Accept BO -.substitute for. Bard .work—there is nothing "just as. good".
V O L . JUT—.No 9 u g *
I Rats 1 are made * by , '< > people who stick to _' Hie Ijeaten'path,. >
Eateri:^S""|g»-"ieeoBa clasa mall matter o s JsaBSf* S7th 15321 « poBtat&jgj: Omaha tfebnafca c&dei the aci cJ SbiK3> S. JSKJ.
Patients at Tuberculosis Sanitarium Give Living Evidences of Miraculous Cures Effected at B'nai B'rith Institution. .
-SEMINARY ENDOWMENT POALE ZION LEADER FUNDS NEARS MILLION ABEIVES FOB LECTURE DOLLARS GOAL TOUR IN UNITED STATES Xew York. (J. T. A.) The $1,000,New York. <J. T. A.)" Abraham 000 endowment fund drive for the Rawutsky, Jewish writer sad Poale Jewish Theological Seminary of New Zion leader, arrived in "America from |; York i s within••-$100,000 of its goal, Jerusalem on the S. S. -Cleveland. Mr. Kabbi' Max Drob, chairman of the Ra-wutsky, -who was the first Jewish campaign, announces. minister under Tchekoviski's reign in' Meeting WiS ik> Held Sunday g TJkrainia, has come to America for a large gifts received recently, he said, Evening, February; 17 was one from .Newark-for $35,000. lecture tour.
W a s Heartily in Favor of Balfour Declaration and Urged By SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER. REPORTS OF ACTIVITIES OF Approval of British Mandate, Denver, Colo., Feb. 4. (Special Correspondence. )- -"Thanks FEDERATION FOS YEAR Jews-in Russia C@BSI •pp God. and tKis wonderful Hospital, I can again hold my children New York, Feb. 4. {J. TV A.)—The death of Woodrow Wilson. *n my arms and.clasp them close heart.". Final plans will ! « completed today Hie Terrible m a et a war-time President of the United States and staunch friend of ! The speaker paused and the 200 men and women at the In Fear Of ^ annual meeting of the n I J I f *l t ° ^ ^ annual meeting of the dinner table saw a picture of a home in Indiana, saw the faces S a y S LOHClOU M a i l Jewish Welfare Federation whsch will :• - Large .Class t© l e 'Initiated the Jews, has stirred the Jews of the-, country as has no other event in many months. Mr. Wilson had often demonstrated his of those children beaming with joy, saw those-children with "be held on Sunday -evening, Febrnary arms outstretched fling themselves upon the sheltering breast of Death Cry of Lenin Said to Be In- 17, at the Fontenelle Hotel the very Special Initiation in Honor of Grand intense interest in Jewish questions and was influential in obtain*ing at the Peace Conference in Paris recognition of racial and their mother, heard the unspoken prayer too devout, too rev- spiration for New-Horrors. - Lodge Officers.and Members. ' I best-in the entire history of the orreligious minorities^ which has reacted most favorably for Jewish erential for words, that poured from the souls of that little l ganization. family, so long separated, so long over-shadowed with the fear LONDON DAILY MAIL TELLS With Judge Hairy M. Fisher of ONE HUNDRED NEW CAN- minorities in Eastern Europe. He heartily seconded the 'Balfour Declaration and urged the approval of the British Mandate over and the grim terror of death, now happily removed. Chicago as the principal speaker- of DIDATES WILL BE STORY OF EYE-WITNESS. Palestine. "Thank God and the Jews of America for the National Jewthe evening, members of the- Federa• . .- • INITIATED. Mr. Wilson vetoed three restrictive immigration measures ish Hospital." The mother breathed the blessing with all the London, Feb. 4. ( J . T. A.) Russia tion are assured of hearing an address reverence, with alll the faith, with all the piety that animated is on the verge of a new unheaval, full of inspiration for the csross of Omaha Lodge, I. O. B. B., will hold The former president did not hesitate to., say "to those close to the priests of old as they blessed the children of Israel. And which it is predicted will be marked JewCsh social service. Judge Fisher an open meeting and installation him that he had vetoed the bills because he believed them to be as she took her seat the benediction echoed in the hearts of allby unprecedented pogroms against j has hundreds of friends and admirers Sunday evening at the Jewish Com- discriminatory and that he thought them to be aimed principally who heard it. the Jews, says the London Daily Mai in Omaha, gained through the wonder- munity Center. All members and at the Jews, In the debate over the abrogation of the Treaty with Russia. All day long, on Sunday, February today in an article by Sir Percival ful impression made upon this com- friends are invited to attend this For here were miracles performed I before one's very eyes. Here in this 3, 25 men and women from Illinois, Phillips, the first of a series on the munity when he visited here two meeting, which - is . being held in Mr. Wilson demanded the recognition of the American citizenMichigan, Minnestota, dining room of the National Jewish Wisconsin, situation in Russia, obtained' years ago in the interest of the Jew-honor of the Grand Lodge officers ship of Jews ending a fight which had; been waged for many Hospital for Consumptives of Denver, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota who will be the guests of Omaha years. and Nebraska, who had come to Den- Englishman who has just returned to ish War Relief appeal.
where, patients, Board members, andIt was Mr. Wilson who appointed. "For some time it had been known delegates from the eight states of ver to see for themselves the need for London after many years' residence! A forceful and brilliant speaker, during the day. Louis D. Brandeis to the Supreme to the President that several of the oa District No. 6 Independent Order of an Infirmary Building a t the National in Russia. Peasants throughout the'Judge Fisher ahvxys has a "message A'large class of -candidates will be ^ !? ^ f i*-,. * ^t h• «S -C -. i- * t *.'which th i h -^ h t'Justices '-rJ t« i B'nai B'rith were meeting1, the pati- Jewish Hospital, visited the patients, country, say3 the DaDy Mail, are of rare appeal to deliver. At the Fed- - t ; * • .? i-u »-. i t j na. ICt Coart Bh Bench, an appointment he off the .{supreme Court ents themselves were telling thesr talked with them intimately, saw the initiated-as ..the Grand Lodge Officers f p ? g h t -vig Orous i Y to have approved "bitterly-opposed-to JJrandris becowinp &nd that• -• . marvelous cures which the Hospital is whispering the battle-cry which they eration he will speak on "Jewish G a s . stories. • " "We- initiate a class of 100 and - • in • •which * •• - he • was Enceessfsl, - - over-j•one - - '-of* * their - • -•• coIleagTies «• - -• Here was the mother, not yet 30,•effecting in the treatment of tuber- believe to be a legacy from Lenin: Education.*' new members,** said .Hiram D. Fran- coming the i»-ejndices of the Supreme | were exerting' their influence to opwho just a sear before had contract- culosis and became animated with the "God save Russia and Mil the Jews,"] -Officers for the-year 1924 will be Icel, executive secretary «f the Dis-Court itself .and of. Cangxes^... As.pose him. The. leader of this prpnr Governor '.of !Mew. J e r ^ y he had'of Justices was 'also in attendance #-i ed tuberculosis and over the- doors of spirit of •sacrifice and devotion that a phrase which the dead Premier i s ' elected at the meeting and reports trict No. 6 Grand Lodge. • previously showed his friendliness for the "dinfter and the President said 1-.-" whose happy household the malignant permeates every department of the reported to have repeated as a lit- of the activities -of th - various departA special meeting was held Tues- the Jews in appointing Santnel Ealisch • noticed that this particniar J hand of death and desolation had Hospital, every member of the staff 1 paintqd its dreaded m.ark. Here was from'Mrs. S. Pisko, Executive Secre- urgy, "crawling on all fours, like a < ments for the past year tsiil be given. day evening ' a t the Jewish Cona- to the Supreme Court of New Jersey. | was very carefully trying to IIn. an exclusive l i statement t t t to the th i meeting ti Brandeis S d i ami wass the mother; daily growing weaker, tary and Dr.-Samuel Swezey, the beast around the room in his carefully A musical program has also been ar- j munity Center, where plEns were of the Sewish. Tele-iliim. Tfcc President, _ elutchnig-"Witb--'desperatB' • iiiaggra: Tit Stroerintendent,- down1 to-the liumblest a±' Gorky./' - '-Eisry-, ranged. took Brantisis' by remnants of life, anguished with the employee, and every member of this where there is the cry: "Kill the . - The books of the Federation for ihe class, Henry Monsky and: Secretary to Mr. Wilson, while he was him to the Justice anri present, fearful of the future, in the local Board, especially^ the Reverend next Tuesday, Hiram.D. Frankel were the principal] Governor of New Jersey and later nie to introduce to you Kr. very bloom of. womanhood and mater- Dr. Wm, -S.,, Fieldman, who 26 years Jewel" ^sending a shudder through.-year 1923 i February 12, and all outstanding bal- speakers. Committees were' organ- President^ of the United States, cis- j your next colleague on tho Bench * nity, with aH-of what might have been ago founded the Hospital and has ever Jews everywhere. From the Ukraine, -where _ minor! ances for the past year must be col- ized to obtain new members. The! the rosy promise of life still- before since been ,a Jioyal and ardent worker, her, now seemingly, doomed to an and Mr. Bertbold Flescher, member of pogroms have already been xeporte'd, J Wted before that d^i -.. Harry Mala- committees have been meeting' .tritb] deceased statesman had for the Jewish • .relating to.-me the ^nsticc's jrrnr-i people. ensuing" embarrassment. early grave.'. , . . the Board since 1913 and chairman of Jews are moving northward with .all .shock, chairman of the Finance Comgreat response. • ! "President Wilson «nterteEined no'1. Mr. Tnmalty declared that although Here was the mother, waiting pa-, the Finance Committee since' 1915. possible rapidity. Hundreds of Jews mittee announced today. The honored • guests •will be Ben; doubt whatever of the anti-Jewish he had not kept personally in touch tiently through weary months, countThe get-to-gether dinner on Suning the days which marked the steady day evening, for visitors," Board mem- are pouring into Moscow; which-has;- "We must st'll collect apnrox^mate- Samuels,; president ef District No. 6;character, of immigration restriction," with t h e Peace Conference in Europrp i t d in i loss of physical energy and spiritual bers and patients was without doubt become known as the New Jerusalem. "-lv $1000." said Mr. Malashnck, been assisted c, - and, B . J.'Samuels,:past-presideEt cf Dis- said Mr. Tumulty, stating; frankly the' President-'ih'ih g b that he himself shared the deceased ' those'.'matters by others, he fcnn-fthope, until as one last fighting chance one of the most inspirational meet- The British Agency in Moscow is" be- this amount will nositivel- be pollect- ; t r i c t N o - 6 ; A> ...JL Kpejjs^ president ex-President's conviction. For the' definitely -that it was- largely dap tj% she might enter the National Jewish ings ,ever held for a Jewish cause in ing besieged by Jews, eager, to go ed before next Tuesday, Several 6 7 3 5 of °* of Hainan Lodg-e. Chicas-o. the largest first time Mr. Tumulty also revealed President Wilson's influence _that the i, o dge, Chicago, Hospital at Denver. the "United States. In the very heart to Palestine. The emigration depot? the largest institutions affiliated with H. D. Fr&nkel, what has hitherto been unknown of- claim for a-Jewish Homeland in Here was the mother who, receiving of the need which they had pledged by th word at least that there was room for themselves to help supply, with a in the Baltic states are filled. with the Federation have not yet received g^ executive secretary of Dis- ficially, that Mr. Wilson had decided tine had been reeornizpJ 1 her at the Hospital, left her home in background of living evidences of the Jews, anxious to sail for America, their appropriations for 3923 from us, trict No., 6; Maze Breslaaer, Mil- to appoint Justice Louis D. Brandeis j Powers, later resulting in the Brltif,h that peaceful Indiana city, her body wonders which their work, when com- Zinovieff and Kameneff are Jews and and these must be paid imme^'atelv." waukee; Max Freschl, Milwaukee; as one of America's pleni-patentiarief; Mandate. to the Versailles Peace Conference, j "Besides Erandeis, ii\c 1'residcn." wasted, her soul despairing and her pleted, would accomplish and increase, Stalin, who is an. Armenian, follows As has been the castwn in -previous heart torn with anguish and despair, the delegates heard from the patient"? them in all that they do, but Tchitch- years, the names of sll< -members of Ben Nickell, Milwaukee; Max Gold- ibnt was prevented from carrying out' also enteiiaine» great a'tmii-btion «JHthis wish by Justice of fviradyhip berg, F&rgoj N. Dak. with torture and suffering, and just themselves the stories of their lives, y the late te Chief C e of f feeling'? g p for TtohK C Whi who h refused f d to Stephen S t h S Vise, Vi h mad" d f q the tiniest flame of hope, almost ex- so like that of the young mother from erin, Eykoff, Sapronoff and others the Fe^raHon for 1P?3 will be pub- At this meeting- Sunday evening, S Supreme Court White S, who high in Soviet government circles are in the "Jewish Press" iiist nregrant Justice Brandeis leave for that ts-ipp to Washington, when ho was wtinguished by the overwhelming mis- Indiana. list': T S - Tee . .™ 0VlPe . P 1 r e So f B n a i | P u r p o s e , stating, that at the tti h the h court was ceived i d by b the h Presirient PH h U'hitr U'hi ery all around it, left her husband and ceding the meetine:. One after another, in simple words, avowedly anti-Semitic. " B'rith activities will be shown for!too busy to spare Brandeis. House. On? of the firt-t o]>inioits exher children, left all that was dear and vibrant with sincerity and spoken The peasants are against the'Jews; of names will be published in Tumulty also definitely con- pressed by V/ilsoii wheat he the first time. beloved in life, and came to Denver. direct from the heart, the patients issue of "Press." Forms the long standing impression the political lite as Governor of Here was the mother, who with eyes told of their despair on first learning the army is against the Jews, and Omaha's crack degree team will Brandeis was one -of Wilson's Jersey,'" Tumulty stated, "was thfel sparkling, with voice vibrant and of their affliction with tuberculosis, Russians generally believe that their for this issue win close on February have charge of the initiation, Sara I - glowing with life and hope, was pro-told how they had given up all hope misfortune is due to Jew.3. A new 12, and all crflect;ons com- J. Leon, Dr. A. Greenberg-, M. S o n'•-principal advisers both .daring anc] Jevrs had not t-ecoivod sufiSrierit after the war. He said Wilson political- recoRT»ifioR &nd thereupon claiming, that all the world might of happiness in life, told how they had word is spreading in Russia. It is pleted before next Tuesday. heit, J. , Malashoek, ' H a s Morris,- frequently consulted Brandeis on sonic " know, "Thanks to God and this won- applied as a final resort for admission VEP, the first initials of the words, Harry Silvernian, president's lecture; of the greatest problems of the g-ovderful Hospital, I can again hold my to the National Jewish Hospital. They Wseobstochi Evreiski Pogrom. erament, especially when critical HIGHLAND COUNTRY C*UB children in my arms and clasp them told of their despair on learning that Henry Monsky, monitor's : lecture; situations arose and much "The shadow of the comingpoSTOCKHOLDERS- MEET , •; Max Fromldn,- guardian. to my heart." the Hospital was filled to capacity and reliance on Brandeis' advice. . -Mr. that they would have to -wait, in some grom," says the Daily' Mail, -"has • The first annual, meeting of the On Sunday'-'_afternodB, the honored, Tumulty recalled sosis incidents In) cases for many months,-, before they blighted the Bolshevik dream of world stockholders* of the Highland Counguests will" attend s 'public meetisg connection with Mr. Wilson's noininiB-! could finally be admitted. They told domination, and, although a few fation of Brsndeis to tlie Supreme i try Club will be held on Sunday, how they had left their homes, their of Council; Bluffs Lodge, where there children, their parents and had come natics at the top of the flimsy sturc- February 10, 1924, at 2:30 P. M. a t will also be an initiation of a special Court. Presittent had not made the Chapter HJB*= THICCK Vare of to Denver. They told how, with eyes tctre left by Lenine still cherish that the grill room of the Omaha Ath1 slightest intnnatioii beforehsnd of his class- of."candidates.- :':.. ' ' ' . glowing with fever, they first gazed fantasy, all the practical Jews are tsniaa Orpbsn POT Pafst Fotsr letic Club. All stock holding mem-Bill Will Be Presented Formally to intention to ncminate Brandeis,*1 Mr. upon the buildings of the Hospital concentrating their energy, time and 1 House for Further Action. bers are earnestly requested to Tumulty :said. "One .'morning he group and how with hands wasted and called me and said, '1 have Redded 1o * emaciated they had grasped ai the money on saving their lives and avoid- attend. The election of four (4) nominate-Louis B . Brandeis'to fill the i Tiie locai Junior Hadassah elected Washington, D., C, Feb. 4. {J. T. last visible means of help which the ing the deluge of tloo^ which is clear- directors and other very important l y before them. Trotsky, head of the business is to be transacted. The A:) A vote to -report favorably on Hosnital meant for them. the Johnson Immigration Bill was With voices choked with-tears they army, although himself a Jew, is re- four directors whose time expires are, be able to pat that over! He is a, Jew election Thutr.dfly evening, January told t h e story of their suffffering, of garded, curiously enough,' a s "being H. S. Havenrich, H. Willinsky, Louis taken Thursday by the Immigration d the large interests will oppose SI, at the Jewish Commuiiity Center. Memorial services for WoodfowFine v,-ap elected president Committee of the House. of Repre- their anguish, of their misery, before a n t i n J e w i n sentiment and politics, and Hiller, Milton Livngston. Wilson .wOl be-held this Fridav eye- h i m f o r h i s rdvanced ^ 1 ' .'I will, Mis? : he would not Mis? sentatives. The bill, -which provides" their admission to the Hospital, and JZ is even said *BaMri put Mm over,* the President, replied -at --the .Temple Israel./ then wsth voices throbbing with life, j "heasd is :the a man of the highest find a pogrom distasteful." For a two per cent quota based on vibrant with hope, and pulsating with *« integritycountry, needs the ICki.lerea.M. vice prcs-idcni; Miss KfTHORPEIAX'S DEFEAT -. • ; ; • ;Frederick .Coraj's-..subject of. address firmly, the census of 1890, will contain prac- ambition, they told.what was BO vis• • BEDDEOTEAM will be "Wilson's- Service to Human- _; kind of vision he' - possesses on the telic Lixpldus,' treasTzrcr; and Mis*. tically no material changes from the ible to the delegates assembled, of the i t "' A ' l Saturdaviikorn'foS r t B h ' II wiji ai nevrr BcJty Fine. ?orrrtarj- and ity.' At'the -regular Supreme C Coart. Bench.' ; marvelous health building facilities of original form. ing services ""at'."the ' Temple^ £abki fget the next thing the PresMeht FoTIowinj;' the c^crtjon s get. The Thorpeian Athletic Club basketthe'Hospital and its all embracing «-, . •£•- -.' -.-»- , asked me to do. It was so unusual," ball team cinched their chance for the The only opposing votes in the Com- care for them and their needs. on - The Home- 5sot( M r - <Tum^ty coutinaed. "It was al- meeting ar.d ca;d pnHy was held by Y. M. C. A. Commer"i?i League j?es- Made the members. Prir.cs were won by mittee were cast by Congressman Sa-, Then "they pleaded for those-not so jways customary to .send '? Minnie Eisonfitat, Dots At the.B'nai Jacob Synagogue, 24th to the Senate with one of my as-i the • bath and Dickstein, who are prepar- forfanate as themselves- who were Large Membership Campaign To Be nant bj defeating the Beddes Clothe iers who art the runner-ups! in this Conducted. and Nicholas streets, a memorial ser- ] sistar.ts in the White FOGS?. In Ihi? j GrecnbeTs iind Hao Borsky. ing a minority report which they will still warf'tig-for ah opportunity to enleague. ter the Hospital, for the chance to howevsr,ths President said. | file within the next few days. Hadaswb Chapter nt also bo* The score was 36 to 8. This was the vice for Woodrow Wilson T hh t t J u n ; o r Omaha Hebrew.Club will celebrate regain a foothold on life. They The bill will be formally presented pleaded that "the campaign for the its thirty-second anniversary, on Suft- ninth straight win for the Th&rpeians. and EabK-J.-M.Chaiiop wffl talk no Jnaao/^oSlv.I! I! *>»»** ™* oi-paniwd about' fo»r "Wilson -vviih the Prophetic ; -wish to to show show Sir. Sir. Branded Branded every every jj years years ag-o ag-o bv bv Mvt*. Mvt*. Mfix Mfix Frs In the House for action on Monday or "Infirmary.Building be prosecn-ed with day evening, March 30. A special The wonderful team work of Konecky. on "Wilson' Frsmfcin, Haykin, Knc-eter Be tein an-3 way to convey j is now their senior advieer Tuesday of next week. Congressman the greatest vigor and that the erec- program wOl be held at this meeting1, Brown assured the ''liorps a victory. Ideals." - His regular Saturday mom-! courtesy ana iin this thi i hi i di D tion of the building- be' consummated sermon'subject or, "Them' "Than' m>\ ? e e P interest in the four- years, the org-ara org-araEatioa hst. subject -will be on the confirmation confirmation t these fourSabath has made the statement that without delay. which will be open to the entire pubThe game was played before one f ing: sermon" 1 obs beers quite active in pMiantlwfojsic Shalt Take Contributions F o r Me, he would not be greatly surprised if ; request "Think of the-100 men, .women and lie The special committee , will be the greatest crowds ever seen at the it work. They have a<Sptcd a littlfi sdx Y. M. C. A. gym. also a t the B*hai Jacob Synagogue. • the bill comes up on the'floor of th*> children on the waiting list. Suppose I doubtedly Tnads the expected by Sam Klaver. A large In the very near future the Thoryear old orphan. Leah Dassah, of Pa?House before adjournment for the just one of these 100 was a Toother or i PIOTJ." be initiated at peians will pipy the winners in the r. Tumulty also recalled the letter eFtine, and are sendinp er-.eb year $101) week-end. He said that there is every a brother or a chtld of vours. Wouldn't Mr." Harry Praviro-fT. loral pianist' this meeting. Church League for the city championyou want this build^sr built just as which Mr. instructor, m i l present Ms follow- which Mr. * ftjon, during during the the feht feht for her support. In order to taajstftit: reason to believe that Cf>T»»rr*>KsniaTi - "We have set our goal for three ship. soon as possible so that your loved , ' ._ K . , . a g a i n s t . Briaiiaeis, centt to S Sfcaator their orphan, \hey raipe the .I'aoisey.-lsy will push the bill thrpufrb one child could enter the H&snital."Plans for a danee in the irear future irsg- advanced puj-Ss zn a mnswal piauo Culbersoii, Chairman of t h e rpedrJ. hundred new members,** said Sam p a series of card socials dsringr in honor of the medal winner? are be- program over -the l.he House as OUIPVIV as possible and was the question that the, patients tlealinp: W. O. th W O W radio, di pub-committee b i t t l l i ith ihe ih noinKlaver today. Plans are being made ing- discussed. that the. Honse will undoubtedly pase. Friday evening', February "8, at nine ination, in-which _the President in tiia-j each year. Bet-ide? sending the tmrtt^-' ked the tfelegptes. ,to xaake this affair far more larger •-• Its: - aielv after ihe game aa. iniInspired by the wonders tBfey bad the. BiH.sw5thoTtt any changes of real thesupport of their orphan, o^lock: lillian Chudacoff; Grace and ^ ^ ^ 'than the affair d jKroinptu celebration was belli at the en and the stories they had . fast held last year,** , Pearl Dassky, 'Frieda Belter, and ^ * ^ji'yity Tiiorpeians IJb rooms. he.axd, one after one the delegates • ' 'Max Fromkin, president of the club. Albert Finkel. ' They -will play "the cident'vhich'he said the Presidemt Jiafi ot«er itepfssit^es. . said that as. a result ©f special 5n- nresent rose, in their •nlace'S. 'riedlrated J New York. <J. T;-A.) All.member • The KaUkvoh Girls entertained at cosspoeitions by Beethoven, Chopin, afterwards laughingly themselves^ fca t h e cause.V-£ t h e Infir~ fairies wltM* "h*> ha* «tat!e ilnrme + g g y related to hua The nest nweling: of U*e o?gaislsa« ti»n «-Jll be held lida'-evening- »£ fhftir Un organizations of the United. Hebrew a bunco parfy at ihe home of Miss Grseg, -Liszt, Godov'sky, Moskowski. ? f ™ oeevrj-extee at a atoaer e and d nlff'qrerf qr r>as± few <lavs. Tie is rerfsit* tlmt +be» mary BniWing. in Waskssgtosi hy Secretary Jewish'CoramaaSty 'Cesitet. At' Kewlano. KIT will b e defeated in the -Senate fiasar efforts until this qsota, for Trades have seat greetings to X. Eam- Ida Minfectff Sunday aftexnocn. Prizes [at whieli Ji3Ktic& Btandes District No. S hat! been sabsciibed. sey MaeDonaJUl, the newly -w"ere \roti by Miss Ann. Fsiser and * 3- delay will ensue before it is sorainatiion "was then »ad«r fee, labor Premier of Miss Esther OB page 2L> PATEOSIZE -OUR ABVE33SJSEBS.*-aae of the taken up.
Favorably 0 s Johnson B i
Hebrew Hold Anniversary March 39
V ^rt * ' •• '
S s
cvc?y l'liUrsJay"at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWIgB,. PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY." . Office:-482 Brarideis Theatre: Building'.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. . . NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year., :„'.„ .'. : Advertising, rates, furnished on application.
BIRTHDAY DINNER SERVED ON i B^rifh Representatives Frottr Eight States Attend TRAIN IN HONOR OF HENRY MONSKY Conference at Denver Over New Infirmary Building for Hospital
CHANGE OP ADDUESS—Please give bo!h the old airil new address; be sure untf give your -name. -
I.'- 'J
'' - The Jewish Press is'supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news - items credited to this Agency' will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New-York City.
Enroute Denver to Omaha February 4, 1924. Fruit Cocktail a la Hirsh Ox Tail, Angelaise, Per de Monsky Celery Broiled Lake Trout a la Dovid Davidson Fried Chicken, Maryland Chiam Duvid Fiankcl Hearts of Lettuce, Leib Oransky Fried Potatoes, Koovin Lappen Marrowfat Peas, Hillel Wolf Ice Cream, B. B. Speckl Roquefort Cheese, Du Bist Bald Fertig Co {Tee Chazack
In honor of the celebration of the birthday of Henry Monsky of Omaha, the Union Pacific Railroad prepared the * above dinner, which was given on the dining car of the Union Pacific Monday evening enroute from Denver to Omaha. The above menu was prepared by the steward of the dining car. The guests who were there with Mr. Monsky, were Harry A. Wolf
of Omaha, Dave Davidson of Siou: City, Iowa, Robert Lappen of Dea Moines, Iowa, L. Oransky of Des Moines, la., and Hiram D. Frankel of St. Paul, Minn., cxeciitive secretary of District No. 6, I. O. B. B. These men were returning from Denver where they were delegates to National Jewish Hospital of Denver and where plans were made for the campaigning of funds for infirmary building for the hospital.
"Know Omaha—A Good Place to Live'
i , WOODROW WILSON " ". Woodrow Wilson is dead—but his memory will remain: with us. Like aU other martyrs he "was laid to his final resting- place, yesterday. Woodrow" Wilson, friend of all,— Jew and non-Jew^ slgsp^-rfy ut his |igh^ V?W?-S '• °P<^ »f- -: Woodrbw Wilsofr wa"s'a Lgrest7friend*of "tlie- Jews. He took a veiy active interest in the welfare of the Jewish people and totlay—thousands of Jews in this country, even in the countries across the sea, mourn for the uman, wha had accomplished:sb'many ideals. lt>-f: • • Mr. Wilson, .three times vetoed, different restriction -. immigration measures; jbedause -he .believed them to be discriminatory and that he thought them to be aimed. principally at the Jews. It was Mr. Wilson who appointed' Louis D. Brandeis to the Supreme Court-Bench; an appointihent which he fought vigorously to have approved and in ; * which he was .successful, overcoming all racial prejudices. ' At the time of, the Balfoiir Declaration and the signing'of the Mandate for, Palestine, Mr. Wilson was very much in favor of both. .He was a great supporter for a -• Jewish homeland, - The- people of the world have lost a great friend. He imbedded in the souls of men the spirit of world peace. " He preached that* nations, as well as men, should live as brothers*
Representatives'of the Independent Qjrder.j&£ B'nai^rith who met in Denver with the board of ^managers ' arid trustees of -the National Jewish" Hospital fdr "Consumptives. Above,- left to right—H. D. Frankel, executive -director of. District No; 6 and city vice chairman of St. Paul, Minn:; Dave Davidson, city chairman of- Sioux City,- Iowa; "Irvin Stahlmaster, city vice chairman of Omaha, Neb.; Henry Monsky, state vice .chairman, Omaha, Neb. Left—Max Breslauer, state chairman, ^Milwaukee, Wis. Center— Harry H. Lapidus, chairman of ^campaign! District No. 5, Omaha, Neb. Right—Robert Lappen, state chairman, Des Moines, la. Bottani>rleft to right—Louis Oransky, city chairman of Des Moines, Iowa; Rabbi J . L . Baron; city chairman of Davenport, Iowa; Harry A. Wolf, state chairman, Omaha, Neb.; B. J. Samuels of Chicago, 111. • * " ! ' • ; . which their'-visit to the'Hospital in- dens, Justice Aaron J. Levy, Solon J. stilled- in. the ; hearts of the^ delegates, iicebskind, Judge;Bernard A. Rosenthey were' most thoroughly impressed blatt, Dr. A. J. Rongy, Albert Rosenwith the wtfrk of the Research iiepart- blatt, H. Simmons and B. Tittman. ment "of the Hospital. Here Dr. H. J. Corper and his. staff of research experts are working day and night to SECOND ORTHODOX DELEdiscover a cure for tuberculosis_, and GATION OFF FOR PALESTINE have made great progress in this di- " Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A second delel 1 rection/ 'Before leaving , the delegates presented the Hospital with a gift A. gdtion of orthodox Jews, headed by |600.00 to enable Dr. Cotper to -pur- M. Sifkis, has left Warsaw for Paleschase much needed material for fur- tine. M. Slrkis contemplates the ther extension of his experiments. I founding of a textile factory at Jaffa. These men and women were present A third delegation, including indusat the convention, representing the I fcrialisjts from Kaiish and Lodz, wTir eiglit states in District No. 6: - Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Krensky, Mr. ' depart for Palestine In February. and Mrs. Ben Samuels, B. 3. Samuels, of Illinois; Max Brcslauer, Max Freschel, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nichols, Union Plans To Raise 6f WiseonstefMax Goldberg, of North : $5,000,000 Endowment Fund Dakota; Robert Lappen; L. Orajisky* j New.York. (J. T. .) Plans for rais; l_ve Davidson. Rabbi J. L. Baron, of Iowa; H. -D. Frankef, of Minnesota; jng a|5,Op6jOOO endowment fund were Henry Monsky, Harry Wolf, Harry considered at a meeting of the Exec? Malashock, Joe L. Wolf,.Irvin Stal- , iitive-goard> of the Union of American, niaster, Samuel Schaefer and Harry Hebrew Congregations at the Hotel Lapidus, of Nebraska, z • Each of these men and _women left ^.stois. - The endowment fund plan was Denver with the determination. that f presented Jay Nathan J. Miller, chairDistrict'No..§ campaign will go over J ^nan of the New York Executive Comthe top, and that the message of the mittee, while the special committee, National Jewish Hospital, its wonder- headed by Jacob Mack of Cincinnati, ful humanitarian work and the need suggested a synagogue assessment for the Infirmary Building to extend that work will be brought home to tax, .to which many member synaevery .Jewish man and woman in the Rogues -of the Unioa are already comeight,stated of the district, so,that jhiitted-. -, ., the misery and suffering: of the "poor % Members of the board were guests unfortunates who are clamoring for of 100 prominent Jews at dinner Sunadmission may "be relieved.
condition is so far advanced as to necessitate their- confinement to bed. It will also enable the Hospital to extend the complete immobilization treatment which is held by experts in - (Continued from page 1!> »- tuberculosis work to be the very last word in caring' for consumptives. this treatment the patients are • On Monday the delegates met in busiT Under subjected to .complete rest. Nothing ness. session to, apportion quotas which-would •occasion a strain, uppn, among the various' states comprising the minds or bodies is permitted them. the district. Harry. H>" Lapidus of A nurse is in constant attendance and Omaha, Chairman of District No. 6 provides for all tire needs the pacampaign, announced the jglft- of tienta They .are bathed, of fed, the?*' $5,G0_0.OO to the fund -from ,,Mr. .and teeth ate brushed .for them, 'theif , Mrs. W- B« Woolner, and read the faces are-shaved, and every possible following tiVgram from Mr. Woolner, physical, action is anticipated ' for who is prescient of the Hospital: No external influences, are "I am velk sorry csmnot be with them. permitted to disturb their mental - you and wiift you eve^y success in rest; Theitf rooms are sound-proof "yournioble and most worthy under- and no visitors other than the medical , taking; Mrs. Woolner and I will £ive attendants are permitted them. irve thousand dollars towards this if ' district number six readies one hun- Marvelous cures have been effected 'dred fifty thousand dollars in district through this treatment at the Nanumber six by SeptoJirifter- and will tional Jewish Hospital, which is the "giv$ in proportion if, nmount you only Jewish Institution - using thte reach is less than one'-hundred fifty method. "Many patients who, without CAMPAIGN TO.EDUCATE thousands. Greetings and best-wishes •theis'treatment would have succumb . - -"tT. S. LEGISLATORS - to all present." ' - to the disease, "have been saved and With such a start towards the cam- restored' to health and happiness at Kew York. (J. T. A.) A vigorous paignt the enthusiasm o£ the delegates, the National Jewish Hospital." The campaign to make clear to members for the cause was still further Intens* delegates met and talked"" with these of .Congress of the United States and ified, quotas were assigned and accept- patients personally and are-convinced all other Americans the importance ed fay the states and ifie, workers left of .the ..nee'd" for-the Infirmary Build"immediately for their-home cohimun- ing, because of the faet that the artd v"alu«- of-tjoritributions which have present fa-ilities of the Hospital do since the beginning made to Amer- ities to start the -campaign at once. not-permit of giving, this tretment to The" need for an Infitmafjc Building more'than three ai a1 time./ icaji'Kfe by various people sojourning at^the Hbspital was impressed upon , Due to the lackpatients ,ot proper facilities here, which -certain -alleged scientists the delegates on all 6vdes,,-nofc .only this tretment is applied." to the are now- describing as *• "non-Nt>rdic W the word of the administrative df- most- desperate cases, .andonly The "results races,", will be launched at-once, it is ficials "of the Hospital„ but by. the obtained- have, proven beyond any announced by a committee "which was sieht of the'patfents themselves-'dnd doubt tHat if" proper facilities could ' by th* i waiting listof-100 applicants-, be give, this tretment to appointed-following a luncheon meet- "li%tefr in-all parts- of- the--country less'secured-to ad vaneeeT cases, as wella^ to the ijig, heH voider the auspices of the which is on lilfe-At the* Hospital* - ^ -. most desperaia.-oncesi* tures^couloT be American Jewish-Congress,'in thu Old - Qriginally. planned as a.' 75-ro'Otft obtained witHma-shVrteirperidtf & j f Colony. rQub- ia flie Waldorf Astoria str^uictu^ -to enable.the . Hospital! to obtained i 3fcime*and ^yf^.imu&~ijaBre<-certainty ' exftS&d*its facnfti*S'jPor the "treatment mt&S. •? . • / , , » ; - - -• ' atftobetculosisyijsptffiiall^" through' the thaii^wlth 4he usuat methods, of the . Arthur M. LanJpor^, a member u~ treatment, jest'curet ; ' Through the added .facilities 1which the Adiwinistrativg Comnjittee of thc( A. capacity «f- 100,.and,wall also the -new building "will 'jjiy'e the Hos*- •Congress, was the host andDr-i.Ste; k M f rgency cases. ~<H %ne '•pitaA'H »wilF,be 'care-for phen S, Wifee, President of •mGre-patiefits, cures JsiftTre 'effffected gfessrpresided over the meetingin: a sHoiter.- time and more 2rp strides-" in-rsiresiing; tb» spread of ,:Th^" following; committee :of tuberculosis wiU beTnade possible."« r was designated to carry out th& r: ' *Ne*trt<r£&e"deep 'rooted "enthusiasm cisibn." of the-cdufejjetteei— Arthur M. for the need of an Infirmary Building, Lamport, - chairman; Jpseph
r Work of National Hospital Impresses Delegates
day nfght, at which addresses were made by Mr. Miller, who presided; Charles Shohl of Cincinnati, President of the Union; the Rev. Dr. William Rosenau of Baltimore, Adolph S. Ochs, Judge Horace Stern of Philadelphia, Louis Marshall, Roger W. Straus and Professor Ludwig Stein of Berlin. ,- New York. (J. T. A,) The Vilna troupe scored a success recently in ita first presentation of the Dibbuk at Thomasefsky's Broadway theatre. The. crowd was so great that the theatre was filled to its capacity and largenumbers were unable to obtain seatsSonia Alomi3, Alexander Asro andChaim Scheier played in the leadingroles.
here — fresh, spic, span, new Manhattan corded and woven Madras Shirts—conservative hair line and other neat effects—white oxfords and other e x c l u s i v e all-white Manhattan weaves; collar attached or neckband stvles— tO
FOR SALE STOCK and FIXTURES of MEN'S CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS and SHOES. Located in COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Business established 15 yrs. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE TO SETTLE ESTATE. Tor further particulars apply
Executrix, 618 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa/
Is It Fifty Steps To YQW T«Ie£»iioae? Have you crcr counted thestepsyoutakedatiy,back and" forth, from your tck« phone? An extension telephone npstairs would save & great many of these steps. Th« cost is bn'j' a few cents a day. Just telephone for one.
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1924 Lbndon on Monday evening',, and on Florence Whitebook, Cyril Leon, Dora three tables of bridge in honor of Patent leather colonial Bucktfe Saturday evening, Mr. and. Mrs. Ben Freshman, and a dance number by Mrs. Finke, of Leeds, So. Dak. too, have arrived, and may Millman will entertain for their guest Miss"Ruth Obluziner. Miss Dena Goldstein entertained at seen on dipp'iay at the Star Store's at their home. Saturday afternoon a bunco party Sunday evening in shoe department. Miss- Blanche Altinan is entertaining ALEPH ZADI ALEPH-NEWS' honor of Miss BertM Kershman, of Burbon & Co., Distinctive Apparel' Washington. (J. T. A.) President at bridge .at her home honoring' the The A. Z. A. Basketball Team Omaha. will be a regular worshiper fen: Women, McCrory Building, -wsss visitor. defeated the Wheeler Memorial Team The Menorah meeting, which was formally opened Friday ^versing1. More in a Jewish synapopue, if the First last Thursday night, by a. score of to "be 'held Sunday, February 3, has than six 'thousand crowded through Congregations! Church accepts an ofMr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun 13 to 7. The A: Z. A. Team been postponed to Sunday, February the establishment in the four hours fer by the Washington Hebrew Conare visiting in New the United Presbyterian Satur10. Dean Buck will be the principal of the opening, it was estimated. j pregation. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Robinson, of day night, February 9, at the Y. speaker of the evening and Miss Dor- The store is done in ivory ariS blue • The First Congregational Church, ' „ othy Diamond will render several vioNew Bedford, Mass., are expected to II. C. A. which with the bright colors of the' of which President Coolidge is the The regular Jewish History Class lin solos.arrive - here Thursday to visit with latest hat creations, made a striking leading member, and where he has was held last Fridaj night. About Mr. Robinson's parents, Mr. and thirty-five attended. The regular "Mr. and Mrs. Spear and son, Mil-appearance. There are six depart-1 worshiped regularly smce his coming Mrs. S. Robinson. meeting of the class will be held this lard, are leaving for California this meats in the shop showing ready-to- to Washington, was recently conCouncil of Jewish Womeh to Entertain millinery, hosiery, blouses, demned as unsafe by the district auMiss Laura "Givot left Thursday .to Friday evening. week. Mr. Speir will be thers "for one wear, * 'I . A t Annual Card Party February 13 spend a week in Sioux City, Iowa, sweaters, shoes, leather goods, jewel- thorities. As soon as the church's month and then will-return-to Lin- ry,-neckwear and a lovely beauty predicament "became known, the Pres•Arrangements have been made by the local Council of Jewish Women prior to leaving for an indefinite J * CX)U N C I ! B l / . U K K S » coln, while Mrs. Speir and. son will salon. ident of the Temple, Mr. Fischel, remain ia California until, spring. for their annual benefit card party and entertainment to be given this year visit in California. Miss Givot Mr. L. L. Burkenrad and Joe Bonoff, called a meeting, of the board of dson- Wednesday afternoon, February 13, at two-thirty at the Burgess-NasH spend several weeks n Oakland-land : The Junior Council meeting was Tea Rooms. Tickets are now being sold by the members of the organization; San Francisco, Calif., and will then held; Tuesday evekingat the home of . The Temple Stniday: School is hold- are the managers of the shop. They ] rectors, the members of which inuneand the money that will be raised at this affair -will be sent to to National go to Los Angeles to visit. Miss Gertrude Kroloff."" !- •••' ' - ing-a party Sunday tnormng, Febru- pfomise the latest styles in -all mer- ( diatejy decided to extend the imitaheadquarters of the Council of Jewish Women in New York to be used for ary 10. :• - :• : . .:•••"' •;•'.-.' ;. .: chandise, the best values, and the tion. the .furthering of the mmigration work of the Council. most courteous treatment. Mrs. D_ A. Frankel entertained at"~;Miss v ; M«|rerson •.-entertainv t.Jn order to make this a complete afternoon social affair, a one o'clock A benefit bridge was- held Wedneshi^ lundheon, also at the Burgess-Nash Tea Rooms, will precede the card party an Orpheum Theatre party Tuesday, ed eighteeS '; day 'evexiuig, January: so, in the base- The Star Store.has just received i • " . • ' TOR'" S E N T afternoon: in honor of -Mass Ha-Fran_ for {those who so desire. One or two rooms in modern ^Mrs. S. Goldstrom is chairman of this affair, and she will be assisted kel, of Seattle, Wadu, who is visit-; d f h e ' r t w e l f f h ; b i r t 3 i d a y . . : : • • :'; --..'•-:• ••-: ment of the new Temple." Prizes "were several, new styles 'In -spring, coats— hems with liberty of .entire awarded ;.$t each table and : a; light coats in all the "newest spring shades by the'Mesdames J. P. Cohn, Carl Purth, I. Rosenthal, Meyer Spiesherger, ing with Miss Bertha Leon. Mr,- aiicF J. B. Rosenblum, H. Q. Marx, Ed Treller, Morris Milder,-Louis ffiller, Mi Mrs. J. L. Trochtenbergr entertained The B'nai B'riti. will hold a-meet- luncheon was served. Dancing1 fol- and styles. Stunning little spring, hdu$@. Married couple preferred. Call...ATlantic B098 after 7:30 Friedman, J. B. Katz, A. M. Browar, Charles Levinson, and H. M. Ferer. evening at the Dan-lowed.. hats in all colors and styles, some be-, P . V M . . • " : • at four" tables of bridge at their home ing-'. Wednesday : ish Hall. v ; . ;;- *• decked with flowers, others plain, are Wednesday evening honoring " the New-York. (J. T. 'A.) > Justice AaWEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS Mr. M. Marcus left Sunday, morn- ron. J.. Levy, was tendered a testi- also ready to ,.greet-.. the.". wearer. SHERMAN-ANDELSON The engagement of Miss Lillian visitor. monial • dinnex" by members of the lo- Handkerchiefs, ;too,/have found their The marriage of Miss Rosalind Cohn, of Des Moines, Iowa, daughter The Pi Tau Phi Fraternity; are ing for Hot Springs, Ark." into the new spring stock, There Andelson, of Chicago, 111., -to Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohn, of that entertaining at a dancing . party '-.•Mr: and Mrs. Hyman Krasne.-left cal bar knd judiciary at the Hotel embroidered, ones; Jaee ones, linen Maurice Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. city, to Mr. Morion Lipsey, son of Saturday evening, February 16, at Wednesday for Kansas City* Mo.>-to Coiamodore recently. Aliaet L Jeiiks, ones, in fact, there are handkerchiefs former. Presiding Justice of the "ApJ. Sherman, of this city, will be Mr. and Mrs. Sans Lipsey, of Omaha, the Blackstone Hotel. , make their future home.' •':' r of every description to. suit every pellate -Division, presided over the solemnized Tuesday evening, February was announced. The wedding wil Is Now Located At dinner 1 which was attended lay"wore Mr. H. Marcus, of. the Bee Hive Mi1. Lawrence Krasn© " "returned 19, at the Wrightswood Country Club take place in the early spring. and Cw.mlng Streets Cleaners, .a delegate to the Cleaners Sunday after spending two weeks'in t^an 1,509 people who i a d ga&ered • MONHEIT'S at Chicago. Mrs. Nate Sherman, of tttf C«i»ln|f Street Fhene At. 3»ai, to hbnot Justice Levy and Dyers Convention at New York Omaha, will be the bride's matron of Est. 1890. Miss Fanny Brodsk.y will be the City held "January 27; to February 2, New York. MODERN CHIROPODY : vated to the Supreme Court Beach at honor. A 'full line of *le!ic«tessi>tt stjpp!!e« AND BEACTX SHOP. hostess to the Ra Oth Society on returned Wednesday morning., 1,400 Mrs. Ben Cohn .and, daughter, of the.last,election. •:• ; --;• . ; inn! Kofiber Meats, We also carry ji Permanent wamngs and Among the Omahan's who will at- next full line ol special Dill PickJws. Sunday afternoon, February 10, at delegates attended the convention, Harlan, Iowa, returilfed to their home Among " the prominent". speakers marceUns, a Specialist in tend the wedding are the groom's her home. each department. All frfeiirts nt-e JitTited after spading several were lieutensnt-Governor George; E. For appointment call parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman, coming- from United States arid Wednesday ;: "to patfonljso us. ;; 1 Ja-ctson J1774. days here with Mrs.Cohn"*s pafentsi Lurin, John ."Proctor. Clark, Presiding Crocnd floor IBIS Harney. who are leaving next Saturday eve- -Mr. and Mrs. Morris Finkel enter- Canada. : Mr., and Mrs. B. Saltznian. / Justice of the Appellate Division* and ning' and the groom's sister, Mrs. P. tained at four tables of bridge at their Supreme Court Justice Victor I. DowlH.-Rosenblatt, of Atlantic, la., who is home Sunday evening. THE JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE Mr. . and Mrs. David < Levins' left ing, all of whom lauded Justice L ' also leaving next Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. I. JOein were sur- About tfifty members were present Tuesday' for New York City and judicial career. Justice Levy is a for Chicago. Mrs. Nate Sherman left at the last meeting of the Culture other eastern cities to be gone for vice-president of the American Jewlast/week for Chicago to visit with prised at their home Sunday evening League. Mr.' Harry Pfeffer spoke on a b o u t t h r e e w e e k s . .••••'• ish Congress. -.•••• relatives for a month and to attend by 20 of their friends and relatives, "Jewish Education and Schools". r honoring the tenth wedding anniverthe wedding. Mr. Nate Sherman, Several musical and vocal numbers you want to boy a brother of the groom, will also attend sary of Mr. and Mrs. Klein, who were were also given. Plans for future presented with a bridge lamp by the the wedding. home guests. Prizes at bridge were won by activities of the League were dis- Mrs. Charlie Simon entertained Mr. Sherman and his bride will be Mr. Joe Lorkis, Mrs. Herman Zuber, cussed at the meeting. A "Purim Thursday evening•- in. honor of her you want to sell in Omaha after March 1, upon their Evning" .for members and their cousin, Miss Henrietta Sinn, who is return from- an eastern honeymoon of Hastings, Nebr., and Mrs. Charles friends, will be given on Saturday visiting here from Illinois. -. your home trip. ' ' • Nathaiu evening,~HafcH' 22nd. Plans" for~an you seed any kind Special Whole YiTicat .flour made "by PillsMiss-Bessie Wirshbo entertained at extensive membership campaign were Sunday evening Mrs. Ben Gradwol of insxsrance— I SEFF-WEINSHANK. ' bury Floor Mills Co., from selected wheat— two tables of bridge Sunday afternoon outlined, the details of which are to entertained several guests" at a SunThe marriage of Miss Bessie. Wein- at her .home. Prizes were won,by be decided upon by the executive day night supper- andf bridge in honor ground the old-fashioned ^-ay. Eliminates Call shank, of St. Joseph, -Mo., to Mr. Miss Ida Adler and Miss Jennie committee. of Miss Henrietta'Sinn. ' .. ... ,v. stomach trouble. Nathan Seff, of Sioux City, Ia v who is Zlotky. v" The next meeting of the Culture Mrs. Werber, of Salisbury, Mo., is well-known here, were married ThursReal Estate and Insurance day evening, January 31, in St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson will re- League will be held this Sunday visiting her daughter, Mrs. Victor Watch For Our Labd On Bread. 112 K«elLne Bldg. Pbone AT. 8980 Mr. and Mrs. Seff are now making ceive their friends at their home at afternoon, February 10, at 4 o'clock, Friend. 708 North 23rd Street, Sunday after- at the Labor Lyceum. * -----their home in Sioux City. Miss Rebecca Pasky entertained at noon, and evening in honor of their JUST. RECEIVED AUFLEBUNG CLUB son,. Mr. Morris Robinson, and Mrs. KRASNE- WHITE. New Spring Creations The announcement -that Miss Bess Rohinson, of New Bedford," Mass., The Auflebung Club package party White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Har- who are arriving today to visit at the and dance that was"to have been held ALSO-'ry White, has set Sunday evening, Robinson - home. Messrs. and Mes-Thursday evening, February 14, has Ladies Wool Jersey February 24, as her wedding date, to dames David P. Feder, Arthur Ro- been postponed to Sunday evening, SPORT SUITS Mr* Mose Krasne, of Oakland, Nebr., Eenblum, S. J. Leon, H. Marowitz, M. February 17, at the Jewish ComSPORT COATS son of Mr. and Mrs. ,M. Krasne, of Marowitz, '.and . Edwin Kahn, "Will munity Center. Mr. M. S. Goodman -—and — is chairman of the affair. assist Mr. and Mrs. Robinson in; reCouncil Bluffs, la., was made during Puritan Colonial Pomps ceiving the guests. t h a p a s t week. The wedding will be - Lowest Prices in Town. CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS. solemnized at the home of the bride's "Webster 6284. 1616 North 24th Street." The Deborah Society will hold" its The Merry Hearts' club, who -were FOR parents. regular meeting Tuesday afternoon, recently organized, now have sixteen j 1831-1S33-1S35 No. 24th St. February- 12» a t t^ e Jewish, Com- members. ".A meeting of the club' will j North Omaha's Big Dept. Store. The February Card Party of the munity Center. There will be sev-be held next Sunday morning at the Oniaha Chapter of Hadassah will be eral speakers to address the mem-City Sunday School and the following held this Monday afternoon, February bers. program will be given: Piano solo by 11," at the home of Mrs. S. Eavifcz, at Miss Ruth Kneeter, recitations by Miss <:LninSilf!l!ililIlHIIlIIllIiHilHHI!I!!i!ii!!l^ 720 South Thirty-seventh street. The Mrs.- Arthur RosenbluiK has as her ^Mesdames J. Adler and Mark Leon house, guest Miss Eae Veta," of will be the assisting hostesses at this Cheyenne, Wyo., who arrived Jiere Sunday. affair. Mr. and Mrs.- E. Truehaft enter- Miss.Gertrude Sum'merfield, of.Dutained at a birthday luncheon Sunday luth, Minn., ift the "guest of he? sister, •. ' afternoon at their home, honoring Mrs. M. E. Chapman. Miss Ida Siegal. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr, Morton Hiller just returned R. Milder. entertained Sunday even- from a trip at Minneapolis, Miniu Latest styles per lb ing at their home at a- birthday surand models Mr. and Mrs. Phil H. Koolish-and prise party r jmplimentary to Mrs. Audrey. Ruth Eoolish, of Los Angeles, Mildfer's sistr f, Miss Siegal. Order Your Tailored Made Calif., are leaving Saturday to attend Suit NOW! Batiy twi'.is, girl and boy, were born the -wedding of Miss Celia Richards You have the selection of per lb to Mr. and Mrs. W. Kuldin on Sunday to Mr. M. Lesser, at San Jose, Calif. our entire stock of material. Suits Made to Order. tnorning,- February 3, at the Stewart 5 Mr. J. L Chait left Tuesday, eveHospital. , " • Try . ning for New.York City, where he The Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai will -be for about two weeks. a "Kneeter Made'* B'rith will meet every second and per lb Garment fourth Thursday of each month at the "Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Seff, of Sioux Jewish Community Center. They will City,"towar "who" were married h r St. hold -its next regular meeting Thurs- Joseph,--Mo-,-Thursday, January 31, day .evening, February 14, at the were in Omaha Monday with friends. HIGB CLASS MERCHANT TAILOR Mrs,--Sen: was-formerly Miss Bessie . Jewish Community Center. per lb. Wemshank, of St. Joseph, Cleaning, Pressing, and Mrv and Mrs. Edward E. Lincoln Remodeling have moved into their new home at Mrs. M. S. Miller returned Sunday 1916 Farnam Street 303 North Thirty-eighth street during from Denver, Colo., where she had Atlantic 6085. the past week. been visiting. Mr. Miller returned "Miss Ida Frankel, of Seattle, Wash- Sunday from a trip in California. ss ington, guest of Miss Bfertha Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosenstock reis being extensively entertained dur- turned Sunday from Chicago, 111., FOR RENT!! ing her visit here. Among her hos-where they have been visiting for the Furnished , Room in Private Jordans, Buicks, Auburns, Hudsons and^Mdny Others tesses-wexe Mrs. Mark Leon who en-pas ttwo weeks. Miss Lorraine- RoJewish Home. Fine neighborhood. Clog's in. Gentlemen tertained at her home. Thursday, aft- senstock, sister. of Mrs. Rosenstock, per lb preferred. Call Harney 4006. ernoon Mr&. Sam Leon entertained at who accompanied them to • Chicago, Buy on Your Own Terms—Your Own Time an Orpheum Theatre party followed is visiting with relatives there. This Is Your Sale—YOU TELL' US HOW ' - hy a" luncheon at the Omaha Athletic club. - Mrs. Harry Frankel was hos- Rabbi Frederick Cohn participated tess for/hw .guest on Sunday after- in the Wilson Memorial Service held ' OPEN-EVENINGS .-, ..-' " noon at her home.. Miss Estelle Lap- at the Auditorium Wednesday afteridus entertained the-visitor. Monday noon. He read the 23rd Psalm. "The Mohll" afternoon,'&nd OJV Tuesday afternoon KcM<lenc<N J 3 « So. SS St. Tel. ATlantic 6637. Mrs. "Davje.Frankel was hostess at an - Miss Pearl London, of Los Angeles, Calif, the house guest of Mr. and Place o* BnmneNs, 2415 Coming St. Qrpheum Theatre party. Mrs? Ben" Millman for several weeks, Tel. ATlantic 3S31. T. A." II * Ululakof sky," president "of fif the honored "guestr at a number HA. 0710 StreeL&t 26tl the Keren Hayesod, is calling's meet- of social affairs that are being given' ing of-the-organization-on Tuesday .during her. -visit here. Among her Edwin M. Kahn 516 South 16th SL evening, February 12, a t the Jewish hosts and hostesses this week were —PIANO— Community Center. Mr. I. Goldstein •Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder, who enter(Opposite Borne Hotel} «vill give a report on. the Dr. Chainii tained at their home last Saturday Instruction'irk Popular Music ATIaiitsc 4480 WeizmannA meeting .held recently in evening, ^iss--Josephine-Stern- was ^iHiiHUttHUnflniituuiuiiimiiimuiiffi!^ Studio 2nd Floor Mlekcl St. Louis, Mo. hostess' at her home honorine Miss
Women's Apparel Slop
•Rye, Pimperiiekei,.-airi-speculHie Bread,
Kosher Weiners, Frankfurters, ^nockwarsl,. Soft Salomi,
Corned Beef, Pastrami,
Smoked White Fish
Tonight and the balance of this week tremendous price cuts on all used cars will prevail., Cadillac Suburbans Sedans
Creamed Cottage Cheese
Tourings Phaetons
Kosher Salomi at..
J. H. Hansen Cadillac Company 'A SAFE PLdCE TO BUY:
§ |
I |
PAGE 4-^-THE JEWISH PRESS. THUKSDAY, FEBRUAKY 7,-1924 America's representatives to join. in Wilson's policy. -We may not, .all of- his life and his influence Is certain * purpose was not only to achieve th this plan. Details are unimportant. us, accept his. interpretation of poli-j to continue and increase in the years .' peace of the world but he regarde. L Ada StefJih^'Rf!niai;lcable,Boo^---Just Published* • This wp- stand as a monument for all tics.' But "all of us, whether be Demo-1 to come.-' I a? the fundamental basis of that peact time to "the'memory of President Wil- crats or Republicans, every one of us I Mr. Loufs Lipsky, President of the ' the rights of self-determination oi i€ son. , No TmbnumenfTbf "stone or bronze must agree.that this, whatever hisi Zionist organization of P merica., made jevpry nationality and recognition of - . (Continued from page. 1) will "be. as lasting .'or- as grand. The point: of-, view was, was on the right the following statement today: | the historic rights of the Jewish administration of .the\Pr,esIdent, dur- side ;in~ the sense that he sought not "•'"The Zionist Organization.- of Ame- people to Palestine, the land of then • A.RBVIETV, Xtr ZELDA.FQPKIN. , , , immediately appointed a Jew, Samuel ing, "eight years ;Was-stainless and his 'the selfish aggrandizement of Amer- rica, in common with all the citizens fathers. His advocacy of the Zionist '- Kalisch of Newark,-to-the Supreme work was parried Ton with-'.vigor and. ica but the larger welfare of the of-this.^Reptsbljc, irrespective - of - party cause profoundly impressed the Peace Court of New Jersey on -which a Jew- spirit. His' memory; .will*' remain for- (human jace, and that he wanted not or ^£aptlon,/Kiourns. passing. away Conference .with the justice of the benefactions ran into uncounted hun. But for the wisdom, foresight and had never sat before. This was oneever as a-martyred President dying vengeance but love, and that he of yfggpkow1 Wilson.'the\ t recalls witli a Jewish claim. ^fersonarintegrity of the late" Jaqbb fL dreds of thousands, was rated at §75,- of Wilson's first official acts as' Gov- in the cause" ofrduty.'just as though he wrought with all the power that God deep Seijse .of. gratitude-his /genuine ernor." : was $l&in .on the battlefield. President" gave him for the bringing about of intere%t''m the Zionist cause and the London. (J. T. A.) According to Schiff, the Westerner who. today mo- 000,000—a sum- paltry indeed by comLouis Marshall,'President of the : .Wilson always showed" a keen ap- that, epoch in-history when every man aid'rendered by him to ' the Jewish the Daily Express, the Palestine Govtors through prosperous Gbpher. Prair parison with the two and a naif bil- American Jewish Committee, paid, his preciation of the suffering of the Jews' and:woman and child shall sit under people, during :the trying period of the ries, migKt still be riding behind his, lions of Rockefeller wealth. Yet these tribute to Woodrow Wilso'ri: all 'over the" world and was ap- . their, own vine and fig- tree with none Pease ..Conference. As the representa- ernment is distributing arms to resiox-team. The action' of this distin- comparisons of Jewish and non-Jew"You ask me to make a statement preciative of the enforcement of their to make them' afraid." tive of" the American people st the dents of villages in the Hebron disguished philanthropist-financier; who ish wealth might be insignificant, ex- as to WoodrpwTWilsdh's attitude-to- rights in this • country." Peace Conference, his hitrh aim and tricts in order that they might defend j Dr. Cyrus "Adle'r, president of after the panic of 1901 raised "the cept as refutations of the charge that ward Jewish^ questions." A;1 complete r :'James; W.. Gerard, former Ambas'Dropsie College, Philadelphia, chairthemselves against bands of robbers answer, being in eveiy "kmejr for the rebuilding of the Union the wealth of the world is concentrat- sense of-'ibe'-word the embodiment: of sador to Germany, responding to the man of the. executive" committee of who have been most active Jately. Tequest of the Jewish Telegraphic the American Jewish Committee and Pacific Railway, on the strength of ed in Jewish hands, were it not for the xrco spirit, p ,h g he recognized acting president of the Jewish Theothe other charge that this wealth has his personal prestige among'.foreign no differences .of creed, d -race - or na- Agency for a .statement, spoke as fol-j logical"'. Seminary,. wired the followlows: ,• , . financiers, sowed the middle wes't.with been used to disturb the peace of the tionality ';jn"fi5is"judgment, of mankind, ing- statement to the Jewish Tele"The world's* .greatest idealist and being'an,'idealist;-he abhored all cities, and brought its grain to the world rather than further its- prog>hatred, jealousy" and'suspicion -among! Woodrow Wilson is dead. The world • graphic. Agency: . .-. / . ress. . AUDITING AND INCOME hungry cities of the nation. . l . "Woodrow Wilson .was a man of men and nations. 'Speaking specifical- grieves—the world he tried to save A family of Jewish" peddlers fir • Going back of the pages of history, ly, he recognized in -the -Jews of this from a return "to war. Jew and1 great * intellect' and fine scholarly TAX REPORTS aianced the north during^ ther Civil Miss Sterling bisngs forth the story country a spiritual force which' had | Gentile alike mourn a great states- attainments which; for; the greater i 208 Karbach Ka part of his life ,"W"ere. devoted to teachBlk. Atlantic 1031 1 Wax. - Their little - clothing- - stores, of Aaron of Lincoln, who helped .to adapted itself to American conditions'. man who had to deal with some of ing • {o the enrichment of historical and which contributed in* every, direc-1 the greatest problems in all history. scattered -throughout the east, had build Peterborough Cathedral and the tion- to the advancement .of the wel- A grave problem still to be faced is literature • and- the • -improvement of 1 grown into a'great bankingliouse,the Abbey of -St. Albans, to finance the fare of the nation and of .the world. the growing feeling of intolerance— our • educational -system.. As GovDiamond & Platinum Specialists . house of Seligman, which with the co- Crusades and the court of Henry, the He had no patience -with .those who a movement directed against Jew and ernor, of New' Jersey and later as President, he brought a passion for ..,.. - , 1514.Dodge St. operation of the Rothschilds, in Eng- Second of, England. There is the maligned and condemned the Jews, Catholic alike. No one met this Justice - and-righteousness~fco the congreater on repeated occasions gave gave i uaugcr danger to America with uuu ou repeaieu ucuasiuitb vu America wiui greater Esi'1894. ' . , Ja. 6619' land, took over the bonded loan, of .the Arabian Night tale of Joseph Mendes- and duct of..public .affairs*. . With the TJnited States in 1879—a sum" of Nasi, who was weary of feigning to evidence inof his unquestioning. con-; courage than Woodrow Wilson. Jews coming of the .Great- Waav he entered in their loyalty and their • were appointed by him to high office. $150,000,000—and has,"* since " Civil ,be a Christian in Portugal, who left fidence integrity. At the .time" when the! Jews were his friends and counsellors upon the unquesioned' leadership of TO AND FROM and toward its close the CHE "BKINN & JENSEN CO. War days, Tinder-written every bond; .Europe and came to Turkey, where abrogation of the treaty!with Russia!—at his bier let us all pledge our- America leadership of the world. The rejecWholesale paper ALL PARTS Of he so well served the Sultan Sulai- was under debate .he struck valiant j selves to the fight for Liberty and for, tion by .his own country of his plans issue of this government. . . . . distributors for blows in support of the. recognition of a free tolerant America." '.* man that he was made Duke t>f THE WORLD r 'Miles of waste land over which the Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi of the in no wise impaired the practicability the equality of American- citizenship. Northern Toilet Tissue Nile' poured its yearly, floods. have 6s and .presented with .the city of Ti- At the Peace Conference he advocated Central and Free Synagogue, Acting of his lofty ideals or his own confi-r 1112 Harney Street dence in them. He had the civilized teen transformed into prosperous cot- berias sit Palestine. Around this-city whole-heartedly the • adoption of the President of the Jewish Institute of j man's liberal toleration to all creeds AT-lantk 6409 Religion, and, President of the Amertriaties which were intended to he built a-wall and offered it as a ton and grain.bearing.lands by the 1307 Howard St., Omaha, guarantee. the rights' of racial, re- ican Jewish Congress, had the follow- and in addition the Presbyterians* place of refuge to all his people. Of magic- check-book of Sir Ernest .pasATlanfic 0540. ligious and linguistic minorities, and ing to say of Mr. Wilson's passing: (belief that Israel was chosen by G*KL that the Jewish peoEel. This-Jew in 1898 offered to- the the Rothschilds to whose enterprise it may . "The death of Wilson marks the He further felt y b& safely' y said that-it t 1 •PASTON-MTFyHELL CO. l due' d ' to' t his" h i " earnestt advocacy d British Government the'vast sum that and genius all Europe is debtor, of largely passing of an epoch in American his- ple had" been so wronjred by the tory. He was as truly unique as Lin- world • that the world owed them '-ttli ajut aiarSba Sts. . the Sassoons who helped to develop that the protection of minorities has .HA i6fS •was required for the building-of the every reparation in its power. He JSaiiufncturprB ,<nf Braes, Bronjp. Assouan Dam, and.gave to civilization' India and the Far East, of the Gug-heen made a matter of international coln because as truly and completely exhibited this attitude in the pass- M&fnlmjm and Sort Oniy iron Cuotinea. Party was little to him save : Voo .aft aaimrpd of soft cantings, as genheims, peddlers of stove polish and concern. His attitude on the subject himself. one of her richest gifts of immigration is evidenced by the as an instrument wherewith to serve port issue, in his veto of restricted <xe. muehlns- Kamc tram erery; braf in ARE ALWAYS GOOD immigration bills, in his endeavor to glue, and importers of Swiss embroi»nr -ttmn ehop. fact'that he vetoed three restriction- his country, which became all to him :An engineering feat of about equal aid-the Jews of Bulgaria at the close Stanrtnrd stxr cast Iron and broczc and good ail ways deries, who built op the great Ameras an instrument of world-service. He ist bills. In none of these acts-was Significance was accomplished by- the hl in eterk. of the Balkan War and above all in Baked hv . he influenced by considerations of I challenged his country to rise to the jcan. Smelting and ReKning Company, Iten Biscuit Co. Snow Whitr Bakeries shaping of the Versailles Treaty tuilding of the Sutro Turinel,-through political expediency. He was guided j highest levels. Mislead by partisan the (Reg. U. S. Paf, Office) much is told. the famous "Comstock lode" which solely by a profound respect for "the i glamor and detraction, his country- and the unswerving support he gave All these Jews made their great rights of- man'and a contempt for men faltered for a time but the ends the securing the right of religious, overcame one of the greatest hazards racial and' linguistic minority. The ' Wilson sought to, serve are secure. of silver mining, and opened to Amer- contributions to civilization and prog- bigotry and injustice.". world is immensely the richer for Carpenter Paper Co. H A b l Elk Hon. Abranvl. Elkus, former AmTruly T l i t may be b said id of f him hi that h he h ress, but they won greater glories F. S. MOKE* Prop. ica the vast, treasures of .her silver bassador from the United, States, to | wrought in sad sincerety. Therefore Distributors ol ' mines. The man who made this pos- through their magnificent benefac- Turkey and Judge of the Court of \ he is become, .an immortal. ThricePhone Webster 0820 West rn Bond—and High tions. When his king asked Hector siple was the son of penniless.immiTHE LAUNDRY THAT Appeals, made ^Ihe following state- j blessed the land, which can produce a Mendes, "What are your riches?" he Grade Stationery EVERYBODY LIKES. ment: /; - i Woodrow Wils ..i in its hour of need." grants who came from Germany" after Children's Bobbing 25c "The alms I "have, given Omana Nebrosfta. "In the death'of President Wilson,' Rabbi Nathan Krass ,of Temple •the panic of 1848. The city of S,an "plied: Shampoo 5©c America loses &r great educator and Emanu-El called upon his congrega- Scalp Treatment 25c It has been estimated that Francisco today bears testimony of away. , , . , , , Expert Indtviacal Service a great President. As time goes by tion to rise in silent tribute when a . Sun lays and Evenings. H. Leplfio*. » ^ the love that Adolph Sutro returned B a r o n d e H i r s c h w h o established the more, and more will we appreciate the bulletin announcing the death of Mr. Pepper. Vice Presifieat. to. America for the opportunities she Balkan Railway System contributed administration of- Woodrow Wilson Wilson was handed him at the concluW G. Ure. Secretary. SA1.ON L'CHARME ::: j and the high* purpose by which all his sion of his sermon Sunday morning, 213 Courtney B!k. helped to find, in miles of beautifjil more than * one hundred million dollars * At. '819 Shoes and Gent's Furnishings acts were governed. He Sought to Rabbi'Krass spoke as follows:' Qmarta- Fisf-ure & streets, parks, monuments, public for benevolent purposes, answering perpetuate a plan by which all wars] !'Verily a great man has. fallen; Pearunnp Emerson nnd the cry of necessity, regardless of Diinlap Shoes—$K to $12. baths, an aquarium, and a library.' . Supply Co. in the world would be ended. Fiftyverily a noble foul, a hero, a striking -TDI.L 'DKESS.SntTS AND TUXEDOS . These are "fiendisli machinations*' the race or cre,ed, from which it seven nations joined the League of! personality, a man of great vision, an for sale or rent . COMPLETE STORE AND CLARENCE I )ESDI 'NES v'hono JA. S12S tO8 Kortfi I6tb SU of the international ' Jewish finan- sprung, bringing to his own people Nations to endeavor to make thJs ' idealist who stood alone in!his generaOFFICE OUTFTTTEES Concert Violinist and Teacher ciers, which are respectfully recom- possibilities for .physical and moral compact binding and -in- full.forces, tion, .a 'isgn Aviio klways. *sojjjg:h"£Ithe We occupy America alone is still * reluctant Mtb "fight and > the truth I with' fervor,1- with Stutlior Huwliln-n Hlrtg 4133 .No ttth 8t - ,< mended for corrobo'ration of the regeneration. • • -Phone, HVbstet 1536 join in this enterprise, but sooner or firmness of conviction as God gave 8onthvrr«t Corner Office Hntsrs 3:3t to & charges of Messrs. Henry. Ford, "Hil- .. An-interesting feature of this book later the force" of public opinion, him to see the light, Vlolio bow* and cases for sale. pnlh <in(l lionclat -Ktrecta. laire Belloc, and their .kin- They are is that it lays stress, not so much on which after all will govern,'Will force "We may not agree with Wc-drow Phortr: tarksnn t" four outstanding instances, culled what modern Jews nave achieved for OMAHA, NEB." from a wealth of facts that? make Tip civilization, but oflu.the -important an absorbing volume called i'The.Jew thoughts, systems, plans and move?nd.Civilization." This book has just ments which have been originated by; come from the press in. an-effort'to Jews. The present banking system stem, with unanswerable truths', the scheme is one instance; foreign exEvery Kno\mi Kind Foods of misinformation ana bigqtry. change, is %another... r . , "The Jew. and Civilization" is -the - Itis,difficult to confine a summary ©f 1*1 isu ranee work of a noh-Jewess, Ada"Sterlings >o£ this remarkable book,to reasonable 209 W. O. W. BIdg. JA. 3944. distinguished in America-.and "Eng- limits.. The quote* and JA deson 1862 to bring forth fact after fact, from land for two • earlier successful historical works. Hopeful of promoting .this- exhaustive collection is so .keen Svery DodgeBrothers Sedan body is steel a better understanding, "between Jew' that unless sternly resisted the sum-f WASH AND KEEP WELL Gate City Furniture Co. built throughout—sills, pillars, panels, mary would be as large as the book and non-Jew, Miss Sterling has delved A RULE OF HEALTH itself. Yet every alleged "proof" of frames and all. down into the history oj^dvilizationi. Globe Van & Storage Co. and has brought forth facts, many of the Jewish conspiracy against the FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY tnvued and operated by which were hitherto unknown r~ ~an~d world, as international banker, as Bol.This all-steel design-^exclusively a Dodge 1819 California Street. many that eyes blinded by hate nave shevist-internationalist destroyer .of GROSSMAN & SONS Brothers feature—possesses certain prac520-22 HO. 16th St. overlooked, despite their very obvious- society, and as polluter of morals, is At. 0330 Jtt. 4338 tical advantages which recommend it most turned agaii.ot its inventors. In preness. " . / emphatically to the closed car buyer. senting her defense, of the Jew, the . In parallel columns, Miss Sterling marshals the charges that Apioli in author concludes as follows: EFFICIENT and It reduces cost, assures a structural precl,93 A. D. made against the Jews, and I - ''This volume goes out into .the tThere yonr Ci»thescom<! Bome those that nineteenth and twentieth vyrld with a great'wish that it may . sion which is particularly evident in the dentier end last longer century detractors of this "people, -have incite the conservative good who have 1SO*-11 JacUeon St. Druggists and Stationerssnug fit of doors and windows, and results 6280 GZE Vttt. | brought forth in an effort to revive been negative for a better understand401-40^-403 Smith III;is Street j in.a staunchness of construction which thousand-year-old flames of hatred. ing of their neighbor, the Jew,, to guarantees to the owner a long time investThere is a similarity as take part in the suppression of those ment—and a long time satisfaction. forces for evil which would set .the though ditto marks had been emnation, and the nations, once more ployed. Apion, nearly-, two-thousand Certified. Public Accountants years ago, declared that Jews hate all upon a course of Middle Age perse' Audits. . '• • Systems . . Christians, that they •' have always, cution. We have our special days of been cowards, that they have ne^er.'. celebration and prayer; our Hospital Investigations' ' 434 t o *4() tVH-rp B'ruiit «!d£. invented anything of .value to- man-! Sunday;.our Mothers' day; our s.. .Sarkfion 4S13, ASH. Day; oar " Independence ~~ Day.. Fancy 3rindi or contributed to .the work of * ~ O'BRIEN DAVIS AtlTO COOffice: BIS Doojrlss civilization, that they lack patriotism,' what might happen, if ,but one nation Otnshs Fiiono Atlantic Cr.rvS 28th. and Harney Sts. and for, ritual purposes kill. Gjreek were to inaugurate the setting apart Telephone—HA raey 0125 Ford Transfer ;& • Storage-'Cc children. These are the charges that of a single Better Understanding, E A. FOKT> one heard ten years ago at the trial Day, seeing to it that on that day all President end Uenprsl aianasrer. foDWil B!*sJTs (lotra) OfHrp of .Mendel. Beilis; that one finds,, day teachers, preachers and spiritual pas• 100 So. MSJB Strict. Ph»np SOS. after day on the pages of the- Dear- tors and masters, yes, and the edi'One of A.rnerica's Great Hotels' born Independent. With facts, then, torial teachers as well, were to concentrate their thought upon the bringMiss Sterling holds up to derision, one after the other, the charges of bigots. ing:.about of peace "on earth anH srood "While the stories of the patriotism of. will among men! The outcome, of ovn rmcTSu Hayam Solomon, of Colonel Pranks, even, .a single hour to set apart in. a COSXIMCF %Ol tit Ot"E COt'N'Ctl HLVFFH IA and of the -Asser Levy family-,4Hre year—K>f a, single honest thought sent SINtTKITir t ISi-i?artm«>nt. •well known, few persons, know $jat forthwith the concentrated force of Deposit BOXPS. Service is Oui Motto nine generals of Jewish faith com- tfie. world—Teach human bVnf? led ,to Scfe Deposit Boies tot Kent. jnanded during the Civil War, and .consider the need for mutual kindnearly eight thousand Jewish soldiers* | ness—the existence of mutual, rights •were recorded in -the records of this; a n d t n e duty of protecting them— conflict. The achievement:- of-"the 1 there is no way of measuring it.., Tt •Jew in industry, in commerce, in phi- would not then be necessary to point "Manufactured in Omaha" lanthropy, in literature, art, »music, jout, for all would see the interdependBUTl'EK and HVAiS BAKEH WE MACHINE CO. medicine, mathematics,, diplomacy* are ence of the human groups who pop: Council BSuUs la. blazoned forth. ,.. ', ' " '•' ulate the world, to what ^degree *ach Particular _. interest,"however/ sur- has contributed to the universal edurounds the chapter thathas to do with cation of humanity." •the Jew in international finance, for it is about this* group that the prin- REIGN OF TERROR' cipal accusation of, • the anti-Semito EXISTS IN MACEDONIA UNCLE SAM BKEAKFAS1 ceher. Jewish financiers are declared London. • (j.' T. Al) A \ veritable - .FtWU VO. to 'be the arch-plotter's. against the re ign of terror exists in Macedonia peace" of.the world.. Yet-of all the and Bulgaria Avhere- the ^situation of wealthy Jews of America there-is not the Jews is extremely grave, due one fortune cornels' wifHift^hail^ the activities of the Macedonian revoS ing distance &f theichief accuser, Mr.; lutionavyV' committee^ - according to Jle'nry Fo*3r who* i&-rajted as having ^press-repoTtsnjeing circulated by tbig $5CO,COOIOPO;of;p?.5tson^!.wealth; Otto "Near^Middle*^ast-Association. The* Kabn. ''" ' • • • • " • • - • -
The Jeftb"arid'Civilization
Leaders Pay: Tribute to Passing* of Woodrow
right price.
Emerson Laundry
Marcel and Bob Curl S1.00
• • • <
Made With Milk
E. E. Bruce & Co
HcCord-Brady Co. •'
Azneifci.. , . . . . . . . . .. 000. TIie iate^Jacob B.-Schiff,*whose .