November 8, 1923

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The world is full of willing people; some willing to work, and others to stand firound \ \ and watch. |

It i$n-t, your position, but your disposition, that makes yc or unhappy. •*.-'**%•-:*

i VOL I I VVJi-i. H .

nd class 1921 at N o 4RV;%;'VV aa second class mall mall matter, on 1Januarj 27th. 1921 V% at Omaha. XNO. 4Q . ^ . - ; 3ca at Omaha. Nebraska, Nebraska under under the the1 Act Act of of March March 3. 3 18TO. 18TO





November s; 1923*




A program of. unusual variety and attractiveness, one that will please 4nd delight every one who witnesses it, which will combine "in ^harming style both popular and classical numbers and which will, at the same time, present some of the most talented of-the city's entertainers, is that of the special vaude- No Banquet to Be Held This ville shovfirf be given in connection with the B'nai B'rith carnival YEAR. But "Eats" Will at the Auditorium Sunday. . . . Be Served. Entire Proceeds of The Carnival Will Go Towards The The show Will begin promptly at 4:30, arid everyone who enjoys' clean wholesome entertainment is urged. to be at the INTERESTING PROGRAM IS , Care of The 25 War Orphans Adopted By The Auditorium at that time to witness- this vaudeville. As preBEING ARRANGED Lodge and To The Anti-Defamation League. viously announced there will be no admission charged for the FOR ALL. performance., WORKERS TO BE ON HAND EARLY SUNDAY KARL LICHTENDORF, " Beginning the show will be seven-year-old • Vivian Stien, in The third annual Father and Son One of the twenty-five*war.orphans a series of character dances, assisted by Al Finkel. Persons who evening, for all Jewish fathers and MORNING TO MAKE THIS EVENT ONE adopted by the local lodge of the B'nai witnessed the YMHA vaudeville last April will remember Vivian sons of Omaha, to be given under the OF. THE BIGGEST IN HISTORY OF B'rith. The proceeds of the carnival as the clever Russian dancer, whose number practically stopped auspices of the Social Service ComLOCAL JEWRY. to be held Sunday will go towards the the show and brought the large audience to its feet in tumultuous mittee of the local lodge of the B'nai maintenance of the war orphans and applause. She has arranged several new. numbers especially for B'rith, will be held on Sunday eventhe Anti-Defamation league. • the B'nai B'rith show. Al Finkel, who will be the assisting ing. November IS at the Jewish ComEverything is set for the B'nai B'rith carnival, all dayartist, is a pupil of Harry Braviroff, and is one of the talented munity Center at S:00 o'clock. Sunday at the city auditorium. Because of the increasing popularyounger pianists of the city. The B'nai B'rith carnival, which has been the 'talk of the ity of these Father and Son evenings, Girl's Popularity Contest Norman Goldberg and Ed. Kahn will follow Miss Stien in town' for the past two months, will open its doors to the entire and the inadequacy of the facilities at an act presenting a few of Al. Jolson's good old numbers. Mr. public Sunday noon. The workers for the carnival will be on To Close Sunday; Entrants the Community Center for serving Goldberg's impersonations will be a delight, and with Ed. Kahn hand early Sunday morning to make this event a success. meals, it was determined to dispense at the piano this number is bound to be one of the most popular The B'nai B'rith carnival entertainers who have been reWorking Hard For Prize of the entire bill. with the banquet this year and to hearsing daily during the past two weeks, have their acts to Classical violin selections will be given by Miss Fannie Fish. concentrate on the program of the perfection. "This will be one of the finest entertaining programs Flora Bienstock Takes Lead in. Conwith Miss Evelyn Vore- at the piano. Miss Fish is an artist of evening. ever held in the city," said Samuel H. Schaefer. test With Anne Selicow Close rare talent and has a wide circle of enthusiastic admirers in The committee in charge is now at An added attraction to those already announced for the Second. work arranging for one of the most Omaha and vicinity. carnival, will be the stage of the auditorium. The stage will be Harry Marko, who, although relatively a newcomer to this enjoyable programs ever presented lotransformed into a beautiful cafe, which will be in charge of WINNER TO BE ANNOUNCED city has already an enviable reputation as a lyric tenor will cally, one that will appeal equally .to Mrs. David Feder. Here salads, drinks, sandwiches and French AT CARNIVAL SUNDAY NIGHT present a group of folk-songs. Mr. Marko added to his already the lads and their dads. Several unpastry will be served. Through the courtsy of the Omaha Athand entertaining novelties are letic, Club, the beautiful canopied tables used on the roof garden As an inducement for those in the long list of friends .through his beautiful work in singing the usual being to delight the crowd of the club, will be used in this cafe. Mesdames H. A: Wolf and Popularity. Contest to work harder B'nai B'rith ritual at the opening meeting of the lodge last month. of menarranged and boys that will attend. Miss E. Katherine Long will be at the piano for Mr. Marko. R. Kulakofsky will act as cashiers. Wellknown young ladies will than ever before, the committee in Complete details will be given in next Youth, grace" and charm will be px*esented by the "Four week's act as waitresses. Reservations for the tables can be made by charge announces that all those who issue of "The Jewish Press." Dancing Maidens," Ethel and Annette Hurwitz, Gertrude Wincalling Mrs. Feder, HA rney 3301. stay in the contest -until it closes will As in previous years, "sonleps"men The following.-people have already general chairman. "The workers and receive a complimentary vote of two -troub - and Ida Tehnenbaum, all of whom were featured in the will be provided with sons for one recent YMHA show. In an act especially arranged for the Carnimade reservations: J. J. Slosburg, members of the B'nai B'rith and from •hundred tickets. evening. Cards announcing the af.JHarcy^Malashock,.Jipuis Simoor.Jake the .various other -organizations, have \ —.These votes will be cast and count- val show by^fias Dorothy_Deyere, they will sing and dance their fair ..and providing for reservations Simon, Dr. M. I. Gordon, H. A. Wolf, helped the committee to make this ed in the final returns the same as way once mofefnto theliearts of Omaha's public'. Lillian Chuda- have been mailed to every member of :off will assist at the piano. Morris Milder, Nathan Mantel, Dave carnival possible." .those heretofore cast when tickets local lodge. Full of pep, frivolity and jazz, will be "Song Hits" the act theAlthough The winner of the girls' popularity were actually sold. Kosenstock, R.- Kulakofsky, A. B. Althere will be no banquet, pirn, I. Rosenthal, L. Rosenthal, Har- contest will be announced at the car- • I t was further determined that the that Herman Ferber and. Frank McDaniel will offer. These two there will still be plenty of "eats" ry Silverman, David Feder, I. Zieg- nival. Prom all indications of the winners should be announced at the young entertainers, who have filled many professional engage- for all the "boys." large and small— ler, Sam Leon) Harry Lapidus, T. standing of the contest, the girls are carnival. The time and place of such ments, have a number embracing the very latest song hits, which "eats" that vill put a pleasant supKaplan, Herman Auerbach, Henry running a close race, and the winner announcement will be made known at they will put over in inimitable style. to a thoroughly enjoyable Concluding the program will be the classical vocal and in- plerncnt .Monsky, Carl Katelman, Sherman will not be known until-the last min- the Auditorium Sunday evening, Noevening. This feature of the affair strumental offering of Miss Helen Reikes and Professor Karl will be under the direction of a speLowenstein, M. L. Braunstein, Jack ute of the voting. . "The tickets sold vember 11th. Weeman, Meyer Spiesberger, Dave at the box office of the carnival will The first prize entitles the winner Tunberg. Miss Reikes will give a group of songs for soprano cial women's committee to be annot be counted as votes for the con- to a round trip ticket to California, voice, with Professor Tunberg' at the piano, following which Sherman and N. A. Spiesberger. nounced next week. The large auditorium will be beau- test," said Irvin Stalmaster, chair- •while the second prize will be a-round Professor Tunberg will give solo numbers. Reservations, at 25 cents per perEverything is in readiness for the entertainment. The son, tifully decorated for this occasion. man of the contest committee. trip ticket to Colorado. are now being received by Harry The dancing will begin at 8 p. m. The decorations to be used for the Tickets are being sold very fast. various actors have been rehearsing daily to insure perfection Silverman, president of the local carnival have been loaned to the car- and will be free.. The dance floor will The committee hopes to have ready and Omaha will be entertained and delighted with the results. at 100-i Omaha National Bank As stated above, the show will start promptly at 4:30 and lodge, nival by the Women's . Overseas be waxed and polished for this oc- and fully completed its tabulation of building. The committee requests League, who are presenting "A Night casion, and will be in the center of the all votes cast so that the announce- everyone is urged to be "present on time. that reservations be made early. in Paris," Friday and Saturday even- auditorium and will be entirely en- ment of the winners may be made. ing. Harry Trustin, vice president of closed. The walls of-the dance paIn answer to many inquiries,, the the local lodge, will be in charge of vilion -will be beautifully decorated committee informs the entrants that Welfare Federation Board and painted to represent a hedge of tickets purchased a t the box office the decorations of the auditorium. Officers for Comiig Election e? Directors Meeting Monday The carnival will open its doors at shrubbery. A fifteen piece orchestra window in the Auditorium will not be noon Sunday and will remain open till has been engaged to furnish the mu- credited as votes. A special meeting of the Board of Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Win. L. y midnight. There will be plenty of sic, AU votes counted must be in Directors of the Jewish Welfare Fed- Holzman, Mrs. Harry Lapidus, Mrs. One of the latest added attractions before the carnival closes. Only Hareats for all, so as those coming early eration will be held on Monday even- Tolle Kaplan and Mrs. Leon Graetz can remain at the auditorium and wit- will be the Kangaroo Court which will ry Silverman, Atlantic 7964 and Sam ing," November 12, at the Jewish Com- have been appointed by Mrs. Nathan ness all the attractions. Attempts be in charge of Martin L. Sugarman. Beber, Atlantic 1661, are authorized munity Center at 8:00 sharp. Every Mantel, president of the Jewish The following people will work at to receive votes. are being made to secure the Fort member of the Board "is expectea to Women's Welfare ' Organization, as Crook Military band to give a con- the booths at the auditorium Sunday: Flora Bienstock A...,.3M0n be present, as several important mat- members of the nominating: commitB'nai B'rltliGirl's 'Auxiliary. Committee— Anne Selicow 3fl200 cert at 2 p. m. The vaudeville pro- Celia Kooper, "Rebecca Azorln," Bess Benlie Herder 3S200 ters will be presented for discussion. tee to present the names of nominees gram will begin at 4:30 p. m. The GreenberE, Dorotby Singer, Anne 'W'inMartha Weinstein 32000 troub, Hose Grortinsfcy, Bess Stock, ,The meeting on Monday evening for the various offices in the Organ.Minnie I^ry : 20P00 vaudeville bill will contain seven acts. Gertrude Cooper, Esther Belmont, Ruth IHa Albert i__'__20100 will take the place of the regular ization, to be presented at the DeLevey. Julia Wise 2S700 The boys and girls who will perform Banking Booths—will tie in charge of' Yetta Sfiefler :—......20400 monthly meeting which was to have cember meeting. Members of the for the large audience have had con- Gertrude Cooper nml Mnyine Krasne. Hose Fine 24700 been held Sunday morning, November committee were appointed at ths Girls—Kate Goldstein will be in Ida Minkin 21200 siderable experience with'stage work. Cigarette. charge. Hose Schiffer 22400 11. Because of the urgency of the meeting last Tuesday. Marv Moscoe 20300 A souvenir program book will be Box office—Bess Stock,, Celia Kooper, Hannah Kooper, Mrs. Anne Abramson. questions now Confronting the Board, A very large attendance was reIva * Riesel .. 20200 given to everyone at the auditorium. Country Grocery Store—in charge of I«ouis Bess Greonberg " 1Q10Q it is imperative that every member of corded at the meeting Tuesday, st K a t e Goldstein 1C000 Sominer and Jake Simiin. This book has been made possible by Candy and Cigar Booths—Leo Rosenthal, Dora F o r m a n 14<100 the Board attend the meeting, and which time Miss Natalie Bassett gave a score of workers under the leader- Joe Wolf, Joe Pepper. Harry Lapidus, jrarion Fried .10S00 the Executive Committee of the Feda most interesting talk en "The Work Arnold Browar, Sam Wolf. Anno Goldware 10200 ship of "Abner Kaiman, Sam E. Kla- Bazaar Booth—Girl's Auxiliary B'nai B'rith Lottie Glventer 0100 eration deemed Monday evening more of the Visiting Teacher," and ^Gilbert and Y. W. II. A.—Mrs. Dave Cohen, Mrs. Celia Bramle %M0 ver, John Feldman and Dr. A. Green- S. II. Kchaefer. Esther Ontman. - MOO convenient for the members. Jaffe played violin solos. Mr. Jaffe berg. This book will contain a history Doll Booth—Fred White, Irvin Stalmaster, Gertrude Fogelson Ptoo was forced to respond to several enI. F. Goodman, Arthur ' Kosenblum, Rose Lazarus _...:_-. '.- 7i00 of the local and National Order of Isadore Abranison, Henry Monsky, Sam cores. Appeals were made by various Berlin. (J. T. A.) A second attempt Klaver. B'nai B'rith. members for co-operation in the work Blanket Booth—Ben Stelfler, Abner Kaito assassinate Maxillian Harden was "The general affair of arrange- inan( Harry Green, Sam Green, Allan Rabbi Charlop to Deliver of the Needle Guild and for the B'nai made by a former sailor who stole Kohntt. ments will be down to perfection," Publicity Committee—Kathan .E. Green, B'rith carnivalinto the journalist's home at Gruensaid Sam E. Klaver. All the activ- Allan Kohan, Joe Jacobs. Archie Jacobs. Friday Evening Lectures wald. Teller—Mndaine "X", well known ities and general amusements will be Fortnnc society matron,.wop Is adept In the art Mrs. Delvin Becker, of Mitchell, So. The would-be assassin however was A series of Friday evening services of fortune telling:, will be in charge and held on time. asks that her identity remain secret. Dak., is visiting here with her mother, detected and turned over to the poAccording to members who will be All the K:KII painting lor the carnival has will begin at the B'nai. Israel SynaMrs. Flora Rosenstock. lice. been done by Frank Greenberj; and B. gogue, Eighteenth and Chicago in charge of the various booths at Korney. the auditorium there will be keen riv- Check Koom—will be in charge of Joe streets, beginning this Friday evening. These services, which are to be alry as to which booth will be the Freeman. conducted by Eabbi I. M. Charlop, will most popular. "The doll booth will be Pine Twersky, well known locally, begin at 8 o'cloc1- every Friday evenbeautifully decorated and will have has organized a concert bureau, which Some of the prettiest dolls in the is managing many local artists in ing. Rabbi Charlop's subject for this city," said Isadore Ahramson, mem- tours during the coming season. Ac- Friday evening will be "The Influence ber of that booth. cording to Mr. Tvversky, Harry Mar- of the Synagogue." An urgent call for the payment of all balances on % Saturday morning, November 10, The following concerns have donat- ko, tenor, and Carl Tunburg, pianist; pledges to the Jewish Welfare Federation for the year £ ed the following valuable gifts that who will both be featured in the Rabbi Charlop will address the con1923 wa& issued by the Federation to all its subscribers £ gregation at the B'nai Jaeolj Synawill be given away at the auditorium: B'nai B'rith vaudeville • Sunday, are this week. The statement points out that with winter \ A lady's diamond ring by the Ye Dia- under the management of "The Con- gogue, Twenty-fourth and Nicholas at hand the demands upon the Federation for coal and % mond" Shoppe; a pearl necklace by cert Promoters," the professional streets. His subject will be "The clothing are unusually heavy, and the demand must be g Jewish Attitude Towards Anti-SemitMalashock Jewelry company; man's name of the Bureau. The offices of met, to prevent hardship and suffering among the poor. * ism." white gold watch "by Sol Brodkey Jew- the "Concert Promoters" are at "302 The Federation needs $16,000 to finance its work until $ elry company; lady's - white gold Crounse blpck. the end of the year and every dollar received now can be | Miss Gertrude Fogelson, of Lincoln, wrist watch by H. Goldstein Jewelry : used for the immediate, needs of the Federation's charity g who is an entrant in the Popularity Miss Mary Maizel is visiting in New company. • .. work. Subscribers are urged not" to delay the payment % "The people of Omaha have re- York City with her relatives and is Contest of the local B'nai B'rith, wifi of their balances. % . sponded wonderfully to help make this expected to remain there for the re- be .in, Omaha Sunday to - attend the ! a success," said SamBeber, mainder of the winter

Federation Issues Urgent Call I for P a y m e n t of Pledges |

Work BepB in Taking Census of Jews is Cfty

To Speak for Local Modcvn Orthodox Synagogue B'NAI B'RITH TO POSTPONE MEETING NEXT THURSDAY. Rabbi Solomon Goldman, s}miT.UK.V head of the Jewish Center of Cleveland, the largest conservative congregation in America, vill be in Omaha, next Tuesday, November 15, whcTf he will speak to a mass meeting .jr. the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Goldman is nationally known. as one of the foremost of the youngrr rabbis of the country. Attendance *<-< his Friday evening service in Cleveland averages 1,500 weekly, according to statements of Omaha people wh.have visited'in Cleveland during Oi.*. past year. Rabbi Goldman is an eloquent RTK! t, powerful ppenkcr and will brinp & message of vital importance to Omaha Jews. A graduate of the JcvK1^ Theological Seminary, ho is an riithority on matters pcrtr.ining to *Sr welfare of the Jew in America p.r.'^ the world over. Because of the urgency of his message, the local of the B'nai B'rith is giving over meeting hall in the Jewish Conin nity Center next Thursday and if- rl pensing with its regular meeting the occasion. J. J. Slosbcrg is chairman of \ committee in choree of the Goldman meeting. The has issued a general invitation to tic entire community to hear Rabbi Goldman's inspiring message. The meeting will begin promptly ^! 8:00 next Thursday evening, November 15, at the Jewish Community Center.

City Community Chest -Campaign To Be Laun "Week of November 19-26 Goal Is Set for $402,000—Money tf; Be Provided for Poor r& TO ELIMINATE NUMEROUS DRIVES AND TAG

Many local Jewish men and wows The. first work in the census of the will aid in the City wide ComniuhJtj Jewish Community of Omaha under Chest Campaign here during the vt\i. the auspices of the Jewish Welfare week. Henry Monsky, vice-prefcif)M'J Federation has been started. Thirty of the Community Chest, is new ;,-. woincn have begun the house canvass active charge, due to the absence !•[. which wil? reveal the facts of the com- 7>r. Pp'an Cutter, irvin Stalmaf-tcr in 11 munity upon which the Federation one of the members of the speak**?* will base its future program of social committee. Many other individuals are taking part in the ivorl;. service. The 1,200 mon and women who v.-;.; The census takers are starting their vrork in the district bounded by Cum- take part in the city wide Commur.iv.1' ing street north to Lake and from Chest Campaijm are "chaffing at i-ha Sixteenth street west to Twenty- bit?," ready to'go to work, FHIW;-<->T fourth street. Following the comple- J. E. Davidson of the Campaign fi~ir* tion of the census In this district the yesterday. work will be extended so that every Thp Campaign will be held Novowhouse in which Jewish families are ber 19 .to 28. and $402,000 wjli h? living will bo visited by the census raised to moot the nepdp of OrnaJift'* takers before the survey will be com- needy families and social •wcift^v plete. agencies for 1024. The business portion has been diPractically every organisation in the city has gone on record approving vided into yix districts with a rovrc the, survey, and the co-operation of at the head of each. Sis lunu^vA every person in the city is requested men will canvass these six disi "t??**to make it a success. The informa- The ret-idoriiial section ol the city w.: tion which will be disclosed as a re- be divided into twenty districts, Insult of the survey will prove to be of chiding South Omaha. Twenty inestimable benefit to all groups in majors will head these district!?. T the city in the development of their will be more than S00 womrn wo who the Committee hopes will work. Members of the Jewish Women's vass every home in the city. Welfare organization and of the Coun"It will be the most intensive cil of Jewish Women are assisting paign since the teys of the war." the Federation in the task of taking i Director Davidson. "The the survey. The following are among '; should not forget that we are h&v»njr the women who axe now at work: 20 drives and a bunch of tag riayf in Mesclsmes A. Bo!kers I. Rosenthal. ,7. one. The purpose of the Commwv.*lf V. Rosenthal, H. Q. Marx, Clarence Chest is to eliminate the nurocrr-ss, Bergman, S. Nitz. I. Kurwilz, Harrr 'drive?' and the numberless tag1 A. Wolf, Philip Sher, H. Dansky, E. In this way thousands of dollars Meyer, J. Blank, Max Fromkin, Jack be saved by the people of Omaha Kaufman. Louis Kulakofsky, Harry nually." Heyman, L. Harris, J. Solomon. D. B. We must not forget that when Gross, K. Kulakofsky. Other workers give to the Community Chest we will be enrolled during the coming giving to 29 separate and week to extend the work to all parts charities and social welfare agen« of the city and give-generous'"


T H E J E WIS H P R E S S •"'.

PabUihed vierr Thursday' s» Otoaiia, Nebraska, by


'*, TOE JEWISH PBESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre BuHdin£.--TeIephoneJ Jackson 2372.


NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year, Advertising rates furnished on application.


Could you but speak, whose lips are cold, Fooled by fair words and baited breath, Betrayed by wily statesmen, old In the ways of war and blood-red death.

NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of;The, Jewish Press are to be given to .worthy communal causes. CHAKOB OV &DDBES5—Pleaw filv» Both tM old end n«w address t b» ton end aisn roar namo. >

Your new born dreams stirred hopes, uncouth, Now in your silenced hearts abide Warmed once, by'the liying flame of youth On the cross of hate were crucified.

, The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Megraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly Answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, .New York City. .

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Platt announce the birth of a baby girl, born on Sanday, October 21.

Can medals or mouthings consecrate The heartless luxury of your tomb; Or can they ever recreate The lustre of your ill starred doom?


A. Gilinsky. Mr. Sherman arrived] The Mesdames E. Marcus and Sam day evening at the Danish-Hall by Sunday to attend the Perlmcter-Nogg Gross will leave Saturday night for the Agidus Achim. wedding, Hi= returned home Tuesday St. Louis, where they will attend the A Bickor Cholim meeting was heid morning. Mrs. Sherman will leave Council Convention next week. Tuesday evening at'the synagogue. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Cherniss, cf The Ladies' Aid meeting will bo Mrs. S. H. Katelman entertained at Kansas City, Mo., returned hor:"'e after held next Thursday afternoon at the four tallies of bridge at her home last being the ^guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. home of Mrs. I. Feblowitz at 2014 Thursday evening, Halloween decor- Nogg. They attended the PerlneterFifth, avenue. ations were used. Nogg wedding. Mrs. L. Kroloff entertained her Mrs. Simon Steinberg entertained Mr. Colly Tudelson entertaine'j a Bridge club at her home Thursday at a Halloween party at her home number of his. boy friends at Irs afternoon. last weekhome Sunday afternoon in honor cf Mr. and Mrs. G. Meyerson announce Mrs. Al. Friedman entertr.ined at his birthday. the birth of a baby girl Thursday, the Brandeis Tea Rooms Monday aftNovember 6, at the Mercy Hospital. A public card party was given Sunernoon at a luncheon bridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne have

moved into their new home at 106 ' " Americanization is "a' greatly - overworked phrase at the Frank street. present time. It is used loosely aild often senselessly. It is at times used by people" who do not appear to have the slightest A stag party was given Tuesday conception of its meaning and import. Not infrequently it is evening at the Brandeis Tea Roo:ns Dorothy Shapiro will entertain. made ^n excuse for propagating fads and fancies. Fanatics, too, in honor of Mr. Harry Eetfmeter, are employing the phrase to further the purposes of fanaticism. [COUNCIL BLUFFS J Tuesday, Mrs. Louis Greenberg will whose marriage to Miss Frances Xogg entertain and the same evening, Mrs. will take place Sunday. ' The task of Americanization is, to be sure, worthy of support Philip , Greenberg will entertain at and encouragement. When confined strictly to its proper sphere PERLJtETER-NOGG. and function; it isr a charitable endeavor. But it is being abused. The marriage of Miss Frances a dinner party. Mrs. A. Gilinsky entertained at her Its intent and purposes are either misunderstood or willfully mis- Nogg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morseries of luncheons on Tuesday and interpreted. Churches are making a cloak of it for their mis- tis Nogg, to Mr. Harry Perimeter, Mrs. Jessie Eatner,' and children, Thursday at her home. sionary activities; politicians are resorting to it as a means of son of Mr. A. Perimeter, .was solem- of Winnepeg, Canada, are visiting at furthering their own aims and ambitions, and unscrupulous, nized at the Blackstone Hotel Sunday the home of Mr, and Mrs. J» Gold- Mr. D. Friedman left Monday for selfish people, who are Americans by accident of birth are evening in the presence of three hun- berg, while ehroute to Los Angeles, Kansas City, Mo., where he will visit his mother. attempting by its aid to carry on, directly or by implication, an dred guests." Rabbi Frederick Cohn California. unprincipled propaganda against the immigrant and the for- officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Nogg entertained 160 eign-bomi Preceding the ceremony, Miss Kath- guests at a midnight supper at their tndeed, there are ever so many people in this country who leen Shaw sang "At Dawning," ac- home Sunday evening in honor of the SENDER MILLMAN are sadly in need of Americanization. Ever so many who were companied by Miss Janet Gilinsky at marriage of their daughter. Recently of Pale'tine borrt in this country and who speak English fluently nevertheless the piano and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky A graduate'of a Russian tnlrersity} do not know what tr;ie Americanism stands for. And yet, these on the violin. Six ushers, Messrs* Many affairs are being given for is an • are probably the last persons in this country to be sought or Herman Freidman, Arthur SnydeT, Miss Molly Saltzman, whose marriage to Mr. Abe Marcus will take place on Expert Instructor leached by the process of Americanization: Maurice Gilinsky, Robert Marer, NaAs far as the immigrant or foreigner is concerned, he might than Kesselman and- Nathan Nogg, Sunday, November 18. Miss Saltman in. Hebrew and Jewish often be lacking in some outward accomplishments to be classed formed the aisle for the bridal party. was an honored guest at a luncheon having fifteen years of experience. He wishes to give private lessons as an American. But his appreciation of time Americanism— The groomsmen Messrs. Jay Cherni- bridge last Friday at the Breadeis to beginners £ml advanced pupils. freedom and fairnss and educational values—very often exceeds ack, Auberg Krasne, Morris Linsman, Tea Rooms when the Mesdames E. For further information call that of the American-born. This is particularly true of the followed. Mr. Ernest Nogg, brother Marcus and J. Scharf were hostesses. KEmvood 2401. Jewish immigrant, for he above all immigrants comes to this of the bride, was the best man. Mr. Over thirty-five guests were present. country in quest of the. very things in which America excels. and Lifs. Max Davis accompanied the Sunday afternoon the Misses Reva It is not so much the material advancement which draws him groom. The bridesmaids, Miss Min- and Marian Cohen entertained at a h6re as the great and good points in American life and govern- nie Greenstone, of Lincoln, Miss Sara bridge party at- their home for Miss ment. He is attracted by American fairness and the democracy &esselman and Miss Ruth Krasne, Saltman. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. H. of American institutions. He often has to work much harder wore velvet gowns of harmonizing Rochman of Omaha entertained at here than he had to work in his native land. colors. Mrs. N. L. Nogg was matron bridge at her home. Wednesday IDA L FfcEirT-,N, Prop. evening the Misses Gertrude and Reva Anyone -who has ever visited the-Jewish settlement in a of honor, and Miss Gertrude Cherlarge city will testify to the fact that the Jewish immigrant niack was the maid of honor. Little Gilinsky entertained at their home for truly estrns his bread by the sweat of his brow." Those who are Pearl Meyerson was flower girl and the bride-to-be. Sll South 16th Sti^et able to accumulate anything of the world's goods do so only by little Lorraine Krasne carried the A Sisterhood meeting' was held the strictest thrift .and by constant self-denial. Yet the hard ring on a white satin pillow. The Wednesday Phone Atlantic 8010. afternoon at the new home work is made easy for the Jewish immigrant by the knowledge bride, gowned in white chiffon vel- of Mrs. Frank Open Evening's:. Krasne at 10B Frank that the economy of American life accords him equal opportunity, vet and esquence, -was given in mar- street. that the American school provides for the education of Ms chil- riage by her mother and father. Only Jewish Florist in town. dren. Wherein, then, is he lacking in the .true appreciation of Mr. and Mrs. Perimeter left imme- Mr. arid Mrs. J. Katelman and famWEDDING BOUQUETS. till .that goes to make up. real Americanism? True, he- may not diately for Chicago and upon their re- ily have moved into their new home speak English fluently and may not as readily become a baseball turn will be home at Plainviev, Nebr. at 41? Oakland avenue. > • fan or a prize-fight admirer, but in the essentials of read and true Americanism he can usually teach a wholesome and useful Mrs. Perimeter was quite extensive- Miss' Molly. Burstein returned td lssspn to the native American; alheit the American-born is boast- ly entertained before her marriage. her home in Chicago after visiting ful of his Americanism and boisterous about his plans and pro- Last Sunday afternoon Miss SaYah the past three months with her uncle grams of Americanization.—"Jewish Ledger." Kesselman entertained at an Orpheum and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bern-


Shirts That Look Better "


Pi'isma Silkloth is an original fabric produced'Oft tlie private looms of the makers of Eagle Shirts. These shirts in a new collection of autumn designs and colorings look better than their price. Their luster endures. It is "woven in. These good patterns are only available for Eagle SIX-Buttoned Shirts. All sizes for all men. .^ ^j

Eagle Shirts of Prisma Silkloth

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Cut Flowers

Fewer- Mas Gone to i&ania's Head,-Says American Manufacturer Persecute Just for the Pleasure of Causing Misery, He Declares. JEWS ARE TOLD TO RAISE NO DISTURBANCE

officials, no amount of evidence wil be taken from the Jew against the word of the peasant." • Tfie native normally is not unfriendly to the Jew. If'the Lithuanian government wants to get rid of the Jews, its acts certainly do not indicate it. It is extremely difficult for a Jew to ge ta passport to leave it. Graft must be paid all down the line in order to get out. As a matter of fact, Lithuania would-be in an awful plight • without the Jews, who are milked right and left for the support of the officials.of the government. .

party for Miss Nogg. Monday afternoon Mrs. A. Perimeter honored Miss Nogg at her home at. bridge. The Misses. Gertrude and Evelyn Marks entertained at bridge Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lawrence Krasne entertained at bridge at her home Wednesday afternoon. Thursday evening Mrs. A.- Gilinsky honored her at a dinner party at her home. The Mesdames E. Marcus and J. Scharf honored Miss Nogg at a luncheon at lhe_ Brandeis Tea Rooms, on Friday. Mr. Mqe Linsman honored Miss Nogg and her fiance at the Tea llooms on Friday evening. Saturday afternoon Miss Rae Bercu entertained at bridge at her home. Saturday evening Miss Gertrude Che'rhaick entertained at the Brandeis Tea Booms. Mrs. Louis Wohlner entertained at bridge at her home Wednesday afternoon ' honoring . MiEs Saltzman Thursday evening, Miss Stella Trochtenberg is entertaining at a theatre party. Saturday afternoon, Miss Betty Fine is entertaining at bridge at her home, and on Sunday/ the Mesdames Dave Rosen und A. Leibowitz will entertain., Monday Miss

New York. (J. T. A.) That steps be taken so that the Lithuanian Ministry in the United States apprise its government that the American world JEWISH CALENDAR. is aware of its persecution and almost ridiculous discriminations^against the Rogh-Cliortesh Klilev , Jews, is urged by Israel Matz, one of Clmnnkoh <l>n»t of Dedlrptlon) Blon., Dec. 3 America's leading medical manufac- Itosli-Chortpsh Tebetb. Hun I>«\ B Fdst «r TeUrtU Tucs.. Uec. 18 turers \vho has just returned from a GfiSl-tO'J-i ;r visit to his old homeland. Rosh-Chnilpsh Jihcb:it^_______fllon., Jn'i". 1 A<li»r » \ v f . i Vrh. 6 Lithuania, said Mr. Matz in an in- Kosh-Chodpxh l£os.h-Cljodesb Adar W f r l . . Mat 1 terview with a representative - of the I'urltu (^*-nfit of E R t t i « ) _ T h u r s s Uar. 30 Knsli>Chn<lrsh Nisan —Sat.. Apr 5 Jewish Telegraphic Agency, is like Passover <P«nnch w., — Bat.. Apr. 19 I'ussover (Scvputl) Day), F r i , Ajir. 85 the little boy Who pulls the cat's tail o ltosli-t'lloilesh lyur Slon. .Slay 5 " ftietely for the pleasure of Heaving it t a g b'OiriiT^ i •..Thurs.. Hay Z2 Kosb C'liodcsb *Slrnn___.____Ta«"B» June 3 sqdeal. It gives the boy a sense of Slialinoth (Cundrtnnttnli J>ay).Sill.. JUnr 8 power. i' " - Rnsh-Chnrtpsb Tnmtnu7_ i _i_Tliurs.. Jttly 8 ,,, T ri», An^ 1 "It is all well enough -for a person Fast of Ab A " Knit., AitR. 10 Sun., Ang» St •who has not arrived at full mental powers to be guilty of such practices, New Tear's Eve_06S5-1931 _ilon_ Sept. 2t» but Lithuania should be above such things,** Mr. Matz declared. BAPTIST SAYS JEWISH , PRAYERS ARE SELFISH "The taking by Lithuania of Memel New York. (J. T. A.) The Rev. - ami Its obtaining of. full independence hM goae to Lithuania's head and in Frederick E.' Taylor, pastor of the Addition, to its extortion of money First Baptist Church of Indianapolis, from Jews on a hundred pretexts, it and a former president of the Northindulges iA other practices merely to ern Baptist Convention, criticized the embitter the life of the "Jew, taking Jews recently for "praying only fot pdeasure in the misery it is causing." the interest of their race.." He spoke When Lithuania first obtained its at the Baptist Bible Missionary conindependence, Mr. Matz. continued, Eerence at the Fifth Avenue Presby•.there were none happier than the Lith- terian Church. He said:* "God wanted the Jewish race to enuanian Jews.. The majority of them would not have exchanged Lithuania rich the world, but instead it shut for Palestine. All sorts, of promises itself- in. The Zionist movement will of -absolute equality- and ftatertfty siicceed only if it has for its purpose were made. Not one of them was the "fulfillment of the original mission of the Jewish people, and I have a , kept, however. - ; " suspicion' that they are going to fail. '",- Jews constitute about 10 per cent They have failed ,in the past to fulfill -• of the population of Lithuania* and their mission. The failure has been the-, whole taxation system is- so -" 'framed that it virtually all falls on TO EXCLUDE JEWS FROM ~ . REICS GOVERNMENT -?- . ' ^When Jews make protests, they i Berlin. (J. T. A.) The exclusion <>f ',;. • are told to 'make no noise' Or it will Jews from the Government of' the : ^- ; be wfirso fpr them."." : : Reich, is demanded, in ^a resolution :f\" -] • *off$da!s -" Indiscriminately enter adopted by the German National Fed;,-''""Jewish "s'ter'es and tuke' What, they eration, petitioning the party leaders '"" "plefisa.- If ahy of'tne-Lithuanian -in ,the' Reichstag -to • take lneasure$ ,' peasants happens to' take Ja'dislike to looking, to ,the prevention. 6f th£'*o»- ; ', a Jew"and .reports it to- lie. police Operation of Jews in the. Government.

Wstch Our Windows



Mrs. Sam Schwartz returned to her home in Kansas City, Mo., after visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Katelmatt. Many affairs were given for her during her visit. A Mogen David YoUng Judaeah meeting will be held next Sunday afternoon at the synagogue at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Philip Sherman and baby daughter, Dorothy Evelyn, of Allen, Nebr., arrived last week to visit with Mrs. Sherman's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

DIAMONDS and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. fflalashock Jewelry Co, Diamond & Platinum'Specialists 1514 Dodge St. Est* 1894; . .Ja. 5G19

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PAGE 3—THE JSWtSH PRESS. THURSDAY, NOVEiMBER S, 1923 Sara Kesselman entertained at a the- Memorial Hospital, where she was ALEPH ZADI ALEPH NEWS LADIES OF ZIOX NEWS tre party, and the same evening Mr. operated on several weeks ago. The regular meeting, of the Aieph j . One hundred members attended the' ]| L I NC O I N and Mrs. R. Brown entertained at Zadi Aleph was held Sunday, Novem- J monthly meeting of the Ladies of j * Miss Shirley Ruback was hostess at bridge at their home. Mrs. Sam ber 4. The latter part-of the time i Zion Tuesday afternoon a t the Adass | Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ellis enter Schwartz, of Kansas City, was also a miscellaneous shower and bridge at of the meeting the members spoke Synagogue, 25th and S e w - 1c t aaivn e d » « couples at"their home Sun. an honored guest at this affair. Mrs. her home Sunday afternoon com- in Jewish only. Saturday, October Yeshurem J n^. i. -o -LL- T T,T /-n i i J , ,afternoon and evening . --, in -honoi , A. Leibowitz entertained Mrs. Hearsh plimentary to Miss Tillie Meyers, who 27, the club entertained at a dancing ard Streets. Rabbi I. M. Charlop ' of. * their T , cousin, Johanna Garson, \vh( last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A.will soon be married to Mr. Dave party at - the Theodore Terrace, fol- '• addressed the. members on iiujing j j j <- t u m e d from a ten months a s us re Rips was hostess Friday afternoon, Epstein, formerly of Sioux City, la. lowed by a dinner at King Fongs. Land in Palestine". trip in the east. and at this affair Miss Frances Nogg, An initiation of new members was who was married to Mr. Harry Perle- SISTERHOOD HOLDS held Friday, November 2, and'the JSEJf^l meter, shared honors. Mrs. A. WeinRECIPROCITY DAY Messrs. Lester Lapidus and Sidney stein entertained at her home last At the annual Reciprocity Day Sehiffer were admitted into the club. week. Mrs. Ben Rershom gave a the- luncheon and program of the Omaha The organizations have already J atre art last Saturda started practicing basketball and are and Lincoln Sisterhoods held in dancing numbers were given by the ? y y afternoon, WEDDINGS norill M to enter the Sunday Misses'Babe and Sarah°Shaft6n',anihh°?norin S Hear!*,Tuesday, £ Mrs. J H h T d OOc- Omaha on Monday afternoon, Novem- expecting ; FELDM AN -SILVERMAN. ber 5, at the Blackstone Hotel, twenty School League at the Y. M. C. A. -*hetoartaieM » . Cdia Si^r-i * * • • * . e ~ b y Mr.; ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S ^sisterhood members from Lincoln and Lester Lapidus was selected the Athman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry man entertained a t a theatre party three sisterhood members from Ne- letic Director and Sam Singer the Silverman, of St. Louis, Mo. to Mr. Miss BettyFine returned Saturday j Wednesday afternoon, October 31. braska; City, were the guests of captain of the team. The team held Morris Feldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. morning from an ^extended visit with] Tuesday afternoon, November B, "Mrs. eighty members of the Omaha Sister-. its first practice at the Jewish ComSam Feldman, of this city, "was solher relatives in t h e east. She v i s - [ I . j munity Center Friday morning. The '. . Cherniss entertained Mrs. hood. • emiiized Sunday evening, November ited in New York City and Philadel1 football, team defeated • the Fortieth The following program preceded Hearsh a t a bridge luncheon at her 4, at the home of the groom's par- phia." • '•.'• '.•"•.•'• '..";'' home. • Mrs. M. Freidel will be hos-the luncheon: A talk by Mrs. N. P. jStreet Merchants 19 to 6 at the ents before the presence of only the tess this Friday afternoon at a the- Feil, a recitation by Mrs. B. R. ITechnical High football field Sunday. members of the immediate family. Miss Ruth Herman is visiting with atre party, followed by a luncheon, Boasberg, a paper that was read byj Rabbi Grodzinsky officiated. her cousin, Miss Nina Shostak, "at Mrs." L RosenthaL and a group of Mr. Feldman and his bride are mak-Lincoln, 'Nebr. She is planning to and on Saturday afternoon Mrs. M.songs by Miss Molly Goetz. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Glassburg will entertain at bridge. ing, their home with the groom's par- spend several months here. The following women from Linents temporarily. Mrs. II. Fogel and ' daughter, coln attended the affair: Mesdames Mrs. Max Fromkin entertained at Mr. and Mrs.. Silverman, of St. Lynette, are visiting in Chicago, 111. Louis, parents of the bride, were the a Halloween bridge party Monday aft- with Mrs. Fopel's daughter, Mrs. Carl Weil, Fox, Eugene A. Levy, Ed jZZ **' Guggenheim, Fepperburg-, Spedr,} out-of-town guests present at the cer- ernoon at her home in honor of Mrs. Irving Cassman. In order to have your Suit, Schloss, Samuels, F. Nathan, R. A. S. Rips, of Tulsa, Okla. Prizes emony. Pants or Overcoat . satisDiamond, M. Wasserman, Victor were won bythe Mesdames A. S. Mrs. Frederick . Gohn is leaving factory it should be mads Prior to her wedding day Miss Sil. to your individual measure Saturday evening for St. Louis, Mo.,Friend, Cohn, and the Misses Sarah verman was honored at the following Rips, S. M. Levey and Sam Cohen. and latest design. where she will attend the Council of and Pauline Friend. The Sisterhood' social affairs: A miscellaneous showThe first card party to be given A "Kneeter Made" garmembers from Nebraska City that _ er given by Mrs. J . D. Kraft at the this year by the Omaha Junior Hament is noted for service, wwere in Omaha Monday for the comfort befitting s t y l e , Brandeis Tea Rooms Saturday after- dassah will be given Sunday after- be held from Sunday, November 11, affair were the Mesdames Walter j workmanship and v e r y noon, October 20. A number of noon, November 25, at the Blackstone to Friday, November 16. Wessel, I. D. Eiseman, and J. Sar-J reasonable prices. friends of Miss Silverman entertained Hotel. The committee in charge of "25% saving on every garbach. • • 1 j Mrs J g g , Mrs. J. Finkelberg and daughter, at a linen sho.wer Thursday afternoon, ment made d u r i n g this October 25, and Mrs. Nathan Brown this affair are Miss Rose Hertzberg, R a 6 j o f "S e a t t l e > Wash., are visiting special season. Satisfaction • and the Misses Beulah Hit- h e r e ^ith mss Bertha Leon. Annmguaranteed. entertained at a bridge tea at the chairman, telman and Minnie'Eisenstatt l dM i i E i t will ill as- ber of-social affairs a r e being given Brandeis Tea Rooms last Saturday tsist CLARENCE DESDUNES i Miss Hertzberg in arranging t h e t Q hanoT the visitors, .'. L. KNEETER " afternoon honoring Miss Silverman. affair. \ .. , i •" ' Hish-CIass Merchant Tailor Concert Violinist and Teacher J CLEANING. PRESSING The club held its regular meeting! Mrs. Harry Rochman entertained at Studio: Hawkln'x Kids., 2122 No. 34th St. | j = ,' Phone, Webster -">»^t>. AND REMODELING Mr. and Mrs. Sam Curshan and Wednesday evening a t ' the Jewish her home Tuesday afternoon at four Office Hours, 3:3U to C. 1916 Farnam Street, Room 14 Violin bows ana cases for sale. family have just arrived, from. Odes- Community Center and further plans tables of bridge honoring Miss Moll ye TeL: ATlantic 6065 sa, Russia, and are now with Mr. for the Card Party were made. Saltzman, "of Council Bluffs, who is to : Cuchman's sister, Mrs. M. Turner, and . _ ' • _ —— , become t h e bride of Mr. Abe H .

Ker Most Majestic Masterpiece

Miss Sophie Oland entertained a t a Halloween party for the "Junior KenMrs. Ida Barmish, who has for the sington club" at her home last past two weeks visited with heT Wednesday evening. '

daughter, Mrs. Harry Snader, and Mr. Snader, at Lincoln, Nebr., will return to Omaha by motoiv accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Snader, who are coming here to attend the 33'nai B'rith Carnival and to visit with Mrs. Barmish.





Omaha, Sunday evening,

W. J. Yates Accounting Co

" Mrs. J. Katz will be home Saturday at the Blackstone Hotel from the" Wise

Miss Rosalie Herman entertained at a bridge party, honoring Mr. Milton ! Eyadown, of Minneapolis, Minn. Prizes were won by the Missss Belle Oland, Sylvia Wolfson and Messrs. Joe Krestul and Ben Ellis. !. ~~



.REV. E. FLEISHMAN "The Mohl" KesUlence. 1342 So 2r»{fa S t .


T e l . Atlantic Bfi37.

The regular board meeting of the Mrs. Irving Marsh .and son, Harold, J P , a c s o r Business, 3333 Hamey St. Council of Jewish Women will be just returned from New York City, j Tel. ATlantio 3801. postponed this month from Monday, where they spent two months visiting t November 19, to Monday, November with relatives and friends. 26, because Mrs. Carl Furth, president- «f • t i e organization, w2V not he Friday evening at "8 o'clock Rabbi Experienced Hebrew Teacher Trill give 1 in Utnaha 'as shells ^attenaing"/the Tredeticlr Cdhn -wflt deliver a sermon" on "Five Years After Armistice Day Council convention in St. Louis, Mo. or the Way to Peace" at the Temple. HEBREW. YIDDISH, and V -The Misses Beulah and Ruth Dre- Saturday morning at 10:30 his serJEWISH HISTORY. vich.are leaving Friday, the 23rd of mon subject will be "Twins." Call Webster 47S1. November,. for Chicago, 111., where they will visit with their sister, Mrs. Mrs. Dave Hearsh, of Kansas City, j S. Levine. Mo., who is visiting, with Mrs. Max Davis, is being honored at numerous | GoMstiom Upholstering Co. Mr. Max Gold, of Nebraska City, is social affairs. Among affairs given Upholstering and Furniture Repairconfined at the Nicholas Senn Hos- for Mrs. Hearsh was an evening ing. Mattresses Renovated. Box Springs. pital here. Mrs. Gold is in Omaha bridge at the home of Mrs. Max Da- At-Iantic 3619 1013 North 16th St. with him. SPECIAL. THIS WEEK- Mattresses vis Saturday evening, October 27. Ueiiovated with New Tick. $3.50 Dr. Philip Romanek has sent word Sunday afternoon, October 28, Miss to his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Eomanek, that he is now in Switzerland and expects to be home the latter part o£ this month. Dr. Romanek was studying at the hospitals in Prague and Vienna, Austria, where he has been furthering his studies of the ear, nose, and throat. He has been gone for seven months.


Atlantic 1031

Chiropodist and Beauty ^tfs#sEfff •Shop Estat>Us!ie6 IS09

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1510 Farnara St.—JA. 5782.


m mfEm: STAE f ^


JTOTE—This Picture Will ~Sct Be SfeowB ia KEY Otlicr Tlieatcr is Geisha This Tear.


Miss Frances. Simon will entertain her" friends at bridge at her- home Saturday "afternoon. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will address the members of the Fellowship Club at the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday eveiiing, November 14. His subject will be "Fellowship". *



Mrs. Flora Rosenstock and daughters, Loraine and Hortense, are now living at the Birchwood Apartments at 4804 Dodge Street. . Mr. and Llfs. Max Frbmlrin entertained at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. Fromkin's brother-inlaw, Mr. George L. Wise, of New Haven, Conn., who is visiting here. Mrs. Carl Furth and Mrs. J. P. Cohn are leaving today for St. Louis, Mo., where they will attend the National Council of Jewish Wowen Convention, to be held six days, beginning November 11. Mrs. S. Nathan, who is now visiting- in .Chicago, 111., with her mother, will join them and attend the convention. Before returning home, Mrs. Furth and Mrs. Cohn will visit for several days in Kansas City.


The Omaha. Chapter of Hadassah will entertain -at its November Card Party Monday afternoon* November 12, at "the home of Mrs. Morris Goldenberg at 4116 South Twenty-fifth street. The Mesdames M. Brodkey 'and A. Silvermaft will be the assisting hostesses for the affair.




Will Find .

Meals Will Be Served Noon to Midnight



at the PwIALTO MUSIC SHOP. To those who want nothing but the best, we recommend the Brunswick as the highest class, most modern machine on the market today. A demonstration will convince you of the great tonal qualities.

All the advertising for the B'nai B'rith Carnival has been made . possible by the following men and firms; ' . • •

CONVENIENT TERMS on any Phonograph you select.

A Halloween dancing party was .given at the Hanscom Park Pavilion last Tuesday evening by Miss Eosalie Herman in honor of her cousin. Miss Minnette Faber, of Chicago, III., who is visiting here. Several vocal selec- •5;>i;(':iM$;;lDk]iiiglaJs: . tions were' given by Miss Belle Olanfl and * Mr. Herman Ferber. Several




* 4907 So. 24th St.






| A Story for Armistice Day KHBJL1CU LEVINGER

Copyright, 1023, by Elma Ehrlich Levinger.

All rights reeerved.

4 John Doriahus hated Jews, hated porch the other day that during the them with a strong, unreasoning hat-i war he was in Washington/' volunred. Why, it would be hard to say. j teered Kitty. Donahus* sneered a little. "Guess Perhaps because his first knowledge of that people came on a certain day he was one of the fellows who went •when the gentle-faced nun who taught to Washington on a dollar a year and him his Scriptural history at St. Hed- got ten thousand in graft," he an•wig's Porachial School had mentioned swered sourly. "And I bet you heard them as the murderers of John's Sa- her talking 'way down here. Them vior; or, again, his anti-Semitism kikes can be heard a mile off." might, be traced to the bitterest dis"She's the quietest tenant we have, appointment of his youth, when a even if she is a Jew," declared Kitty. stocky little Russian Jew in public "Well, when they're so quiet, they're school had walked off with- valedic- the worst kind, 'cause they got sometory honors, leaving John second in thing, to hide," answered her unconthe graduation class. Then the World vinced husband. War, meant to' bring' democracy and It might never have come to war better brotherhood, had strangely between the janitor and his Jewish enough made him more embittered. tenants if he had not repeatedly negDonahus had come back with a scarred lected to look after the leak they re"•"-:•. jface and a twisted hand, his dream ported in their bathroom. Then one of a good position shattered. No erst- night Sirs. Coventry of the second while patriotic business man cared to floor phoned down to Donahus and in lure him. In time he was grateful indignation and positive terms told enough to Murphy, the ward-heeler, him her bathroom ceiling was being for a job as janitor in one of the ruined, and if he wouldn't go up right apartment houses that worthy had away and fix things in the apartment managed to build out of his modest upstairs, she'd inform the landlord. salary. j So Donahus, with a sense of outrage "It takes an Irishman to look after even he knew was uncalled for, woke another Irishman when he's down and up the Berghoff family, tinkered with out," brooded Donahus bitterly. "Here. the plumbing and promised to send a I went to war to fight for a lot of man in the morning. dirty foreigners who stayed at home "A fine mess you made downand made money in the meantime; stairs!" he commented as he strode the Jewish backers just raked it in, angrily into the front hall. and, you bet, they didn't allow their "Maybe you don't remember I asked sons to go. Don't they say-there's no you a half dozen times to fix that Jewish graves in France," quoting a leak," answered little Mr. Berghoff in certain manufacturer of cheap cars amiable reproach. widely quoted at that time. "You "Aw, I was coming to fix it. Anybet I'm glad there are not any Jews how, I don't need to take orders from in my building." ' Jews," snapped the janitor. Berghoff's round, good-natured face There had been a girl before Donahus had left for France who wanted turned beet-red. "Ill report you to a war marriage; now he was even t[he landlord if you get fresh," he more positive than before embarking threatened. But Mrs. Berghoff laid that it had been a mistake. It didn't a hand on his arm. seem right for Kitty, his Kitty •with "Never mind, papa," Donahus heard the dr.ncing eyes and merry laugh, to her say, as he slammed the front door be tied for life to a man from whose behind him, "he got it bad in the war face other women averted their eyes and he's not exactly right; his wife as they passed. But their church for- told me about it." bade divorce^ nor would Kitty have ac"Lots they care what anybody did cepted one under any circumstances. in the war," muttered the ex-service Her eyes, grew a little quieter and her man as he tramped down the stairs, laugh less hearty, but she always sang "as long as they kept out of it and as she worked about the little base- saved their own dirty hides." ment apartment or sewed on certain It happened that little Francis, who ridiculously small garments in the was exactly three months old on Armevening. For there was something istice Day, developed a cough, not a heroic about little Kitty, even if she hard cough, said his mother, just the hadn't gone to war. kind you cure with greasing and the It was just a week after little baby's stocking wrapped around his Francis' christening that the new fam- throat at night. But it got worse ily moved in, a smiling, good-natured and she bought a bottle of sweetish middle-aged man and hfs wife wha mixture at the corner drug store, never smiled. The name Berghoff throwing in a hot mustard plaster for was suspicious enough, for John had good measure, since Mrs. Denton on learned to dislike Germans; after a the first floor advised it. Toward good look at some of their visitors evening the little one grew feverish, he was' certain they were Jews. and Donahus spoke of calling a docDonahus, who had always boasted tor. of the high social • standing of his "Nonsense," said Kitty, with the 1 apartments, now felt bitterly ashamed. sublime confidence of a mother tend" Jews' in his third-floor apartment, ing her first and only baby, "they alJews who would in time drive out the ways get like that with a cold. He'll more desirable tenants and • induce be all right in the morning. And you their own friends to rent there. Dona- go right along to the American l e hus felt the thing as a personal in- gion ball if you want to. I don't mind sult. •„ staying home alone." He took no pains to hide his feelSo John Donahus, a little doubtfulings from the new tenants. • He wasn't ly, dressed in his best and went to , a "nigger," like the elevator man, to the ball. His post had hired a hall in grin a good morning for the sake of the neighborhood and decorated it - an occasional tip. These Jews, who with flags and bunting; there was probably used to live down on Pine dancinjr and music arid light and street and were never able to live in pretty girls; but to Donahus all the • a first-class apartment before they brightness and gaiety were ga"|l and made their money war-profiteering, wormwood. With better luck he jmight . didn't need to consider themselves have come home unscathed to a[ good better than he was, even if Berghoff position - and Kitty might have" been . had some sort of position in the bank a clerk's wife and lived in the home and his sad-eyed wife drove her own in the suburbs they had once talked electric. He didn't know which he about. Why, with a little luck, she found the most irritating, the unfail- might have been here tonight, just as ing good humor of the husband, when- proud of him as Sergeant Tomkin's ever they the halls, or the wife looked this minute, and he nod•wife's shy politeness. .. He hated them ded grimly to his old buddy who . both as he hated all Jews, and was, so paused to present his bride. . . insolent that Kitty continually warned • "A fellow from my outfit," intro• him that the new tenants would sure- duced Tomkins. ly report him to the landlord^ . " Mrs. Tomkins should have known "I haven't got such a good .job, I better, but she was> very young and can't afford to lose it," Doriahus an- the maimings and hurts of a great swered her bitterly. "I might have war are soon forgotten. When she' . made something of myself if I hadn't .looked at Donahus's and tried to shak£ gone across and got mine while he his helpless, twisted hand," she shud^.-was sitting "comfortable in his office, dered, and got away as soon as she " / ' .taking out Liberty Bonds." could. Donahus stood looking atter "I heard his wife tell Mrs. Garrison her; he cursed her under his breath. ... • when they were talking on the back "And it might have been Tomkins in-

stead of me," he muttered, as he went boy. suffered terribly with it when he dance at the Club Rooms Wednesday, its world premiere on Broadway is Bronx News sums it all in a sentence: to get his hat, . ' > . ' was' a 'baby." October 31. Many out-of-town guests best described by excerpts from the "It is romance—magnified glorified and entrancing." criticisms of the New York press. He was surprised to see a light in If took several months for John to were present. the basement as he reached the apart- forget'that night, how they waited for A cast of twenty notables, includThe'Tfcw York World said: "'Ashes ment house, since Kitty was usually the. doctor, while the woman of an , Mr. and Mrs. Lew Ellis, who have of Vengeance' is a notable mountain ing Corrwp-y Tcarle, Wallace Beery, glad to get to bed: early, after a hard alien people divided her time between just been married, entertained at a among the myriad molehills of the Courtnsy Foolc. Josephine Crovell day with the baby. 'Then.a sound the straggling baby and the hysterical bridge Sunday afternoon, November screen." The Daily News made this and others, in addition to four thoucame to him that chilled him, and mother; while Kitty, perhaps, will 4. A dance was given in the evening. comment: "In the full sense of the pnrul extra players; and massive Miss Ruth Evnen entertained twelve word, a masterpiece." Because the backgrounds of regal magnificence, made him stand ^fumbling helplessly never forget it. Nor will she ever with his latch key, .a baby's- choking forget the look on her husband's "Vce members of the Sewing Circle Thurs- love story is held prime factor in this and direction by Frank Lloyd, are cry and Kitty's sob, "Baby—don't— when the doctor left and John Dona- day, November 1. production, instead of being secondary factors of this noteworthy production. baby!" hus turned to the hated tenant from to opulent splendor, the Herald reMr. Joe Cohn, formerly of Lincoln, Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Pa'rsShe ran to him, her face white with the third floor. has returned to Lincoln from Chicago, marks: "'Ashes o£ Vengeance' act- tinc problem must bo Fettled in Palterror. "Oh, John, I'm so glad you "Thank you," he said, nothing more, 111. He will be in Lincoln and Omaha ually reverses the usual form for came home early. He's been this way but the Jewish woman seemed to un- for some time. movie spectacles. It possesses a good estine itoclf, says the "Mccraat cl and I couldn't get Dr. Braun on the derstand. They were no longer strangstory and a wealth of legitimate dra- Shark." The paper object?, to sendtelephone, and the doctor they said at ers, at least, under the skin. Mr. Paul Sarbach, of Nebraska City, ms." The Sun and Globe declares: ing another delegation to London and the drug store they'd send me ain't "My boy used to suffer terrible was in Lincoln visiting relatives Syn- "The merits of the picture are too urges the Arabs to contribute to the come, either. What, can I do with from croup," she said again, as she -day, November 4. numerous to mention. Like the two- national cause. * him?" - - " headed calf -and the Cardiff giant, it turned to go, and there was that in Many members of the Lincoln SisJohn went over to the child's white her voice which hinted of a great terhood.were, entertained by the Oma- must be seen to be appreciated." The Times says: "The film is an ambicrib, the little bed he and Kitty had tragedy. ha Sisterhood Monday, November 5. tious one—the last word in . gigantic "Did he die when he was a baby?" had such fun selecting from the inand picturesque setting." And the cried Kitty, her eyes filling with symstallment house last year, the little Miss Jeahette Krupp, of Fremont, • crib she had made beautiful with tuft- pathy. Nebr., will •arrive in Lincoln ThursTO AND FROM The childless mother faced her sad- day, November 8, to be the guest of ed quilts and little sheets and foolish ALL PARTS OP tiny pillows. The baby lay panting ly over the sleeping baby. "No. "He Miss Irene Adelson. THE BRINN -& JENSEN CO. for breath, gasping, r choking. John was a little over twenty. He was THE- WORLD Wholesale paper A number of Lincoln Jews will be had a swift and horrible recollection bound to enlist^-I couldn't stop him. distributors for in • Omaha-Sunlay to attend the B'nai of the day when he had seen one of That's why I was awake upstairs, Northern Toilet Tissue his bunkies go down before a German looking over his letters, and thinking B'rith Carnival. 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb 1112 Barney Street bullet—the man had'clawed the mud of him. Today is what we-Jews call ATlantic 034ft. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snader have AT-lantic 6409 and choked with that same terrifying hiy ahrzeit. You see, he died over in taken an apartment at the new BelFrance. It seems a pity it had to rattle. vedere Apartments. "For God's sake, do something happen when he was almost safe—he PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. was killed just a few hours before NORMA TALMADGE IN quick, Kitty," he cried to his wife. 47th and Martlia Sts. ISA. 16G2 ITEN "ASHES OF VENGEANCE" But she no longer stood, at his side. word got there that the armistice was Mannfacttirers . of Brass, Bronze, signed." .and Soft Grnj- Iron Castings, Turning, he saw that she had hurried OPENS AT STRAND SUNDAY Aluminum BISCUIT CO. Jfou are assured of soft castings, as to the door where .Mrs.- Berghoff Commencing Sunday, November 11, ire machine some from stcry heat in own shop. Snow White stood. All his antagonism for the and continuing1 through the week, the oorStandard size cast iron and bronze Bakeries ooshinprs in stock. woman and her race overflowed; his Strand theatre is presenting Joseph The Fydannthian club held its in(RPK. V. 8. I'flt. voice was ragged with hatred. M. • Schenck's production of H. B. Soitiation services- in Social Science "Get out of here!" he shrieked, al- building Friday. A two-course lunch- merville's historical novel, "Ashes of most beside himself. eon was then served at the home of Vengeance," a First National picture But she did not seem -to hear him. Miss Elsie Poska. The: initiates vrere starring Norma Talmadge.. "Ashes of Carpenter Paper Co. P. S. 3IQKEY. Prop. "Let me look at the baby," she said Miss Dorothy Diamond and Miss Es- Vengeance" is by far the most pretenDistrilmtore of Phone Webster 0820 quietly to Kitty. "I heard him 'way ter Freshman. , •". tious production in which Miss TalWestern Bond—and High THE LAUNDRY THAT upstairs and I'm. sure it's croup. I madge has ever been presented. The Grade Stationery EVERYBODY LIKES. know just what to do,for him. My Omaha, Nebraska. The Ivre club held its Halloween impression this production made in


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