"nd-;salbstiliifce; for fckrd .twork^there •is -. nothing. •- "just as
Hxtis ^juses— made - fey
people* *wbo stick to the beaten path.
__ ..„
VOL;.III—No. 8
Kebias&a.. rate'-tte /AjOf tSas*&-8. IE5B.
:~ ''Tbsi\ AlepE; Zadi ;Aleph; extends^ a cordial; welcome to everyone to attend tte.*w^kly, fewish. history^ lecture
SENTENCED TO JAIL Jewish. IiTifnigrani. ILad , -, : ;; Budapest, (J. T. A.)—Deputy Ulain and eight associates of the Awaken:K-:V: ••• >•%• :-^ Startieis Scientists ing Magyars, who were arrested for AWAKEXING MAGYARS
::' ;2vew ;-y:cAr^l:l§&^—A.
- mat&e- handicaps he graduates with high their cennsctio irsriih the Chongxod geiduBvliitt;.sslme to:-:the fore- distinction from the High School. bomb outrage, have been sentenced to nihg at : $ie Jewish Cktmraunity; Cen- •matieat front in-..the .persoa-^l'BeiyainiH-^ion Learning'-that' the- University of Virtfift\^;r%iAt.['.-;lSx.\3i .Lv;-""Wolfsoni;.is' . Iiinfield.r'V..Soi'cona^^3ous.-.haTe .been ginia a t Charlottsville had a fund serve six weeks in prison. They were supervising the class and anyone \irho '•j his • achievenients,—44 spite of his from which. it loaned money to de-held mainly responsible for the death Judge Harry. Fisher of Chicago youth that B|s: professors of serving poor students, he entered that of a little girl and the wounding of 4S wishes to join this Friday evening- is j extreme Will Be the Principal mathematics' in tfe: Universities j University and immediately his bril- others, when a bomb was hurled into welcomV".". . "-'•:'•.• J "/ '."•"'. :: i ; : • * Speaker where hestudied,.'«bonfound thatj liant mind attracted attention. He Plans To Be Made For The Collection Of Fund To Build their young .prodigyf has exhausted j took the:regular bachelor of science the midst of the dancers at a Jewish An. Infirmary Building For The Hospital. their front of learaiajj and they, could! eourse, -. specializing'' in mathematics, charity ball on Christmas eve, REPORTS OF ACTIVITIES OF offer him no more. S; was then that'the sciences and modern languages, FEDERATION FOR YEAR the attention of a ffew prominent and in" due".course of time was OMAHAN APPOINTED AS CHAIRMAN OF THE Jews was called,' wfib, appreciatiag- graduated with-the degree of,Bach* Hariy ;M.- Fisher, judge of the his brilliant mind, fnabled- hkn to elor of Science with distinction.. His CAMPAIGN: TO BUILD NEW INFIRMAY proceed- to Europe to ^tady under the mathematical _ ability. was so great Circuit Court of -Cook County, I1I.» BUILDING. great masters, ".Elifstein, Goursat, that - he'. particularly. attracted the will, be the "principal speaker at the Drach and others.? William H. professor of mathematics and he was annual meeting of the Jewish WelEehols, JE*rofessor of Jlathematics in appointed: as -instructor of Mathemat,. More than thirty men will assemble in Omaha Saturday to Interesting Program of Songs and r fare Federation, Philip Sher, the University of"firginia,-, proph-. ; ics a t a.salary .which enabled him to leave for Denver, Colorado, where they will attend.a convention •''.••-'••<• ;- S p e e c h f i s . G i v e n .' .- " ' , esizes'that Linfield" w|ll soon take his pay expenses-and to repay the bor-Jewish Labor Lrj-g Plans for president : of "theDr. Federation, an» of the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives. These men Cz.Ep£igs to Defeat Jofcr.soa place among the ^ foremost men ofrowed money -from the University. Mr. nounced today. " : are members; in. charge of the campaign to help raise $250,000 SOUVENIRS GIVEN TO .EVERY science of America a^d prove a credit LinfeW then toot graduate mathematBill The meeting -will be held on Sunto his adopted county. . *. • : ! , . MOTHER ics and physics and "was graduated as for an Infirmary building for the hospital. These men are leadBenjamin linfiekk entered • this Master- of: Science,, and: upon tiiis EDITORS OF "' " JEWISH DAILY day evening. February 17, at the ers in civic and -Jewish philanthropic work in the eight states graduation^he was elected to the mem- PAPERS PEINCIPAL SPEAKERS' Foittenqlle Hotel Ballroom, and will With an" attendance that taxed t i e country a s a poor-_ Jewish" immigrant bership which they represent. . of * the honor society "of The New York, Jan. 28. (J. T. A.)—start a t 8:00 o'clock. The Federation boy. He is but ons: of many that • Mr. -Harry H. Lapidus of this city was made chairman of capacity of_ the largest hall at" tihe .have contributed so? much in the Beta Kappa,' the roost distinguished Jewish labor organizations to the requests' all Omahans to reserve thig academic honor conferred on gradthe campaign id raise the fund for the National Hospital from Jewish Community Center, a thor- realms of science- atM-literature of uates. I t is of interest; to the alumni number of 136 responded to the call date now, and not to make other oughly" enjoyable program, dainty .reour country. Yet a finfield would be District No.. 6,, I. O. B. B. The money raised in the cities in : of the University of Virginia to know -barred by the .new jminigrataon legisof .the United Hebrew Trades for a engagements) so that every one may this district will go towards the building of the infirmary build- freshments; and attractive souvenirs lation proposed, by th^restrictioBists, that Mr., linfeld is the last person on the proposed Johnson attend the Federation meeting. ". for t h e . mothers, the 3rd annual upon whom -was conferred the degree ing, which will house an additional 100-men and women.: Mother and Daughter reception given • Professor, Eehols :fiis given the fol- of graduate in the School of Mathe- Immigration Bill, Sunday, at the Judge Fisher is oneof the fore* Michigan: Dr. Joseph Aarons, Ben by the Y. W. H. A. last^night was Twenty-five years ag& the National " a degree established by Broadway Central Hotel. The gather- most Jews in America. Known from lowing biographical ^sfeetch of the life matics, Jewish Hospital -\yas _ organized with Weiner, Milford Stern. Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the ing was the largest ever had bycoast to coast as a inspiring speaker, voted one of the most successful if- of the young biograp^cal genius: and -since abolished for the forty-five people, all adalts, -who came " "Wisconsin: Max Breslauer, Max fairs ever lield in local Jewish -dries. Benjamin Zson Lisfield, twenty-five University, representatives of organized Jewish he adds to effective oratory the power more, titles of degrees. years of age, was %4>ni i.ear Biga. to Denver because of its health-giv- Freschel, Ben Nickols. labor, leaders assert. The principal of a brilliant mind. He has been More than 200 mothers and daugh- He was the tenthsnd youngest child ing climate. These people "were the North Dakota: - D. Naftlain, Alex ters attended, and: so great was iihe Through the influence of his profes- accomplishment of the meeting was active for years in communal work its of - a po«r Jewish- - Babbi in Russia. sor and on account -of his excellent first inmates of the. hospital. There Stern,, S. Papermaster, Harry Lash- demand for reserva^aonsv that fully Not being perinittedp to attend the record and attairiments Xinfield secur- a c determination to wage a action-1 Cliicago, and li prominently identified •was but one'BtulSirig at that time. kovitz, 'Max Goldberg. 100 more were -unable to be accommb- public schools in '4^3; country, as a ed a f ellp-wship a t Harvard University wide campaign, to- defeat the: Joiinsoa. ^ ^ • *& _3mtipnal Jewish activities. Today t h e National Jewish Hospital South Dakota:' Sam Speier, George d a t e d i ; : : ; ; r ; \ f V : ; : : - ;.;": ; r] :.;-.: child he had to s ^ i y privately and where he - pursued his mathematical Imitugxation Bill, for wMch purpose E e ^^ OJ»e- o f , ^ e ; t w '° «P«senta: for his years * beeKtee ".Jjroficient in studies lot. three' years, and in June has twelve.bmldingS'and accommoda- Papermaster, J . Livingston.- - ' 4 5 cf . ..The evening was, opened with- an Hebrew and*! matfeaatks. Feeling 1§23 t2»e •'CBBference was made *• iserma-l ^^ : Amesicaji Jewry who was'"graauated'• fromHarvard tions for about 188 patients. During lowai Bobert Lappen, L. Oransky, address of welcome b y Anne Selicow, spirit of .intellp^al ,and personal •neat .ior^aaazatiaa •"wiax- an sxecntt'E'ei sfrasagsa with t3ie Polish the past twenty-five years, the hospi- Dave Davidson, Rabbi'J. I^.Barron. chairman.'.;,.of the. reception. Leooa the freedom impel his « i l , a t the age of committee of 15 members, who will for the relief activities in that tal has taken care of more than 5,000 • Minnesota: J. M. Davis, I I . L. Fin'-' ~ , alone/ he;'-m|de \liis jway _to carry "out the decision of the con-try- of the Joint Distribution Compeople; jnjan, .women and children of kelstein.'H. D. Frankel, Habbi Leonard Perlis gave yiolin solos, accompanied d e ^ e ^ a s o f m o ^ editable characby, Miriam ^Ruback. Mrs. Doffie P.'Ill"which resulted in the saving all classes have "been patients. Bothstein. . • - • tern exhibiting entity in cozcev- The meeting:was opened by Max L - lmittee r gutter adfi^-;sed~ihe girls ori befealf-|of j ^ s lives-of hundreds of thousands • "The ihfirmary. fcfliJdin"g is a neces- After a short stay in Omaha these ^i ^ managmationm research. ; ; ; Pine; Sefp^gl^ef'ifc" United Hebrew-*^ perseK8- .• . • . sity,** said 'Harry Lapit&s, chairman men will, leave on a 3srr?ais~cax~i@»- vfe^R|tEim^pitf Helrai. E!^kes »ang: a^ ^ i k s 3 e : a i ^ : : m m e ; - p 1 a a f e r : ' Judge; Fisher visited in" Omaha in in t pBPt^-^t^6-piai^*afim&*cFS^y ; BF ,. ^. _.. IMglisa ctfnsin, Illinois, Minnesota, North: and tiLves, Harry A.".. Wolf^TEDenrjrMtfOaky, ^Goiumbine", presented by Mrs^BJR. was classified as deficient. But, a which ^demonstrate MS ^orgsiuziS«$2E.::^her importaiit speak-' o f ^ Jewish"' Belief . Appeal,- .aM South Dakota, \16Wji^W Nebraska. Irvin Stalmaster, fiarry Malashock; Boasberg and Miss Elsie Erickson, he m 8 lady, one of the teachers, became with obstruse subjected \ : . ; of friends while here, " ^ > i H B £ a ^ ; ^ m p [ i i g ; i i one design- Samuel H. Schaefer and Harry H. held jreat appeal for both mothers interested' in him and gave hint Certain* gentlemen in New York ers wsre B. C. "Vladeck, manager of F o«rhundreds h5s the Jewish Daily Forward, and Conaddress at the Federation private instructaons in English. So City recogniadng;the possibilities ef a ed especially for the care of infirmary L a p i d u s . •'.. .• • :- .--.,. • '" . : .,.- and-daughters and was enthusiasticalgressmaa F . H. LaGuardia. meeting lie has taken the subject bright was his mind, so hungry was brilliant-intelect and of the Importance patients, who are BO sick that they The following men have been ap-; ly: received- Mrs. Herman Auerbaeh his ambition, and so fine his courage to our country'of scientific genius Speaking -of the Jews and the "Jewish-EducationV a field of-Jew-most spend most of their time in pointed on committees for the eight spoke on ."Daughters and Mothers" and insatiable his appetite for knowl- have most generously contributed the ish _communal- activity to-.whieb-'.'he bed. There are .patients; a t ,the hos-. states in.which the campaign is to be relating experiences gained in news- edge that a t fee end of the year it necessary ;.funds to enable Dr.; LinSeH Italians, a s two peoples who would be most .affected-'by fee Jotaissn has'givfn long service and intensive was said of him, by the principal, to pursue his studies abroad and' to pltal who have been in bed .from: two paper work. Sadye Levey concluded that his examination papers were ex- further enable - him to equip himself Immigration. Bill, Mr. Pine cited the study. to three years." ; I ilarry H. tapia us, Chairman of-District the program with piano selctions. pressed in better English than those for scientific research. t He is nowfact that they have built up entire •;*As;-has bees the custom during the. "The people, of - Omaha should take -; Kcfr—Trnatee.of National Members of the Y. M. H. A. served of any- of the pupils in the school working; in the University of Paris industries in this country and' that past tht issue of "The Jewish.,Press1-' -\ ••••: '•:•• the National Hospital very seriously,". ' : ••'".•,• ' V - - . . - •• I L L I N O I S and that he knew more mathematics doing work under-the guidance, of the the refreshments. ' . . ; . --M. Krensky, St. Ch. than any one in the entire large leading French Mathematicians they have enriched the country with published "just before the annual Fed*said Mr. Lapidus. "Omaha has many < N. Ben Samuels, V. Ch. Each mother was presented with a school. A t the end of. that year he Coursat, Drach, Cartaii, ; Montel, and their material as well as with eration" meeting will be the-Federa« patients a t the hospital. At the ' Dr. Geo. Fox, V. Ch. , :-. linen iandkerchief hand-embroidered went to Richmond and entered: the tinder Lebesgue, Hadamard in College tion number and •will contain tho : contributions. present time there are fifteen Omaha B. J . Samuels, C Ch. John Marshall High School in the the France. "He will later study in with the "Mogen Dovid." Patronesses LaGuardia attended M. Konhetm." »' •.. . :. Congressman LaGwuma *ttenafiQj names of all the subscribers to the people a t the,hospital, -who are fight- Leon State of Virginia. He supported Italy to get the Italian point of view, L. Lewis. ':.." included the Mesdames Wm. L. Holz- himself by teaching Hebrew to and subsequently i n Cambridge, Lon- the meeting to inform the conference * ederaaon for thr- rear 1S23. ing that dreadful jplague of tubercu- JMartin X. Bitter/ xnaii, Philip Sher, : Carl Forth, Harry. private pupils in the city, but which : don and Edinborough. He wELl return what printed on Slgfried T. Jacobs. • is Washington losis, so that they may again gain a James is being being done done in in Washington' ^" 1S nuabcr v.ill be prirclose on M. Newburger.-- - - . : ^ -.;,.. . Lapidus, Harry Malashock and Sain- he earned four dollars each week. His we hope to take ius place among the what 'February 14. . Forms will with regard to the immigration measJttuben Eiaenberj:. . : foothold in "life. "Omaha- has had durboard vita a poor family cost him men of . science of America and we uel Schaefer. ;'•*"" ;-" - , i-j;.."-' February Sih., and no changes in ing the past morethan 73, patients Dr. H.-X Davis. dollars a week, there were many predict, will-become one of these who ure. The Congressman said that tJie the list may be made after that date. : : j > The committee of Y girls in charge two Dr. Gerson Lery. • ~ Johnson Bill, which is known in children in this family. The only reflect credit upon" himself and his at the hospital." ^ : Xronis Grollman. . " : - '•*'. •..'.. . incladed Anne Selicow, chairmani fire in the house was that in the country ini;hat;'far-reaching-, far see-Washington as the official immigra- The. Finance; committee of the Fed. "These men -will make an actual Judge Harry B. Fisher. Meryle Friedel, Dora Greenberg, (ITla kitchen stove and in this room a t ing field of research .and discovery. . tion program, might- better be termed eration fg. rapidly collecting outstaud* S. J . Bosenblatt. ./•-' , tour of the hospital arid will visit and Lonis Etshokin. :; > Albert,^ Lottie Giventer, Anne Free- night five small children studied their {Copyright January lOth. 1S24; Jewish. the "immigration pogrom". Mr. Laing balances of subscriptions so that Edward Mentln. "..• . ", talk with the patients, so that they lessons out loud. In spite of "these Telegraph-tc Agency.) man and Sadye Levey., :„ all the*business of the Federation Guardia severely criticized the pro-] may deliver a message of importance posed quotas on 'the basis o* t h sfor . 1928"may'be closed before that to the Afferent communities -which •Robert Lappen, St. Ch. L.OranBlcy, C Ch, Des Molnes. date. , _ .. " census of 1890 and took the occasion they represent," • A. Frankel, V.- Ch.,-Des Sloines. » :"We. still have about $2,200 to R . M a r t s , V. Ch-, Des Moines. • to warn Ms audience against the The National. Jewish Hospital is a » . Davidson, C. Ch>> SIpnx City. "KIDW ; plan. to., register all aliens,, which he collect", «ai<3 Harry Malashock, chair-' -jion-secteriaii institution and i t takes •J; L. Baron, C. Ch., Davenport Babbi. "' A. L. «aIlnBky..T. Chi. Sionx.-Clty. j Miss - _ Ida Fine,'.-' daughter"" of ;• Mr.. Committee, "and would be- proposed after .the im-'l mBT1 o f , *tlle.. ; KabbTlEugene, Manheimer, Bes Motucs. 'The: Temple IsraeL-Siste^iooa^ma' and Jlrs., 'P. "Fine,' toot the second we mmt &misk before next. Fri* H; Rieh, Sioux City. •"enter"who can pay.** " N o n e canSpay Joseph Slate, Des- Molnes. -. ., , - Hugrstioa.. bill will,bam-. l>een fs-, Dr. Morris MargoKn Principal Speak- observe ""Know Omaha Week'' » | ' S s leading, part in"", the ^comedy * play, ^josed-.of. He predicted that the im•; who' enter.";:.f; '•%/.* - ' X.>' 1.-/-;; ••')-••'] ••..";/.':" er on Program |- . "-'•'-regular monthly meeting on Monday "Captain Lettarblair", -which "was : • The follereang men will be in Omaha .."•"••;"; . • " - • " . " • . • • ' ' K B B B A S K A ' : ^ " . ' - ' ' ' ". '-'i -•''.' migratioa b S W0uld pass the House afternoon a t three o'clock ..in./"the H. A. Wolf.J3t. Gh. : ; , ^ Satttrjiay and rsrfll l^ave to attend this Henry Hoaaky. • -." ." . ' ' >; - ••,. : M(Jre ^fchan 250 members of the 1ST. M. Vestry- •Booms of Temple-Israel, -«• -class *"*»** * * ~ ^ f ^ ^ f f f of Sepxesemtatives- but: would morel B e a t y Malashock,. City Chairman." ; " -•••!•—•• .of - l i e ..Omaha -Technical; Hrgh. than likely meet with still opposition convention a tDenver: . : : •.'•:..'.. •••:":•. •"•-.' 1 Jrrin Stalmaster. •• '•• a i d Y. W. H. A. senior group attend- they have on their program Miss evening, January in the Senate. Illinois: A . I I . Krensky, Ben Samu- Samuel H. Schaefer. ' ;• . ee! the meeting of the Aissociation last Belle Byan, assistant nerintendent School,'on- Friday-" l Joseph L. Wolf, Treasurer. el, Dn George F6x^B. : J. Samuels. Monday night to hear an unusually of the Public Schools, who will talk 25, a t the School Auditorium,"" Miss Mr.:: Yladeek" of the Jewish Daily •MICHIGAN interes^rig: address by Dr. Morris on "The Public System of Omaha." Fine was the only Jewish student of Forward delivered what WES perhaps Dr. Joseph Aarons, St. Ch.. Detroit. Matgolin, ;. on "Nature's Universal The jAgito group of the Campfire the class to teke part in the play. most stirring address of the-day.' Will Sm-e Dnrimp Ensuing Term. Ben Welner, St. V. Ch., Flint. Mrs. N. P . Feil Elected Vice- Milford Stern, C. Ch., Detroit. -The Jewish .students who graduated Bdbots." Basing Ms talk on. the 5 are American citizens", lie Girtf: will render' several vocal selec- from--' the"-.'OniaEa-;' Technical. "High •Mr. Walfenstein. Hancock. President of Visiting Nurse MUtoa Alexander. Vic Ch. theiae of the play ^ U. R.", wlrich declared' "We have- come to Amer- Mr. Max .-Frsmkin,. recently elected tions, dressed in t i e ceremonial Association. "Walter M. Fuchs,.Vice Ch. of the Oraa,ha Hebrew Clubj was the sensation of -New York-for gowns. Mrs; Dollie P. Elgutter. is in School' on January _10,""-were" 12ie ica and have' become a part- -of- the Butzel, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. "N. P . Feil wa selected first Frea A. Freund, Detroit. Misses. Ida Fine,-.'Minnie. Flax," Collie country.' We have enriched tlie: OTEjaberg over a year, Dr. Margolin spoke of charge of this program. ^Everyone is Nitz, Fanny..Feldman, Helen "Gold-' vice-president of the Omaha Visiting on the %'atioiis ,;eoa*« the Wonders of the human' body and WISCONSIN strengthened tbe -eotmtry; we ha.¥*i given a cordial welcome to attend. Nurses' Association at the annual Max Breslauer, St. Ch. stein, Lottie Selicow, and the Messrs. -a right, to make our voice iiesrd, t o ' mittees. for this terra. ••. '. ,.'."•/. of the possibilities of the mind^ His meeting and luncheon of the assoda-' Max Freschel. V. Ch. Carl Sokolof, Irvin' Stein, Abe Siegel, voice our ©pinions, to demand -what '. .The foliowihg:-sire the membiexe aftfi..talk was "thoroughly enjoyed. -Banjo Ben Nickels, C Ch.. Milwaukee. tion held Tuesday afternoon at the Chas. Aarons, Milwaukee. «nd" Arthur Joseph. . ' ' • • _ ' the eommittees , on which they' wul. solos were given by Harry Geistein JUDGE DAY TO SPEAK we think is right and .argeut, Brandeis Tea Booms. ! Hyman Paddo-way. Milwaukee. serve itarfng the year 1924. -V- .-• and Issie Gossick gave a vocal inumLeo Ecitman, Milwaukee Mrs. Feil was the only Jewish AT WOMEN'S MEETING THOMPEIA^BASEET- '- I Other' speakers were Ossip. Wober, sceompanied by Dora Form'an; ESECtrXICB -COMMITTBB F O B ; . NOBTH DAKOTA ! linrity., M.- .Murphy and S. Goldstein. woman to be elected an officer of the D. Xaftlaln, - •:. - OKK-.XBAK. . - - : - - - . •':.-. "> :c.!!Ebi«. Saturday, evening the.•'wjjcolar The regular monthly meeting-of the -••:•'• ^ B A I £ ' . . £ E A M - - S T I L I » - • • The Committee of Fifteen which' wSl SI.-- BJank.--A.--Colm.'' St. • Ch. Siorrfs CiTin, ©*» Association. The other officers elected Max ltabinowltz, V. Ch. Jewish Women's Welfare Organisa- • • - . ' • •"•••'•}••}.' '- ..-" H O L D S ' L E A D serii!-«ienthly dance for Senior jmemKs'than »sn«%y, J . - R t k l h i . ••• . :. Papermaster, Secretary. carry out the decisions of the con: irafe: President, Mrs: John W. Towle; L tion will be held Tuesday afternoon, W B . Stern, C. Ch.. F r terM: will .be given a t the Jewish'IComM S H B S K S H T r COMMITTEE ••.-.;• :/ Mrs. W. B . -Wood, second vice presi- Alex Stern. Treasurer. February 5, a t three o'clock at the The .Thorpeian''- AtMeMe Club-Basket- ference is as-'.follows:. 1Max 'L..X5ne, . - •S T A K D I 5 G - < 5 > '.•-., ' ••;• tnunity Center. ;'• '•••"/•". •' •'!.'• ; .' Lashkovitz. ba&-team .won*its. seventh straiglit M."-Murphy, I.'Fineberg , P . Moimat, ' I. .Statntastex,- -Ftwl .tlTilte. "A* dent; Mrs. Sam Burns, secretary, and Harry Jewish Community Center. M. A, TVilke. • ' M. by -defeating . -the /, Neiasaska B. C.-Vlaaeck, .Max Zaritsky,• M. Baker. ' Mrs. W* S." Wiley, treasurer. . The A. SICK COMMITTEE 'l^UfeiTERS^OF l •>-•:;• ••' :l; : '^ •. Judge L. B. Day, Judge of the Court :game Uev. L Diamond.Power Co. Five'-by the- isverwhelinihg BorensteixijX .Weiiiberg1, S. Goldsteis, 1 board of directors, whose terms had Max Goldberg. of Domestic Relations, will bo the ii. Volansky. 3SK-OtBette iaSEAEL -'AI0-SpCIEm •..'' .' . s c o r e . . S 3 ' t o - f e . . " '• ..'-..•.•:"""-.'. ':•.[.'••*'•_ expired, where re-elected as follows: M. Panovita. „ • '^l Yl^-'cl E: L E ^ O F F i e E B S principal speaker of the afternoon. ... : Kext• Wednesday',e'Tening .the- Thor- J.' Goldstein., Mesdames W. B. Adams, Sam Burns,' A. * ^Thfr;Mesdames Si Savitz^^Ajl-^olf, ther numbers on the program will be •peiaas ..will. j»lay ...lie most, importEBt Wolpert.' ;: J. M. Davis, St. Ch. a recitation by Miss Jeaxmette LevinT. B . Ward, W. H. Wheeler, W. B . • Kalph Hamburger, C Ch.. Minneapolis. an]i ;& - Tatle; were';;rfr^ete^presi.game of jflie. -season'..against' the Bed-. Wood, W. S. Wiley, Ward Burgess, S; L. Finkelstein. .C, Ch_ St. Paul. p cfpt-ETj-: Sam B^ber, I. Sta3insi«te«, .den^ i '^.irice-presiitent,! ••'and;i: tSftastqcer son and a piano sofo by-Miss Eosal deo Five,; -..,; .-,\--.. - -,;\ :..:.:..;?; -: '-"'..' ' .FLEISHMAN. MASKET' H. D. Fran&eU Vice Ch» St. Paul. "' : Jllifeiisi. F . W. Carmichael and Miss Gertrude Babbi Leonard. J. Bothstein. ; ' fl^pjefeteely;. of -the.Daughters ^i'lsjael:line Goldstein. i r S I P K GCAUt) ;- ."The-TliorpeiaBS Jiave;-.takea.*ver the Bearman, Minneapolis. ' Stout. Mrs. Clyde Boeder was elected A. Aid;;'Society: .at its; last.;electio|i';'.of'..ofr! JOINS DAYTON SCALE CO. :Meket 'sales';for, tii$* game.',; All'iack^; ;•' -MOVED TO'.-KEW .LOCAHON A. KU-barcI. _ '* T. S. Joseph,. Minneapolis. i-^Ther Fieisfamsn. Meat.: Market :«Hi to fill the place of Miss Jessie Millard, H. E. Kanfmann, Minneapolis. fic^^tiMd; r»«aSiyvlat the'Je^isfa^OM Mr, Louis Adler, formerly with. Ad- ;ets-: sold * <ni t33e.' iwtsMe='•• ef 'the:. If,: Jf. S. W. Mosilnor. Dr. • Ben HantMwr. -who resigned. -Mrs. Herbert Rogers, T. Bobltshek. Mlnnapolis. i^8^p^^Home^:;;Mrs.: -Mj^Sinieliwas- ler and Bacon Produce company, has C'.J^ ^ll%o,t^'iiilp;:i«ft^-ffife; : fe». '-Delicatessen "Will be'located; after. tM» AOVANCBMKK3* StrombcTS, Mianeapolis. founder of Hie Omaha Visiting Nurses," Geo. k'"at' £415: Cumiisg Street, "saavh^ •<^^|tes&cre^ry.; of;-ttte:..orgai^2atibn. joined the force of the Dayton Scale 'ke±b&n::-^«s5>et!ses;v--$£.::' ft* .^IS&ifS^i&is. - SSer&steiB, Fred "VThite,- J»* t*, Albert Boee, Minneapolis. is automatically-elected to B the board .T. ScbtcnfeKt, Minneapojls. -pxeseiit^'|Saee'-.-.at. f^mii|ft; Eavitay president,-a^jtJOBiiees. company and the Dee Sales company 'Asysne. 'msSag- to Issy .^cSsS;%' IMs Gos LlTingstoa. St..Pan1. every year. ' ;^WS)i^;-dub/s-;;JaniHal:.3.Eneii|&o^^ at 510 South Tenth street "We have gime ; a r e : a ^ ^ f e :bay,..lliem^fim #n€ !H«rBey • Street.. The.,; new :«t«Kre _. EoBeubS«ns, Harcr SOIITS. DAKOTA Ga«ang'-Ste^i} i^:;1al®heli .-iasis [.iyear x.tsf: ;:jfeffi^y added Mr. Adler to our fores of snen, .«£ ,£h&.mmiks&$:'j3£ "&s;r$lmT^^^ ;.'••• V fust/west -«f '24th «n<i Sam Speiec, St. 'Ch, ' ! ;: ; t ;: J..T. A.) Jewish passengsss.' Oeo. p/apexmaster, "V. Cha3EI|^Btt(^;^e^fcBHia^VJbJj; ;^ fwij ^fctecSt; so we can serve our custesexs aad • % -.- At :• .'S^isst^jTO^Ss'! Jffl? i^llifeSi :; "There- V&U l»:'s'.. e^aitete^-S»:' ©f^ J.-itaingiSton» Satsx V&Rs. Ch. Ml being attained and beaten ;-sSv "-.Sfsfeer;' 'Meat*- « ^ - ; ; ; B ^ e ^ ^ « a | friends with the best,"? ssad Mr. Dee, *«8s"'';'.' i^^ii-SSefefd&S^g-^i .Sam CalmeTison. Ajbeniaen. Ch. : : : ; s a > ! ; tram fcaaflits Between' OdessaChasr. FantJe. Sioax FaUs,' |^^|§ia::;^:«3fefc^ i^^^;:^H ME. Adler is one of oar local s s t e - -TsM*e"-:laili6^^s'"3Si» , B . XxJt&w ; S 4 # ^ ^ ' - ' - ^ ^;' ;^ - - ^ ® ^ ^ ; » ' - ^ ^ ' - ^ i Habbl-Hcsa. Sioux Falls. 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^lia Fins, Takti-Lstisi Part Opei Mediag of Y. ffl;1L1LTempk Isrti Sisterkd to (Stare Omala Week", is S l !F :-^Attracte' l a n f l e i i i ^ '
mmm w?i%£mMl
Published every Thursday at Omaba,-r5r«b*aska,. by .
'TfilJ'JEWlSfit-PHESS?.PUBLISHING COMPANY^ Office: 482- Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. ' ' . 1 GREEN, Manager. ' ,.§2.50. Subscription Price, one year.—• ' Advertising rates furnished on application.
your papa,, but you take it and keep Deputy Assessor Wba out of your bad places and make your better that you can sing in Seeks Chiefs Office voice schule att the time. Maybe some day
• £684-1934 Rosh-Chotfesb Adar L.___—Wed. Feb. 6 sU-CbodeMh Attar "II :J.i... .:. Fill. Msr 1 Parlnt (Feast or Esther)—Tbars, ilnr. SO KoBb-Chitiirab 1"'fn.. - **-» Apr 5 Passover (Ftnarh' _ _ _ _ S a t - Apr" 18 PssaxtHf IHr^iftith Par) •.•,.,-... FrU Apr !5 Rosb-Ctiodrsb 'ynr ... """- May S ting h*Om«.>TK.1.. May 82 Uosb Chodesb 81 van—___—Tues. June 3 Sbabnotb I CJnn rotation Day) Sat. Janr 8 Bnsh-Clindesh Tammai. ."Finn's, JTilj 3 Roah-Chodesb &b. rrl. Aag 1 Vast of Ab. ™Snn., Augr- 10 ftosb-Cbodeub Eln! . _ _ _ _ . _Sun.. ADS. 31 6685-1024 -HOW- Sept SO Ret* Tear** Eve
Wedgwood, member of the cabinet Religion, the president of which is Dr. v.lthout departtr^t, will, probably, Stephen S. Wise, at whose imitation be the British, representative in the Dr. Guttrnan has come to America. League of Nations. It is understood that J. H. Thomas, STERN ELECTED PRESIDENT OF Secretary of State for the Colonies, BERLIN JEWISH COMMUNITY is neutral in his attitude toward Berlin, (J. T. A.)—The Berlin JewZionism, while Phillip Showden, ish community has elected Hcrr Stern Chancellor of the Exchequer, is a (Liberal) as president; Dr. Alfred friend of Zionism and participated in Klee (Zionist) and Herr Levinsky a number of Keren Hayesod banquets. (Conservative), vice presidents.
they'll want you by the schule on Fifth avenue."' At sis the next morning Mamma Katz was called away from the stove •where she was frying potatoes for Papa Katz's breakfast. Jacob had CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; . bo sure and give your name. gone back to his dance hall for a last goodbye—and had never left it alive The Jewish' Pre£s is supplied" by the: Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence- Bureau-)with tabled and* telegraphic Jewish news, in addition . . . a drink, a quarrel, a yellow-haired CELEBRATE RABBI'S BIRTHDAY. KAMENEFF BAPTISED JEW 1 ,to feature articles and correspondence* from all important Jewish centres. phasis that even Jacob listened ingirl with red cheeks . . . it was only Budapest^ («T, T. A.)—The Jewish STATES ENGLISH PRESS Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly sullen but respectfull silence. In the broken shell of a man the frantic i community of Budapest celebrated on London, (J. T. A.)—The English 'answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, old country Papa Katz had attended mother found; she had gone alone, for January 20 the seventieth birthday of newspapers forecast that Kameneff New York City. ChedeT from his third year; why Papa Katz declared that he could no the Szegediner Rabbi, Emmanuel will be the successor to Lenin. old country -Papa Katz had attended A HUMANITARIAN CAUSE longer forgive the renegade he had Loew. KamenefT, according to published reshould his own son neglect his He1 once called his son. ports here, is a baptised Jew. On Saturday there -will gather in Omaha a number of men,brew education'even in goyisha AmerJacob's pocket was empty, neatly JAILED FOR ILL-TREATwho are leaders in both civic and Jewish Philanthropic work in ica? __ MENT OF IMMIGRANTS SAN FRANCISCO JUDGE LIFTS stripped-of the few poor bills which .the communities from wnTch they come. These men, representa- And so^ Jacob, grumbling and prowex'e to insure decent burial for his Jassy, (J. T. A.)—General PopovMs tives from eight'states will teave for Denver, Colo., where they testing, went from an uninteresting BIBLE BAN IN SCHOOLS parents—the parents who would leave and his adjutant, Captain Murdario, will make a personal tour of the National Jewish Hospital for session in public school to another San Francisco, (J. T. A.)—Th«-ban no Kaddish behind them, since now I have been sentenced each to a year's on the Bible in the public schools of Coasumptfves. • • even more uninteresting in the basethey would be forced to mourn for imprisonment for ill treating i m " California was lifted today by a deciThis topr Is made so- as these leaders will bring1 home the ment ChedeT around the corner from their only child. But at that moment migrants. sion of the Supreme Court in a test his home. _. The Melamed was a .tall, old Mrs. Katz did not think of her case protesting against the placing of thin man. with blinking eyes, and a own burial. The pale gray light HIAS WILL AID JEWISH the Scriptures in school libraries. The beard. - He- hated the bos IMMIGRANTS IN MEXICO Court declared that there is no constraggled through the dirty windows lis dislike with interest. and fell upon her boy's face, no longer New York, (J. T. A.)—HIAS has stitutional objection to placing in " walk arid wh He was busy with his ruler; they filed Saturday, January 25, for the heated and rebellious, but very calm ] undertaken to aid the Jewish imto enjoy, life; •with devising new tricks.. Yet in all offiee of county assessor on the Re-in the unbroken peace of death. The; migrants in Vera Cruz and other school libraries the Protestant and The> National Hospital organized-twenty-five years ago,, has confusion Jacob picked tip enough! publican ticket. Klaver has been an Catholic Bibles, versions of the JewThe Jewish im- ish Talmud, the Koran, or the teachlight fell also upon the too "yellow,Mexican cities, taken care of more -than five thousand people. The hospital has the Hebrew" io sing in: the choir, his clear assistant to Harry G. Counsmaii, hair of a girl with painted cheeks who migrants are reported to be suffering, ings of Confucius, inasmuch as they been overerpwded. a t the present time there are more than one boy soprano raising so true and beaxthundred people who are on the Waiting list, attempting to get in, tiful that one could excuse his mother present assessor for four yeari. sat huddled in a corner, her eyes look- all communication having been cut off ia r en o t s e c t a ri a n books but classics in so that they too might be cured,of that dreadful,disease, unless- for weeping as she sat is the gallery Counsman is now a candidate f ov ing" blankly at the older woman's since the revolution. HIAS has set literature. commissioner. swaying form, as, seated upon the aside $1,000 for the aid of the Jewish these people' are taken care ofr they will loose their fight for life. "with other beshawled" andrbewigged county 1 1 Klaver was formerly an employe m ground, Mamma Katz already immigrants in Mexico and offers to 'A new Infirmary building is necessary in addition to the twelve matrons of the neighborhood. APPOINTED buildings that comprise the Hospital. This new infirmary, build' The boy could singj he might be;a the county treasurer's office. He lives mourned for her dead, a look of mad- facilitate the delivery of letters and ALFRED BERGER J. D. C. DIRECTOR at 2702 Crown Point Avenue. ness in her tearless eyes. But at last money to Jews in Mexico. ing wil Itake care of one hundred people, This building will house young devil in -conduct, but- no fabled ' Berlin. (J. T. A.) Alfred Berger those who are waiting patiently. angel ever sang in better time or Still she pleaded with Jacob, her she spoker has been appointed Joint Distribution We cannot let them suffer* We cannot let them die without with "Gee," said the girl with yellow DR. GUTTMAN, JEWISH EDUCommittee D-Jtector for Germany, more thrilling sweetness. Mamma pleas punctuated with tears and attempting to heed the dictates of humanity toward them. hair, and she muttered an path that Katz talked of little else but her c u r s e s > t o shun the Sodom and Gomor- the other did not understand, "gee, CATOR, ARRIVES FROM BERLIN "Until recently Mr. Berger has been an New York City. (J. T. A.\—Dr. fatiier, the chazan; Papa Katz worked r a n nightly haunts. The boy ain't it all cracy? Once "he had a Julius Guttman of Berlin has arrived official in the German Keren Hayesod A MOST SENSIBLE SUGGESTION office. He is succeeding Mr. Senator overtime at the1 shop that a certain]] ltened sullenly. sulenly. We have heard Jews as welt as non-Jews talk about the retired opera singer in' their tenement j « M y G o d > m a l » he b r o k e o u ta t j a s t j grand voice and now he can't sing in. America to remain for about six who is leaving for Palestine. at all." months. During his stay here Dr. right a Jew to remain a Jew. We have-heard much, piffle on might give the.boy a few lessons. Thej « > my f au lt that I'm a nobody. Guttman, who is a world-renowned Most of the things that are to be .the subject* of assimilation: we have heard what Missionaries to opera singer, by the way, based his ifc a m e vt e r taught me anything and Jewish Scholar and Professor of Jew- had for the asking benefit the giver the Jews have to say r but we admit that the soundest sense that reputation on the fact that he had ap- ^ m e a c n a n c e t o m a e something g m e a c n a n c e t o make ish Knowledge in the Berlin Jewish more than the receiver. we have heard in a* long time is contained in the statement made peared in several musical dramas of if. i voice, ain't I? o ta High School, will be a member of the by Charles Thomas Halliman, former Director of the American an East,Side Yiddish stock company.! ; o u t o f mysedid thatg old jay of a Grossat faculty of the Jewish Institute of PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Union Agajnst Militarism, in "The Nation" of January 23rd. He could still sing, a little after years B u tw hknow singing, and what "The right of a Jew to remain a Jew—that's where we should of careless singing and bad rum; he kb ienr dg o f i d e a s about did he put in my head? Laborites Have Been Identified With have: nailed* our Christian colors to the mast," says Mr. Halliman. could.still gesticulate with the florid ^ i d h e s a d f too, 1 could get to be a Many Jewish Movements Mr. Hallinian corroborates Horace M. Kallen, who said in an Saturday and Sunday Specials at Steinberg's earlier article in the same series, that anti-Semitism is fundament showihess of the Yiddish tenor; so he' ^ ^ s | n g e r jf j ha<j lessons, but who London. (J. T. A.) The newly tally a religious problem. He insists that liberal Gentiles have taught the boy what he himself had ^me a l o n g t o g i v e >em t o m e ? D o n ' t before—and other y o u t h i n k i' m -sick o f that stinking formed MacDonald cabinet includes offered the wrong remedy when they urged the Jew to forsaKe picked up_ years besides7. At sixteen Jacob was j ^t o 6 > the bulns who won't give me a number of British leaders who have his Jewishness through the process of assimilation^ Their tol- things even ^iioiW than hiS his-^ chums, ^ i W precocious i th hms ^ if y songs ain't dirty enough long been known' for their friendly erance is; meaningless unless they accept the Jew .as .he is. "It themselYes wise beyond, their years; in ^^ >enl}anm d* the girls, and all the rest attitude toward Jews and Jewish -is our business to see that religious bigotry is-stamped out. and the dirty wisdom: of the street. ^ Fresh Rye and Pumpernickel Bread baked Saturday as well as any of it? Don't you think I know what questions. The cabinet, however, conthat great democratic masses are educated, out of error as old Bu^;%)^ai^ artist much-ia forgiven, t n e s m o k e andthe drink and everyother day. v as Christendom. If we make room iioE Judaism among the reli- and the.-Jew has always looked with fl^g jg doing to my voice? And I j tains no : Jews. gions of "the'modern world, we shall discover—overnight, as it indulgent eyes upon the moral lapses ^ ^ t o sing—really sing!" His curly Lord Parmoor, who has been named STEINBERG'S DELICATESSEN Lord President of the Council and were—that we" have iulffllgd-our pledge and made room for theof h^^hazomm.^Therewere owh on the table; he 516 So. 16th St. —We Deliver— AT-lantic 4480 will be leader of the House of Lords, head went d Jew . . . > a fine, serious, sensitive fellow with a rich and interUttle child. "Mamma, h a s bbeen ugly ^ ^ ^ ^ i s ^ e d ^ e e n pprominently r o m m e n t i y identified identified with with esting tradition, a strong passion for justice? and: & _ stubborn 1 Delancey street; this neighbor . :I a i n . t g o t the voice I used to have » r e l i e f O T g a n i z a t i o n s f o r Eusaa and "story.efffwhich anV trishmanv if I may say so, would tie proud!" about had seen Jacob staggering up ^^ e ^/ ^^ ^ aa ed t l ^ to her: at last for ^ headed numerous appeals for stairs aroun^dawn, suigang a : r o a l ^ c omm f .o r t . aid aid for Jewish pogrom sufffferers. songr another The h had h d heard; h d of f a-painted td S h e g a v e i t t o him, ,his mother again T viscount Haldane, Lord Chancelh cleaving l i "It' all all ; ; girl;' another—but Jacob's -parents ^ ^ a noted scientist, was the the years. "It's lor would "hear" no word of. evil spoken right, sonnyrit?s all right, my little ^ho'stdrirTAlbert Einstein during his it? ll riht little . against-their prodigy. "He can sing ^ove," she whispered, the shamed r e c e n t s t a y in London. A STOBY BJ£ ELM* 3EHRLICH LEVINGER. ; .' ^ v : . ^ ^ ^selig,'Vsaid ^ ^ ^ ™ , , - upon the spotted bosom of her| A r t ^ Henderson, Secretary of Mamma wrapper. "A little rest, maybe, and state for Home Affairs, last year •.'..All rigKts.; [no more singing there and-a. ssigned . , : [no m g g nights, g i g n e d tthe h e LLabor a b o r PParty r t y ddeclaration, e , m Every mother believ^fs'ai-leasf once 1 Eatz separated" flesh l teacher. t h Y got t the th voice like f a v o r i n g Zionism, ii Nl Buxton, Bt M cstme when Jacob ;tlid inreal You Noel M»ng or ,'t*3ce ,fn" her'.infarit^iafly, years milk, and baked for Purifn and cleaned deed-act as chazair-in the little; schule and someday someday you're you're jgter of in the little; schule m selig:and Agriculture is friend of Agriculture, isanother anotheron friend m yy ppaappaa that, she has" ^jiven birth. td..a 'wonder- for Passover just as scrupulously as' around thechazan: corner. , His father sat g o i n g t o g0* singing in the biggest o f Zionism and an authority the child. >If Eosie dances impishly to the her owa mother had done before her! I among 'his jfriends, cryinir frankly as s c h i l i e s m New York; even on Fifth affairs o f Eastern Europe. Josiah tune o*f . as ."passing.'.hurdy. gurdy, To-these two the Kew York, of the the young voice rose pure and true a Y e n u e they will want you for your mamma sees in her a future, queen of Americanized Jew. was a thousand in the immortal melodies' of Israel;^ music Don't be afraid, my lamb, the ballet; if little Hynian lisps miles away. In summer, when the' his mother prayed hysterically^^ the Mamma will make it all right." you want to buy a through'a.poem,about turkeys. WI, day had been very hot, they some- gallery,; "Lord of the world," ran her ;1 g fter the fashion of all mothers home a k iin tthe school Thanksgiving times walked as far as Brooklyn jumbled phrases, "what have ; I done f Ojtimes • pumpkins immemorial, mamma tried rom you want to sell program, she thinks of her .grandpa, (bridge; several times during the win-to deserve such a wonder-child? What make everything all right. Into his -a.maggid of Pinsk, and' devoutedly ter, if there were no'bad times, the merit is mine that you have bestowed your home she thrust a few pitiful bills, prays that his eloquence has descended two enjoyed an evening at the Yid-upon me such a treasure?" I : Which'he took shame-facedly. "I you need any kind to her son; should Maxie scrawl rude ilish' theater. Papa Katz spent his The "treasure" continued to sing in saved a penny here and a penny of insurance— caricatures upon his slate, she will .re-1 Sabbath" afternoons at the little schule the little schule around the corner; „, he „ there," she told her son; "not much, joice to welcome an artist, into the around the corner;' mamma, in her!continued also to stay out late at your poor papa ain't so young Call family. For the heart, of a. mamma .white apron, sat at home and dozed night, sleeping until noon the next day,. he used to be and he don't bring is always rich in hope. p j through g h h her e r unaccustomed leisure. leisure, and flinging curt answers to his moth-' much.; And sometimes I did But Mamma Katz mother of httlejThey never tried to learn English, er's \ inquiri^k over his late ;cup of by the neighbors -when they Real Estate and Insurance Jacob Kate, was not without cause. even when young. Jacob' began to go coff^e^; But.she tried not to be too had a baby. I keep it to bury me and Keeline Bldg. Phone AT. 8980 for • pride a b tJ to public ^ ^ I d started t d to sne^rlnard'upraher wonder-child^ "He is pride m in her offspring offspring.- JJacob school and could sing before he even lisped; he at-their Yiddish. The invisible gates not like us, lumps of clay," she reahad a marvelous ear at the age ofof an old-world Ghetto enclosed them; soned, "and he will outgrow his* mad- street song at the second hearing. • A they were not of the' modern- world ness. Some day he will be a quiet, YOU BENEFIT in our mthree; at six- he could repeat any nor of America. God-fearing man like my papa selig." j" street song at the secorid"hearing. A Not so Jacob. His first steps took ,-,Nor, did her faith waver when, troductory selling of Hart wonder-child! A worthy descendant him toddling away from his mother1, malicious Mrs. Lamberg of the second of Mamma Katz's own father,' a down into the dirty, seething'streets. floor rear came to her with a hairScJmffner <% Marx clotheschazan not. unknown in'Grodno, even Here the elder boys spoke English to raising-tale of the labors that kept to this, day! ; him;.here he learned to be an Amer- Jacob out so late every evening? Big Savings— . The katz home-was a domicile hard ican after' their fashion. He came "My" Abe goes to the hall regular," to conceive by our Western Jew, .or home to eat and to go to sleep on said Mrs, Lamberg, "and he says he even, the Jew -who dwells in uptown the hard sofa in the corner, of the hears your Jacob singing there, Amer..New York, In the little, three-room frowsy living room.". His parents, in '"icanishah songs he says he's ashamed apartment, not far from Delancey his intolerant, youthful opinion, were 'to tell me, his own mother. They got street, the family life was strangely greenhorns, who had no right to die- plenty, qf girls:there, ttoo, with low «1 Must Go On; •un-Amencan in ita old-world piety, ftate to their American-born son, and necks and painted terrible, terri and Vhey Papa Katz, a stooping tailor, with red he came and went when he pleased | sing, too, and go around between the m Your Telephone Operator*' eyes, /wquld have literally starved With one exception! On one point (tables and talk to the men. And he rather than sew a stitch upon Jiis Sab-'and on one point alone Papa Katz Katz gets good money for his singing, but The howling wind was "Say, this is no day for you bitter cold. Not a street car to be out," Billings told the bath day. Jin V.er dark, little kitchen declared his convictions with such em- I bet you oser get a cent of it." was running. So Billings girl. "My office will be Mrs. Katz looked up from her YOU BENEFIT in the big practically closed and so will started down town afoot. noo,dle cutting with something very yours." The wind cut his face and like a sneer' on her lips. ,"If the hall values toe offer in serviceable the swirling snow seemed to "Oh, I can suke it (01 ain't respectable," she queried, "why attack him angrily. Half right," she responded. I hereby volunteer for tryout for the vaudeville show: do your boys hang around there all suits and overcoats *—Real way down the block he And the girl started on. the time?, Anyhow, I don't need to caught up with a young "Now, look here," said Savings— be ever ashamed of my Jacob." " woman. Billings, "what's the use? Address "Pretty hard going," he I'm going back. I can do volunteered. my business by telephone VAbility in' $ "Yes, it is," she replied, today." The following, are suggested as being available material: smiling. ' She smiled at him and reName ' Address Age , Ability in For a hundred yards or so plied cheerily, "That's just ~.'i~ 'f. 310' North 16tli S t . they fought the gale and why I must go on; I'm SEE OUR FARNAM STREET WINDOWS. then stopped for breath* your telephone operator." SPECIAL PRICES
New Members of British Cabinet Are Friendly to Jews
Kosher liver Wiirsl, 35c pound. Kosher Welsers, Frankfurters, 25c pound.
As We Buy S o l e Sell
OUR BENEFIT—You get the savings that Nebraska's buying power develops — Y o u b u y a s we IJ^Y—because w e sell.as we buy—-
JAckson 5062. Thick baloni and weenies 3 0 d Ib. Soft Salomi 1—4©# tb. Medium Salomi 2~-.45& Ib.
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 81, 1924 Leibowitz, Green, Altschuler, and Mrs. Harry Cohen will entertain j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wessil of Sunday evening after a short, illness. iBXJNGAKY SEEKS TO U^ITE Bleicher. The score "was 24 to 0 in her Afternoon Bridge Club at a Nebraska City, stopped in Lincoln The fuaeial was. hel^ from the ^axa- \ OBTIIOIJOX ANB REFORM JEWS luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Booms Thurseday enroute to California. favor of the Juniors, ily home, 2412 Capitol avenue' Rabbi Budapest, (J. T.'.A.)—^The govern-^ —~~. • The Junior players and the posi- Monday afternoon. Frederick Cohn officiated. Burial was meafciis planning to ea!l a Gor.grcss Mr. and Mrs. Friend announce the held in Pleasant Hill,cemetery. tions which they play are: jof Jews to unite the Oiiv.ouox and Mr. and Mrs. George Steinberg birth of a daughter, Lucile, Tuesday, She is survived by seven sor.s and] Reform communities, whidi have bctm Dave Bleacher, captain Center entertained about ninety guests at a J January 22. two daughters: Mose, Louie, Ephram, separated cinee 1G0S. It is the desire Meyer Green. _ —.Forward supper party at their home Sunday Max Altschuler. Forward Mr. Morris Friend and daughter, Ben, Sam, Dave und Will, and Mrs. «5. of the government thr.t ther» be but evening in honor of their thirtieth Mrs. Gugenheim, left Monday morn- Abrahamson and Miss Eva. She is one Jewish represent::lion in each Sam Ban ____._.._...._.Guard anniversary, and also in honor of Mr. ing, January 2S, for California. also survived by two brothers, "M. town. Reform circles arc ranch Sam Leibowitz Guard and Mrs.-Max. Steinberg, who were Mor^oit and Albert Monheit of Phil a- aroused over the proper:;!, d?rl3:-ing Morris Eeise, Isadore Schreibman, recently married. The Jewish Ladies of the Shuie del Va, Fa., and sister, Mrs. J. ^^i t ] i e government hns ro right to . Substitutes. • had a card party st the Lindell Rir.gle. Ril ! intervene in Jewish interns! Mrs. Max Levine of Omaha is The Y. M. H. A. Junior Club has Party House Tuesday, January 29, a second team entered in the 135 entertaining Thursday in honor of for the Community Center benefit. j HITLERITES SENTENCED TO Mrs. H. Fellheimer returned Friday lb. class. This team is known as Mrs. Max Steinberg, a recent bride. OMAHA ENGAGEMENTS BOMP PLOTTERS Mr. and. llrs.. .M_ Blank announce from a several week's visit in Mil- the Y. M, H. A. Cubs. They are LEAVE XO CLUES I PRISON FOR ATTACK ON JEW Miss Dorothy Friedman will leave Mrs. A. Gilinsky was hostess to Berlin, (i. T.. -A.)--The People's the -engagement of their daughter, waukee, WIs. . also a winning team. Friday evening, February 1, for Warsaw. (J. T. A.) An unexplodher Afternoon Bridge Club Tuesday Court in Nuremberg lias sentenced to .Anna, to Sir. Louis Sogolow, son of Denver, Colo. ed bomb was found ir. the editorial at her home. Rahbi J. M. Charlop is to speak at prisoa the National Socialists, Graf Mrs. A. Sogolow, of this city. No ALEPH ZADI ALEPH office of the Vorhana, the official orthe B'nai Jacob Synagogue, 24th and and Hofer, to two Tears ar.d a year Mrs.. Sarah. Greenstone returned "wedding date has been set. The Omaha ,;Chapter• <jf. the Aleph The Mogen David Club will hold to<in of the Radical Peasants Party. Nicholas Streets, this Friday evening, : Zadi Aleph held .its first anniversary a meeting Sunday afternoon at two from Sioux City, Iowa, Monday. Mrs. which is led by M. Thugutt, former and a hall, respectively. They were Mrs. D. Sorine announces the en- on "The Jewish Law," and on Satur- dancs last. Sunday, night, January 27, Greenstone spent several days there Polish. Prime Minister. The police charged with having' taken part in gagement of her daughter, Miss Helen day morning he will talk at the B'nai at Moose HalLV More than one hun- o'clock at the synagogue^, A program visiting friends. attempted H-itior-Ludcndorff have been unable to find any chies the Morgan, to Mr. Julius TVolk, of this Israel Synagogue, 18th and. Chicago dred couples were entertained, at the will; fee given. .:.'_. putsch and with wounding and robbing • v Mch might lead to the apprehenMrs. Fiake* c€ Leeds, South Dacity. No date" has as yet been set f r r Streets, on "An Altar from Earth". dance. ,."./ .[> 3:; ...''.-: Mrs. J - Krasne entertained at her kota, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. sion of the. guilty ones. The situa- a Jew, .named the wedding. At the last regular meeting of the Mrs. Jacob, of San Francisco, Calif., Polsky. Mrs, Finke* was formerly tion is particularly puzzling to the Mrs. Hyman Krasne, who, with Mr. authorities since the logical suspects, MTS-'"Nathan, Mantel returned Satur- who has been visiting -with Mrs. Clara club held Sunday, the new officers j Miss Sarah, Bain, of Lincoln. Krasne, will leave the early part of the Facisti leaders, are already under recently elected "were installed.' day from a short visit in Lincoln, Rosewater,'was called to her home on next week for Kansas City, Mo., arrest, and their party completely disThe Misses Bess and Ella Cohen The A. 2L A; Basketball team lost Nebr., with Mrs. Eugene A. Levy. account of the illness of her son. where they will niake their future entertained at a bridge luncheon < ganized. a,hard fought game to- the Dundee Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Bubnitz have The Women's Auxiliary of the Brains last Saturday evening by a home. Sunday evening in honor of Miss moved into their home at 5016 Burt B'nai B'rith will hold its regular score of 10 to 7. The game was tied Ruth Buikin, who is leaving for New Mrs. Sam Meyerscn is convalescing Street. York next week. Prizes were won meeting Thursday evening:, February three times-until the very end. . at the Jennie Edmundson Hospital by Miss." Ruth Evnen and Miss Minnie 7, at the Jewish Community Center. Everyone is 'Invited to attend the Latest styles Mr. Arthur Rosenblum is leaving following an operation. Sichuan, - ~ Jewish* History Class sponsored by and models Saturday, February 2, on a ten day Instruction in Popular Music Mr. Howard Brody of Des Moines, Miss Rose Lande returned from this club that iar held every Friday business trip, to New York City and Studio 2nd Floor SUckcl Bifc. , Order Your Tailored Made Sioux City, Iowa, where she attended evening- at the Jewish Community Iowa, spent one day last week a"fc the A Fydannthian meeting will be 13th and Hnrney Sts. &t. 4361. | Chicago, HI. Suit NOW! the Greenberg-Edelstein wedding. Center under the supervision of Mr. guest of the Messrs. Arthur H. held Thursday afternoon in Ellen You have the selection of Smith HalL J. L. "Wolfson..; Snyder and Herman Friedman, Mrs. A. J. -Poska was hostess at pur entire stock of material. Miss Bertha Leon has as her house formerly schoolmates of the Unibridge Wednesday afternoon at the Suits Made to Order. Miss Maxine Frosh will play' the ZIONIST CLUB NEWS i The BEST WELL-KNOWN versity of Pennsylvania. Brandeis Tea Rooms in honor of Miss guest Miss Ida Frankel, of Seattle, cello in the trio that is to play for The Daughters of Zion will hold its home-made Pearl London, of Las Angeles, Calif., Wash. regular monthly meeting Monday afMrs. Louis Heeger left for her the Women's Club Thursday afterwho arrived Monday to visit with Mr. Miss Fanny Segelman just returned ternoon, February 4, at the Jewish home in Sioux City Monday after noon in the Temple Building. and Mrsl Ben MIQman. Numerous from a three month's stay in Community Center, to discuss the visiting with her mother, Mrs. Sam AND Miss Ruth Burkin, who is leaving other social affairs are being given for Ottumwa, Iowa* where she visited fifirst annual ball which the club will Freiden. 'for New York next week, is honor Miss London, who expects to visit here with her sisters, Mrs. D. Redman, give on Sunday, March 23, at the City for several weeks, and then will leave and Mrs. Ben J. Sigel. Mr. Arthur Freden of Randolph, guest at a number of affairs. Auditorium. is being sold at BIGH CLASS for., St. Joseph, Kansas City, and Iowa, • spent Sunday visiting his Mrs. I. A. Stine, of Lincoln, left ] MERCHANT TAILOE Miss Lillian Harris entertained The Young Judae Daughters of Zion several other places before returning j mother, Mrs. Sam Freiden. for an extended trip to St..Louis Cleaning, Pressing, and eight copules at bridge and dancing held its regular meeting Sunday afto her home.. 2323 Harncy St. party pn Thursday evening at her ternoon at the Jewish Community A Talmud Torah meeting will be and Chicago. Remodeling Phone, At-lantic 38S1. At the regular monthly meeting of home. Prizes were won by Miss Eose Center. Three new members were held "next Tuesday evening at the Will deliTer to all -parts of the city 1816 Faraam Street the same as we deliver the meat OBITUASY the Council of Jewish Worsen held Bernstein and Mr. Ben Ellis.' Atlantic 6065. admitted into the club. They are Jane synagogue. to all parts of the city. Monday afternoon at. two thirty at Many people attended the funeral lapsey, Eose Shamberg, and Clara A meeting of the Chevra /B'nai of ^*rs. Mollie Yousem, 56, who died Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards an- Leibowitz. Plans are being made for the Jewish Community Center further reports were given on the National nounce the birth of a baby daughter, a bazaar to be held the latter part Yisroel will be held next Wednesday Council of Jewish Women Convention on Thursday, January 17. of March at the Jewish Community evening at the synagogue. held recently in St. Louis. Mrs.. J. P . Center. Miss Eose Fellman left Sunday Cohn gave her report, and the report evening for St. Louis, Mo., to visit JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE of Mrs. S. Nathan, who is now visit- with relatives and while there she Mrs. A. Stine, of Beatrice, Nebr., The regular meeting of the. Jewish ing in Chicago, HI., was read by Mrs. will attend'the wedding of Miss MolJy spent the week-end, with her parents. Culture League will be held this Sun"William L. Holzman. Mr. Irvin Stal- Grossman, formerly of this city, to : Residence. 1343 8e SSOt St. day afternoon, at 4:00 p. m., at the Mr. and Mrs. L. Stine. niaster gave a talk on the "Bok Mr. Ben Diamond, of St. Louis, 'on Labor Lyceum. Tel Atlantic mSi. Peace Plan." Mr. A. Goldstein,, of Detroit, Mich., Sunday evening, February 5. She . Mr. L 'Morgenstern will talk on the Place ot Business, SSSS H&naey St. TeL ATIantie 3831 is spending a month with his brother late Jewish writer and critic, , Mrs.'~S. A. Adler, of Los Angeles, will be gone for about two weeks. and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Machshovess. The musical program CaK£,"left for her home Friday after Mr. L Goldstein, who is on the a -seven-week's visit -with-Mr^ and -Mrs. Executive of the Southwestern Keren will consist of a piano solo by Miss Goldstein. FOE; RENT!! Alice^Ginshexg. and a. :,ocaL iiit Mr The Sisterhood "-SSilT -give a -benefit Haygsod- Tegitm^- -lef t-the -early - part Mrs. J. Radinowsky. Mr. J. Feldman Furnished Soom in Private I V.formeriy of this.city, was most ex- of the week for St. Louis, Mo., where card party and dancing Wednesday Jewish Home. Fine neighbor- | will read "The Thief," a short story. tensively .entertained while Tiere. he will attend the meeting and con- All members and their friends are evening at the New Temple. hood. Close in. Gentlemen # preferred. Call Harney 4006. •; Mrs. -Nathan Wintroub entertained ference of the Keren Hayesod with urged to attend, as important busiMrs. S. Engleman, of Des Moines, at four ^tables of bridge at her home Dr. Chsim Weitzman, who is now ness will be transacted at.this meet- Moines, Iowa, is visiting her daughTuesday.; evening complimentary to in St. Louis. ings ter, Mrs. Al Landlovith. Mr. EngleMrs. Meyer Lederman, formerly Miss j\Irs. David Newman returned MonThe meeting held last Sunday .was man has heen honor guest at a MONHEIT'S Edith Bosenbaum,.who wafs married day morning from a month's visit well attended. Mr. Albert Einkel numher of affairs. Est. 1S80. MODEB3S CHIKOPODT January 24. Prizes were won by Miss in Detroit/ JYlichV "Milwaukee," Wis., played two numbers on the piano. The AND KEAETt SHOP. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dworslty anMinnie Kaplan-and Mr. Roy Roffnian. and, Chicago, 111. talk by Mr. J. Eadinowsky on Hamlet Permanent wariusrB and roaroeling, a specialty in and Shylock resulted in a long dis- nounce the hirth of a hahy daughter each department. The Auflebung Club will hold its on January 28. Mrs. Molly Brown is visiting this cussion on the subject. Tor appointment call ; regalar i meeting : Sunday evening, week in Fremont, Nebr., with her Ja^etson 0774. Ground floor 1313 Harner. -February 3» • a t seven-thirty, at the daughters, Mrs. Sam Block and Miss JewisK Community Center. A musical Selda Brown, who are leaving SunFor Quality Merchandise at and,r literary program has been ar- day to spend several months at Popular Prices The Ladies Auxiliaiy of the Talranged. Two Jewish plays "Mazeltov1" Venice, Calif. We Are at Your Service mud Torah will give a public card and "YadeV.will be presented, and also party Tuesday afternoon, February 5, Miss Ida Frankel, of Seattle, -pianos and->violin numbers will be Wash., is the guest of /Mr. andf Mr* at the homei of Mrs. A. Gilinsky, 725 g i v e n . - • '••'-;•-•. - '.' ."..'.: • ' . - • . ; . '• . •:.. I Harry Frankel. After ipending thiree 'Mynster Street. The Ra Otlv-Spciety were e n t e r - ; ^ e e k s ^ ^ M s s s ^ j ^ ^ . v i s i t • 7 A meeting of the Junior -Council NORTH OMAHA'S tainetl Sunday afternoon at the home ^ g ^ j g ^ ^ ja} and Des Moines BIG DEPARTMENT STORE of Mrs. Max Fromkin. Prizes were I o w ^ before returning to her home, will be held Tuesday evening, Februii•; ; •; • Dry Goods, Ladies', Chfldren's won by the Misses Flora Bienstock, while in Omaha Miss Frankel i is a r y j V 5 t h . Yetta .Nathan, Stella Trochtenberg, b e i n g ^ ^ 3 a t ' Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, social The Ladies Auxiliary will hold a and Mrs. Frorakin.• '••'•''•••.'•' ' j a f f a i r s . Shoes for the Entire Family regular meeting Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. AGilinsky. Mr. Hany Hoffman, of St. Louis,! j ^ ^ ^ SJjrs. Louis Epstein will Mo., who was visiting here with Mr. entertain at a Barmitzvoh dinner for'
I |
Edwin M. Kahn f —PIANO—
Trv a "Kneeter Made" Garment
Fleishman's Eesler Hett Mnket
)eIigA£s yS
"The Mohl
and Mrs. Reuben Ferer, left Friday j o n e hundred and twenty-five guests =|1 ' for. his. h o n ^ 'Among those who 1 Sunday evening, February 3, at the S in w hisi hm-w honor WPTO were Mr. and. and Blackstone Hotel honoring their son, f s *-™A ^ Mrs. Feoer at their homs last Sunday Sidney, who will be confirmed Satur- [ evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ferex day morning at the B'nai Israel Syn- j = entertained' for him Monday evening agogue. "^ at their home. On Tuesday evening Mr. Bert Brown will spend the j HH Mr.-, and Mrs. S. Ferer entertained. Mr. and Mrs. H. White entertained -week-end with relatives in Fremont, at "their home Wednesday evening Nebraska. honoring the visitor; and on Thursday j M r ^ M i & Dav£J BosenbaHin 1 evening Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bhamberg' n t e r t a i n e d -t wenty -two guests! at a entertained. | dinner-party Monday evening at their iln observance of ;"Know Omaha home; honoring Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Week'' that will be observed next Lederman, who were married Thufsweek in1 Omaha, Rabbi Frederick^^ Cohi jday evening, January 24. Mrs.. Le4 will Ttalk on "Know;-^Omaha,8* this Hermann was formerly Miss-Edith Friday evening, February lj at Temple.] -fiosenbaum. Th enewly married IsraelVanH on Saturday morning,-vcopxile are leaving the latter part of Februsry 2, he wfl Italk on ; "The} ^ week to maker, their home;- at Ethical Spirit of Judaism" at the Waterloo, Iowa. . ^ ' i =
Pre-Show Clean-Up in
m Monthly Income Insurance i I , inqome seeded after my death:
J If)
^ T e m p l e . ; v -.;, : -;.•••.••: ' • ;•_• ;• ••: ; : : -./v : ; \ : ; M r . > S a m
left ^Monday ^for
lir& Max; Fromkin, presidraif of the • Cincinnati,- OMp. Women's 'Auxiliary of the 1. 0. B. B., Mr. A. J. Miller, 2514 Sh'etthan anfiounc^ %at Missy Esffier Shapiro wjji" be* the chairman of the Entertain- Ave., is ill at the Wise Memorial J f = iqent conamittee • of the organization Hospital. j because Miss • Miriam vEonecky,- the T. JI. H. A. JUNIORS. •; -: '^t^^ffii^xmm^at the : committee, is The Y. M, H. A. Juniors are he= ; : :: : : :;Syt-ibf ; 'ihe;yc>ty.!L'.;I''T;'.<; 'i:', .;:• ^C'C ^.' coming known in the heavyweight fH| 7 Tive Cotmidl; of Jewish Women are Sunday School League formed by .the | | § '''i^Uatujgr; fdth "ike'D. 'A.'R,-.''A^spcia^ Y. M. H. A. The Juniors have won -5=1 :^; jon*%|io^are:;: sponsoring/ theywbrk.^ three games with' a percentage of *^B i, framing the; Teni ConnnandnieQtsj.%Jcid 1000. In everyone of the games 'the - = j : ; OTS&1aRgr:P^j^y.^^^:;^Qqi;in; Juniors .outclassed their ' opponents. ^ =
Tonight and the balance of this week tremendous price cuts on all used cars will prevail. Cadillac Suburbans Tourings Sedans Phaetons also
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PAGB-4—THE;JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY,. JANUARY51, 1924 a . Music—Leopold Auer, Jascha Hei Vienna business men, it is (he, continued his activity; His condi- fifty-two, colonies'* transformed from by Jewish students, who said that h tion "became grave-in the'Spring: of, desert to a beautiful garden,1. 1000 fetz, Mischa Ehnan. The s&bscribers to the Rutenberg com- had misused his office for anti-Jewisl 1904 b u t ' h e d i d not'let op .on his chaluzm entering each month,- Hospany stock include M. Kestraneik, a agitation. went pitals,.- a.- -few- industries -and the Jew • » J (•**••. worfc On the 3rd-of 3 r d o• Jxmeuhe fJu, Zionist sympathizer of long standing. • to a quiet little -, town. s>i Edlach, awakening to the .realization • of the STAR STORE ABS MANY .ByiMAX-FROMKINi . . ' ' ' •> r I -. after arranging all of his letters and fulfillment -of -our dream of 2000 2L. Eestranek is participating -in the delivere^at'B'hai.B'rith' open meetings'. .. Berlin; (J. T. A.)—The Soviet Rep papers and covering' them' Jwith ' t erc'we!;reneB;our.courage, cast arc,e!;eneB;our.courage, we cast, »•. ,/NEW; „ , 1B « np il . FEATUR12S.' «t f M estafelisluBeiit of a permanent office : Many, Omaha and l d d l i l omens f ™ f people ^ ° l *of- /North * resentative in Berlin has received an In these days when the history of with himself and through "• all < this ;sheet of paper bearing the- words, Me tile-dark -clouds,andl^vil in^ierena to keep in close touch -with the Jewish'!People and' of the world agony he emerged '"strengthened and '"In the midst of life come to death" of antirse^ijakmV having a! firm belief especially of Omaha in general do official communication from Charkofi,. in general is being made and'written,' purified,—'•a champion and a prophet, Soon after he was attacked with in?the"wisddni;of Almighty Gcid. not know what a wonderful large de tne'tR'ufenberg coiapany in Palestine. stating that the reports in the Berlin pneumonia and knew that, he was-'Ah! Herzl <• they-? fcalled you a partment store Mr. Charles Levinson it* is quite fitting-and proper, that He-had arrived at the •conclusion that Vorwaerts of pogroms in the Ukraine Your there should be studied and discussed- the Jew must emancipate himself, destined to leave this world shortly dreamer and;; a$- njadnian. are inventions of the monarchist Husin Jewish assemblies of "this -nature : He nlust rebuild his own. home-and his last words beings "My 'greetings enemies of our peSple did not under- has at: the "Star Store." The Star the life and* the work of leaders'in his own land, and there work out his to Palestine'.*. I have giyen my blo.od stand. 'They"shortened your" life, but Store carries an exclusive line of sian press and have the purpose of (J. T. A. ^The-Disciplinary weakening the good impression made Jewish history of the, past,-and to- | happiness. ..These ideas*he embodied for my people.;- On July 4th, • 1904, the battle shall not be lost, a million Readyrto-^Wear f or Ladies and child he passed aw.ay-in.his 44th'year.. others have taken uplthe; tools which night I have' the pleasure and priv-". in his famous book and work the l ^ t h e University, of Jena has ilege on the life | "Thee Jewish State",, called the "JuHis body;jwas interned' in- the dropped from your hands at an un- ren. Their shoe stock embraces al freld Professor of Zoology Ludwig by the Soviets in granting amnesty to g of talkingg to you y imprisoned leaders of the Social and work of and a. 'monument. erected. to timely hour, - and td{- the question to new and' novelty styles of shoes as and ,work of one one of of the the greatest greatest denstaat" denstaat". This This book book was was written written in in ground memory in 'the City of Vienna. be or not to be; we^answeir, in. unison they make their appearance for every Plate of charges lodged against him Revolutionary Party. leaders in JJewish e i s h history and one J 1895 and published in 1896. It was his sleeps but his soul and.his,deeds I hope,' that answer which means member of the family. ft his hi name inscribed i "who has -left in ! the beginning of the modem Zionist He live.' We shut our eyes" for".the health, -riot stagnation,' struggle not the hearts of all the Jews over the movement. "Our inexpensive location makes it Herzl was not -the iirst one to moment and behold"- the 1'beautiful surrender, life not death for the Jew- possible to sell-the merchandise at entire universe.' ish people of the earth. ; picture before us,—Palestine with itspropogate the theory of areturn to . I'speak to "you tonight-on the" life this, ^tore; at considerably less than and work of Theodore Herzl." He Palestine. There was Joseph Salvacan be sold in higher price locations,1 Was born in the City of' Budapesth, ' dor, a French Jew early in- the 19th 'Austria-Hungary, on the second: day' century; Hollingsworth an English- 122 Listed as Notables of l | AUDITING AND INCOME said Mr. - Levinson. "Our store has *_ May , , __ in • the ^ . year 1860., .„— His — •parents . m a n ^ l g 5 2 . jjoses Hess, a German in been remodeled with, the latest style TAX REPORTS •were well-to-do " people and warm- Jewish socialist and philosopher in Who's Who ••Mmong American lews of -fixtures, the latter^to enable us to hearted Jews. In early infancy he 1862; -George Eliott in her great New York.—The .names of "122 Jew•;•-• -• right price. 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 deceived the German' name-of -Theo- novel "Daniel Deronda" in 1876, but ish men and women .who made notable Coumos, Babette Deutsch, Arthur display bur: : merehafloise," said Mr. Gualterman. * . " L e v i s o n . - --' - '--•-'-i-'""-'.•• '• ; and his Jewish State dore, I presume for the' reason- that, •behind i d Herzl e his parents thought - it advisable to was the' brilliant personality of the contributions to American progress in Politics—Philip Joslia, Julius Kahn, adopt the manners - and customs. of man of action of boundless sway. - many fields in -1923. are enrolled in Solomon Levitan, Julius Miller, Cart JEWISH PAf*ER-tN;5SAtARIA , the German people among whom they " The -freshness, boldness and sim- a "Who's Who Among.; American Diamond & Platinum Specialists lived. -He'"was sent to a Hebrew plicity of Herzl's "Judenstaat" had Jews," issued by the American He- Sherman, Mrs. Maurice Speiser, Na- SUPPRESSED F6R PUBLISHING . 1514 Dodge St. than Straus, Jr. REPORTS OF EXPULSION School but did not remain there long an immediate and- double effect. It 1 Est.1894.' Ja. 5619 - - •and at the age og ten, he left the aroused'the bitter opposition of many brew. Radio—Dr. Louis Cohen, Prof. AlMunich. ' (J. T. A:) Dictator Vbnr Hebrew School to enter a German of the so-called emancipated Jews, fred N. Goldsmith, David Sarnoff, Ju- Kahr of Bavaria hasi prohibited the The list follows: ' " • School. Although his Hebrew edu- who felt that,- having been given -the publication'of-the "Judehecho," a Jew- rTHE'BRINN & JENSEN CO. Architecture and Building—Arnold lius Weinberger. / cation was of' a limited nature he rights of human beings, they were Scenic Art—Lee Simonson, John \ras nevertheless one who had a under obligations to cut themselves Brunner, Louis Horowitz. .• " \ ish newspaper appearing in Munich Wholesale paper distributors for great deal of Jewish pride. While off from the past and future of- their Wenger. The jsole transgression of the paper Championships—If.. Behrin, shortattending this German School an in- people. To manifest an interest in Science—Emfle Berlinger, Abraham was its.protest against the expulsion Northern Toilet Tissue :• cident transpired- which jshows that the creation of another state, they hand; M, Crestohl, fencing; M., Fisher, A. B.rill, Simon Fleiner, Alexander of so-called "alien" Jews from BavaVAL. J. FCTER-tiGOHrANY 1112 Harney Street - racial pride* was ever 'within; his argued might be taken to indicate a marksmanship. Jacob G. Lipman, Prof. ria. AT-lantic 6409 1307 Howard 'St, Omaha, Neb breast.' The school • master,' a1* Jew lack of interest in the State which "• Civic Benefactions—Louis Bamber- Goldenweiser^ ; : h'ater, referred, to" the Jewjsh race > had" accorded them rights of\citizen- ger, Samuel S. Fleisher> Elkan-Naum- A. A. Michelson, Maximilian Toch. A particular source of trouble was ATIantic 0340. ais a 'heathen, race. • ;The other -Jew- i ship. The controversy over this point Sculpture—Bashka Jaeff, Jo David- its prihting^ of the Jewish Telegraphic berg. " , . . . . . . . ish students bore this insult in silence hasr not yet subsided,-but who would s o n . •' • . • • • • . * "'. ' • ' •.. • Agency Report that the British Govbut Herzl could' not retain • his com- ! say today that Zionism is in- - Drama—Morris Gest, Jules E»- Good-f AXTQN-MITCHELL -CO. • Synagogue—Rabbi Nathan Krass, ernment was taking steps to intervene :?tii ond'Siartha Sts. posure and with indignation arose compatible with patriotism. In BA. I6G8 man, Edward Laska, PhitfP: Moeller, Rabbi Louis S! Mann, Dr. Julian J. against- the- expulsions. and hurled back the lie, and left that , Herzl's day, however, this opposition - ElaranfacttsrerB of ' Brass; " Bronze, : tlnaiinom aod Soft Gray Iron Castings, school toenter th*e gymnasium, which | on the part of influential and wealthy Elmer Eice, Arthur Bichman, Samuel Morgenstern,- Rabbi Abram Simon, too are assured.of. soft castings, as as a higher school of1 learning -equiv- J Jewish circles in Western Europe Shipman. . ; ' ; . tee rotw-iiliip - some from every bsat in ARE ALWAYS GOOD Rabbi Stephen, S.,:Wise. RAISE QUARTER MILLION aleht, I presume', to, our High School. ' threw • Zionism for its chief support ' Theater and Motion Pictures—^Jacob and good all ways Women in Welfare—Mrs. Sidney C. DOLLARS IN VIENNA . ma B'SC* caist Iron and .bronze A few years elapsed and Theodore i on the resources, weaker materially, Baked by oosfeings In stock.. Ben Ami, Clara Beranger,William Borg, Rose Brenner; Mrs. J. W. Frei, FOR RUTENBERG PLAN but spiritually greater, of the Jews Iten Biscuit Co. Snow White Batcerie* "was, now a student at the. University , Fox, Carl Laemmle, Marcus Lowe, (Reg. V. S. Pat. Office) berg, Mrs. Alex Kohut, Sophie Irene of Vienna and studying Law. He ' of Eastern Europe. Vienna.. (J. T. A.) Fifty thousand There Herzl's "Judenstaat" was Benjamin Moses, Alia Nazimbva, Flor- Loeb, Mrs. Caesar Mich, Mrs. H. Mas- pounds has been subscribed to the Ruivas a very pop'ular'student and" was a member of many fraternities which hailed as the word of deliverance. ence Reed, Joseph Schildkraut, David kovitz, Miss Lillian-D. Wald. tenberg project for the electrification considered themselves exclusive. From various quarters there came to Emerson Lainidry . Carpenter Paper'Co. Some' of these' fraternities 'fefcring , him appeals for immediate action. Warfield, Adolph Zukor." '. / Journalism—Charles D. Isaacsoni of Palestine by a small number of F. & MOEEI Prop. Education—Abraham Flexner,' Isa- David Lawrence, Louis Wiley. the rapid increase of Jews as mem- j Against his . intention and wishes Distributors of Phone Webster 0820 hers passed a .motion to exclude Jews ; Herzl was compelled to assume the dor Loeb, Harry A. Wolfson. Western Bond--aad High Judaism—Dr. Cyrus Adler, Louis in the future/ Immediately upon . leadership. And a' leader he was, THE LAUNDSY THAT Engineering—Louis C. Loewenstein, Grade Stationery - learning of this action Herzl mailed > such as the Jewish people has net Joseph B. Strauss, Sol M. Swaab. Marshall, Nathan J. Mille. EVEEYBODY LIKE& Omaha. Nebraeks. ' his membership cards back to these had since the exile. His was a Children's Bobbing 25c Judiciary—Nathan Bijur, Benjamin International Eminence — "Beri»artl fraternities indicating^ his .resigna- j wonderfully powerful and beautiful Scalp Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c tlon. • '' i personality, transfigured by the ~in- M. Baruchand the International In- Cardoza, Eli Frank, Mary B. GrossExpert Individual Serricc It was not only in the schools' and . spiration of a great ideal, . . Snnlays and Eveninsrs. stitute of Politics, Lewis' Einstein, man, Irving Lehman, Manuel Levine, . Pepper, Vtee-PretidcaS. in .the university that' Herzl moved I In his- fight against all of the Henry Morgenthaur Leo~S7Bbwe and" Aaron J. Levy, Max Levy, Julius M. JOHN FELDMAN W. G. Cm. SecicitstT. SALON L'CHAR^fE in an atmosphere of anti-semitism, ' elements that opposed him Herzl the Pan-American Union. - * May,er, Joseph Proskauer, Charles C. but' in'the "year of 1884 wh'en h'e gained powerful allies. Among them 213 Conrtney Bits. At. SS19 -H: Shoes and Gent^s Furnishings Omaha Fistcure & Social Welfare—Edward Ss Filene,; Simon.'Horace Stern, Samufel D. Stern. graduated from the Law College with was' the" distinguished- and famous Featuring Emerson ana .Donlap Shoes—$5 to $12. the degree of Dbctor' of' Laws, 'zfnd writer Dr. Max 'Nordau. :Dr. Lee K. Frahkel, Samuel Gompers, Literature—Konrad Bercovici, Max-1 •fTClUL DKESS SUITS AND TCSBXJOS began to practice in his profession, I ' With -the aid of a few followers for sale or rent. COMPLETE STOKE he found' the "gates to' success and I Herzl ih' 1897 issued his call tor a Judge M. S. Grossmon, Eugejae .Meyer .well Bodenheim, Edna Ferber, Walda CtARENCE DESDUNES Phone JA. S12S 109 North iCti Bt. 1 Jr., Nathaniel Phillipis., ''.:. ./ ' ; Fr'aik, Isaac Gofcberg, Ben; Hechjt,i OFFICE OUtbtTSBBS s adyancement-closed to him. Because World Congress of Jews to convene ytolinist and Teacher he was 'a' Jew he could not raise his in Basle, Switzerland, -to consider the Philanthropy—Hen|y Av Dix, Adotph Fannie HxirstyLudVig Lfewisohn, Hen- Studio: Hawkin'e Bids. S1S2 No. S«lsS{ We occupy eyes to' the judiciar bench" in Im- present and future of the Jewish Lewisohn, Julius Rosenwald, Morti- ry K. Marks, Robert Nathan, Dorothy crer TO,C(H5 essnsr* .Phone, Wrbster 5526. perial Austria. j people,—in a word a Jewish parlia- mer-L. Schiff, Nathan-Strauss. ' Office Hours. 8:30 to 6. Parker, Rita Weiman, Anzia Yezierand Deoeiss Streets. VioliD. bows and oases for sale. Howeyer, he did not hesitate long meht. There were only a few weak 11 Poetry—Joseph Auslander,, John ska. Fbenfis ^acfesoB S724 in .choosing his vocation, for the call . scattered Zionist societies at the time. CMAHA. KEB. of .the writer' was' strong -in him. There was no organization, no money, When" yet a mere child he displayed, no Zionist press, no: workers. But a wealth ,of poetic imagination, and there was Herzl? The wiseacres in school he had organized literary , shrugged their shoulders- - and said societies, framed "their constitutions . there will • be --n'o congress and if and had prepared and supplied a ! there' is one it won't amount to anylarge portion of their literary pro- I thing and'it will end-in a riot. But Every Known Kind grams. It was therefore natural that ' the'world soon- learned to -know the when the' young lawyer found the forcfe of lhat personality for whom of Insurance doors closed to him as a-lawyer-that there was no such-word as imposhe should tfarn to writing. His sue- sible; Not only did--the Congress 209 W. 6. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. '- V •' 'cess along this linfe was almost In- meet but-"it. taught the -world a JAckson stantaneous\'ana' for the next—few^ lesson-how serious, sincere patriots years he wrote comedies for the stage should act. It was* not an easy task and articles and stories for the^pressr to arrange and'manage this meeting. WASH AND KEEP WELL In 1891,' two""yeais after his v mar- Obstacles -were placed in its path Gate City Farnitrare Co. riage to Julia 'Naschauer, he under^ purposely or unwittingly by assimA RULE OF HEALTH took a tour of various European ilated Jews, by ultra-radicals and Globe Van & Storage • Co. countries, writing descriptions of his staunch conservatives. There were FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY travels. His style was easy,-brilliant also geographic and political diffio-srned and operated by To the admirable stiirdiness and all-year JS12- California Street. and charming; in his works were culties to overcome. Men and women GROSSMAN & SONS protection of this Sedan, Dodge Brothers deflected the rich imagination of- the of all ranks of life assembled to 520-SS No. 16th St. poet; the depth and thought of' the determine in a democratic way the At. «23O Ss. 433S ;have added refinements which further philosopher; and finished grace and destiny of their people. Yet above . enhance its value and desirability. them all towered the majestic form perfection of the artist. So eagerly were his contributions seized by the of Herzl. He held them in the spell EFFICIENT and KESPOKEIBI^B public, that the New Free Press, a hollow ..„„„., of „... his »„„ hand. ..^.^ Under - ^ the „„„ .,*, E. E. Bruce'&• Co.The car is long and low, with deep seats and LACSDRV leading Vienna newspaper, sent him* "of" his iron will, the mass of inVThere your dotbes come feom© to Paris to act as its correspondent. ; dividuals, were united in a single, abundant leg room. New springs—under' The next four years he spent in ' supreme purpose. The rebith of clesoer cud last loneer. Druggists and Stationers slung in the rear—add immeasurably to the France and in Paris. ' Here he was- Israel in the Land of Israel, AT tentlt @8& I5C7-JJ ^ecfegon St. 401-4C3-4C3 South iOtb Stre«t considered a clever journalist, a sue- | Herzl felt the need of an official comfort of riding. H A. JACOBBSBGSSU Vrta. cessful' playwright, a "modern Euro- organ for the cause, but there was pean to ' his finger - tips . already no money. This, however, did- not With these and other notable improvements," launched on a brilliant literary stand in Herzl's way for as usual he career. He communed with the most gave the money from his own purse. the Type-B Sedan will distinctly appeal to brilliant minds,' of the* day, he dined Thus he sacrificed everything to the Certiied. PubUc Accoastaists 'in-'the most fashionable cafes7, cor- cause, health, strength, ease,-domestic those who demand beauty as weil as utility" . Audits •" Sy , responded with the most distinguish-, I comfort, Ms fortune and finally his in the car they drive. ed men of letters and mingled with' life. This*" paper * did" a great deal . . . . . luvestigatioas • 434 to U0 Ppteps Trust " the most aristocratic society. But 1 towards the organization of the- Jew4EI3, 4 all this dazzling life did not captivate ! ish Colonial' Trust «nd: the Jewish , O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. hinu At times a feeling of repulsion ! National .Fund. When it was decided Omsim Officer 81S Donrlae Street. Omatm P&on* Atianile tSM came over him for he could"sejB~-the | to organize the bank Herzl gave i , 28th and Harney Sts. emptiness of it all. Not only" did he j $10,000.00. The financiers and -milFord Tiaasfer •& Storage Co. • Telephone—HA rney 0123 weary of this sort of Kfe, but* events lionaires refused to give and tired S A. POBJ>. •were happening in Jews life which ' of knocking at the doors of the rich President and General Manager. were stirring him to the depths of j Herzl" directed his appeal to the ConnrU BinfTs (Iowa) OfHre Iris being.r While in Paris he w,it- r masses and received a noble response, 700 So. Siala Street. Phcne SSS. nessed the Dreyfus trial. HeCsajv.in j In the midst of'his strenuous activ"One of America's Great Hotels" the innocent victim of persecution a ity in behalf of the Bank. Herzl did symbol of Israel among nations. ' I f not forget the- greater purpose. He •was'during this trial in 1895 that he was bent upon securing from the •was converted from life-long indif- Turkish" government > a charter. It fererice fo * Jewish matters - and be- was necessary • to interview not" "only OCR EJiKATMENT came the greatest-leader of-the, Jews the sultan but many European CONVINCE f O l Ot OUK in modern times. -Being a'mail' of princes' and rulers.- -Herzl r v j to • ; •_. -SIISOEBITI. 'COCHCEL m ...IA. ' • unusually fine sensibilities and-intel- the " occasion. With amazing rapidTrust Oepartmentc lectual couragey Herzl .thought-the ity he developed^ into'one of the most Safety Deposit Boxe& Service is OUJ Motto problem out to its' Inevitable'' con- brilliant and .respected diplomats of - Sate . Deposit Boxes Cos- .Best. clusion. A Jewish State was his his day. Abdul Hamid who was then answer'to the Jewish question. the ruler -of Turkey was especially -These were exciting times for the occasions by Dr. HerzL On several •Jewish people. For decades our peo- occasion' he- summoned him to his ple1 had been-placing-hopes .for/the private palace for long interviews - future of Israel in Euronean. culture on'the question of Palestine.- He **Manufactjared In Omaha" - and ' enlightenment. They told us decorated him with' the highest Tur: BUTTEK as?d KCJGS . then, Lej;, t h e ' Jew. forget • his race ish order.. Herzl found warm support rfARER ICE MACHINE CO. tinality let him - assimilate in the King of Italy and the Pope, andd ' nationality, Coancll BlxxKs. la. -. with" his gentile countrymen and,he from William the Second of .Germany and Von Plehve the Czars chief '- wiljUbe received with . open., arms. ^ ; -'Persecution will cease - of itself and minister. •^Jew-baiting will be "a thing of the , Herzl convened with the Congress V # a s t But there came a day when six times. It was during the sixth Russian Jewry, nay the the Jewry of Congress that Herzl had under - 'the world was to be awakened to the consideration the plan submitted by " dreadful" reality. In the spring of1 England of colonization in East UNCLE SAM BKKAKFAS1 1881' there had appeared , op .tne" Africa that caused the.split in the FOOD CO. V* horizon of the Jewish* population of ranks." After - presenting it to-the " Bttssta dark and" bloody omens, which Congress • exclaiming there must be struck terror in every heart. The immediate relief for everywhere - is • was-ushered .in- Kishineff, stormy scenes followed. It "taxed him to the limit to heal this beas'fr "pjroceeded breach. - He was charged with beinsADVO COFFEE • - against helpless and unarmed^. Jews
Phtmmn Jenrdryat lie
lal^shock Jeweliy
Marcel and Bob Crd $1.00
Made With
' first litmm. Bail
ADVO JELL ddents "oft tfiis' Congress affected hi$ health for* the worse. Hhe'Tfed beetf aloiio suffering-from- -a -weak heart- and wrestled co&trary t b t h e advice of his doctors
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