Accept no- ^suDstitute for hard work—thfere " is nothing "just as good".
Birts* are people who stick to the beaten path*
a a» ceconfi-dsea mall matter «n January -371*. iSSX. st tea at Omaha. Nebraska, nndai t&s' Act ef Uxxtix Z. 1SJB.
VOL. HI—No. 3
Federation Before are out All of-Federation's Charitable; Organizations Are in Need of Payment of Pledges Due Them.
REMAINDER OF PLEDGES MUST BE LECTED DURING NEXT WEEK. With a deficit of $5,000 on the year's work confronting the Jewish Welfare Federation, all -workers of the organization are straining every effort to collect every dollar outstanding on pledges, during the next ten days. - . Under the direction of Harry Malashock, chairman of the Finance Committee, twenty teams of men and women have been formed and are working in all parts of the city to secure final payments .on pledges. :• New members- and increased contributions from old members are also being sought. "This is the most serious crisis which has ever confronted our organization," said Mr. Malashock. "We have-never before been faced with an emergency of such magnitude. But we will not fail—we dare, not fail. "Every delinquent' subscriber will be .seen by our committee during the next ten days. There are approximately 300 : subscribers who still owe all or a part of their pledges. We have based our year's work on the strength of these pledges. On the promises of our subscribers we have planned our expenditures for the year. These pledges are solemn obligations and must be met in full. All our workers are determined that they will be paid in full." .The Jewish Welfare Federation tion must be paid to continue this mustconidirae the" work that it has work. been doing during the past yeais, The following pledges are due the is the aim of the.' many - workers, following institutions by the Jewish -who are working daily to collect all Welfare Federation of Omaha: outstanding pledges." Wise Memorial Hospital. ..$1,650 -With winter here, the Federation The National Jewish Hospital is in need of more money to clothe of "Denver.; 750 and furnish fuel "to the poor families' The Jewish Orphan Home_. 900 that are taken care of by.the Fed- The Jewish C o n s u m p t i v e s eration. There-are eighteen families Belief Society. 400 consisting of * more than sixty mem- Hias—New Tnrfr , 250 Jbers who are injlaily need of support JEx-EatieniK Home, furnished thenf~by the Jewish Wel- Xeo "N. Levi Hospital, Hot fare Federation. "This -work, cannot : 75 Springs __ be carried out unless _all the pledges amounts are due the The above are'paid," said Samuel H. Schaefer, institutions that carry out the work superintendent, today.-. of the Omaha Jewry, and unless the Besides the support of the local present deficit is made up these inpoor and needy, the Federation has stitutions will be "forced to suffer. to support the twenty-one- Omaha Mail your check for your balance children at the Cleveland Orphan to the Federation today. home. The Federation is behind in its payments to this great institution. During the past year the Federation has taken care of more than one hundred children in the city. Your pledges are necessary to maintain the work and care of these poor Store Increased Under Management of children. J. F. Dailey. More money is needed by the Wise Memorial hospital. The Federation Accurate knowledge of every phase is in arrears in its payments to of the department store business, a the hospital. knowledge that is applied not only to During the past year the Federa- merchandise, but to markets, has been tion has taken care of a great num- the principle underlying the whole ber of transients who have passed structure of the bigger Burgess-Nash through the city in search of work store that, in' a year of development or who are in search of better under J.,F. Dailey as general manclimates where they can improve ager, has increased its volume sales their health. These transients come 41 per cent over the preceding year.to the Federation daily and are ' • This accurate knowledge is the first sheltered, fed, and otherwise aided. principle of successful merchandising The Federation keeps these transients as practiced by Mr. Dailey, and that off the streets of the city where they has gained for him a position enviawould probably be begging for a ble among all the merchandise leaders "meal". The pledges of the Federa- of the nation. The application of the principle resulted in Mr. Dailey attracting the attention of the Chicago Jewish Immigrants Affected •business world.BO that his was the most suggested when it was By Mexican Revolution name known that Burgess-Nash wanted a Chicago, El., Dec 24. (J. T. A.)— manager who could help it reach its Immigrants arriving at the port of proper place of community leadership Vera Cruz are experiencing great quickly. hardship because the port has been The rule of .merchandising learned cut off from Mexico City through the in ME. Dailey's twenty-four years of revolution in Mexico. experience in The Fair, Chicago, and The fifteen Jewish families in Vera now the basjc Tule applied to the BurCruez are unable to cope -with the gess-Nash company is so fundamensituation and require funds to aid tally true that it is very simply stated the arriving immigrants, says a) as follows: statement by Leon L. Lewis, Sec"Know your markets; know where |" retary of the B'nai B'rith here: to get merchandise; have it in the ' "We -have, today sent forward suffi- store; win and maintain the confidence cient funds-to relieve the 'situation of the public; and sell your goods at for the present and are awaiting the proper price." , further reports," Mr. Lewis declared. The thousands who have become "Future necessities will be effected, regular visitors to Burgess-Nash store &f course, by the extent and dura- each week will find in the pleasure •libn of the present trouble in Mexico. they gain from those visits the work!The funds are to be -used for those ing out of this simple principle as '.mtnigrants who have no relatives in stated by Mr. Dailey. America our local representative is tabling them to provide the necesThe AgadutE !Achim of Omaha held sary financial help." its election of officers 'last Sunday afternoon at-the Swedish .Auditorium. '- B'NAI ISRAEL JUNIORS. Keuben Ferer -was again elected presThe B'nai Israel Juniors of the ident; Mr. Joe Spiegel, vice president; g;,.! Si- ="M. C A. Masketball League Mr. S. Weiss, secretary; Mr, Jake £::,,3efeated the First Baptist Church Boseriblatt; treasurer. Trustees elect^•^Uam. ty a score of 64 to ff-Wednes- ed were A. White, A: B. Ferer and L afternoon. Batt. _. -
Bmrgess-Nash Co., Show 41% Increase for Past Year
INSCRIBE ISRAELS IN NATIONAL FUND'S GOLDEN BOOK Hague. (J. T. A.) The'name of Josef Israels, the late painter, has been inscribed by the Dutch'Zionists in the Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund. - The occasion is the master's hundredth birthday which-win W celebrated throughout "Holland January 27. A-special celebration'"will bVheld in Groningen, Israels' birthjplace. Sir Syndharn.Deedes,-former-Chief Secretary of the Palestine-Administration,' is coming to Amsterdam tfrfe week to lecture on Palestine. • > . Martin Buher, noted Jewish-thinker, has been invited to lecture at: Frankfurt University on Jewish religion and ethics. . • ,
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $&50. FELIX M. WABBUBG ! ENTERTAINS JEFFERSON MEMORIAL LEADERS New York. (I. T. A.) Felix M. Warburg of'3£uhn,' Doeh &''Co. was the. host at a dinner recently to. Edward " F . Albee,- President of the Deith's Theatres Company,'.who. is at the head of the national campaign to be conducted .by the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation for the establishment of Monticello, Jefferson's home, as a permanent memorial. Among the guests were Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, President of the University of ^Virginia, which Jefferson founded; William H. Woodin, President of the American'. Car and Foundry Company; Dr. Nathan Krass, Eabbi of Temple Emanu-El; George Gordon Battle and Jesse L. Lasky.
No Collectioas or Contributions to be'. Bf afie &t Meeting. MUSICAL. PROGRAM.. WILL ... ALSO" BE HELD. ! Mr. Lonis; liipsky of New* York City, who is the .recognised American leader of Zionism, wjjl arrive in"'Omaha Sunday morning and will speak Sunday evening at a mass meeting to be held at the Brandeis theater. The doors of the theater •will open at 1:3Q p. m. According to the committee in
Michigan lew. Former State Offidei Is in Sipport ©f Qnoia Based on 1890 Census for Immigrants, Except- Relatives of Citizens,
Edward Frensdorf Says Jews Should Back Him. Despite ; Attacks. • •
^ADDRESSING BALFOUBIA COLONISTS FSOM WILL HOLD H E A R I N G S IS NOT JUSTIFIED IN CRIT- HERBERT SAMUEL THE P<?RCH OF ONE OF THEIB HOUSES ONLY FOR 'SAKE OF ICISM OF RACE. • FORUM. New York.—Giving but as its slo- Dr. Euppin, who is a member of Detroit, Mich. (J. T. A.) Eespoiiding to a" letter of inquiry by the. Detroit Jewish Chronicle for his reason in supporting Henry, Ford for President, Edward Frensdorf of Hudson, Mich., a Jew, former acting .ward*", of the Michigan State Prison at Jack son and former Food and Drug 'Commissioner for Michigan, states that while, in his opinion, Mr.1 Ford has not been justified in assailing. the Jews as a race, he quite agrees that "we have Jews in league "with some Gentiles who are -exacting undue profits and who are guilty of promoting that which" will bring disaster to ,onr nation.'!, „ - '. Mr.-Frensderf is the man-who-is responsible; as a member of the" Michigan Democratic Committee,"for circulating petitions in the State favoring Mr. Ford for the.Presidency." The telegraphic messages of th?. Chronicle, inquiring of-Mr. Frensdorf his reasons for favoring Mr. Ford, fallows: "We understand you are a Jew. If so, will you write an article for our publication telling our readers why you are for Ford for President?" • Mr. Frensdorf's statement, dated December 10, follows, in part: "Your message requesting that I give my reason for favoring the nomination of Henry Ford for President of the United States duly received. Responding wish to say it's my opinion that Mr. Ford has not been Justified in assailing Jews as a race, but I quite stgree that we have Je-ws in league with some Gentiles who are exacting undue profits and who are guilty of promoting that which will bring disaster, to our nation. "Besides this, I am well convinced that some of Mr. Ford's quoted sayings go beyond his real feelings. He not only employs thousands of Hebrews at good wages an«l -without discrimination as compared with workers of other, races, but, also, he uses the .skilled services of Jewish professional men of highest abilities. These facts satisfy my that his real antogonism is direct against individuals who indulge in' disgraceful and of ten times criminal practices and not ag %'nst the Jewish religion or people as a whole. "He is the one man who has demonstrated that a great and colossal for* tune can be accumulated without .a monopoly or being favored by special legislation, and "without robbing or taking undue advantage of labor t>r -any citizen. He has shown himself to be the greatest industrial and business genius of the age. Why not avail ourselves as citizens of his abilities in running the business affairs of our country?" " POSTPONE COMPULSORY " SUNDAY LAW IN YILNA Vilna. (J. T. A.) The. bill, providing for compulsory observance of the Sunday laws throughout the district of Vilna, has been tabled and it is thought this legislation will be postposed indefuately. ."Warsaw. (J, T. A.) -The Poland have f alfed in their attempts to obtain from the Minister Interior the legalisation of fhezr activities. The Fascists decided, recently to contiBue the «nti-Jewish -work which is part of thelFsseistrs program.' ,
gan, "Another American-Colony and the Palestine Zionist executive and is Garden City in Palestine," the Amer- considered the foremost Palestinian ican Zion Coirnncnrwealth, -whose first expert, said; "I know of nothing colony, 'Balfoixria, \ras recently dedi- {"which will do more for the rebuilding cated by High Commissioner Sir Her- of the homeland than the widespread bert Samuel, has launched a campaign realization on- the par of .American for the purchase by American Jews of Jews that it is-good business to buy plots on a tract of land known as lead and build colonies and garden Herzliah, where a new colony and cities in • Palestine. The American garden city -are to be planted by this Zion Commonwealth has demonstrated organization. The project has re- this fact by what, it has done already, eeived the official sanction of the and I am right- glad to heiiT that it Zionist Organization of America and is now. starting another colony and the endorsement of Dr. Chaim Weiz- garden city .in Palestine." maim, president of,Che World Zionist The campaign for the disposal of Organization, and Dr. Arthur Ruppin, the plots _'of .Eerzliaft, has already the aoted expert, bothjof whom are at j made appreciable progress, according i__.._ j to Solomon J . "Weinsteia, the pr present in this country. In a manifesto issued by the Zion-' of the connnonwealih, who stated at ist Organization and signed by Louis the headquarters of the organization, Lipsky, the chairman, the Zionists of 114 Fifth, avenue, New York, that the country are called upon to insure $40,000 worth* of." land had recently the success of the new settlement by been taken by a small group of Philtaking tip plots of land before the adelphia Jews. Newark also is renext annual Zionist convention, which ported to have organized a large is expected to take place early in.July, group of prospective settlers who are "The Zionists of America must adopt taking up land in Herzliah. Other it as a cardinal part of their pro- towns in New Jersey, among them gram," says the manifesto, "to add, Paterson, Bayonne and Passaic, are at least one new Jewish settlement in conducting active work for the new Palestine every year." Such a pro-' settlement. gram of action, it continues, "will re- j <S I look .forward to the time," said suit in the creation of new assets 1 Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, the which will be visible, productive and founder of the American Zion Compermanent." It emphasizes the basic monwealth, "when one of the conimportance of land purchase and col- tributions of 'American Jewry to the onization and, referring to the American Zion Commonwealth as the "land ^budding of Palest™ r d l b e and garden city h0Eie and colonization agency of the Zionist ' Organization of America/' the .manievery year." festo describes it as an instrument Herzliahj "which is located seven which has been "tried and tested in miles north of Tel Aviv on the shore the crucible of experience and achieve- o f *&* Mediterranean, is said to posment for the realization of this pro-' sess many natural advantages, includ• j ing a fertile soil and a healthful cligram. the' mate. It "is'adjacent to a number of "The beginning of work American Zion Commonwealth for a transportation routes, one of which is new colony and garden city in Pales-1 t h e Haif a-Ludd railroad. tine," says Dr. Weizmann in a special j The land has been divided into four statement, "is good news. Every ad- zones, the intention being to develop ditional dunam of Palestine land ac- a seashore resort, a garden city and quired by Jews, every additional set- a truck-farming colony, the products tlement strengthens our position in of which, are expected to find a ready every way and brings us nearer to market £n the neighboring ail-Jewish our goal. The success of Balfouria city of Tel Aviv, which already has a was a source of great satisfaction to population of 20,000 souls and is fast all who work fox the homeland and growing. Prices of plots of 10 hunthe new colony and garden city will, ams, or two and a half acres each, I trust,-meet with even greater. suc- differ, depending on proximity to the cess." sea front.
Thsrpeiah Gal to' MsM President«! WemesYliixIHsry Mm Tear's Ete. Banse Mrs. Max Froinkin was elected president of the B'nai B'rith Auxiliary at their annual election of officers at their rregulsr meeting Thursday evening, December 20, at the Jewish Gom"munity Center. Miss Use Bercu was elected vice president; Miss Edith Ccvich, secretary; Miss Molly Havitz, treasurer; and the Misses Celia Kooper, Eose • Grodinsky and Bess Greenberg were elected trustees. Mrs. S. S. Eavits was elected sentinel.' Mr. Louis Somberg and Mr. Joe Pizer left Monday morning for Cleveland, O.f where they -will represent the Nebraska Chapter of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity at the annual National Convention to he held next week. They stopped ef£ ia Chicago, -10., to spent several Says Jjefore gelflg to Cleveland.
Washington, Dec 19. (J. T. A.) As a result of the second Executive Committee session today, all the main features of the immigration bill to be reported to the House are practically decided upon. Though decisions and votes taken officially are only supposed to' be tentative, yet, judging from the attitude revealed, it is very •unlikely that the- Committee will change its mind when the final vote as taken. It has been dec?fc.id to embody the decisions ia forms which the tentative committee is taken. These decisions are_ as- £allows:' ' '• cent quota Ijased on the 2893.-censER-Jox; ,..sil..,immigtaats .-••except-.relatives of citizens- as a husbaad or a wife. '•-A -father or mother over fifty-five years of age and unmarried children under eighteen will be exempt from all quota restrictions. Congressman Samuel Dickstein, Democrat, of New York, a new member of the Committee, made a strong fight against the 1890 census, crgiisg at least the retention of the three per cent {juota based on the 1910 census. This plea being -without avail, he proposed the three per cent quota based on the 1890 census to be operated as follows: Preference up to one per cent is to be given to the wife, husband and unmarried children under eighteen years of declarants, resident in the United States for two years; the remaining two per cent to be alto all Conflicting statements were made to your correspondent regarding "which plan was accepted. Congressman Dickstein declared the Committee adopted the latter scheme whereas a spokesman for the Committee who usually makes official-announcements of the Committee's decisions, stated that the tentative vote 'was -.simply an -acceptance of the two per cent quota based on the 18&0 census. In any event, Dickstein will make a strong fight in the. final .voting for his compromise likelihood of its adoption. The 'Committee also decided in favor of imsiigTatioii certificates by consuls, the possession of which will admit an alien as a matter of right so far as <juota restriction is concerned, thereby avoiding hardship of excess quota upon arrival here. Th& Committee rejected the proposal of a physical inspection abroad on the ground of international objections despite Congressman Baker's unceasing efforts to obtain its acceptance. Congressman Dickstein was the only frier.d of immigration fighting in the Committee today, as Congressman Ssbath left Washington for Chicago at this cracial +;™» time. n t ^ c f ^ . «,;. most «,„«* «™»i made a strong effort to enlarge Uie list o exempt relatives, b*at failed to badge the Committee, which for most part was solid!y in favor of increased restriction.
LOUIS LirSKY. charge, there will be no admission charges and no collection of contributions. "We expect a record breaking1 attendance,", said Max- Frorokin, chairman of arrangements, today. Mr. Lipsky .will: speak on **The. Jewish Agency,**, a subject' that is o •ance;".to all-Jewry. • A musical program is also being arranged for this meeting. A special reception committee, consisting of sixty members, will meet Mr. lipsky at the depot Sunday,'morning. In the afternoon he will receive visitors at the Fontenelle hotel. Mr. Lipsky is a recognized leader of Zionism in this country- and has been the representative and the leader of the many conventions held in this country and in Europe. Be is editor ©f the New Palestine, the leading Zionist publication. At the recent World Zionist Congress, held at Carlbad, Mr. Lipsky, who was the representative of United States Jewry, was elected to the executive committee of the Congress. He..was elected vice prrt'dent of the Congress, and conducted most of the sessions there. - •-
Jew to 'FnttBce'.NtenBi ; Cust Vienna. {J. T. A.)—SiegmiiH BoseL a Viermese Jewish financier, has undertaken'to cover the running cost of the Vienna' University;'• following an• appeal' "by. Chancellor SeipeL versity,: ordered all faculties to prepare "budgets to. tie .submitted -i» Mr. Bosel. "Mr. Bosel,"a young rnaii of thirty,' has amassed a huge fortune during the last few years, and is today considered the richest man of.. Austria. He is sometimes called the Austrian StiniJ.es.'
• -.-
' -.
The Viennese papers dedaTe it peculiar that a Jew should support a "University where German students try to expel their Jewish colleagues. A semi-official statement declared that there Is TK> danger of any further anti-Semitic excesses. j t i s estimated that the <ost to 1/Ir- B o s d o f m a i n t a i n the University will be ia the sicighborhood of $2^00,000.
A big dancing party is going: to be held by the Thorpeian Athletic club on New Year's Eve at the Hotel Eoine Ball Boom. Many features and attractions have been planned. One of the fastest and snappiest novelty orchestras in the city have been hired to furnish the music for the evening. Dancing vrlll be hold until 3 o'clock in the morning. The LINCOLN ZIONISTS entire public is invited to attesd WILL GIVE PEOGRAH a good time has been assured theas A srasical and dramatic conceit will The Lincoln Z5on.it.te are planning by the committee in charge of the be presented Sunday evening, January & very intcTestinp: program to be dance. •• 6, at the Swedish Auditorium, Six- en December'30 &t S o'clock in teenth and Chicago streets,' under the Synagogue. Letters are feeing seat KEREN HATESOD BANK auspices of the National Workers* Al- oat to all the Jpwish orgstiizatiosg ia TO ISSUE DEBENTURES liance assd National Progressive Or- tb? citv to the SOth of December Jerusalem. {J. T. A. Authorization gaalsations. The -well known perfoTm-'j open 'so that cxvvy Jew in L!neo1& to the mortgage hank'founded fey. the •el's, Harris and Hatslinsky, are will 'he able to attend the Zionist proZionist Organisation with foods'of. the .pJajing1 in the esist, will be the gram en that date. '3fav^;atioH Keren Hayesod -to issue' debentsaas svenisg Ksierfcsiners. They were also being sent out to al! the Je^setsfe p was gives recently, aeeorc&g tft an jhsne.last yesx imder the auspices of There-w^llbe IKI ch&rgef<»r-«4.-announcement in fee OfScM Gazette.(the Workers' ASiance.