- Vv
: Accept *. no" "substitute "! for. hard work—rthere
•"Rifts'- \&r& raa&e.. by people who stick to , the fceaten p&tli. "
is nothing-. ^awy** as good . t.L-A«r<
BB teeood-elaaa mail'matte? oa Jan car?: 27tb* 1221 st Umaba HebraisJta. »on<S» Use &e» el & 1273.
Belp Workers Collect Pledges
GOLD MEDAL WINNERS TO . BE PRESENTED m RECITAL. Little" Miss Dorothy -Lustgarden, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs.- B. Lust-" garden,- eleven-year-old violinist*-will be presented in" a" recital .Friday evening, January 18, at;the Schmoller. & Mueller Auditorium by her teacher, Miss Emily Cleve. She, will be"_accompanied by her sister,. Ida Lustgarden. She -will be assisted in'the Tecital by Master Robert" Eeuter, twelve-year-old, on the piano,, who is the son of and pupil of Professor Paul JReuter, of Seward, Nebr., who is head of the Lutheran" SenSnaryv Both of these children are - gold medal winners. -Miss Dorothy Lust^ garden received -the > gold' medal' in violin and Master Kobert Eeuter-in piano. ...'-•". \
More than . 69 youag .-xoen and York.—The library became of the Jewinterlaced every their civilized culture with Hat women attended the. •weekly Jewish of practically or semiishNew Theological seminary the ties greatest Hebrew library in the world civilized nation, and this vast encyclo- Mstory lectere at the Jewish Comi with the acquisition of the Elkan Na- pedia of their writings over ten cen- munity Center last Friday evening-. I than Adler collection,- which has ar-turies and in every part of the world This is the largest attendance thus far Accuse Jews of U n l a w f u l l y rived from London in 66 cases and is forms a magnificent treasury of his- registered since the course started Instraetors Will Money- To Be* Collected Before being unpacked and sorted out by Dr. torical sources." three weeks &go, and is indicative of Securing Passports for Year Books Are Printed. Monday And Wednesday* Alexanders Marks and other scholars Before the. Adler library was pur- its increasing popularity. Countries. at the seminary in New York. chased the Hebrew library of the JewThe lecture is open to the public, WANT ALL PERSONS- TO SUPERINTENDENT OF FEDTheological seminary was sur-and is held every Friday evening at . TRYOUT FOR-PARTS. COMMISSION P R O P O S E S This collection comprises more than ish ERATlON (JIVES HIS 40,000 printed volumes and parts of passed by.that of the British uraseum 7:45. Mr.-J. L. Wolfson is making: PRESENT LAW BE REPORT. volumes and more than 4,000 manu- and that of Oxford. Both of these each lecture a unit while fitting it With tryouts for the children deALTERED. scripts, and was the greatest private libraries wished to acquire the Adler into the general course. In this way sirous of participating in the secosel Determination to complete collecWashington.. ( J . T . A.) Jews and Hebrew library known to exist. It in- collection, but they have both been newcomers may join the group at any annual Y. M. H. A. vaudeville show tion of -outstanding subscriptions' for on Monday evening, and tryouts for immigrants were brought to task at1. c l u d e s s e v e r a l thousand unique vol- practically penniless since the war.time. the Jewish Welfare' Federation for the adults on Wednesday evening, active the hearing today before the House j u m e s SXid nsanuscripts dating from the Mr. Adler, who was an international year 1928, and thus to conclude the rehearsals for the big review and enImmigration Committee by Lathrop ninth century to the present, and pro- lawyer of London, was willing that the business.for that year-as soon as tertainment will'soon be under way. collection should go to any of the two duced in every country of Europe and Stoddard, author of a member of artipossible, -was the keynote of the . On Monday evening at 8 o'clock, atAsia, and in many of those of Africa or three great Jewish cultural centers, j cles and books against immigration, monthly meeting of the Board of Dithe, Jewish Community Center, &tl j and he accepted an offer of §125,000,* who recently returned from Europe. and the new world. rectors" of the Jewish Welfare Federchildren "will have an opportunity to The whole collection has scarcely' a nominal price, from the Jewish TheHe declared* that the- Jews desire to ation last Sunday. display their talents in qualification migrate to "America more than any been touched by scholars. The super-* ological seminary. Mortimer L. Schiff Linens Used to Help Gothe ImReporting outstanding pledges of for parts in the show. Children wife ficial work which has been done on took the lead in raising the money. other' nationality in Europe. They $4,200 Harry Malashock, chairman of migrants in Palestine. prepared specialty mimbers are a&kedi fill the quotas of the European-coun- the collection as Adler put it together.' With "the acquisition of the Adler the Finance Committee, -urged the to be ready to present tliem st th© tries before the native population of shows, Doctor Marks said, that it will' collection the Jewish Theological semimembers ;of the Board to give Learty More than three hundred women tryouts. Miss Dorothy Devers will First Lodge in District to Present the respective countries have a chance throw light on every phase of civiliza-1 nary will have a total of about 80,000 co-operation to the work of collecting, attended the fifth annual Linen again be in charge of this department Radio Program. to apply for visas. Mr. Stoddard tion in Europe £rom the rise of Mo-1 Hebrew books and about 6,000 maim- Shower and program of the Omaha of the show. A special act, featuring* and his -plea -was met by enthusiastic charged that these immigrants are 1 kammdan civilization, and perhaps scripts and over 100 incunabula. This response. A statement of every outThe Omaha Lodge, L O. B. B., will assisted in coming here by certain' earlier, down almost.to the present, j vast library has.been put together al- Chapter of Hadassah Wednesday the children, will form the opening standing subscription is now in the afternoon, January 16, at the Burgess- number of the show. 3 5 give a radio program February 5 from hands of some committee and all de- 9 to 11 p. m. All persons can tune in Jewish immigrant organizations in the P " attribution of Jewish communi-:-most wholly in the last 20 years. Nash Auditorium. On Wednesday evening, Mass. Cecelinquent subscribers -will be called and hear, a program that -will be very United States who supply funds and The variety of linens collected will lia Fesler, who vtiU sgain be in charges upon before the books for the year entertaining, according to the com- advice. be sent to the hospitals and welfare of the adult singing, will try out ap*< He accused many Jewish immiare closed. mittee in charge .of arrangements. stations in Palestine who take care of plicants for parts in the adult de* The Board Sunday accepted the in- The program -will be broadcasted from grants of the practice of unlawfully the hundreds of sick immigrants who partments. Young men axid women securing passports and visas by going vitation of the Council of Social Agen- station WOAW. arrive daily and have to be given im- •who can sing or dance, or who are to other countries ,when refused in cies to affiliate -with that body in the from "Chamishor Osher B'shvat" To Bemediate medical care, "which is given otherwise talented in various lines of The Omaha lodge of the B'nai B'rith their own countries, and obtaining Agencies Receiving Money promotion of a social "work program is the first lodge in the district to Celebrated Saturday Evening. Community Chest. entertaiiUBent, -.are asked to try exit to them without any charge. for the entire city. Harry A. Wolf broadcast a program. Mr. Henry Mon- visas by making false statements. for Mrs. B. A. Simon and Mrs. B. parts on that night. and Samuel Schaef er, superintendent sky, past president of District No. 6, American consuls are quite willing to In an announcement made yester-j The Deborah Society is sponsoring A -wide range of entertainment will of the Federation, were appointed to and a member of the executive com- issue visas under such circumstances, day, E. F. Folda, Treasurer of the'the annual Chamishor Osher B'shvat Handler were in charge of the affair, be incorporated in the show, in both the following proalthough .they know that the staterepresent the Federation on the Coun- mittee of the Independent Order of Omaha Community Chest and Welfare Program that the City Talmud To: ments in the application for an Orsa for the afternoon's entertain- the children and adult divisions, and cil of Social Agencies. B'nai B'rith, will be the principal are false merely in order to get rid Federation, madef an appeal to con-is presenting Sundar evening at seven all available material will The following directors were pres- speaker. There will be many song tributors to the recent campaign to o'clock iir the new" annex of the!! ment: -according" to I.-F. Goodman, gensrst of those people. .. ent: pay their quarterly subscriptions Talmud Torah. In" connecQon with the \ . A dance travelosme. tlirected bx Miss director. ... ,. numbers on the program. The com', , "Wise, and Miriam Kubach. at the Most of the immigration today, ac- •which were due January, 1st if they Dr. Philip Sher, Henry Monsky, plete program will.he announced in piano. • program, the Deborah Society . "The Y i$ going to make tins French Ballet, ETelyn Epstein, Betty: cording to Stoddard, is undesirable. Herbert Heavenrich, M. Kulakofsky, the next issue of The Jewish Press. have not yet done so. dedicate the new annex that wss ; Siegel and Sara Tretifik. show better'than that' of. last They are not laborers, he continued, Sam Altschuler, J. J. Greenberg, Louis recently built for the Talmud Torah Solo. Euurce "Every time' send out a stateThe following committee i s in but belong to the class of push cart said Mr. ^Goodman. "Many, new iw«3 Oriental, I<3a Tenenbatnn. Harris, A. ScWaifer, A. B. Alpirn, charge of the arranging of the proI Chinese, Xabby - Bernstein Sara novel features "will be introduced, as ment it costs us nearly eight cents," children. • - . - - / peddlers and organ grinders ivblch Dave Greenberg, Eabbi J. M. Char- gram: Abner Kaiman, chairman, Sam Chamishor Osher B'shvat means i said Mr. Folda. "Every, time we -well as unique stage settings, i . f lop, H. Marcus, Harry Malashock, L Beber and Nathan Bernstein. "This Mr. Stoddard identifies with New spend an extra eight cents, it is that the fifteenth dsy of Shvat and on this | _ rfotSC' Abltidziacr and Ann want this slsow to reflect the S. Goodman, Harry Freldman, Harry i s something new, for'local Jewry,'' York's East Side. In fatf^'.Mr. Stod- much taken xrosj -the money which day the Jews in Palestine celebrat?' «£ the Jewish €©mTarn«ty dsrd -goes -so far as to say :tha± -most said' Abner. Kaiman.' "We are going of the Jewish population of foreign should go t6wafd~aMingr the oriforni- "Arbor Ha.y. • The' school' children in i Cfclcfcen Keel, Anne HorrrSts and Omaha, and ws «onsiallj" invite" ' S. ?S. Dium, J. t oJ.. oioBDern Joe 4oe Wolf, won, a. . t o h a v f l > a v e i y . interesting program countries who now immigrate to the nate,-the distressed, the disabled and Palestine on this day plant fruit trees one who wishes to try out for Sophie Jacobs, Sam Leon, Fred White, I r a n cson „„ ,. - fans - ^ tmt _ „ ._ r all. radio* can *tune innon Shames All they have to do is to conns up tA welfare agencies which comprise the in the fields of Palestine.; To com-; United States are the "peddler type." Stalmaster, Isy Rosenthal, Sam Beber, Tuesday evening, February 5, and enmemorate this day here this program Stein. the Jewish Coimamuty Center on TW.Y: His observations lead Stoddard to Chest." Grecian, Helen Wise. Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. K. Tatle, Mrs.! joy a,pleasant evening." is •given for the entire Jewish Persian, Julia Wise. Monday evemng for children, or quarter of the pledges ! -The first think that everybody in Europe wants Yiddish. Sopnie Spar, Mary Belle H. Q. Mjirx, Mrs. D. P. Elgutter. were due on New Year's day. A good public. All the members of the Shames Wednesday for adults." s.n<3 X>oris Stein. to come to the United-States, not beSuperintendent Schaefer read the two-act ulayiet, •written &n& directed cause of any real love of America or proportion already has been received, Deborah Society are espeically re- byA Mrs. Eea Handler, "The Change ..of following report .at the-meetings, '• : j; Climate," vrtm presented: Those ta&ius part its ideals, but for the .furthering of but Mr. Folda said many have not yet Quested to attend. were the ilisaes Gertrude Perils, Bertha REPORT FOR JANUARY 13, 1924. Cantor Fleisher will chant several Kushner, Elsie ^ their- own .selfish ends to improve paid. Enrwits, Dorothy Klein soa a n d Board of Directors: their personal financial condition. The Community Chest made their ss a musical program wfll bej^Sa «Sbn"S With the functional activities of the ^y the City Sunday School i<he recently elected officers of the Jewish boys are well represented te year 1923 ended, we present herewith The members of the Committee in first payment of one-twelfth of the ~ a few of the outstanding features of Defeat Omaha News Team for favor of restriction of immigration money raised to the thirty charities and a literary'program y p g con-,i i eai Hadassah organizations are: re: basketball circles cf the city; tivf> 0 o c ai money raised to the thirty charities the work of the past 12 months which Leadership. and social welfare agencies which parsisting of poems and recitations wfll, Mrs. A. Komm, president: Mrs. J.teams representing as many clubs ni , , p were -well satisfied with Mr. Stod•was directly" under the supervision v e n k of the h budget d h h was raisedd *** ^ tt hhee ^ ^ ^ Torah president; * ^ Torah Rsenberg Rosenberg, vice vice p president; Mrs Mrs. O O.C C. the Y. M. H. A. beinp enrolled ir. of the superintendent. dard's testimony which, it is thought, take which The Thorpeian Athletic club basket- will prove very detrimental. ill \ GoMner, second vice president; Mrs. various smateur leairueg throag)if>>5t by the recent city-wide campaign. children. Eabbi J. M. Charlop will In our local relief department a toprincipal address, d tal of 176 persons, 64 adults and 112 ball team broke the tie for the leadEepresentative. Sabath was Enable Besides paying one-twelftli of the ^ % icipal address •Ben -Handler, secretary, and Mrs. the city. presentation of the children, were cared for. The dura- ership of the Y. M. C. A. Commercial to shake Stqddard's testimony or les- money raised to meet the needs of the Charles Levinson, treasurer. The B'nai Israel team, re tion of the period of care ranged all league Wednesday- night when they of both the agencies for January, fhe Budget f " ? the B'nai Israel newsboys' club the way from one week to the entire overwhelmingly defeated the Omaha sen its effect, on cross-examination. Sunday the City Talmud Henry H. Curran, Commissioner of Committee also has w^ped away tte 52 weeks of the year. In all, 44 famthe Y. M. H. A^ plays £cr the h ilies received aid during- this time. Of News Co. team by the score' of 26 Immigration at Ellis Island, was also deficit of the various agencies for Torah will be given packages of pionship of the 115-POKTJCS (bar.tsra the cases continuing throughout the to 7. called. The Commissioner proposed last year, giving them a "clean slate" fruits. weight) di"vision of the Sunday Sciwwt year, there were 14, representing that The feature of the game was the that the present law be altered, abol- for 1S24. League on Saturday evening tsX T:"ft number of families, embracing 14 par- wonderful defence of the Thorpeians, ishing the right of appeal to the De"I am confident that the Chest ^11 ents and 40 children. Averaging all YtNBl Tub .PlSCSSSli If at the Y. M. C. A. B'nai Israel opiv>Work of Regional Direct- nents will be the Dtmdce Presbytcriaa the weekly relief over the year, we who allowed the News Co. team by partment of Labor in Washington and prove a big success during this year, y , ft E A. ieBllIS St & f i i | To Outline find that 36 adults and 59 children one field goal. The remaining points vesting all right of decision on ap-and will again be accepted by the ors Throughout District. boys. were aided each for 52 weeks. points being scored on free throws. The B'nai Israel team has been ih? peals in the Commissioner at port of j people with the generous response; More than 300 persons were present Our total relief expenditures for The Thorpeians shot baskets literally Dr. Chahn Weizmann, leader of the talk of .this 'league, having won A» t h i year, comprising shelter, heat, from" all corners of the floor. The arrivals.^ He also suggested that there that it received during its first cam-' of the "Senior Groap of fuel, light, food, clothing and medib no right ih appeal -whatever -where ' paign," said J . E. Davidson, who was the Y. M. and Y. W; H. A. Monday Keren Hayesod, will be the principal seven of th6 games played by d be cine was $12,815. This amount is floor work of Sidney Corenman, Leo exclusion is made mandatory by law director of the campaign. speaker at the Southwestern Keren scores. "'-SEeaibers of the team art.'. evening and were entertained with a $2,195.00 less than that spend in this Konecky, George Bernstein and Harry Hayesod gathering to be held in St. (Continued on page 2) Haykin was featured. From the How- as cases where aliens are afflicted business men and others have told me thoroughly enjoyable program.- Spir- Louis, Mo., • January 29 and SO. At Dave Greeaberg,"l4j.'Louis Bartmaru "with contagious diseases. 14; John Boserfblatt, 15; Harry W V that they happily missed usual tag jt ed discussion from the floor by Irvin ing of the whistle to the end of the Congressman Raker asked Commis- days and the calls made on them for stahnarter: and^Sam Eeber on thethis meeting he will speak on "The 18; Jake 'Sisowsky,14; .Take S game, the Thorpeians outplayed their sioner Curran if there was.a Jewish individual subscriptions." st5% 14; .Jsi3ke-.*Schreibman, IS; S League of-Nations and the Bok Peace Jewish Agency." • opponents. AH regional directors throughout Bosen, '.lS,;and J a t e Stoicr, 15, organization that automatically apPlan, followed David Sher's presentaAt the last meeting of the club, pealed for every rejected Jewish imthis'district'are invited to attend this •' Other Jewish teams in the Y, M. of the latter subject. AH the Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) America members of t h e ' A / Z. A. club, ad- migrant. Curran emphatically denied conference. At this conference Dr. • « ©A ^t-^-kers were roundly applauded for Weizmann will work out complete de- A. league are-'A..Z. A., Y. M. K. ranks as the largest contributor to the dressed the members and explained that he knew of any such organization s ~ i ' « • i n for JdlSt SOdSi E?£E1S|, JSIL 3 0 their famsliarity with' these problems tails with the regional directors for Jrs., Y. .M. -H.-A.- CuKs and Y. K. Jewish National Fund which was the purposes of their organization. or practice. A. .Independents. These teams, of world-wide'interest. The club will be addressed at the founded 20 years ago with the purthe coining Keren Hayesod campaigns. getfeer 'with the B'nai Israel, the V Other witnesses called were "Byron Reservations for the third annual Max Fromkin gave a talk on the According to A. I. - Knlakofsky, pose of buying land in Palestine, as next meeting by Prof. Nathan Bern- H. Uhl, Assistant Commissioner at Mo and the. Boy Scouts team, the unalienable property of the Jew- stein, who will lecture on a very in- Ellis Island, who testified regarding YWHA Mother and Daughter Social Life'.and Achievements of Theodore chairman of the local Keren Hayesod, •form-the Yi-M.'H. A. league and teresting subject. . Evening, to be .given at the Jewish Herzl, which met -with singular'ap- Has • gathering In St. Louis will "be ish people. alien seamen, and. John H.. Clark, for tlie championship of the Community Center, Wednesday, Janproval. Jeanette Levinson gave a America contributed §119,998 of very important, as it is probably tiic tiou during: February. Commissioner of Immigration at Monuary SO, have been -very satisfactory reading, and Arthur Goldstein gave the ?449,366, the total income of the UKRAINIAN POGROM treal, Canada, who •described the to date, according to Anne Selicow, piano selections. Avruni Lusgarten, last time that Dr. Weiaanarjj will be ' Fund for the nine months of January London. (J. T. A.) John ia this part of the country. The conLEADEB EXECUTED smuggling of immigrants' from" Can-' to September, 1923. The total income , Moscow. , (J. T. A.) The bandit ada into the United.States and testi- chairman of the Committee in charge. Arthur' Chudalcoff and Dorothy Lus- ference of regional directors will be the JeM-isb novelist formerly of ' Reservations will be accepted up gsrten, child violinists, rendered solo . of the Jewish National Fund since its .leader, Kuprenko, operating under fied that there was a j;a:at deal of to January 25, and it is anticipated numbers with Ida L^asgarten and Lil- held on January 29 and on January York, lias become caES|?cd to establishment was nearly $5,000,000. 3D & mass meeting* of all St. Louis Mrs. Helen Atwood, an American General Petlura, has paid with his such traffic going on. that the next ten days will bring Kan Clmdakcff. accompanying. I t is reported from Vienna that Mr. life for thr many lives he has been vorcec, according: to sn Jewry will be held. the total number of mothers and The nest meeting of the Senior Pinchas Butenberg has obtained $250,- guilty of snuffing out during the po- ZASGWILL A "WOBBLER;" daughters attending the affair well gToap will be held January 2S. 000 there for the financing of his A VOICE PROM INDIA grom wave in the Ukraine. Kuprenko above the 200 mark, as was the plan for the electrification of PalesIiOndon. (J. T. A.) The lidian was tried by the District Court sitting case last year. Y DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT tine. in Kiev and he was sentenced to death Press of the last week of November be AT COMMUNITY CENTER Places are 55c each and may Official authorization has been giv- for the shooting of' a Jewish family just- arrived here has a deal to say I hereby volunteer for tryout for the va«devflle show: The regular seml-raonthly dance of en the Palestine Land Development in a village in Kiev district. Wit- about Mr. Israel Zangwill's address to reserved at the Y office in the Jewthe Senior group of the Y. M. and Y. Nanse --——-~.—.--———...».—_—_—._._.._.„ .„„. „....—. Age..-. ish Community Center. Company for the issue of 5 per cent nesses described the terrible^ pogrom the American. Jewish Congress. W. H. A. mil be given this Saturday debentures. These bonds will be guarThe "Simla Times" calls it a long, Address _™__. »_...__.™. .„, _...._ Tel. -« 'scenes, tinder Xuprenko's participanight at 'the Jewish Community anteed by the .land estate and capital tion and orders. The death sentence and bitter address, and tbinke that POLAND GIVES J . D. C. Center. JTdmissioa will be limited to of $325,000 of-the Palestine DevelopAbility in . Mr. Zangwill does not overdraw his 3MOXTHS TO WIND UP n good standing. • ment Company. The proceeds of this was executed by a firing party. gloomy picture. The '"Bombay ChronThe following are suggested as being svaijsble material: • Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Three months' - issue will be used for the purchase icle" writes: Mr. ZangwiH,,\rho wob- grace, has been given Hie American LECTURER TO SPEAK HE-RE Xante Address Age of land, the building of houses, and DECLINE TO BETUEN bled on the subject at the critical junc- Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Dr. M. Olgin, of New York City, the founding, of small agricultural setSYNAGOGUES OF CHASKOW ture when the present chaotic and un- to liquidate its relief activities ia Pq- noted lecturer and literary critic, will tlements, both in Palestine and the - AND BEALOSTOCK just system of Palestine rule was be- land, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency b e in Omaha nest week t o speak on Di4 Di4sfc6T8u . . . . Kiev. (J. T. A.) The Executive of ing hatched, is now apparently r l earns. The order permitting the "The Present Situation In Bcssia" at Authorization has also been given the Ukrainian Soviet has rejected an footed against Palestinian Zionism Committee to remain an additional the Swedish Auditorium en Saturday the Palestine Mortgage Bar recently application of -the Jewish communi- once. again- He is in the, TTaited three ipoaths was issued hy Minister evening, Jacssxr 19, at 8 o'clock, xmd established "by the Keren Hayesod ties of Charkow and Bialostoek to re- States to wage an anti-Zioa fight. ' "r, who 'is understood -to have lie irili again spsak SazuJay (Palestine Foundation Fund) for the turn the synagogue which had been against the wealthy and influential ~ ' reconsidered fee previous iJedsion to January '20, s t the Labor Xyceasi. ^ issue of die debenture .shares'of the confiscated last year and converted American Zionists. All to the-gooi have £b.e Comsaittee leave Poland \>j Twenty-second and CIstrk streets, OB ;' Palestine" Mortgage-Bank. L into theatres. Every little ielpst January. 1, "The Old and NCTT l i t e t a t e r e , *
Local Efaai-Jfrifh Lodge to Broadcast Radio Program
_ T » -
3 *
• -
•••—i —
,.mm .. M ,'i i
i- — • — I I - . I — —
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Chest Appaals •. Bekrali tely Payments
Thorpeian Basketball Team Leads in Leaps
America Largest Contributor to Jewish National Fond
Cbkt Welzsae l§ Speak k
...i -
persecutions against national minorities in the new European states. Long a protagonist of the small nations, especially of Poland, M. Luzzatti asserts that of the minorities the Jews aye the chief sufferers, especially Poland. "We demand,* he writes, "that the Fovrers deal justly with the small states- These have now become oppressors and we have to demand from them the equality and justice, which Tras accorded them." Reviewing the events of 1923, the Corriere de la Sera takes a strong stand against the growth of antiSemitism in the whole of Europe.
on "Nature in Relationship to Man." meeting last Wednesday evening, at Sunday morning the regular Sunday the Community Center. school classes were held in the New -- ' Published every Thursday at OmaHa; Nebraska, by Mr. and Mrs. F. Feinstein <anNOTEr—Biscussion held at meeting of Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Temple for the first time. •"' • .• THE' JHWISH PRESS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. nounce the engagement of their members Monday evening at the Jewish Comiaunity Center. Originally this was to have been a tary despotism since Napoleon. Italy The Sisterhood is giving a dinner daughter, Rebecca, to Mr. Philip Officer 482 Brandeia T&eatre Building.—Teleplione: Jackson 2372. debate upon the merits of the Bok is ruled by a tyrant who sneers at for the raemberg of the New Temple Friedman. -. " S&THAWE., GREEN, Manager. . peace plan, but unforeseen circum- democracy and cynically terms her a Congregation Wednesday evening at Subscription Price, one year....,". ..— : :...$2.50. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabinovich were stances prevented the participation of decomposed goddess. P&land had no the New Temple. The Sunday School Advertising rates furnished on application. extensively entertained prior to their one who was to have taken part, and sooner gained her independence than Teachers will serve. • CHANGE OF ADDBESS—Please give both the old and new address; leaving for Los Angeles, Calif. Last it seems they have passed the Bok she started upon the most dastardly • be Bure and give your name. Mrs. J. Snyder and Mrs. Marx gave Wednesday evening, Mrs. Barney pogroms-in modern days, and Russia (buck) to- me. The Jewish. Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish a Shul benefit bridge. First prize Baron entertained the couple at a is ina state of chaos and Commun1 A really intelligent and careful Correspondence Bureau)' with cabled and telegraphic Jewish' news, in addition was won by Mrs. Sara Greenstone. dinner at her home. Thursday afterism. analysis of the Bok peace plan would to feature articles, and correspondences from all important Jewish ^centres. noon a party was given in their And yet the L. of N. would have us Inquiries regarding news items credited to this. Agency will be gladly or at least should consume a good deal Miss.Minnie Greenstone had as her honor by Mrs. M. N. London. Tuesanswered if addressed- to-Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, of time. Each of the steps proposed become partners with these nations guests for the week-end Mrs. Leah New York City. •' day evening they were entertained are plans in and of themselves and i for the promotion of high ideals and and Miss Ida Fleisher, of Omaha. by Mr. and Mrs. M. Passman and each requires an analysis all its own. altruism. How can nations so militar- g^j^D GREET POLISH Mr. and Mrs, Sam Gbldfein have Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. R. But tonight I shall endeavor in the istic and reactionary unite to promote SOCI \LJST CONGRESS JEWISfi CONDUCT returned from their honeymoon trip Rosenfeld. T h e Jews have m a n y responsibilities in t h e , w q r l d , " a n d , n o n e , briefest way possible to touch upon World peace? Such a course wnrfd Cracow. (J. T. A.) Among the perand will make their home in Lincoln. ifvw» imtHwfcant h a n tthat h a t in phs with a cumulative be most impractical and inconsistent. I sons to address the Polish Socialist is more important tthan in connection connection With with t h e i r wealth. I t l each of the phases A reception was held last Sunday I Altruistic and noble idealism can move is natural that people in general are of the opinion.that .they can opinion, of the entire plan. Congress which has opened here was afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Ben SchuMr. and Mrs. Chas. Mayer, formerdo as they please with-their wealth, and so they can rf they The plan first provides that the U. us to join the league only when En-. a representative of the Bund, who ly of Lincoln, but now of New York lein as a courtesy to their daughter, rope shows a marked change of disutilize it properly, and-not make'an ostentatious, display of it, asx S. shall immediately enter the P. C greeted the Congress in the name of City, visited friends and relatives here Ruth, whose engagement to Mr. of I. J. under the conditions stated position. unfortunately, some "of our co-religionists do. the Jewish proletariat of Poland, ia Lincoln. They are now visiting in Preston Heller, of Chicago, 111., was It is expected that-the Jews should be high types, of manhood by Sec. Hughes and Pres. Harding in If the tf. £>. were to see that Euro- Mrs. Phillips, well known leader of Norfolk where they will visit Mrs. recently announced. pean nations were-making an honest the British Labor Party, who is visit. . and womanhood. We are in the limelight of the world and atten- February, 1923.Mayer's brother and family. . The B'nai B'rith Lodge held a tion is focused upon/usl "Everything.we say' and do is magnified The, court has for its purpose the effort to restore peaceful conditions, ing Poland, is among the guests. Mrs. to ,a high degree. Unfortunately,, our shortcomings are magni- peaceful settlement of international if she were to see that they were Phillips expressed the hope that the The Menorah club has postponed its meeting last Tuesday evening at the fied and bur virtues "are forgotten. If aft individual Jew does disputes which otherwise might lead sincerely moving in the direction of problem of minority nationalities meeting until after final Exams. Community Center. Rabbi Philip to War. It simply proposes to trans- tranqmlity and were truly striving to would be solved satisfactorily. As an vrrong.the stigma is cast upon the whole people. Our great men, Kleinman, of Minneapolis, Minn., was r sueK as Nathan and Oscar Strauss, and hosts of others, who have fer settlement from the domain of settle doifrn, to pay their debts, to example, she cited the various races Mr. Justin Sarbach, of Denver, the principal speaker. The installacontributed much to the welfare of humanity, are seldom force to the domain of Justice. It pro- build up that whieh was ravaged by composing the British Empire who Colo., spent a few days in Lincoln j tion of officers for the coming year referred.to as Jews,, but let some Jew commit a crime and hisposes to substitute legal and peaceful the most destructive war in history, manage, more or less, to live together and then went to Nebraska, City to also took place. methods for bloodshed and strife. In and to restore order, quiet and har- in peace. visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jewishness'is sure to-be mentioned. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davidson left than she should join with them Sarbach. .., We Jews may not want to be better than our non-Jewish the same way that private and per- mony last Tuesday for Miami, Fla., where as brothers treading the same path, TO REWARD FORD sonal duels were replaced by our sysfellovernen, but we must be, .because the world expects us to be. The Fydannthian club held its meet- they will remain for a month. looking to a common attainment in FOR ANTI-SEMITIC AID tem of jurisprudence, so the Hague We.must,be pourtepus,- evetn though others are rude; honest, even I Budapest. (J. T. A.) Henry Ford I ing Thursday at Ellen Smith Hall. All though others(.may be dishonest; kind, thoughtful and con- Tribunal intends" to bring nations to the sunrise of tomorrow, •France wilt be rewarded for helping in the P^ns for a party were" postponed unsiderate, even though others may not possess the qualities. We submit their disputes not to armed But such is not the case. is looking toward the ultimate disfinancing of the anti-Semitic move- til later. must be; respectful of the opinions of our non-Jewish neighbors War, not to- hidden diplomacy, but to memberment of Germany, to crush ment under the auspices of the Awakthe open course of legal Justice. and not do things .on their Sabbath that would appear in any The argument many times advanced that nation beyond repair and to make ening Magyars if and when a bill now way to be a desecration of that day. It is the ostentation, loudriess and self-assertion of some, un- that we must and should remain aloof "heir subject to the dominant will of pending before the Assembly becomes A man heads the French gov- law. The Hebrew Ladies Educational cultured-, unrefined wealthy Jews- that have caused the prejudice from every world enterprise, that we Paris. ernment whose admitted policy andf The bill provides for the duty-free Friendship Society held a meeting must insist upon absolute isolation^ against Jews in hotels, residential districts, private schools and splendid as it may be, is not without very platform is to keep the German import of machinery and farming im- last Tuesday at the Community colleges. We must be model landlords and tenants. nation under the heel of the French plements with special reference to ag- Center. - ." Wealthy Jews must recognize their duties to society to-their fallacy. fullest extent They must, take-a keen interest in communal and ' The W. C. was,established by Amer- military authorities ,and when the U. ricultural machinery in the Ford I Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper and Chiropodist and Beauty ^ by Amer- S. offers to take part in an unrestrict- plants. I influence and developed congregational activities. Jews must not be leaders in movements Shop 'family left last week for Los AngeI ican legal ability. American princi- ed investigation to determine Ger. that $re disturbing elements in the social fabric. Estahltshed IM)O JEWISH CALENPAR. jles, Calif., where they will make many's ability to pay, France says no Ifttb Kitd llnrncf tStrwtB. • The lot.of our people has been far from enviable, and,to be pies, of justice are incorporated in it, S884-1034 Otve us u chance to apand refuses to even listen. Kosb-rhoacsh Adur i XCrA. Fpb 6 ] their home. loyal, to Judaism has meant self-sacrifice, persecution and exile, and an American Judge now sits upon irepiait1 roor imsiness t'ot *ilar n Pri. Max 1 y ,p , «s bench, its atmosphere is perme- And yet there are those who would KoHb-C'hoilrsb at>p<ntitin«iitci oail Ja i!"74. Pnrim (Pmst or Ksth»r>—Tbnr*. Unr. tC The Zionist Organization held a and-yet it. is largely due; to these many bitter trials that the have the U. S. with its ideals and al*»•"»" »«i Apr 6 American ideals, and for sa <Posarh _ _ _ _ _ S a « . Apr 19 House.of Israel has been ppreserved and it is destinedd thatt IIsrael truistic purposes join the same asso(KMrnth D a y ) _ _ _ F r i . 4|>r 25 tt h rho uhg h small in numbers and-scattered throughout Asia, Europe, t h et ou - s. now to stand aloof from, it ll i b d t t d t h h t A i ''«* , MOD May 6 Africa, America k t o give give foundation foundation to to the the charges •f'-mm Slay JS Africa America and a n d Australia, A u s t r l i a should should continue ti tthroughout h g h t tt hhe ^ charges ciation with such a nation, andi the KOSJJ Chiulrsb Slvati Tars. Jour S Biany^centuries t o promulgate t h e - g r e a t ideals t h a t a r e t h e of now;same council with such a man and be- Shahootb of unjustified unjustified pride pride and and aloofness aloofness now irjnflrmntion Day) Mnt. Jon» 8 futadamentals of t h e . h i g h e s t type of civilization.—"Denver Jew- leveled against us. • | come a party to this folly, rhese Kn»h<"hod»Kh Tammnx _ _ _ T b o r s Jaly 8 rbodrkb **» , Frl. Aog 1 ish News." -- This is "one phase of the Bok plan facts and conditions should keep us at \b -„,...Son, An* 10 A us- SI and from all indications is a safe and from plunging into an alliance with constructive way by which the TL S. Europe -to- lead -us—we know not New Tear's Ere 5IW5-1924 Mon- Sept, 29 wu Ui u ; -"tr-aa"- i-~j i r. « „ , -, can co-operate with other' nations to where. |^ The two big Yiddish, daily newspapers of N e w York, D e r promote world peace i I should heartily endorse the pro- «
Edwin M. Kahn —PIANO—' :
, i
<7.nA i £ >Fprward^haverfceen carrying on a lively editorial, Tiu> other- p h a s e of' t h 6 Bolc p ] a nis' posal to enter-the yr. c. as an evi- • • debate;in.their dmumns.the past two weeks on a question, thaf i n substance that the.u. s. should join dence of good faith and of willing-, m M i s s e s S a r a E i s e x n a n a n d B e r . in priiiCiple; CdncelTlS .all Jewry. They are at variance whether ( the league of Nations apparently made ness to submit disputes to peaceful ^ Ferer, of Omaha, were the weeka Jewish newspaper should accept advertising from Henry Ford. Safe under the cloak of certain reser- methods of adjudication and whenever e n d v i s i t o r s ot M l s s B e r n i c e Diamond. lhe.Forw|rd has been riinning.Ford advertising for a month yitiohs, and as we should not hesitate and wherever vre are involved in a T h e y a t t e n ( j e d t h e Pail.Hclierec For- r xnora -and -De* Tag assails the bussiness policy of the Forward to" join afflft(aipen'aerit W. C. so should 'controversy t<r-aHo%: the Hague JTn- m a l ^Mchis one of the-biggest uni-
- c r s Q d o j i l j . .
• ' •
• ' .
| w e be
careful in scrutinizing -what is "tunal" 'to adjust it. I versity parties of the year. . But on the other hand, I would opMrs. Harry Greenblatt returned to pose most vehemently our membership in the L. of N. as a step in the Chicago after spending a few weeks *y™S direction, as an encouragement with her sister, Mrs. Garson.
Qf course, the qftesfion. whether a Jewish newspaper does Hot a court but something far differ-! >r dees hot accept Ford advertising is not of grave importance' eut both ' t in structure s u e and nd purpose. purpose co all Jewry, -irom. the.'perspective of the casuaL observer. Btitj , The league of nations, although his J professing to have the same purpose to those who have mdde-a study of Mr. Ford's
only the basement of the : has been completed, serv-
i "
One Of Mr..Ford's pamphlets, On "Instructions to Dealers,"! poUticafalliance, pure"and7impie,*cre" P utes a n d becoming embroiled,in the ht S a b b i S t a r r f a { ! > w h Q i s t h e a s . did not merely-ask the dealers to solicit subscriptions to the ated for the purpose of securing ^er- everlasting flame of hate and' war s i s t a n t t o R a b b i H e l l e r i n N e w O r . 1 Dearbdrh Independent; but demanded that the dealers make every, tain political objectives 1 Unlike ad- which has apparently stricken the ^h e M t f a e s e i % i c e s h e r e H e s p o k e Ford owner a readei* of his' guileful weekly. How do you fancy \ hering to the court whereby we would peonies of Europe, : this? "The Dearborn "Independent is as .much a part of the be involved only in controversies im' Sincere encouragement to such conFord organization as the Ford car itself, or the Fordson tractor. | which we are a party, membership in structive artifices as the W. C. dis- The BEST WELL-KNOWN home-made
great a variance in principles
"literature" emanatirig^direci; from Mr. Ford's office. and policy, that it is difficult for us ; W&. do not wish to suggest a boyebtt, but every Jew whoto comprehend conditions abroad. buys a Ford product, whether it be a Ford car, or a Lincoln, or Investigator after investigator, a Forasoh r tractor, helps pay the printing bills for anti-Semitic tourist after tourist, statesman after "literafcure."~Detroit Chronicle. - . . , . statesman have brought back reports
ers Workers Collect Pledges
The figures fpriKeyear are 599 meetings With attendance bf 18,047* Tiie actual number 6i childrenrsma. young men. and -women servedd by these act tivities • shows approximately crre approximately, corre dig i The f d i
is. «Bff
.to pay biitstahdiag'.MHg'5ar,19! must stiff collect 'approSrifsfctelr $* p re- Jmcdred,,an.d fbreign ledfees owe us»,oixihe of This h immigration
altruism and high idealism.
is being sold at
LUZZATTI DEPLORES PERSECUTION OP MINORITIES IN POLAND Rome. (J. T. A.) Luigi LuxzaUi, of the most discouraging kind. Far from finding an ideal state of affairs, the veteran statesman writing in the far from finding a movement toward Corriere de la Sera, complains of the peace and good will, they find hatred and prejudice rampant- everywhere.
(Continued.from page X) same department d.urin^k 1922,/ aland ill*wilb are uppermost' and nathough the number" of persons" feared creased by- $775 over that ni 1822,- W tions look upon one another with the for in 2923 was slightly Jess" than that- approximately. 14 per centr • The Jewish Community Center like- same suspicion, the same mistrust during the previous -yearwise reflected a wider, use bf Its fa- that they did: be*ore 1914, " A total of ,§1,298.00 was'-spent, in p caribfffor the the 456 ttransients a i t aided cilities by the tommunity, 415 meet* • One after another European nations during-1923. -. this $171.00 lless ihvs with-ah attendance of 22,700 beThi wasT aT $171 ^t&'an 1922 expenditure when .the'total ing held." The Community Center have gone under dictatorships and war drew- $2,910 of Federation funds-in parties have gained control In pracb of transients Tvas-497. 4 , 1923, a. decrease, of $190.. . tically every European' country except - • Twct hundred and eighteen, casea of g d e d i 1923 f a r o ' l service e i h , General administration charges England. They are spoiling to .fight c ttefaron'al were handed in 1923, g were $330 less this past yei&lhah the somebody.. Fr&nce is: jrqled: bye the H*a against 144 fn mk-.-Uaithildren than ia 2 previous trent at the delinquent, year. "~ •.,—•'p e t trent at the ddelinquet thild nilCQurt n g^ ^ ya eria Relative now to the financial side most reactionary and'fcrusUing "mili» e n «"Jewish; the'figores being seveh. Jew- off the th F&d F&deyaiaton's activity becaus d . a t this titoe^ i P h immigration laws and thereb aremade still so inahy y outstandinfeCf ttie" feC ttie" q quofes f e f Balances dufe the' FtederiKon the' FtederiKon. Tfi B-countfff&; from whldi sum of $4£1&JQ§ in, payments -to t>ur J m s K .iiamfsrants i i f t s f ffilited ft
SAVER KRAUT AND DILL PICKELS Fleishman's Kosher Meat Market 2323 Harney St. Phone, At-lantie 3831..
Will deliver ta a31 part* ttt the city thc same os we drlJTTjr the ment t» all parts ol fhe citj-.
Monthly Income Insurance ® §j Income needed after sty deatk (Per Month)
To provide the actual -needs of the family each month . . . . § To famish iay dependents a few of ihe comforts and luxu• ties of lif e . . , • — ?,_/ ^ Total . . .''
IUY them at manufacturers' cost,- Buy entirely new mid-season productions. Buy these new and genuine Hart Schaffner & Marx. Suits and Overcoats exclusively at this store. Our introductory, selling' of Hart Schaf fner & Marx Clothes is the Big Event of the season HEW—Hart Sehaffncsr i& Mars suits now selling liere at —Hkrt Sdiaffner & Marx Salts and Overcoats at
Subtract the average monthly income tiiat wociM be assured the family by present inve&troeots -or }\xmpsxxm insurarice ^ .Additional rebuked (mqtithly)
wmm can easier mi safe! way-b|
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
for you. •
The Great Selling
g , SL & M.Fine {?mmbie Over* coats
I vsm i&yeJ&te income for my bid age if.I take tlie endowjmetst jplan. . And duriug' total an§ ^pKBrman^at &sab2ity if I take fhe
good Suits and Featured at $
*25 35
SEE FARNAM STE3EET "WIS5D0WS • trP<riti8n r of
Atlantk 31S0.
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS. The Omaha Junior Hadassah will hold a meeting at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday evening:, January 23. Plans for a social affair, a dance or card party to will be made a t this meeting.
A benefit card party will be given by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Monday after spending the past week by the Agudas Achiin on Sunday Sidney Lightslone, formerly Miss rn Kansas City, Mo. svc-ning:, January 27, at the Danish Libby Snyder. Paris. (J. T. .) French newspapers Hall. Mrs, Julius Eosenfeld left Satur- demand the expulsion of Jewish refMiss Sadie Stark, of San FranThe Mogen David Club will hold'day for Chicago, 111., where she ugees, making them responsible for cisco, Calif., the house guest this a meeting Sunday at 2:00 P. JL at {joined Mr. Hoser.feld who had left the depreciation of the franc. Even Miss Ann - who left six weeks Week of Mrs. E. Kulakofsky, is a the synagogue. Plans will be inade the previous week on a business trip. a moderate newspaper like Lintransiago for aa extended stay in Califor- prominent social worker in that city for the annual Chamisho Osor snd A B"nai B'rith meeting will be held geant writes in the Fame trend, denia, is now visiting with relatives in being executive secretary of the Jew- Abraham Lincoln parties. All memnext "Wednesday evening z.t the Dan-claring that no Frenchman is ever Los Angeles, ish Committee forc Personal Service bers are urg-ed to attend. seen en the Bourse, but only Orienish Hall. in State Institutions. tals. The regular monthly board meeting Monday evening Miss Stark was Mrs. Philip Trochtenberg enter- Mr, Phil Gilinsky rerumed Home These attacks hare created a nervof the Council of Jewish Women will last Monday at a luncheon Kulakofsky's guest at the Visit- btained P'js feeling: among: the Jewish refrid e a t the be held Monday afternoon, January Mrs. ing Nurses' Board of Directors' dinS Brandeis Tea rooms ugees. 21, at the Jewish Community Center ner, where she gave a short talk on ™ h o i i O r o f M rrss"J o e S i m o n o f K a n s a s the social "work being done .Mr. and MTS.: S. Bavitz have as Francisco. On Wednesday noon-Miss j MTS. L. Bernstein was hostess to their.house guests Mrs. H. Gendler, Stark was again honor guest at a her Afternoon Bridge Club Tuesdav given by of Albia, la., and Mr. Mas Gendler, luncheon * ' - - the - . -Omaha • - • afternoon • at her home. Jewelry at tl§ AUDITING AND INCOME' Women's Press Club at the Brandeis of Chariton> la. < TAX REPORTS Restaurants. "Editorial Psychology" Mrs. L. S. Braunstein will enterOn Sunday afternoon, January 13, 208 Earbach Eils, - Atlantic 1031s u b j e c t ibat E h e t a ] k e d m tain her Afternoon Bridge Club next ie- Ra O|h Spcaety w e entertained h e f i m j m _ Tuesday at her home. "by Miss Sylvia ^ v e y at her home.. M i g s s t a r k w e n t t o E a s E i a f o l l o w . Mrs. Sam Snyder left for Detroit, P m e s j e r e won i b y f e Max From- ^ ^ w o r M wsx M d ymAe ^ Diamond & Platinnm Specialists Ion, and the Misses Esther Zalk, Fan- rf . ^ ^ ^ M c l l a p p e a r e a ^ m& Mich., last Friday. She was called 1514 Dodge St. ny Brocislcy &Jic| -Sylvis X*6vsy« Sirs* g Est. 1894, Ja. S619 192:L
Mrs. Clara Eosewater is at the Wise Memorial Hospital. Mr.' and Mrs- S. Ravitz announce the engagement of their daughter, Mrs. Jack Luttbeg and Mrs. Morris Mollie Devera, to Mr. Morris Gendler, Gilinsky entertained last Thursday son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gendler, of afternoon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms Albia, l a . honoring their mother, Mrs. M. FreiMiss Ravitz is a graduate of -Omaha den, -who recently returned from an Central High School, and is active in extended trip in California and Texas. club work. No date has been set for Mrs. Joe Solomon, of El Paso, Texas the -wedding. who is the guest of Mrs. JFrank Krasne, sn Council Bluffs, l a , shared honMrs. Max Holzman, of St. Louis, ors with Mrs. Freiden. • Mo., formerly of this city, announces the engagement of her daughter, EsMr. and Mrs. Fred Eosenstock entelle, to Mr. Jack A. Goldstein, son of tertained at their home Saturday Kellogg, editor of the Survey. She | Children's Bobbing 25c Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein, of this evening, honoring Mrs. Eugene Uehr, afternoon, Janttairy 21, jis a graduate of the • University of S c a } p Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c city. No -wedding date has been set. of New York, the house guest of Mr, Expert Indirianal Service Denver and has done post-graduate * Miss laizabeth Schrago entertained Sun/lays and vrork a t t l i e Mrs. Holzman arrived from St. 'and Mrs. Dave Rosenstock. at three tables bf bridge Thursday, "University of California. She te Louis Sunday to attend the engagehaving for her home SanSALON L'CHARJifE Miss Kate Goldstein is leaving Sat- honoring Miss Molly Wichorn, of St. d a ment of her daughter and also of Louis, Mo., and; Miss Sophie Wein^ morning, S12 Courtney «flk. At. 4819 urday for St. Louis, Mo., where sh : her niece, Miss Molly Ravitz. She is stein, of Chicago, III. Prizes -were ~ will visit for several weeks. While visiting at the home of Mr. and MTS. S. Ravitz. Mr. Paul Holzman, of there she will be bridesmaid at the won by the Misses Sara Ruback and Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon snbLIEB'S KOSHER I ject this Friday eveningg at Temple Zieglar,. 111., also arrived Sunday to wedding of Miss Molly Grossman, for Celia lapp* p •'DELICATESSEN attend t h e engagement of his sister. merly of this city, who is being mar willFire;" be "Kllar of Cloudmornand The Daughtersof Israel Aid Sodety ' Israel of On Saturday He left late Sunday evening for his ried Sunday, February 3, to Mr. Ben will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, 310 North 16tb St. his topic at the Temple will be Diamond, of St. Loais. home. January 22, at 2:o'clock at the Jewish "Guide of the Perplexed." SPECIAL PRICES Ida Barmish has as her gues Old People's Home. Business of imFOR THIS WEEK Mr. William Levey left Sunday Mrs. Boris Cohan, of Chicago, 111., her daughter, S^rs. Harry Snader, of portance wHI be taken op at this JA ckson 5662. evening for Grand Rapids, Mich., Chim e e t i n g . -•• > '*' V : • formerly Miss Ida Kubby, of this city, Lincoln, Nebr. cago and Rockford, HL, to be gone Thick baloni and weenies 3Q<$ Ib. •who recently returned from a one and Miss Bess Stock returned Wednes- about ten days. Mrs. Louis Hiller is in charge of Soft SaJomi „ ~ 4 0 £ lb. a half year tour in Europe, is visiting Medium Salomi *_~__ --4S& Ib. day morning from a month's visit in the Temple Israel Sisterhood evening \riihJier-brother,-Mr. Harry Kubby, Hard Salami 5 0 ^ Ib. : " -•-_-•••* - bridge and Mah Jong party that is to C a l i f o r n i a . ' at Council Bluffs, la., and friends be given Tuesday evening, January CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS. here. Mrs. B. Shaffcon returned Monday "The Confirmation class of the City 22, at S o'clock in the vestry rooms from the - east, where she visited in Sunday School are giving a musical of the Temple. A light luncheon will Mr. and Mrs. Max Drevich enterNew York, Pittsburgh, and other east- program Sunday morning, January tained Sunday afternoon at their home be served the guests. ern cities for a month. 20, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, to honoring their daughter, Sadye; who Mrs. Harry Wolf is leaving next The -Mf»h f celebrated her sixteenth birthday. Miss Iillie Kooper^returned Monday celebrate Chamish or Osher B'shvat. i Ko 45!b St. week for San Francisco, Calif., where d Covers were laid fortwenty guests. At morning from a two weeks' visit in 4flBntir 'vest games the prizes were won by the she will visit with Miss Rose Selene. Chicago, HI., with relatives. tnrHs. 2S3X Harney St. Plan* ot Trf. ATlantir S8S1 Misses. Pauline Shapiro and Toby She will also visit in Los Angeles and Miss TaKe Rica, who has been visother cities in California before reThe Junior Council is .giving a Brown. itsng in Chicago, HI., for the past Card Party at the home of Miss turning home in about a month. Mrs. Walter Apple and son, Walter, month, is expected to return home the j e t t e Gilinsky, 725 Mynster St., Mrs. Carl Studna and son, Harlan latter part pf this month, Qn Decem- e a n n Wednesday Jr., .of Denver, Colo., are visiting with evening, January 23. CLARENCE next Mrs. Apple's sister, Mrs. Cora WolC Ervin, of JKLansas City, Ma, are vis- ber 26 Miss Rice was the maid of ^ Concert Violinist and Teacher Mr. Apple will Join them later to visit iting with Mrs. Studna's parents, Mr. nonor a t &te wedding ttf- her broQusr, , A special meeting of the Junior Studio: UnwfcJnV. Bide.. * « * Mo 94tb St and Mrs. D. Blumenthal. PhOTM", WfbKter 55S8. here. Mr. Joe Rice, to Miss Rnth Green, of Council will be held Monday evening Office Hoars. 5:S( to 6. Vioiiu bows end CSBPJ1 (or sale. Mrs. I/. Kulakofsky is leaving San- Chicago, who are now making their at the home of Miss Eina Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer will be in ome in Omaha. . 300 Oakland Avenue. " Los Angeles, Calif., the latter part of day morning for California, to be gone for about a month. She wil] -visit with the- week, having left Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kay a t Berkeley, to be gone fat, two^mp stopped off at 'the G r t m d ' C a n y d n f o r t f ^ ^ 1 5 . 0 ; ^ severaf other" cities . a several days' stay. During the two' m <*lifonua. months in California they will visit in Mrs.- E . Jacobs, left Monday for San Francisco, San Diego, Los An-Manhattan, Kas., where she will viat geles and other California cities. with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun and Mr. Miller. entertained at their home Monday Mr. H. A. Wolf left last week for evening in honor of Mrs. Eugene Behr, New York City and is expected to • of New York, who is the guest at the return the latter part of the week." home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave RosenRabbi J. M. Charlop will talk at the stock. B'nai Jacob Synagogue, TwentyMiss Miriam Konecky is visiting fourth and Nicholas streets, Fiiday with relatives in New York City. evening, January 18, on "And God Mrs. A. Herzberg is visiting in Lin- Did Not Lead Them Straight to PalWhen winter intensifies your coln, Nebr., with Mrs. Max Rosen- estine." On Saturday morning talk at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, desire for closed car warmth and blum. Eighteenth and Chicago streets, on protection, remember that Dodge Mrs. J . Katz left Monday evening "Bread From Heaven." for a short trip to Chicago, 111. Miss Beulah Mittleman entertained Brothers Type-B Sedan is almost ' Mr. and Mrs. Israel S. dayman an- at six tables of bridge Sunday afteras inexpensive to own and operate nounce the birth of a baby son, Mar- noon, January 6, honoring Miss Edith tin Robert, on Friday, January 11, at Rosenbaum, who is to be a January as an open touring car. the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Chxy- bride.' Prizes were wan by the Misses man was formerly Miss Dora BaT- j Belle^ Bosenthal, Faye Alpirn and Pear! Wiatroub. mish.
Bob-tori. | ]
jcoiiNcn Hn^^sl
THE BSINN & JENSEN CO. Wholesale paper distrrVintors for
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AT-laniic 6409 PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sts.. HA 1663 3J«ncf»<fijrpr» of Brass, I5ror.se, iiemJnum and Soft <Jray iron Castings, Von arf aoRnred of soft castings, e® OTP maristiip some trotp eywy beat in •»or mri shnjj
Standard t4z<> cast iron anfi broase. in stork.
Emerson Laundry F
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The howling wind "was "Say, this=is no day for you bitter cold. Not a street car to be out," Billings told the -was running. So Billings girl. "My office will be practically closed and so will started down town afoot. The wind cut his face and yours." the swirling snow seemed t o " O h / 1 can-ouikelt all S-ttack him .angrily. Half right," she responded. yray down the block he And the girl started oa. caught up with a young "Now, look here," said -woman. Billings, "what's the use? "Pretty hard going," he I'm going back. I can'do volunteered. my business by telephone "Yes, it is," she replied, smiling. She smiled at Mm and reFor a hundred yards or sa plied xfteerily,. "That's just they fought the ^ale and' why I must' go on; I'm then stopped for breath.' your telephone operator." "BEJJL SYSTEM" NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY
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PAGE 4=-THE JEWISH PRESS, THUBSDAY, JANUARY 17,-1824 entailed in ,settling: other .proposed , operating to the extent of offering have it assume. People are tired of Without the immigrant Canada, can I ours to be forever a country blessed colonies, t The' climatic conditions are free land. The'great'need to' make constant - appeals for money for this make no forward strides. by nature and cursed by politicians?" essentially, the same, as-in their" own this Jewish colony a possibility -with- and that project. Raising a million The editorial accuses the governreach of the poor is finances. dollars in America v.ould.be a great ment of giving blatant promise's" which ACTIONS COMMITTEE TO vDr. Rosen Proposes\JewishvColonizatioh in the section "of-Russia. They would.-not in-the have to learn a new-language. They I f would take a. million dollars to ^undertaking, ^especially at this time. it had no intention of keeping to the l CONSIDER SOLOWEIT} I '/' '" '. ' \*"'•; C r i m e a . , ' \\' ".' , can speak in the ; same tongue as they start the project on." a- large scale and Just how it could be accomplished, I loyal Canadians who have been paCHIK'S RESIGNATION '* Cofiyrightea-Jamiar'y 7/1024, Jewish Telegraphic -Agency. . perfect an organization' whose isoie am unable to state at this time." did in their old homes. In the scheme tiently waiting for the days of exLondon. (J. T. A.) The political I Immediate relief for the." thousands have already settled there have found of colonization, it -would be" possible purpose would be to supervise the Dr." Rosen leaves for Russia on the pansion and growth which would come situation of the Zionist Movement, in the conditions most favorable. Here of Jewish families in .Soviet "y Russia Majestic'on Saturday January 12, to with the influx of immigration. In for some to take up their permanent colonization of Crimea. ' who find,it an utter impossibility.to they are offered free land of the best home while others could remain long • "Should this dream become a real- decide upon.:Tthe '.liquidation • of the despair of improvement. millions of view of the possible change in the eke out a-bare existence in th^small kind and there is plenty of it. The enough t ohelp establish the project.1 ity, it would:be "not only an econom- -Joint D'stribution Gonjmittee;"at con- Canadians have emigrated from Can- British Government as well as the internal condition of the movement aristowns is-offered them if they" can be vast' lands of the former Russian Jf some were.fpund'iuisuitable for the ical achievement,' but a moral tri- ferences -to be held"in Moscow. Dur- ada disgusted. ing* from Dr. Soloweitchik's resignanobility, the estates of dukes, which given a helping hand, to go to ..Crimea life of the agriculturist, they'; could umph. The population of Russia is ing his stay in Russia, which will be If the people of Canada will sanc- tion from the Executive, will be conwere often 10,000 acres in area, are to take up the productive, occupation easily be sent-back-to" their former made up of 85 per cent of people en- of three months' duration, it is prob- tion the plans and policies adopted by of farming offered them on the; best now pncultivated. Before the war,home. This would be impossible gaged in agriculture. Only 2 percent able that" Dr. Rosen will do much to- the last two Cabinets, Canada will be sidered at a meeting of the leader? . of agricultural soil .free, of. charged no peasants could own land in this where great expense is involved in -•are"* traders. And to think'that .90 wards furthering the colonization of but a deserted way station ignored by here on January 3. A meeting has been called by .the section. Since the war and the tryAlready «- pioneer settlement'of * 300 transportation costs. . J per cent of all the Jew:, are traders. Crimea. He will probably confer'with the millions of European immigrants Executive and to it had been invited Jewish families, comprising ' about ing years.in Russia, many have died They:claim that the Jew is doing ;the heads of the Russian organizations who are attracted by the open doors the Praesidium of the Actions Com1,500 men; women and children,'forms and today this land, the best in Rus- "Jewish family could be settled in nothing;'productive. Conditions -in co-pperating. in the movement and of other more far-seeing countries. mittee and one representative of each the nucleus upon which-Dr.,. Joseph sia, is as greatly undeveloped per Crimea at cost of $500 each. This Russia ate such that traaers in the work out a definite plan for financing In conclusion the Star asks: "Is of the groups. would include a modest dwelling and Eosen, agricultural expert, and-Rus- square mile as that of Siberia. The small town endeavoring to live by the the scheme. sian Director of Reconstruction Work climatic conditions there are most his land already to be worked. The sale of buttons or other small wares minimum cost of establishing a family in ths street are starving. They must of the Joint Distribution Committee,' suitable for the ppursuit of agrig in any of the other-proposed colonies turn to the soil. This colony would bases the_ practicabilit yof a .dream culture. It compares favorably to for Jews is $5,000. ' , be for the poor and physically strong which he'Tiopes soon will-become a Florida. The soil could not be better, "The colonization of Crimea would Russiaa Jews. Perhaps in time it reality. Crimea has most wonderful natural in no way interfere with the developresources and ports. Transportation would mean the regeneration of the "The new economic policy of Soviet facilities find the proximity of • the ment of Palestine.' Many of the Jewish race. , : ..; Editorial Appeared in Paper AttackRussia has made it exceptionally hard ing the Immigration Policy. for the " Jewish trader," said Dr. ports make conditions almost ideal for settlers already there'plan on going "Conditions have so improved in to Palestine later. It constitutes an Russia within the past two years to .Rosen. "This is- most noticeable in the movement of products. "The Jewish ettlers here are now excellent training for the life of make this matter a possibility. Two Montreal, Jan. 4. (J. T. A.) The the smaller towns where thousands of Jews are"; unable to make enough-to on exceptionally good terms with the agriculture in the Home Land. The years ago it was not a matter of re- Montreal Star, the most influential provide for their most dire wants. non-Jewish Tartar population and the Chalutzim have taken an active construction. It was a ca.se of saving newspaper in the Dominion of Canada, in an editorial which appeared yesterSince the" revolution and famine the entire atmosphere breathes of har- 'interest in the colonization of Crimea people from actual starvation. MoLJew has been forced to^the' farm in mony. Tjie Telchai and Ma Ain as they are awake" to the splendid could not be spent on rebuilding and day attacked the policy of the Canaorder that he, might at least produce colonies are numbered among the • training that one may receive before for the possible benefits to-be derived dian government toward immigration. enough food to keep his family'from pioneer settlers. The Avodah Labor' leaving for Palestine. The settlement by future generations. Every dollar The editorial asks why no steps have ,. starving. There is no acreage for Group has also settled in the Jon Koy ( of Crimea by, the poor Jews "is a had to be put 'tb/n'se io the soup kitch- been taken in the five years following ' the Jew in the Russian Pale tend he District. The "Upetoria District has matter of providing" a means for ens and medical organizations to stop the Armistice to encourage and prois forced to other sections to ta^ce up two groups and one group has settled existence immediately. the people from dying by the thou- vide for- immigration. During this his agricultural activities. . (^dessa in the Yalta District.. No other coun"Russian organizations are lending sands in the streets from starvation. time ample needs have arisen warrantand Petroverosk offer 'L opportunity. try could be settled as efficiently and their whole-hearted- support to the "The idea is still in its infancy. It ing ; an active and aggressive camThe Russian Soviet GovernmentI gives economically as Crimea. Here the 1 movement. Practically "every organ- is only a dream. It is the most eco- paign to procure recruits from the is offered free. of land free, of charge proviidng the land . — — charge. „-. In ization which is concerned with the nomical way of caring for the thou- files of the millions emigrating from recipients, make' it productive, j . The Palestine and the Argentines, each Jew is anxious to see' the project be- sands of Jewish families starving in Europe who would prove a valuable greatest .advantages for the ,Jewsj j parcel jofland must be purchased. come a reality. The Russian Ort and Russia today. Money must be pro-asset in exploiting the resources of howeveiflie in Crimea. '- \ j There is practically no transportation the Xca promise active support. The cured before the proiect can be worked Canada which are being neglected be"The three hundred families vrtiich costs in contrast to-the great expense Russian Soviet. .Government. is co- out on the large scale I would like to cause of the dearth in population.
Montreal Star Attacks Canadian Immigraties Policy
—x —
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