December 27, 1923

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Accept no- ^suDstitute for hard work—thfere " is nothing "just as good".

Birts* are people who stick to the beaten path*

a a» ceconfi-dsea mall matter «n January -371*. iSSX. st tea at Omaha. Nebraska, nndai t&s' Act ef Uxxtix Z. 1SJB.

VOL. HI—No. 3


Federation Before are out All of-Federation's Charitable; Organizations Are in Need of Payment of Pledges Due Them.

REMAINDER OF PLEDGES MUST BE LECTED DURING NEXT WEEK. With a deficit of $5,000 on the year's work confronting the Jewish Welfare Federation, all -workers of the organization are straining every effort to collect every dollar outstanding on pledges, during the next ten days. - . Under the direction of Harry Malashock, chairman of the Finance Committee, twenty teams of men and women have been formed and are working in all parts of the city to secure final payments .on pledges. :• New members- and increased contributions from old members are also being sought. "This is the most serious crisis which has ever confronted our organization," said Mr. Malashock. "We have-never before been faced with an emergency of such magnitude. But we will not fail—we dare, not fail. "Every delinquent' subscriber will be .seen by our committee during the next ten days. There are approximately 300 : subscribers who still owe all or a part of their pledges. We have based our year's work on the strength of these pledges. On the promises of our subscribers we have planned our expenditures for the year. These pledges are solemn obligations and must be met in full. All our workers are determined that they will be paid in full." .The Jewish Welfare Federation tion must be paid to continue this mustconidirae the" work that it has work. been doing during the past yeais, The following pledges are due the is the aim of the.' many - workers, following institutions by the Jewish -who are working daily to collect all Welfare Federation of Omaha: outstanding pledges." Wise Memorial Hospital. ..$1,650 -With winter here, the Federation The National Jewish Hospital is in need of more money to clothe of "Denver.; 750 and furnish fuel "to the poor families' The Jewish Orphan Home_. 900 that are taken care of by.the Fed- The Jewish C o n s u m p t i v e s eration. There-are eighteen families Belief Society. 400 consisting of * more than sixty mem- Hias—New Tnrfr , 250 Jbers who are injlaily need of support JEx-EatieniK Home, furnished thenf~by the Jewish Wel- Xeo "N. Levi Hospital, Hot fare Federation. "This -work, cannot : 75 Springs __ be carried out unless _all the pledges amounts are due the The above are'paid," said Samuel H. Schaefer, institutions that carry out the work superintendent, today.-. of the Omaha Jewry, and unless the Besides the support of the local present deficit is made up these inpoor and needy, the Federation has stitutions will be "forced to suffer. to support the twenty-one- Omaha Mail your check for your balance children at the Cleveland Orphan to the Federation today. home. The Federation is behind in its payments to this great institution. During the past year the Federation has taken care of more than one hundred children in the city. Your pledges are necessary to maintain the work and care of these poor Store Increased Under Management of children. J. F. Dailey. More money is needed by the Wise Memorial hospital. The Federation Accurate knowledge of every phase is in arrears in its payments to of the department store business, a the hospital. knowledge that is applied not only to During the past year the Federa- merchandise, but to markets, has been tion has taken care of a great num- the principle underlying the whole ber of transients who have passed structure of the bigger Burgess-Nash through the city in search of work store that, in' a year of development or who are in search of better under J.,F. Dailey as general manclimates where they can improve ager, has increased its volume sales their health. These transients come 41 per cent over the preceding the Federation daily and are ' • This accurate knowledge is the first sheltered, fed, and otherwise aided. principle of successful merchandising The Federation keeps these transients as practiced by Mr. Dailey, and that off the streets of the city where they has gained for him a position enviawould probably be begging for a ble among all the merchandise leaders "meal". The pledges of the Federa- of the nation. The application of the principle resulted in Mr. Dailey attracting the attention of the Chicago Jewish Immigrants Affected •business world.BO that his was the most suggested when it was By Mexican Revolution name known that Burgess-Nash wanted a Chicago, El., Dec 24. (J. T. A.)— manager who could help it reach its Immigrants arriving at the port of proper place of community leadership Vera Cruz are experiencing great quickly. hardship because the port has been The rule of .merchandising learned cut off from Mexico City through the in ME. Dailey's twenty-four years of revolution in Mexico. experience in The Fair, Chicago, and The fifteen Jewish families in Vera now the basjc Tule applied to the BurCruez are unable to cope -with the gess-Nash company is so fundamensituation and require funds to aid tally true that it is very simply stated the arriving immigrants, says a) as follows: statement by Leon L. Lewis, Sec"Know your markets; know where |" retary of the B'nai B'rith here: to get merchandise; have it in the ' "We -have, today sent forward suffi- store; win and maintain the confidence cient funds-to relieve the 'situation of the public; and sell your goods at for the present and are awaiting the proper price." , further reports," Mr. Lewis declared. The thousands who have become "Future necessities will be effected, regular visitors to Burgess-Nash store &f course, by the extent and dura- each week will find in the pleasure •libn of the present trouble in Mexico. they gain from those visits the work!The funds are to be -used for those ing out of this simple principle as '.mtnigrants who have no relatives in stated by Mr. Dailey. America our local representative is tabling them to provide the necesThe AgadutE !Achim of Omaha held sary financial help." its election of officers 'last Sunday afternoon at-the Swedish .Auditorium. '- B'NAI ISRAEL JUNIORS. Keuben Ferer -was again elected presThe B'nai Israel Juniors of the ident; Mr. Joe Spiegel, vice president; g;,.! Si- ="M. C A. Masketball League Mr. S. Weiss, secretary; Mr, Jake £::,,3efeated the First Baptist Church Boseriblatt; treasurer. Trustees elect^•^Uam. ty a score of 64 to ff-Wednes- ed were A. White, A: B. Ferer and L afternoon. Batt. _. -

Bmrgess-Nash Co., Show 41% Increase for Past Year




INSCRIBE ISRAELS IN NATIONAL FUND'S GOLDEN BOOK Hague. (J. T. A.) The'name of Josef Israels, the late painter, has been inscribed by the Dutch'Zionists in the Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund. - The occasion is the master's hundredth birthday which-win W celebrated throughout "Holland January 27. A-special celebration'"will bVheld in Groningen, Israels' birthjplace. Sir Syndharn.Deedes,-former-Chief Secretary of the Palestine-Administration,' is coming to Amsterdam tfrfe week to lecture on Palestine. • > . Martin Buher, noted Jewish-thinker, has been invited to lecture at: Frankfurt University on Jewish religion and ethics. . • ,


SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $&50. FELIX M. WABBUBG ! ENTERTAINS JEFFERSON MEMORIAL LEADERS New York. (I. T. A.) Felix M. Warburg of'3£uhn,' Doeh &''Co. was the. host at a dinner recently to. Edward " F . Albee,- President of the Deith's Theatres Company,'.who. is at the head of the national campaign to be conducted .by the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation for the establishment of Monticello, Jefferson's home, as a permanent memorial. Among the guests were Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, President of the University of ^Virginia, which Jefferson founded; William H. Woodin, President of the American'. Car and Foundry Company; Dr. Nathan Krass, Eabbi of Temple Emanu-El; George Gordon Battle and Jesse L. Lasky.

No Collectioas or Contributions to be'. Bf afie &t Meeting. MUSICAL. PROGRAM.. WILL ... ALSO" BE HELD. ! Mr. Lonis; liipsky of New* York City, who is the .recognised American leader of Zionism, wjjl arrive in"'Omaha Sunday morning and will speak Sunday evening at a mass meeting to be held at the Brandeis theater. The doors of the theater •will open at 1:3Q p. m. According to the committee in

Michigan lew. Former State Offidei Is in Sipport ©f Qnoia Based on 1890 Census for Immigrants, Except- Relatives of Citizens,

Edward Frensdorf Says Jews Should Back Him. Despite ; Attacks. • •

^ADDRESSING BALFOUBIA COLONISTS FSOM WILL HOLD H E A R I N G S IS NOT JUSTIFIED IN CRIT- HERBERT SAMUEL THE P<?RCH OF ONE OF THEIB HOUSES ONLY FOR 'SAKE OF ICISM OF RACE. • FORUM. New York.—Giving but as its slo- Dr. Euppin, who is a member of Detroit, Mich. (J. T. A.) Eespoiiding to a" letter of inquiry by the. Detroit Jewish Chronicle for his reason in supporting Henry, Ford for President, Edward Frensdorf of Hudson, Mich., a Jew, former acting .ward*", of the Michigan State Prison at Jack son and former Food and Drug 'Commissioner for Michigan, states that while, in his opinion, Mr.1 Ford has not been justified in assailing. the Jews as a race, he quite agrees that "we have Jews in league "with some Gentiles who are -exacting undue profits and who are guilty of promoting that which" will bring disaster to ,onr nation.'!, „ - '. Mr.-Frensderf is the man-who-is responsible; as a member of the" Michigan Democratic Committee,"for circulating petitions in the State favoring Mr. Ford for the.Presidency." The telegraphic messages of th?. Chronicle, inquiring of-Mr. Frensdorf his reasons for favoring Mr. Ford, fallows: "We understand you are a Jew. If so, will you write an article for our publication telling our readers why you are for Ford for President?" • Mr. Frensdorf's statement, dated December 10, follows, in part: "Your message requesting that I give my reason for favoring the nomination of Henry Ford for President of the United States duly received. Responding wish to say it's my opinion that Mr. Ford has not been Justified in assailing Jews as a race, but I quite stgree that we have Je-ws in league with some Gentiles who are exacting undue profits and who are guilty of promoting that which will bring disaster, to our nation. "Besides this, I am well convinced that some of Mr. Ford's quoted sayings go beyond his real feelings. He not only employs thousands of Hebrews at good wages an«l -without discrimination as compared with workers of other, races, but, also, he uses the .skilled services of Jewish professional men of highest abilities. These facts satisfy my that his real antogonism is direct against individuals who indulge in' disgraceful and of ten times criminal practices and not ag %'nst the Jewish religion or people as a whole. "He is the one man who has demonstrated that a great and colossal for* tune can be accumulated without .a monopoly or being favored by special legislation, and "without robbing or taking undue advantage of labor t>r -any citizen. He has shown himself to be the greatest industrial and business genius of the age. Why not avail ourselves as citizens of his abilities in running the business affairs of our country?" " POSTPONE COMPULSORY " SUNDAY LAW IN YILNA Vilna. (J. T. A.) The. bill, providing for compulsory observance of the Sunday laws throughout the district of Vilna, has been tabled and it is thought this legislation will be postposed indefuately. ."Warsaw. (J, T. A.) -The Poland have f alfed in their attempts to obtain from the Minister Interior the legalisation of fhezr activities. The Fascists decided, recently to contiBue the «nti-Jewish -work which is part of thelFsseistrs program.' ,




gan, "Another American-Colony and the Palestine Zionist executive and is Garden City in Palestine," the Amer- considered the foremost Palestinian ican Zion Coirnncnrwealth, -whose first expert, said; "I know of nothing colony, 'Balfoixria, \ras recently dedi- {"which will do more for the rebuilding cated by High Commissioner Sir Her- of the homeland than the widespread bert Samuel, has launched a campaign realization on- the par of .American for the purchase by American Jews of Jews that it is-good business to buy plots on a tract of land known as lead and build colonies and garden Herzliah, where a new colony and cities in • Palestine. The American garden city -are to be planted by this Zion Commonwealth has demonstrated organization. The project has re- this fact by what, it has done already, eeived the official sanction of the and I am right- glad to heiiT that it Zionist Organization of America and is now. starting another colony and the endorsement of Dr. Chaim Weiz- garden city .in Palestine." maim, president of,Che World Zionist The campaign for the disposal of Organization, and Dr. Arthur Ruppin, the plots _'of .Eerzliaft, has already the aoted expert, bothjof whom are at j made appreciable progress, according i__.._ j to Solomon J . "Weinsteia, the pr present in this country. In a manifesto issued by the Zion-' of the connnonwealih, who stated at ist Organization and signed by Louis the headquarters of the organization, Lipsky, the chairman, the Zionists of 114 Fifth, avenue, New York, that the country are called upon to insure $40,000 worth* of." land had recently the success of the new settlement by been taken by a small group of Philtaking tip plots of land before the adelphia Jews. Newark also is renext annual Zionist convention, which ported to have organized a large is expected to take place early in.July, group of prospective settlers who are "The Zionists of America must adopt taking up land in Herzliah. Other it as a cardinal part of their pro- towns in New Jersey, among them gram," says the manifesto, "to add, Paterson, Bayonne and Passaic, are at least one new Jewish settlement in conducting active work for the new Palestine every year." Such a pro-' settlement. gram of action, it continues, "will re- j <S I look .forward to the time," said suit in the creation of new assets 1 Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, the which will be visible, productive and founder of the American Zion Compermanent." It emphasizes the basic monwealth, "when one of the conimportance of land purchase and col- tributions of 'American Jewry to the onization and, referring to the American Zion Commonwealth as the "land ^budding of Palest™ r d l b e and garden city h0Eie and colonization agency of the Zionist ' Organization of America/' the .manievery year." festo describes it as an instrument Herzliahj "which is located seven which has been "tried and tested in miles north of Tel Aviv on the shore the crucible of experience and achieve- o f *&* Mediterranean, is said to posment for the realization of this pro-' sess many natural advantages, includ• j ing a fertile soil and a healthful cligram. the' mate. It "is'adjacent to a number of "The beginning of work American Zion Commonwealth for a transportation routes, one of which is new colony and garden city in Pales-1 t h e Haif a-Ludd railroad. tine," says Dr. Weizmann in a special j The land has been divided into four statement, "is good news. Every ad- zones, the intention being to develop ditional dunam of Palestine land ac- a seashore resort, a garden city and quired by Jews, every additional set- a truck-farming colony, the products tlement strengthens our position in of which, are expected to find a ready every way and brings us nearer to market £n the neighboring ail-Jewish our goal. The success of Balfouria city of Tel Aviv, which already has a was a source of great satisfaction to population of 20,000 souls and is fast all who work fox the homeland and growing. Prices of plots of 10 hunthe new colony and garden city will, ams, or two and a half acres each, I trust,-meet with even greater. suc- differ, depending on proximity to the cess." sea front.

Thsrpeiah Gal to' MsM President«! WemesYliixIHsry Mm Tear's Ete. Banse Mrs. Max Froinkin was elected president of the B'nai B'rith Auxiliary at their annual election of officers at their rregulsr meeting Thursday evening, December 20, at the Jewish Gom"munity Center. Miss Use Bercu was elected vice president; Miss Edith Ccvich, secretary; Miss Molly Havitz, treasurer; and the Misses Celia Kooper, Eose • Grodinsky and Bess Greenberg were elected trustees. Mrs. S. S. Eavits was elected sentinel.' Mr. Louis Somberg and Mr. Joe Pizer left Monday morning for Cleveland, O.f where they -will represent the Nebraska Chapter of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity at the annual National Convention to he held next week. They stopped ef£ ia Chicago, -10., to spent several Says Jjefore gelflg to Cleveland.

Washington, Dec 19. (J. T. A.) As a result of the second Executive Committee session today, all the main features of the immigration bill to be reported to the House are practically decided upon. Though decisions and votes taken officially are only supposed to' be tentative, yet, judging from the attitude revealed, it is very •unlikely that the- Committee will change its mind when the final vote as taken. It has been dec? to embody the decisions ia forms which the tentative committee is taken. These decisions are_ as- £allows:' ' '• cent quota Ijased on the 2893.-censER-Jox; ,..sil..,immigtaats .-••except-.relatives of citizens- as a husbaad or a wife. '•-A -father or mother over fifty-five years of age and unmarried children under eighteen will be exempt from all quota restrictions. Congressman Samuel Dickstein, Democrat, of New York, a new member of the Committee, made a strong fight against the 1890 census, crgiisg at least the retention of the three per cent {juota based on the 1910 census. This plea being -without avail, he proposed the three per cent quota based on the 1890 census to be operated as follows: Preference up to one per cent is to be given to the wife, husband and unmarried children under eighteen years of declarants, resident in the United States for two years; the remaining two per cent to be alto all Conflicting statements were made to your correspondent regarding "which plan was accepted. Congressman Dickstein declared the Committee adopted the latter scheme whereas a spokesman for the Committee who usually makes official-announcements of the Committee's decisions, stated that the tentative vote 'was -.simply an -acceptance of the two per cent quota based on the 18&0 census. In any event, Dickstein will make a strong fight in the. final .voting for his compromise likelihood of its adoption. The 'Committee also decided in favor of imsiigTatioii certificates by consuls, the possession of which will admit an alien as a matter of right so far as <juota restriction is concerned, thereby avoiding hardship of excess quota upon arrival here. Th& Committee rejected the proposal of a physical inspection abroad on the ground of international objections despite Congressman Baker's unceasing efforts to obtain its acceptance. Congressman Dickstein was the only frier.d of immigration fighting in the Committee today, as Congressman Ssbath left Washington for Chicago at this cracial +;™» time. n t ^ c f ^ . «,;. most «,„«* «™»i made a strong effort to enlarge Uie list o exempt relatives, b*at failed to badge the Committee, which for most part was solid!y in favor of increased restriction.

LOUIS LirSKY. charge, there will be no admission charges and no collection of contributions. "We expect a record breaking1 attendance,", said Max- Frorokin, chairman of arrangements, today. Mr. Lipsky .will: speak on **The. Jewish Agency,**, a subject' that is o •ance;".to all-Jewry. • A musical program is also being arranged for this meeting. A special reception committee, consisting of sixty members, will meet Mr. lipsky at the depot Sunday,'morning. In the afternoon he will receive visitors at the Fontenelle hotel. Mr. Lipsky is a recognized leader of Zionism in this country- and has been the representative and the leader of the many conventions held in this country and in Europe. Be is editor ©f the New Palestine, the leading Zionist publication. At the recent World Zionist Congress, held at Carlbad, Mr. Lipsky, who was the representative of United States Jewry, was elected to the executive committee of the Congress. He..was elected vice prrt'dent of the Congress, and conducted most of the sessions there. - •-


Jew to 'FnttBce'.NtenBi ; Cust Vienna. {J. T. A.)—SiegmiiH BoseL a Viermese Jewish financier, has undertaken'to cover the running cost of the Vienna' University;'• following an• appeal' "by. Chancellor SeipeL versity,: ordered all faculties to prepare "budgets to. tie .submitted -i» Mr. Bosel. "Mr. Bosel,"a young rnaii of thirty,' has amassed a huge fortune during the last few years, and is today considered the richest man of.. Austria. He is sometimes called the Austrian'




• -.-

' -.

The Viennese papers dedaTe it peculiar that a Jew should support a "University where German students try to expel their Jewish colleagues. A semi-official statement declared that there Is TK> danger of any further anti-Semitic excesses. j t i s estimated that the <ost to 1/Ir- B o s d o f m a i n t a i n the University will be ia the sicighborhood of $2^00,000.

A big dancing party is going: to be held by the Thorpeian Athletic club on New Year's Eve at the Hotel Eoine Ball Boom. Many features and attractions have been planned. One of the fastest and snappiest novelty orchestras in the city have been hired to furnish the music for the evening. Dancing vrlll be hold until 3 o'clock in the morning. The LINCOLN ZIONISTS entire public is invited to attesd WILL GIVE PEOGRAH a good time has been assured theas A srasical and dramatic conceit will The Lincoln are planning by the committee in charge of the be presented Sunday evening, January & very intcTestinp: program to be dance. •• 6, at the Swedish Auditorium, Six- en December'30 &t S o'clock in teenth and Chicago streets,' under the Synagogue. Letters are feeing seat KEREN HATESOD BANK auspices of the National Workers* Al- oat to all the Jpwish orgstiizatiosg ia TO ISSUE DEBENTURES liance assd National Progressive Or- tb? citv to the SOth of December Jerusalem. {J. T. A. Authorization gaalsations. The -well known perfoTm-'j open 'so that cxvvy Jew in L!neo1& to the mortgage hank'founded fey. the •el's, Harris and Hatslinsky, are will 'he able to attend the Zionist proZionist Organisation with foods'of. the .pJajing1 in the esist, will be the gram en that date. '3fav^;atioH Keren Hayesod -to issue' debentsaas svenisg Ksierfcsiners. They were also being sent out to al! the Je^setsfe p was gives recently, aeeorc&g tft an jhsne.last yesx imder the auspices of There-w^llbe IKI ch&rgef<»r-«4.-announcement in fee OfScM Gazette.(the Workers' ASiance.

AGE -8—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 192& A meeting of the Chevra B'nai;YisMrs- Philip Troehtenherg entertained at her home Saturday after- roel will be held; Wednesday evening at the Synagogue. noon. '


erftr Thursday tt Omafet, : i SHE JEWISq tRIlSa PUBLI^^NG ,Officc: 48'4 grandgig Xhea|re Batldlng.T-TelepBpne: Jackgpn 3372.

Mrs. Frank Walton, of Corning, la., Mr. Clyde Krasne entertained at a is visiting at the hoina of her parents, stag party at his home Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky. evening.

NATHAN E,, GBEEN, Manager! Subscription Price, one year.. -rotes famished on application.


Miss Nettie Levitt, of Des Moines, Mr. Joe Gilinsky returned home Saturday after spending the psst month la., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. H. Krasne, end Mr, Kraene. in California.

NOT PRINTED FQR FJ3R8QNAI, PRQFJT—Profits from ft* pvN tion of The Jewjab Press ar© {o bu gjyea to worthy communal causes. Or AOOBBBSto-PlMUH « t n both tba «14 «a« t ««» nfl « g TOOf M W

Miss Carrie Eosenthal, of NorA Talmud Torah meeting will fee held Tuesday evening at the Syna- folk, Nebr., is visiting with Miss Ruth Krasne. gogue.


The Jewish is popplied by the Jewish <PeIegraphip Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and te)°graphjc Jewish new?, in ariditioD to feature articles and correspondences from "all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news' Items credited to this Agency, will be gladly .answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114'Fifth A.veQue, .New. York City.


The New Winter

The arrival of Vii. Chaim Weizmanw in this country for his third visit in behalf of the Zionist cause has led to a repetition of the manifestations of confidence and regard which greeted him. on ,his former .visits.. The address whieh he delivered at the reception tendered him in New York was a statesmanlike utter*, ance, in which the dominant not was that of .optimism, and •sincerity. He wisely refrained from indulging in bitter personalities and polemics, although the provocation to do BO was decidedly strong. Dr. Weizmann's appeal for co-operation on the part of the leaders of Jewry in constituting the Jewish Agency should fall on willing ears. His appeal to the body of 'American Jews to help in -upbuilding the Jewish community in Palestine was based on a strong array of facts. As a practical statesman, Dr. Weiztnann realizes that the establishment of a Jewish, home-land in Palestine is dependent on the Mandate to Gjreat Britain, given under the sanction of the League of Nations, . yfhich stands back of it, with more than fifty nations lending their sanction—a backing greater than' any project has ever heretofore received which vitally concerns the Jewish people. Being- a statesman, Dr. Weizm&nn understands that this guarantee of peaceable protection is the source of the Mandate's strength. He has arrived in America at an opportune time, and ill no doubt.substantially strengthen the cause hS has so much nied by JUjnister of Interior Bakowsky heart dm*ing the course of his visit. who said police investigations had

"Fore!" This will be the shout from the first tee of the new Highland Country club nest spring. Omaha's newest golf course will be opened to its members next spring. The course is • located at 120th and Pacific streets and consists of 160 acres.According to local golf enthusiasts, an ideal course, elevated, and it commands a wonderful view of the surrounding country. The club house which will be built in the spring will cost more than 50,000. The course is laid out for 18 holes, but only nine holes will be ready by spring, The club house will be strictly modern, A ball room, Bocial rooms for women, billiard rooms, showers,


Ipckars for both men and women are among the main features. The cjub's annual New Year's eve dance will be held at the Hotel Fon* tenellp ball ropm. More than 800 reservations are* in the hands of the committee. There will be guests from towns all over Nebraska and Iowa. It is hoped to make this year's affair the grandest ever staged by the dub. Officers of the club are: Edward Treller, president; H. S. Heavenrfeh, vice president; Sam Leon, secretary, and M. Herzberg, treasurer. The committee in charge of the New Year's ev^ party, consist of the following members; Meyer Speisberger, Harry Malashok, A. Herzberg, Dr. A. CJreenberg, Paul Schaye. -





Five .«* Six


HE quality product of a eentury of Jhat matdng—they're made of se-^ leeted fur felt and fasMoned on smart and distinctive style lines to your iiidM&ua! requirexneats.

Music will be furnished by the Jeffries Orchestra. '

•shqwn all such reports, to be pure faMrs. J. Katleman left Tuesday bleg. Neither in Budapest nor else\ "TOIiEHANCE A N D RACE P R E J U D I C E " morning for Kansas City, Mo., where where concealing arms, the Minister The newly organized and rapidly Senator James A. Reed, in an article in "The Jewish Trib- declared in reply tp an interpellation growing A. Z. A. Bible Study Class she will visit With her daughter, Mrs. une" of December 7, under the title quoted above, observes: by the anti-Semitic deputy Lendays. j meets next Saturday evening at Sam Schwartz, and Mr. Schwartz. seven^thirty at the Jewish" ComMr. and Mrs, Philip Trochtenberg "I have come to the conclusion there is nothing so debasing as INSTALL FRATERNITY I munity Center. Everyone is wel- entertained at four tables of bridge at drawing lines. between pepple on account of .faith, on account of In the Nev Shades of SEAL BAMBOO—SEAti^ their creed, or on account of their race, and I think I might say AT IOWA UNIVERSITY come to attend. The young women their home last Wednesday evening, " here, with brutal frankness, that if there be among the Jews thpse of the city are invited to attend MOLE — BLACK GRANITE BLAOK The Phi Chapter of the Phi Beta .. who think because they are Jews.they are better than any oi\ier The Afternoon Bridge Club will Delta -Fraternity installed nine Jewish these lectures. There is no collec- meet next Wednesday at the home of ' k people,.they are equally culpable with those who think they are NICKEL-^DOVE—PEARL AND SEAL TAN better than the Jew because they happen to belong to some men at the University of Iowa on tion at th.e lectures, A permanent Mrs. M. gernstefa. other race." Sunday, December 16. Froffessor S. meeting date will be decided Sat$"-•:••>"-.'$ a • «• -5VrCST*"!l*'?.-T-•'• " • Your New MslJory awaits : C. Oppenheim, of the University of urday and an open discussion will Mr. A. Aginskeg returned honie > Senatoi> Beed-utters ..the *wdrds afk rea} libertarian, a. real Michigan., installed the men. Follow- follow* the lecture given hy Mr, after spending ths past tR-o months in you, and eiHdent, consciendemocrat, a. genuine American. Such sentiments blended with ing are the officers of the Chapter: Judah Wolfson, who is in charge California. tious hat men to serve you in sincerity, honesty and perseverance this American Uberty Isaac Solzman, of Council Bluffs, la., of the class. the selection of the proper style. aehieveable. There were no base alloys, such as race hatreds, president; Friedel B. Shutzbank, f Mr. H. Trochtenberg left last week o or superiority complexes, present in this compound, for Arizona for an indefinite stay. la., vice president; EdJEWISH CALENDAR. More specifically, those Jews, who feel a superiority, whether Centerville, East Aisle—-Slnlm Fleor. ward Robinson, of Fort,Dodge, la., Mr, an4 Mrs. Phjjip "Sherman gnd Honest or pretentious, over others of their brethren, because they secretary; Louis Groinick, of Mar- Rosh-Ch<Hlest> 60JM-102* JMon. Jfln. t .. . Wed. IVb. 6 daughter, of Allen, Nebr., will arrive happened to come from Portugal, or Germany, or- England, or shall town, la., treasurer; and the KoBli-Cliodet.h Attar I. Mor •? IIbecause they were fortunate'<to amass. gr£at wealth, should .mark other members installed are Goodman Tliars., M«r. SO Sunday to visit with Bjrs. Sherman's Apr 5 parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. Ino next thought from?Senator Read's pen, •• ^ —Apr. ltt of Des Moines, la.; Nathaii pass : ''Every man and every womin in this world. QUghfe to be Rifyip, of Sipux City, la.; Harry GrolMrs._ JJ. Maduff entertained at a _„ _CORRECT APPAEEJ- POE MEN AND measured by their own conduct and; every race, as a ra<?e, ought M0rf''of Newton, la.; Philip Cohn, of £ae luncheon and bridge at her home,,to? to bo measured by its own achievements," Minneapolis, Minn., and Hyma:i Kessday in honor of Mrs. S, A. Adler, of It has often been said that there is more anti-Semitism ier,', of Patterson, N. J. Tfc-^se men «osh-chodpsb Tamjmi*_-__TUqr8. July a Los Angeles, Calif, within the ranks of Jewry than- without, more prejudice by- are rep in fifteen campus ac- Fast of JO -Kan., Jews-against Jews than by Gentiles against Jews, be' the causes tivities at thp University. ISosli-Chndesb Elul-San.. SI social, economic, geographical,'or• what they may,. In this eonr The Phi;Beta DfeTta Fraternity was Man., Sept. SD U S C t 1 0 1 1 * ** ^'* "^ ' t\t\. - wV%4* 5-rS4-rt*»rt«4- .ill-* < « < » 1 * » — — «-^.--^1_ _1 * _ 1 do-riot interest us nearly as much as remedial founded atjtihe Columbia University of JfojY York:iM J912, and already has SAY-MUNICH CARDINAL nineteen chapters in the various uniAVERTED BABAHIAN POGROMS article, have more effect'upon the. Gentile than they have upon V i j Mqni'ch. (J. T. A.) The timely pro? the Jew. One Theodore Roosevelt, a friend of" the Jews, test recently by Cardinal Faulhaber, leaves a finer impress upon the Gentile generation than the The biggest affair in town, Thpr- Archbishop, of "Munich against Bacombined efforts of Isaac M. Wise, Emil Hirseh, j . Leonard peian's^New Year's Eve dance. varian anti-Semitism in his letter to -Levy and Jacob Schiff upon the Jewish generation. One, paformer Premier Stresemann, averted grom seems to arouse and unite.Jewry more thoroughly than a UKRAINIAN POGROMIST pogroms throughout Bavaria, plans million sermons and lectures. -Can it be that our standard for which had been carefully laid. --JAILED AETER «f values needs overhauling? The problems of Jewry are inThis statement is made by-the Cen. . ' COURT'S ACQUITTAL terwoven with the problems of the world, and we cannot expect Warsaw. (J. T. A,) The public tral Committee of the Bavarian Cathto solve the world problems without solving our own, Let us Prosecutor has protested vigorously olic Union tp the Bavarian authorir extirpate prejudices from among ourselves while we are en,the verdict of the jury ac- ties. It is the duty of the Bavarian -deavoring to eradicate them from our Gentile neighbors,— against quitting the 9ttaman Machno, his Government to protect the Catholic r VUuel6 pfOtiDTO^i t h i t you are "Detroit Chronicle." wife Halena Kysmina, his chief-of- Church on penajty of arousing the in looking npon t&e purchase of a staff lyan Cfjmara, and his adjutant opposition of the entire Catholic comBothers Motor Cm as the soures ' ALEPH ZADI ALEPH NEWS. hUlah -was forced, to withdraw the Ja,kub peniszenka. I n consequence, munity, the Central warns, investment in transpca^ation. The regular meeting of thj» Aleph pro-election proclamation - and the the prisoners arp being detained in Cardinal Faulhaber's intercession in -Zadi.Aleph was1 held Sunday, Decem- Jewish boycott of the polls was as behalf of the Jews which averted pober 23.- .The dancing question will be complete as possible. * •• The;indictment drawji up by the' groms was upon his own initiative, it held December 27 at Moose Hall, Not a dollar is ad&si t© the Piibjig Prgseciitor includes documents is. declared* an<I was not inspired by I .Twenty-eighth and Farnam streets. which'prove that Mpchn.t> was. in .com-j the Yatkan« . to support a free senriee policy; npr to A REFORM TEMPLE" . The Aleph Zadi Alephs smokeless IN CHICAGO'S <'GHETTQ»' inunicatjon with members pf his band}. -The. suggestion - that the Cardinal cover the costlijieps pf pmnerous fjooy or -.smoker was held Wednesday night, Chicago. (J. T. A.) An event of in the Ukraine and in the province of received money'from Jews far the sup-December 28, ".with about 50 fellows importance in the history of Liberal Eastern Qaljpia, ^ow part of the Pol- port of-the Munich Church in.considchassis types? fior to p^T interfst on bor. attending' ami - a"> goo'd time wafe en- •Judaism in America is the dedication \sh •Benublle, Inciting "them to stir up eratipn pf life, iction iri their hebfilf is rowed PUJtiey; nor to piaintaia S. n^ialtipie ; joyed by alL .£am Bender and Qeorge Sunday, December 16, of the newly an Ukr^ihian' reyoJt in Eastern Galiindignantly repudiated. • Troutfelt fought a'draw in the final completed Temple Judea in the Lawnand. to join -vyith the ,Ukrajnianl • boxing match. Mr. Beber also gave a dale neighborhood of Chicag6. This peasants in Soviet Ukraine. It i$ al- J * 11 talk. . dedication comes as the culmination that Machno was in conimunjca- ^ odge S e 0ian5elves; , The basketball team plays tHe Y.-M. of- a' ten years' struggle to establish m also with Soviet officials, whichl ) gtaferfcnod meeting will be hed •gtaferfcnod held A •H. A. Jrs. Thursday night in a prac=- a Uberal'house of worship in the most dl directly through a single organization nidjgnantly denies.- In any event, i e x t -Wfidnesday afternoon, January -tice game, and a is going thickly populated Jewish neighbor- he the Polish aythprities insist that h h f M G K of dealers to you. They do not believe in .to he on tap. ' hood of this, city. There are" some Machno s activity is inimical to the 2,-at-the home t>f Mrs- George Charging i n advance for service ypu may, } Tlie-history class met last" Saturday 75,000 Jews living within" the* square, peaceful government of Eastern Ga- 125 So. 8th St. Election.of .officer^ never need, They have developed renight and a very "interesting talk' was mile of territory which is culted Lew i and-thsr the ~rfsings which he will be held. '4ale, which has been; the"center of''*« Kas been Peking'to provoke in the ;'jgiven by.' Mr. \V0lfs6n.-- *' '" • The Twenty-fifth annual ball will he jnstrkable economies, $nd a time-seasoned thodoxy. province are likely to embroil Poland given by the Jewish Women Aid S product* by coacentratin^ on standard : Salonika, (J. T. A.) Practically all The rabbis of the congregation, first in new complications with the Soviets. ciety of Council Bluffs, Thursday eve.Jewish voters boycottedihe polls dw- Dr. A. J. Messinf and afte* him DP. types. ning, _ January 17, at Eagle's Hall". Hng the Greek election"Sunday as a Rudolph I. Coffee, labdred HUNGARY DEPLORES AT; ","protest against the separata "Jewish ly for the cause until they ^ d TACK ON JEWISH STUDENTS These fact* are reflected, not only irTtiie ' electoral sector. •, Aprotest against away to other fields. Finally under Budapest. (J. T. A.) The attack by | Edwin M. Kahn ithe segregation Jewjsh. vqters the leadership of Habbi Lepn Fpam, anti-Semitic etudenta at the University price of the Car, but in the quality of , '.was lodged'- by the -Kehillah diregtly -who canie to Temple Judea Immediate- here, resulting in the severe injury of ip end materials that enter into ;after thB %Bvolution&ty Council madp ly upon his gradaation from the' He- iseveral' Jews, is explained in an offiInstruction n s i o n in Popular p M Temporary Studio N, 28Jh S d i 730 N 2 "known its-decision..-Th§ Council re.- brew Union College in 1§2&, the con- cial Teport Just Issued. The "astensiits instruction,. Ha, 3163. ^plied, however, i t TSTIB unable to alter gregation liegan to labor anew far the We .ground'* for the' attack was the ;the decision, declaring the purpose of completion of its Temple. slabbing of a drunken soldier a few "the separate-electoral'sector was a ijays before the attack by a Jewish Imeans o£ determining the-support oif Amsterdam. {J. T. A.) -The gold poultry dealer, it is declared. During © .papulatido .toward' the .medal for natural sciences, conferred the'.soldier's funeral Christian stu-the VevolutUmisry regime, The Council from time to time upon flfsting«ish$d dents assailed their-Jewish compatri.pponiised to.respect theconfititutioBal scientists by the University' of Am- ots. A Socialist deputy raised the CO. \ fights 0f the Jewg, otter rig them four sterdam, has: been awer<}§4 t<j Pro, question in Parliament and Premier j P J i t i o s t s a d of.three., fessos .Albert Einstein" whji is at pres- Bethlen's representative said the Goveereed. to these ent in Holland, having .left Germany ernment deplored £he occurrence and - The the1 Jews h h wa3 unable bl t© t woifc. ifc ' •"fcaft taken vigorous measures to prevent further disturbance? and to ai> - '"H'^i^^ftW^ver/tprpteste^eallingjmuss Budapest. (J, T. Af) .Tfe^ accusa* rest the the ring leaders. leadi If the Rectoi? Diamond•$. V. ^ WwM^IE^. SfH1*; »to&i>fo"t'-frot6-'l}te tton i» the Bulgarian" p&riiftjjn£n.f i$ti&\ jte'Unable'toTnaintaltt is UngWe'toTnainti ordetv th# 6ov* .Tifill lelesG fhd Uni&er.'iu*'. it Est. 18&4. ;b^ 'olthfii/^eWHafe.dan^anded., Jh^ Kfi- armed orsasimations ^fts ateutly d«* is snnaunced."

Smooth and Rough Finisltes








^ j








Q a d high grade Jewelry 9}^




Mr. John B. Qaigley returned home the week-end, returning to his home Florence Hcrron, fo Chicago, HI., ar- purchased material to sew for the Saturday from the University of Mis- to spend his school vacation, rived Tuesday to be the guests of Mr. annual linen shower. souri to spend his vacation here. and Mrs. Jess Pregler • and. Mr. and At the executive meeting' of the Mrs. B. Blotcky-and -daughter, Ann, Mrs. Nate Sherman. They expect to returned Sunday morning from a two visit here for two weeks. Miss Andelmonths* stay i n Miami, Fla," son is the fiance of Mr. Morris SherMr. and Mrs. Max Sommer and" chil- man, of this city, and they expect to dren, who left several weeks ago for be married during the month of Febthe winter's stay in California, are ruary. Miss Herron is the niece of Mrs.; Pregler and Mrs. Sherman. A now in Los Angeles. • : number of affairs aTe being planned Miss-Hermine-Green-is visiting in in their honor. Kansas City, Mo., wiih relatives. Mr.-Henry Rosenstein, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milder have CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS. and Mrs. Rosenstein, is spending his moved from the E l Beucjor ApartThe Fourth Class of the Omaha vacation here, having returned: Satur- ments t o the Leetam Apartments a t City Sunday School held a meeting day from the University of. Nebraska, 4910 Dodge street.- \ after class last Sunday. At the nest meeting to be held a t the Jewish Mr, Gundeir Qoldansky, who. has Mr. Ralph Newman, who has been Community Center, a new name and been visiting here;-returned; Sunday visiting with Ms brother, Mr. David new officers for the club will be to. his home in Denver, Colo; -; '•'.'•• M. Newman, and family for the past elected. two months, returned Saturday to Ms Greet the New Year at Thorpeian home in St. Louis, Mo. YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. dance, Hotel Rome ballroom. The daughters of Zion have already -Miss Rosalind Andelson and Miss Mr. and Mrs. J . Rosen entertained at dinner, followed by bridge, a t their home Sunday evening, honoring Miss Ann Wintroub and fiance, Mr. Maurice Stein, and Miss Sarah Werner and her fiance, Mr. Morris Potash.

Miss Rose Eoscnbaum entertained at bridge and miscellaneous shower at her home Sunday afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Edith Rosenbgum, who, is soon to become the bride of Mr. Meyer Lederman,: of .Waterloo, Ia^. Prizes were won by the Misses Ruth' Rosen, .Margaret Biekea and Beulah Mittleman.

Many luncheons, parties and other affairs are being given by the younger social set this week, for the many visitors and for the local boys and girls who are spending .their winter school -vacations^ -here with their parents.:: T - :"• -: :' The' first aaf the affairs given was a dancing: party on Saturday evei ning by: Mrs. .Herman Auerbach •for Miss Carjta. Hersog spent Tuesday her niece, Miss Harriett Fleishman. ENGAGEMENTS Lincoln. Nebr, Sir. and Mrs. 11. Oland announce Monday-afternoon, Miss. Eeva the engagement of their daughter, The ' pupils of the City Talmud kofsky, "enteTtainedt Jier schaol friends Miss Belle, to Mr, Dave H. ShulMn, Torah last -week remitted §113.25 to at her -home- at luncheon. Miss Bessie £pn of Mr. and Mrs. A. ShuBcin, of the local Keren Hayesod. Horn entertained Tuesday afternoon Sioux City, la. Miss Oland is a gradat her lioriie : for\ her 'out-of-town uate of the South High School. No Mrs. Morris Cohn was hostess a t visitor, Miss Edith Skalosky. Wednesdefinite dat$ -has been Bet-for the four tables of bridge a t ' her home day afternoon, Miss Anna Weiss wedding. . .;v ;. • ". Thursday in honor of Mrs. A. Marcus, entertained at bridge for her guests, who' was recently married; Miss Sophie Agranoffj of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Forbes an: nounce the engagement of their ^ Mr. 'and Mrs. L, Wintroub . and Iowa, and she will again entertain daughter, Gertrude, to Mr. Michael family have recently moved into their Sunday afternoon at bridge for Miss Colton, of this city. No weddingclate newly built home at 3852 Cass Street. Agranoff and also for .Miss Jeanne Goss, of Mason CityV Iowa, who will has been set. also be Miss Weiss' guest. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Forbes will entertain! Friday evening at the E'nai Jacob Irene Rosen is entertaining Thursday sixty guests at their home Sunday Synagogue, Twenty-fourth and Nichevening, December 30, honoring their o l a s Streets, Rabbi J. M, Charlop will afternoon at her home honoring her A number of Omahans are leaving daughter and her fiance. Mrs. Morris speak on "Moses at Burning Bush". visitor, Miss Selma Kalin, of St. Jo- Sunday evening for Kansas City, Mo., seph, Mo. Miss Ruth Wilinsky will ] Adler and Mrs. Morris Forbes were Saturday morning at the Beth where they will attend the wedding of hostesses last Tuesday evening at din- ! Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, Nine- be hostess at a daneing party Thurs- Miss Zora Taxman, daughter-of "Mr." teenth at the home of the latter a l s o : and :Burt-Streets, he will talk day evening at the Brandeis Tea and Mrs. Meyer Taxman, to Dr. E. M. eompJamentary to Miss Forbes' and \o n "What is to be done Eight Now." Rooms to honor her gilest, Miss Ginsburg, on Wednesday evening, JanHelen Aach, .of Lincoln, Nebr. Friher fiance. D r a n d M r s .s . E . Ravitz motored day afternoon, Mrs. Arnold Browar uary 2, a t the Muehlebock Hotel. Those Mr, and Mrs, W. D. Brown announce to Sioux City, la.,-last Tuesday and will entertain honoring her niece, who a r e leaving are Dr. Barney M. Miss Elinor Schrayer, of Chicago, Kully, Dr. Philip Levey, Mr. Irvjn and the. engagement of their daughter spent the day. Miss Bess Stalmaster, Mr. and .Mrs. J . Miss Selma Bercu, to Mr, Albert NaMr, and Mrs, Harris Levey are111., Miss Regina Stol?, of Chicago, Milder, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Milder, menf of Council Bluffs, la. No wed- entertaining Sunday evening at their and for Miss Mildred Cohn. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milder, Mr. H. B . ding date has been set. home honoring Dr. and Mrs. A, S.Schrayer and Miss Stolz are the Milder, Mr. Hyman Milder, Mr. A, B. Levey, of St. Louis; Mo., who are visit- guests of Miss Cohn. Miss Gladys Milder and Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Meyers is also entertaining on. FriMiss Rae Iseman, of Nebraska City, ing with them. day afternoon, at her home. The Fleishman. They will: be :guests a t Nebr,, is arriving Saturday morning numerous affairs to be given prior t o to be the guest at the home of Mr. and , Mr. Ralph Cohn is leaving Tuesday honored guests will be Miss Alice the wedding. Among the affairs they Mrs. N. Mantel. afternoon for Ann Arbor, Mich., to Schulein, of Sioux City, Iowa, Miss will attend will be a New Year's Eve resume his duties as instructor at the Dorothy Diamond, of Lincoln, Nebr,, banquet to be given a t the Muehlebock The biggest affair in town, Thor- University of Michigan. who are •visiting' Miss Meyers, and peian's New Year's Eve dance. Miss EdEitk Skalosky, of Sioux City, Hotel by the Taxman Marketing ComMr. and Mrs. I. Samuel Schlaifer Iowa, and for Miss Selma Kaljn, of pany of Kansas City. Mrs. Eugene A. Levy and daughter, •will entertain at a, buffet supper at St. Joe, Mo, Mr, Max L, Holzman Mr. Norton Lieberman, of St. Paul, Eugenia, is expected Tuesday from their home for twelve guests Thursis entertaining Saturday night at the Minn., who is attending the UniverLincoln, Nebr., to visit with Mr, and Brandeis Tea Rooms for a number sity of Nebraska, was in Omaha for ; Mrs. H. Hehfeld. . ' , day evening. of the school students. : Little Miss Isabel Rita Katleman, Greet the New Year at Thorpeian daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael dance, Hotel Rome ballroom. Mrs. H . Gross is leaving Thursday MONHEIT'S Katleman/ "will entertain twenty chil• •• •••**" to visit with Mrs. I r a Rosenblum, and Chiropodist and Beauty dren next Saturday afternoon, January'" Mr. and Mrs- Philip Nathan will Mr. Rosenblum in Kansas City, Mo. 5, at her home, honoring her third entertain the members of their family Shop IS90 birthday. . I on Sunday evening celebrating their Miss Pauline Cohn, of Nashville, 15th Established and Harnry Streets. Tenn., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. GfFe as a chance to apj. . ^-ii. ' thirty-fifth wedding anniversary and preciate your business For Miss MiHie Peskin, of Sums City, •a l s Q ^ h o n o r o f t h e i r daughter, Mrs. Dave Stern, and family. appointments call J a. 0774. I£,, and Miss Jeanne Krupp, of Fre-( ^ ^ T e a l e > o f N e w Y o r k Q ^ ^ h o Mrs. Julius Kippur, of Chicago, El., mont, Nebr., will arrive Sunday to be . g b e m g ^ ^extensively entertained » spending t h e week with h e r £!UUI!HlHlfEllHlIEEnH!!niIl!Hm!Ilin!I!!£ the guests of Miss Esther Brown for during her visit here. daughter, Mrs. Izidor Ziegler, and the week. 'HE Final Close-Out of the = • . -.-.;. •..-,..,. •• 7"°'" Trr r*-"Master Delmar Steinberg, -of -Ar- Mr. Zieglerl ~ Goldstein -Jewelry-Cor-i& = Miss Selma Shostak is visiting with kansas, formerly of this city, is spendnow in progress. If you 2 Mrs. N. Sievers, of Minneapolis, = Misa Bernioe Kully. • ing his vacation with his aunt and Minn., formerly of this city, is visitare in need. of any E Jewelry or Silverware, now is «• Mrs. Henry Monsky and children uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Steinberg. ing with her sister, Mrs. A. Silveryour chance_ to buy them at s are expecting to. leave about January your own price. . ' 5 "The Road to Utopica," will be man, and Mr. Silverjnan. She expects 10 for San Jose,. Calif., to attend the "Rabbi. Frederich Cohn's sermon sub- to be *here for about ten days. • wedding of Mrs. Monsky's brother. ject this Friday evening at Temple Mr. and Mrs, 5 . Siegel entertained Mrs. I.- Samuel Sohlaifer entertained I Israel, and on Saturday morning his at a dinner Tuesday in honor of Mrs. at three tables of bridge Sunday night topic will be "Men Like God's" by H. Edward Fredericks, who just returned 1510 Farnam St. G. Wells. ' at her. home. from a nine weeks visit in the east. Mrs. Alexander Pollack and sister, The remainder of the evening was Mrs. Michael Katleman and -Miss Sadye Levey are giving a musical at Mrs, Mattie Jaeobsen, left Sunday spent in bridge. Prizes were won hy their home Tuesday evening, January ' evening for Havana, Cuba, where they Mrs.: S. Frohm, Mrs. E. Fredericks, j will visit'-with Mrs. Pollack's son, Mr.and Miss. Minnette Marcus. Mr. 5dSi j Mark A. Pollack and family. They ward" Fredericks entertained at eight tables of bridge at home Sunday Miss Gertrude Passovoy, pf Chicago, spe.nd theremainder ef the evening in honor of his- wife. Prizes 111., formerly of this city, is visiting,; 310 North I6th St. there. were won by Mrs. H. Wohlner. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Haykin. SPECL4L PRICES j Mr. and Mrs, H, B, Weinstein at FOR THIS WEEK Mr. Carl LubMn, of Chicago, BV<jinnBr Wednesday evening at their is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. i o m e " ^ h o n o r of the first wedding JAcksqn 5062. Children's Bobbing1 25c Eosenstein. Mr. LubMn is a brother a n n i v e rsary of Mr. and Mrs. MaxScalp Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c Thick baloni and weenies 3 0 ^ lb. of Mrs. Eosenstein. Fromkin. Mrs. FromMn was formerly Soft Salomi „ . «4:0£ lb. Expert Individual Service : So Medium Salomi : 45*}" lb. Sundays and Evenings. !*ye •' Mrs. Samuel Katz is visiting in Hard Salomi — 5 0 £ lb. Lincoln, Ifebr., with her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rosenblum, of SALON L'CHARME Louis Herjsog, At. 4819 Kansas City, Mo., announce the birth 213 Courtney Blfc. of a second daughter on Saturday, Greet the New Year at Thorpeian December 22, Mrs, Eosenblum was dance, Hotel Rome ballroom. formerly Miss Blanche Gross, JSS. this Mr. and Mrs. J. Waxenberg entertained at dinner at their home Tues- j day in honor of Mrs. Waxenberg's' Mr. EdwaTd H. Gluck, who is spend.tha winter months in California, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schlaifer is now in Los Angeles. who left the next day for Kansas City, _ Mo,, where they will attend the j j r s < %m X, Simon ischairman of the wedding of their grandchild, Miss annual linen Shower to be given by "W7E greatly appreciate Zora Taxman, to Dr. A. M. Ginsburg, Q^ Omaha Chapter of . Hadassah the hearty cooperon January 2. After the wedding Mr. Wednesday afternoon, January lf>. at and Mrs. Schlaifer are leaving for'the Burgess-Nash Auditorium. A ation of our patrons during California, where they will make their program consisting of song, dance, . the year which is drawing home. . . | and musical numbers will be given. to a dose, and we pledge continued effort to so The Ka Oth Society will be enterThe Misses Esther and Y«tta tained by the Misses Esther and Yetta Nathan will .entertain -at five tables . serve you throughout die Nathan. J*t their home, Thursday o f b T i a g e ^ Saturday afternoon New Year that we may iyenlng. honoring their sister, Mrs. Leon Teale, warrant your confidence The board meeting of the Council of ° f N e w Y o r t Gt?> w E o ** i& and friendship. here Jewish, Women will precede the h r emonthly gu y meeting on-Monday j M r # and. Mr§. Jacob Stein . l KOBTHWKTEEa BELL h Jewish J i h entertain at dinner Wednesday, JariTELEHS8HE COBFAfS* af ternoon, December 31,, at the enter it C t Th b d t of Mr, and Mrs. 7&-'Ji_?£ Community Center. The boardand meetnary ing will be held at one'thirty the Harry T. Stein, who are to celebrate meeting will be at two-thirty. their second wedding anniversary.

organization last Sunday afternoon it was decided to hold a party soon. The regular meeting will -be held this Sunday a t t h e Jewish Community Center.

MOVES PIANO STUDIO. ' }'lt, Edwin M, ICahn, well known local - pianist and orchestra director, announces that he will move his studio from his home and will be located fefter January 1 on the second floor of the Mickel Building, Fifteenth and : Heniey streets, . Mr, Kahn recently began teaching popular music by. a system which he studied for the past two years. The biggest affair in town, Thorpeian'g. New Year's Eve dance.



... A Thorpeian Affair ' Till 3 A. M, '


• ,-•.,

Wilderman's Orchestra |

You are invited to attend the


Marcel andBob Curl, $1.00


Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg have as Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron will their guests their daughter, Mrs. Dave spend Tuesday here with Mr. and Mrs. Goldman,-and Mr. Goldman, of St.E, Kulakofsky. Louis, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. MaxJ Rosenblum, of Lincoln, Nebr. They" Rosenblura, They | Mrs. Morris ** Goldenberg ' and will remain here until the early part daughter. Lucille, *re leaving January of next week. j 1 for Los Angeles, Calif., where they for ' Mrs. (idldenberg's a r e going gg g Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heavenrkh' health after having'been ill for the 'entertained thirty guests a t their past sis "weeks, home Saturday evening honoring their Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pitlor returned tenth -wedding anniversary, Thursday evening irom a short wedMr. and Mrs. E. Kulakofsky have ding trip in Sioux City, la., and will their, guests this week, Mr. Joe make their home with the bride's parHI. «nts, Mr. and-Mra. J. Bernstein. <5ross, of


w .*



at the

to hear an address by

MR. LOUIS LJPSKY • of New York City

America's Recognized Zionist Leader No Reserved Seats Doors Open at 7:30 H No Donations or Contributions Asked


-* '" V




sterdam, has been awarded to Pro- The Democrats declared that the calendar is a s much- a daily, thought suppressing violations in the higher conscious, Weller said he was;tired fessor Albert Einstein who is at pres- murder of Baihenau disgraced Gerof life, having nowhere to go. He ag -is. the gregorian calendar which and secondary schools. many's name throughout the world. was overheard mumbling the benedic- eat in?Hollsnd, having -: left Germany Decisions taken at the meeting have each of us uses daily in our business It is the duty of the state-to defend was:tinable to •work. not been made public, an announce- tion recited during slaughter of anilife. • ' - * or. protest Jewish rights in the same ment being expected following the mals. measure as it devolves upon J«5ws to Weller is lying in a critical condi- GERMAN .DEMOCRATS s .; annual meeting the end of December SALONIKA JEWS PROTEST serve Germany's interests and ideals, V''-""" ''DECRY ATTACKS ON'JEWS tion in a London hospital. It is unof all university heads. SEGREGATION AT; POLLS the resolution adds. A.) The"un-Chrisderstood that the old man was friend- ^Berlin. (J. T. ' Tae~story of the Jewish Calendar is wrongly observed in . consequences. Salonika; (J. T.-A-) Practically all ! less and that he tried to make a liv- tibn" ^ agitation against the Jews is Vjgry-simi!aE-to( the story of'all other This improper-observance of the hol- Jewish voters boycotted the polls dur- MINISTER DENIES HUNcalendars,'Save and except • that the idays so grieved our-fojefathers that ing the Greek election Sunday; as a GARIAN JEWS ARE ARMING ing by selling books from a barrel, decried in a resolution at the convenJewish ipeoj&e frbi& time immemorial even war was, threatened with those protest against the separate Jewish Budapest. (J. T. A.) The accusa- but did not earn enough to provide tion of the German Democratic Party who, had caused »the ..confusion. About in which leading Ministers of religion hdye been Sfcpdcntsf'of' astronomy and electoral sector. Aprbtest against tion in the Hungarian parliament that himself with food or shelter. and prominent industrialists particiAUDITING AND INCOME devslo'ped. their, calendar froro-the ear- twohundred year's,>B."C..E., the Jew- the segregation of-the Jewish voters the Jews of Hungary maintain secret pated. liest days. The Jewish calendar has ish people had become so their was lodged by the Kehillah directly armed organizations wa~s stoutly de- HOLLANt) GIVES TAX REPORTS EINSTEIN GOLD MEDAL a history that can be divided' into knowledge of astronomy that they after the Revolutionary Council made nied by Minister of Interior Uakowsky 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 Amsterdam. (J. T. A.) The "gold three parts.- The-biblical, :the Tal-abolished the monthly witnesses and known its decision. -The-Council re- who - said police investigations had ; used mathematical calculation only. medal for natural sciences, conferred mudic and the Post-Talniudic» The plied, however, it was unable to alter shown all such reports to be pure fabiblical periodvrestedrpurely on ob-An astronomer named Samuel, born the decision, declaring the purpose of bles. Neither in Budapest nor else- from time to time upon distinguished serving theonoooii and thejsun-, the sec- about the year 165 and died about the the separate electoral' sector was awhere concealing arms, the Minister scientists by the University of Amond on both observation .and reckon- 'year 250, was said to have known the means of determining the support of declared in reply to an interpellation Residence, 1842 go. £5th St. ^SL^pd J^P. final period entirely on courses of Heaven as well as thethe non-native population toward^tfae by the anti-Semitic deputy 1/endays. Tel. Atlantic 6887. streets" of his city. While directing a reckoning. Place of Business, 3333 Barney St. school in Babylonia he arranged a revolutionary regime. The Council SENDER MILLMAN ; Tel. ATJanflc 8831. promised to respect the-constitutional MORE ANTI-JEWISH ATTACKS In TO AND FROM In the the Old UldTestament lestament we we find unathe me;. - Kecently of Palestine ', rights of the Jews, offerng them four IN ROUMANIAN SCHOOLS culated the calendar for sixty years & graduate.of a Russian University injunction, "Observe and calendar of the feasts and also cal- seats in Parliament instead of three. ALL -PARTS OF Bucharest. (J. T. A.) The Universanctify it," and thisthe.moon the ancient is an in advance. His calculations were of • • ! milntpH fht» calendar for sixty years sity campus here and at Jassy were priests interpreted as a mandatory great influence upon Hillel, when he THE WORLD' The Kehillah "had agreed to these THE BRINN,& JENSEN CO. Expert Instructor' observance of the moon. The-Baby- finally fixed the calendar. said arrangements and advised the Jews tinuous attacks upon Jewish students. Wholesale paper VAL.J. PETER &GQNTANY distributors for , Ionian year seems to have consisted that Samuel's calendar and its system to Vote. Zionists and Jewish coscial- again the scene on two days of conin Hebrew and Jewish of^Kvelve months of thirty days each, of calculation are still preserved in ists, however, protested,"* calling mass At'the end of the fighting the uni- bavins fifteen years ot experience. 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Northern Toilet Tissue He wishes to give private lessons with an added thirteenth moon when- the Vatican in Eome. In 325 themeetings -where abstention from the versities were cleared of all Jews. OrATiantic 0340. to beginners and advanced pupils. 1H2 Harney Street For further Information call ' ever the priests thought it necessary council of Nice made some changes in polls -was urged and the resignation der, "was restored only after the arAT-lantic 6409 from their observations. Each month the Jewish Calendar, leaving only of-the Kehillah demanded. The Ke- rival of gendarmes on the scene. • KEnwood 2401. originally had thirty days. In later Easter- dependent upon the moon, but hillah was forced^ to withdraw the OCTAGENARIAN KILLS SELF days observation seemed to' indicate pro-election proclamation and theW WHITECHAPEL SYNAGOGUE ITEN days observation seemea to inuicate i * PAXTON-MITCHELL CO... that some months should have 29. and I preventing it from co-inciduig with Jewish boycott of the polls was as London. (J. T. A.) Aaron Weller, Jttfaarid B&artha Sts. . '• HA. 1662 BISCUIT CO. Manufacturers., of Brass, Bcocxe. some months thirty days. In "Baby- I t h e Passover. By the year" 361 the complete as possible. an1 octaganarian, committed suicide by UmnimitD and Soft Gray Iron Castings, 1 Snow White lonion times also'the years" varied persecution the the Jewscomputation reached such" a height thatofeven of cutting his "throat at the Fieldgate Von are assured of soft castings, set from 354 to 365 days, with sometimes 1 the we naacMoe Botae from every heBt in * Vioicr-Kifhat pvi*n t h e eonvDutation of i Bakeries PRESIDENT HAINISCH calendar was borbidden them. The Street Synagogue, Whitechapel. A IDA L FREET^N, Prop. onr own shop. . . . . a thirteenth month added.. _Ojit of San Hedin however secretly calculated (Beg. V. ». Pat. Standard size cast iron and bronze MOVES AAINGST worshipper entering the synagogue In stock. . . every eleven years there were seven it and changed the thirteenth month AUSTRIAN ANTI-SEMITISM discovered Weller near the "Ark" in "with twelve months and four with by placing it after the .month of Av. Vienna. (J. T. A.) President Hain- the act of cutting his throat. Still thirteen months. Historians tell us In the year 670 Hillel the younger 311 South 16th Sta«et isch of Austria is apparently deterCarpenter Paper Co. that the ancient Babylonians had pro- definitely fixed the calendar. There is Phone Atlantic 8010. Distributors of gressed so far in astronomy that they no question but what there is a slight mined to put down anti-Semitism in CLARENCE DESDUNES Open Ereningc. T. S. MOBEE, Prop. Western Bond—and High were able to draw out almanacs in error in. the Jewish calendar, due both the Austrian universities. Directors Grade Stationery •which' the eclipses of the1 sun andto the sun and moon calculation upon of all universities had been.recen-ls Concert Violinist aad Teacher Phone Webster 0820 Only Jewish Florist in town. Studio: HawUln'sBIclc., 2122 No. 94th St. Omaha, .Nebraska. moon and the time of the'new arid which it is based. Isadore Loeb, a called to a conference with the Pres THE LAUNDRY THAT Pbone, Webster R526. EVERYBODY LIKES. full moon were predicted. The Tal- famous astronomer, says that the ident, it is learned. Minister of Edu , • • Office Hours. 3:3C to 6. WEDDING BOUQUETS. . Vioiln bows and cases for sale. mud tells us that the names of theJewish cycle exceeds the Gregorian, cation Schneider was also present a months were adopted, by the Jews at which we are using in ordinary life the-meeting which discussed means o Esrry B . Leptocfc Pres.-Tsess. the time of the Babylonian exile. Ori- today by two hours, - eight minutes, ; . SOB. Pepper. Vice-Pwelfietsi. ginally the Jewish year was not mere- and fifteen seconds. In nineteen hunW. 6 . Ore. Secretary. Shoes and Gent's Furnishings ly fixed* by the moon, but some times; dred years this makes a difference of Featuring Emerson and Dunlap Shoes—So to $12. Gmatia Fixture & by the position of the sun, and fre- eight days, twenty-one hours, forty(TOLt. DRESS .SUITS AND "TOX&DOS for sale or rent. quently festivals; such1 as Passoxer, -. .Supply Co. Phone 3A. S12S 109 North 10th St. five minutes and five seconds, or an .and Tabernacles, "were fixed accord- average of six minutes and thirtyCOMPLETE STOEE AND' • ing to harvests or seasons, ac- nine seconds, each year, or just about OFFICE OUTFITTERS cordance "with certain crop rotations. one day's difference in every 216 We occupy ever 70,000 squaw feet . . Right after the Talmudic period the years. While this seems insignificant O t Corner months of Misau, Siva:Av, Tishri, it will make this difference, that as Eleventh and Deoelae Streets. Kislev and Shevat had thirty days and "the centuries roll by some generation Phones £SC&BOD £754 ::: OKA HA. JSTEB.Iyyar, Tammuz, Elul Hashven, Teb- of, Jews will find the spring month of bett, Adar, had twenty-nine days, but Nisau come.later in the year, "which Si-j in leap year Adar had thirty days and will' necessitate ,either changing the Ve-Adar,'or the thirteenth month, had festivals to a different time of year twenty-nine days. by common .consent of our people or Rabbi Eliezar originally fixed, each by a new arrangement of our calenErery Known Band lunar cycle at 48 years and the Greeks dar. ® of Insurance ^ and early Christians adopted his cycle. The Jewish.Calendar today is reckJAckson 1862 According to the Mishiah, the 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. oned by means of a table called a prieses had a court to determine the calendar each month. Certain learned 'Luah" which is the Hebrew word for Jews did nothing but observe the moon table, and reckons the days from even"Let Us Move You" and watch its phases. These witnesses ing to evening in accordance with the WASH AND KEEP WELL reported to the High Priest originally order-observed in the biblical account A RULE OF HEALTH of creation, with nightfall the period what their observations were, then ' Operated by FBONMER TOWEL ' SUPPLY this function was transferred to the of "twenty-four hours end, and a new day commences. The beginning of Patriarch, who was the head of the 1819 California Street. ATlantic 023ft JAckson 4S38 San Hedrin, later the Patriarch at the nightfall is very important in the JewThe Jewish Press aids the Jews time cf Rabbi Ben Zaklcai transferred ish calendar, because of the exact to keep in touch with what of nightfall the rulings regarding the calendar to hour of the beginning; 1 comes "Shabbos' and consequently the their fellow Jews are doing- in San Hedrin itself, but this body appointed a committee of three ^of 'its "Shabbos" ends at the next nightfall. EFFICIENT and BESPOKSIBI^E city, state and nation, besides members which listened to the wit-At the present time our calendar conUUKDBT. sists of a twelve month year, of 364 informing them on the probWhere your clothes come home nesses who had observed the moon Druggists and -Stationers cleaner ao<3 last longer. and they decided on the calendar for days and 8 hours, or ten days and lems of the Jews in Europe and isa&t C2BC, S,W!-1.1 Jackson St. #01-403-405 S o n t n : SOth Sfesree* H A . JA.ODE3SE.G2iK PlSS. the following year. At one time these twenty-one hours shorter than the sothe World over. rulings were handed down" every lar year which is equalized by the addition of a full month following the month and the Patriarch announced them to the various Jewish communi- twelfth month. This year is then ties by letters. Where letters could called a leap year and consists of 383 Certified Public Accountants not'reach, fire signals were used, par- days and 21 hours. The calendar is Audits • . Systems ticularly in the mountainous country also divided into cycles of nineteen In our judgment, it is the sacred duty of our Investigations It was here that the custom of ob years and in each cycle the third, 434 to $40 Peters Trust Bldg:. Jackson 4313, 4S14. serving two days for a new moon was sixth, eighty eleventh, fourteenth, sevreaders to help bring this payer into Every Jewbegun, because the exiles in Egyp enteenth and nineteenth are leap year; Omaiia OQse: 813 Docelas Street. and Greece, not being able to see the the rest are common years. ish Home. We ask for no financial assista?ice of Omaha Phono AtJantln 2556 signals which were flashed to "show The Jewish calendar has survived Ford Transfer. & 'Storage Co. the exact hour of the beginning o through all the centuries of Jewish any kind, but merely urge the Jew to co-operate R. A. FOEIV the new month, did riot know when tlu persecution and no doubt will conPresident and General Macajfer. Council Bluffs (lowal OlBre month began and celebrated Jtfie first tinue to survive for the centuries to in furthering' interests that are his own. 700 So. Mate Street. Pbssne B65. two days when they saw the "new moon come because it is a calendar that, is 'One of America's Great Hotels" rise so to be sure to have some point based upon ,an exact mathematical right. These fire signals were often basis. We in America do not observe , used by the enemies of the Jews, tothe calendar except for our holidays, Confuse them and frequently holidays but there are millions of Jews OUR TKEAT31ENT W I U . were by reason of this confusion throughout the world to whom the old CONVINCE rov or o r a

Jewish Calendar

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