March 20, 1924

Page 1


Accept no. substitute j for hard wqrk-r-lbere \ is nothing "just as'. good".

VOL. 3H-^fo 15


*wo»&-etawi mail es»tt« en Jwrowy fifth. 182L at wwtet tb« Act dt Uattb 8.

All Omaha h \ Theatre Sunday, March 30th To Enjoy Second Annual "Y" Show

Abner H. Kaiman and Nathan E. Green ..were elected. members of .the Board of Directors of the Jevrfsh Welfare Federation, following the ' appointment made by Dr."Philip Sher, president. These men -were also appointed to the finance committee by oe L. Wolf, chairman of the-finance committee. Through an, error -these two names were omitted from the list published in last week's issue of The Jewish Press.

Friday, fiiel 28 Is Lastlif ttiegister

Ruts . are Wcte by people v who stick to the beaten path.

PRICE, 4 -YEAR. $230.



" " »•

A. Z. A. SUBSCRIBE Asked to Inquire Into TO JEWISH WELNew Jewish' State Plan FARE FEDERATION


Omaha 'Chapter, Aleph ZadLAleph, made its pledge to the Jewish Welfare Federation this week, this is the first pledge received for the 1924 bud.Reported Ready to Investigate Everyone Sftoald See That They get of the Omaha Jewry's largest Situation in the' South «f Are Registered Properly. charitable .organization. • Soviet Russia. Hundreds, of Good Seats Go On Sale at Theater Early '- T h e amount subscribed is three and EVERY MAN -AND -WOMAN one-half "times- snore -than was given ,Next Monday Morning. AMERICAN BACKING IS THE SHOULD REGISTER; in 1923, -but nevertheless Twe expect to increase. it even more before the ONLY CONDITION. ' With more than 500 tickets sold during- the advance sale Just one more week in which to year is out," said Sidney Schiffer, which, began last Thursday, with additional orders being received New York. (J. T. A.) David A. register. Murch 28, Friday, is the treasurer -of the local organization. daily,: and with hundreds of persons planning"- to' purchase tickets Brown of Detroit, long prominently last day to register so as you may at the Brandeis Box office on next Monday, all indications point identified with, the Joint Distribution be able to vote .in the coming, prito a capacity audience when the curtain rises on the second annual Committee and other national Jewish maries which will be held April S. YM and YWHA Vaudeville and Musical Revue at the Brandeis organizations, has offered to g-o to The coming elections will be very im: : Theater on Sunday evening, March 30. Membership -Contest Is • Getting Close portant and it is the duty of: every Russia at once to make a personal Among Contestants. Indeed, this year's show will be well worth being witnessed survey of the situation and to report Jewish man ar<d woman to ;use the 1 by an overflow audience. For more than two months the 100 to the Jews' of. America on the proliberties- which ar? granted to them' La _Guardia Says Motor Magnate Is The • Omaha. Hebrew club has. sechildren and young men and women in the production have been posed Crimean colonization sciiem© Unfit to Control Muscle Shoals. register. \ ;. I working hard and faithfully determined to show the Jewish com- cured* the Municipal City Auditorium —to for the Jews of Russia, according to There are a number of Jewish; men for the . Thirty-second Anniversary munity of Omaha how fine an amateur entertainment can be. a statement made to the Jewish Tele-Washington, March 7. (J.. T. A.) Celebration on Sunday evening, April and women who have not as yet regDAVID A. BROWN. graphic .Agency by James N. Eo^enDainty costumes for the dollies in number, of boys and girls underLher. 6, .1924.- The committee on arrange- istered. Get busy- arid be real Amer- The anti-Semitism -of Henry Ford was ] berg, vice chairman of the American act one, old-fashioned apparel for the Acts one and four -will. be a living ments .report that everything, is. in ican citizens." Use the privilege's denounced by Congressman Fiorella Joint Distributing Committee. Mr. La Guardia on the floor of the House colonial maids and men in the fourth tribute to her energy and ability, and readiness for the greatest' celebration granted to you in your citizenship. Brown's only stipulation, according to act, and the latest styles in- 1924 win charm everyone, who sees them. in the history of the Omaha Hebrew j " There are a number of people who of Representatives Thursday during Mr, Rosenberg, is that the Jews of clothes for the boys and girls in the In;these acts every„known style club. The campaign for new mem- fhave moved to Omaha recently and the debate on FoTd's offer for Muscle America indicate they -will bact this cabaret number, are all ready. Novel of dancing will be^ shown, from the bers has brought in 125 new mein-1 a large number have reached the vot- Shoals. " Congressman La Guardia colonization work. lighting and staging effects have old-fashioned minuettes, through" the bers. The new class of applicants ing age. If YOU kr.ow who they are, launched a bitter attack on the Debeen worked out,- music and orchesapache' dance^ down to /mod- will be' initiated at the Auditorium it is your -duty to tell Ihem to reg- troit motor magnate and, pointing "I am ready at once to go to RusMembers of Advisory Board and tration are prepared, and everything ern chorus numbers^ •'. Dntch I dollies, on April 6, 1924, at a public initiatici ister. See ' that members of your out Ford's unfitness, incompeteney sia and make a personal stirvey of Wives Were Guests. and undesirability to control such a is in tip-top shape to give the pro- pickanninies, ballet -dancers, tango ceremony, according to Max Fromki-i household are pronc-rly registered. the situation and find out for myself duction all the qualities that go to dancers, Chinese .dolls, sailor boys, president of the club. The privileges of registration grant gigantic undertaking, which would be INTERESTING P R O G R A M OF and for those who want my opinion of so great importance to the GovernSPEECHES MADE. what this . is . all about," said Mr. make' np a professional entertain- chorus girls, farmers and farmerettes, Arrangements have been made U> you the full rights fif citizenship. The Brown. ment. -. "will: all vie with; each other to bring to Omaha a nationally known privileges always involve correspond- ment in time of-war. One hundred and fifty young men Mr. La Guardia asserted that this "When Dr, Joseph Rosen was in The most enthusiastic person con- captivate and charm their audience. speaker to address the members and ing duties, however. The government and women, members of the Senior this country'last fall," saye'Mr. Eo^ concession would" make Ford the innected -with - the - entire production is Ballads, love songs, pep and jazz friends, of the Omaha "Hebrew club. offers us as much and' expects but Miss Dorothy,De Vere, who this ytar numbers, serenades, trios, quartettes A fine musical program has also been little in return, but that little, is im- dustrial king of America, and when Group of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., senberg in Ms statement, "he spoke portant to the ful!esc developments of another Congressman made the charge met at dinner Tuesday evening at the with enthusiasm to a number of the is again in charge of the singing and sextettes, solos and choral num- arranged. that there "was hatred against Ford, Loyal Hotel, honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. D. C. officials, including myself, as our institutions. . and dancing numbers. "Under her bers, old songs and new songs all There is a hot race amonr: ' the New York legislator delivered an Samuel Schaefer. Mr. Schaefer has to Crimean colonization. He dwelt will be heard during these two acts. capable and • efficient direction the The .registration office will be open been director of the Y. M. and Y. W. on the favorable relationship between testants for bringing in new members, unsparing denunciation of Ford. thirty-five children in the opening act, • Classical music, will be featured hy according to.Sam Klaver, chairman of all day next week, in the courthouse. H. A. activities in Omaha for the past the Tartars and the Jews. When I "The only man who has hatred in and the sixty-one adult actors in the Harry Braviroff and Al Finkel, at the committee, and it is rumored that Make it a special point to inquire four and one-half years, and Mrs. asked him about providing sufficiently his heart is Henry Ford, based on his big last act are being trained to two pianos, In the second act, and by certain members have a number of from your friends said neighbors to Schaefer has been .a most efficient - ignorance of- history, literature and volunteer worker for the joint organ- larg'e tracts ~of landsu he pointed ©at perfection, . in • songs, „• dances and Doroihy^liustgarten,". the violinist; in applicants to present at the next meel- see if they are registered. religion," he. exclaimed. "Henry Ford to 'me. that'there were public lands Friday, Masfeh 2S, is. the. last .'day group numbers. Every Sunday after- the cabaret, scenes. " All three of ing. isation during that time. has done-more owing to his "bigotted •which the Kussian government •would to register. noon and three nights each week these, artists are wellrkhown locally, iiatred to create strife and hatred in In addition to the guests of honor, distribute to peasants ani that the and as. usual, each of thenv will finds .Miss. De . Vere at the Jewish B'NAI B'RITH OPEN this ctraittry among • the" races than members of the Advisory Board of the distribution would neither disloc&te Community Center "working with delight i J o n l ^ e a s * - ^ any ~maa- in tie United States. The Association and their wives were prcsmt»r cause, any.jaight -and main mth the - great . The: :::d^^i&~;dfe^-,u.directed?rhy. _ - : ~ : J ; ^ M E E ™ G , : . M A R G H ' ^ 2 7 jjealth-.-ancT JgsgrEmeei_CifiHeiu^r .'Ford ent_.,_ ^ . • _ _ . . . . . . ' ; or..difficulties.-. iR-the-ii^t,.^-. __. • M ^ ^ ^ ^ o a s B l r g ^ ^ k ^ Y ^ ^ S i f e c B^ai B'xiih will "be held ThksdSy^ recimbined has rmssie "it - possible for '. From 7*:S0 to 11, when the program ixiaasstkgtC as to the ®ttitode of instructor, will * -feature - S popular evening, March 27, at the Jewish vicious men to' carry on a nefarious was completed, the evening was spent issian - government on thfe' Eiibject,. comedy "Thursday Evening," in Community Center. Arthur Bosen- Workers to Canvass City for Leo ii a r f r " against ainst the Jews, Jews not only of in paying tribute to Mr. Schaefer's ef- I cabled Dr. Eosen and Dr. Kahn and which Sam Wolf, Sadie Corenman, blum will be the principal number, • Eosenthal for City Commissioner. America, but of the whole world. It fective work in the development of have -jusf .received the following- from Mrs. Max Fromkini and Mrs. BL Q. on the program. He' will-deliver a has been said, -and I can -understand the Y. M. H. A. and its kindred ac- Dr. Rosen: More than two hundred men *nd how this vicious,- inhuman, un-Ghris- tivities. In songs, speeches and storesponse was met whole heartily, Marx will appear. This number is talk on "The Life and Work of " ' I more than ever think that tb© Women Arc Taking Attire'Part itt sure to -jpltase^ filled ^as it, is with Jacob Schiff*. This is the last of Women were present at the first tian campaign reached the other side, ries iiie value of this work to the Criiaesn preposition is -feasiWe an4 clever lines and comic situations, and the series of educational; lectures booster meeting for Leo Rosenthai.for and its results.we see in the pogroms young people of the city and to the Campaign. of the greatest importance. Auilior:-interpreted by capable actors. . which' were prepared by tht -intel- City Commissioner, which was held of 1919 and 1920 in parts of Europe. Jewish Community of Omaha as a ties are very favorably disposed. At 1 Space, prevents the mention of -all lectual advancement committee. Sev- Monday evening at the Lyric bull'' '-JJ. Deny that if you can! The gentle- whole was emphasized, and promises its own initiative the government is Two mass meetings are to be staged for S. E. Klaver, republican candidate the novelties • and the touches that eral musical numbers will also be .on Men and women, representative of all man suggested hatred, and I had to were made by all in attendance that, contemplating the organisation of s> as the best tribute they could offer special committee, including several for county assessor, before primary will make this show an outstanding the program. N. S. Yaffee" will be Omaha Jewry, volunteered for work in tell you. where there was hatred." to Mr. add Mrs. Schaefer, this work of the highest officials, for the prothe coming primaries,; April 8. day, according to Henry J. Beal, coun- artistic success. Many of last year's the chairman of the evening. would be continued on the same high motion of the plan.' ty attorney, who is assisting in the favorites' are* in the cast, and many Irvin Stalmaster was chairman of f new youngsters will, after March 30 plane after their departure. management of the Klaver campaign. SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM the evening. Short talks were ?"This cable canse to me through : - Prom reports gathered from work- find themselves known throughout al Talks Were made by Louis Abra.i- Dr. Kakn, who cabled that he concurs st-t«®|l8.1sriei Friday by the following: Eugene Blazer. NaSUNDAY AFTERNOON ers from various parts of the county, Omaha for their-talents. son, Fred White, I, F. Goodman, Anne The City Sunday School will pre- than Bernstein, Mrs. Ida Levine, Fred The Temple Israel congregation has Selicow and Kate Goldstein, repre- entirely. with. Dr.. Rosen's views ar4 All in. all, i t will be a production sent a purim program Sunday after- White, Max Fromldn, Mrs. Herman Klaver should win by a substantial that support of the Crimean settlethat would do credit to a group of noon, March 23, at the Jewish Com- Auerbach, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rev. obtained Dr. J. C. Curran, captain of senting the Y. M, and Y. W. H. A. ment proposition would influences majority. E. Fleishman, N. P. Feil, Henry Mon- the British Army, to speak at the membership, by Nathan Bernstein and many other Jews to settle indepenAnother big Klaver for county as- professionals, and Omaha will be munity Center. ' pround of its YM and TWJ3JL sessor club is to be organized by busThe proram will consist of the fol- sky and Harry H. Lapidus. - Each of Temple Friday night, March 21, on Irvin Stalmaster, and by the fellow- dently. Advance tickets are on sale at the lowing and those to participate are: the speakers told of the work that "America's Attitude to the World." ing members of the Advisory Board: * "In all the work of the J. D. C, iness and professional • men. Names Dr. Curran spoke before the great Dr. Philip Sher, Wm. L. Holsrrssn, of teh officers and executive commit- Y office until Monday morning^ after Introduction . _ Milton-Frohm Leo Rosenthal has done in the past, Dr. Kahn and Dr. Eosen are outstandJoe Blumenthal and of his qualification as a city com- congregation vf Temple Israel in St. Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Harry Lapi- ing figures. They ai-e neither visiontee composed of some of the most which time tickets must be purchased Poem of Purim Louis, Mo., and: has spoken in the dus, Henry Monsky, Harry Mala_ missioner. prominent men in the county will be at the Brandeis Theater. Holders of Dance of Spring aries nor theorists, but eminently suc.Libby Bernsatin, Annie Tretiak largest churches in America aad Eng- shock, Harry Wolf, Leo Rosenthal and advance tickets are urged to exmade public next week.. Immediately after the talks an apcessful, practical workers tr. the'field,' ... Choral Class Purim Song — land. Dr. Curran was eighteen months A notable thing that is attracting change these tickets early Monday Talk Harry Lapidus peal was made for workers to work a prisoner in Germany and was eleven Dr. A. Greenberg. Eose Davidson We have relied upon them in matters \ gave original humorous readings, Bess involving many millions of dollsrs'anfi : , Slaver's opponents is the extensive to insure choice of seats. Violin Solo Celia Zeir at the polls during the election. This months~ln~ConsiSntiriople. Jewish Songs — J Handler read an original poem, and our reliance has alwaj^s been thorwork being done by women workers response was met whole heartedly, ... Dolgoff Trio The Purim Basket (Play) Cast: Oscar Gross gave cornet solos, accom- oughly Justified. Their -urgent stt|»* who have gives their wotk and time. and a n-amber of the large, audience Rose Goldman, Sylvia Fisher, Lil- immediately volunteered to work on JEWISH ACTORS HERE FORTY NEW MEMBERS panied by Arthur Goldstein. . port -of -the Crimean undertaking conDrevich, Florence "Whitebook, IN TEMPLE ISRAEL lian 7 . MARCH 27 AND 28 A feature of the evening was com- vinces xne of its immense postsilriHelection5 day, April 8. Assignments HADASSAH Eose Laytin, Gertrude Guss, Lawrence Forty new members have already Gross, Lewis Finkelstein. "The Disgraced Bride" and "The munity singing of parodies on popu- ties. were made as to the wards and pre: CELEBRATES TWELFTH been enrolled into the Congregation Piano Solo Wild Youth," two Jewish playlets> are lar songs written in honor of Mr. and cincts, for the -workers. Betty Feldman ANNIVERSARY of Temple Israel during the Member"There are today probably 500r0f>& To celebrate the twelfth anniversary ship Campaign.-which is now being Talk Eabbi Charlop Plans are being made to hold an- being presented Thursday evening Mrs. Schaefer by Kate Goldstein and Jews in Russia in a'-Bfimi-nomacHc of the National Chapter of Hadassah held under the chairmanship of • Mr, other Leo Rosenthal booster meeting and Friday evening, March 27-and 28, the A. 2. A. organization. Sam T?e- condition. The complete ch&ngfe «? TO GIVE BAZAAR respectively, at the Brandeis Theatre. ber was toastmaster. " on Wednesday, March 26, the local Selwyn Jacobs. ; eeonomie life has displaced them. The The Junior Daughters of Zion are in the future. The well-known eastern players, JaChapter of Hadassah are giving a After farewell addresses by Mr. and opportunity for the -snjall tradesmsn "Anyone wishing to join, send in giving their first Bazaar Saturday cob Cone, Jeanette Paskowitch, Sadie Mrs. Schaefer they were presented has gone. The younger Jews tniMi?; public program and entertainment to his name to me at 1315 City National •evening, March 22, at seven o'clock at Shoenigold,-Rose Cone and others are with e chest of silver by the mem- look t0-the land. Crimea is a land be given that afternoon at the Jewish Bank building, and a member of th< the Jewish Community Center, The GOITEIN DISPLACES BOSEL AS RICHEST MAN IN AUSTRALIA being presented in these plays by the bers of the Y, in addition;1 to many of fertilitjf and.sanphine. It is a thm* Community Center. committee will be glad to call-on you,* money raised will go towards buying Vienna. (J. T. A.) The fortune of Liberty .Yiddish Theatre of New York. individual 'gifts. ' ' Mrs! Max Fromkin and- Mrs. A. Mr. Jacobs announced this week. "• . . ly settled country, large in area, "wiih, land in Palestine. Sigmund Bosel, until now said to be The company is now making a westBomm, who '^are preparing the proroom.for immense population The 'following 'committee' was In A musical program will be pre- the largest in Austria, is believed to ern tout.- " • " - • . . : • " • gram, have aTra,nged for special fealikelihood of creating any. charge of arrangements for tihi sented and dancing will follow. No have been exceeded by that of the ture numbers. ; Here i s a matter which arrests the MORGENTHAU ARRIVES IN . -.. • . ,-• •:..-•>_ charges for admission and the public Zionist, Max Goitein, the son of a ONLY HALF THE JEWS ~ t u r n : • ... attention of . every thinking Jew inLONDON; WILL REPORT tion:, Sam Beber, I. F. -Goodman, is invited to" attend. IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA'.ADMITGoitein has bought up a maBULGARIA ARRESTS SEVAmerica. . •> TO LEAGUE COUNCIL , The club is under the leadership of Eabbi. Nathan E. Green, Fred White, Louis ' • • THEIR' JEWISHNESS jjority of three million shares, ERAL HUNDRED COM1TADJIS London. (J. T. A.) HenryMorgen- Miss Julia Wise. Prague. ' (J. ,T.. A.) The Jewish Abramson,' Dsve Freeman, Merele • "The w Question now is -whether we amounting to one hundred forty bilSofia. (J: T. A.) The Bulgarian thau, Chairman of the League of Nalion crowns, in the Austro-Lombard population of Czechoslovakia %v£s of- Fridel, Kate Goldstein, and Aime Jews of-America are going to :do-any* Government has placed under arrest tions Commission, for the Relief of JEWISH MERCHANTS WILL in this ritustion or whether v» Escompte Bank. He is also the prin- ficially announced today as 354,000. Selicow. several hundred Comiaadjis, members Greek Refugees, "arrived in London are going to rest snpinc. Rest s«~ PARTICIPATE IN PRO-. An interesting fact in connection with cipal owner in ja. large number of of the Macedonian Revolutionary and immediately" set about to interpine? I know better. VVhcn -we think: PALESTINE CONFERENCE industrial concerns. Goitein recently the announcement is that only 53 per VIENNESE JEWISH COUNCILLORS CALL ON MAYOR TO Committee, -who have been fighting view a number of political and finanback upon the misery, pr-m-.ul}on, !>*> Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Jewish married the daughter of Director Ep- cent acknowledge themselves as Jews, CANCEL EXPULSION DECREE groins and famine, which hotnan brfor Macedonian autonomy.. With the cial personages in connection with his Merchants Conference, in third anwhile 21 per cent registered as CzechoVienna. {J. T. A.) A request thai- ings In.tLe Ukraine- have undergone institution of these measures and the work in Athens. Mr. 'Morgenthaa nual session in Warsaw, has adopted pler of the Laenderbank and Chaircent as GerG Mayor Seitz abolish the decree pro- in the past eight years, 1 cannot k~promise that they will'be continued, comes to London at the telegraphed a resolution to the effect that it will man of the Austrian Keren Hayesod. slovakjans and 14 per mans. . mulgated some time ago against Gali- lieve that we vrill deny them that hel* the fear .of the Jewish population "has request of Sir Eric" Drummond, Gen- participate in the forthcoming Procian Jews, referring to the decree as •which may truly bring- them into * been .allayed. The Comitadjis had eral Secretary of the League of Na- Palestine Conference. The members PlIXLEVE DELIVERS BETHLEK REPORTED TO anti-social and anti-democratic, is promised land." made heavy demands of'money from tions. He will report to the League's of the Merchants Conference comprise HAVE DECIDED ON MORE STRONG ZIONIST ADDRESS the Jews, threatening reprisals if "the Council soon. Mr. Mbrgenfhaa de- a class which has hitherto been either LIBEBAL JEWISH POLICY contained in a memorandum submitParis. (J. T. A.) Support of the money was not forthcoming. clares that of the 100,000 refugees non-Zionist or altogether opposed to Jewish National Fund was strongly Budapest. (J. T. A.) The corre- ted to the Mayer by a delegation of HAYESOD HO R about half have already been provided Zionism. urged by H. Paul Painleve, former spondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Jewish Councillors. T"he delegation, KEREN "was headed 'by- M. Plsschkes, I MOLB SPECIAL ZIONIST LIBRARY PLUNDERED; -with work and the million pounds Prime Minister of France, in an ad- Agency has learned fronts reliable Tlse -local" Roren Hayesod *'ilt GERER CHASIDIM ARRESTED loaned the Commission by the Bank of JEWS WOUNDED IN ANTIdress here recently. M. Painleve em- authority that Count Bethlen, Pre- vras well received by the Mayer who Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Zionist l i - England is being 'used to provide phasized the necessity for encourag- mier- of Hungary, has definitely de- promised mitigation of the expulsion a special roeetsng Sunday SEMITIC EXCESSES, SAY hrary of Nasielsk, near Warsaw, was tools, animalsand other, requisites for REPORTS FROM AGRAM ing Judaism throughout the world to cided to isssgerate a more liberal practices. Included also in the mea- March £4r at the Jevish C plundered and 650 volumes, were, de- reconstruction. Vienna. (J. T. A.) Reports- from favor Palestine. "Israel gave tha policy .with regard to Jews, including orauctvnn vrerc requests for citizenship Ce?iter, to make arrangement*; for fcbs stroyed. The orthodox Sdilomeh Isreligion and civilization. All a Taosificatjon of iho numeros clau- for every applicant without a pri?on Kerpn Hayesod Money ll&ifeing C With regard to'tlie unrest In Mace- Agram, Jugoslavia, are to the effect d a lovr interest rate for credits paignto bp held here tJie, efirly rael is Suspected of complicity and 15 donia, Mr. Moigenthatt made the that a number of Jews were wounded peoples should co-operate for the es- sus, bat-as early as next semester, it persons, the majority -of whom are statement tnat if Greece Greece" Trere to to bebe as a result of snti-Semitic demonstra- tablishment of -their National Horae- is said, Jewish stn dents will be ad- from the Viennese Municipal Loan of April. Committees witl be Serer. Chasid"im, have been placed un- come stabilized Macedonia would re- tions organised there by the Nation- The fate of the Jewish nation is an mitted to the universities In a more Society for purchasers and industrial- pointed and all pla«s wfli be pleted. der .arrest historical scandal," Paialeve sa^d. liberal proportion, alist organization, Orjuna. main quiet

Omaha Hebrew Oub to Hold Annual Affair at Auditorium

Congressman 'Attacks . . Ford: for "

Large€bfl Ataisfet

MassMeetings to be Held for Haver for County Assessor

Pr. J.




- * ,.

The God of right continued to up-were won by the Mesdames Reuben H. rusalem and the house of Jacob was The .Purim. Play will be given by ing at the Shul Sunday, March 16. hold the cause of righteousness. Ju- Brown, E. Marcus and S. H. Katelman, the Temple Sunday School pupils The following officers were elected:". dishonored. But this was by no means.the end; das was' a warrior such as the house and the Messrs. K. H. Borwn, E. Marmore sorrowful days were1 in stoTe of Israel had not known since the cus and Harry Cohen. A green color Sunday, March 23. The play has president, Lena Shapiro; vice-presPublished every ihursdny at Omaha," Nebraska, by been under the direction of Miss ident, Thtlma Shalah; secretaryr for Judea. In the very next year, -on days of David. Invisible strength THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. the 25th day of Kislev* Antiochus seemed to emanate from him, and he scheme was used. Elsie Poska. Esther Svartz; treasurer, Hilda GerOffice: 4&2 Brandeis ^Theatre - Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. again entered Jerusalem, sacked the imbued all those who surrounded him stein; and sargcant-at-arms. Hazel with his dauntless courage. Filled Mrs. William Bernstein entertained city, and destroyed all of the Temple NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Fogelson anbut the Sanctuary, This he preserved" with deep religious fervor, he placed at six tables of bridge at her home nounce the marriage of their son, Wishnow. The entertainment com..$2.50. mittee is as follows: Helen Garson, for a worse fate. For in the very ,his faith not on his sword, which was Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Subscription Price, one yearAdvertising, rates furnished on application. spot, where for more than 800 years mighty in itself, but on God's help, Sara Kushner, an April bride-to-be. Ben, to Miss Bertha Enghold. The Edith Leabman, Hazel Wishnow, and cople were married in Council Bluffs Sarah Hill. the one God of the world had been praying to Him before each decisive CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please glvo both the oM and new aaaress; reverenced, Antiochus made, a burnt action. He was a true hero in Israel. be elite ahd" give your name. Mrs. H. Meyerson will entertain March 17. offering of the flesh of swine and Daily the number of Judas' followers increased as victory after victory this- evening at her home in honor of The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish set up a statue of Jupiter. Monday evening, the Bazaar Com- Miss Ella Cohn has returned from Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Then did this malevolent king issue marked his progress. One battle re- Mrs. M. Grossman of Manhattan, mittee at the Shostak home. a visit -with her parents in Columbus, to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. an edipt w^th intent to wipe the Ju- mains for alltime in history. This Kas., and Mr. and Mrs. H. NathanNebraska. was in 166 when the armed forces of Inquiries regarding news item3 credited to this Agency will be gladly deans; ioreyermore from the earth. The Bazaar will be held at the K, answered if «addressed to Jewish Telegraphic -Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, Judaism was-no longer, to be prac- Antiochus assembled on the plain at son. Mr. tmd Mrs-. Joe Einstein, of Raticed; pagan altars were set up in Emmaus, to crush the JMaccabeans. So C. Hall Thursday afternoon, March New York City, Mrs. S. H. Katelman entertained a 20, and a dance will be held in the paho, Nebr., were in Lincoln visitevery city and in every village 'at confident were the Syrians of victory which the Judeans were ordered to that they brought with them slave- few friends at her home Monday even- evening. ing friends and relatives Mondajry MOR4UTY AND NATIONS pay homage to the gods of the Greeks. traders prepared to buy the Jews ing. Prizes were won "by Miss FanMarch 17. The left for Chicago on whom they expected to take captive. It is well to keep in. mind that there is only one ultimate force Overseers were appointed to insure nie Katelman and Mrs. L. S. BraunTuesday to attend the wedding of It was a fearful time for Judas, but Mrs. J. Shapiro has returned from obedience to the king's edict, under that can be used in the settlement of disputes, and that ia moral penalty of death. "Judaism and the his heart failed not. stein. their niece. Des Moines, Iowa, after an extended force,. There is only one court of last appeal, and that is the children of. Israel were to be no more. Calling all hfs soldiers about him; visit with her daughter, Mrs. John court of public'opinion.' Agreements, international and otherwise, You know what happened. Force Judas Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman enterorganized a solemn assembly in Mr. Morris Friend, who has been Bernstein. have but one cementing element and that is the moral integrity was met by fortitude, murder by mar- the mountain city of Mizpah, where tained over 100 guests at a dinner in the past three months of -the contracting parties. An appeal to physical force settles tyrdom, inhumanity by heroism. Jews 900 years before the prophet Samuel party at their home Sunday evening The Young Girls held their meet- willCalifornia arrive home Sunday, March 23. had also assembled thepeople to sethere were, recreant Jews, who bore nothing.-- Slavery^went not because of the Civil War, but because the yoke.of Antiochus and submitted lect a leader against an enemy who in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their it was wrong.. Armies and navies cannot establish permanently to his' orders. But there were Jews was planning the destruction of Is- son, Abe. Several musical numbers an evil institution, and, by the same token, they cannot destroy who -were Jews—who remained loyal rael. were given during the evening \>y one. These things go out. of our social life because they cannot live to themselves and their God, "and who In mourning garments^ with prayers rs; Chas. Endelman and Mrs. Philip • , and with fasting, the whole army lis- Trochtenberg. in a social order that repudiates them. Even the police have no died'for their faith. Eleazor, a patriarch of our people, tened to Judas' exhortations to valor authority because they are police but because they represent that a martyr's death, Hannah, and devotion. And under the spell of Miss Rina Snyder entertained at which the community recognizes as just. Armies only have such suffered mother of seven stalwart sons, or(Continued on page 4) Fasten Block "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th & Farnam her home last Monday evening in power as they have' because ideals are called to their aid. We dered them to die rather than, forsake honor of Miss Gertrude Marks, an their faith, and then herself bared her aroused the nation to light by an appeal to a moral ideal. We are the death-blow. Many more April bride-to-be, and Mrs. Sidney now realizing that no moral ideal can be sustained by force of breast'to such there were, heroic martyrs, who Lightstone of Detroit, Mich., who is arms. Peace among nations will come only as it is recognized that suffered and died for their Judaism. visiting here. A green and white color all reliance upon anything other than the power of ideas in the And yet there was no one man, who Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyereon, 600 hearts of men is futjle. ; Democracy presupposes that every ques- by some decisive action, would gather Roosevelt avenue, will be at home to scheme was used. him all those of heroic mould all their relatives and friends Suntion can1 bfe stated' in moral ternis- The only division on such around and majestic 1 spirit to take arms day, March 23, from 3 to 5, and from Miss Minnie Friedman entertained (questions that has any meaning must rest on differences in opinion against the foe and save Judaism from Tuesday evening at bridge at her $ to 10'p. m., in honor, of the Bar . . in regard to the relation' of' these questions -to public welfare, extermination. home in honor of Miss Gertrude Mitzvah of their son, Leo. There was no such man until on a ffhese facts seem to us selfevident. They are a part of the history Maries, a bride-to-be. A lavendar color daj£-a day carrying the destiny of a of mankind. And yet we have the spectacle of ministers of religion mighty spiritual movement in its bo- The Mesdames Henry Maduff and scheme was used, and beautiful favors insisting that civilization depends on force of arms and appealing som, one of the King's overseers came S. Cohen will be hostesses to a public in the form of dolls were given all the These new Norfolk suits in to material power to support their aims. Therefore there remains to the village of Modin to compel the card party given next Tuesday after- guests. mixtures of tan, gray or brown, . the great task of convincing men that moral power is the only Jews there to do as the king had noon, March 25, at the home of Mrs. that every boy likes because of real power in the affairs of men to shape and mould the destiny commanded. the mannish appearance, are Now there dwelt in Modin an aged Cohen, 908 Fifth avenue. Everyone of the race.—Unity. . ' • appropriate for school and man named Mattathias the Hasmon- is invited to attend. ean, a priest in Israel, father of five dress-up wear. Tailored of : The Menorah Society held a meetsons, John* Simon, Judas, Eleazor and sturdy tweeds with two pairs The Council of Jewish Women will FOR JNIEN MAY COME A N D MEN MAY GO Jonathon: Because of the priestly lin- hold a meeting next Thursday after- ing Sunday, March 16. Dean Buck knickers. Sizes 7 to IS years. Now that Muscle Shoals has drawn benevolent Mr. Ford into eage of this father and his sons, and Exceptional values at $14.50 because of their great piety, they were noon^ March 27, at the home of Mrs. spoke on the literary aspects of the the limelight one more, it will be of some interest to note that the highest repute among loyal Ju- J. Katelman, 417. Oakland avenue. Bible and brought out the fact that -Dearborn magnate has by no means deserted his anti-Semitic deans, and had many admirers. Know- Mrs. S. Nathan of Omaha will speak, the Bible was really a library conventure. ings this admiration, but unaware of and all members are urged to attend. taining poetry, prose, fiction, and In an interview given out at his Wayside Inn near Boston its-cause, the king's emmissaries dehistory. that Mattathias begin the pafor Boys 3 to 8 : years some weeks ago, when, his genuine Nordic New England merry manded Mrs. Sam Meyerson will entertain worship, hoping thereby to have Styles in the Popular Vestee, Eaton Norfolks in the making was at its height, the kindly old Dearborn gentleman gan: all the village follow his example. thirty-five boys at her home Saturday The Hebrew Educational Society finest all wool novelty materials ana blue serges. 1 stated to a Boston American representative that through his But Mattathias refused, saying afternoon in honor of the Bar Mitzvah held a meeting and dance Sunday Peace Ship journey he had learned that "the Jews not only ran "Though all the people in all the of her son, Leo. evening, March 16. ... ^ ..• provinces of the King listen unto Anthe world, but the Jews are the ones who started the war." tiochus and every man in Israel forThis is as true as the paragraph contained in one of the sakes the law of his ancestors, and Mrs. E. Marcus entertained her Mr. Sam Krechefsky returned to many recent Ford biographies, stating that the generous magnate though the King give, hislhouse full of Bridge club at her home last Wednes- Lincoln from Council Bluffs Saturday to Tisit his parents. ' T neither I,.nor mysons, day'afternoon. of Dearborn had returned his war .contract- »rofit$, to the United gold*and-silyer ti»» -aside -from the law; D £ the States Government. ' ' r1 / > ' " ~-.: -s-" will Mrs. Bricker was given a surprise Eternal God." Helen Steinberg, daughter of Smart little Oliver Twist suits with pure linen, poplin or • It is as true as the witness stand oration of that" ardent And when one of the Judeans a_ Mr.Miss and Mrs. Simon •. Steinberg, cele- party Thursday afternoon, March 13, "Gaberdine" wash tops and blue serge button-on pants. admirer of Henry Ford, Heir von Ludendorff, whilom chieftain Broached the altar to sacrifice the brated her eleventh birthday Sunday and was presented with a set of Cleverly styled for S to S years. of the pogrom hooligan brigade of Munich, who at his recent flesh of swine on it,, the aged Mat- by; inviting twelve of her young silver by her friends. tathias seized his sword, rushed upon trial on the charge of treason emitted a. blast against the Jews the" arid killed him. His sons friends to the matinee at the Broadthat distinctly resembled the output of the Dearborn organ a t fell apostate xipon thea Kins^s. troops.and slew y- theater, followed Jay, refreshments i t s g u t t e r b e s t . - ..-•.,!,.•.:. .-'-:.-.-•.•••••-. •.•.,,...,........, -.;:....-.• them, "Then"''' 'fbllo^td •-': Mattathiasl'at piffin's soda shop, r.The guest list Mr. Ford recalls the Peace Ship. It is nought but "a mem- challenge;—a battle cry whose rever- included Eose Brandeis, Euth Bernberationsliave echoed for 2;l00 years; ory now and as a Congressman aptly noted at the recent Muscle and 1520 Douglas St. 'will- e$hcK.tfoau£haut..;alL.. tiff... stein, Marian Katlemarr; Mildred MeyShoals debate, the only person whom Ford succeeded in keeping "Whoever"' '/•'• Upstairs is zealotis f of the I£w,"and erspn, Helen WhitebookiiRuth^hyken, out of the trenches' was his son, valiantMr. Edsil ToixL whosoever wishes to support the Cov- Florence Whitebook> JEporenee Stein- : We employ experts on raarcelinc, the Lord."follow me:" tacials.l shampooing, hairdressing, manHappy events like the Peace Argosy excursion and the' Nordic enant; of follow him they did, just a, few berg, Lteo Meyerson, William Wolfson, icuring, and scalp treatments. fiesta at Wayside Inn must end, but the tongue of the babbles at Ani5 Of Course You'll Want bu$ ^r^uaTly,in..ey^rr3ric5^Sr Hftrpld Kroloff and Leo. Nogg;i . : •"•• Shampooing. 50 cents. of Dearborn Appear* to-wag .on fo>ever.—"Jewish Independent." ing;fi%t, numbers, followed Jhim into the to See 1 caves? where he hid-witii his sons" un- : jMr. and Mrs. L. • S: Braunstein en- - Reasonable prices on all works. teVtained at five, tables of bridge-at til he.xcould give battlei to. the enemfollowed him.onto the plains-arid into their home Sunday evening. Prizes the fortified"cities where he met the MRS. B. E. EOSS SYLVIA FOX I enemy and defeated him.: Proprietors. BY SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER Think of .these brave soldiers of Delivered at B'nai B'rith open meeting. God. Picture them as they were—• men. untrained in the use of amis, but men of peace, students of the Holy Twenty-one hundred years ago An- restored it to independence. .Girls for General Store Work. tiochus Epiphanes was King in Syria _ Five hundred years. Barnes great Scriptures. Unfed,-half-naked, living Call at Central Market at 1608 •] and ruler of the Jews. And although m history, names imperishable through in caves,,these men-relied for victory : Harney St. notion Superior; pumberg nor superior for mare than four hundred years the the ages, are linked inseparably with Jews had been a tributary nation, they the story of Palestine and its people equipment, bufc.solely,; on .their faith "The Store of Individual Shops" had never known during all these cen- during that time. Mighty monarchs, in their leader and their trust in God, Paxton Block 16th and Farnam turies a master so tyrannous and powerful armies, nations of antiquity, And wonder of wonders, daily their cruel as' Antiochus. sweep across this narrow strip of number grew. ,. i' • * :" r" " Thus when Mattathias' died in the Sad indeed had been the historjr of land, from east to west and back E. M. KAIEST the Jews during the four centuries im- again, playing with it and its people, year 167 he left behind him a Jewish Teacher of Dance and Orchestra mediately preceding the reign of An- using it as a pawn in the great chess arniy, and a leader fit t o command Piano Playing tiochus. Sadder still was it to be game of nationalistic ambition, rob- the mightiest legions in the world during the eleven years of his power, bing and despoiling it, and finally His son Simon he,appointed counsel- MICKEt, BLDC, 13th and Horsey St, " years. turbulent with • strife and an-casting it to the four comers of the lor, and for "general; of the forces he . , themes: Studio At-43G1; named his thirp^son, Judas Maccaguish; -when the handful of peoples earth. Sunday's At. 43G2; .Ecs. At. 3210. occupying their land of promise, were ,, Listen to the roll of the names of beas. driven before the force of this manys the of Judah. See them \yhimp as a tiny vessel is tossed about with conquerors. their mighty forces, footmen and upon a stormy sea. . - . horsemen, chariots, steeds and eleBut the last year of his reign wit- phants, with all their trappings of nessed a. miracle'in'Israel. The vic-gold and treasure and all the panoply tories of the Maccabees in the year of war and spoliation, as they stride 165 brought to the Jews in Palestine arrogantly across 'the" pages of Israthe promise of a new" life, as a rain- el s history during these -five cenbow after a storm gives promise of turies.peace and tranquility.' In the refulNecho, king "of Egypt, Nebuchadgence of that rainbow of hope which nezzer, /""* OOD news for thousands of men and young king of Chaldea, Cyrus of Perspanned the horizon of the Jew's 2,100 sia, Xerxes, Philip of Macedon, Alex^-^ men who want. good clothes. Hart .years ago, we today still flourish. ander the "Great, the Ptolemies of ' To. tell you that the Maecabeans Egypt, Seleucus, and finally the kings Schaffner:.& Marx new spring styles are ready rose against Antiochus and ended his of Antioch in Syria. And of all the tyranny is not enough. You must" nionarchs to whom the. Judeans - paid —They're here exclusively in Omaha for Spring - faiowsomethinjrof-theiprevjous 'his- homage; arfd>:tribute1 with money and 1924. The Nebraska is equipped to show them tory of the years, -and of the condi- with-" blood during these ^500" ygars, tions of life and the philosophy of none was more vengeful, nor more as they should be shown! the age in which they "found them- malicious than he who i s known in - selves to properly appreciate just history asy Antifichuf Epiphanes. what it was that these five stalwart Five hundred years—and no great ; sons of Mattathias, worthy sons of a leader appears among the Jews,*who, They represent first pick of-the finest imported worthy sire, did for us. like a second Moses, would take the More than. 1,500 years,, passed children of God out of- their captivity, and domestic woolens. They introduce the "• since the tribes of* Israel had so cour- A great leader who would combine renew style features for Spring 1924. The new ageously and hopefully entered Pales- ligious fervor with material-prowess tine under their brave leader,- Joshua!. was lacking. models, new colors, new weaves. -. One thousand of these years-had theyFor the-spirit-of the people was dwelt J n the land of their fathers," a broken./ The dignity and the majesty .free people, devoting themselves to the of the name "Judean"-was a memory , ^cultivation of the purest philosophy of —a pure, undefiled and. unsullied JuNebraska's year 'round lower price policy gives i life, and religion that the world had dea existed uoi-longer among the na> you H a r t Scoaffner '•& Marx .Clothes at lowest ever known, ^rora a few wandering tions. ' pastoral tribes the children of Abraang customs, alien philosophies possible prices now—at the opening of the .. ham had become a nation, command- of life, foreign influences of religious ing respect and admiration of all the thought~ and wordly actions seeped - —that fashionable season—when you want new clothes—the most ,:powers of its day. The Temple had into - and absorbed the minds and women will accept hearts of the Judeans. - been built, the laws of God' were, the for vour money every day in the year here. joyously! laws of the Jand. Civilization of the Five .hundred years and still no mind and the soul was being cradled leader to. set the-people; free,, and . —coats that adopt ; and natured here, when allnround.was purge them >f -their, tjncleanliness. new lengths , new Sec Our Farnam Street Windows .,„ paganism and the debasement of the Such was th"e condrtjoh pf the Jews, collars, new trim.spirit-of man." - ". when in-the .'year 169, fresh from a mings, new fabrics, '' • Then, on an ill-fated • day in the victory- over the Egyptians, his heart year 60S, abnpst 1,000 years jafterthe, swollen with pride «nd arrogance, his to intrigue your inchildren of Israel had settled in the Drain .in a frttioultous whirl of power. terest*. attacked , Jerusalem and Promised Land, Jpsiah,,last, king -of. .Antiochus v Judahy gave battfe -to' the- Egyptian massaeredc.the .inliabitaals..-: -Ebr^ap his way into the Temple, he entered armies and was .defeated. OMAHA. Thus, Israel and ite kingdom, the the-Holy ^f.Holies, and-desponled the golden vessels of the temple service, Kingdpin of Judahy came under for- blaspheming sCOEftECT AFPASFL FOB WBJJ AND WOMEN the God' of Israel. pfen rifle, to remain so £ov_ almost , .-A-ve3- of. grief .was <frawa over Je-'




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The Nebraska's Exclusive Oinalia Showing

Hart Schaffner











lin and Mr. J. Belmont on the violin; Jewish Telegraphic - Agency^- during make Palestine the centre of HcbH># a short -story was read by Mr. M.the election, ra<a pianifesto tying the book publishing smd to establish ft Lashinsky. An unusually interesting Labor Party to the Jewish "garbar- modern printing plant in the HomeThe Council of Jewish Women will Stanley Simon, Ben Stein, Leon Eats, and unique program will be presented dine," and that the only chance of the land. observe its annual Council Sabbath on and special -prayers wSl be given by at the Ptirim entertainment, to be British forces getting out of Baghdad Saturday morning, March 22, at 10:30 Hermine Hershman and Marie Klein. given by the League this Saturday and JerusaJem is the return of the SEPHAEDIC WOMEN Special musical numbers -will include at Temple Israel. ORGANIZE IN GREECE the Temple Israel School Orchestra, evening, March 22, at the Labor Ly- Conservative Party to power. The Sixteen pupils of the Sabbath School Salonika. (J. T. A.) An organisaceum, at 8:30. All the members End statements of the I>aily Express are of Temple Israel will participate in which is directed by Mr. Abraham their friends are cordially invited and regarded in well informed circles as tion of the Sephardic women, called the program; they axe Betty Forth, Kohn, a -vocal solo by- Miss Helen urged to attend. There will be no merely political posing and a bid for the Jewish Women's League, has been Florence Wolf, Pansy Brown, Ruth Kiekes, andW'duet by Miss Ceiia Fei- meeting this Sunday, March 23. ~ _ snti-Zionist rotes for the Conserva- established here. This is a note-" worthy event because it is tin first Frisch, Eose Mayerowitch, Herman ler and Miss Laura Goetz. Eabbi tives. organization of Jewish women here Eosenblatt, Lawrence Simon, Frieda Frederick Cohn will then-deliver a Entertain Members ©f for social activitjr, the Sepfaardie BIALIK AND LEVIN WILL Bolker, Harold Saxe, Hermine Green, sermon en "The Princess Sabbath." Women's Organisation "• ESTABLISH PUBLISHINGwomen being by tradition and disposiMiss Sadye Drevich, daughter «f WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS In Honor of Mr. and : B'NAI B'RITH AUXtion Very retiring. HOUSE IN JERUSALEM Mr. and Mrs. H. Drevich, entertained BADANES-KONECKY. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Spiegal announce Mrs. S. H. Schaefer ILIARY 'ENTERTAIN" the members of the Young Women's Berlin. (J. T. A.) Cfaaim Nachman Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Konecky Trill en- the engagement of their daughter, Among the. social affairs that Itave AT BRIDGE PARTY Business Association Tuesday even- Bi&lik, the well known Hebrew, poet, When Thinking'of Mens* Hats tertain at an informal reception at Frances, to Mr. Abe Bessel, son of been and are being given in honor of ing- with several vocal selections, ac- and Schmarya Levin, noted Hebrew .their liotne Sunday, March 23, from Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bessel, of this Mr. and Mrs. Sanmel Schaefer prior In honor of the bride-elects and companied by Miss Euth Eorkwood, a and Jewish author, "will proceed to Jeor Furnishings 3 to 5 p. m., in honor of the mar- city. The wedding will take place to their departure for Denver nest newly married members of the Aux- music teacher at the Gmaha Technical rusalem on Msrch 21, transferring REMEMBEIt riage of their daughter, Miriam, to during the month of June. month are the following: : iliary of the B'nai B'rith, the organ- High School, who recently coached their publishing houses of Moria, Mr. August Badanes, of Mt. Vernon, 1421 DOUGLAS ST. .Miss- Eose Bernstein and. Mr. Na-ization is entertaining at a bridge the operetta, "The Wild Eose," in Dwir and Ewer, which have been unitN. Y, The marriage took place Fri- Dr. and Mrs. M. Margolin announce than Bernstein entertained at dinner party Wednesday evening, March 27, which Miss Drevich played an im- ed into one company. Bialifc has sn- JOE I/. WOLF SAM N. TTOI.P the birth of a baby son on Monday, day, February 8, at New York. notmeed that it is his intention te at their home on Saturday, March 8. at the: Jewish Community Center. portant part as "Bobby," the messenMarch 17; Last Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs.Prizes will be given at every table. ger boy. Miss Drevieh has been tak. COLTON-FOBBES; The' • marriage of Miss Gertrude Mrs. David Cohn and Miss Bess ing vocal lessons from Miss Cecelia Mr. and Mrs. Morton. ;Dege.n are Harry Lapidus had eighteen dinner guests at their home with Mr. - and Greenberg are chairman cf the com- Feiler for more than a year. ForbcE) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. now visiting; in. Atlantic;-City; ,\ Mrs. Schaefer' as guests of honor. A mittee in charge of this entertainForbes, to Mr, Michael Colton, of this Rabbi Frederick Cohn is in Fre- novel interest was given this fraction ment. city, -will be solemnized Sunday evenFAMOUS ARCHITECT TO ing:, March 23, at the home of the montj Nebr., today, where he will as the date marked the fifth anniREJECT NEW BUILDINGS TETA MO NEWS. bride's parents before the presence of lecture on the Purim Festival. Rabbi versary of Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer's IN PALESTINE The next regular meeting of the about one hundred Telatives and Cohn- will be at the University of wedding day. Berlin. (J. T. A.) Alexander BaerMissouri to '^address the Jewish StuFriday evening Mr. and Mrs. Her-Yeta Mo News club will be held Sun- wald, the architect who buiit the Haifriends of the couple. Eabbi J. M. dents on "Modernism, FundamentalCharlop •will officiate. Miss Forbes ism, and Judaism". March 25; he has man Auerbaeh will entertain at din- day, arch 23, at the Jewish Commu- fa Technical School.and High School, •will have as her bridesmaids the been asked to address the members ner at their home for Mr. and Mrs. nity Center a t 2;S0. At its last reg- has left for Palestine where he is to Misses Eva Friedman and Ann Min- of the Women's .Club on."The Book Schaefer, and on Saturday afternoon ular meeting the Ye Te Mo held two erect the most imposing and largest kin, and the Messrs. Isadore Soskin of Job", and Aprill, he .will.address Mrs. Harry Malashock is giving a debates which took care of the literr building in Palestine. He will also and Jack Forbes will be the jjrooms- them on "The. Literature of the bridge-luncheon at the Braadels res- ary part of the meeting. Members direct the building of a new markettaurants-for Mrs. Schaefer. have been assigned to look up great place in Jerusalem. men. Prophets of Israel". April 3, he will Mrs. Flora Eosenstock will have Jewish men and report on them at Mr. Colton and his bride will leave lecture the district conference of the this couple as her dinner guests on the meetings. .. ANTI-ZIONIST, ENGLISH for a short honeymoon trip, and upon State Federation of Women's Clubs Sunday evening, and on the following Republican Candidate A banquet is to he given soon in PAPEB DEMANDS WTTHtheir, return will make their home with on "Social Conditions in Omaha". Friday Mr. and Mrs. David Eosen- honor of the club's basketball team. • BEAWAL FBOM PALESTINE the bride's parents. for v. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kirschbrauh stock will entertain at dinner in their London. (J. T. A.) The Daily Exhonor. AUFLEBUNG CLUB. LONDOK-MANDALL. arrived Saturday from Los Angeles, press, in. an editorial, again demands The.;AufIebung will hold its next the withdrawal of the British forces The marriage of Miss Fannie Man- Calif., and are stopping at the BlackRabbi J. M. Charlop will deliver his dell, of Newport, Ark., to Mr. Sol stone Hotel. sermon this Friday evening at the regular: meeting Sunday, March. 23, from Palestine and Mesopotamia, tleLondon, of this city; took place ThursB'nai Jacob Synagogue, at nine o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. claring that the holding of Palestine Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky returned 1 on "The Significance of Purim". Musical and literary .numbers have is a monstrous invasion, • maing the day, January 31, .at Little Hock, ArkMr, and Mrs. London are now mak- last Tuesday from Des Moines, la., Saturday morning he will speak a t been .prepared., At the masquerade Arab population subservient' to a ing their home in Omaha, and several where she had been visiting with her j the B'nai srael Synagogue, 18th and party which theL organization held re- handful of Jews by means of the Seared .and educated fax •entertainments have been given in daughter, Mrs. Lewis Spiwak, and Mr.! Chicago Streets, a t ten o'clock on centlx_about three handred_,members bayonet. The editorial further states their- honor. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spiwak. During her three week's visit "The Very Danger of the Existence of and guests attended and prizes for the that Henderson's statement to the most .original costumes were awarded Frohm entertained at a bridge party there she was quite extensively enter- the Jews." tained. Mr. Kulakofsky spend the to the; Misses Bessie Levinson and As & taxpayer he fcnows at their home for sixty guests SunMr. I. Forbes was elected a dele- Julia Wise, and Mr. Harry Glasman. Batteries Brnnsirick Tires day evening. Prizes were won by •week-end in Des Moines returning what it means to pay taxes. gate to represent the local Jewish , Batteries rechargea in one flay Mesdames Geo. Steinberg, Sam Eo-with Mrs. Kulakofsky. Klaver has had four years Yousem Battery & H r e Co. senbloom, M. E. Levin and Messrs. Ed.' Mrs. A. Forman will entertain Sun- Workers' Alliance at the National JEWISH CULTURE Convention in Philadelphia, Pa^ on 81S Xorth 18th at Cumins St. LEAGUE OF OMAHA Fredericks, Sam Epsenhloom and Paul day evening at dinner for thirty of actual experience as Boatt Serrice Any Place M a y 1 . - •-•• - . : • - .•'.-•.. An open meeting of the Culture Krone Atltrattc 06GS. * Wohlner. couples to celebrate her birthday. Deputy County Assessor. League was held last Sunday, March Entertainments are, already being 16, at the Labor Lyceum,with pracMr; and Mrs. B. E. Boss entertained He is capable and taxpayers Mr. Frank D. Eubel, of Minneapolis, ; twenty guests, friends of their daugh- Minn., spent the week-end here with given for Miss Gertrude Mars, of tically-all the members and a-Btm- Office Tione JAcfcfeon S12S can. be assured of an lionest ter, Lydia, in honor of her f onrteenth his daughter, MTS. Edwin Kirsch- Council Bluffs, who is soon to be ber of "people interested were present. married to Mr. Mayer Cohn, of this The following program was presented and efficient administration. birthday Saturday evening at their braun. Clothier after the regular business was transcity. Miss Madalyne Cohn was hoshome. ; Fall.Dress SsUs and Tuxedos Numerous entertainments have been tess at her home last -Saturday-after- acted: A talk on Purim was given by of the' given this -week for Mr. and- Mrs..I*, noon, at a. MahJsng party,. JiEssjIina Mr. Harry pfeffer,a musical number ^ .-• . Moved from 109 Ko. ICth St. to JBkwk. 15th i XJocplss Sis. "Hatikv'oh Girls will be held Sunday Eichards, of SanJose, Calif., formerly Snyder entertained Monday afternoon £y!Mr: George Stoler on the" mando- 203 • KirehacbOMAHA, XEBR. afternoon, March 23, at the Jewish of Omaha, who are the house guests for Miss Marx, and Mrs. Harry EoCommunity Center. of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kulakofsky. Mr. senfeld will entertain at a luncheon you want to buy a and Mrs. Kulakofsky received at their at her home Saturday in honor of her Mrs. Max Fromkin and Miss Lioby Itome Friedeti "were fleeted to represent the home Tuesday evening for their brother's bride-to-be. guests. Mr. Eichards is leaving U'niJi B'rith Auxiliary at tine annual The Jewish Women's Welfare, card yoa want to sell convention of the B'nai B'rith to be Saturday evening for the visit party and get-together ^entertainment, your home relatives prior to leaving for Europe, hc-id-Jhe latter <part of May in Sioux 310 North 16th St. and during that time Mrs. Eichards to be given Wednesday afternoon, * City, .la, you need any kind April 2, at the Brandeis Grill Room, For This Week will visit here. _ of insurance— will be the first public entertainment A. Wolf is at the Wise MemorWeenies 3©£ Ib. ial Hospital, having been injured re- . Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzman given this year by the organization. Salomi u.40£ Ib. C a l l returned Thursday from a two week's .Entertainment for-those,who do not cently in an automobile accident. Thick BaIonL_____.3O^ Ib. stay in Colorado Springs, Colo. play cards has also been planned. •£or We are the exclusive agents Mr.-and Mrs. M. Blank, of Sioux Miss Margaret Kolberg, age ten, for Kosher Star Products of City, la., spent the past several days Eesl Estate and lasarasce in Omaha, stopping at "the Blackstone piano pupil of Stanley Jan Letovsky, PATRONIZE OUEADVERTISERS! 412 Keeline BMg. Chicago, El. Plione AT.S98S Hotel. While here they celebrated and Miss Celia Zier, age twelve, their twenty-eighth wedding anniver- Master Leon Katz, age twelve, violin JVIONHEIT'S Est. 1S9Q, sary. Mr. Leo Blank entertained at pupils of Frank Mach, will be presentMODEKN CHIROPODY a dinner party Saturday evening at ed in a joint recital at the Schmoller AND BEAUT! SHOP. Permanent wnvinss and the Blackstone • in their honor. Mr. & Mueller Auditorium on Tuesday marcellns, n Specialist In eacJi department. and "Mrs. A. Cunningham entertained evening, March -25, at 8:15. Miss For appointment call a t the Fontenelle Hotel Friday even- Celia Zier will he accompanied by Miss on :s&le. at the Ja-ckson 9774. 16th and Farnaia Atlantic 1702 Ground floor 1513 Barney. ing in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Blank. - Libby Zier, and Master Leon Katz will be accompanied by Miss Evelyn Vore. s a Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kaplan reThursday afternoon, March 27, at turned home Sunday from a five months' stay in California. -. the Jewish Conxjiunity Center from one to lour o'clock, has been set by Friends of Mrs. M. Frieden enter- the Jewish Women's Welfare OrganGobd Work Guaranteed tained at a surprise Mah Jongg party ization -as^the second meeting for the Parents who demand the Inferences Furnished if B best and -who know -what at the home of Mrs. Frieden Monday sewing of layetes and children clothes. r CALL L. MANDEL the KIDDIE SHOP SERVevening. Atlantic 5440 Mrs. DoUie Elgutter will be in charge. 1919 Burt St. ICE means, seldom consider any other source for The Hatikvoh Girls entertained at their children's clothes. a party Stmday evening, March 16, at Always, we present the the home of Miss Bertha Cohn. They most complete stpek of : had as their guests the members of children's wear In the the A. Z. A. MiddleWest—from the inexpensive to the most exME. E. A. JNeheVof Cleveland, 0,, clusive. of 'New York : We have' the "largest assortwas in Omaha this -sveekias the guest ment of dainty French are presenting the ^ell-known ' ..: of Mr...M. B. Rueben, of the GoldFrocis—for Miss 2 to 6. Etein-rChapman Co. Jewish Eastern Plavers , •"~C . They may be as low in price assortas $1.95, Tanging to $7.95. Spring Mrs. .J. Cohn and daughter, Eva, f . Every little garment has. the ments are ready 3. Jacob Cone, Jeanette Paskowitcji, Sadie will spend the week-end with Mrs. daintiness and "simplicity un- with lovely coats Shoenigold, Rose Cone of every fabric mistakably French. Cohr/s daughter, Mrs. ,Herman Zuber, 1 ' ' " * 8:25 Sharp . "smart young and Mr. Zuber, a t Hastings, Nebr. people are "wearand others in the play ing. Sizes 2 to Miss Lottie Stein -will Teturn home 19. Prices range Of unusual deFriday from a six weeks' eastern trip, signs and love- from—S6.95 to $34.50. visiting'with relatives and friends in ly colors that - -show how-prac- (Coat Illustrated; Philadelphia, New York, Detroit and tical s c h o o l flamingo Chicago*. plaid; clothes can be. tan; price §3.95.) Thursday Evening", March 27 $1.29 to ?&Jo. Mr. Joseph Solomonow, eleven year N e w French A hat to fit eseh old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Solomonow, and Crepes,' Taf- little.face and to of Nashville,-Nebr., formerly of this s fetas, Voiles, match every coat. city* won the championship in the and Silk Dres- Truly the Isrirest ses —- h a n d and mo-si comWashington County Spelling Contest, trimmgd— plete assortment of hats in held in Blair, Nebr., Saturday, March $5.93 to ?S2.3fl. all Omaha. Priced from— 15.. He is now a contestant "in the $1.93 fp 714.95. (Dress illusFriday Evening, March28 trated; . navy (Hat illustrated; cocoa trimtaffeta; price both at the $9.95.) med in lark; prsce $3.95.),, • and'Minnesota, to .he held at 'Elk PoJhVSo. Dakota, May 9, 1924. FOB STYLE, SERVICE, QUALITY, PEICE SHOP IN T g E Bliss Helen Eobinson. spent the weiek-en.d here with her parents," Mr. , Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c and: 50c; pins tax. Mrs. J. B. Robinson. She i s a. rft of the University of Nebraska it Lincoln.*•• v. • - - .-—- ~ ~




Delicatessen Specials

Better Get Them Now



usical Review

Painting and PaperhaEging


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French Dresses

• "'. One -Performance Only





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I • 100 -Yttiw PEOPLE H k wwmmm

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\ 1st 4 ROWS, UM



• TAX Fitee





opened in Haifa by Mohammed Ef- ish Colonization Association. Reports ment of Sir Herbeqrt Samuel in Pal- per was held) has created a painful fendl El Nabulsi.. .Only, cutting' and have-been-received in Jerusalem to the estine" to' the' prejudice of Catholics," atmosphere in the relations between sorting is being carried out. as • pres-; effect that the Palestine Moslem del- Cardinal O'Connel of'Boston, who has f; British authorities and the excles^^j^^Coni^^^f^^^^^i-^^, ent.. Four thousand pounds have.beeir egation has .'left: India and is proceed- just returned from a • trip to Pales- ia=lics, as that question is mutually Judasfbravfiry :a*$-eloquenceT'Ms -war,-, '*We- MuHt" Listen 7ta, We- Crye of ripre'. we/re> jnspirfed.:td: invested in .the establishment of_an ing .to; Angora, from where they will tine, has reported to the Pope, ac- interesting to Italv and the Ho'y actfenj;; action : *f' Cliildteh."—Prank' Jplmson. which^culminated ii»,the pyefwhelming Choose1/fo be 'all--He" wants'" jTou J~£nyelope factory in Haifa and part of; go to Constantinople, Egypt and Pal- cordiag to^an 'article' in\the Giornale See." p d^eat'.of the armies of Antioehusi ; *: the necessary machinery has already estine." ' • • -. *. D'ialia.- - . ''\ ,' . • has'StateM been 'launched -in. ?A But the • Maccabeans; could not yet to be. 1 arrived «in the,country...", , • , i i OA n wcampaign h ^ n ^ i n Ihe! •* THe-newspaper adds that Rope" Pius METULLAH TO BE lay^r down-their ; arms, for; the next 3. Anoint yvour eyes with, the eyePALESTINE TERRITORY 7;to raise;f undsi forthe starving ANGORA ASSEMBLY "is much, impressed by this new proof year -Antipchus. sent vanothet; army salve of trutn^ that .your yi;ypn;.inay Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Metul9 2ren ~ of;,|jeraa&y& : }- ';>%. :,[£ ':-'^-"„.;^ against them. - Buti?igain the enemy be enlarged, that-eternai realities may JEWISH - MERCHANTS-OPEN r . ABOLISHES CALIPHATE -of" a' state of affairs which * already isp decisively ^ ; Qne> of the." strongest ;^pminjttees was defeated,' this^.time • CONFERENCE IN WARSAW - Constantinople. ( J : ,T. A.) The was rvvell known," \ and concludes' by Iah district -which has long been a : that Judas made his way Jerusa- be magnified, iaAyour.experience. \ subject for dispute between Eangland ijthatfever handled a campaign'm Qmat lem, the Holy City. /The into Warsaw.-(Jv T. A.). Three hundred Grand NationalAssembly, sitting town Avas a 4. Be temperate-in all things.- • saying: 'V. ha is directing the worjcpt-raising -desert, hayoc and ruin reigned everyand fifty delegates participated in an here, has -passed a bill for the aboli"Failure to settle the question of and France will, from April 1st. b8 t 5. Set the aerial of your soul" high ; the mdneyCf Mr. Frank*; B< .''JoHqson*. where; the temple was destroyed and so that you may catch the-ins-weeping imposing opening of .the third annual tion_of .the Caliphate and decreed the the cenaculum (where the Last Sup- included in the Palestine territory. This territory was claimed by France J;;©f-'ther Omaha printing; Company, is tHe Holy of Holies desecrated. Quick- messages of the beautiful.- • conference of the Jewish Merchants expulsion of the Sultan. - The bill was the noble defenders of our faith as a part of Syria because the natural i;-chairman, andisr.;Carl .;ft«Gray,jgtes- ly Association here. Guests or honor at passed "only'after a long complicated set to" work to' clean the -Temple of 6. Serve others if you .would have boundary line of Syria extended ident of theUnion pacific System, is its 'pollution, and tomake it fit again a song- of joy upon your* lips and- en- the conference 'were the Polish Min- discussion. . . through it. England, on the other ;vice^haiman. -The ioilowing^ i8 t3ve: for the worship of the God-of Israel. during happiness within your life. isters of Commerce and'Finance. In hand, claimed this territory as a part cohiihittee: -.^ •;-.-^":'.::: ;.;^r^:-".'':;;'-; .: On the 25th day of Kislev in the year the opening address Senator Trusker . London. (J.'T. A.) The decision, by 7. Wash the windows of your soul 1B5,' exactly S years after Antipchus '•mi Mg!i graie of the National Jewish Home in Palappealed to the Jews to fulfill their the -Turkish' Government to abolish had defiled the Sanctuary, the work and pull up the blinds. estine, because of the Jewis-h colony [Kpuiitze, James C. ; Dahlman,- P i W.; of purification was 'ended and- the obligations of citizenship and to supthe Caliphate and to suppress reli8. Adjust yourself-to the reasonflalffliii Jewelry at the. established in Mctullah. The present • Judson, T.; C. Byrne; /F^aScKeogh, Tempje was reconstructed: and rededport the new Polish note bank, de- gious -instructions in the schools of ableness of things. i : Rahdajl E . Brown, N. BV Up]d|ke£ A. God. . . , settlement is considered a final one. spite chicaneries on the part of taxthe country have resulted in much 9. Forget the unpleasant-experi"For eight days all the Jews "in Ju. • • rigM price.". ^J. Eggersi 0 . H: Bai^ttler^'M; C^ Cea ation officials. comment on the part, of the Brittish -: celebrated this awe-inspiring ences of the past. • Remember that /Peters;Georg^Brandeis, HeniyJEfpor? deed..-..," The Central Jewish Merchants As- press,' which" refers" to their Angora And we are told of a miracle 'lyj Joseph' FdlcarrBailara'Dun:fl,;'FvAj, that 'happened; during-.this. time,1" told yesterday ended last night Malashock-Jewelry -.€©. sociation of Posen has refused the in- Government's move as a shock to Pan10. • Seal your lips against loqua^Brcfgan, Henry; Monsky, ;Dr.- Friiik how- the-JMaccabeans -nvhen they first Islam: ' There is much speculation as vitation of participation in the Posen Diamond & Platinum .Specialists cious ignorance. entered i3ie- Temple; found 'but' a: •sin-r BrrirthV CarlJRv Gray; E^Buckirighami ^le'"",-: J514 Dodge St. • cruse of oil which- had' been7 left 11. Use your backbone more than Fair, replying as long as the safety to the effect of the decisions on India AUDITING AND INCOME ;"W. 9A.: Fraser,- 'FranfctB:: JpKnsbji,; E« undefiled ?• by the .Syrians, oil suffiand other Mohammedan countries. of Jews is not guaranteed and Polish Est. 1894. J a . 5619 . . TAX REPORTS cient only for one day?s use* but which your wish-bone. P/Waterbury ahd;;Sar^'^;^Wolfi Merchants use anti-Jewish slogans, Little doubt is expressed here that the 12. Seek peace and pursue it. y j • According to Chairman /Johnson, burned for eight, days :Until new- oil Caliphate'"will go'to another Moslem participation of Jewish merchants in 20S Karbach BIk. Atlantic 1031 children are dying'in the ^streets ahcl could-be prepared fdr the Temple serv- SAYS LUDENDORFF DID NOT country, probably Arabia. King Husthe Fair is impossible. •homes of Germany because of lack of sein'of Hedjar, who is known to be THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. KNOW "JEWISH PERIL" This consecration of t h e Temple WholusaJe paper ;;food. : ':-::._ /:r:-;;.; ^--.^^M •'._~''f-^ V: • desirous .of attaining the Caliphate, UNTIL HITLER TOLD HIM (the third in Jewish history) not only WARBURG EXPRESSES AD• distributors for , •X- "The. hospitals_and public institu^ symbolized the victory of the weak Berlin. (J. T. A.) "As far as the MIRATION JFOR PALESTINE is now considered unsuitable in view Northern Toilet Tissue iions are now filled'witli nnlder-nour^ over the strong, the faithful over the Jewish peril is concerned.'-Ludendorff Jerusalem. (JL T. A.) Felix M.War- of political • and- other - reasons. sinner, but also, arid especially, ;the never knew'of such* a peril during 1112 Harney. Street i ashed: children. We cannot do any---victory burg of New York, who is visiting in of Judaism over'paganism; of AT-lantic 6409 h ^thins:; else but hear their cries an^ th.e'God iOf Israel over idols. > ; the war, or he would not' have pro- Palestine, participated- in a meeting CARDINAL O'CONNEL AGAINST •plea¥ for aid/r said MrT Johrisonv -\.',So each, year, on the 25th, day of moted-Jewish-soldiers and officers to of the PaJestme-,Committee of the PALESTINE GOVERNMENT TO AND FROM x'TKese• children' had ndthmg; to-do- Kislev, Jews the' world over kindle important posts and decorated them Hebrew University., Mr. Warburg Rome." <J;."T:-A.) "Grave circumALL PARTS'OP. Chanukah'. lights in ioyous cpm PAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. with bringing on these conditions.; the memoratibn of these victories.••-..'••.>'.-;. with the'iron cross," is the"*comment expressed admiration for Palestine stances of injustice* without extenua- :nti end Martha St». ' H.V. 1662 THE WORLD They are* its victims." ^ *h * ; --i-'f-"' But the ultimate goal of the Mact made by Theodor Wolff in the Tage- and the University project. The tion, have-arisen" under the GovernManufacturers' of . Brass, Bronze, / Carl R. Gray is one; of'ythei -most' cabees was not yet. achieved. Judas blatt on Luderidorff's long harangue American financier and philanthropist VtomJnnno and Soft Gray Iron Castings, Yon. are assorcd of soft castings, as enthusiastic workers inthe <samp^ign. had yet to see five more years flf to the Munich Tribunal which is'try- was the guest a t a reception in his VAL X PETER & COMPANY w* macblnr Rome "from ev*-ry b«at tn 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb .-':.;•• " I am interested becauseVAmerica- bloody v?arfare with neighboring na^ ing him and several'others.for trea- honor afc the Jhome of Dr. Magnesand •or n g shop. tions, he had still" to lead his followStandard stzr east Iron and bronze ATlantic G340. son in connection with the unsuccessalso the guest at -a\ reception given oushingg In stork. :ers into "many battles beforft he ,inei said Mr; Gray. '•We cannot^ t^rn a his own death in the year 160,; fight- ful Hitler Ludendorff "Putsch" of last in Ms honor by< the representative of "The Mohl" deaf:'-.ear; the cry of suffering hu- ing bravely for. hisL people and hisNovember. - : the Joint-Distribution.Committee of ; G o d . : Kesidence, 1343 So. 25th St. . • • ; • " • • V . ' • ; • • • . . : • ; . -,. manity. We ;ntust forget the past and which Mr. Warburg is the Chairman. . . Tel. ATlantic 6637. It was left-forthe two remaining 'help.; By aiding these-chiiairen^we Place cf Business, 2115 Camlnf St. Simon ^nd Jonathon, to car- NEW INDUSTRIES Baron Edmund de Rothschild has - . Tel; ATlantic 5831. '. wiHVshow; <t»^^ the world.our getrajne-» brothers, Any -way j-on get them in any package ry on the good fight and to wage war F. 8., MORES. Prop. FOR PALESTINE announced that his son, James, will ' iness for world-wide good will.";.. '• -_ j to the bitter end for the salvation 6f ITEM'S GRAHAM CRACKERS. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) • A number of Phone Webster 0820 J; National leaders of thougntaretak- Judaism and the Jewish people.-liohg new industries are being established be a t the heead of the Palestine Jeware g-o-o-H eating tor everybody. THE LAUNDRY THAT Ask your grocer for ITEX CRACKERS • ing part in this .countryrwide cam- years they fought bravely and valiant- in Palestine, among them a bone ferEVERYBODY LIKES. ly, until finally in the year 142, 26 by name always. Get the srennine and paign.' The Chicago campaign was years after his father had started the tilizer plant, a cigarette factory and Children's Bobbing 25c be satisfied a l l ways! Mia held tinder the direction of GeiieraV revolt, Simon the Maccabee secured an envelope factory. Scalp Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c ..Expert • Individual Service Chag. G. Dawes, and ythe. National the final independence of Judea. KSca. B*w.Tmm S and Eveninps. Negotiations are proceeding for the a«y H Chairman' is General HeriryjT." Allen, 'In that year the weak and totterSOB. P pper. Vles-Ptwifiwl. establishment of the. bone fertilizer : Carpenter Paper Co. Syrian kingdom conceded "all . Ore, fetnr who directed the American. Army, of, ing: SALON L'CHARME righ+s of Indenendence to the; power- factory at Tel Aviv. The prime mover Distributors ol now operated by •'• Occupation in Germany. • -; • ., • .^ 313 Courtney BIk. At. '.819 ful .Jewish state.; Simon declared the in the sjcheme is a former resident of Omaha Fixture & Western Bond—and High Temnle in Jerusalem to be the source South Africa, who some time ago. was of all • Jewish/msoiratioji. i drove the Grade Stationery . MAURICE D. ROSENBERG. ;' 'Supply Co. Omaha. Nebraska. last remnants, of: the Greeks Jrom struck by the fact that Bohes^are ti .-CliA^ENCE, DESDUNES APPEARS BEFORE * SENATE/ OOMFLETB-'STOBB AKD PaJJestine; -and- Judea" wa««oTice more, generally regarded as a productVhich 1 Concert Violinist and Teacber . IMMIGRATION COMMITTEE after 500, years, the political and .spir- could supply a valuable material. The Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. OFflClS: OUTFITTERS We occu?J Studio-.. Hawhln's lildg., tlfi No. 34tb St. . promotor-was formerly" engaged in a . Washington, March" l l v (J.' T. A.) itual. home. ,pf ,!the JewSi i r T, PhonR, WVbster S52G. S(KK> seaa* r em ( Maurice D. Rosenberg,. prominent; Southwest Ceiser All Modern Equipment. ::: • i p S c e Honrs, 3 ^ 0 lo 6. similar industry in South Africa. . VioIlD bows and cases (or sale. Washington lawyer, as representative ,.,-.:•;Such is the"Tiistorical narrative'of EleTpnSh unit Ooaclnt Streets. A small cigarette factory_has been Fbone! £aefcsnn CK* achieyenients of the Maccabees. of the B'nai B'rith and Union Amer- the. 1> : ' •'" OMAHA. SEE. • . ican Hebrew Congregations, appeared \A- - b^u1iftristQry;, -'in.deM.'''*o1ie'-"'ihaJ if makes; the heart of him'who readlit before the Senate Immigration- com- pulsate in sympathy;wjhih the; hope'? mittee yesterday,1-making a powerful and :i the 'fears',;^^>'vn%1the'asiiiratipri^ 1 plea for a more liberal immigration and lohsings "of- its heroes. It' is -a 1 p"olicy. Mr. Rosenberg made a very story-which has "found it ? "counterpart in other eras of Jewish history when strong impression on.the. Committee. :'tt\e Every "Known Kind times -demanded real- men to rise He- first dealt a heavy blow 'to the iip;(;in .defense ^f t theiriifaith;.,; ;. argument ^that- the •numbet; >«f' imm£>i f^fButr^fcis •inore.Tthan jnrerelyca beau-' grants is 'too- large by. quoting "from tjful story -with which t o wile ?- > • JA: JAckson 1862 Secretary Davis' 1923 Report on'Im- 'an hour in revery- over; Israel's glorimigration, which showed., that al- ous * past. It is a" lesson for us to and- to profit by -in the contemn though a total of 368,000 immigrants learn plation of Israel's-present. ' Gate City Furniture Co. WASH AND KEEP WELL were admitted during 1923,.the num- - In these times. \*heri modern influ-i This car is Dodge Brothers response and A RULE OF HEALTH ber of aliens who left America to re- ences of thought and;behaviour disto a definite demand— Globe Van & Storage Co. turn to their native lands was equiv- tract-and allure us' away from the FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY OMmed and operated by alent to almost one-third of those true ideals of jour faith, we'are each"; A high grade coupe of moderate called upon to he, in a 'measure,an1S19 Collfornls Street. admitted, reducing the net number of. other Judas Maccabeas: But how GROSSMAN & SONS' weight and size that will seat four G20-23 No. 16th St. immigrants for the year to 240,000. mucheasier is "bur'task than was his] 0330 «3». 4338 adult passengers in genuine comfort. which ig less than one-fourth of one For we are not chosen to lead pre'at per cent of the total populatipn of the varmies on the field of battle. I t is 'riot- demanded of us here, in this fre<> The body is an admirable example of United States. land, that we die for dur faith. All EEi-ICEE>'T end RESPONSIBLE! fine coach building. Low, graceful, He.asserted that this country could that is asked of us is that we be' genLACKDIiY not thrive if immigration is kept down erals yover one individual, ourselves, smartly upholstered and attractively ... VThere your clothes come tome : WHOKJ5SA3LE that we live for our faith. to such low figures pointing,, to the and cieuuer asd last longer. finished in Dodge Brothers blue, it r Druggists and Stationers attendant AT i»nt5» C280. 1507-11 JacJseon St. testimony of a previous witness who ~ 'TKefe'- are no sacrifices : reflects dignity and distinction in C01-4O3-4OS South lOtb Street upon being a Jew and reroainin?r r B . A. JAtX>3SSSKSSE. P had stated- that two-thirds, of . t h e Jew. With the blopd of such rnen as every line. : State of Maine is idle agriculturally Judas Maccabeas . coursing in our for lack .of labor. He also cited the veins, it is a privilege to be a Jew,, ar< Above all, the 4-passenger coupe is scarcity of labor in the.building in-" honor to be held sacred.for all tune.. . : Catch, in this historv but a glimpse characteristically a Dodge Brothers xlastry where this condition' has -re- of: the majesty of the Maccabeans, Certified Public Accountants product. I t possesses! all the attrisulted, in the abnormal housing short- read, between, its lines, the centuriesAudits Systems age-.and consequent high rents,, par- old achievements of the cKildren of butes of construction and low-cost Investigations tiie struggles ticularly in New York. "He' recom- "Abraham,, picture p u g g s of ofoiir* our 4Si to 440 Petere Ts-net Bide. service for which more than a million Fhones, <3ac.k8«n 4S13, «U "mended at least one- million- immi--| patriarch ancestors to preserve eterDodgeBrothersMotorCars are favorthe religion of the One God, and >grants be allowed- per year, or about nally Omaha Office: SIS DOCPISB Street. the Chanukah festival will be to you, ably known throughout the world. Omoha rhoTw> &tlanli<" £556 'one per cent' of the total population as it was to the Maccabeanq of old. of the United States. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. •truly a festival of re-dedication. E, A. FORI>. ' In addition to Mr. Rosenberg, Jo- So, as you light the first tiny canPresident and General Manager. seph A. EmeTy, representing the -Na- dle on the 25th day of Kislev, and as Connrti Blotts <Iowa) Offlme tional Manufacturers' "Association, each -day thereafter you add to it anStreet, Pb»ne SSS. O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO, other until on the .last day of the fesurged a provision vesting in-the Pres- tival eight flames burn in your vhome. 'One of America's Great Hotels" 2Stb and Barney Sts. ident the'right to adjust immigration. as they will in the hair^soi all loyal . Telephone—HA rney 0123 - in- accordance' with labor needs,» al- Jews, you will see in .their brilliance though aside from this he favored the the resplendent va'nr of .the Macca* and you -will gn.ther renewel induction of immigration""on,the per-, be.ans, inspiration an--vow-work of being a SCB T O ' OCK -centage quota 'basis. ^Dr.-Antonio Jew. 8INCKBITTT. ' : 1 Stella; of the Italian Chamber, of. ComTrust. Department. ,, Service is Our Motto Safrty. Deposit Boxes. ' merce, M£ Gulnac, of the - Maine KEHILIiA^IS?WII>fNEB'.i5T- ^'.-. . ":•• : Safe Deposit Boxes £oi Kent. Chamber of Commerce, and-Andrew ABisITBA^ON DECIDED i >. , Feruspth, of the Seamen's Union, also X.y;^W- /^V^^^BTUESUIt^PRrEST^ 1 - testified. • 5 Budapest:;:; (J; T. A;) The Ortt dox JKehillali; in; Szatmar; has been i ; S|5^hih^n;,?:;Mai^- ll.v <?i^^ ); jiidged winnfer. in a dispute which "Manufactured in Omaha** M^liSHo^e^Inwigrati^C^mij^^ was lef the t; to' , -' a'^ boar^ of Jesuit priests BUTTEK and ElMS BfSfiS^iy^Sfiayv^in'je^^utiy^, 'session,. for- arbitration.^^ We Kehillah v^shed BASER ICE MACHINE CO. ^^^fegl^^ap^poifif :*p^^?mnpt :ch;ange^: fertufldia ;scliopi;on^ • Council Bluffs, la. a site adjoining B^^^llpnl^g^l^^'t&^ee ttieir syriagbgue; andco^ed by aJes-i wi,. priestj Baron JosephiVecsey^ The Kehillah ; representative;;'!> a'- banker named^Weisz??proceededvtoi Budapest and;; pl^infed^ay promise rftoni f the t&snte by DB* SILVERMAN pf Jest that; he 'rwould sell hisj land -to . 1MU or E T U R UNCLE SAM BKfiAKFASl : jthfi;y;Kehilliahl:'Stat^;yecsey ^^ F<H>D CO. (J.T.-A0 tfeat; he jcptild notriiispbsi:•of;'tne:^prppr OKAiSA v.-Dr. Joseph ^spty;std fp^; jipiieCathoific|;: wmmuniiyi ^^^^f|tqni^^?Bud^est^ •pqseft?tkatj^ vavenue


Raise Funds for Starved


W, J. fates Accoiratini! Co






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Emerson Laundry

Marcel asd Bob Curl, $1.00




























Made With Milk


A N&w 4-PASS&NEER Eoupe

;E.,E. Braced Co.



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