September 13, 1923

Page 1

Nothing is mbf£ prac-; ' tical than a high, clear-, ly-defined ideal of serv- • ice.


Say" not always what f j you know, but always I , know what you say.


TT' "Mrv A(\ • Entered -»snierea «a. u . SCCDI*

VU-Li. 11.—ISO. 4U

poBtofBce at K)ma\

man matter on January 27th, 1921. at under the Act a t Mmreh 8, 187».

City-Wide Three Day Collection Campaign Started By Federation Board to Meet Existing Deficit




Impressive Service— Honoring Memory of MomsLevy, Sunday



Work On Memorial To Erect .ovt City

Kishinev. (J. - T. "A.)—General Popovicci, the military commander of Bessarabia, has.issued instructions that all alien refugees must leave the country by October 1. Entire Public And All ComThe order, makes no exceptions munity Organizations To and includes within its scope those Thirteen Year Old Boy Scout Makes First Subscription. Participate. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Set Aside As Federarefugees for whom Dr. Nansen of, • :••••• -••• tion Days. Honoring Memory of Morris Levy. S E R V I C E S WILL START the League of" Nations' Russian Refugee Commission recently appealPROMPTLY) AT 8 O'CLOCK ALL MEMBERS CO-OPEBATING FOLLOWING ed. Through Dr. Nansen's interven- MONUMENT W I L L PERPETUATE LIFE ANft AT TEMPLE ISRAEL. REPORT OF CRITICAL FINANCIAL tion orders were given in, the Spring DEEDS OF DEPARTED All arrangements for the Memorial to delay enforcement of the expulsion CONDITION. LEADER. Services for Morris Levy have been order until- some place was obtained completed, and Omaha Jewry will •where the homeless aliens might find Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will be Federation days i n meet at Temple. Israel Sunday, eve- abode. A thirteen year old boy has laid the corner-stone for the - Omaha. On these three days members of the Board of Directors ning to pay. formal tribute to the Morris Levy Membership Memorial. The present order,- however, reof iiie. Jewish Welfare Federation, under the leadership of Harry memory of the man. who for many Morris Stalmaster, 1028 No. 32nd St., member of the YMHA Manhole,.chairman.of- the.Finance.Committee, wfll conduct a years was the foremost Jewish citizen quires all aliens-to be out of the boy scouts, has made the first contribution to the Federation in country by October whether they city-wide campaign, t o collect all outstanding Federation subof this community. have found a place to go or not.the name of its late president, and is thus the first subscriber tc scriptions for the year. . . __-L \ All organizations in the city are It is estimated that some 10,000 ref- the Memorial which the Jews of Omaha will erect to perpetuate Following the! report, of Samuel Schaefer, superintendent, co-operating with the Jewish Welfare the deeds of Morris Levy in the causes of Jewish'philanthropy, . covering t h e financial situation of t h e Federation every m e m b e r Federation "to make these services as ugees are affected by the ruling. "I am happy to give my share," said'Morris to "The Jewish. of t h e Board present a t t h e meeting pledged "himself to devote representative of all interests in the Press" Monday. "Mr. Levy did an awful lot for the boys «T?rl first three days of next week t o the work of putting the Federacity as was Morris Levy himself. girls of Omaha when he started the Jewish Community Center tion in Omaha on its feet. Through their affiliation .with the Building. We cannot thank him enough. I have a g'ood homr;, Federation 34 organizations are parThe report, "which is printed in full tion and working for it has not been plenty of food and clothes, and if I can do anything to help oth^r ticipating in the services. The name • herewith, should be read by every man the case. boys who don't have the things I do. I certainly ought to heir* of each of them will be included in It may be that our Board is so acand •woman in Omaha. It presents them." the memorial resolutions^ that will be simply and with n o exaggeration the customed to deficits in this work that lasting tribute to the memory '<•/.: Rabbis to Speak on Interesting Sub- "Besides," continued Morris, "our read and adopted at the meeting. true condition of the Federation, a it would not feel at home here unless Morris Levy, late president of thr YMHA boy scout troop teaches us to . jects on" Both Days. Jewish Welfare Federation. , condition -which is decidedly critical, we presented an - enormous deficit Winners of First and Second. Prizes The services will be/ deeply imdo a good turn daily. My contributo Receive Suitable Prizes. pressive. Combined with the spirit of and which unless corrected immediate- every month. Now it is true that an The Yom Kippur services will be tion will do a good turn every day There is no man, woman or ehti£ this community today whose life ly -will mean disaster for Jewish institution like ours cannot operate MARGARET RIEKES TAKES LEAD sorrows and mourning which dwells observed by the Jews of the city at for hundreds of other Jewish boys. in has not been enriched bj" MotTi* over alt Israel during these Penitential the Temple, and *, Synagogues on on a strictly business basis so far philanthropy in Omaha. Levy's presence among us. His own IN VOTING CONTEST. Every boy and girl who can ought Days between Rosh Hashonah and Wednesday evening and on Thursday. > A special meeting of the Board has as making expenditures equal insterling Jewish soul and his j to give something to the Federation in the cause of philanthropy come. We cannot always cut our been called for this Sunday morning Considerable interest is being shown Yom. Kippur they will leave and in-On Wednesday, evening Rabbi Fred- in honor of Mr. Levy." raised the Jewish name in Omaha *' «* at 9:30 at which every member will coat tofitour cloth. When a family in the contest held in connection with delible impress upon the hearts of all erick Cohn will "lecture on. the sub- Thas has been started Omaha's the highest'plane. Each of us and «.R who attend. cf -five or six, a widow and her helpject, " l i f e as It Might Be." Thurs- j unique monument to its departed of us have shared in the esteem sne ' l>e. present, and following which the the B'nai B'rith Carnival to determine r • committees will call on every delin- less orphans, comes to the attention who is the most popular Jewish" girl Because of the nature of the serv- day morning Tiis subject will be "The leader. In addition to its first con- the honor that was paid to him h?.' Jew and non-Jew alike. In his pssfof our Belief committee that family in Omaha. .A reference to tKe stand- ices and the limited capacity of the Social Ideal," and on Thursday afterquent subscriber. ing the Jewish community of Temple the committee on arrangemust be helped. "We cannot tell those noon he will. speak "Life's Underings in'order of popularity discloses i Mrs. S.. Pisko, executive director of has sustained an irreparable loss. ; ments requests, that children under 14 hungry tots that we. 'haven't the tone." - - . _"... that at no time has the leader for ft the National Jewish Hospital for ConIt is eminently fitting that the J years of age do not attend. The services at the Modern Orthoof Omaha build an enduring monsumptives at Denver, who -was spend- money to buy them food—they don't any week's tabulation been able to ument to the-memory of Morris Lf'..?•> ing the day in Omaha en route to care about that—they only know that hold first place. This has been due The services will begin promptly at dox congregation' will be held on He would not have wished. a mon8:00 o'clock. Following is the order : they are hungry and that they must Wednesday night with the traditional to the increased activity of those who . Minnesota,. was a visitor at the ineet-' ument of "brick and marble, nor -B** of the services:— eat. And this situation is true services of Kol" Nidre. Rabbi N. have been closely on the heels of the Organ Prelnde_ , . ing. Shej told the Board of the work we propose • to build such a nnfi__...7ilr. V. C. Bennett g Morris \xxy would have wished te Oi A dd of the National Hospital, the first in- throughout all- our jsork. "We must leader.' The (committee in charge of Opening _. .Mr. Address M .Harry y JL JVolf Arnoff will conduct the services. His r UUbi Frederick F d i k C see the Jewish Welfare Federation, UaUbi Conn lectures during the Yom Kippur will stitution in America s^forthe', care ovf make the- nexpenditure here—whether the contest'announces that this week Address 1 iss Cecelia Peiler Vocal "Solo. on which his greatest philanthropii: be on.We4iwg4aK^V£niag^»'3?e5»iS?£ ~r*--; > „ ^berculous^atients^ She.^lso~rirged: ifherejag;^fiinds. i n x g i e ^ a ^ j ^ ^ p M mt^-^gofeEs^xaveJ^eenTcast-tfafm-during Address effofts were' s|>enf,vgrow & p f t r. V.ocal Sol J any other period of the contest. Ziepler Make—Vows We, Break." Oh ThursOur proposed Memorial will do ' ' the members to put all possible energy Ml.. Add Address.. (Continued on page 2) Resolutions . Mr. H a r r y I^apidns day morning he will speak on "What and will continue the work he thfi The most popular girl, determined El into" the collection for the Federation . Mr. A. Jlonskv Molo K a c h m i m _ so well. - . ," j Do We Leave Behind", and Thursday Organ Postlude. „ Mr. V. C. Bennett in proportion to the number,of votes in order that the good work "which We want at least 500 new Fede^r afternoon his subject will be 1A Call cast for her, will receive a round trip has. been done here in the past taight tion members—men and women-™*4sj* from the .East."; " ' . ticket to California, while the one be continued. will form the Morris Levy Memberholding second place will get a round The Modern Orthodox services held ship Memorial. The Federation i* Rabbi Nachman Arnoff, of Cleveyour Federation and you shonlc. trip ticket'to Chicago. this year are the "first of such services land, ^lso addressed the Board speaksupport it to the limit of your ever held in this city. Many of the Following is the standing of the ing on the extent of Jewish social Joint Distribution Committee . Rushes ity—for the sake of your f younger set of Omaha Jewry attend•work in Biblical times, and detailing $2,000 to Aid 40 Refugee : entrants in the popularity contest: Jews and for your own sake. : Margaret _Riekea _ _ _ 3300 ed the services . during the Rosh the injunctions found in the Bible and Enclosed is literature descriptive «J Families. • Gertrude Cooper 3200 a few branches of the Federation'*; More Than Thirty Omahans to Leave Hashona. ...-', the Talmud for social service. Anne Selicow : ..3100 work. Can you, at this season of thf Minnie Levy 2000 Rabbi I. M. Charlop who was City for Respective Schools. ; The following directors-were present New_ York. - (J. T. A.) Forty JewAune Rabinoivitz £>00 year—when a New Year is d recently engaged as Rabbi for all the Hose Fine iiJOO ish families, by all indications refuin Israel and thoughts of Jews at the meeting: K a t e Goldstefn 2200 During the end of this week and Orthodox congregations in the city gees from the devasted area of Yokowhere are turned toward their Berdie Berger 2200* I. F . Goodmnn •'••••'DP. Philip Sher TJla Albert 2100 MAURICE STALMASTER future and the future of their f l will be in the city for the Yom the early part of next week the Unihama, are in distress according to a Arthur Kosenblum H. A. TVolf Celia B r a u d e -yino Jews—resist, the call of the r. H. Kulakerfeky A. J . Miller Kippur. holidays. versity students will be leaving for cable today received from ELoba, JaClara Feldman 2100 C. C. Katleman tributor, the Morris Levy Member- and the orphans, of the sick, tb» S. Altschuler J u l i a AVise . •.•......^100 Isidor Ziegler M. Kulafcofsky their school to begin their term after pan, by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Anne Stain ^ 2100 ship Memorial Committee wants 499 afflicted and the aged in your mi<Js:*\ Louis HiUer ' I. Stalmaster I d a Minkin 19ffl> Society (Hias) through the State Dethe summer vacation. A number of Sam Beber # •"•• • T. J . S l o s b e r g others just like him, filled with the You should, in a spirit of thtetfkRose Schiffer „ _ _ _ '. l_l!)00 Mrs. PWlip Sher T. J . Greenberg partment. , Jewish students will remain in Omaha for past blessings and of hon* Marion F r i e d : _1!)IK1 Mrs. D. r . Feder spirit of helpfulness for their less fulness S. S. Jacobs Gertrude Fogelson, Liineoln _3900 for future joys, Bubscribe to fchi* •Mrs. Z>. "P. Elgutter •The Koba message, follows: . M. Sugarman and enter Creighton or Omaha UniRose Lazarus _J800 fortunate feilow-men and imbued Mrs.. H. A. Wolf "Dave Greeuberg Memorial and thereby perform roaJ Lottie Giventer . 1700 versity. MrB. Nate Mantel "Forty Jewish families in disH. Lapidus with the #same urge for humanitarian "Zodokah", at the same time honor* Esther Ontman - ' Trnn Mrs. H. Trustin Dr. A. Greenberg The following are leaving for the tress remit by wire. Help us -or Dora Formaa ^._ 1700 the memory of our leading MrB. S. - GoMstrom S. Ravitz To Give Away Player Piano to Person service that marked all the works ing Mary Moscoe . : 1700 Mrs. Carl Forth I . J . Friedman whose long life in this University of Nebraska: the Misses we parish." of Morris Levy. Iva Siegel —.... . ^ i.1700 Mrs. J . J . Slosberg Henry Monsky Having Lucky Number. was a living example of Lillian Margolin, Helen Robinson, The message is signed "Mendeliliss Anne Selicow . icon M. Blank Yetta Stiefler During the week the committee has to his fellow-men. Fred TVhite J.5C0 baum" and is addressed to Hias c. o. Fanny Kully, and Messrs. Louis SomAnne Goldwnre Plans are well under way for thesent an appeal to hundreds of men Fill out the enclosed subscripti/ift berg, Ben and Harry Ravitz, John success of the First Annual Zionist and women who are not now FedFollowing is the superintendent's State Department. Mendelbaum was blank at ONCE and mail it to tie at one time connected with the Hias Beber, Ben Cohn, Harry Cohen, Harry ball to be given by.the local Zionist eration subscribers urging, them to TODAY. report for August: Yours very truly, MORRIS LEVY MEMBERSHIP Mendelson, Ed Lowenstein, Henry district, Sunday,. October 7, at thejoin the Federation in the; name of This report will concern itself WitE office in Yokohama. MEMORIAL, Rosenstein, and Sidney Corenman. City Auditorium,, according to the Morris Levy, and to 'build the endurfinances only, because . the state' of Two thousand dollars has been ca-Committee. bled Mr. Mendelbaum out of the Joint Messrs. Myron Blotcky and Lester our finances is such as to ^be. most committee in charge. "We are plan- ing monument which will forever Gilbert Jaffy, -well: known violinist, Slosburg are leaving Sunday for thening several- feature events for this stand as a testimonial of his life OVER 50 KILLED, 100 INJURED, critical; Month after month ; this Distribution Committee [funds • followBoard has met here, has listened to ing a conference between "Mr. J. i i•wjll appear on the future'. program University of Michigan. They will affair," .said John Feldman, chairman in this community. IN TRAIN WRECK NEAR LID A' reports of cases handled, of starving Bernstein, President of the Hias, with of the B'nai B'rith carnival to be held visit in Chicago, HI., and Detroit, in charge. "The, main attraction will With the appeal was enclosed Warsaw. <J. T. A.)—Over fifis, Mich., before entering schooL Messrs. be the ticket selling contest, which literature descriptive of the Fed- persons were killed, and more children fed, of men and women who Mr. Louis Marshall, President of the ; • . • "were actually dying of tuberculosis American Jewish Gommittee, and Millard Krasne and Phil Krasne, of will carry-as- first ;prize. a round trip eration's activities for Judaism, and one hundred injured, at four o and then restored to life, of families Felix Warburg, Chairman of the Joint Council. Bluffs, are also going to to California.-, The-person winning j a subscription card to the Memorial. Thursday morning when the tefcm kept together after the father had Distribution Committee. Mr. MendelMichigan this year. Max Guttman is this prize must qualify by sell- These are already being returned to proceeding from Vilna to Deen stricken by death, and still baum has been asked for jnore details leaving the end of this week for ing the niinimum number of tickets, the office. The message will be car-was •wrecked at Lida, where it cr&sh* 1 our monthly deficit has persisted, as the cable does not show whether Michigan University, but will visit in which is 400."' ried" into all places of worship on ed into a railway dam, causing * : Month after -month this Board has the forty families are refugees from Chicago, HI., before entering school. Thenext feature event wiE be theYom Kippur and non-members will terrific flood. Yokohama and whether there are any Miss Reva Kulakofsky is also leaving giving- away .of.-th£< player .piano t o be urged to join in the great work The train was filled with, heard reports of what the Federation more similarly in distress . for the University of Michigan. Miss the person ^aving-the lucky number," of Jewish philanthropy now being sengers, mostly Jews. Among •was doing for Judaism, of its work Ann Rosenblatt will attend the said-John, Fel&rnaxi. today- ."Every done in Omaha by the Federation. were a large number of emigrsiii* in the Talmud Torahs, in the .YMHA Wheaton College, Massachusetts. person who purchases - a ticket is ."This is a most wonderful mon- bound for America. The names *£ and in personal social serviced Month RABBI JACOB SINGER MisS Beatrice Reichenberg left Mon- niven a;number."_" ..„.'._ after month we have heard that there ACCEPTS CHICAGO PULPIT : ument, which you are building here," the dead and injured have not day of. the Mt.: Holyoke College at . The proceeds -of ;this; affair -will»go said Mrs. S. Pisko, executive director | ascertained. were "ho Jewish children in Juvenile Rabbi Jacob Singer, who has been : South Hampton, Mass. Miss .Alice toward the clearing of the deficit.of of the National Jewish Hospital for The work of rescue, according ';~. * court and we have prided ourselves leader of the Temple at Lincoln, Nebr. Adler will leave for school in Cin-the local treasury, according to mem- Consumptives at Denver, when told of latest reports, was proceeding on the fine work the Federation'was will leave the city to accept the call doing in this field, and in all its to fill the pulpit at Temple Mizpah at cinnati, O. Mr. Sol Rosenblatt left for bers of. the committee. . • . .: • the plans for the Morris Levy Mem- great difficulty. A special first-si^ . branches. But still our monthly Chicago, 111. Harvard- University. Miss Miriam. bership Memorial. Mrs. Pisko spent train dispatched from Lida was deficits have persisted. ' Mosher will- leave for the'University. JUDGE HACK-IMPRESSED Sunday in Omaha and was a visitor up by the damage to the tracts Eabbi Singer has been a leader in of Illinois. Miss Ethel Reuben is leavOur deficits have persisted, not be- all Jewish activities in Lincoln and " '' " ,"'.,; B,Y--PAIJSSTINE at the Federation meeting. caused by, the flood from the ing for the Northwestern University. Vienna.'. (J..T. A.) -Judge Julian ^canse of any unusual increase in ourhas taken an active part in all civic "No finer tribute could be paid to ing of the dam. Miss Lillian Rubenstein will continue W. Mack,"President", of the .Palestine any man than to have hundreds of expenditures. Over the perjod of the work. He was Professor of Music at her studies at the Art School at theDevelopment League, stopped off here his fellow-citizens follow.the example .year we"Trill of necessity spend more the University of Nebraska. Chicago University- Miss Mildred oh his "way. back- to America from for good that he set them during his SOCIALIST STUDENTS than- we did last year, because -of • Rabbi and Mrs. Singer and three : Cohn will also Tesume her studies at Palestine. '" \'-'.]'. , ,. > PROTEST NUMERUS CLAUSUS greater, demands on us with the in-daughters will leave -Lincoln in life-time. Mr. Levy's philanthropies the University of Chicago. Miss Berlin. (J. T. A.) The propos«e creasing growth of the city. But this October. While here, Judge Mack vkisited the November 11 at the Municipal Audiwere known everywhere, and the Jews is not the reason. Each month you torium. Jaffy has played at-a.dum- Ethel'Gladstone will attend Vassar Austrian Chief Rabbi Dr. Chajes. In of this city can build him no better percentage norm legislation aiming w» hear a discussion offinances- and an interview, Judge Mack declared nor no more beautiful monument limit, almost to the point of exclusion, ber of Jewish gatherings in the city College. Students who will attend Creighton deficits because there has been no FIRST B'NAI B'RITH that activities in-Palestine had made than to continue in his Tiame the the admittance of Jewish students ir, during the past year. universities of some of the EuroUniversity are Messrs. Ben Slutsky, a great impression^ on 'Mm. concerted action by every member of He was orchestra leader of Ranwork which he did so well and sothe LODGE IN HOLLAND pean countries, is denounced in s WfMilton Mandelson, Melvin Radman, the Board to put the Federation in (J. T. A.)—A branch of dall's orchestra at the- Brandeis tiie^ Dave Beber, Oscar Weinstein, Marcus Another temporary visitor to Vien- nobly. I am sure that the Jews of olution adopted at the "Conference t£ Omaha on its feet,. once and for alltheHague. na is Edwin-Samuel, son of the' Palesthis city will build this glorious mem- Socialist Student Societies being h i ^ B'nai B'rith had been launched ater. He -will play vrith liis own or'; to-niake up this deficit and then meet here. - I t is the first Jewish, lodge to chestra at the Omaha* Athletic Club Krasne, Fred White, and Isaac Stern- tine High Commissioner, who is ac-orial," continued Mrs. Fisko. in' Neurenbttrg. hilL Students to enroll at the Omaha companied by his wife. They.plan to here monthly to discuss Jewish social be established in Holland. after September 22. . _ Following is the letter sent to all Socialist societies of thirteen •work primarily,.and not eternally to The I. O. B. B. is taking on new For his act at the B'nai B'rith show, University are the Misses Helen return shortly' to Palestine. non-members by the committee: pean countries are participating jr. talk finances.' A: small grtrapiof wbrk- impetcs throughout Europe, new Jaqy has arranged several special fea- Reikes, Bernice Kulakofsky, Gertrude Representatives o f the Joint Dis: Dear Friend:— meeting. The motion to :":ere "we";have had, or. else we could lodges having been-organized in Ber- ture numbers." "I •will - attempt to Tatle, Sarah Somberg:, Estelle Lapidun. tribution Committee today tendered a • The Morris l*vy Membership Mem- against the numerus climsus •iiot have come as far as^we.havie this lin, Augsburg and Stettin. At Muen- play several • numbers that will-be of- Rose Minkin will enter the Medical dinner to Judge Mack, to which a orial Committee Committ offers, y»H - herewith, was -made by a delegate belonging** ;-;j*cari; But tohave had every member ster and at Aschaffenburg, too, lodges interest -to" everyone old and young School here having completed her select gathering 'was invited. Mr. the opportunity off sharing hri i hthe in the.Socialist Zionist Party. ^ course at the University of Nebraska. Samuel was among the guests. alike," said Gilbert Jaffy-today. of ihe Board "gold" on theFedera- are in the process pi formation. establishment of a mostfittingand New York. (J. T. A.)—"The Australian Government is not in a position at present to offer any: special encouragement to Jews at present resident in southern European countries to migrate to Australia." • This statement was made today to'the J .T. A. in a" letter replying to • the -Agency's recent' inquiry in regard ; to the introduction' of Jewish immigrants to Australia. < ; "The Australian assisted immigral tion activities of the Commonwealth are-'• for the present r being* confined mainly to the introduction of farmers," farm workers - 1 and; ; female clome'stic servants -from Grieat Britain, and the British government, is cooperating with' the Commonwealth Government in facilitating such r immigration," states the official: Secretary to the N. Y. Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia.;

B'nai B'rith Girls ; Popialarity Contest Is

To Be Obserred m All Synagogues and Temple


Refugees in Japan Cable

Stsdeits Leave City Week to Resume Studies at Universities

Zionist Organization to Give 1st Annual Ball Get 7

Gilbert Jaffy to Play at B'liai B'rithShow Hq?. 11


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