January 24, 1924

Page 1

5 Accept tio substitute V for, .hard , work—there is riotMng "just as good", . ..

Ruts * are • made- by

people wfeo stick to the beaten path.'

*•« § •» • -s

VOL. Hi—No. 7


Stoutly ltv/._ 1 second-el*aa _atf matter ea Jsaoa— 35tl* v

Omaba Nebraska, andei t&e Act eJ $_s_t 8.




Reiikier-ofPledgai lust k f a i liiie_ CoBectioe Caipaigi

Washington.' {J. T. A.) Professor Ludwig Stein,-Foreign Editor of the Vcssische Zeitung of Berlin^ was one of the prominent callers on President Coolidge recently. , Prof. Stein was closeted with the President for 35 minutes during' which' Mr. "Cooli3ge ey to Be Collected Before sought information relating t o conYear Books Are Presented. tinental politics, and his visitor^ views upon them. Prof. Stein also called on $3,300 STILL OUTSTANDING; Secretary of Commerce Hoover with $1,200 COLLECTED DLRwhom he discussed problems of EuroING PAST WEEK. pean relief. ;

kalers of SPECIAL NEW YORK LETTER • By SAMUEL D. WISE (Copyright 1924. tiy 'Jewish Telegraphic "Agency)

FORD'S TWADDLE STILL ON THE Jewish Congress and the American ; • MARKET. J Jewish Committee each ssted - indeWhile the Dearhorn Independent pendent of the other tmd Jewish labor has Worn .off much of its enthusiasm 1 '*™s completely s^ " for its self-chosen task of maligning THE - YIDDISH EDthe Jews,, it is nevertheless unfailing ITOSS IK WASHINGTON. in its consistency to manifest its ill As if to amend for its miserable intent and to foster prejudice by failure to properly intervene in bemeans of the most imaginary tale. half of the Russian deportees, the •These fancies of some favored brain American Jewish Congress succeeded are published as facts and hidden in in combining with the American Jewa network of slurring suggestions and ish Committee and the United Heinsinuations which are as abominable brew Trades in presenting a united as they are unfounded.- Esght now front at the -open hearing of the it is publishing a series -of ^rtides House" Immigration Committee. But purporting to tell how the Jews .of here, other unloosed for forces apNew "York are exploiting the Negroes peared upon the scene and moved Dr. in the Harlem section of the city with Stephen S. Wise to bitter wrath and a view of furthering their purpose of righteous indignation. Generally -world conquest. Cheaper twaddle has j , Dr. WlseV sharp protest at rarely appeared in print, and yet : unbidden appearance of-representthose engaged in disseminating anti'press -would be Jewish propaganda, "reprint.'it with justified, -'a community much added relish. '* where all elements are properly orEXECUTIVE SESSION OF AMER- ganized, it is the editor's privilege to ICAN JEWISH CONGRESS make himself heard through the colWOULD.QUICKLY DISILLUSION umris of his publication. Leaders of FORD -READERS. , - J the spoken word' should bs left to Those that are familiar -with Ford's monopolize the influence of the "biahti-Je-ffish' propaganda -will recall mah." But in the face of the manithat the chief crime laid at our:door, fest and titter disorganization pre-

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 4 YEAR. S2.S0. LONDON TIMES LAUDS PROGRESS OF HEBREW " London. (J. T. A.) The first anniversary of the death "of Eliezer bsn Jelrada, • Hebrew lexicographer and protagonist of Hebrew as a spoken language, was the occasion recently for a long article in the London Times, j

Executive Boards of U. A. H . | d e s c r r b i n s the wonderful progress of Rehearsals N**w Being HeU$ the Hebrew language. This progress Regularly With Supervision C,-and H. U. C. to Meet is due to the life work of a single man, of Instructors. January "27th the writer says, comparing conditions fifty years ago with the present when 125 PROMINENT JEWS theatricals, -speeches, papers and OF NATION TO ATTEND J schools in Palestine and elsewhere


New York, N. Y.—Plans and pol- h a v e Hebrew for thsir vehicle. icies which will affect the future of Much .progress has been made in Eef orm Judaism • in America will be the second annual Y. M. I-L A. Vaudeformulated here on Janizary 27, when viTle Show since Monday night, acmembers of the executive. board of cording to I. F. Goodman, general dithe Union of-America Hebrew Conrector of this ;,re«T*s cntertoimnerit. gregations, of the -Board of Gov"On Monday the chorus' and some erncrs of the Hebrew Union College, Comes Here in Interest of Mizrachi of the specialties for the children's Organization. of the committee.on,Synagogue and] " acts were selected, arid on Wednesday School Extension, and of the Board oar choro? and group five, a resident' of .Omaha _for nearly Kabbi Magnus,, cf New York Citr» for. the adult acts -were chosen," said on - Civil - Rights of the . Union meet "Twelve hundred dollars -were eol- thirty-five yeears, died at Los An' this city' in .executive session for well-known lecturer, will deliver a Mr. Goodman/"is-jth Mis? Devere lected during the past week," said Mr. geles, Calif., Monday afternoon foltalk here Sunday evening at seven- Miss FeOer in. charge." their semi-annual meeting1. Malashock today, "and with just a lowing a short illness. The body will About 125 Je-ws from all parts of thirty, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, litfte more effort -we" can firasii the arrive in Omaha this evening at 7:10 Players in the dramatic sketch, v?ho> the country, -will.attend the sessions 18th and Chicago Streets, on the sub- will egrain form a feature cf this job. Many subscribers have mailed vrhich-'-will be held at the Hotel As- ject "The Solving of the Jewish1 year's shew, were cliosen by Mrs. B. E, in^their checks in response to an urgent appeal sent them last week from tor. Speakers - will address the con- Problem." Rabbi Magnus is arriving Boasberg Thursday night. the Federation office. But we still ferences on various phases of syni , Active rehearsals for all groups will have about 200 subscribers -who are agogue activity and religious welfare, i ;>e started next iveek on Monday for delinquent in their payments." ' and plaos_:!Ba.de__jFciX- the coming i .he children, on Wednesday for ths • adults and on Thursdaj' for tlie drayear's actibities of the Union, the The annual Federation book, con, :satic number. organisation "which coordinates tHe taining the names of all subscribers, •work' .of" Reform Congregations of goes to press on February 1st, and . "We Ftill need three good lenor every subscriber will be seen before ..ingers, snd anv young man who car. .is oar. capacity for united effort, pur. vailing in all branches of New York America."' ~ '': that tsrajj according to Mr. Mala, fjualify is in>-ited to come to the machinery for complete organization,! Jewry, who shall blame the-editors of , The -session's of the'.conference shock. j t . .sh Community Center next <Jur ability to keep the entire, non-( the Yiddish press if t&ey felt called include executive 'committee . meet"We iBinot pay our pledges to the light. On tlsat evening we -will Jewish world in a "helpless grasp UP011 to appear before the Immigra- ings,., round, table discussions and a National institutions tmtfl we collect •>ur specialticE, for the various through Concerted action "which to tion Committee in the defense of the public dmner" at ,the Hotel Astor on $3,300 xaore," said Dr. Philip Sher, i •Solo dancers, eolo singers, instrutnei;Ford's prejudiced .mind assumes "the immigrant, whom,.they more surely Sunday evening," January .27. During 1 president of the Federation, "and islists, er*tcrtai2iers! cf all sorts who th ll t h ' t t l t ' than all others 'most truly represent. their stay .in the .city, many of the menace of a. conspiracy. these pledges must be paid not later ! have Bpocl&l acts are asked to corns trdelegates, who are nationally Icnorvn. decent attempts, on the part of THE MISCHIEF IS BEING DONE. than February 1st." • Uie Jetneh Commtinity Center thst ivill be gaest spealcers in Sex Uef orm American Jews to" meet the deliberevening. Jost ss soon P»K our spscisltemples of this ciiy^ .• ate efforts of-those showing uncon*y TsuTObcre p?e chos^js we vrxti hnvr. Among.those -who are expected at cealed A\t(\-i-inijnn.fiiYn against immso f c o m b a t i : ? 5 g : f t e . efforts of , rar entire cast. Our show sWaltl hz Sastern this conference are: Ben Altheimer, F ff!? Y^ .Europe, t h e r e s t r i c t ? o n B > a d v i s e d from Xew .Yorkj.X. Henry JBeckman, Cin; ready within six weeks," saitj- Good* should disillusion the most naive readman. cir.nati; Isaac WBeraheim., Louiser.oi fee Dearborn ^dependent.. At tee ^ ^ ^ tlon -faas,dedded to -entire sliow will .be new from Interesting Program > to Be BroadDavid A. Bro^RTi, Detroit; Ed» . l a r t ineebnar of the ^ecutxve T e c o m m e n d f! fiuish, containing many novci on casted From Station WAOW. Alfred Comnutte^f J A J d Ldeasiu Etagiiu&.costQiBisjf and ether effects. The local B'nai B'rith radio proPittsburgh Dsvfd WEdelmsn, hes those Russian immigrants sentenced gram, which was to have been held and wfll-b'e accompanied-by bis widow in November to be deported as excess csnsus of 1S90 as its basis.' This -will Angeles; Gustave A. Efreymson, InFebruary 5> has been postponed to and Ms-son^ iouis,'who were "at his quota, -were recounted and occasion cut the entire figure of those to be dianapolis;. Arnold. • Falk, New Oradmitted by more than half and -will Friday evening, February 15. The bedside when he died. •was tkken to answer tiiose that -cnt- reduce the admission of • Jews and leans; Julius. W. Freiberg/ Cincin: program,, ^wai Tie \broadcaste3 from nati; Isaac, Goldberg, Detroit; Rob- today and will be. a guest in Omaha Mr."Philip Schlaifer was a promi- i d s e d t h e Congress for iidlingjto I t a ii a B S 'by about 80 per centm station . WAOW. According to the nent Jewish citizen of Omaha and a bring about concerted action. *The! •' ' .. " —' .Many of us are of the opinion that ert .P. Goldman, Cincinnati;• Simeon for a. week. committee in charge, the change of leader in" Jewish, philanthropic and explanation given made plain how M. Johnson,- Cincinnati; Adolf Kraus, He will -give a short talk at the dates was made because of the ar- charitable organizations. He ~ was a hopelessly divided local Jewry staifds if the immigration question could he Chicago; Albert L.- Levi, Brooklyn} Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, Interesting- Progrsm Held for rangements at the radio station. "We pioneer member of the B'nai Israel today even in moments.of crises. And properly presented "before^ the- Amer- N. Y.; Benjamin. Lowenstein, Cleve-: Occasion. Saturday morning, January 26, are planning one of the most enter- Synagogue, and -was vice president of thtis it nappened that the American land; Jacob .W. Mack,, Cincinnati; (Con. jiued on page 2.) Sabbi Magnus .was born ' and taining programs that can be given," the Synagogue for a number of years, More than, tlsree hundred attendee Henry L.. Mayer,- San Francisco; Ed- educated 'tin vGermany * andv is ^ wellsaid Abner Kaiman, chairman of the and also president of the Talmud Towin B. -Meissiipr, St.-Louis; Henry known among Sabbinical circles, his t t e , d r ^ d i c ^ t i ™ ^ f . ^ * , ™w C } l L ^ committee in charge. There will be rah. He was a member of the Omaha Morgenthau,, New York; Adolph I. father, grandfather, both being Sab- mud Tor&h Anaes and the. celebration, no drawn out talks, the addresses to Hebrew club and'the Omaha Hebrew Newman,. • Cleveland; - ,Ado!ph S. bis, and coming from Eabbinical °^.d ! a K ^ £ hor Qsh& B'shvat be confined to four minutes. camp. Ochs, New^_ York;. Herbert. C. Oet- famflies. Eabbi Magnus is also a eveniiig, January. 20. Dr. Philip The Omaha lodge of the B'nai B'rith Mr. Schlaifer is survived by his tinger, CSndnnati; Henry Oppen- doctor of Philosophy. • was the : chairman of the is the first lodge in this district .to widow, Rebecca, six sons, Abraham To Succeed Babbi Singer Who Is Now Every Jewish Girl Invited to Bring heimer,.. Baltimore; • William Orn_The following men are in charge of AddrcssfE were given by Rabbi .1. in Chicago. Her Mother. broadcast a program. All radio bugs and L Samuel, of Omaha; Oaher, of stein, Cincinnati?'A. C. Eatshesky, the arrangements made: M. -Charlopt'- and fey Mr, E. Btwb. eg™ tune - in on Friday evening and Dundee, III.; Oscar, of Xios Angeles,' Boston; Marcus SSanh, Pittsburgh; S. Ravitz, chairman M. Blank J. L, Wolfsou, acd H. E. Pfrphrr, Lincoln, Nebr.—Rabbi S. E. StarPlanning to make this year's Mothlisten to an entertaining program. Calif.; Louis, of Seattle, Wash., and Kabbi J. -M. Cfcarlop A. Colin \tauriee D.: Rosenhe; „ Washington; teachers, of the Talmud Torah, A M. " Gross " The program contain- some of Oma- Morris Schlaifer, who is connected rels, Of New Orleans,' La., is ".to be er and Daughter reception, the third Simon W. Eosendalej Albany; Julius Dr. Philip Sher XJ. XieTinson Kss Pronitsn masks! pcagtam was slso piven. of its kind to be given under the authe Rabbi of the new Temple of the ha's best performers in their various with the American Embassy in VienBr. A. Eomni A. I. Knlakofsky Sosenwald, Chica£^j; '".lorris H. Eoth- 15. The , Deborah Society, v:ho mined B. Tjindenbann spices of the Y. W. H. A^ even more Btoch B'nai Jeshurom at Twentieth and arts. The Omaha lodge of the B'nai na, Austria, 'and two daughters, Mrs. SL GroBsnsan schild, New York; A. LJ Saltzstein, J. Katleman the funds for the Talmud Torsh SI. Swibelman B'rith has taken the lead in a num- Julius Waxenberg, of Omaha, and South .Sts. He was in Lincoln Jan- successful than the preceding ouei, Milwaukee;. Louis S hleskger, New- A. G. Weinstein annex, are s^fiin becoming' known m, the committee in charge has arranged ber of activities. It is believed that Mrs. Meyer Taxman, of Kansas City, uary 11, and held the services, after The public is invited to attend Sunark; Isaac Schoen, Atlanta; Charles sai active organization in this a most .entertaining and interesting he was asked to become the Rabbi this program will be a "starter" for Mo. He is also survived by sevenShohl, : Cincinratl; . Horace Stern, day evening. No admission will be for the work that they program for the evening of January of the new Temple. He will take the other lodges. no solicitation for charged teen grandchildren. doing for the betterment oi' the City 30 at the Jewish Community Center. Philadelphia;. Samuel. Straus, Cin- lections will be mad®. The following program has been The funeral will be conducted from charge of his new duties March 1. cinnati; I.. .Newton^ Trager, .•CincinTalmud Torah. The entire evening will be spent in Rabbi Starrels is a graduate of arranged for the evening's entertain- the home of his daughter, Mrs. Julius nati; Isaac M. Ullmaa, New' ment: Waxenberg, 2407 Davenport street, on the Hebrew Union College at Cin- showing, the mothers the loyalty and Ludwig Vogelstein, ' New' 1 -York; 262 JEWISH IMMIGRANTS .Sadye I<evey Friday morning at 10 o'clock, and cinnati, Ohio, receiving his degree, in devotion of their daughters • and.. in 1. Piano selection. - ' ' ' ARRIVE IN'.CANADA• TO"COMMEN€E BUILDING .Helen Belkes 2. "Vocal solo bringing the two generations -closer Felix . Vorenberg, Boston; I Aaron Montreal. (J. T. A.) - Two hundred • - HAIFA' HJUMJE. EARLY SPRINC 2. Sonss — "X. M. H. A.-Quartette burial will be at the Golden Hill Cem- 1922. At present he is assistant to Waldheim, St.'Louis;' A '.. Weil, 4 A d d H e n r y Monsty etery. 4. Address Sabbi Heller of the Sinai -Temple, to each other through laughter and Jerusalem. {J, T.. A.) ArrangeT "sisty-two .Jewish inanigrants arrived ibner" Kaiman 5. Character songa. Pittsburgh; Joseph at New Orleans, the largest Hebrew amusement. ' I n the •/Mother and mests have.'-'beeh concladed for th« _Oscar Welnsteln (5. Cheldo in Halifax recently on board the "Can7. Popular songs 3Iax JTacobaoit and l Daughter reception every Jewish girl more;' Herffisn Wile/Baffalo; Albert ABRAHAM FARBER. Congregation in that city. ada." The Immigrants ^ive promise conunencasraent-'-of the -building of the Albert Pinkel has the opportunity of showing her Wolf, Philadelphia; Adolphe 'Wolfe, Abraham Farber, fifty-nine, died 8. Violin ana Piano Dorothy ana H a Rabbi Starrels is a young man cf being; fine "material." Eighty of Haifs Harbsr <n tlie early spring. love and reverence for her mother," Portland," Ore.'; William B. Wooiner, I/nstparten Wednesday morning at his residence, and it is felt that his work will prove them will be admitted to Ontario, 75 to cost will approximate Sl.QOOjOOO. 9. A d solo d r e s s H 10. Vocal 2611 Mason street, after a lingering very acceptable in connection with sa£d Meryle Friedel, a member of the Peoria. -Mrs. Idal i l work IF to be financed by circles in West 11. Musical artists , Gilbert Jaffe and illness. He had been a resident of committee, "and every girl should London. Jess Button the young people. Rabbi "Jacob take advantage of the opportunity." SIMON JACOB8ON 12. Banjo and guitar__Harry and Hyman Omaha for twenty years and was in Singer, .his predecessor, who served Gexstein TO DETERMINE APPOINTED U. S. CONSUL In order that all who wish to come 13. Harmonists Ben Klaver'a Orchestra the merchandising business at 1109 the Lincoln Congregation' for eleven DONATES 10«,«se FRANCS TO PROPORTION OF JEWS Douglas street. He was well known TO CHRISTIAMA may still make reservations, the final ats, resigned in October,to accept - PARIS -FLOOD SUFFERERS" IN SOVIET GOVERNMENT LOCAL ENTERTAmER in Jewish, circles in.Omaha and was Waaiington.- (J. T. A.) -Simon B. a call from Mizpah Temple in" Chi- date for ordering places has been exParis. <J. T. A.) George BkmsefeMoscow. (J. T. A.) A decree has JOINS PROFESa member of the Augidth-Achum and tended to January 28. Reservations Jaeobson of Brooklyn has been apcago, HL been published ordering* the immedi- tkal o£ New-York has donated 10S5000 SIONAL STAGE the B'nai Israel Synagogue. are 35 cents each and may be made pointed COUSEI General for Christiate registration of sil officials em- fx-snes for the relief of the tmffemw, Mr. Herman Ferber, well known ania, capital of -Norway, a State DeHe .is. survived b y h i s wife, Sarah, . The new building will be completed at the Jewish Community Center.. ployed by the Government for the of the recent floods in Paris. Mr. local -actor and entertainer, has signed two sons, J. A. Farber of Torrington, in April and the basement is now Members of the committee include partment announcement says. Mr. Jawith the Peachy Company to appear of Blumenthsl h&s- recently also dtmaiftA purpose of determining the being used for services until the Wyo., and Harold B. Farber, and one Anne Selicow, Kate Goldstein, Meryle cohson was barn In Kew York of poor with the Graves Bros, attraction in £s?0,000 francs to tho Sorbomse Vni~ Jewish of;£iri&Is employed in Soviet completion of the Tenple. Russian Jewish parents, his father daughter, Bessie, of Omaha. Friedel, Sadye Levey, Ana Freeman, St. Joseph, Mo. He is leaving Satvcrsity in institutions. Ula Albert and Dora Greenberg-- The having" been a Shoehet. Mr. Jacofcson Funeral services will be conducted urday evening. Mesdazaes Wm. L. Holsman and S. H. possesses cotisiderable consular esp He took Tpart in "Hello Bill" staged at 10 a. m. Thursday from the resi- BOTHSCHILDS THE ONLY eKee. He was secretary to the AmerSchaef er will assist. dence.-. Burial will be in Golden Hill HOPE OF HGNGABY two years ago in Omaha, and, was ican Commission to France in Iff! 5, Cemetery. ; ; : IN PROPOSED LOAN featured in the recent musical that was Tice Consul at Bordeaux in i919. j KING HUSSEIN BARELY was given by the local B'nai B'rith at Budapest (J. T. A.) Hungary's ESCAPES KIDNAPING and served as Consul to Alexandria, I hereby volustecr for tryeiit for the v®pdeville show: its Carnival. He was a pupil of Wal- VILNA JEWS CON- . Prospects for an international loan • -f Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Sing Hus- Egypt, in 1S»22. ter B. Graham, kell known vocal inTINUALLY EXPELLED are none too brilliant, it is learned sein of Hedjas narrowly escaped kidName . . » „ . «,...»_.„ . Ag@~~.o~~ structor. Kovmo. (J. T. A.)" Lithuanian Jews here from well informed sources. naping near Petra when he was at- ADERER, FRENCHAddress „ 1J Tel „ who have been bom in Vilna are. beThe Hungarian Government is mak- tacked by a bsnd of Wshabis. Only JEWISH AUTHOR, BEAD OKO'S BUST BY EPSTEIN Ability in , fc ; Paris. {J. T. A.) Adolphe Aderer, ON EXHIBITION ing continually expelled by the .Gov- ing every effort to get some money after a lengthy straggle .did his escort ernment, while Poland refuses to ad- on account of the loan it proposes to succeed In repelling the attackers. The following are suggested AS being svjjUaljle material: Jewish author of nuiaerot^ -novels and London. (J. T. A.) The bust of mit them. SomeJhaveJ>een sent back- float- Without this, it is well saga Name Address • Age in Adolph Oko, now being exhibited by Fighting has been going on for a plays, is dead here in. Ms €7tb year. wards and forwards three times. impossible for the stabilization of the long time between Sv&tzs. Tim Saact His latest plsyT Jast eosajsleted, had the Jewish sculptor, Jacob Epstein, krone to be effected. has been greatly lauded by the Lonof .Neid, the ruler of the TVahabis' Cerant Tolstoy, the Hussiais author, for ""The* Government's only hope lies in tribe, and King Hussein becsrase of its hero, Sojas -of M. Adersr's plays don press as being1 one of the most FIRST SECRETARY OF *~ •f£te:jmnnise of Sir William Good, the disagreements over the frontier, and •were, performed at the Cctae&is Fran.interesting of the great sculptor's LinflJANIAH EMBASSY AT of tag League of Na- the opposition of Sultsn Ifon to the eaise. In addition to his more i collection. •.._*. I WASHINGTON A, JEW Uons,jwho, it is saidjj promised in fce- creation of a Pan-Arab Confederakowno. (J. T. A.) H . , Mr. Oka is t b i librarian-."of the Heorse of ferew Union College of Cindmiati and formerly First Secretary of the lath- fealf of the Koihschilds tsf London the tion and of Hussein's aspirations to "France's ' popplsr jqarnaEsts. He -was a lieynood friend of the' artist. He iianisn Embassy in London, has been Hangarian Gavmanent several *n2~' the'Callpliaie. over twenty rears dratsatie-Jcrjtic of sail, for Mr. Epstein, during his appointed First. "Secretary ef the •lion poaadsih* advance of ihe-actual I t is now defudidy confirmed that Les Temps sod-tbe msBical critic of of ike--loan ; visit to London, , Lithuanian Embassy in Lc Petit King' Hussein •wiE visit

With but $3,300 still* outstanding for the Jewish Welfare Federation for 1923, Harry Malashock, chairman of the Finance Committee, and his corps of -workers are hopeful that final collections -will he 'made before Funeral Will Be'Held Friday Morn. the end of the month.' " , Thirty r • ere -and -women workers are bending every effort,to realize this Mr. Philip Schlaifer, age' severity.,

Philip ScMaifer, Pioneer Omaha 'Resident, Died

WSI Speak Here Sanday

Local Vaai B'rith M o Program to be Held Feb. 15


M M S. L Slarrels WI Mciliers ml g ; Head Temple Wwm Jesbunmi ' Annual Reception ifafay

Y. i,


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1924 NATHAN STRAUS Rooms last Friday. Covers were laid The following Jewish students are ARRIVES IN PALESTINE for thirty-seven. The out-of-town graduating from the Lincoln High Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Nathan guests were Mrs. J. Steinberg of Kan- School: Lena Shapiro, Ruth SwartzPublished every Thursday'at Omaha, Nebraska, J>y Straus has arrived in Jerusalem. A sas City, Mo., and Mrs. Joe Solomon man, Herman Evnen and Leo Gerstein. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. . reception •will be tendered to Mr. of El Paso, Tex. Celebrates Twenty-fifth Anniversary Mr. Phil Materberg returned to Office: 482 B r a n d s Theatre Buildingv—Telephone: Jackson, -2372. Strauss who enjoys great popularity of Her Reign. Miss Euth Krasne left Friday for Chicago after visiting here since Jan• NA*rHAN E. (GREEN, Manner. . ' throughout the entire country. RepKostj Cbnttesb Blraw Tuea. Jane 8 New York City where she will spend uary 1. resentatives of the Government and of ........S2.50. tCintlnxiation Oay) Sat. inttr 8 Subscription Price, orie year.—.'. the coming month. . New York, Jan. 14. {J. T. A.) The Shabooth Kosh-Chndpsb Tnmmn? •f'hnra «|jtly $ many, organizations will attend. Miss May Shapiro entertained eight Advertising rates furnished on application. ilosh-Cbodrsb Ah , , , Fri a 0 B \ American Jewish Congress is in" reFast of Ab San., Au« 10 CBAXtJE OF ADDRESS—PreABe give both the old and new address; Miss Gertrude Cherniack left Fri- guests at bridge luncheon at her ceipt of a letter from the private secbo sure and give your name. Kosh-Chodesb Rlnl. ,. Snn., Aag. SI MANY JEWS WOUNDED 6G85-1B2-J day for New York City, where she home Sunday evening-, January 20. retary and chamberlain to Her Maj- New Xeaz'a -Hon. Sept. S9 IN DISTURBANCE AGAINST The Jewish Press* is supplied by thd JeMvish Telegraphic Agency <Jewish esty Wilhelmina, Queen of Holland, will attend school for the remainder The Jewish Community club is COMMUNISTS AND JEWS of the school year. Correspondence Bureau) with, cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. expressing her thanks for the good planning a bazaar to be held the 20th Berlin. (J. "T. A.) One hundred Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly wishes of American Jews on the ocMrs. A. Leibovitz entertained a few of March. and eighteen Jews were wounded in answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, casion of the 25th anniversary of her guests informally at her home last a disturbance against Communists New York City. ; . reigri, when the freedom and liberality Miss Tillie Polsky entertained sevWednesday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Cincinnati, Jan. 21. (J. T. A.) Con- and Jews which took place in the H. Maxey and Mrs. J. F. Ehlers. eral of her friends at bridge Sunday of treatment which has so long been neighborhood of Elizabetgrad, Kogregation Bene Israel of Cincinnati, evening. accorded to the Jews of Holland was $ JEWS ARE NOT NEWCOMERS IN AMERICA oldest Jewish congregation west sum, Golta and Olviopol, according to Mr. and Mrs. Al Friedman returned The announcement of the celebration of the Centennial An- recalled with gratitude in a congrat- the of the Atlantic seaboard, celebrated a dispatch to the Berlin* Vorwaerts home after spending the past month Mrs. N. Grossman entertained at ulatory cable to the Queen. niversary of the, founding of IB'ne Israel Temple of Cincinnati from Charkow. its one hundredth anniversary Friday with relatives in Chicago, 111. four tables of bridge Tuesday evencalls our attention to the fact that the" Jew is by no means a The letter from the chamberlain to •night, January 18. The addresses ing in honor of her guest, Miss Jenne the Queen to the Congress follows: newcomer in America, despite all the vaporings of the self- v Mrs. Louis Heeger and son, Myron, Meyer, of Jackson City, Kans. Prizes FREMONT NEWS were delivered by Dr. David Philip'The Private Secretary to Her Majimposed "100% Americans'' x>f K. K. sympathy. The "record of Mr. and Mrs. J. Berek gave a fam- of Sioux City, la., are visiting •with were won by Ruth Zolat and Sarah Rabbi of the congregation; Dr. the Cincinnati Jewish community is not exceptional, however. esty the Queen is ordered tD, convey son, ily Sunday evening for Miss Mrs. Heeger's mother, Mrs. Sam Frei- Krechefsky. Charles F. Thwing, President of the There is hardly a large city, in this country that does not Her Majesty's sincerest thanks to the Western Reserve University and Dr. Sadiedinner BoTdy and her finance, Mr. Sam den. possess a Jewish congregation over seventy-five years old. Jewish organizations of America, rep- Abram Simon, President of the Cen- Alusker, of Omaha. Mrs. Eugene Levy and Mrs. Max Mrs. J. Schwartz The Messrs. Philip and Sam Fried- Rosenblum will entertain at a bridge The oldest synagogue in America was founded in New- resented in the American Jewish Con- tral Conference of American Rabbis. and son, Buddie, of Laurel, were the man returned home Tuesday morning luncheon at the Lincoln Hotel Wednes. port, Rhode Island, - nearly two-hundred years ago. Jews gress, for. the congratulations. and Ralph W. Mach spoke the welcoming only out-of-town guests present. after spending a few days in Kansas day, January 23. , settled in New York when it was known as New Amsterdam greetings addressed to' Her Majesty words. A letter of congratulations ,as early as 1654, although Jews are known to have been In on the occasion of the 25th anniver- from President Coolidge was received. Miss Selda Brown and sister, Mrs. City, Mo., visiting their mother. Mrs. Ed. Gugenheim and father, some of the colonies, particularly Mary, before that date. sary of her reign. On Saturday morning, January 19, Sam Block, and children, Florence Mr. Morris Friend, will leave next .These were the Spanish and Portuguese" Sephardic Jews, of "Her Majesty highly appreciates the and Milton, of Fremont, Nebr., are was delivered by Dr. SamLINCO1N Monday for California. Mr. Gugenbourse," but nevertheless Jews. In the Continental Army there the words which are contained in this uel sermon Schulman, Temple Bethel, New leaving shortly for Los Angeles and heim is in Thermopylis, N. Y., on were more than a score of Jewish commissioned officers, one of message:" Venice, Calif. York, and on Saturday evening there The Hebrew Educational . Society business and will be back in Lincoln the most noted bfeing Colonel David S. Franks, a staff officer At the same time there was re- was a congregational dinner at which held its regular meeting and dance at in a few days. to General Washington. It.was a Polish Jew, Hyam Solomon, ceived, from S. J. Sylvester, secretary Israel Zangwill delivered the chief ad- Miss Selda Brown spent a couple the Ivre club rooms Sunday, January of days visiting in Norfolk, Nebr., who is said to have saved the American Revolution by advanc- to David Lloyd eorge, a letter of dress, taking as his subject "Judaism." 20. Mr. Melvin Katleman was taken The Menotah club will hold its open with her brother, Mr. I. H. Brown, and ing large sums of nloney to the army. (The Polish Jews is thanks for a copy of the Zangwill A portrait of Dr. Philipson, painted 1 into the organization. meeting Sunda;', January 27. Mrs. Brown. Carnegie Hall address which -was sent hardly a newcotneri) '' " by John Weis, was presented to the . Many Jews ar.e known to have taken part in the War of him. The copy of the address was Congregation by the Sisterhood, 1812, among whom was Commodore Uriah P. Levy, of the XL sent him following a correspondence through its President, Mrs. Adolph S. Nayy, on whose tombstone at Cypress Hills, New York, is .between the English Statesman and Rosenberg. Addresses were also derecorded the interesting -fact that "he was the fattier of the law the notable Jewish author. The print- livered by the Hon. George Carrel, Many affairs are being given for for the abolition of "the barbarous practice of corporal punish- ing of the book .was not yet complete mayor of Cincinnati; Dr. David PM1- Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg, who re- ment in the U. S. Navy/' Seven 'thousand Jews, served in the when Lloyd <Jeorge sailed for Eng- ipson, Mrs. J. Walter Freiberg, Pres- cently returned from their eastern. Union and Confederate forces , in the Civil War, the Jewish lana and a copy of the unbound print- ident of the National Federation of honeymoon trip. Mrs. Louis Epstein population in the United States at that time being about 100,000. er's proofs were dispatched to his Temple Sisterhoods, and Ralph W. entertained Tuesday afternoon, honor- ; And as for the "Mayflower" Americans* who boast of being ship. Mack, President of the Congregation. ing Mrs. Steinberg. Mrs. Sam Stein- j the only true unadulterated American "blue bloods.", the Jew Simeon M. Johnson, grandson of Da- berg entertained Thursday afternoon ] can well afford to smile, for he was the first white,man to set vid I. Johnson, one of the pioneers for her, and on Sunday evening Mrs. ' foot on American soil five -of him having taken the hazardous and founders of the Congregation, George Steinberg will entertain for the couple. I trip with Columbus, (also said to be a Jew), in the year 1402! acted as toastmaster. There are hundreds of "Jewish families in America whose geneThe Junior Council entertained 38 alogy can put to shame njost of the boasted "first families" in New York, Jan. 19. (J. T. A.) A guests at a bridge party Wednesday America who" in their pitiful ignorance dub the Jew a "newr special session of the American Jewevening at the home of Miss Jeanetie Comer I" ish Congress may be held in FhilaGilinsky. delnhia February 10, for the purpose Mrs. George Krasne entertained at of determining action on the immigraMoscow. (J. T. A.) The Jewish EIGHT WORDS AT THE RIGHT TIME. five tables of bridge at he? home tion problem, it is learned by the JewUnited States Senator David Reed, of Pennsylvania, hits the ish Telegraphic Agency from reliable population is greatly excited as a re- Tuesday evening. sult of the anti-Semitic behavior of Klan.right square between the eyes. A gentleman by the name sources. the Ogpo (the former Cheka) and of Bubb or Dubb takes exception to the inclusion of an anti-KIan A benefit Card Party given under plank in the Republican platform and writes to ask Senator Reed Plans have, already been made for their threats to kill Jews, as a result the auspices of the Agudas-Achim the why and wherefore.- Here is the Senator's answer. It covers a combined executive ~o nmittee meet- of the general clean-up made by the will be given next Sunday evening at ing, regional conference of delegates Soviet police on the 23rd of Decem- the Danish Hall. the case completely: ' ,. . from Pennsylvania, Delaware' and ber, according to Russians who re"2ir. Henry A. Bubb, President, New Jersey, and a mass.meeting in cently arrived here. The Council of Jewish Women will "IL A. Bubb Engineering Philadelphia on the above 'mentioned The Ogpu arrested 916 traders, hold a meeting next Thursday after"Corporation, Inc., Monroe, La. date, and it has been suggested that agents and co^wnissioners on the noon, January SI, at the home of Mrs. "y- Dear Mr, Bubb: ~ the scope .of this meeting, be enlarged streets and in hf oses. Those arrest- E. Gilinsky. . "Your letter of January 2 falls on stony ground. I fail to 3 why its campaign against bootlegging and immorality, to to include all of the delegates to the ed were immediately deported to 532 Miss Sara Kesselman left last week . Inch you refer, could not be better conducted if the same indi- American Jewish Congress. There is different provincial towns. for Minneapolis, Minn., where she will vidupls would lend their influence to strengthening the estab- a strong possibility that this sugges- This action of the Ogpu is sup- visit with friends and relatives. tion will be favorably acted upon. ported by the Emess, the official Jewlished government. . "J see hd excuse for the use of masks and other disguises by In connection with the activity of ish Communist organ, "which admits Mrs. Ben Hirsch entertained at 1 men who profess to be acting on proper motives. I see no excuse the American Jewish Congress with that a great percentage of those de- o'clock luncheon at the Brandeis Tea i for a revival in this country of race prejudice and religious preju- regard to the immigration question, ported are Jews* It claims that the circular letters have gone out from Jewish Bourgoise have antirSociet dice. . the Congress offices to delegates in all tendencies and declares it is neces"I cannot understand why men of intelligence like yourself, LOST!!! parts of the country, asking them to sary to clean Moscow and Petrograd with a record of patriotic service, become members of this Soci8 inch silver plated bowl from take some action in protest of the of this undesirable element. ety. In the World War you did not wear a disguise when you Russian "Somevar" used to proposed immigration bill, the letters Jewish Communists are somewhat wash tea cups. Bowl was lost were fighting for. what you thought was right, arid you fought at B'nai Brith Carnival. For alongside Jews and Catholics and Negroes and you found them as containing a summary of the clauses perturbed by the expulsion, but exfurther information call Harney of the bill and the objection to it. plain that the great influx of Jewish patriotic as yourself. Yours very truly, D. A. HEED." 6211. traders from the provinces to the —Jewish Criterion, large cities arouses sentiment against VENEZELISTS OPPOSE JEWS IN SALONIKA the Jew which might result in antident that this Jewish scholar still has Salonika. (J. T. A.) A section of Semitic outbreaks. FOR REXT much to learn. In any event, it will the Venezelist Party has commenced Dershinsky, Commissar of the Inbe interesting to hear Dr. Thon's hoft- a widespread anti-Semitic agitation terior, •issued a statement that the deFurnished room in private ' est opinion of American Jews when because the Jews abstained from the portees were smugglers and speculatJewish home. Desirable neighhe is ready to return to his native elections to the Greek Assembly sev- ors and warned ethers 'to beware if (Continued from pagi -J.) • borhood. Call at 3156 Lincoln land to continue his struggles in and eral weeks ago. Blvd.-, or call Harney 3586. they wished to avoid arrest. iean public, if would reject the new out of the Polish Parliament. To combat this anti-Semitism, a Johnson bill as unsportsmanlike,, unmized Jewish and Greek committee SAMUEL RECEIVES THE V1LNA TROUPE. fair and decidedly un-American. Bu£ sinceVthe Government seems to favor HAKOAH ELEVEN For years past American Jews have has been formed which has been asit.^there is every- reason to fear its heard reports lof the extraordinary sured by the. Governor-General that he Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Jewish WANTED enactment as a law unless' Congress- ! efforts oi'the!"Vilna troupe in its.in- .will not permit anti-Semitic agitation football team of Vienna, the Kakoah, Beliabie young rnan to work men and Senators are made aware terpretation'of the drama, 6n the' Yid- and that he is convinced that Jewish was received by Sir Herbert Samuel, in store. References required. 1 abstention from the polls was not beof the true sentiment of their con- dish Stage. So persistent - and so High Commissioner of Palestine, who Address Box 200, Jewish Press stituents. ' varied have been these Tfiports that cause of disloyalty "to Greece but on praised the players for their victories. Pub. Co. SEE QWt FARMM STREET WINDOWS account of dissatisfaction over the septhe achievements of this little band Governor Storrs has arranged a tea MISPLACED FAITH, arate electoral sector for the Jewish Tiave for some of us assumed a legin their honor. -Dr.. Joshua Thbn, the noted legder voters. Last night, a reception was held at OT Polish Jewry, tipori &£rival. in New the theatre with the Kahoah as guests JEWISH PHILANTHROof honor. Representatives of the ZiMtnffc PIST AN AUTHOR onist Organization, including repre" - # mUUBMUBA ed for the benefit of Jews here genOKSABA Five Room Cottage. AH m herS Paris. J. T. A.) Leonard Rosfinr Up f sentatives of the Maccabean Executive ™ > thal has recently published a book, and of the Vaad Leumi, spoke in erally and Zionists" in particular. \° ° Modern. 2523 Seward St. Call -CORRECT APPAREI FOK MEN AND WOMEN, Webster 1235. Spfeakinjr to press representatives I "Faisons Fortune," which has attract- terms of praise of -the splendid record about; the objects of his Visit which ed considerable attention in- literary achieved by the Jewish football team. , are to'secure some help for the eom- tries' iti' tHe past seven years, has a circles in Franpe.charm all its own, and creates a deTjihed' cultural movements which PolMr. Rosehthalj next to Edmond <Ie 1,098 JEWS SETTLE IN ish' Jewry is trying to advance and to* lightful atmosphere quite tinftR'e that Rothschild, is the foremost Jewish ARGENTINA IN NOVEMBER •which one is accustdmed to find aid- the Keren Hsyefsod, Dr.' Thon philanthropist in France. In the course - Paris. (J. T. A.) The Jewish Colamong those permanently attached to : said: The writer has the im- of the last few.-years he has contrib- onization Association reports that uted heavily to the support of char- 1,098 Jews (mostly Polish Juws) were itable institutions of all sprite and has amongst the 25,025 immigrants who made large donations for the care of entered Argentina in tha month of November, 1923. Employment was orphans from the Ukiaine.. Some men resemble "the drift" on the water, riding where the current The present work is the-latest of the found for a number of these Jewish takes them, oftentimes to be pitched upon the rocks and destroyed. literary products of Mr, Rc'vnthal, immigrants on the farms in the JewAfter seven years of •Wng , suff^ient numW •who is the author of a number of ish "colonies established by the JewOther men follow a course free from uncertainties which might be disasish Colonization- Association, states their art as a books. trous, and which leads to their destination safely. # Each of you have the report. ' •either of these courses in personal or business affairs. JEWS EXPELLED FROM . Insurance is Thrift—Drift is unsound optimism and would be regarded EX-SOLDIERS' SOCIETY want to buy a by most as a, chance at desperate odds. Berlin, (J. T. A.) All Jews have home. been expelled from the local ex-Soldiers' Organization* According to a want to sell nationaL.iife possible. of aU others should be the first to report received here from Stahlhefan, '• your home '.; Spealdligof American Jewry, Dr. a p P ear"as a'group for the purpose'of in the District of Gildenburg, East Than declared that he entertained bringing the best of the Yiddish dia- Prussia. you need any kind feelings of high *«spect and wonder m a b e f o r e Broadway audiences, for The decision was a complete surof insurance— at their great progress and remarka- t h e y h a v e b e e n t, r 0 U g h t h e r e b y B o r i s prise to the members concerned who "Pays the Claim First" ble aehsev&snenta and that he expeot- Thomashefsky and will spend all of first heard of it when they weie inCall! AT lantic 9555 Howard at 18th deal ro3 t h e m i n f u r t h e r formed that, In accordance with the ^ at Ws Forty-fourth Street ' ed a g*»t * ^ * tiieir rules and regulations--of the Society, ing Ws work- B K Tho» seems to be Theatre. ' they had been excluded from memberReal Estate gaud Insurance ^ 1 "-quite sincere in his.'fla^fen^-teliefa 11 ship, . ' . 41? Kcelino BHg.A \ Vhum AT.. 888« PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS; about .American 3ew& and »fc is «n-




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&-TH& JEWISH pities, THUESDAY, JANUARY U, to be held Monday afternoon, j&suary It was decided at the last executive feating the M. E. Epk by a score ef JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. . on Hamlet and Shylock, by J. Eadin28, at 2:30 at the Jewish Community | meeting of the Daughters of Son at S to 5. The nest game will be played A very interesting program ha? owsky; violin solo, by 3. Belmont, acCenter. Further reports on theTri- the Jewish Community Center on this Saturday evening s i the Y. M. C. been prepared by the committee in companied by Miss Hovrich; piano annual convention •will be given. Mrs. Monday, January 21, that the first A. Everycne is invited. charge for the r>exf meeting of the solo, Albert Fenkcl. pupil of Harry J. P. Cohn •will give her report, and annual Grand Ball will be held March The Jewi= History Class that is he Jewish Culture Ltiagrue to be held Braviroff; short reading, by H. DonMrs. S. Nathan's teport "will be read 23 at the City Auditorium. ing sponsored by the club held its Sunday, January 27, at 4 p. m., at darter,. by a number <sf the organisation. The Hatikvoh club held its regular regular meeting last Friday evening the home cf Mr., and Mrs. J. EadmRabbi Frederick Conn -will address the s t t i e Jewish Community Center. members «n fee "Bafer-Pefiee Plan." : meeting Sunday .afternoon, January Everyone is Invited to •attend this' owsky, 1434 North Eighteenth street. CO-OPERATIVE BANK OPENS. The meeting will not be held at the Jerusalem. {?,. T. A.) A co-opcrn20, at the Jewish Community Center. Labor Lyceum this week because of tive Bank of IVnai .Binysvmin, an orMrs. M. Ilolzmah and daughter, Es- Miss Dora Goldberg was admitted Friday evening's class. The first anniversary dance will l>e minor technical changes. A short ganization of native Palestinian Jews, ile, left Tuesaay^evening for their into the club., A bunco and box party given by the organization Sunday business meeting will precede the pro- has opened offices here. The bank is home in St. Leuis, Ma, after visiting will be held Sunday afternoon, Januhere at the Inane of JMX. and Mrs. S. ary 27, at the home of Miss Ida Min- evening, January 27, at Moose HaD, gram, which, is as follows: Lecture largely financed by Mrs. Mary Fels of New York. The bank's capital is Eavitz. fc'off, at 4327 South Twenty-second Twenty-eighth -and Fsmam streets. . STAENBERG-MAIZLSH. Mr. and Mrs. N. Shifren, of Los 25,000. street. The committee in charge are The-wedding of Miss Goldie Maizl- 'Angeles, CaliL, announce the engageTile Ifisses feer&a and Ida Seff, of the Misses Ida jfinkoff, Ethel-Shots JEWISH ORPHAN SOCIETY NEWS ish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maizl- ment of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Sioux City, la^wliD have been visiting and Dora Goldberg. The Jewish Orphan Society will hold ish, of this city, to Mr. Harry Staen- Paul Steinberg, of Omaha. No wed- with Miss Ruth Brodkey for a week, its regular meeting Tuesday, January The Young Judae Daughters of 23on berg, also of this city, -was solemnized ding date has as yet been set. left Sunday for: their home. 29, at the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-secwill hold a meeting Sunday afternoon Sunday evening, January 20, in CounAUDITING AND INCOME ond and Clark streets. The yearly iii® Jewelry tt Mrs. Max Ffomkin is entertaining at the Jewish Community Center. cil Bluffs, la. Rabbi Diamond, of TAX REPORTS Mrs. Sam "Wertheimer is ill at the the Ea O& Society this Sunday afterreport of the money paid on t i e orCouncil Bluffs, officiated. "Wise Memorial Hospital. phan home "wfl! be gives. A itrasical noon, January S"7, kt her home. 2GS Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 Mr. Staenberg and his bride left ALEPH ZADIALEPH NEWS. program will be given. The Misses for a short honeymoon trip to Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Sam Eosenblum anMr. Lester* Lapsdus was elected lobby, Leah and Celia 25er wSl parMrs. Boris £ohaaj of Chicago, BL, City, TVIo., and "will return soon to nounce the birth of a baby daughter president of the Alenh Zadi Aleph or- ticipate. who is Tisi33tig her6j is being quite makd their home "with the bride's par- on Tuesday, January 8. . | Diamond & Platinum Specialists extensively entertained; Mrs. Harry ganization fer the ensuing term at ents. 1 1514 Dodge St. Mrs. Samuel Katz entertained at a Kubby, of Council Bluffs, entertained the club's last meeting held Sunday, I E s t 1894. Ja. 5B19 January 20, at the Jewish Community LEDERMAN-ROSENBAUM. musical tea Tuesday afternoon at her at luncheon iafc the Biahdess Tea Center. The other officers elected Sboms, IbllowEd by an OrphEum TheMiss Edith Rosenbaum, daughter of apartment in the Blackstone Hotel. RT ChSslrea's Befeismg 25c atre Party Satorday afietnobn, and were Harry Fried, vice president; • ax TO AND FROM Mr. and Mrs. B. Rosenbaum, of this i Scalp Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c THE BRINN & JENSEN GO. Givot, secretary; Sidney Schiffer, on Tuesday -*UEtemooa Mrs. E . VLoMrs. Henry Monsky left Monday city, "will be married Thursday even-]! ALL PARTS OP Expert Individnal Service r^lieder- for San "Francisco, Calif. She Wilt be rig -was .hostess at bridge at her home treasurer; Meyer Freeman, reporter, Wholesale paper ing, January ! SBn<5ayl> and Ereaings. distributors for THE WORLD and Harry Weiss, sergeant-at-arms. • man, of "Waterloo, la. The ceremony gone for about a inbntJi and -While honoring Mrs. Kohan. The organization basketball team in California she -will atteiid the we&Northers Toilet Tissue t/CHARME St. 4818 •will be solemniied at the home of the 212 Courtney ««fc. VAL J. PETER UM?MY Mr. Hesjaan Horwioh, of Denver, won its second League game by de©f her 'toother, Mr. Joe Les'ser, 1112 Harney Street bride's parents before the presence of I3f? Howard SS^, Omaha, Neb, Colo., is hare .visiting with his mother, AT-lantic 6409 • Only the immediate relatives. Rabbi to Miss Gelia Riehards> at San Jose, ATlanttc 0340. Mrs. K. Harwich, who is ill a t her California. <5rodinsky and RabW J . M. Charlop MONHEIT'S home with pnsumoiiia. will officiate. •• Mr3. J. Wintroub is now at her . . Est. 1S90. . Mr. Lederman and his bride will home after having been ill at the PAXTON-JtOTCHELL CO. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nitz entertained a t : CH1KOPODT S10 North 16th Si. Permanent waTinjrs S and make their home in Waterloo after a 2Tth and Martha Sts. HA. 16S3 a dinner Sunday evening honoring marceling, a specialty in hospital. SlBontaPtnrers of Brass, Bronze, short stay:here;. h cteirartmetett Mrs. Nitz's mother, Mrs. Ida Nager, ^SPECIAL PRICES «ach %tnm!ni3m and Soft 'Gray Sron Cantinfrs. BTP iissurrt] of soft castings, AS For appointment Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eosenstock and •who recently arrived from Russia, and ARE ALWAYS GOOD mwhinp some from every heat In Ja-ekson 977=1. FOR THIS WEEK Miss Rosenbaum and her finance Mrs. Eosenstock's sister, Miss Lor- in honor ot tbiir daughter, Miss Molly 9Gr own shop. Ground floor 1312 Esstnty. and good all ways were honored at a number of social raine Bosenstock, left Saturday eve- Uttz, tsrho recently graduated from the Standard slzp cast iron tm& bronze JAcfessn 58S2. Baketl by osshings in stork. affairs this,, week prior to their wed- ning for Chicago, I1L They will be Omaia Technical High SchooL Covjlraa l$i»ewii Co. Snow White Baltertes I 1b. Thick balam and weenies <K V. S. Tat. Office) ding date. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosen- gone for two weeks. Mrs. Eugen ers were laid for twenty guests^ Ib. Soft Salona - - • - -,baum entertained at a family dinner Behr, of New York, who was the Medium Salomi ., r-,, .-&..Ib. Sard Salomi - „ Monday evening at their home hon- house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ferer have as Carpenter Paper Co. oring them. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mittle- stock for the past several weeks, ac- ffaeir guests "Ehis week Mr. Harry F. 8. 91GREX Prop. g man entertained at a dinner Tuesday companied them to Chicago and then ffa 0!stribm.or» oi Hoffman, of St. Louisi Mo. Phone Webster 0820 .evening at their home. Mr. and Mrs. returned to her home. Western Bond—and High THE LAUNDRY THAT Mr. and Mis. Max Grossman and Max Rosenbaum entertained Sunday A remarkable anGrade Stationery EVERYBODY L1EES. evening at bridge at their home. Eabbi J. M. Charlop will deh'ver small daughter, TiHiaa, and Miss NetOrantia. Nebraska. nouncement f r o m Prizes were won by. Miss. Sarah Wei- his- sermon this Friday evening, at tie Lewis affe leaving Saturday even- ' "The MoM nersand Mr. M. Drebsky. H a n s e n — expect SbaS&enc*. 13«S fta 25th Si. | the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, 24th and ing for St. Louis, Mo., -where they Earry a. p TcL fitlantif 6G3T — — | Nicholas Sts. His subject will be on will attend the wedding of Mr. Gross#os. Pepper, great things. W <}. Ore. man's sister, Miss Molly Grossman, Pfcire at Brnlnna, £323 Raraey St. Mrs. A. Herzberg returned Wednes- "The Gentil's Conception of a Jew." formerly of-this city* who will "be marTfil ATJflntir "SSS1. Shoes Featuring and Gent's Purmshings Omaha Fixture &, i day evening' from Iincoln, Nebr., On Saturday morning lie will deliver; ried Sunday evening, February 3, to Dnntnp Shops—SS fo $12. •where she was visiting, with Her his -sermon at the Beth Hamedrosh Mr. Ben Biattdnd, of St. Louis. Litt>IU3SS SHITS AND TUXEDOB Supply Co. for sa3e or rent Hagodol Synagogue, 19th and Burt tle Miss Grossman will be flower-girl sister, Mrs.. Max Rosenblum. /A. 8128 100 North ietfc St. COMPLETE STOEE AND CLARENCE DESDIJKES Street, and his subject will be at the wedding. Mrs. Grossman and OFFICE OOTTHTEKS Mrs. R. Kulakofsky left Tuesday "Gethro and Moses". Violinist sad Teacher \ Miss Lewis expect to visit in St. Louis We occupy for San Jose, Calif., -where she trill e tits iia.ft«isSt. Omaha, Neb. TO.OOD Bouare for two weeks T>efore leaving for Phone, K>bst«r B526. Mrs. M. Herzberg returned from visit with Mrs. L. Richards. While Botitliwest Comer Office Buszrs. S:St to 6, there Mrs.-Kulakofsky -will attend fne Wheeling, W. Va., where slie visited home, wiile Mr. Grossman will leave Visiia bows sad saset for ssls. 1 i wedding of Mrs. Richard's daughter, with her daughter, Pauline, who is immediately after the weddings attending school there. On Tier return Miss Celia Richards, to Mr. Mae «*?•«» •?*??••" " • « « ? • • ' • • • " ™ * " " * " * " Mrs. Herzbetg spsnt several Lesser,"; of San Jose. Mr& Knla-1, in St. tiouis, Mo., witir her kof^y ^iU visit in Califoinia for ( ^sys iiiece, Mrs. ^ v e Goldman. a nionth. Mr. Edwin Kirscbbraxm Tetarnedj Mr.' and Mrs. David Finkel anEvery Kno^Ti Kind nounce the birth of a baby son on j this -week from a business trip in of Insurance the East. Tuesday, January 22, at the Clark-' 209 W. O. W. Bidg. JA. S044. son ;HospitaL Mr. aird Mrs. Michael Cohn enterJAckson 1862 Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorkis entertained' tained their bridge club at their home at their home Tuesday evening at Tuesday evening. Prizes "srere won three "tables of bridge. Prizes were by Mrs. Eotf Eoifman and Mrs. S. WASH AND KEEP WELL Gate City Funuture Ck». won by Mrs. J. Eisen and Mr. I. Lagman. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoffman A RULE OF HEALTH -will entertain the club Tuesday eveKlein, Globe Tan & Storage Co. ning, February 5, at their home. FEONTIEK TOWEL SUPPLT To tiie admirable stiirdiness and all-year owiicfi and operatefl by Mr. William Levey returned from 1819 California Street. Miss Sadye Levey returned Tuesa ten day business trip to Grand protection of this Sedan, Dodge Brothers • GROSSMAN & SONS 628-33 5 » , J«tU St. * Eapids, Mich., Chicago, 111., and Eock- day from XJes Molnes, Iowa, where h a v e added refinements which further .At. C2S0 3tt. 4338 she has been visiting for the past ford, 111. enhance its value and desirability. month -with relatives. Mrs. Nathan Mantel and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Truehaft enterT and KE Jacobs who left Wednesday morning The car is long and low^ with deep seats and LACNDBI to visit with Mrs. Eugene A. Levy tained twenty-five guests at their STliere yonr eJatiies come hoin© -abundant leg room. New spring—^underhome Sunday evening tn honor of Mrs, a.ir Lincoln, Nebr., are expected home cleniier and last loncer. Truehaft's father, Mr. Louis Segal, slung in the rear—add immeasurably to the Droggists and Stationers ATientS? «3SS. S5O--11 4:ickiion 6S. the latter part of the week. who left Tuesday afternoon for San South iOlh Street, comfort of riding. Mr. A. I. Xulakofsky, president of Diego, Calif, He was visiting liere the local- Keren Hayesod, is calling with his children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry With these and other notable improvements, a meeting of the Organization for Milder, Mr. and Mrs. H. Segal and the Type-B Sedan will distinctly appeal to Tues"day evening; January 29, at the Mr. and Mrs. Truehaft. Jewish Community Center. those who demand beauty as well as utility Ic Accoentants Certified Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis left MonAudits Systems an the car they drive. Messrs. Jacob Finkelstein, Morris day for Los Angeles, Calif., -where Investigations Zolat, and Harold Shapiro, of Lin- they will make their future home. 4£* t« 448 JVtcrs Trust coln, Nebr., -will be in Omaha SunA .regular meeting of "the Omaha i&l'i, 4314. O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. . Oaahs Offiw: BIS Onaelae day to attend the A. Z. A. dance. Ch-pter of Ha&assah will be held Omaha rhnne Atliir.iip SSril? 28th and Barney Sts. The Eo-Noh Club elected ihe fol- Wednesday afternoon, January 30, at Ford TniBsfer & Slora^e Co. Telephone—HA ruey 0123 n A. PUUT». lowing officers at its last regular the Jewish Community Center. Fresulent and General SlKTiaser. meeting: president, Phil. Gerelick; Mrs. F . Marcus left Saturday evenTounril BinfS'e (ioiru) ©i$i»-<; secretary, Seaman Kulakofsky; treas- ing for Chicago, III., to visit with rel108 So. ttlala street. rfeon# urer, Leo Chaiken, and reporter, Leon atives. She will be gone for about of America's Great Hotels' Mandelson. three weeks. Mr. Edward- Soiig is leaving MonMrs. K. Weinberg and d g h ^ day evening for Kansas City, Mo., Eose, returned Monday morning from E Ti:;:.i a ilBAT (TILL iOBil Bank-' .• where he has accepted a position with an extended visit to California, COSVIM'V VO1i> UI> SINrRITT COCNCOL B£,BF] the Fox Film Corporation. . An unusual program has been preService is Oar- Motto Oeoosit Miss Elizabeth Shrago, formerly pared for the regnlar monthly meet©Me Deposit Boxes tot Best. •with the Brandeis Stores, is now ing of the Council of Jewish Women associated with Meyer Coreri's News and Stationery Store.

mi high gracte

; J. fates AccountingCo









J. H Hansen

Cadillac Co.

Made With Milk



E.E. Brue e & Co, '

I Ciiicfl IWfeSaiiip i n '

The newly organized Za-Do Club will' entertain its members at the A. Z. A. dance Sunday evening, January 27, at Moose Hall. Mr, Oscar . Weinstein is president of the Ka-Do organization. At Temple Israel this Friday e"bening, KabTri Frederick Cohn's sermon subject yfil be on *'A Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation". Batorday morning bis subject at the Teniple will be "The* Ten Commandments". • Mrs. Samuel Kice and Mrs. I . Pansky entertained at luncheon Wednesday afternoon at the Brandeis Tea,Rooms honoring Mrs. Joe Bice, trho/was Tecently married, and was 'sririerly Miss Euth Green, of Chi'-39, Bl

Edwin M. Kahn —PIANO—

Instruction in Popular Music Studio 2nd Floor Micfcel BlSff.


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is being sold at 2323 Harney St. Phone, At-lantic 3831.

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SAUERKRAUT AND DILL P1CKELS Fklsliisai's Essler Meat Market







are-not.a new;.people, who liave just not an orchestra in a single capital men, villified In life, APPKEdATEt> dents £0 disastrous as to make them more than 1,000,000 cars and <5iat 90 got'in .to notice and v,%o if"you do that is not crowded with our. children AFTEK DEATH. worthless."-, per cent of this million are Still in not-xecogriize'them," their.claims may under the ffeigned names which they "So it is snore than simply a case of service, proves conclusively that they disappear.- They are an ancient .peo- .adopt to conciliate the dark aversion V : ' •.' ' " ' . . T >• : .By- Mr MONHEIl?. • ... • \ long life, fi is long service that the have held steadfastly to the original which you posterity will, some day ple, , . JV< famous people andean'endur-(NOTE:—This lecture delivered' at-B'nai R'ritli open meeting, in owner values in his Dodge Brothers ideal. Even when Quantity reached ing people and a people who in the disclaim -with; shame ; and disgust. connection with'a series of lectures to" be-given, on The life of Almost every great composed skilled end . have;, generally' attained, their" car. Nobody'is going to cling to an the million mark, quality still had first Great-Jewish Men.) . ' : . objects. v Ihope'Parliament .may en- musician, almost every" voice' that Dodge Brothers Dealer Points • Out old car 3ust because it is a relic. They consideration—and will continue to .... the . _ .dure'forever and-sometimes'-! think ravishes you with its trasporting The many "books published about" of the South. Whatever the case, Significance of Factory's Record. do that with \heirlooins that have have, as long as Dodge Brothers cars the "life of Disraeli would in tthem-^ fact': is an evidence of his prudence, it'.will but-I cannot, help .remember- strains springs from'our tribes. The catalogue is to vast to enumerate. passed down from one generation to are built" . selves make a splendid, library. • In or sagacity all the' more weighty,' ing that the Jews have outlived Assy90 PED CENT OP FIRST the other, but aot with motor cars. studying the comments by the various because Lords Falmerston, Russel, ~rian" Kings, Egyptian' Pharoahs, My interpretation of Ms final words MILLION CARS STILL ' authors, you not only get an idea-of Derby, and Mr. "Gladstone and Sir Roman. Caesars, and Arabian Califs. is that we mant the Jew to feel But if the car continues to give the the events of his life but you canHugh Cairns had each expressed-The Jews in following -generations like a man, to take part in all that PERFORMING SATISFACTORILY same dependable service year after is human, to live and strive humanly more or less sympathy with or belief .must become more ; powerful: _ and also ".acquire, a knowledge of world's "It seems like a surprisingly large year, without undue expense for parts, history which. he represented for the in the success of-the Southern cause, more dangerous to.the society which and if offended to feel offended like Disraeli first came to public notice is hostile to them.. Do you! think that a man. British Empire for nearly, half, of number," said Mr. Davis of O'Brien- replacements and frequent overhaulthe nineteenth century. Irf summing in" 1826 at the age of 22 when he had the quite humdrum, persecution of a When this last chapter in the his-Davis Auto company, local Dodge ing, it becomes the most economical it all'up you arrive to the conclusion published Vivian Grey, aii- amazing decorous representative -of an Eng- tory of the life of Lord Befiensfield Brothers. dealers, in commenting on transportation that a, man can possithat* he was not only a-great per- book with a-character, sketch fore- lish "University can. crush, those ..who was so successfully inacted by him sonality but he was also - a -gTeat shadowing: his own ambition. What have successfully baffled ' the Pha- at the peace congress in Berlin it the fact that over 90 per cent of bly get. You can figure that by disstatesman, author, and orator** with that singular" book/shows is that at roahs, Nebuchadnessaer "Rome and was my pleasure and privilege to see 1,000,000 Dodge Brothers cars are still tributing the original list price of the Disraeli when he arrived for that in seri'ice. Latest styles a remarkable career. An adventurer,' an age when his contemporaries were the Fuedual .ages. car over the number of years of servforeign in race, in ideas, in temper, j lads at college absorbed" in cricket . The fact is you-cannot .destroy a purpose in Berlin, I saw him alight aiid models • ice. When a man has owned a car "But when you consider the number ' without money or family connections,' matches or latin verse making. Dis- pure race, it is a.physiological fact, from the train and after the formal five, six or seven years, as is often greeting .by the British Ambassador of faithful 'old timers' to be. seen a -simple law of nature 'which has climbs by patient and unlaid "efforts, raeli had all ready meditatejl proOrder Your Tailored Made tb lead a great party, • master of a foundely ,on the conditions - and baffled IDgyption.and Assyrian-Kings,' and his.personnel, no less personel everywhere you go, on the country the case with our owners, his annual Suit NOW! powerful .aristocracy, sway-a^ vast methods 'of -worldly success."-He t e - Roman Emperors,- and -Christian In- than Prince Bismarck was there, roads,, in cities and villages, you be- investment is reduced to ridiculously You have the selection of empire and "to make himself one of gan to realize that to achieve suc- quisetors. No penal -laws, no physi- .whose guest of honor he was to be small proportions. our entire stock of material, the four or five greatest -personal cess he must bend pride, must use cal tortures can effect that superious during his sojourn in Berlin. I was gin to wonder if these Dodge Brothers Suits Made to Order. "It has always been Dodge Brothers there' while * ? n my way to Amercars ever wear out. As a matter qf race .should be absorbed in >an inforces in the worfd—his head-is not 'the 'language^ humps, $he prejudices ica and stayeu long enough in Berlin ferior, or be destroyed by it; Try • 5 : turned by his elevation. He never ,(and mold mam to his purposes by fact, I don't believe they do—or, at contention that dependable perform. becomes a demagogue. He never sheer "force of intefiect. He gave up The' mixed persecuting races dis- to see all this work finished. After least, I haven't heard of any. ance, more than any other attribute, is a "Kneeter Made * etoojrs to* beguile the multitude by liis three years study in law to follow appear; the pure prosecuted" race several sessions at the Congress the peace term's, drawn up "Just as a matter of curiosity, when important to- tha owner. Combined appealing to sordid instincts". a ' political "career for which. he- .remains.' And "at this ,nfoment in meeting Garment Disraeli was'finally accepted by this latest Dodge Brothers advertise- with the quality of long life, it enaTo';: lay stress on the fact that thought himself better fitted.- He' be- spite of centuries, of ten of cen- by Russia and Turkey and before its bles him to do exactly what has just Disraeli was of Hebrew birth is.not, came a candidate for parliament in turies, of degradation, the- Jew's mind Jinal ratification Prince Bismarck ac- ment' came out, telling about 90 per though as some of "his \ .political 1832 and failed, not once but sev- exercises a vast'., influence - .on the companied by Disraeli brought a cent.of 1,000,000 cars still in service. been pointed out, namely,' distribute antagonists stooped,to use it, to.cast' eral times, and when at last success affairs of Europe.' copy of the agreement to the Kaiser I interviewed all the junk dealers I his investment over a period of years HIGH CLASS any reproach' on him. Disraeli had was his in 1837 he advanced steadily - I speak not of their laws which Frederick and .-thus reduce his transportation for his review. could .find. _ ' -*;./• MERCHANT TAILOR * three of the characteristics • of his , in the face of prejudice, trickery, and still you obey, of their "Literature Addressing Wilhelm Kaiser ia the followcosts to the minimum. - With • this in race—detachment, intensity," the hatred to the highest place the Brit with which' your, minds are ["saturated ink" terms. the Cleaning-, Pressing-, and " Disraeli said, "Your "They confirmed my opinions abso- mind, Dodge Brothers have always passion for material success. Nature ish 'Empire had to offer. His first but of"the living Hebrew,intellect;lutely... Of all the old cars they take' Remodeling Majesty, dos is der 'man, • der olter gave'him a resolute-will*, e'keen and speech was. received with derision, You never observe a-great intelderunzer Angelageniieit zwi- in, the Dodge is the least numerous., been exceptionally particular in the 1S16 Farnam Street precociously - active ( intellec.t,. ; a 1 He closed abruptly, by. saying, ."I shall lectual movement in Europe in which Yude, Russland und Tuerkei zu einen Some of them have never received selection of materials and in the qualvehement individuality, -and deter- > sit down now, but the time is coming the Jews .do nat ,-greatly -participate. schen Atlantic 6065. : minatipn to" make them" recognized (when "you"must" hear me.". Disraeli The records a r e . our triumphs, the fredlechen fretak erledikta." one.- Others say that "most o£ the few ity of their workmanship. by his fellows. No -religious- in-;when duly excited-possessed a coift- solace our afflication. - Great - orators Before ratification of the Congress that do come in have figrared in. stxl-» "The fact that they have nevr built PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTltSMMSt .- fluences worked for him, . for his mand) of language wonderful and a are the creatures of poplar-assem- of Berlin der alter Yude carried all father-had ceased to be a_ Jew -in .power of sarcasm unsurpassed. When blies. ' We were;! permitted only by before him and he returned to Engfaith . without becoming-even-nom-r congratulated by a friend on his stealth t o ; meet ven in our temples. land in triumph and assured the anally a Chistrian. Thus his develop- •' first Premiership, he, said. "Yes, I And as for great writers kthe .cata- delighted Queen Victoria that she logue is not blank. ••< For • modern would very soon be, if she is not ment . was purely intellectual." ~ He have climbed to the top of the greasy philosophy all springs from" Spinoza already, the Dictatress of Europe. and but "the. , passionate creative Among the outstanding incidents genius that is the nearest link to of his ministry were the creation of detachment gave him* some eminent old Tory Party - and ~ bring it thrice divinity and which! no 'human tyranny the title Empress of India for his advantages.. A great source ..of., his, back to power-. It is a > well-known can .... not destroy though it can divert Sovereign Queen Victoria. And it. That shall, have 'steared the peace with honor results of the Russtrength lay in his Hebrew.intensity. 1 fact that during Tiis 'entire political it. It would pleased him, -,- have.... ....so. full , .of', career,, Gladstone was — his — strongest „--- he hearts of nations .by, its .inspired sian-Turkish, War as determined in pride, in the pure blood ~jaf his race,,- opponent. When asked by a friend sympathy. Or governed senates by 1880 in Berlins And also the control to attribute ,to,,. that t purity the, the difference of a misfortune or a its burning eloquence, has found a of ihe Zues "Canal for his Queen singular power of of concentration calamity he said expression to'which Victoria. said, "In my way of;medium for its its_expression\to~'which which:'he undoul was a man of fixed principles far from seeking ideas never - yielding to oppoish origin, he . . . . . Hhis character wds to noble it and " refused all. support to the • ity." music of the lords of melody, Meyer- for concession when he felt that his efforts which the Tory party made j When reproached in the House of beer, Rossine, Mendelsohn, all • of cause was right and in the end his to maintain the exclusion of the Jews Commons as being a radical Jew, Hebrew race. - And little do-you men ideas triumphed; . Disraeli's mission from • Parliament. • His - opponents he made-the memorable reply,- "When {of fashion-of Paris and your dandies was to teach the*whole wealthy class; learned to fear one who never feared the ancestors-of • the right honorable' of 'London know that you are listen- duty to its neighbar, the duty of hinispjf. • • 'ge'ntleman' ^ e r e painted savages,ing to-the thrill of the" notes of a one nation to another. Not without himself. Daring the American Civil War.: roaming naked in the forests of un-'Basta or a Gristi. Little-do- they bearing on Disraeli's own history are Disraeli was the only leading^states-'known island, my ancestors" were'sttSpect that they are offering homage one or two passages to be found in close conjunction in his letters in man on his side of the politics'who princes in Israel and high priests in to the sweet singers of Israel. did not embrace or applaud the^ case th e Ifimple of-Solomon. . The^Jews .JThere, is,not a company, of-singers, the memories .of this great states-

' Long Serv ics Safes "Money «







Not only are Omahans?but persons residing in all parts of the state and surrounding states are buying Burgess-Nash 7% to 10% ProfitSharing Preferred Shares. They are taking advantage of oar Very liberal offer, now belngmade

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Those who reside outside of Omaha, who buy our shares, are boosters for our store, too. We are having evidences of this every day. K e a d T h i s — • .. s. •' . •

$29.50 Cane Becker, 15.00

14.00 Walnut Finished Steel Bed


On Our Seventh Floor

2.25 Kitcherr Chair

Room Suite, • 175.1 In iue dull brown.ma-, hogany, with comfortable three-piece "cane; back. Chair to matoh at the same price. February Sale' Price, each,

Solid seat, five turned spindles. Two to a customer. No phone or •nail orders—


300.00 3-Piece Library Suite 229.50


' 22.50 Simmons i Made entirely o't genuine American walnut, Steel Bed * • with a sixty-six-inch Buffet and Table that 14.95 * measures 45x54- Inches. The- Chairs have gen-

An especially *> designed' uine blue leather seats. China Closet, illusBed with the miteced .cot-. trated, 49.75, the Serving Table for 39.75. Thus ners and group filling making a complete ten-piece *%£*A Ef A rods. Full size only 14;05~ Suite as Illustrated, priced at, 6 0 ^ : * O U

225.00 Eight-Piece Dining Room Suite

These three line pieoes of "Master Built" l'arlor Furniture are perfectly matched and upfiolstered in a heavy Baker velour. The frame is finished in mahogany. The upholstering and the spring cushions are fully guaranteed. Priced A n n r*r\ specially for the,Pebruary Sale at, the suite for, <£s/£»*7oOU'

30.00 ^Blackstone"

Mattress, 19,95

17.50 Steel Coil Spring

The seat revolves, and opens into a full size and comfortable Bed. You may select either velour or tapestry upholstering. The frame is finished in mahogany and bas a cane panel insert

18.00 Felt and Cotton Mattress, 12.05

Finished in the • • g r-a y e n a t a e l This mattress c o n t a i n s fifty Small heli- pounds of all layer felt and cotton cal spring in combination. Has the four ex top. Februtra rows of ary S a l e side stitching Price— Full or single size. Price—


The Shares

This" Means- An Even" Greater'Buripess-Nadi' Stove . "The -Burg€ss%Nasfr store.liasJhad a remarkable growth since it was founded ten years ago. Its possibilities for future growth and profits are even greater. Thousands of new shareholders will mean thousands of Mends and boosters. That's why we make this liberal offer to you!

7% to 10% Preferred, Cumulative and Participating These shares participate in. the' profits of the store. After all stock has received 7% •'dividend," these shares participate iix one-fourth of .remaining profits until they shall hare received a total of 10% dividend.

cash on partial payment plan,

Shares being sold for $1( $10 permonth per share. This Mattress contains fifty-five pounds of all-pure and " selected layer cotton felt. It has the four extra rows of side stitching. May be had in all regular sizes I Q CIS

A very One genuine;American Walnut- Suite consisting of Buffet. Taoleland.aset of six genuine leather seated Chairs. All pieces F sre perfectly matched and finished to the two-tone. -6 « Q jg»fh A-vsry exceptional vajue for the February Sale at, J L « « ? » O U

75.00 "Pullman" Day Bed, $49.50

./ • _•

A woman, W&Q resides ill Yanktoa, S. £., walked up to one of the clerks and said: "I bought some, of your shares and since I am a shareholder in this store I decided to do my • shopping with Burgess-Hash while visiting- here. I. want to help increase those dividends until they reach the .10 per cent."

The Shares Area Investment

A "Simmons" Bed, fully guaranteed. May be had in the full or single size. limit of two to a customer. February Sale Price 7.95


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The Bnrgess-Nash Company, Omaha, Nebraska, Kindly reserve for ate Cumul&tire Profit-Sharinp 7% to. 10% Preferred Shares of the Bisrgess-Nash Company which 1 desire to purchase at $100.00 per share.

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