- Our: :New. Address :1s ' 681" Brantfeis Theater Building.
VOL. Hi—No. 16
Entered as postofflcs si!
-Oar..; C
mall matter on - Jaataz? 21th. t22L at Nejbnofca, nader tie Act et Ussth 3. IB7S.
SCHIEDEMANN DE- , - . BOUNCES ANTI-SEMJIES Berlin. (J. T. A.) Phillip Schitfdemann, the leader of the Moderate Socialists, during his speech recently "in the German Parliament, denounced in strong terms General Ltjdendorff, saying that he- was' mainly" responsible for the defeat of Germany. .He also called the anti-Semitic- faction cowPlenty of Good Seats Still Available; Curtain to Bise ardly, saying that -while the" Jewish Socialist, ^Franfc, and others like him Promptly at 8:15. had voluntarily Joined- the German Army and : given their lives on" the Final touches to.all the acts in the big YMHA Vaudeville hattlefield, anti-Semites of-the Ludenand Musical Revue liave been added during this week, and the dorff type are still alive; having iran100 young people in the cast are ready for the curtain to rise aged to stay away froin" danger, and Sunday evening on a show that will be the talk of Omaha for busying themselves with anti-Semitic many months. propaganda.
Mammoth Y.
Entertainers inBig levue
|VVV i l l Pie
S. "Wise
JEWISH NATIONAL COUNCIL IN KOTNO LEGALIZED Kovno. (J. T. A.) Dr. Samson Eosenbaum, former Minister of Jewish Affairs, has completed a bill legalizing the Jewish National Council. The bill also provides that every Jew who declares himself unwilling to join the
Payments Die low
Popular Rabbi of Free Syitagog KODA Organizatioa Subscribe Gives Money to Institution Sixty Dollars. He Pounded. MORE NEW' M E M B E R S NEEDED FOR 1924. NATION'S GKEAT MSN SEND CONGRATULATIONS
.Telephone : is ^ ^ lastic '
3e s
Community is_ automatically Public Farewell to be Given by;
exempt from any Jewish obligatior.3. Jewish Welfare Federation It is not believed, however, that any Jew will take advantage of this pro- WILL LEAVE FOR DENVER vision which was introduced to satNEXT WEEK. isfy the objections of the anti-Semites who claimed that the legalization of The public reception for Mr. and the Jewish National Council would T>Irs. Sam H. Schnrfcr will be given create a state within a state in Lit1!- by the Jewish Welfare Federation uania. Monday evening. March 31, at the
The quarterly payments for the JNew York.—Th-i fiftieth birthday of Jewish Welfare Federation are past Dr. Stephen S. ^Wise, -which "was also due. "We have sent out statements the thirtieth anniversary of his rab-for these pledges," said Joe L. Wolf, Jewish Community Center building. binate and the - seventeenth of his chairman' of the finance committee. Plenty of good seats are still available for the performance, This will bo The farowHl rprcptton These payments must be met quarfounding of the Free Synagogue, was Iftj but it is expected that a capacity house will greet the singers, held in honor of T-Tr. wid Mrs. terly, ,so_ as the good work of the celebrated "Sunday by members of the dancers and entertainers in the production who have been working Schaefer j.rior to ihr.r lcsTitig for Federation shall not be curtailed." Central and Free Synagogues at a for months to make "the show perfect. Persons "who have not yet Denver, Colo., r.cst vock. "The Federation, has set its goal meeting -which filled Carnegie Hall to secured tickets are advised to do so at once.. . . '. Mr. Schaefer has been in Omaha the topmost gallery. In the gather- for •S60.0QO this year and we must Special attention is called to the fact that the curtain, will during1 the r s p ^ four years: as superraise it. W.e have received several r ing also "were members of many other intendent of the local Federation. He rise promptly at 8:15. •. new subscribers to the Federation, religious faiths. has accepted the position with the omang whom is the KODA a new " Following is the complete program for the performance: T-vro gifts of S30.000 each to Dr. Representative Confers Here With "Selfishness Is Unpardonable Sin of National Jewish Hospital as- director Wise were announced. One is to go Advisory Committee of A. Z. A. PROGRAM Man." Said Dr. Levine. of propaganda and will assume his ACT I - OMAHA.* Nebraska, toward the debt cf $100,000 of the new duties immediately upon arnvsl THE arcxioii Ti CLUBS . " ' March 25, 1924. THIS IS "FOURTH CHAPTER "TO new Synagogue House in West Sixtypresent "THE HOLMES' HCUli" (an Original Fantasy) in Denver. INTERESTING PROGRAM Mr. Joe L. Wolf, Characters in the Order of Ibelr Appearance ' eighth street,'wbkiJx will be dedicated 1 BE ORGANIZED. Vairv • Hose Stein ' ZELD AT OPEN MEETING An interesting progs am hsf been Finance Committee, next Sunday. The other will go toUnnciiTfrfioiltas: . Libbic Burstein, Eose Forman. Enth F o i , Jewish Welfare Federation, arranppd fo^ the Monday pveninjr'c Dr. Victor E. Levine of the Creighunncmg xiuiiH-s — _ Erther Hurwitz. ltebecca Kirschenba um, The Omaha Chapter, Aleph Zadi ward the endowment of a Stephen S. reception, arctrdiriir io tlip following Ornaha, JCebr." Sylvia" Lindenbauni. Celia Xitz, Minnie Aleph, initiated into its .'ranks.- 3Ir. Wise Professorship at the Jewish Inton Coliege of Medicine, speakinfr beTurner,Iteuben, Selnia Werber, Esther ,• Jeancttc Korey, lluth Annie Tretiak DEAR SIS:— committee v-ho if in. rharpp at RY• Wienzveg, Ida "Wienzreg. stitute of Religion,fore the members and friends of the Sam Isaacson, of Des Moines, Iowa, ..Oscar "Groaa KODA is a Jewish orgErizaClown Doll_ ranpcmentF affair: A. B. AlDr. Wise himself presided, and the tion which has for its fundaJIoTTis Baum, HaroW • Blumenthal. Donald Sunday afternoon, March 23, at its Intercollegiate Menorah Societv m,, — - ^ . ^of^thi? Tumbling DollsEolzman. Harry H. Diamond, Hyman Goodbinder, Loyal Katsspeakers were Newton D. Baker, formental - p-cxpose, the promotion the 'Spiritual Values of Science, ' -- kee, Herman XevinBon. Sidney Rosonbluin, regular Meeting. Jtrs. Nathan Mantel, Mrs. of social, and educational ad' Earl 'Jloss, ilillard SIg.il. Mar Turner, mer Secretary of War, who came from says: "The true scientist has ihe re- Ecny Rachman. Harry Malashock, Mr. Isaacson was sent, here from MorriR Winiruub. vancement in this community. ligious attitude toward life, and any and joe L. Wolf. the Aleph Aleph Club - of- his city Cleveland especially to deliver the ad_.,."Vivian Stien . . Sailor Doll . In our small way we have innie and.Sarah Tretiat . Dutch Dolls dress; Dr. Sidney E. Goldstein, in surrenders to unselfish ideals are to confer with the Advisory Council been striving for this goal, and Ethel Hurwitz Comedy Doll The reception vill herin promptly .Helen. Wise charge of the social service of the two dedications to a higher cause. Man's at eight o'clock mri all the memberfe realizing the magnitude and the Jiussjnn Doll of the A. Z. A., and now that he .Goldie and Minnie Miilman Chinese DollsJ benevolence of-the Jewish Welhappiness is attained not through get- of the Federation are xirped to be has been made a member he "will be synagogues; Judge "Irving Lehman, .Eunice llosensteln Uallet Doll_ fare Federation we, the KODA, _Hnth Keuben Sawdust Cio1I-i~ the Rev. Dr. William Rosenau, rabbi ting, but through giving himself up present. Thi? vri\\ be the last farethe Omaha Representative in forming Music for Dollies' Chorus by AJ. Finkel wish that you would accept our to "what is ggreater than himself. In well reception to I T hplrl in honor of * Word by Samuel H. Schaefcr an Aieph Zadi Aleph Club in Des of the Eutaw Place Synagogue, Balcontribution of sixty dollars TumblTB' trained by I<ouis Schrelber, Scout Master. Boy Scout Troop 43 timore; the Rev. Dr. Joseph Fort New(S60.00).Moines. He will use the/Aleph Aleph" Assisted by "David Beber and Earl Lapidus • such givings, the characteristic traits D,Ir. and Mrs. Schacfor before learing1 Trortuced under the personal direction of MISS DOKOXHY DE V£RE ton, pastor of the Universalist Church Club as the nucleus of the A. Z. A. Verv truly yours, of religion are ever present." Beach- this city. MISS JULIA WISE, Assisting. organization in his city. Members «£ the Divime. Patttmity, Jfew Ymk KODA, ing the keynote of his speech, Dr. ACTH of the present Aleph Aleph Club are City; and the Rev. Dr. Gerson B. Leva, l?y Harry Savitz. Secretary. Levine said: "Selfishness is the unHarrx BKA"VniOFF AND FIXKEI seniors in high school or freshmen a son-in-law of the late Rabbi Emll pardonsble sin of man. It is the failat Two Tianos Beethoven in the Drake and Des Monies Uni- G. Hirsch of Chicago. Turkish March— organization in this city. This con-. ure of man to be true to himself. It Piano Solo—"Shepherd's Hay"_ Grainger versities. Monday, March 17, was the "birth- tribution- was- sent- in voluTstErily/' is the rejectian of the divine in him. Al. Finkel ..Saint-Sacns 3. Dance Macabre *The Ideals and Aspirations of the day of Rabbi Wise. Sunday afternoon said Joe Wolf. It is the root -cause of evil &n Dunce Macabre." or the Skeleton Dance, is one oi the beet fcnoirn compositions' by thu greatest of -French-Jewish composers, Kaint-Saeire. The number "There are a large number of long train' of votaries. It is the fog Workers Will Canvass Entire City to Aleph Zadi Aleph Organization are at his home, £3 West- Nineteenth oi»ens in the grave-yard oi* a church, as the chureh-cloek strikes midnight. H?!p Elect Rosenttwl The skeletons join in a-dance iviilch -becomes jnore .and more weird and inspiring," said Mr. Isaacson, "snd street, he was psesrasted -sriifa *& bound•people who have .not contributed to •sshich obscures his vision and hides ^fiirioiiS'*iis"^«jr Sto-ftn «rs"t{icTS im3r*-finnlly UTPS^S.- -Sntldidily &- -sb Ui^tT-£l.in£ "is ". w" iuassg; ihe.^ast^.these. "bis true "being. II Is -the xd&sk vhlcli T. ~ain •' determined to "carry-" on - t i e vohjine- -contalnuO' 'Scores ai- lettcrsheard, Truich.. stops the iwelry and .the skeletons quickly disappear in the "Lee* Rnscnthal for City Commissomber darkness* of the night. " " '* good Work: in Iowa." from leaders of thought in America people will be-Yisitccl by.the com- conceals the divine glow in the human sioner," this is Lhe slogan adopted mittee, so as the-Federation will have face. and Europe. \ ••- . ' ACT m ' : "The pursuit of science calls forth by the members of the booster com• Among the many from whom let- more new members for 1S24," said T H E ASSOCIATION DRAMATIC CLASS -presents "THURSDAY EVENING" b y Christopher Morley -' T ' the' spirit of unselfish service. Into mittee that have \>ocn meeting every ters came were: Robert Lansing, Joe "Wolf.- - - . * • Cast —————— Gordon : ! Sam W o l l the real spirit of science one cannot r.oon at the Lryal Hotel. More thsn Livingston Farrand, Harry Pratt J-jdLaura __.. _1 , • : ' . _ S a d i e Coremnan enter without knowing the failures fifty members, representatives of all son, Dr. William Lyon Phelps, Dr. GilMrs/ .Tohns.Mrs. H. Q. Marx K'X I/KftiilMif Mrs. Sheffield and hardships, the trials and tribula- Omaha Jewry arc nttanding: "Mrs. bert Murray, Bishop Francis J". Mc_ Produced under the personal, directiou of..Max Fromkiii noon-day meetings thai $.T? held at Klaver'for County Assessor" MRS. B.. It. BOASBERG Infitd t& Visit Omsk tions, the self-sacrifice and self-denial the Connell, the Rev. Dr. Harry Emerson Loval Hotel. is Slogan. by special arrangement "with Norman Lee Swartout, Summit. N. J.' • of the men who have laboriously and Fosdick, Bishop James E. Freeman, Eabbi A. I. Kook, chief Rabbi of untiringly added to the ever-expand-1 Fob*™* *_e boo*ter ACT IV Israel Zangwill, Bernard M. Baruch - For fear that friends of S. E. Kla- and Rabbi Abram Simon, of Washing- Palestine, and head of the Jewish Con- ing storehouse of scientific fact and for Leo Eosenthal at the .lewish THE SENIOK V CLUBS ' . present "PLEASURE—TA&T AND PRESENT" — A Musical Revuever, candidate for county assessor, ton, president of the Central Confer- gregation of the World, who is now theory. The ideal scientist truly de- Community Ccntf-r last v.-eek, thp Characters in the Order of their Appearance. ' SCENE 1 • . may possess too much confidence, ence of American Rabbis. in New York City, planning to make lights in 'the glories of life which workers responded to the appeal Mose, a homesick darkie i Jack Frieden more than 100 men and women gathMr. Gay, his Iriend ;. Hyiuau Rubenstein "Courage mates this Free Syna- a Western Tour, has been invited by consist in giving, not in getting, in made by the speakers. ^Tore vorkSCENE 2—"Pleasure—-Past" ered at the Klaver headquarters crs are needed—the Leo EoscnthrJ gogue,^ said Mr, Baker. "The world Rabbi J. M: Charlop to come to Oma- service, not in being served/ " Old Fashioned Maids aud Men Ida Babior, Bertha Batt, Annette Fogle, for City Commis^ioTier headquarter.1 Lillian Habler, Martha Hiinmelsteln. Irene Tuesday and discussed the closing 'is saved by courage. Though clouds ha to be a guest~of the four Orthodox And in answering the question, Hirsch, Anna Horwltjj, Annette Hurwitz, days of the campaign. "Who shall be called a scientist ?" Dr. are open day and night. EveryonfMnrgnret Hunvitz, Lillian Johnson, Rose hover low, though low grade ore is on Jewish Congregations. Lindeubaum, Kose Minkin. Frieda Xovey, - "We must not lag now that we have If Rabbi" Kook is unable to visit Levine answers: "He is a scientist can help. EOHC Novey, Dorothy IMtJor, Anne Stain, staged a spirited campaign for Mr. top, though the man in the street is "Leo Rosenthal is the logical canIda Tennenbaum, Ida Wienzwjf. Gertrnde cynical, though defeatists' badges here, a committee from the local Jew- who, possessed of purpose and vision, ' . . , -,,",,_ TVlhtronb. Hcaa Wise, fenrnha Wise. Haver," said Ralph Van OrsdaJe, mark the life of America, these things ish Synagogues will meet him in the lives for his work and not by it. He didate for the office of City ComJazz Artists of Colonial Days Harry and Hyman Gerstein president of the "Klaver for .Coynty are but momentary. I rejoice that nearest city he visits. is a scientist who is saturated with a missioner," said Dan A. Johnson, The Uld-FuHhionctl Dancer. Jmia "Wise IC Assessor club. "We must l u u w Sabbi .Charlop_of_Omaha was or- disinterested love for the universe and president cf Leo Kosonthal for Citj £i •Colonial Sheik .Gertrude VTiqtroub TrT^i J "«""»" ^ strong, clear, courageous voices like The Od Darkies Goorjrc M. Cohen, Joseph Cohn. Louis Dia- talk 'Klaver for county, assessor, H a - . . . *L _ ' _ . * , . . whose work is but a revelation of his. Commissioner Club, today, I know Goldstein, Sam Warshaw. that of Rabbi Wise are being heard. dained by Eabbi -Kook. mond, him and I kno^- that he \rill serve SCENE 3 Leo Fellman, Morris Glvot, Arthur ver for county .assessor.' " "Rabbi Kook is the holder of many soul." More leadership like his, which is Tlie Modern Girl Shirley .TanoA? the community faithfully." Farmer B o y s and Girls ; _ Irene "Hirsch, Anna Horvritz Marsarpf HnrKlaver, who has been a deputy based on righteousness, is needed." decorations, from British and PalesIn addition to Dr. Levine's talk, •witz. Cose Liiulcubuum, Itose Minkin county assessor for four years,-has "Leo Eosenthal has done vondrrtinian governments, and is known the people who were present at this, proPriefla Nnvey. Dorothy- Pitlor. -Celia Stain, just returned from a trip througHout ful -work in this community for m«m, Sarah "Wise. Sarah 1'affe. world over," Sabbi Charlop said. "He gram were treated to violin numbers „, „ ' „ „ SCENE 4—"I'lensnre—Present"'. WiB Moid is coming to this eo"nntry at the head by little six-year-old Avrom Lu^tgar- women, sr>d children RTIU I know thi*t The Broadway Belies......... .: ia ft Babior, Rertlia Batt. Annette , the county. He has had the privilege Ksren Ezymi Lillian Habler, Martha Himmelstcin. An-' of meeting first hand -with the voters. '• of a delegation -chosen bj~ Jewish coia- teiu a recitation by Jsanette Levin- this wsxk will continue after he, nette Hnnyitz, Lillian Jfihiison. Bose Norer. "I want to say that Mr. Elaver's Anne . Stain, Ida Tennenbaum, ' Gertrude •muaities abroad for the purpose of son, .an original number by Miss Eosc is olected City Commissioner," eaicl Wiutro-nb. Helen TVlse. strength appears to be getting strongThe Apaches One of the most important special laying before their American core- Davidsin, and orchestra selection? by Abel V. Shotwell. It is the duty of. __Ethel Grtenberg and .Al Han31r-r The "Waiters Hen EHia. Hnrry Gerstein, Harrr Green, er as the primaries approach," said meetings of t h e Local Keren Hayesod ligionists the situation of Jewish edu- the Joseph Brothers. every man and woman to help Kay Woolfson. A Bit of China Leo KoRenthal io the City Wni. Finegold, Ben Frank, Hannah Kabler Henry J.- Seal, county attorney, "who wHl be held Tuesday evening, April 1, cation in their countries. We sincereGertrude Ktimm. , . . is assisting in the directing of themissioner. at eight o'clock at the Jewish ComThe Nt-tvsie 1 ly hope that he will visit Omaha." Dorothy LuHtjrartcn Ralph Colhn Elected His friend campaign, "but vre must not -halt —Itla Ijuslgarten munity Center. The Flcnver Clirls— is? Honorary Society '""Leo Rosentha! has been a very, -.Eva Cohn, Etbel Grecnbcrs, Ethel Ifclkcs. now; "we must keep up the good "work TbeniselresThe purpose of the meeting 5s to \bner Kaliuan and A. I.. IJubin. Kr. Salph Frederick Cohn, son of active member of the social sctvicsThe "— Finegod.-Ben Frank, Moe Greenb°rff, for Mr. Klaver. The work in the formulate plans and set a date of the DAVE FREEMAN ELECTED Eabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn. is in- comidttcc of the B'nai B'rith " ChndakolT, Ket-'s -CTeeuberg, Bess closing days of the campaign are the 1924 Keren Hayesod Campaign-which Haytin. -PRESIDENT OF the Jewish Welfare Federation David "Freeman will head the structor of chemistry at the Univcr- •durmg- the time that he has been ones that bring the real results." will begin in t h e month of April. Young Men's send Young' Women's si ty of Michigan, at Anr.' Arbor, a member of that committee, he has Mr. Klaver -was raised" in Omaha Hebrew Association for the coming Mich., received notice of his election helped countless numbers of JewAir*. U. l i ISonsberg and educated in the local nigh schools, RABBI SOOK SAILS - . -Dramatic Diiector to the Scientific Honorary Societv, Enniuc U. Schaefer _. -Business i l is "a. member of the B'nai B'rith and- •••::•'•• ••• irfi boys and girls keep on the right FOR AMERICA term, having been elected president at "Sigma Fhi." COAT1IITTEE the organization's semi-annual elecOmaha Hebreiv club. He lias always path," said Henry Monsky. Baris. (J. T. A.) The chief Jewish I.ouis Abramson Estellc Lapitlus llavid JBeber taken active interest in communal af- religious officer of Palestine, Eabbi tion meeting Monday evening, March Many booster meetings «rc to be Sad ye I^rvey X Bcber Ilflcn ijrriDsou 24, at the Jewish Community Center. Regular **Y" Basce fairs. Abraham Iszac Kook, h a s arrived here lick" for IJCO RosoTilhal before tbr S:un Kice Al. Flnfcel Postpoaed One Week primaries, which srr. April S. Ttof An up Sclicotv The following are the officers of on his way to the United States. He Miss Kate Goldstein was elected vice Dave Freeman Julia Wise Kur} L the Klaver fox County Assessor club will depart soon on the Olympic from president; Miss' Merle Triedel, secreA. Z: A. Club Due to the fact that a final re- cxac^ date of the meeting -nill b£ organized last Monday: Ralph Van Cherbourg. While in the United tary; Miss Lillian Schiffer, assistant hearsal of the various acts in the announccil to the public at a latfsr secretary; and Mr. Joe Freeman, dale, according to the committee ia ami the Ak-Sar-Ben" Co. for Toy Shop Set and Vietrola Orsdale, president; Henry J. Bealand States he will tour the country for the In Art'l. treasurer." The "reporter and sergeant- Y. M. H. A. show will be held at the charge Mrs. Malcomb Baldrige, -vice presipurpose of securing funds for t h e Jewish Community Center this SatA nospc Co.—for Ma&un ami Uaiulln Piano dents; W. H. Quivey, secretary; ex- maintenance of schools and institu- at-arms wilibe elected at the next Y urday evening. The regular Y dance "ecutive committee, Dr. Harry Jenkins, tions in Palestine. Chief Rabbi Kook meeting. has been postponed to Saturday even- SYNAGOGUE TO RE E y U i P u , e , t in Following the election, a barjo solo ing, April 5th. All members are will be extensively entertained by the Mrs. Nellie P. Balz, Jlrs. COXVEBT£D INTO HOMES Garland, J. Swanson, George W. Central Relief Committee for Jewish was givec"1»y Mr. Frank Buckingham. urged to take note of this postponeMoscow.. <J. T. A.) The Pratt, Edward A. Smith, J. H. Was- War Sufferers and by various Jewish Dancing followed with music by the ment. committee of the Building ComznisHainbow Orchestra.. SURVEY SHOWS DETROIT serfexrger, Mrs. Julius RoEenzweig;, organizations. &ary has decreed the confiscation s£ TURKEY .WILL ABOLISH HAS ONLY 42,000 JEWS; the EVTiag-oj^ue on Kovoslobotka street. LITHUANIAN TKOM AMERICA GRAND RABBINATE, IS RUMOR Thomas Sheehan, Mabel Hodgen, J. BANKS HIGH IN EDUCATION It intends to convert thi: building {ut* ENGAGED EN ANTIConstantinople. (J. T. A.) That C: Travis. Detroit.-• (J. T. A.) Detroit Jews Turkey intends to abolish the firand SEMITIC PROPAGANDA dwellings for the workers in the adnumber orily 22,000 sools, according to Rabbinate and cancel * all the privi- Ben Yoasem"!Electei the joining timber factory. <J. T. A.) NOTICE TO OUR READERS a' survey just completed by- the Bu- leges enjoyed. by the Hakarn Bashi founder of the Ataerics,ii Ldthuanian President .Many Gelf Ass'n We have -moved our offices to* • •- • reau r* Jewish Social Research of New since ancient times, as pari of the Tradbigr Company, who was recently FLOODS IMPEDE EAILWAl* Kr. Ben TToiisem, the. first Jork. Until now, estimates of the religions reforms contemplated by the Golf Champion, sand for many y'&ars IX ALEStXKXL 881 Brandels Theater Building sentenced to ircpriscntnent for the numbi r of ~ ws here va-'id from 7 5 r Government,.is.the report of 0112 of associated 'wltlrthe Om&hia Gclf AssoJerosaletr.. (J. T. A.) The tioods misaj.prop '-itaon of ^SO/XSQ, was also where we will be better able to serve. oar... readers. 000 to 100,000. The survey also re- ffie most influential' TurkKlV" Depu- ciation, h a s heeh .elected .-president ef have been inundating1 th?s reengaged In. anti-Semitic propaganda, Our New Telephone Namber is ATtantte-iiSO. "veals that 40 per cent of the Jewish, ties. The .institution of the'Hatcam the Omaha Association composed of having subsidised ihe auti-Sesnilie pa- gion hzve final',,' rrc!:en 4e'dt\ the Come up and visit us. " "" , ' ' """ children of Detroit ir a«ceivir,g' a Basliiincl sided ofScial status la" t i e nnaiiy club members. per, Leisve. This is bat one exaxai>Je rail sen-ice between Egypt anji Sifle»* Jewish education, this percenter be- Government, ami ihe power i« ap^torTHE JEWIS? PBESS PUBLISHING. COMPANY. Yousem -was a member of the eemof many irlio, under the guise of pa- tine, with -1" i-esalt tUst sumy to>x>« ing the second "highest in the country, tion and collect the special taxes" cf mitteeT which iavored improvement^ of ican t • rw;tfi nre onobie t» tiiotism, have used dishonest DetrJIt rsinldiig uext-tp PittsTjurgh. the Jews - . I' their travels 'ihe city* courses 'fSs summer, """ to further their-own ends.
Alepb ZarlrAlepIi Ckpier, to be Formed in Des, loioes;
Br. Victor E. Lerine .Prmdpal Speaker at ' Heccrdi Society Meeting
, Aprils
Work Carried on to Elect . Khypr. Comity,
",'' PublisUca^vetj ThurBdoy at Omaha. JNebraska, by -' .
'-': - - THE JEWISH1 PPESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. - Office: 681 Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephone:. ATlantic 1430 NATHAN E. GREEN, Managed ..12.50. Subscription Price, one Advertising rates furnished on application. CHANGE OB" ADDRESS— Pfeasa glva both the old and new aaaress; btt sure and give your name.
* The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with .cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, m addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news-items credited to this Agency unit be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City. -
$he appeal emphasized' the honor beHave courage, my friend, of the sad, stowed, upon tbVArab nations in the ascension to the Cajiphate of an Arabaching: heart* ..' after four hundred years during which' - Of tke heafiaches-'and- sdul aehfcs it was held outside of the Arab coun * /and sorrow;- ' tries. There's ia-new day to -come and a new: day to live, Have courage, my friend, there's tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. A, Rosenberg an1 nounce the birth of a baby girl, born There's the morrow, my friend, that to-them Thursday, March 20. * yet the" vague'unlived "day,. . As mysterious as that bright star, ' Mrs. Sam Friedman and Mrs. Sara oh! ., . "" Zevin entertained last Thursday aftWhy, the sun may shine brighter, and ernoon at their home in honor of Mrs. whole heart grow lighter;] Sidney Lightstone, of Detroit, Mich. Ah! courage, my friends, there's toL—. . The Sisterhood Sunday School held morrow. a Purim party at the Danish hall SunELSIE BRODKEY. Aged' 12J 3244' Jackson Street, Sioux day morning. The story of Purim was told and Purim games were played. City, la. -* Mrs. Sidney Lightstone, of Detroit, JEWISH CALENDAR. Mich., returned to her home Tuesday SeSM-1024 Rosli-Clioilosb Adar It—:. FrU Uar.'i evening after visiting for the past 1 Porlm (Fraut of F.dtJ»r>_Tbnr«., . a U Mnr. Apr. 20 &three,weeks a t the home of her parItesh-GiMHirsh Nlson.Bat, Apr. 18 ents, Mr. and Mrsi -Sam Snyder.
J&rs. Heeger, who has been in Sioux anniversary Monday, March 2J4, wi^i A number of friends and relatives City for the past week, is expected a dinner.at their home for ^the Read- will'~go to Nebraska City I Saturday home Friday. to help Mr. Sarbach celebrate, •his ing Ou*b. •.-"". seventy-fifth birthday. A regular meeting of the SisterMr. Silvain Deutsch, of Kansas hood will be held next Wednesday City, Mo., is'stopping with relations The Fydannthians were entertained afternoon, April 2. for a- few- days. From here he will by Miss Bernice Diamond Sunday, go to Chicago and New York and March 23, at bridge. The Junior Council -will hold a meet- April 2, Mr. Deutsch will sail ing next Tuesday evening, April 1, Europe, where he will visit for The Sunday School pupils presented his a Purim play Sunday morning. Miss at the home of Miss Fannie Katelsirtcrs in Paris and Strassburg. man, 417 Oakland avenue. Elsie Poska and Mrs/ Eugene Levy On Tuesday, -Mrs. M- Wasserman were in charpe. After the play was Mr. Louis Cherniack is confined to will entertain at luncheon at the presented, little candy Hamens were his home en account of illness. University Club in honor of Mrs. given to the pupils of the Sunday School. Mrs. Sam Snyder entertained her E. Marks. Afternoon Bridge club at her home Mrs. Victor Friend entertained Mrs. E. Marks arrived from Sioux last Wednesday afternoon. City, Iowa, Saturday to be the house Wednesday at a luncheon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perimeter of Miss Miriam Frosh was the violin Mrs. E. llarx, the house guest of Plainview, Nebr., returned home last soloist who broadcasted from WO AW Mrs. Ed. Gug-£-eji5ieim. Wednesday after visiting two weeks in Omaha Friday night. with "Mrs. Perimeter's parents, Mr, guest of Mrs. Ed. Guggenheim. and Mrs. M. Nogg. Man;T affairs have been arranged in Good Work Guaranteed her honor.
E CONSISTENCY German anti-Semitism is at last tending towards consistency. Hie National Party, which is the most anti-Semitic among the political factions in Germany, is advocating the refusal to •worship Jesus because lie 'Was a Jew and the rejection of ChrisPainting and Faperknging tianity because its origin is Jewish and, in order to make sure that no vestige of Judaism should: remain, it is proposing the \ LINCOLN References Furnished if Required. restoration'of arfcienrtSferman paganism. CALL L. MANDEL Little Billie Weil, spn of Mr. and . FrU. Apr. £3 It is to. be hoped that for: the sake, of both Judaism.and PasBovrr <N<wHtl> Day) LEHMAN—HENE Mop.. May a 1919 Burt St. Atlantic 5440 Mrs. Carl Weil, is confined to his Christianity, anti-Semitism will succeed in. suck,.an effort to Roah-ChmJpsb lyar Mrs. Ben Wolpa and two children The marriage of Miss Pauline Hene h M y «S n h'Cbods <v^ i ~ . . . y p * Jon« home with the measles. Bo»b g 3 restore paganism and to adopt it as a cult. I t is really the first l,ae left "Wednesday night for St. Louis, of Chicago, nie<fe of Mr. and Mrs. Bo»b Cbodrsb Day)-Sat* Jnn* 8 h (Confirmation C Tugnno* •'..-.^.Thnra. consistent step it has taken to free Judaism from the bane .of Khnbuoth Bash-Chad**b Jnly 3 Mo., where they will spend a few days. Nate Lieberman of this City, to Max _ FrU. I h C h d b *» ""* AD*. A '1 anti-Semitism and to. protect Christianity against the banality Bosh-Chodesb Lehman of Lincoln, will take place _SanH Ang. 10 r t Of *»» Mrs. M. Grossman, of Manhattan, Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the of it. . For anti-Semitism is not only, doing an injustice, to FRusb*Chodesb .Son, Avg31 ElnlG63S-192* Kas., returned home after visiting Ambassador Hotel in Chicago. The Pudaism, i t is also bringing disgrace upon Christianity. Truth- Ifew fear's FOR SALE -Hen* Sept. 29 with her mother, Mrs. L. Meyerson. ful and thoughtful Christians.have.Jong felt and resented the ceremony vrill be performed in the Up-to-date Grocery in Fremont. One of hte best locations in utter inconsistency and rank hypocrisy. of anti-Semites who UKRAINE AND CRIMEA.^~=-.. * Mrs. Philip Friedman entertained presence of immediate members -of the city. Established 15 years. Doing $100,000 annual business. persecuted and maligned, the Jewish people while professing to AFFECTED BY HEAVY her Afternoon Bridge club at a one the family and a few, close friends. worship the Jewish <Jo.d and pretending to follow Jewish teach"SNOW STORMS o'clock luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Among' the Lincoln people who will Will give immediate possession. Double front store 100 ft. ings. Truthful and thoughtful Christians have always been ready 3 Kiev. (J. T'. A.) Due to heavy deep. Reasonable rent with long leas»> and good reason for attend the wedding are the uncle to acknowledge the debt .which- Christianity owes to Judaism and show storms and "bBzzards. lasting for Rooms Monday. Mrs. Henry Nathan- and aunt of the groom, Mr. and selling. to admit that to^be'true to Christianity means to be grateful to a -whole week, the .Ukrainian" railway son was honored guest. M. Weil, and his mother, Mrs. For further particulars, write to Judaism. Christians ^themselves will therefore be glad to rid lines are blocked and communication Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nathanson are Mrs. Sarah Lehman. Mr. Weil will serve •themselves of "the an^HSemitic5 trouble-mongers who assail has been cut off for the past three leaving this week for Estherville, la., as best man. After a two weeks' COHN'S GROCERY AT FREMONT, NEBR. Judaism in :the name of Christianity. . days with the Crimea. The districts where they will make their future wedding trip they will come to Lin: . As a matter.of fact,..it doe's.not require a keen logician to south of Melitopol have.-been sub- htime. coln to make thefr home at 2011 realize that/to extol Aryanism at the expense of Semitism while merged fry the'snow, the telephones Worthington. The bride is a grandadmitting, as even an^i-Semites!must do, that the Aryans were and telegraphs' deranged and trains' Mr. and Mrs.. A., Gilinsky enter- daughter of ^Irs. Henry Lyons of barbarians and brutal, savages-until they were humanized, civil- loaded with coal and timber held up. tained at a dinner at their home Chicago. Wednesday in honor of the second ized and spiritualized by Semites, means no more nor less than wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Guggenheim to place a premium upon briitishness and barbarism and to JOINT DISTRIBUTION Maurice Gilinsky. deprecate humanity, civilization and spirituality. Yet, this is celebrated their fifteenth wedding will be given by the COMMITTEE LIQUIDATES .exactly what anti-Semites have been doing. They stoutly denied ACTIVITIES IN RUSSIA Miss Gertrude Cherniack returned 1 .that,their opposition to the Jewish people had a religious basis Moscow.' (J. T. A.) The" activities home Wednesday morning from Ne\v Jewish National Workers Alliance, Branch 54 .because that would be bigotry, and they do not like to be classed of "the" Joint Distribution Committee Vork, where she liad been attending E. M. KAHN at the as bigots. They, have all along maintained that their hostility in Russia," which were commenced at school, on account of the Illness of Teacher of Dance and Orchestra -to the Jews was purely racial in character; that it'was the in- 'the same'trnVe -as\ th$se of the Amer- her father, Mr. L. Cherniack. Piano Playing Swedish Auditorium, onSenda? Evening, April 13. feriority of the Semitic race which called forth.their ire and ican Relief Administration during the MICEEL. BLOC, 13th and Harney St. Admission 50c. Dan Desdunes Orchestra. opposition. The only logical and consistent thing for them to do, •JFamine of 1921, will be'officially li-- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glazier, formerly I'hones: Studio At. 4301; therefore, is to free themselves from all Semitic influences by ;quiaated on April 1st. Dr. Boris Bot of Council Bluffs, but now of Fort Benefit of the Jewish Sanitarium lo be built in Palestine. Sunday's A t 43G2; Ees. At. 2210. -restoring for themselves-as their cult and condition of life and ,'gen, in charge of relief activities, will Dodge, la., '.announce the birth of a state of ancient paganism, barbarism and savagery. . leave Moscow on March 15th, and Dr, baby boy, -born to .them on Monday,
Joseph Rosen, liead of the reconstruc- March 24. tion activities, will leave .on April, 1st, : JEWISH REPRESENTATIVES J. D. C. LIQUIDATES ' Messrs; ~Mauric&-'jM Arthur FriedAT INTERNATIONAL •:.:.<.; . .RUSSIAN. ACTIVITIES man were the only two local Jewish EMIGRE TIDST W R -Thfr'departure boys who played in Mrs. Craig John• Geneva. (J. T. A.) The^Emlgration' of Dr. Boris Bogen and Rabbi KovalJuly. 1st. son's Orchestra, at the Broadway theConference, called-by the Internation- sky from Russia marked the end of ater Wednesday al Labor Bureau of-the Lej :ue of the Joint Distribution Committee's ac- POLISH MINISTER Nations, has" opened here. Represent- tivities there. ' -Dr. Bogen and Rabbi OF COMMERCE IN i Mrs. B. Saltzman is spending the ative;? of twelve central ecugrntifcn KoValsky Were' "much feted before fceek-end visiting .her daughter, Mrs. • VIENNA LAUDS" JEWS organizations are- participating-, in-. leaving...by. the-oseniment. officials Jfen Cohen, or'Hdfilan, la. eluding'the Jewish '-Colonization -'As- and various Institutions," but " more "were ,an extremely important" element sociation' represented by Mr. Janow- erious and pathetic receptions were Mr. Clyde Krasne Teturned home in the upbuilding of Poland, was the oky and the Jewish Emigration Direc- also-} given them.. —- ' - ~< r last week after spending two weeks -statem£nj:-made by-Polish Minister" of torate represented: by S." TJomitin- and Th©-; final liquidation of the J. D. in Kansas > City/'Mo. Z.- Abercon. The 'representatives ~-o£CI's, activities, has created the widest : Commerce*KieYdrjon,',who*is here', in thW matter of th€ AlCistriS-Polish n e ' A baby boy was born to Mr. and the Jewish" organizations" "fia've derpair in Russia. Prof. "Sholowsky brought considerable data-wi& them1 ahd'-Doctdrs .Rubenstfein-ahd Alexan- gotiations, tp a. group of press iep- Mrs. Louis Heegerj, of Sioux City, last xeseotatives. -'lie continued by declar- Wednesday, Marcff,, 13.-. 11rs. Heeger of; the deplprable conditions -sjf the Jewish refugees in Eastern -"Europe der "of KieV,"Dr. Kaplan of Charkoff, ing: *f|-consider the Jewish question was formerly Miss Eva Freiden, of ahd in various ports of Western* Eu- Dr. •Chanel of. Ekaferinoslav and del- very optimistically. The last great this city. Mrs. S. Freiden, mother of rope, which they have placed oefore egations of social workers from all symptom of the passing of antagothe Conference. The reports have over Russia came especially to .Mos- nism between; the ..Jewish population *,wSs 'indicated at the made a deep impression Upon the in- cow to describe the extreme destitu- arid lie'"Poles ; tion in which the departure of'the lconfer&ce 'ofujfewfeh irierchants who E$t. isao. ternational' conference, and It is. ex'MODERN CmBO pected that constructive measures will J.' D.' C. leaves them, and implored resolved to" givel hearty' support to -"&VW nEACT* -SHOP. Dr. Bogen to use all his influence-to the Polish State ""Bank. We consider Permanent waving* and be taken. . ' ".* a Stwrlalist In urge the J."l>. C to continue its re- that the Jews have jE^c"al"rights. The tnarcrline, - each department. .For appointment pall lief work in Russia. They stated'that Polish Government sh'ould not - be L Ja-cfcson 9774. . AMERICAN JEWRY SHOULD a catastrophe was inevitable unless it identified witn'ceTtainrincidents which - Ground floor 1512 Harney. HELP IN UPBUILDING OF were done. The situation is so- ap- are only\the-,;ie|ti^5nders of a dark • PALESTINE, SAYS WARBURG palling that social workers have-even t;?m'd I^^Tope^tliat^everi these will ^ p ^ ^ Jerusalem, (J.. T, A.); That it is seized upon the idea of sending-a p ; ? l £" the great duty jnf-American-.Jewry to, special delegation to America to con- be g r a d u a l l y remoye<£" ' help fiiv the upbuilding of Palestine, vince the J.-D. C—'of 'the necessity 1 . • .Announcement is..the opinion 'of Felix 'M» Warburg, for continuing its work in Russia.-- RESIGNATIONS. PALESTINE • No-doubt cr#»y 'JGW Jn-,Onmba A NO POthe New York banker, who is now in The last official act of Dr. Bogen fcnow8 that "Kosher Soap for Pesach (Passover) can be BccoreU ; SAYS THOMAS Palestine. ?n an interview • with the was to distribute $200,000 among by calling correspondent of the' Jewish ' Tele- children's homes, homes for the -aged, _ .London;-'-(j.Jt\. A.) "^The, question as Webster 3537, graphic Agency,. Mr. Warburg stated -medical and other professional'insti- .to' whether the resignations of Gov,or coll at 1515 Ko. 30th St. t It I do not get around to your that he,had- come,,to thi&-concision tutions. It is":, estimated1 that almost ferntoentoffici'al?"jn J?alestinehaveany home". I will greatly apprecinto I after spending a Jshort^time in the -^0,1100,000 has-been, spent by the~J.| jpo^icarbasis/wasrrais'ed here iirithe your courtesy if yon call, and Hottse ofTCpmniohs Iby" you Trill set prompt attoution. Holy Land. --He Was "pleasantly- sur- D. C. on Russia. "r ; y Col. Howard •Sours truly, 'Sprs-^olonisC Minister Thomas'"reThomas'"re - prised with everything he saw. in Pal Sprsy^olonisC Minister . M. SOMIT, estine, and he found it a country of plied' that, ttiesfrT'esignations, fouic'in 22 MEMBERS POSBOM BAND ! earnest workers instead of "schnorPalestin^and^tohe/^iirTransiorda^ia, SENTENCED TO DEATH have no political basi&l The resignaers" as was reputed in .certain cirMinsk. (J. T. A.) Twenty-two mem- tion in Transjordania occurred onTaccles- Mr. Warburg sent a letter of thanks to Baron Edmund, dV Roth- bers of Attamah Monich's Band; in- cotmt of the abolishment of that parschild for has constructive-work-in cluding three women, were sentenced ticular trffice,- -and those in Palestine I Palestine for the last quarter of a to death by the Revolutionary^ Tribu- were ior'personal reasons. Minister! Store of- Individaal Shops • nal, of Borisow after a trial which Thomas-expressed his appreciation" of, centuryl" "" " • "•L. GJBAETZ, Mgr. lasted for over &. week. The Monich the work of ,the Palestinian officials' band was captured in connection with and declared that the resignationsJftad' SABBATARIANS EMI 1 - - ^R/ATHTTO PALESTINE a general .round-up of pogroms nothing to do with the rumored "dis,t Constantinople*. J J. X . AJ) ,_Fif teen against -the -Jews -in--the .region of satisfaction of the resigning officials, him- with-the Arab policy-of-Sir Herberti representatives "of, lhe~Sabb'a.tarians, a White Russia. .AttamanMonich v Samuel's admlnistratijSn..' Russian"peasant, sect -which* observes self was *nbt captured. " Saturday vftnd other; the Sabb'allCpn Saturday, p LEADERS r : relfgidu^lidnaaVs?ahd' rituals. of! the iABAB KOTABLES SlIEPORT ' :•". CHALLENGE ACCUSER Jews,' arrrVed" nere 'together.' with" one •* "--*— HUsgEnsrAS C A U P H Lemberg. (J. T. A.) Moses Fros- , J e T O s a m > j f ; hundred "arid" nineteen Jewish, refu). A.)'.The confergees from .Soviet Russia. .They' will tig, member of the Polish Parliament ence of "Moslem jiotahles arid mu&his proceed £6 Palestine. TKlsfsect, which a«4" editor of r the Lemberg: "Tage- which was held here recently aclcnew]-. is is -of-;;aa P.u^fJy• P . Russian ^ f yt>rigin g rr has blatt/Nhas. been called upon by-the edged King Hussein of Hedjas as jCaLemberg Committee of the Bdndrthe liphTand issued "a strong appeal "forthe th Jewfsh? J f h ? religious lii adopted inatrf of -the For one.day anlyr' ,; Jewish jLabw^Party, id. give ^public Moslem-population disof Palestine Urgi t i frid . h d ' llateV'^eri t V ^ r i di pp P Saturday^ - March.- 29;' account of .his accusation agaiost'the ing them to recognize tge new Caliph . teinfchcy 1•to^ ing them to. recognize tge new Caliph, our entire stock.r«f- party leaders-thattheyhad misused 9ri^fe?th money lent from^nieritfa for Tegef Boys' shoes," values -up--— • "to leave purposes. :Deptfty ^rosttg..based his t o 6.50-T" " " - ' - — - ; -•a'ccuSafi6n.£mrftatetti&ifcstmadeby one Tring/of .the" Buna,- which i s now-split,' sizes 9 to'IB" at~-3.79. against :thcr. other. . . : , , - •
The Children's Boot Shop
organiza-i COL; COX.iNEW BKITISH - Jerusalem. X& T. A* J. * C^lr CSwstles Cox*lias "been, a^poteted British adviser to - the; Tralisjordanian * Govern-
310 North 16tfl St.
We are the exclusive agents for Kosher Star- Products of-
sizes 1 to 6 at.._..4.49
Compete Ime of girls and chficfrdiiS Oxfords >s at special prices moor.
We, the undersigned voters, wish to take this opportunity to urge you to vote for S. E . Klaver for county assessor on the republican ticket. We know that Mr. Klaver will give the taxpayers an Honest and efficient administration. He is well qualified by his four years experience as deputy county assessor. Mr.- Klaver has always given the taxpayers courteous and honorable service. Mr. Klaver believes in tax reduction and pledges to do his utmost to work with city and county commissioners for the further reduction in taxation.
Mis. David P. Feder Benj. ^ k e r Henry Monsky Nathan Bernstein Sam J. Leon Dr. Max Block Harry Lapidus T. G. Devaney Arthur Rosenhlum Heary^F* Meyers Abe Siiveiman . M. Linsman Nathan S. Yaffe J. J. Friedman Reubeii Ferer M> Blank J. Shukert
Mrs. Herman Auerbach I. Ziegler Dr. A. Green bergMrs. Ida Levin F. J. Stack Edward Wirshafter Gordon Nicholson J. C. Travis Arnold Browar Harry Silverman Ben. Lustgarden A. Cohn Abner Kaiman S. Ravitz Nathan £. Green Dan J. Gross
Sam Beber Mrs. Max Fromkin Henry J. Beal Mrs. Ben Handler Harry Malashock Mrs. H. M. Baldrige John Feldman R. A. Van Orsdale Dr. M. Grodinsky Irvin Stalmaster Harry Trustin Morris Milder , Fred White S. Altschuler Dr. Harry Jenkins David Kline
Abraham L. Sutton
~~mSTRlCT JUDGE SerVedhas: Your District Judge for clill Z"~'.-. more than 10 years
•I I
•eople,' 'and on Saturday morning he ORT WILL RAISE will speakT J&- tjfe. "# Sp the Council, held in St. ; '"" Mrs, L.Richards: and Mrs. S. H. Schaefer? I: %.¥ CEIMEAN^Q ol Kynagogae-oii The Board of Directors 'of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization ^..London.{J. T. A.) The "Ort," an are entertaining at a one o'clock lunclieon Wednesday afternoon, April 2, ; -Rabbi Frederick Cohn returned Rabbi, A. I. Kook?" organization to.promote agricultural at the Brandeis Tea Rooms honoring Mrs. L. Richards, of San Jose, Calif., Honday from. Colombia, Mo^. where Word has been -xeceived of the TmcUj$iaking& among the Jews, intends, who was the first president of the Jewish Women's, Welfare Organization He addressedthe Jewish Student Con- death of Mrs. Jule Schonberger, :of through the .Jewish Reconstruction then known as the Jewish ladies' Relief Society. Mrs. Richards is the gregation of the University .of Mis- Chicago, HI* formerly~of this city, on Furi^ now being formed in London, to house guest of Mrs. R, Kulakofsky. Mrs. Samuel H. Schaefer, who -with souri Sunday on "Modernism, Funda- March & She is survived by her hus- raise a 1,000,000 pound loan "for the Mr. Schaefer ahd son, Lewis, are leaving April 3, for -Denver, Colo., to mentalism, and Judaism." purpose of participating in the band. • - • -•- - make their home, will'also be an honored guest at the luncheon, having Rabbi Cohn is making a series of mean colonization plan. This is a taken an active part in the work of the organization-during the four and talks before a number of Oisaha orplan whereby the Soviet Government "MYRTLES OF ZION. ganizations. Monday evening, March half years that the Schaefer's have been in Omaha. will give land in the southern part of The Myrtles of Zion entertained at Russia and the Crimea for the forma-; 31, he will address the Girls of the Nathan, J. B. Bosecblttm, Harry Y. W. C. A. on "The Three R's in a Purim party at their regular meet- tion 4<tf an autonomous, Jewish stateMr. and Mrs. Morris Miroff Celebrate Gulden Wedding" Lapidus, A. Samberg, J. Blank, Religion."' He will talk to the mem- ing Sunday afternoor £t the home of .devoted to agriculture. It is under-* ENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS Anniversary. Dave Green, Harry Malashock, A. bers of the Woman's club Tuesday Miss Ethel Hurwitz. Mrs..M. Zalk announces the engagestood in circles closely connected with" ROSENSTOCK-STRAUSS The fiftieth wedding anniversary Rosenblum, L. Simon and Victor afternoon at 2:30 on "literature of Moscow that this loan is favored by The marriage of Miss Edna Strauss, ment of her daughter, JEstyre, to Mr. the Soviet Government which is exdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Leonard Hockenberg, son of Mr. and was celebrated Sunday evening by Ganz. They have arranged to award the Prophets of Israel," and on AUFLEBUNG CLUB NEWS. Strauss, of Terre Haute, Ind., to Mr. Mrs. M. Hockenberg, of Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miroff at their prizes at each table ; and for the Thursday morning he will address the The regular meeting of the Aufle- pected to guarantee it. : home. Covers were laid for thirty- women who do not play they have Twenty-first- Annual Convention of . Gus Rosenstock, of this city, will be la. bung club, which was to have been guests. Mr. and Mrs. Miroff arranged other means of entertain- the Second District of the Nebraska held Sunday evening, March 30, has PATEONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! solemnized Thursday, April 10, in Mrs. Zalk will receive at her home, hfive ave two ment. • , ' .'. daughters in Omaha, Federation of the Women's* Club on 617 Lincoln Blvd., from three to six Milwaukee, Wis. been postponed on account of the Y.3 0~mah~an's who will attend the o'clock Sunday afternoon complimen- Mesdames M. Selicow and A. Riklin, A small fee to be charged will be "Social Conditions in Omaha." M.and Y. W. H. A. Road Show. The ; wedding are Messrs. and Mesdames tary to her daughter and Mr. Hocken- and Mrs. .M.. Goldman, of Chelsa, used only to cover expenses of fhe - Miss Mary; Yabroff,.who is attend- next meeting of the Auflebung club When Thinking of Mens' Hats. affair and no aim for profit from this: Mass., and two *sons, Messrs. Ben . : .or Furnishings Fred Rosenstock and Dave Sosen- berg. ing the tfhiverslty of Nebraska,. will will be held Sunday evening, April* 6, and Abe Mironv They have fifteen affair is being -sought. —.- ;••••.;.. , No date has been set for the wedEEMBMBER • stock and Miss Xoraine Rosenstock, ai 7:30 at the Jewish Community T arrive, in Omaha Saturday to be the grandchildren, eleven" of them were who are leaving Sunday, April 6, for ding. Center. ;A program has been preat the anniversary celebration. Milwaukee. pared with several Jewish playlets H21 DOUGLAS ST. .; Mrs.TeresaArnstein, .of-California, spend a'w«ek Announcement has been made of JOE L. WOLF SAM N. WOLF and musical numbers. • • The newly married couple will make the engagement "of MissTTariiiy'Bfodr is visiting at the hosa© of. her son, Mr. Plans Completed for Jewish Herbert Arnstein.— their home in Omaha. Friday evening at nine o'clock-Rabbi sky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Women's Welfare Card Party J. M. Charlop will address the memBrodsky, of this city, to Mr. Fred J. COHN-MARKS Miss Florence Shames has recov- bers of the B'naiTTacob Synagogue Preparations have been "completed Welcher, of Chicago, HL No wedding Miss Gertrude Marks, daughter of by the committee in charge of the ered from an illness of several weeks. on "The Godless Spirit of the Old Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks, of Council date has as yet been set. first public entertainment and get-toBluffs, la.; will be married t o ' Mr. Mr. and Mrs. N. Brodsky will re- gather social card party to be given i The Council of Jewish Women will Mayer L. .Cohn, of this city, son of ceive at their home Sunday after- by the Jewish. Women's Welfare hold their regular meeting Monday FOR RENT —Furnished room Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn, on Thurs- noon from three to five o'clock in Organization Wednesday afternoon, afternoon, March 31, at the Jewish Sizes for. young, couple, or for one day evening, April 3, at the home of honor of their daughter's engage- April 2, at the Brandeis Grill Room. Community Center. Mrs. Henry Q. . or two; gentlemen, or for one 2 to 17 bride's parents. Rabbi Frederick ment. Mrs. Arnold M. Browar, who is Marx will address the members on or two young ladies. Call Ha. "Furthering the Work -ofthe CounCohn will officiate before the presence 5541 - for farther particulars. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hertzberg an- chairman of the social committee of In Hanseom Park District. of the immediate family of the couple. nounce the engagement of their this organization, is also chairman of cil". Mrs. S. Nathan, who returned Miss Marks will have as her maid of daughter, Rose, to Mr. Abe Roffman, this affair. Her committee are the'several weeks ago from an extended See Our honor-her sister, Miss Evelyn Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Roffman, of Mesdames Charles Levinson, L. visit in Chicago, HI., will give her Windows and. .Mr. Harry Rosenfeld will be the this city.' No-date has been set for groom's bestman. •WANTEDthe wedding. Mr. Cohij and his bride will spend Room .and .• Board near 30th their honeymoon; in.. California and Mr. and Mrs. Ben .Eis'enberg anEvery Coat a Street or West of 50th Street. upon their return will make their nounce the birth of a baby son, Jo'Actual Values Call Hamey 3652. home in Omaha. seph, on Thursday, March 6, at their Real Bargain
Jewish Women's Welfare -Organization to Honor
T«port on the.,last Tri-annual Con-
Saturday—Special Purchase Sale
• •
to 19.50
Miss Marks and her fiance have Mrs. Robert Gross entertained at a been honored at a number of social Ladies Bungalow bridge luncheon at her home Thursaffairs given prior to their wedding. day afternoon. .. are still available Wednesday evening, March 19, Mr.Alfred Mayer entertained at a thefor the Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ferer enterGINGHAMS and PERCALES atre party. Thursday Mrs. J. Ungar, tained at dinner last Thursday even500 New Patterns, Value to $1.50 Coats in all newest fabrics in of Council Bluffs, entertained at a ing for twenty-five guests, honoring ' " ':— at — dinner party at the Brandeis Restaur- Mrs. George Lincoln Beirger, of Lbs plain, plaid and flamingo patterns. ants. Mrs. Cora Wolf was hostess at Angeles, Calif., who was visiting with Kiddie Shop—3rd Floor a^djnnep-'p.a.rty.. gt, her,, home-, Friday; her' parents,- Mn-.and Mrs. .H^.White, evening. A luncheon was- given by and for Mr. and Mrs. Mose Krasne, Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld at her home who just returned from their honey8:15 sharp '"'. Saturday afternoon for Miss Marks- moon in .-the east, - ', Miss Goldie Marcus entertained at 1831-33-35 TN'orth 24th St. Paxton Block "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th & Earnsm Miss-Fanny Green, of Kansas City, j 3Sorth Omaha's Big- Dept. Store bridge Monday for Miss Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furfh' entertained at Mo., is the guest of her brother, Mr. dinner at their home Tuesday even- Morris Green, and family. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS ing. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. George L. Berger, of Los An..Good Seats in the Orchestra and Biicbny Mrs. Spiesberger 'entertained a t dinQiS ner at their home. .The Pi Tau Pi en- geles, Calif., formerly Miss Rose are now on sale at the Box-office. White,of this city* left for her home tertained at a "stag" for Mr. Cohn and also for Mr. Gus Rosenstock Sunday morning after a six weeks* 43$ 2nd Balcony Seats on Sale All Day Sunday* Thursday evening. Mr. Jay Cherni- visit here with her parents,' Mr. and . .. ack will entertain at a theatre party' Mrs. Harry White. Friday evening at the Orpheum. Sat"The Prophetic Spirit" will be Rabbi urday afternoon Miss Hortense Ro- Frederick' Coh'n/s sermon topic Friday senstock will entertain at a luncheon evening, March 28, at Temple Israel. complimentary to Miss Marks. Sat- On Saturday morning Ms subject will urday evening Mr. Gus Rosenstock be "Strange Fire." will entertain at dinner at the BranMrs.' Paul .Schaye is expected to POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS deis Restaurants for Mr. Cohn and POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS Miss Markc, and or Sunday after- return home today from Chicago, HI., noon the Misses Evelyn and Zelda where she was visiting. Marks will give a tea at the Grand | .Vote for Mr. and.Mrs. George Wright Hotel in Council Bluffs for their sisvisiting at the home of their daughter, ter. Mr. ahd Mrs. B. Schwartz, of Des m The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Moines, la. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE presented the following program at An interesting as well as instructhe twelfth anniversary of the Na- tive talk on "The Mental Hygiene of FOR tional Hadassah which the local Children," by Dr. George E. Neuhaus, Chapter celebrated Wednesday after- Neuralogist, will be given at the noon at the Jewish Community regular monthly meeting- of the JewCenter. A piano solo-was given by ish Women's Welfare Organization FIFTH DISTRICT Miss Lillian Chiidacoff, a paper was Tuesday afternoon, April 1, at three BglSTQl ST. tOTHROp ST. 5 read- on "Hadassah's Achievements" o'clock, at the Jewish Community by Mrs. J. Rosenberg. A vocal selec- Center. a tion by Mrs. Ida Levin, accompanied 1 by Miss Chudacoff, and' a' re'citation Mrs. M. E. Handler will have as her t y Mrs. B. Boasberg. Following the house guest, Miss Sylvia L'an3au, of program the executive board present- Chicago, HI., who will arrive here ed Mrs. Ben Handler a gift for the Tuesday, April 1. because active work she has been doing for Fifth* the Hadassah having been secretary Mrs. Maurice Hershorn is leaving He lias the confidence of countless numbers of men, women for the past' five years. 'Mrs. MaxSaturday evening for Chicago, HI., to Commissioner and children of this. city. His many years' work in the join Mr. Hershorn to make, their fuFromkin was in charge of this District ture home there. A number of social business and community activities of Omaha h&§ taught him affair. entertainments have been given in to know people and to understand human nature. H e honor, of, Mrs,. Hershorn,^priQr to Tier, *.'* -i .rj£he_ B'nai^B'rith Auxiliary knows Omaha's needs. . .tained at bridge Wednesday evening leaving. •at* the- Jewish' Community Center For a "honoring the recent brides and bride- Mrs. Frederick Cohn read a "paper OODCE ST. elects. Among those honored were on "Thomas Carlyle," before the e Counsman has served as County Assessor since'1920 and has made the Misses Ann Wintroub, Ann Blank, members of the Mu Sigma Club goodMr his-pledge fdr:the reduction of taxes, particular on .smaller homes. This Fanny Brodsky, Molly Ravitz, and Wednesday morning, March 26. statement can be .verified in the Assessor's office. Mrs. Albert Namen, nee Selma Bercu, Mrs. John Corby left yesterday for Endorsed by the following; voters, in the Fifth Commissioner District: and Mrs. Philip ..Greenberg, nee Ruth Des Moines, la., where she will visit • Lcvey7 - '-{The' out-of-town guests with her cousins," Mr. and-. Mrs. B. Mrs. Ida Levin" A. Kaiman M. Potash M. Peltz N. E. -Green M. Civin present were Miss Rose Konofski, of Schwartz. While there she will atH . Rochman B. Brodkey J. Kaplan Chicago, 111., Miss Frances Brown, of VOTE FOR C. Shames ' J. Greenberg Mrs.Betty Silverman Chicago, and Miss Gertrude Sommer- tend the Bar Mitzvah of Master B. Simon . , .J. Gross . Mrs. G. Bernstein Donald Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. lield, of Duluth, Minn. The honored M.' Brick A. Meyer N. Yaffe guests were presented with corsages. Schwartz. . J. Wolfson H . Osoff M. Davidson TJ. Morgenstern H. Bender-, J. Rosenthal Mrs. Dj.vid Cohn and Miss Bessie About forty members and friends J. Crounse R. Epstein N. Pitlor Greenberg weie in charge" of the of the Junior Hadassah ^attended the M. Aririn A.-Kaon J. Aitman affair. M. Rosenstein B. Perelmanopen meeting and Purim program A. Altschuler M. Silyerman N. SkalovKky given last Thursday evening at the N. Brodsky A. Rosen Mrs. David M. Newman will spend Jewish Community Center. ,A Purim M. Meyerifeon r H. - Bernstein Sain Swartz A. Meyerson the week-end in Lincoln, Nebr.,' with play was read by Mrs. S. H., Schaefer. J. Rosenblum Wm. Swartz, S. Weisman -friends. " . J. Tretiak Miss Jeanette Levinson gave several RV S.chlaes L. Ziev • J. Bernstein ."S.-Applemah N. Iinsman Miss Flora Blenstock will be the recitations, and Mr. Max Jacobsen M. Micklin S. Feldmari r D. Blacker .'hostess to the Ra Oth Society at rendered several vocal selections. The, J . £LOGIH . H; DblgolE M. Lipsey Phelps Hut Sunday afternoonJ|April 6. Kudlacek Bros, gave several violin H. Weirie£, "J; Lipsey solos. ' j _• D B dk S Ch B. Abrahamson Z Mr. and Mrs. B. Obludziner^nd. The nejet- regular meeting of ts&e.; 1 ,B. Hershont B. Abrhins"on Primaries '*&%&• Sthj "J. ' ifargily left Saturday evening foi^De- organisation, will' b e held Thursday . J; Freiden "troit, Mich., where they will make evening, April 3, a t t h e Jewish Cbin•their future home. " munity Center.
Foil Must See This Show
Can Have Confidence
er, Better Omaha ommissioner * • ' •
i •
.PAGE 4-^-THB JEWISH ERESSt XgURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1924 ' SHOP AT-GOLDSTEBSr•stein was not the laughing-' kind." He recently liquidated, but the AMERICAN PILGRIMS, UNDER PA^TON HOTEL NOW OPER' CHAPMAN'S NOW knew-^-ana'ho. tine could "dissuade* him ATES TURKISH BATHS Jewish_Mjbistter.jcgmamed in the Cab-f - CARDINAL O'CONNELL, 1 1 -;—that notiiin^ would'jever induce 'him" With the o p j e n g i ^ t .inetrathput,portfolio.. Now that the 'WILLVtgrr PALESTINT The Paxton Hotel- lias -now take.n tto entex'iair ojJelBtiog'Ttfoitflagiun. 'I at ^3oldstein-^Cbi|)ml3its> post in-"*-the "Cabinet has been ab/>Ir Rome. (J. T. A.) Cardinal O'Conover the management of the Turkish : And" being1 such a'nervousr^liigrh tiine treat to the buyers of boys' cloth- ished, there- is no recognition of thenell of Boston, "who has been* visiting Baths at the Paxton Hotel. -'JBhnce -EhrUeh'-Lemnger- strung' creature, worn, out with h i of Omaha. Jews as a separate nationality. I at the Vatican, is expecting the ar- The latest has been installed in (Copyright,' irt24, -byCEIma' EhrliCh L'eviuger. All rights reserved.} privations, old before his.tiine^Finkel-j On the opening day scores of peorival, of a party.of American pilgtims Turkish, electric and steam baths. The stein was to^stck^ .$? heart to follow- ple crowded about the _ aisle to view WILL DEFEAT GOVERNMENT J willi; wKoaiTherw^'I leave1 for Palestine bath departments have been remod- I saw him the other day waiting etching themselves upon his brain in any kindred'path.'•ile" felt'that he the latest in boys' clothing, and were IE.JEW,-R'EaiAINS IN OFFICE- on-^Marihi ^2Tthi ••'. Cardinal-' Gt/Oniiell eled and fully equipped with the best o& trade iri his' Ride's cigar' store letters of fire—"a wasteful God—He would always ^feistrust"" himself; how very well pleased with the variations f_to ••the'"Pope of materials, making it one of the Berlin) Q-%' A.) The anti-Semitic cofepl4ihed**'recently ; up In- Harlem.- You'know the s'orf of uses up human souls." After his could he ever volunteer even for iurs-: of merchandise shown. faction of .the. Thuringer Diet de-^ agaitfst*"what hevclaimed to-be dis- finest bath houses in the middle -vpst. .store—cigars and cigarettes and birfh- struggles for an education, his- hard ing service in Palestine when he never "I am certainly satisfied with the manded that'.the "provinvial .rover i-* ci-fihination against, Catholics under In the change of management.of day cards and magazines and news-"years of sacrifice, it seemed very hard knew just how or" when": his "nerves manner in which the people of Oma- meht' dismiss the president of-'; the" the: adnSinjsttation 'of . Sir Herbert the Paxton Hotel Turkish Baths, the papers arH, sometimes a brass toe- to be thrown away as worthless. would play him false again-? ' Seeing ha have shown their appreciation of a State Bank, Loeb, a Jew. [n case," Samuel in Palestihe. people of Omaha are assured of renorah .or blue and white banners "and -For Finkelstein was not .too much the government does not comply with' ceiving the best of service and coura picture of Herzl in the fly-speejced -of an idealist to see the truth when himself as he felt' Mothers' might see real exclusive boys' shop," said Mr. this demand,.the leaders of the antiteous treatment. windows. There is also a showcase it came to him with all the cruel him, he-judged himself "with a cruel M. BI Rubin, manager of the Boys' Semitic faction threaten to vote a final judgment. ^ ' . \ i Department of GoldsteinTChapman of vividly colored candies," arid the clarity of a flash of lightning. If his ^and s : Which- might have sriftened, if Co. "I did not realize that this de- lack of - confidence, which, with the. children of the neighborhood come in girl had held on just at'that'time it Vienna. (J. T. A.) H. F.. Arthur 'Sophie--hadn't, agreed with'him so' partment would attract so many peo- present alignment of parties in .the for a tablet of writing paper, or mar- might have helped a little, but no Schoenfeld, first Secretary to the stu-' ple, who were pleased wilh the goods Diet, would compel the government to bles, or jacks, or a rubber'ball, ac- one could blame her for losing faith thoroughly.'- "Sophie.was a fellow American Embassy here, has been ap; resign. . . cording to their, sex aiid. the season in him, Finkelstein least of all.: Hedent at'his medical college, a girlwho shown, especially for the little tots." pointed to the post of Counselor of the of the year. Yes. a typical -Harlem; tppk he"r'.desertion along with the rest had shared his ambitions, who hadI The Boys' Department of Goldstein- EMANUE.L LASKER, American Embassy in Mexico. " "" cigar store, the or.ly exotic thirg be- of * his. disappointments in a sort of dreamed of serving their people in Chapman's is located on the second FAMOUS CHESS PLAYER, ing Finkelstein himself, touching be- ^ d a z e d way, disappearing for .Eretz; Yisroel whe^T "they .were grad-, floor, and all goods are displayed un' ARRIVES IN NEW YORK hind, a counter over a book as he |.Slays, before he .popped up .in •uated and- married and off for Pales-: der, daylight. NewYork. .{JM 1 . *A:) Dr. Emanuef v tine together. There.was something waits [fpr customers.. ," ' . i c i g a r store'in Harlem and Diamond & Flatinuia Specialists Lasker has: arrived here for the 1514 Dodge St. a:,job thprej His uncle of- hard and metallic-about Sophie; there NEW COMM/ NDER OF • . •.pose of participating in the . But Finkelstein doesn't read" much i bf ten is about your, young. idealist AUDITING AND INCOME ^ . e n o u g h , t p . i l i v e on, any more. The newspapers,- of course, ' EstM894»---:.-V-. ; ' ,Js. |t PALESTINE FORfir-. Chess ..^Tournament which is to % -._anj^&rdlyenough,tp.ilive on, jwho, being soMrd" onjjimself, must ••• T A XR E P O R T S --• • English.as well as ^iddish, ''a*-brie df but "FmKeYstein was too tired and listplaci In a "few "days. Others who London. (J. T. A.) Air Commodore' peeds-be harden others.- 5he agreed the shabby volumes he picked-up from • less to make terms. to ^participate in this tournament Gerrard of Palestine has beeir ap208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 downtown push-cv.n.s when~he"~fiTst "' This is how it all happened: Fin- that Finkelstem was" too unstable to pointed head of the Palestine forces Prof. Bogolubow of Kiev, Geza Momake a good doctor; also that it would THE-^RINN & JENSEN CO. • came to America, volumes of "philoso- kelstein had been a "shark" at his lecto replace General Tudor wh'o recently roczy of Budapest, Richard Retz of Wholusale paper phy, of history, already known'and tures; his classmates and his profes- be folly tff wajgfor him-until;he was resigned. Vienna^and Dr..Savilly Tartakower; of ..-: : " distributors for able to support them by some other loved .whenja.student..at,the V i e n n a * ' • - : • • ' • • " ; • sors all predicted great things of him; profession. She "finishecTTier course . Northern Toilet Tissue sium across the sea. The usual his- the sort of medic who would graduate LITHUANIA ABOLISHES 1112 Harney Street at college, and, ^America haying en tory of a young Jew in old Rpssiarr. with a flourish, and, having lost his POST OF JEWISH AT-lantic 6409 tered the war by that time, went over* months of heartbreak before he was slouch and his accent, would acquire MINISTER IN CABINET able to fight his way'into th<? gym-: a dim mahogany office up in theseas as a Sed Cross nur,se or .some- Kovno. (J. T. A.) The final step TO AND FROM nasium (that Holy of Holies)~his fifties, with limousine patients able to thing that, served .with" distinction un- in the abolishment of the Jewish" naALL PARTS Of* • PAXTON-mXCHJELL CO. gradual .absorption into, a group of pay a limousine fee for a diagnosis of til Armis"tice Day!' The-last I heard tional autonomy-in Lithuania has been » - Kesldence,' 1342 So. 25th St. m h and Martha Sta. • EA. I6G2 ,of her she^vas-holding a"most lucraXel." ATlantlo 6637. young revolutionaries—losing faitli jn imaginary ailments. But Finkelstein THE WORLB taken by the Government with the Slannlactnrers of Brass, Bronze. Place of Baslness, 2415 Camine St. the revolution almostt atti)e,moment didn't intend to be that sort of a doc- tive position'"«m some -fashionable hos- abolishment of-the post of the Jewish ilnmlniim and -Soft Gray Iron Castings. c : ;Tel. ATlantic 3831. SAO are-ESEnred of soft castings, as ¥AL J. PETER&COMPilNY fradicalU'iJV dilU dj tor. He had decided—God pity him! pital devoted to nervoiis~diseases. She Minister in the Lithuanian Cabinet. he was suspectedd of we maclflnr scrap from ever? beat In may intend to serve in. Palestine some 1307 Howard S U Omaha, Neb forced.to flee to America with threats —he would be a surgeon, nothing but ••ormrD shop. . ' . . . . ; The special Ministry for Jewish afStandard si** cast Iron and bronze ATlantic 0340. of a Siberian exile snapping at his a surgeon. The Arabs were starting day, but she no longer/speaks of her In stock. _ _ heels. . • i to take liberties with the Jewish dreams. Children's Bobbing 25c In America all was different' for watchmen in the Palestinian colonies And Finkelstein still -works" in his Scalp~: Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c Finkelstein—for a little while. Itjust then, and I suppose he saw him- uncle's cigar store in1 Harlem, The; Expert Individual Service was to him a "golden -l&nd"—'not^ a self in his mind's eye mending broken pay is very {smal], since he is wofkii Snniays anrt Evenings. . . F . & 8JOBEX. Prop. Any way you get them i n any package land of material gold, of which so :for a relative, but it take? very little SAtON L'CHAIIME Phone Webster 0820 many immigrants have dreamed— but bodies with his long, nervous fingers. to support a single' man of simple GRAHAM CRACKERS 312 Courtney Blfc. A t 1819 now operated by a land golden in a haze of youthful He had made up his mind to be a tastes,*" -HeV4nk'es "this >work, Jie s'ays, are E-O-O-<1 eating for THE LAUNDRY THAT surgeon and nothing else. Asfe your grocer for ITEJf CltACKERS dreams. Here he found a new life, EVERYBODY LIKES. because it gives him sp much time to b y name always. Get t h e genuine an<| a new Judaism, none of'the" old polit- - But that was before his firs.t opera- r.ead an,d. think^ butrhe seldom reads Paxton Hotel be satisfied a l l \v313rs! uim tion. Neatly dressed in his, correct CLARENCE DESDUNES ical restrictions which had' embittered any more and - sometimes he acts as white garments, he had followed the his youth, none,of the religious fanatConcert Violinist and Teacher Steam, Turkish, and" Electric Baths. though Tie has left off thinking alto Stodio: Havklo't liide. 4ISS No. 24th St. rrve8 icisms which had during his.younger demonstrating surgeon and his fellow gether. Perhaps it hurts too much. Carpenter Paper Co. Phone, Wfbster B5S6. Cra. Secretary. All Modern Equipment. ' days divorced him from- the ^faitb of students into the-operating room. A Office Boors. 3:30 to 6. Distributors ol Violin bows end eases for ssle. his fathers. A Jew in free America— very unusual case—a masterly operaOmaKa Fistsire Western Bond—and High tion. But Finkelstein was .nev,er to OFFICIAL RUSSIAN,. Finkelstein felt that he walked ardong Grade Stationery ••'•'• : S u p p l y C o . see it. When the .surgeon raised .his NEWS.AGENCY DENIES. the mighty ones of the earth. Omshs. Kebrasfea. knife he began to think ,of a certain POGROMS 15* UKRAINE • .Had you known him then you wpuld neighbor he Jiad known at .home— OFFICE OUTPFTTEES Moscow.-..'(J.-'T-iA.) The Russian have seen only a lanky,- stoopedWe oeeuvs Beryl the Shochet.'i man witn a great Telegraphic Agency .circulated.recentshouldered.,boy in his early'twenties, m t 75,003 cattsn C ^ red beard and large, red, hairy hands. • Seotlnreet O*ivcr ly an official statement denying t near-sighted, sallow-skinned,: a .slight. , Elerentis s e a Donsla* Streets. that have appeared in the forstutter. But when. Finkelstein looked Once, Finkelstein, remembered it all reports Fben«; . Jacksao EIS4 caught a eign1 press- to the effect that-pogroms ::: Redelheim (Cake Meal in the mirror of the hall bedroom in too clearly, once,"Beryl'had y againstthe Jews* had occurred in ;the the East Side tenemsnt- he called his squealing calf and^-lmt" Finkelstein, Kaufman BRANDS I Matzo Meal unns lately." These rumors; dei.jme,.he saw a free man, a predes- the man',' tried to" forget the boy's Ukraine Slanis^Mewitz ; I Egg Maizos r tined leadsr of his people. horror? tried to concentrate upon th'e clares the-statement, are absolutely 1.I15T Fipkelstein became a Zionist back work before him; tried to watch the untrue and 'have been circulated by ,,. sand.;all kinds of Passover Necessities in those days, when there" v?as 'more magic feats of D£.,,;|Sa£telsDn, the the-Roumanian- press.-apparently unfor the Passover table at the lowest flag-vraying, and less talk of financial world renowned, surgeon^'thatlhe, too,, der Ihe"'inspiration< of the (Roumanian budgets, .than j n our own generation. might become a great surgeon. and Government for" the purpose of influof insurance Ui Believing that his revolutionary^ doc- perform* similar 'miracles in Palestine. encing-'public-v. opinion "abroad nn^<U 209 W. O. ^ . Bldg. J A . 3944. JAeksoa-18S2A fellow student, nudged Finkel- favor of the,.govi^-Goverjimentfin.thetrines would never free the world, he came to dream that from 'ZJon would stein, not over, gently. "Aw, .stop matter, of, Bessarabia. -The >question' H'U ... EficluaivetjAgents for the,Bedelheim & Kaufman Brands. .......-..c: . . \ . J ' for the State of Nebraska. _\ S come salvation for all mankind.- When leaning on me,'!- he complained; "I of .Bessarabia,,the possession of which is in dispute between Russia and Rou- I "Warehouse and storeroom 1804 No. 20th St._ We.T492 " | he spoke of the Cause his eyes blazed want to see what he's doing, too." Gate City Furniture Co. WASH AND KEEP WELL . Finkelstein tried to grin back at mania, will be taken up, it js,expected, and with visions. A RULE OF HEALTH him, tried to concentrate on the thing at the Russia-Roumanian Conference erve? NoJ; by Globe Van & Storage Co. But, how should he FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY eloquence of the spoken v/ord, for-like before him, if he could only forget which is to be held shortly in Vienna. owned and operated by 1819 California Street. the, first Zionist, Moses, Finkelstein the cruel, lustful look in the eyes of . GROSSMAN & SONS was slow and halting of'tongue; nor Beryl the Shochet, the squealing of 5 924 North'16th Street Telephone: JAckson 347S = 530-22 No. 16th St. &t. 0330 Ja. 4338 by his pen, for the lad's- fine dis- the slaughtered .calf! = Residence Phone of M. Pelt?—WE bster 5472 = The great Dr. Battelson raised his crimination had long ago assured him 5 Country and phone order will be given our prompt attention .= that he would never be more than a .knife; before his aching eyes' Finkel"The. Store of Individual Shops" stein seemed to see a dozen blades, all EFFICIENT snd KESPOKSIBLE mediocre writer. In those days therfe Paxton Block 16th & Farnam HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiitiiiiBiiiiiiiiiitiiisEif? LACNDRI. were few Chaluzim, andabsolutejy no cruelly shining, all descending upon a WTiere your clothes come home machinery ,to , transport. penniless frightened calf—and now they seemed cleaner end last longer. Drraggists and StatioBers young idealists like Finkelstein from to point and merge in his own tired &T lsat£» 6230. 158*-1J .Jachson St. 40i-«CS-403' SotitSi lOJh street America .to Palestine, that they might brain. He staggered to his feet, tried H. A. JACOSBSP.G2E, Pins. djg, ditches or lay roads for the great- to. scream out a protest, as a stream er, glory of Eretz Yisroel. „ The boy of red gushed over the quiet figure on dreamed of service, but knew no wayUhe operating table. Then a merciful darkness hid the horror from his eyes to serve. '' • Certified Public Accountants Then a ,well meaning" Triend "sug- for a little while. » Audits Sj^stems But only for a little while; more gested medicine; there was a , great Investigations lack of doctors in Palestine, jind/a, than once Finkelstein was to wake 434 t o 44c P«terB Trnet Klfi JFbOBes, Jaobson 433S, tSl*. .medical course was not too difficult in the night, bathed in a cold sweat, The Quality Clothes to. obtain in New York if a. man were crying out and protesting against the Omaha OiSee: 81S Doneiac Street. Omaha Pboiwt &«!ant!e £556 willing to support himself on odCiobs horror which he had given the best You Demand years of his life to master. A medical Ford Transfer & Storage Co. and .take most of his courses at night. student to faint at his first operation E. A. FOEI>. Finkelstein was charmed-at.the idea.1<- ' '• Prcsiflent and General Manager. During the hard years .that followed '—nothing so terrible* more than one Council Bloffu (Iowa) ORire he worked in. sweat shpij .and porol man had done it and lived tp laugh ;00 So. Slain Street. Phece S65. rorm, sometimes as a waiter in* a at himself afterwards. But Finkel'One of America's Great Hotels" . cheap,restaurant, finaUjc as .a clerk in a shoe .s.tore, concentrating on sizes .you want to,buy a c. .and the whims of Second" "Avenue < home iiini belles during the, hours he was forced " OCK CONVINCE HE styles you want, the fabrics, the colors,"the. to steal from, his precious text books • . .OODMCIl. j:ou want to sell - " T l sis rust-p models you want—and more units to pick from apd lectures^, And. in spite of over-v SaJety Deposit Boxes. your home N Service is Our Motto >vork and under-feeding, his training than in any other clothes store between Chicago Safe Deposit Boxes £01 Ueot. . a t the, gymnasium and his* fine mind you need any kind and Frisco! . . ,: . : pushing him forward. • of insurance— . And then—sharp and terrible,, like, . Every new English spring suit model and every the climax of a modern horror-dramaCall variation of the English idea .from extreme to '—rthe . ruins of Finkelstein's dream "Slanufactured in Omaha" •world smashed down upon-him. Ensemi-conservative. Single or double breasted, BUTTER and EGGS - tirely without .warning he fQunil himReal Estate and Insurance BAEEH ICE MACHINE CO. 1 fancy worsted or fancy .mixture ,'powder blue or Coancfl Bluffs, la. self thrpwn aside upon the scrap he^ap 412 Keeline Bldg. Phone AT. 8980 Once.in his miscellaneous reading he blue serge, greys, browns, tans. If its new IV' —fmtwed ; had cpme upon a .sentence, for g long, the Nebraska has it. • time -forgotten, the cruel .words now Office, Phone Jickson 3128 for Saturday at
Platinum Jewelrj at tie • right priee. ,,
lalaslock' Jewelry Co.
Marcel and Bob Carl, $1.00
Emerson Laundry
Made With Milk
E.. E.Bruce & Co.
First Mat
' 'Biker Jce iteMics .
" Statement of ownersnjp. management,
escalation, etc., of. the Jewish ITCBJ, puD-
• .weekly at Omaha. .Nebraska re, Full,Dress Suits and*Tuxedos d'by Act of Congress of-AiiRtint 24,1 Moved from lffl> No. ICth St. to 1912. fidiior. N. E. Green; Manager, N. E. 203 Karbach Block, IStti & Douglas fits. -Gre«»n:> Publishers, Tbu .Tewlsu Press OMAHA, NKBH. Publishing Co.. Ouinhji,. ..JseUr, Owners r If P Keil Hnrry JMpmW^ Harry llila. ' shock, Hurry, Wolf, Hi'TOian--JAnerbnc}i.'W.' 3D. Hoteman, .PhU»P »^,B p. Z\mma». "SailJ I<fivy. Sain IrfMJU. >.^H,-*»ffe. Henry ,Moaflky o W N»tJi{iii_H.-<Jww» Omnh^_SiAft
Vruianl-4Iati«rlM, ' Brtuiswlcfc Tires Battetlcs^rpcliatgetT'tn one d a y .
Yousefn JBattery- &-"Ti?e Co. -Sftbwlhrf' Wore
u e IttW SSiU rftty or
-", SSotarvi-iiuWn:-.-rvi,«5!lr>. WtyW l"Xnn
'• . » l i North 18th a t itaralnjr S t . Kfuiit Hi>rvi<-e Any I'titcu • X'fi»n« Atliintic 06C3.
to Clever models o f Soft '' woolens for .all-arouad * * -~wear—Coat's "that ivill serve' * you w,ell' - and "~'*
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