November 29, 1923

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I t isn't: jrbur :posTti6n, r but your - disposition, that makes ,'ybu Jiapgy or! unhappy;." 'W& \

• i

£he .world is full of tvilllhg*.' people; some •vplling- ^° work, and others Jo stand around and wctch.


second -class tn»ll matter, on. January STtS I82t ' " " Nebraska, nndet the Act at Mxrcb 8.

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Members of: Women's Organization Are Assisting . i n Making Home to Home Canvass.

"NewYork, (J. T. A.) j — Shlomo Elhanan Yaffe, for the last 24 -years the leading Rabbi-of : the Orthodox Synagogues of Greater " New, York,' died Thursday evening in the :JBeth Israel-Hospital.- He entered two -weeks ago and -was operated on, pneumonia later setting id and causing-his,-death. . | Funeral services were held. Friday morning a t ' the residence, 207 East Broadway. •-.•". " • , Kabbi Yaffe -was born -in Kbvno, Eussia, sixty-six years ago and came here in 189L' He left a widow, three sons and two daughters. ; Directly-news of his death spread down-town, mourning congregations filled" the Beth Midrasfr Hagodol on Norfolk Street. " Eulogies were-iaade by Dr. Herbert M. Goldstein, Babbi

With the. Federation facing one of the most critical situations m its history, with a "deficit of $12,000 that must be met before the end of December, every and woman in the city is being called" upon to come to the aid of Omaha's most important communal organization., m Not/only are" members who are delinquent in their subscription;, payments being solicited to secure final payment of their .pledges, but non-subscribers are also being urged to join at this time, and send their subscriptions to the Federation, office in the Lyric Building. . ». -^Women;s organizations affiliated with the Federation are M. Z. Margolies and Dr. making strenuous.efforts to colieet all back'dues and enroll new members. Members of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization especially and in the field every day, under the direction of Mrs. Wm. L. Holzmah, determined that every dollar they can collect from their members collected to apply on the,1923 budget of the Federation.. . -.. '

J« Ms v»

President Coolidge's Thanksgiving Day Pioclamation "The year, has brought to OUT people, two tragic experiences which have deeply affected them," the President-said in his proclamation. "One was the-,iieffit3i of" our" beloved President Harding, which has been mourned wherever there is a realization ,of "t£e worth "of high ideals, noble purpose ^md unselfish service carried even to the end of supreme sacrifice. •

Pref. S. i . Osik

Murder of Two Jews in Dublin Leads Police To Probe KuKfax Rumor


Jewish' Committee Bore Brant Jewisk Homes Borabed Neai Hanover; Graves Defiled of Feeding 3,000,000 at Badhcmbnrg. Individuals. 300-00& JEWISH ORPHANS JEWS WOUNDED. BEATEN REPORTED STILL IN NEED IN ROUMANIAN ATTACK.

New York, (J. T. A.)—The part the Bucharest. {J. T, A.) Three JewJewish Joint Distribution Committee took in bringing relief to Eussisn ish students were severely injured and Jews before, during and since the many have gotten off with lighter acute famine was described by Lewis wounds, in an attack on tho Jewish S. Straus, acting chairman of the sub- student body by the anti-Semitic seccommittee on Russia in an interview tion of the School of Medicine at Ihe with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. University of Klausenberg. Mr. Straus indicated while the comProfessor Jakobovici, rector of the mffcteTs vrork in Russia, which sur- University of Klauscnberg, has be«n. "By"experiences such as these, men and nations jasssed all ©£ its other activities, is to forced to resign his office because o£ • are tested and refined. We have been blessed with «nd soon, steps have been taken to his defense of the Jewish tiudents^ much -of material prosperity. We shall be better insure the indefinite continuance of Professor Jakobovici has publicljable to appreciate it if we remember the privations others have suffered, and we shall be the more the reconstruction work by foreign opposed the "numerKs clatraus," reworthy of it-if we use it for their relief. • We will and local organisations on the spot. ! centlr publishing a series of articles do" well then to render thanks for the good that • "With the approaching termination! on the importance of the Jew in tho - has come t o n s , and show by our actions that we have become- stronger, .wiser and truer by the Meanwhile for the collection of the man, Philip Sher, Sam'Kobinson, Erof-the work of the Joint Distribution scientific and economic life in Rouia. This has made him the butt chastenings vwhich have been imposed upon us. subscriptions of 457 members, 250 of nest Meyer, H. Hirschman,-Sam Leon; Interesting. Program", Arranged 'for Committee in Kassia a chapter in of the anti-Semitic Rotation and durThis Occasion by,Members. ' "" j j •whom have to date made no payment Dave Sherman, Jack Alberts, Harry international phUsntrophy is about to "W-e will thus prepare ourselves for the part we close," said Mr. Straus. "The work I ™g his lectures SP Professor of Suron'their 1923 pledges, 21 teams of Frankel, Harry. Trustin, B. A. Simon, must take in a world which gorever needs the full measure of'.service. We'have been a most favored has been done rnder the inspired £ « r this semester has been subjected women workers, under, the direction of R. Kulakofsky^'Harry Lapidas, Louis ALL ORTHODOX SYNAGOGUES -people. We ought to be a most generous people. TO TAKE PART. Mrs. •' Harry - Malashock, started out Nathan, Albert Wohlner, Sam Kaplan, . direction of Dr. Boris Bcgen and Mr. to all manner of indignities. We have been a most blessed people. We ought The cgitFvtion culminated Jti his leclast Sunday for' a week's drive. Al- Sam Levy, Charles Levinson, Samuel I Joseph Rosen and is surpassed, both to be a most thankful people." ture room recently when students ready some of the reports made by Schaefer, Jake Blank, Arthur Mus- ... Habbi.. J. - M. Charlop, the. recently * in the extent of territory covered and elected EabbI of the four Orthodox these teams indicate that the workers kin. iri the number of men, -women and shouting, "Down with Jakoboviei, will be highly successful in their task. children vrho have been kept alive and friends of the Jews," compelled the "The women have undertaken.a big Synagogues, B'nai Israel, Beth Hame- Each .worker has pledged to see every job," said Harry Malashock, chairman drosh Hagodil, B'nai Jacob, the Adass later pat back into the vray of earning- Ecctor to fieo from the classroom. The students l&ter staged a demonsubscriber on her list and to bring in of the Federation Finance Committee, Yeshuren, will be , installed. Sunday a living, all the activities -which the stration outside, hi? house, one of them a 100. per cent collection before the today, "and I- am- sure they .-will be evening at seven o'clock at the B'nai Joist Distribution Committee has conend of the drive. ; . ' . ducted to date. When one looks back firing a shot through a window. successful. But our subscribers" can Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth and ChiProfessor Jakobovici declares ha "There are thousands of dollars of save their own time and the commit- cago streets. A rabbinical committee to the short period that has elapsed subscriptions that cjstn be ^collected by tees by mailing in their checks. They composed.of S. Eavitz, chairman, and sines 1921. at -which time Sussia, and will settle in Bucharest as a private practitioner. women," said Mrs. Malashock. "We all know what they owe, they all know the Messrs. M. JBlank,' A- G. Wein- Lecture Held Urafer Auspices $330,€00 of $500,663 of Quota Already in particular the Ukraine, was pracThe anti-Semites* boast that the have done it in the past and we will •what the Federation is and the -work stein, L..BIotcky, A. Cohn, L. Levintically a dark continent, the efficiency Reached. Brotherhood of "temple IsraeL do it',an this emergency.' When we it is doing, and they know what a ca- son, M. Zwibelman and IS.'. Rasnlck, and rapidity vdth which this under- Grown Prince has promised his assistance to the anti-Semitic students tell 'the story of the 118 children, of. lamity it would be for this city if.thf and. a reception committee "composed . Prof. S. H. CIsxk of the University New York.—A total of $350,000 to- taking was put through car. be someis denied in. a semi-official statement of the Mesdames.S. Eavitz, J.-Katlethe sick, ^f-the widows', of the tuber- -work of the Federation -would have to York's quota was. an- what better appreciated. of Chicago ,-vdll reader a dramatic ward just issued. Silverman; M. Tatle,' H. Lecular unfortunates" that the Federa- be'curtailed in "Under the leadership of the greatreading of ChaitniBg Pollock's -widely nounced by Chairman" Sol. M. Stroock A deputation cf anti-Jewish stution'is ielpihg every' day, no one can vey, A; G. "Weiristein, L. Blotcky, E. discussed play "Th^ ,|£pol£jcfc fTempIe at the conclusion -ef the first rally of est pMlsnthrOjsist cf all time., Herbert dents waited on t^c CVOTMI Prince, tc fefuse-oTtr appeal?*—: -."" * ""* ~"" "~ Israel Saturday evening*, De^snsber S, -cainpaigit "workefs" af-tfte Sotsl "SBtsr' Hoover, BBSSSS -wffi ope3*e*i vp ia 1S£1, whom the letter IF quoted to have Women associated .with Mrs. Malaespecially to. pay our appropriaunder the a-uspices of Temple Israel last Thursday night. Among the moE.1 as a resist of.the Riga Agreement, said-: shock in this -work include: Mesdames tions to*- the national institutions af- Bochman and J. Finkel, have' ar- Brotherhood Lecture Course. It is a notable results reported §45,955 and the Joint Distribution Committee "1 advise you to devote yourself to Joe Pepper, J. J, Slosberg, Arthur filiated with the Federation," said ranged the following'program to be story of faith exemplified in the' life ]h? Congregation B'nai Jeshurun to- was the first of several organizations your stadtes. Your demands for reaota o f Bosenblum, Jake Malashock, Joe Lip- Samuel Schaefer,, superintendent, to- given at the installation: , , Mr. Hoover called upon to help him. of a young minister. ***& »*» Q 150,000, and S2S.O00 striction of the freedom of Cnntor J. yieister sey, Edward Kraus, Morris Milder, DrJ <jay. "We give these institutions so 1» ETenlnK Service I by Temple Arsshei Chesed toward its From that time forward the com- students are impopsibls. especially 2. Chatmcka Serviec_Cantor G. Frei'shtat A. Greenberg, Tolman Kaplan, Wm. M t t l e comparatively for a city of our 3. Chanucka Hymn ' ;>Hjuota of 30,000. The Society fcr the mittee has taken a prominent part in your demands regarding the instituPupils of Talnmfl Torah Milder, Abe Somberg, Jake Simon, size and for the work they do for us, '$. Address, -^Advancement.of Judaism has .raises the continuous fight against famine tion of the 3 I r . Henry Monsky l I clfustis. In Cello Solo •. . Os^ar, .* ..^i.*,**.***^ Max Fromkin, Sam Cohn, Morris Fe- that-the least Omaha can da is-to .,-.£$10,000, Washington Heights Congre- and disease, both in cooperation with turn for your Accompanied-by. Mrs. Mas Fromkin, behavior T y g rer, H. G. Fleishman, Ike Levy-, ^ske its remittancer to them on time, •ft. Address of Welcome .$7,500, Congregation Shaare the organisation of Mr. Hoover and 4. pupil of tbe • . 'City Talmud Torah, lntrodTiceil by E.i support you in the Hi5\dinp of ^ ^ Blanche Sachman, Abe Leibowitz, R. s o t]j a t a ^ j . p r e s s i n g financial prob$,000, Monte/ore Congregrati&n later, when the American Relief Ad' • Elocb. principal. " • | student's and in the solidificaM. Shales, L. Graetz, Harry Silver- i e m s ' m a y ^ e eased in some measure." 7. Selections .Pupils of South "Side f • .'of the Bronx $3,OG0j Shaarey Torah, ministration finally withdrew from j £ ™ ~ f " yhome o u r ' mutual aid Talmud Torah, directed by Sam Xaffe i ' Brooklyn, 51,300." "Take the Jewish Orphans* Home in 8. Address—.— B.abM P. Checbanovitz Bussia, the Joint Distribution Com-1 £j o n s » 9. Ell Ell Cantor Preishtut's son " Functions in connection with the mittee operated on an independent Cleveland, for example," continued 10. ^he Crown Prince is reported alw Introduction Mr. S» Rarits -campaign to be given in the near fa- basis. Mr. Schaefer. "The latest report from 31. Respond Rabbi J. M. Charlop to have denied the- petition to By audience, tare include a community meeting of this institution sho"ws that it cost' dur- 12. America—Hatikvoh "In connection with the Joint Dis-j two of the leeadcrf of the- recent Fa?accompanied by Mrs. Mas Fromkin Far Hockaway, Lawrence and Cedar* tribution Committee the American i ing the past year $480 per year to cisti plot, Codrennu and Mctzo. This Kabbi Charlop was born and raised hurst, L. L, on December 2; a ban- Relief Administration organized its' care for each orphan housed there. a matter ever which the Minister in Palestine, -where he graduquet at Mt. Vernon on December S; Omaha had during that year, and still now historically famous Food Draft! o r j U£ tiee had sole jurisdiction, ated from - a. Talmud Acade'another at the Brooklyn Jewish Cen, „, „ has, 21 children in the Home. We pay my. He ' came to . this -counter on December 6, and one in South System for the remittance of food j p^ncc i? understood to have replied. Both Crimes Commuted at Night and fte H o m e ? 1 8 0 0 p e r y e a r > OT -i50,per try about three years-ago, entering packages from the people of the ) . —— in Similar Manner. •Brooklyn on December 18. month, for vrork that it costs the the National Institution of TheologUnited States to relatives and friends j r Eeports received by B&bbi Mas $840 per ical Seminary, from -which place he 'DM •!"Drob, national chateau of the cam- in Russia. Through this single agency j the least APPREHENDING MURDERERS this institution is to pay our pledge, was ordained a-Jewish Orthodox Rabpaign with headquarters at lOS.P&rk the Joint Distribution Committee andj bi. Upon graduation Tie served as avenue, since the beginning of the its committees throughout the United little as it is, to it on time and -when Rabbi of the Orthodox Community week, shows contributions outside cf States forwarded upwards of $7,0v>0,• Dublin.—A man named Eanley, -who it becomes due. of Canton, Ohio, for more than. a , New.York City amounting to $240,000 O0Q worth of food to Russia. More Than 400 People Present at is said to have boasted that he had "The same thing g is true with ;all year, and upon resigning from that as follows: New England reports Meelinjr. been sent to Ireland by the Ku Klux o u r national institutions. The National position he came to Omaha. Rabbi PBOF. S. H. CLARK. I GOQ. Boston is to launch its cam?3O) Klan "to "murder Jews," is t being Jewish Hospital at Denver spends S60 Charlop is considered-a' very influenDes Moines, la.—Mow than Prof. Claik interprets the varying paign at a dinner on December 16 sought in connection with the recent p e r month in curing Omaha's tuber- tial speaker in Hebrew, Jewish, and roles of the men, women, and a young "with Loins I. Kirstein as chairman. hundred people attended the open English, and has already begun to bemurder of two Jewish citizens of Dub- cular patients. There are now 11 of meeting of lacal B'nai B'rith Mondar !in. The outrage bears every mark them at the Hospital. We have come active in social -work in -foe city. girl in such a way as to individualize New York State, exclusive of New The Local Jewish National Fund everir.g at the Jewish Communitythem. He is at will, kindly, humorous, York City, reports $35,000. New Jer>f an organized pogrom and has re- pledged the Hospital §1,500 forrthis will hold its annual Flag day Sunday, Center. An interesting program was sey reports $35,000. Pennsylvania resuited in efforts on the part of police y e a r i $125 per month, or about S11.40 serious and melo dramatic December 2. Jewish National Fxmd arranged vdth three principal spe»Vports $S5,0Q0. Philadelphia, under the to follow not only the Hanley blue, for e a eh patient. We must, to save Prof. Clark is foremost among Bcxes -vrili be put in homes c£ all sub- ers, ail from Omalia, Nebr. The leadership of Jules E. Mastbaom, is but to investigate the activities of a o n r g o o d name, pay these pledges bedramatic readers. "The Fool" has to launch" its campaign at a dinner on scribers. The volunteers will visit speakeirs of the evening were Messrs. Dand of Dublin yonng men. who are fore the end of the year." realized much popularity and has been mown to have anti-Semitic views. November 25. Pittsburgh, with May- every Jewish home in the citySunday Harry K. Lapidus, who spoke on ibft Men" workers, under the direction of The Omaha Hebrew-club will hold received by many critics and endorsed rice Avner as' chairman, will .launch to sell the Hags, the money to be used subject of "Tlw National Jewish HosThe first victim of Dublin anti- Mr. Malashock, will begin an intensive by many organizations for uplift and Semitism was Bernard Goldman, -who collection campaign next for the larg- a special meeting Sunday afternoon, public good. its campaign on December 9. Ohio to buy land in Palestine and to help pital:" Sam J. Leon, second vice presDecember 2, at Jewish Community svas shot two weeks ago. The second e r amounts still outstanding. reports $15,000. Cleveland will launch in the upbuilding of the laud. preaident of Pistrict No. 6, spoke o» Center. At this 'meeting nomination ?ictim, Emanuel Kahn, was murdered ' :—— More volunteers §re wanted to sell "Altruistic Principles of the B'nai its campaign on December S tmder the Wednesday morning. Both men were ' ^ n , ^ ,,^-r, "' ' and election of officers will be held JUSTICE.ELECT LEVY GOES ON leadership of Sol. Ulmer. Younfcstown flags on Sunday and all volunteers B'rith;" Harry Silverman, president for the ensuing term. . Free Government employes, but had BERNSTEIN'S CASE TO BERLIN" •• j is to launch its campaign on Decetn- will meet Saturday evening at seven "of Omaha lodge, K?"'k«b on "The BeFORD-REMOVED . Mr. S. EJ Klaver, Deputy .'County - NewMISSION ;aken no active part in politics. The AGAINST FORDRE York. (J. T. A.) Supreme ber 2. Detroit reports $20,000. Lou- o'clock- at the City Taisnud Torah, lationsHp Between Des and TO FEDERAL COURT Assessor, who was to have "delivered Court Justice-Elect nen -were attacked in a similar man-, Aaron J. Levy isviUe and Baltimore each report ?10,- where they will receive their flags and Omaha Lodger-." J. S. Slate, vice an address at the meeting last Sunjer. They -were hailed a t night by a ' boxes PO as to begin the canvass Sun- prcssder.t of the local lodge, was chfeirsailed for Europe on the steamship New York. (J. T. A.) "Inquiries day afternoon, but who conceded Ms Paris for a few weeks* vacation be5ang of men as they were on their day raorning. xnsn cf tho meeting-. home and asked to state their have been made as to the status of date to Eabbi Chiechenovitz, of New fore going on the bench. He said he TO PRESENT The, Jewish' business men of Des religious faith. When they said they my suit for libel against Henry Ford York, who is in the city foria short Moines held a luncheon Monday noofc had a semi-official mission in Berlin! will speak at this meeting._His EABBI YAFFE, LEADING CHANUCKA PROGRAM were Jewsj the assassins drew revbl- and The Dearborn Independent," Herat the Savcry betel in honor of the but would not discuss it. i O8TE0BGX BABBL DEAD ?ers and shot them. Secret service man Bernstein, editor of the Jewish subject will be "Beneficial InformaThe Students of the South Sids Tslthree Omaha speakers. Robert LapJustice Levy is vice-president of the New York. (J. T. A.) Shlotna Elhaxgents are inclined to follow the Klan Tribune said.. "As is know, cash. of tion to Taxpayers." Torah will present a Ch&sucks pen, member of the General CommitAmerican Jewish Congress and it is :heory. Others trace it to pogrom Mr. Ford amounting to $115,834.74 m Sunday evening, Decem* an Yaffe, for the last twenty-foui tee of District No. 6, was chairman at thonught likely his trip to Earope ifforts of Irish bigots. That many has been attached and has never been Postpone Meeting ©f Women's her 9, st 7:30 at the Casgregatioa of years the leading rabbi of the Ortho- this was undertaken partially in the interIrishmen deplore the stain that has released. Isrsel Synagogue, Twenty "fifth snd <J dox synagogues of Greatci Hew York, Welfare OrgaBlzatifKi. est of that feody. | died November 15 in ihe Beth Israel been placed upon the record of the ' T am informed by my attorney, The Jewish Women's Welfare. Orstreets. Ottavra, Out. <J. T. A.) J. A. Robb, tity appears from the following state- Mr. Samuel Untermyer, that before ganization will meet on Tue>d*ay, DeAll Omaha Jews &re invited to at- hospital. He entered the hospital tvo ment issued by the Irish Independent: - the time to answer my complaint ex- cember* 11, instead of December-4. ' The, Officers and Social Committee tend. Kabbi J. 5L Chsrlop will de- weeks sgo EJid was operated en, Slinister of Immigration, announced pneumonir later setting in aad caus- foHo-Kip.g a. conference with wett . "If this crime is anti-Semitic,' as pired, Mr. Ford ;and The Dearborn There will be an election of officers of the Aguduth Achiin club have chos- liver sax address. provincial delegates and transporteing Ms death. tome believe it is, we want to assure Independent removed the case from 'and all members are earnestly Te- en Sunday evening, December 9, for TYPHUS SAGES Habbi Yaffe was bora, in Kovna, tion officials, that Csnada's f«tur« the Jewish people of Dublin feat, the the State Court to the United States quested to be present at this import- their twenty-second annual ball to be j AMONG LODZ JEWS policy •will mean a lowwhole Irish,people deplore the affair. District Court for the Southern Ufa- ant meeting at the Jewish Community given at the Swedish Anditoriuis. The' Lodz. (J.-T. A.) A typhus epidcaa- Russia, sixty-sis years ago, and came g py It siouid not be forgotten that,,dur- trict of New York, on the theory that Geater December 11 at three o'clock. following are the officers and mem- ic is raging in the Jewish quarter of» here in 1891. He left & tridow, three ering of the bars to admit people *f . ing the recent national struggle, the the defendants are non-residents of ber& of the social committee of the Lodz. The ixnrm council met in special seas sud two daughters. all nationalities able and -willing' tfc Irish "people received loyal support the State of New'York. The petition Mr. J. B. Robinson, treasurer -9! the dab-. Reuben Ferer, president; Joe conference' recently to take action Directly news of V 1E daath spread •work. Only "certain taadosirable^*' for "removal was filled, on. October 31. locaLJKeren Hayesood, Tensitted. $1500 ;SeigeM» -vice president; • Jake -iRosen- against the spread cf the epidemic ia down-town, mourning congregant from. *he Jews." not be allowed, Mr. SoSb stated. the Beth Mi&rasfc •Harry Wine, vice president of the The record must belled in the United $0 the" Keren Hajessod Headquarters blt blatt, treas-iirerj S S. Wi Weiss, Bseretsry; otber t b . te dt als» asted the* i att tb tbs dty» fe-wish community of Dublin, says., States Court^hy November 30 and the [in New York Cit?. -The Oiaalia-fififfir. street. ms&s poitaflon JL B. Iterer, A- While, * Heporte froffi SSstas, .Hstdc, sad tfee •'~£ha.t the Irish Government is doing, answeis. of the defendant are due {Jasittes.Is aiming, to eolleeiih® pledgesJ . P . Croaa.Be sxtd J-ee Levin are txtexit-, Josfcyaia ajfe. ship , f*m for. and Dr. *••: its xttmost to solve Hie murders.', ' thirtv days thereafter.** for beadmy there• of the social year His loss recalled the nation to a less captious . and roora charitable attitude. It sobered the whole tbqtsgitt of the country. A little later came the unparalleled disaster to tie friendly people- of Japan. This, called forth from the people of the United States a demonstration of deep and humane feeling. It was wrought into the substance of good works. It created new evidences- of our internaliosal "friendship -which is a guarantee of. -world • peace. It replenished the charitable impulse of the, country. •

. Rabbi J . I . CJmrlop to Be Held Sunday Evening



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