The world is full of
.It isn't your position, '»but' your disposition, that makes you happy or unhappy." /_'.,.
VOL. H—No. 45
'\viEing people; some
willing to work, and others to stand arotmd and watch.
tcrea as Jsa-ond-elasB mall matter on Jannar? 27th. ISS1. at toffies at Omaha. Nebraska under tbe Act oiftjLarebS, 1879.
Plais for B'nii M h Carnival and Anniversary Celebration Well Under Way; Auditorium to be Decorated Street Scene of Paris and Promenade Walk'to be a Feature—Dancing Pavilion Will Be Held in Center of Auditorium.
COOUDGE COMMISSIONS WEINERT DYKKAR TO MAKE HIS BUST "Washington. (J. T. A.)' Moses Weiner-Dykkar, prominent Jewish' sculptor, has been cbmmis'sioned by President Coolidge to eecute his bust. The first sitting was held recently. . • This is the first bust of President" Coolidge and will be placed.among the other vice presidential busts at the. Capitol. . . Dyfckar has made busts of.Vive President Marshall, the late Speaker Champ Clark,* Hudson Maxim, and other prominent Americans.- . President Harding has commissioned make his bast Just before his departure on his last fateful- trip. Harding had- expected and. arranged to sit for the bust on his return.
Will Sing at B*nai B'ritk- Carnival Jeal; kradltigwl Zangwill Speaks to Congress Graphic Presentation of Activities Blade by Superintendent Not for Congress, Rabbi • to Board. Wise Says.
New York. (J. T. A.)—Before an A stirring message to complete the audience that filled every seat of year's work of the Jewish Welfare Garnigie Hall, Israel ZangwiU ga what he 'described as an "airplane Federation was contained in the monthly report of Samuel Schaefer. view" of the Jewish situation. The B'nai B'rith mammoth carnival is rapidly drawing superintendent, which was read at the The climax of the speech came when nearer. Three weeks more and it will be here in all'its glory meeting of the Board Sunday. ComMr. Zangwill contended that "political and with all its wonders and surprises. Harry Trustin, vice-presparing the Federation's work to a Zionism is dead. The proudest will," ident, of the local lodge, has been working night and day preparhouse under construction in which the he said, "must sometimes acknowledge ing the blue prints, plans ana diagrams of the various decorations, honorable defeat. When King David's various groups of persons who were booths and buildings that will grace the auditorium on Sunday, child was sick he fasted and lay upon aided by the Federation were shelNovember 11th. the ground, but when the child died, tered, Mr. Schaefer pleaded for the The center of the Auditorium will be specially waxed and he arose and washed and anointed completion of the "Fourth Wing" reppolished for- the occasion and will be fenced in and used as a Mmself. I see no saner policy for resented by the work of the last three. dancing pavillion. The walls of the pavillion will be beautifully political Zionism, now finally bereaved months of this year. decorated and painted to represent a hedge of. shrubbery. SurThe report met with the approval of its hope.", rounding this dance pavilion* a beautiful board-walk or prom- Gratifying Sequel to Start of Camof the Board, and will be read to the In the earlier afternoon session, , paign, States Chairman. enade is being planned and quaint old-fashioned street lamps will Kabbi Wise in introducing Mr, Zang- various communal organizations by be erected to enhance the beauty of the promenade. will warned that Mr. Zangwill "might special committees from the FederaNovel and individualistic booths will tions, and expenses are being kept at NEW MEMBERS NOW-.*.' . say some things which it will not be tion during: the next few weeks. AMONG LIST OF "WORKERS be built on the north and south sides a minimum. The decorations, which A request for increased appropriapossible for this meeting to give unof the auditorium and these 'will house cost $1,500, aie being secured without tion for its immigrant aid work WHO qualified assent. Mr. Zangwill speaks A gratifying sequel to the start of the numerous • manifold and unique cost and-all the work beftfre and at not for tbe American Jewish Congress received from the Hebrew Sheltering amusements that are being planned the carnival is being and will be done the Morris Levy Membership Memorbut to the American Jewish Congress. and Immigrant Aid Society, familiarly by the committee in charge. Among by volunteers. Any one who wishes ial, the campaign for which was iniHe speaks not for Israel but for known to American Jewry as the Bias. these •will be an art gallery, a crazy to assist the committee please call tiated during the High Holy Days, is, It was the opinion of the Board that, Israel Zangwill." house, a fortune telling booth, and a Sam Beber, at Atlantic 1661, or Har- •the promptness with which many of the $500 appropriated from Omaha to One of "the features of the; Vaudeville and Cabaret to be Mah Jong booth.- A "gambling hell" ney 5090. - One of the features of the the new Federation subscribers are given in conjunction with the B'nai B'rith carnival at the Gity ' Eabbi Wise during the course of the the Hias was insufficient, but that no evening also presented a message is being constructed in the basement carnival will be the workers. Some of paying their pledges. •' increase for 1923 could be. voted at Not only have these new members Auditorium on November11, will be Harry Marko, Omaha tenor. from President Coolidge expressing this time. For 1924 the Board set the of the auditorium -which will smack Omaha's most successful business and Although "a 'resident.-of Omaha for just a. few months Mr. of Monte Carlo in its appearance and professional men will be seen acting answered the appeal by subscribing, Marko has made many friends and admirers in the community general sympathy with the aims of appropriation at $1,000. the Congress. The message follows: but they .are seeing to it that their equipment. Ther/ythe merry-makers as "bally hoo" agents and as carnival by his singing of. operatic and folk-song numbers. At the Mem''American Jews are justified in- Harry Malashock, supplementing pledges are being paid. They are sup•will find an, outlet for their love of criers, and from the interest and enorial Services for Slorris Levy at Temple Israel last month he seeking to safeguard the rights of the superintendent's report, urged plying an excellent example to the chance and they will be able to ex- thusiasm being displayed, the comthrilled and delighted hundreds of people with hisibeautiful renditheir brother Jews in all lands in greater activity on the part of tbe three hundred old subscribers to the. perience fhe thrills of a. "seven" or a mittee believes that these volunteers tion of the "Jahrzeitlied", and again .at the public initiation of which these may be in any way im- Board members in collecting the FedFederation who thus far have not full house without at the same time will rival the professionals. the B'nai-B'rith last week he added?hundreds-more to his list of periled; and. the more because t i e eration subscription and completing made any payments on their pledges. .experiencing, the-evils that accompany . Samuel .Schaefer, chairman of the admirers. At this meeting he sang: the choral numbers of the Jew in this country is secure in those the year's work -without curtailment, "The promptness with which these gambling in real life. "Shekels" which vaudeville committee, 'announces that B'nai B'ritU. initiation ritual with' deep feeling, :and later gave religious, civil, political rights, -which .Following is the report of Mr. will be exchangeable for merchandise the plans for the road show are near- new*members are paying gives us add; wiH'be-ihe-"c6inof the realm" in the ing completion. Thus for the follow- ed inspiration to carry on this work a group offings which-met with wide acclaim. For the B'nai j a r e the inalienable possession of "every Schaefer, and all our readers jure urged to read every word of it: B'rith show on November preparing t h e ; a r i a / ' C a r o M o i a b i d i g American" American." B'nai B'rith gambling helL ' ing will participate in the program: in the various organizations," said ArBoard of Directors: ' by. Giordaui, and M.; Sholat's './'Eli ? EM". :In additionhe thuxJSoa&nbtan, •ehsirmsn ofJthe Mor-, The President declared himself to be ; "'" "Novelties"for the"'children, music, Gilbert Jafferviolimst; VmaffiSteinf : : : :; :; f. the several foIKsoriisT "TMss"'Er'*Ka Mss"'Er'.*Ka 8MiS'& 8MiS'&li0iig': l0iig':"W&r^s STpaxtacialarly' infereste'drinrthe "effbrt >f vaudeville, side shows, steamers and dancer; Helen Eiekes, soloist; Herman ris Levy Membership Memorial, to- will give s&veral; American Jews to take part in the and services of the Federation for the .all of the*other essentials of a car- Ferber and Frank McDaniels, 'special* day. "It proves that they are sincere- company him at the piano. nival will he furnished to the crowd to ty act; Fanny Fish, violinist; Harry ly, interested in the Federation and The B'nai B'rith is fortunate in seeming-Mr.'Marko for this building up of Palestine under British nine months from January 1 to Sepmake this carnival a memorable one Marks, tenor; and Norman Goldberg, are anxious to help it to the limit of occasion as he has been planning a concert tour to- start in mandate as a Jewish homeland, where tember SO of this year. The finantheir ability. The next month will be November. This. tour will be postponed until" after the B'hai homeless Jews may rebuild their cial situation has been so critics! in the annals of-the .fun-seekers of specialty act. • : . this city. '-• ancient and historical home, wither month after month that to some of 'Another feature of the carnival wilj devoted to visits' by our workers to B'rith Carnival, Mr. Marko announced today. the various organizations to swell the Jews and all peoples may turn for the us the Federation may have come to To actually accomplish this and so be the fortune telling booth. "This total of new members to 500. We iinspiration with which Palestine has mean merely a fiscal institution, end that every one who attends may have booth will be occupied by Miss Rose we have been in danger of losing- sight need -this number-as a-minimum, to long blessed mankind. a written mornento of this huge un- Davidson. Those who are acquainted of' its service. A resume of nine complete our work for the year." In closing, the President earnestly dertaking, a souvenir program is be- with her originality, her charm and months of activity is timely to re"Our old members can-learn a lesing printed and will be distributed to •vivacity, will make the fortune telling < Continued on page 2) fresh our memories, and to keep beevery person who visits the Auditori- booth their headquarters'on Novem- son from these new ones," said Harry New York (J. T. A.)—The anti-Semitic movement is extremely stupid, fore us the fact that during all this? Malashock, chairman of the Federaum on that day. Sam Leon,. chair- ber 11. the former British Premier, Lloyd George, told newspapermen "who intertime the manifold activities of th» tion Finance Committee. "With alman of the .program, committee, and Many other unicpie attractions are viewed him shortly after his arrival. There is a great future for the Jews various agencies of the Federation his committeemenare canvassing the being j>lanned by the committee and most ten months of the year past, in Palestine, but the-upbuilding of the Jewish Homeland will require time, have been functioning day in and day there are still about 300 old members entire city for ads to make this pro- in the columns of the Jewish Press, he added. - • •• ; . • •. out. who haven't paid us anything. Unless gram a financial success. some of them will be announced later Among the throngs to greet the British statesman as he stepped ©f£ these members do pay their pledges Think of this work as some house In order that all money spent at very soon, we will have to do strenu- the pier" were many Zionists, waving Zionist flags! Lloyd George smilingly Dance Saturday, Meeting Monday, that you are building, a structure t<* the carnival may go towards the supous curtailing in our work." Our col- greeted T them in return. Sir Alfred Mond,' former' member of the ex- . And Choral Group en Wednesdey •which there is none similar in this port of the war orphans' and the antilection committees are out every day, Premeir s war cabinet, was among the first to meet the distinguished Are Announced. entire city. It is planned with foxtr defamation league, the committee is • - . . . . - . but the delinquent subscribers can visitor. wings, three of which you have built incurring very few financial obligaA delegation of the Zionist and Keren Hayesod Organizations was also MEMBERS URGED TO ATTEND during these nine months that hav* help immensely by sending in their New Temple Used for Service—Valu- checks instead of waiting to be called present at the reception held at City. HalL It consisted of Samuel UnterTHESE EVENTS. just ended. Each wing has four floors able Gifts Are Presented by the on personally. They know what the myer, chairman; Morris Eothenberg, Herman _Conh'_eim, Louis Lipsky, and each floor has been reserved for Congregation and B'nai Federation is doing and there is no Emanuel Neuman, Nathan Turel, H. L. Simons, A., Labovitz, Boris Gra- The coming week will be a crowded particular groups of the men, worner? B'rith Lodge. belsky .Mitchel Salit, Dn Morris Eisenberg and Dr. S. Bernstein. valid reason for the long delay." one for members of the Senior Group and children or whom you are builnA group of the Zionists headed by Isaac Carrnel, • presented Dame of the YM & YWHA, accordiing. to mg this house. It has taken yon three Lincoln.—Rabbi Jacob Singer gave Margaret Lloyd George with '&• bouquet of flowers. .' .• ', announcements made at the Associa- months to build each wing, and each his farewell sermon Friday evening in tion office in the Jewish Commumty floor-"--has "been occupied to capacity. the new temple" at^ Twentieth and Work on Country Club Progressing South. • The building, is still incomCenter. Indeed, so.great is the need for this ROUMANIAN PAPERS Rapidly — Club House to be COUNCIL OF JEWISH " On Saturday night the regular wonder house that your tenants have plete, but the first floor was made CONFIRM EXCESSES DENIED Erected in Spring. . WOMEN- TO PLAN'-WORK' dance will be given for the members. lived in it whpe each of its wings vras habitable by temporary doors and winBY MINISTER TO U. S.-'• • •-•>.;'• ' ; F O R W I N T E R This, dance was postponed from last tinder construction. Sight now, when dows, and electric, lights and heaters More Than 400 People Attend Fjrst London. (J. T. A.) The excesses at . The local Council of Jewish Women Saturday and i t . is expected that a you sre just starting to buflo DINNER DANCE AT BLACKSTONE placed in the assembly hall. The Open Meeting. Husi reported from here but denied will begin this year's work on Mon- record-breaking crowd will attend. the last wing, you have a long waiting1 HOTEL NOVEMBER 3. building committee made a special efSioux City, la., Oct. 15.—More than by Prince Bibesco, Roumanian Minis- day, October 29; at the Jewish Com- Members of the Council of Jewish fort to enable Rabbi Singer to hold on page 2) The Highland Country Club service his departure for Chi- four hundred people packed the Jew- ter at Washington, are confirmed by munity Center. The chairman of each Women will ch&perone. hold its first series df entertainment cago. A large congregation was pres- ish Community Center rooms Sunday two Roumanian papers arriving here. committee has already been chosen, On Monday evening a meeting of According to the "Adeverul" on Oc- and will have' begun their duties to for the members of. the club, Saturday ent to bid Dr. and Mrs. Singer God- evening at the open meeting of the tober 1, the synagogue at Postelnicu further the good work of the Council. the Senior group will be held, at evening, November 3, at a dinner speed. B'nai B'rith lodge. The meeting was which, an entertaining program will The follo%ving are the officers for be given following the business meetdance at the Blackstone hotel. Ac-J Th^ R e v < n e ^ h e r L . Wharton gave in celebration of the Eightieth Anni- was entered by a mob which smashed $tt the alter and generally plundered the the year: . Mrs. Carl Furth, president; ing. Louis Abramson, president of cording to the committee in charge of the opening prayer .and' later spoke versary of the B'nai B'rith. This is The Wise Sirabeams, a Junior Y. the entertainment committee, this will appreciatively, of Rabbi Singer's work the first open meeting held by the house of worship. The Jewish bath- Mrs. M. S. Miller, vice president; Mrs. the proup, states that much important house and the trikotage factory of W. H. A. group, started their season J. P. Cohen," financial"secretary; Mrs. Sioux City lodge. be a very unique affair. A special in the city. The farewell'sermon was business -will be presented for conRubenstein were also damaged. The of winter activities "with a meeting H. Q. Marx, corresponding secretary; orchestra has been secured for the a resume of the growth of the congreHarry H. Lapidus and Irrin Stalsideration, amor.g which will be the synagogue has been closed since on and party st ths club rooms last SunMrs. Dave Rosenstoek, treasurer;.,and eveniing's entertainment. master of Omaha were the "principal gation for over a decade under the appointment of committees for the account of the damage. . day. This group of girls, all agi»«g Mrs. S. W. Nathan, auditor. The folThe club now has a membership of guidance of Rabbi Singer. He- said speakers. "The B'nai B'rith is one of ensuing term. The Roumanian paper "Aurora" lowing have been appointed to be the On Wednesday evening, the first from 12 to 14. were very active.test over one hundred. The following mem- he wanted to be missed by his friends, the greatest, if not the: greatest, oryear and plan greater activity for 'tha chairmen of the assigned committees: bers are in charge of arrangements but not in the spirit or in the work of ganization in this country," said Har- also reports the disturbances. Mrs. S.' Nathan, Immigration; Mrs. meeting of the Choral Class will be coming year. ' Their meetings are defor this affair and for the many enter- the church. ry Lapidus. ' i t is an organization Cora Wolf," Membership; Mrs. D. P. held. More than 25 members have voted exclusively to sewing, and last tainments that are being planned for Resolutions adopted by ths. congre- that does things for humanity. The JEWISH AGRICULTURAL HIGH Elgutter, Civic and Communal Affairs; signed up for this activity, which winter they made donations to tha the members of the Highland Country gation were read by N. Iieberman, B'nai B'rith supports some of the SCHOOL IN SOUTH RUSSIA Mrs. J. "V. Roseiiblum, Sick and Blind; promises to be one of the most popular "Wise Hospital and the Child Saving Club: Meyer Spiesberger, Harry secretary of the congregation, at the largest institutions in the country and Moscow. (J. T. A.) A Jewish agri- Mrs. Harry Wolf, Social Welfare; Mrs. of Y groups this winter. The class Institute. Material for the sewing te Malashok; A- Herzberg, Paul Schayl, close of the sermon. R. V^ Pepper- one of these of great importance is will be under the direction of the cultural high school is being opened Dr. A. Greenbergl berg, president of the congregation, the National Jewish Hospital at Den- shortly in the Jewish colony of Nowo- Frederick Cohu, .Religion; Mrs. L. Misses Cecelia Feiler and Sadye purchased from the girls' weekly du&>. This year they will make garawntr Hiller, Education; .Mrs. E. Treller, . " The -work of the construction of the delivered a-toucching tribute and ex- ver, Colo." Levey. Poltavka, in the province of Odessa. for the Needle Guild and other -worthy Courtesy; Mrs. A. Browar, Finance; "The B'nai B'rith is an organization" golf course for the club is being rapid- pressed the deep sentiments of devoOn Thursday, Mrs. B. R. Boasberg causes. The language of instruction will be Mrs. S. Goldstotn, Social Affairs; Mrs. % ly done. Nine holes have already been tion and love -of the. people, and pre- that fights anti-Semitism, with a servmeet -with the" members of her Meetings will be held st 4 o'clock tayed* out. Laiigford and Moreau of sented Eabbi and Mrs. Singer with a ice to mankind,'' saidlrvin Stalmas- Yiddish. The school will provide a A. Somberg," Motor Corps; Mrs. H. dramatic group. This group, which eve.iT Monday afternoon at the Jewish : theoretical and practical agricultural Trustin, Americanization. The MesChicago are building the course and beautiful silver service from the con' ter. "It has built and taken care of for the Jewish colonists in dames R. Kulakofsky, S. Degen, J. 3 . held its first meeting this evening, Community Center. Mrs. S. H, Schssare the same concern who have layed gregation. Sol Arenson, in behalf of institutions for the sick, for the poor, training the Ukraine. Kate, I. Rosenthal and Wm, Bolzman, will begiin immediately preparsticp- fer is leader and the following- areout.the course for the new Happy the local B'nai B'rith lodge, presented for the aged and for the orphans.". are the advisory members of the local for the second annual YM1IA Show, members of the dub: Hermine Green, Following the initiation and the Hollow Club. A 300 ft. artesian well the rabbi with an inscribed gold-hanwhich will be given this winter. Bessie Bernstein, Kaomi Cohen, 1MCouncil. BERLIN JEWS RECEIVE speaking, the remainder of the evenhas been sunk and this well - will dle umbrella. All members of the Y are urged to lian Lipscr, Helen Bernstein, Ida Baing was spent in dancing. *, THREATENING LETTERS the water for the entire BabM Singer assured his friends Berlin. <J. T- A.) A large number within 14 days. The letters are capped attend every one of the activities bier, Frieda Bolker, Josephine Morsgrounds and for the dub house. The that Mrs. Singer and he are leaving Mr. Samuel Guttinan is expected of Jews of Berlin's west side have re- with a drawing of a skeleton sad bear listed above, and to take advantage of heit, Pansy Brovn, Caroline Diamond, work on tbe club house wilt begin nest Lincoln -with,the deepest regret. Mem? all fee facilities of the Association ior Annette Hurwite, Bertha Batt m& .spring, according to members of the ben «f the sisterhood served ref resh- home Sunday after speeding- two ceived letters threatening them with the inscription "'Tropagasicia1 wholesome recreation. Rose The police" are invfestlgsting. death if they do not leave Germany months in California. srents.
New Members Secured i n Membership Appeal ike Paying Pledges Rapidly
Lloyd George Raps J\.riH*Sentftes Upon Arrival in • United,. States
i a c i Activity For Senior
Rabbi Jacob Singer Gives Farewell Sermon at Lmcoin
Highland Country Club Members Plan Series of Actmtiies During Winter *
Omaha's Speak a t Open m Sioux City
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1923 Bialik will develop his publishing them you have provided a marvelous imizing the work of the separte agen- ment is madness. England says that 1 enterprise in Palestine. He finds it climate and long hours of health-givthe Administration is developing the cies. To me the work of the Federa!Night, lovely maiden, look at roe; • impossible to continue his work at • ing sunshine and rest. Forty-eight country, but we do not agree. tion, centralizing as it does individual With your eyes of mystery, ; Publish e»em Omaba, Rebwrts, by have been cared for at the Wise Hos- efforts, appears as one massive struc"If the Administration continues to Berlin under eisting conditions here. With your sparkling starry eyes, THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUSHING COMPANY. Lighting your face of "deep dark skies. pital and Hot Springs. All of ture for Service to all our fellow-Jews see things in this narrow outlook, we Offlee; 482 BrafideiB Theatre Bailding.—Telephone; Jackson 2378^ them have received the benefits of of this city. Its foundations are im- shall be lost in one valley and the Lemberg. (J. T. A.) A revival has Oh! how cold your moon mouth seems, this wonderful second floor of your bedded in the philanthropic tendencies . NATHAN'E. GREEN, Manager. Administration in another, without be- set in among the Jewish press in EastAs all thru the hours it beams and service houseof the members of the community, and ing able to find each other and the ern Galicia. Of the suspended publibeams, .§2.50 Subscription Price, one year. On the third floor you have made its height and capacity are limited country will go from bad to worse." . cations the Polish-language "Moriah" But always it kisses my lips with its Advertising rates famished on application. rays, provision for those who_did not need only by the strength of its foundaand the Misrachi organ "Hamsiloh" NQT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- While at your calm beauty I marvel the material comforts of the first tions. reappeared. Some of the new periodBAILIK TO MAKE PERMANEIFr ' and gaze. tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to tforthy eommnaal cattses. floor or the medical ministrations of Our service house is not complete— RESIDENCE IN PALESTINE icals are "Kashachar," a Polish-HeHow dark are your tresses, how wav- the second floor, but fot whom you it needs one more wing—a wing which CSANQB Oar ADDMSSS—Pleua gtt» botH tt» olfl ao« n«ir Berlin. (J. T. A.) The distinguished brew children's paper; the Yiddish wished to provide those - facilities must be built during these next three ing, how deep, bo IBTV u d aim »ou* Encircling your face, while your vigil which would strengthen their mental months. We cannot leave'the struc- Hebrew poet, H. N- Bailik, plans to "Dos Freie Wort," organ of "HistadThe Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish leave soon for Palestine where he will ruth," and a Hebrew monthly "Hasy you keep, and moral character, and which would nunoth." Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition How mystic'your depths of the far develop their Jewish spiritual ten- ture incomplete. Hundreds of Jewish make his permanent residence. men, women and children need it. How to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish'centres. far unknown, Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly Are you tired of keeping your secret dencies. On this floor you have pro- strongly it will be built to answer, the answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, alone ? vided for two Talmud Torahs to whose need depends entirely upon this Boards Mew York City. • daily sessions an aggregate jof 400 Ah! a red comet blush is covering children come. In another part of and its activity during the next three months. your face, LEO FRANK VINDICATED. And you're drawing o'er't a cloud-veil this floor you have provided for the We need $18,000 to finish the year activities of the Y. M, H. A. and of successfully, and to make this Jewish of filmy grey lace. Leo Frank, the Jewish young man who was accused of the Elsie Brodkey. the Y. W. H. A., and in these nine murder of Mary Fagin in Atlanta, Georgia, and who was lynched Miss Elsie Brodkey, year months 395 meetings of boys and girls Welfare Federation of ours the powerby a mob that stormed the jail after Governor John M. Slaton old daughter of Mrs. Johntwelve ful factor in community life that it Brodkey, of had commuted his sentence, has at last been vindicated. On Sioux City, la., has written a number and young men and women for educa- has always been; $15,000 is needed to Tuesday a sworn statement by a negro named Freeman was made of poems; the above poem is the tional and recreational purposes have finance the work •which must be done, public, in which he made a full confession, declaring that he and appear in The Jewish Press. been held. Twelve thousand nine hun- and" $3,000 of borrowed funds with dred and thirty persons have been the which we have been operating must be his friend, Jim Conley, another negro," had killed the girl. The total attending these meetings. On repaid. How serious a hardship would confession was originally made in 1913, when' Freeman believed say, suggesting that every country this floor, too, you have reserved be worked upon the people who dethat he was dying. It is said that Governor Slaton (who declared have its own Jewish Congress. Each space for a central meeting ground pend upon the Federation if this figof these congresses acting as; an at the time he commuted Frank's sentence that he' had comfor all the adults of the city, so that ure is curtailed in any way may be mitted political suicide by the act) and R. A. Davidson, Chairman electoral college would then create the the Jewish spirit might unified, and realized by reverting to the view of OU want all there is in it—you want the world's of the Prison Committee of Atlanta, knew of this confession at world concoul, "the shanhedrin so long you have called it thebeJewish the Federation and its activities as a the time it was first made, but, for political reasons, did not extinct". By this Shanhedrin, he said, munity Center. You should knowCpmBest Clothes and nothing less—Nothing less that building peopled by hundreds upon the spheres and finances of the various make it public. 307 meetings of adults have been held All who were familiar with the the Frank case relief and other oragnizations could in. this Jewish Community Center hundreds of men, women and children, is good enough for you intelligent men and young a building vibrant with life, radiatingand the political motives involved in it were convinced that Leo be adjusted so as not to overlap. January 1st, attended by over with hope and inspiration, reflecting men of America! Frank was obBolutely innocent, but some of the politicians of. The Jewish problem lies between since 13,480 persons. On this floor you have the finest spiritual values of our faith, Georgia fanned the flames of'anti-Semitism to serve their own Palestine and the Diaspora, Mr. Zang- also reserved a place for your care of a building which we have reared for selfish, murderous ambitions and demanded Frank as their victim. will asserted. Palestine, a little coun- •the spiritual needs of your co-religion- these purposes and which is fulfilling Now comes the complete vindicattion of Leo Frank eight years try, no larger than Wales, has already ists in Palestine. these purposes, hut whose doors are after his death. suffered diminution by "French imclosed when it is most urgent that Mrs. R. Frank, his mother, on hearing of the confession, perialism which has lopped off a To the fourth floor of your House saidr "I knew there would be a time when Leo would be vin- northern slice of its extensibility east- of Service have come all those with they be flung wide open because of FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN divated, and the real truth come to light. . Through*ou'. the trial ward" at the best it could shelter one- personal troubles to solve, with prob- lack of fuel to heat the structure, and I knew, as thousands of others did, that he was absolutely in- fourth of the 16,000,000 Jews of the lems needing solution. They required no funds available with which to buy little or no financial help; they need- fuel. Under such conditions the life nocent of the crime. He simply was a victim of a horrible Diaspora. ' combination of circumstances. A day never goes by that I do "As you are probably aware, when ed more than anything else friendly blood of the institution is sapped and not think of and pray for him and I am thankful even at this the Balfour Declaration was issued by counsel and advice. Here have come it dies. late date that his innocence has been established."—"The Jew- the British Government, the Jewish the mother and father perplexed and For the sake of all that we hold ish Tribune." : Territorial Organization suspended its troubled over the wayward tendencies dear in our faith in our traditions we Kuppenheimer and a host of other fine clothes activities so as to give Zionism a fair of their sons or daughters; here have cannot let this happen to the magnifiTHE SEMINARY DRIVE. come men out of work looking for em- cent structure of our Federation. makers—first pick of fem all here. . ; l i ¥ r ., We wish the- Jewish Theological Seminary campaign a suc- fighting chance. Though I saw that ployment; here have come hundreds cess. As a seat of Jewish learning, it represents with its sister the .declaration was ambiguous, self- of men and women seeking help to "THE GOVERNMENT AND US." cohtractitory, and subject to all the institutions the most respected and most potent factors in the bring their relatives Europe; Jerusalem. "(J. T. A.) "The Britpreservation of our ancient heritage. To build, equip and main- brazen ingenuities of political pilput, here come immigrants from Nebraska's Entire Second Floor—Both Buildings. after their ish Government, "Mereat el Shark" tain Jewish academies was regarded by thoughtful Israelites as I spoke at the great London meeting rival, thirsting for., knowledge arof being'even more. important for the Jewish cause than to con- that welcomed it". ways arid American ideals. states, tries to conciliate us by statstruct sanctuaries. A good religious school will guarantee the Recounting the pogroms of Jews in American Here have come the manifold cases, ing that Zionish is beneficial to the erections and support of a worthy sanctuary. A sanctuary with- Europe, Mr; Zangwill quoted the Chief to the total of 373, which we call per- country, but we do not believe this out a vision, a temple bereft of scholarly leaders, a synagogue Rabbi of the British Empire as say- sonal and think that to make such a stateservice cases. •• ;--' deprived of an enlightened laity, will surely be little more than ing that 150,000 human being had sterile soil in which to generate the hopes and ideals that precede been tortured in the Ukraine. '• On this floor is housed the central FOR RENT the attainment of progres. Above'all things our sages have Mr.. Zangwill then, discussed the office which has handled these cases^, placed religious education. organization of religious bodies with- which as supervised the material relief Eight room house. All modern. COEEECT APPAEEL FOE MEN AND WOMENss If Judaism is to'survive, it will be through a comprehensive iin the State and declared that so long work, and which in addition has the Suitable for two families. and effective philosophy and programm realized by sincere and as the political ends sought are within responsibility for collecting the funds Reasonable. Call Webster loyal Jews. AH the people must drink deep from the fountain the State and not subversive of it, it by which the entile building is fi'•"-•;••• 0108. • of living waters. " No one "dare excuse" himself for - remaining Is the -positive -duty -of ;-the^ religious nanced. ignorant of the Jewish heritage, if he wishes to enjoy the honor body to seek political ends. If there This -is the' structarevyoa have built and privilege of carrying on in the great task of making the whole is no Jewish vote today it is a dis- in these nine months. Eoughly, it earth fit for the habitation of th espirit of the Eternal God. grace, not a policy to be commended, has been devoted to four functions of Jewish social service:. Individual and CLARENCE DESDUNES Especially is this applicable to the young men who wish to he added. prepare themselves for the Jewish ministry, to be deemed worthy "If Jews will neither use their vote family relief and rehabilitation; Concert Violinist and Teacher Bid?., 3123 No. 24th St. to lead forward the most heroic and self-sacrificing people in the to protect themselves nor to express health; educational, recreational and Studio: Hawkin's Phone, Webster 5536. world, to make real the old-ideal of-the Priest-people and the holy their eithical conceptions, then they do cultural development ;> and miscellaneOffice Honrs, 3:30 to 6. ous personal service. Violin bows and cases for sale. nation, witnesses to the existence of the^On e God and the su- but cumber the -ground." premacy of the moral law. ' By functions you have spent the Among- those present who heard As an exponet ofn Conservative Judaism, representing j Mr. Zangwifi's address were Samuel following sums during these nine large- constituency in American Israel, there is no doubt that the Untermyer, Justice Irving Lehman, months: For individual and family YOUNG MAN DESIRES Seminary will command the interest and win the support of its Dr. Felix Adler, Abram ~ I. El:us, relief, $13,281.06, including $1335.00 ROOM close to 24th and clientele: It is the plain duty of the Conservative group in Amer- Alexander Geismar, Morris Gest, to the Old People's Home and f S00 to Leavenwprth * Sts. Call ican Israel to rally to the standard of the Seminary founded by Judge Louis D. Gibbs, Dr. Abram the Cleveland Orphan Home. For the late Dr. Sabato Morais, just as the Reform Jews responded Gifeon, Dr. Richard Gottheil, Samuel health you have spent $2,975, of which Jackson 2372, MEH now at tKe Head o2 to the appeal of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations in Grossman, - Arthur _Guiterman, Judge $1,650* was "appropriated to the Wise the Alamito Dairy Company behalf of the Hebrew Union College founded by the late Isaac Gustave Hartman, Sidney Hillman, Hospital, $750 to the National Jewish M. Wise for the training of Reform Jewish leaders. ' Morris Hillquit, Samuel S. Koehig, Hospital,'$400 to* the J . C . I t S.Vof hare had more training and But the spirit of helpfulness should not and will not be lim- Justice Aaron J. Levy, Adolph Denver, and $100 to the J. C. B. E. ' Goldstrom Upholstering Co. experience in handling a city, ited to the particular group that is involved in either of the two ]Lewisohn, Louis Marshall, Judge of Los AngelesTand $75 to the lieo N. Upholstering and Furniture Repairmilk supply than any two in the city Levi Memorial Hospital. " For the ing. Mattresses Renovated. leading Seminaries. The Hebrew Union College as the older and Otto A- Rosalsky, Max D. Stuer, Box Springs. third function—educational, and recreof Omaha. They have nttrer lost sight larger institution has never attempted to absorb the work and Nathan Strauss, Nathan Strauss, Jr., At-lanttc 2619 - • 1012 North 16th St. ational activities—$11,769.50 has been SPECIAL THIS WEEK—Mattresses responsibility of the Seminary. As the exponent of Reform Oscar S. Straus", Simeon Strunsky, of the fact that there is a moral obligation in Generated -Kith. Jfew Tlck__ $6.50 Judaism, it traces'its traditions back through the ages to the Louis Wiley and Dr. Charles Fleischer. spent as follows: City Talmud Tothe handling of dairy products and they further rah, $3,409.50, South Side Talmud ToSchool of Hillel and recognizes the need and service of the School realize that it is a serious proposition. They will rah, $520, Y. M. & Y. Wi H. A., $4r of Shammai of which the Jewish Theological Seminary is the modnever resort to subterfuges to deceive the public. The 775.00, for the Jewish Community ern type. The jgtfowth of the Jewish Theological Seminary will plant is open to the public at all times for inspection* Center, $2,215 and for. Palestine in| Just a few exceptional not interfere with the indispensable function being rendered by stitutions, $850.-Personal service and ' the Cincinnati institution.- Both Seminaries have their sacred values offered at the administration have cost a total of work to do for the good of the cause and it is the duty of AmerGoldstein Jewelry Co. (Continued from page 1) The public is quickly beginning to understand ican Israel to furnish the means for the proper functioning of list of applicants for space in your $4,126.11—of which $3,876.11 has. been . that whea they purchase their supply from the 25 Year'15 Jewel &n £»r spent by the Central office and $250 these leading academies. Ladies Wrist Watch.... t P S ^ O a Alaxaito Dairy they get pure, fresh, sweet milk, building. . to the Hebrew Sheltering SociIt would be a fine expression of Jewish solidarity and unity The first floor of each wing has given properly pasteurized and cooled with, nothing 17 Jewel Elgin <JOC 7 C ety for its work with Jewish immiin our spiritual work for Reform Jews as far as they are able to been devoted to the men, women and grants. added to, and nothing taken from it. Alamlto Milk I - 25" Year Case «p£«J«4 a • •" aid the Seminary campaign. It would be fitting for Conservative children who more than anything else Trill be delivered sweet and will keep sweet under Jews to contribute'to the work of promoting the welfare of the needed a home—a roof over their This review of our nin& months' ac- i Genuine Diamond d » | C C | | ordinary home conditions, as long as it ought to, r*nd Rings, good color.... V 1 0 » « J t l Reform Seminary. Then we modern Jews would deserve what heads, food to eat and clothes to wear. tivity has been presented ih this form then it Trill sour, naturally. The many hundreds of was said of the-two-kroups, the School of Hillel and the School You took them in and gave them what to help you visualize our work. Inhomes to -whom ve have just recently started to _of Shammai, the prototypes of the Reform and Orthodox views they needed. Your house of Service stitutions performing kindred pieces j serve milfe •will bear testimony to the above facts. in ancient times, "The teachings and decisions of this one and gave shelter and food to 66 adults of service have been grouped for*on» j I 1510 Farnatn St.—JA. 5782. Many new customers are beSng added to this list the teachings and decisions of the other are words of the Living and 112, children during these nine venience and with no thought of minof satisfied us^s daily. Your neighbor has learned, God/'—"Newark Chronicle." months* Thirty-three families "lived "After all, Alamito Milk—The Best" Let us conunder its. jropf, widows with ,their orvince YOU or call our office and ve will have a •phaned' .children, deserted"-mothers courteous representative Bee you. $eltgAfs l^ Arraigning" the political mis- with their helpless tots, families whose handling of Zionism" Mr. Zangwill breadwinner was .being cared for on said that "too late the Carlsbad, cpn* the second floor,of-this house, about ference has voted its protest that not which we. shall' talk later. Ten of (Continued from" page' 1) even the- State lands and waste lands these adults actually lived at. the Old wished Godspeed, to .the American. mentioned ;in; the. mandate have been .People's Home during this time, and Jewish .Congress, under' th6, leadership allotted to ,,the; Zionists. Indeed, a 2iZ. of the.children Cleveland of one of the best", of Americans, colonization ; without a, territorial at the Jewish .Orphan' Home. But Nathan Straus, in seeking to lift' the charter,, in _which the land has to bej your service house "provided for them Jewish, peoples ,of all-lands Ho alevel bought; iiterally. by the square yard nevertheless../ - ' ".. equality of status,.which is the deservr and ,every purchase puts up,.the price You had -368 -transients whom your ed lot of, the loyal, and patriotic Antecr o.f-lanji-against yourself", .he con-' Service House "helped during that ican Jew." « ' -.. tinued, "is a monstrosity unknown to <ame,»men and women who stayed but • - - • „ " ; • , • & day or two. , Mr. Zangwill characterized ..--his history," : ,-- ,., - speech as ^'the.-greatest-labor of his . To call'a world Congress, for .Zionism On the second, floor of each wing ,-,'life;" 'After considerable discussion oS. exclusively, ; declared J I r . ; .Zangwill, you, took car^ of those whose-greatest ' th#' right? of the American Jews to be ;was. to.repeat.thu mistake .that; Herzl •need \, was - medical'. attention. You represented . in a ^Congress "jZangwill, made.' " A . world .congress ,:for :ottr ,tobk the sick'poor of'C-.maha and you .- -warned ther East Side -pf • New York world : affairs,-. -Zionism; .weludedY',', he bujlt a-fcogpital'floor for them. Sixty' that it could wot expect:jto -survive added,, "would; leave .no .excuse; to any one patients havV been treated by you •without a burning "religious i faith; Jew; of. temainingi unrepresented,in jit -on-this-floor.--Some of them have Jewish .been, witluyou ,since you started the Even.the Ku KItix I£lan wftb/att-ite unless; hid i solution* ofr/the;, 1 question was ' dissolution Vj. A Con- Service: 'Hqiise!'at*,, the ".beginning, of absurdities was to him more'respectnWe than!a racial. Jewry.that has lost gress.representing, all Jewry need not '• the year. Especially the tuberculosis _ its poul ." •":•' '"-»"• ~ - y ^ * i e organized 4Jentrallyr.h§:T?eat on. to cases, of which'you have had 13. Por
Want The Best
Suits and Overcoats
Federation Work a House of Service
Goldstein Jewelry Co.
Political Zionism Is fleadr-Zangwill
f l i * Hew
r-1'.' \ .
JEWISH PRESS,- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1923 ber 21, at the Jewish Community CenMiss Helen Robinson spent the ter, week-end in Omaha.' AUXILIARY MEETING. The regular meeting of. the B'nai B'rith Auxiliary will ,be held Thursday evening, October 25,-in the large meeting room at the Jewish Community Center. The business meeting will start at 8:30 to be followed by a social program arranged by the Intellectual Advancement Committee.
Judge Mack to Return Miss Mae Shapiro returned to LinTo New York Next Week coln . after spending several days in
year and thus initiate the fall activiJerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Emir ties of the organization. Abdullah, ruler of Tfansjordania paid a bri«f visit to Jerusalem where he conferred with the High Commissioner JEWISH CALENDAR. on political matters. The details of 5BK4-IS2S Rosh-Chodesh KU|*>* F r t» Nene. 8 the conference were not announced. Ctmnnkab (tVast of Df(!i«"a« Pads. <J. T. A.) The University of tion) , - , « r 1 t , I>M. s Rosh-Choripsh Tebeth__ Sun- Dec. 8 Paris has announced the receipt of Fast ot T>brtb. m*___.To«>i«,. JJec. 18 250,000 francs from George BiumenResh-Choiteab rfhPbat—_____.SSon.- <ian. t Rosb-Cliodesb Adar ( . W « i . t>b 6 thai of New York. . ' . Kosh-ChodPKh Adar II VrU Mar 1 The money is to be used for scienPorlm (feast o* Esther)_Thura, 83a«\ 30 Kosb-CUodeBh Ni8an___-___Hat. Apr 6 tific research.
X. Y, Palestine Development League to Tender Reception to Judge The Hebrew Educational League Mack and Others. held a short business meeting and dance Sunday, October 14. New Yoric—Judge Julian W. Mack Mr. Bennett Cohn, a student at the and Mrs. Mack, who have spent the University of Nebraska, spent the summer in Palestine and ia Europe, will return to New York City on the Passover (Tmarh— week-end in Omaha. - . «t«i» Apt 18 (Seventh naj-) \ KVi, Apr 85 "Leviathan" on the fifteenth. With PuBBover THORPEIAN NEWS. Rosti-Chodesb tyar_____-___Mon. May 6 h A nice sum was .realized at the them will be Mr. Emauuel N. Mohl, Las b'Omer T "rii May 22 The Thorpeian Athletic club will be- rummage sale held by the Sisterhood. City, la., arid will return the first part Kosh-T.hwdesh »"»n" „ ., . T"it. JO«M> 8 WEDDINGS gin their series of Sunday night The money is being raised .to get an who during the past two years has Shnhuoth (Confirmntian Day) Set. Junt K Tamtam—___Tbar». Jnls S Z ANG WILL-ROBINSON. > of the week. been managing Palestine Development Kosh-Chndesh dances, starting this Sunday, October organ for the New Temple. Kosh-Cliodesh Aft, ,..,„",„ .' L . Ftf, a n B j AUDITING AND INCOME The marriage of Miss Lilly RobinCouncil operations in Palestine, and Fast of Ab g-ft t An*. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spiegal enter- 21,-at Ben Hur*s Academy, TwentyBosh-Chodpsb »"'"' , g T , . ABB. 81 son, daughter of Mi\ B. Robinson of tained Tuesday evening at their, home eighth and Farnam streets. TAX REPORTS who will remain in this country for The Menorah Society held a meet5685-1831 this city, to Mr: Joseph Zangwill, was for Mrs. Robert Nalibow; of Oakland. New STear's only a few weeks. Mr. Mohl is a J l o n , Sept. A large number of members were ing Sunday, October 14, in the Tem208 Rarbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 solemnized Sunday evening, October Calif., formerly of this city, who is present at the last meeting of the ple building. Dr. Alexander, head of former New Yorker, who with his 14, at.the home of the bride's uncle visiting with her mother and other club held Wednesday evening, Octo- the philosophy department at the Uni- family has made his home in Palesand aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robin- relatives. Twelve guests were present. ber .17. The evening's entertainment versity of Nebraska/ gave an address. tine and is devoting himself to public BREITBAET, "MDERN SAMSON," LIGHTLY son. Rabbi E. Fleishman officiated. Mrs* J.; Sussman, of Council Bluffs, consisted of four round boxing bouts Miss Bernice Diamond was appointed Jewish service there. INJURED AT PERFORMANCE The ceremony jvas followed by a wed- la., entertained ten guests; Wednesday and a banquet. The affair was a cel- publicity manager. SENDER MILLMAN A reception is to be tendered Judge Toronto. (J..T. A.) Sigimmd Breitding reception at the Rome Hotel for evening for Mrs. Nalibow, and Mrs ebration of the fourteenth anniversary Recently of Palestine Mack, Mr. Mohl and Mr. Harry Fis- bart, the "modern Samson," who is over eighty-five guests. : Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Singer and chel, who also spent the early sum- performing here at one of the theMeyer Coren will entertain at a dinner of the Thorpeians. ; A. graduate of n Russian University is an 5*v.' Zangwill and his bride Sunday;her home in honor children left for Chicago Tuesday, Oc- mer in Palestine on Palestine Develop- atres, received a-slight injury to his mediately to make their home'at 1505 of the visitor. Mrs. Nalibow expects tober 16, where they will make their ment Council affairs, by New York chin vrhen a horse passed over his Southern Blvd., Bronx, Ni. Y*V/':. : to leave shortly for her home. home. Palestine Development League, at the body during the performance of his in Hebrew and Jewish Hotel Pennsylvania on Sunday even- strength feats. The shows &re being Mrs Sam Swartz, of Kansas City, having: fifteen years of experience. Receives New Appointment. ing, October 21st, The reception com- conducted regularly, however. He •wiBhes to jrive private lessons The B'nai B'rith Auxiliary will hike Mo., is visiting with her parents, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lubldn, of Chicago, to beginners and advanced pnpils. Mr. Joseph R. Lazarus, who has. mittee includes the following: Breitbart, who is generally considto Bellevue, Nebr., Sunday. All memand Mrs. J.Katelman. For further information call HI., announce the marriage of their been with the M. J*'B. Coffee Comdeception Committee—Hon. Nathan ered the "world's strongest man," is bers will meet at Fourteenth and Fardaughter, Miss Sylvia Lubkin, to Mr. KEnwood 2401. Among the pre-nuptial parties given pany for the past eight months, has Straus, Hon. Chairman, Dr. Stephen touring America under the auspices Israel Rosensteur, son of Mr. and Mrs. iam streets at 8 o'clock. AH reservabeen, appointed to take charge of the S. Wise, Chairman, Emil Weinheim, of the Keith theatrical syndicate. M. Rosenstein, of this city, •which took tions are to be made with Miss Esther in honor, of Miss Frances Nogg, whose territory in the state of Iowa and part Treasurer.Shapiro at Goldstein-Chapman Commarriage to Mr. Harry Perimeter will place Sunday evening in_ Chicago. Executive Committee—-Edwin Levtake place on November 4, are: The of the state of Illinois. His headThe young couple are now in Chi- pany by Friday. quarters will be in Des Moines, la. isohn, Chairman, Philip Lewis, SecreMisses Minnie Friedman and Rina cago, and are expected the first of His promotion will begin November 1. Mrs. J. Cohn and daughter, Eva. the month in Omaha, where they will spent the past week-end in Hastings. Snyder entertained jointly at the home The M. J . B . Coffee Company is one tary, Maurice P. Davidson, Allan D. make their home. Temporarily they Nebr., with Mrs. Cohn's daughter of Miss Friedman at bridge on Mon- of the largest coffee concerns in the Emil, Leo Loeb, David Paris. day evening. The Mesdames Max DaOn the same date two other Paleswill be at the home of-the groom's Mrs. Herman Zuber, and Mr. Zuber. vis, and A. Ripp of Omaha entertained country, with headquarters in • San tine Development functions will be parents at 3014 Nicholas street. Francisco, Calif. " held in New York City. The Central T h e Misses Belle Oland and Sylvia Wednesday evening at b'ridge at the Mr. Lazarus is well known here, Committee' of the Palestine Develop1 home of Mrs. Davis. Miss Janet GilPODROPSKI-LE VIN. Wolfson entertained for twelve couhaving graduated from the Omaha Miss Gertrude Levin, daughter of ples last week complimentary to Miss insky will honor Miss Nogg at a one Central High School and attended the ment League is to meet to consider 28th and Farnam Sts. o'clock luncheon at the Brandeis Tea organization problems, and the CounMr. and Mrs. Arnold Levin, has set Nellia Tucker, of Bridgeport, Conn Creighton University. cil and the Central Committee are to Sunday evening, October 28, as her Prizes at bunco were won by Miss Rooms on Friday. Mrs. M. Gilinsky will entertain at her home on Friday meet to consider the reports which wedding date to Mr. Lewis Podrofski, Marion Fried and Mr* Joe Krestal. This is the first of our series of dances this season. Go were evening complimentary to Miss Nogg. 11,660 GERMAN JEWS the officers, newly returned from Palof Chicago, HI. The ceremony will the crowd goes. - Make every Sunday a. dance Sunday. ADOPTED CHRISTIANITY Mrs. J. Corby and daughter, Mrs. estine, will present. This conference, take place at the home of the bride's DURING 1880-1918 it is expected, -will practically shape A council meeting will be held next parents before the presence of the im- Tolman A. Kaplan> will entertain at Berlin. (J. T. A.) A total of 11,660 the P. D. C policy for the Coming mediate family, followed by a recep- a series of bridge luncheons. The Thursday afternoon, October 25, at Jews embraced Protestant Christianity the home of Mrs. Sam Gross, 780 Avefirst of the series will be given tion for friends and relatives. in Germany from 1880 till 1918, acnue D. A short program will be given. A number of out-of-town guests are Wednesday afternoon, October 24, at cording to statistics just made public : expected for the wedding. Mr. Pod- their home. Mrs. Philip Trochtenberg returned Half of the apostates are from Berlin. Our people '| rofski and his bride will make their Mrs. M. Holzman, of St. Louis, Mo., home after spending several weeks in This number does not'include Jewhome in Chicago. always find a warm welcome and | who was visiting at the home of Mr. Kansas City, Mo., with relatives. ish children who were baptized at and Mrs. S. Ravitz, -returned to her The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Talmud birth, nor does it include those joining good service at | Mr. Dave Greenberg left the early home last Sunday.1 Mrs. Holzman the Catholic church. Torah held a meeting Sunday afterpart of the week for Winnepeg, Can.; was formerly of this city. According to Deleroi, the well noon at the synagogue. , •where he will attend the wedding."of known Jewish apostate, the total numhis brother, Mr. Abraham' Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. William Weiner enThe Ladies' Aid Society held a meet- ber of Jews -who adopted Christianity formerly of this city. Mrs. Green- tertained at their home Sunday even- ing Tuesday afternoon at> the home of in Germany during • the nineteenth berg and daughter, Joy Bath, who ing in honor of their niece, Miss Sa- Mrs. I. Kramer. Diamond & Fistinmo Specialists century numbers no less than 224,000. 5206 Center Street § = Tel. Walnut 1850 have been visiting-with Mrs. Green- rah Weiner, and -her-fiance, Mr. Mor15U< Dodge'St. berg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, ris Potash. Covers were laid for Mr. Maurice Nathanson entertained Est. 1894, Ja. 5619 at Seattle, Wash., will also be in .Wintwenty of his young friends at his OTTO KAHN DEMANDED JEWISH GUARANTEES FROM nepeg toriattend the wedding. ^'home Sunday: afternoon, in honor of :A novelty Halloween parity wili be his birthday. ;_ Paris. (J* T. A.) That Polish repThe Auflebung club will meet Sun- gl'ien by tiie B'nai B'rith Auxiliary at day evening, October 21, at the Jew- the Hanscom Park Pavilion Wedr.»3A Mogen David club meeting will resentatives came to Paris to confer ish Community Center. The following day evening1, October 31. Watcch for be held Sunday after^on at the syn- with Otto Kahn, of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., relative to a loan to Poland, and that will take part in the program: A vio- your "invite." . agogue. : Kahn demanded guarantees regarding lin solo by Miss Fanny Fish, a piano Mr. and Mrs. Sol Smehoss announce Miss Rina Snyder is leaving Satur- the position of the fews there, is a duet by the Misses Mary and Anne the birth- of .a baby son Sunday» Octo- day night for Minneapolis, where she report printed extensively in the Ruhack, a" reading by Mr. M. S. Goodber 14, at the Methodist Hospital. TOII represent the local Junior Coun- French press. •-.•:'.* man. Several dance numbers will also be given and a trio, consisting of a ; Mr*. A. Leibowitz, who left Saturday cil at the National Confederate ConFollowing the failure of the Polish piano player, violinist and saxophone for St. Joseph, Mo., is now in the, east vention. She plans to be gone for representative to give such guaranplayer, will also be on the evening's on a. buying trip. Mr,. N. W. Naken, several weeks. . tees, the negotiations were suspended. program. .. The French press also reports that who accompanied him to St. Joseph, A meeting of the Alumni Was held the Rothschild allied banks also rereturned home Monday. ...,.-. Wednesday eveninga t the'home of Miss Frances Oland, who was ill A body built of steel—-finished in baked-oa fused to participate in any loan to last week, has recovered and is atMr. Louis Segall,' of Denver, Colo., Mr. Joe Krasne. Poland and that the negotiations with enamel—upholstered in genuine leather. tending school again this week. is visiting here with "his children, Mr. the J. P. Morgan Company also fell through. • . A car that is sold at a price approaching A musical for the benefit of the and Mrs. Harry R. Milder and Mr. fund of the Sisterhood of Temple Is- and Mrs. Harry Segall. open car cost. Mr. and B£rs. H. Marx were surrael is being planned and will be given Mr. Edward Rosenthal, a student at prised at their home by over sixty of A car that will go anywhere an open car a t the home of Mrs. Fred Rosenstock the University of Nebraska, spent the their relatives and friends on SunMONHEIT'S will, go—that will stand up under the December 1. Mrs. Samuel Kat'z is in week-end here with his parents, Mr. 'day evening, October 14, in honor of Chiropodist and Beauty Shop charge of the musical. same hard usage. and Mrs. I. Rosenthal. their tweny year wedding anniversary. Established 1890 15th and Barney Street*. Miss Gertrude Levin returned TuesA car attractively designed, with newRabbi Frederick Cohn will have as A feature of the evening's entertain- Give as a chance to apday from. Chicago, 111., where she at- his sermon subject Friday evening, ment was a mock wedding by the jreclate yonr bnslness. For type springs that notably improve the tended - the wedding- of her1 fiance's October 19, at the Tebple, "The, Call guests, and the balance of the evening appointments cull Ja. 0774. riding qualities—new conveniences and sister, Miss Belle Podrofski, to Mr. of the Jew." For Saturday morning was spent in playing cards. Mr. and fittings—new beauty and comfort. David Silbert. his subject will be "Getting a Move Mrs. Marx were presented with a gift by the guests. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky and daughter, On One." A car that has made closed car owner* Miss Bernice, entertained eighteen Sixteen tables have already been reship practical and desirable for everyone Mr. and Mrs. David Nefsky anchildren Saturday, afternoon, honoring served for the first of the season's nounce the engagement of their —for business and family use ®Hfee—for little Miss Shirley Ruth Kay, of Cali- card party to be.given by the Omaha daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Sam Goldfein. country and city. fornia. The. afternoon was spent in Chapter of Hadassah Monday after- .'A reception was held at the Nefsky games and entertaining amasements noon, October 22, at the home of Mrs. ;home Sunday, October 14. O*BRIEN-BAVI$ AUTO CO. On November 5'the Omaha Temple I. Goldstein, 422 North Twenty-first . 28th. and Hartley Sts. Mrs. Walter Wessel, of Nebraska Israel Sisterhood will hold Recoprocity street. The Mesdames J. Rosenblatt City, entertained at a 1 o'clock lunchTelephone—HA rney 0123 day with the Lincoln to be held in and Ben Handler will be the assisting eon and bridge at the Wardburn. Omaha. A program is being arranged hostesses. by the Omaha Sisterhood and is in Mrs. Charles Redman and daughter, Mrs. Fox; of Texas, is visiting her : charge of Mrs. Harry Rosenfeldt. Gloria May, of Ottumwa, la., who have daughter, Mrs. Carl Weil. been visiting here the first part of the Mrs. Julius Newman and little week, returned to their home WednesMrs. Wasserman is entertaining" at daughter, Harriett Rosalie, and morning. a birdge luncheon at the Lincoln HoNeman's pother, Mrs. B. Snader, tel Tuesday, October 16. just returned from Lincoln, Nebr., Mrs. S. Krizelman entertained where they were visiting with Mr. and Thursday for seven guests &t an OrMrs. H. Marx. During their visit Mr. pheum Theatre party, followed by tea and Mrs. Marx were surprised by a at the Brandeis Tea Rooms in honor ANY VICTOR VICnumber of their friends at their homo of her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. Ross, of TROLA will be delivin honor of their twentieth wedding Denver, Colo., who returned to her ered to your home. Residence. IS42 So. SSth St. home Sunday. - . Just pay for a few anniversary; TcL Atlantic 6637.
Expert Instructor
THORPEIAN ATHLETIC CLUB Sunday, October 21 Bea iir*s Dancing Academy ADAM'S MUSIC
and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. lalasbek Jewelry Co.
1 Dorsey's Chicken Shack |
Pay No tiling Down
The Daughters, of Israel Aid Society will meet Tuesday •afternoon, October 23, at the Old People's Home at 2504 Charles street. \ Mr. David TXavltz,:who wa* opferated on torisilitiis last Tuesday, is now convalescing a t his home.; •
The Confirmation" Class of the City Sunday*. School have. already begun work and have elected officers with the. following results: Laizer Kaplan, president;. Lillian Drevich, vice president? Lawrence Gross, treasurerseeietary; Sybill Adler, reporter, and Sydney Epstein, sargeaht-at-arms. ' Mr. and Mrs. Saul Benyas announce AH those who still wish to become the birth of a happy boy, Robert „ member of the Confirmation Class Allen, on Monday, October 15. , should be at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets, . Mrs. M. - S. "Miller Is expected to Sunday, morning at 10 o'clock. return the latter part of the week from Des Moines, la., where she had YOUNG JUDAE NEWS. ; been, visiting.. . . . , A meeting of the Hatikvoh Girls Miss Rose Weinberg is l a Sioux will t o held Sunday afternoon, Orto-
Place ot Easiness, 8323 Rarney. St. T<0. ATIantio SS31.
Cut Flowers Sir South 16th Sti<set Phoue Atlantic 8010.
records. E a s y payments arranged for the balance.
Call Webster 2042 We carry the largest stock of Jewish records in Omaha. We always have the latest Eastern hits;
Open. Evenings. Only .-Jewish Florist in. town. :
24th .& Parker Sts. We. deliver •Mail Order Promptly. Pilled •-.
EDUCATIONAL such meetings and-public feeling was tempted murder. While he was asleep at the boiling point. -The-Bay state one of his fellow prisoners crept up men were in danger of'their lives to Frank's cot and slashed his throat iwhile in Atlanta.- 'They -delivered the Through some miraccle Frank did not : 200,000 Traveler petitions to Gov. Sla- die. Surgeons were called in, * and ton and made.eloquent pleas for'jus- Frank hovered between life and death • tice.' , '•'•''/•• - ' for two weeks. The prison commission refused to W.hile he was recovering from,the recommend commutation !of: Frank's attempt on his life, a mob rushed the sentence. That put the matter square- 'prison. The opposition encountered ly tip to Gov. Slaton. -He said after- was not enough even to hinder the LIFE SISTUFFED OUT AFTER REPRIEVE HAD ward that mob feeling was running so lynchers. They took Frank, still weak, high that he. did' not dare to act pub- from his cot, thence by automobile to BEEN GRANTED. LYNCHING IN ATLANTA licly. But he was not afraid "to act. Marietta county, the home of Mary CRIME BLOTCH ON STATE. He signed the commutation papers Phagan. and gave a secret order to'take Frank ' ' There they stood him under a tree, from the Fulton county jail. Frank put a rope around his neck and asked From The Boston Traveler, Oct. 6, 1923. had refused to ask for' a pardon, say- him if he had anything to say. Again • •' 'Imay die,-but'Ishall be vindicated beyond the grave." ing continuously that he was innocent he declared his innocence. So conLeo Frank; the man lynched by a Georgia mob, made that and that time would prove- his' inno- vincing was he that four of the lynch" .- • - " Statement to a Traveler reporter, Alexander Brin, nearly 10 years cence. ers wanted to call off the "bee" and ago.' • . • • > • • - • : take Frank back to the jail. But the Slaton Flees State. ' ' Now comes-to light a statement, which exonerates Leo Frankt others were too intent on murder to of the murder of little Mary Phagan. and accuses'Jim Coriley of Frank was ordered taken to the Mil- heed anything. ledgvflle prison. Gov. .Slaton called - having' committed the bestial crime. out the militia and all available po- • Frank requested that his wedding Leo Frank's prophetic statement has -been borne out in every lice. Despite these precautions, it was ring, which he still wore, be given to particular. He was killed,,hanged to a tree, but his vindication, deemed wisest to take Frank from the his wife. Cooly he handed the ring to long delayed, has at last come. jail through an underground tunnel to one of the murderers. The order was This -week came the news from.At- Hughes. Justice Holmes is a Massa- the railroad station. So it 'was that given. Frank's body was hauled up. ' lanta that a former federal prisoner chusetts man and is considered one of Frank began his life sentence at the The rope was made fast and in a few the greatest legal authorities in the prison. named Freeman had told this story: moments Frank was dead. • , ".' He and Conley. had been playing country. Hughes' is navF secretary of" The ring, which was given to one of When it became'known that Gov. cards the morning the murder was state. those who urged the others not to Slaton had commuted Frank's senAfter the United States supreme Committed. Conley quit the gam# in hang Frank, was taken to the home of disgust and climbed, up,a ladder to court had refused to act, there was tence, mob spirit ran rampant v The a newspaper man. This reporter was the first floor. Soon afterward, Pree^ bue one hope left—commutation by governor surrounded " himself .with awakened shortly after midnight, givman heard a muffled scream and the the Georgia prison commission or by armed guards. His life was! threat- en the ring and a note telling him to ened every hour of the day." He was noise of a scuffle. He climbed the Gov. Slaton of Georgia." give the ring to Mrs. Frank. This forced to flee from the state.' ladder and sawConley struggling with Meantime, Alexander Brin, who had was done. The Traveler, having won its fight some one under the , steps.. He be- been working on the "story" for The Such are the facts in the case which came frightened and fled. Gov.. Sla- Traveler, discovered that Frank had for the commutation .of Frank's sen- stirred the country. Such are the ton was given the facts and believed lived in Boston, that he had worked in tence, was content, (fee,ling sure that facts of The Traveler's fight for the story, but did nothing, .feeling that, the Sturtevant Blower Works in Hyde time would produce new "evidence, and Frank. Some of the newspapers in as Frank had been lyncheS there was. Park, and, therefore, had been an em- that, after the, mob spirit had. sub- Georgia reviled Alexander Brin of The nothing to be gained by action. - •• ploye of ex-Gov. Foss. As soon as sided, and cool judgment. once more Traveler with the vilest of epithets. To Traveler readers, the vindication that fact became known, scores, who prevailed, Frank would be freed. Race feeling and hatred against Jews of Leo Frank is of peculiar, interest, had followed the case, realizing that was stirred as never before in that Frank Hanged.; ; for it was The Boston Traveler which the Leo Frank- in Georgia was the state. Hardly had Frank arrived .at prison led the fight for a commutation of same Leo Frank they had kn6wn in 1 before he was the, victim of an atNow, - when the excitement has Frank's sentence. This fact was suc- Boston, began to demand action. They cessful. Frank's commutation was turned to The Traveler. granted, but before action could be obThe Traveler Acts. tained on new evidence he' was The Traveler started a vigorous lynched. . , campaign. Petitions were circulated History of Case. •> , , . " and more than, 200,000 Traveler read-, The facts of this strange case, ers signed them. A mass meeting was which stirred the country from ,pne held in Faneuil hall, presided over by end to the other, and which make,a the late Samuel J, Elder, ex-president blot on the name of Georgia that time of .the American Bar. association. So will take long to erase follow: greatly had the facts of the case, as Mary Fhagan disappeared on April presented by The Traveler, stirred the 26, 1913, a holiday in Atlanta. She Boston public that the famous "Crahad gone to a pencil factory,"where dle of Liberty" was far too small to she had been employed, to get some accommodate the crowd. A resolution ay. due her. She did not return' that was offered, and it was. unanimously night and search for her was begun, voted that the state name a commis? but without success. The' next morn- sion to go to Atlanta and present the ing her mutilated, body was found by Massachusetts petitions to Gov. Slathe night watchman in the basement ton. of the pencil factory. He notified the . The Traveler again led the way. police. He was arrested, at once, and Alexander Brin was. kept "on the • so was Leo Frank, who admitted he "story." His articles were copied,all had seen the girl that day and had over the country. He interviewed paid her the money due her. A week Frank, Conley and every'official conlater, Jim Conley, who also worked'in nected with the case. The. last.letter the factory, was arrested. ' . *• - Frank ever wrote was written to the Near the dead body were found same Traveler reporter. gome notes, purporting to .have been Ex-Gov. Foss, Dr. John Coughlin of written by the victim and describing Fall River and Alexander Brin went the assailant as "a. long, tall, sleam, to Georgia. black negro." These notes were deMob feeling was running high. Circlared to have been written by Conley. Frank's prominence in Atlanta was culars, reading as follows, were postsuch that his arrest caused a sensa- ed in conspicuous places: "There, will tion. There had been many assaults be a mass meeting on the .Capitol on white girls and feeling was running grounds June 5, for the purpose of high. The mere arrest of Frank con- defending and -preserving the right of vinced many in Atlanta that Frank trial- by jury and the defense and supNEARLY port of the integrity of the constituwas guilty. tion -and government of Georgia by Declares Innocence. r Georgians in Georgia." Great masses of people attended Frank maintained his innocence : from the first. Conley's stories were conflicting. Frank's trial came. The ' courthouse was stormed by a mob.' Cries of- "Lynch him!" "Crack that • Jew's neck!" and other such yells were ! : heard continuously while the trial was ! in progress. Mobs met all over- the ' county. When outsiders,, seeing that an injustice was.being done; attempted to interfere, they were told to mind their own business. Meetings were held in Georgia and impassioned There is considerable speeches were made about the chivalry change in the style of ladies' coats this .fall. Many old of citizenship, and the sanctity of garments' can be made to , - white wdmen, until- public sentiment conform to the new styles was at fever heat. . - • • *• by careful alteration. We , The jury found Frank guilty, deCOFFEE. are doing it in many cases. spite evidence which convinced thou* - .sands of lawyers and judges through• Bring your coat in and COFFEE out the country that Frank was innotalk it over with us and let cent. .Indeed, the presiding judge us advise what can be done. later wrote that he was uncertain of Frank's guilt. The legal battle was If no alteration is desired, -fought through to the highest court in let us clean or dye it and Georgia, but the supreme court of that'put it in • first-class condistate can review a case only to see tion. \ "if ail the legal technicalities were comOur prices are very 'plied with. It cannot review theevireasonable and our work is ^ dence, itself. . guaranteed in every respect. " " '", Ncpr.Evidence Bafted. Don't wait, for cold weather - ' • - Newly 'discovered evidence' vvas' of—do it now. . dieted to the Georgia high court, affi.'" dayita * were offered by , witnesses, ' which .repudiated much o£? their tesS ^ "All to ' no cvcll. Federal W denied by Ihs United Stfite's'^supreme, eouyt on - technical "Good..Cleaners and Dyers" CBONEWEG & SCEOENTGEN CO. It ii*\worthy-0$ note, howWholesale Distributors 1315 Jones St. , AT. 4383 V'that - a' dissenting opinion was . . .Telephone JAckson 1302 South Side, 24th and L r e d a t ' i h e "tinieV t h e two men : MA. 1283. kopd-in tdVQT-ot-ghmn Frank it tfiven t h e in t e a -'WiT^BW-JW*^- Holmes arid;
Frank's Prophecy of Vindication Comes True 10Years After Frenzied Nob Hangs Him as Slayer
passed and when the Frank case, as it was called, is, all but forgotten, comes the new evidence proving The Traveler was, rignt and that Leo Frank died an innocent'man.
geance on these Jews and in particular JEWISH' ARBITRATION to prevent any of those who may be COURT PENS FOURTH YEAR so inclined from rendering any assistance to the Bolshevist regime in Rus- Over 1,000 Religious and Commuiial sia. Disputes Arbitrated.
JEWS LEAVING ' .: ; •' :,' GERMANY IN MASSES Berlin. (J. T.A.). Large numbers of Jews, especially those from Russia, are -departing' in .'masses for other parts of/Europe on account of the steadily growing pressure of anti-Semitism and the difficult economic conditions induced by the fall of the mark. -" . The majority are heading for Austria and, France, where living is now cheaper than in Berlin. A considerable number, too, are seeking to Russia, believing that the new. economic policy' of the Soviet will make it possible for them to earn a living there. Dr. Fridjhof Nansen is negotiating with the Soviet authorities in an effort to facilitate the return of these. The exodus of Jews from Germany is particularly large in Bavaria on account of the intense anti-Semitism here.. ...
CHINESE CHRISTIAN ASKS RABBI TO OFFICIATE '•• ••• AT BUDHIS'TS-FUNERAL Salt Lake City, Utah. (J. T. A.) regarded'as a curious mixture of faiths occurred here recently when Miss Ella Cheek, Chinese and a member of the Congregational church, requested Rabbi Steiner of this city to officiate at the funeral service of Wah Cheek, • a Buddhist. The daughter explained that she wanted a minister of "universal religion" to perform the rites, and she regarded the Rabbi as belonging to such a religion. Rabbi Steiner quoted from Malachi: "Have we not all one Father? Has not one God made us all?"
Northern Toilet Tissue
VAL J. PETER a COMPANY 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.
AT-Iantic 6409
RUSSIAN MONARCHISTS PUT SPIES ON TRAIL OF JEWS IN GERMANY ; Berlin. (J. T. A.) The impetus given to the monarchist movement in various parts of Germany is reflected in the Russian monarchist circles here as well. . • . Two of the Russian leaders, Markoff and Tolmatchoff, have organized an espionage bureau whose function will be to assist all Jews in Germany suspected of Bolshevistic,sympathies. The Russians expect to make use of this list in the event the German monarchists" are successful. ; - ' They hope wreak their ven-
n t h and Martha Sts. HA. 1663 Manufacturers of Brass. Bronze. Aluminum and Soft Grey Iron Castings, Ion are ensured of soft castings, as we machine some from every heat in our own shop. Standard size cast. Iron and bronze toshinps ID stock. . '- . - . . . . . •
Emerson Laundry F. & HOBEX. Prop.
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Pepper. Vi«s-P«sl«eni. W. G. Vie, Secretary.
Snow Wlute Bakeries (Kejr. V. 8. Fat. Office.)
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. JOHN FELDMA-N Shoes and Gent's Furnishings
Featuring Emerson and Dimlap Shoes—$5 to $12. FUUL. DEESS SUITS AND TUXEDOS for sale or rent.. Phone JA. S12S 109 North 16th St.
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SheikOtnar was banished
Have Your Heavy Jackets Cleaned asid Altered-
New York. (J.. T. A.) Thirty cases were on the calendar of the Jewish Court of Arbitration recently when it opened its first session of the fall season. The court which is now in its fourth year has handled over 1,000 cases of religious or communal nature. Sitting as judges at the opening session, were Justice Edgar J. Lauer, Samuel Buchler and Rabbi M. H. Rabinowitz, of the Zichron Torah Moshe synagogue of Brooklyn.
EFFICIENT and KESPOK8IBUE LACXDRY. Where yont clothes come bom* cleaner find lest longer. ATlantlo 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St. H. A. JACOBBEKGER, Pues.
seven centuries have passed, but the name of Sheik Hadj Omar is still highly honored in Arabia. Mocha, his native city, cast him out into the desert t o die of starvation. He had dared to love the daughter of his king. Yet banishment led to fame, for in his wanderings Omar discovered the coffee shrub and brought coffee berries back to Mocha. Then hispraise was sung far and wide, and he gained a place in the legend' ary tales of his country. But Omar, could notoffer even the King of Mocha such coffee as you may now en* joy-MJ.B. M.J.B. offers you the utmost in coffee satisfaction.
JAckson 4S38
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Ford Transfer & Storage Co. R. A. FOEP. President end Genera! Manager. Council Blolfs (Iowa! Office 700 So. Main Street. Pbene 835.
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