August 16, 1923

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* know 'what you say.



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VOL IL--1-N0

na-eUsi mall matter on Jtnnirj 27th. 1921. at Omaia. Nebrmeka, onder the Act of March 3,



LONDON COUNCIL ' ' SAYS JEWS FORCE RESPECTS THE ! FtodtpEedace Loral B'nai B'rith ANTISEMITIC POISON FORD AGAIN BREAKS * JEWISH SABBATH INTO HIS SOUL Popularity Contest Piciic to b Held a Influx af Jews to LOOSE AT JEWS BY E. G. PIPP Started With a Bang the IMitedi States

London. (J. T. A. Correspondence.) London. (J. T.'A.)—James Douglas, —Stepney Borough Council on Moneditor of the "Sunday Express", asday night amended their by-laws, so serts in today's issue of his paper Henry. Ford again broke loose institutions in Detroit that have that "although all Jews and Jewry that when a special, meeting is.conagainst the Jews. vened upon requisition, i t should not frown from small beginnings, that will unite in forcing the anti-Semitic Any Jewish Girl in Nebraska or be convened or, held within the period. Count Lubenski Says Govern- Charles W. Wood, in an interview have been built "up through close at- poison into my soul, I .shall never be- Members Will Receive Free A*t< ment Will Divide the mission Tickets To The of the Jewish Sabbath or during any in Collier's Weekly, says he tried to tention to business, through practic- come an anti-Semite. Happily the Iowa Eligible to Enter. Polish Quota. '•' ' • side-step -the -Jewish question entire- ing rigid economy, through real Jews are not united; there are also Jewish holydayor ~ on any Sunday, Park. ly in interviewing: Ford, but that it service to the .public, about which Mr. anti-Zionist Jews. Are they, too, TWENTY-ONE GIRLS AL- Christmas Day, Good Friday x>r Bank Holiday, and accordingly as the sta-WILL SEND MORE NON- can't be" done. Ford prates so.much, as though he anti-Semites? I can be an anti- TO HAVE EXCLUSIVE READY ENTERED IN JEWS OF "A,HIGH tutory meeting' of t h e Council for had a monopoly of i t . ; Zionist without being an antiWood interviewed Ford from two OF KRUG PARK PICNIC CONTEST. TYPE" the election * of Mayor on Friday, to three hours a day for several days The Jewish firm that helps the new- Semite," he writes. • GROUNDS. November 9th, would in the ordinary Mr. Douglas who favors an : The B'nai B'rith popularity contest way be, held, at an hour when the New. York.—That the Polish, gov- and Ford's slurs at the Jews were ly married couple furnish their home for the most popular Jewish girl is Jewish Sabbath had commenced,. it ernment will take steps to enforce sprinkled throughout the entire talk. and gives them time in which to pay amendment of the Shechita law de- The local lodge of the B'nai B'r>c>, causing much enthusiasm among the was decided that it should be held rigid regulations to prevent the At times Ford lets up on his is.rendering as great a public service clares it possible that Shechita is will hold i t s annual picnic Sunday *.<; haranguing again^tthe Jews, but not as the man who sells cars and de-more humane in 1923 than in 1906 Krug Park. All the members younger Jewish set and among the two hours before that time. ' heavy exodus of Jews of that coun- for long. He .always comes back to mands cash for them or sends them when he first opposed it. "If so, I their friends will be the guests of thf various organizations that have entr, was the assertion made by it, and anyone whofhas had to listen out with a sight draft and bill of shall say so; If not, opposition to' i o c a i lodge. The girls' auxiliary -of thr tered candidates in the contest. TwenJount Thade Lubenski,'president of to Ford for any number-of days can lading attachede. Shechita does not make me an anti- B'nai B'rith will be special guests «f ty-one girls are already entered in the the Polish Catholic People's Party, readily understand •Mr. -Wood's pre- And the world is full of kindly, Semite." . . . -. the local lodg-e, according to the comcontest. Any-Jewish girl in the states prior to returning to Poland. after dicament in trying to get away from generous acts o». part of Jewish mermittee in charge. of Nebraska and Iowa is eligible to his, visit-in Washington .as delegate the subject. ' . chants. ~ Just be square -with them Tickets for jthe affair have enter the contest. of the Polish Minister of Foreign Af- Ford has not let bis cam-,and they will do anything. for you. sent to all B'naii B'rith members, AV. The picking of the most popular fairs to study living conditions of paign against the Jews since he dis- There is the • case cf the Kansas members who nave not received fhft girl -will be held a t the B'nai B'rith Poles who have settled l e r e . tickets can-get same at the gate &•' continued the articles in the DearCity Jew ,who had sold: furniture to carnival Sunday, November 11, a t the Jews Assailed and Defended at. In' the opinion of Lubenski, too Krug Park Sunday, from members «vf born Independent in January of last -workers on contract. A flood came v Municipal Auditoriunu Many feature many Jews are coming,-in propor- year. He has" had "a man" translat- along and'wiped, out the contents of Conference—Asks Removal of the committee. Tickets can also "hf-events .are"being planned for this tion to the entire emigration'from ing the Talmud, lias ^persisted in ped- many a home. - No matter how much secured from Harry Silverman, Sam . • Samuel. and. Bentwich. ;• event, which will also be the fortieth Poland. This, in his opinion, is-due dling his books made up of reprints or how little • had been paid on theDr. Cyrus Adler of J. W. B., Takes Up Beber and Fred White. anniversary celebration of the local Question of Russian Parents. The lodge has secured the use of thr. ASKS REMOVAL OF JEWS WHO to "a lack of co-operation between of the numerous jaxticles from his contract, he had-them all come in lodge of the B'nai B'rith. the -steamship companies and. thepaper, all being slasoers of a race of and get new furniture at his exprivate picnic grounds of Krug ParkNOW HOLD OFFICES. Any girl -wishing to enter the conSOLDIERS MADE PARENTS Polish government." Spedal stunts and games -will be b?M pense* and charged them not for new, people. • test can do so by calling Sam Beber, THEIR BENEFICIARIES in these grounds, according to Harry The promise was made by him, in London.. {J. T. A.)—The position of talking to a representative of an anti- Wood even suggested to Ford that but let it.take place of the old. 529 First" National Bank building, or Ford says in his interview that the New York. (J. T. A.) Although Silverman and Sam Beber, mcmferfNathan E. Green, 482 Brandeis The- the Jew in England was both defend- immigrationist New York publication, Ford-use other terms in referring to Jews,-and Ford did a bit, but alway to get on good terms with na- small fortunes in the form of insur- in charge of this event. Suitable ed and assailed a t t h eannual confer- -which favors closing the doors to nonater building. ways came back to his old exprestions is. to study, and learn about ance bequests left by their sons is prizes vrill be given to the winners o* There will be two prizes awarded to ence of t h e ^""Constitutional Move- .Nordic peoples, that from now on the sions. . them. . awaiting them, the parents of several; t h e s e c o n t e s t s - . The members the two girls having the largest num- ment" which met here last week. quota of Polish immigrants will be The attack on the Jews in Collier's, If instead of sitting in his office hundred American Jewish soldiers who i bring their picnic baskets for the allThe conference adopted a proposal more evenly divided between Jews and ber of votes. The girl who ranks first printing Ford's statement, is as base and snarling about Jews, instead of lost their lives in the "war are unable day outing. will be given a round-trip ticket to sponsored by one of its delegates, non-Jews. .. • • ,' • reductions in ,all- ,, •&> : a libel as any Ferd has yet printed. sending' Jew-baiters out to t r y toto obtain a cent of it, and many are Special California orbits equivalent, while the Captain Wilson, 'which called upon the The Polish government, Lubenski girl who receives the second largest Parliament to pass a law barring all declared, is particularly - desirous of -• Ford states that Jewish financiers dig up things against them, he hadfacing starvation on account of the « ^ has b - " secured for the B: members and their number,of votes will be given a free those who were not British *or a t sending "a high type" of farmer here. are not .constructive; he pictures tried to learn'.the' good and not tried residence of the beneacianes in Rus-B'rith Members will be admitted into ihr them as waitings until institutions are to magnify the bad, he would Jiave round-trip ticket to , Chicago or itsleast three generations back from .Virtually all Poles from', the" agrisia. 1 also holding public office in England, cultural regions are Gentile, Lubenski ready to c cay and then getting into found fhat like other humans, there George G. Cohen, representative equivalent. ..-•"•• lin the ballroom free. • ;i • are good Jews and bad Jews, that the the Jewish Welfare Board in Wash-i -following are the standings ef whether in the state or mtinicipality. further volunteered. Lubenski stated them. the girls who have entered the con- In speaking of his proposal, Wilson that Secretary of Labor Davis is now He would have you believe they are good predominates; that for charity ington, explained that several hundred they equal any people in the world. of these American soldiers had named test: .'.-.' •'•.-••• . ; declared that as regards the Jews, studying; the Polish • immigration the vultures of the f human race. OF KANTON, OHIO. Ula Albert ^._.._._~ Think of the business institutions There are names in. Detroit, .names a s beneficiaries their parents living) votes they were always "aliens"' and should problems. TO SPEAK HERE never be permitted to hold office. Lubenski volunteered no informa- right here in Detroit, or in any other among the Jews that stand for suc-in Russia, but the Veterans' Bureau Celia Braude . -~ cess, and- Ford libels. the xace - when is nnsble-'to psy #tese-clsiins because RabM I. M- Charlop, of _300 This statement of Wilson was attack- tien>-as'to -whether the"Polish gov- -city- in the Berdie Berger ~ ~ ~ fe o "KanteHu -3D0~ ed T>y other delegates, who -declared ernment, as-a means of-reducing the realize how false Ford's charge is. he pictures them as digging only into the seal of an American consul must Ohio, a guest in OmaTia He .will s be affixed to..the demand for money a few days this week. H -300 that .the Jews/were as good British exodus of Jews, would strive to sup-» There are scores upon scores of that.which is decaying.; Clara Feldman from a foreign country and there are at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, *St>. ..100 subjects as those of any of the other press the activities of Polish JewRose Fine — .._-_T—_ and Chicago Sts., Friday evening, no American consuls in Russia. elements of the population. Gertrude Fogelson, Lincoln 600 baiters and pogrom-agitators, who August 17, at eight o'clock and slsr "We ought to make an immediate Dora Forman , ;—. have been persecuting Jews for "the Asks Removal of Samuel and on Saturday morning at ten o'clont. effort to remedy this situation," Dr. -800 Mary Mosco,e . past three years. Bentwich.' ' Cyrus Adler, chairman of the organ- Rabbi Charlop is well known amonc -100 Lottie Giventer __ Lubenski's assertion regarding London. (J.T..A.)—A proposal to ization's Army and Navy Committee, the young Rabbis as a great scholar _300 Sate Goldstein — Jewish immigration is remarkably : Israel ZangrriH, Noted Author, to cut the Colonial Office appropriations declared. "One suggestion that comes and inliuental speaker. Everyone JR Rose Lazarus — First Jewish Affair Given -at Roof like that of Congressman Cable of Address Big Mass Meeting, for the Middle Eastern countries, into my mind is for a number of par- cordially ' invited to attend b o a -400 Minnie Levy .___ Garden. Lima, one of the members of the cluding Palestine, was defeated in the ents in one city to send a represent- lectures. _100 Ida Minkin _ anti-immigration clique in Congress. Boston, Mass., Aug. 15. CJT. A.) House of Commons today by a vote ative to an American consul at Riga _100 Esther Ontman — Sioux City, la.—The Maccabaean Cable declared, in an interview with —Elaborate preparations are already of 297 against 186. or some nearby city in Poland or Lat- 819 POGROMS ON JEWS _200 Anne Rabinovitz -_ Chapter of Young Judaea will give a New York Timea representative IN RUSSIA, EXHIBIT SHOWS being made for the new session of Speaking on the motion, Captain via and have the papers authenticated. Rose. Schiffer —.. some weeks ago, while inspecting a dance and card party, Monday eve- the American' Jewish Congress which Another suggestion which may be Moscow. (J. T. A.) Jews were ths Foxcraft proposed that the Palestine Anne Stain .._— ..100 ning August 20th a t the Roof Garwill be held-here October 14. High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Sam- the first day's rush at Ellis Island, den. more practicable is that we ask the victims of 819 pogroms in Russia sin.-*: Anne Selicow that too many Jews are coming to the war, according to the tabulation uel, be supplanted" "by an ordinary Margaret Riekes "As this is the first time any Jew- The decision of the Congress Ad- Joint Distribution Committee, which of the "Yidgescom," or All-Russian ] the United States. Englishman without Zionist f ads. ministrative Committee to hold a is represented in Russia by Dr. Bo-200 . Marian Fried „..._ ish organization has'held any Social s e s o n Foxcroft also urged that the British function-at the Roof Garden, we f ™ Boston^ is; being received gen, to co-operate. Perhaps Dr. Bo-Jewish Relief Committee, which if; government give the Arabs control of JEWS LOOK DOWN gen could secure the necessary papers staging an exhibit in Moscow of Its have spared no expense to make this with much enthusiasm here. immigration in-Palestine. ON BASEBilX AS the finest dance ever given by any The large mass meeting a t which and have them authenticated by the activities. "Sir Herbert Samuel," said FoxJewish organization at any time, in Mr. Israel Zangwill will speak will nearest American consul. This is a j The figures are published as p&n QUESTIONABLE croft, "is an able man, but as a. Zionthis city," said Lawrence Baron, sec- be held a t Symphony Hall, Hunting- very serious question and it must be of the exhibit showing the organic*ist is attempting "to do the impossi- (Printed by special permission xt£ the ton Avenue, on the evening of Octo- given immediate attention. I would tion's activities in ameliorating t*« retary. Chicago Tribune.) . never have allowed this situation to post-pogrom condition ble." The Commons member also $2,400,000 Will be Spent in Acquisi"The purpose of the affair is tober 14, and the regular sessions of continue if I had known the facts." The reason that there,are no great Of the 819 pogroms, 430 were tbe asked that Norman Bentwich, the the Congress,.which will begin on the tion of Road by Authorities raise money for the organization work of regular bandit groups, X?i> legal secretary, be replaced by "anJewish baseball players is because which a t present totals a member- afternoon of-Sunday, the 14th, and ^ were engineered by General DenikiR's gentleman" without an axeJewish parents regard i t "as a Jerusalem.—'(J. T. A.) Negotiations ordinary ship of 46 members," according to continue through Monday and Tues- Berlin. (J. T. A.) The World Es- forces, 129 by General Petlars**; ; tionable occupation and do -not* cultiperanto Congress has justopened at to grind." day, the 15th and 16th, will be held for the acquisition by the Palestine Archie Kroloff, president. "If the, government did this, the vate ambitions on tho part of the Special features are being arranged in Kingsley. Hall. The Auditorium Ueurenberg. Representatives of 43 armies, 46 were perpetrated by Gengovernment of the whole railway line eral Balashowicz and 44 were Polls* from Kantara at the Suez Canal to Arab unrest would disappear," he sons to enter the profession.despite among them lighting effects, baloon and other halls and committee rooms countries are present. its large monetary rewards, -declares inspired, according to the Idgescom. The widow of Dr. Zamenhoff was said. "The Arabs believe the constiHaifa in northern Palestine are in dance, carnival s' ^nts and many used are part of the same edu- present at the opening session, when a . The exhibit outlines the medical reA. Rosenthal, editor of the Modern tution offered is a mere camouflage cational foundation building where progress now between the British other attractions, which will not be military authorities and the Egyptian to keep Samuel in perpetual control. View, Jewish publication, in an edi-revealed until the • evening of thethe large Zionist convention was held tribute to the late Dr. Zamenhoff, the lief extended the help for Jewish coloriginator' of the international lan- onists and the child welfare work pergovernment and the Palestine Civil They believe that the- right of self- torial in the current issue of ihedance. Ackermans eight piece jazz in 1915. " magazine. formed by the organization, guage, was delivered. government in Palestine is being purAdministration and the British miliband has been secured for the eve- The decision was taken in response posely held up until a sufficient num- Rosenthal editorializes on the ning, which is in itself an attraction. to the invitation received from the tary authorities. A. total of 480,000 pounds will be ber of alien Jews a r e imported there recent offer of John J. McGraw, manThe card party will be supervised Congress Committee and other Jew-required "for the acquisition of the line, to outnumber'the resident inhabitants. ager of the New York Gia*its, to pay by Mr. Z. Grueskin, who will be as-] ^ organizations of Boston, and after -which is divided into two parts.. The TheArabs want guarantees' against $100,000 to any one who canfindfor Nathan Straus received a letter him a Jewish baseball star. Recently sisted by Mrs. Esther, Levine, Miss Mr. . - •. fTom former, belonging to the Egyptian this." . Mary Daskovsky, Mrs. Rose Agraj Gorcm°* Channing H. Cox of McGraw related th-t his scouts have government, extends from Kantara to noff, Mrs. Jennie Sloutsky, " Miss Massachusetts, who invited the sesbeen looking for a Jewish ballplayer sions The practice of sending New Year's Greetings to friends Raid along the Mediterranean coast. SAYS POGBOMISTS Becky Courshon, and Mrs. Z. Gruesto the capital city of the state. of promise for several years without PARTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ana relatives through the local Jewish paper is paneral The latter stretches from Rafa to kin. Four prizes will be awarded to 1 A conference of New England socieLABOR DISTURBANCES success. throughout the country. Its advantage over the old indivduai aifa. The entire line was built by the ties will soon be held to form a Rosenthal points out that'Jews the winners. Two to the ladies and '-Reception mailing card is evident in the saving of time, expense and British army during the "push" beBerlin. (J^-T. A.) That the labor "Committee, to be composed worry over forgetting a friend. ' «ginning in 1915 and -which ended in disturbances .recently, occurring in have been stars in every, sport but two to the men. of leading Jewish citizens, and special 1918 with the virtual annihilation by Frankfort were partially inspired by baseball. He mentions Mile. Suzanne Mr. Max Selignian will take charge honors will be tendered to Mr. ZangGreeting Card in the "JEWISH PRESS" ", General Allenby's army of the Turk- pogromists, is the charge made by the Lenglen, the tennis champion, An- of the entire evenings-entertainment. will on his arrival in Boston, in which The committee in charge of the will take this fornn ' • nette Kellerman, the diver", Breitbart, ish -forces. I t is understood that the Socialist and former Communist depcity he lectured and made many the strong man, and Bennie Leonard, dance are:- Abe Bass, Barney Dob- friends years ago. Egyptian government will surrender uty, Paul Levi., its part of the line to the British army Levi pointed out to the slaying dur- Tendler, Levinsky, and Harry-Kab'a- rofsky, Archie Kroloff, Ephraim Mr. and Mrs. William R. Abrams and family of for 240,000 pounds and that the mili- ing the disturbances of the Jewish koff, as successful Jewish athletes. Baron, Ben Shapiro, Bernard Rocklin, 9765 West Grand Boulevard extend their best Leon Dobrofsky, Max Kroloff, LawLOTE CAUSES RETURN • ' V ^ ' tary administration will sell • to the Councillor, Haas. He declared the Regarding the dearth of Jews in wishes to their relatives and frieads for a Happy rence Baron and Mike Grueskin, OF DANGER AND Palestine government the northern pogromists long had slated Haas for baseball Rosenthal says: and Prosperous New Year. chairman. MUSICIAN TO JUDAISM part of the line for a similar amount. destruction and took advantage of the "At the risk of 'lese majestic' it The officers of the organization are Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Mme. Schmolz, labor disturbances to further their own can be positively stated that altogether too much time, space, thought, Archie Kroloff, president; Leon Dob- one of the most prominent of Polish nefarious ends. * MAIL THE COUPON BELOW BVIMEDIATELT Lawrence dancers, who some time ago renounced arid money is devoteed to baseball at rofsky, .- vice-president: Federation Meeting J the expense of vastly better things. Baron, secretary? and Max Krolofi, Judaism, is again returning to the The Jewish Press, Jfj.^ < ; FIRES SWEPT-NINETY . Sunday. 4S2 Brandeis Theatre 'Bids', "*—J*.. .; JEWISH FAMILIES HOMELESS A league pennant is not as vital as a treasurer. Mr. 7oe Rice is leader of Jewish fold. The August meeting of the the organization. Oiaj-JiE, Nebraska. " Mme. Schmolz, it is announced, will Warsaw. (J. T, A.) Seventy Jewish league of nations." Board of Directors of the Jew, The advisory beard of the organ- soon be married to Bronislaw Shutk, JRosenthal, however, thinks, that Gentlemen:— families are .reported homeless ^ t Eaish Welfare Federation will be Enclosed find $2.00, for which please insert my New Tear'* waruska, a small East Galician town, McGraw will find the Jewish player ization consists of Messrs.-: Abe well known in the Polish musical world held this Sunday. before long, but not because of the Davidson, B. Baron, Joe Rice, Joe and former Erector of the Warsaw Greeting Card in your Rosh Hashoms <568|) Nareber, as a jesult of "a .fire which swept the Every member of the Board is town. The synagogue,' although saved, $100,000 offer, for "the Jew will Greenstone, Dr. M. A. Helfgott and opera, Who also is an apostate. Shutk, urged to attend this meeting, suffered damages estimated at a bil- strive for glory, service and prece- Rabbi I. Isaacson. it is said, will also embrace Judaism. which will be one of the most CAME: dence through excellent rather, than lion marks. After their joint return to the Jewimportant of the year. It will for money." - Dr. Philip Sher is' expected to re-ish fold and their subsequent marAnother fire in the -township" be held at 10 a. m. at the Jewish turn home Friday from a ten day near Lodz, is .reported to have deADDRESS: .... riage, both are planning to come to Community . stroyed twenty Jewish Tiouses, also" Slail in your New Year Greetings visit in - "Reading1. and Atlantic America for a tour, according: to press causing much damage.. to The Jewish Press. City. rcDorts

Propoal to jBar Jews From British PabKc Office is Defeated

U. S. Jewish S®li@rs

Sioux City Judaea Chapter Jewisli Cosgress To Meet In Boston October 14th To Give Dance Aid Party

Palestine Government Hans Railway Purchase

New Year*s Greetings




Friday evening in honor of Miss relatives in Chicago, III., Des Moines, on the same evening Miss Segal was Hazel Vishnoff, of Lincoln, Nebr. hostess at a picnic. Miss Bess Iowa, and Ottamwa, Iowa. Moiw A n t . 13 Fast of Ab_ Handler entertained a t tea at the • Published tverj Thuraday at Omanfc Nebmka. t>y 66JM-1923 Mr. Edward Rosenthal, who is Miss Edith Stone, of Chicago. 111., Brandeis Tea Rooms honoring Miss Mr. Joe Baron of Chicago, Illinois, _ M o n ^ Sept. to New leart Eve-. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. .Thurs~ Sept. SO was in the city visiting relatives and visiting a t Dayton, I., attended the is expected here to be the guest of Vom KIppar_ Office: 482 Brandeis. Theatre Building.—Telephone? Jacfeson 237& T i l e s , Sept. 25 Suecath (First Day) President Harding funeral at Marion, her cousin, Miss Martye Weinstein. Silverstein. Thursday evening; the friends. Socroth fLott Day)—SUmlnl Misses Ida Shafton and Leona Perlis AtceiwthJ .Toe's. Oct. 2 O., last Friday. NATHAN E. GREEN,. Manager. A number of affairs are being plan- are entertaining at a dancing party Wed- Oct 3 Slmrliut Torah ____Mrs. M. Blank presided at a one -Thorn., Oct. 11 ROHh-ChodfSb Cheshvas at Peony Park. $2.50 Miss Ruth Green, of Chicago, 111., ned to honor the visitor. Roah-Cbo<tasb KLslev Subscription Price one year. JUNoi. 0 o'clock luncheon at the Davidson Tea Cliannkah (Feast at DedicaAdvertising rates, famished on application. fiancee of Mr. Joe Rice, is being Room last Monday as a courtesy to Miss Ethel Greenberg returned the ^ Dec. S tion) Sun.. Dec. 8 Mrs. S. M. Jaffe, who left Thursday extensively entertained during her early part of the week from Kansas Rosh-Cbodesb Tebeth..... -. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—ProSta from the publicaFast of Tebrtb- —. —_ .Tni«.. Dee. 18 visit here. Among the affairs given City, Mo., where she spent a month. for Los Angeles, Calif. 6684-1924 tion of The Jewish Presi are to be given to worthy communal causes. Moo.. Jan. 3 RoBh-Chodesb Bhrtmt . ... this week for her, was a dancing : .Wed. Feb. 6 Rosh-Chndesh Adar I . The West Side Jewish Mothers As- party at the Hanscom Park Pavillion Miss Ruth Sihrerstein, of Salt Lake CEL&KQB OF ADDRBB8—Pl«»5 gtv^ both tbt old and arm AND Kosh-Chorfesb" Adar Mar 1 '•• ': ' total* ana •!*» w w Purlm (Feast of Esther) _Tbnr»., Mar. 20 sociation held their regular meeting City.who is visiting here with Miss Tuesday evening for thirty-five RtiKh-Ohodfttli Nlsan, ... 'Sat. Apr 5 . The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish relegraphic Agency (Jewish Passover (P<v»arh _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SaU Apr ID last Friday. Rose Segal, is being extensively couples when Mr. Rice was host. (Seventh n a y > — — Frl» Apr. 25 Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewishvnews, in addition Passover entertained during her stay here. I will increase the beauty Rosh-Chodpsb I y a r _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . l l o n . . Slay 5 Mrs. Abe Davidson and daughter to feature articles and correspondences from alt important Jewish centres. Lair t t l f t " ' " ' Mr. Joe Rice and fiancee, Miss Last Friday Miss Segal entertained I Tiiti>m d a y S3 of your old jewels. Inquiries regarding news items credited ta this Agency will be gladly Bosb Cbndeab S l v a n _ _ _ _ _ Toes- June 3 Ruth, returned Monday from a three Ruth Green, of Chicago, 111., who has Shabuoth".(Confirmation D a y ) Rat.. Jnne 8 her guest a t her home a t bridge. I Come in and see our prices answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, H4 Fifth Avenue, RoHh-Chodesh T a m m m T h a r i , July 3 weeks visit in Chicago. been visiting here with Mr. Rice, are The Misses Yetta and Hermina New Xorfe City. / Rosh-Chodesh A b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _g Frl. A a s t. Fast of Ab_ ,,, " " . AUK- 10 The Ivre Club will compliment five both motoring to Sioux City, Iowa, Wright entertained a t a theatre Bosb-Cbodesb fiVrt '. ~ u . B ""-i Angr.3 1 of its departing members by a din- Saturday morning. party Saturday afternoon. Sunday Est- 1S02 A CONSTRUCTIVE MEASURE 0685.1834 New Year's E v e - M o n , Sept. 29 ner dance Sunday night at the West morning Miss Helen Altschuler enter1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 Mrs. Max Fromkin is entertaining The Jewish Publication Society of America has recently Hotel. tained at breakfast at her home, and at a series of evening and afternoon issued a strong appeal to .its readers and friends to aid a most Miss Ann Kahn, of Sioux City, la., worthy movement to suppress prejudice. It avails naught to de- and the-; Misses-Ethel and Frances Mr. J . H. Cohen of Los Angelos, bridges at her home. One was given plore the fact that many American, statesmen, editors and Brown, of Chicago, HL, wna -were vis- Calif., is in the city visiting friends in honor of Miss Claire Burstein, of New York and Miss Bess Kahn, of teachers do not lofow Jewish aims and ideals. It is idle to hope iting here -with Mr. and Mrs. Sam and relatives. Chicago, HI., who are visiting here to eradicate prejudice through some miraculous intervention in Steinberg, left for their home Saturour favor. It is foolish to imagine than we can uproot what has day evening. A number of affairs Eabbi and Mrs. Isaacson and with relatives. Mrs. Fromkin also been the growth of ages, the survival of an, ancient misunder- were given in honor of the visitors. children returned last week from an entertained eight at bridge Wednesstanding and aii old antipathy, in the immediate future, extensive visit at Green Lake, Wis. day afternoon a t her home. A friendly and sympathetic attitude to Israel will be won, Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn and family FLAPPERS Anna Borison is entertaining if ever, by a quiet and "persistent presentation of the truths with- left by motor for Chicago, HL, to visit Among the younger set who will at Miss Phelps Hut Monday evening a t SCHOOL GIRLS out spectacular flourishes and sensational by-play. Our neighbors •with relatives for three -weeks. be in the city as guests of Thebridge honoring Miss Jeannette Somust learn to know our literature and become familiar with JewYoung Judaea Dance are: Lester sinsky, who is soon to be married. BABY GIRLS ish aims and purposes in life, not through'the prof essional agitator Slousburg, Alice Adler, Bessie Horn, or the paid propagandist. Edwin Meyers, Earl Kulakofsky, all Miss Sarah Greenberg 'and Miss School time is on the way—the Holidays too!! We must help the society publish Jewish books conceived and Mr. and Mrs. I. Glick are visiting of Omaha, and Reva Gross of Coun- Ann Resnick returned Monday from It is time to give thought to Sioux City, Iowa, where they spent j issued in the finest scholarly spirit, containing absolutely un- at the home of their daughter, Mrs. cil Bluffs, Iowa. the week with friends. impeachable facts, designed to infor mand inspire the most A. Eisler. scientific thinkers, yet written in a literary style of the best A subscription picnic was given Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff spent The Misses Tillie Rice and Esther the week end in Council Bluffs visitmasters. Sunday by the Ivre lodge. A large ing friends and relatives. Brodkey are leaving Saturday for To publish such books of poetry, history, drama, philosophy and enthusiastic crowd was present Sioux City, Iowa, where they will' From the Crown of Her Head—almost to her chicly and religion in large editions will enable Jews to become better and the affair was a decided success. visit with relatives for a week. acquainted with their past and future destiny, which in itself clad toes, the smartly garbed miss and girlie will




— . —






B - ^ V ^


I Goldstein Jewelry Co.


Our Kiddie Shop Outfits



Coats Dresses Hats


will prove one of the best agencies for combatting prejudice, for it is an ignorant Jewry that feeds the flame of fanaticism and hate. At the same time good books on Judaism and the Jew, issued, at1 reasonable prices, will enable us to distribute among American legislators, clergymen and business men throughout the land information which ultimately will cause the false, distorted and prejudiced views about.the Jew and Judaism to be replaced with accurate and helpful facts and opinions. This process will necessarily require generations to complete. But it is the only way, the sure way to secure the sympathy and understanding we deserve.—-Jewish Ledger.

Miss Irene Adelson has as her Mr. Gundell Goldansky, of Denver, house guest Miss Helen Robinson of Colo., is expected Saturday afternoon Omaha who will spend a week here. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Yaffe, Mr. andfor a few day's visit with Mr. Louis Mrs. I. Hurwitz, and Mr. Louis Mar- Somberg. Miss Sada Asbyll entertained three golin and family returned Tuesday tables of bridge Friday * evening from Sioux City, Iowa, where they Miss Molly Ravitz returned home honoring Miss Ruth Hermann, an were visiting with relatives. Tuesday from an extended visit with out-of-town, guest. High score was won by Ida Ruth Bogen.and Miss Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg reElsie Poska was awarded the con- turned Tuesday morning from an extended stay m New York, Clevesolation. land, and the Adaronick Mountains. Mrs. M. Frosh entertained nformally at her home Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. William Tenenbaum the presentation of an interpellation WE WANT YOU and daughter Sylvia Ruth, left the honoring Mrs. Glick of Omaha. on the massacre by Jewish members TO KNOW THIS of the Sejm. early part of the week on a motor We want every Jew who rides I t was also- shown, that the leaders Miss Helene Arenson of Sedalia, trip to Kansas City and Excelsior Dr. J. W. Zimmerman is in a Ford car or who owns a of the pogrom, were well known arid Mo., is spending a few days with Springs, Mo., where they will spend in charge of our Optical Ford truck, or a Fordson relatives here on here return trip several weeks. Department. His 20 years residents of the township. from California. tractor; we want every Jew whorespected experience assures you a The police have found some of the loot Miss Anna Borison entertained at I thorough examination and sells Ford cars, or who works for stolen by the pogromists from Jewish Mrs. Herman Speier was called to four tables of bridge at her home Ford, to know that Henry Ford households. | correct fitting glasses. '. : Miami, Oklahoma, by the serious illaccused the Jews, according to ness of her brother-in-law, Mr. Simon, an interview in CoDier*s Weekly, who passed away Friday. The of being vultures who feed off "HABIMA* TO FINANCE FOR RENT—5 or 6 rooms, * OPEN EVENINGS funeral was i held Sunday a t St. ITSELF BY LOTTERY decaying business enterprises. unfurnished, at 938 North 25th ' -... His words were not these exact- Moscow. (J. T. A.) Permission has St. Joseph. Street. ATlantic 7810. Call ly, but his. meaning was clear. been the Hebrew- players Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shire^ and before 8:00 A. M. and after This man has gone crazy on the of the "Habimah'* to organize a lot- daughter Camille motored to Joplin, 6:00 P. M. ' I 24th and Parker Sts. WE. 2042 subject of Jews. But no self- tery in order to raise funds for the Mo., to visit with relatives. respecting Jew will have any- theatrical enterprise. thing to do with 'ord or Ford Tickets for the lottery totaling 30,- Mrs. Jessie Ruby and two small products. Next time you ride 000 gold rubles, including lottery prize daughters has returned to Portland, in a Ford car THINK of what tickets valued at ?8,000 gold roubles, Oregon, after spending the greater Ford said about YOU.^rCrite- have been printed in Russian, with part of the summet with here parents rion. '•'* : ', the name of the company in Hebrew. Mr. and Mrs. N. Newmark.

| Your Eyes I Examined Free By An Expert Optician

I Shell or Gold Glasses $5


INJUNCTION ISSUED CHARGES HITLER PERSEFOLLOWING LONDON . ~" CUTION ORDERED DROPPED SYNAGOGUE QUARREL Berlin. (J. T. A.) The Ministry of London. (J. T. A.) A synagogue Justice hast confirmed the report that quarrel reached its climax before the government prosecutor was or-' Judge Romer when the court granted dered not to take legal proceedings an- injunction restraining Aaron. Gold, against Adolph Hitler for his recent Isaac Becker and other .members of conspiracy against the German Re-! the Board of Management; of the Ger- public A statement to this effect was ! man synagogue, Spital Square, East made by the Socialist Deputy Kuntner. J End,;from interfering: with the syna- Minister of Justice Heinze* the So- j gogue festivities. cialist deputy said, had admitted that' Gold, Becker and a few others had proceedings against the anti-Semitic announced a meeting of the synagogue Fascisti leader were dropped, although for July 15. The President, Jacob he was legally culpable. Berliner; prohibited the meeting and notified the police. The Board members thereupon; forced, the door of the .synagogue and are believed to have Mr. and Mrs. George Rossmen enalso removed the marriage register. In "issuing; the injunction, Judge tertained over 150 guests a t a surRomer severely rebuked the members prise party last Wednesday eveningfor their squabbles in a house of wor- at the Hanscom Pavilion of Omaha, in honor of the twentieth wedding anship. : -'';'... • • • . ' ' ' • ~; niversary of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newman of Omaha. The ARABS APPEAL FOR ^ MONEY FOR-PROPAGANDA evening was spent in dancing. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Arab Mr. and Mrs. J. Weiner and family Delegation has sent out a call for of Eveleth, Minn., who have been visfunds to conotinue its propaganda. ing for the past six weeks with Mr. | The Secretary of the Delegation* in and Mrs. B. Balaban, left Tuesday j his) appeal which is widely published evening- for Chicago, where they will in the Arab press, declares that the visit Mrs. Werner's sister. British government has appointed a. commission to study .the Palestine Miss Esther Udolff of Chicago, who problem and that the Arabs need more has spent the summer here with her J funds to present their side of the case. aunt, Mrs. Al Freidman, returned; to hex home Monday. GERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC Mrs. Al Freidman and brother, Mr. PROFESSOR FACES. CHARGES M. Yudetson, left Monday for Chicago. Berlin. (J. T. A.) Charges have •been, ordered filed by the German Min- Miss Libby Markovitz returned home ister of Education against the no- Tuesday after visiting in Kansas City, torious anti-Semile, Prof. Plota, of the Mo., and Excelsior Springs. University of Thueringeiu A memorial service was* held at the - The anti-Semitic . professor is synagogue last Friday afternoon in charged whh having used his lecture honor of .the late President Harding. period at the University to cast asper- Mr. O. Hochman gave an address. j sions on Jews,, and to ventilate his general prejudice against the Jews. Miss Gertrude. Chemiack and brother, Jay, will leave today for Lake ' , HUNDREDS JEWS WEBB VICTIMS Okoboji. OF LUTATOV POGROM Mr. O. Hochman left Sunday to atVarsaw*->Jewish. Telegr., Agency.) tend a convention a t Ottuiriwa, Iowa. Noteless than 100 Jews were victims of wfcqn* 20 were seHously wounded; Mrs. George Steinberg returned '. • of W w K k i t m o n outbreak'at Luta- home after visiting i n Excelsior 'I'i^'.'i*. ^ < L mealed<today following Springs, Mo. . . .




' V ' A' ±~ '•• r




Special Features In Our August Sale of

have purchased her Outfit at the Kiddie Shop.

For the Month of August We have greatly reduced our

Furs, Cloth Coats, Fur Trimmed Coats Also a beautiful assortment of new fall dresses in silks, satins, crepes, twills, and charmeen.


16th and Farnam


Paxton Block

Rugs i Floor Covering Get Them on Our Easy Payment Plan




P o c


b o

Buy rugs and floor coverings during the August sale and take advantage of the special low prices. Stocks are c o m p l e t e with good quality merchandise in new and attractive patterns.

Small, Throw and Room Size R«g». 59.50, 8-3x10-6 Axmlntter Rug*—One of the best grades of seamless Axminster rugs, extra deep nap, Persian and Oriental effects, size 8-3x10-6, 59.50 values, August /LA. 7*> Sale Price, 59.00: 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugt 50.00,. 8-3x10.6 Wilton Velvet —Heavy velvet rugs that add Rugs—Seamless Wilton velvet charm to any room in the rugs of closely woven surface, house; seamless and fringed at fringed ends j , suited for home the ends, they are well sized use; many wanted colorings and will lie smooth to the and designs. Aufloor; some are slightly imper- gust Sale Price, fect. August Sale A O QJT Inlaid Unoleum-A good grade, Price, **O,OU 6 feet wide, for kitchens and 49.75, 9x12 Axminster and Vel- home use; blue, tan and gray'; vet Rags—Special quality rugs 1.95 grade; special, of exceptional designs, and col- per square yard. orings of rose, taupe and blue; Inlaid* Linoleum—Good medium August S*le OQQC inlaid linoleum that will give Price, . O%9**)%} unquestionable service; many 35.00, 6x9 Extra Heaxy Ax. choice patterns in all the new minster Rug* — Exceptionally colorings; 1.75 quality; spe"f Q*7 deep nap; practical for any cial, per square * ••* • small room; Chinese and Ori- yard, ental designs. O 4 * 7 C 12-foot Print Linoleum—Extra August Sale Price, <&**• « & heavy print linoleum of heavy 26.50, 6x9' Axminster Ruga— cork material and has a firm Closely woven for bedrooms or burlap back; will <»ver the avsmall dining rooms, in allover erage room without seafis; and scroll effects; a variety, of many wanted colors; 1.45 qualcolorings. August 1 Q Q B ity; special, per 1 1 0 X• * V Sale Price, 1SP.57O square yard,




What is Value in Clothes? Y / A L U E begins and ends with YOUR V SATISFACTION"—and your satisfaction start by choosing from vast selections of the best clothes made—at lowest possible prices. You'll come here for utmost value and get it!

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The West's Greatest Showing of America's * Best Oothes for Mea and Young Men

Heavy Rag Rugs That are reversible,and washable; some with

plain centers, some with mixed centers; fancy striped borders, fringed "ends; 2.25 values; special prka fear a 2?x&4-ineh rug— ' ' Sixth Floor—East





Miss Julia Wise and sister, Mrs. years. She •was at the Wise Memo- the Ra Oth Society Sunday afterI c A. Solomon, returned Wednesday rial Hospital last year. noon at her home. Prizes were won from Excelsior Springs, Mo., where by the Misses Fanny Brodsky, Esther Miss Bertha Wolf, of "Cleveland, they spent the past three weeks. Zalk and Mrs. FromMn. Ohio, is expected t o arrive here SunMrs. S. L. Mandelbaum returned day to be the gaest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mahxsfaock and Sunday from Chicago, EL, where she the Misses lUlie Kooper and Helen family and nephew, Mr. Elmer Gross, spent the past two months with her Robinson: returned Monday from a two week's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perlsoxu Messrs. Meyer Beber and Saul stay at Lake Okoboji. Miss Eva Cohn returned Thursday Arenson, of Lincoln, Nebr., will spend Mr. and Mrs. John Gidinsky are after spending three weeks at Lin- the week-end in Omaha. spending several weeks in Kansas coln, Nebr., with Miss Helen Garson Mr. Abe Goldman, of Minneapolis, City, Mo., with friends^ and Henrietta AsbylL Minn., i s visiting here with Mr. and Miss Hortense Rosenstock is viat, Miss Anna Borison entertained a t Mrs. Hyman Gerber. honoring her guest, Miss Goldye a miscellaneous shower and bridge ing with her sister, Mrs. D. T. Green, .of Des Moines, Iowa. Thirty- party Sunday afternoon at the KacicMrs. Max Fromkin was hostess to Becker at Mitchell, So. Dak. BORISON—BERNSTEIN five couples have been invited. A stose in honor of Miss Ida Bernstein, Ida Bernstein has set Thurs- number of other socials, are being who i s to be married to Mr. Morris jjevening, August 23, as her wed- given in honor of the visitor. Borison, August 23. day to Mr. Morris Borison, of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Guttman have ,city. The wedding -will take Mrs. M_ Tatle is visiting in St. fts their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Buat the home of the bride. Joseph, Mo., with her daughter, Mrs. genstein, of Cedar- Rapids, Iowa. J. "W. Leihowitz, and family." BAvTTZ-ZORINSKIV Mrs. Ben J. Sigel, of Ottumwa, lie marriage of Miss Jennie ZorinMr. Max L. Holzman has left on Our Work Proves It Iowa, is here visiting with her daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Zoparents, Mr, and Mrs. L. "Segelman. a ten day stay at Estes Park and ft to Mr. Ben Ravitz, son of M i s Denver, Colorado. SLuthner, of this city, will take Mrs. M. Giventer and children, Sunday evening,. August 26, at Sylvia, and Ben, left .last Monday Miss Agnes Ross i s leaving this Repair Spedatests Spedatests f tLabor Lyceum. for Denver, and Colorado Springs, wee!: for Ch' ago, HE, where she I Phone: SAM FRIEDEL, 929-31 North Colorado, where they will spend three wiU enter the Michael Reese Hospital ATlantic S884 Manager 24th St. IENNENBERG—ROTHENBERG at the Nurse's Trainings School, where weeks. she Witt take tip mtrsiBg for three hundred and fifty guests were Miss Ann Freeman entertained at sent at the ceremony of Miss ay Rothenberg, daughter of Mr. five tables of bunco ai: her home in Mrs. B. Rothenbexgr to Mr. honor of the out-of-town guests, the Dennenberg, of this city, an Misses Bertha and Nettie Falkowitz, aday evening, August 12, at Keep's of Los Angeles; Calif. Prizes were bom. Rabbi Grodansky offi- won by the Misses Annette Iieb and The bride had as her attend- Cefia Gidinsky- and Messrs. Marry and Henry Rosenstein. Miss Rose Segal, as the maid -.honor, and the Misses Ann EaiMrs. J. D- Stine has just returned Mae Shapiro, of Lincoln, and from, a trip to the Pacific Coast, Silberstein, of Salt Lake City, where she visited in Los Angeles, |the bridesmaids. Mr. Sam RothenSan Francisco, Portland and Seattle, brother of the YsaSe, was the returning home via Vancouver ,'s-best man. Messrs, Moe BerBanff. i, Paul Jacobsen, and Joe Dandy the groomsmen. l i t t l e flowerMiss Martha Cohn left Monday were Blanche Rothenberg and to visit with frieiKU in Des Moines aice Jacobow, and Master Hyman and Oscaloosa, Iowa. jibow was the ring-bearer. Mrs. J. B. Blank and daughters, Dennenberg and Ms bride will Mildred and Ruth, of Des Moines, their, home with the bride's visited" here this week with its' after a week's honeymoon at Mrs, E . "Weinberg enroute to their Tsior Springs, Mo. home after visiting in Denver and Colorado Springs, Colo. KRESTAL-KLATJS marriage of Miss Sara Klaus, Mrs. DavM Greenberg and daughater of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ter, Joye Ruth, left Sunday for of PmTadelpMa, 3?a^ to Mr. Seattle, Wash^ to visit- with Mrs. iel Krestal; son rflt and Mrs. Gzeenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivid Krestal, of thfe crty, was J.. Miller, for. the remainder of the Stmday evening, August Summer. On their return home they !, at t h e Swedish. Auditorium, before •will stop at "Winnipeg, Canada, to }•• presence of" about two; hundred e attend the- wedding of Mr. Abraham aests. Rabbi Grodinsky officiated Gxeenberg, formerly of Omaha. Mr. 'at the ceremony. The Bride had as Greenberg will poin his wife and l&her attendants. Mrs. Meyer ^ daughter at-"Winnipeg to attend the ^ s theJ matron af^hxmari-ami Miss wedding1 of ids brother. lerle Friedel, as the maid of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, of Misses Clara Burstein, Sara iselmam, Fanny Katz, and Adelle Manhattan, Kan?., passed through istein, were the bridesmaMs. Mr. • Qmalta Sunday on; their way to e Nitz, was the groom's best man, 1 Ames, Iowa* to visa with. Mr. d "the Messrs. Sol Epstein, Joe HjHer»s raother, who has just arrived pstein, Nathan Kesselman, and to this country. They wiU alsa visit , Friedel were, fhp ushers*. Ttfigg with- Mr. and Mrs. Max Deutehv On I'Reva Snyder of Council Bluffs, their return? trip from Ames they will - «rrv~" visit here with Mrs. E. Jacobs, Mrs. The "out-of-town guests present at;j^ju er » s mother, ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. i.. Miss Annette Riklin, daughter of fSamuel Klaus, parents o f the bride, 'Miss Rosalyn Hudermaiv cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham "RrfcThr, is the bride, all of Philadelphia, and now attending the school of dancing at Parley and Oukn msky^ South Miss Clara Burstein, of New Y d Haven, Mkh. Miss Riklin was Mr. Krestal asd his. bride temporarily make their home at 4629 formerly a pupil of Adelaide Fogg and of Frances- Earenfight of Council Capital Avenue. Bluffs. . Messrs. H. Werner, J. Malashock, Isadore Weiner, and Lena Gross left this morning on a motor trip to Kansas City and St. Lords, Mo., to be gone for several weeks.

We wish to thank the people of Omaha who visited our New Market on otir Opening Day.

We trust that you were completely satisfied and that \te will be able to continue being of sendee to you.



Fried & Kuklin

| Auto Service & Welding Works }

1513 No. 24th St.

W E biter 4330



Important improvements in the appearance and riding comfort of their motor cars

••{ -

The Daughters of 2Eotn are giving a. picnic at Lakeview Park Sunday, August 19. A program witt begjeven by the Buds of Ziou. • | The,. Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity is. at a stag, paits Saturday evening at the home of. Messrs. Harry and Be» Bavite. The ont-eftown guests will include Meyer Beber, Saul Arenson* Harry Diamond, MUton . Rosenbaum, and Leon, Nefsky, of Lincoln, Nebr., and Gundell Goldansky, of Denver, Colo. Mr.' Meyer Silhennan, of Des Moinesy, Iowa, i s \risitmg here in the city with friends. The Misses- Alice Adler; ' Bessie Horn»;Reva Gross, and Gladys Meyer are leaving Sunday to spend a week in Sioux City, Iowa, with friends. Mrs. S. Falkowitz and daughters, i Bertha, Nettie, and Bessfe. of Los Angeles, Cafif.» were the guests of Mrs. J. Bases, and Mrs. S. Gaifman during the past seCTaral w&ks. They left Tuesday evening ittr Rod: Island and Chicago, .EL, where they ^^ visit prior to" returuing home. A number pf affairs were giwen in honor of the visitors* among them was ^ theatre; party TaesSay afternoon by 'Mrs. J.' Roses.


The Auflebung Club will hold their regular meeting a t four o'clock Sunday afternooivAas; » , a t Banscam Park. AH Bjembers. axe t o bring their" lunches anct steet^- a t the pavillion.







r . ' • * • -



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Ocey 5,000,000 OU Wedding Ring? ara trafttag t»be> M1BE mXO MODERN

Old Fashioned Wedding Rings Being remodeled into new, narrow, modern shaoe, withr out cutting or destroying £b* tasid* «Bgra.viag. "The sentiment of the original, *»wn.TriTHMT with the style of the modem .wedding tins'.'* £nd tbe cost is m o d e r a t e . <• •-

rfs* fast as simple as" putting, a. new castng on. an old inner tsJbe cm 7<mr car. Jje% us explain ft to you.. Have t i n BSJuctascs of the oI4 wttk Oft sttrac of the new.

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O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO COMPANY 28th and Harney Struts


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T&isB Mass. Moscoc i& «*tertaming -Frid^r evemag a t - a diHidng

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' •




EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS strong. The camber, or in- ama and Suez canals, many of our Moscow. (J. T. A.) Charkow has,ing of the council of ernnmisars, marry a learned man" with a mole on Ing faggots had done its" work! The usually of the front wheels, is increased, greatest railroads and steamship lines been officially proclaimed the capital confirming what has been a fact since his ear." Her voice, dropped to a gypsy sneezed and ^disappeared in a tilt making steering easier. A new gear whisper. "Of course, It's Professor swirl of fredand-yellow draperies. For ratio of the rear axle gives In- and a, number, of our most important of the Ukraine. Official action, to the establishment of this Soviet ReBamsey." an instant Nancy Flair stood en- creased flexibility and adds to the industries." , this effect was taken at a recent meet- 'public. ." She vanished outside, and Nancy tranced with astonishment! ihen real- ability of Dodge Brothers cars as Wm.; Allen White, distinguished slipped Into the tent. hill climbers. • • ization Tjurst upon her. : By RO8E MEREDITH "Cross my pahn with silver," mumIn the Type A sedan, the uphol- writer of Emporia, Kas., sees in Ford's Larry Corning, clever Larry of the stery the finest grade mohair attack merely a political move. "Clearbled the old crone. college dramatic clnb in his. younger velvet, isand all interior' hardware is ' A'silver quarter fell from Nancy's f(©, 1S23, by McClur* N«w«p»per Syndicate.) days, had posed as the gypsy fortune of distinctive Dodge Brothers design. ly," says Mr. White, "Ford wants the fingers and was quickly pouched. A HE fortune teller's tent was sur- greasy looking pack of cards was shuf- teller. Even Nancy, who knew him The business coupe and business Kluxer vote. He will not offend the best, had been deceived until that in- sedan are finished in attractive Catholics; they are too numerous out rounded by an eager crowd of fled, and deftly fluttered into an orwest and back east, but if he can get imitable sneeze had escaped." Fury Spanish blue leather. young people awaiting \ turn : to have derly row on the ground. shook her very heart. What had she The fiscal year ending July 1 was the Kluxers on a shoestring by abusthe future revealed. , "The past an open book—happy betrayed? the most successful in file history of ing the Jews who are not; politically Tel., JAckson 5062 310 No. 16th St. • : . Nancy Flair threw a passing glance childhood—girlhood—much learning— Dodge Brothers, their dealers having numerous outside the cities of the at the red tent as she passed along She turned and fled through the a sweet staging voice, a joyous heart, approximately 200,000 cars. with her tray of. flowers. thinning crowd of. people. As she ran marketed loved by many men," With the improvements now put into eastern seaboard, Ford will do so." Has Taken Charge of The Wholesale and hot teajs coursed down her flaming Some one stopped her. *•". effect, obviously making the car "Oh, no!" interrupted Nan breathDarwin P. Kingsley, President of i "Nancy, dear, I will buy a posy beRetail Business of Shalker Packing Company. lessly. "Only a few, a very few fool- cheeks. How she hated him—how better and more attractive in every the New York Life Insurance com, (fore I go in to have my fortune told—• way, though still retaining the essenish ones—never," with a little break she— 11 am hoping for a good fortune." •' Some one overtook her and folded tial attributes to which the car owes pany, aiid also President of the New In her tone, "never the right one." great popularity, it seems quite York • Chamber of Commerce, said: 'i "Health and wealthy' asked "Nancy * "Who knows the right one?" grum- her In flapping draperies, * It -was the its evident that this company has not yet "There is much in what Mr. Ford says 'tritely. . ' . - ••:•• . 5 • ' ' : ' .\gypsy fortune teller, now towering his bled the woman, shuffling the cards reached the. maximum of its poten- that* is entirely true and with -which I "All that, and the inevitable hussix feet above her. "Ah, pretty lady," again; "here is a fair man—he Is rich tialities, despite the tremendous rec- am thoroughly in accord, but on the band," answered the other carelessly. he pleaded, "it was not my fault, and ord —hehas loved you a long time—" of the year just closed. : "Come on in, Nan, and have yours told I love yon so—" subject of the Jews he is—I hardly. "No, no—" murmured Nancy,"! do with me—it will be heaps dfi'<f|in." : Shalker Packing Company of Leavenworth, Kansas, "Wh-wh-y didn't you tell',me beknow what word to use except crazy. not" like" your fortune—I' do not like " O n e at a jime, pretty ladles," fore?" gasped Nancy, "and besides, I fair men—" I don't understand his using the word ; will give a Special "Price for its Retail Trade. whined the gypsy's voice from an In"You will cross water tomorrow— i have just said I hated/you, Larry." Jews and international financiers synner tent. "One at a time, and cross Larry stooped again and kissed her you will play on green grass under onomously, nor do I understand his Fresh Salami 35c 1b. my palm with silver and you shall blue skies—and the fair man will fol- lips. / ••••••••• contention that labor organizations are have a beautiful fortune—" low, follow you—" "If you hate me like this, darling, Thick Bologna ..30c lb. working with the Jewish financiers to "I want the truth,""came Nancy's Nancy groaned Inwardly. She had I will not ask for love," he dared to Panama and Suez Canal Monuments paralyze industry." strained young voice. promised to play golf with Doctor say. "Pretty lady, you will marry a Weiners 30c lb. to Jews, Says George Gordon "Always the truth—I dare not tell L'arrabie at the club on the morrow. poor man who loves you, and you will Battle. otherwise," rambled the woman's deep Old Style Smoked Tongues..50c lb. She was doing it just to spite "Larry be happy forever'after—and so will tones." • ' ' ': Corning, who had been away on a j I," declared this unusual seer. "We New York.- (J. T. A.) Henry Ford's I. Morgenstern J.-L. Wolfson "You first, Elizabeth," "she urged, All Pastromi, Smoked Meat and Tongues at business trip and who had not re- have been traveling wrong roads, and and her friend slipped into the close turned in time for the church fair, now we are right on the road to hap- statements regarding the Jews in the Special Price. shadows of the Inner tent. Nancy recent issue of Collier's Weekly are now going, on. She had written him a piness." waited in the gloomy, shrouded placer tiny little note reminding him of the torn to shreds by leading Christians All Meats Guaranteed to be Kosher Suddenly Elizabeth burst out of the fair—and he had not replied. whom the New York World had asked Tel. Webster 2734 . . t e n t . " . .' • • - . : ' • ' • • " • - . • • • " I ' hate him'!". she suddenly exby Rabbi M. Braude of St. Joe, Mo. to express their opinions on the au"Oh, Nan, such fun! She b,as told claimed.: tomobile manufacturer's incredible asme so much of the past and she says "Fate conquers all—hate the fair sertions. I rich, but that I shall man If you will, lady. . . . " "Many of the great constructive en"No, I hate dark men," she corrected terprises of the world have been Impatiently. "Hurry on with* my for- Marked improvement in appear"Let .Us Move You" tune, please. The fortune—the for- ance and comfort is apparent in the planned and financed by men of JewIDA L FREirtN, Prop. tune," and- another silver piece was new line of Dodge Brothersr Motor ish blood and faith," George Gordon Certified Public Accountants Phone 104 Cars, in the production of which the Battle, prominent New York attorney, dropped on the scattered cards. The factory The Best of Everything In Flowers and Audits Systems has been gathering 'momen'Coin fell on the knave of clubs. Operated by : Confections at Moderate Prices. tum since July 1. Hundreds of deal- is quoted as saying, replying to Ford's Investigations ••Hi!" exclaimed the'gypsy, "see the ers are how supplied with display charge that Jews never build anything S45 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater 434 to (W Peters Trust Bids. 311 South 16th Stieet good omen, lady, the com has fallen cars of the new type, and from every themselves, but wait until things bePhones, Jackson 4313, 4314. COCNCEL BLUFFS. IOWA. on the dark gentleman—fortune is source the factory "is receiving re- gin to decay, then they get into them. Phone Atlantic 8010. ATIantic 0230 JAckson 4338 near—a dark lover—would woo you,ports of enthusiastic approval by the Open Evenings. "Among the enterprises planned by but you are cold, to him—he has little public. While the basic characteristics of Jews," Mr. Battle includes the "PanCarpenter Paper Co. gold—but a warm heart—just now a Only Jewish Florist in town. cloud Is between you, but the sun- the familiar Dodge Brothers cars of Distributors ot days are still present, there is WEDDING BOUQUETS. shine of your smile will pierce recent Western Bond—and High WHOLE8ALE air. of distinctiviness that surthe clouds — ach — cch — ker — ker— ah Grade Stationery passes all previous efforts of this Druggists and Stationers achoo!" 'One of America's Great Hotels" concern to build a moderately' priced Omaha. Nebraska. Chiropodist and Beauty 401-403-403 8ontb 10th Street The stinging smoke from the burn- car of commendable appearance as Shop \ well as quality. Established 1800 I The wheelbase is a trifle longer, istb and U*Tary StrwM. as a chance to apthe body is--.lower -and -.the rear Give WASH AND KEEP WELL your bnstness For springs changed . to . semi-e}liptical oreclate appointments callja. 0774. The BFIIIH & A RULE OF HEALTH type are underslung, and increased from 45 to 55 inches in length. FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY - All the features so • popular with Every Known Kind the -public today are. embodied in 1818 California Street. of Insurance WHOLESALE PAPER, the design of the complete line,'which 11-2O1 includes ;a touring » car, ^roadster, STATIONERY, ETC 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. O723 coupe, two types of sediin, and screen i Distributors lor side and panel' side commercial cars i Residence. 1313 So. 25th St. of % ton capacity. All steel bodies. Pink Tip Matches — Diamond & Platinum Specialists ToL Atlantic 6637. —as first introduced by Dodge Bros, EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE Place of Bbalness, 2333 Harney St. Northern Toilet Tissue 1514 Dodge St. in their open passenger cars several Tel. ATIantic 8831. UCXDBt. . years ago—are now used for all' Est. 1894. Ja. 5619 1112 Harney Street Where jronr clothes come home : types. { cleaner and last longer. ATIantic 6409 [ The effect of the longer and lower; THE CAfflEFUL WELDERS ATIantic 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St. j body and longer wheelbase, combined 1501 Jackson St. Anything :: Anytime s: Anyplace H A. JACOBBERGER, Pres. Cel. JA. 4397. with, the new liners and lower seats, I is very fine. According to dealers Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. land others who have driven the new Omaha Phone Atlantic £556 ! cars, the improvement in riding qualFord Transfer & Storage Co. ities is no less pronounced than the COCNCIL BLCTTS. IA. improvement in general design. The R. A. FORD. reduction in body height lowers the President and General Manager. Service is Our Motto center of gravity and thereby reduces Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. sidesway, while rebound shocks are 700 So. Slain Street. Phone S8S. TOANDFROM , effectively dissipated by the improved [front and rear springs. The car holds ALL* PARTS OF the road easily, and gracefully and affords real riding comfort. THE WORLD Another distinct new feature is the OCR TREATMENT WIXJC louvers or ventilator; slits in the sides CONVINCE TOC OF OUK of the hood panels. This change inBUTTER and EGGS 6INCEKITJT. 1807 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. creases the flowof, air through the Trust Department. ATIantic 0340. Council Bluffs, Is. radiator and reduces the flow of hot Safety Deposit Boxes. the floor boards, making summer driving most-comfortable. The rear seat and all upholstery of the.-touring car are removable, ITEN affording'a large space for loading or other articles. Seats in BISCUIT CO. luggage Made by all types are deeper and lower, add"Manufactured in Omaha" UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST ingi to comfort and leg room. Snow White The instrument board is 'greatly FOOD CO. Bakeries BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. improved in "appearance, with instruOMAHA, NEBRASKA. (Beg. O. 8. Fat. ments grouped :on-a^raised panel and Office.) with longer lighting .switch lever, facilitating control of the lights .•while driving. I Head lamps are specially designed Are Always Ready for You. to harmonize with the new body lines. of COUNCIL BLUFFS A combination caution signal and tail We pay 4% interest on Savin* lamp is mounted rigidly on the license The DURANT MOTORS CO. doe» not believe in holding "If Its Worth Anything and Time Deposits. plate bracket and conforms with the JAckson 1862 up all the improvements they approve over a period of Bate Deposit • Boxes for Rent. ; —Have It Insured." j requirements of all states having an entire year and then spring them on the public all at lighting regulations. Brake pedal pads are large and of once as a new model. a design which makes for greater ADVO COFFEE ease and safety. The hand brake The day a new model is announced means the car you lever, like the shifting lever, is bought yesterday Is an obsolete model and naturally reADVO JELL ADVO FOODS moved forward, giving more leg room duces very much its value to the owner. and making it easier to get in and Fruit and Vegetables out.. A Yale lock is built into the Durant improvements are put on the cars just as fast N. W. Cor 11th and Howard transmission, making it possible to double-lock the car when idle. as such Improvements have been tried out, whether the The steering wheel is materially time be August or March. This means you are always improved in appearance and all elecgetting the best the Durant motors have. trical connections are inside the steerFeather Mattresses , ing column. Made from your own feather*. Warm The front springs are increased in Often when a manufacturer makes a large number of In winter; cool In summer. Cost less F. 8. MORE*. Prop. and last longer than cotton. Phone ns length and from 1% to 2 inches in UNDERTAKERS changes In a car at one time some of these changes will for samples of ticking and estimates. width and built/of more leaves of a Phone Webster 0820 not always prove satisfactory under actual road condi2224 Canting St. ' thinner stock. fThe rear springs, in OMAHA PILLOW CO., THE LAUNDRY THAT tions. Often one change will not eyncronize with the addition to being' longer, are now Phone JAckson 1226 EVERYBODY LIKES. 1907 Ctmtf nj? St. Phone 3A chson 2467 semi-elliptic and flat. operation of a co-operating change, thereby causing The front axle'is of-a design untrouble. AUTO PAINTING We believe improvements well tried and placed In servTop and Body Building 100 No. 16th St. Tel JAckson 8128 ice singly are better than many changes put In service Oppoalt* Port-Offlre; and Repairing. collectively. GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys CtTBTAJNS—LIGHTS—ETC. From $3.00 to $9.00. GOOD FURNISHINGS.



Wtrplesale Prices I fur Parties,.;Weddings* - or Picnics'

Ford's Charges Riddled By Prominent Christians

Insurance of all Kinds

e Bros. Make New Model Cars


Globe Van & Storage Co.


FRED St. SiAW Flower Shop

Cut Flowers



; E. Bruce & Go.





DIAMONDS and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. ialashock Jewelry Co.



First Rational Bank


teamship tickets

Jensen Company

Council Bin!& Savings Bank


iBankoi Omaha

Inside Dope

Baker Ice Machines


Made With Milk


New Models

City National Bank




EScCord-Brady Co.

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John Feldman

Omaha Fixture & . Supply Co. CJOMPMTTB STOBE AND - OFFICE OUJTFITTB5S ..\ft occupy ' TOXI wuan. Gael

*rt Cm**



ELECTRIC CO. ; Receptacles-*- - * -Light—WIKINCil^-Fdwer —Bel! Transformers ,

40 & Gunfng-Sts.

Many added features including e 1 e c t r i c h l fot ladies.

Andrew Murphy & Sons, Inc.


S525 Xeavenworth St.

AT lantlc 0701

Durant and Star Cars 14th and Jackson.


Here 53 Years.

NICK a WRANIC, Proprietor :





Faraam strw* Phone <}£ rfcaon


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