September 27, 1923

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The world is full of •Rilling1, people? some wilHng to w o i , and others to stand around and watch.

I t isn't your "posifian,' but your


that makes you happy or unhappy.

VOL. H.—No. 42

Entered i poatoEea

VI-class mall matter ea Jaa. Va. Kebrasia. write* tba Act

3Kb. inai. at

Msxth s. isre.


.27, 192S


AMERICAN JEWISH RELIEF -•WOS&, I N POLAND" WOUND IIP, Warsaw. (J. T. A. Correspondence.) —Adolph Held, director,of the Hebrew Aid and Sheltering Society <Hias) of New York, is leaving next:month on his.return to the U. S. E. W. Levin Epstein will act in his place until the First Public Initiation to ; Be end of the_ year, after which the Brotherhood of . Temple Israel • Hare Arranged For Four . Exemplified liy 'Crack Degree activity of the Hias will be taken over by the newly established Immigration Lectures. Teaimof District No.'6. > Foundation For Morris Levy Membership. Memorial Laid League of Warsaw. i ' ' Last Week. • . -' . . ' . ' " Mr. Fresno, ' the Eeconstruction FIRST. LECTURE WILL. BE PROF, T Director . in "Warsaw of the JDC, IN OCTOBER, - AND HENRY; MON&KY T T relinquished his post on September 1. ADDRESSGATHERING. MO\ EMEoS T W I L L BE CARRIED THROUGHLeonard G. Robinson, Director of the A feature educational program will : OUT ENTIRE CITY, SAYS CHAIRMAN. - On October 11th," atrthe Ball, Room: Joint's reconstruction work in Europe, be held in the city during the next of Some .Hotel,*Omaha Lodge-No. has arrived -here and is proceeding four months under the direction of 354," Independent .Order: B'nai B'rith, with' the -' work.' of liquidation • of the the Brotherhood of ' Temple Israel. The Morris Levy Membership Memorial is being' built, and will 'hold its first .public initiation. Joint's department in the city.. The Brotherhood of Temple Israel will be completed within the next three weeks. This is the first:opportunity:that the have arranged and have selected na. The foundation for the structure was laid on Yom - Kippur people of I Omaha* :• will: i a v e ' the tionally fcnowi men. to appear in the when 125 new Federation members were secured in the various privilege of .-witnessing a 'B'nsi B'rith city to . lecture before an Omaha synagogues. Following the appeals, as reported-in last week's initiation -as put-on: by' the Degree audience. issue of "The Jewish Press" new members for the Federation Team in "full form. Omaha Loige There will be four lectures, the were rapidly enrolled. . = has an Initiation Team which, is recfirst will be held in the later part ognized to be the-best in the entire of October," said Martin Sugarman. A significant feature of this body" of peal to every non-member. We must district. Sam X Leon, Second Vicenew members is the number of young put this proposition over—we ' must Left to right—Barton Ford, J. E. McCreary, Jf. Moore, To Baffle PlEyer Piano During Eve- There will be one lecture a month. President of ' the District, is the ""The men who will appear in Omaha men and women who joined.the Fed- get at least 500 new members to com• ' • Herbert Ferber." . t* ning's Program. chairman of the'le'am anil is assisted on this ^educational progTam are: eration. Although the Morris Levy pose the Morris Levy Membership : ear with his Herman Ferber, .-well known local actor will by" Dr. A. Greenberg, Harry MalaProf. S. H. Clark, who is professor Membership Memorial ' campaign • is Memorial. We owe it'to the FederaSPECIAL DANCE- AND SONG of elocution snd dramatical reading1 planned to appeal to all Jews, it is tion and to the memory of Morris own company of entertainers with a special "-a^:at the B'nai shock, Max Fromldn,:M. Moaheit and NUMBERS ON PROGRAM. " B'rith carnival to be heldat the City Auffii^ui^Noveinber 11. Max Morris-Who " .perform the at the University of Chicago. Prof. :: designed especially for the hundreds Levy, who worked so long and so . y : "lat have been initiatory portion 'of: the work," and Clark has lectured in the city as the The Omaha District Zionist organof young men and women in the city faithfully for the ^Federation," conFerber has taken part in a number of shows •fee beautiful and Tiistoric lectures are emdotis sucguest of the Fine Arts Society, ization are ^making final plans for its who heretofore have not contributed cluded Mr. Eosenblum. held in the city. His part in "Hello BIB" was a i given ' b y ' Harry ~ Silvermaa and nuirihers.Eabbi Stephen Wise of New York, first annual ball to be held October 7 to the Jewish social service activities cess. His feature act will consist of dance cess, s f t Arthur Eosenblum. •who is considered as one of the at the Municipal Auditorium. "We of the community. For. the-B'nai. B'rith show, he has arranged: several new song In addition to- the foregoing, a have arranged for special music for greatest orators of the pulpit; LudMany children, too, joined the Fedand dance hits. . ' " r -*f.t::: ••/*: . ;: . special program of-particular interest this affair and plan to make it one of wig Lowenson, author of "Up eration at the services. Sam Finkel, With the acting of Ferber and his company s&ct the .dancing to the Jewish public has been ar- Omaha's most interesting a-ffairs," Stream" and editorial writer for the 9 year old son of J. Finkel, 2218 Grace of little Vivian Stein, and Gilbert Jaffy with his orchestra,'there "Nation", and Newman's "TrsvelSt., enrolled in the movement, and has will be several other added attractions of the vaudeville program. ranged. ' An' address-" fcy Prof." Na- said John Feldman today. taSrs", will be the men is-ho will "We will also raffle the player than 'Bernstein' on the life and work Sir Alfred I s Enthusiastic Supporter already paid his pledge from his savThe announcement of the appearance of-the other actors appear here "under auspices of the piano on this day," said Mr. Feldman. of the program.' Harry .SSvennan, of the Palestine Homeland. ings. and entertainers for the B?nai B'rith carnival will appear in later President of Omaha Lodge makes the The piano may be seen at any time in Brotherhood of Temple Israel. "The fine start which we have had issues of "The Jewish Press".announcement that this is the first the Burgess-Nash window. Every per- "We are doaatissg: the use of the in the synagogues is most gratify- New York.—Sir Alfred Mond, M. of a series - of-papers on "Jewish son who purchases a ticket is given a Temple auditonam for this porpose ing," said - Arthur Rosenblum, chair- P., who was a member of the coali-, Heroes" which " are to be .read at number, vrhich entitles him to a as this is the first time that the_ man of the Morris Levy Membership tion cabinet Tinder Lloyd George and Jewish. Community has undertaken Memorial committee. "The committee is now regarded as one of t i e prinB'nal B'rith meetings, the exact dates chance for the player piano. A special program is being ar- an extensive educational program is especially jpleased at the general cipal members of the Opposition, arto "be annotmceS lafer. .response to the appeal. The Federa- rived in New -York,' where he wiR Mr. Henry Monsky. past president ranged as s novelty affair during the without any profit," said Isidor tion is everybody's organization,, and appear at a number of public func- Popularity Contest Still Holding Sway rict, and "a member, at the evening. Several dasce and song Siegler. sa^u-E^-i...— _,— _-jy j ^ attained, "With Large Numbers. every one, man, woman and child," tions \ihlthe- interest of the Palestine "We are offering this entire cmirwp should,s support it, and should. enroll Foundation, Fund. -. mitCee* ir cf. lecteresi,;!3&j&,very reasonable price anttee of the International - Js4J» campaign. . -,-Much interest is displayed'in-the wiH talk on the "Aims anc[ Objects1 ^ d. is 3^g_J th wOTk "for ^e^IB'iuriTB^rjXE-show and -show We. aare limiting Che sale" of the synagogues,, where so many wom- ested in the ^work-of^rEbuilding Pales"for of "the independent Order ef B'nai cured to play for the with a Succoth party given by memcarnival to be held at the Auditorium, "Ths entire proceeds obtained from tickets to six hundred on account or en and young people joined, is just tine as the Jewish Homeland and has B'rith. the spirit,that will make this Memo- contributed .liberally to the various November l l . ; "The plans for ,the bers of the YMHA Boy Scout Troop, The committee in charge of- the this affair will go toward fee clearing the seating capacity of the Teagjfe rial movement a' success. funds' of the movement, notably the carnival are coming ; along very No. 62. Thirty-five members of the program 'has beenT very: successful in of the deficit of the local treasury, auditorium. . -n-nm». "The campaign will he conducted in Jewish. National Fund' to" which, he nicely," said Sam Beber, general chair- troop attended, and had - as their securing several "splendid musical according to members of the committhe community immediately after the has given §100,000. He is the head man. "We plan to make-this-affair guests Mr. Gilbert Gendall and Mr. JEL numbers which-will-assist in round- tee. Mayer of Scout Headquarters, *Dr. ing oat a program Hist will become conclusion of the Succoth holidays. of the Sconomic Board for Palestine the greatest ever held in the city." Philip Sher, president of the Jewish memorable! ~ Harry" Silverman, Pres- SENIOR MEMBERS OF 'THE A special committee has been apEvery prospect -will be visited in per- which includes a number of, the .most Welfare Federation, Mr. Wm. L. ident of Omaha .Lodge, will preside. YMHA WILL CELEBRATE" son," continued Mr. Rosenblum. pointed to arrange the souvenir proinfluential and ^distinguished Jews of "SUCCOTH". Holzman, president of the YMHA Ad"We want to get all the young men Great Britain. In 1920, Sir Alfred gram book for the affair. The folin visory Board, and Messrs. Irvin StalA "Succoth" party and dance mil Issues -*. Statement to and women in the city, -who are work- made an (Extended trip through Pales- lowing men are beading that combe given at the Jewish Community Montreal. ing and earning good incomes, to en- tine in the company of Dr. Chaim mittee: Sam Leon, Abner Kaimah and master, Mnx FromMn and Samuel Schaefer, Troop Committeemen. Mr. •Center this Saturday evening, Sept. : roll in this movement, and help build Weizmann, the President of the Sam Klaver. Samuel Rice, scoutmaster of the 29, by the senior group of t i e YM and Montreal. <J. T. A.)—Hairy For& the Morris Levy 'Membership Memo- World Zionist Organization. The last week has been marked by troop, was the guest of honor. YWHA. The-nail'-will be decorated Ku Klux favorite for President, is rial. "When little children take their An invitation to visit the "United very little voting in the Popularity 1 small savings from their banks and States had been extended to Sir Al- Contest although this is by no means - Combining the features . of a re- Letter Signed "N. J. Elan" Forbids especially for the occasion, and a apparently otst for. more fre» adHolding Services.Unfier "Code" novel program will be featured in vertising. join the Federation, we think the time fred by the Keren Hayesod last the true indication of the state of union of the troop with the festivities of the Succoth season, the affair was Penalty, Dr. Bucfeler Reveals. In a statement to Montreal reconnection with the dancing. Memhas come when every one, who can, spring. Owing largely, however, to affair in the contest. one of the most enjoyable ever given porters today. Ford declared th&t the bers of the Council of Jewish Women should become a Federation member. the political situation in England, he The committee in charge of the at the club-rooms. The affair was arNew YorE ( j r T . A.)—-New York League of Nations as an instrument will chaperone. The work which the Federation does has been prevented until now from contest is possessed of the knowledge is so extensive and so important for visiting this country. Morris Kohlen- that many entrants are withholding ranged and financed entirely by the Jews were threatened with "tortare" Admittance mil be,limited strictly for the prevention of war is useless by the "New'. Jersey'. Ku E n x Klan" to members in good standing. and that the only way to get world the welfare of every Jew in this city berg, chairman of ' t h e Board of votes from the Popularity. Contest boys. Installation of officers elected at the peace would be to "get* the "fifty .'leadthat no one can stay out of this move- Directors of the Keren Hayesod, will Committee, althoug there is no ap- Philip Mandel, assistant scoutmas- if they .held'meetings in observance of ter, was toastmaster. Talks "were de- the Jewish".'holidays, it was revealed last meeting; will take place at the ing: Jewish, financiers of the world sent. sail on the Berengaria together with parent reason for doing this. livered by all the guests, and by Dave yesterday by Deputy' State Attorney together and render their mafitjkiia* "Our forces are rapidly being lined Sir Alfred. Miss Margaret Riekes for the Brodkey and Ralph Gross, members General'. Samuel Buchler when: 2,000 meeting on October 8. tions of money impossible. up to make an intensive city-wide apIt is understood that arrangements second time takes the lead and Miss of the troop, who won honors a t the members of Kol Israel of Harlem met "la no other way can peace be are under way for a large public re- Ula Albert is holding second place. scout camp this summer. Scout Sam to pray for/the speedy recovery of LATIN PATRIARCH'S UNIVERSITY IN JERUSALEM established," Ford said. "As soon as ception in New York to Sir Alfred Miss.Albert took first place at the Fregger gave piano selections. "SIMCHAS TORAH" ENTER- under Mayor Hylan, according to a report TO OPEN OCTOBER 1 the -world awakes and finds them ©tit the auspices of the Keren opening of the contest and appears The dinner was prepared and served in the New .York"World. TAINMENT AT OLD PEO- Hayesod. Jerusalem. (J. T. A. Correspondand acts, *then we will liave pescs. now to be in a fair way of again by Mrs. Max FromMn, Mrs. Samuel PLES' HOME NEXT The letter, mailed'from the Pennence.)—-As previously reported prepaIt is such, .financiers that cause ."W&r. assuming .that station. , WEDNESDAY. j Miss Martye Weinstein. sylvania Stejaoh," was addresses to the rations are being made here, on the They operate for profit and gain for The contest to date has- been The troop will meet regularly here- Jewish Holiday 'Society, No. 276 Lenox initiative of the Latin Patriarch of A "Simchas Torah" entertainment FEISAL'S FINANCE MINISTER Tunning very evenly and it may be after every Saturday evening at the Avenue. * There Is~"no" such organiza- Jerusalem, Mgr. "Barsalina, for the themselves. Let us hope for action IS A BAGDAD JEW will be given next "Wednesday eveLondon. ' (J. T. A. Correspondence.) possible that there will be a tie for YMHA. Any Jewish boy over 12 is tion, but this address is the head- establishment' of a small university, soon." ning, October 3, a t the Jewish Old Ford characterized Wall Street *« Peoples Home, 2504 Charles St., under —In a report of the High Commis- the first place by three or more of eligible to membership. quarters '.* of Harlem*1 "Zionists. The under - the. auspiras of t i e Latin •"Jewish Mecca" ami dirarrissei the tfie joint auspices of the Jewish Wel- sioner on the administration of Iraq, the entrants. In such a case it may letter follows- .-.'. Patriarchate. It will be opened on subject with. "You know what that fare Federation and the Daughters of just published by the Colonial Office, be .necessary to have a drawing- to "We understand .that "you are among Gctober 1, and has enrolled the first means." ' : Israel Aid Society. A program of a special paragraph dealing with the determine who will have. the first JEWISH WOMEN'S full quota cf 200 students. those who will ibid services on the Newspapermen who saw Mm WELFARE ORGANIZATION Jewish holidays, l To' this extent we The • prospectus * has already been Ford looked' very gussit, but'noneMy special appeal to the men and women formation of the first provisional gov- prize. ef Following is the standing to date: ernment refers to " Sasun Effendi TO MEET NEXT WEEK have been informed by our Klsnsnn issued, showing three general courses them would say -whether Ms physictel living at the Home will "be given. Haskail, the Minister of Finance. 4,300 Because of the holiday next Tues- in your district. The purpose of this to prepare5 students for later special- condition h&& affected Ms mlntl. Margaret llietes 4,000 TJla Albert day the regular meeting, of &e Jew- missive is to warn you, to inform you ization in order to take one or more The report .says, "He is a leading 3,900 Minnie Levj CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL OPEN. 3,900 Jnlia Wise ish "Welfare Organization has been that such a -thing is;notfto be tolerated of the four degrees (Languages Under the supervision of Rabbi I. representative of the Jewish com3,800 Anne Selieow ROUMANIAN ZIONISTS 3,700 munity of Bagdad, and commands postponed" from that day to Thursday by this organizatSoii, Which stands for Medicine,. Law, and Architecture). '• PROTEST NUMEfcUS ;CLAUStJS Gertrude Cooper M. Charlop, the City Sunday School 3,7D0 Iva SIcgel afternoon, October 4, a t 3:00 o'clock only 100 * per. cent Americanism. began its woTk for the year on Sun- universal respect, and confidence. He 3,700Marian Fried Instruction .will be in Arabic and Eng- Bucharest;-* (J. T. A. Berdic Bergsr _3,40a day morning, September 16, at the had been a member of the Turkish sharp, "If you seek xueii 'police protection, lish only. 2T7(K> Eose Fine . enee.)—Oae • of the cMfil 2.60O B'nai Israel Synagogue, at 18th and chamber since the constitution of 1908, Kate Goldstein Tfa~«» meeting next Thursday mil it vrin make matiers all the worse, and The Palestine Patriarchal Univer- dealt ..with by -the Fourth Lottie Giventer 2,S(J0 be the moist important one ever held we "will follow the usual punishment, sity, says the prospectus, has been Chicago streets, and classes will begin and had also occupied the' post of Celia Braude ^JGOO 1 Zionist Conference which was «6fe~ Anne Goldware 2,500 by this organisation. Matters conat ten o'clock every Sunday morning. President lof the Finance Committee, * founded with no- political purpose, but eluded' August-SO at Temesvar, wtes, Anne Kabinowitz 2,50<> of our code 1 as described cerning the future welfare and poli- of torture. We'he'reby demand that with the sole intention of giving the Besse Greenberg —2.400 The Sunday School will-have an ef- M. Sasun Effendi Haskail was a Yetta Stiefler 2,300 cies of the organization will be dis- you drop this procedure immediately youth of Palestine a sound education. the school policy of the government ir. ficient staff of teachers and the chil- member of King Feisal's cabinet, from Alary Mascoe : .2,160 Esther Ontman cussed and must be decided upon at and vacate the premises of year Its doors are open to followers o: relation to1 tbe Jewish population. The, 2,100 dren will be taught Jewish History which he resigned in March 1921. Anne Stain 2,100 this time, according to Mrs. Nathan proposed meeting, place. If you fail any creed or faith, and the rector of foltoowing resolution "was adopted; CliTa Feldman and Jewish Idealism.' 2.100 20 "The Fourth Conference o£ the NaIda Miukin Mantel, president. ELECTIONS FOR JEWISH Eose ScMffer the university is to be an Arab by to comply with this demand instantly tional, Zionist Association Gertrude Fogelsou Every member is urged to be on receipt* of this letter, you can only birth and by language. STORR GIVES PARTY IN HONOR NATIONAL. ASSEMBLY Dora Forman protests against the regulations present without fail. Eose Lazarus OF SIR HERBERTS RETURN IN LITHUANIA imagine your fate". Special stress is laid en the inten- which menace -the existence of thfJerusalem. (J. T. A.)—Sir Herbert Kowno. (J. T. A.)—Preparations This letter was dated New tion that ail instruction should tend Jewish schools, and instructs the comSamuel returned to his post after his are being made throughout Lithuania PALESTINE RAIL WOBKERS DAVID PINSKI'S NOVEL Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 16, and signed towards taming out men of practical tsittee to utilize evoiy opportunity oi vacation spent in England and the for the elections co the Jewish NaWANT SATURDAY REST DAY CONFISCATED IN POLAND "By order of the Ku Klttx Klan of knowledge and education, fitted to safe-j?aarding their existence bjcontinent. He was greeted by leading tional Assembly, -Which, in accordance Haifa. (J. T. A.)—The conference Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—The President New Jersey','; also carried the initials contribute worthily and substantially using all possible lawful means to officials of the government and on with its constitution, is to elect the of Palestinian raflwaymen wliich is of the Polish Press Department has "H. C. S." and "C. L. M." to the rebuilding of the that end. Tuesday evening last a garden party Jewish National Council. The list of being held here went on record as ordered the confiscation of a recent prosperity of the country. "The Conference protests against was held in honor of the High Com- candidates was published yesterday, favoring Saturday as the day. *f rest book of short stories by the Yiddish Jewish students bcinp obliged to writ* EXAMINATION OF'' missioner at Governor Storr's house. and the-elections will be held a forth- for all .railroad workers. author David PinsM, resident in New TALMUD TOSAH PUPILS LITHUANIA RATIFIES LEAGUE in the schools on Sabbath and ort Four hundred persons, representing all night later. Hhe .Workmen demand to be -given York, on the ground that in one of The Annual Public Exarninaticai of GUARANTEE TO MINORITIES Jewish festivals. The Conference tafcthe communities, Were present. A number of district conferences of the normal remuneratisn for the day. the stories "Die Wand" ("The Wall") the City TahauS Torafc trSI be held (J, T, A.)—The Lithuanian It is learned that Sir Herbert brings Jewish communal organizations' in They also decided to promote organ- •Pinsfci connected Sunday'afternoon, 'September 30, at government has ratified the Leagtie of ing its stand on the principle of 1 the consent of the Colonial Office for Lithuania -will take place-next week, izational and cultural work among, •with the occupation of Piiask by the two thirty at t i e B'nai Israel Syna- Nations guarantee for the rights of liberty for all to engage in study. protests against, any introduction -«£ ._- the legislation of the Vaad- Leunri- and at-which the Minister'for Jewish Af- Arab '•' workers • employed .., in the Polish axzaj during the war, • when gogue, 18th and -streets. The minoritiesa nuinerus clausps to limittbe ii * ,.the Jewish communities, without the fairs, Dr. S, ^Rosehbaum, ."wSl be Palestine railways, telephcae -and more 'than twenty. Zionists --were lined parents of fee children and the entire Much satisfaction is expressed in of Jewish stodents in ooen *r ".' -;, 1»satkm privilege, however present, . • j telegxaphup against the wall and executed. Jewish tardes over the sataificataon. cealed manner-" public are invited-to atteehsL .

One Hundred and Twenty-Five New Members loin Federation Following Yom Kippur Appeals



Sir Alfred Mond Here To Assist Kerea Hayesod

Much Interest Displayed in YMHA'Boy WorkforB'laiB'ritii Show


tortdre To Iarleii. Jews



The "Deutsche Zeitung" declares INSURRECTION AGAINST that ihls is not necessary, but it ABDULLAH SUPPRESSED, IN MEMQBIA^ KJppitr. -Sept. 26 PALESTINE GOVT STATES urges - iastead that 400 Jewish repPublished every Ttni^Oay at OM&l,-*«bfUi«. *9 Buccl>th (First Oar) Sept. S3 T!je Jew'sh E ' " ational Alliance XEVY OF th (I " (I«at Oay>—Shmlnl TSE JEWISH; PEESS PUBLISHING TCO^PANY., IerusalemJ (J. T. A.) The Govern- resentatives be hteld as "hostages" held their .first_ dance .of the sr ison OfBce: 482 Brandeis. Theatre Building.^Egtephonet -JacjjEon ment of Palestia© has-issued a state- and that it is tinje? moreover, that -Wed, Oct. S last Sunday night at t! ? Community By Temple" Israel Brotherhood Boshei: Oct. Jll ment regarding the uprising in Trans- a day of vengeance be visited upon ' , 9 Center, A^'.f^e crowd attended. It is meet and proper ^ h a t the Rosh-Cfaodesb __ NATHAN E& GREEN, Manager. : jordania, declaring the tribesmen have the Jews. Channkah (Feast ,of DeOJcaBrotherhood of Temple Israel should t l o n ) JUon, Dec. 3 • . rf. been dispersed after thirty of their ..$2.50 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. H«aacU"r; and — S u n ^ Dec 0 JSubscwptiaa -4£ri«er »aaa Tebettu add its tribute of respect to the Kosh-Chodesh Statement of o\rnershlp, management, -TnesV, Dee. 18 daughter, returned last week irom a number were killed by the GovernAdvertising rates famished on application. Fast of Tebeih. circulation, etc., of the Jewish Press, pub0684.1024 . r mjmcjy_.of J&orjtis_Levy1 .Eulogies ment forces, - whose -"casuaiies" Hftbed- ^weefcly et- Omaha, KebraBfear^re-we&k's vi-it in-Duluth, jnn.qnlred by Act of Congress of August 24, have "been spoken on "his honor. He .Wei, Feb. C S^ i amounted to < one slightly - wounded. 1912. Editor,'.??, E. Gseen; Manager, N. E. JEtt* JUar.Jf. i tioa of The Jswisb Pnaa.aro to t « gfiFeato iS^h§^n_e^tQl]edr."as,. a^man." atfiong Mr. Abo Davidson returned MoEday The statement ;foflpws::- ' / '" Ofeeii; Publishers:" The Jewish I'j-ess «nnmnnal causes. Co., Omaha, Nebr. " OwBere: froni~N2w-"York City. men) 'whose" light shone in " ""Unrest • and'diss&tisfactlsn ""which Ptifciishitjg N. P. Peil, Harry Lnpidus. Harry MalnThe following were, in Om..ha dur- for some time existed in the southern «h»ck, Harry Wolf, Herman Atlerbach, W. Li. Holzujan, Philip Slier. H. B. Zimmnn, ing the last v:csk, Mr. and Mrs. -Abe section among the Adwaan tribe cul- Saul Xiery, Sam Leon, N. S. Xaffe anfl The Jewish Presais supplied by theJewisb/Telej c Agency; (Jewish us ndio. knew jhim well, he .will Jong 1 Henry M«nsky, Omaha, Nebraska. Known Goodsite, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brodkey, minated on Sunday by a force of bondholders, !Cost> ^ Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and-iefagrapHlc Je' Dews, in addition be remembered -for hjs abiding faith ShabnoOi mortfrng-ees, and other securJConflnaaUon D»T>-Sat» Jane 8 and Mr. and Mrs, Barney Baron. men, bis gentjemgss and his modto feature1 articles *ari3 "pprresppti'jencesv.feonj -aH-1mportant^ Jewish centres tribesmen cutting the" road and tele- ity holders holding I per cent or more of Rosli-C&ofiesh Tawwuij.... ...Tbnrg. July 3 total amount of bonds, motKnjjes, on other Inquires' regarding hev?s. items"credited to $ii$ .Ageney isilL be. gladly ejsty, his ;braye ^serjnity in.v affliction. K h C d e s Ab phone communication between Es Salt securities. None. Subscribed before me Fast ot Ab 10 answered if-addressed to Jewish Telegxapliic Agejjcy, ZHFiftti Avenues Slat ••Any of September, 1023. (Seal.) POLISH PASCISTI PLAN His philosophy- of jjtfe through many )Bosh-Cbode«b and Amman," hotditfg up traffic thin 31 fl$w~¥c-r£Gjty. ' u - -v~- ''•' Reuben H. Brown, .Notary Public. (My OVEBTHBOW OF GOVERNMENT throughout .Transjordania, '. years -wag one- -of layalty?—loyalty to commission expires July 20, 1027. Eve. Sept. Warsaw. <J. T. A.)-^Polish Pascisti ; "The Government immediately took his religion, to hts-fanaly. to his coun- .-- ,; . . -,_. -Wft4 T _ _ _m and monarchists are waiting.: their steps to deal with the situation. It' afijd to. his ,f eUcn^-rHEiu Men read New.tjfat" the-great days in ih§ Jewjsjj i?aiendar have this, conviction .ia hl§ "c.o'unfcenancfi; he Jewish Refugees turn to overthrow the government and dispatched a force to the spot. The celebrated ^mid-^^tsolemhityf^by-th^-^nuitatijdeg whp: U won the, and affection of seize the reins themselves, according tribesjaen were dispersed" after -thirty wonted numbers "have trodden. down "the courts of- <GQ&," ~t£l&. his city and his-community. He was of their number had been killed. - The Leave Bessarabia to the "Kurjer Poranriy." 1 question-somes- to-ihg.tho3jghtfgi^npng.jns~j»s to-the permanent «iEiifii;ejcf'JKi£61iarge "public "response The iPa&cisti have organized them- Government casualties amount to one Warsaw Jewish Press Protests spiritual inflqehee/'tti^t these celebration? wjllrhay^.^xertedj-up* bilifiei 'and,, all '.through" K s active ~^~- — - • selves in a thoroughly military slightly wounded." A very novel way for you Discrimination Against on our peoplel'-Jfiill the Jew go 6^ck-4»;the ^n^gjrjjbbjng mar career,'.his7 srisd6m7. bisTjoastgy,'.and fi dtth fashion, and several divisions of their -time assist in the upbuildt>er4alisiwvout-©f--wi)i(^-:fo?-a ^lay,x>r -tyv^his £ol#nin;-,g£lebrit|jopj? his kindness gave him that serenity of Jewish Songs. forces are available in Warsaw ready ing of Palestine. Your WARNS -JEWS JUDGEMENT lifted Hip?-Wall^hia sirajVsfciinuIated-as~it undoubtedly- vsas;£or spiritswhich-made him snasfer of himfor instant action when th^ military money will bring you the • ' -' :x - • DAY IS AT Kishineff. (J. T. A.)—The evacua- coup is finally sprung. The movement iti-wings and ".fall ihto se1£ and- a blessing' to Tnen. highest rate of interest in 1 4 p j th^"4 *sts of-the -Wilt .-Iflor'theselreasbns, this BrptherhooTd tion of the Jewish refugees of the is supported by the "Rozwoj." ••~-a"-'raest safest ^eeuritv, ;,,-..WJrite Box M.. D~, , c/o reye>l?er4te and;; places its' wreath H Ukraine, who had. been granted tem- The monarchist propaganda is con- "a day of judgement-anoV vengeance" the-ipaU '$£• the^ l?r4e i ^ u Jewish Press. • ; d in i him hi the desire con- naina^od to iris "memory;"revered asla porary leave to remain on Besarabian ducted by Prince Zdzislaw Lubotnirski is due for the_ German'Jews is made ^l^td soil, will jn all likelihood be complete rthel anti-Semitic" "Deutsche -ZeJfriend-and honored- for' Bis Benearid" 'monarchist circles have lately _ _ revivals volence landlhis "generosity. > •- -. -' before the decree ordering; their ex- shown a feverish - The "warning -" is -uttere5 In ccmthat are "frequently held,J[>y>;i>iBj Chiistjan-^jeighb-ors^ cthe. influ- : - . 1OUIS SIMON- - pulsion by Oct. 1 goes into effect. nection with 'the 'proposal «f tKe srill-Hnmediately^pasfr-a»d that'no-per- i - >J3labM PREBERTGKC0HN. The work of evacuation is proceed- PLEASED WITH PALESTINE f£om "" rernain-unon"- the life of the - r . JCHARLES 6 ; EUGUTTERing under the aegis of the Jewish LABOR JOINING INTERNATIONAL "Morgenpost" that 400 German be taken into in made by Colonization. Association* srith-the aid: Berlin. (J. T. A.)—The Leipzig capitalists p l0f pur great hoty day^, Jnjhe. POLISH PRESIDENT WARNS of the Joint Distribution _Cojnnj}.tte^. ^acclaims - the affilia- fore they ffee "frein".'the "^country ;iri gase,-^is-appeals-is ^njgsfc altogeai^r eScter^ial—a stage iff «JEWfi AND OTHER MJNOBITC Every attempt' is being" niade JKL get the Jewish Labor Federation an effort "to 'escape "tbta 1 "siiare of that shall stimufefcer^he emo- '. .Warsaw- t Jr.T, A. Cofre^PQndence.^ the Jewish refugees out of the couri"- of Palestine into; the Trade Union tlje t a x e s . - j •'-"','•""".•'"... * ~ ? '"" ~ Man leaving for old country • ' y . ^ l q iiif i the ^iage"(JifeUt;pjr ^ g J f p try "before Ocfclj whichhad been mi —MlfWf jcieehowski,-Pr^ident pf thg : fhe p ^ p ^ , ^ I n t e r n a t i o n a l . •"• "•" "~ ' V •"?---•••-•:. Will Sell "7 room modern house. - AlL.^he art-of t^ejju^ljgistformont^isjnt f t ^ j advance d is call-1 Polish.JKepublic'speaijjng at by .General Popcodcri,,Tnilitaxyjcoii-' aperin an editorial--declares PAXTON-MTPCHELL GO. Garage for two cars. Located at mander:of Bessarabia", as. the last day mlXublin; said, inter-alia; : plJesence'of a modern labor 3-tb.ssa Wiit&»&t&~:~~~Z~ HA. 166* : 1S45 North ' 19th Street, on ixtfeg- app.fial;^f"eur:.high-^oly days:is;;-aitogether> from j_'.'If. we have ai> least -regained our o f g z s a c e . F _ \ . c • • ' j ^-- „ • • ' : > • • • . • — ^organization in Palestine linked with Manufacturers, of Brass, . Br«nie,, Florence BlvS."CalI after 5 p. nf. Alnminnm &E& -Soft Gray Iron Castlnirs,vPennisfiiQn. for^the refugees to JBV: •J^R influ.eng£ whicJv $he- Je^v himself; doe& independence, TSB -J»ugt the general international-labor mov^- l o u are assured—Qf-^vfK/capflngS, a» ' W e b s t e r 20I4.~ ' "'•'••-•"'"•• " main.*untii;npw:.was granted ;«nly.foi- nieiil should^3o, raueh_ towards raising we machine some from every heat in fffe uppn h } g : s a » l ; i t jthis.^eas^n-T-§p43 ferns- biFn-*3cfc. rights to hejsole: msstetv in-our our -fitTOH: ur ownfitTOH: lswing v vigorous. -T»presenlatians chyj Jtry. I am convincedStandard sixs cast Jxcii_an(i Dr.^ Nansen, the League of Nations' bushings in- stack. PATRONIZE OUE ADVERTISERS! lo harm to anyone, on condiat present^is very backwarQ,? Ipgh. Commissioner for Sussian: Vifu-_ among Jhe Je tion,-; however, that iie-alone-is-ruler has . o ^ m p ^ i of tfee Jeyy; iaiiis land." _I _ " ' gees.', ,."r;'.zr.....',.-. :'." :l";:y - ~ j . _. fifccjijj calls ,4&*him at this-time..-. The' Polish' Press ' throughout the U. 5. beeomeg tohjm sa-Uvjngj-a-vital .fofGeb country, .praiaeg-Ithe.. speech of the "Warsaw. '{J. T. A.)—Peliee officials subje'eted Qie prominent op^ra ginger, •«fither *f£«-*namb«r of "Hebrew text because- theccaJJ asjdent'^nd: pnmts..tQ-it f& a Leon Kortyii, to a severe grflling fol- boeks Has left for^a visit Id the 4 ht b of ing to "the "Jewsrsand other j B . ; , ephemeral ^s:serne i lowing his_ inclusion of a Jearish song "Usited States.—- ."- - : ~ 7 : ~minorities." -l-_\- f"'' — r: -da£s::§freuJ4-J)e-i3Specially-i ^ t i into his performance- Kortyii. had Mr. "Adler is active...also-in'.Jew» had been ^rjiecT py the "SJtarostp," of ish communal affairs, having served 4 the loyalty pf^Tews f<« MILUON D0W.4R FACTORY. y Q f j a y - ^ h e y ^ r e i w e l l placj4> Ate? . p s s g r e J ;.F0R PALESTiNE Kov^l "that Jewish." songs were taboo, as head "of the" Tei ^.iw tegs iaaj$tjvity, they lift the soul of- the Jew to-the very ^Jerusalem. .': T. A3—'MJchaeJ b.ut the singer nevertheless eang it a: nuniber"of years. - -'~ - --^ vJ heighfe&t thg^yf l-y^time.-wHenc; eonggp#gatiosal ^pd; .eommjinl Jew^h. millionaire,- forpserly and was given Biucb-applause. activities are about to begin for th.^ season.--l&ey- soiled .$Q t of 'Sossia, -and -since thfe revolution ~The:Jewish press is asking the Mikr J t j t e fkfc d f ' 6 b l j | i p t t I i «siaing'. in— ZParis, .r preceeded - to ister of Jnterfor how ih&: police proTO RUSSIA tO ",'-' rr. that -no-Jgw- can - live a. full life, ^ Palestine to' start a cemeiit factory. ceedings which-rfollewed the singing ^Berlin. (J. J T r AvJ—The reported b t ' # ^ t i V i f q r e y y ?netp re§ ^,\ „• '^accentuate slendernes$~'•'',.;//. 1Z of the The'working capital of £250,000 con- of aii•- irinocentifolk- aoug: - TcaaT^ Tf'isit**of Professdr Affiert Einfeteiit to sfstsrof inYestflieats "in the enterprise Reconciled i-with-; JriS'-promise~to ."eh» Russia will "not That ^stylish,' Tigorous appearance, whether JOUT build Qjg ^ g ^ - b ^ U e ^ e actually reaches the hearts.of most by Jews of France, England and Rus- coxirage "tdergnce. among ail "classes/' _ a scientist'-was" iriviteS - Co x f 32 or 42, is an achievement in designing of-our people.— -Muclji o£- the geod weri? -that phQlk be (Jone from sia mostly, "-i .i %ne "Soviet* tand^-but -te* has" an: : Zurich^ ./{ f "the" newest in novelties or smartest in plainer this'time'oh and through-4he many-busy months "' Baron Edmond Eothschild and Mr. Bounced'faat hehas noi"accep?e<tlKe reports-hjEre; us shall be, djrpp.tly or lhdirectjylthg, rgsuHc ©f . t h e . t j j u : feature" ' -:;•--:-. .^ . Pollack have in'vesteii.£oO,GO each. , "fi^tatid^"" N©" reason is given' fey and the ^inspiration that—has -epme to us during our holy ! 4 j h f ^•^^"fdr^the'"»--«•--«---- ~~ ''' — season.—Detroit Qhronfcle.;._-. ' ,,—— -_v --Elders,of Zipn, h&i bees .sentenced In Kaufman FIRST JEWISH r . .-.• SCHOOl/ IN HUNGARY Rome.-to one .year's «nprisonnienfc-:~. ^'Budapest: |J:..TvA. CorrB6pQ»decce.) : The.-charge against Giovanni ICONSTITUTIOK; ^i 5 —On September—4—the-first Jewish Baked, .on .the ,dffenjse_jef .distributing ihe matter tending--to foment hatred ©ftd High School-w-'ffungaryr was land in commflmo3?ation of the Hundredin Budapest. The costt»f ttie building Anniversary-of the adoption of : thsVtotke^Jor Young Men - .: amounting to-one 'i)ijiliar4 Hungarian AIONARCHIST>ANTI-SEMITES. . S ^ K f t i l d iz _ s" _ u~?-. * . -,~" ci^T entirely by " was' ^ p p F a g r b e f o r e in aU"_onj kronen," -cjy SPLIT OVER PRINCE voluntary .contributions. The Jewish •history, It Jias. always y, law and. order have-fallen into disrepute. dp y High'Schpol gtand^ onone of the most --iMonich. -(J.-2F." A.)—A~break has b ttrue th i ^ f jd i 4 f l l i i h wake k beautiful, sjtes. of'the capital,"arid a takes place in - the^ monarchist - and «-^ ^^.'•ff^^w. been that th there iis a-i»erio^pf:disw4e^fQllowing iaT? -of a"T?reairwar rWatf*s^firgt'fiffeittt it"to imdeHnijare thesynagogue" is"aTtacheS* to the building. "ftfiti-Semitic.circies.r .of Germany 'BE ^"•l)feiqJle^n"d-to"trpset-auth«r-ity-. r th"e"result "of-*hB friction-which itss i n g today-from iihi.condition. -dev^Lap&i.' bcteeen. Prince' -. RupricM £0 render satisfj-ing service fTh -attitude of r h i ^ fj people toward :the Eighteenth PALESTINE7TEACHERS J of BAvaria/ the XHonarehist favorite, "rCOLL^QP HASN'T PLACE Amendment to- tlieo National .Genstitution; hagji w a .maintain, .been and General Ludendorff. HUic The' Mgh quality "tailoring, iieauSful finish and smart subversive of jespect:foj^rIaw:ip£geneijaJU ..We-ace itofeiiere con-"Volklecher" -Beabachter":" has", came --designing will appeal to the discriminating." We are Jerusalem; ' XJ;JT. ^-The. Arab out" solidly" for LadendorfF, .witile »the cerned'.with a-'diseusaion ,©f, prohibition ia -any .of ija..aspects; :33r£pare4 to^fihow you ifeveral models in an assortment "director of iiie J -Whether'.the Volstead. A c t iis .enforcible or not i f c f ^t h i UP supporting of patterns at. prices -""g-hich' "-snake the values -iniCollege"" down 'the"'only t i t t W h h i moment.ouricgneernvflr. interest. Whethei^-sine©-it-was written the Prince.-?-- ~ ~, V •=*••»• entrance 'brtro the ife b i l t basic law- at x>ur_ country, crime "iras-;iBCEfiaEed/or dimiit-, The, reason* officially^"given SOCIALISTS- Ttt ?®DCCATE" -x 'a'matter for ^statisticians andrnot.for-.uaitcrBay. On the, y yrector'jjs' j tEat *therer is no surface <if thingsr.ifc-eQrtainly doea;appe»c tbatcvioe runs ram- y vacancy in fhe"§cftoo1/.pa»t as-.jfever heretofore and: that disregard.Jon law if-it'Jias-not ;" ('J.' T;:A;)".' ATO&vemenlto .become-more general has at least become moye-toazen than, it ^ ---«ntiiS«mt^sm: ^ ha*' ejjes. the", fact"' that "ihe •Iaunehed"'1by>.-i*ie"1SoclaIist -party -r -eveir.'»fas-~befQEe,-.j. c _ - . >.:.*•.-;„ : J ,- •>„ »:. - r . : ^ ; -_• . . . i . - ' v .: ®§A9/Chicago/Street. > : * :^WhatTdaesxoncem-.usr i a . t h a t , the.-CoBstitDtii>n^oi t h a U n i t e d1 g O X t X " _ gc"hopl un^r r, Ara.b HfSSt3ng« >'»f in' gtfucatiosial S t a t e s o f - w h i c h all t h e Amendments-.are,-as jRueh.-ja:paj!fc-BS;.tiie direction* |ia'§ Jttirpe? down,"the; singfe rtature Intertd«d to* show^thefoily Tahd "•" -Jackson COHRECT' A P P A S E L FOR &1EN AND WOMEN: ^original doTiumfint, s h a l l b a . n p h e j d . ~ - I f . * n y & f t h e - A d t Jewteh, appJicanl .has' evpkedL gre<t in called in









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Me s&milamantaj law CUX-TAXE8. • ABA3R. But so long as they are and of this land, let. thenthe- observed to the letieje; ._ ^,^_j.-™,^ ' '(T, T.;A.)—The ; ^ -lo-Qhse£v-exthem <?rif:their enforcementJemands ^kivery xiima. , .bug_ &\f>py, upon: Ms. neighbor, the. sooner they-ape -rfipealedr ihB^Ultuxal-Coi\gre"s9 ^wWch.'is meeting , "adopted,'jesplutidns". protesting better.: Thei)bseTyaji(?e pfL<3ojjstit«tion WeeK-iught to emphasize ^"h T h " ^ t ;iax this fact above all others. It ig, tiffie^that .the American people looked theirrsituatiii&isausrsly:iji the. fji§e. TQ flout one law;is some,..of learn what,the old rahbia_ta«gh!t:"!'PiBO3d;Mair" .th0.1aw of th& Jand.ia law and;that but for its' veouldrswaUow pnje another IN.HlJN.GARy iff all llussia'-t&ere'Br% three'niil lion • ch'iidren ^n- need %£ 'hainejsro: ie « T. •A^-r-t care,J or-^boih^and^hat tfae'^niijoirlt^ 77 "'"tft 'SiTl of'these children ar'e/sckttered over Understanding; •witti.-'the:JFrerichi and the Ukraine. "' • - ;- ° --' : - ''-'• pn "enSs^the^pas^iye""'resistance Jn 'tha •j. '..;.# v : : ' . u ••\* » y . _ . . . : ; "flldh.^ let'the rJews.i'watc& out/- This The local g a ^ i g . are ' is -tHe^warning ,' 6± ^he";'feqvari4p £nable* : 0ving Jo-ine', dep of. "^Sscjstt' accbrding' to' the Socialistic fik" gu^arjan e'^ang^ " reBre#enratiye he^e isjnTQrrii§artK»t ' spho^-w%bu J .W^;?feF|sr,Dr§j:tfir>f .W^';?feF|sr,Dir§j:tfir">f Jh9 '^oip,t JJ Distribution poinrti|t]Eee in, D t PROMISES, TO Bas "been" ^p,o.ijitg'd' "J^lfictor. J g r Poland, LaiviaJ and'Lithuania, with'his; eitel ^ ^ i ^ i Th^JH the, 3 r poticf -^a^a".h'gnU 3 jn, the. antithe 'ciiSlesof ^e8saan4,NikoIaM.^ LitKuanfa "undertaken by* "the" T " V :iJW "the '*"*""lnjgen?iai"^iilsr .is'tafen to be; a gradually be^ conse&ative estimate, toofSdal sta-i mnatio'n to, PUr^e" the fulfe•' ofjtho tisticiliaving previously disclosed that to take'seve'ral years, J





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held and the'following paper an the research work he hasbrother, Mr. Jos. Passer, 2605 .Ave-the guest of her cousin. Miss Minnie leave next Thursday for Des Moines, la., and Rock Island, 111.,were elected: Celia Nitz, president; done the past year. !•">. Arcnson is nue C. Burial was in Walnut Hill Friedman, en route to Boston, Mass., were they ynl\ yisitjbefpre returning Bessie Kooper, vice-president; Marion an instructor in the Chemistry De- Cemetery. He is survived by liis where she win attend the Emerson Brookstein, "secretary; and Mary Kir- partment of the University of Kebras- father, Mr. Morris Passer, and three 'University. o their home-a* Chicago, I1U schenbaun, treasurer. Tie leaders of ka. brothers, all of Council Bluffs. Pa'lAt the regular meeting of the Aleph the clvb are" the NLsses^Rose Brookbearers were: Messrs. M. Marcus, J. Mrs. Ben Harding is recovering iadi Aleph held Sunday afternoon, stein and" Molly Nitz. All girls be- The Ivre .Club held their Katelman, S. Friedman, B. Gilinsky, from an operation, at the Nicholas September 23, at the Jewish Com- tween the agcr cf, nine. to fourteen dance a t the 3vze Cifib rooms Thurs- E. Gilinsky, and S. Shyken. Hospitcl of Omaha. munity Center,, Kabhi Nachman are eligible to join the club "at their day, SeptembEr 2D. • Many out-ofArnoff talked_to the. .members; The next meeting Sunday _ October 7. town guests were present. Sirs. N. Grossman of Manhattan, London. (3. T. A.)—The Arab Kansas City Chapter, of the club will Kansas, arrived last week to visit delegation left London this week and endeavor to have the Eabbi address A meeting of the Hatikvoh Girls The Jvre. Club Lincoln Chapter held her mother, Mrs. L. lleyerson, and will arrive in Palestine on September was held Sunday at the Jewish Com- their regular meeting at the" Club other relatives. 28. It is understood that immediately them: - - munity Center. -The members x>f therooms Wednesday evening, September on their arrival they vill publish a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschhraun club are: working in selling tickets for 26, Messrs. Ben Firikelstein and Mor- Mrs. A. Gilinsky and daughter, proclamation ctetailing: the Zolat were visitors of the club. Jeanette, spent Sunday at Sioux City, from their viewpoint. ROSEN—COHEN. "-• ENGAGEMENTS." - returned last Friday from Minneapolis, he Zionist Ball to be held October 7. ris They represented the Haseans, a visiting Mrs. Philip Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Friedman, 2442 Mr. and Mrs. L. Wintroub announce Minn., where they visited with her younger Jewisht club sponsored by Burt St., announce the •marriage- of the engagement of. their, daughter, daughter, Mrs. Alexander Rubel, and SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS. Mr. Jake Whitebook left Monday I Gcldstrom. Upholstering C«. trIvre Club. their niece, Miss Celia Cohen, to Mr.Ann, to Mr, Maurice E, Stein, son of Mr.-RubeL -The fourth grade of the Omaha for Ames, Iowa, where he will attend <' [ Uphol&tering and Furniture Repair. Arthur Rosen, of Fremont, Nebr.,- on Mr. and Mrs. H. Stein,, of this city. No (Sty Sunday School .have organized & [ 3I j g d school this year. Mr. and Mrs, Morris Ferer and son, club. An election, of officers was held Sunday evening, September 23, a t the redding date has been set. Box Sprinps. COUNCIL BLUFFS} 1 Bob, returned from San Francisco, and the following were elected; presi2fiin TOtC >»rtli Ififlj W. 'Beth. Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, A meeting of the Mogen David J Af-Iirtuir RI'ECIAL T n i S TVEUK—MuUlVBises Calif.j where they were; visiting" with The first meeting of the season of Mr_ and Mrsl R. Kulakofsky an10th and Burt Sts. Kabbi I. M. itl' >>v,- Tick J?G.5O dent, Ruth Kneeter;. vice-president, Young Judacan Club will be held Charlop officiated before the presence nounce the engagement of—their Mrs.' FereVs parents, Mr. ana" "Mrs. lyril Leon; treasurer, Be& Zalatuchin; the Junior Council will be held next next Sunday afternoon at 1:30 at of about one hundred guests. - The daughter, Bernice, to Mr. Abe H.H, Smokier. ecretary, Ruth Fox; reporter, Flo- Tuesday evening, October 2, at the the Synagogue. home of Miss Ruth Krasne. Brodkey, of Sioux City, la. bride had a s her only attendant, Miss Miss Dorothy- -Shapiro has as herrence Whitebook, and sergeant-atMrs. Henry Karlson and son, Ed- CLABEVCE DESDUNES Jeanette Rosen, of Fremont, sister Miss Kulakofsky is ^ell-known guest Miss Lillian Kohan, of Des arms, Ruth Obludziner. Plans were The first meeting of the season ward, are visiting Mrs. Karlson*£ of the groom, as the maid of .honor, among the younger set having gradu- Moines, la. " Teacher made for a Succoth program. of the Council of Jemsh Women \ras parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Saltsman. ; Conceri Yiolinist nawkin'F and the groom's best man was hisated from the Central High* School IKSo, S4th St. held this .afternoon- a t the home of brother, Mr. Philip Rosen, of Minne- and attended the University of Cali- Mr. and^ Mrs. Frank Dee left the THE JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE Mrs. I. Krssne. Habbi Proper of ffie J ^ u , S:TO \P C. Miss Flora Borwick of Denver, Violin - bits a n d cases f o r «nte> apolis, Minn. A. .supper followed the fornia and also the University of eaxly part of the week for the east. /NEWS,/ Wichita, Kansas,:. :the new Cheder Colo., spent a few days last week as Michigan. Mr. Brodkey is a graduate While at Dayton, O-,.they willattend The. Jewish, ceremony. ., League, .after teachEr-here,: spoke, L a sales convention. Upon their return an interval «f several summer months, Mr. Rosen and bis- bride ;vdll make of the University of Michigan. No "definite wedSing date has yethome they will stop at Chicago, HL, has again resumed its activities. The Rahbi Roger. De Koven left . last their -home at Fremont, Nebr. Deen set where they will visit for. ten days,, opening meeting took place at the La- Thursday night for-Cincinnati, Ohio, after jconductiug: the Modem Services Mr, and .Mrs. E. A.-Meyer,-who ^re• *..•-" .Outpeople.'.. . . . 'Mr. Joe Kay, of Berkeley, Calif.j bor Lyceum^iast Sunday, September cently, moved into>.home, Miss Betty Fine is leaving- Friday who has been visiting with relatives 23, m the, afternpon. A>out one hun- here during the holidays. " always find a warm-welcome and ;...v'were surprised at their home Wednes- for New York City and Philadelphia, here, returned to his home -Wednesday dred persons .attended. Mrs. Na't&an Adier entertained-on Pa., where .she will visit with relatives The, program consisted; of -various day Evening by the members of the good servkfC-dt •,'. --' evening, " Mrs. Kay will be" here an- literary, 4raB3aiac-asd-wnsical selec- Wednesday afternoon at' a -' Bridge ' Evening Bridge Club, Prizes • were lor s i i weeks. honor'ef Mrs. Harry Cherother week'and will leave for Chicago, ttDns, <Kmtribnted by-members ©f theParty* in won by Mr. Leo Krasne and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. I. Jacobson announce BL*,~to visit before returning to her i -a: reeerit bride.*" " club. Miss Lillian Eobinson rendered Louis Nathan. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer home. ' ' , " a piano selection, M?. Jeck-Belmont The imieral of Mr. Albert Passer, were presented with a gift by their, the birth of a baby daughter, Nancy Carlyne,' on Thursday, September 6. friends. ..Mra. M. Jacobs, of New Orleans, jave a violin solo. Mr. B. Z. Zangwill 21, 007 South.Sevfnth Street, who 520G Center Street | " "Mr. and Mrs. Max Peltz entertained La.,,who has been visiting with her and Mr. Harry- K Pfeffer spoke'at the shot and killed himself .last Friday on 1 Tel. Walnut 1850 Miss Minnette Gross returned Fri- Saturday evening a t their home honorr sojv.Mr»;i3elwyn Jacobs,:: and Mrs. meeting. . , -..- 1-- ua. Pennsylvania train, was lield Mon<Iay from Excelsior Springs and 1£an- ing their .eon, Mr. Sam Peltz, and his Jacobsyjreturned to her hone Tuesday. Mr. Bondarin read Sholom: Alei- day afternoeo "from the tome of his Eas City, Mo., where she spent cheni's "Oich mh a,Sacca" followed bride, who were mardedjthe previous month -with relatives ana frieBda? ..Miss,.;3erthai Heiz, ...of.: New Ypri by a little playlet called-'fThe JProbe," day at-*St* Joseph, Mb. : v• • l i V is visiting i t i here h ithher h or the Test, "in which .participated tHe Cltyi with Mrs. William Milder and sons, Ed- Mr. Peltz and his bride left Sunday cousin, Miss Flora Bienstock, and Mrs.following membersrr Miss Sophie for Bock Island.-and Chicago, HL, win' and" Carl, left Saturday for K J, A. Solomon, and Miss Louise as Bertha, Mr. Joe Seiner as Boris, ,sas City, Mo., where they will visit where, they will spend their honey, Schonberger, of Chicago, HI., who is Mr. Morris Klein as Zeltzer and Miss — "with Mrs. Milder^- parents, Mr. andnoon. visiting" with her " sister,. Mrs. J. Zelda Bush as Sorah, the dienstjMrs. Max Studna. -The T. E. D. Club entertained at a Berkowitz, are both being honored at meidel. Mr. Meyer Hera was Mr.' and Mrs. Sam Weiner, of- bunco party at the home of Miss Rose a number.of social affairs given dur- Souffleur. ,f3ilinneapolisr Mono, announce, the Rosenstein Sunday afternoon. Prizes ing the past week. Miss Bertha Leon irth of a baby girl,EsteIle,CarDlyle. -were.'won by the Misses. Ruth Dee entertained twenty guests at a bridge • LINCOLN Weiner "was formerly ~ Miss and Ether Greenberg. luncheon at lier home last Sunday t usta Friedel, of this afternoon in lonor of the two-out-of- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Safbach -Mrs. S«"Snnon» of Ida'Grove, la., Ii toTsn. guests. Prizes were won by the Nebraska City spent the. holidays here pi Mrs. A. Pradell TOII entertain at a.visitipg'here'with her daughter, Mrs. Misses Flo Shames, ~ Sylvia Levey, relatives. ' > one o'clock luncheon at her home I* JacobsonT Stella Trochtej}ber£ and. Bess StalMr. and Mrs. Gus Friend and ion, Thursday for twelve guests in honor Mrs. Carl Studna and son, Harlan, master. Saturday evening, Miss Lottie No Charge cf her sister, Mrs. S. L. Wasserman of .Kansas City,. Mo. "who has been Hirschberg will entertain at her home Louis, returned to Halton, Ears, after x spendi-pr a -week Lere trith relatives. and daughter, Estelle, of Washington, visiting with Mrs. Studpa's for parents, for them. Sunday afternoon, the D. C, who are visiting here. _ ^Alterations Mr. and Mrs; D. Blumenthal, for theMisses Rae and Dora Wolowitz will Mr. Eugene Levy, •who has, underOn This Mr: and Mrs. B. Fleishman have pasirfour weeks, will leave for their •entertain the~Ra OHi" Society at bridge gone an operation for spendlcTtis lias moved into theii home at 115 South home today. Mr. Studna spent t b at their home, and the Misses Heiz been removed to his home now. Stock 1624 Harney Street Holidays here.-with his wife and soaand Schonberger will be the honored . 50th Avenue. Mrs. M. "Weil, who has been ill for at the .Blumenthal home. guests. the last few weeks, is getting along Mrs. M. S. Miller has as her house Mrs. Herman Cohn returned this nicely. Many of the Jewish organizations tjguest her sister, Mrs. George M H r r i s , of Denver, Colo., who will be in Omaha already -met and began this week from a trip to New York. , Mrs. H. Finsod, of Ottumwa, la., .year's work and: 9. number of them iere for two" weeks. - is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Pine Twersky returned from a will begin their work this month. The Council of Jewish Women held The Tesspl©-Israel Sisterhood are six weeks' fishing trip in Minnesota. Chapman, its first Board of Directors meeting having the" opemng^-meetiiifr'-Monday The Auflebung Club will hold its Miss Norma Frosh,' who Is teachlonda'y" afternoon To 'outline" the -noon", October l,'at:~tbs TBurg&s-Nash first meeting of, the season Sunday irmg in Douglas, Nebr., motored into rork for the year." The Council's Tea Rooms. They- -wall estertain its afternoon, September SO, at the Jew-Lincoln with friends a- d v5~itGd •Bt' meeting will be held the last m e *bers~at a" one* o'clock luncheon. ish Community Center, at seven thirty. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Frosh. niiHav in in OpfATip.T. i/m m elect ~T 1. delegatesJ - I i. ^ 4-i*~ TriT^? Six singing' and dancing pupils of londay October. A Vfte for state convention -tois^ held at DavenDorothy Devere will take part in the Miss Jennie Evnen is in Chicago, Mrs, Arthur Brandeis is visiting and relatives. port,la.," this year. . social program to be given. Readings iere • with Mrs. Herman Conn while Ion her "way to San Francisco, Calif., "Mrs. S.'Abrams, "and son, Stan- violin solos, and a one-act playlet will Miss Ruth Bukin entertained three, tables, of bridge Sunday afterftq spend the winter- with her ford, of Chicago, HE, I s visiting here be given. noon. • 'daughter. -with her sister, "Mrs. C. H. Shames, Mrs. Nate Mantel has as her guest : " Mrs. Harry Miss Rosalie G. Mendel, of Chicago. Mrs. P. Klein, a former resident of MBS Louise Eosenfhal, daughter of and Mr. Shames.' l - Mr. and ..Mrs. Leo -Rosenthal, is the Kavich "" entertained at a bridge HL> who is. on her way home after Lincoln, died at the home of her son first girl to- pass the master swim- tea" at- the—Brandeis - Tea Rooms spending the summer with her sister in Wyming. The body was brought iming tests at the Omaha Athletic Saturday afternoon- honoring Mrs. in. California. Miss Mendel is the to Lincoln for barial; : Club tank, and is the third member Mrs, Abrams. Prizes were won author of many children stories and Mr. Sol Arnnson returned' from Miltin the women's division, the others by Mrs. A-.Wattennan, Mrs. T. sketches for adults. Traakee, Wis., where he presented s. I-were Mrs, - W. T. Smith and Mrs.Kaplan, and Mrs. Max Fronikin. Mrs. Morris. Grossman .and two 3or"_ twen1y»frve |W. H. Pruner. Miss "ilosejithal is a •-Covars children, of Manhattan, Kans., is visitr'student at the Omaha Central High with her mother, Mrs. L. Meyert School. Mr. and Mrs.'Loitis :Silverman an- son, of Council Bluffs, la. Mrs. •The; Omaha Junior HadassaTi will nounce the birth of a. baby daughter Grossman was formerly Miss Lena \ hpld its second meeting of the- season Sunday, .September.. 23, at_ the Nich- Meyerson, of Omaha. !' Wednesday evening, October 4, at the olas Senn HosprtaL ' Mrs.0 Silverman Miss Sylvia, Fox will bg ho^iass at was formerly Miss" Lillian TSJajrcus.' Jewish Community Center. a dancing party at the Hapscom Park Miss - Mary Yabroff, of -Wichita, Miss Mildred Cohn left 'Thursday Pavilion Tuesday evening, October 9 Kans., who was visiting here with her for" Des Mbiries, Iowa, "where* eKe' will honoring Miss Bertha Heiz, of [ former roommate at the University of spend a- day- with friends while on York City, who is visiting hens. Diamond & Platinum Specialists Nebraska, - 'Miss Rose MuiTriTi, left her. way to Chicago, 111., to enter her 1514 Dodge St. sophomore year at-the Chicago Uni-' 1 Sunday-for Lincoln, where_she,_,wijl TAKES PART IN INTER-SERIES Est. 1894. '. Ja. 5619 "versityY _.—.-.atinue her dramatic studies at the GAMES. Of Such High Grade Branfls «s Acer's "Collegian Juiversity. • . ". 'Mrs. 3. Blank" will entertain Satur- Mr. George Bernstein, one'-cf OmaCloi&es,'5 Milwaukee, Wisconsin;, A* B, Kirschbaum h-'s Jewish Star' Ball play" -s, left day at her home in honor of her Mr. and Mi's. David Rosenbaum and fa.; Friday for St. Louis,' Mo., to, play with and Mrs. Sam Rosenbaum have daughter, Sora Miriam, cel- the Woodmen of t.*e "World. Omaha's N. Y. red -into their newly built -tomes, ebrate her fourth birthday. Sixteen champion Amateur team, against sevIDA I. FREITEN, Prop. ©£ Miss Blantf will be playmates former at 5608 Howard St. and eral c* the St. Louis and Indianapolis present. lie latter at 5G08 Howard' St. best amateur teams'. Bernsteia is the Dr. Oscar C. "Goldner returned the ~A"s"""gft 'annual' succoTh' celebration- only Jewish boy on the tcani Sll.Soath 16th Stroet atter part of last week from Excelsior the children of Temple Israel will; Phone Atlantic 8010. celebrate, the HarvestFestival on YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. Springs, Mo.,, where he spent ^several Opsn Sunday morning, September 30, at The Buds of Zion held meeting eeks. 10 o'clock. - The children will march Sunday, "optember 23, at the home Mr.'.David Nathan, of Chicago, HI., into the Temple and will deposit, of Rebecca '"--- " '•nbaum. Election Only Jewish Florist fa:town.' for his ..home. Saturday .after baskets of fruit upon the altar. WEEDING BOUQUEIS. adjng ten days .at., the ,Philip Rabbi Frederick Cohn will address In addition we purchased from ElakaM Emfaall Co^ fathan Tiome, _ them oif'The Succfih.'.'


I Dorsey's Chicken - SHack |

teditsei FramtteReccfrer- st


and liigh grade Platinum Jewelry st ths right price. Malasli&ck Jewelry Co.

Cat Flowers

r. Horton Alpirn., returned last IVeek from a three week's .motor trip - to the Minnesota -Xakes. He. visited in the Twin Cities, Duluth, and other Miroiesota cities.


- Miss PJo Shames-is leaving Satnr-1 Moh T day eveMng. *ith Mrs. C H. Shames ISiS Sp. SSQi Si. and Mrs. Sfoflriejtf-guest, Mrs. S.[ AOaBtie CS37. Business, 2S23 Barney Abrams and son, Stanford, for Chi- Place ofttel.. ATlsmtlo SK31. cago, HI., " to visit. Miss Shames will be gone for four weeks as the : Mr, and "Mrs. Morton Marcus and guest of Mr. and Mrs. M.~ Messer. eon, Jarohm, have taken an apartment Mrs. Y. -Sdtonbergex efld daughter; at the Morris Apartments. HONHEIT'S Miss Louise Schonberger, of'Chicago, Chiropodist and Beauty - Friday evening, September 28, Rabbi HI., formerly of this city, arrived SunShop Frederick Cohn's sermon subject will day morning to be the guests of Mrs. .'Esta&lishea iSSQ I5S& and Earopy strwtst. be "IMe and Philosophy." For Satnr- 'Schonberger's daughter,' TSfrs. 'J» CiTe UB- jr- chance tD np-yoci business. For "daV morning Jhe has chosen "A Tune Berkowitz, and Mr. Berkowitzx Mrs^ . t>iecl3te appointments call 3a. 8774. Schonberger and daughter, Louise, for Everything,, as his subject. .



Jewelrj Noyeife AT LOWEST PRICES. Come in and be convinced.

•Goldstein Jswdrf Co. 1510 Famaia SL—JA. 5782.

Utka, K. Y.. 500 YfRnts Men's'Suits juul we add these to the Wilcex Sale at 'prises^averaging ever, larger redaetieas than. 4fesse_givea on the Wilcox

one discordant note "rising" about the monished the mother. "Sammie stole [ealous-of Anna—and you can laugh the tragic optimism of the unwedded, throat competition, was prevalent bemy cookies." "Didn't!" "Just a little at me if you want to. She's got every-"we'll get along fine and do things tween the two major fields -of adsupper table. much better than Philip and Anna." vertising, but that time is -no more. There was one guest ."and at sight more grape juice." "No," said Anna. thing—and" I've gotnothing." Progress has erased every vestipe of her Abram was glad Ba had decided "It won't hurt' them" just" once—" "You've got, a niigthy fine job, of such feeling, he said and friendly to be nice to poor Anna and accept,her from. the.father," "yes, r Abram," you young lady, with-a man's .pay." competition, combined with, intimate iV; A STORY. POK SUCCOTH invitation. He hadn't- seen Florence •were saying—.'Vand-'so on.. Abram 'r "But I'm a woman." Her voice had co-operation taken its place. WorkV B3T. BLMA EHRLICH LEVINGER • 'feltlie 'would go mad • if obliged to grown rather pitiful. "Whenever I go for three or four-years,^but^ she ..' . _ (Copyright 10S},. by Elma Ehrlich Levinger.) ers in both fields &re convinced that looked younger than'evert "Careful sit-down,to seven." suppers like this out to Anna's and see those wonderful the destiny of each lies in both going children of hers, 'round the Succoth calculation would .have" told .him that every week* , _ , . , B. Priesman, of Omaha, was elect- forward arm in ann. •At'last is .was over. .Florence, .with table as we used to be at home, and stairs and get 'em a box of'candy, or Florence had "graduated "from'.high • "Believe me," young Abram "Stein j ed third vice-president of the Assoschool with'."" AnnaT > n d ' rwas."" over a big .apron, over :her new fall suit, singing the old songs," and every- ciated Sign Crafts of North Amer- Primarily a Western organisation, old his .fellow office1 worker,'. Max something." tergson, "there's nothing in it. :You On the way down in the elevator thirty, but in her expensively simple began to clear the table, while Anna thing—" she broke off abruptly. "I'm ica at its Fifth Annual Convention the Association, the bulk of whose members still are Westerners, is narry a girl and take hervfrom a good Abe again glanced in the mirror; blouse and tailored' skirt,, her hair by mingled'threats and bribes'herded a year older than.Anna," she said, held in Cincinnati, Ohio. gaining ground rapidly in the Eastthe three youngest children • : to * bed. "and . I haven't' got a thing to show lome of a good job" and the' rest- of above that nifty necktie his smoothly carefully waved,"and"her complexion This a a national organization of ern part of the country, it is said. The two men tried to make themselves for all my years of working, but a ier life >she-throws it up-to you howshaven face ..didn't look over thirty hand-made, the unmarried woman sign contractors of the United States trach better off she was before she although his real years averaged looked years youngerthari her hostess. comfortable upon the front- porch boarding house'room and a trunk full and - Canada, organized for the de- Mr. Priesman is part owner of the <rot( anarried;,' And before ,you know somewhat higher.; Why, at thirty-six Anna's last year's silk waist and skirt where young Sam and several .neigh-:, 6f_ rags* and several Liberty Bonds. velopment'of-Sign and Store Front Omaha Sign Co., and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Sign Craft of j; there's a baby and you can't get his'poor father had already looked" an had parted company; the.-'baby had borhood friends held high carhivak And. Anna's got her nice little house a d v e r t i s i n g . - -.'•'•. • ? " : ; -.•'-•. With a grin a t his own weakness', Omaha, which, is affiliated with the in the country and her family and her •'diir ;wife out of the -house for love or old"'inaA;-;bui'he/had been over-bur- disarranged her , hair; cooking had Permanent' offices .were . established Associated Sign Crafts of North Philip led his brother-in-law into'.-Qje^ husband. "You just should have seen dened-with family "cares; a poor busibrought an uniecpming... flush to her ooney to go. to a picture show even, in Cincinnati. . .„•';; .'"• • /." '.,. ~-'C, ,md if you.go out for a gatfte .of pi- ness man,*he-iad worried himself into face, which she-hadn't.had-time to shabby living room. "Got to give-i&e that -darling Hannah after she was In. .dlscu^sjmg:. -. the . work, '.-of \'•" the America. boy plenty of liberty," he explained. ' she murmered ecstatically. tochle with the boys she sits .up. for an early grave trying to provide for powder. Abram.felt decidedly sorry organization Mri Priesman is' author- DR. SCHWARTZWALD QUITS W and tells "you how lonesoma~she's Abie and his sister and. the two for his sister as-he "noticed, the cruel "I never had no place to meet my "They're a l l . good looking when ity for the statement that the greatAUSTRIAN CIVIL SERVICE friends right and .it's certainly a won- they're asleep," Abram tried to be leenallevening. You can work your younger boys. Abram, with a sudden contrast between -the .-two women. est ally store front advertising is Vienna. (J. T. A. Correspondence.) "Honest, Florence, you the advertisements found in the daily iead 'off and try to put a few dollars twinge of conscience, wondered whe- Florence received him .with'an air of der I ever got over what I learned flippant. Dr. Schwartzwald, who during the on the street comers. But Anna and wouldn't want-to give up a good job and weekly newspapers of . the n the bank or take .out ,som«-more ther he, for one, had been worth all cool and detached interest;!they.had last six years was in charge of the ; been very good friends once, but both I are bound xo do the right things like yours" and all your clothes and country. ife insurance-, maybe, and then there's the old man's sacrifices. treasury of the Austrian republic, has He dread making his sister Anna had decided they: couldn!t I consider for our kids. It's a lot of trouble, but good times and: summer trips, just to joctor bills and shoes -for the children resigned his post in the civil service, Newspaper advertising is the pathInd maybe >your wife - gets it big • in one of his rare visits; she'd .be.with- marriage, and they -had drifted apart. they're worth it. You know there's be.tied down to housekeeping like finder, and sign advertising, electrical in order to succeed Dr. Roosenberg, ler headand "wants to send the girl out a maid as usual, he reflected; as Abram had. not ~fdr"a.moment con- going to be another one in the spring." Anna is." and other, backs it up, supplement it. who died recently, as ' Managing }b dancing school and have the.bqy, he boarded the suburban_express,and sidered asking. Florence, to" .give up" a ' Abram," remembering how torn with «i"I-. wouldn't mind' doing-it—if the As the art of general advertising Director of the Anglo-Austrian Bank. lake ; violin lessons. -And just-about lone*or'two of the children would be position as good, as his own, nor was anxiety the'entire family ; had been rightman came along," Florence inade develops and becomes more and more Dr. Schwartzwald. was born in -;he time you- think-the -Idas-ate- old ill, andlier'husband, Philip, would be Florence willing to "exchange her plea- when baby Hannah joined the circle^ Ihe age-old-answer of her sex. , a • specialty, the. truth becomesmore Bukowina, of Jewish parents. He was mpugh ta. support-you and give you worried over-bis business which hadn't sant secretarial- for -what • she felt a little, "sick. So she was going " I bet Anna invited you tonight apparent. . , . ' . . • - •• one of the few Jews who occupied a through the same risk and agony 'fast, on • purpose ,'cause she knew I t Vacation;, they make up their-.limids. gone '.any" too well=. since the war. called an all-day-and-night - job in a Time was, he stated, when a feel- high position under the Christian to" get marriedT-and there-you are! Abram, turning, to the sporting sheet; three-room apartment* But now see-again, just'for the- sake of another •was coming," .Abram told her. "I ing of enmity, or, a t least, cut- Socialist Government. did-his best to forget the trials-which ing her so bright and pretty .and alto- squalling brat who smeared "bread aad have,missed .you and I'm not going No, sir, there's nothing in it." " gether attractive- gave Abram some- butter over one's new coat sleeves! to deny it. And maybe we'll get Young Abram Stein tobk off the-dis- he knew awaited him.- - 1 thing like a pang of loss." These last But no doubt she agreed with Philip along all right." His calculating eyes ^ shield he* always--wore Yes, everything was just about like Igurgy y that it was worth it. softened as "he'pictured a Succah in while over his books and put pn his last Succoth, he told himself, as he four years he had been working steadthe hazjf distance, a Succah on a careily—but for what? He-hadn't saved He went back to the city with walked up the* flagged path between toat. It was the coat of his new suit a cent, he didnt have'even a" shabby Florence, a, very talkative young per- fully trimmed lawn, a table with a Bid he cast a complacent him- the two straggling rows of depressed home like his brotfier-iri-law. And he son, babbling of the latest plays, her spotless--'doth,- two children like those lelfin. the mirror as he adjusted his asters; the house needed another coat suddenly realized he bad;been lonely. trip through Canada last summer, the you.sometimes see whirling past in t of paint; the porch was strewn with two dollar necktie and reached for bis The girls he took out "now and then freak styles she had seen in New limousines with their governess, in 310 No. I6th St. , Tel., JAckson 5082 new fall derby. Abram didn't mind playthings; on the first step, he barked hadn't been like Florence! York on the.way home. Beneath her spotless'linen' garments, their faces his ankle on a ldddy-kar; on the top telling the world that be "was some Supper was well-cooked but Abram fluency he detected a strange awk- dean,, their, deportment above reHas Taken Charge o'£ THe Wholesale and y mappy little dresser whether he could step a half-grown collie got twisted did not enjoy his food. He'd been able wardness, not at all like the Florence proach. ' He was glad at that moment between bis legs. From the backafford it or not. Max, closing his Retail Business o£ Shalker Packing Company. / to patronize better class restaurants who had always been such a good he was a Jew; it wouldn't be so bad . 3esk for the. day, gave him a - side- yard came shouts and laughter; he of late and was a little spoiled. The companion in the old days. And to hare a" fine stalwart Md like that stopped to wipe his face and consult ward glance. . -,' his watch; yes, he was a little late but potatoes were too cold and the cus-looking at her.closely, he saw howsam to grow up and take to ball VGuess you're going out for the that would shorten his martyrdom. tard too warm; Anna hadn't, brought tired her carefully tinted face looked games, a boy who would repeat the Evening?" he ventured. prayers after him at the Succoth The little grape arbor in the back out enough spoons; Buster, the under her hew fall hat, how wistful table, who'would rise to say Kaddish Abram nodded. "Yeh, I've got-to her eyes. youngest boy, spilled his' cup of festal go over to my married sister's; they're of the house was filled to. overflowing. grape juice all over the tablecloth, and "What's the matter, old giriT' he for. him at some distant day. Perregular Jews, you know,.and have big Around, ^he.long. white table, decorated Hannah, who sat next to Abram, man- asked her, just as familiarly as in the haps, there was everything in it, after Shalker Packing Company of Uearenwortli, Kansas, doings for Succoth.'.They live-*way with fruits!and '-autumn leaves, sat aged to smear her piece of butter times when they had played together. all—Judaism, parenthood, all the rest out near Highland" Park, so they got»Philip, round-faced and jovial despite will give a Special Price for its Retail ,Trade. ~r of it! ; bread all over his coat sleeve. He "Tired?" a yard and they rig up a regular Suc- the worried .wrinkles-between- his eyes, tried to talk business with Philip and She answered him unexpectedly. "If you love me as much zs I've •ah in their backyard and. give their the four older children, Anna, tired exchange jests -with Florence, but he "No—blue^—Btid terribly jealous." loved you without knowing it, Florbut smiling, the two-year-old Hannah! kids a real party. They, got five-of couldn't hear himself talk above the "Not jealous "of Anna?" He laughed ence," he wispered huskily behind the in her lap. Hannah had been kept up them, one after another just like steps, din, : - _.. • •" -. , aloud at the, thought, screen. of bis evening paper, "we'd and she's got.her hands full. Guess past her bedtime and was rather She faced him defiantly. "Yes—I'm better make a go of it. Anyhow," with "Ma—more meat.? % "please—" ad 111-have to stop at the stand down-: cross; just now. her screams were the

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