The world is rfull of 1 • willing* people; some willmg to work, and others-to stand "around and watch.
'. it- isn't"your-"position, but your disposition, that makes you hajipy' or unhappy.
2—No. 49
'tut Entere !>O8tOffll
EMU matter on January 27th, 1321. *t Nebraska, under the Act et ftlarci 3. ifira
LITHUANIA LIQUIDATES I JEWISH-MINISTRY Berlin. (J. T. A.) The Lithuanian Government is gradually liquidating SAM B&agtt the de factor Jewish Ministry, it is IOIDOR zxeavat learned, on theis of the estimates for 1924. In this budget the sum of 12,14, 1823,-.. 000 l i t , slightly above the thousand Anne Sellcpw, Winner ia Girls dollars, has been allocated for the Workers Bstbsa B. Green*: . Canvass City for UnPopularity Contest; Flora Bie- Jewish Ministry for the coming year. ..Ediie? J«wt«h Press, 'Ms, it is pointed out, will suffice to Eenstock, Secoad; Bertha Omaha, Setoaskft Pleclges. '• 'V ay^the salary of only a second rate Berger, Third. ecretary, the ambitious Ministry $14,S70 NEEDED TO FINISH Itetbea: ;hus being reduced to the skeleton of THIS 'YEAR'S WORK. AM yea yea mat mat wall wall teioirtba B*a*l Brltis «tenlml;~ af which MORE THAN; $5,000 REAL- a secretariat. All departments atAM IZED FROM 'CAENIVAL' : X had the ple pleasure, e&ll privilege of tools? oh*irmaa,..*u sadoessral Three hundred and fifty-nine do!* tached to the Ministry are being teycad a l l expectations. - . s » crowd « a bjr f *r the largest that Stunts of magic, mind reading, jazz More than five ? thousand people ! :losed, •while the Jewish Minister him- lars and twenty-five cents per d&j, ever attended a almllap .affair la the oitjr of Oaadra ' M SS AltJso&gh. melodies, popular entertainers, sing.raavs net yat reefciswd repcrfcar from tb» nrlmm «<asB$tt«B, •witnessed the B'nai B'rith .carnival at ;elf remains a member of the Cabinet must be collected during each of the ttta returns at this writing indloat* that tfa» oat proeeefis iret ers and dancers, all these are on the the auditorium Sunday. The doors of ithout & portfolio. • • * exceed crar goal of $5,000.00 by a «ido margin. forty days, Saturdays, Sundaj^ &n& program for the "third a-nnnqi Father rgn. the auditorium •were opened at noon holidays, between November 12 and and Son Reception, and Get-Together, With thia fficasy Cash* lodge * i l l b« a tie to psy both ita and remained open until midnight. December SI, to enable the Jewish to be given Sunday evening, NovemWar Orphan ems. /n«i-^eflenatioa League pledges la full. pe? eoafelisg Sutfday morning , workers were on Welfare Federation to continue its us to do t h i s , TK> are grateful 'bayend all.povsrs cf express lea for ' ber 18, a t the Jewish Community Centha generous response sssds fey the peopln of csmha; w» &r« grateful hand, to prepare for the large crowd work unccrtafled for this- year, Samter, under the auspices of'ttie'B'nai 1,200 Workers to Aid in Canvassing for the splendid* -wholehearted esd unselfish ct?»opsratlaa that we of people expected for the event. City. , uel Schaefer, superintendent, reported received from tha wc?tara «ha ltborefl «acoaaiasly;«csa. upjaindfttl cf B'rith Social Service Committee. their physical limitations, ca behalf of our ecrwea cause. The crowd, assembled before" ths to the Federation Board at its »eeting Deviating from the usual .practice vaudeville performance and had patMonday night.' COAL SET FOR $402;000 V9 acre grateful mad take this opportunity of expression, of serving sup'per,for the fathers and ronized many- of- the booths. -There Stating that the financial situation TO BE RAISED IN WEEK our doep appreciation for the Miner la which you opesed tho cclusras their sons, the" committee is' concenActive Worker for All Jewish was the most important problem conof you? pepar, ensbling us to t e l l the ccctscalty of «sr uadortaklssg. were crowds -here. - and there aad Wa S09 sealizs more than ever bafore what a tremendous po trating all its efforts in making the Causes, Local and National. crowds everywhere; noise filled ,t&e One thousand two hundred men and fronting1 fee Board at the present good your paper l a , and «e are certain that the e ass tost v for program of the evening one that will and endless pnblloity that-yea-gave our cease cca.tritoat&3 air. The repeated' call "get a baby'' time, Harry Malashock pleaded for ably to the suoqeee that ve enjoyefl. really bring dads and lads closer to women workers in the Community could be heard from the distant doll DATE OF MASS MEETING TO Chest. Campaign are,marking time, greater co-operation on the psrt of each other, by making the dads feel BE ANNOUNCED LATER the Federation subscribers and th© booth, and "get your girl a box of ready to start their city-wide canvass and act as young as their sons. candy" came from the candy booths. curwhich will take place starting Mon.Oscar Leonard of St. Louis, Mo., Beard members to collect the $14,870 Professor Samuel Prinz, noted Rus- day, November 19. There .were many booths on both sides will arrive in Omaha Sunday and will needed to finish the.year's work. sian wonder-man, is coming from Linof the city sudatorium; The following Jewish women will "The Federation is the most imisit here for several days. While in coln, where he makes his home, espe- work for the Community Chest CamWth kindest jwrsonal regftwla, r r«BB»ln According to the committee in the city, Mr.' Leonard will speak for portant Jewish organisation in Oms« cially to entertain with his marvels paign: charge, the. carnival went over the the interests of the Keren Hayesod at ha," said Mr. M&lashoek. "It is the ' " ' Zours t r u l y . of mind-reading and magic. Profestop. The amount of money needed a mass meeting at the Jewish Com- life and the soul of our community* Mesdames Harry Rachman, Jules sor Prinz" is none other than Mr. S; was $5,00Q. .Reports are that the car- munity Center, either Monday or If the Federation is allowed to sufRachman, Blanche Rachman, Dave RoM. Fogelson, of Lincoln, and was for nival realized more than the goal set Tuesday evening. A committee of the fer, it means that all of us suffer many years a featured performer in senstock, B. A. -Simon, Charles Levinfor. *1 want to thank all that have Keren Hayesod will hold a meeting through the general lowering of OBS* son, H.. A.. Frankel, J. Raduziner, S. .; Chalnaaa Caralval C a m i t t e e . vaudeville until his' retirement a few SB-RL. made "this event possible," said Sam Sunday afternoon with Mr. Leonard. community' life. Through year* of Leveyj Arnold Browar, L. Graetz, M. years ago. He is preparing several Beber, general: chairman. Mr. Leonard is "well known through- work we have made Omaha's Federnew numbers for his Sunday night Solomon, Arthur Rosenblum, H. Bra: After,the vaudeville show, a lunch- out this section of the country as an ation one of the best in tbe entire viroff, Ernest TJeyer, L. Nathan, J audience. ion was served to the. people on the ardent worker for the Jewish causes. country, and . we must continue to Blank, J. Marx, H. Malashock, T. A jazz concert will be given • by Kaplan, L Rosenthal, J. J. Slosburg, stage of the auditorium. Following During the World War Mr. Leonard work to keep it in that position," Fred Elias' Jazz Orchestra, Vivian D. P. Feder, J. Q. Marx, H. Trustia, this, dancing "was held tmtil the close served as Four Minute Man, helped Mr. Malashock followed 'with a isles, Stein will dance 'lie-man" dances, and N. P. Feil, R. Kulakofsky, A. Harris, of the evening.''• The gM's popularity organise the Home Service -of the for workers, and on Tuesday commitseveral other equally . entertaining E. Handler and Miss Minnette Marcontest was:the/general talk, of the Red Cross, served on the Draft Board, tees vrere at work ilmnighosit the en* numbers will be given. This year golin. evening. -Entrants in the contest were e t c Shortly after armistice was detire city collecting1 unpaid balances ©f Wm. L. Holzman will tell the boys working all day getting more votes so Thirty worthy and necessary social clared, he was called 'by. the Joint what fathers expect of their sons, and as they might have a safe'margin. Distribution Committee in connection Federation pledges. Following gr* DEAEFEIENU:— r -- > ; -. •;; , ' : ;? ; " ; ^H;:;.- ';, • ; welfare and charitable agencies comLazaar Kaplan will answer .on behalf The ticket selling contest for the dia- ;ssritii its Telief service ia Europe. He the members of the committees: This letter is being written, to ievery subscriber to the ISWISH; prise the Chest. The.amount to be Martin'. Sugarman, I.' Boseutltslft of the" sons." ' • mond; ring prize was also a feature raised — $40*2,000"— will be divided FAE^'J4PEEATlON,.'..of. which you are one.:,/Please-;reai.^careftiliy. t to Esttrasnia as -director of social Henry Monslsy, Leo Rosenthal,' Sam Bats will not be "forgotten and a among.these thirty agencies... , amongthe many gfrl -workers. Chest Campaign, in. Omaha mil be held, daring the The service for that country. While there" Beber Effler, 1*. Harris, L. Si:. spedM—COTamlttee'TPf -women is "al" J ^ t These agencies consist" of: Assbci-" lie'acte&'ss-'canssltaxit.'to' tlie-Mmfstryj DBV« "Freeman, '.'&"> ready at woTk' arranging for this im- ated Charities, American Red Cross, comprising twenty-eight local and -nkfcionailV Jewish institutions, --ds...not -white,.-gold wrist watch "as "first prizeof Labor in connection with the"Wel-i Harry Zimmaxt, Harry Sfiporfant_end_of_the_Affair. The pro- Boy Scouts of America, Bethlehem participating in the budget of ithe,Chest . in selling.the, and MiM fare Departmest. His work in Bou- \ : Arthiir RosenWum, Irvin gram will start promptly at 8. Briefly, the reasons underlying' the'non-participation of the FED- Iva Siegel won the pearl necklace as mania attracted a great deal of at-] Children's Home, Creche, Christ Child Reservations for the Reception, Society, Camp Fire Girls, City Mis- ERATION in the <3ommunity Chest are as follows: • ....- ,. second .prize. The prizes were won tention, and upon leaving there he: Stalmaster, I. Ziegler, William 1*. which already number over 100, will sion, Colored Commercial Club, Day 1. The appeal of the JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION-iscoafmed by -William Grodinskjv the diamond was given a personal letter by Queen, Holzmais, Harry Kulakofsky, Sam be received until 10 o'clock Saturday Nursery, Disabled Veterans World strictly to Jewish residents of Omaha.-'* "• ring, and .Mas Fromkin, the men's Marie of Eonmania, commending Ms Leon, S. HacfeKian, Harry Blalasliocfc. Harry Wolf... Harry LapMus, Dr. A» morning, and should be made to Fred War, House of Hope, Men|s Service 2. The revenues of the FEDERATION Mve beeir "derived entirely •watch. Greenberj?, N. P. FeS, Dr. Philip White, secretary of the lodge, at 906 League for Boys, Minerva Cottage, from voluntary subscription, withoutTecourse to- public, tag-days, balls, -.The ..contest f o r the most/popular work EncLtbat of the J . D. C Mr. Leonard served as • Assistant Sher, D. P. Feder, Morris Milder, 3* First National Bank building. Places Nazareth Home, Colored Old Folks' raffles, entertainments or similar money-raising devices. ...' > -"-* was held towards the close of the Secretary of the National Conference for the Reception are 25 cents each. 3 . T h e FEDESATION includes' amoxig' its affiliated aad beneficiary; evening.., Anne. Selicow' was awarded for Social Work, the National Con- X'Slosburg", Samuel Schaefef, M, SeliHome, Nebraska Children's Home Socow, Israel Goodman and Joe Wolf. ciety, Nebraska Humane Society, organizations certain .agencies, local and national, •which are so purely the .trip to California for first prize. ference of Jewish Charities, was SecNursery Committee Rescue Home, Old sectarian in character as to make t i re propriety of their support from a She received 1O4J00O votes; Flora retary and later President of the Mis- "The Federation BOW embraces 28 Bienstock received the trip to Chicago souri State Conference for Social agencies and organisatioiss doing Jew* People's Home, Omaha Social Settle- community raised fund questionable. ment Association, Society Relief of The JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION will make its appeal in as, second prize.-- She received 84,000 Welfare. He was appointed by Gov. isB social work. * Each .of these ajjfeRDisabled, Society for Friendless, Scan- 1924,.as in the past, to JEWISH RESIDENTS of Omaha exclusively, and votes; Bertha Berger received a trip Gardner a member of the Missouri cies touch the. lives of the Jews at to Kansas City as third prize. She Children's Code Commission. Was di- this city at some point. No Jew eun Took Active Part in All Legion Ac- dinavian Y. W. C. A., Salvation Army, expects you to continue your full-hearted support. received 78,000 votes. "I want to rector in numerous social and civic afford to withdraw himself from th« Visiting Nurses' Association, Y. W. C. The (Community Chest is a civic undertaking and deserves the support tivities. thank all the people that have helped welfare organizations in St. Louis and Federation, which is meeting the A., Wolf Cubs, Council of American- of every, citizen of Omaha. As a citizen of this community you, should Harry Trustin, vice president of the ization and Child Saving Institute. • support the Chest, and as a Jew you should continue to support the JEW- me win this - prise," said Anne Seli- Missouri and served Mayor Eel's Cit- problems of all the Jews of Om&ha. local lodge of B'nai B'rith, was electcow, winner of the contest. "Unless the Federation collect It will be the _ain\ of the Campaign ISH WELFARE FEDERATION. izens' Advisory Committee. He served ed vice commander of the American Committee to visit every home, indus"I think that the B'nai B'rith car- as Chairman of the Social Service every dollar outstanding1, it will me&s. Yours very truly," Legion at its annual election Friday. try, factory and business house in the ' : ; JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION, ;. nival was one of the best events o: Committee of District No. 2, I. O. that hardship and misery will hm city. • .. : . (Signed) Dr. Philip Sher, President. this kind that I had-ever attended,'' B. B. Was President of Missouri known among the poor Jews of thi* said John Hopkins, city commissioner Lodge L 0. O. B. city; that Jewish beggars -will he ; "Every person should give some•who was at. the carnival during the thing, to charity," said Director J. E.Mr. Leonard was staff lecturer on on our streets;, that''recreation for entire evening. Mr. Hopkins had tak- Practical Problems of the Social Set- Jewish children,..through: the Y. M« Davidson. "Some axe able to give en an ^tave part in the carnival so as tlement for the Missouri School of So- XL:A.t will be stopped, and "that sit more and some less, but everyone to make it possible to put "it "over the cial Economy (Missouri. University). activities for "the' sick, the ''handishould give-something." . ••- .- - . . - . . • . . •. Mr. "Davidson" said,"*he Committee The regular semi-monthly dance-of Was special lecturer on Crime, Delin- capped -and'the helpless will have.t* The Annual Meeting of the Needle top." The souvenir program book was a quency and Defectives for l i e Union be ctfrtaiMcl," 'eonflcued p r . Sher. ' hopes to be able to obtain' a minimum the Senior group of the Y. M. and Y.' Work Guild was held Thursday mornpf.?5 from, the average family. In W. H. A. will be given this Saturday ing, November 8, at the Scottish Rite novelty feature of the carnival. The Hebrew College, Cincinnati. He has '" "Our. -workers"will fa in the.fiel^ the industries, men are being asked to evening, November 10, at the Jewish Cathedral. The following officers success of the., program boot was da> delivered lectures before colleges, uni- every -day-until-every- dollar -is cal~» give a 'dayVwages. Community Center. With the in- were elected:" Honorary president, to of. the many rasa, who versities, city clubs, rotaries, women's t&ztei" said < Harry •; Makshock- *Ba£ "This amount spread over a period creasing growth of ther, Association, Mrs. W. G. Templeton; president, Mrs. had helped put it over. Abner Kai clubs, temples, synagogues, commer- T?C want the subscribers to mail in of the year is not a great deal to aid these dances are becoming the most Chas. R. Sherman; vice president, man, Sam E. KJaver and Joitn Feld' cial clubs and churches. . their balances to pave the cominittSftS' those who are 'less' fortunate," said popular recreational activity for the .Miss Elsie Goetz; secretary, Mrs.- G. man were at the head, of that com valuable time." •> -; Mr. Davidson. . This does not mean younger group in the community. An K. Smith; and Veasurer, Mrs. Geo. B. mittee. -' .: .. ' The following?- directors were pretThe country store,-where large bas-: TALMUD TORAH that- this amount -will, be "asked of average of 200 young men and women Henderson. erit a t the meeting: • _ ' " • ' ELECTSr OFFICEES those who live in Dundee and other attend. Admission is limited to Y The Omaha division of the Needle kets of groceries "were sold to the ess Dr. Sher, Carl KEtlcraan,' Mr. A. B. Alpirn «as re-elected such districts. Much more than that members in good standing. Work Guild of America was success- tomers, was well - patronized "daring president of the City Talmud Torab Malashock, L, Harris/ Harry Trustin was elected by a large ma- will be expected from them. On Monday evening this group will ful in the collection of garments this the entire day. ""All" in ail, I think E.t its annual election Tneeting held tlis anan, S. Jacob?, N . ' P . Feil, M. M* event,-" -sal "Some families may not be able to hold a regular meeting at. the Jewish year. - At the Scottish Rite Cathedral .that it was'.-a".*oiuierful jority. During the world war he 3 Herman Auerbach, K» latter psrt of last month at the Beth ';SJE.;Klaver today.'• '"" . V-'-v •'_ served overseas with the American give the $5 "minimum, but in nearly Community Center at 8 o'clock. An Thursday and Friday, November S and 1 Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue. NineMsreus Herbc-T * Hcavenrich, M. Sfi!iT The -decorations 'of the auditorium forces. Leo Bozell, secretary of the every case this should be possible." interesting program has been ar- 9, the thousand of garments collected teenth and Burt streets. The meeting cow, J&e. Greenberg, Dave The purpose of the Community ranged. Omaha Real Estate Board, was electwere exhibited and distributed among were, made' possible'.by"the doaataos. •was • attended by over one hundred "William Grodinsky, Martin of these by the Woman's Oversea Chest is to eliminate the numerous ed commander. „ New activities of the Senior group the many charitable organizations. L. Holzman, Harry A. League. Theauditoriuia was beauti' people who elected seven comsrassioxiTrustin has "been, an active worker drives and tag days and to centralize include a choral class under the leadMrs. B. A. Simon, president of the ers who elect the officers for tlie TalDsve Feder, Iv&bbi Frederick , in American Legion circles. During charitable and social work so that the ership of ! the Misses Cecelia Feiler Wise Memorial Hospital section, re- fully decorated to tfepresent a scene ir mud Torah. The commissioners were Joins FeldKiaji, I. Goodman, Arthur the recent staging of" "A Night in people's charity" will bring a full dol- and Sadye Levey, which was organ- ports that 1,200 garments were col- Paris. . Confetti and streamers were the Messrs. A. B. Alpirn, J. KatieRosenblum* Harry Lapidus, Irdr, SU1Paris," by the Women's Overseas J lar's worth of service. ized two weeks ago, and a sewing and lected for the hospital. Mrs. Dave given to all to make this event man man, S. Havta:, M. Blank, A. Coin, is&ster, Earrj" Kulakofsky, M. Kula-« League, lie designed all the decembroidery group under the direction Rosenstock, secretary of the Jewish. like a carnival than a mere dance. Tli< A. G. Weinstein and 32. Lackow. The kofsTjj", S. ISavits, I. Kosenlhal, R, orations. These same decorations LITHUANIAN JEWS ASK TO of Mxs. S. H. Schaefer, which will be Welfare • Organisation, reports that crowd stayed xratirifete, many gain; other officers elected by the corairJs- Keyer, JSabln 1". M. Charlop, A, were used by the B'nai B'rith for its CO-OPERATE WITH AGENCY organized, during the coming week. 610 garments were collected for her home "with /prizes ~ and 'gifts "Wdu ._,& i were Mr. J. Kstlernan, vies Schlaifer, Mrs. M. Tatle, Mrs, J . t h e . c a r n i v a l . ' . '•. •-•• .- . - ' • • '• -.'.': . carnival Sunday evening at the city Kowna. (J. T. A.) The question of Both groups will meet on Wednesday organisation. president, and Mr. A. Cohn, treasurer. Blank, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. S, auditorium. the Jewish Agency for Palestine has evenings. Mrs. R. Eulakofsky was in charge Div-PHlip Sher is honorary president. Savitz, Mrs. P. Sehlalfer, Mrs. H s r t y been placed upon the Agenda of the of the refreshments that wer eserved Habbi I. M. Ch&rlop has b&sn ap- Wolff Mr*. I. KoscnlKal aad Bfiss A«» National Assembly of the Lithuanian PROGRAM FOR OMAHA Friday afternoon to all tbe visitors. pointed chairman of the Educations! Sclicow. Jews. RECEIVE HONORS Board. HEBREW CLUB The National Council has been emAT SCHOOL JORDAN VALLEY ARABS The "Woman's Auxiliary of B'nai | The Talmud Torali has now enrolled j The regular meeting of the Omaha powered to inquire of the Zionist ExB'rith win hold a mother and daugh- about thnes hundred pupils who are GIRLS HIEE TO NEW YORK. WELCOME SAMUEL Lea Rosenblatt, daughter of Mr. and Hebrew club will be held this Sunday ecutive in London as to the possiWOT4 fcss been received itom ter get-together Thursday evfening, under the supervision of one principal Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) An enthuafternoon, November 18, at the* Jew- bility of the Lithuanian Jewish par- Mrs. Morjris Rosenblatt, was one of York that Miss Miriam Wintrowb and four teachers. November 22, at the' Jewish: Cotttsasiastic reception was accorded tha the honor, students at Central High ticipation in the Agency. ish Community Center. Miss Hose Steinberg, -who left Omabfe. School receiving \x/s A's. She;fs s. High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Sam- nity Center. All medbers of the AuxAfter the regular business meeting Oetober £0 on a hike to New York, NEW JEWISH DAILY MAKES . • iliary are -asked to bringtheir mothuel, on his arrival at Beisan in the Paris. (J. T. A.) An opera version Freshman at Central High School. the following program will be given: arrived t%r* November 10.^ The ; > v:. APPEARASCE .SN-.SISA ers. The open to all Jordas Valley, whence a deJegsties to Word has also been received' that Several vocal solos by Mrs. Mas of Israel ZangwilTs, "King of Schnonv stopped en route at Chicago, l j:. Riga... <J...T.';• X^-r—TM---''«Nar©aFromkin, several cello numbers by ers," will be presented on the. French Anne Rosenblatt, daughter of .S3?, and the goveTSiment and avow their friend- mothers "wfab* desire to bring • their ; ; apolis &n& Vittsimtg. They' nsya ^Mysl'":;is.,"tlie 083afe-.©f .a'vjsfiw daughters for'this Mrs. Rosenblatt., was honored at ship for the J£ws. The High ComMr. Oscar Weinstein.. One of the stage" some time this winter. ; s New York daring the JMV:intei^Mit^^ip^grsni' ;» ;l»%fg |3e«idj 'daily is. &B-M&s^sm::: missioner's party was met at the oat* : The ^translation .from English is by Whe&ton College, Wheaton Mass- She main speakers for the afternoon willand will Wke back to Omaba m now ieing published iis Biga. I t the Hockey" TeaiB and the skirtsr -of Beisan'*by 400 Arab horse. be Rabbi I. M. Charlop, wht^-wiH talk Pierre "yareme. The nrosir is the work .had made; return trip next sprir.-; ,. ' 1 its appearance e a Octcbex 5. meu who esosrted him t c the town. • on "Present Standard of Judaism." A of the Jewish consposcr, Cr£2ai«3S* _ Freshman Gles Club, will follow the program.
ENVOY STUDIES JEWS' POSITION IS ROUMANIA Bucharest (J.-T. A.) Count Saint Croix, delegate to the League of Nations, who is at-present visiting Roumania, has conferred with two of the j Jewish ' representatives to whom he ' put numerous questions as to the Interesting: Program Being Ar- Jewish, position in Roujnania. The two representatives were Dr. Fielderranged -for Both| Father's inan and Advocate Magdor. . v and Son's. :".' Mme. Saint Croix in particular RESERVATIONS MUST BE evinced an interest in the position of MADE BY SATURDAY. the Jewish women of. Roumania. '
City Community Chest Campaign To Begin Next - Monday; To Canvass City
This Letter Sent to Federation Subscribers
Harry Trusim Elected Vice Commander of Legion
Senior YDance Saturday;
f@r Next Term for Needle Wsrk Ikild
Wow. AmIn! ts Is! Hitlers i l l tofto S&di
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923 secretary; Miss Beulah^ Ladfeman, re ZIONIST CLUB NEWS, to -Kearney, and he was a boy who tions makes no collection in Omaha, f Miss Norma Frosh spent the week-had been .there-.,before. - Our anost. , Palestinian institutions, and this' end in Lincoln visiting her. parents, The first meeting this year of the porter; Miss Sopbie';"iifa"r and tht reqertt record of a Jewish. boy in year there are 18 in our budget, .'will Mr. and Mrs. M. Frosh. Miss Frosh Daughters of Zifen fyras held; Sunday Misses CiarreShames.and TSHie Zuss' court is dated August 11, exactly get 3 -cents of «very Federation afternoon, October 21,'.at the Jewish man were, elected program supervisTHE JEWISH 'PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, dollar, in lieu of making individual is teaching in Douglas, Nebr. three' "months "ago. Community Center under the new ors.i At the regular "meeting held on Fourteen "cents of your Federation collections in Omaha. p: ,48? Brandos yheajre Building.—Telephone: Jackson gS7&' dollar then will, during 1923, be used There are other national institu-| Mrs. Herman Speir entertained at leadership of Miss Julia "Wise. The Sunday, November 4, the club made to promote juvenile recreation. Six tions, such as the Leo N. Levi three tables of bridge Monday. The following officers for the ensuing plans to hold a masoj«erade; party to EL GREEN, Manager. cents -will be used to further adult Hospital, the National Desertion Bu- honor guests were Mrs. Fox, of Texas, .$2.50 recreational and social activities reau, • the Bureau of Jewish Social Mrs. Eussil Chase, formerly Miss Pau- term were elected: Miss Sylvia Bern- be given Saturday evening, November Subscription Price, one year. stein, president; Miss Lilly Blacker, 17, at the home of Miss Wise at 1909 through the existing Jewish Com- Research, and others, all of whom are ftumlshed on application. munity Center, which will need $3,- doing work for Omaha, which com- line Ackerman, of this city, Mrs. Rose vice president; Miss Ross Katzman, Webster street. bined, will get less than one cent of Ellicon from St. Joseph, Mo., and Mrs. 000 for the year. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profita from the p We hear much talk these days every Federation, dollar. Sam Speir, of Sioux Falls, S. D. of The Jesrtah Press a w t a t s given to ttortfay communal .cagsfea. about Jewish education, and the Coming hack now to Omaha, we necessity for bringing our children have the Wise Hospital to which you Mrs. Julius Weil entertained TuesPJBW*! back to Judaism through the medium contribute 7 cents of every dollar day at a bridge luncheon for the visof the Talmud Torahs and other you give the, Federation and the Old The Jewish Press Is supplied toy the Jewish Telegraph^ Agency (Jewish religious schools." Twelve cents of Peoples' Home, sheltering 10 old itors. Correspondence Bureau) with .cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition your • Federation dollar will be spent persons, to which 5 cents of every Among the Lincoln people who atto feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish .centres, this year for the support of the Federation dollar will go this year. inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will ba gladj; two Talmud Torahs in Omaha, and The Central Office, including, adminis- tended the B'hai B'rith carnival in answered if addressed to Jewish" Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, for the inculcation in 300 children of tration, personal service, immigrant Omaha Sunday were the Misses Irene Wew York C,ity. the principles and the ethics of aid, and supervision of the relief Adelson, Jean and Ruth Evnen, Mr. Judaism. These are children who cases, will take 11 cents of each, and Mrs. Lewis Ellis, Johanna Garson pay only partial tuition or no tuition dollar this year. IMISIIGBAXION at all, and who, if it were not for This then is the work of the Fed- and Dave Davidson. . Four .thousand .aliens above the quota were temporarily the Talmud Torahs, would un- eration dollar, this is how it divides The Hafheons are giving a dance at doubtedly be deprived of the facil- itself this year. Five cents of an admitted into the United States and held at Ellis Island by order ities Jewish education, which has ordinary dollar is trivial—five cents the Ivre club rooms Friday, NovemA timely thought for National Father and Son Week, of Secretary of. JjaJbor Pavis. This condition has been brought come for to be looked upon as a com- of the Federation dollar can help ber 16. November 11th to 18th about by our ill-considered, inelastic immigration law. Certainly munity and not a group function. work wonders. But the point of this common decency demands that even though too many of us Let us leave JOmaha for a moment whole story is that this year our Fed- Invitations have been issued for the eration dollar must be a 100 cent Krechefsky-Pollick wedding, which have lost all sense of hitman values as a result of the war and and turn our faces towards Denver cent dollar—and it can be a 100 cent and Los Angeles, where the great post-war conditions, yet, we must realize that the dumping of tuberculosis will take place November 27. hospitals are situated. dollar only if we collect $48,630. . 4,009 human beings', -who do not know what fpte has in store How much do you give to help back So far we have collected only about for them, cast, so to speak, between the devil and the deep blue to health the hundreds of men, 65 cents of every Federation dollar, The Zeta Beta Tau house had many I, the city of Bagdad lived Hakeem, the wise man. sea, cannot be glossed over. If we had not become so shock- women and children who are in the although we have spent 73 cents of visitors for Dad's Day and for the Mi v people went to him for counsel, which he Jewish Hospital, in the our. dollar. We haa to do this—for Nebraska-Notre Dame game. . ingly indifferent, utterly calloused, a storm of protest National gave '-sely-to all, asking nothing in return. Jewish Consumptives Relief Society hunger and nakedness recognize no would have gone up that would have made everyone in any and the ExTPStients Home in Denver, bank balances, and children crying manner responsible. for this condition so utterly ashamed of and the Jewish Consumptives Relief from cold and want, must be taken PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! There came to him a young man who had spent themselves that they would address themselves immediately to Association in Los Angeles? How care of. much and gotten little, and said: "Tell me, Wise to prevent the From today, November 12 until the correction of this indefensible and monstrous injustice done much do you give One, what shall I do to receive the most for that l i b December 31st, there are exactly 40 Spread of tuberculosis by supporting . to 4,000 bewildered, frightened human- beings. which I spend." hospitals which provide for the days, Saturdays, Sundays and holiFor instance, the attitude of the "New York Times", in an the care of the tubercular unfortunates? days included. We need to finish our Chiropodist and Beauty editorial Nov. 6, entitled "Our Muddled Immigration Law," after How much of a premium are, you year, and to enable our Federation Shop Hakeem answered: "A thing'that is bought or for insurance against tuber- to do its work you as it should be Eafcs&lisked: 1S30 soundly berating ther government of the United States for trying paying sold has no value, unless It contains that which canISth »nd Herney Btrwte. done, $14,370.00. This means that culosis., insurance that will protect to avoid responsibility, has this to say: o» a chance i o apyou and the members of -your fam- during every day of the forty still Give not be bought or sold. Go look for the priceless ?reciat« yoor bhstnesg. For ily? How much are you contribut- remaining in this year of 1923 we appoiatments j "But wh"y should a foreign government help to get rid of call Ja. 0774. ingredient." ing toward the care of the 11 Omaha must collect an average of $330.25. its best citizens when it has long sought methods of shipping patients now in these institutions? Unless we do bur Federation dollar "; > . ' its undesirable ones ?" "But what is the priceless ingredient?" asked the One sum, pitifully small, will an- isn't worth 100 cents—it won't buy It is a mos£ curious psychologic fact that as soon as a group swer all of these four questions. Five happiness for you nor for the people young man. Spoke then the wise one: "My son, the of individuals becomes settled in a place, succeed in business, ind one-half cents of every Federa- who need your gifts, . " FOE RENT priceless ingredient of every product in the market become prosperous, fill the public offices, that they look upon tion dollar is divided among four Good room in modem home for place is the honor and integrity of him who makes institutions that are battling those not of their group as undesirable, even though they them- worthy one or two gentlemen. Call it and him who sells it j consider their names before day and night with the problem of selves came from the; same place as the "undesirable" newcomer. tuberculosis. Think of the work Webster 1172 for further you buy." If the" aliens who have come to our shores in millions before these institutions are doing for the The Menorah Society held its regparticulars. pur quota Jaw went into effect were iiot undesirables (for the unfortunates within their gates, for ular meeting Sunday, November 11, in you and for mie, for all of us, for the Temple building. Miss Mildred f «*et is that these millions of aliens have helped to build America humanity in general. Think what a - and bring, it to its present foremost position! why the gratuitous, small amount it Js we gjve them, and Nefsky sang two song numbers. Mrs. .unfounded assumption that now Europe is trying to get rid of realize if you will that even this H. Mendleson gave a talk on the TalConsider well the "Priceless Ingredient" in your small amount will have to be re- mud. he? undesirables. V " .v 5- :rT""»HE Final Close-Out of the S duced unless the sum of our FedIn the last year more than twenty thousand of our co-re- eration dollar totals $48,630 before Clothes Baying. Nebraska Standard Qnality Clothes, I Goldstein Jewelry Co. is E Miss Ruth Lieberman, of St. Paul, S ligionists were unabjg to enter America, although --over fifty E Z. now in progress. If you E December 31st. Emphasize the Point. ' are in need of any . 5 thousand 'djd enier. \yere these severity odd: thousand co-re- Now turn, to the east, and look at Minn., arrived in Lincoln Saturday to E r attend the Nebraska-Notre Dame 3 Jewelry or Silverware, now is -5 ligionists of ours undesirables pf Whom"Europe ^vas trying to the Cleveland Orphan Home, where your chance to buy them .at ss rid'iteelf.?.-""-We -refuse td believe it.-- And What is true of our 21 Omaha 'childreii.&nibngi 430 others game. Miss Lieberman will be the Ss your own price. E are being raised to manhood? and guest of Miss'Bernice Diamond for co-religionists is equally true of the ether aliens who have come womanhood. Here' the handicaps of this-week...?'i. laV , ;-. to this country from Europe. • misfortune and disaster, of the. loss In truth it requires fortitude, energy and a spirit that ani- of one or both.parents, are overcome Mr. and Mrs. Goldansky were vismated the pioneer iri '49 to enable a man* to pull up stakes and so far as • willing ha.nds and * kind itors iit Lincolli; over the week-end can overcome them, and joy brave the difficulties which confront him in a new land where hearts 1510 Farnam St. . E beauty is being brought to the and attended", the Nebraska-Notre ho is strange to its customs, language, laws and manner of life. and CGRBECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: souls of children, Three and a half Dame game. ; ' . Were it.not for these adventurous and courageous men and cents of your Federation jdollar will ^liiilllUlHHIIIIIIIHillilllilHIIinilliEHIlK Miss Yettaif tevy and Mr. Morris this year. Less women jwho-came to this country, it is very seriously doubted be sent to-Cleveland -une-fiftbr: of? diae rcentt per: year Levy drove in from Hastings, Nebr., -"whether we could" have reached* our "present'high estate, for in than for each ..Omaha: child- in: the Cleve- for the Nebraska-Notre Dame game. ihe last analysis,-the-satisfied,, smug, comfortable folk of the land Orphan Home is your contribuworld do not make for enterprise, expansion and growth. tion to thes,e 21 children for each, They left Lincoln Sunday morning. high time that this problem of immigration be carefully studied dollar that, you pay the Federation. unless; ^ve - collect; $48,630,., this in all its ramifications, and the rule of reason, and not prejudice, And FOR BENT i t : will'l be eyen- -less than that. y guide our lawmakers in, the making-of a law that will be just year Cozy' warm* room in private I ask you,\cari Oinaha.strike b •equitable and beneficial To all;—"Detroit Chronicle." family for 1" or 2 gentlemen or ain 'at, the*'; expense of these'children ? - - suXf.v-iw :; •-•:^.-. .'.• •:--•- *•.-•jLor.2 girls or couple. With or Go on now'from Cleveland to*] New- - withontrbdam. With home priv-York and. go to Ellis Island, where ' iieges. Keasdnable. Call at 2946 the ocean liners, bearing- thousands] Nicholas St., or call Harney of immigrants each month, are flock-1 6509. By. SAJHUBL H. SHAEFER, Superintendent ed; Watch the work of the H I A S, ! BQABD OP DIRECTORS:^ed, and misery arid want will'be with the Jewish immigrants, and you among the poor Jew« • of will say "If ever there was human- This is the etoryof a'dollar, a ] k o w itarian work, this is it." Picture the very unusual' dollar, a - dollar that Omaha, Merchants are growing more and more Three and a*half cents as such do work of the HIAS oversees, uneven |n these day's st can a ""•— pyen days of hjgh hjgJi costs the masses of the red-tape buy more things of value than the not amount to very much. There is tangling particular about the appearance of the deordinary, common dollar." I t is the hardly anything, other than a news- of the immigration laws for these Keshlence. 13-13 fio. 25th St. immigrants, helping them months ©toryv of the Federation ' dollar, of paper, that you can buy with them. livery cars they send to their customers' Tri. Atlantic 6031, the money which you: -gave to- the Yet three and a half cents of your before they leave their homes, transF!ac« of nasint-ftq, 5323 Harney (St. mitting funds, affidavits, counsel and homes. Federation to buy material things Federation dollar, together with three 3>l, ATlantlo SS31. for others and happiness for your- and a ha.lf cents of every Federation advise, without charge. The HIAS eelf. " .. - . dollar, will enable us to take care has helped and ie helping, through vThe Tekson 5s perfectly clesr to-snsroxe of Jewish transients, and to keep our office hundreds of Omaha .famFollow closely the travels of your Jewish ilies in .the intricate task of joining CLARENCE D E S D U N E S beggars off our streets this who has ever analyzed his impressions on Federation, dollar-^go with it - where year. Since January we have had them and. .their relatives. It works "it goes-r-rdo. the things it does for Concert Violinist and Teaeher in all parts of Europe. And yet, all seeing a handsome, dignified delivery car you—and J know that you will feel 418 transients, whom these groups of of Federation dollar that will Studio: Hawkln'K M«dp«?|S9 No.?4tb St. ihat your Federation dollar, has done 3%. cents helped. Last month alone goj your I'hone, -Wrbster 5526. draw up in front of his own, or his neigh\o support the HIAS this. year more than the ordinary dollar's worth there were 50. November and Decem- is Jess Office Hours. 3:30 t o G. ' than one cent. The HIAS like ber will bring more of them. Vlolia bows end cases for e&le. of work for you. • - • - ' / bor's door. You may have read in Saturday's all the others of our affiliated instituWith ten months of- activity and papers six boys, aged from 13 expenditures -as a bpsia for the work to 16, that Good appearance is one of the'tHfcfe"foresent to the Industrial of tlte. entire ,year,, this, is .how your School were at "Kearney. Four of them most attributes of Dodge Brothers ComFederation, dollar will divide itself were what the.boys themselves called in 1923J - - • > ' • • • •; '- — a ''gang*?. They would hang around mercial Car. The others are low upkeep. • Of every'dollar that 'yfcu pay UBstreet corners at night, g • J4 4 lieu . oof 27%" cents w"ill 'have- to:be- used' for any other place tp go, and their cost and long, dependable service. Jocal relief.,.What does-this actually hanging around got g t them into mean ? It means that -wherever j^ers trouble, little, insignificant' ifi' mischief hf , iS-a Jewish family in Jhis pity su1?er- at first, which grew into serious ing want> hunger, cold; deprivation— trouble, and this trouble landed them O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. -27& cent? -pf Sour Federation dollar in Kearney, and the'blight of hay28th and Harney Sts. •will be used to remove ,-the want, ing served tinie in a ppenal institu- S hunger, cold.and deprivation and if tion will hang over these b Telephone—HA rney 0123 y ass boys possible' eridicate tfie* cause of it. long as' they-live. You will say i Itt means, that whereveU irf city rf this t city ''How sad 5 what a tragedy for. t e q t h r are- JJewish therei h hild h childrenwhose boys," And then yoa wijl add, and i 5 father, ift them to give rightfully' "Thank, God they were r, is-no. n . llonger g r wift and an all star cast tthe,m". h " the.' t; h.necessities e: i t " of ' Jjfe J j f hwhich i h Jewish boys." "Bu£ Jewish boysaite you glvt' yotir chfldreri;' and for whom no different than other boys—thay there is hof.gne else- to:prdvide. those too must seek "recreation, they tqo' will present things that -.part, pfyqnr g7% -cents ,their gangs, harmless,-', inTffill be ,-used -there.Trith--uarts- of, 48,- offensive gangs, un^il, tjie big trouble 630 pfbe* "-.groups' of. ,-27% qents to reaches them' and the world brands give'them-those essentials to which them as Jewish criminals. Here in life 'entities' "them/ I t means that Omaha we are trying through the your 37% cents will be a nurse to YMHA to get hold of the, Jewish - the sick, staff to" the crippled, proteefc- gang, the groups of Jewish boys, and pr' to *he helpless, help-mate to th,e girls, too, who live in the same a comedy in four acts •widow, father to the orphans. And neighborhood, who know each other, although the year is riot' yet over who have" kindred - interests and your 27% !cents. has already done kindred thoughts, and we try,to take ' S .these things for 62 adults and 108 th'pm off the streets and the street = . children of this city, for periods vary- comers, out of pool rooms and from S _ ing frpm one week to ten months. dark, unwholesome alleys, and bring 5 Iii ' the case" of the children alone, them, the whole gang of them, to s and when we average the' number of the YMHA club-rooms and - the s weeks care i p r each_chilskjyour 27% YMHA activities. And we usually i s cents' has helped 57 children con- keep our Jewish boys and our Jew- S stantly for th^e (44 weeks •from Jan- ish girls out of court. . a s uary "1st t ° November ' 1st, or the Fourteen cents of your Federation S equivalent of one child-for 2,500 dollar will be used for promoting weeks, almost.47 years." dean wholesome recreation for Jew;TWs This fe: &: on n ivxf f psjsia p ? of-10 months ish children; and younj; men ' arid, of^vork. • only., Twftj winter., w h women;- The YMHA w}H need this hard foif'the Mor and harden still for year §6,600, for its program-, which % whose w 1 wfiflf fiflfit is to.. is in the relation to oiii? total needs ihqse ag«nc% Thesp are two of the biggest shows -tee1 poor, are still provide >fo* f te tll to t 6£ f4$',630. as 14c is. to; one-dollar. ttiS Unless we have every pne pf From Januaryvto November 14, 149 _ staged for Jewish-audistico- '•'•• children and young people attended ' = ', to use during these 443 club and class meetings.' in .the . is the orphans will YMHA.- From January to November S but one Jewish boy went ^romOrnaha =J| be fatheites* the
Monthly Report of Jewish Welfare Federation
Goldstein Jewelry Co. |
Chi§. lothstein and Helen Grossman 1 We!!-Known Jewish Artists
Door Neighbor -I
On Tuesday, November 20
Home of Peace
On Wednesday Eve., Nov. 21
3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923 Omaha-Public Schools in Omaha, will' tion of ' Adass ;Yeshtiren Synagogue, The Aleph Zidi Aleph's deliver an address at the Temple Is-j Twenty-fifth and Seward streets, in team practiced at the Central High rael on "Progress in.Education" i n ' Jewish on the subject of "Hopes In School grmnasiujri .and the., team is connection with the observance of Ed- God." improving fast and it is expected that ucational Week in Omaha. The Friday evening lectures, whTch the team sill be one si the best in Mrs. Harry Fellheimer and Mrs. began last Friday evening, will be the Sunday School 'League at the Y. Fred KoEenstock will entertain at a 1 continued in order to interest the JL C. A. The Aleph idi Aleph had o'clock luncheon Thursday at the younger generation to attend Friday charge of the check stand at the B'nai evening services. . B'rith Carniyal and handled it very Omaha Athletic Everyone is cordially invited to at- capably. Mr. Joe Freeman -was in Mr. and Mrs., Philip Schlaifer are tend these lectures on Friday evening charge. .', expecting to leave soon for Los An- and Saturday .morning. :eles, Calif., where they will make ' K E R E N HAYESOD N E W S . their home. Mrs. Schlaifer will leave The Omaha Keren Hayespd a r e t - m mmmimmm • » • • • , » , „ . . . . « . first to visit Kansas City -and St. .MAKCUS-SALTZMAN. Louis, Mo., where Mr. Schlaifer. will printing booklets that ynM contain The marriage of Miss Moll ye Saltsmeet her and both will then leave for t h e names of t h e subscribers t o t h e man, ' dacghter of Mr.'and Mr* H. alifornia. A number of-affairs are Keren Hayesod for this year and how Saltzman, ix> Mr. Abe H. Marcus of being given for Mrs. Schlaifer before-! much they have already paid. Com- Omaha, Tdll take place Sunday, Noshe will leave. Among those given mittees have been appointed a n d a r e vember 18, at the Danish Hall at 6 this week was an afternoon bridge j working-to collect all pledges in fulL given by Mrs. J". Fregger at her home Checks can be mailed to either Mr. Maiiy affairs are .being- given in last Thursday .afternoon. The Daugh- J . B . Eobinson, treasurer of t h e orhonor of the bride-to-be. Last ganization, or M i s . Ben Handler, secters of Israel Aid Society, of which Wednesday evening the Misses Gertorganization Mrs. Schlaifer has been retary, ,.-. .-••'. . - • rude, and" Keva Gilinsky and libbie an officer-and active member for a Marfcowitz Entertained at a bridge number of years, entertained in her THOBPEIAN N E W S , party a£ the home; of the Misses Gilhonor Wednesday afternoon .at" the An unusual large attendance a t - insky, Thursday evening Miss Stella Old People's-Home. , A number ot tended t h e l a s t meeting of t h e ThorTrochtenbexgv entertained at a theother affairs: are^being, planned by peian Athletic chih. A basketball team atre psity. 'Saturday afternoon Miss Mrs. Schlaifer's friends. has been entered i n the .Y-. M. C A . Betty Fine entertained at bridge at League and practice will s t a r t shortly. her home. The 'Mesdames Dave EoMiss Dorothy Margolin, daughter of Prominent speakers have been s e - sen a.nd A. Laibowitz honored Miss Mr. and Mrs. G. Margolin, enterlected to address t h e members.. each Saltzman at bridge Sunday afternoon tained thirteen guests Sunday aftermonth on topics of interest. at the home of Mrs. Leibowitz. Miss noon in honor of her eleventh birthThe' regular Sunday' night dances Dorothy Shapiro entertained Monday day. "-•'. - •'• -••:" •••" will be held this Sunday, night a t the for MLss-Saltzman. Mrs. Fred Greea^ Mr. and Mrs.-Ni Mantel.entertained Ben H u r Academy a t Twenty-eighth berg entertained at the Brandeis Tea a t dinner Wednesday evening a t their and' F a r n a n r streets. Adam's .orches- Booms' Monday evening- for Miss home. " , .,' ' .: : . " t r a will furnish the music for the Saltzman and her fiance.' Tuesday evening. evening Mrs. Philip Greenberg enterMessrs. H . G. Counsman and Morris tained, at-a dinner party, Wednesday Potash motored h a c k . t o Omaha t h e Mrs. iiouis Greenberg was hostess at A L E P H ZIDI A L E P H N E W S . latter .part, .of last -week .from a two The Aleph Zidi Aleph a r e very glad weeks' stay in Excelsior'; Springs, Mo. to announce that they have secured They had- also stopped off f o r several t h e services of -MR Oscar Weinstein days visiting in St. Joe. and Kansas a s Grand Leader « f t h e Omaha Chapty, Mo. : t e r -of Aleph "Zidi* Aleph to take Mr. AND' INCOME In honor of t h e coming marriage of j Nathan Manookum's place who left t o EEPDRTS Miss Bertha Lefkowitz t o Mr. Jack take-charge of t h e Kansas City-chapMilton Baslow, Miss Sarah Wolfson t e r of t h e Aleph Zidi Aleph. Mr. Karbaci BIk. Atlantic 10S1 entertained a t h e r home F r i d a y even- Oscar Weinstein is very well i n o w n ing a t a • bridge a n d miscellaneous in Omaha and is very; prominent in shower. Thursday evening Miss Claire the younger set? h e i s a graduate of Katzman will entertain a t bridge a t the Kemper Military Academy and was very active in all lines of ath. SENDER; MILLMAN J | h e r home. letics while attending. school. Mr. . Eecently of Palertine !: Mr. and -Mrs. Sam•'.. Weinberg, of Weinstein will take charge of the A. graduate of a Jlnssfan University J1 Fremont, Nebr., who were-in Omaha j Aleph Zidi Aleph Basketball team. to attend t h e B'nai B'rith'carnival a n d ) to visit with Mrs. Weinberg's parents, in Hebrew and Jewish I' Mr. and Mrs. M. Minkin, returned t o ! p fifteen years of experience. I ! their home, Tuesday morning. .. He wishes to give private iessons • j
EPSTEIN-MEYERS, j Mr. and Mrs. I. Ziegler and family Miss Tillie Meyers, daughter of Mrs. j w e r e called to Chicago, 111., Sunday A. Meyers, y , has set s t Sunday, u y , November' November because1 of the sudden death of Mrs. 25 for for her her -wedding -wedding day day to to Mr, Mr Dave Dave Ziegler's Zietrlfir * father, farter. Mr. Julius JnUne Kippur, in™,*. of *t 25, Epstein of this city, formerly of Sioux that city. City, la. Only members of the-imMrs. Ernest A. Meyers and daughmediate family -will attend the ^ ter are leaving Sunday for Sioux City, : mony followed by a reception a t the la., where they will visit for several bride's home for relatives and friends. weeks. Miss Sarah Riseman is leaving this r week for Elk Creek, Nebr., to make • her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Eiseman. On Thanksgiving, , November 29, she -will go to Kansas City, Mo., where she will vi^it withher sister,. Mrs. Ed. Alperson, and Mr. Alperson, who have recently moved from Omaha to make their home in Kansas City.
Mrs. William Tenenbaum, who was visiting in Cleveland, O., where she attended the wedding of her brother, Mr. Sam Corenman, formerly of this city, will arrive home the latter, part of this week. Before returning, she will visit in St. Louis, Mo.
Word has been received from Dr. Philip Romanek that he arrived in New York on the steamer "America" . from Europe, where he was studying in the hospitals of Vienna, Austria, and he visited in several other European countries. He will remain in the east, visiting in New York, Chicago and other eastern cities, before returning to Omaha on Wednesday, November 28.
The Temple Israel Sisterhood is entertaining at bridge Tuesday evening, November 20, at the Temple.'_ This social evening is in charge of the Mesdames Sol Goldstrom and Herbert Simon. Prizes will be given at bridgeMr. Louis Kirschbraun entertained Saturday evening at the Omaha Athletic club for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller.
Mr. G. Pred.of Pender, Nebr., is visiting here this week.
Sunday afternoon, Npvember 2,5, the Thorpeian Athletic dab dance Bea Omaha Junior Hadassah is entertain" Hnr Sunday, November 18. ing at a social card party at the 'The Council of Jewish Women reg- Blackstone Hotel. ular monthly board meeting will not Miss Lena Eehf eld is giving. Mah ibe held on the third Monday of the Jong lessons. For appointment call ['month, the usual date of the Council Harney 5342.—Adv. ^monthly board meeting,"on account of |the absence of Mrs. Carl .Furth, presMiss Fanny Eubin has as her house ident of the organization, who is at- guest Miss Emma Goldin, of Dallas, Itending the Tri-Annual Convention of Tex. Miss, Goldin will visit here for |/fche National Council of Jewish Women a month. • ; fin St. Louis this week. This month Mrs. Louis Herzog, of Lincoln, ".the hoard meeting will be held MonNebr., will arrive Friday to visif with Cday, November 26. her sister, 'Mrsy Samuel Kate, at the Mr. Henry Eosenstein, son of Mr. Blackstbne Hotel"and Mrs. M. Rbsenstein, who is at-1 Mrs. N. S.. Yaffe will entertain "at tending the University of Nebraska, was in Omaha Sunday to visit his cards at her home Sunday afternoon. parents and to attend the B'nai B'rith Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gavenman ancarnival. nounce the. birth- of a baby girlj.JHarriet. Thorpeian Athletic club dance Ben ' Owing to the illness of Mrs. M. HUT Sunday, November 18. Goldenberg, the monthly card party The subject that Eabbi Frederick of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Cohn will talk bn at the Temple Fri- was held Monday afternoon at the day evening at 8 o'clock will be "Co- home of Mrs. J. B. Eobinson. The operation," and his subject on Sat- Mesdames M. Brodkey, J. Eosenberg urday morning, at 10:30 will be 'The •and-A. Silverman were assisting hosLadder of Angels." tesses.'- • -' - — ' -. Miss Johanna Garson, of Lincoln, Mrs. Ernest A. Meyers entertained Nebr., was the guest for th& week-end :at five tables of bridge. Monday afterof Miss Esther Katleman. noon at her home. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. L. Alperson, who Eev. Cantor G. Freishtad has arlived at the Blackstone Hotel here, rived from Europe to be with his are now making their home in Kan- brother-in-law, Mr. I. Hurwitzsas City,. Mo. Mrs. Frederick Cohn, who is in St Thorpeian Athletic club dance Ben Louis, Mo., attending the Tri-annual Hnr Sunday, November 18. Convention of the Council of Jewish Mrs. Dave Hearsh, of Kansas City, Women, will return home Tuesday, . Mo., who was visiting here with. Mrs. morning. , . Max Davis for the past three weeks, Mrs. B. Blotcky and daughter, Anne Teturned to her home Monday morn- left Saturday evening for St. Petersing. ' ' burg, Fla., where they will remain Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberg en- during the winter months. tertained their Bridge club at their Mr. Saul Arenson, of Lincoln, Nebr., home Saturday evening. Prises were visited in Omaha Sunday and was the won by Mrs. M. Goldsmith and "Mr. guest at. the B'nai B'rith carnival. Morris Finkel, Mr. and Mrs. Max Halignia, of Mrs. Aaron Siegal left Saturday for Sioux City, la., motored:into Qmaha a month's, visit with relatives at De- for the B'nai B'rith carnival and wil" troit, Mich. visit here for the week. Affairs are Mr, Aaron Davidson, of Falls City, being given for them by Mrs. Gail Nebr., is visiting with his parents, Margolin, Mrs, I. Hurwitz and Mrs. N S. Yaffe. Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club wil Thgrpeian Athletic club dance Ben entertain at a package party Sunday 5 Hnr Sunday? November 18. at the Labor Lyceum building, Twen- Miss Lucille Cohn, .of Lincoln, ty-second and Clark streets. A Jebr., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. gram has been arranged. Marx,'and family. \ -Eabbi .Frederick Cohn addressed The Deborah. Society will hold its- several organizations during this egular meeting."Wednesday a£tei> week. Tuesday evening he spoke beson, November 21, at t$ o'clock" at fore the .Omaha Business Women's a-Jewish Community Center.* club in behalf of the Community Chest Campaign. He addressed the mem: Miss Martye Weinstein will be hosbers of the Fellowship , club of •.the ss to the Ea Oth, Society Sunday Y. M. <3. A. Wednesday "evening on ternopn' a t her home. "The- Three E's" of Life,'? and .this B.'T; Friedman is visiting in afternoon at I I o'clock he.will speak, to the employees of the Omaha Bee cago, 111., with.her mother,... ! on the Community Chest Campaign IMxs. ArMonsTry returned Monday The Auflebung club wJH meet SUPfter visiting, with relatives in Memday evening at 8 o'clock at,the Jewphis, Teriri."" ish Community Center..., A. program' r. The Omaha Junior Hadassah will will be given and plans will" be made p l d . i t e regular semi-monthly meeting for the celebration of their first" an-; |.sj,t S o'clock Wednesday ^evening", No- nivergary which will take--place November 21, at the Jewish Community .vember '25, , ' .-.-.
p .
m .
a luncheon at the'Tea Rooms, followed by an Orpheum-party. Mr. and Mrs. H. Leibovici will honor Miss Saltzman and her fiance at their home Thursday evening. On Friday evening Iilr. and Mrs. B. Lustgarten will entertain at bridge.
at the synagogue. All members urged to attend.
' The Mesdames J. Scliai-f and 'f*. MarcuE entertained at luncheon at ihf Brandeis Tea Rooms last Friday ir. honor of Mrs. SchaiTV niece, Mis*Ella Braunstcin of Minneapolis, Minn., .the. outrof-town guests who who-is visiting her,, and also in honor arrived during the, week to attend the of Mrs. Gadiskv of Des Moines, la. Marcus-Saltzman wedding are Mr. and Mrs. Ijeon "Weissm&n of Chicago, Miss Minnie Greenstone has reand Mr. and Mrs. Jake Marcus of turned from Council Bluffs, la., where Minneapolis. she was bridesmaid at the weddin.c; *f'MisB Frances Nogg to Mr. Hsvry An important Junior Council meet- Perlemeter, on November &., ing will be held next Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Fannie Shyken. Every member is urged to attend. Mrs. Sam Meyerson was hostess to her Afternoon Bridge elub at her home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Loois Weinberg of Springvalley, 111., was an honored guest. The Messrs. Jay Cherniack and Clyde Krasne motored to Lincoln last Saturday to attend the Notre DameNebraska football game. The Mo gen David club will holjl a sieeting Siuiday afternoon at 2 o'clock
IDA L FEEirEN, Prop,
S l l South 16th Phone Atlantic 8010. Open E v e n i n g s .
Only J e w i s h F l o r i s t in t o w n .
To satisfy the iaslstend demand of the thousands who were unable to gain admittance to the thfatre last week by; reason of hugh crowds at every perforamnce
'First National Presents
in. her Most Majestic Masterpiece
Expert Instructor [j
Mrs. J o h n . Brodkey, of Sioux ; <!jty, la., is visiting here with Mrs. M. [ Brodkey. This Friday-evening,-November 16, at 8 o'clock, Eabbi I. M. Charlop will deliver a sermon in English on "Individual Eeligion" at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets. On Saturday morning at 10 o'clock he will address the congrega-
- Mrs. Henry Eosenthai and Mrs. Mrs. Leon Friedman, of ' Kansas James Goetz entertained at a 1 o'clock City, Mo., is the guest of her mother, luncheon and bridge Tuesday at the Ben Green. Brandeis Tea Eooms. Thorpeian Athletic dob dance Ben Friday. evenhigrNovemBer 30, TULt. Hur Sunday, November IS. J. H. Beveridga, superintendent of the
! to beginners and advanced ~pnpi)s. 4 :' ! For fort her information call i
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KE nwood 2 4 0 1 .
Unrivaled in spectacular splendor—unparalleled in di'amatic power— a mammoth, gorgeously mounted snd intensely interesting Btory. NOTE—This picture -will not he shoi?m in any other Omaha theatre this year. ;
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Homeless, children, orphans, disabled -war veterans, the blind, the sick, tite diseased, the aged, the infirm, helpless infants and poverty-stricken families ate making one mighty call to you.
1800 Men's Suits and Overcoats. It is an apparent fact that the backward cold season has left manufacturers with a tremendous overstock. Due to our immense cash purchasing power'we were fortunate enough to secure; 1809 fine garments'at a low price which we have, assembled -together in two large groups for quick -selling. Ton will recognize in these garments the superiority of their tailoring.
Open Your Heart Hear Their fel. five Onc# For AD.
The Community Chest Campaign for $402,000 will be held during the week, starting November 12, to meet the needs of the agencies aiding these unfortunate and distressed.
Thirty Agencies In The Chest
Thirty necessary and social welfare agencies will share in the money to be raised in the ONE BIG CAMPAIGN.. It means One Big Campaign instead of Thirty Small Ones and numerous Tag Days. It-will mean—:
Mind Tailored
No lore Tagging; No lore Nagging.
Absolutely Guaranteed
In this way thousands of dollars will be saved by doing away with the expense of drives and the cost of tag days. You won't be bothered with nimierdus appeals. MEMBERS OF THE CREST .Associated Charities" American" Be-l Cross -Boy 'Sefcuts.'oT-America . Betlilehem ChftUrett's "Home • ' Child. Saying institute ~Creche: .".' ..'.•" ," " Christ :ChBd Society . ' Camp "-Eire ;Girls- • City Mission •' Colored. Commercial Cliib Employment Dept. Colored Old-folks Home Council of Americanization Day Nursery Disabled Veterans World War House of Hope
Y. W. C. A. Men's Service League lor JJc.ys Minerva Cottage Nazareth Home Nebraska Children's Home Society Nebraska Humane Society . Nursery Committee llescue Homo Old People's Home Omaha Social Settlement Ass'n. ' Society Kelief of Disabled Crippled Children's?. Home' Society for Friendless Scandinavian T. M. C. A. Salvation Army—Three Divisions Vtsitinp Nnrse Ass'n. AVoU CInbs.
The following taMe shows averages for each agency, for various sized subscriptions: •Total Subscription
5.0Q.-.. 10.00.. 20.0025.0050.00_ 100.00200.00... 300-00_. 400.00... 500.00-
Amnic* for — "
f 16.66 33.83 66.66 83.33 1.66
f Wear Many desirable styles such as Ulsters, Ulsterettes, big burly coats. Chesterfields, English Box Backs, Fancy Coatings, Plaid Backs; full belted coats and half belted models. A style, a size, a pattern and color for every man.
Fabrics Single breasted suits, doable breasted suits, English type suits, one and two trouser suits. Including regulars, slims, stouts, shorts. Neatly striped materials, checks and overplaids, also conservative worsteds as well as fancy cheviots and tweeds.
In Two Big &0ips.
6.66 10.00 13.33 16.66
Of vilie MortuB^e And H e Distressed, G?e Once For AM"— Gwe FOUKTH FLOOR.
sufficiently "alien" to believe that deplores 'that the Imperial Wizard but '•. American Jewries.-, hardly on well as the highest, quality of goods. fostering : racial, ( religious- or. class strife. If men who faced! hell in the capital of Massachusetts ought Evans,- in- his recent attack on the speaking., terms with, one another. The new market will handle everyFrance will, not encounter th£' enemy not to receive officially a Polish gen- Jews, • failed - to distinguish between •>-";" : ^Copyright, 1923, -JiT.-.A^ thing for the Jewish housewife for on the home ground!'but will content eral who" is accused of conniving at, native-born Jews, whose parents and the table. These will include meats, •,'Whe Klan Election -Gain—The Boston Transcript anS themselves with finding the unnamed if not instigating, pogroms. even grandparents were native-born. groceries, delicatessen, stnajked fish of organization inconsistent with the •\ "Alien Jews" of Boston, among "Does he mean to include them in the all kinds, bakery goods, all dairy - ' . "A, Descendant of the Race". "ideals and' purposes:of the American whom there is one who is sufficiently same catagory as the alien who has I ' Opea Sinday, -Nevember;'2S products and vegetables of all Mnds. • 'r\:-' , ". BY- GERSHON AGONSKY. , Legion," who wilLdare defy-the Klan ? American to have been made deputy just arrived from Europe or the NearWhoever Jost the elections Tues-J The Youngstown victory is typical * •*' * - ". ;, Attorney General for Massachusetts, East?" this "Jew" asks. He wants ' A new up-to-date Kosher Meat Mar- . Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) King Husday^ the Ku Klux Klan'thinje they!of what happened. throughout Ohio. Enforcers of the law would, to the have no' right, the Transcript foams, the Wizard to realize that "the ob- ket and Delicatessen store with a full sein of the Hedjas, is about to sub"..w-imi "V/JDhe- :&im -may.'inof-'.KavejCandidates., endorsed- b y t h e ' K l a n ordinary way of ..thinking, make to protest against the freedom of the noxious "type (of Jew) is just as odi- line of fancy and staple groceries will mit a new clause for the Anglo-Arab emerged-' victorious I throughout- the] we're'generally successful. .Although strange bed-fellows with the Klan. But city to the. General of Poland because ous to the cultured class of the same be opened Sunday, November 25, at Treaty with regard to Palestine, pro• country /butt they . won just r about} it .did not matter" whether tHe'' Klan- those who single out for in so protesting they are "guilty of race'.as/one of that type is to the Thirty-third and California streets by viding for a representative govern- enough to warrant their' tfyipg-' to! endorsed candidate .was a''Democrat enforcement, namely, the .prohibition abusing the hospitality of a too pa- members'of the Ku Klux Klan." This Mr. Harry Marks, Mr. David Kres- ment in < that: country,. according to gain more. .'-.Iricomplete as are the or'Republican, it was the Eepublicans law, find nothing inconsistent in al- tient and easy-going people." The gentleman is a little sorry there is tul and Mr. Louis Levinson. . Mr. Dr. Naji, the ruler's representative in electiojjT^retjii-ns-from all; over the who carried.- the^el.eetipns,' .because ligning with the unlawful .element Transcript would make short shrift of still a "mosaic persuasion," Ijr.t he Marks and Mr. Levinson are the own- London. . cbuntryjVit-is- sufficiently -'clear that they wererthe candidates of ;the Klan, represented in the Klan. Here you these so-called Jews "who repeatedly assures Dr. Evans that "there are ers of the Up-to-Date Kosher Meat "I believe the new proposal meets the >-Tiojoded'.head is - beginning . to and. the", candidates of the :Klan - were have the anti-Saloon, League.head in abuse the American hospitality of thousands of Jews who not only have Market at 1552 North Twentieth the aspirations both of the Jews and nK&Js£vj3ts, -political appearance wher- successful - 'because: - throughout,-. ;Ohio New York saying that'he is snot griev- which they are the greedy and un- adopted the", ideals of the Christian street, and will now operate the two Arabs," Dr. Naji declares. ev4t-;it, can" do^so*, with; foj> -without the anti-Klan-vote, was ;split,-while. ing over the increase itt the member- grateful recipients and who are fit way-shower as their standard for liv- stores. Mr. Krestul has for several ing from' an ethical point of view, but years been connected with various impunity; '.And, where .the^r^victory tha£- of'.the Klansmen. J.wa5'""."solid. ship in the Klan. >He is.not worried subjects for deportation." * * * also are fast taking the human foot- Kosher Markets here. •was'anything but'gratifying/thft-bed- Mayor Gablemah"of"--Eortsm'6iith.-Avas because "prosperous business men in steps of joining Christian churches." sh£et ;wegr£56ii take' comfort in the defeated for re-election; "because" he New York are driven into the Klan," Tho, new store is equipped with The Klan publicity agent who has had* once prohibited. *«Klan' parade not out of love of the hood, but be- been busy firing a gun down in Att h ^ g h t that'e^fough had been' gained modern fixtures and every effort" will to.'assuW--'a" Vfctio't^-at ^-. at "isome future and . because his ^oppdnent, Ralph cause of their hatred of the" jug. No- lanta should rest from this engaging Wizard Evans may draw what com- be made to give first-class service as Calvert,- a Republican',Thad the sup- toriously 100 per cent in. everything, pastime to study the opportunities in fort he likes from the Christian Mondate'.* - ''.' • port of the Klan. . - • the Klansmen are 100 per cent dry, the newspaper field in Boston, v h e * itor's correspondent's soothing syrup, All- of- which means thatrthe-Klan Akron elected a Republican Mayor and they who would be dry must join a ready-made organ exists for the but it is doubtful that he will. Evans THE BRDJN & JENSEN CO. vote, a vote by Klansmeri,.forKlans-|over Isaac Meyer, a Democrat, be- the Klan, though they • disagree with disseminating of 100 percentism. Wholesale paper knows a-Jew when he sees one, and distributors for • men, is becoming^an undeniable fact cause the ^Republican had the sup- everything else the"Klan-,stands for. But this trick of drawing distinc- so does the Boston Transcript. Jews VAL J. PETER frCOHPANY which has to'be'faced.. It may. beport of the Klan. Toledo now has a This is anti-Saloon .League logic. Northern Toilet Tissue tions between Jews and so-called Jews are known not only for what they are, 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. somehow- difficult", to explain the Mayor who was supported by the 1112 Hsraey Street is older than the Transcript, older but also for what they are not. And ATiantic 034G. Klanmen's 7pariy ..aligh'tment in" dif- Klan, Springfield has Commissioners AT-lantic 6409 There-was no reported-Klan activ- than the Klan. Jews themselves have it is known everywhere that Jews are ferent . places.. Republican Klapsmen endorsed by the Klan, and so on ity in New England ;during the recent been drawing that distinction for cen- not united.' They are not united even in Suffolk County, Long .Island, ypted down the line. election; -which is surprising.- With turies. In Berlin, where the Voelk- on so simple and clear an American for-the Klan candidate, who hapso militant an organ as : the Boston ische hooligans early this week went issue as withholding the freedom and :PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. pened to' be running on the • Repub- It is not for nothing that Youngs- Transcript for their .support, the on a bloody rampage, the Association the honors of. an American city from JTth anfl Martha Sts. 'HA. 1663 ITEN Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze, lican ticket. . Another Republican town Klansmen, in celebrating the Klansmen could, if they would; sweep of German citizens of the Mosaic per- a soldier who is at least suspected of Alumlnnin and Soft Gray Iron Castings, BISCUIT CO. defeated a Democrat, by-the grace election of the Klan candidate as the dry Protestant nativists into of- suasion all but condoned the pogrom being a pogromist. And knowing XflO... axe. assured of soft castings, as n-e machine some from every * best in " x>£ the Klansmen in Babylon, Long Mayor invited delegations of Klans- fice, and Americans who are dry and because the victims thus far are large- this, the Transcript can write what it our own shop. Snow White Standard size cast Iron and bronze Island. And when the Klan-saw fit men from all over the country. Spe- native, but who are not working at it, ly East-European Jews, and because wishes because when, and if re- bushings Bakeries In stock. to endorse, a Democrat in Babylon, cial trains were reported to be carry- out of office. For the Transcript ed- the presence of these East-European proached by an indignant Jew, it can : C. 8. Pat. v that Democratic candidate received ing to Youngstown Klansmen from itorial finger moves as if "guided by Jews he" s to focus attention on the come back with the usual, "Yon are OHic<».> a huge majority. Party affiliation,- Pennsylvania, where they had rather Wizaid Evans.., The Transcript is im-existence of native German Jews. . not that kind of a Jewj you belong- to loyalty to party standards and party bad luck. On the whole the 700,000 patient with aliens. -The Transcript the class I do not have in mind." The « * V principles were not' even slightly Klansmen of Ohio may as well burn hates Jews; Seeking' to mollify its P. S. SOKCV. Prep. A Jew in New York wiring to-the Transcript is safe and the Klan grows Distributors of regarded by Klansmen. . . . . 700,000 crosses, for the Klan in- hatred of the Jew,, i t speaks'only of Christian Science Monitor in Boston • because we have no "American Jew" Phone Webster 0820 Western Bond—and High With Klansmen victories in Sxiir vasion of Ohio from Columbus, the "so-called Jews."-And so-called Jews, makes the same "invidious distinction. .who, • Dr. Morgenstem prayerfully THE LAUNDRY THAT Grade Stationery EVERYBODY LIKES. folk County, in Babylon; in Bayport, capital of the State, to every town according to the Transcript, are aliens This "descendant of the Semitic race" hopes, • will be evolved in America, Omaha, Nebraska. in Yonkers, in Port, Jervis, and in and village appears to be complete. Lindenhurst, and all • over -Long Ohio now vies with Indiana and Island, the Klan had reason*' to Texas for the, honor of being the rejoice, and cause enough ' for,, cel- star state of Klandom. fos. P er. Vlce-P«e!fieat. Ur*. Secretary. ebrating its emergence as a political Shoes and Gent's Furnishings ,factor' through the burning of iiery. - Solid as rock, the Klan is not disOmaha Fixture & Featuring Emerson nnd . crosses. ., "~ Dnnlap Shoos—$5 to $12. rupted or dismembered by" internal .• ...; Supply-'Co* FULL DEESS-SHITS AND TUXEDOS : " .If party lines went to smash "in fracaces leading u p ' to the interfor sale or rent. COMPLETE STORE AND Phone JA. S128 10!) North lOtb St. rolling up a Klan vote, party lines necine warfare. - The Klan Emperor OFFICE OUTFITTERS were ..also obliterated in. certain parts challenges the Imperial Wizard to We of the country by opponents of the "come" out into the open and give ever 70,080 «cnare CMS Bostinfeat Corner hooded politicians. In Pittsburgh, a the public the facts" in connection £Ievestn end Dendas Ktreets. Klan .candidate was defeated for the with the murder committed by the Pbon*: Jackson E7E4 office of County Commissioner be- publicity agent of the Klan in Atlanta OK ASIA. NT3K. cause he was an avowed Klan can- last Monday. But shooting people to didate, which produced the~~rather death seems to be an incident in "the amazing situation of Democrats Klan's road to conquest. A murder being dizzily swept into office over here and there by one of his henchRepublicans in a state overwhelm- men leaves the Imperial Wizard uningly Republican. The amasjement disturbed. With blood on his puppets' Every Known Kind was increased by the fact that some hands, the Wizard still goes "about of Insurance of the Republicans were Catholics. preaching the doctrine of pure Amer209 W. O. ,W.: BIdg.. JA. 3944. They were elected in an almost icanism, excluding from the ranks of JAckson 1852 solidly Protestant State, because! ac- Americans un-Protestant Americans cording: to or.e newspaper account, not indigenous to the soil where mur;e "Catholics, without regard for party derers flourish. Let Us Move You" WASH AND KEEP WELL supported the anti-Klan candidate, A RULE OF HEALTH with the population of foreign'extrac- .Why should the Klan worry when FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY . tion, those of the Jewish faith and— down in Eastrop, La., Klansmen are Operated by probably for the first time in an, in- fined $10 for taking the law into their 1819 California Street. tensely Republican northern state own hands ? Klansmen do not fear negroes by the thousands voted for or respect the law and they have no ATisntic 0230 JAcksou 4SS8 the .Democrats. regard for public opinion because they not only override it but intimidate it. * EFFXCXEHS and ' RESPONSIBLE So the Klansmen - lost Pittsburgh. Organizations with large sections of ' LABKSJRX. But they won" in Youngstown.; The their membership opposed to the Klan : Where your clothes come borne WHOUESAUE Klan candidate for Mayor was elect- dare not come out and disavow the cleaner and last ioseer. Druggists and Stationers ed by an overwhelming majority~»bver Klan because the Klan minority is too ATIantJc 0S80. 15G7-1I Jackson St. ALLOW two level tablespoons [one rounded «0t-4«S-405 South lOtb five opponents. The Klan is justi- powerful to be repudiated. Even the H. A. JACOBBEEGEK, Pres. fied in regarding the victory as the -American Legion dared not name the tablespoon] of MJ.B. COFFEE to each cup "Rfdpt b&edoit lab' greatest yet gained -north of the Klan in its unctious' resolution deoratory lots made by :of boiling water. To the whole amount add Mason Dixie line. * nouncing individuals or organizations PcTtndge&Gmktin,
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one'fourth cup of water extra for absorp" tion. Place a filter paper in the bottom, of the upper section of the tricolator. Spread the coffee evenly on this and adjust and lock' the water spreader. Pour rapidly boiling water into the upper section of the tricola' tor, cover and allow this to drip through into the lower section or coffee pot This will take from five=to seven minutes. The filter may then be removed and the coffee is ready to serve. Rich in flavor and freshly-fragrant, MJ.B. COFFEE is supremely satisfying.
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