September 13, 1923

Page 1

Nothing is mbf£ prac-; ' tical than a high, clear-, ly-defined ideal of serv- • ice.


Say" not always what f j you know, but always I , know what you say.


TT' "Mrv A(\ • Entered -»snierea «a. u . SCCDI*

VU-Li. 11.—ISO. 4U

poBtofBce at K)ma\

man matter on January 27th, 1921. at under the Act a t Mmreh 8, 187».

City-Wide Three Day Collection Campaign Started By Federation Board to Meet Existing Deficit




Impressive Service— Honoring Memory of MomsLevy, Sunday



Work On Memorial To Erect .ovt City

Kishinev. (J. - T. "A.)—General Popovicci, the military commander of Bessarabia, has.issued instructions that all alien refugees must leave the country by October 1. Entire Public And All ComThe order, makes no exceptions munity Organizations To and includes within its scope those Thirteen Year Old Boy Scout Makes First Subscription. Participate. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Set Aside As Federarefugees for whom Dr. Nansen of, • :••••• -••• tion Days. Honoring Memory of Morris Levy. S E R V I C E S WILL START the League of" Nations' Russian Refugee Commission recently appealPROMPTLY) AT 8 O'CLOCK ALL MEMBERS CO-OPEBATING FOLLOWING ed. Through Dr. Nansen's interven- MONUMENT W I L L PERPETUATE LIFE ANft AT TEMPLE ISRAEL. REPORT OF CRITICAL FINANCIAL tion orders were given in, the Spring DEEDS OF DEPARTED All arrangements for the Memorial to delay enforcement of the expulsion CONDITION. LEADER. Services for Morris Levy have been order until- some place was obtained completed, and Omaha Jewry will •where the homeless aliens might find Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will be Federation days i n meet at Temple. Israel Sunday, eve- abode. A thirteen year old boy has laid the corner-stone for the - Omaha. On these three days members of the Board of Directors ning to pay. formal tribute to the Morris Levy Membership Memorial. The present order,- however, reof iiie. Jewish Welfare Federation, under the leadership of Harry memory of the man. who for many Morris Stalmaster, 1028 No. 32nd St., member of the YMHA Manhole,.chairman.of- the.Finance.Committee, wfll conduct a years was the foremost Jewish citizen quires all aliens-to be out of the boy scouts, has made the first contribution to the Federation in country by October whether they city-wide campaign, t o collect all outstanding Federation subof this community. have found a place to go or not.the name of its late president, and is thus the first subscriber tc scriptions for the year. . . __-L \ All organizations in the city are It is estimated that some 10,000 ref- the Memorial which the Jews of Omaha will erect to perpetuate Following the! report, of Samuel Schaefer, superintendent, co-operating with the Jewish Welfare the deeds of Morris Levy in the causes of Jewish'philanthropy, . covering t h e financial situation of t h e Federation every m e m b e r Federation "to make these services as ugees are affected by the ruling. "I am happy to give my share," said'Morris to "The Jewish. of t h e Board present a t t h e meeting pledged "himself to devote representative of all interests in the Press" Monday. "Mr. Levy did an awful lot for the boys «T?rl first three days of next week t o the work of putting the Federacity as was Morris Levy himself. girls of Omaha when he started the Jewish Community Center tion in Omaha on its feet. Through their affiliation .with the Building. We cannot thank him enough. I have a g'ood homr;, Federation 34 organizations are parThe report, "which is printed in full tion and working for it has not been plenty of food and clothes, and if I can do anything to help oth^r ticipating in the services. The name • herewith, should be read by every man the case. boys who don't have the things I do. I certainly ought to heir* of each of them will be included in It may be that our Board is so acand •woman in Omaha. It presents them." the memorial resolutions^ that will be simply and with n o exaggeration the customed to deficits in this work that lasting tribute to the memory '<•/.: Rabbis to Speak on Interesting Sub- "Besides," continued Morris, "our read and adopted at the meeting. true condition of the Federation, a it would not feel at home here unless Morris Levy, late president of thr YMHA boy scout troop teaches us to . jects on" Both Days. Jewish Welfare Federation. , condition -which is decidedly critical, we presented an - enormous deficit Winners of First and Second. Prizes The services will be/ deeply imdo a good turn daily. My contributo Receive Suitable Prizes. pressive. Combined with the spirit of and which unless corrected immediate- every month. Now it is true that an The Yom Kippur services will be tion will do a good turn every day There is no man, woman or ehti£ this community today whose life ly -will mean disaster for Jewish institution like ours cannot operate MARGARET RIEKES TAKES LEAD sorrows and mourning which dwells observed by the Jews of the city at for hundreds of other Jewish boys. in has not been enriched bj" MotTi* over alt Israel during these Penitential the Temple, and *, Synagogues on on a strictly business basis so far philanthropy in Omaha. Levy's presence among us. His own IN VOTING CONTEST. Every boy and girl who can ought Days between Rosh Hashonah and Wednesday evening and on Thursday. > A special meeting of the Board has as making expenditures equal insterling Jewish soul and his j to give something to the Federation in the cause of philanthropy come. We cannot always cut our been called for this Sunday morning Considerable interest is being shown Yom. Kippur they will leave and in-On Wednesday, evening Rabbi Fred- in honor of Mr. Levy." raised the Jewish name in Omaha *' «* at 9:30 at which every member will coat tofitour cloth. When a family in the contest held in connection with delible impress upon the hearts of all erick Cohn will "lecture on. the sub- Thas has been started Omaha's the highest'plane. Each of us and «.R who attend. cf -five or six, a widow and her helpject, " l i f e as It Might Be." Thurs- j unique monument to its departed of us have shared in the esteem sne ' l>e. present, and following which the the B'nai B'rith Carnival to determine r • committees will call on every delin- less orphans, comes to the attention who is the most popular Jewish" girl Because of the nature of the serv- day morning Tiis subject will be "The leader. In addition to its first con- the honor that was paid to him h?.' Jew and non-Jew alike. In his pssfof our Belief committee that family in Omaha. .A reference to tKe stand- ices and the limited capacity of the Social Ideal," and on Thursday afterquent subscriber. ing the Jewish community of Temple the committee on arrangemust be helped. "We cannot tell those noon he will. speak "Life's Underings in'order of popularity discloses i Mrs. S.. Pisko, executive director of has sustained an irreparable loss. ; ments requests, that children under 14 hungry tots that we. 'haven't the tone." - - . _"... that at no time has the leader for ft the National Jewish Hospital for ConIt is eminently fitting that the J years of age do not attend. The services at the Modern Orthoof Omaha build an enduring monsumptives at Denver, who -was spend- money to buy them food—they don't any week's tabulation been able to ument to the-memory of Morris Lf'..?•> ing the day in Omaha en route to care about that—they only know that hold first place. This has been due The services will begin promptly at dox congregation' will be held on He would not have wished. a mon8:00 o'clock. Following is the order : they are hungry and that they must Wednesday night with the traditional to the increased activity of those who . Minnesota,. was a visitor at the ineet-' ument of "brick and marble, nor -B** of the services:— eat. And this situation is true services of Kol" Nidre. Rabbi N. have been closely on the heels of the Organ Prelnde_ , . ing. Shej told the Board of the work we propose • to build such a nnfi__...7ilr. V. C. Bennett g Morris \xxy would have wished te Oi A dd of the National Hospital, the first in- throughout all- our jsork. "We must leader.' The (committee in charge of Opening _. .Mr. Address M .Harry y JL JVolf Arnoff will conduct the services. His r UUbi Frederick F d i k C see the Jewish Welfare Federation, UaUbi Conn lectures during the Yom Kippur will stitution in America s^forthe', care ovf make the- nexpenditure here—whether the contest'announces that this week Address 1 iss Cecelia Peiler Vocal "Solo. on which his greatest philanthropii: be on.We4iwg4aK^V£niag^»'3?e5»iS?£ ~r*--; > „ ^berculous^atients^ She.^lso~rirged: ifherejag;^fiinds. i n x g i e ^ a ^ j ^ ^ p M mt^-^gofeEs^xaveJ^eenTcast-tfafm-during Address effofts were' s|>enf,vgrow & p f t r. V.ocal Sol J any other period of the contest. Ziepler Make—Vows We, Break." Oh ThursOur proposed Memorial will do ' ' the members to put all possible energy Ml.. Add Address.. (Continued on page 2) Resolutions . Mr. H a r r y I^apidns day morning he will speak on "What and will continue the work he thfi The most popular girl, determined El into" the collection for the Federation . Mr. A. Jlonskv Molo K a c h m i m _ so well. - . ," j Do We Leave Behind", and Thursday Organ Postlude. „ Mr. V. C. Bennett in proportion to the number,of votes in order that the good work "which We want at least 500 new Fede^r afternoon his subject will be 1A Call cast for her, will receive a round trip has. been done here in the past taight tion members—men and women-™*4sj* from the .East."; " ' . ticket to California, while the one be continued. will form the Morris Levy Memberholding second place will get a round The Modern Orthodox services held ship Memorial. The Federation i* Rabbi Nachman Arnoff, of Cleveyour Federation and you shonlc. trip ticket'to Chicago. this year are the "first of such services land, ^lso addressed the Board speaksupport it to the limit of your ever held in this city. Many of the Following is the standing of the ing on the extent of Jewish social Joint Distribution Committee . Rushes ity—for the sake of your f younger set of Omaha Jewry attend•work in Biblical times, and detailing $2,000 to Aid 40 Refugee : entrants in the popularity contest: Jews and for your own sake. : Margaret _Riekea _ _ _ 3300 ed the services . during the Rosh the injunctions found in the Bible and Enclosed is literature descriptive «J Families. • Gertrude Cooper 3200 a few branches of the Federation'*; More Than Thirty Omahans to Leave Hashona. ...-', the Talmud for social service. Anne Selicow : ..3100 work. Can you, at this season of thf Minnie Levy 2000 Rabbi I. M. Charlop who was City for Respective Schools. ; The following directors-were present New_ York. - (J. T. A.) Forty JewAune Rabinoivitz £>00 year—when a New Year is d recently engaged as Rabbi for all the Hose Fine iiJOO ish families, by all indications refuin Israel and thoughts of Jews at the meeting: K a t e Goldstefn 2200 During the end of this week and Orthodox congregations in the city gees from the devasted area of Yokowhere are turned toward their Berdie Berger 2200* I. F . Goodmnn •'••••'DP. Philip Sher TJla Albert 2100 MAURICE STALMASTER future and the future of their f l will be in the city for the Yom the early part of next week the Unihama, are in distress according to a Arthur Kosenblum H. A. TVolf Celia B r a u d e -yino Jews—resist, the call of the r. H. Kulakerfeky A. J . Miller Kippur. holidays. versity students will be leaving for cable today received from ELoba, JaClara Feldman 2100 C. C. Katleman tributor, the Morris Levy Member- and the orphans, of the sick, tb» S. Altschuler J u l i a AVise . •.•......^100 Isidor Ziegler M. Kulafcofsky their school to begin their term after pan, by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Anne Stain ^ 2100 ship Memorial Committee wants 499 afflicted and the aged in your mi<Js:*\ Louis HiUer ' I. Stalmaster I d a Minkin 19ffl> Society (Hias) through the State Dethe summer vacation. A number of Sam Beber # •"•• • T. J . S l o s b e r g others just like him, filled with the You should, in a spirit of thtetfkRose Schiffer „ _ _ _ '. l_l!)00 Mrs. PWlip Sher T. J . Greenberg partment. , Jewish students will remain in Omaha for past blessings and of hon* Marion F r i e d : _1!)IK1 Mrs. D. r . Feder spirit of helpfulness for their less fulness S. S. Jacobs Gertrude Fogelson, Liineoln _3900 for future joys, Bubscribe to fchi* •Mrs. Z>. "P. Elgutter •The Koba message, follows: . M. Sugarman and enter Creighton or Omaha UniRose Lazarus _J800 fortunate feilow-men and imbued Mrs.. H. A. Wolf "Dave Greeuberg Memorial and thereby perform roaJ Lottie Giventer . 1700 versity. MrB. Nate Mantel "Forty Jewish families in disH. Lapidus with the #same urge for humanitarian "Zodokah", at the same time honor* Esther Ontman - ' Trnn Mrs. H. Trustin Dr. A. Greenberg The following are leaving for the tress remit by wire. Help us -or Dora Formaa ^._ 1700 the memory of our leading MrB. S. - GoMstrom S. Ravitz To Give Away Player Piano to Person service that marked all the works ing Mary Moscoe . : 1700 Mrs. Carl Forth I . J . Friedman whose long life in this University of Nebraska: the Misses we parish." of Morris Levy. Iva Siegel —.... . ^ i.1700 Mrs. J . J . Slosberg Henry Monsky Having Lucky Number. was a living example of Lillian Margolin, Helen Robinson, The message is signed "Mendeliliss Anne Selicow . icon M. Blank Yetta Stiefler During the week the committee has to his fellow-men. Fred TVhite J.5C0 baum" and is addressed to Hias c. o. Fanny Kully, and Messrs. Louis SomAnne Goldwnre Plans are well under way for thesent an appeal to hundreds of men Fill out the enclosed subscripti/ift berg, Ben and Harry Ravitz, John success of the First Annual Zionist and women who are not now FedFollowing is the superintendent's State Department. Mendelbaum was blank at ONCE and mail it to tie at one time connected with the Hias Beber, Ben Cohn, Harry Cohen, Harry ball to be given by.the local Zionist eration subscribers urging, them to TODAY. report for August: Yours very truly, MORRIS LEVY MEMBERSHIP Mendelson, Ed Lowenstein, Henry district, Sunday,. October 7, at thejoin the Federation in the; name of This report will concern itself WitE office in Yokohama. MEMORIAL, Rosenstein, and Sidney Corenman. City Auditorium,, according to the Morris Levy, and to 'build the endurfinances only, because . the state' of Two thousand dollars has been ca-Committee. bled Mr. Mendelbaum out of the Joint Messrs. Myron Blotcky and Lester our finances is such as to ^be. most committee in charge. "We are plan- ing monument which will forever Gilbert Jaffy, -well: known violinist, Slosburg are leaving Sunday for thening several- feature events for this stand as a testimonial of his life OVER 50 KILLED, 100 INJURED, critical; Month after month ; this Distribution Committee [funds • followBoard has met here, has listened to ing a conference between "Mr. J. i i•wjll appear on the future'. program University of Michigan. They will affair," .said John Feldman, chairman in this community. IN TRAIN WRECK NEAR LID A' reports of cases handled, of starving Bernstein, President of the Hias, with of the B'nai B'rith carnival to be held visit in Chicago, HI., and Detroit, in charge. "The, main attraction will With the appeal was enclosed Warsaw. <J. T. A.)—Over fifis, Mich., before entering schooL Messrs. be the ticket selling contest, which literature descriptive of the Fed- persons were killed, and more children fed, of men and women who Mr. Louis Marshall, President of the ; • . • "were actually dying of tuberculosis American Jewish Gommittee, and Millard Krasne and Phil Krasne, of will carry-as- first ;prize. a round trip eration's activities for Judaism, and one hundred injured, at four o and then restored to life, of families Felix Warburg, Chairman of the Joint Council. Bluffs, are also going to to California.-, The-person winning j a subscription card to the Memorial. Thursday morning when the tefcm kept together after the father had Distribution Committee. Mr. MendelMichigan this year. Max Guttman is this prize must qualify by sell- These are already being returned to proceeding from Vilna to Deen stricken by death, and still baum has been asked for jnore details leaving the end of this week for ing the niinimum number of tickets, the office. The message will be car-was •wrecked at Lida, where it cr&sh* 1 our monthly deficit has persisted, as the cable does not show whether Michigan University, but will visit in which is 400."' ried" into all places of worship on ed into a railway dam, causing * : Month after -month this Board has the forty families are refugees from Chicago, HI., before entering school. Thenext feature event wiE be theYom Kippur and non-members will terrific flood. Yokohama and whether there are any Miss Reva Kulakofsky is also leaving giving- away .of.-th£< player .piano t o be urged to join in the great work The train was filled with, heard reports of what the Federation more similarly in distress . for the University of Michigan. Miss the person ^aving-the lucky number," of Jewish philanthropy now being sengers, mostly Jews. Among •was doing for Judaism, of its work Ann Rosenblatt will attend the said-John, Fel&rnaxi. today- ."Every done in Omaha by the Federation. were a large number of emigrsiii* in the Talmud Torahs, in the .YMHA Wheaton College, Massachusetts. person who purchases - a ticket is ."This is a most wonderful mon- bound for America. The names *£ and in personal social serviced Month RABBI JACOB SINGER MisS Beatrice Reichenberg left Mon- niven a;number."_" ..„.'._ after month we have heard that there ACCEPTS CHICAGO PULPIT : ument, which you are building here," the dead and injured have not day of. the Mt.: Holyoke College at . The proceeds -of ;this; affair -will»go said Mrs. S. Pisko, executive director | ascertained. were "ho Jewish children in Juvenile Rabbi Jacob Singer, who has been : South Hampton, Mass. Miss .Alice toward the clearing of the deficit.of of the National Jewish Hospital for The work of rescue, according ';~. * court and we have prided ourselves leader of the Temple at Lincoln, Nebr. Adler will leave for school in Cin-the local treasury, according to mem- Consumptives at Denver, when told of latest reports, was proceeding on the fine work the Federation'was will leave the city to accept the call doing in this field, and in all its to fill the pulpit at Temple Mizpah at cinnati, O. Mr. Sol Rosenblatt left for bers of. the committee. . • . .: • the plans for the Morris Levy Mem- great difficulty. A special first-si^ . branches. But still our monthly Chicago, 111. Harvard- University. Miss Miriam. bership Memorial. Mrs. Pisko spent train dispatched from Lida was deficits have persisted. ' Mosher will- leave for the'University. JUDGE HACK-IMPRESSED Sunday in Omaha and was a visitor up by the damage to the tracts Eabbi Singer has been a leader in of Illinois. Miss Ethel Reuben is leavOur deficits have persisted, not be- all Jewish activities in Lincoln and " '' " ,"'.,; B,Y--PAIJSSTINE at the Federation meeting. caused by, the flood from the ing for the Northwestern University. Vienna.'. (J..T. A.) -Judge Julian ^canse of any unusual increase in ourhas taken an active part in all civic "No finer tribute could be paid to ing of the dam. Miss Lillian Rubenstein will continue W. Mack,"President", of the .Palestine any man than to have hundreds of expenditures. Over the perjod of the work. He was Professor of Music at her studies at the Art School at theDevelopment League, stopped off here his fellow-citizens follow.the example .year we"Trill of necessity spend more the University of Nebraska. Chicago University- Miss Mildred oh his "way. back- to America from for good that he set them during his SOCIALIST STUDENTS than- we did last year, because -of • Rabbi and Mrs. Singer and three : Cohn will also Tesume her studies at Palestine. '" \'-'.]'. , ,. > PROTEST NUMERUS CLAUSUS greater, demands on us with the in-daughters will leave -Lincoln in life-time. Mr. Levy's philanthropies the University of Chicago. Miss Berlin. (J. T. A.) The propos«e creasing growth of the city. But this October. While here, Judge Mack vkisited the November 11 at the Municipal Audiwere known everywhere, and the Jews is not the reason. Each month you torium. Jaffy has played at-a.dum- Ethel'Gladstone will attend Vassar Austrian Chief Rabbi Dr. Chajes. In of this city can build him no better percentage norm legislation aiming w» hear a discussion offinances- and an interview, Judge Mack declared nor no more beautiful monument limit, almost to the point of exclusion, ber of Jewish gatherings in the city College. Students who will attend Creighton deficits because there has been no FIRST B'NAI B'RITH that activities in-Palestine had made than to continue in his Tiame the the admittance of Jewish students ir, during the past year. universities of some of the EuroUniversity are Messrs. Ben Slutsky, a great impression^ on 'Mm. concerted action by every member of He was orchestra leader of Ranwork which he did so well and sothe LODGE IN HOLLAND pean countries, is denounced in s WfMilton Mandelson, Melvin Radman, the Board to put the Federation in (J. T. A.)—A branch of dall's orchestra at the- Brandeis tiie^ Dave Beber, Oscar Weinstein, Marcus Another temporary visitor to Vien- nobly. I am sure that the Jews of olution adopted at the "Conference t£ Omaha on its feet,. once and for alltheHague. na is Edwin-Samuel, son of the' Palesthis city will build this glorious mem- Socialist Student Societies being h i ^ B'nai B'rith had been launched ater. He -will play vrith liis own or'; to-niake up this deficit and then meet here. - I t is the first Jewish, lodge to chestra at the Omaha* Athletic Club Krasne, Fred White, and Isaac Stern- tine High Commissioner, who is ac-orial," continued Mrs. Fisko. in' Neurenbttrg. hilL Students to enroll at the Omaha companied by his wife. They.plan to here monthly to discuss Jewish social be established in Holland. after September 22. . _ Following is the letter sent to all Socialist societies of thirteen •work primarily,.and not eternally to The I. O. B. B. is taking on new For his act at the B'nai B'rith show, University are the Misses Helen return shortly' to Palestine. non-members by the committee: pean countries are participating jr. talk finances.' A: small grtrapiof wbrk- impetcs throughout Europe, new Jaqy has arranged several special fea- Reikes, Bernice Kulakofsky, Gertrude Representatives o f the Joint Dis: Dear Friend:— meeting. The motion to :":ere "we";have had, or. else we could lodges having been-organized in Ber- ture numbers." "I •will - attempt to Tatle, Sarah Somberg:, Estelle Lapidun. tribution Committee today tendered a • The Morris l*vy Membership Mem- against the numerus climsus •iiot have come as far as^we.havie this lin, Augsburg and Stettin. At Muen- play several • numbers that will-be of- Rose Minkin will enter the Medical dinner to Judge Mack, to which a orial Committee Committ offers, y»H - herewith, was -made by a delegate belonging** ;-;j*cari; But tohave had every member ster and at Aschaffenburg, too, lodges interest -to" everyone old and young School here having completed her select gathering 'was invited. Mr. the opportunity off sharing hri i hthe in the.Socialist Zionist Party. ^ course at the University of Nebraska. Samuel was among the guests. alike," said Gilbert Jaffy-today. of ihe Board "gold" on theFedera- are in the process pi formation. establishment of a mostfittingand New York. (J. T. A.)—"The Australian Government is not in a position at present to offer any: special encouragement to Jews at present resident in southern European countries to migrate to Australia." • This statement was made today to'the J .T. A. in a" letter replying to • the -Agency's recent' inquiry in regard ; to the introduction' of Jewish immigrants to Australia. < ; "The Australian assisted immigral tion activities of the Commonwealth are-'• for the present r being* confined mainly to the introduction of farmers," farm workers - 1 and; ; female clome'stic servants -from Grieat Britain, and the British government, is cooperating with' the Commonwealth Government in facilitating such r immigration," states the official: Secretary to the N. Y. Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia.;

B'nai B'rith Girls ; Popialarity Contest Is

To Be Obserred m All Synagogues and Temple


Refugees in Japan Cable

Stsdeits Leave City Week to Resume Studies at Universities

Zionist Organization to Give 1st Annual Ball Get 7

Gilbert Jaffy to Play at B'liai B'rithShow Hq?. 11



THE JEWISH PRESS Published «rery Thursday at Oteaha. Ktbnika. bj*

, THE JEWISH PEESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Baildiflg>-Tetephonas Jackson 237& NATHAN E, GREEN, Manager. 12.50 Subscription Price, one year: Advertising rates famished on application. f. NOT PRINTED FOB PERSONAL PROFIT—Profit* from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be £iven to worthy communal causes. b»

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The.Jewish Press is supplied by. the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, In addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding newa items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if -addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue» New iork City.


fellow conspirators, was involved in

"While the larger voluntary Jew- charged with the murder of the Untermyer Attaches ish funds have in the main' been young student Baur, one of the mem- the murder of Dr. Walter Rathenau and in the attempt on the We, 01 for their own religious folk, bers of their own gang, who had Henry Ford's Money in intended : the American Jews have subscribed aroused the suspicion of the gang Herr Scheiderman* royally to general funds, and in the BernstehVs Libel Suit administration of their own special leaders. ^. According, to the prosecutor, Ruge, ARABS PROTEST

htm» Sept. eo Ydm —..*.TuesH Sept. 25 Succoth (iflrst Day). Succutb (Last Day)' -Sbtnlnl Tncs H Oct. 2 aUereth..... •-,—^. ,Wed., Oct. 8 Slmcbat Torah^..«._ rfc* Oct. 11 Ro*b-Chod«*h Cbesb LAND "APPROPRIATION" Bbib-Chodeth KUle»_— » ftl. Nov, 9 CbatiakBb (Feast ol DedlcaAttach $115,000 in New York Bank funds have pursued steadily the at a secret meeting held on February Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The demand Dec 3 tlon) • • • • - . , ,-—jion broad-minded policy of co-operation IS had given instructions that each and Seize Copies of Dearborn Sun., Dec. S Rosh-Chodesh Tebeth Fast of Tebeth in relief of all suffering and literally member select some prominent Jew that the government in Palestine .Toes., Dec. 18 Independent. 6684-1024 hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish for destruction. At the date to becease "appropriating" unused lands _JIon., Jan. 1 Rosb-Chodesh Shebat .• Bosb-Chodesh Adar I— — _WedU. Feb. 6 MUST PAY DAMAGES AND CON- peoples were embraced in their designated by Ruge, each member and forests belonging to Arab landRoah-Chodesb Fm. •U• • * Mar. n U B U " V U W U D B U Adar cm\**** II_ ••••••••in •*»«» • 1 was voiced at a conference equally with the Jews. This broad was sworn to carry out his part of owners Porlnr (Feast of Esther)—Thors., Mar. 20 FESS GUILT OF BEING 1 Rosb-Chodesb Nlgan ,., .,, , , Sat, Apr. S of village sheikehs and Arab landsympathy so impressed the many the plot. The assassinatioftg «£?e to A LIBELLER. P a s s o v e r (P^fl'^h ~n HI •- UIIHI • ft***^ At^r« 19 owners here. If the government perPassover (Seventh Day) Fri.. Apr. SS' countries in Eastern Europe as tobe carried out the day of the "reRosU-Chbdesb l y i l r — _ — M o n ^ May 0 sists in this policy, it will meet with Lag b'Omer- . .,.—; Thorgn May 23 New York. (J. T. A.) The attach- shame the persecution of the Jews, actionary uprising". Rosb Chodesh Stvan Toes., Jane 9 "trouble", resolutions adopted by the which, during the periods of utter Baur, who according to the prosement of $115,000 belonging to Henry Sbabootb (Odiifinuatlon Dayl^Sat, Jane 8 Kosh-ChodeSU TilHtna*____ThOr8H tfaly 3 Ford i* the Corn Exchange Bank and chaos, was incipient in many com- cution met death at the hands of hisConference warn. Roth-Chod«tibflb..,i . •. i,,. .1-. .--f rt- Ane.^1 Fast of Ab , i San., Aag. 10 an instruction to the Sheriff of themunities. BOBh-Chodeah Elttl ...........fiuii, Aus» SI State of New York t-> seize all copies "Not only has there been this great 5B85-1D34 out-pouring of generosity, but there ..Mon.. Sept. 29 oi: the "Dearborn Ineperident" coming New- Sfear's Eye

into New York, are the latest develop- has been & great measure of personal THE HOLIEST DAY OF THE SYNAGOGUE. then succeeded by such happiness as ments in Herman Bernstein's suit for service. I have served with the repBeginning Wednesday evening, September 20th, and con- loving care can give. ' libel against Ford and the Dearborn resentatives of Jewish groups in joint tinuing through Thursday until sunset, the Bay of Atonement, We could go on all"mowing telling Publishing Company. efforts. I have had many Jewish called in Hebrew, Yom Eippur, will be observed by all the Jew- of this work. But the Board knows Speaking of - the progress of themen and women upon my own staff ish people of the world as the holiest day of the Synagogue. this Work. The question is-^how suit, Mr. Bernstein, eitor of The Jew- In such work for we, too, covered Everywhere on this day.the. Jews will assemble in their houses soon are'wg going to get busy and ish Tribune, said: much relief of Jewish suffering with of worship. And there, forgetful of the bustling world outside, do something. . 4 "Mr. Ford continues to evade the other funds. There is no written in meditation and in prayei , by fasting and abstaining from all jurisdiction of the Courts and id.oc- appreciation that can form adequate worldly thoughts they will seek to cleanse their hearts of sin cupy the 'enviable' position of a quasi- tribute to the service these men and and by;true repentance, become one with God that they may the fugitive from the justice of this State, women have given so wholeheartedly, better fulfill their duties and discharge their responsibilities tobut I believe that we are gradually BO efficiently and at great personal wardihumanity. closing in on him so that he will either sacrifice. The real appreciation and The Day of Atonement,is mentioned in the Bible in a have to 'face the music' or pay the gratitude to those who gave of their number'; of places. In Leviticus XVI^ the elaborate priestly Drs. Rosen and Bogen Seek to Stop damage and confess himself a libeller means and service comes from the Liquidation^ ceremonial of atonement is described. In Leviticus 23:26-32, not only of me but of an entire race. hearts of the millions whom they ,Yom-Eippur is represented as:a.gorfcof Sabbath of Solemn Rest It seems amazing that any man can have served. whereon the people shall afflict their, spuis; "One of the tradi- Moscow. ( J . T. A.—-The American do what he is doing in this case and "There is no brighter chapter in tional^ observances of-this day; naniely, 'fastirig, is traded to Jewish Joint. Distribution Committee still hold up his head In the com- the whole history of philanthropy early- times when the hlgh^priest was the central figure has commenced the process of munity, no matter how big a money than that which could be written of Of the^i-itual. gradual liquidation and will end its bag he may be. the work of the American Jews dur..-•• Itf the Pentateuch the Day ofAtoriement was particularly activities in Russia in November. "Mr. Untermyer's office • reported ing the last nine years." Bet aside as a day when the high-JJriest expiated the sins of The termination of the activities to me today that as a result of the the people. He first sought forgiveh6Ss f6r his own sins, andof the J. D. C- at present is being warrant of attachment served on the TERRORIST BAND those'of his household and then sought to obtain pardon for opposed "by the Moscow representa- banks, he has attached ?115,000 bePLANNED TO MURDER the sins of the people. tive of the organization Doctors longing to Henry Ford in the Corn EIGHTY GERMAN JEWS •There was also a very primitive rite practiced in connection Rosen and Bogen as premature. Exchange Bank and that there is a With this priestly ceremony. Two goats were sacrificed, one for They- are planning to leave for thelikelihood of attaching considerable Munich. ( J . T- A.)—Charges that the Lord and one fof Azazel, the demon 6f the wilderness; who States in October in a final effort other property, although no real a terrorist band having its headit-was supposed was thus constrained to carry away the sins to obtain the continuation of theestate in the State of New York has quarters in Munich composed of eighty men had conspired to murder of the .people. work. been unearthed in. Mr. Ford's name. as many Jews, were made at the : | n this, ancient litual the notion seems to be that a high- The dissolution, at present, Jew- "New developments are shortly priest is} capable of expiating the sins of the people. The rabbis ish representatives contend, will expected in connection with the sale trial of two of the accused terrorists, of the synagogue, reprecated this conception and intoduced a mean death by starvation" to thou- of the Dearborn Independent in this Ruge and Zwenauer. They are f ar' mOT6 rational and pragmatic usage. Atonement, they show- sands, particularly' to children who State. The sheriff has been directed ed, cotild no longer be obtained by the priest by means of sacrifi- are now dependent on the J. D. Cfrom now. on to seize whatever copies cial blood, incense or the scapegoat; God's pardon could be ob- for food. the Dearborn Independent make tained^ they taught, only by means of the personal repentance Russian Jewish circles here believe of their way into the State." of the dinner, by his sincere resolution to turn from the error that if American Jewry realized the • "The Mohl" of Ihia ;tyay, unto God. Just as the high-priest of old officiating true situation in Russia, they would Besldcnce. 1342 So. S5th 6t. Tel. Atlantic GCS7. at the.altar i n t h e Temple sought pardon, so now every son of never consent to the liquidation. Place Of Business. £323 Barney St. Jacob was enjoined to spend the day in. his house of prayer Even if there is a good harvest in Tel. ATlantic 8831. confessing his^sins before. God and with a Contrite heart return- Russia, it will mean little to the ing to ; the paths of justice and righteousness, without mediator Jewish population, it is pointed out, and through his own penitence. The intent of the entire service in view of the fact that it is largely Secretary of Commerce Says There Is is so tec quicken the conscience of the worshipper that he will urban. No Brighter Chapter in the History learn to approach God in tnie humility, imploring His pardon and Prices in general are still far of Philanthropy That That Offer* promising to amend his ways. IDA L FRElf EN, Prop. ed by American Jews. beyond the reach of any except of A striking feature of, the Day is the afternoon service the niost fortunately~rsituated, the wherein forgiveness is sought for all mankind as fervently as for cheapest suit of- clothes selling for New YorF, "Sept. 6 / ( J . T. A.)—• the individual Jew. The Scriptural reading is the Book of Jonah seventy dollars. The extraordinary generosity and Sli South 16th Street which tells of God's all-forgiving mercy to the entire race of the In many towns of the Ukraine, liberality of the American Jew is children of men. glowingly praised by Herbert Hoover, Phone Atlantic 8010. the J. T. A. representative learns, The Day of Atonement stresses the theme that God does homes for Jewish children are being Secretary of Commerce in a stateOpen Eveninge. not seek the punishment of the sinner but only that he repent closed for lack of funds. The Idges- ment for the Rosh Hashonah number Only Jewish Florist in town. of his sins and walk under the burden of Iif e valiantly. corn department are also being of the "Jewish Tribune". , TJle memorial Service is profoundly touching and meaning- abandoned in'many cities. Writing on "The Jew As a PhilanWEDDING BOUQUETS. ful. The dear departed called to their reward are lovingly evoked thropist", Mr. Hoover pays special and honored. Besides; the worshipper is reminded that death is KILL JEWS, BAPTIZE tribute to the Joint Distribution Comthe consummation of life and should not be feared. 'No one who mitteG which co-operated with the MOSLEMS—TO "SAVE has endeavored to help humanity is forgotten. All who have by CHRISTIANITY" American. Relief Administration. Mr. their lives and careers contributed to the establishment of justice Bucharest. (J. T. A. Correspond- Hoover's statement follows in full: and righteousness, have brought nearer the advent of the King- ence.)—A new paper entitled "Des- "During the nine years that I have ?°i!LOf S ° d w h e i l s i ( * n e s s > war, and famine shall be abolished teptares Crestinnului" (Awakening been iictively connected with the largand forever from, among all mankind. This is the message of theChristendom) has mad6 its appear- er American measures of relief to memorial exercises when those dear one who quicken the living ance. A Colonel Stanics of the Rou- Europe, I have had intimate associato finer ttssolves are fondly recalled. * manian army is the publisher, who tion with various Jewish organ-

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Hoover Lauds American Jewish Philanthropy


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thus outlines the policy of his paper: izations engaged in these labors. I months left. Surely this Board must All Jews should be killed and all have frequently -had cause to comi*ealii:e .today just where this organ- Moslems baptised, otherwise there is ment upon the extraordinary generosity and liberality of the Amerisation is drifting. Now, this month, no hope for Christendom. this week, with the high Holy Days The law under which it is permis- ican Jews in their charitable con.(Continued from page 2) tributions. Indeed their voluntary And that organization is not worthy here, ia, the time to get busy. We sible to adopt Roumanian, names must contributions exceeded that of any be repealed so that Jews and other of the name "philanthropic" unless cannot delay. other American group, and ranged We need revitalizing—we need foreigners should be immediately from the stinted savings of the it does do just that. But our deficit—our pet, monthly s»me of the old-time "pep". We recognizable by their names. poorest workman to the full .outdeficit—is ditfarent. . It is a defielt have the best merchandise in the The law under which the Jewspouring of those in more fortunate have obtained their emancipation on current activities—not on new or world to sell. Do you want,samples positions. uaiisual ones. Let ine 'give you of it? Here is the case of Mr. G. must be repealed. briefly our total monthly expenditures who was too sick to do hard work Jewish schools and synagogues "During the acute periods in Eufor this year and our balances! Note and who could not make a living for must be burnt down" and covered with r6pe, in orde* to assure the maximum the disbursements month after month. his family at light work. We setearth so that not a vestige of them saving of life and prevention of suffering within our reSoutfSftB, it was Notice the deficit alfio': him up in a small business, and he shall *emain. • necessary to establish the closest coAll books of the Talmud and Jew„ Expended SurDltlB ia doing well. Here are the S. chil* January _, ? 370.68 dren—a girl of 16 and a boy of 14— ish ,prayer books should be taken operation in administration of AmerDeficit ican relief measures, and this co-operFebruary .... - _ 2,800.09 131.71 whose father deserted them 10 years from the Jews because i t is from UiifcU — 3,600.11 1.412.83 ation has been given by the Jewish these books that they learn all their April The federation helped them &481 2,007.80 ago4 Joint Distribution Committee with May 3,085.&i — 3,518.1)8 lies. June 2,302.84 and their mother and when the 3,9«).25 ^Ann Jews must be prohibited Under unexampled breadth of vision and July 2,B72.C0 mother died continued caring for the • 3,124.17 2,265.33 2,030.10 singleness of purpose. August children, The girl is now Working penalty of death from obtaining any These figures do not include con her own way through high school, form of education, as only in this tributions to national institutions but and the boy is partially self-support- way it will be possible to bring them are practically all.for local worit ing-carrying a news route. Here is under subjection. .Our situation is decidedly unhealthy. the case of Anna, 16, whom the ladies, We are operating in a crippled condi- on our. social service committee found LEVY MAYER LEAVES ?&439,097; • ' ?li»0,0fl0 TO CHARITY . tidfl^aild What is worfee We are doing did not.get'along with her mother, - aftthiiig to remedy that condition. and was consequently running .the NeW York (J; T. A;)~The estate The'I^deratidn-does-not hold today streets. Today she is a member-of of Levy Mayer o^: Chicago/-who died the position ft did throughbut &e the .ifMHA" and her mother doesn't August 14; 1922," was appraised country twd year* ago. ; We are slid- worry much as ,she did yesterday a t $8,499,097. The bulk of ing1 backwards instead of jumping before.. Here are the.cases of three \a& estate is in Chicago. forward. We cannot initiate new and Omaha Jews coming back ffcom'Den- By tfte will Mr. Mayei: gave ail hia needed activities because We haven't .ver .this month, cured of 'tuberculosis. personal"efecis to his wife, Rachel the money available to* support our One of them spent IS the Mayers-ana*- also left her half the normal onea. But worse than this is sanitarittnii. the, other two a year residuary estate for life",- after, which the fact that -we are. in danger of each. Here.Is the case of Uarl d it goes .to .her daughters, Madeline M. Low and Sortense ,M'. Hirseh. '< losing what we have. a 14-year-old r immigrant lad, half & ' tb seenis to me to be a pretty year An, this cpantry, who will join Th9 daughters get the rest of the serious-situation, when. Joday,. With the 1rt&HA boy - scouts this month* residue,,ane. third whtSft thai* father the year two-thirds-,oyer, .more than Here la-the. case,of one child, and died, k third w^en they reach. 3$ years one-fourth, of our-members -haven't another, end « .third, a -fourth, a and a third at" 40 years. paid'a cent, to # » federation. Un- fifth, all'the way up to' 2f cases; Mr. Maye* left $100,000. to his less we do' something, and do i t at Omaha children, Jewish children, in executors to distribute Within two once we are threatened with the loss the Cleveland' Orphan Home. Each years among such Chicago Charities as .they should select. of their funds end their interest, of these cases has a story of its own, 1201-03 North 24th St. Each month we have said that that real "sob stories" of childhood happi- Mayer was one of th6 best known A. STOLLER—S. corporation lawyers in the country, ' particular month was the time to get ness, Of grief and tragedy caused by representing ' among other large JW d do something to-correct this the loss of one parent 6* both, and interest the "big five" .packers. We »8Ve-,leflB than four

City Wide Three Day Campaign for Federation

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New Year.


A Happy. and Prosperous New Year

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The irueBIue


PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY* SEPTEMBER 18, 1923 present. Out-of-town guests included 1 The Mesdames M. Yudelson andi there were 70,000 Jews admitted to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wessel and! Philip Friedman will entertain at a the United States, and only 20,000 children of Nebraska City, Mr. and i luncheon and bridge today at the Christians. Mrs. Jos. .Sarbach and Mr. Paul Fontenelle Hotel in honor of Mrs. The Government is urged by this Sarbach, of Nebraska City. : Friedman's aunt, Mrs. S. Rosenberg, newspaper to proceed with the elab* of Chicago, HL oration of a plan for the wimiting Mrs. Harry Luttbeg and daughter, of Jewish emigrants "before AmerMrs. Dorothy Polski, of Lincoln, of ansas City, Mo., are visiting Mrs. Mrs. J. Levy, of Chicago, HI., is ica closes its door to all Polish Nebr., and Mrs. H. S. Kamen -were Luttbeg's parents, Mr. and Mrs* L. vMtmg with her daughters, Mrs. emigrants." * . entertained this week by Blossom Berkson. Mrs. Sally Jones, of Wash- Philip Freidman and Mrs. Henry Seeley and Benny Fields, who are at ington, D. C, another daughter# m also Nathanson. She will return home after New York. (J. T. A.)—Their adthe holidays. the Orpheum Theatre this week. visiting here. miration evoked by his unusually Dr. J. A. Weiriberg left Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. A. WeQer, of Salis- Mrs. S. Rosenberg, of Chicago, HI, for New York and Canada to "be gone bury, Mo., are spending the holidays is visiting with relatives here. She with their daughter, Mrs. "Victor has been honored at a number of afMr. Louis Blumenthal, of Milwaukee, or about three weeks. WEDDINGS Wis., arrived Friday to spend the Miss Miriam Mosher, who is enter- Friend. fairs. COHN—WINER. holidays "With iigmecei Mrs. S. L. ing her sophomore year at the UniOver two hundred . guests Were Mandelbaum, and Mr. Mandelbattm. Mr. and Mrs. A. Glick, of Omaha, The Opening meeting of the B'nai versity of Illinois, left Friday eve- have arrived in Lincohi, where they B'rith was held Wednesday evening, present at the marriage of Miss Anne "Winer, daughter of Mr< and Mrs. A* Dr* Ostar C, Goldner left Monday ning. Miss Mosher left early to as- will make their home for the coming September 12. The installation of ofWiner, to Mr. Michael Cohen, son for Excelsior Spiings, Mo., to be gone sist in the rushing activities of her winter with their daughter, Mrs. A. ficers-was held. - •• . sorority* Alpha Epsilon Phi. of Mr. and Mr& M. G; Cohen,'Sun- for "about two: weeks. Eisler. • • day evening, September 2. For Friday night sermon at TemThe ^ceremony was solemnized at ^and daughter, ple Israel Rabbi Frederick Conn has Mrs. J. L. RinMn and eon, David, POLAND TO LIMIT EMIGRATION OF JEWS the Congregation of Israel, ;at six Bstelle, of Washington, D. C, are here chosen "-Back to Normalcy", and on and daughter) , of Tulsa, Okbu, o'clock! The Rev. Fleshman offi- vifiiting with Mrs. Wasserman's Saturday morning his subject will be are the guests of Mrs. RinMn's sister, Warsaw* (J< T. A.)—Declaring that the Government of the United ciated. I "•''.;•' . parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zieg- "The New Start." Mrs. Charles Caff. States intends cutting t i e Polish imTThe Hazide's attendents were Miss man. migration quota because the majority Miss Florence Finkelstein returned Mrs. Nate Mantel expects to have Bertha: Lefkowitz, who was Maid of Honor.: The Tjiides-maids were the Mr. Leo Rosenthal and daughters as her guest, Miss Rosalie Mendel, of to Lincoln Friday after eleven months of immigrants coming from Poland Misses • Esther Lefkowitz, Sarahl returned Saturday morning from Day* Chicago, IIL Miss Mendel has written spent in the east. She was in Des are Jews, the "Kurjer Polski" asserts — - - • • • and- Claire — Wplfsqn, Katzman. — The ton, P.,. where .they attended a a number of books, mostly children Moines, la., Chicago, HI., Cincinnati, the Polish authorities propose to reduce the number vt visas to Jews grooms attendents were Messrs. Abe reunionof the Rosenthal family. Mrs. stories, and is on the staff of & Chica- O., and Buffalo, N. Y. to conform with the percentage they .;•••• Cohen,- best man, Jack Baslaw, Ben Rofeehthal, who was with them in go newspaper. caastituta In Poland's whole populaShapiro and Joe Krestul as grooms- Dayton, is now visiting with friends Miss Frances Rose, of Rockford, HI., tion. • . . ' - • . m e n . ; . . . • . . • •• • ' . ' . . in Cleveland, O., and will also visit in who has been visiting with Miss EsThe Sunday School Classes will beThe Kurjer points out that last The?little flower girl was Little Chicago, HI., before returning home telle Lapidus for the past two weeks gin next Sunday, September 16, at the year out of a total of 90,000 who Miss Doris Lefkowitz, cousin of the in about two weeks. is leaving for her home Sunday eve- K. P. Hall, Odd Fellows Bldg. All emigrated to America from Poland bride, and thft ring-bearer was Little Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kamen have ning. Miss Rose has been etensively children are invited. Miss Ruthie Falk, cousin of tile moved into their home at 3716 Daven- entertained while visiting with Miss groom. Modern Services for Yom Kippur port St. Lapidus. Following the ceremony, & recepwill be conducted at the K. P. TT&11 tion was held at the Winer residence Mr. Leslie Burkenroad is entertainnext Wednesday evening at eight for the relatives and immediate ing at the Brandeis Hestaurants Sat- PLAY FOR RADIO PROGRAM o'clock and Thursday at ten o'clock Mr. Max Guttman, on the violin, urday evening. friends. in the morning. Doors will be closed accompanied by Miss Rosaline Gold' during Kol Nidre. Miss Lena Rehfeld is visiting with stein, played for the W. O. W. Radio COHEN—ABRAMS. Word has been received that the her sister Mrs. Eugene Levy and Mr. fans Tuesday evening, September 11. Miss Dorothy Aginsfcee returned Levy at Lincoln, Nebr. marriage of Miss Bey Abrams, Mr. S. Guttman, who is now in Los last week after spending over a year ter of" Mr. and Mrs. M. Abrams, of Angeles> Calif., will listen in and hear in California with relatives. Mrs/ Robert Gross returned from a Montreal, Canada, formerly of this his son play. months, visit in Denver, Manitow, and Miss Cecil Snyder returned last city, to Mr. Louis Cohen, of that city, trill be solemnised Tuesday evening, Colorado Springs, Colo. REORGANIZE KADEEMO week from Detroit, Mich*, where she visited with her eister, Mrs. Sydney October 9, at the B'nai Jacob"Syna- Mrs. Morris. Cohn has as her guest CLUB. gogue in Montreal. her sister, Mrs Jack Klein, of Chica- A group of South Omaha boys Iightstone, and Mr. Iightstone. Mios Abrams was -well-known in go, m. have reorganized the Kadeemo Club, Mr. Arthur Snyder spent two weeks this city being a member and active for the purpose of keeping the Jew in, Chicago, HI. in a number of the Jewish organiza-' Miss Blanch Frank returned from a ish boys of the South Side together. Announces : visit to Chicago, HL, ith relatives. tions here. Part of the work of the organization Miss Stella Trochtenberg returned Reopening of The Sisterhood opening meeting will will be to form a football team and home Sunday after visiting in CaliPELTZ—HQRSHACK. fornia. other athletics throughout the year. be held at Temple, Israel Friday, SepThe marriage. of Miss Doris Residence Studio Shack, formerly of Rock Island, now tember 14, at.two o'clock. Every mem- At the first meeting the following Mr. and Mrs. Cohen and daughter, of this city, to Mr. Sam Peitz, son ber is .urged, to. attend to help with were elected officers for the next six of Harlan, la., spent the holidays here of Mr. and Mrs._M. Peltz, of this the sewing. Mesdames Arthur Roch- months: Sam Manivitz, president; at the noine of Mrs. Cohen's parents, 2519 Chicago Street tity, will take place in Rock Island schild and Meyer Spiesberger are-in Isadore Bernstein, secretary; Hyman Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman, Sherman,-treasurer; Nathan Schlaicharge of the sewing this year. Sunday, August 23. - ; Jackson 4921. Mrs. Philip Trochte&berg is visiting After a wedding trip to Chicago, Mrs. Sidney Manley left for N*ew fer, Beargent-at-atms. ..,with reltives in Kansas City, Mo. HL, and other eastern cities, Mr. Peltz York City last week t o m e e t Jier THORPEIAN NEWS. and his Bride win^ieturh to XJinaha mother who is returning from. a trip At a regular meeting held Wednesto make their home* to Europe. ' .-.-.. day evening, Sept. 5, the Thorpeian Miss Helen Levinson is returning Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Jacobs have as * C. elected the following officers for Ionia today from Indianapolis, Ind., their guests Mr. Jacobs!-mother, Mrs. the ensuing term: Louis Frieberg, •wheffi she has been spending the past M. Jacobs, of New Orleans, La. President; Abe Meyers, Vice-president; three months with relatives and J. Laserovitz, Secretary; Sam;Friedel, ::: Hi friends. Mr. ana Mrs. S. Goldstein have as Treasurer; Joe Kuklin, Reporter; Wm. s-5 their guests: Mr. and Mrs. A. Gold- Wintroub, Custodian; Leon Mendelson, Mr. Sam Peltz and his fiance are stein, of Missouri Valley, la. Athletic Director; Ben Ellis and M. 111 leaving Friday, September 21, for Krasne, Sergeant-at-arms; P. WinRock Island, HI., where they will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun troub, J. Krestol and W. Alberts, left by motor Wednesday for Minmarried that week. 150$ Douglas BU neapdlio, Minn., ttherd they v/fll .at- Executive Committee. The Misses Edith Covicti and Rose tend the second: wedding anniversary World Theater Bide. Davidson have returned from Des of their daughter Mrs* Alexander In city tf affic or oa the open road/ Moines, la., where thfey have been Rubel and Mr. Hubel. Mrs. Rubel was this new touring car impresses you' Mr. and Mrs. David Friend and Mr. spending the holidays with Miss formerly .Miss Verna ISLirscchbraun. and Mrs. Eugene Newmeyer stopped Covich's parents. instantly with its exceptional ridMrs. Joe Goldflmith, of Chicago, Hi., in Lincoln on their return trip to New ing comfort, i Miss Elizabeth Jane Hart left Sun- who has been the guest of her sister, York. They have -been visiting in day for Champaign, HI., where she Mrs. Jake Jacobs, returned Friday. Portland, Ore., and traveling through The seats are deeper and lower? will' teach' foreign language in the Oregon, Washington, and other the body has been lengthened to high school. Miss Hart intends to Mrs. Nate Mantel is on the commit- western states and through Colorado. Which we are observafford more leg-room. Its low*4 Continue her graduate studies • at the tee of the Parents-teachers Associa- A family . picnic was held in their swung design reduces side sway • "University of Illinois. tion of Central High SehooL They honor Sunday at the State Farm. Fifty ing at this time no and increases the car's stability at will meet- early in October. members of the Friend family were .Miss Ethel Gladstone leaves Mondoubt htlng rejoicing ell speeds. day for Potlghkeepsle, N. Yl, Mr. an Mrs. David Rosenstock ento every Jewish family \ __ she will (inter her freshman yea? at tertained last Saturday evening at Vassar College. their home. .The front springs ore wider, snd. during this eventful Chiropodist and Beauty .built of more, and thinner leaves; MiisB Sadie Levey, well-known Jew- Mr. Herbert Heavenrich" returned Shop time, which have been [the rear springs—-aow undershmg ish pianist, is again opening a studio today from the eaBtj where he has Established 1S00 IRfh and Harney Streets. at her residence, 2822 Chicago St. She been on a business trip. ,—4iave been materially increased observed for centuries. Give us a chance to aphas been a student of the piano for preciate your bnsiness. For -in length. We can make it still s number of years and has been teach- A luncheon at the Burgess-Nash appointments call Ja. 9774. In fact, the comfort of the car is Tea rooms will be the formal opening ing for the past two years. more elaborate and comparable in every way with its of the Temple Israel Sisterhood on Mr. Irving Heller and Marvin Trai- Monday noon, October 1. good looks and the well known beautiful in presenting ler will both attend the Kemper Milicharacter of its performance. tary Academy this fall, the former en- Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kamen will etito our beloved ones : O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. tering his freshman year there and If your garments need some remembrance. I 28th and Earhey Sts. the latter his junior year. cleaning and you do not have Telephone—HA rney 0122 it done, you pay for it anyWANTED -*- Bookkeeper and Miss Helen Robinson and her house way. Stenographer. Ask for Mr. gust,- Miss Irene Adelson, of Lincoln, Scientists have proven that C. Levins6n, Star Store, 1835 ITebr., are leaving the latter part of YE dirt and grit rut the fibre of the week for Sioux City, la., to spend North 24th Et. the doth and cause it to wear DIAMOND several days. out quicker. SHOPPE Miss Sara Somberg returned SunDry Cleaning removes all dirt, grease and germs,' and day from a three months* visit with .when carefully pressed 'your friends and relatives in Chicago, 111. garments will wear enough WANTED—Experienced SalesOffers you a large aslonger to more than pay the Miss Mary Yabroff, of Wichita, ladies for Dry Goods and cleaning charges. sortment of the highest Kans., will arrive here Sunday to Ready to Wear Store for spend a feitf days with her former Saturdays or full time. Call at DO IT NOW quality gifts at the roommate at the tJniverslty of NeStar Store, 183B NO. 24th St. Send in your fall clothes braska, Miss Rose Mtnirin, After most moderate prices. NOW and have them put in visiting here" she will leave for.Linshape to wear, you may need . them any day. coln, where she will enter ner junior year, at the University. tertain Friday evening at dinner at the Brandeis Tea rooms followed by dancing at the Omaha Athletic Club honoring Blossom Seeley and: Benny Fields, -who are playing at the Orpheum Theatre this week.

high ethical code displayed in business dealings, the Fifth National Bank of New York City has announced the appointment of Irving Isaacs a director. Mr. Isaacs who is only S3 years old is believed to be the youngest director of any national bank in the city. He is a furniture dealer and a stockholder of record in more than 100 corporations. He is also a director of the Hospital for Joint Diseases.








ht Brunswick




Fall Festivals


It IS the Truth

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Redman and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles B|cb, of Ottumwa, la., motored Into Omaha Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Redman and children will visit here wltll.Mi Re.dinari's parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. Segelman. The first meeting ef the season for the Brotherhood a£ Temple Israel win be held.Wednesday evening, Septf 26, a t eight o'clock. . .


Platinum Jewelry at the right price. Malashock Jewelry Co. 1BS4.

3a. £619

The Pantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyers"


1515 Jones St. AT: 4383 S. Side, 24th and L. MA 1283 N. "By. We pay return- charges on all out-of-town orders. Send by parcel post.

Is 10


' '•* J -


EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF 1 HE JEWISH PRESS I Don't you think I ought to be get to see your husband," he said walked blindly down the stairs. -- But the quiet and the peace, she felt must Success is not made by lying awake happy?" formally. • Frieda did not weep, although she lie before her when the candle would at night, but by keeping awake in the daytime. "Nbi" he answered, bluntly* . "Be- "Frank ought to be home in anknew that'she would never see-him be burned half-way. cause it doesn't sound tiike' the life hour," she answered, "so you'd better again and that the last of her old "Jewish Press" Ads Bring Results. you planned when •you married. You stay." •.:" : '• . • life went "with him. Her face hard PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! A YOM KIPPUR SORY BYELMA EHRLICH LEVINGER. wrote me a letters-remember?—be- • Jacob shook his head. "I want to and cold, she went back into"-the (Copyright,' 1923,' byElma Ehrlich Levinger. All rights, reserved,) cause you couldn't run off -without ex- go back to my hotel and wash up; beautiful' living room. Upon' the plaining it so somebody who'd, under- It's Erev Yom Kippur and I going mantle stood a dull green candle in "It was good of you to say you'd stand-1—and you' knew f; would.; I've to services. A man' I was buying an tique holder; yes, that would do Jacob felt distinctly ill at ease in his cousin's living room( although his come," she-told him; "and to write got the letter yet.t You s^i$ a lot of from today said he'd have room for well' enough, although it was not like frequent buying trips to New York me when mamma died. Of coursse, things about standing at ~ the cross- me in their pew." the memorial light she had seen her should have accustomed him by this father didn't; although I write your roads, about taking the hard new "Yom Kippur! You'll hear them own mother kindle. As she placed it time to metropolitan luxury. - But sister in Chicago once in a while,and path, - about wanting to. do .big- things. s;.ig the Kol Nidre. I haven't for- upon the table, her eyes fell upon the 310 No. 16th St. Tel., JAckson 5062 Jacob, although he called himself a he knows where to reach me. HowHave you done any of- them ?". got jail about it even after fifteen little ' box of headache tablets, the low-brow, was keen enough to sense is father getting along?" She shook her ,^head./- ."We got j years." . . . - ;; medicine which • both the doctor and Has Taken Charge of The Wholesale and "Older; but," then, we're all getting older/' she said, ""Frank and I, and the .difference between the gilded "Maybe you could come along," he Frank had forbidden, poor Frank, splendor of his favorite hotel and the that, except, you," he complimented the flame died out—like a candle. suggested wistfully. Retail Business of Shalker .Packing Company. who was so delighted over the elegance of the somber furniture and her awkwardly". You' see, we were both yoifng when Shre shook her head. "I can cry at thought, of the new baby! He. was rugs, the long,, low bookshelves and "You think I'm looking well?" He we" married and"-idealistic' and" filled home:as well a s ' i n shul on Yomanxious that it would be a girl to few. well-hosen pictures. "Frieda felt, somehow,.* that there*' was more with big dreams.'' We* thought we'd Kippur, as poor mama used to say,"be named after his mother, to wear always, did have lots of" taste," he than a woman's vanity behind the help break down.-the - barriers that she quoted. "Besides, I have a fright- his mother's family jewels. Frieda's told himself, "and now she's, got eager question, "do you think I've separate 'people-4-the : barriers - of race ful headache and I'm going to bed as lips twisted with a mocking smile; inoney and knows how- to spend it. changed much?" and religion—-we •' reallyr looked •: upon soon as I can." the girl who would be received into "Honestly, you don't look any older intermarriage as "a sort of (religious He felt more embarrassed when, Shalker Packing Company of Leavenworth, Kansas, "One of your old headaches," he the Junior League and the most exafter a greeting, they, .both tried to in some ways than when you were a duty. You see, we both thought we'd remembered sympathetically. "They clusive sororities because of : her will give a Special Price for its Retail Trade. make casual, she set aside hjm ongirl back in Chicago," he told her have so much to give frohWour own used to worry you so back home and father's • wealth and her father's unthe davenport; leaning indolently with frank admission. "Except—" he racial background-^-we .hoped to doyou were always taking tablets for tainted • bloor, the girl who would Fresh Salami 35c lb. back against a cushion, one arm hesitated, then wished he had notsplendid team work"' : r';••. never'dare to say she had a Jewthem." • • • ' . ; supporting her head with its burden spoken. Thick Bologna .. 30c lb. "WeU?" ' - . • ) ,'••'..• r . : "I still do." She pulled out a table ish mother. of dark coifs. Jacob, who had loved " "Except what? You used to be the She shrugged :.her 'silk-rfad" should- drawer and showed him a little box. • Frieda -sat before the light candle, Weiners 30c lb. his cousin fifteen years past, when most honest person I knew, Jacob," ers a s her father might have done— "But I hide them in here. The doctor which threw weird shadows over^er she had been a hard-working school. she told him. the hopeless, skeptical sHrugl of thetold Frank they'were bad for my Old Style Smoked Tongues..50c lb. "If you want to know," he blurted Ghetto. "Frank: had .been at) Hull. heart-^-especiallyJust now—-" she left drawn, ( tortured ,face; she was very teacher and hethe hard-working tired,- too tired to struggle any more. All Pastromi, Smoked Meat and Tongues at proprietor of a rapidly-growing out, "it's your eyes. 1 know you're House, in Chicago; when; we. came the sentence" unfinished, but he un-She read, the directions on the mediclothing store," -was puzzled,, to. s"ee happy, but-your eyes—why, once you liere we went over to one of thederstood. • Special Price. the .change in her/ She -had acquired went 'aroundAas 'though, you had a Social Settlements on: the East Side, "I'm awfully glad, Frieda/' he said cine, box very carefully, read them r a new poise and dignity, her_ clothes lamp inside, you, but now the lamp's took classes and tfiat sort of thing. heartily.' ?'Maybe that why you're over twice; yes, two were, the; maxiAll Meat* Guaranteed to be Kosher in their expensive simplicity brought gone out. Wou were always talking It was really funny About Frank; feeling "sort of 'downhearted now. I mum dose.-.With a hand that did not by Rabbi M. Braude of St. Joe, 3£o. out new grace in'her luxuriant'figure, about what you were going to do—he's an intellectual' internationalist, know my -sister-in-law was before tremble she slowly counted out four of the little black pellets which r your dreams, you call them." He but her eyes-=nJacob 'did' not 'know he really believes in^the brotherhood their baby • came. But afterwards spelled- honorable release for her, why at first, "but her eyes 'made him leaned toward her. "Frieda,what has of man, but he. can't live it. He's the every thing..will be.all right." since not .even Frank would guess become gjf your dreams?" distinctly uncomfortable. sort who'll'eat dinner with a brickthat it was not a mistake. And she "I don't want to bear another child She "laughed harshly.. "I grew up," layer to show how democratic, he is did not-want Frank to suffer for to wish it: tfidn't have a: Jewish she said, and lapsed into a • sullen and feel positively sick^ij the man FREDLSMW flower Shop "Let Us Move You" mother," slie :answered him bitterly. their -common mistake,- even if. she silence. When she spoke again her eats with hi Pbooe 104 Certified Public Accountants had forgotten what it was to -love voice was empty' of ' a l l feeling. he doesn't think he's better than any Then, pulling herself together, she The Best of Erenrthine in Flowers and him. , ,.. . Audits Systems held out-her hand. "Good-bye, Jacob, Confections at Moderate Prices. "Don'tyou dare to pity me. I'm just Jew down on Houston, street,' but I Investigations C« W. Broadway. Next Ub*rty Theater Operated by jlike most selfish neurotic women now- know . their manners and their - view- and thank you for coming. And when She took down the picture of David 43* to 440 Peters TrnBt Bldg. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOW&. you see father, on the way back to in his school uniform and placed it adays; I don't know what I want. I've Phones, Jackson 4313, 4314. points often sickened him at the Set-. gt." Louis "' •' " got a husband who gives me every- tlement. You see, he's come from one beside : the candle, then < sat • down ATlantic 0230 JAckson 4338 one! , , v '^"X-'3 h Uld aythe beside * it, looking into the flame, thing I want; I've got a fine boy— of these old Mayflower families— « *? * there's his picture," nodding toward breeding and education, as well as * ^ thinking, waiting. " She told herself j Carpenter Paper Co. a framed study of .a sturdy youngster money—-and he can't." help thinking "Don't' ask him to forgive me—he's that, when it was burned half-way Distributors of of thirteen or thereabouts in the uni- Jews are crude—even if he- tries to too wise tojxarfe for.such things. Just down to the socket she would do the Western Bond—and High WIIOLESAU) form of a inilitay school. "And I've l i k e u s . " ' tell him I hav^ found he was -right; thing' she had decided to ^do. Some:.•.'•;•-::••>• _ Grade Stationery 1 plenty of leisure and money to dabble Druggists and Stationers "You mean," ^Jacob • was _ quite ifs better to> take the old-fashioned how she was curiously unafraid. Out 'One of America's Great Hotels' Omaha. Nebraska. in philanthropy when. I feel, like it. choked with indignation, "you mean road, after all. And, yes, .this will of a half-forgotten book an old line v 401-403-403 South. 10th-Street he pretends to be better than you are please him. Tell.him you saw me onspelled its way through her brainErev Yom jiigpjir and that I was "the mystery of love is greater than because you're Jewish.'.'x ,.v _ . She laughed" mirthlessly.'- "Now, going to light-a candle for mamma." the mystery of death." Well, she was WASH AND KEEP WELL A RULE OF HEALTH His eyes strangely blinded with to know • both now, and standing at Jacob, you're" crude and! stupid," she the crossways, her heart yearned for tears, the man-who had loved Frieda teased him. "Frank can't help hating FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Every Known Kind some" things-that were ^borh in me, 1819 California Street. of Insurance WHOLESALE PAPER, just as; I "feel sort df^sickwhen' I eat STATIONERY, ETC. ham—-even now—just because I 209 W. O. W. Bldg: JA. 3944.wasn't brought up that way. Of Distributors for course, we'd stand "it in each * other, Pink Tip Matches — but it makes it hard for David." JUET u s DO YOOB WELDING EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE: Northern Toilet Tissue "Your boy?" IADSDBI, Where your clothes come home 1112 Harney Street "Yes, our David,"' her eyes lingercleaner and last longer. ATlantic 6409 ing for a moment on the picture. "I ; THE CAREFUL WELDERS AT lantJc 0280. 1507-11 Jockgon St. know "you won't repeat this Jacob, 1501 Jackson St. H. A. JACOBBEKGER, Prep. fel. JA. 4397. Anything : : Anytime :: Anyplace but I've got to tell somebody and you're the first friend I've met all Omaha Office: 813 Donirlas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic £556 these years—a1 real Jewish, friend, I mean. When David was just a little Ford Transfer & Storage Co. COUNCIL BLCFFS. IA. fellow, Frank went abroad for sevK. A. FORD. President and General Manager. eral months. When he caine home he Service is Our Motto Council Bloffs (Iowa) Office OF found that the child had changed, as 700 So. Mala Street. Phone SC5. Safe Deposit Boxes {or Bent. TO AND FROM little children often change in a short time, and he said, without thinking: ALL PARTS OF "It's a pity, but he gets to look more THE WORLD like a Jew every' day;' When he saw how he had hurt me he was sorry, OTTR TREATMENT WILL VAL. J . PETER & COMPANY CONVINCE TOE OP OCR BUTTER and EGGS but it xasn'fe his fault; i t was the 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. SINCERITY. Mayflower gentleman looking down Trust Department. ATlantic 0340. Coundl Bluffs, la.. _.:" Safety Deposit Boxes. upon the Jewish immigrant. We didn't quarrel about it—I think that is why, it hurt. so: much." MEN "Frieda, I'm sorry," but he could think of nothing else to say. BISCUIT CO. Made by "Don't pity toe I"-a strange harsh"Manufactured in Omaha" UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Snow White ness in her low voice. "It's not so FOOD CO. bad now .that David is away at school Bakeries BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. D. 8. Pat. because I don't have to see him growOffice.) ing away from me before my eyes. But* they—and Frank's people—are teaching him to be like- them. When he "grows up he will despise me beol COUNCIL- BLUFFS cause I am a Jewess." We pay. 4% Interest on Saving "Your husband didn't." "If Its Worth Anything and Time Deposits. She smiled ironically. ".Frank was Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. f~" JAckson 1862 —Have It Insured." The fact that zve have, been .serving my lover; David will be my son and you for one-half century should be sons are very critical. .It was fortunate' that there were no more chilconclusive proof that when tee recomdren. I" shouldn't want "any more— mend >,•/•••" it hurts too much." Resolutely she Wholesale ; turned to him, her face smoother and Fruit and Vegetables The ^« ; . smiling. "Here I've been' gossiping N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. about* myself all this time," she said, trying to speak brightly. . "And you haven't told me anything about yourself so far. Nu, how goes it, as Feather Mattresses Made from your own feathers. Worm father used to say in Yiddish? Your In winter; cool In summer. Cost less F. 8. MOBEY. Prop. nnd last longer thnn cotton. Phone us sister wrote me you never married." UNDERTAKERS are America's best values for samples of ticking nnd estimates. "No, I never married. My business Phone Webster 0820 2224 Cuming St. is prosperous and if I keep on I'll be OMAHA PILLOW CO., THE LAUNDRY THAT in Motor Cars • .. PHone JAckson 1226 EVERYBODY LIKES. a pretty rich man, though not so rich 1907 Cumin? St. Phone JA ckaon 2407 as your husband's people. This year They must be reliable I was elected' to the Temple board —TV—""" AUTO PAINTING and I keep a finger in the Jewish H. lapMw, PWTTWM DurantTouring Star Touring Top and Body Building charities. I'm growing too old for I'd Shoes and Gent's Furnishings .Proper; Vlee-P*MMeBt. ::: and Repairing. . O n Secretary. dreams,. too, Frieda—so I just • do $998 Featuring Emerson and $530 CCRTAIXS—LIGHTS—ETC. Dnnfcip Sboes—?o to $12. ' ' everyday work." POLL DBESS SUltS AND TUXEDOS at Omaha at Omaha Omaha Fixture & for sale.or rent. • "Dreams—you - never had any Phone JA. 3128 109 North X6th St. dreams,"', she jeered at him. Supply Go. 3525 tea Ten worth St. AT Isntlc 0701 "I think I had, but you never susCOMPLETE 8TORE AND pected.. We might haye kept on OFFICE OUTFITTERS PAXTON BILLIARD dreaming a little longer if we had '•;. ; 14th a n d Jackson Sts.Vf« occupy PARLOR Wet Wash t-aundry TO.000 t o o n feet . tried to work out things together," -.Wall. ReceptaclesSootbwest Center 2 8 0 3 Cuming. Harney 0 8 8 1 he answered heavily!* NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor Light—WIRIN<}-^Power and O o a p l i * One Day Service. N©; Extra There was an awkward^ . £ienc$ beST24 mai 8t«*t. B«1M. ' —Beir^Transforiners ffi^^ Phone JA ckBon 4186. Charges, definite Soft Water. at the clock m WAInut 3034.. . 40 &Coming Sis. tween' them. • He glanced and" rose to go. rffni"sorry* I didn't



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