February 28, 1924

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I Accept : no substitute for- hard work—there is nothing "just as [ good". - . • • .

VOL. HI— No. 12

Ruts are . made , people' who stick .the beaten path. •

Entered aa\ portofflca at

Junior B'liai B'rith Omaha Lodge I.O.B.B. Neighboring Communities Apply

for Charters WILL BE KNOWN AS ALEPH ZADI ALEPH Omaha will be the: charter city for the prgariization of rthe B'nai B'rith, juniors, ^ j b , are organizing under the name of x v^e^h4Zadi Aleph. ; The Aleph Zadi Alepli organization was organized in Omaha: in June 1922 by .':Natb^a;>]Ubib:okbii,.:.*yni}iv.the' intention of making J t a; purely social organr ization ^for' the young Jewish boys of Omaha "and • neighboring- communities.' Mr. Mnookin left' Omaha and is now'm~Kansas City, Mo., where lie has "organized a" chapter of Aleph Zadi Aleph. . In January 1924, Sam Beber, vicepresident of the local lodge of the ': B'nai B'rith, assumed the sponsorship of Omaha Chapter vAleph Zadi Aleph No. 1. Lester Lapidua, son of Mr. . and Mrs. Harry H. Lapidus is the Aleph Godol, or the president of the first chapter. '.Chapters are now in the process of formation a t St. Joseph, Mo., and at Lincoln, Nebr. At the^ recent meeting of the B'nai B'rith, lodge, Omaha lodge No. 354 went on record as greatly favoring a movement of B'nai B'rith juniors and the following men were appointed as the advisory committee of the. junior organization;'- Sam • Beber, ., chairman, Harry Lapidus, Nathan Bernstein, £ F.Gaodmany and Harry

l&ss mal) matter on January 87th, tea. at \ Nebraska, undex the Act ot £g»cl> 8, 1870.

AGA KAHN LEADS DELEGATION TO ANGORA Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Aga ,Kahn, leader of the Moslems of India and one of the wealthiest of the Indian princes, is at the head of a delegation of Indian Moslems which is proceeding to Angora, there, to discuss the Caliphate question. Aga Kahn, who is a famous Indian sportsman and racehorse owner in .England, has long been an advocate of the non-abolition of the Caliphate and a letter written by him supporting his own views, which was printed in Turkish papers, resulted in the arrest of four editors, who where ultimately released. Aga Kahn will visit Palestine and Syria.



Jewish Igaicy to -'SeeisaXertaiitf Special Registration Saturday Evening at Fried and Kuklin, 1513 North 24th~Street

It is the declared and established policy of this paper to take no part in political campaigns. We deem it proper.for a paper of .this character to refrain from all activities of a'partisan or political character, yet, we feel it the duty of t&e JEWISH PRESS to foster an increased interest, on the part of its readers, in their Civic duties and to promote ardent and active citizenship among those constituting the Jewish contingent of our population. It is one thing to live in America; it is another to be an "American". The fact of residence in the United States brings the enjoyment of certain privileges. The status of being an "AMERICAN" involves certain duties and it is a grave offense to be a mere resident of America, without at the same time being an American. What, is required of one to merit his standDemand Notes of Money to be Given ing" as an "American"? A thorough understanding of American ideals and American institutions and sincere participation in the by'Jews. affairs of the Government, to the end that those ideals and those Faris, February 25. (J. T. A. corre- institutions may be ever strengthened and Perpetuated. WHAT ARE YOUR DUTIES AS A CfHZEN OF THE spondence.) sThe Bulgarian Pres

Resolutions Formulated by Adler, Stern and Lehman Presented by Lamport W E I Z M A N N OBJECTS TO PRODDING CONSCIENCE

STRAUSS IMPRESSED WITH ! WHAT HE SAW IN'JERUSALEM New York, (J. T. A.)—In a letterwritten by Nathan Straus to his Secretary, Ruth Burkes, which was received by her today from Egypt, Mr. Strauss states that since his visit to the Holy Land last month, he feels greatly encouraged as to its future. "It is very important," Mr. Strauss writes, "that people come to the Holy Land to see for themselves just what has been accomplished and all that would be required to make converts to the cause is a personal visit by them to the Land of Israel. The progress made, particularly by the immigrants, is unbelievable, unless seen with one's own eyes."

Violent Anti-Semitic Propagaa* da Based"'on Book <<Th International Jew." RABID JEW-HATERS CONFIDENTIAL AGENTS

Berlin,-(J. T. A.—An investigation New York, (J. T." A.)—Participaby the .Berlin bureau of the Jewish tion of American noii-2ionists in the Telegraphic Agency reveals the con* Jewish Agency for Palestine and the nection of Henry Ford, American organization of a financial corporamotor magnate, with the anti-Semifcifi tion for economic investment in Palesmovement in Central Europe. It also tine seem assured following the nondiscloses the fact that the violent antipartisan conference to consider PalesSemitic propaganda which started in : tine problems held Sunday in the urope in; 1921 was based on Henry Hotel Astor. The meeting called by Ford's book, "The International Jew." a committee headed by Louis Marshall and including Dr.. Cyrus Adler of Important Business Will Be Trans- The investigation of the J. T» A, acted. establishes" the fact that Ford's agents Philadelphia, Herbert H; Lehman of in Europe are constantly associating New York and Horace Stern of Philar delphia, reached its climax late in the Business of importance will take with rabid anti-Semites, an instance afternoon, just as the conference was place at the next meeting of the local being the disclosures concerning Tidrawing to a close,* when Dr. Chaim chapter of the Intercollegiate Menorah tus DeBobula and his part in the Bu« Bureau has issued a statement here UNITED STATES? - -• . Society to be held Wednesday evening, dapest monarchist conspiracy to overWHAT ARE THE- PRIVILEGES INCIDENT TO Weizmann, president of the World March 5, at the Jewish Community threw denying the reports of the J. T. A. the Hungarian government, in Zionist Organization and president of . --' ' regarding the grave situation of the CITIZENSHIP? Center. ntimate co-operation with the Gerthe Jewish Agency, taking advantage Have you ever put these questions to yourself? Jews in Macedonia, who are being "At the present day we are learning man monarchists, especially the Hit* of an opportunitygiven him to refute It seems wholly unnecessary to discuss the many blessings threatened • and blackmailed by the how to make a living instead of learnMacedonian Revolutionary Commit- enjoyed by citizens in this Land of Freedom and Opportunity, arguments or correct mistaken im- ing how t o ; live," said Professor ler-Ludenttorff group. A special investigation into the tee. and it goes without saying- that those of European birth are pressions, shouted to the conference: Nathan Bernstein in his address to anti-Semitic agitation in Bohemia also "Take it or leave it!" Dr. Weizmann, The J. T. A. learns from the same doubly grateful therefor and more fully appreciative thereof, the members of the organization at source from which it obtained the because of the contrast of. conditions here with those they who had delivered one of the earlier its last regular meeting, Tuesday eve- points to Ford's connection there. The original report that although it is experienced in their land of birth. Yes, we appreciate the addresses of the day" when he spoke ning, February 19, at the Jewish Com- anti-Semitic ' agitation followed imtrue that till recently the Jewish EQUALITY, the FREEDOM," the LIBERTY, and all of .the generally of Palestinian conditions munity Center. The principal address mediately , upon the alleged visit of population of Bulgaria, which has al- other privileges that it is our good fortune to enjoy in this and the requirements for the further by Prof. Bernstein was followed by Henry Ford'to Karlsbad. The antiSemitic press in Europe in announcupbuilding of the land, had sat quietly ways distinguished itself by its loyal- realm of the Stars and Stripes. short talks given by Mr. Charles Ei- ing this intended visit declared its throughout the session, watching the ty to the State, has enjoyed the Privileges always involve corresponding duties, however. The gutter, Mr. Sam Beber, Mr. Fred greatest of liberty, the facts as given Government offers us much and expects but little in return, but proceedings with an intense interest. White, Dr. Louis Margolin, Dr. Victor purpose to be to confer with anti« Semitic leaders concerning future His only essay during the wliole time in our report are incontrovertible. that little' is important' to the fullest development of our E. Levine, and Miss Rose Minkin. propaganda. A search of official was a refutation of a remark made by The Macedonian Revolutionary Com- institutions. " : The local Menorah Society which sources in Karlsbad showed that con* Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohen that the mittee has committed atrocities and In time of War, our country requires SERVICE-of one kind \ TErustroV: ^ :•-- ^: •• •"''. ";--'-":.\; : - •':--••. Zionist organization sought to alienate was organized over & year ago by Mr. siderable correspondence addressed to has threatened Bulgarian Jewry with The purposes -of the junior organ- dire punishment if they will not with- or another, to defend its honor and to promote the principles for the citizenship of Jews in the coun* Sam Beber, now has a membership of Ford f rom anti-Semitie leaders arrived 'i ization V are to teach the principals in the time limit which has been which it stands. over fifty college and university in Karlsbad during the period when In time of Peace, it requires SERVICE of another character tries of their residence. of Judaism andAmericanism and ;to fixed, hand over certain sums of students as well as alumnae and pro- Ford was supposed to be there. The also tekch the prindp§|s of theB'riai^ money for which demand notes have —compliance with the law, upright and honect lifing, and a "We accept the present status in fessional men and women. Mesorah Jewish Telegraphic Agency has estab. B'rith, so as these boys who are been issued to them. In Sofia alone, CONSCIENTIOUS PARTICIPATION IN THE AFFAIRS OF Palestine," Dr. Weizniann said, "and organizations are found in nearly lished, however, that Ford himself '''J'ibe^£e^^e^^^<>f.^^d'.-J21, : .may- the Jewish population hag been called THE GOVERNMENT. ' This latter duty is most essential. Every .we have:adopted-the mandate of the' upon reaching tneiE majority .. be upon to pay a contribution of twenty citizen 'is* a "part of the machinery of governments **!&r this conoperations. There are - Zionists who §p its afin is to stimulate ''£M 'Intel"* European representative of the Ford B'nai B'rith memberii: ^. . million levas." Hundreds of Jews nection, a grave responsibility rets upon each of us, to contribute believe that the~outcome may be a lectual advancement of Jewish culture Motor Company, Henry LangSj who Omaha; -has"again-; assumed the (1,370 to be exact) have received such our share to good government. The means provided for our political state dominated by Jews and ideals. resides in London, came in his stead, leadership" by sponsoring the move- demand notes. Similar threats have expression in governmental matters is the exercise of the right through the natural process of evolu- The present officers of the local or- Mr. 'Lange registered in the ^dsitors* ment of an organization for boys. been made by the Revolutionary Com- of franchise. The man or woman who fails to exercise that right, tion. Who knows what forms states ganization are Mr. Joe Rosenthal list'of .Karlsbad in September, 1922, Any boy between the ages of .16 and mittee to the Jews of Varna, Ph'ilip- fails in a primary duty of citizenship and is recreant in the dis- will assume 50,years hence? We do president; Mn Isaac Sternhiil, cor- and associated himself exclusively Mr. Julius •with well known anti-Semites, parti21 are eligible to apply for member- popolis and other towns. Many Jew- charge of that responsibility. not wish any privileged position in responding secretary; An election is approaching. Growar, recording1 secretary; Miss cularly,: with Engineer Weiss;-a'rabid ship in this organization.. •;.• ish' notables have already fled from Palestine and will stand or fall by HAVE YOU REGISTERED? If you have not, now is the what the Jews do" or not do. the country and many Others are Helen Riekes reporter; and Miss Rose anti-Semite. Lange, it is said, stated preparing to leave and have already time to to do it. Do not delay, avoid the last minute registration want to see a land in which Jews do Minkin, treasurer. that he not only represented the Ford sold all their possessions.' The Bul- You can register in the court house from 9 a. m., to 5 p. m. not dominate non-Jews and non-Jews In order to enlarge the work of the Motor Company, but was Ford's per* Many of the people have reached their majority during the do not dominate Jews, and I wish to organization, the local chapter urges sonal cotifidentjal agent. garian Government has done nothing to protect the Jews and has not past year, .they owe it as a duty to REGISTER so that they may God that the three great religions all persons who are eligible for memIt can very readily be seen that; promised to do anything. Members of use the right given them by the constitution of the United States. there could work side by side for the bership to join at its next meeting. outside influences were responsible for Special arrangement has. been made with the registration development of - Palestine." Pointing Novelties of fceap Year Will Be the Cabinet who have been apthe anti-Semitic propaganda among Featured. proached by the Jewish representa- office to register Jewish voters SATURDAY, evening from 7:00 to Dr. Frankel, he said with considerthe Germans in Bohemia, because, p. m. to 9:00 p. m. at FRIED. & KUKLIN'S Market, 1513 North able feeling: "Do no prod into my tives .have given evasive replies. under ordinary circumstances, the 24th Street. In order to register so as you may vote, you must conscience; I do not prod into yours. Final plans are being made to make Germans being a minority group in bring your citizenship papers. DO NOT DELAY—register I stand for something which millions the annual B'nai B'rith dance a Czecho-Slovakia, their interests l&y Saturday evening. greater success than any that has stand for, something for which we with the Jews, another minority ever yet been held in the city, achave given our health, our money, our Dr. Stephen Wise Addresses Large group, allied to them in language, cording to the committee in charge. efforts. We ask only a parallelism of culture and political affiliations; and Conference. . The dance will be held Sunday eveour action in Palestine. We do cot anti-Semitic propaganda would lose ning at the Fontenellc Hotel. wish for control.; We want it to be Providence, R. I. (J. T. A.)—Amer for them their staunchest allies, and Hear , Report of Delegate to To Reports havfe been received from your responsibility as well as our harm greatly their political interest. Southwestern Meeting; the neighboring communities, that own. We have no raonopdlity in ican Jewish masses, . democratically Ford's money is generally seen behind organised, should be included in th H. B. Milder in Lead in The Samuel H. Schaefer to Make Las Palestine and wish none. I plead for many of its.B'nai B'rith members will the. anti-Semitic movement in Europe A meeting - of • ali Keren Hayesod Contest. Public Address Before; Leavattend the annual dance to be given an understanding; a square, honor- Jewish. Agency, said Dr. Stephen S as it is impossible to believe that the subscribers in the city of Omaha will Wise here yesterday addressing J in Omaha by the Omaha lodge. ing City. able, fair understanding* It is not our huge sums spent for the publication 1 A large orchestra has been obtained be held Sunday evening, March 9, The Omaha Hebrew Club thirtywish that you be dragged into Zion- Regional Conference, of the Amer- of propaganda and the payment and 1924, at eight p. m., at the Jewish. ican Jewish Congress. Dr. Wise ex second anniversary campaign t for for the dance, and there will be many The local lodge of the B'nai B'rith ism through the back door." Community Center. pressed surprise that notables, whi support sf numerous officials and or« members is well under way, according have secured Mr. Ballard Dunn, edileap year novelties., The election of officers, consisting of to the committee in charge. The tor-in-chief of the Omaha Bee, t< have always opposed Zionism shbuL ganiz&tions could be raised in Etiwpe. WARSAW WILL NAME STREET a chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, be given the preference over thi «.It is known that violent antl-Semitid contest for leadership in the member- speak at their open meeting ThurS' SOVIET COURT REFUSES SOKOLAFTER WOODROW WILSON and treasurer will be "held at this masses who for a quarter of a cen propaganda has even been carried into ship contest is very keen, with H. B. day evening, March 6; at the JewINSKY'S APPEAL; MUST DIE Warsaw, (J.T-A.)—The memory meeting. tury have been loyal sttppoi#ers o: countries with an insignificant JewisK. Moscow, (J. T. A.)—The Supreme A splendid musical program has Milder in the lead, and Jake Crounse ish Community Center. Mr. Samue of Woodrow Wilson, wartime Presi- the Zionist movement. population, like the ScaadiHSvJ&u Court of the Russian Soviet Govern- been arranged for the evening and and Phil Drolick' following in order. Schaefer, superintendent of the Jew dent of the United States of America, countries and Switzerland. Traasls"There will be two prizes given to A resolution to this effect was i&h Welfare Federation, /who is leavment has rejected the appeal of the there will be an address by Rabbi J. tions of Ford's book appeared in ever$; was honored here last night when the the members that bring in the most adopted, together with other resold ing. Omaha April 1 to begin his Bundist and later agent provocateur M. Charlop. Mr. I. Goldstein, local language and in all countries of 33«* City Council passed a ^resolution Sokolinsfey,, confirming his death delegate to the Chaim Weitzmann new members for the class to be duties with National Jewish. Hospita:J changing the name of one of the tions dealing with immigration, anti rope and was distributed vetf widely. sentence. From 1903 to 1917 Sokol- meeting held in St. Louis recently, inxttated at this public meeting," said-in Denver, Colo., will' give his las principal thoroughfares to Wilson Semitic Nordic propaganda, th< While so documentary proof of today. formation of local Jewish Council " Klaver *"" " * {public address to the Omaha. Jew insky- delivered numerous Bundists to will dellver.his report at this meeting. S. E. Street. Jewish, members of the City and -the Committee of Jewish Delega* Ford's connection with the anti-SemiPlans are being made to secure a at this meeting. Ochrana. When the Soviet GovernCouncil were heartily in accord -with tic propaganda in Europe can be.'ob* ' Other numbers on the pro- the proposal and warmly supported tions in Paris. ment came into being Sokolinsky was A nominating committee consisting well known speaker to appear on the tained, it is known that aiiti-Setoitfc of Rabbi Charlop.. I. Goldstein, Sol program that will be arranged for The conference was lield in thi gram will be a piano duct by the resolution. arrested and sentenced to die. . His agitators. like-. Titus DeEobula unA Cohn, J. J. Friedman, A. I. Kulakofsky this occasion. Several musical numHotel Biltmore with 200 delegate! the Misses Miriam and Ann Ruback, appeal from that sentence has now others openly boast of their connec* and Max Fromkin were appointed. bers are also being arranged for this representing 95 organizations from a cello selection by Mr. Oscar I Wein been denied. He was arrested in tion wifcli Ford, and this fact, together Women's Welfare Organization program. The meeting. will be held Rhotie Island, Massachusetts, i stein, accompanied by Mrsj Max ^Moscow, where he was living under with the evidence mentioned befort^ PRINCE BIEBESCO DECLARES Meeting, March 4th March 30 at the Fontenelle HoteL Connecticut, Addresses were deliv Fromkin, and vocal selections by Mr. ~*£tie assumed name of. Mishan. clearly establishes, at least indirectly, JEWISH SITUATION IMPROVED The Jewish Women's Welfare Orered by Joseph Bardoness, vice-pres Abner Kairnan.: the .relation between the Detroit; New York. (J. T. A.) The Jewish ganization will hold a regular monthly JEWISH WOMEN AND ident of the American" Jewish C ASSEMBLl?' OF ORTHODOX r situation in Roumania lias consideramanufacturer' and the snti-Seitu"l& meeting Tuesday afternoon, March 4, RED CROSS gress; Speaker Philip J, Joslin, o: YMHA NEWS. RABBISS^CONtENES, NEW; YORK bly improved, according to Prince Anagitation in Europe." at three o'clock, at the Jewish ComThe Red Cross are again asking the the House of Representatives o: Dance This Saturday. New York, (g. T. AO —The A W toine Bibesco, Roumanian Ambassador full support of the Jewish.Women of In well informed Jewish circlesJhere • The regular r,c-mi-monthly dance for munity Center, -19th and Farnam Rhode Island; Bernard G. Richsrds; sembly of Orthodox Rabbis of the to the United States, who returned on C iaha. streets.. . _ • it Is believed 'that"Ford also associate* Executive Secretary of the Congress Y members will be given this SaturGUnited : States ~ and Canada opened the S. S. Berengaria. Prince Bibesco An interesting address by Dr. E •with., the->Russian monarchists, /,.Tli® On Mcida,, Tuesday, and Wednesr da; Joshua Bell of Providence; A. D ->£jg at t' e Jewi" Community •theiranfiiial conventionrat.the Broad- declared the Jewish situation to be day of next week, the local Red Cross C. Henry, and an exhibition and Radowsky o£ Fall River and Mrs. fact that well known Etcropead-:ittiifl».'. : Center, \dmissiv ""rill be limited to • v-v^ayCeniial.Hotel Tuesday^;',:"-: '•:;? full of promise and said that he had have undertaken to sew Layettes for 1 drill by Boy Scouts'will bs the two Archibald Silvenaan of Providence. Semites, like General Hatter* -trMe %v. i ^ : ^ e Ajssemblyconcerned itself with hopes for ever greater improvement the baby - -fugees of Hungary. . • roerr_Lor.5 in goc ~*~anding"features on the program. Members America, always pay .a visit' to.:W&r§.'• One of the largest meetings of tb Following a dinner to delegates 5 the^inmigration, question and decided in. the position of the Jews of Rouin Detroit, would seem to beaf :t»ot On Wednesday, March' 5, is the day year was recorded at the Y last Men are urged to attend. mass meeting was lieM in the fiete this " •""' ISi tcr send a protest agahist the Johnson mania. the Jewish Women are to work on the i y, when .ie Honorable L. B. Day, Biltmore, when addresses were madImrhigration Bill to Washington. Layettes at the Y. W. C. A., 17th and judge of the Court " Domestic Rela- WEALTHIEST POLISH JEW by Dr. Wise, Mr* Barottde^, Mr, RUMORED THAT ABDULLAH WILL LIVE IN PALESTINE Howard Streets, from 10 a. m. .to 4 tions, addressed the members. Judge ZIONIST DISTRICT TO HOLD Richards, the Hon. Samuel Eeleskj 1 WILL BE COMMANDER- INWarsaw, (J. T. A.)—Samuel SuchOPENS LAW OFFICE r-"m. Day narraf'i 't -- workings • of the of Boston' speaking for t i e Inde SPECIAL MEETING. CHIEF OF HEDJAS ARMY Mrs. Dollie -vlgutter will be . in Liomestic Relations &-' the Juvenile jweizki, wealthiest Jew in Poland and Philip Trochtenberg, graduate of the pendent Order of Brith Abraham an The Omaha Zionist Uistrict will hokl director of the Keren Hayesod in Jerusalem, (J. T..A.)—There is a Oreighton University " —v School, has charge of the work of the Jewish Courts. Mrs. Ida Levin «••» » a group Archibald Silverman. :,'Mrs. 'AscMbst a Hpeci&k meeting on Tuesday evePoland, is proceeding to Palestine opened hl<? "i offices at' 112 Epstein persistent rumor abroad that the Emir Women on Wednesday. of songs ".' -rjs Okun enlzrtsinc presided...; Ah..-.appeal., fo: ning, March 4, at eight o'clock at ths Hock, south s'Ae. Tr~ htenbei-g pasc- Abdullah mil b&-appointed by his The Jewish Women are expected to with a chalk talk, and Gertrudi where he will -make his home in SilveransB : fxmM;. brought. ; - ;doabl&; -tiife'..; :smqn ewish Gommtr ity Center- in ortlet t*> future with -his family. M, Snch"father King Hussein to be Commahed Bis bar examination last JJovember. respond and to aid "the Bed Cross now Romris gave .& reading. Sffli. ,-;prev|otisly ./ScBa.-.;aessg*© transact s e w * important MJUSI >j?s . jweftzH's predecessor is-the directioa • wMSt, He 'was very' aetiva In B'riaf B'rith deism-Ctrief of the Ijtedjas army and as they have answered to all former |«y".;:Psavideaice:-"soA.'..the;[.-sorroaaSlag. n»»tu««* \ JRabb^ r M. Ch&rlop circles. In CoauciV 3;j^dv^.raany that the Emir will succeed him' as call? to aid the nob^e work of the Red Four pagfss of facts are worth mow of the Keren Hayesod, M. Podlischew\jgive an $<Jdres$ pa "JSforiism" sky, has already settled in Palestine. , C o m B « U H t M » T > ' •". ••••'•/ . ^ i - u V i i ^ ' • - • V -v ruler of Transjordania.-other Jewish, activities. Cross. tha-i forty v&sas of fabrications.

Situation of The Jews in Bulgaria is Grave

Henorah Society WOI Meet Wednesday Evemng

B'nai B'rith Dance This Sunday Eve at FonteneSle

Keren Hayesod Members to Meet Sunday, March 9 Omaha Hebrew Club Contest Ballard Dunn ©f Omaha Bee Bringing Many New Members Will Speak at Open Meeting






2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1924 The Irvins noticed Keuben hanging Bernstein, was visiting with Miss May Moines, la. Prizes were -won by Mrs. Rollins began to reminisce. "I had by "Ms feet from the top of the cage Shapiro, Monday evening, February I. N. Chapman, and Mrs. J. Shapiro. one real love affair once," he said. and going through other exercises soon 25. Miss Shapiro entertained at two Thursday afternoon Mrs. H. Marx "That was ten years ago,. when I'd " after they bought him. I . ' > • Published evory Thursday at Omaha, 'Nebraska, by tables of bridge in honor of her guest. entertained at bridge for Mrs. Stone. made a name."' "Look, Reuben's doing stunts!" Mrs. •; " THE JEWIS& PltESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. I remember that. It was in 'The Mrs. Stone left Thursday for her Irvin exclaimed. Mrs. Joe Shapiro has left for Des home. Prince of Broadway.' Tou were /{. Officer 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. "Stunts!" yelled the bird. Ever after 1 Moines, Iowa, to visit her daughter, spoken of as the coming man." ' NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. that when he began the performance Mrs. John Bernstein. Mr. Albert Weiler, mother of Mrs. "Yes. But I couldn't hold it. Hadn't he always prefaced it with the word. _.$2.50. Subscription Price, one" year..... the grit. This was in a little country Victor Friend, left for her home after • The Irvins had been out one Sun- Mrs. Edelstein left Tuesday morning town where I was playing. She was Advertising rates furnished on application. a week's visit. day afternoon and had come back to for her home. the minister's daughter." • CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the ola and new address; the house with visitors, to show the • be sure and give your name. "Go on," said the girl, playing with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ellis entertain-" parrot. When they got ready to leave Miss Ida Ruth Bogen ente."Mined ed at dinner followed by bridge at • The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish her fork. "It sounds interestlnE." to escort the visitors out of town Reuseveral guests at her home Sunday- their home Sunday evening in honor "Well, it started hv'the" usual way. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition ben, noticing the preparation, ex- evening in honor of her birthday. to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. I thought, I was going to have some of Mr. Ben Ellis, of Omaha, who was daimed, "What, going away again?"— Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly fun with her. I found a girl of untheir guest over Sunday. Indianapolis News. The Hebrew Educational Girls have answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, .114 Fifth Avenue, usual mentality, sincere, earnest—Oh, been appointed by the Bazaar coma good little thing." New York City. -" "N=mittee to make aprons. They have "Yes. "Did she fall for you?" Not a Salver Lining. Himelbloom's Health "We fell for each other heavily. It Just before the children, Mattle, been divided into two groups, vrl-.o met SECRETARY HUGHES WARNS CONGRESS was a real love affair. I confessed ast Sunday afternoon. Sadie, Sam and Lint, were to go away Whole Wheat Bread * Secretary of State Hughes has officially called the attention everything to her." to school, their uncle, who was payv also of the House Immigration Committee to the objection presented "Like you are doing to file?" Ing their tuition, called them to him. The SistCT ood gave a Cafeteria RYE, PUMPERNICKEL, and Visions of a bountiful allowance Supper at the Temple Sunday evening, by the Japanese Governraent to the pending Immigration Bill, the "Yes, only more so. I told her of SPECIAL WHITE BREAD. my wasted life. I told her of my Sanced before the eyes of the young February 24. Miss Pauline ' Friend objection being based on the fact that under its provisions Jap- intentions with regard to her." 1616 No. 24th St. Webster 6284. scholars, especially the boys. was chairman of the affair. anese immigration would be entirely excluded. The Japanese "Quite candid. You shocked her horThey walked the hot and dusty mile, Government rightly takes exception to this discrimination, and in The Hebrew Educational Society DAVID A. ANSBACHER, up hill, to their uncle's house. Dutiview of the position of Japan as a great Power and co-signatory ribly?" ^ "I did. And then—we agreed not to fully they listened to a lecture of hold its regular meeting Sunday, Chemical Manufacturer of New York of the Treaty of Washington, it is difficult to see how any Rep- see each other again. You see, I City, who has offered to take at his "do's" and "don'ts." Finally uncle March 2. resentative or Senator could vote for this provision, especially in couldn't ask her to share my life, own expense fifty pupils From the reached into his 'taoney" pocket. public schools of his home city on ' H e . pulled out some stamps. To view of the fact that under the two per cent, quota, based on the And—" Mrs. Greenstone entertained at five a patriotic pilgrimage to Monticello, 1890 census, Japan could only send to this country a trifle more "You felt too high abo^e her?" , each child- he gave enough stamps to tables of bridge Monday evening, Febthe hotne of Thoma* Jefferson, oa last all term. The boys looked than, two hundred persons a year if she were treated on the same "Not too high; too old, too experiruary 25. Prizes were -won by Mrs. Jefferson's birthday, April 13th. chagrined. The girls giggled at the Ellis rnd Mrs. Sam Nefsky. basis as the European nations. Secretary Hughes calls attention enced. I would have married her. She One of the Best Locations in boys. All thanked him and trudged to the objections of the.Itali.an Government, which claims that would have married me. But—well, Omaha. Established and doing the mile to their home. . THORPEIAN NEWS Mrs. Dave Nefsky entertained her the bill discriminates against the Italians. . It surely does, for any that's the only good thing I ever did, splendid business. Buyer will I think. I've often thought of her." The Thorpeian Athletic Club' will ewing club Monday, Febrsuary 27. get investment back in less than claim of its supporters that it does not so discriminate, because "Meanwhile you broke her heart." hold a dance in honor of its basketone year. Must sell on account it gives to each nation the same "quota," is a mere, subterfuge ' "Yes, Miss Ruth Diamond entertained her JEWISH CALENDAR. I'd been a skunk, but I might ball team at the Hanscom Park of sickness. and a tricky method of treating a vital matter of national policy. hatfe been 5684-1924 Campfire Club at a Tarty Saturday. a worse skunk." • 1 For further information call J ri» Mar. 1 The Immigration Bill in its present form should be defeated "And you went off and left the girl Pavilion on Thursday evening, March Rosh-CboflesB Adat ll_ Porlm (Feast of Esther)—Thurs, Mar. S O 6, Thorpeian friends are invited to because it is not an honest and fair attempt to deal with the im- with her sorrow and her little added THE JEWISH PRESS -Sat.. Apr. S Mrs. Harry Snader entertained at a ltosh-Chodesh Nlsatiattend. Apt. 19 bridge Wednesday afternoon honoring (Fmarh . migration question; because it deliberately discriminates against bit of experience" Jackson 2372 . Apr. 23 (Kpvcntb Day). All Thorpeians are requested to be Pussorer certain peoples; because it is a selfish and unjust departure from "I suppose so. It's life.'* Mori.. May S her sister, Mrs. Irving Stone, of Des llosh-Chodrsb Iyar_ -Thurs.. May 22 "And now' you're playing the old present at the next meeting, on Kosh Cbodesb 81 van. traditional American policy; because no nation with hundreds of ..Tiles- Jane 3 game with me?" Wednesday evening, March 5. Shabuoth <Confirinution Day)_8Ht.. June 8 ".millions of acres of unoccupied land has the right, under sound Rosh-Chodfsh Tacimox. Many plans and arrangements for KosH-Chodesb Ab ,..,... religious and ethical principles, to deny decent and respectable "I didn't know you were as intellias you are." Fast Of Abs the future are to be discussed. - people from other countries the, right of entry, and, finally, be- gent for the compliment; Well, -Son., Ang. 10 Rosh-Chodesb EInL cause the country is greatly in need of skilled, unskilled and } let"Thanks 6685-1934 -San. ASK. SI me give you a bit of advice. Look New leal:'* Eve_ -lion. Sept. 29 domestic labor. All who are opposed to this iniquitous measure round for a woman nearer your own should vigorously voice their dissent, and let their representatives age; tell her everything,; and try to PARROT ALMOST TOO CLEVER in Congress know-that they .mean what they say. get * her to marry you—-it you can. You can't keep up the game much Possibility That Indiana Bird May - Lose a Little, if Not Ail, of onger. Now you may take me home." Miss Carrie Sarbach, of Holton Its Popularity. ARROWS MADE TO "WHISTLE" And she watched him departing, Kansas, arrived in Lincoln Thursday •WALKING MAY BE LOSTART crestfallen, from the steps of her Mr. and Mrs. Watt Irvin, of Kolco- to spend a few days with relatives. Ingenious Device Employed by the boarding house.: And she was. wotider•American People Seem ; to Care for ng at the tricks -fate'•'plays. She mo, have a pairot which is interesting, Chinese In Their Conduct of Mrs. J. A. Edelstein, of St. Paul ' N o t h i n g but Wheels as Method thought of the years sii«? had striven Reuben easily fits into the Irvin family Military Examinations. ; Minn., who vras formerly Miss Rose •-j •'• " V-.-'."' o fL o c o m o t i o n , ;.-\ .'•/•.. to perfect herself. So that one day she circle in the evening, injecting remarks night meet him again and their love occasionally and at times seeming to : In the Chinese collection at the 'Recently the Department: of Com- American Museum of Natural History might be renewed—only. to find him ponder. He has made life a burden to ; merce announced that automobile pro* are to be found some unusually fine ike he had become. some of the neighborhood boys whose E. M. KAHN, Instructor auction for May-totaled 34,600 pleas- specimens of whistling'arrows. These But thank Got! she hadn't tolcl him mothers call them from play to obZEZ CONPREY'S Course in ure «ars and 42.81T tracks. Now'. there were sometimes known as "drum ar- she was that: girl. - - noxious tasks. So cleverly does, he NOVELTY PIANO PLAYING. is issued' a corrected statement snow- rows" find were employed, in connecimitate the voices ot the mothers that Mickel BIdg., 15. and Harney. ing that there *'ere manufactured in tion with the drum bow, by the Chinese the little chaps are deceived. AT. 4361. that inonth a total of 35O,18Q; passen- in military examinatfons. The arrows ger motors and 42;©83 tracks, says ate made of Tvood, about three feet-in. Hopeless the Cleveland Times-Commercial. ^ length, have threa rowa of feathers "Jessie, I have told yon again ana FOR RENT—three-room apartConservative estimates have placed extending up about a foot from the again not to speak when older persons ment, Tadousac Apts., 418 So. thei number of aotomobUeajn use In end and have heads composed of bone are talking, but Walt until they stop." 38th Ave. Immediate possesAinerici i t the beginning of 1923 at or wood in which are apertures, so ar- *Tve tried that already, mamma. sion; $75. Call Mrs. D. P. ^tween 10,000,000 and ll^OOO.OOk ranged that as the arrow passes 'They never do stop,**-—Pearson's Weekisiat nieans machines equairto approx- through the air, the v?ina enters these imately 10 per cent of. the population, holes and produces a sharp or deep .jftesidence, 1342 So. 25th'/St. Using the old basis: of five persons to sound, according to the size- of the Tel. ATlaiitic 6637. a: family, We discover that raboutJialf h o l e s . ; • ? ' > • ; . " . ' • ' " ' ' ; . . . . " "•;•-' .' . • Place of Business, S41S Cumlngr St. the families in the country, iian ride Tel. AXlantio S831. The drum bow used with these arin their own automobiles.". .,•. rows was shot on foot at a target con;Slnce January 1 there has ibeen pro- sisting of six concentric leather rings, -dwced ia ^ e t J n M ^ t E a a' total-of • au^iateiy red and white with T • (The Toll$iviiiR subscribers made payments on their 1923 Federation Place your orders for approximately-1,500,000 new passen- I o w center, fthe candidate had to* pledges during' thc-i>ast vreefc:) Matzos and Passover Supger «ars: ana about 125,000 trucks. The I shQ6t W g ^ ^ e o t h a t l t w o u W ^ w e e 102^. 1022 plies now. Best qualities. p Altman, L,.. 2M0 So. 32nd Ave .— increase has been substantial each the target. It was not counted if It 100.00 • no.on Lowest prices. 10.0(1 Bercovici, J., 1119 Farnam fit id.oo tnqnth. For Instance, In January pas- merely touched the target MRS. S. SILVER, 3 0.00 Bonolf: Adam, 4S11 farnam St 1(1.01) senger cars,manufactured totaled 223,Kulakofsky, I., 1011 So. 10th St IOI'J.OO 2318 Charles St. Web. 6678 mo.oo 706, so It will be seen by making com, ; 'Wojil, Br.,M. G., 517 City Nat'l Bank "ii.00 25.011 parisons that the industry has shown iremarkahlo activity. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! 1 Unless there should be a change In jthc situation, obviously new passen' iger cars manufactured this year will ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiittiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiuiiutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiifiniuiiiiEiin^ ireach the record number' xti about !3,u0O,00O, with 250,000 trucks.' Considering these .fig-ares, with -the total |*ars In use at the beginning of 1923, jofae treed not be an expe'rjt mathemaBy MORRIS SCHULTZ fddan to discover that within'another I ' (©.IS24,TVe»teraN«w*p»perTJnion.> . iten years this will literally be a nation jon wheels if the present rate' o£ proOLLINS leaned back in his chair duction continues. ". in the- restaurant aad-Burveyed '. These statements may Indicate a sorry the gW before him. Ho couldn't quite iday for "Dobbin" and the "Old Gray make her out Things were not going • Mare." But they certainly reflect tho exactly according to Hoyle. - general prosperity • of the American Because he never deceived himself, he'looked with perfect appreciation at his reflection In the 'mirror behind her. He appraised tiimBelf^ a tnlddleaged, seedy actor, in a fur coat, slightj _ (Stranger Had Played tho Part of the ly the worse for age, and never very good.'. He Saw the lines In h/slface, ' "Innocent Bystander," and Mike the weakness and irresolution stamped *7~ . Left Hurriedly. about his mouth. : ' i i Sf? •" •" - ' ' -But he k&ew that -women of her."age ." An accident a tew years ago makes : {Mlfce's use of a cane essential. His —-twenty-three,A perhaps- r^ldn't .see {business compels htm tc* hang around these things. They^ saw only^^ the lure police headquarters daily, -where he and romance of the stage. They saw the tawdry glitter of the footlights. gets gift cigars frequently. He had met her^ three times, ^nd • ,On a recent rainy day Mike [was now they were having.dinner^together, ^waiting a street car. Directly In front "Whim was a big, husky fellow. Mike's and he had made certain advances, f€€f Suddenly Bllpped. Hla energetic and. she\ was regarding him -with an Attempt to prevent himself, from fall- amused 'smile. He didn't Jike that In? caused his cone to bit the stranger s m i l e . " • " ; ••''••;-' .' ' f v ' V * ' : - ' ~ ' " •• "Mr. EdUtiis,: how old are you?" she a resounding wallop on the side of the a s k e d i - ' }'•: •'/;• • . \ ^ / } ; . ' . " :•'.••':;' / ' . ; --vfiead. r.;:'"Me?;:'.Forty-on&/':;;' '--:.-'''„•). '•/:':'• .^ I Mike Is a faBt apologizes The f 'fThatv;nieans forty-slsi or seven," granger, accepted the' explanation. she/commented cynically. 'Tni twenSoon both were chatting amicably. ty^olne^ c Yes, I look ypunger, but ' Mike bethought him of the pocket you'll understand;; now that T m not a >full of clgarg he had just .got from a . simpleton. Mr. 'Rollins,; are yotl really * police friend.'. enjoying yourself ? D o you really still f "Drag on one of these,'? said Mike, enjoy^ the game,vthezestfittie pursuit We will keep any Ne\v Ov|erlarid lA^tdmobile bought from us from today proffering a couple. of inhoCehtv young girls?SlSot that " o n in iproper running Corid^tion> including labor and parts, excepting only • The stranger accepted the "cigars of there are inanyv but—Oh, do you: ; / ^ ^ s arid batteries \ which are guaranteed by the manufacturers, and peace." He puffed one, continuing the ^ e n j o y ; : i t j ' V ^ ; ; v V ; . ' / : / " • : - , ' ^ a - A : • * : . t•'..•"' that , *i ' "I F^amage from wrecks,, fortak entire ^ a ^ • / v H ^ w a s shocked Into candor^ .^'Ncy , ' * Suddenly there -was • a" • crackling he answered; f ; '*Bnt what else is vthere >l ' bound, followed by a loud, "bang ! • , to^doJ^-iiaijiwanJa a good time^*:: ft:<; " ] ^ Buy from any of these dealers and "receive this service. '.•;• r '.,HiB face and clothing'covered-with :^How. Jnany; good • times have; ydtt fragments of cigar and ashes,' the :^a^;Mr;^Hii^r ; :i:::%i::MvS^V^ ; -r husky victim' starteS* after- Mike, • 2.;>!Oh^ Hdo;?jens;^ ••, he/ smnea^i : 'H^:?.'wa3 i JIfc was non time for "explanations, jbe^nnlrigito? feelvmioreiij;^ case, w i t h g t t i g Ms iFoigetting: M game g e leg, g, cane and a thls^Btrangev yoting woman^ ihough l e ;,-.'•• -;:•;• *%,:• ?;•;•;%•>::'::\25fe2:;/PARIf A ! »r;STREET^;;: : $i, ; ;'_'.;i'•"•':Jjy- ;;;;';.. years of.- inactivity, Mike went right re^izedlthat: ihe:',-lia<I ;escajped him. away from there. What' Is more, he : ? / ' "' ; > 5 ^ e ^ ^ c ^ ; b i s > : B ^ a 4 v r ? ^ 4 1 w a y ^ ^ % S91StS|UitaryAye.;:; } Ckratt^ T86#- he Is nn a 8ttl\, hunt for the ^enoufehv iti k^ei> out: dX that?'?;: ; ; . -::. policeman.—Kansas City [J ^^e^^me/r;;abput^ these ;;gpod;V$imes.: *"" OMAHA. NEtt. ::^y^;j^^ai|;jBpe<;-Stapd;;:.flutiin^ tar. :^ni^p^?;i:^yi-'r^^^ve/^a]^:;;airani; -CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN •: t^;;glitter?^g^;^ ';-A; J t:';;" *:. ?~ h$'i?l. miuuiimfiiTiMiu



Delicatessen and Fancy Groceries




Additional Federation Subscriptions for 1923.

The Nebraska Sa¥es You ; Money!


Playing B the Gam©


The Most Sensational

ANNOUNCEMENT Ever Made in the

Automobile Industry





For 1 Years Upkeep

nrHATStheBigValueidea ^ back of this Store—-to save you money—serve you better clothes value— give you tremendous selections of S t a n d a r d Quality Clothing—-nothing else.

And every Suit and Overcoat priced at absolute bedrock every day in the year A great showing"of super value Worsted Suits for men and young men.





Small Sizes! Big Sizes! All Sizes!


I Omaha Junior Hadassah Temple Israel Sisterhood to Give Card Party to Give Novel Musical

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld will Berlin, (J. T. A.) — The Federation Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The new Forentertain at a dinnei party at their of Jewish ex-soldiers has become the eign Minister, Zamojski, explaided his home Monda' evening in honor of subject for a" new ihvestigatiori, the policy and the Jewish socialist leader. their tenth anniversary. basis for which is the charge that Deputy Perl, reminded the Sejm thai the organization is a secret order. The Prime Minister MacDonald of EngA regular meeting of the Talmud charge has foundation in the fact that land viewed the present Polish fronTorah will be held Tuesday evening the Jewish veterans of the World War tiers as unjust The Jewish deputy at the synagogue. formed themselves into a Jewish self- warns against the French policy and The Chevra B'nai Yisroel will hold defense brigade during the Berlin urged closer touch with Great Britj ain. a meeting Wednesday evening at the pogrom of last November. synagogue.

The Entertainment Committee and A-navel- dfternoon musical will be the Intellectual Advancement Comit- given by the Temple Israel Sisterhood tee of the Omaha Junior Hadassah on Monday afternoon, March 10, at are planning a feature entertain- three o'clock at Temple Israel. ment and program for their-second of Mesdames Henry Monsky and Harry a series of card parties to Ue held Rosenfeldt, who are in charge of the S Sunday iJtterno6nr l r .rch 2, at the program, have planned to make this Blackstone Hotel musical an afternoon of Religious The organization plans to raise $200 Music. at this T-ffffar so that they may T>e The Sisterhood will have among uole to aCopt another orphan in their guests for the afternoon, the t Mr. and f Mrs. Ernest A. Meyer will Palestine. At a recent meeting of the Maccahave as their house guests this week- The Entertainment Committee, Miss members of the Jewish Women's baean Chap' of Young Judae the ofWelfare 'Organization. The announcement of the engage- end, the Misses Eltea Sterling and Martye Weinstein, chairman, assisted The monthly; meeting of the Sister- ficers elected to serve for the coining ment of Miss Nettie Lewis, of Oma- Nellie Chipakof, of Sioux City, la. bj th& Misses Beatrice Cohn ™- ' Es- hood which was to have been held year are president, Mr. Mark Rezneck; E ha, to Mr. Sam Grossman, of St. Miss Tillie Rice returned this week telle Lapidui have completed all the Monday afternoon, March 3, has been vice-president, Herman Sherr; secreLouis, Mo., formerly of this city, son tary, Leon Dobrofskyj and treasurer, cf Mrs. E. Grossman, was made in from an extended visit with relatives i -an& aeiit for V cffair r.nd have postponed on account of the musical. Sam Be kowitz. Max Kroloff and / wish to announce to all my friends that arranged to award a prize at each in Chicago, 111. St. Louis at the home of Mrs. GrossLawrence Baron were elected to serve table. The T-itellectu: Advancement Saturday evening in honor of his I have opened my Law Office at man, while Miss Lewis was visiting on the executive board. Messrs. Abe in' St. Louis. No date has been set The Ra Oth Society were entertained Committee, Miss Beulah Mittleman, birtttday. Davidson, Joe Greenstone, B. Baron, by Miss Lottie Hirschberg at her chairman, who is being assited by the icr the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen will Dr. M. A. HeLTgutt,. and Rabbi Isahome Sunday afternoon. Prizes were Misses Julia'Wise, Toby Steinberg, ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rosenberg, of won by the Misses Sylvia Levey, Mar- Gertrude Cooper, Ula Albert, and entertain fifteen guests at a family dore Isaacson were elected to serve Kansas City, Mo., announce the en- tye Weinstein, and Esther Nathan. Rose Lazarus, iave prepared a musi- dinner at their home Friday eve- on the execut'- board. Mr. Louis . • . . • ; M A R K E T 5066 gagement of their daughter, Helen, to cal and dancing program -o be given ning, February 29, in honor of their Pickus and Mr. Abe B— n are leaders Miss Rose Davidson returned Mon- during the faternoon as a novel fea- fourth wedding anniversary. 3fov Sidney Robinson, of Walthill, of the organisation. Nebr., son of Mr. and Mrs..Sam Ro- day from a two months' visit in Chi- ture. A dance was lield by the organisaMrs. Wolpa entertained a few tion cago, HI. .While enroute to Omaha, binson, of Omaha. y last Thursday evening at the Miss Davidson stopped off. at Des Alice Ginsburg, and a piano solo was friends- at her home in the Wash- Community Center in honor of its first ington Apartments Saturday after- anniversary. Miss Pearl London of Los Angeles, Moines, la., tp visit for several days. given by Miss Grace Dansky, noon. 'Calif., who was to have left last SunThe lecture on "Paintings new Mr. and Mrs..David Cooper enterday evening for a visit in St. Joseph, exhibited a t the Public Library," that Mr. Ben Meyerson is confined at PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Mo., expects to leave Monday. Miss tained at a family dinner party Tues- was to have been Jjiven by one of ATTORXEY-AT-LAVT Martyre Weinstein entertained at a day evening at thei? home celebrating the members of the Fine Arts So- the Mercy Hospital where he was MONHEIT'S luncneon last Monday afternoon hon- their twenty-fifth wedding annivers- ciety, at the next meeting of- the operated on' last Friday. Eat. 1S0Q.. ary. Covers were laid for fifty guests, oring Miss London, and on Tuesday MODERN CHIROPODY ;Mr. Nathan Kesselman returned Culture League Sunday afternoon •TlIIIIIllIlIIlUIIIIllIililSlIEIIIlISIUIlElIISIEBIglllHliniililllillliilSiBHIfillltillilSlUlIflllir^ AND BE.1CTX SHOP. evening Mrs. A. Poska was hostess at who presented Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Msrch 2, has been postponed. home Thursday after spending a few Permanent wavlngs ana with gifts. her home; at bridge also complimenm&rceling, a . Specialist In days in Chicago. each department. tary to Miss London. For appointment call The Misses Dora and Rae Wolowitz DAUGHTERS OF ZION Ja-cfeEon 0774. Mr. Bernard Topkins of WyomingC round floor 1513 Barney. A regular meeting of the Daugh- ton, Delaware,, was the week-end Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen a entertained at three tables of bridge Leap Year Sermon subject "What" Wednesday evening at their home in ters of Zion will be held Monday guest of Mr. Arthur H. Snyder. . Will He Do With It" for Friday eve- honor of Miss Ida Frankel, of Seattle) afternoon, March 3, at the Adass Yeshuren Synagogue, 25th and Sew- Mr. Hyman Krasne of Kansas City, ning, February 29, at Temple Israel. Washington. On Satu- "ay morning he will talk on The Golden Hill Society met at the ards Sts. Business of importance Mo., attended the wedding of his brother, Mr. Mose Krasne and Miss "The Genius." Sink Strainers home of Mrs. J. Katleman Tuesday will bei transacted. , Bess White, which toot place SunMop. Holders™, :__ afternoon, February 26, a n ! elected Mr., and. Mrt Charles Kirschbraun Mrs. O. C. Goldner, president. Mrs. S. MIZRACH1 TO HOLD SPECIAL day evening. Flour Sifters . are ' visiting, in Minneapolis, Minn., Olander was elected vice-president; MEETING Araek Bread Toasters ........ Mrs. Chas. Endelman will entertain with their daughter, Mrs. Alexander Mrs. D. Crounse, secretary? Mrs. J. The local Mizrachi organization are Vegetable Graters -1O<? at Bridge at her home Saturday Rubel, and Mr. Rubel. Katleman, treasurer; and the Mes- calling a special meeting to be held afternoon. 50-Ft. Clothes Line . Kitehen Knives i Mr. and Mrs. 13. Meyer arc expect- dames I. Perlman, J. Corby, Dave Sunday evening, March 2, at the City Talmud Torah bonding at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky and.smalt' ed to arrive home Sunday from Los Blumenthal and M. Horn, trustees. Rabbi Charlop will be the principal daughter, left Tuesday to visit in Angeles• and San, Francisco, Calif., White and speaker. - .. Mrs. Edith Alperson Plainsview and Allen, Nebr. whete/they. had been on an extended for a two son, Bob, left Friday • trip. >-;;'. : month's stay in. Philadelphia, Pa., you want to buy a Miss;Flo'rence Brown, of Des Moines, where they will.' visit with Mrs. home The Ladies'Auxiliary of the TalIa.r is'the guest of her aunt and White's, sister, Mrs.D. A..Cohn, and uridldj ; Mr/and Mrs. Sam Greenbaum. Mr. Cohn. Mrs. R..Alperson, mother mud Torah will hold a meeting Sunyou want to sell of- Mrs.' White, will also accompany day afternoon at the home of Mrs Miss. .Kate, Goldstein just returned your home A. Gilins:y. Good Work Guaranteed from St. Louis,,Mo., after a month's her. References Furnished if Required. you need any kind The. Junior Council will hold a Mrs. I. E. Stone, of Des Moines, visit with Mrs. Beri Diamond, formerCALL L. MANDEL of insurance— Iowa, left for her home Friday after .meeting Tuesday evening, March 4 ly Miss Molly Grossman. 1919 Eart St. Atlantic 5440 a two week's Visit here with her • .A dancing- -party, will be given by mother; Mrs. Ida Barmish. *She was Miss "Flora Marks and Mr- Irving -The-shebas-Gfrrtr-that-is-- under- the also visiting in "Lincoln, Nebr., with" Grossman, students of the Abraham leadership of Miss Martyre Weinstein. The d-.ncc will be given Saturday eveDodge, Iowa, Tuesday, where they Real Estate and Insurance • ning, March 8, at the Hanscom Park Mr. Snader. participated in the triangular debate. 412 Keeline BIdg. Phone AT. 8980 Pavilion. Mr. Bennet L. Cohn, who is attend- They, upheld the negative of the ing the University of Nebraska, at question: "Resolved: That the United Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lagman enterStates should further restrict imtained their bridge club at their, home Lincoln, spent the past week-end in migration." •;•..;. Omaha with 'his parents, Mr. and Tuesday evening, February 26. Prizes Mrs. Morris Cohn. were won by the Mesdames Roy RoffMrs. E. Marcus entertained at a man and" Michael Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Fanny. Upgenheim, of Kansas series of bridge parties at her home A. W.olfson will entertain the club City, Mo., is the guest of her sister, on Tuesday, February 19, and WedIs Now Located At their home Tuesday evening, March Mrs. Joseph Leavey, and family. nesday, February 27. 24th and Cunting Streets 11th. • ..• 2415 Cumins Street Phone At. 3831. Mr. Sam Robinson returned the Miss Sara Kesselman returned Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furth are visit- latter part of last week from Kansas home last Thursday after spending A full line of delicatessen supplies nnd Kosher Meats. We also carry a1 ing in Chicago, 111. City, Mo., where he was visiting with five weeks visiting in Minneapolis lull line of special Dill Pickles. ' All friends axe invited Rabbi Frederick Cohn, of Temple his daughter; Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg, and Chicago. und Mr. Achtenberg. Mrs. Robinson, :: to patronize ns. :: Israel, will address the Literary Sec- r Mr. Isadore Cherniack entertained tion of the Women's Club on "The w ho left with Mr. Robinson for twenty of his friends at his home Americanization of Edward Bok," at Kansas City, will be gone for another the Y. W. C. A., on Tuesday after- week. Mr. and Mrs, Morris Robinson, I POLITICAL" ADVERTISEMENT of New Bedford, Mass., who were noon, March 4, at 2:30. visiting here with Mr. Robinson's Miss Bernice Kulakofsky returned parents, Mr. and Mrs. S- Robinson, home from California Saturday eve- were also visiting in Kansas City, ning with her mother, Mrs. R. Kula- and left the latter part of last week kofsky. Miss Kulakofsky was visit- for their home in New Bedford. During in California for the past two ing the Robinsons' stay in Kansas months. City, the engagement of Mr. Sidney Robinson to Miss Helen Rosenberg, Mrs. Mina Jacobs will entertain at a of that city, was announced. one o'clock luncheon Monday afternoon, March 2, at the Brandeis ResMr. Louis Somberg spent the weektaurants. end in Omaha with his parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taxman of. Kan-and Mrs. A. Somberg,.and then left sas City, Mo., announce the birth of for the University of Nebraska in a baby daughter on Washington's Lincoln. birthday, February 22. Mrs. Taxman B. A. Simon will be hostess was formerly Miss Ann Milder, of this at Mrs. the March Card Party of the . city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder, parents Omaha Chapter of Hadassah on ', of Mrs. Taxman, and Mr. and MTS.Monday afternoon, March 3, at the .. William Milder just returned from a El Beudor Apartments Parlors. The visit with Mr. and Mrs. Taxman in assisting hostesses for this affairs Kansas City. Mrs. Taxman expects. will be the Mesdames Martin Kahan, ;• to be in Omaha to visit during the Charles Levinson, and Sam Kaplan. - month of April. Reservations for thirty tables have Mrs. Izidor Ziegler returned from a already been made. - visit in Chicago, 111. AUFLEBUNG CLUB Rabbi J . M. Charlop's sermon topic for Friday evening, February 29, at The Auflebung Club will hold its the B'nai .Jacob Synagogue, will be regular meeting Sunday evening, * "Moses, as the Organizer," and on March 2, at the Jewish Community - Saturday morning he will address the Center. Definite announcement of the congregation of the Beth Hamedroh date of the "Masquerade Ball that the Hagodol Synagogue, 19th and Burt club is giving will be made at the r .streets, on "The Necessity of-Having meeting. Musical and literary num, all the Jews Participating for the bei5 will be on the program Sun• Common Good." day evening.



112 Epstein EL,'4823 So. 24th St, South Side

Philip Trochtenherg

—-Attend the Annual—





Sunday Evening, March 2, 1924

At Fontenelle Hotel

Painting and Paperhanging

Many Leap Year Novelties


Mr. E. Fleishman's

Kosher Meat Market

Now Showing at tke Rialto Theatre



Introducing on Living Models the new and favored M odels for Spring




SUITS DRESSES COATS MILLINERY FOOTWEAR LINGERIE CORSETS AND SPORTS WEAR We invite you to view this extraordinary style revue, then visit our store whereyou will encounter broad assortments of Apparel that is new and different.

Republican Candidate For

Miss Rose Fellman returned home JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE the early part of the week from a four A regular meeting of the Jewish * weeks' visit in St. Louis, Mo., with Culture League was held Sunday relatives and friends. afternoon, February 24. A talk en '. Mrs. Max Fromkin, supervisor of "The Theatre and Drama) was given .the Omaha Junior Hadassah, enter-' by Mr. J. Radinowski. A piano duet s tained the members of "the organiza- by the Misses Grace and Pearl t i o n Thursday evening after their reg- Dansky, pupils of Harry Braviroff, a ) nlar business meeting. Mrs. Blotcky, monologue was read by Mr. I. Mor\ of Des Moines, la., was the guest of genstern, r. vocal selection by Mrs. J. Radinowski, accompanied by Miss clrib.

Voters—Do not delay registering. Register NOW, From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Style Without Extravagance

.1 .


faik Delivered in. the E^eiimg bya tMe


H..-LJ. C Dotmitory

Hospital at ffie Coiivealion or Delegates Meld ai Denver We. have a school and a ;wonderful - We children welcome yon-.and; yrant to -tell yon ;vre -are glad to 'have you teacher, and some of our dear friends, visit us.• . • i ; - • Ladies of the Council of Jewish ; I>r. Swezey has told us you are h.ere Women, give us a party once a month, to help our Hospital. We live in the a Birthday Party to celebrate the Hofheimer Building in. these beautiful birthdays of those born In that month. -grounds. We are not in a Jiospital, We have other parties, too, so-we are as you.know, but in a preventoriura made happy and that- helps us to grow •where we have a chance to grow strong. We are so grateful to you who help, to do this for us. When we strong instead of getting- sick.- Of course, we get homesick once in are grown, we will be" on this Board ia while and long for the arms of our and help.othe.r children and so show dear loving - mothers but then there our gratitude. We pray that your meetings will be are so many here to love us and .they make us forget that we are .not" at successful" and all the people everyhome and ..sometimes the children cry where may know of the fine things -that are being done here. when they leaye. •• We have pictures of Sir. and Mrs. We ask our' Father in Heaven to are doing Hofheimer in our Building and we bless you for the good you : often-stop and, look at their pictures us and that- your own children are and think how kind their, faces- are.. fe dhd strong; and if "the love of We are so sprry they are no longer little children •will repay you, we want alive. We love them though we have you to know that we love arid thank never seen them. • -y p u -

• • ' ; •,'•'-.'




. : • ; ' ••



Catkdlic.£dM®r's Request for Jewish jBurial Stirs Paris r

1 8 "Plnil^ra*?.^ >.-?

chargiEg^that-anti-SemitisaHs strong-, COMFORT—VERY IMJ*ORTANT ly 'entrenched in : the organization bots these projects were decided on Very important for comfort are today at a meeting of the general "Communist Youth," therefore i t has bedroom slippers and house slippers. conference of European relief organbeen necessary to create a special The Star Store is certainly prepared izations. Participating in the concommission; to fight -anti-Semitism. ference were Leon Motzkin, Secretary to satisfy the desire of every womanf of the Committee of Jewish Delega- whether she insists on gay colors oi RUSSIAN FILM WILL , DEPICT JEWISH LIFE tions in' Paris/Rabbi. Chajes^ Dr. Solo- more subdued styles. Indeed, their - Moscow. (J. T. A.) The "Ort" and weitchik, Dr. - Klee, Messrs. Aberson, assortment affords a pleasant selec"Idgescom" have ordered to be made Slios'berg, Jeffroykin, Dr. Jochelraann tion and they gladly •welcome an ina film. depicting Jewish life in So-ancUM. Grucnberg of Russia. A" second spection from you. A dash of real femininity for the viet Russia. The picturization will be meeting of the conference will be held suit costume is provided by frilled in • mid-summer. , ,. in six-reels and will show Jewish life guimpes of net trimmed with rows of in- the .villages and colonies where many - suffered from pogroms. The PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. lace. These and a delightful array of other styles of neckwear are ready in picture will show their changed conthe Star Store's neckwear department. ditions, under-Soviet rule and considerable stress will-be laid upon the institutions established in Russia by relief -organizations. The film will shortly be dispatched to America.

--aid Mgli-. grade . AUDITING AND INCOME Phtmnni Jeweby at the TAX REPORTS EINSTEIN CALLS CONFERENCE TO DISCUSS KEREN HAYESOD right price. 208 Earbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 Berlin, (J. T. A.) — A successful meeting for the discussion of the Mai? shock • Jewelry £@, j Keren Hayesod was held yesterday at

Members of Executive Board of National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods view. dormitory under construction for Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio. This building, the gift of the Jewish women of America, was made possible by a fund of $275,000 raised1 by the National Federation at practically no expense, the cost being more than covered by interest received while the fund was accumulating. Mrs. Abrana Simonr of Washington, D. C (indicated by X), was Chairman of the drive.. On the right is the student body of the College.

the home of Dr. Albert Einstein, famous discoverer of the theory of relativity. Dr. Einstein invited forty intellectual and industrial leaders of German Jewry,

BAVARIAN JEWISH FRONT SOLDIERS PROTEST AGAINST LIMITATION OF CITIZENSHIP Berlin, (J. T. A.) — Jewish front soldiers have presented to the Bavarorganizations in Europe find them- ian Government a protest against the selves in a critical condition. A con-restriction of the rights of Jewish ference has been called which will citizens.' After consideration of the convene in Berlin February 21st, inprotest, the constitutional committee order to unite the efforts of therecommended to the Central Governvarious organizations in collecting ment that it be given further conand distributing moneys and also to sideration. organize relief for Russia. The Welt Hilfs Konferenz, Immigration Direc- EUROPEAN RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS IN CONFERENCE torate, OZE, ORT, and the Ukrainian Federation have been invited to Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Russian relief work, the organization of an emigrant participate. bank and propaganda to carry through

• • ' 7- ~Paris, Feb. 13. (Jewish Telegraphic Iy anti-Semitic in its tone and Meyer 'Agency.)—Arthur Meyer, the~lasFof was looked upon as one of the arch Louis Lipsky, President of the Zionist the Boulevardiers, has given to Paris anti-Semites of Trance. Organization of America, preceded, another thrill. Feyer, who was the His family and political friends are Mr. Lipsky having sailed on Saturday. editor of Le Gaulois/fortress "of" Con- considerably wrought up at finding a Mr. Goldberg, a t the invitation of Iservative Catholicism, gave to Paris request in his will for a Jewish burial the London office of the Keren innumerable sensations, has in his but they are determined that his last Hayesod will tour Eastern Europe in death given to his beloved .city* the wishes shall be fulfilled and to that the interest of the Foundation Fund. chief est sensation of his -- career. [ end have made arrangements to have Following the European tour Mr. Meyer's will, opened Monday, stipu- | the body transferred, from the Catholic Goldberg will visit Palestine. lates that he shall be buried" in, af cemetery where it was laid at rest a Jewish cemetery, and Catholic'France ! few days ago, to a .Jewish cemetery LUKE AND TARRON RESIGN is shocked into the recollection that i the transfer being planned for Friday FROM PALESTINE GOVERNMENT the bulwark of the faith was born I of this week. Jerusalem, (J. T." A.) — Assistant a Jew. Governor-General Luke ancf Director ARAB FELLAHS PARTY There is a pretty tale in connection BULGARIAN MINISTER of Customs Barron have resigned acGROWING RAPIDLY SURPRISED AT REPORTS OF with the famous editor's conversion to cording to announcement made today. Jerusalem, (J: T. A.) — The Arab MACEDONIAN ACTIVITIES Children's Bobbing 25c Catholicism. The story goes that he The Government has proposed new Fellahs Party is growing to such an New York, (J. T. A.)—Surprise is was moved to do so out of compassion' Scalp Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c conditions f or the ICA concession near extent that 200 Arab villages are alExpert Infifvi<3naJ Service for an impoverished- member tof expressed by S. Paparetoff* Bulgarian Kabara and Caesarea, where work was ready adhering to its doctrines. The Sun lays and Evenings. Minister to the United States at reFrench royalty for whom he reinterrupted recently owing to protests Fellahs Party" is'opposed to the EfSAT.ON L'CHARME nounced his own faith and entered the P°rts that Jews are being molested by of Arabs. It is anticipated that the fendis, who in turn are opposed to the 313 Courtney Blk. . At. Catholic Church in order thSt he ^ Macedonian- Revolutionary Corn- work will be resumed shortly. Balfour Declaration. • might'marry her and so provide 'her ;™ttee. Reports .of the activities of with the" comfbrts "to which' her 'high j t h e Committee were forwarted to RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS".CALL SPECIAL COMMISSION CLARENCE DESDUNES Minister Panaretoff by the Jewish station'entitled her. ' " ' CONFERENCE TO CONSIDER TO FIGHT ANTI-SEMITISM Telegraphic Agency, to which he reConcert Violinist and Teacher Arthur Meyer's beginnings were FUTURE ACTIVITIES Paris. (J. T. A.) Posledniya No- Studio: Hawkin-e Bid?., ZISS No. titb St. most humble, io describe them most humble, io describe -them ' plied.tb.at he is .surprised at the news Berlin, (J. T. A.) —;Their funds vosti quotes an article from the ComPhone, Webstar 6526. tt hha tt ii stthh ' Office Hocrs. 3:30 to 6. charitably. He began as bookkeeper " ^ " © fit first h he hd had h heard ^ " d of f dwindling and the -number, of new i munistic "Youth's Truth" of Moscow Violin bows and eases tor rale. and factorum of Blanche D'Antfgny, Jews being molested by the revolu- ontributions decreasing, daily relief' which complains of anti-Semitism infamous queen of1 the demi-monde, tionists. whose death under evil circumstances . • "You are well aware, no doubt," he threw him upon his own resources. writes, "that of all the Balkan States

Marcel and Bob Cur!, $1.00

He tried every manner ia':alS^~fmi^^^-^-^^^.m^\y^g^

k? time and /in the end drifted into T J e w s ^ave always been treated withnewspaper reporting where his "k^dwl- out discrinunation and have enjoyed edge V)fiihe underworld and the work [equal, rights; and Jtf^tection with the This ,my element of thestage proved invaluable Bulgarian surprise $he ^ 1 : 1: v - t q i u n i . ^ ; ' ; - ••'-.'•/ •;. -^" '.i '.-^;-.^-;;'';. Ultimately he started a daily-paper, '\ The .Bulgarian Minister promises in Le' Gaulois, in which enterprise ^ew^as conclusion to cable* to Sofia without financed by a numberdf rich Parisians ^ x : &r information ^and to inform -who^were anxious to g a i n a foothold, ^ eJ ^ * Telegraphic Agency of the on' French society. TKe' venture'wa^ r e s u l t s ' - " r -woald-feel .very,sorry inat onceVa success and for:45i years • ? e e d ' He concludes] "it you cohas been looked upon as the mouth- J wUgionists in Bulgaria, who always piece, the official organ/if you will, P 1 0 ^ ' 1 t o ^e loyal and law-abiding of the old nobiUty. ':: • ; ("citizens, have been subjected to the I t ^was. late in his career, ;in fact • treatment mentioned in your teleabout 15 years ago, that there, entered upon Hie scene the beautiful daughter of: the Comte Leo de Ture'nne^Twho DEPORT INNOCENT W O M A N BECAUSE HUShad been forced to take- a position'as BAND ALSO DEPORTED reporter "with Le Gaulois, because of : the impoverished condition of- her : London, (J. T. A.) — The Labor noble father and mother. She wasGovernment's decision to uphold the thus brought into dafl/contwrt: with , deportation of Mrs. Eva Bresler for the editor of Le Gaulois,' Arthur no other reason than that her hus. Meyer, who at once befriended her. band has also been deported, has From her he learned that her mother, aroused considerable comment. The and father.were living on an'annuity London Daily Chronicle in a leading of but $800 a year and that poverty article criticizes the Home Secretary's . had ' caused her to. break off herdecision. Sir Patrick Hastigns, Legal engagement with a gentleman of her Secretary to^ the Labor- Government, own station. ' ,- - has declared that court law states that Meyer offered to adopt her but'dif- a court can not inquire into the Home "ficulties presented themselves and a tSecretary's reasons for ordering a the age of 65 years he "asked'herto deportation,.nor can it consider the become his. wife, at least in the eyes facts of the case. Judge Avory,, whose of the iaw/ in order that he might comment,on. the caserwas asked, said protect' her from '. the financial dif- that if the person ordered deported is an alien, no court has the jurisdicficulties which crushing* her spirit. tion to inquire into, much less . Immediately the projected marriage criticize^ the reasons. was-announced there went up a cry of protests from the girl's relatives, . among which were, numbered several JEWISH DEPUTIES PLEASED "WITH RESIGNATION wealthy families, Her^ mother was ..a OF SOSNKOWSKI daughter .of . the. late Duke "FitzWarsaw (J. T. A.) -^-Jewish' deputies OJames and the relatives of Mlle._de in the Polish Parliament are gratified - Turehne were members of the-.ducal Y, house *of Uzes, the Noailles, Gontaut- with the resignation from the ministry -Birons and the Wagrams v _ - . - . . of War" Minister General Sosnkowski -, But these wealthy relatives failed to who has been succeeded by ex-Premier General Siljorski. The Jewish Sejm offer any financial aid to the de * Turenne family and Meyer, became a Club had decided upon opposition to convert to the Roman Catholic Church the Government because of the in - and married the young woman who elusion of Sosnkowski and Mikasch' had-been in his employ as ..reporter. ewsky as Minister of Education in th< .'. The .editor. of Le Gaulois provided cabinet, but following the resignation generously for the support of theof Sosnkowski has decided to with draw its opposition except in cases o. family. urgent Jewish policy. Meyer's attitude toward his.wife's lti hd f d t GOLDBERG SAILSTOR.tiREAtER ;|ACT^S^M3^^ i-'/i-^w^^York,-: ^ ^ > ^ > . ^ : A b r a h a j n

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W. J. Tales

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^jS§|Ey^%S*jM^^^.^|p:^t*^"4^ mittee called for March 4 in London'



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