrman Dr. Nathan Danaky 9765 West Grand Boulevard extend their best ing events of the picnic. Friends of of members of all races and creeds DECIDED SLUMP IN DEATHS Dr. Nathan Mushkln by Gore declared that the acts of the wishes to i&eir relatives and friends for a Happy all the contestants • are doing their Finance. IN EKATEEINOSLAV from Palestine last week reached an Arab Congress were hot binding on and Prosperous New Year. Hurry Tmstin, Snm: X Leon utmost to have their favorite win. New York. (J. T. A.) According to unusually high mark,, four hundred the administration and he could not Chairman Abner Kaiman It looks like a close race. The figures of the Joint Districution Com- persons having left through Jaffa dur- accept the assertion that the loan Irvin Staltnastrr, 'Sam Dnnsky •Vice-Chairman Sam Klaver Chevrolet car. will be on exhibition mittee, the mortality of Jews in Eka- ing that time- The majority of those would not be floated. , JOB J. Grecnbars Fred White MAIL THE COUPON BELOW HHMEDIATELT at the Omaha'Garage, 24th and Sew- terinoslav, Ukraine, has been reduced leaving gave America • as their destiCentral Council. ard S t s , on- Friday, July 20. to less than one-twentieth of the 1922 nation, although the Palestinian an- IMMIGRATION INSPECTOR i. T. Friedman, Leo Bosenthal The Jewish Press, ] ACQUITTED OF rate. Figures for March, 1922, showed nual- quota will allow only a little Chairman Jake Malasbock 482 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., .. William Grodlnsfcy-.-. S. M. Levey BRIBEEY CHARGES 786 deaths in Ekaterinoslav, while for more than half a hundred to enter the EVENING WORLD STARTS Omaha, Nebraska. By-laws, New York. (J. T, A.) William Leon- KOSHER MEAT COLUMN March, this year, only 36 deaths oc- United States. Gentlemen:— ' Art hnr Roscnblum,. JIai' Fromkln ard, former immigration inspector at curred m the Jewish population. The number of Jewish immigrants New York. (J. T. A.) The first reEnclosed find $2.00, for which please Insert my New Y*ar'« Chnirman Edivard KrauS Of the' 786 deaths in March of last coming to Palestine during the month Ellis Island, was acquitted in Federal view of the kosher meat and poultry Sam Beber Greeting Card in your Bosh Hsshomg (5684) Number, market to make Jts^appearance in the year, 283 were due to starvation while of Jane totaled 950. Of these a large District Court of alleged acceptance of Cleveland Orphan Home. bribes to permit aliens to enter, this S. J. Leon, Chairman Dr. Nathan Dansky general press was inaugurated by the during the same period this year only number were chaluzim. Sam Schnefer,. Dr. M. Grodinsky country without standing proper exone died there of hunger. Evening World. The idea, Bays the \'AME; Vigilance. aminations. .."••• Messrs. William Wintraub, Phineas Evening World, is to ''give to Jewish For the first three months of. 1922, - William Holzmon, Martin SnganMn housewives a practical market serv- 1,629 deaths occurred in the Jewish "Wintraub, Louis Frieberg, Nathan The jury deliberated less than an Chairman M. llonheit Harry Wolf , Israel Goodman ADDRESS: ice that will embrace receipts of meats community of Ekaterinoslav as com- Bobinson and Samuel Stern left last hour and was discharged by. Judge Henry Moneky Jake Simonand live poultry, the wholesale prices pared with 116 for the three months week on a camping motor trip to Louis Fitzhenry after returning its PubBclty. verdict. and a suggested fair retail price." - Joe Jacobs, • Samnel H. Schnefer o' the present year. JW.iisconsin.
Holy Land Is Refuge
Herd Memorial Meeting TMs Sunday Eveiing Ai
More Babies Entered In Omaha Hebrew Gub Contest; Picnic July 29
Silverman Appoints B'nai BYith Committees
Omaha Woman Honored Benefit Concert To Be Palestine Jews Cost at Zionist Conference Given For "Dnke" Levmson England Nothing At Al
New Year's Greetings
- . Chairman
Nathan E. Green Resolutions. Nathan Bernstein, Dr. Nathan Mushkln Chairman L. B. Goldman
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1923 ertions and of succeeding On their Mrs. S. Frieden returned after Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolpa, of Min-jured in e collision of two traits on merits." visiting a week in Sioux City, Iowa. neapolis, Minn., have moved to Omaha the way between Bucharest and Jr.ssy. This is the modest request which to make their home. They are nowThe Jews conr-titute Ihe majoi-ity of ..., frftfctliiM* tntf tStmtdaj at Onsfifc Item** »£ Mrs. S. Whitebook entertained her with Mrs. Wolpa's parents, Mr. and the thirty dead and fifty injured. these exiles from Zion propound to . THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLlSfflNG COMPANY. (Continued from page 1) the nations. And surely it is just for club last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A. Kaplan. Office: 482 BrandriH'TNatreEQilding.^Telepfaonet Jadcgdn 237& 000. It contains Vthe most famous it to be conceded, and,' if conceded, The Jolly 8 Afternoon Bridge club NATHAN E.: GREEN, Manager. shrines in the world. Its history is then ta be carried out in the way men are holding a bridge picnic Friday MANY JEWS KILLED of honor fulfill their bond. of more absorbing interest ta the richIN TRAIN COLLISION Chiropodist and Beauty .-».?2.50 Subscription Price, one year-; afternoon at Manawa Park. The Land of Their Fathers. est peoples on earth, and is better Viefltia. (J. T. A.) According to a Shop ftttntohed on application. There are 14 millions of Jews in the Estftbllshed IS00 taught to their children than even that radio received here, a large number of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky are in and llnrnry Ktreets. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from th« publlca- of thei* own country. Some of its world. They belong to a race which wer« urnottg the killed and in- Glvo UB o chance to apAllen, Nebr., visiting with their preciate yottr bn.xinoss. For tioa tf Tjw Jewish Press «re to be given lo worthy communal causes. smallest villages are better known to for at least1,900 years has been sub- daughter, Mrs. Philip Sherman, and oppolntnicnts cull Ja. S)7T4. jected to prosecution, pillage, massacountless millions than many a prosADDRBSP—PHMW « * • both «M *M «B4 w * Mr. Sherman. cre and the torments of endless deU n n i u un nut BUM> perous modern city. • F0R RENT—Nicely furnished rision; a race that has endured perse* Why Tourists Avoid Palestine. The Jewish'P'resp is supplied by the Jewish Xejegraphic Agency (Jewish room in private family. Call Correspondence Bureau) witp cabled ttnd telegraphic Jewnsh news, in addition Hundreds of .thousands ought to be cuidon which for variety of tortureJEWISH CALENDAR, at 2i">35 Lincoln Boulevard or to feature articles and correspondences from all Important Jewish centres. visiting this sacred land every year. physical, material and mental—inflict6683-1023 Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly Why are they not doing so? The ed on its victims; for the virulence and phone Harney 6521. Ab_ —Sat., July 14 answefed if addressed to Jewish' Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue,answe? is—Turkish misrule scared malignity with which it has been sus« Rogh-Chodesh -Mon., All*. 13 Fart of Ab .New ^ork City. . 5684-1923 away the pilgrims. Those who went tained; for the length of time it has ..Mon.( Sept. 10 Tear's Eve there came back disillusioned and dis- lasted, and, more than all, for theNew _Thnr»., Sept. SO Many added features lSnccoth o m Klppnrfortitude and patience with which it —Tuei, Sept. 25 (First Day). ; ^ SPIRIT OF HELPFULNESS. appointed. The modern "spies" on Snccoth (Last Day)—Skmlni I. Morgenstern 3. L. Wolfnon including e l e c t r i c Atrereth , .. ,,, _T«..«,_ Oct. t )Et is only in recent; years that some people have come to thetheir return did not carry with them has been suffered, is without parallel Stmchat Torata ; Wed, Oct. S in the history of any other people."' luscious grapes of Escol to thrill the hair driers for ladies. realization of the truth -that Judaism has taught for centuries with Kosh-Chodesh CheKhvan—_Tntirs., Oct. 11 KlsleT. _ _ _ _ F r t , NOT. 9 regard to true humanity^ According to Jewish teaching and "tradi- multitude with a desire to follow their Is it too much to esk that those Bosh-Chodesh (Feast of DeOlcation, the highest manifestation of the spirit of humanity is to beexample. They brought home depres- amongst them whose sufferings are Chnnnkah tf^T*) i r .,• «»iMf?Tt i D e c . 8 Bosh-Chodesh Tebeth^———.. -San.. D e c 0 Tel. Webster 2734 the worst shall be able to find refuge sing tales of squalor, discomfort and found in the spirit of helpfulness. For this reason, acts of helpfulWe. 6414 Fast of Tebeth „..,.. ..Tncs., Dec. 18 in the land of their fathers made holy exaction which dispelled the glamor 6884-1024 ness^-GemilutH Hasadiin—-were always placed higher than acts of Rosh-Chodesh 8hebat.___ Mon., Jan. 1 mere charity and almsgiving—Zedakah. . and discouraged further pilgrimages. by the splendor of their genius, by the Kosh-Chodesh A.lar I___—_AVeil.. Feb. 6 loftiness of their thoughts, by the cbnRosh-Chodesh Ailar n . Fri* Mar. 7 !That other people have, not yet come to appreciate fully the The settled government gives the holy Pnrlm (Feast of Esther)-.Thnrs^ Mnr. 20 Rosh-Chodesh Nlsan ....Sat.. Apr. 5 superior merit- of helpfulness as compared with charity may be land its first chance for 1,900 years. secration of their lives and by thePassover fi»—«»K « - > I Apr. 19 seen fr'om the fact that in the case of the Jew they may be stirred But there Is so much undeveloped inspiration of their message to man- Passover (Seventh Day) FriM Apr. 25 kind? country demanding the attention of to acts of charity, but cannot be aroused to a spirit of helpfulness, Rosh-Chodetb fyn- ._ Ki"t. May 5 lliusv in the Jewish War Relief campaigns many non-Jews conr civilization that Palestine will lose Lap fc'""" TI...». jiay 22 that chance unless it is made the speBosh Chodesb stmn TntQ,, S LINCOLN ! Sliahnotli (Confirmation Day)..Sat., Jnne . tributed liberally of their means, and even of their time and atten- cial charge of some powerful influJnne 8 VOTE FOR BoBh-Chedesh Inramuz»i_-.Ihnri, July 3 tion,^ to alleviate the sufferings of our people abroad. Yet, with a ence. The Jews alone can redeem it Kosh-Chodesh Ab VtU. Ane. 1 few', exceptions* these non-Jews have not been able to rise ta a from the wilderness and restore its The Misses Sara and Pauline Friend Fast 6f Ab— . ,. ...flnn., Ang. 10 entertained at luncheon and bridge Bosh-Chodesh Elul Sun, Ant. 31 height of human helpfuhiess that would enable them, nay compel ancient glory. 6685-1024 at the Woodburn, Friday, honoring K*vr Tear** ET«_ ^ Sept. SB them, to bend their energy and their efforts towards staying the Mrs. Lewis, of Kansas City, Mo., and malice an&;abuse of our people right here iij America. They have In that "trust there is no injustice not even manifested the spirit of helpfulness by a -loud and to any; other race. The Arabs have Mrs. Ruby, of Portland. Mrs. Ben vigorous protest against the vicious poison-pen of prejudice nor neither the means, the energy nor the Gradwohl and Mrs. Charles Simon against the-malicious tjongiie of slander that anti-Semitism is em- ambition to discharge this duty. The entertained Monday morning with a ploying to create hatred of the Jew in this very land of freedom British empire has too many burdens breakfast at the Golden Pheasant, 5 oil its shoulders to carry this experi- honoring the visitors, and Mrs. Victor and faimesa. ' ment through, successfully. The Jew- Friend entertained at a one o'clock On the other hand; the Jew has never ceased practicing help- ish race, with its genius, its resource- luncheon Wednesday at the WoodPiano Instructor fulness, "the Poles in this country, whose European brethren have fulness 1 bine. , its tenacity snj,; not least, fora numbei* of years been committing^ the most brutal outrages its wealth, can alone perform this esSpecial attention to beginners. against this; Jew,- have} in ever" so many instances been helped by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wessel and For appointments call task. The Balfour declaration our'pedple tqestablish:themselvesi The Russians, moreover, would sential from 8:30 A. M. to 12:00 M. Election, Sunday, July 22nd, 1923. is not art expropriating but an en-children, of Nebraska City, will motor positively have been urfable to gain a foothold in this country if it abling' clause. It is only a charter of to Lincoln this week to spend sevPhone Webster 5161. Polls at all synagogues, were not for Russian Jews—the very people that they had so long equality for Jews. Here are its terms: eral weeks. - Res. 2601 Parker St. ; Fried & Kuklin's and Lyric Building '• and so cruelly oppressed—who helped them in their new and "His majesty's government views strange and, for them/seemingly impossible surroundings. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kohn and son, with the establishment in Pal-Jerrold, and daughter, Janet, left The clearest evidence of the Jewish spirit of helpfulness is to estinefavor of a national home for the Jew- Tuesday for a motor trip to Lake be found in the way in which the Jewish Welfare workers helped ish people, will use their best en Russian soldiers in. the American army during the war. Of«all deavors to and facilitate the achievement Okoboji, where they will spend their the people that had been drafted intotheAmerican army, the of this object, it being clearly under- vacation. IDA L FREir&N, Prop. Russian sbidiers were the most helpless, forlorn and bewildered. stood that nothing shall be done which Miss Bernice Diamond is visiting They were .'out of touch with the other men in the camps; they may prejudice the civil and religious could not understand thee commands and orders of then* officers rights of existing non-Jewish commu- in Omaha with relatives for several 311 South 16th Sti«-et and found it extremely difficult t a adjust themselves to the warnities in Palestine, or the rights and weeks. conditions. Their plight was pitiable and they seemed t a present political status enjoyed by Jews in Phoue Atlantic 8010. a very serious problem to the officers and men in the army. At any other country." Open Eveningr. this juncture, the Jewish Welfare Board stepped in and took them This declaration was subsequently Mrs. S. Cohen entertained Wednesunder its wing and, through its workers who Icnew the language endorsed and adopted by President day afternoon a few tables of bridge. Only Jewish Florist in town. and psychology of the Russian people, enabled them to overcome Wilson and the French and Italian WEDDING BOUQUETS. their great difficulties ;by teaching then! the English language, by foreign ministers. in the city will soon open its doors * providing entertainments that Would appeal to their tastes and j The Zionists ask for no more. It 1 r$k " tothe public. £• v temperaments,^ and by training and preparing them for American has been suggested by their enemies citizenship. And the Jewish workers did all this M the full and that they are seeking1 to establish a .: We will handle everything in the fresh recollection of Russian pogroms and persecutions. Jewish oligarchy iii Palestine that will " Do we need a clearer manifestation of the Jewish spirit of reduce the Arab inhabitant to a conv. line for the table. All eatables will 1! helpfulness?—The Jewish Ledger. dition of servitude to a favored He\ be kept under refrigeration. brew minority. The best answer to which certain men and ministers that charge is to be found in the Watch for further announcements are led by their missionary zeal; memorandum submitted by the Zion: i of the utter disregard for ist association to the. leaegue of na, in this paper. • matters of £ong£ience where' tions: Diamond & Platinum Specialists missionary methods are conI 1514 Dodge St. (Continued from page 1.) . "The Jews demand no privilege uncerned. It is.the clearest proof 1503 DOUGLAS STREET | Est. 1894. Ja. 5619 also of the : extent to which less it be the privilege of rebuilding World Theater Btdl^nr had written articles justifying blood missionary zeal often dulls and by their own efforts and sacrifices a accusations, or that he had ever cripples men's * 1613 North 24th St. Webster 4330. > psychological OOOi known anything of the Hilsrier case, powers. To Imagine that any land which, once the seat of a thriv% Rer. J. SHTJKERT, Shohit. ' in which a blood allegation. Waa in- Jew would for a moment heed ing and productive civilization, has The Value of a long been suffered to remain derelict. the enticing voice and "words of volved. ' "Service and Quality" is Our Motto. * •' a . togua priest-rabbi is the Diamond "When Dr. Silber confronted Til- height of absurdity. To suppose They expect no favored treatment in <SKE FILM AT WORLD linger with copies of Austrian newsthat an individual whose flagrant the matter of political or Teligious THEATER) papers in which the charges against rascality has been -proven < in rights. They assume as a matter of course that all inhabitants of Palespublic could fetch Jewish souls As far back as history reTillinger" were contained, he mumbled into the Presbyterian fold is to tine, "be they Jews or non-Jews, "will cords, royalty and the confused and unintelligible phrases, be blinded by missionary zeal to wealthier classes were exbe in every respect on a footing r>f declaring that the articles were the point of criminal credulity. perfect equality. They seek no share tensive purchasers Ot diauntrue. . ..-..: :.• , monds. Not only did the "We have not the least desire in ^government beyond that to which more or less elaborate disWhen asked about MB New York to protect our P r e s.b y t e T i a n they may be entitled undei? the conplay of these gems betoken friends against the villainous trial, he charged that-it-was all & the degree of wealth of their of their new missionary. Wd stitutions as citizens of the country. frame-up by atheists and Bolsheviki think it only right to let their They solicit no favors. They ask, in Owners, but their possession In times of adverse circumto ruin him because of his deep own experience cdnvinee them of short, no more -than an assured opstances always proved to be their folly. And -we doubt not portunity of- peacefully building up devotion to the Jewish faith. a sure asset with Which to that it will, for/ even-now, while ALL SIZES Dr. Silber then pointed out to him their-national home by their own exrecuperate ddpleted formulcting them of their good Brown trimmed heavy rubthat his trial had been conducted by tunes. • shekels, their missionary, we are ber sole Tennis Shoes a committee of the - Union of reliably informed, is planning to The Diamond always just the kind you have Orthodox Rabbis who represented go to Sbuth America and once and always can be easily HAKE off that heavy suit and step more attempt to cheat and •the very antithesis of Atheism and been looking for at 9 1 converted into ^ ready cash swindle some Jewish congregawherever you-are. Many are Bolshevism", "and informed Tillinger tion in the guise * and garb of into a fashionably correct N e b r a s k a per pair-— * AND the kings and nobles iii ye that he was not satisfied with his & rabbi. / olden days who, being comtropical worsted outfit at onlv defense, adding that he would con"In the meantime, the great pelled to flee from theif tinue his -expose of him. The stir that was caused by Tillingkingdoms and estates, seized will increase the beauty their gems and readily conexposure will appear in The' Jewish er'B exposure in New. York five ago ia now re-echoing in verted them into the curof your old jewels. Ledger for Friday, July 20, and is months New Orleans and the priestrency of the land in which Come in and see our prices ad follows: rabbi, how without a beard but they had found a haven of still in the garb of a minister, safety. "For some time past New is continuing to play his deceitIn our day one who wear* Est. 1S02 Orleans has had the distinction, Wonderful new style developments—don't ful and hypocritical rola with the one or two articles of diathough unbeknown to- the com1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 aid and under the protection of mond mounted jewelry premunity, of harboring the most a Presbyterian pastor." confuse them with past attempts at "cool sents a more prosperous Contemptible, the most despicable appearance. Many firms creature on God's earth. The clothes'*—-you must see them for yourself to and individuals have redamnable scroundel whose falBe ANTI-8EMITIC MURDER cently been saved from imtestimony sent an innocent man LIST IS FOUND fully realize their smartness. minent bankruptcy by beto prison and kept him-there alBY VIENNA POLICE ing able to convert their most a life-time, the- deceitful' diatnonds into cash when ir Vienna. (J. T. A.) Fourteen antiwretch who had swindled ChrisOTHER SMART TROPICAL WORA real Sandale made to would have meant great tians in the garb of a priest and Semites involved in a wholesale murgive good hard service, in B«sldence. 1848 So. «5th St. financial loss to sell out STEDS AS LOW AS $18.00—MAtCY Jews in the guiae of a rabbi fled der plot have been arrested as the reTcl< Atlantic 6687. their holdings In stocks and a brown Elk leather. from New York recently and sult of the discovery by the police of bonds at panic prices. Place of Business, 2323 Hnxney St. '•?•• RICHLY SILK LINED AT $35.00 came to New Orleans. Here he The steadily increasing valSizes 5 to 8 Xel. ATIantlc 3831. has been hob-toibbblttfTWith the a."murder list" prepared by a group ue of diamonds—due priPresbyterians, and a reputable of terrorists of Hakenkreuzler affiliaSizes 8M> to 11 £ marily to the rapid deplePALM BEACH SUITS Presbyterian minister, unbeliev- tions. The murder list contained the tion of the mines, makes Sizes l i y .98«* 2 to 2 able as it may seem, knowing' Extra Pants *t $ 4 names of a number of Jews and lib1 them ideal Investments tothe past of this miserable hyp- erals generally whom* the anti-Semites day, both from the standWe back the wear" of every - oerite, is working in his behalf.. points of financial profit and A Great Floor Here Devoted to These New Style pair and we mean and is aiding and encouraging planned to do away with. pleasure in the wearing of The^dlscovery of the.list-was made him- in his treacherous conduct. Ideas for a Man's Summer what we say. Writes all kinds of them. Comfort "The motive' behind .the Presby- as the result of police investigations Mall Orders Filled terian minister who, as an honor- of the slaying recently in a forest near VISIT OUR SHOPPE able and -intelligent man, can Vienna oi Konrad Karger'. have only the most abhorrent Karger and his assassin were both Ye . contempt for a.creature of that "Real Personal Service" members of the anti-Semitic National gort. but-who nevertheless fratDiamond Socialists. The murderer told the poernizes -with him, is no other, of ^course, -than the hope of catch- lice that Karger was a "traitor to the Phone OMASA. NEBT Shoppe Res.—Har. 3238. 724 W. O. W. Bid*. Sir some Jewish jtouU-through cause.'*, The Store That Honest Values Built ' S deceiver's ' instrumentality. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: Office—At. 8034. The terrorist band is said to num205-07-W North 16th Street S S e l f Is the dearest <*tflt Tha : unscrupulousness to ber seventy members, -
David Lloyd George Attacks Jew Baiters.
Insurance of all Kinds
Max Fromkin
' Omaha's Candidate for American Jewish Congress Convention at Washington, D. C
Cut Flowers
Kosher Market
DIAMONDS and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. Malashock Jewelry Co.
Unfrocked Rabbi Now In New Orleans
Hey Fellows Special $1.00
Laugh at Hot Days, Men!
Goldstein Jewelry Co.
AB. Kaiman
Barefoot Sandales
5—THE JEWISH PRESS* THURSDAY, JULY 19, 192S Mr. Edward Eosenthal left Friday {jr., who are spending the summer Miss Minnie London, of Fremont, for Chicago, El., and Dayton, O., to there. Nebr., is visiting with her grandbe gone for several weeks. mother, Mrs. Fannie London. A Mr. Mark Pollack, son of Mrs. number of affairs are being given for Mrs. Izadore Whitmark and .chil- Alexander Pollack, who has been on dren, who have been visiting here with a seven months' tour, around the the visitor. Mrs. Whitmark's father, Mr. Albert world, returned to his home in Mr. William Grodzinsky returned Cahir, are leaving this evening for Havana, Cuba. Mr. Pollack was Monday from a two week's trip to their home in New York City. formerly of this city. St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg left for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein and Minn. He' attended the S'nai B'rith New York City and other points east family are leaving Sunday to motor convention at Duluth. to be gone a mdnth. to Minnesota for their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun, accompanied by Mrs. Flora EosenMr. Sol Rosenblatt has as his The executive meeting of the stock, left last Saturday on a motor guest for the week-end Mr. Eichard of Minneapolis, Minn., and the Messrs. Mack, of Cincinnati, O., -who is Mr. Daughters of Zion Club was held trip to Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. ENGAGEMENTS Tuesday evening at the Jewish ComMr. and Mrs. S. Glazer announce'the: aul Arenson, Meyer Beber, Leon Nef- Eosenblatt's college friend at the Har- munity Center. Plans have been made Eosenstock is now visiting in Still?'tengagement of their daughter, Lillian sky, Duke. Nefsky, of Lincoln; Max vard University. Mr. Mack is a to give $500 by the Omaha organiza- water, Minn. "E., to Mr. Max L. Gavenman, son of Abramson, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Nor-nephew of the noted Federal Judge, tion to build a colony in Palestine. r Mrs. Selwyn Jacobs returned from Mr. and Mrs. S. Gavenman, of Lin- man Goldberg, of St. Paul, Minn., and Jess Julian Mack. Louis Eosenthal, of Norfolk, Nebr. Lake Minnewaska at Glenwood, Minn., coln, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Treller are Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hecht, of at Lake Minnetonka. Tuesday. Mr. Gavenman is a graduate of the Mr. and Mrs. M, Fogel have as their Omaha Central High School, the Ne-house guest their daughter, Mrs. Irv-Baltimore, Md., will be in Omaha Miss Eose Grodinsky has as her Miss Leona Pollac is entertaining Thursday and Friday while on their rbraska University, and the Creighton ing Cassman, of Chicago, HI. way to California. They are stopping at her home Friday , afternoon for house guest Miss Euth Turesky, of College of Pharmacy. Miss Lillian Mr. and Mrs. E. Kulakofsky and at the Fontenelle Hotel. Mrs. Hecht Miss Bernice Kully, who is leaving Detroit, Mich. A number of affairs Glazer is a graduate of the Omaha are being planned for the visitor, Technical High School. Mr. Gaven- amily left Wednesday for Lake Oko- was formerly Miss. Selma Hellman, of Sunday for New York City. man is also a member of the Phi boji to be gone until the middle of Omaha. Delta Chi Fraternity and the Meno- August. ." Mrs. Lester Heeger, of Sioux City, rah. The wedding "will take place some Mr. Mike Newburger, of Chicago, la., is spending the week with her HI., is now making his home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Grossman. time during August. YOUNG MEN—High School and University uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. She will leave for her home Sunday. Miss Sally Krupp, of Fremont, 1B Solomon. Mr. Newburger is connectMr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn are. in visiting here this week with her ed with the Brandeis Stores. students—wanted for pleasant, out-door work. California for the remainder of the cousin, Miss Bess Handler. summer. Mr. A. Somberg and son, Louis, and Apply in person to Mr. Schaefer, 3rd Floor, Mr. S. I. Eothenberg is convales- the Misses Sarah Eiseman and Sarah cing at the St. Joseph Hospital, where Brodkey motored to Elk Creek, Nebr., Mrs. B. Lustgarden and son, Avrun, he was operated on Monday. Tnesday morning. Mr. Somberg and are leaving Thursday for an extensive Lyric Bldg., 19th and Farnam Sts. son -will return during the week-end, stay at Colorado Springs and ManiMiss Mae Solson, who was visiting and the Misses Eiseman and Brodkey tou. They were accompanied by Mrs. Miss Jean Krupp at Fremont, left for "will remain for several weeks, visit- A. Markowitz and son, Paul, of Tulsa, her home in Bassett, Nebr. ing with Miss Eiseman's parents, Mr. Okla., who have been visiting at the Lustgarden home "for the past few Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Lowenstein and Mrs. Sam Eiseman, formerly of weeks. The Misses Dorothy and Ida left Monday for a two week motor Omaha. Lustgarden will leave in a few days to trip through Colorado and surroundjoin their mother. Mrs. Irving Marsh returned from ing parts in the west. Oscaloosa, la., where she visited with Mrs. Alexander Pollack returned Miss Esther Zalk was hostess to the Mr. and Mrs. J. Handler. Wednesday morning from an extendEa Oth Society Wednesday evening at ed visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. her home. Prizes were won by the Mr. Edwin Katskee returned thii Kinstler, at Wilmet, HI. week from Denver, Colo., where he atMisses Lottie Hirschberg, Esther Natended the medical summer school. than and Mrs. Max Fromkin. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Forbes have Miss Esther Saks left Sunday for as their house guest Mrs. Forbes' Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and sister,-Miss Eva Freedman, of Boston, family will motor from Norfolk, Nebr., Kansas City, Mo., to visit with Rabbi Mass. and Mrs. Herman M. Cohn. Sunday to visit with Mrs. E. Jacobs, mother of Mrs. Eobinson. Miss Fran- Miss Julia Wise and sister, Mrs. K Miss Esther Davidson and Miss Ida ces Eobinson will remain here indefi- A. Solomon, left Wednesday rnorning Adler returned Friday from a several nitely. for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they weeks' stay at Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hirschberg leave Dr. Barney Kuliy, Mr. Herman Knl will spend several weeks. They will Thursday noon for Estes Park, Denver stop off at Kansas City, Mo., for a ly and sisters, Bernice and Fanny Kul and Mamtou, to be gone for a month. ly, are leaving Sunday to motor to short stay on their return home. We Carry the Largest Special Attention to New York City. They will also stop Mrs.L. Kneeter returned fotn New The Auflebung club will hold its Stock Fresh Fish in the Weddings, Parties, and off at Atlantic City, Washington, ;D. York City, where she visited with her meeting Sunday afternoon, August 5, City. Picnics. C., and •will motor into Canada. They daughter, Miss .Minnie Krieeter. at the Hanscom Park. will be gone for about four weeks; Miss Ida Gfeenberg returned home Mr. Millard Langfeld returned SunMail Orders Promptly Free Delivery to all Sunday from Lincoln, Nebr., where day from .California, where he has ' Mr. Henry EosenStein had as his Taken Care Of. Parts of City. house' guest during the week-end bis she spent the past week'with Miss been spending the past several weeks Fannie Hill. Miss Hill accompanied with Mrs. Langfeld and son, Millard, rollege friend, Mr. Harold Frost. Miss Greenberg to r Omaha and will be Messrs. Robert H. Kooper, Jack Ma- her house guest for the -week.-' rerand William Levey leave tomorrow morning for a motor trip to Indian- Mr. Mose Saltzman, of Cleveland, apolis, Ind. They will also stop off O., visited during the week with his 1201-03 North 24th St. Phone, Webster 6338 at Des Moines, la., Chicago, 111., Cin-brother, Mr. Sam Saltzman, and Mrs. ' ~ cinnati, O., and other places. They Saltzman. AiSTOLLER—S. NITZ, Props. will be gone for about three weeks. Painting, Papering, and Mr. and Mrs. Eeuben Brown left Decorating done under my Miss Goldie Marcus is spending her Wednesday morning for Clearlake, la., •personal supervision. vacation in fchicago, HI., and Cleve- to spend their vacation. ^ Hardwood Specialty land, O., with relatives. Miss Dorothy Pickus, of Sioux ''All Work Guaranteed Miss Gertrude Wintr^ub and Miss City, la., is visiting here with Miss 1521 North 19th Street. Ann Hurwitz returned from Columbus, Gladys Meyer. Miss Pickus is being Nebr., where they visited with, friends extensively entertained during her Phone, Webster 1087. after a short stay at Fullerton, Nebr., visit. where they gave a dance performance.
Kosher Pleats Our Specialty
We have at all times a complete display of Fresh and Smoked Kosher Meats.
The People's Market
W.W, Grade Painting Contractor
The. Misses Genevieve Idfson and Esther Scheinbaum, of Minneapolis, Minn., are visiting here during the week with the Misses Baylia Freiden and Esther Brown.
Auto Service & Welding Works 929-31 N. 24th St.
At-lantic 8884.
Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn left Wednesday for an extended visit to California, expecting to be gone for about five weeks. During the Eabbi's absence Eabbi Jacob Singer, of Lincoln, Nebr., -will* serve anyone on important matters. Miss Eosalie Director, of Vancouver, Canada, is visiting here with her aunt, Mrs. B. Schwartz. Miss Flora and Euth Berek, of Fremont, Nebr., are visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. M. Oberman,
310 No. 16th St.
AT BRANDEIS GRILL Monday, July 23, 1923 7:30 p. m. Pianist—Ralph Mason Hix Violinist—Fanny Fish Vocalist—"Duke" Levinson —Punch Served— Admission, $1.00.
Omaha Hebrew Club
PEONY PARK 78th St. & West Dodge Road (Lincoln Highway)
SUNDAY, JULY 29th, 1923 Dancing Afternoon and Evening Baby Contest—Races CKEVOLET CAR WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FREE Take Bus at 49th andDodge St.
A rich red refreshment with a luscious grape flavor—not unliKe a sweet red wine—a sparKling, cooling beverage. At all fountains or b y the case from your grocer.
Nathan Duke" Levinson
Mr. B. Simon left last week for an extended visit to Colorado and Cali- uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiim fornia. Mrs. H. G. Fleishman entertained Saturday afternoon at bridge luncheon for twenty guests in honor of Mrs. Ben Taxman, and Miss Euth Taxr man, of Kansas City, Mo.
"Duke" Levinson vras Captain of Tech High's Basketball team in 1919 and was one of the leading players for the Y. M. H. A, teams. His father died and "Duke" had to leave school and earn a living. For four years he has been working as a Waiter. His voice has been passed upon by experts and all agree his tenor tones have wonderful qualities but must be sent East to study. This concert is given to raise money to send him East at once. IT SHOULD BE TOUR DUTY TO ATTEND THIS CONCERT.
Mrs. Henry Jacobsen left Saturday for an extended trip to the East, visiting with relatives and friends.
Miss Ida Cahn As visiting with relatives and friends in Sioux City, la. She will be gone for several weeks.
Benefit Concert
- 1
One repair shop whose work never has to be done over—whose prices do not flatten your pocket-book.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green and Bon, Arthur, left Monday morning,oa a motor trip to the east. .
among them "will be a dance' at the Rosenstoc&s sister, Miss Hortense Omaha Athletic Eoof Thursday eve- Eosenstock. ning, when Mesdames Henry Monsky, Mr. Harry A. Wolf, Mr. Carl C. Michael Katleman, and Miss Eose Katleman, and Mr. Harry Kulakofsky Grodinsky will be the hostesses. A supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs.aTe leaving Sunday for an extensive Monsky will follow. motor trip through the east. They Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eosenstock are will go to Atlantic City, where Mr. entertaining at a party of twenty Wolf will join Mrs. Wolf and son, guests at the Athletic Club Eoof Justin, who are spending the cummer Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. there.
Tel, JAckaon 5062
Have Taken Charge of The Wholesale arid Retail Business of Shalker Packing Company.
Wholesale Prices for Parties, Weddings, or Picnics.
10c per bottle
5c per glass
Shalker Packing Company of Leavenworth, Kansas, 'will give a Special-Price for its Retail Trade.
Fresh Salami.... ; 35c lb. Thick Bologna .-. 30c lb. Weiners ^ 30c lb. , All Pastromi, Smoked Meat and Tongues at Special Price.
Over one hundred guests attended the Second Annual Summer Dance of the Zeta Beta Tan Fraternity of Omaha Monday evening at Peony Park. Fourteen out-of-town guests were 1 = among those who attended; they were I the Misses Bernice Diamond, of Lincoln, Nebr.; Nettie-Swartz, .of Lea- ZiM Meats Guaranteed to be Kosher venworth, Kas.; Carolyn Rosenthal, of I Norfolk; Sails Krupp, of Fremont; I by Rabbi M. Braud§ of St. Joe, Mo. Tiby Lazarus, of Des Mojnes, la.; Esther Scheinbaum, Genevieve Lifson, ^IlfllllllUflllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllillilBIlfiillliiilllllllllllEillliliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP^
Mixed with fresh fruits, ft makes a delightful punch for lawn parties, picnics and other summer entertainments—may be used also to give flavor to frozen, ices and pudding sauces.
Paxton & Gallagher Co. WhotmmOm DUtrihmtorm
Omaha, Nebr.
- ;\ C
Siegelman and Wolf Rosenfeld are due our inclination so that i t mayket arimtool that is unequaled for WARSAW HOOLIGANS. . f! of rest; that he is perhaps" the most submit itself unto Him, and to let usthe service it will give the car, garamong the more seriously wounded. "SHOUT "DEATH prayerful person "in the world; that he obtain this day and every day grace, SEVERELY CRITICIZES PUBTO JEWS," WOUND TWO Panic caused by the disturbance accomplishes practically every' act favor and mercy in". Thine eyes and inage or tire shop owner. with a fixed ritual;'-that' almost e r « y the eyes of., all' who behold us; and ••• The.Pacificrimtool is made entireWarsaw. (J. ' T. 'A:) "Shouting among Jewish shop keepers and passLISHERS OF WORLD'S WORK' hour of the d a y has its religions .ob- bestow lovingi kindness upon u'g." ly of steel, is practically unbreakable "Death to Jews," a gang, of hooligans ersby continued until one o'clock in servances; that he is in almost con- . Do you believe«m;your heart that and will .handle "any~ size or type of invaded the Jewish quarter late Sat- the morning. In addition to the disTJouis Marshall Roundly Denounces Doubleday, Page tinuous communion with the Ala people which; for more than twenty 1 mighty;" that he' observes the Jewish centuries has addressed these prayers split "rim. I t operates on the screw urday night, attacking Jews on turbers of the peace several Jews are & Co. for iVnti-Seraitic Publications.' . dietary laws and that in the sjaughterr t o t h e God of the universe, are enter- jack principle, and has two adjust- Krochmalna and Gnojna streets. Jojne being held. irig of cattle for consumption hejike-r taining an un-American creed? Is itable legs which make it easy to' apply wise observes an ancient tradition not possible that those who, like you, power "where most needed when conwhich prohibits him' from eating are seeking to disseminate the poison tracting or expanding rims. circulars .and advertisements issued Louis-.-Marshal of New York City, one of the leading citizens of this by your firm relating to a series of ar- blood; that he reads newspapers of hatred, suspicion and animosity . It is simple, in construction and, due country, has taken to task the great written by Mr. Burton J. Hendrick and printed in Hebrew, characters, and tmay advance civilization by assimilatpublishing;hoiise of Douoleday,. Page; tides published in the World's Work, that on religious holidays his chil- ing some of the ideals with which to the special hooks, the rim does & Co., of New York, for #te persistent; entitled "The Jews in America" which; dren absent themselves from school these prayers are infused? .Do younot have to be collapsed as much as manner in.- which that internajtional as I tried* to show," contained covert in order to observe the tenets of really doubt that men and women en- other .types ofrimtools, to change ' / ' ' -' dowed with such ideals are as capable iinn of. publishers is encoaragjnjjthe charges against the Jews which Tvera their faith. Conceding the charges to be true, of being absorbed into the American the tire easily. campaign, of ' anti-Semitsm 'in, this absolutely false and certain to prove country,, both. by .the. publicaftion': of mischievous, the only * answer which I laid down, in the Old Testament and Commonwealth a s are those who re-, Persons interested are requested to books arid through the medium of- have thus far been able to extract in-the Talmud and in their' sacred gard such prayers with contempt? Do call or phone the Omaha Welding World's Work," a monthly magaEihe from you has been a statement tha,t literature, that they regard the'r re- you believe that the fact that you ad-company for information in regard to of wide circulation .owned and circu- J you do not feel competent to discags ligion as a part of their lives, and mit yourself to be incompetent to dis-this tobL Phone Jackson 4397. lated by them. :Mr. Marshall's com- the subject and that if you attempted that they are in constant eomimmioji cuss this subject can he looked upon to do so "we would get no.where." My with their Creator, is i t becoming, in by any honest. or enlightened man munications follow:. r v letters were couched in courteous those who have always regarded the even as a palliation for the criminal Editor Jewish-Press:—' Hbel to which you have given circula- Subscribe for "The Jewish Press." terms. They to prove* to you, Puritans as the backbone of thelA Sir: You may perhaps he interested as> they would sought tion, and with the high purpose that, ican; Commonwealth and as the. i to any fair-minded man, in tha enclosed letter. If so, you. are how unwarranted your insinuations and the women wlio have imparted regardless of consequences, you may authorized -to -publish • it. -It. is -the were, and to demonstrate the injustice to i t high ideals and noble concepts, be enabled to. put money in your "Let" Us Moye^ You" fourth of a. series.of letters which I inflicted upon a large body of Indus- to cast obloquy upon the Orthodox Jew pjirse? We can pray even for such as standard automobile have written, to Doubleday^ Page! & trious and' conscientious men and for evincing the very spirit which you. May the Almighty in His great r Co., regarding Heridrick's: book "The •women who were maliciously or ignpr- made the Puritan so ppwerful^an jrif mercy-forgive ^ you! Yours truly, sellinffat Jews in .Ameriqa," while "the articles antlv maliemed.Operated'by (Signed) LOUIS MARSHALL. i ; • • ' strument-in. the shaninc of the Amerwere lid" co'u'rse of publication'in The antly maligned.' Touring car $530 at Omaha. Instead of being deterred from con- ican Commonwealth.? If this creed of R. N. Doubleday, Esq., President, Dou"World's Work. 'This letter is.provoked tinuing your objectionable methods of the Orthodox 'Jew is un-American, bleday. Page & Co., Garden City, by the "blurb*? published'-by .DoubleNew York. our estimate of Jthose ATlantic 0230 JAckson 4338 day, Page & Co/ It may possibly do advertising, these articles,- you • have us to revise ' ---xl -J in the---•*past —we*-— have_regarded some good. At all events I think; it just published them in book form, and whom may tend to awaken the spirit, of pride to aggravate the offense against good then it will become, necessary for all of 14th and Jackson Sts. New Rim Tool Is hiprovemeiit in Jews who are ordinarily indifferent the book is sold, referring to the Pol* as the models of good citizenship. But there is a" further count in the • to their religious heritage."' Cordially taste and decency the jacket in which, ish Jews of this country.-contains thi3 indictment framed by Mr." Hendrick, yours, T '"" •' Louis Marshall. query:''fWith their un-American creed, one to which I,have referred in oneOmaha Welding Company Has Placed . New ^York, June 27,_1923: ";•:;' ; WHOLESALE will they ever be absorbed into-the of my previous letters to you. SpeakPacific Rim Tool on Market. • Mr.: Marshall to Doubleday, Page American commonwealth ?"-r ing of the Orthodox Jew, he says: "He Druggists and Stationers 1 This interrogation emanates from treats his womankind in a way* that The Omaha Welding company, 1501 . " 4O1-40IS-4O3 South 10th Street' June 23,1923. the publisher. It is intended to bait suggests his Asiatic origin.-- 'Thank Dear Sir: Although my letters ad- the hook with which to catch gud- God, I am not a Goy,' is the.prayer of Jackson street, is placing on the mardressed to you on January 26th, Feb- geons. .It is Lago-like in its sinfulness thanksgiving with which he begins his ruary 8th-and February 21st, 1923,and in its purpose to inspire the feel- day." With a pretense of learning called your attention to a number of ing of hatre'd among thdse who harken which he does not possess, in a footnote this pundit informs us that the to your-words. • word "Goy" is Hebrew for non-Jew FREDftSIAW FlowMShop you mean when you refer and that it is translated as "gentile," g , to their."uh-American creed"? How "stranger," Phone 104 Certified Public Accountants i f long is it that;'under our form" of gov- "Christian." or—in a free sense— The Best ol Everything in Flowers and Audits Systems What Mr. Hendrick ernment, one citizen may hold up toseeks to insinuate is that the OrthoConfections at Moderate Prices. Investigations contumely the creed of another, or dox Jew is a brute toward womankind S45 W. Broadway. Kext Libert? Theater 434 to 440 Peters Trust BIdg. question his liberty of conscience or and that he has a hatred of ChrisCOUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Phones, Jackson 4313, 4314. TQANDRRQM the free exercise and enjoyment-of re- tians. ligious profession^and worship? I ALL PARTS OF Let me demonstrate-to you, or to have'carefully read the; book to as-any other fair-minded person^ yfhat a certain what there is -in th.e'creed of venomous THE WORLD ' and wilful misrepresentaC&rpenter Paper Co. the Polish Jew that is un-American, tion this is. The Daily PrayefJBook Distributors of and Ifind that it is that the Orthodox VAL J. PETER COMPANY Orthodox Jew, of -which Mr. i l Jew of Eastern Europe "regards Sat- of-the r'ffi\lir i\Br i 1 h Western Bond—and High Hendrick was aware when he pub1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. urday as his Sabbath,-while American J H s h e d M sa r t i d g h o w g b e y o n d - t h e Grade Stationery • J L v ^ l ^ 1 JLAL X ILIJUJLIJLJ ATlantic 0340. industry recognizes Sunday as the day p o s s i b i l i t y o f misconception how the Omaha. Nebraska. 'One of America's Great Hotels" Orthodox Jew begins his day. At the beginning of the morning service which he recites, he'reads the following excerpt from, the Talmud:."These WASH AND KEEP WELL are the things, the fruits of which man ATlantic 1547 1310 Jackson St. ATlantic 1547 A RULE OF HEALTH this,world, while the stock remains for him for the world to Every Known Kind FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY come; viz., honoring father and mother, .the practice of charity, ^timely atof Insurance 1818 California Street. tendance at.the house of study mornWHOLESALE PAPER, 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA7 3944. ing and evening, "hospitality-to waySTATIONERY, ETC. farers, visiting the sicky dowering the bride, attending the dead to the grave, Distributors for devotion to prayer, and making peace Pink Tip Matches — between man and his'fellows; but the LET US DO YOUR WELDING EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE study of the Law is equal to them Northern Toilet Tissue LAUNDRY. all." This. is ; followed by .the so-called TFbere your clothes conw home 1112 Harney Street blessings which are recited by the decleaner and last longer. vout .Orthodox t Jew; -The" first of ATlantic 6409 ATlantic 02S0. 1507-11 Jackson St. them, which has been deliberately Tel. JA.4397. Anything H. A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. misstated, reads: "Blessed art'thou, O, Lord our.God, King of thejmiverse, who hast not made "me a* heathen." Omaha Office: SIS Donglas Street. :. The original Hebrew does not conOmaha rhonr Atlantic 5556 : tain the word "Goy," It speaks of Temptation -Besets You' Ford Transfer & Storage Co. the "Nochri"—the accurate translaCOUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. When You Enter R. A. FORD. tion of which is a heathen." So long 5.0 HIGH ^RADE discontinued President nnd General Manager. as. our Christian friends maintain their Service is Our Motto Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office CANDIES.\', ICE CREAM, Styles and slightly used phonoforeign missions for the purpose of 700 So. Main Street. Thone 8G5. Safe Deposit Boxes lor Rent. converting the heathen to their faith, LUNCHES. graphs of nearly every make I do not assume that they would find must be sold this week regardfault with one who- thanks God that he has not been made a.heathen. less of profit, as we need the" The next subject of thanks is that room. Every one is guaran16th and Farnam Streets he who offers the prayer has not been OUR TREATMENT WILL teed to be in first class condiCONVINCE YOU OP OCR made a bondman, and the Orthodox BUTTER and EGGS SINCERITY. man then gives thanks that he has Crystal Candy Company .. tion. We have them in nearly Trust Department. not, been made a woman, while the Council Bluffs, la. i6th and Capitol Ave. / . • Safety Deposit Boxes. all finishes and sizes forcONE Jewish woman gives thanks that she has been made according to the will of DOLLAR down and; c few God. Those who understand the Jewish point of view.cannot fail to aprecords you select and pay for, ITEN preciate that the prayer of the man your choice will be sent'to your is based upon the-idea that he has BISCUIT CO. imposed upon him the obligation to Made by home. _3 perform various.religious duties, and "Manufactured in Omaha" UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Snow White he gives thanks because he has been FOOD CO. accorded the privilege of performing Bakeries BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Do not overlook this oppor- This Large Cabinet OMAHA. NEBRASKA. . D. 8 . Vat. those duties. It is quite possible that Offlrr.) there are those w,ho dp not regard the Orola Phonograph tunity, we can save you from performance' of a religious duty, or J even a civic duty, as a sacred obliga25 to 50 per cent. The Orthodox Jew does not City National Bank j; tion.: FOSTER-BARKER share that point of view. Par from of COtTNCIIj BLDFPS ~ treating - womankind as - "inferior to CO. INSURANCE Lowest prices eoer offered on • We "pay'4% Interest "on. Saving man, the Jewess has in Orthoddx families always" occupied the post of honor. and Time Deposits. "If Its Worth Anything v Standard Pkonographs Nobody can read the Old Testament JAckson 1862 Safe Deposit Boxes for Item. —Have It Insured." without being.. impressed with the New Harmony . . . . . . . . . . Mahogany . . . § 1 2 . 0 0 i thought that Sarah, Rebecca. Rachel, Victrola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O a k . . . . . . . . . 2 0 . 0 0 | Leah, Miriam, glannahj Esther1: and Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mahogany . . . . 2 1 . 0 0 Ruth were regarded as on an equality ADVO COFFEE Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . Mahogany . . . 2 6 . 0 0 I with the patriarchs and" the sons of I Israel. So distinguished an AngloVictor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Mahogany ........ 3 2 . 0 0 ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS Saxon as^ Sir Thomas Bradbury ,a few Wholesale Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walnut . . . . . . 3 5 . 0 0 " days ago. declare'd in the House of. Fruit and Vegetables Columbia -'................. .Walnut . . . . . . 4 4 . 0 0 Commons that.he.had always regardSchmoller & Mueller....... .Walnut . . . . . . 4 8 . 0 0 ed women as tiie inferior of man. I N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. repeat that this is not the Jewish conColumbia Oak . . « . . 52.00 cept. •.'•••• ...•• .. ;•• .-.. ' -•••.. - • . Columbia . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M a h o g a n y . . . . 6 8 . 0 0 " Let me pursue xny. statement, as to Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Walnut 72.00 th£. contents of > the. morning prayer Feather Mattresses Schmoller & Mueller....; Oak . . . . . 7 8.00 which you would: haveyour" readers Emerson Laundry Made from your own fratliers. Worm regard a? an un-American creet}. The Schmoller & Mueller. .-.".•«.. .Oak . . . . . 9 0 .00 -in winter; cool in summer. Cbst'lesss' F. 8. MO BE?. Prop. nnd lnst longer thnn cotton. I'hone us prayer of thanks-continues by TilessSchmoller & Mueller....... ..Walnut ..,,_._.. 9S.O0 UNDERTAKERS for samples of Hckinjr nnd pstfmnles. ing God for opening the eyes of the Phone Webster 0820 -. blind, for clothing the naked, for loos.2224 Cuming St. OMAHA PILLOW CO., THE LAUNDRY THAT r MAIL THIS COUPON 0-B ing them that are bound, for raising Phone JAckson 1226 EVERYBODY LIKES. 1907 Cumlnc St. Phone .1A cknon 2407 i up them that are bowed down* for These bargains will Name spreading forth the earth above the not last long. This is waters; for supplying every want, for I Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . making firm the steps of man, for AUTO PAINTING i:: your chance to own a I Tear out the phonograph list, girding Israel with might and crownS t . •••:•'• Tel. J A c k g o n 812B make a check, mark after the Top and Body Building ing him with-glory, for giving JoZ Pepper. Vtee-Prertdent. . ::: I OK N o . ICtb' 1 high-grade p h o n o OppoHltr P o s t - O R i r c . phonograph you are interested in ::: W. Q. Ure. Secretary. and Repairing. . strength to the weary; and for removJOOD SHOES for Men and Boys ing sleep from the eyes and slumber I and mail at once. I t will save graph at a low price. CCRTAIXS—LIGHTS—ETC. -III >• From S3.»»0'to $9.00. ; | Omaha Fixture & from the eye-Hds of man. The Alyou money. GOOD FURNISHINGS. mighty is then invoked: "Make us all PFEIFFER Supply Co. familiar with Thy Law and make us I.oavrnwnrth St. AT lantic 0701 fjf all cleave to Thy commandments." He COMPLETE STORE AND ::: is then importuned "to lead u$ not OFFICE OUTFITTERS . :.: into the p o w of sin, or of transPAXTON BILLIARD - We occupy gression or iniquity, or of temptation, tnrtr TO.000 aquan feat PAKLOR Wall Receptacles— or if soorn; to let not the evil incli0ootliir«rt Corner nation have sway over us, to keep us Light—WIRING—Power NTCK S. WRANJO. Proprietor ISfevrnth and On us Inn Klreets. far from a bad man and a b*d comphonei .fnrhmin S724 •—Bell Transformers panion, ISIS I'nlnam Strept, to make us cleave to the good -- i. OMAHA- NKIJ. Phone JA rkmn «|S«. WAInut 3034i 40 & CnminR Sts. inclination and £ood works, to subRefinite Soft Waters t
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