~):Aeπ '•. iio ? siibMfcot|| for liaf tl^ ^ik^^-^bepet is
Rut? 'are made W people who . stick to« the beaten path.
"juSti ^as
ntered as Mscoofl-class mall matter an Jancanr STtb. 1831 ' fflra at Omaha. Kebraaka, ondcr ttfe Act c* Hares s. I
of Federation; Workers PSedg
ta|rt^iippaid Balances ITniaiices oi Organization Improve During Past Week • ; ^Following. W p i i of Women's Gommittee^
B'NAI B'BITH AIDS JEWISH CENTER Chicago. (J. T. A.) In order to prevent the closing of the Jewish Toynbee Hall of Berlin for lack of coal, the B'nai B'rith has sent ?.2,009 , towaTd the maintenance of the institution, says an announcement by the Executive Committee of the Order here. In addition to its numerous activities as the largest Jewish . community center in- Berlin, Toynbee Hall is also operating a . free soup kitchen for . the Jewish poor of. that city.
World Zionist Leader Tells Purpose of Present Mission
Federation subscribers and Federation workers are determined that this year's work of the,Jewish Welfare Federation will be completed without curtailment or deficit, according to information received from the Federation office. "The past two weeks have been really very good so far as collections are concerned," said Harry Malashock, chairman of Jewish Author and Poet the Finance Committee, "due mainly to the splendid _ efforts of the-women who have beeh canvassing the city.- They have met W i Speak Here TMs Week with much success in their work, and have been-responsible for collecting approximately $1,000. This sum will be incx*eased when Will Show Moving Pictures of Palesall the workers report." . • tine as It Is Today. ~ • "But we still need approximately $10,000 to finish our work," said Mr. Malashock, "and the delinquent subscribers must help us Mr. P. M. Easkin, well known lecraise the moneys We now have a group of men workers in the turer, poet and author, will visit in field collecting the larger- subscriptions." Omaha Friday; Saturday and Sunday. of almost 20 per cent, as against the During his visit here he will speak at activities and attendance for the whole the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Eightof 1923. The Old People's Home will eenth and Chicago streets,- Sunday show an increase in appropriations for evening. He'brings with him. several the year, but the institution was not reels of moving pictures showing the properly financed last year. The ap- recent developments in Palstine. The propriations to the remaining local in- scenes were recently taken and depict present day life in the Holy Land. stitutions will not vary. You.cannot think of the National He will also speak at the Synagogue levin Stalmaster J. I. Slosterg> Dr. Philip Sher Jos. Wolf . •••'• institutions of the Federation and of Friday and Saturday. Harry Kolnkotsky S. S. .Jacobs curtailment of allotments at the same Mr, Raskin was born in Russia, Harry Lapldus 1. F. Goodmau «Martin Sngarman Wn, Xi. Holiman time. To do so would be absolutely where he was educated in the. tradiHarry MaTashock X. JP. F e U •-..,,.:,..--}-.. Arthur; Rosfenblum Carl .^atlezniui • - ' , - beyond the bounds of reason and of tional Hebraic studies. He came to Henry Monsty J . J. Greenberje justice. Rather than think of reduc- America in 1915. At an earl age he lsy liOBcnthal Sam Beber Sam I<eon Harry A. Wolf 'j ing this allotment, what, we ought to manifested his talents as a writer, Dave Blumesthal Hnrry Silverman Ed Treller do is to think of increasing them. several of his works being the "GhettP Br. Frederick-Cohn S. H. Schaefer Mrs. D. Kosenstock But that is for some other time. - What Lied" and "Songs of a Wanderer." E . Heavenrich Mrs. 3R;: A. SimonDr. 'A- Greenberg we ought to do now, what we must. Mr. Raskin will devote special at Mrs. K. TaUe ' Jdbrris Milder do now is to collect our outstanding tention to the furtherance of the Laiu> Samuel Schaefer, superintendent, funds as quietly as possible so that Donation of the Jewish National Fund, made the following report to the this institution may be repaid without a form of donation of which Mr. RasBoard: delay for the work they have done for kin himself was the originator at the us. Eighth Zionist Congress. It consists: •Report for Sunday, Dec 9; 1923. Board of Directors: Let me cite two* instances orily- of purchases by individuals of defi' - * This is Hie-iast month in "the year» thase-of the Jewish Oxphan.Home in -jiite bits of- land- in Palestine as a . and for us it is the most critical. Cleveland and of the National Jewis"h gift to the Jewish National Fund. This month will.witness the test of our! Hospital at Denver, towhich we have. year's .promises and of our year's pledged for* this year 51,800 and $1,. . . work. This month will decide -whether 500 respectively.At Cleveland we now have 21 chilwe .have failed or whether^we have dren: Let us "consider what it cost succeeded in our tasks. This month of December opens with the Home to maintain them this year Mrs. Nathan Mantel was again a big job confronting every member only. Fourteen were in the Home at elected president of the Jewish Womof the Board, a duty that may on its the beginning of the year, three en- en's Welfare Organization at its anface seem stupendous, and yet is a tered March 5, and four entered on nual election meeting Tuesday afterlesser one, in point of quantity and May 6. These figures are the equiv- noon, December 11,' at the Jewish size, than that which confronted you alent of 20 children continuously for Community. Center. Mrs. David Feat this time last year. Just as you 12 months—from January 1 to Decem- der was elected vice president of tH rallied to the support of the Federa- ber 31. The latest report of the Home organization. The Mesdames Henry tion in the closing weeks of 1922, so (for the year ending June 30, 1923), Marx and Harry Rachman, financial must you now, if the Federation showed the average cost for that year secretaries; Mrs. I. Rosenthal, report. means to you* what- it should mean for each child in the Home to be ing secretary; and Mrs. J. J. Slosburg, to you, rally again, and work day and $484.00. The cost of Omaha children Jr., treasurer. night until the money which we need in the Home will therefore be about §9,600 this year. We promised ?l,800 KU KLUX ELAN is at hand. to the Home this year. We started December with a cash PROPAGANDISTS AFTER Certainly the very least that we can deficit of $585.16. Since the beginBAY STATE SOLONS ning of the month we have collected do for the Home is to pay it the balBoston, Mass. (J. T. A.)—The first $1,15422, and have disbursed $2,043.- ance of §900 which we owe, and that attempt on the part of the Ku Klux 88, which leaves us a cash deficit to- without delay. Klan and its sympathizers to sway What is the case with the National the minds of the Massachusetts legisday of approximately $1,475. We will need, in addition to this sum, which Jewish Hospital in Denver? The 11 lators cropped up Saturday when we have borrowed and which must be Omaha patients treated there this members were flooded with circulars repaid before December 31, the sum year have since January 1 to Decem- mailed in New York, attacking Presof $8,525 in order that we may com- ber 1, a total of 2,183 days in the ident Coolidge, Secretary Hughes, plete'our year's work. These figures Hospital, receiving the most advanced former President Wilson, his former and the most scientific treatment total $10,000. Secretary Joseph Tumulty, the "antiWhat are our resources? We have known for tuberculosis. The cost per Christian Jews" and the Roman patient per day at the Hospital this 136 subscribers whose annual pledges Catholic Shurch. The circular was are $25 and over, and who still owe year is slightly less than $4.00. On all or a balance of their subscriptions. this basis Omaha has Teceived over signed simply "100 Per Cent AmerThe unpaid accounts of these $36 sub- 58,500 worth of service from Denver ican. "President Coolidge," reads the scribers total $',528.00. Seventy-one during the last eleven months of the circular, "is lacking- In any real of these, with accounts totalling S3,- year. We owe the Hospital §750 which Americanism because of his attitude is half the .amount we promised for 341.00, have paid nothing at all thus toward the reparations conference. this year. far this year. You legislators are warned to beware One after another the National inWe have 335 subscribers whose anof the influence of the Roman Cathnual pledges are less than $25.00, the stitutions, in amount of service, Tenolic Shurch and the Jewish people." dered Omaha entirely out. of proporunpaid balances on whose pledges is $2,519.25, and 201 with subscriptions tion to the amount of our subsidies to After attacking the League of Natotalling $1,6*75.00, have paid nothing. them. There cannot, there must not tions and the World Court, a cirri" ar We therefore have outstanding sub- be any thought of curtailing our 1923 says: scriptions totalling $10,050 to meet appropriations. Rather we must think "The same tireless, alien influence needs approximating $10,000. The of how speedily can we discharge our has been at work recently striving to get America- into the so-called Board can therefore see that aboslute- obligations to these institutions. My plea to you is to get together— reparations conference." ,ly every dollar outstanding must be to give the Federation the support collected. New York. (J. T. A.)—Dr. Samuel The estimate of our needs to finish xand co-operation that this situation the year is the absolute minimum. demands of you, and which the Feder- Schulman, in a ThankEgiving sermon at Temple Beth-El, Sunday, assailed There is no place, no organization, no ation expects from you. those persons who. would Jimit the These directors were present at the function through which we may curtitle of "American" to people of any tail our expenditures. Our.local re- meeting: I. F. Goodman PWlip Sher particular creed or to the Nordic or lief expenditures up to December 1st Dr. H. Heavenrich. * Carl C Katlethau Pr. Fred. Cohn Henry Monskyk Anglo-Saxon element. - were $1,550 less * than for the last Joseph. Wolf ••";• .Arthur Bosenblum "All views," Tie said, "which" moneleven months of 1922, due to strict- Martin SiigaiJman H. A. Wolf A . - ; C o l i i r " " •'-•:'" '/.:"'. Mrs. B. A. Simon . opolize Americanism for a particular est economy. Our transient relief, Dr. "Av.Gr^eabers • Mrs. D. BosenStoek J J . !>Greenl>erg ' Mrs. S. Goldstrom 1 1 C race, for a particular "church or .for with a greater number of cases han- 3Eair-Irener. "^ ..-' MrB. K. Tntle . a particular demeanor or manners dled, is only; $31 more this year than , Harrys Lapldas, lire. P. Sher ; Mrs. H. A. "Woll Wm.^Ii. iolKnian are altogether un-American. They during the same period of 1923. Our* Sam Beber administrative charges already show are today the greatest.menace to the a decrease of $625 during, 1923 as The annual election of officers of dignity, to the freedom, to the .against last year. The Y. 1 I . H . A. the Daughters, of Israel Aid Society humanity of men for which the and Jewish Community Center show, will be held Tues'day afternoon, De- American life stands, insofar as they jointly.-an increase in* Federation ap- cember 18, at the Old People's Home, tend "by fostering1 hatred and mis" projjriation to them thus far this year Twenty-fifth and Charles streets. to. impair the unity of 10. per cent, with an increase in Other important business matters -will and independence of she American activity daring 11 months of: the year be taken up aX this nation." The meeting of th . Board of Directors of the Federation last Sunday was devoted maiiily to dis situation, ,eusslon o£ the and following, a plea for workers the following responded,: and are -now busy collecting - outstanding FederatioiL accounts; : " ~V
Y r
Mrs. Mantel President of Women's Welfare Federation
New York,—"Engaging in contro- opting non-Zionist- Jewish leaders and versies is a luxury which I can't af- representatives of non-Zionist organford myself. There is too much con- izations. Dr." Weizmann, it is said, structive work .to be done, a n d ! have will confer with the leaders of Amercome here to do.some of it, and ican Je-wry with a view to their joinnothing else.1" -"With these words. Dr. ing the Agency. In addition, he will Chaim Welzmann; president of the lend his assistants to the Keren HayeWorld Zionist Organization, described sod campaigns which "will be conducted his present visit Ao the United States, in many cities in the United States. as he stepped ashore at .the Battery Dr. Weizmann made his first adin New York,, after leaders of the dress before one of, the sessions of movement in America, who went out! the National Keren Hayesod Council, on Mayor Hylan's official boat, had j a new body -which met for the first given him a hearty and affectionate! time in New; York at the Astor Hotel welcome. on Sunday, December 9. Dr. Ruppin Anti-Semitism" in Europe is dis- also addressed this meeting... On Mon- : tinctly on the increse, Dr. Welzmann day, December 10, -Dr. Weizmann j declared. The cause may be found, in spoke at a popular reception in Ms | his opinion;, in the psychoses of peo- honor at the Astor Hotel. The latter ples who are starved and ruined and function is under the auspices of a in a state of mmd -where a sca^ogoat welcoming committee of one hundred. is required. ""The,the world's A call was issued a few weeks ago scapegoats," Dr. Weizmann declared, for the election, by pop-ular vote of and added that the present wave of the contributors, of the National Counanti-Semitism, in Europe is endanger- cil of the Keren. Hayesod. The Couning the lives of 8,000,000 Jews. . cil is to be the supreme body of the The Zionist - chief was accompanied American Keren Hayesod and is to by Dr. Arthur Ttuppin, a member of have the power of electing the offithe Palestine Zionist executive, and cers, the national board of directors, generally recognised the foremost ex- .as-well as three American representapert on the colonization of Palestine. tives to serve on the international diDr. Ruppin's chief interest on Ms rectorate of the Keren Hayesod in present visit is the stimulation of pri- London. The Council is also to adopt resolutions for shaping the future polvate enterprise in Palestine. . The "constructive work" to which icy of the Keren Hayesod. As there Dr. Weizmann alluded in his descrip- are 70,000, contributors, the tion Of his mission is generally under- for the delegates to the National stood to refer to the Jewish Agency Council were arranged by the regions for Palestine, which, - in accordance or districts all over the country, and with the decision of the last Congress every contributor who gave $25 or in Carlsbad, is to be extended by co- more was entitled to vote.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 4 YEAR, $2.50, SOLDIERS CELEBRATE CHANUKAH • NewYorw. (J. T. A.) A special army and navy Chanukah service -was held Sxmday tinder the auspices of the Jewish-Welfare Board at the Young Men's Hebrew Association, Lexington avenue and Ninety-third street. Rabbi H. Field, visiting rabbi of the Jewish Welfare Board for New York and vicinity, presided. The speakers were Rear Admiral Charles P. Plunkett, commanding the Third Naval District and the Brooklyn Navy Yard; Colonel Charles Gerhardt, Commandant of Fort Jay, Governors Island, and Chaplain M. H. Witherspoon of the U. S. S. Colorado.
it Fi¥§F if Firtlw Merchants and ' Manufacturers ' ' For • Greater Lienerocy Which Labor Oppose. ORGANIZATIONS FOR FUR* THER RESTRICTION.
Washington, Dec. 11. (J. T. A.) Th« proposed appeal by Chairman JohnsoJi of the House Immigration Con:\iittee» further restricting immigration to % per cent of the nationals of any coim>« try l-esident in the United States -te 1890 was not formally introduced b o cause of the failure of Congress to organize. A canvass made by the Congressional Digest, an organ claiming tc be neither official nor contro!5ed" lsy Interesting LectcTes Being Given any party,,interest, class or sect, in its November issue reveals "the President Every Saturday at Jewish is sympathetic with that in Congress Community Center. which will oppose any lessening of ths The first lecture of the course in present restrictions on immigration it is understood, will be willing Jewish history now being held at the and, to see further restrictions imposed." Jewish Community Center trader the The Chamber of Commerce is quotauspices of the A. Z. A. Club, opened auspiciously last Saturday night with ed by. the Congressional Digest as b o lieving in restriction of immigration twenty young men in attendance. "I am most gratified at the very and in the1 principle of selection as s, fine way this course has started," controlling factor in immigration legsaid Judah L. Wolfson who is deliver- islation. "Because of lack of flexibility, th» ing the lectures. "I was especially pleased to see so many young people present Immigration Law is not in the class last Saturday. The table to changing conditions. lectures will be so arranged to appeal Chamber of Ceinmeres therefore adthat, to the present three perto every one interested in Jewish vocates cent quota, there should be added un history and the cultural development j additional two per cent quota solely of the Jews in the Diaspora." "upon a - selective "basis, to provide s, The lectures will be given every flexibility • without affecting oar 'SeSaturday evening during the winter rial standards. This two per cent "ij? Jiisrs atNritaki at the Jewish Community Center st a maximum, only such part (if es,y) 7:30 SHARP. Attendance is open Miss Lillian Margolin, daughter of to every one in Omaha over 17 years of which should be used as is nececMrs. Nathan Mantel, well known sary to meet the recognized among the Jews of Omaha, holding Mr. and Mrs. J. Margolin,. of , this old,: withest charge. ' Following last and social needs of the nation." offices in the various organizations city, who is attending the University Saturday night's lecture many people The National Association of M « n f ^ d here, has beeiF&Secltfjpfite fustr -rice evidenced' "their' interest -and" are 'faeturers is' b]pi»seii'''eqoany''ior'-«isi«;-president and chairman .of the Uni- sholarship fconers. - She tied for first planning to attend this week. stricted 'immigration and to its comversity Extension Work at the Sister- honors in the Freshman Law Mid-seplete prohibition snder the g\3ise o€ hood District No. 20, National Con- mester exams and grades with an restriction. It favors a constructive: average of 94 per cent; Miss Margovention held in Davenport, Ia^ last policy of selective immigration week. One hundred women coming lin, who in addition to carrying her through which, by flexible adminisfrom the states of Iowa, Missouri, course in the law college, is assistant trative machinery a practical to Prof. M. M. Fogg, in the course in Kansas and Nebraska were present at may be provided of relating the Argumentative Composition, and also this convention. $400,000 of Total Raised in New York ity and amount of immigration to the Mrs. Cora Wolf, also a delegate assists in- the office of the School of City. ' demonstrated economic needs of th* Journalism. from the Omaha Sisterhood, was chosUnited States or its ciartailment **M£ She has been an honor student duren to serve on the Committee' of CoRabbi Max Drob, chairman of the restriction in the presence of satisfi&a operation. Both women returned from ing her three years at school. Last campaign, committee which is seeking needs. year she won the pan-Hellenic scholarDavenport Monday evening. They will The Amerjcan Farm Bureau give their report of the Convention at ship prize for attaining the highest a million dollar endowment fund for the Jewish Theological Seminary, retion Targes selective immigration «* ui tiie first local Sisterhood meeting that scholarship rank among the Sophoported Sunday at a meeting of the present, but the passports should h*more women of .the University. She will be held the first Monday in Janwas also an honor student while at- directors of the institution that $720,- vised at tie ports of embarkation st>« uary. tending1 the Central High School here. 000 or nearly three-quarters of the the quota shoEld be based upon -th* amount sought has been raised thus nutnoer of foreign horn in this etmi> "Y" DRAMATIC CLASS far the beginning of the cam- try as reported in 1890 instead n£ Prof. David Abbott, man -of mys- paignsince TO GIVE PLAY NEXT on November 11th last. 1910. , This •• woolci lessen raateri«>31w' MONDAY NIGHT teries entertained another group of The sum of ?400,t)00 the number of immigrants that wouM of this total A dramatic playlet "Joint Owners friends at his home, 3316 Center S come in, isuBt should tend to open tJ»* had been raised m New York City, in Spain" presented by- members* of last Friday. doors to a better class. the YMHA dramatic club under the Prof. Abbott stated, he furnished which has accepted a quota of $500,000. Rabbi Drob said that he had The National Grange asks for th» direction of Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, will this mysterious wholesome entertainevery confidence that the remaining enactment of an immigration restvicbe the feature number of the pro- ment in honor of Ms friend Sanx E $100,000 would be raised before Jantion law based on the principles, that gram to be given at the meeting of Klaver, deputy county assessor. uary 1st by the New York Commit- inamigration privilege should be gr«.t>'c-> the YM and YWHA at the Jewish Prof. Abbott's magic feats have tee headed by Sol M. Stroock. ed only, to persons who declare -fhssf Community Center next" Monday astonished the greatest magicians in intention of becoming American c!J;i* In a detailed statement of the prognight. All Y -members are urged to the country. s e n s . . - • ; ' • _ . ress of the campaign throughout the attend and in addition the public The guests-of Mr. Klaver were, Mr. country, Michael A. Stavitsky, execThe American Federation of is invited. and Mrs. Morris Milder, Mr. and Mrs. utive director of the campaign, re- in a statement by Samuel Joe Jacobs, Dr. B. M. Kully, Herman ported that New Snglsnd had thus President, - November . 19, 1928, <1P-, WARSAW KEHILLAH Kully, I. Alperin, Fay and Lottiie far raised $30,000. The effort in that manded *%n immigration law that v-iii HOUSE CLOSED Alperin, Judge' and Mrs. C. O. section will culminate with a banquet protect the wage earners of this <jouteWarsaw. {J. T, A.)—-The offices of Stauffer, Henry Beal, Mr. and Mrs. in Boston during the last week in this try as well as the people." the Warsaw Kehillah were closed to- Leo Bozell, Morris E. Jacobs, Mr. and month. Upper New York state, Mr. No opinion from the American •?*• day in consequence: of the disturb- Mrs. Jake Malashoek, Pearl Linder- Stavitsky reported, has raised $35,000. gion trpon immigration is quoted, bWI. ances' yesterday when a.body of in- baum, Dr. Louis N. Smernoff, Fred. New Jersey, whose campaign begins the Veterans of Foreign Wars i»«s iensed yeshivath students raided the White, Gertrude White, Mr. and Mrs. next SurVay with a banquet in New- for the enactment of strict building as a protest against the Jack Alberts, Rath Greenberg, Mrs. ark, has raised $35,000 in its prelim(Contixiuod on page 2) erection of the xraorthodox student William Milder 'and Mr. and Mrs. M. inary canvass. house in the vicinity of the syn- Fromkin. Pennsylvania, Mr. Stavitsky an- f agogue -in the Praga district. nounced, has raised $135,000. This inOfficers of the Kehillah today MAURICE MARCUS LEAVES cludes, he said, SS3,030 from Phila3,000 POUNDS, BRITISH GOVdeclared they would resign because delphia where the canvass has $150,ERNMENT GETS HALF 000 as its goal. Baltimore's contriof the disturbances which caused London. (J. T. A.) The British bution to date is $15,000. Ohio re- Interesting Program Amnvge*!—*f*c>»many milliard marks worth of Government is richer today by near- ports $20,000, & sum which Mr. Stadamages. lic Is Invited. The cornerstone laying ceremony ly one and "a half million pounds in vitsky expects will be tripled after the for the student house scheduled for death dues, the windfall resulting official launching of Cleveland's camThe locjii Lodge of the B'nai today was postponed because, it is from the will adrnitteed to probate paign at a banquet ^on January frth at •will hold tm open meeting Decfetwhor alleged, orthodox Jews threatened yesterday of Maurice Marcos, who •which. Mr. Louis Marshall, chairman 20 at "the Jewish Coirmiumty C there would be more blood-shed if died in September at the of 78,. of the Seminary's board of trustees, According to the committee in the authorities would persist with leaving nearly three million pounds will be the principal speaker. Michi- an interesting program has been *.T*the ceremony. Removal of the build- from which the Government may gan has $25,000 to its credit und a ranged for this occasion, A s*>vi«r claim almost half. similar sum. had beea raised by sev- of lectures on the lives of ing material is also threatened. Publication of the will caused a eral adjacent states. Jewish men and loaders is being • Berlin. (J. T. A.)—Soldiers of the sensation. because Marcus' wealth ranjred lw Mr. Kathan Bernstein. ReichsTirehr in various parts of Ger- was an absolute secret and even Ms The first of these lectures -will Mr. Max Guttmssa, son of Mr. and many have commenced thorough closest friends are astonished at the Mrs. S. Gattman, a sophomore -at the OB "Life of Theodore Kcral," by searches for arms in Jewish premises. vastness o^tiss fortune. University of Michigan, is leaving Fro-mkin. Gilbevi Jaffc, local Thus far the searches have been ilarcas was unmarried. He made Ann Arbor Friday for a short stay in ist, and Jess Sutton, •nianisi, "will quite in vain as far as 'the Jewish Ms fortune in South African dia- New York City, -while en route to several selections, Nathan monds and is said to hare done his Boston, Mass., -where he •will be a yoxsthfn? households are concerned. -who recently Visits by soldiers in quest of arras own bookkeeping to prevent knowl- dele-gate to the National Convention in this countrr* will sin^ at this are not limited to private houses, a edge of his fortune.. of the Tau Delta FM Fraternity. He ing. Harry Sih-ewnan. piresideni. report from ChenmiSa stating feat He was .a friend of Cecil Raoades. ssid the "other delegates ,±KH3i MieM- th® lodge, will cklivfer a short dfe fihe Jewish library there was ,ran- Numerous small bequests made to gaa *wia spead New Year's m BucfaesThis meeting -will be in charge *t ssckeS a tnigfciC as -well- as. the charities include 1000 pbaads to the texv'N. T , after,'iwfe&fe ftey wiH **> Tnistin, vice president «f th* tora to Aim Jkriwr. •*•"». cemetery' Jewish Board of Guardians. wa«e.-*
Tkee-Qiaiiers of
I nai B'rii LsigetoHoU
. PAGE 2-rTHE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1923 parole, reiterating the promise made Miss Minnie Greenstone motored to spent the week-end in Lincoln, and by Mr. Davis of special dispensation Omaha with Miv and Mrs. Harry Sna- was a guest at the Military Ball. for cases of extreme hardship, what- der. ' *r Published mn Thursday u Om>lt«. Nebraska, by Mrs. Sarah Lehman is spending two ever snuch may be. There was no BY GERSHON AGOXSKY. THE JEWISH PSESS^ PUBLISHING COMPANY. Miss Celia Marks celebrated her weeks in Hollen, Kans., visiling her The curtain is about to ring down to doubt the figures. There were hope for the deportees except in the birthday Sunday evening, December 2, sister. Office: 482 Brandeis'Ibeatre Building.—Telephone: Jac&son 237a dubious comfort that more were to on the last act of an immigration those who, like the World of New at a party. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. drama which might be called "Vic- York, professed to see a modicum of be released, as an act of raer,cy, than The B. G. F's entertained at a tims of Caprice." Some seven hun- pre-election politics in the humanitar- would have been the case had no ap- The Ladies' Aid held a bazaar Fri- bridge party in honor of Miss Lillian ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year, peals been lodged. There would be day and Saturday. Advertising ratea furnished on application. dred Jewish immigrants who are ian parole. But the World is DemStrinsky, of Sioux City, la., Tuesday guilty of no greater wrong than that ocratic and Mr. Davis is a Republican. no hope today but for Mr. Barondess' evening. Prizes were won by Dean - NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Proflta from the publica- they sought entrance to these once Mrs. Stiffler and daughter, Mrs. Administration member. It is pei'- saving ingenuity in having proposed Chas. Simon, and baby left for Salina, Goldstein and Abe Goodlain. Eight tion of The Jewish Press are to be gtvsa to worthy communal causes. hospitable shores, but came at the haps fairer to Mr. Davis to quote, that Canada be asked to amdit temcouples were present. CBABSB OS* &DDRSS8-^Pteue giro twtB Our ol« en* nwr wrong time and been ordered deport- not what the World said upon the sub- porarily the deportees, until the new Kans. Mr. Simon will join them later. to •«• tnd «l«n foot namo. ed, will be allowed to proceed to Can- ject, but what the Republican Even- quota in the United States enters Miss Marion Guggenheim has recovThe Jewish. Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish ada there to await the reopening of ing Post said. And this is what it into force, a matter of seven months. ered from diphtheria. JEWISH CALENDAR. The suggestion was promptly acted Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition the Russian quota. If there should said: Fast of Tebefh TUPS.. t»«*i 18 upon and the Congress deputed Mr. Mrs. Eisler, who has been ill with to. feature articles and correspondences from alL important Jewish centres: be any more dallying with the fate ('It has been suggested that the 6684-1S34 inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency wifl be gladly of these weary, quota hunting wanRosli-Chotfesh ^tiebut_______.Mtm.. Jan. t parole order was partly due to the Barondesa to proceed to Ottawa to the flue, is recovering. answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, Rmth-Cho^eeh «<Jar 1 , ffwt Feb. 6 urge, with the support of th leaders derers, and if the permission for their Kosh-CtH.dpsh Adar II* F»t.. Mar. 1 fact that many of the excess .British JNew York City. of Canadian Jewry, that Canada offer The Hebrew Educational Society Purfin (Feast of F.fiflipr)_Thur8., Mar. 80 departure to Canada Is withheld by immigrants came here on the LeviaRofih-CliodeHU Nlsan Sat. Apr 6 «»' Apr. 10 the Labor Department", the immigra- than and that an order of deportation a refuge to the immigrants rejected held its regnlar meeting Sunday even- PassoTCr-(Pesarh Passover (>5*«eiitBr liny) _. . rvi 25 "THE FOOL" tion regulations will take their course would have subjected the ship to a by the United States. The Canadian ing, December 9.. A dance followed Rosh-Chotfesh lyar _...,..„».„ Mon. 4pr. May 6 authorities generously acceded. Bethe meeting. "I am a Jew!" has b'Omer -~__ Thurs. May US and the deportation sentence hanging very heavy money fine, in accordance Root). Cltottasb Sii;aii.___ Tues. Jnn* 8 The proverbial pin could be, heard to drop—so profound was over their heads will be carried out' with precedent. But we do not think fore his departure, Mr. Barondess reSbabnoth (Confirmation Day) 8nt. .June 8 Mrs-. Cohen and daughter, Lucille, Hoshr-Otio<li»i4i TnmTDtty.___^_Ttaor». Jtriy 3 the hush in Temple Israel, Saturday evening, when Prof. S. H. without a hitch. The ax will not fall that the desire to save the Shipping ceived a verbal assurance from SecRosh-Cbocipsh Ab , Fri. Aug 1 Clark, in tones vibrant with feeling, uttered these thrilling words. with a single merciful blow, felling Board a large sum -of money is a retary Davis that he will not deport left for Kansas City on a visit. Fast ot Ab ,. - — S n n . , Aug. 10 h IStni 8nn B An*. SI It was a tense moment in. his dramatic reading of Charming the whole nerve-wrecked and deluded good enough reason for discrimina- the immigrants if Canada will let Mr. Ben Shapiro, of Omaha, spent 5685-1024 them come in* But even ere Barondess " Pollock's "The Fool", - carga of "undesirable" and undesired tion in- the distribution of money. And New JTear'8 ..Mon.. Sept. 39 - The role of the Jew is a small interlude in Pollock's power- humanity. Slow torture is an essen- certainly discrimination as between left on his mission of mercy, 142 im- the week-end in Lincoln visiting. ful play but-Prof. Clark's amazing gift of expression endowed the tial part of and corollary to the pres- Bftish immigrats and immigrants of migrants on November 24th were put Miss Birdie Berger, of Omaha, spent few lines with such a wealth of meaning, that in it, he epit- ent immigration policy. The deporta- other races is not a good enough rea- on the Majestic and deported. And the week-end in Lincoln and attended omized the life story of that other Jew, 2000 years" ago, coupled tions will be carried out by dribs 'and son. If Congress in its wisdom wishes even while Mr. Davis awaits official the Military Ball given1 by the Mili- Chiropodist and Beauty with' eenturies of suffering for the people of Israel, ever since. drabs, in lots of fifty or hundred, ;o decree that the law' shall be ap- confirmation of Canada's- consent be- tary Department of the University of Shop Prof. Clark ran- the whole gamut of human emotions in his under circumstances of cruelty which plied gently to Anglo-Saxons and fore deciding what to do, another hun- Nebraska. Miss Berber was the guest Established iUBO iSth and Hat-ri<-y streets. ' successive interpretations of the parts of the Christ-like Rev. could not hare been more painful had other Nordics and harshly to all other dred or sa are being deported. Give us n cbaoce (0 ep> of Miss Irene Addson. jreciate yonr business. Kor Daniel Gilehrist; the unctuous Dr. Carey; the blatant Goodkind; they been calculated. races, let that decision be stated in appointment* cnH Ja. $774. his dissolute son Jerry, the blustering Joe Hennig; and even in Miss Jeanette Krapp, of Fremont, law. If we discriminate, let us dis* * * LINCOLN the' feminine roles—wavering • Clare Jewett and the crippled Who are these deportees and what criminate openly. Mary Margaret. '• "A generous parole order with a A surprise party was given in honor is their offense 1 They are Jews who Second in dramatic interest was Clark's compelling rendition "have regularly secured their American good sized string to it will not arouse of Mr. and Mrs. David Diamond at of Umansky, the towering Pole, visas, from regularly constituted much sympathy. American fair play their home Tuesday evening, Decemy g In a few halting broken sentences—Umansky's revolt—he "United States Consular officials in balk at mercy tempered with in-lber-4-, celebrating their twenty-fifth. told the piteous tale of the miner's struggle for what has been various parts of Europe. They must will '{wedding anniversary. About forty denied.him,, a chance to see the sun and God's day light, time to passed the barbed-wire entanglements iustice. get acquainted with his Mddies, a few precious minutes to study of the American consular offices' in The decree for the temporary ad- guests called and the time was spent and learn-^-sometMirg in life besides" dull toil, toil, toil deep in Warsaw and in Riga, in Kowno and mission of the British immigrants was in cards, and a. luncheon which was ~—as a Christmas Gift the bosom of Mother Earth. A living death 1 in Bucharest and where not. They subsequently made apparent. The spe-brought by the guests was served. Temple Israel Brotherhood is to be congratulated for giv- must be, or at any rate, were E£ the cial objects of Mr. Davis' mercy were The Fydannthian club held its reging Omaha the treat of enjoying- Prof. Clark's reading. time they obtained the coveted visas, relieved of their bonds. Remained ular meeting Thursday, December 6, physically, mentally and morally de- the Jewish immigrants and some "un- and the club entertained at a bridge sirable as residents and ultimate cit- desirable" Russians, who evidently party at the home of Miss Bernice JEWISH AGENCY izens of this country. They are, in were not included, in the parole and Diamond on Sunday afternoon. Miss The Jewish Telegraphic Agency will celebrate the fourth an-r brief, carefully selected, hand picked who were not released under bond Ruth Herman, of Omaha, was the niversary December 19. Editors,, publishers, and workers of the alieijs—selected by the inexorable law pending the'"check-up," but were honor guest. The prize at bridge was Metropolitan press- "and "leaders of the many fields of Jewish of survival of the fittest, picked by transferred from the ships to ElKs won by the Misses Dorothy Diamond activities will attend this celebration. officials as. persons meeting all im- Island. The subsequent check-up was and Ruth Herman. A two course The Jewish Agency was founded four years ago by Meer migration repuirements. They repre- to show the Russian quota had in- luncheon was served. Grossman and Jacob Landau. The- first office was established hi sent the fortunate few among the deed been exhausted. There was no London and a few months later the office in New York was many thousand wretches, whose ap- hope for the quota-victims. They were Miss Gertrude Fogelson entertained at a handkerchief shower and bridge founded. .The agency has at present. 15Q Jewish Newspaper plications had been rejected by the ordered deported. ... j Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss subscribers. '. - . . . United States. Moreover, they all Ruth Nef sky, who recently announced "In Ies"s'turbulent times, one's attention was not daily drawn have some special claims upon one or Moved by the abysmal tragedy of {Hie Baitoten "WaEflrehe Trank lias been tlirongii the ~~—™ to event, the celebration, of four years of existence of the Jew- another citizen, one or another declar- the deportees, the alleged injpstice her engagement. ©i hsa& knocks, and throughout tfee -ntasjr years 8l*ee ffee rearjr ish Telegraphic Agency would certainly have been weleomed as .a ant of the United States. They are and discrimination and probably also first Wsatm&nn trunk, the Esrtmansi CSteattaiaaea eesbioa lep TFardrofee lias stWd the test of time and travel. historic, .event in. Jewish life. For the services of the Jewish parents, or children, of other blood- the seemingly calculated affront to Telegraphic Agericy td the Jewish people is truly inestimable." relatives of one or another citizen, the body of Jews in,this country, the JO3TT OTHER USEFUL GIFTS Not only does the Jewish. Telegraphic Agency distribute one or another declarant o£ these Executive Committee of the American —A FEWABE LISTED BELOW Jewish Congress m;et on Novembe* news of the conditions, of the Jewish people throughout the world United States. Men's Leather Bill Folds — Black Leather Traveling Ba&a Colors of felacfc a»4. bro-wti, In —Poll leather linear IS^inck.. tE zmd'decidedHd''send a'delegation to the Jewish papers but it also has this achievement to its tbe better leathers— length, priced atg credit in that it helps to circulate Jewish news in the non- But they offended in the first place to- implore SeeretarytJavis to release §LO0, $1.75, $2.50 . $3.85, $10,75, $12.?e fett4 Up Jewish Press. in not having chosen wisely their the- immigrants under bond, chargeaWomen's leather Purses—In "Women's Fitted Suitcases — all (fesifed etyleff 8Bt color Complete- -with ttrflet articU*, The Agency maintains an article and feature service. We birth place, and though they hail from ble to the new Russian quota in July, combinations. Complete price silk lined, excellent gra«S« o£ 189*4. Mr. Davis refused, promising all parts of Europe are chargeable to range— have published articles by \Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Israel Zangwill, leather— * $&50, $5.00, SG.75 Up Dr. Max Nordau, Prof. Albert Einstein, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, the Russian -quota; they erred, in only to exemt the extreme hardship Felix M. Warburg,-Prof.. Otto. Warburg, Vladimir Jabotinsky, the second place, in that they trusted cases from deportation. •On. the next | Diamond & Platinum Specialists Arthur Lehman, Dr. Schmarya Levin, Dr. Hugo Bergman, and in the wisdon? and humanity of the day Louis Marshall lodged a similar { . . 1514 Dodge S t by others of equal prominence, which were circulated exclusively Consular officers, believing they plea with President, Coolidge. The Ja. 5619 would not bee given visas which would President refused t» issue a blanket I E s t 1894. through the Agency. " " / ~.' "', Baggage Bitfl^ers Kese for 17 Teats The Agency has become the- sole medium for the publication only entitle them to a return trip of Orders F3fed 1S03 F&riwnn S4. the vale of despair—if not destrucof all outstanding Jewish happenings the world over. It offers to every leading Jew the only means to bring his word before tion.
The Hartnumn
Wardrobe Trunk
and Mgli grade Platiatim Jewelry at right price. lalaslioek Jewelry Co.
Freling & Steinle
millions of readers in all corners of the world.
President Coolidge Favors Immigration Restriction
;^ ~
And so they' came here, these trusting, wandering Jews, carried In the thoughtless and greedy want that. The bowels of ships that made the voyage great body of intelligent employers, at too slowly or tdo rapidly, arriving least join with lahor in the demand : for stringent restriction of immigra- within the three mile limit just in time for tire Tcmrcrtmcement tha they (Continued from page 1} tion. were excess-quota, the allotment ..for "The proposal that there be some ization and immigration the year for Russia having just then The Chamber - of Commerce in a method of selection of immigrants be- been exhausted. This was on the first statement by JuKus Barnes, President, fore they leave foreign shares is con- or second day of. November, 1&23, restates its opinion upon immigration structive and would find labors sup- C. E. But on that day ih&re also arin. the forthcoming nutaber of (he Na- port, if ways can be found by which rived within the three-mile limit a foreign governments will agree t;> the tion's Business: number. of other vessels bringing: "It ia clear that for both economic setting up of the necessary machin- aliens from the British Isles and alien 1 erySuch a plan would do away with and social reasons- America believes citizens chargeable to Great Britain's that it can no longer throw' wide its much needless suffering and incon- quota.- And upon that day the Britdoors to all- who- have the means to venience. It would be ift the direction ish quota was declared exhausted. But cross the frontier,.' A policy of con- of wisdom and humanity." upon that day there happened in New trol and restriction" is-'' clearly one York the Hon. James J. Davis, the 1 ' which the national judgment approves. POALE ZIONISTS Secretary of Labor. ' He heard of the But from the standpoint of traditional PERSECUTED IN POLAND H " T A I Plight * t^e excess quota Britishers. sentiment welcoming the worthy and By mail Ac- ^ l (J. T. ^ rr e r a e m b e r e d h i s b i r t h place in ambitious seeking a and wider cording t& reports- from Foale Zion Wales of Great Britain. He looked ^opportunity," and from.the standpoint circles in Dublin, searches and ar- at the calendar, saw it was November of a balanced and healthy economic rests- have been carried out at the 3rd and thought of the elections on life, there should be franMy estab- homes 6f over thirty Polish and the 4th. He inquired a bit further lished1 a policy of selection. Jewish workers, most of them Exeeu- and found that of the 4,000 excess• "A policy of' selection which.took tivemembers- of Trades Unions and quota cargo, a large number were dae notice of • individual health, and Workmen's co-operatives. The prison- brought on the U. S. Shipping Board's character,-and: -took into-consideration ers were confined in the local fortress "Leviathan." Mr. Davis became "huwell informed cdnvidtitfnof the chafig- Samfe. Iit-^no' case was anything mane." He ordered'the excess-quota . ing present needs of various types of suspiciousrfdSnd-nf their possession. immigrants admitted on parole, under American industry, and fitted the,per,- Later,- eleven- of thent, all Jews, In- bonds, ort "grounds of humanity." He mitted entrance-of- workers to the cluding1 - iever&l - members of the decreed, and departed, it is believed, • needs of undermanned industries," Boftfchow Club, were removed in foir Pittsburgh to help the Repub would b e both intelligent* and-fair.--It" motor olrries" tinder strong police licans. Of the 4,000 about half were would, be national- team work to set esctfft, to the fortress of Luzk. Two admitted in compliance with Mr. Daup such revisipn'of our immigration days", later the. Jewish workers, to- vis* httmanitarianism. They were all, cotrtrol, as:would'establish "this fWc- gether with thirty members of the or mostly, British. Of the 4,000, * tfon of1 Government'as'ah intelligent ptfgromists Bands of Bnlak Balacho- about half were- j » t admitted* Mr. \ aid fo>v the needs-off industry,* as Veil witch were transferred' to Brest Davis' humanitarianisrn notwithstand Eitovsk. as a pnrbfectlon «f oar citizenship." ing. -The ing. he detainedAvere d e a i nall,, or most' i In the tteMmber Airierlcan, Federa- . In the prison of Brest Litovsfc, the ly. Russian—many'Russian Jews! Jewish .workers despite their protests, tionist, just issued, Samuel ". — * . * . ' , * _ " President'-jii: "tfie; Aiperican Federatfoh were' placed* together" with, the. Baof Labor, mafc^",;**,Characteristic'de- laehowitch bands; in" front of whom - On ^Tovember- 5th' OT thereabouts mand fob" f t ^ i * . *fsection-«f ifiimi- the police denounced the Jews as anyway-jone or two., days t«?ore thfe votes had. 3t>eenrgarnered in, Mr. Da gjcation,. setting toTfth. the official at- Bolshevists'. -" vis xeturiiediQ.Wa'sKington and cause titude, of i h e "Federation.* "One of'the it to 'be'Tmown he had not'paroled Kowno. • (J. T. A.}.'A-bill'catting, foremoSC questions,* his article states, the British passengers on the Levia for the ratification b y the -Natiaflsl * "tbsit.must domeV.b'efore^tne new Conthan at all. He had not paroled .them gress" and'thiat;mtfst, Be.settled ttfth * Assembly ^of the Government" declarabecause they did not need paroling, dispatch is'the question'5ffimmigra-" tion of it$ -intention'to* abide by; the a check-up of the figures in all part tion 'Toe present law expires on-June minorities clauses "was rcjfecjted on the having shown that the British quota 3fr tind to fliw ^ e - o t t e n the'- —'• tbBai midihg.xa'jthe Sejnf/TMs dechad not been exhausted and thaf th t^sation. is ieqaired of alt newly cfeof entry "fo" untold myriads of • previous figures showing the quota f i because of 'the absence of law, at&t ^state's by/jHe Council, of. the have been-exhausted had lied. Ther League-of Nations'. ' '' OrifX' " ''weie those who permitted themselves*
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PAGK:&—THE: JEWISH PRESS,, THURSDAY,. BECEMBER 13> 1923 An .annual erection"of"officers' wilT take place. The last meeting took place Sunday, December 9. The play, "The Eternal? Law" in fi^fe- acts, directed by M. S; Goodman, was given st tho» meetingi
Hr*. and Sirs. Sam KbsenBaum caplace Sunday T/Iiss Fnyt; Hirsch entertained at been punished. In conclusion Decemtertain3d at a family dinner, followed ber 16, at«thO' Fontenelle Hotel at her home Sunday cfternoon at Bridge Polish. Government demands reparaby bridge, Sunday evening: at thsir 8:09 o'clock. in honor of her cousin, Miss Ruth tion for ihe damages sustained. home. Prizes were "won by. the. Misses Among: tha affairs given ia honor Bernstein, of Omaha, who is to bo Edith, and. Ida- Rosenhaum. Paris. (J. T. A.) A net-work of for the bride-to-be is a Bridge Tea married Sunday, December 16. Jewish associations throughout EuMrs. IL. Weinberg and daughter, given Thursday by Mis.- Y. Wohlner. Messrs. Lester Slosburg and Myron. Rose, left last Tuesday for a two Friday afternoon,. Miss Gertrude GS- OKLAHOMA GOVERNOR MOVES rope to promote interest in the AGAINST SECRET SOCIETIES League of Nations is being: estabBloteky will arrive Friday morning months' stay in California. TKey will linsky will entertain at a Theater Oklahoma City. (J. T. A.) Gov- lished the aid of the Committee from the. University of Michigan, to visit in Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Party in honor of* Miss Go&en. Friday evenings thB' Messrs* Meyer and ernor Trapp announced that he would of Jewish Delegations, says the Comspend their vacation with their San Francisco. Sam Stern ~ivi2 entertain the Bridal recommened to the Lefiislautre today mittee's report .just issued. parents. party at a Dinner Dance at the the passage of a law definitely rege- A representative of the Committee ALEPH ZADr ALEPH J5TEWS. lating secret organizations in Oklaho- recently visited Lithuania for this Mrs. Charles Kfrschbraun left The regular meeting of the Aleph" Brandeis Tea Rooms. Monday evening • for Minneapolis, Zadi Aleph was held at the Jewish A meeting of the Ladies Aid So- ma and providing for the making- purpose and a Jewish Society of the HERZOFF—FOX \ Minn. " Community Center Sunday, December ENGAGEMENTS ciety -will be held next Tuesday after- public of meembershlp rolls, says an League of Nations is expected lo be The marriage of Miss Bess Fox Associated Press despatch. formed. The Committee has also 9. The Smokeless Smoker will be held Word has been received of" the anOver one hundred-attended-the an- at the Community Center December noany December: 18, at the home of •" ind William Herzoff of Sioux City,1 nouncement of the engagement <if "I do not propose to go to the sent representatives to Czeclio-SlovaMrs. J. KateliBan, 41T Oakland Ave. fowa^ will take place Wednesday, Miss Belle Newman, daughter-trf Ifc. nual Chanucka program gi^een by_ the 26 and all boys over the age of' 16" Legislature and force an anti^Klan kia* Austria. Bulgaria and other: December 26, at the home of Mr. M. Newman, of Los Angeles, Calif., South. Gmahai Talmud Torah Sunday are cordially invited^ There will be — Mr. and* Mr*. L. H. Cohen, enter- law," said Governor Trapp. "I do countries. md.Mrs. D. Fox of Council Bluffs. formerly of this city, .to Mr. Ernest evening,.- December 9, at the. Congre- musical numbers, and four bouts of tained at Bridge at their home last not want a Klan oranti-Klan statute. The plan to form a Jewish Federagation of Israsl Synagogue- Rabbi boxing. Refreshments will be servedFhe wedding will be very private the Franken, also of Los Angeles. I advocate a nrcasnre that will ap- tion cf League of Nations is favored Thursday evening. Charlop and Rabbi Chechenovitz;he immediate relatives will be ply to all secret organizations. The by Professor Ruysson, General SecreMr. Sam Beber talked to t i e club spokeon, "Judaism", The children, of Miss Rina Sny.der returned home people have a right to thr? protec- tary of the International Federation Mr. M. Solomon, 3606 Davenport . present. Sunday at the meeting. the Talmud- Torah, presented a ofthe League oi Nations AssociaAmong the ,pre-nuptial affairs street, announces the engagement of program. The basketball team Tost a hard- Saturday after spending the psst ion." his daughter, Esther, to Mr. Harry tions, who in conversation with Dr. given in honor .of Miss Bess Fox was fought game to the Oriols of the seven weeks- visiting in. Detroit and Cleveland. On her return, trip,. Miss POLAND BLAMES BERLINLeo Slotzkin recently said he thought *• bridge shower given Monday after- Levin, of Red Lodge, Mont. No date church league fast Wednesday by the Mr. and Mrs, Lou Shostak have SbydeU visits! in Chicago and was soon at Fhelps Hut by Mrs. M. Fox has been set for the wedding. POLICE FOR POGKOM it would be possible for the J«wi»a gone to Los Aiigeles,_ Calif, .where score of 15 to 13. The team plays the: guest- of the Alpha Epsilon Thi League Societies to join the World the Independents at the Centra? High and Mrs. B. Perleman. Forty women Mrs. S. Spiegel announces the en- they will make their future' htfme. o£ wMeh her sister, Miss Berlin, (J. T. A.) An official pro- Federation. Gym. Wednesday., were present. Saturday afternoon gagement of her daughter, Miss Ann Skydfejy is &, sorority menir- test against the mistreatment and the The Annual local Sisterhood Sab- The History" .'Class meets Saturday fvfiss Belle Kosenthal and Miss Laura Bernstein, ta Mr. Sam Brick, son of a t tire: ISoxtihsvesfcesn University. plundering which Jewish citizens o£ Givot will entertain at five fables Mr. 3. Brick, of this city. No- wed- bath will be held this Friday evening,; night at 7:30 o'clock. About 18 atPoland together -with other Jews sufDecember 14^. at t i e Temple. Regular tended the class- last week. The class of bridge a t the Brandeis Tea Rooms ding date has been seL fered during the pogrom in Berlin Mrs. S. IL Kaielman. entertained at services; beginning at- eight o?clock,. -meets every Saturday evening at the for Misa .Fox. four tables of Bridge, at hex home has- beeen lodgd by the Polish. Amwill take place, Rabbi Frederick Jewish Community Center. bassador with the Chancellor. More Sunday evening. "Sisterhood Sabbath" trill be Rabbi Cohn will talk. oil '*Sisterhood SabRICE-GREEN. than 1*00 individual claims are cited wishes to announce Axr important meeting of the by ihe Polish authorities showing The wedding of Miss Ruth Elaine Frederick Cohn's subject of address bath". The services- will Be followed ZIONIST CLUS NEWS. the removal of Ms office from Junior Cbuncir will be held next that -the police authorities far from Green, of Chicago, HI., to Mr. Joe at the Temple Friday evening, and by a reception- in the v-estry room The* Senior Division of. the Fairies SOS Courtney Bldg Rice, of this city, will take place at on Saturday morning he has ehosen of the Temple. New members of of Zion made plans far a,novel.i>arty- Tuesday- evening at the- home of Miss defending the Jews that had been at* for his subject "Redeeming One's the Temple will be given a. cordial at their last regular meeting.. The Rlns Snyder, 3W Oakland Ave. AH tacked went so far as to encourage the La- Salle Hotel in Chicago," HI., •• " j welcome by the Board o£ the Sister- party;, which was ta have taken; place members are- urged to attend. Wednesday evening, December 26. Pledge". " • "••.'.• the plunderers. : hood. MissTillie Rice, sister of the groom, Sunday, December 9, wilt be-held SunrMr. and Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich 456 Bnpideis Theatre Bldg. T i e SisteEhooxf Sunday School were The intervention of the Consul will be the maid of honor, and Mr. •will entertain at dinner at their home day afternoon, December 16^ at 2;30 the guests of the- Omaha Temple of General -having beeenin vain, the Mr. Marvin Trelter will be at borne JA'ckson 5672 Abe Roger Green, brother of the next Saturday evening. at the Jewish Community Center. The Israel Sund&jf School a t their Char Polish. GovEmfflent desires to know Saturday, December 22, from the bride, will be the best man. girls will dress representing- popular. nukah plajr last Sunday. if the officials guilty of neglect had Mr. and Mrs. E". Meyer were sur- Kemper Military Academy to spend advertisements. " •. • A number of people from Omaha his school vacation with his parents, will attend the wedding. Miss Tillie prised by their immediate relatives Mrs. A. Rosenberg entertained at Rice and Miss Ruth Brodkey are leav- at their 'home Sunday evening in Mr. and Mrs. E. Treller. The Haiikvoh. Girls: wilT hold their, ; Ljtnsbeoa: a t the--Brandeis - ing Saturday evening for • Chicago. honor of their thirty-fourth wedding Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosenbaum en- regular meeting Sunday afternoon at Tea; Rooms Tuesday afternoon. Miss Rose Davidson is leaving the anniversary. Forty guests were tertained at a dinner fast week in the Jewish Community Center. An early part of next week, Miss Esther present. honor of their three year old daugh- election of officers will take- place. Mrs. Rase. JTreiden. eniectained her Zalkwill attend the wedding, and Mr. ter, Edith. Covers were laid for fifBridge Club Monday afternoon! str a S. A. Rice is leaving • several days be- The Ladies Auxiliary, of the South teen couples. The dinner was fol- A newly organized dub,, the P & G one o'clock* luncheon, followed by Omaha Talmud Torah will hold an club, was organized Monday evening, Dressed fore the wedding. lowed b j bridge, and ihe.prrae was: December 10, at -thft: Jewish; Commu- Bridge After the marriage, the young cou- open, meeting next Wednesday after- won by Mrs. Sam Rosenbaunu nity Center, under the leadership- of ple will leave for an eastern'honey- noon, December 19, at-the home of "Mrs. -€has> Endelman entertained Among those- who -eaWtained- this MTss"Marguefile" Rosenberg: "The fol- tained fifteen, children, a t her home moon for a short stay, after which Mrs. J . Sherman, at 4612 South they will arrive in Omaha to make 23rd Street. Rabbi Qiarlop will week for Miss Ruth Bernstein, wha is lowing officers were elected for the last Tuesday afternoon in honor of speak at this meeting. to be married Sanday evening, De* term: Sophie Ban, president? Rose their home. dattghfcer'Sr Sylvia,, fourth birthShamberg, vice president; Josephine Mrs. B. Morris will entertain at a cemtier 16, at her home, to Mr. Al- Ziedman, secretary-treasurer; Bertha day. Miss Rose Sokoloff left this week party Tuesday afternoon in honor of bert Pitlor, was Miss Faye Hirsch, of Mrs. Harry Erasne will be hostess to. spend a few weeks with friends. ,jn_ her cousin, Miss Betty Rothkop, who Council Bluffs, who entertained Sun- Batt, sergeant-at-arms; and Ida Jirt cobsen, reporter. Initiation of the to her Afternoon Bridge Club at her dayrafternoon at her home at bridge, Minneapolis, Minn, ^ is soon to be the bride of Mr. J. W. and on Tuesday evening Miss Sylvia members will be held soon, and all home Friday affceraoon. Mr. Sam Gordon and Mr. Gundell Lax, of Chicago, 111.- ~ afi parts'of tfee city. Bernstein entertained for her sister at Jewish girls between- the ages of 14 Goldansky, who are attending the JNeand 16 can join. Meetings will be Mr. Joe Gilinsky left last week for Web. 633S. 1203No. 24t& St.. The Mesdames Arthur Rothschild her home. graska University, spent the week-end and Meyer Spiesberger will have held every Monday night a t % o'clock California where he will visit for the here. Mrs. I. Sbmmer was called to Pe- at the Jewish- Community Center* next twa months. charge of the annual Sisterhood ducah, Ky., on account of the illness 1 Bazaar to begiven Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Hoffman enterof her-brother-in-law, 5fr. Sam Cohn.. tained their bridge club at their home Thursday, December 19' and 20i*;at Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by the Court House. STESN—COHEN Miss Stella Trochtenberg will enthe Mesdames Sam Lagman and MichWord has been rceived that- a tertain the RaOtn" Society at her The marriage of Miss Reva Cohen, ael Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. Lagman will daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. home Sunday afternoon. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohen, entertain the club at its next social Alexander Rubel, of Minneapolis, to Mr. Meyer Stern of Omaha will at their home Tuesday evening, De- Minn. Mrs. Rubel was formerly Miss Miss Bess Stock left Monday morncember 25. ing for Los Angeles, Calif., to visit Verna. Kirschbraun, of this "city. with relatives for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belmont, of Miss Mildred Cohn who is attendt Lyons, Nebr., formerly of this citv. Miss Edith Green, of Kansas-City, announce the birth of a baby daughter ing the University of Chicago, will Mo., is the guest of her sister, Mrs, be at home for tha mid-winter school on Wednesday, December 12. .: vacation. She will arrive Saturday, Ed. Marx, and family. Mrs. Edward Fredericks' and son, December 22, and will - be acThe Omaha Chapter of Hadassah There's an air of refinement Carl, who liave been visiting in the companied by the Misses Regina will entertain at its annual linen east with relatives for the past nine Stolz and Elinor Schrayer, of Chiabout the interior that you would weeks, returned last Monday. They cago.' A member of social affaire shower t the Burgess-Nash Tea naturally expect in • a car a s visited in New York, Albany, Cleve- are being planned for these guests. Rooms Wednesday afternoon, January 16. A musical program, to be arland. Pittsburgh, and also in Canada. beautifial and substantial as the; Miss Sadye Levey entertained at ranged by Miss Julia Wise, .will be 5 1510 Farnam St. j§ one oi the features for the afterMrs. Leon Teale, of New York City, bridge Friday evening at .her home. "A" Sedan,. ; , noon's entertainment. arrived Sunday to be the guest of her .TiiiiiiiiuitiuuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiitiHUiiiniii? > parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nathan. Mr.. €haS. - Shames and -Mr. Harry People of taste frequently com' Mrs. Teale was; formerly Miss Hattie Kavicb, owners of" the New Food iiniUUHIIllllIIIIllIlllllltllllllllilllHIIUllIllHIIIIIIllIillllllllilHIIlIIIIHIIIIIIllIIIlllHi^ Nathan* of this city. meat on the richness of the Center, wish to announce that Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock re- Lou E. Levy, of Sioux City, Iowa, interior. color..scheme, and turned from a week's stay, in Excelsior and Chicago, IK., has become manobviously fine quality of ager and buyer of their fruit depart.Springs, Mo. ment. fixture and appointment* Mrs. Ferdinand Adler will entertain Mi3S Reva Kolakofsky, who is at a luncheon at the Brandeis Tea attending the University of Michigan, Rooms next Thursday afternoon. will be hoiTie- Sunday to spene! ihe Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorkis entertained mid-winter school vacation with her twelve guests at their home Tuesday parent^. Mr. and Mrs. R» Kulakofsky. G'BRIEN.DAVIS AUTO evening. The enormous volume of business on the great new Mr. and MrsV S. 31. Levey, -will 28£h and Barney Sts. V-63 requires that we turn our used cars rapidly, Teienhone—HA mey 6123 Mrs. Morris Fromkin and daughter, leave the first of January for Los and to facilitate this we are offernig a portion of our Sarit June, of Milwaukee, Wis., who Angeles, CaliL, to make their future have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs'. home. Mi. Levey, who has been used car stock at tremendous reductions—real autoMax Fromkin for the- past three agency manager of the Banker's- Life mobiles—real values—at prices so low you cannot weeks, plan to leave for their home o l Des Moines, Iowa, has been transafford to overlook.this opportunity. ferred by the company to Los Saturday evening. Mrs. Fromkin has been a popular visitor during her visit Angeles. To help you in your selection we have divided these hsre, having been most extensively Mr. ,S, E. Klaver is ill at the St. in three lots and are offering you your choice as eiitertained. During the past week follows: Mrs. M. Marcus entertained at bridge Joseph Hospital where he was operlast Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Harry ated on "Wednesday. Frankel entertained last Thursday aftLot Number 1—§250.O0 The' Auffeb'uhg Club will hoTS its ernoon. • Miss Flo Shames: \ras hos- regular meeting Sunday, December Elgin, Cadillac, Stearns, Buick, Packard, Dodge, tess, at » theatre party at the Orphe- 16, at the Jewish Community Center. National um Saturday afternoon. Mr. and MrsH. B. Weinstein entertained at a dinLot Number 2—£500.00 ner party Suday evening. Monday afternoon" Mrs. J- Kaufman gave a Buick, Jordan, Cadillac, Packard, Nash 1 --bridge tea at the Brandeis Tea Booms. Mrs. Harry Kavich entertained Lot Number 3—$750.00 Wednesday evening at her home. Thw Chandler, Cadillac, Haynes, Jordan, Buick Can't Play Popular afternoon Mrs; Max Promkin is entertaimrig at a farewell bridge afc her Musis but You Can Opportunity is yours—THINK I Your choice of a fine autohome. Friday evening Mr. and Mis. Learn. mobile-r-specially reduced—from the merchandisers ofr-iine Harry Lapidus will entertain at their . automobiles, where your protection is guaranteed under the home, and Saturday afternoon-Mrs. H. HANSEN PLAN which includes a liberal payment proposition Weinstein will be hastess at her home.
•Dr. H. Hirshman-.
Geese—Dneks—Chickens at
'GoHstem 3mdr? Ca. |
Mr. Ralph Frederick Cohn, who }» teaching a t the' Unrrersity>£> Michigan this year, ivill'be at-i»oHiS Morffday, December 17 t to spend his vacation with hisi parenti/Eafcbt mad Mrs. Frederick Cohu. , .. •,
Edwin M, Mm Instructor Studio 720 N. 28th Ave; \ Phone HA, 3163.
» H. Hansen Cadillac Co. and enables you to buy a better car for less money.
HA rriey 0710
Farnam St. zt 26th
"Mr. .and Mrs. .Henry1 Hiller, Thursday for California.
. 5i- * '~^
"With kindness- of'-passion .' ' -^ "• •" ^orthodox'synagogue fashion, recently dub, showing.that Syangogues in cer- ONLY OFFICIALS a number of Arab appointees had de•Will take him;' to ^its-heart: ' • * ttold 2;500" persons in' the Forum of tain towns in the district of- Posen,. ; , TO ADVISE SAMUEL clined to serve. * .*- . the Brooklyn Jewish Center, 667 East- which had been depleted of their Jew- ' Jerusalem.. (J. T. 'A.) .The -AdvisThe Council will consist of directBut him that carpeth. ever, ern Parkway, that it grieved him to ish populations through emigration,' ory Council established by'Sir Herbert ors of the departments of agriculture, That thinketh always ill— see that members of "God's chosen were converted into moving- picture Samuel, the High Commissioner, "will customs, education, health and public The world may call him clever, But will doubt him still. people" were coming to believe that palaces. The Jewish spokesmen de- be comprised solely of Government works, besides the Civil Secretary By' MRS. NATHAN MANTEL", President, they were descended from animals mand that the government authorize' officials, according to an anrioixnce- Clayton, Attorney General Bentwich the -world; practically all its' 6,000 From kindness kindness groweth; remove their hats because the lecture the -transfer - of the property left by; Li»ent in the official Gazette recently. and Governor Storrs of Jerusalem, The New ,,.— ago I accepted the pupils are of Jewish faith. Good will from good will springs, York. Telephone , Directory shows 16 The mercy that one showeth was at the Synagogue, the assembly communities - that had emigrated to Exclusion of civilians from the Ad'.ipl .th|s - Organization it \^ith^4-.';gijpat;'deal- of trepidation columns of Cohens .and but 14 of To one like mercy brings. hall being too small to house the the Jewish communities still in ex- visory Council is in accordance with t misgivijig, but" in .looking back on Smiths. 'In Philadelphia there are istence in the vicinity. crowd. : r the Colonial Office White Paper isthe j?ear. s work I know my fears were 12% columns of Cohens to 11 columns Through all life's pain and pleasure, "Some of your people—some of the needless,; Because .-with such a splendid of Smiths. The Jew is on the bench Through all the ways of men,. sued during November authorizing Jews in America—have rejected the FOUR JEWS WOUNDED corjtjsVof 'officers and committees it was of the Supreme Court of the United The measure that you measure the High Commissioner to include a comparatively .easy task to. manage States; he is in the Senate and House; The world metes you again!Mosaic law and I. am very sorry. In AUDITING AND INCOME AFTER ARAB ATTACK only officers in the Council on which he is Governor of three States and he the affairs of this organization., spite of the fact that they, have this TAX REPORTS is mayor of severalcities. • During the year we had 9 meetings Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Jewish culFORMER COSSACK good blood in their veins, the blood Two of New York's most successand each one increased in attendance 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 10S1 AND POGROMIST of the writers of the Old Testament, tivators, ploughing at Eincharod, were until nc»w 3ve feel that our organiza- ful newspapers—The World and The BECOMES DEVOUT JEW they persist in thinking that theyi attacked by a band of 80 Arabs, action is really-worth-while.* Our pro-" Times are works of Jewish . grams have had much variety - and proprietors. The business manager of Bucharest. (J. T. A.) The fantastic are descended from] animals." said cording to a report just received here. w-fj are- deeply graceful to our .Chair- The Hearst's Newspaper is Jewish. A ibut^ apparently * well substantiated Mr. Bryan. The assailants wounded four Jews. "The Mohl" irian'/Mfs. Harry A. Wolf, who worked Jewish -engineer built the PennsylResidence. 1S4S Ho. S5tb St. His address, on ."What the World unselfishly and untiringly tp/make vania tunnels under the East River. •story of a Russian Cossack leader and - Tct. Atlantic 66S*. . each,meeting a success. Our organ- " So you see, the Jew quickly adapts 'pogromist who embraced the Jewish Needs," was to the .end that obedience Place of Business, 2323 Barney St. , .himself to the country that gives him ization has always been ready* at alL jfaitii following the admointion by his to God's laws, and in particular to Xel. ATlantici SS31. SENDER MILLMAN ; calls of communal affairs—Red Cross, food and shelter." He soon finds him- ."father's spirit to-desist-from mur- God's law of rewards, was the one Recently of Palestine". Japanese Suffevers, Visiting' Nurse self; given an opportunity, he perfects TO AND F?ROM Eoll Call, Community Chest" Cam- himself in science, music, painting, 'dering Jews is given wide circulation and only thing needed to set all things A graduate of a Russian University ALL PARTS- OF Is an paign, Needle Guild, etc. Our Member- sculpture, literature, philosophy, soci- •here" among Jewish and- non-Jewish right. ship Committee with Mrs. Feder at ology, philanthropy, medicine, math- circles. . THE WORLD THE BRINN &. JENSEN CO. Expert Instructor, its head, has accomplished much hav- ematics, history and astronomy. The former Cossack leader's name PUSH PERCENTAGE Wholesale paper How loyal he is may be seen in the is Costi, who was in command of one ing-brought many new members to in Hebrew snd Jewish NORM LEGISLATION distributors for VAL J. r i m & COMPANY our fold. Time does not permit me strife of the 'Great War. America having fifteen years ot experience IN POLISH SCHOOLS of General Petlura's regiments, and sent between 200,000 and 250,000 into . to mention the work' of each comNorthern Toilet Tissue He wishes to give private lessons, 1307 Howard St., Omaha. Neb. mittee, but I take .this opportunity^ to all branches . of service. 3,500 laid whose troops perpetrated a series of to beginners and advanced pupils. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Sejm • 1112 Harney Street ATlantic 0340. For further information call • thank each Chairman and her "com- down their lives by the side*of their pogroms in the Ukraine.-. It was while Commission of Education is apparentAT-Iantic 6409 : mittee as- well - as the' members at non-Jewish comrades under the pop-his regiment, the story goes, that the ly determined to carry through the KE nwood 2401. large for their hearty co-operation pies of JFIanders. spirit of Costi's father appeared to proposal by\ the Jewish Sejm club, In this age of materialism, of utter and support, for I feel.that if this first year of my administration I have had worldliness, of eager rushing here and him'in his dream and reproached him praying for the annulment of the cirITEN ' PAXTON-MITCHELL -CO. some small measure of success, -it-was there to drink more deeply of the joys .for <the murder of innocent Jews. cular by Minister of Education Glom« t h and Martha Bts. . HA. 1062 because of the faithful effort and un- of life, to fill each moment to over- Costi suddenly left his "regiment to binski regarding the introduction of BISCUIT CO. Manufacturers ' of Brass, Bronse, tiring zeal of those who- stood ever flowing,' woman has found more and visit-fhis father's grave at Zanov, Bes- the restrictive legislation that has .Alnmimnn and Soft Gray Iron Castings. more that she is needed in all phases ready to lend a helping hand. Son are assured- of soft castings, as Show White T of life. Women have taken their sarabia. Shortly after his visit he been turned'down by the Educational we machine some from every beat In We're born to service, you and I, IDA I. FREir ;N, Prop. Bakeries our own ishop. * And should we need the urge of word places in the larger world. We surely became converted to. Judaism and Commission. Standard size cast iron and bronze (Keg. «3. 8. Pat. like to see them as untiring and adopted the name of Abraham Ben onshincs In stork. A petition has been presented -on or pen OHiO splendid social service workers, as Abraham. " , ' . ' . . To show us duty to our fellowmen behalf of the Jewish Parliamentary in civic life, as interested clubThe chain of service spans the world leaders •The former leader is now said to be women, as students and loyal, efficient 311. South 16th Stioet And he who weld his link, studying Hebrew assiduously and to Carpenter Paper Co, So weakens all the rest and lets them j mothers. Phone Atlantic 8010. Emerson Laundry Would that we could teach our attend Synagogue regularly* Distributors of sink CLARENCE DESDUNES F. 8. MOBET!. Prop. children the value of service ? A life Open Evenings. And sag and drag and lose their I"is Western Bond—and High never.full without .whole-hearted, BRYAN TELLS JEWS Concert Violinist and Teacher Phone Webster 0820 power,' Grade Stationery generous giving, not alone the sharStudio: Havrkln'a Bldg., S1S3 No. S4tb St. Only Jewish Florist in. town. Because his" part is missing. \ " -•• ing of worldly goods, but a desire to OF WORLD'S NEEDS THE LAUNDRY THAT Phone, Wrbster 5528. Omaha. Nebraska. Office Hours, 3:30-to 6. EVERYBODY LIKES. New York. (J. T. A.) William* J. give of one's self. Gone are the days WEDDING BOUQUETS. Violin bows and. &tses for sale. We're born to service, you and I, . when the mother, with one of her Bryan, wearing a skull cap, in the -The more we're * blessed, the more children went forth with generously w.e're bound to bless, baskets into the homes of the The more we gain, the more we oweladen JOHN.FELDMAN E s r r r B . LtpMSin. Pres.-Trsas. needy and sick bringing not only cheer fos. Pepper, Vice-PresifleaS. success. ± ± alleviation of suffering, but real W. 0 . XJre. Becretsry. Shoes and Gent's .Furnishings Responsibility expands apace with and &$>&^<&®&S>&$>&3^&&^^ comradeship, by affection and symFeaturing Emerson and growth, Ijnnlap Shoes—$5 to S12. Omaha Fixture&. • This has. all taken a change, The loyalty and faith that lift us up pathy. FDLL DRESS SDITS AND TUXEDOS science .has developed bur mode for sale or rent. Should be repaid in like, to fill the cup for Supply Co. of giving into a concerted plan of Phone J A. 2128 109 North 10th St. Of others, needing help and .hope action, -we have seen our Federation COMPLETE STOKE AND To send them bravely forward. grow and glory in their expertness OFFICE OUTFITTERS For, friends, what's in a year? Only and splendid results* But how are we We occupy this, "The Eternal Sore" from" the going to teach our children to carry erer 79,000 sonar* feet standpoint of highest gain, the enrich- on the work of this Federation which Sesthwest Corner ment of the soul—it is expensive.and hold most dear ? For in them not Eleventh and Oouclas Streets. foolish to hold toward the world and we we put our trust, but the rhoner -facksoD S?S4 one's fellows an attitude which is not only do of Judaism. OMAHA: fTEB. kind. For no matter whether orthodox future . As mothers is Israel willwe niake or reform, are we not all the children homes the stronghold of religious of one God ? The world may seem at our truth, and our children its banner times to be against us and slap us in bearers?. are the same mothers the face, our neighbors' tongues may as of old,We enforced with the same wag in criticism,- but we must keep spirit of love, and reference,—giving our own hearts free from the vinegar Every Known Kind of retaliation—keep it filled with our children a fine opportunity for sweet waters of good will and friend- knowledge, the right'to enter public of Insurance life and foster its well-being and lofty ship. ideals, to be big, fine, thoughtful and JAckson 1862 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. A question which is often" asked— just. • . . . . What is our nationality? First and -For we need to above all—foremost in our hearts— . Think deeply .- WE ARE AMERICANS^-but when - -. • Speak deeply; "Let Us Move You" • asked—our religion?—we are Jews. ' • • Love much WASH AND KEEP WELL Does any one venture seriously to Laugh often A RULE OF HEALTH question the Americanism of those.of Work hard other faiths who have come here and Operated by Give freely FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY have remained faithful "to their Pay promptly £819 California Street. • religious groups to which they belong, Pray earnestly, whether-they be Unitarian, Protestant ATlantic 0230 JAckson 4338 And be kind. v * or Catholic. • Even is this enough? America spells opportunity' for {the ..Friends, would that we could make Jew, Someone has said: In this melt- this coming year the banner year of ing pot the Jew will be lost—he is this Federation, let us all join hands EFFICIENT and BESPONSraZ.ES • losing rapidly through inter-marriage, and hearts in true friendship and LAON'DBY. WHOLESAUD modernism and infidelity. No! He will fellowship. In union there is strength; 1 Where your clothes come home only be true to his ancient customs, let us so strengthen this organization cleaner and last Ion seer. Druggists and Stationers he will find himeslf. You see, he both in members' and attendance, for AT isatto SS. 1SO?-11 daebsoa Gt. 461-403-403 South 10th Street belongs here as surely as anyone. The this is the "Strenuousity" Period of H. A JAO0BESP.8SB. Prss. Jews came with Columbus. There the year. Life and action is at its were five Jews in the fleet. Theyvtere' height. Energy, endeavor, push, THE JEWISH PRESS THE JEWISH PRESS of the first to behoia and set food on punch and pep everywhere manifest. the new Promised Land. " It is even Pent-up energy is bound-to find vent keeps you in touch with A L L aids the Jews of Omaha and said that Columbus' mother, Suzanne and expression, and, friends, we are local activities. I t is the Fonterosa-, was a Jewess. Certified Public Accountants surrounding territory to keep all open to suggestions for .the comIt was a Jew who loaned Washing- ing year. Don't let us feel this organAudits Systems "mouthpiece" of all Jewish in touch with what their fellow ton $600,000 to finance the Valley ization is run by a few, for all of us Investigations Forge campaign'. The inscription on are responsible for its success. Let organizations in the city. I t 4S4 to 440 Peters Trust Hide. Jews are doing in city, state the Liberty Bell is taken from a us feel that as members of this organPhones, Jarkson 4S1S, 4ai4 has aided the many causes and Jewish Bible. '« ization we are banded together to do and nation, besides informing In America the Jew is a patriot for. others the best that is in us. Omaha Office: 613 Donglos Street. campaigns carried on in the them of the problems of the Omaba Ffoon* Atlantic £556 without hyphen; they have never tried 'Judge no lest men may judge you;. to form a Jewish vote at election time. The: measure that you mete, Ford Transfer &• Storage Co. city. Jew in Europe and the world The Jew, is the average citizen reach- The world will no begrudge you, E. A. FOEP. ing the heights and depths of human If bitter 'tis or sweet. over. President and General Mansser. possibility. - Not in Judea, but in -New, Council Bluffs Cj^s-a> Office York is the real Jerusalem. If ihere To him that dealeth kindly 700 So. Main Street. Phone 80S. Xour subscriptions for are 15,000,000 Jews -in the world With those that fall or fail, 'One of America's Great Hotels" . Every Jew should be conAmerica has about 3,000,000 of which Who none condemneth blindly T H E J E W I S H PRESS 1,500,000 are in or about New York. At every idle tale. versant with the facts of About' one-third of the students of. are due. If you are not a Columbia University are Jews: New The world in selfsame fashion contemporary Jewish life. has- the largest- high-school in Will grace to him impart; subscriber it is your duty as a. OCR TBSATMBNT W1X.L First I&liiiaf lank
s Welfare Organization
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you do, you most certainly desire to see your faith and your people perpetuated in the most effective manner.
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