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Say' n&t Silw&ys what fi
tical than a high, dearly-defined ideal.of service.
No. 38
| you' know, but : always * I know what you say.
postofflce at
i n mail matter e». January 27tfc. I82L «t Nebraska, under tas Act ot Hards 5. 1SIV.
UKEAINE PEASANTS HEAR NIKOLAI NIKOLAIEVITCH * WILL'RETURN Biga. (J. T. A.) A proclamation, signed by Nikolai Nfkolalevitch, uncle of the murdered Czar, is ieing circulated in the Ukraine calling1 upon the population to await his return Ri Russian throne, the special Jawish Telegraphic Agency investigator,"-who has jost returned from Kussia, learns. 33ie document is receiying.mde drcuNames of Prospective Subscribers Needed Immediately* lation in the Ukraine, reports General i visit to Poland and JKouuianiaj Committee States. and emphasizes the activities of General Wrangl in Bulgaria; All this, the WHO WILL BE FIRST SUBSCRIBER TO ME- iavestigator learns, is creating a strong impression among the peasMORIAL?" IS QUESTION OF ants." ,- . •• ' •. . ", " ••-'.. THE HOUR. The political circlesnaturally-regard that Nikolai's plans, if suchtnere,are, Who will be the first subscriber to the Morris Levy Member- are not serious. Considering.tne:col-
COURT TO DECIDE WHETHER PRILUTZKI MADE HIS PAPER POPULAR Warsaw. (J. T. A.); Deputy Noah Prilutzki has brought an action against the proprietors of the Yiddish daily here, the- ^Moment."- Prilutzki declares that his personal popularity had Soldiers and Sailors Able to brought the newspaper to its present prosperous position! Despite that, he Visit Homes on Rosh Hashonah, Yom Kippur. had been prevented at the time of the Parliamentary elections, from printing SECRETAEY OF WAR WEEKS his articles in"t3ie"columns of the "Mo- Sunday Between Rosh Hashonah and; Yom Kippur to Be ment." As a result, he had come into ISSUES ORDERS. Special Day of Mourning for Omaha Jewry. conflict with his -fellow-proprietors. New York.—In response to the re- He asked that.'the. concern should be EVERY ORGANIZATION IN CITY W I L E CO quest of the Jewish Welfare Board, ordered to liquidate. the- Secretary of War has issued in- The defendants contend that instead OPERATE W I T H FEDERATION O N structions to the army, "and the act- of Prilutzki. making' the "Moment" SOLEMN OCCASION.. ing chief of the Bureau of Navigation popular, it- had been the "Moment" has issued instructions to the navy, which made Prilutzki popular. He had to the effect that .Jewish men in the sought during the Parliamentary elecThe entire Jewish community of Omaha will gather in solemn 1 service be granted furloughs whertions to use the paper for his personal assembly at Temple Israel on Sunday evening , Sept 16, to ship Memorial ?- To whom mil that honor go ? These questions lapse of the assisted adventures. by ever possible to enable them to ob: interests,which threatened to: reast tribute to the memory of Morris Levy, Omaha's leading Generals Wrangl, Denikin and. Kolare stirring every one in the city. . "The finest thing ever undertaken locally." This is the chafc,. and; the «failures all these .cpun- serve the New Year (Rosh Hasho- harmfully on the standing of the news- citizen, who died July 22. opinion i off hundreds hd of men andd women expressedd during d the past ter-rgvbliitionary leaders "met with,' it nah)), and the Day of Atonement paper. Prilutzki had therefore deOecuring in one of the ten Penitential • Days between Kosb clared on September IS that he was Hashonah and Yom Kippur there will be wadded to the mournin.c week, since the announcement of the Morris Iievy Membership is" hardly'likely that any "uprising now (Yom Kippur). will recruii any strength. " , The text of Secretary Weeks' in- severing his "conhfection; with the "Mo- inherent in the Services themselves the general spirit of solemraiiT Memorial was made in the "Jewish Press". ment," and there could be no reason and sorrow that pervades all Israel at that season of the structions is as follows: That no better tribute could be offered to the memory of "The Secretary of War desires, in for ordering the liquidation of the The Services will be for the entire; o'clock at Temple Israel. The ocOmaha's departed leader than, a living testimonial composed of order,to permit soldiers of the Jew- business. After r consideration, the community and every man and. woman men and women dedicated to the furtherance of those ideals casion will be memorable in th? ish faith to participate in the celebra- court decided to grant a temporary is urged to attend. Because of Mr. history of the community and will which Morris Levy exemplified, is the unanimous statement tion of High Bioly Days (Rosh Ha- injunction against the property of the Levy's long association with the Jew- offer opportunity for every Jewish throughout the community. .... shonah), beginning at sundown, Mon- "Moment.". This is exactly what the Morris wish--"to, see the work which, l e . loved ish Welfare Federation, of which he man and woman in Omaha to ps$: day, Sept 10, 1923, and continuing Levy Membership Memorial -will do; prosper, clip it, fill in the amount of was president for seven years and at respect and tribute to the memocj it will enroll hundreds of men and your subscription, sign it and mail Winners of First Bound Matches until sundown Wednesday, Sept. 12, the time of his death, the Services of • him who was OUT foremo*^ 1923,-and of the Day of Atonement women who have heretofore not been it. to the Jewish Welfare Federation, will be held under the auspices of the citizen. Announced—No Reports on (Yom Kippur), beginning at sundown members of the Jewish Welfare Fed- Lyric Building, now. •'_ Federation. Appropriate resolutions in the . Doubles.. , if Wednesday, September . 19, 1923, eration and will make them active- In this way you <an start the. work Following a resolution passed at the name of the Federation and all r£ in the causes of Jewish philanthropy, on the Morris Levy Membership GIRLS TOURNAMENT TO BEGIN and continuing until sundown, Thursmeeting of the Federation last week, its affiliated organizations, amons. day, September 20, 1923, that memto which Morris Levy gave the last Memorial. the Executive Committee was em- which yours is included, will KTHIS WEEK. bers of that faith be granted fur- Arrangements Being Made for the powered to arrange suitable Memorial and best years of his life. Although Thus i s there -work for every one prepared and read at the service. Special Vaudeville Acts Morris Levy cannot be replaced in in Omaha to perform in building- the • Much interest is displayed in the oughs for such time is necessary to Your organization is invited to litServices. This committee has named and Dances. this community the Memorial will Morris Levy Membership MeinoriaL second annual Y. M. H. A. Tennis permit them to be at their homes: the following as a special committee tend and to be represented by your enlist hundreds of men and women By sending in names of prospects, Tournament that is-now being" held. when practical, or at places where to arrange details: Harry A. Wolf, entire membership. First round matches have already these celebrations are held, irora AUDITORIUM % TO BE BEAUTI- chairman, Isidor Ziegler, Henry whose energies will be dedicated to by getting new members and May we ask that you convey thi^ FULLY DECORATED FOR the work which ho loved so well and creasing their own subscriptions, 'Fed- been played. The second' round September 9 to September 14, and Monsky, Dr. Philip Sher, Milton invitation to your organisation, »m*2 : - OCCASION, for-which he labored so devotedly, j eration members can help. All others matches must be played by Monday from September IB to 21, 1923, proLivingston and Harry Lapidus. The further that your officers send card*: vided no interference with, the public entire Executive. Committee will act to all your members urging: there The Morris LevyMembership Mem- can help by sending in their, own evening according to the committee : service is occasioned thereby." The B'nai B'rith .popularity contest as-the general committee for the Me- to attend these services on behalf orial will be the most fitting and the subscriptions at once. Proper blanks in • charge of the- tournament. of your organization. •' most beautiful structure which the for all three purposes are.. printed The marches are occupying every The instructions issued by the is causing much enthusiasm among morial. municipal "court in the* city. Several Navy Department- are to the same the girls of the city.. "Miss Minnie Letters .have b&en, sent to "every Yours very truly, Jews of Omaha can erect to honor in thisjpaper today, university; lads are entered in the effect, and it is expected _ that the Levy has .taken the lead in the local Jewish organization inviting its him who gave of himself to com. Jewish Welfare Federation meet -.and.,; they are out- to win - the U. S. Veterans' Bureau will also issue contest during the week, forging entire.,. membership to attend, Apr munal a to r J Levy Memorial Service -'CcsmsrfttRS,cltSinpk The a circular" letter,'-$^authig'''.~Iegivt! to Every man and-SEoman in the city propriate resolotions" m the 'iiame of By'Harry..A. Wolf, Chairman. namentf is managed by Harry Kneethosemen whose physical condition tied with Miss Gertrude -Cooper- for the. Jewish Welfare Federation and is expected to participate In the conter,-AT.Finkel, Harold Farber• and permits to go home. second place. struction of the-Memorial. There is all its affiliated organizations will be Phil Feldman. . \ work for every,, one to do, ;and .evBry Give Away Player Piano - to The girls tennis tournament is in Accordingly, a large number of the Twenty-five girls have entered the read at the Services. Every organizasoldiers, sailors, marines and disabled contest to date and inany more are tion has been asked to send a special one should .gladly and willingly do Person . Having Lucky charge of the Misses Ann <Jerelick veterans will be able to observe these expected to enter the contest before invitation to its individual members his share. ' • ' ' . * - Noiem tfftWex Senr.cs Number. and Mirel Freidel. Twenty-four" girls Holy- Days with their families at the final date of-_ admittance will be urging them to attend. . As a first step to make the Memhome. For those men who will not announced. The winner of this The special committee is now Jtabbi Nachum Arnoff of Cleveland, orial city-wide in scope the com- Plans are well under way for the have entered the contest.following are the results, of be able to leave their posts, the board contest "will "received as first prize a mittee in charge has been enlarged success of the First annual Zionist the program for the oc- Ohio, graduate of Sehechter's o n d tripp tickets to California or cagio^ which which will will be be announced announced in in aa nary of New York, will arrive i*i and now includes the following1, tall to be given by the local Zionist the first rounds of the men's single: has made arrangements f or. hos- rround Konecky beat Fred X«7ey." pitality, including meals and lodging its equivalent and the second prize forthcoming number of "The Jewish lie city during the coming week, ifc. Arthur Rosenbium, chairman; Harry district, Sunday, October 7, at the DaveBeber beat Ed Levin son, in communities adjacent to the camps winner will receive a round trip -D—C,* preparations for the High Holidays, Lapidus, Henry Monsky, Harry Zim- City Auditorium, according to the Moe Greenbers beat Ben Civln. Press."» Wm. Wesley beat J. J. Friedman. man, Sam Be"ber, Isidor Ziegler, J . committee in charge. "We are plan- "KoMnan Goldberg beat Nathan Green and hospitals, and for attendance at ticket to Chicago.. Following is the letter which has which will be observed by t*i£ religious services. Special provisions Plans are now being made for the been sent to the presidents of the 32 Modern Orthodox Congregation at J. Slosber'g, Harry Malashock, Dr. mag several feature events for this (default). Max Altsehuler beat Joe Cohn. will be made for disabled men, whoivandeville- acts.that will appear on Jewish organizations affiliated with the Lyric.building, 19th and Philip Sher, Sam Leon, Harry A. affair," said JohnZeldman,.chairman A! Handler beat Harold Farber. Feldman beat John,Bender. will be visited by volunteer commit- the program of the B'nai B'rith the Federation: Streets. Rabbi Arnoff will be assistSi? Wolf, S. H. Schaefer, Irvin Stal- in charge. *The main attraction will PAli l lFabtno-witz beat Welnstein. Leon Mendelson beat Leon Gross. tees and the field representatives of carnivar to he held November 11, at at the service by Rev. E. Fleishman master, Wm. Holzban, Jos. L. Wolf, D e the ticket selling contest/which Dave The late Morris Levy was for the Chesno beat Bud Wolf. Milton Livingston, Harry Silverman, ..^JJJ carry as first prize a round trip Herbert JForman beat IsrinB Stalmaster the board. Arrangements for the ob- the Municipal Auditorium. The boys past seven years and at the time and Mr. J. Romanek. servance of the High-Holy-Days have and girls that took leading parts in of his death President of the Jewish "We are selling a large number ct and Dr. Nathan Dansky. | to California. The person winning- (defanlt). Ben Bernstein beat Art Friedman H. Boseneteln beat Art Eoimn. "> already been made for the men in the Y. M. "13. A;' road show will Welfare Federation. It is eminently tickets for the services," said J. SlotrThis committee is calling upon this prize must qualify for it by Sam Brower beat H. Soskin. Hurwitz beat Martin Frontfield. outlying stations, comprising China, again: appear • before the footlights. fitting, therefore, that memorial burg, chairman of the committee Jn every man and woman in Omaha to selling the -mfofrmi'ni' number of Morris Paul Goldstein beat Joe Sossman. •:. Manila, Hawaii, Panama and Haiti, Gilbert Jaffe, leader "of the Brandeis services for Mr. Levy be held under charge of arrangements. "This 3s Harry Kneeter beat Jack' Fleishman. help in the work. In the first place tickets which is 400." by the representatives of the board. Orchestra will -also appear on the the auspices of the Jewish Welfare the first Modern Orthodox movement the committee must have the name • "The next feature event will be Sam Bender beat Dare Forman. Prayer books for the High Holy Days program. I Special '. orchestras have Federation. By virtue of the affilia- in the city and we plan to have it " No .reports have yet been received of every man. and Vvoman in Omaha the giving' away of the player-piano of the men's double are being distributed,-as are also New been arranged to play for the vaude- tion of every local Jewish organiza- the same as other cities similar to who is not now a member of the to the person having the lucky, nunv- of the results : Year Greeting cards for correspond- ville acts and for the dancing in tion with the Federation these the size of Omaha." . -. Federation, so that each may be seen mer," said John Feldman today, matches. ence with relatives and friends. the evening.- ; ! • r The followin gare the entrants for services will thereby be represent- Rabbi Arnoff will deliver several and urged to help build the Mem- Every person who purchases a ticket ^The auditorium .will be beauti- •ative of the entire community. the girls tournament: short talks to members of the Y. M. orial. It needs to have the name of is given a number.'' Hoffman -plays Eva Chesno. fully decorated," said Sam Klaver, and Y. W. H. A.. The services «*;. every non-member to carry but its j The; proceeds of this affair will go Bertha The Executive Committee of the Margaret Eiekes plays -Meryle Friedel chairman: of'the committee in charge Federation has arranged for Me- the High. holidays ami on the D*j" Helen Ciekes plays Helen Attschnler. Rabbil M. Ckrkpof task of enrolling 500 new members toward the clearing of the" deficit of Besse Farber plays Mary Moscow. of arrangements. ."We are specially morial Services for Mr. Levy on of Atonement will be in accordaac© successfully. It is the duty of every the local treasury, according to mem- Tearl Swartz plays Kttth Hermans. Cantos, Ohio, to Speak Here Hose Fine plays Bess Greenberg.' fortunate to secure these decorations Sunday evening, Sept. 16, at 8:00 •with the Modern Orthodox ritual. Federation member to assist in this berg o f the committee. The follow- Gertrude Eomm plays Kate Goldstein. from the American Legion Armistice Dora Strartz plays Lillle Enbenstein.task. . j ing men are .members of- the com- Sara Warsatf plays Marcaret Greenfield Rabbi I. 3VL Charlop. of Canton, Day celebration which, will be held Ohio, who spoke in Omaha last week Through the columns of the "Jew-' mittee in charge: John Feldman, Betty Fine plays Besse Handler. Rebecca Azorin plays Ida Hoffman. the day preceeding the B'nai B'rith as the guest of the Congregation ish Press" the committee is appealing chairman; J. J. Freidman, I. Gold- Florence Lewis plays Anne Gerelick. affair." . • . . . . . Bnai Israel', will again spealc in the to all Jews to send to the Federation ^tein, M. and A. I. Kulakofsky, A. city in the following Synagogues. "Special committees will be organoffice at once the names of every one Kaplan; Mrs. J. Idntzman, Mrs. A. AGUDAH STARTS ORTHODOX whom they knew who are not now Silverman, A. Richards, J. B. Robin"INTERNATIONALE" Rabbi Charlop will speak at the ized to .carry out?-all the plans in Federation members. ,Call Jackson son, S. Robinson, J. Shukert, M. Vienna. (J. T. A.)—Thirty thou- Adass Yeshurim Synagogue, 26th and detail," said Sam • Beber, general You will want to extent this greeting to all 5377 or use the form on Page 2. . Soreff, Sam Altschuler and Sam sand pounds were raised for' the Seward Streets, Friday evening. chairman in charge. Following is your relatives and friends on Kosk Hashonah. the standing of the contest to date: Anticipating that many pecple who Babior. Agudath Israel Fund at the closing Saturday morning he will speak at IT IS ONE OF THE MOST JOYOUS -2.200 Levy.... .... are already subscribers will wish to session of the "Knesioa" (congress) the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, Syn- Minnie -1.800 Rose Fine ».'..?.: WISHES YOU. CAN EXPEESS. -1.800 The "Rebbe" of Tchertkow announced agogue, 19th and Burt Streets and Gertrude Cooper iincrease their annual memberships' to ARAB RULERS GATHER -1,608 Ula Albert ....," the Federation as a mark of respect, FOR CONFERENCE a contribution of fifteen million Kro- Saturday afternoon he will speak at Celia B r a u d e - — JJ0 You need not send individual New Year's -1,200 and tribute to Morris Levy the com-1 Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The ques- nen, while the "Gerer Rebbe" gave a the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, 25th and Gertrude • i^ogelson, Hacola. cards to everybody you know. It is too ex-JU200 Marion Nicholas Streets. mittee has established a special mem- tion of the proposed federation of hundred million Polish MaTks. -3U2O0 Anne Selicow pensive, too bothersome, and you can't reFeldmsn — xioo bership roll which will include them. Arab states will be discussed at a Delegate Silberstein declared tha Committees from all the Syn- Clara member everybody's name and address. 1400 Kate Goldstein _ JUOO Current opinion in the city'is that conference of the Arab rulers to be "Zionism is bankrupt and Socialism agogues in the city have combined Anne Rablnovitz For Two Dollars you can wish.-EVERYBODY "Eiekes 1.1001 many subscribers do desire to so in- held at Amman, the capital of Trans- is misleading the Jewish workers" in the efforts to secure Rabbi Charlop Margaret Lottie Giventer — a Happy New Year, all your relatives, all your Esther Ontman ._ .1.000 iooo I crease, their contribution. A special jordania in October, it is announeed. He urged that the Agudah prepare to again speak before the Omaha Anne friends, and business associates, by inserting Stain—— form has been provided for this pur- Among the potentates who will labor literature written from a -reli people. Rabbi Charlop is well known Berdie Berger; — 1.0001 your greeting in the Annual Rosh Hashonah Dora JForman ,:,,. 9oo! pose which is printed on Page 2. among the young Rabbis as a great Rose Lazarus ___ attend the conference are 3£ing Hus- gious viewpoint. number of The Jewish Press to be issued on 900j Ida M i J i 900 The most vital question now is sein of the Hedjaz, King Feisul of The proposal to establish an inter scholar and influential speaker. September 6th, Mary Mscoe 800! Rose SeMffer "Who will be the first subscriber to Mesopotamia, the Emir Abdullah of national labor Agudah, as an affisoo; Iva Siegel ,, '• . Nobody can chide you for forgetting them on 500 the Memorial? Who will be the first Transjordania, the Emid Zeid and liated body of the Agudath Israel Anne Gold-ware 400 The opening meeting of the Jew- Tetta StieSer ~^ Rosh Hashonah if your greeting is published .400 man or woman to avail himself of Prince Lutafallah, Hussein's Eu- was adopted after the Rabbinical Julia Wise • ' 400 ish Women's Welfare Organization in The Jewish Press. the privilege and opportunity of ropean representative. Council let it be known it approv- will be held Tuesday afternoon, Sept. honoring the memory of Morris Levy Our forms for the New Year's Greetings close ed it. 4, at three o'clock at the : Jewish U. S. OFFICER SAYS • by subscribing to the Memorial?" Tuesday, September 4th. PROMISE MORE In a speech closing the "Knesiah' Community Center. All members POLICE SAW:.AMERICAN Who will lay the cornerstone of POGROMS IN AUTUMN Rabbi Rosenheim of Frankfurt de- are earnestly requested to attend. Jew ATTACKED the Memorial, - a cornerstone . unlike Bucharest (J. T. A.)-—The anti- clared that none were entitled to Bucharest. (J. T. A.)—In a stateany other ever laid in Omaha, but Semitic "National Protection League" speak for the Jewish people withou Mail Coupon at Once! ment today .in the local "Advertl", one that will carry with it an ideal appears very much satisfied with the consulting the Agudah. The Con ARAB FIRST BANKRUPT an American army ofScer named THE JEWISH PRESS, of service and devotion to' Judaism success of the attacks last week on gress was officially closed with, a OF YEAR IN PALESTINE Reiter, who witnessed the attack by 4S2 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. and to Jewish causes? Jews in TJngheni and Pittesti, in touching address on present world Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The Pales- a mob "of students on the American Gentlemen: Enclosed find Two Dollars, for which please insert A subscription blank for the Morris Bessarabia, led by student-followers conditions as affecting Jewry by the tine Courts "recorded today their first Jew, Haimowiiz, at the Bsriad railmy New Year's greeting card in your Annual Kosh Hashonah number " Levy Membership Memorial is print- of Professor Cuza. famous "Chofetz Chafan" of Eado'm. case of "bankruptcy this year. for 1923 (5GS4). way station, declares thai station fid on Page 2 . If you are not now The task of the League, the offi- . The Congress was adjourned -The applicant for a receiver is an police were present daring the attack Kame a,Jn£mber of Hie. Federation, if you cials announce, is to keep the Jew- amidst esnenes of ecstacy, in which Arab merchant of. Haifa, Said el but made no attempt to interfere, ?tffe "a" true Jew,'if youTespect the ish question open hy propaganda and Chassidic" dancing Haiek. His liabilities are • set at although' they were requested to call singing memory of Morris Levy, and if you "public- demonstrations"* a feature. off the invalid's assailants. ' £125^00. '
Every Man and Womanin City to Aid inBuilding
Jews m Army, lavy Get Farteighs to Obsenre Holidays
Y . E E A; Second Amraal Teams Toarnamentia Full Swing first Matches Played
B'nai ffrithCarawaJ Gfris' Popdaiity Cerates! Cansmg i u c i Eitktsfasm
©re 1stAnnual Ball OcL 7
~-- • & * . • •. . . • • * •
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1923 Officers of the congregation are A. Moskowitz, president; A. Leibowitz, £883-1923 _JIon., A off. IS vice-president; L Moskowitz, treas0684-1933 New fear's EveMon., Sept. 10 urer; Fred B. Cherniss, secretary; Yom Klppnr. TliarB., Sept. 20 members of the board of education, Suraoth (First Day) Toes* Sept. 25 Sch. Newman, Sam Sommer, Sam Snccotb (Last Oar)—Sliminl Oct. 2 Rosenberg, I. Konecky and I. Klein. Simctaat Torch — Wed, Oct. 3
This is the Way You "Can Help Build the JEWISH Morris Levy Membership Memorial Fast of Ab. For Subscribers to The Memorial
THE JEWISH PRESS Published-«rar Thursday at OmahW JfetifM&a. 6 y _ . THE JEWISH" PRES8 PUBLJSHINO COMPANY.
Office: 482 Brandeis theatre Ba»dijig.--Telephone; Jackson 237a NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. .$2.50
Subscription Price one vear Advertising.rates famished on application.
Morris Levy Membership M e m o r i a l
NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicstloa of The Jewish Presa arp to be giveo to worthy commcnal causes. BS8rPl «1T» Ixrth oM CHAMOB OV b*.ni* roof naioti
JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION OF OMAHA I hereby subscribe to the "Morris Levy Membership Memorial"
The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and cflrregpondencss from all important Jewish centres, inqtunes regarding "news items credited • to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New
Yorit City.
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Residence Address.. Business Address.. Date..-,....,..
If You Wish to Increase Your Subscription Use This Blank Morris Levy Membership Memorial JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION OF OMAHA I hereby increase my annual subscription to the Jewish Welfare Federation to $~~ .. - and desire this amount to be credited to the "Morris Levy Membership Memorial" aa an annual contribution. •
.Residence Address... l
Business Address «.—«....»-...
Use this Blank For Names of Prospects
•These are exactly our views. . Let there be an end to strife. We would like Canon Chase to go one step further and that is to advocate the teaching of the Church that Jews are "Christ killers" be ^totally ;abolished. Canon Chase continued in the following strain . "The third method of-uniting Jew and Gentile is by emphasizing the teaching of the. greatest of Jewish prophets—that the highest spiritual life ofmankind can be obtained throughrealization of true brotherhood and by sacrifical service to each other. 'Not by might, riot by power, but by my spirit/ saith Jehovah of
JEW AND CHRISTIAN, It is' a happysigfc that iri manyquarters.thereare indications of ,a desire to bring about a.'..betterunderstanding between Jews and Christians. There is no earthly reason why human beings should, quarrel, why there should bestrife and it is the duty of each of us to bringrabout happier conditions. We are glad, therefore,-that Canon W p a m Sheafe Chase, rectoi! of Christ Church; Beatforff Avenue, Brooklyn, should have expressed the hope that the animosity between Jews and Christians wouldbecome a thing ofJ the-past. Canon Chase has not always been friendly disposed" towards Jews, "and so his utterance on Sunday lastis, therefore, all the more noteworthy. CanoHi Chase in "the'course of his sermon, said: "Three promising fields of endeavor present themselves. W« should emphasize the things on which the Jew and the Christian are agreed, arid postpone the" aggressive discussion of the things on which they differ until' more friendly relations between them have been established. . ••'We all accept the'Ten Commandments and the two great commandments to love God and our neighbor. If any Jew hate a Christian: he'is disobedient to the teaching of his own religion. If any Protestant hate a Roman; Catholic he is false to his religious standards. If a Roman Catholic hate a Jew he breaks the law of his church. .. r "Another method of uniting Jews and Christians is by emphasizing. American ideals of law, liberty and democracy and seeking to unite citizens in a-great movement to put God and our country above private sectarian and racial interests. There are evil men.in our land who, from love of money or power, are seeking in the name of personal liberty to destroy American law and institutions. Laws are not made to. take away our liberties but to protect our rights. . For any American to protect such rascals in their evil practices because they belong to our church, sect, synagogue, party or race is the act of a traitor to American institutions and ideals."
and' agree to pay the sum of $..
Motris LevyMembership Memorial JEWISH^ WELFAUE FEDEEATION OF OMAHA Gentlemen:- ' ; : The-following are suggested as prospective subscribers to the "Morrisi-Levy Membership Memorial": ADDRESS
"Isaiah; had no idea -of Judaisin as a self-satisned egotistic
c~^-J ? : 1 •
:i to the whole world, saying that all nations should come to aism tolearn of Gdd^s ways and to launch the day when the. t'ons shall beat their swords into plowshares and shall not learn .•r any more. "The Christian should emphasize the fact that he accepts this vision of Isaiah as coming from God and is seeking to bring it to pass, here in America and throughout the world. The Christian should emphasize the fact that he desires, not to destrjoy Judaism, but to assist her ;to.'realize her highest destiny." ^ This sounds very well and all so true, but we most earnestly hope that this is not to be a .one-sided agreement. We Jews harboivno ill-feeling against any, body of people. We seek to convertno one to pur religious views. We do not preach contempt for other faiths. We say that the "pious of all peoples have a share in Eternity^' r In America there should be no strife. May we suggest that Canon Chase have his sermon reprinted so-that he xnay send a copy to Henry Ford i n d to every Ku Klux Klan Kleagle in the country. Mankind is after all, one. We all have one common origin and all have a common end: This is the final analysis of the whole situation. Each one of us can continue believing in the tenets of our particular religion and practicing them. Together we can all strive for a better mankind and for human brotherhood.—The Jewish Gazette.
Roah-Chodesb Cheshvan. -Tburs., Oct. 11 Kosh-Cbodesb «i'rl.. NOT. 8 Channkah (Feast ol Dedicatlon). -.- Mon., Dec. 3 Rosb-Cbodesh Tebeth. ..Sun.. Dec. 9 Fast of Tebeth -Tnes.. Deo. 18 Mr. and Mrs. M. N. London and 5684-1031 BoBh-Cbodesb Shebat. ..Mon., Jan. 7 family have returned from a three Rosh-Chodesb Adar I_______Wed.. Feb. 6 to Minneapolis, Roah-Chodesb Altar it ...,n, FriM Mar. 7 days motor trip Furlm (Feast of Esther)—Thurs., Mar. so Minn. RoBb-Chodesb Mi«nn Mnf, Apr 0 Passover (Pesarh— ...... Sat, Apr. 19 Passover (Seventh Day)_____JFrl» Apr. 25 •Mr. Arthur S. Kolish and Miss Rosh-Chodesh '?<•*• »i«in May 6 lag b'Omer ; ; Thnrs.. May 23 Kolish have departed on a month's Rosb Chodesb Sivan......—_. Tiies- June S Shabnotb (Confirmation Day).Sat.. June 8 trip to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Bosb-Cbodrkh Tammni__—Thnra_ Jnlj a Portland, and other Pacific coast Rosb-Chodesh Ab.., Frl.. Angr. 1 Fast of Ab .-..•... Bnn., ADS:. 10cities. Rosh-Chodesb EIuL .Snn v Aug. 31 5683-1034 _Mon., Sept. S9 Nevr Tear's Eve_ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sacks announce
INFANT WELFARE WORK IN JERUSALEM New York. (J. T. A.)—Among indications marking the advancement of civilization andt he introduction of modern methods into Jerusalem is the institution there of infant welfare work, the American Child Health. Association announces. Miss Bertha Landsman, of the Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem, has •written to the Association, of which Herbert Hoover is president, saying that this , work is expected to be the fore' runner of many other branches of public health service particularly that dealing with prenatal care, the care of childof school age and tuberculosis work. One of the main purposes of the health expansion will be the training of nurses whose services later will be of general use throughout all of palestine. The holding of a baby show to take account of the health of all* the infants of the city is expected to t e an early outcome of the infant welfare work.
the engagement of their daughter, Ida, to Mr. Louis D. Kutcher, of this'city. The following members of the young set have returned to Omaha after being highly entertained here, the Misses Alice Adler, Bernice Kulakofsky, Gladys Meyers, Bessie Horn, Ann Weiss, Ann Ackermann, Edwin Meyers, and Pete Mandelstam. The Maccabaean Chapter of Young Judaea held their regular meeting last Tuesday evening at the Community Center. Mrs. B. Bernstein and family aave returned to Minneapolis, Minn., after an extended visit here. Mrs. I. Miller entertained twenty ladies at the Davidson tea room last Wednesday at a ten o'clock luncheon.
Happy New Year E HAVE a beautiful line of Jewish New Year Cards and Booklets. Our line of cards this year is well selected for the occasion. Our assortment is the biggest in the city. If you have any friends or relatives that you wish to remember them by, there is nothing nicer and much more appreciated by them, than to receive a plain and neat La Shona Tova card. We have them in plain, goldrimmed and booklets. COME IN AND BE CONVINCED.
Meyer Coren's Book Shop 1411 Farnam
Congregration B'nai Sholem will observe R o s h H a s h o n a h (New Year's) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) a t Hyland Dancing academy, 2424 Farnam Street, Sept. 10. 11 and 12 and September 19 and 20. These services will be in the eve- _ ning and Prof. Nathan Bernstein will j s be the speaker. The cantor will be ••= Wolf Weinstein of Baltimore, Md. The meetings will be ' "modern orthodox services," as explained by F r e d B . Cherniss, secretary of the congregation. He added that this Observance will be "modern orthodox Judaism with modern setting," and that i t is an attempt to Americanize Jews and keep them in the faith of their fathers. He said it is peculiarly a western movement but is strongly supported in the east. '
BOUMANIAN CHURCH ENLISTED TO FIGHT " ANTI-SEMITISM Bucharest. (J. T. £.)—-The Christian Church in Rounmnia has enLouis Marshall Calls 500 Lead* listed in the fight against antii n g American Jews to Semitism, which has gained great headway in Roumania lately. The Conference. Metropolitan of Moldavia • today New York.—Louis Marshall, Pres- issued a call for a conference of ident of the American Jewish Com- clergymen, to take steps to combat mittee, has sent a call to 500 Jews the anti-Semitic agitation. throughout the country to hold a na- This action . is in line with that tional conference . in New York on launched at Bucharest by the MetroOctober 7. The main objective will politan Christea, the Professors Jorga be to strengthen Jewish religious and and Dusti, and M. Foru, a noted cultural institutions and to draw the writer, in conducting an educational younger generation closer to the syn- campaign against anti-Semitism. agogue. The move of the clergy is directed WAR BLINDED RABBI WILL in particular against the brand of Among the other questions to be BRING RELIGIOUS INSPIRATION considered are the development and anti-Jewish agitation fostered by TO THOUSANDS 'IN THE U. S.financing of the Jewish Theological Professor Cuza, who has succeeded Blinded in the Argonne, the sight-1 University of Cincinnati. He was im-1 Seminary, the extension of the work in gathering under his fold many less eyes of Michael Aaronsohn are' mediately engaged by the Union ofo f . t n e United Synagogue of America, Roumanian students, who are respontoday a means of bringing inspiration' American Hebrew Congregations, j P*°'vfBlon for the adequate housing of sible for the recent excesses, espeand hope to thousands of men and which, supports the Hebrew Union the 44,000 rare volumes and manu- jcially at women. Aaronsohn has just begun College to tour the United States •to scripts of the Nathan Elkan AdlerJ his duties as the first traveling rabbi' spread the message of Judaism. Rab- Uberary, and the extension of the SEEKS INDEPENDENCE in the service of the Department. of, bi Aaronsohn's sister, Dora, who was Teachers* Institute of the Seminary. FOR PALESTINE Mr. Marshall -sayS in his announceSynagogue and School Extension of his constant companion and guide at London. (J. T. A.)—The "Daily the Union of American-Hebrew Con-[College will accompany him on hisment: Express" reports that King Hussein gregations, and is preparing for a travels in the "capacity of secretary, atten- of the Hedjaz has directed, his reptour of the United States, "that will) «isfca ll expect no undue flow of resentative ia London to negotiate enable him to deliver a. message of • sympathy," the blind rabbi declared, with" Great Britain with a view to firm religious faith of "Jew through-1 "but that fair play and equality of the>f Jews of .out the United States. ' opportunity which should not be de- Europe. Now the time has come granting Palestine a constitutional government, Michael Aaronsohn's. story itself,J n ied to any one who refuses to when W6 must devote attention to our i The King was officially reported to as inspiring sermon as he will ever "stand and -waith," but ia assured problems, the draft of a treaty have deliver, is one of the great man's un- through the faith of saintly women, , sung tales- of heroism. He was a student of the University of Cincinnati men and children-that there is a furbear upon and Hebrew Union College,, .the lead- ther call for those-Who wounds of sacred ing reform Jewish Theological Semi- their bodies the Meanwhile a generation has been 1 ever, because of. the vigorous oppsic e to to a country honor and of sservice nary for the training of rabbis when!passionately loved and at whose « ^ E-^ w i t h o u t a n yy systematic tion of the Palestine Arabs to the y he enlisted in the 37th Division of t shrine they havd laid the hopes, love effort being made to bring them to treaty. ,the Ohio National Guard*. Blinded by;and faith of youth. To one who has th« synagogue.' .'Another, generation shrapnel, Sergeant Major Aaronsohn.been given.the high privilege of serv- has come into-feeing far whose rewaff carried off the field in the Ar- ing with men in'the valley of death, ligious training scant provision has WANTED—Reliable young lady - gonne 'forest. He . spent several J the prospect of serving with them in been made. There is & lack of teachwork in grocery store. Apply .months in hospitals in France, de-jthe Gates of-Hope, is a sublime op- er& with- pedagogic and Jewish train- , to at Reese Street Grocery &Meat . feated inmind and body, i.nd then,' portunity. The leadership of a rab^ ing. There is a dearth of text books. Market. Call ATlantic 9767. The world of books and written com-.bi offers sacred.battles with the so- "The dearth, of Rabbis and. Jewish munjeatjon was re-opened when theycial conditions-of the day.. It presents teacher^ making passible the developp- - - . * . i began to teach him the rudiments of a vision of political guidance and it ment of Judaism in this country., cre- »•*»»• offers moirfents of communion with reading and writing ibt the blind di d writing 'for the blind/ offers moitfents of communion with Discharged from government-liospi* the unrestrained heart flow of human- ate* a problem to which our people F O R RENT—-Five or Seven Rooms, all modern. Apply at jnust give serious thooghf if they detals in Baltimore, Michael Aaron- ity." 939 North'25th St., after six sir* t h a i the next generation »£ Jews sohn .returned .touhis studies-.in.-Cin7 t>. m daily and *nfr tiay Saturin this country shall be' worthy of ! .day and Sunday. 4 einnatf, and 'graduated' last June both . The Jewish Press Personal Greeting their traditional heritage and .worthy! from the-.rabbinical schooL-and- the page will be rone of the feature pages, also of the- blessings of this republic."
Religions Revival, Plan of N. Y, Jews
Diamonds, Watches and
Jewelry Novelties
(Across from the Sun Theater.)
Sanitary Foods only do we sell. And they are served to our customers in the most up-to-date and sanitary manner.' Our store is equipped with such facilities which enable us to guarantee satisfaction by virtue of such sanitary conditions.
AT LOWEST PRICES. Come in and be convinced.
Goldstein Jewelry Co. 1510 Farnam St.—JA. 5782.
FRIED & KUKLIN 1513 No. 24th St. WE. 4330
"The Mohl" Residence. 1343 Ho. 23th St. Tel. AtUntlc G637. Place of Business, 2323 Barney St. Tel. ATI*8tift 3831.
Are You One of Them? Many people put their winter clothes away in a soiled condition, and in such cases it is a 2 to 1 bet the moths arc working on them right now.
Take Our Advice Send them to us now and have them dry cleaned. We'll do any repairing needed and have them ready for the first cold enap. Give us plenty of time—your c l o t h e s are as safe here as at home, for we are insured against loss by theft or fire.
The Pantorium
Announcing The Nebraska s
Fall Exhibit of S??iart
New Fall
Hats for Men Featuring the foremost hatters' correct fashions
Main Floor—East Aisle
"Good Cleaners and Dyers" AT 43S3 1515 Jones St. S. Side, 24th and L. MA 1283 -CfUY LIGGETT, President
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 80, 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wells re-1 honor of the eightieth birthday of with Mrs. Monsky's brother, Mr. Mrs. H. Marx and small son, Paul, all times. She is survived by her turned Sunday from an extendedi Mrs. J. J. Rosenthal, mother of Mr. Harry Kooler, and Mrs. Kooler. visited in Omaha with her sister, husband and four children, Harry, motor trip tD Colorado. L and Mr. Leo Rosenthal. Mrs. Julius Newman, and Mr. NewMrs. Louis Heeger and son, Myron, man, and also with her mother, Mrs. Leon, Freeda, and Ida. Mr. Dave Green returned from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ellis, of Lin-of Sioux City, Iowa, are visiting with R. Snader. Mr. Marx and family ARABS PLAN UNIVERSITY Chicago, HI., where he went on coln, Nebr., spent the week-end in their parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Sam motored into Omaha Sunday mornIN JERUSALEM Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ellis Freiden. .. business. ing to join Mrs. Marx and then all Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—An Arab and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Greenstone. Mrs. Joe Wintroub returned ThursThe Messrs. Maruce and Arthur drove back to Lincoln Monday. University will be founded in Jeruday from a several weeks stay at The Congregation of Temple Israel Friedman returned home last week salem. The Patriarch Barlassina is Excelsior Springs and Kansas City, will hold a meeting Sunday after- after spending five weeks in Chicago YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. heading the movement for the estabM o . • .•- - ' . ,. noon, September 2, at three o'clock and other eastern cities. The Hatikvoh Girls held a regular lishment of the school which will at the Temple. meeting at the Jewish Community use both English and Arab tongue Mr. and Mrs. A. Pradell have Center Sunday, August 27. Miss for instruction. moved into their new home at 3024 Mr. and Mrs. H. White and son,L Bertha Kushner was elected secretary The opening preparatory Ascadia Ave. . Robert, returned Wednesday morning WEDDINGS f The opening meeting of the Jewfrom Ottumwa, Iowa, where they Mr. Edward Gugenheim and fam-and Miss Lillian Goodman was elect- will be started this year, it is CHERNISS—LIPP * I ish Women's Welfare Organization Miss Pauline Friedman, of Des have been visiting for the past ily and Mr. Morris Friend have re- ed sargent-at-arms, to fill in va- nounced. turned from a vacation at Minne- cancies. The marriage of Miss Celia Lapp, "will be held Tuesday afternoon, Sept. Moines, la., is the guest of her ten days.. waska Lake. They arrived in Lindaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer 4, at three o'clock at the Jewish cousin, Mrs. Philip Green. . The. Misses Gladys Meyers, Alice coln Sunday by motor. Lipp, of this city, to Mr. Harry 1M l Community Center. All members OBITUARY Miss Frances Robinson, of Norfolk, Adler, Bessie Horn, and Mr. Edwin Cherniss, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, are earnestly -requested to attend. IDA L FREIT*;N, Prop. Nebr., who has been visiting with her Meyers returned Tuesday from Sioux A daughter was born to Mr. and The funeral services of Mrs.C. was solemnized Wednesday evenine.l •««• -r -n~T IT JV ™ ., grandmother, Mrs. E. Jacobs, reCity, Iowa, where they spent a week. Mrs. Charles Simon, Saturday. Mrs. | £>• Mendelson, age 46, who died at A ^r,^. ho 4. +T. T. v l f i 7T^ •'• Mr*J o e Pizer, of North Platte, turned to her home this week. a t h O f e b Simon was formerly Miss Henrietta the Wise Memorial Hospital Tuesday ^ S ^ at^.2448 ° ^Burt ^St. ^ S ^br., was the guest of M, Louis parents Rabbi The Auflebung Club is giving a StiefeL afternoon after a long illness, was Somberg during the past 'week. 811 South 16th Frederick Cohn conducted- the nuptial • . Mr. and Mrs. John Gidinsky re- box lunch and picnic Sunday, Sept. 2, held from the family residence, 1420 JPhoiie Atlantic 8010. rites, before the presence of over one j Mrs. A. Sflverman, Who has been turned from Kansas City, .Mo., where at Elmwood Park at four o'clock. Miss Miriam Frosh returned last North 20th Street, Wednesday afterOpen Evenings. hundred friends and relatives of the ill at the Methodist Hospital, will they were spending several weeks. Games and prizes will be given and Wednesday from a Chautauqua trip noon at two o'clock. Burial was held couple. *be at home this at the Pleasant Hill Cemetary. 'Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kohan left all members are urged to be there. through Canada. Only Jewish Florist in town. The home was decorated with Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Gertrude :Levin entertained Mr. and Mrs. M. Weil are spend- Mrs. Mendelson was a member of Miss Sylvia Horblit, of San Franpalms and roses. A canopy of. fragWEDDING BOUQUETS. a number of the Jewish Women's rant ferns overhung the room where . £ ? £ £!?%"?«*•>. *?**» }™ Mose Kohan, at Des Moines, Iowa. at bridge on Monday evening in ing their vacation in Colorado Organizations and was charitable at the couple were married. Miss Lilly with Miss Blanche Altaian. Miss Mrs. H. M. Cohen and son, Ellis, honor of Miss Bertha Wolf, of Cleve- Springs and Manitow. Bobinson played the wedding are visiting here with Mrs. Cohen's land, Ohio, who is the guest of her Mrs. Max Sarback, of New York as. Hie groom, • accompanied by Wil-stopping off at Eock Island, Chicago, parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kula- cousins, the Misses Lillie Kooper and City visited relatives here WednesEl., Muskagoo, Mich., and other kofsky. They expect to return to Helen Robinson. Prizes were won by liam Cherniss, acting as best man, day. Miss EsteEe Lapidus and Miss Wolf. walked up the aisle. They were fol- * l a c e s ' b e £ o r e "burning to her home. their home on Labor Day. Mrs. Louis Bergman, of Lusk, lowed by the ring bearer and flower j Mr. and Mrs. N.. S. Rothenberg girl, who preceded the bridesmaid, j entertained five couples at their home ' Mr. and Mrs. A. White motored COUNCIL BLUFFS S Wyo., is visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. FogelMiss Clara Cherniss, and the "matron Thursday evening complimentary to to Ames, Iowa, Sunday to visit with their niece. Mr. White returned durModern Services will be conducted son. Several affairs are being given of honor, Mrs. Eva Konecky..The Miss Ruth Silverstein, of Salt Lake bride, accompanied by her father, City, who is visiting here with Miss ing the week while Mrs. White "will at the K. P. Hall, Odd Fellow's build- in honor Of the visitor. Mrs. Fogelson entertained at bridge, and on visit there for another week. ing for Rosh Hashonah and Yom Meyer Lapp, completed the proces- Rose SegaL Kippur by Rabbi Roger De Koven, Tuesday Mrs. J. Seelenfrexmd enterBion. i ' Services of the Temple Israel of Cincinnati. tained in her honor. The bride's. gown was of white' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinberg, of of a Bigger and Better Congregation will begin again on gjlk Fremont, Nebr., entertained Thurscrepe Eomairo, trimmed in Spanish lace, and the sash wasd a v evening.at four tables of bridge Friday evening, September 7, and Mrs. M. Bernstein left last Thurscaught up by a corsage blossoms and Snoring, their cousins, Mrs. Nate there will also be a regular service day for Denver, Colorado. Saturday morning, September 8. she .carried a boquet of white roses. Stein, of Chicago, HI., and Miss Ivy The Mr. and Mrs. J. Katelman had as Temple Sunday School will open Weinberg, of Boston, Mass. High The matron of honor, Mrs. Eva their guests over the week-end Mr. Sunday morning, Sept. 9. Rabbi Konecky was gowned in blue crepe de honors were held by Mrs. Sam „ , . , _ , , , , . ,: ., and Mrs. Max Katelman, of Lincoln, with a Full Line of chine" trimmed in Venetian lace. She Zlotky and Mr. Mick Krasne. Frederick Conn's sermon subjecte for( ^ e f e r ^ Katelman, of carried a bouquet of pink '• roses. Mrs. David Sherman and family Fnday evening September 7, will be ^ ^ ^ ^ and ^ M a x The bridesmaid, Miss Clara Cherniss, returned "The Lesson morning, of the Summer" and, Friday after having spent m a n left f o r ^ home on Saturday September 8, wore a gown of orchid georgette the past ten weeks in California. his subject will be "The Sabbath." evening. crepe, with an orchid headress. The The Sisterhood meeting which was flower girl, little Miss Zella Cher- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizer and son, Mr. Morris E. Jacobs, of the Diamond & Platinum Specialists niss, was dressed in a" peach-color Joe, returned to their home at North Omaha Bee, and Mr. Archie Jacobs, to have been held Wednesday at the under the personal 1514 Dodge St. home of Mrs. L.-Cherniss, has been l georgette dress. Platte, Nebr., after spending the o f the Omaha Daily : News, re- postponed. Further announcement SI supervision of MRS. C. ZUCJKEK. Est. 1894. Ja. 5619 Mr. Harry Cherniss ; is an attorney week here. turned this morning from Yankton, will be made later. at Council Bluffs and graduated from S. D., where they attended the openIt the Creighton University. The young Mr. Abe Millman is entertaining ing of the Yankton bridge with the The Mogen Dovid Young Judaean. HATS MADE couple will make their future home at a party Monday in Lincoln, Nebr., Omaha Good Will delegation. club will hold an important meeting i To OEDEE honoring several out-of-town visitors. in Council Bluffs. next Sunday afternoon at the Syn- Chiropodist and Beacty 1615-19H North 24th Street The • newlyweds left Wednesday Shop Web. 2556 Miss Minnette Gross is leaving Mr. and Mrs. MaxJJrodsky, of the agogue at 1:30 o'clock. Established IKK) evening for Manitou, Colorado, where' Saturday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., Blackstone Hotel, are entertaining at Between Seward and Franklin Ifitb end Barney Mtrwts. they expect to make an extended where she will spend several Weeks. a dinner party for ten couples in Tne Messrs. Jay and Harold Cher- Give as a caaooe to aphonor of Mrs. Brodsky's sister, Miss niack and Miss Gertrude Chemlack jreelate joat bnstness For honeymoon trip. Mrs. S. Robinson has returned from JEstherCaplanj and also in honor of returned home Tuesday after visiting appointments call Ja 8774. "Mr. Dave Degen, of New York City, in Sioux City, Iowa, and Lake OkoKansas City, Mo., where she was RAVTTZ—ZORESTSKY Over two hundred guests attended visiting for the past three weeks with and Mr. Louis Aftergood, of Cleve- bojL the wedding of Miss Jennie Zorinsky, her daughter, Mrs. B. M. Ochtenberg, land, Ohio. The Messrs. Sam and Philip Frieddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Zo-and Iflr. Ochtenberg. man returned home Tuesday after The Board of Directors of the Jewrinsky, to Mr. Ben Ravitz, son of ish Women's Welfare Federation will spending a week in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spiegal, and Mrs. J. Kushner, Sunday evening, daughter, Theo Jane, of Davenport, meet this morning at ten o'clock at August 26, at the Labor Lyceum Mrs. H. Meyerson had as her guest HalL Rabbi Grodinsky officiated. Iowa, formerly of Omaha, left for the home of Mrs. Nathan Mantel. last week Mrs. N. Handler, of Oskahome last week. While here they The bride had as her attendants loosa, Iowa. Mrs. Handler returned Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Peltz lave were extensively entertained by relaRuth Kushner, as the maid of honor, tives and friends. as their guests Mrs. Peltz'a mother, home last Friday. and the bridesmaids were the Misses Mrs. J. Kreizelman, and family, of Bertha Kushner, Celia Feedman, Rae Mr. and Mrs. P . Saks will be atChicago, HI. Miss Dorothy MarcuSj Mrs. Harry Monsky and two chilBorsky, and Sadie Cornman. Little home at their new address at 4325 of Chicago, is ^also visiting with them. dren returned Sunday after an eight week's visit in Indianapolis, Ind., Miss Jennie Kushner, of Lincoln, was South 22nd St., Sunday evening, the flower girl, and Master Nathan September 2, from seven to ten Mrs. F . Slotsky and daughters, Bodies of all types havebeen Dodge Brothers have not Cprnman the ring-bearer. Mr. Samo'clock in honor of the Barmitzvoh Edith and Anne, of Sioux City, are motoring into Omaha Saturday designed to give improved Rothenberg acted as the groom's best of their son, Harold. The Barmitzsimply brought out a comman,, and the.: ushers were. Messrs. voh exercises will be held Saturday to be the guests of Mrs. A. Weiss appearance, and greater plete new lineof motorcars. Abe. Borsky, Jake Garfinkle, Joe morning, September 1, at the Beth and daughter, Anne. A number of comfort. Lower, longer, They have done something Nitz, and Sam -Brown. Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, 19th affairs are being planned in honor of the visitors. Miss Weiss will with deeper seats and more Mr. Ravitz and his bride left Mon- and Burt Streets. infinitely wiser and better -! day for a • two* week's wedding trip Mrs. Joe Kay of Berkeley, Calif., entertain Saturday afternoon a t the leg room, the lines of these than that. to Denver, Colo., and Kansas City, and Mrs. H; M. Cohen, of Kansas Brandeis Tea Rooms. Sunday afternew cars are low-swung and Mo., and upon their return will be City, Mo., will be the out-of-town noon, Miss Blanche Altman will They have brought new entertain at an afternoon bridge at home with the bride's parents. graceful—the interiors are guests Sunday evening. beauty, new riding ease and honoring the visitors, and on Moncomfortable and roomy. ; Miss Lottie Chapman, of Center- Miss Fanny Miller, of Creston, la., day afternoon Miss Weiss will again 1808 Douglas St. new mechanical perfection ville, .Iowa, who has been visiting is the guest of her sister, Mrs. entertain her visitors a t an afternoon World Theater Bid to the product on which New head lamps and fenbridge at her home. Mrs. Slotsky with Mfss Rosalyn Goldstein, is leav- Morris Strauss. their reputation as builders ders, especially designed by , , . -, -. -r, .„ . •-„ . and daughters will leave for their ing for her home Thursday morning. Mies Frances Rose will arrive Sun- v _, -.r < . When Alt the WoM _ _ _ _ _ . • * . _ . • o . ^ . j ™ . . hoine Monday evening. . She will be accompanied by Missday morning from Rockford, HI., to has been founded. Dodge Brothers to conform Bernice Ferer, who will visit with visit with Miss- Estelle Lapidus for Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. White Loves a Lover with the general Hues of the her. PIEST ITS THE DIAMOND They have built a better several -weeks. Many affairs are al-have moved into their new home a t car—a long straight hood ENGAGEMENT RING . .. and a more desirable line of The Misses Gertrude Cooper, Ethel ready being planned for the visitor. 4124 California Street. and cowl effect—longer and Every woman w&nta the Reuben, Minnie .Wohlner, Lillian MiBS Pauline Newman, of Minne- Mr. and Mrs* L Bosenthal left motor cars—yet basically reputation for always having wider running boards—unLipp, Rose MinMn, and Ann; Horn apolis, Minn., is visiting * with Mr. Tuesday for Dayton, Ohio, and Mr. and doing the correct thing. and fundamentally the idenwere in Fremont, Nebr., where they and Mrs. Herman Newman. Mrs. and Mrs. Leo Eosenthal and famjly usually wide doors'—comSo widely recognized Is the were ^guests at a slumber party Newman will entertain at luncheon are leaving Saturday for Dayton, tity of their product remains smart character of bination stop signal and tail Saturday evening given by Miss Friday: .at'the BlackBtone Hotel for where they will attend l i e family the same. Esther Weinberg in honor of her h e r . ; g u e s k ~ '-',-, V '.:•• •'•'. - - V - - - ' . ; reunion of the RoBenthal family in lamp*—and instruments atYe Diamond Shoppe cousin, Miss Ivy Weinberg, of Boston, The same sturdy engine is offerings tfcat a. gift from Mass. The night and morning were this shoppe Invariably carunder the hood; the same panel-r-are a few of the spent in games, .dancing, and bridge. ries a greater prestige than would attach to an High honors was won by JUisa Ethel dependable chassis, imnumerous body innovations even more costly gift Reuben, and Miss Jean v Krupp, ;'of proved in numberless dechosen dsewhere. :.. common to all types. Fremont,, won the prize at games. tails, underlies the body. SECONDLY IS THE The other out-of-town guest was Combining these features WEDDING RING Mrs. Nate Stein, of Chicago, 111. "DEALERS IN £O0D COAL' AT. 9146. HttfeiittSiNMMIttiHill2 N. 13th St But the rear springs—now with important mechanical Purchased but once ia a Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snader and life time; and should be so, underslung—have been maimprovements too numeras no one relishes the little daughter, Esther Jane, of ^Torthought of replacing later terially lengthened. The ous and technical to enufolk, Nebr., motored to Omaha last Smokeless—Sootless—Very High Grade on, the original ring given week and while here visited • for wheelbase, too, is longer, merate here, it is not extravat the altar, because it failseveral days with their Bister, Mrs. ed to wear satisfactorily. and the combined result is agant to predict a reception Julius Newman, and Mr. Newman. a notable improvement in for thesecars unprecedented Ye Diamond Shoppe "This coal has made our name a byword in thousands of Omaha Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weinman rehomes and Is -priced especially low for immediate delivery. It is riding qualities. in automotive annals. wedding rings will outturned from Detroit, Mich., to make fresh out of cars NOW. We are exclusive acentsin Omaha for wear any wedding ring their home here at the Blackstone this good coal. . made owing to a secret Hotel, process of working precious metals, perfected by WIZARD SEMI BRIAR HTT.T. Mrs. Carrie Livingston has re73 ysam «t experience by No smoke, no soot, very its makers. turned-from Chicago, 111., where she A Very High Grade little ash. O'BRIEX-DAYIS AU1D CO. spent the jnionth with her son, Mr. Illinois. All Sizes. " Lump 28th and Harney Sts. Alvin Livingston, and Mrs. LivingsYe Telephone—HAzney 0123 Por Ton ton.
DIAMONDS and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. Maiashock Jewelry Co.
RE-OPENING Millinery Department New Fall Hats ZUCKER'S Sfi Store
Consumers Goal & Supply Co
Present ^Cfc 7 K Screened and Price
Mrs. Samuel Kata and Mr.- nml Mrs. J. ft. Katz and children will. return ho:nr Saturday (mm Charle-i voi3k Mich, V'hcrc they spent a" muaiiu •'• •
^ S ? Ha ^ #
Diamond Shoppe
Holds Fire Overnight',
We Axe Advising Out Customers to Place Their Orders ' With tfe l?ow. Future Conditions Are Very Uncertain.
Gifts That
' *
JEWISH PRESS ish Leader, a weekly newspaper in Samuel Caplan of New York, formerfalse a statement1,, one go "easily dis- both saw Judge Tuttie, urging him JEWIS BLOODSHED proved. - ' • • - - • • to-:accept the lower price. The Le' • TO FOLLOW SOVIET FALL Yiddish and English, has been- an- ly with the American Jewish Congress We have had a. high regard for lands, Henry M. and Wilfred C, were Riga. (J. T. A.) Representatives nounced here. Mr. Simon Shamroth is Organization, has been called to edit Benson as a writer ^ until he began present, and it was there stated that of all Jewish parties everywhere in the publisher and, it is learned, Mr. the new two-language weekly. WEEKLY, arrangements had been made to pay Russia feel that if by any chance the * Allan. Benson, "writing1 in' ije'arst's be as a publisher, that he intends to putting over his. Ford falsehoods on the Lincoln creditors and they Hoped Bolshevist' regime should collapse, it the public. We are.not going to say "international magazine • for Septem- convey the truth to the readers of his ! would mean the massacre of all Jews. whether these statements .ate d u e t o to ; arrange to pay the stockholders ber, says that-Henry-Ford,-without publications, Let us take it for also. But the Judge insisted on payAlthough Bolshevism has brought ignorance or nofc.bufcjet the readers any obligation on his-part 1;odo'so, granted also that it is a physical f about the 'economic ruin o.f the Jewish ment of at least $8,000,000. judge for themselves. ; * impossibility for him to know all has paid the .Lincoln Motor Company population, si. counter-revolution. is Judge Tuttie made a statement as stockholders $4,000,000 to cover their that goes into his score of news- ;; Speak&g .of Ford .'having paid $8,4 dreaded by all Jewish leaders,; -the to-this in detail in open Court. It 000,000 . fpr.. the Lincoln ;~ plant, losses. '-• • : " . " . papers and half dozen magazines. ; Jewish Telegraphic Agency investiwas available for all the papers, but Benson adds:. _ ; ;:"! .••.:. i-. . r The facts are that-Mr. Fajrd has And ,let us not forget that he has 310 No. 16th St. Tel., JAckson 5Q62 gator_gathers from conversations with the Jthree' daily papers in Detroit;, into rely largely on the integrity and •'But Ford did "not stop there. r hot" paid the Lincoln Motor Company spokesmen of all shades. cluding the Hearst paper, suppressed stocBioTdefs one cent'to cover their intelligence of the men who do the The stockholders had lost all or The scourge-seriously menacing the all • they-^ had <-; put in. the statement. Has Taken Charge of The Wholesale and losses, after a promise was^niade on writing and • editing for him. Then nearly Among -the' stockholders 'were safety of-the Jewish- population, parIt was published, however, in. this it is high time that he made an inthe part of the Fords -that tjie' stockRetail Business of Shalker Packing Company. many who.were,poor,. . One was paper and later in one other Michigan ticularly, in the-Ukraine, are the fobvestigation into the conditions under a. newsboy who had .saved $2,000 holders would* be taken, car& of. : bet bands" still infesting that section. paper. It has been a long' time ..since we which such fake stuff as that by and, because -of his/ faith in the Altho'ugh less numerous;"that previLelands, who organized rthe comThat statement by the Judge Benson is being put over on the have seen so much falsehood crpwded ously, they are" 'sjiillL'fel.t. and feared. pany, put it all into Lincoln clearly proves the; error of Mr. Benpublic. in so short a space as Mr. Benson stock. Ford, owed-none of them ; soa's statement. •-.•• \ • • • ; . - • • The populatieniohttjhV^Whole fearsJpoputs iir a - few paragraphs : o f his And • the 'Hearst publications are a nickel. He had ; a t f e n -title litical banditisnv irraie :it&an criminal, did not jiayone cent more article, trying to boost Fbrd into the made to give endorsement' to all this to the: property. But his .mind since the political ;iratifilits;:'tisually^ atwas not easy." He''apparently •the :' plant than the court forced falsehood." by the announcements Presidency. tack the .Jews exclusively on the preShalker -Packing Company of Leavenworth, Kansas, : could'not forget the newsboy and • - • '•..-• • : 'assume -tha£ William' Kan- printed-to get the-public to buy this others. So he ordered that the h i i j i , ' t o : p a y . text, that the Jews -at:e;Bolsheviksr He has not yet paid all the Le- will Tgive a Special Price for its Retail Trade. dolph' Hearst is what 'he professes to magazine containing Benson's article Lincoln stockholders - be ' paid. ' In each district in'th&Ukrainev'the lands understood he was to pay when That eost him; $4,000^000^" ; An advertisement in the local! they helped him get tho plant, for richest 'citizens have been appointed as Fresh Salami 35c 1b. jjiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiii Hearst paper reads: Mr. Benson, thewriter of the art- he has ' not paid the stockholders, "otwetschke" or . spokesmen, who : are Thick Bologna 30c 1b. What kind of a President icle, cannot produce; the newsboy who and that he should was part of the answerable with their heads for the discovery of robber bands among would Ford make—if elected? got back §2,000. . • • ; ; ' ; • , Sr. "" When Looking | understanding. , Weiners ..... 30c 1b. "Hearst's International anthem. These otwetschke are bound to Mr. Hapgood, the editor of the This paper does not hold that he return the appearance of bandits* • swers this question in.. September magazine, cannot-produce the newsOld Style Smoked Tongues..50c 1b. 1 for Latest Styles in"' = by a man who knows Ford-r is legally bound, for the sale was Such bands have recently appeared has lived- in hia house—associated boy /who got-money^ back.'-v .' confirmed at the $8,000,000. intimately-rhas written All Pastromi, Smoked Meat and Tongues at •Mr. Hearst, the owner of £he mag- But when . the\. Fords . announced in Alexandria, and Kaminka, whei t fjj Ladies and Children's = . •awithThint : remarkable book about him. banners ;were carried, reading, "Down azine,, cancot produced the .newsboy that they were to take Special Price. over the plant, "Ford for President j s one of who got back his $2,000. ^ §,'... '- ; Shoes, Try ", = the great issues-of the time. it was stated -that/ they would • take with the Jews and Communists." . The dangerous feature of the banditism is They can't produce Jhim* because the -"Berison iteUs" you about the All Meats Guaranteed to be Kosher I: v• :'. .* l - i real . Ford-r-hU ambitions, his. boy who got' back- money' -doesn't the stockholders and ;leave the Le- that they- are - protected by peasants by Rabbi M. Braude oft St. Joe, Mo., abilityyhis limitations." who side with them when pursued. In exist. '•-- '* • ''• •' ! • " • | COLTON BROS. | r In lands in-charge of-the plant. certain places,.' rich Jews have been the magazine itself the Hearst The newsboy who-put-ini tibie money The creditors have been paid. -That publication in a heading to the —it was-$2,100—does exist, and his part of the agreement has been kept. included.among the otwetschke which, article says: money went into "the 'Lincoln plant But the Lelahds were forced but Russian leaders declare, is absurd since and Ford got the plant for a low!.of : t h e Ford organization after the the bands bulk all Jews as Commun"Benson knows Ford well and ists. -The post of an otwetschick is an 1 , "Let" Us Move You" , . tells what the great manufacturer price, but the--newsboy stilT is out Fo±ds t the:property/ FRED R. SHAW Flewer Shop extremely hazardous one, as they ^ says" to his intimates."'-'"'„ evew cent of his $2100 ^ $2,100. Ford Fo,rd hasn't | Phone 104 . Certified Public Accountants thQ stocHlojder8 . have n o t made, responsible, for the appearance Now, with the ground all set to paid the money bacjc: to him, nor to b e e n sid a The Best of Everything In Flowers and Audits Systems and failure to : report of any brigands. Confections at Moderate Prices. Operated by - ' • - make you believe what is printed is a n y o f t h e ' o t h e r ' stockholders. I And we do not see how Ford can Investigations 345 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater true, with the inference given that It would; be a i t , easjr matter to 434 to 440 Peters Trust Bids. CODNCEL BLUFFS. IOW&. go Phones, Jackson 4313, 4S14. the statements come from Ford him- procure the names of 3,000 of these JEWISH COLONISTS unchallenged. We do not see how he ATlantic 0230 JAckson 4338 / self, such falsehoods are printed as stockholders, some of them pnow in EXHIBIT AT MOSCOW should make any self-respecting pub- poverty, two of rthem having com- can permit himself to profit by pubMoscow. (J." T. A.)—Jewish colonlicity based on such false statelisher.-wild withrage, over; the injury netted suicide,, some-living in attics, Carpenter Paper Co. ments. ' :" ists • from, South Russia are repit "will do- him and J u s publication some old,. having lpst; all their savDistributors of Frankly, one; of, the objects this resented: in the. Russian agricultural when the people learn tthe real truth ings having gone back to drudgery, Western Bond—and High WHOLESALE - '. in the matter. -,-. ., . 5 ^ord has a listof^alLof them but paper has in lrfe>.is to help in_the and industrial exhibition in Moscow. Grade Stationery Druggists and Stationers , We do not believe Henry Ford is:. Ford hasn't paid them a cent.- _ carnijaign that will bring Ford to a The" colonists, have a pavillion of 'One of America's Great Hotels" Omaha. Nebraska. realisation that his moral- obligation : " ;.,... 401-403-405 Sontb lOtb Struct ' so b.% a fool as to, himself, "make so Ford's Presidential~ boom "thrives to pay is even grSater'than would be* their own.I ' .. At the foreign section of the Exon just, such. xfalsehoods; as that hibition,..the; Jewish Labor Federaprinted .by Benson a^d others, telling a legal obligation: WASH AND KEEP WELL . 1 the people, thatJFordihas done things Surely many of the stockholders tion, of Palestine is represented, as are poor. are many private Jewish firms of A RULE OF HEALTH he hasn't : done, I-.J I >•..': > • ; Palestine. Benson apparently, has talked the Surely they need the money.. • FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Every Known Kftlid. Surely Ford has made enough More exhibits are awaited, among matter over with Ford-^-or has drawn 1S19 California Street. them, • that of Jewish colonists of WHOLESALE PAPER, - of Insurance *_ _ oi\.- his,,,imagination ;.to' give Ford profit off their property to enable him Argentine. ' t pay them without drawing on any STATIONERY, ETC. credit;for;#ood.thoughts. .^.,:-~ 209 W- O. W. Bldg. JA.'S944. He said "Ford's mind was: not of Ws own Distributors for easy," .and, thajiheu could not forget Surely he has not paid them NEW ENGLAND HAS Pink Tip' Matches — the newsboy and others. a/cent. NEW JEWISH PAPER EFFICIENT end RESPONSIBLE Northern Toilet Tissue tACDIT 1 We nope Eord'sinind will get so Surely Mr. Benson's statement that " Boston. " ( J . T . A.) The proposed 1 ere yonr cJothes come home 1112 Harney Street almighty uneasy that * it will touch he has. is absolutely false. publication September 7th of the Jewcleaner and last loneer. ATlantic 6403 i his ppcketbcjpk and lead him to carry ATlantic C28O. 1507-11 Jackson St. •'.:. ."..••••"-•..' THE GAiftEFUL WELDERS . . ... f .e | out the agreement the "Iceland's. had; H A . JACOBBERGER, Pres. reL>A7i397. Anything|:VAnytjme jj^Anyplactf '_, loOl Jackson St. I wiih him, and that he will pay the stockholders in actual, cash;; and not Omaha Office: BIS Douglas . t in .-publicity. . V Omaha Phon* Atlantic 2556 t This paper haj3 talked with a good Ford Transfer & Storage Co. COUNCIL BLUFFS. SA. many of-the stockholders. E. A. FOKD. President and General Manager. We have not i sought them out. Service is Our Motto Council Blnffs <Iowa) Office They have come.to us in their plight. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. 700 So. Slain Street. Phone 865. 'They were led to believe, when Ford TO AND FROM And in addition, we give you free your choice of took over their plant, that they would a beautiful Piano Lamp, a complete Kadio ReAlX PARTS OF; be r paid, but a -year and a half has ceiving Set, Player Roll Cabinet or Term of Leselapsed • , without •• the • . hope •. being THE WORUD sons, either vocal or instrumental. realized. ~ OUR TREATMENT WILL CONVINCE rOC OF OUK Their money 'and Mother inpney to VAL J. PEIER&COHPAJIY BUTTER and EGGS SINCERITY. Call, in this -week if you the amount of nioretha^^'520,000,000 1307 Howard SW Omaha,.Neb. Trust Department. Council Bluffs, la. want the best in our stock Safety Deposit Boxes. went into the lincoln plant, which ATIanlic 0340.' " """ " of PLAYER P I A N O S , the Lelandfs helped Ford, get for $8,GPwANDS a iid U P OOO.OpO, in. the belief that he would RIGHTS. A written guarpay back the stockholders. ; ITEN antee with, your choice and He paid the creditors of the comsatisfaction guaranteed. BISCUIT CO. Made by pany, he has .kept that part of the ''Manufactured in Omaha" agreement, but ^ has not "paid the UNCLE. SAM BREAKFAST With each PLAYER PISnow White stockholders. ' FOOD CO. ANO we give, yoxr FSEEBakeries BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 1 OKAHA, NEBRASKA. ' The property "which was built with your choice of premium, a (Be*. C. 8. i*at. 0 the money .of these stockholders is Office.) •bench.-** , match and $10 very ^ valuable. _x Ford has made worth of PLAYER EOLLS of your own selection. enough .off it in a single year to FOSTER-BARKER: pay them .off and still leave him a. of CODNCII. BLUFFS : CO. INSURANCE sood margin. -But-he still hangs to We pay 4% interest on Savinjr their investment, his profit, and all— "If Its Worth A-nythSng and Time Deposits. and gets touted, as a philanthropist It Insured." JAcfeon18K5\X~":_ Safe Deposit Boxes tor Rent. Your choice of premiums with* any NEW x to boot. PIANO in our store. You do not havie to ^ Mn. Benson, in his- Hearst article, be a home or property owner to make . says- also: use of our low and pleasing terms. Be A0VO COFFEE • . "Ford.paid'.more for the Linsure to call at our store and coln .plant .than was necessary. ADVO JELL ; ; ADVO FOODS Wholesale see and hear these wonderful I,- was in his office when he Fruit and Vegetables bought the Lincoln -plant. ' The values "before buying elsecourt-had-set• a minimum price where. Compare values, prices N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. of . $4,000,000- upon" it. . Ford and terms. asked that this price be increased to $8,000,080, which was done, Your old piano accepted as and Ford < bid in the plant at substantial part payment. receiver's sale at this figure. Feather Mattresses Ford afterward told me that he Made from your own feathers. Warm If you live outside of Omaha paid $4,000,000 more than the In winter; coo] In summer. Cost less nnd last longer than cotton. Phone oa F; S. MORES., Prop. {. • UNDERTAKERS property was-worth." and wish a real value, Fill in tor samples of ticking and estimates. 2224 Coming St. Phone Webster. 0820 " . the coupon. Only $575.00 That statement. is so false, so . OMAHA PILLOW CO., Phone JA ckson 1226 THE LAXTNDEy'THAT beside .the-facts, that it seems worse 1907 Cumlne St. (none JA ckson 2M7 EVERYBODY LffiES| r: 1 . than foolish, - it seems criminal to Gentlemen—Please send me detailed Information, description try to deceive th'e public in so brazen and terms on the value I have marked with an "J-." a fashion.,, : AUTO PAINTING Address . . . . , The court did. not set a minimum Top and Body Building Shoes and Gent's Furnishings price of $4,000,000. . and Repairing. Name Featuring Emerson and CURTAINS—LIGHTS~ETC. state j Henry Ford's first bid on the plant Dunlnp Shoes—$5 to $12. City •• FULIi DRESS SUITS AND TUXEDOS I was for $5,00p,000.\, for sale or rent. PFEIFFEM Phono JA. 3128 109 North 16th S t j , Judge Arthur J. Tattle, of the AT lantie 0761 4533 Leovenworth St. United States .District Court, before ; whom the. proceedings were held, said.j PAXTON BILLIARD . he would not permit' the plant to be PARLOR *'sold i ^ r ^ c S j ^ ' p r i c e , that the *ery. lowest^ price 'jxe would consider was NICE S. WRANIC. Proprietor $8,000,000. ' 1.-.1C Fnrnam 8t«vt. Bav —Bell/Transformers ;,JHenry. For3's son,-" Edsel, and Fhonv JA rksnn «S6. W AInut 3034. •; 40 & Cnmin& St«u HarbltTH. T3mmbns, Ford's attorney^
! Wliat a Whopper!
.r.-';, •:,:'',;. Wholesale Prices ^>^"i^^;|^E^^fe• W#ddiI^gs,"or Picnics'
£. E. Bruce & Co.
Steamship Tickets
Globe Van & Storage Co.. GROSSMAN & SONS
Jensen Company
Buys a New . BELLMAN Player Piano
First National Bank
Council Bluffs Savings Bassk
firstNational b
Baker Ice HacMies
ftuaker Bread |fe(OIiKEiBE
City National Bank
'4 I
Beautiful New Upright Pianos $275, $300 and up Dainty New Baby Brands $575, $635 and up
McCord-Br&dy Co.
Emerson- Laundry: