March 13, 1924

Page 1


^Accept no tate j : for hard "work—there\>"-> -isS " is nothing; "just -as*p&;\ good".' '


No. 14

Rats* arc made fey -people who stick tc* i the beaten path.

^ > a» s*eona-€l*ss maU matter on" January 2?th. 1921 st poatoffless at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act «! Karcb 3. t W

Vaudeville and Revue March Tickets for Beservations Have Been Sent Out to Entire Puplic. Send in Reservations Xow\ ... ' With but two weeks remaining until the date of the performance, all the entertainers in the mammoth YM & YWHA vaudeville- and musical revue.are rehearsing four nights a week and on Sunday afternoons to insure absolute perfection when the curtain rises on .this super-production on March 30. Each rehearsal brings added charm and daintiness to each of the thirty-five song and dance "numbers in .the first and last acts, to the second and third acts. Each of the one hundred boys and girls and young men and women who will take part in the production are daily becoming more and more perfect.





Friday, March 28, is the last day to register. Everyone of voting age should register so as they will be able to vote in the coming primaries, which will be held April 8. Lester Lapidus, 16, son of l l r . Both men .and women who have moved/ or who have reached and Mrs. Harry H., Lapidus, was their majority during the past year, should register. There are awarded the first prize in • the a" number of people who have recently moved to Omaha from "Know Omaha" essay contest. other cities, these people should also register. If you or your I Lester Lapidus is a pupil at the friends are not registered, it is your'duty "as a citizen of this [.Central High School. The essay country to see that these people register. contest was sponsored . by . the It is one thing to live in America; it Is another to be an Omaha Chamber of Commerce. "American". The fact of residence in the United "States brings Lester Lapidus is very active in the enjoyment of certain privileges.. The status of being an junior Jewish circles. He is pres- ''AMERICAN'.' involves certain duties and it is a grave offense ident of t i e first Aleph Zadi Aleph to be a mere resident of America, • without a t the same time organization. This organization is being an American. - What is required of one to merit his standunder the sponsorship of the ing as an "American" ? A thorough understanding of American B'nai B'rith. ideals and American institutions and sincere participation in the affairs of the Government, to the end that those ideals and those institutions may be ever strengthened and perpetuated. .••- WHAT- ARE THE' DUTIES AS A CITIZEN OF THE

Y. H. and Y. W. R A. •" • • . '.- - - •- ••- •• — " Gives Farwel! Banquet for U N T I E D ' . tS T^A T E S ? . ' THE P R I V I L E G E S INCIDENT ,; ;. Ir. and Irs. S. E Sckef er CITIZENSHIP? Have yqxij ever put these question's to yourself ? :

PROBABILITY OF IN- . "CHEASED PASSPORT COST ' "-" • .' '- CAUSES" CONSTERNATION Tfarsaw. (J. T. A.) - The Government's .project to'increase the cost, of passports to foreign ".countries .has resulted- in considerable disquietade in" iinmigratios-^eircles. The Government proposes to fix the cost of passports -Sec®ramenis Religions at 500 zlotes (about $100) instead, of Education Committee. at present.. If the Government should succeed in realizing the pro-FINANCE C O M M I T T T - E f i ject, the -cost of s. passport would almost-equal the cost of passage to ' APPOINTED FOE 1924. America, Another effect would be the The 1924 Board of Directors ©f virtual.; cessation of the pilgrimages Jewish Welfare Federation was of chahitzim to Palestine because of ganized at the meeting1 held the expense. morning in the Jewish Community Center. • The officers recommended for 1924 at the annual meeting were. elected, appointments of represents* tives from • community organizations •were ratified and members-at-latK® ;••; Seirke to Temple Israel were appointed. In the informal farewell report te Hundreds of Friends Send Congratola- the Board ISamuel Schaefer, retiriag .. tions on Anniversary. superintendent, st. essed the necessity for "toe expansion of Jewish education CAME TO OMAHA, MARCH 11, in Omaha as an immediate need m 1904. the development of the Federation's 'program. As a result, the Board r©*> Twenty years ago last Tuesday, on commended the creation of a ReligioaiS March. 11; 1904,• Eabbi Frederick Cohn Education Committee to undertake was installed - as Rabbi of Temple this work. . .. Israel by the late Mr. Morris Levy* Joe L. Wolf, chairman of the who was then president of the Temple. ance Committee for 1924, Hundreds of friends of the Rabbi the appointment of the following diwere at the Temple Friday evening xectors to sex*ve on the Finance Coia« where the Rabbi in his service re- mittee for the year:

TO This year's show will be entirely \ ment features of 60 years ago with : : new, from start to finish. While pre- modern cabaret numbers. Pickanin? senting- many of'the entertainers who nies, colored mammies, southern laIt seems wholly unnecessary to discuss the many blessings Banquet Will Be Held Tuesday Evegained favor last year, the 1924 pro- dies and gentlemen of Civil War days ning at Loyal Hotel • enjoyed by citizens in this Land of Freedom and Opportunity, duction -will differ radically from that will join with jazz artists of 1924 to of 1923. Combining the best elements depict the contrast between pleasure INTERESTING PROGRAM PLAN- and it goes without saying- that those of European birth are doubly and thereof,, y gratefill--therefor g y more fully appreciative pp of high class vaudeville with the very tf tlien and now. NED FOR THIS AFFAIR ' b f | & t t f diti h ith h h because of |&e~ ^contrast of conditions here with those they latest ideas in musical revues the : Miss Dorothy Devere, assisted by experienced; in their land of birth. Yes, we appreciate the :econd a_imal Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. Miss Julia Wise and Miss Estelle LaA- farewell banquet will be given show is bound to please everyone who pidus, are directing this act as well as the members and advisory board of EQUALTTY; the- FREEDOM, the LIBERTY, and all of the wili be fortunate enough to see it. the first act, and are working every the Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. in honor of other privileges that it-is our good fortune to enjoy in this realm of the. Stars and Stripes. The first act will present 35 mem- night to make both a success. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaefer this . > Privileges always.involve corresponding duties, however. The bers of. Junior Y clubs in an original Tickets exchangeable for reserved Tuesday evening, March 18th, at the fantasy written especially for this seats are now. on sale at the office of Hotel Loyal. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer Government and expects but little in return, but show by Samuel. Schaefer, with music the'Y. M. H. A. in the Jewish Com- leave shortly thereafter to make their that little is important: to the fullest development of our by Al Flnkel. In this act every char- munity Center. Fill in and mail the home at Denver, Colorado, where Mr. institutions. Sam Ravits ' Harry An election i s approaching. ,T. ,T. SJosberg acter will "be a doll, and there will be coupon appearing on page three today Schaefer will assume his new' duties Irvin Stnlmadter Kat.hnn Bernstein HAVE YOU REGISTERED? If you have not, now is the Harrj- Malasfooek dolls of all sorts.Chinese dolls, Dutch, to insure securing seats for the pro- as director of publicity and "propaP . Goodman j Arthur J l n b t a m I. Dave Freeman i time to do it. Do not delay, avoid the last minute registration. dolls, Russian dolls, sailor boy. dolls, duction. • ganda of the National Jewish-Hospi, Sam Beber ' Morris MiWer You can register in the court house from 9:00 a.m., to 5:00 p. m. Hnrry TrtistJri ••! Greenberp sawdust dolls, china dolls, fairy dolls, Pave G tal for Consumptives; S. S. Jacobs *? I)r. A. GreeBbe clown dolls, dolls of all kinds will sing iiowis- HUler "J Henrv Mousky Mr. Sam Beber will be tnastmaster liOliie Harris I H. A. VTolt. - and dance their way into the hearts and talks will be made by "William M.' Sfelicow > Sam l*on 1'seBer of the audience. A special feature of Holzman, Harry Lapidur, L F. GoldMeyer Spiestserger SM. Mnttiei' " this act. will "be the twelve acrobatic ."Was. I*. Holsa»n Hsrry' man, Fred White, Louis Abramson, iifiSfeit j dolls, who will perform breath-takAnne Selicow and Kate Goldstein. BeHacrv •H. Karens Omaha Chapter Initiates X ing tumbling stunts. Ths-boys in chis' , Postponed Because of Y. M. H. A. sides these talks there will be ether ;io«epfe GT« Meeting- isBe'Held ©a Monday N. & TatJEe Cfespter. Sam Epstein - 'Show. number are all members of the Junior Night at the Lyric entertainment that the committee is y Boy Scout troop of the Jewish'Xom. .' BaMIng. Pave _.. planning for the occasion.The Omaha Chapter, -Nc. 1; -of- -the Harry The Omaha' Hebrew Club has postmunily Center, and have been trainHerbert Heavcniieh, A. B. Alpira Mr. Schaefer, as director of the Y. Aleph Zarii Aleph, installed fifteen The following directors were ing for weeks under the direction of poned i t s . annual celebration until W. & Y? M. H. A-,' has worked for members in the' Lincoln -Chapter, Complete plans have been made for Louis Schreiber, David Beber and April 6. ,'^We haveijastponed our an- over four years for the welfare of No. 3, at the Synagogue, -at ent: the organization of a Leo Bosenthal M<-s, A. alFair .becanse-.of -thfe_ann\jkLy» Zarlfor City Cosociissfoaer-. €3uh.\ Lun/Slardi 9.-. 'thaforganization.Upon Tiis arrival "Kebr.," Sunday ^ cheon and Booster meeting have been The second act will be classical.1 Harry l^BpltiuS in Omaha, 'the Y. W. & Y. M. H. A. be h'elcPat the Brandeis consisted of two small clubs, one for The Omaha Degree Team were held . at the Loyal hotel' Cafeteria, Mrs. .1. 15. Kaiz \ numbers for two pianos, played by Messrs. Lester Lapidus, Sidney SchifFrpd Wbite* A. B, Aiplru Harry Braviroff and Al Finkel, -and theater March 31," said TSIax From- boys and the other for girls. One of fer, Harry Freid, Abe Babior,. Harry private dining room, during the past Mrs. D. r . Elpii*ter S.- S. Jacobs kinppresiderit of'th'e.'club. ~ ; •. will be a decided professional tone to. the first tilings done by Mr. Schaefer Weiss, Leonard Herman, Jerome week and will be held during the com•Toh FftWmtt -Mrs D. Kcsenittocfe .Tohn Harry Friedman M. " Kn —----—«the evening's entertainment. ; ,* u'PJaiis. 'are' now* :"being"; made • for a in Omaha was the formation of " a Diamond, Harry Sidman, Max Givot, ing week. Harry cIjOBts Harris Act three will be a dramatic sketch* ^larger" prpgram'"to' be' Heidi. ba April number of "Y" dubs ind classes. The Ben Bernstein, and. Myer Freeman. Sam Ije Si. Meyex Among, the men who have Mrs. I. Koset Herb. Heavenrich chair- "Y" soon lost the aspect of a club and presented by the Y. M. H. A.;drama-,present at the luncheons during the I. Ewwntlial 3. • B. Kate . it- Charge. ,«£ Arrangements for assumed the proportions of an organ- Messrs. Sam Beber, X F. Goodman, past week are: Harry H. Lapidus, Mrs. Nathan Matnte .Tos. Eo»enO>8l tic class, under the direction of Mrs.' and David A. Freeman, represented M. M. Eo«mWatfc "Harrr Weluer annual celebration.. The/ exact B. R. Boasberg. The sketch, "ThursHarry A. WoK ization both in size and importance. the Omaha B'nai B'rith at the in- Henry Monsky, Sam J. Leon, Eugene Mrs. S. Jtavfts Mrs. P . C. GoWorr A. -well day Evening," by Christopher Morleyo .place~,.o£ .the. .celebration'has not yet Under Mr. Schaefer's guidance- and stallation. Blazer,- J, J. Slosberg, Joe L. Wolf, M. S. Livingston ! Mrs. K. TRtlP Harry Mni-cns is full of laughs and novel situations, .been "decided- uppn??', but", plans are direction, the activities of the "Y" Mr., Paul "Arenson, secretary of the Louis Sommer, J.; B. Katz, Harry Sil•Mrs. A. Wolf 3; J . SlBbcrir Mrs. A. 3.- Miller and will .be most effectively given by being made' to secure the large audi- have steadily increased and developed Lincoln B'nai B'rith Lodge, is advisor ver-man,- Jake Simon, Dr. Philip Sher, EABBI FREDERICK COHN torium. Sadie Corenman, Sam "Wolf, Mrs. until today there are in Omaha, beHarry Maioshock, Harry Rachman, I. .Max Fromkin and Mrs. H. Q. • Marx. The campaign for membership is f sides the parent organisation which of the Lincoln Chapter of A. Z. A. Goodman, N. P. Feil, Dr. A. Romm, viewed the progress and events of his He is promeninet in Jewish Lodges , Act four will be a musical revue in drawing close. The contestants have of over" 400 boys in Lincoln and is Professor of Ben Yousem, Louis Simon, Harry twenty years of service at the Temple, reported increases in new members. ^ . «y,, do2ens of smaller three scenes with 60 members of adult Weiner, N."W.Naken, Sam Beber, John congratulated and wished him well in Y clubs in a rapid succession of songs A large class of candidates will be groups whose membership runs into Chemistry at the University of Feldman, Ma-: Fromkin, L. B. Gold- the future. Nebraska. and dances. Both black and white initiated at this meeting. Plans are the hundreds. man, Ben Steiffler,-B. A. Simon, L During the two decades at Temple To for OR«-Hnndred Mr. Hyman Evnen, was elected the Abramaspn, A. Bonoff, Nathan Bernbeing made to secure a speaker for face characters will appear in this Israel he has confirmed 300 individMembers, Aleph -Godol, or president of the act, which will combine the entertain- this occasion. stein, M. E. Handler, Eobert H. KoopWelfare Federation Will Lincoln Chapter, and the following er, Harry Trustin, Dave Sherman, uals, officiated at fully 250 funerals •• "We. need-you and you need men were initiated into the Lincoln Jack Marer, Sam Newman, Harry and married 300 couples. Bold Fiiblic Reception Eabbi Colin was born in Attleboro, Temple, you are urged to join S. E. Waver for County A public reception will be held in A. Z. A., Messrs. Philip Stein, Jaqpb Sommer, William Grodinsky, Fred Mass., August 24, 1873. He was ranks," is one of the Temple honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Marx, Jacob Frafcelstein, Joseph White, Charles Levinson, . Dr. M. I. graduated from the Mgh school at slogans ' in their' membership camAssessor Clubs Organized Samuel Gordon, A. B. Alpim, S. S. Jacobs, Schaefer, Monday evening, March 31 SorMn, Louis Letween, Providence, 32. I., where he was paign-for one hundred new mesibSK With four clubs organized in his at the Jewish Community Center. Schneider, Leo Guxnsteiri, Harris Louis Hiller, Loyal Cohn, Dave Feder, awarded the gold medal for oratory. which is now well started. A. L Kulakofsky Re-elected President behalf, S. E. Klaver , republican The reception is sponsored ' by the Sorinsky, Isidore Bukin, Harold Martin" Sugarman, Nathan. Yaffe, In 1894 he was graduated from the for Ensuing Year. "Every Jewish person should V. candidate for County Assessor, has Jewish Welfare Federation. The Harold Shapiro, William Chernofsky, Dave Eosenstcck, Irvin Stahlmaster, University of Cincinnati, where he | affiliated with ^orae Jewi&h. rdigiout; great hopes of defeating his four entire public is invited to attend this Morris Zolat,1 Hyman Zellen, and and Nathan E. Green. again received ihe gold medal for institutior. and every Jcvi&h The Local Keren Hayesod re-elect- reception. other opponents by substantial majorIrvin EubinoS . oratory. In 1S9S he was graduated should receive Jewish, ed Mr. A. L Kulakofsky president A Booster Meeting will be held for ities. - The Lincoln Chapter entertained The following committee. will thave from tbe Hebrew Union college at Mr. Klaver, raised in Omaha, is a at its regular/meeting" held Sunday charge of the reception for Mr. and at an Installation Dancing Party for I " Rosenthal for C"'y Commissioner Cincinnati as a rabbi, ar.d was- vale- declares Mr. Selwyn Jacobs, taxpayer and a home owner. . He has night at the Jewish Community Mrs. Schaefer, prior to their leaving the Omaha Chapter Saturday eve- Monday evening at the Lyric Build- dictorian of his class. He served as chairman of the drive. .been deputy county assessor for the Center. Vice-presidents elected are Omaha for Denver, Colo"., where Mr. ning at the Ivre Club Rooms. Thirty ing, fourth floor. An -excellent pro- rabbi at Fort Wayne from 1S9S to Membership hl&nks can be from Mr. Jacobs or from any oi gram has been arranged for the entire past four . years. He is actively Messrs. Henry Monsky, Sam J. Leon, Schaefer will assume his new duties couples attended. 1904, and then came to Omaha and following; men who on the public identified "with everything Jewish in Max Fromlrin, Sam Beber, Eabbi J. with the National Jewish Hospital his present station. He received his tnittee: Ilabbi Frcdejick Omaha. He has taken active _ parts M. Charlop, and Mrs. J. Linsman. for Consumptives; Joe L. Wolf-. Ph. D. degree at the University of Messrs. J. B. Katz, HarrjCity Smkj Sclosl Choral in affairs of the Omaha Hebrew Club Mr. Joseph Eosenthal was elected Harry H.-Lapidus, William Holzman,Nebraska in 1907. Dr. j . C. Cunm secretary of, the - organization, and Harry Malashock, A. B. Alpirn, Mrs. Eenrj- Kosenthal, Louis. HUlcr* Sol and the B'nai B'rith. . -Class ca Frogrem for IUKI 23 He is the founder of the Omaha Bogen, Harrj- Rosenfeld, Mr. J. B. Robinson treasurer. Ds.-^g at Temple Israel Sard 21st Board of Public Welfare, served as Eosenstcck. and Herbert ArnGtelru Harry Eachman, and Mrs. Nate The Choral Class of the City SunAn address by Mr. Rabbi Charlop, Mantel. • ,• . THORPEIAN ATHLETIC day School will take an important The Temple Israel congregation has its president for six years, is s mema report of the organization's activpart in the Sunday School program obtained Dr..J. C. Curran, eaptain of ber cf the executive committee of the and entertainment which is being the British Army, to speak-at the Associated Charities, secretary of the FREE SOM* OF ISRAEL - \ The Thorpeian-Athletic Club basket ities for the past year. by the.. Sec- Farewell Pinner Oi?ea f retary of the club, a report of the j MEET IX CONVENTION" given Sunday afternoon, March 23, at < ball team has been. entered- i n the ] b F r i d a y r t i g h t ) Mar . ch ., 2i, on Omaha chapter Red Cross, member of Omaha Social Workers Chk recent -Keren Hayesod convention Xe\r York. (J. X. A.) Marking Open State championship the board of directors of the' Jewish Sixty members of ' the. Omaha the-Jewish Community Center. Fifty « A m e r i c a , s Atfitode to the World." ty-fifth - aniiiven-aiT of t h s that is to be held at the Y. M. C. A. held in St. Louis by the local del- Social Workers Club,- representing pupils of the Sunday School are Dr. Curran spoke "before the great Welfare Federation, and a member of f oundinB of the os-dcr. District egate,, Mr. I. Goldstein, and a musimembers of the Choral CIsss. on March 15, 38, 19, 20. of Temple Israel in St. the boaixl oi directors of Wise No. 1, Independent Order Free every social service organization - in Other entertaining numbers will b e congregation cal program completed the program. j ^ ^ This is to be an elimination tournaM a n d h a s s p o k c 3 in ihe Memorial hospital. of iKi^ac!,. met in convention at An open meeting will be held the city, entertained at a 'farewell featured on the program. ment in which there are 16 of the largest-churches in America and EngA drive WES launched on the twen- perk Avenue Hotel vdih represe dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday evening at the Jewish Com.fastest teams in the state entered. land. - Dr. Curran w§.s eighteen tieth anniversary of his service, to •t:\-es of US lodge? from Eastern The team will also play the win-munity Center rooms) where plans Samuel H. Schaefer at the Y._ M.JEWISH WORKERS months a prisoner in' Germany and increase the membership of liis con- Middle States in attendance. C. A., last night. Mr. Schaefer ALLIAKCE WILL GIVE ners of the Y. M. C. A. Cnurch league will be made fov the coming year. [was eleven months in Constantinople. gregation, now numbering 300 heads A resolution was adopted "by th* organized the club shortly after he BENEFIT BALL for the Omaha Y. M. C A. championof families aud approximately 1200 delegates sslcing: the Gmtid Lo%e At came to OmaJha, and was its first Sunday evening, April 13, the local ship. This game will probably be DEMANDS POLISH ART SE individuals. It is hoped to increase its ncEt convetitjop m Atlsuttic City 1 president. MENORAH "SOCIETY WILL FREED OF JEWISH INFLUENCE Jewish National Workers' Alliance played on March 20. The winners of the former -number to 400 or more, ir, May to close membership to Talks • detailing Mr. Schaefei"'s organization are giving a masquerade HOLD OPEN MEETING Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A den>and that this game are to be sent to Lincoln within the next month. citizen?. to represent the Y. M., C. A. in the Polish art be freed' of any Jewish in • services to the Club' and"; to the ball at the Swedish Auditorium for The Rabbi came here from Fort The public Is invited to tlie open Louip Hess, former counsel to fluence, however slight, has been di- social work of the city generally the benefit of the Jewish Workers' Y. M. C. A. tournament. Wayne, Ind., where he had completed meeting of the Menorah Society on order, paid it had thousands of were made by Mrs. George W. Sanitarium in Palestine. • ', At the last regular meeting Mr. rected to the Ministry of Education eight years of service. ben? ant! a reserve of $1,600,006. Wm. Alberts was elected to represent by *t. Skotnitzki, Director of the Gov- Doane, secretary of the Associated The Sanitarium is being constructed Wednesday' evening:, Marsh 19, at the organization on the Jewish Wel- ernment Art Department. ^Skofcnitz- Charities, Mrs. K. E. J. . Edholm, in Palestine and is being sponsored the Jewish .Community Center. Dr. Victor E. • Levine will be the CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS | BETH ISRAEL TO CAMPAIGN ki's demands include the exclusion secretary of the Nebraska Tubercu- by the National Jewish Workers' fare Board. The Third Claps of the City Sun- I FOK'ADDITIONAL A new "method of presenting enter- from office in the Art Department of losis Association, Miss Florence Mc- Alliance. The urgent need of such a principal speaker. He will talk on dsj' Sraool have nr^anized a club " New York (J. T. A.) TJbe "The Relationsof Science to the tainment before the organization lias anyone who is even a descendant of a Cabe, superintendent of the- Visiting hospital is keenly felt by oar "Holut'Beth Israel Hospital been worked out and many interesting Jew, whether or not his forefethers Nurses Association, and Gilbert Gen- zim", who -will find medical care and Jew." A violin solo will be given known as the "Jolly Juniors." aii.d ors of the i dail, Boy Scout executive, ; At the aid when they are sick and «xhausted. by Master Evram' Lustgarden, £=- have elected the following to serve preparing "» start a eaiapaigt? ie and novel, stonts are to be presented iiave been baptized. in the .future. Coincident with'this incident, it is conclusion of the dinner .llr. andWhen" the "Holuteim" appealed for cempanied • by his sister, Miss Ida as offers ttiip tersn: Aim Tretiak, the sdditional $2,000,000 r«e«d« t» Plans, for the: banquet to be tender- announced that the Je\?ish Art Soci- Mrs. Schaefer svere each presented help the Jewish National Workers' Lustgarder.. .A . pimiologue -will be presictent; Betty FellmarL. secretary; nMHBt fee ccst ef Die new ed the basket bail players have been ety of Warsaw has-determined upon with a gift as a token of the esteem Alliance were the first to answer their given hy .Miss Hose" Bavklson, aud Bsjsf KoFe - Kirschenbanm, reporter. iuiidi&g*, Beating' cc<ffl|stetlan its delayed until such time when the vari- the construction of a Jewish Palace rn which they are held by ihe social call by contributing $2,500 for their followed ty a recitation by a p*opil The next meetrog of the club ^ill feeiugstoa Place, between Sixteenth streets!- - • cause. . . ' of Mrs.' B. K. Boasberg. held Sunday laorning, March 16. for Art and Culture workers-of Omaha. . \ ous tournaments are oveT •

Omsk Hebrew dob Annual Affair to be Held April 6

Aleph Za<5 Aleph Chapter 3


Keren Hayesod Elects Officers for Ensuing Year



PAGE 2r-THE JEWISH PRESS; ."THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1924 plan to visit Washington, JX"C, AtMinnie Y*'icketl as wishing poor Sylvia to con- -Mr. Dave.Lever-spent the week-' pected to net as pages lantic City, Philadelphia, New York Stein- gnd several, of the -young lady tract diphtheria. (Before we leave end in Omaha visiting friends. and Chicago. volunteer teachers who -had finally her forever, let us assure the readers A' Menorah meeting will be held Published every Thursday at Omaha, Hebraski, by Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman will enbeen persuaded to appear as Queen that SyMa' didn't die, as the heroines Mr. and Mrs! S. Shyken entertained ;: THE'JEWISH'PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Sylvia's ladies in waiting. And nowof the good old-fashioned romances .Sunday evening, March 16, at the tertain Saturday afternoon at their at their home Saturday afternoon ia Office: 482 Branded Theatre Bufldipg.—-Telephony: Jacksor^ - 2372. Faculty Hail. Dean Buch will be home in honor of their son's, Abe, Sylvia couldn't he ..Queen Esther-and usually did as soon as a rival aphonor of their twentieth wedding an- - '. i NATHMJ E, GREEN, JIanager. .• ^ _ the speaker of the evening. Barmitzvah. They •will also entertain r r ;< peared upoh the scene.' When we last the play -was ruined. niversary. at a supper party Sunday evening. saw her, she was the fat, happy moth"Can't one of you girls take her Subscription Price, one year ; : $2.50. The Fydannthians held a business place?" cried the harrassed rabbi. er of five children, and told us howmeeting and bridge Sunday afternoon Mrs. Herman Meyerson entertained Mrs. Leo Krasne and small daughAdvertising' rates furnished on .application. "You've been at the rehearsals and her Sadie was always getting the at the home of Miss Ester Freshman. ter will leave Friday for Sacramento, her Afternoon Bridge Club at her AODRBSS—Please give both tho old and new address; CHAMOS bo sure and give your name. you know the lines almost as well as leadinc rarts in their plays at col- Miss Ruth. Fanger, of Omaha, was Calif., where theyjnepect j£_visit for home Wednesday afternoon. "' ; the guest. Prizes were won by Miss about two months. • -Miss Sylvia" did. One of you: must lege.j The Jewish Press Correspondence Bureau) . _ , . „ , — . . . . help me out. We've got to give the . Of course, Rabbi Thieler had-to! Fanger, Miss Helen Robinson, and Mr. Clyde Krasne left last Friday to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish eentxes* play, after all the trouble and expense have an eviening rehearsal with Made- Miss Mary Yabroff. A two course for Kansas City, Mo. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly we've put into it.". K o s h e r .•'•'"• line. He felt a little awkward about answered'if addressed to Jewish'Telegraphic Agency, 114 Jffiftb-Avenue; Mr.* Arthur Freiden of Randolph, calling at the Bieler's. The Bielers Minnie Stein gave a cluck of horror. New York City, •'" • '" be held March 23 at the Nebraska, spent a few days here vis"Oh, doctor," she.gushed,."none of us never denied-thatihey .were Jews; in ing., home of Miss Ruth Zolat. iting his mother, Mrs. S. Freiden. girls .would- have the nerve to take fact, Max Bieler gave Very liberally 310 North 16th St. THE FEAST OF EUBUM . . Mrs. S. Whitebock was hostess to to the-temple and attended services an Important part like that, even if The Ivre Club held a banquet SunThe, Feast of Purim f ailing due on Wednesdayce vening, For This Week W Itnew" it. -It was different with every Yom Kippur, unless he hap-day evening, TMarch 9, "at the "Lin- her Evening Bridge Club Tuesday 19th; will be"' celebrated, iin Jewish-homes: or: social Weenies _..._.:__30£ lb. poor "Sylvia—she's taken elocution pened to be aw*iy at the Spring for coln Hotel. Many Omaha visitors evening at her home. nected.with-large synagogs that evening,, and.possibly in.some lessons Salomi '. 4 0 ^ ib. ever-since she could walk al- his rheumatism; but the Bielers as- were present. Following the banA special Talmud Torah -meeting cases in the- synagog itself Thursday.-morning.: . While-it-ria a most and Thick Baloiii 3©£ ib. she's a. regular actress. But sociated almost entirely with non- quet a dance was held at the Ivre was held Monday evening at the s',"".minor holjiday, Purim haB a tenacious hold on the affections of none, of us We are the exclusive agents of the town's Four Hun- CJub Rooms. .have the sense to do it Jews, those agogue. for Kosher Star Products of the, Jewish people "who-iiave^annually in varibus ways like she could'have." r dred wh were gracious enough to Chicago, HI. in different countries for many centuries,, and still-continue to ~ "The rabbi agreed, but was too. polite recognize them. Every Jewish woman . Miss Norcna Frosh spent the week- Mr. and Mrsi Ike New left last week for a six weeks' visit-in the east. They do~so. ' . , I ' "' "- -'• - .;-:-' ~ say so .aloud. He looked over the in town hated Mrs. Max Bieler with end Li Lincoln to attend the funeral Purim commemorates the; events described in the Book of to disappointed little groups, their faces all her heart, a sentiment the rabbi of Mr. Gus Fritnd. Esther. The story fells how the: Jews tit Persia,' in that day sad above their cheesecloth finery and could hardly condemn, even if it were boasting fit many proyjncejsi were- fated to be destroyed. The glass "beads, and for a moment he un-Christian. Mr. Ben Shapiro, of Omaha, spent date for this terrible execution of men, women iand' children was forgot "how much the play was to But on-this occasion Fannie Bieier the week-end in Lincoln to attend set for the twelfth month of the ancient' Hebrew calendar. This -meant to' 'him. He wanted to greeted him most cordially, murmured the Ivre banquet and dance". slaughter was plotted,by the arch-enemy of the Jews, Hainan, have test himself out—to show that he some lovely tb'ngs I ;deline had told a prototype of Arna,lek,\th.e. implacable-foeof-Israel, and might could put over an entertainment that her about his lovely play, and left Girls between the ages of fifteen and eigtheen inclusive have organhave been- effected, had not the miraculous intervention qf Esther, would talk of generations still them alone in the great oak-paneled ized a club, its first meeting to he Queen of Persia, selected, by Ahasuerus as his wife, and Mordecai, jmbornbeinthe Mortonville—and he" had library. The private rehearsal was held Sunday afternoon at the Synher, cousin, stayed his murderous hands and frustrated his designs. failed. Worst all, these youngsters soon over, for the new Queen Esther agogue and the natne and officers of This accidental reversal upset the, vile plot of thepitiless intriguer. who had lookedofforward so eagerly to Jiad her. lines letter perfect and.seemed the club vrill be chosen. Instead of what would have been a pogrom there was safety and -their'- first great play had dis- more than willing to shat with, the assurances of• protection^ Instead of wailing there-was rejoicing appointed also. He rose andbeen spoke to young playwright about his first efRabbi Starrel began his duties at throughout the wast.empire of. Persia. In commemoration =of "this "them a trifle shakily. fort. She seemed to know a good the services Friday night, March 1, event, there hasibeen throughout the centuries-a ^celebration at T""''WeU^ boys" and girls," as long as deal about the theater and he listened at the Temple. Sunday morning he this season, over the nappy "escape of the Jews-«f-Persia. It is "our" Queen". -Esther - isn't here, .I'm very respectfully, to her words. this .quasi-historieahepia.Gde which is the basis-of 'the feast of afraid we have to take off our cos-• "It's the best Purim "play I ever took charge of the Sunday School. Purim. . tumes' and go home." read/' she told him. „ "Yes, of course," - Miv Gus M. Friend died Tuesday, : There has been some misapprehension entertained by Jewish ~S ""But Queen Esther is here," thrilled in answer to. his unspoken question, March 4, at Lincoln, at the age of and non-Jewish scholars as to the-origin" of the~Purim~-festival. a.' voice "from"the: darkened theater. J Tm Jewish! Although I'm afraid fifty-four. He came here from DehThe historical, authenticity of: the?-events narrated In the-Book •There was "a rustle of" skirls—women IVe been brought up as heathenishly linger, Alsace-Loraine, where be of Esther have been .denied,'and with good reason. It~is. not .wore real petticoats with real flounces as Fannfe's bringing up her children, was Tjorri. He is survived by his likely that there ever was ~a queen on-the-Persian-throne cor- in those days!—the click of little heels I knew Farinle- at-boarding school; widow and son, Louis, a brother and responding to Esther and hence-^aome-have concluded that this on the wooden stairs* leading, up to we've kept in touch with each other fivt sisters also survive. Rabbi book itself is inspiredfiction,—raromance which is a veiled allusion the stage," sndjJfadeline stood before ever since." She" visited me in New Starrel officiated. 'A Fprmal Showing of Spring to"the faith in God that upheld Israel in all ages: whenever man She smiled her "grateful, half- York several times, so I stole the -Fashions in Apparel for. rose up against him to: speak, his^ undoing his^Heavenljr Father timid little smile, as they stared at time away from my work "to spend a Brunswick Tires brought to naught the: haughty designs of the persecutor. her and waited for'the rabbi to speak. few Says* with" her'before 1 go to WtUard Batteries Women and Misses—• _ Batteries recharged in one day ,. This is the modern construction placed on the Book of Esther. "And who are-you? " h e demanded. California.** For it is. not taken in; a spirit of vindictiveness or revenge which Yousem Battery & Tire Co. Estljer," she mocked him. "Your work?" Originals and Replicas of SIS Tt'orth 18th at Cnmlnr St. is alien to the Jewish spirit, jior celebrated in glee over the frustra-! Suddenly .sober,. " ""Never mind. Tell me about yours. Road Service Any Plnee tion"of the-evil designs: pn the part of-the persecutor. " Fhone Atlantic 0663. -ing- in- town-with-friends-a-few-days muchT" ~ Models by the Most Famous The . ritual ceremony connected with Purim is . extremely —I'm—ah—interested in -plays—so D6 '"you"write ' (Contiuned on page 4) " meager." Apart from reach'ng;the Book of Esther in part, or com- when I .heard you were rehearsing I Designers of Paris und'New pletely, there is nro distinct ritualistic commandment that must be thought maybe it was all right for me you want to buy a York. •"" :• • - fulfilled on this-day. But the reading is enjoined on women too, to drop in and see your rehearsal. « home as"well as oh men: "It can, be read in any language understood H ead laguage unders Then when I heard, about your diffiA" surprise party was given in by the congregation. ;Yet a.'part of the Book is to be. read. Also Lovely Millinery from culties, I wjondered whether I couldn't honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. Seidman's you want to sell . The brief ceremony connected with Purim does not complete help -out a "little.. - I'm not afraid to twentieth weddiSg" anniversary Sunyour home . Foreinost Designers. the features associated with it's celebration. I t has been used as act, the way lEhese "young ladies seem ' an occasion for festivity apd for giving charity. On the strength to be; I usedto be in plays .at school day evening at their new home. you need any kind of the sentence in the text enjoining "sending of gifts and por- a- greajr-deal," of insurance^— I'honfe JAefcsqn S12S tions to the needy", i: | has-Jsepbhie the" practice in all countries of „. Rabb1^Ch"ie|ejr. . .., the Diaspora to '^nd d5ajities»t0^tJfbse'itt: Want, and/f&sn^ke col- .Tier. , . 5 ^ M 4 ij- tpjftar,e a t



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, March 17th


lections for the needy,"vThese donations were distributed with- j g ey^, Jtliat tr^pc''mo}xt^ 'Arid out discrimination. - Even the non-Jew might receive a gift if he there-was"g.oniethiiig".fanulfar about were willing to accept it..; The practice of giving is still retained, her too', ' Qv~ had he', grown so it being no_ uncommon thing, for specially prepared cakes and food tiredvoice, and excited" that his fancy was to be exchanged, among :friends" and kinsmen. . playing tricks upon him? The festive features,, of Purim have become well-established ••'llt's" a Joirg"you' think you and are now* regarded ras a, regular "adjunct of the holiday. In could learn it all.ty "tomorrow ?" he every community jollity^and merry-making of some sort is being stammered. •- ; planned. _ In many cases it is a masquerade, tradition having given :' Again" tfte itnpish laughter in her an impetus, to this kind of. fun-making. All the religious schools eyes. "I think I,can. Once I learned are planning a-program of songs, recitations and even plays, based a .very..long part overnight—back at on the. story o£.Esthef. " In many dromes; social parties will be "school. 'But if you" don'l "think T can held and merriment welcomed in honor of the occasion. do'itx"- she half ^turned to go. The Jewish people of reminded annually that "Rabbi Thieler1 traught her sleeve the ambassador to the modern Persian realm is an American rabbi. { wore sleeves in those days) While no-significance is .attached to this coincidence, "the ambas- "Please help us,"' He begged. "Here's sador there has been importuned recently to lend himself^} Assist ray copy of the play—I hope you can his-brethren of^tnerfaith overtaken in adversity, as Tiappened in makef-out my writing. (Few typedays of old; thas.linking anew the old empire with the modern writers in .those barbarous days!) world.

- -


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And if you'll only read through your lines, now- that, the "children can re•hearse-i—** - : She did and the rehearsal seemed tp pass on fairy wings. The older girls stopped gTggling- to listen to the A PtJKIM- STORY BY .ELMA EHRLICH LEVJNGEB. ~. Stranger's.musieal voice, to watch her (CopyrigUt, 1024, tiy--Elma Ehrlictr Levinge'r. All'rights "reserved.)' gracious gestures'-'-^ TFhe children were The rabbi's wifei .dusting. :out the^ ither were flighted by too insignifi- -spell-bound-Cnd'the,over-worked rabbi bookcase, last spring, found a. small cant parts or overburdened with too too delighted with her new heroine to pile-of yeUowing newspaper clippings, many lines -t©7 learn; -costumes t o nag them into nervousness and eeH> the top one bearing the picture.oT a roak^e;. properties. to, beg, borrow or consciousness. Once it occurred to girl with laughing.' .eyes' and" tragic steal;;';tiqkets "^ell. - Yps,'- tickets^ him that it was an act of Providence mouth. She laid them-upon her hus- For the-affair was to be given in thi that -ttus;ravely'jcrea"ture should act in band's-desk,' wondering a little.- ' town~pp'era House, witJiVreal c u r i thi3 play anstead:x>f Sylvia, with all " • "Who is she?"' asfed the rabbi's tain, a real .orchestra and/eve'rythingl her affected niarinerlsms and highpitched voice. Then he rebuked himyrife. • -_ :'" t Noj ijot - everything!.; Always • in The rabbi' frowned a little. "OhV-a stories, and sometimes in real life, self-for the thought—it was almost as girl who acted-'Esther1 in-a Purim one,pf the leading characters in an play I gave nfy first year-in the rab- amateur performance falls ill exactly WANTED—Good Cook for binate," ' he answered shortly. " He two or"three days' before the-performdropped the dutsy -papers into .his ance. Only in the case of poor Rabbi ' Passover. Call Mrs.-J. •waste paper basketfand- opened '& book, Thieler's first 'play it was the dress Milder, Harney 4803, or t u t he did-not feaU another word all rehearsal that Minnie :Stein arrived ( call at 2860 Capitol Ave. v sftemoon. , »'..'* '*',—Y _• „ Avith' the the "devastating u ^ g - th at Ber : fiabbi Thieler was very-young'" y y g d cousin Sylvia, who was to play Queen b'itid .«very arob'itidusr perhaps'that is why Esther, had developed diphtheria. Her I^etstiU believed in Purim plays'; good throat had been hurting her for days BOARD AND ROOM WANTED joid-fashionedParim: plays, -ioo, a cen- and there had> been talk of an, underin nice home by refined Jew"iralfcature "of a Purma program of study, but Sylvia had insisted .until '•festive songa and dances, not a mov- the last, that she would feel all right ish girl. - Box 540, "Jewish Mg picture for .the: Sabbafti.School, by the day of the play, and, as Sylvia .Press."Call.JAckson 2372. such 'as are the fashion' nowadays, or was the daughter of the president of the congregation! she had had her 3 hodge-podge of aes'thetic.poses and jnJecellaneous recitations from the dif~ way, as usual. And here it was aL-' -fejrerit classes, And because this was most Erev Purim, 4 o'clock' on FOR RENT—one or two nicely his first year at Mortonville'iie sivore Wednesday afternoon, to be accurate, furnished rooms in beautiful to Wraself iiha.i he-would give"them a and the beautiful programs, damp new home, in one of the best Jpurim program that would make them from the printers,"announced the play .districts in the city. Privilege -sit .up" jtndotakfc notice; incidentally "at 8 o'clock sharp*' Thursday even' -of using entire home. For •• ' earning enough-money-^o-farnish the ing!, further p a r t i c u l a r s call Rabbi Thieler, who was on the stage WAlnut 5996. . Sabbsth School library-, ;ta.npa.y tiothd f f -himself, hilf directing' the rehearsal—he knew litfame for jng work- tle about coaching; .-but couldn't find a -PiitiiB .play/when-all the anybody in .towiv'td do it for him— ~ i d ri all th«;work falls sat-down weakly on the pulpit chair, FOR SAHE-^-small grocery," borrowed, from the, temple^ to. serve us .. store; good location.1 Call a throne seat, and looked helplessly W E b s t e r 2182 r for at his disappointed cast It was a "lying an incompetent further information. feel* Jovely company of amateurs, too, from 3 j b a r 8 I « i Bmq the kindergarten .tots ,who bad ex-




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..AGE &rrTHE JEWISH PRESS,.. THURSDAY, MARCH IS, 1924 eoon by £he Jewish. Culture League flounce of silver lace, with hat to* son, Omaha; S. Bordy, Macy Spectof," Mr...&nd Mrs. L . Richards, Former Omaban's, will be taken up at the nest meet-; match. She carried a largt bouquet Omaha. Mesdames: L. Shulkin, WaltTo Be Guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky ing of the club, to be held Sunday of roses and sweet peas. The young hill; S, Kavich:, Coluribus; Esther

Mr. and Mrs. h. Richards, of San his father and other relatives. Mrs. afternoon, March 16. couple xrfll make their home s t Kavidi, Omaha. Misses; Rose Pze&~ Jose, Calif., formerly-of this city, Richards mil • visit here, until Mr. At Its last regular meeting held- Rosalie; where the groom is enpaged Omaha; Bess Levine, Lincoln; having left Omaha about tvrelev years Richards returns from Europe. Sunday afternoon. March £>, a thor- in business. | A-nnette Kavich, Columbus; Elizabeth A ago; are-arriving here Sunday morn-' *£** ^ J ? JSunday " f after- ough discussion" on the Je-wish Edu- A very sumptuous dinner was Kavich, ColunV-us. Messrs: George . .. . - - ?; . Mr. and Mrs. •catiohal" Work done by organizations served at six o'clock. The out of Perder, Pender; L. Gitlin. Omaha; Ben wg to be the loose guests of Mr. and m n by M r . town puests-were: Messrs. and Mes- Levine, Omaha, Mrs. .R. Kulakofsky. - Mr. : Richards their .hoxpe. -Mrs, Davidson is'a- sister who are not politically engaged. " dames L. Predmestky, California; Roy •still: visit in Omaha for Gnly^seyeral of-" Mr; Richards. -Mr. -and -Mrs: . . ZIONIST NEWS Bondy, Waithill; Jack Swartz, Laurel; days leaving the-latter part of-that Kylajcofsky -will receive at their home Sir. and Mrs. Harrj- Snader motor•vreek-for-New. York City, from where Tuesday evening for their guests, who . The Myrtles of Zion held a meet- S. Bordy and family, Columbus; Carl ed t o O m a h a S u T l d a y a n d E p c n t t h 6 ing Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Lesser, Omaha; L. Shuikin. Walthffl:i he wHl-«ail for Errope to visit with have numerous friends here. vriii hh M Ml s L ' * - L Barmish, Community and - appointed Ethel M. _Schwartz, Omaha; S. Gindleman, d B i h rtturn* eration Card" Party and public enter- Prizes were won by Mrs. Allen Ko- Stoler ' and Esther BoneTl to rep- Omaha; N. Bordy, Clarks; B. Mofs- ing: to Lincoln Monday. 7 tainment to be given -Wednesday han and Mrs. Harry Stoller. , ' resent the club at the Judae Council NAMEN-BERCU ' The engagement pf Miss. Charlotte 2*L*H**** Mr. R. Kulakofsky has just re^ meetings,' Miss Selma Bercu, daughter of Mr. Brookstein, daughter* of Mr. I t S ^ S S l ^ ^ ^ Room. . I n order to make "this 1 and" Mrs.' W. D. Brown, was married Brookstein, "of this city, to Mr. Philip aSair turned "from'ashort stay in Excelsior . one..of'the largtst and best PKEMONT NEWS : to Mr. Albert Namen, of Council Gedankm, of Omaha, formeriy ~rf Springs, Mo. OIesk»>r—Bordy Bluffs, Iowa, on Sunday evening, JCansas City, Mo., was announced social gatherings;, the ".committee .in charge requests'that, no.other enterAt five o'clock Sunday evening the Mr. David Newman returned MonMarch 9, at -the "home of the "bride's during the past week. No date has tainment --should be- ..given, on that day from a business trip to Chicago, marriage of Miss Sadie Bordy, daughparents." Rabbi J. M. Charlop offici- been set for the "wedding. date.,. ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bordy, to Sam Hi:" - . ' " ated, In honor of Miss Brookstein and Olesker was solemnized by Rabbi H. . Mr. Namen. and his bride are no"w frer fiance, Mr. and Mrs. L-Gerberl The Temple Israel" Bro&erEboa Mr. and Mrs. J. Slosburg, Jx., Lean of Fremont. The ceremony was .. spending their honeymoon at the entertained last Sunday evening at meeting -will be held this month on as their house jjuest their sister, Mrs. •witnessed by one hundred relatives ' Pecan. Ranch, Ga., ; as"the guests, of their home. Thursday evening, Mr. ' Wednesday evening,- March 19, at the Jx&n D. Seidner, of Chicago',-HL and friends,- and was the impressive Dr. Ballanger, and -upon their, return and Mrs. H.' Rimerman entertained . Temple at eight o'clock. - ' : r Mrs. M. Seiner and son, Leonard, ritualistic service of the Jewish "faith. will qriake their home in Omaha. at -a dinner,, and Sunday .'evening, -"" ' —=-, - - ~: left .Sunday for St. Louis, Mo., where While the strains of Lohengrin's Mrs. V. Brookstein- -will Mr.~ The-regular meeting, of • the Omaha GKODINSKY-SLESCH ehf ertam" ~aT their Tiome' in—their'Junior Hadassah will be.held Thurs- they will visit -with Mrs. Seiner's son, wedding march~~was'~play~ec!,"~the bride Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slesch, of honor. day evening,1 March 20, at the" Jew- Mr. J. Seiner, and Mrs. Seiner for was escorted by her parents .to her Chicago, I1V,_ announce the marriage place beneath a canopy of velvet, two. weeks. ish -Community Center; . of their daughter, Frances," to ~Mr,' Mr. and Mrs, Edward E. Lincoln where the vows were taken. The bride David Grodinsky, of Chicago, son of celebrated their second wedding an- .Miss Eva Alpirn..was hosttss at JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE who was "born in Fremont, wore a Rabbi send Mrs. H. Grodinsky, of this niversary Wednesday evening at their bridge 1" _at Her . home Wednesday Matters regarding the- • Purim beautiful govm of gray crepe, elaborevening ." Entertainment which will be givenately beaded,.and having an under city? on Wednesday evening, March new home.' 12, at Chicago. One hundred and twenty-five 'Rabbi Frederick-Cohn is making a Mrs. H. Grodinsky, mother of tha series of talks before the-Woman's groom, and Mr. William- Grodinsky, •women -were guests of the "Temple Club. "On March 25th he "will address Israel Sisteriiopd at its musical - brother of the groom, attended the them on "The Book of Job." entertainment given Monday af ter-" wedding. noon, March 10, at the Temple AudiThe young The first meeting- of the Jewish g couple p vriH make-their torium. The program which was Women's-- Welfare Organization - t o home in Chicago. -" kept, a secret" until the afternoon of Mrs. Allen Kohan entertained a * ' the musical was unique being con- sew -layettes and children's garments will be" held- "Monday" - afternoon, three tables of bridge Saturday afterto Jewish Traditiopal Songs. March 17, at the Jewish Community - • For Furtiier Announcemejits. noon* at the Brandeis Tea "Rooms in A -group of-songs-^-ere- given by Center from one to four • o'clock. honor of Miss Lillian Kphan, ofJDe? Elgutter is in charge." la., who recently announced by Mrs. Henry Rosenfeld; a piano j her/engagement to Mr. Morton l i p - solo by Miss Sadys • Levey; a violin j Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Greenberg, y^of Omaha. Priaes were won*by solo by Rabbi Frederick Cohn, ac- who were recently married, have iss^ Ann Inpsey and Miss Lillian companied by Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld; taken an" apartment at the' Morris "Kol Nidre" was played . different Apartments. Mrs. Morton- Marcus- and son, Jar-•ways by Mrs. Henry Monsry, then} M r Miss Cecelia Jeiler sang "Kol Nidre," a ^ J l r s . A. Wdfson enterohm, -are visitiBg in Kansas. City, Mo., at*4&&~&O2ne of Mrs.. Marcus'-^sister, accompanied by Mrs. Mohsky, follow-' tained-iW bridge club at their home ed by a heading on "Kol Nidre" by Tuesday, evening, -Prizes *rare won Mr* Al." Huffman. . " "Katleman. by Messrs. Roy Roffman and Sam Mrs. Michael Lagman. Mr.' and Mrs. Michael Cohn Mrs. Phil, Greenstone-have as their guests this week Mr- and Mr. Meyej? Silberman; - of Des will entertain the club Tuesday eveMoines, Iowa, is -visiting "with friends !n7rig;"Marchr 23," af"Jheir"Ti6me7 Ellis, of Lincoln, Nebr. in • . .j Mrs. Nate Karpin was. iostess at 'Ttffessrs. and Mesdames Wflliam TenMr. and 3Irs. William Holzman wilt; three, tables of bridge at her home from Colorado Thursday evening in honor of Miss unes-attinrdance" given last Saturday •return Thursday LilBan Kohan; of De's . Mpiries," Ta; evening by 7ihe Shebas. club a t the Springs, Colorado,. Hansgcom Park Pavilion. Mrs. A.. Weiss is entertaining at ' Mrs! D. A". Sampson, of San Fran- a series of luncheons at her home, When Thinking of Mens* Hats -or- Furnishings cisco, "Calff^aiid Mrs^EouisFSttnisky, the first" of the series she gave Tues! EEXTEMBES of^e^^Qines, -la.,- are ^he_guests .of xifternoon. _ __ _ - ! their mother,-Mrs. LfouiaORotfescWld. . Further preparations are being 1421 DOUGLAS ST. Miss Bayija JFrieden returned Sun- madt by the committee in charge of JOK I "WOLF SAM X. WOLF day morriing-from a -three months' the Jewish Women's Welfare Fedvisit in; E l Taao.^Tex^^vith^'Mrs. I r Hirshberg^and'.Mrs. Harry^Bloch.



ooster Meetin

Leo Rosenthal FOR

I City Commissioner !




I s Coming


Second Annual



•The Misses 5 , ^ a n a - I d a Fleischer •ai«e-4e&ving g • Sunday-Bighi-iox- a two weeks'—visit in Kansas City, .and JEbfc • given- by the ter^-Mrs. E-Finkenstein.Miss Pauline Mayet, of Chicago, Til. is the-guest i f her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Stern. The~Ra7pth ^Society were enter"talnei, at tiie home of Miss Ma'rtye Wi^jistein-. Prizes -were won by th^ Misses Esther Nathan, Dora •witz, MartyeWeinstein and Mrs. Fromkln. ; The" Daughters of Israel Aid Society wilVhold' its "next regular meeting - Tuesday^ afternoon^ IMafcb, 18, at the Jewish'Old People's Homt,

DAUGHTERS OFZ1ON SUNDAY EVENING, MARCH 23 MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Admission $1.00 per couple. Prizes will be given to best dancers. . CARL LAMP'S, ORCHESTRA .


Mrs. H. H. Donovitz, of Kansas City, Mo., is the guest of-the Mes, dames H. G. Fleishman,- Ben Milder, L. B. : Stein, and H, B. Donowitz. . Jklrs. JJewia Podrofski, of Chicago, 111., nee Miss Gertrude Levine, of this. city, is visiting with her parents, Mr, andVMrs. Arnold Levine. -A number of affairs are "being given in h.onor and for Miss Rose Levine, who is leaving-" Sun3ay for a visit in California. ' - - - • • • - - • Rabbi Frederick C^phn's sermon to^pic "this Friday evening, March 14, a t the" Temple will be "The Jewish and Civilization," 3 purim subject. Saturday morning he-will -give a children's sermon and will relate to them "A- Persian-Story".Mrs. A. Herzberg and Mrs. M, fierzberg are entertaining at a bridge luncheon at ihe Brandeis Tea Rooms Monday afternoon.

Painting and Paperhaiigiag Good Work Guaranteed References- Furnished it; Required. CALL L. MANDEL Bifrt St. Atlantic 5440

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and Your. Family MAIL THIS Reservation Blank TODAY

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Y.llftT-W.ILa.Vw&TilfcSlOTrC«ma« ' - • ',..". Omaha, Nebraska .. . ._. Attached hereto is my check for $

[ , for wbl&H Tdndly mafl me

Exchange Tickets a t ^ ' " " ^&cK for the SeSond Annual --Y-'Ti.'& Y. W. H. A. Vaudeville and Revue. '1 -understand tkat th*»e_tickets are_to - 4>e-escKaagedl by me for Reserved Seat Tickets &£ the Brassdcis Hieitte "Boi-Otfice on and after Monday, March 24 th. .

Address Positively no orders hoaored anJess accompaisied!

»Btadl*rp*s»fe3«-tiji Y, M . H . A.

= = = = = S C A i _ E OF RESERVED ORCHESTMA-lst 12 Rows $2 J® BOXES—$2.00 NextS Rows$2.00 '*-•>>• ALL TICKETS EXEMPT FROM TAX

Is* * «««* « ^ jtext 8 Rows TSc s--



DEMANDS GOVERNMENT. DISCOVERED EVIDENCES OF lon'g" Persian rotSes. Everyone agreed liked his play! GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN her tragic mouth was curved into <. OIL, IN PALESTINE ^ 1912 -. REJECT REQUEST FOR • with the young rabbi that it was a " give me her address?" he maternal smile and two fine boys o. *' COMPA-NY :OPEN NSW • JEWISH SCHOOLS perfect5 Parim play- presented in • a askeii briskly. Philadelphia. (J. T.'A.)--.Recent anabout ten and twelve leaned nj-Jiirpi '., ". CtQTHING DEPARTMENT Bucharest.(J. T. A.) Senator Ba- perfect, manner. nouncement that the. Standard .-Oil .The new-boys''clothing department "I don't think she'd like it. Oh, either shoulder. -of the Goldstein-Chapman Co. hasCompany had commenced oil," drilling niu in the Senate has-called upon the - It had started at 9 promptly, ending; yes, she said I could give, you this— "She's awfully proud of 'cm," can- • been, opened by .Mr. M. B. Rubin, who operation ir the southern part of He- Government to reject the request-'of at 11:30, so there was no time to talk it's her favorite picture." fided Mrs. Bieier. "And," enviously, toffee ^Sftop is Rapidly. Increasing for 14 years was affiliated with itie bron has brought out the information Bessarabian and Transylvanian Jews with Madeline' after the performance. giam*.Thieler felt-a'little dizzy. "don't she look terribly young-? ItV business,- • »-' - boys' " clothing department ' of The that a Philadelphia • Civil Engineer, for Jewish schools.'" Baniu's address" And whfen'he called.'the next morning - this "was'not the picture which wonderful how an actress can hida ,was anti-Semitic in the extreme, the he was told that she had already left #ss:& appear in the,"Sunday Star," her age." Bailey Co.", one of Cleveland's largest Joseph F. Hasskarl, found evidences ; The Loyal hotel has been' the center department stores. In that capacity of oil in Palestine in 1912., Senator declaring "that Transylvanian town. '-Hurt and perplexed, he asked t&e*picture he throw sway with * * * 6f a number of activities which, have Mr. Rubin received a practical train"While visiting Palestine in. 1912," 'Jews support' the revolutionary aims to see 1 Mrs. Bieler. Somehow her Rabbi Thieler never found lime te i;other dusty newspapers into his been held during the past month. ing and experience that ably fitted Mr. Hasskarl says," "i observed signs of tha Hungarians. He also called greeting jarred-upon him. He had alRicM .waste basket. It was in-vrrXte another Purim play, or, in fact Many organizations have.been meet- him to tiow the needs of the boy. of oil in the Valley of th^ Jordan'and upon the Government to energetically ways felt- that : a married woman with k-pictare' of -Madeline; bsit now a play of any description. So, pering there for daily luncheons ' and '."During .the past several years I near the shores of the Dead.Sea. When suppress the "Jewish State"" in Rou- children shouldn't try ,t6 act playfully haps, he didn't have the divine spark jneetings. The Loyal' h'otel and ^the have visited Omaha,'and have felt that returned to London I'tried .to get manian" Angnelescu. replied in behalf with young' ."men, especially young • •• • • t after all. XJoyal, Coffee shop are-.npw under the Omaha was in need of an-exclusive some of my friends'there to;back me |of the Government, that Senator Ba- rabbis. - . '. " personal management of Loyal Cohn, boys' clothing shop," said Mr. Rubin. •while I made a thorough survey of 'niu's wishes would be fulfilled. .- \ "Madeline told me "to say good-bye & r -whom tha hotel is named. Loyal "And in choosing Goldstein-Chapman's the part of:cthe'country "with a view to you for her," she' told him, "and (John has been in active management as my location, I believe that I can •c* defihi'v"lyl locating oil,lands, and' to thank you for'your lovely flowers. A Star-Fora Night Kf the Loyal hotel since July 1. . (Thieler wondered whether Madeline serve the people of Omaha very sat- so forth, vMir friends took th.e matter AUDITING AND INCOME (Continued from page 2.) . : The Loyal hotel. is well known to isfactorily." up and'learned that.for'many years had found" his jiote inside the box in TAX REPORTS ''Not .much,", confessed .the tabbi. B; large number of Omahans, having Mr. Rubin explained that the new the F:;icnce^of oil'.in Palestine .was "I'm so busy." But if you think it's "a which he had written rather effusiveIteen built^ by. the- late Herman Com* suspected, but that' under TuVjqsh rule 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1C.31 ly of his 'dream Esther—his star for play—" , — - . . ih 1909. The hotel was operated .by nothing could, be-done ih/the Ayay of good, a--night.' '"She-decided to take the : She raised her hands in playful horJJerman' JCohn until the- .lime of his making falrT-or satisfactory arrangeror;'he noticed that her rings/were early, train^tbday instead of leaving death in 1911. It was. later leased ments for-developing the .fesburceVof Diamond & Platinum Specialists but not unbeautiful de Monday. * But you know how notional ajpd up to July 1, 19£3, -when'the tv-t country, so -J. dropped -;the these, actresses are." = v • 1514 Dodge St. signs. "I said it was a good Purim : Iqase was purchased bg^Lojral Cohn. ter. * , * . . , ' •• - , "Actresses?" stammered the rabbi. , Est-i 1894. & *.;' • ,;S . J a . 5619 play, but, please, don't let me start "After purchasing" •^iie';- Please,t i i t i ^ »•:•-. ..- . - = 8 •' "That's - right—she told me you you on your road of folly by telling Jiiediately began/a^lTOf qixgh campaiaj^ ss SPINNING FACTORY . you that you can write good plays. didn't lenow.'- And before she came of cleaning and ^remodeling the eriftreV TO AND FROM AND LAND PURCHASES, It's your first, isn't it? That means Madeline made me promise not to tell hotel," said^toyfal^Cohn. "Every THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. a soul. She said she wanted a good ALL PARTS OfRESULT' FROM VISITS nothing. Write two, three, a half Mom was redecorated and painted,", Wholesale paper Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Announce- dozen—and send them to me. If you rest^-no r.ewspaper publicity—nor endistributors for -THE WORLD '<"After redecorating the TibtelJ-1 imment has just been made of the good keep on writing that shows you may tertaining.. But," with her hateful air Northern Toilet Tissue mediately' oj^ened ithe-Coffeft' Shop or of patronage, "if you went up to New results of the recent 'visits .to Pales- have a;spark of the divine fire. But 1112 .Haraey Street cafeteria so as to bring back some of tine by. the ^olishRabbis andindus- I hope'for your sake that you haven't. York as often as we do during the 1307 Howard SU, Omaha, Neb AT-Iantic 6409 . the many patrons'that patronized,the theater season you'd have guessed trialists. The visitors have decided to It ought to .be much more satisfac: • ATIantic 0340. Loyal in the times it was operated right away."• : ' ". establish a spinning" factory in '"el tory-being a rabbi.": by| my father;",, sa#l Loygl,Cohn.,"The : "I thought I'd seen her picture Aviv with a capital of 10,000 pounds. "Do yoi* write?" he ventured. cafeteria, was' entirely equipped^ with -CO. The r c r e r and Sokolower Rabbis a. t • "No.^'ATid it's time for you to go some place."; ; . ' new fixtures, I all "of which were furnr "I'm going to have it in the 'Sun- ;i7th and Oartba Sts. " . BA. tesz the chief shareholders. Another - J- home j young man." He rose, a little SSanntartorprs of Brass, Bronze. ishied by the Omaha, Fixture and sult of the visits has" been the pur-hurt at her manner. In Mortonville day Star',' too. Now that she's gone, it "-",?Em'naiD and Soft Gray Iron Castings, Any "way you get them in. an^Supply Co. I have obtained the same won't hurt her feelings, and when I Sec are assured of soft casUngrs, as chase of thousands of dunam of lar.d people treated the rabbi with befitting «:e> cnachSn* some from every heat to chef who was with my father 15 years ITEN'S GRAHAM' CRACKERS in the neighborhood of Tiberias, Jaf- dignity. "I'm'sleepy and I have to get a chance to entertain a woman " shop.: . • • . . . . are s-o-o-d eating for everybody. ago." like Mildred'Hull,-1 want the credit d slip cast Iron and bronze fa, Petach Tikvah and other colonie.-'. have a good rest if; I'm going to star M. B. RUBIN In stock. - • •' - Ask yonr grocer for ITEX CRACKERS for it." The cafeteria is very handily arin your play tomorrow night." bj- name always. Get the Pennine and Tanged so as not to cause any delay boys' department will handle thfe SAMUEL MAY CONTINUE Thieler felt a little dizzy. Mildred: be satisfied all wa,vp! NIS country's best advertised and most • To relieve the^ gentle reader's curiAS HIGH COMMISSIONER in being served. The grill room .and Hull—Mildred Hull, whom he had popular merchandise," and that it wil ANOTHER FIVE YEA. S osity, Madeline, as Queen Esther, won never seen on the stage, but had heard private dining , Tooms are used • for Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) If the P "=- every heart.' 'Somehow her playing rated among the first of character special noon meetings and luncheons. be his object at all times to give to Carpenter Paper Co. the buyers of boys' clothing the best ish Government insists Sir Herbert shed a magic glow on the amateurs e. 8. MOKES. Prop. Distributors oS Values for the money;;and a shop Samuel will continue" in office ci High about her; not a child forgot Ms actresses in America. And she had Phoue Webster 0820 MENACHEM, J.EWISTPOET, Western Bond—and High where the Little Fellow and the Big • THE LAUNDRY'THAT CELEBRATED* BY COLLEAGUES Boy can be given individual service Commissioner of Palestine for another lines; not an actor tripped over his Grade Stationery EVERYBODY LIKES. five years. Announcement to this efNew York. (j;. T. A.) The young and personal attention. Omaha. Nebraska. - fect has been made privately by-the Children's- Bobbing 25c Jewish poet, Menachem Boraisha/betScalp Treatment 23c Shampoo 50c '"•Hi Mr. Rubin spent several weeks in High Commissioner, it is stated on ter known by his pen name Menachem, Expert indiTidnal Berrice New York buying desirable merchangood, authority. The District of'Sa•was banqueted b.y a group of Jewish ' Sun-lays and Evenings. /M. Pepper, Vlce-rwelaeBt. W. G. nre. Becretarr. writers, artists amd lovers of poetry. dise for this exclusive hoys'- shop, and maria, beginning in April, inSAEON L'CHARME The occasion for ithe celebration "was -has a' most complete stock to choose cluded in the Northern district under Shoes and Gent's Furnishings now., operated by I ' _; 212..Coortn«*y Clk. Fistwe & At. tS19 the appearance o f Mr. Menachem's from. the jurisdiction of Governor Symes, it Featuring Emerson and X>on!ap Shoes—§5 to $12. The Boys' Clothing Department will has been announced. latest poem, Zawjal Rimer, a narra'"•' ' Supply Co. ETITIiL DEESS SUITS AND T0SEBOS 1 for sale OP rent. tive in sixteen clhapters, which has oe located on the second floor , forPaxton Hotel A representative of the Jewish Col • COMPLETE STOSE AKP etone JA. S12S 100 North 18th St, DESDUNES teen enthusiastically; received, by the merly the Benson-Thorne space, which onization Association has. ~ left ?for, OFFICE OUTFTTTEKS affords 100 per cent daylight.. modern Yiddish .ltterary, world, ,It'js ^ Violinist and Teacher Egypt t o extend a wjelcome\to jJBaroii : - We cccnpj • ever 7C.O00 Bqnare fese Stadia: Hawfcln's Bide., *1J3 No. S«b St a dramatic and poetical tale-of".the* Formal 'opening Saturday, March Edmund de Rothschild,-who will •prob!:: Soatliweat Ooraef • ' Ptittne, Wfb»ter 5SS6. All Modern Equipment, life of the Jewish, masses in Eastern 15th, with Special Values which will ably visit Palestine within the next -, -Office. Boars, S-^J lo & £!fvnntb and Dodclas Streets. . Violin bows^ and esses tot sale. Europe., Mr.' Menachem was highly be found in this issue of the Press. few weeks. Paon*: •iBCkson £724 complimented on his latest literary : OMAHA. triumph. „'• . - . ,. WILL COMPLETE NEGOTIA' TIONS FOR ANGLOTRANSJORDANIA. TREATY -WARBURG IK PALESTINE Jerusalem; (J. T. A.) RepresentaTO STUDY CONDITIONS Jerusalem. (J. T. A.), Felix M. tives' of the Transjor'danian GovernEvery Known Kind Warburg, .American financier and ment will arrive in Jerusalem soon to conclude negotiations for an Anglophilanthropist, has arrived in Jerusaof Insurance lem. Mr. Warburg, who is<,a membep- Transjordanian Treaty whicfi were bfc-_ 209 W. O. W. BIdg. 3A. 3944. JAcksoa 1862 of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb.& 'Co., New gun by the Emir Abdullah, ruler of .Trarisjordahia and son of King Hus•>York City, will spsnd/seyeral" days here in making aivst;udy of-conditions, sein 'of Hedjas, when Abdullar was' in in Palestine under the British Man- London in 1922. Gate City Furniture Co* WASH AND KEEP WELL date, in accordance with the provisand A RULE OF HEALTH ions of the Balfour. Declaration. Globe Van & Storage Co. FEONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY owned and operated by BARE JLIBRARY ACQUIRED So universal is the car's reputation 1S19 CaUlorniB Street. GROSSMAN & SONS FOR HEBREW UNIVERSITY "The Mohl" for long life, that exceptional At. 0230 520-S3 No. 16th St. 4338 London. (J, T. A.) A rare library Kesldence, 1342 So. 23th St. Tel. ATIantic 6637. of ancient oriental and Hebrew litera-. mileage records no longer excite Place of Businem, 2115 Cnmlng St. ture has been ^purchased, for theVUni-^ Tel. ATIantic 3831. surprise. versity of Jerusalem by the London EFFICIENT and committee of the University. The H-, WHOLESALE brary, which' consists of 6,000 , volWliere yonr clothes come some Touring Cars that were built by ' cleaner end last longer. umes, was formerly the property, of, E. M. KAHN, Instructor Druggists and Stationers AT ten«* CSS®, SS0T-3U jracfcgon St. the learned Jewish professor, Gold: Dodge Brothers during the first ZEZ CQNFREY'S Course in Soctte lOtH Street H. A. JAOaEBEEGSK, Pres, aiher, of Hungary., It is understood NOVELTY PLANO PLAYING. year of their existence as motor that the Hungarian Government-has Mickel Bldg., 3 5 . and Harney. already given permission to, have* the car manufacturers, are still in AT. 4361. library taken out of the country.

loyal Cphn m Acthre- : . : ' Man?.geMesf of loyal Hpkl


aid 'hi gh grade Platinum jewelry at Ik

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