' It- isn't your; position, j but
The world is full of I willing,' people'; some willing to work, and others to stand around and watch.
your disposition,
that.makes you happy or unhappy.
:. •• Entered aa:: trMsmsirsstr
VOL. n—No. 52
poBloffiw at ^ % : ^ g f
mat] matter on January 37th. 1221 st • onder tbe A c t o l itaKJi 8, vm.
$10,100 Needed to
Denouncing Klan, Senator Cites War Record of Jews and Catholics
Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The proprietors of the JackozM Cafe-in Sachsengarten are in receipt of a warning signed by the Central Pascisti Committee not to admit Jewish patrons on thevpan^Ity of iaving the cafe blown up. During the general strike last week a mob of Fascisti stormed the cafe, beating the Jewish guests. Fifty Fascist? • were arrested on the spot, while 100 made their escape. Prepapratory to the pending trial of the fifty, it is announced that revolvers, rifles and iron bars were' found in the' prisoners' possession. : -
SUBSCRIPTION PRIGS, 4 YEAR. $2,50. COOLIDGE FOR STRICT - IMMIGRATION LIMIT Washington, (J. T. A.)— President Coolidge b e l i e v e s Congress will extend the present restrictive immigration law at the expiration of the time limit next June SO. He favors restriction and is convinced that a majority of the members, of the Senate and House do. The opposition to some provisions of" the immigration law is widespread, but not strong enough to compel ' a ' revision, it was said yesterday by a White House spokesman.
Oklahoma City.—A scathing denun- jization any quicker than a Klan," he ciation of the Ku, Klux Klan, by said. "The question of religious inSenator Glasser, drew applause from J tolerance has no place in a democracy. Jewish Colonization Association spectator's at yesterday's session of All men are created equal, regardless . Guarantees Immigrants- Will • the Oklahoma Senate. of their race or religious beliefs. . . Not.Be'Public Charge fFoTfyfrEive Women Have Been Canvassing City in Effort . "I have been" served with notice "I wonder if just before the silver • in Canada. . • here in the Chamber this morning that thread was shattered the Jew and / ' to Collect Outstanding Pledges. >; •-'.". if I didn't cbangenay tactics a certain Catholic buddies of Ross Liilard aud FIFTY IMMIGRANTS.'TO-BE organization will take care of me," Courtland Feuquay (members of the ' DEPORTED ON OLYMPIC iiteKT I V t o MONDAY TO thundered Glasser. ''That is a small Senate), giving their last full measure ". SATURDAY* •• matter. Where I part company with of devotion in the mud and blood of 1 ^ the Klan is when they try to regulate France, thought that in five years Washington.. J. T. A.) Secretary of my conduct at a trial at which I am their fathers and mothers would be r Labor Davis has refused to communi\; :With but three weeks remaining in December in which to not represented and the identity of my called 'un-American.' There were cate his decision regarding the depart* ^comiplete the^workpf the Jewish Welfare Federation, men and accuser is hidden. That is contrary to 24,000 of them among the 75,000 who ure of Jewish immigrants held for deWomen %ho have been actively identified with -Federation during all principles of fair play. No man died for American principles and for portation and whom the Canadian, t & year are (determined that the! $10,100 still • needed for the can be made a good citizen by placing American democracy. Government has consented to admit balanceot 1 ^ year shaU^ a piece of l>ed-ticldng over his face "I wonder if Liilard land Feuquay v :: : until, the reopening of the Russian im'.';•"•>•" '':'Ffflqd^:'''m^:' en^usiasm ' ;fdr service to their city? and their upon instructions of Edward Clark and others in the Senate whp saw migration quota in the United States* faith,; the'jfotty^e women, under the' direction ^of,: Mrs. Harry and Philip FOXJ both high Klansmen active service questioned the Jew and Secretary Davis told the Jewish and both under indictment, one foT Catholic buddies by their side, wonderMalashoek, who have been canvassing,the city; during; the 'past Telegraphic . Agency he must first violation of the Maim Act and the ten days for the Jewish Welfare Federation,^^h ing if they were 100-per cent -Amerhave before him the exact order of other for murder." • •, hard arid are meeting with success. ican. . I -wonder if the heroic charge Class Formed by Aleph Zadi Aleph the Canadian Government, of which, These women undertook, the task, subscribers of the obligation to the Himself a Protestant* Glasser point- at Belleau Wood in the salient which Club—All Are Asked to Join. he has not yet received official inof soliciting the subscribers in the community in-which they live and ed out that more than half the army ! marked^ the turning, carried out by formation. Gold Star Mother Demanded Wreath ,4residential; districts and v have: teen to "the faith which•• they call their JUDAH L. WOOLFSON TO commanded by - Washington and . Be Taken From Grave; " ' 1 must decline to commit myself, doing tieirworktoa''-great extent on own, to get this money." Lafayette at the birth ofj the Republic Jews of the Seventy-seventh Division, HAVE CHARGE OF CLASS as there'©re too many rumors circuSunday mornings. Many a house- "We actually need 10,100 to finish RABBI CHEERED AND CONrecruited in the east side of New were of the Catholic faithr Twelve young men organized the lating concerning the attitude of ths wife left her •Thanksgiving . meal pur years work, and we have just GRATULATED FOR HIS STAND "I wouldn't join an anti-Klan organ- York, was an un-American act." Aleph Zadi Aleph Study Class to meet Department towards certain classes of •: preparation to devote last ^-Thursday about this much in unpaid subSaturday evenirg at 8 o'clock at the people," said Mr. Davis, referring preNew York. (J. T. A.) Dr.: Isaac to the task of collecting : as much scription balances. Of this sum $2,Jewish Community Center under the sumably to the recent report that'he Landman, Rabbi in Far Rockaway,,de, money as possible, so that the 000 is due on a private loan, $4,300 direction of Mr. Judah L. Woolfson, had given a verbal undertaking to alwidows and orphans of the com- must be paid to the-Denver Hospitals, livered an impassioned denunciation who is an instructor at the City Tal- low the immigrants to proceed te munity might have food and cloth- the Cleveland Orphan Home, and, all of the'.'Ea Klux Klan, whoi intruded mud Torah. . • Canada if the latter would admit ing, shelter and"; warmth during the of our other affiliated national institu- into the ceremony at Cedarhurst, L. I., The next class will be held this Satthem. He stated, however, that hs where a monument was dedicated to balance -of the year. The women tions, and the balance of 8j800. must urday evening at 7:30 at the Jewish would take the matter up immediately workers 'plan to- finish their canvass be used for local work," said Samuel nine youths who made the supreme There Interesting Program to Be Presented Interesting Program, Held at Public Community Center. ; Although the upon receipt of the order, this week. :'•',"•/,= '"'. O •.•'...':'.•.'"•-'•-,•' Schaefer, superintendent of the Fed- sacrifice in the World. War. class is being sponsored by the Aleph : was intermittent scrimmages as memBeginning next Monday a, selected eration. •'•''-.. ••.'•";'--•_••.•''.. •' ,-', '' Installation. for Mothers, Zadi Aleph club, all Jewish boys over Montreal. (J. T.'A.) A'guarantee bers of the American Legion tried to group of men" workers; under the "These figures mean that every 16'years'of-.age are eligible to join. that none of the Jewish immigrants • direction; of Harry Malashoekj, chair- single dollar outstanding must be keep a- Klan •vvreath away from the RESERVATIONS CAN BE TO BE RABBI OF FOUR Jewish literature and Jewish history who are held for deportation on Ellis v man* of the Federation Finance Com- collected. We cannot reduce our monument and members of the hooded MADE AT Y OFFICE ORTHODOX SYNAGOGUES are the subjects of study-at these Island, and whom Canada is willing order tried to force it there. ^mittee, "wiU begin the final cjean- allotments to - the national instituclasses. i^upydrive for the year. ? ".'••: Installation of Rabbi .J. M. Charlop • M r . S . H. Schaefer and Dr. Philip to admit, will fall-as a public charge A Mother and Daug|iter evening, to tions; they are too little, in propor- - Colonel Cornelius-Wickersham, head f'j&emast collect all our money tion to the' work these, institutions of the local Legion Post and son of which all young women aistf their as rabbi of four- orthodox Jewish con- Sher, who'have been endeavoring to of Canada, was given by the reprebefore lantiary• 1st," sajd Mr. Malia- do for us, as it is. We must repay George-W. Wickersham; C. C. Adams mothers are invited, is being planned '• gregations of the citytook place Sun- establish such a class to instruct the sentative of the Jewish Colonization v shjock,'; today. ^:^Jfe" the> pastry the the borrowed, money upon which we and*A.Adelbur|rand others prominent by members of the Y.tW>H..A.! to be day evening at a service at B'nai Is- Jewish boys in- their- traditions, his- Association here. The I. C. A. in ad• colTectibri of ^pledges Has been con- have been • operating. We cannot in the' community, including : many given at the Jewish Community Cen- j rael synagogue, which^ was attended tory. *tn& literature, are both enthusi- dition: guarantees that in case any of J7, iitiiiuett vfaiiJntoith^^cceeding= ; year,; ledudefour rlocal" expenditures -as they members; of ^ the Eockaway .Hunt ,clnb, ter" early -next monthl-i^sJstsisceEienfc.» JJSI fflores than-, .QjMj&ppsaa-d ;memliers, astic .ih'K&e wofSfcf"fnik'cI&ssT "Oma- them will have to be deported she will We viranfr to get away from this are already at a minimum, %and triM* to pacify the contenders. : They of the affaiMtfas made at the meeting of the four congregations. " & has the example of several other The immigrants will bfe admitted as In connection with the service, the cities in the establishment of a bible , custom' this 'year..;- ,,;. * •• :: • reduction- 'Would* mean "suffering and had been first set at- odds when a of the Y last Monday night. Gold Star mother, whose son also, was • tourists on the understanding that Jewish, holiday Chanuka, or Feast of This Will be the third annual Mother "We* have "less;' outstanding this hardship upon ^ the poor. to be honored, demanded that.- the! and Daughter evening to be given by Lights, was celebrated, with G. Freish- class," said Mr. Schaefer. "St. Louis, each immigrant will be obliged %b year than, in previous -years,:' and it "We had a bigger job before us Klan wreath be removed because her for instance, has a large class. I know means only a concerted effort on the at this time last year, and Omaha son had not died for the tenets of its the Y. W. H; A., and the members of ] tat as cantor, and twenty pupils of many people, both old and young, will send in an application for admission the Committee are determined;that it j Talmud Torah," the Jewish school, be interested to attend these classes." in the United States as soon as the part of our workers, and a recogni- Jews rallied to the support of the f a i t h . . ; • "•..•'• M ; ' ' .•", shall surpass the two previous affairs singing the holiday hymn. ;.; - \ ; new Russian quota opens. Each im» , tion on the part of our delinquent Federation, and they must* do* likeMr. Wolfson gave a short address migrant will also have to pay an adThe local policemen tried to quell in point of enjoyment and attendance. The program opened with the singwise, this year," concluded Mr. Sam the outbreak b y persuasion,.but the at the last organization meeting. In Schaefer. - ; fight was growing hotter; when; Col- A most unusual program will be of- ing of- "America," led by Mrs. Max his address he said: <sMany Chris- mission tax of j>10, . Discussion of the methods of the onel Wickersham climbed on the gran- fered, which: will present to the moth- Fromkin, with Miss Martye Weinstein tians are far more aware of the New York. (J. T. A.) Canada's final clean-up. drive will be' held •; at ite base of the monument and, using ers the abilities of their daughters. accompanist. Oscar Weinstein played ish position in the history of the world consent to admit deportees notwithseveral cello solos, accompanied by the meeting of the Federation Board that as a platform, begged that both The souvenirs of the affair will form Mrs. Fromkin at the piano. Pupils of than the maority of the Jews are. standing fifty of the Jewish immian attractive surprise. ' Sunday morning. For example, I recollect that when I sides desist and suggested that as a Members of the Committee arrang- Talmud Torah from the South Side was in college, when we studied the grants will be put on the Olympic an& Plays ".and Programs Arranged at compromise the wreath * be deposited : : : r: sang two numbers, directed by Sam deported. One hundred and forty £x~ ing the entertainment include Anne : ; : : "• .'':;! ..: . • . • • G a t h e r i n g s . ! ' Y - -'...'•", with him until the exercises :were Selicow, - chairman; Kate Goldstein, Yaffe.. .Nathan Freishtst, IS, satig Roman-Phoenician war, our professor csas quots immigrants were similarly in telling us of the opposing leaders deported last Saturday on the MajesMeryle*Friedel, Ula Albert, Ann Free- solos in Hebrew. The Annual Chanucka Program of '-• Some one passed the tatteredsymIn the. address of welcome Rabbi saidv that Hannibal was Jewish, his tic. man, Sadye Levey, Dora Greenberg the City Talmud Torah will be given bol to him and the Colonel, descend- and Lottie Giventer. P. Cehechanovitz, field secretary of a name in Hebrew signifying "Graceful The representative of the Canadian Sunday afternoon, December 9, at 3 man." Had the Carthagians been vicPlaces for the social will be 50 cents Jewish theological school of New York, torious, continued the professor, the Immigration. Department on Ellis Is* o'clock at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Installation of Elected Officers to Be ing, leaned it against his leg and started the ceremonies. After that things each and reservations must be made read several letters from prominent land is •onderstood to have been InEighteenth and Chicago streets. Held in January. proceeded quietly until it came Babbi in advance at the Y office in the Lyric rabbis . of this country and Europe, world today would probably be a Jew- formed by Ms government of its de» ; Rabbi J. M. Gharlop will be the turn to make the- last building. including one from • Rabbi Cook of ish world instead of a Christian world. cision to admit the deportees. He i* •principal speaker for the afternoon. - Max-Fromkin, vice president of,the Landmarks v : . s p e e c h . ' ' ' • -. ': ••"'."'. ' ••;-—:•"• •:'• Jerusalem, highly commending Rabjji Although, sach facts may be of inter- said to be in touch with SecretaryThe program will/begin with afterOmaha Hebrew club, was elected presTossing his overcoat to thelawn S.. Ravitz introduced Rabbi est to a Christian as historical facts, Davis to secure his permission for the noon and : evening services, followed think how much more significant they departure of the immigrants. and baring his head, Dr. Landman HARRY A WOLF TO SPEAK o his new congregations. by lighting of the eight candles. Every AT SUNDAY SCHOOL stood silent a second before the : monuIn response. Rabbi Charlop ad- are to a Jew as legendary truths ; class of the Talmud Torah win be repwhich unfortunately are little known ment, then began: resented on the program, which will '" M,r. Harry A. Wolf will be the prin- . dressed his audience in three lan- to the majority of the Jewish people. "Fellow Americans: Never have I cipal speaker at the Annual Chanucka guages, Hebrew, English and Yidslish, consist, of recitations,' sketches ;and The text of the class will probably spoken these words with' such deep program to be given by the City Sun- stressing the rnoral need for parents musical numbers. After l i e program by Graetz* History of the Jews and emptioh as at the present moment."', Chanucka gifts will be presented to day School Sunday morning at ten to guide their'children in the Jewish the works of ancient and modern writ: The" voice of a young man named faith and urging loyalty to its tenets. the Talmud Torah^Children; o'clock, December 9, at the B'nai IsWood suddenly burst on the assembly rael Synagogue; Eighteenth and ChiThe program, closed with singing of ers of Hebrew and Jewish literature. Under Auspices of Brotherhood of Temple.-Israel Presents Program; SunThe class is now composed of Abe as he interrupted'the speaker to shout, cago streets. A play will be given by the. Jewish national hymn, "HatikTemple Israel. Babior, Ben Bernstein, Max Givot, >;•''•>-•'.':. .'•v^'-'-;';^.':4^y'-'Mprnin:g.:;.-;.;.'.v'.1 ; ; ;V /-• "My brother's name "is on that monu- the Conf irmation Class and several viLeonard Herman, Jerome Diamond, / T h e Annual Chanucka entertainment; I want that Klan wreath put olin and piano^ solos will be given and : Harry Freed, Lester Lapidus, Harry ' The third number of the series oi ment.of the;Temple Israel will beheld b a c t t f c e r e r : V ':••;'.'•}:. \ "'.{J^:'^ also recitations by the members: of the FEDERATION BOARD Sidman, Barney Theodore, Sidney lectures arranged by the Brotherhood : Sunday- afteraoonj • December - 9, at Then Dr. Landman, striding to" the Sunday school. Sebiffer, Harry Wise, Sam Singer, Mr. of Temple Israel will be held at th« •2:80 a t ^ e ^ T e r a p l e . -•;:; , -.•'.'•-; • ;V;' ropes and thrusting a finger straight • TO MEET SUNDAY Wolfson Temple Saturday evening, when Prof, and Mr. Schaefer. :(-% The; program to be given at this "at W o o d , c r i e d r •:'; '•'.;'•. ; . : ' . ";; 3 ; ; ; •. The annual election of the Omaha . The December meeting of the Board •S. H. Clark will render a dramatic •entertaihment is -as follows:: •. ' 1 ; tell, you that neither yourbrothreading of "The Fool". Prof. CterS 1. Chahricka^fSertleeiKabbi Coin and School *'er nor any of those other boys ^hom Hebrew Camp, M. W. A. 4944 v.as of Directors of the Jewish Welfare v _ . Misa Cecelia'Feller at,the Organ held Wednesday evening. The fol- Federation will be held Sunday mornis head of the public speaking departwe honor today died .that America " (a) Prayer ^..--.—....-...Josepljliie Moriheil lien f® Eltet lowing were elected officers for the ing, December 9, at 10 o'clock at the ment of the University of Chicago. (b) Lighting, ot the Eight Lights—;••"•: should be torn by racial Jiatred and • (I) MelTin Rosenberg, (2) Donald The annual election of officers .for. ...Prof, d a r k interprets the yaryin£ religious conflict. The very whisper ensuing term: A. J. Shamberg, Jewish Community. Center. Much • Rosenfeld, (3) Jean Liebowltz, (4) counsel; J. Crounse, worthy advisor; work in completing, theactivities of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organ- roles of'.the men, women, and a young i 3 e t t y Beeson. (5) Bobert . Stlefler,! of-an Americanism Judging its citiV ; x (G>- Naomi Bcrkowita, (7) Harold zens by the place of their origin or Sol Rosenberg; clerk; A. Feltman, the Federation for this year comronts isation will be held this Tuesday, De- ''girl'in.sueh a way-as to individttaJisl .-;•.• :• . rN^yelpff, (8) Elaine Hcavemlcb. i . y.(c) Invoctttlon v./.;;;.. .Carolyn RosenfelA by their, affiliations is ;a desecration banker; A. Richards, escort; Arthur the members of the Board, and the cember 11, at the Jewish Community them. He is at will, kindly, huinoroaSj 2. Kecitatlon ; ^ . Z ... .^...-.Carolyn Diamond of these honored dead and: of the flag Rosenberg, inside guard; Y. Dub- attendance of every member at the Center at 3 o'clock. AH members are serious and melo dramatic. 5/ Temple Israel Orchestra-- ; ; ; •;;,.•; urged to be. present and to participate which will daily float -Over;their mon- nofiF, D. Cooper, A. Forman, trustees; meeting.is urged.. '•' In charge of Miss Fannie Ii. Hart, at Prof. Clark is foremost among ' : ' :the. piano. -Directed by. Mr. Abe 1 in the election. ument. ' This should* be ;ari hour> 7 hot Drs. A. Greenberg, A. Hirshnian, dramatic readers. "The Pool" hsi : ; Violins — Ltieille VWeiss, ; Harold !-;::--H::•:. M A X F E O M K I N ; •; y);••;:•• ;• of a divided, but of a united; citizenry, camp physicians. The attention of the members is realized much popularity and has bees .. IMMIGRATION SURE TO BE •••^•.••-;.^^>-->''..,Ke'nais,v-aerUhe::SombcrB. .>Melvta called to the fact that this is the last received by many critics and endorsed CONSIDER BY CONGRESS './""":-:: jRerkoivttz, Isadora : Lyons,: Dan ide^nt of the club at v its regular meet- of dedication and conc^rratiori -to the '.:.i•':-. i '*• al2man, Charlea Weisman, Sher- ing held Sunday afternoon a6 the ideal these, boys visioned of.: an Amer- DENY EINSTEIN FLED GERMANY Washington. (J; T.A.) A Congress meeting for 1923, and that all dues by many organizations for uplift .Siu3 • ' s;:! -. . .'man •-:.Sugarman, - St leffel-;- Katsky; official in close touch with immigra- for the year must be paid up at this public good. BECAUSE THREATENED - -' - A Beyer,- G6ldnerj_ Bessie Berensteln,' Jewish Community Center.: Other of- ica for all Aniericaihs, to; serve not •:;' •-.'t -.<er-iieonv Katz,, Josephine Wonbeit,: ficers: elected; were: - Mark; Polansky, itself selfisHy, but in., the spirit 'of tion legislation denied the report that meeting. Committees of the organBerlin. (J. T. A.) Reports that Pro':•'< »••'•-',. j l vRtith'B'rlaeh.;-Ben: -Stein, :Max H. our war enthusiasm and-war pledges fessor Albert Einstein left Berlin be- the immigration question will not oe ization have been busy for many =;,; , ;C;c ; v Joffe.. Warner Galomblck. ;;-' .. :: •'•-•.•.. yiice president;; Sol Rosenberg, .-•' • •secrev s^"--- ;-v^toxol>hwttot-70Bcnf.:Meye'rp\vttz,-Hoi;lary;- John-Feldmian, treasurer; Irvin to^save^the^world."";;;..^;' ';*.. ^i;;";"~C cause he hac been- threatened with considered at the next session of Con- weeks canvassing delinquent members CHANUKAH DANCE and collecting their dues, but there ~'v"£.,"i:GAtnj&T*.Oscar G r o s « . ,; ''••>• :w-: ^>..i\-. Stalmaster,]Jl Eicklin and Sam Beber, f Dr>iandman was congratulated and assassination by anti-Semitic organ- gress. AT YMHA SATURDAY : > - ' : -'V <fello—-Mfertiani' G o l d n e r . :-.;-:-.'- :•; c h e e r e d . . : > ; ; • ' ; • •; "-• ::•:.•?•:•.:'; .'.^•..-;":'-;..' are many members who have not been izations are denied in quarters doss "Let no one make this mistake," it trostees^ The installation of1ke:ti&H~ ;;'"T; -v D r n n i s i N a t e S l a n t e l , J r . , E o g e n e , Chanucksh will be celebrated by '•:ii:¥>-?rr^8ettm,y,;-• ;^ :~^ :•:-:•?•;.:: : * - - . ^ ^ ,;- j ly elected; officejrsjwill: be held; the to the noted Jewish scientist. was stated. "The present immigra- called upon, and these members are $^;-I%ltoten^" : .n;;.,,^U.M^-^-^RoBe;;Steln" : urged to pay their dues at Tuesday's members of the Senior group of th* 1 It is also denied that Professor tion law expires on June SO, 1924, and South Side Talmal Torah Presents ^J^^iaryiJ^-^-v-.-r ~"i- • .^..TWisa; Marie. - Gprdciii fir^-^eeiin g^m';:January.'::: ^ . - ^ Y. M. H. A. and Y. W. H. A. Saturday ' ' f i ^ i V ' j d n i ^ l o ^ ~; ~ i - ~ ^ W a r n e r JGalombici: Einstein visited Moscow. It Is true it is absolutely certain that at least meeting'. Program. ^ Mri S.yE. Klaver 'B&M&&&&'&&&" > v ^'*!ct«res: ..B'rom':the::Past 'Iiu__-; / Mrs. William L. Holzman, chairman night, %vhcn a dance and carnival will The South Side Talmud Torah will he was icvited to visit Soviet Russia, a resolution" • will be submitted and ^rposfiConflrniatlpn Class (Freshman) f !;Coapaedby : MisSiMadeline; Cohn y••>.•-, of the finance committee of the Jew- be held. Several unusual features arc but he declined, according to a statepassed extending the present law. hold its annual Chanucka program :Eatate:-^..^.-.;,,..:.;,--._^JBtta; 'Frlscli tf'- -1 meeting-held Sunday.. :':' We • :;are: ^ar"It is even more probable, however, ish Women's Welfare Organization, being arranged by the committee in He|en'-.;v;.'..-;-'.''*\"'.•.-...•.. '• v',';- Kfdyn :Adler"•>;•:;. ranging; to Ihaye'^a speaker, at,(eyei^r Sunday evening, December 9, at ,7:30 ment by Professor Ehrenfes't with -L^o*-a2..^ '•'•"•'i.;',-^-.''i ,•„•Lowrence-jBreen at the Synagogue at Twenty-fifth and whom Einstein is staying at Ijsyden, that some legislation will be enacted and the following women are working charge which will make this affait —Frances 'Simon Mother .... "Grandmother-. Rosenblatt J streets.' Rabbi J. M. Charlop will Holland. Professor Ehxenfest con- changing the existing law. If is true in the collection of the dues for the one replete with the spirit of the holj Judas Maccabeus -Willis Hirseh organisation- for this year: The Mes- iday. Admission will be limited ••|^tfi^tt.:;'T^.. ; ::^e^..%t>^e' Jlattathiaa ,.., Joe Krasne i r±ys^i^ be the principal speaker. The pupils firms that ]?refessor Euistera has left the Congressional calendar may ae ; : Hannah .Sophie Handler daises Harry Lapidus, H. Marx, H. strictly to Y members in good stand* :Sunday ::4^^t>c^ ^'!:the ?cfj^dwm^ of the Talmud Torafa will' participate Germany in order that be may study congested but the immigration quesSoldiers, Priests, Sons, etc.—Harold Eadsman, J. B. Robinson, I. Eosenthal, ing. Members of thf Council of Sety* in the program. All Omaha Jews are Abrnms, Warner Galomblck, Rose quietly and that the scientist had not tion is too important to be ignored Mayeroiritch, Charlotte Heyn, ish Women, will chaperons.... : ; :.Jj [Louis Simon, J, Siosburg, Jr. invitedto attend been to Rossis. next session." this ofxical asserts. jan^iy^KCgtuT*^^:|s^-;'/iS..--^^ Jauet Llpscy. - . -
Rabbi Isaac Landman Rebukes K!an Intruders at War Heroes Monument
Mother aid Daughter Evening Planned By Rabbi I E Charlop, Newlj Members ef Y-. W. II A. Elected Orthodox leader
Chanucka Programs to be ftesented at Synagogues
Max Fromkm President of Oinaha Hebrew Club
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publtabed « « * • Tftursaoy at Omeba, T»«6i»tk«, 6y
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUSHING COMPANY. "Office: 482 Brandeia Theatre BuUding>-Telepb.one: Jackson 287& • NATHAN E, GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price onf year... Advertising* rates famished on application.
American Jewish Women's Monument to Israel
NQT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press, a n to bo* given to worthy communal causes. CHANGS Off ADDRESS—PtoaM «1T» both tt» e!4 and aura t44retS! b» 0«ro and elro voat. namo.
The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish .Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondence? from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news Items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
graduation from Yale, Mr. Mey.er spent his early life in Europe, mastering the banking practices of Germany, Great Britain and Prance. The vast scheme of rural credits carried out by the War Finance Corporation has been virtually planned and administered by him.
Otto A. Rosalsky, Nathan S. Jones, Max D. Steuer and Samuel C. Lamport. . ...
WEIZMANN TO CONFER WITH NEW KEREN HAYESOD COUNCIL New York. (J. T. A.)—Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who is due to arrive on the Aquitania Friday, November SO, POLISH SEJM VOTES FOR PASSPORT SYSTEM will deliver his first address here Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—Notwith- Sunday evening, December 9, at the standing the opposition of deputies Hotel Astor, when the newly organrepresenting the minority groups, in ized National Keren Hayesod Council particular that of deputies Gruenbaum will hold its first meeting. The and Prilutzky, the Polish Sejm adopt- delegates, including many persons ed with a majority upon its first read- prominent in national affairs, will be ing a bill providing for the introduc- drawn from all parts of the United States. tion of a compulsory passport law. The following evening Dr. WeizThe Jewish deputies protested that the proposed passport system is aimed mann will again speak at the Astor against the few hundred thousand where a reception will be tendered citizens belonging to the minority na-. him by a committee of one hundred. tionalities whose citizenship continues: to be questioned despite their residence in Poland. They urged that the right of domicile of these citizens be recognized once and for all and that the citizens belonging to the nonPolish nationalities should not be exposed to discriminatory passport Brown tailored suit; braidlaws.
The American Legion at their last annual convention in San Francisco decided to pz'opose to Congress the passage of a law stopping all immigration for a period of five pears. At the beginning of the twentieth century such a proposal would have been met with such derision that not one person in a thousand would have accepted it as a serious and carefully considered proposition of any sane, balanced and practical body of men. But, in the last twenty years, the agitation to restrict immigration has been carried on so consistently and vigorously,- that it causes hardly a ripple. And many are reconciled to the idea that if the present Congress does pass such a bill, that the suctrimmed; size 44; reasonceeding, or some near future Congress will pass this dx-astic EXPECT 1,000 AT ASTOR able price. piece of legislation. , DINNER FOR JEWISH The present immigration law, already famous as the three Black marvella coat; latest EDUCATIONAL DRIVE per cent law, expires on June 30, 1924, and all the advocates of New York. (J. T. A.) In the furstyle;-large.collar and cuffs restriction have united in favor of a bill to reduce the quota therance of the campaign to raise a to two per cent, and at the same time, add a clause for the of kid fox; size 38; actual half million for the free education registration of the aliens who enter this country. plan of the Jewish Education Assoprice $225.00, will sell for We may inveigh against the proposal to our heart's content; ciation, a dinner will be held tonight Dormitory for the Hebrew Union College now nearing completion brought into being through efforts of members about half price. we may denounce it as undemocratic and contrary to the best at the Hotel Astor. A thousand guests of National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, whose campaign resulted in raising Two Hundred and Sixty Eight traditions of the republic; we may see in it the baleful influence are expected. , Thousand Dollars at practicallyno campaign expense. Those who headed the Committee include from leftto right, AT lantic 6065 of secret organizations; but, despite all this, we must recognize Among the speakers will be Nathan above: Mrs. Henry Bauer, Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. Abram Simon, Chairman, Washington, D. C; Mr. Alfred M. Cohen, the fact that there are very serious probabilities that such a Straus, Justice Irving Lehman, Judge Honorary Chairman, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. Joseph Wiesenfeld, Baltimore, Md.; below: Mrs. Joseph Stolz, measure will be passed. The' bill has~ behind it the tremendous Chicago,ill; Mrs. Dan Frank, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. S- Pisfco, Denver, Colo.; and Mrs. Marcus Rant, Pittsburgh, Pa. influence of the organized labor movement of America; the organized nationalistic groups who see serious danger from any great of the various organizations. He .will Protests against the expulsion and influx of southeastern Europeans; and the combined strength of Children Refuse to Say also attend the, Keren Hayesod con-1 demands' for the publication of the these forces has been sufficient to bring the three per cent ference which has been called for De- j secret order exiling the Jews from j Jaw into being, and in all probability, ivill be able to havoenacted cember where he will outline the plan Bavaria may, it is hoped in some] into law, a more severe piece of legislation. ".'•;.; :> quarters, lead to a mitigation of the for the formation of the Agency. from Father's Will Dr. Arthur Rupin, If the conditions in Europe were not sa frightfullyunhappy, the noted Zionist expulsion decree. The fact that the we may be able to view the whole,thing; with calm equanimity, illegality of the expulsion of the alwho is accompanying Dr. and readily persuade ourselves that a change of scene" is not so Lose $40,000 Estate, Which Boston economist, Weizmann, will endeavor during his leged aliens is being questioned may Man Leaves to Charity. vitally important, but, when we are faced with the realization Twenty-Second Anniversary visit to Amreica to stimulate private give those that have not yet been exof the'terrible plight of the masses of people in Europe, we caniled a chance of appeal against the . Boston.—An example of the true investment in Palestine. not accept the prospect with cool indifference. order. We are frequently accused, of having a complex, and of traditional, pjirposes of successful Ju- JORDAN VALLEY NATIVES always seeing a special discrimination against our co-religionists daism was glowingly demonstrated in REPUDIATE ARAB EXECUTIVE LORD DOUGLAS ON TRIAL in all such legislation/afid in all fraiiEhess, who canblame us^ the will Ief£hy Israel I. Gottfried, a Jerusalem. FOR LIBELING T, A.) An Arab delwhen we know that these restrictions fall most heavily upon wealthy widower of Everett, when he egation made (J. CHURCHILL AND JEWS all Sheiks of the given by the those who suffer most from the hardships and miseries of Europe. omitted the names of his.three sons Beisah districtupinofthe London. (J; T. A.) Sir Alfred DouJordan Valley When we, however, view the matter dispassionately, we are com- and daughters and bequeathed his es- waited on Sir Herbert Samuel to pre- glas has been placed on trial for the pelled to admit that these restrictive measures are iitit'primarily tate, estimated at about $40,000, to sent a memorandum avowing their publication and .distribution of a Agadath Achim of Omaha directed against European Jewry, that our co-religionists are not charity. He did, however, leave six loyalty to the Government and declar- pamphlet entitled "The Murder of dollars to his children to be equally the special objects of attack; for who can honestly maintain that that they wish to live friendly Lord Kichener and the Truth About Sunday Evening, December 9,1923 Hie Congress of the United States.is,ar* anti-Semitic body, Look- divided among them. The reason for ing with the Jews whom they are also the Battle of Jutland and the Jews." >ng at the matter in this .light we recognize how preposterous and this, he declares in his wilt'," is be- anxious to sell some land in the val- In a pamphlet published in Scotland .'' .' at the •"'•. monstrous such a proposition actually is. In this matter we must cause they refused to say Tcadish" ley. and distributed throughout England, for their mother when she passed of necessity join in the general opposition to immigration restricIn particular, the Sheiks protested Sir Alfred Douglas alleged that WinSwedish Auditorium, 1611 Chicago Street tion, and prove the urisoundness of the whole restriction policy, away because they had no time to against the Arab agitators, including ston Churchill, after he had issued an "practice old-fashioned notions." for it is: only by "a concerted effort on the part of all peoples align• ADMISSION 50c. . M. Bustani, Secretary of the Exec- "admittedly false report of the battle ing themselves against fmmigra.tion "restriction can we hope to Mr. Gottfried was left alone to .say .uive of Jutland." • Committee of the Moslem Chrisprevail upori Congress to modify their/present attitude and return "kadish" while the '. children, . Mrsl Come and Celebrate With Us, The lord, who was the editor of a Union.. L. to the sound; free immigration policy heretofore prevalent in the Minnie Lohel, Mrs.. Fannie Pollin, Mrs. tian defunct anti-Semitic weekly, "Plain The land tracts in the Jordan ValSadie Poisner. and Sam, . Max and . United .States.-^'/Dotrpit Chronicle." •-" •-• . . . -• * An Evening Full of Fun and Pleasure. ley which- the-Arab, cultivators are English," was committed for trial at j
"for Mote
'1 i
What the Chanukah Candles Said As I watched the Chanukah candles glow, Straight and golden, all in a row, I heard the "shamas,"" who stood alone, Say to the others in kindly tone, "Tell me, you candies.shining bright Why do you shed your gleam tonight?" I am sure that each one his lesson knew, For they answered together in a chorus "true, "We shine so the world may not forget That it owes to the Maccabees a debt!
"A debt that it must in kind repay By living and serving.the Truth each day! • "For had the Maccabee spirit quailed The light of God's.Truth must have failed "So we shine as best we can tonight As symbol of Truth's undying light!" They ceased, and the "shamas" blazed up then And'I thought it would surely speak again,' But I heard no sound but the night wind's sigh, As it stirred the boughs in passing by. Now did. I dream on Chanukah night? No! for the candles spoke aright! . ISABELLA R HESS. Ark j
iv •*<
READING OF BIBLE " a violation qf the religious rights of IN SCHOOLS UPHELD the parent and child being* claimed. Portland, Me. (J, T, A.). , Under a decision of the. Maine Supreme A TOWN JN ALSACE Court, written by Judge John Ap-J EXCLUSIVELY JEWISH pelton in 1854, the constitutionality/ Paris. (J. T, A.J In the provinces ofthe-new state 'law requiring- the of Alsace and Lorraine, there is no reading ©£ the Bible in the .'public town or village, however small, withschools fer upheld^ according to Ralph, out its church.'CathoIiiB_6y PwteStant, G.-Brewster, state-senator, in answer except one town only»"Foj»ssem;ange!, to attacks"'which'have been "made Here the traveler is surprised to find upon thai measure.- . • i ; I not only no church, Jbut not even ..a Thfr issue in 1854 arose; Srom ao» •cross anywhere. On the other hand, tion taken in hehalf of v a 'Somali there is a very fine synagogue. On • Catholic' pupil' in Ellsworth, in the inquiry; it is found that all the inhab•buMc schools of -which the reading itants .of Foussemagne, 2,000 persons.
Louis' Gottfried romped^about in their, now anxious .to sell to. the Jews form the Bow Street police court on the <!iistornary'sty]eV'r "*, part of the crown laflds in keeping charge "of having criminally libelled The contents' of the will 'declared • of the Zionist Organization. The land Mr. Churchill. that "an honest man be hired to say The case has' been adjourned and commission named by the High Com.Tcadish' and to read 'Mishnais' for bail of 100 pounds allowed for the missioner decided, however, that little one year. , Their treatment of me I defendant to* appear for trial at the if any of the land around Beisan was can forgive, but I cannot overcome Central criminal court. vacant since each of the cultivators my disappointment or chagrin that they did .not say Tcadish' for their was entitled to at least 100 dunams. The natives, unable to cultivate the Eugene Meyer To mother," "He also depicted that the declaration in his will be published"in land or pay thjs taxes, are now eager Relieve Farmers' Distress all the Jewish papers "so as to show to dispose of the land which they obWashington. (J. T. A.) Eugene the world an example of how my tained as a virtual gift from the gov- Meyer, Jr., has become the Adminischildren have reaped ^as ,they have ernment. tration's adviser on relief for agriculsown." tural distress. Mr. Meyer is a native of California. He- is one of the few The-trustees of the will, Edgar A. EXPELLED JEWS MUST LEAVE PROPERTY IN BAVARIA American financiers who have been Cate,. Jacob RpsQn, Morris Xiner, Simeon Duhinski and Jacob Rand, are di- Munich. (J. T. A.) As a means of educated for their profession rather rected to sell all his stock in the adding privation to indignity, an or- than merely grown up in it. After Everett Realty company, but to leave der has been issued by Dictator von the lot a,t 79 Irving street, upon which Kahr to the Jews expelled from Baa-building is to-be constructed. A varia, that their property must not be drug store and.other stores will oc- removed from the country, cupy this building, "while the remain- .Jewish business men and manufacder will be devoted- to a dispensary, turers have received orders from the ',free to all, regardless of race, color police authorities that the machinery or creedi and shall be known as the and equipment of their factories must Israel I. and Lena Gottfried Dispen- be conducted in their absence by" mansary." It is also mentioned that the agers appointed for the purpose. An residue of the estate be held in trust" attempt to take any of their property and the income "be used for mainte- along will result in the sequestration Diamond & Platinum Specialists and sale of the establishments for nance of the dispensary. 1514 Dodge St. the benefit of the Bavarian State He' directs that he be buried next to Treasury, the owners warned. Est. 1894. Ja. 5619 her and that a headstone be ereeted similar to that of' his departed wife. A cement fence" is requested to surround the graves. It directs that the "honest old man" light candles, on the anniversaries of his and his1 wife's deaths.
Two prizes for best dancers will be given.
The New Winter
and Ugh grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. %feshodf- Jewelry Co.
WEIZMANN HINTS AT REULY TO ZANGWILL •London. (J. T. A.) Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization,. due to sail for New York November 24, hinted in an interview with the J. T. A. that he would reply in America to criticisms of, Israel Zangwill with regard to the Zionist Movement. Although the Zionist leader did not single-, out- Mr. Zangwill by name, he said; he would reply to recent criti cigm-and 3&al with the present situation., ,-,.-: ..His primary object in making this tripjtq Araerica was the enlargement <jf^the;"je^iih Agency, Dr. Weizmann said. He added that he would confer for that purpose with leaders of .American .J^ewry and with the heads
One of Omaha's best established Grocery Store and Meat Murket in well established neighborhood. Owner is unable to devote further time to care of store. Owner will consider partner who will be interested. ^
HE quality product of a century of hat making—they're made of selected fur felt and fashioned on smart and distinctive style lines to meet your individual requirements.
Your New Msllory awaits you, and efficient, conscientious hat men to serve you in the selection of the proper style. East Aisle—Muin Fleer.
Jewish Press Publishing Co. Jackson 2872-
482 Brandeis Theater Bldg. APPARKI FOR
thai • and Lillian Slutzky. The next T members and former members are cor- and Dave Cohn were in Lincoln for the the American Jewish Congress, to- WARSAW FASCIST! THREATENS meeting will be held at the home of dially invited. Pollick-Krechefsky wedding. They gether with members of the AdmihJEWS Miss Elsie Stalmaster, on Sunday aftalso attended the Kansas Aggie-Ne~ istrative Committee, met recently un- ' Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The proprietors Mrs. Frank Krasne is entertaining braska game. der the chairmanship of Dr. Stephen of the Jackozki Cafe in Sachsengarten ernoon. at a series of luncheons at her home : The December card party of the on Thursday and Saturday. : Miss Jeanette Ktlor, of Omaha, was S. Wise, at the Hotel Pennsylvania, to are in receipt of a warning signed by Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will be the guest of Miss Hazel Wishnow for take action with regard to the anti- the Central Facisti Committee not to Jewish riots which are taking place in admit Jewish patrons on the penalty Miss Fannie Shyken left Tuesday several days last week.. held at; the home of Mrs. A. Theodore Berlin and other sections ia Germany, of having the cafe blown up. for Kansas City, Mo. : where she will at the Theodore Terrace, at Thirtyvisit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eisler celebrated their During1 the general strike last week A umber of steps were decided first and Jackson streets, Monday aftmob of Facisti stormed this cafe, ernoon, December 10, and the Mes- , Mrs. Harry Monsky entertained her twentieth wedding anniversary at a upon, aiming at prevention of further Thanksgiving dinner Thursday evenoutrages and.a special sub-committee beating the Jewish guests. Fifty dames M» Tierner and Frank Tuckman Afternoon Bridge club at her home 1 Facists were arrested on the spot, rung.' Covers were laid for 12 guests. was appointed, consisting of the folwill be the assisting hostesses. • Tuesday afternoon. lowing i Judge Aaron J, Levy, Jo- while one hundred made their escape. Mr. Morris Friendleft for Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman have Preparatory to the trial of the fifty Mrs. S., WMtebook was hostess to Nebr., Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs, seph Barondess, Congressman Nathan moved into their new home at 352 her'Evening Bridge dub at her home D. Perlman, Judge Louis D. Gibbs, which is pending, it is-announced that PESSEN-SHAPIRO. Levy, and family. . ENGAGEMENTS North Thirty-fifth street. George I. Fox and Dr. Stephen S. revolvers, rifles and iron bars were Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro announce Tuesday evening. found in the prisoners' possession. OMAHA ENGAGEMENTS-. „ . „ the marriage of their daughter, DorMiss Miriam Guggenheim, who has Wise, ex-officio. Mrs. Morris Cohn was hostess at The Misses Janet and Goldie Gilinothy, to Mr. Maurice H. Pessen, son been HI with diphtheria, is recovering. The committee will present a reThe engagement of Miss Gertrude her home at four tables of bridge last of Mrs. Bertha Pessen, of St. Louis, Marks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. L. sky and Mr. Al. Gilinsky returned port on its efforts at the meeting of POGEOMISTS SENTENCE Mr, and Mrs. Aach and Mrs Sam' the Executive Committee which will Mo. The young couple eloped to Sioux L. Marks, of Council Bluffs, Ia., to Weinberg, of Bloomington, HI., whohome Sunday after spending the past . ALTENHAUSEN JEWS three weeks in New York and other i Wessel motored to Nebraska City be held November 18 and which wili City, la., and were married there on Mr. Mayer L. Cohn, son of Mr. and is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Max TO HANGING few days with Sunday to spend a eastern dties. consider also the future activities of Wednesday^ November 28. Munich. (J. T. A.) Two Jewish Mrs. L. M. Cohn, of this city; was Cohn, and. Mrs. Cohn, in Council relatives. the Congress. • The-maxriage"tromesas a surprise announced during the past week. A meeting of the Talmud Torah wes families in the village of Altenhausen to the parents, friends and relatives held Tuesday evening a t the syna-. Messrs. Abe Goldenberg, of Omaha, The concern of the State Depart- . near Coburg were sentenced to be Miss Marks attended the University Miss; Stella Troehtenberg will be gogue. ef the young, couple as the wedding of Chicago, and Mr. Cohen, the Northand Abe Markowitz, of Council Bluffs, ment over the Jewish situation in Ba- htog«d by a "military court" impro•was set to take- place the latter part western Military Academy. The wed- hostess to the Ra Oth Sodety. Sunday were in Lincoln for the Kansas Ag-gie- varia has been communicated to the vised by a band of thirty armed Hitof the month of December. , - ding will take place in the early afternoon, December 16, a t her home. ; A.B'nai B'rith meeting will be held Nebraska game. They were the guests offices of the Jewish Congress, it i s ' ler soldiers. Coburg is the mobilAt the last socM of-the Ea Oih So- next Wednesday evening at the Dan- at the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity learned. Correspondence with regard j ization center of Hitler and Erhardt. After an eastern trip Mr. Pessen spring. •;'••. dety Miss Esther Zalk was hostess, ish HalL to the situation of the Jews in Bavaria The Jews finally had their sentences and his bride will return to Omaha, House, "• Mr. and Mrs. ASeglin announce and prizes were won by the Misses :• Mr. L Pxopper entertained eleven which developed when the expulsion "commuted" by their assailants, the' •where they will make their future the engagement of their daughter^ Til- Rae Wolowitz, Sylvia Levey and Mar- guests at an Orpheum party Sunday of Jews was begun was initiated by affair ending in the merdless home. NORFOLK NEWS. lie," to-Mr. Sara Brown, son of Mr. tye Weinstein. . .the Jewish Congress with the State of the victims, after being separated evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Mr. J. Margolis has returned from Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenfeld enter- and Mrs. Joseph Brown, of this city. and it is understood that • from all their possessions, including . . • Miss -Fanny Newman, of Chicago, Marcus. an extended trip to" California, where Department, tained at their home Monday evening No date has been set for the wedding. the sympathy of the United States money and valuables, in addition te HI.,; ia the: guest >of- her sister, Mrs. .The MesdaxnesDave Fox and Harry he west for his health. at dinner. Government had been assured. having their homes completely deMr. and Mrs. Ira Forman announce i -Cohn, and family; ,-. , • Meduff will entertain' a t ^ a dinner molished. Miss Frances Robinson entertained The next Tegular meeting of the the engagement of their daughter, Mrs." S/G. -Saltzmanis home from party Sunday.in honor.of their sister, at a bridge party Friday evening in B'nai B'rith Auxiliary will he held Anne, to Mr. Maurice Baum, son of TO GIVE DANCE honor of Miss Esther Freidman, who Thursday evening, December 13. The Mr. and Mrs. L. Baum, of this city the Methodist Hospital, where she was Mrs. Abe Marcus, and Mr, Marcus. INCE the intro_nctiqn of The Twenty-Second Annual Dance nmsic, there has been n false SIRis her house guest. Thanksgiving dance committee will No wedding date has as yet been set. operated on last week. _____ and Ball of the Agadath Achim club presBJon that only persons with *, report on the proceeds of the dance The meeting of the Council of Jew- "will be given this Sunday evening at LINCOIN peculiar knncfc could play it. 1'oft At the.last meeting of the Yeto Mo j so all members who have unused tickMr. and Mrs. J. D. Kraft announce ish Ladies will be held Wednesday the Swedish Auditorium, Sixteenth propoWy know one or more persons, ets and money for sold tickets should the birth of a son on Sunday, Decem- dub the following officers were electMiss Bernice Diamond had as her afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dave and Chicago Streets. T w o prizes f o r nlthonB- they have spent several years: ed: President, Louis Diamond; vice bring them.to the meeting. the study of classical music, lire ber 2, at the Methodist Hospital. the best dancers will be given. j' te president, Milton Berkowitz; secre- week-end guest Miss Gladys Meyers, Levin. plar a popular selection in a presentThe following men are the officers able manner. This m not Sue to eithw Mrs, Charles Gidinsky, of Kansas The postponed meeting of the Jew- tary, Morris Givot; and treasurer, Joe of Omaha. "Mrs. Louis Knopp and Mr- Max Ep- and members of the social committee j lnck cf ability or of proper instruction, City, Mo., is visiting with her sister, ish Women's Welfare Organization Cohen. Wffliam Gerelick is the club's The Misses Ruth Herman and Nina stein are ill at their respective homes. who are in ehsrge of the affair: but is flue to lack of trainlnc itil« will be held this Tuesday afternoon, athletic director. The basketball team, Shostak entertained at three tables of Mrs- J. D. Gidinsky. E ecial Reuben Ferer, president; Joe SeiP ™rkMr. Simion Krozberg spent ThanksDecember 11, at the Jewish Comznu which is under the captaincy of Gere- bridge Sunday afternoon, honoring gell, vice president; Jake Rosenblatt, I e ^ ^ " ^ * 6 time Mr. Bennett L. Cohn spent the past rtity Center at 3 o'clock. The annual lick, has already begun practice. Pins giving in Norfolk. Miss Meyers. Miss Sarah Krechefsky treasurer; S. Weiss, secretary; and piayinp onci ttmt or my Besociatcs, week-end in Omaha with his parents, election of officers will take place as have been ordered for the members. g , Mrs. Ben Skalowsky was elected the Messrs. A. B. Ferer, A. White, -sas - R re8Ult of - m yy -»T»«"*-tio_. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohn, and re- well as other business matters of in- AH boys who wish to join this club and Miss Jean Evnen won prizes. built up a method of teachinp popuir-r turned Sunday evening to resume his terest. • ' " . • • ' » Miss May Shapiro was in Omaha President-of the Ladies' Jewish Coun- J. P. Crounse and Joe Levin are mem- music along logical and scientific JIDPS, can get an application blank from any If you are interested in studying popubers of the soeial committee. studies at the University of Nebraska. Thursday evening to attend the B'nai dl at the last meeting. member of the organization. lar music soriouslv, phone me betveeen «:30 and 7:30 p. m. Mrs. J. Berek and daughters, Laura B'rith dance. Miss Gladys Meyers spent the past and Ruth, of Fremont, Nebr., spent Mr. and Mrs. Freager, of Omaha, _? The Aleph Zadi Aleph held its reg- The Tif ereth Israel Synagogue held were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. . week-end in Lincoln, Nebr. Thanksgiving and the week-end with ular meeting at the Jewish CommuHE Final Close-Out of the s their Chairacka program Sunday even- Sax oveT the week-end. 720 JS'orth Twenty-elsht Avenue " Rabbi Frederick- Cohn will address Mrs. Berek's sister, Mrs." M. Oberman, NoGoldstein Jewelry Co. is 5 Tel.: HA rney 5163. The Jewish Community of Norfolk now in progress. If you 5 NOTE: For the present I SIE UmlHnc the young group of the First Central A special • meeting was vember 25. are in need of any £ nxy cJaBfi to fifteen l ' Congregational Church Sunday aftet- day evening atv a n Qrpheumv Theatre held Sunday afternoon, November 18, j The Temple Sunday School Chil- ] has appointed Frances Robinson f o r ' 5 Party. '^'__" '' :' '•' - .'| to discuss the banquet which is to be. dren gave their Chanucka program their social reporter for the Norfolk = : noon at 5-30. He will talk on "The News, Miss Hazel Degen will leave this held during, the month of January, Sunday morning-, December 2. Three R's in Religion." _ your own price. and also a dance which is to be held week for Philadelphia, Pa., where she Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Brown an- = Miss Mary Yabroff, who is attendThe Tvre club held their Thanksgivat a local hotel. CMrcpwdisf «nd Beauty -:*Sr . : ing the University of Nebraska, spent will visit. ing dance Thursday, November SO. nounee the birth of a baby daughter. Shop A smokeless smoker is being Among the out-of-town guests present the past week-end in Omaha with her EstRhltKhert 1H00 planned for Sunday, December 23, and Rabbi J. M. Charlop's sermon suband f were the Messrs. Ira Rabinowitz and JEWISH CONGRESS MOVES former room-mate at the University, 1510 Fsrnam St. Ulre ns » cbsnee to epject this Friday evening at the B'nai all boys over the age of sixteen are Miss Rose Minkin. >reflate your hitsii:ess Foe TO CHECK GERMAN POGROM _ Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth and Chi- cordially invited. There will be box- Abe Vanger, of Omaha. apiMtinlments call Ja JJ7T4. 1Mr Ben Minkin and sister,-Anne,-'- New-York. (J.JT-JL}-, Officers, of {TtltllUlllilllIIIlIIlIillllElilflllilllElIIIilllln * ' Mr. and Mrs. Delvin Becker, of cago streets, will be "Israel, "the ing, musieal numbers -by Omaha talMitchell, So. Dak., who have been vis- World's Light." He will deliver this ent, followed by refreshments. Sam Singer was. elected Captain of iting here with" Mrs. Becker's mother, sermon in English. On Saturday Mrs. Flora Rosenstock, returned to morning he will deliver a sermon in the Aleph Zadi Basketball team. The Jewish at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, team played its first practice game; m their home Tuesday. Twenty-fourth and Nicholas streets, "Wednesday night, defeating the Yeto _ | Mr. and Mrs. Sol Rosenberg re- on "Chanucka" at Present." Mo team by a score of 16 to 9. The , _ | turned this week from Kansas City, team - plays another practice game . § | | Mr.'and Mrs.-Fred Rosenstock left Wednesday a t the Central High Gym." §_ Mo,, where they -called on account of the death . of Mr. Rosenberg's Monday evening for Excelsior Springs, brother, Mir. Simon Rosenberg. The Mo. ZIONIST CLXJB NEWS deceased was a former resident of The Sisters of Zion gave the followDr. Philip Sher is returning Friday" Omaha. morning from Reading, Pa., where he ing program. Monday afternoon at the 55= Community Center: , Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg returned attended the funeral of his father, Mr, Jewish Hatifcvoh i" home last Wednesday from a seven- L. Sher. Celia Zier, Tiolin. aiid Iiibby Zier, piano Sung by the Buds of Zion. week trip in Europe. They were in Miss Mary Pritkim, of Denver, Co^., Paris, the War Zone, Switzerland and who has been the house -guest of Miss Celfa"Nitz and Kebecca Kirschenbaum S5= London, Milton Moakovitz and Celia Ziev; Tiolin === Estelle Lapidas for £he jiast six weeks, ncconipaniea by IJbby Ziev. on the pfanf = Kational Song BncU of Zion ==returned to her home.last Friday. She Mr. and Mrs. Harris Levey and yiolin Solo :_Marinn Broofestein __= accompanied by Celia Nits. -—= family are now living in their new was entertained quite extensively dur'lorenee TVhiteboot riano Solo .•'.-. f-'|, ; home at 111 South Thirty-fourth ing her visit. -Sylvia. Bezman Poem _ street. . ' " •'"...' Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich enterA meeting of the Daughters of Zion ! | S Mrs. J. Rosen entertained twenty- tamed at luncheon yesterday after- was held Sunday afternoon at the | s five guests at bridge Wednesday aft- noon at he homer in honor of Mrs. Jewish Community Center. A hike == ernoon at her home in honor of Bliss Edward Glaser, of St. Louis, Mo,, who will be held this Sunday at Camp "•111 Brewster. All members -will meet at ', ^ = ' Edith Rosenbaum, who will be a Jan- is the guest of Mrs. J. B. Katz, uary bride, Prizes were won by Mrs. Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky returned 8:30 at Twenty-fourth and Cuming Sixteenth and Douglas Streets Joe Rflsen, of Council Bluffs, and the last week from an extended visit in streets with their lunch. * Mesdames Roy Roffman and Max Ro- the east. In Harrisburg, Pa,, she vissenbaum. '.;-,ited with her daughter, Mrs. Max I C()UNCI1 BLUFFS/ j j Langman, and Mr. Langman. In New The Deborah Society will hold its STERN-COHEN. - S annual election of officers at its reg- York City she was the guest of'Mr. The marriage of Miss Reva Cohen, -jg. ular meeting Wednesday afternoon, and Mrs. D. Langman, and in Pitts- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohen, ••:._= ( December 12, at the Jewish Communi- burgh, Pa., she was the guest of her of Council Bluffs, to Mr. Meyer Stern, ty Center. There will also be a dis- brother, Mr. Sam Taxon, and cousin, son of Mrs. B. Stern, of Omaha, will cussion in regard to the Deborah So- Rabbi George Taxbn. In Chicago, m., take place Sunday evening, December ciety affiliating with the Talinud To- she was the house guest of Mr. and 16, in the ball room of thz Fontenelle Mrs. B. Schmoller. She returned with rah. ; her daughler, Mrsr "Lewis Spiwak", of Hotel. Many affairs are being given for ' For Miss. Ruth Bernstein, who is to Des.^ Moines, la,, whom she visited on Women's High Shoes, Lace and Men's Dress Shoes — Working: : become the bride of Mr. Albert Pit- her return home. Mrs. Spiwak' re- the bride-to-be. Sunday afternoon Mrs. j./'li. Stern, of Omaha, enter' lor, on Sunday evening, December 16, turned to her home after spending Button; Plain and Strap Oxfords tained i a honor of Miss Cohen. shoes, sport shoes, high and low •Mrs. H. Bernstein entertained at a several days here. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. H. RochThanksgiving dinner at her home. —All styles of heels, width, AAA Mrs. Morris FromMn, of Milwau- man entertained at a bridge tea at shoes, lace and Blucher styles. ;Mrs. L. Bernstein • entertained at a to E ; all leathers and satins. 'bridge party, followed by a luncheon, kee, Wis., who is the house guest of the Brndeais Tea Rooms. Thursday Men's Shoes at 3.00 only. at her home Monday afternoon, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin, is being Miss Marian Cohen and Mrs. L. WohlWomen's Shoes at 1.00, 2.00 and on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. William honored at a number of social affairs ner are honoring their sister at a given during her visit here. Among bridge luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Epstein entertained at four tables of 3.00. bridge. A number of other social af- the hostesses for the visitor this week Rooms, Saturday Miss Yetta Wright Infants' Shoes—Buttoned and lace fairs are being planned for Miss was Mrs. Max Fromkin, who- enter- will entertain at a luncheon bridge at tained twelve guests a t her home Sun- the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Sunday aftBernstein. styles in black, brown, kid and day evening at bridge. Prizes were ernoon the Mesdames A. Cohen of Boys* and Girls' Shoes—For school Mrs. Ernest Meyers left Wednesday won by Mrs^ Harry Kavich arid Miss Gretna, Nebr., and J. Singer of Omapatent leather with fancy tops and for Sioux City, la., where she will Martye Weinstein. Miss Martye ha will entertain at a luncheon bridge or dress wear; also pumps and visit with her relatives. Weinstein entertained Wednesday aft- at the home of Mrs, Singer. Tuesday oxfords. Boys' and Girls' Shoes at plain colors; sizes up to 8. Infants* Mrs. Nate Mantel and Mrs. Cora ernoon at a lucheon at the Brandeis afternoon the Mesdamea Abe Marcus Wolf, who are delegates to the Tri- Tea Booms, and Mr, and Mrs. H. B. and H. Maduff will honor Miss Cohen T.OG, 2.00 and 3,00. Shoes at 1,00, 2.00 and 3.00. State Sisterhood Convention at Dav- Weinstein will entertain at a" dinner at a luncheon bridge at the Brandeis enport, la., are. expected to arrive party Sunday evening for eight guests Tea Roomshome the latter part of next week. at their home. A public card party under.the au1 Miss Blanche Altaian is expected to Mrs. Morris Green, of Lincoln, spices of the Ladies* Aid Society, the return home the latter part of next Nebr-, is the guest of her mother, Sisterhood and the Council of Jewish week from a several weeks'' visit in Mrs* IsrgeJ Pearlstone. j Women will be held next Wednesday Kansas City, Mo. . . . . . . ' afternoon, December 12, at the Eagles' The Upsflon Katpa Tau Sorority of Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver a local high school entertained at its j a talk on "The Light of Chanuska" first series' of parties at the home of The annual Chanucka party of the Friday evening at the Temple Israel. Miss Lenora Pexlmutter" Sunday aft- ;Mdgeh~ David club will be held SunSaturday morning his sermon subject ernoon, Fri?es~were 'w"on""try" the day, December 9, a t '2:80 p . nu at the will be "The Fool." Misses Ruth Fanger, Marian Blumen- home of Harry Trochtenberg. All
' ^
Sale of
oe Co.
and Children
Shoes lor
Shoes Sold by the Fry Shoe Co. as high as 1S. in this Sale at the Brandeis Store and All Offered
These Low
6, 1923
OF THE JEWISH PRESS wascarried-by a big majority. , injr of wonderful, brilliant women— Organization. Deputy Wulle, nation- beatings in the course of which then gious committees, should-take hold of it that work and work in-an unpreju- 1 Also to increase the .number of dele- women whom it was a privilege to alist anti-Semitic leader, who is under- clothes were torn off and their money diced way, paying no attention to re- gates from, larger sections, as in the meet, and to whom we can point with stood *"to have - been' proposed as the seized. form, orthodox or Zionist. Let uscase of" New ,York, where they have pride as the leaders of Jewish Women consider one thing, first,-last and al- 6,500 members, and have no more and Judiasm, and at this convention chief .of. police of Berlin in the event Lodz, according to the report, is in votes' than sections- having 2,000. - It we learned, if never before, that the of .-the- success, of the Hitler .putsch, a state of ferment because of the ways—just Pure Judaism. It was urged to form "Sunny was decided to change the name of Council of .Jewish Women is based op was the principal speaker. The inGroups," to become Sunday School "Americanization Committee' to "Im- law, order and the highest of princi- flammatory speeches inciting,the,mob police brutalities, and the deputies f oi that city are submitting an urgent ples, and it is not alone those who teachers. These groups are made up migrant Education.'.' The report of the .Social Welfare have done big things, but those who to violence against the Jews were in- interpellation in the Seim. Victims of of girls from fifteen to eighteen years of age. The secretary-and chairman Committee touched. a great deal on have done small things well. terrupted by songs having as their the police rowdism include Rabbi sis" : ' •,!•-:.•'':•:'• - - B y M R S . C A R L - ' F U R T H ' . . - ' . ) , . of the St. Louis section reach these immigration. The report was - made - The Council of Jewish Women >s refrain "down with the Government, Aronisaak Schilitz. by Mrs. Edward L. Heinzheimer, of the common meeting ground for both kill the Jews." Jewish residents of classes gratis. Report Was Given Before Council" of Jewish Women "in Omaha. Reform and Orthodox Jews, where One thought that was impressed Cincinnati."' She told how the work both sections work unitedly for the this section barricaded their houses Banners designating the different upon us was that every woman, every- had grown until it had become interLadies, Jn this report I have tried to give you a hurried sketch of the states were scattered about the room where, belongs in the Council; whether national. Many coming to America common welfare of the Jewish people. and n6ne dare appear on the streets entire six days we'spent- a t the con- and delegates were requested to sit in she belongs to -it or not • Every new find themselves stranded in a strange before the police reinforcements arvention. I have necessarily, had to be their own sections. The first morning member that" we - enroll is_ one - new country, and usually, call upon the ANTI-SEMITIC NATIONALISTS rived and dispersed the demonstravery brief ;vrith each subject. When I found Nebraska wedged in between branch of the Council tree', one newCouncil to help find their relatives AUDITING AND INCOME REORGANIZE THEIR FORCES tion. Canada and New Mexico. The next while they wait at Ellis Island in agwe reached St. Louis Sunday morning root in -the soil. < . ' TAX REPORTS Berlin. ' (J. T. A.) After several " we found several ladies at the sta-day between New York and Texas, and The Federation, of Women's Clubs. ony for fear of deportation. Children tion, -watching eagerly for delegates. another day. between Pennsylvania and in session in St.- Louis, sent a basket coming alone to their-parents, sisters, days' respite the anti-Semitic nation- POLICE O FLODZ BEAT, HOLD 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 This was only the beginning of the California, and I finally decided that of beautiful ^flowers by .two" of their; brothers, husbands and wives separat- alists have reorganized their forces FIFTY JEWS edWives coming to husbands, many •won'derful- hospitality the ; St."- -Louis the geography of the United States members as/.personal representatives' who do not pass the, physical exam- sufficiently" to stage a number of menWarsaw. (J. T. A.) Fifty Jews of -ladies.showed all through the'entire was as badly mixed up as that of Eu- to convey'their .greetings to the Coun-. ination and are sent back to- No Man's acing anti-Jewish demonstrations in Lodz rope. On Monday eve we listened to were sat upon by police at convention. We were • taken to the ;'--'-.'•. . ,. ' Laftd. • Many who .have -not" seen their various parts of Berlin. hotel in private machines and through a wonderful talk by Mrs. Carrie Chap- «»•• Sgierszastrasse and after being beatMrs. Alexander Wolf, of Washing- loved aones for. many years. be<their very efficient motor corps ma- man Catt on "War or Peace." She Kurfurstendam, Steinplatz and other en into submission -were marched off chines were always in readiness to spoke of the big share the JeVvs hadton, D. C , read an. interesting, paper", for. their lives-"nof to be sent back. take, the delegates to every function.- had in trying to secure World Peace; on "Education." She started in bwOthers coming to husbands, who have thoroughfares in West Berlin were to the nearest police station where Too much cannot be said • of ,the *she told how >ar always leaves tiie saying that all some people" seemed to taken other wives, forgetting they had the scenes recently of hostile demon- they were again subjected to terrible courtesy and kindness of the generous - same problems behind. Like the child need in life was a lot of fun, a little wife and children in the Fatherland. strations in which the cry "kill the TO AND FROM hospitality1 of the St. Louis section. who turns in the water, then finds it excitement and a place "to-park; but Of all these the Jew with no land of Jews" was incessantly raised. Order his own is most unfortunate: held alThey were simply untiring in their ef- hard to turn the spigot off again. She that there is so much more w—" ALL PARTS Oh forts to provide for the conifort' and said the world had a great big wish- for those who will look for it. Some most as captives, they wait day after was restored with great difficulty. THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. THE WORLD entertainment of their guests. .When bone for peace, but small backbone object to being taught like the manday, year after year, hoping for On Tuesday night a grave antiWholesale paper I tell you that there were-over eight how to get it. She also made the who said, "I have talked with manv American relatives to send for them. Jewish demonstration took place at distribntora for hundred women attending each .ses- charge.that the United States is one wise men, therefore I am very wise," The steamship companies rjg co-operNorthern Toilet Tissue .jsion, you-will understand what a co- of the- leading • countries in military and the teacher answered him; *'I have ating with us now, and have large Wilhelmplatz in Charlottenburg in 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb lossal task this really was," There preparedness. The fault, she claimed, talked with many rich men, but alas, placards, in all lnguages, urging Jew- connection with the meeting of the 1112 Harney Street were three hundred and fifty official was not with Washington, but with I am not rich." In Washington, D. C ,ish immigrants to apply to the Council prohibited- anti-Semitic Deutscherold ATlantic 0340. AT-Iantic 6409 they conduct a play school for- back- of Jewish Women for aid. We were delegates, the rest of the number-be- "We, the People." . ing made up of alternates: and visit- • Mrs. Israel Cowan read a very in- ward children in the park all'summer. urged to take active part in all leg""-ors • from • all parts of the United teresting paper on "Plans and Scope." If they can get enough children to islative questions, especially those try-States, Canada, and even Poland.-Ger- She urged the co-operation between warrant it, the board of education ing to -restrict immigration, as the PAXTGN-MITCHELL CO. the sections and the National. She furnishes the teachers gratis. new laws are to be even more strict xnany and England. • - •SENDER MILLMAN ITEN tith and Martha Sts, HA. 1662 Miss Cecelia Razovsky, secretary of than formerly. You know what that On Sunday evening we met in one compared philanthropy to a tree, Recently of Palet tine KanufacturerB of Brass, Bronze, «f • the beautiful Temples, where we whose fruit and leaves change wftb. the Department"of Immigrant Aid, oc- will. mean to. our people; you cannot BISCUIT CO. Umnlnom and Soft Gray Iron Castings, A graduate of a Rnssian University f on - are assured of soft eastings, as .were greeted by our National' officers the seasons, but the trunk and heart; cupied one -whole afternoon, and to put a thirteen collar on a sixteen ore machine some from every heat In is an and many prominent men of- St.-Louis.- of the tree remain, unchanged .through me it was the most interesting part neck, and not choke someone. Snow White »nr own shop. Mayor Keil in an address of welcome the centuries. History repeats itself. of the convention." As you know, how- I could go on with this report for Standard size cast iron and bronze Bakeries Expert Instructor told us the city was ours for the week, We reap what other sowed centuries ever, that is Mrs. Samuel Nathan's another hour, but do not wish to tire oushlnga In stock. (R«?K. I). 8. Put. and even went so far.as to,offer to ago, and centuries hence others will particular work, and I shall leave the you, and I am sure you will hear Office.) ins Hebrew and Jewish report on Immigrant Aid to her. She many interesting reports from your bail any one out, who might be unfor- reap what we sow today. fifteen years ol experience hopes to be back in Omaha-about Jantunate enough to get into jail. Talks He - wishes to give private lesson* The education of the Jewish woman other delegates, also from Mrs. Cohn, to beginners end advanced pupils were made by Mrs. Israel Cowan, of is being systematized and organized uary 1. I talked with Miss Rozovsky who was with us and who was given Emerson Laundry For farther Information call and she told me she hadn't a better Carpenter Paper Co. Chicago, our first National vice pres- throughout the country. Some coma vote, being a state organizer. F. 8. HORETE Prop. ident; also by Mrs. Caesar Mish, of plained that the work of one commit- co-worker in the United State? than Distributors of KEnwood 2401. One thing I want to bring home to Providence, R. I., whom many of you tee overlapped that of another, but Mrs. Nathan of Omaha; She told you is that it was a wonderfal gatherPhone Webster 0820 Western Bond—and High heard when she spoke here. ' were told that that was the best evi- also at a luncheon that wa9 given for THE LAUNDftX THAT Grade Stationery Section Presidents, and at which she One thing which cast a gloom over dence that the committees were not EVERYBODY LIKES. Omaba Nebraska. the convention was the absence of .our asleep.- And what if they do overlap? presided, that at a recent convention National president, Miss Rose Bren- We are all working for one common of the American Legion they Tiad votner, who has been seriously ill,' and cause; there is no difference in pui ed to restrict immigration, and that was forbidden by her physician to at- religian; we are one big organization, while we have only the kidliest feelBarry B. LBDMCB. Prm.-Twaa. "'The Mohl" T tend. Mrs. Israel Cowan took her working together for the Jew, either ings for the American Legion, we feel See. Pepper, Viee-PreHldent. EDA L PREir ;N. Prop. JOHN FELDMAN Residence. 1S42 • So. SStb. St. that they are keening out our people. W. G. Ore. Secretary. place. ,, reform or orthodox. Tri. Atlantic fiCSt. Wednesday night wes the big Jubi- • Monday, morning .session was devot- • Tuesday, "International Evening." Shoes and Gent's Furnishings Place of Bant liens. 2323 Darney St. Omaha Fixture & ed to reports of National officers and was held in Temple Israel, Dr. Harri- lee banquet at the Statier hotel. When Tel. ATlantir S8S1. Featuring Emerson find Dunlap Shoes—S5 to $12. Convention Committees. Miss Bren- son's beautiful Temple. The Hon. Mrs. I tell you that over 1,000 Tnade reserSupply Co. FULL DRESS SUITS AND TUXEDOS ner's report iwas ready by Mrs. N.Ernest L;. Franklin, of London, Eng- vations, and as is always the case, 311 South 16tn Stoeet for sale or rent. Harris, of.Bradford, Pa. I wish I had land, spoke on "The World . Today, many came who had not made reserCOMPLETE STORE AND Phone JA. 8128 109 North 16th St. Phone Atlantic 8010. • vations, it will give you ;some idea, of time to tell you of Mrs. Harris,- our Woman's Opportunity." A paper, OFFICE OUTFITTERS CLARENCE DESDUNES the crowd. The banquet was followed , former National president. Shetis no "European Reconstruction and the ViOpen Evenings. We occupy longer a young woman, but she is full enna Conference," was to have been by a most delightful program, speak- Concert Violinist and Teacher «rer 70,000 BQcmr* feet ' of life and energy that she was really Tead by Mrs. Alexander Kohut, of ers, etc. 8«cthwest Corner Bid*., 212S No. 84th St. Only Jewish Florist in town. Many amendments were made to Studio: Bawkin's one of the mighty powers behind the New York. Mrs. Eohut has been seriPhone, Webster 5530. EleVPtJth «nA Honcta* Street*. r Office Hoars. 3:30 to 6. throne of the entire convention. A ously, ill, however, and was not able to the by-laws, ~the most important of WEDDING BOUQUETS. Phono: .Jackson Violin bows and cases for sale. deafening round of applause greeted attend, so the paper was read by a which was to change the name to the OMAHA NTEB. III National Council of Jewish .Women: the announcement that, the St.. Louis substitute. section had donated $500 to found a Judge ^Florence Allen, Judge of. the scholarship fund to. perpetuate the .Supreme Court of Ohio, gave a very name of Mrs. Irvin Bettman, chairman interesting talk on "Women in Poliof the St. Louis Triennial Board. This tics." She emphasized especially the was done to show- its appreciation of good influence of women on the jury. her magnificent work, and could you Told how they had been able 'to eet Every Known Kind have seen how systematically every- better-testimony, especially • out of thing had been carried out ,under her children, before a jury of women, than o£ Insurance able leadership, you would have agreed of men. She insisted that when courts 209 W. O..W. Bldg. JA. 3944. that she' deserved it. are not properly adjusted, human beJAckson 1862 .. The delegates were told of the es- jngs suffer; men claim women have tablishment of new and better service done very little since they have the for,second and third-class passengers ballot, but you cannot expect wdnien on. ocean liners. The • book, ".What to do in three years what it took the "Let Us Move You" WASH AND KEEP WELL Every Immigrant Girl Should Know," men over one hundred years to acEquipped with a heater of exceptional A RULE OF HEALTH printed in every language, is distrib- complish. She created a laugh by capacity, and with doors and windows ; uted to every Jewish woman in the saying she was an old maid; had never FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Operated by ships. We were also told that the even had time, to get married. She snugly weather-stripped, the Business Sedan American Council had sent teachers to said the .old maid of yesterday went 1810 California Street. Warsaw, Poland, to open a school for out to do plain sewing, but today has is invitingly warm on the coldest days. Nurse Training for Girls, where there her own- Ford roadster, comes and Atlantic 0230 JAckson 433S is great need for such training. • goes as she pleases, and is admitted Three years ago the Council of Jew- into every branch of industry in the, You discover, too, that the seat-backs are ish Women' had 168 sections in the"world.perfectly tilted for maximum ease; that the United States. Today there are 208, Wednesday forenoon the biggest EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE with a membership of over .50,000 part of the morning was taken up LACNDBT seats themselves are generously deep and more than double what it was three with discussions as to whether or not WHOLESALE Where your clothes come home years ago. we should continue to be an Associate upholstered in blue Spanish leather of the - cleaner and last longer. Druggists and Stationers Mrs. Sternberger told of her hur-member of the National League of AT tKBt£* CS8O. t 5 0 t - l l Jackson St. ried trip to Vienna during the summer Women Voters. To my notion being finest quality. 401-403-405 Sooth 10th Street H A. JAC0SB2EGXS. PTM. to attend the World's Conference of an associate member of any organizaJewish .Women at which there were tion is simply "Taxation Without Rep. These impressions of interior comfort are representatives from almost every resentation," but it was decided in the country in the world. I wish I had affirmative. further emphasized when the car gets the time to give you a detailed report At the State and Interstate ConferCertified Public Accountants .of all these reports, for they were ence, sections were urged to get tounder way, and you experience the admi- , most interesting. gether often; as isolation means stagAudits Systems rable balance and buoyancy of the new, Mrs. Bauman, National treasurer, nation. A • closer bond of unity is Investigations reported among other . things • that needed between-sections. : $34 to 440 rptfi-R frost Bide. - spring suspension. $176,701.23 had been spent during the On Wednesday Mrs. Russlander, of ' Phones, Jacbson 4313, 4314. 'triennial period for philanthopic .work Pittsburgh, Pa., read a most interestby the Council of Jewish Women. The ing paper on "Religious Schools." She Omaha Office: SIS Douglas Street. O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. Omaha Phono Atlantic C556 vice presidents in their reports com- told that more than half of the Jewish plained' that the big'work of the Coun- "children at the large cities have no re28th and Harney Sts. ,' .. , , Ford Transfer & Storage Co. cil, was monopolized by the National ligious education. In New York, only Telephone—HArney 0123 B. A. FORn. . Board and higher up officers,' leaving 20 per cent; Chicago, 1 In 11; Boston, President and General Manager. them very little to do. Later it-was 1 in 6; Atlanta, 1 in 20. In PhilaConnrll BicfTs (lows) Office suggested to hire a field secretary to delphia, out of 42,000, only 12,000 had 300 So. Main Street. rhooe 86S. organize new sections throughout the had religious training. She insisted 'One of America's Great Hotels'' United States. One of the delegates that the religious training of children created a laugh by suggesting th^t as was. the work of the Sisterhoods, long as the vice presidents had qoth- rather than, the Council. I am not •* !ng to do, they might give them that sure that I agree with her. I believe 1 work and save expense. ~' ' , * that every -Council, through its reliOCR TBJSA'W&NT WILL
Report of Tri-Ennial Convention of Council ofJewish Women Held in St. Lonis, Ho,, From November I H Q 46,1923
W. J. fates Accotiatii!^ CO-
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