Accept i i o ' substitute* for hard work—-: is
•are' mack people who stick to the beaten path.
dutsssd postoSea
mail matter on January 27t&. Uffil at 'Nebraska, nadex the Act ol March Si ISO.
BOARD Future is Issnred - FEDERATION TO MEET SUNDAY for Rational Fam Ickol Stedents
SOLQWETTCHIK*S EESIGNATION FKOMINENTMAGYAKS STIES POLISH ZIONISTS SEIZED. IN BOMB PLOTS Warsaw. (J. T, A.) Zionists of Budapest. (J. T. A.) .Sensational Plans for the annual meeting of Poland have been profoundly stirred developments are expected from^tie the Jewish Welfare Federation will by news of the resignation of Dr. arrest here of several leading membe discussed and formulated a t the Soloweitchik from the Executive. bers of the Awakening Magyars said regular monthly meeting, of the The Zionist Council lias called a to "be connected in- recent bomb outBoard of Directors Sunday morning, meeting for next Sunday to consider rages. The prisoners include promiJanuary 13th. situation arising from this resig- "Bijrgcr and Better Than the Will Attempt to -Clear Up Allnent persons whose names authorities Head of Pennsylvania -State The presence of every member is Appear Before Immigration the nation. In the meantime Zionist leaddecline to' divulge. It is believed that Committee to Voice RespecFirst" is Slogan Adopted College Encourages' ForCollections Immediately. requested. The meeting will start ers here are reluctant to express an at least some of the persons, high tip bx- Members. me? City Boys.. tive Opinions. promptly at 10:00, j opinion, merely saying they hoped that OVER $ 2 , 0 00 COLLECTED in social and political circles,/were imparties in the interest of Zionism ALL TALENT IN THE CITY plicated in the recent outrage in Chon- AGRICULTURE P U R S U E D ITALIAN TURNS AGAINST both DURING WEEK. will settle the dispute amicably and grad whereby three Jews were killed ASKED TO JOIN "TRYHIS OWN PEOPLE. BY 73% OF GRADUATES; avoid an acute internal conflict. .and scores injured. . * OUTS". Workers for the. Jewish - Welfare Washington, Jan. 4. (J. T. A.) Louis Farm.... School, Pa.—President Federation, tinder the. leadership of The second annual YMHA vaudc* Marshall, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, GedaM. Thomas of t i e Pennsylvania State Harry Malashock,. 'chairman of the ville show—bigger and better than the lia Bublic, William Edlin and Jacob College emphatically turned on the Finance Gommittee,. Teport good sucfirst! detractors of- agriculture and those Hadassah Cares For Sick Immigrants Fishman appeared before the House cess in collecting unpaid balances' to TIUF is the goal that the Senior Immigration. Committee yesterday and who look through blue glasses at the Without Any Charge To Them. apply on 1923 pledges. group of the YM and YWHA set for severely protested, against the new present agricultural present agricultural situation, s u a t , when Over $2,000 was collected- during itself, when on Monday incht, it dehe told students of the National Farm MUSICAL PROGRAM WILL B E Johnson immigration bill which is now the past week. being -considered. termined to "put on" the second anGIVEN JANUARY 16. This Affair is Held Under the School _ , , , . that , , . , they were engaged . . _ _ . in , ' filVEV TAWITAUV IK Wiih fhe general tendency on theOrganization of European Jews And nual xhis= Fj^inp and elected IsLouis Marshall declared that immilearning a vocation whose future Allspices of the Y. W. K. A. part'of the community that is being The Omaha "Chapter of Hadassah Fellow Jews in All Countries. rael F . Goodman director. was sure arid bright. Dr. Thomas' will give its fifth annual Linen Show- gration restriction is the idealogy of shown the workers are confident that Goodman has been a most active 3t the §5,000 still needed to finish the 37 COLONIES - S A V E D FROM talk, striking this new note, brought er Wednesday afternoon, January 16, the Ku~ Klux Klan-because the Klan ALL GIRLS ARE INVITED' TO member for "the past five years, aikl because the Klan wants only white, the entire school to its feet in cheers MAKE RESERVATIONS. STAEVATION. year's work will • be" collected within" at the Burgess-Hash- Auditorium, to has been president of the Senior' Protestant' and Anglo-Saxon immiand applause. The students of 'the aid the hundreds «f European refuthe coming week. group. With the full co-operation «£ (Dr. "Leo Bramson and Dr. A. Singrants to come to this country, and National Farm School, most of them gees who are arriving-daily in PalesThe third annual Mother and "For the first time .in many months galoweky, leaders of the Back-to-thethe proposition to base the immigraDaughter Reception and Social Eve-! all the members of the Association:" former city boys, have retained their tine from the pogreia, regions. we from debt to the bank, Land movement and delegates to theoptimism and their faith in agricultion, quotas on the 1890 census coin- ning to be given by the YWHA willl I the artistic and financial success of due to the very good work of theJews of this country tell of the assoThe Linens collected at the shower i-i _ TtT.j! 3 . ««*_:—.*. T n * . _ •f-'hic dims? Iis C ssetmYfur! {^•rtnrttnsaw this xz^yaT'e year's-show assured. Goodman ture in spite' of the depressing note are sent to the hospitals and Welfare cides with the Klan principles. The•*be_. iheld on Wednesday evening, Jan1 committees during the past week,: "will appoint his own committee of Y new law would reduce by nine-tenths ciation's manifold activities in behalf that his characterized recent -public uary SO, at the Jewish Community stations in Palestine who take care said Harry Malashock. members this week. the immigration * from southern and of Jewries in many parts of the d i s c u s s i o n on agriculture. Dr. Center. Although originally planned of the sick immigrants without any "However, we still have another Although sponsored, Thomas* remarks found a quick re- charge. The National Hadassah "Unit eastern Europe, Mr. Marshall said. He for January 9, the committee in debt, and one which is as great an ' w o r l p-/ staged and directed by Y members* also protested against the proposition charge has decided to allow more obligation on the part of Omaha to New York, (J. T. A.)—Casting a sponse in the hearts of students and send $10,000 every month for the up- to fingerprint immigrants and pro-time for the preparation so that this the production is in reality s commu faculty. keep of the hospitals. Of this amount pay. That is the debt we owe to theglance at the work the "Ort" has acposed that immigration certificates enterprise, presenting to the years a a y p y j Dr. Thomas and E. K. Heubscbthe quota for the Omaha Chapter is year's • affair may surpass any affiliated institutions of the Federa- complished during the past few years, should be used instead. He reminded previous one in novelty and enter- i community its best entertaining talent man, his assistant, accompanied by we come to the conclusion, based on $2,500 a year. The garments that are tion. For the past six months the the Committee of the great achieveI in a professional atmosphere. Wise Hospital, the "Cleveland Orphan actual facts, that the work done was Herbert D. Allman and Henry B. needed this year are blankets, bed ments of immigrants, and pointed es- taining features. A s Anne Selicow, *feryle Priedel, Kate j » preliminary step in t!s work Hirsch of the board of directors of spreads, sheets, , pillow cases and Home, the Denver Hospitals, the Leo of great usefulness. for t W pecially to Marconi, and Steinmetz. Goldstein, Ula Albert, Dora Green-j s year's show the committee the farm school, visited the school on towels. N. Levi-Hospital and the other na- During these years we succeeded in When asked what he thought of selec- berg, Anne Freeman and Sady Levey w a n t s * n e n a m e E o f e v e r y Dec. 12. They inspected the 900 saving 5,300 Jewish children from the To entertain the gaests at the linen tional institutions have been doing essi n demoralization of the market place acres comprising seven combined Shower, the committee, of which Mrs. tive immigration Mr. Marshall replied constitute the committee in charge | u s Omaha,' children as well_ »F for as.. We owe them ability in singing, and street life, more than half of farms, and praised especially the B. A. Simon is chairman, have pre- that the present law is already selec- and they assure .all mothers andj^ "; > proximately $4,50D. tive because it admits only persons daughters of a delightful and enjoy- dancing, dramatics, as ingtrmaentftlsplendid • tuberculine tested herd of whom were pogrom or war orphans. pared this projjrsrar/which will be giv. "We. have promised to pay them this physically, morally and mentally fit. able evening. Mothers will be guests ists « as' general entertainers. Tensum, and have based our promises on Our organizatio n has established 140 head of pure-bred cattle. Dr. en at 3 o'clock: He opposed the examination of immi- of their daughters and,- in addition tative plsmsforthe show call for one Thomas compared the life on the A dance travelcuge, directed by grants abroad, lie said, because the pledges ihade to us by trar sub- these children in forty-eight Trade a novel program and delicious big act in "which children vdil he farm with the white-collar job in the Schools, containing eighty-seven workMiss Julia Wise, and Miriam Rubach would create a number, of American1 scribers. On the' strength. of, our refreshments, will be presented with featured, and several other acte promises they have keptjCollectors out shops, in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, city, which might yield a seemingly at the piano. czars and it would be cfcigerous to appropriate souvenirs of the featuring -adults. fair salary, but stated that in the French Ballet, E^lvn Epstein, Bet- hand the decision about the admission of Omah^i. It is absolutely imperative and Boumania. Every possible type of talent will b«* occasion. final analysis fhe farm yields a better ty Siegel and Sara Tretiak. that every subscriber yiho owes the Aside from^this, the 5organization of immigrants to officials abroad. used which'will contain Seservations for the affair are 85cm o r e in the show, Solo, Eunice Bosenstein. federation, -pay xis, so that we canhas supported 'and" saved ; „ from - -ex- return. The-ifarmer is his."own boss," a n d he I B o r e After Mr. Marshall Mr. Joseph Kanper pcrssn and shvsld be made before ******* eotorWl .-©rafessionai h.e .lives.. on .$& own -homestead,, which ' Oriental, Ida 3&s£ k tmctlOT, terowitz sprike in l&KaEF T i e Y-arfir-wffl^ h d ;azy "23rd either with Ruy of the I! ^ 3 & s £ W « Tie he is gradually paying for from the; Chinese, Libby Bernstein and • Sara will witness an intensive clean-up schools in Soviet Hussia, in.the pro- income of his work; his work cannot pendent Order B'nai B'rith. committee or at the X office in thewithout doubt, the outstanding social campaign- among "the 250 subscribers vinces of Kiev,.Charkoff and Odessa. become monotonous, as it is changing, Tretiak. Jacob Fishman emphasized^ the inJewish Community Center. * Any girl, event, of the-'community during the Spanish, Helen Wise. •who are .delinquent in the payment of Beside these trade schools for children constantly with the seasons, while the justice that will be done to immigrants irrespective of her membership in the next six months. Dutch, Ruth Obludziner and Ann we havd organized a net-work of techtheir pledges." . rr— Elsewhere on this page if u blJvnU from certain countries, and. especially Y, may attend with her mother. nical evening cohfses for adults, one city man, after a year's grind in theTretiak. form. If yon liave ability in any thethe Jews, if Mr..Johnson's immigra"Subscribers "still have the opfactory or at his desk," or behind the Russian, Anne Hurwitz and Gertatrical -activity fill it out and xnail It tion proposal is accepted. Dr. Wise portunity ' of having their' names Technicum at Vilna, endowments for counter, after paying his rent and rude Wintroub. to the S*MUA Show Committee, Lyric printed in' th"3" annual Federation Jewish toy studente^'and also pro? other city expenses, has little' or Chicken Reel, Anne Horwitz and ridiculed the contention that the NorBldg,,. today. If you know anyone, « dic race-is superior, saying that the jeport. The list of Federation sub- vided the technical .personnel for vari- nothing to show for his efforts. Gertrude Wintroub. ' relative or a friend, who hne ability Bible did not originate with'the Norscribers is the Honor Roll of Omaha ous ipr-ofessionai educational- -instate-: Mr. Huebschmann commended the Broadway Bells, Sophie Spar, Doris tions. These professional schools and and who "will add to the success of theJewry, and the name of every Jew excellent results that had been ac- Stein, Mary Belle Shames and Bemice dic race but .with an Asiatic race, and show send in their names to the com* educational workshops .the "Ort" has Open Discussion Wffi Invite that the Anglo-Saxon laws are based from should be on. it," said Dr. Philip Sher, mittee on the blank. Participation ir* provided with all the necessary tools complished by the students in corn Stein. the Floor. on the Jewish Bible. At this, Chairpresident of the Federation. Grecian, Helen Wise. the Y show will" give you a chance f-ft and machinery. The amount spent by breeding. "'This institution is doing man Johnson declared that neither he a valuable and commendable service Persian, Julia Wise. the "Ort" during the past year for The Bok Peace Award, the sub-display your talent to the public wi& nor any other member of the ImmiYiddish, Sophie Spar, Mary Belle trade education reached the sum ofif not a student remains in agriculgration Committee; was race preju- ject of the day, which is engaging all the color and the attractiveness of one million and eight hundred and ture," declared Mr. Huebschman. Shames and Doris Stein. the attention of the entire country, a professional performance surroundA two-act playlet, "The Change -of diced. Dr. Wise replied he had nowill be discussed by Damd Sher, ing you. And-besides -there will-be a fifty thousand francs, and, together "Suppose he goes back to the " city doubt but that bill tended to discrimwith the sums previously spent, two and goes into business. He is going Climate," will also be presented. Those inate against certain races. William member of the YMHA, at a public lot of fun, and valuable experience. to have a more wholesome outlook taking part are the Misses Gertrude Since Monday many applications for The • Finance Committee Has Doneand one-half million francs. Bertha Kushner, Elsie Hur-Edlin, speaking on behalf of the As- meeting of the Y next Monday eveAn important place in the work of and broader view on life from his Perlis, ning, January 14, at the Jewish Com- parts in the production have been resociation of Foreign Language NewsExcellent Work During Tear. witz, Dorothy Klein and Geftrude the "Ort" is to provide tools to Jewish contact with nature and the soil, and Romm. ceived by the committee, but it wanU papers, said the bill was against true munity Center. workers. In Lithuania alone 1,098 he has received the kind of training to have all available material at hawd The speaker, who , is one of the democracy and the spirit of the founMrs. Nathan Mantel, who was loans were made, distributed among at this school which will make him a leading debaters of Central High | for the trybuts in the various departders of tiie United States. He said recently re-elected president of theforty-nine cities and towns. In tenbetter man, no matter what kind of JEWISH HISTORY LECTURE School, will present the merits and msnts before next, that the members of the Committee Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza- cities of Bessarabia and Eomnania a vocation he follows ultimately. And FRIDAY EVENING should come to New York and see for demerits of 'the'.plan as proposed, ' Mrs. B. K. Boasberg will again be iti toins,- announce the appointment- of alone over 200 families of refugees after «U, t i e making of men is the The regular weekly lecture in Jew- themselves the achievement of immi- which will be f ollowed by a general charge of the '"dramatics, Miss CccelSs the women who will serve on the were cared for. I n Poland and Voh- j important achievement. The fact, ish nistory will be given at t i e Jew- grants who' built the biggest city- in discussion from the fioor. Announce- Feller in'charge of singing snd choral t t committees for the year 1924. linya 1,800 hand workers made use of j ^ ^ ® ilarge percentage of f ish Community Center Friday eve- tie world. ' Gedalia Bibiic was thement of the subje ' • created wide- work'and .Miss'-Dorothy. Dcvere Ir, The appointment of the Financial our productive assistance. farm school graduates are following ning, by Mr. J. L. Wolf son, and a last speaker. He declared the bill had spread interest among Y members at -charge of .'-dancing.'. Committee has not been completed. All told, we provided 3,000 work- agriculture speaks well for the school large audience is expected. In spite anti-Semitic tendencies which aimed at ;the meeting: last Monday night, and ' Try-outs 'will, be held within th* Mrs. William L. Holzman, who was shops that furnish a source .of labor and the earnestness of its students, of the bitter cold of last Friday, Jewish immigrants from Poland, Eus- a capacity attendance is anticipated. next ten-days and dates for eacli &&• chairman of the Finance Committee and an honest means of existence for who see the valuable possibilities and when the temperature registered 20 In addition, Mr. Max Fromkin will partment v-ill be announced in nexS; page 2.) last year, will again serve as chair- 15,000 souls. Upon this work the en- nobility of their calling." below Eero, an audience of twentyread a paper on the life of Theodore week's issue of "The Jcsdsh Press." man of that committee. This com-tire sum of over two million francs Grant Wright, another visitor to five was present to hear Mr. WoifMale singers, both hoyB. and rosn, Herzl, and several musical and dancmittee has set. a new Tecord by was spent. the school, announced a gift of ?500 son's lecture. are cEpecially'vranteil, as are insturing numbers will be given. collecting $2,239.25. They have The "Ort," however, points with worth of machinery the National The n meeting -trill be open to mentalists of all sorts. collected the highest amount ever special pride to its work in the cause Farm School. Applications for admis- This Friday's lecture will deal with Fill in the blank and mail it the return of the Jews from the collected during any year since the sion to the school are being received Babylonian captivity and the • work of Jewish agricultural establishment. Jewish Women's Welfare Organizanow and prospective candidates may of the prophet Ezra during that time. Munich. (J.--T. A.) Cardmal FaulOScers Installed At Meeting Thurs- POPE CONCERNED ABOUT tion has been organized. address the school, located at Farm The public is invited. CATHOLICS EC PALESTINE \ habcr in his New Year's sermon aft day Evening. School, near Doylestown, Pa., for deFor this year the ] following are Eonse. (J. T. A.) Some concern is {the cathedral here attacked the "antl« tails as to admission. The new 'class the officers and'members of the comfelt in the Vatican over the conflicts! Spimitic movcmoTit rampant throwgh* Mrs. Max Fromkin, newly elected DEBORAH SOCIETY will be enrolled in March. mittees: president of the B'nai Brith Auxiliary, in Jerusalem between Catholics and > out the coui\trj-. . ELECTS OFFICERS % Chicago, Jan. 4. (J. T. A.} Israel President, Mrs. Nathan Mantel; Mrs. M. Tatle was elected pres- has appointed her committees to serve the copts, according to reports in the The Cardinal compared the sati* Honorary Presidents, Mrs, R. Knla- Zangwill, English writer, said last THORPEIAN CLUB ident of the Deborah Society at its for this term. . The officers,T Mrs. Catholic press. The Holy See resents .• Semitic movement with the anti-Cutlv* kofsky and Mrs. X. Richards; Vice- night lie had been threatened with annual- election of ofneers Tuesday j Fromlrin, president; Miss Eae Berca, that the British Mandate for Palestine olic movement in Bavaria, accusing BASKETBALL TEAM president, Mrs. David P . Federj death by the Ku Klux Klan, and chalafternoon at the Jewish Community i rice-president; Miss- Edith Covich, has had the result of giving an insig- the leaders of these movements of-W* • LEADS LEAGUE Center. Mrs. S. Robinson was elect- secretary; Miss Molly Kavitz, treas- nificant like the copts cocrage to at- ing faithless to the spirit of Chris* Financial Secretaries, Mrs. H. Rach- lenges the Klan to debate with him on organization's right to existence. The Thorpeian Athletic Club ed vice-president. Pinancial Sec- urer; Ann Selican, reporter; and the tack the Catholics. xnan and Mrs. H. Q. Marx; Treas- theMr. Zangwill said the question to be urer, Mrs. J. J.* Slosburgf Record- debated, if his challenge is accepted, Basketball Team won its fourth retary, Mrs. A. Romm; Recording Misses Celia Kooper, Hose Grodiiu&y, straight game from the fast DeMolay Secretary, Mrs. Charles ing Secretary, Mrs. L Kosenthal. and Bess Greenberg, trastees; Mrs. S. wiE be, "Is the Ku Klux Kla« FundaPURCHASING COMMITTEE: Mrs. B. A.jnentally.Right or. Wrong and Should team a t the Y. M. C. A. gym last sad treasurer, Mrs. M. B. Eavitz, - sentinel, -will he . installed Simon, Mm H. A. Wolf. Wednesday evening. The score was Trustees elected were Mesdames H. this Thursday evening at .the Jewish MEilBEESHIP COMMITTEE: Mrs. D . P.It Be Perpetuated or Wiped Out?" I hereby volunteer for trytmt for the vaudeville show: 35 to 5. M. Ferer, O. C. Goldner, B. A. Jeder, .Mrs. Frohxa, Mrs. Harry Trnstin, He will take the negative side of the Next week the team plays the Simon, L. Kneeter, J. Firikel, and Comaiumty Center and together •with Mrs. Max Fromkin. , Agt:... BELIEF COMMITTEE: Mrs. H. A. TTolf, first part of the proposition and the the following: appointed committees Name „ Omaha News Co. team, which is tied A. Wolf. Mrs. Philip .Sher, Mrs. E. Kulakofsfcy, vrhieh -will begin their' ^rork" for' "the Address positive side of the last part, he said, with the Thorpeians for first place Mrs. Henry Haehrcan. , _ Tel.. COURTESX COMMITTEE: Mrs. JH. Grnetz, fie offered to debate with Charles '6.. year: . . „ Mrs. Dave Sherman, ilrs. B. Brodfcey, in" the Y. M. C. A. league. This AMERICAN ZIONISTS rSTET-UJCTTuAI. ADTAKCEMESI: KatMrs. Martin Suganaan, MTE. Harry Hey- Palmer, grand dragon of Illinois, CapBcrca, clsairman; Flora Bienstock. Celia mtui, Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, Mrs. Philip OPPOSED LONDON lain J- K. Skipwith of Louisiana, or game is expected to be the hardest Koojier, Bess . <lreenb«Tg. jiirs. Herman Ottln. game,in the season. The follownjg- are SKg-g-csteci ES available materirf: MEETING WITHOUI' THEM A b h PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: Mrs. Samuel H. W. Evans, bead of the organisation. tXIXT Miriam Konecky, H, Schaefer. Name , Address At the last regular meeting an London. (J. T. A.) Following repAge Ability in cfeairman; Sirs. i>. E. Kavits, Miiriye The death threat he said he received CIVICS COMMITTEE: Mrs.. Nathan 1 TTeiisEtein. Ann 'TTlEtrtrato. Bees Wineinstallation. of officers and banquet resentations by the American .Zionist Mantel, Mrs. It. Ktriakoftkr. Bhaiik, i l r s . SHelise! Kattemau, Sssra SOCIAX. COMMITTEE: Mrs. Arnold read: "Keep-your*tongue in yonf was held. The following officers were Organization against important acFeier. » Browar, ilrs. Charles Iievlnson, Mrs. L. mouth or we will assassinate you." Estler Zslfc. ehairmait: Josephine [ .Jlsthan, Mrs. J. B. Eosenblum, ilrs. installed: President, A. Meyers; "Vice-" tions in the movement witho'at their UAXCE: Stem. Tsums Easenblao. Estter Sfeapiro, Harry Lapiflos, Mrs. A. Somterg, Mrs. Athens. ^ J . T..A.) The .four Jew- Presidehtr'Joe A. Erestul; Secretary, representation, a special meeting of JSIns. Dave Cohen: AsnptJe Fsnjrer. 7. Blank, Mrs. Dave Qxeen. Mrs. Harry Malashock, Mrs. A. Boscnblum, Mrs. I*. ish deputies of Salonika took the oatb Hawy Miller; Treasurer, J.\Sokolof; the.. Zionist Actions Committee has AKTI-DETAMAT1ON: Mnt. Herman Ancr•bath. rfLEiraiau; ATLTI "Stellcow. Simon, Mrs. Victor Ganz. . yRpGKASra COMMITTEE: airii. Hear* of office,, the Old Testament being Sergeant-at-Arms, Sam Green andtosen postponed. The meeting was CONSTITCTIOX: CteSia Cftopfet, Ann - SeiHjow.- Besig -Siftcfe. atensfcy. Mrs. Mlelisei Katlemau. for January S and to it were COTJ3STJ2SS:.: . used 4a the ceremony at -the ceremony Geo." 'Eenistein; JReporter, Ben Sealled Itose C-rftdiEiEkT, FINA3SCIAX, COMMITTEE: Mis. .invited only the prsssldlxira of the AcKubby; Custodian* ¥ m . aa. BOMB ECONOMICS COMHMMEGEr Mrs. at the opening of the Greek ParliaC Blli p Eltt ment. The two Turkish ^ieputies were Trustees* \f. Wintroub, Jake .Erook- tions Committee and leaders- of i&e ; Sirs. Sol >>ritskj. eliairCOMMITTEE: OMMTTEE: Sirs. Freavarious Zionist groups. CoopRt. Itertba1 .Berger, Xces OaSNCB ONDO ; steln andff sworn in on Uie Koran. , Alberts, Mrs. M. Tatto. Sara. SfeboJSaaS
Still Cii¥asiiisg tbe
CityFor Collections
Jewish Envoys Describe Great Work of' W in Ail European Countries
To Ore Benefit Shower For Aid of Palatine Orpkns
iars WI Be Hdj Janmynr 30
Jewish Women's Welfare don Committees
Committees Appointed For | Women's Arflary 1.0. B. B. the ^w™
Israel ZangwSl Accuses Ku KlHxIiaa of Ikeats
twenty children and their parents at night -at 7:45 at the Jewish Com- Mrs. Leon Teale of New York, a n d ! T e x a s ' ^ iiie S u e s t o f h e r a birthday party at her- home in Mrs. Frank Krasne. munity Center. The A. Z. A. dance Mrs. C. H. Pill of Hollywood, Calieittetat* honor of her little daughter, Helen's AV&t be held at Moose hall January fornia. Kosh-CbodeHb Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, * y • Mrs. Charles Canfield entertained third birthday. 2T&. < Feast *f ' :" THE< JEWISH.PRESS ; PUBLISHING COMPANY. The Junior Council held a meeting Kosb-Uhftdmti * Paasovet Office: 482 Brandeis Ijieatre feuildingv--Telephone: Jackson. 2372. Tuesday evening at the home Of Miss ' E. CREEN, Faye Hirsch. The following new y members were voted into the club: e Subscription Price, one year..——,. .". $2.50. June 3 *1':*The twenty-fifth annual Charity the Misses Zelda Marks, Gertrude; Sbabuoth (Cjnllrraafion f June 8 Advertising rates furnished on application. Kosh-Chodrsh Tammu Tbn*s- Jaly 3 Ball; given by the Jewish "Women's MoskCwitz, Sera Kev-a Snyder, and' Kosh-Cbodesb Ab__ give both the old and new address; .FrI.. A 1 'OP *m fast of Ab_ . S a n , Aug. 10 Aid Societies of Council Bluffs, will Fannie ELatelman. Plans are beitrgj be sure and give your name. _ Aug. 31 be held next Thursday evening, Janmade for a Bridge Party to be given 6685-1831 Bosh-CbodeBb ElalThe Jewish Press is sxifcpliea by T3ie Jewtsh-Teleigfraphic Agency 'Teat's fiws. ratiy IS, 3.924, at the Eagles Hall. the latter part of this month. Correspondence Bureau.) wi& cabled-And teleigfapMt! Jewish news, in addition Nebraska's Wal'chvaord Music wSH be furnished by the Jaffy to feature articles -and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. B3NCr GEORGE Slusie -Masters. Mrs. Arthur H. Snyder arrived • Inquiries regarding news items credited \o this Agency 'will tie gladly , BRITISH JEWS answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, home last week after spending ten i HE principle of self-competition rules this busi. London. (J>' T, A.) New Year hon- The meeting of the Ladies' Auxil- days visiting in the South as the j • New York City. . ' ; ness—a policy of constant expansion, extension ors annotmced in behalf of the King iary «f the Talmud Totab, which was guest of James Friedman of Paducah, I and improvement of our service to the people to be held last Sunday, was postinclude a new Jewish Lord and two Kentucky. He also attended the j THE HADASSAH Knights. • Col. Herbert Jessel, an im-poned until next Sunday, January 13, convention of the Sigma Alpha Muj of this community; giving the most in values that it Among the women's organiwcfifciis engaged in intetn&ticmaJ portant leader -of the Conservative on account e l the recent fire at the at St. Louis, Mo. is humanly possible for any stoi^e to give its patoons. social welfare work, the Hadassah Society ranks high. Composed Party machine, has been raised to the synagogue. : entirely of Jewish women, it has gained an enviable name for itself (peerage. Lord Jessel is the son of Mrs. Joe Solomon of El Paso, Upon the completion of extensive alterations in i t s consecration to an ideal,.and its "wholesouled make Sir George Jessel, the famous judge The Mogen David Young Judaean Club will hold a meeting next Sunnow going on—the Nebraska will add one-third more that ideal an actuality.' • . •; and first Jewish Master of Rolls. The 1 Organized as the women's auxiliary oif the Zionist Organiza- |two Jews to be knighted are Bachelor day at 2v*00 P. -M. at the synagogue. floor space to its men's clothing1 sections—the boys' tion ,of America, Hadassah has- for its latfiavatuig purpose the !Stofrs-and Lewis'Cohen, Lord Mayor All members are urged to attend. clothes shop to be removed from the second floor to conservation of tire welfare of the Jews in Palestine. One of its of Adelaide, Australia. spacious new quarters on the fourth floor. The Messrs. Maurice Yudelson and Instruction in Popular Music Kipst effective Services in this program "has Veen the otganizatioTi f Philip Friedman returned home after.; Studio End Floor MicUel Bid?. TEMPLE lSRAEL SUNDAY and the maintenance nf the Hadassah TJnit in Palestine, which IJlth *nd Harney Sts. 1 At. 43S1. spending the past weeTc in Chicago. SCHOOL NEWS. This additional space enables us to lias done a splendid work in the disemination o!f health knowledge, 1; as well as actual liealth .work, in Palestine. Sunday, - January • IS, "will "be Mrs. S. S . Katelman entertained extend our service in men's 'noear ,"'- The name of Henrietta Szold, who is held to be one of the^Parents' Day a t 1ihe Sunday School her Afternoon Bridge Club Tuesday to include tlie Exclusive Sale of every parent who has a child at the Home of Mrs. J. Katelman on : MOHHEIT'S ' foremost Jewesses of America, is inseparably linked with the at the Sunday School and all others achievements of Hadassah and its Medical Unit in Palestine. Oakland Avenue. •• Prizes were won Chiropodist and Beauty the famous clothes of .' - For its work "with; the Medical Unit the National Hadassah •who are interested are'especially in- by the Mesdames A. Gilinsky and ^h . Estahllshe>1 IKK) Has.undertaken to .contribute $10,000 monthly, in cash and inJvited to ^visit this Sunday. School a t S. C. Freiden. 'I.'Cb « m tSarnpy hospital supplies to the^Unit." In addition, Hadassah contributes 10 -a- mM so that they may have, • u cbance to a»jreciate yonr btisiness Kor linens to all the institutions in Palestine,. Jewish as well -as non-•an opportunity of inspecting lite Mrs. Geo. JKrasne "sras hostess to appoititnients call 3a. -5J774. : various classes and acquainting themJher Afternoon Bridge Club Tuesday sectarian. ' , ' - f" <• Because of its igreat humanitarian work, which extends far selves "with the work of the School.; at her home. and Continuing The BEST WELL-KNOWN beyond the limits of, factional beliefs, Hadassah deserves asd The" children «r« preparing a speciall Mrs. Harry. <3ohen will entertain at pro-gram to be given -at the Assembly home-made Should have the support of all Jewesses. Bridge 3± her homo Thursday ieveThe Omana Chapter of Hadassah will give a linen shower at 11 o'clock. Z4U the other rock ribbed quality nmg. next Wednesday afternoon, January 16, «t Burgess-Nasn JUDAE NEWS. Hnes of Suits and Overcoats Mrs. Nathan Adler will entertain Auditorium. Women of this community win then have an op- . The. Hatzhyah-Club ". AND will hold its licretoforc identified with this store portunity to aid in a work which is necessary, which is altruistic, regular meeting Sunday, January 20, at Bridge at i e r home Saturday evening. • . and which is Jewish. Contributions -of linens of all sorts are at 4he Jewish Community Center. needed. The appeal should meet "with a, hearty response from is feeing sold at "Mrs. Maurice GiKns'ky entertained all our women. ALEPH ZABI ALEPH .NEWS. . Wednesday at a luncheon Bridge, at 1 Fleishman's Koskr %st Market The regular meeting of the .Aleph tire Brandeis Tea Hooms. 2323 Harney St. teaching in "the curnculnm. Material Zadi Aleph was held a t the Jewish Phone, At4antic 3831. furnished toy the Union enabled Mr. Mrs. .31. BemstEin entertained to all parts of the city Landsberg to convince the Minister of Community center Sunday, January twenty quests at a . luncheon last \ Willthedeliver same as we deliver the meat T APPAEE1 FOB MEN AND WOMEN6, 1924.' Mr.' Sam 3ebe"r is the Jiew to all parts of the city. Educationof 1&e Province a s "well a s at her home in honor of members of. the Provincial Legisla- advisor. The basketball team ture who have this matter in charge, play a practice game tonight at the ^Continued from $age 1) to -withhold the passage of the lawCentral Gym. .and -there first regeia, Calicia and -Eomnania; ;He quoted which -would make Bible reading in the ular league game will be played; excerpts of the annual report of Sec-. schools compulsory. One of the .Trus- Thursday with--the-Y -Juniors. The! retary "of Labor • Davas. and -Commis- tees of the public school, Christian history- class jmet as usual. -Friday | sioner •General Husband which proved Srperfez,.ihas already introduced a res- night. The History class Friday his contention. olution attacking Bible reading in the At Immigration Committee hearings schools on "the grounds that this would which -were 'continued this, morning-at be contrary <to the provision of the 10 o'clock, no Jewish witnesses -were School Act, that-the school shall be heard up to adjournment at 1 -o'clock. non-sectarian. This resolution will JoTin L. Bernstein of" the ffias was come up for discussion at a later meetscheduled, to testify Has: .afternoon ing. . when important testimony about any one who bought on our charges against the Hias are expected," THE JEWISH POPtJLALatest styies f-. <;>;•• <»:> Caroli'Qtgliotti,'' editor of .a Chicago . TION IN RUSSIA Ti"** Brand Overcoats. H e -- - antHmodefeItalian -weekly, •created a «i*nsa±ion as THoscow. (J. T. A. Mail •Service.) of the season. the first speaker this)T3rorning -when, According to official figures issued Order Your Tailored Made instead <of speaking for anmigtstion as here, the Jewish potnilation in White Suit :NOWT an Italian journalist vrbx&A ordinarilyRussia forms 13 per cent tsf the^whole, You have the selection of be expected to, he launched a larade in the province oT "Home! it is 7.7 per OUT "entire stock of material. Suits Madeto Older, against his own people posing as 100 cent, in the province of WMtebsk 8 per cent Ameiacans," advocating fur-;per cent, in the Ukraine 7 per cent, Try ther restrictions «n immigration.. He and in the Crimea 6;9 per «erit. I n the a "Kneeter'Made" said many Italians are enemies -of this province of Charkov ±he proportion of . country and many editorials in the Jews has" increased itoxa ,6 per cent Garment Italian, newspapers -were (traitorous to in 1897 to 2.2 per cent, in the province America. He -said his -weekly is a of Smolensk from .7 per cent to 1.7 patriotic publication wfch £5,000 read- per cent, in the province of Moscow HIGH CLASS ers, representing the better lelement *>f from Ji per tenet to 1.4 per cent, in the MERCHANT TAILOR Italian residents. - j province of Petrograd from 1 per cent Cleaning, Pressing, andCongressmen Sabath and Dickstein to 8J. per cent, in the -Bon region Remodeling both -cross-examined Gigliotti. His from .6 jper cent to 1.5 per cent, and 1916 Faraasi Street . answers were very evasive and he in the province of Astrachan irom .3 Atlantic 6065. failed to produce the alleged traHor- per cent to 1 percent. • DUB editorials when they were demanded, saying he would file'" clippings • later. His iaik-was very •disconnected throughout, ana he did not make much. o£ an. iropreEBion.- Nevertheless, his a •• . statements were undoubtedly .very Injurious and will no doubtfeeused with effect by enemies of iminigratiqri. Gig- liotti advocated a <ju.ota "system exclusively, restricted to the number of • I" selecting the Croidsirom Auto Sales Gompany, aliens who served in the'American 2112 Harney Street, as oneof its retail dealers in army in the recent war. - • Omaha, the Oakland Motor Car Company took The second -. witness.- was another into consideration ihe good name and Mgli standItalian, -who made a far • .different ing tMs ^concern has always ield in the com'speech, appealing for a liberal immiWe Are Perfect in. ' gration law. He was Judge Salvatore munity. Selling Finish, Cotillo of the Supreme Court of New . York City. He was very impressive, The Oakland franchise requires more of the Latest in Them p ^ recalling the Italian contribution to dealer than just the ability to sell automobiles— this Government. America, he said; Styles, Best at the Low . it is more fer-reaching—for it demands of the .caa only demonstrate its gratitude for dealer that Oakland owners be served compeof Materials this Italian patriotism by striking' out Price tently at aE times. the insult of the 1830 census in the Johnson bill-which is being at present The Goldstrom Auto Sales Company was chosen considered. • . " '. only after an investigation proved that it met -; Cotillo made a profound impression, these high reqwrements. Drop in today and see .concluding by emphatically * urging that -no- new legislation should be -#i» the new Oakland line. The location is handy, and acteduntil a thorough investigation is you will be pleased with the service of this new made and that the new law-should not Oakland dealer. - be rushed. -- -
Edwin M. Kahn —PIANO—
Further Immigration ResliicSoiis King S*r0tesfed ty Jews
Account David
OPPOSITION TO BIBLE BEADING IN CANADIAN SCHOOL •^"Nerr York." <Jf. T. A;)- JThe aid of the "Union of American Hebrew Con' gregaticms has been' "elicited in"the agitation that is now-going-on-ia -the.. - . Province of British Columbia ta pre? vent the introduction of the teaching of the Bible in the public school. Mr. Isandsberg of Yictoria -has. beea~in - correspondence with Mr. Charles $hoWi president of the "Union", inwhich he «s&» for JJtformationwhict would help tke-Jgwkof Canada.tpjfight the proposed practice: A resolution was
-v__. s at factory at factory at factory at feclory at factory at factory at factory
The Oakland Kt*t(w Car Cmaptatr * _• lTalt ot General Met«f»C«ip.
Auto Sales Co. Distributor for Patriot Traciss.
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•3112 Harney Street. mat
to Buy From Manufacturers
Their Surplus Stock of the Famous ff
Roadster, 2-passenger •. „ ..$345 Touring Car, 5-pas*enger $945 Sport RoaJster, 3-passenger ..„«......,....,. $1,095 _.SB9rt Tourins,_5-pass«iger— .,.... ^1.035 - Business Coupe, 3-passenger „ ,31495 __CQM>e,.4-pfissenjger ••».'.;.'...-...."...'.?1,345 -Sedan, 5-passenger ?1J395
Season We Were Able any, the Milwaukee
- v- Atlaiitac 65^«
For Men and Young Men
Fine Garments Made to Retail at From 40.00.- to 50.00 '
This big overstock, which the David Adler & Sons Co. accumulated during a backward season, was sold to us at a remarkably low price. YoulLhave to see these garments, inspect the careful finishing, observe the excellent materials, smart patterns and up-to-date stylings, before you can know what a splendid offering this is. Then, if you're style wise* quality wise and money wise, you'll buy at once,
Overcoatings of pleasing patterns and approved winter shades* warm burly woolens and plaid novelty overcoatings. These are materials that "take" tailoring well and hold their shape.
Styles are Ulsters, Ulsterettes, belted, half belted and raglan models. There are all sizes in models for men of all huilds and tastes, all smartly cut and excellently finished.
Men's Clothinff Department—I'imrtfe Tioor
,--> f ; rv. .'^hK'
*, . " » c .
. . ^^^'K-^^^S1^^"-^-
•''- ir-^-1
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, |CHXJBS1>A^ JANUABY iO, 1924 is recovering slowly. Mrs. Hirsch- honoring her guest Saturday after- of officers at the Lincoln Hotel Son- \ visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A, ElLDs has received an offer from Herr Cast!berg is with Mr. Hirschberg at noon at her home*-at;a luncheon. day, January 6, which was folL%red and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Greenstone. gliono to cover the deficit of the Burg Rochester. by a dance; Theatre on condition that Max ReinMr. and Mrs. A. Wolfson enterA meeting of the Sisterhood was hardt be called to the directorship. Mr. William L. Holzman retained tained . their bridge club at their . Mr.ion .Messer jeturaed to Lincoln held at the home of Mrs. Sam Nefsky Herr Reinhardt is now in New York from a short trip to New York" City. home Tuesday evening1. Prises were after speniiag several days in Chi- Wednesday, January 3. preparing for the presentation of the won by Mrs. Sam Lagnsan and Mr. cago, HI. Mr. A. L Eulakoffiky, president of Mikael Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. Michael The Fydannthian club -will hold u "Miracle." the local Keren Hayesod, is railing a Cohn will entertain the club TuesThe offer from Herr Castigliono, a Miss LjjcIEe Cohn retunsed to lin- regular business meeting Thursday, meeting of the members -of the Keren day evening, January 22, at their coln from a trip in Kansas City, Mo. December 10. Viennese Jew who only recently rose Hayesod on Tuesday evening, Jan- home. to -wealth and power, is similar to that Mr. Pha Waterberg, of Chicago, Et, uary 15, at the Jewish Community of Herr Bosel who has guaranteed the .OFFERS TO RUN is visiting friends here. Center to arrange for the annual budget of the Vienna University^ apCITY SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS. VIENNA BURG'THEATRE proximating $2,500,000. election of the organization. The confirmation class of the City Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greenstone, Vienna. (J. T. A.) The Govenoneiit Mr. and Mrs. E. Treller celebrated Sunday School invited the fifth class who were here to attend Uie funeral DIAMOND-GROSSMAN. Mr. and Mrs. H. Irochtenberg, of iheir twentieth "wedding anniversary to attend their meeting. Miss" Lillian of Mrs. Lena Greenstone, returned to The announcement that Miss Mollye Council Bluffs., Ia., announce the enDreTicn kter presented this program: their home in Chicago, XIL Grossman, daughter of Mrs. E. Gross- gagement of their daughter, Stella, to Saturday evening at their home by I America—Played by Sybil Adler, man, formerly of this city, now of St. Mr, Morris Vann, son of Mr. and Mrs. entertaining at & dinner party. AUDITING AND INCOME Mr. and Mrs. Julius Spigle, formerpianist, and Louis Azorin, violinist. Louis, Mo., has set Sunday evening, H. Van, of this city. No wedding date TAX REPORTS Mrs. A. Pradell will entertain at a ly of Lincoln, but now of South Bend, A Poem—Lillian Saltman. : February 3, at her T&edding ^date ±o has been set, ' one o'clock luncheon and bridge Ind, anr^fc^ce the birth of a baby Piano Solo—Sybil Adler playing 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 Mr.. Ben Diamond, also of St. Louis, Thursday at her home honoring Mrs. "Gypsy Boy." girl. •will be of interest to Tier Omaha 12, lie Trill talk on •"Going to PhaS. A. Adler, of Los Angeles, Calif., Violin Solo—Lotds Azorin playing friends. . ' ;• • Mr. Ben Ellis, of Omaha, spent sevwho is visiting with her daughter, "Souvenir." i" Miss Grossman and her mother reeral xlays -with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mrs. S. G. Saltzman, and Mr. SaltzPiano Solo—Helen Firikelstein playSeveral parties "were given in honor cently moved" from Omaha to make p. Ellis, then Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ellis j ing "Narsis.™ of Miss Sara Gelsin, of Lincoln, Nebr. their home in St. Louis. Diamond & Platinum Specialists ,„ ,. „ , . .-, . . * A Talk—President of Confirmation motored "to Omaha and spent a -week who was the guest of-Miss Ida E. Min- ^• •Miss Euth.Kushner is leaving for ^ g ^ L a z a r ^ p j ^ 1514 Dodge St. Mrs. M. L Herman and daughter, ldn. Last Monday -evening Miss Min- Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday to visit with Est- 1894. Ja. 5S19 Buth, spent the •week-end in Fremont, ion ertertaiaed ten couples, honoring her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E. KushThe fourth Class of the City Sunday Neb*., with Mrs. Herman's sister, her visitor. Miss Annette Lieb enterner. After a short visit she will School met at the Jewish Community Children's Bobbing 25c Mrs. J. Berek. Friday evening they tains Friday evening at three tables lEturn to Omaha and will then leave Center last Thursday afternoon and Scalp Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c attended a- birthday party of Mrs. of "bridge. Miss Gelsra left Saturday THE BRINK & .JENSEN CO. Expert Individual .Service about the latter part of the month chose "Merry Hearts" as the club's E t and Evenings. Herman's niece; Hiss Laura Berek. Wholesale paper morning for i e r home. for Chicago, HL, where she will name. An election of officers was held distributors lor Mrs. Eugene. A. levy and daughter, Miss Ann Zalk has returned from make her future home. She will be and the following were elected: Pres- SIS Courtney Elk, ISO? Howard St, Omaha, Neb. Northern Toilet Tissue At. 481S Eugenia, who have been visiting at the Des Moiaes, la-, where she had been accompanied to Chicago by her sister, ident, Ethel Reuben; vice president, ATlantk C340. 1112 Barney Street Bertha, who trill make her home Cyril Leon; secretary, Ruth Xneeter; home, of Mr. and Mrs: H. Eehf eld, re- visiting-with friends. AT-lantic €40S with her. treasurer, Huth Oblndziner; and returned to their home in Lincoln, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Eothenberg enterporter, Florence Whitebook. Hr. and Mrs. M. Mayerowitch Mr. B. Pred is on a buying .trip ia tained twenty-four guests at bridge at YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. New York City. . PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. their home Sunday evening, January 6. entertained thirty guests at: cards S10 North 16th St. Sunday evening at their home in !1tb and Martha Stn. EA. 86E2 CO. The Hatikvoh Girls held its regular Kanttfartiirers -of Brass, fJronsc Mrs. David Neronan left Monday Miss Esther Blumenftal returned honor of their fifteenth wedding an- election of officers- Sunday afternoon Alnnunum and Soft Urny Iron Cantinps, for -Chicago, IH., Detroit, Mich,, and Friday from Kansas City, Mo., where mVersary. Pnjss were won by Mrs. Snow Vea arc assnrvS i>( poft castinjje, a* a t the Jewish Community Center. The «re marliiBP some Irem CTery l»nt i s other eastern cities to fee gone for a she spent a ^reefc TJPKJI her sister, Mrs. M. Harwich and Mr. Sam Mayero- foUowing were elected: President, IilBakeries month. . P. ». PB*. Standard «iEf cast Iron ma& tjronie Cad Studna, and Mr. Stodna. JAckson 5062. | lian Goodman; srice president, Ida Offlre.) stock. Thick baloni and weenies 30<^ Ib. Mrs. C. H. Pill, of Hollywood, Califc, Eabia J . M. Charlop will speak at ^xasxai secretary, Dorothy Klein; Messrs. and Mesdames Harry G. Soft Salemi 4 0 ^ Ib. is visiting -with her mother, Mrs. F. Meishman and Ben Milder returned the B*nai Jacob Synagogue, 24th and insurer, MoHy Eotler; and reporter, Medium Salomi 4 5 d ib. Wirtshafter, and Mrs. Joe L. /Wolf. Friday evening;.Miss Bess Stalmaster Nicholas Streets, Friday evening on Alice Stern. Hard Salomi . ,5 O c lh. Mrs. Wolf entertained 28 quests at a returned" Sunday, /and Messrs. and T h e Pharoahs of this Country". - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . . . . . . . . T ? F. 6. fflOEKT Prop. Western Bond—and High luncheon and bridge at the Brandeis Mesdames J. Milder and Messrs. Abe Sabirday morning he wai talk at J LI N T O I N j Grade Stationery Phone Webster 0820 Tea Booms on Wednesday, December Milder and H. B. Milder returned Omaba. 26, in honor of M^rs. PilL , She is leav- Monday evening from "Kansas City, the Beth Adass Yeshnren Synagogue, * • - - • - • •••. . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . ,4 TEE LAUNDRY THAT 25tii asd Seward Streets, an "A Jew- j The engagement of Miss Pauline EVEKYBODY L.1KES. ing for her home Thursday. Mo., where they attended the GinsHaney, of Chicago^ 111., to Mr. Max burg-TaxiBah ^redding on "Wednesday ish Procedure1 for Bedemption." Lehman, of Lincoln, Nebr^ has been. > Mr. and Mrs. Max Wintroub an__„„_,* . _ Mr., _H. .Bosenfeld . , - « . on a trip to .announced. nounce the birth of a baby son on evening, January 2.. EosSBeww. 1S42 Ha £5tfc St. Entry S. tai>l«n». PPW.TWW Atlantlr XOB. Pepper. Vlce-Pre»!8Bnt. Wednesday, January 2, at the MethMiss Es€her Zalk Tetamed from a Grand Bapids and Chicago. J Miss May Shapiro has returned to I Flaee ol Tti. Bosliwus. £333 Hsraey St. W G. Ore. SecretaryShoes and Furaishings ATIantir 3S3J. e s Cent's BUWTROC end odist Hospital. :. :. two weeks' visit In Chicago, HI. I>tin.lap ShoeB—Ri to *12. Mr. and 1 ^ " S Polonsky an- L i n c o l n ^ ^ „_ • PVIX, DliESK SUITS ANI> TOSEDOS f<iT sale or rent. Miss Marie- Klein returned' :home • Mr, Max Jacks,jtff Hastings, Neir., C on lYiday, I)ecemier 21. N01> ffcone S&. 312S 109 North letfe St. ! * l S ? ^ S 5 T' .Miss Eva Barber, olSioux City, la. . Saturday after a two w.eeljs',visit with was Visiting in Omaha for several days ^ The .• Hebrew. EducaQonal Society : COMPLETE SH3EE AKB relatives in Des :Moines, ia.*. last week.:,,"" :"• - : " . • •-•':.-' IS ] CLARENCE DESBUNES held their meeting Sunday, January 1 2 •• , ©FFICE OUTFFTTEES Iowa, who is visiting wi^i her sister, -Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Stein iwere a dance followed* 3ir. FreS Concert Violinist and Teacher Mrs. "• 3 i • A . ' SolpmBn,. : of. E l - We Ernest Meyers, and Mii Meyers, -Tje^oi^. surprised at their home by their relaOmaia^, Sts4i»J Katsfcin's B!dg., SiSS « » . ?4th St. 7 is visrSrig" with her sister, "Mrs. the honored guest at several tives and friends on Wednesday even- Frank town guest. Office Hours. S.-3E to & Krasne, of Council Bluffs, and bridge parties given for her during itoucUt* KifeetS. «"• Violin bows and cases for sale. ing, January 2, honoring their second sister, Mrs. H. Hirshman, of Omaha. the week. Mrs. Meyers entertained The Ivre club held their installation L PSZi 1 wedding anniversary. O3SARA NEB. M, the last regular election of ofMiss Bernice'Lieberman, of Lincoln, ficers of the Omaha Chapter of HaNebr^ who has been \dsitingr here "wttb. •xtessahrihe following were elected toMiss Rita Mantel, returned to her serve'for. the coming year i Mrs. A. home Eonim, president; Mrs. J. Bosenberg, vice president; Mis. O. ,C. Goldner, Every Known Kind The Ra Oth Society will be entertained-by Miss Sylvia Levey at her second vice prssident; Mrs. BenBanof Insurance rdler, secareteiy; and Mrs.diaries Xev1862 home Sunday afternoon. S09 W, O. W^ Bids. JA. SS44. inson, treasHrer. . • . 'Mis. H. B. "Wiseman and children, Ivlts. Daven Ro^enstock lias as of Hastings, Nebr.i returned home "Let Us Move "You" hoase guest, Mrs. Eugene Behr, cf after having spent several weeks with WASH AND KEEP WELL Mrs. Wiseman's parents, Mr, and Jflrs. A RULE OF. HEALTH S, Olander. Ar.other social evening "wifl be giv• . OfrarBted fey FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Mr. and -Mrs. Sam Greeriberg en- en hy the Temple Israel Sisterhood 1810 CaJitwrrfa Street, tertained informally at a dinner and when they will entertain at a Bridge 3Actesen 43S8 _ I ATlantiC ^B2S0 Teception at their home Tuesday even- and Mah long Party in fiie'TtKl^ ing, January 1; in honor of their twenr room of the Temple Tuesday evcoty-fifth wedding anniversary. Covers ing, January 22, at eight o'clock. were laid for fifty guests. ; " Mr., and Mrs. M/15. (Chapman have Mr. H. Weiiier returned Sunday- as their -guests Mrs, Chajamatfs ere jnoar -cJetftes same borne evening from.;~la short stay in St. sister, Miss Gertxnae Sommerneld, of Braggiste and Stationers «i«Bner end las* SoccerMinn. •-.''• . f 62»©. 151)1-11 JTftckson St. Louis, Mo. _! ~ , v ; «0i-«0S~«U5 Simtte tOti« Street A- J e O S B 3 S S B 3 X / r Mr- and Jdrs. Leo Eose»thal left • Mrs. Meyer Spiesberger is visiting in New York City Tdth relatives and Saturday for New Y«jrk City to be friends. -\ - . • . : ••: gone for about three weeks.-
Jewelry at iie
rigll price.
larcel mi Bob Curl | I J 0
¥AL J.
C&rpenter Paper Co.
T h e Mohl"
Omalsa Fsxtare & Supply Co..
Made With Milk
Mrs. and Mrs. Ben 3. Stiefler anMrs. L- Samuel Schiaifer was hosnounce the birth of a baby son «n tese at a bridge tea Tuesday afterThursflayj January 3, at the Clarknoon, January -3,-at s her home. ...;.. son Hospital. V Friday evening, January11, Rabbi S. Borschbeig, -who y Frederick Cohn "wBl talk on "UpStream; a Re-Appraisal" at Temple underwent a serious operation at the Mayo Hospitals at Swfhsster, Mina., Israel. Saturday morniHg, ^fniiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiitj:
25th Annual
Given by the
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Since delivering their first car, early in December, 1914, Dodge Brothers liave manufactured and sold one million motor vehicles.
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Over 90% of all these cars are still In active service*
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"* V S"1"- r ^ ^ * -iv
Belwer [ ^
•', State Sisterh6b(lXoni>eniion
begin with- their elders in' order to "' ' ' pie'-Israel: Sisterhood attended the SiB-. help our youth'. " Much discussion was brought forth ] .Jwuafy 7, at. the Brand^fe Tea Rooins on this paper, as to the Sunday School and'i heard. this: reports?;Pf n:the: <Tri- Teachers. Who shall teach, and what ; S$ate;'Sisterhood. CrtnveJatiori;field>re* has been"" lacking in the Sunday cen#y' in Davenport, Iai;.'.The* reports Schools that they seem so uninterwere given by the two "delegates Jof esting to the children? Is it the fault the' local j Sisterhcad,w Mrs.: l^than of the School, the teachers, or the Mantel, president, arid Mrs/ Cora parents? All in. one accord seemed Wolf. \-:<:-m^/^^^^V-r*^ • to voicct the answer—the parents, ~ The; foHowing report .was Riven by and the home life which lacks the ;-5£rs^Wplf£-^)'<:;.:' ;• -^ •.-U-W- •};% spiritual influence and does not keep f 3Madame;: President;arid" Ladies'of us alive toj our religious, duties. Most of lis -turn only- to our prayers; when Temple Israel Sisterhoodiv ^•;• :,"•;;.; Tieeded.TBut'how many, of !us\attend •^^rIt.:'i^yas;;Tnftvgri^fc:pl^iire'.^tP re- Divine-services rand fry.=io cultivate port to you the second annual meeting the'religiousatmosphere in out homes. : of District No. 20, Federationol Tein- How>Bout,t"h'e youth afterth'ey'are Iple Sisterhoods, •-. a t ^ whiih^ were in^confirmed'?-,.'Do we try to-" foster a eluded IowaV Missouri, Nelbraska, and Kansas.. :'-.-,:.-,">,\ -^;:.*z.::--:SXC':%-y~::. good'fellowship in Israel or weave re:...;-Mrs....Mayer of-Kansas X i t y i n ; h e r Hgitfn.irito" the web of their "lives.? i: iiiaeteage'''Saii:ltV.ta^s";tinie;fprL..resu|tS' Mrs.-'Man&he9ner,' of Des Moines;ihad from the standingcommittees and t h a t a spletfdi'd'paper'ori'fThe Influ^nce-of 1 -work alone i n bringing 1 together. such, the Sisterhoods oh the Community ." delegates frequently in pr(}er t h a t tiiey •Her three points were to promote good may strengthen t h e chain: of religious f ellowship" in the congregation, to fur; . >y6ri.-.---.T^e:roessage:'-(E"6ntiairis;reli^ion' ther every interest in religious school taught invthe home froriv infancy, d u - and to help strengthen the cause of ties t o attend during service, ^nd keep- Judaism. . She also spoke of the need of wiping out class lines and distincing u p the religion in the home1 traintion: among-members of the Congreing.- • ••"./.-••v'3••'•'. -'•'- :••.'•] - ^ - ^ - i " " : •••-- :[•,: All of t h e delegates' papers stressed gation. At 7:30, a dinner dance was given Sabbath Scho>Ir worship: alid attendance at, Divine service, ana "that par-: to all guests' and local members at the ents be t r u e r Mothers of •Israel; also Black Hawk Hotel., Wednesday morn. t h a t more thought'should b e given J o ing, at 10 o'clock, meeting was again religious education than to' superficial called -by Mrs. Mayer, who gave her : things./ 1 ': vi V- : : • •:.y:^:v') V K c TV---f; -" president's message, in which she said •Another, serious problem -was hoyr 50,000 Jewish women belong to the Federation of Temple'Sisterto g e t new ^ numbers i n smaller-com- National hood and it-is up to fjeht-for the munities t o join"-the nearest Sisterof,the Jew. and. his-precious hoods. " ' : ' : „ . . -V'-':':") ' ^••:-.y'^-1^ .'-^ apathy religious for also, Mrs. May; ; l a some cities the Chairman of the said, aheritage, man of genius owes his qual'Religious Committee took'charge of er to his mother for from his moth/Friday, evening service,r which was ities er comes his desire also to be holy only .a-song' service with iio"lecture; and pure; therefore, as a child he ana the young ifplks were phoned to needed the spiritual background of the attendwith the result of ia full audi- home to resist temptations of- later torium. •'•• •'.-•'. '•'• -•'.•.'••: .'•.•'••.•••.•• •'.. .' .-.-•••.'•-•';'.'; life. Mrs./Eugene Mannbeimer,-our new for resolutions was given president, gave as the three purposes Mrs.A call Mantel in which she thanked of the Temple Sisterhood the promo- the Tri-State Sisterhood for all their tion of good fellowship,the furtherine courtesies shown guests while in of- every interest, in the -1 religious Davenport, andthe also thanked the school by the, congregation, -and the members of the Convention for the strenigthening of the cause of Judamessages of Judaism that were ism. The Sisterhood should help such real right home to us and made Jewish activities as the. Hebrew Union brought; College^ Jewish Ghautaucma, and Bi- us want to kindle the fires of Judaism ble classes. We were :told-that the that have lain dormant, with renewed respect of our community res IJ with vigor and inspiration. Mrs. Samish, ourselves, and that we - should think, of Leavenworth, had a paper which talk, and act Judaism and: be prood was full of think, talk and live Judaof the heritage of our 'forefathers:^ to ism, and the people of your communistudy art" and literature o r the Jews ty will respect you for it. After this and' to know, our own:baidc^rrpund so all Sisterhoods present gave a report of their activities. that the world may see; us as weare. Our Temple Orchestra of Sunday ' This concludes my report.-of the proceedings : at : ^e/Convenfipi^;t|ut before School .children was a new feature. closing :1 wish lo say^that~we- must Uext the election of officers took profit by-', their exTjOTences and ~en- place. Mrs. Mannheimer, of Des deavor.,t? uphold the standards,of Ju- Moines, was made president. Mrs. daism, by attending Temple services Nate Mantel, vice president; Mrs. , and by, doing e y e r y i ^ g , required of Steinfeld, St. Louis, secretary; Mrs. us to hecome /worthy wives and rnpth.- Coffman, Davenport, treasurer; Mrs. 4ri. :Of, Israel.' In this -way only can Goettel, Kansas City, auditor. At one a luncheon was served at Hotel we( succeed in pur^^ enterprises.^.•':/£. * o'clock I^e Claire,.Moline. .A local program :v This is fthfe report given;-by ^Mrs. was given'and the convention closed ;:,-Mante|::v-;:' •;.-•:;-;';r^"r/.:~{N*'"^::- ~::-r.\::.:^ r : with .paper and heated discussion on My.Dear Priendsi': •*>;• ••^• \ -v;^' '.:;clubs for Religious Education by Eabi • ifc i s with.much pleasure- that I bi Baron. bring yoii a report and message from The main topic of the Convention the Convention of National Federation was non-resident members—How shall ofrTemple Sisterhoods, kDistiict No. we deal with them to keep them in20, which was held at;Davenpprt, la., terested,? Shall we send them remindDecember ,4 "and 5/by the Tri-State ers of the Holidays? ' Shall we invite Sisterhbodsv .Davenports Moline- and them to join just for the sake of join,Eock Island. I;will try and^tell you ing, or shall we try and bring mem:of all-4he meetings as theyr occurred bers together more often? - These for each, one had a message, and was points are all to be taken and disvery inspiring. The chief note of the called at the proper time. ; whole convention was "Back to the May. I say in conclusion that we feel Synagogue," which was most forcibly proud of the beautiful convention expressed and impressed upon us that which we just attended. And beautithrough our children the future of Ju- ful was the right adjective, for it was daism depends our strength and projar- one of the most harmonious and ' :tess.-•'/": ,:• •'•••.'•;.-. -:."\:.,^:-/[: \ ; l ^ : • • -.x-^..charming as well as inspiring, and we At nine o'clock Tuesday mornine an all left with the feeling that the Executive Board meetins;^was< called meeting was really worth while. a t .10 a.-xa., the opening meeting at Temple Emanuel. InvpcatiQit by Eab: bi3ar6n, of Davenport. ' ' *" . Address of welcome by Mrs. Coffman, of Davenport. Response for l "Conference, Mrs. Steirifeld,' St. Louis. ' T h e n we - had a? business meeting. Sol G. Goldstrom, who, for many Chairman Mrs. Mayer, of ;Kansas Gity^ was rfad to! report that Cedar Rapids years has been connected with the and TLeavenworth were ^represented automobile industry, has received Oakland franchise and will repand that Wichita had asked to come the resent the Oakland Motor Car cominto pur fold. Also: that all were: rep- pany as an associate retail dealer. .<:^resented.but St, Joseph and Iaijcoln. : Commenting on the Oakland line '••<•; A nominating cpmmittee "was aU' ^'pointed.^''Mrs.:^GqettJeI/>.'.'oi'i';>&aisas:. Mr. Goldstrom said: City,; chairman.' Then all xepPrts were "I believe the Oakland is the read^ > Secretary's roinutes-i-Treasurrer' and all standingecommitv tees.:; Report' of credentials arid aii .ih-:. •vitation/ofthe'Des-Moiites'Sisterliopd was accepted for"^this^ meetiriK^ in *that city next year.^ The discussion asvtp; the 5-ient per capita;for the special • tax "for' the expense of the President * and i Secretary^ was; freely ^discussed,1 ; Jarid i t was .decided that each year the" byways: and--mfeahs- 'comniitteiS/vWere to Sfihd a way to^^pay the\expense ;of.these :
BY MARK W. WOODS of Lincoln, 3eb. President of Woods Bros, Corporation; director in the following com* panieg: Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co., Central Trust Company of Illinois, Burgess-Sash company, Standard Timber company, O'Gara Coal company, M. E. Smith & Company, Woods-Updike Land Company, and president of Woods Brothers Silo & Manufacturing Co.
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No business institution can have a better record than this. We have the utmost confidence in the Profit-Sharing Preferred Shaves that we'are now selling. The success of our business depends upon our employes and customers. "We could not afford to sell them anything in -which we did not have the utmost confidence. We know that every one of our employes and customers that buys one or more of these Shares,will be making a profitable Investment. These Prof&Sharing Preferred Shares .will pay 7 per cent to the owner, and in addition, after the Common. Shares receive 7 per cent, the Preferred {Shares will continue to share in the profits of the business up to a total of 10 per cent.
We are selling these Shares at the par value of $100 per Share, either for cash, or on partial payments of $10 per month per Share. We pay interest on montMy payments and your money -will be refunded with interest, on 10 days' notice any; time before final payment. .
rf^mprieyin the treasury Jit •Would not -be" • necessaury to levy an extra1 tax. /.Also thai; all dues; National and State,, were ' ittQ''3>ie^ sent to Cincinnati to*tne; Nation;;»! arid ribjt^td the district treasurer for'.. ;3bas;pri:the,yDistocict;:Sisterhpqds.^ -At tnppri^we Were guests; o^»the;Daveripoirt ' ladies afcthe Outing,»clubi;at; paven-; j^iprt. At two o'clock the meetirie was t^again; calfed by words of greeting of M;Mrs. JMaxiSklpysky, of Molipe, •!»«&-• fiideni; of the corisrregatipnvt AsDroKram: »Was givei arid Mrs; Louis -Wjltf of St. ii I^uis^read a^wonderful ipaper on "TJie Slri^tuence of.; the \ Sisterhoodi!': on ihie; :|ReI|gipi3t>S'chopy in Wjhich she said: i^fOur 2Sabbath Schpols likelourselves i^^lg|fKringfromjtWctoess;pObuIs. ^<]felp^pple>i ferael,: who vnthsloocb20 HjtieHturies^ of bppressipn^-iis^Tiow. nn» Sp^riled;;.b^?fie;:;Very:;civUteatiPji^that; fj^nfiicj^ited it. ; Mprje thpufilit should ®l^?g|^?:toireIieiDus educatioriVtfian: lt^S|s#)erfjcial;:: things.; r?The vipyer-in-' 'lOTlited'^Hldfof today needsifprcfe^df i^Jj^^^cotroter^life, needs ;|prtftude
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area of production of unlimited possibilities, and the day is near at hand when there will be extensive traffic on the inland rivers including the Missouri an hundred miles upstream from this point, i The trunk line railroads from the west and from the east center in Omaha. One-half million people will reside within its municipal limits in the course of a few years and its retail trade will reach out far to the eastward and into the mountain sections, yes, beyond to the westward. "like the great retail establishments of Kew York City and Chicago, I confidently expect • the business of M. E. Smith and Burgess-N a s h Companies t o grow steadily in volume and attain a magnitude of similar proportions.
l-eason tKat Woo'ds Brothers were induced to invest money in the M. E. Smith and Burgess-Hash Companies lies in the •prospective development of Omaha as a City and the trading territory as a producing section. Omaha is near the heart of the corn . helt, which virtually has a monopoly on the corn production of the world. "Within the memory of many residents of Omaha this city was founded and up till less , than . fifty years ago it was ; scarcely more than a trading . outpost. 'With the continued increase in population .the United States will pass- the 200,000,000 mark . with this generation, and in my judgment the greatest increase will benoted here in this immediate section. "Experts tell us that the loess soil which is characteristic of western Iowa and the eastern •half' of Nebraska insures the highest land valuations of the world in time. r~«The <jay is doming ^fhen there ; will be developed uriihe western part of Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas, through the process of irrigation, an
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Ouiflii^tiver'r These Shares are Gumulativeupto 7percentperShareper ye^toref^re, the company must pay the dividends in full at the rate "; ofyYiper paid to :;V;X\:^V-';3olders"'Of€pmmxm. Shares^ Sol S. Goldstrom.
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