November 1, 1923

Page 1

It isn't your position, but your disposition, that makes you happy or unhappy.-

•»r.' \ %

VOL. IL—No. 47

The world is full of, willing* * people; some "willing* to work, and others: to-stand around und watch.


Entered- c ' postoffict ,-•

ad-class man matter on January STth, IS2L at utfca. Nebraska, under the Act «« Hueb S. 1£&.

Entire Omaha Jewry to Attend B'nai B'rith Carnival and Show at City Auditorium November 11 Entire Proceeds of Carnival Will Go To Help Care For The 25 War Orphans Adopted By The Local Lodge. MANY ADDED ATTRACTIONS ARE BEING PLANNED TO MAKE T H I S T H E GREATEST EVENT I N T H E HISTORY OF LOCAL JEWRY. Ten more days—and the B'nai B'rith carnival, which has been the talk of the town for the past two-months, will be in, full force. The carnival will be held all day Sunday, November 11, at the City Auditorium. The workers for the carnival have been working daily to make this a gala event in the history of Omaha Jewry. The boys and girls who are taking parts in the vaudeville show which will be held at the Auditorium, have been, re-hearsing their acts • daily, according to Samuel H. Schaefer. "The vaudeville show will be one of the finest ever held here," said Mr. Schaef er. "The people of Omaha have responded wonderfully to help make this carnival a success," said Sam Beber, general chairman today. From all indications this event will be one of the greatest ever held in the city/' The large auditorium will be beautifully decorated for this occasion. Both the main floor and.the large basement will be used for.the Carnival.. The decorations and feature events of the arrangement of the Auditorium have been donated to the B'nai B'rith carnival by the Woman's Overseas League, who are staging a show "A Night in Paris," on November 9 and 10.


Ford Gets Bernstein's • Summons Through Untennyer and Marshall

More Entertainers For B'nai B'rith Carnival

to Hoi


Lloyd George Denies Zionism is Dead



Congress Closes

One after one the various acts for the big vaudeville to i in conjunction with the B'nai B'rith carnival at New York. J. T.'A.) Service of summons in the §200,000 libel slut the City Auditorium on November 11 are' rounding into brought by Herman Bernstein because shape. With the attractions already announced the mammoth of anti-Semitic articles • published -in crowd that will attend is assured an entertainment equal to the Dearborn Independent, has been Britain is Called Upon ta Carry Editorial'Says "If Arabs Refuse accomplished, according to an-affida- any on the professional vaudeville circuits., Among the feature acts will be that of" Norman GoldHelp, We'Must Fulfil' Un- . Out National Home Idea, vit filed* in the- Supreme Court -by delinking Ourselves." in-Full,Bernstein's attorneys, Guggenheiiner, berg, singer and comedian,, whose song; and- dance number XJntermyer & Marshall If no* answer will/be a surprise and delight to all. . Goldberg has achieved or appearance of notice is filea by'the INSIST ON-.-ENFORCEMENT SAMUEL'S PROPOSAL FOE defendants within twenty days, Bern- an enviable reputation in St. Paul, his former home, as an OF MINORITY GUARANTEE ARAB AGENCY REJECTED stein will be entitled to a judgment entertainer of - rare ability. Last - spring he directed the annual revue of the University of Minnesota and added to New York. (J. T. A.) A demand London. (J. T. A.) England cannot by default! that Britain live up in full measure break the promise which, it made rehis reputation as a performer and director. all the terms of the mandate "under specting the establishment of the JewAn act of-charm and , grace will, be that.of the "Four to the League of Nations for the up- ish National Homeland, the London Shake-npiaB'iiai B'rith Dancing Maidens", the. Blisses-Annette -Hurwitz, Ida of Palestine, was voiced by Times says in an editorial. Girl's Popularity Contest; Tennenbaum, Ethel Hurwitz and Gertrude Wintroubj who building the American Jewish Congress in a The Arabs, it declares, are appsr-* resolution adopted at the' dosing ses- ently more afraid of a possible future will present a revue of classical and popular dance numbers. Ten More Days of Voting Each of these girls had prominent parts i n . the 1st annual sion. • ascendancy of Jews than thj?y are. of * The adoption of the resolution is in the Jews', present position there. Show at the Brandeis last spring. The harmony with the suggestion, made by Britain, the Times reiterates, can* Minne Levy Jumped I from Fourth Y M H A Vaudeville 7 . Place ta Take the Lead.. _. . act for the B nai B'rith show is entirely new and has Been Israel Zangwill in his address before not abolish the Jewish Agency, bat .arranged especially for the occasion. the congress, in wnich lie severely the proposed establishment of an Arab WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED arraigned Britain for the manner in agency is proof of Britain's imparThe show will start promptly at 4:30 and all who enjoy AT CLOSE OP CARNIVAL. which it was executing the mandate. tiality. dean wholesome, entertainment are urged to be on hand at Mr. Zangwill also assisted in the The paper charges that the Arabs* The standings in the popularity the Auditorium much before that hour* in -order to witness framing of the resolution, which wTas refusal to accede to • Samuel's procontest as shown below reveal some every act of this super-show. unanimously adopted. posal for an Arab agency is due te

spectacular changes. Minnie Levy, who was fourth'last "week,, is now in the first jslace which was vacated by Margaret Riekes, who dropped out of the contest last week.- Rose Fine leaped from eighth a week ago to second now- Berdie Berger, is tied Omafaan's To, Speak Founder's Garmeiits_Receiv-ed to Be Distributed with" Miss Fine for second' honors. to Charitable -Organizations. Day Meeting. Flora Bienstock, a comparatively new entrant already has over 20,000 votes Council Bluffs, * lodge No. 688, : All day, -Tlmrsday and Friday, Noto her credits Another great gain Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, will vember 8 and- 9,- the IZeedle Work was made1 by Dora Fonnan,- who hold its first open meeting of the Guild of "this city will hold their ansecured over 11,000 votes and jumped season Monday evening at the Eagle's nual exhibition and distribution of hall. "This meeting and initiation will garments-at the Scottish Rite CatheA feature of the decorations •will noon. The concert will be held at from last place to fourteenth. be the layout of the board walk or 2:00 p. m. The "shake-up" was general and be held in celebration of Founder's dral, Twentieth ana Douglas streets. promenade, which will be beautifully Dancing will be held the entire due to the fact that many .B'nai Day", said Louis Satelman, president On Friday afternoon a reception and illuminated with quaint old French evening beginning at 7:30 p. m. B'rith members paid for their tickets of the lodge. According to the com- pTOgram will be given for,the visitors. lamps, the entire walk surrounding' The B'nai B'rith. girl's popularity and also- because of the fact that mittee in charge; a interesting pro- Women of all -nationalities contribthe dance pavillioh. The dance floor contest will cause much enthusiasm some of the contestants had been gram has been arranged for this oc- ute each' year to this cause, because the garments collected for the Needle will be specially waxed and polished on this day. The winner of the "holding out", and had not turned in casion. and will- be -entirely enclosed. The contest will be announced when the their- money until this week. Mr. Harry Hi fispidus and Mr. Sam Work Guild are distributed to all1 char* walls of the dance' pavfllion will be carnival closes. . "From ail indicaThe fir^t nine or ten girls on the Leon, grand Ic 5cers, will be the itable ^organizations,- including - *the beautifully decorated^ and painted to tions the popularity contest will be list are fighting hard for the -honors principal spea3cej$£;of the eveniagv: Jewish:• Welfarg. Qrgaiuzation.r' who TOpreleni" a''hedge'of' shrubbery.""— one at the main - attractions bjftEe Sn3 t i e "standings below •show that They will deliver" messages" -that -will, last^y^^-^Sys21o5£i^^^&a'''"gar Berry Trustin, vice-president of the carnival," said Irvin Stalmaster, they are actually running "neck and be of interest to the entire public ments and $121.25 in rapiiey, and also lodge has been working for weeks chairmanr of the contest committee. neck". And the others should notice Several musical numbers are also the Wise Memorial ^Hospital, who rein making ,the' plans and "layouts" A souvenir program book will be that by comparison with, their last being arranged for. The initiation ceived nine; hundred, and three garfor this event. given to all the people at the audi- week's standing, they received more will be conducted by the crack degree ments last-year. The Needle Work Guild has done a great and useful votes during the last week than did There will be many novel booths torium. This book will contain a some of the entrants who occupy the team from the Omaha lodge. The work in the city for a number of following are members of the degree *he local lodge of the on the north and south side of the; Auditorium. The woman's auxiliary \ f n a i B'rith, also the many acts and places at the top. This fact should team: Sam J..Leon, chairman, Dr. A. years and can'further its work each encourage them to' do some real work Greenberg, Harry Malashock, Mas year if contributions of garments will of the B'nai B'rithi the Y. W. H. in the next few days, as they have Fromkin, M. Monheit, and Max Morris. be. increased. A., and many other organizations i,_, , • , been, favored during the past week The beautiful and historic lectures are Each contributor- should send her will have charge of the bazaar-booth. IK l a v e r together with a large number than the "leaders" have been. This given by Harry Silverman and Arthur two garments to her director or to the also means that * the "leaders" will Rosenblum. The country store will be one of the ° f T-' orkers h a v e m a d e Jewish Community Center a t SOS Lyrk a feature events. This store will be in b o oThe success,proceeds of th& B'na have to hustle to maintain, their The entire public is invited to attend ic . building, and each contributor entire should be sure to send only two garcharge of Louis Sommer and Jake B'rith carnival and anniversary eel-1 leads. this meeting Monday evening. ments that are of the same kind -and Simon. The cigar and candy booth ebration will go towards the mainte-| If the contest standings indicate size. • • - . - • . . . •. will be in charge of Leo RosenthaL nance of the twenty-five war orphans anything, they show that whoever Mrs. Dave Rosenstock is secretary A very unique booth is being built, the winners may be, they will win which will house the "Crystal Gazer", adopted by the local lodge and to Rabbi L N. Charlep to Address of the Jewish Welfare Organization by narrow margins. This booth will be in charge of Miss the Anti-Defamation league. Y. H. B. A. Honda? Nil section this year, and Mrs. B. A. SiIrvin Stalmaster, contest manager, Rose Davidson. Another feature mon is president of the Wise Memorial announces that all votes to be booth will be built, which will contain counted must be in before the carni- Rabbi L M. Charlop, newly elected Hospital section, so for any further articles that have been donated by val closes as the winners of the Rabbi of the Orthodox Congregations information regarding contributions to the following concerns: A diamond contest will be announced the eve- of Omaha, will give a special address the Needle Work Guild call either ring, by the Ye Diamond Shoppe; ning of the carnival. Only Harry to the members of the senior group of Mrs. Eosenstock or Mrs. Simon. pearl necklace, by Malashock Jew- War Premier Cannot Understand Silverman, ATlantic 7964 and Sam the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. at its next elry Co., and a white gold wrist Zangwill Making Such An Beber, ATlantic 1661, can receive meeting, Monday evening, November watch, by Sol Brodkey Jewelry Co. 5, at the Jewish Community Center. Assertion. votes.* These articles will be given away Rabbi Charlop has a- message of - The standings this .week are as extreme interest for the younger free. Cleveland, O. (J. T. A.)—Declaring follows:members of the senior group and a The vaudeville show will be held t h a t ****& Zangwill is "a great writer Minne Levy.. ..22,100 capacity attendance is anticipated. but a reat One Hundred- and Fifty New Memat 4:30 p. m. The entire bill is *">* « diplomat", David Rose Fine _22,000 -22,000 In addition to important business, bers Secured to Date. •composed of local talent, many of the Uo?d George, the British war premier, Berdie Berger.. -21,800 there will he several musical numbers. Ula" Albertmembers are well- known to the denied to the J. T. A. the famous Julia -21,500 Wise Regular semi-monthly dance of the Arthur Eosenblutn, chairman of the public. Many of them have appeared J e w i s h author's assertion that "politi- Martye Weinstein. -.21,400 C3L senior group will be held this Satur- Morris Levy Membership Memorial Zionism is dead" -21,000 in various performances and on many ^ Anne Selicow Mr u d -20,700 day evening, November 3, at the Jew- Campaign, which has for its purpose FloraBienstock _ °y George was stopped by stages in the city. The actors have stages in the city. The actors have! ...20,200 ish Community Center. Iva Siegal._ the enrolling of 500 new members for been announced in the previous is- j t h e correspondent as he left the plat- Bess Greenberg -19,100 the Jewish Welfare Federation, anorm of ublic _17,400 Gertrude Cooper— sues of "The Jewish Press". Thus * **» P library just after nounced today that work on the the far there are seven acts on» the bill! conclusion of his speech during Yetta* Stiefler TO ISSUE PALESTINE of campaign is continuing and will be -16,000 . h l f **» cornerstone. He was Kate Goldstein __u. YEAS BOOK IN FRENCH prosecuted with intensity immediately Plans are being made to secure ad"di-,a l ) o u t' to e n t e*r *•» -automobile t H with Dora- Forman tional performers for *he carnival. Mary Moscow _ . -13,700 • Jerusalem. <J; T. A.)—A year book after the B'nai B'rita Carnival on Newton Newton D. D. Baker, Baker, Secretary Secretary of of War War Ida Minkin ..12,500 in French, entirely devoted to Pales1- November 11. Attempts are also being made to ^ P r e s i d e n t Wilson's cabinet; and was Rose Schiffer -11,600 tine, will shortly be issued in Paris. -10,800 To date 150 new members have been secure the Fort Crook Military Band a s l t e d to gi v e Hs opinion of Mr. Zang- Marion Fried_10,2OO ,. 'The book, is being- edited by M. secured according to Mr. Rosenbaum, or Father Flannagan's Boys Band wiWs s p e e c h before the American Anne Goldware_ 9,100 Samuel Levy, editor of "Guide Book and the committee is now making apGiventer._ to after- J e w i s h to give give aa concert concert during during the the after i - Hall, H l Lottie Carnegie m _ S.SOO to' Oriental Countries," who visited Celia Braude during which the speaker declared Esther Ontman.. _ 8,100 Palestine last year for the purpose of peals before various coxmsraztal organ_ 8,100 that "political Zionism is dead", and Gertrude Fogelson izations, ' Fifty' per cent of the mem_ 7,700 compiling the book. that Great Britain had not kept faith Hose Lazarus bers who pledged in the synagogues, WSEieilS Welfare Organization regarding its promise to the Jewish on Yotn Kippur, have already paid their pledges in full snd the others SENTENCED FOR VIOLATING people. PALESTINE IMPORTS p are being urged to do likewise, acANTI-SCHECHTA LAW AND EXPORTS Miss Natalie Bassett, Omaha's first. "Did Mr. Zangwill really say that? cording to .the chairman ,cf the "drive. Zurich. (J. T. A.) A .local "shoJerusalem. (J. T. A.$ The Palesvisiting teacher, will give a talk at, oh, what made him come out with the meeting of the Jewish Women's EUCh an assertion? - I cannot under- tine government has published a sum- che," Blitz, has been sentenced to ten Welfare Tuesday stand him. He is such a good old mary of, Palestine imports and ex- days' imprisonment for violating the FLEE FROM BAVARIAafternoon,Organization November 6, next on "The Work friend of mine. Well, I don't agree ports, showing the comparative val- anti-Schechta law. FACE POGROMS IN TYROL of the Visiring Teacher". Miss Bassett with him. Political Zionism is not ues for the second quarter of the years The Jewish community is highly Berlin. (J..T. A.) In apprehension holds several degrees in graduate dead. Zangwill is a.great writer but 1922 and 1923. aroused over this action of the court. of pogroms in Munich and othfer parts work from eastern Universities, and is not a great diplomat." of- Germany, thousands of Jews are For- the-quarter ending June .39, an authority on her subject. The work At this point Mr. Baker interrupted 1922, the imports .were 1,415,845 EngMr. Joe Jacobs entertained' Tuesday fleeing" the country. of the visiting teacher is new 'in Mr. Lloyd George and turning to the lish pounds; imports in transit to Sy- evening at a "stag social E-endoff" Many of them are. finding, however, Omaha and should ."prove of great correspondent said, "You surely have ria, 90,337; exports, 273,693; exports luncheon in honor of Percy C. Powell, that they are only transferring from . interest to all the members. read what was said at the Jewish in transit from Syria, 4,524, and re- reporter for the Omaha Bee, who left the. proverbial firs pan to the' fire. In addition several' musical selec- Congress?" Mr. Baker quoted from exports, 45,750. Wecbesday morning for Washington, They are leaving in large, numbers tions will be given and a report of the Dr. -Stephen S; Wise's remarks in For t i e quarter ending Jane 30, D. <V to be tha Washington corret for the Tyrol-resort, Mirano, which is activities of the organization for" the* introducing icMr.-Zangwill that lie was 1923, the imports w-sre-226,465 Eng- spoadent for the Omaha Bee. The now Italian-, territory. : first nine months of this year wijl -be to -speak " to Israel and not for lish pounds; imports in transit to Sy- following- men were present: Fred Th© Fascist! of Mirano are reported .. read. The meeting will start prompt- Israel". ria, 37,258; exports,"253,995; - exports Hunter, Jolni Loxg* Henry J. Beal, ta have TKrtifleti the, Italian Governly at three; o'clock, and will be held Tredsely so", Mr. Iioyd George in transit-.from Syria, T,05o» a«d re- -Irvlsi • Siajlsiaster, - P-aal .Stemweader, ment feat unless-1&© urfktx ^ t d remarked • . " -Sais;,I3,Kiaver ana J. T, Amstamg. they weald start. .-:-ia.the Jewish Community;, Center.

Teacher Will Address Jewish


The resolution demands a more liberal immigration policy for Palestine, points out to Great Britain that much more money would flow into the Keren. Hayesod if it beeama perfectly dear that a genuine Jewish national home was being established, and calls upon the government to delay no longer the Palestine national loan. Asks Action Be Hastened. "Taking grateful note," says the resolution, "of the magnanimous methods of President Coolidge to the American Jewish. Congress through Dr. Stephen S. Wise^ expressing his sympathy with, the policy of upbuilding in. Palestine, the Jewish, national home; "Taking note also of the resolutions of the recent Zionist World Congress* at Karlsbad," stating "that Jewish emigration to Palestine is too severefeat-the administration of Palestine shall carry out the obligation assumed under the mandate, which provides that it shal encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish Agency, close settlement by Jews on the land, including state lands and waste land not required for public purposes, and if there has been discrimination against Jewish schools in the matter of subsidization; • "This congress, with full recognition of the difficulties which hamper the. noble task undertaken by the British government, respectfully and gratefully asks it to do all that possible to remedy the grievances eipressed by the Karlsbad congress. Desire for Peace With Arabs. "At the same time the Congress expresses to the Arabs its earned desire for peace and good will and brotherly co-operation in rebuilding for civilization the ruined, neglected, half-empty, yet supremely historical land which both races inhabit. It asks them to recognize that for more than 1,850 years the dreams and hopes and prayers of the Jewish people have been centered upon this land, and thst the return of large numbers of Jews to it would brine a blessing to all its inhabitants and would build a bridge of mutual understanding between th< East and West. "We further trust that the Arab of Palestine mil meet their Jewish kinsmen in a fraternal spirit and will recognize the spirit of the Balfou declaration so that all sections of the population shall enjoy freedom together with a prospect of attaining: ultimate autonomy and membership in the' League of Nations. "Finally, the Congress extends it fraternal greetings to all sections -o: Christianity and Islam interested the Holy Land. We trust and pray that Jerusalem will be rebuilt in our day and become the center of peace for all nations, races and religions, as our great Jewisi prophets predicted, and that the darkness which at this time threatens the extinction of civilization will pass away, and we will work unitedly for the common good cf all mankind." PROTEST SUPPRESSION OF HEBREW FLAYS IN BESSARABIA Bucharest. (J. T. A.)—The Maeca bee Club. in KisMnelT has lodged a the authorities agains protest the prohibition by the military com mand of the province of a series c. performances in the Hebrew languag arranged by the dab. TJie protest points out that the plays in Hebrew have beefi suppressed, -wMle plays in Russian, also sn alien league, are sanctioned.

intrigues and will result in the withdrawal'of the. proposal. " In view of the Arab rejection, Ifc says, the.only course open is for the Palestine government to utilize the ample .powers conferred by the mandate and continue the old pojdcv daspite the opposition of the Arabs. If the Arabs refuse to help, it concludes, "we must and will fulfill the understanding ourselves." . Jerusalem. (J, T. A.) The~ A n * delegation heard from the lips of Sir Herbert- his plan which he hoped •would put an end to their opposition. The delegation, however, with little hesitation rejected it. The -plan'of the High Commissioner as previously intimated -provided for an Arab agency analagous to the'Jewish Agency. ' • . Segarding^ the Balf our Beci&mti&a* the Higfe ^Commissioner said that an international obligation and •wras no way to recede from it. In view of the special position established for the Jews by means of the Jewish Agency, the government he said, offered to place the Arabs OR the same footing by creating an Arab agency. Samuel urged that it should be accepted until a fully representative council is established. The Arab agency, he said, woaM control the immigration by reason of the fact that there would be five Arabs on the special committee dealing with immigration and only one Jew. By creating an Arab agency? there would be insured absolute impartiality-as..between the government and the Arabs and the Jews. The agency, he said, would not be legislative, hut advisory, equivalenttg the Zionist Organization. . ' "When Samuel concluded,, the-Arab delegation announced that the p£o posals wer& not satisfactory. It xa« iterated its -demand for a coustitational government. , "I am -sorry,** Samuel rejoined. 41 am requested to say by his majesty's government that they regard the establishment of an Arab agency as *. very great advance in the direction «f meeting the wishes of the Arab population and consider that it should bft accepted as a settlement of the points in controversy/'

to h EM et ffiis The local divirion of the Araericsn Jewish Congress will hold a mass meeting of all Omaha Scwry on Sun-day evening,*, November i, at the B*n*J. Israel Synapogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets, st S o'clock. Mr. I. Aiorgenstern, the Omaha delegate to the American Jewish Congress meeting in New York on October 14, will give his report of th* Congress and comment on ZangwiU's talk at the Congress. JEWISH LAXDWORKERS SEEK TO SETTLE • IN SOUTH RUSSIA Moscow. (J. T. A.) Thirty-four Jewish families, consisting of 236 tend workers, have applied through the "Qri" for permission to settle tr> South Russia. The Ukrainian law bans tlon isto that Section unless onies there ipe'eificfilly revues - ;*se. Workers. The application will be ftetst to the Hossiafi colonists ter' ssceftEIR if they will coissent to the

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1923 { Sfangwill, Zangwitt has. taken to Amur- centiy, referred to Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. angwai, over the state of potea.

FIRST AUXILIARY PROGRAM. The first B'nai B'rith Auxiliary litical Zionism, is more than merely program was successfully given* Octo.* A bare recapitulation of the fields diverting. There are those who be- ber 25th, a large and appreciative au£ THB »H?I$& PRESS PUBL&HBtG farrowed by Zangwill during the lieve i t was worth* having Mr. Zang- dience being present, * Office: 482 grapdeis Theatre. Bmlding.^-ftelejflioncfe Jackson 237& month in America, under their chapter will come to America to say that poThe following program was given, NATHAN & GREEN, Manager. headings, would make a most impos- litically Zionism was dead, if only to Mrs. Max Fromkin presiding as chairing array; Zangwill and the Jewish draw from Mr. Lloyd George the fer- man: Subscription Price., .one.,sear; Congress (one must suppress the de- vent avowal that it was not even in 1. Violin Solo.. Fannie Fish Advertising rated furnished on application'. Accompanied by Miss Yore sire to write Zangwill, the -Jewish a state of coma. This serious differon the piano. A cutUnj? from "Veg O" My Heart" Congress); Zangwill and the Christian ence of opinion, notwithstanding, the N0P WUNTEO FOR PERSONAL PHOPTT—Fwfif* fens* ffiff f by Mrs. B. K. Boasters tint of t h e Jearfsk grew ax* t* b* given* fo worth? communal cansea. Science Monitor; Zangwill and Lottis "Two Watchmen" remain good friends 3. Dance and Sons by Little Kutli Ruben Accompanied on the piano by her Marshall; Zangwill and Lloyd George; since Mr. Lloyd George admits un6oi& tt« old «ni na« «d6mttt sister Dorothy Kuben. CBAKGS OS1 ADORfiSS-fleaw Zangwill' and .Religion; Zangwill and grudgingly that Mr. Zangwill is a 4.- An address on "Wnr and Existing son? M&M. - • b» nx* ftbd Conditions In Europe" great writer, though not a great dipby jGdjre A. \i. Sntton The Jewish Press fs supplied by the Jewish refegnrphie Agency (Jewish the Theatre. lomat, and Mr. Zangwill seems sorry 5. Piano Solo Sa<lye Levy * * * Correspondence Bureau) with cabled add telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Mr. Lloyd George's "job" of a diploto feature articles and correspondences front all important Jewisfj centres, All those believing the "Zangwill ZIONIST NEWS. "seeond-rate" one lnqufriea regarding- news -items credited to this Ageney will be gladly and ' the Jewish Congress** chapter mat is only a "seeond-rate" The Ladies of Zion will hold a speone. answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic. Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, closed may change their minds on * * cial meeting next Tuesday afternoon Hew York City. If Mr. Zangwill is correctly report- at the Adass Yeshurem Synagogue, turning over the pages of the last two numbers of the New Palestine, the ed by the newspapers, he "flayed" the Twenty-fifth and Seward streets. RabTHE CALL' OF THE UKRAINE Zionist rganization's organ, which, al- English speaking stage, while praising bi L JVI. Charlop will address the mem. The abysmal ignoi-ance. of most people concerning the though it marshalls every bit of re- thfe Yiddish theatre, during a perform- bers. ; Ukraine J s exemplified; by the answer given .on a questionnaire pudiation of the Zangwillian views, ance of "Shabse Zvi.'' "He ,was apat one of the-American universities. One of the students on found-rooni'for a sobe* plea for "hon- plauded," a reporter reports, "when The Daughters of Zion will hold a the general inforinatipn tests;; ssaid a d thafe Ukraine was a musical Ofatile .argument afid dignified refuta- he told his audience that all he had meeting" Sunday at 2:30 at the Jewish tion." I t is highly improbable that seen since his arrival in America was Community Center. intrmnnt^haymgcin mind v ^ g c mind, no dpiibt the ufcelele ufcelele. v On Sundayr September 16, a t t h e Jews' College; of London, th&pape* which printed "Oa the Prin- a lot of burlesque and musical coi JEW REPLACES ARAB England* the thirdsannual relief.conference of the,London Fed- ciple of Freedom «f Discussion," Is- edy that carried no message and did AS MAYOR OF TIBERIAS eration of: Ukrainian Jews was held,' At . this i conference, rael Goldberg's passionate "J'accuse'' hot in any way help advance the cause New York. (J. T. A.) Zaki Hadef, • speeches were made on; behalf of the Jews of Ukrainia. Chief against the Congress organization for of the drama." ; a Sephardic Jew, has been appointed Rabbi Hertz, reviewing :the years 1919, 1920 and 1921, stated having invited the "Hteraty artist and One is tempted, of course,'to send that 150,000 Jews were killed by human fiends in the most purely destructive critic,"/ and for the distinguished dramatist to see any gruesome and devastating pogroms ever perpetrated. Dene- having permitted the "display of in- of the Theatre Guild productions, kin's army perpetrated 140 pogroms upon a heJplesSi starved, tellectual contortionism in Carnegie which usually • do try to advance the •wretched Jewryy and>the whole world,-including western Jewryy Hall," will rest, content .with Bernard cause of the drama. But it is anremained calloused and unconcerned. As 'a result of this un- G, Richards' dismissal of Mr.; Gold- other indication of the visitor's in- AUDITING AND INCOME TAX REPORTS paralleled bloodthirstiness, there, are today in thetUtar^ine 300,* berg's "hysterical iterances," and the defatigability that between watching 000 Jewish pogromorphans,without .possibility of proper e d ^ entirely Kichardescpie expression in •what his critics say and answering 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 cation, without hope of proper nourishment, fit subjects for defending Zangwill's "highly ,contro- them he has found enough burlesque, versial address" that "even the truth and musical comedy to form an opinprisons, asylums and charitable institutionsv .• ion of the whole American stage, the It seems almost inconceivable that 29,000 crimes were com- sometimes becomes a sensation." greater part; of which, by the way, mitted by waifs under 13 years of age in the first half of the CLARENCE DESDUNES current year. Theseare the fruits of war, pogrom* famine and That official Zionism is far from does merit his severe arraignment. anti-Semitism. To ask aid for these victims is superfluous. The regarding its account with Zangwill as* Goncert Violinist and Teacher Bl<Je«2^2 No.24th St. mere mention of the conditions eKisting. is sufficient to arouse the settled, may be gathered from the ed , And, finally, Mr, Zangwill has ex- Studio: Hawkln'g Pbone, Webster 55Z6. sympathies and compel usv to assist these helpless, demoralized, itorial in the last New Palestine let- pressed himself concerning religion Office Hours. "5:30 to 6. -Violin bows and cases for sale. ting its readers HV on the secret that He wants not only Hebrew taught, but despairing inhabitants of the Ukra.ine. This immediate burden /will be ours for many 'years to come, the; "Palestine resolution adopted at Judaism, believing this "frontier of until these children become self-supporting, and the adults are the la^t session of the American Jew- fiery faith" to be the only means of \ Goldstrom Upholstering Co. economically rehabilitated, they must be fed and cared for. And ish! Congress did'not express Mr; preserving small and scattered Jew- Upholstering and Furniture Repairwhen we have done aUthis, the task remains stiU unfinished, for Zangwill's views on the situation." ish communities," and confident that ing. Mattresses Renovated. with the constant threat of new wars, pogroms and violent outdespite the "abysmal depths of Jewish . •--' • • -. B o x Springs. 2610 1013 North ICth St. breaks of anti-Semitism, the danger is increased rather than gome Of the Other chapters have to ignorance in the young generally,' 4t>lantle SPECIAL THIS WEEK—Mattresses do with a part of Mr. Zangwill's Car- there must be found a Judaism "which Benorated with New Tick d i m i n i s h e d . • •:.-.'.-.':•':•''•.-,/... v ' • • • : • • . • . / • • . • . : " • • •••.••/ /•'.•• V ' V : If it were possible to bring the Ukrainian sufferers to Amer- negie Hall speech which was not at- can really be practiced in America." ica, the situation would be immeasurably relieved. But "With tacked by the Zionists because they our present immigration restrictions, and with, the threat of were busy repairing- whatever dam- Perhaps it is this "religious side of Experienced Hebrew Teacher Trill glee further restrictions, we are faced with a very discouraging pros- age they thought the Cause sustained Zangwill that waited to be discovered PRIVATE LESSONS front Mr. Zangwill'a shells hurled at in America. For of all things he has pect, insofar as the Jews of Ukrainia are concerned. HEBREW, YIDDISH. With these facts before world Jewry, as merely one aspect the?:movement and its leaders. It was said here, none coining from him is : JEWISH HISTORY. of the serious problems confronting us^who can rest peacefully? left to Mr, Marshall, the Christian more surprising than his faith in the Science JMoaitor and also the New Call Webster .4781. durability of the Faithl We must give these problems much more thought than we have in the past.' We must come to the ireaUzation that the mere York American to stoutly resist Zanggiving of money will not rehabilitate',, but at best will only re- will's assertion, "If there is no Jew- . There is another chapter which 'lieve, and eventually pauperize. We in America cannot live in ish vote today, it is a disgrace, not a might be called Israel and Mrs. Zangisolation, for our co-religionists and brothers are everywhere, policy to- be commended."" That Mr. will. "I anticipate the consequences," Zangwill-himself urged upon said he*, speaking of. his approaching and call to us to help solve their pressing- problems. -.But we at the Jews "to protect Jheinselves lectufeibefbre" the "League of Political no time can permit ourselves to forget that we can help them express -their ethical conceptions," did Education when he intends to tell "the .when we are most efficient and When we attend"to all our own not appease the American, which in- truth about America." "I have sent affairs and use our greatest intelligence in the solution of these sists "they do not need to protect for Mrs. Zangwill so as to have one bl problems. themselves and they have no ethical friendly person near- to bury me and ggone forth for moneyy and more conceptions." Nor does it placate the The call heretofore has f t h d thought, t h h t Monitor,-Which' -finds "Mr. Zangwill wind up my affairs." money., But the call.henceforth mustt b be ffor workk and (Copyright, 1&23, J. T. A.) unintermittent and uninterrupted, to the end that the. Jews of has specifiednagrounds for a Jewish the Ukraine shall once again' be self-sustaining and indepen- vote" and asks: "Why should there be dent, and not dependent upon alms from America. Future con- a Jewish vote, any more than a Welsh, ferences should not look to the perfecting of collecting agencies, Scottish 'or Danish vote? There are but should, aim to create organizations that will enable our no-national or state laws that discrim-brethren in that stricken, land to stand on. their own feet.— inate against fhe Jews." Mr. Mar. "The Mohl" "Detroit Chronicle." shall, who declared that "for years the Residence. 1343 Ho. 2Stb St. Trl. Atlantic 6037. leaders of Jewish' thought in America Place of Ba*lit«'*«,*gSS3 Harney St. have with emphasis decried the intiTrf. ATlantie SE31. mation emanating from those who do not understand the genius of American institutions-," asserts "the thought SUNDAY, November 4, Jfew York Suffers From Zangivillitis, the British novelist and feminist, reMr. Solomon an3 Mrs. Baylia cannot be tolerated that' the citizens Zatt&tvlll From Atnerlcanltlo—Zaiig•wlH and the Jewish Congress-^-Zanj- ceive cordial but brief enough ,uotices of this country] should form racial - ' Zislin; ' . I -will and the I»npern—Zangwill, and recently of KU»B1% are opening tip a on arrival and the scantiest mention i Xouls -Marshall—ZangwlU and-ZJoyd or religious'groups iri the exercise of Jewish school at 181* N«Jrth 21st St., ! (Searffe—Zangwlll and the Theatre— on departure. Even when they create fhey will tench reading and their civic and political- functions."' wherq ; Zaligwlll and Jpdaism—Zangwlll and writing Yiddish and Hebrew. Claise* \ SIM. Zanttwlll * a furore, i t is silenced the day follow- His' finiii assurance ia thai; "our fel- wilt be held from 4:00 to 3:00 o'clock. lesions can alxobe given from B3T GERSHON AGHO>'SKY, ing because, notoriously," authors and low-citizens need not "fear that Mr. Private to four ••eloelc. CaU Walnut 3118. • ' What is there about' Israel; Zangwill, scientists and their like, while perfect- Zangwill's views" on this subject are .the question is asked, that makes him ly capable of producing occasional shared by any appreciable number of the centre of the Jewish stage nearly sensations are utterly unable to the Jews of the United States." a month, after his arrival in New York, sustain, them, and it is, left to the WANTED!! a fortnight after.his famous Carnegie publishers to catch' the readers by AN EXPERIENCED SALESIn a covering statement through Hall speech before the Jewish Con- means of honeyed or acidy blurbs. LADY for GENERAL CLOTHthe Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Mr. ING STORE. Inquire at Jewish gress? What is there about this man * • * Press. Zangwill later explained that hisidea •will not let people forget he is in our midst? New York, an 'aflept at re- And here is the -'writer: Zangwill, is "a religious ^or-ethical vote,like the - in England." ceiving, -welcoming and honoring Which will undoubtedly arouse more distinguished foreigners, sterna unmentioned in connection with the ire and draw more fire. So that the able to "get over" him. That he was not, WANTED!! Pot", which endeared him to Jewish vote chapter, too, cannot be noticed on arrival was only to he ex- "Melting JEWISH GIRL for LIGHT Americans, the "Dreamers of the pected. . No. sea-voyager vrtio is Ghetto1,', which,made him,the idol of said to fee entirely closed. HOUSEWORK. Apply at 3420 prominent ^enough to-be-listed by the hundreds of thousands ,-of Jews, : Leavenworth St. " . : The polite controversy between the press.agents of the steamship- conv '-'Jenny the Carrier,? which must have aTwo Watchmen,"' as- the" Times r&* panies.but he is noted by the vigilant made him very popular with his neighcity editors and1, in tionseqttence put bors^ in Sussexj or r his translation; of through" the third, degree by. the .Jaded the, poems of jbn Gabirol, -the late*st of : FORR3&NT!! , sea-faring ship^-news reporters who. go his published efforts, which confirms FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SENDER MILLMAN put on.the tiny meet the his reputation as a poet as well as,a YOUNG OR OLD COUPLE. - Recently or. Palertlne quarantined palaces of the sea. But scholar—here is Zangwill, apparently Call Webster 6151 for further A graduate of a Russian Unlterfcity the ritual of. interviewing performed, forgetful of his books, who explodes particulars. . - is an and the celebrity shunted to his hotel, bombshells wherever he turns, providExpert Instructor he is usually forgotten the next day ing, "copy "...for the newspapers betogether with the "stickful" or so of cause of what he gays and means to ia Heb'reW .and Jewish publicity his reputation or'his exploits say and more "copy" later on front FOR RENT—REASONABLE— having fifteen years of experience. He wishes to glre £>r'wite lessons One or two modem rooms with earned for him. Uriless he be a people who disagree with what, he to beginners and advanced pupils. privilege t« use dining room French pharmacist with' a miracle' says. • For further lnfofrnfttioa call and kitchen to gentlemen of - -working phrase on i his .lips about * * * ':KEnwood 2401.- . couple with good r e f e r e n c e . getting better and. better. .Or an Eng- Forcthe nonce it seems as, if /New Call WE bster 0386. lish author come^ to-show-Americans York were infected with.ZangTrillhis. how to communicate" with-the "Spirit He moves about town spreading the world. Or a Vienese bonesetter daily, germ of discontent generating sparks performing clinical wonders upon the of irritability, rousing calm people out lame, the blind and the halting. Next of their sobriety or resignation, - - ' - Our people' - , . to these conjurers and healers are the criticizing -without, however, Scolding* ex-offlcio .statesmen, especially Allied analysing :withoiit preaching. And to always find a warm welcome arid, ' -war-time:,premiers and generals be* the extent that Zangwillitis spreads, good service at hind whom there is believed (in the Zangwill himself becomes exposed to /'city rooms") to be a ^ o l e n t public the virus of AraericanitiS. Hid apsentiment unqualifiedly opposed to re petite for reproving, and improving, moving, the "stories", qf-,-the war-r America seems to grow with' the more iieroes' movements and speeches from iie of it. And just as O B t ted th h he |»age One. But noted, authors who as, America (if tne ;Fress ,xs a%ex- at % ti t ^ t b & k l i k y i t pressioiv.of of America).- has taken to: hiiiniiiHUIIIttlVlliiniHUltuiiliiliH


temporary Mayor of Tiberias, filling the office vacated by the removal of the former Mayor Husseini Zaravi, who was accused of having abused his office.

W. J. Yates Accounting Co,


























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. • • • . :

The Jewish community in Tiberias; which constitutes th emajority of the town's population, is hopeful of having the office of Mayor permanently occupied by a Jew.




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WEDDINGS BASLAW-LEFKOWITZ. " Cards have been issued for the marriage -of. Miss Bertha Lefkowitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lefkowitz, t a Mr. Jack Milton Baslaw, of New York City, which will he solemnized Sunday, November 18, a t the Swedish Auditorium. Numerous affairs are being planned to honor Miss Lefkowitz before her marriage. Among them will be an evening bridge party to be given by Mrs. Michael Cohen a t her home F r i day evening. Saturday afternoon Miss Esther, Lefkowitz will entertain'at a luncheon and bridge .party a t the Brandeis Tea Booms.

Sol Goldstrom was toastmistress, and Blumenthal returned from a motor. S. Greenberg a t . her home Sunday THOKPE1AN ATHLETIC CLUB the following women spoke for the trip to Sioux City, l a . j evening in honor of Mrs. Nalibow. The Thorpeian Athletic Club held a month t h a t they represented: JanuHalloween meeting' "Wednesday eveMiss Betty Fine, who h a s been, visMr. and Mrs. J. Katz, of Brooklyn, ary, Mrs. Ferdinand Adler; February, ning, October SI, Halloween. stuuts_ Mrs. Henry Hiller; March, Mrs. I. Zie- iting with relatives and friends in the N. Y., are the house guests for the were gopig on continually., Motion gler; April, Mrs. Dollie EJgutter; May, east, is expected to return home the week of Mr. and Mrs. Bon Levinsky. pictures, -isitiatkm, and ,-a -hailoweeB Mrs. R. Kulakofsky; July, Mrs. Fred- early part of the week. Mrs. Louis Weinberg, of Spring- feed followed. The boxing -matches erick Cohn; August, Mrs. H. S. KaMiss Pauline Ziegman entertained valley, 111., who is visiting with her that were booked were postponed das men; September, Mrs. H. Rosenfeldt; at bridge Friday evening at her home relatives here, has been the guest of to the lengthy program. October, Mrs. H . Trustin; November, complimentary to Miss Mollye Pries- honor at a number of affairs given. Mrs. I. Rosenthal; and December, Mrs. man, of San Francisco, Calif., who Mesdames J . Blank and A. R» Muskin Samuel ULatz. was visiting here a t the home of her entertained last Thursday, October 18, aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. Alt- at their home for eighteen guests, Mr-. and Mrs. C . H. Shames have taken an apartment a t the E l Beudor m a n > *** ^ ^ Miss Blanche Alt- honoring Mrs. Weinberg. Mrs. Ernest tfalibow, of Oakland, Calif., who left Apartments for the winter. Mrs. man,_ returning to her home Sunday Meyers was hostess at an afternoon bridge last Friday a t her home. Mrs. Sunday for her home. Prizes were Shames returned the early part; of the e v e n u i S ' Max Cohn, of Council Bluffs, sister of won "by Mrs. C. H . Weinstein, and week from Chicago, HI., where she had Miss IX-*rothy Shapiro spent the past Mrs. Weinberg, entertained in her Mrs. J . Spiegal. ' , ' ." visiting -with h e r parents, !Mr. week in Lincoln, Nebr., as the house honor last- Tuesday- afternoon a t the and' Mrs. M. Messer. guest of Miss Lilly Seidman. Brandeis Tea Rooms a t bridge lunch-Mr. Aaron Davidson, of Falls City, formerly of this city, is expected t o Mr. Emil Ganz h a s received word Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wise an- eon. Mrs. Sam-Gross was hostess _&t arrive here Sunday, November 1 1 , to from Washington that he was elected nounce the birth of a baby, daughter, a luncheon at the Brandeis last visit with his parents and to attend the.Nebraska Representative of the Mildred Joy, on Thursday* October 25, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R. Kulathe B'nai B'rith Carnival. Mr. David- American Society of Certified Public at the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Wise kof sky -was .hostess a t a 1 o'clock son just returned t o Falls City from Accountants. ; was Miss Rebecca Bercovici before luncheon yesterday at h e r home, and Mrs. A. Katskee will entertain next California, where he was a national her marriage. • ••-,-. Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Weinberg. delegate to the American JLegion Con- ' $ £ r . and Mrs. L. M. Cohn left Wednesday morning to spend :a year Mrs. E . Fredericks and son, Carl, vention. ::•••'. in California. / are in New York visiting with Mr. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Mrs. Herbert Arnstein entertained a Fredericks parents. Prior to returnThe B'nai B'rith Auxiliary is enternumber of young friends of herj ing home, Mrs. Fredericks and son children a t an afternoon Halloween! taining a t their annual Thanksgiving will visit relatives and friends in party Tuesday afternoon, a t her home. dance, November 29, a t "the Fontenelle Schenectady, N . Y., and Cleveland, O.

Victor Victrolas At


PODROFSKI-LEVIN. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Newman will Miss Gertrude. Levin, daughter of entertain a t dinner this evening a t the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levin, was mar- Brandeis Restaurants followed by a ried t o Mr. Lewis PodrofsM, of Chi- theatre party a t the Brandeis Theatre cago, EL, Sunday evening, October for eight guests in honor of Mr. New28, a t the home of h e r parents before man's brother, Mr. Ralph -Newman, of the presence of only the immediate St. Louis, Mo., who is "visiting with family, followed by 2. reception for Mr.;Newman and family. ; one hundred guests. JThe marriage Mr. Herman Horwich, of Denver, lines were read by Rabbi I . M. Charlop. The bride had a s h e r attendants Colo., formerly of this city, spent the Mrs. Dave Silbert, sister of the groom week in Omaha with his mother, Mrs. as t h e matron of honor, and the brides- K. Horwich, who i s slowly recovering maids were the Misses Rose Kraft and from a broken a r m . Libby PodrofskL Mr. Dave Silbert, of The Auflebung club will hold a regChicago, was the groom's best man ular meeting Sunday evening a t 8 The out-of-town guests present were o'clock a t the Jewish Community CenMr. and Mrs. PodrofsM, parents of thi ter. A program is being arranged. groom; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Silbert, and Miss Libby PodrofsM, all of ChiThe Post Confirmation Class of the cago, HL Temple held a hard times party, last The' young couple left immediately Saturday evening a t t h e Temple. after the reception for New York City, Messrs. T^mil and Victor M. Ganz the Niagara Falls and t h e Bermuda are in Kansas City, Mo., attending the Islands, to be gone for several -weeks Convention of American. Institute of after which they will be in Chicago 111., where they will make their home. Accountants. • Before her marriage, Sunday, October 28, Miss Gertrude Levin was quite extensively entertained.. Among those who entertained was her sister, Mrs. William Boasberg, "who entertained Saturday evening for the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. J l a x Levin h a d four t a bles oic bridge Saturday night for the out-of-town visitors. MrsL Harry M a r t s , sister of Miss Levin, entertained in her honor and for the out-oftown visitors Saturday.

Sunday, November 4, the club will hold another of i t s series of Sunday B%Kt dances with Adam's orchestra, at Moose W O , 28th and Farnam Sts. On Sunday, November 11, the club will not hold its regular dance on account of the B'nai B'rith carnival, but will resume • their dances on Sunday, November 18,

Mrs. Cora Wolf entertained bridge Saturday a t her home-

•.•' •


"Mr. Edward Gluck is leaving SunMesdames S.- Nathan, J . P. Cohn day for California, where h e will Carl Furth are leaving the latter part of the week for St. Louis, Mo., spend the winter months. where they m i l attend the Council of Mrs. A- Bomm entertained eight Jewish Women National Convention, guests at her home Friday afternoon. to "be held Sunday, November 11. Mrs. Robert Nalibow, formerly of Among the noted speakers at'the Conthis city, who h a s been visiting here vention will be Mrs. Ernest 1* Franklin,:' of London, Eng.; Mrs. Carrie with h e r mother, Mrs. L. Coren, and Chapman Catt, president of the Inter- other relatives for t h e past two national Women's Suffrage Associa- months, returned to her home in Oaktion, and Judge Florence E. Allen, of land, Calif M Sunday evening, Mrs. Nalibow was formerly Miss Fanny Coren the Supreme Court of Ohio. and during h e r visit here was extensMr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, their ively entertained by her many friends, daughter, Estelle, and her house guest, who also presented h e r with gifts. A Miss Mary Pritkin, of Denver, to- family house party was given by Mrs. gether with Mr. Harry Silvermanand Mr*' and Mrs. Samuel Schaefer and young son, Louis, motored t o Lincoln Saturday,-returning Sunday morning. Just a few exceptional Mrs. Louis Ziev returned last Saturday from a visit i n St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn.

Mr. Ralph Newman, of St. Louis, Mo., is the guest of h i s brother, Mr. a t David M. Newman, and family.

Rabbi Frederick Cohn will talk on Twenty-five members of the Lin- "Out of Zion, or the New Prophet in coln Sisterhood are expected in Oma- Israel," Friday evening at 8 o'clock h a Monday, November 5, to attend the 'at Temple Israel. Saturday morning annual Reciprocity day between the Omaha Temple IsraelJSisterhood and j "BlumeTptB'al "and MrV Joe the Lincoln Sisterhood, to 1>e held'at the Bhickstone Hotel.- Mrs. Harry Blumenthal motored to Kansas City, Rosenfeld, who is in charge of the af- Mo., last Sunday t o be the guests of fair, has arranged the following pro- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Studna and son. gram: A talk by Mrs. N . P . Feil, a Mrs. David Hearsh, of Kansas City, recitation by Mrs. B . R. Boasberg; a Mrs. A. PodrofsM is -visiting a t the paper to be read by. Mrs. L Rosenthal, Mo., is visiting here as the: guests of home of Mrs. Arnold Levin. She ar- and a group of songs by Miss Molly Mrs. Max Davis. She will visit here rived here from Chicago to attend the Goetz. A luncheon f o r - t h e visitors for about two weeks. wedding of her son, Mr. Lewis Pod- and members of t h e Sisterhood will be Mrs. Samuel Burnstein, of Kansas rofski, to Miss Gertrude Levin. Mrs, given, following the program. : City, Mo-, is the guest of her mother, Levin entertained for her visitor Mrs. William Kohan. Miss Flo Shames returned home Wednesday evening, and Mrs. William Boasberg entertained Tuesday night Monday morning from a month's visit Mr. Louis Margolin left Saturday in honor of Mrs. PodrofskL Mrs. in Chicago, HI., with Mr. and Mrs. M. evening for New York City. H e will Max Levin will entertain a t an Or- Messer and with h e r aunt and uncle, be gone for about two weeks. pheura" Theatre Party, and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Mat Smith. She also Marks will entertain a t a theatre stopped off a t Des Mqines, la., on Mr. and Mrs. F . Tuchman and party Saturday evening in honor of return hosie: and spent several days daughter, Rosalie, and Miss Esther there. the visitor. Miss Martye Weinstein will be hostess to the R a Oth Society Sunday afternoon, November 18, at her home. On Sunday, October 28, Miss Fanny Brodsky entertained the members a t her home and prizes were won by Mrs. Max- Fromkin, and the Misses Martye Weinstein and Stella Trochtenberg.

Mr. Carl Katleman entertained a t a Halloween dinner danee a t the Omaha Athletic club Wednesday evening. The High School Class a t the Temple Israel held a Halloween party a t the Temnle Wednesday.

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.Stock is Limited We also have a few machines accepted in trades. Every one reconditioned and a genuine bargain.

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Rialto Theatre BWg,


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MOKHEIT'S Chiropodist and Beauty Shop

~ Estnblisbec! 1890 15th and Harnfiy tStmrta. Give us a chance to appreciate your bnsiness • For appointments call Ja. B774.

Mr. and Mrs. J . Radman nave as their guests fheir daughters, Mrs. A. Mr. G. Pred, of Pender, Nebr., spent Rips,.and son, and Mrs. L Bernstein several days in Omaha last week. both of Tulsa,_Okla. :" : . -]:•] Mr. and Mrs. ~E. Treller returned EDA L F R E i n ^ v Prop. The Council of Jewish Women en- j from Excelsion Springs, Mo., Sunday. tgrtained .at one, of the most _ elab• Miss Fanny Segelman- is visiting orate affairs of the year when they with her sisters, Mrs. Dave Redman entertained at a luncheon at the Black-, 311 South 16th j and Mrs. Ben J . Sigel, of Ottumwa, l a . stone Hotel Monday noon, preceding Phoue Atlantic 8010. their October ineeting^ Covers were "Miss Estelle Lapidus has- as her laid for about ninety, guests a t eleven ' ;':•••; . Open Evenings. house guest, Miss Mary PritMn, of tables, each table being; decorated to Denver, Colo., who is being extensive- represent ia month, and the guests Only Jewish Florist j in town. ly entertained whil ehere. WEDDING BOUQUETS. were seated a t the table .signifying Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun'entertained the month that they were born. Mrs. at a dinner party Friday evening.


Mrs. Al Hoffman and daughter Shirley, of Kansas City, Mo., who is visiting with h e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, is leaving for home Sunday. Among those who were hostesses for Mrs.- Hoffmann "were Mrs. J . Corby a t bridge, last Wednesday; Mrs. T. Kaplan a t a theatre party last Thursday afternoon; Mrs, L. Nathan entertained a t bridge Saturday afternoon;. .Tuesday afternoon Mrs. M. Marcus was hostess a t bridge; Mrs. Jaye Wright. w a s hostess a t bridge yesterday afternoon; this afternoon Mrs. A. Labowitz will entertain at her home a t a luncheon, and on Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ernie Meyers will be hostess a t bridge. '




Meals wili be served noon to mid-night -1

Mrs. Cora Wolf i s visiting with her sister, Mrs. Walter Apple, at Denver, Colo.

Admission $1.00 per couple

Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenberg entertained a t a farewell bridge party Wednesday evening. October. 25,. in "honor 6£~£iit .:*iBterp. "Mxsi "Sobert

Proceeds to go to War Orphans and Anti-Defamation League

1 fc 4 » * * ,


HE JEWISH PRESS Bluffs, la., is the home of has ust recently announced her enThe Jewish Educational Alliance away some of the products for mora her mother, 2-irs. H. Arenson. gagement to Mr. Sam-Goldfein. will hold its monthly meeting and careful study. dan&sT Sunday evening at the "ComnmMrs. Simon Nefsky has. returned The "Hebrew ..Educational t.Sodety -. Mr. and Mrs. C. Labowitz, of Co' By S. BOSENFBLD Center. . :. < . . . ' ' . • HITLER WARNS ITALY . (Copyright 1023, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) held their- meeting, Sunday/ October lumbus, Nebr., announce the birth of a from Excelsior Springs, Mo. OF SEMITIC EMPIRE babyboy. It is true. The Jews today in Poland welded together into one harsh. 28. A dance followed.-the meeting. t Rome. (J. T. A.) Adolph Hitler is TRIBUTES'PALESTINE are living in peaceful times. Life is strident voice of the democratic Pres-, Miss Johannah Garson returned to Mrs. Joseph Sarbach, of Nebraska seeking to impregnate Italy with his i PAVILION AT normal, the atmosphere is quiet, there ident of our democratic Republic. Lincoln from New York^and Chicago, Gity, is in Lincoln visiting with her poison. In an interview with the ItalThe Ivre club gave a Halloween •* MOSCOW EXPOSITION is no dust thrown in our eyes, no He went on a tour over a part of! "where she .visited."friends''and rela- brother; Mr. Gus Friend, who has been dance last Wednesday evening, Octoian Fascisti organ, the "Corriere ItalBerlin. <J. T. A.) The Palestine ' ' ' • . • stones at our heads; there are no'ex- Poland. As befits the President h e1 tives. ' . _ / ; • • • - ' _ , , ill. • ber 31, at the K. C. ball room. A large pavilion at the agricultural exposition iano," Hitler predicts a Semitic Emcesses, no Jews beingi thrown- out of was received everywhere by large pire stretching from Vladivostok to Messrs. • Dave Chuflacof f> -Ben Min- Mrs. Chas. Shire and Mrs. Victor crowd attended. held in Moscow impressed profoundly the Rhine "if Jewish Marxism defeats trains, in motion or stationary, ho 'crowds. At 'one of these receptions Jewish beards are cut, while the Jews in his honor, he delivered a solemn; kin and: the^Misses Rebecca Azorin, Friend will give- a luncheon Saturday The Hebrew Ladies' Auxiliary held both Jew and non-Jew, reports D. nationalism." Anna Greetaberg, of-Omaha, in honor of Mrs. Fox, who is visiting a card party last Sunday evening at Ben Gorien, representative of the are asleep nor while they are. awake, speech — a patriotic, statesmanlike Bess and The Reichsbank, he declares, is in : Jewish labor ~* organization of Pales- the hands of the international Jewish no ear-locks are cut, with sqissers nor speech. The ex-Socialist ex-emigre spent Sunday- in" "Lincoln-' visiting here from Texas. the Community Center. ' -' " » '•.':'•' tine, who was the director, of the pa- financiers and all foreign credits fall , with swords, no bombs are thrown at President of Poland, declared that the friends. Mr. Jack .Gilson and Mr. Max ShosMrs. -M. Racklin departed last week vilion. Jewish institutions, intentionally nor Poles must be sole masters in their' Mr. Dave _.Cohn,-of -Omaha, spent tak'are the newly elected members of into the hands of these financiers, "by mistake". Everything is in order, "country—a country in which forty per* Sunday in Lincoln visiting-friends. -' the Ivre club. The club gave a Hal- for Chicago, 111., where she will visit Russian and Jewish peasants from bringing no benefit to Germany." relatives and-friends. as it should be in a civilized country cent of the population belong to the; all parts of the country expressed loween dknce at the Ivre club rooms Minority nationalities. There is a lot) - Mr. and';Mrs. A. "Kahn and mother, Wednesday, October 81. inhabited by civilized people. Mr. Edward E. Baron has been their astonishment at the products ex: How long it will last, who can say? more that he said, that Poland is not1 Mrs. Rose Newman, drove to Eancoln chosen chairman of the committee on hibited, declares Mr. Ben Gorien, addtip The first affairs given by the B. G's, religious propaganda for the National ing that agricultural authorities as- p Not in Poland alone; but in the whole a State of nationalities but a national to visit Mr. and Mrs; Eisler. • of Central Europe we are sitting on State, and that those who do not be-^ A reception was held_S.unday, Oc- a newly organized girls' social club, Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, serte*d that some of the products were a volcano. The slightest thing may long to the nation which is the domi-* tober 21,-at the-home-of, Mrs.. Sarah. ,was a weiner roast at Antelope Park according to advice received here last ^unequalled in any part of Europe.; Many .higher seats of learning carried have terrible consequences, and * in nant nation in the State are not true" Greenstone, honoring' her" son," Sam, Tuesday evening, October 23, followed week from New York City. Poland, in regard to the Jews especial? Poles, and must occupy a subordinate and his bride, who .were, married;in by :a business meeting at the home of The Maccabaean Chapter of Young Iy, it is even more so. But at present position in the country and'dn its gov-* Sioux City, la., October 16...A num- the Misses Polsky. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Gert- Judae held their regular meeting last THE BRLNN & JENSEN CO. * ; things are quiet, Polish politicians eminent. : ber of affairs were given in their Wednesday evening at the Community Wholesale paper and financiers are travelling .about The speech caused a bit of a sensa-I honor during the - week . they spent rude Fogelson. distributors for Center. Europe trying to secure loans, to sell tion. There was an outcry against here. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Dia- ; Mrs. Lew Polsky is visiting with Northern Toilet Tissue concessions, to attract foreign capital, the -Pxesident. The speech, could not mond entertained .at a theatre-party. relatives in - Chicago and Milwaukee 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. The Zionist Organization elected the 1112 Harney Street and even our incompetent politicians be reconciled with the Polish Constitu- Saturday evening Mrs.' L. Krechefsky for a month.-" ATlantic 0340. following officers for the coming AT-lantic 6409 know that when you want other tion. The Opposition parties in the entertained at a family-dinner. Monyear: Mr. R. H. Emline, president; The Sunday Night Bridge club met Mrs. Barney Baron, vice president; people's-money, it is better to leave Sejm disagree with what the Presidenf- day afternoph Mrs. I/Ellis"entertained the Jews alone. Jewish. weeping is said. He .was. attacking not only the at a theatre party.- Mrs. Diamond en- Sunday, October 28, at the home of Mrs. A. M. Helfgott, secretary; and PAXTON-MITCHELL- CO. never a very valuable asset on the National Minorities, without whose tertained the same evening at three1 Mr..and Mrs. Ben Polsky. • Mr. J. London, treasurer. • HEN t-.tb and Martha St». HA. 1662 financial market. Of course, it is a votes he would not have been elected tables of bridge. The following evenManufacturers ' of Brass, Bronze, The Menofah club held its regular BISCUIT C0. shame that it should be so, that people President, but also the whole of the ing- Mrs. ft. Garson entertained at .a Mrs. Leon Davidson returned last Aluminum and.Soft Gray Iron Castings, Voa .are assured of soft castings, as should listen to the cries of the Jews Opposition. He said that laws ought family dinner. Wednesday 'evening meeting Sunday," October 28. Miss week from a few weeks' visit at Ex- we machine some from every heat In Snow White our ~ own shop. and refuse to give money,'-but that is to be enforced to gag the Press. And the Waxtnan sisters"entertained at Bernice Diamond gave a very inter- celsior Springs, Mo. Bakeries Standard size cast iron and bronze how things are and when money, is what does it mean that Poles* should dinner.1 The following d a y Mr. and esting talk on, the Jewish Contribubushings in stock. <Keg. C. 8. Pat. Miss Dena Martha Baron, daughter Offlce.) wanted it is necessary to recognize be "sole masters in the country"? Mrs. Greenstone left for their home in ,tion to Intellectual-Thought in-the Middle Ages. -Mr. Harry Cohn spoke of Mr. and Mrs. B. Baron, entertained facts. And after all, the world is a Does it mean that only Poles have the Sioux City. Mrs. Greenstone was Miss nineteen children at a luncheon at her decent place even with the Jews in ,ii: right to adopt laws and execute them, Courshon, of Sioux City, before her on Rituals.' home last Saturday in honor of her Carpenter Paper Co. Dr. Kuafman,va- Rabbi from New tenth birthday. so long as the - manger is not * left |• that only Poles have the right to oc- marriage. " ' > F. & MOEEY. Prop. Distributors ol York, conducted the Friday night servcupy posts in the Government? That empty. Phone Webster 0820 Western Bond—and High Miss Minnie Greenstone "will be in ices and attended .the Sunday School The B'nai B'rith Lodge held a meet1S in contradiction to the ConstituWhen times are quiet every Jew THE LAUNDRY THAT Grade Stationery busies himself about his occupation; tion of which the President is the Omaha Thursday and while there will Classes and Junior Congregation, leav- ing, last Tuesday evening at the ComEVERYBODY LIKES. Omaha. Nebraska. he sits on the doorstep of his shop or I supreme guardian.. But all this outcry attend the Perlemeter-Nogg wedding ing Sunday afternoon for New York. munity Center. which will take place Sunday, Novemhe stands about on the pavements near against the President's speech was Miss Hazel^Sfeinberg gave a HalThe Monthly meeting of the Mt. ' . ' • * ' . the "Black" Exchange."" Everything is only accidental. It was only by chance ber 4. ' loween shower and hard times party Sinai Temple Sisterhood was held last moving up or down, generally up, be-that the Constitution was remembered. . Pepper, Ylee-PresideBS. Mrs, Dave CheTniss,' of Council in honor of Miss Ruth Nefsky, who Friday at the Temple Social Center. W. O. Cre. Secretary. cause if you don't pull upward,.some- It happened that the President deliverShoes and Gent's Furnishings body else is pulling you 3own, . so! ed his incautious address just at the Featuring Emerson and Omaha Fixture & Dunlap Shoes—S5 to $12. everybody pulls upward and every- moment when The Hague Tribunal of FtFIiL DEESS SUITS AND TDXEDOS Supply Co. ' ft thing is rising. Justice expressed its view that for sale or rent, Pione JA. S12S 109 North i6tn St. COMPLETE STOBE AND On the whole things would,not be Poland's acts in regard to the NaOFFICE OUTFITTERS bad for the Jew, the merchant, the tional Minorities ar enot in accordance We occupj twister, the extortioner; maybe they with her international obligations. Not wnt SQCBN SM$ . would even be very good for him, only a very fine testimonial for "the State _ Sastbwegt Cecner there is something wrong—it is im- dependent on international support. ISSevmitb sort Deoclat Streets. Fhonn: Jacbs«n £721 possible * to sleep, there is always And at the same time, the French OMAHA. KTE3. something buzzing in the air which League for Human Rights was interwon't let you fall asleep. As long as, vening with the French government, you run about "and things are rising asking it to bring to the immediate and falling, it is not so bad. You notice of the League of Nations the are occupied, you don't notice things. question of the numerous clausus in And really,"it is quiet on the whole. Poland in order to prevent such violaEvery Known E n d Nearly four months, and there have tion of the rights of the minorities. of Insurance been no excesses. But if you stop for ' The President's speeches, therefore, 209 W. O. W. Bldg. 3A. 3944. a while and listen carefully to this sounded like a . sort of challenge. JA ckson 1862 continual quiet buzzing, you will not lertain elements felt a little humilbe able to fall asleep any more. iated, not so much because their conA whole list of little unimportant science smote them, but because they "Let Us Move You" WASH AND KEEP WELL events during the last month: feared what was being said by others A RULE OF HEALTH A Polish intellectual, a barrister of whom Poland has need. If it were FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY named Koblinsky, of Lodz1, assaults a not for that, nobody would bother Operated by member of tho Polish Parliaxnant, a very much about the President's 1S19 California Street. Babbi, because he dares to come into speeches and the fact that they are the same-railway compartment. ATlantic 0230 JAcfcson 4338 in contradiction to the constitution. It ' A young murderer is put on trial. was pure coincidence and nothing He has killed a young Jew. He doesn't more—annoying, it is true, but not understand what all the fuss is about. something to take seriously into acEFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE LAtTNOSX. What crime has he committed? It count. Where yonr clothes come home was only a Jew that he killed^ cleaner and last ioncer. On the whole?; though we are living Draggists and Stationers In the heart of Poland, in the capital ATI&ntle C28O. 1507-11 Jacbsoa St. 4QI-40S-405 South iotb SSree* city of Warsaw, crowds of lads gather in a time of quiet in this beautifulH. A. JACOBBEEGER, Pres. outside Jewish shops and refuse, to let Fatherland of ours. Let it be placed on record! non-Jews enter. They swear at them, threaten, them, they even resort to blows. The police are well bred, they PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Certified Public Accountants will not interfere in other' people's Audits \ .' Systems ' affairs. Investigations , in a little town in Galicia, the , «S4 to 440 Peters Trust ISld Phones, ttacttsan 4313, SSI4. Rozwoj anti-Semites want a house which is occupiedby Jews. Suddenly Omaha Office: SIS Douglas Street. Omaha Fhon» &tla&tlo 2536 there is a host of witnesses to swear Ford Transfer & Storage Co. that theyhave seen a vision of a saint E. A. FORB. outside the house. A crowd assembles President end General Alsnacer. and a pilgrimage is made to the spo.t, Coon**!! Bltiff's (lovra) Office 700 So. Mais Street. Fheoe S6E. services are conducted outside it, and the Jews are driven out of the house 'One of America's Great Hotels'which has become a shrine. There' is considerable A Professor of mathematics" "at change in the style of ladies' Warsaw University' boast's publicity coats this fall. Many old OCR TEE.W.WNT fftU that in a number of Faculties at the garments can be made to CONVINCE VQV OF OCR PINCEItnT Polish universities a numerous clausus COUKOTC, BX.ITFF8. SA. conform to the new styles Trust Department. .. has been operating against the Jews by careful alteration. We Safety Deposit Boxes. Service is Our Alotto for some considerable time. No Jews are doing it in many cases. Sare Deposit Boses tov Kent. at all are-admitted. There has been Bring your coat in and no need for a decision of the Sejm, talk it over with us and let for debates, and laws; and the Profes-» us advise what can be done. ' sor speaks of it gleefully as. something .. of which to be proud, and the Mjniste If no alteration is desired, "Manufactured in Omaha" ?Ztot Education stands up and praises let us dean or dye it and BUTTER and EGGS BAKER £CB MACHINE CO. . the Professor. put it jn> first-class condiCouncil Bluffs, Is, \ The Minister for Finance passes as " tion. ' constitutional the articles of a limited Our prices are very •; "company containing a clause that no reasonable and our work is may %J y become shareholders, and guaranteed in every respect. " defends his action on the ground that Don't wait for cold weather Made fey 'joinery-group ja entitled to sel£-deter—do it now. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST The Ministry for War and the FOOD CO. • ; OBSAKA. %^ Ministryfor'the Interior are gradually *>'••' -^ing'out"every Jewish official, even ifd. ^producer at one of the opera GEONEWEO & SCHOENTGEN CO. "Good Cleaners and Dyers" j.^/jnouses,' ThV' Jewish proletariat of Wholesale Distributors S t i St.":. * / . 4383\ Telephone JAekscm 1302 South Side. 24tJj and L: . . --MA; 1283.

Times in Poland





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